Agora Athenei Vol 11 Inscriptiile
Agora Athenei Vol 11 Inscriptiile
Agora Athenei Vol 11 Inscriptiile
Libraryof CongressCatalogingin PublicationData (Revised) AmericanSchool of ClassicalStudiesat Athens. The AthenianAgora. Includesbibliographies. CONTENTS.v. 1. Portraitsculpture,by E. B. Harrison. v. 6. Terracottas and plastic lamps of the Roman period, by C. Grandjouan. v. 15. Inscriptions: the Atheniancouncillors,by B. D. Meritt and J. S. Traill. 1. Athens. Agora. I. Title. DF287.A23A5 913.38'5 54-5697 ISBN 87661-215-X
found duringthe AmericanExcavationof the AthenianAgora between 1931and T he inscriptions in comprehensive form in fivevolumes, numbered XV-XIXin theAthenian 1970are to be published the recordsof Atheniancouncillors and theirofficers, Agoraseries.Thispresentvolume,XV, containing is in largemeasure madeup of the so-calledPrytany as a the basisfor formed which, class, Inscriptions a studyby Sterling Dow in 1937.1 We continuethe studyto includethosetextsfoundsinceDow's publicationas well as all textsfoundearlier,published by Dow and others,and we add the bouleuticlists to the knownprytanydecreesand prytanydedications. VolumeXVI, editedby A. Geoffrey Woodhead,is to containotherdecrees;volumeXVII, editedby Donald W. Bradeen,will containthe funeralmonuments; volumeXVIII, editedby DanielJ. Geagan, will containdedications of Roman date; and volumeXIX will compriseall other inand monuments to the firstfourvolumesof the series.We hesitateto referto thesevolumes as well as Addenda scriptions as a finalpublication, for therewill certainly be manynew textsandmanychangesandimprovements in old texts beforethe exploration of the Agoracomesto an end. The editorshavehad to decidein whatformatandwith how full a commentary to presentthe inscriptions.Theverybulkof the Greekepigraphical in presentation textmakesbrevity Theimportant desirable. andclearly. We havespared element,alwaysto be bornein mind,is thatthe textsbe published accurately no painsto this end. Wherever we have examined stone are no possible every (some longerpreserved), eitherindividually or together,andmanydoubtfulpassages to long scrutiny. In this havebeensubjected as in the volumes to the aim has to in been the of the Berlin volume, follow, approximate general pattern in mattersof commentary and reference. Howeverattractive Corpus manyavenuesof exploration may seemin the exploitation of thesetexts,our purposehas beento avoidlong discussion andto concentrate on thepresentation of the evidence so thatit willbe available to thosewhomaywishto followout in more detail some specialstudy.This volumecontainsmany improvements in readingsand restorations. We have includedtexts found by our predecessors as well as those found in the AmericanExcavationof the AthenianAgora, with references and brief commentwherenecessary. It is well knownthat these with rareexception,were all set up originally in the Agora, and they must make prytanydocuments, one singleCorpusfor convenience in comparative study. All textsaregivenin full, andfor thosefromourown excavations reference is givento thephotographs or drawings whichwereregularly in the preliminary printed publications, chieflyin Hesperia, rarelyelsewhere.Sincethese illustrations are readilyavailableit has not seemedreasonable to repeatthem here. Pertinentcommentary on this class of documentis of necessitylargelyprosopographical. Since the samenamesoftenappearmorethan once it has seemedto the authorsthatthe most convenient formof reference for the reader is a listingof the prosopographical in indexformrather material thanin repeated mentionon each occasionwherea nameoccursin the commentary on individual and separate inscriptions.TheProsopographical for most of the texts. Index,then,servesin fact as the principal commentary Otherimportant information to be drawnfromthe studyof the Prytany thepoliconcerns Inscriptions ticalorganization of theAthenianstate.Thereis extensive newlighton the phylai,the demes,andon their
in the Council,as well as on theirpopulation The evidence and geographical distribution. representation has been assembled XIV. by John Traillin a separate studyto appearas Hesperia, Supplement The authors to Field of the their the Directors T. express appreciation AgoraExcavations, LeslieShear documentsat their (1931-1945)and HomerA. Thompson(1946-1967),for placingthese epigraphical for since the death of Professor to the and constant and, Shear, disposal study publication, encouragement and help of Professor and the efficient staffwhoseheadquarters in the havebeenestablished Thompson Stoa of Attalos.The Stoa also housesthe epigraphical collectionand the records.Our gratitude is exto Mrs.Andreou untilrecently the custodian andkeeperof the records, who has been Demoulini, pressed in a constant liaison when it has us to in Athens been for be ourselves. unfailing maintaining impossible to the presentFieldDirector,T. LeslieShear, We are also grateful to includethe pryJr.,for permission The the facilities the documents from 1968-1970 of Museum have excavations. NationalEpigraphical tany beenalwaysat our disposal, with the experthelp and counselof its Directors,Markellos Th. Mitsosand Dina Peppa-Delmouzou. Ourwarmthanksare also due to them. We shouldlike to acknowledge our indebtedness worked in to two others who have on these Dow texts, Sterling especially SupHesperia, on the Athenianbouleutai(Harvard, plementI and HarryJ. Carroll,Jr. in his doctoraldissertation in Nos. 1, 7, 12, 13, 15, 20, 23, 32, 36, 37, 47, 48, 52, 53, 58 and 492 wherewe have 1954),particularly followedclosely Carroll'ssuggestions for datingand commentary. Finally,we expressour thanksto the CanadaCouncil,who provideda fellowshipenabling John Traillto spendthe year of 1969-70in Index. Greece,and to TerryEllen Traillfor her patient and invaluablehelp on the Prosopographical in the Museum recorded their with the are numbers, Inscriptions designated Epigraphical by inventory lettersE. M. Inscriptions found in the American of the AthenianAgora are also recorded Excavations with theirinventory to the letter of discovery I. Places are notedwith reference numbers, designated by the standard hereas Plate2. grid of the Agoraexcavations, reprinted
The Editorof the volumewishesto join with the authorsin expressing warmestappreciation to all the membersof the J.J. Augustinfirm for the devotedcare, the patientunderstanding, and the consummateskill whichthey have broughtto the printingnot only of this volumebut also of the earlier volumes of this series and other volumes publishedby the AmericanSchool of ClassicalStudiesat Athens over a quarterof a century. L. T. S. M.
PREFACE......................................................................... ABBREVIATIONS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................... ............... ..... ......... V ix
............................................................................... INTRODUCTION
25 65 137 211
........................... .........
339 347
.... . ................................................... INDEX PROSOPOGRAPHICAL OFGREEK NAMES........... ..................... OFDEMES, PHYLAI INDEX ........ ....................................... ETHNICS, INDEX OFMONTHS, ...................................................... GODS,FESTIVALS
469 477 478 478 479 480 483 483 484
........................................... ............................... CONCORDANCES A. Inscriptiones Graecae, Editio Minor ................................................... B. Supplementum EpigraphicumGraecum ...... ...................................... C. Hesperia ANDSUPPLEMENTS ............................................................ D. OTHER PUBLICATIONS ......................... ....................................... E. EPIGRAPHICAL MUSEUM NUMBERS . ......................................... ............ F. AGORA INVENTORY NUMBERS .........................................................
Athenis,collectae,Oxford,1774 in Greece,Oxford,1776 Chandler, Richard,Travels 'Avaacraatov K. 'Opa&vSov, XaptcrriplovEiS II, Athens, 1966 Athens.See Pritchettand Meritt Chronology of Hellenistic Clas.Phil. = Classical Philology Cyriacusof Ancona (ed. Moroni). See the citation of EdwardBodnar'svolume on Cyriacus,above Families600-300 B.C., Oxford,1971 Davies,J. K., Athenian Propertied
Dittenberger, Sylloge3 = Wilhelm Dittenberger, Sylloge InscriptionumGraecarum,third edition, Leipzig, 19151924 Dodwell, Edward, A Classical and TopographicalTour throughGreece, 2 vols., London, 1819
Deubner,Ludwig,AttischeFeste, Berlin,1932 Dinsmoor,WilliamBell, The Archons Mass., 1931 of Athensin the Hellenistic Age, Cambridge, New York, 1939 ArchonList in the Lightof RecentDiscoveries, Dinsmoor,WilliamBell, The Athenian
I, 1937 Dow, Sterling,Prytaneis, Hesperia,Supplement 1874 Fastes d'Athenes, Paris, Dumont,Albert, eponymiques 'E7TevlvIaiK&, I, Athens, 1932,editedby K. Kourouniotes 'Ep. 'APX.= 'EyprlTEpis 'ApXacioXoyiKi Suecana Eranos,Acta Philologica dergriechischen F. Gr.Hist. = FelixJacoby,Die Fragmente Berlin,1923Historiker, 1898(CornellStudiesin ClassicalPhilology,VII) Secretaries, Ferguson,WilliamScott, The Athenian du Tresor Fouillesde Delphes,III, 2: tpigraphie,Inscriptions Fouillesde Delphes= Lcolefranfaised'Athenes, des Atheniens, Paris, 1909-1913 Les inscriptions Paris, 1865 Froehner, W., Museenationaldu Louvre, grecques,
Geagan, Daniel J., The Athenian Constitutionafter Sulla, Hesperia, Supplement XII, 1967 MaKeSovKcoV X'rrouvS)v, 'ETrrorlTiov1Kal TTpayILaripas 'ATrcoviovKEpagonoi.7ouv, Athens, 1953 ('ETatpecia
-rEacl, elipa O0l7ooy\Olq Kal OeEOoylKl1)
Paris, 1924 Graindor, Paul, Album imperiale, d'inscriptions d'epoque attiques sous Hadrien, Graindor, Cairo, 1934 Paul, Athenes Atheniens sousl'empire, des archontes Brussels,1922 Graindor, Paul, Chronologie Greca,II, Rome, 1970 Guarducci, Margherita, Epigrafia H. (citedin the indexes)= Hesperia Studiesin Classical Harv.St. Cl. Phil. = Harvard Philology Review Harv.Th. Rev. = Harvard Theological Journalof the AmericanSchool of ClassicalStudiesat Athens Hesperia, in the BritishMuseum, GreekInscriptions I, Attika,London, 1874 Hicks, E. L., The Collection of Ancient Constitution, Oxford,1952 Hignett,Charles,A Historyof the Athenian Hondius,J. J. E., NovaeInscriptiones Atticae,Leiden,1925 AtticaeEuclidisannovetustiores, Berlin, 1873, edited by Graecae,Vol. I: Inscriptiones I.G., I = Inscriptiones Adolph Kirchhoff Vol. II: Inscriptiones Atticaeaetatisquaeest interEuclidisannumet Augusti Graecae, I.G., II = Inscriptiones
tempora, Parts I-V, Berlin, 1877-1895, edited by Ulrich Koehler with indexes by Johannes Kirchner I.G., III = Inscriptiones Graecae, Vol. III: InscriptionesAtticae aetatis Romanae, Parts I and II, Berlin,1878-
I.G., VII = InscriptionesGraecae,Vol. VII: InscriptionesMegaridis et Boeotiae, Berlin, 1892, edited by Wilhelm
1882,editedby WilhelmDittenberger
I.G., XII, 8 Inscriptiones Graecae, Vol. XII, Part 8: Inscriptiones Insularum Maris Thracici, Berlin, 1909, I.G., 12 = InscriptionesGraecae, Vol. I, editio minor: InscriptionesAtticae Euclidis anno anteriores,Berlin, 1924, I.G., II2 = InscriptionesGraecae, Vols. II-III, editio minor: InscriptionesAtticae Euclidis anno posteriores, BerInscr. Delos = Inscriptionsde Delos (Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres), Paris, 1926 zur Magistratur in Athen. Studien zum offentlichenRecht Athens, II, StuttKahrstedt, Ulrich, Untersuchungen Vol. III, Inschriften,Ostraka, FluchKerameikos,III = Werner Peek, Kerameikos,Ergebnisseder Ausgrabungen,
edited by C. Fredrich
DenkmdlerAttikas, second Kirchner, Johannes, Imagines Inscriptionum Atticarum, ein Bilderatlas epigraphischer
edition,editedby GiintherKlaffenbach, Berlin,1948 Johannes,Prosopographia Kirchner, Attica,2 vols., Berlin,1901-1903 zur altenGeschichte Klio,Beitrage
Knipovitch, T. N., Levi, E. I. et al., InscriptionesOlbiae 1917-1965, Nadpisi Olvii 1917-1965, Leningrad, 1968 Kraay, Colin M., Coins of Ancient Athens, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1968 (Minerva Numismatic Handbooks, 2)
Kraay,Colin M., in Colin M. Kraay- Max Hirmer,GreekCoins,New York, 1966 BronzeAllotment Kroll,John H., Athenian Plates, Cambridge, Mass., 1972 in Greek and Roman J. A. Government Larsen, O., Representative History, Berkeleyand Los Angeles, 1955
(Sather Classical Lectures, Vol. 28) Le Bas, Philippe, Inscriptions: Megaride et Peloponnese = Philippe Le Bas W. H. Waddington, Voyage
Meier, M. H. E., CommentatioEpigraphica,Halle, 1852 Meisterhans, K., Grammatikder attischen Inschriften,third edition, revised by Eduard Schwyzer, Berlin, 1900 Meritt, Benjamin Dean, The Athenian Calendarin the Fifth Century, Cambridge, Mass., 1928 Meritt, Benjamin Dean, Athenian Financial Doccuments of the Fifth Century,Ann Arbor, 1932 Meritt, Benjamin Dean, The Athenian Year, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1961 (Sather Classical Lectures, Vol. 32) Meritt, Benjamin Dean, "The Chronology of the Peloponnesian War," Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, CXV, 1971, pp. 97-124 Meritt, Benjamin Dean, "Polyeuktos and Philoneos," The Classical Tradition:Literary and Historical Studies in Honor of Harry Caplan, Ithaca, New York, 1966 Meritt, Benjamin Dean, H. T. Wade-Gery, and Malcolm Francis McGregor, The Athenian TributeLists, Vol. I, Cambridge, Mass., 1939 Moretti, Luigi, Iscrizioni agonistiche greche, Rome, 1953 N.P.A. = J. Sundwall, Nachtrdge zur ProsopographiaAttica, Helsingfors, 1910 (Oversigt af Finska VetenskapsSocietetens Fbrhandlinger, LII, B 1) NEov 'Aiilvaiov, Athens, 1955 The Numismatic Chronicle O.G.I.S. = Orientis Graecae InscriptionesSelectae, Leipzig, 1903, edited by Wilhelm Dittenberger Oliver, James H., The AthenianExpoundersof the Sacred and Ancestral Law, Baltimore, 1950 Oliver, James H., Marcus Aurelius:Aspects of Civic and CulturalPolicy in the East, Hesperia, Supplement XIII, 1970 Oxford Classical Dictionary, second edition, 1970 P.A. = Johannes Kirchner, ProsopographiaAttica, 2 vols., Berlin, 1901-1903 Parke, H. W., A History of the Delphic Oracle, Oxford, 1939 2. KouvJavoi8ou, K.EavOorroouov,A. T. MaupoKoi-'ratSaycoyiKov irro6 tliorrwcop, ocuyypaiua qnptoAoylKbv qpv58ou Philologus, Zeitschriftfiir das klassische Altertum Pittakys, K. S., L'ancienne Athenes ou la descriptiondes antiquitesd'Athenes et ses environs,Athens, 1835 Pittakys, K. S. (with D. Charames and P. Eustratiades), 'Enrypaqoala&vK8oTroavaKouvq)eeTcal KaQI EK8oOEToea TOUapXatloAoylKo ov Xxoyov. puAXk5itovrrpcoTOV.'EwTypaqailEv T-ri oiKia TrjSAouil'Ns TcoixC TrrO Athens, 1851 avacKoAvueToilai, Pococke, Richard, InscriptionumAntiquarum Graec(arum) et Latin(arum) Liber, I: Inscriptiones Antiquae, London, 1752 nlo7hEov, 'ApXaioXoyiKOv lTTplO8IK6v Pouilloux, Jean, Laforteresse de Rhamnonte,Paris, 1954 Pouqueville, Francois Ch. H. L., Voyage dans la Grace,Paris, 1820 Tris Ev 'A0itvais 'ApXatoAoylKuS TTpaKTIKr 'ECratPEas William Pritchett, Kendrick, The Five Attic Tribes after Kleisthenes(Diss. Johns Hopkins), 1943 Pritchett, William Kendrick, and Benjamin Dean Meritt, The Chronology of Hellenistic Athens, Cambridge, Mass., 1940 Pritchett, William Kendrick, and Otto Neugebauer, The Calendars of Athens, Cambridge, Mass., 1947 R.E.G. = Revue des rtudes Grecques Rangabe, A. R., Antiquites Helleniques ou Repertoire d'Inscriptions et d'autres Antiquitdsdecouvertes depuis l'Affranchissementde la Grece, II, Athens, 1855 Raubitschek, Antony E., Dedicationsfrom the AthenianAkropolis, Cambridge, Mass., 1949 Reinmuth, O. W., The Ephebic Inscriptionsof the Fourth CenturyB.C., Leiden, 1971 Rev. Arch. = Revue Archeologique Robert, Louis, Collection Froehner,I: InscriptionsGrecques,Paris, 1936 Ruck, Carl A. P., The List of the Victors in Comedies at the Dionysia, Leiden, 1967 S.E.G. = Supplementum EpigraphicumGraecum Theodore Sarikakis, Chr., The Hoplite General in Athens (Diss. Princeton), 1951 Sitzb. Akad. Berlin = Sitzungsberichteder preufiischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,philosophisch-historische Klasse Spon, Jacob, Voyage = Voyage d'Italie, de Dalmatie, de Grece et du Levantfait aux annees 1675 et 1676 par Jacob Spon .... et George Wheler, 3 vols., Lyon, 1678 Sundwall, J., Nachtrdge zur ProsopographiaAttica, Helsingfors, 1910 (Oversigt af Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Forhandlinger, LII, B 1) T.A.P.A. = Transactions of the American Philological Association
The AmericanSchool of andMuseum, Thompson,HomerA., TheAthenian Agora,A Guideto the Excavations ClassicalStudiesat Athens, 1962 of Athens,New York, 1961 Thompson,Margaret,TheNew Style SilverCoinage
Traill, John S., The Political Organizationof Attica, A Study of the Demes, Trittyes, and Phylai, and their Repre-
sentation in the Athenian XIV (forthcoming) Council, Hesperia, Supplement der im kleinen in Athen,Vienna,1923 Walter,Otto, Beschreibung Reliefs Akropolismuseum Wiener klassische Studien, fur Philologie Zeitschrift
Klasse. Wilhelm, Adolf, Attische Urkunden,V: Akademie der Wissenschaftenin Wien, philosophisch-historische
CCXX, 5, Viennaand Leipzig,1942 Sitzungsberichte, Vn Wilhelm,Adolf, Beitrdgezur griechischen Vien, Inschriftenkunde, Institutes in Vol. Wien, archdologischen VII)
in Athen, Vienna, 1906 (Sonderschriften dramatischer des dsterreichischen Wilhelm, Adolf, Urkunden Auffiihrungen Institutes in Vol. Wien, VI) archdologischen
THE COUNCILAND THE PRYTANEIS Kleisthenes at the initiationof his politicalreforms established a Councilof Five Hundred at the end of the sixthcentury The councillors B.C. werechosenby lot, fiftyfromeachof the ten newphylai.These werenamedaftereponymous heroesdesignated by the priestessat Delphi.' The phylaiwereErechtheis, Aiantis, and Antiochis.They Aigeis, Pandionis,Leontis,Akamantis,Oineis,Kekropis,Hippothontis, presidedin turn over the affairsof state, dividingthe year as nearlyas was possibleinto ten so-called of 36 or 37 dayseachbaseduponan approximate solaryear.Suchat leastwasthe scheme prytanies during the Peloponnesian evidenceis sure,and down to 408/7B.C.2 After this the War,wherethe epigraphical the conciliaryear, was abandoned and the yearof the ten prytanies was separate yearof the prytanies, madecoterminous at beginning months. and end with the lunaryear of twelve,or thirteen, The orderin whichthe prytanies lot.3 The only known held officeduringthe yearwas determined by to this ruleof procedure heldofficein reverse was in the year408/7B.C.,4 in whichthe prytanies exception of theofficial orderbecause thiswasthe orderinwhichthe namesof the order.Onespeaksof the "official"
dead were inscribed,prytanyby prytany,upon the public funeralmonuments,and because it was the order in which the secretariesKTOr -rrpuTavEav followed year after year in cyclical rotation when a predetermined order was used for the dating of decrees of the Council and Demos.5There were times when the reverseof the official order was employed in the cycles and times when it was only partiallyfollowed, either forward or in reverse.6Prytany cycles were used in many ways, and a knowledge of them, in all their complexity, is essential to the understandingof much of Athenian constitutional practice.
He was chosenby lot for one day only. Therewere other officersof the prytany,some chosen by the and the ypaIuaOaTEJS TrrovTrpuTavEcov, T-rjVrpUTaVECOv prytaneisfromtheir own number, like the raicvas
and some career officers, like the herald and the flutist, who held office throughout the year for
1 Aristotle, 'AO.UloX., 21, 6; CharlesHignett, A History of the AthenianConstitution,1952, p. 131; H. W. Parke, A Historyof the Delphic Oracle,1939, pp. 166-167. 2 For the approximationof the year of the Council to the solar year see B. D. Meritt, TheAthenianCalendar in the Fifth Century, 1928, passim. Opinions have varied as to the beginning date of the approximation.Meritt has urged the date of the reformsof Kleisthenes (op. cit., p. 124; idem, The Athenian Year, 1961, p. 203 note 4), after some misgivings (Hesperia,V, 1936, p. 376). W. B. Dinsmoor thought use of the solar year began with the reforms of Meton in 432 B.C.(The Archonsof Athens,1931, p. 327 note 1). The evidence for the PeloponnesianWar is now outlined fully in B. D. Meritt, Proceedingsof the AmericanPhilosophical Society, CXV, 1971, pp. 97-124, where the final date 408/7 B.C.for the separateconciliaryear is also fixed. 3 Aristotle, 'AO.TTo7., 43, 2. a Meritt, TheAthenianCalendar, pp. 99-100; T.A.P.A., XCV, 1964, p. 208. 5 The cycle of rotation by phylai of the secretarieswho gave their names to the Athenian decrees was discoveredby William S. Ferguson, The AthenianSecretaries,CornellStudiesin ClassicalPhilology,VII, 1898. It is commonly known as Ferguson'sLaw and has been of immense help in the study of Hellenisticchronology.With some exceptionsand modifications,such as occasional cycles of allottedorder,the schemeis now appliedcontinuouslydown throughthe imperialperiod as well. See JamesA. Notopoulos, A.J.P., LXIV, 1943, pp. 44-55; Hesperia,XVIII, 1949, pp. 1-57. But see also below, p. 19, note 66. 6 The reverse of the official order, for example, was followed for the secretariesof the Hellenotamiai from 439/8 to 430/29; B. D. Meritt, H. T. Wade-Gery,and M. F. McGregor, TheAthenianTribute Lists, I, 1939, pp. 567-568.
and indeedfor termsof morethan one year.Attachedto the prytany all the prytanies werealso certain officersof the Councilas a whole,who mightor mightnot be members of the prytanywithwhichthey of the Counciland served,but they held officefor one yearonly. Such,for example,werethe Secretary the and the Treasurer of the Council. These various officers andothershad the Demos, Undersecretary, in the Tholosand wereknowncollectively as the a&icrnro.7 privilegeof diningwith the prytaneis EARLY PRYTANY INSCRIPTIONS
The history and development of the prytany inscriptionswith decrees has been traced through the Hellenistic Age and down into the time of the Early Empire by Sterling Dow.8 But no decrees, either of the
Councilor of the Demos, are recorded with the earliestinscriptions The practiceof honoringprytaneis. or an decree decrees with the overthrow of Demetrios of Phaleron andthe reinscribing honorary began of democracy in Athensin 307/6B.C.9 establishment It is significant thatthe practice cameto an endwith the conquestof Athensby Sullain 86 B.C.
There had been dedications by prytaneisand inscriptions of prytany lists without the attendant decrees in the fifth and fourth centuries. Indeed, this practice may have gone back as early as the time of Kleis-
is stated,for example,in No. 5. The namesof theprytaneis on the monumightor mightnot be recorded ment of dedication,?1 and frequently thereis no mentionof who decidedon the relativeexcellence of the various mention When was the made, crownof victorycouldbe givenon occasion phylai. by both Council andDemos(Nos. 26, 28, 30, [32],38, 41, 44, 47, 51, 57) andonce(No. 35),withjudgmentrenderedby the Demos, the awardof the crownwas againmadeby the Counciland Demos together.Therewerealso of lists of Councillors dedications of the Councilor of the prytany, (Nos. 20, 42, 43, 56) and of officers eitherseverally of Pandionis in 348/7B.C., them(No. 19,34,53) or individually (No. 24). Thecouncillors selvespraised,in turnpraisedtheirtreasurer a which in became (No. 26), practice principle regular procedurein the futurewhen the enablingdecreeswere also inscribed, after 307/6B.C.,in additionto the names."Outside Athensitself,the councillors of Teithras (No. 45) werepraised,about330B.C., by their fellow demesmen and theirstele was set up in the demefromwhichthey came. THE REGISTER Whenthe decreesof the Counciland Demos werefirstinscribed after307/6B.C. therewereno stereoformulae. Nor were decreesaddedto the completebouleutic typed lists, of whichlargepartsof threeare in 307/6was maintained downto 201/0B.C., whenthe preserved (Nos. 61, 62, 72). The norm established Attalis was of demerepresentation was abandoned.12 phyle created,and afterwhichthe regularity
For the distinctionbetweenthese and the honored guests of the state who dined in the prytaneionsee SterlingDow Prytaneis, Hesperia,Suppl. I, 1937, pp. 23-24. 8 Ibid., pp. 1-30. 9 The earliestsuch decree(No. 58, below, Dow's No. 1) preserved has been found to belong not to 327/6 but to 305/4 B.C. 10 The record of such names has come to be called the Register. 11The dedication No. 57 is the only prytany inscription of normal type without a decree known to us after 307/6 and before imperialtimes. 12 In the Hellenisticera new determinations of dates of inscriptionsare offeredby Meritt for the years from 204/3 to 167/6B.C. in tables to which he has made modificationsin Hesperia,XXXVII, 1968, pp. 235-236 and in 'ApX.'E., 1968, pp. 93-94, 96-97, 102-103 (cf. T.A.P.A., XCV, 1964, pp. 239-240, and also for 184/3 Hesperia,XL, 1971, pp. 308-311). New dates and new restorations in the third and second centuries B.C.are now discussed in Hesperia, XXXVIII, 1969, pp. 107-108 (298/7), 109 (297/6), 108 with notes (295/4), 109-110 (280/79),110 (279/8), 112 (265/4-256/5).418-420 and 432 (254/3), 425-427 and 440 (220/19, 219/8), 432-437 (288/7, 269/8, 255/4, 253/2, 251/0, 238/7, 233/2-230/29, 223/2), 439-440 (222/1, 221/0), in Hesperia,XL, 1971,pp. 109-111 (217/6), and in Hesperia,XLI, 1972, pp. 43-46 (210/09 and 209/8), 46-49 (188/7).
afterthe beginning Namesin the Register,whichwas an essentialpartof everyprytany of inscription the thirdcentury,werearranged by demesin columns(usuallythreeor four)with the demeto whichthe of the Prytaneis Treasurer of thePrytaneis bebelongedplacedfirstand the demeto whichthe Secretary and of the Secretary followedimmediately underthe longedplacedsecond.The namesof the Treasurer deme captionsto whichthey belonged.Therewererareexceptions.The namesweregivenwith patrowithoutpatronymics nymicsdown to about 225 B.C. (No. 122) and thereafter (e.g. No. 125) exceptocline is in The of not to and homonyms. casionally distinguish cleavage precise, 223/2B.C. one text (No. them.Thisabsenceof patronymics while another 127)is withoutpatronymics (No. 128)records persisted the until afterthe time of Sulla (No. 264). Thereafter were indicated. line of dethey regularly Again, is not precise,and thereare exceptions. marcation PLACE OF ERECTIONOF THE STELAI The texts, as they developthroughthe thirdcentury,show a regularprogression as to theirplaceof erection:from 305/4to 283/2B.C. they wereset eitherin frontof or nearthe Bouleuterion (Nos. 58, [66], in the and after B.C. were set Nos. 280-275 220 Nos. and221 of 1; (PI. 71), they prytanikon 77ff.).13Only this lattergroupbefore 130B.C., both of 164/3B.C., wereset up in a precinctnot designated as thepryas beinginscribed on the backsof kleroteria. After 130B.C. and tanikon,and they are quite exceptional
' down until the time of Sulla the decrees were set up oi a&v EuKxaipov (Nos. 246, [248, 249, 252, 254], At. After Sulla the stelai with F.rrcpavEc-r]aTov 258, 261).14One variant restoration (No. 263) gives [oi &av decrees were erected ?v -rTCI (Nos. 264, [265], 268, 278, [279]). pOUAeuTrnpico
The prytanikon may well have been congestedwith the "rankupon crowdedrank," as Dow puts it formula stelai,andthismayhavebeenin partthe reasonfor the changed (op. cit., p. 1), of theseinscribed for specific madewayfor new,andthereis someevidence of 130B.C., but old stonesprobably stelaiwhich of Philinosand Menekrates did not stay in placeforever.Two stelai,from the archonships respectively in Nos. found 1968 used as cover over the 89 and were slabs and drain from (254/3 220/19B.C., 130) running the Southwest also into the fabricof a smallhousejust FountainHouse(H 14).15 Theywereincorporated in existence southwestof the MiddleStoa (Shear,op. cit., pp. 416-417),a housewhichwas already when of the secondcentury. the MiddleStoawas begunin the secondquarter Oneof the stelai(No. 89) has an to the Macedonian of its reference of 201 B.C. Since erasure Royal House.This datesfromthe damnatio both stelaiwereplacedoverthe draintogetherit followsthat they werestill in theiroriginalpositionin the otherhadno reference theprytanikon laterthan201 (whenone of themsuffered to the House erasure; of Macedon)and that they had beentakenfromthe prytanikon and used as slabsoverthe drainbefore whenthe MiddleStoawaserected, (or when)the smallhousewasbuiltthathadto be destroyed probably in the firstquarter of the secondcentury.l6The life of No. 130, therefore, as a prytany from inscription, 220/19downto somedatelaterthan201 B.C., could havebeenperhaps yearsbut hardlymore twenty-five
than fifty. The life of No. 89 could have been a generation longer.
13 The prytanikon was frequently confused, even in antiquity, with the prytaneion. The testimonia have been collected by R. E. Wycherley(AthenianAgora, III, Literaryand EpigraphicalTestimonia,1957, pp. 166-174, 179, 184) and the archaeological evidence available in 1935 was presentedby Eugene Vanderpool (Hesperia,IV, 1935, pp. 470-475; see Dow, op. cit., p. 27). It is quite clear that the prytanikon-the noun seems peculiar to Athens-was identical with the Tholos and its precinct. This change of place of erectingthe stelai is perhapsto be connectedwith the rehabilitationof the Tholos, the constructionof a new enclosure wall at the north side of the Tholos precinct, and the erection of the Propylon to the Bouleuterion,all datable on archaeological evidence to a time late in the first quarter of the third century B.C. Cf. Homer A. Thompson, Hesperia, VI, 1937, pp. 160-167; Hesperia,Suppl. IV, 1940, pp. 86-88, figs. 62, 63; AthenianAgora, XIV, p. 33. 14 No. 246 was formerly restored oi &av Cf. Vanderpool, Hesperia,IV, 1935, p. 470 note 1. There aifviTyrat]. [-rrrniteiovETvoal is no evidencethat this restorationwas ever used. 15 John S. Traill, Hesperia,XXXVIII, 1969, pp. 418, 425; for the place of finding see T. L. Shear,Jr., ibid., p. 417. 18 Homer A. Thompson, The AthenianAgora, A Guide to the Excavationand Museum,1962, p. 106; Athenian Agora, XIV, pp. 67-68.
The normal prytany text of the third and second centuries and of the first century down to the time of Sullaconsisted of two parts: (1) a decree of the Demos praisingthe prytaneisas a group andawardingthem a golden crown, and (2) a decree of the Council praising the officerswho functioned during the prytany. We considerhere firstthe decreeof the Demos. This so-called "first" decree,in which the Demos praised the prytaneis as a group, was motivated by a report from the prytaneis to the effect that they had done
sacrifices beforethe meetingsof the Assembly.'7 If therewereother theirdutyin makingthe customary or fell due their term these not be mentioned as well.In No. 70, of that sacrifices during might might special ofAkamantis theSteniaandtheChalkeia theprytaneis hadalso sacrificed theearlythirdcentury, whichfell whentheywerein prytany. In 283/2B.C. the formulahad not as yet bedue in the monthof Pyanopsion but the reportof the prytaneis to the Demoswas recorded as motivating the awardto come stereotyped,
them by the Demos of a golden crown: [irepi oJv M]youatv oi TrpuTaVeisT[4SAiaVTri8os T-OV iEp]CV VrrEp Jv ?0uov T-ra npo ?:KA[rai&cv -rriTrnSlTpUTavEias].18 The praise from the Demos cited the prytaneis for having sacrificedwell and zealously [Kc=aos Kcal liXoTincos] and for having taken care of all the other duties which were incumbentupon them: [Kal -rTOv drravTcove$v auTrol Kca90Kov v]. ElrtimleEXriv[Tai 6MAcov] About 280-275 B.C.No. 77 gives the first evidence of any special praise for the Treasurerand Secretary of the Prytaneis. This comes from the two citations which follow the decree of the Demos praising the as a group.In 273/2 B.C. (No. 78) the phraseology continues to expand.The sacrifices beforethe prytaneis ols n-r`T[ptov'iv]. These meetings of the Assembly were to Apollo Prostaterios Kao TroS 6&7oiSe eoTS later to came be more and other gods specified goddesses particularly, though occasionally the simple iv is found, as in No. 80 of 271/0 and in No. 81 of 267/6 B.C. In this formulaTrosOEoTs olS TrTC-plOV have held the first prytany of the year, sacrificedalso the Kronia to the who must latter text prytaneis, Zeus and (if our restoration is correct) helped in the Panathenaic procession. They were praised in the usual way for having done with zeal and decorum all that the laws and the decrees of the Demos enjoined upon them and they were given a golden crown, as usual, for their piety toward the gods and their zeal toward the Council and the Demos of the Athenians. The inscriptions of 257/6 and of 256/5 B.C.mark clearly the distinction between the two decrees of the Council and of the Demos respectively(Nos. 84-87), and in 254/3 B.C.(No. 89) the mature form of both types has begun to take shape. In 256/5 B.C. (No. 87) Artemis Boulaia can be first restored along with Apollo Prostaterios in the decree of the Demos as the recipient of the usual sacrificesreported by the prytaneisto the Demos. About 240 B.C. (No. 111) and in 235/4 B.C.(No. 115) supplementarysacrifices were offered to the Saviors (XcoTirpes) Antigonos and Demetrios.19 a to Zeus sacrifice Ktesios was mentioned in 190/89 B.C.(No. 171), conducted with Quite exceptionally the assistance of his priest. In one text of 182/1 B.C.(No. 183) there is mention of supplementarysacrifices to Artemis Phosphoros and to Athena Archegetis, while in another text of the same year (No. 184) the
is recorded to ArtemisPhosphoros but no mentionis madeof AthenaArchegetis.She does not sacrifice in the decrees. Artemis sometimes recurs,usuallybut not invariably, prytany appearagain Phosphoros
simply as T-rei ooxpopco (e.g., No. [1971of 177/6 B.C.and in Nos. 199 and [2001of 175/4B.C.)immediately
in a supplementary afterArtemisBoulaia,and sometimes list (rarely) as in No. 240 of 140/39B.C.This to the Steniafor DemeterandKoreandto sacrifices lattertext has also an unusualreference for Theseus and Apollo Patroos.Withoutincidental additionsthe full formulaaboutthe end of the secondcentury
-re'Arrtacovi TrCOt was TO-rc T1 'ApT-risiTreBovXa(iaii KalTroTS KalTreI coap6pcoi &a0oiS npoo-ra-rpicotKaci
17 In 284/3 B.C.(No. 69) the Demos, after a probouleumaof the Council,praisedthe councillorsof Aigeis (herecalled pouAr-rao, and crownedthem with a golden crown. The phyle of Aigeis then in its own right praisedits own councillors.This not irpurTveits) is not a decreeof the Council or Demos but simply a decreeof one of the phylai. 18 The later formula otlwrpr&vEs--. began irArp&5v rraocyyVaovoiv "9Referenceto the Saviorsin No. 85 of 256/5 now eliminatedby a change in restorationin lines 13-14. See Dow, op. cit., p. 48, and Wycherley,Agora, III, p. 56.
like the and specialservicescontinueto be mentioned, ?v. But other specialsacrifices OEois ols Tr&rptov in B.C. at the Chalkeia for Athena (No. 253). 118/7 Ergane rrtvvux;is for the healthand safetyof the CouncilandDemos, for sacrificing wereregularly Theprytaneis praised TroU 8iou. Mentionof this ritualperformance 9p' yiEIal TSrij appearsfirst in No. 70 in the povASs Kcal -TO'Aqrvatcov.20 withor withoutthe additional and is regular thereafter, specification earlythirdcentury In 273/2 of the "first"decreepassedby the Demosin praiseof the prytaneis. Thiswas alwaysa provision
B.C.the sacrifice was made to include "all others who were well disposed to the Demos" (No. 78), a mag-
in No. 79 of aboutthe samedate and in No. 80 of 271/0B.C.It is nanimousgesturewhichwas repeated beforethe Chremonidean to supposethatAthens,in the periodof herfreedom reasonable War,regularly to the is no evidence There at present madethis gestureto her friends.21 contrary. to mentionsimplyof the Counciland Demos (No. 84 of 257/6), After263/2B.C.the formulareverted to includethe Macedonian additions withobsequious RoyalHouse(Nos. 89, 110, 111,115)in thisperiod mention of the Royal House was omitted.DemetriosII In the late thirties of Macedonian supremacy. influence was on the wane.The texts in and Macedonian was havingtroublewith his easternenemies,22 the twentiesreferonly to the Counciland Demos (No. 120),and twicenot evento them(Nos. 121, 128). in the damnatio of 201 B.C.; All references to the Macedonian Royal House weresupposedly expunged some wereoverlookedand escapederasure. for healthandsafetymakesits firstsureappearance in the formula Mentionof the womenandchildren thesacrifices also in texts credited to in 222/1B.C. and (Nos. 130,132)where they normally appear (No. 129), Yet the healthand safetyof the of the Prytaneis. the prytaneis as a body are creditedto the Treasurer downto theend Counciland Demos are the concernof the Demos in Nos. 134, 135, 138, 147, regularly of the thirdcentury. Athensnow developedcloserand closerrelationswith Pergamonand with Rome. The Macedonian in the prytany decreesby the additionof Kal -rTCOV andthenew allieswereheralded phylaiwereabolished,
in the health and safety clause. This occurs regularly in the early second century, its first oau,ltlaXcov
in a surelydatedinscription It wasDow's beliefthattherewas, beingin No. 167 of 193/2B.C. appearance now strengthened in fact, an actualalliancewith Rome,a suggestion by the mentionof a specialsacrifice the Withsomevariations andwith someomissions, to the Demos of the Romansin No. 180 (184/3B.C.). and finally,in full, formulawith the allies, then with the friendsand allies (-rwivpiXcov KaCi ovijal6VXiov)
continueddownto the time of Sulla. THE DECREE OF THE COUNCIL This Thedecreeof the Council,for the sakeof convenience, has cometo be calledthe "second"decree. fromthe wasthe decreein whichthe Councilpraised the prytaneis andtheirofficers. It wasdifferentiated decreeof the Demos and achievedstatusin its own rightabout 257/6B.C.,or perhapsa little earlieras but inevitable) shownby theindirectevidenceof citationsby the Counciland phyletai(largelyrestored, in 279/8(No. 76), by theprytaneis about280-275(No. 77)andby the Council,alongwiththeDemos,and
the prytaneis about 260 B.C. (No. 83). The separate decree of the Council appears clearly in 257/6
(No. 84). Thereis no way of tellinga prioriin any giventext whichof thesetwo decreeswill turn out in actual point of time to be firstand whichsecond.The decreeof the Demoswas usually,but not always,placed firstuponthe stone.Butwhether firstor secondin timethe motivation for the decreeof the Councilcame
Dow, op. cit., pp. 9-11. Dow notes Athenianpraiseof an archon (I.G., II2, 929) in the early second centurywho had distinguishedhimselffor sacrifices [TCOI [vy' iyieafo Kal ac-rrlpiat -ro] Sfov u To 'Aeq[vaicov Kal rraiSo0vKal yuvalKoxv Kal T-rv A7,cov 6ooti sicrl piA]oi KcalEsVOUS But this is not a prytany decree. 6iS.rcoiTrl 'AOrkvacov].
21 20
and Secretary and then the other the Council,in its decree,praisedfirsttheir own Treasurer prytaneis; who made up the panel of the &eaicroi.The Register of the prytaneisof Hippothontis officers (e.g.) follows the second decree, and below the Registerwere inscribedmst of the citations. The of the Prytaneis of the Prytaneis and the Secretary had theircrownsof olive betweenthe two Treasurer on left and the themwas the gold crownof the awarded Council. Between decrees, rightrespectively, by awarded the sequence of crownsandcitations by the Demos.Thiswasthenormalarrangement, prytaneis, to the text of the the decree. order not In No. 243 the TreaBut was followed. invariably corresponding surerof the Councilwasplaced,irregularly, between the two decrees. He thusbrokethe one-to-one corresin order between the in the the in names decree and of citations. In this case pondence sequence point of timethe decreeof the Councilcamefirst(Gamelion 22= Prytany VIII 4), the decreeof theDemoscame second(Gamelion 29 = Prytany VIII11).The prytany of Ptolemais waseighth,immediately the following whichwas honored.Otherexamplesof prytanydecreesin whichthe honors prytanyof Hippothontis,
voted by the Councilprecededthe honors voted by the Demos arefound in Nos. 128,130,23173,187, and 261.
On the otherhandthereare decreesof the Demos whichprecedein time the decreesof the Council
(Nos. 120, 129, 184,24206, 220). In Nos. 225 and 254 both decrees were passed on the same day. In
No. 254 both decrees werepassedby bothbodies.No. 225 is uniquein thatbothdecrees werepassedonly the the in citation the Demos lines 25-27 leadsus to suspectthat T-r pouAe may Council,though by by
have been written by mistake for -rTCOI 56icoi in line 5 and that the restoration in line 10 should be with -rT T-rCo Nos. 238 and 239 are exceptional in that the two decrees were Sficol rather than with pouXeT. cut on separate stones. The praises which the prytaneis bestowed upon themselves and their officers before reporting to the Council and Demos were not inscribed. There is one example (No. 69) of a decree of a phyle in which the phyle praised their own prytaneis and crowned them with a golden crown; but this came after the awards by the Council and Demos (see above, p. 4) and not before. TIMING OF THE DECREES There is no set rule which controls the time when the Demos might honor the prytaneis. They might wait until the prytaneiswere out of office and then vote honors during the following prytany. The longest delay for which there is evidence is the vote of honors on the 24th day of Pandionis for the precedingprytaneis of Kekropis (No. 165 of 197/6 B.C.).Nos. 207 and 212 record honors on the 23rd and 22nddays, On the other hand the Demos might, and on one occasion did, respectively, of the succeeding prytany.25 vote honors to the prytaneis as early as the eleventh day of their term of office (No. 89 of 254/3 B.C.): T"rS Trpvravicas. The prytaneis of Aigeis were praised and awarded evEK&reI, vEKvreI-ri 'EKaTrovpaicovoS
a goldencrownfor doing something whichthey could no morethan have begunto do. The meetingof the Assemblyon Hekatombaion 11 wasthe firstmeetingof the year.The prytaneis mayindeedhavesacrificedto Apollo Prostaterios and ArtemisBoulaiaand to the othergods to whomit was customary to and the Demos, as statedin the decree,may have acceptedthe blessingswhichthe prytaneis sacrifice,
23The decreeswere labeled incorrectlyon the stone. The decree of the Council was in the fifth (not the sixth) prytany. The confusion is explained by J. S. Traill, Hesperia,XXXVIII, 1969, pp. 427-428. 24 The Demos praised the prytaneisof Akamantis late in their own prytany. The Council never praised their officers during their own term except during the last prytany of the year (No. 187); hence the decree of the Council (not preserved)must have come later. See also No. 220. 25 Dow's citation of the delay in 125/4 B.C.until the 24th day of the succeedingprytany (his No. 91, op. cit., p. 7) must be withdrawn,for the date on the stone (No. 249) is [-rer]&pTe Kr[al]SEKrt&-l 'ris wTrpravEiaS.
in the sacrifices for the healthand safetyof the CouncilandDemosandthe Royal as manifest proclaimed House of Macedon,but they had only one meetingof the Assemblyon whichto base their praise.This in line 7. but also in the definition of the sacrifice is implicitnot onlyin the date(11thday of the prytany) and for the meetingof the Assembly:v-rrip The singularof the noun is used both for the sacrifice TS TCOv euncf,v covgeuov Ta 1rpo T-roV -rTa-rrpoK-nalciasinstead of the normal formula lrn&p tOucia s eOuov to register its loyalty iK2rqaicov (e.g. No. 120, lines 10-11). It is apparentthat the Demoswasimpatient and to pay its homageto Antigonosand his family.The performance of Aigeisfor the rest of theirterm was takenfor granted,and we are left with the convictionthat thesepraisesnot only herebut in general and verymuchof a mereformality. musthavebeen ratherperfunctory The Council,on the otherhand, of a prytany whilethatprytany was stillin officeexceptduringthe last prytany neverpraisedthe officers of the year (No. 187). TOYAHMOY THE XYAAOrEIl 8iS'ovappeartwice in prytanydedications the ovAJoyETs of the fourthcenTOir Quiteexceptionally, honoredwith crownsby the Counciland the Demos (No. 19 of 351/0B.C.) tury,once beingthemselves is correct if our andoncehonoring restoration votedpraise others, (No. 33 of 344/3B.C.). Theythemselves in 324/3B.C.(I.G., II2, 1257). Theywerethirtyin numand a goldencrownto two of theirown numbers one fromeachtrittys),who performed the functionof gettingthe ber,threefromeachphyle(presumably in order.26 of theAssembly Thisfunctionwastakenoverin the thirdcentury B.C. meetings by the prytaneis whowereregularly at firstfor doingall thatthe lawsanddecrees of the Demosexpectthemselves, praised ed of them27 and then latermorespecifically for caringfor the convening of the assembly,28 in addition and theirotherduties.These vMuoyeTs are known only in the latterhalf of the fourth to the sacrifices no in and further the they play century prytanyinscriptions.29 part THE AEISITOIIN THE CENTURIESBEFORECHRIST The aeisitoi, some of them at least, are known from the prytany dedicationsof the late fourth century(bold numbersare those of this volume):
(1) No. 12 (400-350B.C.)= LG., IP2,1740 T-ril 86rlcoi, line 64 [ypal]]lkaT?us pouvAi KacTCOI
line66 [&VTi]ypacE6ts,
line231 &vTiypapEC5S,
line 232 TrCOv TO a&v&OrC rTaiiaS a, line 233 5i
6&7cov 6rr&]v-cov 5v [airroTs o T rEv6pol Kal -r&yrlo'ia.crra Trp]oo,iAL I[ov]. 28 No. 89 of 254/3 B.C. (and thereafter): Si Kal
TOU T'roTS v6pios. v KoXoOcoS Tris[cruA]Aoyfis rntii^Arlvrai 8ilfou See I.G., II2, 1257, 1496, and 2821; see also Nos. 19 and 33. 80The officehrl -r60?cOpIK6was probablyabolishedin 339 B.C. when the theoricwas convertedinto a militaryfund. See Ferguson, The AthenianSecretaries,p. 38.
line 13 [&v]aypCapei*s, line 16 KQT-ra 1Tp1rrpvavFwav], 19 line EIrri -ro*Sv6'[ovS], 58 No. (305/4B.C.)= Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 31-36, No. 1 (5)
Kca4i]8pIou, line 32 LyPavvaTqI*sPouMjis [K,fjpv~ 8.ov, line 34 1K]Cal PoU]7]fis
line84 ex[vaypa]?e*, of the Council: which namedofficers of Councillors to the full catalogues Therewerealso appendices i<ac Sixnames, oneof themthe[Kfipvu Sdovu in line 106 PovuMis
-ra prpvravef]av,line 139 [K,aT Tr -a y[iqiati.a-r]a,line 200 [grr1 line 231 &vaypa9pE*s,
line 233 vTrtypacqpeu&,
line 235 -ro*S mrrl v6otovS, -ro58iov, lines 294-295 Kcial PovXfiS Yipvl -r-iS raIctaS-rfs PoAfiS, line 297 KTipvg hrI -roL----], line 348 Tr$i 8i'icoi, line 350 Ycai T-i)Pov[;kjt] [ypavpi.amiis] (8) No. 72 (281/0B.C.) line 70 'i]v wIapaCoI4wi]v, [crrpary6s &Trr were not offiand the o-rpa-rry& It is clearin this arrayof titles that the &apXov orr1 mn'iv -rrapaoxEwilv
line69 [,fjpugQ,
s PouMis [ypappaTF-]~
line68 Kal8CiBiov],
of honorandgoodwill.Most of the otherrare as gestures cersof the Council.Theirnameswereinscribed Thereis no reasonto doubtthat the officeswere titles recurin the late secondand earlyfirstcenturies. continuousand that their absencefrom the prytanydecreesmeansonly that the officerswere not inriisPovu?ii, by the Council.Somefew were regularly praised:the -rTaIaS dividually praisedandcrowned in the oil 8i'ov. The importanceof the -is PovMis the 'idpvN arKcXi , the ypcap.a-rcvs-is IouMis in the orderof is emphasized not only by his highprecedence late fourthand in the earlythirdcenturies of his name in citationsin the prytanylists (see pp. 6, 9) but by the prominentdisplayarrangement Priest of the Eponywith the recordof 303/2(No. 62, lines297-300).He is frequently the bouleutic paired
mos, but it is quite unpredictablein the late third and early second centuries in what order these two of the Councilat timesdropswell will be cited (cf. for exampleNos. 128, 129). The Treasurer officers
Thereare occasions,however,wherehe recovershis high below the priest(cf. No. 194 of 178/7B.C.).
position (e.g., No. 248 of about 128 B.c.). in firstin a citationof midthirdcentury Mentionof aEfarroi by title occurs (No. 86)andsoonthereafter the decree of the Council (Nos. 138, 147). No. 147, lines 35-36, provides the better example, for it ial of [dL&Sia1T01 9rrwa]LvaavrE i'xalacr[E]pcpvcbaav-rES is more closely dated: 'rreiESof lTpvraTveiS rijs OWveiSos LTeT joined with the prytaneis in honoring themselvesand in pro&iTopafvovaiv tovAiT---]. The a&Eiar-roi
honoredby the posing to the Councilthat they as officersof the prytany(or Council)be individually in the motivating Council.The &Efia-rot werenot mentioned clauseof the decreeof the Demos,in which of their sacrificesand other duties, were the prytaneis,having reportedon the properperformance honoredby the Demos.
In the early lists from the fourth century there are no officers primarily responsible to the prytaneis
of the Council,thoughof coursetheyservedduringthe variousprytanies of themselves; theyare officials fromamongtheirown number wereinvariably andfirst whomthe prytaneis the year.The officers praised
of all the Treasurer of the Prytaneis and the Secretary of the Prytaneis. These came first in all the records of praise and in the physical ordering of the inscribed citations upon the dedicated stelai.
of the Prytaneis of the Prytaneis, Afterthe praiseof the Treasurer and the Secretary the seconddecree of the of other officers well: the Priest the the Council andDemos, the as Eponymos, Secretary praised
Flutist, and the Treasurerof the Council. These were not always in the same order, though the order indicated here is typical. In the early third century there was considerable variety, both in fact and in of his phyle(Aigeis)andtreasurer, elected formula.In 256/5B.C. (No. 85) Nikokrates was both treasurer entire of of the Council. On recommendation the who had themselves the Council, praised prytaneis by
of the Prytaneis the Councilalso praisedhim, as well as the Secretary and crownedtheirtreasurer, (but
there is no mention of a crown). They quite irregularlypraised another of the prytaneis, described as TorCV &K (pvhTcov, and then in quite normal fashion praised the herald. The Council then proceeded to
of the Council.His name appearsfirstin the Register, praiseNikokratesin his capacityof Treasurer thatplacealready as Treasurer of thePrytaneis wherethenameof his demeheadedthe thoughhe deserved The deme of the Secretary of the Prytaneis list. was next in the Register,as was normallythe case. We
TCOV was honored, and it is noticeable that many of the officers are not told how Kallikrates(&c qvuXTe-rv)
of the CouncilandDemosand the AssistantSecrewerenot namedin the decrees,thoughthe Secretary the of received citations below No. more nearlythe later tary Register. 86, the sameyear,approached In this inscription the decrees. lines 117-120probably normalform,buttherewereno citationsbetween namethe ?K TaoV upVATc.V (see the commentary ad. Ioc.). Two years later No. 89 has a normal decree of the Demos, followed immediatelyby the decree of the Council in which the TrelXoTnlrnjivos EI
T-rv yv?e-rcov of No. 85, who was also excep(a[uToros] (that is, to the Prytaneis) corresponds to the &K
on the stone,butthe namesandthe crownscouldhave tionallyhonored.Thereareno citations preserved been addedin paint. Therewas room betweenthe two decreesand below the Registerfor them to be
Aboutthe middleof the thirdcentury Nos. 98 and99 mentionfor the firsttimethe Priestof theEponyThe Treasurer of the Councilnow also has a high priorityboth in the decreeof the Counciland mos.32 in the citations,whichmarch paripassu.All citationsarehereat the end,none in the middlebetweenthe decrees.No. 100 has betweenthe decreeof the Council and the Registerthe normalthree citations of the form.No. whichlatercomebetweenthe two decrees. Thisis a progressive stepin the development
100, of about 250 B.C., carries the last mention of the special honoree
(vp-rTcoV. SK T-r6v
The Treasurer of the Councilcontinues to remain untilthe beginning highin the list of specialofficers he of the second For some obscure us in reason to B.C. the century (No. 162). usurped 228/7 positionusually reserved for the Secretary of the Prytaneis (No. 120). He is pairedwith the Priestof the Eponymosin
223/2, 222/1, 220/19, about 220/19 and 215/4, and in 210-201 B.C. (Nos. 127-132, 138). But in a text T-ripovfis does not occur. (No. 137) which must date between 211/0 and 202/1 B.C. the title of -ragiaS
He is likewiseabsentfromthe knowntext of 203/2B.C. (No. 147)and once evenin the earlysecondcentury(No. 160).In the year 193/2B.C. (No. 168)he is at the verybottomof the list, but his positionwas In 135/4B.C. (No. 243)he is at the bottomof theusualpanelbutis followedbyfiveotherofficials, erratic. and about 128B.C. (No. 248) the positionagainfavorssomemeasureof prestige. Thereare manyvariations in arrangement and formin the citations,and the orderof themis a useful indicationof relativedate. This ought not, however,to be pressedtoo closely,and it must be weighed
31Traill, Hesperia,XXXVIII, 1969, p. 421, pl. 109. His name also appears,though not so designatedin the citation, in No. 83, lines 20-23 (ca. 260 B.C.).
against such other criteria as letter forms, word division, and the use of patronymics with the names in
as typicalin form and content low in No. 168andhighin No. 170.Dow's citationof No. 194of 178/7B.C.
We reproducehis schematic for the developed style of the mid third centuryis justifiableand instructive.33
Passedby the Demos Awardinga gold crownto the prytaneis as a group Specialcitation 1. Crownawardedby the Boule to the Treasurer of the Prytaneis Generalcitation. Crownawardedby the Demos to the Prytaneis
General scheme: A. The demotic of the Treasurerof the Prytaneis B. The Treasurer'sname C. The other prytaneisfrom the Treasurer'sdeme D. The demotic of the Secretaryof the Prytaneis
E. The Secretary'sname F. The other prytaneisfrom the Secretary'sdeme G. The panels for the larger demes H. The panels for the smaller demes
I Specialcitation3. Crownawarded by the Boule to the Priestof the Eponymos Specialcitation4. Crownawarded by the Boule to the of the Secretary Boule and Demos
I Specialcitation5. Crownawarded by the Boule to the Undersecretary Specialcitation6. Crownawardedby the Bouleto the Heraldof the Boule and Demos
in the prytany lists soon after225 B.C..His positionin the order The flutistmakeshis firstappearance of citationsis neverhigh; he is not alwayscited,andat firsthis nameand title comeat the end of all the of the Council citations (cf. e.g., (No. 126).At timeshe sharesthis honorof beinglast withtheTreasurer But whetheror not he is actuallylast the orderthusestablished No. 194 of 178/7B.C.). becamestandard untilotherofficeswereaddedin the ranksof the deictrotwith most of the secondcentury, downthrough muchlongerlists. resultant The flutistbelongedto a professional guild, and his careerwith the Councilcontinuedfor spansof of the names and sequences of the flutistsis an aid in determining the morethan one year.A knowledge Theknownflutists,fromtheir datesof theseprytanytexts whichmighthave left no othersureevidence. in 223/2down aboutto 40-30 B.C.,are shownin the followingtable:34 first appearance
223/2 B.C.
223/2 220/19
[Ae?iAaos 'AXaitEs]
[AeSi(aos 'Aaiteas] AESi?aos 'AXaIEsO
ca. 215/4
ca. 210/09-201/0 203/2 ca. 200
[AESi?aos 'AXaiEOs]
NEOKlfis BEpEVIKuir[s] NE[oK]Xfis BepEVEiKdS1s NEoKX[f] BEpevy[K]fIs
ca. 190/89
189/8 180/79 ca. 180 before 178/7
BepEVIKdi8S rNEo0AfiS]
NEoKj[s BEpEvIKiirs] NEoAfj[s BepEVIKfSis] rNEoKAfj BE?p]viKinST [Neovifis BepsviKisIS]
178/7 ca. 176/5-170/69
ca. 176/5-170/69
KcaAoK pa&rrs opiKtos [KaAXxKp&rrs eopKIoS] KoaMtK pcT[s OoptKios] [KcApcTrp&sr 0]opfKto[S] [KacAtKp&rrs eopiKIoS]
[KcAiKpTrls 0OopfKiOS] TxXvcov (!r1yate[iS] TXvcov AFovros i)yalieO
No. 127 No. 128 No. 130 No. 132 No. 138 No. 147 No. 151 No. 158 No. 160 No. 162 No. 168 No. 170 No. 173 No. 187 No. 189 No. 191 No. 193 No. 194 No. 204 No. 205 No. 206 No. 210 No. 212 No. 213 No. 214 No. 216
No. 217
ca. 150
140/39 135/4 135/4 97/6
95/4 ca. 40-30 B.c.
OivaTos] [ee6ocopos
No. 226 No. 236 No. 239 No. 240 No. 243 No. 244 No. 259
No. 261
No. 284
of thefirstcentury listsfor theremainder beforeChrist for theflutistis scarce fromtheprytany Evidence and for the firstcenturyafterChrist.Duringtheseyearsa flutistis knownfromthe archonlists to have He had the title aoAXrri's downto the veryend of the first beenassociated withthe officeof the archon.35 is later.36 the archonlist naminghim firstas tEpaOXns Theflutistwasstilllistedin the afterChrist; century Down to this date, in as records A.D. auAinTri's 312, OfRTIros [M]EvicrKov (No. 96/7 KoAcovieEv). prytany whether in the prytany lists or in the archon lists, he was always a citizen and his demotic
was regularly inscribed.37The aucir?'rs was succeeded by the iepaurl7s(No. 330 of A.D. 135/6). The
title is restored,but with reasonable and the name is givenwithoutdemotic.In No. 367, of certainty, of Epieikidai, who continuedto serve(his name shouldbe A.D. 165/6,the incumbent was Eucharistos restored in No. 369 of A.D. 166/7)untilA.D. 168/9(No. 372)whenhe was replaced by Epigonos (No. 373). in See below p. 20. These were skilled professionals, to other addition took who, duties, part in the ceremonies of sacredand festivaloccasions.38 for the iepaActi in playingthe flutewas the primary s, andfor his humblestation Competence requisite Thereis no evidencethat the flutistassignedto the archonwas was not necessary. Atheniancitizenship The idea of identification the sameas the flutistlisted amongthe aEioT-rot of the Counciland Demos.39 of No. 410, togetherwith the prytany has come,in part,froman erroneous lists Nos. 424 interpretation
and 42640and the archon list I.G., 1I2, 1736a, where the name of the ispacAirns has been restored as 1736a date of was Dow A date in the first The S. as "med. s. Ilp."42 L.G., II, given by ['Ep6J8]copos.41
AthenianConstitution,43 centuryhas been suggestedby D. J. Geaganin his study of the post-Sullan but we questionwhetherthe title of ikpatAriS can be justifiedin the archonlists or in the prytanylists beforethe time of Hadrian. of thearchon Ourpreference is to countthe itpaunrS as distinctfromtheiepauAnTs of the acEia-ot records, as befitting the dignityof the archon'sposition,and in conformity withthe knownevidence. The archon had his own herald,amplyattested,as distinctfromthe heraldof the Counciland Demos, and we hold that the samedifferentiation shouldbe madein the case of his flutist. THE PRIEST OF THE EPONYMOS to expectthepriestto be a member of thephylefor whichhe served. Therehasbeena natural inclination Thiswasnot alwaysthe case,but thereis not enoughevidence to allowthe formulation of anyfixedrule. The known priestsand their phylai,indicatedby Romannumerals, are shownhere togetherwith the phylaiwhichthey served,also with Romannumerals: ca. 260 ca. 250 ca. 250
223/2 222/1
VIII Xcborpoaros EOCppacvopos 1TTpiOofiSr Oineis VIII serving IX 'Apiorrcbwvpos 'AptaocoVilOU fIt0eUS III Erechtheis serving [-- ----- Ai]yliEusXII XII Antiochis serving
[SEvoAi-S Eivi]5Oos Eflr-rTos VII
VI TToT'artos E'poou7iSrs
VI Leontis serving
35Daniel J. Geagan, The AthenianConstitution after Sulla, Hesperia,Suppl. XII, 1967, pp. xii-xiii. 36 Hesperia,III, 1934, p. 173. Cf. also Geagan, op. cit., pp. xii-xiii. 37A demotic is to be restoredin L.G.,II2, 1728, line 10. 38Geagan, op. cit., p. 109. 39Suggestedby Geagan, op. cit., p. 109. 40J. H. Oliver,Hesperia,XI, 1942, p. 35; Notopoulos, Hesperia,XVIII, 1949, pp. 15-16. See the commentarybelow on No. 410. 41Hesperia,XVIII, 1949, p. 41. 42Hesperia,III, 1934, p. 175.
43 Op. cit., p. xii.
ca. 220 ca. 215 ca. 211/0-202/1 E(jEvoS'OaeEv V
No. 130 No. 131 No. 132 No. 137 No. 147 No. 156 No. 193 No. 194 No. 204 No. 205 No. 206 No. 212 No. 214 No. 216 No. 222 No. 225 No. 226 No. 231 No. 240 No. 243 No. 244 No. 261 No. 330 No. 424
servingPandionisV VII pE9T[Tio]s 'AvSpo[lK]qis VII servingAkamantis(?) V TT]aiavl6s [----servingKekropisX Priestnot named VIII AucI[voS] 'Axapv?Es servingOineisVIII servingOineisVIII os Koafov 1r]pyi't[los] II [OpacTrTa IX servingHippothontis II KaX?iovrapyirTTioS ep&acrrrros IX servingHippothontis XI [-------] llniaXi8nsi servingAntiochisXI II Opa&cimrros Kao[iou] rapyqTT-ros servingHippothontisIX
XII 'AS{EiavTro'IKaptsOS
XI ['Av]'TrKAiS TTrAArlvEs
servingAntiochisXI IV Atoviaos EirrTupiSrl servingLeontisIV 'AAfi[cov MapaOcbvios ?] X servingAiantisX II [----I]ols K Ko[Xcovo]u servingAigeis II T62[ ....] MupplvocnosIII NIKO6IaXOs servingPandionisIII KacIXas (no demotic)II? IX servingHippothontis II? KaMia[s] I servingErechtheis 'Avap7orinosXI 'A,imcbvios servingAntiochisXI II Op&carrwo Koaf[ou FapyiTrrTn IX servingHippothontis [Op&acTrroS FapyilrTos] II serving?
I AtKalt6rroAlS rTlapcorTa5rs
servingKekropisVIII XII 'Yyeivou ['Ava]qAXomnos ['AonA,rrr]ia68S XII Antiochis serving XI [..]vrls MapaecOv[ios] XI Aiantis serving
The table shows that eighteen times the phyle was representedby one of its own men and nine times by Pritchett's claim45 a priest from a differentphyle. The proper representationcomes both early and late.44 that Dow had given conclusive evidence46 that the priest need not be a memberof the phyle honored before that about 169 B.C. needs revision in the light of the evidence now available, as does also Dow's claim47
44The only two examples from Roman imperial times show in fact the priest from the same phyle. 4 A.J.P., LX, 1939, p. 260.
46 Op. cit., p. 16.
47 Loc. cit.
from 169/8B.C. the priestalwaysbelongedto the properphyle. Kekropishad troublefindinga priest had some specialassociationwith Thrasippos of Gargettosand among its own citizens.Hippothontis what it was. There his family.One can only guessat is no evidencefor continuousserviceby any single within the have served twice but thereis no reasonto believethat 135/4B.C., may year priest.Thrasippos the serviceof the priesthood he servedmore than twice. Howeverirregular may have been, thereis no reasonto doubt its existenceearlierthan 229 B.C.48 Indeed,its existenceis epigraphically attested,even in these documents, in the firsthalf of the century.The priestwas not an indispensable officer,like the He maynot alwayshavebeenpraised. Treasurer of the Prytaneis In No. 137his name andthe Secretary. is not recorded, absentfromthe list and fromthe citations.He might(No. 212, and he was occasionally No. 225?)or mightnot (Nos. 129, 130, 214, 240) be a prytanisin his own rightas well as Priestof the Prytaneis. The Priesthood of the Eponymos fell into eclipsefromthe time of Sullato the time of Hadrian. There is no inscription whichnameshim between95/4B.C.and A.D. 135/6. In A.D. 135/6 he is so far discovered
In later years the 'YyEivov['Ava]Xo5r-lTos. among the aeisitoi (No. 330, lines 24-26): ['Avot'rr]a5rlans
Priestof the Eponymosappears only once(No. 424, lines 14-15), A.D. 194/5(?). Thoughthe evidenceis there is no reason to doubt the existence of the The main problemis scanty, compelling priesthood. that of relatingthe priesthoodto the new office,that of the errcobvuos who bore the expensesfor the after the the set Claudius of endowment Atticus and his wife.49 prytany up by collapse THE HERALD OF THE COUNCILAND DEMOS Anothercareerofficer,the Heraldof the Counciland Demos, is important for the datingof prytany from the late fourthcentury(No. 58 of 305/4B.C.)down to decrees.The officewas held continuously of one B.C. members (No. 240) by family,all bearingthe nameEuklesor Philokles.The demotic 140/39 was TpiVel.EEs down to about 215 B.C.and after that BepEvutKiKns (Nos. 137-205), revertingto TpIvEE.s^S
from 173/2 to 140/39 B.C. (Nos. 206-240). The demotic BEpEviKiSls recurs in 97/6 B.C. (No. 259), but the spell had been broken,and othernameswith otherdemoticsfollow after135/4 B.C. (No. 243). Down to
the end of the firstcenturythe known heraldsof the Counciland Demos are:
305/4 B.C. 304/3 303/2 281/0
ca. 260
256/5 256/5 254/3 ca. 250 235/4 223/2 223/2 222/1 220/19 ca. 215 ca. 211/0-202/1 ca. 210/09-201/0 end third century 203/2 ca. 200
[EOXAfiS OiXoK]0MovsTpiVEIIEtjS EHXfis TpivE?6(EUS)
EO,AfiS [Otl?o<Xous TptvEIeEEuS]
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
58 61 62 72 83 85 86 89 99 115 127 128 129 130 132 137 138 145 147 151
beginningsecondcentury beginningsecondcentury beginningsecondcentury beginningsecondcentury
193/2 ca. 190/89
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 158 159 160 162 168 170 173 179 187 189 191 193 194 204 205 206 210 212 213 214 216 217 220 221 222 225
[En,AfiS En,A]fovs [BspeviKi6ns] BE?pEvIKdrlS] En<fis E[OKAous E.tnfis Bepevi[KtSrls] BEpEviKirils E:KAfis [E?mAous]
[Ex7AfiSBepEviKxi8is] [E*A'iS BEPEVIKISTS]
[Eiiafjs EOxouvS BEpEVI]KiBiS Ein[X]fisEiOAov BEpEVIKind1S ECOK[ovs ECn<Afi BepEVIKiSrS] ECn<ous BepEVIKi?8S] [EKnQfis
TpivE6EE?S OtXoKAfiS [OtXoKXfiS TplVee6VSS] S OihoKAfis TpivEwEn [OAoKAfisTptivEEfS]
ca. 173/2-165/4
[OAoKA7fis TpilvleeEs]
OiAoKXfiS TpitVEPEiS [OaioKkfisTplVEIoI 6US]
[EnK]Afis TP[Iv?11??VS]
167/6or 165/4
164/3 161/0
155/4 ca. 155
[ECXfis Tpl]vwpe6s
EOK[Af-S TPIvtE??ES] S] Tpivel[6[E Er,XAfiS TPIVrEiesrS ECn<fis ovUs] [OmioxA [ECn<fis TpiVlieES]
EOKAfis Tpivep2EE*S 'ATntves 'Apy?ios ['Ao76"rrrcovos] ECiQfis[EinO ous] BepeviKi8rls KMCov Ki[KuvvvIS] Kot?KpaTriS&s TpiKop*aios KaXltKparT{8iS [Ka]A?t[KpaTi6&Ss] Euv[Sp6ouv T]ptKo[p*oios] STEipiels [Ol]v69[t]^os uvv8p61iou
ca. 40-30
ca. 40-30 ca. 29/8-22/1 ca. 20
end firstcentury
No. 226 No. 239 No. 240 No. 243 No. 259 No. 261 No. 282 No. 286 No. 287 No. 290 No. 293 No. 296
THE SECRETARY OF THE COUNCIL AND DEMOS Kai TOi 6ilpou, sometimes called ypxava'rS*spouAfisKai 86liou, or The ypalaTorEs T'fS P3ovAufis TC'o6T in abbreviated an 6i4pov (Nos. 89, 99) or ypapIaTelS i'coi (No. 43),60 form, ypaio simply, lam s Trovi was always accompanied in the decrees by the Undersecretary,though the latterwas not always named. There is no example of iteration in office. Hence two texts which have the same Secretaryand Undersecretarymay be taken as dating from the same year (Nos. 127, 128). On the other hand, the Undersecretary could be promoted to the full Secretaryship,as happened in the case of Euthymachos, son of Ergochares, of Kerameis: Undersecretaryin 193/2 (No. 168) and Secretaryabout 190/89B.C.(No. 170).51 OTHER OFFICERS After the long period of more or less settled routine of the mid second century the first new addition to the honored &Eatrnoiwas made about 145/4 B.C. (No. 239). In a decree of this year the d&vnypapcEs
50See Ferguson, The AthenianSecretaries,p. 65. 51See above, p. 10.
in the textsNos. 12, in thefourthcentury of longstanding, knownalready is to berestored. Hewasanofficer 43 and 58 of this collection,but his appearance again here in the latterpart of the secondcenturyis ushers in a new era. The new and of services well tendencywas now for inclusivestatements something list of officers namedby the Councilas worthyof praise.In 135/4 andfor an expanding andin performed the 'trri -r& werethe dvarypapE5s, the 131/0B.C. (Nos. 243, [246]) added to the dcwrypayEvs yqJrl(raTa, TO &rr6pprnTov, KaTa rpuTravEiav. andtheypapotaTeCIS Whether theseadditional officers werepraised in Trr'i the decreeof the Councilabout128B.C. (No. 248)andin the decreeof the Councilin 104/3B.C. (No. 254) Thenewtextsweredeveloped we cannotnowknow,forthetextsare incomplete. in the early incoherently in the namingof officials firstcentury,whereall restraint for praiseseemsto havebeen relaxed.In 97/6 B.C. (No. 259)thereappearpriestsof the eponymous heroes(Ptolemaios and Attalos)and at least one otherpriest(line 96). These are insertedinto the panel of aeiarTol,all in the nominative case, in what seemschaoticorder.The hardcore of the extended is and as list, however, present appears such in the citations.It is this hardcore ofaceiorlroi who deserve the citations,no matterhow manynew namesand titles appearin the list itself. In No. 260 of the earlyfirstcenturythe variouspriestsweregrouped betweenthe Secretary and Treasurerof the Prytaneis on the one handand the moreconventional titles on the other.In long-standing No. 261 of 95/4 B.C. the conventional extended formof thepanelwasresumed. Thelonglistsof priests are absent. PAYMENTSFOR THE STELAI for the inscribed stelaidifferas the thirdcenturyprogressed. In 305/4B.C.the officialwho Payments
rTapias TroiU 8iwov (No. 58), who makes his last appearanceas paymaster for stelai of any paid was the kind in 302/1 B.C.(I.G.,II2, 505). The Plural Board of Administration ?ETrI Tri 5ioiKciaei)paid in the (ol of Athenian nationalism from 288 to 263 B.C. Nos. and years (cf. 77,78), theywerefollowedby the Single Officer of Administration TT-r SIOIKtISI (o6 -rri ) from 262 down to 229 B.C.,when Athens was dominated Macedon Nos. In by 88, 89, [104, 1151). fact, the Single Officercontinued to pay for prytany stelai (e.g., downto 184/3B.C. (No. [1811), but therewereexceptions, likeNo. 135 of 214/3 B.C.withthe continuously
The first appearance of the Treasurer of the Military Funds (-raldias TC-Ov rpaT-ricOTiKcOv) comes in
No. 168 of 193/2B.C.52In 180/79B.C.(No. 187)the payment was madeby the PluralBoardalone.Dow
thought (op. cit., p. 12) that the Plural Board was somehow subservientto the Treasurerof the Military
Funds,but that they neverassistedhim in payingfor the prytanystelai.This opinionmust be revisedin Officer also continued to pay (Nos. 194,206), but at about this time the Treasurer of the Military Funds beganmore and more to take over the obligationof payment(No. 196, soon after 178/7;No. 212 of
169/8), with his title sometimes shortened simply to T -rapiav(Nos. 204, 205, 214). Henceforth the paymaster was the Tcalfcas T-rCV crpo-TcoTKcov, with paradoxical cases (Nos. 206,240) in which the Treasurerof the Military Funds and the Single Officerof Administrationwere both recorded, separately, as paymasters for the same stele. The last naming of any paymasteris of the T-raicas T-rC o-Trpa-rcoTrcov the light of later evidence. About 185 B.C. the Plural Board and the TraliiasTcovc-rpa-rcTlKc$ov together made payment, and the T-raiacS TCOv coarpaoTco-rcv acted alone in 182/1B.C.(Nos. 178 and 184). The Single
in 95/4B.C. wereno longerpraised, andno paymaster wasnamedin the (No. 261).AfterSullatheprytaneis whichcameinto use afterthe destruction of Athens. settingup of the type of memorial THE PRYTANY LISTS AFTER SULLA
A distinctbreakin the seriesof prytany camewith the conquestof Athensby Sullain 86 inscriptions B.C.53 The changein the character of the prytanyinscriptions coincideswiththe cessationof the minting
Meritt once thought this date too early (Hesperia,XXXII, 1963, p. 18).
of AthenianNew StyleCoinage.Margaret has arguedthatthe New StyleCoinagebeganwith Thompson of freedomto Greeceby Flamininus in 196B.C. the proclamation and endedwiththe sackof Athensand the suppression of freedomby Sulla in 86 B.C.54 She has defendedher limits55 againsta suggestion by and later those dates57 David M. Lewisfor laterdates.6ColinM. Kraayhas favoredMiss Thompson's his lowerlimit.58 Theterminal of Lewis,especially dateof 86 B.C. for the coinageis strongly supported by for the completesuppression of freedomin Athensat this time. It should be the epigraphical evidence of intercalary also that the extensiveand irregular remembered yearsin the secondcenturyas sequence
determined by Miss Thompson's numismatic evidence is almost precisely (and can be made entirely so) This correlationis broken by a shifting of the the same as that determinedby the epigraphicalevidence.59 dates. Moreover, the epigraphical record which testifies to an elaborate celebration of the Ptolemaia at
If the coins are datedlaterthereis no corresevidence. Athensin 152/1B.C. agreeswith the numismatic is celebration at Athens evidence (the epigraphical againstit) honoringPtolemy.60 ponding the their Treasurer a painted and AfterSullathe prytaneis beg Councilto allowthemto dedicate praise inscribed. Thereis no actionby the Demosand no praiseof the prytaneis. portraitof him, appropriately decree. No. 264 is a typicalexampleof an earlypost-Sullan in representations was expressed madeby the prytaneis and the aeisitoito the Council The motivation who had performed the necessary sacrifices for them.The Councilgranted on behalfof theirTreasurer, him withan olive crownand also granted to the prytaneis the priviand crowned praiseto the Treasurer -rTCO of him in bouleuterion with the apa the of puAeTv-rpioi) dedicating painted portrait (Ev lege Thedecree andset up in the wasto be inscribed dedicatory Secretary inscription. by the Prytany propriate of the sacrifices Thenfollowedthe rosterof namesof the prytaneis bouleuterion. andaeisitoi.Theexpense
had been met by the Treasurerof the Prytaneis (e.g., Nos. 278, 281) ?K -rOV i6icov.61 r About 46/5 B.C. (No. 281) a new introductory formula made its appearance: -iTIS Trp6oo8ov 0roiqot TrrpuTavEIS Kal oi aioCiTo1oi hri 'ATroAiISOS &apXOVTOS o SraiVEC'avTS--- KTr. TTIS oau&EvoI 'EPEXOEiSos But the older form recurs and the substance of the decree remains essentially the same, though with phrases that are reminiscent of pre-Sullan days; the sacrificesare on behalf of the Council and Demos and the children and wives and friends and allies.62These sentiments belonged in earlier times to the decree of the Demos (cf. e.g. No. 225 of 155/4 B.C.) and not to the decree of the Council which praised the Treasurer.The Treasurercontinued to bear the expense of the sacrifices. THE PAINTED PORTRAIT The authorization of the painted portrait of the Treasurercontinued into the time of Augustus and the portrait itself was variously dedicated: in the Bouleuterion (No. 264 of 80/79 B.C., lines 7 and [11]; No. 268 of 57/6 B.C.,lines 8 and [13]; No. 289a of ca. 25 B.C.),in the Stoa of Attalos (No. 265 of 74/3spot in the Bouleuterion 63/2 B.C.), in a designated (No. 277 of ca. mid first centuryB.C.), wherethe
asked(No. [270]of 53/2 B.C.; No. 281 of 46/5 B.C., lines [13] and 19-20),in the Asklepieion prytaneis
54 MargaretThompson, The New Style Silver Coinageof Athens,New York, 1961. 55Margaret Thompson, NumismaticChronicle(Series 7), II, 1962, pp. 301-333; The AmericanNumismaticSociety, Museum Notes, XI, 1964, pp. 119-129. 56 David M. Lewis, NumismaticChronicle (Series 7), II, 1962, pp. 275-300. 57 Colin M. Kraay in Kraay-Hirmer, GreekCoins,New York, 1966, p. 325, "The silver coinage of Athens probablycame to an end when the city was besieged and sacked by the Roman general Sulla in 86 B.C.---- another view, however, would allow the coinage to continue until about the middle of the first century B.C." 58 Colin M. Kraay, Coinsof AncientAthens(MinervaNumismaticHandbooks, 2), 1968, pp. 12, 21-22. 59 B. D. Meritt, TheAthenian Year, p. 181. 60 Miss Thompson discussedthis synchronism,or the absence of it, in The AmericanNumismaticSociety, MuseumNotes, XI, 1964, pp. 119-129. 61 In No. 278 the citation reads-rTOV Taiiav T-riS ycpvA,but the decreemakes clear that he was the well-known treasurerof the He may, of course, also have been the Treasurerof the Council, as was the case with the i lau-rvTv. prytaneis6v av-rol eiAowrro prytanytreasurerin No. 85. No painted portrait was asked or granted. 62 It has been claimedthat the Treasurer is neversaid to offerthe sacrifices on anyone'sbehalf(Dow, op. cit., p. 25). This statement must be revised.
of Ptolemy and in the Gymnasium (No. 295 of Augustandate; No. 301 of the late first centuryB.C.), lines 8 and There is no reason believe the A.D. to that little before 304 of a 19, prytaneis 17-18). (No. for the portrait;so restorations have did not receivefromthe Councilapprovalfor the site requested texts (Nos. 264, 268, and 281). The portraitin the Gymbeen made accordinglyin the epigraphical of portraitsof which recordis preserved. Individual nasiumof Ptolemyis the last of the dedications who more and more,however,confinedthemselves to selfofficerswere also praisedby the prytaneis, inscribed theirown nameson hermor pillaror They regularly praiseand to praiseof theirTreasurer. of for the of the the lists these and names,including eponymos stele, phyle,finallybecamethe standard
praise of the prytaneis and the aeisitoi in the second century after Christ.
THE AEISITOIIN ROMAN TIMES have been studiedby DanielJ. Geagan.63 It is difficult The post-Sullan types of prytanymonuments to follow the development duringthe latterpart of the firstcenturybeforeChristand duringthe first for but of the prytaneis of the was perpetuated, manyyearsthe praiseof the treasurer century empire,
as authorized by vote of the Council. About the middle of the first century after Christ (No. 310) the
nor did the prytaneis of the prytaneis Councilceasedto vote this praiseto the treasurer vote, as they
had sometimes done (No. 273 of about 50 B.C.),praise to their secretary.In No. 313, for example, the honored their own prytaneis of the phyle Attalis and the aeisitoi in the archonship of Annios ----
men with crownsand inscribed theirnames"thinking it to be just that noble men shouldbe inscribed the of them." the ineiAnrTr'is 'irS Trr6AEcoS, by Theycited,amongothers, &ycovoerTris the GreatEleusinia,
rT orrWa, the ratliaS-rs pouAfs. The introductory decree was more and more thecarparrryosarrEi and p abandoned. In the second century there was a brief return to the decree of praise in the very exceptional case of Claudius Atticus (No. 322, ca. A.D. 120), but after this interlude, and for one or two adjacent years, the date was usually given by the name of the archon and the number and name of the prytany, after which followed the register of the phyle. All through the period stretchingfrom Sulla to Hadrian the lists have many mentions, or citations, of various officerswho were praised by the prytaneis. Until after Hadrian's time there was great irregularity and many different individual officers, some of them not members of the Council, were praised:
aycovo0eTTrl T&vEy&xAcov'EAuaivicov (No. 313, first or second century after Christ)
d&vriypacpes(No. 284, ca. 40-30 B.C.; No. 311, end of first century after Christ; No. 330, A.D. 135/6) S (No. 284, ca. 40-30 B.c.; No. 312, A.D. 96/7) aXrTivnu
demoticshowsthat he does not belong to the phyle in prytany-; No. 311, end of firstcenturyafterChrist) i Kai 6Biou (No. 330, A.D. 135/6) PousAf ypacaX-rEis
C TrpUTvavEiav (No. 284, ca. 40-30 B.C.) ypaia-rus KaTa Troi SUJPOU (No. 293, ca. 20 B.C.) ypaicaT-rEU TOrov veSpfov (No. 307, early first century after Christ) ypapL-aTeUVs ETrri oKIa6'os(No. 330, A.D. 135/6) ?1iETiE 'rTns rSiroc6Eco(No. 313, first or secondcenturyafter Christ) EmTrlo-raTs (No. 320, T-CV 1TpUT-&vEov
ErrcbvvuioS (No. 292, 21/0 B.C.; No. 318, age of Augustus) iepaucTrs(No. 330, A.D. 135/6) rTOU ArrcovUiou iEpeVUS (No. 330, A.D. 135/6)
-rS pouMs (No. 290, ca. 29/8-22/1 B.C.; No. 293, ca. 20 B.C.; No. 296, end of first century KijpvU 8rIou (No. 286, ca. 40-30 B.C.) KYipuvPouhsfi KCal Kai TOU (No. 282, ca. 45-30 B.C.; No. 287, ca. 40-30 B.C.; No. 305, first Kipvu TrS p[ouAfis 81STpov Kai century before or after Christ). Also called simply KipUv TfrSpovuAfi or Kipvu poOUSAfs 8SiLrou, qq.vv. 7rTO pija (No. 312, A.D. 96/7; No. 330, A.D. 135/6). This officer, under his new name, was the TrEpi same as the ypaljoa-rrvs KcaTa TrpuravEiav(Geagan, op. cit., p. 107) (No. 312, A.D. 96/7), different from the orpaTrrlyosEri Ta o'rrcAa o-rpaTrrny6o Tra oTrXa (TroCS (No. 267, shortlybefore60 B.C.; No. 284, ca. 40-30 B.C.; 6rTXEi'TaS) orpamTiyos Trri No. 290, ca. 29/8-22/1 B.C.; No. 293, ca. 20 B.C.; No. 300, end of first century B.C.; No. 312, A.D. 96/7; No. 313, first or second century after Christ) T-raitas riS pouvjs (No. 287, ca. 40-30 B.C.; No. [290], ca. 29/8-22/1 B.C.; No. 313, first or second century after Christ) o8 jou (No. 293, ca. 20 B.C.) Ta-iacS rfis pouXfisKal TOrU -rTaias TrIS iEpas SiaTa&XEcos (No. 287, ca. 40-30 B.C.; No. 307, early first century after Christ) 'racdiaSrjS puvAMS (No. 282, ca. 45-30 B.C.) TacciaS(To$virrpUTavEcOV) (No. 267, shortly before 60 B.C.; No. 290, ca. 29/8-22/1 B.C.; No. 318, age of Augustus) Tov crrpaTlrrioTiKcv(No. 273, ca. 50 B.C.; No. 290, ca. 29/8-22/1 B.C.; No. 293, ca. 20 B.C.) TapicaS (No. 284, ca. 40-30 B.C.; No. 290, ca. 29/8-22/1 B.C.; No. 311, end of first century CrmoypacWuarrETis after Christ)
A tniToupyosappears, in the genitive case, in No. 284 (ca. 40-30 B.C.)and in No. 287 (ca. 40-30 B.C. with the added designation irTlT1v iKa6a.64 He appears also in No. 311 (end of first century after Christ and again as iT-roupy6os ilti T^v2:Kia6a in No. 312 (A.D. 96/7). Once the Herald of the Council and in the Demos, genitive, aRegister appearsat the head of the (No. 303, end of firstcenturyB.C.).These somewhat unsystematic records of the late first century before Christ and the first century after Christ begin to take on more definite form in the second century, when the prytaneis and the aeisitoi more and more, but not exclusively, confine their praise to themselves.65 The dating of post-Sullan texts earlier than A.D. 165/6 is here based upon the studies of J. A. Notopoulos.66 Meritt's The Athenian Year in 1961 carried his list of earlier archons down to 81/0 (p. 238), while additions made by Sterling Dow in Hesperia, Suppl. VIII, 1949, p. 117, extended the list to 52/1. J. A. Notopoulos continued Meritt's list from 80/79 down to 75/4. The great archon list LG., II2, 1713,
gives the archons from 55/4 to 48/7, from 17/6 to 11/0, and from 23/4 to 30/1. Dow's list (loc. cit.) also carries the list from 62/1 to 53/2. Somewherein the first century B.C. must be added the archon Philemon of Hesperia, III, 1934, p. 69, No. 69, as yet uncertain where. In the reign of Hadrian the creation of an endowment set up by Claudius Atticus and his wife Vibulia Alcia relieved the Treasurerof the expense he had borne earlier. Later, when the endowment was recoveredby Herodes at the expense of the Athe64The AErrovpy6S, whom J. H. Oliver took to be an innovation of the first century after Christ (Hesperia,XI, 1942, pp. 31-32, in connection Trv KIodoa No. 2; cf. Geagan, op. cit., pp. 14-15, 116) appears here a century earlier, as does also the phrase Thrlt with his title (No. 287). 65 They once (No. 320, age of the Empire)honor their fIrroa-rrrls.In No. 329 (ca. A.D.132/3)thereis a specialcitationfor the Herald. In one text (No. 443, ca. A.D.198) there are listed six slaves who were oiKErai 06Xov.These were undoubtedlythe servantswho TriS looked after normal household duties: preparationof food, washing of dishes, sweeping,and generalcleaning. They were here six in number.In 303/2B.C.(No. 62, lines 10-18) therewereeight [rrrrlpHrai Trij]pouAiSand in 281/0 B.C.(No. 72) therewas a 0MprrrpqsS attachedto each phyle except Demetrias,Leontis, Kekropis,and Hippothontis,again eight in all. About 343/2 B.C.(No. 37) another Menial tasks must always have existed at the Tholos, and the names of the servantswere prytanyinscriptionnames a OTrrrIpf^rS. not usually thought worthy of inscription. Geagan (op. cit., p. 112) thought of a possible relationshipbetween the oiKdrai and the ^o-rioO/oi, mentionedonce, of the firstcenturyafter Christ(No. 309), who were also slaves and also eight in number. 66 Op. cit., pp. 1-57. Basic to Notopoulos' scheme is the assumption that tribal cycles operated without interruptionfrom Hellenistictimes. For the difficultieswhich arise in the period betweenSulla and Hadriansee Geagan, op. cit., p. 108 and note 123, and Hesperia,XL, 1971, p. 108, note 46. In the latter article evidencefor the probablestate of the cycles in 84/3 given.
the Eponymos,whose name was usuallyinscribedbetweenthe introduction and the Register, nians,67 and the dedications.68 The name of the treasurer no longerappeared in paid the costs of the sacrifices of praises(cf. e.g. No. 330 of A.D. 135/6).But the aeisitoiwereregularly the preamble included,and this type of monument,which attainedits final form in the 170's, persistedto the end of the series.The of whichwe haverecord(No. 491)comesfromaboutA.D. 231/2.Onenotableexception latestdocument includedin this volume,No. 460 of A.D. 209/10, is a constitutional ratherthan a prytanydocument. The chronologyof the prytanydocuments from A.D. 165/6 to A.D. 209/10 is based upon two principles: first the continuityin office of certainaeisitoi,i.e. the Eleusinian priestsand the professional servantsof the Council,and secondthe operationof tribalcyclesin the selectionof secretaries.69 Imthe flutists,from about A.D. 165/6to the beginning of portantofficersof the aeisitoirecords,including the thirdcenturyare shownherein the followingtable:
IMPORTANT ca. A.D. 165/6 TO 209/1069a FROM AEISITOI
Date ca. 160-170 ante 165 165/6 166/7 167/8 168/9 168/9 169/70 169/70 ca. 169/70 173/4 174/5 180/1 182/3 184/5 ca. 184/5 ca. 185/6 186/7 ca. 187/8 188/9 190/1 191/2 ca. 192/3 194/5 (?) 195/6 ca. 197 198/9 ca. 198 204/5 209/10 Text 359 366 367 369 371 372 373 378 380 381 386 387 402 406 407 412 410 411 414 419 420 422 423 424 426 427 442 443 454 460 Hierophant Dadouchos
Trrl \KIoaSoS
Undersecretary Flutist
. .n .*
Julius Julius
oo.,,, ......
Aphrodisios Eisidotos Aphrodisios Eisidotos Aphrodisios Eisidotos Eisidotos Zenobios Zenobios Eisidotos Zenobios Myron Zenobios Myron Myron Hermeias Myron Hermeias Hermeias Hermeias Myron Myron Myron Demetrios Protogenes
Pompeius ......
Aelius Herennius
Aelius Julius Aelius Nummius Claudius Claudius unidentified unidentified unidentified Nummius Pompeius Pompeius
Aphrodisios Aphrodisios Aphrodisios Aphrodisios Aphrodisios Aphrodisios Aphrodisios Aphrodisios Spendon Spendon Hermodoros
...... ......
Nummius Claudius
Nummius Herennius
67 Geagan, op. cit., p. 99, citing Philostratos, Vit. Soph., II, 1, p. 58 Kayser, following James H. Oliver, A.J.P., LXX, 1949, pp. 307-308. 68 In the time of the Severi the eponymitybegan to be sharedwith Athena Polias (cf. Nos. 466, 470, 476, 477). 69 These two principles are not incompatible, and both may be seen in operation in the table published here. James A. Notopoulos, "Studiesin the Chronologyof Athens underthe Empire," Hesperia,XVIII, 1949,pp. 22-23 and Table 1, emphasized the cyclical rotation of the secretaryshipand was led to the conclusion that the tenure of the perennialaeisitoi could be broken frequently.James H. Oliver, "On the Order of the Athenian Catalogues of Aiseitoi," HarvardTheologicalReview, XLIII, 1950, pp. 233-235, held that the tenure of the perennial aeisitoi was uninterruptedand discounted the evidence, as he knew it, of the secretarycycles. 69a This table is intendedto replacethat of J. H. Oliver,Harv.Theol. Rev.,XLIII, 1950,p. 234. It exhibitsa numberof new readings, as indicatedunder the appropriate numbersin the catalogue,and has some changesin dates to make a betterchronologicalpattern, to Benjamin Dean Meritt, 1974,pp. 154-155.] especiallybetween190/1and 204/5. [For a later revisionsee J. S. Traill, c6pos, Tribute
The Eponymoi, from the very beginning, were of course the heroes, whether legendaryor historic, who gave their names to the phylai. Beginning with ten in the time of Kleisthenes (above, p. 1) their number was increased to twelve in 307/6, to thirteen in 224/3, reduced to eleven in 201/0 and brought back again
the eponymoiof the phylai.71 It madeno difference thata prominent andtheyremained citizen excellence,
who was willing to bear the expense of the sacrificeswas also designated in the epigraphicalrecord of his phyle as the Eponymos. It has been thought by some that this designation might have been meant to refer
to the Priestof the Eponymosratherthan to the Eponymoshimself,72 and on this questionJamesH. Oliversuggested, when he edited our No. 330 with line 4 restored['ETrrcvvwc os--]v?.[s],that he mayhavefoundtheproofthatththisheory In ourjudgment wassurely incorrect.73 it is, in fact,incorrect, of No. 330 depends on a restoration. butthe evidence we find the Priest of the correctRather, Eponymos, ly so named,as distinctfrom the Eponymos,even as late as the end of the secondcenturyafterChrist of his phyle.Whether he was separately (No. 424, lines 14-15). He is therenamedamongthe prytaneis on the stonein a positionmoreprominent like thataccorded to the Eponymos listedelsewhere we do not know. As Raubitschek remarks(loc. cit.) we have too little evidenceto reachany formalconclusion. The fact that te in A.D. 135/6(No. 330)becameEponymos Priestof the Eponymos in A.D. 138/9(No. ieshe
333) does not mean that the titles were indifferentlygiven, but that, "in this particularcase, at least, the priest of the eponymous hero became the eponymous, assuming with his new title added financialrespon-
established by ClaudiusAtticus and ginningof the second until about A.D. 120 when the endowment of this expense(No. 322). After Herodeshad recovered his inheritance his wife relievedthe treasurers to seek of The first surerenewed the had new benefactors as sources revenue. again (above,p. 19) phylai
appearance of the Eponymos in the epigraphical record is in A.D. 138/9 (No. 333), though the title has been restored in a text three years earlier.
THE COUNCILOF THE FIVE HUNDRED AND TWENTY Whereasthe twelveprytanies of 50 each had made up the Councilof Six HundredbeforeHadrian's it less to was divide the newcouncilof 500initiated time, by himequallyinto the prytanies easy (including in The solution A. E. Raubitschek which now numbered thirteen. 1953 and apHadrianis) proposedby
proved by Daniel J. Geagan is adopted here :75each prytany consisted of forty councillors, making a
70This date has been establishedby James A. Notopoulos, "The Date of the Creationof Hadrianis," T.A.P.A., LXXVII, 1946,
pp. 53-56, and Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, p. 5, whose conclusions, based upon the cyclical rotation of tribes, approachthose of J. Kirchner,notes to LG., II2, 2021 and 2037, and W. Kolbe, "Studienzur attischenChronologieder Kaiserzeit,"Ath. Mitt., XLVI, sous Hadrien,Cairo, 1934,pp. 18-33, has arguedthat this occurredin A.D. 124/5.See Geagan, 1921,pp. 121-128. P. Graindor,Athenes op. cit., p. 74. The base for the statuesof the eponymoi has been studiedby T. Leslie Shear,Jr., Hesperia,XXXIX, 1970, pp. 145-222, who uses the earlier date, but without referencesor discussionof it. 71 Pausanias,I, 5, 5, for example, in the second century after Christ names the eponymousheroes, ending with Hadrian "in his of the group of heroes in the Agora as own day." See Evelyn B. Harrison, Hesperia,XXXIII, 1964, p. 81, for a characterization of the corporatebody of the AthenianState,no matterhow individualistic theirworshipmay have been in the scattered representative demes of Attica. 72 G. Gilbert, The Constitutional Antiquitiesof Sparta and Athens, 1895, p. 166 note 3, cited by A. E. Raubitschek, rFpaS 'AvrcoviovKePaLToirroMov, MoaKESOVIKoV SrArouSVv. 'ErrlaTrlOViVKai ZEiP&a 'ETalpEia TTpaypIaTEai, $OIo7oylKi KacOeo0X0oylK, 1953, pp. 242-243. 73Hesperia,XI, 1942, p. 30, note 5. 74 Raubitschek,op. cit., p. 243. 7"Ibid., pp. 242-255; Geagan, op. cit., pp. 95-96.
O' or fo BouX'ri total council of 520 men, even though calledfi pouik -rTcv TIV
secondcenturythe numbersof aeisitoiin the prytanylists had becomestandardized (cf. e.g. N. 372). irrl were followed were the Eleusinian These c Aa6orx,os, priests: 'IEpoa&vmlS, They 'IepoKippue, pooJ. from Hellenistictimes: the KjpuC inherited by the hardcore of &Eforroi PouAisKal ilrou, the ypa.Ta-r6Pi,-a (the same as the ypapaiaTc-roS the Trrpi KIal Ia-r TrpuTaveiav; trms 8fmou,the &vTiypacxpqs, pouVXis cf. No. 460), the iepaiAriS(earlier the aAkrTris), the nrroypal4iaTeus, and the ?rriSKt&Sos.This last
S pouAEUTCov and the preserved Registers there are always forty councillors counting the ypaaml-eTE In mid the but not if is his occurs it outside the name within only (if Register Register).77 9rrcbwiuos
officer,who has been equatedwith the earlierAeiToupyos (above,p. 19, note 64), was new to the later Kali-rri KIlSOS as hepeisOcooq6pcov as constitution. He sometimes (Nos. 406,420)andsometimes appears or alone were additions: There occasional Ipeirs (No. 442). Oco96pcov alone (Nos. 415, 417, 419) iepEiS frrcov.ov(not to be confused the &vTwKnpvu is restored once(No. [414]);the iEpsC,s withthesrrcOivvIos) -TOi
appears among the aeisitoi in No. 330 (A.D. 135/6).
DECLINE OF THE COUNCIL andaeisitoiwerenumerous afterChrist, Thelists of prytaneis towardthe end of the secondcentury and then they appeared until they finallyceasedaltogether in the thirdcentury. with less and less regularity Theexpense wasborneby the Treasurer of the annualseriesof sacrifices of the Prytaneis, whowaspraised and crownedso long as he paid the costs. Whenit was found difficultto elect a treasurer of sufficient carriedthe burden,and whenthis was liquidatedrecoursewas had once more wealth,an endowment to men of wealthassistedif need be from othersources.The goddessAthenaPoliaswas calledupon at timesto act herselfas the Eponymos. Thedeclinein influence of the Councilof the FiveHundred, or Five the end of the inscribing of prytany Hundredand Twenty,hastened as lists. The functionof the prytany an executive of the Councilwas less important whentherewasless for the Councilto do. The committee rise of the Councilof the Areopagus contributed to this decline.Athensas part of a Roman province in its own rightthan before,and thoughthe emperors had less jurisdiction of the secondcenturydid muchto maintainthe fictionof Athenianprestigethe changewas reflected not only in the lesseningimof Council but in the the of the Demos as well. Its importance was negliglessening portance importance the of second after ible by the end A majorconstitutional Christ.78 century changein the mid thirdcenthe character and affected of the which was enlarged to a quotaof Council, radically representation tury andFiftymembers.79 It wasperhapsafterthis that the prytanylists ceased.In the fourth SevenHundred was in size the Council reduced to ThreeHundred,80 but the prytany lists do not extendinto the century time of theselaterchanges. SUMMARY is by far the most commontype of inscription The prytanydocument found in (barring gravestones) theAgora,andin its variousformsit coversa spanof almostsevenhundred fortunes years.Thechanging in thesetexts.Theyreferdirectly of the AthenianStatearebut dimlyreflected to no momentous events. at firstshowthe prideof the phylaiin service wellperformed. to testify, Theydo, however, Theycontinue to time to down the of the of official in sacrifices for the State Christ, piety approximately performance timesthey paid homageto the kingsof Macedon and for friendsand allies.In Macedonian whenit was
76 See, for example, I.G., II2, 3612, 3616.
the three elements of the Atheniancitizen body, the Areopagites,those who were councillors,and the Demos, has been studiedby James A. Oliver,MarcusAurelius,Hesperia,Suppl. XIII, 1970, pp. 43-65. For the lessenedimportance of the council and the demos, see Geagan, op. cit., p. 91. 78 I.G., II2, 3669 of A.D. 269/70. Cf. Geagan, op. cit., p. 74. 80L.G.,II2, 3716, 4222. Cf. Geagan, op. cit., p. 74.
78 The new relationshipof
expedientto do so. They reflectthe homagepaid to foreignprincesand to Rome. And with a kind of in what they no longer say, they are eloquentin their recordof the humiliation of negativeinference, Athensafterits sackby Sulla.Theyare witnessto the growthof Romanbureaucracy in the timeof the Empire. It may be takenas certainthat new texts will still be found,but over the periodof the excavations so far they have contributed to greatly the tighteningof what was formerlya ratherloose and uncertain of Hellenistic framework andlaterAthenian one greatservice which chronological history.This is already in of many aspects of the political and they have rendered additionto their detaileddocumentation life of Athens. religious to our understanding of the Atheniancalendar. The decreesof Hellenistic Theyhave also contributed date carryin theirpreambles the datesby month(in the so-called festivalcalendar) and the datesby pryconciliar The natureof thesetwo calendars and of theirinterrelation has tany(in the so-called calendar). in recentyears.81One significant beenmuchdiscussed was the W. K. Pritchett development discovery by and 0. Neugebauer thatthe conciliar wasthe regulating calendar normandthatthe festivalcalendar was to a to which the disturbance dates were not This irregularity, subject frequent by prytany subject.82 was of the relationship a reversal in his publications in the Corpus,andthe newdocenvisaged by J. Kirchner trinehas foundgeneralacceptance to the caution that Pritchett had giventoo strictan intersubjectonly of the conciliarcalendar.83 pretationof Aristotle'sdefinition It has becomeapparent that the irregularities in the festivalcalendar werefrequently associatedwith of religious the postponement in the monthsof Hekatombaion and celebrations, especially (Panathenaia) so (cf. Nos. 207, 261). The texts of Nos. 120 Elaphebolion (Dionysia),thoughby no meansexclusively and 186(of 228/7and 181/0B.C.) A retardation for of the Panathenaia. illustrate, example, postponement of oneor moredaysin the festivalcalendar, in No. 129 afterthe 20thof Boedromion, evidenced mayhave beenassociated in No. 252. The withthepostponement of theEleusinia, as wasalsoa minorpostponement of datesin Elaphebolion, the monthof the Dionysia,was of relatively occurrence, postponement frequent testifiednot only by the prytany In spiteof Nos. but elsewhere as well.4 171, 219, 238) inscriptions (e.g. these irregularities it is usuallypossibleto determine from the calendardates whetherthe yearwas of This knowledgeis usefulin any general twelvemonths(ordinary) or of thirteenmonths(intercalary). calendar reconstruction. Sincethe demonstration by Merittthat the count of days in the last decadeof a month omittedin a hollow month(i.e. a monthof 29 days)that day with whichthe backward count of the last days began never next to the the last it is in the (i.e. day),85 clearthat the festivalcalendar newmoon datecould not be derived fromempirical observation. The new moon datewas already definedin the calendar nine (for a full month)or eight(for a hollowmonth)daysbeforethe conjunction. observation had been Empirical Oeov. maintained and it underlies his of dates Pritchett, by interpretation KC1Ta,
to denote astroSearching for an alternative interpretationwhich would allow the phrase Kcra Oeov nomical accuracy, Meritt in the that dates sometimes were fact dates of Meton's proposed given KYrea, 16v astronomical calendar.6 But this suggestion encountereddifficulties, and we believe a better and simpler
solutionis to takethe wordsto mean"normal" or "non-tampered," in contradistinction to a datewhich had beenirregularly advanced or retarded. Thereckoning of daysin Athensmustnormally havefollowed a patternlaid out in advancewith reference to all Athenians. to the lunarcyclesand knowngenerally Whentherewas tampering with the date, greator small,the "normal"date was sometimes givenas a
81An overall view, with bibliographicalreferences,is given in B. D. Meritt, "CalendarStudies," 'Apx. 'E9., 1968, pp. 97-115, to which should now be added, by the same author, further discussion in Proceedingsof the American Philosophical Society,CXV, 1971, pp. 97-124. 82 W. K. Pritchettand 0. Neugebauer,The Calendars Athens, 1947,passim. of 83 B. D. Meritt, 1968, p. 87 note 4; Proceedings of the American Society, CXV, 1971,p. 115. Philosophical 'ApX. 'Eqp., 84 Idem, The AthenianYear, 1961, pp. 33, 147-148, 149-150, 161-165, 208. 85 'ApX. 'Eq., 1968, pp. 77-91 with references. 86T.A.P.A., XCV, 1964, pp. 236ff.
Sincethe prytany was always,so far as we know,withinits limitsnormal, calendar OE6v. iKacrr corrective, are alwaysin accordwithit, thatis, they datesof the festivalcalendar it is of interestthat the KaCraE6v of the term.87 werenormalalso, andwe hold this to be a sufficient Definitionof festivaldates explanation Kara ov in the prytany in below Nos. 171,207, 219, 238, 252, and 261. All known inscriptions appears datesKaTa &6v, whetherin the prytanyinscriptions or elsewhere, occurbetween196/5and 95/4 B.C.88 reflectalso a majorconstitutional These inscriptions and calendrical changein the age of Hadrian. of his first visit to Athens in the month Boedromionof A.D. 124/5the Athenians In commemoration as of old, to Boedromion. the The year of the changed beginningof the year from Hekatombaion, membersof a thirteenth in Hadrian'shonor, Council,which now embraced phyle, namedHadrianis so was made to conform, that Maimakterion, for example,could be equatedwith the third prytany be could with the sixth prytany(No. 331). The intercalated and Gamelion month (No. 333) equated whichhelpedto makethesecorrespondences possiblewasnamedHadrianion, againin honorof Hadrian. Another inscription,long known and now re-edited (No. 460), shows that this Hadrianicyear enduredat least into the beginningof the third century. But over and above all detailsof calendarand bureaucratic or administrative practicethere stands the greatmassof ourprosopographical who ruledthe Athenian heritage.Theselists namethe Athenians in were fact the State.In the beginning which has ever since of excited the admiration they Democracy the world. Even in its declinethey were at least the nominalrulersand the heirs of a greattradition whichwon for Athensa veneration and respectmorethan that enjoyedby any otherGreekCity State.
The order of the inscriptions is generally chronological, but not strictly so. Small fragments have often been grouped together with a general date of saec. I a., saec. II/III p., etc., even when the letter-forms in particular
cases mightsuggesta moreprecisedating,and withinthe sameyeartexts have not alwaysbeen arranged according to the sequenceof the prytanies.
1. A round base of Pentelic marble (E.M. 6290), found during 1838 in the excavations between the Propylaia and the Parthenon. Both top and bottom have mouldings: at the top, 0.05 m. in height, 0.018 m. in projection; at the bottom, now largely worn away, ca. 0.03 m. in height, 0.013 m. in projection. The top of the base preserves two shallow cuttings for the feet of a statue and a large leaded rectangular cutting also probably intended for the support of the statue. The base was re-used in Roman times and bears a second inscription (I.G., II2, 4136). H. 0.411 m.; D. 0.53 m.; LH. 0.01 m. Ed. K. S. Pittakys, 'Ep. 'Apx., 1838, No. 80; A. Kirchhoff, I.G., I, 338; F. Hiller, I.G., 12, 398; A. E. Raubitschek, Dedicationsfrom the Athenian Akropolis, 1949, pp. 188-191, No. 167, photograph p. 188.
ERECHTHEIS a. 408/7a.
[ T iq V i [C e 'A iO v a]
I a i
0 Es
a v
r Tav
Ep 'Ep
a v ] TES '
'rr' E
K Tr n O v
Ka[0]nTr Aa[vTrrTrpis]
'AypuAeIs Ka0err
"EvSios KrSof
e. vOTrXls
[' E]Xr[i]ws
Xaip ?[---] lacuna Lines 18-20, 29, 31, and 33 wereleft uninscribed, the intentionprobably beingthat the namesshouldbe added later.Indeed,lines 27-28 appearto be just such a subsequent for addition, the letteringis lighter,morecareless,
dated later in this period (Nos. 14, 42). Countingeven Agryle agreewith their known quotas on inscriptions the uninscribed the allows for half the known representation of Anagyrous,Kephisia,and lines, spacing only and one-third of that Lower Upper Pergase, only Agryle. In fact, the maximumnumberof prytaneiswhich could have been inscribedin the space availablein the three columns(assumingthat all fourteendemoticsof Erechtheis werepresent)is thirty-seven.1 To solve this problemRaubitschek2 positedthat a fourthcolumnhad
1 We are indebtedhere and passim in this discussionto the unpublishednotes of S. Dow and H. J. Carroll,Jr. 2 Op. cit., pp. 189-190.
and quitedifferent fromthe deep regular of the rest. Occasionally lines wereleft uninscribed on lettering and bouleutic lists never to such an as this but extent on prytany (Nos. 42, 72, 85, 89) particular inscription. Whatis moreunusual, in thistextis that,of the quotas however, onlythoseof KedoiandUpper preserved,
been inscribed to the right of Col. III in an area which now shows signs of rasura and that the missing
of Euonymon,Kephisia,etc. were once inscribedhere. But there are seriousobjectionsto this representatives hypothesis: (1) thereis no evidencethat Euonymon,Kephisia,etc. wereonce divideddemes; (2) Raubitschek's
restoration of the heading is too long for the single additional column; and (3) the so-called rasura3is neither
so deep nor so effectivethat some tracesof the originalletteringshould not be in evidence. was neverintendedto containthe names of It seems betterthereforeto assumethat the presentinscription more than about thirty-seven perhapsincluding prytaneis,i.e. that it was only a partialroster of Erechtheis, to the cost of the monument.A slight parallelis providedby an inscription only those who had contributed
(No. 49) recording the dedication of twenty-one councillors and others discovered at the Amphiareion, though here the date, 328/7, is much later and the format somewhat different, viz. the bouleutai are listed individually
Obviously, whether this inscription contained three or four columns, there was little attempt to group the demes according to their geographical trittyes.
2. A rectangular base of Pentelic marble (I 4226), completely preserved except for minor damage, recently used as a bench along the west wall of the narthex of the Church of TTavayia BXcaaaapo (J 10-11), and taken into the Agora Museum on June 2, 1936. There is a cutting in the top of the block (0.265 m. by 0.33 m. and 0.047 m. deep), roughly symmetrical with the sides of the block, and presumably made to receive a herm. The front inscribed surface was the seat of the bench and is much worn. H. 0.375 m.; W. 0.71 m.; Th. 0.39 m.; LH. 0.015 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, pp. 36-37, No. 44, photograph pl. 9; S.E.G., XIX, 150. ANTIOCHIS
a. 393/2a.
tpioaT-paTo[SipX] ['A]rioXis EvfKa [T'rpv]-Tavioaa A The names of the prytaneis, if inscribed, have been lost by the wearing smooth of the stone.
base preserved,but 3. Block of Eleusinianstone ( 5753), with parts of the smooth top and smooth-picked
broken at both sides and at the back, found in the wall of a modern house on the north slope between the
init. saec. IV a.
In line 2 the suggested supplement is taken from No. 13, but here there is no catalogue of prytaneis, only the dedication with the name of the victorious phyle. 4. Part of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 6193), broken at both sides and at the bottom, but with part of the smooth flat top and rough-picked back preserved, found on May 28, 1949, in a late context near the north end of the Stoa of Attalos (Q 8). H. 0.12 m.; W. 0.26 m.; Th. 0.095 m.; LH. 0.02 m. above and ca. 0.012 m. below. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXX, 1961, p. 266, No. 88, photograph pl. 50; S.E.G., XXI, 666. init. saec. IV a. [ ---vi]a rTpvrraveo[aa----] vacat ca. 0.065 m.
The second line belongs more probably to a name than to the heading. Only the slightest trace of the upsilon
3 It is rather a rough-pickingof the surface and was probably intended simply to set the Roman inscriptionmentioned above apart from the earlierprytanylist.
brokenat the top but preserving the bottom,right,and left 5. Fragment, probablyof a marblebase, apparently lost. in of now sides, found the town Magoula, Ed. U. Koehler,Ath. Mitt., X, 1885,p. 111;LG., II, 5, 554c; J. Kirchner, .G., II2, 1142.
init.saec.IV a.
lacuna [ .......
OT EveKIa [8iKaio]o'ivrws
aUTOS 1 5 1 EKpIVEV Poh\
This text belongs to the dedication of a phyle which was victorious in the contest of the prytanies but no
6. Steleof Pentelicmarble(I 3400),foundon February 14, 1936,nearthe surfacenorthof the Odeion(L-M 8-9). Above the inscriptionis the start of a moulding,now brokenaway. The top is smooth, but thereis a roughpickedcuttingtowardthe back,part of a settingfor the dedication.The stone is brokenat the back, on both sides, and at the bottom.
H. 0.235 m.; W. 0.24 m.; Th. 0.158 m.; LH. 0.016 m. (lines 1-2) and 0.007 m.-0.009 m. (lines 3-15). Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967, pp. 225-226, No. 34, photograph pi. 57; S.E.G., XXIV, 164.
ERECHTHEIS a. 381/0a.
'EpE[XOiVIKql] rrpu]Trcvws ['EpEXr0i85os ] [aavcrEsmrri Arlo]cpio &apov[ros
FirstTwo ColumnsLost
IV 'Apio[---] E0e[----]
] ]
Col. V lost
10 [Eucwvv]fis
[.... ....]s
[... .]aXos
. ...]cov
The earlyorthois preferable. The entryin line 10 was firstread as ['Aypu]fijs, but the reading[Eucovuw]4is graphy (o for ou in the genitiveand r1for it in the nominativeplural)is an indicationthat the archon'sname in line 2 was Arlpi6qpAos (381/0) ratherthan EOoEqnos (348/7), which in any case would not have suited the betweenlines 1 and 2. Long namesin Col. Ill stoichedonorderwith a propersyllabicdivisionof vwKariavT-r of namesin Col. IV (lines 16-18).We restorethe text withfivecolumnsof names, (lines6-8) causeddisplacement ratherthan six. of Pentelicmarble,found on the Acropolis,belongto the upperleft and centralparts 7. Fourjoining fragments relief. of a stele whichwas crownedwith a cymationand dedicatory (but uninscribed) and 2542)belongto the sculptured Inv. Nos. 3367 a and b: Two joining fragments (Acrop. of of and back. the left the stele and side, top, preservepart part
a and b but belong to the inscribed c and d: Two joining fragments (E.M. 8024),which also join fragments section of the stele and preserve part of the left side and back, as well as the cymationand the bottom of the relief. H. 0.60 m. (a, b, c, anddcombined);W.0.50m. (a, b, c, anddcombined); Th.0.145m.; LH.0.017m. (heading), 0.009m. (register). Ed. K. S. Pittakys,'Ep. 'ApX.,1842,No. 931; U. Koehler, .G., II, 866; J. Kirchner, .G., II2, 1743.
KEKROPIS ca. a. 390-360 a. KK po' ir8os avT-r Trrpv-rTavES v [tI K ]i Ox;urfs 'A;atris AIcov [- ca.2 -]CTia[T]paCro ATEIVO Oilak[yp]o
[ca. 7 --]XS lacuna
[ &v Ie Eav]
Ehq)[-----] 'I?p-----] [] -----]-lacuna
[- ca.5 -]66-ro
The lettering,orthography, and formulain the headingpoint to a date in the firsthalf of the fourthcentury. Otto Walter does not date the relief,4but accepts Koehler's epigraphicaldating of ca. a. 390-380 a. The prosopography suggestsa datea decadeor two later,for the prytanisof line 7 was one of a groupof twenty-four demesmen of Halaiwho dedicated a statueof Aphroditeshortlybefore360 (I.G., II2,2820,line 5). 8. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble,brokenon the left and rightsides and at the bottom,but preserving apparently the top and possibly the back, discoveredby Rangab6built into the Little MetropolitanChurchin Athens, whereit remains.
H. 0.230 m.; W. 0.380 m.; Th. not ascertainable; LH. 0.017 m. (line 1), 0.011 m. (lines 2-11). Ed. A. R. Rangab6, Antiquites Helleniques, II, 1855, p. 785, No. 1237; the texts of U. Koehler (I.G., II, 867) and J. Kirchner (I.G., 12, 1741) depend on his transcription. The text below owes much to new readings by
D. M. Lewis.
AKAMANTIS a. 378/7a.
Eirr NaucvivKO (viCa TnrpTravEI]oaa ['AKalIav'rls &[pXovrros] vacat 0.066 m. R Pofi [---.------y]papLT6EvV oTil vacat 0.035 m. [EopiKi]ol 'Ayv6cnoi
'Ap[i]orrcov 'Apt[--]
The restoration of the demotic in line 3 is based on the tentative association of the patronymic in the following line with the Exekestides of Thorikos who appears in a liturgy catalogue belonging to 381/0. Exekestides of
Thorikoswas also generalin 357/6.Cf. Hesperia, XV, 1946,p. 165,line 15 and note 72.
9. Fragmentfrom the top of a block of Pentelicmarble(I 795), with uppersurfacedressedsmooth, broken at the back, sides, and bottom. Found on May 8, 1933,in a late Roman context outsidethe southeastcorner of the Stoa of Zeus (I 7). H. 0.098m.; W. 0.21 m.; Th. 0.095m.; LH. 0.013 m. in lines 1-2, 0.011 m. in lines 3-4. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, of a squeeze. XV, 1946,p. 228, No. 55, photograph
der Reliefs im kleinenAkropolismuseum in Athen, 1923, pp. 38-39, No. 55. Beschreibung
init.saec.IV a.
dvOeaav -rrait] ['I llo0]covi6xos rwpvUr[&V?s To [vFaxav]TOS 8fVo [rt ----& pXovTos] I II III IV lost lost Oupa[rT&Bal] lost 'Hx[os--]
[----In line 4 the upper left stroke of chi is preserved.Of known Attic names'HX[os],though rare and so far
attested only later in date, is a seemingly unique restoration. A priest of Asklepios about mid second century B.C. bore this name: 'HXos XTporcovoS ouvvlEs(J. Sundwall, Nachtrdge, p. 90 = Inscr. Ddlos, 2605, line 23). 10. Base of Pentelic marble, found during restoration work in 1950 built into a tower northeast of the Acropolis walls, well preserved except for the left side, which appears to have been trimmed back from the face in a later re-use. The marble is heavily streaked with mica and the surface has been lost in a number of places. On the top The bottom preserves anathyrosis. H. 0.44 m.; W. 0.635 m.; Th. 0.46 m.; LH. 0.008 m. Ed. S. N. Koumanoudes, R.E.G., LXXIII, 1960, pp. 88-99; 1Tno?icov,VIII, 1965/6, pp. 47-48; corrections by S. Charitonides, R.E.G., LXXIV, 1961, pp. 407-409; S.E.G., XXIII, 87. PANDIONIS
is a cutting,0.265m. in length, ca. 0.20 m. in width, and 0.063 m. in depth,intendedto receivethe dedication.
ca. a. 390-375 a.
L------- ? [
[--ca. 8--]V[--]
'AVTIwnvTS 'Avrtlpfo [TTpamais] ..[---.-----TijiavSpoS T.tcvis8o
Aiv[--] 'ApXtx[A].~S MvrioafosMvlayi[vos] K?!covMevesvo E*ay6pas Atowvcio Avouavfo AT.rl6-crparTo 7Trprrcov X"rpa'rio
cOl6-rparros OI<X>(vo
EOKAES8o EiOSEp&6rqs
20 [epao]1o3oaos Aio6cb<p>o MuppivoYlot
tWlKovo vacat
'AvrilAo nuv668copos
60 vacat VVVuWVIlLVItO
'Hyficov ATrocoirros
AlTp6vtKOS 'A<8>i)Tro
. 7--]OS
Line11, lapisAEvveENOX; line 20, lapisAIOAQIO; line42, lapisAYMHTO; line 51, lapisOIAINO. The text shows many irregularitiesin both lettering and spacing. The vertical spacing is quite erratic: lines 3-13 in Col. I are half a space lower than the corresponding lines in Cols. II and III; the seven lines from 14 to 20 are crowded into half the normal space, as are also the last three lines in Col. III; lines 58 to 61 are one half line lower than they should be, the displacement being caused by the intrusion into Col. III of the long name in line 37. More serious is the fact that the normal spacing in all three columns allows no room for the heading expected to run across the top of the inscription. Perhaps a shortened version appeared at the top of Col. I or a heading of normal length was inscribed on another block.
The mason left a single uninscribed space within lines 3, 26, 29, 31, 37, 45, and 47; the majority of the cases occur within the uncontracted -KXrls termination. In every one of these instances the surface of the stone is preserved and flawless and the name complete as inscribed. In lines 5, 56, 58, and 60 the mason has failed to
inscribesomeletters;perhapshe could not readthem on his copy. We can find no trace of [--------K]paros which appearsat the bottom of columnI in Koumanoudes' second transcription line (cf. S.E.G., XXIII, 87, 24). The letteringand orthography, especiallythe use of omikronin the genitiveof the patronymics, epsilon in the demotics,andthe uncontracted in the namesin -KXfis formin line 18), epsilon-eta (thoughthereis a contracted with the fatherof the prytanisca. a. 360 a. (below, 1541,line 2). Demokratesof Oa (line 17) may be identified No. 15, line 25) and Endemos(line 56) should be the grandfather of the councillorin 304/3(below,No. 61, line 235). 11. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble(I 2024),brokenat the back,right,and top, but preserving part of the smoothpicked bottom and left edge, which is dressedback at a forty-fivedegree angle thus making an octagonal
monument, found on September 19, 1934, in a marble dump in the south central part of the Market Square. H. 0.215 m.; W. 0.36 m.; Th. 0.121 m.; LH. 0.10-0.11 m. suggest a dating in the first half of the fourth century. Prosopography favors a date before 360. Chairestratos of Kollytos (lines 63-64) is probably to be identified with the treasurer of the other gods in 363/2 (I.G., II2,
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia,IX, 1940,pp. 56-57, No. 5, photograph p. 56. HIPPOTHONTIS ca. a. 400-350 a.
[O]yp.a[t'ra5at] ? rlowuo-rpoposvvve[ ---]
Thereareno certainprosopographical but the lettering, stoichedonorder,and the uncontracted identifications, formof the -vK?lS in line 8 suggesta datingin the firsthalf of the fourthcentury. termination The date proposed in the Hesperia index, i.e. ca. a. 375 a., may not be far wrong(cf. Hesperia,Indexto Volumes I-X, etc., s.vv.). 12. Stele of Pentelicmarble,discovered in a privatehouse on HadrianStreetnear the by S. A. Koumanoudes areathen knownas the prytaneion, now lost.
H. 0.97 m.; W. 0.37 m.; Th. 0.36 m.
Ed. S. A. Koumanoudes, (litfo-rcop,III, 1862,p. 456; the texts of U. Koehler,I.G., II, 865, andJ. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1740,dependon Koumanoudes' transcription. PANDIONIS ca. a. 400-350 a.
[TTavsiov8os TTpv vS ---[------------------------
almost ITOIX.
------------------------------] av -----------------------] v rTlaaviis KuvaelvacElS KaXEcAiaS AilJOK8i[rlS] 25 45 'ISpov[--] c. 3-]iAaS 'Apicrroxavris [X]ap(ocav5pos
[- ca. 4 -]"T'lS [- ca. 2 -]EOS[--] MEAaOiITr[rrTOS]
6[aioi] [Mvppi]v
- ca.
5-]AIrHE i[-
ca. 3-]OKp:T&rls
[-ca. [-ca.
4 -]v[--]
[TrlaE&r[ s]
A6o[T]o[S] ? Xcapi&drS 50
[----] [---
30 ]
15 [TTpac]s
[[[-ca. a. 3 -]K[t]aXrlS
Ca. 5
[p]o. g[Aicr]lo[i] 'p[- ca. 4-]s [-----]
Kae [TT]Jaavifs
[At ?]65copos [K]ovevu8[ai] ['H]AX8cpos
wco iTa-rpaToS 60
[-----] [Ku0eppiot] ?
[- ca. 4 -]Ocov
['A]ip,oevrs TTauvacvicxs
8 -co n
a Ep s o v 'ApiT-rCovu
i o, n-caA
If the Aristophanes of line 26 be identifiedwith the comic poet, as most editorsof this text have done, then the date of the inscriptioncannot be later than ca. a. 385 a., for he is known to have died shortlyafterthe of the Plutusin 388/7.5 Thisprytanismay, of course,havebeen a grandson, in whichcasethe present production should be dated about the middleof the fourthcentury.In supportof the earlierdatingone might inscription of Plato (315a). identifythe Philippidesof line 54 with the son of Philomelos who appearsin the Protagoras with the grandsonof the samenamewho was trierarch however,he mightbe identified Alternatively, frequently in the 320's (I.G., 12, 1628,lines 21, 30, 387-388; 1631, line 287; 1632, line 263). Similarly, the Pausaniasof line 63 could supporteitheran earlieror a laterdate depending on whetherhe be identified with the councillor, or the councillor'sfather,on a list of Pandionisdated ca. a. 360 a. (No. 15, line 26). The use of omikronfor
omikron-upsilon (lines 65, 67) and eta for epsilon-iota (lines 11, 43, 55, 59) favors slightly the earlier dating,6 but the appearance of epsilon-iota for eta in line 23, if this is not simply Koumanoudes' error, encourages the
later date. The absenceof patronymics might also appearto supporta dating ca. a. 390 a., but the prytany is too scarcein this earlyperiodto forma strictcriterion.Moreover,a patronymic7 material seemsto have been inscribedin line 18, and also possibly in lines 6 and 29, probablyto distinguishthe councillorfrom another memberof the be cautionedthat in all threecases the text is far from mheust deme,thoughit identically-named
certain. It seems best, therefore, to leave the date ca. a. 400-350 a. This register lists the demes of Pandionis according to their trittyes,8with the exception of Probalinthos which belonged to the coastal region but was normally placed in the shorter column of the city. Kytheros, whose
location is still unknown,was restoredtentatively at the bottom of the samecolumnby Arnold Gomme.9Not only would its omissionhave been unusual,but even more important,accordingto Koumanoudes' transcript, it would have made room in the rosterof Pandionisfor fifty-oneprytaneis.
13. Base of Pentelic marble, discovered in 1874 during work by the Greek Archaeological Society built into a mediaeval tower superimposed on the north wing of the Propylaia. The base, which remains on the Acropolis,
is completelypreserved, exceptfor a mouldingwhich once stretchedacrossthe front and along the two sides but was brokenoff duringa later re-use.The rough-picked top preserves cuttingsfor the feet of a statue.
H. 0.735 m.; W. 0.47 m.; Th. 0.365 m.; LH. 0.008 m. (heading), 0.006 m. (register).
Ed. S. A. Koumanoudes, 'Aeijvalov,IV, 1875,pp. 195-197; U. Koehler,LG., II, 864; J. Kirchner, LG., II2, 1742.
5 Cf. P.A., 2090; OxfordClassicalDictionary2, p. 113. 6 Cf. K. Meisterhans,Grammatik der Attischlen Inschriften3, 1900, pp. 6, 40-46, 140-142. 7 These patronymics must have been curtailed,for the stele (bettercalled a block,judgingfrom its dimensions)was too narrow to have allowed the inscribingof the full name. 8 Indeed each column was headed by the eponymous deme of the trittys. 9 The Population of Athensin the Fifth and FourthCenturies B.C., 1933, p. 51, note 2.
a. 370/69a.(?)
68 w p T'&
P v
v T c t
aC a
V T ? s
ST'Xll6Xs OlcMas
? co
50 AloScbpo 'ApiaroKp&rrjs
10 ['A]i6maoit
'Apto-rrcovo[s] AEcoKpaTOS
Aap3'ros IOav658qpo 6epia6oKAfis 85
9e Olo
Krl9iao5cpo Ka01 lnoT&rptot
20 A&a'X:Iros OiA1Tnros
90 Kpco-rriSat
[.... o]Tpa-ros
[To-rTaiot imrrv K?0OVIKOS Trm&apXo [LKapc1covtSal 'Av1TKp&rTmS EOKp6&ro[s]
o ArTIlrlT[p]
[Nt]K6paXOS flo7Oevos
65 aToXuKpa(Tos)
100 eeopC&oro EuOrrupiSat Oet6Ic-rpaT[os]
[Tue]'6copos 30 'ApiorriiSrs
'Iusepaio AEUKOVOItS KcaA7lcaxos 'AXKio
AsipaSicora ?Ayvcov
XaipEqCov TloTarptot
Aloy)vos [Xo]?afitai
The formulain the heading,the stoichedon s and the letteringall suggesta date in the style, the orthography, first half of the fourthcenturyand the date of 370/69,advancedby Meritton the basis of an Agora fragment XVI, 1947,pp. 150-151,No. 41) whichrecordsthe dedicationof a calLovo.eiov (Hesperia, by the prytaneisof Leontisin 370/69,is supportedby the prosopography. The prytanisin line 58 may be a greatgrandsonof the eitherhe or his son paid a trierarchic famousThemistokles; debt for Demophanesof Alopekeabout 342 B.C. line cf. J. K. Athenian 333; Davies, Families,6669 VII). Hierokleides in line 77 is (I.G., II2, 1622, Propertied
probably the grandfather of Hierokles who was ephebe about 324 B.C. ('ApX. 'Eq.,, 1918, p. 75, line 33) and Glaukos in line 85 is probably the man mentioned in Demosthenes (XLIII, 4 and 7) who filed suit against the heiress Phylomache sometime in the period between 380 and 360.
13a. Fragmentfrom the left side of a base of Pentelicmarble,brokenat the top, bottom, and right,found in the Libraryof Hadrianbuilt into a house wall.
H. 0.22 m.; W. 0.095 m.; Th. 0.34 m.; LH. 0.007 m.
[Opdapplom] [?] [--------------3
[. .]no[.]A[-----]
['A]orro 6[-------] 5 [M]Exlia[s--------]
[K].SiSi[S --------]
'AEIlVOViKO ?] (Di)6vEco[s
The lettering indicates a date in the first half of the fourth century B.C. and we have tentatively identified the prytanis in line 12 with Philoneos, son of Ameinonikos, who is listed among those who took the oath on behalf
of the Salaminioiof Sounionin 363/2 B.C.(Hesperia, VII, 1938,p. 4, No. 1, line 71).
14. Inscribed base of Pentelic marble (I 3812), found on March 21, 1936, in a modern wall north of the Odeion (M 8). The stone is complete except at the top, where all edges are broken away. A rough-picked surface, which was the bottom of a cutting, is preserved in the center of the top surface. A moulding extends around the front
and two sides. At the back is a band of anathyrosis 0.055 m. wide. H. 0.38 m.; W. 0.68 m.; Th. 0.64 m.; LH. 0.01 m. (line 2), 0.007 m. (lines 3-65). Ed. W. K. Pritchett,Hesperia,XI, 1942, pp. 231-239, No. 43, photographp. 234, full prosopographical
ERECHTHEIS a. 367/6a.
v e a a v T X e i o S rr p u Tra v s ['E p x ca v T Cr] 8i rri [ ICo vi K caa v T E [8 ]
e v 'AypUvAi'S KaeQSrrTp MvraiE0o TTpcorTo OIXoxiS1i nflav-rTaKos Tnlpyaacfi Ka0 Irrepe v 'ETSrmTXoS 'ErrTIKPaT&
KcaXUKfdis acrUpo
50 KilSoi Scoa&vrs
AanrrTpfis KaerrrspOesv
15 [rT]9XuKXfis TTouKp&-ros
[EO]euKfis EOKpaT-ros
[B]apuXaos =EVoKMEi[o
KAeivias Kcvvco[v6]
Aio-rTcov ArlT[--]
20 [A]uCieEoS
i a tics [K] EpuKAXEi8o [E]OpiTrri6rS
vlueoAfis ['A]plcrroyvrl [Enr]y6[a] tot 60 [-ca. 5-]os Avuc[--] ?] vacat [u3ppiSat [---------I [TTepyaais 'rVITEvepOeEv?] 65[-
The prytaneis of Erechtheis in the archonship of Polyzelos held office in the ninth prytany.10 A small surface of stone is uninscribed in line 61, to which must therefore be assigned a relatively short demotic. This should in all probability be [Eupp3iSai ?]. The single prytanis from this deme belongs in line 62. The demotic [TTepyaoiisVrrEvEppev ?] then belongs in line 63, followed by two names in lines 64-65. There was
no prytanisfrom Pambotadai.
15. Base of Hymettian marble, composed of two joining pieces (E.M. 8097 and 8098), found near the "Stoa of the Giants" in the Agora, broken at the top and much damaged in front, but preserving the right and left sides, bottom, and original back. On the top is a shallow rectangular rough-picked area which appears once to have
Ed. U. Koehler,I.G., II, 998; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2,2370. PANDIONIS ca. a. 360 a.
pur [TTav6lovi5os pU
s ----[---------] [---------]
15 [------] [-Demotic-]
[Arn]p>6plXos A(I<>xpcovos [A]acJoKpa-rns FopyvOo [(i]acxtos Kaccxaicrpo [Kp]cravos ArlpooTpaTro [... . .]o?S)lAi.iTro [-------]
.1 [ ... [ ........
2 Kuvilppiot, 6 Mupptvoa6lo
'Ov[-----] 1[----]
m[-][E1pq] ?
[Arlp]j[T]ptos ArlnoorpaT&o'QalT
[ -] [------]
If in fact the originalright side is preserved,as it appears,then in Col. III, which is only half the width of Cols. I and II, the patronymics wereprobablyeithercurtailedor omitted. The letteringand orthography indicatea datingin the first half of the fourth century.The prosopography in line 13 has been identifiedwith the son of the comic poet helps to narrowthe limits, for the patronymic No. line and and eitherthe prytanisor his homonymous 12, fatherin line 26 Aristophanes 26, (cf. commentary), should be identifiedwith Pausaniasof Oa who appearson No. 12 (cf. line 63, and commentary). The present near the middle of the a which be inscription probablybelongs century, dating may supportedslightlyby the use of Hymettianmarble.
in Athens, now in the Cabinetdes 16. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble,broken on all sides, copied by Perdrizet Medaillesof the Bibliotheque Nationale,Paris.
H. 0.12 m.; W. 0.09 m.; Th. 0.04 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. P. Perdrizet, B.C.H., XXIII, 1899, p. 352; J. Kirchner, L.G., II2, 2375; L. Robert, Collection Froehner, I, 1936, pp. 139-140, No. 93, photograph pl. 3. KEKROPIS
antemed.saec. IV a. lacuna
Mvcov NiKav5pi|Srl
almost ETOIX.
[-ca. 3 -]Kpa'TTSl
[-ca. 3 -
Since Sypalettos is known to have had a quota of two councillors annually during the period of the original ten phylai (cf. Nos. 18 and 43) while there are four names listed here (lines 5-8), this list perhaps should not be identified as prytaneis. The date is suggested by the lettering and orthography. 17. Base of Pentelic marble (E.M. 10651), completely preserved except for some damage to the edges, found by S. A. Koumanoudes on the north slope of the Acropolis. All four faces have crowning and base mouldings ca. 0.06 m. in height. In the top a rectangular cutting for the dedicatory statue is preserved. H. 0.40 m.; W. 0.59 m.; Th. 0.55 m.; LH. 0.007 m. (heading), 0.006 m. (register). Ed. S. A. Koumanoudes, 'Aqivalov, V, 1876, p. 526; U. Koehler, I.G., II, 868; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1745.
[ o ] i
e Tr i
K a X X
TT p u
a v E I s a v e e E C a v ] 6 o u S a p X [ o v T o S ]
AOCro,Afis luveavSpiSrlS "Oitos 'AOrlvoKXis 'AvriScopoS Acop6O0[S]] 45
NtiKo6iaXos 30 K7EOTroiw0ros
'Arappicov FXacincov ArltOKpaTrS
caiSpiatSrs \AaKiaSai
'ApXioXoos NaucriKpaTrrs
OieEv 35
[B]ov0T&8at 'A-m67Xqrg K[Tr]rjatqxi$v (D0
60 [A]ovaiij TT[o]7Mii8os AioiOijs cDlht7r%rlSiS Ee6TvIos Xaptia8r51 40 20 TFpteioi8at "OpiYo& 'ApXio-rpcaros SEpyoiXfis 'AXap-r K-liooq)C0v X$v8poS 'Av-rtTiq[v] Koa?ia-rpcxroS vacat KcMA2a[p&]TnS cLDi?CRovi8rIs This register lists the demes of Qineis in columns according to trittyes, with the exception of Phyle, which appears with the city demes in Col. I, and the beginning of the long roster of Acharnai, which appears at the bottom of Col. II below the coastal demes. 18. Fragment of Hymettian marble (E.M. 8657), broken on all sides and badly damaged on the inscribed face, found in 1832 near the Church of Hagios Demetrios Katephores. Another fragment (E.M. 12431) belongs to the bottom of the same inscription. H. 0.13 in.; W. 0.40 i.; Th. 0.14 i.; LH. 0.011 m. Ed. K. S. Pittakys, L'ancienne Ath&*es, pp. 142-143; U. Koehler, LG., 11, 1003; J. Kirchner, I.G., 112,2384. KEKROPIS ca. med. saec. IV a. lacuna of 4(?) lines NON-7-TOIX.
ciW2cov Kkeivio
5 Xv-rrcuArr-rot
dating. 19. Base of Hymettianmarble(E.M. 10570),found on June 9, 1854, nr7.roiov-ro(iIturpayc6vov ro-i 'A8piaNear the middleof the top surfacethereis a largesemicircular you,Trp6S aOrroiij. v6Tiov7r?Mvp&v TAjv cutting, 0.06 m. in depth.Threedowel cuttingswith pour channelsare also in evidencein the samesurface,two toward the front and one towardthe back. H. 0.23 i.; W. 1.07 i.; Th. 0.89 i.; LH. 0.015 m. Ed. K. S. Pittakys,SEp.'ApX.,1854,No. 2320; U. Koehler,LG., II, 1174;J. Kirchner, LG., 112, 2821. a. 351/0a. in corona 6 8'fi~oS 5 7TOIX.
in corona
On the av2XoyeiC TOii SfiioK see R.E., s.v. 20aoyets; U. Koehler, Ath. Mitt., VII, 1882, pp. 103-108; J. Kirchner, LG., II2, 1257,and commenton No. 33. See also Introduction, p. 7.
20. Fragment of a large block of Pentelic marble (E.M. 8698), broken on the left, bottom, and back, but preserving part of the smooth-picked top and inscribed front and right faces. A crowning moulding, 0.13 m. in height, once ran across the front and along the right side of the block, but was broken off in a later re-use. H. 0.52 m.; W. 0.30 m.; Th. 0.20 m.; LH. 0.009 m. (phyle headings), 0.006 m. (demotics and bouleutai). Ed. U. Koehler, I.G., II, 1006; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 2377; the arrangement of Col. II is discussed by B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, pp. 207-208; cf. S.E.G., XXI, 589. BOULEUTAI Front Face
ca. a. 360-340 a.
[ 5
[- [--
[--ca. 6--]
ca. 9--]TO[---
[---[rT?-rTatveS] ?
[-ca. 3-4-].[[ ----]
? ['E]Trr[iei]K[f6ai]
[- ca.3-4-].[-------]
Aloxpai[os ------]
?------] eouy[VnS
Right Face
'I Trrroo vT .8S[os]
'Aptcrr[o]iGiSBS 'AptirovoI[vrros] I'rrovuia5s t>iXto-rio[v] 'AvaKatils
'Eq[----] 'ETl[]K'[al]s
s-'Av8poK 85[rl
-E6Els (line 40), though -ou is used consistently for the earlier-o, indicates a date in the second half of the fourth century. Aristomedes, in line 27, was probably trierarch before 356/5 (I.G., IP2, 1612, line 289), and Exekias,
The variety in the orthography, viz. demotics ending in -ESi(line 8), in -is (lines 26, 29 and 33), as well as in
in line 30, may be the son of that 'EQKeorros'ETKIOv'AvaKate(*s) who appears in a dedication dated by Kirchner med. s. IV a. (LG., II2, 2825, line 8).
21. Fragmentfrom the upperleft comer of a large Pentelicmarbleblock (E.M. 12995),with the smooth top
surface and part of the smooth left side preserved, but otherwise broken, found on May 24, 1937, in excavations by the American School on the North Slope of the Acropolis. A heavy crowning moulding, 0.135 m. in height,
on the face and left side. is preserved H. 0.335m.; W. 0.14 m.; Th. 0.27 m.; LH. 0.009m. (line 1), 0.005-0.006m. (lines2-6). Ed. R. Stroud,Hesperia, XLI, 1972,pp. 428-430, No. 60, photograph pl. 102. BOULEUTIC(?)LIST ca. a. 350 a. ' TOIX. 'EpEXOri[8os] AalTrr[Tp]iis
lacuna The general proportionsof this monument,as suggestedby the preserveddimensions,indicate that this The datingis fragment probablybelongsto a list of the whole counciland not simplyto a rosterof Erechtheis. basedon letter-forms and is confirmed of the demesman in line 4 (cf. P.A., 2876). by the identification
22. Fragment of a columnar stele of Pentelic marble (I 3798), with part of the curved inscribed surface only
found on March20, 1936,in a Byzantinecontext west of the Odeion(J 11). preserved, H. 0.148m.; W. 0.17 m.; Th. 0.04 m.; LH. 0.006m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967, pp. 226-227, No. 35, photograph pl. 60; S.E.G., XXIV, 165.
ca. med.saec. IV a.
5 [e]opa<ti>is
Twelve Gods and to Good Fortune at some time probablybefore 350 B.C.(I.G., II2, 4564, the only other occurrence of this rarenamein Attica).Thereis some doubt,however,concerning the restoration of the demotic Kolone here,since elsewhere this demehad two representatives lines (No. 44, 63-64). 23. Fragmentof Pentelicmarblefrom near the lower right cornerof a base, found in the wall of the Library of Hadrianduringexcavationsby the GreekArchaeological Societyin 1885,now lost. H. 0.40 m.; W. 0.48 m.; Th. 0.46 m. Ed. S. A. Koumanoudes,'Ep. 'Apx., 1886, cols. 11-12, No. 5; U. Koehler,L.G.,II, 5, 872b; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1744.
KXT-rov 20
['O]XuIrrioScopou [A]ioyvim
10 KaNXiabcrls
['ArroX]AcoviSTr (?) 15
[------] lacuna
of Lysaniasof Phrearrhioi, ownerof freedmen ca. a. 330 a. (I.G., II2, Lysanias,in line 6, may be the fatather
named 1567, line 10), while the prytanis in line 10 is probably the father of an ephebe, also listed as ?AoXay6s, Ka7aioaSouLOpeappios ECrrro\is ('ApX. 'Ep., 1918, p. 75, No. 95, lines 6 and 12; cf. also comment on p. 88) who served ca. 324/3. AKntipiOS AitouS (lines 11-12), along with his brother and three other doctors, was crowned by the demossometimebetween360 and 340 (LG.,II2, 4359; cf. S. Dow, Bulletinof the History of Medicine, The recording of the secretary at the bottom of Col. II suggests that the fragment itself belongs near the bottom of an inscription. The fragment may belong to a list of the whole council. The difference in length between Cols. I and II, if we have the bottom or nearly the bottom of the first column preserved, is approximately the difference in the number of demes between Leontis and Akamantis. None of the names in lines 17-20, however, can be identified positively with either of these two phylai. 24. Fragment of a stele of Pentelic marble (E.M. 8717), broken at the top and on the left and right sides, but preserving the original toothed bottom and rough-picked back, discovered by Pittakys in 1833 in a private house near the Monument of Lysikrates. H. 0.34 m.; W. 0.28 m.; Th. 0.105 m.; LH. 0.011 m. (line 1), 0.015 m. (lines 2 and 3). Ed. K. S. Pittakys, 'Eq. 'Apx., 1853, No. 1942; U. Koehler, I.G., II, 1185; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 2829.
XII, 1942,pp. 18-26). The transitionalorthography,-os for -ous in line 6, yet -ov in lines 8 and 20, accords well with a datingca. a. 350 a. for this inscription.
med.saec. IV a. in corona
NON-ZTOIX. in corona
oi 8[ro6-rTai]
p. 30 (= P.A., 15440). 25. Two joining fragmentsof Hymettianmarble(I 1108).The upperpiece, preserving part of the top with a
slanting rough-picked cutting, but otherwise broken, was found on December 24, 1934. The lower piece, broken on all sides but preserving a moulding 0.066 m. wide below the inscribed surface, was found on October 18,
1933.Both werediscovered in a modernhouse wall over the area of the Tholos (G 11-12).
H. 0.14 m.; W. 0.37 m.; Th. 0.172 m.; LH. 0.017 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XVI, 1947,p. 151, No. 42, photograph pl. XXV.
26. Fragmentfrom a base of Hymettianmarble(E.M. 8025), found on the Acropolis,broken at the bottom and right and cut at the back,but preserving left side. Theface was once crowned part of the top and inscribed with a moulding,0.05 m. in height,whichwas brokenoff in a later re-useof the block. H. 0.33 i.; W. 0.32 i.; Th. 0.135 i.; LH. 0.011 m. (heading),0.006 m. (lines6-25). Ed. U. Koehler,Ath. AMitt., VII, 1882,pp. 108-111;I.G., II, 871; J. Kirchner, I.G., 112, 1748.
PANDIONIS Front Face a. 348/7 a.
IT [ p v T 'a v e I S] E O ( i X o [ v ai p X o v -r o s ] a -r E cpa v co e 0 [ v - E s vJTrr T o 5i 6 'r I o V] ?r -ri s o u7 [ij K a i s di v i e E a a v ] TTuaavliciv K[vSaOrvaiicov-rpmKis] -rplT-rlI [Mvppivovaoiav-rpr'i5s]
[R]aiavilsiCxOimep0s a- ca. 3 - B]cppos Xcoa-rp6rrov [Tacxtavt]']s i.rr[i]vepe [A]rlJj.l6q7os Arll4---] Evoyaifs [I------? I
Left Side
ITavsiov [--- ca. 15i--- rdsv- Tro]TS [ISos pvMc-rats grraviac[t] i4nlpiaeOa]t
---ca. [-r6v TacljLfav Kaal [&p'ris EKcx
-S Qcxaev
'rfs StKato]o-nnvS
This inscription is unique in that it is the only preserved register in which the trittyes are actually mentioned, although there are a number of texts where the demes appear to be listed to a great extent according to trittys (Nos. 44, 47, and probably also 13). The inscription is also important as the earliest example of a decree (lines 18-25) honoring one of the members of the prytany, probably the treasurerfrom the deme Oa. 27. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 2346), broken away behind and at the left, found on February 1, 1935, in a modern context over the southern part of the Odeion (M 12). The top surface is smooth and has a corner of a rough-picked angular cutting. The right side and bottom are dressed with a toothed chisel. H. 0.098 i.; W. 0.17 i.; Th. 0.27 i.; LH. 0.018 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXIII, 1954, pp. 250-251, No. 29, photograph pl. 54; S.E.G., XIV, 113. saec. IV a.
ITpvT&rdV]Ets [vv]
28. Fragmentof Pentelic marble (I 1084), with the top surfacepreserved,but otherwisebroken, found on 2, 1934,in a marblepile southeastof the Stoa of Zeus (I 7). January
H. 0.048 m.; W. 0.082 m.; Th. 0.027 m.; LH. 0.009 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, VII, 1938,p. 93, No. 13, photograph p. 93. ANTIOCHIS saec. IV a. NON-rTOIX.
June 17, 1937,in a marblepile on the north side of Kolonos Agoraios.A projecting band above the text has also been brokenaway.
H. 0.095 m.; W. 0.115 m.; Th. 0.052 m.; LH. 0.01 m. in line 1 and 0.007 m. in lines 2-4. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXVI, 1957, p. 217, No. 69, photograph pl. 55; S.E.G., XVII, 43.
29. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 4973), with part of the left side preserved, but otherwise broken, found on
The lettersin line 1 may belong to an archon or secretary, but they do not suit the usual formulaein such headings.
30. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble(I 4509), found on February10, 1937,in a Byzantine contextin a pit beneath Wall (T 24). AcropolisStreetat the west face of the Post-Herulian
H. 0.125 m.; W. 0.16 m.; Th. 0.053 m.; LH. 0.01 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXIII, 1954, p. 251, No. 30, photograph pl. 53; S.E.G., XIV, 114.
post med.saec. IV a.
? --------] [oti rrpuT&rve irr6 TrS povufiS] aTrE6avco[e0vTeS Kai 'rou 6i[liov Xpvauo'i orTep&vcoi] --] aPr?TfiS ve[Ka
lacuna 31. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble(I 2363), brokenon the right and left sides, bottom, and back, but with part of the rough-picked found on February top preserved, 2, 1935in the wall of a modem well south of the Tholos (G 12).
H. 0.26 m.; W. 0.10 m.; Th. 0.10 m.; LH. 0.008 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, pp. 38-39, No. 48, photograph pl. 11; S.E.G., XIX, 151.
9 --]UCTrTrro
9--]eKA[--] ca. 7 -- 'Aar]uqpo[u]
vacat The prosopography confirmsthe date. Astyphilosin line 13, the son of Philagros,is well known in the first to Aphrodite half of the fourthcentury B.C.,as councillor (I.G.,II2,2820,line 5), and as (No. 7, line 7), as dedicant orator of a decreeof Halai (I.G., II2, 1175, line 1). He should also probablybe identifiedwith Astyphilos III, 1934,pp. 2-3, No. 3). (Hesperia,
who proposed two Athenian decrees, one dated 378/7 (L.G., II2, 42; cf. P.A., 2662-2664), and the other 373/2
32. Base of Hymettian marble (E.M. 8047), preserved on all sides, but damaged at the upper right corner and
obliquelyacross the face, found on the Acropolis.A large cutting, 0.30 m. in length, 0.23 m. in width, and 0.07 m. in depth,intendedfor the dedicatory in the top. statue,is preserved H. 0.37 m.; W. 0.64 m.; Th. 0.47 m.; LH. 0.009 m. (heading),0.006m. (register),and 0.015m. (citations). Ed. P. Foucart,B.C.H., XIII, 1889, pp. 346-354; A. (H. G.) Lolling, 'Apx. AEAriov, 1889, pp. 18-19; U. Koehler,IG., II, 5, 871 b; J. Kirchner, IG., II2, 1751. PANDIONIS
-----vr s]
TOU' 8i
0 ou]
5 ANG[-ca.7-8--].. o
[ ----][EU].[Ev]osEU[- ca. 3 -][-] ToXunfi Opao Epavp6Xo[v]
[]---[.]E[--ca. 9 --]o[v]
[Ai]npiA8ou 4A[icpt]i8rls
NIKica Aloqavous
XapTvos Xapiou
AuvilaXos Auvaiicivov
10 GovKi.fs OeoyEvovs 30 'ApltorapXov AIx.uaAiXrls XaipcrrpaTros XatcpETrpTrro(u)'AyyeXEt?T 'EKcpavros 'Ayvofou E*qpa&vcop EOtppaiou 'EiTilXovu TpoKAXeiS-s 'Epv.oyEvrls MevEKp&arous 15 XaprlsXaprTalou 35 Kv[0ipp]l[oi] AiaXivou AiOroKparriT Kai.[i]T-r[ovS] Mvroniy.[vr]s 'Palis AO66OTOS AIoyEvous 'AVTwnCavr1S 'ApiaTropavovsTpa1oaiii vacat E'rr6XECAios EOSrlIos MaKapicos
(liXOXcapris O)AXoKuB5ou[S] n[vaoCa]v[ioa]S [-ca. 6--]5
'rETpavov EcbjptXos
'i65s[rlp]os 'laoSfioilou ovs 'AptCrroKAfis 'lepoKA 55 'Apx[i]as 'ApEoiov 'AvSpoiSris Olha&ypou Aicovos AIOKXfis
[Tl]poc3aiaioi T6qpavos ArltOXiov
KcAAlKA'jS O)pvcovoS
"Ev6Siios EU.Srml8ov
EviOuvEiSou ToXllaTos 'Awlou OeoyEvrs
Right Side
i p1ouXA i.e. demoticsin -is (lines 17, 31, 38, 42) but the genitiveending in -ou (the The transitionalorthography,
patronymic in line 11 has been curtailed), together with the lettering and most of the prosopographical connections,l1 suggests a date somewhat later than the middle of the fourth century. The most important item of prosopography, however, would indicate a dating toward the end of the fourth century, for the prytanis in line 51, Teisamenos, son of Pythionikos, of Kydathenaion, appears again on the bouleutic list of 304/3 (No. 61, line 69).
Unless we assume an identically-named grandson,this bouleutesmust have been very old duringhis second termon the Council.
33. Fragment,probably of a marble stele, used as a paving block in the Karyaes monastery at the foot of Hymettos. Ed. A. Boeckh, C.I.G., 132, from a transcript by M. Fourmont; U. Koehler, I.G., II, 1341, and J. Kirchner,
I.G., II2,3202, both from a transcript by L. Ross. a. 344/3a. lacuna corona in corona AuKi i-rri PpovuXAi
CKO &p)(OVTOS in corona [oi OavUo]yeiT 3 in corona
in corona oi [..... ]
in corona
oi 5rlop6rat 8
in corona
ol aulTrrp-rTa
This elaborateseries of wreathsbelongedto the prytanydedicationof an unknownphyle. The readingin line 1 comes from the Fourmonttranscription. It is very possiblethat the letterin line 3 which Ross read as and not [ol ira]Trsis as restored pi was in fact gammaand the officialscited here were ol aouMoyeis TOi 65iTjiov and hippeis(cf. the texts relatingto the hipparchsand phylarchspublishedby J. Threpsiades and E. Vanderpool, AA-r., XVIII, 1963, pp. 103-111, Nos. 1 and 2), the syllogeis belong more naturallyin an inscription honoringthe prytaneis (No. 19, and I.G., II2, 1257). See Introduction, p. 7. 34. Base of Eleusinian limestone(E.M. 10609),composedof manyjoining fragments, found in 1860duringthe of the Churchof Hagios DemetriosKatephores near the ancientAgora. The block is inscribedon dismantling the face (side A), and on the left (B), and right(C) sides.
11 The brother or cousin of the prytanis in line 14 was trierarch in 323/2 (I.G., II2, 1632, line 67); the son of the prytanis in line 16 may have been ephebe in 305/4 (I.G., II2, 478, line 37); and Stephanos of Probalinthos, in line 59, was probably diaitetes in 325/4 (I.G., II2, 1926, line 49).
by Ross and printed in the Corpus by Kirchner. Although there is an obvious connection between the phyletai
Ed. S. A. Koumanoudes, LiXlio-rcop, I, p. 190; U. Koehler,I.G., II, 114;J. Kirchner, I.G., II2,223. The text of side C, lines 1-9, appearsin Hesperia, X, 1941,p. 44. a. 343/2a. For SidesA and B the text of the is not repeatedhere. Corpus Side C:
[ypallaT]r] ?[v]s KarTa Tr[pUTa]vE?av' KXe6oarparoS TtioaOevous AlylXtiES C aTa' ?Tri T& yti Arli6jpiXoS nTTavTraXEOVTos 'AypuXF0Ev i-rr T6O ecoplKO6
ca. 90 NON-"TOIX.
Bae0AXou 'EpXitEvs (v aUTCOi KoAcos Kcia StKaSios eTrrEv'tEMI EOSo.os KnrrcElSijr fi povu? Bp&XvuAos Trpoa[f'ra{Ev] j oK'ooJp{aS CI TI T OV TrprTavecov -rTOv &di rprTaveJ6vTcov Kal TrqSTrs 5itOiKio',cS Tpt OUtf Kca TriS s8itT[&XEav Ta] pAT-rnota aCUppouXEVcv,[8]ES6X0ea-rTf povuAfi wrralvara EvSojov OeayyAou uvrrairTT-ov&pTrijs Kal StKat] ?[v6Ka Kal o-rEqavCocat arrTovXpvUXaci oTrEavcoi dTr6 : ?: SpaX.t"ov wrrESav ras ooiV0 S TrfSEiST'V PouXhriv TOS &p] EU[0vas 8io 8-r Trcv pouVJUTCv. Elva[i 6'] aOTCrl Kai rrapa TOU6[IIMO]U y)pltov Elvatlels Tv o-rpavov Trap'[&K]ao-rou [E'po0ai d&yaO6vTrt&v] 15 [86]vrilTa. avacyppayat6e -r6O -r TOy9iql"Jt a s1il T6] &v&6rOia T'rs ovoXfi[s 'rijs rrl 7vooS]6TOU &pXovwros' KalT-rv] [eI] [86 T-rvavaypaq>hv
[Tro]lnv T[------------------------------------]
[ [------------------------------------lacuna
I ]
The new readingin line 16 is based on an examination of the Princetonsqueeze. 35. Fragmentof a circularbase of black Eleusinian limestone(I 2003), with part of the bottom, which shows and smoothtop preserved, but otherwisebroken,found on September roughanathyrosis, 20, 1934. H. 0.101m.; Est. Orig.D. 0.425m.; LH. 0.011m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, X, 1941,p. 40, No. 7, photograph p. 40. KEKROPIS a. 343/2a. NON--TOIX.
36. Fragmentof marble, seen by M. Fourmont "Athenis,in loco monasteriiCyrianiappendice,"now lost. The monasteryis better known as Kaisarianion the slope of Mt. Hymettos(R. Chandler,Travelsin Greece, 1776,pp. 145-146). Ed. A. Boeckh, C.I.G., 183; U. Koehler,I.G., II, 870; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1747.
v &viO
a v --]
lacunaof 9 lines 20
[rapy]frTTioI [E]iavT-rou M?ya[K]Xfis
'Avriyivrns 'Avrtrcbpo
AtovUoos 'HcalToriovoS
ATrlJOX&PTS Xapivou MsvcarpaTroS Trp&rcavos 40
[A]uvo'rKfjs OpaavpEvouS
5 KuvavTriBa
0E6voT-ro[s] eEoPvo1riaTou
['lco]vi[8]a [Xp]virS (DXo(I)or>Tio ['E]rrnlyvr1s 'AvpoKAtovU ['A]aites NIK1lpaTos NiKOKparOS 10 'AVTIKpTrqS ?caAxvo E'rroXis 'AppiXEco NlKOplVOS 'EImKp&TrrnS [ZcOKpd&Tns "Appcovos 15 [Clr]yalFEs
'Aliv[i]as AECOK58ouS NauCvoirpaTosMeyaKMos p.o rTTOXhVeOs [z]iK
nvtxas nTueiTrro
O(XAoKparous 'Apuvv6pa)Xos 'Apaqmvioi 30
[ .... lTToXKpacTrrl ]vous
noAvKp6rrisToXu[E]lnTroU The missing demes of Aigeis are as follows (bouleutic representation in parentheses): Erchia (6), Ikarion (4),
at the tops of Teithras(4), Erikeia(1), Hestiaia(1), Diomeia(1), Myrrhinoutta (1), and Otryne(1). The lacunae the columnscan be filled only as follows: Erchiaand one smalldemein one column,Ikarionand two other small demes in another,and Teithrasand the remainingtwo small demesin the third,thoughit is uncertain to trittyes.12 whichbelong to whichcolumnsincethe registeris not arranged according The transitional orthography (in the genitiveendings-o is almostas commonas -ou and demoticsterminate The prosopography in -js, -illS, and -us) suggestsa date nearthe middleof the fourthcentury. providesa more of 367/6(Hesperia, in 351/0(I.G.,II2,205,line 4) andhis fatheris knownfroma poletaiinscription tany secretary with the diaitetesof X, 1941,p. 16, No. 1, line 16); and the prytanisin line 10 is veryprobablyto be identified quemof 355/4 for the presenttext. More important,the prytanisin line 21, Deinostratos,son of Deiniades,of Ankyle, was orator of a decreeand almost certainlycouncillorin 343/2(I.G., II2, 223A, line 4). Eitherthis is anotherinstanceof a demesman's twiceon the councilor, moreprobably,the presentinscription belongs serving
to 343/2. 37. Fragment of a large block of Hymettian marble (I 483), broken on all sides and at the back, found on Feb325/4 (I.G., II2, 1926, line 34). The prosopographical evidence, as Raubitschek shows,13 provides a terminuspost accurate dating: the prytanis in line 4 was prytanis again in 341/0 (No. 38, line 17); the prytanis in line 7 was pry-
ruary23, 1933,in a modem wall north of the westernpart of the MiddleStoa (I 12).
H. 0.187 m.; W. 0.315 m.; Th. 0.315 m.; LH. 0.007 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, III, 1934, p. 63, No. 54, drawing p. 63; A. Wilhelm, Abh. Ak. Berlin, No. 20, 1939, pp. 7-8; A. E. Raubitschek, Hesperia, XI, 1942, pp. 305-306; for line 3, P. Roussel, B.C.H., LVIII, 1934, p. 91,
This text belongs to the same year as No. 36 (cf. commentary for date). It preserves part of the roster of the officers of the boule. The last name, Metrodoros or Metrodotos, was a slave of the council (cf. No. 62, lines 10-
18, and No. 72, lines 5, 67, 83, 211, and 266).
12Gomme onepossible in The in theFifthandFourth Centuries B.C.,1933, p. 57,note1. suggests arrangement Population ofAthens
13Hesperia,XI, 1942, p. 306.
marble(E.M. 10517),composedof twojoiningpieces,preserved on all sidesand inscribed 38. Baseof Hymettian on the front,left, and right,foundin 1881builtinto the foundations of a privatehousenearthe LittleMetropolitan in Athens.In the top is preserved a largeellipticalcutting,0.64 m. in length,0.51 m. in width,and 0.10 m. in intended for a statue. dedicatory depth,
H. 0.46 m.; W. 0.78 m.; Th. 0.78 m.; LH. 0.016 m. (heading), 0.005 m. (register and decrees).
Ed. A. Hauvette-Besnault, B.C.H., V, 1881,pp. 361-371; E. Gollob, Wiener Studien, III, 1881,pp. 209-218; U. Koehler,I.G., II, 872; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1749.
a. 341/0 a.
U apXovT-[os]
av p ET S Ev Ka
A y i
v T -r E a V 5i Kai K 1I
o a v oi
u OU o
s KC
5 eappias Oappia&ou
TipoKPITos TipOKpaTous
os AvorlroAl6 AuvcapaoXirs
KuBiaS AuoaiKpaTOuS
Xalpcas lTapapjeuou FTpaaioueou [(c]OXapXos
ECXEf85ou 'Apto-roqavrWs
'ApXEvacTou 'ApXevaTrrns 'Epa-rcov'EpaTicovos
Ka?aialou EevoKA[?]rS
OtoKXEouv Ai68copoS( MEtIias'Hycraiou S OlAo)tlKTSos XpiKpiaC 'Ap[E]oiaSrTauaiou
AlovitUaos 'Hyaolri
['A]piyvcoTOS Bapupiou
TTooi'SinToS KoXXiKPa&ous
KoaRlipiSrl 'ApXpa'XOU
Tslep&aaoi AoaOevin Ario(p-ro[s] Arpi?tA0os Arn oKXEioS
T[poevi8ov TTpoKAEiS6rS
IlAai;ai OaeayrllS
XatpEqpcv Opa6covos
"AEtS Ecooia'Sou
TACoeES Xalpiou [A]rqpo-r[p]rrou Xaipicta Arp6"crpraTOS 'IcoviSal 'OTpuvvE 'II]OovEcoS (tClAvoS Mrlly\i[s OeEoScpov 'EpIKEEiT 'Ewr aivETou 'ETcrapiEvcov
'AyKuAXf0v EvPiosEVPto6Tou
Acop6eoS Oeeobpou
MeAr!xiJou MeAri'Cm7TrrTos eiTrev&pr|pi{eoai TroTS ? ECTriaioeev TapIas ypuAralS, F1rrE8i' CIoaeirTrros [9]appias 'EpXt*ies &TrF0rrUerrep -TCVwrprTavE [K]a[i 6iKal]COS T'rapEvae-r[o]T[s] UMT-r[alS] Kac Tra iEpa& ['ri]s (pujs KaoCokS v a[pEr?T]srvxK[a Kcl 6i]KatooivvTrsT'rS wTrpi Tro5SwTrpTaVEr [cov] o'ca st TivoeIvat, w'rrav[Coat aC]To] [Kali crrE]a[vCo]cTat ea[A[ o Cr-r]e[q]a6v[Co]i
Left Side s 'lKapties EiTrrev ETiE181KCaacoS 'Apti-roqavrw T]oTS Qv[X]?ETaisTCaiV?Coai, EpyrqpioCa[t K[a(i 5]IKa'iAo[s]
80 TrTv copPE1[(v] TriSoCTVu oyiS TOi 8?iiou Kcal rfis 5[t]aco66 <co>ST-rV ovvp36cov Kai ETr6rciaav rrE??Xie'orjaav aO'roUv apeTrqiS TroI5 EvEKa KaciSKailOavr1S TrqS EiSTOUS(q)ATaS Kai ao-rEqavcoaai (U7Tv-rat, ETralVEo'ai eKacoTOV o'jUTCV eaOco7 o-rTq)avcoIt pETiS EVEKOa KaCi stKaCiooivrjSTrS EiSVTV cpuXiv.
6 8fio
s Right Side
hr 'ApI-ro[q)]avrjv raitvCat EOKAEi8[o]u 8[iKatoo] 'IKapiea [Ali6coposF]apy'rrrtosElEV' 90 [v]rs Sv6[a] Trfis crEp&vcoi erlv A[i]yalSa uvi?lvKai oMEcavcocaiaUTOv ES 0aKMoui
Theregister lacksone name,usuallyassignedto Ionidaiin the spaceat the bottomof the firstcolumn.Although to 343/2,it had only one counin No. 36, whichhas beenassignedtentatively this demehad two representatives cillor in No. 42, dated by Charitonides to 336/5, and the prytanismissing in the presentinscriptionmay well belongto anotherdeme(cf. J. A. O. Larsen,Cl. Phil., LVII, 1962,pp. 105-106). of a monumentof Hymettian 39. Fragment marble (I 6254),brokenon the left side, and at the top, bottom,and of but the smooth back, preserving part right side, found on December27, 1949among stones gatheredin the north centralsection of the Agora, many of which came from the marbledumpof stones from the Long Late RomanWalleast of the Panathenaic Waynear the northend of the wall (N 7). Below the inscriptionis part of an engraved crown. H. 0.29 m.; W. 0.185 m.; Th. 0.13 m.; LH. ca. 0.007 m. Ed. G. A. Stamires,Hesperia, XXVI, 1957,pp. 236-243, No. 95, photograph pl. 61; S.E.G., XVII, 44.
AKAMANTIS NON-TOIX. ca. a. 340 a. ? [TTpooTrrartoi] [--: --]vov .:X]alipcorpraT[ou] [--5 Auaaviou [----]S: : 'ApXivov [ ... ].r1s [OopiK]iot
[IE]fKv0os: 'ETrrT-rXous [O]ouKPiTrijS: KaAXLou Aiovv(cr>ios : Ka7calSou [O]kao : nrlT8aicovos [E]Ks(5iTISq: Eueiou [---- e : ]Eoaq)vTov
: Eevcov8ou ['Av]TlynvrrS
[TT6]pioi 15
[M] Vrlo'KiiS: '
Stamires dates this inscription ca. a. 340 a. on the basis of the lettering, interpuncts, orthography, and, most important, prosopography. The Smikythos in line 8 may be identified with the property owner at Laureion ca. a. 338/7 (?) a. (Hesperia, XIX, 1950, p. 222, No. 9, line 13, and p. 265, No. 20, line 50). Thoukritides, son of Kallias, of Thorikos, in line 9, was secretary of the epistatai from Eleusis in 332/1-329/8 (I.G., II2, 1544, line 10). The
(I.G., II2, 237, line 2, and 238, lines 5-6). The restorationof the demoticin line 7 is certain,though it givesThorikosone more representative than it normallyhad in this period.
40. Upper part of a small stele of Pentelic marble (I 3679), with the original sides, top, and smooth-finished back preserved, found on March 3, 1936, in a Byzantine context west of the Odeion (K 11). A moulding, 0.036 m. in
man in line 18 has been identified with much probability by Stamires as the secretary Kacrd& -rpvravefav of 338/7
height,crownedthe stele. H. 0.135 m.; W. 0.169 m.; Th. 0.042 m. (at left), 0.052 m. (at right);LH. 0.004 m. Ed. M. Crosby,Hesperia, VI, 1937,pp. 461-462, No. 9, photograph p. 461. AIANTIS a. 339/8a. NON-ZTOIX.
5 [rri Auana]]Xi6ou &pXovroSoTS6 KaT're ---- ]?l:H 1 vacat [oVav
[--- ][--
This tiny stele could hardlyhave containedthe namesof all fiftyprytaneis of Aiantis;probablyit is a private
dedication set up by a limited number of the phyle's representatives (cf. No. 1, and commentary). The formulae
house wall.
H. 0.25 m.; W. 0.135 m.; Th. 0.39 m.; LH. 0.015 m. Ed. G. Oikonomos, 'ApX. 'Ep., 1911, pp. 236-237, photograph p. 237; J. Kirchner, LG., II2, 2833.
a. 339/8a.
[Ot]vt8o[s TrrpvVr&vts d&vOoaav] [ol] .rrl Au[oaticaxiou &(pXovros] Tr5spou\XvS [vt]Kficav[Tes rrT6 Kal] [TOu]Si'o[v oreQavcoOvreS....]
[...]Tu[ ---------]
lacuna on all sides, thoughdamagedat the edges and at severalpoints 42. Largebase of Hymettian marble,preserved
on the faces, found in the spring of 1956 during excavations at No. 7 Hadrian Streeet built into the wall of a Byzantine house. The base, which now stands behind the storeroom of the Greek Archaeological Service in the Library of Hadrian, is inscribed on three sides and preserves cuttings for the feet of a statue on the top. H. 0.49 m.; W. 0.50 m.; Th. 0.52 m.; LH. 0.015 m. (heading), 0.01 m. (tribal headings), and 0.005 m. (registers). Ed. S. Charitonides, Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 30-57, photographs pls. 7, 8; S.E.G., XIX, 149; the dating of
15 'lpcov 'AypvAEis Aao'ntr ros ;
2caor7rro, S
'AvT"qyios O)Iyoocioi
IS 'lCoKp'rrl Teiaav8pcxS
roS A[nra]iV?^
] OIhXTv]o[s
?K KoXcovov
)0 1C Olirrrros
135 TTaiavifis
TnovuapKnr OavoKr.1 s lcoo-eivqbs
140 cA-rTa6rs
[....]paxos [(OtrX6v]rXos
le[]rlpri's [Xa]tp
70 [Aiop,e]IS [Tltaac]iOos
['Apa]grilvioi K!gcov
iC )5
75 [Oil]yalfii
OeTroUCtc1 )S
Ai1a8'sTis Xaptva'Srl s
NiKavSpos AioxvuAiSrl5
['n]oouKpaTrls ['y] Mupivoirrs
80 [N]EoTrr67ECios [TEl]epaloit 11 .5
'Apiorr65rllos 'EpXtii
180 Oouvpavls
185 7'rapi-is
XapiSli|oS OE6rowrrwos
120 Fapyl'rTT1io TpoKbris Apopo,Xirls KAE6Kprros
OTve6aos A?coKPaTSris
['A]YKu[xE]i|s Aicov Al{y
zbo"r[pa]Tr.os [ I]KapOi[s]
90 neie[cov]
125 'IcoviSat
'Apioroy'vrls nTpopcOaXaIot
'Apif-rapXos Aloafis
[. .]coV ['Ayv]6.Oos
95 [Ko7vurfl]s
[...Ioiis [...7....]is [... 7 ....]s. [p1o7Mi]iTrTrros s [... 6...]o
[Ku]6avTriSa [K]aXXrAi-n5
TTnvoK. is 'AVTrpfSro
I>av6owpaTos Right Side
AKAMANTIAtO 265 OopiKioi 'AWtoOcrioi is XoXapy AlovWcios Tllmov,is E3irptO65r1os vos 'Aelv68copoS 'AptoIroawrs 11po'p 235 GEo6yvrTros 300 MvrclIKpaTsrr TEoapcX1piS?s XoAfiSat 'Ayvo6SnIpos Ava(poov 270 KaMtAiyavri Oe?yyEXos 'I!to"t&nSat XapiSripos MoXo'r-rr6 KECpaiEtis EiTEaot Ai.aXiSat 'IrrTrapx<l>6TlS 240 NlKc 305 KAe6pou7Xos os ()licriSlS rTrpacrr KaMi=laxos 'Ilpoq)ov 275 'ETcaypos Tlatovi5al AqroKXidrSr S<pr|TTiOI
210 <OpeappioI
'EpyopgVlS 'Ay6aapXos ?
TtzoKAfis EOuvKparrMs
'AvrtIXaprs A14IapXos
215 Naucrio-paTros 'Apxc-rrpacros AOKn<v 250
KaXtlqtios XalpESqros AvaiuilS TTpocnrra-Tio 'Ipo(iC)v
cOlXoKXis rasura 220 EKaiP3oovi56at 'ApX?'aTrpaTos Kcal?aa'5rS 'Apx.XTpaToS Kil-rTrot 225 MeNavcoTiSris
K< Kepapkov
KcAcias o6o0'iros
'AvspogEvfiS K6atlcrXpos
'ETt[Kp]&CTrs TitcovirSIs
EUO&yyEXos E6xmEtpi5rlS
.a[ []ias
but brokenat the top. H. 1.48 m.; W. 0.90 m.; Th. 0.10 m.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. J. Kirchner, Ath. Mitt., XXIX, 1904,pp. 244-253; .G., II2, 1700; cf. Hesperia,X, 1941, p. 44, for lines
43. Large stele of Pentelic marble (E.M. 10553), preserved at the bottom, back, and at the left and right sides,
80 'AOT[v]6oco[p]os TToXOScopos 115 OouyEvou Noupvirviou
'AXtloairot D[i]Xcov [..s. ..]oci[ov]
[.... ]uAou
5 Tlue6oSrI7os
30 [---]Xou
[---]ou [----]os
'Api[a]rcov 'E[c]Tr[a]iTs 'ApXo'rpa'ros 10 'Apicrocovos nToo(SiTTrrros 'ApuuvavSpou TTepyaCEiss 35 KcA[X]uK[p]raou novTTouricov 65 noTToXKo KTi'rlTrrrOS 'OTpuvEiS 'AyvoSilluou EO'rrupi6ai 'ApXaorpacros NiKOCTrparTO 90 Aucavixas MvraapXi8o 15 cDicovi8ou Auai&Sou 125 'EpIKetTS KT'rEipOKfi 40 Xauip68nos T-EpyacrTs K-Mcifvos 'ANXKIIpaXiSis Xacpecrrparou 70 KrqlrooScbpou KpreIcos BaTcrrS KoXcoviJES 'Apia-roycov 'HymEwPXou KMEcovvui[8r5 95 Eupqios 'AvSpoKQIs 'Apioro5i5j6o 20 cIoKioviSou 'Apitor6AEco AiCXivnS 'ApltoroqKrVTOS130 OTJyoucalot 45 KuSav-ricSa KaXfltiuS5ou 'AvTiyEvri 2wrivcOov 75 TTaiaviais Kaeit (DatSpopalXo ArWLoKiosS AaCeSovVTO XoAeiTSca rTparcov OEtdXEcos 100 EO0eiSIKoS Orni(aK6ES KciYrTpaTrou 25 EJOrriTTro vacat 135 tOeioorp&Trou Oepa'iTlrrou ruveirnrro 50 Thcof1is 'ApKE(pov vacat MeiScovo Eo66copos vacat T7oT,lUlOl UlTrV 105 'OvoiLIaKAE1iS AlOP2ETS 'Apilivrlcoro 'Ovo<aKpiTOU
TiOoKpamTis [... .......]o TE?<Ka>covos nrpooTrrrt&rio 85 GcbpaE Nauoaias 120 NatucnKp&Tov A<6oqpovos NiKoT-rpaTro E0pqXloS NitKaSou EOprIXNtaCou
'AvSpoCErvqrs ArLoKpa&TOU AhKaios AIKaCIou 'ATrroAX6copos
"EppIs1o Xapias
ElpeaiSai GO6opios Xapcaiou
85? lines
including 13 demotics
['Esuaviviot ?] [---]os lacuna of [---]Nou [---]pou 10? lines 140 "Ayvcov Neo[K]X[{EI]rs [---]os 'AyvcovI8ou 160 npo[]vou uTrcrairTTioi 'Err[iK]o*pou O?oyEvrls TllX7erou AOTr6povAos 180 EcooiorpcrraOS Mivcovos MvralKp[&]Trls AO-roao6ou 200 145 AUCoKp6'rovS ECOe-rparos Obcrrpa'ros 165 MiK{fcvos EivoliSrs EOiuS5riov Euvopicovos OpaovXfis 185 epaclAXou rEvvaioS XalpTlrios AeiorTouv (DCAKtIaSri Xaipilvous TT'OUViKOv 205 EOaivrTOS 150 TTepieoTISa Alovvuco8o-ro ATqpoKpa&TlS 170 Arqaivt'rou nTvOap&dTov 'Aplo-roKp6crovs Xaipt'rTros ArTOK^KovU 190 'AvaKaCfiS IcborparTOS AatiStcSai Oih6oipppoTro 155 MVcrIoIcaXOS Ot1kOK7OUg nawriTtlis epaacov Novu9p&ovs 175 AeStEvou vacat vacat Opav-uri5Sou 195 (OiXcov
(DXio[--] (L\o[--]
-?VO ?OV[S]
Kcavo?a o[s]
225 AioXyiUos
NEOKAEiSov vacat 'Axp8ooaios
'AvrTtiivrs 'ApiaropivousTEiOp&acos
'Apitoro&vrwlS &varypaygES 'Ipcov*iou TEiOpCa&no Tr& 230 Trri Wpriq{cicaTa Kpi-rcov 'EptiSKOUMapaOcbvIos &v-rypaq)Es TTlo-roAiTnS TTicroybvous'Ava(pXorios -rapiasTriTt AioyEvisAloyLvovMEXITEir pouXfji KfipuvAiocov AtoaV&wro'Atpivaios
muchsince Kirchner's and the text printedhereis The surfaceof this inscription has deteriorated publication The bottoms of all ten columnsare preserved andtheirrelative his with a fewminorcorrections. lengths,which Thesecomputations showthat dependon the numberof demoticslistedfor eachphyle,can easilybe observed. and Oineis, and two in both Aigeis and Hippothontis, one tiny deme in each of Erechtheis failed to send representatives to the Council in 335/4. By the same reasoning Antiochis may have been served by two additional
unknowndemes,unlesswe assumean irrationaluninscribed space of two lines in the upper, unpreserved part of the tenth column.
44. Monumentcomposedof two blocksof Hymettian marble.The upperblock, a, whichcontainsthe heading, consistsof threejoiningpieces(E.M. 8966, 8967, and 8968),brokenat the left andbackbutpreserving the original top, right side, and bottom, and was discovered in 1851builtinto a housealongthe west side of the Agora. The lower block, b (E.M. 10589),containingthe registerand citations, is completelypreserved and was found in the Post-Herulian Wall duringexcavationsby the German Institutein 1878-79.The associaArchaeological
tion of the two blocks was first proposed by U. Koehler (later confirmed by G. Klaffenbach). The lettering is certainly by the same hand and both probably belong to the same year, but there is some question concerning the physical relationship between a and b, i.e. the construction of the monument as a whole, for (1) the upper block (ca. 0.90 m. in width, if fully preserved) is much too wide for the lower (0.56 m. in width) without even the simplest moulding to form a transition; and (2) although the lowerblock has a top surface and a lead-filled dowelcutting suitable for a superimposed block, no such corresponding cutting appears on the bottom of the upper block. a: H. 0.15 m.; W. 0.85 m.; Th. 0.15 m.; LH. 0.01 m. b: H. 0.81 m,; W. 0.56 m.; Th. 0.38 m.; LH. 0.006 m. (register); 0.01 m. (citations).
a: Ed. K. S. Pittakys et al. 'Errtypaczqa &v68roTOi t Kal TOV rr6o 5cTotcai &vaKaXKuvqOI?oa &pXatoXoytKOU bv Tco!ca al8iov Aouvlis 'rT -rs Athens, 1851, wrrporov 'Enrrypacpai olKqc auAX6you. pup &vacxuKvqpeTaia, No. 44 (repeated by M. H. E. Meier, Commentatio Epigraphica, Halle, 1852, from a copy of the publication
b: Ed. U. Koehler, Ath. Mitt., IV, 1879, p. 97, and I.G., II, 869. Both fragments were edited by J. Kirchner,
NON-XTOIX. corona r fiS 'rri KT qrla[KAXO US a]PXOVTOS ouvX.[s Kal] Troii 68 ouv
o] oa VT S 'AXcoaTEKfiS V K a K al i t Ka[ 25 Alyiliis
b 'Av ,aAOatorol 5 'lep 'IEpcovos oKAfij 'Ep NauIKOISo aTOr6oTrparoS KvoS o)tXoX6pov
AKi pilrploS TT'vi'IT7rOr
EEpaTrrrov 30 Evitrrrros ['A: ]rro7X6OScpoS 'OAUHwrriXov 10 'En 'AMEt&Sov O)aElSiou rlKpnrrls 'ApX8rip[o]s Oec xy vris'AKEa&vSpov Oopaiis [$]IltaiytiSs AEcoKri8o KAEav6piSrBs KE&avSpou 1Tai XaplwKAfs 'A0rlvocbpou jcaviacsepaccnAov 35 !)iXoKXfisBfacovos pr'rptos KcaMIrrrro 15 'ApplrrporTalris XapwKAiis Aic Ato>Kjfis'hiapXi8ou rcATT?avis Ala rXOXos 'Apxkptos 'ApXEvarrou AIcaXrOou BrB ocals Aelctaiou 'HyriaicXcoS Kri rvicpcovos plcrorpcaTro 'ApX)i[o]v 40 [X]aipaTrpaTos 20 'Ap ntoreOs GEoTrroi6rou KA'Eo1rEriS GEoy?voU 'Arnlvrs TIp6OoSpIlKpiou Kac?iov 'ApanoarToSaaS KrllvaoSilov Kriqfiaos Fvd ietos ECOpqnt-rov O680oToS rvaeOov 45 ypacl1iaTrs Euq pifXnroS Tijs Po<u>AS
Kai TOU 8p,ou npov&Trrsnpogvou Tnpoa'rr&iXos
?DiXl6OEvoS VTOS -EvopO, >VOs AoyvriS AioyeTro viov AiTropcoVTrir5 Ae1 Iteov XaiporpaTros EOU .... v,]ros 'AvTiraXo[s 55 'Av-ripCv 6XAcovos SIOU xvou GE6oScopos 'AVTldp6 NiKCov 'ApxivoY 'Aq06vros ()a&[vrli ]roe[s] ITO[S] KMcov [At ?]ay6pou vacat 60 Kpicoii e)6oqTXos Xatpfou
h povuh
oi qvU-Tat
Thereis an obviousattemptin this registerto groupthe demesaccordingto trittyes:the firstcolumnand the top of the secondbelongto the coastalarea;the bottomof the secondcolumnbelongsto the inlandsectionand the one deme at the top of the third, Alopeke, is located in the city. Of the five demesat the bottom of the third column,only two have been locatedwith certainty, Eitea and Semachidai, and both belong to the inland trittys.Probablythe otherthreeshouldalso be assignedto this trittys,althoughKrioa has been sometimes,on slight evidence,assignedto the city.
45. The right side of a small stele of Pentelicmarble(E.M. 13336)with pedimental top, brokenat the left and below; the rightcornerof the pedimentis also missing.Foundin the villageof Pikermiabout a hundredmeters northof the main road when it was broughtto the surfaceby a tractor-drawn plow in 1960.
H. 0.55 m.; W. 0.11 m.; Th. 0.075 m.; LH. 0.009 m.
Ed. E. Vanderpool, XXXI, 1962,pp. 401-403, No. 3, photograph pl. 118. Hesperia, OF TEITHRAS COUNCILLORS a. 331/0 vel 330/29a.
[s .... 8 .... e]IrTTEV'
[Eu'rsTro0S]Tr' 'Aptocr
Ka oT-rEaC]vcoi [pvauCo
[orov aTicr6cv ]irrE1SiK [aAos Kail yi]o-rTico [r?rEE7ernca]av TrcV e
10..... t]viaSr [..... ..... o]v &vay [s .... [p&dai E8TOSE]TO y/9 A?e [iala gv o-rfiXTq]i 20 [vri KalroTlfa]i Ev rCo vacat [ -------]
This text records a dedication of the deme of Teithras and should not strictly be included with inscriptions belonging to the whole prytany or boule, but it is important in confirming as four the representation of this one
Aigeid deme. of Hymettian 46. Threenon-joining marble,associatedas belongingto a largetwo-blockmonument fragments assignedto the left-handblock (a = E.M. 8682),brokenat the top, honoringthe bouleutai.The singlefragment an originaljoining surfaceon its right side and a back whichwas apparently recut bottom, and left, preserves was cut into the face).The largerfragwhenthe stone was re-usedas a doorstep(a pivothole 0.04 m. in diameter block (b = E.M. 8680)preserves the originalrough-picked ment of the right-hand rightside, but is brokenat at the back also. Both fragments werefound on the Acropolisnear the top, bottom,left, and to all appearances, and werefirstassociatedas belongingto the samemonument the Erechtheion by D. M. Lewis(B.S.A., L, 1955, block (c = I 5810),brokenon all sides and at the back, and pp. 26-27). A smallerfragmentof the right-hand
found in the Athenian Agora on May 10, 1939, in a context of Turkish date east of the Panathenaic Way and
b: K. S. Pittakys,'Eq. 'Apx., 1841,No. 678; A. R. Rangabe,Antiq.Hell., No. 1276;U. Koehler, .G., II, 1026; J. Kirchner, .G., II2, 2423; c: B. . Meritt,Hesperia,XXXIII, 1964,p. 168-169,No. 22, photograph pi. 28;
S.E.G., XXI, 590. For the date see D. M. Lewis, op. cit., p. 27.
NON-ZTOIX. Left Block Block Right Cols. I-III Col. IV Col. VI Col. VI Col.V Col. VIII Col. IX Col. X 10 25 45 ['Ilr-roecov'Tios] missing[AEcovrTios] missing[KKpo-rriSos] ['AKaaLavr[I8oS] [AlavTriSos] ['AvrtoxiSos]
lacuna lacuna lacuna lacuna lacuna lacuna
['AkcoTrEKrjs] c
.xiufis MeVa-r.[pTros 'AvSpoKiAf[s]
[-----[---]r[s] b FAa-vKcovos50
15 'ApiCTropvris
[E]UayycY~.{8[s] lacuna
'EpaTroKXAf D7rlAvoviSrjS
'ApKecriAa 60
35 EuKpadrqs
[--]YlOs 20 [---]Tos
40 AuTroiAXeiSrs 'Ayacov
The mason variedthe verticalspacingfrom one column to another,probablyin an attemptto make all ten columnsequalin length. 47. An inscription,transcribed by Spon and Whelerin the seventeenth century,now lost. III, 2, pp. 70-72; G. Wheler, notebooks, BritishMuseum, P. 78800, Add. MS. 35334, No. 257 xxxii (unpublished); A. Boeckh, C.I.G., 199; U. Koehler, I.G., II, 873; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1753; S. N. Koumanoudes, 1noM,cov,VIII, 1965-1966, pp. 43-47; S.E.G., XXIII, 89. Ed. J. Spon, Voyage d'Italie, de Dalmatie, de Grece et du Levant fait aux ann6es 1675 et 1676, Lyon, 1678,
PANDIONIS ca. a. 330 a. TTav tov i os rrpUr &vE s d & e O[ [o -rT ( a] V cp V vTs 6 rs pou
5 tlaavelts ETpaT-cpviSrlS Ecocly?vou TTpa{as 'Avee.icovos
'Ayyei S
Geoyvrns 'Epyoqpiou
MTrlTOS MEVEcrrpaTov
Aicovos Oe6vrloCroS
'ApxifSacos 'ApXtIKiSou 'AVTIr9ProOU eE66oToS"AvSpcovos 'AXKI.aXoS AacTrrroSO)lAivov
NIKias XaipeSe{8ou
ZrEIptilS [A]rtviasAtivoKp6rrous
ov Xapias 'ApltoroyK [TTpopacAiaoot] Avaavias 'AptcorovAe8fou Kaopir8rs 'AplcroEf8iSou Tiioorporrov 40 Mvlacapxos ] EOK[p]&rous [--E-f.r.j'8tnpos [---]POY[----] Eitherthe transcriptions of Spon andWheleror the inscription was defective, for Paianiaought they recorded to have twelverepresentatives if Paiania in Col. and Oa four,whereas (or Upper III, eleven) appeared separately theirtexts give these two demesten and one councillorrespectively. Theorthography, in -ov, demoticsin -es, indicatesa datein the secondhalf of the fourthcentury. i.e. genitives The prosopography helps to refinethe date slightly,for the fatherof the prytanisin line 24 is probablyto be identified of Angelewho was priestof Asklepiosin 350/49(I.G., II2, 4353 and 4354),and the with Menestratos demesman in line 40 was probablythe prytanysecretary of 301/0 (I.G., II2,640, lines 3-4). 48. Fragmentof Hymettianmarble(E.M. 5247),brokenon all sides and at the back. The uppersectionof the inscribed surfacehas beenconsiderably sinceKirchner's time and a numberof his readings cannotnow damaged be verified. H. 0.23 m.; W. 0.20 m.; Th. 0.11 m.; LH 0.006 m. Ed. J. Kirchner, L.G.,II2,2438. OINEIS ca. a. 330 a. lacuna
[----- -ou
Zcbrr[v]pos Kpoai'vovros 35
[----[-----[-----5 [--[.
