Acknowledgement Thesis

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First of all, we would like to express our thankfulness to Allah S.W.T for giving us the
privileges and strength to complete and fulfill our responsibility in accomplishes this thesis.
Without His permission, all effort and action cannot be determined in this research.

We are especially indebted to Sir Mohd Shafiz Saharan for being such inspiring
Supervisors. He also has been an incredible lecturer and a perpetual wellspring of motivation
and never ever gives up teaching us to complete the task given. Special thanks to Madam Siti
Fairus binti Mokhtar for the enormous support and guidance. She provided to us throughout
this process to complete this research. We are greatly indebted for the time that she spent
helping us and not to be forgotten to Ustaz Haron Awang as our second advisor who always
give a good motivation to us in order to complete this thesis.

We put all in order to finish up this research. Without all collaboration, everything
does not keep to the deadlines. We also would like to express our gratitude to those people who
had contributed as well as providing all sorts of information, guidance and critics. Their
contributions and personal sacrifices are truly appreciated and will be remembered.

We will take full responsibilities for any lacking and weaknesses. Last but not least,
warmest appreciation to our parents for giving us moral support from a far, thank you all for your
loves, prayers and great moral support. Not to be forgotten to thanks to our members for their
friendship and concern during our research and always give their full support whenever we are
feeling down or unmotivated.

May Allah bless all of us. With that, thank you.


CHAPTER 1 : Introduction
1.1 Introduction 1-2
1.2 Background of the Study 2-5
1.3 Problem Statement 5-6
1.4 Research Objective 6
1.5 Research Question 7
1.6 Scope of the Research 7
1.7 Significant of Study 8
1.8 Limitation of Study 9
1.9 Definition of main variables
1.9.1 Product and Services 9
1.9.2 Benefits 10
1.9.3 Satisfactions 10
1.9.4 Non-Muslim Acceptance towards Shariah Funds 10
1.10 Theoretical Framework 11
1.11 Hypothesis Development 11

CHAPTER 2 : Literature Review

2.1 Dependent variables and Independent Variables
2.1.1 Non-Muslim Acceptance towards Shariah Compliance Funds 12
2.1.2 Product And Services 12
2.1.3 Benefits 13
2.1.4 Satisfaction 14

CHAPTER 3 : Research Methodology

3.1Introduction 15
3.2 Sample and Population 15
3.3 Data Collection Method 15
3.3.1 Primary Data 16
3.4 Data Analysis Procedure 16
3.4.1 Frequency Analysis 16
3.4.2 Discriptive Analysis 16-17
3.4.3 Reliability Analysis 17
3.4.4 Correlation Analysis 17-18
3.4.5 Multiple Regression Analysis 18-20
3.5 Data Analysis Table 20

CHAPTER 4 : Analysis and Findings

4.1 Introduction 21
4.1.1 Actual Distribution 21
4.2 Fequency Analysis 22-23
4.3 Reability Analysis
4.3.1 Pilot Study 23
4.3.2 Actual Study 24
4.4 Descriptive Analysis 25
4.5 Correlation Analysis 25-26
4.6 Multiple Regression Analysis 26-27
4.6.1 Multicollinearity 27
4.6.2Anova 27-28
4.6.3 Coefficient Value 28-29
4.6.4 Hypothesis Testing 29

CHAPTER 5 : Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Introduction 30
5.2 Discussion on Findings 30-31
5.2.1 Revise Theoretical Framework 32
5.3 Implication of Result 32-33
5.4 Recommendations 33
5.5 Conclusion 33-34

CHAPTER 6 :References 35-37

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