Acknowledgement. Sample

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Foremost, the researchers would like to give thanks and glory to the Almighty God, who guided, blessed and gave them knowledge, wisdom and understanding on doing their research. For with whom, nothing is impossible. The researchers would also like to express their sincere gratitude to their research instructors, for unselfishly sharing their knowledge, time and skills for assisting the researchers on improving the study. Besides, the researchers would also like to give their sincere thanks and appreciation to the following people who made this research study possible; To the nursing students of the University of St. La Salle for the patience on answering the research questionnaire as the respondents of the study. To Mrs. Ida Amor Cuenca, for giving the consent to the researchers to conduct the survey with the active participation of the students. To Mrs. Dora Ontiveros for her time, effort and constructive criticisms during the researchers partial and final defense. To Mr. Roger Marapo, for evaluating and giving advice on the statistical treatment and analysis of the study. To Doctor Jocelyn May Flor Cadena, for giving the consent to the researchers to conduct their research and for her time, effort and constructive criticisms on improving the research paper during our defense. To each and every one who helped the researchers in any other way on accomplishing this research paper. And last but not the least the researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude to their family, for their never ending support, love and care.

Conclusion Based on the results findings and analysis on the Learning style of the nursing students in a classroom setting the researchers arrived on a conclusion that the majority of the nursing students of University of St. La Salle summer 2013 were female and its mostly composed of the 3rd year level. And all the year levels had the same highest preference on learning style which is being a visual learner. It means that the nursing students preferred to use imagery and their vision for learning. They mostly associate ideas, concepts, and views by visual process. Either in written, imagery or power points with graphs, tables and charts. The researcher also concluded that there is a significant difference between learning style and sex of nursing students basing on the Chi Square test, it explains that there is a different preference between the female and male nursing students when it comes to their learning style. And there is no significant difference between learning style and year level because the result showed the same highest learning style on all year level.

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