------[ KoecoKi8[ai] 10 [-------]9Iou Eoa[y][cov? ----] 'EwKrinpioto [-------]vfiov 25 KaicA(tX[os ----] []-------]r 'rrou Bov.r&[Sai] [-------?]oqcovros lacuna lacuna Kothokidaiwas transferred to Demetriasin 307/6and sincethis demeappearsin line 22 the inscription must belongto the periodpriorto the formationof the Macedonian was phylai.The reignof Demetriosof Phaleron an unlikelyperiodfor prytanydedications and we date this inscription, somewhatearlier,i.e. ca.a. accordingly, 330 a., a datingwhich seemsconsistentwith the style of lettering. Thatthis inscription is not absolutelysure,sinceOe has one morecounbelongswith the prytanydedications cillor, and Kothokidaione less, than they had on the registerof 360/59(No. 17), but such slight variationsin quota from year to year, thoughnot common,do occur. Line 6 was read by Kirchner as [Gop](Kfoi, but his first iota seemsno more than a scratchon the stone and the last letterresembles upsilonmorethaniota. Moreover, judgingfromthe spacingof the demoticsin the right columnthe preserved lettersin this line occur too far to the right to be part of the demoticof Thorikos.The whetherthe list was of the originalback is not preserved,hence the thicknessdoes not help in determining whole councilor only of Oineis.
found builtinto a house wall to the right 49. Steleof Pentelicmarble,composedof two largejoiningfragments, The crowningmoulding,now partlybrokenaway, was 0.072 m. in height, of the ravineat the Amphiareion. 0.045 m. in height,0.022 m. in overhang. 0.013 m. in overhang;the base moulding,preserved, H. 0.96m. (complete stele);W.0.255m. (top,steleonly),0.264m. (bottom,steleonly);Th.0.225m.; LH.0.005m. Ed. B. Leonardos,'ApX.'Epq., 1917,pp. 40-48, No. 92, photograph p. 41.14 DEDICATION OF 21 BOULEUTAIAND OTHERS
a. 328/7 a. olSE nTr'8ocav EIlTOdv&Orllpa6 &vQcrK,ev i EOeuKpiTou&PxovTOS fi pouXh ' 4rr'
OlX6aopaTros 'AxapvE
Arlm-rTpos 'A(p<l>SvaTo
'ApEviva 'AypuXfipj
EOetricov iiprriTTo
'AxapveO 2cort<(a>)ns
"Evrr8os Olfi1e ypappiarrTems TaioviS eEoKpivvS 'YpCa&ris 2coKp&mrlc; 35 15 (DtIoKp&rrcsAIcoveiO nTue68iAos 'o"Ayvo(Sio TlpcrTOKifiKrq(potni BoOiXtS Oopaie? &K Iv TCIV cov rrk8ooaav oT1E evuatTa Ocav6oSrl,os 'AptorsiSrls "Epv[6os] 20 Arlp<ad)rsTlaiavieO Odetn6trroSM[upptvotaios]
EO[.--Ca.6_ K]o?MaTE
XoXapyE [Krlqnci]o[qp]6v
unlikethe largelists, e.g. Nos. 20, 42, 43, and of just twenty-one This text was a privatededication councillors, or Nos. 61, 62, and72 fromthe time of the twelvephylai,which containedall 500 members, 56, whichoriginally listed 600 bouleutai.For two partiallists of prytaneissee Nos. 1 and 40. of a baseof Hymettian marble(I 4081).Theleft fragment was foundon April29, 1936, 50. Twojoiningfragments in a context of the firstto third centuryafterChristin a cisternnorthwestof the Hephaisteion (D 6); the right fragmentwas discoveredon February12, 1937, in a Hellenisticcontext west of the Hellenisticbuilding on are picked smoothand Kolonos Agoraios (B 5). The back and sides are broken away. The originalsurfaces have draftededges. H. 0.082 i.; W. 0.30 i.; Tb. 0.15 i.; LH. 0.015 m. Ed. W. K. Pritchett,Hesperia, XVI, 1947,p. 184, No. 90, photograph p1.XXXVII. NON-XTOIX. a. 327/6a.
---] v4Itxaav-r&s [---]8o0 srrpvqrd(vEts % cH --- ] I-A] E y? lovos a5pXo[v-ros 51. Two joining fragments from the top of a base of Hymettian marble, broken at the back and bottom, but preserving the right and left sides and part of the top which has a circular cutting for a dedicatory statue. The left fragment (I 5906) was found on May 3, 1946, in a modem house wall over the area of the Civic Offices (I 12); the right-hand piece (I 259) was found late in 1932 in a modern house wall over the eastern part of the Tholos
part of the mouldingis preserved. (H 11-12). Belowthe inscription H. 0.14 i.; W. 0.397 i.; Th. 0.085 i.; LH. 0.011 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XVII, 1948,p. 39, No. 25, photographpl. 12. AIANTIS a. 325/4a. NON-XTOIX.
&v~&aav [AI]avrji8o[s-rrpvr6&]visi vrr6 -is povuMis [a]Tmpavca[eB-r]ES xal YKal -ro-l 1i9'[i]ov &srfs gwavEa
Irr''Av-riixMovs Smatoat5[vq]
52. Fragment of Hymettian marble (E.M. 4660), broken on all sides and at the back. H. 0.15 i.; W. 0.22 i.; Th. 0.30 i.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. U. Koehler, Ath. Mitt., X, 1885, pp. 106-110; J. Kirchner, I.G., II, 1752. LEONTIS ca. a. 325 a. lacuna
Ca. 14 ca.
K[ -----------]
Ca.8 --
1- Demotic--]
I-ca. 8 -ca.
AV'Toqxvov 'Apur-r6Kpr-ros XouvifTj [- Demotic-] Xa7WKl5Ucs 'Av8popbTvrI 10 [-- ca. 8-- Ka]AJCA 25 rTrpa&rov Aioq0va s AlO'rrEieovs -12 ca. (Daviov Gov-ripiBlIS I]OKMOVS [- Demotic -] EovyEi-rovo[s] AlovUcTi~POw? ]cbpov I-a-- ca. 13--TTo,ra't&lo[t A]Eipa8l$t'ral - - -ca. 18 - - - I]QV lii5ppos [Eei8]vvi6cxov lacuna 30 fo?viui4Xijs'Eop-riTov [ArlpaSa]-rat lacuna
'A]pIv6vavpov 'AerTvo-rfpov
The prosopography between340 and 320B.C. Sundwall(Klio,V, 1905,pp. suggestsa date for this inscription and identified the prytanis of line 5 with the prytanysecretary of 329/8(I.G.,II, 353, lines3-4). 283-284)restored in line 20, was priestof Asklepiosin 329/8(I.G., 1, 4393).Chalkideus, Leukon,son of Demeas,of Phrearrhioi,
the father of the prytanis in line 24, was one of the representatives of Sounion who took the oath on the Salaminian inscription of 363/2 (Hesperia, VII, 1938, p. 4, lines 71-72). Diophanes, son of Diopeithes, of Sounion, in line 25, belongs to a well known family: his father was leader of a cleruchy to the Chersonnese about 343 B.C. (Demosthenes, VIII, 6, etc.; cf. P.A., 4327); his grandfather was archon of the Salaminioi of Sounion in 363/2(Hesperia, in 325/4(I.G.,II2, 1629,line 774, 1631, VII, 1938, p. 4, line 69); and his brotherwas trierarch line 134).
53. Fragmentof Hymettianmarble(I 5512),inscribedon two adjacentfaces, but otherwisebroken,found on June7, 1938,in an earlyByzantine wall northwestof the Templeof Ares (J 7). H. 0.245 m.; W. 0.19 m.; Th. 0.10 m.; LH. 0.004-0.005m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, X, 1941,pp. 42-49, No. 11, photograph p. 43. OFFICERSOF THE COUNCIL
a. 324/3 a. NON-7TOIX.
10 ['Hyra]ias Krilpiao6pou
vacat KCIT& rrpu-r[aveiav]
(I)[f]covos'PapJv[oO] [X]&piTrrros
[&v]cypacp?*5 [- c. s-]IfilS KtXcovi8o 15 [TTala]veJs vacat corona lacuna 20
EOip&vrls (>[pOvcovos]
'Papvonatos ro0S v6[iovs] ITrrt EtpivoxI [s-----] 'AeOov?[S] vacat
fromthe last letterin line one; it may alternately Onlythe lowerportionof a hastais preserved belongto iota, which would requirea restorationsuch as [ol vuMTha]i, than the restoration althoughthis is less satisfactory to the generalspacingof the citation. The symbolin line 9 seemsto have been a false start for the [f1povuA]f name of the archon. 54. Partof a stele of Hymettianmarble(I 5863)with the left side preservedbut otherwisebroken.Found on June2, 1939in a Turkishwall west of the Panathenaic Way and southwestof the Eleusinion(R 22). H. 0.115 m.; W. 0.12 m.; Th. 0.057 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 260-261, No. 69, photograph pl. 48; S.E.G., XXI, 593.
lacuna []-----[e]pa&cA7[os]
[A]Eovr&o[s] 5 Ttv68lOno[s]
Krlqao66T[ou] [o]ysalo[S] [ o]56 rao[s]
55. Fragment of a Pentelic marble stele (E.M. 8701), broken at the top, but preserving the original rough-picked back. The stele was smoothly bevelled on the right and at the bottom and roughly cut back on the left in a later
H. 0.69 m.; W. 0.19 m.; Th. 0.10 m.; LH. 0.007 m.
Ed. U. Koehler,I.G., II, 1023;J. Kirchner, I.G., II2,2407; for the demoticin line 32 cf. D. M. Lewis,B.S.A., 14. L, 1955,p. ANTIOCHIS ca. a. 321 a. NON-2TOIX.
EOayy^ou tiXivoV
Auonl.aLXou vacat -]
[---------]ovos I-----------I
15 [----
[-----------] [-----------] ] [
[rnlpaX8iat?] vacat
'Avtriavovs NavcIX&pous
[ ... .]Kfi [--] vacat [....oar]pcrroS NiKocrrprov 35 [....]Gcov A\racovos [..5....]8rS NiKO6p6OUov
[K]T[1Jn1 E8]i-ns
Mer~qioTrou [M]?ETcr(as
[Ar l]69(pios AEcoo-rp6rou 40 [.. .]vufis Olvopiou eou8168ou [e]ou816s jos 'ApXiAou [X]ap8T5 EOTrAOUS [A]iop&vr1s ['lTrTr]6mKOS KcA.Iou 45 [K]oXcovijev Arloip&rous ['AvTri]oXi8ls
in line 28, -rlSfor cannot be confirmednow from an examinationof the stone). Moreover,the orthography
to in Hesperia, A dateposta. 307/6a. was suggested XXXVIII, 1969,p. 530, but no demoticbelonging which recorded in our and lines 28-31 in the Macedonian will fit the letters Antiochis (readings quota period witha post-307/6 is not consistent the nominative dating. pluralof the demotic,
s. IV-III a. [navS6ovifos] [AecovTiSos] ['AKailJav Tios]
lacuna 'AVr[I]1[---]
5 [----]os
I [--].[]
[-- K]ps
-] 45
[-- ]t...
K[X]ooarp&Trov 30
[ ---]AI[
15 [---]
'OAun-ri[cov] M[v]q.na69[u]
20 [-----
[--] [-----]
'Errntx6prns 'E'mriX&po[us]
IEripavoS.KAcvos 'EVTrreS[co]v 'A?UiiooCa[t]o[l]40
This text appearsonce to havebelongedto a completerosterof the council,but thereare numerous problems. The use of patronymics is erraticand unparalleled: those in lines 35, 37, 55, 57, and 59 may havebeenaddedto councillors(cf. No. 46) or to designatebrothers,but the appearance of the patronymics like-named distinguish The absenceof the father'snamegenerallysuggestsa date in the first in lines 30, 33, 38, and 52 is inexplicable. here may indicatea transitionto the conventionof half of the fourth century,but their sporadicappearance -ov in the genitive,reflects in generala date of listingboth names,i.e. a datingabout 350B.C.The orthography, 350 or later. to those attestedelsewhere.Kettos, to be sure,had three The quotas,however,bear only slight resemblance as listed here,both beforeand after307/6,and LowerPotamoshad one representative in 370/69 representatives, and 335/4,as here,thoughthat quotawas increased to two afterthe creationof the Macedonian phylai.Cholleidai, on the otherhand,had two bouleutaiin the periodof the originalten phylaiandfivein the succeeding period, neitherof whichfiguresaccordswith the six nameslisted here, unlessline 32 is a case of dittography from the in line 45, then its representation line. If Thorikosis restoredcorrectly is only here,threedemesmen, preceding half its normalquota of six bouleutai.The quota of Kerameisappearsalso to be at least one too high, but the demoticin line 49 may in fact be of Kephale.
marble(I 4781), a stringcourseof a dedicatory monufrontcornerof a block of Hymettian 57. The right-hand drainin a houseof late Romandatesoutheast of the Tholos (H 12). ment.Foundon April27, 1937,in a terracotta H. 0.117 m.; W. 0.275 m.; Th. 0.244 m. (not original);LH. 0.015 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXVI, 1957, p. 208, No. 55, photograph pl. 52; cf. S.E.G., XVII, 64.
&v ^&crav.
The dedicationwas made by the prytaneisof Antigonisor Demetrias,whose name (to be restoredin line 1) after201/0.The formsof lettersindicatea dateverysoon afterthe creationof the Macedonian damnatio suffered phylai.
58. Group of fragments of Pentelic marble (1 1997). Found on May 16, 1934, in a screen wall of the Bouleuterion
]a [.]
T6v Traliav TOU [TfLv &vaypaqFlv-rijSacXrlS oOu]vai [8]p,i [ov u aA : spaX)(is &K KaTr& T]& [dcv]ati rlq(pfcircaTa T-rv IeS
vacat 10 [KEpaeTs ?] [- -------] [---------[----[-------[qXPiTT]lol u [ ]-------]w{er 40 [-----]. 6pous [------]o []o----A u MEave[fou] M.yic[o]QXfis Oeo[-----] KpaT'rS6rl Aio[----] O(7rrnnirlSs A*Trox1irS Arro[Kious ?] ircov 'AKr1p[6rou] 60
[-- -------
20 [Etpeai8ai [~---------?] I
[--------- ]Misov [----- E]eoKWgovS 50 [TlpoaTr]&?A-riot [-- ca. 6-- A]vaavlov
------] AVKOIIAB'9[CS
['Iqiarri&6ca ?] 1 [----------
25 [XoNapyeTs]
[---------I I
AKolpij8floT[s? -----] Krl~pibo68oT9[ Ay[?------] E*i5p6cc, 1- ca.4 -]?lros KoM7JKparov NaiiapXosN[------] Epovuos A[?------] 1- ca. 3-4 -]ias rToxvE~wKrov vacat [G]Eo&oav'lv Kcx7i2a-rpac5rov 1(a-T& 'rrp[vuravE{cav] 55 [M]vioarpatoS [M]vupa&Trov
AOir6RUvKos AMiov 'AXcomTdjOEv] 80 avTr[typa(pE*s] -8 ca. fpoarr&]ATto[S] E*C-T[i-r&ylrplpagIcara] ca. ii ---]vos AEIpa Av[---
?-----]oTrra[---] 30 [-----? ] E*oXiov vacat PoViXs Kca[i] [ypappa-crrI]iS 8tilyov 9y Mupplv [------]ovos
35 8ai iov [KfipvSPov]?fis K]Cd $Dt?]oi2[o]vs Tpi[v]q [ECncXfjs [-rapia]s -r-s Pfouois] [---] 'Arro?X[---vacat C---- ]v-qs'Apia-rovv'v[ov]
npacat&NovKvBav 85 ,C[IaXkas?v n corona
-r6v [kav-rxrv] A-----] I---- I in corona -ro[v ypa]ppacrra Ir6[vktav]T&S'v Ka[Ai]q[v] ACvan.i&Xov] 'EpWIwov
in corona [ot qpvM-rat] I I--------
I-----] I? ]-Line51 was readby G. A. Stamires, to S.E.G.,XVII, XXVI, 1957,pp. 237-238,note 6, withreference Hesperia, in lines 77, 80, 84, and 85 see Hesperia, 44, line 5. For the restorations XXXVIII, 1969,p. 424, note on line 77. The letterson the stonein lines 34 and 35 show in theirdispositionthat the only possiblenamefor the herald is [E'n<\iis Oti]ox?N[o]vs Even so there can be no indentationof these namesof the aeisitoi in Tpj[v]~(pim5si).
Gol. I as was the case in Col. III. 59. Stele of Hymettian marble, consisting of three fragments, of which b and c join. a: Upper right corner of the stele (I 5456). Found on May 16, 1939, built into a wall of Byzantine date northeast of the Odeion (N 8). Elaborate mouldings at the top extend across the front and right side. The stone is broken at the left and behind. H. 0.259 i.; W. 0.225 m.; Th. 0.171 i.; LH. 0.007 m. Ed. W. K. Pritchett, Hesperia, XVI, 1947, pp. 184-185, No. 91, photograph p1. XXXVIII. b: Fragment from the center of the stele (I 5258). Found on February 21, 1938, in a late context north of the Odeion (N 7). Broken on all sides. H. 0.172 m.; W. 0.108 i.; Th. 0.078 i.; LH. 0.007 i. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, p. 53, No. 71, photograph pl. 14; S.E.G., XIX, 84. c: Fragmentfrom the lower part of the stele (I 6143). Found on April 18,1949, in the Long Late Roman Wall east
of the Panathenaic Way (0 9). Both sides are smooth and the backis dressedwith a toothedchisel overa considerablearea at the edges and rough-picked in the center.
H. 0.395 i.; W. 0.293 i.; Th. 0.196 i.; LH. 0.008 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, p. 169, No. 23, photograph p1. 28; S.E.G., XXI, 592. These fragments were brought together into one year by J. S. Traill, Hesperia, XXXV, 1966, p. 206 (cf. also pp. 237-238); cf. S.E.G., XXIII, 63. The text can be largely restored by comparison with the bouleutic list of the same year (No. 61). The monument evidently served as a pedestal for a superimposed dedication by the phyle.
a. 304/3 a. a [(c)a?r pels]
Auaavias AucTnrrro(u)
[[... vi5rlsOeEo]vouI
[.... .ypas 5 KTCrrln]o(u)
M?]vcovoS ['OXu'rni68copoS
[... .cov OlXoKp&]r]ou [....OTroS ArliOK]XEo(u)
voKis Xai]pfcov(os)
10 [ArlTiop6avros AqrPP&v]
b ['Aq)l5]v a[oi]
[ [----------]
40 40
[----------] [------I----------]
OlAho6arpaTroS OiAoKiAo(uS)
vacat Line32, lapisMENE'EO.
60. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 597b), found on March 21, 1933, in a late Roman context northeast of the
Metroon(I 8). The left edge is preserved, but otherwisethe stone is brokenon all sides. H. 0.19 m.; W. 0.07 m.; Th. 0.125 m.; LH. 0.007 m. No. 8. a. 304/3 a. ANTIGONIS NON-XTOIX. ['AypuXeTs]
[ACvaKpa'rrs ----] ['EpaclipGov ----]
Ed. J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 499, No. 14, photograph p. 499; S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, p. 43,
Ka[atKpamTrs ----]
[ .....o][is
The text can be largelyrestoredby comparison wit the namesfromAntigonisin the bouleuticlist of the same
year (No. 61). In line 9 Kallisthenes was misspelled, with only one lambda.
61. The greatbouleuticlist of 30413, of whichwerefoundin the consistingof twenty-five fragments, twenty-four
Agora, has been edited by John S. Traill, Hesperia, XXXV, 1966, pp. 205-240, photographs pls. 61-64, with
a thoroughness which amountsto finalpublication.The descriptions and places and dates of finding have all been given and will not be repeatedhere.' The text has been renumbered from the firstpublication. BOULEUTICLIST a. 304/3a. f
4 Heading
rTOIX. e
[...6 .. ]a[...
[.. .5. .]80ou [...
lacuna A [-ri[ou----KaXalS]rjs
.]IE0S, (Oix[--------]
[----]v K[------] [--]opovA---] [--]TCIt 5il[,[cot-] -la---na[ lacuna
20 [----]pT'[---]
10 [---]n[----]
[---][----] lacuna
[---]TO[----] [---]C)t[----]
15 [--]9V XP[---]
Col. I. [ANTirONIAO:S]
'Aypu[AE] T
------] Auvao'Kp&rr[s
30 'Epaalcqov ['EiKE-roS [-
['ApioT]o[KpaTns ----]
ca. 4 -]arlMS
[-ca. 4 -]'iTwos
ca.6 --] v
'AAKitpcov Au[--
[-----------I [----------]
EU' [vvuETs] KaA?[f?is -----]
1 The text is also reported in S.E.G., XXIII, 86, where fragment q is assigned to the phyle Hippothontis and a number of minor corrections are made. Line 265 names the same man as No. 59, line 14. The Agora Inventory Numbers of the fragments are as follows: a=I 1867; b= 1 1868; c 1878; d=I 1852; e= 622b; f= I 622a; g= I 249a; h= I 1729a; i= I 701;j= I 1865; k, 1 = I 1864; m = I 1960; n= I 1729b; o = I 1856; p= I1858; q I 1729c; r= I 1859; s = 11872; t= 11873; u = I 351; v, w = I 249b; x = 11765; I.G., II2, 2413.
'Apiva[Tos ------]
55 [----ca.
[TTaiav] ieS
165 KoecoK8ait OsaiTrl-ros 'AXtico[vo]s [os 'EQrKoT"ro i 'ApiTcr6OSq OIvu[aair]o 'AvSpo.d 'Av[8poTr]sie,rs 170 125 '.E1rrKpOcTns KOAIXt?avou 'AptrTro-r 'ApiaroKANiSris XapoTrrou 'Epyo6Kprros 'ApitoroTrXou 'Apicrropcov M6oXos'AEpTicovos 175 130 '!Irr'roToa'Sal 'EkXrrivou ['Api]arapXos
Xapitrl[8rls -----]
KclcappXou [Kr9pi]aoq0ov
[- ca.s -]ris nlpcoTovaXou 135 [-[ca. 5- --]OS ca. 7-8 --]iLS
O)avio[u] )XacxEias
65 ET-rpe?pvcos EuScbpou
EXe06oviosE'rnr8ris8[iou 'Eirrtyvris 'ETrrlyEvov
'ApxiAfis ToXu[---]
BocovMviTrrrrou TuO<t)>oviKou TE1crapV<(6>S 140 70 ?>avoKpTroS [Aati5aA]i5ai Atirrcpcovos [-- ca. 8--] (IXDiCOVOS ECnT6?6Vlos KaCatuKpaTou [&K Koi]Xis 'Hyi-rcopAuaIcrTrrov -- Er]?pyrTOU AlcovATcovos [-- ca 8-9
[--ca. 14-----]"JO[U]
[-ca. 7-8 --] KrqptCaopCvT 'AAEiSos [- ca. 8 --] [-a. 9 --]nTS <A)>oyVlrTO
[----] lTTOuxapns
75 Xatpcbvirls Opacrcoviou
Aucai.aXos OouoKAiSov
nlorTa&l o<t>
veF s] [KIKuv]
9 --]
[npocrTr] XTlro
ca. 7 --
7-8 --]--il
7 --]rs
95 Mvri-acs'AvTlXapou
Mopux[i8rs MeXavcorriS
A-[ -]
'irrroKp&6ro [Au]ac(caXos
T[upgFeTSal] TAi[acov---]
[. .1[ ----- -- ]
n 190
( ?) [Tpiv][uEETS]
3 -]avcov A[[----]
OE6otios E[-----]
XcoKp&rh E[-----]
] Kmfrrt
] o
Oa&cov (Da[----]
[AIrEIAO] lacuna u
280 [AEQNTIAO0] NON-2TOIX. lacuna
E[---------'A [Xtoatoiot]
(?)---] AuKo6[ppcov
AEcoK.[parls (?) ---] TXEao------] (p[ecappioi]
['O-rpuv6]TS(?) p
[------ .-] sroU ['A vKuA]6Ts(?) [-- ca.s -- N]KOoybvou [(K Koco] voO
tETS ['EaT-ra]
[-- ca.8 --]s KpaTivou
[BaTrET](?) lacuna
290 Ecocras IooaidK<5>ov TlatoviSat
coaKp&Trts nup[---- ] V[af]ou 'Apto-roKp&TriS A. eDav6crrpaTo[s..]ivov [-a. 4 -]OS Alo6Cbpo[u]
['I1]Eaio 'ApioTroKieSTIS
AEieEos 'lEpO[K]MAEiSO
Xatipas XatpcbvBou
3;05 MvnlSMvEatcrparov [-ca. 4 -]XiS Ai ptAou [- ca.4-5 -]VOKXfis 'EKaAETIS Xaipi[co]vo MEveKE [- ca.3-4 -y]6pS KTronKaiou MEv&rrpaTros
[-ca. 3 -]VifrlS OEo,?vou
vT[ETS] HyTll[--]
'AvaqXAvoTio NaUvotK[5(ov)] 'EpaTro-rpaTros AOrToK7AS "I!rTncovoS 'AWilvatoi 'AvTiyr'Cs Aiovuai[ov] NiKO51lj[Ou] [X]apif5sos NauaioTpaT Nt6KO6aXOS 'OiiXurrit6copos 'AWrroA9[cb NiKiCaS N[l]KOo7rpOrTOU 3t15 Eevoqcov 'AsjIaiSou (pou)] [At]oKp&ov KpovTros AecoK?5o[us] Aucrv[9]oSAuvcriou AicXpicov TnvruTa[y6pou] ODiXoKpaTprS 'QOAkr*IX[o]snTslEicos s 'ETriKp.[C&rou] 'O[VuI]Virxou [TIE6IEIjS KaXAaKpaTrr 'E'rr1Kpca-TT Ieaou] 'A7[E oK. QO]. [(6O']AO .'rpaTo[s [Alr]6qavrros Arloqp[&]v
10 --]KCavo[u]
265 Moip[is]'ApXcay[aou]
[X]ap[viu]s Xaipe[9avou] 'E['r]iKpa[Tous] [IT]oAu[6IK]os
no[----] [X]ac[pE6cZ]v
Oi[v].Toi 270 [EK,E6i]5ilsE'kn4ous] MevE60pou] [(DihXor]ij[rl 10 namesare to be restored three including from No. 59, lines34-36 275 [Ti6Eos TlpokMeSBou] from the endof the roster missing
of Aiantis are 3 TpiKopUiCioi and 8 'PaClvovitol, including [--KpiTOS(I)Xcovos] [Trp&TiosTTuveoovos] [Aucravias Auo'iTrTou] [Mapaecbvioi] (?) [e9oyei]rTov e?o-rTl[ov]
TT-------] [TTaiPlAoS
ca. s -] X [--c. 13---]pl[---]
325 [-- ca.10--]s <Ka>?ax[--] [--ca. 7-8 --]s (lioeSipo aoi [EITE][ca. 6--
c Ca.7-8 -8 --]s
E] i6&Kou Kopcadov
Eo V
[X1 paXJiSai
at ['Epot cxS]
t 350
- ca. 12 - - -K]MOV
lacuna line 321,AM0I;line 324,IAMAI. line290,EQEIAAOY; line239, IIE)ONOX; Line118,KTHI.OT; 62. The great bouleutic list of 303/2, consisting of twenty-two fragments of Pentelic marble, twenty of which were
found in the recent excavationsof the Agora, has been fully editedby J. S. Traill, Hesperia,XXXVII, 1968,
pp. 1-24, photographs pls. 1-3, with descriptions of the fragments and notes on places and dates of discovery.2 These data are not repeated here.3 The names of the bouleutai of the twelve phylai were inscribed on two stelai. The text has been renumbered from the first publication. BOULEUTIC LIST a. 303/2 a. STELE I NON-ITOIX.
Col. V
lacuna of 58 lines
lacuna I 6475
-Ca.9 --]ap[-c--Ca. 7 NI]KoPo*A[ouJ
[. I 5094
2 See also S.E.G., XXIV, 161-163. The discoverythat I.G., I12,2412 belongswas firstnoted in Hesperia,XXXVIII, 1969, p. 530. 8 The Agora InventoryNumbersare as follows: Stele I, I 6475, I 5094; Stele II, I 4720a (4 fragments),I 4720b (3 fragments,one of which, b3, was formerlynumberedI 5558), I 4720c, etc. through I 4720m, and I 4720n (= I.G., 12, 1746). I.G., 112, 2412 also
20 Ki[pco-riSat] Tlav[----] Ai68copos 'EKOAij[v] OcoKi8ris KAeXTio[u] nooTr&to[i] 25 'ApIrroTAr s 'OiCt&89[u] A6xXlS Xapivov vacat
.? ?iXos
S [] corT pi 811
15 [r]A<a>uKias
TTocaiSeos vaKIOS
![- ---
K?]ca[----] ]
[-----]os 09[----]
[----.-]-[ 65 [-- ---]v[----lacuna [----]o[-----]
13----].&XOU ca. 14------]^[]
[---c]eiv[rs ----]
70 [---]Xos X[--[----]osX[
I------[--] [s-]-ias
-] ]
[--40 [-------
Ca.6 ] a ca.16----]TO
60 ![---------]
[---]wv [s I[----]
[----]pacros ZoK[---] [- -----]..AKO lacuna
Col. III
lacunaof31 lines ]
145 Xalpicov[---
---] [E]Oe56rl1[pos
[d>]iA66llo[s --.-]
'Apolasi 'ApEa'nrrrou
KaCia^oVr KaM'nirr
'Apto"roq 'ApocrcbvuwloS e11papiLVS Gepripn'So 85 Esvaios 'E'rraivTou
[Ai]niTplo[s ----]
[()I ?]XoxpT -[s---] []vros e[----] 150 [-Ca.s-]1osA[ -] [-- a.6 --]To[-----]
Ap[--------] 155 Tlt[-------]
-] "Aypo[v --(DiAox.a[p------] Tauvroia[Xos-----]
N[-----] NtK6Xlpos
[-ca. 5--]loS
t1?x[-- ]
[ |-----------]
100 [----------[-----------] [ [ [-----------] [-----------]
[eopiKl1 ?]
] ]
[- - ------] I---------
-[ 110 l0 [-
[- ---------
Nt[----------] Eupo[Iv-------] 165 Koa -r[-------] Aiovuo'6c[pos -----] Epi&[aioi] Xatipas Xap[-----] e?OT[---] ['E6]PT-os 170 [-ca. 4 -c]TpaT[oS ----] lacunaof 2 (?) lines
-] ] ]
175 [----------] [--- ca. 12---Tr]EieoU n [-- ca. 6 --]lOS T[- ca. 3 -]CpXot / [-ca. 4 -]ITnOS Xa[ip].qJOvo
[--ca. 6--]68T'10
AloScOpov Bp'T[co]v
Arl.[a]pacros 'HyoaiyroK
g Bou[rTa6]ai 125 [KA]e6Oupios EOul[rA]i6ou AE]ivi[ou] Krqlyt65o[[Tos AaKt[a&]ai [K]KUv[eT]s AtoTrierlS [- ca.5 -]]K[o] EO[eio]y [...]yvls - ca. s-] a XaptKifjs [----] [-ca. 3-4 -]6a-rpaTr[s 190 TrpaTrcov KAe[oqvTros] [2i]Kueos Tno[- ca.6-]s 130 Aovuo[ETs] [E]ipE?[iScn] [- ca. 3-4 -]65mpos Ka.[--] Xapias EU'rKT[povoS] TT-A?aE[aioi] [ . .] crrpaTroS.Xp[-ca. 3 -]CoV f
220 Ta[u]pe&as TluoKAxouS EOeuv8ir EOeuKp&aT'rr 'EpyoiKis AaXcovoS eOE6Xios EOX)pous 225 eoT-rXeiS KaoitoeEOvo KrlpicroS Kr1q>[ti]c65oos uirTaArirriot
Atic66po MeXavOipou TpltveIIEE
Anii'rptos O[f[covos]
195 TupelT[6at] [.. .]qTrparoSKca[AiXtp] 'ETriKrlTIPiio
[6 ? Kara TrrpUTavwi]av 140 [ypaIpcaT?esAI6O(av]T9S [AilowuuoScpou )(rlyo1aioS]
E[- ca. [eEo]-rporr[fi]rnS vacat r& 200 [&]Tri a[qripca7aTr]a [rTn] aAtr[v] vs Col. V [AlANTIAO:] lacunaof 33 lines
OivaTos KaclAiopa&rou
1ri TOUSvO6ouS Oav?AOos
L. J., II[2 241 12 305
[TinXoKiis] TTrIiyVCrbTo[u]
[--ca. 6-7 --]ay6pou
6 --]ETOS AnrT1Tpi[ou]
7 --]TOS O)l7oKp[&TO(US)]
[---ca. 14---] .
MvriapiAos TipcoviSo
275 XatpEo-rpaTos 'AvnTIY 'PapUvoloioi 'ApiaTOVEV NiK6ortlpO
Tlip60oos Ti[----
] 325 -] 'APXcrTPaTos MevEo-cOS [--nEptKAfij Aioq)&v[----] cpitXoS ArlpoYpcv-TpaTroK?iOU KAO [---] ArIoI AUuaKcK KSE6S
NfKavSposO&vou AuolipaXOS Avaot-rTp&T 'ApXRioXos'Ap![---]
] [----AIOT6loS OaiNpEiS Ko O KaaaXo Kpicp[eTS] 285 'E-rtXcapi{8ls TiP6OEOS [---- -] 'ETTrX&pou 335 fToXuKpaT'rr[s----] 'ApEoiaS ITpraroviKou Br7cra[ieTs] T Eirtias XatpEsi5Po Krlorptc6orp[arTO-----] (OiXAV?oS tIKpiou 290
Ycorrpraou IcbgAtos
260 euvpaTarSai ALuCos ()avo6ipou AloTrEe's AloyEiToVu 'Epota&al NtIKOU &Urvpos
XrpaT AvauiKAEeiSs
Krilyoocov Kriqoq'o&v
Aiav6pos e)oScopftou E(upiosTeoiOS v AriprrTpou COKXafiS vacat Kipuv TiS 3ou7fis Kxal TOU Silpou vVEiXKAS 340
[------] NauKpaTTis
EiTrs[iot] Mvricepyos [----] [---nracvpo 'Epola[Sat] EOiKAs EOeu[-----] ]
Tptv1e?ISO )lioKMiouS
TraIias Trjs5 ouAXfi
K pvU ?1rrirTO[--ca.6-7--] 'ApIoTaovpou 'EXaatoaioi 300 A AairoS Aicov[os OPp?a] AEipaSicbTrlS 'Apicrrcov'Apiotro&vou nalcTapIvouv vr-rTaic[v] SrTpcot TlpoKAeiSris [ypapIaTeC'S] lrtiov[Atfit] Kal TCOI
'rrou6iaS X'rrou{iov
63. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 1546), with part of the right side preserved but otherwise broken. Found
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, pl. XXVI. XVI, 1947,pp. 153-154,No. 47, photograph STOIX. ca. a. 300 a.
? ..... .]r[s K]oao[----]
[ ---
but otherwisebroken.Found on 64. Part of a stele of Hymettianmarble(I 6144),with the left side preserved Way (0 9). April 18, 1949,in the Long Late RomanWall east of the Panathenaic H. 0.325 i.; W. 0.295 i.; Th. 0.096 m.; LH. 0.009 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, p. 170, No. 24, photograph p1. 29; S.E.G., XXI. 363.
fi povu?m
In line 4 the name is perhaps [M]avias, though less common than [cL]aviac. 65. Fragment of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 603) with part of the left edge preserved. Found on March 24, 1933, in a late Roman context in front of the Stoa of Zeus (I 6).
-- - - - -] Fv[?-
[A] IS[[ v0s] lacuna Alpha and lambda are indistinguishable. The thetas have no central dot. 66. Fragment of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 5415), with the smooth right side and the rough-picked back pre-
served.Found in the wall of a Turkishpithos south of the MarketSquare(P 21) on April 20, 1938.
H. 0.235 i.; W. 0.19 i.; Th. 0.11 In.; LH. 0.007 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXIX, 1960,pp. 6-7, No. 7, photograph p1.2; S.E.G.,XIX, 69. init. saec. III a. lacuna
[- -- -- --]1 . ..6 . .
7T0IX. 37
[--] 2?[
.... . .5.
i<al S]waica[s -r&] YdhC'Os gnEpEA?rj Oilcravb Ycal [v -rTS d&rircov jov [1a1] KaI eviiov 6rraac-v TcOV MWV&cov - v6o'oI La T& ot ap19iajia-ra KYcal [-rTOTS I[O] -rrpIouL a-TEpavGSaCa a-ro7S 1CXI ofTr] [vw 1Ta1viacaQ X]iyJpva<W$>t
[r wV]EKa KQaI [rp&vcwI (cT& TOv v6opov ainoTnlulcicx -T6v [rTriiesfas Ts iTepi TOv 8iiLAov 'MA ]vaicov- &v
10 [oypa6cyapi e 'r6e -rTo piyorpia r6v ypjapp]a-rarTO
?VorfTrtl [KaTra TTpvTcavEfav [i 1teilv) K]ac cicra -TOO p TrrpoaeOv povuTrMnpiovu elS 6 Tr]hv(v.a[y]
[papv -----
Omikronwas writtenfor omega in line 7. For the place of erectionof the stele (ine 12), cf. No. 58, line 6. marble(I 3984),brokenan all sides. Found on April7, 1936,amongmarblesin the 67. Fragmentof Hymettian areaof the westernpart of the Odeion.
H. 0.135 m.; W. 0.09 m.; Th. 0.035 m.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXIII, 1954, p. 236, No. 6, photograph pl. 49; S.E.G., XIV, 60.
h po[uvX] ot upv[ftai]
HyT[-rpaTrov] 'Ai[---]
68. Fragmentof Hymettianmarble(I 2553),with part of the left side preserved. Found on March6, 1935,in mixedfill south of the Tholos (F 12).
H. 0.12 m.; W. 0.218 m.; Th. 0.098 m.; LH. 0.005 m.-0.006 m.
Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 36-38, No. 3, photograph A.J.P., LX, p. 37. Seealso W. K. Pritchett, 1939,pp. 258-259; B. D. Meritt,in The ClassicalTradition, LiteraryandHistoricalStudiesin Honorof Harry Ithaca,New York, 1966,pp. 32-42. Caplan, OINEIS ca. a. 290-280 a. 11
['Axapvets] [I-EpieoTsai]
[_ I----------] 5 [---[[[
_] ] ] --]
[AaKi&Sai] [-----------]
10 [-
---] ---]
[Aoumo's] [Tvp6iSai]
[K]ap]vktcr[os] E---]
PqaiScov I[aA]iou
ArlLa[veros ArTlaiv
-] 55
-] --------___]
] -] ]
[----[----------] [
In line 17 Dow readthe patronymic as <[ai5i?]Wov,but this restorationis too long for the space available. Therecan have been only two columnsof names.The text showsa skeletonrestorationin whichAcharnaihas intrudesand demandssome adjustment. If 23 councillors insteadof the normal25. But the demeof Perrheidai it had two councillors,somehowsplit fromAcharnai,then all other demesof Oineis can be normallyrestored. in Oineisbetween307 and 224 see Meritt,op. cit. Pritchett For the demePerrheidai thoughtthat it wentdirectly of Aiantis.Withthe five known in 224 andthatthe namesin this list wereof councillors fromAiantisto Ptolemais and their knownrepresentation it is impossibleto recondemesof Aiantis,however,in additionto Perrheidai, to Aiantismustbe rejected. structeven a skeletontext, whetherof two columnsor of three,and the attribution and thatAiantisis not, and It is good to havethis physicaldemonstration that Oineisis possible,and reasonable, that the small deme Perrheidai (knowndefinitelyas a deme from Nikandros'book on the demes;cf. Meritt, op. cit., p. 32) was for a time in Oineisbeforegoing from Aiantisto Ptolemais. A full discussionof the problemof Perrheidai will appearin Hesperia,Suppl.XIV. in Athens.The In readings fromthe stonewe maketwo significant changes,both basedon carefulexamination in line 25 must be read entirelyin restoration. Thereis no traceof it on the stone, and initialpi of [TT]EppET6ai is illusory.The name of the demehereprojected any supposednick as of a cornerof it, seen in a photograph, one letterto the left of the namesof the councillors. In line 53 no letterwas evercut in the firstspace,and there The demenameOp[iaoitoi] is no erasure. (it can be no other)is indentedone spaceto the rightin the columnof names.The stone is veryflaky,and the loss of surfacein the firstspacedoes not meanan erasure. Indeed,it has no characteristic of, or semblance to, an erasure. 69. Stele of Hymettianmarble,with a crowningpediment,now in the Epigraphical Museumat Athens(E.M. Broken below. 7713). H. 0.38 m.; W. 0.29 m.; Th. 0.085 m.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. J. Kirchner, cf. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,p. 36, No. 2 with minor I.G., II2, 656 with Addendum; corrections.Photographof the lettering (upper left section), J. Kirchner,Imagines Atticarum2, Inscriptionum 1948,No. 77. AIGEIS a. 284/3 a. o [8] [i] ?rri'Icafiou'E?XaycpPoXAcovos ,TrvrEijE icTra p*vovu NiKOKpaTrq (OqryaEiv[S] 'APXxEi6Xou irES' ol pouXEu-ral E1iTrEv' [v] rfisAlyeT0os
5 [(p]uAvXol Irri Aoloripou &PXovTroS Kitcaos
KaioarEqavo'oai] A&OTiJoOU [s] Ttw &[pX]o[v"ros K'ararTOV XpvauI v6uov] acirroiS oc rE[a&vco
?vEKa [TjqsEtlT-rVupvAv, soUval] [q]itXAoTirpas
euviav rTOS 15 8 aZOroIS [K]alE[Is lriptlTyr&)s]
rs jpus --s---] rrmeArTIa[ov6voUs [Tr]o0s
ColumnII lost
70. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 2448) with inscribed face only preserved. Found in late mixed fill some 15
EiKOOrel TTiSwTpUTaVeiaS] Vi[iai KCIl ev --- ca. 12---] Kupia T]Clv rrpo[8ipcov iTrrElq)1Pi [<,KKArraia
Kal a[uvljnTp6ESpoi S8o[Ev -TCr 8S'illiot'] ca. 12---]os [-0-10-CJ]vOS Eira[Ios co]vos EiT?a[1aS [--ca. [-ca. r)V dETrev' TrEpi&v aClTaW?;\X0UCSIV] ?TTrV?lT?P\ &rayyXXouvaiv]
r&TE] v O TC [oi Tp-rTavEi]S TrOV iepcv S0uov cvTrrEp TrfS 'AKcI.Oa[VTiOS 68 TOrv IrarplOV ToTse[eois ols Kal] <KYA]rnCiOv [Trpo fv' OuCaaTvV Tr T-rS pouvMjs] Ta KCa[-r& [Tra TrivvtaKal -rT] XcaXKElTa 'rr&arpa nrrTp T Ol 8r11o. TrC i:v &yac&] [KXalTOU8Silpov Tu)(X]Ei dyaeEt 8[s86X0Ca ri j] guov xr iv TroIT & iSpoTs olTS [856Xs0aiO 9aCa]tv yeyoviv[ai T p] l 'TOU i s [ouAfis KOai -Spou, ---.-] [ytsiaocTKpCai COrTI lacuna
For the festivalsof the Steniaand the Chalkeiain the month of Pyanopsion(precedingMaimakterion) see L. Deubner,AttischeFeste, Berlin,1932,pp. 52 and 35, respectively. See also No. 78. 71. Flat-toppedstele of Hymettianmarble(I 4424), with part of the top, left side, and originalthicknesspreserved.Found on January 25, 1937,over the south part of the Eleusinion(T 19-20). H. 0.46 m.; W. 0.32 m.; Th. 0.157 m.; LH. 0.0065m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia,IX, 1940,pp. 84-85, No. 15, photograph p. 84. AIANTIS a. 283/2a. XTOIX.39
'Erri Eifou apXov ovov }TOS[Trri AlavriSoS Sco5E] TrIS K&CTS lrpuTCaveiasi Nau[aItvrqs NaucaKOiSoXo]
5 Aapyei?S iypal-aT&reVuv[XKipoqopiOvos Evst Kali] vcatl vacTrr Kai lKo-r[TT ris T -rrpTavEaS' kXri] ia TCOV ........6........] Trpo8pcov TrreIp[ti[v covos 'AOeovEus Kal avCrr[poE6poItVVs60v 'TrCl85] Iicov KcAIcaSAuo'Ca&Xo[u rEpi JSv A] "Epietos eIsrrEvv nr'p T-rv iep] V TTrS iTrrl iOov 'TOca rpo <K[ricO'ICO)V TrpUTavEias] I Ee56Xa[i TCI 81A1 rtCOI Ta ,Ev 'yaCe&s] rya0tlTUX?' 5itilov &&ar[ayy.AMoulv Xo0ait TOrv ?9'] yoy/ovivat 8lOU r] vyltEat Kal aocoTrlpfa[lt 'rjs povUfs Kai rTOiU 86 oi TrpuTav'rE TrFS [o]u 'Ae0valov, trrT68[h AlavTir]
vacat [A SpaXIc&S]
For hrl rfTIs TrpvTavEias in line 10 (to meet the requirementsof the stoichedon order)instead of the usual &vrTij
see, for example,No. 104. rrpT-ravEfal, 72. The great bouleuticlist of 281/0, consistingof thirty fragmentsof Hymettian-type marble,has been fully
edited by John S. Traill, Hesperia, XXXVIII, 1969, pp. 459-494, photographs pls. 119-123, with descriptions of the fragments and notes on places and dates of discovery. These data are not repeated here. Twenty-eight fragments (I 5105) have been numbered around the alphabet from a to b' (e has been rejected); two other fragments bear the inventory numbers I 4038 and I 6704; one fragment (b') also bears the Epigraphical Museum inventory number E.M. 6085. They belong to two large blocks of a three-block monument, which has been illustrated diagrammaticallyby Traill (loc. cit.). The text has been renumbered from the first publication. BOULEUTIC LIST a. 281/0 a.
Col. I
Col. II
Col. III
lacunaof 62 lines
lacunaof 50 lines
ca. 16 -3 -]i[-ca.8
35 [S]va9os [no].Xuvjov-ro[v]
IcoMjfisKco[&]pXou AIi'Trpios nla[.]ioou KrlpoiaS6copos K[rp]tiao8[--]
80 kKK[r]6C)v KripCi65copos Au[Co]l[oTrp&rou](?) 'HyTr1Trrros 'Apiorro[ia&XOU] Xapcpios 'A[-----] TTueooKAs NiK6O8rmos []-----] 'AvEioKpE[irov] 'Av-TIqcv'E'rrTrrpOrrO ] uiprrrpI[---[-
Kx KoiArs
a' [--[---
ca. 11 ---]9(pqTO
?) 45
7 --]os
EOKMous ECOp&Cvrl
['AXatlTS] (?)
[--ca. 8-9 --] [-- ca. 7--]nS
50 [--ca. 10 -- Tt]o6Bio[u] t
[--ca. [-ca.
8 -6
[--ca. 7
95 Ge60o"rosE[----]
TpivEm.[els] O(loKpa[T-r-----]
'ETraIefvcov 'ETr[----]
Oih[a]s [------]
60 AtoKAXi 'loxupiou 'EtiKynTiiclOlt As6OviXOS KaoliaSou [Tu]peiSTai [TXiavr ?]covTaCoovoS NiKCov [LTrrl]pT'rs Officers Kal8[foou] NtKOKponrlS 68 [ypa!aaT6r]riS PovuArs 'AVKuAiOev
tDi[oK]ou [Kfipu O(Di]X.oKAs TptwVEEUs
ca. 14 ----- [-'rrapaox[eufi]vT--U ca.7 -- MV?]TIClayEvrTS AIO[-- ca.6 --]
I (?)
lacuna of 49 lines
k, o 160 'Av[--------]
(?) [ripaCaisT]
[EOe]UrSrlios NiKcovOpoy
ca. 7 --]8Sr
NiKrl'P&Tov ] ?-----i OtfXirou O>(X[nr]os ] [--------110 'IaopotX.os 'l[cr]oKA[]ou [-------] Olvatv0ta TstoKpPirou [UTrTlpTrIS----] TlARcosT [vacat ca.0.012 m.] 170 [AIANTIAO:] 'A?e.av[8]pos'A<X>EgdvS5pou iov K.a\ cp0[vitX]o[s] [Mapae0bvtio] (?) 115 'ETo-r[a]ETs vacat0.014 m.
[I -
[TEipliETS] ( ?)
['Epi ?]6Scopos KX[E]oSifou [E?o]qp&vsA[i]9[K]AXouS ['E]KoAST 220 [-ca. 4-]o<qCv AOTr9poOXou [Kpcorr](iac
Mv[- ca. 4-5-] NIK[fo]U
? ]-Baot[Asis5ns ] 'A[v -----] 120 [uTrnlpers----] (?) [ITTTOnne NTIAOs] lacunaof 23 (?) lines 175
ca. 16-17----]TOV
[--ca. 10--]8ou
(?) ['ApS8vaToi]
[---ca. 14-15 ---]TOrSiJpOV
[-ca. 15---] 10--]cVoS
[--- ca.12---]VIK[--] 185 [--- ca.12---] [---] lacuna of 6 (?) lines 245 [<cir1psiS] (?)
1 240 [-ca. 4-]Xi68r. p [A]u[Ca]IaXou [..]oKXfiS 'P[cK]oVOS [A ?]cov eeao[u] lauvq[ti&]ou Ka?A<uCpv
3 -]?AIos MvnaicaXOS[- ca. 'AXcoTremK[i]l ['HS ?]9iXoslTT[u]e[- ca.4--]ou 3-][ ] [Aao ?].qos [- ca. [--a. 10--] Oiv[opi ?]ou [---ca. 14---] vacat
[---ca.l5---] ..
['Exevarvioi] (?)
[-ca. 4-5 -0[-]-------
- ca.3-4 -][------
[- ca.3-4-]I[-------]
lacunaof 19 lines
[TTo]vKpaTlmsToXAu[--] [ArriKpdrrlsA1riKp"rr[ous]
'ApaE[avTeTs] 'Apocr[--------]
135 'Ap [T --------]
'Papv[o]*aloI ['A]pXerrT6oAos 1tXiT:nr.[-I 195 [A]uKcia Krlicpiiou [A] vroxos Auaiou [EU]]pouXirlsEip3ouA{6ou 200
[Evo ?]Kp&Tls cOavoKpaTrov [S] [Keo8]copi5rls EsrpolpitX(i[c ,u]
-]vo KuSiTrrrou
OvIco[s] [rTanca]vfas
[-- ca.6 --][---[ ---[-ca.s-]vl
[--ca. 10--]o[----] n 8-9 ca. --]Ivo[----] [--ca.7 --]s &T-rco)v[o]s
scoaras [O'rrip?TrS
Fragments Unassigned lacuna
I [--]ou
[--------- o]U
?ov [ [---------]~ou --270 [ ]ou [------o]u [----------]vacat lacuna
with the buildingof the tower (R 15).Fragment b joins the top of a. HerulianWall in a contextcontemporary
H. 0.13 m.; W. ca. 0.135 m.; Th. 0.10 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
a was publishedby B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, III, 1934,p. 61, No. 50, photograph p. 61. In the same Fragment the discoveryof fragmentb was noted. publication whichjoin each otherto form a A groupof threeadditional pieces(I 990, I 2259,and I 2301,all unpublished), on two adjacent with a and b, but thereis no join betweenthe two inscribed faces,wereonce associated fragment groupsand the text of the new pieces suggeststhat the associationwas madein error. KEKROPIS ca. a. 280 a. lacuna
b [---]Itos ----] ['AptlO ?]Tvwo[s [].... [-- s ] ]
[~'Api]pvv;rla-r[6]! 'Aptv[ivlo-rov]10 TEos .]. ----] KmriTao[ ] EviP[ [NI]Ki]pcrros 'Amg[&cvroo] WArr1tiiavTos floXv[a-rpaTrov] fohX'aTrpa-ros
'ApXiSixos 'ApXE[
marble(E.M. 8654),with part of the rightside preserved. 74. Fragmentof a stele of Hymettian
H. 0.23 i.; W. 0.22 i.; Th. 0.10 i.; II, 2382. LH. 0.005 m.
Ed. K. S. Pittakys, LG., 'Ep. 'ApX.,1839,No. 318 and 1842,No. 1038;U. Koehier,I.G., II, 1001;J. Kirchner,
[ --
A*iai[1r]Tros Avahrr[rrov] AwKovo[t]eis cLop*oaKos TiLjoKpa&[-r]ov[s] 10 IcoyK?isj 1co<p&rovs Zco 'AMY,108cov -rAlovs ep&arnos Epaain[1[1r]o IKporr6vos'AvOiwrro 15 'Apei[v]icas 'Apioaro8ir Geo~kvov 8G6TWtos MEI8wvoS ['A]pt<E[iq]Cv ['A]-rl[X6&]prjs Moiporyvo[vs] --- 1 /Mallpq( [-'A7e3 .q.V'SCOPO 20 Kcxapoa[vi]8[at] lacuna This inscription was formerlydatedto the mid-fourth of Arkephon,son century,chieflyon the identification of Meidon,of Cholleidai(line 17)with the bouleutesof 335/4(No. 43, lines 102-103),but the lettering dictatesa the text as a prytany list belongingto date, and the quotasof LeukonoionandCholleidai third-century identify the Macedonian in 282/1(AE7-T., period. The prytanisof line 7 was phylarch XVIII, 1963,p. 104,No. 1, line 30) and the prytaneis in lines 9 and 11werethefathersof councillors on a Leontidregister datedto the middleof the third century(No. 88, lines 29 and 31). Phoryskos,son of Timokrates, in line 9 was ephebeca. 324 B.c. ('ApX. 'Ep., 1918, p. 75, columnII, line 37; for the date, see 0. W. Reinmuth,TheEphebic Inscriptions of the Fourth of the bouleutesof Century B.C., Leiden, 1971,pp. 69-72). Arkephon,then, on this list must be a descendant
335/4, and the lowering of the date of the prytany list suggests P.A. 627
75. Upper right corner of a pedimental stele of Hymettian marble (I 6551). Found on June 13, 1952, in the area of the southeastern part of the Odeion. H. 0.22 m.; W. 0.24 m.; Th. 0.08 m.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXII, 1963, pp. 5-6, No.. 6, photograph p. 1; S.E.G., XXI, 364. A new restoration of line 3 is given in Hesperia, XXXVIII, 1969, p. 110.
a. 279/8 a.
47 rTOIX.
VTO rr Tr .. .7.. ]oS 5866qiS [Trrl 'AvacxKp&Trous epXovros lrp v .... it ..... isr NiKCovoS [uravEicas Oivaios] 'ypajl&dTr T ralNrlt7Avos6yO66e icrrapgvouSurvirpalKal EI]KOOT-r [VEV'
5 [Ios ...........21..........
~KKrioija*TrCV Trpo68pcov 'TrrE6ql]6EV [fiS rrpUTavEiaS' AtrlJITp KaCl oCvTp6O8po1' 8]o0EvT-it .... EdwTrv vrrEp &v &]rravy?A [S6iCo' .........24 .... .9.... T5 s oi rrp TCv tEpov] cLv 0evo owpu'rdvEs 9 [Aouvav [v----------------------------------]
H. 1.20 m.; W. ca. 0.47 m.; Th. 0.102 m.; LH. 0.006 m. in lines 1-20 and 0.007 m. in lines 21 f. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XVII, 1948, pp. 1-2, No. 1, photographs pls. 1-2; S.E.G., XXI, 366. For lines 1-3 see also Meritt, The Athenian Year, p. 233, note 35; Hesperia, XXXII, 1963, p. 6, and XXXVIII, 1969, p. 110.
PANDIONIS a. 279/8a. 'iTrf .... .lo..... []Tri <'A>vaixKp&[TouS &pXovroS -rr ivaTrrS] .... .... rs NiKCOvoS OtvaTos [i .. ['rrp]urav[sd]as oypapi]
piIatKOai 80oSEK&r1, 'E7[aqrlnpoAICvoS [PUa]T?[v]v' etKO-rei] TOVTrpo6Bpcov ..] [T'TS] b<Kr,qriC( TrpuVTav[6fas' TrE^filt.pIev r 96osev] 5 [....] 'Ayaco[ ....... Kal auCirp6poEp ....... .i . ............... [Trt 68]Pcoi V[ ....... 6EIr?V'] Ir TjS TTavBoviBos] [Owr]pcv &rra[yyr ouo'iv ot wpUT&rvEt cv Ouov To( re wrpO bKKXralIv ToSr0s] Tcr&v [rrri]p TrCV i6[pcv & 8e Kial Crrp -rTsTr pouvfis Kal] [ois] oTl Tr&r[pioviv- 0uocaav 10 [TOi] 8l'pov [T-rO&a itp&c rTOO KraT Tra& 8iFou roU] y<plalaa 2TOIX. 44
15 [f(a]i Kal [acoTrpiat 'Tr5pouAfXs Kal TOi 8f'lpovU' 1raiv(cat] [S Tr]os 'rrpu[T&v-Ets Tf's nTavsovI8os KIal aTEpavcjaat aot] Kali lAontlpiaS' TO] VEKva [To'r]SXpvao[[I aorxavcotlapeTi's5 r V orTilEM [SEWpi]qpiapac [Tr6o8 &acvyp(ai T6VYPaCiIaTaC Ai]
20 els i 'rlV TrolQaiv] [ei]vE Kal cr[TrCaait v Trl TrpUTa'raVIK' [Tris] oa-rlrjs [epicami roOs irti rt ilOtiKilaet -rTO d&vdCcota]
Kal qlAXoTrilcos Trxl)(t E] [Afi] Kal TrCO [65fcoi KimAos ycdcyaxO xv &cyac& [8rilcovr TC& [856X]ea T[Co]l SiXEocal &drrroqpaivoval]
[-- ?-----I
25 [X]evoiKfsr[---]
ColumnII is lost ColumnIII is lost
55 [EvivrCTo-ov]
[Muppivoi] [alov]
TOV y[paCLc-raTa]
50 ME[-----]
77. Four fragments of Pentelic marble, c and d preserving the right side of the stele, but all otherwise broken.
a (I 818): Found on May 16, 1933,in a late contexteast of the Tholos (H 11).
H. 0.086 m.; W. 0.03 m.; Th. 0.031 m.; LH. 0.005 m.
b (I 820): Found on May 17, 1933,in a late contexteast of the Tholos (H 11).
H. 0.115 m.; W. 0.082 m.; Th. 0.087 m.; LH. 0.005 m. c (I 811): Found on May 15, 1933, in a late context east of the Tholos (H 11). Joins above d. Measurements as joined; H. 0.44 m.; W. 0.175 m.; Th. 0.136 m.; LH. 0.005 m.
d (I 625): Found on March30, 1933,in a marblepile in the area of the Tholos.Joins below c, q.v. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 39-42 No. 5, photograph p. 41. AKAMANTIS a. 280-275 a. STOIX.33 but irregular afterline 30
s .......] [........ hr[altvoai 85 Kal Trv T] Kal [acifav aT-rEavj]Calt[cOTr6v Xpuvacrt rEqy] EveKaTIs] 10 [&vcot KaTr TO6v v6oio]vECra[EPias
lacuna 15 [------------------------------]
--------------] [-------[-------------------------[---------------
] |,NYNH
20 [---------------[--a---------[-------------------
EIO [.]
THP [...]
]EP [....]
25 [-d
...... .TOS TrpTr&VEIS] T'rf 'AKa [........15 ..........O. 9 ca. 8f]ipou ]O [i[avTri8o .......... ca.27 ............] TOV T [............. OTt &v laX?]ltpoTrovo [av Tcrv oarpaTIOTlIKOV [OVT TCirI 6ICoI 6i, rGiol wrr6pov 8 rVnr]apXE(v si U avaXlaKOlEVCov] XPTLpaTcov [S rTOUJTO TCOV 'TO 9(pia rfi pouAXisdcvaypaait 8 Tro8E] [r6TO [a rTO ypajpat-ra -r6v TrS povAXfs ]v oTAr lTi X [itivrjt Kal crTocxat v Trot 'rrpUTa]vKotr etiS 8 [? TriV avaypa(plv TO'r S Trfi carriXqrs5Epi]cai vv &vaXcopa [Tri Trt StoIKjl'aE TO yEv6otEvov]
[6 1Sfipos]
ro [T]ros rp] ]
['lpi]on8Cx rlv
vacat 0.054m.
and so determined the date between280 and 275 B.C., but he also suggestedthe possibilityof a referenceto Keraunos of 281-279 B.C. Ptolemy
We restore in line 33 the title of the secretary of the Council as the officer responsible for the inscribing of the decree, in spite of Dow's objection to the late date for the naming of this officer,calling attention to the fact that
The changed restorations of lines 7-14 reflect our careful following of the stoichedon order, which in this part of the inscription shows no irregularity. Dow detected in line 20 a reference to Ptolemy Philadelphos, probably,
the funds for so doing wereto come from moneysat the disposalof the Council. For the phrase EIsTrous in line 11 instead of the more normal -Trpos Tro0SEOsoisee No. 147, line 42, and eOoiS No. 187, line 49.
78. Pedimental stele of Hymettian marble (E.M. 463), broken at the bottom, and with a deep cut along the right
side. Found in the AncientAgora in the excavations of the Archaeological Societyin 1907.
H. 0.55 m.; W. 0.56 m.; Th. 0.09 m.; LH. 0.005 m. - 0.006 m. Ed. G. Oikonomos, 'ApX. 'Ep., 1910, pp. 18-24, photograph p. 19; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 674 with Adden-
Kal '-rv & a?cov&rra&rcov 10 S pouvAfKalTroi 8filov o6ol [EoaivEuv] Uro 'AOrlvaicov T-rs rE euafas 'raSKa0rcKOoaaS [e0uaa] ousT'ril8fico lt hTE16 8 oi -rrpuTavir&s c v acrroTs] TCOV Kail v KCAoS KaICl pi0oTrlpcoS &rrluEiXArlv[Tac &,'cov rr6vTrcov TOU a tov Kai Tryr'rlqc4priara [Tro0S Stiov, ErraivEacal rrpUT] of TEv6Oot rrpouiti Kal orecavccrai XxpucCt oare&vcoi KaTraTOV[v6o,V Ei] aveiS rT1S 'AVTIoX[SoS T-rv8[f]lov Tov] 15 [C]e[p]e[i]aSEVEKa TS 'rrpos Kai qnlTilXonias TriSrrpos TO'S&eoiIS
aov TOV8itliov r1ToC aUroTos TI'[V SioiiKrlC] tIepiaat elS [eeo0s], SiaXEtpo'rovCIai 8iicoi 806ei pepicFal &v Tri 6' -T6[vrTaciav] SlaXetpoTovovTi TrCOI [iv Trifse0voias] 8 Kal ElSTa] TrItSIOIKtiel rropov85 irrra&pXev E[KTCOV [rTCV TO0i S61rrl oTrpaT-rcorTiKcv]
TeT 'A0rvalt XcaXKua &v 'Ae0rvafcov Tr] 86 KaiTa& 6Ocaco'av o'rrCS Trfi<> 'ApX-[y?TIn1 Kal Kal ECIoTE3COs Kal EXEt 'TOJS] l icoit ra T'rr[pos KacAcO 'Til POUKAei TCO fis 'rr6XcoS
UrrO6 Tfs pouAXis 86 Tr6o '6 r &vcAitao]opuvcov r[ y i iaClia] &dvayp&pali [yrlqpiolaTa Kal v X0ivr KaraT eIS [-rv ypaclPia-rirTrO [Tic qai e'v-rTI] 1TpUT]avEfav oIr1Xriv
T8rV avaypa]qhv TrIs oarriris uEpiaat [-r]ovs fTr[iT't SlOIKt1] 5e EIS [,rpUTavIKCOv ysvV6pvov ava&Acolia]. [oae TOr
ColumnI lost
25 lacuna ['AvapXOrioio] lacuna
KaA[-----] [----]pos 'AWrroXoScbp 30 Oouxaprns 'A?XEi&60ouv OilaaS lXopbp6[Trou] ['ETIKpaTrT]s [- -]ous Auvtaxvrs 'Iao[---]
in the monthof Pyanopsion see also No. 70, above.Whenthe For the festivalsof the Steniaand the Chalkeia beencelebrated of the the had on last Stenia the next to decree was (on Pyanmonth, already day passed, present be on the morrow of due celebrated last the were to Financial the Chalkeia and day month). pro(the opsion 9) see now, in vision for the festivalwas made before the festivaldate. For a discussionof this time relationship B. D. Meritt,Proceedings Society,CXV, 1971,pp. 106-107,withexamples of theAmerican Philosophical general, therecited. marble(I 3855),with the rightside and possiblythe backpreserved. of a Steleof Hymettian Found 79. Fragment contextoutsidethe area of the MarketSquareto the southeast(R-S 17). on March28, 1936,in a Byzantine
H. 0.18 m.; W. 0.165 m.; Th. 0.118 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXIII, 1954,pp. 233-234, No. 2, photograph pl. 49; S.E.G.,XIV, 63. ca. a. 273 a. almost XTOIX. ca. 57 lacuna
]TMS [ .....12 .....] & l[oa Kupia'V] rs rrpuTave]iaS
.is........ v] (Da]Xrjpei Kal [a]v[UTrrp6 19......... Ou].arrdTrls [elIrevv Onp] 8tico' [epo' ESojev TCOI ol TrpurTa&ve -rTViep[COv TrTs.... ca. 7... {f]os Owirp [Vv rrTayyeoAouCiv cav] S Uca0V TCOI Kcal TCOV V] urrp T[fTS [gevov TC'rl 'Ar6oaMcovi iep]v ci)V TTpooraTrlpicoi Tr& I,uv&ya0[a 6S] 56f1iico [povufij Kal TOUi 8'ovU' T'Xei &cya0ei 6e86Xeai TrCOI] ' Kal acoTrpia[i vv] iepois oTSgovov &9 yiqeia K [XeoalrtTa yeyov-ra EvTroTs 10 [Tris pouXfis Kal rTOUI 8iiOU vTOU 'Arlvaicov Kal rTCV V] &cicov] 0cao EiVvousl[Cot "re 8ircol' rmiSh8e oi TrpvTa&ves [TC-rI euoi[aS Vv] T'1S.... ca.7... {8os Evuaav &as] [T Ka a---------------------]
In line 7 -rTCV tepC6]vis preferable to the editor's Trap' airc6]v.
of 1950amongstonesremovedfromthe LongLateRomanWall (O 8) east of the Panathenaic January Way.The above the firstline of the inscription. springof a crowningmouldingis preserved
H. 0.24 m.; W. 0.175 m.; Th. 0.07 m.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, The Athenian Year, 1961, pp. 192-194, No. 1, photograph facing p. 194; S.E.G., XXI, 369.
80. Part of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 6259), with the right side and rough-picked back preserved. Found in
TCOv [ias <KKXArilacr f]'rrEy?ipllEV TrrpoESpcov Krlpiaoo ] Kal ouijrrpOSpO [E8og] [---------'TCr 8iqiJo' -]r---]S [Ev jv Trrcy[y] i'rrv' 'rrEpl Trv [9u] [Vaouvoiv ol -rrpUaves Tris] OivETSos rrrEp e[Eo]Ts[ols] [ocnov o5v 0euov-ra rrpoT-rV ]KKor]O-Iv TroTs
r Sili ai TOI 10 [-rrarptovfv' &dyaeOT TC ra i TrXEt6 S6]XC [Ev &cyaeOa 8XEoCai & aClav yEyov]EvaC ?v'roIs Ip
[ois ols Ev0ov 69' vOylEia Kal oco'r]pial [Slco' 15 TrqspovuXf[S]
Since the archon Pytharatos,in whose year the philosopherEpicurusdied, is definitelydated in 27110
(Diogenes Laertius, X, 15; see W. B. Dinsmoor, Archons of Athens, 1931, p. 45) the discovery of his prytany secretary from the deme Kephale gives a welcome fixed point (long elusive) for the secretary cycle of the early third century. The restoration here is made with reference to the newly discovered texts now published inHes-
in the festivalcalendar(see Meritt, op. cit.). This peria, XXIII, 1954, pp. 284-316. The year was intercalary
text has been given a different restoration in its opening lines by W. Kendrick Pritchett, California Studies in
ClassicalAntiquity, III, 1970,p. 209. His versionis of no value,for, interalia, it violatesthe obviousstoichedon
order of the first four lines. For that reason it has been omitted from the bibliography above. 81. Three groups of fragments of Hymettian marble (I 5992), found on June 5 (a and b) and June 11 (c), 1947, in
Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XVII, 1948, pp. 2-3, No. 2, photographs pl. 3; idem, Hesperia, XXXII, 1963, p. 7,
AKAMANTIS a. 267/6 a. [---------------XTOIX.51 lacuna Ts rrpuavE]ias ia[KhXraciarT]C1' .. 1.. ouv[.s i[is Kcal]CU K.c.a]
[Trrpo6pcov rT9EpilEt[v....... -rTCI 6i'pmo v KcaoicrrpcTos] ra"Cn<COvo[S] [p6E&poIv o80EV K[pco]CrriSr oi TrpUTr&vei]s 0 -rS'isAKaPi[aV]TrSos [S ETTreV' 'rrEp jv &drayyATXoucnv 5 [-rrp -r TrCV Tra [euov T'OV &V v euIicoV TOIS EKKX^]aiC [001oT] ols 'rr -rp6 All jv' TC-I 5e 8a EOicPSScruvErEX?Oca]v Cr& [&rplov Kp[6via' TrEnLWav] v v T-rV T KaTa Toil'rnrv rIoo Tavaclevaccoi [Kai Ta] rraTpia .LE[ycAoTTpETrcos K] [al &discos' ?vAcov] lTrrp Tq[S povUXS 56 KialTriV E'TtIIEPXi'lVTar KCai ro] OI ErTa9ito]Tr[.i{aS Tr Kal ?EK] [U 8SirlOU 5iiCO1 KcaT Ta 8E oypE'Va TCO'
The precise date is given, with great probability, by the name of the orator, who is known to have been orator
[_I -----
are preserved, and the end of one demoticin line 7. Only the ends of patronymics 83. Two joining fragments of Hymettianmarble(I 1884and 1956),with toothed left side and roughback preserved.Fragment I 1884 was found on April27, 1934,built into a moderncesspool at the south edge of the I 1956was found at the sameplace on May 10, 1934. Tholos (G 12); fragment
H. (as joined) 0.27 m.; W. 0.242 m.; Th. 0.08 m.; LH. 0.008 m.
lacuna ]
Y [----] [ol Trpurrr6ves]
oi TrrpuravE 20
[ol 'rrpvrTavs]
[SX]iovfrlv [----]X.iou
[epl ?]aconov
25 Tlpo[----] [ ]----[----
ot Trp[uT&-vs]
[ECnXfiv] 30 [(DOoiQovus]
the Priestof the Eponymosand lines 24-27 the Treasurer of the Council.See Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964,pp. 172173,and S.E.G.,XXI, 385.
identified him of lines 16-19 as bK TC-rOv queMTv, and lines 28-31 as belonging to the Herald. Lines 20-23 named
Thecitationin lines5-8 belongsto theTreasurer of the phyle,thatin lines 12-15to the Secretary. Dow correctly
84. Upperrightcornerof a largesteleof Pentelicmarble(I 5151),re-usedas a threshold block.Foundon December 1, 1937,in the wall of a moder house south of the MarketSquare(O 18). H. 0.515 m.; W. 0.331 m.; Th. 0.172 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXXIT,1963,pp. 7-10, No. 8, photograph pl. 3; S.E.G.,XXI, 376. ANTIGONIS a. 257/6 a. [I'ri AuKteo &pXOTroS &rri TfIS --Map[aocbvios]
ca. 14--- -rrpuTavEciaS
-- -
ca. 34-----
TSsKpTraia' Tr]pUTavraSv
T'rCO [1rpoSpcov]
Tr Trp[6] [v[0ov] LaKac TCrv6&coV eIvo'l v2v TOI1oa]avro [T-OV K 1CTICOV TCVIt 'AW6OAaovi TCOI TTpou Irpl Kl 9s Trrarpi] [r]oTse[Eo]T[s] [ov iv- dcyaO?cT CoIT&a v dyac& SXeoeiat & arroqal]vouai yeyovival ev -XE1 S656Xe1a TOl 86oi rTOS l[E] Kai TOO oi rrpu-Tavrs [poTsotS Oevov E9' ruyiiai Kal acoTrlpial TrfsTEpouvXfs 86i]poy' TrEiSr 68E
TaS [TE]
21 -----Kali I ovIrrwpo6por [rrsEJ(fiqnl --- -ca. 8o?QEvTrCI1Scor TE[----ca. 18----] [--ca. 6--lTrTv' 0nTrp cv ot TrrpuravEis rilS 'AvT-yoviSoS] imnipT-rv lEpeov ncTayyAovouvav ev
ocua &KkcoV vc avauav cis t KCiKOv KaXCAS KaitqpioTIpcos,TCrV [Ovauas-4uc Sj] ETripEiAl.vTral &drrvr[cov] v6ooi Kai T-r& [?V-T?r1 ia i Lo o TrE 581iiou, Tmraiv]oaal iTrrpuavEai v aorroTsrrpouE yTrljqaaTa TOU 'roS 'Trpv[Tr6] 10 [veis Tis 'Av-ryoviBos oTrrov6is EvsKa Ka iTAoTiaS TPS a Ka]i S u X[pU] [olr]epavCJaai ' 8 Tr6 [ao6I areavcI -rv r6 TOV v6O1ov&cvayp6cyal KcaraTOV yriplioa ypaplcaTr]ia-rTvKacra 'rrp[Ta] [veiav :v nriel XAleivsIi Kal o-rfijCI v T'rI TrpuTavcIKix ElS E8 TTiviroiflnov Kial'T]v &vaypayqjv
T6V TE 8ioi tOKre TO6 vacat vacat [acrTTXrs yEV6opvov ] pEpiaca-rvr a&vvacopa I---- rrEvl &rrsiSl olf rpuv-Tv]esT-rs [ 'Aviryovi8OS kTrativiav[-res]
[KacloreTavcbacavrEs dr&royalvovaiv eIs TTvopou?rlv T6OV &(-uTcov KaT-]auiaOvrac Ta-rlav TrS TE
[acias TEvKival oacatKacxfiKov v TEl 8S Kai TrV &6Mco]v TT rpVTavEiati, TI1rrepU6cXCeati &mavxrcov Jv
ol [TE]
XrTa [v6p1oi Kal lri(cpaTa CUI.fqppoTva'
E SE86X8 trrcaivoract tiv TVaTavia]v 'Av-rKparrlv'Agiov rapynIT[lT] [&yael rXI PX a T ouAheT [ov eoaepEcias V6EKa eEoIsKal ypiOTtWliaS T'rS rpos Toi*S TtrSet TOiJSpu?vAras*] &va[ypaci]ai 6S Tr6E KTa T ci r at v TC rpuTavvIKI] oTcoS av [-r6 vjlcrloiac TOV ypaciaTIria T-OV rpUTaIav Ka
a&Trav-rS ?E[60]
vacat rpr[a]
[_-----------------[-- .. .-----------------------------
85. Ed. Pococke,Inscriptiones Lat., 1752,p. 56, No. 63, whose majuscule Antiquae copy was repeatedby A. Boeckh, C.L.G.,115, andby U. Koehler,LG.,II, 329. Cf. LG., IIa,678 and Addendum. Cf. S. Dow, Hesperia, see B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXXII, 1963,pp. 10-11for the decreesand L.G.,II2,678, with notes of Dow (op. cit.) and Traill(Hesperia, XXXVIII, 1969,p. 422), for the register.Cf. S.E.G., XXI, 377. Lines 81-103 were
pubSuppl. I, 1937, pp. 47-52, No. 10, photostatic copy of Pococke's text p. 49. The stone is now lost. For the text
a. 256/5a.
NON-XTOIX. 59-66
[-------nrra oi 1rpuTa'viS TrfS AItyeTos] TiraivaavYaT?[s Kal] T6v -raciacv Ov EThXovro E 6avuTr]v &ro(pavoucav ElS T'rv po[u] [o-rcpavCboaVTES
[h7lv Ta'Serias TEOJKVval c:rrtaoaS]O8caiKaO[fi]K[o]v ?v T-r[l] 'TrpUrTavEa[l=rrEp rE] 8Sijov cyc]al -r [TC-]v uWETcrv Kca [xTfS povufis Kai TroU T'rX?I 6E6OX8aO Til pouvETE rTOv v TOr6 Kai Trapiav NlKOKp&Tr Aicovos 'A[y]KvXfieEv [wr]alv[(cai] 'A[v] ypacrcaTrE[a] evEKa Trf[s]'r[p6]s [To]Ois -Tl[o6]kvrv'Ovrl[qa]it$vTroS TeOep&Iaov CiaepEcas eo[i]s[ [Kal] ti r S pUTaCrS' TrralVfal qiXoTlitiaS T-rSEI TO0 KCi ?KT OV uTTrcov KaAMt[Kp&] TOV Kai TrV K[o?7]urTEao TT)S ialvrralvo'al K1pvUKa 8?ipoU EOKAXj[v] pouvATSKai TOU vacat lI)AoKAOvUS TpivEteaIa. E1Tm 'rs 8co[SEK]&rT ?]S [I ITpUTaviaS 'ETrrKpa'rTov ?l[T-r]E[v' Tr]E[l]Ni Aieac8rSS N[i]Ko[K]pa T TTIS poveu eitv XaXcb -r[6]v v[t]auTOrvTr[v] i[rr' E]upo*Xou ap[x]ovTos SlaTeTrErhv T Kati rpaTTrcov AMycov dya0[6]v o Tl fivcaTro I8ipiov, Kai Ta [rr]E[p] rfnspouXfis Kai TOU piaS aipEOeiS irrO T'fS povufiS eT rsT-aS vaoiaS -rots iE[poTs-rTv 'r6pov &wra] CtV ij?tpiKEV TOiSIspowrolois, Kai aUTOtS ouv6TrI?[ji]X[]i]Ta[l] [u]cat&[cov rra - TaS eOriaS, gOuoSEV . Ka i1CO Kal oaS aI iTOV [] v[K] TrErplAo-rTipq[T]aiEIST'TV pOouAXrV Trr&Vrcov [6&v KaCI Ci]K[O]V6O'InKeV irrp &7roXEo6yItoTaiTr l POV1JAEi 6p0ecs KailSIKaiCS, T TVXn)(E OratlVtCal t iT AicovoS'AyKVuAeEv S: ayaoiit 5ES6XOal POUX NIKOKpaTrVv Kal pltoliOTliJaTrS eIS'TIVP.ou3.v. TO05S TT)S eEOUS aepeitas vEKa 1Trpo
s ATocrevriE Xarrupou
40 EOOeOcaXos EOiuKpa&rou
kStoKafis lSIIK1\eOU MvrioapXos MvrloapXf8ou
N{KcOV OeeoSCpo 65 lTTpica[v]Spos Auvoou EK KoAcovou illegible?
Auv[KA]fis AuaIKAous
'Avrtoevris 'OVro'i(CpoVTOS
lnoA[o]o-rpTaToS AopKEcoS
25 'AiiE[1]voTr7rs 'Avrti8cpou
KaoMiorpaTos TE?Eol[v]ou
OeoTrooLTros EC'Qeppovos
'ArviTrrrrou 'AOivtrrTros
45 'ETrlXapifBls Avo[----]
Mvrncraypas Nt<KopUVOU>
EOE?vos Evj[t]eOou
30 'ETriynvrls 'Ewraip[]ivo[vo]s TTavairTlos OfiAcovos
TloM[[.rl]XosKXElvi'rrrou [Ko]AUv-rEs
70 'ApXiasKpiTrcovoS
[nlU]veos6iXov KcAIXKp&Tsrr
KAeiriSs NiKCOvoS
XcoxKfiS 'A[p]tcToqoiXou
E[Pio5 E1TnroWAou Eo6cov'AOrlv[o]coppou 'AiptiKfis nvluoS&pou EOUltT0rou AvauKpaTTnl AvaiKpaTro EOpiXrT-ros 'OTrpuviE OtiaTrslf8rn Alo&cbpou
AorloKA0ov ArmoKXfis
AIOKAEov 'AvT{Cropos 75 'Aya[e]oiKAis 'Aplo-roqavou 'Apaqyivlot
K6AiXTrTros 'AAVTrvSpo
Ka7Xiutaovrs ()avop)(Xou
'A[v-T]rKAouS 'A[VTr]lKpa6crT
(tDia[i]Bai MivaitXgos 'Apaior[]ou
MeXaveiou AIOT6'rpo
60 EO'aiTrs A[E]iviou
ot (pu-rTal E 35
6 5iiios
Tro*S wpuTavrE1
ot uM'rcai
oi vuAETal
For line 25, see Hesperia,XXXII, 1963,p.ll. For lines 46 and 52, see Hesperia, XXXVIII, 1969,p. 432, note 7. For the date, see Pritchettand Meritt,Chronology, p. xxi. The register,as it has come down to us throughPococke'stranscript, is defective,containingonly forty-five
names. One additional prytanis may be accounted for by the blank line (our 67) between the demotic of Kolonos and the single representative of this deme in line 68. Kolonos regularly had two bouleutai annually (Nos. 36, 38, 42, 61, and No. 89). A comparison of the other quotas with those recorded on No. 89, below, dated just two years after this text but also defective, suggests that the remaining four missing prytaneis belong one each to Erchia, Halai, Ionidai, and Bate. The last-mentioned was omitted completely from the present text and may have be-
the deficiencies whether longedat the bottomof eitherthe firstor the thirdcolumn. It is impossibleto determine shouldbe attributed to the originallist or to Pococke'sfaultytranscript XXXVIII, 1969,pp. 421(cf. Hesperia, on No. 89, below,p. 99). 422, No. 1, and commentary the east side of the GreatDrain oppositethe southeastcornerof the Metroon(I 10). The stele is leadedinto its originalheavy base of limestone. H. above base 0.71 m.; W. at bottom0.425 m.; Th. 0.138 m.; LH. 0.005 m. - 0.006 m.; H. of base 0.285 m.; W. of base 0.55 m.; Th. of base 0.39 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937, pp. 43-47, No. 9, photographp. 45. For the place of finding and photographsof the stele and base, see Hesperia,IV, 1935, pp. 473-474. ERECHTHEIS a. 256/5 a. lacuna
[----------------------a] EIS Ts v PouAh] 86. Stele of Pentelic marble (I 1024), broken only at the top. Found on June 26, 1933, in a late Roman level on
T'rs 'EpexeidAos Kai crcpvcvacraiKrTa Tr6] [Tros wTpUTavS v Kal TO[vSiJlov T6v 'AerlvafcovvdvaypCpait 8E -r6?e TO j1] 5 tatita Trbo[ypaligaotrTa rbTO i Kacr&rTpuravsEa v oNrlt r Ali] t rpUTvravIK V ltI Kai Tr[fi 'ai iv TC Il VvcvaypaqIlv K] Si, els 8 T"ri
v vy[pov o"rrovSnis VEKo Kai cafjSrs IXOTpias
(v r Te p'rpvavE{Ia Kai aiOrTov 'Tc[v A?covKAcoS Trt [a]OjKOV K] v v iTraiv] [a]i vtXoTrifpco5s yaeCt TOXEI1 ES6Xeai TEriPouAtl 15 []ocat T6v TaoCiav v NIKOlAijV 'ATro7AoScbpou A[a(iTirpfa EOaE] Kai t(pio[oTi[as ris elS r] [p?]ias IvCKaTifS rrp6sTOIS 0SEOS
i T7O OIKiotEI ai Triv oriX4l[v Ipp{pioaTOV IT TE-1 yEvO6IEVo] ' v &v6Acopavvv[ vacat ] TV ....... )[........15 elrr iTrt8 Ol wrpVT] 'ApicrrcboUvwOS Kal acrEavcbocavnE] vivetS'fi 'EpEi-E]65os EraiVECava[IvTS ra5v drrrot[acvoucnv ST6vT-rriav 6v etAovr[o<(> q]a eltsrfv po]
66 Kac TOV o0s yV7'Tas X ?rarv&cat ypaljiarot [MtriS qnAfs] 0 -v ov a-ioi&E<wactKav itt pouvM Thaa qfivTTaafcovo[s EOvvw]
p6l gsveKa Kai S6Kaloo01vris TiMpEAEiaC 'is ES t ro[S qTivM]
20 Tra
ZKoiM XapopoKp6rr1s
KTracov Kratcr[pXov]
coarrrTrov 'Ewmxaprls
npcTo6paXos nTpco-ro
nveOoAfis Fprr'covo
'AVTIxK 'Avricp[a]xos 55
Mev&6KrlS Q)toKpaTo
'lepcbvwJoS 'I pcovos
'Aptiorei NIK6PovXos
6E6Acovo 2coaioCrpacTS
aV [T]6v rTapiav
NiKOKA[fiV] 'Arro?AoScbpo[u]90
6 8i5jTos
TOlS Trpu TaVel5
NtKOKAl V 'ATrro?XoScb100
AapiJrTp TOV vnroyp appa-rka
iuaTE[a] rTaaiKMAv
Tacricovos EOco----Aiovcalov
No'rrTr6o I.o
I AtSpaSi
For lines 3 and 17, see Hesperia, XXXII, 1963, p. 12. Cf. S.E.G., XXI, 378. There was slight crowding of the letters in lines 7, 14, 16, 18, and 19, resulting in violation of the stoichedon order. In line 117 the scribe apparently cut oi aOceicrroi which he partially erased intending to change it to ol vUAErTal, but the change was never made. The man honored was probably EK TCOV (uAPVrCAV.
87. Upper right corner of a stele of Hymettian marble (I 1125), with part of the gable and the mouldings above the inscription preserved. Once seen in a modern wall near the Church of St. Elias, and rediscovered on October 28, 1933, in the wall of a modern house over the area of the Southwest Fountain House (H 14-15). H. 0.30 m.; W. 0.37 m.; Th. 0.105 m.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. J. Kirchner, LG., II2, 702; S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, pp. 63-64, No 21, photograph p. 64. OINEIS
a. 256/5 a. [0]
TrfS TTavStovi8osEKTrrS rrpuTa ['ETri Eirpoiou &]pXovroS Trrl ypapp6dT?EV vv [V[ias ft .. .]cpv Mi ATiaXou 'AAcoTrreK1fiv
vacat Cv drT[ayyAAouvnv [------ol] Trp[uTa]r A]aKiat6rs tlrev' rTTp cv ?[evov Tra T-rov v TCOV evaou 10 [VEIt UrrEP rrpO b<Kriat] TriS OIV?ESos] r 'Arr6oAcovi] TCOI Trt TrCIT Tri Bouoai] [Kaoi [Cov TlpoCrTaTrpfcoi "ApTritiSt
[at Kaio TO?S aAXotI Oeo]s ols 7Trrrp[tov fjv, ---.---------]
For the restoration of the archon's name in line 2 and for the date, see Pritchett and Meritt, Chronology,p. xxi.
88. Threejoining fragmentsof Hymettianmarble.Fragmenta (E.M. 8688)was said by Pittakysto have been found on the Acropolis('Ey. 'Apx., 1853,No. 1371);fragmentb (I 1636)was found on March23, 1934,in a late Roman contextover the Tholos floor (G 11); fragmentc (I 4762),whichjoins betweena and b, was found
on April 20, 1937, in a late context southeast of the Market Square, east of the Post-Herulian Wall (U 21). a: H. 0.25 m.; W. 0.28 m.; Th. 0.09 m.; LH. 0.004 m. Broken on all sides. b: H. 0.14 m.; W. 0.09 m.; Th. 0.06 m.; LH. 0.004 m. - 0.005 m. The right side is preserved. c: H. 0.125 m.; W. 0.135 m.; Th. 0.03 m.; LH. 0.004 m. Broken on all sides. Ed. L.G., II2, 2434 (fragment a); S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, pp. 57-59, No. 16 (fragments a and b), photograph p. 57; W. K. Pritchett, Hesperia, IX, 1940, pp. 112-115, No. 22 (fragments a, b, and c), photograph of fragments a and c as joined p. 114, complete text p. 113; S.E.G., XIX, 179, and XXI, 379 for lines 25 and 34. LEONTIS post a. 255 a. lacuna
Kai ari]o-al [v TrcI 1TpVrTaVIKcor Ei 6S TrqV tAOivei &vraypayqiv] [T'rs oris Hl ppfIo]a T[6v 7rr]i 1il Il[OIKtfoel TO yEV6pSvov ?cv61OCOaI].
NON-XTOIX. ca. 55
[iv or<XEl
a 5
[--ca. 7 --]CoV ZTpaTOqOV:
30 [....]tKlfS rTpoKXouS ['Hylac]vSpos 'Hyrlca&vSpou 10 ['E]Koa1iS [--ca. 6--]i8liS rpoKiouS
MEXavco[rrir8is ---] 'ApICtroKp[----] Aw[Kovo?TS] 50 Aiovcrios [---] TlIoKprrTlS [?opaoKov] eE6KpTroS Au[---] COTrAiS 'AXKIp[I8OVTOS] OeoxaprTs Xatipp[EqCVT-ros][55 T17AXl[KS]
[-[ [
?] [, AAlUoiatioo
l?] [rToTaOIOt
[--ca. 8--]os 'Apio-ro8iKoU [--- ca.10--]pvTrou 15 [---ca. 11-- ]rfiov [--- ca.12---]qPCvTOS [--- ---]fou [--------] 35
[--20 [-----]
] ]
[----- --] [
E[Cirrupiai] EO av[hs ---] Xi,t eos[---] KoM[co~vTs] Epp 6S6copo[s 'Ep]voA*Kou b eeo0 [At]oAKouS qxPvris KppcoirSat \ f[p6c]6al --
65 [... ]av5[po]seEopooAou
[--- -
[--- --]
v rcat
ca. 7 --]
Aucri,K ous
vc acat
[citations missing]
For the restoration of line 34 and the date, see Hesperia, XXXII, 1963, p.12, No. 9. For the patronymic in line 29, see Hesperia, Index I-X, and for the name in line 25 see Hesperia, XXX, 1961, p. 48 (a suggestion of S. Charitonides). 89. Stele of Hymettian marble with pediment, composed of three joining pieces (I 7043). Found on July 22, 1968, lying face upwards as a cover slab of the drain running from the Southwest Fountain House (H 14). A moulding runs across the face below the pediment and carries around the two sides. H. 0.91 m. (shaft only), 1.04 m. (with pediment); W. 0.385 m. (above) and 0.44 m. (below); Th. ca. 0.012 m.; LH. 0.004 m. - 0.005 m. Ed. J. S. Traill, Hesperia, XXXVIII, 1969, pp. 418-425, No. 1, photographs pls. 109-111; cf. also pp. 432-435 for the date.
a. 254/3 a.
F {rri Tfis Aiye8os 'rrpcb&rrS Otihvou &pXOVTOS 'ETTi -rrpvTaveiaS 1 Oeo6'-ros -rpaTOKXous OopaieitS Eypappa'Treuev EKaTOi KU KKXrlaia EV&EKaTCl TTiS TrpuVTavEiaS' paticvos EV&SeKaTCl 'ApETiaS AairrrpoKAouSlteipa p(iaT-rv TrpoESpcoverEfiyq[IEV
TOI 85 oit V 1Eu5 KVSal A*av6pos Auo-i&Sov Cavrlrp6oepoigOoEV 'rC eI'rv TrTS Trpi CEv &rTayyM oavouo'lv o1 rrpUTavvEts 'AvcaqAcr-rioS 'A "rE -rpo pKKrCTasic5 TrCt s5 E IOV Tra AtyelTos nrriprifs uc1iaS TereT BovXafaia Kal 'TrlI fpou LCa T[o] tIplcot KCal 'ApTrptiS Tr6ovpcovi TOtOl olS 'a-rptov v v &yea0eT eoTlS iS 6A?XXotS 5[] rt X SE568XeaCO & patcnv 10 ico1T-ra I.v dyaOa EXEcIeati [E?'] yeyovvatl Ev Tros IEpoTs 5
8e ot TwpUTaV'Ets Tifs AlyeT6osTr<K<alav Trfi [.] v T'retfiS iVTrp av (XEt Kma oTrrcoS KacCos tioTirpcos P3ove[l] ['rr].o6?cos ?rV'epOSTErT 15 [Ka]l 6 Kal TriS T-rjO86JicotT&C TroiSOeos v 'rmlte6jXrilvrTatl TrpOs v 8ilou &KdOXOI0coS TroTv6.otlS rTraltvEcal [acu]Xoyfis TroOU Tro [s 'rp]ur&atVESTjS AiyeTSos KCalaTE(PavCa Xpuc-at CoreqpaVcotKa
Kal tiKalOcUvrqs TT]S -TO[r]Ov v6opov apETrS ?EVEKa eiS T'OV 56i.o
v ro[v] 'A.rlvaicov v &vaypalcatl6 -r6oSTOyrpiqtanarTOV ypai-iaTr vv ri'XNrt -r rpuTaveiaV a TOV K.[a]T Ateivri Kal acrraat ?v TCOIt rpv Te-r 'raviKco'.[is] ET'v av[a]ypaqpflvTf'soT' pepio'at 'Tv 'mrr T9o &ava6ooia. tiotKlCiot yEv6p[eV]OV "E8oev TE pouv7t*AuKOrl6Sjs5 Atoxapou Kov[e]uAj[eE]velrrev' 'rr eti5 o<1> TrpuTraveis Trs AIyel8os ETrraivEcavTre Ka[l o'6]avo.'ga[v] TOV rTapiavTr's PoouAXf Trei ouAeT rTS acrroqpaivouovv A/\[avSpov]
&3.covOa'rr&vTov Si Kai TCOV Kal p9AoT[ipcoS] KCO5cO t7rilEh6Eficeatl rratvcat TV av [Tirs Po] ealrTTo ou'v TralvaI cyaeriTXl 6ECX v Aucat&ou TOv Kal ?E 'AvaqAio-rov vuA7s Avcavpov cavuT[cov] epaouKouvs 'A7iala v Kal TOV E[aOCtvi] 'AptoTroK7Av ypac.WIaTea
K KoAoovoiv Trraitvcrat NhIrTrrov 8EKal T'O [KT'pUKa] A'UroKAMouS Kal TO 1 S1pou (OlooKAXov TPtVexie[?aKal] EnVAfiv Tmjs povXfis TOV TroiU 6'ilov AivaTrov Kptrro8ipouneitp[atia Kal] ypapiaraTea v rTV nrroypall.-raTaN NiK6iiaXovNiKCOVOS rapyr'TTrov a[vaypa&] p TOV ita TOPv ai 68 Tor66TO KaTa Wrypi ypa..itaTta TrpUrTavE[iav v a] 8 v Kal "rTct h0ivrll elS TtiV&v[aypaqpiv] TrlXrllt ocrrtfiacl 1TpUv-rcvi<KCO TOyevo6isvoV -v Tri SioiKle 8to Tfjs orfllXrSiprpiraa TO [&v&acoJIa]
'EpXtels 85
45 'ApX8SrlIos AtoScbpou
4Arlpoavrls 'Errtil7Nou [M]vrloay6pas NIKopIVOu 50 NIKUAoV NIKOKXfis Keir'ias MvioaapXos
90 'APX~ESTq.1s KcatrrT.Ais
y Muppiv[oorrr5s]
'ETrn[---] ASpK1,Xos TAcoOeTs KaAKias(DpuviXov OtXatSat MvrqciouAos Mvcra[--]
'Apia-ricovTovvUKp&arov NauvKous NavKp&'rrs 75
95 AuaapXi6ris
'AvnTIY[vou] =evOKpITOS
TElepaaop& Icoq)avis EiXaptioTos
s EUrlysTir
The register, as it stands, is defective, containing just forty-eight names. A comparison of the quotas with those recorded on No. 85, which is also defective (see commentary, above, p. 95), suggests that the two missing demesmen belong one each to Teithras and Phegaia (cf. Hesperia, XXXVIII, 1969, pp. 421-422, No. 1). The
90. Fragment from the left side of a stele of Hymettian marble (I 2264). Found on December 28, 1934, in the
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967,pp. 230-231, No. 40, photograph pl. 57; S.E.G., XXIV, 171.
ca. a. 250 a.
MWvav[Spos----] AaiMco[v..--- ]
Aiovi0a[os ----] 'EppoKfi[s --]-
TE[tip&aioi] ] Ke6qao[
The marbleis like that of No. 72, and fracturesin planes of similarnatureparallelto the surface,but the
grain is oblique rather than horizontal. The margination is the same, and the indentation of the demotics is the same, but the lettering is closer, both horizontally and vertically. We conclude that this is not part of No. 72, though it may be close in date. The lettering also is different (phi, for example). If the fragment belongs to No. 72
it mustcomefroman upperblock,the right-hand one of a hypothetical handfromtherestof two,cut in a different the inscription. rightside and back preserved.Fragmenta was found on May 20, 1933,in a late wall east of the Tholos(I 11);
91. Two fragments of a stele of Hymettian marble, a (I 828) with left side and back preserved, and b (1 1280) with fragment b was found on January 30, 1934, in the wall of a modern house above and south of the central part of
H. 0.157 m. (of fragment a); W. 0.40 m. (of fragment a plus fragment b, as restored); Th. 0.10 m.; LH. 0.005 m.
Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 54-55, No. 12, photograph p. 54. ANTIGONIS med.saec. III a.
oi rrp-rTaCveS oi TrpVTavEts
5 KoAcovfi0v
TrupyIovos AapTrwrpfx
of a stele of Hymettian marble(I 775),brokenon all sides. Found on May 5, 1933,in a context of 92. Fragment late Roman or Byzantinedate over the templeof Ares (J 8).
H. 0.05 i.; W. 0.10 i.; Th. 0.10 i.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, p. 55, No. 13, photograph p. 55. med. saec. III a. [yp]qva-riax vacat [-ro]O6SClov (vacat] vacat 93. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 974), with part of the left side, smooth-picked, preserved. Found on June 17, 1933, in a late context east of the Propylon to the New Bouleuterion (H I). H. 0.078 i.; W. 0.042 i.; Th. 0.037 i.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppi. I, 1937, pp. 55-56, No. 14, photograph p. 56. med. saec. III a. XTO!X. 41 lacuna
i rij' o-r] 8EsBF riv -rrofrla -r ,TE T 8iKt 7V pIEpi'cYai l'tw -r1lv &vaypa(p'ijv [iQr~[s KCai
The restoration in lines 1-3 has been made according to a suggestion of W. K. Pritchett, A.J.P., LX, 1939, p. 259. In line 8 an alternative reading is KW [-]. 94. Fragment from the upper right corner of a pedimental stele of Hymettian marble (I 999). Found on June 22, 1933, in late walls over the Propylon to the New Bouleuterion (H 10). H. 0.223 i.; W. 0.18 i.; Th. 0.178 i.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, pp. 56-57, No. 15, photograph p. 57. med. saec. III a. [E) ? ri TiiS ----[pr1?----6apXovToS -ca. 31---------[-' ---i?--01
V 05 EKTh]S lTpv.rTavEiaS
noat V fypalp]a'[-r]F__vv [SE'vo?r ----------------------?Tls 'rrpv]-ravfcxaS ---- ir5v wrpoispCov 5 [iKAWT)aia ----]aOoS 'E-rri E'IrEi)OplLv [-?- - --iaj avwrp6E8poi vacat Iv 8ri1.tcoi] t50EPO1 VVVV 21 -?- r- vE rrrE p v d&rrmayy4AUovaoi] ol i[puv] [?----fca. -(-r'vEs -------------------------------lacuna ? Dow restored line 7 [ ?--------ErMiS] ot iT[pv]. errrev95. Block of Pentelic marble (11289), with two adjoining faces and part of the rough-picked bottom preserved. Found on February 2, 1934, in the destruction of modern house walls in the southeastern part of the Market Square. H. 0.202 i.; W. 0.302 i.; Th. 0.23 in.; LH. ca. 0.012 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XVI, 1947, p. 154, No. 48, photograph pl. XXVI. saec. III a. Face A in corona ot qu?vXi-rai Face B in corona
f povu7
Found on May 7, 1934,in disturbed 96. Fragmentof Hymettianmarble(I 1967), with the left side preserved. near the Church earthfrom an area once excavatedby W. D6orpfeld of the ProphetElias and St. Chara(I 14)
lambos (Judeich, Topographievon Athen , p. 333). H. 0.145 i.; W. 0.087 i.; Th. 0.047 i.; LH. 0.004 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, p. 60, No. 18, photograph p. 60. med. saec. III a. lacuna
5-6 -]Y6?[ -?---I
97. Part of a stele of Hymettian marble (I 966), broken on all sides. Found on June 15, 1933, in a late wall east of the Propylon to the New Beuleuterion (I 10). H. ca. 0.205 i.; W. 0.29 i.; Th. 0.132 i.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, pp. 59-60, No. 17, photograph p. 59. AKAMANTIS ca. a. 260-240 a. vacat I ? ] X[9i-j'rnoi]
s-----[ TiioKofi' AC[?----Ti1.Kc<>v
] MvijcripaX[os---VTpoi9fis Na[]-----
Xi[pfa]s 'AploT[---]
6 --]os (
lacuna The restoration in line 13 is new but it satisfies the preserved letters and spacing and allows Sphettos its normal quota of seven representatives. 98. Part of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 6258), with the toothed right side preserved, but otherwise broken. Found in January of 1950 among marbles from the Long Late Roman Wall east of the Panathenaic Way. H. 0.24 m.; W. 0.327 m.; Th. 0.13 i.; LH. 0.004 m. - 0.005 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, pp. 171-173, No. 26, photograph p1. 28; S.E.G., XXI, 384. ERECHTHEIS ca. a. 250 a. [-r6v -ra] M PouAi] 8[fivos] ~6 Tro*iS lrrpv 10
Trovypacx .aTrcxa cia
[~i.av---] 5 s----]
---I C--
-rM icelTicTovo
s Krllqi
pa Troi
ITrcovOiou v
vOjou T'h
30 []fav [--]
This inscription has the same date as No. 99. 99. Fragment of bluish marble (I 6530), with the right side preserved. Found on May 27, 1952, in a context of the first century after Christ in a cutting east of the southern part of the Odeion (N 12). The writing is stoichedon, with a checker pattern which measures 0.01 m. vertically and 0.0112 m. horizontally. H. 0.06 m.; W. 0.16 m.; Th. 0.135 m.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, pp. 173-178, No. 27, photograph pl. 29; S.E.G., XXI, 387. ca. a. 250 a. rTOIX. 41
Kal TbVrTaia]v rijs PoviAsi Ka[C] ['Apio-rcovOou Ti0&xax i ........ U v Ka]l TOV [X{av .. .ora....... KfipUKa -rFs rTOo SprOUEKn<Xjv [pouAfs Kal Tptv]e?Ikav Ka[l '6v yp] iov........ Ka[l T6rv oy] [alcltarta TOi 6f Kripqn]cna
lacuna This inscription has the same date as No. 98. 100. Three fragments of a stele of Hymettian marble (I 1999). Fragment a (I 1999c) preserves the upper right corner of the flat-topped stele, including the mouldings above the inscription. It was found on May 29, 1937, in a Roman context east of the Tholos (H 12). Fragment b (I 1999a) is broken on all sides. It was found on March 20, 1935, in a marble pile outside the Market Square to the Southwest. Fragment c (11999b) preserves the right
side but is otherwisebrokenaway. It was found in a late contextsouth of the Tholos (G 13). Thereis no join betweenthe fragments.
a: H. 0.145 m.; W. 0.182 m.; Th. 0.102 m.; LH. 0.005 m. b: H. 0.185 m.; W. 0.203 m.; Th. 0.091 m.; LH. 0.006 m. c: H. 0.219 m.; W. 0.15 m.; Th. 0.098 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, b and c), photograph Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 61-63, No. 20 (fragments p. 63; W.K. Pritchett, 12 No. Hesperia,XV, 1946,pp. 153-155, a), photographp. 154 (S.E.G., XXI, 386). For the resto(fragment rationof lines 20-21, see Hesperia, XXXII, 1963,p. 427, note 11 (S.E.G.,XXI, 386),and XXXIII, 1964,p. 173. For the punctuationin lines 12 and 15, see Hesperia,XXXII, 1963, p. 427, and XV, 1946, p. 155, note 35 of lines 14-15, see Hesperia, (the punctuationin line 15 is of about two and a half spaces).For the restoration XV, 1946,p. 155,note 35. On lines28-30, see W. K. Pritchett, A.J.A.,LVI, 1952,pp. 163-164.Line28 of Dow's text has been deleted;the verticalspacingon the stone will allow only threelines (the normalquota of Amphiand the next proposeddemotic,our line 36. trope in this period)betweenthe demoticof Amphitrope
ANTIOCHIS ca. a. 250 a. a NON-TOIX. ca. 44.
i [e o] r .rsi [lT---r ca.----TT puvra ri'A AVox]18os TpiTns P--&Xovros ca. 22 --[veiasfi ] 'ypa6rTvevV tvw
vyavoywvos --[1-avoptGVo...vo.
(DiX(iov T-rCv 5 [Trpurav[Eas' oKiArloaa rrpoiSpcov rsmyJ]pqlE[v
[v-- -ca.2-c. 20
auvrTrp6eSpol]' NeoT'r6OA
[ioS (iMou AlsipaSicb8is Edrrev' Oirp civ mrrayy][ovlaou]cTv ------------] os--Tsis 'AvTowno [oi rrpuTrrcvi lacuna
b [----
Trsv w TrrEiS (io X]iJo AEipa[ticoTrls rEvI ol] [NeoTrrOr6AEoS KalCareqavb] TriS 'Av]T-oXiS8oS [TrwpUTaVr& ?Trai[vCaavTEs v S -s v povuAiv [CaavresTroqaOfvo]ucv T[6v-rTaiavTrS Ou]
15 [icaasTEUKbval ?]v T-rT t&ya[0eT T\riX)6S] TrrpuravefallWV lv v [iAovro i t au] -r T Ta-r iafv [86Xac PouAeli].raivaoai Tr6 s V K[al T'rOypap] Ca. ca. ---]6Sov [TCOV--6---rlv-'AiVp-rpo'rrN0ev - Ca. ----] v ca. --Kal TroV 5 [TC Kx ---nacrll]vka [plcaTxr-9A[-rv
20 - -ca. 13------] 8---Kal T6v Tr]atIav TS [So---[ [--rPOVA v T-V 13[------ca. f]aIVCravia 6S [Kai IEpkaTOU rrco] -.-.-10 [----------------------] ----A]y [v*ioua---
-[---------- ---.----]9[------------------]
Missingare the citations of the Treasurer and of the Prytaneis Also missingare two columnsof namesand demoticsfrom the Registerof the Prytaneis At the end of columnII was probablythe demotic
[w AtyliAiTs]followed by
[ol Trrptvrdvets]
25 [ ]-------[-----------]
30 [ .... ]KTO [----]paros
[vv 'Api]TrpoTraieis
[--Vca. 6--]Tl
101. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 4106), broken on all sides. Found on April 28, 1936, in a late context in
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia,XXXVI, 1967,pp. 227-228, No. 36, photograph pl. 58; S.E.G., XXIV, 167.
med.saec. II a.
lacuna [---------] lacuna [XoXapyeis]
[ ? ]voS
Is ~-------lacuna I ------------lacuna I
For the namein line 20, cf. No. 72, line 10. The namesin lines 15-20 belongto the deme Cholargos.
102. Part of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 5346), broken on all sides. Found on February 18, 1938, in a late Roman context (H 12) between the Tholos and the Great Drain. H. 0.068 i.; W. 0.11 In.; Th. 0.06 i.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967, p. 228, No. 37, photograph p1. 58; S.E.G., XXIV, 168. AKAMANTIS ca. med. saec. III a. vacat [KIKvvvEiSf
8 --]COV 'Av-rtyQrr[ov]
103. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble(14846), brokenon all sides and at the back. Found on May 13, 1937,in the
debris from the late Roman destruction of a large monument at the fork of the Great Drain east of the Tholos (I 12). H. 0.20 i.; W. 0.11 n.; Th. 0.075 i.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967, pp. 228-229, No. 38, photograph p1. 57; S.E.G., XXIV, 169. saec. III a. NON-YTOIX.
lacuna [--------Is
]ov [--------[demotici 5 []---------TrrToo o-------t,viov
[------? ] E)eoyovs
[?----~~~t VXX(ov
cA.cov &arra'vTcovKa0edrrep [TrCV 68oev TCOl] 85ficoi E?UKO [a6icosKaCIleyaXorrpE'rrs o8aaa*Crois ot TE]v6Ooi Trr[p] Tr&rl(picryaTaTO68riP|ov' 'rn]ai[voca]lr[O] [oo'raTTroV KaO T-ri-----Kal [usi TrpvrTavS aO] orrTp]avCo[o]a[i E 10 [Tro* XPvuCotl T6v vO6ovEoaEpEias cT'rE&VCOI KaTCr Kal ToO&S 0eEos T-rS [vsKEV E1] 9ltXoTI]ia[s] Tr[fis rrpOS [Tr'v pouXiv Kal T'v 86tiov &dvaypacai] 8E T6e T-r[wfpil]cr
[,Ta -TO ypaClT TOri-r6 KlaT& [f]v o[T]rij[ri] WpUTaV]rEiav E?is8[[eTlv] [AitiVriiKal cftoai ivTCOrt rpUTaviK]tco[t [avaypacilv rTrsoTiTriS,lIpitcral TOV rri Tr]eiSI[OIKl]
For Irriwith the genitivein line 4 insteadof Evwith the dativesee also No. 71.
105. Two joining fragments of Hymettian marble (1 1804 and 1870), preservingthe original right side and roughpicked back. The larger fragment (1 1804) was found on April 18, 1934, at the southwest corner of the Bouleuterion Square (F 11); the smaller fragment (1 1870) was found at the same place on April 25, 1934.
H. as joined 0.30 m.; W. 0.235 m.; Th. 0.20 m.; LH. ca. 0.006 m.
Ed. W. K. Pritchett, Hesperia, X, 1941, pp. 273-274, No. 71, photograph p. 274. For the place of finding, see
E Oiou
vacat of six, and the demoticis to be restored in line 8. suggested by the firsteditor.Theymakea normalcomplement The clueto the demeis afforded mustbe a relativeof that'Epy6KpiroS by the namein line9, wherethe councillor who was councillorin 304/3(seeNo. 61, line 127). Similarly, herein line 11 the councillor Xaporriou (OAuX&aos) was doubtlessrelatedto the councillor'Apioropscv'ApcroT-rxov (Ov6A'aios) of 304/3(see No. 61, line 128)and
The names in lines 9-14 in the right-hand column belong to Phyle, rather than to Melite, as was tentatively
to that ['A]vT[ykvrls] 'Apia[ToqcovTros] OuvX[cnos] whose tombstone Kirchner dates med. saec. IV a. (LG., II2, nymic in line 11 here should be expanded to 'AvrT(ykvovs).
both nameand patronymic. He was probablygrandson 7741).We havehererestoredon the tombstone of'Aptknownfrom a list of namesca. a. 330 a. (I.G.,II2,2408,line 4), and the patro'Avrly~vouS iAuX&acios OTOwop5v
The editor of the HesperiaIndexfor Vols. I-X restoredthe namesin the left-hand column as of the deme in line 3. Thesechangeswerelaterrejected by the firsteditor Hagnous(s. vv.)and addedthe restoration [Xacp]kas and 167 note who that no from 164-165 these ten namesis homonym amongst urged 17) (A.J.A.,LVI, 1952,pp. that Chairestratos knownto belongto Hagnous.Thereis, however,a probability of line 3 is the grandotherwise of Hagnous(P.A., 15155),fatherof Mynnionof mid fourth century(I.G., II2, 5273: son of the Chairestratos o andthe firstelementof the patronymic is reasonably restoredin the name Mvvviov Xaplrpocrr 'Ayvo<vu>fo), in as first element the was restored the first editor in the namesof the as just patronymics by proper [Xalp]kas, lines 2 and 6. The nameXaipcxsis otherwiseknownin the demeHagnous(P.A., 15095). of Pentelicmarble(I 2437),brokenon all sides.Foundon February of a columnar monument 106. Fragment 14, 1935,in the wall of a modernhouse (O 14). H. 0.135 m.; W. 0.265 m.; Th. 0.126m.; LH. 0.007 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXX, 1961,p. 217, No. 12, photograph pl. 37; S.E.G.,XXI, 596. PANDIONIS saec. III a. I [------------] [ ]o,EiC[--] vacal
5 vacat vacat
lacuna 107. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble,brokenon all sides (1 1703),found on March27, 1934,in a late fill nearthe Tholos (F 11). H. 0.11 m.; W. 0.065 m.; Th. 0.056 m.; LH. 0.007 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964,pp. 211-212, No. 56, photograph pl. 33; S.E.G.,XXI, 594. ERECHTHEIS ca. a. 240 a. lacuna
6 ---] [S--------] [-ca. 5-]KpOrT[nlS----]
5 ['Aya]0oiX[fs-----] [...]ox&p[s------]
[... .]6Esi6[nsr -]
[Anl]rTpio[RS-.- ]
The shapesof the lettersare an indicationof date,4as is the the fact that the spacingindicatesthe use of patronymicswith the names.6 108. Part of a stele of Pentelicmarble(I 4871), brokenon all sides. Found on May 19, 1937,in a late Roman in a classicalfloor southeastof the Propylonto the New Bouleuterion disturbance (H 11). H. 0.11 m.; W. 0.23 m.; Th. 0.055 m.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia,XXXVI, 1967,p. 230, No. 39, photograph pl. 58; S.E.G.,XXIV, 170.
4 See J. Kirchner, Imagines2, 1948, plate 38 (Nos. 94-97).
[--------]cvT --]a [- ---la lacuna
[demotic] lacuna
of Hymettian The fragment marble(11764 and 4890),with the left edge preserved. 109. Two joining fragments walloverthe westend of the Templeof Ares (J8); I 4890at the left (a) wasfoundon May22,1937,in a Byzantine the fragmentat the right (b) was found on April 11, 1934,in a late contextin the Bouleuterion Square(F 11).
a: H. 0.171 m.; W. 0.208 m.; Th 0.10 m.; LH. 0.005 m. b: H. 0.25 m.; W. 0.166 m.; Th. 0.10 m.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, p. 61, No. 19 (fragment b), photograph p. 61; W. K. Pritchett, Hesperia, XV, 1946, pp. 152-153, No. II (fragment a), photograph of both fragments p. 152, composite text p. 153. For
the namesin Col. I see also Pritchett, A.J.A., LVI, 1952,pp. 161-162. HIPPOTHONTIS ca. a. 240 a.
" ['Amvamatalls](?)
10 [ME]VE:[----]
lacuna ----] [------
[----------]&rov [--------o]u ---]ap[iov [-----5 [..5-6....][. .5-6...]MOVS [Tt]>6oapa-r[os ....]qfi?ou 5 ...][--I Krlqao'68copo[
Alo'xrw. [---]
Ke[patdiSa] 20 Xatpicwo[v---] eEoB56'rov] eE69E'tXo[s vacat
110. Fragment from a stele of Hymettian marble (I 202), broken on all sides. Found on March 17, 1932, in a
Ed.J. H. Oliver,Hesperia, II, 1933,pp. 500-503,No. 15,photograph p. 501; S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,
pp. 65-66, No. 22.
Ta- l T,r& vT-ra [vEial Tra e3poS Xrls '"rI povufil Kai rr[p6sTOrS0oiS] ir]ci i v T 'TO 8iTov' Ei [Kal ElS yae0 68XEtS6Xa rql Pou]Xqit [k'rraiviaaCTrV]
[Trapiav Arlpaycvrv-]----------
The formulafor the royal house of Macedon,whichwas intentionally erasedin lines 4-5, is here takenfrom I.G., II2, 1299. See also No. 119. We follow in generalOliver's restorationand note that Antigonosand his if the decreeis to be datedearlierthan 239. queenPhila are equallypossiblerestorations Found on June 8, 1937,in the 111. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble(I 4943),with the originalleft side preserved. areanearthe Tholos (G 12).
H. 0.095 m.; W. 0.062 m.; Th. 0.04 m.; LH. 0.004 m.
E[5o0ev TPCOl ----l - ca. 28----------------rCI
S Kal r] Kai TroTS ?V,v uevcCav A1ots5 eEois ols TraTPIov t61 Tril [BovXaaia v iKat Ev Trcs KCaeOKoiaas Kxacs oTs EcoT[fpacvv lpEpais qIOTifpcoS Cya] v rOI 8ipicot 'rTa pv ayae0a 6XE0oeatTa yEyovo-ra Ev] riXr[t [ES6XEoXat eqi T
ls EO ov Eq)' OytiIat Kal TroTS oCAC)Tolpia T Epo[is oTs5
ca. 55-------------------
TE0ucaiaSeuvaov&rracas5 ora [.. ] v rIr[Eti18&oi TPVTUTVEIS Ta5S l KafiK] 10 [o]v v rT[it TrpUTavEial Kai (oTipcoS' -----------------] KCaAOS lacuna The erasure in lines 8-9 expunged reference to the Macedonian royal house. The names of the king and queen may have been Antigonos and Phila (if earlier than 239) or Demetrios and Phthia, as suggested above for No. 110. 112. Fragment of a stele of Hymettian marble (I 6179), found on May 9, 1949, in the Long Late Roman Wall east of the Panathenaic Way (N 7). The toothed right edge and rough-picked back are preserved. H. 0.29 m.; W. 0.337 m.; Th. 0.085 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, pp. 210-211, No. 55, photograph pl. 35; S.E.G., XXI, 595.
post med. saec. III a.
KoXXu-rTs 'IEpoPvficov nloAuA
rX[[co]ETs Atwrnros [----]
5 Ei[-------] Tte[pacoto]
E[ -] Xa[-------] [--------]
[ [-
--------] ---
[------------] 10 [------------]
?] [ODryaleTS 'A [-------]
A[l]oK1ris [------]
[---] Krlq)o668copos 15 [..]A[.]IAI[----]
Linestowardthe bottom of Col. II are morecloselyspacedthan at the top. It may Readingsare verydifficult. deme of Aigeis at this periodwhich be that the names in lines 12-15 belongedto Phegaia,the only remaining for the namein line 15. shouldhave had four councillors.No restorationis attempted
113. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 664) with the fine-picked left edge preserved. Found on April 6, 1933, in the Great Drain (I 8). H. 0.09 i.; W. 0.15 i.; Th. 0.065 i.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, Pp. 68-69, No. 24, photograph p. 68; cf. W. K. Pritchett, A.J.A., LVI, 1952, pp. 165-166, for line 4. The reading given here is our own. ALANTIS a. 240-230 a. lacuna [()Iqg?[ ----------] 'Apia-ropin[s[ ------MECVEP&TlnS [?]-----'A<V>-rlOXfiT)S EBqnA(frrou) 5 Mapcaecbviot vacat 4r11oqx6$v 7r6vTa1pXi [cav-r-s Pov]
114. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 1551), broken on all sides. Found on March 12, 1934, in the wall of a late pithos north of the Tholos (G II). H. 0.076 i.; W. 0.13 i.; Th. 0.044 i.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, p. 69, No. 25, photograph. a. 240-230 a. in corona
(6 slilpor (-r(k]Ets 115. Two fragments of a stele of Pentelic marble, which do not join. Fragment a (E.M. 358, not 385) was found near the Areopagus in 1906; fragment b (I 5531) was found on June 17, 1938, in a late Roman context southeast of the Market Square west of the Panathenaic Way (R 17). a: H. 0.56 i.; W. 0.47 i.; Th. 0.078 i.; LH. 0.005 m. (crowned with a pediment) b: H. 0.26 i.; W. 0.156 i.; Th. 0.078 i.; LH. 0.005 m. - 0.006 m. a: Ed. J. Kirchner, Klio, VIII, 1908, pp. 487-488; 5. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, pp. 66-68, No. 23, photograph p. 67 (cf. I.G., 112,790). b: Ed. W. K. Pritchett, Hesperia, XI, 1942, pp. 242-244, No. 47, photograph p. 244. It is broken on all sides but preserves the original rough-picked back. PANDIONIS a. 235/4 a. a modified XTOIX. 44-46
gn' -ri-T1 A,rIAvaavifov &pXovPTOS Akav-rifoS9v5Exa&-M sr pvTavEias,fj EwilAkos'EnrrmfcovosECcovwvpie-ypapp.a& &rr8Ka, r-rrT&pTiKaci &e TEVET' GaCpy19UCavos TETpp6dcS 5
1(a(1 TT-1 TVrpOk8pco1ErsEYp1Ip sTwpv-raCveifas h<iyCNci TCV v EUIKTct7oS LEv icxi avgnrp6E6p TTTe7E&aaiOs EOnKrTCpovoS Or v v 08n v -r'ni fAtt' T'lilry'l -rf' i &A Ilfj'll VIU-17 Ailloqoxavi 'E7Titil'ov 'AXaie*i,Edrrev V'irEp
e$v darrcyyMX?h
KalTrTIt iAoti BouXatia KailroTTS T-rfi 'Ap-rTISl [a]TrlpkoI ?VT iv, v giuaav Si KalTotS XcoTf-palv [e]eoTsolS Trrorplov
iciJpail [a]TS KaecKOaioals KaXcos Kai yIXOTirfcos v c ayaci
r iv &aa TI 86ico1'v TC 5cXEae0a Tr yE sE86XeaC [T]?XEI EvTroTilpols ols geuov&p' lriEiatKal ccoTrp[(ai] 15 [yo]v6Tra
8ilOU [[Kal TOUpacincos ArlTi-rpiou K] [Tr]s poujsfi Kal -TOUiJ o8 o irr[pu] Kacxc l yy6vcov] ] v rrei Sin [ac TriSpaoXioarqs Q0fia T-a lavoviSoi8 Te evacav rS drrawaa[s TTc 6] BUvoiaS TravEiS raa KaofiKov Ev Trfil rrpuravEialKxca Kal 9yloTi.tcoS,[ETi] Ti s avuXoy-is Trs TE povfijs Kcal TO[UJ [l]E6iv-rat ai 86 Kacl S6] TE Kal T] Aacov Kal ol cv aoTo5S TrpoiTaTrTOV v6TOo[i [vi.]ou riTCV V i raciivooai [TO0S Kal TOi Trp] TIS povufis ya rl|Crl aTCa oIpouv' c XpUCrco[ Kacl UT&rVEI TTavSiovi8os TST-S o-reCav] oTrpavc-aV cT gveKa T-'rsTrpos To[Os eEo0s K] V eCIaEs ColKaor V'6 61pov al IXoTiNt-aS Tv rTfSEiS povAvv Kal -rTvSfIlo[v T6O'Arlva] TOV 65 TOr6TO 9ilqoll'ca [i]cov [&]vaypa6cia ypacix[aT-ra-r6v K] TOl ?v XAi0ei [Kaci carijcli [aTa TrrpuTrav?]av crrfiXA 'rrpv] ------] 6s Tri]v &vaypaciv rijS [or [TraVIKCl, EtS rsS-
['faiEs] [------]
[----] [----]
70 [----]s
[Auaca]viaSAucaav8(p--) [ .....]as'ApICrTOU
NtK6O-rp[aTros--] 11 &<ptlAo[s----]
[-----] [------]
[----] [--[----]
[----]s Kc rr --]aov-r
[rTElpiei] [-----]aov
75 [-------].n
[------] 90
[ [.ci-]
[ ------]
[MuppivoOioi] 80 [-------]
......?1] ...... _]
]E ----]
29 are iota alpha,not rho iota, and belongto the noun[T-ra]cia[v]. of the register The symmetrical arrangement callsfor 'QaiTis or 'AyyAe\Tsin line 39. So faras can be determined both areacceptable. ThenamesfromPaiania the prytany(line 30) it is appropriate to find this demoticin secondplace in the register(line 44).
occupied part of Col. I, all of Col. II, and the first five lines of Col. III. Since a Probalinthian was secretary of
There were four columns of names, each about 0.11 m. wide. The representation by demes was probably the same as in 220/19 (No. 130) except that Konthyle had not yet been transferredto Ptolemais and that Steiria probably had its earlier representation of three of 304/3 (No. 61). The text here offered differs from those previously published in some details, based on a careful reading of letters around the edges of the stones. The letters in line
The stone widensslightlytowardthe bottom,allowingmore lettersto a line in fragmentb. For the reference to the royalhouse of Macedonerasedin lines 16-17, see Nos. 110, , 111, 119. Therehas beenmuchdiscussionof the spacingof lettersin these lines, but what is givenhere is, in fact, suitable. of Hymettian 116. Fragment marble(I 1679),with partof the toothedrightside preserved but otherwise broken. Found on March26, 1934,in the wall trenchof the Tholos, behindthe porch(H 11). H. 0.265 m.; W. 0.077 m.; Th. 0.13 m.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,p. 70, No. 27, photograph. ca. a. 231/0-230/29a. lacuna
[--------------------------vacat [
]v Sgeov vv
Tf]S Tr] pouXfis v 65 Kai T-rqs [Trplov iv, Trtpp?iEarlv-Tal a?oyiS vv TCOv cBv Kai &,XAcov TOo [Kai STlgou adrratvTcov aTrois] 'rrpooa [ iaL LOV Ol T' v6,ioi Kal -ra yriolgraTra TOU8?i5 ou vvvv]v dayaOE iv r&a TCOIt ,UV dyaca&65Xeo0at &]&rrayyyA 6ilPco ['nrXEi ES6X80a iv oi TOTiiEpois ols] gi0ov vv [AovoUv TrpuTpavels yEyovEvat Kai [q)' iryiefal 561iou To]U 'Aqv[ai] acoTrrlpialT]iSpouAs KaiT-OU s K]oaic[?] iuv TirS .... 8.... [cov Trraivvoaal5 TroiS TrpuTavEts
-------------------------------------] lacuna
As Dow noted, thereare some irregularities. The lines are dividedsyllabically, and line 9 has four letterstoo few. Perhaps shouldbe restored insteadof the normalc5v.To suit the stoichedonrequirements 6rr6acov EIS rTOVS
TO0S teoOSis restored in line 16 instead of the conventional Trpos 0oiS. For the date see Dow, op. cit., p. 11,
117. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble(I 6756),brokenon all sides and at the back. Found on July28, 1956,among stones from the centralpart of the MarketSquare.
H. 0.13 m.; W. 0.39 m.; Th. 0.135 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXII, 1963, p. 13, No. 11, photograph pl. 4; S.E.G., XXI, 394.
lacuna ou
.raTr ] AovroS [---] KcOXcoviSiis 'AvTrqYVT E[ipo]vAos 'ApioCrafiXy [e]pdi&ioi
S[Tp]arrcOv{irIS[---] [....]paTls e4[---]
5 [--------]
15 [---------]
118. Fragmentof off-bluish marblewith some reddishand some bluishveins (I 6020),with a smallbit of the left Found on June28, 1947,in a late contextoverthe westend of the terrace edgepreserved. wall of the MiddleStoa (I 12).
H. 0.095 m.; W. 0.18 m.; Th. 0.037 m.; LH. 0.005 m.
rTOIX. 38
lacuna 119. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 4929), broken on all sides. Found on June 5, 1937, in a disturbed context
XTOIX. ca. 51
lacuna Mention of the royal house of Macedon here in lines 5-6 escaped the general damnatioat the end of the century,
Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 73-76, No. 29, photograph p.75. KEKROPIS
a. 228/7 a. almost STOIX. 36
'nti Tris KEKpoTri8os ?TirAEcoxapou &pXOVrOS [V] [v] 8uT-rpaS 'rrpurTacveaS t GeoKpo'toS naacfco'
8jllcot, T'raIV ayaea 58XE(6atI XE1 85e86Xea TCOtl rTayyov6-ra v TroTS ipois oT15 vuov iq' CiyIEi S POvX KaCTOe 1Srou' rTEl at Kai acorT)piat Trfi rTa T-EeuCiaS eucaav crraoar[S] 8i1 6&oi TrpUTaVeIS iv r Kai 91 6Oai KaceXKOvv TETrrlpuTaVeia KCXaXS Kai TqISCvvAoyis SiE AoT-ricoS,ETIEE1AVTXtrvai
40 i pouX? 6 SfiTios
ro5s Trrpura
veis 45
'EpXi coopov Ea
lacuna a fact whichaccountsfor The text is stoichedonwith some irregularities. The lines were dividedsyllabically, occasionalcrowdingat the ends of lines (12, 14-17, 20) and occasionaluninscribed this spaces.Dow attributed
phenomenon to the "transition from stoichedon to the non-stoichedonstyle," but this habit of syllabic division
is muchearlier thane periodof transition in stylein the last quarter of the thirdcentury.A good examplefrom than as earlyas the fifth centuryis to be found in the accountsof the expensefor the squadronssent to Corcyra in
433 B.C. (I.G., Is, 295).6
The stonecutter made mistakes,whichwere sometimes corrected: (1) in line 4 only the left lateralstrokeof the alphain t ia was cut. An extrakappawas cut in ?KTEI. (2) in line 5 the firstsix lettersof eKoTlaia werecut in five spaces
but he proceeded only so far as to cut the upper stroke (3) in line 6 the stonecutter began to cut the name NEi{KWv, of the epsilon. He then made an erasure in this space and ended with the name N v (KCOV (4) in lines 9 and 25 some letters were cut in erasures (5) in lines 11-12 the stone shows a doubled sigma in TTpouu ta-tilpioal, which should be retained in the text and
not corrected as suggestedin A.J.P., LX, 1939,p. 258. (6) in line 17 the lettersof 8e oi werecut in threespaces
(7) in line 24 the last five letters of e*'eie,faS were cut in four spaces
(8) the last half of line 30 was crowdedso as to get the end of the text all onto one line
The text shows abnormalities in the festival calendar, in which the year was intercalary with repetition of the month Hekatombaion. In the prytany calendar the date was Prytany II 31, the 63rd day of the year, proving retardation in the festival calendar (one added day, for example, vouched for in line 4) in addition to the early intercalation of a month. The calendar is discussed by W. K. Pritchett and 0. Neugebauer, Calendars of Athens,
1947,p. 73.
Inasmuch as the decree of the Demos was passed on the 31st day of the prytany of Kekropis, honoring the prytaneis of Kekropis, the decree of the Council, of which only the first line is preserved(46), must belong to the
lastprytany of theyear,if it wasto be honored at all,wasof necessity honored its ownterm(cf. No. 187). during
iEr' Ea'z&aCsS calendar of 9K-m would bring Tr1TrrTl to Prytany III 1, a day on V iVrT' EIK&aCxS 8wTipca ijiP67ujoS which the Council could legitimately honor the officers of Kekropis. The intercalation of additional days would push the prytany date later. There is no way of knowing how many intercalated days were added, but the restoration of line 46 remains['EKca-roppcat&-vos I.' E.I [1c8aS]. A retardationof five (or six) *a-rrpov -rrixrTIr]et gjiodays had alreadybeen effectedat some time earlierthan 'EKQT-rovPa1iIvos [C,ojipov 9x{i})rE peT' EIK&'SaS i.coi (lines 3-4). Because of its position on the stone between the decree -of the Demos and the decree of the Council it is certain that the citation in lines 31-35 belongs to the treasurer of the prytaneis. With due regard to the close spacing in line 33 and the letters as preserved we suggest the text as shown above. The name was undoubtedly given with demotic alone (cf. lines 43-45 for the -ratda sijr'3ovuXis), and the deme Phlya belongs to the phyle Kekropis. The treasurer of the prytaneis was regularly elected by the prytaneis for whom he served, and from their own number. The reference here to the personal responsibility of the treasurerto the eponymos of his phyle is unique, but the personal association is implicit in the cult of the hero, to whom, on occasion, the prytaneis are known to have made their own dedication.8 121. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 3684), with the original top, back, and left side preserved. Found on March 7, 1936, in a Byzantine wall west of the Odeion ( K 11). H. 0.35 i.; W. 0.23 i.; Th. 0.10 i.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. W. K. Pritchett, A.J.P., LXIII, 1942, p. 422; The Five Attic Tribes after Kleisthenes, pp. 21-23; cf. B. D. Meritt, The Athenian Year, 1961, p. 154, and S.E.G., XXI, 400. AIANTIS a. 226/5 a. NON-XTOIX. ca. 50 Aiavrri8oo -r.-ra&pThs ['E]Trrl apXovr[os 'lrri Mrij 'EpyoX&(pov irrpv.rravefas] it ZwoVRos u'AoTr[EKldjEV kypap.16C-rrEvF AtTiqov IkTavoYlpGvos] KCITpciKKoa-T TT1S 6yS6Et 1o-rag6vov,8EvT[kpaI s rrpvuraE(as- 7xKhrlai] a &v --v ? ca.15 -------i? -rQ1 5Erpcj. -rcv irpok8[pcav a] kfrrpEy')qnLEV 8 wic vacat ---------------] 5 ?lp~ir*tal avvrrrp6e8poiF8[o1sv -rCA$IG' ot 1rrpvT&vls] ETrr[EvWAp8VaTlos i'rrrp civ drrcayyM70ovoiv MEVEXMOVS -rG$v -rc t] -r-s Akav-rTOS b<yA?lai&v CrrrTp lep[&-vJ)v gOvov-r' arrp6 -rT~ov it BoAafcia a'zai -r'i flpou LatTIpi[coi Kal -rei 'ApTEkW81 'AWrrW avovt -roTS] i xra ovrSvoyiiS KSxi %oTsols Tr6rrptov [fv, kr 7?diOccav 8 Tfs] &MosoiS 10 PouXris oi] Kal -TOr IBtovi KaQI Si r[CV6AAcAOV &1TC(aTCoV CTv ra-TrTrOV arTOs -rrpap0 'o v6i.oi cra prqrn.fapar[4a -ro0. S'ELLov, -rov'S -rrpvJ&6Ives] iaivroiaat Tiis Aav-ri'OS otqx!vwo Kcrr E] Kos i areq[avG$arat a-rv v6i.Oov E3io Xpvauoi &vExa -r'-s -rrpS -ro[*sOoC' Peias Ks al qp\o7Io-ias rir-s FIt "'v Pou?VX Kvxa] 'r6v 8ij'ov -r6v 'AeTjvai[cov &vayp&yactSi -ror65E -r76 yApoava -r6v] 15 rka-rTO Ev-rT'tiTpvI.raV1] K<aT& iv 0~-riNEI 'rrpvrTEavEiav 7liVeIt ial o-Triaai x&$i. Els S riTv&[vaypaqp'v -ris arilr~S AepficalT6v irri -reti5IoIK'aEI] ] vacat -r6 yev6I.Evo[vc6rv6xota. vacat The restorations in lines 1-3 were provided by A. G. Woodhead. If Meritt's suggestion for the calendar equations in lines 2-3 were correct, then Prytany III would have to be Aiantis (line 7). It is known, however, from LG., II2, 838, that Prytany III was Hippothontis (cf. S.E.G., XXV, 106). Pritchett's originalrestoration for this year left an initial irregularityin the civil calendar of extra days intercalated early in the year uncorrected for a span of more than six months (Pritchett and Neugebauer, Calendars, pp. 73-74; cf. B. D. Meritt, The Athenian Year, pp. 153-154). This span can be reduced to about six weeks by restoring lines 1-3 as indicated above, assuming that of the three days added to the civil calendar before Prytany III 27 one had been eliminated before Prytany IV 32 and the other two shortly thereafter. 122. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 2184), with the left side and bottom surface preserved, but otherwise broken, found on October 16, 1934, in a modern house wall west of the south end of the Stoa of Attalos (P 11-12). H. 0.095 i.; W. 0.22 i.; Th. 0.14 i.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XVII, 1948, pp. 40-41, No. 28, photograph pl. 13. 8 Cf. of Leontis to theireponymos. I.G.,112,1742,(No. 13),a dedication by theprytaneis
[Te]?ka-Ms nfctaxiaicXp9
This list of namesprobablybelongsto a registerof prytaneis. back preserved. 123. Fragmentof Hymettianmarble(I 5414), brokenon all sides but with the rough-picked Found on April 18, 1938, in a modernwall south of the easternpart of the Square(P 21).
H. 0.215 i.; W. 0.235 i.; Th. ca. 0.115 i.; LH. 0.007 m.
Ed. W. K. Pritchett,Hesperia, XV, 1946,pp. 147-149,No. 8, photograph p. 148. ca. a. 225 a. lacuna
Xcap4[- ca.5-6 -]EP[---]
vacat 0.02 m.
OXv[ka] Lines 1-2 conclude a column of names in the register of prytaneis (perhaps Col. II). A helpful indication of date is that the names were still listed with their patronymics. 124. Five fragments of Pentelic marble (I 5918), broken on all sides. Found on June 16, 1946, in a late Roman context along with chips from the destruction of the Odeion marbles (L 9). The maximum preserved thickness is 0.07 i., and the height of letters 0.006 m. a: H. b: H. c: H. d: H. e: H. 0.04 i.; 0.04 i.; 0.05 i.; 0.025 i.; 0.03 i.; W. 0.12 m. W. 0.15 m. W. 0.06 m. W. 0.045 in. W. 0.02 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, pp. 178-179, No. 28, photograph p1. 29; S.E.G., XXI, 401. GINEIS ca. a. 225 a. lacuna
d e a
1 1---]0T[]----(DtMa~-r[------- ] lacuna
3 (14---------]
A[--------] lacuna or o [
5 [
le Ar-nrkl(nttc
Klvr -- -
7 i
10 'Arr[
b 12 ['ETK]<qfcTitoi
[--------] [----]s
14 [A]n"rTpio[s---]
vacat lacuna vacat
--16 lAoorra[pXos
The disposition of the names is uncertain, except that fragments b and c come from the bottom of their respective columns.
125. Fragment of a stele of Hymettian marble (E.M. 378), broken at the top, bottom, and right side, but preservH. 0.22 m.; W. 0.18 m.; Th. 0.07 m.; LH. 0.005 m.
pp. 186-187(= TheFive Attic TribesafterKleisthenes, pp. 5-6). DEMETRIAS post a. 225 a.
Ed. J. Sundwall, Eranos, XXV, 1927, p. 191; J. Kirchner, L.G., II2, 2437; W. K. Pritchett, A.J.P., LXI, 1940,
vacat eET6'TIto
AaSac&as OEoSbpou
126. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 2967), broken on all sides and at the back, found on May 10, 1935, in a late pit beneath the foundation of the colonnade of the Bouleuterion (F-G 10). H. ca. 0.121 m.; W. ca. 0.146 m.; Th. 0.045 m.; LH. 0.006 m.- 0.008 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, p. 113, No. 57, photograph.
post a. 225 a.
]ivou np[.
..... 7r
eOEpyeTjKaCrt Tros ' e0o o a[TrEq)avcoi acUrcov] 86 Tr6TO' yiqnallcia] [crre-pavcaat Kacr-rov &vaypa&act [Trv ypaUaTrOarTO6v KaTr& ct v T-rI t rpuravt] E[vacr'riEtXtfvsiE Kal orfoal TTpu]ravEfav ES Kal rV r rei 6St1] 6s M'r TrtV Ev vev oCT'Xlr[s I&v6O gEpioraT [Ktor avaypahPv 'r]fis r6v rT vacat yev6gOevov [KlTcEIt av&Xacop]a
ca. 17--
Cv "E]ppltov&v[6'
Col. I
Col. III
Col. IV
Dow thoughtthe writingsuitablefor a date between200 and 175 B.C., but it is quitelike that of the newly
discovered text from the archonship of Menekrates (220/19), edited here as No. 130.9 Dow also noted a departure from the usual formulae in line 2. The letters alpha nu which follow the demotic [TE]pPlRovcannot belong to dv[ayp&yat] for that verb must have appeared in its usual position and usage in the following line. Nor can the names partially preserved in lines 1-2 be restored to suit any known Herald of the Council and Demos. Dow restored the demesman of Hermos as raciaS TrfS pouAfis, but in the years after 200 B.C. these last citations, in position, belong to the Kjpuv and to the aunTrT'iS. We date the inscription The post a. 225 a., and assumethat the last citationbelongsin fact to the oaiAXritS. in have come the will list Nos. and before the acAXnrris 89, 99, 115, 128, 129, etc.) higher (cf. immediately KiPpvu TirSpouAs Kaai Troij SIou and the urroypaia-raTes (whose name was sometimes omitbelong the ypaipc-itCreS ted; cf. No. 191).10The aciXrins, for example, appears last in the sequence of citations, as here, in 223/2 (cf. No.
was in office. 127), but in that year a new incumbent nu in line 2 are probablypart of a phrasegivingthe reasonfor the praise of the The enigmaticlettersalpha J)v officers.The words av[0' are similarin sentimentto the known piX[oTriftas TouSr qvAFrcas] eis?pyerriKaoai of No. 128 of 223/2B.C. The demoticin line 1 is eitherTlsp[yacor Ei TOUi5 pu3A]Tra ([vsKa) TrfiS 0v] or Tlp[teoiThe demotic at the head of the second column of names must be restored as ['Aiqt-rp]oiTrETS,11 as suggested r8qv]. to us by A. E. Raubitschek, a variant of 'AprrpoTrfqev just as TTpyaCotEs, for example, is a variant of TT6pyCaoeiv. 127. Fragment of Hymettian marble (1 1640), with part of the toothed right side and back preserved. Found on H. 0.435 m.; W. 0.372 m.; Th. 0.17 m.; LH. 0.005-0.006 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, pp. 71-73, No. 28, photograph p. 72. For the restoration of lines 77-79 and the date see W. K. Pritchett, Hesperia, IX, 1940, pp. 115-118; this restoration and dating are criticised by R. Schlaifer, Harv. St. Cl. Phil., LI, 1940, pp. 244-249, and 251, but defended by Pritchett, Hesperia, X, 1941,
pp. 391-397.
AIANTIS a. 223/2a. [--- ---NON-ITOIX. ca. 36 lacuna al Tr]6v [U]iT[oypa[JcraTia Ku] TilOKp&aTlv
aulr|T[Elv AeSi7aov 'AOAala' ava] [6aOervatla]Ka[l T]OV rTO'lqna[pa TO-rv [ypayait ?] T6O6[E] ypa"iaT-ra rTOKa] cT[-racti EvTort] [TraTrprTav]EavEvaorXEt [Ateiv]ti Kacl Tr s orr[irls] [rrpurcTav]Kot, els SE TrV [&vay]pacpivv
[iEpicat i T]Ov Tti TEri SioiK[CrI Tr]6 yev6OpEvov &va&
[Acona] ['PaPvoOcnot]
TpiKopOcIoi EX[-4-5-]1rs
AvoIas E6oScopos K[pico]v
50 Kcx2(aXos
10 [ -------]
10 The name of
9 A photographappearsin Hesperia,XXXVIII, 1969, pl. 109. the priest was omitted after his title in No. 137 of ca. a. 211/0-202/1 a. 11If ['ApiTp]oTresis supposed to head the first column of names there is difficultywith syllabic division in the lines above.
25 'ApyeTos At68copos AioaXAos AljrrTptos
40 'A[v8]pcov
Alr[ o]9cov
XTrp&rcov 'HpaKTmSiT,
15 [--------]
30 ZcolXos
20 [--------] [vacat]
[f pouvix]
65 [-----]
[----] [---1
45 MEVeKp&aTTs 'ApiatTOKprr[os] Ma 60 'EpriTUEr[v]r[S] OiA6OEvo[s] xXvoS N[f]Kcov OEoyivr1s Na-rpcov NiKOKiWSf B[6].eos NtK6Xao[s] 35 'OAXvTrr[tXo]s (lC.[v]irTros i p3ouAi i pouvXi EOK;kfjv nTp6Sevov 70 'A(pqva Tplvs Tov 75 PuEa
Xi pouAX
qI pou?A
ov 'A?at ka
223/2. 128. Fourfragments of a steleof Hymettian a (E.M. 7481),withmost of the pediment marble,of whichfragment and part of the rightside preserved, was found on January in the Churchof 'YTcrr14, 1852,duringexcavation
avrfi and fragment b (E.M. 7482), with part of the left side preserved, was discovered in 1851 in the foundations
of the house of LouisaPsomanorthwestof the Acropolis.Fragmentc (I 3425),brokenon all sides and at the
back, was found on February 21, 1936, during clearance of the Church of Christ outside the Market Square (T 17) to the southeast. Fragment d (I 5031), broken on all sides and at the back, was found on October 21, 1937, during demolition of a house southeast of the Market Square and west of the Panathenaic Way (R 18). a: H. 0.355 m.; W. 0.33 m.; Th. 0.10 m.; LH. 0.004 m. - 0.005 m. b: H. 0.325 m.; W. 0.33 m.; Th. 0.10 m.; LH. 0.004 m. - 0.005 m. c: H. 0.185 m.; W. 0.08 m.; Th. 0.04 m.; LH. 0.004 m. - 0.005 m. d: H. 0.275 m.; W. 0.256 m.; Th. 0.077 m.; LH. 0.004 m. - 0.005 m. a: Ed. K. S. Pittakys, 'Ep. 'APX., 1854, No. 2455. b: Ed. K. S. Pittakys et al., 'ErrtypapaldocviK5oToI ' aa K l 8EKo0Tcal dvaKcaXuv0et rTroTOi ovXoyoV. (pux&8Iov TIrpcTOv 'Ernlypayai &v rgj dOpXaiLOXoyiKOi 'c4&a OK!d TIS AouviLrs &vocaiauNvOecTaal, Athens, 1851, No. 11 (repeated by M. H. E. Meier, Commentatio Epigraphica,Halle, 1852, from a copy of the publication communicated by L. Ross); cf. A. R. Rangabe, Antiquites Helleniques,II, 1855, No. 467. a and b: Ed. U. Koehler, Hermes, V, 1871, p. 335 and I. G., II, 390; J.Kirchner, I.G., II2, 917; S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, pp. 76-77, No. 30, photograph of fragment a p. 76. c and d: Ed. W. K. Pritchett, Hesperia, IX, 1940, pp. 115-118, No. 23, photographs p. 115.
AKAMANTIS a. 223/2 a.
NON-ITOIX. ca. 48
[0 ?] [i] [1 ---- ca. 9-10 -----&pXOvTOS rTri TT]S]'I Il ioOcoVTrf8o5 ?6pr661S irpuV 18 --------K] KriSCOv [TraviasS ijl--------ca. -ypap,',vaTeuv floaiS Kal ?vEt Kal TpITE1 vcat, T'rs rrpUTavEias' [CovoS 86]eKaCT bKKxrl [cria KUpia ?v -rTCI T'OV Trpo]8pcov hinTfr)pi)tv'Hp6ocopos es 0eaTpCX)Ic
[-----ca. 16 -----KaC a(upLTp6O]Spo
TCOI 'rTCT?] 'ATrO6A7covi TCOV 10 [ov Tr -rrpO C<KirCloicv Tfpoutllpl[cot] I i Ka]i rTT TroTS Xois 8EoTsoTs 'rraT[piov] [Kai 'ApT,iSI1 T?EBovXaact Kal TOU 8i Kal T'iS Cu]7AXoyfs ]S ouAfiaS [5ri] [fjv, wr6EE;AfiWcqav v rTCO ol r[Ev6] &Xcv Kai &rr&vTov [lxou ci]v aTroTs'rrpoCrTaTTrov TOU ] [pOIKai ra yqidikwraTa i 85]iov 'U cyaOitT-XrEI 8E86[Xoeal 15 [TCrI81coi ' TS rraitvEoal TOUS KaCV]
wpv]-rTav1S 'AKapI[av[T{6OS TOVvo6ov [E]o'[E6Eias ve] [oCTrEavGo'ai Xpuvaco oa-rEpvcot K]aTrC ai pIXo]-rTlpas T TOCS eois Kai [Ka TrjSw'TpbS [T]iq[ ElSirv pouXvA Kai] r 'Aerivaicovv&vay]pa&a[i 8 Tr6 T6 O l9q)iapaTrv] [Trv 8fl1OV TOV ?v o"r]l[aeiv Oi1et Ktalorf] KaTraTIrpuTaVEiav [ypacplJa-Ea -TOV caat v rTCOI 6 Eis r]itv [&vaypa9qv TfiS Nril's] T[pVTavIlKct' TriilSIoiKtjicE T]6 y[EV6OEVOV&av6coia] gEpiaal TOv wrr[i
vacat 0.032 m.
fi pouMXi
rTOv TraiX av 'AvrtIco
25 vTra Epp
6 6f[pos]
To[is rrpv] Ta[vEls]
[Trbv tIpa] [TOU r'COV*] 40
[Iouv Svo] [KAia x (prlT]
vacat 0.038 m.
1rfiS'rpuTavEiaS'] ?SEVIr[pai ioraJvou,] 6E'UT-p[at TCV TTpoE8p]cov -] --?'TTrEY[iEp1lEV pou7Xf Ev PouAXeuTr[picorI Kiai Tr1 G80oev OavocTpa'rou Cry[ati*s POoufij'] ovurrr]pO?8po[' -- e]Tr7EV' E[TrlS1 oi 'rrpuTavers] 'ApKfiXaS Ecoo-rp[crou --ca. Ka]i crT[q(pavo'aavTrSarrroai] r"S 'AKaciaVTi8OSE'?[TratV6'aVTES T Kal] pouVE7i TOTV vouoaIVTET [TaCi.av 'AvTIPcovTa TOV ?aCuTOV TOv ypaitac-ra 'A'rroX[X68copovTraST euaciaS TO-ruKE<val 'rraaas]
Kal rTOJU rTaS 8i] KaOcKoicras v -r[PTI T[1]S P[ouXfiS Trpu-Taviat]JUTrEp TCOV Kaci Kcai a&X]cov 8[E adrav-rcov pOU, J1rlpEcA,Uireai [Kaccos yAo-ri]
eV?Ka eois] TO'roS T1iS ['ATr]oMXo8[cb]pou eo-CepEia]S rrp[oS [ypriqTTlov T'OV Kai ?iS rativoa[it r'TOVS [Kai]9iA[oTiias Tfis ie] p9uXA]Tras*'
fTrCOVU. ov -EVOKX/a 'Eivl]8OS EcpiTTIOV Ka[i 'TOV [pEa TOvU T'ralfav] [Tris pouAfis Fp6oevov 'Apioi8ou ( ?) 'Apqt]valov KalirTO K[1ipuKaTrfS] OitoK]MoUS [pouXis Kal ToiV6ipjov En<Kfiv [Kai TOVypaIi] TpiVEEi'ea Kal 9K 'Iirrlou TOij TrfS (Di]Xi-Kov 6S1iou [IaraTa K[Epap&ov Kal] pPouvfS TIT [Trv CTrroypaiparTa TlaoKp&]Trlv oKpa'Tov Ku[6airlvaiEa Kai]
60 [T'v aOXrTn1v 8i Tr66[T-O AE?iXaov 'AXatEa]v a&vaypapal 4filt7a] TOv Ev arv KaT-a KaiCrTT1cal] [TOPv ypalaraTEa TrpuTavei]av o'TiXi Xeiv[ri1 6 T1'rv r'v] Trfs els [EvTCOI o-rlXi)[s TrpuTaviKcotv av]aypap'v ILEpiaCal
70 [----.--[------~_ .......
85 [------] [------]
Ttioplos ncap[--]
---_--] ------]
[Keq:(pacf 3)v](?)
[- ----]
-[ -----]
and are of the prytaneis and secretary The demesfor the treasurer oughtto come firstin Col. I of the register, takenfromlines 24-26 (cf. line 52) and 32with the namesof the treasurer and of the secretary here so restored, in the register, for in 223/2this demebelonged cannotbe restored fromProspalta 35 (cf. lines 52-53). Demesmen rho and must a In line 84 letters visible are iota to the to Ptolemais.12 belong patronymic. and No. 127, also of in lines 30-41 and 56-60, see Hesperia,IndexI-X, subnominibus, For the restorations 4 in as in line is restored XXXVIII,1969,pp. 439-440,making223/2an ordinary year. Hesperia, 223/2.The date t rri Kia, EKTt KoIi the year would be interBut this is doubtful. With the restoration 8]EKaEt6 nTooi&[6cvos &KTEI Year,p. 234. p. 102, and Meritt,TheAthenian calary.See Pritchettand Meritt,Chronology, 396. For lines 36-41, see W. K. Pritchett,Hesperia, X, 1941,p. from that in Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937p. 77, line of line 47 is here given somewhatdifferently The restoration of the treasurer since thereis no room in the next line for the not demotic It is better to the 40. give Antiphon have equalemphasisand equalityof treatsince both names should and demoticof Apollodorosthe secretary, ment. on No. 131. in line 55 see commentary For the restoration of a virtuallycompletestele of Hymettian 129. Twojoining fragments marble,recognized by A. Wilhelmas bedramatischer p. 214). Auffiihrungen, longingtogether(Urkunden a: Saidby A. R. Rangabe(Ant.Hell., II, 1855,p. 165)to havebeenfoundin the city. H. 0.90 m.; W. 0.376 m.; Th. 0.11 m.; LH. 0.005 m. der archaologischen b: Said by Wilhelm(op. cit., pp. 211-214) to have been found "bei den Ausgrabungen der Akropolis."H. 0.53 m.; W. 0.41 m.; Th. 0.11 m.; LH. 0.005 m. Gesellschaft am Nordabhange a = I.G., II, 431); S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 81-85, No. 36, photoEd. I.G., II2, 848 (Fragment 84. graphp. LEONTIS a. 222/1a.
as e[ M6oXosMorXicovos 'AVKvAfi]e[Ev BotrIpo kypaBi]aTEUev' TS 1T]rprTavE SeKC&TE TEIl i KEal [lJ]IC[vOS e]KOCOT[6T TrpOTEpaC, I.Tr
[Ka] [------
Kal aoviTrp6oEpol] [60oE?V 'TCl 6rcICOt] AEcovri Trfjs oi] TrpUTaVES epia&oios w.Tir'ETrESii1 Eqpa&vou ["EK]pq[vTros
5 Kal TfiS auMOoys -rfis TS] povuS ['r]piov [iv, ETrlpEpeXIAVTaivt
Tra r 'ATI6Xcovi TC'roV rTCOI T'CO <KXICOV] 8os [Oeocav T-rS ucri[aS TrpO TTpo TrE Kia rT? Ka[l TroTs &a]7ois0EoTs ols Trr [o]TarT[Tpfcot 'ApT?81iit BouXa(a]i TCOt ra IUV 68'CoIT T[a] yeyov6Ta &yaea85XEoC]a XE 865?8[X]0a[1 ?vTro[tS geuov Kai acoTrpl]aiTrf[S] {p'iOytialt tpoIS olS PouMXs
[K]ai Tro[U68p]ou Ki[ai wraiScov Kal yUvatKcv Kal To[O] TrCv 65v &acov oi dTrracrrov avTois rrpoaCrTTTOV v6itoi]' yaeTI -TO 86illJov[Kal
15 Ta[vEltT'is] Aeo[vTi5os Kialoreavcoali Xpuocol a]T-rE?avcoi K<aa EvKa Kal j rpOs rTOSOeoS] Tqs TO[V] V6[POV E]UC[Ep]e[i]a[S qpioTritiIas T' v poouAiv KalTOrv 5e6rr6STO 'A0rvaicov a&va]ypaail 8fiiov rbTv Tr[SEiS Wi rTOV ev rT Karr& q)to[pa] y[paopioaT-a wTpTavEi]av a-r'iXit 20
K<alo-rfaCat Ev TCItTrpuTaVIKcoI' eS 58] T'TV&vaypa [AXiOvet TO yEv6 T-rv ri SitotiKl]cr s T-r pepiacai [(nlv rfiS nlrls
fi pouvrM
25 TOV Tarai av TaTrpo lou KAfjv vtla [6 Sfijos] Tros Trpu TravEs
i poiuAi
gI5[6]tit [I?r' Es]K[a6a]s, [Tp]iTETTS TrpVrTavEias r1SpoyiuIovos TC 'EAEu pouvXl bv [po]u[]r]uT[rpipoi Kal ?K]TOi pouuv-mpiou gv -r KE aCvicorT-r[v i'poF8]pcov[]'rr[Efi9pittv] NavaiKucis'A'rroMAoScpou c 40 pafjfiev K[ai pvi-rrpo6Epoi] [lsj8oE[v -r]ET povUX ol TrpuTravES Tfis Aecov TrE1Sfi "EKpavros Ei[qxavo]u e0piaCaosETrEv' 'rT s Tropaivoucn riSos TriratVi[aavEs] Ka[i (T]E(pavcbCTavmT louviE pouei T[6v T]api[av] 6v eRAovro [t auTrS]v TTa-rpoKfijv T-re Tr6v a Kal euaias 45 KiTrro]v T-rS ypa[ppta]T-ra'A'rroMoqa&[vTv Tr T[1 K/val nTra[aas Ev 'rrp]TapvEaii mrrkp TfrSp3o TrSa K]aeqrKocaas 8E K]al T-CV X?covdTraTvrcov Afis Ka['i]T[OU 6fp"]ov, [tiip?E]X6]fi[oeaal BE56JX]a Tr povuE, 9'raivE &ya]eOeT-rX[OXEt KaXj[s Kai q(piXOTi-ros' TOvypapp[a] TOV Ka]M[i..4. o4.. o]uva Kacl TXa[lii]av T[aTrpoKAfiv [a]al TO-r Kai 50 [Tr]ta 'A'rroMAop&v[rlv Ta[ilav] KiTTrr]OV 'ATro]Ao(p[qavous Eu] Epia[cr]iov K[ai T-OV ]EpY a TOV cT[COVViOU [T]'rs PovAfis "EKpav-rov
KijpviKa[TriS P]ovAfis Kal [TOO 8Silov] [P]ovA8TrlV To-TaCulov Kali 'TOV TOV Kal SiOU] ypaptaT-a TfiS povu7fi[S Kal T-roO [EOiXfivTpivEepea] -Kal T]6V vTroypa[IInaTla Aavopov] 19 ---ca. .---['Er TO68T6O lS [BEpeviKliSTr ypappaTEa rTV] yqlpicia TOV d&vaypa&ya
ai{vel Kal o-rficai v TCo)lrrpUTvaV] v T [Kara TrpvTavEiavorfiXaV 8 TirV Kal E pepioal]t [K$ eiS T'fiv av6OE?C1V avaypaqIv T'fs oTrfAinS b [Tr6]v i -rT E] SIo[iKtfio'T yEV6opvov &v6Xcopa] 75 I|[..]o6[--] [TTrATnKS] 1-----I :ou]vtIEs Xo.M?aTat ---] 60 [[KfTTloi] [1aTp]oK.fis Ato9PeScov Aiov0aro[s] [...7....]OS ,|?|[.]A[--] 110 EOTnvpiSat ['ATToX]opasvrs []c v[lI]KOS lT[a7]a]9yopaS 95 Me [Ei]VEvoS FM]EvkYp[p]cov NtMocK?ovfS 80 Zc6rpos-.S v NuKoo-evrn[s] nT[a]tov;iSa Tipcov TltIo [iAcov tpio[e]{ 65 [(]pe&ppei[o] M6o'aos As/uKovoETs 9Eo(pavr|s [.2/,.]omIr[-] 115 'OWuTrrn68copo[s] KacNixevos n&v6tos ei,[T]v[o]s 100 [ZK]app[co]vi6ai K9ocovves ['O]AupTri6Scopos 'Hcpia]ToC[8][copos]
85 eEoyivis
Aeo NIKtimT1S
[-ca. 5-9[-]
IT[p]aXTcov 'AOrlvoyivirs
A. vi'iaXOS A6[ca]v6pos
'Epp6hXKOS Kpconrri6a
[fi pouMi]
"EK[(pavTov] epi[aat] ov
h pou[fi]
'Erl[-[---ca. ca. 9--] 10---]
vacat The text in lines 7-8 has been madeto conform,in the restoredportion,to the space availableon the stone. IV, 1935,p. Thereare otherminorchangesfrom Dow's version:the date by monthin line 37 is sure(Hesperia, confirmed and note 91 Calendars and by Meritt, The 8, of Athens,p. Neugebauer, 557; doubtedby Pritchett
Athenian Year, 1961, p. 173 with note 12); the demotic of Oion can no longer be restored in line 91, for at this date the deme Oion belonged to Demetrias (Hesperia, IX, 1940, p. 78). We restore three demesmen each for Halimous and Kettos, with the demotic [KfrrTiot]in line 92 rather than in line 91 as suggested by Meritt (Hesperia, IX, 1940, p. 78). The year of Archelaos began as an ordinary year and presumably continued as such until the irregular intercalation of an extra Anthesterion (I.G., II2, 844, line 33). The calendar equation of lines 35-37 gives Boedromion 24 (or 23) as equivalent to Prytany IV 3. If the first three prytanie were of 27 days dae each, Prytany IV 3 was the 84th day of the year. Boedromion 24 or 23 would normally hae been only the 83rd or 82nd day of the year. Apparently, therefore, at least one day had been added to the festival calendar before Boedromion 24; if all of the first three prytanies were of 28 days instead of 27, the added days could be counted as four, or even five if the date in Boedromion was the 23rd.13 The date here in the decree of the Demos (line 3) must be different from that given by Kirchner or by Dow (locc. citt.), for it must be earlier by at least three days (since it falls in the third prytany) than the date BorlSpoiiucoof line 37. If the date in line 37 was the 23rd, a date three days earlier would be vos 9p5[6]iei [iET' e]lK[aSCa]s the 20th, for which the restoration Boil6po[p]iGO[vos sEK&rnei Ts srr]puTaveSax[s] TrITrrrEl KCXi TrpOTEpal, e]iKO[T-[ET
would be of suitablelength,more so than other dates in the month with restorations This equation irri .EKa. assumesno retardation as yet in the festivalcalendar, with the date the 79th day of the year,normalin both the
festival and prytany calendars (29+30+20=27+27+25=79). tween Boedromion 20 and 23. A retardation of two days had taken place be-
130. Stele of Pentelic marble, composed of three joining pieces, preserved complete, including the tenon below (I 7042). Found on July 20, 1968, lying face upward, used as a cover slab over a drain running from the Southwest Fountain House (H 14). H. 1.30 m.; W. 0.40 m. above to 0.445 m. below; Th. ca. 0.165 m.; LH. ca. 0.006 m. in the decrees, ca. 0.005 m. in the register, ca. 0.004 m. in the citations. Ed. J. S. Traill, Hesperia, XXXVIII, 1969, pp. 425-431, No. 2, photographs pls. 109, 110, 112; pp. 436-441, with references there cited, for a discussion of the calendar. PANDIONIS
a. 220/19a.
'ETrr KTlT rTfi OlveT8o0S MevEKp6rou &pXovTOSrTi ?i Otl6poopoS S"raSou ovvitis S wTpvTaV[tas
i oCVv POVis TETrcpT1i Trls T pUravsas
d&v &rravyvoov
aiv oi rTpvUTavetS T-rO OeaUCtOV -ris fTavSloviSos rrrEp Cv vu{v}ovT-ra TpO TcOV<KArTjc-ICOV TCOt TE?WtV
rT?V6pol Kal Tr( ,ylioCItarTa TOO6 SipOUv dya0el T'X.[ti] To05 TrpUTa~VE1 8ipcot 1rTaiCVral 6sS6Xeai TCO'r orCaTavcaaic XPUvaci oCTEr6([vCI] TrqsTlavSioviSos Kali Kara T6OV eO v6pov ecrEdapas EvSKaTfiS rpPo TOI5S Tf SS ovs Kal qlAoOTilCIaS KaCTOVSiqlO[v] 'ISTV POvJAIV
Tol TlpooraTrrpicoi Kal T-ril 'A6Tocovi -r 'ApT-rpiS'Trf Bov WaiatKal Tro-iS Aoti OEOlS otS rr&rptov fvy hTrEMi0Are aav 68 KaI 'Trijavhaoyqi r T?s T? povufis Kal rTOiU 6S1i[O] Ivv&C aov u Kal TOV &TdWrcov v aTrolS Trpoa-rTaTTov o[i]
fi povUi
TOV ra
6 Sijtos
rT6V ypao
cfav At
TroCS Trpv
'H ua6roa
18See the discussionin Meritt, The AthenianYear, 1961,p. 173; T.A.P.A.,XCV, 1964, pp. 256-257; Hesperia,XXXVIII, 1969, p. 437.
a 'ErTI MEvepdrcouapXovTros 'rri TrisrlavStovi6o[s] t1(Dih68p<(o>os c'r&8aouzovvtiU[s] EKrls'rrSpuTraveias 'ri EKTEI 6Ira KcT[Ei] ypacppiCraTEVMalipcaTrrlplcvos Kai 66Ka<T()eTvaS ] 'rpuTaias{' ix<K)>Xlcrfa Kupia' 86jou y(pi9Ci[aO'
Kaci 'rTas 'TOVSrlou Kxalrrai6cov KacrlKouaoas Uirrp TrjSpouvX5s Kai yuvacKtcv iTrieElXoje(7lai 7acov a'rravTrcov 6- Kal TCOV e S86Xt Kcai KaAcOS octTy)c (ET OXXal 1 9qloTi0Cios' povuAT
TOv Trcalav Alogqavrlv AloyiU ovS Trpaotla Kal Wv rTraiv?ocai rTOV ypaciciaT'ra Ar61oScopov cTataviia Kal T-r6 <i>epEa rTVo-'rrco -rv rTalacpv viJpouEu Evov"Oacev Kali T'S vouXfis 'ArivoKAfi[v] Kaci -rTO 'AXaca Kal T'O KTipuxa T'rSPouXfis EOKXfv TpwIvE(<c>a c TOlo ro 8pIov Sai Kair KTrC iiv ypappi-raTcaTris PouMXf aoqrcovTos Oacxilpa&Kal -rTv OrroypapacnraTa'Ovnicnlov v iv AESi[aov 'AXaicavVx 'Hyrloilou l'paalc a Kal TOVac0crlT
T-O TOV &vaypacyai 6 Tr6os 'y9Icpio'a T-r6ypcaip-raTca i 0IivlIKal oTriloat v vi Kciara Trpu-ravefacv o-rriT
TCol'TrpUTraVIKCo)r sS 58 TlV &cPvacypaCiv TilS CTrlT S v v TOr ppicaal T-rVerri Tre? ioiKtai ybv6opvov &v6AcoiIa. TrTav6ovi6oS NiK6jEvos 'EpalTos
105 'P6Ocov
90 AecoBaljas
110 'AyaeoKxAis Zi{Kuvos 'ATTro?M6copo ToroeSiTrrTo AEcov 'AEIVIraoTSs MEVEOTCOTOS 'ApioTr6Scopo (?) ITrepids 'A'rrooaScopos 'ETrrtXaprls 'Ayacio"rparTos 95 OEe65cpoS NIKia Oeo6ScpoS 115 KcaiA?tSris 'AVT'riEVls 'OaCes
XcoKp4Crls ~ pouXi
140 q [ou6i
v Tpive<(e>
Kri clatKXijv
135 TOV irro ypaclia-rLc a 'Ov'.aip ov eTpaai ka
ov "Oacev
131. Fragmentof light graymarble(I 5882).Found on January24, 1939,amongmarblesfrom the area of the Tholos, brokenon all sides.
H. 0.12 i.; W. 0.10 i.; Th. 0.06 i.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. W. K. Pritchett, Hesperia, XV, 1946, pp. 146-147, No. 7, photograph p. 147.
ca. a. 220 a. lacuna lacuna
2 [------
]-----DA E
[?-----------I XI
[------? ] 5
TroV iEPE'a -roiJ &1TCO3VIj
10 [? 10 [-----[------]
] I
The stone extends too far to the left (see the photograph) to allow the priest to have the first citation below the -rfs jovuds, the position he held in 222/1 B.C. register of names. Hence the first citation belongs to the TaI4cx'as (cf. No. 129, lines 50-51, 121-123). The register had names with only an occasional patronymic (line 2), as was in line 6, but the chi is rather to be taken normal at this period. Pritchett (loc. cit.) restored a demotic X[oacxpyElS] as the initial letter of a name. The register was arranged in columns with a citation under each column. The priest Androkles of Sphettos may indeed, as Pritchett suggests (loc. cit., and Hesperia, X, 1941, p. 396), be the same man who was priest for Akamantis in 223/2 (No. 128, line 55): [ ?---------]8os 1iyrrov. One Androkles of Sphettos is known in mid fourth century (P.A., 872), but the ending of the patronymic suggests -ri T? 8oi[Ky,jaEt -ris known as administrator [9]Tr strongly the restoration [EEivM]os,whose son EEVOi2jiS ca. a. 334-326 a. (cf. Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, p. 2, No. 3, lines 3-4). Androkles may have been related, Trr]6XEzs perhaps a brother, but the restoration of his name in No. 128, line 55, though possible, must remain in doubt. For the order of citations in these prytany decrees, see Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, pp. 13-18; X, 1941, p. 396; XXXIII, 1964, pp. 171-175. 132. Two joining fragments of Hymettian marble (11860 and I 2451), with the original left side preserved. Fragment a was found on February 22, 1935, in a late context in the Bouleuterion Square (F 11); fragment b was found on April 24, 1934, in late walls in the area of the northwest part of the Odeion (J-M 9-11). H. 0.32 i.; W. 0.123 i.; Th. 0.069 i.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, pp. 77-79, No. 31, photograph p. 78; on lines 14-16, see W. K. Pritchett, A.J.P., LX, 1939, pp. 259-260, Hesperia, IX, 1940, p. 121, and R. Schlaifer, Harv. Stud. Cl. Phil., LI, 1940, p. 249 note 2; here we accept the suggestion of A. E. Raubitschek communicated to G. A. Stamires, Hesperia, XXVI, 1957, p. 37 note 20; cf. S.E.G., XVI, 69. KEKROPIS ca. a. 215/4 a. lacuna NON--TOIX. ca. 42
ca. 14-?-ET-ETEV' TTE18' Ol 'rrpu] [K]?NoE0vre[S -?-iCxIa a-rEqa] TrS K[Expowr8oSe1TraVEvaaVTre a&rro[pcaivouoiv It-iPov2E-i76V -CrapaV y Ed] [v]Cwaav-TE[S] ' ca. 9 --- -Eirt V] EEoq&av1lv --[A]ovwro&6 xv-JT[cov T'as ai'aOi<oCiaas] vaI -Tr&aaas aucas -[EevKO [-r]a's-E ev i ipov Kcl] [f]v -rtE Trpv-ravEI[at1 iTrp r-s povujis xcKi-ro1J ca. 24 - ?--] [1T]axf8[cov] mCiyvva[lKiAV - ?---i<ai TC-OY KQa] 1- ca. 6 -], 9TMlPlEPAi41eaOl8U cjhCoV alra&v-TCoV T 1(EXSESo6XXOCa [?tSc-rE flIXO'T[{I.COS' &yaeOE -EEI3ov] K]cd1
KalTOU KcaTbvK1'pUKa 5] T's povuXfis [8]cbpovTToTaC[plov .tou ECrnfiv [(CitoKEouS TpivEleEa Kal TOVyp piltaTr] -a rfis povAi[s Kai TOUS(61lOUv ca. 20 -'Pca] . 17--TO'V ] ca.--20
rrroypa(JiarTa pivofoaov Ka[i (Ovuaaoov Ka[ITrv auArl'Trv AeilXaov 'Acaicr a&vaypa] TOV rTO ypapUIaTreaTOV KaT&T yJat8 TOr6E [Ji'piaoCria TTrpUTa] veiav Ev rrTX[rlt Ateivrlt KaclOTrfcal EVTC'OI TrpUTaviKcol] 'EirleKitSal
40 Ap[----] Geopavrjs uarrXA?rrioi K[-----] [12 lines Xcocifa5 [12 lines missing] missing] [Sixcitationsmissing]
133. Fragment from the right side of a block of Hymettian marble (I 245), found in 1932 in the western part of
the MarketSquare.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, III, 1934,pp. 10-11, No. 13, photographp. 10; S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl.I, 1937, No. 33. 80, p. ERECHTHEIS
ca. a. 215 a.
[I pou]Xi [Kal o]lt rpu
134. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 2897), broken on all sides. Found on May 21, 1935, in a well south of the
Tholos (F 13:2).
Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 80-81, No. 35, photograph p. 80. ca. a. 215 a. lacuna
[TC-r T?e'ATr6oAcov]t Tco[tTTpo-rTaTrpicot
NON--TOIX. ca. 35
Kai Tre 'Ap] TOTS [Kal fkoTi oTs] AXotis
Bo]jvXiat fv' &yaO]eT TO'ISplicor] TUX[EI [Trr&rplov 68E6XeCa Tar Tro-5iE] [Trapv &yaa& 8EX]6reOa[i yeyov6ra bV T5fsPou] [pots ols 0]uov ip' iOy[eiatiKal acoTT-piat V rTr[?li6 5e oi TrpUTaVEts TrS] [hXfi KatiTO] SfIpOUv T? 5 rT& a&-rras ocat] [-ca. -i8oS] ev[crias Ouvaav l T Kai X(p'OTi] [KafiKKOv] EV prpu[Taviaia KaCA$S5 Kai 8& TCOV caCOV TraVOlrcv [pcos, rr'ltp]pl[.raj]]rrTa[t c&v]
[Ta TOO s68iUov] kira[tlvo'a TOeS wTpuTa&vEIts--]
r [TriptiS T
as in No. 135, line 15. r6vTrcov
The divisionof lines is hypothetical.In line 9 Dow restoredacr&VTrcov. For the sake of spacingwe restore
135. Upper part of a stele of Hymettianmarble(I 6625), with the sides and back preserved and a bit of the date in the west side of the Odeion mouldingabovethe text. Found on May 29, 1953,in a contextof Byzantine drainbetweenthe templeand the altarof Ares (L 8).
H. 0.41 m.; W. 0.426 m. (top); Th. 0.13 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXIII, 1954,pp. 236-239, No. 7, photographpl. 50; S.E.G., XIV, 68; for a discussionof the calendrical natureof the year see B. D. Meritt,Athenian Year,p. 168. ANTIGONIS a. 214/3 a. NON-XTOIX. ca. 48 bri Tri ['E' EtiOptl]-rou Is ['Av[-ryovi6os]j] Sar-rpas rrpv] a&pXovTroS
[rTavi]casli 'Apiorcov OeoScbpou'Paipv[ovcos ioypaljpaTrevEv-] vvoS K[Tre1 4rri686a 6EvTr] [ypiqJa] rrcaTa Sliov' MT-rayE1Tcr pIt&Kaol EIKOCTEi TITS 'rn'pVTa[v{Cias' K pat tvpoWoipcotl, o'itCa]
5 gv TrIt OE&rpc- T-rv -rrpo?8pcov?rrEpilqTfv llcTpp[--ca. o---] Kal avvrrpoSpoP XcororpaTTv[oS--ca. 6--] irlviov AcaTmwrprS vov MeriTrbS eIrv' 'nrrrp g&v&rroayyaouoaiv ol -rrpv[-rTavE]
ov gvov Ta wrpO [ [Trfs euoticv &<MKq] 'AvTiyovi8os]D]rrrp'TCrv T[Crv T-rc TE'AWr6?ovi TCO-rt CltcOv rpo-rTaTlpfco Kal rTE 'ApTipt81 Tr[] BouXacat Kal roTis ols rr&Tpiov OciAols eEoTs iv, dcycai T )(Ei S[E] is v T-r yEyovoTra v rTOiS 66XSal TIt S67clO-T7& i&vdcyac&8iX)Eoaxa tiTOi Biou, polt oTs gOuovb9' Cyiiiat Kal orcaTrlpiatlTS pouAfi Kal TaS 'rTOuias geIaav &ar&crXaa brreti^ 6f ol 'rrpuTaveis oocTKafi)
KOV &vTli
i Si Kal V rtprWeXErlVTar Kal T-CV Tiis mvXoyfis rfs TE pouXAfSKal rTOJV OvAcov &rravrov 8lov &vcairroTis CITOt 8i'pou, Tpoo-raTrrov0o T-rv6pot Kal T7& yq<VIaiCaTa irrailViot -rTOS V [ [T'rS'Avriyovi8os] ] Kat crrTpavcoo-a pTrPV'UTaVs Wv TrS Trrpos XpvoIJt orrEqvoVtKarCrTOVv6pov EsOScEaCrEias gEKaC T ElS'T V povAiv Kxal'TV TO*S sEOISKCalpiXoT-riiJas 8q1iov 7TOv 'A&rvaicovv Trov avayp&ypai 68 TO68 T-r6 l(pi yla TOV ypacppa-ra -6[v] TpvvTa KaT' wrpvraviafvCis oTiXlt AtlOtilt Kali -rTioaal?v TC-rt VIKCOI' EI 65 TI v (vaypcpar(pv 7Tis -TilXrs KcalriTv avIaOCv 1E'pi oat TroS irl T? 6StOKfllc'i TO yEv6Opivov &v&X7Acova vacat
Kx oS KxalitXoTiipcos, TPrpuTCavEiatI
1 IovuAl
25 --sv6otAov vacat 30
i BouvX
6 qlo ToOs wrpv
q pouvAr 35 [
TOvypaIpcaTcra 'Ayv6o[ov]
of Hymettian 136. Fragment marble(Kerameikos Museum),brokenat the top, bottom,and rightside, but preof the in 1910nearthe Sanctuary of the Tritopatores servingpart originalleft side,discovered duringexcavations in the Kerameikos.
H. 0.14 m.; Th. 0.10 m.; LH. 0.007 m.
Ed. J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 2440; W. Peek, Ath. Mitt., LXVII, 1942,p. 32, No. 31. OINEIS fin. saec. III a. lacuna
[-----------------Es vacat 0.008 m.
TOv [hTrrl Tfii 6tiomKotei r6 yev6pevov &v&Acoat vacat
Si T-v d&vCypaCiv Tfis orfArs spUpcaai]
Missing:Cols. II-
5 'Hp68o-rosvacat vacat 'OviiCiUos ArLrlTpio[S] 'Apfarcov Ovuo[---] 10 'A'rroXX6o[Tos]
ATIOKp.[---] E.i0Vos
The shapesof the lettersare an indicationof the date,and the fact thatthepatronymics weregenerally omittted this Aristonfromanotherof the samename,cf. No. 46, lines (thatin line 8 may havebeen addedto distinguish 38 and 40). 137. Bottom part of a stele of Hymettianmarble(I.G., II2, 913), with part of the tenon preserved. Found on 21, 1908,in a late wall in the AncientAgora.Thereweresome tracesof red in the letterswhen found. February H. 0.50 m.; W. 0.48 m.; Th. 0.095 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. G. Oikonomos,'ApX.'Ep., 1911,pp. 227-230,photographp. 228. I.G., IIP,913, republished by S. Dow in Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 85-86,No. 37. ERECHTHEIS
ca. a. 211/0-202/1 a. NON-ITOIX. ca. 44-45 lacuna r------E a 85 Kal]
[ --------------
-Orv iAX[cov darr&vrcov KaltqlXAorTipcoS, KaoCAS dc&yc6i 'r*XTI 8586] iraiviaut TOrV 'Tapiav 'Hycriaav Eicovuva-] Xeat T-r pouA[?Ti
vcrail86 Kal T6V l[Epta Kal T6v KpuKCaTrjs povAfsx Kal rTOU]
Kal Tr6v ypaCiCa"ria Tis povXfis] SlIou ECnXfiv BEP6V[EIKL8Tiv ?-----A AvccKalF Kal -TV rrro] TOV KalC 68lOVIAiovc[tIov 6 TO] ypaciliaT'a TiIoK?Av ME[---- KiKuvvvi'&vaiyp&atna
SE TO 4tllcpa
10 xi
Tr6v oIV Kal Tfrv &vaypaC(pv Ts OrTrX7iS pEpifrat Kai1 Tr6yev61.vov &v&AcoLa EBcomiepTs 'Ap-crio-ripos
15 AaCL6KpiTos
Aicov eOpacov
35 TipoKpcarS Frpovpi
'ApTifcov Kr)ql)iets
vos TnoAivo EOKprros
Oe66copos ECr&vSpov
20 Ai66copos Ticlov Atowa6ocopo ArnriTrpos 40
nlooCEicbvioS M6o'Xos Oe650oToS KMAapXos 60
Tepyatots JIicaX(os OoaAixapXos MevE<p(&<T>qr
30 [Otl]&vcop
50 OficovOfXcovos
70 Aloyvrns
vacat 0.035 m.
128 povU
rTv iEpi
i ouAvi
Ai ac-rTa ovVaIov 85 'AvKcat
6a TOV ypai
TOrv vrroypav
BBepevEt Ki85rv
138. Two non-joining fragments of a stele of Pentelic marble. Fragment a (I 4146), broken on all sides, was found on May 14, 1936, in a late Roman foundation on the southeastern part of Kolonos Agoraios (C 14). Fragment b (E.M. 270), with the left side preserved, was discovered in 1902 during excavations conducted by the Greek
Societyin the Stoa of Attalos. Archaeological a: H. 0.24 m.; W. 0.19 m.; Th. 0.065 m.; LH. 0.005 m. b: H. 0.26 m.; W. 0.31 m.; Th. 0.085 m.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. a: B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXVI, 1957,pp. 59-61, No. 14, photographpl. 11 b: K. D. Mylonas,'E.
'Apx., 1903, pp. 61-67, No. 1; J. Kirchner,I.G., III, 912+; S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, pp. 88-89, No. 39; B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXVI, 1957, pp. 59-61, No. 14, photograph pl. 11. S.E.G., XVI, 70.
20 [Mev8SrIIov]
[KuSaerlval] [Ea]
25 [rTa'Oq~X--]
['rfs PouAfiS]
NON-T0OIX. ca. 60-70 35 iI---] [rlri----apXoTroS 7rrITriS---]VTr6OS [TrplTriS rTpUTaVEiaS [--- --ca. 21----icora,pvoU,] yp]app&rUT?UE TrpiTrl BoEl[Spoilic.vos - ca. 4-] [eKTrlTr5STwrpuTavfeias' Po]u?h iVv [rTCV PouMAeTTpicov EreTTEYIlJP1 7rrpoESpcov vV ] TET vacat 560Sv [--- ca. 11---AIQ]coveCS Kal [V ovCiUrrpoESpoI POuAeT oi irpUTavr&v ?rTTne8[ [---ca. 13---Scb]pov Opeappios eITrwev [I['rS'Av'ryovi8osl Kal] o rTeTpovuATrTOV [of &defoa-r]oi rraivEo'avTESKalcareAbavcAaav[rS &rrroqaivouaiv Tra,.i] i Tpur&TaveS E aurTCVMEV686n[povApXovros KvuaOirvatia'r&s] [av 6v e]iXovrTO
?v [T"rjTrpUTCVraveiai [u]o'ias TreO<VEvat Trraaas"ra KaOriKoI'Caa5 irp TrETrqSPouXis] Kai rTOIJ 8Spou roU 'AOrlvafcov, &XXov rrCvTrcov Kac5s] 68 Kal TCOV rlwmiephfXioCTa[i
vvvv(yaOe Kal yioTiXorcoS TO-rv pouXET rtaivECai rTapav Mev6] T[eT TrIXEI8E860Xeati
EVSKa 'Aervafcov Kai cau] rs v 8fiov TOV iTpo TOISesoiS Kal (piXoril.ias[T'rij eS TrS Kal 7-Kai T6v 6K TObV rapfav TTrspouA?s 'A.tpiav] rTOiS rTracivivoal ypaiOaTkra 'O(pq[A-ca. r6v 9TTCOV Kal TOU Kal T'V [AleaTfSriv iEp&a 'IEpcova 'IKaptiax ypapaT-ra TriS pou] I.OU Xj Kail TOU8-trOU NiKiav Xi(OU TTeipalta K[al TO6vCroypavpaTka--ca. 10--'Ae] Kai rTOV TroU Tris povA[si Kaci Simou EinXKjvOiXo?Kous Bspe] KipvUKa (dvSpov 'PacvoCTalov TOV aOtr'AqivNEOKiV BEPEviKirI[V' KCIa TO'r TO picplia.ta TOVypai] VIKiS'IV avaypaCal '6 Kal EV TOV KaTa Ev Ai{V[ei paTra TCOI oTrC'ai Els 6] orTT?XEt TTrpUTaVIKCi' TTIpTaVs?av dveoaiv p[epioali TOV trri Tre SioiIKC?aEiTO ysvO6sVOV] TilV avaypaqIjv TTISoTXrir Kai T-rnV
55 rapyilrTrro KrigicaTrrros 60
XcbGpXos 'iKapEis
[---] lost
[---] lost
[---] lost
65 lTTpyaoTs
139. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 1655), broken on all sides. Found on March 21, 1934, built into a tomb below
Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,p. 80, No. 34, photograph. fin. saec. III a.
[fi p3ovui T]6v y
[pai] paT-ra r [oU] 6ilpou nTT [o]Xealiov
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia,IX, 1940,pp. 77-78, No. 11, photograph p. 77. DEMETRIAS a. III saec. fin. lacuna
10 ['A]ptcrroK[---]
[K]tl?s [-----]
bottom of column? This inscriptionis evidencethat Olov KepaietKov belongedto the phyle Demetriasfrom 307/6 to 201/0 (cf. in line 11, see No. 141, line 44. Meritt,loc. cit.). For the name[K]f7vris
--] [A]n. fTp[los--
141. Stele of Hymettian marble (I 6163), broken above, below, and at the left, but with rough-picked back preserved. Found on April 29, 1949, in the Long Late Roman Wall (0 8) east of the Panathenaic Way. H. 0.23 i.; W. 0.34 i.; Th. 0.125 i.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 218-219, No. 15, photograph pl. 39; S.E.G., XXI, 408.
V 45 Atovloe'os
Atov6calo5 'Epprr'ro5 EcovuIptsi $r)yol5tYlol 35 Xapfcas 'H8*AoS 25 K& urmros 'Avacyvpaai(oi) AuKives Avk-tvoS
'Apxqptos 'HpaxA<iSf5s
Tfixcov 30 Evwpav-ros vacat
40 Xapias 'OvTr<o>pe[os]
Tl'ppos (K)KXcov
'AvSpoyi*Brq [----]
Line 28, lapis MHAEKOX; line 31, lapis X.IPKAEIAHZ; line 39, lapis AAE?N.
The missing demes are Kephisia, Kedoi, and Pergase, which must have been accommodated in Col. I. The differ-
ence in lengthsof columnin the registeris remarkable. Representation is the sameas in No. 137. of Hymettian 142. Fragment marble(I 1423b),withpart of the left side preserved, but otherwise broken.Found on March 13, 1934,in a marblepile northof the Tholos. H. 0.13 m.; W. 0.135 m.; Th. 0.029 m.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,p. 79, No. 32, photograph. fin. saec. III a. lacuna ['E]rrnXa[p---]
E*Opq)lX-r[os] AtoyEvis
5 KAkoyvris
['A]V5p6vIos 1 .s...]covl8qs
-8-9 -----ns [----
Dow thoughtthe list belongedto Kydathenaion and identified the KQoyvtss of line 5 with the thesmothetes of 214/3. But the nameof the thesmothetes was K?F685i.os, and no valid reasonexists for assigningthe list to The absenceof patronymics is a partialindicationof date. Kydathenaion.
but otherwisebroken,found on 143. Part of a stele of Hymettianmarble(I 6004),with the left edge preserved over the Civic Offices(I 12). June 11, 1947,in debrisof destruction
H. 0.066 m.; W. 0.031 m.; Th. 0.01 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967, pp. 231-232, No. 41, photograph pl. 57; S.E.G., XXIV, 172.
Kai [ ------
vacat 5 v<D[- ]
lacuna in the wall of a late tomb nearthe northeastcornerof the SouthwestFountainHouse (I 14).
H. 0.16 m.; W. 0.115 m.; Th. 0.09 m.; LH. 0.007 m. 144. Fragment of a stele of Hymettian marble (I 6592), with the right side preserved. Found on March 27, 1953,
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXXII, 1963,pp. 13-14, No. 12, photograph pl. 4; S.E.G., XXI, 409. fin. saec. III a. vacat0.033 m.
[ri Tris-----rTpTrls Kcl 8]6K&riS rrpu [TavEias-ZKpoqopltvOS---q]I ltOTaivov, [---nt T1rS gi[ po]uXA-mpicor rrpUTavcEas' povUXh
[TC-V iTpoSpcov
NON-T-OIX. ca. 36
6]f?v rEI'
145. Fragment of a stele of Pentelic marble with greenish veins (I 5996), broken on all sides. Found on June 7,
H. 0.083 m.; W. 0.074 m.; Th. 0.033 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, pp. 179-180, No. 29, photograph pl. 29; S.E.G., XXI, 410. 50
86] Ka[l T6V tpeaP TOU WTCOVIuOVU---a. 12---] hrailvcali ca.11---] Kai TOU' [.... Kai TrOV 8sfpov--ypa]ypaT-r[a T's PSouvXis V Ka[l T'OvOwoypacIaTa--ca. 1 ---] [---ca. 12---]qiOv TO]v r]v 81oEouEOKXfiv [--a. 8 --c-Kal PoKKfs K-IPvK[aLc Bepe] Kail rTOO [viKfiSnv v&vaypd]ati 6 'T[6 0ilia cTr66sE----------------]
146. Fragmentfrom the bottom of a stele of Hymettianmarble(I 6563), with part of the left edge preserved of 1953in the wallof a moder (dressedsmooth)andwith the tenonfor insertioninto a base.Foundin February house in the southwestcorer of the MarketSquare(I-J 15).
H. 0.33 m.; W. 0.22 m.; Th. 0.06 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXII, 1963, p. 41, No. 43, photograph pl. 10; S.E.G., XXI, 412.
147. Six fragments of a stele of gray to white (Hymettian) marble, which combine to give the width (0.54 i.) and thickness (0.085 i.) though neither the top nor the bottom of the original stone. Height of letters throughout ca. 0.005 m.-0.006 m. a: Ed. K. S. Pittakys, L'ancienneAthenes, p. 37; A. R. Rangabe, Antiquit6sHelldniques,No. 471; U. Koehler, I.G., II, 391. b: Ed. U. Koehler, Hermes, V, 1871, pp. 331-336 (No. XII), LG., II, 393. a and b: LG., 112, 915, fragments a and b, associated by A. Wilhelm, UrkundendramatischerAuffiihrungen, p. 211, photograph p. 212 (E.M. 7483 and 7484). H. of a, 0.205 i.; W. of a, 0.20 m. with left edge preserved; H. of b, 0.28 i.; W. of b, 0.23 m. with right edge preserved. These fragments form the text at the left in lines 16-19 and part of the text in lines 41-70. c: Fragment (I 764) found on May 5, 1933, east of the Tholos (H 12). H. 0.29 i.; W. 0.198 i.; Th. 0.085 m. Joins both fragments a and b. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, pp. 89-91, No. 40, combined photograph p. 90. It carries the right side of lines 23-43. d: Fragment (I 6060) found on July 18, 1947, in mixed fill outside the Market Square to the southwest (D 17). H. 0.185 i.; W. 0.205 i.; Th. 0.085 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XVII, 1948, pp. 14-16, No. 6 (esp. lines 1-15), composite text, photograph p1. 5 (S.E.G., XVII, 29). e: Fragment (I 6218) found on July 26, 1949, among marbles collected east of the Panathenaic Way, some of which came from the Long Late Roman Wall. H. 0.26 m.; W. 0.21 i.; Th. 0.085 m. Ed. G. A. Stamires, Hesperia, XXVI, 1957, pp. 243-246, No. 96, composite text of lines 41-52, photograph p1. 61.
it is quiterough(see the photograph) and one must supposethat the bottom of the stele is near.
In the text of fragment e six lines require about 0.065 m. There was, therefore, ample room for about sixty lines of names arranged in five columns of twelve lines each. The catalogue of prytaneis must have been meant for this space but never inscribed. OINEIS a. 203/2 a. NON-ITOIX. ca. 48 lacuna d -rTsiOlvd]S[os CrrrTp] [-----?mrrp J3v &wayy0aovaov of iTrpv-rrvEs evat$v Bv reov -r& b rjalac-v -r6$t [-rT-ov aTrp6 Trcjv c"r] 'A-r6AXcovt -r4tO[] iaci TrEi 'ApT-.8i&7r8i BovXaiaitK]a'iTrO-iS 6XotS [rpoa-raTlpiko1 18i .tCAW-raT [eOeisoIs 1Taptov fjv- &yaeET -rtXei 86]6EOXeat 5 [p'Ev ols gevovip'] a&yae& f]v -rOiS 8xeo-eai -rT& yEyov6o-ra IEpo-is
r'eTj pat -r1s5-re P]ovXAS Kial-roi 8i Cpovu' [(iyiEiat Kal cCoTfl-l 8e 01 Tra'TEevaias] gevacav [8-i arr&Tara' asoaa xae[K]o[v] 1TrpvUTav85 Karyl qtWhoTiCos, T1T4I [bVImT Trpvralv&zlt KCAyjSc 8E] -rfs -r povA]ijs Ka'i -roV 8'pov Kal -rcov &?4cov] [KaI 'rijvs aov?oy's
Ta qyr<pia[pa] 10 [&Crra&vrcv ac tiov Ol T v6ooi KCa au-roTS av Trrpoor] TOiU S Ka[i] OiveTos TfiS TOroS] rraiv&acxl 8lpovU [ra rrpUTaver TOV KaTa al oarxcavcol v6oo[v] [aoEpav~oc {orEcpav$oalt)XpvUCto] Trois T'rs eiS] [TijS [EojPEfCIas eoir]S KIa9Xio-rnilTas :veKa 'rTTps I [T"iVpouXiv Kal TOV8fjlOV T'v 'Aeriv]afov &va[ypaypai 85 TO yqI] TO6& 15 [9qCrao T-r ypap.aT-ra rTO Kara rr]pur[aveiav ?v -rei] E 85= [AXlivecKaCCr]Tcfj a[i ?v T r1 TrpUTaVIKcovt' TtlV &vaypa]
ir f a-riiXrjs iJepiCal TOV Tr[fiS [q9TvKali TrV] wTrOrlIV TE1T sIOIK]
[fi povuXA]
[Trv ypaita]
K&Xlwrrov 'OefiEv
40 e
STrlTlpo~eviSou apXOVTOS 1-rrTrifs'I ,lio0covTr8oS 8EUTrpa[s 'rpu] raveias it Ep3ou7Aos Al{coveUS ECipovAi8[o]u gypapi('aTeU[V'] MeTrayeTVictvoS evUTrpal iorrcxaivou, TrErTrl-nTTfS 'rrpu[Ta] pO uTTlpicor TrCV TrpoESpcov '1rreYilq.ev NiKias veias' 3ouve E,U S At ovXie v T [NtK]ioU TlhOe?UKal al-UIUTpO8poI V ?8oev Tei poU Kal oi [ovuoi]ou 'AyvorItoS eT1rev' T'S OivETSOS Er1'eSToi TrpUvTa'Ve Kai or[E]pavCbo-avTeS CITrotafvouvotv [&EdoilToI T'ra]1tvCTavTES [Tei POuvAXTOVrTaI]aav 6V EiXovTO[o]i TrpUTa'vet K6&?atTov 'Oi0ev KaKoUCKOtaaS 'Teas UKEVa] TTaaaS TaCS [-ra TE voaCIS "V TTl wTTpUTa 6 Kal Tr-V [veIat inrTp Tfis pouXfis Kal TOU8fi]ou, rine1JieTXfiaeal [AX)ov arravTCOV KawCSoKal itXoTi"rcoS a&ya0eeTr]Xe1?8e6x0atl Trel pouvXeT b [rr[ativEoat TOV TapJiav K&aXtxrrrov] gVE O(Dtlto8rio[v] 'OfeEv EoEPspeias [Ka TfiS] EtS ro[Us eEOUs Kal qltXoT]uita TriS EiSTrou[S]9UTx-rasv SE Kal T'OV [Kal To]Us &ECo'iTou[S ET'ratVEO'a]t ypappaT.Ea K&.a[tiTm]ov [(D1v AUCTI [Qti]Xtori8ou 'Ofiqev rativ[?oat 8U] Kal TOv iep?acTOUEworrovlJOU 58i.ou 2XoCbTrrov [vov] 'AXapvEa Kal TrV y[paipaT-ra Ti'S pouXfis Kal TOJU TOVcrro[ypap!aT?'a TT]pwcTOpEvqv EiTreaov Kal 'TO KIPV1Ka [O].AUa KaCi Kal TOV aOXr'TiV Ne j S6ou EK]XAfiv [Trfs] pooufis KaCi T[ou BepEVEiKirSIV Kal oCTre]a[v]cat E Kaorov ac'riTV acaoUoTre [oKA]fjv BEpEVE[tKi{rnv T-r6O 68 Tr6Oe [a]jvcor &vq[ypaai 9ipt]'crpa rTOV yp9cpp.aT-rarTO KaTra TTp Kail orTf]aat EVTCt wpTavKCuOI'EiS S [Tav]jeav [Ev cT-riXe XtAOivet Ewr TrE [T-rV&vaypaqlv Kal TIV TroirtcrlvTfS] oTrIXqS pepicaal 'TOV vacat [tiotlKilOit T6 yEv6Opsvov &vaAco.a].
60 [-r6v ypaa]xca [Tra Tlis] Pou
Kal] [S Ka] TOUcb [srl iov]
q povuA7
frro TOrv ypaiparaTra
v npc-ro EiTeal
[-s? ['AXapvq [a]
[i povuAri]
[T6O K1|pVKa] [Tfls pouAXis]
[r povA]
[T6O a0] N[eo] [A?T'Ti]V
[K]XfivBe peVIKi
vacat ca. 0.15 m.
of Proxenides in 203/2,as fixedby the secretary For the archonship cycle, see Dow, op. cit., p. 91, and Meritt,
The Athenian Year, p. 235. Dow thought that the offices of treasurer and secretary of the phyle (lines 19-22, 26-29, 41, 43-44) were held by father and son, as may have been the case in Nos. 186 and 226 (q.v.), but this was before the reading of the secretary's patronymic in line 44 which makes it impossible (cf. Pritchett and
that[E]cboatTrrros by A. Wilhelm(op.cit.) as probably Sosipposof Phlya(lines45-46, 62-64) has beenidentified whose a is as 7710. [c<)]XuaES gravestone, columella, published IG., II2, [AE]covi8ou of Eitea(lines46, 68-70) was polemarch in 224/3 (cf. Dow, loc. cit. and Hesperia, The fatherof Protomenes II, line XIV, 1933,pl. 53).
148. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 4678), with the left edge preserved. Found on March 30, 1937, just outside
Ed. W. K. Pritchett,Hesperia, X, 1941,pp. 274-275, No. 72, photograph p. 275. ca. a. 200 a. n poux[n]
149. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 515), with the left side preserved, picked fine. Found on March 3, 1933,
Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, are by Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 92-93, No. 42, photograph p. 93. The readingand restoration W. K. Pritchett,Hesperia, X, 1941,p. 275.
ca. a. 200 a.
i P[ouvM]
marble(I 5912),with the rightside preserved. 150. Part of a stele of Hymettian Found on June6, 1946,in the wall of a modernhouse over the area of the Civic Offices(I 12).
H. 0.21 m.; W. 0.107 m.; Th. 0.089 m.; LH. 0.008 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XVII, 1948,pp. 16-17, No. 7, photograph pl. 5. ca. a. 200 a.
[i povlu]X [T6v T-a]iav
[Tfs po]uXis
[.?.]Ya 5
151. Partof a steleof Hymettian marble(I 6256),withthe rough-picked backand rightside preserved, but otherwise broken. Found in Januaryof 1950 among stones collected from the Long Late Roman Wall east of the Panathenaic Way.
H. 0.345 m.; W. 0.295 m.; Th. 0.115 m.; LH. ca. 0.005 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 220-221, No. 17, photograph pl. 39; S.E.G., XXI, 426.
[---- ]
[-.----[ ]
(lost) (lost) [----]
15 Euvoori8rlS
-] ]]
/\l[-.--] Arl&Fas
'H(pacr68copos 30 TloKAfis XalpEcrpacroS TnocYiStrrroS
Bpo(i(iou) Arn,FIrpios
'Epy6oiNosMoc(--) 20 'OX;uiwos
Alovv,alos TpivEiieTS TapavT-rvos ZtiacplcroS
[-ca. 4-]po[]
35 noMX,cov
1 pouX[i]
[----1 cop
h p3ovuA
40 Bpvi KiSTWv40
NEomA[fiv] BepEV[tK]
For the date and the arrangement of columns in the register see Meritt, op. cit., p. 221. The text may belong of the phylaiin 200 B.C. just beforeor just afterthe reorganization 152. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 1220), broken on all sides. Found on January 24, 1934, in a modem wall
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXIX, 1960,p. 13, No. 16, photograph pl. 3; S.E.G., XIX, 91. saec. III/II a.
lacuna 43
T-ri 6icoi] [------------.--ya]iE T[Xt 8E86Xealt ?v TOiS pv T-r [Ta &yaOa56XE?cO]at yey[ovT-ra iEpoiSolS]
[E0uov 9q' *yietal Kal] acoTrrpiai[-ris Tr pou?fi Kal TOU] 8 [ol rrpuraveis---] [8pilou rTOUi 'Aerlvalcov ?-rr]EtSi6
of a steleof Hymettian marble(1 6190),showinga bandof mouldingat the bottom(pickedaway) 153. Fragment and havinga rough-picked wall in back, but otherwisebroken.Found on May 23, 1949,in a modernretaining front of the Stoa of Attalos.
H. 0.29 m.; W. 0.25 m.; Th. 0.11 m.; LH. 0.009 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, pp. 189-190, No. 38, photograph pl. 30; S.E.G., XXI, 425.
154. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 1561), broken on all sides and at the back, found on March 14, 1934, in H. 0.245 m.; W. 0.155 m.; Th. 0.075 m.; LH. 0.004 m.
Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, pp. 118-119,No. 62, photograph p. 119. init.saec. II a. lacuna
[----]vuXo vacat0.03 m.
i pouAri 'Apia-rT6qopov
of Pentelicmarble(I 243), brokenat the top, bottom,and right,but preserving 155. Fragment partof the roughfinishedleft side and rough-picked back, found in 1932in a marblepile at the northfoot of the Areopagus.
H. 0.237 m.; W. 0.18 m.; Th. 0.08 m.; LH. 0.004 m. (decree), 0.006 m. (register) Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, III, 1934, pp. 35-36, No. 22, drawing p. 35; notes and corrections by S. Dow,
Hesperia,Suppl.I, pp. 160-161,No. 94, photographof a markedsqueezep. 160. OINEIS paullopost a. 200 a. [--------]pov lines 1-8: traces Aa/'rrTpC-------------NON-2TOIX.
10 [----------ov-------------------------] I-----------------------------------------I l B? s 8- TVS [- -?&vaypaqpfv Ti'soariXaS Kal rl'lvav&aOeav pEpi] T6 yeVEV6vov &v&aXopa] [caai TOv Tirt]rET S10tKf[oCIt
lacuna The quota of Lousia,three representatives, suggeststhat this text belongs after 200 B.C.(it regularlyhad a of the Administrative and the Officer fixesthe dateantea. 169a., one until that of bouleutes presence time), quota in the register arepuzzling,sincethey were generallyomittedafter ca. 225 (cf. Nos. 123 but the patronymics 130). 156. Part of a stele of Hymettianmarble(I 5427),with the smoothleft side and rough-picked back preserved. Found on May 6, 1938,in the easternboundarywall of a Romanroad northeastof the Odeion(N 7-8). H. 0.284 m.; W. 0.273 m.; Th. 0.122 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXIX, 1960,pp. 11-12, No. 14, photograph pl. 3; S.E.G., XIX, 153. OINEIS init.saec. II a. I Eightlines lost
Eightlines lost 25 'Ip[----] Tip[----]
Eightlines lost
[ [------]
Mrivo6Pios TiliaTos
q pov3oui
'A tiono t
IV This column, now lost, probablyhad fourteen inscribed lines (49-62) Thirdcitation lost
'OpeoKvXqv 'AXaila
Othercitationslost to Oineis.Evidence that it had beena divideddemeis givenby the demoticof the secretary originally, c[vuMA&cos] in 298/7(Hesperia, IX, 1940,p. 80, No. 13). If this evidenceis valid(andwe do not yet see how it can be denied) it remainstrue that the preponderant evidencefavors associationwith Demetriasduringthe existenceof that No. lines The demeis absentfromOineisin the greatbouleuticlist of 303/2(No. 61, above, phyle(e.g., 123-129). The five of 62, above). representatives Phylebelongingto Oineisin the presenttext (theremayhavebeen a sixth at the top of Col. II) arguea date surelyafter 200 B.C.when Oineisagainclaimedthe complete of presentation the deme,whateverits historymay have been in the meantime.Cf. also J. S. Traill,Hesperia, Suppl.XIV. 157. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble(I 4803), with the left edge preserved.Found in a modernwall south of the Eleusinionin the area of Post-Herulian Wall (T 21-22).
H. 0.21 m.; W. 0.103 m.; Th. 0.118 m.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXX, 1961, p. 260, No. 67, photograph pl. 48; S.E.G., XXI, 598. The date of this inscription must fall after the abolition of Demetrias, when the entire deme Phyle belonged, as
[ I---------]
of Hymettian 158. Fragment marble(I 7191),with the originalrightside preserved, but otherwise broken,found in November1970in a dump belongingto the pre-warexcavations (C 18). H. 0.398 m.; W. 0.21 m.; Th. 0.117 m.; LH. ca. 0.006-0.008m. Ed. J. S. Traill,Hesperia,XL, 1971,pp. 311-313, No. 10, photograph pl. 63. ERECHTHEIS init. saec. II a.
[------T-O ypai-----i-[Tro5povOU----- -----Ka' NON-7TOIX. ca. 51-56
lacuna T-S POypovfi K]a[i] TOV VjroypaCOaTEa--]iKoV TOVKIpuKaC T1fi PovUAXs 20-----Ka [-----ca. Kai TOU] 8,Mo[u] KalTO-r EOKUovS aOXiTriv [EinKAv BEpEviKflSlv BEpEv[i] NEOK]XAfv 5 [Ki6rv KaCi acrT9avcoca KaliT roircov KaoTrov aMaoi roTrEg]avcor avayp[a] TOV KaTa Trp]uTav-rav ?v oT[1] [yai 8i TO6E Tr 6 Vyiocrpa ypagi.aT'ra TOV T-r 8] Tq1v 7eit IElKai oqrfitoi IvTC-ITrpu"TavIKt' [Ei E5iS O&vaypaqFpv Kai T1'v &v&OEaiv Eri T6V T'E 6 [crTTNXS pEPI{aCI Y pEvov Si]9QiKlaCm yev6 vacat ] vacat [&dvacolpa ['IEp]cbvwvOS 10 MeXaypos (lWiapxos [A]aoLnrrpeTs [.. .]VIKOS MEvEcaaXos [....]v aclo[l] 'Avayupc [---- ]copos N-crros
[----]s [----]S
Antoycov K \ Kr6cx
['A]ypu7, 20
I--------I ] [ [--------] [ ]
159. Part of a stele of Hymettianmarble(I 3642),with the rightedge preserved. Found on February 26, 1936, built into a late wall west of the northernpart of the Stoa of Attalos (P-Q 7-8). H. 0.283 m.; W. 0.217 m.; Th. 0.13 m.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia,XXIX, 1960,pp. 13-14, No. 17, photograph pi. 3; S.E.G., XIX, 92.
init. saec. II a.
[---] [----3
[I] pou'll
f pouAr
BepevIKi 8v
160. Fragment of Hymettian marble(I 2987),brokenat the top, bottom, back,and on the left side, but preservdestruction debrisof the LateRomanGyming the badlybattered rightside,foundon June4, 1935,in disturbed nasiumover the east end of the Middle Stoa (O 13). H. 0.133 m.; W. 0.097 m.; Th. 0.043 m.; LH. 0.005-0.006m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, pp. 93-94, No. 43, photograph p. 93.
NON-2TOIX. ca. 62 lacuna [ ----TaS 'T? voUCa T-rOK]Eva[i 'rraacS]
rrip T'rS pouXfis Kal TOU 8p,ovu' 'Er]mEEiiHE [-r&s KaeKoIcTaS Ev -rT -rpuvravEIat [aaie] v c &7oov [ouAet] qn'ovricos KarcAsv &rrvrTcov T-rv Kal yaeet TXEi 85]6Xctai -rET1 [68 Koal ca.27 ----------K T-apav-----------[Trraloaal -TOV T]E(pavC'ca[i eCa] ------ca. 14-------]5 (i)Xa[trill Kal] [ou crr?(pavcor' Tralv&Tal 8a Kal TOVypaIarIaT ca. 18-----K i TOVypap.-raTEa TrS P]Qu7fisK[al TOU] ETrcovlou-----[Trov iEpa rTOU ca. 24?--------Kal TOV vIroypapUIaTaoC----]I. ,LT[-----------] [8LIOVu------T KfipUKacx Kal EOYj v EnX]E]o0US 8sr-ou [BEpE] TS P3oUXfji [------------TOU ou BEpsvIKirqv ? KaiaOTeqavcor]ai [C<aoc aXyrrrvA T'OV ov] NEiovfiv 'AoKxXTiwTrr [vilKiSlvKOa
init. saec. II a.
lacuna 161. Fragment of Pentelic marble (1 1680), broken on all sides and at the back, found on March 26, 1934, in stony
fill from late Roman contextover Tholos wall trenchon the east (H 11).
H. 0.069 m.; W. 0.088 m.; Th. 0.021 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, p. 94, No. 44, photograph p. 94. init. saec. II a. NON-ETOIX. ca. 39 lacuna \E [-------------vo]s?P6[6E ----
] vacat ['TrpuTavEias Pou?I 9]l TTipa[elt ] -rTE vacat vacat [ E5oSE]v po[vuA [-----ca. 16 ------]caos ot ET1TEI5 E?TrrE[V ipUTTavEis]
[Tirs--- ca. 8-9 --KaC oi] a[cE1TOt . [ITaltvaavT6ES Kal ore] [qaVCaavcTEa arro]cpa(vovnov [T-rTPouAEi TOV rTactav] [-------T-a-TS uo'iaqs T[EvuKrvai, KrT7.] ]
lacuna The stone has been chipped and the trace of the oblique stroke which Dow read in the first letter has now
been lost.
162. Part of a stele of bluish Hymettian marble (I 6329), with the left edge and the smooth back preserved, but otherwise broken, found on April 2, 1951, in a late wall in the northwest corner of the Market Square (P 7). H. 0.24 m.; W. 0.185 m.; Th. 0.115 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, pp. 184-185, No. 35, photograph pl. 30; S.E.G., XXI, 423.
and paulloantea. 178/7a. (No. 193= LG., II2, 914). See the Introduction, p. 11.
The flutist, Neokles, son of Asklepiades of Berenikidai,was active between ca. a. 210/09 and 201/0 a. (No. 138)
163. Fragment of a stele of Hymettian marble (I 6165), with the left side preserved, but otherwise broken, found on April 30, 1949, in the Long Late Roman Wall east of the Panathenaic Way and south of the railway (O 8). H. 0.159 m.; W. 0.102 m.; Th. 0.075 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, pp. 182-183, No. 33, photograph pl. 29; S.E.G., XXI, 421. 56-60 [--&--------v-----------ypac] 8 -r6i TOyfp[iCa Karc& nrpvTaciav ?v or1,X6 Xiei] r6OS TOrv ypaipcrrka TOrv
VEI Kcaio[Tfi'aat EVTCOtI ES 85 TrV dcvaypayqv Kal TriVTroiriCovrTTS] rpUTraviKCoI' 1 rr? Ti T yEv6OEvov &v&dcoca] t8ioiKnaei oriSTlXrls [epiCal T-rV
6 68iio[s]
TOC[s] rrpuT[&]
10 [ ....] SCoK[-]--------------------------
? &pXovros&Tri T----------Tr[i]Tipoo[Xoou
164.Fragment of a stele of Pentelicmarble(I 907), brokenon all sidesand at the back,foundon June 1, 1933,in a Byzantine contextover the Templeof Ares (J 8).
H. 0.075 m.; W. 0.065 m.; Th. 0.05 m.; LH. 0.007 m.
Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, p.119, No. 63, photograph p. 119. LEONTIS saec. III/II a. lacuna
['AA] oO[aiolo ]
5 [
It is temptingto restoreline 2 as [TpIv]eIEss[6s] (Kekropis)and line 4 as [----]S Oao7ri[p?is](Aiantis)and thatthe writing identifythe text as a list of archons.Thiscontentionis strengthened slightlyfromthe observation is close to the so-called"disjointedstyle" and belongsprobablyto the period at the end of the third and the common (cf., most recently, beginningof the second centuriesbefore Christwhen archonlists were extremely S. V. Tracy,Hesperia,XLI, 1972,pp. 43-46). Thereare, however,severalobjectionsto such an identification: in line 4 to indicatethat it was not eta, but iota; (2) the letters (1) thereis enough of the last letterpreserved in lines 1 and 3 will not suit any respective demoticin Oineisand Hippothontis and would have to be assigned
and (3) the wider spacingof the lettersin line 3 in comparison to patronymics; to lines 1, 2, and 4 is suitableto a demoticwithina list of namesand suggeststhe well knowndispositionof a prytanyregister.If we are correct in restoringpatronymics in lines 1 and 4, then this text shouldbelongjust before225 B.C.For the namein line 4 see I.G., II2, 839, line 60, dated 221/0 B.C.(archonship of Thrasyphon). of a stele of Hymettian marble(I 2498),brokenoff diagonally fromthe upperrightcorner.Found 165. Fragment on February 28, 1935,in a late Romanwall south of the Tholos (F 13).
H. 0.52 m.; W. 0.45 m.; Th. 0.125 m.; LH. 0.004 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, pp. 86-88, No. 38, photograph p. 87; B. D. Meritt, The Athenian Year,
1961, pp. 170-172,for lines 1-2 (S.E.G.,XXI, 404). KEKROPIS a. 197/6a. NON-XTOIX. 'Er 'AyiAou &pXov-rosrrlI'ris TlavSiovi6os.8eK[a]
Trl OoTE Kai E?IKOOT?E T'TS TpU1TavE[iaS' pal, TrET&pT1r xK]
TrCOv KAqcrla i nTT<Et>ppaerKcopalos] wrpoSpcov rsrelpiEicl[v vacat Kaci AaKiaxSi [X]aprTros UovjrTp6epor 5 GooEv TCOrt 811icl1 ITw [5]evoqOv EiVPr&VTO BEpevitK{8iS Op [6v drray] rrEv' [y]Mauvaiv ol TrpTravels T'FS KEKpoTrr8oS V[-irp -rTCveucl] TCOV T'OI Tr TCOI [Cv cbv ?0vo]v T-a 6KKATaiCCOV rrpO 'ATrr[6tOcovt TTpo] 'm -r Tei 'APTrIIS BouXaifa Kaci TOIS &aots] [Kai [ocraTrp]icoi 10 [OeioT jv v &yOaleitXtei 58[S6X0eat -r Tt 68coi,] ols] r.aTprpo]v ^v &]yca[&] 8X?[a]0aI Tr&yeyovora Ev [TroTS [TOr& iepoIs oTs Ou] [ov `q`' KaI aC(A]T[rlp]i[aO ] TriS pouvfs S'1ovu' 9tSh9] [Kai 'TOUe ? ymE]i[aL Tr&s "rsT? 0[u]oaav[drr&caS or at Kac0] [56 o1 rpUTarveis 0]icaS 15 [rat 8S Kial Tris ovXo]yis
i KAcoa S Kac p WisE"M rlnv] qaXioT[jIoiS wTPTaVe]Iura T1rs T-EPOVufi[sKai TOU 5lPOU Kai] ov o e-re v6ooi, KTr.] [TCrv&cAcov Trravwrcov cv] aOTros rrp[ocrTaTrr [KOV EV ret
lacuna In his editioprinceps (loc. cit.) Dow hesitatedbetween210/09 and 208/7 for the date, and W. B. Dinsmoor, TheArchon List,p. 167,preferred 208/7to Dow's firstchoiceof 210/09.Thereasonsgivenfor the datewere(a) the whichDow thoughtbelongedbetween215/4and 206/5(thismaybe seenin his photograph) style of lettering and as oratorof [5]voq ov E0ip&vrou who of was one a committee of four chosen to (b) the appearance BEpevKiSrns, erecta statueof Demainetosof Athmononshortlyafter211/0 (I.G., II2, 1304,line 52). But the writingis better suitedto the earlysecondcenturythan to the late third, and thereis now anotherknownappearance of Xenophon as oratorin 180/79(cf. No. 187). Hencethe archonAnkylosbelongsin the earlysecondcentury,eitherin 197/6(probably,as here dated) or possiblyin 194/3.The restorationof his name in I.G., II2, 2323, line 99, as in Comedies at the Dionysia(Leiden,1967),p. 12 (Ruck's suggestedby CarlA. P. Ruck, TheList of the Victors line numberis 83), impliesa date far too earlyand is to be rejected. The calendar withthe periodof the twelvephylai.If 197/6was an ordinary is compatible yearthe datePosideon 21, equatedwith PrytanyVI 24, was the 169thday of the year.The firstsix prytanies wereof 29 days each, and the last six, presumably, of 30 days each. 166. Fragment of a stele of Hymettian marble(I 4966),brokenat the bottomand on the right,but preserving the foundon June11, 1937,in the LongLateRomanWallnortheast originalleft side, back,andtop, withakroterion, of the Odeionjust south of the railway(N 7).
H. 0.319 m.; W. 0.229 m.; Th. 0.146 m.; LH. 0.007-0.008 m.
Ed. W. K. Pritchett,Hesperia,X, 1941, pp. 275-276, No. 73, photographp. 276; B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXVII, 1968,pp. 235-236, for the calendar. a. 196/5a.
8h,rl XaptKo>cov TTI Xapw,~ous EaipXV[TOUS ros Pa[i V.K&TTS irri &pxo4[p T1iS --ca. 8v66Kjr|U rivS --ca.
NON-XTOIX. ca. 52
rpu"avea&] S TrrpUTaverias] fi AlaXp<i>cov Eatlv6Tov 'Pa[vvo*aios gypa,u,dcTwuev 8nvov yriyt'aiiara] , 6y66it Kxai Trfs rTpUravicas] Oapy9lAiovos 6y6sit1 P[r[T' EIKOCOrei EIK&8aC TCOV KKKArlcia Kvpia iv -rTCI[eaTrpoor wpo~SpcovE'rreriy)l1EeV 'A0rv68copos]
lacuna the chairmanof the proedroiis knownfrom Hesperia, XXXIV, 1965,p. 90, No. 3, line 14.
Line 2: lapis AcrXpcov.The name is spelled correctly in Hesperia, V, 1936, p. 422, No. 15, line 2. The name of
167. Upper part of a stele of Hymettian marble (I 6765), found on April 30, 1957, in a late context near the southwest corner of the Agora (E 17). The fragment is broken at the bottom, but preserves the right and left sides,
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Athenian Year, pp. 195-200,No. 3, photograph fig. 5 betweenpp. 194and 195;S.E.G.,XXI, 440. For the date, see B. D. Meritt,T.A.P.A.,XCV, 1964,pp. 238, 240. LEONTIS a. 193/2a.
E6vocavTrov 55-63
'rr'lTnrioU ?rriTris AEcovri8oS &xTnlS OupXOVTrS rrpUTravcias [i OEo8]oCa[toS] u oatSECovoS AacTrrpEs'ypaIpp6raTr1evv Siv8EKa( p3oX[ipo T rpS UTaVEfiaS i T-r, bva'-E Kai ElKOoTri povAu PoovsuVThrpiOt i'OvKAqTos Kail rrro 0eaTpcor Vv pouAjfS KWArioifa Kupia bv TCOI orpa'Tycov wrapayyElXavTcov .a&vou 5 TCol Kxal 'rrpoE8pcovsT,rrl(piqsv 'Aeisiv(as MapaOcbvtos oaUrp6p8poi' V v 68osevrTOI c5v &rray 86pcot' AaopaT'rr Mvtropos flTplOoiSlls e?Trev' rrrnp ol rTCOv v r n-po c e0vov TriS Jvacicv AEcovriSo0S TrCV yAAoucrvv TrrpuTvaViS Onrrp ovI TCOI V T TTOt -TE BovXaiai Tr 'ArTTOr TlpoaoraCTllpco xat -Ei 'ApTIp8it ,KKrjCalcov 1 v v acyoE6 T' nX)(I r rTOIS o01sos 'rraTp1OV KOai AO1SoE 6r8lcot T 866X0Oal TCOI 10 pev odyaot0& Ev guov Kcal Tirois SX)(eo6c Taryyovo6ra ipoIs ols Ep' Oytiiac aCOTrr . K vo1UXC -e poA polos Val-ro0 TOU 8 ol TrpUTa6vEt C r Ka rrETC6V XV Ka, plat -rS S p euJaa S vuav a'rraoas 6aa KaKOtV T&S KOvjKoV TrE v rElA ail (pt TOrpuravSia KCo cTv & KCal XoTipcoS, E'rpEX1eTn'6 TE 86Iou trfiS avAXoynfi TS} poufis Kal TOoU rTCV T KaCl Jv acTroisTrpo-rTa-TTOV CiAcov &rrav-rcov ol TEv6ioi Kar(X pio'iaI.C(
15 6o T-r T-rU ov u
KaTa TOVO v6ojovECvaepicaS [VEKEV Kal 91Xo coAio-rT9avcoI 7r)5 Trpos roise00eoIS -rv ov 'Aedvaicov [TitiaS Trii] [is -rTiv ovuX]iv[Kal T6]rv 8iv 6 roS T0r &vaypaCwatli
v o'rNeXE1vliVEl KCal TOV rV KCaTr& [piarJtia TrOV C-rT ypapaIIOTa TrpUT]Xvs.iaXv [aa-------------------------------------]
lacuna of Hymettian 168. Nine fragments marble, joined togetherto formtwo largepiecesbelongingto a stele, broken at the top and on the left, but preserving the toothedrightside, part of the bottom,and the rough-picked back. = of one fragment a+ c: Composed 7517 found on excavations (E.M. c), 28, 1852,during February by theGreek in aula domus LuisaePsomae," and four fragments Archaeological Society "properuderaaedis Hypapantes (I 1462a= a), found on April 13, 1934,in a late contextto the southwestof the Square,south of the New Bouleuterion(F 11), havingbeen used previously in the heavy Romanretainingwall. c and a combined:H. 0.68 m.; W. 0.23 m.; Th. 0.14 m.; LH. 0.005-0.006m. b: Composedof four fragments = b), discovered in the Agora Excavations on April 18, 1934,in the (I 1462b same area with I 1462a. H. 0.32 m.; W. 0.40 m.; Th. 0.16 m.; LH. 0.005-0.006m. a and b: Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, pp. 96-100, No. 47, photographs pp. 98 and 99. c: Ed. K. S. Pittakys,'Ep. 'Apx., 1854, No. 2460; U. Koehler,L.G.,II, 425; J. Kirchner,I.G., II2,920; comments by S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, p. 126, No. 67, but this fragmentwas first correctlyassociatedwith the c and a was XXXII, 1963,pp. 17-19,No. 17.Thejoin betweenfragments Agorapiecesby B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, confirmedby E. Vanderpoolin May, 1962.For the date see B. D. Meritt,T.A.P.A.,XCV, 1964,pp. 238, 240.
a. 193/2 a.
'ATrO6Ncovi TCtI Ka[lTr1'ApT-ri6t TEl] TTpoora'T-pkic] 5 KcaiTrois 6 l 8i5] [BouXVaia 6i.ois OEoTS ots T'rrTpi]ov fiv [886oxeat [ ?--------r
Ta ?v ToTsIEpoTI]ols E:u[ov ?p' iyieial Kai] pvE&yaec 8EXEOeali [icoI Tr& Ka -ro TOU 8 Kcx]l 6S] T[Cj]vovp'uIX[co'VE1TE18 [acoTrlpiatT fSpovUl Kaa TE OaiaS gevaav crr&]aoaS ?v rT?T [ol Trrpu-ravTs T&-S Oaca Kaeij[KOV rpu] Tal Kai c Tfi[S uaAoyfi] [TavEtal KA\C6SKal pXhoTIJricoS, rr'nWipiA]i 8]'lvT r poufis Kal TroOVi aTraVTCoaV Sv a[OToT-s Sfoou Kai TCOV [Tfjs T Trpoa] &AX]cov [-rTarrov oTi v6io01 Kai TCa y9tIqfCi]a]Ta TOU 5po ou, brraiv[oaai To0rS V] aCTroTsXpUCol o'r[6CpavcoKa] T-fi 'EpXe8Ei0os Kal oaTEqaV]]Caloa [TrrpuvTavE -rv v6Oov EOicPEIEas EVEKEV [ra TOV T]1S 'Trpos eoOs KcaX [ioTrtUii' ] TOUGS
v ypa!a'raTa rTOv] KaTra rrpUTaVEiav Ev[crTAXei [TOr6 TO r9itoClaaTO V] 8 T1IV&va[ypaqTv Kai] ?V Kal TCOI [7le0vsi EIS 1TrpTaVIK]Co)t aorC'att TOVTra|LiavTCOV T-ri crrris [TaV acv&OEaIv EEpfoiatC] o-rpa[rtIoTiKCOv] [-r yEv6Osvov avaXcopa]
[r pIouA]
a 25
[6 5n]os
20 [rTOiSTp]u [- ca. 4 -'rrv] T.T.uay6p[av] [TraVEi] ['AypuAXjev] Aarrr[Tppa] [rrl 'ITm-rouo ?rrr TfiS 'ATTa]Ai6SoS V5eKa&r'TS &PXOVTOS Trpv-r[aCviaS] [ji OeoES6acos 'EvoaTv-rou AapTrrrpE]US ypaclClTEuvE' Oapyrq[Ativos] ------------------T]rS [----'TpUTaviasv pouI i P3[ou] TrO)V rrpog8pcov ?Treijlq1I]ev MEVEKpcmTIS [IEuTTrrpicor MrlvoSbpov [..] 'TEl Pou7AEt [---- --ca. ---Kai CUuVTTrp6epoIv 85o]EV AaKpaTrrl EITrEV' o01 Kal oi &dEOtETOi E E1rrTEI] i puTraVEI [MEvTopoS TTEpieOoSi6S Kai oTrEqavcobaVT?E] TOVTa ITroqpaiVOvUoIV Ti POUvXeI ['ralivEoaVTES - ca. 4 -]TrTOV Et EaUTCOV ev TaS AtIOKAOU'AyyEOEV [Iilav OVEIAOVTO K Te-Ueval i [Oua'as rrCaoasTaS KaO]r'KoicoaSEv TE 1TrpuTavElatl i TO v &Mcov &Trrav Kai TCO 8SplOUitm]?EI.e]fiaai Tfis povuf Kal [TrEp [Tcov KacSo Kal (piXOT-ricos' 8?86X]eat T-r pO1ouAhlralv&cai &yaOe' TX)(E? [T6ov cov Bat 'AyyeXiOEvKai] oTeq)avco'cal Taoipav-ca. 4--TrovAIOKouVS or Tratv1TalVyat KaCTOVypal.LaTEa Tilaiou [oTE6pvo& tlj]uay6pav TOV KaC 8ipOU KiIcova POvA1fS [AaljTrTpEa ypaparIaTia Kai] TOiU TT'S
ca.13 ----
TOV KaPVK TOU o TfS T PO S [KEpaCkov Ka K-rpvKa 8]lgUQ EOKMfiv BEpEVI TOV Kai [Ki6Siv aUOXnTlvNEOKAfiv K]aI TOVTapUiavrTTS BEPEViKi5qV POuAfiS [-ca. 4 -6oaaov-ca.6 --AAyvoOIov Kai Troircov EKKaTOv Kali OrCT?avoroaa] [OeaAou OTE-r&avcor &vaypapai ypaa E T6?S T ypljoT]lpa -rbv llaT-a TOV EV Kai CToTrf]at1 V TCOTP'TpUTaVlKCo1 l aTC'Aij?hlOeVEl [KaCIaTrpuTavElav O&va copa EiS rtv TrroiroavKai T]r]v &vaypaqrv rT1S [ro 8S yEv6oEvov C'TTr TOV Taiav rTCOV [AriSpEpioatl orTpaTicOTiKCOV] Col. II ['AypvuAis] [------] epacov [- ca.4 -TroS] missing [------] nlIpycaols
? lines
70 'AploTiCOV KrSoi 'AiUvrTas IL6Orepos
55 [EOcovuvji]ss [-- ca. 9 -] [-- ca.7 --] o 7 [--ca. --]os
[-----] [----]
[- ca.8 --]Os [-- ca. 7 --]tos
XaipEAtXos 'Avayvpaalot
AEcov Tt6?Noaos
rlrS .
[--ca. 6-]Vs
vacat vacat
Four citationsmissing
[il p]ouAxi
[ca. 4 -]6oa&lov
85 'Ayvocit
vacat 169. Two non-joining fragments of Hymettian marble, both broken on all sides and at the back. The upper fragment (I 6057) was found on July 25, 1947, in an early to late Byzantine context west of the west end of the Middle Stoa (H 13). The lower piece (I 6676) was discovered in a marble pile in the southwestern corner of the Market
Square. UpperFragment:H. 0.125 m.; W. 0.125 m; Th. 0.035 m.; LH. 0.005-0.006m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XVII, 1948,p. 17, No. 8, photograph pl. 5.
Lower Fragment: H. 0.16 m.; W. 0.095 m.; Th. 0.026 m.; LH. 0.005-0.006 m. Ed. G. A. Stamires, Hesperia, XXVI, 1957, pp. 32-33, No. 5, photograph pl. 5; S.E.G., XVI, 80, cf. XXI, 445.
For the date see No. 170, whichbelongsto the same year. ca. a. 190/89a.
TIS 'E]pEX0hi8os fij] [Eirr---- ca. 10----&PXOVTOS TrpVTavcIas mTi 8[UT'pas a. 21-----[- ---METay[EirTVlIvos---- ---] pa]'&ruaT6ev' ?i [PouATuTrlpioovTCOv] [lc-racEvou,--- ca.8--- TrfS 'rpUTa]vEias' POVAX KialoC'urrp6] [rrpoS6pcov ETrEpinPtLEV Acop60]os Acopo0ouv'Epo[ti&Sra E8OEV Tl pouAfjt [- ..?. .]aS 2I'rriX6pou ---------eVrre' [ESpov' ] [rre1iS] oi 'rpurTavEiS TrativcaTVEs] -rfS---1]8os Kai oi &efcCT[oit -----alrocaivovucTv -------[KaCi ] oTEIcpaVCbOavTEs
[fi] I.[ouvXi]
TOV i[E]
10 [p]a T-r9[] n'rroviP.[ou] Kcaala68[rv] AtyiAlExa
citations lost
170. Threejoiningfragments of Hymettian marble.The uppermost piece (I 432), found on February 8, 1933,in the wall of a modernhouse west of the Library of Pantainos(Q 14-15),preserves of the part originalright side and rough-picked is itself back, but is otherwisebroken.The lowerjoining fragment (I 2965) composedof two wall north of the Tholos (H 11), preservesthe pieces.The larger,found on May 6, 1935,built into a Byzantine originalrightside and rough-picked back,as well as the bottom,includingtenon.The left side was trimmedback to the edge of the tenonandthe face of the rightside was chippedin a laterre-use.A smallfragment, brokenon all sidesand at the back,was found on June29, 1970,northof the Athens-Peiraeus and east of the Panarailway thenaicWay(N 6) in a contextbelonging to the firstcentury beforeChristandwasimmediately to joined the upper left part of I 2965.
H. 0.95 m. (stele only), 1.01 m. (with tenon); W. 0.48 m.; Th. 0.14 m. (bottom), 0.10 m. (top); LH. ca. 0.006 m.
Ed. Fragment I 432: B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, III, 1934,pp. 12-13, No. 16, photograph p. 13; withthe addition of the large fragmentI 2965, S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, pp. 100-105,No. 48, photographof both fragments I 2965 b: J. S. Traill,Hesperia,XL, 1971, pp. 313-315, No. 11, photographpl. 63. The date p. 101.Fragment mustbe shortlyafterNo. 168, in which Euthymachos was vrrroypaliicxaTErs.
ca. a. 190/89a.
lacuna --v rrTpokSpcov6nfimpil.]Ev A[.----ca.14----] - ia]s 4 a. rppopv ISo{Ev TrET 7--] TlCqoiX6p[o--ca pouVAEi .-----------[- --[-----------------[-ca. 3-
oi TrrpVr&veis-riS AiaVT8'os r raivcra]vTes Kal aTe(pavcb[aavTES d&rro] vr-rESfi ET'rrv ? EaU]T6cv 'Apicrrovqiv [qa{ivouvv rT1 pou7AT T-v rTagilav 6v EsXOVTO Mapae0[covIO T&S] [T Oeucrias TenEOuval Traaas Tr&S KaeiqKoOoracS ] Trei TrPTaVEial iTrrp T'fjS o[uXfiS Kal] 8 Kai TCOV&CoA)V&TCrVTCOV [TrOV 681ouo Kcai TrarxcovKCai [KoCkAS yUvaCiKc1v,6TltEaiEq.6TfAo]aLt Kai] -Taifav Kai ar(pa[vcoja acu] [qgo'Titricos'dyaeET -nXE? 886eXc(a TE poutAi nrr]ai[v]jcaaTOrv a o-rTcavCaa]i TO'v ypapp.aTia Ov EiAo[vrTO?] [Trov OaOoUi orTey&VCor frracIvcrai 8 Kai ca. 16--[&aTv V----8[k] Kcia orCpavc6aai Kcal TOV IE[pia] 'PapvoOalov' Irativca]i c. 18 --[TroO Kal T]Ov rTacai]cv TriS PoujAf 'HyIrTopa 'ApiacTOPOAo[u 01] hrcovovou---[vatov Kal T-6v ypaCIaTa-rc T'riSBoouiAf K KepalAcov [Kal] 'EpyoX&6pou KCi TOU8il0ou E]Oe[]]pcaXov [T6rv nroypapciraTa Arli-rTptov KTr'laCovoS nTpopchficov Kcli] TOV KxipuKa TfS pouXiaS KCal Tro[U] EOKXfivEOKiAouv BspeviKftrjv Kal T6v] aOirlTflV [NeoKAfiv] BepEviKxniSv&cvayp&cat [V] [SlPov ci TOV ypacmcI-ia TOV KaTa 'rrpUTr]av[Efav ]T[v] Mrit AXllet Kal [S Tr68 TrO yAq)alClca TTjica[i] [iv rTOI1TpuTav1Kcolv El 8? TlV &vaypaccpv Kai Tfjv] v.a[seaiv] Ti[s] oANris eapftaalTOv hr[i] [Te SiOtKlfjat T' yev6Opivov &vaCcoa]
vacat 0.05 m.
[l Pou?M]
20 [TOvTraClCav] ['ApaloTOpbVnv] [Mapaecbviov] [6 5f8ios] [ToiS 7rpv] [T&CVEI] 25
fi po[uA,]
vacat0.05 m.
[a&v&eaiv] epcfaai TOVETi -rE[l] SioiKraei TO'yEvo6pvov a&vXcoCpa 45 [MapaciGcbvi]oi Zrlv6OeiS 'iTnias OEoSb E6EO"6Tio
[vicai KAcXosKcal qiXoT-rcos, e-rr6eAi]erav 68 KxatTriS amuXoyfis T1ISrT PouAXfi[Kai TroU] v aTOs TrpocaTaTrov ol Tr v6Oioi Ka Ta Jtp4pia|acT[aToU6 [6ftiou KaTTCOV i?coV caTVaTC)rr ov cv 8LoUv] [irTaciv&aci roOs] TrprT&vElS [rSAsAlav]Trios Kai o-reqavcoaai XpUracoao-rTeaVcoa Ka[Tr6TO'V v6] EVEKV osoCi Kcal (IploTlniafcS Trf[s 'rpOST]ro0S [tlov ?0irEp]iCas TfIS E?S 'V pouilv [Kaol OV6 i] 'r p[vTaviav] [jov rTO 'A9]ivaicov &vayp[aapci e] T-r66 TO Tnyiacpa -rvTO KT a T ypcaaTrca rTO 8S TI'V&vaypacpfivTTnS [ev oriJXe] AXeivEt T<CO>I eIS Kxal TTpvavlKcoIorfiral crTriAX[Kal T-rv] r(
ca. 10 ca. 0 -----] fi --[iTi ----&PXOVTOS rri TrfsAlavTriSO ScosEKE][Trsp] rTpu[Travas I a [- ---------y--[]-C'Ypap cTel ...] ----]Vo[s [-------------------------------------Kupio v TCOi Crppcl TCOV Tirpo] cKai apTrp [8pcov TeTri9v V----------------------p]O' g8o[?v 'TCl 8o1] 24 ----ere--'ITv ---aca. [ rrp cv d'rTayyoAoua7]v oi 1TpUTr&V[[IS T'is Al] TrO TrE [avTrSoS O'rrEp T-rCveucativ cv 0uvovT-r& irpo TCrv KKAXTaic)v 'Aw]6XXcov TC-rl [pooraTnrpi] TC &cov evacov cv T][en<oK]aalv Kal TotS [6MoiS e] [coi Kal Trl 'ApT'Sr i TETBovuaial Kal -rv -rTa [ois ols TraTplov ijv, 'yaeil TVXeI 6Se56XeaI [yeyovoia] T'o]it 81icm1 Tar pev &yac& 6eoati oE uoAf Kal TOr Kai o-co]Trpic{a TfiS T?r [ Tv TO5SIEpolS oiS eOevov?' (rylia 8i.l0OU Kca [TCv cup] "r] euaias ucvaav &a-,oaS ocaa KCax0Kov V TI[e [I.U&cov' nrEis8 6 oi 'rrpUTavrtS Tr&S rrpUTca]
[----[-------] ]
60 I:caosAipqlTxpi 'A<p6vl-Tro [---] 50 [---] MT-rpcov (DaNlpetS [---- -AocrKoupa6viS ] MeviSillpo [------] NiKias "ATr.rcAoS [-------] ['A]Xcav8pos 75 TlcappXfils ['PTacvoOaol] 65 [TlJoTatcov "Eppwirnos
[cl]iXogViSv s
'Epticas 'Apio-rrinroS
Toi AqfiArTpio
Alir|TpIoS ArlMq Oe66co[pos] 'Aa<Xirrri&tST 'Apicr[--95 'Apiarl[--] Zcbcavpos 85 "Icov Tluetov 'EiraivEaS Aovw[o--] 'OXwirrnioS OiXa[---]
100 [
Line 43, lapis TOI.
fii ovXi fipovuXf 105 f P3ou?i fi pouXfA [fi Pou7A] 110rTOv ['H]yiiTopa Trvypacic iara EKAxfiv iOoypaccaTia [NsoKAfiv] 115 BE[revIKlSn BEPEVIKtirtv Iv] [O]voalov EOOntaXov A-qriTrpIov
LF - - I
K Kepap&iov
171. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 4917), broken at the top, bottom, back, and right, but preserving the original left side, found on May 28, 1937, in a late Roman disturbance in the classical floor between the Tholos
ANTIOCHIS a. 190/89a. NON-ITOIX. 39-51 'ETri brT iv'anrS TpuTCa] ArllrTpiou&aPXOVTOS T[fis'AvTrOXi6oS r' EIK&Sas, KalE?KOC[TEr TrfswrpVuTavx] T-rErp&Si 6yS6Es Ei TrlOvrpoSpcov [rrEfilyAt[Ev X] as' iKrlacrla TEippaclt' 5 AEUKOS MeeWouvsKoXXuTes Katcrul[rrp6ESpotr cbrra'rpos]
K&?covo5 Oai(AripeS Crr EIrmv' p cv dmray[yoaouolv ol Trpu] T-rCv TfrS'AvTiOXI6OS rTaVES eOuoic[vCv eov Tr& rrmp wTp6] v -rCt -rE 'Arr6?ovi ll po[u lC-tilplooi Kai T-rl 'Ap] rTCv&KiXr1laO TrCOI t AOlT t KT[crcoI IET TOU TI iEPos aO] Trpit8i T1rBouXaaial K[al TOi Kcal TroS is ois 8eoI ols Tr&rpt[ovv'&AyaOei m'0XEt] P.V dyaO& 6[k?xea9ai Ta v TroIS 866SOXea TCO1t 6jj1COI,TO& iepoTS]
TE geuoav rr&raCaa ?v -rTi KacOKov OevciaS [oacat rrpu] 15 rTaveia KacOCS Kal pXo[Tripco)s, v ErrepEXAf0rlraV 8&]
20 TOvvo6ov eOaEP-s3[ias VeKev TroS0eoisKal] TTq 1Trrp6S KalTOv 'A0v ] TiV [eIS Trfi (pinOTIIfa5 Sfilov -rTO PouAXlV
Kal -rT5 oauaoyfis TiS T[6 pouiAf Kall TOUS6jlou Kal TCOV] :?acov cv aOTroIsWrpocT[aTTOv ol TreV61joi Kca Tr& r9(qf'a] iaTra TOU6r ?8iou, Trrat[VCTai TO5SwrpUTaves1 Tsq5'AVTio] l orT9aVcotKaTa] orrT?avSc[aai aUTros Xpucra Xi5oSKcal
vaicov' rtratlvo[al 8 Kail TOV Ta(Ia T|lS '5 puATfs-- ca. 8--] Kal EiKNI[o]yv 'AMc[CoreKfi&0vCaTreqaVCoaaiKaTO TOr V6joov']
whichpreserves and the originalrough-picked back and smoothly-dressed part of the akroterion right side but is brokenon the left and below, was found on April 13, 1933,in the wall of a late pit east of the Tholos (I 12). The upperleft corner(I 684b),whichalso preserves and rough-picked back along withthe partof the akroterion left side but is broken on the smoothly-finished rightand at the bottom,wasfoundon April27, 1937,in a Hellenistic context in the bottom of the Great Drain east of the Tholos (H 12). a: H. 0.195 m.; W. 0.29 m.; Th. 0.09 m. b: H. 0.275 m.; W. 0.195 m.; Th. 0.09 m.; LH. (both frags.) 0.006 m.
172. Two non-joining fragments from the top of a stele of Hymettian marble. The upper right corner (I 684a),
Ed. W. K. Pritchett and B. D. Meritt,Chronology Athens, of Hellenistic pp. 123-125,photographs pp. 124,125.
PTOLEMAIS a. 190/89 a. NON-ZTOIX. ca. 47 'ETriAr rjTpfo[u &PXOVTOS iTir TriS]nlTOAEo[atifosYvSEK&TrTS] TrpuTavEiaSti Ai[o,Afis NotLioU Aelp]aS[ic'bTriS ypal6TreuEv'] Kal 6EK&TEt1 &hr6SKa, va&rEt eapyrlXi(ovoS &v[&Trt 'S 'rrpu]
TaveIaS' 0&Tpcot Kq[r)[ala ?v T'CIt TOY' V irpoYSpcov itrrepyl'ptlV] a
The demoticof the secretary was suggestedas [TI]l[4jqvo6s] in Hesperia, XXVI, 1957,p. 72. We now readas shown here and in B. D. Meritt, TheAthenianYear,pp. 184-186. 173.Two fragments froma stele of Hymettian marble;the lowerpiece(I 1871),brokenat the top, bottom,back, and rightbut preserving the originalleft side, whichwas finishedwith a toothedchisel, was found on April 25, 1934,in late fill in the Bouleuterion (I 6115),brokenat the left and bottom, Square(F 11); the upperfragment but preserving the originalback,rightside, and top, includingpediment,was found on November11, 1948,in drainof Romandatejust southof the stepsat the southwest packingalongsidea terracotta corer of the Middle Stoa (H 13).
a (I 1871): H. 0.13 m.; W. 0.155 m.; Th. 0.054 m.; LH. 0.005 m. b (I 6115): H. 0.395 m.; W. 0.39 m.; Th. 0.08 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXVI, 1957,pp. 63-64, No. 17, photograph pl. 12; S.E.G., XVI, 81; a: S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl.I, pp. 91-92, No. 41, photograph p. 92. KEKROPIS a. 189/8a. Hrl'rjS AlavriBos ['ErriEOZIKpiTo]u EvdTr{S rrpv &pXoVTroS i Kk9p]a.os v [TravEias KE<pAXou KvuavTrir8ls ypap&'ruw [Ev''AvoTriEpIv]os -TrETp&8l jMr'elK&Sas, 6y86it Tr5isrpv
[TavEias-povu ili] pouXurmlpicAl TC'AvTrrpo4Spcov e,i4ptL9Csv [----ca. Kaxi 16----] npopaiAfoiOS ovUXrp6espotv -eVOKp& rrtrei8o0 TrpuTaV?lS [TliS---ca. 14---] EIrrEV* TrjS KeKpo Kalol dfacTroi kr]aivicravwrT KaloTEavcracavrS dTrro [TriBos TST Ov EtVAovTO g acUTCr O(X7tvOV [(pafvouocv pooua T6]v TrapaV TCit 7Laas T&SxKaCrIKOaKc5as i'V ti [TTei'rT&S7T vaCias TEivaK]v 10 [irrpuravsiatiIrrp Tfs povA]is Kai TOUSviov, h7rivEgfijeOaxi 8E 5
&vA?COv &ravT&rcov [Kal TOV K]cos Kas l <pioTiJicos-cayaEt T'rOx) TrcaiavO(iMvov1TTeoa [8686Xcai Tnt povoueTraiv]oai TOrrv Ka[l] io Kal --] 9va [r6v ypaiLaTrx--ca. arTEpavocala [&]aT&rEp[v] [acOrTv e0aXo o-rsap&vcoVr Trat]voal Si Kal T6v ispE[a TOU r 'irco] ca. 16 ----K [vSiolou--]al TrbvypaclcaTcia 'ri[SPouoAS] o---c [Kal TOIJ86o---ca1 6v rrroypa[lcaT-ra ..] 1I ---] Ca a 14 --4-Kal T6V ---a. Tfis] @ouAfi Ka[i TOU86iou EO] KT6pKa Kal T61v [KxAjvBepsviK8Ilv acO.llT.v N eoKXi[v BspEVKSTrv' d&va] TO [yp&pal 68 Tr6OS lno(ptoarT6v KaTra yp]qlarT[Ca T6bv rrpuTavef] v iv Kal [ay oVri^ o-rcr]ga4v [Tril rrpuTa-viKl---] 0iVE1
[f povuXi]
[Tr6v Trai]av
[6 5ijpos]
[6 PovuX?]
[r6v ypailia-ria]
[---] lTie0a [--C] 'ETriEEvOu<pTrov covos 8ExKaT?1t orraiivoU Ui] SpXo[vros. 'EXaanlpoA
TCOV rv rpok]
[6pcov re4fi]?tfllv[---------------------------]
174. Fragmentof marble,preserving the left side and part of the top, found in a privatehouse by apparently M. Fourmont,now lost.
Ed. A. Boeckh, C.I.G., 112; U. Koehler, I.G., II, 417, with Addendum417, p. 417; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 890;
o TrpuVTVEiS ouvvtirsElw-rev' 1s OCrp v &c7rayyqva[vouoiv T------] O cv Ar co] Sos rrp TCrv []e6uov Tr T[E 'rrp6 T-rOV eOutaiv "KKaicnAv TCl 'At6 rET TrET vt TCrOI Kal BouAaial Kaci 'ApT'rp[i8 ToiS &A] lpou Lai -pi[coi] v' yaQIET T-rC681cor' T'&] Aois 0CoTs [ols] 'Traplov I ['TniXE SSo6XOat 10 tev dcyaea 8XEcriatr Tr yEyov6ra ?[v TOISiEpolsot0s guov ?q' Oyi] i TCV Co(UL1c)cov]' Kai Cal [T-OU [e]i[a]1 K 8llOU Koal ao'-rTipai ri s pouXfiS 8S ol 'E Ta& [6Tr]ei58i S eu[aifas ouCaav &arr&aCaS oCa Ka] TwpuTaVVEI i (PAOTi,COST & rOqri] Kaco[ Kcl OfKOVV T. nTrpurTavai EJ' [ Koal L" oaav8e Kcal TrE S8fiou KialTC'V] TriSoauAoyis TrqS .[ouvXis KialTOUi 15 &AAcovcrr&avrcov cv [a]*rroTs oT KaiTaryq] 1rpocraT[arrov 're vO6OI 68 rTOiU 8os] qpICaTra r1rpuT6VEIS TqS pOU' []r[a]ivaal TO[O5S Kal oTTEavcoaCTa TO'VVO61OV eias] EvSov XpuccoI oTEVavco[l KaTa FVEKEV Tfrs TpboSTroiS e0os Kal T[iXOT-rlias TrilS EIS TiV pouiV] Kai T'rv SIOV 'TOV 'AVrIvaI[cov' &(vayp&cat SE To8r TOpyr?lctac TOrv]
Sv rTO TrpuvravlKcolr ava] El[S8ETnrV &vaypacqlv -TfilcarTTir KcaiT-rlv TOyEv6povov ['rTl SIOIKIC't OVavcova] [e]Eclv Ipepica T[6v ]'r]Tr
For the restoration of lines 1-4 see B. D. Meritt,Klio, LII, 1970,p. 281.
175. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 1029), preserving part of the right side dressed with the toothed chisel, but otherwise broken, found on June 27, 1933, in a Hellenistic context in the Great Drain east of the Tholos ( 11). H. 0.202 m.; W. 0.116 m.; Th. 0.068 m.; LH. 0.005 m.
Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, pp. 108-109,No. 52, photographp. 108. ca. a. 188/7a. lacuna
[-------------------------yaoT TE1 66Xai] T[1 6] [1coi TI& IEV &yaca& SiX?oeOalTa yeyoVOTa Ev rTOi iEpotSoIT] geuov [[9'] Kal T'COVO']VUyI&XC(V Wn [ryIEIEtaKcai coTrpiacl T'rS pouAhS Ka T
NON-ITOIX. ca. 52
TaS T?E euOCiaS Ooaav alcraTOas O6]Ca KaeCiKov ?v ['TEri51 6S o 1TpU'TarCVEi [T?rT rrpTaVEa[I KOAcos KaCd 6] Kal TTiS ovuXXo IpXoTiCpCS' E71TrfeEX0io'v S Kal Kal cx2vcov cv a]rTroTs -poaOTaTr TrCV -rTS TOiro T'E pouvhA SlPou darrTVTcov [yfs ' ol T? Kai TOU SIjouv v6o111 TCr ytrqiCaaTa ToCis rTpUT'T&VE[S] [Tro raiv].ga 10-----Kafl aoTravcoaat aUOTojs Xpuaco c']TE?(Vvco KaraT T6[V] [Ts ---ca. ' S rp6s TOS TE [vopov EUapeias EVEKEV eO*s Kai ip]XoTl[iaS Tr s ElS Kai T6V T6V [T1V pouXhv 6filov 'AOrivalcov &vaypa&ai 8]E TO6E TO6 riliaClca Kara v oriX1 TOV aE [TOv ypapi.aTra leOv]El Kac oTrCiCal 'V 'rrpUraviav TCOI TV EiS [?v rlTpuTavlKCot, SE l &vaypah(pv TriS TonXnIS] K.[al] 'Tv cv&e v TET C r TO vacat TOV i rEi yEV6opEVOV iotKOlt [oaIv Epio'al dvd6Xcopa]
back preserved, but otherwise broken, found on March 31, 1933, in a marble pile northeast of the Tholos (H-I 11). H. 0.19 m.; W. 0.215 m.; Th. 0.095 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
176. Fragment of a stele of Hymettian marble(I 632), with partof the finely-picked rightside and rough-picked
a. 188/7 a.
[f pouxf]
[Trv Tralfav] [----] 5 [6 8fillos] ['ro*0srrp]y
[i pouXi]
TOvypatl,aTr~i 10 Tlt?av
Et 1o-rcTavouV ... 5.. ]EI [-rfs]
15 [povuvspTrpIotr TCrOV AIKalou MeX[i] 1pokiSpCov grEfpIL.].ev GC&ov Kai ouVAT [TreOS crulrrp6oSpovE8o0ev-rT?T NcKav5[p-] ----I] ...trneEiSt of rrpU-rTaveS [- -----.--TiS 'ATrrcA8ios] --.ElrEV
Line 12, lapisArEIAO0. The omikron in the demotic of the secretary is based on a new reading of this text. For a study of the calendar
fromthe areaof the Tholos, one of themfromthe debrisoverthe CivicOffices 11, and 13, 1947,amongmarbles on the backthe bottomsof threeslots whichshowthat the stele was a but Broken on all (I 12). sides, preserving The surfaceis badly worn. kleroterion.
H. 0.16 m.; W. 0.255 m.; Th. 0.11 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
Kal acruirrp68potL [--c. 7 --covoS 'PapIvoOaioS l85oev T-re[ povAe1 ] ca.31-- ----ff re] eire.V [-------oi hrEI rrp[ruT&vEts] [Kal oeldEkaToLirraivCaatvTs Kal arTEaavccaavvTEs rTE &]lro[9patvouotv Pov] --- .---ey ovro t &avuT-rv -----------[AE T6rvrTaiav 6v -]
stadiumto the theater,permitthe inscription Panathenaic to be datedto the sameday with I.G., II2,893ain the monthand the numberof the prytanyand the date withinit. For the dispositionof lettersin I.G.,II2,893a,see &rr6o A.J.P., LXXVIII,1957,p. 377. Lines4-5 thereshould be read and restoredin part K...KXzi[cia ouXfisgv as suggestedibidem, TCrO] p. 379, with the new readingat the end of line 5 fromMeritt,Athenian E6erpool Year, p. 157. This is the secondof two decreescut on this stele. It was precededby the decreeof the Demos honoringthe but this upperdecreehas been brokenaway. themselves, prytaneis of Pentelicmarble(15800),withthe inscribed 178.Fragment faceand rough-picked backpreserved, but otherwise found on in a late context west of the Panathenaic broken, May 4, 1939, Way and southwestof the Eleusinion (R 22). H. 0.18 m.; W. 0.115 m.; Th. 0.053 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, pp. 180-181, No. 31, photograph pl. 30; S.E.G., XXI, 437. archonship of Symmachos (188/7). It can hardly be mere chance that the name of the archon, the phyle, the secretary, the month, and the proedros are all suitable for the length of line in the new text, as are also the date by
5 [-----]-
[r pouX]N1
Meritt,Klio, LII, 1970,pp. 277-282).
The date is probably not far removed from IG., II2, 892, of the archonship of Symmachos, 188/7 (cf. B. D. 179. Two joining fragments of a stele of Hymettian marble. The larger (a = E.M. 7547 = I.G., IIP, 899) found on June 20, 1860, near the Church of TTavcyiaTTupytc-ricra. Left edge and back preservedbut otherwise broken.
The smaller(b = I 6197 = E.M. 13346)found on June 2, 1949,in a late context near pier 17 of the Stoa of face and rough-picked back only preserved. Attalos (Q 9). Inscribed Measurements as joined: H. 0.47 m.; W. 0.395 m.; Th. 0.145 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
U. Koehler, I.G., II, 440; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 899; S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, pp. 110-111, No. 54.
Ed. a: K. S. Pittakys, 'Ep. 'Apx., 1860, No. 4027; S. A. Koumanoudes,'AOrva&, September1, 1860; b: B. D. Meritt, Hesperia,XXXIII, 1964, pp. 181-182,No. 32, photograph of both fragmentsjoined pi. 30; 438. S.E.G.,XXI, LEONTIS a. 185/4a.
[3i pouXAf] [TOvT-r]aci 45 [i PouArf]
[6 65fios] 10 [-r6v ypal]
[r&vEls] vacat
ca. 14 -?"---Trpu]
v Trl\?p[&vrlS ?----- ca.17 ---- -[-ca. 2- Kai CUVlxrrp]O6Epo1 [ev' s rT[is Aecov'rios Kati Oi &dEirroIt iTrativ] rEeiS1 o]l1 rrpUT&vEr Kal oCrTEp]avcbo'aT[es [aavTrE a] Tfil pouAi -rv -r dTroyaivouaiv-r
[pliav ov eitov]To E gavTco[v'A'rroa68copov ------ca.
ca. 3 -ras TTE
ca.20 -- - - - - ---ora] I&TE?Uv povAfis rl'pia[caTrra --------1(rt Trt's I lIUvou TprrpuT[rave[ia' P3ouvA ov-uevTrtpicol TC"rV] 23---------] .T------.-ca. Trpoipcov TnreIytr(pltv TlaT[
17 -----]
[Oua]as Ts-rvK[vci Tracras rT&S KaorIKocaas nrrTp rfiS] TOU S'1ou, &Acov &rra&v] 6& Kal C-rOv [PouXAis K]al ILT[iEjpEfirOacxi [TCOV Kai (9p][o]Ticos' 5cy[aeT nTieXES66 8oXac -ril PovAfij 'rrat] KcaXCos 'v Taxiav 'Arr]o765cop[ov-------ca. --------Kal] [vEcal TO ca. 20 ----Kal] -------[Tr6vypaclaTra ODt]O6i[ov ca. ------?24 --------epa TOi [Trv iEpT 'cov]{[p]ou E[ Kali] ca. 13 [T6v ypaI-ClraTa T'rT pov;luXS K[al rTOU 6oj ---o -] [Kal TOv Trroypapia]T[c[a Kai Tr]6v [Traifav T-rS ouVAfiS--ca. 6--] [- ca.4 - Kai rTO KIpuKOa T]ls poyAfX[sKal TOOU 1'llov EqXfijvBEpeviKi] 1KalT oravwcrat lKa[a]Trov aCT[rr[vcOvoCi cT-rE9pvcot [68lv &vcaypa] T-O'lito][ca] Tr6vypcaptr[T-ra-rTOKaTr&rrp-rTavEfav] [ypat 86 T-66E Kal crr]i.qgat v Trc[t 'TrpUTavtK.It ?1sS TtV d&va] [Iv crriil AXteivrll Kal V ]qeptral T7 yev6] TlV TO[v rr\ T-it] tiotIKr[CEi vi5]iv [ypaqilv [,pEvov &v6Acl|ja]
vacat 0.02 m.
I and II lost
As Dow observed, the largerfragment is badlyworn.The lettersat the centerof line 29, however, can be made out as sigmakappa,requiring in restorations for the of list officers lines 26-32. The treasurer and secrechanged were named with and the officers had no and the tary patronymics demotics; remaining patronymics; rrroypaclporrEs(line 30) was listed by title only with no name (cf. also Nos. 126, 191, 221 for a similarabbreviation). 180. Upperleft cornerof a pedimental steleof Hymettian marble(I 7188),with top, includingoverhangof pediback preserved, but otherwisebroken.Found on June 3, 1970, in a ment,toothed left side, and rough-picked railway just west of the Panathenaic Byzantinewall north of the Athens-Peiraeus Way (J 5). H. 0.30 m.; W. 0.315 m. (steleonly), 0.34 m. (withpediment);Th. 0.102 m. (stele only), 0.140 m. (withpediment);LH. ca. 0.006 m. Ed. J. S. Traill,Hesperia, XL, 1971,pp. 308-311, No. 9, photograph pl. 63. AIGEIS OR OINEIS a. 184/3a. ca. 50 NON-XTOIX.
&-rri TREio-raivov &pXovros [&rri iis O ly TSoS rpcTns rrpvravEi] 'Pacvoicnmo5 OiXo.o[evi5ou aS Flt(IXAosvi5rs kypatlc&rTEuv] TTS IrpU-ra] ?K&<5Tr.[t 'EKcrroiPaltovos (iarpat, pI1atKalEIKOOT-E
5 TrOV veIfaSQ'kriofa &.iL 'rpoiSpcov r?EpI(pIEsv'Apt] ni[4paI6T' Kai oavirrp6oEporE?8o0Ev -rTS 8ilpcoi] [Av6uiS oar6oaXos'Apilror&pXou *rp 'EAeuoivioS vT Jv a&rrayyEyaou] [=]6voKp6r1s 'EvoKpaT[ou EVrrv'
T-rTrp6] [IC]V [oli] TpuTvels ""is [iAyo i5os vi7p TCVoiv Io v Wuvov v h<]iKXai v rTCO TrI [TCO T[ rTpoU ra-lIpicoI Kai -rT 'Ap-r] r[A'rr6v Tcovi otlsTraTplovjv e0uvav] [miU6 T'E]BouXaiat Kal T[olS xiaoiS eEol0S ----ca.25TCOV 10 [6: Kal T]-t MrlTpi Kaci] 0.[Ca) Ka --------'Pcoa{[cowv Kai rTCOV op] [TC'rt r5s pojouXfiKal TOUi 56ico]l TCOI 68lUOU Cnrrrp
181.Fragment of Pentelicmarble but otherwise found broken, rightside preserved, (14462),withthe verybattered of of in wall front the south end of the Stoa Attalos on January a modernretaining in 29, 1937, (P 12). H. 0.397 m.; W. 0.161 m.; Th. 0.107 m.; LH. 0.006-0.007m. Ed. W. K. Pritchett, in lines X, 1941,pp. 277-279,No. 74, photographp. 277. For the restorations Hesperia, 25 and 26 see No. 180 and J. S. Traill, Hesperia, XL, 1971,p. 309. KEKROPIS a. 184/3a. [------NON-2TOIX. ca. 41-46 lacuna v Tre'rrpu-raivfa Kic s K]ai 9pX[o]
it l(DiXoetvirls]OtXoEvi6ou 'Pa[p] [SEK&rS'rrTpTaVEiaS ..] [vouiaos ypappjaTuvEv povuAfspyriaaTr]a' Kippo9optcovo[s ca. 20-----Trs [----pouvA?gi Po[u] 'rpuTaV]f.ias' Ato]vilaos 'Avrrrrr'rp[ou] [XvTtpicoi TCrV 'rrpoVBpcov pfTEVyIiEv v AoaaV.[pos] KaiovCU 30 [TpiKopUioSo 'rrpO6Spot6o0ev TE'] pouA?i ca. 17-----ETr?1 v frst^ ol] rrpUTa'veis [----T[fis]
Kai ol &CEiaTOt Kal Tratveoavres] oTxEpavcjb[Cav] [KEKpoTriSoS [---ca. 25 ---------
35 [va-------------------------lacuna 182. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 4187), broken on all sides and at the back, found on May 28, 1936, in a
late pit west of the Odeion(J 10). H. 0.145 m.; W. 0.165 m.; Th. 0.048 m.; LH. 0.005 m.
Ed. W. K. Pritchett and B. D. Meritt, Chronologyof Hellenistic Athens, pp. 118-119, photograph p. 119.
a. 183/2a.
NON-STOIX. [f povAu]
[6 6fipos] [citation] [T-roS] [TrrpTr]avets vacat Tfijs ['rri 'Eppoyvov(?) &pXovros] Trr Ftav5tovi8[os------rpUravEl] a?r--------v is 6--ev--ria [as fit--lc] eyp[ap6drVEv T rfs Trpu[TravEias' [vos----------------]UTpa povAi ? pouovu] &r TC-V [Tripicov EYfigLev TeXa ?]riyopos[---------Kai] TrrpoiSpcov [citation]
whose secretary, of Aristaichmos be assignedto the archonship The inscription may alternatively (159/8B.C.), as yet unknown,should also belong to Antiochis. 183.Fragment of a Pentelicmarblestele(E.M. 7527),brokenat the bottom,butwith the left side, back,and top, includingcrowningmoulding,preserved. H. 0.20 m.; W. 0.250 m.; Th. 0.057 m. (stele),0.07 m. (moulding);LH. 0.005 m.
Ed. U. Koehler, I.G., II, 432; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 902; S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, pp. 111-112, No. 55.
a. 182/1 a.
5i Kal----Kal rTi] Aaail KalToTs &aMAoi[ 'ra[Tplrov ?v, Oucaav 06[o]s ols T?rei r1 8ES6] 'A[p]TrU8i Ocoac6pcoi Ka'i 'Aeriv[i TrEl'ApXrlyrt i Tfirsxr6AEcos'&yaQOTrO)(Et ar& yeyov6ra iv TroTS 6liicoi T-r& iepoS ols gouov &9' VyltEal] p[]v &yaOa 5a6XE[oat x).0a [T]c&i 8 TOU 10 [K]ai aconrrlpal 'tS pov[U3 i]S Kcal 86l[ou Kal TrCV T&S] oavClt)Xcov' W1TEt6iSoi TrpUTavVES s i [gvT?E TrpUTaVeialKacKac ipot.Tiico)S, TIMEA^e ] ocal KaOfiKov [e]vaicasvu[a]av [&CTra]ca[s] 5v acOCroTg] [0]rcaav 6SKal TiSrouv[7]oy[ijs TrS] c.A[fiisKaliTOi SiIpOU KacTCrV&AAJovTrraVrcov Tra plaicpara rTOU?8pouV' TraivCya TO'OUS ol Tr v6poI Kcal TirS 'AT] wpurTaVVES wrpoc[-[Ta]-rT[ov [T]a[6os---------------------------------]
lacuna from a pedimental marble.One fragment the left side, stele of Hymettian 184. Two fragments (I 5547)preserves in of the was found marble corner It December a and akroterion. 5, 1938, back, pile in the top, includingpart of The of the other northeast two composed Square(0-P 7-8). fragment, joiningpieces(I 4683),belongsto part the rightside, back, and top, includingpart of the akroterion. the upperrightcornerof the stele and preserves The upperpiece was found on April 9, 1937,amongmarblesfrom the area southeastof the Tholos; the lower piece was found on May 24, 1937,in a late Romancontextsouth of the Tholos (G 12). a: H. 0.275 m.; W. 0.245 m.; Th. 0.07 m. b: H. 0.35 m.; W. 0.10 m.; Th. 0.07 m.; LH. (both frags.)0.005-0.006m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia,XXVI, 1957,pp. 66-67, No. 18, photographpl. 12; S.E.G., XVI, 86; a: W. K. Pritchett,Hesperia, XI, 1942,pp. 246-247, No. 49, photograph p. 247. AKAMANTIS a. 182/1a.
a [rrt] T[t].rq[t]&([va]KTr[os &pXov-roS] t[TriTrfi 'AKapcavlr{os-------[.. .]s 'Apio[Tro]paXou T[popoAl]aooS[/papi&TrEuEv
[K]A[xas :v]a'xEt Kcal IK[oorT] Trf[S TpuTravEfCIa' &1KlaTia 65-75
ca.10---m' el ca. n22 -----TC)lt OEaTpcot T]CJo 1Trpo?
it OlX9
ca.22 ------Kal avuCrrp6eOpo] 98oev [SpcovknE]yq1(ptlv iX?o[ac]TpaT[os------ca. cv oi 5 5 [TCOIt Sitcot-] Tueoyvrs lTToXK--- ---ET-rrEv &'rrayyAWouovVl] rrpvrTa irrirp TCOI TCOV TCOTrE 'A]Trr6oAcovi [OCaticov )V iieov T"a &<KAlOICoV [vEIS riSvTos TsiS 'AKcaJI TTpo IoTTrP TCOV TEl T[eeuvacav Kal l ic Trols &iXos 0eoTs ols rr&aTplov 86 'ApT-rEti BovXaiat [TpoOTraTcr]r[pi]cp[l] iv'] T& v &ya]ea -rC tpS Tcoi t XEOaXat [Kal TEl] 'ApTir8l TET rE ooap6pcoi [atycia& T-Xi 6e6tiXea 8 TarS 6rinou [Tr& Trois yEyov6]-ra uv pouN<S] Ka[i] TOU tlpoTS[ols gOuov <p' yiEtialKatlacoTpiap T ?V 8i TC&S 10 [Kali TCOV euoaias ovUp]iL&Xcov geIaav crr&aacs ?irrE1 [oi -rpUTavE1S 6o]ai KaOfijKOV
Kupia ,v
Kal Kai Cs Kai i 6cv Ki cl TriS [TrET rrpuTav]Eia auvMoyfiS rr"TEi6EArlcav r]S rT 13pouAfi l!A[oTricos, T Ta -r Kal TC-rv cov cv o v6oot a&7 [TroUi ci rois 'rrpoaTarTTOv TE-r lPOU]Kagl &[rr&Tvrcov Yri]qQq[Ta]
K(alC'TEsavcooal Xpuacr]I! q-TEraVCo 8iJi' ov 'rrcaivacal-rTOS [TroU TiS 'AKaCIpCVTISO 'rpUTp&vsEs EvEKa TriSlTpos TroISeEoOSKal 9tlAoTrtlas] Tfls Ei5TrV po[u] [KaTa TOVvo6povES6].EpEi[aS vcryp&cati8 Tr6o8TO yit)cpioai TOVyp]acpa-raTa Tr[v] ['Aiv Kal TOV61fiJov TOV'AOeivaicovia SE TTIV iv Kal AteiveI [KaTr&rpuTavEiav OT1lxEt EIS TrpUTavtcilKCO] uoTicatl v TCOI TO &vicoIa Kal -T)v devCOEa1V TO]VTra,iaV TCo[V] S tieplaaiC yEv6pEVOV [&vcaypapiv TTiSOTtAri7 vacat vacat ] [arpaTIcoT-tKCV
marble(1 1582),composedof twojoiningpieces,brokenon all sidesand at the back, 185. Fragment of Hymettian found on March16, 1934,in a late context over the SouthPorchof the New Bouleuterion. H. 0.11 m.; W. 0.166 m.; Th. 0.05 m.; LH. 0.005-0.006m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, p. 148,No. 83, photograph p. 148.
lacuna ---------------------------------------------&ya]
TrS T-e Tr]ei8s8i of wrp[u]Tpa[veis [Kal TrOV oCJIuI6XC)OV, OuiaS OVciavcXr&aaCs] KcaXco [6o7aiKaCfiKovv Trfi Trr]puTavfcai [Kcai iAo-riTpoS, &"rtlEIhSrflqVTai] &AXcov TTrS TOI .[iaOUKal TrOV [65 KCai EouXfis Kaoi uavXXoyy] rs'rES &rrav] ol'T v61loiKxaT-r[& rTOiSrou] TlpfiaLaTra [-rcovCv aUTroIS Trrpocr]aTT-rrov KCai rTOiS o-rEavoaaI a0i] Tr[i]5TToroAeia[t8os [^Traivocratl Wrp]T[&]v[Ej]!S vo61ov v[acpeias gVEKa --------TO-]v [Tro/s XpuvacI r"re(xavoltKCaTr
lacuna 186. Two non-joining of a stele of Hymettianmarble,the upper (a = I 5573) broken on all sides fragments but with aboutone-thirdof the face to the left of the inscription dressedbackto receiveanotherblock,found on in a modern house wall southeast of the Market 30, 1938, September Squareand west of the Panathenaic Way and = the lower = E.M. 2705 broken on sides and at the back. all I.G., II2,864) (R 20), (b a: H. 0.185 m.; W. 0.22 m.; Th. 0.21 m.; LH. 0.006 m. b: H. 0.27 m.; W. 0.23 m.; Th. 0.25 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. a: W. K. Pritchettand B. D. Meritt, Chronology, pp. 111-113,photographp. 112. b: J. Kirchner,I.G., 112, 864 from a copy madeby A. Wilhelm;S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 95-96, No. 46. The fragments wereassociatedby Pritchett and Meritt(loc.cit.),bothpreserving partsof lines 13-16; S.E.G.,XVI, 79; XXI, 429. AKAMANTIS a. 181/0a. a ZcoXov 5
[T6v ypac]
NON-ZTOIX. ca. 68
[6 Silpos] 10 [Tros] [TTpuTa]
Citation Citation Ipa[Tra] Zco[tAov] missing missing vei 2[9Tr] rT[ov] b brrl DavapXi5ou [&pXovTrosri TS-r.. .]vTi8os S uTrpaS[TrpuTaveia5 l MEvtiaXoSME] veCorp6rroAap[1-rTp6eS KT?i] pypapCtIrev]evv pouAfS qCrp[lTa'fr-ra 'EKaTrolppajovos 15 [peT'] T]piTeiTris TrpUTrrav[eiaS .iK6asa 6y65[6ei ppoXiixco1, pouA?^p povAuXTrpicov] v--ca. Kal aCuTrrrpopoIr [TCOV Trrpo?8]pcov E[TreTpEple 'EAXe[CrvioS 7--]S 'ETrrtIvou ?8o0ev] oi 1TpvuTa'Ve [reTpouXert'---- ca.18---- 'PaO]voaioS ElTrm[v' T'is 'AKaapav] 1TreiS1 Kai orreYavcba[v-rvTeS aroaivovuiv T1Epovou Tbv] [Trios Kai otl a&ic1TOI eTrailVoCaVTr] e v v Iovro oi TrpuvTa'vs OTS O-ciaS [T-rapla T-rEuKivai] :]aT-rovZcoXiov.[nyrTTIOV T 20 [TcraoCas gv TEr Ta Ka0CrKoIoas5 r6opOU, TTpuTrav]eCat iTrip rTTrfSPo[vuS Kal TOU &nrieteXfi] T8 ial rOV&aXcov rcov Ka?]Zos Kali qplXoTricASV [oa Ki dravTC 6E568Xea T?-rET ay[aOe T)(X?1 pouAetn
plr'TTri ov
[irCaivEolvoTO-vTralav Zcootov 29p]TT-iov Kca oc-Treaxvn[o' al eaJMo-v -rrTEqaVC01 eOaepeias] T'S TrrpOS ToOiS [EVvEV S 'TS [Els T6v 8ij5OV T"OV 0eo0S K]aliq(IOTIpiaC 'Aeqrvafcov' rraiv]
TOV ol Trrpu[Ta'r&vs ? IavuTCoV ZcoAov [voaai 8EKCal 6v] eTAoVTO Y )rinTlov] ypacpiaTa c TOU Trcovovou -------------] [Kai TOV lepac 'I!Tr]TOKp&r[v lacuna
In 1961 Meritt dated the archon Phanarchides (line 13) in 193/2(The AthenianYear,pp. 198-199, 235; cf. S.E.G.,XXIII, 69) but we hold to his earlier,and later, date 181/0(cf. T.A.P.A.,XCV, 1964,p. 239). The nameof the secretary in line 14 was suppliedby G. A. Stamires XXVI, 1957,p. 32). The dates (Hesperia, in lines 14-15 are restoredas in Hesperia,XXXII, 1963,pp. 16-17, No. 15. The intercalation of eight days in Hekatombaion had the effectof postponingthe festival.The 25th day of Hekashortlybeforethe Panathenaia tombaion,intercalated II 3. A problem eighttimes,was the 33rdday of the yearand henceequatedwith Prytany of spacingexistsfor this restoration, for evenwith iotas countedas full letters,as was done with the firstiota of in Chronology, is too shortby one letter.Meritthas argued [T]p-{Ti(see the photograph p. 112),the restoration count could be madewith 6yS[6oE] spelled6y5[oiet](cf. Meisterhans, Grammatik3, p. 58).
against assuming an uninscribed space between date by month and date by prytany (Hesperia, XXXVIII, 1969, pp. 110-111). There may have been reasons for a wider spacing here of which we do not know, but a normal
and son; the absenceof patronymic preventscertainty.Cf. No. 226 wherethe two namesin the register(lines men ratherthan the same man for the same names. 18, 19) indicatetwo different
At the left of fragment a the surface of the stone beyond the smooth area prepared for text was dressed back and prepared with anathyrosis for the reception of another block. This may have been a pilaster, dividing the certain) thus separated from each other. One is reminded of the series of texts side by side for the casualty lists
The same name for treasurer and secretary (lines 1-3, 6-8, 19, 22, 24) may represent the same man or father
text as we have it from another,doubtlesssimilar,text at the left, thus makingtwo in a series(how manyis unof mid fifth centuryas described in Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964,pp. 21-29.
a and b combined: H. 0.453 m.; W. 0.24 m.; Th. 0.166 m.; LH. 0.005-0.006 m. Ed. W. K. Pritchett and B. D. Meritt, Chronologyof Hellenistic Athens, pp. 113-116, photograph p. 114.
c and d: Twojoiningfragments, the upperof which(I.G.,II2,916 = c) preserving the rightside but otherwise Thelowerfragment broken,wasfoundnearthe Stoaof Attalos,now in the BritishMuseum. (I 5395= d), broken at the top, bottom,left, and back,but preserving part of the originalrightside, was foundon April 11, 1938,in the areawest of the north end of the Stoa of Attalos (P 7).
c: H. 0.28 m.; W. 0.18 m.; Th. 0.13 m.; LH. ca. 0.006 m.
Ed.E. Dodwell,A Classical andTopographical Tour Greece, I, p. 372;A. Boeckh,C.I.G.,113;E. L. Hicks, through The Collection in the BritishMuseum, of AncientGreekInscriptions I, Attika, 1874,XVIII; U. Koehler,I.G., II, 392; J. Kirchner,I.G., II2,916; S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, pp. 105-107,No. 49, photograph p. 105.
d: H. 0.113 m.; W. 0.081 m.; Th. 0.083 m.; LH. ca. 0.005 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967, pp. 232-233, No. 42, photograph pl. 58; S.E.G., XXIV, 173.
e andf: Twojoiningfragments. The left piece(I 3676= e), brokenon all sidesand at the back,was found on March2, 1936,underthe floor of the Churchof the lTavayia BXaaaapoO west of the Odeion(K 11).The righthandpiece(I 973a = f) preserving the smoothrightside andrough-picked wasfound back,but otherwise broken, on June 17, 1933,in a late wall east of the Propylonto the New Bouleuterion (I 11).
e: H. 0.145 m.; W. 0.14 m.; Th. 0.125 m.; LH. ca. 0.006 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXIX, 1960,pp. 8-9, No. 10, photograph pl. 2; S.E.G.,XIX, 74. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, e andfwere joined by Suppl.I, pp. 105-107,No. 49, photograph p. 105.The fragments S. V. Tracy,Hesperia, No. XXXIX, 1970,pp. 308-309, 2, photograph pl. 76. g: Fragment (I 1690= g), brokenon all sides,found on March27, 1934, in a late contexton the southeast of Kolonos slope Agoraios(F 10).
H. 0.138 m.; W. 0.077 m.; Th. 0.055 m.; LH. 0.006 m. f: H. 0.275 m.; W. 0.018 m.; Th. 0.101 m.; LH. ca. 0.006 m.
Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, pp. 107-108,No. 50, photograph p. 107. PTOLEMAIS a. 180/79a. a E [ o NON-XTOIX. i]
roi ETrI& ?mi >avapXSrlv] AI8TO6'r &pov[Tros TO iri TirS nToAECiait[oS co8eiKaTSrpvrTavfaS] qtj npoKxds nlpkIu[ovs 'AXatces ] DypalukCreTuev'
Kal EIKocrr Ttrs rTava] 'rrp[uTavraviaS' PovUX v TrOt 0rVOallKcoI oT8ra[CO[-TC'oV -rrpopcov ITIfTEqnZI v] c. 9 ---Kacl aovlp6ESpol] Aucn7iMs'A7roXc[--v vvE vopcov EOqpa&vrou E8oEv -re povUA[Y " BEpE]
ov ehov] reTBjo[uei TO"rv TrapIav res &Trro(pafvovucv TOg auT-rCov T? rE] Tr&S OvcriaS 'Hyi-ropa Ol[vcaov
15 euKvacl rr&cras ras KaCIK[OCaaS?V rTi rrTpUTaVEI] 5i Kal TCOV ac, WmIEjElAfieCo'al [6@cov aV&rr&vTCrov Ka] KaIl ACOs TEl] dacyaeiT[[XO)( 8656XeaC q(pOTriLCOS'
T'V TaI[av 'HyriTopa 'Apto"ro] PovAeT arraivCorat v v OlvaTov EvKa TiS Trp6s] [po]AXou[] 6Eol?pEi[as 20
[Toi0SOeo0] Kal 9iXOTIrIiaST.[fiSels 'v iouXv'v] 8] Kal TOV ['rrcTaivoai ypalp[-raTra Ati6copov 'AvSpo] Kal r6v y[papplaTrac Tr-s pouvdfs] [KX?ovs 'AGiSvaTlov ca. 17---] TOioU 86pou [Kal 'Av]TiCaXOV Ap[----aA ca. 17 [.. Kal TOVOrrroypaCI -] ]aTc Ap[ T6V ir 8--Kal [--a. Kipu]K.a TfiS [povAfis Kal TOU 6lov]
arov io CrrTE9avCIal aKCIO]TOV [peVIKi'rlVKCai oa'rEp[a] TO 68 Tr66o ypiqi]crc]a TOv ypac-aTEa [vco' &dvayp&cta Aeiv Kal o-rio'at [Trv KaTra'rrpTaCveiav ev aTr X]eeiV T'roir 6 eis [?v rTCOI TrpvTaVIKClK, mriv] dvaypai9'v Kal TrTV Te-r TO ArXs [oiv Tifs ]7rrI ye TOS i SOIKolKtlC Iaiepiraca [v6w?vov av6aCcopa]. vacat ['ErriAIto6OTO&pPXOVTOS rTOiU IT]a (DavapXi6Sqv T'rlTirSv
i t poKAfis C8CO8Ka&rTs [rTTOXeaclitSos 1Tpur]avCiasfC TTepit v? 'AXatiseS [K7ovU &ypacl.U&rreuev] lKipoqpopicovos fvei Kalc
vv TCOI eEa'TPCOI iv TTrS [at, TPItKOcr(Te ]K]Xclaa TrpV'TavECas-' Ecx1e ?]ros KpadT'TOS 'EAevuaivios [T-rv TrpoE8pcov rTT?rE9I.pev V 8oev TCO SpoI [KaCi ov'Urp6pOtv 6SioA]LVoV' evoqCAv E0p9aVr[ou] cv &TrayrcyAX]ouvav ot TrpVuTaVei vrrp [BepeVIKli5rs eiTrre' TS nl[TrO] uT TCOV rTa TCOV dv erviotv e]uvov [IatcSOS rrrp Krxacoijo[v] rp6o TOI ua [T-C TrE 'A-TAr6ocov f-poo Lirpicol Kal T]ei 'ApT-riliS TeT [BouAclaia [xai] d 68 iXoIs eOeosoTs rTarplOV [TroTS T'rXEt 6XSal TO[ltSi] r v vvv] dyacOel [pcoI Tra,Uv ayacOa86XECOia' Ta yeyov6]T-a v TroI iepols ols [S]euov [<p'] l ooTrlpic{a TTfSpouAfisKai Tr]oUi [0yiefai S'6i[ou K]ai 'rrafi[cov]Kal y[uvva] ol e TOvs 6SE Treist6 TrrpTavsls ua]as [uvacvarrcaas 6]aac Ka[efi] [KC'oV
45 e
?v Trfit KcaA)S Kai (plXoTfJpco5, [KOV 68 Ka[i] -rrpuTaveial E'TrlrErlArcVTa]t & s Acv [Tirjs Kal 3ouAfis ovuoyfis 1T S6rou K]a[l] rT[Cov ror]avTrcov TOUo
[&v acOIroTs 'rrpout- laTrov ot Tr v6Ooi Kcal]TaC [y]rqp[a[caTa-r' ra]tveacl Tr [TroUS filTroXeHatLi]os Kal Trspav[oVaC XpuoC-i arre] TrrpUvT&riS vFKxa Trisd[s Kai 910o] VO6oV [qavcoi KaTa TOV EUCcPELa]s 'TOUSOeO*S Kai ['-riiaS r's EIS rTO PouA1v 'A[el]valcov 61fijiov Tr]Ov &cv[ypapya] T"iV [v OTril] [Si T-ro6 T6O rypi'Cic a T6V ypacicia]Tca TO KaTr 'Trr[p]uTacvEfaV E!s 68 Ti:V &vay[pcaiqv] T'rpUTaVIKCotl [xse 7eivet1 Kal o'rcaal iv TCOI] [Kac T'V TrOIV rrll rSs or Tiroi [yev6Oevo v av6cXcoca] np]cras oSp ' ?]ai T T' l eioiKt T1r C[e1]
55 [fiP ouAr]
[6 Sios]
[Tro*s 'rrpu] [rT&E1S] 65
fI povUA
Ai65copov 'AvSpoKAX
['HyT-ropa] ['Apiocropo*]
ous 'ASpivva
g [TI]6icov AlOKAeirlS [----]KOS [----]9s
s KOi?Kpa'rX npoorrT-riot
70 A65copos Auaavias
['A]pr EC6JBcopo[s]
(J 12).
H. 0.136 m.; W. 0.062 m.; Th. 0.045 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XV, 1946,p. 225, No. 52, photograph p. 225. ca. a. 180 a. lacuna
Vi] -----------sov -rTl] S o[t [- ---8o---------? rr--------l-rE-V Tnp 2v] crray[ya] [_ s is---ufpvs irrp -rv ov'].v [&v] O [Aouiv ol TpuIraVE -r npoo]TaTrc [uOvovr& -rrpoTr&v ,cAlatcnv -r-I 'A'rr6?Acovit p[col] ' t BouXaiat Kai 5 [Kia 'rET Tros eoTis ols] &aXoISot 'ApTrEl6It w.rTp[I] E TJXEi8e66Oxeai T( piv ScyaO]a TcOj 6rBld&coi [Ov ?VtvW&ya6t 6BX? ' [oaai T-ryeyov6Ta ?v rTOSlEpoti ols geuov 9 yIyiEtatKa]l oco'ri V rV Cux roU Sfaou Ka TC [piali Trf pouXfiSKal T )(pXcov' rrti]86 [ol] T&vtS s TiS-----------------------] [TTrpurV 50.
189. Part of a stele of Hymettian marble (I 3717), with the pebbled left side and the rough-picked back preserved, H. 0.255 m.; W. 0.163 m.; Th. 0.105 m.; LH. 0.005-0.006 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, pp. 14-15, No. 18, photograph pl. 4; S.E.G., XIX, 93.
?...-------------T--r-&s] Ir&caas TdS KYae9KOICoaas TrpUTavEiatl Kal] V TETT [6u]ai[as rEOuvat rep T ospuovXfis
TOO6fi[IJovUhrITLnEPjfiaai 6 KCa TC.V &AMcov KaxCAiKal qIpOTi-rco'S] &rr&rcVTco
Kal T6v i6[pta TO Trncov1povU------ca. TOVypaprLraTra Tis pouXfis; KaI 15 ------Kal ca. TOU T6v 15 ---Kal ca. ----15 ------Kal TOV 6ilj.ov A[--K1i] 'nToypaCiLaTtl KalT6v aOnfiTrv NeoKAfjv puKa-TrS pou[fiS Kal TOUSl6|itouECnXfiv BepEviKtK6lv Bepe] r6v ypaUpaTrx TO6v ?v ori] ltI a T vtKisiv' &cvayp[6cat Si r6T TE6 ylcS KaTrdrrp-rTavEactv aet t0ivet Kal a[T-rijal ?v TCOl rrpuTaVtKcV r E5s ei Kal] TTIV vraypap'Iv -rTS C-rTlTXS ri 1r SioIK'ei T'O ] vacat TiV dV6OeoV pe[piaac T6-v rrl yevo6pvov d&vAcopa
II ([----]
Et[----] 20 Ni[----]
[---] [-----]
190. Fragment from a stele of Hymettian marble (I 6668), preserving the original left side, but otherwise broken, found on May 7, 1954, in a late Hellenistic context in debris over a classical house south of the Tholos (G 13). H. 0.11 in.; W. 0.05 i.; Th. 0.02 i.; LH. 0.004 -0.005 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, pp. 212-213, No. 57, photograph p1. 33; S.E.G., XXI, 597.
F [k]r [a s]
MlIV01---1-----Atca[ ]
[.io[?----- I
lacuna This inscription is dated primarily on letter forms, though Hermodoros in line 6 may be identified with Hermodoros, son of Heortios of Acharnai, who is known in the early second century (Hesperia, XI, 1942, p. 302). 191. Two non-joining fragments of Hymettian marble. Fragment a (I 1813a), preserving the left side, but otherwise broken, was found on April 19,1934, in a late context in the Bouleuterion Square (F 11). Fragmentb (I 1813b). broken on all sides and at the back, was found on May 7, 1934, in a Turkish pit in the floor of the Tholos (0 11),
lacuna TErPov7Ei ~iratvkaaI] i,a[i (pi?O-rihcos-d5cyaeTi )(Ei BS6XOCx ? a. 25 KaI -toV ypaptial ?C---------TOv [Tcralav - - - ?-- - - - - - - -KCat T-6VtEpiCa Ca. ro24 Vkrrcov*I] [Tca b -c--iava KQi 'ivoraiav?-] ov ![- ca. 5 -]rl v [- -6V 5 Kov[?----- ]AI A[--- - -Kai -r6v? ---------------------] xKal["r6v ca. 10----] T-S foudiSK xci Tro-i8itov---ypa>,.va[T-rka VEa[xci T6V] [oy pa-aLrka iKIa-r6v Kapvxci EOYfijv BEpEvi] Sci8r68e [NEoKX2dv Bepevtixf8rvT-r6] dvwayp'at xfi[rlv iKia-r]'v aOrXr1ri -r6v KaT& Trrpuraveiav &va-nj7t WiM] [4Jlpavca or]6v ypaticaTLrra 10 [vEi =CIariij]aai BvIrEi [-rrpv.avIivix6$ Si rv &vcaypac4iv EIS 'risaTn'iJ 8Q {&ir TEr 8TO1 T6v Tri oyElA I6 yEv6pEvov &&V6cgICa] [rjn ptEpf(CaC1] irr}) lacuna
192. Three fragments of Hymettian marble, one composed of two pieces. a: Fragment (I 1712a), preserving the smooth right side, but otherwise broken, found on March 28, 1934, in a late context in the square to the south of the New Bouleuterion (F 10). H. 0.095 i.; W. 0.07 i.; Th. 0.024 i.; LH. 0.009 m. b: Fragment composed of two joining pieces, both preserving the smooth right side, but otherwise broken. The upper piece (I 1916) was found on May 5, 1934, in a late context south of the Tholos (G 12). The lower piece
(I 1712b)was found on April 18, 1934, in a late context in the square to the south of the New Bouleuterion (F 11).
c: Fragment (I 1712c), preserving the original left side, but otherwise broken, found on April 19, 1934, in the
samecontextwith I 1712b.
H. 0.095 m.; W. 0.06 m.; Th. 0.028 m.; LH. 0.009 m.
Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, pp. 115-116,No. 59, photographs p. 115. paulloante a. 178/7a. lacuna [--------------------------NON-XTOIX. ca. 36 ?]o o b
[---ca. 10---?EvrE' ivrp cv &orrayyXIou]coiv olt T7cs---ca. 9---irr Tp v 0uca]iCv v [nrpvUTavEtI p v r& v Trlt 'ATT6]MaXa Oevov b<K V -rO raCl [6v 'TTpo [vt -rTC a Kal T?eT TTpou -l)picol .TE'ApTiUtSI B]ovuAa iv' dcya]fit 'rO [at Kai ToTis oAois 0coiS ols TrarTplov 8llcoi, -E86Xeal TCOI [XTll lacuna
[-----------ovaypCx&at 8 -r6oe TO ylq9] rTO ypapiiaTra TOV KaTr& rrpuvraveiav vv] a[,[a T6v mTrl IUpiotat [0]ECq[v 7rT
in excavations in the TAorreia-rTOOoppavritov.
marble(E.M. 7485), brokenon all sidesand at the back,foundon August28, 1858, of Hymettian 193. Fragment
H. 0.29 m.; W. 0.16 m.; Th. 0.115 m.; LH. 0.005 m.
Ed. K. S. Pittakys,'Ep. 'Apx., 1858,No. 3444; U. Koehler,IG., II, 394; J. Kirchner, IG., II2,914; S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, pp. 116-117,No. 60. HIPPOTHONTIS
paullo ante a. 178/7 a. lacuna
[aCrmov Kaifou v r]pyfi'rr[ov Kal -r6v ypapiarrTa 'rfs] [ou7S Kal TOV 8].lou Davvo[a------ c. 19------]
[- ca.5 -Kal TOV ]'rroypaJllaT[a-----
TrfSpouAi7s[Kal TO0U 1i'ou EiOKAqv [-ca. 2 -Kal T-V KAp]UKa EO] 'v TO Kal [KIovusBEpeVI]KlfrSv a[OirTv NeoKirv 'AaXrrII] TO piltacl.tarOv] [a&ou BEPEV1Ki]jIV' &vaypaya[t 86] [T-66S KaTr& [?v -rrilXtAXtivtl] [ypailJ,aTra rT]v TrrpUrav[]{iav [Kal or'fcrai iv -TCO] ElS8 [T1iV 'TrpUTaVtKCOt' dvaypaqdlv 'TiS] 10 [oTiXriSKal -rlv] d&3v6aeaiv 7rli T?1SIOKinEaet 7O] T[6v gtEpioat [yEv6opvovdv]&Acoota. Column [-Demotic-] TTaipatllE 5
For the restoration of Neokles' patronymic in lines 6-7 see Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, p. 185, No. 35, lines 15-16, and S.E.G., XXI, 446. Meritt notes that if the name EOillgaXovis restored in line 4, the date would bepaullo ante a. 181/0 a.
preserved, including the pediment, found on June 26, 1933, used face upwards as a cover slab of the Great Drain
well marble(I 1025),damagedslightlyat the upperand lowerleft corners,but otherwise 194. Steleof Hymettian oppositethe southeastcornerof the Metroon(I 10).
Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, p. 5. Suppl.I, pp. 120-124,No. 64, photograph HIPPOTHONTIS a. 178/7a.
TOU Im-rT MEviErllov mri "rfiS ['E"ri OiAco]vos &apXovTOS ' [cov Olt]to-ricovoS TToT-r&.tlOS ypOaT?urEV Tvavolicovos
ca. 72 NON-XTOIX.
i u1ocovrTi8o TE-rapTT-rS TpuTraviaSt, it OlitXlo '1, ET' I iV&TEl ElK&SaSc, TplaKoorET"rfijsrrpu c K gv TC'tOE&Trpcoi Trv -rrpoS8pcov KEipap 'HpaxKEiSris TrlXAE6ou wT?EF(pilt?v [Trav](as' iaCKAlCi[a v V Ka *rrp cv &rcay v AamKIa&s aI86riSlTauacnp&XOV Soev -rCl 86ticol [covK]acloUvtrp6e8pot d1-rrEv' evaicov Jv Muov T-r Q urrrp -rTOv lricnv T-Cl Trrp6 -rOv -KKX [y]]Xoucav ol TrpuTavEls-rTi 'IitlooOcovrT8os v ot Kial TET BouXaata T'rt rT s 'Arr6OAcovi TroiS oTS eEoi oIS Kia rr&Tplov qv [TE] ApTrgiSI TTpoaraTrlpfcol
vv 'T& TCO inTXET?I olSgOuov Xv &yae& 8XEoaa1 T yeyov6-ra?vTroiS EpoTi [&y]aOC 8Stipcoi, E86X0aI oi r Kal TrCV Kai T 'roU 8fjiov vvvvW' r1mEi 6i KaCi [Il' yiOE{at Trpv aruvijocXcov, ccoTTpiac TijS POVAis
iv TEi TrpuT-ravEal aS eucovaSOucaava&TTaro KcaXC Kal (piXOTrijpcoS, ocat KCaOeiKov [Tr]&VEiS T&STrE riTTE v & ricov rr6avrcOv &v acrroTS Kal T-rC TE TOU Kal Kal 8'tou 86 TriS Trrpo [A]ficraav aUAoy-is TrfiS povAfiS TIraiv?CaC TOUS 'rrpuTavELs T5 S 1 1c'o00coVwrt8 'arrroaTT oi Trs v6Ooi Kai Tra Yrl(PtaCaTa TOIU Srlpo,
Kalc s T-rS 'rrpos TrobS 0eoiS KxalqXo EVEKE oregavcv-aol XpuacI acrTEavco KcaTr TOV v6OIov E*cOpetaS ry9i'Lcpia Try ypaciaTEr 8E T6v Kal TO'V 5vfipov TnlciaS TriSEi [rT]v pouXAiV &vaypi&ya TOr6 TO 'AOrivaicov' ?V TCOI ?? Kxal iv oCTXI XI0VEI a rTO KaTra rrTp-rTavEav WrrpUTaVKrcI Eis Oa-riOl Trlv &vacypacqv TriS v
15 TOV rrTi sOKi cEL TO yEvOIsVOV &v&Acova. aT[]XArsl Kal T'v &avdacOv iLEp.[i]CTaQ T-rET
f povuAi
TOv Traciav GE68oTOV
I pouMA
20 6 85ioS
TOOCS w'rpuT&vel
Toy ypapCia
kx Koftrls
'ApxoT-rpaTov 'EXEvcivtov
S '-rpuTaViaS, it Obl[t] wrrT1TTr '.ETI [0].Xcovos a&povros TO [[eT]a& MEvSrlpOV rrITrsi ['A]K.q[p]avTwrios
8EK&TEC [oCr]cov [OiAX]ior[l]covos norT&pio[S] &ypacipprEvET MaiaciKTTrpItcvoS?KTEIlcracivou, Tirs 'rrp[u] E nTTuOas luoXeous 1vu pL 13ouXUTprrlpcov TCOrV T[a]ve(asi PouvAi 'AXapvECS Kal oaup wpo8Bpcov [hrT]E pi[. v T' f 'lTrTrrO s wiT'rELf oi TrpuTa&vEI flpo]oK[A]UoseuariT&Snr ErTErv Trrp6EpoI V 95o0ev T-l pouIt v frpo[x]is KOal covTrios Kxalol &[EitorT]o [[]TCratv[oraav]T[Es cEppva]vcbocav[TES] &TroC)aivoucTiv TE? pOUvtETOV rTacIla 6v v OE6o0TOV GEOS0TOUKx KoRX[rls]rT& TE Ouafias TtEOlKVCalTra6caa T xSc i KaOKOoCras [iV] aviurc'r EovrOTO S Kai TCO'V Acov &cTravTcOv KaxcoS Ka[l 91] TE'i rpUTrci?{a [U]irTp Tis pouvfij Kal TroUSfiou, hTIpel?uXAficTOai v TRIraiviCa TO'V v ?K KoiArlsKa[i] TaUCiav OE6o'roV OEoSOTrou AOT(rICOSdcyaOEtTm)XESE86Xac i 3T? poUAI
vv v hrrai[vc]ait Oaviou 'EAeuCivlov 6 35 [c]T6cpavct aa a -roy ypacliraTea Kcal ci ou raTE&vcol 'ApxoaTpa-rov Kaciou rapyfirTTov Kai Toy ypapuaTEa TrfijSousfis Kal v Kal T6v tEpa TOU[]Trcowviou v OpanTrrTrov
Atq)iXou Xo TOiJ 86f1ou v p coTOi&xou natavlcat K Kal T6v CTroypaglCaTE AIoKpa'Trv pcoTr6y9c)(OV KT6 Kai T6v aOcr .EOKR]Div ipUKac Tris ouAfis Kal TOU Siiou E,K'XouS BEpEvimKitr Kal TOV-r Xapya -rTv Kac iKp6rrV OopiKlov Kal T b Tcrapia [T]fis Poufis KdalTnrrov AovTroS Ailcovia Kal CTaEpav[co] rTO oeaoOi orgT)avcol V &vayp&cai SETO'rE cat {(ca } TroCrcov EKacrrov Toy vacat pyiloitcLca a v TrOt TTpUTCavIKColElS 8B Tn v ava t A7LiE liVE Kal o-TrIal [y]pairiaTrca TOv KaTa rTpUTravlav v O(rT &v v6OEqcV IEpICa T6V n'TT TEl SIOK<lEI TO yEV6oIEov av&Xcoia. [y]pacqlv T'iscTrAfl S Kai TiV
60 Li .OXoS ?KKoiXris eE680-oT OSE08Tou 'AXEp8oCcnot 45 rTa[p&a]lovos EOVIKOS ECpo[pov
S l4[co]vi{rSs ECrOeKPIros
95 Nouvrvios
50 .KIe6vav-os
85 Op6eEos 'EXatoOaiot dOlAovisris Xalpfcov "ATrrTAos KcAXicorpaToS 'Hpcci8Srls Mfivit 100
TtioKp&Trrls 'Ayv6esos Ei0p[d(]rov
'AptoTroKfis 70
'ApcaavTels Ai65oTos
EOEpouXos GE6ocopo
?i povuAi ep&arrrrov rapyfirrtov
fi povfir
Eipn<i vK v BSPEvlK<i?v
a normalprytanydocumentof the mid second century.It differsfrom a normaltext, however,in having an With Pyanopsion22 the equivalentof PrytanyIV 30 it is evidentthat the festivalcalendar calendar. irregular had been retardedby eight days. Four of these days had been compensated beforeMaimakterion 9 (see lines was similarto that of 171/0, also in Pyanopsion,for which see now T.A.P.A,.XCV, 28-29). The retardation 1964, pp. 247-249.
195. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 2943), broken on all sides and at the back, found on May 28, 1935, in a late Roman to early Byzantine context over the area of the east end of the Middle Stoa (P 13). H. 0.06 m.; W. 0.13 m.; Th. 0.10 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
This inscription was cited by Dow (op. cit., cf. above, p. 10) as a model in form, content, and arrangementfor
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia,XXIII, 1954,pp. 239-240, No. 9, photograph pl. 50; S.E.G.,XIV, 70.
NON-ITOIX. lacuna?
'Hp&KMsios Illliyos
[A]I6yiT-ros [ ......]copos
196. Fragment of a stele of Hymettian marble (E.M. 8142), broken on all sides and at the back, found on the H. 0.48 m.; W. 0.207 m.; Th. 0.15 m.; LH. 0.007 m.
Ed.J. Sundwall, Ath.Mitt.,XXXIV, 1909,pp. 61-63 (I); J. Kirchner, IG., II, 919; notesby S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl.I, pp. 125-126,No. 66. OINEIS 62-66 paullopost a. 178/7a.
Kai] oTfcr-al Ev rTCI-rrpuTavitKc[i, eiS S T-riv &vaypailv] TTS TO yEv6Oe] [Kai T'lv Cv&OC1a onr-XNri] pspiacalrTOTai-lav T-rv orp[aT-cortKCov [vov dtva6co.a] vacat 0.035 m.
Col. IV missing
GE680oTS A[---]
[---]s lacuna
15 'Apiocrcbwv os
The dating is Dow's (loc. cit.), as is the reading in line 13. Dow also believes the last line belongs to a citation.
towardthe bottom, since Sundwall'sstudy The surfaceof the stone appearsto have flakedmuch, particularly and we can read nothingin this line.
197. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 6166), broken on all sides and at the back, found on April 30, 1949, in the
Way and south of the railway(O 8). Long Late RomanWall east of the Panathenaic
H. 0.26 m ; W. 0.134 m.; Th. 0.104 m.; LH. 0.008 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, The Athenian Year, pp. 200-201, No. 4, photograph fig. 6; S.E.G., XXI, 447.
a. 177/6a.
[m1Ti is---------------------[rr1---i]irrou &cpovrTOS voS-------------, [----rlS 'H]y?fropos Olvacos i[ypacai6rreuVev------------] 'TrV wporEpcov Ei'? (piv -------------] TIfswpuTaveiaS'[&iKKhxiaia' [-------]Ei ?8oSEv TCt 68lgo [-------]CtoS W------------IrrewV I[Kail OvU]]jT[p6e5poIv CTrp wv] TV &iKKAu] Tis [ ?-----Crrp TCOV OUolVciV &euov TC "rpO [rTrayyAouvat]v ol TpTv-ravEls rt T? rTCOI TCOI Kai Tr Kal BouXaCatl ret] 'ATr6]ahovi Tre'Ap-riiI [otICv poo-r[aTrrrlpcoi r ,v] CI 1ico Tra rit olS 1TraTpIOVv' atyaCEi [ Kca]TroITs otis]i[eeoTi TXO)(E?I [OcoaYp6pcol 6E86X0XC T T ov] T -rF i-r oTS EOov Eq' iytsiEal Kcai [&yaotk6XeaOe]ai r&yeyo[v6ra ?v TroI iEpoTS acoTrpiat ------------------------] i 8iou Ka]iTrcV [MisKairTOU a[vpuCIXacV --
of Hymettian marble(I 2010),withthe smoothleft sidepreserved, 198. Fragment but otherwise broken,foundon in a in marble the central area in west front of the Tholos May 29, 1934, pile (H 11-12). H. 0.152 m.; W. 0.142 m.; Th. 0.078 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, pp. 94-95, No. 45, photograph p. 95. AKAMANTIS ca. a. 200-150 a. vacat Ei!.aEol 'A.rv6Bcopos
T[------] lacuna
[ ....].[---]
199. Two joining fragments of a pedimental stele of Pentelic marble. The left fragment (I 656 = a), found on the original rough-picked back and somewhat smoother left side. The right-hand fragment (I 6355 =
April 5, 1933,in a late Roman contexteast of theTholos (H 12), belongsto the upperleft cornerand preserves wall east of the Altar of ZeusAgoraios(J 10),is brokenon on May 12, 1951,duringthe removalof a Byzantine back and part of the mouldingabovethe inscribedsurface. all sides but preserves the originalrough-picked a and b combined:H. 0.30 m.; W. 0.365 m.; Th. 0.135 m., 0.11 m. (shaft only); LH. 0.005-0.006m. a: Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, pp. 126-127, No. 69, photographp. 126. b: Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, a and b pi. 12; S.E.G.,XVI, 89. Thejoin was discovered XXVI, 1957,pp. 68-69, No. 20, photograph by G. A.
Stamires while studying the squeezes in Princeton. ), found
KEKROPIS a. 175/4 a.
NON-'TOIX. 53-62
XcoviKo pXovaToV i i Hauov] [ri[Tr] S ri rTiS KeKpoiTr0S osET?PEa[S TrrpuTaveiCas SeKaTrE VocTrxpa1] [via]S BITo-rov ouepileoiSrs iypaCir]areuev M?TayeiTvc[vlc'vos [6y8]oei KacSeKa&rei Trfs irpU-rVTaVEias 'TO<7Cia pJ nHeip[iT1 r' TV irpoE8pcov rre] 'E"rnrijou 'AyyeXineEV Ka0 lao-rrUp6[E8Ppovv ESo^eVTrCI] []pil]Lttev 'AvTriX&(plS [S]rplcV 'Ovioravspos 'OvrrTopos Ku8a0ivateCiS el-TreV! TnRp[CV TarayyTAXouaiV ] cov -rTCI Kai Tel] Tr 'Arr67AcOviTCOI Tporr[a]"T-rpicaoKia T?reT 'ApT"I8Ti Trer[BOVXaiaCl Kal Trots ivy dcyaeTiTriX[?i aois e'[oiJ]s ols Arrlrptov [TI]coaop6pcot SeS6XQaTcOl] -r&jiv &ya0e 8x(6[49]ai TCayeyov-ra &v-roIT ols gevov Ep' cryl] [68i]pcoAi ie[poTS b
10 [eia]i 'Kal acoTrpica TOU Kiai KialyuvaKcov'] 5iJtOU K[ai-rrai{cov T"'1[ P]oUAfi
[rov oTTr v6ioi rKa TOIJS irTUTv-rsvs] [ii Ta I(pair]aTraTOUSi'ovU [prr&aivCCal 15 [-TTS KacrraT? KeKpOTri8OS pavc]aai aurSToC' [XPuCTCoI aTCrPavco Kara TroVV6] i iriS [,iov Oaeprefas ?VEKEV T]ij] rrpoS ros os o-rticiaS eIS] 0o[seoKao ip Kal -r'ov 8671iov [T-ri povUAiv T"Ov 86 Tr6oe TO 9f1lpocaa] 'A]vaicov[ acvaypacyail
[TOVypaciaTia ---r[T6CI "rplTaIKC -rTOV KaTir Trpv"r][v]f[iav kv a"riei AieivEl KKal arflac i Ev]
oi Trp-rUTavE[pS C T-r? eou as vatucv ic[TrrcasT(oSKaeTi2KoCaS Tr]&j [-rreiSir o] ev] i TiS ov?Mo] [Trde [a,av eheri, 61Kcp rrpWr]avefai Kc K[s Kal] PiAoTipco, 8Tjvou KacT-rcv6?Mc[Cv TroU] rovrcv aUTo poOATaT] [yis TiS re Po]vu[fiS Kai arr&
The orator Onesandros (line 5) proposed a decree for Attalis two years later, in 173/2 (cf. No. 206). The festival year was intercalaryin the archonship of Sonikos (cf. Meritt, The Athenian Year, 1961, p. 236, and T.A.P.A., XCV, 1964, p. 239), with the 18th day of the 2nd prytany equated to the 21st day of Metageitnion (lines 1-3). 200. Fragment from the upper left corner of a pedimental stele of Hymettian marble (I 4253). Found on June 8, 1936, in a marble pile north of the Odeion (L-M 7-8). H. 0.155 m.; W. 0.113 m., 0.13 m. (including pedimental overhang); Th. 0.06 m.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. W. K. Pritchett, Hesperia, XV, 1946, pp. 143-144, No. 5, photograph. a. 175/4 a. NON-XZTOIX. ca. 50
hi TTavaacvicas [BloTrov TTepi0oi(rlS ?ypai6cTweuevv---Cvos] Per' EIK[aCCas, ---Kial elKOc-erT-rS vd&rrei iTrpuTaVEiasc- bKYiaCi] ---a ,l Teipaiel -rCOv ca.18-----] [rrpoSpcv ETrrepyilsqLEv 5 eis Kai ovixrrp6e[sPO o ESoEev TrI1 Sirc1) 'OvICaav5pos'OvArTopos Kvua] eT-rrevJv drrcayykhXoulivol rrpuTarveis [e]rvcal6s vi[wTp T-ris----] J,v geuov ra rTpo Tr 'Ar6?Xca] T"OV T-rCI [8]oS iCnrp-rCv ev[oic2ov bkKXAiraicov xai -r ret i -rET [v]tiT-rcOi BovXaicaiKaa 'Apu-riS1 porrcaT[r[lpicot Ococp6] [pol K]a[I] T[o]s &AR[oiSeS ols ' rplov v----------------]--lacuna
ca. 16 -----TrpUTaVEaS]
The yearof Sonikoswas intercalary on No. 199),but the datein lines 1-3 cannotbe restored. (see commentary The day of the monthwas the 22nd, and the formulaemployedshows that the month had 30 days. The inter-
ETr' pretationof tvCantri eitK[O8a]as 29th (with forwardcount) is no longerpossible.It has been given up not only by Pritchett, who here suggested it, but by all students of the calendar now that more evidence is at hand than was available in 1946. Cf. Pritchett and Neugebauer, Calendars,pp. 30-31; B. D. Meritt, T.A.P.A., XCV,
as proof of a full monthof 30 days (sincethis was the PTE-r' EiKcSas 1964,p. 256, note 200. For the count vaTrr omittedday in a hollow month)see 'Apx. 'Ep., 1968,pp. 79-80.
The name of the orator can be supplied, with great probability, from No. 199, line 5, of the same year. 201. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 6750), broken on all sides and at the back, but with the spring of a moulding partly preserved above the first line of the inscription, found on April 16, 1956, among stones from the lower
NON-2TOIX. ca. 57
ES-ri TriS] nlavStov[i5os ---- TrrpUTavreias it] v TC"I]
---] pa(l'ia[TU'IeV-----K S K]al EhiKOC-r nraa c T'fS [TrpuvraveiaSK
a. v0--rKal V Mfis [---- ----aca. [eeaTrpco T-OV wrrpoESpcov popoI] wTre]y]q(pl. TCI EI1rev' xrEp &v AitpiXou Xo[AapyeS [So0oEv 8I5tpcort' ATl.oKp]rTSs array] [yM\ovaiuv oil ITpVT&vets] TIS nTavt8ovi8[osOrrepT'OV OCtI(tv cv govov TC&] Tr ---] TCrv Trci TOl 'A]Tw.[X]cp[vi [wrpo QaaKKr'icov n'[pooTraTrpfcoit
202. Upper part of a pedimental stele of Hymettian marble (I 6162), broken at the bottom, but preserving the original left and right sides, back, and top, including the akroterion, which has been damaged at the upper right corner, found on April 29, 1949, in the Long Late Roman Wall east of the Panathenaic Way and south of the railway (O 8). The inscribed surface is badly worn and partly covered with cement and a hard brown deposit. H. 0.27 m.; W. 0.34 m. (shaft) and 0.37 m. (pediment); Th. 0.105 m. (shaft) and 0.125 m. (pediment); LH. 0.006 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXVI, 1957, pp. 71-72, No. 21, photograph pl. 13; S.E.G., XVI, 90.
AIANTIS a. 174/3a. NON-fTOIX. ca. 38-44 ETri hri 'AXse~&vSpou TrisAecovTri8sT-r[Trp] apXOVTOS rPUvTaV'aS Trrls nti[eus] fqtAUTroKp&rrS AiToKp&'rov
K<iArcTaia [EV] .KT'[ TriSTrrpUvraveialS*] Eypalppa"rEuev rTCOI TrV 0e&rpcot poSpcov hrsEIilqtev Ti.cpv [.....] 5 'AAcowKrei&q0v K [a]V.[rrp6e5pov] 'So ev TrGI 6itcoit 'E[m]Kipa&rrT o-- Qp]Ea[p]p.[tos] im'rrp drmay] errTev [--ca. 1 [TJv TiiS AIavri6os Virrp -rTv [ev] yA\,ovuav oi rrpurTavis1 aito v ov TC't-r 'AWT6,[Acovt] gevov TrO& rCv KKXriqItcV Trpo6 TCOt Kai Tret reT 'Ap'rtiSit BouXai[al Kal] TTpocrrcarrpikot & 10 TrT Kal T &oIs CDcoa<p6pco 'ois EoiS [ols xr&-rr&pov iv'] rtI 6coti "r p[iv dyae0a S] dcyatii T-ri)Xir 6e8O6).6aTra Tr yeyov6Oa EvTroTI oTsg0uov q)p' Xeo'Xat iE[poTs OyIti] at Kai ccoTipalI T rf [pov]][4s Kal rTOO 6ilov KCal rraic8cAv Kal] ET-rrEt S s TreS S [oi wipUTave1& OaiaC 0u] "TS [yuvai]KCOv aav a[rr]ao'.x [O6aatKaefiKov ev TTIl TrpUTavwial]
203. Fragmentof fine-grained bluish white marble(I 6461), brokenon all sides. Found on March 5, 1952,in a context of Romandate west of the Odeion(J 10-11).
H. 0.087 m.; W. 0.096 m.; Th. 0.02 m.; LH. 0.005 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXII, 1963, pp. 41-42, No. 44, photograph pl. 12; S.E.G., XXI, 415.
5 [...]aias
[.... ]cov
[... trr]ros
east interiorwall trenchof the Odeion(M 10). Fragment g is uninscribed. a: H. 0.17 m.; W. 0.214 m.; Th. 0.08 m. b: H. 0.091 m.; W. 0.076 m.; Th. 0.036 m. c: H. 0.065 m.; W. 0.06 m.; Th. 0.03 m. d: H. 0.03 m.; W. 0.033 m.; Th. 0.035 m. e: H. 0.038 m.; W. 0.016 m.; Th. 0.03 m.
f: H. 0.035 m.; W. 0.026 m.; Th. 0.028 m.
g: H. 0.059 m.; W. 0.039 m.; Th. 0.034 m. LH. 0.005-0.006m. (all fragments).
Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, pp. 127-129, No. 70, photographs of fragments a, b, c, e, andf, p. 128. 43
Kal T6v viroypaipaIraTa] OiAcovoS [illp]ou iXAoAva ECrTrupf{[riv Kai 'TOV 'Aqtiva[lov T'S pou] 'AplcrroKpcrov KilpUTKa [Avucarf]acXov 10 [A?fiKai T]oiUSl,ov EOrXfiv Kai T6V] BEP8VIKiSr1V EiOK[ouS TO [aorilryv KaX]iKp&rilv Ka?MlKp[Trou eopIKlov KCax b a] [ifiav TjrSpovufis cba]TrpaTov [Nt]Ko[crrp6"roXoXapya Kia aTEr] 8STr6E] aO]T[c]v 0ao.ou [o-rT vcotIavcaypa&cai [yavacl EKao-aarov T6v KaT& rpUTaver a v v Crr] [T6 yiflqyCra rTVypa]pcnraT[va 15 [??txieive KaIo-rfioa]!iv [T-rCt f EiS6 rrpuTa]Vl[KCOt TBrl v ava]
d&v6eaiv TqS ori']Aris [.Uepio-acTOVTapli] [ypaqpiv Kal T^fiV [av 'T yev6Ovvoov&vdcvcoPa] vacat
b [<O]IOoKp&[TTrs] e
[e]eo9cav[--] 20 'Hy^ox[os]
[---]K[--] [---]X--]
MarketSquareand to the southwest(E 15). H. 0.51 m.; W. 0.375 m.; Th. 0.07 m.; LH. 0.005-0.006m. Ed. W. K. Pritchett,Hesperia,IX, 1940,pp. 118-122,No. 24, photograph p. 119. HIPPOTHONTIS
a. ca. a. 176/5-170/69
lacuna TCOV [- --Kaliou.TrpO6] -TpoESpcov &Tr6EyptlE]v a[rT]u[p (?) ------------'Ovaaou Trt Trev E'rei&Sol TTpUTa'VEIS i'V 8oEEv povuAi --] [6po (?) [---e-TirS] Kal oi C&eiC1roirT]gitvE[avTres KIai TrEavcravres a&rroyaivouaiv] ['IL ,io0covrTisos 5
pouAE TOVTaiOa]v [6v EiAovir]o E Eau[Tcv 'HXto6copov AloyEvous rTEipatla T&STe] [TrET T aS TrraCa] [Ka oKoicaSEv-T T rrpuTavcxial irrpp Tris pouXfS KCai] [eucrcasTrEuKdvatl 8iMOU, 6E [T-roi KaiXS Kai c(pXoTricos, 1TritjieuAEXfioauKai T-rv &aXcov cyaelt TJX)(1] &aTravTrov TrEpovouit, ]w. aictvcia TOv-raplav ['Ht68copov Atoy}vovs lTnipatla Kaioa-rsa] [68O6XOea
6[v ypaCppcaTr E'rralVkoal iKai TO [v6ocati acXou crrE?qvcoi]' Aorloo'evrlv iAXcovos (?) 'A[.lvtia] TOJ Kal TOrv Gpm'rrov -rTO6V Opau [Kai iepa &irT]covi Ka?a[iou rapy-rTT-rov ypacl4aT-rarTfs] 10 [pouXfis Kai TroO rTV vTroypappaT-ra AuciapaXov] KaCi 68ipo]UOiAcova IiAcovoSECrrT[pi5rjv rTOV Kai Kal KiTpucKa T'iS[povuAXs rTOOplovOU ['ApioaroKpaTrov 'Ayt]8valoov EKCriiv EOKnovs] Kal a T T [Bepevn<IKi6drv r]6v Ka Tr6vCraxIIav V KlpTjV KCI[pal T]VPi iS] aOXCrlTKaKKopilov [povuAXs 2cb]Tp.rTrov ?KaCOOV NiKoorpaTro aciou o-reyq&] XoXapyEa [KaioTEpavcovOal 8 TOr68 TO ?v orlT7e1 7te0] KcaTa [vcoI a&vayp]a&at ryl(ptaioa TOV ypapC[aT-raTOV TrpUTaVeiaV 8 Se K]ci Tod V d 15 [vei o-rij-ca e?v T[v yV &v6&0evTfis oT'TXrs] avypaYlnv Kxa T-rclTrrpuTavKc ls Ta-rccav rTO [iep]IcaacT-rV yev6Oevov &vva&Xci[a].
KaMAiKpaTrrl 45 TTapapovos AapciAo[s]
Eleven lines
Arnoo-evirls liA TEsAEaias
35 Tlricriqa[v]ac
Kriqiaooqov TlpUOKpaT'|S
25 'AvTryovos
OltXiOKOS ZcbrupoS 'Apo-roKparris
'Aguvias 40 Titioylvr Ev6o0os NiKcov 'ApiaC[T]oKxis .[---] Kx 55 ArJi[frr]pios KoirAls 21 ---I KcAi?icaXos S[---] vacat (s5 h pouA[i] in poviou f PiouA [fi pouXfl] OixAova epalnxrrov Auaita[Xov] [EiKqfiv] 60 'AtB[vcalov] 70 [BEPEVIKif6rv] rapyiTr EuOrupi6rlv
'AvaExKpaTrs TO1V
vacat f povuAq
[Ka?MiKp&nmv] [OophKxov]
206. Pedimental stele of Hymettian marble (I 6671), with most of the pediment broken away, but otherwise preserved to its full height, including the tenon at the bottom, found on May 26, 1954, in a late Hellenistic context west of the west end of the terrace wall of the Middle Stoa (H 12). The upper right part of the stele has been lost.
a. 173/2 a. [o E [e] i] erir1 -rf 'Arr[caXi8o Seu'rTpas r 1ri 'AXetiSo &pXoVTOS rpv]
v s SEKaTE1 EvaTElKcai5e] raVEiaJS [CorlEpaCl, METayEiTVlicVO
5 hrsrlqlepv Ev'pouXi6rs Tlpotqie([covos 'AXaieus(?) Kai o'u~nrp6'] ?8o0ev 'rCtS6f[p,coi] vacat [vacat] 'Ovioav6poS'Ovq-ropos Ku6aerlvati?[S p yvtrray] eITTv'iVrre TCOV oi TrpuvravEsS yMAouvaov TiS 'A raR[ioS VTnEp euoiatv] T-uv 'rrp6 T-rv KKATrlIC 'TCrv [ T?E 'r Tpoo-ra] TI 'ATrr6Xcovi cSvEeov 10 T-rlplco Kcat 'i oor -rEi 'Ap-rptitirTEBouAa[{atKa Oc)c pcotP Kal]
?v [cya0et T-rO)?E1 S x0oXai TroS aXotiS 0EoT? ols Tr6rrpi[o]v TrOl] " r plv dcyacL 6SxEooaraTr ye[yovT-ra?v TroTS 6ficot Ta ipoTS ols] T1rS Kai TOU SKrOU ?8uov cp' 'yieati KaCi po[uXvS Kai] crco'Trplal TCOV eOuvav'TaSuvaiaS] Uavjp(Xcovv TrE1i) Si oi 'rrpTav&E[s 6o0'aKa0fiKov ev reT'prrapv-r [aiKaci Kasi &rr&oras Yio-rTio0S,] av Kati Tre T'rS ovaU Kai ToO] 9rr?l8Alelcrav oy's T[fiS pouXqS Kai orq)avC-crai aC'TrvX[puoC-iaoreyavcolKaTa] Trqs'ArTTraiSos rTOV 0eoUsKaci To[OS v6Opov eUCoTaeeaS EVeKEV Trr[p6]s TTiS yqAoTI-i]
aS T]S eIS TTrV PouX1v KaCTO'V 58rItV TO[v 'ArvalcOov' avaypa] "rTCv &a?ov arr&v-rcovC5vcaLrr[oTs lo KaTi 6iOU Trpoo'Tarrov o TrE] Ka ra v6O1ioi rX VqrloiaaTaa TOUiSJpoiV' 'rrativ[E'a TOU5S TrpUTa&viS]
TOV TO ripicl.itia ai Se6 [-rovKara Trrpuravef] Tor6S ypapariaTEa av v cT-rA?It XOiveiKai o-ri-cal EvrTCI EiS?5 T"rV] 'rr[pTravlKCv' TOVerr TrT] dvorypapqlvTij5 'XAilSKai; TaV a&v0eoi[v i[Epio'aP TOyEvo6evov 25 EiOlKlcrSei &va&copa vacat [vacat] 6 5inos h povri) [i povAiu] pou)ivXi
TroVS 30 TrOV Ta-rfa<V> 35 Trv ypap 40 ['ASeLavTrov] Kacocav tIaTra TrpVTaveis ['IKarpoa] v Spisrv ECO1KpTrr Zouvita ?EOiov
krri'AMXilSo &pXoovroS EirlT'rTs TavS[io]vi6o[s TrpTTrrS wrpura] S EipoAflov 6yS6se [ioCratpvov,-rE] vSiaS ME?TrcyETVic5vo TCOV Trpo&] ?,ppouvvEUT[1rpipcoL Tfi5S rTa&pT iTpUTavefas5 pouvXl
TOv Mvpcovos vWacli Tal.icav Kato-cavSpi8rlv oouv[vtia Kai] at OcAo CYToapdTvcoV cn-rEavocsal ETraivcrati 6S Kai [rbv ypapIla]
rT&acOKp&TTrV 'AToXXo8Gcapou ?[ OIov Kal TOViepca rT[oU hTCoviiOU] kTrS povu.S [Kai TOU8Pi] 'ASeilav'Tov 'IKapita Kai TOVypapliaaTEa Kai TOVvrroypapla-raTte iX[oXaprlV] uouXapiqriuov AaT-rTpEa TOU 8ioU TOV Kai ai -roi 'AXapv?a Knpua Trs pouXs K (lIXOKx[qv Tpi]
ras Ka"cKKovCas5CvTei TrpUTaVEial VXtrrp Tr5s[pouXfiS Kai] TOl 6SiLou, &tlripEheXfiolat 6S Kai TO-rv &Acov &[TravTCov Ka]
Kai CaeTpavCoqat ai K [Tov] NIKoae0vvrv TToTari&ov T<(>S povuXiA T crrT)avco eaAo T-O oi a aOrrTcv v -r6 yrP ilc7la T[6v] avayp&wat
65 ouviETIS MeviahoKos Ka-ra'rTpUTavEiav ?v crr'lX Alt0vEtK<ai ypappcaTr a TVrv o-rC[oai] ev rTCIrrpUTaVIKCoti ElS6S Ti avaypaqiav iKai'-rv rr[o]irlaivTr[S] vacat TcrTAlXS pEpicaatTOVT-ap{a T-rV o-rpaTlccoTlKcov. ? OIou 115 MEI 'AeOoveTs w[K]p&5Trs 'AroMacovtiTs
80 XcoKpa&rrs KaccravSpf8SqS
O(eo6iXos OivaTol 95 Tnav86cv 85 'ETrtyAvrs EOeiilXos OEO6 EVOS 'AoKArlTrrtc 5co)p Zrnvas Atlo'oroS 'Hyias KopvuSaclT 100 'IKCpxfiS _Evoq)ov 90 ]liAOKpaTils .iKapdiTs Is 'HpoScopo
I povuA
KEcpaXos 'Ayacias o rTiorrrr 'AypuXETs ArlioKpaTtrs 'AvToirevrls TuppT5lcai AiloKiis 'AvT-riTevlS 135
'A'Arj NFrC[T11s XalpcaS AcOVIKO [.]j 'HpcaKAESrls 120 [(D] 'AaKArlTiaSris [B] o'Ir'TOS 110 )avoS6rlos Eut Alovva6uropos 'A) 1vorTplot npop3aAiono 'AE ?[t]OrT?3povAos 125 TTvl ppTvlos 'ApXirroXis pp[vos TTo; KliAaTos X[E]IpaxoS
MEI v[f].aXos.
(DiAoxa&prv 'AxapvE
fi pouvx
[TToTa'rjov Line61, lapisTAX. 207. Upper right corner of a pedimental stele of Hymettian marble (I 6271), broken at the left and the bottom and badly worn, found on December 21, 1949, among collected marbles east of the Odeion (N 9-10). The back was rough-picked but is now worn smooth. At some time the stone was re-used as a door-sill; the socket for the pivot is preserved in the pediment. H. 0.50 m.; W. 0.34 m.; Th. 0.13 m.; LH. 0.007 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, pp. 183-184, No. 34, photograph pl. 31; S.E.G., XXI, 422. a. 173/2 a. NON--TOIX. ca. 50 [rtri 'AMiStos &PXovrosETriT11]S ['I]T7o[cov]rT[l]OS v[8]6K&TmrS -rpvrav[Ei] c. 19 -----s ?y[paII]c'TIVSV 0ap[y]ArlOvos v8[e] [aS i Ca------KaT a&PXovTa, [KaTr?1 0e6v] 8: 6y586ei TI' Ka, TpirEtKaliEiKOC'r[][] KCaTr TCOV Ku]pia ?V TCj[t]EaTTPClpc Trp9Epco[v?] [T'IS TrpuravEias' KKhXT(caia
ca.24--------] OUTp ElTTEV' oi] Jwvorrrayyouoc[iv civ[10uov [Tra rpo TCOV eu]colOv [rrpuTavelsTSf-- ca. 8--Cnr-p TCrV x<] TrCl pooraT'rpi]coIKa[l rTEl [KAroi-ov-rTCO 'Ap-rTUI -reT] Tr 'ATrrO6covi [BouAaat Kal TOIS &Xois eoTsoTs] raT[piov v --------------] lacuna
For the dating of this inscription and the restoration of lines 1-4, see 'APX. 'Eq., 1968, p. 102. 208. Six non-joining fragments of Hymettian marble, each broken on all sides, found between May 6 and 10, 1934, in a late context in the Bouleuterion Square (F 11). a (I 1938): H. 0.07 m.; W. 0.031 m.; Th. 0.032 m.; LH. 0.006 m. b (I 1939c): H. 0.051 m.; W. 0.05 m.; Th. 0.016 m.; LH. 0.006 m. c (I 1939a): H. 0.046 m.; W. 0.055 m.; Th. 0.015 m.; LH. 0.006-0.007 m. d (I 1948): H. 0.051 m.; W. 0.044 m.; Th. 0.013 m.; LH. 0.006-0.007 m. e (I 1939b): H. 0.04 m.; W. 0.108 m.; Th. 0.013 m.; LH. 0.006-0.007 m. f(I 1943): H. 0.05 m.; W. 0.045 m.; Th. 0.017 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967, pp. 233-234, No. 43, photographs pl. 59; S.E.G., XXIV, 174.
a. 172/1a.
[rri --[i
---rpUTaveias] --ca. 13-] 'PT[aVv]o*[1ioS 'ypapi&paTEV'V EIKOarT Kal E[KKQroaia] [lv]a[TEt adas TrfiS rpvuravEi]aS' [Tphi-r] .[ir' eiK] [kg TT]Elpal[tE'rcTj] wrrpoi[pcovrTrfipIlEV---- ca. 12----]oS Tf[coO6s] ca. 12--]coKpa[Tous..] [. Ka]i' cnvmrpr[6?]polv tS1icoa ----:[8oE6v TCOI [. .eE]V T r[EVvrrp iv 6rxrayyhXoucnv oli rrpvUTavES rT]fS Tl[.. 6... i] 'TC) TE 'Air6oAco] Tr 'TrpoT-rOviKKXaXrloCov [oS C'rrepT-rCv 0ovTi]v cSV [:vov Kal I KCaiT cDooarq6pcol] [vi -rTCnpoo-raxTrp]kio 'Tri Ap[TTISi TrE BouVAXaC TCtI61i] [Kal'TOTS ols 'rraTpto[v ?v, cyaei TrXE1 B6xe8atcxi &ioti5 0Eo]iS v ouov T-r T-r ols [1tic TroSlpois IV dcyaOa6/X,e] Eq'] y6y9[voTa Kai TE Kal Kaiyv] TOoi 'rrancov Trfi P[ovu.i[S Kal acoTrTTlp{al SiptaovU [OyitEai i Orp PUTavEIS TrX] T?E [uoCTta v' eritSf joi geOvaav &rrtccaas KicxoS] [vacOttK ca.10----o]us
r Kl T]oU 8[1iou TrOU 'AOeivafcov, weEXr?] [KcaI p3ouvAs (apXoricos vrrp rTijS --6&a;cov -] Kal T'rv 6rr&vwrov [Oelaav cvi aTro]Is [iTpoc-rTaTTOv 86
the marble(I 838),brokenat the top and rightbut preserving 209. Lowerleft cornerof a largestele of Hymettian
rough-picked (now much worn) back, the rough-picked left side which has a toothed chiselled band ca. 0.075 m. wide along the front edge, and at the bottom, the start of the tongue for setting, above which the lower part of the stele for ca. 0.06 m. was left rough, found on May 20, 1933, in a Byzantine wall over the west end of the South-
west Temple(J 11). H. 0.345 m.; W. 0.27 m.; W. (face)0.105 m.; Th. 0.224 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, pp. 117-118,No. 61, photograph p. 118. KEKROPIS ca. a. 180-160a. lacuna ['AWailis?] [ ---- ] NON-ETOIX. Missing:Cols. III-VI
[ --
Acop6eos ME?VK<iS
-[--] NK ---]
15 EOC[ev---]
No[-----] A[-----]
March21, 1936,in a contextof late Romandate north of the CivicOffices(J 11). H. 0.094 m.; W. 0.06 m.; Th. 0.018 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, p. 17, No. 22, photograph pl. 4; S.E.G., XIX, 101.
TOV TOCU KaOi Slouv ()DloKxAjv acOiirilv Kacil] [K]a rT[fis Tpiveia xa povAis KaXli 5
ca. 12----] S TCIC KCaMiKpc&rou eopiKlov Kai TOV-raiiav i3ouXvis---KpT6rr[qv Sou Kr[---- Kalior?EavcaC l EKaxorov ecAAoo o"rsEpavcor <vcvayp&catlj] S'r To&6[eTO q)Io'Ctaia TOvypaclca-rcaTr TOVKarTaTrpT-ravEiavEv risl i 0i] vsEKai T iv Kai rT1V rpuraviKcoteis 8ET'rV avcrypaC aC[TCo'ativ TCOI &v&acV6(v] Trjs o7rl[XrlS pEpiaacr TO-rv ---yEv6oIEvov &v&acoaia]
211. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 5982), broken on all sides and at the back, found on May 27, 1947, in fill
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXIX, 1960,p. 16, No. 21, photograph pl. 3; S.E.G., XIX, 99. ATTALIS ca. a. 180-173a. lacuna
--- CsoEi]aS [---------TOEiSoO E[KxV T'r~ TrpOoS Kai] 5 TOV TOV T;rv l,ov [iotXotiLiaS rfiS EiS P]ouvAv K[al 'AeTivaicov'] ETO rT[Ovypapicvaria TOV KaOyc Trpu] [&vayp&dcat SE TO6S lr]qolpcia i v (av Kal 7TOt [T-rcav EcrV it [ocrTo'ac Ait]ivEt TrrpUTavIKxr] [ls & TTlV&dcvypcap(Piv T]fis oXrlr.[s KaliT v &v6acliv sEpiacl] T'T 6itOiKilCeit avcopa ---vacat 76] yev6p[vov &v ----] [TO'v Tri 47
212. Two non-joining fragments of a Hymettian marble stele. The upper fragment (E.M. 7535 = a), broken at
the bottom,but preserving the toothedleft and rightsides, rough-picked back,and top, includingthe pediment (damagedat the left apex),was foundin the regionof the Towerof the Winds.The lowerfragment (I 600 = b), of twojoiningpieces,brokenat the top, but preserving the dressed left andrightsides,andrough-picked composed bottom and back, was discovered in a late Romancontextnortheastof the Templeof Apollo Patroos(I 7), the smallerpiece on March23, 1933,and the largeron May 8, 1933. 0.10 m. (stele);LH. 0.006 m. (pediment),
a: H. 0.17 m. (with pediment), 0.125 m. (stele); W. 0.45 m. (with left pediment), 0.425 m. (stele); Th. 0.13 m.
b: H. 0.73 m.; W. 0.472 m. (bottom), 0.445 m. (top); Th. 0.11 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. a: S. A. Koumanoudes, 'Ey. 'ApX., 1890, p. 151; U. Koehler, from a transcript by H. G. Lolling, I.G., II, 5, 441b; J. Kirchner, LG., II2, 910. a and b: S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, pp. 129-133, No. 71, photographs pp.
130, 131.
ANTIOCHIS a. 169/8a.
Y ayat 8i] rrcTrpovfv- av &yae[e1 nTXE e586Xeat TO1 86fmcoi, T&CV
Xe.oal Tr& [ysyovora iv TroS iEpois oTs Tvuov E<' uyiiat Kal acCOTl]
15 [o'av 8i Kal T-rfis5 ovoyfiS TriS TE povfiiS Kal TO'06Ii ou Kal TOoV] cJV aC'roTi5TrpoiTa'TTroVOl Evo'6oi Kal Ta ]rr] [&7QAcov dCTraVTcoV
[iap9aTa rTOo 6fov, urratvCaai TOtS TTrrpVT(EIs 'ij 'AVTrtoXi8os] [Kal a-preavcooal aiToOsi XpvaoJl cTa'rpvcoi KaTo TOrbv6oov eUce] Kai l o9t niiiTa T'rfS 'rpOS T'roOSeoIS [pEffas VEKEV Tr5s eiS] 'AOevaicov avaypawai E T-roE] Sfov Orbv [1rfv pouvAv Kal TOrbv
Kal TraiScovKal yvvalKcov'] pi[at Tfi]s T[eE POUAfi Kai TOU' 8rilJOU [E'rrei8 6Oio 'rrplvUTrvsiS T&5 TE u'{aaS geucav dncaoaS Ocrai]
T?TE TrpuTaVeaIL KaC,S5 Ka(l ypiXOTiipCOS, ETrrE6hien]
[T6O l(piotCiaTOv ypapa-riaT TOrvKaTar rrpuTavEiavEv -riAsei] a v rTCOTrrpUTaVKct'Cr [Aleivel Kal oCrTfat eIS 8e T11V avaypac(pv] Kal TOV [T"js orTANrS5 Trv d(v&ae(iv pepficaia cTpact] Taiifav TCOV
Tr6yEv6OiEVOv&v6Acoia [CoTIKKOV
[Ti povuri]
[TOv rTa{iav]
[ PovuXi]
[6 6fimos]
35 [T6v ypatiJa]
[EOSt!ov] [TTaArMnva]
j--J 3
[T6O yp]parlaTra E0?Spiuov lT[aorTvia Kai TOv Ispta TOU eTrrcov] [1OU 'Av]TuIKfiv1Taci22vca Kx[i TOVypatiaTra TEiS pouXSs Kal] TO0U T[6]v 5ji4[o]v 'Apx/vEcoKuSae[tvalca Kcal] UTIoypaciaraTa A[..] ov 'Aial?a [K]ai T6OV iAoiKAfjv Kippvua TriSPovUiXsKalTOUO 8rlov T[pi]
eOoAou Kaocrov auTcorv o-repavcol avayp&yMat 8E TOr6 TO yri t1ocra TOv ypaplnaT-ra Trv KaTa TTrpTavEfav <E>v CTriiEI Xtei
co SS8: T1fiv&vaypaqcfiv Kai ve1 rpTravtiK oTfolat T'rv rroirloav rTTS orT^XTS pEpicEp rTO TaripfavTCOV Co-paICo VV T-tKCV rT yEvo6Evov o va&coapa. Tipcov 'AvacXpo-rTio ZcotXos 'Oqp6as 'Av'TKpaTrS5 80 KapTr6ocopos 95 EOavSpos 110 (:DV'KOS Ticov 'AvSp6ov!K. NlKo6avros 'ATroAXAcvtos npx[SiT]F[]pS BTiacaitSi 'AXco'rr?Kfi0 v 85 TiR[] [9&]vi [s] 100 'AAME~iaxos 115 'Av-riyevs KpicoETI ME?VioKOS A[|] [iP]'Tp:os ca5---] 4AoyEvrns]o[s] 'Aya0oKAfis
TaaciotKos KTTaOIpCOAV MEvorTparoS
2r laXiSai
'Apicoricov laTn-mAoS
'AptcrroKpaTtls "A?etS
[.2-3 .]apXOS
[P 1ouX6i]
[ oiOV1] 130
ov] [/ [A.. ['Acaai]
] pou[i]
il poUAr
]oKAfiv TpivEs eea
Line 1 is discussedby B. D. Meritt,TheAthenian Year,p. 117,and lines 1-3, ibid.,p. 143; S.E.G.,XXI, 453. 213. Fragmentof Hymettianmarble(I 1325),preserving the originaltoothed right side, but otherwisebroken, found on February10, 1934, in a modernhouse wall west of the Odeion (K 11). H. 0.195 m.; W. 0.10 m.; Th. 0.08 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, pp. 141-142,No. 78, photograph p. 141. ATTALIS a. 168/7a. lacuna
[-eT----------------r 18] TTESV Eraivw] [ol TrrpuT&vEs Tr'S 'ATTCS(ios Kla oi &cicnTrotl Kai arEcpavC)aavTEsa&rropafvoC]jiv [rTEpov] [acaVTEs 36
T [Ael
T ratiiav vv StovTO i
8E Kal T-rV&a]Acov [TroU 85iou, rlmiE?6XPoaocai o6Tra[v] KacoaSKoal [Trcov IAoTrlpcos' aycae T-n6i] 8Se6oXai Trraivtai T'r6v [TerE P3ouXAT rTaplaV-2-3- K]paTrlv v 10 [louvvia Kal o-reTavcooral eaaAo oreq)a]vcot, ETrat -- ca.6-- 'AT]rlvkaKal [vkoatl 6 Kai TOVypamjiaTr&
[Trov iepa TO Io TrCoVl u ---ca.12-----]Ea Kal
[TOV W ypaiac-raTa -rTi povAuS Kal TO-ro 86iou] AqArrl Ka -r TOv [-rptov'ATroAXcovia vrroypaljiaTa' H]y6XoXov 15 ['Alrvia Kai -r TO K ipuKa T1S poouV]sKacTro]U 8rjll.OU v TOV KaC TpivEi?Ea [(iXooKqv aOXrvrKlv Ka]]AiKpa TOV rTaCI{aV TrTS [T-rv0opiKlov KaC PouAFsT 'ApT-r]cova [Tleipai&a Ka; crroteavcoaal KaoCTovaU'rTcv a]?Xoi v 20
&vaypaxatl 6E r6oe Tr6Wpflpiaa TOVy]pap --------[iacrra -rv Ka-ra rrp-ravav
who was in the Councilin p. 308 and LG., II2, 1937,line 6). The date is determined by the 'rcalfS -riS ouvXis, 168/7(I.G., II2,945).
The treasurer in lines 4 and 9 has been restored as Epikrates by A. E. Raubitschek (cf. Hesperia, XI, 1942,
214. Stele of Hymettianmarble(E.M. 479), brokenat the top, but preserving the toothed left and right sides, back, and bottom, includingpart of the tenon, found in the Agora. rough-picked
H. 0.68 m.; W. 0.53 m.; Th. 0.105 m.; LH. 0.005 m. (decree), 0.007 m. (register).
Ed. G. Oikonomos,'Apx. 'Ep., 1911,pp. 230-234(VII),photograph p. 231; J. Kirchner, LG.,II2,918; notes and corrections by S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, pp. 139-141,No. 77.
a. 168/7 a. [-
NON-XTOIX. ca. 55 lacuna oi 'irprTaCVEIS] --------------Kal orTeavco'aaV TS] [T'rs AECov'TI8oKal o0 dc&EioTOl TraivCaaVTrEs
T EauVTCOV-ca. 5 -] [dorropaivouoav TIit [ouAffi TO-vTaiyav 6v EtAovro EvTrll ITrpu Ta KaorlKOUo'a]s [KlTTIOV TarSevria TeOvKn<Vat al&TrcracaS 5 KCiTCOV [TaVSialVrrTprT TES PO vEou,6TriLiEpEXfica]tai VXf Kal TOU8,6 a T-rE [!Acov CaTravTrcovKca;oS Kcai9tAoTrIacoS, pou &yacel T-r]XE[1] SE86XOC Kal o-rTepa KlrTTIOV TCapjav-ca. 5-v 'A]ME&v[Sp]ou [?ETETrativcaCT6OV [vcoCail Oa7AoO o-rEqa&vcol,'rraivacal S6] Kai TOVypauppaTxa 'Api'Tcova 'Api
Kal r6v iepca TO0j f]TrOVvUou AIoviOcov Ei0rupiSrlVV [ocrcovosAEvKovoea 10 [Kal TOV Kal TO]U 5P,jIOUAprPTplIov 'ATroAAcovltavv ypaClparTaT-rsPOvAiX l TOvKTlpUKa TOV 'HYEAoXOv 'AZ]rvia Kai TjS povuAs Kal [KaCI 6rrrOYpaplIlaTEa T]OvaOArTTiv (DoKAi-v TpIVEtUEa KCa 8lUoIJIOU [TOU KacAilKp&aT'v EopiKlov TO TaliaYv Trfi PouAfiS'ApT'ricJ]valTTepaliaKaooT-rEavoaai :KaOU [KaOi TO Tpiqlioaaroy ypapoa Aocr yavcor &vaypp]ayali TOr6o [crrov aoTcov eMoAi
15 [-rca TOv KaTr TrpUTavea v TrV T]1ei AtivEl Kal qcrfi'ati TOv'rl rpuvTaVI 6' 7T' S cTrTllS pepi'at Els K]ai T-TV aV6ECliV dvaypaq~v [KCot' T"rlv [-rov Tapiav TO yEv6pevov] &vaXacoia
vacat 0.025 m.
[-ca. 5 -]
35 AieoAiSat
'iKECOIOS lcoTrlptos
50 Tip68rlpos
'AOvrcas OXtca-ricov
65 [
20 [------[Awovo]ETs
TT~MfKES EboTrpaTos
['Apior]cov 25 [i]]XaKcos
['Hykl]aXos [...].oopos
2Kac[pcovi6at 'AXcavspos
EOUrvpl6at 30 [...]oKAfis
'AXt!ovicrlot KpaTicror6EcoS 40 YcoKpaTIvOS 55 (DiAovi5lls 70 MEVEKAfiS Xo ietcSat OIpe&appioi [A]V.cov KpcoTriSai OappOvcov 'Avrtcvr1ls ['A]iv'rvTas 'AVTTrraTpos Md6cov MEvorTpaTOS -EvapXos 45 TTaiov8oai 60 TioYKAiis 75 9e Ofou cl>\loT-icov ['AVTriCOv] KAac8vpos 'AptioroKpaTrs
[E]'rra(TCOp Uninscribed to bottom
80 AElpaSlcoTai AloaKovupi8rl
in quota (e.g. Skambonidai and Oion on this very list). As in No. 89 the citationsmust have originallybeen recordedin paint. 215. Upperpart of a stele of Hymettianmarble(I 3054), brokendiagonallyat the bottom, but otherwise preserved, including pediment, found on June 24, 1935, in a modern context over the northern part of the Gymnasium
In addition to Dow's corrections (op. cit.) Meritt has made changes in lines 3, 6-7, 12, 13-14, and 16. In line 34 Oikonomos (op. cit., p. 232) had the right reading; even the final rho exists. Dow (op. cit., pp. 140-141) following Gomme suggested that the scribe transposed the demotics in lines 41 and 45, chiefly on the grounds that the quotas of these two demes vary greatly from their earlier quotas, but we now know that the system of proportional representationbroke down after 200 B.C. and that there are many other examples of large variations
(L 9). H. 0.87 m.; W. 0.62 m. (pediment), 0.57 m. (stele);Th. 0.16 m.; LH. 0.007-0.009m.
Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, pp. 133-135, No. 72, photograph p. 134.
The citations are obliterated. Traces of some four lines of the second decree are illegible. lacuna In line 3 Dow read SuEripal (?) U?T' Meritt(Athenian EiKaCSa. Year,p. 183) read TlonoaSeovos OorTpou but see now XXI, 'Eq., 1968, (S.E.G., 454), p. 94 for the ordinary year (as originally 'Apx. laoralUvo ' ?V&TEr and the readingTooaSEeovoS LT ehid(c8a plannedbefore an unplannedintercalation) (cf. also S.E.G.,
216. Stele of Pentelic marble (I 165), slightly broken at the top, but otherwise preserved, found on February 12,
H. 1.23 m.; W. 0.503 m. (top), 0.547 m. (bottom); Th. 0.15 m. (top), 0.18 m. (bottom); LH. 0.006 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, III, 1934, pp. 21-27, No. 19, photograph p. 22; notes by S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I,
AIANTIS a. 166/5a.
[<DaXNpe.TS] [Ernpes]
5 [....]
[To]7Ao-rparTo Trp6itos
Cols. I-III illegible IK'EiSrlos 3 'POT'n"rnos 40
[Ku]8ias 5 [X]apTvos
45 'A[a]T'rXoXos 'Hyrio(Iou)
55 i pouAX
[f pou^i] ?] [MapacOcbvtov
['AMESECova?] 50 [OEoimVriCTov] 58
[TpopaAfaitov] [f p?ouAi] [GopiKiov]
[fi pouAq]
il pouil
2 'EpooKAfqv 6: [KauIKPpaTTiv]
'EpE1iov 1968, p. 95. The treasurer's name in lines in line 1 see B. D. Meritt, 'Apx. 'E., For the restoration of xKTrS 8 and 23 has been supplied from our new reading of line 11.
qi povuX?
217. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 77), broken on all sides and at the back, found on July 21, 1931, east of the Altar of Zeus Agoraios at a late Roman level (J 10). H. 0.183 m.; W. 0.15 m.; Th. 0.055 m.; LH. 0.005-0.007 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, II, 1933, pp. 162-163, No. 8, photograph p. 162; notes by S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, p. 147, No. 81. a. 167/6 or 165/4 (?) a. lacuna
oi rp-rTaVElS] [----------------------------eTrq8l oi &aiaiTol ET'ratlvcravTrs Kai crTeaVCOc'av] [Trsis--------Kai raIlV i ?aUTWV -ca. 2-] eV AooVTO TOVTav Tri PouAET [TEs oalTropaivouC1v
[--ca. 18 ---- J----alS a Ta uoiaS T?UI<K?Val'TOCOKaCKOoO]
NON-STOIX. ca. 52
[acasEv-T?T SolUOU. Trfis ouAfiS Kai TOU Tr]pu-TaVVI[a v'TrEp TIrUileAXi] KCai [Ceal8e KaciT]COV MACIoV KCaAcS &[1TaVTCOV 9qioTlcrIOS'dyaOeT -nrx?i] T TOV ca. 17------] r] ovuAEi [66XO6x0a T]e ?rra[ivEcai rairav ---ca. 9 ---]v a'Trov OeaMou CTrqxavcol, iTrraitvCai] [-Kai CoTEqavC)[ocaL - --Kai ca. 25----[Se Kal TOVy]paIIaIIaTra Mv[-------Trv] a. 24 ------] [ypapLcIaTk] rT1S poous Kai [TroU lPou ------c---[cK OYpIIa[-ca. 30----------] 5r8iou (DOKXfiv [Kai TOVKip].uKa TTiSPouXfiS [Kai TOUV TplVEEEa Kai] l [Trv aCOXjriT]v KaLTOVTraiiaV TiS ouXfis] KaC1iKpaT[rlv OOpiKIOV
TO Wyi-qtapaTOrv [orEyavcoo &vava]ypawyai 6S[ TOr68 ypap-aTEra rTO KaTa] [TrpuTaveiav ?]v crTsit X[teivei KacioT-ctai ?v Tcol rrpUTavlKov EiS] [8 Trlv &vaypa]9qiv Kia [T-rVaviOeEoCv T-rs o1ri rlS ?epictaiTOv Ta-i] ] vacat [av TCOv oTpaTl]CcTIKCOV [rT yEV61OjEvov &vXAcoI a
The disposition given here is Meritt's replotting of the text, taking into account Dow's notes (op. cit.). The date is determined by the Tallias TCOV (ante 164/3). The (post 169/8) and by the herald )li7oKifjs a-rpaTiCOTtiKCOV The treasurerof the Boule excludes the text from 169/8, 168/7, 166/5, spacing favors (i)\oKfdis rather than EnKXfis.
and 164/3.
218. Fragment of a pedimental stele of Hymettian marble (I 3941), with part of the top, toothed right face, and rough-picked back preserved, but broken on the left and below, found on March 30, 1936, in a wall of Byzantine
datenorth of the Odeion(M 8). H. 0.235 m.; W. 0.16 m.; Th. 0.09 m. (stele),0.11 m. (pediment); LH. 0.006 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXVI, 1957, pp. 67-68, No. 19, photograph pl. 11; S.E.G., XVI, 87.
-- ypapp uev --------] ri 8Ka' iKrTE[i] vos ------[--------------KUpixa V rTCO TriS TpuTraVeias iKKArlo'ia [Kai ---OeaTpcArTCOVTrpoESpcov 9'rrey]1pilev EOOKXW[S] 85co -----------Kal CuTrrPO6epotE8o0evrTCO lrrv] virrp&v rr [-------------
oi rrpuTarvel TCOv TS -------8oS (I60 puAS 'rrnip eucvaiv v ieuov T-r TrpoT-r]v b<KX[i] [ayyAXMoucvv -rE'ArroXcovi TCOl Kai T-rd [CovTCOI TTpooTaTrlpicol 'ApTEUIS TEl BouAaiai Kal Te1lOcoMo'ppco]iKa[IToTs] -] T?E ---------------------------eeoTi ols TrT'rplOvv cyaOeT [&SAoiS
219. Top of a pedimental stele of Hymettian marble (I 6675), broken below and chipped away at the right, but otherwise well preserved, including pediment, found on May 10, 1954, re-used, in Hellenistic fill over a water
T1ls TrpUTavEtas' &iKXOTI'ali. TTEip[aliE'] SEuTrpatKai EiKKOOTl ova ECO'ias TCro -rrpo6pcov trrefiEvtELev Nouvqviou DuAX&aios K[al TrOt vacat vacat So0ev 86icoi nrp6e6poi
TC KalTL TEr 'A]Trr.OAovi TrCOt r 'ApT6rll.[1 6iKArlC-[v Bou] lpoCrTaTrcpicol TBr 10 Aai[ai Kal T-rd com:popcoi] eeois ols Tr&rTpIOv K.i rois &AAots -rnO] iv' [yac
8ClCtro Trap&V]acyaela 86)eoeai Ta( yeyovoTa [EvTOTs ie] [Xei 56x8C0ai TC-OI Kax Tr Oevov Kai TTrS TOiU Kcai oTs Eq' PAouAfis TCOV] 58[oou *yieial [poTs acrcoTrpia]1 vo6 T'a &TrVTCOV ol Kai TEr [&?Mcov c ( v a'TOTrs Vo rToj] [rciYpCiaaTa 1Tpoo-rTaTro]V TOIrS 'rrpUTaV'i S TrS cnT]oecovTi6os Kc[aO [68iov 'Trrcaiv?o'a oTeqavcoal]] 15 [acTovss------------------
lacuna For the restoration of lines 12-13 see Hesperia,Suppl.I, p. 135,No. 72. of a Pentelicmarblestele,inscribedon the face but cut for a kleroterion 220. Twelvefragments at the back.The to form twelvefragments five join separatepieces. the toothedleft side, but otherwise a: Fragment broken,found on March1, 1935,in the (I 2539a),preserving southernpart of the Odeion(M 12).
H. 0.265 m.; W. 0.212 m.; Th. 0.08 m.; LH. 0.008 m.
b: Two fragments, both broken on all sides but preserving part of the back, including slots for the kleroterion. The upper fragment (I 2539b), composed itself of two pieces, was found at the same time and in the same context with a, and is joined on the left below by another piece (I 2539/), which was found in February 1936 in the area of the Stoa of Attalos. H. 0.37 m. (combined); W. 0.385 m. (combined); Th. 0.093 m. (combined); LH. 0.008 m. c: Fragment (I 2539c),composedof two pieces,brokenon all sides and at the back, found at the sametime and in the same context with a. H. 0.365 i.; W. 0.20 i.; Th. 0.05 m.; LH. 0.008 m.
d: Fragment(I 2539d),brokenon all sides and at the back, found at the same time and in the samecontext
with a. H. 0.15 i.; W. 0.06
i. ;
but preserving part of the back, including slots for the kleroterion, was found on October 18, 1949, in a tower of the Post-Herulian Wall at the central part of the Stoa of Attalos (Q 10) and joins I 2539e below. A fourth fragment (I 4500), broken at the top, bottom, left, and back, but preserving part of the original right side, was found on February 12, 1937, in a modern house wall east of the Post-Herulian Wall and southeast of the Market Square (U 22-23) and joins I 2539e on the lower right. H. 0.51 m. (combined); W. 0.39 m. (combined); Th. 0.09 m. (combined); LH. 0.008 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, pp. 142-146, No. 79, photograph of fragments I 2539 a, b, c, e, and I 2716 p. 143, photograph and diagram of the kleroterion p. 206. I 2539f: W. K. Pritchett, Hesperia, XV, 1946, pp. 140142, No. 3, photograph of the new fragment p. 140. Whole inscription, with the addition of fragments I 2539g and I 4500: B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXVI, 1957, pp. 74-77, photograph of the new fragments pl. 14; S.E.G., XVI, 96.
the debrisof the Odeionand joins I 2539eon the left below. A third fragment(I 2539g), broken on all sides,
e: Four joining fragments, the uppermost of which (I 2539e), itself composed of two pieces, broken on all sides and at the back, but preserving the start of a moulding above, was found on March 27, 1935, in late Roman destruction debris in the southern part of the Odeion (N 12). Another fragment(I 2716), broken on all sides, but preserving part of the back, including slots for the kleroterion, was found on April 5, 1935, with marbles from
ERECHTHEIS a. 164/3a. e 7TOIX.37 [M'rri &-rri r-is'EpF4X[8ed8os EC'vpyT-rov &paov-ros] v] fj A]1ovva6cBpoS rrpvractvacx [&O86pTIS [$i?Dirr v]
[Trrov 8ipov ypr[Iiiapa v] KeFya7djOev iypappac-rE]Vev' vca Si6rEm [-ra-Favri2Wtc-vos Pt-1 K[ad ]riTpCa, EIKO] 5 [oa?rTI Ti srpvTaVEias- &xiQArj]aia E' flT[pald vv] [TAv -rrpoE8pcov -rrijy'p]t[Ev 'Hp]6xEIrT[os-- Ca.6--] [.......c14....... Kai]avp[-rrp6]F8p[ot-5 g8oEv T(C$l] Elv] [SiLjpcov Avaav5pos e]EF_op8o[v K]v8[a8r)v]atrEE[,is 'irp Jzv dayy]M7ovaOtv [-TrEv[of irrpuT]i&VEiS [-r-s v] 10 ['EpEXW1oso -r]4-v (rrrEp [eu]94$]v cv jove[vov -r]a rp6 [rC'vJ [b(YA1JaIC_0V T W- 'TE 'ATTT6?acA,)v]t r("O't TTp[oo-ra-rT1pI'w[t -TETI [Ial r 'Ap-ripiS8 x,[ai-ro-Ts BouA]aiai &(]?o[iS] [eoecs ols raTrpiov1v- &yae]e7T )([Ea <SE>S6Xeat] -Tc-i] -r& &ycyae& -ra [yeyovorca iv Vv] [81ij.cov SxaeotOa]i ' 15 [-roTs OTSge.ov lrri ac]M[pifai -fs PouXAs] lEpo-IS 6o 6'oo ETrSI61 T -roi:i [KCai vei' T]E p1.{r'II['C' v] g'euaav gv YalejKov -EWI a&rracaas [Ovoias Trpv] ogCat 20
-roOiS'tiov VI -TS av?XoyijS -rTS Povuds KcYi [Si KCad Wacov a1TrraVTCOV [Kal -rTCOv Jv cacrvrois -rrpoag-ra-r-rov] K-ra yp )iapta-rca -roii8itovu- iavp] [oTTE Kioai s KCia [aacTrovS -rTPvTaXVEISTT1s'EpEx(EdTSO l eqa] -r6[v aIIToCIS KCnjY Xpvac-6Sao-reqpavco ] v6.lov] [v&Sc5ai [E*aIEEias EvEKa -rijsTrrp6& eEo*s4caxipNXo] -r]}?Cr
vacat vacat
[ETriEVEpyTiroU T'iS AecovT[i6os6 V] &pXo]vTroS 1Trr fi [y56rs 'rrpUTavEaas] Alowva6oScopos Olt[XATrrrov] [KcpaXfijev ypap]CiT'rEvUv povuXiS WrI9{[cpaTrav] ['Avear-lpitcvos T]ETpaCSicTra[pI]voU, TE[TapTrni] rrv] po r[?U]Tlpco[rv r C[TirS]TrpuTav[lias- P]ouvfi P1 ou[] po8pcov iTrTI[P1i]lev MvToiyv[rT]SM[vrI]o[ltyvou] 'T? p3ouXT "EppeiosKal o(u[jrr]p6O8po' [85o0Ev v] EiwTrV AvoaavSposOE[oip8ou Kuv5aeovaleUS rm1l] TirS'Ep6EX0]T8os 8i0 of TrpUTarv[tS [Kal oi &ia'tv]
rTOI raltv([avrTES Kal -rT?]avcboAavY[TE s aroqai] vouaiv TET [povuXATOVTarali]av ov E;[XovTO iE :au]
vaa -eKvl] Te T-rC Kap-Trov[....8.... TCS re e]uca[S ev Tr TrpUTTa]vefa[t,riTLEheXfi] Tas KaerlK[oucracs cOatl6E K[al TrCV AAXXov Kail lXAoTri] Kca[COS aTr&VTCO]v ] ratvL 8e86Xeat TE]T ~os' &y,[aOt Tr)(Xt1 POEo[uXET ] aca TrO[v [... .... Taltav KpTrrov ...6...]&Tou OaAXou Kaila[T-ravcoaat auOrbv sTralve] a]T?-r[a6vcor Kal TOV Ca[t &e ypal4aaTEa... 5. .]cpv[a--- ca. --] TOVipEa TOiU 'cAOVLOUv-----] [-------Kal Kai TOV [-----9?---ypapIaTra rT]. [S Povufis Kal] . ......... 17.......]ri[v Kal TOV rTro] 861iou [T,oo ....... . ]rTa 14K ....... [ypaaraTra K[al TrV KrpUKa] TOU iSi.ov EiO]Xnjv [T-rSPOUAfjs Kia Tp[tVev6a Kai] [TrovaOUX-riTv KaMtKpaTTnV G]opiKto[v Kal TOVTa] [l[iav TfiSpouvfiS .. oKAfv 'A]X[a]pvia K[al oTrpavCo]
Kac-rovavTc'v eaAXo5 ajTE'p&avcot [cat E a[vaypayai] a Try ypal]4aTEra roy [KaTorTrpu] [8ETOr T-r6 iyiqptal
[TavrEav eit KArpCOT-iptiov Xie]t[v]ov [Kal O'TPaat] [ [-------------------------------------]
lacuna 63
lacuna For the restoration in lines 28-29 see No. 221, line 12 and commentary. 221. Fragment of Hymettian marble(E.M. 7539),brokenabove,below,and on the left, but preserving partof the toothed rightside and rough-picked back.
H. 0.195 m.; W. 0.13 m.; Th. 0.105 m.; LH. 0.005 m.- 0.006 m.
Ed. U. Koehler,Hermes,V, 1871, pp. 341-342, No. XIII; LG., II, 441; J. Kirchner,IG., II2, 972; S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 146-147,No. 80, and p. 207, No. VII. PTOLEMAIS a. 164/3a. lacuna -]-ca.9--] ---[__ ---------------------]7r-E[ iaoai] [8 Kal TCOV aTIravTcov KOacoS Kal (ploTinrcos' 6sS6XEO]aitTEa [ovUEi -Trai] OWcACOV - ca. Trv Tatiav ------24- ?--------Kal [vEacra crp]avcjaaoct e[coi0 v] [--------.----------------- 57
Lines 2-3 have been better divided and dyaeTi TvXEtomitted from the latter line. Other changes have been made in the spacing of lines 5, 7, 10, 11, and 12 to match the other text of this year, No. 220. For the date see
XXVI, 1957,p. 74. Hesperia, The letterson the left side of the stone as preservedin line 12 have heretofore been read as iota, omikron, nu (Koehler,Kirchnerr, But a carefulexamination showsthat the has been attempted. Dow), and no restoration lettershavebeenmisread. Theyarein realityiota (thereis no questionaboutthis),theta,eta, In the decreein this inscriptionomikronis made small and indicatedmerelyby two briefhrizontal strokes;the assumedomicron herein line 12is a completecircleandhas eventhe dot of thetawithinit. The letterreadas nu is in realityeta, for the cross-bar is low, horizontal,and does not touch the upperpart t of the left vertical.The lettersin the register of names are largerthan the lettersin the decreeand in a different hand. Omikron, for example,in line 15 is a
quite normal rounded complete circle.
Lines 11-12 mustherebe readin the light of the text fromlines 28-29 of No. 220, and the text to be restored of the Council for the namesof all members in the period of the twelveu prihylai. In this instance,as for No. 220, it must be assumedthat the fifty members of the prytanywereto have their whichhad once been namesinscribedon the back of an outdatedkleroterion n used for r the entireCouncil.Fifty slots mayindeedhavebeenusedagainfor presentpurposes, but sinceNos. 220 and 221 comefromthe sameyear it is doubtfulthat the two kleroteria had duplicate in full for the entireCouncilof 164/3.Thereare no registers slots now visibleon the preserved portionsof No. 221. of lines 11-12remainsdoubtful,but we suggestthat the temenoswas definedas that precinct The restoration
followed after an interval by--- irl, which ends the sentence. Both Nos. 220 and 221 were klerois ?v TCOI e -rET?lV teria with multiple slots on the reverse. A reasonable restoration of No. 220 shows room for a full 600 slots, enough
6 KXfipoS the sanctuary in which the selection by lot was consummated. Kxpifoi:
the toothedrightside, rough-picked has beenbrokenoff, back,and the mouldingabove,althoughthe pediment found on the westernslopesof the Acropolisin December1894. H. 0.30 m.; W. 0.44 m.; Th. 0.135m. (stele),0.155m. (moulding); LH. 0.005 m. Ed. A. Wilhelm, Ath.Mitt., XXI, 1896, pp. 434-436; J. Kirchner, .G., II2, 952; notes and correctionsby
S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, pp. 136-137, No. 75. AIGEIS a. 161/0 a. NON-ITOIX. ca. 56-65 ?rTi [?ri 'ApICTor]Xa IfroOCovTiSo SCOSEK&TnS TTs I Il &pXoVToS TrPUvTaveIas, D7iXcoviSov [ji BaKXUS(o]s 'EAieucivioSy[p]aia,T6uevv EKtipo(popicovos reTpa TCO. TrrpoiSpcov E [61 ifrTaIvA]oU, tTap-rTl riS 1TrpUTavE[icas poUA] ?,I PovUAE?UTm|pivco v -rp ?]arcov ?6oieV Kai Te? PouAEI [Ere?pi'ElEq 'AVTI-rlIX AIlco[veiiS avcrur]Pp[6]68pov 5 [---ca. 10--- 0i]Aovos Krp)lciesS eI[Tr]6r[v eTreSfTj oi] TlpUTaVE1s TsrS AiyetSoS KYalo[i]
TOV [a&Eiat-roiiraivw]cav-rTS Kaai [oCTEq]a[vcobaavTE S Ta'To]q)a[iv]ouvaiv TEi PouieT o 6v ca.16---- --- -T s euia]S TeuKevat T ---a [piav EiAovro] e &uTr-[v aS K[a] T? Tr5s|3ouovl]s i'Trrp [OrlKoiooasv rT -rrpUTaveiat [Kal To]U 5&[!.]ou, rinEl,ie Kai lptXo]rT[i]lcp[s]* 66 Kal TC.Ov ?A]cov &TrrVT[cov KcAoC)s [fijo7cat Oya[qeE]nXE1 6e86 V
1 See the drawing in S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, p. 206. Slight corrections in the text made after 1937 do not affect significantlythe reconstructionof the stele.
222. Fragment of a stele of light-blue Hymettian marble (E.M. 8140), broken below and at the left, but preserving
For the restoration of the secretary's name in line 2 see Hesperia, XVI, 1947, p. 165, No. 64. Occasionally Wilhelm's text has been improved, but on the whole the surface of the stone has deteriorated since his time and
H. 0.81 m.; W. 0.465 m.; Th. 0.105 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, pp. 137-139, No. 76, photograph p. 138.
AKAMANTIS a. 160/59(?) a.
[rri Tux].v[6pou ? &pXovros?1riTfiS l-??----------------------? [-- --- ??
[ [
5 [---------------
] ]
[--------------------------1 [---------------------------------------I
[ [-------------------------10
] ---]]
Ta T-rE eoCla TEOKVal iraIa] T7.S[K]ca[eTKoICaaS] [----------------[sv Trl Trrpv-ravEia,?irrite.Xio'eaO] ] xKal TrOv[A.Mcov] arroavTC)[v] 8[: pKaloTOTicS V cyaci] TUjX)( [Kacis Kai [566Xceai T-ri G5pco---]
illegiblefor 8 lines
20 6 qIl'lqtola TOv ypapp]aTra TOrV 8 T-r6 T [KaTI [----&vaypapal v ri'AXl lOivl K]ai oTCq[act] v T[ol 7lT]pVT[aviKcoIt'eiS 8] [T-rvEav Ea Cv [TifV &vaypag(plv Kai Triv &v6aOEcv Trii o"T Xrlr\iS pp{aatl T6v Tapii] TCOV TO [acv oTpacrico-rKCOV yEv6OIvov av]&[Acopca] Trrpu]
60 [----]
[--- ---75
[ ---]
40 [---]
[----] 65
[----] 70 [---]os
[--- ]
[--- ]
224. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 5348), preserving the original toothed right side, but otherwise broken, found on February 26, 1938, in a disturbed area east of the Propylon to the New Bouleuterion (H-I 11). On the
v evaiuC Kat i 'ret 'APTrISI 'rT BovuXacia Kal rTOS] &A ois TpoaTarrrrlpio 5 [eEoTs ols Trarptoviv v &yaOct 6'IX TrAi 561iotoi Tra IEV dcya0&] 6Xe V 6XOat TXE1 '
-r&l ['AwrrO6Acovt
-------------Tp TrV
Troi iepoTS ols OYyiEia Kal o'oT-rlpiatT'rs 'TE P]ovXAf V [ocOat Tr& yEyovoTra &v ?euov ? OVi CUUI racov iTreS oi Tr]pUTa Kao (p JcIv (aC TCV [KCITOU Si,pOU Kal TrraIcov Kal yuvaltKcv Kai Ka]AcoS [vE1s T-r& Tr 0OuaiaS E0caav O'r&acaS 8O-ai KaeflKOV EV rE T'rrpv-TavEait 8]i1ou [Kali ytAoTipcoS, ?VreeXiear9croav 56 Kal T'riS ovXXoyfi5 TTrS TE povuis Kal TroV cV TVTCOV vO6ioI Kai Tra pqyJfi]ila v [KaliTV a CV aCTOT TwpcaTaTTrov o01 T S ---'roU hraivoai T Tr Kai o-rETavc]craI ---8liPov, ['ra TrovS rrpUvTavrts S ?VEKEV Tis [Xpvauc, oreYavcot KaT-r TO-Vv6oov ESoEpEia5S [-----------------------.---------------]
EoiS5 Ka]I
of a Hymettian 225. Sevenconnected marblestele(I 247),brokenat the bottom,and verynearthe top, fragments wherethe springof the mouldingis preserved.Two fragmentswere found in late 1932, a third on March30,
1933, and four more on June 29, 1933, all in the wall of a modern house east of the Tholos (H-I 11-12). Combined Measurements: H. 0.84 m.; W. 0.43 m.; Th. 0.135 m.; LH. 0.005 m. (decree), 0.006 m. (register).
Ed. Hesperia, of the threelowerfragmentsp. 32; S. Dow, Hesperia, III, 1934,pp. 31-35, No. 21, photograph No. 150. 84, photograph Suppl.I, pp. 148-153, p. PANDIONIS
a. 155/4 a. NON--TOIX. ca. 44
v 10 [ayae? T1rEX6SE56XailT-rE pOU1v Tc p?v cyaea& 86]XEo0al ra v geuov T'rS E9' VylEial Kai ocCOT]rlpiai [yEyov6Ora TroTs lEpotSols
TO0U [TE povUAis KaCl 81iOVuKCai-raiSov KCayuv]aCK.C[v] KOa T'OV 9i [XcovKaCi Tw6i5iS ol 'rpUTvVEIS Tr]&S T[E] evaiaS gev ' CvppNaXov [aav &,Lauas ocrai KaCtiKOv?V TEl TpUTcaVE?ia]1 Ka'cs Kai p910
' [hri Mvcateiou apXOVTOS ETi TfriS Iit iOOCovTioS 6s-rT]Epa[S 'rrpv] Eypalp]aTrEE?[v ME] ['avEiaS i1 OtXiaKos KpaMrTOS HTTaavliEiS rTTapTrE 'rTiS 'rrpv]TavEsa5 [TrayE1-TVivoS TErTpa8t icrrapvov & p ovuXTnrrpico'l -rCp [pouV 'rVpo/Spcov wrireyitp]itLv 'Aya Tv v Ecooiou [ocias 'AXapv?is KIai auCpTrp6ESpoI gSoEV] TEr pouvEt v r]ayyA<X>()ouo[v] OuhavEs p &V ['Hp&K6erTOS X'Tpa&rcVOS EIVrir' TO-V TTrS 6uicov 6]v g0uov T[a] [ol wTpUTavrVEl rTavvtovios 'CrrrEp TEr 'A'rr6T?MA ovi T Ol 'pou lu tT7]poio Kai Tre TrL ['rrpo T-rV i<KArli6aov ['Ap-rptiS TEi BouXaciat Kai TroiS &Aois e01oI otls raT-r]piov V vv
Kai TCOV cJV aoCiT]oT a&XcOV [Kail 7TO1 8SrIoOU TrrpOOaETaTTO alTravTTCOv ' T'E [ol TO yqIyG-rlaTra TOiUSriOUv' krr]aiv&Cai TOUSlpu V6opoiKCai Kai oTaravCoC-aa] oaUTO15c [Ta&VEa Xpucr&l rTE T5i 1Tav8ioviSos [qavcoi eC1apretas EVEKEV Trs5 npbS rTOIS 0Eo]OS Kal qloioTt-iaS
vacat 25 6 B6fios
TO0S lTrpuTravEI 30
fi povuxi
[f pou7M]
[T6v yp]ptaa
I povuAT
40 Muppivowc
'AXMjavSpov reitplifa 35
[TT]laavti a
i eiTrev' TrrEi'f ot TpUVTaPV[eiS] 'Hp&KilTos XTparcovos (DAu[E]vS Kal Kai cTe-pavcb oi &eioa[T]ot ETratvPcravTeS Tfis Tav6tovi8oS
50 TO Ol 'Aaavv EIXovTO E vvauTrv TCliav ocaVTes arrotaivoUav Trracra T-aS KaQ0rKOoCaS 8pov ETrepltca rTa TrE uoai[s] T-rEOuKvat Trl K8 67Acov arravTCOvv KaclTCOV [Ev] TrpT-raveiat, E7Tl-rie[A]rfictai v Erat [Ka]XAs e86X5at Tei 3ovuXeT ipXOTr{Cio&S aya.eT TV'X)(?1
T-rapiav v [vcr]ai TOV elplta Kai o-ravco 'AXtja[v]Spov Eupovioou 8 TOv Kal [acl] OcAAXou oreyaxvcol, rrla[tv]c'al ypapaiaTe-raiEriv6v 55 [vvv] vacat rlataviea KaCi rTO [iep]a rTOU TrcovUi'ov TEXe NiK6oIaXOV KatTOV[ypap]paTra TTS pOU Boui KaiTOJ68mlov [....] Muppivou'alov [Xat]pE85I[p]ov vacat [AaprTr]TpatKao TOV iTroypappaaTTa-TOi Kai TOVr Kal {1rT] } KipUJKa Tr'l pou7Xis [8Sipou] [lny[ea]y6pcx ] 'Apcaga[vrfT]a Kal TOVaOUvl-rTiV TiXvvcva Ociyal[a] [TOO] 8iPov E6KAXv TpiVEpj[eEa] 60 [Kac]rTOTairap Kal T'rTS povuAfi[A?]aypov 'AoKaXrrcovos rlTepaiEa TO EKao-roveaR[Ao]uorTEaCvcoI. [ar]Ecpavcocrat avaypawa 86 TOr6E Ev ?orilXie ?AtIvEI [K]aTa -rrpu-raveiav [yw9]o'apa -rTOV ypapl-raTeaTOV
?v TrCOI EiS a8TTrV &CvaypaC v KalT'rv &v6 [Kai] CTrTrIal 'TpUTaVIK[co]t' r TO[V]rTaIpta TCOPV [eEoiv] TlrS (TrAls Lepicrati o-rpaTIcoTiKcovT6 yE
AiavTfrisr Aicov 'AAXSavbpos NIKias TToaEi-rr-rr'os TaliaviETl NiK6orparTOS 70 Elrv6oS 85 'ATroXA6oco[p]os100 E6Cpp6vtos Ku&r|ppi[oi] [s] ZcITrupoS CooKpaT' NIKO6POuXo Aexif181[os] KAiapx[os] AlowPuoyevrS 75 Xapris 90 ATn T-rp[ios] 105 T{IiCOV 'AeoCrp[aTos] EcbcrTpaTOS 'ApolaTol[---] KaAMi'iaxos Kuva[eTqvaiTs] KptT6AaoS NiKav[8pos] 80 [A]kiov 95 'ATrox-----] 110
NiKCOV AiKatos OavfaS tipcoviS[?s NoupinvioS KpT'cov <T>)iaacieOos YEcoKpacrris 115 EUvopos Xco'oiplos KaASias "ApXIT-VOS 'AyyeAfiOev ToXuvKpaTrrl OE6q pos 'ATro<X>Acovlos 'AvTiraTrpos 'AyaOapXos 120 'Oae<e>v O)uprTios
[rTpaacris] I--------] [Mupplvoclat [NtK6ouaXos?]
in lines 5 and 45 (cf. P.A. 96) and lines 64-65 redivided The namehas beenrestored to accordwith the reading in new readingsin lines of the stone. A smallfragment has been addedto the centerof the inscription resulting
47-54. For the possibility that -re povUie has been cut in error for TOOl 5n"Icoi both in line 5 and in line 10 see Introduction, p. 6. 226. Two large joining fragments from a Hymettian marble stele (I 706). The lower fragment (= b) broken at the top, but preserving the smooth left side, with a shoulder cut near the bottom, the roughly-dressed right side, the rough-picked back, and the jagged bottom, was found on May 8, 1933, in the wall of a late pit in the Metroon porch opposite the second room from the south (H 10). The upper fragment (= a), broken at the top and bottom, but otherwise preserved, was found on May 21, 1937, in the same pit as the joining fragment, but at a lower level. Joined Measurements: H. 0.805 m.; W. 0.432 m.; Th. 0.107 m.; LH. 0.005-0.006 m. Ed. lower fragment, S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, p. 147, No. 82, photograph p. 147; with new fragment, W. K. Pritchett, Hesperia, IX, 1940, pp. 122-126, No. 25, photograph of both pieces p. 125.
Ae -raCtlav Ov Ietov-ro ~ :aut-rv (tXoKpa&rrv ODtioK]pa&-ou [-reTi PouAe T'OV [K(EaCIaT-rSTre uoias -reOivaCl T&aaSC T&SKaeTKOUo'acS 9]v -reT1TpUTaveia[i] 8t 'Ka]l T-rV &6oov adrrrvTco<v> [OrrrpT'rS povuf,s Kal TOU6lAOU, i'tje1U6thfCoai T? p]ovuE7t rai<v>)oal T-rv ra Kai 9iNo-riicosv eyal8eT [KaCIAS TrxE?8E?6Xcai-r
Kai orr6e]avco'atIOaAcAou [itiav (DiAoKpaTrnv O(tloKpaTroAEKEXEEa o'rca Kal 8? TOV OIXoKpa&rou rTraivioat ypal4.taTea Q(DIX AEKEAECa [vcot <K>ai Kp&T]V Kcaoiav Kal -r6 yp]aoraT-ra T-rSpouAfiSKal -roU [-rov iepka -roU&Trcov*iou [SiOU AIovaoiov-- ca.8 -- AaCTTp]ga[K]al TOV TwoypapLcaThra ArlavOeiv 10 [--ca. 8-- AalnrTpta Kal TOVKiNp]UKa Trs pooufiS Kal T-[o]u6piou E,XAfiv Kal -rv] aCiAXTirv [OtIoKAMus TpivweECia AEOVrOS TRXvcova OTIyaita Kal E Oiou Kal o-rTqaavcAac E [Tr6v -raiitav T-r poouj&S A]uicoKov EuOgvilo-rou aiTrrCv OaUo0 c]T-re[q]vcoi,avay[[pyca/al] 6TO [KacOTov 'r66 TOyPliotioa roy -rT Kc-ra EiS [ypapcJa-rra XtiOvrlvKat orinai gv Trli 'rr]puraveiav oa-rTirlv 15 [TrpuravIKot' eis 85 T]^<r] > avaypayqv Kai 'iv wroinoilv T-ri o-riXrirS p?pia(a<t> v rT yev6oevov &av6coi.a. o] orrpaT-rco-riTK [Trv -raIIav T-r
20 'AvBp6VIKOS
NiK6atoCXOs 'ApT-rE<>{icopos
EcotivolLos 50
TTuvoS6opiSr6i Krlqio'op6v
'Ayv6Oeos 65
?K KoiXnrs
'Eplias 25 Aloqd&vrls
EiEpyTSrrl 'ITrroOcov NiKavSpos 'ATroA66ocopos 'EXaaoiuaoi KElpti&Sa EUiKT'riPoV MevEKpaTdls KOTrpEIoI 'IEporAfIs
70 nloaiSeo
h pfouhi KaXotav
I pou6i
Arav9riv Aapulrrpa
povAi TkXv<co>va
Olnyaita vacat
90 i povxui AuKfoKov
Line 5, lapis A; line 7, lapis a combined E and P; line 15, lapis HX and MEPIXA; line 21, lapis B; line 23, lapis A; line 28, lapis A;
line 30, lapis T; line 33, lapis APTEPAIAfPOI; line 36, lapis Q; line 37, lapis eEOXMIOX;line 38, lapis A; line 40, lapis A; line 43, lapis A; line 46, lapis A; line 47, lapis X; line 85, lapis 1; line 86, lapis H; line 88, lapis 0.
The treasurer and secretary have the same name (lines 2, 6, 7); the names must refer to two different men (father and son) because the name appears twice in the register (lines 18, 19). In No. 186 it is probable though not certain that the two occurrences of the same name also refer to father and son as treasurer and secretary,
though in this case thereis no formalobjectionto theirbeingidentical.Whenthe two officeswereheld by the of Hagnotheos: formulawas sometimes sameman, a different used, as in No. 240, 140/39B.C., in the archonship
Kai ypappartcaaEVKTIpEVOV rTv 'racpiav EiTeaTov (line 43).
text herenotedin the apparatus criticus wereoccasionedby an illiterate Many of the errorsin the epigraphical
rendering from the cursive uncial script of the archival copy to the conventional epigraphic characters used in
the mid secondcenturyon stone. The problemhas been discussed(and the use of cursiveuncialsin the stonemason'scopy documented) XXXII, 1970,pp. 3-6. by B. D. Merittin Epigraphica, At the end of line 15therewas ampleroomfor the finaliota of pEpiaoai, thoughit was nevercut. It is preferable
here to supply the iota at the end of the line, maintaining syllabic division, and not to print it at the beginning of line 16. In somewhat the same way, one may assume that the final nu of &rraTxrcov was not inscribed at the end of line 4. There seems, indeed, to be no room for it on the stone, but it would violate syllabic division to carry
it over to the beginningof line 5. Final nu could possiblyhave been inscribedat the end of line 1. the originalback, 227. Fragmentof Hymettianmarble(I 4594), brokenat the top and bottom, but preserving
left side, and a small portion of the right side, found on March 10, 1937, in a modern house wall south of the
The flutist,Technonson of Leon of Phegaia,had afloruit ca. 155 (cf. No. 226). the original 228. Fragment of a steleof Hymettian marble(I 1057),brokenat the rightand below,but preserving
toothed left side, rough-picked back, and pedimental top, found on November 23, 1933, under the floor of a late
Romanbuildingeast of the Tholos (H 12). H. 0.25 m.; W. 0.11 m.; Th. 0.125 m. (pediment), 0.10 m. (stele);LH. 0.006 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, p. 125,No. 65, photograph p. 125. a. 153/2a.
Erl r 'ETriIwTrEucl[woov &PXOVTOS vos OvXuis [iypoppaTE?v ------rTaVEias ?[KKiArlof a -r------------* 65-68
Trs rpu]
e rrp Jv] aCuvrpp6ep[oi vacat 'E5oEv TCrol SIgcoit vacat ------------------TrCv TCOV JV 0Uvov ra oi &<KTI] Ts-r'--7-10 01Cvaov TrpO ---Urrp Trpu-rTaVE rrTayy'AhQ[uacv TCor -------------------] 7[E 'ATrr6oAcovi licov TCOI -pocTrraTrpici
lacuna For the date see B. D. Meritt, The Athenian Year, p. 237, and Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, p. 207.
229. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble(I 3785),brokenon all sides and at the back, found on March 17, 1936,in modem fill west of the Hephaisteion (D 7). H. 0.145 m.; W. 0.11 m. (overall),0.082 m. (face);Th. 0.09 m.; LH. 0.007 m. Ed. W. K. Pritchett,Hesperia, XVI, 1947,pp. 191-192,No. 96, photographpl. XXXIX. antemed.saec. II a. lacuna TCOtl [E8oEvE 8lRlCOi] vacat E rrip] cv draryy[ --r----. --.rEPV' NON--TOIX. ca. 51
[oouCiv] .-------TOV e To6 SOuov [ol TrpvT&veiSris --.-rr[p6TCOV] vrrrp OUCICOV ].V TCOI 'AWT6Ocovt -rpoc-TaTrrlplcm Kal] 'rT 'ApTlt[8i -rEl] [h<KcralCOv TrOt-rE Kal rET Kaci TroSi6AoiS &otS oTswr&]Trpiov qv' [cyaOET] [Bouaf!at Ociccp6pco T yyov[6Tra ?v] Tr& -]& 861lcolt tv ayae& 6SXEo?'Oa ['TnXE 6E66XealTO-ri geuov &9' OVylEial KcaiacoTrnpalc oTS [TroiS Tri T-r povu]fS Kal [rTOu 6Si]IEpoTs Kal Kai rraiScov Kcal TOrV Kal [iiou yuvatKCOV pi7cov ovNI6Coxo]v' hTe[[lS 8] 0 ias gOuacav&rr&ao'as r KaOrlKOI [ol rrpuTravetS reT&S r&s a]S ?[v TET] ---------------------] [rpava,
230. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 6161), broken on all sides and at the back, found on April 29, 1949, in the
oati Ka0qKOV [r1EiSi oi 'rrprT&v]es'rTS re [0uicias gOucaaV aTr&aTaS Trp -rUTavEfat] :v TE TE Kal Kai 6i T1iScrUAoyfisrTrs lXoT{Uri]coS, 1rr6tpXi[6rlacav [KaSCoS povuAf Kal TOO] TE vo'oi ol Kal Ta yrqfiyaaTa] &arravTcov [86rUov Kai TCOV &?CAo]v [aciTroTSTrpoCoTTa-rTTov ---ca. Kal 11 orTEavCta ajTOUS)XpU] rraivaoal] TOIS wrpT-r&v.[1S TriS---Sfiovu, [TroU TOVv6i.ov e'?[p6ias EVEKa 5 [aoiT orTyavcol Ka-rTa] Kai TIfS -iAoTl"ias] TrpoSTOS 88oiS -----v 8p[V TOV ] 'A&lvaov--------[TriS Sis Tt'VpouA7v] Kal TbV lacuna
231. Part of a stele of Hymettianmarble(I 6257),brokenon all sides and re-cut,but with the originalthickness preserved,found in Januaryof 1950 among stones collected from the Long Late RomanWall east of the Panathenaic Way.
H. 0.39 m.; W. 0.245 m.; Th. 0.14 m.; LH. ca. 0.008 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964,pp. 191-192,No. 40, photograph pl. 31; S.E.G.,XXI, 462. ERECHTHEIS ca. med.saec II a. lacuna [fi poufi]
[Trv rTatlav] ] ['Ae ---[-----[a] os]
232. Fragment of a Hymettian marble stele, broken on all sides, discovered by Pittakys near the Agora, now lost Ed. K. S. Pittakys, L'ancienne Athenes, p. 76; U. Koehler, I.G., II, 426; J. Kirchner, I.G., I12, 921; notes by 60
[6so o]
[f p]ouA? 15
[T6]v ypap
i poouAi
[-ros Trrpu]
Thereare similarities betweenthis text and No. 225, hencewe suggestkeepingthe payingofficeras the TcafaS and TCrV orrpaTicoT-riov datingthis text aboutthe middleof the secondcenturybeforeChrist. 233. Fragment of a baseof Hymettian marble (I 6178),foundon May 9, 1949,in the LongLateRomanWalleast
of the Panathenaic Way just south of the railway (N 7), broken at the bottom and right, but preserving part of the rough-picked back, the left side, and top, including a crowning moulding which runs across the face and
aroundthe left side. In the top is a cutting,0.11 m. from front to back and 0.07 m. deep,for the receptionof a stele. H. 0.21 m.; W. 0.30 m.; Th. 0.30 m. (stele);0.325 m. (moulding); LH. 0.007 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964,p. 190, No. 39, photograph pl. 28; S.E.G.,XXI, 461. med.saec. II a. in corona in corona
[ri pouvXl,oe rrpuraveiS] ['r6v ypacia-rTa] --] [----
fi PouvXl,oi TrpuTaveis
r6v rTac[yav] 'AXAav[8pov]
234. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 3989), broken on all sides and at the back, found on April 8, 1953, in a
liaTa TOV KaTra rpv] vaypacyal 8 Tr6oSTO ypip ypppaT-ra TOV iv Kai EI TiV] V ES [TavEoav] oTr[Xi XAlOtivel oricat v1 T'COl pUTaVCIVIKcI Kal [rinv a&v&Ceolv -rTScrri'XrlspIEpiacl rTv Traiav] [&vaypa]qlpv [--- -
vacat ]
(D[-----] lacuna
Col. IV lost
235. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 1312), broken on all sides and at the back, found on February 8, 1934, in a
5 [---]vos [---]vos [racpyr]TTiot
firstcentury B.C.andlater, e.g. No. 293. Thereis, of course, no wayto be certainthat this inscription shouldbe identifiedas belongingto prytaneis and not to epheboi. 236. Fragmentfrom a stele of Pentelicmarble(I 6299),broken at the top, back, and right,but preserving the smoothleft side and rough-picked bottom,includingpartof the tenon, found on May 12, 1950,in the wall of a Turkishwell northof the Odeion(M 8).
H. 0.354 m.; W. 0.257 m.; Th. 0.145 m.; LH. 0.008 m. (lines 1-4, 38-45) and 0.006 m. (lines 5-37).
Line 6 may also be restored as [XviTrcr]uirroi.The text has been dated primarily on the basis of letter forms. Although the appearance of the wreath within the roster of prytaneis is strange, examples can be found in the
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964,pp. 186-189,No. 37, photograph pl. 30; S.E.G.,XXI, 463.
ANTIOCHIS ca. a. 150a. NON-!TOIX. ca. 49-56 lacuna TO 9iclaica Tr6ETr6vypaica] ['Arivalcov &dvayp&yat [Si]pov rbTO 8: '-r
[T].a TOVKTraTa [lTpuTaV]i([aV ?v oTjrst Xleive1 Kal o-riCaal ?v TCt w-pUTavi] T etS 6r T-rv &vcypac^v K[ali Trv &v&aCtOrV TfjS orfSArnsImpcait Trv] [K]Cot' Evov &avAcoia] TalcaV TcOV orTpaTlco-rTiK[v T' yev6Oj
KpicoCTs 'Eplioylvs
II Zcoiscrlnos
Atovoalos 'aCveias
'AXco-rrK<i>eEv 20
10 ['A]vTiy'vry s ['Ap]x?rlj5os
EOpovAos ToMvqEvis
i p3ouvA Oapa&av
Line 9, lapis E.
237. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble(I 6041).Found on July8, 1947,in a late contextoverthe northwest cornerof
the Middle Stoa (H 12). Part of the smooth left side is preserved, but the stone is otherwise broken.
H. 0.245 m.; W. 0.058 m.; Th. 0.245 m.; LH. 0.006 m. post med.saec. II a. corona
rT6v Ta[ciiav rfis povuAfs]
The alpha with broken bar is an indication of the date. The name of the treasurer of the Council was inscribed in the wreath below the title, while above was the name of one of the other officers higher in order of precedence.
238. Fragment of a Pentelic marble stele (E.M. 7545), broken below, but preserving the original toothed left and right sides, the rough-picked back, and top, including pediment, said to have been found near the Tower of
the Winds. H. 0.39 m.; W. 0.49 m.; Th. 0.115 m. (stele),0.13 m. (pediment); LH. 0.005 m.
p. 153,No. 85.
a. 145/4 a.
Ed. U. Koehler, I.G., II, 408; J. Kirchner, L.G.,II2, 967; notes and corrections by S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I,
NON-ZTOIX. ca. 50-58 [iTr]lMiyrpogavou aPXoVT-osrriTr 'iS AKa.LavriSosSEKirrSTrpvTa
AllOKpOTOU Ku6aOrlvai6vs' ypapEis AtrqoKpKpaT's 'EXaq.npoAovo[s] 5 pr' EiKaCSaS KaTr'&XpXovTa, eov [8]E MouVVlXlcvoS5Coo5[K&] Ev&Trel KaCtr& KXoia TCV Trv rp[o] T-rE,5o6CeKaT?E TfS 'TwpurVTavEia* S Kupia EvTa-t eaTprpc i.ou T[u]o K(xa i8pcov TrepipILEv Ti[i.tuL ]o 'EpXI[6E]S CUTVxrp6eSpot
-rTCo J SBirpC [EGSo]Ev elTrrEv' TilcapxoS '.Erl[paTri5]o[u] qlrrrTioS rrrp $v &rrayy\ouvaiv otl rrpuTr& TC'V jcv geuov T[a] T-ro[v 'KXqr]Tis 'Ep[/J)e?60os[0rrip] VEiS evicTv rp6O 10 oiCov rcj[t] 'A[7rr6Oacovi TCrI Kal -rT [Boutaia[] Tpo]o-raTrMpico -rTE 'ApT-ruIB Kal-roTS Tr TroU [ ,iAois eoT]ls] TE iS PouAfisKcal o[s] 1TrrP[o]v fV U-nTp [5]ri[v]o[u], rTCO vv ayaOc 65Xeoeat -r&y[ey]ov6-ra d3yae[eT 6rillcotTr& -rnXe68E66Xca] ols ]evov [i9'] Uryieal Kal ac-coTr &[v]-roT iepoT[s pial -nS -r pouXfisKal TOO [51l]iov Kc al [rrai8cov Kal yvvaiCKCoV Kca TCOV 68] q)Acov]Kal oaull.lcXcov[f]Trr[Eiti
[rov ol rE v6o11oKal TCa r)picrOaTa] -rTOU 8fipOUv' rraiv[Coal TroIs wipuTa] Kai TnfS [vsIS aO]T-roi[Xp]u[ci0 o0rTEavcoIKaTa T-rv] 'EpesX0eT8o OrETpavcoaa
For the orator's patronymic in line 8 see Hesperia, XV, 1946, p. 212, note 25. The restoration and redivision of lines 17-18 is Meritt's. The surface of the stone has deteriorated since the time of Kirchner's edition and many of his readings cannot be confirmed. In a very few places a reading has been improved. Since the festival date is here given as Elaphebolion 22, it is evident that the festival calendar was retarded as much as twenty days behind the calendar Ka-ra0Eov. The retardation, more than was really necessary, was probably decided for the sake of postponing the Dionysia, and the compensation had not as yet been undertaken even after the Dionysia were past. 239. Three fragments, two of them joining, from a Hymettian marble base. The two joining fragments (I 813 and 819), are broken at the bottom, back, and left, but preserve part of the top, which was dressed to receive another block, and the smooth right side, which was inscribed. Both were found on May 16, 1933, in a late context east of the Tholos (H 11). The third fragment (I 737), which preserves part of the smooth left side but is otherwise broken, was found on April 29, 1933, in a late context southeast of the Tholos (H 12). a (I 813) + b (819): H. 0.125 m.; W. 0.115 m.; Th. 0.185 m.; LH. 0.010 m. (decree), 0.006 m. (citation). c (I 737): H. 0.13 m.; W. 0.10 m.; Th. 0.10 m.; LH. 0.010 m. (decree). Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, pp. 153-155, No. 86, photographs p. 154. ERECHTHEIS a. 145/4 a. NON-ITOIX. ca. 41
I'rlTTiS 8E &pXOVTOS [i'rr Mrlrpoqa&vou 'AKaCa]V<T)>ios E [K&TN rrs rrpuTavelaS it 'ETriyEvriMoaXicovosAa]=TrrpeiVs v A e i Ku8a v-AroKparrS [ypaU ypapqsrsEv pr Ar1]oKparrou v 'EXaqri3poAl]j [0rivaitEsv pouvXs rqo(picaTra vos v Ti;pap ViiESi ol] w.puT&VrE5s ETIEv [Xos 'ETrnpa-ri6ou l2pi'rTT-ros t & o "ro iatCVI [-rTs TraivavrT]'SKaIc[T?] 'EpEXs0TSos Kael rTV rTailiav [..] [pavcbaavwrs &rrocpaivovucv r?1 poouhAv] -T---ca. r 15 T? ras v0IiaS v]ai Tra KCa[r)KOi] [TreKn< [aas Ev rET lTpuTavE8al, KT---------------------]
lacunaof severallines ca.20------Ki] 10 rTO[v OrroypalaTr-----? TpivsUsE] TrjspouXfjS TOvK[ipvUKa Kai TOUri'Uov EOKXiv Kal Oivaiov? KalTOV Ta] [a] r[6vaOXl'rivOeo6copov
piav T-rS P[ouAsi ----ca.14----TV aVT'iypaCpEa] KaCi
K<ao-rov av] KuvaOrlvaitaKai a-T?<ravcooat ArllioKp&rT[v v rTCOV r6 TOi ] eaXo[i oCrEy&vcol &vaypaatli 8 Tr6oE pioC-a T[6v ypailU-aT-a rbVKaTa TrrpUTavEiav sis aTrl]
Only the finial of the first letter preserved in line 1 appears on the stone, just at the break, and it should belong to either a horizontal or an oblique stroke. Hence, Meritt suggests that the mason omitted the tau from Akamantis and that this decree belongs to the same prytany as No. 238, above, as seems most probable on all other grounds (cf. Dow, op. cit., p. 155); the orator was the same.
240. Two largejoining fragments from a stele of Pentelicmarble(I 6006),brokenat the bottom,but preserving the toothedleft and rightsides, the rough-picked nearthe left for back, and top, wherethereis a dowel-cutting
the attachment of a crowningpediment.The stele was discoveredon June 14, 1947,lying face down in a rectwall of the MiddleStoa (I 12). angularcuttingin the floor of the Civic Officesdirectlyin front of the retaining The rectangular in the face of the must date from an earlier re-use. cutting upperfragment
H. 0.84 m.; W. 0.545 m.; Th. 0.095 m.; LH. 0.007 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, L. and J. XVII, 1948,pp. 17-22, No. 9, photograph pl. 6; notes and corrections, Robert, R.E.G., LXII, 1949, p. 106, no. 45; K. Stanley,A.J.P., LXXXII, 1961, pp. 425-427; B. D. Meritt, A.J.P., LXXXIV, 1963,pp. 419-420; S.E.G.XXI, 464. ANTIOCHIS a. 140/39a. 60
ri TiS 'ArTTra[8oST1EnrrTTls [Arri'AyvoOtou &pX]oVTOS r rrpvurTavEiastIMeve] ---------------] [KpaTrMs Xapitivo]y oopiKioS 9ypa e[Uev
[------]E TS TpTrrpaaiasviKK[rlia' TrAV rpo6Spov rE,yrpipilv]
] NIKnvoposMuppivoOlios Ka[i crUvrnrpO&pov [----- iSo8ev TrlOSollt'] [EO]KT!i[pMVos E]vri'pou EiTsacos ElhrEv' 'r[ip jcv &rrayyeMouocivol rrpurTaveS] r iKKAlnic-ov euvoiov <6>v hOe[ov Tv TCI Tre] Tr&a [Tr]is'AvTr[io]Xi8oos irp T-rcv rpO6p TCrI TEiBovuXaatKai'Tros &hAois] ['ATr]6oAcovi lnpoorTaTrLpict Kal TEr 'ApTQP[rlSt ols TrrTptoviv, Euraav 8EKcal rET [e]9oTs T1r'ApTrii1[S1 Ocoop6pcoiKca&irraVT-ra T&]
OauVET-Oaa KtctOS Kai [hAo]Xca EiOaXI.6vcosS' eP[ou90Trlo'av SE KaiTr'c STIrvia]
Kai 10 [T]ET T KP ov Ka'lTCVauji6&X)' ] T o[ Ka6p 'rT 'ris PouVAfiS E xC TO[ rrrEp KaC AilpTwrpi 8E TOTI Ka' TCtO iKar TrOI Kal T'II Orcl 'ATtr6?cOV [EjOucvv nl[aTpcbIAot, 'AT6rrOMovt] T X?I8ES6Xe 0at T'r 8Sroloi] KaTr Ta [T-l]veipuaiccbviv &verlKaV 'raTapia v &yae[E1 [Tr] pev oyaea 8?xSEc0ai Tr yEyovoTa EvTOIS ispoTs[oTsge0ovbp' 0yitiat Kal cro] TOU Kal aiov T? al rai Kaiyu[valKv itrrlS6ii8EoT?8 qu7A] 81ou1 Kal [T]rlpica TTqS povuxai 15 [rat] eicaiveVvous TCOI -r Ol 611WCm T WpUT&VEIS TS 0uo'ia[Sg0vUaav '&rclaS caat]
[K]cae'Kov <E>v Tl rpT-rTacvial KcaosC Kai (piAoTT,cos'E'rTip[E,arlVTatl S Kai T"rS] i 5fov Kal TO-V &AXoov c'rr[av'rTv 'TOU v c aCTroIsTrrpooC] [au]M?aoyqS-rs -rE pouqfis Kal
ot T?r vo6otIKal Tr(& [T]aTrTov TOrIS S6mou' &Traiv&T[ai yripialiaTa TOU rrpvrTav1s]
20 KaTr& [T]fiS 'AVTitoXI5o Kai oreptavcaial Xpuo'v t mreyaYC&voI T[6V v61iov ESOlaEEas] TTrS Ktal lo-roTilias TriS Ets Tlv pou[v v Kal TOv Sfiiov'] [?v]EK?v lTpoS TroOs 0eoUs. Eis oT1XqAiV] [&]Vaypawat 8 TO-r6TOri lo-Jtlc a TOVypapoIaTTo TOv Kara 'rpUTav[6E(aV ElS5i T-rVTroi'-lav TrqSorr[rirsS Kal TTIV (va] oaTro-al v [Tr]l TTrrpUTravitKv' [Ait]ivrlv Kai TOYsVO6yEvov [y]paq9v pApiaoalTrOV [i&vAcojla vacat] [Tapcia]vrTCOV porpaTrcoTrKCo 6 8fIos n povuAi i po[uvi] rTOv TOV Taniav roOs1 EVKTiujEvov
[]jri 'Ayvo0iou &PXOVTOSrri TriS'ATTcA{OS nTrEljTTNrjS wrp.raVEiaS [fi]l MEvEKpaT'rS Xaptiivov GopiKIOSEypaoliraTEvE? MalcaKTnc ptcovoS v TCOI [?], TTElpaieTl (Dcocapopio 40
E\KTir[?voV] 35 EilTal[ov]
vVv 6OEV
sT vv pouV?
v c Kal cTEavcbcavTES drrm'ocaivou XiBos Kal o aEifao-rTtiaTivaav-res otv TEt pouVAT 8v ElT-aTov T&S7T TOVTaIlCay Kal ypaiplaT&a EUKT{rjievov aoias TErvKEVal T&s- .r.Ko[iU]CaC S EVTET 6E1 v TrpuTaVEial' rrII1E6Xicr0al Kai rTCOV Kal qpXoTiorlcOS' aTr&VTCOV &A.XcoV KaoASo 66XOeal tvv &ya0El TrUXE1 v ' T'rEpouVAET IT E TOVTal(iav Kal ypapiaTia E'KrIIEVOv ETiaov ETalVOC6oal EjVaE[3iaS EVEKVTfs wp6s rTOS (puTaotS E'Traltvcalt56 Kal TOVypataTCq Kal TO7 86q.OU ErTp&aT1TTrov TS povAf3ois 'PaILvovcTiovKal TOVvOTroypapIaTaaV XaiprlTiSrqv KopvuSac a Ka TOV 8rilovU EOiXfqvTpi lpv K uKa T-rs pBouAis Kal TOi OivaTovKal T6V Traiav TTqS ovUAj VVV p vE6i.EaKai TOVacTlTrlTvOE66oopov Kal 'Aiacbviov 'AvaUXo-arlov vv TOVlepfa 7TO crrcOViov AvKoppova Zouvita T Kal aTSQpavooratEKaTov a -rTov 0caou oaTreavcolr dvayp&cat ? TO68 {rTO6 }
ot aiv
T'O 55 oai TOrv &vAcoIa vacat -rES1ioIKTlat rrri yEv6iEvov EIl-rEaTo OIlo68 oS T7ar VtEis
Aqray6pas 'Apio-roKpaT'r
A&cov .[... ]s
60 [ISriaXSati]
75 Oav6Kpiros
105 'AvaqXaTiorlo
[---- ] [----]
65 [-----] [----]
'Aq6rv656poS ['Ap]xVaos
'AvSpO6vKoS AloaXpcbv8qs
[-----] [-----]
'OXiricov 'AlTpors [....]1ioAT0SpTI 95 'Arro?Mcbvios 110 80 [... a. 6...]os 'Hpca<kEco ['AcoTrEKEiS] BaactAei8rs a&rvpos Kie6vocTroS nfppos [-----] "Icov [----] 'EpoiaSat
70 117
[-----] [--]
[i pouAvi] [XTp6rrLrrrro]
[XatiprTliriv] [Env,
120 [f PouvAl]
[fi poioru]
123 [i PovuiX]
[?i pouAf]
[AvK6ppova] [-ouviEx]
Line 6, lapis ON; line 16, lapis HN.
['Api4cbvlov] ['AvaXpOealov]
The year was intercalary, with the decree of the Council passed on the 146th day (lines 37-38). The sacrifices for the Stenia and the Theseia fell in the month Pyanopsion (L. Deubner, Attische Feste, pp. 52-53, 224-226) as did also the sacrifice to Apollo Patroos and the carrying of the sacred wreath, which was dedicated at his shrine
Dow dated this text by identifying the hand with that of I.G., II2, 971, which belongs to 140/39. 242. Fragment of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 2497), broken on all sides and at the back, found on February 27,
Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967, pp. 234-235, No. 44, photograph pl. 59; S.E.G., XXIV, 175.
[-]-5 [------]
[-----] [------]s
Nauoi[---] 'O-rpuvs]
ca. 200.
The lettering, particularly with the pronounced finials, suggests a date shortly after the middle of the second
broke down,prior to century.The quotas,however,belong to the period before the system of representation
243. Four fragments, which join to form two large pieces, from a tapering stele of Hymettian marble. The upper
includingcrowningmoulding,is composedof three piece, which is brokenbelow but is otherwisepreserved, a was found on December15, 1934,in a modernhousewalleast of the northern fragments (I 2145a-c).Fragment on February wallaround 18, 1936,builtinto the modernretaining partof the Odeion(N-O 10);b was discovered the Giantsnorthof the Odeion(L-M 9); and fragment c was foundon April28, 1936,in a Byzantine wall north of the Odeion(M 8). The lower piece d (I 6295) was found on May 8, 1950, used as the base for a pithos northeastof the Odeion(N 8). a-c: H. 0.60 m.; W. 0.52 m.; Th. 0.21 m.; LH. 0.005-0.006m. d: H. 0.80 m.; W. 0.549 m. (top), 0.569 m. (bottom);Th. 0.205 m.; LH. 0.005-0.006m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, of dpl. 91; S.E.G.,XII, 101.a: S. Dow, XXI, 1952,pp. 359-367,No. 7, photograph HesHesperia,Suppl.I, pp. 112-113,No. 56, photograph p. 112;with the additionof b and c, W. K. Pritchett, peria,IX, 1940,pp. 126-133,No. 26, photograph p. 127. HIPPOTHONTIS a. 135/4a.
0v kypaiv&a] A 6ySonS, fit EE6ou7roS eoS6TroU 'AptUyTp[oII TrEvEVrao,tric?uovoS leT' TrS EIKCSas, ?V8eK[reit SEuV'rpalt TTpvUTaOvet] ca.5 -] as &<KArlcria e0-rpCor Kupfaev TCrOt Tprv TrpoeSpcov TrrE[yfi(fPLEvacat SactoSOepacT-iou 'Ofiev Kal ovuVrrp6E8p9t. vacat vacat ?Go0Ev-rCIt8qcot'
c&v ol wrpU-r&] Opa[c]oovEO0uKa&prov KrlytairtS Orrrnp drrayyMAouva[v el7Tev' TCOV Cv euvatCv ?Ovov TCOV Tr& [v]EI TiS i'iTrrroOcov.Ti8os rPTp TrpO [,&KX'aitov] oI rrdr[ptoviv'] TCOt Tr 'ATr6?covI TCro Kal TOiS 1S ot1S OeoTi oS TTpoo-rTaTorrpic 10 .cyaeie TXE1 5E86XDat T rot I .lc Ot, TI&[V dcyac&6iXEoCra TC yEyo[v6rTa] Ev rTOiS ytIial Kal aooTpial Tfs Tre itpois ols geuov ip' OC povufis Kal T[OU SiovU] rreiS8 o[i r[prTa] KaCilai6cov KailyUvatKCO Kxai-rCv qiXovKav cCXcOV al v o T ?VT il TrpUTav[eiat] Tc TEeU(OiaS cTra(TaCS gUVaav TS KacOIiKOioaaS VEiS 15 Kacii oA) COV TOU8ji.ou Kal TCOV acrTVTcov i)VaTo1OS [oi Tre] TrpooCTaTTrOV
v6potKal[rT]&a TrOUS TrpUT&v?<t>S Wi[rl(pioaTal] TroU Silto[U],krTai![v]cral Tis '[TMrroecov"rfos] KalorTEsavCoCat rV acuroUiS o-rET[a]vcot KaTCa V6[li]9v EaeClS[e(a]is Xpuo[Coi] ?V[]e Kai ptAorT[ii]qaS KEVTriS'rrpos TF rtv PovuA[il]v KalTO"[v "OV b eST 'roIS 0eoiS Tfi[S] 68] OV
r TrO 8 T6r rTOV TOV KcaTa' 'A& vaicov' &vayp&paai W[rlpit]olCa ypagCILaTa [Trpu]TavEiav EIsorTAnv Atleivr Kca caoricjal iv [rTCO] el-r S Tiv dvay[paciq]v Kal Tr1V TrrpuTaviKcoV V TOV rTO rrofroCtiv TrfS hArSXepICutoval Ta[iav] -rTCOv CorpcaTIcoTIrKcv yev6y[evov (]v6AcoCta 6 Tijpos i1 povu7m fi 3ou?i i'i p3ov?i
TOV ypa,u
35 'HpdaKITov 'IKapiea
'EMeuaviov vacat
'ETrr T[oUpXETX 6y86[rls] TtLaPXi5rlvErriTrfS TTr]OEIIpad1iSo Alo[vw]aiou apXovTroS il O roS rapqjAt[Cvos] ypa]pir&TreeV' EE6[u[T OEErou 'ApITrpoTrrfeEv TrpUTav.E[Ii]aS 40
-reI ris TrpUTaVEOiaS' Va'TEl.?[T' EiKaiSaS, 'rTET&P1 OU?TI EU.] POU3,EUTrpico.l 25 Kml --2-]E6S o'Jvrr[p6E5pov] hrrEfytlev .--TCrvTrrpo5pp[cov ca..
vacat 'rT Poufl] vacat [O6o0EV oi T'rS OP&CTaO T1rrEiSfi Kilqpaiois eFTrEv TrpvUTaVE1S 'I]TrrOcov[riSos] E[uKaCppTou Kcxl Ka Oi Tr]E 'TV Ta] o&[EI Pou[AET OTrroyacivouCiv [' CTO1Tra1VCavLTS rTEqaVCbo'aCVTeS -evo---'EA?uciviov EAXov-o E rauTC-rv [ov K]ai-r[6vypapta] -EvoKp&aTrv prlav 'as iS euaias TrSuKvat&dTr&][aS rcasTcr Karl] KEiptiaSrv [T]i[a AOMav6povT-O 'a Kal T 8'liOU, I1TItIEEfiaOat S'EKcl] TrqSpoouAXS [Koi'as ev T-rf rpUTaVEialOTrrp
S KalTorb[v] 'EXsucivlov, ETra]i[v]oal d TOV a[i] pouX[s] [ypaciaTc-a Aacrav5pov-----K ype[ap]cr?ta Tfi TSE K]Etpirlv Ia TOV Kca 50 [Kal T-O Spliou 'Av0soTnipiov- -OO]ipta roypapiEaTia KcaA[i] [av-------'AA 8iou 'ApysYov rT]fIS lva Kal TOV pouAis KaliTroiU K<IpUKa KaXXlourapyriT-Ti[v] Op&panrrrov ['AaAa6rrcovos'A-rlv?a Kai T6rv iepEa TOV] TrcovUiov Kal TOV TOV rTaxi'Jav -rIS povhujS'Hp6KXirrov'lKape[la] auAXrri'v [Kca 'Hycav lKaip3covi8rlv] [Kal T'V a&wnypapxa avaypaqEa Avaraviav 'Ava[Ka] 'ApiCTrcoJ]v AacITrpEaKal TOV Kal TOV KraT [vV] 55 [Ea Kal T-rvETri T-rC ypatcrraTa rbTO yrljpocp]ra AE[i]vlav'ErTTKrlq)icov Kal 6TO 6Tri rTOV 'HXioS6 pov TaiLav[iia] Orr6ppriTov 'AI IrrpoTrfiev [rrpvrTaviavOe6XuTrov] aCTclrv aMoAu oTicrrpavcov [Kai crTpavc6o'ai sE Tr6OTOyi)'[lcr] acrro]v &tvayp&ayai KaTO'r [,ia rTOV TrpuTavsEavES oCTwr1lrlv Aieivrlv Kal Cr-crai Sv ypacppaT]a TrOV r Kai TtV 5? avaypapqv S cTrl [T-rI TrpUTa]viKc<[I]* TV fiN5 EiS T?'V T'roirlcI piUp{ioait 60 [Trapiav T]covorpaTIrcoTiKCov TOyev6p6EVEV &vaXcop.a. vacat OciSias 'ApaJav'rsfs ['EAuc-t]V10oi 'AptoTro[p[avl[s] vo ES ) 'ArlvieTs TlpoKparrls [svoK]prrlaTs XcoaKpicTp& 95 93cb KaXitp1Scov AIlOTlOS [A.]ca<v>5pos E (DiAOX&Pprs 80 Aeov'riTKo [(].avias Acop6oes 'AyocapXos 65 [K]cipctavros 'AO&rvayopas 'AvaciKpa&TTS iloXOScapos (DOtic-risrlS 'ApiaTroKp&Tis [X]alp6as 'AXEpSotaioi TsXtSrilos AupiSat [K]eipiatai 'AoKA1rrrtt5rlS 100 NouvIi|vlos [A]rcaavSpos ATlTTlrptos 85 EK KoiArls npooToyVr1S ['E]XEoae'vs 'OXpirrtXOs 70 [K]Xeay6pas rTaucaias 'HpaAEdiS{Is 'EpodBati 'ATrohAcbvios .Mrvios KaNiUKparrns TloX*7pihos ) ZcoV1o5 Elipias [rI]ipaitss 'ApXc-rparTs I 'EXatioctoit 105 'ITTroeCOV Ov(ualTaSat 'AqpoSiaios'Api TTocaa8cbvito 90 AuKo6pcov 'AVaKc1isT TnooeiS'inrroS 75 'App<o>)ioios'IIpa EraTpos 'Hp[a]KiSTIs VT1J|p1TlTS EK Koi{ris 'AoArTTjrr[taCS]rls "A-r[T]cAos AloyivrlS 'Erriy?vrlS vacat 125 n povui i povouAi I pouXr i }[ou]Xfi fi pouvA 4 'A, r)yeov 135 Op&aCTlnov Kairlav 'Ave. riplov 'Hyiav 'A1 (DOaripla 130 'ATvacx SKaI[pco]v[i]8riv rapyinrriov vacat 140 f povui ih povUM in povuri I povXUir fi pouAfi Avcaviav AEvliav 150 OE6XuvTov 'Apiarcova 'HAS6copov 145 'AvaKatEca 'ET TTatavia rrtrKlriolov AapirrTpa ['A] pirrpoTrfiEv vacat
evo--[hTraivcrairTv -Tapiav E=voKp&Trv
in line 63, lapis YAAPOE; in line 75, lapis AOPAIXIOX. In line 16, lapis TPYTANEE;
Te [P]oUy[E6i]
For the reading in line 139 and the restorationin line 53 see No. 244, line 2, from the same year. New
readings at the ends of lines 47ff. here published for the first time have necessitated the redividing of lines 49-58. The year was intercalary. The decree of the Council was passed on the 228th day, the decree of the Demos on the 235th. 244. Fragment of white marble (I 6965), broken on all sides but preservingthe original rough-picked back, brought from the Tower of the Winds to the Agora Museum in May of 1961. H. 0.18 i.; W. 0.24 i.; Th. 0.06 m.; LH. 0.005-0.006 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXII, 1963, pp. 21-22, No. 21, photograph pl. 5; S.E.G., XXI, 466.
a. 135/4 a.
NON-ITOIX. Ca.42-50 lacuna T'OvspEpa TrO xKal [-------7o0- 1ca*yoo E)pa'arrrTov] Kval T6av acri*XijTv Kxai -rTvTa] [rapyf'rrnov 'Hy]kiv XKYavLPcov[irlv -tv &v[Triypaq)ka [pfav sj~ PovuMjs'Hp6lT-rov] a!KaPtaxKxal 'Api] xal -rv &va]ypaq)a Avaoaviav 'Av[aKatkaxal -rov] [a-rcovaAapprrrpka 5 [&rl -T&"JTivploaTra 'E-ripioiovKa Kal[Tov ypaptaorr] AEWv]av ' T6'ov E)E6XuT-rov KaTra rrpvravdiav] [a 'ApqTi-p9[7rrieEvKal T6V] [ rhr T6 &rr6ppyrTov KYa Qa[-rqav&0aat6] 'HXi6s]copovTTlaaviakva T6] [iaacrrov aiTrr6v eak7Mo]iO a-4eqp]&(vcv &(vayp[payltSi TOSSE Trov &v KaTr& ori r1l1 ypapi4aT-rfla [pyiipoia.a irpvrq[vfiav Tc6Yv] 10 t aatjl V -o1r-pvavtxcZi Si 'rjlv vaypa] uaI 8tevrjiKYal E41s Trl]S %n'7S VV] -rOv -rTaLfav [qnW Kai ThjvTroilraIvw iispoaa[i ] T6 yF]ii60ipvov vacat [TG$vaTrpaTicAT1KG$Yv &v&XcO[iAa IIve[]------[----ros [---------] lacuna
Restorations have been made with reference to another prytany decree of the same year (No. 243). These are the last examples of prytany stelai to be set up bv -rT'1 rrpvravtav . The next locale was oi5 &Yv enKaipovit (Nos. 246, [248, 249,252,254], 258,261), followed (after Sulla) by &v ITrCt (Nos. 2644[265],268, 278, [279]). PovuXvmrpif&. 245. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 4758), broken on all sides and at the back. Found among collected marbles south of the Stoa of Attalos on April 21, 1937. H. 0.105 i.; W. 0.153 i.; Th. 0.087 i.; LH. 0.012 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967, pp. 59-63, No. 6, frag. a, photograph p1.21 (lines 1-4 of a decree in praise of Menodoros). The fragment was identified as a list of names and disassociated from the other fragments of the decree by A. G. Woodhead. HIPPOTHONTIS post med. saec. II a. lacuna
['Hp&]1slt-ro[s] lacuna of a Hymettianmarblestele. 246. Threenon-joining fragments the originalleft side,back,andtop, including brokenat the bottomand the right,but preserving a: Fragment, in in the of found the Outer now Berlin the Museum(No. 1167). Kerameikos, pediment, part
H. 0.26 i.; W. 0.21 i.; Th. 0.105 i.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. A. von Velsen, ArchaeologischerAnzeiger, XII, 1854, pp. 466-470; U. Koehler, LG., II, 459; J. Kirchner, IG., II, 977; notes by S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, pp. 155-156, No. 88.
b: Fragment(E.M. 7589),brokenat the left and below, but preserving part of the toothedright side, roughand found near the of Hadrian. back, picked pedimental top, Library H. 0.29 m.; W. 0.22 m. (stele),0.245 m. (pediment);Th. 0.10 m. (stele), 0.12 m. (pediment);LH. 0.006 m. Ed. K. S. Pittakys,'E.' ApX., 1839,No. 283; A. R. Rangab6,AntiquitisHelleniques, No. 797; U. Koehler, LG., II2, 977; notes by S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, pp. 155-156,No. 88. I.G., II, 459; J. Kirchner, c: Fragment the originaltoothed left side, but otherwisebroken,found on February3, (I 4476) preserving Wall and southeastof the MarketSquare(U 22). 1937,in a moder house wall east of the Post-Herulian H. 0.22 m.; W. 0.105 m.; Th. 0.095 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. W. K. Pritchett,Hesperia, X, 1941,pp. 282-283, No. 77, photograph p. 282.
ATTALIS a. 131/0a. a NON-XTOIX. ca. 55 v &[pXovros kbi ris 'ATrrcAifosp66tiS b ]rs rpvurvefta,fii ['Erri] 'E'rnKMovS El [ropy]tXo rFopyfAou 'A[yysijEsv 1ypaCi&r-euev ratcriXt]vos6y86ei Tr' x ElKoa-'iT iv TlCI] Kcmi KCal [Ki&]6aS, T'[s -rpuvraveFas' KlCr1a(Ia eo6erpcolI rTO(aXie 5 []rrE]pigtEv ACltwcov 81ic coyvo[vS ---- Kai avumrrp6eSpoi]' :8oETvTCAlOI Oofvou c& v dnrrayy&Aoua]lv [eo?]vos fis o[lj rrpurAvESs 'Alvers dT[sEr[Ev irp
Tr6 4npl[7ta 6 -KOaTr [cra] Kx TTspaCtos Ov-rrpoiSpcov - ETr]evv TC
vOuov Tr&rp6 TCv 7x]xIjrlaitcv Oucmn ['A'rr]iodSos *rnp TCVr [v v TI-re 'Anr6AXcovi Ka -Te Kal -reT Kal ToiS XV [Tro lln]poolc iipfcot i 'A[pTitiSl-retBouXaiat] OcaTp6pcol v [xois i]oTs V &d[ycafi l 6lcivCl i'-r&Ctv yca -rOXxrI oS rsrrrpov S6][X) a]i ' TCrO 10 [e&S]Xea0ai Tr& yeyov6rai[v 'roTs 'r oIs vOuov (yi]Efail KaiccorTpiptai lepoTi TiS -naiScov Kal yuvatitK Kal TV {CAcoV K] 8fiou KCai ] cKa[i] [povU]Aij Kai 'roiU av.i&Xco'v [w]
tvfi1 -rrp'v[avci] rdcs 8i ol rrpur&ve5s vucrav rT&S []TrE8tri [-re rucrias Kae]K.o[ca]as
ai, rreEIO^fi(yav 8i Ka[l 'rs ]TOi 6itLou K[al rTCV] T'iSTrE cuavAoyfiS povAfis Ka]
&v aOr[oTS A2cov&6rrv-rcov Troi -rrpooicai rov of TEv6ooi Kalir& rpioa] aT-r[a 61] 15 tlov, iralvtial ro*s rr[purrvvns 'r 'A rraci6os Kail orepavccraal aCtroSs] aor vcotK[crr& 6-rvv6plov Xpucratl gveKa eOcaEpdas rijs'rrpbs roS Os] o0s Kxi[] pi~o-rcliasri[s els -rfv ovuAvxai -r6vB6Tov-r6v'AOivaccov. &vcyp&ai]
68T6 -r6 T6 20
fir els S6 rIv &vaypa<pc v Tis orfXrls Kai riv av&dOcv croaiit oO&v[OcKaipov ppioal]
rTOv -rTai[av TCOV arpai'corticov T6 yeV6EViOV dvaXcoiha]
[Trfs 'A-rTTri[8osKci ol eol&cnrIoi s Kal a-rrpavcbaoav-rs ro] al-Crarav ouAeT rel Tr6v -racilav 8v e'Xovro 9j aurcov 'ATroMcbvlov [<pai]vouacv (?) 'A'rroX] ca.19 Souv[iEa xil -r6TypaiaT4a LA]cvtovu Tlpop ioi] - evar[ias -reeukvat ii&oS 25 [o]v Tr&S To r&sKacliKoxocas iv -Tl irpu'raveiai CnrTp] TO Kal 'TiS pou risKx[al rrai8cov Kal yuvailKOv, Trnlufijoaitl i] 8sf5ou v v &rrcos Kai T rov &AAo[v ouv Kalf1 pouXMl KaxcSKal &rrrcVcov cplXo-rTicos pai] -r6v VTirat TroTS Tr&S 'rr[olvovoa 7iroupyiaS dTrovoovioua TrpoclOKovra rraivov] dyaeT -TOTe) [SE86X(eaT?TpouSM raCoaalt r6v -racia v 'ArroAdbvlov(?)] 30 'ArToAoviov[louvvii Kal 'r6v ypacjlaTra --ca.19 -.--] Kal -r6v TTpocfatiov, i[Traiviaat 86i ypavcaTiTa'irs Pouvjs KaiTOU Sirlou 'Av] 'AOi[ Kal TOVTrroypalliic-r ] -riTaXov -r6v ---ca. TroU 16 Kai [K]al Kal KIipUI[aTjS 3ouXfiS 8tlou -rv] Kal -T6v&vaypc'pa ? []JepfxTOiU rnovrov[ou ----] v 35 [...]vrou AUK[ovoia Kalt lT6V T& rltpioaT-ra ] [Kal] -r6v dtvny[pacp[a -r6v --a-------] [Anr ] ]Tpilov hA-- -----.--...--.-
ET'TV rF18iS
ot -rTpu erdtvs]
lacuna For the restorationof lines 1 and 2 see W. K. Pritchettand B. D. Meritt, Chronology of Hellenistic Athens, of lines 19-20 and 36-37 see Hesperia, p. 131. For the restoration XVII, 1948,pp. 25-27, No. 12.
247. Two non-joining fragments of Hymettian marble, with blue veins. The larger piece (I 6099), broken on all sides and at the back, but preserving the start of the spring of a moulding at the top, was found on April 14, 1948, in a late context west of the Southwest Fountain House (H 15). The smaller fragment (I 6097), broken on all sides
and at the back, was found on April 10, 1948,in the samelocality. a (I 6099):H. 0.11 m.; W. 0.155 m.; Th. 0.05 m ; LH. 0.006 m.
b (I 6097): H. 0.07 m.; W. 0.09 m.; Th. 0.045 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964,pp. 192-193,No. 41, photographs pl. 32; S.E.G.,XXI, 468. ca. a. 130 a. 46-49 o [0 s ]i
a ------aPXovTos hri Trqs -----[rri ]s tp[uTrviads] ev -------------[i 8]ivou [ A<pi iar] ypoppaT
Kol ?K[&rEt1iS]
'E1TleipaitE'] TCOV [-rpuTavcEas'iKKArlcaT KVpila 1Tpo[8pcov WrrC] Kal S [qitpl6V.------1-------- ]?. vvo[prrp6OSpOl] vacat vacat ?8o0EV [ TCOr 6'1Acoiv] ---Trev p v a]w [-----------cayy[Movouclv oi] Tis--------------[rrpCUTv&v
b -- aivcat] 10 [---rov ypalaTia-ra---]v[--r--io -TOO ] 'TOV 8Iou ---T1]S ypOaplaOTr [S Ka1i pQou[h3fi Kal ------------r ] .Ki T6]v IrTo[ypai aT [- ------T-roi TVKirpuKla Trf]spou[iiS KCal U----- ] [-----Kal lOU -------Tor0U ] [ rrWovo---T6v]iep[ko lacuna
248. Four fragments, two of themjoining,from a Pentelicmarblestele. Fragment a (I 535), brokenon all sides and at the back, was found on March 1, 1933,built into a modem bothrosover the northwestern part of the the originalright side, but otherwisebroken,was Libraryof Pantainos(Q 13). Fragmentb (I 756), preserving discovered on April 26, 1933,in the disturbed Wall (Q 13). fillingof the south gate tower of the Post-Herulian It joins at the top fragment d (I 3046),whichalso preserves the originalrightside, but is otherwise broken,and was found on June 18, 1935,in a moderncellarfloor over the easternend of the Middle Stoa terrace(O 12). c (I 138),brokenon all sidesand at the back,but preserving stalksof a wreath, Fragment partof the interlacing in the southwestcornerof the MarketSquare,thoughthe contextis unknown. found was
a: H. 0.18 m.; W. 0.17 m.; Th. 0.12 m.; LH. ca. 0.01 m.
b and d: H. 0.315 m. (combined); W. 0.082 m. (combined); Th. 0.058 m. (combined); LH. ca. 0.01 m.
c: H. 0.12 m.; W. 0.065 m.; Th. 0.06 m.; LH. 0.009 m.
Ed. a, b, c: S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl.I, pp. 156-158,No. 89,photograph p. 157;with the additionof fragment of fragmentc, B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, d and the replacement of b XIII, 1944,pp. 257-260,No. 12, photograph and d joined p. 257. KEKROPIS ca. a. 128 a. lacuna
c [..... S yevO6vov els aOrriv] EsioriXrlv] Xi[0i{vivKi a arfjac o0i av exKalpov i1i Tor6 ] vacat C -r[6v [&v&Xcoia iep]jcaat rTaniav T-rV aopaTicrTorl(v rTv [h pO]u].h o[6 r[aliav] [[ Poui Or6v sqlos] ypaoapTOrya] 65
in corona
[in corona]
[in corona]
[7rpur7ve ]
[---------[orGt(pvcao dvayp&ati
Kai AXtlvrlv
a pE cT orfalt o0 &v EvlKapovi'j T6 Si yEv6Esvoveis aWCrrv [otnrrllv dcv&Aco]. 10 [piacarTOV V ] vacat TCOr or0pa-ricoTlKcov rTaUlapv
Ka o CrTEavcoaaioToOToTV xaoCTov 0a].&ou To r6v rO6 5-r68 r9cl(piaa yp0ata-rra TOVKaT&a Trpvrawvlav e]iS
[--]-5 [-----]
30 [----] --]
] [-- . [---- ]
45 [-] [-----]
[-----] [---- ]
[-----]paos [----Vmls
35 ----]
[---] [-----] [--_- ]
50 [---]
[---] [----] [----]
[----] [---]
[---] [----]
70 [----]Xos
in corona
[ ---] ] [-
249. Two non-joining fragments (I 78) from the upper part of a pedimental stele of Pentelic marble. The righthand fragment a, mended from six pieces, is broken below and on the left, but preserves part of the right side, back, and top, including a finial and a corner of the pediment. The left-hand fragment b, mended from two pieces, is broken below and on the right, but preserves part of the left side, back, and top, including the other finial and the left corner of the pediment. Both fragments were found on July 21, 1931, in a late Roman context 50-60
rr'ri rrl'laC[ovos &PXOVTOS Ts KEKpo]wiros 8eu"ripas rTPUTacXve aS ft 'Ariv[6copos 'Ava{gKp&drous 'EA]Eu[acivo]s 9ypavli6reuEv Mera rl K[al] 8EK&tltqiT'S ye1TViCOVOs [P66t61Ei 8tKa, ,'TET]apTEI TrpUT-avEIaS r poiSpcovhrrEylftIEVAuK6ppcov []iKmAraioaKvpia i[v -rTCOI erpcor T-rO] VVVUw gOSEV 'rl ['Av]-Tty6vou ovvie[USKal crvinrp6E].poi 8TI6jco1-' V a
civ &nTayyA]Xoucvav oi rTpuTavEls EIrrsv KapafXou Crrrp 'A[Rcal,Es [Kap&i]Xos Ouvov -rE eUCICOv -rT TrcOv 'A T-rC irp dv [Tfrs ha&]XciaICv 'Epe]Xei0Sos TCp [v Trpo
-rTIOTpocrTaTrapIo[i Kal -rfi 'Ap-rTESti -rTi BovXacat Kk]alTri lt ooOp6 [-rr6XMcovi] Kal TI' 8Pi lv v''e TOTs EO6T ols &x]AOIS [pCol Wrr[aTpIov ,yaoiit TrXnit8ES]OXieai 10 [iioi -ra Iv d 1Ouov 0 Td& V ?p' IEpoTI oTl] TOriS &]yaec& 8Xeoa[ai yeyOVoTa ao -r rwaiScov TOUO Kal 8ilgou Kca KaI Tfis [yiEiat [pouXiS orrl]piat Kal] yuvalKov Si ol TTpurT&vEtS Cpfcov Kal cvuul&]ov v [TCtiS6^ [Kal rTs TreeuOc]aS uacra[v]
[Tas KIaOIiKoCcaaS v] T-il Tr[pUTravELai, TrEEAitOrliav Si Kal "Tf]SoavUoyi[s] cv TOU6Jlou Kal a A?COV [Trfs "r povuXfs Kal T-oV dcT'xrrcov aiTr]oTs Trpooa[TraT]
For the restoration in line 3 see B. D. Meritt,TheAthenian Year,p. 190; S.E.G.,XXI, 472. The placefor settingup the steleis restored here(line 19)fromthat suggested in the editioprinceps. differently For of &vEOKaipov on No. 244 and p. 3. it see the commentary of a Pentelicmarblestele (E.M. 7591),brokenat the rightand bottom,but preserving 250. Fragment partof the toothedleft side, rough-picked back, and top, includingpediment,found on the Acropolis. H. 0.25 m.; W. 0.265 m. (stele),0.295 m. (pediment); Th. 0.105 m. (stele),0.125 m. (pediment); LH. 0.007 m. Ed. K. S. Pittakys,L'ancienne Athenes, p. 292; 'Ep.'Apx., 1853,No. 1458;U. Koehler,I.G., II, 460;J. Kirchner, B. D. 1003; Meritt,Hesperia,II, 1933,p. 165; notes by S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, p. 158,No. 90. I.G., II2, HIPPOTHONTIS a. 125/4a. 61
'ETri'la&ovos Tris 'Awr[loxisos ECTIfS fi 'ArAIV68copos] &pxovwrosrn'i 'rpuTCavEiaS 'EAeuafvios TToaiESEcWvos IETr' 'AvaEiKpOrrouS ypaC [e-raTvevEiKSCaaS, TrilTTlm rpi]
TEI KaCiSEKare& T'S TrpUTarvelCa -rv rpoV pcovE TrrET'i] [ia<XKrcria 6v TCOI0&eaTpcV' eoS ci auotrrp6oSpor] K Keo8[iro apicp[tE*s (pitev e68oros
v ov
lacuna For the restorations in lines 1 and 2 see B. D. Meritt,TheAthenian Year,pp. 190-191;S.E.G., XXI, 473.
251.Fragment of Pentelic broken belowandat theleftandright at theback,butpreserving marble, sides,recut the original nowbroken in the collection of D. M. Robinson, top whichoncehada moulding, away,formerly fromwhichit wastransferred to the FoggMuseum Mass.,U.S.A.). (Cambridge, H. 0.145m.; W. 0.215m.; Th.0.035m.; LH.0.007-0.01 m.
Ed. S. Dow and D. M. Robinson,Hesperia,Suppl.I, pp. 158-160,No. 92, photograph p. 159.
HIPPOTHONTIS (?) a. a. 124/3 ['E-rr Tri 'ILiloOo[rvTi6os a&pXOVTOS Tris NKilov] T-puTav{as
[.. c. 4..
6--]El Tfis TrpUTave[as' &<Krci[a Kupia iv TCOt [--a. IaTrpcolt TrCVTrpoiSpcov rre] Kai g EosVTrit 8i1co]0 [Opijql6Z]v 'ApXi8aciOS 'ApXtS(&lOU OaUVTrrp6EpoEvpO 'OTpv[ve*S Aiov o rri S ['E'rrlyv]rs MeXI-rTS ETITev' rrip [6v &rrayyMovuCv ITPT&V'r Tfs ITTr] W Tcrv <KA Tr'A-rr6Ocovi] ?]os 'rrp TCAV evoOv ev euo[v Tra 'rrpo [Tro0corvTi rloaicv TCOr Kal Trn [-rTCnpoor]aTrlpcoi Kai TrJ 'ApTriiSI T Bo[uvatXa or Ocoro'6pco Kal T'rosiA&XolS]
S.E.G.,XII, 102refersto Dow's articleon the nameof the secretary (StudiesPresented to DavidMooreRobinson, II, 1953,pp. 358-360)wherehe discusses and rejects LG.,II2,7594,the tombstoneof Andronson of Pyrrhias Raubitschek's that the nomenherein line 2 was Tluppias suggestion (cf. Indexto Hesperia, I-X, p. 131).He also in the sameindex(p. 12).It is best left withoutrestoration. rejectsthe nomen"AvSpcov suggested by Raubitschek
252. Fragmentof a Pentelicmarblestele (E.M. 7603), brokenat the top, bottom, and left side, but preserving back, found on the Acropolis. part of the toothed rightside and rough-picked
H. 0.32 m.; W. 0.22 m.; Th. 0.165 m.; LH. 0.009 m. Ed. U. Koehler, Hermes, II, 1867, p. 328; I.G., II, 472; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1004; notes and corrections by
T Ouov<P' (r yEyov6raEvToi]siEpoIS raT puv &ayae0& OTls S1pjci, Oyi?sa[i] [TCOI SXacrOa TOU TraiSo]V Kat 10 [Kal crcoTTpiati Kai KaC TCOV 8fiPovu Kac yuvaIKVco ire Trs (pihAcV povUAis E ghjaav ol 85 as -ras [Kal oa.vpp)(cov 0]caas Kacrx &rr&c Tr& Tm1i TrpUT&r6VEiS r r' 6e v TjIl TrpvuTacvef e2]dricav ETrs Kai a(uAXo KiaCt S Kal I(pIXOTi'iCos, orri c [Koiaas v Kal Kal rcv TE iAcov ctlv a'rTs 6Si,ov T'rS s pouAfv Tooi TOrv rrpocarTTrrov dT&]nc]v [yfS Cr a ITir(icaarTa TOiU Sr'pov, f1raIV ]jai Tro0STrpUTrXVES [oil'r vo6oi Kal TrqS 'Ep? 15 [X8T60os vo6iov' &vaypap[ati 8] oaEaxvcot]K.raTTrbv Kaco acpavcoai ac0rroisXPUcoaC esi o'rrAv XAei[vrlv] [Tr66 Tr64flpiCipta -r6v ypappiaTra Trv KaTor& rrpv]-Taveiav S Kai Et' [Kali eIs OTfjal oOi v Trlv'rr9o[ira]lv o-[s rirS] rTiv &vaypal)n]v svKaipov T{OV [i.pioCtn T6v TaiJaV arTpaTIcoTiKcoT6 y]eVOp[evov &vI&acopa].
In line 17 Kirchner read SvT'rI rrpu-ravlKxt, but see the commentary on No. 244. 253. Fragment of a Hymettian marble stele (I 6422), broken at the bottom and the right, but preserving the smooth-picked left side, the rough-picked back, and part of the moulding above, though it is broken at the top H. 0.26 m.; W. 0.195 m.; Th. 0.12 m.; LH. 0.007 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXII, 1963, pp. 22-23, No. 23, photograph pl. 5.; S.E.G., XXI, 478.
surface,found on February1, 1952,in a modem house south of the Churchof the Holy Apostles(O-Q 16-17).
-rvot 8i6pcotV'v] Kao [ovjnTrp6espovvw 8oevo KcovosKPCTrTI6rls xcaoKprrjs'Apitorcovos [iE OTovEdIrEv' 0rrrp &v (rrayyMouvnv]
ol 1TpTCravEtis S TTavitovf[5os CITS p TCOV bKK.Xq] Ovai(OtV$V OevovrTO Trp TrCV -rTCI TE 'Ar6ORXcovi craiv TCOI Tl[pou launlpiCot Ka'Si'rt 'ApTrlli Tf~t BovXalat] Kal Tfit (coaqcppcolKal TOTS&i[?ois 0eoTs ols rr&Trplovi?v Tois 56 XcaXuKe
10 [ois e] TMlIV 'ravvuXCia'rjt 'A[rLvcaiaiTrfij 'Epy&vri rroifaav-ro Kal] [T&rs] &iAaSeuaias i &oas T[&sKaOrleKoocas :v T-ii'rtpurTaveial vu] coSKairT& Tr& [oaavK]CASsKal TTIEA^1qi] A(r&rpta, osaeco.BS KaI [itXoTi'" [av 6] K[ TV ---------------------------------] lacuna
a: Fragment(I 1773c) preserving the smoothlyworn back, but otherwise broken,found on April 8, 1935,in a late Romancontextoutsidethe MarketSquareabout 50 meterssouthwestof the Tholos (F 14).This fragment joins b below and e on the right.
H. 0.10 i.; W. 0.11 In.; Th. 0.115 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
b: Fragment the smoothly-worn back,but otherwise (E.M. 7586)preserving broken,foundnearthe Churchof 'Yra-rra joins a at the top, e on the right, andf on the left. vnri in the area of the Agora.This fragment H. 0.275 i.; W. 0.28 i.; Th. 0.128 i.; LH. 0.006 m. c: Fragment(I 1773b)broken on all sides and at the back, found on April 12, 1934,in a late contexton the floor of the Tholos (G 12).
H. 0.05 i.; W. 0.097 i.; Th. 0.048 i.; LH. 0.006 m.
d: Fragment the toothedleft side and smoothly (I 6169) broken above,below,and at the right,but preserving worn back, found on May 2, 1949,in the Long Late Roman Wall east of the Panathenaic Way and south of the railway(0 8). H. 0.11 In.; W. 0.I m.; Th. 0.114 i.; LH. 0.006 m. e: Fragment (1 6171) broken above,below, and at the left, but preserving part of the toothedrightside and worn d. Thispiecejoins the rightsideof back,foundon May4, 1949,in the samecontextwithfragment smoothly a and b. H. 0.15 i.; W. 0.10 i.; Th. 0.115 in.; LH. 0.006 m. f: Fragment(I 6648) broken above, below, and at the right,but preserving part of the toothedleft side and the back, which was originallyrough-picked, but has now been worn smooth, found on March 31, 1954, in the southwestern part of the squarewest of the SouthwestFountainHouse (G 15). This fragment joins the left side of b. H. 0.15 i.; W. 0.185 i.; Th. 0.115 i.; LH. 0.006 m. g: Fragment(I 4176) broken above, below, and at the right, but preserving part of the toothedleft side and of the Odeionclose to the back,found on May 20, 1936,builtinto the edge of a late pit northeast rough-picked railway(N 7). H. 0.21 i.; W. 0.135 i.; Th. 0.115 i.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. b: K. S. Pittakyset al.,'Eirrnypaqcad &vKoTrol, qpiA2X.&8ov 1TppCTov,1851,No. 13 (repeatedby M. H. E. Commentatio from a of the publicationcommunicated Meier, Halle, 1852, Epigraphica, copy by L. Ross); A. R. Rangab6,AntiquitisHelliniques,No. 468; U. Koehler,I.G., II, 454; J. Kirchner,LG.,II, 989; with the additionof a and c, S. Dow, Hesperia, p. 163. a-c with the addition Suppl.I, pp. 162-165,No. 96, photograph of d, e, f, and g, M. LarsonLethen,Hesperia, No. XXVI, 1957, pp. 25-28, 1, photographsof new fragments 100. pl. 4; S.E.G.,XVI, ERECHTHEIS a. 104/3a.
&TriTT)i favBlovi8oS !Krr-S ['Erri 'HpaKM]16[ov&PXovTroS 7rpv-cr] noa] [vMcas kYpapvdl&TEEv, hi] GpaoE(gP[vXos EEo86-ov 'EptiEwos &ECSVo 9V&K6) Iri-M7rpvTaiVEas, &V&t&EK&[-1, &a-KATafa] v KvpfiabrGoi 0&[rpcot, -r&jvrrpokSpcov irrEptijqnEv K&A?cav] vacat Kal avlITp6E6poi 1[virrarXfrr1tos 'AvTrrrr&rpov l -rTCOl 'rii PovAoai KX 8ivaoi vacat ] 98oSq[v
Aovaiv of 1Tt[pvUrtvEtS 's 'EpcE)(oio i'iWp1r(v uovat&v] e$v Wviov [T-rr 1-oTC1 -rE TCAi] TC.AWv iwaK?at1Yv 'AWrr67Jcavt lp6 10 Upooara[-Mpicot BovAaiat KaI iKa-rij 'Ap-rj.ulG T]41] Tiji ?v- d&yae]iji Tr1 TorTS Kcal 62aoiS o6ets oTsw6&rptov t{[coaqx6pco v SES6xat 1s Povu7fiw T-r1 [Xilt -ro~s ACaX6vtras Trpok8po]VsE [-rjv ntiooctcav&KKlaicav XP?LaT(Qaat yvcb TOIrT]cav-T6Epi 5 0 B So [-r6v c?jidAe -riea Sij]ov o"Ti Es ~ulv 5[ sovhA]is
in corona
35 'A[wo].
nlTpya _____--~~~~ crf~ai9[v] rri T-rs nlav6iovisos 'ETri'HpaKAeSov &apXovros wpuv[[TraveiaS] -rrp V, TTocnt5EV[OvS [fit] OpaaOpouvos Qeo56Tou['E]ppEtosgypaIpT.r4EA v8E] T]f]S'rrp[u]ravwEas, V8EK[Trrl &<cKrlaiaKVupa?v TrCOl E[&6rpcol, T-rv] [K]6caTrl, e [K]6XAcov Kal IvuratAArrn[o]s 'AvTTrr6rrpov [ovairnp6O] [Trpo]5pcov T-rrefigtL TrCO vacat vacat 8f1co 'fit povfitl Kacl [86]o?Ev [6poi] ol r[p]U[Tr(&vEs] [nla]ycavlaS rVau[c]aviou Aalr-rpeES EIrTev'v rrEtSi1
[Tfis] 'EpEXe[iSos]
--c [ouciaS 7TErK]Evat&iLtxuas ras KaOrlKO ] 'CTaS vrTr[il wTPpuravEiatl iAAcovaTrr&v] 0OialSi [KailTrCOV 5iopouv 'TmwEXEi [TrrpTirs pouAfi]s Kal 0TOU V OrCAOS o0v Kal fi Pov.[p1i 9aivrnTai TOTS KaC?S0 Kal] (piXori0cos0' rcro] [-rTCO
GUTCOV Tav 6v Eov7ro &XC rv 1 rap A[--- ca. 7--] - KCXal Tm v] T]9v ypaupparaTa'A'roAAo96&vrIvv lEpyaaC[qj v Tr&S
a Erralvov'] [pivouoatrTs] EriTovpyiaSdrrovllovUcaT[6v Kae1eKovrr v [&yafitl n(rli] 8SE6X(eaTt p3ovXAir tTroS [AaX6vTras TrpoSpovsess Ti'v] [hrrtioUrav <K]Araiaav XplaT-riaal TEpi [-roIrcov, yvcbrltv 5k uvpi6Lcs]
'6v rTaiaV] [ooiat -rs pouvfi]s Ets rTV Sipliov 'Tnt5oK[EI-Ti povAfil TrativCal T ca. 1 ----] T6v ypea['laraTa 'Arroa0op&vrnv Kaqi Kai] TTepyao'ieev
[ [
] ]
fi pouvil
255. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble(I 1773a),brokenon all sides and at the back, found on April 12, 1934,in a late contexton the floor of the Tholos (G 12).
H. 0.15 m.; W. 0.055 m.; Th. 0.09 m.; LH. 0.005 m.
205 72
ca.8 ---]ou
ca. 9 ---]Es
V povAXii pOVAEarr]
v -r [ol &EiaiTo]tl rra[clvoalvTES TOVTaII.aV -----Kal KaCl OTEavcbaavTsC &rropaivouaVO Trv] ca. 12---TCS T?E aT6taaS Tas KaTKO6CaaS Juo-ias TrEuKVCal iv] [ypaCpia]Tra 0[----Kal V tiACOv Kai 'roe 86lou v EAfrl Tri [TETTrpv]Trave[ial nlU reiali 56 rrrpTET-rSpoUAiSa carrv] v oiv Kal f pouXq?paatvlrTal -roiTinOro,vouvTirS At-roupyi] Ka]7c)s [KaC [TcrO qiyiAorTilCOs' 6'Orco5 v 1TaivTOal 'r6v] Kvaf1KOVTca T-Traivov [acS Trr]ovp[[ovaa TOV tnXEi E6Xeal TET EyaOeT 3tpoUAET
ypapca T .ia
----------------------------] ----
lacuna Lines 5-10 have a differentdivisionfrom that in Dow's publication.For the restorationsin lines 8-9, see
of Pentelicmarble(I 2945),brokenon all sidesand at the back,foundon May28, 1935,in the wall 256. Fragment
of the Middle of a modemhouseovertheterrace Stoaat theeastern end(O 12). H. 0.083m.; W. 0.061m.; Th.0.034m.; LH.0.006-0.008 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia,XXXVI, 1967,pp. 235-236, No. 45, photographpl. 60; S.E.G.,XXIV, 178.
fin. saec. II a. NON-2TOIX.
of Pentelic marble 257.Fragment broken onallsidesandattheback, found onJuly13,1946, in a marble (I 5919), in the areasouthwest of the Odeion. dump H. 0.24m.; W. 0.175m.; Th. 0.10m.; LH.0.008m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964,pp. 193-194,No. 43, photograph pl. 33; S.E.G.,XXT,486. ca. a. 100 a. lacuna NON-7TOIX. lacuna 5 [--- --] Aio5[---- ] Olvo
15 pinAov
['A]pcrr6opouAos ['E-rr ?]IAis [f1]povMri Mil
f povuA7
Preserved are the bottoms of two columnsof a prytanyregisterand two citations.The readingin line 1 has been correctedfrom the Hesperia publicationby S. V. Tracy(per litt.).
of Pentelicmarble(I 629),preserving the smooth-picked left side and rough-picked 258. Fragment back,broken at the top and rightand apparently recutbelow,foundon March31, 1933,in a marbledumpwest of the Middle Stoa. H. 0.145 m.; W. 0.135 i.; Th. 0.075 in.; LH. 0.009 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XV, 1946,pp. 226-228,No. 54b,photograph p. 227, associatedwith I 2175.This associationdenied and the inscription'republished by Meritt, Hesperia,XXXIII, 1964, pp. 194-195,No. 44; S.E.G., XXI, 481. PANDIONIS
ca. a. 100 a. lacuna Ca. 57 NON-TXTOIX.
-r6 pf(qnapa] 8i -rT6r [---------------------------?&vayp&pat -r6vKTa-raZ y[paxppcarrat [-rT]v rrpv-avciav gv a ilr7t 7ueivrii i'lxa rrfaca oZi&av] ?jielS Sri'v avaypaxcpv irv ,froir-ncv -rij 'riihsl -rv -ratifav] xKal [Ei]icaip9[v 1KVEpfxe p ra yri6oFv vov &&Avcvoacz------ca.7-17 ?-] [-r]Z a4TpaQ'1COT ------------5 T&ST1s U[?---------------------? IcTacavtidR]
Mrirrp6<8>cpp[os] AEcovfir&s 10 Zcot?.o V 41lv6aTrpcTros v [*Av]?pcwv lacuna 259 Two joining fragments of light blue-gray Hymettian marble. Fragment a (I 6819), mended from four pieces, two of them found in modern fill south of Observatory Street (J 16) on May 6, 1958, the other two discovered in December of 1966, is broken on all sides but preservespart of the original rough-picked back. Fragment b (I 7014),
two fragments of a published earlier by Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIV, 1965, pp. 95-96, No. 5, photograph p1. 26; S.E.G., XXII, 109. PTOLEMAIS a. 97/6 a. I [Atovva65oapos] [-----I I-----1 NON-XTOIX. ca. 55
mendedfromthreepieces,found on September 15-16, 1966,in the wallsof a modem house at the southedge of Street(J-K 15),preserves the smoothrightedgeandveryrough-picked Observatory broken. back,butis otherwise It joins fragment a at the upperrightedge.Thesurfaceof both fragments is badlystained,bothfromburning and also from lying in a bothros,and muchworn. apparently H. 0.60 m. (combined); W. 0.54 m. (combined); Th. 0.16 i.; LH. 0.006-0.008m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, of all fragments XXXVII, 1968,pp. 274-277,No. 14, photograph pl. 81. The first
15 [------]
I------I [------I I------I I------1 20 [------] I------I I~------I I------I I------1
30 [------]
1-I ----I I------I 1--- ---3 1-. ----3
5 [------]
IV V VI traces [------] [O]EG6]Ipqo-r[osI [------I 45 [O]lv6qnXoT eEoy6vTn5 [------I [B]&KXCA)V 60 KovOu7j6ev I I-----Oe6rotp-rros p9[sI75 [------? 'A0r1v68coy
[ vacat ]
50 Mevicrr[p]a[-r]os
65 "EKCai[OeEv]
55 1
80 [ ]-----[------I
[ vacat] [ vacat]
i po[vXfi]
[Ii pouAfi]
105 6 8fios
r'rpur& veis
Meritt originally dated this inscription to 109/8 from the fact that we know the secretary of that year belonged to Lamptrai (demotic preserved in line 88), whereas the demotics of the secretaries of other years which would fit the proper cyclical rotation, 97/6, etc., are unknown. It seems better now, however, to bring the date of this text down to 97/6 in view of the comparison between this inscription and No. 261, which belongs to the year 95/4. Both texts preserve an unusually long and similar list of officers at the end of the decree of the Boule. It is a coincidence that the secretaries of 109/8 and 97/6 both came from Lamptrai. 260. Two joining fragments from the left side of a stele of Pentelic marble. Found in 1936 in front of the Dipylon. Now in the Outer Court of the Kerameikos Museum (I 54). Traces of red color appear in the letters of the upper fragment. H. 0.34 m.; W. 0.17 m.; Th. 0.14 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. W. Peek, Kerameikos, III, 1941, pp. 4-10, photographs pl. 1, figs. 2, 3.
init. saec. I a.
[---------[--ca. 6 --Kali] 52
- ETrEV .TeiSTi ori IPUTa'ViS TiS--]
-rvCrativTavT Kai CTreCavCbCavams o[i daeifITOI &rrO] TOV TeT Kai Trct 8coi 6v ot TTPUTavE1s] TaiIfcaiv po[uAe Tl [qpaiv]ooaiv al ---------a c'Tv [eTA]ovTo cav-UTCr[v-'ATr6O] iepa TOU -- rTe vai T'aSeu] -------[A]covosTOU TaTrpci[ouI-- -'C nrip Te ['rfs pouXvfi Kal TOUOi 8filO, lTiIlEAfijo0ai 8S] [oi]aS il&uas Kai q)ioToIcoS mWnW &iAcov&rr&([VTCov KaCAxS O6-rrcoS [K]al rTCV oOv] f pouXiA TOV Kaci KaI 6 S'iio[s (paiVCOVTaI CrTT'OVIOVTSS KafAKOV'Ta] yeyovivaI EvTOISIEpoTS XEo0caI& drcn'ayyA[Aouvcr 'TnrpTfis pIoIAS] Kal TOrI86riou Kal 'rr[aiScov Kal yuviatKCv Kai TCOV {Apv cov Kai avCyuipXcoV,] ioEratvivaai 8S T6rv Tr[aulavT ---a Kli TOVypapia[T -----------Kal -----------] TOU'Arr6A] TV iepCia
Trois frrcaivov Kaci(piXOriIcos VrIropvvoval rTaS rITroupyias] KcaAC[s Ta ,v dya0&86] TCOl I 10 dYyacei TETI Kaci 81Tcov 86e6X[cat VouAe T-rXei
Trbv iEpx
--TraSMapoCI[av ------------] --Kai Trv iEp TOU[----'AyaeOoKAv ipa rTOU ---------------------] ov XrilaX[i6riv Kal TOV -----]----[Ka'i 'r6v iEp[arTOUi Kali CT-rEavca] EKa rfis Trpbs] oi-re p&vroPEs vef v vcO aS ecOou aaot Ka[Coov aCxTO
r S uvXTara- ritvcaat SE] T'a 6lS OCs sE [Tros] soois [Kaci l(poTluias Kai T6V ypcpaipiaTlr TSis pouXfiS] [Kai T]6V Taoiav rT[fiSPoouiis--- ----Ka T6V TOU Kai 6|lpouv OIv[ 'rnoypacpaTrca TrfiS ouAXfi Kali] T6v 'ro0U TfnS pouAfiS Kac TOU 68iou ---'Ep] 8lpOU Aicov[a Kai KTIpuKa Kai TOV avaypaCaQ---] r 'rrcovOou ----XC?a Kai TOV iEpe[a TOO -----------iTOv OKlifv naoiXrv[aC KaiTOT ypap] Kal TOViTri 'ra y9rlpa] TpVUITaCVECIv----------tpa&x TOVKaCXT[&a TOv avTiypcpi KaCl -Kai ---Tarat [ToK -riv ErriT-r6] TtpoX?v] -----
30 [&]rr6ppov A[--------[...
vv arrcOS &v oiv] Peek. Line 8 [rrpocfKovra]Peek. Line9 Lines 1-2 [AvtroXiSos(?)]Peek. Line 7 [KaS -r Te Kaxi9tXoTrihpwo' 11 levov Line 29 TIMOKAHN in rasura.The erasuresin lines 20 and 29 Peek. Peek. Line [bv ols [IrrrlAoOin] CrrepTrf pouAis] were drawn to our attention by S. V. Tracy.
We suggesta continuationof priestlytitles in lines 17-20 but reserveline 26 for the Priestof the Eponymos. The seculartitles (exceptfor the Priestof the Eponymos)occupylines 23-31, amongwhichthat of the flutistis at this period usuallylast; hence we adopt Peek'salternative restoration (op. cit., p. 10) for line 32. the originalrightside, back, 261. Steleof Pentelicmarble(I 6053),brokenat the left and bottom,but preserving and pedimental top, found on July 21, 1947,lying over a Romandrainnext to the west end wall of the Middle Stoa (H 13).
H. 0.87 m.; W. 0.36 m.; Th. 0.085 m.; LH. 0.007-0.008 m.
a. 95/4 a. 46-60
ETr Trs 'I]TnroOcovTftos 7rrlnrrrTls 'rpu vv [trrie0o5TOu apXOVTOS ca. 17 flt [ravEioas ]9u lTaiavtsYs &ypaCatreuev,v sv&rTE [MaClaKTcqpivos icrravc]vov Kat-rcao6v, v&crtl 'TS lTpU v iv , KaIT' &PpXovTa 8i--6-7 lKKXcaia KVpiCa --i]oTraCIvo' [Travc{asc TCO-rV [rTI 0e&Trpcor Tpo6pcov brrey,]f1pi[ve Alt68oTOSQiXoorpaTov [---vacat KaCI CUTrrrp6OESpo vacat]
[ ------10
ca. 27
] s Ulrr'
p cv
c v evIov T-&xrp6 TOOv [ot Trpu-ravE1srsi KeKpolrriBos uT'f]p rTOV0 vCTlCOV v iU l re [i'Krcaitnlv -rTt 'AETr6?rcovt TCr npo]o lrpicot KaciTET'ApTEiL5tI v-rTA Te Kca KcOt 0EoIS ols Trr6Tplovjv, dcyacxO [BouIXaat (T)coyop6pcot TroIS] a:ois T-ri' 6rlCOi TXa,Uv] cya0c S8Xeoeai TC-yeyovo6ra Ev [TriX)(t 6?66Xet
' r 9 U'yiat lKaCi C]co'Tlptai T ?S [TroTs pois ols iuov q)' pousXfi Kai TOiUiStou iV XCiIovKVai o CvUp [TOi 'Aflvaicov Kai 'rraiScov Kai yUVatK]COVKCai TCOy co' Tov rtEi v v TE ol TEl [6e S iv euaias Oeuc]av a&'rrxaas TrS Ka0riKOOraas TrrpuravEt v KcXACo 6Ka KaciqplXoT-rIoS, .Wrr]eeA'fie'rlav Kol XfiS cauAoyfis TrfS [rrpUTavEfca
&X]AXcov rcov v caOTrols [T-rpouvfiSKaci -rTOo iou Kai TVYAv &arr1T TrporaT-r Tr [Trov KaCi vO61io T-rC ol Sriou, firaciveoal roOs'rrpUTaSvetS Tro]U yrlpq)ir-caTa
20 KarT- TOVv6Oov eCSae oCrEX&VCol [Tfis KKpoTTISos Kxal T-rE(avcoCatX]pucortoI KaCi TOV TfiS -rpos ToO1SOeoOs] [p[eas VEXKeV (pioT-rlcia TTiSEis T-IV pouvrv KaCi 'e T6 9<plCaCI TOV ypauCIaIrEa T-oy KacrT&i [sinlov T-rv 'AOrivaccov &vacypd&ai86 T']66e Ev O-r'iIEXlIOvi Kai] oaficrai oi &V ECKatpov t' eIS 6 TirlV &vaC [LrrpT-raVEiav
[T-rv -raiiav]
[6] 8ijos
pouAr i
35 Trbv ypap iraTra
['Aptapd& v]
[rn1i EeoB0Tou &pXovTros ]trn OVTiSos 'rr'fTns TTpTavEi TTj 'I ii Ioc -i -ca. 17 -TTaiavtIVEs [as -ou] .---? ypajipa'OTUev' MaitpaKTrpli V KaT'&apXov EO6v, 6y86o'Etss TprpVTavE{a, [covos 6yS66e ioTraivou KOlaT] TCOV [Ta 68--5-6--iCrTapvou ET4e,11p v povuXA ]v PovAeuVTripcoa Trpo0SpcoV 1 ca. Kal eS 20 [Lev----aviTrp6E?po0 ---?-.. --][~8oe]v -rTel ovEsT ca.24 rfS --] ErS eTlTrrvi Tr1tSfio! [-----.['rrI6o Kal ol d&iai-rTOI nraivaa]vT?s Kal a-rTsqavCb6aavTs dmro9pavovav -rT ?E ?aUTCOv T'OV v TaIfapV [PouAeT1 eSOVTO] 'Apiapdcriv lToXIpaiou uTcraAl-TTrtov [Kai Tr6v ypapiaT'ca 'Ayb2aov 'A]ye?&ou 'A.aita ras Tr evaias TEruKvatl TCr &aa iv -Te Tr]pUTaveiaal iOnp Tr [KaotrKoOras Trr& T"liS povuAis Kai TOiJ8iltov, o'Tr&VTrcOv TCO'v Kai qlTo-ripcos, Orrcosoivj Kal [rrTripwjACeait 8E KaXCoS 6]XCAcov TOr ouvA [Kal f1 Crnro]pivovou T-r&S ArTOupyias &Troovovuo'sa paivnrTal T6y Ka TOV r Ttr Taplav [flKovTa 'iralvov, dyaceTl -rT]Xe?86866Xea povuXet raitvoa
8i Kai TOr i1ValvEoalt Zuvrrai]XfIrrov, ['Aplap6riv 'TTloepaiou ypacrvicaTia V V Kai 85 TOV 'S pou7Xis Kxa ['AyXaov 'Ayeaxou 'AXaioa, irr]aivoaal ypappiacr TT ca. is ----]U [TOU8filUo---TlTaaviCa Kai Tr6viOroypaj,paTa' EEivpaXov ca.16a-- -----K 1Jov Kicova Ki [------TO6]v TTispouAfis Kai TOU KTlpSua ro
KalTT'v 'raCLCia [Kuvvva Kai T6V iepha TOUicrcov\ipoiu] AtKaic6TrolAv FCnaipcorTaSrlV Kai --17 TOV ca. a]OAV Tiv 'Arv6dTrowiv AauirrT pia Kal T6v [Tfi5 poovuAf---ca. TOV ----Kal 16 [&rvTypaoqk &]vaypackx 'Ayd6apXov [K]rqpiq[i]o Kal T6rv --[1TiT'i pyrlpiclaTa -ca. 21 --] EtTl- ov Kial TOVypappCaTia rT6 Ka ca. 10-[Tr& Tlatavlia Kal SiScova AaKti v T]6v TrriTO &TT6pptlTOV TrpvTavsiav-------Kal ca. iKal K 21 CKacTov rT6v [STlv K]epaCIcov o-TE(avcC5aat TrTOv [aOTCrvOa?oi j aTeqpavcoIr r665e]TO qn1iOpca &vayp(yait ypacuIraTa v v ?v OrmitXt [Tbv KaTrl TrpvTrave{lav Xitivel Kal aCr].aiati oO av evKaCpovtfi' ei 85 v Kal [Tlv d&vaypaq)o TfiV rronlrliv T'iS aTrfAiXlS Pepiaa] -TO Ta-ri(av TCOV o-rpa[t]
[------] - ]
] ]os
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964,p. 195, No. 45, photographpl. 33; S.E.G., XXI, 489.
ca. a. 95/4 a. NON-T'OIX. ca. 52
; Kali rTCO v 6iAcov &tr&VTCrv xcacS Kal] 12---bnlTriLfij]Q[a(i v oiv rat Tols CrrnovouVO TaS] TCs K]al pou[ikV riPos fi [plXiAoos pai) rlTa [AlToropyias &rrovip]ouaca T6v [Ka0fKOvra arraivov' &ya0il T )XrTl 6e] ca.17-----] [86XOat 'T tl pouXfit1l]TtaitVa[t TrV Tailfav [--ca. 8--Kal aCT?qa]vcoal iea[Aeoi o repavcoC 4rrativEcal 5 Kal rOv] 7 --]va IT[ ca.22----Kal T6v ypap] [ypappraTra-S -----[pacia T'Sj pouXfis K]al T['orouJ -] ----ca. 15 ----]111[ [ ] ..-----------.
263. Part of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 6167), with the left side and rough-picked back preserved. Found on April 30, 1949, in the Long Late Roman Wall east of the Panathenaic Way (O 8). H. 0.28 m.; W. 0.246 m.; Th. 0.12 m.; LH. 0.01 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, pp. 196-197, No. 47, photograph pl. 32; S.E.G., XXI, 495. saec. I a. NON-TOIX. ca. 50
lacuna & KaiD Tir [ e]ri?O.[E2\fioeatl 'rrpUT'avEai TO'V &icov aTrr(vcov c av Ka] vv rTCcS iv [Kiacs T?'s o v Kal PJOVu? pa{] tiAoTri.Cos OiKOV KiCal -----------------] vrrral T r1[Cloca----KaT' 16av -rrpo [-----------Txll &yacit 8Se6Xeai] 5 T-rIpouAitl 'rraivEaca[i TrS ------] TOrv -ratiiav rTCV 'rrpuravecov
5 aUT[6v Kal OTOU av &3ouv yayouao &aios fi Trfap&] avSpcov' EOpEoteal T11S TroU[S pTouXfIS povouevTaSrpoUlial tva TroTCov] i''rTi T'rpbo 10 [Tr]parTTroivcov f p3[ou ------ca. 18 p---T (paiv[lq]Tai i] --20 ca2. [T]Cov rrti6VTCOVaUTo[--------vaypa] TOyriqpltapa t ?lOi?t Kal o-rTiCai [?v o-rl?rl# oCiav rT'i] [ya]i 5E TO'6E [qavcr]oaTov ivt( ei 4.[r ol v6ioi a&rrayopEovuacv] vacat 15 [---------] IT[----------------------------] lacuna
The word order in the restoration in line 8 we owe to a suggestion of Marcus Tod. The sign in line 13 we take to be a mark of punctuation and assume that what follows is an afterthought. Note that the place of erection of the stele here seems to be unique. 264. Part of a stele of Pentelic marble (E.M. 5232), broken on all sides. Now in the Epigraphical Museum. H. 0.38 m.; W. 0.21 m.; Th. 0.12 m. (sic); LH. 0.007 m.-0.01 m. Ed. J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1050; S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, pp. 165-166, No. 97. We print our own revision of the stone, incorporating corrections by Dow for the line division and following his text of the register.
ca.11---- .Kal aT-rEavc-aat aCOTv] Trios 'Ay6cecova 'E'rrK[?ous---ecOXoU CTEaXvoco ci[i wraTcpl6viro-i oreavoiOv TOUS&yaeoUs T-rv]
] rrI ----TOV Jav EtovTo i ] Trcav apo]vTOS cTrroq)aiv[ooaiv Trfi PovUAfi [avrcov Olv6]piXov [X]uvvp6jo[u rEiTlpila Tas OcaiaS TzOuKCvat &rraCaaS Tr&S] rTOS Kal TOiU &aXcov'trnie] 68ilou Kal rTCV TrqsPOU?U)S [UtTTp npvrUTa'vEa [KCarIKO'Cas] [7Siioaaia Ka]AcoSKai 9i7haya[0cos Kal Bta TauTC-a TrapaKcAoLJalrv PouATiv nftXCop-)] Troioracrt ai aUTroU c&vOEaiv a v [ocai auToTS] EIK6vos 6VTrco01 y[pOrrrTis rrtxpU]
[ocoI ?v TCOI aV qpaivcovTal] p]ouA6UTTrp|cp' Trxr1a[yai8Ej 06XealT ir povATo1, O6'rcos [ol TTpu'TavEi] TrEIICOVT? TraXV[TraS OlvO6q)ov T-rEpita] dcyacOoUS &vSpas EraivkraCi
[Kai orT?avcoa]t acTO'rv 0[caX]oO c-rE[avco l ct iTplov icrTv cTSecavoiv TroS]
o[-----] A[-----]
Thirdand Fourth
Columns Missing
35 4[----. [----]
ca. 6 --]fi
7 --]
[--ca. 7--]s
30 [--6-7--][S]
in line 11 see line 7 and Introduction, For the restoration pp. 17-18. 265. Two joining fragmentsof Pentelicmarble(I 5990), broken on all sides but with the rough-picked back Found on June4, 1947,in debrisover the Civic Offices(I 12). preserved. H. 0.17 m.; W. 0.275 m.; Th. 0.053 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia,XVII, 1948,pp. 29-30, No. 13, photograph pl. 8. For the date see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia,XVIII, 1949,p. 25. PANDIONIS a. 74/3-63/2a. (but not 64/3)
NON-XTOIX. ca. 53
------] av[lFa-- ca.7--] ] TrXOv&KIS Kall[-- ca.7--]
'x iv [--ca. VE)(XOP1?V1V 7-]
T pouA' ratv[CTai TXrnt &ya0]ti SeS6XeaLi T6V] 5 [-rai{av rTCv Sap]arr[l]cova Hlatavia Kal carT6av[co&aa TrpuravEcov a0] 8i Kai Trois wrrp'Ta[vEaiv] [Trv ecAAoi ao-myavoCt] T16KeXCopicrTal aOTOUypaTrirs EIK6VOS &lairiTois rrro]tioacr0aita [Kal TOTIS &v[6?iCtV] oroial Xovuoav Ertlypa[qyv V v] [iv 6-r?coli rrlXpia]col v Tri 'ArT&ArovU o i doiairot E o i I A[-- ca.6--] nr S Taviovi8os Kaxl [Tr1V8Eot TrrpvrT&(V]S 10 [&pXOVTroS rTV a]u[T]U']v Trai[adv SE -r6O[e TO l] &vellKrav avayp&wati ?v o-rrilrlt X7ii[vrlt Kai] [yiaola rTO ypaiiraT-ra rbv] Kacr& wrpuravEsav [orcfical v TCIrt pouvwrrlpfcoi vacat] vacat
15 [--------] [---- --
[-]nv[-----] [--------]
For the restoration of the treasurer's title in line 5 see No. 278. 266. Three fragments of a pedimental stele of Pentelic marble. Fragment a carries parts of three lines of text and
a largesegmentof the pedimentwith an egg and dartmouldingbetween.It was found on October16, 1934,in a modem wall west of the centralpart of the Stoa of Attalos(O 9). Fragment b, brokenon all sides,joins below
a ou] KaIv
i8o[{Ev Tr l
ovXfit V-
-] c
Kal crreyavcb] [aiT-o ol ?wrlOlvo(iX]ov &Opov[Tos rTra]tviTa[vTes ovuXi av vTap]iav [cavTrS d&Troyaivocvatv TTI-r Trv [EihovTOg cauv] - ca. 20 10 [rTCV-TrE [sTe ]--]co[a] Tr(S [vc'as rtOE]
[- ------------------[
?v T-ri TpvUTa]vEiatlK TCOV [vat TraSKaOrlKOOacaS t8ico[v ir[V p Tre TriS] rTOI Kal is [ -----] KCal [3ovu 8jlp,touKal] rracScov yvvatKv
-_--- _] ]
15 [------------------------lacuna
267. Lowerleft cornerof a largeblock of Pentelicmarble(I 499),with a heavymouldingat the bottombut with the surfacebadlyworn. Found on March1, 1933,in front of the Tholos.
H. 0.58 m.; W. 0.30 m.; Th. 0.344 m.; LH. ca. 0.008 m.-0.01 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, III, 1934,p. 54, No. 41, drawing;S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 166-169, No. 98, photographp. 167. AIANTIS paulloante a. 60 a. -------] AeIK[io]SNIK[ The demotics Mapa0bVtOi and 'Pavo*aioi and twenty-five names of prytaneis missing,i.e. the entire first column.
'lIa&cov 'l&Ioo]v[os]
[o] MaopKo]s
Op&aco<v> Tia&vSpou
in corona: [o-rpa]
TO T[r]Tap vv V -rTOV
[..]AHN [.]NON
Dow's readingof the namesis a triumphof patienceand skill.We removeall dots fromthe nameCpaIp[eVtns] in line 12 and regardthe doubtfullettersas certain.The namein line 14 remainsa problem,but the patronymic seemsto be 'Aperlas(= 'ApEfcas) is surely'Apt[a]iou;the name,afterrepeatedattemptsat decipherment, and we so readit. On line 8 see W. K. Pritchett, A.J.A., LVI, 1952,p. 166,pl. 31, c. Dow thoughtthat the lettersof 'Apcrri)ls would not quite fill the space, but they are here widely separated;we read Kparirlis and retain Meritt'soriginalkappa. stele of Pentelicmarble(E.M. 387), with the left side and originalthicknesspreserved. 268. Pedimental H. 0.40 m.; W. 0.23 m.; Th. 0.105 m.; LH. ca. 0.008 m. Ed.J. Sundwall,Philologus, J. Kirchner, LXVIII, 1909,pp. 571-572 (in minuscule); I.G., II2, 1049; S. Dow, and date we follow. Hesperia, Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 170-171,No. 101,whose arrangement OINEIS a. 57/6 a. oi deiorrooloi ?'1i AIOi <OUS 'EsilSfi oi TrpvuTavEis rTisO[lvE8osKxal apXov]
'TS &rropaivouav Trfit 3ouX[fi TOVTraiJiav, 6v Eltovro oi TrpuT-avEs j cavu] i T? TEucvaiasT?6UKval T'Ov NEiKCvopa r O)uXatov T'aS rri] 'ApTIICOV[OS rTOU TrE Tts irpvrdv[?eav Trfs pouAfisKaci 8ijov Kal] paMoaaOcra5 riEp Wacov cv KaCfiKOVfv], 'tEipJe6q 09iat KaAoq[sKal (qtoTII{ico TCOV Kal 81& TaOrTaTrrapa[KxaoVoCl TTIVP3oukiv 'Trlxcopfc aat auToTs ac] TOo yparT|s5 ElKOV[os &Av&eotv Trotfioaao6ai EvOTrXcolTlXp'pacoi v] rTCOI lvmWv pou?rvTnpiko[v dcyaOfit T-rXT)l, 8E6o6XeaTrji PouXfil] VTO ol TpuT&dS ?aiUTCoV NEIKa] TrarclvEra TOV TIrpi[av, 6v iovTro
vopa 'ApT-rlcovoS vu[haraovKalio-repavcocaliaOTovOacaou] i Tr avoiVv'roS dyae0ois TcOv o T-rpaVCOt r[ov axrpioV[aCrv &v]
8pov, IKeXcopip9o[atl 6 Kai TOIS'rrpUTavEalvKai TroI aEiCiTOi5'rolrl] r PouAEu-rrpfol] dVv6atIv ?v Ti EIKVS oaaooa atoU Trfiv T[-r[is ol TiS OlvE8SoSKai] TViV ITiy[patipv TvfvSE' TrpUrTaVEis (XOuaav ol IT Aio[KAMouS of &efioiTO aPXovTroSTOVTaICJIav NE1K&VO] Kai eOvoias T-5 El] pa 'ApT-rpcovos ODu[&xaiov (piOoTitifaS EVEKa TO S cvauTois&vOiriK[acxv dvacypacat 86 Tro6s r'iatqnacp T-OV ypa,iu,a] TOV KcaTa Trp[Tpav6Eavels5O-rilv tAiifvnv Kal c-rTTfacl v] Tia
rTCOI cov avTXOUpVCOV PouA?vsrlp[cot, Iva TOrTOV qaiv-rTai] c-----]------------[i Povu] T'c[ca lacuna
Ourtextresultsfroma complete of the stone.Dow's emendations arejustified, re-study exceptthatwe rearrange the orderof wordsin lines 6-7 to avoid givingeitherline an irregular length. For the unusualpositionof the verb rolfioaaOat in the formulafor the erectionof the paintedportraitsee No. 281,line 12.For the restoration in line 13 see line 8 and Introduction, pp. 17-18. 269. Two fragments of a dedicationof Pentelicmarble.Fragment a (I 5543)was found on June 17, 1938,in a marblepile at the north foot of the Areopagus.Part of the rough-picked b (I 931) top is preserved. Fragment
was found on June 3, 1933,in fillingthrowninto a drain just outsidethe southwestcornerof the Libraryof Pantainos (R 15).
a: H. 0.08 m.; W. 0.255 m.; Th. 0.13 m.; LH. 0.012 m. b: H. 0.15 m.; W. 0.205 m.; Th. 0.065 m.; LH. 0.013 m.-0.018 m. Ed. A. E. Raubitschek, Hesperia, XII, 1943, pp. 64-66, No. 17, photographs pp. 64, 65, drawing p. 65.
AKAMANTIS a. 53/2 a. a
Mrv68copos Ap[---ca.14----Ta] b
rfis'AKapavri] [ll?]]crasTpuTrp[&vecov l rrp riis]9uis Ail Bou [Trosvtiaurcot 5 [Xaicot vacat Kai'Ea-ria Bou]Xafat
EvTCOI Trr]i [86o 9qvuXs Aio6cb[pou &pXov]
270. Part of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 683), broken on all sides. Found on April 13, 1933, in the wall of a late
H. 0.152 m.; W. 0.27 m.; Th. 0.095 m.; LH. 0.006 m.-0.01 m. Ed. J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, IV, 1935, pp. 40-41, No. 8, photograph p. 40; S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937,
a. 53/2a.
o trratvcaai] [---- Tnr' l ayaQi]t Ss6XOl -T[flt povUfit T-rV rrpUTav]vEcov [TOv TrapIavy Mrqv68copo[v Ap----] v [TrI poveu] [--- Kal TOCSo aoJTro]cJv6apXovTras
Kal rEpavcor']a auorv eaouXol [Trrlpiot Ka o-r[Epavcol 'TTIKE] [Xcopfiorat 8:i Kial roTs] TrrppUTavETv Trsi 'AK[cpawxvTiros] Ev & t alTroV] &v&OE(c[v [rroiL'aicaat aUT-ro ypa'rr]T-rS IKOVO5
[ .]AE--
av rTO]iJTCvV rvTEXouLv[cov OTrrCOS [-ra TO-rcoi caivrrratl ---v [XIrT'lv 'rrpooaiKoUCrav] TrotoIup[Vn -] Trrp6voav 10 [ ------------]r[---------------------
pov] ]
In line 7 we read[ypaTr]Tfis insteadof the original[Trv] rTfS K6OvoS. In line 1 Dow reads,tentatively, IK6VOS XOAAEN.For the date see A. E. Raubitschek, 65. XII, 1943,p. Hesperia,
271. Fragment of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 3451), with the rough-picked back preserved but otherwise broken. Found on February 21, 1936, in a context of Roman date near the west end of the South Stoa II (K 15). H. 0.215 m.; W. 0.10 m.; Th. 0.07 m.; LH. 0.008 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, p. 21, No. 28, photograph pl. 4; S.E.G., XIX, 110. a. 53/2 a. NON-ITOIX. ca. 55 lacuna 8 oi Tr wcaaVrE[s Sl--[TreiST rrpu'ra]V pfS Oi TrI----------p] i Ol i]a]lToit rrat[vtCavTES Kal orrECavCCI [XOVTOS avT-r a7rropaivov] KCa
[alv TOVTrapiav 'APT]EpiS[opov ---------TS
272. Fragment froma base of Pentelicmarble(E.M. 9643),withpartof the left side preserved. Foundon October 686v (Pittakys). 10, 1858,ElsT'rvSt&KofiAXs H. 0.12 m.; W. 0.46 m.; Th. 0.30 m.; LH. 0.008 m. Ed. K. S. Pittakys,'E. 'Apx., 1858,No. 3400; W. Dittenberger,.G., III, 1066(withrestoration of line 1 by U. Koehler);J. Kirchner, L.G.,II2, 1754.Cf. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,p. 172,No. 103,with a new restorationof line 8 and a confirmation of Pittakys'readingin line 9. For the namesin lines 2 and 4-6 and for the date see A. E. Raubitschek, XI, 1942,p. 307. Hesperia, LEONTIS
ca. a. 50 a.
['Elrt]e0Hs 'AVTIKp'CTro
'AyaOoKAfis 'EpyoXdpou
[-- --
20 A![-----] lacuna
EOvrrp[i(ai] lacuna
273. Part of a stele of white marble, broken on all sides, from the collection of Alexios Pales. H. 0.255 m.; W. 0.22 m.; Th. 0.115 m.; LH. 0.007 m.
Ed. B. Laticheff, B.C.H., V, 1881,pp. 251-262; U. Koehler,IG., II, 874;J. Kirchner, I.G., 112, 1756;S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 171-172,No. 102. AIANTIS ca. a. 50 a.
[Mapa6cbvioi] 5 lines missing, plus [TptKopicnot] ----12
5 lines missing
in addition
25 [-------o]
[ [----[---[ ----ca.
AoK[-----] 'A'rro[-----]
c. 11----Is
[---[in corona]
Aq]prLTpiou TavrTarfis [----] [--ca. 8 -- 'APT]EpilSbpO 'Aptorcov Tlooao[us] 50 AtIoxfvrs) ['Papvo]atiol [---ca. 9 ---] 'Iolyivov 'Apltor6ctiaXos Oeap[icovos] Geapicov 'Apir-rol,ia[xou] [-ca.4-]v) 35 [-ca. 3-4-]TpraTroS ipcovos MapKos KopvifiAlo 'ETraivov EsoScpou [eooK]plTroS cborpcrparo oi rrptn rT&vi TOV [oti rpuraveis r6]v oi rrpTra[vels -rv] [ -] Tapiav TCOV rTcrv[ypap-raTia] o-Tpa
[--ca. 8--
in corona 70 [--------
] ]
H. 0.07 m.; W. 0.12 m.; Th. 0.04 m.; LH. 0.009 m. Ed. P. Kawadias (from notes of H. G. Lolling), 'Apx. AEn-rfov, 1888, p. 185, in minuscule; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 3217 (= I.G., II, 5, 1357b). Re-edited by S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, p. 173, No. 104, whose text and
[-ca 3-4-]66COpOV
275. A pillar of Pentelicmarblebrokenat the top and bottom. Found in the sanctuary of Hekatein the Kerameikos in 1909.Now in the OuterCourt of the Kerameikos Museum(Kerameikos MuseumInv. No. I 143).
H. 0.37 m.; W. 0.24 m.; Th. 0.22 m.; LH. 0.011 m.
Ed. J. Kirchner, notes by S. Dow, Hesperia, LG., II2, 1755 from a photographby Brueckner; Suppl.I, 1937, pp. 169-170,No. 99, whose datingwe have here adopted. PTOLEMAIS med.saec. I a. vestigiacoronarum
ol TrpurT&ve[t]s
EVpouXos [K]rqltcro8cbp[ou]
lacuna 276. Fragment of Hymettian marble(I 2320),brokenon all sidesexceptthe bottom.Foundon January 31, 1935, in the foundationof a mediaevalwall south of the Tholos (G 12).
H. 0.18 m.; W. 0.223 m.; Th. 0.05 m.; LH. 0.007 m.
Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl. I, 1937, p. 170, No. 100, photograph;B. D. Meritt, Hesperia,XXI, 1952, pp. 379-380,No. 40; S.E.G., XII, 106.
[XI r6v---]
'Hpa[-ca. 5-]
ou Knr[ElCi]
i[a] 277. Fragmentof a stele of Pentelicmarble(I 2175), brokenon all sides. Found in Decemberof 1934among collectedmarblesnearthe southwestcornerof the Odeion. H. 0.165 m.; W. 0.13 m.; Th. 0.058 m.; LH. 0.008 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia,XV, 1946,pp. 226-228, No. 54 a, photographp. 227; Hesperia,XXXIII, 1964, p. 197,No. 48; S.E.G., XXI, 491. PANDIONIS ca. med.saec. I a. lacuna
&V TIt 1TpuTravefa [-- ca.6 --KCa]l TTi[e7.EXfacrt TrCV] cov iv KQXCo5 o Kal 91] [&C &rr&V]T-rcv [v oairoTs KCaeTKOV T1'V pouvfv] Kal] Sit Tar[Tra rrapcaKiAoicnv [AoT-riicos kTuro.s ri[ol^aaacreal car [iXwtxcopija]ati yparrris] &v6Xrrco[t nrrtxppacotl 5 [E[K6VOS -r ( ?)] Vrr6TO d&v&c]ecrv ' v TOrTrou T-rCpovueu] [(crrot8SeSelyp]vov caurT[cv Kal Trfv iTriypaqf'vT-rlv5E oi] [Trlpicot,wrorl|]oaaCivo[it Kal o dc&iaTrot----] ['rrpvurav6lS Tr]s TTav[5toviBos [-------------------
NON--TOIX. ca. 39
bv 67brAcoi cf. G. Klaffenbach, Philologus, CV, 1961, pp. 295-297, and CVII, 1963, pp. 156-157; For ElKcfv J. and L. Robert, R.E.G., LXXV, 1962, pp. 176-177, no. 203, and LXXVII, 1964, p. 192, no. 283.
278. Upper part of a pedimented opisthographic stele of Pentelic marble (I 3231), broken at the lower right side and bottom. Found on December 21, 1935, built into the wall of a modern well immediately south of the Tholos
(G 12).
H. 0.67 m.; W. 0.47 m.; Th. 0.095 m.; LH. ca. 0.01 m.
Ed. A. E. Raubitschek, XII, 1943,pp. 56-60, No. 14, photograph Hesperia, p. 58. No. 336 was inscribedon the reverse. HIPPOTHONTIS med.saec. I a.
01 TrrpurtViS
TOV Tratliav T-rTs9
in corona
vcot, TrXui 'yaij 666X(air Titl pouAfil r[aivcrai T-rv ra] plfavT-rv iTrpTrrvEcov 'Ts 'Il i'o0co0[vrf5o Aiop?6. vrv] 'A'rro?XcovIov 'Alrlvia Kal o"rTavco[oca arTov ecMoio]
rTCV &avspcv dvayp6cal 86 -r6o8T[Or6 pritol.ra rT6 ypal.] .aT-a rTO Kcrra TrrpIrcavilaCv dls o)[TilX7V xei0iv Kal 5va]
[---] 'ApiC[-r---]
Ae[---] Tip[---]
50 r[---] (DiX6orpaTosTToAvKp-rTou Aioroouvpi6r1i Ariou A[---] AtovCalos) VE(cTrpoS) YE---] Atlovuo'copoS AtoyvouS [---] ' ee69iXoS 'HAtoScbpov E[---] AEvKiou AlcrXivrl lacuna
NvupoyAfi[s )]
lacuna Found on April 8, 1935,in a late foundationwall at the northeast cornerof the Metroon(I 8). H. 0.087 m.; W. 0.088 m.; Th. 0.034 m.; LH. 0.011 m.
279. Fragment of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 3019), with part of the left side preserved but otherwise broken
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967,pp. 236-237, No. 46, photograph pl. 59; S.E.G.,XXIV, 179. OINEIS ca. a. 50-40 a. lacuna a &va] KQ [U]crrTa [r6v KaT& d1S oTriXV TrrpUTravcav
vacat ] [-------c rcpavoUv -rTOiS &yae0oS TCOV dcv] T68s -r TO Sa av[aypapai [8pC]V' yilplpta T6v ypa,l]
with projecting fillet above the inscribed surface. Found on February 10, 1934, in a late context just north of the Tholos (H 11).
H. 0.345 m.; W. 0.215 m.; Th. (not original) 0.09 m.; LH. 0.01 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967, pp. 237-238, No. 47, photograph pl. 60. Cf. A. E. Raubitschek, Hesperia, XI, 1943, p. 60, note 136; S.E.G., XXIV, 180.
281. Two non-joiningfragmentsof a stele of Pentelicmarble.Fragmenta (E.M. 7613) was broughtin to the Museumfrom the Royal Gardens;the left marginis preserved. Epigraphical Fragmentb (I 367) is brokenon all sides; it was found earlyin 1933in the wall of a modernhousein the areaoverthe Late RomanWaterMill (Q 13). a: H. 0.42 m.; W. 0.25 m.; Th. 0.094 m.; LH. 0.008 m. b: H. 0.165 m.; W. 0.05 m.; Th. 0.11 m.; LH. 0.006 m.-0.01 m.
Ed. a: U. Koehler, Hermes, V, 1871, pp. 337-338, I.G., II, 487; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1048. b: B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, III, 1934, pp. 39-40, No. 28, drawing p. 39. a and b: S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, pp. 182-183, No. 113. For the date see 0. Reinmuth, Hesperia, XXXIV, 1965, pp. 255-272, B.C.H., XC, 1966, pp. 93-100.
['ErEtCS]8i ofi TrpuTaveis] 'rrotro'[a6pEvot Trrp6ooov oi Erri [Tirs] 'Epe{I}) XO?os Kalot a&[io-Tot 'A-rroXi]
Kcal aoreavcbcav] [Q]i8osapXovTos [TrcnaVcaavTES -raptlav6v a*Cxroi [TE]SrTTroqpavouaiv Tfi[l pouvfi Tr6v E1] 5 [Ao]VTo kxa-rTv Krilciai' T-rs] 2coKp[&Trv 2coiKpTrov va [&rraaas 'ras KaCrKo^oCaS T-rsOie [re 0]uoCIaS ?K] IS{cov s Kai TroU [T-r]v 86iov KialTra{] lrrriprT T[fiPo7s po picov Kcal [Sco]vKal yuvatKcovKal [rTCV ov'uaXcov, irrn] 6 i TCoV [p]E6Eh6fijO*at KaI [VT-ij TrpVTaVvEia &S] 10 [X]cov 5v Kai'Kov Kal i &] fov K[aOj S Kal litXoTrilcos, c [T]aoiTa rrapaKcAXoul [r^v pou7Xv irnicopfcrai gau] Trrooto'I-aitariTo[UyparrrTisEIK6voS [Tr]oiS av6&E] [ca]Iwv cya] E6-irAcp krrpio'c [iv 6 aiTroVTral TrOrcrp' coa Kp6] [T]ij XriX &S6x?86eai rlI 'rrtaivTCai T[oudi,
EIK6v[os d&vEcnv Evci al] [rO=i]a[aae]atTrivTriS o Trrpv] 20 [TroUivra] "r6rrcp Trv68' -rriypaqpv Xouvaa[v ot a&loTro T-rS [T"r&vei 'EpEX][iJ]8os [K]a[l otiTrl]
['AiToWAiS18os apXowvros---------------]
[--- ---
gx [KrT6Sov]
25 [e ?].6a[os ?----]
[--]E[ ---
[Mo?]IpiTrrr[os-------] vacat
Tral] [ol rrp]u'rvvl[s -rTOV [av] TfiS pu.[fis]
in corona
30 []oYKp&[rL )] [Knl]lota[oq]
The crowncontainedspacefor 3 morelines For the restoration in line 13 see lines 19-20 and Introduction, pp. 17-18. 282. Statuebase with two wreaths,last seen on Acrocorinth. Ed. Philippe Le Bas, Inscriptions: et Peloponnese, Megaride p. 43, no. 88 (Vol.II of Le Bas-Waddington, Voyage en Grece et en Asie Lines 10-16 on AcroArchdologique Mineure). (in four lines) copied by GeorgeChrysides corinthin 1833 and given to K. S. Pittakysto publishin 'Ep. 'ApX., 1855,No. 2647, who reportsthe wreath aroundtheselines. Cf. W. Dittenberger, LG., III, 648; J. Kirchner, LG., II, 3502; S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 175-176,No. 107 (for the dispositionof the text). LEONTIS ca. a. 45-30 a. in corona
ol Trrpv "r6vTral av Tris uV
5 AfiS AT1g1
-rptov :l
86nv Tpl
At the end of line 7 a lunatemu with superimposed epsilon(not lunate)was correctly interpreted by Dittenfor 4(aoov).Cf. No. 286, line 13, and LG., II2, 2461, line 36. bergeras an abbreviation
and with tracesof a 283. Part of a stele of Pentelicmarble(I 866) with the smooth-picked rightside preserved, in of Found on the wall a late east of the Tholos above the text. May 25, 1933, pit moulding (H 11:1).
H. 0.157 m.; W. 0.098 m.; Th. 0.087 m.; LH. ca. 0.01 m.
TS----------] ol &El1rTOl ['ETrrmtSot -TrpUTa'vEr [ol iri -----------TraivravT]E Kal orE &pXOVrTOS TET TOV ] gaCo-UTVv pOUvXE arroyaivoUvav [qpavbocaVTES
------------------T--[T-rOlav 5
[Kival Tr'acrS Tas KaOCiKovaS'VTTp T'-S p]ovufis Kal cV Kca]OeKOV 8e TCOV jv CAACOV [TOU6Ipov, TETTIpEpjeAfio'Oat Kai S1iX TaiuTa TrrapaKa]XAoualv [KcAQos Kal qniOTiofpcos,
[rv pouiv----------------------------]vriSa
10 [-----------------------------
284. Part of a stele of white marble (E.M. 2736), broken on all sides, except the left where part of the edge is
H. 0.27 m.; W. 0.19 m.; Th. 0.055 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
Ed.J. Kirchner,.G., II2,1059and(later) .G., II2,1758;S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 173-174,No. 105.
ca. a. 40-30 a.
KAo6paxos[----] a&vTypacpEis
lost vestigiacoronae
in corona
10 TOr S TOV6T, o6rTAiTas
285. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 6708) with the right side preserved, built into the packing of the later roof
H. 0.23 m.; W. 0.13 m.; Th. 0.108 m.; LH. ca. 0.01 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, pp. 215-216, No. 59, photograph pi. 36; S.E.G., XXI, 600.
ca. a. 40-30 a. [TVavPpcoT&oSal] [--] traces [--]
[. .5. .]XioSAowva
[----]os KacX.
[---] traces [--] lacuna 286. Block of Hymettianmarble(E.M. 10596),almostcompletebut mutilatedat the top and upperleft. H. 0.59 m.; W. 0.57 m.; Th. 0.40 m.; LH. 0.01 m. Ed. W. Dittenberger, LG.,III, 1019;J. Kirchner,.G., II2,1757;S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 174-175, No. 106. ERECHTHEIS
ca. a. 40-30 a. [KrpuV]KEOovTos povAfiS [K]al Sipou KaXliKpaTi8o[u]
Tpixopvi cio[u]
Mrlv65copos )
ZO[i.]Hcxos'lcna6pov [cobrr]paTos 'A[p]io-ray6pou
15 'ETrryaeos EOQpooCvou
AlovioiIo 'AiMa&vSpou
AtovOaios 'Apicrrcovos
TSai Tavpcor
'A'rro7acbvios Arlvaiou 'ArroAMbvios E0apXitov AnKi(ou 'AppoSiakos 20 'Epias ) 'lai6oroS NtKoa[Tr]pa'rou KcapTr6SoSpos A[r]]vacou 'A[Xe] MEvavSpos jvSpov Spparricov AlovvroBcbpou NKoAaou 'A'rroMX68pos
'Apyatos TilwapXou 45 'Apposioios 'Apycaov MEvavSpos 'A[p]ioraiXI EuKapTrriou Arip)lTpios 'AvrioXo ) ovlou A0catfos '"AanryTiri8o 50 'Avayvpacriot Kcb8SioS Map[K]OS 'A'rro7A< XuPiov 'ArroA2oqpavrls
'Apicoviou KAXavSpos
55 XcbpqXoo )
After examination of the stone we have introduced changes in Kirchner's text in lines 4, 8, 22, 34, 43, 48, and 49.
287. Lowerrightcornerof a stele of Pentelicmarble(E.M. 9580),found on April2, 1850,in the easternpart of the Acropolis.
H. 0.38 m.; W. 0.21 m.; Th. 0.10 m.; LH. 0.008 m. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, p. 176, No. 108, whose disposition we follow.
Ed. K. S. Pittakys,'Eq. 'Apx., 1853, No. 1968; W. Dittenberger, I.G., III, 650; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2,3503;
ca. a. 40-30 a.
vacat0.03 m.
10 i[av rfis BovufisXa
86KOU 'ErriKnr
q(poiov vacat0.045 m.
ta'T[o]vp[yovTros] V SKl&] r!ri T[h
15 Threecitations
vacat0.02 m.
rTOv r[a] IgiavT-rf
8star&t IEpcas
Sa Oct[XARo]
vos vacat
288. Part of a stele of Hymettian marble (1 1508), with the back rough and broken on all sides. Found on March
Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 176-178,No. 109,photograph p. 177. KEKROPIS ca. a. 30/29a. lacuna
TO pi ala o"ri] v &vaypalat [8 TOr6S [------------] Kal [Ei AteivE]i cTcat ---------------] [v (Columns III and IV S] MEALTME [----]
[----] 5 [---[-a.
7 --]afou
[-Ca. -Z]vUn&CXou
[--a. 7--] ATI'F)rpiou
Aiovu[c -------] N1K.85[a]S['AvT-rIpvou]
10 [------]
[2uvracA]'rrTTo [--- .. ] [-u'TrreTa]t6io [--ca. ---]rs 15 [-ca.6--]s
[--Ca [--a. [--
9 [------
Cf. Dow, Clas. Phil., XXXVII, 1942, p. 313, for the prytanis of line 18. The reading and restoration in line 23 we owe to a suggestion of A. E. Raubitschek, with reference to I.G., 12, 1008, line 39, and I.G., I2, 1043, line 57. 289. Four fragments of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 995, 1647, 1748, 1768). Two of the fragments join as one (Fragment a): I 995 was found on June 19, 1933, in a marble pile north of the Tholos, and I 1647 was found on March 24, 1934, in a late Roman context over the Tholos porch (H 11); they preserve part of the top of the
Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 183-185,No. 114,photographs p. 184. AIANTIS ca. a. 30-20 a. a
NON-:TOIX. ca. 35
[eohipels] [OcLW1jPES]
in line 5, see No. 293, lines 4-5. The character For the restoration of the letteringon fragment b preventsits associationwith fragments and d. See No. 289a. a, c, 289a. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble(I 1806),brokenon all sides,found on April18, 1934,in a late fill in the wall trenchof the Tholos (G 12).
H. 0.066 m.; W. 0.087 m.; Th. 0.029 m.; LH. 0.011 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, pp. 183-185, No. 114, fragment B, photograph p. 184.
AIANTIS ca. a. 25 a.
[- ---.-
NON-XTOIX. ca. 25
V T-r]t yaflij TXrlt] O3ouA[vuTTmp({oir T ] rli [86s6xOan P3o]uAfi Trc[atvCaliKal [--------(Da]rpca3 o'[Trepavco'aa aT-rov]
This text was publishedoriginallyas part of No. 289, but the lettering is so distinctively different that it must be assignedto a separatestele. See the photographs in Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,p. 184. 290. Part of an opisthographic stele of Pentelicmarble(E.M. 10468),with the left side and bottom preserved. Found in 1852nearthe SacredGate.
H. 0.64 m.; W. 0.45 m.; Th. 0.105 m.-0.12 m.; LH. 0.01 m.
Ed. K. S. Pittakys,'Ep. 'Apx., 1854,No. 2292; W. Dittenberger, I.G., III,1297;J. Kirchner, I.G., II2,2467; S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,pp. 178-181,No. 110,photograph p. 179. (No. 427, I.G., IIa, 1790,is on the reverse).
ca. a. 2918-22/1 a.
rrpvTr]v[et].S [o1
TO vV 'Ta'Wpav in corona
[vEtS Tov]
&r[1-r 8orrXa]
in corona
in corona
p[I]AoV 7uv8p6
pOU -rTE
Trp{rTOV 'AVriTra
Tp[Ov] ) ?
[M)]Xi [TE-a]
A[vu]a 80
30 [-----] [0 ? ] [-----I
One column missing
[----- ]
40 [----
UVM& pKov
85 Aeoa[esvrs?] 'A7ekavSpos[-]
Ta . .ou
[----]cbpou W 'ETrriVEKos
'Al KaWXas
Arinrpiots Vw 'w'rrou
Oavos1K8o D]
o 'rrpUTcvrv[is]
in corona
[---] [----]
zouvi [i]a
Ae ovuS
Lines49-50 wereread by G. A. Stamires, lines 51-52 by Meritt.Otherreadingsfollow Dow. The demoticof the treasurer and his name and patronymic should appearin lines 33-35, and we have so restoredthem. Line 55 was deciphered afterrepeatedinspectionof the stone in the courtyard of the Epigraphical Museum. The appearance of the samedemoticMEAi7reT twicein the sameregister(lines 33, whereit must be restored, and 73) is withoutparallel.
291. Two fragments of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 877), preservingthe top with a moulding above the inscription, but otherwise broken. Fragment a was found on May 22, 1933, in a marble pile in the area of the Temple of Ares; fragment b was found on February 27, 1934, in a late Roman-Byzantine context east of the Stoa of Zeus ( 6). a: H. 0.11 m.; W. 0.105 m.; Th. 0.045 m.; LH. 0.008 m. b: H. 0.125 m.; W. 0.113 m.; Th. 0.05 m.; LH. 0.008 m.
b Kaloi] TrS['irrro]0covTisos o1 TrrpuTr&]vElS [TrrEitS [qpvXriS ol &1ri s Kai] rapo] [ciarTro a[iv?ravTrES &pxo]vTo 'ATr]9oij[oS
T6v Tra[Ciav--ca.7--] T povUS]l [a-?cpav6avT?ESmcrro(paivovov o lacuna
Fragment b is the larger of the two fragments (see Dow's photograph). As Dow observed, the letters in line 3 are closer together than those in lines 1 and 2, but the restorations here proposed reduce the disparity in lengths of lines to reasonable limits. Dow thought that the word (pvAjsnever occurred in the preambles of such decrees (op. cit., p. 193), but the restoration here appears to be essential in order not to have too short a line. The same is probably true in line 1 of No. 271, though the case there is not quite so clear. There is too little evidence in the period after Sulla to make possible any firm conclusion. 292. Two opisthographic fragments from a large stele of Pentelic marble (I 4913), with the top and the right side (as of Face A) preserved. Found on May 29, 1937 in a cistern west of the Tholos (G 11:2) in a context dating from the fifth century after Christ. The stele was finished horizontally across the top with an ovolo moulding on Face A and on the sides, which were roughly hammer-dressed. Face B, which was inscribed later, has text (No. 400) enclosed in a panel with a pedimental top worked in low relief. a: H. 0.266 m.; W. 0.178 m.; Th. 0.12 m.; LH. 0.011 m. on Face A and ca. 0.01 m. on Face B. b: H. 0.387 m.; W. 0.15 m.; Th. 0.115 m.; LH. 0.011 m. on Face A and ca. 0.01 m. on Face B. Ed. G. A. Stamires, Hesperia, XXVI, 1957, pp. 246-260, No. 97, photographs pl. 62; S.E.G., XVII, 46. Face A KEKROPIS NON-ZTOIX. ca. 57-64 a. 21/0 a. o' a irWa o-rpaTrcyo]ivros 'Avrri[]D b(rIbri T'Xi [&yca -r ] \ A dY] [TTrrapouTro ) (DAucs r6T ' ol &Tri Kal KEKpo'TiSos ot iatoTroI 'A'rro]Xfil8os &pXovTro TSrS ['TreiSi ol 'rrpurT&vEi rav Kal oTp aiav o]v aOrTotiavTo 9 [rraivoavTS i.pavioouaoi TOV avocbavrs 28 -Kal -ca. r6 r v 5 [auTrcov brro(pacvovu]t -rT povu TciS
T-rcEvKval [euoiaS
KaclT-rv XotirC'v [(iAcov Kal acritJivo)(Cov, 68 Kal TrCv &AVcov&6rr&v]TOrcv 'riwnlEEAa?o8ail Kal XaiTrp]Jco l 658Koal Tipoevv0exa cpXayiO)cos' vc-TotIS TrpvS ?)' [rrpovEVOiKxvai(
Kal Tr'S eOvoias' Kcal it& T-a]v'rca 'p6S TroOs rrpurTwvEiS [I.?yCXo?pEp(as -raptaKcAocal
aOIroi ypacrMi s iK6voS&v&0cI]v [rimv povuAv brrixopircpat &aiuvrols oi TrpuTa'VEI Tfis K?Kporf8os -rTOv rTai ]p' aTcTov [TO-rovsunrpcq9(?) xKal&imyp&clat -rT&6e -----------------------------]------15 [av --(about 15 lines missing)
'AaieTS NKO6Xaos )
20 [------]
in corona 'Apia
J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XXVII, 1958, p. 42, note 8, prefers to begin the preamble in lines 1-2 [rri &pXovwroS 'ATrroN7AiSos, '-ravrlyvplapXo]vrros'Avri[. We retain the reading of Stamires but delete the article TOJ. We also at the beginning of line 13 (cf. No. 277) and add EauToiS. delete the words ol IrpuTa&vEI 293. Stele of Pentelic marble (I 807), broken at the bottom and rough-picked at the back, with a pediment at the top with akroteria, mostly broken away. Found on May 12, 1933, in a loose fill over the Civic Offices (I-J 12). The right side is original; on the left the side has been cut back with filled flutings and shows a clawed foot, probably a Byzantine re-use. H. 1.015 m.; W. 0.492 m.; Th. 0.11 m.; LH. 0.01 m. (upper) and 0.007 m. (lower). Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, pp. 186-191, No. 116, photograph p. 187; S.E.G., XXI, 493. PANDIONIS ca. a. 20 a.
TrsEiS &gOIou wTTlrev 'Arr6XTItSOiXOKp&TOUS ?rrp6oroov 'roirla'cEvotI rpbo Tiv povuh v ot 'rrpu rT&velS TrfsrTavstovi8os ot Err1Atiou 'Arlnvicos rTO Taav TCV Trrp-rTav apXovrostpaviLouoIv -rOv 6v arol Tiavro OfXcova'HyeX6XOv co v lTTacavita rI c T? Tai 1Eia TraSTreeui]] v SEaVI.vo .TO 3IT[[EpOV al rTOiS [a]s TErOuev eo<T>s &S TraTplOv ?v Crisp Tr TO-rv 6?iirov Kal arrca6cov TpUT&vEcov Kali TqS poUhfi Kaci-TOU TCOV Kal Kal KcAMtep{i [Kai] yuvaiKOcov KaC q(ptov oVtpi(CXcJov,
ca. 34-44
10 [aa]v-ra v
eOvolas, t61 Kaoi apaKaAo0 [Kal]af(cos T1iSrrpbSToJS TrpUTa&vetS TsV [aiv] ol rrpuTaVEIS
v TV TrpooiqKouoCav TrroItracroati POUVAjv 8s aXTfa t poviUi E'n'atvcraiTOiS5 Se6X ETrwTi3 wrpbosTOUS OeoS EcO-ev [Tp]uTa&vets TTqj5 atov6iSo5 5 Kal TOV Cnrosepvavxra rTapiavcac1rcTv TO [p13ei]q ralvC'tal TETeXeKE TnaavtIa "rriTr TrCOt [8e]OTepov OiXcova 'HyeA6XOvU
OiAcov 'HyoA6Xou
eucrias Tro'i0?oT ols rraTptov iv, Kal oT-ravvcoVatauC [vat] T&5S c&Tr1aTpt6V ?o-r1V o-Trsavouv TOv0Sa eaXAou [T6]v c a-vcp Teo o qaVl-rrat [yao]oCS T-rcVacv8pCv iva TOi-TCOv 'aJVTrvOUpvcav 20 [ri p]ourix TrjvwrpoaiKouo'av wrpovotav-TrotouVJEVl. vacat ]TalaviCtS IeIpit?iS
ol rrpvTavetSTO-V o-rpa
'Ovacriov 'OXuvwrrto8Copou
AtovCroios Zrvo[8]cbpou
'OXuvuricov 'A?Xa&vSpou Ko Acov) 'AyaOoKfis ) 55 MapKos 'EpioKpaoCSs "Opptos NeIKcovo Anrt1iTpIOS 'AvrTraTrpo)
80 'AvTirrrcrrpov 'Av-tn[rr6]Trpou
{rTos )
35 eE68poS [-----] NEiKCov ropy[icovos]
ATpr|TpioS KeivEov
in corona
'A'[vi-] A[]rll]'rTpos
[.. 3-4.]EVOS ) I 3[-1---] [...7....]
AEuKiou 85 M[--- -pcoT-royEvris 'ATro7covilSo[u] MEveKafis [-]Ti-[ou----] K6iVTroSoco'Tiyevr S [--].[ ]-----45 'ArroAAcbvios AuoCiou [-----Aiiov TT1a-nlAos
OE66o'Tos 'AAei[covos
17 -----]
vacat vacat
-rT TraI.iiav oi 1TrpvTaVetS TOrv ra 100 o! TrpvUT-&vS TOV oi -rputravEis rov] TracXp oi TrrpuTaves y[pap] 90 [av Trcv TrpUTavEcov] 95 liav T-rS pouXvi Kai -TCVo-paTicoTIrtK v IJ.-Tra TOU 85iflou [in corona] [?iAcova] ['Hyso6xov] [TTlaavtlca] ?TOo 68ilJov in corona [----- ]rv in corona eEoyE?VTv Oeoyivov in corona [-----]
[----o]us ]] [ --
294. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble(I 5634), with the back preservedand the top re-cutbut otherwisebroken. Found on October24, 1938, in the wall of a modernhouse southeastof the MarketSquareand west of the Panathenaic Way (R 23).
H. 0.137 m.; W. 0.177 m.; Th. 0.082 m.; LH. 0.008 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXX, 1961,p. 261, No. 70, photograph pl. 48, S.E.G.,XXI, 599. saec. I a.
[----[..]ClyoVTS [A]nTriTpIos
oi rrpu-rTav[Eis] corona 295. Two joining fragments of a stele of Hymettian marble (I 579 and Addendum), found built into the foundation of the euthynteria of the Little Stoa (J 12) west of the Odeion, the upper fragment on March 14, 1933, and the lower fragment on June 24, 1967. With the fragments joined the left side and part of the rough-picked back are
a: H. 0.23 m.; W. 0.17 m.; Th. 0.088 m. b: H. 0.192 m.; W. 0.19 m.; Th. 0.082 m.
p. 193, No. 120; a and b joined: B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXVII, 1968, pp. 278-279, No. 16, photograph pl. 80; S.E.G., XXV, 134.
a and b: LH. 0.009 m.-0.013 m. Ed. a: J. H. Oliver,Hesperia, IV, 1935,pp. 38-40, No. 7, photograph p. 39; S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl.I, 1937,
aet. Aug.
NON--TOIX. ca. 49
a Trrl--- ca.10---] [7Trrl8iot Trrpv-r&VE]lS T[fiS--- ca.9 ---ol TOV TaIifav To-- ca.8-] [apXOvTroS &rrocai{]vouvl[v Til povXfil ovTa Kal 6eS] K?al [--ca.7--18tat] KOIVf[I &vSpa &yae6v TrpOc-rov K'al rroplras TaIrapEiovra [68 0uvi] TpiTrov [-repovrTaclE]iJovra, TrkEfovasrT1ri [aS 7rerrotirl]vov Kal d&vE1iX[Tl'a T'Cl Trfis'r6] TOUpi] [XEoaS ov]>JiqEpovTI, TaElUbo[vTa ' 8i rrposTrfvTrXEVa-rv
gKrTCV 86icovsEEaSCpS] T-rOvauia [Tse0uK6Tra [ou T]Erap-rov rTa& 'vov 9PtXav] [K]aCltpXoTrcoS KCalTroS rpUTa'V[eaivTrpoo'vrvey 'rTv Sia Kal pouviv E'rrlXCOp] epcbrrcoS, T-rcaa TcrapaKacXo[uoiv aai aO'roTs ?v 6-rrXcolt rroticaaoait yparTtrfi [elK6voS acUTOJ Iri]
5 b
t El56X0am] Trol 'AaKcXlrT[icoi6 &yafTl -rXI Xp0o'o.i d5v6eoaIv uv riTj pouaXi E'rrcaivoai I:v Kailore[avcocrai e0a?o o'rap&avcol] i jl 'rr rTO Trav{ac TrCVrrp-ravEcov To[--- ca. 5 --- rrT p6 TroUS]
l TTl KCa0KOYrii KTl8eia'] EciEpeatfi Kal TrwKTjE8?[cca 0EovS
5 15
'Troii] Oait K &aicrToiS a[i ToISTrpuTavaveKaliTOiS TriKEXcopfcl 'Tv vo[s ava?V'----------K TrfiSlK6O[ --] acao.[ac]
296. Fragment of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 5482), broken on all sides. Found on June 4, 1938, in the wall of
fin. saec. I a.
[KCa ris]
[acv ]C-rTa 5
[vf]S6Iv The name of the heraldwas inscribed withina wreath. 297. Fragment of Pentelicmarble(1 1252),brokenon all sides. Found on January 29. 1934,in a late fill over the south porchof the New Bouleuterion (G 10). H. 0.176 m.; W. 0.145 m.; Th. 0.072 m.; LH. 0.009 m. Ed. S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,p. 192, No. 118,photograph. fin. saec. I a. lacuna
[------[------[ )]
[------]KpaTrov 5 [-----]ay&eou
15 I1[-----]
[------ ]
Nl[K-----] 20
10 [-------]
[----] l A[a--uAvos.
fin. saec. I a.
NON-2TOIX. ca. 50
[?-rreiSt 'rrp6ao5ov 'rroaTtoqtiEvoi 'rrposT^?vIo]yA.v oi lrrTpurtves -r6v -raT]axav 6v acTroi i[Aov'ro] (avit.ovaiv [T'rin----ca.20 --?.X-[------8iKai]oovii Tr6carT KeXpia9eal Ka.[Al] - ] v roTslepoISols Tr'-Tptov ?v vacat] vacat [---r [EpicraavTa
r I-------------------------------------------I
lacuna 299. Fragment of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 6396), broken on all sides. Found on June 1, 1951, in a Turkish
bothroseast of the East Stoa (P 14). H. 0.265 m.; W. 0.16 m.; Th. 0.115 m.; LH. ca. 0.009 m. and 0.005 m. (line 21). Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967,pp. 238-239, No. 48, photograph pl. 60; S.E.G.,XXIV, 181.
5 [--- .-]v
coca[- ---------]
'AOfva[ios ) 6 Kal---] :[uvppcxat] co[------------]
[- ----]8IS
10 [----- M]EvEKpTrou [------]) [- ----'o]vi0V[los]
300. Left corner of a low base of Hymettian marble (I 6142), with the left side smooth and the bottom dressed with a toothed chisel. Found on April 18, 1949, in the Long Late Roman Wall east of the Panathenaic Way (O 9). H. 0.088 m.; W. 0.22 m.; Th. 0.20 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
Ed. B..D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964,pp. 216-217, No. 60, photograph p. 36; S.E.G.,XXI, 739.
fin. saec. I a. ot rrpvT&veIS Tr6v&r[i r&a]
crrpaTcry[6v] corona
Aecovi srqv
5 a
301. Fragment from the upper right side of a pedimental stele of white (Pentelic?) marble (1 6164), broken at the left and below. Found on April 29, 1949, in the Long Late Roman Wall east of the Panathenaic Way (O 8).
[bTrr?i8'f Tsrf Oi TTpUTaV-rv Trp6aoSov iroiTpaaXIEvoI] [---ov ) Brlaaia rvTV Taliav] eio-vrviXeat xrrp6vo[i] EK rTCV [av XpTJiaTco)V iSicov, 6EKal TV-rK[Oi] ?TivepLE]Xke OCVIjrpp6vTCOV [vCOV ri TP?ooui Kai aO]ToT5 Trpvr&v TroTS [caI TSs 'AvTioXi[oS &v6eiKvO1evovTr]jcav TrpoOvliav [Kal 81i TaUTa nroif iT'rapaKaAouciv iiTr)(]copifaai aoiroTS 10 [crao-0ca accroUypaTrrr?sIKOvoS &v]fc!Eaiv gv T-rI 'AoaKAX [mTIdEci oi] -rrpv-rvaS rTis 'ATr[t] XXOuaav 'rliypacqfv Trijv8E i ol a{arTroIVVV [oxi5os of 'rr ----apXo]vTros Ka O6Xtov ov ---) Brcaal]Ea T-v aVUTcov [MapKov Tagia[v] EvsKaiKaiirpo0uljiaS Kial] XPr1naTCOV [piA7ias irpovoia[S] 15 [avlav" vv dyaeq Trj Tri povriui rraivcv[am] 86856]Xeai (D6,l3ov -----ov ) B]rjlcala Erri [MapKov BTI Ti Trrp'i TOrv [craticov8finov 'rrpoiiviat KailSiL T-r )(VXV Tro0 T]'fi ITrp6S TCv 'rrpuTavscov [atov -r Kai aTrseav]o'ait aCOrov 0ctXov t1 rr&rpt6v [aorEyvcmol ycxa0ovs c?ri1cTr9]avo0v rTO*S5 20 [-TCvav6pcov, rruK<EXcopfi]ieat 85 Kcai T'rs irTpuTaVv[] T Kai Kai TfiVTrfi iK6vo[s] OTS [acv cic&iTOis Trotljaao0a]i aCIToui Iva TOiOTCV [cvaCteav ?v T&r1 'AaQrAlnmeiol] 1TpaT<(T>oIvco[v] aor [Kai mxapxoois TaiTr-l 'rijS ca]pnrpfas of KaTK-r' iSa[v] i yeivcov[Tai] --] ar.XapX6pievoo [----(C<>fis)lS 'IcG6roToV 5
[Tla]p[a]&] ovoS-EV[--]
lacuna 302. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 2969). Found on May 11, 1935, in the wall of a late pit north of the Tholos (G-H 11). Parts of the left side and top are preserved.
H. 0.085 m.; W. 0.129 m.; Th. 0.05 m.; LH. 0.011 m.-0.015 m. OINEIS ca. a. Chr.n.
'rri 'Aptcrro8[moiv OIv i(] Sos oi 'rrpvrU[vaS d&vE] [0]lKav W 'A[xapvlis ,W,]
[ I----------------]
[--] 'Hpc,QE[4Srls---]
303. Fragment of a steleof Pentelicmarble,withthe left sidepreserved but otherwise broken,foundon the south of the slope Acropolis.Now in the regionalHistoricalMuseumat Kherson,U.S.S.R. H. 0.21 m.; W. 0.145 m.; Th. 0.085 m.; LH. 0.008 m.
Ed. B. Latyschew, B.C.H., XVIII, 1894, pp. 334-335, No. 1; J. Kirchner, I.G., 112, 2468; T. N. Knipovitch and E. I. Levi, with I. Brachinsky and E. Kastanajan, InscriptionesOlbiae 1917-1965, Nadpisi Olvii 1917-1965, Leningrad, 1968, pp. 55-56, No. 54, photograph pi. XXVIII.
AEvKiou OiR[X]o-ros
[TTapllpXos No'-ro[poS] 'A'rroAXco[v--] 'A[vSp]cas ?) 'AVTIO6XO n[6rrXo]os( 10 'ATroX[Xo(p]avrns Aco[aoeiou] AlovOlaos N[iK]av[8pov] 'AVTioXos M[..]vi[---]
'ETriKrTrTos )tl[----]
NEEptlos i[Xo]v[-----] ] Q[---[Ka]prr68copos traces lacuna The Leningrad publicationof 1968makesno mentionof the earliereditionsand does not, in fact, recognize the text as Attic (cf. J. and L. Robert,R.E.G.,LXXXII, 1969,p. 486). Lines 2-4 have been read heretofore as in line 2 is not part of a namebut part of a column of names.This is in error.The clear readingcqaivrTa[t] ' TV belongs to the phrase[iva rTOVTCOV aVTrEAovplu]vcov 9aivT-ra[ti r pou ol TrpoofiKovoav Trrpovolav TrolovIwEvl] fromthe end of the decreeabovethe names(cf. Nos. 270, 293, 304). Line 3 mustcontinuethe text of the decree; only a tentativerestorationcan be given, but the photographnow availableshowsthe left marginclearlyand guarantees syllabicdivision. Although Brachinskyread [---]XTl and Latyschewhad read [... ]covat the beginningof line 4, it was uninscribedfor five or six letter spaces. Ourjudgmentis that the line began with the name KpiToP3o[---], well indented.Name and title wereprobablymoreor less centered in line 4. We have suggested a restoration on the orderof the text above the namesof prytaneis in No. 286.
304. Stele of Hymettian marble (E.M. 638), broken at the bottom and badly worn, found in Athens Ev 658c
Ed. J. Kirchner, LG., II2, 1070;S. Dow, Hesperia,Suppl.I, 1937,p. 193,No. 119. OINEIS paulloantea. 19p.
'ErETtiSl Trp6o'o8ov xTroirtqa?Evot TrposT1lVPovA]v ol 1TrpVa
ves TiS OSlvESoS KaCo el&IarTOt drToqtocvouCavTri PouvXri TOv ra
a v aoiroi sAXovroes&yrnv 'ATrroMcoviou iaCv Tr[e]ucri 'Oiev TraS o E6Ts TCOV Ifv aS Tr6e[KAva ols Tr[&]Tplov I8iCOv T?T]S <K ?oCoj[sS] Kal 5 r[o7XvTreAs at Ka!(ptXa Kial avUro,S X ai-rrpTpcjS 'rrpbo] 'TrpocEvrvXv
ya[0cos Kai ---ca. 13---]r.XV[--ca
6--- 1XovT6rS TOv&vSp[a] xrapc rrp6S 'rv PoV puv K[aXoOcit eIKvos inrXcopfijacaT'rroiroaoa0a] aCOroi yparrTTriS Ev 6'rrXcot xTriXpOcrcot Ev T-rctfTTToXe]iatcp &[v&Oe?oiv yvulvaaccot Ka[i] Kal ol &Eico]TOi oi rTriK6TuoS&p Tar6* ol TpUTvarVEal [TrrTypat"al TO v AauT-v [XOVTOS Trapifav rTo?Acovi]ou 'Ofiesv &p6Tnrs ev OeAyTn 'Ar Tla ETSiVsaUTOoS' i Trav -r OUv.i 61 'TpooITKP 1 ]T [EKaKai qI(poTioriaS
20 [---
----]a pw---]
vacat [Opl]&acor
[---]aeoiX [ -]vos )
Lines 12 and 17-18 werereadand restoredby Meritt.Lines21-27 follow readingsand restorations by Dow. In line 22 an alternative restoration is [(Dv]&Cnoi. 305. Part of a dedicatory monumentof Pentelicmarble(I 6157),with the left side and rough-picked back preserved.Found on April 18, 1949,in the Long Late RomanWall east of the Panathenaic Way (O 9). The upper of whichis recessed.On part of the face has threelines in largerletters.Belowthese is a relief,the background the upperleft cornerof this recessedareais a citationin smallerletters.
H. 0.205 m.; W. 0.147 m.; Th. 0.10 m.; LH. 0.012 m. and 0.007 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964,p. 217, No. 61, photograph pl. 36; S.E.G.,XXI, 741. saec. I a.lp. lacuna
[-----]pos [-------] [rap]yfiT[Tio--5
vacat 306. Fragment of a stele of Pentelicmarble(I 3075),with its flattop and rightside preserved, and with a cavettocrownedcyma reversamouldingreturning acrossthe lateralface. Found on November16, 1935,in the wall of a modernhouse northeastof the Odeion(N 7).
H. 0.25 m.; W. 0.12 m.; Th. 0.092 m.; LH. 0.008 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXIX, 1960,p. 34, No. 41, photograph pl. 9; S.E.G.,XIX, 111. saec. I a./p.
[irei8h oi ITrpuTtVEiS TriS-- ca.8-9--Kal o]i &eiiCTOi
--&pXOVTOS TratvoaaV]TES Ta rCsmoPcaivovoav [Kca aoTEpavcbaavrTS TET gouve T-r6v]
[ol Tri---
ca. 16
5 r-
[iav. -----]
* 'L-j
_ O-le
______--- ----
10 1-[.
r t4)1 race
Ed. S. N. Koumanoudes, ov A
first century B.C.; S.E.G., XVIII, 53, for a corrected reading in line 11.
Alovualou [E0pp]67owvos
) ['A0]Tv6cocpos
15 [...]KIOS P6pplos [ol] 1TpUT&V'lSTOVTa [Wia]v rfs t[l[]p5s8icar&je
in corona
25 'Yy[ ] KX[-----]
308. Fragmentof a stele of Pentelicmarble(I 6158), brokenabove, below, and on the right,but with the left Found on April28, 1949,in the Long Late RomanWall east of edge (dressedwith a toothedchisel)preserved. the Panathenaic Way (O 8).
H. 0.215 m.; W. 0.11 m.; Th. 0.062 m.; LH. 0.01 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, pp. 217-218, No. 62, photograph pl. 37; S.E.G., XXI, 601.
ANTIOCHIS saec. I p.
po[uvAn] Olv6pi Xov
5 BrlaieT[S]
'ApXIT-r[oS] 'Avrfyov[os]
AO[----] lacuna
309. Fragment of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 6177), with part of the right side preserved (dressed with a toothed chisel) and a rough-picked back. Found on May 9, 1949, in the Long Late Roman Wall east of the Panathenaic
Way (N 7). H. 0.36 m.; W. 0.28 m.; Th. 0.073 m.; LH. 0.015 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, pp. 218-219, No. 63, photograph pl. 38; S.E.G., XXI, 602.
in corona
[ --]
3 [----]sinv
rJciX'rlve MivavSpos
40 AecoviS6T8
'AVT'6XOU 25 Blcatla
NtKias MivavSpos
45 Atov*Caios
['Avayj]crrTio T-rIOUXOI
5 [----]IaxOS
30 MdruvpoS -cooipios
'ETTiyovos 'ETraycaos
50 ZcolAos
nTpcTroyEVTn 'hEpoK0wfis
10 [----]os [----l]cbvl
[----]los )
15 [----]olto
vacat [----]os zllaXi6Sns
60 'AlTroXAcov[tos]
Merittoriginally restoredline 61 of this text as the demotic['AT]rlvEiS. Thereremains, however,the evidence that this demewas not divided(see also B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XVII, 1948,p. 21), but was transferred wholly to Demetriasin 307/6and later to Attalis in 200 B.C. The evidencefor the membership of Atene in these two phylaiis summarized the oblique by W. K. Pritchett,TheFiveAttic Tribes afterKleisthenes, pp. 9, 34. Moreover, strokefirstread by Merittas part of the finalsigmaof the demoticis now read by him as part of the letterchi, and we restorethe line accordingly with a councillor's name['Ae]Iveix[os].The spellingwith epsiloniota rather than shortiota, thoughrare,is admissible K. Grammatik derattischen (cf. Meisterhans, Inschriften3, p. 49, sect. 27, with note 360, and No. 399, below, line 17). 310. Fragment of Pentelicmarble(I 4087),found on April 28, 1936,duringdemolitionof a wall of the Church of cTavayiaBAaaaapoi west of the Odeion(J 11).
H. 0.24 m.; W. 0.15 m.; Th. 0.047 m.; LH. 0.015 m.
[yu]pvacaapXoi3v[Tos ------,--
pcoos rfiS
311. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 1361), with part of the left side and rough-picked back preserved. Found on
Ed. J. H. Oliver,Hesperia,XI, 1942,pp. 31-32, No. 2, photograph p. 31. fin. saec. I p. lacuna
rlos. [-------]
10 [-]--
312. Stelediscovered in the villageof Ambelakion Salamis,and now in the LouvreMuseumin Paris.
H. 0.94 m.; W. 0.26 m.; LH. 0.013 m.-0.018 m.
Ed. A. Boeckh,C.L.G., Musde duLouvre, national LesInscriptions 200; W. Froehner, grecques, pp.71-73,No. 42; W. Dittenberger, Album LG.,III, 1020;J. Kirchner, LG., II2,1759.Cf. P. Graindor, d'Inscriptions Attiques, p. 24, No. 27, photograph of a squeezepl. XX; P. Graindor,Chronologie, J. A. XVIII, p. 102; Notopoulos,Hesperia, 1949,pp. 12, 52 (whomwe follow) for the date. ERECHTHEIS a. 96/7p. [&ycaeiTr]xn dyca [voO-rovK]Xauvioo ['Av]-t6XOU, [r1] $tX7owT6r5 [rro]uKalAcatl[a]vo0 ot6 f?Xeov
[T]is 'Epexei8os
rrpuravEts [K]nj pICaITeS 10 [oe]oy?vrs )
AaclTrrTpEi 25 Fr&os
l>cAa"fivacis 'Avriyovos vE VtKCras rros
Ai68copos )
Alovao fiS 'A'rroAXcbvios 15 [flT]Tpo6qlXo 30 'Avriyovos nrp 'Av-rioXos ['A]ppo8;eiaos Atovaitos 'Appo8Efatos) [AD]tA66Tros ) 'HpaiclrStis s ['A]cKXTrilaSxTl EOcovvu<e>tS
npooarraCT-ros SKI[?t]Toupy6s 'rl TTIV 'AoKAXrrras. [6a8]a vacat 313. Two fragmentsof Hymettianmarble(I 2445front),brokenaway above,at the right and below,opisthographic(cf. No. 314). Found on February19, 1935,in a late contextsouthwestof the Tholos (G 12). H. 0.44 m.; W. 0.275 m.; Th. 0.125 m.; LH. 0.017 m.- 0.02 m. (lines 1-7), 0.007 m.-0.009 m. (lines 8-10 and 0.008 m.-0.009 m. (belowthe wreaths). 15-17),0.01 m.-0.012 m. (in the wreaths), Ed. J. H. Oliver,Hesperia, XI, 1942,pp. 37-40, No. 8, photographs p. 38. ATTALIS saec. I/TIp. 'Ayaei T[tXI]
OcrTOI ol &'i 'Avv[lou --------&PXovros TOT[S ]a[vUTcVCa-eavcbcrav] TrS rTE?iraq&v T-r[K]al a[v-ypayav o16]
IvoI 6iKaiovEl[vai]Tro[US &yatOo TCV] avSpcov rrap' acTrrc[v] qla[yp&ceoaai] ol TwpvIr&vEisT ,v 15 ol 'rr[pu]Tav[Ets rov] [oi -rrpur&vetsTOV] 10
aycovoeTrrlV Tr iv rcvioav ciEyacAv 'ExAe Trfs] wTl[]ArXnT[vXr [-
in corona Ti KXaOSt
ov ArI6
in corona Ti Kcowrrcb
20 VIovM& g,Iov
[in corona]
jov ot Trrpvr&ves Tr6[v]
rTaciav 'Tfs po[vAiis]
[-------] [--.----]
[ [-
314. Two fragments of Hymettian marble (1 2445 back), broken away above, at the left and below, opisthographic (cf. No. 313). Found on February 19, 1935, in a late context southwest of the Tholos (G 12). H. 0.44 m.; W. 0.275 m.; Th. 0.125 m.; LH. 0.02 m.
['Er ---5
rl ['AyaOie T]U)
] 'O0[E]v
Oliver. Line 5 [ore9avoi]v[TrE]
315. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 1434), broken at both sides and at the back and bottom, but with part of the upper moulding and the top of the stone preserved. Found on March 2, 1934, in a late context in the wall trench of the Tholos (G 11). H. 0.17 m.; W. 0.055 m.; Th. 0.036 m.; LH. 0.011 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967, pp. 239-240, No. 49, photograph pl. 57; S.E.G., XXIV, 182. KEKROPIS saec. I/II p.
eioTOi ['rei8i0 of 'TTp]uTaVEI[S TriS KEKpo'TriosKal oi E1 Kal OrTE9aVCcycIaVT---[&pXovTos hTra]ivECav[TrES
---ca. -ca.
NON-STOIX. ca. 56
irl-----ca. 8---
12 ---]v
TrE Ev Trj wTpu] r&TS [--MEXiTr[a S rTOa euaoaS cnrra'C Koa0rlKoUaaS Kal [raveial TrEuK]?vatTroTs Eois &S &rraTplovfV vrrp rTOv rpUrTaVEcOV T-rS] X' Kal TOU 8ilIoU TOU'Aervalcov] [? 'Apedou 'rrayou] povA[is Kac TriSpouAjiS TrCO ----------------] [Kal rra8icovKal y]yW[a1Kcov -?----------lacuna
316. Part of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 2953), broken on all sides but with the original back (rough-picked) preserved. Found on April 12, 1935, as part of a mediaeval storage basin just south of the Metroon (H 10). H. 0.15 m.; W. 0.15 m.; Th. 0.067 m.; LH. 0.006 m.-0.008 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, p. 47, No. 56, photograph pl. 11; S.E.G., XIX, 112. saec. I/II p.
&a]ia qpovo0v[rTa -----------] [------[- -------dcK]eX..Xco Xpr[ ----------] [-------Kci EYCaX[oTrpE1TrS---] Xa]xrrpC5s
[---------] yEiVo-eal eualas [----------]
10 [-----------]
[- -------]ev
rTCI [---
or[ - -----lacuna
317. Part of a plaque of Pentelic marble (I 2680), with the right side preserved but otherwise broken. Found on March 28, 1935, in a modern pithos in the western part of the Odeion (L 10). H. 0.19 m.; W. 0.13 m.; Th. 0.032 m.; LH. 0.008 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967, pp. 240-241, No. 50, photograph pi. 58; S.E.G., XXIV, 186.
[r&]ios A[K]to[s] p[]onrupos vacat
Ei[.]o[----] traces
It is not certainthat this is a list of prytaneis, though the spacingof the demoticmakesit seemprobable. 318. Fragment of a stele of Pentelicmarble(I 6141),brokenon all sidesand with the backrough-picked. Found on April 18, 1949,in the Long Late RomanWall east of the Panathenaic Way (O 9).
H. 0.30 m.; W. 0.40 m.; Th. 0.072 m.; LH. 0.01 m.-0.015 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIV, 1965, pp. 96-97, No. 6, photograph pl. 27; S.E.G. XXII, 141.
-in corona
a [--------------------------]
o-rE(pavoa a[---------------------]
15 [-----]v[o]u [------]o[u]
Ku8arlvat<I>)S NIK6oTpaCros )
'AvSpos 'Aparrcovos 25
20 [------]pou [ -----]TOU [--------]rros
fal&PiXos Ai,ou
KfivTos) fiAnTlrrro AtoySvov 'Ewiyovos Zcoirnpou
-]roU [----lacuna
319. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble(I 4789),brokenon all sides. Found on May 7, 1937,in the foundationof a house of Roman date southeastof the Tholos (G-H 12).
H. 0.10 m.; W. 0.20 m.; Th. 0.035 m.; LH. 0.009 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXVI, 1957, pp. 220-221, No. 80, photograph pl. 56; S.E.G., XVII, 47.
[---]pos rapyflrrlos [----] vacat The namesmay belong to &efalToi at the end of a prytanycatalogue,as in I.G., II2, 1775(= No. 373), lines 43-45. "in stoa Hadriani." 320. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble,brokenon all sides, reportedby Dittenberger
H. 0.11 m.; W. 0.14 m.; Th. 0.11 m.
Ed. W. Dittenberger, I.G., II2,4014. I.G., II, 841; J. Kirchner, aet. imp. isTis] [oi TrpvrTav][
. 6--c]8os
pu[fis] ri[Ta]
321. Two joining fragments of a stele of Hymettian marble (I 6066), with the left side and back preserved. Found
on July 28, 1947,in a Romandrainat the west end of the MiddleStoa (H 13).
H. 0.59 m.; W. 0.43 m.; Th. 0.105 m.; LH. 0.025 m. (lines 2-3), 0.01 m. (lines 4-15, 18-30), and 0.018 m.
(lines 16-17) Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXX, 1961,pp. 252-253, No. 52, photograph pl. 45; S.E.G., XXI, 603.
init.saec. II p.
[-----------------------------rT EKfieV
TroCS rpurTaveIS]
T [ltiLJcaaS
I 'AvaXco-rtiol 5 ArllIoXaprls 'ETrrtKTT-ro 'AlvTras 'HpaK,covos ) C K6ptvOos MapKos ) ECnoposMipvovos 10 'AOivais EOppoaovou 'AoaqrliTraSou 'AyaOoKAfis OIAvllcov'AIrVTroU [B]epvMXav6o
'EriKT1rTos )
?Q BrlaatETs
III (lost) 20
IV (lost)
'lav&pit 'Epaorivou
5 nTTocitBcSbvio ) C
322. Four fragments of a stele of white marble (Pentelic?). Found as indicated below. All fragments were published together by S. Dow, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, pp. 193-197, No. 121, with a photograph of a plus b, and c, on p. 194. Fragment d had become separated from c and could not be found at the time of Dow's publication. Total preserved H. 0.73 m.; estimated W. 0.74 m.; Th. greater at the top than at the bottom, ca. 0.115 m.-
0.14 m.
a: (E.M. 3595 = I.G., II2, 1074) Ed. S. A. Koumanoudes, 'AOivalov, VIII, 1879 (1880), pp. 400-401, No. 3. It was found in the lower city and bought by the Archaeological Society. It was joined to b by Dow. H. 0.35 m.; W. 0.19 m.; Th. 0.14 m.; LH. 0.009-0.011 m. except line 1 (0.014 m.). b: (E.M. 9482 = I.G., II2, 1073a) found in excavations west of the Parthenon on April 20, 1838. Ed. K. S.
b 20 d
pepiaii6v Kal T[-------------------------------------ep] cKco8e<oraTra i a TraCrra T pVpouAv iTrrrpiyal avku] r[----Kal nlapaKaoAoucnv V a&[plTrcov &vecIv----.----------------Kal TroSXaXcKC iri] ypapfiv TroTlilc[adora rTiv6 Ti' KXaoSiov 'ATTIKOV 'IrMracpxou MapaecbvIov Kal O] TirSels] Kaci ?v?Kev ipouXXi[a]v'AX[Kiavi} AlavrTSquM e*Vvoias ErepyeraaS o Yv Ka'l povUXA 9aivlrTaci roITs T[hv -rraT-pia OrrTCOS EepyTcral TOU S8illOU]
rTT)V a&rr[ovklouCra TrpoorijKouvavXap1v V cyali
Tv KXcauSov'AT] c TIKOV 'AXK{av Kcal Ma[paOcbvio]v Kaliorercavo-ati acrTOViS OlpouvA?[av Xpuocot] or7eavco[t Ci -1 rcrrpi]6[v] ?acriv oTqaxvo[uv TOUIS OepyTCras TOU SiiOUv 'rriTTppa] c(peai S Kca[ rTOTS Aav['ri6os Kai roTs aeiT'rots avaocrTo-ac aiT ov] Trp]u"rTavFc T'rS 6? T6O qiipa TOVKaTa 'TpuTraVEt] [a vpaai Kci]cbs av6pl&av[as [avaypaaya rpoyyparrr' ---av ypaclca['rca --------------criTfXri7 A0v Ka[io-riol ] &]v -------] [One columnil Mapa[ecbvi]oi Elprlvaco[S 55 'AXMieus [-----] containing thLe Ki< 'ArriKo[ 'ilTrapXou] OXh OXi6-T[lios ?---- ] Aiovialo[s ----------] OErrTOI,
]ou O1ei8as)
Oa<K6cxa[icrapo]s ()OXZcotXo[s--Zco]ni'pou
70 Aiovu[ ------------]
75 [------
50 [---------------
---------[ [-----------[
[-----------------]I [ -----[
80 [------------------]
Our text is mainly that of J. H. Oliver, who re-edited the decree of lines 1-26 in A.J.P., LXX, 1949, pp. 299308, with an apparatus criticus (cf. S.E.G., XII, 94). But we hold to the restoration yv[vaiuca] in line 6, and we believe that the treasurer and his wife together sacrificed at their own expense on behalf of the imperial family.
In line 33 the spacebetweenfragments as K60X.[io-xpo]s. b and d is too wide by two letterspacesfor the res*ZcoiAo[s toration(DA but partof the pi is preserved, it should is to be retained, and,if the restoration Zcoxr]ipou, read OA Zcotlo[s- Zco]Trupou.
In line 28 the restoration of the patronymic was suggested by G. A. Stamires (cf. also line 17). Cf. I.G., II2,
3595. In line 35 the restoration of the patronymic wassuggested the restoration who also suggested by G. A. Stamires,
of the patronymic in line 60 with reference to L.G., XII, 8, 645, line 6.
a by Spon and Wheler,b by Ludwig found at the Churchof St. Georgeon Mt. Lykabettos, 323. Two fragments Ross, both now lost.
a: Ed. J. Spon, Voyage, vol. III, 2, p. 216; A. Boeckh, C.I.G., 298; W. Dittenberger, I.G., III, 1021; J. Kirchner,
same inscription.Cf. Dittenberger and Kirchner, locc. citt. LEONTIS antemed.saec. II p. a O(pEappioi
[...] -rrfvscov KpcoirriSat KXKcaMior6iiaxos
'HpaKAE[c] v ) 'OAXurroS) AlovWa6c opos 'lalotcpo[u]
'AVTIYOvov lp6i7pos
324. Upper right corner of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 4945), found on June 9, 1937, in a disturbed area southeast
of the Tholos(G 12).A crowningovolo mouldingrunsacrossthe upperedge of the face of the stele;the top was flat and finishedas a bearingsurface.
H. 0.142 m.; W. 0.125 m.; Th. 0.068 m.; LH. 0.01 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXVI, 1957,pp. 213-214, No. 61, photograph pl. 56; S.E.G.,XVII, 35.
o Tl-pUTa&VEi o01 1Tr Trs AiavT{8os Kal oi a&C]qETot [rTTEI8q 8 arTrop]aivouCiv r roirlo'a6Ovoi v [--ca. ---&appXovT [Tri;povU1Xi Ep3aorc&v' T-rVcaT-rv rTaciav Kal TOV r PXv ItEpa TCOV] [8S& 1Piou TIP' K,aSOtov 'ATrTKOV MapaccbvIovTe'VK]0vaI 1Trr O5oi'S &STraTpIOV [oaS Tr&S eucria TOtS aya lqv ?v rTiiTrpVTavE]iq[' T-r& v dyaOc&6B?XE?r0a TrVX SsE6X8al T T& 'Ev T]oTIV rI 3ouovXf [Oiji [ipos----------------------------------
325. Block of Pentelic marble (I 6867), probably not a herm, with part of the right side preserved, but broken
above,at the left, below,and behind.Foundon April22, 1959,in the wall of a modemhousenearthe Eleusinion (U 21).
H. 0.38 m.; W. 0.17 m.; Th. 0.15 m.; LH. 0.01 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964,pp. 219-220, No. 64, photograph pl. 37; S.E.G., XXI, 744.
post a. 126/7p.
[ayaerji] - rSXrXll
[oaavTs aoT6v -rri]T' Els?a[TroIs] [qXioTiiy i KatlE]voia 326. Fragment of a Pentelic marble stele (E.M. 4280), with the right side preserved, but otherwise broken. H. 0.13 m.; W. 0.36 m.; Th. 0.07 m.; LH. 0.013 m.
Ed. P. Graindor,B.C.H., LI, 1927,p. 293, No. 69; J. Kirchner, LG., II2, 1762. PTOLEMAIS a. 131/2p., archonship of KcXaotos OlItoyivovs Brieoaies
[-----T------S rr6 rfis]
[rrpcb-TTs A]T.roKeprop9s K [f]arap]9[s] [paa]Troi 'ASplavoO 'OXvnlriov [frii6n]pIas rTO 6yoov <ol> 'rpur6avEis s [-ris rT]r]oipat85o fis TvXir [-ca. 5-s TrpvuravEias rri Khu [6fou Oi]Aoyovovs BriaOctcoS &p Eauvro*S [Xovro]s TinrioLavars [Kal Tros ic&riTTovS &vbypayaxv]
The yearwas the eighthfromthe firstvisit of the Emperor Hadrianto Athens(124/5).Cf.P. Graindor, Chronologie, p. 127.
327. Fragment from the top of an opisthographicstele of Pentelic marble(E.M. 2172), with a pedimentalmoulding. H. 0.34 m.; W. 0.175 m.; Th. 0.085 m.; LH. 0.021 m. Ed. Anna Benjamin, Hesperia, XXXII, 1963, pp. 73-74, No. IA, photograph pl. 30; S.E.G., XXI, 604.
HIPPOTHONTIS a. 132/3-137/8 p. [AOroKpOrropa Kca]apcxa Tp[caav6v] ['A6SpiavvZp]aorr6v'O[Xlrrt] i T7avA]'vtov o[i rrputrrv] [ov Kal
[eis 'S I 'I I 0Oov0CV]TriSos p[uAfiS ...]
This is Face A. For Face B see No. 328. 328. Fragment fromthe top of an opisthographic steleof Pentelic marble (E.M.2172),witha pedimental moulding.
H. 0.34 m.; W. 0.175 m.; Th. 0.085 m.; LH. 0.021 m.
Ed. Anna Benjamin, Hesperia, XXXII, 1963,pp. 73-74, No.IB, photograph pl. 30; S.E.G., XXI, 604. AIANTIS a. 132/3-137/8 p. [AOr]oKp&ropa [Kaiaapa Tpatavov] ['ASpt]iavv D[paacr6v 'OA-mrrt]
[ov KialUn]veMIv[tov ol irTpurvs6s] [TrisAl]avrfo[s (pvfis ---] This is Face B. For Face A see No. 327.
329. Hermof Pentelicmarble(E.M. 10414),withthe headmissingandbrokenat the bottom,foundon March10, 'roi nrrpayc'bvov 'roil WA8ptavoii. 1820,Tr?ro'iov H. 0.46 i.; W. 0.31 i.; Th. 0.20 m.; LH. 0.018-0.020m. (lines 1-3), 0.010-0.012m. (lines4-7). Dec. 1837 (non vidimus); K. S. Pittakys,'E. 'ApX. 1839,No. Ed. L. Ross, Archaeologisches Intelligenzblatt, LG., III, 692; P. Graindor,B.C.H., XXXVIII, 1914, P. 433, No. 32, cf. Album,pp. 344; W. Dittenberger, 36-37, No. 53, photographof a squeezepl. XLIIb;J. Kirchner,LG., 112, 1763. ATTALIS of c0MoQaoucrrav6 ca. a. 132/3p., archonship Avieus Aio?dcovos 'A TTcavXevov tQO6cP f yvo*atov 3ovXh
0 Tr6V rCo)V 1lpv=na
5 [irr1&]pXov-ros X7Movua-rav[o0] [-roiD Alo]?icavos hvvcccs? ta- npv-r[aVFi]~ [as o0 Trrpv-rr&vEts qsAijs] -sji] 'A-FrTC-A{O5
ks.rroC* Kal 70roS tiairovs] [TiraatvErea [d&vypapav] 330. Four joining fragments of an opisthographic stele of Pentelic marble. Parts of the right side (of Face A) and of the bottom (with tenon) are preserved. The main fragment (I 932) was found on June 3, 1933, in a Byzantine well east of the Tholos (G 11:1). One joining fragment near the upper center (I 141) was found at surface level on February 9, 1932, in the southwest corner of the Market Square (F 15). The other two joining fragments,
unitedas one (I 203), werefound at the surfacein the southwestcornerof the MarketSquare(G 15). The nonthe originalthickness,was found in Novemberof joining fragment(I 141b),brokenon all sides but preserving 1934in the westernpart of the MarketSquare.It carriesthe preserved lettersat the rightin lines 1-3. H. 0.91 i.; W. 0.41 i.; Th. 0.075 m.; of the separatefragment Compositedimensionsof joining fragments
H. 0.11 i.; W. 0.14 i.; Th. 0.075 i.; LH. 0.02 m. in lines 1-5, 14, 23-26, and 0.009 i.- 0.018 m. in other lines. Ed. J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XI, 1942, Pp. 40-43, No. 11, photograph p. 41;J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, pp. 13, 56, for the date. This is Face A. Face B (No. 359) was cut on the reverse side of the same stele. ANTIOCHIS a. 135/6 p. -r-s 'AvTIOXiBos otTi ....r.I [01 rrpv-ra&veIs (puXWflS --rpv-ava'] [?p---------a-----.u-rEig'aavTes] [ vacat] [Earvrovis cTO*s daaI-rov]~ Ka'i &vty[paa] ['E1i7cA'vviioS?----------]VE[S] 5 ['Av]aq*a-rtlot C--3r 'Errm-rH-rov ['Ao-Kirrri]a'5Ts ArlpoX6povS 10 ['Aycecov 'Aocl]Xyrrta'8ov ['A"i vato]s AtoS6-rov [ECwrropos] MEivovos I----I ['AA] irFmjeFv ['Iaiygv]rns'HaiiXov [----] 'AyvaO6rroSos [--- 'A]ya06 iro8os
column missing
30 [-----]
H. 0.22 m.; W. 1.62 m.; Th. 0.49 m.; LH. 0.025 m. in lines 1-2 and 0.015 m. in lines 3-55.
Ed. W. Dittenberger, there cited; M. Guarducci, I.G., III, 1023;J. Kirchner, I.G., II, 1765,with references for lines EpigrafiaGreca,II, 1971,pp. 334-335, 1-7, photographs. AIGEIS a. 138/9p., archonshipof rfpa~cayopas 6 KalTi6o0eosOopfKtos Col. I
Tn5)(T [&cy]aOti > TOO [T-rr &apX]ovTos nlpaCay6pov l i darr6T-rS rrpc&bnS Os [Kal Tit]lo0eou eopiKov raruXt oi 'ASpiavou is 'Aeivas rrl6rIcnfa, ipv6OS CAvos iri TfiSAlyqi8os TrrpuTaveiaS, i kypaplp& ol TrpUTaVe1S TE'IVXpvao'yovos > )QAuEOIS, TE1PdI
[a]avrT? avTrovs Kal TOriSa&tciTOUS&vIypac av.
ZcoTrupos 'EpaaoEiv<o>u
15 ATrl'ITpios > Xaprs > $Oo\plos MapKos
Col. V
'EAXrivEIKOS 'ApTrigo0c[vos]
s TTo[TrAo]v e6p69paa-ro
? 'AXoavSpos ME[ivo]voS TloinTrcovios Zco[or-ipos] 'Ep,p6Xaos'Pot[ou] Acop6os TnpoT-r[e(ou] 'ArTTKOS A1Kivv<t>oS TTpEiios rTpoTe(ro[u] EikiScoposZcoJi[----] 'EpiKaIETS
corTkrXS BoaKXiAou
?K MuPIvo*OvTrlS
25 'AXKa'vriS 'Ap.o[8elof(ou]
> 'Aeivo6Scopos
'AoT-rir'i&raS ECrrropov
332. Two joining fragments of Pentelic marble (1 875), with part of the left side and back preserved. Found in
Ed. J. H. Oliver,Hesperia, XI, 1942,pp. 44-45, No. 13, photograph p. 44. AIGEIS ca. a. 130-150p.
novrrcbv.[os Zcoo-ripos]
n[poTrEiou] lpepETioS
5 'Erryovos A[ ------]
Oe6ppao-ro[s TTor?Aiou]
'Eo-ralos 0[-------]
r ,Bouvoriv6s[------]
-rOS v 'IEpo.x[v.rrls]
[-----Aa8oi.Xos [------'IEpOKjfipU
15 AlOKAis 'Hp[-------]
333. Block of Hymettianmarble(E.M. 1902),damagedat the upperright cornerbut otherwisepreserved, inscribed on two faces, found at the Monastery of Daphni on the Sacred Way. No. 334 was cut on the same block. H. 0.96 m.; W. 0.47 m.; Th. 0.32 m.; LH. 0.013 m.-0.015 m. (Face A).
Ed. H. G. Lolling, 'Apx. AEX?riov, 1892, p. 37; D. G. Kampouroglous, 1892,pp. 15-16, No. 25; lTpcrKT<Ka, J. Kirchner, .G., II2, 1764A;P. Graindor,B.C.H., XXXVIII,1914,pp. 382-383(for line 7). Face A ANTIOCHIS a. 138/9p., archonship of TTpagay6pas 6 KalTiq60o S GopfKtio
dyaer- [-r*X;] &pXovTroS [TTpajayopou)] To KIa Titio0e[ou eopiKlou] IE 'rr6O rfis a TOU [OeoE0 ASpiavo, ] Els Tr v 'E?AS6a ITr[tS6il,as, Urlv6S]
'rrl T6 o N IK1-rrT [S -ca.4-4
hrcbvow os 'AoKXrl[Tri]axsrls 'Yyfvov
35 lraXXrlveT
At 'A-rroacovifS[rs] i A AIovOaIoS
AiAOGcrayvrn AA "A--rcraos
"Yaouv AloKfiS
40 33 Ovpvioalol it 34 OXAlovOaic )S
OX ratavos
'AMe raiCvKos
rrp &avSpou
20 K6piveos) EOiKpdr)
AE EXT'rTITOr covisou sr| iaXISai
ropyias Mocricovos
Mriv6oqnios coalyeovou 'ErrTruvX(avcov 'ApltoropovAou
'Apalrolpo\oo[u] TTpocr6KSoKos
'Erriyovo )
'ArroAXcbvios I-Eavov
55 A[....8....]v
reorThe unique importanceof this text, in combinationwith No. 331, for the politicaland calendrical
ganization in the age of Hadrian has been stressed in the Introduction (p. 24). The critical evidence lies in the numeral r here in line 7. It is clearly gamma. We have confirmed this ourselves and have the added testimony of Eugene Vanderpool and Markellos Mitsos. Marks inside the gamma caused by damage to the
stone have led to various suggestionsby various scholars, but the gamma is certain.It gives, in fact, the of the calendarwhich Graindorproposed (loc. cit., with notes), allowing PrytanyIII to be reconstruction equatedwith Maimakterion (No. 333) and PrytanyVI to be equatedwith Gamelion(No. 331). See also the text of No. 460, lines 1-5, and furthercommentary there on the calendar. Line 15 shouldreadas restored thann[lupy]6pos as in .G., II2,1764A.The newreading above,rather MklUvovos was madeby Elias Kapetanopoulos with reference to No. 321, line 9. 334. Inscribed on the sameblock as No. 333. LH. 0.015-0.028m. Ed. H. G. Lolling, 'Apx. AeA-rov,1892,p. 38; D. G. Kampouroglous, 1892, pp. 16-17, No. 25; npacrl'K&, J. Kirchner, 1764B. .LG.,I2, HADRIANIS a. 141/2p., archonship of Tn6 ATA OtilXas MeXt'reiS
[ ----]s TncAa[rVs]
pec5'_Op8EcbvioA[o7Xiav6s -- frri &PXOV] 11o AlXtou Oit7ac[MEit-ros ii TroS &rr6r TOS Tris] riBt6nifas rrpcbTrrlS 0e[oi 'ASplavoiT----Tfis] O] 'ASpicav[8os ypaclj[&-rEvEv----------Xo?6you epti&aos BrlaaiE[is] 10 Gs6s 'ASplavos vacat KXAov6eTiav6s vacat
x [-----I Tn dcyaei
For the date see E. Harrison, Athenian Agora, I, Portrait Sculpture, 1953, p. 37, note 6.
335. Two joining fragments of Pentelic marble. Fragment a preservesthe left side of the inscription, and fragment b the right side. a: H. 0.175 i.; W. 0.135 i.; Th. 0.048 i.; LH. 0.009 m. b: H. 0.41 i.; W. 0.16 i.; Th. 0.18 i.; LH. 0.009 m.
in the excavationsof the AthenianAgora on October22, 1938, in the wall of a modem house southeastof the
Market Square and west of the Panathenaic Way (Q 23). Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XVII, 1948, pp. 37-38, No. 22, photograph pl. 1. b: (E.M. 3728): Ed. A. Dumont, Fastes iponymiques d'AthMnes, 1874, p. 42, no. 50a, from the Varvakeion collection. a and b: Ed. W. Dittenberger, LG., III, 1027; J. Kirchner, LG., 11, 1771. For the date and the restoration of line 9, see A. E. Raubitschek, Hesperia, XII, 1943, p. 62, and J. A. Notopoulos, A.J.P., LXV, 1944, p. 165. AIGEIS a. 138/9-15011p.
a: lost after its original edition by K. S. Pittakys, L'Ancienne Athenes, 1835, p. 52; rediscovered (I 5633)
vv nirlx
px[o]vrosv A NovC
[------------I [------------I
15 ]-----------[-----------I------------I ?------------]v
[------------I iC------------'f
336. Upperpart of a pediiented opisthographic stele of Pentelicmarble(I 3231),brokenat the lower left side and bottom.Found on December 21, 1935, builtinto the wall of a modem well immediately south of the Tholos (G 12).
H. 0.67 i.; W. 0.47 i.; Th. 0.095 i.;
lines 7-23. Ed. A. E. Raubitschek, XLI,1943,pp. 60-63, No. 15,photograph Hesperia, p. 61. For the datesee J. A. Notopoulos, A.J.P., LXV, 1944,p. 165.No. 278 was inscribedon the obverse. HIPPOTHONTIS a. 13819-150/1 p. 'Ayafijt TXi-qt ['E1TI 65p]xovToS NouCifov Mijvi 5 ['I Iro0cavrf]8oS -rigaav 9u?XfjiST K ro]CIsdlioT-rovsd&vi4paqKaxv. rTES &Iv-roCSKCAI --- ]pr'rvn [hrcbvvpos 'A[llvtE*S
vtS [IrnTrpva]vEiasof -rrpUVET&
[8os- 4rt]v6' ItpoqpopiSvo0S
Col. II
ATAIos MrlTp68copos
) 1uvp#pcov
15 'Av0EuLi1piou ElpqrvaTos NiKavcop)
337. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble(I 1593),brokenon all sides but with part of the back preserved. Found on March 15, 1934,in a disturbed fill outsidethe MarketSquareto the southwest(F 15).
H. 0.315 m.; W. 0.175 m.; Th. 0.071 m.; LH. ca. 0.025 m. in lines 1-6, and ca. 0.01 m. in lines 8-18. Ed. J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XI, 1942, pp. 45-46, No. 14, photograph p. 46. See J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia,
a. 148/9p.
['Errl pXovTOS --..----]-----]
rapyirTTl[os] [ol Trp-rTaveS Trfi Aiyei5o]s (unfi Tltljficr[av] KialTO*S &iloi]TouSd&vypapa[v] [rEs CauTros ['ETrrcovuos--- -- o]u TroU) rapyfrTnio[s]
[cD?]iAA6at 10 [Ai6]8copos 2KalCavSpou ['ATr]o?AcbviosIXoaoo-rpa[Tou] KO7XXAUT
[Zrl]v68oTosr 'Appo8tioou
missing 15
K&a(los) Ma<&>(los
raF(os) 'OMi?os 'ApaoTco[v] 'lcaicopos Ecapivov 'ETPEIpos T7p<a>i(or1 AiK(ivvios) r1oXOaivos 'OK-r&ouios Aa[---] I----------
waswritten for xi in line 13;lambda waswritten Sigma for alphain line 16.
338. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble(I 1841),brokenon all sides, found on April20, 1934,in fill of Turkishdate over the centralpart of the Middle Stoa (L 13). The originalback, rough-picked and worn, may be preserved.
H. 0.08 m.; W. 0.12 m.; Th. 0.07 m.; LH. 0.007-0.011 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, p. 61, No. 101, photograph pl. 18; S.E.G., XIX, 180.
339. Fragment of a Pentelic marble stele (E.M. 8452), found by Pittakys built into a house wall near the Monument
of Lysikrates.
H. 0.56 m.; W. 0.46 m.; Th. 0.11 m.; LH. 0.012 m.
Ed. K. S. Pittakys,'Ey. 'Apx., 1856,No. 2732; W. Dittenberger, I.G., III, 1067;J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1770. HADRIANIS ca. med.saec. II p.
[]Y[ ------]N
I------------I [--------
'Appo?i[aios----] MrIv6oo[ros----]
15 [Eip]trrir6sAlIoKou5
25 Aiovu[Ca--- -]
340. Hermof Pentelicmarble(E.M. 10472),brokenat the top and bottom,findspotuncertain. On the rightside was inscribedNo. 424.
H. 0.52 m.; W. 0.38 m.; Th. 0.17 m.; LH. 0.012 m. Ed. K. S. Pittakys, 'E. 'Apx., 1853, No. 1623; the lower part was published by Pittakys in 1839, No. 347; A. Boeckh,C.L.G., 304; W. Dittenberger, I.G., III, 1028;J. Kirchner, .G., II2, 1767.
AIANTIS med.saec. II p.
[Mapac0bvioi] lacuna
5 [(Da]pEu0i.[8o]os
Kacr(olos) [.-. .5..]S
10 [A'AX rAco
> [Zco]tAos
Movcaaov [M]Atloaos
ZcoXou [XCOi]TPlxos
341. Fragment of Pentelicmarble(I 2960), broken on all sides. Found among collected marblesin the area on May 3, 1935. of the Bouleuterion H. 0.07 m.; W. 0.069m.; Th. 0.042m.; LH. 0.012 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia,XXIII, 1954, p. 245, No. 19, photographpi. 52; S.E.G., XIV, 91. med.saec. II p. lacuna
342. Two marble fragments, probably from the same inscription, discovered by A. Milchhoefer re-used as a well
cover in the easternpart of New Corinth. Ed. A. Milchhoefer, Ath. Mitt., IV, 1879,p. 160;J. Kirchner, LG., II2, 1779. HADRIANIS med.saec. II p. a tracesof ca. 25 lines dyaOfil[TrxrlII] [ arri] -----Tri -ls '] &PXovro[s Trs "ASppi] [oi rrpvuTaveiS [rrpu]raveias
5 [avi6]os 9u[XfjsT-ritiaavTEs &auTrols] [Kal] TroiS&alcr[ouS&v4ypayav] [trcb]vuos [-------]
b 10 [i]opyiXou
lacunaof 5 lines
343. Two smallfragments of Pentelicmarble(I 4939), brokenon all sides. Found on June7, 1937,in a well outside the MarketSquareto the southwest(E 14:2).
a: H. 0.042 m.; W. 0.10 m.; Th. 0.103 m.; LH. (except phi) ca. 0.01 m. b: H. 0.05 m.; W. 0.095 m.; Th. 0.02 m.; LH. (except phi) ca. 0.01 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, pp. 61-62, No. 102, photographs pl. 19; S.E.G., XIX, 154.
EBipo6vto[s?--- I
of Pentelicmarble(12489),brokenon all sides.Foundon February 344. Fragment 23, 1935,in a moderncontext over the East Stoa or west of it (N-O 14). H. 0.10 i.; W. 0.064 i.; Th. 0.055 i.; LH. 0.01 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXI, 1952, p. 376, No. 29, photograph pl. 96; S.E.G., XII, 103. ERECHTHEIS saec. II p. [I'
[ ?-------bri r 5
['EpEX]ei[8os -rIrpvI.ra] o'l ?rpv[-ra'vEis] pv] [rfjs 'E]pEXesr8os ['Mjs] -nl{[aacv-res] [9avTqo]*is av[ypapav]
345. Part of the upperportion of a stele of Pentelicmarble(12466), brokenat both sides and at the bottom. Found on February 20, 1935,in a moderncontexteast of the southernpart of the Odeion(N 11).
H. 0.195 i.; W. 0.107 i.; Th. 0.046 i.; LH. ca. 0.02 m. and 0.013 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXIII, 1954,p. 245, No. 18, photograph p1.52; S.E.G., XIV, 98. saec. HI p.
[&yace]" [TniXIA
TTo. [&'rri A[WIov]------I &pxovT]os
[------? ]os [ ?-------------lacuna This text may not referto the councillors.
346. Fragmentfrom the top of a block of Pentelic marble(I 3881). Found on March23, 1936,in a modern
context in front of the north end of the Stoa of Attalos (P 7). H. 0.125 i.; W. 0.27 i.; Th. 0.308 i.; LH. 0.015 m.-0.018 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXIII, 1954, pp. 246-247, No. 23, photograph p1. 52; S.E.G., XIV, 102. AIGEIS saec. IIp. [K]o7XVrr<E>TS ['Ep]6 'Ayfjaav8[poS] rcapyfrvroi
[--I [? I--
The stonecutter failed to cut the epsilon in the demotic of line 1. This may be simply a matter of orthography (cf. e.g., No. 337, line 12).
347. Fragmentfrom a large stele of Pentelicmarble(I 6600),with the left side preserved. Found on April 1, in Roman a late context outside the Civic Offices 1953, (I 12).
H. 0.20 i.; W. 0.40 m.; Th. (perhaps original) ca. 0.105 i.; LH. 0.026 i., 0.013 m., and 0.008 i.-0.005 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964,p. 222, No. 67, photograph p1.37; S.E.G., XXI, 613.
AIANTIS saec. II p. lacuna
C---~ o I.[V-r'vVE is Eavroor S -relpTI [caa]VTrE& -ro7s [18iovs avv'apXovTas] Krall] -ro~iS alIaEiTo1Js a[v]6[ypaxpav]
[. . .]4?]--
"AXapvos) FTowrrcbvios 'ET-ar&ya0os 20 NEIK6oa-rpa-To) 4D?XoyEvrns NelKoarpdarov AK<.>ios'ArTIK's 'Ae0ivcaios Eiprjvcadov 25 NowyK6s rF*nKcovos lacuna
(1[ ?]------ATuto[s] AiAioS[? 'A ilvicv [----] Aiov5aio[s---] Zco[t2]os) ZcoRAoS) 'EpaTcov) lacuna
c--Ca. 6 ---]?os)
[---------?$vTos lacuna
In line 6 lambda was cut instead of delta; in line 16 delta was cut instead of lambda.
348. Fragment of Pentelic marble (1161), broken on all sides but with the rough-picked back preserved. Found on February 17, 1932, in a late Byzantine or Turkish context in the southwest corner of the Market Square (F 14). H. 0.145 i.; W. 0.10 i.; Th. 0.055 m.; LH. 0.01 m.-0.015 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XV, 1946, pp. 238-239, No. 72, photograph p. 239. KEKROPIS saec. Up. lacuna I------------I
No[A?v;iT[ploS ?I--
'Hp6STIi[s 5 Kpcar[?--------~i.rrr[aM~imoi]
Yrp[ - - -
p. 183.
In the firstpublication the namein line 5 was inadvertently omitted.Seethe correction in Hesperia, XVI, 1947,
the west foundation of the Odeion (L 11). H. 0.16 in.; W. 0.16 i.; Th. 0.08 i.; LH. 0.01 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, p. 62, No. 103, photograph pl. 18; S.E.G., XIX, 161.
) A1TrlciTplor;
5 'Ia0Bi6' ['E]Trrayp6BiT0oS 5 ['E]1TiKTr1o [--ca. 6 --IEIKOS lacuna
350. Fragment of Pentelic marble (E.M. 8120), broken on all sides, found at the foot of the north slope of the Acropolis. H. 0.20 i.; W. 0.20 i.; Th. 0.10 i.; LH. 0.006 m. Ed. P. Kawvadias, 'Ep. 'ApX., 1898, cols. 16-17, No. 11; J. Kirchner, I.G., [12, 1780a (Addendum,I.G., II2, 1696-2788, p. 814). ca. med. saec. II p. lacuna [----]itovv[a--] ZZoauov Is ) [---5 [ ]oS AEcoviSov
[ [
10 [
] vacat
351. Two joining fragments of Pentelic marble (I 853 and 1045), broken on all sides. Fragment a, on the left (1 853), was found on May 23, 1933, in a late Roman context east of the Tholos (H 11); fragment b, on the right (I 1045), was found on July 3, 1933, in a late context northeast of the Tholos (H I1). H. 0.12 m. (combined); W. 0.095 i.; Th. 0.06 i.; LH. 0.007 m. Ed. J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XI, 1942, p. 32, No. 3, with photograph. post med. saec. II p. lacuna
The dating is based on Oliver's suggested identification of Junius Themnistokies in line 4 with the ephebe in LG., II', 2075 and the father of Junia Themistokleia in LG., 12 , 3679.
352. Fragment of a base of Pentelic marble (E.M. 4035), with the left side preserved but otherwise broken. H. 0.30 i.; W. 0.12 i.; Th. 0.19 i.; LH. 0.008 m. Ed. H. G. Lolling, 'ApX. Ae-rfov, 1891, P. 128; J. Kirchner, LOG., 112, 1780, and Addendum,p. 814. OINEIS med. saec. II p. post lacuna
.... ]aa[---I
Movacrios DI
D] c>ih?oKpaTr1ls
lacuna 353. Fragment of a stele of Pentelic marble (E.M. 2694), with the right side preserved but otherwise broken. H. 0.26 i.; W. 0.17 i.; Th. 0.08 i.; LH. 0.018 m.
Ca. 4-]
lacuna The sigma at the end of line 5 has been crowded in and cut only half size. 354. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 2013), with the bottom preserved but otherwise broken, found on September 28, 1934, in a marble pile in the western part of the Market Square (G-H 8-10). H. 0.055 i.; W. 0.30 i.; Th. 0.13 i.; LH. 0.008 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XVII, 1948, p. 42, No. 32, photograph p1. 15. HADRIANIS post med. saec. LIp. lacuna [Braacits] (?) lacuna KA)AKvWd1v[6s]
... ].]os cp[tM]Tpovos 5 Awiv&cros) ZcbTrpos EOr-rXi8ov vacat vacat The new reading in line 4 suggests the restoration of the demotic and the approximate date for this inscription (cf. No. 355, line 7, where the same man reappears, perhaps serving his second councillorship).
355. Fragmentof a Pentelicmarblestele (E.M. 3775),with the left side preserved but otherwisebroken,found on November20, 1840,duringexcavations west of the Erechtheion. H. 0.18 m.; W. 0.15 m.; LH. 0.008-0.015m.
Ed. K. S. Pittakys, 'Ep. 'Apx., 1842, No. 1037; W. Dittenberger, I.G., III, 1305; J. Kirchner, I.G.,
MapK[-----] Eoo5[-----]vacat fromthe bottom of a large block of Pentelicmarble(I 307). Found late in 1932in the wall of a 356. Fragment modernhouse. H. 0.49 m.; W. 0.39 m.; Th. 0.27 m.; LH. 0.012 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, III, 1934,p. 63, No. 53, drawing. post med.saec. II p. lacuna
[-------] vo[ .][---]
[-----]I )
[---]corpa-roS EppTly[--]
5 AxKCOV ) ypplIacTe[OS]
vacat broken;b (E.M. 4203),brokenon all sides,joins the right side of a. H. 0.09 m. (combined); W. 0.17 m. (combined);Th. 0.08 m.; LH. 0.007 m. Ed. a: J. Kirchner,I.G., II2, 1766. b joined to a and combined text: M. Mitsos, Xapio-rtpiovEIS 'A. K. II, 1966,p. 118,photograph pl. XI; S.E.G., XXI, 605. 'OpAavSov, AIGEIS post med.saec. II p. lacuna ropyl[o]s [----] 'AaKXri'Xx&Srlis Eopa[pou] 5
'EpIKaietS l&vwvXos'HpaKAEi8ov 357. Two joining fragments of Pentelic marble: a (E.M. 4154) preserves part of the left side but is otherwise
358. Block of Pentelicmarble(I 2035),with part of the rightside preserved and a traceof mouldingabove the Foundin Novemberof 1934in the southcentralpart of the MarketSquareamongcollectedstones. inscription.
H. 0.197 m.; W. 0.19 m.; Th. 0.082 m.; LH. 0.011 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXIX, 1960,p. 62, No. 105,photograph pl. 20; S.E.G.,XIX, 113. ca. a. 160-170p.
[Erl apXov-ros]Tip> KAArj[oorpa]
[rou MEXT-r]co s' l.[puTavEi]
359. This is Face B of the stone publishedabove as No. 330. LH. ca. 0.015 m. in lines 1-4, ca. 0.009 m. in lines 5-49. Ed. J. H. Oliver,Hesperia, XI, 1942,pp. 43-44, No. 12, photographp. 41. AKAMANTIS ca. a. 160-170p. [ThXlt ] 'Ayaetfit KX ['ETr]! &pXovT[o]s A1Io[oc-rpa&ou MEXiTrcoS--'npuvraveI]
EacuroOsKcl TroS acti[TouS &avypayCav XZ96rTT1oI ]
15 N1Kias ZcoCoi(iou
Auou 'OTrrT-rro
Zcooltilav6o Nrpico 40
If the prytanisin line 12 is correctly 2052,lines 68 and 59 respectively). identified with Thallos,son of Dionysoin doros, ephebe 154/5(I.G., II2, 2067, line 82; cf. No. 373, line 28), then the date must be afterca. A.D. 166. 360. The left side of a hermof Pentelicmarble(I 1224).Found on January 22, 1934,in the wall of a modem house south of the centralpart of the MiddleStoa (K 13-14).
H. 0.279 m.; W. 0.195 m.; Th. (not original) 0.104 m.; LH. ca. 0.01 m.
The date should be after A.D. 157, for the prytaneis in lines 22 and 34 served as ephebes in 145/6 (I.G., II2,
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XVI, 1947,p. 175, No. 77, photograph pl. XXXIV.
'AyaOrtn ['rnXr,]
[]Trl a&PXOV[ToS Tip. KA.Aqpo]
iTfi-'] [o]Trparov M[El-ricos E'Tr v Trpu'raveicxa [v oi TrpuTa] VEST[fis] [TroAhE[plciaosuvAf7s] Tlirf[oav]TrEs :[auTroVs Kai Trovs]
Ed. J. H. Oliver,Hesperia, XI, 1942,pp. 48-49, No. 16, photograph p. 47. PANDIONIS ca. a. 159/60 p. velpaulloante lacuna
[--TrpurTavEcas oi] [TrpUTaveI&S Trs VTav] [68o]vi6[os (pufjs Ti] [p]'orTaV[TEs iau'TOIvS]
lacuna See also Nos. 362, 363. 362. Herm of Pentelic marble (I 4216), inscribedon three sides. Found on May 29, 1936, in a modernwall southwestof the NortheastStoa (N 7). This text is on the left face.
H. 0.61 m.; W. 0.315 m.; Th. 0.23 m.; LH. 0.018 m.
Ed. J. H. Oliver,Hesperia, XI, 1942,pp. 46-48, No. 15, photograph p. 47. PANDIONIS
ca. a. 160p. [Ku8]aol vatET[s] ['Ae0v]alos ElpTqv[aiou]
See also Nos. 361, 363.
363. Herm of Pentelicmarble (I 4216), inscribedon three sides. Found on May 29, 1936, in a modem wall southwestof the NortheastStoa (N 7). This text is on the rightface. H. 0.61 m.; W. 0.315 m.; Th. 0.23 m.; LH. 0.01 m. Ed. J. H. Oliver,Hesperia, XI, 1942,p. 49, No. 17, photograph p. 47. PANDIONIS ca. a. 160p.
['E]T' acpX[o]vrosn- A[i]A[ou 'EX] Anvos [To]OK m[ -------] 'Alrlvitco (Trovs) Al &Or'[-ris TO eEoi0]
5 'ASpa[v]oOu a Tr[i8]r[I.ias--r'pu] TfrS Tav] TaveiaS oti rp[uTvravEs iSovi6os (pvuAXs T[itUioavrTEs]
'Ayaefit Trx[il]
See also Nos. 361, 362. 364. Transcribed by Michel Fourmontin Athens, now lost. Ed. A. Boeckh,C.I.G., 196;W. Dittenberger, IG., I2, 1772. I.G., III, 1024;J. Kirchner, PANDIONIS
[ ...7....]Srp 365. Fragment fromthe rightside of a hermof Pentelic(not Hymettian)marble(I 5168),brokenabove,below, and at the left. Found on January 26, 1938,in a moderncontextwest of the Panathenaic Way (R 19).
H. 0.249 m.; W. 0.228 m.; Th. 0.182 m.; LH. 0.008 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, p. 220, No. 65, photograph pi. 37. This is the rediscovered portion II2, 1768, which K. S. Pittakys ('Ep. 'ApX.,1842, No. 1100) claimedto have found duringexcavations on Salamis.The identification was made by J. H. Oliverat the time of its rediscovery.Cf. J. A. Notopoulos,
[...]6oCpos )
[ypa]cIPaT?srEI pouAEVuTc
[(o]vpios 'Hp6AeilTos rap ariarTot 6l8Jiou [Kfipv]Spovuis Kaci [... ]vos arlcna veVs [... 'ISpoK]qpvU
[... 'lpoav]-TIs
------------I [ lacuna
to the churchin 1887. JamesA. Notopoulos, Hesperia,XVIII, 1949,pp. 41-42, studiedthe text as known from early copies and concludedthat it belongedin the same year with No. 365 becauseof the identity (highly probablefrom the demoticand spacing)of the heraldof the Counciland Demosin both texts. Giventhe date,he restored the name of the AaBoiX(os in line 7 (now line 8) as [Hop-rri]ioS (sic).l He also restoredthe nameof the [ypappaEaTeiS povin line 1 (now line 2) as identicalwithhim of No. 365: 0)[o\pioS'HpdcHaEiTOS and attriA?U]TCOV rap(yi-Trnos)], buted the catalogueto the phyle Aigeis.2This cannot be, for the ypalcaTrEupOU;ETrcOV changed with each
prytany and there will not have been two registers of Aigeis in the same year. Whatever the phyle, it was not Aigeis. Early copies of inscriptions were notoriously careless about indicating restorations. The best text here is that of Spon, though he did not copy line 1 (now line 2) or line 8 (now line 9). Dodwell found Spon's text inaccurate and he gave line 1 (now line 2) as IQNO. But he gratuitously added BOYA at the beginning of line 3 (now line 4) to make povuAjs,OE at the beginning of line 5 (now line 6) to make eOsoqavTrs(to which Boeckh objected, rightly, in C.I.G., 197), and TH in line 8 (now line 9) to make TriS,where the correct reading and restoration are Kaci pouAMs surely [ypamjia-r-u]S 8i pov (though even here Dodwell is the only authority for the complete word pouXfis). For line 1 (now line 2) Pittakys read TON. Here Dodwell's version gives a better text, for there is no room, except on the assumption of an almost impossibly wide column, to put the name of the secretary and his title on the same line. Dodwell's letters are to be taken as a normal patronymic [------ ]icovo[s ----], and ypapicaTesCs poUAE-rUTv,if it is to be restored, belongs in the line above. The text, with due regard to what may or may not
367. Fragment of a large block of Hymettian marble (I 282), with only the inscribed face and part of the bottom preserved. Found during the preliminary excavation of 1933 in a modern house wall over the area of the Southwest Temple (J 11). H. 0.33 i.; W. 0.345 i.; Th. 0.355 i.; LH. 0.004 m.-0.007 m. Ed. A. E. Raubitschek, Hesperia, XII, 1943, pp. 76-78, No. 23, photograph of a squeeze p. 77. ATTALIS a. 16516p.
ypa[v(va-re*s)r P]ov'A[fi]S [Kali B~ov]
[ - lf[ca. 3 -hsl ) [I]
in a late Romancontextnorthof the CivicOffices(I 11). No. 403, below, was inscribedon the back.
a: H. 0.155 i.; W. 0.08 i.; Th. 0.035 i.; b: H. 0.35 i.; W. 0.085 i.; Th. 0.065 i.; LH. ca. 0.01 m. LH. ca. 0.01 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XVI, 1947, p. 177, No. 79A, photograph pl. XXXIV. AIGEIS a. 16516p. Face A Relief a b
& X1Tov 4'a[Rrlpcos hri TiS] [irri &pXovros [-' irpv-rraveiaM]ovvX[i$vo0Spijv6s ol] [-rpvTr&veis Tr-j] AIyrji[8os -rEWut.av-rTE] [aCrroTos Kai TOr5 &i]-Ehi-ro[vs5 &viypapav]
[iTrrcuom ?-A---A](PPOBEI[?- - -] 5
Column I
369. Columnof Pentelicmarble(E.M. 10316),seen by Cyriacusof Ancona "ad marmoream aedemMartis in now muchdamaged.Nos. 371, 373, and 378 wereinscribed on the samemonument. agro Athenarum," H. 1.26 m.; D. 0.78 m.; LH. 0.017 m. (lines 1-7), 0.014 m. (lines 8 ff.).
Ed. Cyriacus of Ancona (ed. Moroni), No. 96; R. Pococke, InscriptionwnAntiquarwnGraecarumet Latinarum Liber, I, 1752, pp. 59-60, No. 67; A. Boeckh, C.L.G., 190; W. Dittenberger, I.G., III, 1029; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1773. On the text of Cyriacus of Ancona see Edward W. Bodnar, Cyriacus of Ancona and Athens, 1960,
10 [(D\ 'App]tav6s [()X EU]evK6pi[as] [....]Xios OiX [Bt3'] OE6qn?Xos [..] Tio60os D] 15 I)[i?co]v'HpaAmSid8ou [KA.E]voKXfiS
KuSarl vatils
ayCyKTO B&CKXIOS Aaaovoi Ocafis rrp
ve Aaaooir OeaAils
35 AaaoOt,' NiKoKp6crris 'HAiX8copos 'Ap-rTcovos
'ApT-rcoavos '
Aiovucriou K7XaBos TpOpcovKE?aB&ou 40
Atov'laios KeXa6Sou
O[. . S]coO_ISS [....]vio-ros ) V
20 [... .. .]vrS 'OvrlCaKpa&rou(D[ ] AIT'-ros KXZfi0os [...5. .]plOS [. ....] 'AvTErPOTOS ElaCI6Tou ZCSbTup_s
[... Ai]piKios-EvoCAv 45 EiaiSoTos )
1:T?I ip I ETs
A'rl,irpios KeASaou
Ai6SoTOsZcoaoiov Zcboiios TToXAupou KAX [....]oXos 'AVTr6XOV KopvqXtav6s 50 ['A]eJlvaios 'AppoSicrou EAATrv [...s..]s TTpacaieT 'AyyeAXQ v 30 ['Hpcb8]s Ascovi8o[u] EIoiaSoTos ?)XtAKos 53 ypaotpaTr-mipoouErcTOV 'Ico VImS "Appcovos & i cr T 0 1 55 60 [A-''I]Epo&avTris ypapriaTrEiS povuXisKal
AaboCrxos Tn[o]jr
[TTEi]yIEPOKfjipv [KfipuvPo]uAfisKal 8fiou
['HX?io6op]os 'A0rjvoScbpou iepa*rl_s[ECx&ptioros] vacat 65 rroypaUlaTor S [Eaif]Soros [rrti KlaoS 'A4ppo6Sf]tos For the restoration of the secretary's namein line 62 andfor the nameof the dvrvypaqpESs in line 63 see E. Kape1968, pp. 178-179, No. 2, and for lines 64-66 see A. E. Raubitschek, tanopoulos,'Apx. 'Eqp., Hesperia,XII, 1943,p. 78, and J. H. Oliver,A.J.A., XLV, 1941,p. 539. Cf. S.E.G., XXI, 607.
monument of Pentelicmarble(I 304),brokenon all sides.Foundon December of a cylindrical 370. Fragment 6, corner of house the northwest the in of modern at Odeion the wall a 1932, (J-K 9).
H. 0.315 m.; W. 0.165 m.; Th. 0.08 m.; estimated diameter ca. 0.80 m.; LH. (except phi) ca. 0.01 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia,III, 1934,pp. 54-56, No. 42, photograph p. 55. LEONTIS ca. a. 165-170p. lacuna
9 ---](pl[---]
7 --]8<xKOS
5 [Ato]vvlios)
'A9poSEiios )
'AXipoi[aloi] K&pTros )
['A]yae6acr[p]aTos [------
371. Inscribedon the same column as No. 369. LH. 0.012 m. C.I.G., 191; W. Dittenberger, IG., III, 1030;J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1774. AKAMANTIS a. 167/8p., d(vapXia
Ed. R. Pococke, Inscriptionum AntiquarumGraecarumet LatinarumLiber, I, 1752, p. 57, No. 64; A. Boeckh,
KCV IUEYioTCOV, TOU IETr& MaCIIepTevov &p Trri-ra o viauTro, XovTr<a)> c-rpaTriyoOvToS rr7a AipriXfou i tlax&ou, 1Tri TrfS (XiXluovos oi rrpuTavEias TrpuT&vsEs T'ri 'AKaciaavTriSo
vUfjs Tl'JcaT-avTrs avE aUTO KOa TOSro i &atiorous
50 llorro iTpo'6EKTros
KpdaTOU (DltouEEVOs 'EpcoTos TTpeTpoSEPCOTOS
AiXos XapEltaou
15 XoCKpaTCrs)
Otv6oiAOS )
AsTosZoCKpaTrov 'ArroMAopavisEOKapirou
AETo5 )
20 ToUTrcvcbvios AEio
TOS 'ETriKTrr rotApCOToS ZcoAolov Eiloi6oTOS MaKfiXlos 'A?XavSpoS Eltai6oTro ) KaAAtyivis AvaOmtaXi8ou Zcooriuou 'AoxXiTqrrtlaSt XoNapyEsi 'Av-rrtic A,rlpr-rpfou MEvavSposAIlrlTrpiou
<Z>ivcov )
OA 'Ispo&'vT'is
25 KA(oaviaS
Aa6o0yxos rTTol
TTe1v&pIEpoKfipuV Kfipvupovfis Kal 8lpou
ArrTlrpiou 'AKipiaSlSri
'EpEv OiArTos
'rriSou 'A<(L>rvtIs
rpuTa ypapcaTOsiT Ka-rTa VEIav Movacaos ) OtvXaotos
35 KA"AAuTros
ArlPooO7E aVTtypaqPES
'AqpoSalos 'ArAroAXcovfov
Pococke: lines 4-5, APXONTOY; line 77, YHOEPMMA line 59, -ENQN; line 70, ASHNIEYE;
372. Three fragments of an unfinished Doric column drum, with a representation of a shield preserved on two of them (a = 1 99 and c = I 4040). The third fragment (b = I 965) cannot be placed exactly, but has names from
eitherCol. I or Col. II of the text. It is represented in Col. II. here for convenience
a: Found in 1931 in the western part of the Market Square. H. 0.333 m.; W. 0.096 m.; Th. 0.09 m.; LH. 0.012 m.-
0.014 m. Ed. A. E. Raubitschek, Hesperia,XII, 1943,pp. 78-79, No. 24, photograph p. 79.
b: Broken on all sides. Found on June 14, 1933, in a late context east of the Propylon to the New Bouleuterion (1 11). H. 0.225 m.; W. 0.105 m.; Th. 0.126 m.; LH. 0.012 m. Ed. A. E. Raubitschek, Hesperia, XII, 1943, pp.
c: Brokenexceptat the bottom wherethe flutesof the columndrumare indicated.Found on April20, 1936,
in a late wall west of the Odeion (J 11). H. 0.86 m.; W. 0.45 m.; Th. 0.23 m.; LH. 0.008 m. Ed. J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XI, 1942, pp. 50-51, No. 18, photograph p. 51.
a. 168/9p.
b lacuna
lacuna a 'Appos[---]
EUrUX[--- -] [Au]pXlAos[----]
'lo(i,hos) Mo[vrav6S]
30 "Ap[p]Ios ZeiOtS
ypaIcaTcrreus povu[s Kcl] 8ipOU "Ayvos up[O96pou 'AKuaiaiS]
&vTIypaEUS 'CQpa(pIos) 'A.K[ipCaXOS] TOIfima IKpEi(PCoviOS) TalItaK[6s] TrEpi EUiapiTcros iEpaOArX
S pouAEu] ypapilia[T?C TCOV co[---] K[u]Bav[Ti6-rrS].
['lo' 'IEpopa&v'rn] c 35 [Tlow AaSoOXos] [TIeiv 'IhpoKiip]u. 20 [MEw?ri r pcojCo] [KfiPpvu m6[l []ov P1ouX]SKai [TTarliosAT]TiK6S B[I].oatIE[CS] 40 vacat
Eioto-ros ) Mapat(cbvios)
Es; sKIaSos
For the relative disposition of the fragments, see Raubitschek (loc. cit.), and for the date, see Oliver (loc. cit.). Raubitschek suggests that the name in line 2 might be read as IepoA[M----]. For lines 25-26, see also Raubi-
tschek (op. cit., p. 80). 373. Inscribedon the samecolumnas No. 369. LH. 0.010 m.
Ed. R. Pococke, Inscriptionum Antiquarum Graecarum et Latinarum Liber, I, 1752, pp. 57-58, No. 65; A. Boeckh, C.I.G., 192; W. Dittenberger, I.G., III, 1031; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1775; J.H. Oliver, Hesperia, XI,
PuA xS
10 Auci{laXisrls ) Trp
A__R]AroPo vrjs
Ei)p6ovvos )
EAVrroN )vio 'AroMXcbvios ) 50
O p i K o
B[i]T-rdXto 'ApItorFiBov AtoviatoS 'Apiotre8ou 55
20 'Arax'riTCrais 'ApItorElou
'AaKxrl-rrtCiaSrS pocrSoKi[ou 'Aoa<XrlrriaBou 'ApatKiavTros AuvcrtinaX(6S ) 'AyaeoK\fiS EOcplvou
['Ep]i KopvriXavos
For the restorations in lines 45, 46, and 49 see No. 372, lines 33, 34, and 38-40.
374. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 998), broken on all sides. Found on June 21, 1933, in a late context over the
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XVI, 1947,p. 178,No. 80, photograph pl. XXXV. a. 168/9p.
[hrr &pXovr]oS T[vrliou]
[l-ovTlKo]j BrCo[efcos]
The restorations were made by A. E. Raubitschek. For the date of the archon, see J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XI, 1942, p. 86, and J. A. Notopoulos, A.J.P., LXIV, 1943, p. 52. 375. Six joining (and one non-joining) fragments of a columnar monument of Pentelic marble (I 6685). Found on July 14, 1954, in the wall of a Turkish pithos west of the Propylon to the New Bouleuterion (H 11).
b: H. 0.18 i.; W. 0.04 i.; Th. 0.105 i.; LH. 0.019 m. Ed. D. J. Geagan, Hesperia, Suppi. XII, 1967, pp. 194-195, photographs pl. 4; S.E.G., XXIV, 183. Fragment b comes at the right of lines 6-8.
a. 168/9p.
in a
AO{p] [M&c]p
a[C-roO] 'A[v-rcovivov]
moulding ['EirI&p]XovT[o]s T[tivliou] 5 DlovT]I'Koii Briaa[ticas o-rpa] [Thyo'i]vToS rri r[a 8}ry7U{a B] [c(ap(]ov MaI.P-rivLo]uM[a] [paccA)viov o]I 1rrpuTd([v]6I[S T] fis-- ca. 81/, --(p7j[][s Ttgl~aCY] K]cd 10 [vTE-C 4o* ai] kaTO .aCIS [a(-rouS vvyPapcxypav]
376. Two non-joining fragments of a columnar monument of Pentelic marble (I 4611), with similar characteristic
decorationframingthe inscription.Fragmenta was found on March 10, 1937,in a late contextsouth of the
east end of the Temple of Ares (K 9); fragment b was found on May 17, 1937, in a Byzantine wall over the west end of the Temple of Ares (J 8). The two fragments may not belong to the same inscription. a: H. 0.567 i.; W. 0.325 i.; Th. 0.175 i.; LH. ca. 0.01 m. b: H. 0.446 i.; W. 0.327 m.; Th. 0.268 i.; LH. 0.012 m. Ed. J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XI, 1942, pp. 52-54, No. 20, photographs p. 53. PANDIONIS ca. a. 168 p. lacuna [KvSaeTvatETis] lacuna 'loioro9[S Zco]i4(*pov] 'loS[6-rov] Z6frrupos ZCbalp.L 'lak4t6Tov] Mrlv6scopo[S----] othxzlLov) ACp' 'laoi8c[pos]
A[ -----------] 0[ -----------I
[ .]E[ ------]
b 25
K( ----------] I------------I I------------I A[ -----------I EV'[ -----------] H . [-----------] [----------I I------------I [------------] [------------I M[ -----------] ~------------1 -----------] F[ T[ -----------] lacuna
30 ---] 'E-rrfyo[vos vacat yp(appa-rdis\j)P[OVWVFiV-rCo--]
10 7-1[ ----------------]
-----------] K[
of Pentelicmarble(I 3621),brokenon all sides.Foundon February monument 377. Partof a largecolumnar 25, in of the Odeion a modern wall west 1936, (K 11). H. 0.38 m.; W. 0.17 m.; Th. 0.232 m.; LH. 0.008 m. and 0.015 m. Ed. J. H. Oliver,Hesperia, XI, 1942,p. 52, No. 19, photograph. ATTALIS
a. 169/70 p.
( [---------] Npc[a- ----------] ['Erri TOo .E-r' Tti]Viiov rI[ovrtK6vapXov] y TrpuT[aveiaS oi rrpvTrraves] [-ra viauTroO]
[TnrilaavTrS acu]
] &iatrious&[vEypaIav [Tros KCa ToOJ]s ['ETrcobvwoECrr]opoS 'Ae0rva[(ou'AioovEos] ['Ay]vouVlol [--] [----]poKis 10 [----]K. apTro[s--]
[-] [----]o lacuna
I.G., II2, 1776;P. Graindor,Album, p. 47, No. 72, photograph pl. LVI. PANDIONIS a. 169/70 p., &vapXia dya0e[i]
&Tril -ro iET- TEt[vli]toV noVTI KOV&pXOVT'a9V[ta]urTou, Iq wTpu rTaVEias ol TrpUTIveiS TTqSTTav ac S6eov5o5S PvuXqis TI 1JiCEaaVTES
10 (D 'Appiav6o
FM TEto60eos
(X nTTup6pos rp
OA OlX6oTEltoS At' KoXMias
OXAov T-rac
OeoSo0poS wTpE 50
'TTpa'ieTs 0?68cpoS vE
15 KXOuvStavos KX''ATro?Mbvlos
'AVTrXoOS ) AEioSTTuveo
oifpos K-rTaou
Europos 'EpcovalKTros 25 cap-rrriScv'AvlritXov 1oSu!Ovi 'AppoSe<ia>ios K6pulpos ) Tpupcov 'ETracpoS?lrov E6opiXos )
60 ypapcalraTEs pouAWuT
Alowcvao68pos) &cna-rot s 'Ioi 'lpo)[&v]Thr TIo AaSo[x]os
ITelv 'lp[KqP]Uj
"EpoA[S] NEiKay6pov
70 [yp]ampiarrE?s
pouvfis K[al].rs
TTIEIVaplOS !)hlPicov unius versus vacuumspatium Mriv6oco[p]os) vacat nTavv[u]xos ) 'EpEIK avTiypapqEis _ TOPfincaKop MevO?E[s] TTEpl v iEpacurs ['ETri]yovos Err'l KiaS[os] 'lovi Zrlv6oB3o Mvpcov. uTrroypa,p[pCarTs]S
After line 40 the lines have been renumbered from the Corpustext and changes made in the readings of lines 62 and 71 (new numbering). 379. Fragment of Pentelic marble (E.M. 5772), broken on all sides, found near the Propylaia by Pittakys. H. 0.12 m.; W. 0.17 m.; Th. 0.092m.; LH. 0.016 m. Ed. K. S. Pittakys, L'ancienne Athenes, p. 319; W. Dittenberger, I.G., III, 1033; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1778.
AKAMANTIS a. 169/70 p.
[&yaOfji] vacat TSX1.[t] [i ri TOi] .E'raX Tivlto[v lTovtlK6vap] a [Trp-ravElasol] gv]oauTroU [XovTra Trs 'AK[acavrTios vqu] [prrpuTr&veis] [nfi T-rElrioavTsa]V(<T>[oVKal]
The final kappa of line 5 and two letters of line 6 read by Pittakys as upsilon omega have been lost since his all on one time, but we are able to read more in line 3 than was given in his copy. Pittakys read TrrXl d&yaOfil of restoration. The stone as shows of tau over nu of the first line with no indication preserved Tlvlio[v] -r*X.n[i] take the omega of Pittakys in line 6 to be a misreading of tau. For the disposition of lines 1 and 2 see No. 378.
with uninscribed spacebeforeit. Hencethe word [&yaOfi]must be restored,not read, in the line above it. We
380. Herm of Pentelic marble (E.M. 10309), broken at the top and bottom, found in the wall of the Church of on the north slope of the Acropolis. Nos. 398 and 472 were inscribed on the left and 'Ay. 'Ico6vvrisMCoyKo-mright sides respectively of this monument and No. 473 on the front, alongside No. 380. H. 0.74 m.; W. 0.30 m.; Th. 0.21 m.; LH. 0.007-0.009 m. Ed. K. S. Pittakys, 'Ey. 'Apx., 1857, No. 3261; W. Dittenberger, I.G., Ill, 1034; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1781.
? [---] ['Epfp~os
[rP]alK6S [---]
? [Tp0pco]v ) [TTla]
[E]OipqT[i]os 'Aao[KarlTln&ov TTorr
10 [Nvp]9apaTro[S--?]
['ATr]oXAcAvlios [---] [As]co visrs 'AOQr[vaiou 'Ava] ) ['A]TrlKOS ['A]T'iK6Os 'Ayaeo[--] 15 [Ai]o[v]u6o5copoS [---]
[no]a[6i8]cvitos A[---]
[TE]ia[]as) ? 20 [AilAlosBaeu['Aos]
[M]rlv6opiAos [. ..]yvo[u]s [---] ['A]KATn-riaS6ns [Zcbca]ios? 'AoK[\rraTnaSov]
? AEi[K]{[o]S ra[iou]
[ ....]aS
TlaX vacat
[pov] Mriv6Scopos)
lTav [avTi]ypa?tpes [vuXo]s) 'EpiKat vacat [Oroyp] MOpcov ) Acapvacat
50 [epacxArj]S 'E-riyovos
[TTp6KA]ov nlEp vacat Z 'ri. l'vacat Ii.d!os 'IoOA vacat [v6opos M]ap
For the restorations in lines 52-53 see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia, XVIII, 1949,p. 42.
381. Two joining fragmentsof Pentelicmarble(I 4446 and 4586). Fragmenta, at the left, was found on 26, 1937, in a Byzantinecontext west of the Odeion(K 10); fragmentb, on the right, was found on January
March 1, 1937, in a late context northwest of the Odeion (K 8-9). The top surface is preserved, but the stones are otherwise broken. Combined measurements of a (I 4446) and b (I 4586): H. 0.16 i.; W. 0.146 i.; Th. 0.063 i.; LH. 0.011 m.
For the restoration of the demotic in line 3 see A. E. Raubitschek, FEpca'A. KEpapo-rro*AMov, Athens, 1953, p. 247. 382. Upper part of a herm of Pentelic marble (E.M. 3988), broken at the left and below. On the right side was inscribed No. 394 and on the front above this text is No. 451.
5 [ ?--------------?\1
383. Part of a largecylinderof Pentelicmarble(I 996), brokenon all sides. Found on June20, 1933, in a late wall over the Propylonto the New Bouleuterion (H 10).
H. 0.15 i.; W. 0.105 i.; Th. 0.12 i.; LH. 0.01 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia,XVI, 1947,pp. 178-179,No. 81, photographp1. XXXV. For the date see J. A. Notopoulos,Hesperia, XVIII, 1949,p. 56. ANTIOCHIS a. 170/1p.
'oTrE(TCa5 [giri&pXovros'Wca.'ApmrcAltavo]i5 a-23 Prapt6cos, [a-rpaTT1yoCvTro S 'ET-roiT0S Map.?----9u?dj s ica i- ro&a(Tovs5 &v&ypayav] [hrri 'i T Siavrro*is oltrr]avEis -ri-~ rprrpu-ravF.a 'Av[-ioXiSOS Tislrjaav-rE eyae[irXi
I lacuna
II 'Av[ram*o-riot]
III lacuna
IV lacuna
[--]os 'IEp[------]
384. Four fragments of Pentelic marble are to be assigned to the same inscription. Fragment a (I 91), broken on all sides, is from the top of the inscription. Found on August 1, 1931, inside the enclosure of the Eponymous Heroes at a late Roman level (I 10). Fragments b and c (I 685 and 868) join each other but have no contact with a or d. Found in the spring of 1933 in the demolition of late walls. They are broken on all sides. Fragment d (I 1985), with toothed left side preserved, is from the bottom of the inscription. It was found on May 14, 1934, in a collection of marbles near the Tholos. a: H. 0.08 i.; W. 0.07 i.; Th. 0.04 i.; LH. 0.016 m. b and c: H. 0.25 i.; W. 0.17 i.; Th. 0.07 i.; LH. 0.009 m. d: H. 0.035 i.; W. 0.10 i.; Th. 0.095 i.; LH. 0.011Im. Ed. b and c: J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XI, 1942, pp. 56-57, No. 22, photograph p. 56; a, b and c, d: B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XVI, 1947, p. 176, No. 78, photographs of a and d pl. XXXIV. PANDIONIS a. 150-190 p. a [Tri &PpXovOS?] -------------T [-----] ol] Bo[v"rCaov -rpvJTcXrveca -r[S TTav5iovi5osquMjs] [-rpvTa'vEit]s
KCliroCvs &t] [-rtp'acx]vTs-[s &xavTOlsIa
[CI]A.Nw[6p'aXos] I ---A*p'Atlos
b 10
S----] AE'IqoZ c
al[oi] [Mv]ppIvoV, [AMji8itos Ko8p&-r[os] 0 [M]Stos Qapv[6acns] 20 [----]os EO{---] [-----lo[ ---- I lacuna &cvTlypa[cpEF?]----------------T6 P[~jIia -----------IrrEpi ]
[le]pa*Lq?]----------------385. Inscribed on the back of three joining pieces of sculptured Pentelic marble, with part of the top, including pediment, and original left side preserved. H. Ca. 0.60 i.; W. ca. 0.30 i.; Th. ca. 0.10 m. Ed. a: K. S. Pittakys, L'ancienneAthe'nes,p. 267; b and c: ibid., p. 340; a, b, and c combined: 'Ep. 'ApX., 1840, No. 428; W. Dittenberger, LG., III, 1065; J. Kirchner, LG., II2, 1777. PANDIONIS paullo post a. 170/1 p., archonship of KkaciC,8oS [?---------]Ei5 krfi K=cxu[fov]-------Ecors&]lpXyotrvro, aTpaTnyoiiv] o-rr?a---6 'T[a i-rri T]Os ypacp]
lacuna The date of this text was given by J. H. Oliver (Hesperia, XI, 1942, p. 87) as in the Corpus as ca. a. 16819p. Since the years from 165/6 to 170/1 are otherwise preempted (Nos. 367-383), we suggest a date soon after 170/1,
Found earlyin 1933in the wall 386. Fragmentof a stele of Pentelicmarble(I 372), with rightedge preserved. of a modernhouse over the areaof the Late RomanWaterMill (Q 13).
H. 0.22 i.; W. 0.21 m.; Th. 0.30 m.; LH. ca. 0.008 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, III, 1934, p. 56, No. 43, drawing. For the date see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, pp. 14, 55. a. 173/4 p. ax10r17 9 [j] [ruEpi ip]a E1oi8copos'Ov rFp j3ij [------ A]vayvpacatoo 'A-rro?2oqxpvav[s] [dcvwtypaqpepi]s Xqj-r-rios [Eiixap'rr]ov [lEpcai*Xtl]S 'Aqpo8kaios 'E-rracppo[8T-rov]
Dcaaq)6pcawcv KarE-[
[7K_a8]os'EpIiEfaCS) 'A[LrqviEtEs]
387. Two fragments of a block of Pentelic marble. Fragment a (I 572), broken on all sides, was found in a Byzan-
b (I 4335)was found on July 21, tine contexton March 15, 1933,south of the Templeof Ares (J 9). Fragment
1936, in a modern wall west of the Odeion (J-K 9-10); it preserves the bottom and part of the left side. a: H. 0.32 i.; W. 0.32 m.; Th. 0.20 i.; LH. 0.015 m. in lines 4-5, 0.008 m.-0.013 m. in lines 30-34. b: H. 0.90 i.; W. 0.48 i.; Th. 0.33 i.; LH. 0.011 m. Ed. a: J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, IV, 1935, pp. 43-46, No. 10, photograph p. 43; a and b: J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XI, 1942, pp. 54-56, No. 21, photograph p. 54. Both fragments are parts of LG., f2, 1788, now largely lost, which was copied by Jacob Spon in 1676 and published by him in iajuscule, giving the correct disposition (approximately) in his Voyage, III, 2, pp. 117-119 (arranged by Oliver, op. cit., IV, p. 45). Cf. C.LG., 185; ILG.,
[?----] [-------]
30 IlpEs
'Io1,k Ispo
55 AVvAta8oC
C-[ ..---]
'Epivvios 'IE
poKfipu Mr' T1rri pco
)> -rEp?9rqpo<S
'Epioyvris 'EpuieIou ]
45 'HAi6Scop[o]s. A4
'E-rrtKi[[]ai ) Exd&piorros
[ [-
ypaupWaTr_s o3ov
] ]
Spon: line 37, Y; lines 36 and 60, 0.
388. Fragment of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 500), with part of the top surface preserved but otherwise broken.
p. 55.
a. 1745 . (?) [TrI &ap]XOVTroS M[ouvaTiouOuOoTricrKou 'ALi?]
[vi]Cos cr-rpaTrryo[viiros
lacuna The line divisionhere differsfrom that of the editioprinceps.The restorationof the archon'sname is quite The date of the text may be muchlater. uncertain.
389. Herm, inscribed with this text on the upper obverse, No. 471 on the lower obverse, and No. 390 on the right
Ed. W. Dittenberger, LG., III, 1059, from a transcript by 0. Lueders; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1829. The date is
discussedby J. Traill,Hesperia, XL, 1971, p. 322, note 28 but see commenton No. 388.
ante a. 174/5 p. (?)
390. Inscribedon the right side of the monumenton whichNo. 389 appearson the upperobverseand No. 471 appearson the lower obverse. Ed. W. Dittenberger, with new restorations, LG., III, 1061,from a transcript by by 0. Lueders;republished, J. Kirchner, in lines 1-3 J. 1831. For see S. the LG.,112, Traill,Hesperia, XL, 1971,p. 322.The archon rdstoration XVIII, 1949,p. 55. Vopiscusis dateda. 174/5p. by J. A. Notopoulos,Hesperia, ANTIOCHIS a. 174/5p. (?)
d PXovTos] [iri
[Movvcariov OCoTrri]
[6-Kov 'AC-qvtkcas?]
For the archon's name see comment on No. 388. 391. Part of a stele of Pentelic marble (I 865), broken on all sides. Found on May 25, 1933, in the wall of a late (Hesperia, XIX, 1950, pp. 272-274, No. 25, photograph p1. 95). H. 0.37 i.; W. 0.21im.; Th. 0.088 i.; LH. 0.025 m. Ed. J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XI, 1942, p. 63, No. 28, photograph. ca. a. 150-200 p.
is on the reverse of an earlier text dealingwiththe Laureionmines pit east of the Tholos(H I 1:1).The inscription
'Avcxaq[kav-riov #Xov-ros ot 1TpuT&]
- VEIS [.rT-I i'SS 4pvwfs . .]
392. Part of a shaft of Pentelic marble (I 6294), broken at the top and bottom but with both sides and possibly the original back preserved. Found on May 3, 1950, in a Byzantine wall northeast of the Odeion (N 8). H. 0.43 i.; W. 0.285 in.; Th. 0.24 in.; LH. 0.007 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, pp. 220-222, No. 66, photograph pl. 37; S.E.G., XXI, 612. The text has been reedited below and changes made in lines 5, 32, 35, 36, 38, 39 and 42. PTOLEMAIS ca. a. 175 p. velpaullo post xTOs [---------------KOd d&Et] [aqf]ovs d&vi[yp]ay.pav vacat vacat
CLmco]vvvo[ -----]7oS
27 30
[Aiy]XilTs ] ]
[---] los[---]
r[..]us Kcrro[----]
[...] 'Ayaeorrous
[---.--..-] 35 'ArrENA-S ) v[?EdTEpoS] 'ATrM fis ) V[ECbTEpos] OX1EOiparvrirls eEo0rro[wrov] NiKocrpaTroS 6 Kal NiK68apos 2CoxTor 410 NIK61aXOS ) 'ETlKTriTro 'E-rriyovoS AcovaroS 6 Kai 'Eriyovos
4t5 CHpaKXEcov) C5 A[... .]pov 'HpaKAXcovos C [-----]aos) ]s 'Ap[itoro]po*Aou [------
EOppcov M&~it,os
25 [----------]
The date is based on the prosopography, especially lines 38, 39 and 42 (see Prosopographical Index).
393. Fragment of Hymettian marble(I 1264),brokenon all sides. Found on February 3, 1934,in a late context south of the New Bouleuterion. H. 0.14 m.; W. 0.066 m.; Th. 0.035 m.; LH. ca. 0.008 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XVI, 1947,p. 179,No. 82, photograph pl. XXXV. The itemin line 9 was probably a name and not a demoticas originallypublished. ca. a. 175p. lacuna ] [...][----[iE]PE?i [----] [K ?]X. 2Epa-r[icov?--] ['A]qpo&5E[tos---] ['rE]payop[as ---[Z]cdbWLos [----]
[T]pavvos [----]
[K]XOpiEvos [----] 'EAeuaE v[ios----] 10 [A]ou<Kavo[s---]
Ed. A. Dumont,Fasteseponymiques d'Athenes, pp. 38-39, No. 48; W. Dittenberger, LG.,III, 1070;J. Kirchner,
OINEIS of "Ap''Ewrrappo6EtTos a. 17516 p., archonship
dyaiqi T-rXrlI
of nprrpr[&a]vesS Ts Olv[Nr]
605 qvus riSa&p[x]o[vros] p 'Eorrappo&eiTO, [orTpaTrryohv] 5 Tos En[i T]o[J]s[6IXeiTcxas]
395. Fivejoiningfragments of Pentelicmarble(E.M. 4667),brokenat the top, bottom,and left, but preserving part of the originalright side. H. 0.20 m.; W. 0.58 m.; Th. 0.28 m.; LH. 0.007-0.010m.
Ed. P. Graindor, B.C.H., LI, 1927, pp. 296-298, No. 72; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1808. For the date see J. A.
XVIII, 1949,p. 52. Notopoulos, Hesperia, HIPPOTHONTIS a. 170-172,aut 174-176,aut 187p. lacuna
----------- tp]va Trp orrvs uTTp&vE [rTf]s'ITmr [-- - -[o]QcoV[Ti8os] 21 &idorEroi s KOaI rTOs&IaciTOVS &avTroS [puAfs TnlcaavcreS &viypa].civ.
? ---
--- 1T]p
'loiXA '1poqp&vrri [iCrTOSZcrraTpov TT'Ep 15 "Aw[i]os EO[av]posTTEip K Ko [Eo[]a&vous (Dl)AXpcos MivavSposMT-rpoScbpov TTElp lToAXaivos SElTOU 'AlZTrv yp povevXrrov
20 "EAevoS)V V 'AlrvImS Za['T]pou TT1p 'Aaiar<tKOS
10 [---
Ed. A. Kirchhoff, Sitz. Akad. Wis. Berlin, 1887, p. 1072, No. 19; J. Kirchner, I.G., I2, 1809.
5 [Ai6](pavros c>tXe[---]s
[Mo]lpayvrls [M]EXTTo[IEv6S] lacuna
For the date see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia, in line 7 is by XVIII, 1949,p. 52, and TableI. The restoration A. E. Raubitschek, 'A. Athens, 1953,p. 252, note 1. Frpas KepagoTroWAov,
withthe left sidepreserved but otherwise 397.Pillarof Hymettian marble(E.M. 10471), broken,foundin 1845on the Acropoliseast of the Pinakotheke.
H. 0.39 m.; W. 0.28 m.; Th. 0.25 m.; LH. 0.009 m. Ed. K. S. Pittakys, 'Eqp. 'Apx., 1853, No. 1624; W. Dittenberger, I.G., HI, 1039; J. Kirchner, LG., II2, 1793.
[....6...]Tros OOEpyei7tos Eyt[EpToS] AEcov MEIi(Xou 5 EtIaio-roS ZcoirUpo[u] AKX 'Epioyivrs KXrTocrE8cbvto
ZcbaTlos EOiv6pou ATX (DiAcov 25 O[IvaToi] Tp6[qpitos... .]afou 398. Inscribed on the left side of No. 380. LH. 0.007-0.009m.
Ed. K. S. Pittakys, 'E. 'Apx., 1858, No. 3263; W. Dittenberger, from a transcript by U. Koehler, LG., III, 1035; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1782. For the date see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, p. 52, and Table I. M?EiDiXclpyupos
KEKROPIS a. 17718 p.
['rrcbvvWos Biaio]os TTeicnov
[...] [.]0[---]
E[--c. 8 -]s ) 15 O[--- ca.10---]vo
[I- ca. 14 ----]oy[--]
20 'Apip[pco]v? 'AveEr[Trr]piou
AiSuios /l 0[...]11 O[---]
Alovorios EuvrrXoos
[---] -TToKri-rTOS
-Trr6pos 'I[a]po[u]
'o10 Acop6Oeos
45 Bp6oios)
&iaEiToi aCicf-rTOl
pA ovATIfirT[plos]
Ed. J. S. Traill, Hesperia,XL, 1971,pp. 315-321, No. 12, photographpl. 64. For the date see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia,XVIII, 1949,pp. 29-30; cf. XLI, 1972,p. 141. LEONTIS a. 178/9-179/80p. NON-2TOIX. 'Aya0eiTxrJ
KaTa To6ETrepcbT'rlia Tfs p1ouA'fT'rv 0L'airfc al.vcov rTCV Tris A\oVT-r lrpuvr&vEcov
399. Herm shaft of Pentelic marble (I 7179), broken across neck at top and tenon (which was originally ca. 0.18 m. by 0.22 m.) at bottom, found on August 10, 1970, built into foundations of a late Roman circular building (J 5). On the right and left sides below the arm sockets Nos. 447 and 448 were inscribed. The back is rough-picked. H. 0.645 m.; W. 0.268 m.; Th. 0.229 m.; LH. 0.012 m. (line 1), 0.010-0.012 m. (lines 2-9), 0.005 m. (lines 10-31).
KX. MivovKiav6O
30 TEip60EOS Zcoaij{ou
c.[ ... o]u coKparriS
lacuna For a discussionof the title 6 ripEaicbvTrs see Hesperia, XL, 1971,pp. 317-318. The word is very probablya derivativeof fi ElpElccbvr would (cf. No. 240, line 12, and R.E.G., LXII, 1949, p. 106). E. Kapetanopoulos date the archonship of Hegiasat the end of the secondcenturyor the beginning of the thirdcenturyafterChrist (AerA.,XXVI, 1971,p. 289).
400. This text was cut on the reverse face of No. 292. For a description of the stone and its place and date of
Ed. G. A. Stamires, Hesperia, XXVI, 1957, pp. 247-248,258-260, No. 97, photographs p1.62; S.E.G., XVII, 48.
ca. a. 180 p. a &cyaOi A o] ---inri -------------&TpXov-ros r[X' 6 ypap -raT v ou7vTr v(?) Tis K?KporriSos] voEcos, rS S TOV [-' TrpuraveIaS, . [------------------aS Troisovv&apXovTas 9pA -S Kal 'rois]
5 [-----
cElotTo[uS &v~ypacEv].
----------traces [---]
of a cylindrical monument 401. Fourfragments (I 1435and 1687),brokenon all sides.The firstthreewerefound on March3, 1934,in a late contextjust north of the Tholos (G I1); the fourthwas found in a late contexton March26, 1934,north of the New Bouleuterion (F 10).
a: H. 0.101 i.; W. 0.103 i.; Th. 0.031 i.; LH. Ca.0.01 m. (I 1435c). b: H. 0.145 i.; W. 0.174 i.; Th. 0.088 i.; LH. ca. 0.01 m. (I 1435b). c: H. 0.167 i.; W. 0.125 i.; Th. 0.085 i.; LH. ca. 0.01 m. (I 1435a). d: H. 0.10 i.; W. 0.157 i.; Th. 0.087 i.; LH. ca. 0.01 m. (11687). Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XVI, 1947, pp. 180-181, No. 85, photographs pl. XXXVI. KEKROPIS ca. a. 180 p. a [-----o0 -rrpvra&vets'ris KEKpo]VI8oS &t [(puiis -rTip0craVTES kxa-ro*is Kcal To]C&
YaT'-rovs &cv~ypapav?-------]
I------------lacuna (Col. I)
Efh0]Ts Nl
[Zcot?os209o-rou [M'yvos X]garrov
'Ap-mp[--- ]
[.....]Os Aiovu[---]
ca.I ----]Sou
[-----------I ['Ay]a0o[----] This text should possibly be dated nearer No. 427 in which Zoilos and Magnos (here lines 6 and 7) were again prytaneis.
402. Marble stele (E.M. 10559), found in Marousi. H. 1.053 i.; W. 0.401 m. (top), 0.405 m. (bottom); Th. 0.073 m. (left), 0.092 m. (right); LH. 0.009 i. (except O and '1 = 0.020-0.025 i.) Ed. A. Boeckh, from a transcriptby M. Fourmont, C.LG., 194; W. Dittenberger,from a transcriptby U. Koeh19-20, and Table I.
ler, I.G., III, 1040;J. Kirchner, LG., II2, 1794.For the date see J. A. Notopoulos,Hesperia, XVIII, 1949,pp. 15,
ATTALIS a. 180/I p., archonship of 'A0qv68capoS'Aopgivov 6 xcal 'AypfTrraS 'ITooo -rr' apxov-ros -roil 'Aoi.ivo[M] 'Aeilvoscbpov -roi Kai 'AypfTrrTrrov 'I-raiou yirpvuravF{ias 5
-rrpv-ravev1S TE 5 &au-ro5 -rr(cb,vvo TUiiav (pv?i-js 'ATQraXISOS KC i T0ro15 &alaT' OUVsv" &Vkypayav. E hrropoS 'Ae0rjvaiov 'Aeg.ovvE*s
'A 1o vETS
10 n6 Ai'A(IO)cpoS
) EOBoS<o>s
E'nTuXirsS OIloKpcarous (DXoKpa&TOU EuKap-rroS Arotoa0vrqS )
'ETrrKTriTro EipTrvcaoS
'E-rrilKriTro 2ui$Epcov
50 KX()iXTlroS AiKAfiS AloOWclou
15 TepyltAaos'AVTlnOVTOS
Xpfioros AeiTiAou EV'rropos KapTro8cbpou AloWvaos )
20 <S>)Apios EO<ap'rrou
55 AUpAcaNas
'ATroAXMcvlos Aiowvco<8>)cp[ou]
A<IA> 'Epp[i]]as
FEv0eAxos 'AVT-O6XOU
Aiovuaiou 'H<p>aKAEI<o>s
?<s> Ko<p>VSa<X>X
-rEpavosAtlovw iou A nlpolaXi[Cioi] Tl'rroTTAos
<M>ap<K>ios? KAIPANTO0
'io[]._ 'iEpocAv-r[ls]
[AIX Al]aEouos
35 [ypaiorUaTEsS Kai5rlp]oU PouAfis 'Ao-KairlaSTS
T[Epi-]o [p1T|na]
402a. Fragmentof fine-crystalled, white marblebrokenat bottom and right (E.M. 12983).On the top and left side thereis a smoothband, ca. 0.035m. wide, behindwhichlies a wide, convexmouldingwhichextendsto the back of the fragment.Both belong to a later use of the block since the lettersare cut throughat the left edge of the stone. Found in the excavationson the North Slope of the Acropolison April 5, 1937at a depth of ca. 0.70 m. in Pit Y.
H. 0.118 m.; W. 0.105 m.; Th. 0.089 m.; LH. 0.011 m. (lines 1-3), 0.008 m. (lines 4-6)
ca. a. 180p.
[---m'CKi &vyPCpao v] I']oOs d&[uTitroua
'E'rrcv[ulos] 'AePovEUS] [EOrop]gs'Aerlva[iou XouvEi& 5 [Eiyrri's 9j E]rrca-rp v TT9[ ---------] ] 'Ap]..lJ,os K[--------lacuna
The inscription belongsclosely in date to No. 402, see R. Stroud,op. cit. of the stone see above, No. 368. 403. For a description Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XVI, 1947,pp. 177-178,No. 79B, photograph pl. XXXIV. AIGEIS ca. a. 180p. Face B [Fapy'-r-rioi] lacuna
Column I missing
[... .]voS
) 5 [Zcbai]pos BctKXuX[i8ou]
[....]Kp&'rrTs BacK[XUXi]Sou
[... .]os
[E]0osos E{[---
5 or6 -]ou
0jI1 [-------]
Mnv[-------- ]
404. Fragment of Hymettian marble (I 1908), broken on all sides. Found on May 1, 1934, near the surface south H. 0.064 m.; W. 0.096 m.; Th. 0.04 m.; LH. ca. 0.014 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XVI, 1947,p. 179,No. 83, photograph pl. XXXV. OINEIS ca. a. 180p. [----] ol 'rrp.T[6[vErS] [-risOl]v(8ios [qvXfis] acrro*s] [-rtWia]av[rES [iCl 'TOCS &atiTrous--]
405. Fragmentof a Pentelicmarblestele (E.M. 2006),with part of the left side preserved but otherwisebroken, found nearthe northernend of the Stoa of Attalos.
H. 0.35 m.; W. 0.24 m.; Th. 0.12 m.; LH. 0.013 m. (lines 1-5), 0.011 m. (lines 6-13). Ed. S. A. Koumanoudes, 'Ep. 'Apx., 1890, p. 113, No. 9; P. Graindor, B.C.H., XXXVIII, 1914, p. 432, No. 31; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1791.
35 'ATroAXbvlosXcoaclyvous 'ATTIKOS Eicrlcbpou 'Ecr-Tlat Ev
(DIXirrtoS XcoTrXous 2co'TrouS 'AyaOoKAfis 'HpaKt8iSr5s coTriXouS
'EiTiyovos )
AEKKtIO 'louXiavos
'AaYiATrjrTnari Ei-rro6pou
50 vatiou Icoaipios tTh?ctar
25 'Apicritrjls) AloPaiEaiS AY\.BMiXios XT-r(-rios) KoWav(TETs) 'Ovlj-rop({8rlS)ATA(ios) 'PiyXos 'Avvios Otii6KohoS 'Atorrot 55 '1oi(i6o1) 'IEpoqr6&v-rq
Mji(pios) iTrr' cop4"'
u 'aj3os[(ca]fitav6S Ki6pvPov?s.iSKcai 8ij.ov Mapaclwtvo& Kcai Si'.iov 'AMocavpos ypcaXicpaTEU& I3ov;2is AakuT[pEiisl 8Eo5oraiov TO PIjtAa Mvo-nK6S) TEpoia68ls TrEPi 60 avTiypcaqpe~t1 naicoviSrin 'AWkav8pos ['A]Xcopi'crrov 6 Ycai 'A(ppo&Efalo& iepcajATrs 'E&Taqp)p6iros I Iia8oS 'EpFidas) 'A1l xaI &-r VIE*S IEPE*S OCOoMP66pcov
TwoypacxwaTis MWipcov) AalirrrrpEVS For the erasure of two names in lines 5-8 see J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967, pp. 47-48 (with the old photograph reproduced on pl. 18). Oliver suggests for these lines the names of two men exiled to Athens by Commodus: Alpij?os 6 KpariorrOS 6 xp&riot'roS Aiif?itoS
For the restoration in line 14, see A. G. Woodhead in S.E.G., XVIII, 54, with reference to Hesperia, XXVIII, 1959, pp. 283-285, No. 12, line 6. The attribution to Kollytos of the four names in lines 26-29 was made by B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XI, 1942, pp. 302-303, No. 61; he also corrected the name of the (line 61) in lepaGk7rl Hesperia, XXIII, 1954, p. 246. After this volume was in proof it was discovered that the iTrEpi TO Mva"rtK6S) 'Epoi&8rjs(line 59) had been ephebe in A.D. 154/5 (ILG.,112,2067, line 176) and councillor in 195/6 (No. 425, line 27) both forAntiochis (XII). His phyle therefore cannot be Hippothontis (X) as previously thought by Notopoulos and Oliver (locc. citt.). There were two demes named Eroiadai and Mystikos belonged to that deme which was in Antiochis (not Hippothontis). The date of this text must therefore be placed two years later than that assigned by Notopoulos and Oliver, namely 184/5 instead of 182/3. It has not been practicable to follow out the consequences of this alteration in the fabric of this volume, but the need for change must be noted. [The chronology of the late second century can now be studied in Traill, cIo6pos,Tribute to Benjamin Dean Meritt, 1974, pp. 150-155.] 407. Inscribed on the same stone as No. 387. Fragments belonging to that text were rediscovered in the Agora Excavations (for description and history see No. 387), but they preserve no letters from this inscription.
112, 1795. For the date see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, pp. 16, 20, and Table I and comment
Ed. J. Spon, Voyage, II1, 2, p. 116; A. Boeckh, C.LG., 184; W. Dittenberger, I.G., III, 1041; J. Kirchner, LG.,
[frri]AI ocrrpd
5 -rov Ma[paeco] [viov] of -rrKpv>-T6va}t) ElS-r-s 'A8[pia]
gav [vi8os -Tliija]avTrES
Lypayav] ATroroKpa
TrCAp [K64w0o]
. .] [ 'CIEpOjjp
35 Kipu [P]ouX
-Tri pcp<co>
"Oa0ev 15 [---]os 'EppEiou Kao OMlhpcos ia-rTov
TTpcbTou EupEpCov
45 EUT-rUXiov
avTtypaqEus EirU6OpCTroS
[.. .]ciav6s
[... .]ricov
25 [TIp]cbT-ou OiXcov'EMu
50 iEpEvs(coo'9q[6pcov]
Kal e?TriKIa
[O]Troypappa M*pcov
line 27, AFNEAN,line 34, BQMOI Spon: Line 4, TAIANI,line 13, EYTAIAEIOX,
216 (No. 473, lines 23-24). If this is true, Notopoulos'dating who was councillorfor OineissometimeafterA.D.
of this text and of No. 408 would have to be changed to A.D. 180/1, which was an appropriate year for a secretary from phyle VIII (cf. J. A. Notopoulos, A.J.P., LXIV, 1943, p. 53), and the archon Athenodoros assigned to A.D. 180/1 would have to be reassigned to one of the years 176/7-179/80 or 181/2. We have here followed
It is possible that 'Ovicrilo EUTrXi68ov (lines 44-45) belongs to the same family as 'Ovia"IloS[E*rTu]XiS[ou]
Notopoulos' originaldating.
408. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 4744), broken on all sides and at the back. Found on April 24, 1937, in a
see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia, XVIII, 1949,p. 52 and commenton No. 407. LEONTIS a. 184/5p. (?)
[&yaOE?T TXEI]
[ ..-----X]oA6(s5r8[s]
Found in 1932in the wall of a modern 409. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble(I 139),with the left edge preserved. house in the southwestcornerof the MarketSquare(F 14).
H. 0.29 m.; W. 0.18 m.; Th. 0.095 m.; LH. 0.011 m.-0.02 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, III, 1934,p. 62, No. 52, drawing;Hesperia, XV, 1946,p. 238, No. 71, from notes
supplied by G. A. Stamires.
vacat AYQuXos) TTueay[6pas] ] Ma&pKoS Q1h[? 10 tD?iurrroS[-----]
--------M[ I
A[ -------
410. Fragment of a marble stele, broken at the top and left, but preserving the original right side and bottom, now in the Louvre (Iv. No. 61). LH. 0.01 m. Ed. A. Boeckh, from notes by Mueller, C.LG., 188; W. Froehner, Musie national du Louvre, Les Inscriptions grecques, p. 133, No. 61; W. Dittenberger, LG., III, 1045; J. Kirchner, LG., 112, 1797. ca. a. 185/6 p. lacuna
5 ~.... Ac56o]iiXos
c... 16poqxx]vTrlS
so]Afis [ypac1ictaTerI (DABaiKXIOS
[&cvrtypa]qE[Cirs] 'AOrlv60copoS tIFpca*A7ns] (Dh'Aqpo&fatos 14[t] TO IiiLa] 'Epi'eopos EEp[--] [rrEpI [Vi-roypa-EctEreiS UTp]cAT-royEVrTS vacat
from A.D. 173/4 (No. 386) down to ca. 187/8 (No. 414). He is Aphrodisios appears consistently as iepaOXiAs known from Nos. 411 and 412 to have belonged to the deme Paiania, a fact which was probably recorded also in No. 410, though the stone is damaged and the text has suffered in transmission. The final letters of line 10 are
in partlost, only the firstuprightof the pi now beingclearlypreserved. W. Dittenberger printeda finalkappain this line but madeno restoration. A. Boeckhhad printed1A, but he also madeno restoration. His lettersshould
be taken as TT-- and restored with the name of the deme to which Aphrodisios is known to have belonged: Uq[t(avmi5s)].The suggestion of J. H. Oliver in Hesperia, XI, 1942, p. 35, and that of J. Notopoulos, following him with some elaboration, in Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, p. 16, that Hermodoros was the ispcaAi-jsis to be rejected. We restore 'EpV65copoS 3iC'xin line 11 in No. 410 and [p]coT-royE'vsas ivro-rTO 0pEip--] with the title -rrEpi in line 12. ypcaaI-rEi*S 411. Four joining fragments of Pentelic marble (E.M. 3152, 3945, 3970, and 10560) from a large cylindrical monument with top and bottom preserved, but broken at both sides of the inscription. The greater part of the cylinder has been lost. The join between E.M. 3945 plus 3970 and E.M. 3152 continues the plane of the back flat surface of E.M. 10560. H. 1.57 in.; Est. original diameter 0.65 i.; Th. of E.M. 10560 ca. 0.25 i., Th. as preserved of all four fragments ca. 0.47 i.; LH. 0.01-0.015 m. E.M. 3970 and 3945 were published together by J. Kirchner as LG., II2, 1800; E.M. 10560 was published also by J. Kirchner as LG., II2, 1796. These two groups were brought together by P. Graindor, B.C.H., LI
1927, pp. 295-296. The small fragmentE.M. 3152joins betweenthem and proves his suggestioncorrect.The threewereeditedas one by A. E. Raubitschek, Hesperia,Suppl.VIII, 1949,pp. 279-280, drawingof lines 1-12 p. 279. See S.E.G., XVIII, 52. OINEIS
a. 186/7 p. ['E]-rrlNEiKnT [Kal] alco]va 8iai,ovijt T[oU Mey]io"Tro [EIS AO[r]oKp&[Topos Kacaapos] [M. ACpTldX]ov [KooW685o[u]'Awv]covivou E[0cE]P3o[is E0]r]T[XoisIEpacrrou] v eopav[ou] ['E]-rrl apXovTos r. [(Da]P3iou 5 [Ma]paecavoviu [-rrl T]fis SEK&cTS ['rrpu]Ta oi TrrpUT[ve?i]S 'r'S OIvrli[8o] Tv [vE?a]S' [AS airro]. s Tr. [iricr]avTrSKal T-r[os ata]e{ 'ATr6A [6'nra TOi Kaillep&o Toii] Tna[Tp]coou 10 [Acovos -----------------a]pyi'rriov. 'Ay(vooolos). TTp6KXos [?iryiYTr (?) raios nTEv&apio] [TrrCvuvos nTToirinos 'AXapvei*s. 'AM7ga]vSpos
[---s )
[---]os )
[ro e]Ev
[---] Mrlqpo5cbpou [---]oA[fi]s) N 20 ['EA?Evr]vios) iaSat ['I rrTrr]OTO [---]TrS EO9ppooivo[u]
25 [a] ?lvrTOt [...'IEp]0oavTrq [... A]a5ouxos [... 'l]epOKipuJv [.... &Tr] Pcov
[... nfup]q6pos
Col. I lost
Kal 6 PouVXis [ypagIJ]a'T?rs .. [riou .]vos 'ArlvoScbpou pflja KXc6Sios [rEpi -rT]O
40 [ypaClcraams] povXJurEvT[v]
vacat unius versusspatium [urroypa!iJa]TerOs[----] corona M[-] M[-----]
['ETrapp]oEi-rourTa[avieivS] [tIpers co] aP6pcov Kai [-rri SKia]OSs 'Apiao-ri[rS] [Oeoyv]ous Oppeappt[os]
...--3 ]
corona ATl Tpios [9e]
Corrections by J. H. Oliver,A.J.P., LXXI, 1950,p. 172, are embodiedin the text abovein lines 3, 9, and 10. The archon'snamemust be restoredin line 4 as r. [oa]3piov,with reference to a hermwith the same archon's T 'A nameeditedby A. Oikonomides, XIV, 1959,pp. 7-10, No. 23, andnow (1970)lyingin the Roman WvetKac, as clearand gave Classica,XVI, 1964, p. 294, readthe entirename ckDa.iov Archeologia Agora. G. Manganaro, a photograph on pl. LXXII,2. Thishas now beenverified by Trailland Meritt(and others)fromthe stoneitself.
Unfortunately the praenomen is lost, but the frequent appearance of Gaius in this family makes the reading gamma (rather than pi) almost certain in line 4. For the text of the herm see S.E.G., XXI, 760. See also B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXII, 1963, pp. 48-49, and J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XXXII, 1963, p. 318. Neither the reading
['OA]I3iou (Meritt)nor ['Op]Piov(Oliver)can stand. Kevin Clintonhas suppliedthe readingin line 41.
of Pentelicmarble(I 4218),with the rightside of Face A preserved, 412. An opisthographic but otherfragment
wise broken. Found on May 27, 1936, in a late Roman context over the east end of the South Stoa II (N 15). No. 415, below, was inscribed on the back. H. 0.15 m.; W. 0.145 m.; Th. 0.078 m.; LH. 0.01 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XVI, 1947,pp. 182-183,No. 87A,photograph in lines pl. XXXVI.The restorations 2-4 have been provided through the kindness of K. M. Clinton. For the date see Introduction, p. 20.
Face A ca. a. 18415p. [tepao]XW1S [Aqppo5&oios]'ETrapoS&[l] [TroU rlaiaviEOj]S [Otroypa]jlia t-rtS
413. Part of a block of Hymettianmarble (I 4822),with the right side, top, and bottom partiallypreserved. Found on April 27, 1937,in a late contextin front of the south end of the Stoa of Attalos.
H. 0.201 m.; W. 0.305 m.; Th. 0.227 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
[-vacat [----]vSpou
[----- ]rE[-- ]
] ![]----]yyws
10 X&VCov Mev&v8pou T' pfjta Aip (fitos) 'YaKtveosFap Trr<(>pl yiT<(T>i(os), &avrtypac?<(>s A*p 'ArTroo7cov[--] Line11 rr<(>pi, line 12 dvniypaqce<(>s, lapisTTCPI; lapisANTFrPADEIC.
For the readingof lines 9-10 and for the date see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia,XVIII, 1949,pp. 17, 21, 22, Table 1 (part 2), 51. 414. Two joining fragments of a plaqueof Pentelicmarble(I 871), brokenaway at the left, above, and below, but preserving partof the backand of the rightside. Found on May 26, 1933,in the wall of a late pit east of the Tholos (H 11).
H. 0.14 m.; W. 0.135 m.; Th. 0.045 m.; LH. 0.006 m.-0.012 m.
Ed. J. H. Oliver,Hesperia, in line 8 wasproposed XI, 1942,pp. 35-37, No. 6, photograph p. 35. The correction cf. Hesperia, by G. A. Stamires, Index,VolumesXI-XX, Supplements VII-IX, 1968,p. 41. Cf. also J. A. NotoXVIII, 1949,pp. 17-18, but we follow Oliver'stext exceptin line 8. poulos, Hesperia,
10 [-------------------]
in line 8 see No. 406, line 61. For the date see Introduction, For 'ETraqpp65iTo p. 20. 415. Inscribedon the back of No. 412. LH. 0.008-0.01m., phi 0.017m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia,XVI, 1947, pp. 182-183,No. 87B, photograph pl. XXXVI. a. 188/9p. Face B
[ypapaT]-ri]s P[ou7ds Kai 8"iou---]
[ypap]aTrEus K[arTa TrpuTavEiav---]
--] [&avTy]pa(pS Q)[---wrr[v8cov E'Trrpai'Sou] [iEpao]AXrls ------] [iEpsE]iS (ccocr9[6pov s ------------] [rro]ypacul[a lacuna
(a and b: I 3122)join as one, and the lower two fragments (c = I 1362,d = I 1694)also join as one, but there is no point of contactbetweenthe groups. Fragment a was found on October31, 1935,in the wall of a modern
house over the east part of South Stoa I (N 16); fragment b was found on March 5, 1936, in a Byzantine context in the northwest corner of the Market Square (G 3-4); fragment c was found on January 27, 1934, in a disturbed fill in the area of the New Bouleuterion; fragment d was found on March 27, 1934, in a late context south of
Ed. J. H. Oliver,Hesperia, XI, 1942,pp. 58-61, No. 25, photographs pp. 59, 60. PTOLEMAIS a. 188/9p. a+ b
'ErriTroU pEyio-r[v]
OEIOTrTOu ArrTOKpa[Topos]
c+ d
15 [S<*v]oaxos [.]
[---]8o[--] [---- --] vouv[---] ['lrlarlto]s S[u]v]pco BEp{p)(ev(EEtKis) [AOp]iXcoKpap[T]TS BEp(VEtKlidrlS) ['ETrriy]ovos 'E[rTr]tKrKTiro
[. .]T' ONfi![S] BeP(EvEIKS6nS)
Line A 24,lapis For the date see J. A. Notopoulos,Hesperia, in line 16 has been provided XVIII, 1949,p. 56. The restoration For the nameof the hoplitegeneralin line 6 see J. H. Oliver,Hesperia, by E. Kapetanopoulos. Suppl.XIII, 1970. was cut in errorfor Kaonavov p. 107. He suggeststhat the name Kacaoiou (cf. Nos. 418, 419). 417. Fragmentof Hymettian marble(1 1711),brokenat the back and on all sides. Found on March28, 1934, in a late contextsouth of the New Bouleuterion (F 10). H. 0.115 m.; W. 0.112 m.; Th. 0.059 m.; LH. 0.013 m. Ed. J. H. Oliver,Hesperia, XI, 1942,p. 58, No. 24, photograph. a. 188/9p.
Kacra] [ypap.ataTE1S
['ApI]o-rEff[8rS OEoyAvous]
[pE]&[.ppios] [CrroypapcaT,rEs---]
For the date see J. A. Notopoulos,Hesperia, XVIII, 1949,p. 56. 418. Twojoining fragments of a columnarmonumentof Pentelicmarble(I 5 and 57),brokenon all sides. Fragment a (I 5) was found in the wall of a modernhouse on May 28, 1931,at the south end of the Stoa of Zeus (H 7); fragmentb (I 57) was found in the foundationof a modernhouse behindthe south end of the Stoa of Zeus (H 6) on July 10, 1931. H. 0.47 m.; W. 0.153 m.; Th. 0.105 m.; LH. 0.01 m.-0.105 m. Ed. J. H. Oliver,Hesperia, XI, 1942,pp. 61-62, No. 26, photograph p. 62. a. 188/9p.
['E'rri TOUi ]j[ey{o-[ouKal Oei] [OT&roU] A1TOK [p6'OpOS]
For the dateseeJ. A. Notopoulos,Hesperia, in line 6, see A. E. RaubiXVIII, 1949,p. 56. For the restoration
419. Six fragments of a columnar monument of Pentelic marble, broken on all sides. Fragment a (the upper part of I 967) was found on March 9, 1936, in a pithos southeast of the Hephaisteion (F 8); fragment b (the lower part of I 967) was found on June 15, 1933, in a late wall east of the Propylon to the New Bouleuterion (I 11); fragment c (I 4912), with part of the frame of the inscription on the left and joining fragment d, was found on May 29, 1937, in a well on the porch of the New Bouleuterion (G 10); fragment d (I 699), with much of the prescript and with names of councillors from Besa, was found on April 11, 1933, in a late context over the western part of the Middle Stoa (J 13); fragment e (E.M. 3594), first reported in the Epigraphical Museum, joins below fragment b and continues the frame of the inscription on the right; fragmentf (I 5785), a non-joining fragment from the bottom of the inscription, was found on April 18, 1939, in a late wall south of the Church of St. Spyridon (R 14). The disposition of all fragments (except f) is shown in a drawing by A. E. Raubitschek in Hesperia, Suppl. VIII, 1949, p. 282. W. 0.255 i.; Th. 0.10 i.; LH. in line 1 0.024 i., in line 2 0.018 i., and in lines 3-4 0.015 m. W. 0.244 i.; Th. 0.177 i.; LH. ca. 0.015 m. W. 0.148 i.; Th. 0.10 i.; LH. ca. 0.017 m. W. 0.255 i.; Th. 0.155 m.; LH. in lines 6-11 0.015 i., in lines 12-24 0.01 m. W. 0.26 i.; Th. 0.12 i.; LH. 0.015 m. in line 11, 0.009 m.-0.01 m. in lines 27-42. W. 0.238 i.; Th. ca. 0.175 i.; LH. 0.009 m.-0.011 m. Ed. a and b: J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XI, 1942, pp. 62-63, No. 27, photographs p. 62 (a) and 63 (b). c: A. E. Raubitschek, Hesperia, Suppl. VII, 1949, pp. 281-282, photograph p1. 28, drawing p. 282. d: J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, IV, 1935, pp. 49-50, No. 12, photograph p. 50. e: P. Graindor, B.C.H., LI, 1927, pp. 293-295, No. 70, in minuscule; J. Kirchner, LG., 112, 1807; A. E. Raubitschek, photograph of a squeeze, Hesperia, Suppi. VIII, 1949, p1. 28. f: J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XI, 1942, pp. 57-58, No. 23, photograph p. 57. The entire group was discussed by A. E. Raubitschek in Hesperia, Suppl. VIII, 1949, pp. 281-284, though without a continuous text. See S.E.G., XIV, 93. For the name in line 7 see J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, Suppl. XIII, 1970, p. 107. a: H. 0.235 i.; b: H. 0.42 i.; C: H. 0.235 i.; d: H. 0.435 i.; e: H. 0.41 i.; f: H. 0.315 i.;
a. 188/9p.
Th a E'Ayaoe] TirXll -roiJ]jeyiaorov x4ad] ['Eirri [eEto-rai-ro]v A*rroiKpa&opoS b [Kafaapos M.] A*ip. RKopi68'ov1 5 c E]CrruXoC,'A[vTrcovivov EarEpoo0s Brnaaiocs &pxo]wrosX[EP-porOo[0 9-rri -r&a d 6r?m.a] Kaa(iavoOi) [orrpaT]rlyoiDvT[os of -Tr]pvTa' ['A-ro]XXcoviov ILTe1ptiCos TirSCASpiav[16Bo [VEI&] spvudfis ] Vipv 10 [Trav]E(cxa -ri rav-rES: gavrOx']a[i] e [&vypax]pav. C5 [toio]s &o1ai-rovs ["E]-rrcbvvos TF[o~jyos?l 'EWeo*aios S B,qcratE7t m[X]i<capcovfa [2pap]ayos ) [Ai]X fluOayo6pas [- 4-5 -]rls vacat 15 [EEi]Kcapos TTplpIoU . 30 Zcoaiiov [. I 'Hpcaios [Zcjai ?]po& ...] ixos ) Oivcdlot ['A ro]\?CcAvtos Zwcoij[ov] ['Ay6ce]cov'A'rtiKoOCj ...]6. .... ]v& 'AycaOica ]caXos Zcooip4ov] ) ]v 20 [--]vis) [.... 35 'gai)E [--] McxpeTvos [ [- 'Aqp]o&iOIoalO[S] c1ip]1cAs KoL?2aTrov icA.ios KoM7da-rov [fToaE] Tp[ios]] [--ArI]1P .... s) 24 [----]po[-] .]oyivr (DqyaitdS
I [&vrtypaq?E*s
iI?p[EIS] C:ocq:p6p[cov] i
25 [----] 'Apa[Ti]8rQS OEoy[Evovs] wrrv[8cov] iepacXn1rS
420. Transcribed by M. Fourmont at Sepolia, now lost. Ed. A. Boeckh, from Fourmont's transcript, C.I.G., 187; W. Dittenberger, LG., III, 1048; J. Kirchner, I.G., IIP, 1798.
5 "AW<K>ipos
[--]Kios Tto-roiKpa'rous
Iou KAAiovuo[---] 20 ypacraTres 3ovA[ris] 8rou 'ArroWAcov[tos] iKal EOK&aprrou 9(pT[Tios] Xco S 'laiScopos a&[vtr]iyp(a>T() crTpaTou Mapa0cbvio<s> 25 rTEpi TO f.l(<a> 'lcrrAIh ruT06co<po>s -rr*vScov lspaOXnrs ECnrpcxai[8ou] T [XKI&] IepEis K]ai iI <()>cpaip6<p>[cov
Sos 'Ep<>()as ) 'Alrlvim[s] iToy<p>.aiET(?<0>s [----]
Fourmont'scopy gives the following readings: line 1 TOXIMOY, line 2 AItAI -AIONYSOAQPOY, line 3 OA TENEeA10, line 4 line 5 AANIMOX, ITTTTOOAAOYX, line 8 EYODA10 line 13 AIITOY, line 14 IEPO$DANTO, AHITONOX,line 11 TEPTIXINOS, line 16 EPEN.M.. .N, line 19 KA, line 20 BOYA, line 21 ArTOAAON, line 23 A.YrPTOEYS, line 24 MAPAEQNIOY, line 25 PHMEIETAH line 27 (DEPEYS: nOxoON. . .XIEPI.., line28 AOyIIMnAXkAASHNIEY, line 29 YlTOEYA.AMATPOE. TTYeOAmQ,
For the date see J. H. Oliver, Harv. Th. Rev., XLIII, 1950, p. 234.
421. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble(I 4964), brokenon all sides and at the back. Found on June 10, 1937,in a late Romancontextnorth of the Odeion(N 7).
H. 0.333 m.; W. 0.369 m.; Th. 0.138 m.; LH. 0.018 m. in lines 1-3, 0.009 m. in lines 16-27, and 0.006 m. in lines 8-14.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXVI, 1957,pp. 214-215,No. 62, witha photographon pl. 57; S.E.G.,XVII,50.
E Oiov [yp]aaTEi/S povuErTAv v EKap<rrou 'ErriyovoS ) TpOqcov
] r[_--ve
[ATXi]os Arl
Kopvritav6oArlvl-r[piou] 20
10 [ViT]ptos XoA ArllJTrpio ) [xd]?nS Yo'nrtp 'I xXov Ali[---] [----]co)v a&Xaptos Zcocntos Eu[---] [-----]3iou
[------]oS 15 [----]
l]'AaTcov )
The lines in Col. 1 are more closely spaced than those in Col. II. Some renumbering has been necessary. In line 8 the letters are hard to read but seem to be nu epsilon, in ligature, for ve(cbT?pos), rather than omega sigma.
422. Two fragmentsof Pentelicmarble(I 3218 and 3945),whichjoin as one piece preserving the bottom (with
tenon), the two sides and part of the back, but broken away above. I 3218 was found on December 20, 1935, east of the Temple of Ares (M 7-8); I 3945 was found on April 3, 1936, northeast of the Odeion (N 8). H. 0.203 m.; W. 0.30 m.; Th. 0.22 m.; LH. 0.011 m.
b prement a preserves part of the originalleft and rightsides, but is brokenat the top and bottom. Fragment
serves part of the top and left side, but is broken at the bottom and on the right. Fragment c is broken on all sides. a: H. 0.65 m.; D. 0.62 m.; LH. 0.009 m.
35 'OviCatios ElKPaTuprous
&aiafTO 'lo 'IEpoCavTris
AThAbo0xo[s] pu[V] 'EpvvloS 'IEpoKi
55 [...6...]m* S )
The corrections in lines 42 and 43 were made by E. A. Kapetanopoulos. The correction in line 53, for an omitted tau, was made by A. E. Raubitschek. For the date see J. H. Oliver, A.J.P., LXXI, 1950, pp. 174-177.
a. 194/5 (?)p. [Mapa0cbvioi]
[A]FeKios >
AOXos >
15 [..]vrs Mapac0ecv[toS] No 'IEpopacvTrl KAAa8o)(Xos No lIEpoKiJpUE 8[iou ----] (Kjfipu PouvfisKIal 20 TrEpi T6O 'EI[ ----] P1IITa NEi[K---] avTiypacpeCS 'Epp6sco[pos] iepaoiXrjs 1T-SKiaBoS rTpco-r[icov] yp rr[pu]T&vEcov N[---] For the date see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia, XVIII, 1949,p. 18 and TableI.
425. Column of Pentelic marble (E.M. 9645), with the right side preserved but otherwise broken, found by sv 'A0eivais KATriafav -rTV5cbEKa KaAouPittakyson April 18, 1856, EisTrfv &orooTr6Acov ElSTrv Svopfav Baiplos NeKida[S] 9TrCOV[*UOU] iEPE?S
vv (J^V Wv
H. 0.41 m.; W. 0.21 m.; Th. 0.14 m.; LH. 0.014 m. (lines 1-5), 0.009 m. (lines 6-29). Ed. K. S. Pittakys,'Eq. 'Apx., 1856,No. 2859; W. Dittenberger, from a transcript by U. Koehler,LG., IIl, J. 1805. 1050; Kirchner, L.G.,IIa, ANTIOCHIS
ca. a. 195/6 p., archonship of [Koi]rT[---]S 'EAEAeuivos
AscoviSrls ?A<cb>po[v] Ai7? > Aicov 25 'EpuacSa 'AWrroXAcbvos Mcyvou MvucrKOS ) 'ETrax(p6orros Bpaip[co]
'Appociatos )
Ed. Ant. Chatzes,'Apx. 'Eq., 1925/6,pp. 94-97, photographp. 95; J. Kirchner, I.G., IIa, 1806a (Addendum, p. 814).
LEONTIS a. 195/6p.
[&w &pXovTOS ----oi
5 [.....]EV KAX (DioKXiS'
8s K['a
'lpoKqpuj AaB5ouxos ou A]onrr1ToS
KalSilou 'EpEvvios ypaclIiiaTEjS povounf XpvouEpoCTo[S] 10 rrEpi T6 pifjila (AD 'Ay&ecova&v-ypayE*iS Tp6opiq[os]
TlpcTicoVi IEpa[AX]rs 'Ep[o6]8cpos v srri X[K]IaSoS
vacat betweenthe heading(restored) and the firstpreserved entryin line 1. A patronymic sign,hithertounobserved, follows the name in line 1. Chatzesreadthe beginningof line 5 as [....]<[ .]Eis. This must be not a name but the title of the prytanis KA. itAoK,iS. The phi is very doubtful(Chatzesclaimedonly part of a verticalstroke) and we thinkno traceof it is preserved. The title could be restored as [ypaia-cr]Eus, with one mu, but we hesitate to include this in the text becauseof the absenceof the modifierP3ouXEuTorv. The name at the end of line 8 has been read by M. Mitsos and communicated to us by letter.After 'EpEvvtos in line 9 are ill-cutletters,in a different which have been read as The in restorations lines 9 and 10 are by E. A. Kapetahand, Xpucrpco-ro[S]. nopoulos. For the date see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia, XVIII, 1949,p. 18, and TableI. 427. Part of an opisthographic stele of Pentelicmarble(E.M. 10468), with the right side and bottom preserved, found in 1852nearthe SacredGate. No. 290 was inscribedon the obverseof this stele. H. 0.64 m.; W. 0.45 m.; Th. 0.105 m.-0.12 m.; LH. ca. 0.012 m. (but phi equals0.022 m.). J. H. Oliver,A.J.A., XLV, 1941,p. 539 (lines27-36). Cf. E. Kapetanopoulos, 'Apx. 'E., 1972, p. 145,photographpl. 61. KEKROPIS
ca. a. 197p. [-----]68oTro
[Fv?]ca TrToAicov
To achieve the normal length of list of forty prytaneis (cf. p. 21) a lacuna of 19 or 20 lines must be assumed
Ed. K. S. Pittakys, 'Elp. 'Apx., 1854, No. 2293; W. Dittenberger, I.G., IIT, 1073; J. Kirchner, L.G., II2, 1790;
? Aqpu[o]9[a]vTqs
5 [-----]o
20 'Av"rT[y]ov[os ....]f8ou
"YXAos 'AppoSEfto[os]
u [-----] [-----]x(ov
[-----]avov 10 [---]
[----]v 'Epseiou [----] Atovwoou [----]pou
][f]lt-rot Kal ril[1]ou KfipVu [p]ouXfis 'E[p]E[v] os 'EpEv E[O]SBrl 'ATrro['aco]vi[ou "Epp.]
30 NOlIvpOS ['!]E[p]o[KfipUQ
NoO (ptos) '1Epo[9aV'rTlS]
[----35 [-----------,
------] -----
EOxprlrTos [A]ElpAiou2ouvIEOs 'r6] Bfipa TrEp[i ]covAIowCairo[v] MEXt-EuS, 'In' EKI&6SOS E]x(apia[Tr]os 'E[irT]I6EK8[TJS], T[ap]acj6vov iEpaUAqs
of the Epigraphical and additionsto the readingof the namesin Col. I weremadein the courtyard Corrections Museumin 1970.For the date see J. H. Oliver,Harv. Th. Rev., XLIII, 1950,p. 234. 428. Fragmentof Hymettianmarble(I 1118),inscribedon two adjacentfaces, found in the wall of a modem house southwestof the New Bouleuterion (E-F 10-11). H. 0.326 m.; W. 0.164 m.; Th. 0.126 m.; LH. 0.013 m. in Face A, 0.017 m. in Face B. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia,XVI, 1947,p. 180, No. 84, photograph pl. XXXV. ANTIOCHIS ca. a. 197p. Face A Face B lacuna ZcobTru[pos---]
] 'AvrTaT[os---2KpEP3cb[v1os---
['lepo]gavT-rs [?)a]XrlgpES
[.].-[-.---] ------For the date see J. H. Oliver,Harv. Th. Rev., XLIII, 1950,p. 234. The phyle must be Antiochisand cannot be Erechtheis, as was suggestedas possibleby Meritt.At this date the demePambotadai belongedto Hadrianis and cannotbe restoredin line 14. 429. An opisthographic stele of Pentelicmarble(I 4736),with one side preserved. Found on April 16,1937,in a late wall east of the Post-Herulian Wall and south of the Eleusinion(U 22). No. 430 was inscribedon the back. H. 0.31 m.; W. 0.162 m.; Th. 0.072 m.; LH. 0.01 m.-0.02 m. on Face A. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXIX, 1960,pp. 34-36, No. 42 A, photograph pl. 10; S.E.G.,XDX,155. KEKROPIS(?) antefin. saec. II p.
[..... -E]S
back of No. on the Inscribed on the back No. 429. 429. 430. 430. Inscribed m. (line (line 2). 2). 0.008m. (lines LH. 0.008 LH. 0.021 m. 4-18), 0.021 (lines 4-18),
Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, pp. 34-36, No. 42B, photograph pi. 10; S.E.G., XIX, 155.
---[ [-----------KEKROPIS
]H ] vacat
K [------------[[-----]
] HMp(E ] vacat
'Ao<ril'ria V(cbT?Ep)
10 [----------]Xfis
[---------------]os) coves] [AI15 [-----------]
[-------------] [------------]
vacat AO[--]
431. Fragment from a columnarmonumentof Hymettian marble(I 2957),brokenon all sides. Found on April in a of late Romandate along the northwest context foundationof the Tholos (G 11). 25, 1935,
H. 0.138 m.; W. 0.118 m.; Th. 0.036 m.; LH. 0.009 m.-0.015 m.
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXIII, 1954,pp. 245-246, No. 20, photograph pl. 52; S.E.G., XIV, 99. fin. saec. II p. lacuna
[-------------------].. [---------] KI tdioS 'Ep E]iaS) 'ALrl[viEs] [- ----'Trl
432. Dedicatorymonumentof Pentelicmarble(I 6446),with inscriptions on the frontand back and possiblyon the left side, but brokenat the top, bottom and right,whichhas suffered fromlate cutting.Found on February 20, 1952, in the wall of a modern house northwestof the Churchof the Holy Apostles (O 14). No. 433 was inscribedon the back.
H. 0.21 m.; W. 0.13 m.; Th. 0.305 m.; LH. 0.01 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXII, 1963, p. 38, No. 35A, photograph pl. 10; S.E.G., XXI, 676. A date at the beginning of the third century was suggested by E. Kapetanopoulos, 'ApX. 'E., 1968, p. 209 with note 2.
[A]'iA'Aaio-Ti[K6s] 10 A['AXi]KIptaS1T[---]
[rlaT'os 'ErT[-----]
traces 434. Fragmentof a stele of Pentelicmarble(I 6174), with smooth left side and rough-picked back preserved. Found on May 7, 1949,in the Long Late RomanWall east of the Panathenaic Way (N 7).
H. 0.18 m.; W. 0.32 m.; Th. 0.069 m.; LH. 0.011 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, p. 224, No. 70, photograph pl. 36; S.E.G., XXI, 611.
lacuna 'EAvaivios)
E\cpi{XnTos )
[ rasura I
10 TT n 6v ) Oipios lacuna
lTEpitaou E6popaCoros
The fragmentprobablybelongs to a list of prytaneis.In line 6 K(oitvros) maybe idenOov(T-rlos) M&IlLos tical with the Oov(Trios)M&ClLos of a list A.D. line of prytany (rapylrrnros) 182/3(No. 406, 23). If this is correctthe list namesdemesmen of Gargettosof the phyle Aigeis. Letterscan be madeout with difficulty in the erasure of line 7, wherethe nameseemsto havebeenOi[.] Tpo6a of that cut in line 12. KAoS, perhaps duplicate 435. Fragment of Pentelicmarble(I 861b), brokenon all sides exceptthe left, wherea roughlyhammer-dressed surfaceis preserved. Foundon May 7, 1937,in the foundations of a late Romanhouseeast of the Tholos(H 11).
H. 0.135 m.; W. 0.055 m.; Th. 0.022 m.; LH. 0.013 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967, pp. 91-92, No. 20, photograph pl. 28; S.E.G., XXIV, 184.
fin. saec. II p.
Kaci auTroOis -roS &tioi] [puAs Tni.flaVavTEs [TOuS ] exempli gratia d&vypayav [n'cbilWos] 5
'Aeriv[----] 'AWrroX----]
10 ['I]oi[ -] NIKC[----] lacuna
436. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 861a), with the smooth-picked left side preserved but otherwise broken. Found on May 24, 1933, in a late context east of the Tholos (H 11). H. 0.095 m.; W. 0.06 m.; Th. 0.025 m.; LH. ca. 0.01 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967, pp. 92-93, No. 20A, photograph pl. 28; S.E.G., XXIV, 185.
complete width of the stele. Found on May 9, 1949, in the Long Late Roman Wall east of the Panathenaic Way (N 7). At left and right are simple, nearly flat mouldings. The edges are smooth-picked, the back rough. H. 0.295 m.; W. 0.598 m.; Th. 0.06 m.; LH. 0.02 m. and 0.01 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIII, 1964, pp. 222-223, No. 68, photograph pl. 36; S.E.G., XXI, 610.
437. Threejoining fragmentsof Pentelicmarble(I 6175),brokenabove and below but together the preserving
favSi] TTIS
ypaEv C5'Errcobvuos OAX' 'AXKl3pia[8]qs TTaiaviEis 10 OX'AEcoOeEvr1S (X' 'AXKi3PIa6Sr iEpEus 'Iprivvaco
[ ---]--]3ouAis
vacat KuBaOinvaiETS
p3OUAE[vUT-C y]p[a]lopaVT[EUS]
438. Part of a columnar monument of Hymettian marble (I 2380), of which the face only is preserved. Found on
H. 0.18 m.; W. 0.27 m.; Th. 0.15 m.; LH. 0.01 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXX, 1961, p. 262, No. 73, photograph pl. 49; S.E.G., XXI, 609.
ATiXpia-r[os] 10 KAX[-----] 'Arr[IK6s "Aveou] Elp.i[vaos---] lacuna 439. Fragmentof a marblestele (E.M. 4650), brokenon all sides.
H. 0.08 m.; W. 0.24 m.; Th. 0.14 m.; LH. 0.013 m. TTpcoT[----]
Line1 cannotbe restored as suggested ['Er]Talc(ol) (moreproperly by M. Th. Mitsos('Apx. 'Ey., 'Eorlai6oEv) No. for this deme never was transferred to Hadrianis. 51, 38), 1950/1,p.
found in excavationsof 440. Fragmentof a herm of Pentelicmarble(E.M. 9644), with the left side preserved, Churchin Athens. the foundationsof the Metropolitan
H. 0.42 m.; W. 0.28 m.; Th. 0.18 m.; LH. 0.007 m. Ed. K. S. Pittakys, 'Ep. 'ApX., 1842, No. 884; W. Dittenberger, I.G., III, 1053; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1820.
20 AicovEOKa&p-rro
OitXapyupos'Ayaecovos AtovOicos 'ETrlyovou
'AOrvicov 'ETrry6vou
25 KapTor6copos <X>)CTOU ['Erracp]p6O5ToS ATrl-rTpiou
EK]OUv85os 8....] S
ver has shown must be dated ca. a. 166-185p. (T.A.P.A.,LXXI, 1940,p. 305), and was also ilTlu IS TCOV l = toward the end of the second after Christ line 7 No. II2, We have taken wrp1uravecov century 1821, (I.G., 441). this evidencein particular to suggesta changein date of the presenttext from init.saec. II p. to fin. saec. II p. 441. Fragment (E.M. 9642), brokenon all sides, found at the Asklepieion.
H. 0.30 m.; W. 0.14 m.; Th. 0.12 m.; LH. 0.010 m. (lines 1-9), 0.006 m. (lines 10-14).
Skymnos, son of Straton of Sphettos (line 17), was -rraiaviot-ri in I.G., II2, 2481, line 25, a text which J. H. Oli-
Ed. W. Dittenberger, from a transcript by F. von Duhn, I.G., III, 1066a (Addendum, p. 512); J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1821.
Mapa]Ocov[iou orpaTr'] -]c [yoivToS I'rr T]oIs 6[TrhxiTas MEstr&OSo iTri] [vayopou T-roU ].vay6p[ou [TvTiS'AKaiav] [oraTiS TrV -rrp]uravEcov
ca.8 ---
[TSoS 9vAfis] XKiUvoS 2[TrpaTrcvoS 2i(prTr] L''T -rE1 [aS TroiS rpura&] [tos 'rTpTvav]eiaS diaEirTOUs [C&vypaCEv] [vEslKal To]OIS 10 'HpsEcri[ai]
OUiv[Trltos] 'Avrcobv(os)
Tp6optIos 'AK[-----]
-----] [Z]coaotiav6[s lacuna The restorations in lines 4-5 and 11 (for which see LG., II2,2042, line 2) and the date were suggestedby E. Kapetanopoulos.
442. Two contiguous fragments of Pentelic marble (I 4785), broken away above and at the left. Found on May 7,
1937,in the foundationsof a late Romanhouse southeastof the Tholos (G-H 12).
H. 0.275 m.; W. 0.23 m.; Th. 0.05 m.; LH. 0.015 m. in lines 1-6, and ca. 0.012 m. in lines 7-11. Ed. J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XI, 1942, pp. 70-71, No. 36, photograph p. 70; J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia, XVIII,
For the date see J. H. Oliver,Harv. Th. Rev., XLIII, 1950,p. 234.
443. Base, set into the court of the Church of St. Andreas in the town of Koulouri on the island of Salamis.
Ed. Paul Monceaux,B.C.H., VI, 1882,pp. 535-539;J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1799. PTOLEMAIS
ca. a. 198 p. 'AqpoSFiacos'Apior6[v]ou 10 [-----] NIKOSa&I.,ou [-----] ['Aqpo]&fc1aos [---------]o 'Epieicas'Ayaeop[---] (io TOS Kal 86i,OU KiPU PouAXfi y povuXqs 8ilou AIos( ?) 'AMAS&vSpov os iEpaCAAs 'AypoS&fE
ATIos M<r>Tpopa&vr
[Exrn]v8cov 'ApXIKAtouS
5 [E-rr]v8cov)
) Eiol5oroS
'HpaKX?cov) A&6vov Oeli1CroKAiS6
25 acvrtypaqusEUTuvXi65 )
Tarafa EOoSos) ov oiKE-lr e'q Z6TEScava&s TftS
6 Kal ci COKP&TrS 15 T[poo'56KWIoS 5nrry Mrivo9iXos Tapapo6vov ] O010 [ .]O[ .. ....] [-----] 20 [....]O[...] [ ... .] E 30 ErurX[if5s] 'E'riyov[os] ?AXt<os>[---] [---] "XAapos
For the date see J. H. Oliver. Harv. Th. Rev., XLIII, 1950, p. 234. At the end of the list of aeisitoi there is
here (lines 29 if.) the only mention of the olhKcrai e6ou. The titles of the ypalpaTEr s (line 24) and the T'rqS T e6ou see Introduction, For the oiKhrai (line 27) wereabbreviated. 'rS VTrroypa utaE-reiS p. 19, note 65.
444. Fragment of a pedimental stele (E.M. 4752), with the right side and top preserved but otherwise broken. H. 0.26 m.; W. 0.20 m.; Th. 0.085 m.; LH. 0.018 m. Ed. P. Graindor, Rev. Arch., VI, 1917, pp. 30-31, No. 16, photograph of a squeeze p. 30; J. Kirchner, I.G.,
II2, 1804;J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia,XX, 1951,pp. 64-65. OINEIS of SEvoEiXS'AXapvEus. ca. a. 19718-199/200 p., archonship
[a:yaeri T]-XT [r6v &pXov]Tra ?EVOK?E?a OiveTvac. ['AXapvEa ]wriTTrS 5 [8605puAis] y> rrpUTavEia[S] [if ypa'L-aTEUEv] Elo'1o["ros]
[-----------]T[ -----] [oi TrpUTaVEiS TT]SOivEi]
For the date see J. A. Notopoulos,Hesperia, XVIII, 1949,p. 31, and XX, 1951,pp. 64-65.
445. Fragment of Pentelic marble (E.M. 5784), broken on all sides, found by Pittakys on March 15, 1857, on
Koile Street.
H. 0.30 m.; W. 0.15 m.; Th. 0.20 m.; LH. 0.013 m.-0.016 m. Ed. K. S. Pittakys, 'Ep. 'Apx., 1857, No. 3141; W. Dittenberger, I.G., III, 1064; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1815.
N[o(ulptos) 'IEpoKfipu] Kjp[uv pouMXs Kal Sipou-----] yp(aCppa'cTs) po(vAEurTv) K[-----]
[- -------](ou
[-----[- -----]pov K]p&6rouS 15
epacO[Xrls----] !Tri Z[KiaOos----]
A horizontal line separates the Eleusinian ministers from the political aeisitoi who begin with line 10. The last of the Eleusinian group was probably No(*iPIos) C'lEpOKipv(cf. No. 424), from the initial nu of whose name
Belowthe Heraldof the Counciland Demos wereinscribed the yp(aponly the left uprightstrokeis preserved. K[---] and the yp(aiLaTErs)Po(uXis) 8(ruou) [---]. Kirchnerthought the monopI-aTui ) po(uAv'rcov)
D. J. Geagan(Hesperia, gramsin lines 11 and 12 obscureand madeno interpretation. Suppi.XII, 1967,p. 112) the firstmonogram in both linesas yp(apLaTmE*s). is to readthe secondmonograms readcorrectly Ourjudgment
in these lines as 3o(iAE"rc-v)and Po(vjiS) respectively, a determination supported by an independent reading by Kevin M. Clinton which he has kindly communicated to us. The text here reflects these readings. For the ypaclpaT'rECiJovevrOwTv as a possibility among the aeisitoi see No. 411, line 40. 446. Stele of Pentelic marble (E.M. 4025), broken on all sides, found near the Tower of the Winds. H. 0.54 m.; W. 0.55 m.; Th. 0.09 m.; LH. 0.008 m. Ed. K. S. Pittakys, L'ancienne Athenes, p. 123; W. Dittenberger, LG., III, 1025; J. Kirchner, LG., 12, 1813.
'Aptorropo*X[ou] ilvpaaXos
LH. 0.012 m. (line 1), 0.010 m. (line 2), 0.009 m. (lines 3-20), 0.007-0.008m. (lines21-32).
Ed. J. S. Traill, Hesperia, XL, 1971, pp. 326-329, No. 14, photograph p1. 64; XLI, 1972, p. 141.
Kapetanopoulos (per litt.). 448. Inscribedon the left side of the hermon which No. 399 was inscribedon the obverse. Ed. J. S. Traill,Hesperia, XL, 1971,pp. 321-326, No. 13, photograph pl. 64. HIPPOTHONTIS ca. a. 205p.
dyaei T*Xn &ri apXovTos M Movv
vicoS GeJifcovos'Anlr
5 rri T-rC orrca oTrpaTryoVTOrS A '(DX'()loo-rp&Trovu reipicos oi 7urpUTavEtS TrS 'i1TroOeovrT 860 9uAfs TretlqcravTrE aTroi(s)
Kal TOS &taliTOUs &v~ypaCav
10 (D)llCttITEou rFeipaie?s
KA'M&pcov KV 'E;kvos 'ApX?aos )
rrcbvW os 'Apio-TroiAfSrlS
2cbaavSpos 'Ep6vv
15 MCyvos 'HpaKAi8Sou Elprvaios ) OpaoipovAos K7EoCvwros EOClvous 'HpAXEriTroS ) 'E'Trapp6o8to5
'Ep6rov EOi1Uvovs
25 eOo6oatoS 'A-rraou
nfap&lovos 'Epi.&Eou KX(arocts) 'AalXernaSsS
AoirT(tos) Tp69qnos
EcoaiB3ou 'AToCA?cbvtos
NEiK6oIpaXOs 'AwTo;o oviou
lacuna For the date see No. 447. 449. Hermof Pentelicmarble(E.M. 9584 c), brokenat the top and bottom,removedon May 17, 1840,fromthe The text givenbelowwas inscribed wall of a cisternin frontof the Parthenon. on the rightside of the herm;L.G., II2,3649 appearedon the front, and No. 486 on the back. H. 0.33 m.; W. 0.28 m.; Th. 0.25 m.; LH. 0.012 m. (lines 3-8), 0.010 m. (lines9-17). Ed. K. S. Pittakys,'Ep. 'Apx., 1854, No. 2321;W. Dittenberger, I.G., III, 1049;J. Kirchner, .G., II2, 1803; J. H. Oliver,Hesperia,IV, 1935, p. 52. OINEIS ca. a. 205p. NON-STOIX.
M Mouvavrou] [rrli apXOVTOS
orpa] [EEpiacovos 'AIrlvi&o5s rri [-rryoiJv-roS Toi]s 6'rr[r-rTaS] [A OXOtl]AOOrp&cTOV ETEi[pIt 5 [cos-' 'rr]p-rTavsias oi TrrpurT
[vEIS]TrSsOIvET-Ios VufS 'T[EI]
[i]acravTrsatutroCTs &vkyp[a]
AlATT[u]pq9pos &Trcbvuvos 10 KA'lEpoyavnrMs 'AxapvE0s OUEvT NEuKOKpoCTrls OvA[a] OOEvT? vacat ZotAosOuvXa OX 'EvoKiXfs vacat 'Axap KXeTos ) 'OfOEv 15 [K]OcaiorpaTos -] nToora[E][cov{ou[--ca. 8 --]Co1[Ca.4-]7[---]
lacuna For the date see No. 447. 450. Transcribed by M. Fourmontin Athens"in basilicaD. Eliae," now lost. Ed. A. Boeckh,C.I.G., 195; W. Dittenberger, I.G., III, 1026;J. Kirchner, LG., II2, 1814. AIANTIS a. 200/1-201/2or 203/4-204/5p., archonship of AupiXAos Arl,p[---]. 6-rri A<>[]-------&pXoVTos [A*]prXA[i]ou [- T------.r]rpa[TiyoOvTorS iiT -ra 6TrAa ---] ol rr[purTa&vi [ ----At] 'AAE&AvSpou Tris 5 [a]vvriSo<s KCa TerticraavTEs i[auToOS TO7S 9)>uAjS 1i]
OCEiTOu[S] av?ypapav. i rrcbvu[!ios-- ---]
] -------------OK[ 8 ... ]\[.]\A[...]O[ 1r[. .] 7.].| [--------------------[
[- ------]
0[. .]![....]Y[...]OA[...
Aiovv'aios E[iprivcai]o[v] V 'A.oi..... ]10[ ..6... Aiovi'caos At[......]ov 15 [2i0p]aXos 'ApcrropoiAov K<ca;>i[y]oviav6& ETrrr6pou 'Y[yEi]voO TiorroOKpaTT1S <X>T4qCxav]os 'ApK<>68aos E'r[i]K<>-r[6rn?rls] 'Ay6e<cA>v) 20 [.... 7. ]eioiVBOS [ 6... E]iruXtav06
XTEp]aVOu apKElE]E[V]O[S [M
line 18, Fourmont line 16, FourmontKAAYAIONIANOX; line 5, Fourmont. NTIAOTOYAHE; Line 1, FourmontATTM; ETE...OXAPXAAO0EI. ETI;line 19, Fourmont ArAGON) For the date see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia, XViII, 1949, p. 35. 451. Inscribed on the same herm as No. 382. LH. 0.011 m. Ed. A. Dumont, Fastes 6ponymiques d'Athenes, pp. 38-39, No. 46; W. Dittenberger, LG., III, 1068; J. Kirchner, IG., 112, 1785. a. 200/1-201/2 or 203/4-204/5 p., archonship of 'AyaeoixXfis[2cOTrAovs 'Eo-rat6eEv?].
[ETrla &p]Xov-ros I ?'Ay]ateoKA6ov[s]
For the date see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, p. 35. 452. Two fragments of a large block of Pentelic marble. Fragment a (E.M. 4040) preserves part of the left side and the beginnings of lines 2-5; fragment b (I 769), with
was foundon May 2, 1933 in a modernwall south of partsof the back, the top, and the rightside preserved, the Templeof Ares (J 8).
a: H. 0.31 i.; W. 0.18 i.; Th. 0.10 i.; LH. 0.017 m. b: H. 0.67 i.; W. 0.44 i.; Th. 0.32 i.; LH. 0.025 m. in line 1, 0.015 mn.-0.018 m. in lines 2-11. Ed. a: P. Graindor, B.C.H., XXXVIII, 1914, pp. 374-375, No. 9, photograph of a squeeze p. 374 (cf. also Chronologie,p. 280, No. 200, and J. Kirchner, LG., II2, 1812); a and b: J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XI, 1942, pp. 64-65, No. 30, photograph of b p. 65. OINEIS a. 200/1-201/2 or 203/4-204/5 p. ['Ay]ae8vi-v TVV TIt
---------[ HrPI
For the date see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia,XVIII, 1949, pp. 35-36, 56, and for the name of the archon J. H. Oliver,Clas.Phil., XLIV, 1949,p. 202. Cf. S.E.G., XIV, 95. The Eponymosappearsalso in No. 411, dated A.D. 186/7.
453. Herm of Pentelic marble (E.M. 9588) lacking the head, found on the Acropolis east of the Parthenon. H. 0.55 i.; W. 0.22 i.; Th. 0.15 i.; LH. 0.011 m. (lines 1-13) and 0.008 m. (lines 14-22). Ed. W. Dittenberger, I.G., III, 708; J. Kirchner, LG., II2, 3680. AKAMANTIS a. 200/1-201/2 or 203/4-204/5 p., archonship of IAaC'3ios 'AypVAE1S. EIcaXXaycO-ys [5cy]aeir -r*rll o!AaPI4ov EcaX[Xxa] [&PXov]TOr [ycoyo]i 'AypvMcos, crrpa--rTly] -ro*S T6r7E[i] [oi:ir]oS ETri 5 [-ras TT]o Movaaociov ro~i'A[cmk] $u?Xcao1ov Rrr1rr]ta68ov yprl[i] [oagapvilTIS CFEPvo0-r[]
Tils povXT-iS-rC-Av (1 o[l]]
10 -ri8osqpuMS 'ArfT[vi]
covac) Xp'"riov [fPEal] cAvriv yEvO6lE]v[ov a'v] aTlcarav. 5 vacat O.085m. phallus
BErr&7to& 'ApIo-r818[ou]
[Bq]a1XE1'5'qS )
lacuna For the date see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, p. 35. Line 11 was restored by J. S. Traill, Hesperia, XL, 1971, p. 317 (cf. L. Robert, 'ApX. 'ET., 1969, p. 24). 454. Reported by Pittakys as built into the wall of the Church of 'Ayios 'Ioaicoposat the top of 656b AovKacavo0i below Mt. Lykabettos in 1829. Ed. K. S. Pittakys, 'E. 'ApX., 1854, No. 2324; A. Boeckh, from a transcript of W. Gell, C.LG., 188b; W. Dittenberger, LG., III, 1038; J. Kirchner, LG., 112,1789. Cf. P. Graindor, B.C.H., LI, 1927, p. 308. a. 204/5 p. [NoVipj]4ios 'IEpo0qxvrrVS
'cEpoKfipV~ ENo~i]ppios [Uopr]'tos LSAq8ooiXoS
sovuijs [ypap11]aTe* 5 [- ca. 5-6-]L 'EXEvaipou [ypapica-rEvs KiaTa -rr[pv-ravFiav] [EOx]ap-rros eEoy[bvovS] The reading of Nummius in line 1 suits the traces and spacing of Pittakys' and Gell's transcriptions better than the accepted restoration of Julius and establishes a date of A.D.204/5, replacing Notopoulos' date of A.D. 178/9 (Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, P. 14). 455. Two non-joining fragments from a stele of Pentelic marble. The left-hand fragment (a = I 5904), which
the left edge and the rough-picked back but is otherwise preserves broken,was found on January 28, 1942,in a hollow west of Pnyx Hill and was broughtto the AgoraMuseum.The right-hand fragment (b = I 4200),which is brokenon all sidesbut preserves the originalrough-picked back,was foundon May 28, 1936,in a late context
were associatedas belongingto the same steleby S. Follet east of the Templeof Ares (L 8). The two fragments (per litt.).
a: H. 0.12 i.; W. 0.125 i.; Th. 0.039 i.; LH. 0.009-0.010 m. b: H. 0.092 i.; W. 0.11 m.; Th. 0.039 i.; LH. 0.009-0.010 m. Ed. a: B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 288-289, No. 181, photograph p1. 61; S.E.G., XXI, 615. b: B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXXIV, 1965, p. 97, No. 7, photograph p1. 27; S.E.G., XXII, 140. ATTALIS
I niXtvll ayaelf[iS
ETUi rTop&pxovwT[Os] AaSo[1jXov] 91 -rrpv-raTvET[S qv] T]s 'A-rara2d8[os As TrEtlr1[av]-rTE ical] EavUT[o*s TOis [exio1'-rovs]a[vf]ypq[yacv]
Similar circles tangent to the three sides of the pediment such as appear above this text occur on other prytany inscriptions, such as No. 375 of 168/9 and No. 444, and now invalidate Notopoulos' idea (Hesperia, XX, 1951, p. 65) that they are unique to ephebic catalogues of ca. 190-200. 456. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 3080), broken on all sides but with the rough-picked back preserved. Found on November 30, 1935, in the wall of a modern house west of the north end of the Stoa of Attalos (0 8). H. 0.24 i.; W. 0.15 i.; Th. 0.102 i.; LH. 0.02 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXIII, 1954, pp. 248-249, No. 26, photograph p1. 52; S.E.G., XIV, 94. HADRIANIS
457. Stele of Pentelicmarble(I 6058),brokenat the top, bottom and left side. Found in a late Romancontext west of the west end of the MiddleStoa (H 13) on July25, 1947.
H. 0.205 i.; W. 0.302 i.; Th. 0.055 i.; LH. 0.009 m. (lines 4-21) and 0.014 m. (lines 2-3).
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia, XXX, 1961,pp. 255-256, No. 55, photograph pl. 46; S.E.G.,XXI, 614. KEKROPIS init. saec. IIIp. lacuna
10 [----]
458. Fragmentof a stele of Pentelicmarble(E.M. 10470),brokenon both sides but preserving the originaltop, and found on on the of north bottom, 12, 1831,by Pittakys including September pediment, slope the Acropolis. H. 0.54 m.; W. 0.20 m.; Th. 0.24 m.; LH. 0.01 m. (lines 1-3) and 0.007 m. (lines4-25). Ed. K. S. Pittakys, 'Eq. 'ApX., 1856, No. 2870; W. Dittenberger, I.G., III, 1052, and Addendum, p. 512; J. Kirchner, 1819. I.G., II2, HIPPOTHONTIS init.saec. III p.
/// iA [/1/111/////////
/// //// [..] AOY /// / EN OYC/// /////////I////// Kai -TOS dal'l-rous [.. .]CII ct]roos
AO-rT v Tp6oplos
nE[tp] 'AE[[rv]
?K [Koi]
20 Xpi'crTm'os 'Aveo'c<(6p>ou'A[LZv]
['ALrTv] EV'pEivovs 'EpaTcOV TT'iTrou AtovOcytoS [----] 'AqpoSEioloS 'HHAtoS8po[u ---] [----] Zcborvpos 'HpaKAEcovos
[Tlo]inTT TpOvcov n
lT palvpvorrvvos AopJros
459. Fragment of a stele of Pentelic marble (E.M. 2760), broken at the top and damaged at the right but apparently
below. preserved
H. 0.38 m.; W. 0.28 m.; Th. 0.14 m.; LH. 0.007 m.
A[---] [MR]o,TraPXos 'AOpovEOS ['A'rro]XAcbv[i]oS vacat [E]UKapTrro Alo6OTro vacat [2ep]awrricpv vacat 'E[rra]ya0os ['ETr]iKTrlTrou
[Kpi]ortrevos vacat
vacat0.05 m.
Line 14 MONE,line 18 rPAMATEYE.
vacat0.025 m. The readingsof line 1 and of line 14weremadeby M. Mitsos,B.C.H., LXXIV,1950,p. 218; S.E.G.,XII, 104. The patronymic in line 13 is a late spellingof 'AAKaiou.
460. Stele of Pentelic marble (E.M. 10566) composed of a number of joining fragments, damaged at the left. H. 1.22 m.; W. 0.70 m.; Th. 0.16 m.; LH. 0.011 m. Ed. R. Pococke, Inscriptionum et LatinarumLiber, I, 1752, p. 60, No. 68; K. S. Pittakys, AntiquarumGraecarum L'ancienneAthenes, pp. 513-514 (for lines 1-12); A. Boeckh, C.I.G., 353, from a transcriptby Michel Fourmont; W. Dittenberger, LG., III, 10, from a transcript by U. Koehler; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1077. J. H. Oliver, Hes-
PANDIONIS a. 209/10p.
T-rTTlav8iovi ['ETrr apXoovos] (A). Aloy~vous Mapaecovfou, Trri 'P6ocov KaXXicrrou iS EypaPlyaTruEv [65o 8 rrpv]TavEiaS, Mapa TrOV ErErEI -rpoESpcoV SiTEOCrXaTE, [0cbvios], IEpE[]SOeE6Oqn?o KaioKa i Ovoi [q)iEV]'louvAavosKao CTrp6OEpoI, iKyTriSTrpUTa5 [vEias], Punv6sTIoctEiSEvoS Tri E, .ou\il ovuvilX0q ?TriTroiS [?uayy]EXioiS, avacE61XEVTOS [AO'roKparToposKaicrapos TroTrXrou]] v a EioEpo0Us EPacxoroU0]J' [ETIETU'iiou rFTaC &vEyvcbaorI Sta T-rOV apX6v[rT]ov, avaoyvov [yvcbp.]r [T]cov CUVEPpi{ov Tro] orpaTiryoU 'AXKaC.pvouS AaUITrrpEcos [TroS yvcbrrv TTv avayEypaCIiVq[v]' ['H E 'ApEiou] Trayou pouvAiKai pf pouAil T-rV (DKai 6 8fi os 6 'Aerlva TCOV ETrwovUOu [coV IIE?Tr] apXovTroS(A. AtoyEvoUS apXOVTcrV, rTOiTrE Ta oTrAra ot paCrrryoi KatiETriPEtArlTOyu [Mapa0cov]iou Ka[i Tr]U o TOUiEpcTarrou 'AT [pvcvaioapXi]aS0E[o0] 'ASpt[a]voi Kaoi&[vT]aPXovrTOS [TIKOU Tn]avEXriXvfou [Ma]p. Aup. 'AAKacE'vousAatTr-rpEcosKal TOUKllp T'rS E] 'Ap.fou Tr[&]you pouXafi Kai ayCovoe-TOU TCOV [uKOS TfiS EI3a [orrfS oKiaS ? &]ycovco[v Tpi]q)covos TOUro oiX(ou'YpaoSou yvcbpirv &rro Kai TE vacat [Ta] Ira'Tptia 'ETrrSl f i cEporTaTrrl [qaivou]atv Kara& Kal jTvr 1TraVTCOV 6o6vot Sta TTrV aaV(aTIOV ETricr0EiToa AECO[TTr'rT raca]jcv [i]]JEpCOv av TCOV 6o'[cov paCriAtcov,AouKiou EwTTTrI.[fou Eoiuvpou EcaEp3oOis TTEpTivaKOS 'ApaplKoi 'A5tiap1VIKOC TTapOeKoO MEyiT-rou Kai MaPKou XEpaICorou vrrO TCOV pEya&Xco AiprqXiou 'AVT-OVEiVOU Eac3poCUs E3paoTrov, EV[fit] [v paalAEcov KOIV&O Kr]p[Uyi.]aTi Tractv &v[e]pcbTroIs85Erh.XorTai, Aov 2ETrTiPIOV [[T-rv 0t6raTrov AuTroKparopa Kaiaopa HriOTT r-rTav] Kai KploEl TrpooEl TIr oupaVia ylqpcotI 2EpaCoTOrv]] [EUEi?pj [Aiacrloi Trp]6s [T-rv T'rT]aUTOKpaTropos apX)(rStoyopiav iSpuiaavTES TOUKOC'tpo TO paaoiAEtov?v 6AoKAlpcp TC-r yEVE' ES86OXOat T-r p3ouAi TCOV O 8r11cp TC [T'i] [E] 'A[PEio] rrayoVu ouXAiKa%i ?) Ka TC-O Ev TEKOIVCOI Kal Ka 'A0rlvaicov 0[at]v Tra[v]y?VEiKali [opTracLEV [r' isiav TTavTiTCOIt aa]oiAtXEiC yEVEI.ayECMat 8E Kai rTTV T1rSKpa TraTS a?XatiS ajuToro Kpa [Tico-rls cpXIs yEVehA]tov 1.jiEpav&KoXouecoS Kai 6f5o pEpIat0IKatpEv, Tri[TralS, KaeooS St a Tfi]s o'oiaS p1rf(Eco auTCAov [o'a0l TravTrTCOIt 87l]p[otI Sit]avopilv, KaeaxKai 6 KpaTI-rTroS TrpErpEUTT-r [avTcrv Kai avTriTpa&rrlyoS] Kaoi oyltoris TriS 'rlaTpi6os iucorv ra'io At W K[E]ItJiCVC TV T'rIO [KiVVIOS StiaToayitaTt Tr7piaC os] SESrACOKEV oxrKlcmj[.]i[... ..]ev ErotpElatv, 8t' S -rV Tf]S TrTsTrrO6XES EUppoo Kai Eico0u[i]av EiS TOV'OXUUTrov auoTCOV OIKOV VqrV EUoCE'PE
[av] 8rlXcbao'ov.
? 'AXXATrilTros [...]o[ ... .]o[.] 40 [...]v[...]o Tv[a..'PouJos) vacat 0.036 m. TTat. KaXfais coTrrlpiSa TTat. TEAEcrp6poS lTat. 85 nat. MapEivos lTT. TTat. 65 -voqcov TTat. TTat. Tlat. ) ZcOT'IKS FTat. 'OpTrilOS MrivO8copoS at.T TTat. TTa. &icrtETol KX.'IEpoyavT-rS ) Mapa c)ap. AbSoiios Mapae MEAX KA.'ETrri PcoiCo 'Epv. 'IEpoKjpuv "Ept Avp. Tvupq)pos Aa,ITrTp Kal pouXfA 5i1 Kipupv
no[... .]tos Ka&oos ? MooXCbvIos
? lalt. 70 [.]tEtXuos nlat. KA[a5b]os nat. !o[ .]x[--] Tlat. 50 rToTa1raos "lT<rr>covos K6,i.o[8]os[.. .]iS Tat. TE-rou Flat. nlo[E?]cov nTat. 75 M[... ][.]A
Ai.ovWos Eurrltepou
6 Kal'ETr6cyaos flal. 90 gou KA.'ATTIKOS Mapa radios TTat. aVTItKpUv 'AqApoSEIc0osAXu 'ETrappoeiTrou )a[Cu]o-ros
AtoyEvrlS) KuSaeOivaito
KsEXaou K[u.] ArTlrlTpios Ku. 'HXAoSCOpou 'ApTEtcov Ku. Atovo'aSos TpUpcovos IKac8osTpVpcovosKu.
Xs Kal ypai!aTrEs pouo 6Srjou 'AptoropouXos V 'ArTTIKKo 'Avayvpacros 95 -rEpirTO p.fia 'P68c0v KaXXio-rou Mapae (X. MapElvosX avTrypaq)Eus
------'ATroXXcovlou aTEirlS 55 [Atovua68copos ] 'A-rroXXcbvtos ] 'Ap-rEtGISCpo 100 UTroypappaTEuS [-----------3 [ K6X[-c.3-] EUC[---] Trapai6vou Mrlv6oqtXoS ] [-----------] [ ?]80 TUXIKOS ) Tr. Zco-rr[upou ' TTat. 'Ovilcrlos TToXuSEUKOU [.. .]vacloo9cp [---] 60 vacat? [----] [y]pawraTsrEs
Line50 ITQNOX.
This constitutional document which has been amply treated by J. H. Oliver is included here because quite
H. 0.245 m.; W. 0.31 m.; Th. 0.13 m.; LH. 0.011 m.-0.014 m. Ed. J. H. Oliver,Hesperia, XI, 1942,pp. 67-68, No. 33, photograph p. 68. KEKROPIS a. 213/4-219/20 p. ['E]rr apXov'roS TiF KAA[---]
6e rri] Me7A(rrTcos), rrparT[l]yoUv[TOS KalI [T]ovs 6irXE[r[]a[sT]o[pat]8u[v]-rToT[oU At6s T]o[U (v] ['O]Xui[T{raTip KA la]Tp6[O[KXou]
10 [Tos al&tiTrous d&vypayav] No. 462 appears on the left side, and No. 463 on the right side of this herm. Cf. J. H. Oliver,A.J.P., LXXI, 1950, p. 173, for the text of line 4. For the date see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, p. 56. 462. Part of a herm of Pentelic marble (I 2276). For description and bibliography, see No. 461. The text here
was cut on the left side of the herm. LH. 0.009 m. Ed. J. H. Oliver,Hesperia, XI, 1942,p. 69, No. 34, photograph.
] ]
-- ] I------- -] [
[---------]coos lacuna
[----------- I
10 [-------]
463. Partof a hermof Pentelicmarble(I 2276).For description and bibliography, see No. 461. The textherewas cut on the rightside of the herm. Ed. J. H. Oliver,Hesperia, XI, 1942,pp. 69-70, No. 35, photograph p. 69. KEKROPIS(?) a. 213/4-219/20 p.
[... 'A]lKtl[ln--]
[A]pe 'Ep1ei[as] AOp'AptrrE[iSrs] 5 Ncbviosr[----] AOpNEIK[as] AOplTpoar[Kx1os] Aip Tlapap[ovos]
AOp Tapa[ ----]
AOp TTE[---]
[---] tKK.[ ----]
15 [----
/ [----]
lacuna The text on the obverse belongedto Kekropis,but the assignment of this list and of No. 462 also to the samephyle is very uncertain.
464. Upper part of a herm of white marble (E.M. 12739), found in the ruined Church of Hagios Nikolaos on the north slope of the Acropolis. H. 0.40 m.; W. 0.13 m.; Th. 0.26 m.; LH. 0.010 m.-0.015 m.
Ed. 0. Broneer,Hesperia, II, 1933,p. 410, No. 32, photograph p. 410. saec. II/IIIp. Front
vacat [--]vo-r[]-[- s[-- ]
Ed. W. Dittenberger, L.G.,III, 1062a (Addendum, p. 512), from a transcript by F. von Duhn; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1816. The text should be dated shortly before Nos. 470, 476, and 477; see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia,
XVIII, 1949,p. 37. HIPPOTHONTIS of Aup AtovO-cloS paulloante a. 220/1p., archonship AalrrTrpeOs KacAiorrrou .. Trpu] [Erri&PXOVT]OS KolAimTrou Avp Aiovy[oiouTOoJ AapcrrrTpco UAX 'ITCI[rrocovTriSooS TEiqjocavTrS -rjs aOx] [Travias oi] rrpuvTar&vs
av?ypa[pav] [TrovsKai Tro]s] &acirTTOuS
vacat0.020 m.
[Z]otXos 'EwrrappoiT-r[ov]
5 [E]vTUXi6rjS Evrro6pou
Trp ['A]TTroAXbvtoS ['A]p.iivios. [0.i9]KpaTrls ] [ [-----------]
466. Hermwith the head missing(E.M. 10562),found in the wall of the Churchof St. Lukein the gardensof Patissia.
H. 1.54 m.; W. 0.33 m.; Th. 0.25 m.; LH. 0.015 m. (lines 1-18) and 0.008 m. (lines 19-62).
Ed. Fr. Ch. H. L. Pouqueville,Voyage,IV, p. 101;A. Boeckh,C.L.G., 189,fromtranscripts by MichelFourmont and AndreasMustoxydis;W. Dittenberger, J. 1817. 1062; Kirchner, II2, I.G., III, I.G., ANTIOCHIS of Avp-AtovOaioS KaXXiArrrov paulloante a. 220/1p., archonship AauTrrTpers.
&iyaeij TuIXi)
KaTa TO ETr TrS EpCoTrrlCa
o ) T-rOV pvoTaTrlgS pouAXS oi TrpUTavEiS TrfS 'AvTlOXI6o[s] rTOV TrroraTrnv quvXfs ATio[v]
20 []TrcbWvupo AlAios
'ArroXAcbvios TacAArnv
'V ATA Ma!EpTrEVOS ATA vE MajlEprpTivoS
60 060cNOS 'IEpoU
KA \VTrcovEvOS
.ixga-E* ypapc
Aup OlhXqcovVE
EuSaitcov TpoqiAuou
'AKcuXavo 'AAXESavpou
35 caiSios TEi6JioEvoS
'IEp'AaKXrlriaSrls 'EAXEuotviou MEvESrlipoS ) 'ApTrEcov EUOirpou EviruXiS(rs
Tiv8ioSKacav8icov "Epcos 'AvSpoveiKou 50 'E1raop68ErTOS 'E1r[IK]TrT'ou AT EUrp6oCUvvo 'E1TCTap6oSETOS 'ApioropoiXov ZcboClToS cTapao'6vou MUcTIKoO Mr[Trp]68copoS 55 EirruviavbS Tpoqi[ov
'EAEUoeiviov Zcboailios
vacat For the date see No. 465. of a steleof Pentelic 467. Fragment marble(E.M.283),brokenexceptat the right,foundat the foot of the western of the Acropolis. slope H. 0.43 m.; W. 0.18 m.; Th. 0.18 m.; LH. 0.008 m.-0.015 m. Ed. P. Graindor, B.C.H., LI, 1927,pp. 298-300,No. 73; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1818. ANTIOCHIS paulloante220p. ---]ap [ayaeriTXri. r -----6XirE Trri TOWS] [XOVTOS, opaTTrqyoUVTos
[vacat?--Col. I
missing 10
[AecoviS6r)s cV6bpov
EKT,OEEV ['AXo,-rr] vacat pcov [----J]a fpeoS
[---]WLos GEo8cbpou ['AaKXTj]-rria'8Tj ) [Xija]XfBca P3[ouA]iiryp [EIqnKpx]Tr-rs 'Ap-rTicov[os] i-rr[--- ] ['ApTE'j1cjav) [cDppiv] il aot lacuna
25 The date should be close to Nos. 466 and 472; see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, pp. 43-44. The last letter in line 6 is upsilon, not sigma, and the name must be read as a patronymic and not as the epithet of an exegete (I.G., 112, 1818; J. H. Oliver, Athenian Expounders,p. 159, No. I 46). There is sufficient space for a name of normal length in line 6 and the beginning of line 7 will either have been left blank or have been inscribed with the beginning of column I of the register. For the name Pythochrystos, cf. No. 469, line 9. The names in lines 8-12 belong to Pallene. 468. Fragment of Pentelic marble (I 3709), broken on all sides except possibly at the left. Found on March 4, 1936, among marbles from the wall of a modern house over the west end of South Stoa II (K-L 15). H. 0.28 i.; W. 0.24 i.; Th. 0.155 i.; LH. 0.01 m. Ed. J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XI, 1942, pp. 63-64, No. 29, photograph p. 64. ERECHTHEIS ca. a. 220 p. lacuna
[-]ctye [ ZcHayrru]po[ I ?
5 'ETTrfiKTrOn ----r
Crqp6avvos 'A1p[po8iatovu P[Fit4-r oS Aiov[uoiou]
KNa.p9s 'Onr7af11oU]
'Rhapos'I7'apo[vJ 10 Aip 'A;k[Kayqp[-nsj s ve(c&repos)I ACip'AA[K]at4vri
lacuna 469. Part of a herm of Pentelic marble (11393), with the left side preserved. Found on February 24, 1934, in the wall of a modern house south of the central part of the Middle Stoa (L-M 14). H. 0.47 i.; W. 0.29 i.; Th. 0.128 i.; LH. 0.015 m. in line 1, 0.012 m. in lines 2-8, and 0.008 m. in lines 9-11. Ed. J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XI, 1942, pp. 66-67, No. 32, photograph p. 67; S.E.G., XIV, 95.
post a. 216 p.
['Ay]aoiflv TX[ri] 'Eri a&[p]xovro[S ? 'ApapICa] AOiE-Tiou vou Map[aOcoviou ---- Trpura] 5 aeXoat8os [pvXfis TlriravETS]
[BEpE]vIKd(at [--TTue6]Xprioros 10 [--AT]too9e[vrls] vicas ot ['rrpUTavEs TTiSTTTo]
:a[uT]o0S KCa[TOrjS atlT'rouS &v?]
y[pa]yav 'Errcb[vwuos------]
[]------For the date see No. 470. 470. Herm of Pentelic marble (E.M. 10322), broken at the top and bottom, found on June 15, 1860, during excavations by the Greek Archaeological Society in the area then identified as the "Gymnasium of Ptolemy." H. 0.645 m.; W. 0.26 m.; Th. 0.24 m.; LH. 0.011 m. (lines 1-6) and 0.008 m. (lines 7-54). Ed. K. S. Pittakys, 'Ep. 'Apx., 1860, No. 3831; S. A. Koumanoudes, 'A0iva&,October 29, 1860; W. Dittenberger, I.G., Ill, 1054, from a transcript by O. Lueders; P. Graindor, Album, p. 64, No. 95, photograph of a squeeze pl. LXXV; J. Kirchner, LG., III, 1824. No. 476 was inscribed lower down on the same face of the herm. No. 477 was inscribed on the left side, and Nos. 478 and 480 were inscribed on the back. ATTALIS post a. 216 p., archonship of AOTJrios'Apaptav6o Mapa0cbvlos.
voias vEKa Kacl Tris elS [aUTOiros] e0wroltaS ?* ri tapXov-roS [Aoi?] ? oTpaTriyoUvTos 5 ?-rri'ro[S 6]
TEi B&daos ATX Tlo TTa-rp69[IXoS] Ai6q<avrosV 'AVTlqCov 'ATTIK[6S] 'Apio-ropo*Aov [..]OKAI Ayvos) VE AK( pc-oT[oykvous] Talff'Sl 40 rEI Ao0 Zcbailo[s] phallus AAI 'HpaKmilq8[s] E-rT[X--] Tp6olloos) /llr[---] epaaOpouXo[s]
Tla[----] 45 Au[----]
Tpo[----] VipL?-----]
Aio6OTov Espcrrricov
yp pBouEvrTov vacat
The date must be after ca. A.D. 212 because of the mention of AOpilAiolin line 34 (cf. D. J. Geagan, Hesperia, Supplement XII, 1967, p. 102, with references cited in note 81). The prytaneis in lines 9 and 27 were identified by J. A. Notopoulos with epheboi who served in A.D. 205/6 (Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, pp. 37-38), providing presumably a terminuspost quem of A.D. 216 for the inscription.
of Aop&trios post a. 216p., archonship 'Apaplav6oMapaecbvios Tro K [nrr& p]XovToS ? 'Apapl [pa A]o9[p]rTou [avoi Mapa0],ocrpaTr M6Err]otiev [yoivTroS 5 [o --]I------O] lacuna For the date see No. 470. 472. Inscribedon the rightside of No. 380. LH. 0.01 m. Ed. K. S. Pittakys,'Ep. 'Apx., 1858,No. 3262; W. Dittenberger, I.G., II2, 1783; I.G., III, 1036;J. Kirchner, J. A. Notopoulos,Hesperia, XVIII, 1949,p. 43 (for the firstfive lines). ANTIOCHIS of Aolu 'ApaptavosMapaecbvtos. post a. 216p., archonship [rri &pXovTros Ao,u] ['Apaptavoi MapaOco]
[viou, c-rpaTryovTros] i] [TrriTOrSo6XrrEiTas
15 [...]o[ .. ..]\IC
[...]oe [...]~o
[.. .s..] OlXcov
[..] AlovOaios
T[---] [K]X[k]cov
20 [A]8<co>vf(rls No[u---]
[AE]<co>vi6n[s] )
[A]T[A] Xpi[oar]os
['A]MXavS[p]os [---]
ros'A[X6EcavSp]ou [OXuv]l
25 [...]o [.....9....]ou
'ArT[o]aAb[vtos...] rTa[..]o
ZriTavo[s] [...]
30 [n]poao866Kt1o[S--] [nlTpor86KtK[pOS---]
MEyta-ro[--ca. 8--]O[.]ou
MEy[lo]TO[---] 35 'E'ri[y]ovosrXa[cn]ou
EEl6.fcov )
A[....] Ma~i].[ou]
[y]pap,ci.aTrEs povuAE[uTcv]
Lines 20 and 21 lapis 0.
For the date see No. 470. We owe to D. J. Geaganthe restoration of line 24. 473. Inscribed alongsideNo. 380 on the front of the herm. LH. 0.009 m. Ed. K. S. Pittakys,'Ep. 'Apx., 1858,No. 3261; W. Dittenberger,.G., III, 1037;J. Kirchner, LG., II, 1784. OINEIS post a. 216p. (Lines 1-17, tracesonly) 18 ['Ay]ateoKfi[s] ['Err]iKTT-ro[s]
20 'Opeay6pcas E[l]
vacat i5oTr[ov]
'Ovwoiaos )
'Ovfolios [EOrT]]
['AXapvets] ?
30 [.... 8 ....] 'ATro 'AVTiTr[aT]pos K.A OE6EOTrTOS 'Ayae'?Epos 'Eppeio[u] AIovw[a(ou] K[a]?aMyalioS KAE<TT>os) 'OijeEv ) TpcoToykvrs
TJaiSpcos AeA(piKO[u]
'OSAu4[IriKoi] Xapi5qrios
'OXuvrrlKOS ) co-rTa ) nTT-A?[(aroIs] [----] UpaLTeArrl 6E[----]
45 Line34, lapisKAEnOL. The date should be close to that of No. 472; see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, p. 43. 474. An inscribed herm of Pentelic marble (I 950), preserving the right shoulder and chest, but with original thickness not preserved. Found on June 6, 1933, in a late Roman context in front of the central part of the Stoa of Zeus (I 6). The sides are carefully dressed and show traces of mortises which were not reported in the original
publication. H. 0.225 m; W. 0.165 m.; Th. 0.105 m.; LH. 0.011 m. and 0.014 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia,XV, 1946,pp. 239-240, No. 73, photograph p. 239. ca. a. 217 post p.
[Tirrlt] 'AyatOil
&rri apXOv[-os r.' KuiVTou] KAcovos M[apa0coviou,] T ri Ta] rrpaTcT[yoUvTos
For the date, see No. 476. 475. Herm of Pentelic marble, broken at the bottom, found in June of 1902 near the Church of St. Spyridon east
of the Towerof the Winds.We werenot able in our searchto locate this stone.
H. 0.21 m.; W. 0.29 m.; Th. 0.12 m. Ed. A. Wilhelm, Beitrdge, p. 100, No. 84, photograph of a squeeze; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1823.
h ATA'IaoXPOOU v Ta7cArv[6cos]
5 TrS 'AKaptvar[[IoS] oi Tpv-rTavEiS TinfricaVTES [(p]uAfiS ca[v] [ro] [----------] lacuna
&ya0qtl'rOX)(t ?ri aPXOVTOS o roKviv KuiT Ki[vos] 5 ' ot TrpTr&aVIS Trfi 'ArrcaAiSosq>uXpf[ rrpv] Traveia TerTIlraav-TS avuTro*s &v[pypapav] thrc)vuos nloXias 'Ae0rvc AOpjA[itoi] Tlniva Tnp6KAos rrcbvwUlOS fp?Ei6c[vrlS] TTfeiva TTp6Aos
AOp'ETrrfKrT[os] 20 'Aetiov[abs]
nToar& C rpu
lacuna The date should follow closelythat of No. 470; see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia, XVIII, 1949,pp. 37-39. The restorationin line 19 (line 71 in the Corpus) should be flpEic4[vrlS] (cf. No. 399, line 5). on the left side of No. 470. 477. Inscribed LH. 0.022 m. (lines 1-12) and 0.009 m. (lines 13-41).
Ed. K. S. Pittakys, 'Ep. 'Apx., 1860, No. 3830; W. Dittenberger, I.G., III, 1056, from a transcriptby U. Koehler; J. Kirchner, I.G., IIP, 1826.
post ca. a. 217 p., archonship of
[ir &apXOVTOS rat] [ou Kiv-rTov Ki] [covos Mapa0covt] [ov, orCpaTrlyoOv] [ros] rrl Tros 6wTrA[e]
Kao-los Mevvas 25 'E'rraCppo6'ETo 'Eppeiovu cov [A]X EiOoraX TT6 Mrv66copos 'OpT-rlaoS 30 'Ovficnos ToXAvu<ouvS
OiXMapETvos v T Ato owa6copos BiKTcop ETrp6rcovoS TaTcavos ) '
Tat avse
TTat fat
npsi'pou r&tos
ZcoaiCov NetK6rorpaTos
35 'Apa3&Kavros n[at] NEIKOTr6AECOs OaUo-ros 'E-warrpo8SETOuTa[t] 'Aa&oKavroS 'Ap-rTcovo[S] Ku[Sae] rT[Etp] 'HpaKANeiSTI) ) TuXtK6s X[TErp]
40 n[at] 'Ayae6rrous 'EptEIov uowr GiCX7oS &p[XS; ] -E'rrr'ploS
For the date see No. 476. on the back of the hermwhichcarriesNo. 470. 478. Inscribed LH. 0.007 m.
Ed. K. S. Pittakys, 'Eqp. 'ApX., 1860, No. 3832; S. A. Koumanoudes, 'Aerva, October 29, 1860; W. Ditten-
[----] iuPu/////11AO
[----]os 'HAlocobpou [uvJpp]pcov'E1rTKTrriTO Ivv$ppovrr[os] ['ETriK]TTrTOS
[----K]Xir ?vo[S]
M&pKou ['E'rr&]yaeos
['AvT]ioXos Aiovwa[---]
s pov[Xv-ruTov---] [ypa]pcaTEr
[Traic]as qTvAuXs Zcl[pJ]os Ooif3[ou]
vacat 0.038 m.
The date is suggestedby the dates assignedto the other texts belongingto this monument(cf. No. 476 and Hesperia, XVIII, 1949,pp. 37-39). The restorationin line 16 was madeby G. Stamires, XXVI, 1957, Hesperia, p. 46, note 53. 479. Inscribedon the cliff at the foot of Mt. Arapison Salamis. W. 0.60 m.; LH. 0.021 m. (lines 1-3) and 0.01 m. (lines 4-6).
Ed. H. G. Lolling, Ath. Mitt., I, 1876, pp. 135-136; W. Dittenberger, I.G., HIT, 1071 and Addendum,p. 513; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1811.
T-rV ee6v aCTroIS E?OoEp3arcravTrs &vkypa,avp 'AWrrocovtosMrlTpo8cbpou, ETruXi6rrlS ), AKaioS OAaXloS ), E*Kap-lrirs rTp6opov,'AppoSicios )
For the date see J. A. Notopoulos,Hesperia, XVIII, 1949,p. 43. 480. Inscribed on the back of the hermwhichcarriesNo. 470, underNo. 478. LH. 0.008 m. (lines 1-10) and 0.006 m. (lines 11-28).
Ed. K. S. Pittakys, 'Ep. 'APX., 1860, No. 3832; W. Dittenberger, I.G., im, 1058, from a transcript by 0. Lueders; J. Kirchner, I.G., I12, 1828.
post ca. a. 218 p., archonship of TiPpipos KXactioS nT&TpoKAoS AauTrrpEiS. &ya0 ft TXrO t [wri] &pXOVTOSp968v[Tro]
AE{ov [AFco]vfiriq 15 ['E?M]vaEfvloS Afov [fl6v]TioS AEIoV [9-rr&]A*p adrr'Tis [rTpv]-rtVECAKv> ....]av8pos 'EparcvoS [...]os KAEi-rcap 20 [AM]cavSpos (Mfpovos [AtK]fvviosctR]6ApoS
[K6i]ivros BEPVEIKISOU 25 [ ....] 6 KQ<i A&ixrros ['YyET]vos 'Ovacov 'Aeiiove*s [...6...]s 'AqppoEaou v V TTpo I------lovl ---- I T]po [----------
[ff]aTros BE[PVE]1ud[6OV]
Line17 NEQI2. The date should follow closely those of Nos. 470 and 476; see J. A. Notopoulos, Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, pp. 37-39. 481. Three fragments of Pentelic marble. Fragment a (I 1417), with part of the left side preserved, was found on May 1, 1934, over the floor of the Tholos (G 12); it makes a close join above fragment c. Fragment b (I 1952), with the smooth right side preserved, but otherwise broken, was found on May 10, 1934, in a late context west of the Tholos (G 11). Fragment c (11881), with the smooth left edge preserved, was found on April 27, 1934, in
Ed. a: J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XI, 1942, p. 40, No. 10, photograph; a and c: B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XVI, 1947, p. 183, No. 88, photograph p1. XXXVII; a, b, and c: B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, p. 49, No. 59, photograph of b pl. 10; S.E.G., XIX, 156. post ca. a. 218 p. a 'AyaOe[it T*Xrji] -rrd ?T----M-- -aroi0---- M]apaeco appXo[vro vio vEcA[-ripov,-rravr)yvplapXoocvros -]A[o] Xapa[nr]14[oio?------, orrpa-ryo5iv-ros -rri] -ra& or-ra 1T[]---------------------ol Trrp1JTaIvE1 iT --------~ U??l [Kial TOrS &o1I-rovs d&vEypCapav] b
c 5
This text has been associatedby J. A. Notopoulos with LG., JJ2, 1828 = No. 480 (Hesperia,XVIII, 1949,
482. Fragment (E.M. 8451) with the left side and bottom preserved but broken at the top and on the right, seen by Pittakys on the north slope of the Acropolis. H. 0.50 i.; W. 0.29 i.; Th. 0.10 i.; LH. 0.017 m. (lines 1-7) and 0.01 m. (lines 8-19). Ed. Richard Chandler, Inscriptiones,II, p. 64, No. 56; K. S. Pittakys, L'anCienne Athines, p. 150; A. Boeckh, C.LG., 186; W. Dittenberger, LG., III, 1047;J. Kirchner, I.G., 112, 1801.
[r]ti-r&rrTs rrpvravecovie
483. Fragmentof a stele of Pentelicmarble(E.M. 6123)with the left side preserved but otherwise broken.
H. 0.11 m.; W. 0.19 m.; Th. 0.04 m.; LH. 0.007 m. Ed. P. Graindor, Rev. Arch., VI, 1917, p. 28, No. 15, photograph of a squeeze p.29; J. Kirchner, I.G., II2, 1802.
5 ETrcovos AihTTupcp[6]po[s]
Alovialos ) K\ 'Hht6copos 'EEAvsuaoviou 'ETTicaXos ' [M]aKapeOSEevam viou 10 [K]A'PbSmrr[o]s [----]P
b (I 1430d)was found on March 17, 1934,in a late contextover the floor of the Tholos (G 11); it joins at the
right of fragment d. Fragment c (I 1451) was found on March 3, 1934, in a late context north of the Tholos
d (1 1430b) was found on March16, 1934,in a late contextover the (G 11);it joins below fragmenta. Fragment floor of the Tholos (G 11); it joins at the left of fragment b. Fragment e (I 1430c)was found on March16, 1934, in a late contextover the floor of the Tholos (G 11); it makesno contactwith the otherfragments.
a: H. 0.042 m.; W. 0.05 m.; Th. 0.037 m.; LH. 0.014 m. b: H. 0.135 m.; W. 0.09 m.; Th. 0.042 m.; LH. 0.011 m.-0.021 m. c: H. 0.062 m.; W. 0.124 m.; Th. 0.06 m.; LH. 0.016 m. d: H. 0.072 m.; W. 0.068 m.; Th. 0.029 m.; LH. 0.018 m. e: H. 0.063 m.; W. 0.063 m.; Th. 0.065 m.; LH. 0.021 m. Measurements as joined (a plus c): H. 0.062 m.; W. 0.135 m.; Th. 0.06 m., and (b plus d): H. 0.14m.; W. 0.13 m.;
Th. 0.042 m.
Ed. J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, XI, 1942, pp. 65-66, No. 31, omitting fragment e, photograph p. 66.
['E]VTr [&pxo]vo[s------
d+ b
([- ---o0 Trpvur&vis] 'lIpo[K].ipuKos T-ri OivrltmioS s auvrois] p[UvAfTrlircaavTrr ] [rKal TO]OS dtc-ro[us &vypac av ['AX] xpv~ts ] [-------------------I ?[
[----]i[s--] [----]o(toS
485. Two joining fragments from a block of Pentelicmarble(I 661) with part of the right side preserved, but otherwisebroken,found on April 5, 1933,in the wall of a modernbothros over the Templeof Ares (K 7). H. 0.46 m.; W. 0.29 m.; Th. 0.21 m.; LH. 0.024 m. (lines4-5), 0.02 m. (lines6-9). Ed. J. H. Oliver,Hesperia,IV, 1935,pp. 50-52, No. 13, photograph p. 51.
ca. a. 225 p. [rrit 6PXovos---,
ca. 9---] [____ca. 18 --_______ [-ca. 2 -coTpOaTryouTos Tri]
10 [yav]
p. 141. For the disposition of the text in lines 2-4 we are indebted to a suggestion by E. Kapetanopoulos.
The hoplite general Flavius Philostratosthe younger is probablythe son of Flavius Philostratos,hoplite generalca. A.D.205 (Nos. 447, 448, and 449), cf. Hesperia,XL, 1971,p. 324, with the correction,XLI, 1972,
486. Inscribed on the back of the hermwhichcarriesNo. 449. LH. 0.009 m. Ed. K. S. Pittakys, 'Eg). 'ApX., 1854, No. 2322; W. Dittenberger, I.G., III, 1299; J. Kirchner, I.G., TIP,2482.
... .][----]
['Avrw]IKcv ATo[---] [rEV]eXitos 'Avr[6]xo[v] 5 [.. .]arrrros)
) [Z]camlPos [tlp]?vs ElaiScopos
[. .]arcov 'E<p>)Ioybvovs
[... .]16Ts scomrr&rcpou 10 [. .6.. .]as ZcoTrrrcTpov [----]a(rlss [----]Iv
Line8, lapisI
487. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble,brokenon all sides. Ed. K. S. Pittakys,L'ancienne from a transcript Athenes,p. 161; W. Dittenberger, by U. Koehler,I.G., III, as LG., II2,3601). 1074;J. Kirchner, LG., II2, 1833(line 1 republished LEONTISOR HADRIANIS saec. III p.
5 [-----]os
(iMi ovos
Trrio iUil[s TrrprT&VEcov]
Elri8[ vacat ]
]ov 'ApEfov
The demoticin line 4 may be eitherAithalidaior Daidalidai. 488. Fragmentof Pentelicmarble (E.M. 8316), with part of the left side preserved,on which No. 489 was
inscribed, found by Pittakys in 1830 EIsTO&vaToWiK6vJ.kpoSTOU'Ep?X(0fov. H. 0.33 m.; W. 0.18 m.; Th. 0.11 m.; LH. 0.008 m.
Ed. K. S. Pittakys,'E. 'Apx., 1839,No. 183, republished in 1856,No. 2875; W. Dittenberger, from a tranfrom a transcript J. von scriptby U. Koehler,I.G., III, 1075b;J. Kirchner, 1834b. Prott,I.G., II2, by saec. III p.
[]rri &pXO[vros-------Trrpavefas] IB, ol rrpu'r&dv[tiSTrfS----qAXfis TInf1cOV] 'rESk?avTOI Ka[l rTOS dlaiTrous &vi?ypacav]
---------rrcbwpOS Tr&rto[
489. Inscribedon the left side of No. 488. LH. 0.010 m. Ed. K. S. Pittakys,'ET. 'ApX.,1839,No. 183;W. Dittenberger, froma transcript LG., III, 1075a;J. Kirchner,
by J. von Prott, I.G.,
vacat vacat
Ma]p Ma[p]
[-------]s [------]
Map Map
490. Fragmentof Hymettianmarble(I 3606),with the originalback preserved but brokenon all sides. Found in a in of wall front the Stoa of on February Zeus 27, 1936, Byzantine (I 6).
H. 0.12 m.; W. 0.178 m.; Th. 0.09 m.; LH. 0.01 m.-0.015 m. Ed. B. D. Meritt, Hesperia, XXIII, 1954, p. 247, No. 24, photograph pl. 52; S.E.G., XIV, 103.
saec. nHIII p. I
'AvTryov[oS ]
] ]
[----]p Iou
5 AoOKtos Z[-------]
a: H. 0.34 m.; W. 0.54 m.; Th. 0.09 m.; LH. 0.015 m. b: H. 0.50 m.; W. 0.51 m.; Th. 0.09 m.; LH. 0.015 m. Ed. a: A. Dumont, Fastes eponymiquesd'Athenes, pp. 49-50; a and b: W. Dittenberger, from a transcript by U. Koehler, L.G., III, 1063; corrections by P. Graindor, Album, p. 66, No. 97, photograph of a pl. LXXVI;
J. Kirchner, LG., IIa, 1832.Cf. S.E.G., III, 267. HADRIANIS of Kacnav6s ca. a. 231/2p., archonship a
V VKacnavoI -----. irlr&pXovroS 10 cTpaTrryoOvTos rr!ira 6[rrXa -----] ol Trpurraves TriS 'ASpav[{6os u5 uics TmlCrfiavrs]
[-------]ou V &vypayav. aUvTovros _ 'ASpiavi6os_
M AOpYEBfipo[s] AOrroKprrcop
[-----5 [---[
]ou rTO
30 OAEltaKpCx[TrrS]
KXEppacri[cov] - -] 'ApTrEI{B[copoSNovjuip[tos----]
-----] Ei&pEo-ro[s
25 Ka& nco?tav6S
AaciaKoso XaipilovoS
35 'Aprco[v-v
The ends of nameswhichappearinscribed in a different hand at the left of fragment a (lines 1-3 of our text) maybelongto anotherlist and a different XVIII, 1949,p. 40, year.For the date see J. A. Notopoulos,Hesperia, and see D.J. Geagan, Hesperia,Suppl. XII, 1967, p. 92, note 1. If the archon is identifiedwith Kacnav6s X EtpiesS (I.G., II2, 2241), the date will be A.D. 230/1 (cf. L. Moretti, Iscrizioniagonistiche 'IEpoKpuvg greche, 1953,pp. 202-203).
492. Seven fragments, all found on the Acropolis, from a Pentelic marble stele.
but otherwisebroken. a (E.M. 8076) = I.G., II2, 1697a: Originalleft side and back preserved, H. 0.19 m.; W. 0.14 m.; Th. 0.09 m.; LH. 0.006 m.
b (E.M. 8077) = LG., II2, 1697b: Original left side preserved, but otherwise broken. H. 0.16 m.; W. 0.10 m.; Th. 0.07 m.; LH. 0.006 m. c (E.M. 8078) = I.G., II2, 1697c: Original left side and back preserved, but otherwise broken. H. 0.30 m.; W. 0.25 m.; Th. 0.09 m.; LH. 0.006 m. d (E.M. 12394) = L.G., II2, 2372: Original left side only preserved. H. 0.22 m.; W. 0.22 m.; Th. 0.07 m.; LH. ca. 0.006 m. e (E.M. 8656) = LG., II2, 1698b: Broken on all sides and at the back. H. 0.32 m.; W. 0.16 m.; Th. 0.04 m.; LH. 0.006 m. f(E.M. 8080) = LG., II2, 1698a: Broken on all sides and at the back. H. 0.16 m.; W. 0.15 m.; Th. 0.04 m.; LH. 0.006 m. g (E.M. 8079) = LG., II2, 1698c: Broken on all sides and at the back. H. 0.27 m.; W. 0.33 m.; Th. 0.04 m.; LH. 0.006 m. Fragment c was edited by H. Lolling (A?Tr., 1889, p. 86) and re-edited by U. Koehler (I.G., II 5, 995b), who
b was joined to a by A. Wilhelm associatedit with a whichhe had publishedearlieras I.G., IT,995. Fragment
and published together with a and c by J. Kirchner (I.G., II2, 1697). Fragments e, f, and g were edited by U. Koehler (I.G., II, 997, II 5, 1002b, and II, 996), associated as belonging to the same inscription by A. Wilhelm, and republishedtogether by J. Kirchner(I.G., II2, 1698). Fragment d was edited by J. Hondius (Novae Inscriptiones Atticae, 1925, pp. 113-116, No. XVI = S.E.G., III, 142) and J. Kirchner (I.G., II2, 2372). Fragments d, e, f, and g were first associated with a, b, and c by S. Dow.1 For the text of No. 492 see pp. 342-343. Judging from the quotas the list cannot be bouleutai alone, as proposed by Kirchner, but it must be closely related, for the representation of each preserved deme is either identical with, or larger than, the corresponding bouleutic quota. Demes with a quota of one bouleutes, e.g. Themakos, Phegous, Lousia, also have one representative here, with the exception of Otryne, which has two. On the other hand, Lower Pergase, Phyle, , Keiriadai, etc., which normally had two bouleutai, each have three representatives here, and demes with larger bouleutic quotas, e.g. Anagyrous, Halai, Phegaia, have a corresponding increase in representation on this list. In fact, the total representation of the demes preserved in the unidentified text is approximately one-half larger than the total of the corresponding bouleutic quotas; that is, the list, if complete, would contain about 750 names. Moreover, the difference between the length of column II, which contained presumably the rosters of Pandionis and Leontis, and column III, which contained the rosters of Akamantis probably and Oineis certainly, appears to reflect the difference in the number of demotics in these respective groups of phylai, confirming what we might judge from the quotas, viz. that the individual tribal contingents were equal in size with seventy-five members
notes by S. Dow and H. J. Carroll,Jr. communicatedto J. S. Traill. Recht Athens, Teil II, Stuttgart,1936, Kahrstedt, Untersuchungen Magistraturin Athen, Studienzum offentlichen pp. 124-134. The chief ancient source is Aeschines, III, 62, as interpretedby Harpokration, s.v. wtahxccv. See J. A. 0. Larsen, in Greekand RomanHistory, 1955,pp. 194-195, note 23, in supportof the interpretation Government advancedhere. Representative
ca. a. 370 a.
ColumnI ['EpExe1rios]
[ravSiovi8os] lacuna
ColumnIII ['AKallavT8os]
ColumnIV [KEKPorrT8os]
lacuna a ['AvTr]K[7Ei{S---]
---] 'Apilcrr6axroS
OiAXTlros nT[---]
E\OKpiT[oS ---]
[ ....]
Ii [--]
[....]Tr [--]
y] [--- ]
75 [AecovTrfos]
lacuna f [--]S Xapia[---]
g ['IT-rroOcovrfS]os
['ALit v fis]
[A]oaoifis 95 ['O]vrlcrgi6Scv 'AXAKt[---] [Ocl]uacriot [. .]qavinsAEp[id-o]
35 'Apaq
[Ei]nrl6Tis co[--3
[Dt]icov ECra[--] 100 [9pt]dcariot
125 [---]S 'AVT'KrAos [--- A]Tcapcovos ['Apio-ro]qa&vl 'Aplo'ropiJ [Keipr&]6at [... . S6]cpos yUlKi0o 130 [NIKOC]TrparTOS NiKooTrpOr
Xapiivr[ocrros ---]
'IEpoKs[4iSqr ---]
---] OEOTrrTEi[rT
[Ev:p]amns [--]
[KA?o](p6v O[---]
40 Kippia[saut-8Srs]
OQ?yati[s] ---] NlKOo-r[paTOS ---] (Davta8[r1s
'AvrtiKp['TrrS ---]
EiP36oo [Eu13o]XArSlS [OitXti]Trrrir KescpacovoS 135 [E-v]6TIrLos EsvoKpiro ['Ava]Kaitjs [Ep&]acov 'AptcrroKAXos -E evvoriio [KoA]AiSrTios 'ErqKEcrrTO ['Api]corTlt5j1S 140 ['Apla-roK]7XfiS p[&a]co[vos] lacuna
50 TTa'lppi[os---]
'EpiKE[tfs] [ .... ] [- ---]
['Axapvis] lacuna
55 [...7....] Air,opavro
---] Ei[ArlTorlS
Euv(puA[i6s---] NIKO[----] 110 )avi[as ---] ---] 'E-rrivi[Kos Xioov A[---] ---] AuKiC[Kos 'Apiatr[- ---]
60 [...]oKiAS sXapio
Aair&pXo [EO]Kp[iT]os ['A]vr[i]-rrrrpos KcopapX[o] NauapXo [N]au,AK7ns NlIKOS6[pO] N<KOKp&ThS 65 EOAEi5Bris Euiapos NoplviloS KaoAio
NIKOp[--] NuKOCrpaTroS
e [--
[?-- --]xo
115 XaptI&a[s---]
---] TrlX?9v.A[os ---] EuBpaoT[os ---] 'OvrToFpl[Bnr nlveu6op[os ---]
80 [----]
70 'Avrio-TOS EOaivE[To]
OpascrK[--] (DpatlrKAis EiKlSr ro[pyl6Fo] MvrCna Tiloyv[-s .. .o [---] lacuna
[---- -]
120 BaTpaxors---]
\D 0
0 0
r "
3 w
' CN
3 t^
l Vs o N I o f
-LA 0
= .!
OL.. to O
0 I , I w W I
D .D 0
0 -o
- I
O '
X w
3 Lt LA r-i
C) ..
U W b D
o 0
0 _ I-IIC01
.b A I, I
493. Five fragments of Hymettian marble, all broken on all sides, except d which preserves part of the right side. Fragments b (E.M. 8670) and d (E.M. 8675) were found on the Acropoiis, fragments a (E.M. 8672), c (E.M.
494. Block of Hymettian marble (I 6954), from the tower of the Post-Herulian Wall at the southwest corner of the Library of Pantainos (R 15), removed in August of 1959. Two corners are broken away and there are minor abrasions. All four sides are smooth-finished and there is a recessed band 0.003 m. deep and 0.03 m. high around the bottom. The top surface is rough-picked to within 0.06 m. of each edge and has a lifting hole in the center measuring 0.095 m. by 0.02 m. The inscription is on one of the short ends and forms the lower part of
Ed. B. D. Meritt,Hesperia,XXXIII, 1964,pp. 201-202, No. 53, photograph pl. 34; S.E.G., XXI, 591.
KEKROPIS ca. a. 321 a. [---------] [ vacat
[----------]ou [---------]cbpo(u)
Krlgaoqpcov nTToSc6pov
5 [E]iOpovUosAtooy,vouS
vacat vacat vacat Aat5afciai vacat
When Merittpublishedthis text very little was known concerningthe quotas of the demes belongingto
Kekropis and he favored the identification of the text as a list of councillors rather than epheboi. We now know, however, that Xypete had seven representatives in the Council (No. 31), Melite also probably seven (Nos. 20, 61, and 72), and Sypalettos probably two (Nos. 18 and 43, but cf. No. 16), quotas very different from those recorded here. Accordingly, we prefer to leave the list unidentified.
A[----, fin. s. I a., 29712 A[----], fin. s. I a., 29713
A[----], A[---](Muppivoiacos), 7624
38029 A[........]v (TTacrlives),ca. 138/9p., 33355 ca. 225a., 1244 A[ ] (Oivei8os), A[----] (flepyacEis), ca. 289/8 a., fatherof 'ApioroKei8Srs, ca. 80-79 a., 26433 8665 ] (Tnav6ovi8os), A[ ] (nravSiovi8os), ca. 168 p., 3762 A[ , ] (O7Aus), ca. 280 a., 7317 A[ ca. 175 p., 39246 A[----] ('Avayvp&caos), ca. 403 a., father of 'Ywrrpp1oos, A[.. .1cov 'HpaoicKovos (XOAves), 49212 'A3&6oxavro[S]: [(]Ax(&ios) 'ApdaKavrro[s] ('A-rraSlos), init. s. IIIp., 45911 A[ ] ('AXapwvs)), 303/2a., 62153 A[ post ca. 184p., father of ['Hpa] (BrlaatEws), ca. 180-190 p., 40912 'Apcaoxavros('Ar-rcaAf8o), 47816 = K]A?EfSrS, A[---]K[----]X[--] (OopiKiOS ?), s. IV-III a., 5648 ca. 187p., fatherof 'Ovaaos,46813 ca. fin. s. IIp., father of A[----] (AawrrpEOs), 'A[p]&aC[K]avro[s] ('ArracxA8os), 4599 A[ ](MEAirOs),177/8 p., 39817 ['Hp]aicKiE8[ils], 4591
fin. s. I a., 29714 A[----]o(--) ('Ofjev), ca. 336/5 a., father of [ 62175 A[ --], secretaryof the prytaneis ca. 180a., 1897 SrllOS, ca. 136/7p., fatherof [....]as, A[----] ('AriraSfos), ca. fin. s. IIp., fatherof[TM]orrcapXos, A[....] (r7aArlvEXs),
ca. 144/5 p., father of [...7...], ['Aya]OoAMis (MEXATrrE), 3985; cf.: 'ATrrTIK (MEAT-rES), 177/8 p., 39824 ['Ayj]OoKAfis 13086 a., 220/19 'AyaoKAfis(HTpaomls), 220/19 a., 1301io (TpopcaAoaos), 'AyaoKAfqls 29354 (ZrEtpwls), ca. 53 a., father of 'AyoaoKriXs, 'AycaoKA?js 29354 20 ca. a., 'AyaeoOAfis5(TEnlpiss), E0,OpvovS (GqrrTos), 168/9p., 37324 'AyaOoKAfij Oa(QArlps),dvrTypaqE*s 191/2 p., 4223; cf. 'A. 'AyaOoKAfis (d.), s. II p., father of Aiovnalos(H., XIII, 1944, p. 265, No. 18 = I.G., II2, 7601) (Mupptvoaitos),235/4 a., 11584 'AyaeoKpd[TMs--] ca. 165 p., father of 'EppEfaS, 'Ayaeop[--] (nTOAWEat0So), 4433 46625-26 ca. 187/8 p., father of ['P]ovqeTvos, 'Aya06Trovs, ca. 175 p., 39230 (AlyiXAiEs), 'Aya06rrovs:[...] 'AyaO6rrovs 'Ayae6rrovs ('ArcorTT s)), ca. 102/3p., father of [----],
33018 =
'Ap&mxavros post ca. 217 p., 'ApT-icovo[s]Ku[5aO(rivais*s)], 47737 (qTTIrros), 168/9 p., 37322 'Ap&oxavros'AaoxAiTrl&8ou N6uKOTw6Xco5 'ApB&acxavros n[at(avi65s)], post ca. 217 p., 47735 -- ---] (1TTo-ro aiciSos),s. IIp., 3433 *'ApIM[iso 3614 'Appcov('AXaisis), ca. 376/5 a., father of [Z]coKp<&rs, (P.A., 7); cf. S. 'A. ('A.) 36953 = (Talavimss),ca. 133/4 p., father of 'ICOVKO65, "Appcov ca. 136/7 p., father of 'IcovIK6,37819 'Appcov(TTatavilEs), 195/6p., 42513 [---6] al Appcov('TTaXXvetS), "AppCov: 'AppcbviXos'Apia-roKEous(flpaocniE), post med. s. IV a., 3241 (P.A., 22); 'ApiaTOKAfjs 'Apio-roKAeiSo(lTpaoliuS), ca. 330 a., 4719, may be a nephew. ca. 30/29 a., 28829 ] (MEAiTErS), Ay[ ca. , 'Ayae[----] ('Aq(pvaTos), 337/6 a., father of [lTava]foxnsr 5913 = ca. 337/6a., father of [ITTavai['AyaO----] ('AWpivaTos), 61262 [aXxns], ('A[lvtxius),135/4 a., 24396 'Ay&OapXos 336/5 a., 42277 'Ay6dapXos(KEcaXEites), avaypaqiEs 95/4 a., 26158 'AyO5capXos [K]qr9po[1]Ei[s, 155/4 a., 225104 'Ay6capXos (Ku8Sa0rvaoeus), 'Ay&eapXoS ('O-rpuvvi), 336/5 a., 42109 ('Axapv'S ?), post ca. 216 p., 47332 'AyaeOiEpos'EpPEio[v] ca. 160-170 p., ('HpeOi6rSs), 'Aya[p1Spos 'AaxKrTri6a5ov]
ca. 102/3p., father of [----], ['A]yac-rrous ('AXcorrEKa), 33019 'Ayacxo6ovs'Eppiiov nl[ai(avi6*s)], post ca. 217p., 47740 ] (Mnies), 177/8 p., 39838 'A[ya]6rrovs [ 'Ayae6orparos (AEovriSos),178/9-179/80 p., 39927; probably =
[ ] ('A?,pooatos), ca. 165-170 ['A]yae6orr[p]aoros p., 37022 'Ay60utos Earrvpi(vDu&aios),post 225 a., 12516 167/8 p., 37143 'AyaOfiipos 'AaoriTrria&ou ('HpEaiS1[s), TEpI Tr6 fjilia195/6 p., 42612 'AycOwov, 'AyaOias ('ASpiavfios), ca. 198/9 p., father of MovacTos, 'Ay6Ocov:OA(&pios) of the prytaneis s. Ia., treasurer 49121 'EmrrKA[ovs], 'Ay6Ocov 2636 173/2 a., 20695 'Ayaeias ('AToXAcovoies), ca. 167/8-171/2 p.,father of'Ay?<co>v, 'Aya0ias (OlvaTos), 188/9 p., 41933; 'Ay6Ocov(AtavTi5os), 'Ayaeias: [....]vs cf. 'A. (M.) cf. 'A.OI., ca. 178 p., father of XSOpopos, 45019; the demotic is probably MapaOcbvios, I.G., II2, 212865 o or 4392 s. 203/4-204/5 p., 200/1-201/2 (AiavriSos), 'AyO(<co>v fin. IIp., ['Ay]aeias (rlyalE1is), cf. 'A. o (M.) ca. 312/1 a., father of[ ......], 765 45019; the demotic is probably MapadOcvlos, .............], 'AyaOo[ ca. 330 a., 4667 (P.A., 85) ca. 136/7 p., father of ['A]'rnK6s, 'Ay66cov('AvaXACo-ros), 'AyaOo[----] ('AvrloXiSos), 38014 ('AvapAuaoros),135/6 p., 330o0= ['Ay&6cov'Aox]A?rlm&rrt8o 'Aoari'rn&8ov ca. 180p., 40127 ('AvaqOAuiios), 138/9 p., 33316 'Ay6Ocov ['Ay]aoo[----] (KwKporr[8os), ] ('Arl-visi), ca. 50-40 a., 28020 168/9 p., 37355; 'A. 3 K., ephebe (KvprEfS5nS), 'Ay60cov oDofpou 'AyaOoK[A ca. 200 p., may be a son (L.G., II2, 219381, 219423) archon 200/1-201/2 or 203/4-204/5 p., [... 'Ay]aOoKAfis, ca. 167 p., father of'Aydaecv, 4469 4511-2; perhaps = 'A. XlOTrAUXvS ('Eo-rai60ev), 40638 'AydOcov (Mapaocbvtos), ] init. s. I a., 26018 priest of [ 'Ay6coov: (MapaOcvios),ca. 200 p., 4469 'AyaOoKAiMs, ante fin. s. IIp., 4295 (Oivalos), 188/9 p., 41932 ['Ay&]cov 'A-rtrIKO 'AyaeOorAi[s--?-] (KEKporriSos), ] s. II ante 4293 p., ['Ay]JaOoAfr[s (KEKpowri8os), fin. 'Ay?cov (qr -rnos), ca. med. s. II p., father of (Di?a&pyvpos, 44021 (OivETSoS), post ca. 216 p., 47318 ['Ay]aOoKAq[s] em-toar&ari init.s. II p., 32111 'Ay&Ocov: 'Aoaijrtri&ou ('Avaq o-nrtos), 'AyaOoKfis tE[p]6;snoTi1-Xios'Ay6cov OuA&caios, 256/5a., 8575 (P.A., wTpUT&vEcov post ca. 218 p., 48217-19 'AyaeOoKis 'Apto-ro9avou('EpIKEEuI), 59) (AElpaSlcbTrrS), 336/5 a, 42203 ['A]ya0covirSns ('Ea-riai60v), 182/3 p., 40638; 'A. o 'E., 'Ay&v[cop] EcOTrAXovS 'AyacoKXAfs (cpe&ppios),ca. 358 a., father of <avias, 5219; for the restoration ofthenamecf. ['A]yriv[co]p ., registrant ephebe 197/8-199/200 p. (L.G., II2, 212822), may be a son. of a mine ied. s. IV a. (H., XIX, 1950, p. 209, No. 413 and ] (EUcowVUEOs), ca. 240 a., 107s ['Aya]OoeA[ijs A.P.F., 13374), probably = 'A. here; cf. A.P.F., loc. cit. (K-rrTos),ca. 50 a., 27216 'AyaeoKAfis 'EpyoX&pou ca. med. s. III a., father of ['Ay]a- 'Aya[crias cooaiou 155/4 a., 'Axapvers], orrlrTarTS (KtKvvVEfs), 'AyaeOoA[fis] rrpooSpcov 1464 2254-5 0[oKAiiS], KlKvv[esS], priest of epony['Ay]ae[oKAiqs] 'AyaCoi<A[ous] ['Ayaaias] Ecoaiou'Axapvi5s, 22545-46; restoration of the mos fin. s. III a., 1463-4; probably = 'A. K., thesname is uncertain, cf. P.A., 96 mothete 228/7a. (P.A., 63) 'Ayaaicrrpcaros (Muppwvoilos),220/19 a, 13094 (KplcoE5S),169/8 a., 212104 'AycaoKAfis ['A]yXaos ('AXaies), ca. 128/7 a., father of ['AyEXaos], ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of ['AAq]av(AEUKlovoEs5), 26147, [53] 'Ayaeo.KAis 'AXiars5,prytanis and secretary of the Spos, 290109- 11 ['AyAXcos 'A]yXA&ou ca. 167 p., father of 'AyaOoKris, 'AyacoKAfjs (Mapa0covios), prytaneis 95/4 a., 26136-37, 47, [53] 4461i s. II (KoMvQrreiS), 'Ayicav5v[pos]:['Ep]J(vvios) 'AyAicav8[pos] 'AyaceoAfisc (Mapa0cvios), ca. 200 p., 44611; cf. H., Suppl. p., 346 2 XIII, p. 647, p. 18, note to line 47 (OaO*e), 184/5 p., 40727-28 'Ay(<i)avSpos 'EAUoi[v(o]u
'Ayias, ca. 200-150 a., 2033 ca. 231/2 p., 491i5; [e]6S 'ASptav6s, 184/5p., 4071o-11; archon 197/6 a., 1651; for the date see commen'AyKvXos, Ge[6s]'Api[a]v6s, 209/10 p., 46013; [es6s] ASpia[v]6s, ca. tary on No. 165 160/1 p., 3634-5; e[6s 'ASpiav6s], 141/2 p., 3347; [e06s 'Ayv658q,os (EopiK1os), 336/5 a., 42269 'ASpiav6s], 138/9 p., 3334 'Ayv68r1jos(nEpyacois), ca. 368/7 a., father of KTrioTrrros, 'ASptav6s:[...] 'ASpiav6[s](HavSooviBos), ca. 160 p., 363 1 4313; the deme is Lower Pergase 'Aio-rp[aros] (KuGlfppios), 155/4 a., 22591 archon 140/39 a., 240[1],36 'Ayv6OEos, ] (& KqiSv), ca. 314/3 a., father of Xapiaios, 7281 'A0[ 'Ayv6E[os] ('AvTnyoviSos), treasurer of the prytaneis ca. Jos AaptrrrpEs, secretary of the prytaneis 214/3 ['Ae a., 13533-34 med. s. II a., 23125; ['Ae os] [AaplT-rpEs], ca. 155 a., 22663; perhaps= 'Ayv60eos('EAEvavios), 2313-4; 'Ae[ 23129-30 os AaprTrpEis], 'Ayv6oos EVp[&]vrov ('EEvaifvios), 178/7 a., 19453 ], ca. 164/3 a., father of['Av]-ripaxos,24632 'A0rl[ ['Ayv]60Eos('IKaplEsu), 336/5 a., 4292; restored from 'Ayv6- 'A&qv[----] ('AvaqvAuo-nos), ca. 197 p., 42813 STIpoS 'AyvoOvou, pythaistes from Ikarion ante med.s. IV a. 'AGrnv[----]('Ava9cAo-nos), councillor(?) ca. 370 a., 492153 (I.G., II2, 2816 = P.A., 142) 'Aql[v ] ('EpiKEus), 281/0 a., 72119 ante med. saec. IVa., father of 'EKavAyv60eos(TTacavelsr), 'AOiv[----] (pir-nmos),fin. s. II p., 4358 ToS, 3212(P.A., 155) ['AG]riva[---] ('AvnoXISos),169/70 p., 3804 'Ayvos ('ArraXhios),post ca. 183 p., father of Ayvos, 47014; 'Acinvay6pas(TEppales), 135/4 a., 24381; his son is probably cf. following entries, the deme is probably Athmonon 'A. 'A. n., ephebe in 123/2 a. (P.A., 219 = IG., II2, 1006, 'Ayvos ('Ar-ra,fos), post ca. 183 p., father of 'Ayvos, 47612 IV109) 'Ayvos ) ('ATraXios), post ca. 216 p., 47612 'Aifvaios 'AypoSElofou, tEpaAXsr 209/10 p., 46097 "AyvoS3 vE(bT?pos) ('ATraSfos), post ca. 216 p., 47014 ['Ai]flvaios E<(>65ov, dvTiypaq9e*s 180/1 p., 40238 'Ayvos ('A0IovEus), ca. 147/8 p., father of Ayvos, 40229 'AGivaios Etpqvaiov(AlavriSos), s. II p., 34717; the same 'Ayvos ('Aepoveus),ca. 147/8 p., father of Ayvos, 40251 name appears in Kydathenaion, 3622 3 6 Kal---]Arls ('AypuAXus), 'Ayvos 2 ('AGpovews), 180/1 p., 40251 'AGfiva[tos fin. s. I a., 29920-21 ; v(EcdTEpos) "Ayvos ca. med. s. I a., father of 'A0iva[ios ('AGeovsIS), 180/1 p., 40229, secretary of ['Aeivaios] ('AypuAEvs), the pouAarraf. 6 Kal---]ris, 29920-21 (AIfcovEsO), "Ayvos T-re9Tr6pou 174/5 p., 38738 'A0fiva[os] ('AlpovE*s), ca. 136/7 p., father of [EOTr]opos, 'Ayvos 2u[(p6pov 'AKuais5s], 3777 = 168/9 p., secretary of the boule and the demos, 37231-32 = ca. 147/8p., father of EOrropos, 4025 = 'Aivcvaos ('AeOove6s), 'Ayvos vupo6pov ca. 147/8 p., father of [ECvrrop]os, 'AK[vaisEO],secretary of the boule and the 'A0ilva[tos] ('A oovEus), demos 168/9p., 37344 402a3 = 'Ayvo[T]EA[rls] (Xo?Aapyes),ca. 314/3 a., father of 'O?vuprrn6- 'AGivatos ('AOiovsis), ca. 148/9 p., father of EU-rropos, 40512 Scopos,7211 'Airlvaios: AEiSdos 'Aijvatos ('AeoovEOs), 180/1 p., 40258 'Ayvcov'AyvcoviSou (OlvriiSos),335/4 a., 43140-141 ['AGivaio]s AloS6'Tov ('AvaqAuorios), 135/6 p., 33011 = 'AyvcovTmpoKX\ouS (AelpaSlcorbs), 370/69 ( ?)a., 1368-69(P.A., 'AOivaios AIoS6Tou('AvapAao-rnos), 138/9 p., 33318; prob168) ably = med. s. I a., 'AeI[vaios] ('Avat oarcos), ca. 136/7 p., father of [Ae]covi51;s, (XveOi,ltpeis TCO'v 'AyvcovAtovuWCov Ocooqp6pcov 2752-6 38012; his son probably = ca. 368/7 a., father of 'Ayvcov,43141 'AGfvaios ('AvayAXmros),ca. 162/3 p., father of 'AGfivaios 'AyvcoviSrls (OlvwfBos), and AecovfSrls, 'Aypfirras: BaX^(pios)'Aypftrras ('AacoWTrsKfeE), 42518,19 post ca. 216 p., 47245 'AGivatos ('Avap\cmrnos),195/6 p., 42518 'AypiTrrras ('ITraos),ca. med. s. II p., father of 'AypifrrTas, 'AGijvaios (KSaeGrlvai?es), fin s. IIp., 43728; cf. 4397; and probably = ca. 160 p., 3622 ['Ai'iv]aios Elprv[aiou] (KuScaOrvaiOu, 'AypiTrrlra ('ITaTos), ca. 73-63 a., father of 'Avr[io]xos, paullo ante 147/8 p., father of 'A&lv6- 'AOqvaios(Aaprr'rpeuS), Scopos,39717 28638; cf. 2 ('iTaTos), fin. s. II p., 4397 'AypiTrrras ca. 40-30 a., 28635; ['A]Gqva[io]s 'Avriyovlcovos (Aap-TrTpEVS), 'AypiTrras'Ac,ovou ('ITatos),paullo ante 180/1 p., 39716 cf. 'AefivatosA. ca. 27/6-18/7 a. (.G., II2, 233821) 'Aypf-,rrras: 'Aer0v65opos'Aapivov 6 Kal 'Ayp[Trrras ('rTaTos), 'A[e]qvatos(MEArrOs\ ?), ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of ['A]pTEriarchon 180/1 p., 4021-2; cf. 'Aenv6ocopos 'Aavov etc. Scopos,29050 ] ('AXapveus), 'Aypo[v 303/2 a., 62156 'Aeivaios Ar1-rTp{ou (MEAITrn), 21/0 a., 29234-35 ca. 354 a., father ofrlu6Bcopos, 49418 'AGivaios (laiavieOs), ca. 133/4 p., father of [Zcbonp]os 'AycbvoTrros 'MEATEuxs), and 'ASEfpavTos 369 25,26 = 'IKapIEiS, priest of eponymos 173/2 a., 20657; ['ErTra9]p6lTros, was also first mint magistrate for coinage of 179/8 a. (M. 'Afivaios (HalavtieS), ca. 136/7 p., father of Z[cb]aipos and Thompson, New Style Coinage, p. 547) and made a concf. 'A. n., ephebe med. s. II p. 37820,21; 'ETraqp6oSETos, tribution on behalf of himself and his sons [Mvara]y6pas (LG., II2, 207022) and'ASsipavr[os]ca. 183/2-176/5 a. (I.G., II2, 2333,7,8; cf. 'Aivaios (to Ta?rnves), s. I p., 30956 Kirchner, loc. cit., and stemmata, Roussel, Delos, p. 103, ['A])0vaios 'AXeg&vSpou med. s. IIp., 34016 = ('Papvouroios), and H., X, 1941, p. 220); (P.A., 193) 'A. ('A. 'P.), kosmetes 145/6 p. (I.G., II2, 20525) ca. 423-408 a., father of Arp6ovKos, ['A]i'vamos'AypoSiafou(XTe1ples), 166/7 p., 36950 = "A<8)>prTos (Kuviippios), 1042 150-190 p., 38414 'Ae[l]vaios 'A[9poStofov](TEripiE*s), "ASpaoroS: "ASpacrros ATA(ios) ('AvTrvoeUs),paullo ante 180/1 'AGiovaios(XTrrra'r-rrlos), ca. fin. s. II p., father of'AGfivatos,
p., 39713
ca. 147/8 p., father of Bepv<t>K<(>)Srs,'Aerv65copos 'A0ivaoos (TuppESfts), ('Eortatios), ca. 105/6 p., father of 'A&qv6oSopos, 40228 33147 init. s. II p., 321 1 'AOvcvals Eippooivou ('AvaAXo-Tros), 'Ae0rv6Scopos3 ('EoEriaies), 138/9 p., 33147; probably = s. I p., 30962 (corrected from 'A. ('E.), ca. 117 p., father of 'A. (I.G., II2, 206560) ['Ae]iVEX[os] (TTaxnAiVEsS), editio princeps ['A'TJr]vES) ca. 367/6 a., father of XapKAfis,4434 'Arv68copos (EopaisOS), ('AXaiES),ca. 289/8 a., fatherof'Aeilvt rros, 8544 'A" vrrn-ros (P.A., 271) 'AOfAvirrros'Aerlvi'rrou('AXalEIj), 256/5 a., 8544 (P.A., 235) 'Aelv6SopoS Aioyvvovs (K?Cpa\eUS), ca. 160-170 p., 35924 'A0qvcov[----] (AlavTrios),s. II p., 34723 ['A0rqv6oSopos] l-rriac-raSrrpo6Spcov KaXAtKAious KovOuXfi[0ev], paullo ante 147/8 p., father of 'A0rv6'AOqviov('Avrivoe*S), 196/5 a., 1664-5 = 'A. K. K., ephebe 210/09 a. (H., Scopos,39712 XXXIV, 1965, p. 90, No.314) 'Aeqvcov (KIKvvvEiS), ca. 127-137 p., father of 'Arnvicov, 'A&lv68copo[s] (KoveuAi8rls), 97/6 a., 25961 35927 ca. 360-340 a., 200o; cf. ['Ae]v66copos All[----] (MEXnTE'U), ca. 160-170 p., 35927 'Arivfcov3 (KlKvvEus), 'A. OeoScopov M.,former owner of slave ca. 320 a. (.G., II2, ca. 144/5 p., father of eO6[S]oTos, ['A]e[nvi]cov(MITEmI5S), 155765-66and H.,XXVIII, 1959,pp. 229-230) and stemma, 39825; cf. 'A. M., ephebe 150/1 p. (I.G., II2, 2065103)and A.P.F., 6882 'A. (M.), ca. 180p., father of'EwTrpa-ros (.G., II2, 219161) 'AOTIv6ocopoS (TTaXXirvesi), 140/39 a., 24077 'Aeq[vi]cov(9TrTios), ca. 167/8-168/9 or 170/1-171/2 p., ['Ae]rjv6ocopos Au[c]]ipa[---] (XoAXXEi8l), ca. 280 a., 7419 father of 'Ae[vi]cov, 45311 (P.A., 279) 3 qprTnos, 'Ariq[vi]cov [?peci]covns, 200/1-201/2 or 203/4-204/5 'AXaiEs,treasurer of boule 220/19 a., 13050-51; 'AerlvoKAij[s]] p., 45310-ii 'AXaiEus, 130120-122; 'A. 'A., curator Aescu'A0rlvoKAjs 'A0rlvcov'Erriy6vou (piqrrios), fin. s. II p., 44023 = a. (LG., II2, 1534165= P.A., 282) = 'A. la7oalapii 247/6 ['A]eivicov 'ETr[y6vou] (q)-irTlos), 200/1-201/2 or 203/4pivfou 'A., o-rpayrriys -rri rh1 v TrapaoxEunvca. 245 a. (H., 'E. E.., ephebe 189/90 p. 204/5 p., 45320 = ['AOnvfco]v VIII, 1939, p. 46, No. 137 = I.G., II2, 17057) and probably (LG., I12, 211958) belongs to the same family. 'Ainrvo[---] ('ATTarrSos), ca. fin. s. II p., father of e6oNauctva 'ArOlvoKAXfi (Xov) ('Avayvpa&aos), 256/5 a., 8659 45916 1vicrros, 'AOvoKAfis ('AxapvEvs), a., 1748 360/59 (P.A., 283)= 'Ae0rvoyAvqs (AEuKovoES), 222/1 a., 12987 father ca. med. s. ['AO]jvoKAfis ['A]Xapveus, of[---]vi[---], ] ca. 230 a., 11712 'A0rv65[ (OIvET8os), IV a. (H., XXVI, 1957, p. 217, No. 68). ca. 4109 'AivoScopos, [a&vTypa]9E[U5 ?] 185/6 p., 'Aev6orroSI5 AapuTrrpeis, flutist 95/4 a., 26157; cf. 'A. 'A0rlv68opos,ca. 153/4 p., father of[.. .]vos, 41130 A. (I.G., II2, 6641) ArrrnTrplou ca. fin s. I a., father of ['AO]qv6['AQ]i1v65copoS (AEovTriSoS), ca. 358 a., father of[ (AEcovrTrSo), ], 528 'A0nvO-Tios 30713 8copos, (P.A., 284) 3 (AEcovrfTos),init. s. I p., 30713 ['Ae]Tv6Scopos ca. 50 a., 27220 Ai[----] (AEcOVriSos), Nouiiivfou (AEcovri8os), 'A0rl[v]6Sco[p]os 335/4 a., 4380-81 AI[ ] (Bouvrr&Ts), 97/6 a., 25953 6 Kal2Trr(vScov) 'AOriv6ScopoS ca. 178/9-179/80p., (Aeovrrf8os), (HaiavitS), 155/4 a., 22581 39921; the demotic is probably OpEappios and the man AiavTriSLs ] (OarxlpE's), Aiavr6[8copos paullo ante 60 a., 2676 may be son of'EppaTos(X)., 39920 AaoiouXos, d&faToS 174/5, 177/8, 180/1, 190/1, and ca. 'A0rjv65cop[os] ('AAaiEus ?), ca. 314/3 a., father of [A]iaXpcov, ATA(ios) 7291 192/3 p., 38755-56, 39850, 40232, 42015, and 42338 A[Alos A[Rios]: nT6(rrAos) ], archon s. II p., 3452 'A0ev6Ocopos ('AAl,ioratos),336/5 a., 42234 ATA(ios) llvp6pos, 187/8 p., 4138 = ['A&i]v65copos ('Avayvp&oaos), 381/0 a., 67 ca. 133/4 p., (the demotic is 'AvrwvoEis)father A[p(ios) nlvpp6pos],191/2 p., 4222 = AI. n. ('AxapvEs), q.v. 'A&rlvS6copoS, of ['Hl66cop]os, 36959 = 'A. 'A., ca. 143 p., father of 'H. Aito[s ] (Aiav-rios), s. II p., 34721 (LG., II2, 208612) A'Aos [ ] (AlavriBos), s. II p., 34722 'A&r)v65copos 'AilvfcovoS ('AvrTvoe5),paullo ante 180/1 p., Al<>ios 'ArnrK6s(AiavTirSo), s. II p., 34716 39712 ATl(ios)'AvTricov ('AvrtoXiSos),ca. 205 p., 44717 'Aerlv65copoS 'EpppcorToS (rapyilrinoS), 182/3 p., 40616 = 'A7roMcbvios ATA(ios) ('AvnoXiSoS), ca. 205 p., 44714; the 'A. 'E. r., ephebe 150/1 p. (I.G., II2, 206561), and uoTrcodemotic is TTHaAcrvE<s, the councillor being identified 173/4 p. (I.G., II2, 210374) with AT.'A. T7aXArqveOs, 9povlcrrAS eponymos paullo ante 220/1 p., ca. 200-150 a., 1982 'Ariv65copos(EiTacTos), 46620-21 paullo ante 180/1 p., 39717; AX(tos)'ApT-rwov 'A0rlv65opos'Aypr{Trra ('lTaTos), ca. 205 p., 44718; the demotic ('AvTroXiSOS), cf. 'A. 'A.['I.], ca. 200 p. (I.G., II2, 23405) and: may be ripaxiSris; one Ai. 'A. YZnaxiSrls, probably son of 'Aopgvov6 Kal'Ayp-rrrras archon 180/1 'A&rv6Scopo 'ITaTos, the councillor, was ephebe in 205/6 p. (.G., II2, 219314, p., 4021-2; cf. H., Suppl. XIII,p. 523, pp. 14-15, note 22,133, 21966) to line 23 where the interpretation 'A. 'A. TOUKal'Aypirr- [A]lios B&5v[XAos] ('AvrioX{Ios),169/70 p., 38020 Irov 'iTaios is suggested AA(ios) Aiovwialos ('AvroxiSos), ca. 205 p., 44716 'A&0rv[6Sopos 'AvaglKparovs 'EA]eu[oivio]S, secretary 125/4 a., AiA(ios)EOupp6ovvos ('AvrToxi5os), paullo ante 220/1 p., 46651; 2492 = = Ai. EO. the demotic is na?ahveOus 4665-6 TiaXqvtV6s, ['A0iv6oScpos]'Ava1KKp6orou 'EAwafvios,secretary 125/4 a., ATA(tos) oaAfjs('AvrioXiSos),ca. 205 p., 44715; the demotic 2501-2 is nHa?Mrlss;cf. Al. e. lTa7c ivejis, ephebe and gymnasi'A0iv6ocoposE///iee('EpyacSES), post ca. 216 p., 47252 arch 154/5 p., I.G., II2, 2067167,198 ca. 289/8 a., father of S6Ao0v,8533 ATA(os) 'ICr6XpIuos ('AvrnoXiSos),ca. 205 p., 44713; the 'Aerv[6]6copos ('EpxiEOs), (P.A., 269) demotic is naA,rlvE*s= [AT.]'I. (T.), 47214
archon 141/2 p., O(tAas[MEiTnres], eponymos and prytanis ca. Ai7los: Hn6(rAos)AAi?os ('AvrnoX8ios), Al(Aios)KopvAfios 3346 205 p., 44711,12 (the same man-correcting H.,XL, 1971, B6or1os 162/3 p., 3647 (HTaiavins), A. K. Hna(arlnvs),strate- AiT(Qos) p. 328); probably = Tl6('TrAos) EraXrflov Tai(avie,s), post ca. 217 p., 47726 [A]7Ai(os) gos, agonothete, etc. 192/3 p. (I.G., II2, 2130,48,54,82) KaXias (Taiavtles), 169/70 p., 37813 ATA(ios) ('AvrtoxiSos), eponymos ca. 192/3 p., Al(Xtos) AE/(KIOS) = rT6. (TnaiaviEs), 162/3 p., 364io AT.A. 1naXXi(vEUS),AiT(ios)Hnpiios 4238; the demotic is flaAriveEis 'Airo?Acovi8[s](TTaAA?v6us,), 138/9 p., 33336 ephebe 171/2 p. (I.G., II2, 2104); his son probably AT(Xlos) ARios 'AworAcbvios = AX(ios) Ai<Ktos, HnaMnrv(ers), eponymos paullo ante 220/1 47212 ca. 205 p., 44714 Ca. 192/3 p., 42343 p., 46620-21 = Ai. 'A. ('AvrToX8Sos), ] ('AVTnoXiSos), M[ AT(Atos) "A.H., 'ArTraos (TTa7crlvvs), ca. 192/3 p., 42342 ] ('AvTnoXiSos), 138/9 p., 33339 = AT. ATA(ios) M[ Al(XAos) med. s. II p.(.G., II2, 39652); cf. T6-rr7lo A.A.A. v(cb('AvroXisoS),paullo ante 220/1 p., 46623 MapEpT-rvos ATA(ios) TEpoS)H., ca. 117-138 p. (I.G., II2, 277642) ('Av-noXi8os), paullo ante v(c6TrEpos) AlA(ios) MaxEprTElvos Alovwcios(1TaM7rlvvus), 46624 138/9 p., 33337 AiuT(os) 220/1 p., mTcrraT&rS Ai7lo[s] Eupp6ovvosnTTaaXIrvEiu, paullo ante 220/1 AtX(ios)Zcoaipios('AvrioxiSos), ca. 205 p., 44721 p., 4665-6 ATA(ios)(iS)filo ('AvrloxiSos), ca. 44719; the demotic is 'HpaOA[EiSls] (na-Xivo6s), fin. s. II p., 4384 probably n7arivwusn, and the councillor identified with ATX(los) At. I)eiSdSmos 138/9 p., 33338 eOayEvrs(HacxM?rvus), raX(Xrveis), ephebic basileus 192/3 ATA(los) H6(-TrAoS) post ca. 216 p., 47214 = 'l[o]6xpvaos (naAcnrvEws), [ATiA(os)] p. (I.G., II2, 213058,88) AT. 'I. 44713 216 ca. 47012, At69avros ('AvrioXi8os), probp., post ('AClra2iSos), ATA(ios) ArT(tos)'l6oxpuaos ncAAXrlVe0s], hoplite ably belongs to the same family as the following (cf. 'Apx. [Ar(ios)]: [H6(7rruos) general post ca. 217 p., 4745-6 = 'E9., 1968, p. 191, note 4): Ai?(ios)'lcr6opuvos T(6'rr7tos) AiT(tos):lEpErs ('ATrrAiSos), post ca. 216 p., 4709 = TTa7Xrlv[esS], hopAIA(ios) A6yiCoUos lite generalpost ca. 217 p., 4754 = Al. A. 'Ayvoo'(aos), ephebe 205/6 p. (.G., II2, 2193140); AtIos 'la6opuvaos earlier members of the same family = AT. A., ephebe 158/9 Ailtos: HT(6rTAos) rTHa[AXlveus], hoplite 6 KalA. 'Ayvoiolos generalpost ca. 217 p., 4764 = ZfiOov p. (LG., II2, 20798) and 'la&ccov ATA(ios) TTa?arvEUs, 'ia6xpv[cT]os (I.G., II2, 3664); cf. 'Apx. 'Ep., 1968, pp. 191-192, with AT(tos):TT(6TrAtos) hoplite note 4 general post ca. 217 p., 4775-7 (CTaXXTV w6u), eponymos post ca. 216 p., ATR(los)AnEKtoS AiXlos:[----]v AiAtos('EpEXETSos), fin. s. I a., 2995 4238 47212;his fatheris probablyAl. A. ('AvTnoxi6os), ATIAos ArllooeCvr1i ('ITrroOcovrfios), init. s. III p., 45825 Zocri[----] (TacXrliveis), fin. s. IIp., 4383; the name ATA(ios) 190/1 p., 42011 (KEKpoTriSos), [AjAkiosTepT-<a>v6s
ATA(ios)'AKKiSacos (AsovTrios), 178/9-179/80 p., 39918; the
may be Sco'iplos
and the councillor = Al. 'A. XoM(eddemotic is XoXXeiSis, rls), ephebe 144/5-148/9 p. (I.G. II2, 205124); for his father and brother cf. LG. II2, 3011; for his son cf. LG., II2, 4949 eponymos ca. 205 p., 4499; ATR(tos) H[u]p96pos(OlvsTSos), the following may be identical or a son: ATA(ios) nuvpq6pos(OlveSos), eponymos post ca. 218 p., 4829 = AT.HT. ('Axapve6s), q.v. ca. 198 p., 44322 ATAIos M<rl>Tpo9(vis(nTo7aCEat8os), Kcal n. ] 'Alrivmius, A[ A[lT]A[os]: A[i]A[iosEA]Xnv[6] archon ca. 160/1 p., 3632-4 ATlAos ('ALrveus), 138/9-150/1 p., 3369 MrlTrp6copos ('AOIoveus), 180/1 p., 40257 = Al.'E.'A., A<T(>(ios)'Epp[ia]as ephebe 154/5 p. (LG., II2, 2067185) ] ('AvaAXoCTios), ca. 197 p., 4288 [ AiT(X)os 195/6 p., 42524 Alt(tos) Acov ('AvaqcAuicros), ca. 192/3 p., 42326 = ('AvaMAuiocos), AiQ(Aos) MapKos 195/6 p., 42517 ('AvaAuco-rios), AIA(ios)M&pKos Aih(tos) "A8paaoso ('AvrTvoE,s), paullo ante 180/1 p., 39713 AT(tos): n6(TrrXtos) AiR(ios)'ATroMXXvtos ('Avrlvoe*s),paullo ante 180/1 p., 39714; for the family cf. LG., II2, 3688, with stemma AiA(los) THup[6]po[s]('AxapvOvs),eponymos post ca. 218 p., 4835; cf. Al. n. (OivslTos) ?] (BTqaCies),141/2 p., 33412 rrp[ecrL-rEpos AiAlos'Hp6Kcov ca. 180-190 p., 4098 = Ai(AQos) nluOay[6pas] (BTrIcrEsS), (Bricaioes), 188/9 p., 41914 [AT]A(ios)Ive0ay6pas NeiK6Xaos AlTh(os) (Biacaxis), paullo ante 180/1 p., 3978 AlTAos)'Eptoyivr1s (Briatlus), paullo ante 180/1 p., 3976 Al(ios) B6&n<lo (AlioaiES), 182/3 p., 40652 AT(los) 'PfiyXos(KoXvuTi s), 182/3 p., 40627 Ai(Aios)S[co]aipos (Mapoacbvios), 194/5 (?) p., 424io
AiT(Aos) 0D[----]
[AilA(os)] OA6xCi[Kos] (naArciveus), fin. s. II p., 4382 rvus), fin. s. II p., 4388; he or his AT(los) Xpijcr[os] (HnaT
son = (HnaArivEus), [A]i[X](ios) post ca. 216 p., 47222, Xpfi[rT]os n., ephebe 173/4p. (I.G., II2, probably= X.-evoKAovs
2103160) init. s. III p., 45817 Ailos 'E-rriKTMrTos 1E[ip](aOIus),
AT(ios) OaiSpos(SouvvtES), AiT(tos):n'6(rrAlos) 180/1 p., 402io; cf. H. Ai. (. ('A-TraXiSo), ephebe 172/3p. (I.G.,II2,
2102135) 'EiRiyEvs rTe1p(1EU5), post ca. 217 p., 47720 ATA(ios) 'Aotarr<K6S (Ig'irros), fin. s. II p., 44015 ATA(tos)
AipoaoevTs (ZXrirnos), AT[A](ios) 168/9p., 3731 O. T., ephebe145/6p. (LG., II2,205271) perhaps= AT. ca. 129/30 p., father of [AiMWos 'AAcav8pos] (c(DaArpeus), rAcos],364i [AiTAos med.s. II p., 340io; perhaps= [Aq](ios)rXcos(oArAipus),
AtAfou archon 162/3 p., rFXoS [AiTAos Oca]XrpEUS, 'AAEa&vSpov eE6Te-mos AiMlos (Z9iTrnos),168/9 p., 37333 (iXcov (TplKopUIao5),paullo ante 180/1 p., 39724; ATA(ios)
3641; the man is well known; cf. IG., II2,20866,3687, 4055a, 7630, andH., XI, 1942,p. 306.
(Auveis), ca. 175 p., 39244 AiA(ios)'lo6XpvuCo 'ACiatm(K6s) [A]TA(los) (Xoaapye's), fin. s. II p., 4329 = H6. Ai. 'A., ephebe 185/6 p. (I.G., II2, 2111/256)
Aloaxuvirns post med. sacc. IV 'ApiorrpXou(MuppivoocIos), Air['iri]piosXo[I[XEi]8s, ante fin. s. II p., 4219-11 [ATXi]os a., 3230 (P.A., 427) = *AlTuo ( ?) 'AAe&ivpou,secretary of the boule and the demos M. AioXvAi8rls ca. 198 p., 44324 (Muppivo'oios),336/5 a., 42178;cf. 'Apio'rapXos 2032 ca. 360-340 a., of father 423-408 Ca. a., ('AvaxKCaES), 'ETrlXap[--] [A]io[X]vuicov 'ApXlK[A]irs, Alv[--] (KuSoC0nva1iss), 1045 (P.A., 430) 7252 ca. 314/3 a., father of[---], ca. 360-340 a., 2041; the [Ai]'aXrXos (OlvEiSos), Otuy[---] ('AoagavTeieus), [Atv]ias name was restored by Kirchnerfrom Alvkas'Aicagavrs6(s), AioXiXos('AMaiels ?), ca. 314/3 a., father of [Ailoxpcov, 7290 ca. 367/6 a., father of AloX,Xo5, AloXiAos('Aiqp1TpowraiEs),S thesmothete 218/7 a. (I.G., II2, 170669) 4417 29346 *Aticas (flaiaviEus),ca. 53 a., father of HrialqAos, ca. 99/100 p., father of Eaoaouvarav[65], AtlroXos AtlaXXou ('AIqpITpowTaiEuS), 334/3 a., 4417(P.A., 440) (OAEvsus), [Aio]Aicov NEOKXEiSOU 335/4 a., 43225-226 3296 (EiTrcaos), AircXOXOS ca. 192/3 p., 4235 Aio?Xov[uAveOs], [E'rrl rTiS 6-rEiT-ras] 304/3 a., 6162 (P.A., 447) Aiaxaios rvcoaiou(KuSaelvaieUS), 42123 AIola[X]os(nTpieoiSrs),ca. 336/5 a.,fatherof EKAjs, 62182= Atl[---] (g OTio),ca. med. s. IIp., father of SaX&pios,, At. (T.), father of EKrfis and (itAiorilns (I.G., II2, 7219) ... .], 2896 ], ca. 63-53 a., father of[ AlTX[ 13104 of ca. father 451) a., (P.A., 403/2 'Avrfprlros, (Eurvpi5rls), AltoxEas AIaoX(AO (TplKopvCoioS), 223/2 a., 12727 (P.A., 320) 7277 AtoaXiAos 305/4 a., (nrlyo%lolos), ca. 314/3 a., father of MvioqxTcv, A[tiaXas?] lTpatirTAouKucav(ri8rjs), dvaypaceuCs [Ai]qKiOS: [... Al]ifKIOS EVO9CO (1lnatavsiE), 166/7 p., 36923 5885; the name is restored from and identified with: ca. 337/6 a., father of Aicov,6173 AioxEcas (KuSavTi5rls), ca. 287/6 a., father of rpaciT^rs,r 8977 Aicov(Kuva0orvaicvs), AicovAicvos (KuSaerTvaiEs5), 304/3 a., 6173 (P.A., 459 a); a Ai[o-]Xis 'AKpoTifou ('lKapi?US),304/3 a., 6145; his brother = is and brother Ikarion of 'A., pythaist possibly c<av6ocaXos Aico[vosK.], TnorTarris Trpo(I.G., II2, 2817); T7iacKparrns a. II2, cf. H., XXXII, 1963, p. in of a decree 3586-7; his son = 'AKP6TInOS S5pcov 307/6 (I.G., 268/7 sponsor AioXiov, a. (l.G., II2, 7728) and possibly also = A. '. in I.G., II2, 436) Aicov(tlaotvtEiU), 155/4 a., 22582 1534266,273 ca. med. s. II p., father of Tp69lpos, med. s. I a., 27838 ] ('HpEairnS), 'AK[ ('ALnviEus), AIaxfv5SAeiuKdo 44112 Aloxivrns (Aupipris), 178/7 a., 19499; cf. Al. Kacovo5AO.,epi256/5 a., 8580 (P.A., meletes ca. 125 a. (LG., II2, 1939io), possibly a grandson 'AK&5ri.LOs (?y MuppivoUrTr)), NEOKA.ou Aioxivis[---] ('EpotaSsr), ca. 240 a., 10918 461) 'AK&iaS (q`rTTios), fin. s. IIp., 44014; the same lTpoC8ETrou (MvppivoCoato), ca. 20 a., 29362 MrTpoS[Cb]pou [A]la[Xi]vnS name appears in Kephale 192/3 p. (I.G., II2, 2130134) and AlX-vrjs (nraiavtius), ante med. saec. IV a., father of AVrroprobably indicates an adoption Kparrns,3216 (P.A., 360); cf. AO.At. (n.) ca. 367/6 a., father of eEaytvrls, 4373-74 a., 'AK6av5pos AtaXivrsKacXXtljou(Z-reltpius), ('AvaqXOo-rios), 335/4 4411 (P.A., 465) AloX[ivrls?]((oaXrpEvS), paullo ante ca. 93 a., father of *['A]K?oTi6[S 'AVTlq&VOVS 2677; if correctlyrestored= (Q)qyaiE6S), 343/2 (?) a., 3616 Aloxivrls, 'A. O., trierarch 325/4 and 2735o ca. 83 a., father of AlaXvnsr, (P.A., 467), brother of E,0e8SKOs AtaXivrns(OaXrlpe5s), paullo ante 60 a., 2677; if 323/2 a. (LG., II2, 1629773; 1631134 =P.A., 5564, Atoxivrs Aiox[ivov ?] (OaXrlpeus), A.P.F.) correctly restored = ca. 50 a., 2735o (AevKovOOIUS), <'A>Kearopi?1's 336/5 a., 42230 AiaXivTns(OcaXqpECis), ca. 338/7 a., father of H1no-rcov, 3617 'AKip[a'ros] 5864 (KEc?XOES), AtIXivris (Orlyate6s), ca. 376/5 a., father of EcoTi1iSTis, 'ApxeFSiou(Oiiyacius), 341/0 a., 3860 (P.A., 476) 'AK1paros (P.A., 369) Ca. 128 a., 24842 'AKPOTnIos ('IKaplEs), ca. 337/6 a., father of Ai[o]Xias, 6145; Atoxp[--] (KSKporI6SOS), cf. Al. 'A. ('I.) ca. 280 a., 734 ] (KEKpoTrisos), X[ [AloX?]paTos s. I p., 30941 'AKTIOS ] (vuTreTatcbv?), ca. 360-340 a., 2022(P.A., (CTTa?jvECs), AtaXpao[os ca. 160-170p., 35941 372; Kirchnersuggests the demotic IEAvEs) 'AKU[X ] ('AKcxaavprios), 'AKvuavoS 'AXEga&vpou ca. 50 a., 27347 (P.A., 376) ('AvroXi5os), paullo ante 220/1 p., AiaXpaios[----] (!aXnrpeus), 46634 secretary of Ptolemais 97/6 a., 2599, 85, AtoXpia[s D]Auevus, 'AKcAaS: 110-112 'AKXAas KA(acSioS) (MapaOcbvios), 194/5 (?) p., 4247 'AKvA6Tv[os]: KA(ao6ios) 'AKAETiv[os] ?), post med. s. 140/39 a., 24087 (BroaaliCs AitXpicov('AXcowTrKes), II p., 3544 = 'AKV[A?IVOS]: ('AvaCX(p ros), 304/3 a., 61316 KA(avStos)'AIKE[XTvoS] (B1AlaxpicovAEcOKO[KUo[u]
Atoxp<i>cov EV'atvrov 'Pa[vlvolcaos], secretary 196/5 a., 1662
ca. 403 a., father of [ ], 492126 ('ALIVIElvs), [A]koxpcov ('AXacies ?), 281/0 a., 7291; cf.: 'AinvoScbp[ou] [A]Trxpcov ('AXAcaiOs ?), 281/0 a., 7290; for possible AioaX*Xou [AilaXpcov relatives cf. P.A., 403-4 and H., XXXVIII, 1969, p. 488, note on lines 131-132 OAiorTiSo (Ko6rpleos), 303/2 a., 62243 A'taXpcov ca. 393 a., father of [Ain]j6lOos, Ai(o>Xpcv (Kv8atnrvales), 158 (P.A., 407) 140/39 a., 24093 ('AXcowrrKEUS), *Alo-xpc0v81s ca. 374/3 a.,fatheroflluvicov, 3821 AiaxpcoviSrs(Kv5avrir6ns), (P.A., 416)
Aiaxpcovl6is (YrliaxSr OQ), 169/8 a., 2121is; the reading was
II a., 2333-4
paullo ante ca. 87/8 p., father of ['A]M{av8pos('PaiJvocatos),ca. 190/89 a., 17064 'AME7avSpos ('AvrnoXiSos), 46634 'AiKAav6s, ('PapvoUoios),ca. init. s. II p., father of ['A]0i'AMicav8poS ca. 172 p., father of 'AMiavSpos, vatos, 34016; cf. .G., II2, 3741 andP.A., 516 ('AvrnoXi8os), 'AekgavSpos ca. 168 a., 21428 44729 (xKappcovi8riS), 'AMcavSpoS 3 ca. 53 a., father of 'OXvirricov 44729 and ca. 205 'AMAicvSpos (STErpiEUS), p., 'AA1cavSpos ('AvT-noXios), 29352,58 'Hqpaor6oScopos, ('Arrai8sos), post ca. 218 p., 48020 ['AA]cavSposOiA2iJovos ca. 336/5 a., father of[ XTEIPIEUs, ]s, 'AMAa[v]8pos prytanis and treasurer of EcvpoOAou 'AMiavSpos('lrnrroOcovrios), 225 30-31, 62238 155/4 a., 22553; prytaneis 'AXE'avSpos rTEiPElps, 49-50; 'A1xavSpos (seTPIEps), 22567 'A?SavSpos: [17o]pirnios 'AMiavSpos (OlveSos), eponymos ca. 144/5 p., father of 'A?SXavSpos, (Xvpa1r-frrno), 200/1-201/2 or 203/4-204/5 p., 4527 = [T.] 'A. 'Axapveis, 'AAAav5pos 39846 eponymos 186/7 p., 41112 o (SupaX'amros), 177/8 p., 39846; perhaps = ca. 40-30 a., 2851 'AXM{avSpos 2o(----) ('AypvuAes), ['Agoac]vSpos ca. 132/3 p., father of Zcbrrvpo[s], 'A. o X.,ephebe 154/5 p. (I.G., II2, 2067139) ['AAiecav]pos ('A0IoveIEs), 36712 'AcxavSpos (pfi-rr;os), ca. 135/6p.,fatherof Nipevs, 37326= 'A. (E.), father of N., med. s. II p. (LG., II2, 360735) 31238 96/7 p., ('Avayup&atos), 'AX?ciavpos MaKiAios 'AXAiavSpoS (X9ril-ros), 167/8p., 37123 'AXAia]vpos 'AxapvE6s, T-rcovpwos 'AXAcav8poS: [Top'rroslo5 ['AM~acx]vSpos: ca. 129/30 p., [Ailuos 'AXAcav8pos] (Q>OaXlpevs), 186/7 p., 41112 = 1. 'A. OlvETos,eponymos 200/1-201/2 ['AMeavSpos]: father of[Ai?uos rFicos],3641 or 203/4-204/5 p., 4527; the sameman was archon 210/1, ca. 367/6 a., father of 'EtiKp&rrs, 'AXtia&rlTs ('AvacpXo-rios), 211/2 or 213/4-219/20p. (.G., II2, 3815; cf. H., XVIII, 1949, p. 32, No. 36) 4410 (P.A., 527); either he or possibly a grandson = 'AXeitS,rs ('AvaqAu'olos), ca. 337/6 a., father of -evoqCov, 'Aigav[Spos] (BrjctaiEs),s. I p., 3089 ? (rapyi'rinos), 138/9 p., 33122 61315 = 'AMiavSposM[lvo]voos ca. 337/6 a., father of'EnrKp6rrs, ca. 53 a., natural father of eEoylvls, 'AAX[6ia&ris] ('AvaqCIXoTno), (Erurupi81s), 'ANigavSpos 61319 293105; cf. O. E. EO.;for other members of that family cf. 'A Sia68qs ca. 306/5 a., father of['ETrrKpaT]s, H., Suppl. I, p. 191; thecouncillor may = ('AvaqXAOo-ros), Trf 7827 ca. 40-30 TalictiaS lppas Starr&aEcos 'Aigtav8pos ETrrnpiSTir, ca. 400/399 a., father of 'AAexicaXos, 'A?\?iaS (EOcovugvCS), a., 28719-21 1412 ca. 201 a., father of [---s], 2147 (KTi'rros), ['A]AXiav[Sp]os ca. 73-63 a., father of AiovOtiosand 'AkAEiAcaXos (Brioalxes), 169/8 a., 2121oo (Krciqioleis), 'AWigavSpos 'A7Etipcaxos 'AAE7iou 28616,23 (EUcovuvuCS)), 367/6a., 1412;was father Mvcav6pos, 'ASgcavSpos(Ku5aqlval?us),ca. 136/7 p., father of TUpETios, of XcoKAis,8tlamrlT s Ca. 320 a.(LG., II2, 195522; P.A., 540; stemma13070) 37836 OeoSoaiou the of boule 'A<(X>)eipvsi secretary (niTpaisES), ca. 155 a., 22640 AaI-=r[pEvs], 'A?AavSpos and the demos 182/3 p., 40658 'A<(A>6ipvr1s w(cTrepos) (nEIpaiE*s), ca. 155 a., 22643 ca. 370 a., 13a14 AEUKOVOEOS, E[----] (XovuvIs), Ta[piaS Tcv] o"rpaor[ico- 'AnIgTrros 'AyaooKAEOUS ['AMA]gavSpos archon173/2a., 2062,42, ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 290107-113, cf. H., Suppl. I, p. 'AAESis, TIKCOV] [2071] XcoIa&8ou "AXSEIS 181, note on lines 104-113. (KoXXAUrEO), 341/0a., 3840(P.A., 552) ca. 337/6 a., fatherof [----]s, 61138;cf. "AAets (MEAXTErs), 223/2 a., 12752 'AAixavSpos (Mapaecovios), 'A cgtavSpos: ca. 200 p.,4466 A8Bios (MapaOdcvios), DiRaypos 'A. M. and 'A. OtiXaypov M. (L.G., II2, 6874) 'AMeSavSpos [-Ta. . ov (MeXiTEls), ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29086-87 "AXel,S 'A7cAavSpos I., s. (Xrilaxi8ns),169/8a., 212113;cf. "A.NiKcovoS II a. (I.G., II2, 7379) and KaKIS ca. 105/6 p., father of AloiAfis, (1KMupivoivrrns), 'AvSpoviKov 'Agc1av8pos 'HpaKAEcoTis, 33136 'AXigSos ErpaXI8ov yuvi, s. II a. (I.G., II2, 8693). 'AAe.ikov ca. 337/6 a., father of GmriTrrros, 61121 'AXEcavSpos (iK MupivoMvTrhs), (Ko0coKiT8is), 182/3 p., 40646 'Eppieou 'A =SavSpos (K MupivoIuvrTs), 'A?Ati[cov] ?), priest of eponymos 166/5 a., 'HXtoScbpou 138/9 p., 33135 (Mapa0cbvios = 'A. M.,contributor in 183/2a. (I.G., lTaiovisri, dvtlypaevOs 182/3 p., 21613-14,[47-48]; 'AMgavSpos['A]xcopiaorou II2, 2332345,P.A., 566) 40660; was also uTrocrcopovloiris173/4 p. (I.G., II2, 210375) and fyeicbv ilpcov ca. 190/1-191/2 p. (I.G., II2, 'AXAeicv (RlaiaviOs),ca. 53 a., father of Ee6oTros,29347 0e6ov ca. 198p., 44332 "AXt<os> 21131o) [---], OiK?TTS Tirs s. I p., 30959 ante med. s. IV a., fatherof EGoyivris, 'AXios 'AMaocv8p[os] (fca?aMrvEiU), (ripopaXi7ioS), 3263;the correctedreadingis by H. J. Carroll,Jr. rvOj, aet. rom., 3192 [---'AXA]cavSposTTaAHc ca. 105/6 p., father of raOCKos 'AAK[---]('Avayupacaos), ca. 337/6 a., father of 'AXKias, 'A?EcavSpos(cTaAMrveus), and aoxaKos, 61182 33342-43,45 Tr(peopcrr?pos) 'AXKaios: see 'AAKioS 138/9 p., 33344 'AEacv8poS(1TTaXA?vEcs), ca. 183 rrros, post 'AX[Kap1vrS] p.,fatherof[rOXu] (rapyif'-ros), ca. 105/6 p., father of'A9po8Eicoos, 'A[AXav8p]os(airjq v6us), 47224 33130;eitherhe or perhapsa grandson= 'A?Ka,VTr1S [---] (lIaAtvE, s), post ca. 216 p., 47223 ['A]AXav8[p]os 'Aqpo[SEoiov] 138/9p., 33125 (rcpyfrnrtos), 'A?KcxatVils 'AictavSpos: [B]?pvu?av6s 'AigavSpoS iep(amls), init. s. III 'A9poSOaiou ('EPXiUS), 182/3p., 40642 'AXKamvris p., 45811 Aalcr'rpsEs, hoplite general 209/10 p., 4609; 'A<X>)cav8poS (wAcoes), ca. 314/3 a., father of 'AAav[S]pos, [Ma]p. AOp.'AXKalisvr1i AajcrrrpEs5,46014 = 72113 ca. 220 'AX[Ka]pIv[rls]: Aup(iXios)'AX[Ka]iE[vrls] (AaIrrrrpEUs), (mAcoeeus), 'Aiacv[8]pos 'A<A>(gE&vpou 281/0 a., 72 13 p., 46810: Aup(rlitos) 'AX[K]aCji[vrls] [vE(cbTpoS)], 46811; on his family cf. Kirchner, .G., II2, 2191, note on line 1 ['AAX]av5pos('PaiJvoiAtos), ca. 243/2-234/3 a., father of and D. J. Geagan, H., Suppl. XII, pp. 172-173 [ ], 13849-50
] (MEAnrTEU), 177/8 p., 39826; cf. 'A. (M.), 'A?K^os ('A-rTaXi8os),ca. fin. s. II p., father of 'AvrioXos, 'A[XK]mIos[ ca. 135 p., father of Mniv6qiX[os] (IG., II2, 206869) 45913, a late spelling of 'AXKaoos vrT s ['AX]KItPIaou 370/69(?) a., 1340-41 (XoXXEiTrlj), 'AKi( ----) ('AyvoOtIos ?), init. s. III a., father of ['AAKi'Va]- ['AX]Kiate = 'AXKICa0Evrqs trierarch 357/6 a. (I.G., II2, Xo[A(AeFr8s)], Xos, 1056 1611304 = P.A., 643, A.P.F., stemma) ca. 403 a., father of ['O]vrllqCov, 49295 'AXKI[---] (AovciE'vs), ] ('AyvoOcios),304/3 a., 61116 wife of 'A-Trl- 'AXKifpcov Au[ Ti(Pkpios)K[XaSslos 'AKi[a:Outp[ouvXia 'A?Ki|a, 'AXXAAos KOSMapa0cbvios], ca. 120 p., 3226, 17-18, 22 ('Ayvo'ucios),180/1 p., 40226 'A<(v>T-yovos *'AXXirnT ros? rla(aVIEUs), 'AAKias 209/10 p., 46038 'AXK[---] ('Avayup&aios),304/3 a., 61182 ca. 400/399 a., fatherof KaXAIdiCaXos, 167/8 p., 37135 "AXvrros: 'AXAvros 'AAKics(AEVKOVOI'SS), (XoXapyEns), KA(auStos) father ca. 1334 (P.A., 588) a., ]s, ('AXails of[ 'Ap[----] ?), 314/3 7286 (nCaiavIEus), 162/3 p., OXA(&pos) 'AKIRplaSTs 'AWKtpia'Ss: 3645 = (TTavkioviSos), Ap[.]ovXosEUirjlpou 209/10 p., 46054 'AXK1ia&[8]ris: eponymos fin. s. II 'AiE[---], ca. fin. s. IV a., father of 'Hya[rTporos],675 'A\KPlia[5]TS, O)(a&p1oS) (ralavilEas), 'Aieuo-roS ZcoT-rOU ('ITr-rroOcovriSo),ca. 205 p., 44830; a OAX(&pio) 'AXKltptaSl1 p., 4378; 'AXKitia&rSs: 43711; on his family cf. LG., II2, 3589 and H., XXXIII, grandfather is probably 'A., ca. 146 p., father of Z. (I.G., II2, 2094108) 1964, p. 223 'AIEJlv1a&r1s 220/19 a., 13092 182/3 p., 40632 (Muppivouclos), Eixapio-rou(IXA&STis), 'AKKlPt6aSis ca. 130-150 p., 33210-11 'ApEivias'AypuAfie(v), 328/7 a., 4925 = 'A. 'A. (IG., II2, ] (AtXaSTrs), 'AXAKipalri[S 239811, P.A., 677) s AriiTITpiou (XoXapyEus), 167/8 p., 37131; = 'AXKptia&Sr 'A. A. X., ephebe 143/4 or 144/5 p. (.G., II2, 205084); his 'AuEivias AvaO[----] (euvparriTas) ?, ca. 400-350 a., 113 brother = MvacvSposA.(X.), 37131; for a stemma cf. 'ApEiv[i]aS AEcoK'l8OUS(KoA.wrEvs), 343/2 (?) a., 3642 (P.A., 681) 'Apx. 'Eq., 1968, p. 209; either the councillor or his son = S&veou Mapaccbvos, to'r&T-rTS 'AIpEVias fin. s. II p., 43210; a son 193/2 a., -rrpoESpcov ['AX]Kl&piar[S---] (XoXapyEas), = : 1675 'A. ante 190 X., ephebe paullo p. (LG., II2, perhaps 'ApuiviaS: 'Apivi[as(E9pljr-ios), 212229) KX(ao8ios) fin. s. II p., 44012 ca. 374/3 a., father of EOevKXfis and ['A]Klp1&Srl (XoX\EiSnrl), ca. 400/399 a., father of ['AX]KI- 'Aleivias (OiCaiSnis), 1341 (P.A., 603), and probably also Avouirrrl ElO0IS6KoS, COevrjS, 3818, 19(P.A., 687). (I.G., II2, 3829, P.A., 602) and ['A\]KiSa&as (H.,XXIX, 1960, 'AU1i[v]ias 'Apiorro8iK(ou) (XoAXiirls), ca. 280 a., 7415 (P.A., 688) p. 32, No. 389); cf. A.P.F., 643, stemma ca. 250-230 a., 10813 'iTrrro0eAouS 190/1 p., 4204 'ApeivoKXfis (KEKpoTriSo), [----] (KEKpoTrriSo), ['AA]KiS8apos 'A;KiSapos:AiA(tos)'ASKiSapos (AEovTiSos),178/9-179/80 ] (EUOovvpEiU), p., 304/3 a., 61170 'AiLvoKA,fs Ao1[ 39918 = A. 'A. XoA?XX(isls), ca. 337/6 a., father of [---ephebe 147/8-149/50 p. (LG., ['A]PEWvoKX[fS](KiKvvVEus), ], 6184 II2, 205124); for his brother, father, and son, cf.I.G., II2, 205123, 3011, and 4949 respectively. TaXOMAo (KuSaOrvaO1lS),304/3 a., 6164; per'ApEIVOKAfiS T. K., orator of decree ante 266/5 'A?KIolaxiSTrS haps = ['ApEi]voKAfis 'HyEla&XOU (nlEpyaaeOs),335/4 a., 4317-18, identified by Kirchner with 'A?Kmaxai5rls TTEp(yacrqiEv), a. (.G., II2, 1280); his brother may = Tippos T. K. (I.G., in I.G., II2, 310519 = P.A. 610 (the text is II2, 6592) Xat-rraBrSTpoS dated 329/8 or 324/3 a. and this identification rejected by ['AiEIV6VIKOS ?] (OVV1EIuS), ca. 403 a., father of OA6vEco[s], 13a12 O. W. Reinmuth, Ephebic Inscriptions of the Fourth Century B.C.,pp. 51 and 54); the deme is Upper Pergase. 'Ap?[I]voTrXrls 'AVTIScopou (Te0paClos), 256/5 a., 8525 'Appicbwlos: 'AK[iclaXos]:'Sp&a(pios) 168/9 p., Aup(riAos)'Apicbvtos,180/1 p., 40254 'AXK[tiaaXos],&vTIypa9sOS 37233 = ca. 73-63 a., father of K?YavSpos, 'Aipp.cvios ('Avayupa&tos),
['AX]KijiaXos:'Q[pa(pios) 'AX]Ki[aXOs Aai,JIrpvES, a&vrypaqenS
'ApuCOvtoS 'AvaAuioTrios, 168/9 p., 37345 priest of the eponymos 140/39 a., med. s. III a., 1056 24051, [133-134]; cf.'A.'Aplcoviov 'A., P.A., 721 and N.P.A., 'AXKI(---) ('AyvoUmaos), ['AXKi{ca]XOS ca. 400-350 a., 1253; a son 'A7Ki!axos (rlacavluts u-rrvEpPOv), pp. 11-12 11. known ca. 330-320 a. ] (KEKpoTriSos), 'AXKtIICXOU perhaps = "AvSpcov 'A!u[-303/2 a., 62207 ], 527 (H., XXVIII, 1959, pp. 217429-430, 228) and grandsons ['A]>'vav5pos (Aecovrlios),ca. 358 a., father of[ 'AAKErTOU n., trierarch 330/29 a., probably = 'AKditoaXOS (P.A., 735) etc. = P.A., 623) and: etc. (I.G., II2, 1627255-256, 'ApuivavSpos (nlpopaXiaios), ca. 368/7 a., father of 'Apx44363 o-rpaTos, 'Avspcovos (rl'cavEiEus),ca. 330 a., 479 (P.A., 624); 'AAKlacxXoS cf. A.P.F., 623, stemma 176-169 a., 20552 'Apuvvias ('AxepSouviaos), 'Apuv6OaXoS (AEvKOvo-Ss), post ca. 288 a., father of Eo-rEXArS, 'AXAKI[tScov] (BaTEiS),343/2 (?) a., 3630 (P.A., ?OltoKipCrous 8831 = 741); his grandson is 'A. 0. B.,mentioned in Epicurus'will, ca. 280 a., 7411(P.A., 'AX[K]tAScov CoTeT'ovS (AEUKOvoIEis), 271/0 a., and orator of I.G., II2, 1245, 275/4 a. (P.A. 627 = 628) 742) 32112 AAX<K>)IOS (KEKpowTi5o), 190/1 p., 4205 'AUiVT-ras ('AvacAomrlos), fin. s. Ip., father of OtlAXhcov, "AXKtIio(Bcrcxla's),fin. s. I p., father of 'HpCaKov, "AuKIIOS, = 'A. ('A.), ca. 51-59 p., father of Q. (I.G., II2, 199677) and 'E1T?paoTos, 32121, 22, 23 init. s. II p., 3216; 'Apiuvas 'HpoKAcovos ('AvaqcAuXo-os), o (BqrIaiEV),init. s. II p., 32122, was ephebe ca. "AAKpLOS perhaps = ca. 102/3 p., father of [.....], 3308 84/5-92/3 p. (I.G., II2, 199613); his brothers, 'ETrpao-ros ['A]provTas('AvacXOTt-os), and 'Hpo&KCv 'Aia,uvras (32123,21), should probably be restored also ('Ax6Ep5ouios), 178/7 a., 19468 in I.G., II2, 1996, lines 21 and 22 'AvTOras (?KKrlSGv), 193/2 a., 16872
'Apiv-ras(Map3Ocbvios), 223/2 a., 12756 ca. 168 a., 21451 'Ap'irVTa (TTaiovi8rls), ca. 168 a., 21443 ['A]piuvras (OpEsapplos), 254/3 a., 8968 'ApivrcopXapivov ('EpXIEUS),
ca. 150 a., 23637 = 'A. n., hieropoios (rTa7qVEusV'), 'Av5pE[as] 152/1 a. (I.G., II2, 193813,P.A., 837) 'A[v8p]Jas 'ArroAco[v--] (XuvEs), fin. s. I a., 3038 'Av5poKA[--](EuvITatcobv), ante med. s. IV a., father of of father 172 ca. NE1Ko6rpaoroS, p., [----]tos, 315 'AlnEfCOv (' T-rroecoVT[6OS), 44832 'Av8poKA,EidfS ('AcoTTEKS'U), ca. 330 a., 4651 (P.A., 847) ] ('AvaKmcais), ca. 360-340 a., 2031 'Av5poKi5f8[TS 304/3 a., 61187 ] (AaprlrpEOs), 'Apt[[ and of I father s. Olv6oqnos ca. init. a., (P.A., 848) 'Apqias ('AnySvalos), 2758,9 (P.A., 753; cf. 753 Addendum, 754, and 'Av8poKAfis('EpEXrTiSos), ca. 368/7 a., father of 'AvSpoKKis, EUxXfis, 438 stemma s. 11364) 335/4 a., 437-8 ('EpsxOqiSos), 'Av8poKXAov 'Alcpfas(rapyriTrros), ca. 290/89 a., father of 'AVTIKp6rrTS, 'AvSpoKAis a., 72144 281/0 ('AvaKaicus), 'AvSpoKAi[-----] 8418,[25] father of Ati68cpos, ca. a., 213/2 'AvSpoKXfis ('A1GSvaTos), ca. 13862; a., ['Apq{as] 210/09-201/0 'Alicas ('IKcapIEs'), 187[20-21], 65-66 treasurer of boule, 13847-48 'IKcpiEs'5, (BaTEns), 335/4 a., 4343-44 'AplaT6oroco ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of KaXeas, 'AvSpoKAris 'AUpiq[a(MEsiTCrs), ca. 400/399 a., father of [Av'T]oi<Ais, (Evcovuveus), 'AvSpoKAfis 29074-75 'A. [EO.];a descendant is probably: cf. 147; [Au.] 61195 a., ] ('AXaicS), 304/3 [ 'Apq,iKAifis ca. 289/8 a., father of 'ETirKprris, (Evcovupzius), 'AvSpoKAfi(s) 256/5 a., 8534 (P.A., 766) ('EpXiEUS), nvUoScbpov 'ApqpiKXfiS 8636 = (Aalrtrpe's), ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13731 ['Ap]9[ipaXos ioI&aSn), fin. s. III a., 1403 'AvSpoKAs[----] ('l Itro fin. s. III a., 1418 (AapTrrrpsE), ['Ai]q{ipaXos ca. 376/5 a., father of['E]Trlyivrs, 368 'AvSpoKAfis ('lcovi6rlS), ca. 400-350 a., 1262 (P.A., 788) ['A]uptaiQvris ('QasEus), ?]aiaS(AaKta5&s), ca. 314/3 a., father of KT-rcv[rr1]ros, (P.A., 863) *'Apq[9i priest of the eponymos ca. 220 a., ZpTjT[Tno]s, 'AvSpo[KX]frs 7256 13114-16 254/3 a., 8986 'Aplt-rX[irS----] ('Apaq96vios), ca. 330 a., 46t3 (ODAvOs), 'Av6poKAfi[s] 'ApTrrEMiSov 370/69? a., 134-5 (P.A., 'ApqirT?Xs,n (K1-TTIOS), AUKivou ca. 390-375 a., 1018 ('QaEUS), 'AvSpoKAXij 792) s. III a., 14141 fin. (EUCovVEiUS), 'AvSpoKUrlS father of III ]TOS,
'Aqpl1TrAX[rS1] (caitaviEUS), s. a., [
3256 (P.A., 876)= 'Av8poKV'Sls (I.G., II2. Ku[6aeinvaius] line 1251, 12) S OXloKpcOrov ephebe ca. KiMTTIOS, (P.A., 793); 'AIpTrEAiXiS ca. fin. s. I a.,fatherof[----]pXo[], 'Av5p6laXos(AEcovriBos), 327/6 or 326/5 a. ('ApX. 'E?., 1918, p. 75, line 37, dated 3077 a be 324/3 a. by 0. W. Reinmuth, op. cit., pp. 69-72) may 'Av8p6poa(Xos)(IOvu&aos), ca. 337/6 a., father of 'Av[SpoTr]igreat-grandson OiS, 61124 'Apqicov('AlrvIeIS), ca. 105/6-117/8 p., father of [M]rlTp6Opos, Tr&paXos), 367/6 a., 1435; 'AvSpopvriseeoy?vous (AaprnrpnEs 33619 med. s. with identified be A]avrrpeuS, ['Av]8[p]oivri[s may 'AiTicov Arj[o]lp[Xous] (nflArjl), post 255 a., 8835 (P.A. IV a. (.G., II2, 1645, line 6) 798, corrected) ca. 325 a., 5224 (P.A., 888); XaAKi8CoS ( ovviECvS), 'AvSpopiEviS 'ApbitrlTroS('AeOovnss),ca. 147/8 p., father of Arli'rrpios, cf. X. (E.) 40246; either he or perhaps a grandson = 336/5 a., 42217 'AvSpopevrls (Oppeapptos), 'ApicbpulTos 180/1 p., 40245 ArlqrlTpio[u]('AIOVEVUS), paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father of ('AvT-oXi15o), 'AvSpo6vKoS ante med. s. II p., father of ['ITr]rro- 'Epcos,46649 'Av[---] (KsKporrTios?), 42910 KP&rTrs, fin. s. III a., 1426 ['A]v5p6vlKos, ] (TTav8iovi5os), 281/0 a., 72160 'Av[ 140/39 a., 24092 'Av5p6vOKoS ('AXcoTrKEus), 89 'Av8p6viKoS 'Av[---] ('Ayvoiraos), ca. 411/0 a., father of 'E[rr]ipnr6Ss, ('AvacAu\oros),169/8 a., 21282 ca. 364/3 a., father of [--]avrls, ca. 155 a., 22620 'Av[----] (T0elp&caios), (AEKuXE'ss), 'AvBSpvtKoS 4515-16 (v(Duaios), 304/3 a., 61124 'AvSpoi,&(Xov) 'Av[Spo-rr]eieTr ca. med. s. I a., father of EOupp6avvos, 'Av8pos 'Apiorcovos (KvuSaOrvaciu), aet. Rom., 31825 'Av[----] (MAvE?s), ca. 393-373 a., father of [ 30315 ], 205 'Av5poo[eOv]qrs, 76i archon a., <'A>valKp(&[Trls], 751; 279/8 335/4 a., 43123['AvactKp6rrls], 'Av8pocrOvrn1ArlpoKpArouS(HTpocarr&xrTos), 124 (P.A., 807) ], med. s. III a., 964 'AvaKlKpC&rr Q[ ('ArviE'us),135/4 a., 24397 'AvSp[cov] 176-169 a., 20539; probably = 479 'AvalIKp&rTS('EAeUJaiVOS), 'AvSpcov (naiavlits), ca. 363 a., father of 'AX?KipaXos, of father 'A. 'A. ca. cf. a., 'Aeqv[6158/7 (n1.) ['AvalKp&rrl] ('EXEvasvios), (P.A., 926); ca. 100 a., 25812 bcopos], 2492 = (lTatavieus), ["Av]Spcov 223/2 a., 12740 'AvailKp'rTis ('EEvcoivtos), ca. 158/7 a., father of ['AOnvo6co- 'A[vS]pcov (OaXrlpevs), 2512 ((OaXarlpu), ca. 157/6 a., father of[---], [NAv]5pcov pos], 2502 (P.A., 810) ante 149 220/1 a., paullo p., 'EXaT-rco[s] 'AveiKrlToS ('AvTioxtios), 'Availtpvov (EVcvuvpeus), 367/6 'AvacKp&Trs5 46659 ca. 400/399 a., father of 'AvacxKp&'AvaglivTrls (EUcovvi,UiU), ]..ou (TlaiavtEs), post med. s. IV a., 325 ANE[ Tms, 149 'AvOEplcov 62179 s eeqiAXou a., (Evcovvwius), 336/5 a., 427, a descendant of Avvwos ('OiOev),303/2 'Avaoi[iv]r 'AvOep(icovos,accuser of Socrates (cf. A. E. Raubitschek, 'AvSpcas (EvpalT&Sns), 178/7 a., 19482; cf. ['A]p'rl 'A. Dedications from the Athenian Akropolis, p. 206 and U., E. [y]vvi, s. II a. (I.G., II2, 6270)
ca. 336/5 a., father of eE6TroTrros, ('AxEp8oucios), 'AvTlyEvrs 62246; the following is perhaps a grandson: ] ('AXepSoUOatos), 281/0 a., 72151 'AVTry?V[ri ca. Esvcovi8ou (OopfIKos), 340 a., 3913 ['Av]-Ttyvr1s 335/4 a., 4397-98 (KoXcovEUS), (acl6popi&XOU 'AvTlnyEvr ca. 330 a., 4711 (P.A., 'AvrTnyvriS TiLooarparov (CTalaVIfOS), 996) (lXcaiSris), 343/2 (?) a., 363 (P.A., 'AVTISCbpou 'AvepO6Kp[ITos] (MEXITEUS), ca. 314/3 a., father of nueoKAXs, 'AVTIyEVnvS 7242 1002); descendants are probably: 'Av-ricopos tioXainrls, symproedros in 260/59, and: ('Alrlwviss),ca. 105/6-117/8 p., father of Elprl'AvOEorripios 8998 ((DlaaiSrls), ca. 287/6 a., father of EEv6KpITos, valos, 33614 'AvT-iy[vrls] 225 12518 of father ca. ?, a., ((vuA?caos), post 'Apip[po]v 'AVTiyEvrs 144/5 p., (ME-rTruS), 'Av0ea[Tri]plio 39820 *'Avtryovikov (AalTrrpess), ca. 73-63 a., father of['A]Qirva[io]s, 28635 secretary of boule and the (CaX]rlipusE, ['AvOeorTipos--demos 135/4 a., 24350; 'AvOeo-riploS 243126-127 OaXrpsiVs, 'AvTiyov[os----], s. II/III p., 4904 ca. fin. s. II p., father of Xp'ucwrrros, 'AvTiyovos:'AXXAios 'A<v>Tiyovos ('Ayvouocos), 180/1 p., 'Avecp<6p>os('ALrvieUs), 40226 45820 176-169 a., 20525 'AverrTros'AvTlxa[p---] ('Epotoar1s), 334/3 a., 4468 (P.A., 'Avriyovos ('AZiviEus), ca. 197 p., 42720 .]i8ou (Aicoveis), 956) 'Avri[y]ov[os... s. I p., 3088 ca. 313 a.,fatherofKpaor6tvos, 7413 'AvTiyov[os] 'AveiT-rTros (AEVKOVOIEUS), (BrioaIEVs), (P.A., 959) (Briate5), init. s. II p., 32125 'Av-riyovos init. s. II p., father of nrlppos, 32312 'Avriyovos(EvrrvpiBrls), ['Av]os 1[---- ] ('Av-roXiSos),169/70 p., 3805 (K KoXcovoi),343/2 (?) a., 3626 (P.A., 169/70 p., 37837 'Av[o]S NiKrp&Crrou 'Avriyovos NouprTviou (KuvSa0ivatius), 'Avriyovos vE(cTrEpos) (AacuarrTpeu), 969) 96/7 p., 31227 423 11= ca. 159/60p., father of ['A-rrK]6S, 'AvOos (na?XTrvcis), 96/7 p., 31230 'AvrTyovos Trp(EapuTEpoS) (AapnrTTpEu), father of II s. 2495 med. ca. ca. father of Avn<Kopcov, p., 'ArTr[1K6], a., ["Av0os] (TTa?XqvEus), ['Av]Tiyovos (ZouV1iUS), 158/7 'AvTiSoTos 43811 ('IKaplUs), councillor ? ca. 370 a., 49270 Eiatv[T-ou] ca. 159/60 p., father of [Anloa]eEvrjs, 'Avri5oT(os)(KEOaXEES), ca. 337/6 a., father of AEtv6corparos, "Aveos (c11aArlvEiS), 6193 423io 'Avrio-ros uvrrTaArlrTT(os), ], archon, s. I/II p., 3133 Avv[os......... 328/7 a., 4926, probably = 'A. "Avvios 2., orator in 333/2 a. (I.G., II2, 3377 = 174/5 p., 38731 = ('AXaCtis), TTo-roKpcrrlS 'AwroXoScopou "Avvlos P.A., 1019) ('AXaiev), 177/8 p., 39833 li-rroKpa'rris ca. 197 p., 42811 "Av(vios) 1n[----] ('AvaqAuXoros), 'AVTifoT[os]('Qcaies), 336/5 a., 42171 'Avvtos(D)lO6Koo5 182/3 p., 40629 (KoXAvrE6s), 'AvTricopos 360/59 a., 1749 (P.A., 1028) ('AxapvEus), 'AvtriScopos "Avv[i]os Eu[av5]pos nTep(aisc6), 170-72 or 174-76 or 187 p., ('EpIKEEus), 254/3 a., 89106 = 39515 'AVTiScoposAtoKA.o('EptKECUS), 256/5 a., 8574(P.A., 1029) ca. "Av(vios) 'Aptord6ris (qi'rrtnoS), 168/9 p., 37317 'Av-r[i]Scop[o]s ('IKapiss), 337/6 a., father of [ou]]Kuvi8rjs, 6144 ?, ca. 337/6 a.,father of [Av]vcov, 61192 "Av[vcov?] (TCpivEEEUs) ? (TptvEwiEs) ca. 368/7 a., father of e6660pos, ?, 304/3 a., 61192; for the 'Avri8copos (TTaXTXrlvEi), [Av]vcov 'Av[vcovos] restorations of names and demotic cf. H., XXXV, 1966, 43219 p. 237. 'AvTiScopos (TEltpaoos), ca. 289/8 a., father of 'AIJ[l]voTirXs, ca. 403 a., father of MTxrrcov, 8525(P.A., 1035, corrected) 492 i 'Av-r[---] ('Avayvp&acos), 363 'Avr[---] (EucovvuiEu), 381/0 a., 614 'AvTiScopos ()laxiSTrI), ca. 376/5 a., father of 'AvTnylyEs, 'AvrTa[os----] ('AvroXiSos), ca. 197 p., 428s 'AvT-lKAi(5js) (KlrriloS), ca. 403/2 a., father of 'AV'TIKXEIi8S, 139 'Av[T]aios (AapiTrrpEis), ca. 73-63 a., father of 'Av[T]aToS, 28637 'AVTlK1Xi81S 'Av-TIKXEf(ou) (Ki-rilos), 370/69( ?)a., 138-9(P.A., o (AawrpEpsus), ca. 40-30 a., 28637 'Av[r]aTos 1047); on a possible identification with 'A. Kl[---], trierarch ante 386 a. (I.G., II2, 1612360),cf. A.P.F., p.36 and 'Avravspos ('Apaqivios), ca. 289/8 a., father of K6lXrrrros, 8577 (P.A., 968) also: 36922 councillor ?, ca. 370 a., 4923; per(cnaiaviEs), ca. 133/4 p., father of [.....], (Krlqt 'AvrTpcos ['AvTr]K[AEFirs] lE(IUS), init. s. III father who was EyyurlnTr of[ a., ]ucas, 'Avri(---) ('Ayvoiacos ?), haps = 'A. K.,father of AEOVTErUS 343/2 a. (I.G., II2, 159016; N.P.A., p. 116) and also 'A. Kr[--], 1055 trierarch ante 356/5 a., etc. (I.G., II2, 1612360, 161697 = ]: KX(aui6os)'Avrt[ ] (caXrlpEus), ca. 'Art[ 120 p., 32273 P.A., 1048), but the councillor's(?) name may also be re] (Oiqyaies ?), post med. s. III a., 11212 stored as XaplKXeir81l 'Avri[ (B.S.A., L, 1955, p. 30), and the init. s. III a., father of 'Apio-roqcv, trierarch's demotic as Ki[TT-ros], cf. A.P.F., p.36 and pre'Av-n(--) ((DuXaoios), 105i ceding name 'AVVT-3toS ('AyyEXI5s),ca. 423-408 a., father of 'Avwnpvrls, 'AVTrKA,EiTS (lTaiaviEuS), ca. 423-408 a., father of [----]os, 107 1031 archon 325/4 a., 514 (P.A., 1058) 'AVTiy(vrS)(AiavriBos),ca. 336/5 a., father of XaipEorpcoroS, 'AVTIKAriS, 62273 ca. 403 a., father of[ 'AvTIKAufS ]s, 492125 ('AZrviEvs), ca. 289/8 a., father of 'AvTiI[a]Xos, 169/8 a., 21286 = ('AACoTrrmKEU), 'AvwnyvTis 'AVTIKAfj(S) (KriqtcrtEus), ca. 150 a., 236o0 8653 ('AoCaTriEKEv), ['A]vriyEvrs XXX, 1961, pp. 36-37), and relativeof "Avros (Evcovuvuus), 423; cf. A.P.F., 1324 'AvOpicov 336/5 a., 4201o (OKKoXcovoO), 'Av0piocov (TTaiavievs),ca. 363 a., father of lTpatias, 475 (P.A., 940) ['A]v0eticov nEpli0oiTs,priest of Attalos 97/6 a., 25986 'AveEPiacov 'Av-iA[---] ((DAeViS),ca. 280 a., 7315
TaifCas 'AvTtKAXiS Ku5aOrlvai6US, 'ApioTroKpCTouv povXfjs343/2 father of a., 348 (P.A., 1067) = 'AvTwIi[s] (KvSa0rlvaiE?s),
'Av-nxAprs, ephebe ca. 332/1 a. (Ath. Mitt., LXVII, 1942, 'A<v>TloXi15ns EOitXA(iTov)(Aicav-riSo), 240-230 a., 1134 ca. 321 a., 5546 p. 21, No. 24; for the date cf. O.W. Reinmuth,Ephebic ['Avwr]oXiLr6s ArljioKpCrrous (KoAcovfieev), B.C., p. 37) of the FourthCentury Inscriptions (P.A., 1151)
ca. 393-373 a., father of ----]s, 'Av-rnKAfi (MEAlT?IS), 209,
and possibly also Nso0rrr6TO OS'A. M. (P.A., 10652);for of this familycf. A.P.F., 10652,stemma. othermne1mbers
'AVTio[x]oS ('ASpiavfSos), ca. init. s. II p., father of [cL]?i?Taipos, 3397 'AVTioXoS ('ATTaAiSos), post ca. 184 p., father of [Fe]vE0AIos, 47614 =
'AVTIKArS h TaxXAhlvs, priest of eponymos 169/8 a., 21251, 68, 122-123; his father perhaps = 'Avwriyvrs'A. T., s. III a. (LG., II2, 7108) ca. 289/8 a., father of 'A[vT]IKp6rrls, 'Avri[o]Xo[s] ('ArraXiSos),ca. fin. s. II p., father of [rev]EAilos, 'A[vT]iKAXs (O(qyacEIS), 4864 8556 (P.A., 1075) 'AVTioXoS 'AAKiou 'AVTIKAXiS ('A-rrcriSos),init. s. III p., 45913 ()OiAalScxr), 336/5 a., 42132 ca. 83 a., fatherof['Ei]OerTrls, 2724 ['AvT]ioXoS Aiovuvr[---] ('A-rrcaXios), (AitaAXi5s), post ca. 217 p., 47822 'AvrTKpC-rrS OaX&v0ov s. init. I p., 3074; the name 3611 a., ['AvrioXo]s (AecoVTiSos), 'HpcOSou ('AXalIEVs), 'AVTIKpaTqTS 343/2 (?) (P.A., is restored from 'A.'H. EirnvpiBrls (I.G., II2, 246188 = 1081). P.A., 1159;datedca. 35 a., H., Suppl.I, p. 191); cf. 'H.'A. 169/8 a., 21294 ('AcoTTwKEOU), 'Av-r1Kpa&rrT I.G., II2, 246189; if the date of No. 307 (cf. 'At.piou rapyriT[Tios], treasurer of prytaneis (EVirTupins), 'AvrlKp6TrlS S.E.G., XVIII, 53) is correct, then the councillor is prob257/6 a., 8418-19; ['AvT]iKp&r[is 'AApiou rapyil-rros], 8424-25 ablysonof 'H.'A.andgrandsonof 'A.' I.G., II2, 2461 ca. 337/6 a., fatherof [---]Trrros,6143; 'AVT'OXOS ('A&eovEiS), 180/1 p., 40253 'AVTIKpaTrrS ('IKapleOs), ca. 147/8 p., father of rFveAilos, cf. 'A., fatherof 'Avrac0vris 'I., rricrr-raTs 'EAXEaivoUEv 40259, 'AVToXo('A0eiovEUs), perhaps = 'A. ~ 'AOio(veusr), ephebe 115/6 p. (I.G., II2, 336/5-333/2 a. (I.G., II2, 15441 = P.A., 1084) ca. 289/8 a., father of 'Av-rKpCrrS, 201749) 'Av-rTKpc(rrTs) (Krqqlioavs), 8648 'AvrfoXos('AvaxA lorios), fin. s. I p., father of 'AvrioXoS,
'AVTIKP&(TOUS) (Kr9lOiiCie ), 256/5 a., 8648 'AVTlKp&arrT 'AVTIKpC&rlN EvKpTrou[s] (EKca1pcoviSrjs), 370/69 (?) a., 1326-27
a ('AvacAUromos), init. s. II p., 32115 'ATrioXoS 'Av-rioXo (BroaiEclu), s. I p., father of Xapi-cov, 30924 'A0ivaiou (AacIrTErpeus), ca. 40-30 a., 28638 'Avr[io]XoS
'Av-ioXos (AauarrpEvis), 96/7 p., 31231 ['AVr]ioXoS: K7cb5ios ['Avr]ioXos Aa1rTrpESS,iWPI TO pfipa
(P.A., 1088) 'AvrlKp[&rrlj---](qyaitc5), councillor ? ca. 370 a., 49244 (P.A., 1089) 'A[vT]iKAEouv 256/5 a., 8556 (P.A., 'A[vTr]Kp&aTrj (C(qyal?Us), 1090) ca. 313 a., father of'Aveeifcov, 7315 'AVTIA[---](c(At7OV), (Tflaavlses), ca. 136/7 p., father of 'AvTrfoXos, 'AVTiAoXOS 37817 'AVTrOXOS o (CTaiavi?ES), 169/70 p., 37817 S. IV-III a., 5642 'AVT[]C[---] ('AKalavTiSoS),
186/7p., 41131-32
'AwrioXos(laicavieus), ca. 136/7 p., father of capTrrjScbv,
['Av]TigaXos Ap[----], secretaryofthe boule 180/79 a., 18722 ('AlrvteEus), ca. 155 a., 22652 'AvTi'paXos
ca. 133/4 p., father of [....]oxos, 'AvTioXoS (TTaiavlEus), 36927; the name should probably be restored ['AVri]oXOS 'AvTioXos (TTavpcoTa5rs), Ca. 73-63 a., father of 'Av-rioXos, 28648 'AvrioXo5s (navpcoTa'S-r), ca. 40-30 a., 28648 ['Avrio]Xos ni0<co>vos (Upopa7ioalos), 304/3 a., 61239 =
2224 ca. 194/3a., fatherof[-rp ?]Orcov, (AlcowvCiu), 'AvTriaaXos (P.A., 1119) .... v]Tos ('AAcorKEIus), 334/3 a., 4454, prob'AvTircaXo[s ably = 'A. 'A., owner ofproperty s. IV a. (H.,XIX,
TriOcovos n., one of a group of eleven (drawn 'Av[Troxo]S from each phyle except Aiantis), several of whom were certainlynot councillors,honored in 304/3 a. (I.G.,II2, 4888-9, as restoredinH.,XXXV, 1966,p. 236,noteon line
ca. 30-20 a., 2891i 1950,p. 274, No. 265-6)and lessee of mineca. 340-330a. 'AVTioXo[s----] ((OaX1rpFUs), ] (OaQrlpEus), 'Av-rioXos O[ paullo ante 60 a., 2675 (I.G., II2, 15848,cf. H., XIX, 1950,p. 298). ca. 130-150 p., 3329; cf. ] (OtXiA&ls), 'AvrioXo[S s), ca. 336/5 a., fatherof ['Av]rTiCaXoS, (Ke9paXES 'AvTi'caxo[s] 6292 'ATrioXOS (AI&aSr)s), 182/3 p., 40631 ECiXapicnrou 'Av-TnadXo(v) (Keyaceus), 303/2 a., 6292 ['Av]rTicaXXos 'Av-ri[a]cxos'AvTrKA(ous) (Knqlltius), 256/5 a., 8653; probK., pticro.CTri ably related to 'A. NEoKAEidou 285/4 a. (LG.,
(o)AuEs), ca. ined. s. I a., father of 1[6O'rT]os 'AvTrioXoS (?), 3039 'AvTroXos M[. .]vi[---] (OMuvus),fin. s. I a., 30312
ca. 390-375 a., 1031 'AvTrinvrs 'Avv-rplov('AyyeMOsO), 'A[X]coTrEKfij[v], secretary of the boule med. s. IV 'A[v]Tnipv1Ts 'AvrirraTrpoSErrO6pou ('Apaycqvios), 138/9 p., 33152 a., 2323-24 (P.A., 1139) 'AvTtIvrTs (Mupptvoclios), Ca.363 a., father of ['Av]-rt9&vts, 'AVTirr[ar]pos 'ATO[--] ('AXapveus?), post ca. 216 p., 47330
'Avrira-rpos('AyyeAfi0v), 155/4 a., 225119 councillor ? ca. 370 a., ['A]vr[i]rTaTrpos ('AAaciEu), KcoiiapX[ou] 49262 Movaoalov('AAcoTreKEU5), 135/6 p., 33020 = ['AVTrirraTr]poS 'A. Mou(aciov) 'A., ephebe ca. 110 p. (I.G., II2, 202026), cf. I.G., II2, 5568
4730(P.A., 1142)
'AvT-ivivrs (Hnaiaviis), 220/19 a., 13077 'Avr[i]pvrnS ZcoiAov (ErTIPIpis), ca. 20 a., 29360
ca. 168 a., 21473 'AvriTraTrpos (Kpcowri6r5s), (-rTePIEis), ca. 53 a., father of 'AvriTrcraTpos, 'Avr'rrcrrpos
ca. 20 a., 29357 'AvTiTrrxpos o (YTrpipwcs),
'AvTrq&rrqs (KrlioiCus), 336/5 a., 4237 ca. init. s. III a., father of[ (Ivuraxnrrlos), ca. 137/6 a., father of [K]b&Acov, 'AVTniqr[rlS] (KtKuvvEOS), 'AvriTcrrpos --]cov, 1022 2545, 43 (P.A., 1177) 478 ( i-rnros), ca. 314/3 a., father of $ocias, 'Av-riirrarpos 'AvTrp&6rr (rTaiavlsiE),ca. 363 a., father of eoS6oTOS, 7217 (P.A., 1178); probably belongs to the family of (P.A., 1262) ca. 373 a., father of [?)i]Amlos, 3918 P.A., 11234, cf. A.P.F. 'AvTiq9ros (EipEoirSis), ca. 217/6 a., father of [Aio]vi- 'AvTitiq)Xo(EOpTaKE1ES), 336/5 a., 4244 'ATirraTrp[os] (TPIKopCaios), ca. 423-408 a., father of lve6Scopos, aios, 18129; cf. 'A. A. T., ephebe 102/1 a. (I.G., II2, 1028, 'AvritiQos (VTpopaaiotos), 1059 111128) (OveoJs), ca. 73-63 a., father of ['Av]Tirra-rpos, 'AvTr9iXos ['Av]T-riaTpoS KXEoX&pou ('Palivouiolos), 303/2 a., 62282 28413 = 4332 'AvTpcov(Alyrllios), ca. 368/7 a., father of ['AV-r]liCv, 'AvTnqCOvTro 'AvTi-rrrrp[os] ((Amvejs),ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of 'AvTi- ['AvrT]i(Cv (Aiyirl5os), 335/4 a., 4331-32 29023 = ca. 205 p., 44717 Trarp[os], 'AVTlnpov: AiA(ioS)'Av-Taqov ('AvTloXi8os), ['Av-riraTpos] (NvEnUS), ca. 54/3 a., father of 'AvTi[raTrpos], 'AvT-rlqv'ApiorropoUAov post ca. 216 p., 47013 ('ATrcxa?SoS), 2921-2 = ['AvT]IQpcv AUTro[---]('ArTraiSos),s. III p., 4863 29381 'AvmTpCv ca. 263 a., father of KacAcovi8is,1177 'AvTi[rra]Tpos (cv'uS), ca. 53 a., father of 'AvrThrcrrpos, (OlvET6os), o [cOX]Ueis, ['Av]TiTroarpos hoplite general ca. 40-30 a., 'Avr-nq)v o6Xcovos ('AAcowTEKES), 334/3 a., 4455 (P.A., 1291) o D4X[vE]Us, 28413-14; 'AvT-ri-aTp[oS] hoplite general ca. ['A]vTirqov Ep[.... 'EpilEos],treasurer of prytaneis 223/2 a., o OX)AGS], 12852; 'AvTlrqPvEppetos,12824-26(P.A., 1295) 29/8-22/1 a., 29022-24; 'Avrri[lTrarpos hoplite ca. 280 a., 745 (P.A., general 21/0 a., 2921-2; 'AvTircaTpos OAuvEiS, 'AVT19CiV 'Avi[Trr&r]Tpou )[a]voa[Trp]To[v] (KiTrnTos), hoplite general ca. 20 a., 29380-82; cf. Th. Ch. Sarikakis, 1298) The Hoplite General in Athens, p. 41 'AvTrlopv Tvlu0ou (KuSa0rlvaEiEs), post med. s. IV a., 3250 'AvTiprpTos AioXEou(EvrrvpilSrs),370/69 (?) a., 13103-104 (P.A., 1302); probably a relative of 'A. 'Apx[io]u K. epimeletes post 349/8 a. (LG., II2, 162048-49,P.A., 1301); a (P.A., 1182) 'AvTtnoevrls brother, or the father, of this councillor may be Tlu0eas ('AypuAis), 173/2 a., 20699 'AvriaO0evri 'OvrlcoICvTros (TEl0pacrios),256/5 a., 8522; (KvSaerlvalEis), 336/5 a., 42158 TEltpa&cros, 'A[v]-r[o0]Evrls 'Ovrq[a]lC&ovTos secretary of pry- 'Av-nq)ov'ErrlTpoTrov (MEATrEVS), 281/0 a., 7243 = 'A. 'E., 8594(P.A., 1201, cf. P.A., 1200) taneis, 855-6; 'Av[-T]oaEv1TS, of a. ephebe Kekropis 334/3 (I.G., II2, 11561o) 'AvtritoevTi (Tuvpeirf1s), 173/2 a., 206102 'AvTlnqC[v] 360/59 a., 1722(P.A., 1303); his wife (Epieo{i8rST), (0TlyalEU5), ['A]vTioevr1S 336/5 a., 4277 -Evapiomrldedicated clothing to Artemis in an inventory ca. 393-373, father of [---]KXi(s>, of 345/4 a. (IG., II2, 151444-45, 151622, 1517149-150= 'AvrT9av[--] (AEKEXEEUS), 2034 P.A., 11182) ca. 367/6 a., father of esocopos, 'AvTl9a&vrs('AAcowEKEUS), 'Avrq)cov (SouvviEO), ca. 147/8 p., father of TEpyiA<a>os, 4456 (P.A., 1226), cf. e. 'A. 'A. and AiTT-rp[ios 'Av-rn]&40215 vous 'A. (S.E.G., III, 115) 'Avmpntv nOXUvE[]KTOU ((DriyaiEus), 256/5 a., 8555 'AvTlpavrisAiovoai[ou] ('AvaytACirlos),304/3 a., 61312; a 'AvT-rpov AiqirTpiov (XoAapyEus),167/8 p., 37129; for his brothers cf. 'AXKpliaTqs grandfather probably = 'A. 'A., trierarch 356/5 a. (LG., A. (X.) and MbvavSpos A. (X.); for II2, 1612106= P.A., 1227, A.P.F.) a stemma cf. 'Apx. 'Ep., 1968, p. 209 'AvT-nqvqs (El-raTos ?), ca. 354 a., father of [---]as, 5525 [['AVwTipov]] (XoAiS irls), ca. 168 a., 21461 councillor? ca. 370 a., 4924 'AVTrXa[p---] ('Epoi&ars),ca. 367/6 a., father of "Avelrrros, ['Av]T)avvrls [----] (KrlqiraiEvs), KaX;iou(EK 4468 'AvTqp&vrls KoXcovoO), 254/3 a., 8960 'E-nrriLXou & rrpoEpcov ['AvT-rq&vrs] (MErlTrS), ca. 63/2 a., father of NiK&8[a]S, 'AvTnaprTs iTorTIrTs 'AyyWXqEv, 175/4 2882i; restored from 'A. N. M., 6Trr7\ol6os39/8 a. (I.G., a., 1994 II2, 104357); cf. N. M., 6wTAopdaos ca. 337/6 a., father of Mvrloas, 6195 119/8 a. (LG., II2, 'Av-rTXa&ps (KE?a?aXES), 100839), cf. H., XI, 1942, p. 309 OtXicvoS (OpE&ppIos),370/69 ? a., 1345-46(P.A., 'Avnrx&prnS ca. 330 a., 4730(P.A., ['Av]Tl)&vrls 'AvTrnivouS (Mupptvovalos), 1315); ()lA;as (). (0(.), 1347-48,is a brother, and another 1241) relative, possibly a son or perhaps even the same man, is: 'AvTqa'vrs (uTrrrcaicv), init. s. IV a., father of [ ], 182 'AVTIXnprs 336/5 a., 42211 (DpEappios), ['Av]T-rq)vrsrHovuKp&rov ('OrpuvvEs), 281/0 a., 72106 = ca. 280 a., 7418 Moipaybvo[vs](XoXAEiSrS), ['A]vTI[X&]pns 'A. H. 'O., paredros of Nikias of Otryne, archon 266/5 a. (P.A., 1316) (I.G., II2, 66819-20) 'AvriXappos(TTEpyaaCUS), 336/5 a., 4239 'AvTlqxavrjs (noT&ploS), 336/5 a., 42209 *'AvroKidlSi NauKprr(ous)(HTEpyacrEs), 256/5 a., 8667; a va'AVTIP)[vrns---] riant form of 'AvSoKiS81n (O)ryaius), councillor? ca. 370 a., 49247 'AvrTnAvis(qyaimtE\), ca. 376/5 a., father of ['A]KeaTi8rS, 'AVTOX[OS ] ('PapvoOCatoS), 304/3 a., 5954 = 3616 and EOubilKos, trierarch 325/4 and 323/2 a. (IG., ] ('Papvoiucos), 304/3 a., 61277; prob[AvToXoS---? II2, 1629773and 1631134= P.A., 1248; cf. A.P.F., 5564) ably = 'AvTriqvrls (XoXe{NiSs), ca. 168 a., 21458 A/uoiou(Papvomios), 281/0 a., 72196 ["A]VTroXO 'AvTlaXViqs 'Apl-cro9&vou ('Qarl?S), post med. s. IV a., 3218 'AvTCovETvoS: 'AVTCrOVEvoS KA(aUiioS) ('AVTloXiSOS), paullo ante (P.A., 1250) 220/1 p., 46661-62 eo09avrov (HaAAiqvs5s),281/0 a., 72232 ['AvTr]ipavTros med. s. IIp., 3428 'AvrcovTvo[s] (BrloaceOs), 'AvTl9TarrS(EvOcvupVnE), 336/5 a., 4211 = 'Avrl9&rIs 'AVTI- 'AVT-covTvo: XElEaoa6s M(apKos) 'AvTcovvos, AUriOpAos 167/8p., 9&vou5 EtcowvIES (I.G., II2, 6159); his father was 7Twl-r rrls 3712; [M(apKos) AVpiAl]os[[K6plo85o[s]] 'AvT]covTvo E[*Ca] in 337/6 (I.G., II2, 2406) rrpoESpcov p[is EO]Tu-[Xs ISEpao-r6s], 186/7 p., 4113; [M(aKpos)] AOp(q-
('AvacpAUc'os), 334/3 a., 449 'OXuHrrixov Briaaims], 188/9 ['A]TroAW66SopoS 'A[vrcovTvos] S[Epa]o-r6[s ?ios) [[K6Oipoos]] = 1408), probably (P.A., [[K6ppio8]oS]] A*pfiAos 'Av-rcovT[vos p., 4194-6; [M&p(Kos)] ca. 337/6 a., father of 'O?vu('AvaqAXi-rios), 'Arro7A6[6co(pos)] Ei'evX[iS Ep3aa-r6s]BCaarleS, 188/9 p., 4163-5; EviopS ET of this family cf. members other for 61314; rrn6copos, [Kairap AoU(KIo5) AvrpfqXos] K6poSo6 'AvrcovTvoS X[Epa13905, and: A.P.F., or 1408 5678; I.G., II2, stemmas. P.A., 4231-2 Ca. or6s], 192/3 p., father of[----]pos ca. a., 306/5 45714 III s. init. ('AvapA<oronos), nosIe8icbvios 'Arro?765copos p., (AiGcowv?s), 'Avr(cbvloS) 7826 'AvTcbv(os) OEv[Trio5os]('HpeiS6rjS), fin. s. II p., 44111; cf. BEpEVEIKiSrls, &v-TypaCEO 'A. OU.'H., ephebe ca. 135 p. (I.G., II2, 20422) ['A-rro7o6]8coposKacAi?lrpaTrou 4427-9 ca. p., trierarch was 198/9 'Avurro (Eucov,viupn), 323/2 a., 423; 336/5 (KE9afieEv),ca. 255/4 a., father of NauoviKafs, a. (I.G., II2, 1632224,229,237,P.A., 1325), a descendant of 'Arro766ocopos 12939 Raubitschek "A. 'Av0eifcovos, accuser of Socrates (cf.A.E. ca. 40-30 a., 28627 NiKoXa`ov (KrIqpioiEvS), Dedications from the Athenian Akropolis, p. 206, and 'ATroW?68copoS ca. 155 a., 22668 Koi?rqs), (EK (Eucovu- 'ATroA?S6COpoS H., XXX, 1961, p. 36), and a relative of 'AvOElicov (AairJ-rpeiS), ca. 287/6 a., father of NIKOK?AiS, 'AT-roXM6copos pUI?S),427; cf. A.P.F., 1324 for other members of the family cf. A.P.F., 23, 86, 95; 8615, 16868 'Ai6vIKos (nETpyaacrus), 193/2 a., 10904 1241o 225 ca. a., 'ATr[----] (OlveTIos), ] (Mapaecbvios), ca. 87 p., father of AipiX?os, 'A-ro?[?68]co(pos) ('OijOv),ca. 336/5 a., father of Eiu[ouvi]Srls, 'Arr[ 62177 32247 29337 'ArroA61Scopos ] (TalavlEus), ca. 53 a., father of AIovUOCos, (Ei Oiov), ca. 206/5 a., father of EcoKp6rTs, 'Arr[ 20656 [--'Arra]Toviplos ('Arra?ibos), post ca. 217 p., 47814 33112 = (lnaicavtie), 220/19 a., 13072 ca. 105/6 p., father of Zdobrvpos, 'Arro766ocopos 'Ar?AXfis ('EpXOisS), (laiavIEsu), 155/4 a., 22585 'A. ~ 'E., ephebe 84/5-92/3 p. (I.G., II2, 199612); cf. 'A. Z. 'Ar1ro`o65co[p]os ca. 336/5 a., father of ['Ap]Xi(lTpocrr&ATlos), ca. 'ArroA6[56co]pos II2, 209433) 'E., gymnasiarch 166/7 p. (.G., 39235 as, 62124= Ca. 145 p., father of 'ArrEAfis, (O(AveUS), 'ArrEAXfiS 335/4 a., 43127-128 39236 'ApXiou(IpooarraTnoS), ca. 145 p., father of 'A-rTEXqis, 'Arro7W6oScopos 'AwrrEXAs (OXAvBS), 130113 = 'A. :o a., 220/19 39235 175 ca. o (XTEiplEVS), 'ATro?o68copos )., p., ((A)vU's), 'ATrr?XAfiS v[ecbTerpos] [9f)-rrnos], secretary of pry'Arr]oA?o8[cb]pov aoqPpovic-ris 161/2 p. (.G., II2, 20851o), didaskalos of ['Airo?o68copos taneis 223/2 a., 12852-53; 'Alr[o?`o6S]copos [p9T-r]TI[os], ephebes 169/70 p. (LG., II2, 2097197), 172/3 p. (.G., 112, 12848 12832-35; 'AWrro?[`65copOS], 210246), 171/2 p. (I.G., II2, 21446, cf. H., XVIII, 1949, ca. 50 a., 27213 Boie0ov (XoAEISrils), note 'Arro`6oScopos 28, 48) p. 'A'rro760oE1Ius ca. 175 p., 39236 fin. s. III a., 14150 ('AypuA?ELs), 'AWrrEAXXs (cOXI)VE), 3 v[ecbTEpoS] 'ArroAcoviovo ('Avayvp&cios), ca. 40-30 a., 'A-ro?Moqavrls 'ATriJ[iavTos] (OAuEUs), ca. 313 a., father of 'Awrniavros, 7313 28652 7313 ca. 280 a., 'ATripavrcos 'Anrrl[&avTrov] ((AIvuUs), 'ArroA7o(---) (OopfKiS ?), 223/2 a., 12894 'Arro[---] ('Axapvers?), post ca. 183 p., father of 'AvTrir[a- 'A-rro?Moq&vIn (K rr-oS), ca. 255/4 a., father of 'A-rro7ao47330 ['ATrroW]Aoq)[avrls] 'T]pos, 129so ca. ] of p&v[rls], prytaneis ('AvTroxifos), secretary 'A'rrOA[ K'irri]os, prytanis and sec'ArroAAoqa&v[rls 'A-rro?]oq)[a&vous 176/5-170/69 a., 2045 K-rrtoS, ] ('AvaqcAuO'Tos),ca. 197 p., 4289 retary of prytaneis 222/1 a., 129so; 'ATroWo9pavrns 'Arro?[ 12932-34; 'ATwo?ao&[vjsKir]rlo]S,12945; ['A'rro?]oqa&vrj ] (KuSa0rvaiev's), 155/4 a., 22595 'A-ro?[ ca. 50 a., 27344 ] ('Papvo'ios), (K-rrlos), 12994(P.A., 1471) 'ATroA[ ?] (lacavieas ?), 209/10 p., 46058 ZcowT[Opou 'A-roA7Xoyavrns *'ATwoXlios NEOKAfiS (ytlrrros), 167/8 p., 37112 'Arro?Xoq&cvrns secretary of the prytaneis 104/3 archon 46/5 a., 2812-3, [22] 7TEpyaC[fie0v], ['A1rrT6?or]i, 2923 35-39, 25448, a., [56] archon 21/0 a., 2912; ['A-rr6]?TrlS, ['Arr]6AXTls, 'A-rroA7`oqa&vns (yriTTlos), 167/8 p., 37118 = EuKaprrou [...] 'A7rr6Ar[its](Oivei5os),post 216 p., 47326 173/4 p., [dvTlypayEq]s qzrr-rnos, E'uKpTrr]ou 'ATroA7oyapvrT[s 'AWrr6rOAt (Oi1fiev),360/59 a., 1736(P.A., 1358) 3864-5 ? Oiou, orator ca. 20 a., 2931; 'AMr6?risiS OlAoKproouJs Aco[ite0ou]()7AvEVi),fin. s. I a., 30310 for the career of this man and other inscriptions in 'Arro7[op]&avTis 1878 which he appears, cf. H., Suppl. I., p. 189 (P.A., 1362) 'ATTo?AAco[----], ca. 213/2 a., father of AulvaKAfs, 'A'rroWvov[--]: Avip(Aios) 'Arro7Acov[--], avwrypaqE<)>s 'ATrr[o]X[------] ('Alrnvies), ca. 50-40 a., 28021 ca. 336/5 a., father of 187/8 p., 41312 ['A]rroA[A----] ('AXco-TrEKE<s), 62308 'A-rro?aco[v--] ((?vE)vs)), ca. med. s. I a., father of 'A[vSp]ias, [-----]vns, 3038 'A-rroA[X---] (qpTlrr'os),fin. s. IIp., 4359 'AWro?Aco[vi--] (KuSaQrIvaieus), ca. 53 a., father of A[rlin]i], ca. 338/7 a., father of [----], 5837 'A-rroA?o[ 29367 of father ca. ?]?Aias, rptos, [Ka 'A-ro?Ao[---] (AiyETSos), 314/3 a., ca. 30/29 a., 28824 ] (MEAITrrs), 'A-ro?Acovi[ 72101 (Oivii8o), init. s. II a., 15628 'A-r[o]XXcovi86ns ['A]T-roA65[----] (tps&ppios), ca. 370 a., 13a4 'A'rroX7covi5l[s] (rTalavieis), ca. 53 a., father of MEvEAfiS, 'Arro7?A68o[ros] (eOpiaoos),fin. s. III a., 136o1 29343 13081 a., 'A-rroAX68<o>ToS (TnalavlIuE),220/19 treasurer of the prytaneis of 'ArTo?Acovi8[rTs]: Ai(Alos) 'ATTro?covi8[rls](raXvrVEwss), 138/9 (AEcovriSos), ['A]-roW?6oScopos
17926 Leontis 185/4 a., 1793-5, [22], ['ATT]o?A766cop[os],
169/70 p., 38011 [----] ('Av-rioXiSOS), ['Ar]lo?ACobvloS 'ATro?XAcovtos: ('AvTIoxiSos),ca. 205 p., AA(lios)'ATroXAcObvtos
'A. TTa 8eicos, 37013; his grandson = 'Awro?cbvios 'AppoSEafou 44714; perhaps = ATA. \rlv(Eus), eponymos paullo ante 220/1 p., 46620-21 A., ephebeca. 197/8-199/200 p. (I.G., II2, 212912) ca. 165- 170 p., 37010, Elto5c[pou](AEuKovoiUs), ['A]wro?Acavios 'AToAoXcbv(tos) (iacov(os) ('AvrioXiSos),paullo ante 220/1 p., was ephebe 154/5 p. (.G., II2, 206751) 46630 ca. 172 p., father of NsEKO- 'AWrooAcbvios 'AWroX?cvtos ('OfiEv), paullo ante ca. 15 a., father of eE6yrNs, ('ITrTroOcovriSos), = 13 10, father of for 3043, N., 'A., ephebe icxXos,44829; perhaps Avoiou (TTcxavtEus), ca. 20 a., 29345 'ArroXAcbvios Hippothontis fin. s. II p. (I.G., II2, 213623, cf. B.C.H., 'ArroXAcbvios: 'ATro7AXbviOS LXXIV, 1950, p. 220) and perhaps also = (TaliaviExs), 169/70 p., KA(aOkios) ('rco 37816 'ATowAcbvitoS oipou ov (rrrrocowrisos), ca. 205 p., 44828 ca. 150 a., 23635 (TlaXAriveus), o), paullo ante 'ATwoA7cbvlos ['A]TroAXcbvios Trrp(Eopvr6pos) ('lTrrroecovT-ri 'ATroWAcbv[ios] (naXrlvEius), s. I p., 30960 220/1 p., 4656 'A-rroXXcbvios: AtAios 'ArroAXXcbvios nrlaXiv(EOs), eponymos --] (KEKpo-rrSos ?), ante fin. s. II p., 42913 ['ATro]XXcbv[ios-185/4 a., 17944 (AECovri'So), paullo ante 220/1 p., 46620-21; perhaps =-At. 'A. ['ATro?X]cbvtos s. II p., 3435 (TT-roXEatSos), ('AvrioXios), ca. 205 p., 44714 ['ATroAX]cbv[ioS----] 'Aro<X>Acbvios ('AyysAfiev), 155/4 a., 225118 'ATr[o]XAco[vlos...]Tra[. .]o (rlaXrl vES), post ca. 216 p., 47226
'A-rroWAcbvio ('Aypuvhis), fin. s. III a., 14148 'ArroXcovios MT-rpoScbpou post 217 p., 4794 (ITEIPEEESv),
'AiTroAcbvios 138/9 p., 33331-32 ('AlrivIEus), ca. init. s. I a., father of Aiopavri5, 'ArworoAbvioS (ErlcaXi5rjls), rEqC&vou and 'AiTro7cbvios,27829; perhaps = 'ATroXAcbvios 27812-13,19,25, nrl(axiSrls),secretary 191/2 p., 4224 'A. ('A.), father of Aioqa&vrs ca. 151/0 a., father of'lIocicopos, 'A[rroXXcbvtos] (.G., II2, 4482-5; cf. H., XII, (2Kaxppcov[Sris), 2532 1943, p. 59) ] ('Alrivtis), ca. 50-40 a., 28018; cf.: 'AWroMAcb[vios ['Arro?]cbvios(ZouviElv), ca. 164/3 a., father of ['ArroxAcb: ('Al[rvi6vs), med. s. I a., 27829 vos ?], 24623-24, 30 'ArroXAcobvios treasurer of the ['AWTroAcbvios ouv[tEus], (?) 'ATroXX]cvovioV ['Arro]AcbvioS ('AlrQvIEv), ca. 105/6-117/8 p., father of ['A33622 was kosmetes of the rroX]Acbvios, a., 24623-24, 29-30; prytaneis 131/0 o ('AZbviEs), 138/9-150/1 p., 33622 = 'A. o ['ATrroN]AcbvloS ephebes 128/7 a. (H.,XXIV, 1955, p. 229, 81-82, 94 etc.) ca. 176/7 p., father of Aiovucr6vcopos, 'Arro7Acbvtos 'A., TroCcoTppovtioris 142/3 p. (I.G., II2, 2049153) (TEtplvEsO), 46077 'AroA?cobvios Aiowovo<>cbp[ou] ? ('AOJovevs), 180/lp., 40256; cf. P.A., 4305 and: 150-190 p., 38413 'AwroXAcbvlo[---] (TrEIpIEus), 'APEIovEi, init. s. III p., 4592 ['AWTo?XcbOvio]: Kaotav[6s 'ATroXWAcvios] ['A-ro]X?cov[i]os (TEIpIsus), 162/3 p., 'AWrroAcbvios 36416; was avTlKoorinTrls ('AXcorrEKes),169/8 a., 21298 158/9 p. (I.G., II2, 20793, 3012), and KoaoniTis161/2 p. (.G., II2, 20855); a son and 'ArToAcovios5 ('AliajavTrns), 178/7 a., 19458 'ATroXXcbvios ('AplTrpolrTales), 140/39 a., 24095 grandson respectively were probably the following two 'AWTro7cbvios ('Avayupaatos), ca. 73-63 a., father of 'AMrroao- entries: 28652 &vrjs, K&cmios ETrT 'Aro[XAcbvios]: r(6cios) 'ATo[XAcbvios] [ErT]Epi[evs], T-ra 6Xa 188/9 p., 4166-7; (K&acrios ['A]-roAXcbvlos ['ATroXX]o8cbpou 'Av[a](qpXAarros), 169/70 p., apparently was mis38023-24 cut for Kaoiav6s); [Kao(iav6s) 'ATroo]cbvtos [ITEip(i6s)], 'ATToXAcbvios: 'ATroXAcbvwos nl-6(TTAos) ATX(ios) ('AVTIVOEUS), 418s-6; Kao(iavos)['ATro]XAcovios 4197-8; r. K. X[TElplOus], 'A. E. was archon in 207/8 p. (I.G., II2, 21997) and a paullo ante 180/1 p., 39714 ca. 142 p., father of ['A-r]owxcbvios well known Athenian political figure (cf. Philostratos, 'ATroAcbvios (BEpevIKiSrl8), and [Aio]vwc65o[-ros], vit. Soph., II, 20, etc., and H., Suppl. XIII, p. 107) 3929, 10 o (BEPEVIKi8rS), ca. 175 p., 3929 ['ATr]oX7cbvios 'AWTroAcbvo[s]: Kaa[iav]6s 'ATroMcbvlo[s]I-rElp(i0s), eponymos post ca. 217 p., 47714-15 ['ATro]XAcbvlos Zcocari[ou](BrlcTaleus),188/9 p., 41918 = 'A. Z. B., CcogpovicTrfs 192/3 p. (I.G., II2, 213011) and 'ATro7Acbvios 'ApT-rEicbpou (TEIPtEius),209/10 p., 46078 II2, 2130160) 'ATwoAAXbvio perhaps also 'A. (B.), father of EOrnopos(LG., (9qTrrino), ca. 127-137 p., father of 'ATroXAcb'A-rroAcbvios ("Epiuelos), ca. 134/5 p., father of 'A9poSictos, vtos, 359io; probably = 37148 = 'A. ('E.), ca. 114 p., father of['Appo]5Escos(I.G., 'ATroXXAovos (X2-rTTlos), ca. 135/6 p., father of 'ATroAXcbvtos, II2, 205953; cf. P.A., 1528) 37314; perhaps = 'A. o E., ephebe init. s. II p. (I.G., II2, 'ArroX7ocbvios: ['Ep]i(vvios) 'AToXA\cObvlo ("Epplos), 168/9 p., 201815) o (cTIr-rloS),ca. 160-170 p., 35910; probably = 37358; cf. 'E. 'A. E, agonothetes ca. 180/1-191/2 (I.G., 'AwroMAcbvios o (ETr-inoS), 168/9 p., 37314; perhaps = 'A. o II2, 211613), perhaps a son of the councillor 'AToX7cbvloS 'ATroMAcbvios 2., co9povlorris ca. 178/9 p. (LG., II2, 210626); cf. ('Epoia&rs),135/4 a., 243119 'AwroAAcbvios Mcyvou ('EpuaSTrs), [...] 'AiToMcbvios 195/6 p., 42526; cf. P.A., (E:q)ri-os), fin. s. II p., 4403 1529 and I.G., II2, 8773 secretary of the boule 'A'ro7Acbv[ios] EiK&pTrouq'riT[TloS], init. s. II p., father of 9eEicacov, 'ATroX\cbvios and the demos 190/1 p., 42020-22 (EuTprpiSrns), 32310 ['AiT]o7Acbvios (OqyaieUS),ca. med. s. IIp., father of['Arr]oAnorTToriou ['AWTroAA]cOVO (EucovuEus), ca. 40-30 a., 2864; cf.
'A. n. Ei., ephebe 13/2 a., perhaps a grandson (I.G., II2, 196316; cf. H., Suppl. I, p. 174) ca. 40-30 a., 28618 ,ATroA?Acvios (Kricitaeus), ElpapXi5ov
,ATroAAcbvlo5 Arlvacio (Kriplcroius),ca. 40-30 a., 28617 ,ATmoAXcbvios (KqtICIEV'S), 96/7 p., 31214 96/7 p., 31222 'A]-rro?\XcAvio (Krl9iCIsOS),
['ArT]OAXcbvioS )lXoo-rp&[Tou] ((i\lafISTs),148/9 p., 337 1 'Aro7XCOcbvioS Zcooiyvovs (Ol\&Srns), 182/3 p., 40634
Ap[ -], 303/2 a., 6248
], 281/0 a., 72274 ca. 213/2 a., father of['Av]rTiPaXos, 18722 ], undersecretary 180/79 a., 18722
] ('AKcriavTrfos), ca. 86/5 a., father of Mriv6copos, Ap[ 269i, [2703] ca. 215 a., 13240 Ap[----] (KEKpOTr8SOS), ] (Aiyiti\.s), ca. 336/5 a., father of 'ApXavSpos, Ap[ 62324 ] ('AXapvus), 303/2 a., 62154 Ap[ Ca. 393 a., father of[.]Eo[. .]s, 1527 Ap[---] ('QCaEvi), ? 'Apaprax]vb6 archon ['Apapla]v6s: [AoTlToS? Map[a0cbvios], post ca. 216 p., 4692-3; [Ao? ?]Ttos 'Apapcavos Mapa? 'Apapi[avos Mapa3(cbvios)], ecbv[ios],4702-3; [A]o[U]?Tios 4721-3 4712-3; [AoI(ETios) ? 'Apa3lcav6 Mcpaocbvtos], ), ca. 73-63 a., father of [Tima]pXos, 'ApyaT(os)(frappcoTaSs-r 2855 = ca. 73-63 a., father of 'AppoSaicos, 'Apyaios (TTavpooTaSrl), 28645; perhaps = 'Apyacos TiliapXov(TlavpcoTaSnlS), ca. 40-30 a., 28644; on his career cf. H., Suppl. I, p. 174; the homonymous thesmothete in 14/3 (I.G., II2, 1721) may be a nephew of the councillor. herald 135/4 a., 24351-52, ['AoKAxCIrovoS 'ApyeTos 'A-rivEiUS], 132-133;and victor in the Theseia 161/0 a. (I.G., II2, 95650; P.A., 1585) and thesmothete 97/6 a. (.G., II2, 2336253)
'ApyEioS (TplKopUloio), 223/2 a., 12725 *'ApSias 'Apt[a]iou (TpiKopvacio), paullo ante 60 a., 26714
'Apia(----) ('Ayvoiicos ?), init. s. IIIa., fatherof['ApiCor]ap1052 XOS, 'Apia[- --] (EUcomwusS), 381/0 a., 613 'Apio-r[-------], secretary ca. 182-150 a., 2181-2
'Apt[T-r---] ('ITmroecovrios), med. s. I a., 27842 ] ('Apa~avmToS),281/0 a., 72134 'Apio-r[ ] ('AJiaCavTss), 281/0 a., 72135 'Aplo-[r--
'Ap3or[-----] 'Apio[-r
councillor ? ca. 370 a., 492114 ('AXapvsEs), ] (nTTaXiivEus), 303/2 a., 62319
'Apic-r[---] (nlaAXrvEuS ?), ca. 192/3 p., 42317 'Apio-r[--] (qifrrtios), ca. 293-273 a., father of Xi[lBla]s, 9710 ca. 190/89 a., 17094 'Apilor[---] (TplKopOCvoS), 'Apo-r[---] (TPIKopvllos), ca. 190/89 a., 17095 'Apio-r[--] (?tps&ppios), fin. s. II a., 2565 ca. 73-63 a., father of 2[coxr]pa'A[p]liaTay6pas (AaTrw-rpeUs), roS, 28633
ca. 354 a., father of[ ], 555 ['Ap]tlraTos ('AvaqcXAu-ros), (P.A., 1635) 'Apio-ra[os] (_uv?TrrE cbv),ante med. s. IV a., father of [---]ns, 317
'ApioaTaos: A[o]!iiTlo[S] 'AplaTa-os n[ai]ovi5rSs, archon 200/1-
or 'ASpiaviSoO), s. III p., 4879 "ApEios (AEcov-rrios 'Ap[E]cias (FapyrrTios), 341/0 a., 381s (P.A., 1597) ncaucaov
['A]pEcir{as [-----] s. IV a., 294 (EOcoVUPEV'S),
ante med. s. IV a., father of'Apx[i]as, 'ApEoias (KvSaOrlvaisus), 3255 (P.A., 1599) , ^TriorTrrls TTsipaClEUt 'ApEcaiaAaprwpoKEOUS TrpoSpcov 254/3 a., 894-5; on the family of'A., cf. H., XXXVIII, 1969, pp. 423, note on line 4, and 432-433, note 8
( -pqrnlos), 303/2 a., 6281 'ApEoias 'ApEainTrrov
['Api-cr]apXos 'Apti(---)
'ApEacfasTrpcTOviKov ((D)ax?ipsE), 303/2 a., 62286 6281 'ApCatrrroT (q)rr'ino), ca. 336/5 a., father of 'ApEaiaS, 'Apris(ETmlpltes), 162/3 p., 36417 'Apris:KX(aoSios)
'Apl[---]('lrrroOcovTiSos), med. s. I a., 27843 'Api[---] ('ITrroecovTiSos),med. s. I a., 27846 'Api[---]: []6oAcov 'Api[---] (KeKpo-riOos ?), 213/4-219/20
46311 88 'Apt[--] ('Ayvoiroios),ca. 411/0 a., father of'Ap[i]cT-rcov, 'Api[----] (AiylAielS), ca. 336/5 a., father of 'ApXi[oXos, 62328 'Api(---) (rTEpaiCES),ca. 168/7 a., father of 'AqpoSianos, 24373 ] (f 'Api[ --), fin. s. III a., 1436 *'Apl[a]Tos(TplKopucnos), paullo ante ca. 93 a., father of 'ApSrias,26714
*[---] ['A]piav6s (rapy'rrTro5), saec. II p., 3465 rTolaitaou v Errau'l-rios, treasurer of the prytaneis 'Apiap&arTs
]srs Ca.320 a. (H., XXVIII, 1959,p. 217398-399 correcting I.G., II2, 155725-26;the spacing here, however, will allow the restoration [AioXudi]86-s) ca 217/6 a., father of ['Api]o-r6Viaxos, (meAuEs), 'Apio-rapXos 1805 'Aplo-rEiSrl,lEpeUs O(cocp6pcov 209/10 p., 46098-99; cf. 'A.
qOpEapplos ca. 167/8-171/2 p., father of Bei'AplorTErisS (CAKamOavTisos), Tr&xAos,45315
p(ivoUiOios),father of[.......
95/4 a., 261[27-29],46,52, [67];cf. H., XVII, 1948, pp. 28-29. ['A]piyvcoTos Bapupiov('IKapptIEi), 341/0 a., 3830 (P.A., 1613) 'Apil-rios (2TE1pispS),ante med. s. IV a., father of 'Haio-r6Scopos,3243 (P.A., 1616) ante med. s. IV a., 163 (P.A., 1618 'ApilVrlaToS (KEKpo-ir1os), cf. P.A., 1620 and a); the demotic may be O(v~Eus, 'A. 'A. (0.), q. v. 'Api vlo-rTos (AtOoiEesS), 335/4 a., 4354
'Api[vrncrros] (OAveus), ca. 313 a., father of ['Api]vTrlor[o]s,
'Aplo-re[iS1s]: Aup(riAlos) 'Aplo-E[iSrls] (KEKpowrrios ?), 213/4219/20 p., 4634 Ca. 150 a., 23618 'Apio-rdsiri('AXcorTTKfiOv), 'Apli-rEi(B5s) ('Avayvp&aios),ca. 289/8 a., father of NIKopouAos, 8657 'AptirTiS8rl (Fapyi'rTios),ca. 149/50 p., father of 'ApiorsiSris, 40625 0 (rapy-Trros), 182/3 p., 40625. 'Apio-riS8rs
'ApicrriSrls 'Epp[eos], contributor, but not a povAMuTrs 328/7 a., 4936 'ApTo-rTi5riS lAXoKMAov (EOurvpiSqs)), 304/3 a., 61302 ca. 135/6 p., father of B[I]Tr&AXos, 'Apai-rTiSris (9il'rros), AlovCaios, and 'AoCi<rXrir&Sis, 37318, 19, 20 'ApIaTEcrriS: 'Av(vios) 'AplaT6iSri1(Ziflrirtos), 168/9 p., 37317 riT S OeoyEvov (Opaptios), ca. 165-170 p., 37019 = 'AptorT Kai IEpEOS 'Aplot-i[86rs] [Oeoybv]ous ODpE&ppl[os], OcoCTq6pwov ?Tri KlaaSos 186/7 p., 41138-39 = ca. 187/8 p., 4147 = ['ApiarrESri5 1]pE<ap>plos, [ir1i EKI&8os] ['Api]cTrEi[rTS OEoyEvouS (pe]a[ppios], lEpEus Ocoaqo6pcov 188/9 41948 p., 4177-8; 'ApioC[Ti]STs eeoY[EvouS],
['Api]uvvqn-r[o]s'Api[vricrrou] ((AvEvS5), ca. 280 a., 73io (cf.
'Apia-reSrl Atlovwiov (XoXapyEss), 168/9 p., 37362 ca. 105/6 p., father of 'ErrTurv'Apicrr6pouXos (TTaXXiverS), 'ApioTEiS and TTpooa6KWios, OEoyevou (BrijaioS), 334/3 a., 4420 (P.A., 1718) 33349,50 X&vcov ['Api]a-rri5lSs 'EKrlec-rov ('AvaKaitES), councillor? ca. 370 a., 'Apo-r6opovuos Zcooaitou (TTaXA-lvsS ?), ca. 192/3 p., 42323 492139(P.A., 1697) 'Ap[io-r6]povAos I(AviUS, ca. 145 p., father of [------]IS, 'AplaTrilSriS 'llEpaiou (EKa(ipcovi6rls), 370/69 (?) a., 1330-31 39248; cf. 'A. 'A-rro7covio(u)>D., ephebe 154/5 p. (I.G., II2, (P.A., 1715) 206770) ca. 289/8 a., father of MEvaitXos, 'Apicrr[i]as (ctiXafSr1s), 8558 ['A]piorroy[e ] ('AvaOcKCaIE ?), ca. 240 a., 109l1 (P.A., 1722) 'Apio-roye[---] ('IKapIlES),ca. 170 a., 49268 ['A]piforar[rr]os A[io]v[v]oCov (KuSaerlvales), ca. 20 a., 29366 'Apio-royvrS (KuSaerqva1ieS), 336/5 a., 42160 ca. 190/89 a., 17059 'Apiaolmlos ('PaPlvovcaos), ['A]pto-royEvr1s (Aa!rrpEUs KaOirrEpeev), 367/6 a., 1458 ], contributor but not a povuevrris328/7 a., 'Apto-roylvnS (OuAcalos),init. s. II a., 15615 'Apo-kio[v 4940 ca. 73-63 a., father of [ECio]iprs, 'Aplo-ro5(--) (cTTapco-r&Srls), P3ouXis ['A]plo-icov,0irrTrphiS TrjiS 2856 303/2 a., 6212 ca. init. s. III a., fatherof [ ['A]po-ricov, ], 10311 'Apio-roB&alas KaAiouv ('ATrnveU), 334/3 a., 4422 (P.A., 1793) ca. 180p., 4019 ['Aplo]-icov'Apir[---] (KEKpoTr8iOS), 'ApilcroBa&ias (Muppivoiroio),ca. 363 a., father of noXvuBdiaas, 'Ap[i]oricov'Api[--] ('Ayvoucros), 378/7 a., 88 (P.A., 1738) 4727 (P.A., 1794) and Mvrlaiaopas (H., V, 1936, pp. ca. 403/2 a., father of [rl]peorpuxa'AplaTicov ('Alupoocrios), 397-398, No. 103-4, 7-10 and p. 407; cf. XIX, 1950, p. 251) pil[s], 1312; cf. n. 'A. 'A. (P.A., 1740-1, and I.G., II2, 5533, 'Apic[-r6]S1[pos?-med. s. III a., 966 -], 5541, and 5579) archon ca. a. Chr. n., 3021 'ApiCTr68[,llos], 'Apio-ricov ('Aco-rrKEiVs), 140/39 a., 24089 'Apro-r68rlpoS 'Apio-roqcpvros (Aiav-rios), 335/4 a., 43204ca. 287/6 a., father of CniKpos, 'Apo-ricov('EpXiE2s), 8965 205 ca. 400/399 a., father of vu06copos, [ 'Aplo-ricov (Krlo-nqjEs), init. s. III p., 4574 ] 'Apio-r658rlos (KEKpowri8os), 1427 'Apia-r6o8nuo ('Aypu7Xus), fin. s. III a., 14149 'Aplrr<i>covHnoXKp<crov (KoWuvrEOs), 256/5 a., 8552 (P.A., 'Apio-r6TOrl.o 'EwlKparro(AiylAlEus),334/3 a., 4428 (P.A., 1721, corrected) = 1805) 'Apo-ricovTToXuKp-rov (KoXXvT-rEs), 254/3 a., 8953 'ApioTr65i(pos) (KriMio-is), ca. 289/8 a., father of ?)i(6ppcov, 'Apcrricov(&tOTov),ca. 151/0 a., father of coKp&rMrs, 2536 8647 (P.A., 1748); a grandson - P.A., 1749 'Apio-ro6sip[os'E]TKco-ro(u)(Ko0coKiSTi), 304/3 a., 61122; ['Aplo ?]rTiOV ca. 400'Apic-rco'ov nTTa-rav6i[S], relatives are: 'E. K., secretary of the poletai 367/6 a., (H., X, dvTrypaqEos 350 a., 1267; for the restoration cf. H., XI, 1942, p. 306. 1941, p. 14, No. 15-6), 'ErKEacriSTr1 'A. K. (I.G., II2, 6474, 'Apic-ic&v 193/2 a., 16870 (nTpyaamEs), which may appear in error as 'EKIEo-riSTs 'ApioroScbpou 'Api-rficov (rEipaXfirls),169/8 a., 2121io K., I.G., II2, 6475; cf. Kirchner, ad. loc.), who may = 'Api-ri[cov] (lcxxlaXilS), ca. 159/60 p., father of epaaopouK., trierarch 353/2 a. (I.G., II2, 1613183 = 'EKrljCTcnTfSr Aos,42332 P.A., 4719-20),and 'Apia-royCv 'A. K.(LG., II2,1849);for ['A]ptoTri[o]v iAiXo-Sriou (OriyaliEs), 343/2 (?) a., 3618 (P.A., a stemma cf. A.P.F., 4719 1755) 'Apiorr6TOSrio (Ku8a0rlvaie's), 336/5 a., 4215i ca. 336/5 a., father of 'Apio-r6- 'Apio-r6SUioS 'Api-rro(----) (Keqa\e%s), ('Oacxe), 220/19 a., 13099 KpITOS, 6287 'Apio-r68STrIo (RTAcoeeis5), 336/5 a., 42111 councillor? ca. 370 a., 49249 'Aporro[----] (KvuavTi'ris), ca. 368/7 a., father of 'Apiroroqyv, 'Apio-r6STr8o (T-rEpiEU5), 'Apio-ro[---] (nTTepalte), paullo ante 178/7 a., 19322 4372; cf. 'A. 'A. E. ] ((DaXqipeOs), ca. 120 p., 32269 'Apicrro[ 'Apiorr68Jr.ios 'Apio-rcov[i]i[ov] (XoAapyEis), 281/0 a., 729 ['A]pio-r63ouos, ca. 100 a., 2572 (P.A., 1825, corrected) 'ApTor6pouXos ('AvTnoxiSos), paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father 'Apia-r68iKo post ca. 288 a., father of[ (PEi&ppios), of 'EITracpp6SrTos, 46652 -]os, 8813(P.A., 1833) 'Api-r6opouAos ('ATrarXios),post ca. 183 p., father of 'Av-r- 'Aplo-r65K(os) (XohXX5irns),ca. 313 a., father of 'Apa[v][as, 47013 po&v, 7415(P.A., 1834) 'Ap[i]oar6pouXos ('Ayvoo'ios), 173/2 a., 206124 'Apio-r68copos (HraiavlEuv), 220/19 a., 13074 'AptT6povAos 'ATrrKOO 'Avayvp&aOos, secretary of the boule ['A]po-roK[---] ('Ayvooaios), fin. s. III a., 140io and the demos 209/10 p., 46092-94 'Api[a]Tro[---] (OopKIo5 ?), s. IV-III a., 5647 'A[pics]T[6]po[u]os'Ip[rl]va[(](ou) (KuS6aelvaitES), ca. 160 p., honored by the pou4i, ca. 225 a., 'APIOroK[---] (Au[?Eis], 3623 = 'A. (K.), ca. 146 p., father of EiprlvaTos 1237 (I.G., II2, 209431) and perhaps also 'A. Elprvafov K., ephebe 115/6 'ApiTTOKA[----]('OTpuvEsS), councillor? ca. 370 a., 49234 p. (I.G., II2, 20176) ca. med. s. IV a., father of 'AptIoroK7d8rlS (u-rrTratCbv), ] (MapaOcbvios), 'Aptaor61o[uAos ca. 120 p., 32244 183 [Opi?]vlXos, 'Apo-Tr6povuos (Aiav-riSos),ca. 167/8-171/2 p. (the demotic 'Apto-roK7idi8rl() OiXIa-or8ou nElpatlis, eponymos ca. 205 p., is Mapaecovios), father of [ZEijc]aXos, 45015 = 4489-10; appears in a list of prominent men ca. 175-185 'Apiar6opouA[os] (Aiav-riSos),ca. 167 p., father of EilcaX)os, p. (H., XXVIII, 1959, pp. 283-285, No. 12, corrected); for = 'A. (M.), ca. 166 p., 4467; the demotic is Mapacxcbvos, other membersof this family cf. H., XL, 1971, p. 325,
father of YiSuaxos (.G., 170io =
II2, 2111/225)
'Apio-r6pouXos (OivaTos),ca. 223/2 a., father of 'Hy-rcop, ['Apioar6pou]Aos (Otvacos),ca. 213/2 a., father of ['Hy'-rcop],
18717-18, [57-58]
ca. 363 a., father of 'Apti-rorAfiS, 'AploroKWoEi]ST (nTpacolvs), 4719 (P.A., 1844)
'ApiaTOKKAESris (npopcAxicnos), ca. 363 a., father of Avuavias and KAEopq8rjs, 4738,39 (P.A., 1845) 'AptorroKEi85rls 'Apio-roTr(Aovs) (OuAaoxaos), 304/3 a., 61126, brother of 'ApioroqT5v 'A. (0.), 61128; cf. 'ApTc-roKXEiSrl 0. (P.A., 1846) and ['Ap]io-roKXEi8rls ., ca. 320 a. (.G., II2,
'Apio-rcovo()peappios), 370/69(?) a., 1351-52 'Apo-roiKpdrris (P.A., 1927) ca. 168 a., 21462 'ApicrroKp&nrr (XoAAEXSrs), ['Apocr]6KplToS(AecovrfTos), 185/4 a., 17943 'ApIar6KpITro 'ApIrro(----) (KcpaXOsUS), 303/2 a., 6287 156616-17) 'Apto-6KpIT[os] (Oivaios), 223/2 a., 12759 EpaouvKXov'AMamEis ca. 325 a., 5222 (P.A., 'AptcrroKAXs ('Apac.), prytanis and 'Apla-rrKpiTOs ATiroq)&vov ((cpE&ppios), treasurer of prytaneis 254/3 a., 8943, 26,33 1936) 'ApicrToKX[fs----] ('AvaKaCluS),281/0 a., 72146 archon 161/0 a., 222i (P.A., 1939) ['Apio'r6]xas, 'ApiorToKXtS ('AvaKcai?s),ca. 403 a., father of [Opa]ocov, 'Apiotr6Ecos (BaTErE), ca. 368/7 a., father of 'Av8poXfiS,4344 492137 ; either he, or perhaps a nephew = 'Apioropi[---] (Kuvippios), 155/4 a., 22592 councillor ? ca. 370 'ApioToI(---) (laiaviEUS), ca. 268/7 a., father of [ .....]as, ['Aplo-roK]fisOp[a]aco[vos] ('AvaKalEus), a., 492140 (P.A., 1859) 11569 'Apic-roKAfiS ('AXEp85oUo'lo), 178/7 a., 19469 = ('AxaiEis?), ca. 336/5 a., father of 'ACrr[u'Apicror6a(Xos) 176-169 a., 20554 'ApiorT]oKAf,S ('AXEpSovcnors), avac ?], 62210; restored from and identified with 'ApiCTo6[---] 'ApITOKAfiS (K KoiArs),281/0 a., 7246 'A. (I.G., II2, 28201o, 15932, 4 = P.., paxos 'Aa-rvavcaKTOS 'AploroKAfiS 'IEpoKAEOUS (KvuaOrjvaiEus), post med. s. IV a., 1968; cf. H., XXXVII, 1968, p. 19, note on line 135) 3254 (P.A., 1872); ['Ap1c]ToKXfiS K., father of [ ], 'ApioTr6[paXos](MeAXTES), ca. 314/3 a., father of 'HyicnTrrros, init. s. IV a. may be a grandfather (LG., II2, 192929 = 7241 = P.A., 1976; cf. P.A., 1871, A.P.F.) unidentified list ca. 321 'Apioa-r6oaXos (MeA?TrjS), AirloXacpov 'AplicroKAfs (AarrrpEiru),336/5 a., 4254; 'A. A., Aalcxra8ri- a., 49415 ca. 333 a., may have been a son (I.G., II2, 310515; 'Apio-r6oaXos o6ops (ErUrTaicbv), ca. 354a., father of'lIaX6pcaXos, O. W. Reinmuth, op. cit., pp. 51-53, gives the date as 329/8 49427 or 324/3 a.) ca. 336/5 a., father of IcpiXos, 'Apio-r6cpaxos (rlTEpacIEu), 'Apo-TOKXfis (loTar&llos), 336/5 a., 42208 62256; cf. 'A. 'Apo-raiouv T., epimelete med. s. IV a. (I.G., 'AplcTrOKXiS (FTpaclEvs),ante med. s. IV a., father of 'AppcbII2, 28302) and ecopias'A. 1. (.G., II2, 7189) vtios, 3241 (P.A., 1882); a latermember of this family is: councillor? ca. 'Apilor6paX[os---] (TTepyaoErvS rrrevEpeEv), iSov (TTpacCieus), ca. 330 a., 4719 'ApioaoKXis 'AplaTo-Aro 370 a., 4927 (P.A., 1984) ca. 363 a., father of Xcxpias, 4736 'Apl-croKfiS(TrEtpIEOS), ['Apl]ar6opaXos (Upopaoicos), ca. 215/4a.,fatherof[OcIlo... s], (P.A., 1884) 1831-2 = 'ApioTOKp[----] (KirTTioS ?), post 255 a., 8826 'Apir[T6] paXos (Upopaciafos),ca. 215/4 a., fatherof OiXo[.. .], 'AplaoroKpnrr1s 'ApioroiEvou[s], ca. 225 a., 1226 1842 (P.A., 1985) = 176-169 a., 20528; perhaps 'ApicrroKp&Trl ('AlnvimEU), ca. 83 a., father of eEapicov, 'Aplo-r6ca[Xos]((caATpeirs), 'A. 'A., ca. 173 a., father of Alois (I.G., II2, 24457, P.A., 27352 the (P.A., 1987); following may be a nephew 1907); a son may = or a grandson: = 'Ap1o-roKpCorrs ('AlrivsEOs), 135/4 a., 24398; perhaps 'A. ca. 50 a., 27351 (P.A., (maXipEVs,), who was ephebe 119/8 a. (I.G., II2, 'Aplcr6paXos eap[icovos] ('A), father of ZcoTrupos cf. stemma s. 1988, P.A., 6639) 1008, III111109, P.A., 1908) rpo?Spcov ['Api]oTr6paXos 'Apiacr:pXou [4U?VES], ETrraTaTTis5 ca. 180-160 a., 20910 'AploroKp&rr1n (AlfcovesS), 1804-5 a., 184/3 8948 nTiuTrrov ['A]plCTroKp&-Tnrl ('AAaitEi),254/3 a., init. s. II a., 1575 'ApioroKpTrrn ('AtiSvacos), ca. 209/8-203/2 a., father of [Au- ['Apt]o-rog6[...] (K6TTpEos), ca. 258 a., father of 'Apo-roKp&rrTs, 1226 'Apic-ropvrlS, cip]aXos, 2049 = [----]Tro(---) (AlavTiSos),303/2 a., 62270 ['Apli-roKp&Trrl] ('AqiSvaTos),ca. 209/8-203/2 a., father of 'Apio-rouEv[]S ------] (Alavri8os), 240-230 a., 1132 [Aucriaxos], 20511; cf. I.G., II2, 5726 and A.P.F., 8157, 'ApicrooUvq[s stemma 'AptoI-rIOIvq (AcovLriSos), 185/4 a., 17937 treasurer of prytaneis ca. 190/89 'Apioropvqs MapaO[cbvios], 'ApIoroKpC&'rsl (Oopaies)), 169/8 a., 212il9; cf. 46 a., 1704, [19-20], 'Apio-roKpC1rrS (OopalECi), 140/39 a., 240103 ca. 336/5 a., father of N6IKq1rpoS, 'Apil-ropiv(rls) ('Pamvocuros), I[--] (KepapcuS), 223/2 a., 128ioo 'Aplo-roKp&TrrS 62275 'ApioTroKpadrrls (KoAAurOus), post med. s. III a., 1123 ca. 368/7 a., father of 'Avritivrls, (TEitpa&cos), 'ApicrroKparri (KuSaceivacitE), ca. 376/5 a., father of 'AvIn- 'Apolrroplvrs 43228 KXfS,348 (P.A., 1914) ca. 330 a., 46;5 S(CAmvsUS), 'Apio-roUvTr ['Apcr]TroKp[acrrs----] (AaitlrpOs), 304/3 a., 6012 = ['Aplar]o[KpaTrrs----] (AapnirrpeOs), 304/3 a., 6138; this res- 'Apic-ropi'6(s) ('ATlvtiv5),ca. 403 a., fatherof['Apicrro]qavrls, toration is preferable to *['Epa]ToKp[&aTls] 492127 = 'Ap[ior]o'iriS I 'A[lriVIles], TapiCasT'CV iEpcv (H., II, 1933, p. cf. 'A. trierarch and father A., of 400/399 a. (I.G., I12, 13746); cf.: 499); Xpr1&arcov 356/5-346/5 a., MEATaliaS ca. 360-340 a., (P.A., 1916-7,A.P.F.) ('ALirVIUS), 'ApIcrTo0([vTos] 'Apior[o]piNSrls 'AplITroKpa-rri(MEAXTE5S 2027, was trierarch 356/5 a. (LG., II2, 1612289 = P.A., ?), ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of [---2013 with addendum) and brother of 'Apio-ropavrs(LG., -]oTrE. o5, 29044 Au[ai]ou (TTaiovi8'rs), II2, 2386io = P.A., 2081 with addendum); for their 'ApiaToKpci-rl 304/3 a., 61293 famous father cf. P.A., 2108 with addendum, and for the 'ApiTcroKp&aris 336/5 a., 4241 (lTEpyaccrOU), 'ApicrroKp&Crrl (nptI0oi6irs), ca. 368/7 a., father of ArlPoKp6rrS, family, A.P.F., 2108, stemma 43152 med. s. I a., 27832 'AplaTO6vKoS npcoToyEvovs ('ALriVIEvs), 'ApicrroKpdSrrs ODAcvoS('ErtEiKi6S), ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29069-70 169/8 a., 212112 (ErlpcaxirSs), 'Apto-r6VIKOS
ca. 165 p., father of'AppoSiclmos, (lThoAeliatSos), 'Apo-r6[v]ous 443i ('AXcxIoe ?), ca. 180-160 a., 2097 ['Apt]rr6SEvos ] ('EXAcaitvos ?), 281/0 a., 72127 Apiro-r[ 176-169 a., 20548 ('AvoKaies), 'AptorroTrX[ns] Kcatcrepeev), ca. 393 a., father of (TTaiaviE*S 'AptoroTrA[r]S 1523, and perhaps also 'A. 11.(.G., II2, M<v>ir1ipovAos, 7098, med. s. IV a.) A r1 ilX?iTrnr[ov?] (TiaXnrvss), 281/0 a., 72227 'Ap[i7ro]Tr 303/2 a., 6225 'OytaSo[u] (lToTa'cios), 'ApiOTOTErAXrl
ca. 368/7 a., father of ENiLWAos, 4396; 'Apto-roqav(KoAcove6u), a relative = 336/5 a., 42348 'Apitroacov (Ko7covEJs), [(I]coK1i8ou 303/2 a., 62180(P.A., 2116) ('Ofiv), 'ApitrooSv ['Ap]iorrocpSv ('Pacvoaicos), 166/5 a., 21637 335/4 a., 4371-72; his 'Apio-roiSlmov 'AplrroxpoSv (2r'plEiUS), was a taxison, 'Apio-r68T[i[o]s 'ApicoqcovTros -TEipiMOs, arch sent to Boiotia in 281/0 a. (H., IV, 1935, p. 562, No. 4024-25). ov (uXCaCoios), 304/3 a., 61128,prob'Apio-roqOv 'Aplaoro-rT = 'A. ca. a. (H., Suppl. VIII, of 330/29 s. father med. IV ante (0.), ephebe a., ably MeArlaias, (rTeIpt1ESs), 'ApiTaroT-rels 'A. (0.), 61126; cf.: 3245 (P.A., 2072) p. 27413); brother of 'Apio-roKARiS8s 'ApicroTi(Arls) (OuAavios), ca. 337/6 a., father of 'Apia-roKAdi- 'ApioroqVcov'AVT(---) (OuXiacos),med. s. III a., 10511; cf. = commentary ad. loc. 6ris, 61126 ca. 289/8 a., father of 'Apiordbof father ca. 337/6 a., (Aalix-rpEOs), 'Apicrrco(----) (OuXcaoaos), 'ApiaTrocpv, 'ApicnroTsXs $. (P.A., 2074, N.P.A., p. 31; I.G., vvuos, 8626 61128; cf. 'A. Zcoq[Nou ca. 200-150 a., 2034 II2, 155472 =H., XXVIII, 1959, p. 226347) and I2cqpiXos ['Ap]ic{rcov, 'A. 1D.(P.A.,13422, N.P.A., p. 31; I.G., II2, 29706 = H., 'ApioTcov('Epexerli?os),ca. 368/7 a., father of 'Api[]-rcov, 4310 XXXIII, 1964, p. 3506; etc.) ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13733 335/4 a., 439-10 'ApiarcovoS ('EpeXe0ri8o5), 'Api[c]Tcov 'AplC-r6Tipos(AaXT=rrpEv), ca. 157/8 p., father of Eqc<p>aTos, ca. 336/5 a., father of 'Apirarcb- 'A<pt>orcov (KEKpo1riSoS), 'Apa-roq(---) (eTqTtmos), 4208 vuwos,6283 name the archon be ?], Di[----o]u ('Ayvoicnos), 304/3 a., 61115 331/0 a., 454-5; 'Apiorcov may 'Apio-r[oqpavrs priest of eponymos 21/0 'A[e0]ovEvs, 'ApiorcovYcoaio-rp&rov 'Apicrr[oq)cv] councillor? ca. a., 29238-42 = 'A. E. 'A., priest of Kekrops and member ('AZTrlvEOs), 'ApiaTropri-(ous) ['Apto-ro]q&vrs of genos of Amynandridai 27/6-18/7 a. (I.G., II2, 23389,70) 370 a., 492127 (P.A., 2084); cf. 'Aplcr[o]>qiris 'Api-roca. 168 a., 21439 'Apiorcov(AltOaiS6rs), 9(c[vros] 'A. and A.P.F., 2108, stemma 'Apiarcov('AaiErs ?), ca. 314/3 2., father of [---]ivos, 7289 ['Apicro]&javrstiA[----ou] ('AyiSvacos),304/3 a., 5912 = 303/2 a., 62268 ('EXaioi}aios), 'Apio-rov 'ApioTroqpdvou ctA--]ov ('Api8vacos),304/3 a., 61259 ['Ap]iorroqadv[rs ('EXctoaitos), ca. 336/5 a., father of 'Apiorcov, 'Apiarcov uv,io[---] (Opltotos), fin. s. III a., 1368 'Apiaroqxavrls 62268 303/2 a., 6288 'Api-rrov 'Ayiqous (Kepa*Ers), 148/9p., 135/4 a., 24393 (Ko?vwrs0S), rd(ios) 'OqpeAios 'Apirrco[v] 'Apioaco[v]: ('EXaicoicios), 'Apia-roTrop[&]vti[s] 33714 ca. 289/8 a., father of 'AyaOoKfis, ('Ep1KEEuj), 'Aptiorop&vts 31825 8575 (P.A., 2087) 'Apicrcov(KvuSa0rvalcs),aet. Rom., father of "AvSpos, 157 ca. 393 a., father of [Ee]6olpios, 'Apicrcov(Kv5aEOTvaisis), (eopiKios), 336/5 a., 42267 'Apiaoropvrqs EUKEIs8ou 341/0 a., 3827; 'Apit(P.A., 2162) ('IKaPIECS), 'Apto-ropCavrs 'IKa- ['Apic-rco]v EUKXEis[o]u AcCawIrpE~s, 135/4 a., 24354; 'Apicrrcov 'IKcXaplE,3889; 'Apiaroqpavirs avTrypaqOES -ro[pq)]vrS AacrTrpEOS,243141-142, [2443-4]; cf. 'A. A., father of PliEs, 3878, 85 (P.A., 2088) 'Aqvaclos, 163-153 a. (I.G., II2, 193933,P.A., 2163) s), ca. 400-350 a., 1226; perhaps 'Aptoaroavrls(KuSacx0vactl = :omic poet (P.A., 2090), see commentary s. 12; his son 'Apiorcov (Aap=rrrpeus), ca. 73-63 a., father of AtovUCaoIs, 28681 may be identified with ROiXrTros,ca. 393 a., father of ca. 206/5 a., father of 'Apio-rco[v], (AevuovoEws), ['Apirorcov] [.... ]os, 1513 = 20686 15520 200 a., (AaKia'lSs), paullo post ['A]plrroq[a]vris ca. 201 a., father of'Apiorcov, 2148(AwKovoEis), 'IepcovOlIou Telipd&a'os, avaypa9Es 335/4 a., 'Api[crrcov] 'ApaoTo(pavqs 43229 9; perhaps = ante med. s. IV a., father of 'Avrr- 'Apirrcov (AnvKovoeO ?), ca. 206/5 a., father of ArllOKi68lr5, ('QactelS), 'Apioropdvrns 20645 3218 &avrjs, (P.A., 2097) AEvKovoeV, orator 173/2 a., 20646'Apirrco[v 'Apio{rcovos?] Avucri[---] ('AXctis ?), 281/0 a., 7288 ['Apit]T6plXos ca. 289/8 a., father of ZcoKfixs, 8531= 47; perhaps = 'A[p]iJcr6qlos('EpXiiEs), 8970 'Apfo-rcov prytanis and secretary of 'Api[rrcovosAevKovoe0s], 'Apia-ro6qtos ('EpXties),ca. 287/6 a., father of AIOKAis, 168 22 s. II ca. init. honored the 2148-9, a., a., boule, by prytaneis 'Apoi-r6olos XoXapyCs5, 1544-5 (npocpaiaios), 220/19 2., 130109 'ApioTcov ?], archon 330/29 a., 454-5; the name may be 'Api-ccov eEo6bpou 'Papiv[oucaos], 'Aposrr[oCSv secretary Karrx itpvraviav 214/3 2., 1352 'Apio-[oqavris] ca. 368/7 a., father of 'Apta-r6Trios, 'ApiorcovA1Trli(Tpiou) (AiavTiSoS), ('PaivoOicos), ca. 190/89 a., 17069 'ApiC-roCov 43205 44018 'Apo-rcov(pil-rrios), ca. med. s. IIp., father of BaoaaoS, 'ApitToc0$v ('AvTioxiSos), ca. 172 p., father of BaOv,Xos, 'Apio-col (TplKopiroos), paullo ante ca. 93 a., father of 'Apia44723; probably = -Tv, 26720 ca. 205 p., 'ApicaroqOv ('AVTr1OXiOS), 'ApioTropov:tEPES5 'Api-rcov 'Apicrcolos (TpiKopvjcros), paullo ante 60 a., 26720 44722 ca. 50 a., 27349 (P.A., 2178) nloCio[vs](cDaXripies), 'Apio-rcov ] (caQrlpe,S),ca. 30-20 a., 28912 T[---'Aplcrroqtc[v] ('Alrlvles), ca. 393-373 a., father of'Apia-r[o]pjA- 'Apia-rcov ca. 400/399 a., father of 'AploroKparrrs, STS,2027 (P.A., 2108, with addendum, A.P.F.,stemma); 'Apiorcov(OpEappios), cf. 'Apio r[o]iSirs 'A. ('A). 1352(P.A., 2181)
], orator 256/5 a., 869 'AptTrcbwvuos[ ] (KEKpo-irros), ca. 280 a., 732 ?]TcbOvupo[S ['Apia paullo post 178/7 a., 19615 (Opi6calos), 'AplaTcrbvuwos 360/59 a., 1715 (P.A., 2196) (AcaKlrSqs), 'AptcrrcbvuPos 256/5 a., 8626 'Apit-rco(--) (AcrarrppEis), 'ApoaTrcwvos (TTaiavisi'),220/19 a., 13066 'Aparrcbvvuoos
'Ap-T 8[copos----] ('ASpiaviSos),ca. 231/2 p., 49132 180/79 a., 18772 (TTroXEpaa8os), ['A]pTrI[[Ep8copo[s] 177/8 p., 39818 (METrreS), 'ApTrE6i8co[p]oS ca. 144/5 p., father of 'A[pT]E[I58]co'AprTEi8co[p]os(MEATrmS), [pos]?, 39819 'A[e]nvaiou (MEArrTEU?),ca. 29/8-22/1 a., ['A]p-TEp5copos 29049-50 father Ca.433-383 a., of'[Apia ?]Ti(rTaXXrrlEu), 'Apio-rTbvupoS ? 'ApT'EP18o[p]o (MEAXrrEs), 177/8 p., 39819 'A[prT]E[P8]co[poS] cov, 1267 of ['ApTEP]ifather ca. of father ca. 283 p., 133/4 (rlTaiaovEs), a., ['ApTrEl]i8copoS 'Apiorwbvupos, (thiES), 'Apio-rcbvujvos 36924 coopos, 9824-25 = (o alaviEis), 166/7 p., 36924 ['ApTEI]i8copoS (ntEvs), ca. 283 a., father of 'Apitc[T]cOv[upos], ['Apio-rcOvvuos] (TEilpalEus),ca. 155 a., 226 33; cf. 'AaKhAai&ov 992 'ApTrE(<>8copos 'A. FT., IG., II2, 7156. Mt0es, priest of eponymos ca. 'AptoTcoviovou 'Apitorcbwvos 250 a., 9823-26 = ('Paxvo*aioS),166/5 a., 21643 'ApTmpiScopos ca. 176/7 p., father of 'Arroxcbvios, of (XTEIPIESj), 'ApTEPi{copoS eponymos 'Apla[T]cbv[uPos 'Apicrrcovilou 1t0is], priest 46078 ca. 250 a., 991-2 ], (TrpKop(oIloS), ca. 83 a., father of [ ['ApT]EiiScopos 'Api-Trop(---) (E9qirrlos),303/2 a., 6283 'ApioT-cbvvuoS 27331 of father ca. [----]vrs, (XoXapyEvs), 338/7 a., 'Apio-rcbvuipo 'ApTrPco[v----] ('A8piavi8os),ca. 231/2 p., 49135 5831, perhaps = 169/70 p., 3806 'Apticrcbv[u][os] (XoXacpyEss),ca. 314/3 a., father of 'Apicrr6- ['Ap]T'Pcov[----] ('AvTIoXiSos), paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father of ('AvTIoXiSos), SrTios,729 (the reading is corrected from H.,XXXVIII, 'Ap-Tmrcov 46639 'Ap-rTpcv, 1969, p. 47683) paullo ante 220/1 p., 46639 father of ca. 'ApT'rpCov ('AvTloXiBos), <2>T-r[qap., 167/8-171/2 (Alav-riSos), 'Ap<K>as 'EmrrlKIrou ('Avt-oXi8os),ca. 205 p., 44728 'ApT'rEcov v]os, 45018 = ca. 205 p., 44718 ('AvTloXi8os), AT[ios) 'Ap-riHov (Mcapaccvios),ca. 167 p., father of S-rcpavos,44610 'ApT-rEcov: 'ApKas s. med. II p., 3523 ] 39820 177/8 post (OiVEi8os), [ ['Ap]Trplov p., (MEXITEVS), 'Aver[Trrl]piou 'Apiqp[pco]v? of father ca. 83 2726; 'A. = a., 40234 father of ['Ap-rTliov, ca. (AieOaXi8ls), ['ApTr][icov I0O'Tilpos, p., 149/8 'ApKECi8SrlnO, ca. 136-153 p., father of ()lXT6TElo5 (I.G., II2, probably = 'A. Al., init. s. I a., father of 'A. and [E]u8o{os ('EXEojUCIO), (I.G., II2, 246152,61) 2111/25, 209729, 86) = a (AiOaMiSrls), ca. 50 a., 2726 of ca. father ['Ap-rT]cov tAop., ('EAEoUc0io), 145/6-146/7 'ApKsEaiSTrIo post ca. 184 p., father of 'AP&acKav3999 (KvuaeOvalEus), 'ApTricov vTUoios, TOS,47737 188/9 p., 41621 = 'A. (0.), ca. 180 (7Au(EUs), ['ApK]ECTRa[o]S ca. 127 p., father of 'Hu6Scopos, II2, father of 219372, (KuBaervaLieis), ZoiAos 'AprTEUpo(v) 219413) p., (I.G., 'ApKEaiCXaScooaTp[&rou ], orator 223/2 a., 12845 3625 =
(P.A., 2211) ca. 330 a., 4660 (P.A., 2213) ('AvaAuX'crrios), 'ApKEoXas ('AqrIlTpo-wTalE),281/0 a., 72255 'Ap[K]EaiXasEup[ov]Xi5[ou] MEiScovoS 335/4 a., 43102-103; a de(XoAXEi8r)s), 'ApKqECov scendant, probably a grandson = MEiScovos ['A]pKE[(]Cv (XoX.EiSls), ca. 280 a., 7417 (P.A., 2227, for the date cf. No. 74). paullo ante 220/1 p., 4657 ['A]ppi.vios ('lTrTtroecvrTi8o), ?] ('Aq)tvatos), ca. 256/5 a., father of [Tp6oEvos], ['Ap6oSios 12856; cf. [n. 'A.] 'A. T-rEpiEUS, archon Oca(p3tos)'ApTrTa[iav]6s *'Apcrra[7lav]6s: ITEpipIEs,3832 'Ap-rraXiavo]s 170/1 p., 3822-3; [(DXa(pios) ca. 400/399 a., father of "Ev8nrlos, 'App<E>vitirls (KpcorifSrs), 1392 (P.A., 2253) 'Appiavbo(rapyirnrios), 138/9 p., 3319 'Appiav6s:AuKivvIos 'Appta[v6s]:[Al]Kiv(vtos) 'Appia[v6s](rapy'irtos), ca. 180 p., 40310 = 'Appiavos(Fapyfrlrios), 182/3 p., 40622 'Appiavos:AmKiv(vios) ['App]iav6s: [XA(&pios) 'App]iav6s (HTTaiavis), 166/7 p., 36910 = 'Appiav6s (H'aiavievs), 169/70 p., 378lo 'Apptav6s:c(A(@pios) 3612; *'AppiAEcos('AXaliss), ca. 376/5 a., father of EurroAis, either he or a grandson= 'App<i>XEcos 'AXaites,LG., II2, 5465, post med. s. IV a. 168/9 p., 37230 = "A. Z. T., (TElTaKi[8is), 'Ap[p]ios ZEOUIS ephebe 154/5 p. (I.G., 206763,192) ca. 180 p., 40120 'ApTEI[---] (KEKpoTI5OS), ca. 160-170 p., 35936 'ApTEp[----] (XoAapyEus), treasurer of the prytaneis, s. I a., 2713 ['ApT]E,p8([copos],
ca. 133/4 p., father of 'HA6oScopos, 'ApTiIcov(Kuv5ac vaiiCmS), and 'Ap-rpcov, 36936,37= ca. 136/7 p., father of 'HM6ocopos (KuSaOrvatEis), 'ApTErpov = 'A., father of 'H. and 'A., med. s. and 'ApT-rEov, 37834,35 II p. (.G., II2, 24784,5) o (KuSacrvaEiUs), 169/70 p., 37835 = 'ApTriicov 166/7 p., 36937 = 'A. (Kuv5arlvaclJS), 'ApTrlcovoS 'ApTErdicov D, med. s. IIp. (LG., II2 24785); a nephew or a grandson K. (q.v.) perhaps = 'A. 'HAloSobpou ca. 160 p., 3624= 'EuEVcav(iou)(KuSaeTlvaieis), 'A[pT][pL]cov 'A. 'E. K., kosmetes 143/4 or 144/5 p. (I.G., II2, 20504) 209/10 p., 46073 Kv(5aGrvaliEci), 'HXioScbpou 'ApT-rcov ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13736 (AapTrTrpsS), 'ApTricov 'ApT-rEcov Ei)(a(piorou) (Mvppivovoino),169/70 p., 37857 = 'A. Eu., cco9povio-ris paullo ante 190 p. (LG., II2, 21225) treasurer of the boule ca. 168 a., 21413; TTElpaElUs, ['Ap-rEco]v a., 21317-18; cf. 'A. rT.,contributor [TT.], 168/7 ['ApTr]woov n., orator 183/2 a. (I.G., II2, 2332135)and 'A. -TTo7uriAou H. (I.G., II2, 7154) 168/7 a. (IG., II2, 9458) = 'A. TT. ca. 105/6 p., father of 'ApT4-rcov rr(pEa'Ap-rTcov (EnrIaxi[rlS),
pTrrpos), 33325
'Ap-T'Ap-rTcov (2rTaXi58rIs),ca. 105/6 p., father of 'laiScopos, and 'Oviaipos, 33326-27,28,29-30 wcov, (ZrilXaXfrlS), paullo ante 187 p., father of [El9iKp&]'ApT-ricov 46721,22= Trl and ['ApTfp]Eov, (ETliaXi6IrS), post ca. 183 p., father of ElqnKp&rr1s, 'ApTr1cov 47249 o (IrIpaXiSrlS), 138/9 p., 33328 'ApT-rEov o (ElUaXirSS) rTp(Ecpr;T?pos), 138/9 p., 33325 'ApT-rEto0v
o ?rr[---] (1lra,xi8rls), paullo ante 220 p., 46722 ['ApT?-r]cov (Oiyoiucos), ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13772 'Ap-rTecov ca. 105/6 p., father of 'EArrveiKos, (lASiTivs), 'ApTiroCo (LG., 33144; cf. 'A. (0.), ca. s. III p., father of 'EX-rrivlKos II2, 205112) 'ApTrcov (()vuXaaos), ca. 90/89 a., father of NiK&vcop, 2683,10,16 'ApX&ya[os] ('AliSvaTos), ca. 337/6 a., father of [Moip]ts, 5914 'Apxoya[Oos] ('Ai8valos), ca. 337/6 a., father of MoTp[is], 61265 ] (AiyiAlisE), 303/2 a., 62324; cf. 'ApXavSpos Ap[-Ai. (I.G., II2, 5363 = P.A., 2295) [--av]5po[s] 'ApX&vSpou Ca.400-350 a., 1252 (P.A., -rrEvepev), 'ApXav8pos(TTaiaviewUs 2297) 7316 Ca. 313 a., father of 'ApxESIOs, 'ApX[----] (:OAvevs), ['A]pxtpios (Ai{oovEvs), ante med. s. IV a., 1612(P.A., 2305a) ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13747 = 'ApXiplos('Avayvpa&oos), fin. s. III a., 14126 = 'A. 'A., ('Avayvpaaios), 'Apxplios amphieraist ca. 220 a. (I.G., II2, 132237) 334/3 a., 4438 = 'A. H., (FlaAqnEvsi), 'ApXepios'ApXEvaurOv klerouchs of Samian in decree 346/5 a. (P.A., ovnrrpo6EpoS 2309) 'ApXiou](Aa'rrpEius),304/3 a., 601o = 'ApX65rl[pJir1s 'ApXiov(AajrTrrpeus),304/3 a., 6136 'APXES5lSi6TIs
'ApX[o-r]pa[ros------], med. s. III a., 967 s. IV-III a., 5623 (Ascov'rTios), 'ApXEo-rp[aTros] 303/2 a., 62325 [------] (AiyliAlEu), 'ApXn-rpa-ros 1762 (P.A., 2421); his a., 360/59 ('AxapVEvs), 'Apxe-Trparos 'A. 'A., on a statue base post med. son may = 'E-rrK?XiiSr1 s. IV a. (I.G., II2, 3833) 'Apxa-crpaTos c(aviov 'Eevaoivios,secretary of the prytaneis 35,49 178/7 a., 19425-26, 281/0 a., 7224 = 'A. (K.), 'Apo-rpa-ros [-----] (KEqaXfeEv), of father XatpEpoOv, secretary 249/8 a. (I.G., II2, 679, 680) (K 135/4 a., 243104 'ApXEo-rpoaros KoiXrls), 335/4 a., 4337-38 ('OTrpuvEvs), MvrioapXi8ou 'ApXicrrpacOs (lIpopaXicaos), 335/4 a., 4362-63 'AiuvavvSpou 'Apxco-rpaoros 'Apx?c-rprTos (IKacp3covi8lS), 336/5 a., 42221; a relative of: 336/5 a., 42223; for other rela'Apxa-rparros (EKapPcovi[S8S), tions cf. H., XXX, 1961, p. 48 336/5 a., 42214;may = P.A., 2431. (Ops&ppIos), 'ApXE-rrpaTos ca. ]: ---] (oaXIrpEOs), KX(avElos) 'Apxi[ 'Apxi[ 120 p., 32267 ]: KX(auSios)'Apxi[ -] (OaTIpES), 'ApXi[ ca. 120p., 32268 3851 ca. 374/3 a., father of 'AiTroAX6copos, 'Apxias ('AainEus), (P.A., 2459) Ca. 336/5 a., father of 'ApXias, ['Ap]xi[as?] ('ApqiTpo1Traes), 62330 303/2 a., 62330 'ApXlas['Ap]xi[ou?]('A rrlTpowTal1eu), (AiyAiEvs), 334/3 a., 4431 (P.A., 2318), 'ApX~ir1[o]s (l5I1a&o0V in 325/4 a. (.G., II2, 1926168)and appears 'ApXi[a]s(BracrlEai),Ca. 367/6 a., father of KrTpla6oarpaTos, was iaTrrTriTrs 4419 (P.A., 2463) on mortgage stone I.G., II2, 27303-5 8945 a., 256/5 a., 8570 (P.A., 2465) ('ETlacrt6Ev), 'ApXiasKpiTcovos 254/3 ('AAatiEs), 'ApxSri.posAioScbpov ca. 150 a., 23611 (KuSaerlvaiEus), post med s. IV a., 3255; 'Apx[i]as 'ApEcaiou ('AsXcorrEKfiv), ['Ap]XE8ri,os the new reading was suggested by H. J. Carroll, Jr.; an 3860 (()iya1Eus),ca. 374/3 a., father of 'AK6pa-ros, 'Apx~E5Bios father of ancestor is probably 'Apx[ia]s KuSa0qr(va1Eis), (P.A., 2327); a descendant is probably: a. P.A., 162049; II2, 8989 'Av-Tio&v, (I.G., a., 349/8 epimeletes post 254/3 'ApxeBllios(YcnEyaisE), ca. 280 a., 7316 2468). 'ApX[---] ((O)VEvus), 'Apxi61Kos ca. 336/5 a., 4256 = 'ApXias(Aallr-rpESs), 'Apx[iNaos],archon 222/1 a., 1291; 'ApxecXos,12935 ca. 337/6 a., father of 'ApxESlq[piSrl], s. med. ca. Eu66ou('ASpiaviSos), ['ApXias](AacrrpE'US), IIp., 33910 ['Ap]xEXaos = of 6010 172 father ca. 'ApxXaos, p., ('ITrrocorvTios), 'Apxei,aos 44813 'ApXias (AapTrrrpEus),Ca. 337/6 a., father of 'Apxe6-qi58rs, B.C.H., 6136; cf. 'A. A., father of Ar1mo[c]TrpaTl, 'ApXXaos o ('IlrrroecovTirSo), Ca.205 p., 44813 642 1960, LXXXIV, p. 24078 a., 140/39 (naArXnvEvs), ['Ap]x~kaos init. s. 'ApXias'Ay[----] (nElipateiu), 281/0 a., 72142 OUA(Trto) 'ApXe;aos(ErtlaxS8ris), Ma(pKos) 'ApXFXaos: II p., 32117 'ApXias(rTpooarrXTtos),ca. 368/7 a., father of 'ATrroMocopos, 5542 ca. 354 a., father of[X]apip68rlos, 43128; a grandson = 'ApXXas('AkcoTKrfieOv), 3853 ['Ap]Xcas ca. 374/3 a., father of KaAMi.!8qrs, 303/2 a., 62124 'ArroXXo[Scb]pov (npooCrr6aTIos), 'ApxitaXOs('AMaEius), ca. 157/6 a., father of 'ApXi5apos, 'ApxicSaoS ('OTrpuvvS), (P.A., 2350) 2514 ((Pryaieus), ca. 317/6 a., father of NIKOKpTrTs, 'ApX6pacXos father of N. (I.G., II2, 27974-6, 11-13)(P.A., 693 = 'A. (?O.), -rpo8spcov 'Apxic8a.os 'ApXISapco 'OTpv[vEis], rrlaTn-rrlS 124/3 a., 2514 2353) 'ApXEvarTlis ('IKapieUs), ca. 374/3 a., father of 'ApXEvaourrs, 'ApxiScapos 'ApxlKXEi8ou(lTalavlEuS), ca. 330 a., 477 (P.A., 3828, perhaps = 'ApxEvao-rTs 'ApxEviKou 'I[KapEj]s, I.G., 2487); cf. EvrTNs 'ApxiSa'[ou] n. (I.G., II2, 7044) (P.A., II2, 6274 5459) ca. 155/6 p., father of ['ApXi]8aP[os], ['ApXi[5aos] ((I)MAvs), ('iKapius), 341/0 a., 3828 (P.A., 'ApxEvaiorou 'ApxEvaorrrs 41619 2357) ca. 367/6 a., father of'Apx~pios,4438 ['Apxi]Sap[oS o] Dvu(EvUs), 188/9 p., 41619 'Apxevaurrns(CTaXaXqveus), ca. 390-375 a., 1045 Aiv[--] (KuSanorvaiEvs), 'APX1KV[X]Ejrl (P.A., 2358) (cTaiavlvEs), ca. 365 a., father of 'ApXicSapos, 'ApxvEcos KuvSa[rivai6s], secretary of the boule and the *'ApXtKAEidrs 477 (P.A., 2492); probably = ['ApXlK]AEi51r s n., to-r&aTrrls demos 169/8 a., 21252,[125-126] EuKAivov 343/2 a. (I.G., II2, 2245-6, 2253) 335/4 a., 4360-61 (TTpopaXicaios), 'ApxbvEcos ca. 165p., father of [Trrf]v5o0v, 4434; (lTTroXcatSos), 'ApXtKAfiS 173/2 a., 206113 (lTpoPaAXicos), 'ApxhTro7;s cf. 'A. B. the demotic is BEPEvlKi8rj1, 'ApXE-T'6OAEOS (Aiacv-Tio),ca. 368/7 a., father of KaXXkivo[s], 43203 TloAu[---] ('Avayupacaos),304/3 a., 61179 'ApXiKAjXs 'ApiKX'is B?p(EveiKIrijs),ca. 155/6 p., father of [------], AuaolKA(ou) (KEQa7e1s), 304/3 a., 6194 'ApxE?Tr6A6slos 41623; cf. 281/0 a., 72194 ('PavvouiVtos), ['A]pXEwrr6M6ioS tiAtl-wrr-[--]
('Arra7iSos), post ca. 216 p., NlKo[(arp&rou] (BepEvu<KiSs),ca. 142 p., father of [7Erkv5]cov, 'AacKX[1rrrn&Sris] 'ApxwKX[fis] 47050-51 39213 = ca. 142 p., father of [..]T-rv, 39214 ['A]oxr-A'rnta[rqs] or 'ASpicavios), s. III p., father (BEpEvWKifSs), 'ApxlKwAi (AcovnriSos ca. 155 a., 22621 of [ ], 4872 (AEKEXsEEO), 'A(p>xiKAfis ca. med. s. II p., father of EGEoSpoueopIK[Ios],secretary 188/7 a., 1742; 'ArKAlnria(SrSs) 'Ap[XiKAl]fiS (KEKporriSoS), eOpiKI]OS,17613,[1772] EoSCopou ['ApxiKAXis [----], 4308 336/5 a., 4260 (Aanr-TTpE*S), 'ApX[i]Kp[CrlTs] 'Ao-rXntriT&Srq AaKpaordiou 'Alr[v(i?s), init. s. III p., 4585 303/2 a., 62328 'Api[---] (AiyiAtIUS), 'ApXifoXoS 'AcrqaKXn&SrtI ('AlAovss), 173/2 a., 206109 360/59 a., 1733(P.A., 2513) (Opi&aOos), 'ApxIAoXos Atovvw[]iou 'ACaKAXrtn-ar&5 ('Aatsaies),177/8 p., 39835 = 'A. A. (Ovpvaicos), ca. 159/60 p., father of 'YyEvos,42351 'ApXiL6rSln ['A.] on a monument which also records his father and 4457 (P.A. ca. 367/6 a., father of NiKCv, ('AXcorYEKire), 'ApxTvos grandmother (H., XXIII, 1954, p. 261, No. 59 = 2521) S.E.G., XIV, 149) 336/5 a., 4230 ('Avayup&coaos), 'Apx[p]vos ['Ao7rK]7rrlaSr ('A7XcoTEKfi0eE),ca. 187 p., father of ['AcrKAr]s. IV-III a., 5625; cf. 'A. K.,father (?) (KfTrrios), 'ApX[p]V[os] 46719 rtla5r5, 260/59 a. (.G., -puvravEiav secretary Ka-rTx of'A[q9]6vrTros, ca. 220 p., 46719; cf. ('AXco-rreKiO&v), ['AcaXKATr]lr&tSri II2, 7702, P.A., 2525); cf. 'Ape6vrlrosK., 5626 'A. 2 'A., ephebe post med. s. It p. (LG., II2, 20822) os ?), ca. 373 a., father of [.... -r]dQns, 'AcrKAKrrna8rs (TTpoota-ra& 'ApXTvos fin. s. I p., father of 'Ayaco('Avcap?Xo-ros), trierarch ca. 336/5396; cf. 'ApxESripos 'ApXivo[uTTp]oa, 32111 KAris, 331/0 a. (.G., II2, 162487) Aipox&pous('AvcaXioCT-io), ['AcKAkXTrlT]&aSs 135/6 p., 3307 = * APXInTVo 155/4 a., 225101o (= "ApXiwrros) 'AcrKAX.rTr&SriST (KuvSaOrvac?s), 138/9 p., 33319 ('AvaqAUXcrros), AploX&cpou = 'ApXlrrros(K.), ca. 148/7 a., father of Karrcop(H., XV, ca. 102/3 p., father of ['AoKA]qrt6ri&Ss ('AvaqcpArios), 1946, p. 210, No. 41161 ==XXIV, 1955, p. 232161) 3300o = ['Aya&cov], 'ApXixTros [----] ('Apayqlvios),254/3 a., 8987 ca. 105/6 p., father of 'Ay&cov, 'AcK?rri6&Srtls ('AvaXpcrTnos), MA[p]xlrrTro[----] (eopiKios), 305/4 a., 5870 33316 archon ca. 30/29 a., 28830 (P.A., 2567) 'Ap[xiT-nros], ['AcKAr7Tr]ia5rs 'Yysivou ('AvaXMo-rios), &taiTroS135/6 p., 'ApxiTPl[os] (BrqcaalEs),s. I p., 3087 priest of eponymos, 33025-26 = ca. 243/2-234/3 a., father of [MevI]'Apxov (KuSaenrvaiEOs), 'AcKAr[Trnl]&Sr|s 'Yyivou ('AvaxO97cTioS), eponymos 138/9 p., 8rlpos, 13845,[41]; for later members of the family cf. 33314 = 'A. 'Y. 'A. (I.G., II2, 5653) 9894 s. stemma P.A., 'AaKXTmlrrl&Sjs 138/9 p., 33153; perhaps Erro6pou ('ApaPiQvios), ca. 153/4 p., father of[---]vos, 41116 'Ao[ ....]o (OiveTSos), a grandson = s. II p., 3434 ] (T7-roX?iHai5o), 'Aca[ 'AocKrj-rrqwt&is EuVirpov ('Apaqpvlos), 182/3 p., 40648 (EplrrTos),fin. s. IIp., 44019 '"AavSpos:Aup(fi;os) 'Acaav5pos 'AaKXrilmTaSlr 135/4 a., 24384, perhaps = 'A. (A'piSrls), ----], 303/2 a., 6245 'ACl[ Ai. (LG., II2, 5714, P.A., 2597) AaEiSovTro5 170-172 or 174-176 or 187 'AaiaTrK6sca[rT]ipov TTEp(Catis), &Srins ('AliSvalos), ca. init. s. I a., father of'lialyiv1rs, 'AcrKAl7 p., 39514 = cf. '1. 'A. ('A.) 27513; 'AacraTlKos Eaci[pou lrepacies], 170-72 or 174-76 or 187 p., ['AaoKiTlar&S1js] (BEpeviKiS5I), ca. fin. s. III a., father of 3963 = 'A. (n.), ca. 175 p., father of Zcbomlosand euv[56]1609; ['AoCK7rj]Tra6rlS5 (BepsvIKiS'rS), father of [NeoKjis], caos (.G., II2, 212310-11); cf. 'A. (T7.),father of XapiTcov, 16215-16, [NeoKAfis], [1936-7] ephebe ca. 160 p. (I.G., II2, 208138 + 225413) 'AcrKAi 138/9 rt&nicS: [AI]KIvvIos 'AcrKhAnra6Tjs (rapyi-rTTos), 'Aac-rl'K6: ATX(ios)'AmlaTiKo (IqrfTrios),fin. s. I p., 44015 3311o p., 'ACICTIrKOS: (Xiq^rnios),168/9 p., 37332 'Ep(vvios) 'ACTaTrK6O ('EXaCio*ios),135/4 a., 24392; cf. H., XXI, 'AIcaTI[K6s]: [A]iN(ios) 'AcnaT-r[K6s](XoXapyous), fin. s. II 'AacKXrT7r[ia8]js] 1952, p. 366, note on line 92, and p. 375 4329 p., ca. 155 a., 22659; cf. 'A. ('E.), 'AcTrln-max&Si ('EAucalvios), ('Pavourios), ca. 50 a., 27343 'AaK[X-----] father of 107/6 a. (I.G., II2, 101193, ephebe -svoKpaTns, ca. 168/7 a., father of'ApyEios, 24352 ('ATqveOs), ['AKA&Arrcov] P.A., 2601) 'A. ('A.), ca. 130 a., father of (P.A., 2584); cf. 'A[CraXrrcov] ca. 127-137 p., father of'Aya[cfi['ACiTKArmc8rqs] ('HpEoi8]S), (I.G., II2, 2336253) = 35945 iepos], of 22560 father ca. a., 'AKirrTcov [A]Eaypos, 188/7 (neipaices), ca. 134/5 p., father of 'AyaOcxI ('HpEoirqs), pos, 'AaKir,1n6&SsS 'AcKArit&Ses: KX(acuios) 'AaKAevnl&Se(' lrroOcovTiBOS), ca. 37143 205 p., 44827 'AcKrhrn&Str1iS floTAe(---) (eopKios ?), 223/2 a., 12895 'ACTK[lwTT- ] ('ASptaviSos),ca. med. s. II p., 33922 ca. fin. s. III a., father of[ (Krq)iotres), ['AcK]XArTlr1&5i Ti'v EKi&Sa96/7 p., 31249 'AcrKATrras, A-rovpyos rrtl 1627-8 ], ?), 213/4-219/20 p., 4632 (KeKpoTri8oS [.. .'A]arKXAn[rn---] 96/7 p., 31219 (KrqiUievsj), 'AacrKATi&8ns [------ ]s, secretary of the boule and the ['A]CKAqTrTa&Srls 'AcaAKr~rt&TSrs [ ..... ]ov (Aaclrrpeus), ca. 40-30 a., 28639 demos 180/1 p., 40235 (Ua7crqv,s), ca. 136/7p., father of [E]09rl[pi]os, 'Aa[KA)1Trn&6rSs] 'AKcrlmlS&rl&TS op&a[pou] (AtyeiSos),post med. s. IIp., 3572 'A. (IT.) cf. EO. 3809; father of ca. 172 'AaKWxrnTr&8i s ('AVTnOXiSOS), Eil'Epos, p., Zcooaiiou 'AoKXTjrnixr&1s (1Havqrives), 138/9 p., 33346 44727; cf. EO.'A. ('A.); the demotic may be 'EpoiaSrls and ca. 136/7 p., father of [ZcT]i- ['ACaK]XanTrrIaTs (nlaXXiveus), ca. 162/3p., father of[---] 'AcrKA[rir&rrSj] ('AvTIoxi8oS), po ?, 38019 [----], 4259,10 ca. 73-63 a., father of Acoofpaullo ante 'AcKrlTdSarls(TlavpcoT'ri6s5), ('AvTnoxiSos), 'AhraIrAl'n&5s: 'IEp'AcrrKarNm&Sir 28649 AeoS, 220/1 p., 46637 s ('Paovooalos), 166/5 a., 21639 ] (AvnToxi8os), 169/70 p., 38018 ['A]aKAnrrni&Sr [ ['Aa]Arnrr&l668S
ca. 176/7 p., father of'Apicrr6povUos, secretary of the prytaneis 'ArrlKbS('Avayup&amos), 'Ao[c]riltit&SrlsE Tra[rX]fr-nos, 46094 a., 18121-24 184/3 herald of the boule [lrrtIos 'AT]TIK6S B[t1]caie[[S], 'AaKArTrlt&ST8s (2pi'TTios), ca. 135/6 p., father of 'ApdoKalrros, ['AT]T1KOS: and the demos 168/9 p., 37222; [T]&rtoS 'ATrrIKS BroaieUS, 37322 37343 .ios), 168/9 p., 37320 'ApicreiBou(EpiT 'AoKrllrliSabTs 'ATTIK65 167/8 p., 37127 = 'A. 'ATT-rKS:AIKiVVlOS (rapyYrrrios), 138/9 p., 33111 'ArKAltrr6aSrs Zooi[pov (2t-rrios), 'ArTTKOS: 'ArATrK6 Z. E., ephebe 155/6 p. (I.G., II2, 206854) (FapyfrTos), 138/9 p., 33127 AIKIVV<i>OS 35913 ca. 160-170 r1AKCOVOS 'ATnIKOS (EopiKios), 168/9 p., 37352 p., (9q)'Trios), 'ACKr-lrrtiabisT1po5oKapou 'ArTTKOS (KEpaCeWEs),ca. 127-137 p., father of MooXcIav6s, 'ACKArirTa5nrs F[poaSOKi{pO (Ip9rroTOS), 168/9 p., 37321 35923 'AaCirirtiaSirlr (oairlpEis), Ca. 190/89 a., 17083 [ ca. 220 p., 46814; cf. 'A. Ato56] (Aapcirrpeis), 'A[arixnjr]tians(Qjuaaviaos),ca. 167/8-171/2 p., father of 'ATTIKOS TroU 4535-6 II2, 210346) A., 173/4 (I.G., p. ephebe MovoaTos, [Tl]6(Trr7os) 'ATTlKOS 'ATTIK6O: herald of the of father KX(aOSios) Mapa(O0bvios), Ca. 'AcrKAl105/6 p., (Capyr-TTros), 'AKX1TTri68copos boule and the demos 209/10 p., 46089-90 ,rri6copos,33113 'ATT-rKOS 'ATTIKS: 6'1Trr&pXov Mapacbvtios, Ti(pjipos)KXacSios 'AaoKnTyrI6ScopoS 2 (FapyrTTios), 138/9 p., 33113 v TCOV 'A. rs hierocf. fSiou, p 5la& pao-rT 20673; I., prytanis, etc. ca. 120 p., a., Xipxis (ovouvers),173/2 'AcrKXrl2l6cop(os) 'A. ['I.](M.], 322 28; T. KA.'A.M., 3224, 21-22; 322[171;KA. poios 148/7 a. (I.G., 112,193816) treasurer of 'ATTlKOS Mapa0cbvtos], [Ttp(Eplos)KtWat5ios '"Aoaivos (rapyi-rros), ca. 105/6 a., father of'Epjppcos,33119; 138 3244 ante and 'E. 'A. fere p., cf. prytaneis XpxitPEls (r.) 39824 ca. 144/5p., father of ['Ay]aeoKoris, (Me?iTEUS), "AakIEvos ('lTaios),paullo ante 147/8 p., father of 'AypiTrras, 'ArWTKO 41932; cf. 'ArrIKbS(OivaTos), ca. 155/6 p., father of ['Ay&a]cov, 39716 = 'A. (Oi.), med. s. II p., father of 'A. and EUKap1Tos (I.G., II2, "Ao,EvoS ('rTalos),ca. 147/8 p., father of 'A0rlv6copos 6 Kal 'A. cf. 212243-44) 4021; ('I.) 'A8rlv68cpoS 'AypiTrnra, Aveov (Tllanvev's), ca. 192/3 p., 4231 = ca. 190/89 a., 17092; his son probably ['AwTIK]O6S 'AoTi[as](TpiKopOcIaOS), 'ATr[lKO"Av0ov] (TlaXAveiOs),fin. s. IIp., 43811,was ephebe =P.A., 2643 (cf. stemma, N.P.A., p. 38) on , p. a., 62210; 169/70 (IG., II2, 2097236) 'Acrr[v&va?] 'AplotroJia(Xou) ?), 303/2 ('ACXIteS 37330 ca. 135/6 p., father of 'ArrlKOS, (EpqToriTos), the family cf. 'ApirT6caxos('A.), father of'Aor[uava ], and 'A-TTKOS ) (29q-rrTrOS), 'ArTTKOS 168/9 p., 37330; probably = 'A. .. E., H., XXXVII, 1968, p. 19, note on line 135. ephebe 143/4 or 144/5 p. (I.G., II2, 205079) 166/5 a., 21641; perhaps a son of: ('Pcaivvouoios), 'Ao-TAoXoS EiSO6ou(pir-InoS), fin. s. II p., 4408, was member 'ATT1KOS 21645 a., 166/5 'A[o]Taroxos'Hyra(iou) ('Pcxavov'atos), of Gerousia ca. 200 p. (LG., II2, 3658-9) and ephebe 169/70 ca. 390-360 a., 77 = 'AcaT-cplos ('AXaEiss), [COiX]aypou p. (I.G., II2, 209783) ('AcAati), ante med. s. IV a., father of[---], ['Aacr]tUpiio[s] 'ArrlK6O = cf. and 'A. 28205 'A. 11751; (OIl?arls), 182/3 p., 40635 Eloi5copov 3113 (D)ltAypou (I.G., II2, 'A-TIrv&s ('AvaXOCrinos), 140/39 a., 240106 I.G., II2, 42; H., III, 1934, pp. 2-3, No. 3 and P.A., 2662-4) s "ATTS, 303/2 a., 6216 Urrlprs -rlPiovuAfiS ?] ('Aipoioilos), s. III/II a., father of [---], ['A]apcai[cov I s. p., 30812 ] (BrcraiEsI), Au[ 1644; see commentary 293-273 ca. list ca. ] a., father of Ti<co>v, 977 unidentified (piTnros), Aur[ 'AacoroScopos (-EuTrTaicov), ['I]acXOa1&Xov ca. 200 p., 4466 A0Stos 'AM cavSpos (MapaOcbvtos), 321 a., 49426; cf. A.P.F., 7826, XIII and XIV (Muppivooaos), 150-190 p., 38418 [Au]il8osKoSpaT[os] post 225 a., 1256 (FTTo-rcioS), 'AcowTr6ocopos Auii[os 1752 Aui8ios: (Muppivoolos), 169/70 p., T(iTos) (DapvaKTls (P.A., 2676) 360/59 a., ('AxapveOu), 'ATappicov = 4202 37858-59 190/1 p., (KEKpowios), Aiovvuc65copo<s> 'A<Tri>?(oS) ca. 172 p., father of eEo56aoos, [AUi]8os &Oapv[&KrS] (Mupptvoiaios),150-190 p., 38419 "ATrrraos ('TrnroecovTiSos), aet. Rom., 3173 (AEcovrriSoor 'ATraXi8os), [Ai]Xos XTrCr[ioS] 44825 s. II 32119 init. 243108 p., (Blaaius), Ao(Xos) lrpeTpos a., 135/4 ('AvaKainE's), "ATr[T]aXo5 aet. Rom., father of nldacpq os, 31826 (KuvSa0lvaieus), hoplite AhAoS rapyAiT(TIOS)], 'AT[TCa?os]:r(&ios) lVnrios "AT[TaXoS ca. 161/2 (?) p., father of AiXos, 42412 AiXos (Mapacbovios), general 181/2 p., 4058-9 = AiAos 2 (Mapaoctvios),194/5 (?) p., 42412 "ATrTa7os: Ev(Tnos)"ArraXos(rapyfiArTos),182/3 p., 4069 s. II p., 3477 19488 EvKalpos (Mapawcbvios), a., [A]iX(os) "ATTOrrAO ( 178/7 CEatoioios), AOiXo(laxvrilVEss), . I p., 30958 'ATcraXos: 138/9 p., 33339 AiX(ios) 'ArratXos(nTaXArlv6s), ca. 190/89 a., 17074 AiXos (9yTTrnos), ca. 127-137 p., father of 'Ow&Taro,[35916] "A-TaXoS ((DaXTrlpFOS), 49126 ca. AoXosXapEcroou (Xyi-rnos), 167/8 p., 37114 'ArTIK6OS Kal I 231/2 p., TcoAXia(voS) ('A8piavi6os), ca. 132-137 p., father of [AOprl]Axas. II p., 34716 'AwrlKOS (AEcovTiSos), [AOprl]Atav6s 'ATT1KOS: (AlavTiSoS), Al<(X>os v6 'rrp(erap0rrpos), 3703 ['A]-rrTIK('AvT'oXi5os),ca. 136/7 p., father of ['A]rTlK6S, [Avp]rqXtav6s (AEcovriSos), ca. 132-137 p., father of [Aup]rlca38013 v6o 3704 ve(cbT?pos), 38014 p., 169/70 ] ['A]-rriK6'Ayaeo[ ('AvrtoxiSos), o ('AvrnoXiSos), (Aecov-rios), ca. 165-170 p., 3704 [Aup]iqXlav6os vE(drTpos) 169/70 p., 38013 ['A]T-rK6S (AecovTiSos), ca. 165-170 p., 3703 [Auprl]Aav6s wrrp(ecphrepos) 'ArrK[6s] ('ATrraXisoS),post ca. 216 p., 47037 ca. 216 p., 47034; AUpfX[tol] 217 ca. A. [---] ('ATrraiSos), post 'ArTTKOS p., Avpirioi 'ATTIK6S: post ('ATTraXi8os), A*Op\A[ioi], 47817 ('AT'aXiSos),post ca. 217 p., 47618; 'Axapvwis post ca. 218 p., 48210; on the significance of the mention of post ca. 217 p., 47819 ('ATrcrias8oS), 'AqpoSEiaiov ['AT]TIKOS the Aurelioi in these documents cf. H., Suppl. XII., p. 102, 190/1 p., 420o0 (KeKpo-riSos), [--] 'AT-rIKS with note 81 or 'ASpaviSos), s. III p., father of[---], 'AT-rlKm6 (Aecovwr8S 487i AipfiAIos,200/1-201/2 or 203/4-204/5 p., 451s
'Av-rcovTvos, 167/8 p., M(apKos)AUOpiAos AOpfXIos: aEpaoCr6s 3712 187/8 p., 41312 'Arro7cov[--], &v-nypa(pE?<>s AUp(fX?lo) AupiAXos: Yepac-ros... A(ovKlos)AOpiXlosBfipos, 167/8 p., 3712-3 ], archon 200/1-201/2 or 203/4A[O]piX[i]osA<n)I---204/5 p., 4501 herald of the boule and MEV&vSpov, 'E[Trrr-rv]Xavcov AOp(iXios5) the demos 187/8 p., 4139-10 hoplite general post ca. 216 p., [Aip(iXios) MEXTTroIE]vos, 4725-6 = Avp. M. 'AVTIvoEVS, q.v.
150-190 p., 3849 AOpfiAX[os----](TmEpitES), ca. 160-170 p., 3597; cf. A*p(qiXos)ArlooaOvris(Zq'rnr-ros), AO.A. X., gymnasiarchos and agonothetes 163/4 p. (I.G.,
(iXArilcov )(Dla8Ts,hoplite general 167/8 p., 3716 = A'VpiXios Ti(ros) AO.(). ()., archon 158/9 p. (I.G., II2, 20792, 36187, 37439-10) ATrr[----] (virraX'riInos), init. s. IV a., father of ACro6povAos, . AO. A. (.) cf 186; the name may be AUT-rooq)os, AUp(fiXios): M(apKos) Avp(iAlios) SEpfipo[s], aTroKparcop ca. ca. s. III p., father of ['AvTr]ipSv, ACvro[----] ('AT--rocAos), 231/2 p., 49114 4863 ('ASplaviSos),ca. 231/2 p., 49127 Aip(Wtios)MrlTp6OcopoS ca. 330 a., 4634 (P.A., 2703) ca. 205 44720 *ACOr6plos p., ((caArXpEv'), ('AvtioXiSos), MapKoS AUp(Qi7os) OtXiiicov ('EKaxX5S),ca. 314/3 a., father of [----]oqpcv, paullo ante 220/1 p., 46631 ACrr6oovXos AMp(Ajios) ('AVTIOXiSOS), 72220 OXlAtjpov ('AVrioXi6OS), paullo ante VE(COTEpoS) AMp(AXios) ante med. s. IV a., 166 (P.A., 2705 (Zuvrrac7xrrios), ACrr6povuAo 220/1 p., 46632 = is an ancestor of: either or addendum), .... ('Arraai8os), .]cvpos 'Ep&rcovos AUp(lhio) [ &-rricrr-rrl AUT[---] (uv-TaX?'r'ioS), ca. med. s. IV a., 186 AvrT61povuos post ca. 218 p., 48017-18 rp-rTavEcov (P.A., 2705), probably = AUp(qi'ios) epaoap[ou]Xos ('A-rcAisos), treasurer init. s. III A'VTo6ovuos ArTOcO60ov 45917 (SvrraX'rrTios), 335/4 a., 43162-163; p., = . (I.G., II2, 7486 = his father III s. init. AOvr6ooyos AOTro3poOov secretary o p., ('Ar-raxios), Tlo[---] Aup(qiXios) 45918 P.A., 2762) ca. 155 a., 22638 rriSOS (TIpaiOECS), (KEKpo ?), 213/4-219/20 p., 4634 Avr6(<5>iKos Aup(irAlos) 'Aplaore[{8rls] 4633 A'roKXeiSTri ('AvaXpotrlos), ca. 330 a., 4666 (P.A., 2710) ?), 213/4-219/20 p., [AU]p(fiAos) 'Epai[[as](KEKportSOS 336/5 a., 42308; a relative, probably ?), 213/4-219/20 p., 46310 A'VroKXeiSrl (S9iy,rrnos), (KeKpoTriSos Aip(AXlos) 'HAlO6Sopos] A'. X., well known from a brother or father = ECericov ?), 213/4-219/20 p., 4636 AUrp(riios) N1Ki[aS] (KEKpo1TriOS 35432, 158250-51, 163211-12, I.G., 192516-17,etc. (cf. II2, ?), 213/4-219/20 p., 4639; nlapa[----] (KEKpoWrriSo AMp(qlXos) P.A., 5463, corrected, A.P.F.; N.P.A., p. 41) cf. i---], lnolTcT-ris TrpoiSpcovca. med. s. II a., 23120 ?), 213/4-219/20 p., 4638 AVrTOKA[S (KEKporirSos AUp(QXios)nlapap[ovos] "ITrrcovos ACvroKAXfi ('AvacATronos), ?), 213/4-219/20 p., 46312 304/3 a., 61311;probably rlEp[---] (KEKpori5OS A*p(iAXos) = AO.'A. (I.G., II2, 2693), cf. A.P.F., 2717 (KEKpowriSos ?), 213/4-219/20 p., 4637 AUp(Alos)TnpoC56[KlIos] ] (OIveISos), post med. s. II p., 3522 360/59 a., 1745(P.A., 2725); his wife = ACTroKMXS ('AXapvEv'S), [AM]ptlios [ Arloa-rp&rrl,ca. 350 a. (I.G., II2, 5789; P.A., 3604); a 168/9 p., 37228 [A*]pfilos [----] (1TroXAleiaSos), 'A., secretary 327/6 a. (.G.,II2, 'Apicbvios('AOigovVss),180/1 p., 40254 grandson may be A'. AT-riov Avp(qiXios) cf. and a 40255 Aapas 356-7; 24083), great grandson ACri[as] ACrro180/1 ('A0povEuS), p., AU'p(riXos) KAEOvS 'A., taxiarch 281/0 a. (H., IV, 1935, p. 562, No. 4023; Avp(iqXio)'EriKrrl-r[os] post ca. 217 'Ae0ov[[\'s], 'ipEcncb[vrns] cf. H., XI, 1942, p. 305) p., 47619-21;for possible relatives cf.H., XL, 1971, p. 317, ante med. s. IV a., father of [Ct]X6note 15. [A-roK?XS] ('EpoiaxSIs), 'AvrwvoEus, ST1ios, 221 (P.A., 2726); cf. (. [Av.] ('E.) hoplite lEpE's Aop(irXlos) MEAXT[oL]v6s AMp(Xilos): 367/6 a., 147; he or his [Av-r]oKfjs (EOcoUvpEV'), q.v. 'AvSpoKA,ovs general post ca. 216 p., 4705-6 = [Avp. MEXrropE]v65, BEp(?vEtKiSl), grandson = AvTroKAf(s) 'Av5poiKE[ov(s)] Ecovvup?(vs), forEcoKpda[r]is 188/9 p., 41614 [Avp]ril(Xos) [M(apKos) AMpiAI]os[[K6lpio5o[s]]'ATr]covTvos mer owner of freedman ca. 320 a. (I.G., II2, 155831-32; [AUp1XA]os: cf. H., XXVIII, 1959, p. 220, lines 557-558); on the family s E]Trv[Xrs pcao-ros], E[CiE]P3[i 186/7 p., 4113;[Map(Kos)] cf. A.P.F., 4386, stemma ErrvX[his PpacrEUoCEpJ3 Aupih7os'Avrcovi[vos[K6mpio8]os]D ca. 338/7 a., father of ArTOKAfis, r6S] Braratis, 188/9 p., 4163-5; [Ma]p(Kos) [AMp(lillos)] AO'To[KAjs?] (KqcaaXEVS), ---- Br-aacrius], 5863; the restoration is uncertain. 4183-4; [M(apKos)] Aup(rIlXos) [K6iop[o5osD --- [E3pa]o-r6[S 4194-6 AVToKXfis AOrTO[K?ovS ?] (KepaXcvs), |IK6Miposos] BncralEOU], 305/4 a., 5863 'A[vrovCivo] ca. 287/6 a., father of NiKtrnros, 8935 'AVTcovTvoS (?KKoXcovoo), AUpiAlos]K6poio5os [KaTaapAoU(Klos) [6p3ac- AvrroKAfXF of 4231-2 father ca. Av'roKrAs cf. a., 43172; (n10evs'), 368/7 ros], 192/3 p., Xaiprrtros, X. AO.(T.) (BricalEc), init. s. II p., 32119 AO(pihMos) npEiipos Tr6 AOrTOKp&rrls (AapirrrpevS'),336/5 a., 4252 Pfina 187/8 p., Aup(fXios) 'YaKitvOo rapyi-r<-rT>(os),rrEpi 413l1-12 AaoXivov (TlaiavitEs), post med. s. IV a., 3216 AO'roKparr1s M& ca. 175 p., 39220 aivos (Kco-rirSriS), (P.A., 2744); his gravestone probably = H., XXXII, 1963, [A]Up(?A,jos) ca. 168 p., 37628 p. 51, No. 84; he was father of an ephebe in 306/5 a. Aup(jiAlos) 'liSco[pos] (KuSaOrnvateus), (I.G., II2, 47837) and his deme was Upper Paiania ACp(TX|ios) 'AA[Ka]pV[rj] (Aap-Ippu'S), Ca.220 p., 468o1 220 ca. 207/6 a., father of A'roKparri, 2022 Ca. 'AX[K]a?[vrjs (AaprrrpEPUS), (TTiev's), ve(cb)TpoS)] p., AVTroKp&rriS AU'p(AXos) AU.'A. A., ephebe ca. 200 p. (I.G., II2, AOVroKprapS ATrroKKPaTOv 46811; cf. M(apKos) 10[EvS], secretary KaTra rrpvravavia AC. 'A. A. 2191136)and 'AXKapEvrls: 174/3 a., 2022 AVKou ATOr6[XUKOS 'AAcowEKfieEV], 209/10 p., 46088 secretary K-ra Trrpvravioav AUp(iAios)nvpO6posAap=rrp(E's), 305/4 a., 5877 (cf. I.G., I2, 7034, 7962, 7974, H., V, 1936, AaicTrrpErs, archon paullo A*p(Ailos) Aiovu'aos KaiTL[rwrrou ante 220 p., 465i, 46611-12 p. 201 and Chronologyof Hellenistic Athens, p. xv)
ca. 289/8 a., father of Aioviwcos,8640 *ATOr6vou (EucowvuPES), 4121-3; ['Ewraop6o-ros 6 Ka]l 'AppoSecaios,187/8 p., 4148; ATrrooOevrl ca. 198 p., 44326, [4421o] 3850 ('AaiA-us), ca. 374/3 a., father of Eo3pios, 'AqpoSeicLos, (P.A., 2758) 'A9ppoSE<ier>ios rToXuvpv(caou) (1alaaviEvs), 169/70 p., 37826 ca. 337/6 a., father of OliJ61jrlos, 'AqpoEcimoS (TEIPEEIS), AOrTooe[?vrls] (ECovvUEOSs), post ca. 184 p., father of 'AqpoSeioios, 61172 4795 ca. 368/7 a., father of Aur6o3ouXos, 'Aqpo8iE1toS 3(!TEIPEEUS),post 217 p., 4795 AUOr6oopos (IvrrraX-rTnos), 43163= A'ar6ro9osACvropoiXou uvrwaA-rTTios, I.G., II, 7486 'A9po5Ei(cos (TTpopaXioos), post ca. 185p., father of [...... ]s, 48026 (P.A., 2762) ca. 358 a., father of 'Aplcr6Kprro5, 'AqpoSei[otos AOrro9avrTs (OpE&ppioS), ] ('Pacvocraios), ca. 120 p., 32263 5222 (P.A., 2763) 'Aqp[o]8[EicOS----] ('rTEIPElt), 162/3 p., 36419; cf. 'A. ca. 423-408 a., father of 'Hyricov, 1041 AUrro96v (Kuri1ppios), X., acropovio-ris192/3p. (I.G., II2, 213014) ['ETr]appo(iTrov) *AvTroq)cvrTiSr AEIViO('AAcorEKEOSs), 334/3 a., 4452 (P.A., 'AqpoBEicios (q9'r-Tnos), ca. med. s. II p., father of'E[rri]yovos, 2768) 4407 ca. 160-170 p., 35943 ] ('AKapav-riToS), 'Aq[ ca. 154/5 p., father of 'A[qp]o8Sicnios, 'A[pp]oSEicnos (O)Vusus), TOs [vr]To[s] ('A?COCTEKEUS), 'A906vtros 4146 334/3 a., 4458 (P.A., 2772) 'AppoSEIIcos OXvu(evs), avTiKflpu 209/10 p., 46091 = s. IV-III a., 5626; cf. 'A. 'ApXfvov 'Ap906vq'r[os] (KriTTIos), K., 'A[9p]o85i'Cos o OXVAEvs, dvrTKfipu ca. 187/8 p., 4146 secretary Ka-r&a rpuravEiav 260/59 a. (I.G., II2, 7702, H., 'A9po[8t----] (XoXapyius),ca. 160-170 p., 35937 VII, 1938, p. 309, No. 332-3,P.A., 2773), N1Koorp&Cr 'A. K. 'AppoSicaos:cf. also 'A9po8Eiclos yuvr (I.G., II2, 6393), and'Apx[Iv[os] K., 5625; the name 'Aqpo5i[clos--] ('ASpiaviSos),ca. med. s. II p., 33923 may also be restored as a patronymic. of Antiochis s. I p., 30934 'Aqpoicalos, caTno0os 'AeO6vrl-ro('Papvoaioo), ca. 190/89 a., 17071; cf. G., II2, 'A9poSiai[os](lTToECpa(iSos),ca. 142 p., father of [----]Aos, 7338-9 (P.A., 2774) 3924 *'AqtSva[ios ] (EvCovupEUS), 304/3 a., 61165 'Appo5iaios'EoTa9po[8iTou], plpacurls 173/4p., 3866; cf. 'Aqppo'A9poS[---] (nTTOAXEali5os), Seicoio 'E. 168/9 p., 3721 ['App]oSas (MAvuius), post ca. 93/4 p., father of[ ], 'A9[poSicios], EiTlXKImaos 165/6 p., 36710; ['Appo8ic]ioS, 3252 166/7 p., 36966; 'Aqpoicrtos, 167/8 p., 37178 ['A]qpoSEl[----] (AlyEiSos), eponymos 165/6 p., 368s ['AppoSiolos]('ArlveiEs), ca. 155/4 a., father of 'Aqpoicrios, 'Appo8iclios: see also 'Appobioaos 2526 ['A]9poEio[to5---], ca. 175 p., 3934 'A9poSiato5['AqpoStaiou'ALr)vlius], orator 122/1 a., 2525-6 'APpoSciaIos, ca. 176/7 p., father of 'Aeivaios, 46097 (P.A., 2783) 'AqPpoEICTOS ('ATrraiBos),post ca. 184 p., father of ['AT]TnK6s, 'A9poSiotos(Ai ca. fin. s. II p., father of 'AlpoSitaos, ScovwUs), 47819 457i5 'A9po5eicioS 'HAloScbpo[v] ('Irrroecovrios), init. s. III p., init. s. III p., 457i5 'AqpoSloios3 (AltcovEOs), 45823; cf. 'A. 'H. nlEpaIEtS,secretary of ephebes paullo ante 'AqpoSio(os('Avacx <o-nros), ca. 162/3p., father of'Aqpo85aios, 112/3 p. (.G., I12, 202119) 42523 'AppoSeiocoS ca. 198 p., 4431 'Apio-r6[v]ov (TlTocEiat8os), 5 ('AvacqAionros), 195/6 p., 42523 'AqpoSiacos NlKoS&apov ca. 198 p., 4432 ['Aqpo]SEiaios (TlTOXELCalSos), 'AqpoBi[oi]os (BepevlKi8rjs),ca. 142p., father of [----]os, 3928 'Aqpo8ica[oS](Ai coveus), ca. 197 p., 42719 'Aqpo5ioios Mo'cov[os] (FapyiTTnos), 182/3 p., 40619 ['A9p]o8Efoio[5] (BIlaaieUs),188/9 p., 41922 'Appo5ikcos 'A-rroXXoviou("Eppeios), 167/8 p., 37148 ca. 105/6 p., father of'AAKaclvnrs, 'Appoiacnos('EpXiEUS), 'A9po[8elFios] (FapyiTTiros), ca. 149/50 p., father of 'AXKapvrs, 33125 40642, perhaps = 'A9po8?Eiaos 'AA[KcapIvous] (rapyr[iTios), 138/9 p., 33130 ante 165 p., 3652 ['App]<o>{Sritos ('EpXtEiu), ca. 63/4 p., father of 'A9po6fcrios, 'Aqppoicraos 'AqpoSEiclos (KltaciOeus), AuKiou(KrlTicmTis), ca. 40-30 a., 28619 31217 'Aq[po8ictos] (Aai-r-rTpeUs), ca. 187 p., father of rlqp6ovvos, ['A]qpoSEiolos (KrqioitEUS), 96/7 p., 31216 4686 2 (KipicriU)s), 'A9po6SEiotS 96/7p., 31217; cf. 'A. 2 K.,ephebe 'Aqpo5ioi[os ?), ca. 159/60 p., father of MEyoaTvos, (HaXMirveus init. s. IIp. (I.G., II2, 201821) 42321 'AqpoSEiciOS(KoAcovECu ca. 132-137 p., father of 'A9poSiotos'Apyaiov (nTavpcoTaSrjs), AecovriSos), ca. 40-30 a., 28645 'Agpo8elfaos,37016 'Aqpoiaios 'Api(---) (lTslpaiEvs), 135/4 a., 24373; the father's ca. 165-170 p., 37016 'A9po6eicioS (KoXcovEUs A\EOVriSos), name may be 'Apto-roTrrl5S, cf. H., XXI, 1952, p. 365 Eioi6-roT (Kvucaervaicus), 'A9poSEiacos 169/70 p., 37838, was 'Aqp<o>Sioios'Hpa(---) (TTEIpaClm5), 135/4 a., 24375 ephebe ca. 150-160 (I.G., II2, 20663) 'AqpoSioctos (eTrlplius), ca. 133/4 p., father of ['A]ei0vatos, ['Aq]poEIaios 'ATwoArco[viou] ca. 165-170 p., 36950 = (AeuKovoEUs), 37013; cf. 'A. (A.), father of 'ATroAAcbvios, Alovcalos, and 'A[9poSio'ios] ca. 117-157 p., father of 'AO[]vaios, (TEmIpiEus), Ca. 178 p. (I.G., II2, 212832-34,212912) ElciScopoS, 38414 ca. 165-170 p., 3709; 'AqpoSicro[s----] (ITEipieis), 150-190 p., 38412 ['A]9po8Eiaios Elal6cb[pov] (AEUKoVOe?S), cf. ['A.] (A.), ca. 178 p., father of El. (I.G., I2, 212917) 'Aqpo5ioios(Otia(ils), ca. 115/6p., father of [Zrl]v6OSoos, 3379 ['A](po5iaoios 'ETra[9]po[6]{-rov, 180/1 p., 40239; ['A9po]6io[i]o[s----] ((O7VECs), kEpaUArls 168/9 p., 37216; cf. 'A9po'ETra9p6Srros 6 Kal 'Aqpo56iacos, 182/3 p., 40661; 'AppoSEBEialoS0. oios, 184/5 p., 40748-49;OA(apilos) ca. 185/6 p., 'AppoSEiaiOS, 'Aqpo5iaoos (OuCAcmos), ca. 102/3 p., adoptive father of 410io; 'Aqpo6ialioS ['ETIra9p]o8EiTou ail[aVIE\jS], 186/7 p., [----]?uos, 33032 41135-36;['A9po6EiOlos] 'ETrra9po6[{TV-ou nalavti?]s, 187/8 p., 'AXaIKbS (XoAapyEiJs),ca. 134/5 p., father of EuKacpTros, 37134
'AXat6s,archon 166/5 a., 2161 (P.A., 2791) "Axapvos(Alavri8os), s. II p., father of "Axapvos,34712 'Axapvos 3 (Alavri8os), s. II p., 34712 s), ca. 133/4 p., father of "AXa[p]vos, "Axa[p]vos(AaLT=rprE 36961 'Axa[p]vos~ AatlrrppeS,secretary of the boule and the demos 166/7 p., 36961 ] (Mapaccbvios),ca. 120 p., 32255; cf. 'AxiAeiEs[ I.G., II2, 131952 and 4776
('AvnoXi5os), paullo ante 220/1 p., 'Axcbptoros'HpaKexiSou 46646 avSpos, (7aloviSrls), ca. 149/50 p., father of 'A7M [A]Xcdplacros T1. 40660; cf. 'AMAiav5pos 'Axcopicrrou ca. 314/3 a., father of 'ApXias,72142 'A[ ----] (lTelpalE*s), ] (Hn6pos), 304/3a., 61iii 'AYslt[ ca. 'AyiqS (KE9aXEOS), 336/5 a., father of 'Apiorcov,6288 61129 ca. 337/6 a., father of M6ooXoS, 'Ae6picov(Ovuaoixos),
init. s. II a., 15646 B[----] (OtvESos),
367/6 a., 1417; per('Avayup&onos), *[B]ap(Xaos EsvoIKeiSou was intended or Ba&Ovos as such name a Bapcios haps (cf. H., XI, 1942, p. 238) *Bapvupas('lKapieOS), ca. 374/3 a., father of ['A]piyvcoros, 3830 (P.A., 2812) B&ieuaos 'AploropwrvTos ('AvnoxiSos), ca. 205 p., 44723; 'A. ('A.), 44722 probably a son of lpE'1S 169/70 p., 38020 B&vu[Aos]('AvTloXiSos), [Ar]JAos B&dev[Aos]: os, 3410 ca. 376/5 a., father of Bp6xuvX B&OvXos('EpXiEss), = (P.A., 2816, misprinted 2316); his grandson probably 42116 Bau?Xvos 336/5 a., ('EpXIvEs), B&euvMos (Krloanis), ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13743 *Bapitos NeiKia[s] (Mapa0covios),194/5 (?) p., 42413 ?), ca. 213-193 a., father of [Trpo]pireicov, BaKx[---] ('AAtaieS 2098 BaKxtos,secretary of the boule ca. 185/6 OX(&pios) B&KXIos: p., 4107 (AlopaiXlS), 182/3 p., 40652 ATR(los)B&KXIOS B&KXtOS: 166/7 p., 36932 (KVuaiqvaliEs), B&KXiOS: B&KXIOS dE&yicros (Kvuaerjvait(s),169/70 p., 37831 B&KXiOS 7Xap(ivios) B&KXIOS: (rapyrrros), ca. 147 p., father of [Zcoti]eosand BaKxvu[i5ris] .... 4035,6 = ]Kpc&rms, [ ca. 149/50 p., father of Zcbaxios, (rapymrTTos), [Ba]KXvAinis 40653 secretary Krr& rpu-ravavd [BaKXiXo]s)lDtovi8ou'EAEUa{ivos, B&araos ('ArraXrcios),post ca. 216 p., 47011 = B&aros 'A[yvoiatos], eponymos B&aTCOS: r(&ios) THeiv(&ptos) post ca. 218 p., 480ti B&iooO nai(c(atvis), 209/10 p., 46045 B&aaos'Apicrcovos(Eqfirnos), fin. s. II p., 44018 Barpaxo[s---] ('AXapves), councillor? ca. 370 a., 492120 138/9 p., 33149 (AtopEO5s), NetKrQ6pou B&XXIos BEITrAiOS 'ApAiToES[ov] ('AKajpav'Sos), eponymos 200/1201/2 or 203/4-204/5 p., 45314-15 = A'ip. B[E]ITrtosAtov[uciou](Aaiprrpejs),ca. 220 p., 4687 B. A. A., acoqPpovloT1is 212/3 p. (I.G., II2, 220815) ('ATraX(5oS), post ca. 185 p., father of [Kl6]vros BEppvEKiSiS and [ni]o-Tos,48022 = ('ArrafiSos), post ca. 183 p., father of nio-os, BEp[vEuKir1s] 47035 = B. ('A.), ca. 171 p., father of T[[firos]and K6[lvros] ephebe of Attalis (LG., II2, 2113135-136);cf. B. Koi[VTov], ca. 220 p. (I.G., 1I2, 222852) 'Aelvaiou (TuplEiS^s),180/1 p., 40228 Bepv<i>K<Ki>5is ('AvaqOoiros), init. s. II p., 32113 [B]EpuX7av6s 'AM avSpos nlp(acti5), init. s. III p., 45811 [B]EpuMAav6s 167/8p., 3712-3 Apl?XtosBripos, A(ouKlos) EEp3ao'r6s--Bfipos: Bit(oiMtos) e6oTirooS (Mapaecbvios),194/5 (?) p., 4246 162/3 p., 3646 = (TTalavtieS), BipouAios Ee6piAhos 166/7 p., 36913 = (HCnaIaVOs), OEs6qiho [Bip(oOiiXos)] (atcavisOs), fin. s. II p., 43713 e6ptXAos BtpoUM7os *[Bifio]os niecov, eponymos 177/8 p., 398i = B. H. MeJi161/0a., 2222 33146 'ris, archon 173/4 p. (I.G., II2, 21035, 36402) BaKX*Aos ('Eo-naitev),ca. 105/6 p., father of coTiNXrs, HTai(acvtes),post ca. 217 p., 47727 25946 -Tp&prcovos BiKTrop 97/6 a., (HToXeaicxios5), [B]&KXcov ca. 208/7 a., father of [nTavcav(a]s, 47245 216 ca. BlIOTAXls (TepieoisTS), p., post ('Aco-rrKmf&v), < 'AypiTnrrna BaXM(pios) = 1992 archon Moapacbvitos, Ba?Mpios Baxplios: M(apKos) Mappivos ca. 208/7 a., father of naucravias,2002 (nEpitoiSo8s), hoplite [BIo-rTXs] MapepTivos MapaOdbvos, 166/7 p., 3691-2; BoApip(os) 2853) (P.A., M[apa0c6Ma.p-Trv[o]s general 168/9 p., 3733-4; [BaMxpi]os (CATnrves), 173/2 a., 206121 vios],3756-7;cf. H., Suppl.XIII, p. 49 and p. 13, note to [B]jorrTO 4435 Blacov(eopacsl5s), ca. 367/6 a., father of (DlAoKXfis, line 9 37318 168/9 p., demos the and (9i-'rrnos), B[l]T-rios 'Apiacrdiou BacaiXEiSls [...]vou, secretaryof the boule of Antigonis 281/0 a., 725 Bicov,vn'rrmprs 170-172 or 174-176 or 187 p., 39523 Bicov(nrlpacies), paullo ante 178/7 a., 19319(P.A., 2873) is ('AKaiavTriSos), ca. 167/8-171/2 p., father of [Ba]aiMSCT ca. 350 a., 214 = BATracTos Co[KX]iovS (AacxITrppOs), 45316,17 [BX]erraios [Ba]acnti8iisand [Z]crovoes, a. ca. P.A., II2, 167532; 337/6 (I.G., or jitaecoTri Aacir(TrTp6s), p., 200/1-201/2 203/4-204/5 (CAKaliavriBos), [Ba]aoiAeiSrs 2876). 45316 *BAhErTs (Kriicriss), 336/5 a., 4233; on the name cf.H.,XXX, ? ] ('EpiKmeS), 281/0a., 72118 Bacrt[Xi6,nS 1961, p. 38. 186/7 a&vrypaysW5 BaoaiiS[is] [ ....... ]rTU KEpafie[Ev], naiovi8nSs, secretary of the boule and HteiO&vpou [BA]Trvupos p., 41133-34 3634-35; BX[trvupos] the a., r[teio&v]Spovnraldemos, 343/2 a., 2401ii 140/39 BacmliSis8r (Kpicoe*S), 28818 ov[iljns], 372-3 = B. nf. l., orator of LG., II2, 189, ante ca. 63/2 a., father of Arl1[s], (MeArtTrE), Ba[CtieA8rlS] 353/2 a. ca. 155 a., 22641 (nTTpalEOs), BacA6[i]6qns 200 ca. ODuXf6ou] (Telep&tos), 331/0 or 330/29 a., 4513-14 p., B?nrrp[os BaaCXK6s BacnAtK6s: (Mapaecbvtos), Ao(iT-nos) = (. B. T., epimeletes of the dockyards 349/8 a. (I.G., II2 44615
B&aoos: lne(vaplio)
*Bovppiav6s: 'OpqTf-no BoupptavosEp9(-rrios), secretary of the boule and the demos 198/9 p., 4423-4 ] (rapyr-rtros), secretary of the prytaneis Bouoaarqv6s [ ca. 130-150 p., 3327; cf. r. B. Atov5iao[s] r. and F. B. r., ephebes 155/6p. (IG., II2, 206875,76) TuXIKO6 ca. 314/3 a., father of Mv)lCiEpyos, [B6co?]v (EI-reaTos), 72260; perhaps= B. (Et.), ca. 323/2 a., father of 'lliepaTos (.G., II2, 279711-13, P.A., 2925) B6covMEviLnrov (KvuSaTivatOus), 304/3 a., 6168 (P.A., 2926) ca. 50 a., 27214; cf. Mavios Bp&KKIOS *BpaKKIOS: (XoA.XEiSis), L.G., II2, 7803 ca. 162/3 p., father of 'ETra9p68rros, Bpavcp[co]v ('Epv&Sris),
162045-46 = P.A., 2882) and probably also B., orator of Teithrasian decree (Ath. Mitt., XLIX, 1924, pp. 1-13); B., father of 0. [T.] (I.G., II2, 158019-20)is probably the councillor's grandfather *BAEyias (cTaiavtmx), 336/5 a., 42141 2122 B6orOos (Kpicrli6si), ca. 202/1 a., father of 'lepcbvupos, (P.A., 2891) B[6]ri0oS (MapaccbvioS), 223/2 a., 12748 Bor60os B6oql0o: AiT(Aos) (rTaiavlciE), 162/3 p., 3647 ca. 330 a., 4635 (P.A., 2895) B6oeos (OaXNipEus), ca. 83 a., father of 'Arro6WoScopos, 27213 B6q0os (Xo7XEsirns), BoiAis Eopaiev(sJ), Oopalmus], 328/7 a., 4917 = BoOX[is symproedros 328/7 a., L.G.,II2, 45210 (cf. B.S.A., XLIX, 1954, p. 49) and perhaps also: B. Ar1Wrl[Tpiou] (Eopaieus), .G., II2, 6212 (P.A., 2916, stemma s. 3678). 15516 Boiuo[s](Aovacivs),paullopost 233 a.,father of [Bo]OXos, [Bo]Oios BoOXo[u] (Aouaieus),paullo post 200 a., 15516(P.A., 2917) ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13757; cf. B. Bovu6o-pcaros ('AypvuAeu), 'A. (AEAT., XVII, 1961/2, Xpov., p. 36) Acopoekov BoiucovMoipay?vous OvuXdaios,TrEp Tr6 pf3pa96/7 p., 3124445; for stemma and references cf. I.G., II2, 2020
orator 343/2 a., 3410 (P.A., Bac6uAXov BpdauXv7os 'EpXitES, 2928) *BpEr[co]v Alo8copov('AaimceS ?), 303/2 a., 62214(cf. .G., II2, 10815) ca. 144/5 p., father of Bp6mzos, 39845 Bp6mLos (XvpuaXi'rros), v (Evupai3cx'-os), Bp6omos 177/8 p., 39845 BprcovApvcovos('AXataie ?), 303/2 a., 62216; cf. H., XXIII, 1954, p. 276, No. 138
('Iwrrroecovrisos), med. s. I a., 27850 [r]&aos 'Err[----] (XoXcapyEus), fin. s. II p., 43211 F[---] T('rroOcovTri5os),med. s. I a., 27853 raFos ('Axapvevs?), post ca. 183 p., father of l?oiot-os, 47339 r[----] (KEKporriSoS?), 4635 rE[ r[----]: Ncbvtos ], 303/2 a., 6251 213/4-219/20p., ca. 168 p., 37620 ---] (nvavStovi8os), r[ [F]EAtos,ca. 142 p., father of [r]EiXAos, 39311 [. .]us KaTTo[----] (AiyiAEls), ca. 175 p., 39229 [F1]A,los , ca. 175 p., 39311 ca. 312/1 a., father of [I]eEvoKAxs, F[---] (Muppivovoaos), TEsi6eos (-TEIPlEvs), rxAM(os) 169/70 p., 37847 7625 rAcos: [At]x(ios) ricos ((ca7MPEus),med. s. II p., 340o0 Faiav6s: o)A(&d3os) Faiavos (TTla?Xrjvus), 138/9 p., 33341 [rFAcXS]: [Aitios XAo AlAiou'AXESavSpou Oa]XrlpEIS, Frios [ archon 162/3 p., 364i --], secretary fin. s. I p., 3118 Kal [rF]v?OXtAo rFioS Al[Kivv os Tri7;i!aXos], 6 Kp&CTrlToS orrpEoaEurfi 'AVTt6XOU ('ArTaciSos), post ca. 217 p., 47614 = KT. 209/10 p., 46033-34= F.A.T.(I.G., II2, [rFv]eAitoS 'AVTI[6]XO[U] avTrITrp&TTryos ('AT-raiSos), s. III p., 4864; cf. r. 29637 = T.A.P.A., LXXI, 1940, p. 311) 'A. ('AepovEus) ? ('AvrioXios), ca. 136/7 p., father of AEI[K]I[o]S, 38027 rEVieAioo:OUA(iros)rEvEOXAos F&[tos] 190/1 p., 4203 (KeKpo-rrios), or 'ArrraiSos), aet. Rom., 3174 rEvOAitoS [ra]io AE[K]po[S] (A?E6cVTrio 'AvTI6XOU ('Ae1oovUs),180/1 p., 40259 B&aaos'A[yvovcaios], r(a&os)rTeiv(apios) eponymos ca. 218 rFEvI0lo51npcbTov ('Oaeev), 184/5 p., 40718-19 p., 4801 = r.n.B.'A., archon (I.G., II2, 36603) rEvvaTosnReio-rou (OlvriiSos), 335/4 a., 43148-149, brother of [raCios THltvap0os] rTp6KAo5'Ay(voUctos), 43142-143 TTREo-rOU r}lyrlTris (?) 186/7 eFoy?vns5 (Oi,vi68OS), p., 411i = r.n.n.'A., archon 190/1-191/2 (LG., II2, 21192) [rrTas]:[Tn6orros XErrirpios riTas], 209/10 p., 4607 ratos ('A.rlveus), ca. 155 a., 22651 r[]Tr[as] (OIVsISos), ca. 180 a., 1902 rtos [----] (Brioraius),s. I p., 30810 rrlpaTos ('AliviEvs), ca. 155 a., 22649 ] (BrlcraltuS), 141/2 p., 33414 r(alos) Ma pKto [ ca. 220 p., 4686 = Frlpoavvos'AA[poSltiov] (Aapixrrp6V), r. 'A., ephebe of Erechtheis ca. 196/7 p. (I.G., II2, 21321o) r(&ioS) VTrioS 'AT[TraXos rapy'rT(-ros)], hoplite general 181/2 p., 4058-9 r[ ----], ca. 336/5 a., father of [---]&vrlT, 6274 ca. 144/5 p., father of 'lpcov, 398o0 ra(ios) '09Qatlos 'Apicrrcov](KoA7UvreS), 148/9 p., 33714 Fru[---] (MeXAIT6s), reios (AajlTrrpEus), 96/7 p., 31225 raauK(---) (E Oiov), init. s. III a., father of ['Err]iAuKos, archon 186/7 p., 10518 r(aCos)[O(ap]iosetopiav[6s Ma]paeobvios, 4114-5 (? Oiou), ca. 400/399 a., father of arSaUKO,1386 rAvuKTrrls ca. 200 p., 4463 ra'os: KA(auitos)ratos (MapaOcovios), (P.A., 2956); cf. r. . ( OL.) KAXcov [r(a&os) KUVTroS] M[apa0cbwvos],archon post ca. 217 p., [r]A<a>vKdas,TrrlpfrlS -rrs PovouAi 303/2 a., 6215
4742-3; r(a&os) KilV(TOS)K;AcovMapaOcbvios, 4751-2; rd&os KlITroS KXA[cov] Mapaocovios, 4762, [4771-4] ratos 6 Kal 'Eirrya0os Uai(avEius), 209/10 p., 46068 rF&osnpEipov nai(avEl6s), post ca. 217 p., 47733 5 ET]Epi[ES],hoplite general r(d&os) K&acnos'AWrro[7AAovos
r~AaVKias EEvo-T[iiov (EUioVUVJ?S), 304/3 a., 61171 FravKifa (MeXrrES?), ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of e4[65]oTos,
was miscut for Kaoiav6s; cf. 188/9 p., 4166-7; Ka&caios H., Suppl. XIII, p. 107
archon 273/2 a., 78i rXaucKITrros, rAxa[KlTrrr]os lavvti&o(u) ('AXaies ?), 303/2 a., 62211 rXa[OKoS], ca. 105/6-117/8 p., father of ['Ep,E]ias, 3359 = r. (rcpyfl-rros), q. v.
ca. 197 p., 4272 FraoKos(Broalievs),paullo ante ca. 147/8 p., father of NEIKCOV, [rv ?]ai(os) HTToMiov (KEKpowiSoS), 3979 FvaTos lnoedivos (MeArlTSs), 21/0 a., 29233 3319 rAaOKOS rvacos K6pTZos (llaiaviEs), ca. 20 a., 29330 (rapyfITrros), ca. 105/6 p., father of 'Eppdias, FrauhETOv rXaOiKos (? ? Oiov), 370/69 ? a., 1385-86(P.A., 3004); Fviqcov (0opatmis), ante med. s. IV a., father of KaXMuKAXs, E O., SiatrrT-rT 330/29 a. (LG., his son may = FXcrMuKrrs 227, and KuvSi[aX]os, I.G., II2, 6214. II2, 240952-53)and another member of the family = r?au- rviqcov ( Tk1arlvEts), ca. 367/6 a., father of [X]atprarpaTo5, F TauKrTrou Of. (LG., II2, 6987/8 = P.A., 2957, 4440 (P.A., 3056); for other possible identifications and K?TTIrAK relatives cf.H., XV, 1946, p. 217. but cf. B.S.A., L, 1955, p. 33); on the family cf. A.P.F., 2921, X, and stemma, Table V; cf. commentary on No. 13 rvcoaias (Kuva0i-vaiiEs),ca. 337/6 a., father of AioiXAos, ca. 53 a., father of AlovOcaios, 6162 = r. Xaipfipovos K., tepoTrot6s 29332 ca. 330 a. (I.G., II2, rFacaKo (IacxtaviEvs), 41028-29 and citation) (P.A., 3061) rFAaKoS (TlaXXrvEus ?), ca. 159/60 p., father of Aiovuioco, 42319 rFXaKOs ?), paullo ante 187 p., father of ['Erri- ro[pyi&8rls]('lKaplEus), ca. 403 a., father of MvoriKAiSrls, (TTa7XXTivEs ], 4678,9 = 49272; cf. r. M. 'I., 'ratias 313/2 a. (I.G., II2, 28243, P.A., yovo]s and [ rxa[0K]os(TlaXXrlve?s),post ca. 183 p., father of 'ET[[y]ovos, 3062) 47235 rop[yias 'HpaKXAiSou?] ('ATrrca8os), post ca. 216 p., 47049 rXAaKos5 (nlaArlvEvs),138/9 p., 33345 Fopyias ('AxapvEs'), ca. 134/5 p., father of ropyias, 37167 'AkeoavSpou rXaiKOS 'AXE&avSVpou (nclaxrlvsos)'Tp(Eairrepos),138/9 p., Fopyiasc 'AxapvEis,herald of the boule and the demos 167/8 33342-43 P., 37167 Ca. 155 a., 22644 rAaCUKoS (fTlpCimEO), ropyias Eivrupfils, honored init. s. I p., 30722-24 ca. 363 a., father of [---]n[s], 4650 ro(p)yias ropyofvou ('iKapieUS), raUxKcov 304/3 a., 6146 ('AcoTErKEUS), . 'A., father of ravOKwrrios ropyias [K]axAi[Kp]airr (P.A., 3015), perhaps = o[v] (Aatrrrpsus), ca. 40-30 a., 28636 138/9 p., 33347 (I.G., II2, 28262 = P.A., 3022). ropyias MoxC)XovoS (TaAXrwvO5s), init. s. II p., fatherof [---- ?], 3429 iR'auKCO ('AxapveVs),360/59 a., 1753 (P.A., 3024); his son [FropyiAos, [----] (AlyeSos), post med. s. II p., 357i may be Aripas FravKcovos Fopyi[Xo]s 'Axapvews,post med. s. IV a. ca. 164/3 a., father of[Fopy]iXos, 2462 (I.G., II2, 5788, P.A., 3316) ropyiAos('AyyEAiE0s), BIavKcov hioKTrAjiLovo(s) 304/3 a., 61299 = (Kpco-rriSn), [ropy]iXosropyiAou'A[yyENfiQev], secretary KaTra rpuravdiav rAavKcov(KpowTr{ris), ca. 300/299 a., father of [KaXAicrrparos], 131/0 a., 2462 ca. 30/29 a., 28819 = 813; cf. [K.] F. K. r6py[trn-ros Ev8'Jpou] (MEXITEIVS), o]us (nepieoiSrls), 303/2 a., 62183; cf. r. treasurer of the prytaneis r1., rNaUKco[v ropyTrTros ESrip[ou] [Me]AX[TvOs], ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 290 3-7,[34-35]; cf. H., Suppl. I, p. 177, 352/1 a. (.G., II2, 20481 = P.A., 3033) rAFKcov(AiavT'rios),s. II p., father of NO[IKOS, note on line 19. 34718 37352 rOJKCov (eopiKo0S), ca. 135/6 p., father of 'ATTIKS, F6pyis (EK Krj85v),ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13768 ] (KEKporri8o), imit.saec. III a., 653 ca. 53 a., father of NdiKcov, 29335 rv[ ropyi[cov](TTaiaviEOS), ca. 336/5 a., father of [----]oaos, r6pyovos ('IKap1lus), ca. 337/6 a., father of ro[p]yias, 6146; rva'[---] ('AAcoTrrEKES), 62303 an ancestor = r. Oiveiou 'I., treasurer of the Other Gods 4424 rvtOlos('A-rnves),ca. 367/6 a., father of EupiTrrros, 423/2 a. (S.E.G., X, 22755-56, 76, 77, 94, 96)
r6pyuoos (KuSaqlvatiMs),
159 (P.A., 3089) [--] ('AvTtoxiSos),169/70 p., 3803 [rpal]9TK6s ca. 336/5 a., father of [Pp]6vlXos, rpirrcov(Kriplcaius), ca. 289/8 a., father of nve0oKAis, rva[tio]s (npocrTir&T-os), 8652 62122
ca. 190/89 a., 170i &rrns poESpcov ], icrrta A[ ] (TerIPIeUs), ca. 117-157 p., father of P6Scov, 384ii ], ca. 164/3 a., father of [Arl1]Tpios, 24637 A[ ] ('AvroXiSos), ca. 176/5-170/69 a., 20426 ?, ca. 337/6 a., father of [--]avcov, 61191 A[----] (TpwIVtes5s) ] ('AvTIOXi5os),Ca. 136/7 p., father of [rno]c[6t8]cbvios, A[----] (Ope&ppios), ca. 403 a., father of []lcorias, 13a7 A[ 38016 diaeTros 195/6 p., unidentified, 4267 Aa5o0XoS, A5so0Xos: ATX(ios)AqG5o0Xos, A[---] ('hriToecovTiSos), med. s. I a., 27851 diatrTo 174/5 p., 38755-56; A[ ] (rlav6iovi6os), Ca.168p., 3768 177/8 p., 39850; [ALR(ios)A]coCxo0S, 180/1 p., 40232; ] (Ai covE's?), ca. 180-160 a., 209i8 A[ [... Aac5o]Xos, ca. 185/6 p., 4105; [... A]a5o0iros, 186/7 ca. 273 a., fatherof 'Oita6Sns, 10914 p., 41125; AtA(ios) A?5SoOXos, A[----] ('Axpagav'rms), 190/1 p., 42015; ca. 192/3 Ca. 403 a., father of cOlAcoviSrs, p., 42338 ] ('Avayup&caos), A[ 49214 194/5? p., 42417 Aa5o0Xos: KA(auSios) A6So0xos, dicarros ca. 336/5 a., father of [ A[ ] ('AxapvEOs), ]TroS, Aa5oUxOos: TI[o]p(1io)os) AacouxoS, adiXCTos 166/7 p., 36956; 62150 1foi(Trriios) ASo0Uxos, 167/8 p., 37164; 168/9 p., [37218]; ] (eopiKos), ca. 388/7 a., father of EOvpovAos, 5875 168/9 p., 37340; 169/70 p., 37864; [nop(Triios)] A5a6oXo,5 A[ 5866 A[ s), ca. 338/7 a., father of ToAi5Trns, ] (KrEq)aXr 169/70 p., 38037 ca. 150 a., 23627 A[ ]3 ca. 197 p., 42732; [lnorw]riios (1aXranvE0s), A<5o0xos:oLrTTomros AN5o[OxoS], = A[....] Ma[iji[ov] (TTaXMriveos), 4543 post ca. 216 p., 47239 AqBo0xos, 204/5 p.,
Aetv[6]C-pa-ros (AacTr-rpEs), ca. 289/8 a., father of Aivcov, 8627 Adevcov (AailrTrrpeis), 256/5 a., 8627 Aeiv[o]a-rp&rov AEios('ArTraXicSo), post ca. 185 p., father of [Aeo]viS6ls, and [T6v]Tios, 48013, 15, 16 ['EAe]vurivios,
AqSo[0Xos]:TTno(riilos)AqSo[iXos], archon init. s. III p., 4553 AasooXos Mapa0(cbvios), 209/10p., 46085 AB6oiu(os: &a&p(tos) ] (AlyEi8os),ca. 250 a., 902 *Aait?co[v
*Aa-rapXos ('AAtEius), ca. 403 a., father of[EU]Kp[rT]os,49261
[AeI]osAEcoViAou ('A-rradSos), post ca. 218 p., 48012 S), ca. 190/89 a., 17091 Aal[---] (TpiKop*OIO AEiosfvUOoO (Tatavites), 169/70 p., 37818 lAap&a: Aup(fi6os) Aapias('AOioveus),180/1 p., 40255 and noopTcbvtos, AeTos(qT-rrnoS), ca. 134/5 p., father of AeTos ca. 225 a., 1225 [A]avaaciaS XaplK7sous, 37119,20 = Aalaacias ('Ae0ovE*s),173/2 a., 206105 AeToS (9i'rTTioS),ca. 135/6 p., father of Aetos,37336 336/5 a., 42231 *Aa[p]ias (AeuKovoKEus), ~ (Igqrlnos), 167/8 p., 371 9 = ca. 360 a., 159 AeTos [A]alioKp&rrs ropyiuou (KvSa0qvamlus), 3 (2qr-rtos), 168/9 p., 37336 AeTos (P.A., 3122) 13715 ca. AeTos a., (xpT'rnios), 167/8 p., 37117; was ephebe ScoKp&rovs 211/0-202/1 (EUcovvUeIs), Aap6KpTroS 150/1 p. (.G., II2, 206578) Aaolio[s] (EK KoiXss),176-169 a., 20534 A&Jcoov Aea1iOeos(rapy'r-rnos), ca. 337/6 a., father of [---- ]Kp6rrls, 131/0 a., 2465 (P.A., irporSpcov Zcoy6vo[us], nloTa-rm&s 6151 3136) ca. 168 a., 21442 Aeitaieos (nTa7icEVS), ca. 367/6 a., father of 'HyofiAecos, [A]apcov (OpEapptos), 4439 (P.A., 3207) Aaooi*ilos Oafi[s] (Ku5a0rvaiEts),ca. 160 p., 3628 36934 Adei9tos ('AXwcrEKfiqev), ca. 159/60 p., father of Adeqnios, GaXis ve(cbTrpos) (KuvSaqvaltES), 166/7p., AaaoU,o(tos) 42349; perhaps = A. Xapoeiiou('A.), q. v. (Ku5a0ervai6ES), 166/7 p., Aacaoop(ios)GafijS rrp(Eacpv3rEpos) 36933 = K'UIVTOS Alei9lXoS ('AXcorreKfieev),ca. 192/3 p., 42349 O)a[pos] A.e.K., dedicant ca. 160 p. Aei9itXoXapeiaiov ('AscoTrKfiOev), ca. 192/3 p., 42347, was (I.G., II2, 421212-14) (KuSaOTvaiEUS), 166/7 p., 36935 ephebe 154/5 p., along with his brother X. o 'A. (.G., II2, AaaoU,(ioS) NIKOKpdarTS 44316 Aapvos(-rToEaat8ios), ca. 165 p., father of OGeiiOTroKXs, 2067173-174) A&avo[sAiovuovov](Mapacobvios),ca. AEi9t[Xos---] (OopIKios), ca. 160-170 p., 35931 AIgcvo[s]:Kk(au5Slos) 120 p., 32235 29323 AdEitos (Hlaitavius), ca. 53 a., father of [Tr]oroe8cbvios, ca. 147/8 p., father of Xpfioros, 40217; cf. Aedqitos (ZouviEss), AE[---] ('Irroecovwrios),med. s. I a., 27844 [A]e(9iXos paullo post 178/7 a., 1961o (Sovvtmis),ca. 164 p., father of Euiprqoros,42733 AE[----] ('AXapvevs), AEKKIos 'louAXavos (Fapyfrir os), 182/3 p., 40613 = A. '., A[---] [.. .]iov (npopaicatos), 335/4 a., 4358-59 ca. 175-185 p. (H., XXVIII, 1959, p. 284, No. 1211) AEidSio 'AeivaIos ('AW0iovEwS), 180/1 p., 40258 AEIKIPOE (?) ('OaOev), ca. 363 a., father of [--]668qios, 4717 AEKuos, orio-ouosof Antiochis, s. I p., 30933 ca. 313 a., father of 'E-rwKp&r[S], 742 AE[K]Po[S]: A6iv[---] (AEcovT{Sos), [ra]ios Ae[K]po[s](AEcovT-i8os or 'ATcrakSos), ca. 376/5 a., father of AaEv6-rp[Crros], aet. Rom., 3174 AE[tV]&S1 ('AyKvuAsS), 3621(P.A., 3151) AieKus[---] STEIpIus),150-190 p., 38416 ca. 367/6 a., father of AUTrogcovTriSrs, Aeivias('AXcoTrKEsxS), ?), post ca. 183 p., father of nlai6pcos, AeX9iK6[S] ('AXapvEIs 4452 (P.A., 3161) 47336 ca. 290-280 a., 6815 ] ('AxapvEws), [A]eivia[S Ae[[a]vspos(ZKacPc3ovi6rSs), 222/1 a., 129104 [AE]iv{[aS] (BouraSris), ca. 336/5 a., father of Krpoa658o[ros], AItav6p(os) (Oqryouaios),ca. 289/8 a., father of AESavSpos, 8672 62186; cf. A. K. B., thesmothete in Pheidostratos' archonship, 233/2 a. (.G., II2, 2855 = P.A., 3162) A\tav6pos AEs&v6p(ou) ((qryovotos), 256/5 a., 8672 ca. 314/3 a., father of ['IPOK AE[i]vfas 'ETrrlKrqiotos [? rrl Tr yrq)rpia]]aTa 135/4 a., 24355, Ae[e]OesO(nTihA?r), ?]XiS,72214= 2445 147-148; [AeIVi]as 'EmT1KTpaCtos, AsEOeEos 'lepo[K]MXfiOV (nijhX1), 304/3 a., 61297 AesiXaos 'Akaims, acx Trfis 220/19 a., 13054; Ae?{AaoS Asi[vi]as(Hnaiavleu), ca. 53 a., father of Ai6oTros, 29327 [Ae]tviasAEivoKparouS (TstIrpies),ca. 330 a., 4734(P.A., 3171) A[h]aiEsj, 130147-149; 223/2 a., 127[2], 85-87, [12860]; 8560 ca. 215 a., [13220] A[E]tv{as (t3.aiSris), ca. 289/8 a., father of EvalTnlS, ca. 368/7 a., father of Hcavnrt&irs, {ievos (AaltaXiirl), (P.A., 3172); cf. EO.A. (O.) *Ale ca. 423-393 a., father of [--]cf{r[T]poros, 43175 AeviaS ((DXvuES), 73; a grandson probably = A. c., trierarch ca. 330 a. Ak{lrrmros [----] (T coe0s), post med. s. III a., 11218 ca. 403 a., father of [. .]9&v5s,49297; (I.G., II2, 162613-14);cf. A.P.F. ((uXaC&aios), Aep[KErSs] = A. (OD.), 8837 father of [----], ante 378/7 a. (I.G., II2, 757) AElviSI6S (XoXEi6Srls),post ca. 288 a., father of AEtvi6Ts, AeIvi6ou AeIviSl6S (Xo?aEirS), post 255 a., 8837(P.A., 3178); [A]ePKXAos [----] (KEKpoTrrftS ?), ante fin. s. II p., 4294 A. X., ca. 200 a. (I.G., II2, 7795 = P.A., cf. ASv6ocrpraroS 'E-Tr[---] (eyMuppivoirrns), 254/3 a., 8992 AepKuOos 3196) and AEv6o-rparos A. X., 281/0 a. (H., IV, 1935, AepKOXos [] (Z9krrtos), med. s. III a., 10122 ca. 73-63 a., father of A65copos, ]os ('AXco-TEfijev), p. 562, No. 4021-22) Ar1[ 2843-4 S(eopaitrs), 140/39 a., 240104 AEtvoKp&rp AfivoKp&rrns ca. 393-373 a., father of ['Ae]v66copos, (MvppivoUOios), 336/5 a., 42176 ATn[----];MeAxrT6s), ca. 363 a., father of [AE]tvfas, 4734 201o AEtvoKp&rrs (2-rETlpwS), (P.A., 3186) ?), ca. 314/3 a., father of [AJ]tKp&rsi, *Al<Kp6r[)s] (OiArXpeOS 72192 Aeiv6o-rp[crros] A[v[ti]v&8ou ('AyKuAenS), 343/2(?) a., 3621 (P.A., 3191) = A. A. 'A., orator of a decree 348/7 a. [Arl]lKp<6rns AinKp6r[ous] ((DaWArpes ?), 281/0 a., 72192 (I.G., I2, 2234; cf. P.A., 3192 and 3191 addendum) AIT[----], secretary trl TroisS v6jious305/4 a., 5879 ]: [A0]pX[i]os A<(>i)[----], archon 200/1Aetv6p-rrpTos 'AvTrl66(ou) (KeAc~,',s), 304/3 a., 6193 A<rl>p[ ] (K6'rrpios), AElvo-rp[arros 281/0 a., 72156 201/2 or 203/4-204/5 p., 4501
1641 paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father of [ArlF]irTpioS ('AvTioXf8os), Arw,p[---](AecovTSos),s. III a., father of [---], 46643 ca. 400/399 a., father of [Awr]fT-rpios, Arn[--] (AanrrpEis Tr&paAos), 1439 3 ('AvrnoXf8os), [AlTplfrTPIOS paulloante 220/1p., 46643 AInpoT{civ, ('Airaoisos),ca. fin. s. II p., fatherof [Zcb]aitlos, Arp[---] (Hnaiavimtis Ovirvep), father of [A]r6qpAos, 2612; ArlufTrpios or Arj[oQp&vris], 45912 the name may be restored as Aiqli[xas] ca. 128 a., 24841 cf. A.A. (n.) (KeKpOTrfSos), ArliAT[pIos] ca. 63/2 a., father of [ ], 2888 ] (OaWrlpnp*s), (KEKporriSOS), Arl4[ paullo ante ca. 93 a., father of ArlpT-rplio II s. 3483 ] 2679 p., (KeKpo-ri8os), ArnlTir[pIo5 9E6plAos, vs, ] (OlvETos),treasurer of prytaneis ca. Arl,pTrpios(Aecovrfios),ca. fin. s. I a., father of [ Alpayivrls [ 30710 243-237 a., 1102 ] (Acovrfios or 'An-rAi8os), aet. [Arll]fiTpIosM[ Arlpa6ypas(eopaEIsO),140/39 a., 240102 3177 = the well Rom., Arln&S1Is (TTaiavileS), 336/5 a., 42145; probably known Airp&85rS (AEovriSos),178/9-179/80 p., ATrfiTpio5 ArfiLrTplo5: OX(&plos) Arlleov TalTacvElU (P.A., 3263, A.P.F.,
ca. 225 a., 12414 ATl(k)>5sl nratavi?u(s), contributor but not a pouAXhrrs [A]Tplirpio[s----](Olv18os), 328/7 a., 4920 [A]irl rTp[ios----] ('Ayvoailos), fin. s. III a., 14012 Nvupo86Tou A[t1qa]iveTro p., 336l1, ('AirlvieVs), 138/9-150/1 Anrlpirpios ('Avayvp&cntos), 336/5 a., 4228 was ephebe 125/6 p. (I.G., II2, 203710) ca. 323-313 a., father of ArnladArpaiv(Tros)1 ('Axapve?s), veros, 6818 p., 33621 ('AZ[IvEls),138/9-150/1 [Ar]plrlTpios Tp*qpcovos ca. 147/8p., father of 'ApCb-rlTos, ArlnaivEros ('Ae0oveOs), ArlpATrpio[5] Arlpaiv(fhou) ('AxapvEis),ca. 290-280 a., 6818 ca. 368/7 a., father of Eiaiveros, 43170 40245; cf. ArlciaiveroS(its5f), [---ca. 155 'Apcopi'TOu Aria&vers 180/1p., 40246 a., ArfiLATplos ('A0iovE?O), AaprTTpeS],0troypappa-rEus 2269-10, 83 (P.A., 3281); the father's name may be re- AiqpArTpios: ('"Aairis),174/5p., 38732 tpoes Aripinrplos stored [Alovuwoou], cf. N.P.A., p. 60 Al'riTploS [---] ('AXaies), 174/5 p., 38733 ('AXcowTrKe<S), 169/8 a., 21287 Ariv[&]paToS A[rn][lrirTpos 'Hqalio-roK(-) ('CAAais?), 303/2 a., 62217 ca. 336/5 a., father of [----]rros, AillapXos (pEapppios),336/5 a., 42212; his father is probably Arp'lTrpi[os] ('AcorrEKeOS), 62311 Aivu[xrl]sArl[p]a[p]xou (Dp[edppi]os, secretary in 348 a. (IG., II2, 206, etc.) and 5larnl-r5i in 330/29 a. (I.G., II2, Apn'iATPIOS ('Avoyvp&aios),ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13754; cf. A. PiAcovos 'A., s. II a. (I.G., II2, 5621) 240950-51); cf. H., XXX, 1961, p. 47 archon ca. 20 a., 2933 ArpcaS'AZlvlEiES, nu0 tnrou ('Ava9qAo-rios), 334/3 a., 448 (P.A., 3388) ApiT-rpioS 334/3 a., 4414 (P.A., Ari4as ('Allvteus), ca. init. s. I a., father of loaoKoupfsris, ArfplTploSKaMAirnrou ('Ava?pXocrnos), 27834 3386) ca. 314/3 a., father of [----]s A6rlpas (A[tcoVEIS),ca. 200 a., 15128 ('Ava9?Aoartos), At[pf]]TpIos 72238 of ca. father 31235 63/4 Arilas (EIcovwups), Arlaxs, p., 3 (EVcovuptJEs), ATripas secretary of the boule and the Arp1[-ptpos 'AWroAVcoviEs], 96/7 p., 31235 5 ('lIovif8S), 254/3 a., 8979 ca. demos 168/7 a., 21313-14; ArlfITploS'ArroAAovieiUs, ATIarl 168 a., 214io; cf. P.A., 3389 ca. init. s. I a., father of 'Hpa[.....], Arip[f]aS(Krl9iECrpieU), 2765-6 AwiATrpios ('ATtvsEs),173/2 a., 206117; cf. P.A., 3390 ]o0, Aipr1rpios'Aq<i>Svato(s),328/7 a., 4924; cf. A. EvKTrlpovos Arlicias(Fcalavies), ante med. s. IV a., father of [ 327; cf. stemma P.A., 3276, revised A.P.F.; the man may 'A., orator of decree 332/1 a. (P.A., 3392) be identifiedwith AllpaS(IV)(= P.A., 3323) [A]p rplo[s ] ('AxapveSs), 303/2 a., 62147 III s. his father Al [ATr]ias ATrloorTp&ro[v] a., 1068; 'r,ATPIos (TatiavieI), ('AXep8oioso5),135/4 a., 243116 H., taxiarch 271/0 a. (cf. H., may = A. 'ApicrroqCavovs AIlp[i'r]pios ('AXEpSoOaIos),176-169 a., 20555; perhaps= XXX, 1961,p. 217, note 25); cf. also A.P.F., 3276,stemma AqrllTpios MEeKA (ous) ('AXEp5oafcos), 178/7 a., 19464 II, [Ai]rpas [-- ATrp]f-rp[tos] (VIII) Arloo-rp'ro[v] (II) (BrlTcrtiS), 188/9 p., 41923 ca. 358 a., fatherof AEiKCOV, 5220(P.A., ArlmrTrptos Arlpias (Ope&ppios), (rapyryirTos), ca. 105/6 p., father of ArnpArptos, 33115 3326) s. I a., 2944 [Aim]rln'pios, ]cov, Ari[4]frTpos rFpyrnTios, ca. 102/3 p., father of [ archon 190/89 a., 171i, 1721 33028 ArlprTpios, [[Arpi'iTrpios]]j,paaictOs 235/4 a., 11516 Alpmflpiosa (rapyfi-r os), 138/9 p., 33115 .. .]EfovoS ca.184/5 mo'rori6crS AqTpfirp[iO.........1 ..........], [rapy]frrTos, OrroypactiacrT? rrpo8Spcov [Arl]pjTpios[ 279/8 a., 754-5 p., 4124-7 ArlpArpios (Eicovueps5), ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 18721 XiToVpy6s ATpWi['Tpios--], fin. s. I p., 3116 ] (EOcvvui0s5), Ca. 235 a., 1079 AvtfTr[pios],secretary of the boule 177/8 p., 39847 [Atlp]frrpio[s treasurer aet. Rom., 3184-5, 14 ArlfirTpios, Arui-rpto[s](Epi&rlos), fin. s. III a., 1367 3494 ArliTrpios, s. II p., father of ArlxUrTpos, fin. s. II p., 4398 (IrTalOS), ATifi-rTpo[s] A[ ], officer 131/0 a., 24637 (?K KoXcovoi),343/2 (?) a., 3627 [ATIprlTp1os YTrEucnKp&rou Ar1pfrTpIo5 (P.A., 3414) ArlirTpIos 3, s. II p., 3494 honored 186/7 p., 41145-48 init. s. II a., 1574 Ar[li]Mpios [eEs]p;iOc[v]os, [A]jfi-rTpl[os] (K6rrpEtos), ca. 198/9 p., father of Arli'fTpios, ArpIi'Tplos (KuSaeTrvaievs), 336/5 a., 42153; the name is comArljirTpios ('A8piaviSos), 49120 mon in Kydathenaion, cf.: o ('ASpiavi{os), ca. 231/2 p., 49120 ca. 20 a., 29367 Aqp-rTptos -] (Kv8aer)voaiEs), A[rIp]fTrpio; 'ArroMco[vi
Arl1ni(Tplou)((aArlpeus),ca. 190/89 a., 17082 Ar,nprTplos Aqr-rTptos Ttip(ov) (OaAriPEis), ca. 190/89 a., 17079 ca. 127-137 p., father of ME[avcpos], [ArllrjTplos] (XoAcapyes), 35933 =
A. (K.), ca. 360 a., 1512, (P.A., 3416), brother of [Kp]aTTvos and possibly father of A. (K.) AbrtirTpios KeivEou (KuSaOIvaus)1E, ca. 20 a., 29364, was ca. 9/8 a. (.G., II2, 172211) OEcrnoirqn Ari-rTpios KEA&8ou (Kuvaernvaties),166/7 p., 36941, was ca. 160 p. (LG., II2, 20817); possibly a U-Troocoppoviorrs
grandsonor nephew=
A rlpT'rpios KEA&8ou K[u](aOQivaios), 209/10 p., 46072 AlPtrTp[los] (Kveipplos), 155/4 a., 22590 Arlr|Trpios (Aagrrrpe1s),ca. 73-63 a., father of'Epgaios, 28630 ca. 40-30 a., 28640 Aiqr-nrposTowrriou (AalTrrrpEvs), Arp1rTPioS i?touv 367/6 a., 1456 (AaprrrpEsa KaO1T-rpOsv), 3471) =A. 'APXeKCbJovu .(LG., II2, 70953-4; cf.' APXKCOpoS A. f., ibid. 5-6) ca. 54/3 a., father of 'AOiivctos, 29235 AnrpirTpios (MeAlEEus), Ar1MOKjSrs 'Apiforcovos A[EVKOVO6vs ArluriTpios nTa[.]ihou(MEXrreEs), 281/0 a., 7238 ?], EITlcn-Trrlis wrpoE8pc ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29076-77 iPX-riTrrOU AriprlrpioS (MEXiAT-s), 173/2 a., 20645 Ei Oiou, treasurer of the phyle ca. 45-30 a., 2825-7 AiToKiOSr1s (EITEarTo), A1nriTrpios 336/5 a., 42306; probably = Arlo( ]iXoKOUvs [E]i'rTEio5, (i Oiov), ca. med s. II p., father of KopvrlAXav6o KAXEi8n[S Arli-rT[plos] epistates of the Eleusinia and ArwlPJrptoS, 42120, 21 336/5-333/2 a. (I.G., I12, 15433-4, 15442-3; P.A., 3481); ) (ig Oiou), ante fin. s. II p., 42121 his father probably = OtAoKAErls ArlpT-rptos ArjloKAeiSou EitTEaos, I.G., II2, 6010 (P.A., 14539). ArlnfiTpios (natavtmi),220/19a., 13065 ArlT 'rTPIos (TaX;ArlvnEs ?), paullo ante ca. 187 p., father of AlpOKAei[S8rs ---] (AaVjwrpErS), 304/3 a., 61186 [----]sls, 46710 ArloKiXdSr(S) (nEipaiCOs), ca. 336/5 a., father of ArloKirsi, ca. 40-30 a., 28647 62255 AriplTplio EUKap[ri8ou(rcavp3coTa&r,s), ca. 155 a., 22642 s 'A0pov6Os,honored 97/6 a., 25992 arlTTrpios (lTepamEOs), [A]rToK|I ca. 200 a., 15117 ca. 73-63 a., father of ArlpoKAfiS, ArlipiTrplO Bpo(iouv)(Th0nes), 28610 AT1rOK7is (KrliaiECS), honored by the boule ca. 140 a., 2412-5 3 (Kr11iq1iaiE), ArlifTrpios ca. 40-30 a., 2861o TTOptos, AnolOKXAS K-ricovos rTpopaXicaos, ulToypapClaTersca. 190/89 A7iIioKAfs ArTiT-rpios ca. 289/8 a., father of ArloKAiS,8572 (KuvavtriSTI), 111-112 a., 170[121, AlloKAfisArloKXAou (KvuavTi6ris), 256/5 a., 8572(P.A., 3502) 42139 ArjI.prptoSiA[Xcovos] (TT-EAeXacalo), AripoKAiS 303/2 a., 62194;cf. A. n., s. a., (Traiavines), 336/5 II a. (I.G., II2,4257= P.A., 3442) ca. 150 a., 23623 ATIPoKjiS (THaANriveus), ArriTrpios ('Pacivoacnos), ca. 223/2 a., father of 'Api-rcov, AlIuoKAXij 303/2 a., 62255 ArljOKXEi8o(u) (1EtipaC1e), 17069 AiToKAfiS (TElep&aOos),ca. 374/3 a., father of Arnl69pAos, 3856 (P.A., 3509); AnlloKAfiS[---]&rov TElepa&lCo,trieArTipplos ('Papuvooroios),ca. init. s. II p., father of ['PTr]Topiand [Aiq]lrTplos, K6s rarch 326/5 a., and ca. 323/2 a., may be a nephew or 34015,17 ATlptiTpos ('Pacxvoiuosos), ca. 223/2 a., father of IEoyos, grandson (.G., II2, 162843, 163287-88 = P.A., 3510, A.P.F.) 17060; probably = A. (P.), father of 'Apiorcov ca. 337/6 a., father of [....OTros], [ATqooK]XAs (cOaArpevS), ] ('Papvoivoios), ca. 120 p., 32264 ATrip-rp[IOS 596 = [Arl]iPTrpios ca. 337/6 a., father of [---- ]oTOs, AriPoKXjS 2 ('Papvocaios), med. s. II p., 34017 ($CaXAlpe?S), ca. 403/2 a., fatherof r[Ev[]cn[K]7ais, 61243 (Zouvlius), AriT-r[p]ioS 1362(P.A., 3443) 4323 Ai/rloKAis (Orlyoucios), ca. 368/7 a., father of AnTihOos, ArluirTpios (T6EiP1ieS), ca. 53 a., father of e6E8opos, 29350 ArlpoKp[---] (Opt&clos), fin. s. III a., 13611 (P.A., 3444) ArInoKp&rrls ('Aypvu?EU), 173/2 a., 20698 Arni'Tpios: Kaa[i]avos Arlfirpios -TEip(ieIS),post ca. 217 p., ATrloKparrrls('AxapVus), 360/59 a., 1754 (P.A., 3522), 47719 identified by Kirchner with A. MEv[iTrrou], proxenos of ca. 20 a., 29356 Keans post 362/1 a. (I.G., XII, 5, 54239 = P.A., 3522 Arll'ripios NEiKcovos (STEipti<rS), ca. 40-30 a., 28656 MrjvoScbpouuvppiSrls, ATrnilrpIos was litourgos post addendum), whose son, M4[v]nrrros, AlTgilrpIOS 330 a. (.G., II2, 41723); cf. A.P.F., 10037 (9qTrrtos), ca. med. s. II p., father of ['ETrx]p66eiTos, 44025 ] ('EXEvoivioS ATuoKpd[Trrs ?), 281/0 a., 72128; cf. A. ArlI.IlrTPIO (Tp1Kop*oros), 223/2 a., 12728 'E., father of eOE6oTos,orator post 236/5 a. (LG., II2, ca. 83 a., father of [ ], 27330 129951= P.A., 3526) [Anrl]ilTptio (TpiKopucrio), ArliTrpIos (?OaXrlpes), ca. 336/5 a., father of ZcorKis,62292; AritoKprriS Mv[Tq]co-pyfiov 305/4 a., 5859 (Keqa?E*s), cf. ca. 354 a., father of ['AvrI]oXi6rls, A1TpoKpacrin (KoAcovfiEv), ca. 330 a., 4644; the restoration is A[rjjp?]Tpios 5546(P.A., 3530) (OaX7pens), by SterlingDow; the name, if restored correctly, in ATiioKp'crr (Ku8aeTqvaiEfs), ca. 178/7 a., father of ArlpoKpa-
AT'rhiTpios (Xo;capyess), ca. 134/5 p., father of 'AvriqGpv, and 'AAKIP3iaSTs, 37129, 30, 31 MEvavcpos, AT[trirl]plos: [AIXt]os Arl[j'rT]pios XoX[Ei]SrS, ante fin. s. II p., 4219-11 Azo'6SOKOS ('CQaEs),ca. 423-408 a., father of ArtloKp&rrT,l 1017; a grandson probably = ca. 360 a., 1525(P.A., 3466) AiLp6oKoS ('PaEc'S), ArlpoKpc&rou O ArTpoK85[ris] (TTaiaviEVis wEVpeEV),ca. 400-350 a., 1244(P.A.,
this deme(cf. followingentries)is too common to allow identification with A. ?cavooTrp&crou 0. (P.A., 3455,A.P.F., with addendum)
2393 Kp&rrls],
A-nTOKpCTrrs A,IOKpaTO' KvaTB0rvaieOS, &vrnypa(pet 145/4
a., 2383; [Ar|1joKp&aTjs 2393; Arl]poKp'rov Ku5a[OGva?lvs], ca. 223/2 a., father of AlriTlplo5, ArlpoKp&aTr[S Arlpri(Tpios) ($aXrnpeus), 23914(P.A., 3532) KvSaOrlvalevs], 17082 AnrqoKp&Trls 'AplroroKpcrovs (RTepltoifSrs),335/4 a., 43151-152 [Arlm]iTrpios Ar71irTPfou OaMrpC^s, EwTrril' -r1 Trwpo6pcov ArloKporrTls (npoonrr6Tiros), ca. 368/7 a., father of 'AvSpo256/5 a., 876 43124 oeOvris,
irS Alqpiov XoAapyEos,UTroypaiarr rAiloKp6mrr1s 178/7 a., 336/5 a., 42280 (KeqpaXsEi.s), ArlOTXArls
ArloTicov ALrp[--] (AaljrTrp?Es Tr&paXos),367/6 a., 1439 19437-38, 114-115 = [ArlioKp]65rrs Aiqt{XovXo[capyEvs], orator ca. 175 a., 2015;
303/2 a., 62121 (Tpoo-nr&ATos), E-r[Tfico]vos [A]rpiOT{COV ? (KEKpomISos), cf. A1jmOKp&mr X., TrrSCOKEV 183/2 a. (.G., II2, 2332128= Ca. 197 p., 42716 Arlp[o]qp[&]vrls 'EwTTlXou 254/3 a., 8946 = ('AaaiEOs), P.A., 3540) and P.A., 3541 Arnpoqa&vTi 1525 Allroyaavrls'ErnlflXou 'AaisiEs, orator 235/4 a., 1158 (= ca. 393 a., father of A1no68oKos, AfrioKpi&rrT('QaEiOs), P.A., 3654) (P.A., 3533) = ArULoKp&Trl (KrlToites), ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13731 Arlpoqxcvrls Arllo66Kov('a?vsE), ca. 390-375 a., 1017 ca. 403 a., father of [.......], 8835 father 288 ca. of'A a., (KoXXvreus), Arjp6qoavrTo lticov, Arl[[o]P[&Aris] (nfiXl), post 49255 ArtV6v1Ko (KoveuASirS), ante med. s. IV a., father of ATi63223(P.A., 3566) [Arlp6,av(ros)] (OaXjrlpes),ca. 337/6 a., father of [Arln6qavplAos, 59io = 1042 ca. 390-375 a., Arno6viKos TOs], 'A<(>)f-rov (Kvefipplos), AlTlvIKoS(AaKiarSTI), ATrl[6q[a]v(Tos)(OcinpOiE), Ca. 337/6 a., father of [Airl]6qpav360/59 a., 1714 (P.A., 3567, A.P.F.), was trierarch post 358/7 a. (I.G., II2, 1615103,1616126); ros, 61248 for his son, see TTavOlp ros Arl19c&v](rTo) [ArjT6qxoav ((>aXrpipus),304/3 a., 59io = (A.) ATrl 304/3 a., 61248 [Ar1i]6q9avTos oq,[]v(Tov) ((cOaXAripE), *Anl6tEvos('PcTavoivlos), ca. 190/89 a., 18870 archon 381/0 a., 62 (P.A., 3662) init. s. III [Arip6]piAos, Ar1poOeEvTrs: AtAiosArmoaeOvris('I'rrrocovTriS(s), p., 45825 secretary rrl -r& Arl6l6qXoS rlavrTaEXovTos 'Aypv7XjOev, Alpoae0vris Otc(--) ('Alnvies), 176-169 a., 20523; [Arlito343/2 a., 344 (P.A., 3669) npifcr(crrac (PiAcovos ('AXcotKefiev), ca. 321 a., 5539; aeOvrns secretary of prytaneis, 2058 [Art]6qiAos AecooTrp&rou (?) 'Al-nvieSS], for the restoration of the name cf. A. 'A., contributor on 360/59 a., 1755(P.A., 3586) AnploaeVjrS ('Axapvews), behalf ofA. 'A. ca. 342/1 a.,LG., II2 1622562-563 (P.A., 3672) [-- ArlT]ooaE[vrls] (BepEVIKiSrls), post ca. 216 p., 46910 os TlpoKpdrro(vs) AlJioc0evrs('EpiKeus),254/3 a., 89os05 [A]rop69o (KEqaE\Is), 303/2 a., 6289 Arlt6qiNXo (Krlrrios),336/5 a., 42227 Aluooevirls Yc aOpou ('Icov6isr),256/5 a., 8562(P.A., 3590) ca. 192/3 p., 423 o = A. Arllo6qiXoS ArlooviKou (KovvuAinTs), post med. s. IV a., 3223 [Arlocr]e0vrls"Aveov (ncaXXAver:s), 'A. F1.,ephebe 169/70 p. (I.G., II2, 2097235) (P.A., 3680) ca. 134/5 p., father of Al,ooaevris, [A]il6qTi.oSArnI[---] (rTaiaviems OrrvepOv),348/7 a., 2612= ATlluooriv-S (XouvviEs), either A. [A]Thgo[u] TT. 37173-74= n. (P.A., 3686) or A. Arloq9&vous ca. 147/8p., father of Arlooe0vris,40214 Arlocr0evrns (P.A., 3687), cf. H., XXVIII, 1959, p. 229, note on line 487 (SouvvlEs), (= .G., I12, 155745)and A.P.F., 3276 Alooae0vTiS 167/8 p., 37173-74= D YovvieuS, d&vTypacpEv , (Xouve~OS), [ATrl]o6qtosA<i(o>pcovos (Kv5aTrlvairs), ca. 360 a., 158 180/1p., 40214 Arlltoaevrls ATrIocaTvri: (P.A., 3681) Ai[X](ios)ArlToarievrls (pi'rrTlos), 168/9 p., 373ii ca. 400/399 a., father of AT6Opi6oo Arliocraivrs: Aip(AXios)ArJooceivrls (AaixTrTpeOS rr&pacos), (qrr-riTos), ca. 160-170 p., 3597 MWvcov, 1436; cf. M. A. A. 2012 ca. 393-373 a., father of [----], Arln69hIXOS Arlocraervi ArjPogp9vTo[s] (MEXiTE'r), 341/0 a., 3855 (P.A., (TEiOpa&oos), 341/0 a., 3856 (P.A., ArmloK7siouS 3598), probably related to AlooCovrts AiocrOivous Arll69iXAo (TeIeOp'caos), nalavleos; cf. P.A., 3597. 3689); cf. AnjpoK?fs (T.) ca. 336/5 a., father of [ archon 393/2 a., 2i (P.A., 3612) ]s, Arl[p]oq~ov ('AAco7rEKEu5), Arpi6o-rpcrro[s], 62306 A6LltcrTrparos (EvcovuieOs), 336/5 a., 4210, may = A. Avuo(--) Eui., .G., II2, 1874 (P.A., 3619) Armloq)cov ('Avayvpaoitos),381/0 a., 64 Ainpoq)9v ('Avayvpacios), init. s. II a., 15827== A. S6qcovos [A]rl6rorpaTos (Kiliacries), 96/7 p., 31221 = P.A., 3695) 'A., 183/2 a. (IG., II2, 2332106-108 [A6]rll6C[p]arTo (KvavrTi8rls),ca. 374/3 a., father of Arip6Tpacros, 3822
[ Arloq9Cv
240-230 a., 1136 Arli6oarparTos 341/0 a., 3822 Arloo v (Mapa0cbvios), (KuvavTri5rl), [A]rloo-r[p]&TOU Alpio9ov rpacroK<Aou (P.A., 3622) ('Papovo'iaos),303/2 a., 62277 ca. 374/3 a., father of AigoaOeVris, Arl6acrTpaToS (Tmeip&mios), (Ku8a0rlvaieus),father of [Ari][Ti]pios and AlWUo9c&v 3855(P.A., 3699) ca. 393 a., 1511-12 [Kp]acrvos, (P.A., 3621) = Auvcaviou ca. 390-375 a., 1049 Arlt6o-rpaTos Aqi[io]9cov (<)aXip0s), 223/2 a., 12739 (Kuva0rlvaiEu)), ], 1039 Arl16orpa-ro Ma[pa0cbvios], archon 184/5 p., 4072-3; [A]ipoxaprl, ca. init. s. III a., fatherof [ 4082 ('A[rlv1Es),ca. 50-40 a., 2803; on Art[oX]6&piS Mv&av[8pov] [Ar!i]6orpa[T-os], and familycf. H., XXXVI, 1967,p. 238 MEXr1TE]vS, the identification A1iJ[6o-rparTo]: Tip(kpios)KX(a,8ios)ArllJ[6oTparoS archon ca. 160-170 p., 3581-2; K7(aOSios) ca. 102/3 p., father of ['AcKATr('Ava9AXfTrnos), Arij[6oCrpoaroSArljoX&prls 3592; [Tip(?pios) KA(aO5i8os) Ti]atirs, 3307 = Arl6Cr]Tpcxaros M[eMEXrTeiS], ca. 105/6 p., father of 'AoK2rlXiToES], SOUVIEIS 3602-3; cf. T. K. A. M. and T. K. A. AriioX&aprl ('AvaqXAuqjros), ca. 100 a., 25811 rm&Srns, 33319; perhaps = Arl o6orparros (rtmaaviOs), init. s. II p., 3215 'E1rKTiTrov 1068; AnlpoXa'pns ('AvaXCToatos), Arl6o-rparos (lTlaavieOs), s. III a., father of [Arl]Ua5s, cf. A. A. (n.) s Xapivou(rapyrirrTos),343/2 a., 3639(P.A., 3713), ArltoX&pr was father of 'E-rtmapivosrapyfrrlos, secretary KOrr& A-nr6o-rpaTros (lTaiavties), ca. 363 a., father of Xiovis, 4712 (= P.A., 3627); cf. X. A. (n.) rtpuTravEfav304/3 a. (P.A., 5014) ca. 354 a., father of 'Apil-r6ojaXos Ari6oa-rp-cros:Tt(ppipos) KAa?iios ATrl6aoTparos -ovvitES, ATIroX&prTs (MEAiTrms), and AInoxapnrs, TCOV 49415, 16 'Eevuo'ivfcov,s. I/II p., 31311-14; d&yovoOerriS Ipiy&CAOV unidentified list ca. 321 cf. 'Apx. 'E., 1964, pp. 120-123; cf. T. K. A. E. and A rloxaprT1 Arlpoxapou(MeTrrE*s),
T. K.A. MTEXirsOs
a., 49416
3259(P.A., 3727) ous (()riyooios), 335/4 a., 4322-23 AripnoKv ArlpnXos T6 dr6pprirov init. s. I a., 26030 wrrt -----], Ai[
ca. 336/5 a., father of Atomrers, antemed.s. IV a., fatherof -rtpavos, Al6ye-ros (Euvpair&8rs), AiJipOos (lpo3paXit7os), ca. 367/6 a., father of Aloyvrs, Aloyi-rcov ('A7oA?rEKaEs), 4451 (P.A., 3792); probably = AloyEfTcov 'AAcorreKjev, witness in 367/6 a. (H., X, 1941, p. 16, No. 115-16); cf. ], priest97/6 a., 25996 Al[--med. s. I a., 27849 IG., II2, 5575. Ai[---] ('ClTTwroevrri5os), ca. 287/6 a., father of Olcaov, 8969 40118 180 ca. ('EpXEiOs), AloyEiTcov Ai[----] (KEKpoI15Ios), p., 2JEiKvuicov[os] 61147 ('PaCvoucnos), 281/0 a., 72201; cf. a., [Aioy]iTrcov (Oiv?tsoS), 304/3 A?[--------] A. AIoyvfi-ro 'P., med. s. II a. (P.A., 3800) Ai[----] ('Axapvus'), councillor? ca. 370 a., 492105 ca. 367/6 a., father of KAcov,4459 AloyEvrs, fin. s. III a., 1423 [At ?]ay6pas ('AXcorrewKev), ca. init. s. I a., fatherof Aiovwc66opos, ] 303/2 Atoyvrin('A[rivitE), taltroSAixov[osOpe&(pptos)], TO[ KfipvU wrrl 27836 = a., 62348-349 probably = A. A. O., trierarch 325/4 and ('AlrviEvs),ca. 83-73 a., father of Aiowo68copos, 323/2 a.(LG., II2, 1629585, 597, 782, etc. = P.A., 3745); cf. [A]ioy?[vsrl] 2808 with addendum A. P. F., 4521, ca. 330 a., 469 (P.A., 3747) 140/39 a., 24091 Aloyvris ('ANco'rrEKEUS), AlaKp-ros (KIKUVVE?S), 334/3 a., 4451(P.A., 3813) AIE15XOUS ('A?TcoreKmES), AloyvriS AloyT-rovos (Opeappios), med. s. IV a., 2311-12(P.A., AlaKPITOS ca. 142 p., father of [Aioy]JvrSand A., AloyvriS (BEpEv1KiSqS), 3748) = A. A. who, along with his brother 'ErrEUXr[S] was honored by the demos 360-340 a. (.G., II2, 4359; [.. .] los, 39211-12 ca. 175 p., 39211 cf. p. 41, above); their father was a well known doctor (cf. [Aioy]Evrso (BEpEvuKid8r), ca. 127-137p., father of 'Aerv6opos, P.A., 3765) and another member of the family = AlEXns AtoyvriS (KEyaEiUS), 35924 (., secretary 349/8 a. (I.G., II2, 206-9 = P.A., ArlniappXou ca. 73-63 a., father of XappiSTs,28625 cf. a. and 240950-51; II2, (Krpiic'?us), SialTnrrTi AloyivriS (.G., 3766) 330/29 B. S. A., L, 1955, pp. 32-33) 169/8 a., 212103 AloyEvri(KpicoEiS), 31828 aet. Rom., father of ({lXTnroS, A[upvos(MEAiTEOU), (Kvua0rvaliES), Atoybvris 177/8 p., 39821 AlExnss(O)peappios), ante med. s. IV a., father of Al&KpiTos, Aloyvqis (Kveuppios),ante med. s. IV a., father of Al6oTorS,
1338 (P.A., 3837) archon 209/10 Mapa0cbvios, Aioygvris:O>X(&Pos) AioyEvrq p., 460i, 11-12 ca. 368/7 a., father of Aioyvrns,43232 AloyEvri(MeXITrEU), treasurerof the boule 335/4a., MsAITeUS, AioyivnS AIoyYvov
AIKai6wroXiS rlaJpcorTaSrs, priest of the eponymos 95/4 a., 26156 27827 ca. init. s. I a., fatherof AfKaios, AiKaios ('ALriviEss),
AiKaioS o ('A[rivlOS), med. s. I a., 27827 ca. 221/0 a., father of Ocov, 17615;perhaps AiKaiOS(MeXITeIS), = A. (M.), ca. 219/8 a., father of ZcjrrvpoS (.G., II2, 89615 = P.A., 3785); cf. L.G., II2, 6842 AiKa1os (Muppivouiaio),155/4 a., 22511i 4794 iKalios (TEIPEEvs), post ca. 184p., fatherof AiKaios AiKatoSo (nTEIPEEeU), post 217 p., 4794 = AtKacIs, ephebe of Hippothontis 207/8 p. (I.G., II2, 2199127;cf. H., XVIII,
1949,p. 43)
ca. 368/7 a., father of AiKalos,43126 AIKalos (TTpo-&aNCTios), AlKCaou AfKa1os (nlpocTrrA-ios), 335/4 a., 43125-126 Aio[--- ---], 304/3 a., 61335
Atoyevris (nTTpaines), 135/4 a., 24376 AioyEvris Xalp?ou (2TEIpliES), ca. 20 a., 29349 AioybvrTi (Evppi8ris), ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13770 ca. 354 a., father of [E]i00pouvWos, Aloyevris(XvrraXa'-rinos),
4945 =
1444 187 ca. 80-79 26432 a., (rTav5ovlios), aio[ ] AioyEvrS Oeopp&aorov (qfirrnoS), 168/9 p., 37334 Aio[----] (E*ovvpiEs), ca. 337/6 a., father of 'ApIIvoKAfis, Ai[o]y4vrTi 223/2 a., 12742 (oDaXripES), 61170 ] (KE9a?fi0v), 281/0 a., 7223; cf. A. (K.), Ai6yvirros [ fatherof [ 5862 Aio[----] (KEs9aaEs), ca. 338/7 a., father of (Di)ArXlTrris, ], whowas ephebe306/5a., I.G., II2,47888 ca. 337/6 a., father of KaXuicr[Bvrs], Ai6yvriTros [Aio----] (Aapr-rpEiU), 370/69 ( ?) a., 1337-38(P.A., Aioyfvous(AevKovoE5s), 609 = 3864) ca. 337/6 a., father of [----]ins, Ato[----] (AaT=prrpes), ca. 337/6 a., father of KaMiaekvris, <A>i6yvi-ro(s) (MeiTrSms), 6135 61139; on the family cf. A.P.F., 11473, with addenda, and stemma,table III Aio[-----](Aacip-rpes), ca. 314/3a., fatherof[Mv?]rioylvrs, 7270 Aloyvis ('EpXiiS),336/5a., 42118 med. s. IV a., 239 (P.A., 3880) Aio[----] Map[accb]v[ios], secretary of prytaneis ca. 50 a., [A]ioyvti (OpE&ppios), 27375-77 Aio5[----], ca. 100 a., 2576 ca. 63/2a., father of[----]roS, 28832 Aio[-----] (OpEappios), ca. 325 a., 5217 Alos[----](KEKpoTi8os), init. s. III a., father of [.....]-rIoS, Ai6o-ros, archon 180/79 a., 1872, [32] Aio[---] (XoAapyEus), 10117 Ai65oTOS OIXoarp&rou, &TriorTarrts wpokSpcov 95/4 a., 2615; 235/4 a., 11590 Aioy[------] (nfpaOCrie), probably = A. O. 'AnrvaTos,128/7 a. (F. de Delphes, III, 2, 2421) ('Apa~avTrs), ca. 178/7 a., 1955 [A]i6yaeros
Ai68oroTo ('A-rrao fos), ca. fin. s. II p., fatherof [Ep]arrfcov, Ai65copos ( rwrair'ios), 303/2a., 62228 MeAaveopou 4594 = Ait6coposCTptKopatmos), 223/2 a., 12726 Ai6SoTos('A'rrai8os), post ca. 183 p., father of SEporrrcov, /At6copo[s]('YPBlSr), ca. 337/6 a., father of 2[---]os, 61289 47031 [A]t68copos KaC.t&v8pov ((txaiSSrlj), 138/9 p., 33142= Ai6oTo-r ('ApacavlreT), 178/7 a., 19456; probably = A. [Ai6]8copos (<t?taiTris), 148/9 p., 337o1 EKap&vSpou eEoscbpov 'A., ypappa-res K(r|pcoT6s med. s. II a. (I.G., At6co[pos] (OpE&pplos),fin. s. II a., 2563 ca. 403/2 a., father of rElel&8r5s, 1350 II2, 17117, 17= P.A., 3894), perhaps a descendant of P.A., Ai65copos ($pE&pptos),
ca. 102/3 p., father of ['A"0vaio]s, Ai68copoS ca. 358 a., father of EvpovXos,5221 At6oTros('AvaopXarTios), (Ope&pptos), 33011= (P.A., 3969); cf. A. (. (I.G., II2, 1857)and A.KaXAAtmcXov Ai68oTos('AvcayXiaros), ca. 105/6 p., father of 'Aerivalos, (., ephebe ca. 324/3 a. ('Apx. 'E., 1918, p. 758; cf. O. W. 33318 B.C. Reinmuth, Century oftheFourth Ephebic Inscriptions ca. 423-408 a., father of A.[---], A168oTos (KuSaOrivaieus), pp. 58-72, No. 15) 1053 Ai68co<p>os ('cnae), ca. 423-408a., fatherof [Epac]xopovuos, 1020 Ai65oTos Aloyovous (Kvfppios), post med. s. IV a., 3237 A16lOTOS (P.A., 3901) (OlvaTos),173/2 a., 20687 (P.A., 3970) = A. 01., ] (Mapaecbvtos), ca. 120 p., 32246 fatherof[----], Ai66oToS [ orrto s -rrpoSpcov 160/59a. (I.G., II2, At61oTosAEI[vi]ou (c'aiavlns), ca. 20 a., 29327 9535) A165o[r]o[s](TataaviEis O-rrEpev), ca. 400-350 a., 1250; AioKAei58s (T-ro6plat5os), 180/79a., 18769 ] (KepaM*s),305/4 a., 5867 Koumanoudes' text has AIQAOAO; the name of either AioKAiis8rS [ Diodoros or Diodotos was intended and the latter is Aio[Kr,js], archon57/6a., 268[i], 15 chosen as being closer to his transcription; both names AloqKis'Hp[ ], ca. 130-150 p., secretaryof the are known in Paiania(P.A., 3905, 3953) boule and the demos, 33215 s. I p., 30957 ], med.s. III a., 965 (HaXXrvEus), tAOK[fis]K[ Ai68oToro Ai65oTosZCaocpIou AioKXfis (TErIPIpES), 166/7 p., 36947 ('AvyEgss), 220/19 a., 130104 ante med. s. IV a., 168(P.A., 3905a) AtoKAfis ca. 226/5 a., father of [---]ros, 16832, A168oTos (EvTraA4rTrios), ('AyyEXAfiOv), archon 53/2 a., 2693 Ai68co[pos], [36];the demoticwas probablycut in errorfor 'Aypvuqiev (T-roEMpatscos), (cf. H., Suppl.I, p. 100and A.P.F., 4009) Ai66copos 180/79 a., 18770 ('AAaxis), ca. 287/6 a., father of 'Apxi8rlpos,8945 AloKfijs Ai65copos 'A.lvtI?s,archonmed.s. I a., 27810 Atovvoflov Ai65copos ('AXacin ?), ca. 336/5 a., father of Bp-r[co]v,62214 AiOKAfis ('A8povO5s), 180/1 p., 40250 Ati6co[p]os'H[8]ca? ('Ampoucaos), AiOKAfijS 334/3 a., 4416 (P.A., 222/1 a., 12989 OtiapXfiov ('Ap9lTpowTraies), Ai66opos Arl[ ]ov 'AacoTrwEieEv,flutist ca. 40-30 a., 4017) 'Y?Aou('AvaAXOortos), 2843-4 AiOKAijS 138/9 p., 33317 AloKArx ca. 40-30 a., 28654 Ai65coposKpoioov('Avayup&caos), 360/59 a., 1760 (P.A., 4019); his son ('AXapve*S), ] ('AvacqAorTios), councillor ? ca. 370 a., AtOKMOUS 'AXaPVEs, nrro-rr5lmS Ai66o8posE[ may be 'E'TrKp&nTrT rrpoi492149 Spcov 302/1a. (.G., II2,5055;P.A., 4887). ca. 287/6 a., father of EOcAKoS, 8958 ('AVKvrEAs), Ai68copos secretary KaTra rrpLravEiav Ai[o,ijis Noptou AEip]aS[tiTcls], 'AtevaTos, secretary of the prytaneis Ai65copos 'AvSpoKAious 190/89 a., 1722 ca. init. s. II p., father of []cbaavSpos, AlOKAfis 180/79 a., 187[20-21],64-67. ('EAEoOIos), and a., (IxoKAous 3812, AtoKAfis, 82; &A68copos 341/0 (rapyriTnos), [EOp]rrriins, 33913, 14, 15 [Ai65copos FIapyTTiros,orator, 3889(P.A., 3940) AtL,OKAfs('EAEMoros), ca. med. s. II p., 33914 ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13719 8574 ca. 289/8 a., father of 'Avri8copos, tA65copos (Eicowvvuis), AlOKXfj ('EpIK6EES), AiqiXov(EOcovups6s), A165copos 256/5 a., 8637 (P.A., 4022) ca. 63/4 p., father of At68copos,31213 AtoKxAfi Ai65copos(KrlTqatEiS), 'Aplo-ro9iAov ('EpXte*s),254/3 a., 8970; perhaps = A. 'E., who was a contributor247/6 a. (H., XI, 1942, Ai65coposrp(EaPt-rTpos) (Klqpoie*is),treasurer 96/7 p., 31212 o (KrlcTiais), 96/7 p., 31213 A&65copos p. 290, No. 5637 = LG., II2, 791, 137 = P.A., 4024); on 6221 other members of the family cf. A.P.F., 126, stemma, a., nTav[----] Ai65copos 303/2 (Kpcowrri1s), with addendum (KuBa0revatis),336/5 a., 42152 AiO6copoS ca. 314/3 a., father of [e)o]q&vTns, 336/5 a., 4255; a descendant may be: A[i]o[K]i<fi(KoXcowEs), At65copos (Aapxrrp65s), ca. 289/8 a., father of Alcov,8631. The 72218; perhaps = (AaprrrpECjs), Ai65copoS deme is coastal Lamptrai. [At?]ofis (KoAcovm?s), post ca. 288 a., father of EEo&vrls, ca. 289/8 a., father of (lto-riSr s, 8538 8863 Ai6Ocopos ('OrpuvvES), AtoKi,Xs Akcovos (P.A., 3951) (KvSaOrvai6s), post med. s. IV a., 3257 ca. 400-350 a., 1256. [At ?]65copo (natavTeiS KaOjTEpOEv), (P.A., 4037); for the father cf. either LG., II2, 6572 (P.A., This common name is well known in Paiania; cf. P.A., 4505) or 6573(P.A., 4507)
(?K MvupvoivTris),138/9 p., 33136; a 'AAE&v58pov AtOKjfis son is probably EOwoposA. ?KM., ephebe ca. 165/6 p. ] (TTeipaCiS), [ [At]65copos 281/0 a., 72140 (I.G., I12, 208664) [A]i68copos (ntiOs), ca. 141/2 p., father of 'H?t68op[o]s, DKfis (V'etpaiE*s), 176-169 a., 20521; cf. P.A., 4047, 38745-46 4046, A.P.F., and: ca. 155 a., 22645 (:ovvltis), ca. 137/6a., fatherof es65oTos, 2547; A1OKi,jS Ai[65copoS] (Ethpat?6IS), cf. A. S. (I.G., I12, 235822= P.A., 3962) and e. A. [E.] AtOKAfjs (Tpalsies), ca. 253/2 a., father of AiodvTfis,13048
(TT-rEXa&Ctio), 360/59 a., 171o (P.A., 4051); a later
member of the same family = AlOKqs 'IoXvupiou (ITT-EXEcslos), 281/0 a., 7260 = A. I. L., Trp6ESpos 281/0 a. (H., IV, 1935, p. 562, No. 406-7) AlOKXiq (YOVViEss), post ca. 288 a., father of [...]6qcavros,
886 (P.A., 4055)
AiOKAfils (TvppEiSrls), 173/2 a., 20610o A[i]oK,ifis [----] (0QyaEi'u ?), post med. s. III a., 11213 init. s. III a., father of (iA-lTos, AioKxq(5) (CvuXdamos), 10513 AIOKpco[v KpEovros] ('AqnSvaTos), 304/3 a., 5922 = [Ai]oKp6cov ('AqStvaTos), Kp?ovTOS 304/3 a., 61254
ALIOPiSov (2ouvIEUS), 222/1 a., 12961
and [Evipp]6Cuvos, 3076, 12; the demotic is ? Oiou, cf. [Eupp]6ocvvos A. (A.) AIoviclo (AEovTrios), ca. 145/6-146/7 p., father of YCOTr&s, 39929; the deme is very probably Oion; cf. S. A. ( ~ Ol.) [AIo]viCIOS (AEcovTrioS),ca. 132-137 p., father of [Aio]v(oios, 3705 ca. 165-170 p., 3705 [Ato]vCtioso (AecovTISos), lA[ovWCa]os ('Ayvouaios), ca. 236/5 a., father of T1IoKqis,
[Ai]opIS1js ('AlrlvliES), ca. 50-40 a., 2809 [Ai]oifi68rl[Tpupwcovos nlaX(Xv6ES)], 169/70 p., 3807; restored and identified by Kirchner from T. A. TT.,ephebe ca. 110 p. or paullo post (I.G., II2, 202086) and KoarrrTis AlovWloos('Arlv'eus), 138/9-150/1 p., 33610 155/6 p. (I.G., I12, 20683-4) AIovCroIOS v(cObrTpos) ('AZivies), med. s. I a., 27835 ca. 258 a., father of [no]XIli[v]rloTos, 122i Ai61vri[o-ros], AiovwCloS('A0pove), ca. 147/8 p., father of AioKAfis, 40250, Aiov[--] ('Av-Tyovi8os),ca. 210/09-201/0 a., 13867 probably = Aiovv[---] (TplwvEal?Evs),ca. 147 p., father of [.....]o AIOVVCTOs ('Ae0ovEis),ca. 147/8 p., father of 'H(p>aKAeIX(o> ?, 40113 40260 Aiovvr[---]: KX(aoSlos) AIOvvr[----], herald of the boule AiovCoIoS (Al jcovEs), ca. 200 a., 15133 and the demos 190/1 p., 42018-19 Aiov6[C]loS ('AXIgeis), ca. 144/5 p., father of 'ACtKAXr1wT&rlS, [--39835 ]Alovuo[--], ca. med. s. II p., 3501 Aiovwa[----] ('ASpiav8ios),ca. med. s. II p., 33919 AiovoUCioS ('AwcoEKi0eev), ca. 150 a., 23619 ] ('ASpiaviSos),ca. med. s. II p., 33925 Aiovu[a [Atov?]ulo[s ----] ('Aia avTrmius), ca. 360-340 a., 2042 Aiovwo[---] ('ArraXiSos), post ca. 217 p., father of [AvT]ioXos, (P.A., 4146) 47822 AtovrcnOS ('Avcayvpupicos), fin. s. III a., 14132 Aiovvu[a--------] (MeXiTrs),ca. 30/29 a., 28822 AlovmCaos Xap[---] ('AvayvpaC&os), 304/3 a., 61181 [A]iovv[o--]('Oaev), 155/4a., 225122 AlovClos 'AvaKaIEus, secretary of boule ca. 211/0-202/1 a., ca. 73-63 a., father of [.....]tAovvo(---) (naip43co-r&TSrs), 13783-86; Atovia[ios ---'AvcKamtsi], 1377 XloS, 2854 176-169 a., 20546 AiovlCeIOS ('AvaKaicex), ca. 190/89 a., 17097 Atovu[a--] (TpiKopUcios), ca. 337/6 a., father of 'Avrnpavis, AioviCt[oS] ('AvaqXo-rmos), 61312 Aiovw[a---] (OaXilps\,S),paullo ante ca. 93 a., father of Kporrirls,2678 MEXi-covos AlovCeIOS ('A9i8vaTos), med. saec. I a., 27511 ] (cOaripEUs), ca. 120 p., 32270 AIOvvC[ A[l]ov'aCios ('Axapvs&), post ca. 185 p., father of A[i]ovicrlos,
Atov6Cni[oS ---], s. II/III p., 4907 48211 =
Atov[iCo]i[os] (CALTlvls), ca. 83-73 a., father of [...]vls, 28012 AiovCTioS ('AnlviEs), ca. 105/6-117/8 p., father of AloviaCos, 33610 AiovcTloS('Ailrvies), ca. init. s. I a., father of AIovCTIOS ve(cbrTpos), 27835
AiovCTnoS ('AXapvEVS), post ca. 185 p., father of Alovacnos, 4836 o ('Axapvews), A[i]ovuciooS post ca. 218 p., 48211= Atovcrtos : ('AxapvEws), post ca. 218 p., 4836 AIovv[cIos]('AxapvEus ?), post ca. 183 p., father of K[a]AXiyaiios, 47333 AIovctaOS ('EKacOSS),97/6 a., 25966 lAovUCIioS 'ApKECTl81mov 'E7AeoUClos, hoplite general 178/9179/80 p., 3999-10; for his brother, cf. OiX6o-nos'A. 'E.,
AIovictos [---] ('Epotarns), ca. 240 a., 10917 Aiovc'ios, 46644 AiovWcioS ErTrupiSrls, priest of the eponymos ca. 168 a., 2149 Aloviolos: AAX(ios) AiovvoCios ('AvnoXiSos), ca. 205 p., 44716 Aiovucios(EvrTupi5rs), init. s. II p., father of Aiovuiaos,323li Alovctios o (AvTnoXi5oS), paullo ante 220/1 p., 46644 ca. 337/6 a., father of KaXAKAMfis, AiovVCTOS 61301 (EOvrupifrls), AIovCrtos ('ATrraiSos), post ca. 184 p., father of [. .]oKAXs, AIovcrloSO(ETrrupiSrls), ante med. s. II p., 323ii 47613 AioviCaOS fin. s. III a., 14145 (EucovuwEu), Aiovaios 'Ovrlaipou ('ATraXiSos), post ca. 216 p., 47029 AIovclnoSArr6vou (E*covwiVies), 256/5 a., 8640, 118-120 ca. med. s. I a., fatherof [ AiovCiIOS ('EpEX?liSoS), ], lAovOiaos ('HpEofrls), 168/9 p., 37366 2998 ca. 134/5 p., father of 'OviaCipos, AioviOCos 37140 ('HpECaiSs), Atovuvcio[ ] ('irwoov-rTisos), ca. 200 p., 44834 AlovCIaos (OopiKios),336/5 a., 42266 AtovUCotOS Tif-rov ('IlrocovrTios), init. s. III p., 45822 Alov<C>Ilos Ka7Ja&Sou (EopiKIos),ca. 340 a., 39o0; he, or ca. 164 p., father of [---], AiovCnIOS 42712 a relative = the preceding (KEKpO-ri6OS), ante med. s. II p., father of [Aio]vi- AiovoCToS [AIo]vClio5(KEKpoTrfSoS), 'AX ACv8pou (KrptatieS), ca. 40-30 a., 28616 4299 COoS, AioviiaIOS Z[coxrpov] (Krl9iatE?s), ca. 40-30 a., 28612 [Ato]Vnios T[p(iCT3)] ante fin. s. II p., 4299 AIovuCilo(KopuSaAmEs), 3 (KEKpoIrloTS), ca. 147/8 p., father of r-rC avos, AiovrCtos (AecovriSos), ca. fin. s. I a., father of ['E?r]paaoos 40262
s), ca. 53 a., father of ['A]pio-rTr- AIovCatOS 'ApitrEi8ov(ycp'Trros),168/9 p., 37319 (KuvSa0vailm A[1o]v[u]alos AIoviCItoS 29366 'EirIy6vov(YfTarros),fin. s. II p., 44022; cf. [A.] [rT]OS, 'E. X., ephebe 189/90 p. (.G., II2, 211957) AiovClioS (KusatOvaites), ca. 423-408 a., father of EOay6pas, 1048 = (?) P.A., 4198 v(prrrTTos), fin. s. II p., 4406 Aio[vir]aio 'HpaKAfiSou 'AVrlTrrT p[ou TpIKopcnlos], :TrlaT&TrisrpoS5pcov AlOVCalOS (Ku8a0jvrlaivs),ca. aet. Rom., father of [Z]coTrupos, [AIo]VCnIOS 184/3 a., 18129; cf. 'A. A. T., ephebe 102/1 a. (LG., II2, 31830 of father ca. 1028, III 128) KMacos, AIovCialoS (KuoSa0rvaiveis), 133/4 p., AloviIcS T-r[p&]T-rcvoS 36938 (TplKoprios5), paullo ante 60 a., 26718 [AIo]vCiioS (TptvewEEs), ca. 283-263 a., father of [--- ], 1083 Aiovacno[s] (Kuv8axvaires),ca. 127 p., father of ScoKp&mrr[s], 3626 AioviCIos(OcailpEus), ca. 330 a., 4643(P.A., 4254) AiovUCiaio 36940 KeAMSov 343/2 (?) a., 364 = 166/7 (OiXataiSrl), 'H(pHairicovos AIovicrios p., (KvSacrvacies), a., 3817(P.A., 4259) 46074 AlovrclioS 341/0 (hcAaiSris), 'Hqalarficovos 209/10 p., Ku(x5aeqvai6ls), Tp*ipcovos AiovCeoioS 2755-6 AtovvCaio ((DXueCs), ca. init. s. I a., father of ?Ayvcov, AiovCiato(AaixurrpsEs),fin. s. III a., 1419 I s. 30311 a., 31232 AiovCalOS (Ov0U5s), fin. AIovUClaOS N[<K]av[Spov] (Aaitrrrpes), 96/7 p., ((upviCoios), 138/9 p., 33334 IO(aptos) AIovCTaiOS secretary of the boule and the demos AiovCiaiOS: Aio[v]uioosAagwrrpE[is], 2269 AtovoUCtoS ca. 155 a., 22679-80; [AtovColIOS Aaarrrrp]ECs, (XoXcpyes), ca. 135/6 p., father of 'AplTrreins and Zcbcnlos, 37362, 63; cf. Z. A. X.; perhaps = 4687 ca. 187 p., father of B[E]rrdcaios, Atov[CotoS] (Aalcrrrpes5), AlovOCioS [AioviTIOS](XoXapyE0s), ca. 127-137 p., father of N6oTr[Jos], 'Apfcrcovos (AajCrrpeOs), ca. 40-30 a., 28641 AalrTrrpe*s], 35934 AiovcailoS: Aup(iAtos) Atov[citos Ka?Miirmrou archon paullo ante 220/1 p., 4651; Aup(fiXos) AIovCatoS Aiovicrio[S] 222/1 a., 12977 (XoX?@iS{rs), *AiovwCi9tXoS 46611-12 KaMAirrToro[u] eovyEiTovo[s] (ZouvtI6s), ca. 325 a., 5227(P.A., AauTrrrpeS, AIovU'iOS [---] (AeuKovoeU5), 4270); the name A. appears only here in Attic prosopopost 255 a., 8828 [AIoviCios](Mapaecbvios),ca. 87 p., father of K7. Ad&vo[s], graphy (the restoration in I.G., II2, 160973 is most un32235 certain). ] (Mapaccbvios),ca. 120 p., 32236 (TalcaviEs), 155/4 a., 22574; cf. A. AIowvCvio AioviTao[S AiowCvoyvvrls 1a., 185/4 a. (.G., II2, 13259 = P.A., 4277) ] (Mapaecbvios), ca. 120 p., 32237 AIovCTolo[S ca. 175 p., 392io (Bp?vmiKiSrs), [Alo]vvw66o[TOs]'AToroMcovi[ou] (Mapaecbvios),ca. 120 p., 32241 Alovito[S ------] 32256 335/4 a., 43188-189 ca. 120 ] AiovvCTo6oTos ?), ('EAuCfvios TTveuap&Tou p., AIovrolo[S (Mapacbvios), = El. A. 4462 200 ca. p., 169/70 [---] ('AvwoxISos), 38015 AtovtoitosElprlva[iou] [Ai]o[v]uo68copos p., (Mapacbvitos), ca. 250-230 a., 10814 ----] (KeKpoTriSos), AiovuCaocop[oS (AlavTriSos), q.v. ca. 164 p., father of [----]co, 42734 Atovvc65Scopo(s): (KEKpo7ri[os), AiovuvC6copo<s> 'A<T(>-A<OS> Alovuoaios (MEAITErr), 177/8 p., 39827 AIovOCTto E-rrXoos 190/1 p., 4202 (MXlrriTE), ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29089 (AeovriSoS),eponyAlovuCo8copos AiowC6Scopos:M&p(Kios) AIoviCaloS Znv[---] (MiTrrEOs), mos 178/9-179/80 p., 39912; the deme is Cholleidai; cf. AlovOotos:foTii(---) AtovCaItos tlaa(vwts5), post ca. 217 p., M. A. 47721 (A.) Aiovvua68coposAoyivovs ('Alrviois), med. s. I a., 27836 = AlovrotoS(ralavieaS), ca. 136/7 p., father of 9Ecov,37822 ca. 50-40 a., 2808 ca. med. s. II p., father of rl&JpiAos, AtovCvaO6copos AiovuCioos [A]toyi[vovs]('A.lrlviOS), (lTTaIavIE), 43714 ('A0toves5), 173/2 a., 206111 Aiovuv65copos ? ('A0yov6,s), ca. 147/8 p., father of 'Arro?'Air[ AiovwC6<(68>op[os] AiovCoatIo ] (lcraavieis), ca. 20 a., 29337 40256 ca. 20 a., 29332 Xcbvios, AiovioCosr-auKou(lTatavitEs), (Aiyl[t][lE]us),97/6 a., 259[2], 101-103 AIovCialos (latTavia6s), 162/3 p., 3648, was ephebe Aiovu[c6]Scopos Ei[pTr]vaiou Zcocailou 169/70 p., 38030['Av]a(X*ocrnlos), [Aiovv66o]copos 140/1 p. (IG., II2, 20488-10) 29328 ca. 20 31; a., AiovUCTIOS probably= (TTalavle5s), Zrlvo[5]cbpou Zcocaiiou ca. 150 a., 23624 ('AvacojXcrtos),195/6 p., 42520-21 AiovuC6oScopo AlovrOclos (laXXTrlveS), ] ('AXapvws),303/2 a., 62166 140/39 a., 24076 Aiovucr6aco[pos AlovUcytOS (1lTaXXrveus), 'ltCncpo[u] (E*'rrvpi8ls),ante med. s. II p., AiovwCoacopoS AIovfCrtoS (7aAXXrives,),s. I p., 30944 AtovUVaIOS s. I p., 30945 3239; cf. A. '1. Eii., ephebe 154/5 p. (I.G., II2, 206746) (TTaXnlvEtS), ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13721 post ca. 216 p., 47218 AiovuCv6copos (EvcowviiOs), (TTaXr.vV65), [..] ALovUCitos c(-irrrou 33337 secretary KrrTarrpuKeaxXfi0ev, 138/9 p., AIovCTIOS: AIovCatOS Aiovvo65copos (7naMrlV6is), Ai(AXos) Taveiav 216 ca. [OiTnrrou KEpcaa., 2192; [A]iovvu68copos 164/3 AlovCcaios: AlovUaCtos p., ves), post (TTlaa7x KXa(58ios) 2202-3; AiowCa6coposDi[Airnrou Ev], 22035 47228 Kv9caXijp ?A&ev], (a nTrlvws), [A]liowvvo6pos (KirlpqiCtis),96/7 p., 31220 fin. s. II p., AiovCOri[os]: OX(6pios)AIovOcia[oS] 4387 Aiovuwa6copo(KlqCptlii ), ca. 73-63 a., father of 2eparirov, 28624 AIovOClOS rnAaLKou ?), ca. 192/3 p., 42319 (TlaMvnV?ES ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29096 Atovua65copos [---] (MeXrrITE), AtovrOclos(lneipatUs), ca. 155 a., 22635 ca. 200 15121 ca. AIovCatOS 136/7 p., father of Atoa., Alovuc68oopos(Muppivoioios), (CI0eE0s), 37861 21642 AiovlrcaOS a., vu6ecopos, 166/5 ('PaiovotCtos), o (MuppivoOcios), secretary of the povueura{, AlovOCrios AlovvuT65copos (trlliaXifris),post ca. 216 p., 47250 ElqiKp6rou 40219 ca. 147/8 p., father of AtovCrTlos, 169/70 p., 37860-61 (XouvwiEs), AlovCirOOS o (SOUVIEtS), Atovuwo68p[os---] (9 Oiou), fin. s. III a., 1407 Aiov%Catos 180/1 p., 40219 29359 Aiovur68copos (lTaiavieti), ca. med. s. II p., father of AtoAtoviotcOS (-ritplies), ca. 53 a., father of AtovCTois, 43720 vuw68copos, O(TI-ptiEsc), ca. 20 a., 29359 Atov(Cn'OS II 44013 s. AlovOCios: Atovwvc68copos (niaaviems), fin. s. II p., 43720; perhaps = AlovilCto p., fin. A*p(AXlos)
A6T6ixos MECaveOov cD., (d0Aai6T|s), 256/5 a., 8559 = A. dedicant 247/6 a. (I.G., II2, 1534202= P.A., 4396) ca. 336/5 a., father of AIoda&vs, Atoc[----] (Zipmaxfirls), 62345 ] (AIyIX?ies), ca. 336/5 a., father of Zcb90tos, Alopacv[ 62326 Ato&vri[s] (Olve6os), init. s. II a., 15629 'A-roAXcviov treasurer of the prytaneis Alo9&vrls ('ArlnviEis), med. s. I a., 2784-6, 12-13, 18-19, 25 = A. 'A. 'A., priest of Asklepios (LG., II2, 4485 and 4485a; cf. H., XII, 1943, p. 59) ca. 321 a., 5543 EOreAovs ('AXoTreKOveE), [A]loq&avTs ca. 155 a., 22625 Aio&cvrls ('AlacxaavmTs), ca. 400/399 a., father of [A]to(p&v5s, Aioq&vr1s (Kiqplonais), 1423 Alo9&vous(Krltpicras),367/6 a., 1423; Atlo<&vrS [A]ioqx(vr1l KrlpiciOs, orator of a decree 307/6 a., is probably a descendant (P.A., 4409 = I.G., II2, 320712) Aio(p&vrn(rTliavtiEs),ante med. s. IV a., father of NiKias, 329 (P.A., 4412) ca. 150 a., 23625 Alo9&vris (TTaAXive*s), Ailopvrns rTpaoiebs,prytanis and treasurer of prytaneis
220/19 a., 13024-26, 44, 48, 84
s Aiop[----] (1rpaXi8rTS), Aioq)&vT 303/2 a., 62345 Aoo7rdieouv Aiopavrjns (SovviEts),ca. 325 a., 5225(P.A., 4413), 43208 brother of AiqXoosA. E., trierarch 325/4, 323/2 a. (.G., II2, 1629774-775, 1631135= P.A., 4487); his father was Alo-rrie[r ---- ] ('AqlSvaTos), 304/3 a., 5923] ('AGplvaTos), leader of a klerouchy ca. 343/2 a. (P.A., 4327) and his Atlorr[ieris 304/3 a., 61263 AlorrEi0-rl AioOieous I., archon of AloyEriou(evuarlcT&rls), 303/2 a., 62260 probable grandfather = Aicp7ios the Salaminioi 363/2 a. (H., VII, 1938, p. 4, No. 169); Alo-rrieti [ (AaKli&8js), ]KA,[ov] 303/2 a., 62188 ca. 337/6 a., father of [N]IKOKp&[Trs], for other relatives and a stemma cf. A.P.F., 4487 (we would [AltorrEitS] (AarTTrTpneS), 601 = make the councillor son of Alorrei&es II) and: AlowTrd0i (AannrrpEOs), ca. 337/6 a., father of NIKOKp&ms, Alop&vrs (Xovvmi5s), post ca. 288 a., father of [.... ]r, 6137; may = [AtIO?]deiOrA., WawarrSart96pos 885; cf. A.P.F., 4487, stemma, and preceding name. 329/8 or 324/3 (I.G., II2, 310528, date by O. W. Reinmuth, op. cit., A69avTros:AiA(tos)Aioavwros('ArraXiSos),post ca. 216 p., 47012 pp. 51-53); cf. H., XXXV, 1966, p. 231. AloTrsierS 336/5 a., 42207 170-72 or 174(T7oTr&pos), [A6]9pavcros OXe[-----]s ('ITrrroOcovriSos), ca. 337/6 a., father of[ 76 or 187 p., 3965 [A]iorel0ns (npooT'r&Arios), ], 6187 ca. 368/7 a., father of Aloqg9v,43234 Al69ravros ('AiSvaoTos), ca. 358 a., father of Alop5&ns,5225 Ai69avrro(9TiTrlos), ca. 134/5 p., father of AIoavrros, 37111 Alom{er Osl (YouvieOs), (P.A., 4327); cf. A. A. (E.) Al69avrros ~ (E9pirnos), 167/8 p., 37111; cf. A. a E., med. s. Alo-rrEir5 post 225 a., 12517; cf. A. O., -rrS8cotKv II p. (I.G., II2, 45141, 12, 23) (OuvXaoos), 247/6 a. (H., XI, 1942, p. 291, No. 56, 166= IG., II2, 791, [Ai6oxav]Tos[Aiowvo6Sdpou 0rlyoraios], secretary KcT& d 124) 1rpUraveiav 303/2 a., 62140-141 (P.A., 4441) Alos ('ArraXiSos),post ca. 183 p., father of n6vrros, 47026 Aioq9&v Atlo9avrov'A9SvaCos,herald 335/4 a., 43234 ca. 157/6 a., father of ['ETiykv]]s, 2515; cf. Aiox&prij(KovOvl&fisv), Aios (MeAliTXs), ca. 287/6 a., father of AvUKoQSi1S, 'E. A. M. 8923; cf. A. A. K. [Ai]OaCKovp{fS[S ](KeKpori8os ?), antefin. s. IIp., 42911 *A[]Trro?Is 336/5 a., 42261 = A.K. (J. Kroll, (KpcoTrfSis), s. I med. 27834 Athenian Bronze ArIov Allotment a., ('AlrvlEvs), AiloKovprpilS Plates, p. 143, No. 39 b, corhonored by the boule 97/6 a., AiooKoupiTrls 'AXivo*crios, rected) u o 259119-123 AivMos avoSjipou (9upxarr&T5s), 303/2 a., 62259 (P.A., AiooaKopi8rls 4452; cf. H., XXXVII, 1968, p. 21, note on line 177) s), ca. 168 a., 21481 (AeipaSicMrr AlooCKOUpirs ('Pajivooaios), ca. 190/89 a., 17062; for de- At9it[---] (AEcovTis8o), 185/4 a., 17951 scendants, cf. P.A., 4361 and Insc. Delos, 2618, 117, ante med. s. IV a., father of A[iptA]i8is, (TTaavis'5), [Ai]9Wi58s5 236016 328 (P.A., 4460) ] ('ACrlvies),ca. 50-40 a., 28017 A6litin[os A[i9X]ir{85[Ai]9itAiou (TataavtisO),post med. s. IV a., 328; archon 285/4 a., 695, 12 AiOrtiooS, may = -Ai9iNis Ali9ii[Sov] of LG., II2, 11199. Ai6T1no5s ('ApaavrrSis), 135/4 a., 243111 ca. 259/8 a., father of ZcotAos, Aipitos 'A7coTr[EKieEV], 1212; ] ('A(prrpoTrai?es), A6lOT"ros cf. Z. A. 'A. [ 303/2 a., 62332 ca. 289/8 a., father of Ai66copos,8637 Ai6[TInos]: KA(ari8ioS) Ai6[Trios](BicFaaiOs), post med. s. II AiptAoS (EicovuvpeIs), ] (Mapaecxbvios), p., 3554 'Arr[ ca. 120 p., 32247 AiqnWos ca. 337/6 a., father of [....XTs], 598 = [A]i6Tl-uos ('Ipo-ri<t s), ca. 330 a., 466 (P.A., 4388) [At9itos] (cOlaX7peus), Ai6Tipios: AlOTlO.o(KvSca0Ovaies), 166/7 p., 36942 AitpAoS (OaAitpE?rs),ca. 337/6 a., father of [....]Xas, 61244 OXA(d&ios)
(ncaitvlErs),post ca. 184 p., father of AioAiovuw68copos vuw6copos,47722 Aiowvva6copos o nRaia(viOs), post 217 p., 47722; cf. A. Tn., trorcoppovitcrr ca. 200 p. (I.G., II2, 219396) Aiow '68copoS: Tat(amvirs), post ca. TTop(---) Aiovvcr68copos 217 p., 47732 Aiowo665copos (2rlpple5s), post ca. 184 p., father of EOKapros, 47723 'ArroAXcoviou (Teipl?is), 209/10 p., 46077; cf. Aiovur66copoS A. 'A. I., ephebe 154/5 p. (.G., II2, 206741) Alovva6oScopos (2pri-ntos), ca. 127-137 p., father of e9A?OS, 35912 Aiovvu68copo (pqTjrnos), ca. 135/6 p., father of eBAzos, 37328 = A. (E.), ca. 134 p., father of e. and Xap-rcov (I.G., I2, 206781, 82) (Epfrrnos), 168/9 p., 37335,was ephebe Alovvu66cpos M6oXou 143/4 or 144/5 p. (LG., II2, 205088) Atovvo'68copos ('YP&STrs), 222/1 a., 129106 [Atovvo'6Scopos] (0ryyoictos), ca. 336/5 a., father of [Ai69a-o v]Tos,62141(P.A., 4302) AlovvroKAfi('EKcaAeSS), 97/6 a., 25967 AiovwocoKisj (Aacprrpes), 96/7 p., 31229 ca. 136/7 p., father of MorvaTos, Ai6vucaos('AyyEWAOv), 37855; cf. M. A. ('A.) AlowrEiets ('AvTloxiSos), ca. 368/7 a., father of [---][s],
201s = Ai9piAo(Xo?apyevs), ca. 211/0 a., father of AThioKp&sri, 19437; cf. A. A. X. AiCo[-----] (OivESoS), ca. 180 a., 1904 of the boule and the demos, init. s. Aicov, OTroypcpa-raTeis I a., 26025 Aicov('AyKuAEiEiS), 336/5 a., 4287; a descendant is probably: Aiov ('AyKuAXfiev), ca. 289/8 a., father of NiKOKp&rrs, 855,
('AaiEtus?), ca. 336/5 a., father of Bp'cov, 62216 AitiNos (XoXapyuis), ca. 208 a., father of [AnroKp]&lms, *ApOcov
A:VOrrOS secretary of the demos Kprroijiov HEip[aie6is], 254/3 a., 8937 3545 Acovarro(Bnaalties?), med. s. II p., father of AcovrToS, s. II 3545 med. AcovaTroS p., ?), post (Biacraius 3
AcoveTo5 6 Kal 'Ewiyovos (cAuEUiS), ca. 175 p., 39242; the
same man was acoypovior-is 176/7-178/9 p. (LG., II2, 210512) ], s. II p., 338i [A]cop68eo[s Acop60oOS('AplaviSos), ca. 198/9 p., father of Acop6Oeos, 17, 20 49128 Aicov('AvAucrMorlos), Aicov:ATA(ios) 195/6 p., 42524 72243 Acop6O0os a., eEaio[u] ('A8ptaviSos), ca. 231/2 p., 49128; cf. A. D 'A. 281/0 ('Avax<Aornos), [A ?]icov Aicov(EOcovVIeUS), ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13716 ephebe 239/40 p. (I.G., II2, 2239440) ] ('A.nvisus), ca. 50-40 a., 28013 N[ [Aco]p6Oeos [A]icov(epiC6cos), paullo post 178/7 a., 19616 ca. 180-160 a., 2093 Aicov(KoAurEuis), ca. 289/8 a., father of Aicov,8551 ?), ('AXacis Acop6O0os AicovAicovos ('ANOaEls), 177/8 p., 39831 'loi(los) Acop68oos Acop68oos: (KoAXwreus), 256/5 a., 8551(P.A., 4504) ca. 155 a., 22626 = Aicov(KvuSarvaievs),ante med. s. IV a., father of AioKAfis, Aop6oeo ('Apaacv-rTEvS), Acop6eos ('ApatavTrOru), 3257; cf. A. A. (K). 135/4 a., 243112 ca. 314/3 a., father of [---]TCOv, AicovAio8cbpou (AcanwrpEiv), 8631 a., ('Avap?XAortos), A[cop6O]?os 256/5 72241; probably = A. 'A., ca. 330 a. (I.G., II2, 1569, Iso-5i [A]icov(TTHaavEiEs), 155/4 a., 22580 Aicov(laicavlEis), ca. 363 a., father of OEO6lvrlro5, 476 (P.A., =P.A., 4606) 360/59 a., 1750(P.A., 4607) Acop60Oo[s] ('AXapvEvS), 4513) AicovEUKapTTOv II s. 44020 Acop60Eos poT[lpou] 138/9 p., 33126; for a (rapyfirIrros), fin. p., (1yilTrtos), Aicov (Opp&pplos), ca. 336/5 a., father of Acia-ros,62349 stemma showing later members of this family, cf. 'ApX. AicovAlai-rov,trierarch 334/3 a. (I.G., II2, 162384 = P.A., 'Eq., 1968, p. 206 Acopo6eosEOoScopou(AilopeieiS), 4521, A.P.F.) 341/0 a., 3871 (P.A., 4609), was StaiT-rTis 325/4 a. (I.G., II2, 192642) A<i>cov ('QaiiEs), 336/5 a., 42170; his father and grandfather 1694 Acop6oS ('Epoia8rls), ca. 223/2 a., father of [Acop60o]os, apparently bore the same name (cf. .G., II2, 7820, P.A., ca. irric-rraTis 4522, 4523, and H., XXX, 1961, pp. 4546, with stemma) [Acop6Oe]os Acopoeou 'Epo[i&8rls], rrpo6Spcov 190/89 a., 1694 Aico{ts(KilicIEiJS),ca. 289/8 a., father of Aicogis,8649 <A>cop60Eos: <A>cop6eeos (Mapatcbvios),s. II p., AicogisAicbi68os 256/5 a., 8649; cf. P.A., 4531 (KrlTPIlEus,), [1T]6(TrrAos) 3476 A6KIpOS 336/5 a., 4225 ('Avayvpdcatos), ] (MapaOcbvios), ca. ----]: ?. Acop6O[Eo AoErTiav6S:KA(acxvos) AopErTlavs6 Acop6O0[os (BlroaaEvs), 141/2 p., 120 p., 32230 33411= T-rC rlcpiaa-raT ]os [l]aAri[ve]vs, Trri Aoii[Erlav6s]: Kk(aislos) Aopi-[riav6s] post med. s. [A]cop68eos [ (BriacriEv), II p., 3553 303/2 a., 62200-202 archon post ca. 216 Acop6O[Eos]: [AoT-ios ? 'Apapfia]v6sMap[acobvios], ((?uX&aios), Acop6O[eos] post med. s. O)X(&pos) II p., 3525 4702-3; Mapaocbv[ios], p., 4692-3; [Ao. ?]'TOS 'Apcapiav6s ? 'Apap[cav6s Mapae(cbvios)], XoMEiSrns, 4712-3; [4721-3] Acop6o0os'HpaKAXEiov fpElcocbvrIs [A]o[p]Erios 178/9-179/80 p., 3995-6; cf. A. (X.), ca. 143 a., father of Eipp6oauvos ('ArTaAiSos), Aop(inios)Z.obaiio[s] post ca. 216 p., 47016 (I.G., II2, 208675) AopirT(lo) Tpo69pos ('lwrrTocovrisos), ca. 205 p., 44824 = (AEovTi6oS), 178/9-179/80 p., 39922; A$pos: ZTr(-rTOS) AG6pos AoirT(Ios) Tp69lpo5 'Alrlv(ieis), init. s. III p., 45814 A. H., acoypovio-ris ca. the demotic is naioviSTrs,cf. A. AojiTlno5 voS'ALqv(i)E(IU),init. s. III p., 45813 nPCpaivEoa 200 44615 ca. II2, p., 220311) 209/10 p. (I.G., Aop(itios) BaoAltKos (MapaOcovios), M?EArriTs, secretary of the boule and the ACOposP0IKOeou 'Apolralos nl[ai]ovi6,ts, archon 200/1-201/2 or A[o]uiiTio[s] demos ante med. s. IV a., 3264(P.A., 4624) 203/4-204/5 p., 4522-3 ca. 314/3 a., father of [----]as, 72231 *Ao.iveivos5 *Abpcov(TTaXXvrlvsi), eo6cbpou('AvrwoXi5os), ca. 205 p., 44731 'AaKAXTrrlt&a6o ca. 40-30 a., 28649, AcooaieOo (TTavPcorTa'r6s), *[A]opKlv\EiTs (-aicavleus),ca. 390-375 a., 1013 AopKe5s (TeIOp&oios), ca. 289/8 a., father of noX[Ul]orpcaros, an ancestor perhaps of: 8523(P.A., 4535) [Acoci0]oos(aTIapcpo-rSris), ca. 198/9 p., father of [GaXfis], 49117; probably = ApaKa?icov ('AvayAXcros), ca. 330 a., 4668 (P.A., 4540) ApaKovrti<>r1s ('A9l8vaTos),ca. 361/0 a., father of EUOvKpa- Acoc[it0os] (HlavpcoTasrrls), ca. fin. s. II p., father of ['Hpa]KAi5ris, 4563; probably = Tn[S],4948(= P.A., 4547); cf. EO.A. 'A. = a., 42123; [Acoc]i0tos (navpco-rTars), init. s. III p., 4562; may Apotio[kA~S 'HpaKA[i8ou] ApoioKAEr.s (rapy'r-Tros), 336/5 for a stemma of this family, cf. 'Apx. 'ET., 1968, p. 208 ra]py'-rios, Ath. Mitt., LXVI, 1941, p. 2366-7 (cf. H., XXX, 1961, p. 42). (we identify this prytanis as A. IV rather than A. III) ca. med. s. I a., father of 'ATroA[Aoqp]avrs, 49319 councillor? Aco[i0eoms] 343/2 a., (OXvEis), [Apo]poKA6i5Trls (AecovriSos), ouv treasurer of the 30310 epaCvu8ll ApoploKAeiSTl 'Ayvouiolos, boule 343/2 a., 349 (P.A., 4567)
E[ E[--E[
E[----] E[--]ais6rs (Aiav-Tios), ca. 330 a., 4632 E[-----] ('AvTioXisos), ca. 176/5-170/69 a., 20425
], 303/2 a., 6254 -], priest of the eponymos 185/4 a., 17928 ], avTlypa9c6ps ca. 130-150 p., 33216 (AiyEiSos or KEKpoTrrios), s. II a., 2359
fin. s. I a., 29914 ('EpEX0eTSos), E[----------] med. s. I a., 27854 E[---] ('ITrrroOcovrTios), 304/3 a., 61281 (AEcovriSoS), E[----------] 168 p., 37618 ca. ] (navsiovisos), E[ 61196 ca. 337/6 a., father of E609nXoS, ('AAaEO'S), E[---] 61197 E[-----] ('AXalEs), ca. 337/6 a., father of YcoKp&r'ms, 62152 a., 303/2 [-----] ('AXapvEvs), E[--------]s ]r ('ErirlKniaoos), ca. 336/5 a., father of [Oeo]TrpoE[ Tr[i]8rs,62198 E[--]eiE ('EpyaScus),post ca. 183 p., father of 'AOivo6copos, 47252 ca. 73-63 a., father of Avuciiaxos,28611 E[---] (KTalcoeus), E[........]s (MOEu-E's),ca. 144/5 p., father of E[........]s, 39814 E[........]s 3 (MAtrTuss), 177/8 p., 39814 ca. 360-340 a., 2024 E[---------] (EurrEraicbv), ('OeEv), ca. 330 a., 4818 E[--------('Ofj0v), 303/2 a., 62176 E[----]icov Eiupiov ] i2tKUeov (naXArlvus),281/0 a., 72228 E[ E[---] ? (lpacalEu), ca. 433-383 a., ? father of [---]oTpaTos, 1218 13a14 E[----] (ovvouies), ca. 400 a., father of 'AM~lrmros, E[-----] ((uXaalos), med. s. II p., father of 'Ovaicrios, 3521o ('Axapv'us), paullo post 178/7 a., 1969 = 'E. 'ENAiavSpos and [--c]0?vrls (I.G., II2, ('A.), father of 'ATroXAAcOvio 95686 and 3869; P.A., 4637-8; stemma s. 4638)
Ei[----] (AlyESios), ca. 180 a., 18919 *Eiax[xaycoy6s]: (OA3aposEiax[xaycoyos] 'AypuAvXs, archon
and father of Oqr-iav6s (I.G., paullo post 200 p., KoapnT-rs II2, 21972, 14) (rlaiavitEu), ca. 129/30 p., father of AIovuc'los, Ei[pri]vaoos 3648, cf. A. El. (n.); perhaps = El. o T., KooatprlfS 140/1 p. (LG., 112,20475-6, 20485-6) fin. s. II p., 43812 ---] (FaaXArvE5u), Eiprl[vaios -roiS v6oouS 'AeIovEu[S], secretary Trri ----] EiprlvoKAf[s
324/3 a., 5320-21
ca. 145/6-146/7 p., father of TpoKAeia(AEovTr8o;), EiKapXos v6s, 39917; the demotic may be ? Otou,cf. E. 'A pq.E Ol., ephebe 155/6 p. (LG., II2, 206885)
ca. 102/3 p., father EioliyvriS ('AXcowsKE1U), of [----]s,
33021; cf. El. Xa[p]Elaiou'A., ephebe 150/1 p. (I.G., II2, 2065119) or 'ApliaviSos), s. III p., 4878 EiiS[-----] (AecovTrios 37348 of [E]ioi8oTros, father ca. 135/6 p., [E]iOiboTos, EiaiSo-ros, p., 36965; 167/8 166/7 OrroypcapaTcreu [Eioi]oT-os, p., 37177; [E]ioi8oTos 3, 168/9 p., 37348 EioiSo[Tos], secretary ca. 197/8-199/200 p., 4445 secretary Ka-ra rpvraveiav 188/9 p., 41946; cf. Eili5oTr[os],
El. (rALEKOS 'AyyEAfiEv
E[i]oioTr[oS] (OIVEi0os), post ca. 183 p., father of 'Op0ayopas, 47320-21; cf. 'O. El. (OivEi8os) Eiaito-ro (nT-roXpcatdo), ca. 165 p., father of EicrioTos, 44313
EiaoioTos o (nlToAlpatoos), ca. 198 p., 44313
OS AiAIKOS 166/7 p., 36952 = EiaoSoT ('AyyEAfXQE), EiaiSoTos unAi(Kos) 169/70 p., 37854 = ('AyyEXfOEv), r Tpvra[ElcriSoTosD]r'iXEiKos 'A[yyEfiqEv], secretary KaT'a
veiav 188/9 p., 4172-3;
EaiSoTr[os], 41946
EiaikoTos('Axapveus), post ca. 185 p., father of Eiai8oTos, 48216 EloiSoToso ('Axapveus), post ca. 218 p., Eio'ioToS:[I]EpeUS
200/1-201/2 or 203/4-204/5 p., 4532-3 E[8]cov('AKapavTi'os),160/59 (?) a., 22381 paullo ante 180/1 (BriaatOSE), E?p[Ep-TO]: OuEpyEiXioS ETP[pIrTOs]
p., 3973
] (Mapa0obvios), ca. 120 p., 32238; [ EippTroS cf. El. M., s. II p. (.G., 112,6761) Elpriv[---], post ca. init. s. II p., father of [----]crrparos, 3564 (Alavriros), s. II p., father of 'AOilvaios,34717; EiprlvaTos
the demotic is possibly Mapa0cbvios, cf. El. (M.) and Aiovit-
El. (M.) crloS (AlavTrios), ca. 167/8-171/2 p., father of AtovV- EltoioTos (Mapa0&cbvos), ca. 132/3-135/6 p., father of EioiE[ipqvaT]o[s] cf. A. Ei. (M.) STros, 3679, 37237 oaos, 45011; the demotic is MapaOcbvios, ca. 172 p., father of EiprlvaTos, EloiSorTos [Mapa]ocb[vtos], ElprivaTos ('lTrwoecovTiSos), urroypappacrrev 165/6 p., 3679; 44816; perhaps = El. 'AveE-rMpiov ('AlTiviEUS), EiloioTo-S Mapa(ocbvios), 168/9 p., 37236-37 q.v. EiaiSoTos (9ri-TTio), ca. 134/5 p., father of EliboTorS, 37124 Eiprlvaloso ('ITnrocovTi8os), ca. 205 p., 44816 = El. o 'AZr.vievs, ephebe ca. 160 p. (I.G., II2, 208131 and 22547; cf. 'Apx. Eici6oToros(E9rTrios), 167/8 p., 37124; a son is perhaps El. o X., ephebe 172/3 p. (I.G., II2, 210258) 'ET., 1950/1, p. 20, No. 4) Eioi6oTosZcocailov (TfTTl'noS), ('AlrivieUs), 138/9-150/1 p., 33614 167/8 p., 37122 Eipilvaios 'AveacrrTpiou s. III p., 4867 EiprvaTos [iep]eusEiofScopos 'EwTrlKTrTro ('A0PovEV'S), 180/1 p., 40247 Eio6Scopos: ('ArraXaiSoS), Eia[iS]copos Eiprnv[alos] (Kuvacx0vcaxvs), ca. 127 p., father of ['ADiv]aios, ('Alnrvies), ca. fin. s. II p., father of Eic[i8]copos,
3622 4586 =
OEpi-roKXAous post ca. 218 p., 48215 [E]iai8oTros ('AXapVE6S), EltcioTos ZcowTpo[u] (BrioaiEOS), paullo ante 180/1 p., 3975, was ephebe 150/1 p. (IG., 112,206586) EioiSoTos (?K KoiArs),ca. fin. s. II p., father of EuKap-wiBris, 4589 ca. 136/7 p., father of 'Appo6Eicios EloiaoTos (KuSaOrqvacius), and ZcOCipos, 37838, 39 EioiSo-To(Kuva0rlvalEus), ca. 133/4 p., father of Zcorvpos and Eioi8oTos,36944, 45 o (Kv8aOqvalEOu), ElriSoTros 166/7 p., 36945; a son perhaps = El. o K., ephebe paullo ante 180 p. (I.G., 112,21079; cf. S.E.G., XII, 120)
ca. 167 p., father of AiovuoIosand (Mapad0cbvos), Elprivcapos] 4462, 4 Eiprlvalos, ca. 120 p., 32254 ] (Mapaocbvios), Eiprwlvao[s ~ Elprlvaios (Mapaocbvios), ca. 200 p., 4464 = El. El. M.,
45815 init. s. III p., 4586 Elo[iS]copos 3 'Alnrv(ie1s), EioiScopoS: 'Ioiu(Xos) Elaiicopos('AaciEus),177/8 p., 39832
AEiou -r6 3i]a ('A-rrAi8os), post ca. 218 p., 48015 ['EE]ueadvioS 'A]vayup&olos, [rrepi T El(iScopos 'Ov[ 173/4 p., 3862-3 ['E]XuEoiVvi[oS] (rTavS6ovifos), paullo post ca. 137/8 p., father of [----], 3857 Elaifcopos2cot[----] (FapyrrrnoS), 138/9 p., 33129 ca. 132-137 p., father of [E] Kapwos, 'EXevoaivIo5 post ca. 185 p., father of MaKapEus5 ('AXapVEUS), (AEvKovoeVs), Elaofcopo[s] and ['E]rrilaXos,48213, 14 = 3708 = ca. 132-137 p., father of ['A]9po- 'EAEvuoEivlo post ca. 185 p., father of 'E-rripaXo ('AxapvEOs), (AeuKovoEiS), EicriSo[pos] and [M]aKapEOs, and ['A]TroXXAcvios, SEIOioS 4838, 9 = 'E. M. (OiveTos), Koa-rlr1Ts, 3709, 10 = etc., father of M. and 'E., ca. 200p. (I.G., II2, 2199i, 11,22,31-35, (AEvKovoES),ca. 132-137p., father of[E]iolacopos, [E]iCircopos 37011 107-108) ca. 165-170 p., 37011 'EXAEuvivios (rapyil-rnros),ca. 105/6 p., father of 'EXAueaivos, [E]iaiScopos 3 (AEvKovoEvS), 33120 ca. 165-170 p., 3707 (AEuKovoEUS), [Eio]i5coposEuK(&prro[v] 'EEvaucrivos5 (rapy'Trios), med. s. II p., 3403 138/9 p., 33120; perhaps = 'EAev[Ei]aficopos(Mapa0covios), ca. 167 p., father of EiriScopos, 44614 aivios (r.), q.v. Eklai8cpos (Mapaccbvios), ] (Mapaecbvios),ca. 120 p., 32242 'EAeraEiv<i>o5'OAU"wrrov (?K Muptvouv'rrs), 138/9 p., 33137 [ElaiScopos ca. o ca. 200 44614 'E7AuIcrEfvo (TTlepaicEs), fin. s. II p., father of l1XAoKpnrr15, p., EiofScopos (Mapa0ovilos), 4588 45816 EiliScopos(nTtpaltES), ca.fin. s. II p., father of MiAcov, see also 'E?vauo'vios Elaricopos (rllaxiirls), ca. 159/60 p., father of ElaiScopos, 'EAeuoCivios: 42331 'EAuo'ivios,iepa'usr 135/6 p., 33034 EKKtaSos ca. 192/3 p., 42331 135/6 p., 33035 'EAsuvivioS,TrlI 3 (IlnjaXiSr1s), EifaScopos VO ('Ae0ovs'u), 180/1 p., 40243 'EAEucivo ios ECOTri fin. s. II p., 44010 Eloa[icpos'Ovrlaipou (2qprTTioS), ca. 149/50 p., father of 'ATTK6s, 40635; 'EuEvaivios (rapy'rirros), med. s. II p., father of 'EXAuvivios, (Olala6r8s), EiciScopos 4342 cf. 'louilos El. (O.), acoypovtworis II2, p. 219949) 207/8 (L.G.,
Eai/Scop[os]: (DA(&apos) ElriScop[os----] ((uvAoaios), post
ca. 153/4 p., father of ['EAEVa]CiVIos, ['EXAvcr]ivioS ('OfiOev), 41120 o ('Ofi0ev), 186/7 p., 41120 42335 ['Eeuor]fvtos of the boule ['E]AiKCov (AaTrrrpeis),ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13732 secretary [E19pKp&]T1r 'ApTEicov[o5](Zrlmaxi58rs), ?EAM ca. 127-137 p., father of "EXi , 35922 (KEqaAXss), paullo ante 220 p., 46720-21= AEXi (Keqa7sE5), ca. 160-170 p., 35922 = 'E. 'E. K.,ephebe post ca. 216 p., 47249 Ei9lKpaTrrrs 'AprTEpcov[os] (YrlpalXi5rs), 'EKaTcalxo 145/6 p. (I.G., II2, 2052 68) 220/19 a., 13085 (Upaomie5), 172 Ca. father of os (OarcilpEvs), "EAXI 'EKTIK6S 'Erayaeos, 44726; 223/2 a., 12731; the following is probably ('Av-noXi8os), p., a son: 'E. ('A.); 'EKTIKOS the demotic is 'EpoiSr15s; cf. 'EarryaOos 'EXi os (OaAllpevs), ca. 190/89 a., 17077 probably = 205 44725 ca. 'EKTIK6S TEiICoVos [cAX& ["E]X7rqv: ?(Ptio) "E]AXnv ('ArraXiSos),post ca. 217 p., ('AvwroXi8os), p., 47810 of ca. father 358 'EKpavTOs ?]5, a., [corTrpaT'riS (Eurrvpi8rlS), nF.A[iq[ios "EA]XrlV ] 'AlnvIEUs, 525; cf. I. 'E. (EO). [EAX]AXlv: [6] Ka nA[i archon ca. 160/1 p., 3632-3 "EKqavros EU[9i&vo]v Gpiaoaos, orator 222/1 a., 12942; EOuq&vou "EAAXlv (Mapa0cbvios), 223/2 a., 12755 Opiaaios], 1297; "EKpavros epli["EK]<pa[vTro [..... .] "EAArlv (Taiavistus), 166/7 p., 36928 "EXATrv: [C]ios, treasurer of boule, 12951; "EK[qcavTos] epi[&a]os, 129121-123 'EXr[----] (nraAnrlvEU),post ca. 216 p., 47234 (P.A., 4660) councillor? 343/2 a., 4938 'EAncia'IKapieOS, 'EKavTros5'Ayvoeov (lTaiavlEis), pos med. s. IV a., 3212 Z[----]] (nlaiaviEsi),ca. 20 a., 29336 I['EXrivEIKos (P.A., 4661) 'APTEIWc[voS] (()lDAair1s), 138/9 p., 33144 *'EcAa-rr[s] ('Av-roXf5os),paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father of 'EAriVEIKOS 46659 ['E]Arr[i]v[n]s (EUOovvEl'S), 'AVEiKTlroS, 408/7 a., 122; he or his son pro= EXAevo: ca. 205 where the demotic has been 44812 IP2, I.G., 281414, 'EMvoS p., bably KA(acUiioS) ('iwrroecovrTiso), 39520 restored on the basis of No. 122(P.A., 4675) ?EAevoS ('Alwnvies), ca. 137-154 p., father of ?EAEvos, 'EXTrivrs ('ITr roTopaS8s),ca. 337/6 a., father of ['Api]o-rapXos, "EAevoS , 'Arlviev, secretary of the pouvAEvrc, 170-72 or 174-76 or 187 p., 39520 61131; cf. 'E. 'AerlvoScpo 'i. (I.G., II2, 3840) and ['A]rv6'E. 'I. (H., XXI, 1952, p. 373, No. 21) 29091 ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of A?EKios, EAX[voS [Scopos] ?](MeAiTEuS), ] S, 4545 ca. 171/2 p., father of [ 'EXhrrvos Ycooiyevovs ('Apaqfvios), 341/0 a., 3864 (P.A., 4682) 'EAEseEpoS, honored by boule 97/6 a., 259114-117 [B]aTri[eev], 'EA[ir]voS 'EAeuvriv[lo5 ----], ca. 175 p., 3939 *"EXArrC see also 'Evuaifvlos 'EevA?UCVIOS: (HpacieiU), ante med. s. IV a., father of EuOa0iEVs, 3240(P.A., 4684), was crowned by the klerouchs of Imbros 'EAEuoeivioS ('AVrroXiSoS), paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father of in 352/1 a.(I.G., XII, 8, 63a, line 11). Zcbcipos, 46656 'EAvacrdivio 'EpLPievflS ('EKaXEsal5u), 336/5 a., 42263 ('AVTIoXf6oS),paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father of 'EnTre8{cov ca. 268/7 a., father of EiPirios, 1152 46638 MEv?Sqlpos, (EUcovuI6vS'), 'EAuiaerivmo (P.A., 4691 a) ('AvnoXi5os), paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father of 46645 TTalAos, ?), 160/59 ( ?) a., 22383 'Ev[---] (EiT-raos
med. s. II p., 35211 EiCTKpa[TrS]: ('ASpiaviSos), ca. 231/2 OX(&pios) ElaKKpa[TTrS] p., 49130 ('ArraXtSos),post ca. 216 p., 47030 Zco-rrupov *Eifi-rvXos EliqKp-rrqs (2rqlJaxi8rs), post ca. 183 p., father of AiovVOnos, 47250 EliqKpaTrnS (rlaxiir5,s), ca. 159/60 p., father of 'Oviolgios,
'EAeuvivios (rapyiTrtTos), fin. s. II p., 4342 'EXuAviv(tos) (KvSu8rvaisnVt ), ca. 127 p., father of 'A[prT]i[i]ocv,
3624; cf. 'A. 'E. (K.) 40725-26 = ( Oa0ev),ca. 151/2 p., father of Oi?cov, 'EXEvaivios 'EXEUCi[vio]s ("OaeOv), ca. 151/2 p., father of 'Ay()a>avSpos,
"EvS8los 'App(E>vt8vou (Kpco-riSrs)), 336/5 a., 42275; on the name cf. 370/69 (?) a., 1391-92 *Eilraypos (KeaXie1Esi), H., XXX, 1961, p. 50. (P.A., 4699) EVSTrpo (npopaoiaoios), ca. 423-408 a., father of "EvSqios, *'ErraivEas (?OaarpECs), ca. 190/89 a., 17086; cf. 'E. n[...]ia, 1056; the name may be either "EvSrlos or E0irl,os. fin. s. III a. (IG., II2, 195865; P.A., 4744); the name is ca. 337/6 a., father of [E81r5]i8rTs, not otherwise known in Attica. "Evrntios (HpopaXoiaos), 61235= E. Ev. (T1.),q.v. 'ETraiVE-OS ('EpIKEEvs),ca. 374/3 a., father of 'EracEivcov, 3847 (P.A., 4751) 'EvSrtos Ev8ilpou (nlpopacoios), ca. 390-375 a., 1056; a ca. 287/6 a., father of lTavTaivETos, 8971 'EarraivEros grandson may be: ('EpXiEiS), Ei8rpi5'ou (Ipopaaiotios), post med. s. IV a., 3261 ['E]TraivTros "EvS8qpos [----] (Krltacirivs),councillor? ca. 370 a., 4925; perhaps = 'E. 'AvrTf?iov K., 400-350 a. (I.G., II2, q.v. (P.A., 4700) = E. (TT.), "EvSlos 6410; P.A., 4753) ('AypuVAeu KcaO0wEpOEV), 408/7 a., 112(P.A., 4704) 'EwaLivETro (yiTrrTos), ca. 336/5 a., father of =evaloS, 6285; 'EvrTE5i[co]v(XoA7ESiTrl), s. IV-III a., 5639 (P.A., 4693, corrected) probably = 7216 'EvrrESos 'ETrraivros (S9frrlTos), ca. 314/3 a., father of Esvoq&wv, Ofi0E(v), 328/7 a., 4913; cf. 'E. 01., ante 353/2 a., (P.A., 4754) (I.G., II2, 1752-3) 'E oaKCOv ca. 83 a., father of cjboTrparos, "ETrTavoS (raXArlvEus), 27354; 140/39 a., 24073; 'E.'E. ., orator (cOaXqpoEs), cf. "E. (D. vE(cbTEpoS) and rrpEa(pv'Trpos) 116/5 a. (LG., II2, 100932;H., XVI, 1947, p. 170, No. 676) 103/2 a. (I.G., is probably a son. 133519,21; P.A., 4755-6) 'E rTIK[ca. 390-360 a., 711 ] (MEXAEnTs), 'ETircafvcov 'ET[----] ('CA iEOus ?), 281/0 a., 7294 'E 1riKce-Ti81s (eopiKlos), ca. 411/0 a., father of [---], 84 ['E]rraJEii[vcov] (rapyi-rrios), ca. 210/09-201/0 a., 13858 (P.A., 4713); cf. 'E. G., orporray6o 357/6 a. (I.G., II2, 'EiraEfvoov 'ETraivTrov('EPIKEEis), 341/0 a., 3847 (P.A., 4765) 12422, P.A., 4718) = 'E. e., post 358/7 a. (.G., II2, 161740) 'Erap[E]ivco[v] ('EpXlEJS), ca. 289/8 a., father of 'Erriylvris, and 'E. Xapiou e. (H., XV, 1946, p. 161, No. 1715, and 8529(P.A., 4766) p. 165 with note 72); cf. A.P.F., 4718 'E[iT]aPEivcov (npopaXiailos), ca. 199/8 a., father of OE6Pvrlcrros, and [MvocrapXoS], ['E rilKECTos ----] ('AypvuE's),304/3 a., 604 = 21614, 15; cf. 'E. (F.) (I.G., II2, 44443; 'E fiKTEo-ros P.A., 4768) [----] ('AypvXAs), 304/3 a., 6130 'E Tr[----] ('AvaKalEus), ca. 393-373 a., father of 'E S[rl]K[ia]s, ['E]Tra9p68s-ros, s. II p., 3496 archon 175/6 p., 3944 2030; restored as 'E9i[KEOroS] by Kirchner and identified 'ETracpp68EITos, with: ca. 147/8 p., father of ['A]po8Eiaios, 40239 'Ewra[p]p6[8]rrTos, 'E 'KES CAro ('AvaKalOEu),ca. 403 a., father of ['Api]o-Tri8ls, 'Eirayp6OETOS 'Aplo-ropoiAou ('AvTioXiSos), paullo ante 220/1 492139; a grandson may be 'E.'Eg Kiou 'A. (I.G., II2, p., 46652 28258) 'Ew-a9p6SETos 'EWr[lK]TriTov ('AvrloXi8os), paullo ante 200/1 ca. 337/6 a., father of 'Aptir6861['E ]iKEMcros p., 46650 (KoecoKiSns), p[os], 61122; cf. 'A. 'E. (K.) 'Ewrap6pO8Er[os] ('Inrro0covri6os), ante ca. 187 p., father of 'E [ri]K[ia]s'E i[ ----] (AvOKaviES), 4654 ca. 360-340 a., 2030 [Z]otAos, (P.A., 4732); perhaps a brother of ['Api]ari8rlns 'ESn- ['Eirwap]6O'ETos (Haiaviws), ca. 153/4 p., father of 'Aqpo'E. 'A. (I.G., KcrIrov ('A.), 492139 and father of 'E KEaTrOS 8sorios,41136 = II2, 28258) 'ETra9p68E[rros](TaiaviEsJ), ca. 151 2 p., father of ['AppoEnr-rTa ['E]Xu[aCivioS], ['E] KrlKC5a yiipaCrr[a] 97/6 a., 25989 BsEfioS],4122-3 GEOT[---](epiaaios), 303/2 a., 62169 ['E6]pTloS 'E-rrap6o6lrTos (aicavinEs), ca. 136/7 p., father of Tpu'cov, 'E6PTnoS 37828 (HoTarloSAEpaSpcoTTjr),ca. 358 a., father of To5230(P.A., 4742) ca. 176/7 p., father of Oa[u]c-ros, XUK[AX]S, 'ETra9p68Trros (HTaiaviEvs), 46069 = ], secretary of the boule and the demos 222/1 'Err[ a., 129[54], 132-133 'ETra9p66ETrro (naiaviEiv), post ca. 184 p., father of Oa0oTros, 47736 'ETw[ ] (n-roXAipiaiSos), 168/9 p., 37224 'Err[----] ('AcaiEus?), ca. 314/3 a., father of 'EwrracJivcov,'Erra9p66ErTos 'A0rvai(ou) (Taiavius), 169/70 p., 37821 = 7294 'E. 'A. [nT.],rralavltorlsca. 166-185 p. (I.G., 112, 248115; cf. T.A.P.A., LXXI, 1940, p. 305); the same man was 'ETr ] [Falaios'Ewr[----] (XoXapyius), fin. s. II p., 43211 councillor also in 166/7 p., cf. ['Erra]p6olTos 'A. (T.) 'Erra[----] ('A-rraXios), init. s. III p., 45920 'Ewa9p6OSEiTo 'EppEiou TTai(aviU5s), post ca. 217 p., 47725 TToirrovios 'E-rrdcyaos: ] (ITEipEIus),162/3 p., 36418 'ETa&yaeos (AlavrTios), s. II p., 34713 'Errcap6[s6lTos 'EKrTKOG 'ETrayaOos ('AvrtoXi8os), ca. 205 p., 44726 = 'E. ['ETra9]p65E8rTo AlrriTpiou (q9rTTnos), fin. s. II p., 44025 'E. 'Epuv[8is], ephebe 190-200 p. (I.G., II2, 212327) 'ETracp6SE[iTos ----] fin. s. II p., 4328; cf. (XoXapywEs), 'E. NiKoVOS init. s. III p., 4595 X., ephebe 142/3 p. (I.G., II2, 204975) 'E[Trr]yaeos['Er]tri'Tou ('ArTraXSos), ca. 140/1 p., father of 'A9po8ioos, 3866 ['E-rr&]ya0os M&pKOU ('Arraif6os), post ca. 217 p., 47821 'Erra9p6[orros], 'ETrayaOos ('Alrlvtiu), 138/9-150/1 p., 'ETrayaCos: 'Epbvvios 'ETraqp68ITro6 Kal 'A9pod8Eo-io, lEpacOXrl 182/3 p., 40661; 33616 ['E-rra9p665lTo6 Ka]l'AppoESdios,ca. 187/8 p., 4148 ca. 40-30 a., 28615 'Erraya0os E*UppooC-vou (KrqloInieus), 'E-rracp65rros ('I1nroecovTi os), ca. 172 p., father of 'ETracp6raios 6 Kia 'Ewraya0os lat(avius), 209/10 p., 44819 STroS, 'ETrayaeos: 46068 'E1ra9p6oirTos('lrrrrocovriSos),ca. 205 p., 44819 s. I p., 30948 'Ewrryaeos(TTHaAiivEvs), 'ETracp6Trros Bpavp[co]vos ('Epuv&S8s),195/6 p., 42528-29 ca. med. s. II p., fatherof [ .....], ['E'rr]&yaeos (Eq1r-rnos), '[E-ra9]po6rros 'A0rlvaiou (TailaviEus),166/7 p., 36926; cf. 44029 'A. (TT.) 'Exrra9p6SETroS
['ETr]paacros Aiovuafov(AscovT-rios), init. s. I p., 3076 'AAKipou 'EnrpaaTos (BrlcaalS), init. s. II p., 32123 ios), ca. 178/7 a., father of TipapXos, 'E-Tr[pa-ri5]T[s] (q)i-rrcp 2388; ['ETnlpaSrins] (pTlrrTno), father of Ticap[xos], 2395 644 IV s. ca. a., father of Ocavias, fin. 'ETi[----], 42420 re T6 (?) p., 194/5 pIfiia, TEp 'ETi[----], ca. 287/6 a., father of AepKAxos, 'Eirl[---] (Ey MvppivoOrTTris), 8992 ca. 250 a., 907 (TEtp&acros), 'ETrr[-----] 'ET-i[--] (c(ps&ppios), fin. s. II a., 2567 aEoia ), 304/3 a., 61322 ] ('AIit'rpowrr 'Eriy[ 256/5 a., 8529(P.A., 4797) 'ETrap[6]i(vo[vo]s('EpXIt?), 'ErrnyEvqS ('lcovi6rls),343/2 (?) a., 368 (P.A., ['E]Ttiybvis'AvSpoKAEovu 4801) 304/3 a., 6199 'EiT[t]yivrsEvppoviov (KEqxaAXEI), ?K KoiArts, 135/4a., 243123-124;perhaps = 'UTrripeTn 'ETrnyvrlS 'E. (kKK.), father of E'EpysTrjs, ephebe 119/8 a. (.G., II2, 1008108) 'Einyevrs(Ku5aOcvaices5),ca. 337/6 a., father of'Eityvris, 6167 304/3 a., 6167 (P.A., 'ETrniyvs'E-rlyvous (KvScatrvaiemS), 4808); for possible relatives cf. P.A., 4806-7, 4809 and stemmata P.A., 10807, A.P.F. -rrpaXos), ca. 400/399 a., father of 'ETnyivrls(AapiprrTpeiS 1440 and 'EvSios(P.A., 4705), and grandparent KaAXcas, of 'E. 'Ev5iou A., purchaser of property ca. 330 a., (H., IX, 1940, p. 331, No. 38A3; stemma H.,XI, 1942, p. 239); cf. K. 'E. (A.) and A.P.F., 4810, stemma Trpuraveiav secretary Kcrr& MooCaicovos AapTrTTpE1s, 'ETtnyvris 2392; MocxicovosAa]jarTrpEiS, 145/4 a., 2382; ['EwTnyEvrs cf. A.P.F., 4810, stemma. , orator 124/3 a., 2515; on the ['Eily?v]nr Aiou MEXA-reiT family see H., Suppl. I, p. 159 (P.A., 4812) KAauSoios hoplite general 'Erriy[vrls] MeArtTEs, 'Errly[Evris]: post ca. 218 p., 4806-7 (Olvaios), 173/2 a., 20685; cf. 'Errtiy6vns (Olvatos), ca. 155/4 a., father of 'Em[yivis], 2522 ['E?rtykvrls] OivaTos], secretary Kacralrpuraveav 'EinT[yvrls'ETrrtyvou 122/1 a., 2521-2 (P.A., 4818) 2Tp(ieIs), post ca. 217 p., 47720 ATX(los)'Eirtyryvrns 'Eirtyvqns: post ca. 288 a., father of Tl&licpios, 'EiTrlyvils(XoM?einsr), 8838 (P.A., 4822) 328/7 a., 4928 'EmTtYleris 'Epoi&8rq(), Tris06OouCa. 198 p., 44331 'Eriyov[os], OIK'TTrS IEpaUArs168/9 p., 37347; ['ET{]yovos, TT]p6K[X]ov, 'ETriy[ovos demotic is leilpaiE's, cf. 'E. lT. f. the 37844; p., 169/70 ca. 167/8-171/2 p., father of 'EiTi[yovos] ('AKaCxavri8os), and ['E]-riyovos,45319, 20, 21 ['A]0rlvicov, [A]fE{epTos, rE]iriyovos o ('AKalaxri8os), 200/1-201/2 or 203/4-204/5 p., 45321 200/1-201/2 or 203/4['E-Ty]o[v]osZ[---] ('AKaciavT-rSos), 204/5 p., 45322 200/1-201/2 or 203/4['E]rriyovos'Po[iou] ('AKapavTriSos), 204/5 p., 45318 ca. 155 a., 22627 'EiTiyovos ('ALa cavTrOs), 4037 'Erriyov[os] (rapyi'irnos), ca. 147 p., father of [K&p]Tros, of father ca. p., Mlv6Scopos, 149/50 (rapy6nrrios), 'Erriyovos I-rprcov, and 'ETiyovos, 406io, 11, 12 'Erriyovoso (rapyirrrios), 182/3 p., 40612 ] (rapyi'rros), ca. 130-150 p., 3325 A[ 'ETrryovos ----] (KuSarctvaies), ca. 168 p., 37630 'ETriyo[vos aet. Rom., 31829 (KuSaOTivawiis), ZcorrOpou 'ETrTyovos of the poueuTraf, secretary (E Oiov), 'Erriyovos EIKaprrou ante fin. s. IIp., 42117-18
s. I p., 30947 'Eriyovos (noTArlvsEUs), (HnaAqrVEs),ca. 105/6 p., father of'Eirfyovos, 33351 'Erriyovos (aMriveiu?), ca. 159/60 p., father of KTriTroS, 'Ewrfyovos 42318 rlcxAaKo('a27v6EusC?), paullo ante 220 p., 4678 = ['Erriyovo]s rFa[*K]ov post ca. 216 p., 47235 (TTaAAivEls), 'Err{[y]ovos v vs), 138/9 p., 33351 'Eiriyovos3 (TTaarM [lEpaCAns] 169/70p., 38050-51 [lTp6A]ov TTrEip(aievs), 'ETrryovoS (2prtrinos), ca. med. s. II p., father of AIoviCiIOS 'ErriyovoS and 'Arivicov, 44022, 23 = 'E., ca. 170 p., father of [AiovUoio]s,['Aelvico]v, and ['Eriyovo] (I.G., II2, 211957-59) (E?frI-ros),fin. s. IIp., 4407 'AppoEtioiou 'E[rri]yovoS 168/9 p., 37315 (EpfTrrtos), MapKou 'E1iTyovos ((DAUvEi), fin. s. I a., 30316 'Eriyovos 'AS[----] Kal 6 ca. 175 p., 39242 AcvTOS 'Eilyovos (OAvuEs), 'E-rryovos: ca. 175 p., 39241= 'E-TrrKT'rou (cDAUVEs), 'ETriyovos ((cAIvss), 188/9 p., 41616 'E[rr]iKTrTrov ['Ewriy]ovos 2co-r[p----] (OAviUs), fin. s. I a., 30314 'ETriyovos = 220/19 a., 130102 'ErriArl7os ('AvyEAXs), 'ETirl\Aos('AyyeAijiev), ca. 208/7 a., father of 'Avrtnxpns, 1994 'ETri[rlos ('AXaEvus), ca. 287/6 a., father of Arijooy'avs, 8946 = 1158; 'Errirlos ('AXaises),ca. 268/7 a., father of A6mo1xavrs, on the family see A.P.F., 12402 'EirrtlZos(llaiavi5vls), ante med. s. IV a., father of 'Eppoysvris, 3213(P.A., 4835) (AI0AfSrin),ca. 50 a., 2724; for the 'AVTiKpCrou ['EmT]eBTrs cf. XI, 1942, H., p. 307 family 'EwirKAEiST ('lTrrroecorvTios), 303/2 a., 62241 EOe0uSi(o(u) ['Er ?]KAi,j, ca. 100 a., 2573 archon 131/0 a., 246i 'ETrrKA?s, 2636 'EiKA[fis], ca. s. I a., father of 'Ay&ocov, broypajipaTcis 256/5 a., 8599; cf. 'E. Kacxl['E]<Tr>iKAis,
'Il9crIa(Srls), 86114-116 pCXoo(u) ]('kAaieUS), 304/3 a., 61200 256/5 a., 'ErTlKtAfi 'l9Ticrnl&(8)s),'rToypacl.aTeWS KaAAtlJa&XO(U)
86114-116;his funeral monument = I.G., II2, 6297 ?), ca. 62/1-55/4 a., adoptive father of 'ETrlKA[iS] (MeOTrrES 8i 29054 TrCl ['I]CTiOTOS y6vcpTTap&icovos,
ca. 367/6 a., father of 'Aptcrr66lrpos, (AlylAieOs), 'ErilKp&rr1S 4428(P.A., 4875) (Aiearlics), ca. 289/8 a., father of [i ?]?os, 85io 'ETnKp&rris 343/2 (?) a., 3613 (P.A., NIKovovu ('AMacxiOS), 'ETrIKp&rrq 4879); cf. N. ('A.) and A.P.F., 11019, stemma 'EwnKp[d&s] ('AvapAcrnos), ca. 337/6 a., father of KaxAiKp&r-S, 61318 = 334/3 a., 44o1 (P.A., ('AVCapIcrTlio), 'EriKp&rri'AAEtIaSou 4884), may = registrant of mine ca. 342/1 a. (IG., II2, 1582159;cf. H., XIX, 1950, pp. 250 and 200, note 35); either he or his grandson = ('AvacXp-rnos),304/3 a., 61319 'AA[Ei65ovu] 'ErtKp&rr1S ('AvaqXroiaos), 273/2 a., 7827 = 'AA7Et&Sou ['ETrIKp&rrl] grandson of 'E. 'A. ('A.), prytanis in 334/3 a., 44o0 ('A9lvaios), ca. 337/6 a., father of [THoAStI]KOS, 'Enrru[pa&Ts]
5915 =
('AqtSvaoos),ca. 337/6 a., father of [1T]oAU[Si'E[Tr]iKp&[rts] 61267, perhaps = 'E. iracKcov[os] 'A., Iepoiroi6o ca. K]OS, 330 a. (.G., II2, 41031= P.A., 4885)
'Eri[X]vKo[s] ('EXecivlos), 176-169 a., 20544 ['E-rr]iXvKos (it Oiou), med. s. III a., 10518 IcaK(---) viov ('AXapvesS), post ca. 212 p., 48214 = ['E]-rTiriaXo'EAEauo
(E*OvuipEas), 256/5 a., 8636; for Av8pOKYM(ou5) 'ETrtKp6rrTlS earlier members of the family cf. A.P.F., 4386, stemma s. IV-III a., 5654-55 'OuiwrricovoS 'EwTrp&r[r1s] (:K Kepal&Cov), cf. 'O. (?K K.), 5656-57; 'E. (P.A., 4897); M[v]rta&8o[v] kKKEpaiC&ov] (.G., II2, 19284; P.A., 4896), A1to[Kp6-rou and A,T[o]K[p&]Tr[s] 'E. ?KK.(I.G., II2, 66127; P.A., 4895) OlvaOos,drnypaPEoS 303/2 a., 'EITKp&rr1i KaXACrTp6'rou
'EAeuVrlviou 'E-TiCCaxos post ca. 218 p., 4838 ('AxapvEVs), qf5 (KuSaiOrvaeOs), ca. 337/6 a., father of EiXeO6*'E-TTmrTpl vios, 6166(P.A., 4934) 'E[~r]mriSr1s 'Av[---] ('AyvoCaoos), 378/7 a., 89 (P.A., 4936) 'EnrivEtKo(MeTrrTe5 62233-234 ?), ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of O6s6copos, 29053 335/4 a., 43214-215; 'ETrrKpTr1s [...]'OT1TOU (na?A17YVEUS), 'EriVrvKOS on possible identifications and the family cf. A.P.F., (MeAurTes ?), ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29047-48 ['Ep]Loybvou 19497 a., 'ETTiVIKOS stemma 178/7 4909, (AvCpi8rl), councillor? ca. 370 a., 492111 367/6 a., 1432 'ETrlVI[KOS] ('AXapVEiVs), 'ErTTrrXou KCaOenEpOev), (TTEpyaOCEs 'E1T1Kp&rrS ] (MEAIrrTs), ca. 30/29 a., 28827 'E-rivt[K]os [ 336/5 a., 42321; perhaps = (lTpoCTr&XATIos), 'ETrr[Kp]arns 'ETrrTEVOS .G., II2, 7307 (P.A., ('EvuEaivios),ca. 214/3 a., father of [ ]s, KaXXilov UpocrrrATioo[s], 'ErrtKp&rrlN 18616 4913) ] (XoXapyEis),ca. 160-170 p., 35938 ca. 173/2 a., father of NlKOKp&ris, 'ErrTt[ (FTrEEaCatos), ['E]wTnKp&rri s. II a. (S.E.G., XV, ('AXapveis),360/59 a., 1751(P.A., 4949) 'ETrio-rparoS 24040; cf. 'E. (n.), father of EcaKAfis, 'EITriTAXs (EopiKos), ca. 373 a., father of [YP]iueos, 398 148) ca. 400/399 a., father of 2026 orator 'ETrrlTiXr a., [ 174/3 $Dp]Ea[p]p[ios], (1lpyacr5s KaOCimTEpEV), 'E[tn]Kpnrrls KaXAti(vou 'EITiKpaTrls,1432; a later member of the same family is (Ouxaoios), 304/3 a., 61125;probably 'EtrlKpaT&r = 'E. (., ephebe ca. 330/29 a. (H., Suppl. VIII, p. 27418) probably: TT., 'ErrlTEAlr (rEpyaacus), 336/5 a., 4242 = 'E. cZOlVO6OU ['E]rilrlTros, s. II p., 3497 commissioner of a festival at the Amphiareion 329/8 a., (Cnrrtoosof Antiochis, s. I p., 30932 'ETriKrnTros, ca. 172 p., father of 'ApT-cov,44728 'E1T'rKTrTO naopoios at Delphi 327/6 a., and orator of I.G., II2, ('AvTrtoX(os), of ante father ca. 365, 323/2 a. (P.A., 4963, I.G., VII, 425426-27; cf. B.S.A., 187/8 p., ('AvrioXi{os),paullo 'ET[fiK]T1rTro L, 1955, pp. 34-35; cf. also H., XXX, 1961, pp. 38-39). 46650 'ETrrapp6OErros, ('A-rraXiSo),ca. fin. s. II p., father of 'E[rri]ya- *'E'riTpowoS (MElTerus), ca. 314/3 a., father of 'AvrTlpqv, ['E1r]iKT1rTOS 7243; cf. 'A. 'E. (M.) 0os, 459s TTluA8ou(KpcoTrrils), ante med. s. II p., 3235 183 of ca. father 'ErrTvyX&vcov 1Tpepios, p., post ('ArTTrcaXo), 'ErriKTrlTro[5] 47027 ['E]rrmTuyX&vcov (MEhliT?s), ca. 144/5 p., father of Mov[a]alos and ... NIA, 39822, 23 'EKTrriTros post ca. 217 p., father of [Evui]pcov, ('AWraXRios), is demotic the 'AetovoEs 'ErrirvyX&vcv (nupaXiTSrs), ca. 159/60 p., father of 'Erm4783; 216 ca. TVyX&vov, 42334; cf. 'E. o 2., ephebe 147/8 p. (I.G., II2, p., 'EirriKThr[Tros post ('ATraXiSos), uvip]9po[vros] 47052-53 = 205932) post ca. 217 p., 4784 'E-rriTyx&vcov 3 (rTlgaxi8ris), ca. 192/3 p., 42334 ('AXTraxSos), ['ErriK]TTrosuvvq9povr[o5]
[---] 'ETrrKTrTro (KeKpowiSos), 190/1 p., 4207 'E[TrlTv]X&vcov: Aup(iiAos) 'E[TnTvv]XavcovMEVavSpou,her-
post ca. 216 p., 47319 (OivETSoS), ['E-1r]KTT-ro[S] 'ETriKT1lroEiatocbpov 'A[ITv](tES), init. s. III p., 45815, was crcopovion'l ca. 200 a. (.G., II2, 219339) 'ETrriKThrTOS ('A0lov6is), ca. 147/8 p., father of Elprlvaos and
97/6 'E-riX[--] (lTopcailiSos), ['E]wmXa[p---], fin. s. III a., SvUpgpcov,40247, 48 'ETrKTrnT[os] 'ETrrXap[---] ('AvaKailas), ca. 'AeIov[eOs], lpEaiccb[vrlS] A*p(Al?Mos) 'Er{KTrT-r[os]: Aicov, 2032 47620 217 ca. p., post 'ErriKTT-ros ('AvaAcTarnos), fin. s. I p., father of ArlToX&prIS,'ETr[lXi]prls ('Ayvo*otos), ca. 61117 3215, probably = 32114
o ('AvaccpioAtros), 304/3 a., 61117,probably 'ETrIXapris 'ETr[iX&]pou ('Ayvoucioos), fin. s. I p., father of 'ETHrKTrrTS, 'ETriKTMTr
= 'E. 'A., Tria-rr&rTqs rrpoiSpcov332/1 a. (P.A., 4982)
ca. 102/3 p., father of [---]Ts, 'ETrrf'rlTro ('AvaXua-crnos), 3306; perhaps = init. s. II p., 32114 o ('Avac9AXo-nos), 'ErriKTnrTOS 37353 'ETrrKThTTO (eopiKlos), ca. 135/6 p., father of NEiKpcos,
'E-rrKTnrroS [----] (AapTrrpe?fs),Ca. 220 p., 4685 s. I p., 30949 'ETriKTrnros(T'aoXrlvEOs), 'ETriKTrMTroS AtAios nE[p](al6Es),init. s. III p., 'ErHiKTcrlros:
Xa[---] ('Avayupa6los), 304/3 a., 61183 'ErrlXaprls ca. 155 a., 22655 'ETrxap1s('AXep8oOilo5s), ca. 337/6 a., father of Xaplvos, (EwcovupEs), 'EmTx[&prs] 61168; probably= 336/5 a., 424; a descendant of 'E. (EUOovuiw1Us), ['ETrr]XapTrl
EU., ToaiaS -rTOvlEpCov XprllpTrcov 398/7 a. (LG., II2,13883,
EU.on a curse tablet, Abh. 13916, 13924; cf. ['ETr]txapTis Akad. Berlin, 1956, pp. 59-60, No. 205) 45817 Xcoirrrrov (Aaprrpe*)s), 256/5 a., 8629 'ErrlXanprjs 'E-rrfKTrlnTos OcItpcorTO ((EgrrTios),167/8 p., 37121== 'E. (. I., 8i& ---] (Muppivoviolos), 235/4 a., 11586 II2, 2111/26-7, 'ETrlxapTq[s etc.) rratSo-rpip3rs piou 185/6p., etc.(I.G., 13075 a., of father ca. 220/19 'E-tx&pr1s (tlaiavims), p., 'EriKT'rrroS 149/50 (ith&8irs), 'ETirKTrTOS, ca. 336/5 a., father of 'ETmxapiSTl, 40633 'Elmxaptr (?DaXrlpeis),
'ETrrIKTrT1oS (?)ti&8sS), 182/3 p., 40633 62285
39241= Ca. 142 p., father of 'ETrryovos, 'ETriKTriTOs ((OAXUes), ca. 155/6 p., father of ['E7iy]ovos, 41616 'E[rlT]KTrrros (OXvUES),
'ETrKTfrITOS iA[----] (OAvEIS), fin. s. I a., 30313
(Xo?aei8s), s. IV-III a., 5636-37 'E-mXaprns 'E-TrX&po[us] (P.A., 5002), cf. 'E. MiKovos(X.), 5634-35; for the family see A.P.F., 1904, stemma
s. IV-III a., 5634-35(P.A., 304/3 a., 61127 Xapo-rou (OuvA&ato), 'Epy6Kprros (XoMAAdSi), 'E-rmaprjsMiKOOvoS 336/5 a., 42276 (KqyaseiOus), *'EpyoplXrls 5003); either he or his uncle = 4723 s. IV-III a., father of 'Erix&plrS, 'Epy6oqnlos ('AyyeeMs), ca. 363 a., father of EOoyEvrl, (XoAXdSirs), 'E1iX&p[rls] 5637(P.A., 5002) (P.A., 5065) *s), ca. 200 a., 15119 Avc[----] ('A?atEiu),256/5 a., 8545(P.A., 5006) 'Epy69oios Moa(--) (ThM 'EExXapiSrls med. s. III a., 10512; cf. 303/2 a., 62285 ((OuvXcaios), 'E-TmXapiSnsr 'Epyocpov'IepoyqC(vros) (PaXrnpsIs), 'ETrnXCpou 105 No. 14 o; comment, 367/6 a., probably Otloxapovs (Ecovuvpus), 'ETr[i]XapTvos related to the family of [Xa]pTvos Xapcov[i8ou] (Evcowvups), 'Epyoxaprls,archon 226/5 a., 1211(P.A., 5078) (iK KEpa pcov),ca. 226/5 a., father of [Eu0]*icaxos, 'EpyoXapriS q.v. 16839= 334/3 a., 4463 (P.A., (KoAcovsiU), EievKp&rro[v] EnilXaptvos ca. 223/2 a., father of [E]uiO[6]4axos, (?KKepapicov), 5016); descendants are probably: XaipSqilios 'ErmrXapivou 'EpyoX&prN 1701i; cf. P.A., 5636 andH., Suppl. I, p. 104. K., orator ca. 250 a. (LG., I2, 12251), and: ca. 83 a., father of 'Aya0oKAXis, 27216 treasurer of pryta- 'EpyoXaprls KoAcovieEv, (KirTTrio), KaxAtirrparTiBo 'ETiXapuios neis of Antigonis med. s. IV a., 913-5 = 'E.K.K.,orator 'Epyo[xaprls] (cpf'rnos), ca. 314/3 a., father of Oecpos, 7219(N.P.A., p. 71; stemma p. 72) of decrees 286/5 and 276/5 a. (I.G., II2, 650, 685 = P.A., [..] 'Epevviav[os](rapyirrtios), ca. 180 p., 'EpEvviav[6s]: 5017) Eco?]capiov('AXaiots?), 303/2 a., 62209 4039; cf. KA.'E., s. II p. (H., XXIII, 1954, p. 246) 'Erwcb[wpos secretary of the boule and demos Ep[.... ]pou (gen.) ('irro0covTrios), ca. 273 a., father of 'EpvvviosXpucepcoT-o[s], 1098 195/6 p., 4269. The deme is Athmonon. He was irroTTl&apAos, ccoppovtaTrsof the ephebes 169/70 p.; cf. I.G., II2, 2097183 Ep[. .]I[.]K[--] ('AIIVIEs), ca. 83-73 a., father of [..K]Ais, I boavSpos ('IrrroOcovriSos), ca. 205 p., 44814; 28011 'EpEvv(ios) 'E. 2. 'A., thesmothete cf. is the deme 128101 Azenia; of father ca. a., probably -a-voK, is, Ep[---] (KEpaCievs), 256/5 II s. ca. med. of father II2, ca. 183 2916) (I.G., p. 'EpacEiTvos, ('ArTrraiOS), post p., 'EpacxoEvos ('Arlvt?sS), 138/9-150/1 p., 33616; cf. 47021 'Epivvtos 'ETr&yaeos 'E. 'E. 'A., ephebe 139/40 p. (IG., II2, 204421) o ('ATraXisos), post ca. 216 p., 47021 'EpacoETvos 138/9-150/1 p., 33617; cf. 32126 of s. I father ('Alisijs), p., 'EpEvviosAEovrTEs 'Iavapls, (BCaltEisS), fin. 'EpacEiTvos 'E. A. II2, 204925) 33114 of 'A., father ephebe (LG., ca. p. 142/3 105/6p., 'Epaao6lvos(rapy'Trrtos), ZcTrvpos, (rapyfi'r-os), s. II p., 3464 ZaKipScoS ['Ep]k(vvios) 304/3 a., 603 = ['EpacrtpSv----] ('AypuAeus), ['Ep]E(vvtos)'A1TroAcvios('Epgios), 168/9 p., 37358; cf. [----] ('AypuAEus), 304/3 a., 6129 'Epalopcopv 'E. 'A. "E.,agonothete 189/90 p. (I.G., II2, 211613) 3829 of father ca. a., 'Eprcov, 374/3 *'Epacrrov ('IKaptiES), 'Epevvlos'IEPOKfipv, aioliTO 'Epvvios 'lepOKfipu "EPpJIEIO: (P.A., 5031); cf. 'E. 'E. ('I.) Ca. 187/8 p., Ca. 330 a., 4657(P.A., 5032) 174/5 p., 38757-58; 'Epev(vtos)IP<O>Kiipuv, ('ANcowrrEsKs), 'EpcrroKAsf 190/1 p., 42016; ca. 50-40 a., 2807 4142; 'Epkv[v(ios)'IEpoKfipu], 'iaiCTos EXAE[UKOu] ('AIWVIEOS), 'EpaTroaOcvrjs 'lspOKfpu, ca. 192/3 p., 42339; 'Epv(vios) 'lepo'AvaqAXoa-os, 'Ep^vvios prytanis hon*'Epa-r6orpaToS NaucKOcKSo(u) 209/10 p., 46087 Kpipu1 EpCp(1os), ored by the boule and phyletai 334/3 a., 446, 76-78 (P.A., = a on KopvrlAXavos ('EpPEtos), 168/9 p., 37359 ['Ep]?(vvios) 'Epacr6orparos 'AvaqXpr[cmos] 5036) probably s. II p., 3462 cf. (KoX7vTErOs), 350 a. II2, H., ca. stone 27236-8; 'Ayricav6[pos] ['Ep]i(vvios) (.G., mortgage (qi'rrTTos),168/9 p., 37332 'Ep(vvios) 'AlaaT-rKo XIII, 1944, p. 18); either he or a relative = 304/3 a., 61i10 'Ep4v(vios) 'HpaKAiFSjs (Egf'rrlos), eponymos of Aka('AvcaXAuicros), 'Epo-r6ocrpaTos NavcauK[iS(ov)] mantis fin. s. II p., 4402 of father II s. 'Eptrcov, 34727 p., 'Eprrcov(AiavTiSos), II 34727 OiATros] (XoXapyE's), ca. 160-170 p., 35935= s. o 'Epev[(vtos) p., 'Ep&Tcov (AiavTrios), 167/8 p., 37132 (XoXapy?Es), 'Ep&rcov ('A-raXiSos), post ca. 185 p., father of AOp(fiAos) 'Epv(vios) (OiArITos ]av5pos, 48017-18 ('hilro rovTrios), ca. 205 p., 44821; the 'Ep&rcovEUCVvous demotic is 'Alrnvi'u = 'Ep-rcov EOtqvous ['Alrv](li6s), init. s. III p., 45821; the same man was ephebe 169/70 p. (I.G., II2, 2097217) AEiKIos 'Ep6rcov('AlTvie's), med. s. I a., 27831 'Ep&rcov: 'Icsritpov ('AlriviE'), med. s. I a., 27830 'Ep&rcov 'Ep&rcov ('lKaples), 341/0 a., 3829 (P.A., 5042) = 'EpaTicovos 369/8 a. (I.G., II2, 161773) T1pEhriXtiT 'IKapPElU, ['E]p&rcov 30946 I s. p., (naArlvEcus), 'Epcrrcov ca. 105/6 p., father of 'lavouapis, 33353 (CaXXiivEvs), 'Ep&rcov (Tpivslnaies), 177/8 p., 39841 'EparcovNiKcovos ca. 120 p., 32272 [ ] (OaXrlpeOs), 'Ep&rcov ca. 337/6 a., father of 'EpyoXKAfirS, 'EpyoK[---] (EucovuvuiES), 61175 'EpyoK[---] (E covu.ivs), 304/3 a., 61175 'EpyoKAeiSri 'EpyoKi,fs (1TTpitoirns),360/59 a., 1721 (P.A., 5056); cf. 'E. FT., ca. 360-350 a.(.G., IP2,7216; N.P.A., p. 71) "Ayvcov A&xcovos (nli0es), 303/2 a., 62222 'EpyoKrAjs init. s. III a., father of [X]apowTfi6S, (cOu&oaos), 'Epy6K(pTros) 1059 =
ET-rpov6ijos 'EpriTrvI[v]rn[s](Olvatos), 223/2 a., 12760, was 222/1 a. (H., XXXVII, 1968, p. 74, No. 16); cf. P.A.,
5079; N.P.A., p. 72; and Fouilles de Delphes, III, 2, p. 49, 01. belongNo. 4830, 31, 32,p. 51, No.4911; 'E. eEo8sd[pou] ed to Ptolemais ca. 433-383 a., father of npcoTr6olaxos, 'Epl[---] (KeipiaESrs), 117; probably = 'Eppio[---] (KElpit6rSs), father of 'Epliov<Xrs,ca. 433-383, 118 ['E]pcay6p[as ---], ca. 175 p., 3935 ca. 40-30 a., 28630 (AaiClTrpe0s), 'Epiaios Aqrpi-rpiou ('Oaeis), 220/19 a., 13097 'Epuiatos
'Eppacios 21T?iv6ovT(os)(AsovrTios), 178/9-179/80 p., 39920;
the demotic is Opeappios;= 'Epplaos <(>)riv5ov"ros(1Optapios),ca. 165-170 p., 37018, was ephebe ca. 150-160 p. (LG., I2, 206611) ca. 53 a., father of [Xa]pi[evos, 29325; (lnaiavisOs), 'EpiatocKos perhaps =
'Eptaati[aKos Dats8[---] (TaicavlEes), ca. 20 a., 29338
paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father of 'Epieias ('AvrnoXiSos), 46647 nlAlrSA, itpat Zcooip(ov)('AvtloxiBos), paullo ante 220/1 p., 46627 'EppEias
ca. 337/6 a., father of eEoybvls, 'Ep,ioy[/vls] ('Avayupa&oos), 61180 paullo ante 180/1 AtA(ios)'EppoyIvqs(BrlaaltEus), 'Epooy}vrqs:
ca. 164 p., father of [----]v, 42711 'Epieias (KEKpowTrlOS), p., 3976 ?), 213/4-219/20 (KEKpowTiSos 'EpiEi[as] 'EpId[as]: [AO]p(4XIos) 4633 (KptcoIs), ca. 150 a., 2366 'Eppoyvris p., ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of'ErriVElKos, ca. 198 p., 4433 ['Ep]ioyEvqs (MeAXETeS?), 'EpieiaS'Ayaeop[--] (nTroAepat5oS), 29048 ('ALvievt'), ca. 140/1 p., father of 'EppEias,3868; 'EppIEias ? (MEArreIs), 177/8 p., 3989 ca. 147/8 p., 40240; ca. 149/50 p., 40662; ca. 157/8 p., ['E]ppo[yvins uvp]q[4p]o[v]TroS (Ftaiavite), post med. s. IV a., 3213 'EppoyEvis 'Er.LilXAov 42028; ca. med. s. II p., 4312 45818 ca. fin. s. II p., father of ZEv8Scov, (P.A., 5128) ('AWqvieCs), 'EpEieias TO (coca96pcovKal wr[l][XKi&a]oS 'Epp68copos GEpp[---], [wEpl p'1fi a] ca. 185/6 p., 41011 'Eppuiaso 'A[rlivieis], [tlEPOs] 191/2 p., 4223; 'Epp6Sco[pos], 180/1 p., 40240; IEpE5v 'Epp[6]8[copos], itpautls 173/4 p., 3867-8; ErTT [ZKYCSos] 194/5 (?) p., 42422; 195/6 p., 4261i 182/3 and 184/5 p., 40662; (coo6Opcov Kal ATrIKIa5&OS ('AxapvEsi), ca. 180 a., 1906; cf. stemma, H., 40750-54; ['Ep]peia'AS r viEUS, [eir ZKlaSOS]ca. 185/6 p., 'Epp6S[copos] XI, 1942, p. 302. 4108; 'Epp<E)>as 'A[LqviEU[S],IEPEUS <(D>cooa96<p>[cov s), ca. 370 a., 13ai7 ['E]pp6Scopos (AElpaCcb'Tr [Kl&a]Sos 190/1 p., 42027-28; ['EppE]ias ~ 'ALrl[vieU], K]ai WTTr [?lriEKIt8oS] fin. s. II p., 4312 'Epup6copos 'EpIaoXUKov (Ko7covEus), 370/69 (?) a., 13113(P.A., ca. 141/2 p., father of 'Eppoybvns, 38743; 5141); the following two councillors are undoubtedly 'Eppsias(Al~covEUS), descendants: perhaps = ca. 144/5 p., father of 'Epldas, 39843 'Ep]IpoXiKov (KoNcove?s),post 255 a., 8862 'Epo68copo[s (AiScovEus), 'Epiedias ], ['Epi ?]6ocopos KA[e]o5iplou (Ko7coveus), 281/0 a., 72217 'EpiEias(Ai;coveus),ca. med. s. II p., father of[ ca. father of XapvlSTs, 43015 a., (Kv8a6rnvaicel), *'Eppo60Eo 337/6 6163(P.A., 5144) 174/5 p., 38741 'EppiaS [---] (Aficovwus), ca. 400-350 a., 118, [---] (Aivcovs,S),174/5 p., 38742 'EppoKATrs 'Eppo[---] (KEtpIarSIS), 'EpeIicaa probably a brother of rlpcoTO6aXOS 'Epp[----] (KElplibrls), 'EplE{ias (Al~covs&S),177/8 p., 39843 117 ?), post ca. 183 p., father of 'AyactIepos, 'Epieia[s]('AXcapVEIS
47332 'EploKAfi[s ----] (A?iydSos), ca. 250 a., 904
'EpgeiaS (FapyrTTlos), ca. 105/6 p., father of Ev6q1os, 33118 ['EpuE]iasrFa[uKou], eponymos of Aigeis 138/9-150/1 p., 3359; the demotic is rapyriT-Tos =
'EpiPcias rXaOKov(rapyTrrTios), eponymos 138/9 p., 3319 ca. 149/50 p., father of 'AASavSpos, (EKMupivoOUvT'S), 'EpEicas
vEppElos, prytanis and treasurer 'I[Ep]oKAei1ou 'Ep[!i]oKAfi[s] of the boule 166/5 a., 21617; 'EppoKXAf "Epeilos,21662-63 'EpPoKarTrs: MapKoS "Opptos 'EpPoKpaTnsr (TEIPIEIsU),ca. 20 a., 29355
'Poio[ou] (rapyiTrnos), 138/9 p., 33124 'Epo6Aaos ca. 403/2 a., father of 'Epplocopos, 40646 (KoXcovevs), 'EpI16AUKOS 13114 (P.A., 5166); the following two names are descen'EpiEias('OaOev),ca. 151/2 p., father of [---]os, 40715 dants: 'Epilasc (laiavlEus), post ca. 184 p., father of 'ETraypobErros and 'Aya06o-rous, 222/1 a., 129117 47725, 40 (KoAcovweu), 'Epp6XOKoS ['Ep]p6vAKoS (Ko7covEus), post ca. 288 a., father of 'Epp6['Epf]pcos ? [---] ('AvtoxiSos), 169/70 p., 3801 (rapyilrrios), ca. 149/50 p., father of EaapETvoS, S6cpo[s], 8862 'Eplpp[co]s ca. 155 a., 22629 40615, 16, 17 'Ep,icov ('Aua avTeriS), 'Arlv6ocopos, and EOrropos, 'Ep,covaj (7aiavievi), ca. 136/7 p., father of Errropos,37824; (rapy-r-rios), 138/9 p., 33119 'Epupcos'Aoapvou a grandson is probably: ('ArraXi5oS),init. s. III p., 45914 'EpifiSEUKT-rilpov<o>s ca. fin. s. II p., father of [ ], 'Epl6ova{ Evrr6pov(HavSiovi8os),fin. s. II p., 43721; the 'Epifas (KEKpowrr8OS), demotic is TTaiavtius 45711 *'EptISiKos AiY(ios)'Epl[i]as ('AOiove5u), 180/1 p., 40257 (Mapa0bwvios),ca. 368/7 a., father of Kpircov, 'Eppu[]as:
['Ep]iias ('AAMlouoios), 222/1 a., 12990 'Eptias ('Apa avTrUS), ca. 155 a., 22624 'Eppias ('AWroXcovwius),ca. 202/1 a., father of [ 43230
['E]pStiuvns ('coviSris),336/5 a., 42126 Silcovos(KoXAureaCs), ], *'Epaly6vqls 354/3 a., 8955 2125 (P.A., 5104) *'Epvutai5l[s----] ('AvapiaurioS), councillor ? ca. 370 a., 492147(P.A., 5182) 'Eppias(Kriqnlctsi), ca. 73-63 a., father of 'Epitas, 28620 40-30 28620 ca. a., 'Epvus (Krliotieus), 408/7 a., 127; with line 28 (Knicqais 'Ep,4ias (KrlTcmous), probably intended for the demotic) added in a later hand 'Eppiias ('Palvovlaos), ca. 190/89 a., 17058 = 'E. 'P., thesmothete 183/2 a. (LG., II2, 2332124;P.A., 5109) (P.A., 5191) 'EppirrrroS('AyyeAE'iUS), 336/5 a., 42191 'Epco[s] NEIKayopou,herald of the boule and demos cf. 'E. fin. s. III a., 14133 169/70 p., 37867-69; the demotic is Aaxr-wrpens, ('Avayvp&acos), 'EpuiTrrros N. A. ?EppIwrrTro (()aXirpEI5), ca. 190/89 a., 17076 ca. 433-383 a., father of 'EploOKAErS, 'Av8poveiKou 'EpcoS ('AvtroXiSos), paullo ante 220/1 p., 46649 'Ep,o[---] (KElpat&8ns), ca. 127-137 p., father of OlAovuiv6s, 'Epcos (KeopaiAOs), 118; probably = 'Epp[---] (KEtpiaSrs),ca. 433-383 a.,
117 father of rPCOT6ioaXOS, 35921 =
ca. 135/6 p., father of OAlouVEv6s, 3736 = (KE9aAfiEv), "Epcos ca. of father and ihAoupEv6S "Epcos (KeqxxofieEV), 134/5 p.,
37152, 53 iTpETilos,
('Arrcratos), ca. s. III p., father of [. .]Trcov, 'E<p>.oy?vrns 4868; the stone reads EIMOrENHX
'EpploykvrS'EpE[iov (AivcovvEs), 174/5 p., 38743
'Epco NsKa[y]6pouAav(=rrpe's), herald of the boule and demos, 169/70 p., 38040-42
ca. 136/7 p., father of 'Epcos,38028 'Epcos(lTaXXArvE)s), 3 [TT]aW(XQnvE*s), "Epcos 169/70 p., 38028 'Epcos(pi?mrios), ca. med. s. II p., father of [EO]Kaprros, 4404 'EortaTos (rapyrrlT-os), med. s. II p., father of 'Eo-rtlos 6 KalA6vyo[s], 4344 2 6 Kal A6vyo[s](rapyflOrtos), fin. s. II p., 4344 'EaortaTos ] (rapy rinos), ca. 130-150 p., 3324 'ECToaTos [ 223/2 a., 128102 ['Eor]iaTosT[--] (KEpapxEi), ] ('AlZnviES), 281/0 a., 72149 'Eo-rt6Sopo[S 304/3 a., 5918 = ['Ero-r6copp]osp[---] ('ApSi5vatos), 304/3 a., 61260 Tp----] ('AqiSvaIoS), ['E]or-n8[cop]o[s *'ETE-rvSpo[X]appavri5o[u] (nTaiavelU), Ca. 330 a., 4713 (P.A., 5211); for the family see A.P.F., 15502, stemma 'ETrEoKXiS ('Avap?\crtos), ca. 314/3 a., father of [---]ri,fs, 72235 'ErTEOKXA 223/2 a., 12758 (OivaTos), *'ETEPEIos (KoMu-rTEs), 148/9 p., 33716 rlp<a>cTior ], 303/2 a., 6246 Eu[ ], med. s. III a., 937 Ei[ ], orator ca. 104/3 a., 2554 Eu[
*EOaiTs A[e[]iviou (lXaio6rls), 256/5 a., 8560 (P.A., 5251); the name may be in error for Eu6yrns (H., Index I-X, p. 57); on the family cf. A.P.F., 5232, stemma EOaXKOs 254/3 a., 8958 ('AVKwuAEs), AlSCOCpoV 61328 father of[-----] ca. a., (EiTEaToS), 337/6 [E]OaiAKo 169/8 a., 21295; cf. NiKaCfEU.'A. ('AAco1TrKES), Eviav8poS EC. Troi Mav1rrlou'A. p['n]Tmp, s. II/I a. (LG., Ouy&rrqp, II2, 5569) Ev[av8]pos: 'Avv[t]os EV[av8]posreiEp(aiEs), 170-172 or 174-176 or 187 p., 39515 ----] ('ASpiaviSos),ca. 231/2 p., 49134 EUipEcrro[s ca. 73-63 a., father of 'AiTO7Xcbvios, EvcapXirS!s (KrlplniEUs), 28618 ca. 180 a., 190io Evp[------] ('AxapvEws), 7312 ca. 313 a., father of [NI]KiPCaros, E6p[----] (MAuE5S), ('AXiPoicios), 336/5 a., 42233 *EvpO166,orpo 'AyKU341/0 a., 3869; E0vpios ('AyKVAiXqEv), Ep16Trou EOpioS 3886 XAOEv, lEporTOIOS, 341/0 a., 3850(P.A., 5295) ('AAaslEs), EUptosAirTOCOrvovS EOpios (9picaioS), fin. s. III a., 1369 256/5 a., 8532(P.A., 5297) ('EpXtEUs), EUpiosEUTrowoXEov ca. 336/5 a., father of E[----]icov, 62176 185/4a., 17950 Eu[----] (AEcov-riBo), EU1itos ('OfiOEv), ] (rTavtSovisos), ca. 168 p., 3769 Eu[ EOipos TEdiSoS(?(DarlpE5s),303/2 a., 62291 3869 ] (AitcovEus ?), ca. 180-160 a., 20919 Eu[ ('AyKvXjsev),ca. 374/3 a., father of E,P13os, E13poToS ]ou (gen.) (rapyfi-rnos), ca. 147 p., father of Ev[ (P.A., 5310) [E]voSos,40311 [E]iQpoTos 222/1 a., 12972 (?(pE&ppiop), contributor but not a bouleutes328/7 ] ('Axapvws), 303/2 a., 62164 E0[---- K]oXXvrre(js), Evipou[X ca. 236/5 a., father of E'povuos, 14731 a., 4922; the name was restored EO[Ka8pios] by Leonardos (AlcovEws), EvpovAiSriS in LG., EOPou?r15 rlpou ('Apx. 'Ep., 1917, p. 4122) from the &vaypacqpsO Si npopii[cvoS 'AXas ?], rtclrra'rs -rrpoESpcov II2, 387-8, but his demotic is 'AvacKcxIES. 173/2 a., 2065 ] (KoXXvruvrs), post med. s. III a., 1125 Eu[ EiO[ou]Xi[S[rS] ('ApITrporraEis), Ca. 314/3 a., father of 72255 Ev[ ] (KoXcovEis?),ante med. s. IV a., father of 'Ap[K]EoiXas, 223 councillor? ca. 370 a., [E*ip]avrts, (K6TrpEIos), EOupoXou [E*pov]AXrns K. (S.E.G., 492133 (P.A., 5329); cf. EOpovAou (MEAXrrEOs), 177/8 p., 39811 Ev[......f....]iou EUp[ouAiSov XXI, 879), perhaps a son. Ei[--]v[--] (Muppivoiaios), ante med. s. IV a., father of [E0] [Ev]os,3226 ('OijEv), 303/2 a., 62177 Eup[ou3i]5js'A-ToW[o85]cO(pou) 150-190 38420 oTa&m,os, Ev[---] p., (MvppivoatIos), Ev[---]: [---]os [E3up]ovuAirls priest ofeponymos 222/1 a., 12951-52; 42124 HnorT&d os, 129125-127 (P.A., 5336) EOi[----] (i OIov), ca. med. s. II p., father of Zcbmapios, EUOpovuiSris ca. 314/3 a., father of [E3]pouvXiSns, ]os, 3179 EuOpovAlSisC E"[.]o[----] (iE Olou), aet. Rom., father of [ ('PapvoOaios), 72197 (TatavlEvs), fin. s. II p., 43716 Ev[.. .]90[--] 305/4 a., 5881 Evi[---- TTpooarr&]ATIXo[s], &vTiypacEVS [Eu]p3ou7Srls E:pouiA{ov ('Papvoortos), 281/0 a., 72197 archon 256/5 a., 85ii, [872] (P.A., 5344) atos), ca. 403 a., father of [(i]Xicov,49299 Eva[---] (OcuAd [E]OpovAos, ca. 330 a., 4616 ca. 230 a., 1178 *[E]uayyEA5i5n[s](cOAvEs), (OlvEiSos), E[V3o]uvAo 'ApiacrafXp(ou) father of ca. 354 557 a., Aitcove0s, ('Avaq)XAirios), [----], EvdyyE7os secretary 203/2 a., 14731 EvpovAosEipovuAi[o]v (P.A., 5223) [E]upovXos ('AcorrEKijev), ca. 150 a., 23614; probably a = relative of: ('Episio0), 336/5 a., 42295; probably EuiyyEAoS E-V&yyeos eEoiAOU "Eplleos,,I.G., II2, 6077 (P.A., 5225); for possible ca. 150 a., 23621; cf. NIK&vcop EOpouAos('AAcTrEKI<OEv), EU.'A., s. II/I a. (LG., II2, 5570) relatives cf. H., XXX, 1961, p. 51. Xa[i]pEXA(i5ou) (OpE&pptos), 370/69 (?) a., 1354-55 EOpouXos EV&yyE?os ('AqlSvatos),med. s. I a., 27515 [K]nrcproSdbp[ou] ] (OopiKIos), (P.A., 5228) A[ 305/4 a., 5875 EUpovAos 220/19 a., 13080 281/0 a., 7245 (?) (rTalaviE*s), E<)>adyrs EOpovAos NE&pX[ov] (EK KoihAs), ? ----] (KoOcoKISrqs), ca. 330 a., 4823; the reading EvpouAos 492133 EOa[y]i[cov (Ko6rpEios),ca. 403 a., father of [EOpov]Xt8rns, is very uncertain; the restored name is well known in EO[Pou]Wos secretary of the prytaneis ca. TTpo[paA]iCos, med. s. II a., 23219-21; cf. P.A., 5370, stemma s. P.A., Kothokidai; cf. P.A., 5233-5 and N.P.A., p. 74, stemma ca. 390-375 a., 1048 AIovvauou 12855 (KvuSa0nvactEs), Evcay6pas ca. 333 a., father of [----..], 635 EU8{Kou(Zuvppsrls), 256/5 a., 8678 [EB]aivEToS, EOpouAos (FapyqrlTos), ca. 376/5 a., father of MEya[K]Afis, EO'pouAos [E]vacvETros AlioSCpov(c)pEappios), ca. 325 a., 5221 (P.A., 5373) 3637(P.A., 5246) 8670 ca. 289/8 a., father of ECO'rlos, (K KrlS&v), EOyvcoTros ca. 403 a., father of 'AvriSoToS, 49270 EvS[---]os [--] (MerrTEi5s), ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29084 EvavE[Tros] ('IKapPIeU), EvCaivETroS ca. 330 a., 4819 ] ('OqOEv), AlrlavETou (lhi0Es), 335/4 a., 43169-170 EO5[ EOaivETro ] ('avSioviSos), ca. 360 a., 1533 ('Papvoocios), ca. 229/8 a., father of Aiaop<(>cov, EVi5a[ 1662(P.A., 5249a) E8aciiioKp6-nrMrlvoqpio[u----], ca. 40-30 a., 2842 Evaivrros(Ov&oios),init. s. II a., 15614 E06ctaipcov ('AvrnoxiBos), Tpo9ploov paullo ante 220/1 p., 46633
254/3 a., 8984 EUrlYTnrl (TmElOp&cos), Ca. 168 a., 21447 EBreiS1is (TTalovi6rS),
ca. 390-375a., 1035 EUKX<oi8ov (TTpacrlEs), *EOSEKp&rTis ca. 336/5a., fatherof [------Is, Ei0[rT]pi8[rls] ('ACowTrEKYES),
councillor? ca. 370 a., 49298 [E]rjEfSTs4co[---]()uA&otaos), 62307 ante ca. 187/8p., father of father of s. IV ante med. 'EvSia., EfrlEpos paullo ('AvrnoXiSos), EUSrlp{Srs (T'popaSioaios), Ei-ruvxSis,46641 pos, 3261= P.A., 5384; a grandson is: ca. 205 p., 47727; cf. 'AoKXArlm&Sov ('AvTIoXiSos), EAi6pEpoS 304/3 a., 61235 'EvSipLov [EviSrp]i6rs (TTpopaXciao5), 49129 Ei. ca. 'A., epengraphos 155/6 p. (.G., II2, 2068223) and EUSTlpo[s] ('ASplcviSos), 231/2 p., Eu. of Antiochis 207/8 p. (I.G., II2, 2199138) 33030 of father ca. 'A., ]s, [ ephebe p., 102/3 EtlSqpos(rapyrrrtios), ca. 176/7 p., father of Ap[-]ovXos, (TTavtSoviBos), EOSirlpos (rapyi'mnos), med. s. II p., father of ErwlpoS,4345 EAiPEpoS 46054 EiSripos'EppiEov (rapyilrtos), 138/9p., 33118 32124 (Brioaict ), fin. s. I p., father of E&vpEpos, [E]05inros (Ei-raToS),ca. 173/2 a., father of [E0]Krf[i6pvos], EvriIPepoS ) (BioaaiErs), init.s. II p., 32124 2405, 41. EUAiPEpoS Mupivovrrris), (EK 138/9 p., 33140 MaKapk<co>S EiOSn[p]o[s] (Aa c rpeis), 336/5 a., 4261; probably = either E'lupEpos 'E 178 or a., EOSrlpos EiiAVIOS EOSirpoS.. (P.A., 5468)= Eii[[vlos ((vUA&os), 360/59 TTI(---) o(---) (AcapirpEis) (.G., II2, 1582129; C>va(aios)) ?], ca. 375 a., father of Ev3pos (Aacurrrpeis),among dedicators to Apollo, med. s. IV for the date, cf. H., XIX, 1950, p. 245) a. (I.G., II2, 29674, 5 = P.A., 5402, 5403) ca. 63/2 a., father of r6py[lTrros], EU0[ ] (KeKporrSos), init.s. III a., 656 [EvS'pos] (MEAITEIS), ] (KEKporT{Sos), init. s. III a., 657 28819= Ei0[ E6rSpi[os](MeXrT6s),ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of r6pyrrrros, E0e[----] (E*cowvv s), 381/0 a., 615 Eiieca (eopiKIos), ca. 373 a., father of [E]6,eir5TS, 3912; 2905, [35]; cf. r. Eu. M. EivSrllos nTaAiqveus, prytanis and secretary of prytaneis
169/8 a., 212[35-36],50, 67; perhaps = EvSrlpos(carXX-nEvi), ca. 150 a., 23626 EOSrpios (Tipacties),post med. s. IV a., 3239 (P.A., 5408) 8678 Eu8iKOS (vuppiSrqs), ca. 289/8 a., father of ECvpovXos, EViotos ('ATrlves), 173/2 a., 206122
= ], 6183
the namemay also be EB0tos. EO0ias Novupuvivov OuvX&aaos, 164/3 a., rTrlo-rarTqs popopcov
2195; probably = Ev. (0.), father of N. who was IEpeus
'Aviou ante 140 a. (N.P.A., p. 137) EV'8oSos ('AxepSoraos),176-169 a., 20553;a descendantis *E0e5loKos P.A., 5435 ('AypuAEs), 336/5 a., 4219 ca. 147/8p., fatherof E058o<o>s, archon 283/2 a., 712 = EOilos'Avrtqpovros 40211 EMi0os, EV5oK<o>s (ouvvi6<s), TeiOp&coio 3 (Zovvuiis), 180/1 p., 40211; perhaps = Eu. (X.), EU8o(<o>s
(H., VII, 1938, p. 102, No. 1824-25) TTvOi-rrrou Eei0mnros (EOTpaKEis), 335/4 a., 4325-26
E08oos (EXillfios),ca. med. s. II p., father of 'ATiK65, EU0[ovos--]piTov MuppivoOiaos,, secretary Ka-rra TpvrravEav 3221 5510),brotherof KA&plaoros, ] ('Epoid&Ss), 62343 ca. 336/5a., fatherof EKcXAns, Eiv0[
of property and registrant of a mine ca. med. s. IV a. ca. 393-373 a., father of TT[&v E0v[---] (MeAtrrEs-), ?]rTavos, 2011 (H., XIX, 1950, pp. 214, No. 552-53,264, No.2017, 19)= Ei. (., trierarch ante 347 and 323/2 a. (P.A., 5444, A.P.F.) ?] (vTraA^lr-ros),init. s. IV a., father of AtoEOei[pouAos ca. of father a., EOScopos (KuSaOrlvalEus), 337/6 ITpEYpvEcos, y[[v]r[s], 187; a grandson probably = 6165 (P.A., 5451) unidentified list, ca. [E]OeipouXos (Xuv7raArfino), Aloybvous AEcoviSou('AvacAxio-ros), 138/9 p., 33322-23 321 a., 4945 EUXvrTTmoroS ca. 161/2(?)p., fatherof OiXcov, [E]O08U[---] (Mvppivo?icnos), ca. 336/5 a., father of [ EuATrro-[Tos] (MapaOcvios), ], 4241i 628 archon 164/3 a., 2191, [2201, 34] (P.A., 5454) EiJEpyETrs, EveUSlpo(s) ('IrrroecovTrios),ca. 336/5 a., father of 'Errica. 337/6 a., father of [ 62241 ], K?Eisrjs, (K KoiAOrs), [EO]EpyEr-Ts ] ('AXapVES), 61143, possibly = Ei., father of 'ETryvnIskK K., sponsor [E]COeiri[poS 303/2 a., 62144 of a decree of genos of kerykes dated fin. s. IV a. (I.G., E6i0Sitpos ('EAeuaCivio ?), ca. 368/7a., fatherof E0e0oarpcrros, II2, 12302) 43183; probably = Ev. 'EAEVuovios, priest of Asklepios EuEpysrts (EKKoiArs), ca. 155 a., 26665, was contributor 355/4 a. (I.G., II2, 4724, 496211-12= P.A., 5533; for the date, cf. Chronology,pp. 74-75) and father of MoipoK7Ais 164/3 a. (H., XXXVI, 1967, p. 89, No. 1913);on other members of the family cf. H., XXI, 1952, p. 367, note on (I.G., II2, 11915-6,2845; P.A., 5535) who was fatherof line 124. and K&AAlTTros EuS6rlnuos (H., VIII, 1939, pp. 177-180, EOE[Tico]v (Hpoocrr6dTIos),ca. 336/5 a., father of [A]Trpo-Tcov, stemma) 62121 [EM0]06rlosNIKCovCIOU (KVu6avrir8i), 281/0 a., 72104 E'irrfcov pq)rrTTo(s), S., E0iVS'TIpos 328/7 a., 4912 = EU.AUTroKefSou naio[vilSrs],councillor? 343/2 a., 49321 lessee of mine ca. 342/1 a. (H., XIX, 1950, p. 300), SiarrT1ri' Er,UOqp(os) ca. 336/5 a., father of Evi&KparnS, (nhOevs), 329/8 a. (I.G., II2, 192516-17),orator of decree 328/7 a. 62221;probably = EU.EOuvpEvovu (H.), med. s. IV a. (LG., (I.G., II2, 35432; cf. H., XXVIII, 1959, p. 172, No. 232) II2, 2385103) and trierarch 323/2 a. (G., II2, 163211-12); (P.A., 5463, EvOuSrl,os ca. 330 a., 4741 (P.A., EK[p]orous (TTpopoAicitos),
EO ix8tKos ('AprlTpowralEs),169/8 a., 21263; cf. Ei. EVSiKoV EvOe(paXo[s] 336/5 a., 4251; Tilap1trqEOeOuvpou (AaptIrTpEs), 'A. (.G., II2, 5609 = P.A., 5556) AapnrrpaE0v may have been a daughter, I.G., II2, 6363 'AtIElvou (iAoraiSNrl), EWO5OlKOS 341/0 a., 3819 (P.A., 5565), Euu0ipaXos Ev[0]{fnrrov _virEraicbv,orator 273/2 a., 784; a brother of Ei0vKAfs,3818 S. (I.G., II2, 155782-83 = grandfather may = EU. EVi8?Kov EOveSiKoS 335/4 a., 43oo00-1o H., XXVIII, 1959, p. 220524-525, EEpaiTr-rrov (XoeXEri8rs), etc.) med. s. [E0i0]vpaXcs(roTrto ca. 358 a., father of EOu0[8op]os E0MU[op]os: [Q>&]P(ios) iios AEcpaSicoTrr), (MapaOcbvios), 5229 (P.A., 5639) IIp., 3405 Tuippos, ca. 168/7 a., father of epa[oj]cov,Euei1Xos (Couvie*s), 173/2 a., 20672; cf. Eu. 'AyaeoKAiovs Eui0UK&pTr (KrlpollEvS), 2437, 41; the name is a phonological variant of EUOUKp-prr 2. (I.G., II2, 7432, corrected = P.A., 5647) ante med. s. IV a., father of E0ueKpcTrous *E0UvvEiSr(TTpopaXicnoS), [Eu]Oin<Ai ('Avayvp&oios),367/6 a., 1416 3262 (P.A., 5643) ToXpcaTo, E*OuAfis('Apaynlvios),336/5 a., 4273 ca. 368/7 a., father of OemrEis,43217 *EOeVECOS (AapwrpEvs EUO[uKAfis] wIapaXos), ca. 400/399 a., father of (HaATlVEnUS), Evu0evopos 1442; cf. Ev. EU.A. EO0uKp&rr1s, (rapyrT-rios), ca. 376/5 a., father of EuvoloS, 3638(P.A., 5650) 'ApEiviov(OlXAafSri), EiOur&eAf 341/0 a., 3818 (P.A., 5586), brother of EO'SixKOs, 3819 EOov8ilov ('EXEvaivios *Eivuav.pcrroS ?), 335/4 a., 43182-183 EOU[u]K6pCas: eponymos 166/7p., 3698; Evivipcov (Tslet0p&os),ca. 289/8 a., father of eB6Trorrwos, (7(a6pios)EuO[u]K6pias, 8524 (P.A., 5665); cf. Ev. e. T. (LG., II2, 3875 = P.A., 36911 [EU]evK6p[as]: [(DX(aptos) (nailavEis), EU]euKO6[aS] 5665a) EOpuaKpC-rri ('AyyEAEIUS), 336/5 a., 42190 npEfpou(Brl(Cais), 188/9 p., 41915 EuKp6-rris ('AXcaiEus), ca. 289/8 a., father of Ei0uCeaXos, [EO]Kalpos 8540(P.A., 5594) s. II p., 3477 EviKaipos: [AlOAX(os) EOKaipos (Mapaecbvlos), ca. 400/399 a., father of [Eu]eu- EvKa[ip]os:[(>a]p(ios) EOKa[ip]os med. s. II p., EUevKprMT1 (Mapa0cbvios), ('Avayvpa&cos), 3404 1416 KAXfs, ('Alrqvivs),ca. 134/5 p., father of MapKos, 37169-70 EVOeKp&rr[s] ri(8>ov 'Aq(i<5>vaos,bouleutes, zealous EvKapwrri6ls Apal<ov toward the boule 328/7 a., 4947-48; E0ueKpn'rrlc'A9il[y]ECKap-rriSrs EaiSot6rouK Koi(XAs),init. s. III p., 4589; cf. = Eu. A. EB. 4942 (IK 495; 'AqnS[v]aTos, 'A., vaT(os), K.), fin. s. II p., father of 'Ovicaipo and Euvrpopos EOnvKp&TTr T'rVpCTrlI T rpoESpcov Tni-raTri (LG., II2, 222315, 35, 22255, 222635, 223922-23,etc.) 337/6 a. and TpnArlnT^-r 29341 picov (P.A., 5601); his ancestor was the famous ApaKov- EOKaprTi8ns (TaiaviE6s), ca. 53 a., father of (iXA^pcov, TirTis(P.A., 4546) EOKapTriils5 (nTavpcoTar'r&), ca. 73-63 a., father of ArliPrTpos, 28647 ca. 367/6 a., father of 'ErrlXaplvos, (KoXcoveus), EOunKpa-rri 4463 (P.A., 5603) EUKapwiSTrl np6pou (TTipE6eS), post 217 p., 4795 ] ('AKa riavTrsos), EvKap-rro[s E0[vKAovus] (AapTrrrTpEs Tr&paOos), fin. s. II p., 4325 EuOvKp6'ais 367/6 a., ca. 172 p., father of Ev'Kapiros, 44724 1442; restored from I.G., II2, 6667, s. IV a.; may = Eu. EUKap-Tos ('AVTioXi6oS), 3 ('AvTrioX[os), ca. 205 p., 44724 A., trierarch ca. 342/1 a. (.G., II2, 1622617= P.A., 5605, EOKapwos ('ArraXiSos),init. s. III p., 4593 [E]UKapTros A.P.F.); another member of same family probably = (AevKovo*s),ca. 132-137 p., father of [Eicr]i86pos [E]OvKAri[S parasites s. IV EOKapTros Aatc]r-rpEus, and [E]C'Kapwos, a. (Ath. Mitt., LXVII, 1942, p. 25, No. 2622) 3707, 12 ca. 165-170p., 3708 Eioitcbpo[u](AEKnovoEsi), EOevKp'rris (Mvppivoiioios),ca. 363 a., father of EiOuKp&Mrs,[EO]Kap-rro 3 (AUvKovo'S), ca. 165-170p., 37012 4731 [E]vKapTroS s EOK.n<p6rov (9C Otov), ca. med. s. II p., father of 'Erriyovos, EOuKpi&rr (Mvppivociaos), ca. 330 a., 4731 EOKaprroS 42118 (P.A., 5607); a possible son is 'Apo-roXeSrlsEO.M. (LG., II2, 6887 = P.A., 1942) Eco-ros(Olcaavlieo), fin. s. II p., 43718 EOKapTros ca. 147/8 p., father of [21Apios, 40220 (TTheEs), (XouvVES), EuQevjip(ou) EvKa'p-TroS EuevKpirrrs 303/2 a., 62221 EOKaprros (Dl7AoKparovu ---] (vuppiSqs),councillor? ca. 370 a., 49223 (Zouvvis5), 180/1 p., 40213 E*0uKp&r[r1i EOKap-TOS AovvaoScbpou [2Tr]t[p(tifS)], post ca. 217 p., 47723 EieuKptrTrs (9iTfrrlos), 336/5 a., 42312 archon 328/7 a., 492 (P.A., 5611) EVKapwros EOi0Kprros, (TqprrTTos),ca. 134/5 p., father of 'ArroAXoapvrns, 37118 = EieKpiTos, archon 189/8 a., 173[1],32 (YqrrTTlS), ca. 140/1 p., father of'AroAXoqpvrl[s], EfOiKp-r[os] ('Avayvp&oios), councillor? ca. 370 a., 49218 [EiKapTr]os Ei. 'A., on 3865 (P.A., 5617); his son probably = 'EKqxavTwriSr a stele found at the Heraion on Samos (Ath. Mitt., XLIV, E'VKap1Tro (9p'rTTIos), ca. 157/8 p., father of 'Awro?cbvios, 42022 1919, p. 3, No. 3) EWjOKpiros ('AXEp8oucios),178/7 a., 19463; earlier and later EOlKap1Tos(9riTTios), ca. med. s. II p., father of Akcov,44020 TO Ppa 191/2 p., 4222 = members of the same family are Eu. EOalvrou 'A. (LG., EUKaprros Eqi(-rrnos), [wT]pi 'r II2, 700 = H., VII, 1938, p. 112, No.2058) and Ei. [EUK]aprros 204/5 p., 9eoy[vovs], secretary Kaxa rrpuravetav 'A. (N.P.A., p. 77, perhaps = P.A., 5618) 4546-7; cf. E'. O., ephebe ante med. s. II p. (IG., II2, [GOEai]vrov (EUcovupEis), 203322) Ei0Kprros MEiSCov[os] 304/3 a., 61173 E0upciaXos EOevKpcrou ('AAaEius), 256/5 a., 8540 (P.A., 5632); [EU]KapTwo"EpcoTroS fin. (Efqirimos), wmtl-rcrils TrpvrVrv[cov] s. II p., 4404 a son is probably Ev0uKp&rr1s 'AXias5], ephebe E0vuI&Xo[u ca. 235 a. (H., XVI, 1947, p. 186, No. 9210) OsEo5srou EVKapTros (pTrnTioS),167/8 p., 37113 [EU0]vopaXos 'EpyoX&pou 1K[KepapIcov], uroypcappicrr-u 193/2 EV'KapwTos AXaiKOO (XoXapyess), 167/8 p., 37134
a., 16839-40 =
KepapEcov, secretary of the boule [E]0e[,]paXos'EpyoXa&povuK and the demos ca. 190/89 a., 17011, 107-108; cf. H., Suppl. I, p. 104. P.A., 5635 and 5635 (corrected) are descendants
] ('Pacvou'aos), ca. 120 p., 32262 [ EV'KTlpos (kK 336/5 a., 42291 EK,ArlS KEpaCiEcov), ECKA,ESqis EOA,1ovs (AtIa0inls), 370/69 (?) a., 13108-109 (P.A.,
cf. A.P.F., s. 'A., ca. 380 a. (IG., II2, 192835), EuKo[kcov] EKaei6rSs ('A7ailes), councillor ? Ca. 370 a., 49265 EX&Opovs EC. 'A. on the dikast-ticket in Robert, ca. 370 [the councillor? a., 492121 patronymic EOKAEi8[rs ---] ('AXapveOs), Coll. Froehner,10, No. r., is more probably to be completed E*efou (eopIKIos),ca. 340 a., 3912 [E]iNK7d6rs ca. 374/3 a., father of 'Aplo-rox&vls, Tlupp&(Kou)] EOKAEi6r1s ('IKapieOs), ca. 403a., father of [Exo]pos, 492131 *EiKopicov 3827 (P.A., 5689) (KEipi&8nsr), (P.A., 5740) EvKEdSris (MvppIvoios)),ca. 363 a., father of [---]Xias, councillor? ca. 370 a., *[EuKo]pos EiKOiopfovoS 4732 (P.A., 5691) (KEpidfSrls), = 492131 5931 a., 5741) EXK.eif8rs (P.A., EKhov(s) (Oivacos),304/3 : [D]Xo(loUIo ('ASpiavios), ca. med. s. II EOKprr-s [EiXEf]8X6Sr EnKp&rrrs EnK,X[ous](OivaTos), 304/3 a., 61270 1035 ca. 423-408 a., fatherof EOSEKp&r1s, p., 3399 (nlpacie&s), EOKXEiSris Oio[.. .]Epou('Arrcaios), init. s. III p., 45910 ECncKAiSfSr [EV]Kp6&rrSc ('Pavoocnos), 166/5 a., 21633 II s. 15616 init. EVKP&rriS E*KXdeiF5s os), a., ('AvacpXcrros), ca. 330a., 4662 (P.A., 5751) (Oao)uX ('AvcaxOorios), ca. 105/6 p., father of EiKp&rris, ECKAEir15s (XoAXafSrs), s. IV-III a., father of YcoK[]dirsns, ECKp6rrqs 33321 5633; Cf. 3 ('AvapXCTo-ros), EinOKAefi 138/9 p., 33321 EiKp6rrqs (Xoed(8r1s), post ca. 288 a., father of )iM76tevos, XeEiEIKOv 8839(P.A., 5697) 167/8 p., 37137 (KiKUvvvOS), EKp&orrns [ECiKAE ?]TOS Kp&rTrTOS 'EXeucaivios, trrltoTrr&s 328/7 a., 499, probably = EO.A., AaT(nr<T>ppE(s), nrpoSpcov EiKp&tprr trierarch ante 323/2 a. (I.G., II2, 1631492, 557, 561 = 180/79a., 18736 s. 968 med. III 5758,A.P.F.) ], P.A., a., ErKXAfi Eip[ 13109 [E]iuKp6rrl ca. 400/399a., fatherof EukMiSnrls, EVXKijS (AcxalrrpEps), fin. s. III a., 1411i (AletoadiSs), ca. 363 a., father of EiO8nrllos, E'uK[p]&rrs (P.A., 5712) (Tfpopal3cxios), of ca. father 4741 [ a., EOKAqfi ], ('Aco-rEKijOev), 223/2 17123 169/8 a., 212lo8 EiKp6rris(S tiaxXiSr1s), med. s. I a., 2759 ca. 403/2 a., father of 'AvnrKp6rr1s, EiKAXis 'Acp{ov ('AplSvacos), EiKp6rrls (EKalpcovi{rjs), ca. 223/2- fin. s. III a., fatherof EIKXiis, EiUKAfj (BEEVIKiSrnS),
[1584], 1608, 16215,[1935-6], 19438, 20410, [2051i] herald of EKIwfisEin7AovuBEpevtKiSrTs, BEpEVIKiSrls, EOKAfis
1327(P.A., 5765)
ca. 330 a., 4636 (P.A., 5766) EVKpa'rris (cOa7rlpE&s), ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13757 EOKPITos ('AypuXEss), the boule and the demos fin. s. III a.-ca. 174/3 a., [E0]Kp[rr]os AarrapXov ('Aamais), councillor? ca. 370 a., 49261 [1454-5], 14747, [75-77], 15138-40,[1584], 15914, 1608, ca. 367/6 a., father of E0Kp[Tro]s, 4464 16215, 16840-41, 170[13], 114-115, [17317-18], [17931], EKprTroS (KoXcoveis), [18725], [1898], 1917, [1935-6], 19438, 117-118,204io, [205 E<Kpi[Tro]S 334/3 a., 4464 (P.A., 5770) EUKpiTov (KoXcovsUS), 11-12,69-70]; cf. above, pp. 14-15. EnKrrnpovos moTlarr&TrS EOKtrcaTo 235/4 irpoESpo0v TTT-rEXEaios, ca. 130/29 a., father of E[uKAis], 25995 a., 1156 [EiKAXfS] (BepEVIKtSrl), herald of the boule and the EiKcrrlovi6[rls---] ((rnyouaios), councillor? ca. 370 a., EiKfj5 [EOnAious] [BEpEviKiSrs], demos 97/6 a., 25995, 125-128; cf. above, p. 15. 49230 (P.A., 5778)
OtXoKVous BEpE]vuKi8rs, herald of the boule and the [EVKAXfi
archon408/7 a., 12 (P.A., 5799) EnKrrlcov, demos ca. 210/09-201/0a., 13850-51; EiKTCOcv ('ArTaXios), ca. fin. s. II p., father of 'Eptiis, EVinKfi BepEveuKirSs,
1376, 78-80
EntKXqf EUev[
3 ('ATraXtios), post ca. 218 p., 48014 [EK]TAfpCOV ov (KeipiaSrlS) ca. 155 a., 22672 EOicKrT Euirricov (EK KepapAcov), 336/5 a., 42288
above p. 14.
herald EOK.fis TpivEtIOESS, EuKrijs thoi,Ao ovu TpwVEpEOS, 260-250 ca. a., [8329-31], 858-9, 97, 86105-106, 8936, 994; cf.
abovep. 14.
E1KAfis OctioKAouv herald ca. TPivEpie?S, TpivepImS,EnKXfj 142-144, 13217; cf. above, p. 14. herald EnXKAis TpIvewpaES, TpivEpEEOs, ENK,fis kiXoK.Aou5
EOpaXO5S, OTroypappcrars 95/4 a., 26154 ca. 336/5 a., father of 2X,pvaXos, 62254 EOpaXos (1sPlpalEOs), ca. 172 p., father of 'Hp&KEIrros, 164/3-ca. 140/39a., 22056,[2218],22214,22559,226i0-11, EJivvrl5 ('lwrrroOcovTi-os), cf. above, p. 15. 85-86, [23911],24049-50,[124-125]; cf. 44818; the demotic is probably 'ArlviEOs; ca. 314/3 a., father of EOvcpis,7213 EuiiEvrn('ITrroOcovrriSos), ca. 172 p., father of 'Epdrrc.v, EVKKXis (Xo;kapyeus), 44821 = (P.A., 5734) *EVK<IvoS 4361 Euiyvrns 45821 (T1popa;iifos),ca. 368/7 a., father of'ApxAvecos, ('AlflvE\s), ca. fin. s. II p., father of 'Ep&rcov, [E]ivKo7Cov 367/6 a., 1418 = EOKO- Eu4i.vr1s(pfi-rnos), ca. 127-137 p., father of E'pMvrlS, 1upp&Kou ('Avayupaio), 3599; [ficov] 'A., VtcIcoT65 401/0 a. (.G., II2, O1B, II 8) = perhaps =
37313= Eipvrns (EqnTios),ca. 135/6p., fatherof E0ipvris,
EOpivirs (pfr-nios), ca. 135/6 p., father of 'AyaOoKfis, 37324
Eivlvils3 (2pfAirr os), ca. 160-170p., 3599;perhaps= EOtpjvrls (pATrrnoS), 168/9p., 37313;probably= Ev. 3 E.,
acQpovorrispaullo ante 190p. (I.G., II2, 21223); his sons may = LG., II2, 212227, 28 8632 ca. 289/8 a., father of XIPKpfas, Eipfrins (AaprrrrpEOs),
ca. 390-375a., 1019;a possible grand[Eii]r6AXJios ('QacES), son ca. 368/7 a., fatherof E<rjlAos, EUTrrr6Aeo ('fQaes), post med. s. IV a., 3219 McxKapcos (UTpocarrmT-ros), *EtAi68rSris EO-rroAis ('Acameus), 343/2 (?) a., 3612 (P.A., 5939) 'AppiXEco 43122; cf. 184/5 of father p., 40746-47 ca. a., avTtypaqpE6s Eurropiacros, [KA]E6orlXos, EOp[ri]fi8rs (TTpootr&AT-no),336/5 62125 EirxovuS ('ATrraiBos),init. s. III p., 45915 Eurro[po]s ante ca. 187p., father of[E]rTvXfiSrs, ('IrrrorcovfriSos), E*covulEiuS, 'EpTrrEfcovos wrpvravEiav EOuropos secretary KOTa& EU0rlpXoS 4655 1153 5836 N.P.A., + p. 80); Addenda, (P.A., 235/4 a.,
'AOrvvaiou 'Ae0uoves, eponymos 180/1 p., 4025 = EOrropos 335/4 a., 4395-96 EvirpqXoS (KoAcovues), 'Apoa-roqoavTos 'A0povEs5],eponymos ca. 180 p., 43121-122 'AOriva[iov E0uur7i&8ou [EOrwop]os EOgrlXos (lpoxrr&ATloS), 335/4 a., = 402a3 1 168 21463 ca. a., lEvifrlos (Xo?e,iSrs), 27212 ca. 83 a., father of (Dhi6rlmios, 'A0i(ovE0s), eponymos 181/2p., 40512 'AOrlvalio EO-ropos (XoAAEdisns), EOrnlXos ca. 136/7 p., father of [....]os, treasurer of prytaneis 279/8 a., Eirropos ('AvaA -crrnos), (Muppivovcaios), [Evji]vrlc-ros 38032 = 7623, [55] 22612 ('AvapAOoios), init. s. IIp., 3219 = E6rropos Ev"vraCroS ME'!vovoS (Q Olou),ca. 188 a., fatherof [A]UK{cKoS, MWpvovos ca. 211/0 a., father of nla[p5&]povos, [E6wrropos] ('Avacxqarnos),135/6 p., 33012= *Evpolpos (EKKoiA7rs), ('AvaA9Xcrros), ME?vovos 19445 138/9p., 33315 E[OrTr]opos and archon 169/8 a., 2121, [37] (P.A., 5848) ('Apaqpvios),ca. 105/6p., father of 'Av-1rraTpoS EOr1opoS E?VIKOS, 'ACXAKlTrliTSjs, 33152, 53;cf. E'VIKOS ('AXEp8o(aios),178/7 a., 19462 ca. 149/50p., fatherof 'AoKA?QrlrSrls, ('ApacAvtos), EuvopirSsEuvopicovos EOrropos (OlvrliSos),335/4 a., 43146-147 40648 43147 of father ca. *Evvopfcov EivopSiirs, (OivriiSos), 368/7 a., s. I p., 30811 (Br-aalcOs), Euvopos EOuvvd6ou EOrro[pos] (rapyiTrrios), 343/2 (?) a., 3638 (P.A., (rapyA'rnos), 182/3 p., 40617 EOrropos 'EppIpc4Tro 5868) 155/4a., 225115 EUvopos [E]9rop[os ----] ('EpXlius),ca. 180p., 40317 (MvppivoOclos), of father ante Zcboaios, EOrropos(KvUa0rvaictS),ca. 136/7 p., father of E-rropos, paullo E'Vvolos 147/8p., (TplKoprtost), 37832= 39722;cf. Ei. 3 T., ephebemed.s. IIp. (LG., II2, 206949; ca. med. s. II p., father of ETrropos, cf. 'Apx. 'ES., 1950-1951, p. 38, No. 1850) (Kv8a0rnvcaies), EO'ropos 43727 151l5 ca. 200 a., Eivooari[rjs (KKpo-rri8os), 3 (KuSa0eivaties), ca. 169/70 p., 37832= EUvoo-ri8rleEop&vTrov ('AcaiE(s), 341/0 a., 3852 (P.A., 5878) EO-rropos 3 (KusaeOivaivs), fin. s. II p., 43727 EVTrropoS (AifcovevS), ca. 180-160 a., 20915 E0U[?v---] = 5920 a., 304/3 (AlavrTios), ca. 170p. (the demotic is Mapa0cbvios) EOnropos ou] ('AivcvaTxos), [E*~EV = of 45016 father 61261 E?OEv[----]ou a., K<aAM>i[y]oviav6s, 304/3 ('AqiSvaTos), ca. 167 p., fatherof KaAltyoviav6s, 256/5 a., 8528 (P.A., 5893) (Mapaecbvios), EvOievo EiCrropos EUi[i]e0Eo ('EXtEpxi), 4468 EUiee0ou EUiEvos ('EpXteOs),254/3 a., 8972 (latiavimS), ca. med. s. II p., father of 'Epl.avag, EOrropos 222/1a., 12995 [EUO]evos (KfATTlos), = IV s. med. 43721; a., probably post Eu[---]v[--] (Muppivoioios), [EO]t[sv]os 'Eppc'vacrros (TTaiaviOs), 169/70 p., 37824 EOiropos 3226; the restoration was suggested by H. J. Carroll, Jr. 180/1 p., 40218 KaporroSpou(CouvviOs), 'Oaeev,priest of eponymos 220/19 a., 13050,126-127 EOTropos EO{1vos 42026 ca. 157/8 p., father of riTvScov, ca. 367/6 a., father of Xalpo'rparos, EvTrpapi[Sr1s], Eivi0eso ('AAXCO'rKeOS), bK[Koi](Ar1s), init. s. III p., 45819 = (Ql7Eivov 4453(P.A., 5903) EirrpaciG8ris EU.(D.bK K.,ephebe169/70p. (LG., II2, 2097222) Eit[i]0eso ('EpXtins), ca. 289/8 a., father of E'Oevos, 8528 TlovrlavoO fin. s. II p., 4405 (ZqfilrTos), [E]virrpaSf5rs (P.A., 5905)= s. II 3382 8972 of father ], a., p., ca. EUTrrprrl[s EOgevos, 287/6 ('EpXitES), Ev'ieEoS ], med.s. III a., 936 s. IVa., fatherof[----], 318 ECp[antemed. (Svrr-Taicbv), [E]Ui0?eO ca. med. s. IIp., 33915 (iio-r8iou ('OTrpuvE*S), AItOyKOVS ('EAEOoCTos), [Evp]'Trf8rs 254/3a., 8963 EOSie0os 367/6 a., 1422, an 4430 a., (P.A., Eu'Trnros EUpwvKAEiSou (Kilotin1is), 5912) [E]OplnTri8lr eEpacrilro (AlyiAXies), 334/3 ancestor of EpuvKAlfSris MiKiCOVOS K., rTaiias TCOV ] (Brcrates5), rarpcxTInpost med. s. II p., 3559 Evoo[ KCOV ca. 147/8p., fatherof ['Ae]i'vaios, 247/6 a., etc. (P.A., 5966; H., XI, 1942, p. 290, 402A8 E<(>o6os, No. 562= I.G., II2, 791,etc.); for other membersof this Evo8os, ca. 165 p., father of EvoSos,44328 well known family cf. P.A., 5965, 5967-8, 10184-8; E<o8Sos o, treasurer ca. 198 p., 44328
stemmatas. 5966 and R.E., s.v. Eurykleides2; see H., XI, 1942,p. 238
npei.Lov(rltaXiSiSr), ca. 192/3 p., 42333 EvptrTri5rsl *E*ppilCov (EucovvuIEs), ca. 400/399 a., father of [N]acrcoviSns, 1413;on the name cf. H., XI, 1942, p. 237 eiSr5s (Krlo(pitnei), ca. 400/399 a., father of [E]iptpnri5n Eipur. 1422; cf. EO.Ev. (K.)
ca. 255/4 a., father of 'EKoyavToS, (0ptiatos), Eu[C&vrJ]s 12942, [7] (P.A., 6024) councillor? ca. 370 a., 492101 2[----] (Opt&ioos), [Eu]a&vrs ] (KoXcovEOs ?), ca. med. s. IV a., 223 EO[ [EOu]avrTs 'Papvocatos, secretary KaT-aTrpuravEav 4[pUvcovos] EU9&vrnS 324/3 a., 5317-18 (I.G., II2, 3623, 4542, 5471-2; cf. B. D. Meritt, Athenian Year, p. 106 and H., XXXII, 1963, p. 350) EiUKAovU (XoXacpyEus), 281/0 a., 7213 (P.A., 6028); EUa&v1)s (I.G., II2, 7787) perhaps = EO.X., father of NIK6oc-rparos Euiavros ('Avayvpaacos),fin. s. III a., 14130 ca. 230/29 a., father of [=]Evo9cov, Eu9acvros (BEpEViKi68rS), 1656= EuOavros (BepEV1Ki6rls),ca. 213/2 a., father of -Evo9cov, 1879, 37 ca. 211/0 a., father of 'Ayv60eos, 19453 ('EAuvaivios), Eu9[a]v-ros ca. 390-360 a., 712 ] (MEAITErS), EU9q[ ca. Eu9rilos(flavSloviSos), 337/6 a., father of [------ ]s, 61229 EOSjpUov Ev0(pipos (Fapyrorrios),fin. s. IIp., 4345 = EU.EU.r. on a dedication to Apollo 0Trr' "AKpais (H., XXVIII, 1959, p. 285, No. 13) 256/5 a., 8670 EOvC9poS EryvcbTov (?KKr8Cov), OaXAou (MEX-rEvs), unidentified list ca. 321 a., 49419 EviOr(rlos Ha(ArlvEOus)], 169/70 p., 3809, was 'A([KAiXTrrat5ou [E]up9r1[.]os ca. II2, (I.G., 209436) gymnasiarch 166/7 p. archon 214/3 a., 1351 = Ev. lTpoa3c7kiaos (P.A., [EU9iA]1Tros, 6076, and below) EiviATXr[os], fin. s. III a., 1422 EiAX(ri-ros) (Alavri8os), ca. 273-263 a., father of 'A<v>T)oXI6ris, 1134 ca. 367/6 a., father of Fvc6ios, 4423 Ei9riA-ros ('ATVrlvEU), identical either with, or a relative of: (P.A., 6059), rvcaeiov('ATrqlvEi), ErPriArlTOS 334/3 a., 4424 (P.A., 6060) EUip{X[r-ro----] ('Axapvsus), councillor? ca. 370 a., 492107; cf. P.A., 6062 EOi?XrlrosTlue[---] (BaTeus),254/3 a., 89 103 Eu9iArTos(rapyi-rrios), med. s. II p., father of Ev9piATros, 4343
3 (rapyrrTTos), fin. s. II p., 4343 EUif{AXTOS ca. 289/8 a., father of AuvCTKpnrrls, EU9iXrlTos('EpXieus),
aet. imp., 3204 tno-r6rrTs Ecr[---] (X-Temlpis),ca. 176/7 p., father of K6oA[----], 46079; Kirchner's restoration (I.G., II2, 1077, 1157)is most uncertain. ca. 40-30 a., 2856; [Eo]Eprls 'Aporro8(--) (rTalpcorTa&js), n., member of genos of Amynandridai probably = EO. 27/6-18/7 a. (I.G., II2, 233820) 6 KcaEucrp3rls ca. 175 p., 39243 (OAv7Us), Euicrips: MapKoS EuOoeivis "EAXrcovoS (UlpacaliS),post med. s. IV a., 3240(P.A., 5991) : [AflXA(os) Euaoxipcov EiaXi')cov nraiaviEus,post ca. 217 p.,
EioaX^cov(<itaSrls), ca. 105/6p., father of [... .]copos, 33143 ] (Aiyltiius), ca. 336/5 a., father of Oavias, 62323 Err[ EUTarroS(KpicoE5S), post ca. 183 p., father of Eu'rarros,47256 : (KpicoeUs), post ca. 216 p., 47256; E-rTarros, EUTOrraroS ephebe of Antiochis ca. 232 p. (LG., II2, 2237155)may be a son 5543 ca. 354 a., father of [A]io9&vns, ECrrTls('A7co-reKfijEv), (P.A., 6001, corrected) Eirru[X---] ('Ar-raiSos), post ca. 216 p., 47042 ] (nTTop6uali6os), 168/9 p., 37226 EO'rux[ EOrriXrls('ArraXiSos), ca. fin. s. II p., father of ETrro[po]s, 45915 EiruXtav6s,200/1-201/2 or 203/4-204/5 p., 4513 [...... EO]rvxiav6s(AiavriSos), 200/1-201/2 or 203/4-204/5 p., 45021 EuOruvXav6s Tpoqipou('Avr-oXiSos), paullo ante 220/1 p., 46655 ca. fin. s. IIp., father of [EUn]v[Eirr]vXtav6s (TTavpcolTa5rls), Xiav6s,4564 3 (nravpco-Tr8s), init. s. III p., 4564 [EUTr]vXlavOs
v(cT-repoS) (?riyalEUS), fin. s. II p., 4393 [EUrr]uvXav6s
ca. 165 p., father of ETrrui6rlis, 44325 E-ruvX({rls, EvTruxi8Ts,ca. 151/2 p., father of 'Ovrialoos,40745; the phyle is probably Oineis; cf. 'O. Eu. and [EU.](Oivwe0os) TriS o6ou ca. 198 p., 44330 oiKhrlTS EOvrux[firls], ca. 198 p., 44325 E6rruxi5rs 3, d&vTypa9Ers 3542 med. s. IIp., father of ZCjTrupoS, ErruvXiSrs (CASpiaviSos), E'rvux[([is ----] ('ApiaviSos), ca. med. s. II p., 33918 ETruxi6rls EurinEpou ('AvTIoXi5os), paullo ante 220/1 p., 46641; the demotic is probably 'Epoi&8ls ('IirrrocovTrios), [E]irruXf8riS EOur6pov paullo ante 220/1 p., and the councillor probably 4655; the demotic is VTEIpalCus a grandson of EirruvXirls ephebe 154/5 Euor6pov TT7e(paeus), p. (I.G., II2, 2067143) [E'ru]Xif6[rl](OivelSos),post ca. 183 p., father of 'OviAmos,
8535; perhaps = EuOiqlTosAvcuyKp6crou ('EpX1EOu), 256/5 a., 8536 (P.A., 6065) EuqiATrlTos 336/5 a., 42326 (KIKUvvEvS), --] ('OfiOs), ca. 290-280 a., 6852 EqpriAX[ros EgiAXrlTos 220/19 a., 130107(= P.A., 6076) (lTpopoaicnos), 336/5 a., 4285 Ev9[o]pos(TElOpa&oos), 47323-24 190/1 p., 4208 (KEKporri6OS), Eu<(p>aTos 'A<pi>a-rcovos ante med. s. IV a., father of Eiupavcop, ca. init. s. II p., father of [EU]-r [EU]TUivX6riS E9ppaToS('AyyEEIEEUs), (Mapa0cbvios), 3232 (P.A., 6083) 3402 XiBris, : med. II s. 3402 EiU9pav-risriS (AEov-riSos),ca. 145/6-146/7 p., father of p., [EU]TuXfirls (Mapa0cbvios), and Nvup660oros, 39914, 15 EivpavTi8rns EirruvXirS 'PrT[opIKoi] (Mapa0cbvios), 194/5 (?)p., 4244 4794 Euippav-TirlsD (AEovri8os), 178/9-179/80 p., 39914; the post ca. 184 p., father of EruvXiSris, EuTurrXiSns (TlPEE165s), Eu. Eu. (LG., II2, cf. STr6Xus EiruTUvXi8s(TTEIPEEus), post 217 p., 4794; cf. Eu. EOuropou demotic may be EuTrvpiSls, 20447) ('ITrrroecovwrios) : XA. ca. 175 p., 39237 180/1 p., 40212 Ei9pavTi'rls (OAveCSs), EuipavTi5rfs EirruXi5rls (lXoKp'rous (ovvouvus), 41618 Eupa&vcop ca. 155/6 p., father of [EUTU]Xi8rs, Euppaiou ('AyyEAEXIEs), post med. s. IV a., 3232 [ErruxiSrls](OAvEiS), (P.A., 6091) 188/9 p., 41618; cf. Eu. D3 )., uTro[)] OAIu(Eis), [EUTru]Xi61s ca. 289/8 a., father of 0EoTI6-os, 8642 (EOcovuvniu), aco9povioTr's ca. 209/10 p. (L.G., II2, 220314) and Eu. o >., Euvpavcop ca. 293 a., father of Sbo-pacrTos, 8322 ca. 220 p. (T.A.P.A., LXXI, 1940, p. 30813) Eupqpvcop (TEpileOoflSr), TratavlTn-ri ca. med. s. I a., father of [ (Xouvtsus), Eupqpavcop 180/1 p., 4029 Euq)pvcop:Iepeus ECOU'XOS ('EpEXOEI5os), ]y6councillor ? ca. 370 a., ('Avayvpa&aos), pas, 2994 Euipovtia[rls ----] 177/8 p., 39813 49216 (P.A., 6102) (MeAiT-rr), E?[ ..............]ou init. saec. III a., 645 ---] (E'rrup8rlns), E9pp6vios[----], post 255 a., 8859 EOuipv[is
E*pp6vios(epi&Oaos), paullo post 178/7 a., 19614= EO.(e.), EX&piaoros, hEpacnAns 166/7 p., [36964], 168/9 p., 37235 = ca. 160 a., father of Zcol<Kp&mrr (H., XXIV, 1955, p. 228, 'ETEIKudSiS, Ei. nacpCq6vou q. v. line 2 = XV, 1946, p. 206, No. 412 = XXXII, 1963, Eix&apioros ca. 261/0 a., father of Xapqis,1208 'Aqi8vaTos, p. 22, No. 22) Exa&plcrros ('A9i5vaios), ca. 253/2 a., father of Xapris, 130s, ca. 337/6 a., father of 'Eir[l]ykvT1r, 42 = Eu. X. 'A., -rri-r5rrnS 6199 Ep9p6vios(KEcpaXEus), -rrpo5pcov 241/0 a. (H.,XXVIII, [EU]q:p6[v]i[os ----] ('Ofijev), ca. 330 a., 4817; perhaps = 1959, p. 175, No. 332 = I.G., II2, 77531= P.A., 6145) Eu. TToXuKp6Trous 'O., P.A., 6111. Eux&pio-ros ('ET-rKfis), ca. 141/2 p., father of Exapio-ros, 38748 Euppovios(lnaiaviEls), 155/4 a., 22571 ] (cOXAuEs), s. II p., 3437; cf. E'. 3 ('ETlKISrns), Eu9p6vlo[s (D., Evxapioaros 174/5 p., 38748 ephebe 139/40 p. (I.G., II2, 204417) tpauAirs 165/6 p., EOiXapio-ros n[apalu]6[vov] ['ETmEtlKi5Ts], Ev9p6ovvo : ATV(ios) 3678; EOX&ptcoroS EOipp6ovvos ('AVTIoXiSos), paullo ante napap6vou 'ETrnlKirnS, 167/8p., 37175-76; cf. AT.EO.n. 220/1 p., 46651; the demotic isnHa7rnvEus; ca. 197p., 42735; [E]ix&plo[Tr]o5s H[ap]apo6vou 'E[Tr]lEIKiS[TS], was ephebe 145/6 p. (.G., II2, 205514) [EOqvp]6avvos Aiovwciov (AecovrioS), init. s. I p., 30712; his father = A. Eu. (i Oiov), ca. 35 a. (I.G., II2, 246113 = ca. 136/7p., father of 'APTCrpcov, EuiXa(pio-ros) (Muppivo*aios), P.A., 6122; for the date cf. H., Suppl. I, p. 191, note 1) 37857 Ei9pp6ovvos('AvcaAprortos), fin. s. I p., father of 'A0ivais, EuxaplT-ros (TElepacaoos), 254/3 a., 8983 321o1 and EiX&ptlaros (OlXSrls), ca. 149/50 p., father of 'AVTiOXOS io 40631, 32 EB9p6auvo[s]('IIL,, Lo&Srl), ca. 153/4 p., father of [--]rs, 'AXKlpi&8cs, 41122 *Ev6XElpiSrls (Epileos), 336/5 a., 42296 ca. 73-63 a., father of 'E-wrayaeos, EiVx06vioS 'EriITuiS8ou (KvuSaCOrivcx E*9p6ovvoS (KrliCTmus), us), 304/3 a., 6166 = 28615 Eu. 'E. K., hrilrarnrs -rrpoSpcov 304/3 a. (LG., II2, 4868, EiUqp6o-[voS 5974; H., VII, 1938, p. 297, No. 229-10); cf. K[---] Eu. ---] (Mvpptvoiatio), 235/4 a., 11587 Trio7r&-aTrnK. yvvi, I.G., II2, 6581 Eipp6avvoS : ATAio[s]EOqcp6ovvoS 1TTa7XVEUs, paullo ante 220/1 p., 4665-6 louvioeS, ca. 197 p., 42733 *E'XpnlaTroS [A]ep9iXov ca. 135/6 p., father of EUqp6crvvos, *'E9TTiwr1S EUpp6oxvvos (pq-rTInos), (MapaOcovios), 223/2 a., 12744 37312 ca. 378/7 a., father of [---]pa'EXES&paS (olaiaviiES VTr-VEpOe), ros, 2610 (P.A., 6164) Eiv9p6ovvosD (9i'rTrios), 168/9 p., 37312, was orrocoqpovlcrris 154/5 p. (.G., II2, 2067112) 72257 ['E]XEIKNs (KpicoEis), ca. 314/3 a., father of XapE6irl[s], ca. 250 a., 10029 EUipp6ovvos 'Av[----] ((AvuEs),fin. s. I a., 30315 ['EX]PUpoTro, Ev'pcov: Ma&xios EB9pcov (c)AuelI),ca. 175 p., 39234 ['E]Xae0vrnl (KElpi&Crls), 135/4 a., 24369, was son of 'E. and councillor ? ca. 370 a., 492108 brother of KaAXiocevrqs Epu9X[iSnqs ---] ('AcxpveUs), (cf. H., XXI, 1952, p. 364, note on line 69) EUx&prjS 97/6 a., 25948 (17-rToecatios), ca. 403 a., father of EUKXAE{is, 49265 ca. 323-313 a., father of eo69lWos, EvxaprTs ('AaalEus), 'E[x4o]-rp[a]Tos ('AxapVEjs), ca. 336/5 a., father of eo6q9ios, 62223; 6821=EvCx&pqs (nleEOS), ca. 323-313 a., father of NtKias, perhaps = EO. AEcovISou n., med. s. IV a. (L.G., II2, 'EXECorparoS ('AxapvEws), 2385106= P.A., 6134) 6822 (P.A., 6179) ? ----] ('EpeXeESos), EOJcxp[ilrS 281/0 a., 7273
3 ('AKapavTiSos), Z[----] ('AKcaVloriSos), ca. 167/8-171/2 p., father of['Errf- <Z>i)vcoV secretary of the oAovXeTra 167/8 y]o[v]os, 45322 p., 37159; cf. Zi'vcovo (KuprTEiSrs) med. s. I a., 27828 = [Z[-----] D(arliavits5), ca. 53 a., father of [['ETTrlveKos I, Zfivcov 0oqpCao-rou ('ArlviEOs), 29336 Zfvco[v]e0Eop&Coro[v] ('A[rvviss), ca. 50-40 a., 2805 ZEUis: Ap[p]iosZEuis (Tei-raKiSin), ZiVCOV ca. 135/6 p., father of Zivcov, 37356 168/9 p., 37230 (KupTsSri5s), Zjvcov3 (KvpT-rEiS5), Zfeos (KuSa8ervaosOi),166/7 p., 36943 Zfios : KX(aU86io) 168/9p., 37356 ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of Alovcaios, 29089 Zi'vco[v ] (MErrES), ca. 30/29 a., 28821 Zrlv[--] (MEIXrTnS), ] (TTaXArlvEis), ca. 150 a., 23630 Zrnv[ ), ca. 155/6 p., father of [---], 4175 Zivcov (( Zrlv[---] (oDalaipE*s),ca. 190/89 a., 17089 272i Zfivcov(XoAdiSTls), ca. 83 a., father of Zfivcov, ca. 50 a., 27211 ZrlvCa5 (VouviEwS),173/2 a., 20674 Zfivov 3 (XOWsEfiS)), *Zfvls npopaXicfos,honored by the boule ca. 200 a., 1482-4; Zp&paySos('ASpiaviSos),ca. 198/9 p., father of ZiiapayBos, 1492-4 49118 Zfi[vls]nTp[opaXoaos], honored by the boule ca. 225 a., 1233-5 Z!i&payyoso KvSaOtivale*s, Zrlvicov 3 ('A8plcviSos),ca. 231/2p., 49118 : 'IoiV(Xos) see also EpiKveos ZrTv6pios Zlv63pios, -rrl KliaSos168/9 p., 37238-40; ZpiKvOo5: Z[nv6pl]os, 37349; 'IoXA(ios)Z,lv6opos, 169/70 p., 37844; ZpfiKuOos (Muppivoioaios), 220/19 a., 13091 38052-53 'IoUA(ios) Zrl[v6plosM]ap(aocbvios), [Z]otlos 'ETrappo-iTr[ou] ('lTrrrocovrTios), paullo ante 220/1 [Zrj]v6SoTo5 'AqpoSlifou (>lXaifrls), 148/9 p., 3379 p., 4654 Zrlv6[5]copos (nalaviEuS),ca. 53 a., father of AlovCios, 29328 ZoAos : ?X(&pios)Zot\os (MapaOcbvios), ca. 200p., 4461 ca. 190/89 a., 17067 Zrlv60ets ('PapvoCloaos), Zotos : OUevr(ISioS) ca. 205 p., 44912 ZotAoscOuAv(cto5), <Z>fvcov ('AKalavTirros), ca. 134/5 p., father of <Z>)vcov, [Z]otAos(XoXapyesi), ca. med. s. II p., father of [Z]otlos, 37159; cf. Zivcov (KVuTEiSIrS) 4327
('AKacilavrfSos) (I.G., II2, 213232) is perhaps a son
(XoXapyes), fin. s. II p., 4327; the ephebe Z. 3
ca. 40-30 a., 28613 3 p,[aos] (KrlltlEOls), ZcoTrpos Zcjbrrpos (KvuaTrivalEvs), ca. aet. Rom., father of 'Erriyovos, 31829; perhaps = [Z.] Atovuvoou (K.), q.v. Zco[-----], ca. 167/8-171/2 p., father of [... 8pos, 4516 s. med. ] : ] (KuSarlvalEus),ca. 135 p., father of 'loiSroo[s], [Zcb]T[upos] (BrloaliE(s), Zco[ post Zoo[ O((aptos) II p., 355s 37623; cf. Z. '1.(K.) aet. Rom., 31830 *ZcbavSpoS (KuSaqitvamies), [Z]cbjrpos AtovvWiou ((OaXTlp s), ca. 190/89 a., 17084 of father 34725 s. Eil-SorTou II (Kvua0rlvaievs), 166/7p., 36944= Zcbrrvpos Zoo[tX]os, p., Zco[tA]os(AlavriSos), ca. 168 p., 37624, was 34726 ZooCtos Zcjbirpos'limS[6rou](KuSa0rlvaieus), (AiavriBos),s. II p., father of ZcotAos, 3 (Aavtrrios), s. II p., 34725 dVTlKoOcr,T-r 176/7-178/9p. (I.G., II2, 21053) Zco[tA]os s. II p., 34726 Zootos (AiavrTSos), [Zcb]Tvpos (Mapa0covios),ca. 87 p., father of (A. Zcotio[s], 32233 [Zcot]7os : [OcA(aplos)Zaot]Xos(AiavriSos), 200/1-201/2 or Zcorvpos (naiavle\s), 155/4 a., 22572; cf. Z. Arllooarprrov 7. 203/4-204/5p., 450o0; cf. ). Z. (MapaOcbvios) IV, 1949, p. 35, No. 37) ZootAos (TToWlocov, ('AaooTrEKSEs), 169/8 a., 21293 ZootAoS AlpliAou 'A oTw[EKiqeEV], 220/19 a., 130108 secretary Kara wpuTvavE{av Zcjiupos (lTpopl3aXiaos), Zcbr[u]pos KpaT'rvovros (1TEipinEs), ca. 330 a., 4735 (P.A., 226/5 a., 1212 (P.A., 6236); cf. Z. A. 'A., fin. s. IV a. (.G., II 2, 5557) 6271) ZotXos (AOpiBrls), ZcbxTpos-Ev(---) (XoAe,f8ns),222/1 a., 12980 135/4 a., 24388 ----] fin. s. IIp., 44113 [Z]cotxos('Epxlivs), ca. 180 a., 18915; cf. Z. ('E.), father of [Z]coaliuav6[s ('HpEaiSris), MvTrrros (.G., II2, 6126 = P.A., 6238) Zcomimav[6s] 194/5 (?)p., 4242 (Mapa0cbvtos), ca. 120 p., Zcotio[s]: OA. Zcotio[s Zco]wrpou(Mapaocbvios), Zcoopltav6s (gqyt-rros), ca. 160-170 p., 35918 Nrlpocos 175 p., 3936 ca. 32233 [----], [Z]cbOpos ca. init. s. II p., father of [---], 3503 Zcowios ('aiavmies), ca. 100 a., 258io; perhaps = Z. (f.), ca. Zcobaicos, (LG., II2, 28734= P.A., Zcbcla[os],ca. 152/3 p., father of [ ]pos, 4102 130/29a., father of Erv-rr6oeos ca. 231/2p., 49119 Zcbaoipo 6244) K&pwTov ('ASpiaviLSo), s. I p., 30950 Zcootos(rHaWXrXves), ('AKagav'riSos), BaaC[X]E[iSoV] [Z]cjoapos 200/1-201/2 or 203/4I]o-rov (t'h0es), ca. 180 p., 4016 = [ZcotAos 204/5 p., 45317 2c-rov (0iOev0s), ca. 197 p., 42723; his father and Zcbip(os) ('AvrinoX{os),paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father of ZcotAos cf. uncles were ephebes med. s. IIp. (I.G., II2, 206937,38; cf. 'EplEias, 46627; the demotic is probably rTaA'rlvEis; Z. 6 Kal 'E. n., ephebe 169/70p. (.G., II2, 2097237) 'ApX.'ET., 1950-1, p. 38) ca. 53 a., fatherof 'AVT[I]0v1rs, 29360 ZcoVlos (ET-rpoiJs), [Zcbc]iaioS? 'Ao<[X7Arrr&Sou] ('AvrtoXifos), 169/70 p., 38019; the demotic is probably TTaXNrivEus; cf. Z. (T.) secretaryand treasurerof prytaneis181/0 Zcooitos9-rrtros, a., 1861-3, 6-8, 19, 22, [24] = Z. Z. S., 183/2 a. (I.G.,II2, Zcontpos 'EAEuo-lviou ('AVTnoxi8os),paullo ante 220/1 p., 46656 2332142-144 = P.A., 6247) Zcbatos n1apap6vov('AvtnoxiSos), paullo ante 220/1 p., 46653 4866 ZcotAo ((DaripEUS), 223/2 a., 12730 [Z]cbAcrto ('ATraiS6os),s. III p., father of [Z]cbmaios, ca. init. s. II p., father of [Zco]tAos and [Zcb]acnos [Zco]tAos(cOaXiripEs), Arll'Trpiou ('ATTraiSos), init. s. III p., 45912 13 34011, ('ATrTaiS{o), post ca. 216 p., [Xco]Tripixos, Zcbopio[S]:AoP(iTios)Zcbcjaio[s] 3 (Oa?XpE*s), med. s. IIp., 34011; cf. Z. O., crcppo47016 [Zco]tAos s. IIIp., 4866 vto-rts 142/3 p. (.G., II2, 20493) [Z]coibgios ('ArTraS,8os), E'iruTX8ov ZcbJIos dpo( 3[u] ('ArTTacios), Zcbrrpos post med.s. II p., 3542 ('A8piaviSos), post ca. 216 p., 47024 = ca. 200p., 4453 S qvAXfpost ca. 217 (AiydiSos), Zcba[p]oSoof,3[ou] ('ArraXiSos), Tapjias [--] Zcbmopos ca. 197p., 4284 ----] ('AvrioXfSos), ZCb7rv[pos p., 47824 ca. 157/8 p., father of [Kqr]ip65copos, ZCobTrpos ('ATraAiSos), post ca. 183 p., father of Elor{vX)S, [Zcb]aipos (KEKpoTriSos), 47030 4201 ca. 220 p., 4683 ca. 145/6-146/7 p., father of TEiiO'e0os, Zcbi-mos(AEovT-SoS), Zcb[ru]poS [----] (EpEXESOS), 39930 ('lTrroecovTwros),init. s. III p., 45824 ZcbTrrvpoS 'HpaKAEcovos ca. 176/7p., father of 'AwroM?oZcboipos ZciTr[vpos?] (nTavSiov[5os),post ca. 184p., father of NelK6orrparos, (-avS6ovf6os), 47734 &vrns, 46058;the dememay be Paiania 176-169 a., 20527 ca. 136/7 p., father of [Aiovvao6]oZcboipos('AvapXo-rlnos), ZcbTrrpos ('A-nviEUs), of the povUAEtrrai pos, 38031; cf. Zcb7rupo[s 'AO[OVEUS], 'A?eS&vS]pov secretary ca. 162/3 p., father of Aiowv6Scopos, 165/6 p., 36712= Z. 'A. 'A. (I.G., II2, 5336) ZboCloS('AvaqtXao-rno),
'Ov&aou med.s. I a., 27514 ZcOTrupos ('A(pivaTos), Zcbrupo[s] (Brlaai6cs), paullo ante ca. 147/8 p., father of
Zcboil[os] (BraaisEs)),ca. 155/6 p., father of ['Awro]XAcbvos and [....]6oaXos, 41918, 19 EloioTros,3975 ZcoTupos 'Epaarivov(rapyi'rrino), 138/9p., 33114= Z. 'E. r., ZcboCtos (BrlacxiEs), fin. s. I p., father of Zcbolpos,32120 Zcobalos 5 (BrcraiEls), init. s. IIp., 32120; cf. Z. * (B.), ante hrr-yypa9osante med. s. II p. (LG., II2, 203329) med.s. IIp., fatherof 7lcoWAXcov, 43411 ZcoTrrpos (rapyfirrlos), 112/3 p. (I.G., II2, 202117) ZcbTrpos nOEivou ('EpIKEEVS),138/9 p., 33132 [Zcbot]pos BaKxuA[isov] (rapyrT-ros), ca. 180 p., 4035 = 'AWrXA7ou Zcm'orpos ('EpXlEis),138/9 p., 33112 = Z. ('E.), ca. Zcboipos [Ba]KAXvuiou secretary of the pouv?Arai rap(y?lrTloS),
182/3p., 40653
EIlS6oTou Zcbotipos (KvSac0rvaiFi),169/70 D., 37839 = ca. 168 p., 37625 Zcbaipos 'Ia[t86Tou] (KuSaOqivaie,s), ca. init. s. II p., father of Zcbi[io]s, Z3oit[po]s(Mapa0cbvios), 3407
= 28612
Zcbatos (Sq^-rios), ca. med. s. II p., father of N1KIas,4409, o (MapaOcbvios), med. s. II p., 3407 Zdcboi[o]s Movocaou(K Mupivovvrrms), probably = ZcboCipos 182/3 p., 40645; perhaps - Z. M[----] ?K M., Zcboipos(Zgfrnros), ca. med. s. II p., father of [ .....]6vos, L.OopoS s. II/III p. (I.G., II2, 4821) 44026 Zcbcjlos 016(eEv)?, post ca. 216 p., 47023; perhaps = Z. XKUIIVOV Z. of Zcboi~os father II2, ca. 192 (Xqir-TTos),fin. s. II p., 44016 (.G., Ai(pXiAos) p., (Ot6ev), ZcaboiosEuv6otov paullo ante 180/1 p., 39722 (TpiKopvaios), 2208175) Alovvoaou(XoXcapyEis), Zcbcrmos 168/9 p., 37363, was ephebe ZcbIpos EU[----] (E OTov),ante fin. s. II p., 42124 = 36925 II2, 206792) 154/5 p. (IG., 166/7 p., [Zbari]os 'A0rlvaiov(TaliavieiU), 'Ae0rvaiov(TlaiaviEiU), Zco[oa-Cp] (Fapyirrnos), ca. 105/6 p., father of Tlo1Trrbvios, 169/70 p., 37820 Z[ob]cmlos 33123 = Zcbocaios ?), ca. 159/60 p., father of 'Apior6rpouvos, (naXArlvEs 42323 [Zcoo-rip](FapyfirTnos), ca. 97-117 p., father of novrrcbvi[os], Zcbaitios(HaMnrlves),ca. 105/6 p., father of 'AoKAXirrira6Ss, 3322 ZcorIKOS 33346 ('Av-nIXiSos), paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father of 46657 ca. 155/6 p., father of [Zcbcri?]os, Zc1bcioS(SKal3Povil51s), flpTrrcov, Ca. 172 p., father of 'AIOUcvaTS, ZCo-IK6s 41930 ('irnTo0covTiSos), Ca. 166/7 p. (I.G., 44830; probably = Z. 'A., Trr?yypacos [Zcbi ?],os ZcooriJou ( KaiaPcovi6rls),188/9 p., 41930 II2, 2094108) Zcbaiio (2EelptiE5), ca. 133/4 p., father of A16o-ros, 36947 4514 [Z]conTiK6s (AovuEiS), ca. 167/8-171/2 p., father of[----], Zcbaclios nloXvpiou (-TeIplIEs), 166/7 p., 36948 46066 father of ca. of and father ZCOTrlKS, ca. ZCOTIKOS ElaiSoTos Zcoaios (HatavIEuS), 176/7 p., (sYi'i-rlos), 134/5 p., o Tlat(avius),209/10 p., 46066 'AcKXr ZcoTrK<6 rSrl&8S, 37122,27 35915; cf. ZcboiSo5 (Xqrr-rios),ca. 127-137 p., father of NiKias,
185/4a., 17949 H[----] (AecovriBos), ca. 168p., 37612 ] (cTavS6oviSos), H[
] (AawTrxTPEiS), 304/3 a., 61188 H[ ca. 176/5-170/69 a., 20420 ('Avnroxfios), 'HyEAoX[os] 168/7 a., 21314; ['H]yAoXos ['Al[rvies], O-rroypapopaTeuS ca. 168 a., 21411 ['Hy?oXos 'A[]qTvi6<s, ca. 53 a., father of (iXcov, 2935, 16, 'HyAoXos (TTaiavieys), 'Hyrqias (Tpaae*s), ca. 253/2 a., father of 'OviaolCos,
'Hyrq(ioas)('Papvoiaos), ca. 199/8 a., father of 'A[c]Tu-roxos, 21645 'HyrqcnKp&[r]rns ('AvrtyoviSoS), ca. 314/3 a., father of [ ]os, 724 334/3 a., 4439 (P.A., 6338) 'HynoiXcS AeiCieouV(rTaXXQrvev), 22, [92] lTeipaie*S, *'H[y]qr AoXos Krlplcao6Trov ^ITnor'rls wrpok8pcov 273/2 a., 783 336/5 a., 4248; the name is either 'Hye,U[--] (Aa.rwrpEus), ('ApacaxvrejS), ca. 155 a., 22630 'H<Ky>nomros 'Hyp[aXos] or 'HyEl[cov] unidentified list ca. 321 a., ca. 168 a., 21423; perhaps = 'H. 'HyciTirorose6aXou (MeXlTEs5), ['Hy?i]aXos (AevKovoeOs), A. (I.G., II2, 6734) and 'H. A., brw8coKev 49420; perhaps a grandson of P.A., 6349 aorropou 183/2 a. 'HyclariTrnro 'Apio'ro[paXov](MeAXires), 281/0 a., 7241 = (I.G., II2, 233238); cf. IG., II2, 6720 'A. 'H. a. (.G., II2, ca. of father M., a., secretary 'AXKtIpaXi6rS, Trpvraveiav 276/5 368/7 Kcrr& 'HylcaXos (nTpyaOaES), 684, 685 = P.A., 6350) 4318; the deme is Upper Pergase ], honored by boule and phyletai 'Hyr-rcop('EpXtes5), 'Aue[ 336/5 a., 42ii5 'Hyo[-rparros] init. s. III a., 674-5 'Hyf-rcop Auvi-rrrou (Kuba0revax?s),304/3 a., 6172 (P.A., 6357) 'Hyficov, archon 327/6 a., 502 (P.A., 6291) 281/0 a., 72253 ['H]yiT-cop(OlvaCos),ca. 210/09 a., father of [], 'Hy[]plcov 'Hyrqio[u] ('AplrTporTalEis), 1972; perhaps= 'Hyipcov ATro09CvroS (Kuvippios),ca. 390-375 a., 1041 treasurer of the boule ca. (Ope&ppios), 'Apitoropoiuo[uOivaTos], 370/69(?) a., 1355-56 (P.A., 'Hy'T-rcop 'Hyiicov A&P13TroS 190/89 a., 170io-ii, 103-104 = 6301) OivaTos,treasurer of prytaneis 'HyfiaavSpos (ouvievs), post ca. 288 a., father of ['Hyioca]v- ['HyirTcop'ApiToropoiu]Xou 180/79 a., 18713,17-18, [56-59] 8poS, 889 flutist 135/4 a., 2442, 243[53],138-139 (Iouviems), post 255 a., 889; for ['Hy]ias ZKapP3cv[i5rls], ['Hyioa]vSpos 'Hyrcr.dvSpou earliermembersof the familycf. A.P.F., 6351, stemma 'Hyias (Zouvvtes),173/2 a., 20675 'Hyias (OaXrpeis), hoplite general 174/5 ]s, 'Hyias: nol(Trwfios) 'Hyrii[--] ('Ava~avreUs), ca. 337/6 a., father of [ p., 3883; [TlnoIr(itos)]'Hy[ias caX]q[p]evs,3906-7 = 61218;the name may be 'Hyfmrrrros,q.v. archon 178/9-179/80 archon 324/3 a., 53io (P.A., 'Hyias : ol(rri'ilos)'Hyfas OaXrlpevS, ['Hyca]ias KrIqiao5cbpou, p., 3997 6313) ], Inmar6rr5TS EvoK[ rrpoSpcov 190/89 a., 'H[C]tc(?---) ('AAMlioaios),ca. 255/4 a., father of Ai6'Hyqoias = 1725 8co[p]os, 12989 ]cov, 'Hyriqca[s]('ApriTpowrraies), ca. 314/3 a., father of 'Hy[fil]cov, 'H8&ios('Epex0eSos),ca. med. s. I a., father of [ 2993 72253 3813 'H8XAos (O)yomrios), fin. s. III a., 14124 'Hyrolias (rapyfi-nos), ca. 374/3 a., father of MEicias, cf. ['H6?]6p9Aos n[u]Q[----]ov ('AXcowTEKEUS), 281/0a., 72247; 'Hyqaias (Ecowrvies), treasurer of prytaneis ca. 211/0-202/1 P.A., 6399 a., 137[3], 14
33133; 'HpoaKifSr ('EpiKEUs),ca. 105/6p., father of n&vvvXoS, probably = ante med. s. IIp., father of Hn&vvuXos, ('EplKEe*s), 'HpKAEMiSqs 3574 ('Eo-rail6ev), 182/3 p., 40639, was 'HpaOKiSr1jsZoriNXovS acopovlorrin ca. 209/10 p. (.G., II2, 22039) and perhaps father of 'HpaKiAcov, (Pio6acos, and 'HpaKeir5ns(I.G., II2, 220316, 47, 2117i); cf. 'H. . 'E., lepeis 'AVTIV6ou pfi3ov 150/1 p. (LG., II2, 206525) o K KEpapi[cov], EmoraTnTis Tr6Ep&Xou wrrpoESpcov 'HpaKXEi'Sris 1943-4 a., 178/7 176-169 a., 20531 (?KKoiArls), 'HpaKAE1i8tS (?K KoilAls),135/4 a., 243102; his son may = 'HpaKAEiSTrS who was ephebe 119/8 a. (I.G., II2, 1008, NK6crrpcaros IIIiio) (Mapa8cbvios), 223/2 a., 12754 'HpaKXEiSris 36915 ca. 133/4 p., father of (DO[ico]v, (HaiavieOS), 'HpaKAdrEiSi : s. II fin. XivEus), 'HpaKX[iS8rs] AiX(tos)'HpoaX[iSris] (na p., 4384 'HpaKXeiSls(TElIpiE6U),post ca. 184 p., father of 'Hpa47738 KXEiSfIS, 'HpaKXAifSris T[EIp(EiuS)], post ca. 217 p., 47738 (yiT'rTios),ca. med. s. IIp., father of Aio[w]]aios, 'HpcaKXei8nS
herald of the boule and demos 'A0rvoScbpou, ['HXA68cop]os is 'AvTnvoeUs; cf. I.G., II2, the demotic 36959; 166/7 p., 208612 and 234010 ('AriraSios), post ca. 184 p., father of [---]os, 'HAt6Scopos 4782 ca. fin. s. II p., father of 'HA16ocopo[s] ('IrrrroecovriSos), 'A9po8eiaios,45823 : Aip(iXAlos)'HAo65co[pos] ?), 213/4(KEKpo-rrSo 'HXitoco[pos] 219/20 p., 463io os, ('Al[viEUs), ca. init. s. I a., father of OE6q9l 'HXt68copos 27837 : KA(acUios) post ca. 218 'HI68copos ('AXapVSwS), 'HXA6Icopo p., 4837 ca. 400-350 a., 1258 (P.A., 6416) (KovOvASirls), ['H]A6IScopos ca. 160 p., 3625 = (KuSaer0vaieus), 'ApTEpco(vos) 'HAIS6oopoS 166/7 p., 36936= (KvuaOqvatius), 'ApTe-rcovo 'HAI6Ocopos 169/70 p., 37834; the (KuvaerIvacE's), 'ApTriicovoS 'HAI66copos same man is known from I.G., II2, 24784 and probably = 'HXl6Scopos (KuSacrivaios),ca. 176/7 p., father of 'ApT-rcov, 46073 ca. 105/6 p., father of 'AAM(iK MvptvoOUvTm), 'HAI6OcopoS 33135 ~avSpoS, irl -r6 &r6pprlTov135/4 a., 24356, Ralav[lE'US], 'HAX65copos HaTavieUs, 2447; cf. 'H. AloS6rov 153-154; ['HAO66]copos 'H. and ca. H., ca. 157/6 a. (H., Zipcovos a., 128/7 (n.), XXI, 1952, p. 364, note on lines 56-57) Aiovvaiou cTHaaviEUs, prytanis and secretary of 'HXA68Scpos HTTaiavlit,13063; prytaneis 220/19 a., 13033-37;'HAXo68opos HaiavivOs,13049, cut in error for 'HAto6copos Arnp6oScpos HTaavieis;cf. P.A., 6421-2 treasurer of the prytaneis 'Hu6ScoposAioyi(vovs) (HEipaisiS), 176-169 a., 205[4], [7], 18
'HpaKXEi8rlS (E9iTrrios), ca. 135/6 p., father of 'HpacKXEi1Ss,
'HpaKA,XEiSrs (ZXrrnros), 168/9 p., 37325; probably = 'H.
o T., acoppoviowrif 169/70 p. (I.G., II2, 2097176) : 'Epbv(vtos)'HpoKAXeifS (E?p'rrios), eponymos 'HpcKAKeisris fin. s. II p., 4402 ca. 145/6-146/7 p., father of Acop6 (XoAEEiSrIs), 'HpacKiSTrs 0Eos,3995-6 Atowvoiou('AOpovE6s), 180/1 p., 40260 'H<p>)K&xI<o>s? 'Hu6ocop[o]s Alo6cOpou (heEiOs), 174/5 p., 38745-46 ca. 168 a., 21453 'Hp&KXeios 'HvioXos(HTaovi6rs), ('AlpaaovrEus), 178/7 a., 19457= 33215 ca. 97-117 p., father of AlOKArfs, ca. 178/7 a., 1953 'Hp&iKEtos('ALaaavrrEus), 'Hp[----], boule ca. 205 p., 44818 honored the EVUEvouS ('I-TrroOcovTiSOS), Krp[etaci]e[s], by arlp[E]ov 'Hp6aXeiroS 'Hpa[.....] 164/3 a., 2206 ], -Tri-r&rnTs med. s. I a., 2764-6 TrrpoSpcov ['Hp]&cKTrr[oS : [Oo]pitos 'Hp&KXerrTo ante 165 p., rap(yfrTrTos), 'Hpa(--) (TnlpaiEIs), ca. 168/7 a., father of 'Aqp(o>8)fios, 'HpdKAE1rTo of 3654-5 the 24375 pouvAEvrai, secretary ] (OaXaipEus), ca. 30-20 a., 2899 'Hp&dKAXITO 'IKapie5s, treasurer of the boule 135/4 a., 24335'Hpa[ 2443; cf. 'H. AiovucoyEvo[vs] 36, 53; ['Hp6KAXTos] 'IKaplteU5, [...] 'Hpatos (BlacraiEs),188/9 p., 41916 ca. 180p., 40119 'I., polemarch ca. 150 a. (H.,XXXV, 1966, p. 243, No. 2), (KEKpoTrrios), 'HpaK[----] 'H. 'H. 'I. and 'H. HoamiSr[rovu 'I. ca. 140 a. (.G., II2, ['Hp]arKe[---] ('ETcrnatev), ca. 180p., 40314 : see also 'HpaKAiSris 24454, 5) 'HpaKWeiS8rs 25440 ['Hp]&xAeITos (Krjicalivs), secretary of the prytaneis ca. 215 ['HpaoAe]i[ris,archon 104/3 a., 2541; 'HpaKxMeins, a., 1331-6 (P.A., 6449) 29340 'Hp&KXeiTOS 'HpaKMXei6Sri ('Av'ToxiSos), paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father of (5aicaviE), ca. 53 a., father of 'Hp&KMrETos, o (Hatavtiws), ca. 20 a., 29340 'Hp&KE'-roS 'Axcbploros, 46646 irros (Taiavievus), 162/3p., 3649 'HpoKlEtTOs: )O(&apos)' Hp&Kh 'HpoaKe[i6[s] ('ArraXiSos), post ca. 216 p., 47017 = 'Hp6dKrXerro (naTapcoT-raS), ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13765; cf. 'H. ['HpaKEisi6rn?] ('ArraMisos), post ca. 183 p., father of rop'H. T. (I.G., II2, 7148, 8024; [yiasl, 47049 Icoaiyyvovu . and Icoalyvris P.A., 6502) ('AraAiSos), init. s. III p., 'A[p]aaa[K]av&ro[u] ['Hp]axMKA8i6[s] 4599 = ['Hp&]KEIrlo[S] (ElipaO s), post med. s. II a., 2454; the name is known later in Peiraeus (I.G., II2, 10724) ['HpaK]Xi8r5 'ApaoK&avrou ('A'r'raiSos), post ca. 217 p., 47816 orator 155/4 a., 225[6], 47 ('Irrro0covrTios), ca. 172 p., father of M&yvos, 'HpaKXlrrTos OXv[e]us, ZTrp&rcovoS 'HpaOK?EiSfls ca. fin. s. II p., fatherof Zcbrvupos, 44815 'HpaKXcoov ('InroOcowvrios), 45824 av-rypaqOEus 170-172 or 174-176 or 'HpaKXEi[rs5 ----], 187 p., 39524 'HpaKMAcov ('ITopat8os), ca. 165 p., father of 'HpaoKMcov, 44314 ('AOPovEus), 173/2 a., 206108 'HpaKAeiSrls o (nTroXEiatSos), ca. 198p., 44314; cf. 'H. (OXueus) 'HpaKMcowv 'HpaKAiS8ris('Avayvp&oios), fin. s. III a., 14127 3216 fin. s. I p., father of 'AuivTras, ('AvaAXOcaros), 'Hp[a]Kesi8iis ('AvaKaines), 135/4 a., 243107 'HppacKAov ----] ('AxapvEs), ca. a. Chr. n., 3024 'Hpcar,X[rins (EirnvpiSls), init. s. II p., father of 'HpaKM[co]v, 'HpaK,X7[co]v 3237 'HpaKiEiSrls Mifvi8(os) ('EXAolo los), 178/7 a., 19490
o (Eurrpi6rls),ante med. s. IIp., 3237; probably 'HpaKX[co]v = 'H. o [Ei.], ephebe 115/6p. (.G., II2, 201711) Nav<v)>cKov 'HpcxKX[cov] EUrr[upS{ri], secretary Kcrrdrrpvravefav 166/5 a., 2161-2 [one nu was omitted from the name] (P.A., 6510) (eopiKIOS),167/8 p., 37155, was 'HpcKAecov TlJoKp&rous of ephebes 165/6, ca. 166/7 p. (.G., II2, TrroypapplaTrES 209034, 2094124) K., 'HpaKAiov(KpicoEvs), 140/39 a., 240110= 'H.MHivo[9fX]ou ca. 130-120 a. (.G., II2, 193946; P.A., 6512) TrImIEr1T'rS 'H[paK]XEcov (Kveipplos), ca. 53 a., father of Tpqcov, 29375 29326 (rTaiavElUs),ca. 53 a., father of [M]Ercov, 'Hpa[KX]Ecov 39246= 'HpaKAiov($(uSv's), ca. 145 p., father of A[.. .]Lcov, ca. 145 p., father of 'HpaKAEov, 39245 ((DAXEiS), 'HpaKXicov o (OIuewU ), ca. 175 p., 39245; perhaps = 'H. o O., 'HpaKXecov ephebe 162/3 or 164/5 (.G., II2, 209094), acoqpoviorirs 0., acoppovic'irs 192/3 p. (.G., II2, 2130io); cf. 'H. 165/6 p. (I.G., II2, 209021), perhaps his father : see also 'HpaKXAEir1 'Hpa<XAi{is (AaPr-rpEsS), 96/7 p., 31233 'HpaKA[niSr ca. fin. s. IIp., father of [Ac/o]i(TTavpcoTr&Ss), 'HpaKXA[iis] 0EOs,4562; perhaps grandfather of: init. s. III p., 4563; Acoa[iteou](Havpco-rTaSis), ['Hpa]XKA{Srs
cf. A. (T).
'AXK(Lov 'HP&KCov (BrluaisE), init. s. IIp., 32121 : AlXios'HpaKcov (B1aai6sE), 141/2 'Hp6Kcov rrp(ECpir3rpos?) l[6]porros, 62217 p., 33412 ca. 73-63 a., father of XapiSipros, 'HX[os? --] (EvularTd(&s), init. saec. IV a., 94 'Hp6oSKoS('EirKrioyioos), 28711-12
64i ], ca. fin. saec. IV a., father of [-----], 212/3 p. (LG., II2, 22086, 3763); cf. 'Apx. 'Ey., 1968, ], fin. s. I a., 29720 pp. 202-205 and stemma C, p. 208, for other members of this family. 869 ca. 289/8 a., father of 'Apiorcbvvuos, ] (AiavTrios),paullo ante 60 a., 267i Krqioa(ius), secretary of prytaneis ca. ecaiapxos rfnvecovos 250 a., 9811-14 ] (nav6iovi6os), ca. 168 p., 3763 0[ ca. 403 a., father of Ai68copos, eaXiapXos (TEpyaeros),ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13761perhaps = ] ('AvaqcAicrTos), G[ 492149 P.A., 6575 (I.G., II2, 7211) 303/2 a., 62229 E[----] (Euparl&r81)?, ca. 433-383 a., father of fno7uoorpo- 9eaiapXos epacruvSi(ov) (uv7raX.Arr-os), ea0ivi6nsr KvoiOcovos 'AAaEus, prytanis and secretary of 90S, 112 5865 prytaneis 254/3 a., 8927, 33-34, 44 e[-----] (KEpatiES), ca. 338/7 a., father of OiAoKp&rls, paullo ante 220/1 p., 46660 'lIpou('AvTioXiSoS), ]os, e&XOao e[----] (E^qrnos), ca. 293-273 a., father of [ : eOxos (Tcav8ioviSos), vuo-rapxnr eOaos SEiTrlipos 9711 post ca. 217 p., 47741 49245 9[----] (OriyaiEs), ca. 403 a., father of Zipcov, ca. 354 a., father of E0rlpos and 'HyiEay[---] (Aouvaoies),paullo post 233 a., father of [.. .]copos, eG&os (MErITEUS), 15517 aTrnros,49419, 20 = e. 'H. M., ca. 342/1 a. (I.G., II2, 1622512;P.A., 6580) e9Xalos (naiavmios),ca. 136/7 p., father of e6oIroixros,3788 post ca. 184 p., father of edAapos, 4795 e&6XosAiovvuo5obpov (Epirrios), ca. 160-170 p., 35912= eXapos (nEipEEU5), o (TEIpEEIu), e&CAos Aiovuvao&cpou (9yr-ntos), 168/9 p., 37328, was post 217 p., 4795 e&,XapoS ca. 205 p., 44715; the eaAis : Al?(ios) eafis ('AvTroXiSos), ephebe 154/5 p. (I.G., 112, 206782) ca. 374/3 a., father of Oappias, 385, 82 demotic is HaArlwvEis; cf. Al. e. ('A.) *eapptiaSns('EpXiEus), (P.A., 6586); cf. e. e. ('E.) eafi[s]: [..]7r eaXi[s] BEp(EvEKi8TIS), 188/9 p., 41617 ca. 160 p., eaXfi[S] : AaaooiCiEos 341/0 a., 385, 82 ; [e]appias EaAi[s] (KuvBae0vaiEOs), Oappias eappiaSov ('EpxiEUS), 3883 (P.A., 6590) = e. e. 3874; eappias 'EpXievs, 3628; cf. 'EpXtEVS, a. in Sounion deme decree (L.G., II2, 1181) 331/0 EaXSf : Aacrooi(tos) aXfis VE(CdTEpoS) (KuSa0rvaElus), 166/7 ca. 168 a., 21457 (Xo?MEiSrls), eappOvcov p., 36934 1285-6 ], ca. 256/5 a., father of 'Hp68copos, eE[- --eacfis : AaCoOup(ios) eoafis wrp(EcrO1'Trpos) (KuSceaOvaOlEu), 43112-113 36933 a., p., eE[--] [....]AXou ('AKapavrTiSo), 335/4 166/7 ca. 263 a., father of [... .]p&rrns, 11714 [EAfis AoCoie]Eou eponymos of Hadrianis eg[---] (OivETSoS), nlapco(r(T6srs), 7295 ca. 231/2 p., 49117 = Aiup. A. 6 Ka . . . ., KoaI1rr's ee[---] ('AXaiEvS ?), ca. 314/3 a., father of OE6SoTos, e[ E[ 9[----], e[----
ca. 336/5a., fatherof [. . a]]vros,62149 ee6povuos (1nEipaIEOS), 178/7 a., 19473; cf. e. eEoavou n1., Oe[----] ('Axapv6Es), -TrlrV rapaKEufiv in Dionysios' archonship, ca. 323-313a., fatherof [K]apve?ot[os], o-rpa-rTy6s rri eE[---] ('Axapvems),
= EEo0T-[o](u) (OivaTos), 304/3a., 5930 eEoyETrcov eeoTi[pou] (OivaTos), 304/3a., 61269 [9eoyE]T-rov
41948 eeOy[bvqs], ca. 155/6 p., father of 'Apa[-ri]Srls, ca. 211/0-202/1a., 13744 4547; the eEo[y?vrls],ca. 171/2 p., father of [EOK]apxros, e3&yyeXos(KrlpiaTSE), demotic is cf. 2. and E. of Eu. father ca. EVOSoos, (E.) a., probably IpVrir'os; 376/5 eE&ByyXos (uZvraXriTrlos), 3412(P.A., 6605) EOoyvrls ('AKavcraTisoS), ca. 134/5 p., father of 'IiKoioS, 37160-61 = E. (2q(rrpos) (XoW7ijSris),336/5 a., 42237; may = OE&vy?,os OedyyEXos or 'AKcxapaVT{8S), med. s. IV former master of a Oeoy?v[-s] Srip3covo(Acov-riSos father of [E]uav[yEX]os, (XoAXXi8ls), slave ca. 320 a. (L.G.,II2, 155633= H.,XXVIII, 1959, 2218) a., 2317-18 (P.A., 6695); the father, -ripcov KXirTOV, appears in the same list, 2319-20 ('AvaycXorlos), 334/3 a., 4411 (P.A., eayyvins 'AKEo6v8pou (OivriSos), 335/4 a., 43142-143,brother of OeoyvInsrlAidraTo 6609) 43148-149 6294 of ca. father 1REicTov rFvvaios a., ?]vwros, (OivriJSos), [osai (KEqaXEOUS), 336/5 eEayEv7sS : AAX(ios) 97/6 a., 25959 (TTaXXivEUs), 138/9p., 33338 eEoyEvrs (lTTo'EXpaiBos), GEaykvils OeayEvls ca. 330 a., 4723(P.A., 6697) eEoylvrls'Epyoqi[ou ('AyyeNEUS), KoXcovoU), 341/0a., 3837 (P.A., 6616) eE&6yrl (EK of and the treasurer 'A,ro?Acoviov 'OfiOev, GeEyrls OEoyEvrls 'Eppoy[ivou]('Avcyvp&ctos),304/3 a., 61180; cf. prytanis E. 'A., I.G., II2, 5631(P.A., 6701) prytaneis paullo ante 19 p., 3043; [ec&yrjs 'AwroXcovi]ou ca. 290-280 a., 6824 eEoyEvrT1SEoyvflro(u)('AXapvEVS), 'Of0Ev, 30413 'ATro]MXXcovou 'OfiEv, 30410; [OE6&yrs ca. 367/6 a., father of 'Apt-rreus, 4420 Oeoyvrls (Br1aaiEOtS), 303/2 a., 6294 [Oeai?]v-?ros Oeayvou (KE?aX?SU), (AlavriSos), 335/4 a., 43200-201 eE&ryyEXosEvoK?Aou[5]
OeaTo[s] ('Ava9Oo a
os), ca. 314/3 a., father of [A ?]lfov, 72243 OEaiTrl-rTo (EUcovvul.S), ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13723
(P.A., 6704)
OEoyEvrls (Eiurupirils),ca. 53 a., adoptivefatherof OeoyEvrs,
293103 eatiriTsro 'AXe{co[vo]s (KoOcoK(51IS), 304/3 a., 61121 treasurer eEap[oov] ()airpevus), ca. 83 a., father of 'Aplor6pcxxos, Eoy?vrisGEoylvov y6vcp8i 'AXMeavSpou EvTrupiSrqs, of military funds ca. 20 a., 293102-106;for the family cf. 27351; probably = . 'A. )., ephebe 107/6 a. (I.G., II2, 1011, IV106;P.A., 6639); cf. 'A. (0.) and perhaps also: H., Suppl. I, p. 191 ca. 50 a., 27352 [eEoy]kvrl[s---] (Opoialos), councillor? ca. 370 a., 492104 eEapicov 'Aptoropa&[Xov] (cOa?irPEOs), archon 351/0 a., 193 (P.A., 6641) eOeXXos, (P.A., 6710) see also eEPIacroKXfis 312o1 eElCaeoKAhfiS: [E]EoyEvqs (Krllqai1Ei), ca. 63/4 p., father of [O]eoyivr%s, eEplreoKXfis (OpEappios),370/69? a., 1358 (P.A., 6665); for [e]EoykvTs ~ (KrlqyialiE), 96/7p., 312io; perhaps = E. ~ K., relatives, including the famous e. NEOK?OUS O).,cf. P.A., ephebe 50/1-52/3 p. (.G., II2, 19731i) 6666-9, and A.P.F., 6669, stemma E?oyivrls (AalirrpEvs wrrpaXos),ca. 400/399 a., father of 1435 [eej]io-rtos (AiyiIev's?), ca. 250 a., 10028; cf. P.A., 6645 'AvSpopvrlns, 222/1 a., 12985 (I.G., II2, 5367) eEoyiV1s(AUEKOVOe?S), see also eiE&oOoKAfis eeOZ,ToKAfis: Oeoyivls (Otivcos), 223/2 a., 12761 EIII0ITroKXfis:[--'I]O1v(tos) OeEiUioroK,fis, post med. s. II p., esoyvrls (nlaiaviei), ante med. s. IV a., father of OouKiXis, 3514; perhaps = 'I. O. 'AXaious (I.G., II2, 2075) 3210(P.A., 6719) OeplaCroKAfi1 Aaqvov (nToirojcatsos), ca. 198 p., 44316 = 0. ehoylvrls eEoScbpov (nlatovi6Ss), 370/69 ? a., 1397-98(P.A., A. OXu(eVs), T1., SiaTrrTrnTs ephebe 165/6 p. (I.G., II2, 2090106) 6721); GeoykvNs 329/8 a. (.G., II2, 19257 = P.A., 6720), is probably a son EIo-roK1fqs ('AXapVEus), post ca. 185 p., father of [E]io1io-ros, 48215 eEoyvrls 'A?iou (npopaXiocos), post med. s. IV a., 3263(P.A., 0epIoT[o0KAfs](BtaaiiES), s. I p., 3086, perhaps = Tipqptos 6724); his grandfather may be P.A., 6723 or I.G., II2, 0. (LG., II2, 5902; cf. H., XXXIII, 1964,p. 218) KAaulSios 7296and a descendant I.G., II2, 7297(N.P.A., p. 92).
37368 Oeoyivrls (qtrTTnos), ca. 135/6 p., father of 'IKocIOS, and (ipllos (.G., II2, 206780)= e. ('AKavavri5oS) ca. 132-137 p., father of 'ApicrTEiSls, Oeoy?vrls (OpE&pios), 37019= ca. 155/6 p., father of ['Api]oCTl[8rls], [Oeoykvqs] (Ope&ppios), 4177-8 ('A7XioOios), 336/5 a., 42235 EE6yvnTros eE6yvrlTos ('AXapvevS), ca. 323-313 a., father of eoyivrls, 6824 e6yvT-ros (2TE1piIs), ca. 337/6 a., father of [ s, ] 61232 EFoyvis (>rlyal0s), ca. 374/3 a., father of 866c0opos, 3862 ca. 153/4 p., father of Arl[fpr]Tptos, 41146-48 [0E]]p,icov, OEiioicov epifocov : KA(aOiBios) (AEovrTios),178/9-179/80 p., 39919 = KA.0ElEiacov, ephebe of Leontis 165/6 p. (1.G., II2, 209074) : M(&pKoS) OeiJiocov EECiocov 'AlrlveIus,archon MOUv(&rTIS) ca. 205 p., 4472-3, 4482-3 epicrcov 'AwoXAcoviov (EviTupiSls),ante med. s. II p., 323io OEpi'cov: ['loi]Xtos 0epio'c[v lTnacavls ?], eponymos 169/70
p. velpaullopost, 3813
47236 epficrcov (nTTarlvevs), post ca. 183 p., father of Oeiacovv, D( -aXAnrvivs), post ca. 216 p., 47236 OECpiTcov EOu0vEco *O9EPIITES (naM7Xrivsis), 335/4 a., 43216-217 rTOfipna eeo[---- 'Ae]povErs,,rrEpi 198/9 ., 4425-6 ca. 338/7 a., father of IcoKpariflS,5861 eoE[----] (KE(paXeUs), ca. 135/6 p., father of [T]p*qp)ov, 37213 Oo[----] (OXAveUs),
eeopou[X 8865
(P.A., 6743) eEo8[----], ca. 336/5a., fatherof [ ]os, 6262 240-230a., 113i ] (Aiavcriros), [e]Eo5[ *[E]E6Sapos: 'lo[rios O]e6S8apos TrEp(i0eS), post ca. 217 p., (P.A., 6747,corrected)
47717 [Ee]6pouvos(TroXalcdatBos), 180/79 a., 18773 (KpcoriSrs),post ca. 288 a., father of [.. .]cav8[po]s, Oe65oSos ('AvacXoartos), councillor? ca. 370 a., 492150 oe6p3ouos
ca. 205 p., 44825; 334/3 a., 4456 (P.A., eEo86cnos 'AT-rTr&o e6oScopos'Avrip&vou ('AAco1rKeus), ('iTWoOecovriSoS), . 'A. TElTpalEus, 6854) = e. 'A. 'A., orator 334/3 a. (LG., II2, 3305) ephebe 154/5 p. (I.G., II2, perhaps = e68copoS('Acoe-rrxiKev), paullo ante 187 p., father of [--]i2067144) 86 eEo86Moio of father ca. os, 46718, may = [---], (P.A., (GopiKios), 411/0 a., post ca. 183 p., father of e665copos, ('AMco-rrtKFjeO), OE6ScopoS 6752) 47246 ca. 149/50 p., father of 'A? {avSpos, eEo66oioS(AacTpnrpEvs), post ca. 216 p., 47246 40658 e668copos3 ('AXcorTKqfiev), ca. Ka-ra a., father of Acop6eoS, 3871 5Evoqav-rou 374/3 (AlIOneE'S), AaprlrpEus,secretary Trpvra- e665copoS [eo5s]6c[ios] vEfav193/2 a., 1671-2; [eEo86cros= AalwTrrpE]OS, (P.A., 6863) EVO)paVTOu ] ('EXuaivios?), 281/0 a., 72129 e668cop[os 16826 38 8973; eE65copos('EpXI6's),ca. 287/6 a., father of NiK6Oqrnos, [eE65oTos],archon 95/4 a., 2611, 6133 and cf. II2, 49136 A.P.F., 7716, 6119, stemma, ca. 6115, I.G., 231/2 ee68oTo[s ----] p., ('Apiav[iSos), and addendum OE68oTos ?), 281/0a., 7295 0E[----] ('A iEus ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13718 eE65oTS ('AXcoiTEK}fieEv), ca. 150 a., 23617 eE65coposEvi&vpou (E*coVVuEsu5), ca. of a., father of 'Ap[XIiA]fis, father ca. 221/0 Oe6Atros, (eopiKlos), a., E6E0opoS &E68oTos ('ApnyTpoTrrfiev), 168/7 1742, [17613],[1772](P.A., 6871) 2432, [38] councillor? 343/2 a., 49355 [0]E6copo[s] (AamK&I8s), paullo post 220 a., 15519; cf. OE66oTos AEK[E,EE*rS], 0. e. A., Ti-LXnTTrl's ca. 130-120 a. (I.G., II2, 193911 = of father ca. epaao-po[uos], 137/6 a., (EpiEiioS), [EE6oTros] P.A., 6876) 25441 2542; OE68oTos, ca. 354 a., father of ee6c5opos,49417; (MEMAT?s), OE65opo[s] e6oSoros 336/5 a., 42253 (EuTrupfSrls), = M. (P.A., 6882); for the family E. EuSl?iiouv 19613 probably eE68oTosA[---] ? (Opiaolos), paullo post 178/7 a., stemma cf. of 6882, father 273 A.P.F., ca. EOE6qXO[S], 10921; a., (KElpi&Sr8S), [eE66oTos] 'ETIrVEfiKO ?), Ca.29/8-22/1 a., 29053 (MEXITrE1S emo9iAovK., eE6Ocopos restored from and identified with OE68oToS unidentified list ca. 321 a., (MehXT?5s), secretary 270/69 a. (I.G., II2, 771, 772; H., IV, 1935, p. eo6ScoposeEo5cbpo[v] 49417 P.A., 6883) (= 582) Oe6copos (Muppivoiaios), 220/19 a., 13095 eE68oTor (KiCErlie<s),ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13741; the following (OivaTos),ca. 314/3 a., father of [---- ]6copo, is perhaps a son: OE65[copos?] 72205; cf. P.A., 6887 eeO6oTS (KTqitiEivS), ca. 158/7 a., father of eE65oTos, 2504 E68oToS Eo86-rou -rrpoSpcov125/4 ee65copos Oivalos, flutist 145/4, 140/39 a., [23912], 24050, Krlcqoa[iuS],7rrlo-rTmrs 127-128 a., 2504 3845 ca. 374/3 a., father of OctMvos, eE65o-ro (K KoiAriS),ca. 211/0 a., father of eE6o-rOos, EE60copos ('OTpvvEUs), 44 6889) (P.A., 19432, 34, ee65copos(laiavi?5s), 336/5 a., 42147 KolANs),prytanis and treasurer of the eE65oTos EoST6ou (EK 220/19 a., 13076 (naiavtE6S), O6OScpoS prytaneis 178/7 a., 19418-19,32, 34, 44 Oe60Sopos(Tlaavi0s), ca. 423-408 a., father of [--]copoS, 1012 177/8 p., 39825 (MEhrrTss), e6[8]o-rTO ['A]e[rjvi]covos ] (TTaiaviE6S), ca. 20 a., 29334 ravKiou (MEhXrETv ee6aopos [ ?), ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29051 e&[65]orToS e866copos (naiovirls), ca. 400/399 a., father of esoyyvrls, eE660oTo 'AXEkoOvoS (TTaavi;'s), ca. 20 a., 29347 1397(P.A., 6891) ca. 330 a., 478 (P.A., 6799) 068oTros 'AVTnTroU (-aliavlEUS), 328/7 a., 4927; may = eE6oOTOS e60EcopoS l'HaANrv?(S), 334/3 a., 4444 (P.A., 6800) (TTaXnk7vevS), e6Ocopos 'AvtriScpou(iHaXrlvsUs), 335/4 a., 43218-219 eE68oTos (nlEpaiEvs),178/7 a., 19475; cf. O. (T.), father of 178/7 a., 19474; perhaps = (nTElpaiOEs), Oe66copos ernplErlT'rsca. 130-120 a. (.G., II2, 194046 = ECvapo9oS, ee6<6cp>os (rEtpaiEUs), ca. 155 a., 22637 P.A., 6802) 66-68 orator 2547, (n7Xco0is),335/4 a., 4351 (P.A., 6896), was father a., e66copos ouvie;s], e6ESorSTAI[o5cbpou 104/3 ' of NiCovn., secretary KaTr& TrpruavEfav 302/1 a. (.G., II2, (P.A., 6803) Hauoavfou(XT'lpE\S), 499-505, etc.); a later member of the same family, perhaps OE68OTos post med. s. IV a., 3244(P.A., a grandson = 6804) 8564 ca. 289/8 a., father of NfKcov, 37113 of father ca. (nAcoOeUs), eE6OcopoS E0Kap1ros, ee65orTO(qp'rrlioS), 134/5 p., ('PaJvoulios), ca. 247/6 a., father of 'Apiorcov,1352 eE65oTos(Y^rTTIos), ca. 336/5 a., father of X&plaos,6279 e6EScopoS ] ('Ofieov),ca. 290-280 a., 6851 E6Oco(pos) ('PaovoiCIos), ca. 223/2 a., father of e06-nTos, eEoso[p 17056 42150 a., 336/5 (KvSaOrlvaie5s), eEo6Spi{81n ca. 83 a., father of [eoUK]prroS, ca. 336/5 a., father of Aiav6pos, es66copoS ('PaivoOCTos), eeScop1i8nS (DcaArip~es), 27336 62290 e866copos ('A8piaviSos), ca. init. s. II p., father of ['H]p65copos, E60copos (TreiplOs), ca. 337/6 a., father of [----]s, 61231 [----] (ETlPIeus),150-190 p., 38415 3398 OE6ocopos and eO68copos (TEtP-piEs), 169/70 p., 37850; cf. e. 3 I., vE(cbOTpoS) eE65copos('Avrnoxi8os),ca. 172 p., father of OE6ocopos II2, 209018) 165/6 p. (I.G., coypovio-rniS AoplvevoS, 44730, 31 ca. 205 p., 44730 169/70 p., 37849 (-rEtplrOS), eE65coposnrpE(aCrTPOpos) eE66copos ('AvTIoxiSOS), (ZTEipi0s),ca. 20 a., 29350(= P.A., Arlrl-rpiou eE65cpos (A^lTTrpicSos), post ca. 258 a., father of AaS&pas, OE68copoS 1254 6901) eE6ocop(os) (AEov-isos), ca. 145/6-146/7p., father of nldpyiqos, eeO68opoS(TpiKop*aios), 223/2 a., 12724 ca. 190/89 a., 17093 39926 (TpiKopUaios), Oe66co[pos] 341/0 a., 3862 (P.A., 6908); e660coposer6yviSos ( vr)yaIEus), ] ('AL[.nrvti), ca. 50-40 a., 28015 [e]e68opo[s 6907. an ancestor is 50-40 ca. 28016 P.A., ] ('A[rlvies), probably a., ee65copoS[
s. IV-III a., 5653 [e]E6rrop[TIrs] (?KKEpaplcov), 5652 O6rOTopros : Bip(oOri?os) eE6rrowrros (MapaOcdbvos),194/5 (?) ('PaIvoiatos), 166/5 a., 21628 [elEOv6XeSns p., 4246 ca. 182-150 a., 2183 eEOK7fi[s],IJTir-r&S wTpoiSpcov Oe6rorop1ros (Hacxaviess), 336/5 a., 42144; cf. e. -nrrovui8ou eeOKAs, ca. init. s. III a., father of [ ], 1037 T., I.G., II2, 7054 eEoKXfis (Epoi68rs), 169/8 a., 212117 [eE6ororTros](TTaavtwis), ca. 155/4 a., father of Ti[pcov], 2525 [e]EoKAfij (KiKvvEs), ca. 338/7 a., father of [----], 5849 (P.A., 7037) 837 eEOKAfiS (Aouvois), ca. 293 a., father of TTpoKAf, oE6wroolaros eaA&idcov Taia(vlEcvs), eponymos 169/70 p., 3788 "'IlpTouv s. II p., 3478 *[..] eEOKOIP1EvOS e6oTrolnros (rTaM VEv's), ca. 367/6 a., father of KAeo-rrEfdS, (MapaOcbvios), EEOKpiVTl 'YP3&SrIs, 328/7 a., 4914 = e. 'Y., Siatci-rrl 330/29 4441; cf. K. e. (TT.) a. (I.G., II2, 240944-45;cf. B.S.A., L, 1955, pp. 27-28, 32) e6o&Tooplro (-rEipiEOi), 336/5 a., 42188 and well known from the speeches of Demosthenes and eo6wrroplros EOVOqpovoS (TEiep&Ios), 256/5 a., 8524 (P.A., Pseudo-Demosthenes (P.A., 6946) 7042) ? Otov, secretary Kcra rrpuravEiav e?6Tro[pros] (O(uEUs),ca. 145 p., father of NiK6orparros, *eEoKpIfCIosnTaoafovos 39238= e. ().), ca. 135 p., father of e. and N. (.G., II2, 228/7 a., 1202-3 255 a., 8830(P.A., 6950) eE6KPITOS Av[---] (AeUKovoEss),post 206812, 67) ca. 400/399 a., father of *[e?o]-rrpo-r[i][6ns eEoKSj1iS (AaPrTrpEs KCaeUrTEp9V), E[ ]T ('E-rr1KKTflQ io), 303/2 a., 62198 eouKv6ifrls, 1454 eo-r[----] ('AXapVEwi), ca. 180 a., 1909 ? -----] (?x KicoGv), ca. 336/5a., fatherof ['E6]pTIos, *[EE?]6Xa[os 46/5 a., 28125 eo-r[---] (epia6mos), 62169 eE6Xvros es06E0Tou'ApiTp[wTrfijev],secretary Koara 'rrpv- e6T6lpoS : Atios e6OTEIIIO (Z9rrTTlos), 168/9 p., 37333 TavEiav 135/4 a., 2432, 38, [56], 150-151; E6AvTros 'ApIrrpo- eEoT\(r(s) (OiVE8Sos),ca. 258 a., father of [ ]s, 1246 : KaiAiosGEooTrArs [TrfieEv], 2446 (TPIKopvcaIO), eroT-riAs paullo ante 180/1 eEopiSrls (KvuacrlvatEs), ca. 197/6 a., father of A\Ocav5pos, p., 39721 2197; [e]EopIi8r[s](Ku8aeivaioss), father of [AOMaavSpos],ekoT'rTSKaXitco?vo(us) (TptvEpieEus), 303/2 a., 62225 2208; eE[opui'S)],22041 GE6rTlOS post 225 a., 1253 (ArTllTlrpia6os), ee6pivrlcros,ca. 333 a., father of[eE6T1ipoS ....], 633 Tpuq)covoS ("Eppios), 167/8 p., 37145 'Aervo[---] ('ArtrciSos), init. s. III p., 45916 eE6pvrlaCroS eE6Tinpo Euq9pavop(os) (EucovuvIES), 256/5 a., 8642 eeo6vrlcrros TThovUrpXou ('AXapves), post ca. 218 p., 48212= e6Tlios Trpna-oKAkOUS OopaieiS, secretary Kcra Trpvraveiav e. n. ['A.], member of genos of Kerykes ca. 200 p. (I.G., 254/3 a., 892 II2, 2340b23; cf. S.E.G., XII, 1409) and father of ['Api?]- eE6OTIrO (AouacIsS), 360/59 a., 1719(P.A., 7066) o-rapxos(.G., II2, 2340b20,etc.) eE6TIP[os] (Oivaios), ca. 337/6 a., father of eEoyi-rcov,5930= eE6pvloCTro(KvuavrTi651),ca. 376/5 a., father of eE6pmc-ro[s], Ge6Ti[pos] (OlvaTos), ca. 337/6 a., father of [EoyEi]-rov, 61269 3624 ee6Tlros eo6Scb(pou)('Papvouclos), ca. 190/89 a., 17056; cf. e6[pvro-To[s] eeovriva-rou (Kuvav-ri5s), 343/2 (?) a., 3624 H., XL, 1971, p. 315, note on line 56 (P.A., 6969) e66TIloS OEEOVOU (XOMAf6ISi),ca. 280 a., 7416 (P.A., 7071) eE6plnvo-ros Aicovos(Taiavivs), ca. 330 a., 476 (P.A., 6972) [e]Eo9av[--] ('Avrioxi8os), ca. 176/5-170/69 a., 20419 eopvriloros 'E[w]acxEvovos [Tpopaifoios], secretary of the eEOpqvrlS ('A,ipocrIOS),Ca. 168 a., 21471 boule and demos 166/5 a., 21614; [EO6pvrlcrroSTTpopa- eEoq&pv(is) ca. 289/8 a., father of ToCEifSnrrros, ('Avayvp&aios), 21650-51; cf. R.E.G., LXIII, 1950, p. 153, No. 87 Aioaos], 8660 e6pvnvo-ros (Ocyalios), prytanis and lepo-rot6s 341/0 a., [O&EoAvS1 ca. 215 a., treasurer of the prytaneis, 'EwlrriKi(8qS], 3861, 86-87(P.A., 6978) 1324, 10; e6oqd&VnSq 13224 ('E-n'TIeKiTnS), s. IV-III a., 5622 eEOsEv[---] (AEcovriSos), ca. 137-154 p., father of Olhtpcos, e[Eo9]&vrln (K KoiAT?s),
[e]6SE[voS --]eco.. pos 'AXapvXES, 1TTT rnrr15s irpo8pcov 166/5 39516 =
a., 2164 [eE]s6gvos (E*covUvwc s), ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13724; for his ancestors cf. A.P.F., 6990, stemma eE6S6vos(OlvaTos),173/2 a., 20686 ] (aAorlpEss), ca. 337/6 a., father of [[... v6rls] ], [[e66SE]vos
592 =
e)E6EvoS ((Da?pipsis), ca. 337/6 a., father of [---]vf6js, 61247; a later member of the same family may = eE[6SE]vos 223/2 a., 12738 (cDaipeO5s), ee6[Evos (Xoei5SrlTs), ca. 313 a., father of E66npos, 7416 (P.A., 6999) councillor ? ca. 370 a., 49238 eE?o-rie8[s---] ('Apaqrivtos), E6-rropLros 97/6 a., 25947 (nToAoalifS6os), ca. 330 a., 4656 (P.A., 7021) e06Troprro ('A?AcoTrEKe),
216p., 47331
eE61-roplTos 'AVrIYvo(us)('AX?sp8ocios),303/2 a., 62246 e66Troprros NeiK9p6[pou] (BrlatirUs), init. s. IIp., 32130 eE6rroxrros(?K KEpaAcov), 336/5 a., 42287; either he or a
descendant possibly=
eeog9[vnls] (K KoifXls),ca. 137-154 p., father of (DiMpcos, 3964 [eOo]9d&vr A[i]o[K]?MouS (KoXcovesS), 281/0 a., 72218;perhaps= e?0oavrs [Ai?]o,ious (KoXovevs), post 255 a., 8863 EEo(&vrs(lTaioviSrls), 222/1 a., 12998 [e]eoT&vr1KacAo-rp6arou (npoorr6aATios), 305/4 a., 5854 ek6pavros ('AXaiels), ca. 374/3 a., father of Euvoo-TiSrs, 3852 (P.A., 7086) ca. 314/3 a., father of ['Avrr]{xaTros, (nHalVAAVEs), E6cpavcros 72232 [e]e69awvro (TTpooinrT&ios ?), ca. 373 a., father of [----], 394; cf. e. ecayevi{ou Vn., s. IV-III a. (I.G., II2, 23558 = P.A., 7089); the name may also be restored [KA]E6qawros e[E69]avTro 7218 (2yrriIos), ca. 314/3 a., father of AuvcipaXos, eO6qrl0os (Ku8aOivaisns), 155/4 a., 225103, perhaps = e. ca. 158/7 a. (.G., II2, 245248) [K.], father of 'lepoaV&rrrs, archon 348/7 a., 263 (P.A., 7106) ee69loqo[s], eE69olos : IsPE[i]S e6oXiAos, hrTcrrTaTmS 209/10 p., rrpvravEcov 4603 med. s. I a., 27837 Eo)6~zos 'HAMoS6cpou ('Alrlnvses),
] ('AcaiEIS), 304/3 a., 61196; for earlier 0E69pios E[ members of the family cf. A.P.F., 5791, stemma ca. 290-280 a., 6821; ('AxapvEus), E6691X0o 'E[XEC]Trp[]Tro(u) on the family cf. A.P.F., 11672 X, stemma 0E69pXos(rapyfrnios), ca. 149/50 p., father of epairricov, 40618 335/4 a., 43135-136;his son, eE6q1pios Xapioiou (ElpECaSrls), X. 0. El., was lnacrrrans-rrpo8pcov302/1 a. (I.G., II2, 5007-8) ca. 240 a., 10921(P.A., 7143) eo06Trou](KEIpli&STS), OE6pl7io[s XaiPEou (KPIcoEO5), 334/3 a., 4461 (P.A., 7145) eE6q90o5 336/5 a., 42156; his father may = eE69pilo5 (KuvaOTcvaiE?s), ca. 360 a., 157 (P.A., (Kvua0rvateius), 'Apicrcovos [OE]6o9pos 7146); perhaps a later member of the same family was ephebe in 267/6 a. (I.G., eE69ptoso EoEvovKuSva0vacEivs, = 66547 P.A., 7147) II2, eE69i;oS (?K MuppivoUirrls),341/0 a., 3867; ee69iNos ?y 3887 MuppIvorrr-S,EIpoTrol6S, ca. 336/5 a., father of 'Avatvi[iv]js, 62179 E6l?iXos('OijOEv), OE691ios(iE Oiou), 173/2 a., 20682 EE6tlXos(raiavisOS), ca. 136/7 p., father of eE69l0o5, 37829 , (TTaiaVlEVS), 169/70p., 37829; probably = E. o FT., OE6917oS ca. 166-185 p. (I.G., II2, 248122; cf. T.A.P.A., LXXI, 1940, p. 305)
&ovAtlKaOou &hrr&-r1srrpoE8pcov 188/7 a., 17615 M6X[ITrVs], ecov Aiovvaiov (laitaviiS), 169/70 p., 37822; probably = A. ., ephebe ante 180 p. (I.G., II2, 210711; cf. S.E.G., Oe. XII, 120io) ('EXUwivios), ca. 168/7 a., father of [AJ]aca<v>Spos, c&o(pos) 24363; probably = eopos ('EXNvalvios), 178/7 a., 19451 s. IV-III a., 5629-30(P.A., e&opos K[E]oo-rp6rov(Fo-rT&IJos), 7229) ecopos 'Epyo[X(po]v(:9rrltos), 281/0 a., 7219(P.A., 7230) 0r[ 304/3 a., 61146 (Olvdibos), 7] 256/5 a., 8681 Xapiou ('Aypu?EvS), rlpacp[e]vrls erlpaivrls Eriprrirri5o[u] (9g9qrrlos),303/2 a., 6284 9rlpaa[EvBns...]iou ((laMrlp6js), paullo ante 60 a., 26712 treasurer of prytaneis 166/5 a., 216[8], O[rlp]Es5 aArlnpEVS,
11, [23]
((p!lrrmos),ca. 336/5 a., father of EOpautEvnrs, OrjpirriTtrl[s] 6284 = E. I., father of [---], oco9povlio-w 306/5 a. (I.G., II2, 47818,70) e.pitav[6s] : r(&aos) [OIap]ios 9elpav[6s] [Ma]paccbvios, archon 186/7 p., 4114-5 E6as ('AvyEXEus), 220/19 a., 130103 Ooivos('A-rriveS),ca. 164/3 a., father of [eo]vos, 2466 [eoq]vos eoivou 'ArrlvevS,orator 131/0 a., 2466 (= P.A., 7245; N.P.A., p. 98) e69qAtos : BipoUiAios eE69Xos (rTaiaviEus), 162/3 p., 3646; (iK Krsjov), 367/6 a., 1452 e8691to5, 166/7 p., 36913 OouyEiTcov fin. s. II p., 43713; [BiP(oOA7ioS)] e60910,o (rTTIpaciJ), 135/4 a., 24382, probably = e. HT., eouyeiTdrv (XouviEis), ca. 358 a., father of AlovuvoiXo5, 5227 (P.A., 6686) lepo-ro6s 148/7 a. (I.G., II2, 1938o1); cf. P.A., 7155 eouyvrls ('AKaLav-risos), ca. 368/7 a., father of lrouOBcopos, (TetOius), 303/2 a., 62223 ee6qitos EOX&pous 431i5 336/5 a., 42166= (TTpopaoaitos), ep69iXAo ] (=u1-raicbv), ca. 393-373 a., 2023 ca. 337/6 a., father of [Oiioaj]-iSrls, eouy[bvils ? e661tXoS(TTpopaXiaios), ca. 321 a., 5541; perhaps [O]ou8liseovUia6ov ('AAcoTrEKe0Ev), 61236; cf. 0. e. Fn.(I.G., 12, 7299) = e. 'A., father of NwKapiorrn (I.G., 1I2, 5571) Aik(ios) e669iXo5 (XovvlEss), 11yrlyns ee69iXos : nr6(TwXrO) ca. 354 a., father of[e]ouvqs, 5541 *eouv86i&8s ('AXcorKrmfiev), ouviEUs, A0(ios) E6691AoS 180/1 p., 4027-8; TT(6irXios) [eo]v86lios (OuXactos), ca. 321 a., 548 181/2 p., 40513 ca. 354 a., father of MvacTos, 49429 (iK KoiAns), *eol86<o>Tro [E]E[6]9iWos (291firros), ca. med. s. II p., father of [ ......], 113 EouKXE?iS5 a., 44030 KacxOreTpOEV), 408/7 ('AypuaiUS ca. 176/7 p., father of [Tpiu]cov,46016 eouvKAE{ins (AtleaSiis), ca. 337/6 a., father of AucipaoXoS, e69iNoos ('YPBr1ns), 6176 (P.A., 6922) ] (OaripElpv), paullo ante 60 a., 2679 0e69iXos Alu[ inits. III a., father of MeVEKrIS, 105lo eoUKXe[iSrls ] ('Ofiev), ca. 290-280 a., 6848 OE69l(Xos) (?uX&aoios), 25944 post med. s. IV a., 32o0(P.A., a., OovKAnfs (ratatiavi), Oeoyvous 97/6 [E]6[6]9pao-[os] (nTrro6tpaii5os), 6943). eE69paoros ('ALrvieU), ca. init. s. I a., father of Zqvcov, 27828 = [e]oUKPlTrinsKaXtiov (eopiKios), ca. 340 a., 399 = e. Ka?Xioue., ypaplcaTrrs^rlrraTorv 'Eesvoiv6Oev of 2805 ca. father 83-73 a., 332/1 a. ZAvo[v], e669paOro[s] ('AIVIEles), = a brother or 1544io cousin s. 4349 P.A., II2, 7257); (LG., IIp., fin. eo69pacrros rTEp7iaov(rapyrrTnos), O., SialrriTTr' 329/8 a. (I.G., probably = K. KaoXA[Tl-rXov] noT-rrAiou] (rapyrirrlos), ca. 130-150 p., 3326 = E69paoTo[s II2, 192518-20 = P.A., 7866), who probably = K. G., e?09paoros rTo[xrrio]u (rapyiTr-rios),138/9 p., 33121 = P.A., 156-157 ca. 323 a. (I.G., II2, 1632151-152, trierarch father of ca. OtX68trpos, 403/2 a., e669parros (T7aioviSis), F. and e. n. (I.G., 1399(P.A., 7173); cf. e. EuicopiSou 7865); cf. A.P.F., 7865 *eOmKPlTOS CAXiHoOUCios), 12, 7102 = P.A., 7174-5) 370/69 (?) a., 1315-16 Ki9oSCo8cbpou 'A., ephebe 333/2 KrlCia]o5cbpou (P.A., 7260); [0oUKpTros e669paorros(29TTrrios), ca. 135/6p., father of Aioyvrls, 37334 = a is 15136 IX, 1940, ca. 200 a., (H., grandson p. 63, No. 8, a., probably (AilcovEuS), e?oX6cprs col. 1128-29,restored); cf. K. K. 'A. (I.G., II2, 5542) post 255 a., 8832 ] (A?UKOVOESS), eEox0(aps Xa[ip[E9Ov-ros] 220/19 a., 13088= O. 'AXKjL6XOUv EO\jKplrro (MuppivouOios), (P.A., 7184) a. orator of father IV, 1935, p. 526, No. 39o = ca. M., (H., 41011 226/5 'Epo6Scopos, 152/3 p., epppl[----], 2io = P.A., 7261, etc.) ? No. 49357 councillor 200, XII, .G., a., Suppl., p. 343/2 ('ITroroOcovTiSoS), EpacTir[Tr]o[s] (AiytiAius),ca. 367/6 a., father of Evitrrros, 4430 [eooK]plTos EEoScbpou('PapvouiTos), ca. 50 a., 27336 eipaolTnro5 ca. 337/6 a., father of X[ap]i[8]nTos, eovKu6i5r18 ('IKapiESs), (P.A., 7199) = demarch of Ikarion ca. 330 a. (H., of father ca. EUOeUSKoS, 6147; G., a., 430oi probably (XoAXSEirS), 368/7 eMpaCITTTrro ca. 330 XVII, 1948, p. 143, No. 36-7 == . 'I., SiatTrrl1S ]SacloS, ('Ofijev), ca. 168/7 a., father of [ *eOparrk;T15 a. (I.G., II2, 240917-18; cf. B.S.A., L, 1955, p. 30); a 2435 Ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13717 nephew may = epccov (E*covuWzs), *e6uiSav6s: KX(ai8ios)e86uiav6s (nraiavi,Os), 169/70p., 37815 [eov]Ku66fis 'Avr[il]cop[o]u('IKaptolis), 304/3 a., 6144
OpaovK.fis3 (qprr-ros), ca. 160-170 p., 35917
eouvKvSiqs eEoK1Sous (Aaor-mrpes5 KaorrepOev),367/6 a., A. KoCtO on a dikast's pinakion (LG., 1454= EovUKUSiSls II2, 1877) ca. 325 a., 5226 (P.A., 7280), eoutrmiSpSisaviou (ZoUVteOS), identified with e. [O.] S., lessee of a mine ca. 338/7 a. (H., XIX, 1950, p. 264, No. 2012-13) e(ou&vns (Muppivouaios),336/5 a., 42180 Eouxaprn KaA[----] (TlaarnvEs), 273/2 a., 7830 ep[ ], 303/2 a., 6250
ep[ epaa[
flnoXuliou ('Aypufi/s [0rrvEpOEv]), 367/6 a., 1447 epaoiEaS (AitcovES),ante med. s. IV a., 1613(P.A., 7297a) [ep]&ormnTos Kaai[ou r]apy'ri-r[ioS],priest of the eponymos [Ep&aCtrrwro paullo ante 178/7 a., 1931-2; ep&otraroSKa?aiou rapyfTrKaXX[iov TlOS, 178/7 a., 19436, 108-109; ep&aoTirros rapyiTrrtos], ca. 176-169 a., 2059; OpaaltrrTro rapy'irrios, 20559-61; the following may be a grandson: Ka7Aiourapy'Trrlo[s], priest of the eponymos, epa&caolroS 135/4 a., 24352, 135-136, [2441-2]; on the familly cf. H., XXXIII, 1964, pp. 191-192 (stemma: H., Suppl. I, p. 123). ep&aCTir[iT]oS (AVKovolEvIS), ca. 313 a., father of Gp&crmnroS, 7412 epaTioTrros epaCoirr[wr]ov (AKovoieVs), ca. 280 a., 7412(P.A.,
epaa[v.]o[--] ('AyKuAEvS),ca. 337/6 a., father of [---]6rrs, 6141 [0p]actipovuo[s ----], init. s. III a., 643 epacrvpov7oo[s] ('A WraiSos),post ca. 216 p., 47019 orator 135/4a., 2437,42 epactnp[ov]Xos:Aip(iAXos)epaoovp[ov]Aos ('A-rraciSos),trea- Opd&[C]cov Krlioieus, EvOvKupTrou surer init. s. III p., 45917 ca. 374/3 a., father of Xaipeqov, 3839 Opaocov(KoXXurEus), ca. 205 p., 44817 ('1wTro0cov-riSos), (P.A., 7389), probably son of Eopaavc,ouvos epacopouXos KXeopvTros K.; Opd&acovoS cf. P.A., 7305, stemma,and A.P.F., 7305, stemma) epaoi5po[vuos eEos6-rou"EppEos], secretary Kard& wrpvravEfav 104/3 a., 2542; OpacipouAos Oeoo86Tov[E]ppEios,25441 [9]pa&covNiKOo-rp&rou (no6pio), ca. 340 a., 3916 ca. 337/6 a., father of [----]s, epaotipovu(os) (MshArEvs), epaacov (SuppiSrls), 193/2 a., 16866; cf. E. epaacvKM<ou>S S., 61136 ca. med.s. II a. (H., XXXII, 1963,p. 53, No. 94) epaoo;p[o]uAos epaacrvIS(ou) (TTporrn&ATos), 304/3 a., 6191 Op&aov (1py-rtios), 336/5 a., 42309; earlier members of the E. [ZEpr-Tr]ios same family are: "Appcov and e. 'Appovos epao6povuos 'AploTi[covos] (rloaaxi(r1s),ca. 192/3 p., 42332 2. (I.G., II2, 1635130, 132; the stemma is uncertain; cf. [EpaC]ipovXosAtio8O<p>ou ('fQaFs), ca. 390-375 a., 1020 ca. 336/5 a., father of Oa?Xiap- P.A., 7392-3 and H., XXX, 1961,p. 52) epacr8sp(os) (Xutraxfirrnos), Xos, 62229 paullo ante 60 a., 26717 ep&acoK<v> Tia6cvSpov (TplKopucIos), ca. 337/6 a., father of XaipcovSrlS, OpavuKAfis ('AkalEus),ca. 287/6 a., father of 'Apo-roKAis, EpaocoviSrns (AleOai67S1), 6175(P.A., 7396) 8933, 43; cf. 0. 'A. 'A., s. IV-III a. (.G., II2, 5488) ] (2ylirlos), med. s. III a., 10123 OpaovuKfisepaaoXArou('EAEuOivtos ?), 335/4 a., 43184-185; epaocovi[6r1s
identified by Kirchneras a brotherof Eopaoav?os OpaoOAXov AEKEaXi65(LG., II2, 3056, 19336 = P.A., 7341) who
was father of EpaovKXfis, 1368 271/0 a. (I.G., II2, dycovoerris (D 30832, 7 = P.A., 7321); but the councillor probably EvUOT-rrlS loKpero(u) ('irTrro0covTiSos), 303/2 a., 62239 = and 'EXEvaivios belongsto Eleusis(cf. Eueiu8irlos ?) 1uIvoT'rWIs may (1KKrJcov), 408/7 a., 115(P.A., 7403) trierarch 325/4 a. and 323/2 a. *e0cov (uvduAmos), 'EAEvaivios, epaovKXAis 360/59 a., 177 (P.A., 7416)
(I.G., II2, 1629821 and 1631156-157,181 = P.A., 7322,
is also known in Eleusis ? ----] ('AAAloiA.P.F.). The name Ep&ovXXos scendant( ?),perhapsa son,isAvK6[pcov 61283 (P.A., 7342and Noov 'Aiuvaiov,IV, 1963,p. 105) a., aIos), 304/3 ca. 127-137p., father of epaovuKfis, eS(QKO.[---] KoA?u'rEuS, ca. 423-408 a., father of epaacvKAi (Xqrfitios), ypappaIOCreS 35917 Xalpa-rpTros, 1063-64
1[ 1[
], 303/2 a., 6244 ], 303/2 a., 6260 ]rls, priest of the eponymos, paullo ante 178/7 a., 1914
I[----] I[
187/8 p., 4137 ca. 192/3 p., 42341 ('AvrioXiBos), ] ('AvtoxiSos), ca. 136/7 p., father of rAv]eos, 380s
1[ ] (lTpacies), ca. 360 a., 1536 'IepoK.fis (AKE.Xis\), 178/7 a., 19471 42122; '"aKXos(~ OTov),ca. med. s. II p., father of Eco-n'p,
probably = '"1.:. Oiou, ephebe med. s. II p. (.G., II2, 'lpoKi?qs (K6-wpios),ca. 155 a., 22675 ante med. s. IV a., father of 'Api206927) 'IEpoKXfis (KuSa0rqvais1E), aTOKXS, 3254 (P.A., 7492) *'lav&plos(AEovtrios),ca. 145/6-146/7 p., father of M&ivlos, 39928 = '1. (E-rrupi6ris),father of ElcriScopos who was (nlaiamvie),ca. 100 a., 2587 'lEpoK.XS s. I p., 30952; cf. 'I. AlTrirTpiou 1T.,s. ephebe 169/70 p. (I.G., II2, 209767) 'IEPOKArX (cTa7irlvoeS), I p. (L.G., II2, 7122) *'lcavapls 'Epaacevov (Brioclus), init. s. II p., 32126 *'lavouapls 'Ep-r[covos](TlaXWTvEOs), 138/9 p., 33353 ['lepoK?]X?qi AE[t]]0ou (TlhXrl), 281/0 a., 72214; his father= ] (KEKpo-rioS), A. 'IEPO[K]XESou, init.s. III a., 652 61297 [l]aa[ ante of med. s. IV father a., (Ko?covevs ['la]ai?), 'Ia[i[6rlpos] nloXuvK(...) (Ko,Xrwvs), post med. s. III a., 'IhpoiiviAcov 8rlos, 224; perhaps to be identified with 'laciSqrlpo 1122; cf. '. K., father of 'Apic-rTcov (P.A., 7507 = IG., father of WiArmrroS who made a dedication II2, 6500) (KoAcoviOEv), ante 350 a. (.G., II2, 4564; P.A., 7422) 'epoS ('AvTroXfSos), paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father of eO6 os, ['lIa]oiSr.ios'la1cr[6Aiou] (KoAcoveOs 46660; perhaps = '". 'Av-rpc-ros 'AvacirorTlos,ephebe ca. ?), ca. med. s. IV a., 224 'laaoicaXos ('EPIKEIESs), 336/5 a., 42107 166/7 p. (I.G., II2, 209422) archon 125/4 a., 2491; 'I&acov, 250i 'Ia&[cov], "lepos MEXavcbwou (El-Taios),334/3 a., 4466 (P.A., 7512) 'laccov [ ], honored 97/6 a., 25991 a&iem-roS 'IEpop&vTrrn, 195/6 p., unidentified, 4267 'l&ccov paullo ante ca. 93 a., father of'lIc1cov,2673 ['lEpop&V]jTns: ante 165 p., 365o0 [... '1epoqa&v]Ts, &iT'CrTOS (A,avTi5os), 'licrcov'I&6c[o]v[os] : [... 'lIp]o&pvTnrs ante 165 p., 3666 (AiavTi6os),paullo ante 60 a., 2673 ['lEP]Oq&vTrS 'larcov : lnowr[--] 'l&cwov : [...] 'lepoqaV-rrs,&riOITOS [---], eponymos of Pandionis, 'IepocaVTrr5 184/5 p., 40732; 162/3 p., 36414 probably to be restored ['loi(Mos)] ] ('Alilvtieu), ca. 50-40 a., 28014 : [... 'Ipo&PC]vrls, ca. 185/6 p., 4104; M[ ['I]&ccov &dioaToS ['sEpoqx&]vTs 'laccov (iee9is), ca. 200 a., 15118; cf. 'I. n., ca. 187/6 a. probablyto be restored['lo(Aios)] : [... 'lEp]oqp&vTTNs, (N.P.A., p. 100) d&toTros ['lEp]oqx&vTrrs 186/7 p., 41124; s. II a., 2349 'l-----], probablyto be restored['lo(iXios)] 'E[ ], fin. s. I a., 29715 d&itroS 168/9 p., [37217], 'IEpoqpv-rls'loAilos 'lepo&qxvrrls, 'Ip[----] (OiveSos), init. s. II a., 15625 ca. 37339; 169/70p., 37863,[38036];174/5 p., 38753-54; 170-176 or 187 p., 39522; 177/8 p., 39849; 180/1 p., 40231; 'I?p[------] ('AvaXio-Tros), ca. 137/8 p., father of [---]os, 3835 182/3 p., 40655; 190/1 p., 42014; ca. 192/3 p., 4234, 37 ca. 390-360 a., 714 'ep[ ] (MeAiXrrE), &dilroS 166/7 p., 36955; 'lIpo&vrrris: OcWpios'IEpo&VTTrrls, ilep[----] (nla7Xrv?eo ?), ca. 192/3 p., 42315 167/8 p., 37163 195/6 p., unidentified, 4267 'IpoKfipuV, &{aEIrro 'IEpoq&xvrMs: K!(ac8los) 'lepoqvwrrlS (Mapa0cbvios), ca. 176/7 diaiTos ante 165 p., 3659 ['IpoK]ijpu: [... 'IEpoK]qpu, p., father of KA.'1. , M., 46084 ante 165 p., 3667 : KA(at8ios) 'OIpoq&vrrr1S ['IEp]oKipu: [... '1Ip]oKfipVS, 'IEpoc9vTrvrs 209/10 Mapa(ebvios), 46084 'IEpoKpuV : [...] 'IEPOKfipVt, 6&citros 184/5 p., 40733; the p., name should probably be restored ['Ep(vvios)] : NoIUjiIOS'lepoavTrrls &dClo-ro '1Epo(q&vTMs 194/5 ? p., 42416; aiTrros ca. 185/6 p., 4106; the ca. 197 p., 42731; 204/5 p., 4541; [No]Oii|[i]os['l1po]p&xv-Tr ['IEpo]Kfpu : [... 'IEpo]KfipuV, name should probably be restored ['Ep~(vvios)] ca. 197p., 4281-3 [(Qa]XplpEjs, ['l]EpoKfipu : [... 'l]epoKfipu, aialTos 186/7 p., 41126; the 'lpo9cav (KSO9aimE.s), 336/5 a., 42274; probably = 'Ipogqv name should probably be restored ['Ep?(vvios)] Ke9aXfie[v],I.G., II2, 6358 (P.A., 7517). d&lrrTO174/5 p., 38757-58; 'lEpoC5ov 'lEpoKfipvu: 'Epvvtos 'lEpoKKfpu, (rTpoCrT&T-nos), 336/5a., 42320 ca. 187/8 p., 4142; 190/1 p., 42016; ca. 192/3 p., 42339 'Ipoqa(v) (?>vuXacoS),init. s. III a., father of'Epyo(pGv,10512 : 'EpEv(vos)'IEpoKqipvU 209/10 p., 46087 'lEpcov, ca. 337/6 a., father of [ 'IEpoKKput EpIU(Eio), ], 61340 &iorros 194/5 (?)p., 42418; 'lpocov 'lepoKqput: Nouppios'lEpoKKfipU, [AiaXiSrls], priest of the eponymosca. 210/09-201/0 ca. 197 p., 42730; ca. 200 p., 4459; 204/5 p., 4542 a., 13848; perhaps = 'I. Al., thesmothete 220/19 a. (P.A., 'IEPOKipvu : TTEi&piOS 'IpoKqipu, dicTaos 166/7 p., 36957; 7527; cf. H., Suppl. I, p. 89, note 1) 167/8 p., 37165; 168/9 p., [37219], 37341; 169/70 p., 37865, 'lipcov('Avayup&oios),ca. 289/8 a., father of 'lepcbwvos,8656 [38038] ca. 367/6 a., father of 'lIpoKAfis, 445 'Ilpcov('AvacA(I-rTos), archon s. II/III p., 4842 lepo[K]ijput 0[----], (P.A., 7536) 'IEpoK[R--- ] ('lTrroecovTr8o), councillor? 343/2 a., 49358 'lipcov(^KKrl5Cv),336/5 a., 4215 'IEpoKXE[i65rS councillor ? 343/2 a., 49320 ---] ('Apayivios), councillor? ca. 370 a., 'lipcovKilTrToS, 49237 (P.A., 7464) 'I?pocvRu[---] (MeA?re1S), 177/8 p., 398o0 'I[Ep]oKAidfSrs (Epptos), ca. 199/8 a., father of 'Ep[i]oKAii[s], 'Iepcov[---]('AXapvEos?), post ca. 183 p., father of nrap&21617 ,Iovos,47338 ca. 160 p., 3629 lepcov[--] ['I]Epo,KAEX[fS]r ca. 400-350a., 1245; MT-rpoS(cbpov) (KvSae-rvacels), (latCaviEms perhaps UVrrvEpEv), = 'lpcov 1. (I.G., II2, 7093i = P.A., 7542); cf. 'lipcov 'IEpOKAeiSrl[S] CIOdcovS (1nl?Xrl),370/69? a., 1377-78 (P.A., 7471); DEI8cov (nrliql), 336/5 a., 42256 is probably a son n. (.G., II2, 70934= P.A., 7543) and stemma, ?OiXivou and was father of 'lepoKArs, ephebe ca. 324/3 a. ('ApX. H., XIX, 1950, p. 259 'ET., 1918, p.7533; for the date cf. O.W. Reinmuth, 'lEpobvw [os ---] ('AvaKaOEs ?), ca. 240 a., 10912 op. cit., pp. 69-72). Another descendant = 'Epcovuvos 'lpcovos ('Avayup&alos), 256/5 a., 8656 'IEpo[K]XEirS (n11fl,), ca. 337/6 a., father of AeloeOS,61297 'Iopcbvuios Bofeou KrlcpiuOis,secretary KXCr& rrprTavefav 'IpoKAirs 'lpcovoS ('AvayVqXcros), 334/3 a., 445 (P.A., 7486) 169/8 a., 2122 (P.A., 7565)
post med. s. IV a., 3249(P.A. (KuSaeTivaEIO), 'loyqv AMoiSos 7586) cf. 'pcov 'EpcovOiov M., Ca. 400-350 a. (I.G., II2, 3826) ] (()Aaoaios), ca. 50-40 a., 2796 unidentified list ca. 321 a., ['lo]9cv [ 'IEpcov(Pov (MAX-r'Es), 'IepcbvvPoS 49414 'ITw[r-----] (XovvIuEs), ca. 403 a., father of Tp6e0os, 13a13 ca. 368/7 a., father of 'Apicrrop&vrls, *'lirrrapX<(S>5r 336/5 a., 42272 = 'IlTrrapX1iST1 (KE9aAeieUS), 'IEpcbvupo (TElOp&oios), Ka2AiTmrrrov former master of slaves ca. 320 a. 43229 Ke?aXOirv, 129102 II2, 156124, 28-29) (I.G., 222/1 a., (EKacipcovitSs), *'I0yrrTovi8rls ('ArrTaSos), post ca. 216 p., 47025 O;iXop[[---] >KXfis "ITTrrapXOS *'IvKAXfs(XouvIEs), 173/2 a., 20676; probably = '10<l (Mapaocovios), ca. 87 p., father of [Ti(p3pios)] X., H., XXIX, 1960, p. 72, No. 138 ["I-rTrapXos] ['Api]{Ca)CroX&ou 'A rrIK6[S], KAau8ios : [----]v IKE'IOS, 32217,28 ca. med. s. II p., 3502 'IKEcIOS 37160-61 'ITrrOnu of Akamantis 336/5 a., 42155 167/8 (Kvua0tvaiies), 'IKEclos p., eoy?vovs, eponymos archon 193/2 a., 1671, [16825] = '1. e. lSfrTTios,q. v. 'IhrTias, 12858 'liTmriaS ca. 168 a., 21437 'IK?cnos (EK KEpacicov), ca. 256/5 a., father of [QI]AThiKoS, (Ai0aXiS8rl), 17078 ca. 61296 father a., 'InTrrias ca. ['I]KcaIos (cOaIrlpuips), 190/89 of'ApicrroKEiS{rjs, (lTXAhrl), 337/6 a., 'IKEaCOS '-rrro[----] (O>arlpeis), ca. 363 a., father of Ka7A1Kp'rris, eponymos 168/9 p., 37367-69= eEOY?vouS n'TTrrO,, 4638 '1. e., q. v. 'ITrro[---] (XoXAapyEs), init. s. III a., father of [.....]s, '"iapos [---], olKtrlSTfisOo6ouca. 198 p., 44333 10116 lXapo[s] (AacrrTrpEs), ca. 187 p., father of l'Rapos,4689 ca. 157/8 p., father of ['AA]]KiSapos, ca. 220p., 4689 'ITr-o6Xxls (KEKpoiri8os), (AagrrrpEOs), "ixapos'IX&po[u] 4204 39829 'I!apos (Mel-Trr), ca. 144/5 p., father of Trr6opos, 3824 *'ITrr-roecov (?K KofiAr), ca. 155 a., 22666 = *'IX[i]OVEUsC ('lcov68s), ca. 374/3 a., father of MrllEOS, 'ITrr-oeov (1K Koiris), 135/4 a., 243105 (P.A., 7575) ca. 400/399 a., father of 'ApioT-riSis, ['ijTr]roKp&rrT[s], 'IpEpaTos priest of the eponymos 181/0 a., 18625 (EKac.p3coviSil), ante fin. s. IIp., 429o0 1331= '1.Z. in a poletai record init. s. IV a. (H., XXIX, 'Av[----] (KEKpoTriSoS), ['ITr]rroKparrTj father of [Au]icrpaxos, ca. a., 1960, p. 25, No. 328-9) (KEqcaXEus), 337/6 'IT-rrooKpcaTrq ] ((DaaXlpEOS), 61o01 ca. 30-20 a., 28910 'IpEp[atoS (2pi'r-rOS),168/9 p., 37316 MapKou "IpEpTro (Mapaocbvios), s. II p., father of [...] eEOK?6Evos, 'IlTrrOKp&aTSr KaXXiou ca. 321 a., 5544 (P.A., cf. 32238 3478; ('AXAcDrEKfiOE), ['ITrrr]6vlKos Epi6pTros (M.), 7660; demotic corrected B.S.A., L, 1955, pp. 13-14); cf. 'lol[.][---] nlai(aviEs), 209/10 p., 46049 'loexas (aTrlveus), 140/39 a., 24072 A.P.F., 7826, XV. For other members of this famous family see P.A., 7657-7659, stemma s. 7833, and A.P.F., *[ ----- 'o]uvrT[ios]('EpEXEiTSoS), fin. s. I a., 29912 37146 'louKoOvSos 7826, stemma Table I Tpiucovos('EppEos), 167/8 p., lITmrrcov 'louAiav6sKaaiou, rioar6&rl s ,rpo0Spcov 336/5 a., 4221; cf. 'Irrrcov'AypvuXi(Oev), ('AypvUEsS), 209/10 p., 4604 'louAlavs : A&KKIOS 'louvXavos I.G., II2, 234578, ante med. s. IV a. (P.A., 7677) (Fapyfirrtos), 182/3 p., 40613 &dilTOS ['lou(Aios) 'IEpoqavTr15], ('AvayCAurios), ca. 337/6 a., father of AvroKA, s, 61311 168/9 p., 37217; 'loU(Xios) 'IlTTrcov ante med. s. IV a., father of [----] "irrcov 6cos, 37339; (EvrrrTaicbv), 'IEpopavTnls, 168/9 p., 169/70 'loiu(Aos)'IEpop[&v]Tts, p., 37863;['IouX(ios) E., 264/3 a., (P.A., 7679) 314; cf. 'I. Kpcraio-ro6Aco 'I]Epo9avTrS, 169/70 p., 38036; '1ouiA(os) 46050 (TTalavtEis),ca. 176/7 p., father of ToTaIraos, 174/5 p., 38753-54; 170-176 or 187 p., 39522; 'ITr<rr>cov 'hIpoyavTTrs, 127 ca. father of 39849; p., 40231; 'A[picr]T[6]177/8 p., p., 'Io[u]X0(os) 'lEPCPavT[tl], 180/1 'lp[r]va[l](os)(KvuaeTrvatEvs), 'loiu(io0) 'IEpoqp&vTnS, po[u]Aos,3623; cf. 'A. '. (K.) and Eipirvaoos 182/3 p., 40655; 190/1 p., 42014; (K.)
ca. 192/3 p., 4234, 37 'Io(uAlos) 'IhpoP&vT-rS, 'IoU(1los) Mo[vrav6s] (ToA-ropiai6os), 168/9 p., 3723 = '.M., 'Iprlvaios: tepeIs 'Ipqrvaios(nlaavieuS), fin. s. II p., 43712 (KvuaOBrvaiEus), *'IpoKAeir15Mrlrpo5(cbpov) 169/70 p., 37833; perhaps a variant of 'HpoKAei1rls
OTrocccypovvi-rris 169/70 p. (.G., II2, 2097184) 'Iov(Aos) Acop6e8os ('A\aisS), 177/8 p., 39831 'loU(Aios) Eiai8copoS ('Axat?is), 177/8 p., 39832 ca. 192/3 p., 42328 KaIKlAiav65 'loQu(Aos) ('AvaCyAio-ros), ] (BraacraiS), 'lIoUto[ -141/2 p., 33415 iTrilEKl&tOS 'loUA(ioS)Zrl[v6plio M]ap(aecbmvio), 169/70 p., 38052-53; 'Io\(AXOS) Zrlv6Pios,168/9 p., 37238-40; 169/70 p., 37844 [TaiaviES ?], eponymos 169/70p. velpaullo ['1Io6]7Xos EOpiCco[v post, 3813 ca. 40-30 a., 2857 ['Io]uitos Oiuipios (nlap1coTar&is),
post ca. 217 p., 47717 'loU[lios EO]e66aiioSTEip(EliOs), 'loui(io) Oiplpos (qpTrrTios), ca. 160-170 p., 3598 =
'AcalEu[s], ephebe med. s. IIp. (I.G., II2, 207530) 'Ioivi[os ----] ('AvaqAaUnorr S), Ca. 197 p., 428o1
('EoTaol60Ov), 182/3 p., 40640 'Iovv(ioS) TvuO66copos 'Io*v(ios) MEpKdrrco[p] (naMalvE's), 138/9 p., 33354
'lo[------], 303/2 a., 6253 222/1 a., 12969 ['I]CJ[----] (OpPE&PPIOS), 'la[ ] ////////* p[---] (cOaXrlpEps), paullo ante 60 a., 2671o 'lacaos, archon 284/3 a., 692 (P.A., 7681) '"cravSpos ('Ayvouaios), 336/5 a., 42315 'icrq[ ], 304/3 a., 61334 'lriyopos (EicovvpiJs),336/5 a., 428 secretary Ktrrawrpua['loaiyopos 'I]aoKparouK[EqaXfierv], vdiav271/0 a., 802-3 'lcep6s, s. II p., 3495 ('AcoTrwEKEs), 135/6 p., 33016, was ['laiyev]riS 'HoCiXOU hoplomachos 112/3 p. (I.G., II2, 2024122,20258) ('Aq9ivalos), med. s. I a., 27513, was 'laliyvvrs'AaKMAIrt&iou = P.A., 7694) ephebe 102/1 a. (.G., II2, 1028, I1143 (BrlaalEis),init. s. II p., 32129 'laiyivris NeKIKou ca. init. s. II p., father of A1co[v], 'laiyvxins (MapaOcbvios),
3408; perhaps =
'lo iyvrns (MapaOcbvios), s. II p., father of [Icoliplos, 3479 ca. 83 a., father of [----], 27333 'l-cnyEvi('Papivoocaios),
(qnTTros), fin. s. II p., 43510 ca. med. s. I a., father of 2<co>kiis, 'loi8o-ros('AvrToX(8os), 30125 ['IC]oSoTros 190/1 p., 4209 (KEKpOTri8os), Ca. 40-30 a., 28621; 'Iai8oTos NlKO[[T]pTrou (KrpolaiEus), (I.G., probably = 'I. (K.), ca. 55 a., father of ATroKp&rris II2, 233816) and Ca. 135 p., father of Zcb-rvpos 'Iaf8[oTros] (KvUaOrvatieU), 37624, 25; perhaps = Zcbatpos, ca. 168 p., 37623 'aIo-oTo[sZco]rr[*pou] (Ku6aO"ivaiEOs), ----] (KvuaOrvalEius),ca. 168 p., 37629 'lIa(oTr[os ] (MEIrT?ES), ca. 30/29 a., 28825; should 'IlaioTo5 [ probably be identified with one of the following: ?), ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29038 [ ] (MEIt-rES ['I]Cso-Tos rTCIt 86 y6vcp TnapaiiovoS ?), 'EirrtK[ouS] (MEXTrEis ['I]ci8oTroS ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29054-56; cf.: ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29095 'lIafoToSncap[--] (ME?rTEVS), ca. init. s. I a., father of 'Ep6rcov,27830 'IaScopos('AlrlvlE1s), init. s. IIp., father of Alovwvocopos, (EuTrupi56rs), 'loiScopo[s] 3239 148/9 p., 33715 E[ap3vov(KoXXAUVrEs), 'ICoi{opoS ca. 168 (KuSva0rvalES), 'laiGco[pos] 'la8co[pos] : AUp(1iXios) p., 37628; cf. 'I. (K.), father of Mriv6copos(I.G., II2, 22117) 'lriSocopos (Aapirrrplis), ca. 73-63 a., father of G[jl])aXos, 28632 190/1 Mapaecbvio<s>,a&vnyp<a>)pE6s 'laiScopos oo"Arp&rrou p., 42023-24, was acowpovioTrsca. 209/10 p. (.G., II2, 22036) 138/9 p., 33326-27 (2EqnaXiSr1s), 'loiScopos'ApT-rpcovos ['I]oi8[---] wp-rra2KacxpcoviSqs],secretary KarrA 'lai8copos 'A[Wrro7Xoviov 'kIoKp6ris ('Avoryup6&mo), 336/5 a., 4226
'Icr6vopos (Aair-rpTpos), 336/5 a., 4259 281/0 a., 7210o 'I[a]oKX[]1ou (OnyaiEOs), 'Icr6q9AoS 'l76Xpvaos: AA(tos) 'lo6xpvuaos('AvtioxiSos), ca. 205 p.,
44713 =
post ca. 216 (lnaXNlvE6s), 'I[a]6Xpvaos: [A(ios)] 'I[Co]6Xpucos p., 47214= ARX(ios) 'la6XpuroS lTaXXl|V6s], ['la6Xpvaos]: [1I6(TrrAos) ATA(os) hoplite general post ca. 217 p., 4745-6; n1(6rrAios) Arlios 4754; 'lcr6XpuCos rT(6trrAos) naXXrv[6vs], 'la6Xpucoos 4764; n(6oTrAos) AA(los) 'Ic6Xpv[c]os naXAnaA[XrlviVs],
4776-7 qiirvEis,
TO Pfi<a> 190/1 p., 42025; 'la-rfi(los) lnve6lco<po>s,TrrEp the demotic is BspEvlKfisr1 (H., XVIII, 1949, p. 14)
}(EveIKi1S), 188/9 p., 41613 ['IoTXfito]s5 [v]vpcos BEp{p
vE[av118/7 a., 2532 (P.A., 7709) 'loicov MnvoGcbpou (Barltaies), init. s. II p., 32127 7832 Tri1ENAriTs T1rfis 'r-oplrfis 186/5 a. (LG., II2, 89652) 'Icro[---] (nlaX7AvsEs), ca. 306/5 a., father of Avaiqxucvrs, 'Ia65l-os (KuSaerlvatEis),ante med. s. IV a., father of 'I[c]v (eopiKIos), ca. 411/0 a., father of [---]AXs, 85 "Icov 3253(P.A., 7711) (OaTilpEvs), ca. 190/89 a., 17085 = "I. (O.), ca. 194 a., 'lcO65[rhl]os, of X:cGos 3253 father s. IV med. a., (H., XVI, 1947, p. 165, No. 643) post (KuSaeOrvaIEus), 'Iloo5fipou 'Io68[rn1]oS a. ca. cf. 'I. 'ICovIK6s secretary of the pov?uvraci 332/1 (llav5ioviSos), 'Appcovos (K.), ephebe 'IalCiA[ov] 7711); (P.A., 166/7 p., 36953= (for the reading and date cf. O. W. Reinmuth, op. cit., 'ICOVIKOS Appcovos (nalaviews), 169/70 p., 37819 pp. 35, 37) of father ca. a., 'la69los, 7210o (Orlya1EvS), 314/3 'I[C7]oKA[i<s]
ca. 354 a., father of 'Aacowr65co(-vTTErracov), ['I]oX66iaXos of uncle or = either pos, 49426; unidentified list ca. (_uTre-raicbv), 'Aplo-rop&dXov 'l1a6poaXos 321 a., 49427; cf. A.P.F., 7826, XIII and XIV (TT6pios), 336/5 a., 42283 'loXvupias 7260 ca. 314/3 a., father of AloKAfis, (TT-rEXEaoios), 'loaXupas 336/5 a., 425 *'IccbvuJ,os (Eucovup5eu), "lov ('AplprrpowraEiUs), 140/39 a., 24098 = I. 'A., tEpowroi6 'A. a. (I.G., II2, 193828); cf. 1. 'ApiorroPouXou 148/7
ca. 200 p., 44511 K[----], secretary of the PouXEvUrat 965 K[-----], init. s. III a., father of AloK[Afis],
Bos, ca. 192/3 p., 4231-2 ] (OivTI8os), 304/3 a., 61149 KaA[ K[ ] (KEKpoI-rrio),ca. 215 a., 13241 Ka?[----]: OX(apios) KaX[----] (Brlaietls), post med. s. 304/3 a., 6122o ] (TTav86ovi6os), K[ ] (navsiovisos), ca. 168 p., 3765 IIp., 3556 K[-168 ca. ---(EipEoir8s),ca. 336/5 a., father of [---]668rTos, KaX[----] p., 37611 -] (nav8iovi8os), K[ 62131 ca. 325 a., 5216 ] (OPE&PPIos), K[--ca. 390-370 a., father of [KaX]AtrrKaX[----] ('EXAatovios), K[----] (XoXapyeps), init. s. III a., father of NIKOY?V1js, 2039 rTs, 10119 KcaW[----](na?arjv?S), ca. 306/5 a., father of Eouxxapls,7830 K[. .]8[. .]v ('Ocaev), 184/5 p., 40729 209/10 p., 46079 ], med. s. III a., 938 KaX[--] E0(7[---] (T-rtpie&s), ] or K?[ Ka[ 4640 (Oarrlpeus), ca. 363 a., father of KaX7ilKp&rls, Ka7(----) 303/2 a., 62206 ] (KEKpowrifOS), Ka[ in a., mentioned 611, is heading 304/3 72162 Aurr[iSou], a., [KaXai[] ] (n7paclns ?), 281/0 Ka[ restored from and identified with [K]aAoai1Ts Avrri[ov], *KatKlalav6s: 'loQ(AXos)KaiKiXtavos('Ava?uac-rtos), ca. dated fin. saec. IV a. (I.G., II2, 4610) 192/3 p., 42328 32240 ?] (Mapaecbvios),ca. 87 p., father of OAcopos, KaiAios eeoT-Arls (TpiKop*laos), paullo ante 180/1 p., 39721 = K[&Aacps TiviSos KaXaveSicov ('Avnrloxios), paullo ante Ka?cavSicov: K. E. T., ca. 167 p., father of Aripfrpios T. (cf. H., K(&ios) XXXIII, 1964, p. 223, No. 69) 220/1 p., 46648
135/4 a., 24350-51; KaX[tas ---'ATrlv6vs], urToypapclcrrEs KadXa'As rrlvES,243129-130 KaAidas (rapyfrrtos), ca. 211/0-203/2 a., father of epd&acrq.v. Aio[---] (AalrrrTpEs), 19436,2059; a grandson is probably: 'rros, of 6261 father [1932], ], [ [K?]aXA[----], ca. 336/5 a., ca. 168/7 a., father of Op6canTroS, of s. III father ca. (rapyi'rrtos), a., ], KaA[ias [ init. ]Is), KaiX[----] ([ 24352 10314 Ka7Xias(ElpEaoi6rs), 336/5 a., 42293 ], mentioned in heading 304/3 a., 614 KaXX[ father of ] 'EpIElOS, secretary of the prytaneis ca. A[uCaIuXouv Ka[R?i]a[s] KaA[ofrpoaTos, KaX?[--] (EOcovuwes), 337/6 a., 61174 305/4 a., 5893-95= mentioned in heading 304/3 Ep[pE6os], [AuV]jp6&Xou [Ka7X]iaS ] (1aiJXIvE1s), fin. s. II p., 438o0 KaAX[ = K. A. orator and 283/2 a. (I.G., II2, 613 ca. 360-340 2037 E., ] [ a., 303/2 a., (AKEXEEsIS), [K]aXAaioaXplfSi = cf. 6597 N.P.A., p. 103) = 7861; P.A., 49311, (P.A., 7750) orator 283/2 a., 718 'EppElos], ca. 393 a., father of [<Df]Xacos, KaAXias Auvaol&Xo[U (KvuSarivaiEss), KaXiaaicXpos KaAias(('EpXiEVs), 336/5 a., 42114;perhaps = K. 'E., trierarch 1510(P.A., 7762) a. ca. 350 ca. II2, 1622626= P.A., 7863); the father OA. (I.G., K&AWa[ioXpo]s: KocAa[[lXpo]s(Mapaoobvios), 120p., K. 'E. (I.G., II2, 6105 = P.A., 4636); is probably 'EyEpT-os 32232 cf. A.P.F., 7863 KAXaioalapos (ppEapptos),336/5 a., 42218 399; ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29074-75 KaXXias KaQas5 'Apf[ov (MEITrrES), (OopiKios), ca. 373 a., father of [O]ouKptriSrs, K. e. cf. 1295 of father ca. a., Kcaio.-rparros, (e.) [Ka]XXi[---], 255/4 K. iK K. Is, KaxAXas (?KKEpa4Eov), 336/5 a., 42286; cf. Ai6pavToS ]ins),ca. init.s. III a., fatherof [ KaAXX[---] ([ = II2, 4385 P.A., 7867) 10313 (I.G., 8960 ca. 287/6 a., father of 'Avrlnq&v1rs, ca. 337/6 a., father of[ (?KKoAcovoi), ]s, Kaci7Xas <Ka>XA)[--] ('AvnroxiSos), KaXAias 61324 (Aaprrrpeus),ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13734, probably a descendant of: [Ka?]Iai[ 281/0a., 7272 ] ('EpEXET8os), KaAcias 'ETrlyovovS ir&paos), 367/6 a., 1440 = (AapErrrpeuiS KaXXi(--) ('AypvuA*s),ca. 73-63 a., father of [----]os, K. A., lessee of a mine 367/6 a. (H., X, 1941, p. 17, No. 28512 ca. 290-280 a., 6850 162, 73-74) and trierarch ca. 354/3 a. (I.G., II2, 1613209= KaXi[ ] ('OfieOv), KaMti[--] (nlpyaorOs), ca. 289/8 a., father of rnoXvu<K>XE{ris, P.A., 7873); cf. I.G., II2, 2398 and H., XIX, 1950, p. 214, No. 570; for possible relatives cf. H., XI, 1942, p. 239, 8666 [Ka]b[ti....] (XovvVIES),ca. 255/4 a., father of H[arrpoKAris], stemma, and A.P.F., 4810, stemma. A descendant prob12949 ably = ca. of the a., 256/5 a., 8630 = K.(A.), 190/89 [Ka]Mias KaArTrXou (Aatp'TrpEru), eponymos KaMia&S[rls] priest AlyAieiXs, ca. 253 a., father of KaAoTrXAiT 16912-13 (I.G., II2, 132222); cf. ca. 314/3 a., father of AE6vTlXos, A.P.F., 4810, stemma KaXA?iaSsrl ('E-TrlKlcpifos), KakAias 7262; cf.: (Muppivouiaos),155/4 a., 225116 ]s, KaAias : AX(ios) KaXXias (nlaavtius), 169/70 p., 37813 KaXia56(rls) ('ETrrlKjqiaios),ca. 258 a., father of [ 12413 KaX?diasai(aviws)),209/10 p., 46061 389 KacXias(MrlcoeoEs), ca. 374/3 a., father of -EvoYA[4]rs, ca. 314/3 a., father of OpI[vlx]o[s],72114; Ka?Xa&STls ('EpXisOs), a grandson = (P.A., 7791) KaX?t&Srns KaXAOias Opuvvixou (ATco0Eis), (OopiKIos), ca. 373 a., father of Aiov(<C)>os,3910 254/3 a., 8994 orator 178/7 a., 1944 herald of the boule fin. s. I Ka7AM[as AaKia&S6s, KaXXAaclr!s lnavucri&Xov [ZKa].U3co[vi]Sns, S]coT-r a., 2963-6 KaXAlISrls (:KacpPcovirSis), 336/5 a., 42222 KaXXi&Srls (T-rEipiES),220/19 a., 130115 ?), post ca. 216 p., 47333 K[a]WXiyapos Alovu[ofiov] ('Axapwves 167/8 p., 37126 Ka7XAi&Sis (?iTrrtnos), ca. 314/3 a., father of KaiT-rEArls, KaAityEvri5 AvoiiiaXi8ov(qilTTrrlos), 7215 K<aAA>i[y]ovtav6sEir-r6pou (AavrriSos), 200/1-204/5 p., 45016 = med. s. IV a., 23io; the son, EorroXis KaXAt&lris ((OpEApptos), ca. 200 p., 4468 K.<., was ephebe and Xoxay6sca. 324/3 a. ('Apx. 'Ey., 1918, Kaaryoviavos EvTr6pou (MapaOcbvios), SEvoTiPov ('AvaKatims), councillor? ca. 370 a., p. 75, No. 956, 12, stemma p. 88; for the date cf. O. [KaX]AiSrlpos W. Reinmuth, op. cit., pp. 69-72). 492138(P.A., 7903) KaXMas,priest of the eponymos ca. 155 a., 226[8], 77; KaAiuK[ ], contributor but not a bouleutes 328/7 a., 4939 probably = KaXAia[s ----], priest of the eponymos, ca. med. s. II a., KaaiK[ ]E[..]i0u (TTnEpioi8rs), 303/2 a., 62184 K. rapyfr-rros 23132; cf. Op&clrrnTos KaX?ilKXijs 367/6 a., 1449 a-rupov('AypuXEs[UrrrvEpOev]), the treasurer of 250 61301 boule ca. [KaAAX]ias a., KaAiXulK7 Aovwoilov a., [--]a-ra[----], (EuvrupiSrs), 304/3 .... crra.....], ] (EOcovuEvis), 992-3 9829-32; Ka[RAias 304/3 a., 61164 KaAlK,A[fis [Ka?]XXias 'ATroXXo[---] KaAXiKAis (AiyEsBos), 281/0a., 72loi rvf9cov[os] (0opalEus), ca. med. s. IV a., 227, ca. 200 a., 15134 KaXAias brother of KuvS6i[aX]os (AivcoveUS), (I.G., II2, 6214) and probably also ca. 403 a., father of NovUTVIOS, 49266 of [X]alpErparTos, 4440; cf. r. (e.) Ka\XiaS('AMatEis), ca. 354 a., father of ['rrr]6viKos, KacAiwKAis KaXAiaS ca. 374/3 a., father of Ka7ix ivrls, ('AXcow1sKEfiev), (EK KoXcovoO), 5544 (P.A., 7842, demotic corrected B.S.A., L, 1955, pp. 3836 (P.A., 7932) 13-14); cf. 'I. K.('A). ca. 229/8 a., father of ['Arlv66coKa?X7lKXfi (KoveOuViOev), ca. 367/6 a., father of 'ApIorooS6& KaXAfao ('ATrvErOs), as, pos], 1665 4422 (P.A., 7851) KaXAtKAijS A?oVTOS 303/2 a., 62244 (K6rrpEos),
*Kacfaias (KvSarivaieis), ca. 400-350 a., 1224(P.A., 7748)
o-rra 96/7 p., KaX7iiaxos o AaplirpE*s, rrparly6os rri -rTa ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29094 KaAMKAfis IE[---] (MeArTris), ca. 20 a., 29339 31240; his daughter probably = .G., II2, 6675 KacAXiKhis 'PoSoKh][o]us (TTatavtEs), ca. 323-313 a., father of [......]oS, KaXfAaXos 'AAKiov(AevKovoe*s),370/69 (?) a., 1333-34 KaMiK?fiS (TEppE2Sijs), for in error cut have been (P.A., 8020) TupeiS5ns 6826; the demotic may 3260 s. IV med. a., 223/2 a., 12750 (Mapaecbvios), KaAX?,iaXos post Opivcovos(Tpopaoairoios), KaAAiK,ifs Ka;itfoaxos('OaEis), 220/19 a., 13098 (P.A., 7935) of Antiochis 281/0 a., 72266 (nalavie*s), 155/4 a., 22578, was father of K. TT., Ka7AOJiaXos Trrrphrris Ka[?X]XAup&nl, a. (H., XXIV, 1955, p. 232, line 165 = XV, 18778 ephebe 128/7 180/79 a., (UTroXElatiSos), KaXAiKp&rns No. 61318 210, 1946, 41162);either he or his father = K. K. U., a., p. 304/3 KaXAiKp&n-s ('Ava9AIoAros), 'E-rrlKp[crou] orator paullo post 176/5 a. (I.G., II2, 9032) 135/4 a., 24387 (AupiSr1s), Ka7iaKp&Trrs ca. 390-375 a., 1038 AvaUtp&OU (T-rEpliEUs), 43132 KaAidoiaXos ( EpIelos), 335/4 a., Ka2AlKp&rrs ca. a., father of KaX?XoXos, of father ca. 336/5 (OaXnrpeIS), nooleitrrmos, KaA7JcaXo(s) a., KaAXXKp&-rT ('EcrnatEsS), 374/3 62284 3832 = 135/4 a., 24379 (nEipaipsU), ('EolriaiEs), ca. 368/7 a., father of ToCTeiSiTr-KaAIlUS8cov KaX[]itK[p]&6rs archon a., 172 (P.A., 8035) K. n. cf. KaXiASitis, 360/59 4335 rros, ('E.) (P.A., 7963); ('AAaiiS), 341/0 a., 3853(P.A., 8038) KaiX?pKp[rrls] (eopiKlos), ca. 209/8-197/6 a., father of [KaX- KaAtl5Sris 'ApXepI&Xou 4374 KaMplnrlnsj (2TElptiEs), ca. 368/7 a., father of AtaXivrTS, 204ii; Ka[Alu<Kp&crs] (EopiKlos), father of 7X]Kp&nTms, ZEKOUvSOS, of father ca. of KaXdmviKos father p., 198/9 ('A8piavi8os), (OopiKtos), KaclKp&rns, 20512; [KaTiq<Kp&mrs] 49123 2103 [KaAiX]Kpcrr[rs], = Ka7a1Kp&trr (AiaVriSos),335/4 a., 43202-203 'ApXEo-rtoApou OopiKloS, KaWA7iEvo[s] Ka?atKp6rov OopiKtos KacAiKp&rlS honored 'ArnVEUS, by the boule, perhaps as flutist 178/7 a., 19439, 120-121; ca. 176/5-170/69 a., 20411, KaWXi{Evos 180-160 the ca. of a., 20922-24 ca. 173-164 2102-3; a., eponymos priest 20512,[72-73];173/2 a., 20660,140-141; 12999 168 ca. a., a., 222/1 KaAi{SEvoS 21316-17; a., (TTaiovi8ilS), 21254, 135-136; a., 168/7 169/8 (aaXrlpEus),303/2 a., 62284; cf. Ka?auip&Xo(u) 21412; 166/5 a., 216[17, 59-60]; 167/6 or 165/4 a., 21713; KaX?XioXos 0. KaAXiaS cf. above, p.ll Ka7Xl6XOv (.G., II2, 1878 = P.A., 8046) 164/3 a., 22057, [2219]; 161/0 a., 22215; 42327 (TaiavisE5), ca. 268/7 a., father of [----]s, Ka7iwr(---) a., (KiKvvEiEs), 336/5 KaXXKKp&Tr1s 11571 (&K Koi7ris),176-169 a., 20532 KaixalKparT)s treasurer of the boule 178/7 AovroS AiOcovEvs, 256/5 a., 8549; KaX- K&ATwrrno Ka?alKparln[n]vOo8i7lov (KoAXvrrEus), 123-124 19439, a., K -TCorV K[oWX]v-TrEiS, 9VUETV, 857-8; KaxixuKp&rTs l[Kp&]T-rS K&awrr-ros ('AvaqAuro-os),ca. 367/6 a., father of AiATrrPIOS, 8590-91= KoXXAvrEuis, 4414 (P.A., 8066) nUOoilXou (KoAvW'reu), 254/3 a., 8956; on his KaAoiKp&rrts 256/5 a., 8577 (P.A., ancestors cf. B.S.A., L, 1955, p. 31 (revision of stemma, K&XM1rnTO 'AVT&VSpou ('ApaC9AVIos), 8067) P.A., 179) and A.P.F., 8157, III fin. s. III a., 14136, presumably a (EvcovVuPES), (Kuv5aelvaiSEO), ca. 337/6 a., father of EOrr6- K&AMrTroS KaiwlKp&rrns descendant of P.A., 8070 ?EpIos,6171 (P.A., 7972) [K&aArrrTos] (Aai=rrpeiv),ante ca. 187p., father of Aip(AXlos) 304/3 a., 606 = Ka[aor1Kp&5i----] (nHEpyaacrOu), father of AOp(Ai6132 4651; KdaAwrTros (AairrTrpEns), 304/3 a., [----] Alovu[moos], Ka7ilKp&rrs (HEpyaaCTEs), 46611-12 Alos) AiovOcrios, (nEpleoiSrs),360/59 a., 1723(P.A., 7978) KaXXlK[p&]Tsrr ca. 338/7 a., father of [----]Xt[0i]A?iori5ov 'OfieEv, secretary of prytaneis K&XA[tnrr]o KaiwpKp&rris (TpoaTrr&XTos), treasurer ($lAioriSov 'OfiOev, 14743-44; a., 5852 [KAT7rrrro] 203/2 rTO, 14721,37; 'OfiOev, ('PalvoaioS), ca. 336/5 a., father of HoXuKp&- of prytaneis 203/2 a., 14741; K&aWAmros Ka?atKp&(TnS) 14728-29 (P.A., 8077; N.P.A., p. 106) 62281 'Ofi0Ov], [KAl?rr]rro[s Trns, (qylrrnos), ca. 336/5 a., father of KaAOic0vrls, (a?,rlpeiS), ca. 330 a., 4637-38 K& Trrrmo(s) Kai7lKpcnrlT '1'ro(---) 6282 (P.A., 7982) ca. 330 a., 4639-40 (P.A., Kaaticr[e]Ev[rs] ('AacavTvrsi), init. s. II a., 1572 KaXXAKp&Tqs KaX(---) ((DaXlpEus), KaMiaoevris(avo6cOXov('Apaxqivtos),256/5 a., 8578 (P.A., 7983) 8098; stemma s. P.A., 8097 may be revised) (AapiTrrpE's), ca. 73-63 a., father of [K]aXXM[Kp]arri8l[S] ca. 360-340 a., 2035 28636 [K]aAXicrevrns npo[----] (AEKEXEEOs), ropyias, herald of the boule and demos (P.A., 8100) KaAQiKpaTiSrIs TpKopoSalos, fin. s. III a., 14110 ca. 45-30 a., 28212-16; [Ka]7iX[KpaTriSj] 2uv[8p6iiov [K]aaioaevrlns (AaprrrTpEs), cf. and his on career H., KaiaOtrevqis 304/3 a., 6135 = KaxuAto[----] (AalTrrrpEis), 2874-7; family T]plKo[pvairos], cited there. [0evrlsAmo---] (A.), q.v. Suppl. I, p. 175 with references KaiXacrtvrns KaXX?ilaxos (Mvppivouioos), 336/5 a., 42179, may = K., (AieOaiSns), 336/5 a., 42241 of father 39834 of ca. father NIKIca, [---]as (.G., II2, 11525= P.A., 8103), although 144/5 p., Ka?aipIaxos ('AXaim,s) the demotic there is not positively M. KaXAipaxosMv(laie0io ('Apayfivtos), 341/0 a., 3865 (P.A., 'A. (I.G., II2, 5698 KaiXXiaevrns 303/2 a., 6282 (EI-rrTnos), KaAiTr-rr(ou) 8007); cf. [Ol]Woa-rp&xrr [KaX]X?uii&Xov Xa= P.A., 8006) KaiXXtiaevns TpivePi(EEis), 328/7 a., 491 ; KaNXio'vrnS = 4941 orator: 20542 176-169 a., Tplveipels, p<o>Tri5ou ('EAXvivtos), KaXAi4IaXos ca. 336/5 a., father of eErTisrlS, ca. 330 a., 4825 ] ('ETrrKTKicros), KaciatEvlS (TptvEPEEIS), KaXi[aX[os KaAifiaXos ('litcia&rls), ca. 289/8 a., father of 'E-rtKAijs, 62225; cf. P.A., 8106 ] ('Axapveis), 303/2 a., 62165 86115(= P.A., 8016) KaCtio-r[ : of father (Kpcoirr5ls), ca. KaaAipaxoS, KA(acBios) Ka7Aio-r6COaXOS Ka7io-Xr6paxos p., 63/4 KaXipaXos (AaoT-rpE0s), ante med. s. II p., 3234 31240
('Axapveus),360/59 a., 1756(P.A., 8206) KXiac-roS (MapOcecvtos),ca. 176/7 p., father of 'P6Scov, KaXAlTrAis KaX[----] ('EXaiounos), ca. 360-340 a., 2039 4602, 95 = K. (M.)., med. s. II p., father of [---] (L.G., [KaX]XrTXrls II2, 208216) (P.A., 8207) ]ous 336/5 a., 42128= K. [........ K&dito-ros ('OaeEv),ca. 151/2p., father of Otipcos, 40716-17= (KvSavrtSrjs), [K]aAXlrrTXr ca. 155/6 p., father of [(i?Xp]cosand K., praised 337/6 a. (I.G., II2, 243) and StaTmrn'rsr 325/4 KAMto-ros (CfQatev), a. (I.G., II2, 192628)= P.A., 8211 41936, 37 [nTocE]iScbviS, 'ETriIII father of s. init. a., KaiX[t]TEri[s] (KuOIppios),ante med. s. IV a., father of KaiaCTrpacriSrls(KoWcovf0Ev), 3236(P.A., 8212) Mvrlciy[vrm]s, Xap'Ios,914 (P.A., 8124) KaXl-TX1rs (AaprrpeUs), ca. 289/8 a., father of [Ka]XXias, mrrloTrrls rrpoSppcov 222/1 a., KaAiT-rparoS[Ka]?l[---], 1294-5 8630; a grandson probably = KaXArrkl-rKaXXiouA., at Rhamnous ca. 220 a. (I.G., II2, of [ 358 father ca. ], a., secretary of gpacviorai (AecovriSos), [Ka]AXX-rparros 132222-23; cf. J. Pouilloux, Rhamnonte, p. 146, No. 3431); 5210 (P.A., 8151) cf. A.P.F., 4810, stemma (OivE8os), ca. 205 p., 44915; noC[Ei]s[coviou] [K]aMXXiorparros cf. Ai. K. fl. (OivEiTos), KaX\Atao[u] (pqrri-nos),281/0 a., 7215(P.A., 8215) ephebe 212/3 p. (.G., II2, 220875) KaoXX-rTls 254/3 a., 8990 (OriyalEus), Ka7ioTrpaTros ('AxapvEOs),360/59 a., 1764 (P.A., 8159), KaAXiTrrsr identified by Kirchner with K. KaAai8Bou 'A., ante 390/89 a. (0opiKios),336/5 a., 42270; probably = K. AvoaKai9a&avrls viou E. for other members (I.G., II2, 6226 = P.A., 8221, corrected) (I.G., II2, 140045-46,140130, 14039-1o); of the family cf. I.G., II2, 1745 and Klio, V, 1905, p. 283 KaXtip&vrnsKaXMwKMeous 341/0 a., 3836 (P.A., (hK KoXcovoO), ca. 165/6 p., father of ['Awox8222) KaciaCTrpcros (BEPEVEIKi8rS), ca. 337/6 a., father of 'ETTKpprrs, 4427-9 (Ou!A&cios), Ka9iya&vris A6]8copos, 61125 ('EXatloaotos), 178/7 a., 19489 KacAXicrpcaros ca. 374/3 a., father of TloXAKi6r8[l]s, [K]aXAhavwros ('EMevuivios), 135/4 a., 24365 KcaiioTparos ('EpXlEOs), 'E. (I.G., II2, 6122 = 38io; probably = K. KaXAtKp&rovs *KaAXi[rlos ('Ayvo'uaos), 336/5 a., 42316 KaXX7Al)v P.A., 8164); for other members of the family cf. A.P.F., 281/0 a., 72244 tlaua[i&a]ov ('AvacXAuo-rlo), ca. 205 9576, stemma, to which may be added (iArlIK. 'E. (AEk- KaAXcov p., 44732; the demotic npc,rou ('AvTloxiSos), is probably nraXAnrlves, cf. H., XL, 1971, p. 329, note on -iov, XVII, 1961/2, Xpov., p. 29, corrected), and: line 32 TEEaci[v]ou KaMiorrpa-ros ('EpXIsEi),256/5 a., 8527 (P.A., K&AAcov 8165, stemma) = K. T. 'E., ETmor-rTrls KuSa0nvaiE6S,secretary of the poEvrurai 247/6 a. (I)XOKp&TOUS TrpokSpcov (KvSaceq(LG., II2, 7916-7; cf. H., XI, 1942, p. 290, No. 566-7; fin. s. II p., 4374-5; KaX7cov[OlXoKpTrr]ou 43725 P.A., 8166)= K. [T. 'E], orator 244/3 a. (Chronology, vaieOS), K&XXcov(rTlpliEis), ca. 53 a., father of K&7Xcov, 29353 p. 25, line 8); cf. A.P.F., 9576, stemma o KaXcov his son 20 ca. 29353 KaaMiorTpcros 61174; a., KaXa[--] (EcovvuEiuS), (-rElpieiU), 304/3 a., ETrtmo-rTaS TrpoSpcov probably = [---]s K. Eu., ephebe 306/5 a. (LG., II2, [Ka&XXov] 'AvT-rl&rpou [vTraXriTTnio], 47851), who may = 104/3 a., 2544-5; [K]a&Xcov'AVTtrrrT-povZvrraX'rin[o]s, 25443 ca. 289/8 a., father of KoaX[][(EvcovvUmis), KaMo[(-rpcrros) Ka&Xcov 8641 o-rparos, (O)aMrlpEs), ca. 223/2 a., father of [carraTrpos], 1716, 1726 KaX['A]ia-rpcTros KaAalo(Tp6rrou) (EUcovvuies), 256/5 a., 8641 ca. 230 a., 1177 ca. 256/5 a., father of T-ripavos, KaMAcovirSs KaXrC[Trpcaros?] 'AvTrltovr(os) (OiveTSos), (KEpaCpOLs), ca. 400/399 a., father of 12898; restored from, and either = or is grandfather of: Kavvco[v6s] (Aapr-rpIus Trraparos), KAeivias, 1438; cf. K. K. (A.) KaXAAiorpcrros T-r9(&vou) (KEpaXneS), 223/2 a., 12897 ca. 175p., 39229 KaMiao-rprros (?K KiS6ov), ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13767; cf. K. KaTro[----]: F[. .]vs Karro[----] (AiyiAlEXs), EK K. (I.G., II2, 6381) 2496; 'AWrroAoScbpov KapaiXos('AXaiss), ca. 158/7 a., father of [Kap&i]xos, [KaAXicrpaTros] [Ka]pa&Xos ('Aatlius), father of [Kap&ixos],2506; perfAai<covo[s] K[pco]-ri5[s], orator 267/6 a., 813-4 = K. r. K., orator of IG., II2, 661, also dated haps = K. 'A., contributor 183/2 a., etc. (.G., II2, 233294 = P.A., 8252) 267/6 a.; his brother [()ioKT ?]ijcov was one of two honored in the same decree orator 125/4 a., 2496; 17rlEAXrl-rTa [Kap&t]XosKapaixou 'A[RaiatEs], KaXioarparos(OivaTos),ca. 336/5 a., father of 'ErrTKp&rr1s, [KapalXos Ka]paixou 'Aaireus, 2506 = K. 'A., &nrlE6A1ITr|S 62234 of Delos 123/2 a. (N.P.A., p. 109) ca. 368/7 a., father of *[K]apvsETo[os] Ka?iCarporros (1TaiaviUsKCOirrerpeEv), e6[---] ('Axapveis), ca. 290-280 a., 6816 4377 Kaprr65copos ITpcrcav, ('Avaq)XuoTnos), 169/8 a., 21280 KaMAio-rpaTos [Kap]rw65copos (TTEpyaaEUs), (rapyArinos), ca. 147 p., father of [Kap]Tr6193/2 a., 16869 ca. 338/7 a., father of [E]Eo9&KaAfcrTpacros Scopos,4038; probably = K. (r.), ca. 143 p., father of (Tpoo-nraxTtoS), vrS, 5854 'ApiCorios, Zcobapos,and 'AXE-IS(L.G., II2, 208653-55, KcraMicrpaTos 208718, 19, 20) (ZouvvtIU), 173/2 a., 20670 [KaA[ia ?]Tpa-Tos(ZTErptIls), ca. 80-79 a., 26422 [Kap]w6rScopos 3 (rapyi'rrios), ca. 180 p., 4038 EOKXEovS Ka[pA]Xcrpcaros 182/3 p., 40643 (TElipacaos), prytanis and tlporroios 341/0 Kaprr6oScpos ('EPXIEls), a., 3857, 86 (P.A., 8182) s), ca. 40-30 a., 28622 KapTrr6copos A[li]vaiou (KrilioiEc s. I p., 30953 ca. 336/5 a., father of[.. .]rrpaKapr6oScopos Ka[AiMorp](aTos) (TupiSEirls), (a'ArXXlvuss), who 40218 rTO, 62196 (P.A., 8183), probably = KaAMi-rpacros KapwTr6copos (ovvimES),ca. 147/8 p., father of Errropos, married [F-]AvK'upa TAiacovosT[up]peiS[ov] ruy5np (LG., Kapir66copos <K>)croO (Eg'r-rtioS), fin. s. II p., 44024 12, 7578) [Ka]pTrw6copos O[---] (OXvE?us), fin. s. I a., 30318; a descendant of K. EOpI16ov( ., ephebe 107/6 a. (.G., II2, ], contributor but not a bouleutes 328/7 KaAATrrnn[s a., 4938 1011, 110o = P.A., 8259)
49119 K&prros ('ASpiaviSos),ca. 198/9 p., father of Zdbomlos, ('AvTooXfSoS), Kpwrro[s] paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father of 46629 Aadiav65,
KiAaSosAiovwucov(KvuaOlvaiE6s),166/7 p., 36938 = K. A. (I.G., II2, 12633, corrected H., XXIII, 1954, p. 281, No.
22049 K?XaSoS Tpipcovos Kv(Saelvaios), 209/10 p., 46075 ca. 168 a., 21436 (AiaXiSr8ls), *KEppTvos ca. 250 a., 906 ] (TselpaCaos), Ke9cpaA[ KEcaX?cov ('A9SivaTos),ca. 376/5 a., father of Krqpirooq)pv,
KEqpaXtcov (K6rpelos), ca. 403 a., father of [>lXl]rt]rlsT8, K. (.G., II2, 6536) K&pwros ('Alpoocrilos), ca. 132-137 p., father of K&prros, 492134(P.A., 8275); cf. K. KrlTcraou 37021= K. (AEovri85os) ('ATroXwvcovies), KgAoSXo 173/2 a., 20694 a ('AXiuoaicos),ca. 165-170 p., 37021= K. o (A\o-I1732 KEpcaos K&apros (KuSavrsris), ca. 222/1 a., father of [K]cp]acos, sos) Ku8avri8ris, secretary KaTr& [Kpq]aXosKE9cp?ou rpvuravEav [K&p]rros 189/8a., 1732 'Etrry6v[ou] (rapyirrnos), ca. 180p., 4037 ca. 370 a., 13a6 Ka&pwTO (Utipaiels), ca. fin. s. II p., father of Tiecov,4587; [K]IEi6Sl[s----] (OpE&(ppios), K.('ITrroecovriSo), ca. 172p., fatherof nEecov, 44822 AE[KAEE 5s],councillor? 343/2 a., 49350 KrlSlKp&rrs ca. 159/60 p., father of Titoaet. Rom., father of KivroS, 31827 Kfjvros(KuSaBcvaiEvs), ('Avatcp?uooos), Kaprro[96]pos 42329 Kfivros, (KuSa0rlvatus),aet. Rom., 31827 Kp&rlS, ca. 150 a., 23633 Kaaiav6s, archon ca. 231/2 p., 4919 = K. (DiAtlrros Iretpiels, Krl[imo]o[s] (lTa7Trivnvs), q.v.; cf. I.G., II2, 22303; a son = K. 0. E., agonothete, Krn)icaosKi)lcaoiSqlou (TlaX7rTve6S), 334/3 a., 4443 = K. K. H. (I.G., II2, 155420-21= H.,XXVIII, 1959,pp. 21211oephebicarchon234/5 p. (LG., II2, 22359, 38, 89) Kaoiav[6s 'AWrroAcbvios] 11i,227) (T-eiplEuS),162/3 p., 36416; was avrlKoallTrr1158/9 p. (LG., II2, 20793, 30122); perhaps KlPiaios ('Palvoco-ios), ca. 314/3 a., father of [A]vKas, 72195 the father of: ca. 390-375 a., 1039 Kqpialos KriiaoScbpou(TrElplius), Kaclav6s: r(&ios)K&ecxoos 'ATro[X- KrTiqfianros(rapyfjrnlos), ca. 210/09-201/0 a., 13856 (cut in error for Kaoaav6s) O XT]pl[6is], 'rri Tr 8crXa188/9 p., 4166-7; [F(aios) Krlj[io]o[--] ('AcowreKExS), Acbvos ca. 336/5 a., father of [----]qcv, 62305 Kac(aiav6s) 'Awrro7A]cbvloS [TErp(lixs)], 4185-6; [F(&dos)] 4197-8, perhaps the Krqicoo[--] (t OTov),ca. 337/6 a., father of [-Kaco(clavos) ['Aro]Xcbvltos [TIrplptes], ]o father of: 61220 ca. 313 a., father of [...]TEros, 7311 Kao[liav]6s'ATroXAcbvio[s] T'mtp(loEs), eponymos post ca. 217 Krl9CTo[----] (OIAuXs), p., 47714-15 ca. 337/6 a., father of [ ], 61341 [Kli]o(p]r6pou[os], KaCr[l]av6s post ca. 217 p., 47719 AIrtlfrpiosYTErp(istO), rTT8i[f]cs(Xo?apyEis), 281/0 a., 7212 (P.A., KrlqpiC6povXos Kcar[iav6]s 'l[o6x]pvo[os] -reip(ieOS), 8301) post ca. 217 p., 47716 OiAt rotptis, Kaocav6 (DiiTrros ca. 314/3 a., father of KilptacScopos, t trrl roiS 6i'reiTraS paullo ante K[lp9]cro8[--](MeATrrOs), 7239 220/1 p., 46613-14 = K., archon ca. 231/2 p., 4919 ca. 176/7p., fatherof 'louXAav6s, 4604 K&=aos, ca. 336/5 a., father of Krl[t]ar6KrlqniCo[---] (TpIVEtieevsO), 62226 ncoX?Aavbs K&(acos) 0oTOS, ('ASpiaviSos),ca. 231/2 p., 49125 ca. 367/6 a., father of Krlqpltos, Kaoa(os)Ma<&(>i)os (Kovuros), 148/9p., 33713 (TTaXArlvEs), Krl9or68rlpos K&oios 4443; cf. K.K. (n.) Tlai(avmies), 209/10p., 46043 K&otos MevvEas lTaia(vties), post ca. 217 p., 47724; cf. K&ctaos Krtlqcr6oToS ('EpeXeis8oS), ca. 368/7 a., father of KTIqpio-
434 K?,TS,
205052) Sou[vitEs],prytanis and treasurer *KaccravSpitrs M*pcovoS of prytaneis 173/2 a., 20654; KacvavSpiSrjlsYovvmiS, 20631-33,50, 67 cut in error for Kaaiav6s, 4166 K&cracos, K&o(oios)[ .... ]rj (Mapacbvios), med. s. IIp., 3406 *KacraAir o[s]: KA(aciSos) Kaa-r&Ao[s] (BrlcoaEs), 141/2 p., 33413 K&orcop (Kufippios), ca. 53 a., father of Kaorcop,29376 ca. 20 a., 29376 3 (KuOfppios), K&rrcop *Kcari[os ? ----] (Brljates), post med. s. II p., 3552; cf. paullo ante 180 p. Kaorr(Aos ?) aTrrp69(iQos), Trryypacpos (LG., II2, 216427, etc.) *K?vEiaS (KvuSaOrvatis), ca. 53 a., father of AilflTrplo5,
] (0opIKios),305/4 a., 5872 Krlir65oTo[s KrTI9o-6oTos (frlpaicls), ca. 306/5 a., father of 'H[y]riaoXoos,
Kiq9[li]68o'ros 303/2 a., 62226 KrlCiao8(---) CTpiwVeeUs), ca. 357/6 a., father of ['Hyrlo]ias, 53io KrTqia6Scopos, ca. 240 a., 1097 KTili66copo[s ... .]c[--]u ('lrrro0covriSos), [Zco]aipou [Krlp]lta6copos 190/1 p., 420i (KEKpoTriSos), ca. 83 a., father of [Krlicr]68copos, [Krlnpi]68copos (Al0aXiSr1s), 2725 3 (Alea.iSrls), ca. 50 a., 2725 [Krlq9i]6oScopos ca. 403/2 a., father of OoIKprros, Kr9ijCoS'copos ('Atupionaios),
ca. 133/4 p., father of Tpiqcov, K~Ma6os (KuSaecrvalEOs), Aiovlinos, and ArTi'jrpios,36939, 40, 41; probably = K. (K.), father of T. (I.G., II2, 24747); cf. I.G., II2, 1773, note on line 39, and the following three names:
1316 (P.A., 8360);cf. E. K.('A.),and A.P.F., 3126,stemma ca. init. s. I a., father of [K]rlci66Bcop[os] ('Aq)lvcaTos),
27515 EupouXos, [K i ?]c6opopo s [----] ('AxapvBis), 303/2 a., 62161; perhaps = K. 'A., former master of a slave ca. 320 a. (I.G.,
Kivoas ('Ava?Xiro-os), ca. 330 a., 4664 (P.A., 8435) (Ei-reTos),ca. 200-150 a., 1984 [Krl(plt68[co]pos councillor? ca. 370 a., ca. 180 a., 18914 ('AyKuAXs5), Kippla[s]or Kippic [6r1g] [K]qcrpio68cpos ('EpXtOi.S), 49240 (P.A., 8441) 8966 ca. 287/6 a., father of MIKICov, ('EpXxiOs), Kiql9Cr68copos ca. 336/5 a., father of [K1]tcia6- [Kipcov] ca. 337/6 a., father of [.. o Als], 599 = (O)aXirpeUs), Krilpo68(copos) (KEQ)aXsEs), ca. 337/6 a., father of [. .]oKAis,61249 (()acnrpe.s5), Kipcov 8copos,6291 ca. 357/6 a., father of [---]i8Ss, 5314; (TTaliviEUS), KiXcov8Trls (KEsparEus), 303/2 a., 6291 [Kr]4pia68copos Kilgiao8(cbpou) ca. 393 a., father of [E:cojroXis, the son may have borne the same name. In Attica the Krpcrla68cpos (KuSarqvaiEss), name is known otherwise only in Gargettos (H., X, 1941, 156; cf. S. K. (K.) KTIioa685cpos p. 16, No. 116-17) K[r9p]iao8[--](MEArrTrs), 281/0 a., 7239; for the ] (rapyflrnos), fin. s. I a., father (?) of 'Yy[----], family cf. A.P.F., 11473, with addendum and stemma, KX[ 30726 Table III 177/8 p., 3985 (?) (Me7N-Ss,),281/0 a., 7240, KA[.. 5. .]o.o[-] (MeArirEO), Au[o]i[orpa&rou] Kprllcr6copos A. M., member of a KX[.... 8.... ]s (MEsTrrtO), 177/8 p., 3986 probably a brother of AvUoKp&Trri board of eleven 304/3 a. (I.G., II2, 4886); for the family KAX[d]os orai(aviErs), 209/10 p., 46048 ca. 220p., 4688 cf. A.P.F., 11473, with addendumand stemma, Table III 'Ovrcai[pou] (AapTrrrpeUs), KXapoS ca. 423-408 a., father of Kr1[iclos, [K]AaVO8ioS ['Av]-rioXo,&ycovoOrrs96/7 p., 3122-3 Krlq(pc6copos (E-rIptEuS), 1039; a grandson may KX(auilos)Aa5o0Xos, 194/5 (?) p., 42417 = KA.A. MeArrITs, of ca. 196/7 p. (I.G., II2, 21244-5) and archon 193/4 father ca. Krl9tcr65copos KrliqcroKias, KoCUTrlTrs 368/7 a., (T-rEIpitIS), 4370 p. (LG., II2, 21257) Aiovva[-----], herald of the boule and the demos [---] (Orlyamis?), post med. s. III a., 11214, KA(aviSlos) Krpicro68copos 190/1 p., 42018-19 perhaps a descendant of P.A., 8386, A.P.F. rrt Ca.192/3p., 42340= KX.rrilp. MEA(TiOs), KA(aciSIos) KTqIrorKAo{ISrl[s 304/3 a., 5956= ..5...] ('PacIvoucTos), Jcpco.,, ] ('Pap.voOitos), 304/3 a., 61279; cf. q.v. [Krqil'okAEsirls K. Xcoorrp&rov herald of the boule and the demos 'P., fin. s. III a. (I.G., II2, 1312) K[X(aUtSio) A]CoiTnros, 195/6 p., 4268 KrlqpraoyfsK-rlplcoo6Tou ('EpEXTrfios), 335/4 a., 433-4 ca. 368/7 a., father of ScoKp&prrs,[K?]X(cua8os) 2pcmr[icov ?], ca. 175 p., 3933; the name may KriqnoroKfi[s] (ElTrTcios), S. ('ASpiaviSos) also be restored [c]X((ptos); cf. KX. 43224 ante 178/7 a., 19318(P.A., 8395) KA(auios): Ti(p1pios) KA(acuios)Xpoi['rnros], archon med. KpiacroKois (Thlpa<eIs),paullo s. I p., 310t KrlptaoScbpou ( reipiEis),335/4 a., 4369-70 KrTitco,AXs ('ASpiaviSos),ca. 231/2 p., 4911 K(cxavSios) Epcxtrr[cov] *KTiq)6cpocrrpros 'ApXi[o]v(Brlcteus), 334/3 a., 4419 (P.A., fin. s. II p., 4322 8396); probably = K7aisto[s ----] ('AKcxa:TiSos), secretary paullo ante Ka(a6SioS)'AVTcovETvoS ('AvTnoXi5os), Krqplr6o-rp[acros ----] (Brlo-raieu), 303/2 a., 62337 r6 OEcopwK6v Trri 'ATqnvaTos, 343/2 a., Krilcr9oqavKscpaicovos 220/1 p., 46661-62 ca. 205 p., 44827 'AoKXErntaSSs 346; for his career cf. P.A., 8410, stemma s. 8365, and KX(caU8ios) ('IrTroecovriSos), ca. 205 p., 44812 A.P.F., 8410, stemma KX(a6itos)"E?evos ('lTrTroOcovTi8So), ca. 205 p., 44811; the Mapcov('IIrrnocov'ri8os), KA(aOuStos) Kriq)tcro(pv ('AxapvEs), 360/59 a., 1763(P.A., 8411) = is and the a descendant of demotic councillor 176-169 'Alrjviefs a., 20537, Krlqo70cogv probably ('EAuvaivios), ca. 155 a., 22662 KAacvSios Kr9igo v ('EEUvocivtos), ('AZlrvisus), q.v. Mapcov v (MerTevrS), ca. 337/6 a., father of [---]s, KA(a58ios) OsEi[acov (AoovTriSos), 178/9-179/80 p., 39919, was Kilpqnoq)o of Leontis 61137; relatives are: ephebe 165/6 p. (.G., II2, 209074) MivovKIav5o unidentified list ca. 321 a., (AEOVTriSo), KA(aUtiioS) 178/9-179/80p., 39916 Klqiaocp&ov uveoocbpou (MAIrErs), 49412, and KA(ac6ios)OIXoKfjS (AEcovriSos), 195/6 p., 4265; cf. 0. (A.) K?acxa8io [Krql]ao6ocov Mapcov (MeXiTres), ('Al-nvit5), 138/9-150/1 p., 33618 304/3 a., 61133 Kcoji6dpXou ca. 336/5 a., father of Krlptaoqpcov, KI(a6tios) Niyep ('Aioveis), 180/1 p., 40252 Kriqciaoqxv (DoaXrpEO?s), 62289 180/1 p., 40249, was ephebe, (ciArlroS KA(au6bos) ('AOpove*s), Krl1roqCov(Da?rlpeis), ca. 253/2 a., father of KTrrlIKAS, agonothete, etc. ca. 166/7 p. (I.G., II2, 209424, 47) 13052-53 KX(av6ios) pEpar-icov ('AvacXicrmos),ca. 192/3 p., 42327 KX(actios) 'HXAiocopos ('AxapvEus),post 212 p., 4837, was (()aXripes), 303/2 a., 62289 KrlTqioogcov Krlqn0oq96v(To5) KooTripS's [Kqit]o[9]cov XoWapy6(is),contributor but not a bouleutes post ca. 218 p. (I.G., II2, 37622-4) 328/7 a., 4923; restored by Leonardos ('ApX. 'E9., 1917, KA(aJ6los) ee6OrotJrroS ?), post ca. 216 p., 47331 ('AxapvEus ca. 205 p., 44910 p. 4123) and identified with K. Auoaicv'ros X., commisKA(aubtos) 'lepoqav-rrs 'AxapvsOs, sioner of the Amphiareia 329/8 a. (I.G., VII, 425430-31)= [K]X(av6ios)'P6oSinn[o]s ('Axapvves),post ca. 218 p., 4831o, K. X., Biaim'rriA ca. 330/29 a. (LG., II2, 240968-69;B.S.A., was ephebe 169/70 p. (IG., II2, 2097206) L, 1955, p. 27) and orator 325/4 a. (.G., II2, 162921, 42, KX(aucios) 'AKuAXTv[os] (Brlaatmiu?), post med. s. IIp., 3544 = 63,75, etc.)= P.A., 8419; his son may = Auvoiqov X., 42301 KA(acOios) 'AKv[6iTvos] (Bratlaevs),post med. s. II p., 3557, was ephebe ca. 144/5-148/9 p. (I.G., II2, 205146) K1[--] ('caiOs), 336/5 a., 42168 ca. 225 a., 1249 ] (OiVETSos), KIK[ KX(aOisios)li6[Tipos] (Briaamis),post med. s. IIp., 3554 206114 *Ki?AaTos Aoprnav6s (Brlnai5s), 141/2 p., 33411 = a., K7(avSitos) (npopaXCiroos), 173/2 - ('Ayvoj7los), fin. s. III a., 14011 Aop[sTIiav65] [K]iAMrns KX(aulS6os) (BrlCtaius), post med. s. II p., 3553 Kf?ralS (EucovupOis), KA(acOltos) fin. s. III a., 14144 (Brlaaitv), 141/2 p., 33413 Kaorr&axo[s] Kipcov [----], secretary of the boule and the demos 193/2 KX(aotios) Tnoaei56vios (Brioraius),paullo ante 180/1 p., 3977, was ephebe 150/1 p. (L.G., II2, 206584) a., 16838 K[flico]v ((aXrlpe*s)), 223/2 a., 12737 KAac[lios O(i]Xoyvrns Broalmis,archon 131/2p., 3266-7
ca. 120 p., 32268 ante med. s. II p., ] (OcaXripes), KI(actios) 'Apxi[ (Kpco-lrrnis), KX(ac8tos) KaAcrtor6caXos 167/8 p., 37135 "AXvuTros 3234 = [IKXa3]Sios os (L.G., II2, 277648) (XowoapyeOs), KA(aoi5sos) KaX['i]T6par6 KXaCS[ioS KX(ao8ios)Zqios (KvSuacrvaties), ]jss, archon paullo post 170/1 p., 3852-3 166/7 p., 36943 os Axa] 135/4 a., 24370; cf. Otio6EvosK. K., (KEipid8ns), Tn]Trpo[w trr[peOs], [K]AEay6pas KA(acSios) [KA(acISos)]: [Tip(Cplos) = II a. s. 4616 etc. II2, (IG., 6312) general, hoplite 213/4-219/20 p., KAac6ios: Tip4[pios] KaUx8ios T secretary of the prytaneis 161/0 a., Tni&vop[os], l&rpOKAos[Aacp]irrrpes, KAe[ai]veros 222it (P.A., 8457) archon post ca. 218 p., 4803-5 MEvacXpiov (EUcovuiieiOs), 367/6 a., 148 KX(ai8ios) (Mapaeevtos), Ca. 176/7 p., father of KX(aoStos) *[K]XcatXvOS ] (2u3piSTrl), 281/0 a., 7275 KAeav[ M., 46084 'IEpo9xP&vrrs KA.e&vSpou (eopaitss), 334/3 a., 4433 (P.A., 'AKUcas *KkEavSpfirls 194/5 (?) p., 4247 K?(oai8tos) (Mapaecbvtos), 8463) Mapa(covitos),herald of the boule and KA(a*Sios)'ATTrKo6 KXeavopos the demos 209110p., 46089-90 ('ItrrrocovriSos),303/2 a., 62240 K?XavSpos 'Auovovfou ('Avayupa&ios),ca. 40-30 a., 28653 KXaOSios: [Tip(lpios) Kavc8ios 'A-rrt6S Mapa0cbvios], trea- KAMav5poS ante ca. 138 p., 3244= surer of the prytaneis and &pXlEpE*s KAiavSpos(eopai6is), ca. 367/6 a., father of KAsavSpiiS;, 4433 (P.A., 8464); cf. K. rvipcaoviSou e., P.A., 8465 KAaSlitos:[Ti(3lpios) KXa,6ioso'ATrTKOS 'ITrTr&PXov Mapa21446 Ca. 168 'A. KA. a., ca. 120 32238; KAxavSpos (TTaiov{is[), 32217; (M.), ['1irrrpXOU] ecbvios], p., ca. 336/5 a., father of Kicav6pos, T. KA. 'A. M., 3224, 21-22 ('IoTrocovTrios), *KAe&vop 62240 r&ios (Mapaecbvtos),ca. 200 p., 4463; cf. KA.r. KA(am58ios) (DiapXi8ou ('QatiEs), post med. s. IV a., 3221 161/2 p. (.G., II2, 208518) KX?&pioros M., wTroocoqppovilrrf 3220 ca. 120p., 32225; Aiovuoiov](Mapa0cbvios), (P.A., 8473); brother of EUeoOvos, KA(aci8ios) A&cpvo[s for the father cf. LG., II2, 20443 408/7 a., 125; probably = C1rfrrvepeev), K7iapXos('AypuA?s 209/10 p., 46084 ypaippraTes 408/7 a. (P.A., 8479 = I.G., 2, [K;A]apXos, KX(oaSios) 'Ilpoapv'rrs3 Mapa(ecbvtos), K. on dikast's pinakion (lToEpcov,III, 1947, cf. 4248 'A., 121); 'PoOuos (?)p., (Mapaecbvlos),194/5 KA(aiBlos) p. 39) KX(ai8Sos) 6lopapos(Mapaecovios),194/5 (?)p., 4249 ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13742 (Krqlcrpoes), ---] (Mapaecbvios),ca. 120 p., 32245 KAiapXos KX(ait8os) cbs?ret[os A. KX. see KAiapx[os] (KutOfppios),155/4 a., 22589; probably = K. (ME'rTE*S): Aq86ou(os KA(aiS8os) K., ephebe ca. 185 a. (I.G., II2, 9012 = 2[coa]oTrp&[rou] MElTiT]Js, Aip[6or'rparros KX(ail8os) KA(aiitos): Ttp(plios) archon ca. 160-170 p., 3581-2; KX(auiSos)ArTiJ[6o-rparoS P.A., 8482) MEilTEr ], 3592; [Tip(ipios) Ki(a(i8ios) Alp6 a]Tpcrro5 KiSeitlpos('PacivoOroS),166/5 a., 21629 KAOvias, 3602-3 fin. s. III a., 1424 M[etTn'Os], KAkevica r pcopc MeA.(TEOs), (AaprrrpEs w&paa.os),367/6 a., 1438; Kavvco[voU] 209/10p., 46086 wrI KA(acOSios) A. (N.P.A., p. 158) is undoubtedly TrX.pcovos KavvcovoO hoplite general post ca. 218 K!a:loos 'Ewny[vbls]MXirrTSs, a descendant p., 4806-7 init. s. IV a., father of [Xicov,184; cf. (UEvrT'rabv), archon KAeiv{as K(aoStos): Tlp(iptos) KA(a8tios)A[----] MeW(iTr6Ss), (D.K. S.) 213/4-219/20 p., 4612 ('A?Xai,s), ca. 289/8 a., father of ro?,O[trl]Xos, KAlvnTrwos 'ATroXcbvos (naiavelOs), 169/70p., 37816 KX(a*Sios) 8547 37815 8513) (P.A., eEu5tavos (nacavievs), 169/70p., KA(acioos) NIKcovoS KiadTT'r was (Ko?AvreU),256/5 a., 8550 (P.A., 8534) 36916, ephebe, p., 166/7 (lTaaviOs), 6]voifijs [KA(auiios) KXe-rIaS ('AXaiEt), 254/3 a., 8950 gymnasiarch, etc. 154/5 p. (I.G., II2, 206740, 194) 6223 KllTriaS ('EKaXi0Ev), ca. 336/5 a., father of ?coKi5tns, post ca. 216 p., 47228 KAa(l8tos)AioviOios(fTa?rwveus), 49122 father of ca. KAhT-ro KhT'ros, p., 198/9 42316 ('ASpiaviSos), Ca. ?), p., 192/3 M[----] (HacAXrvi5s KA(a6iSlos) K?Xi-TOS 3 ('ASptaviSos),ca. 231/2 p., 49122 (TTaXivos), fin. s. II p., 4385 = KX(a?8los)NeiKr9jp[pos] 44914= KXa-Tro 42320 ('Oieev), ca. 172 p., father of K?<eTZTOS, Ca. 192/3 p., (TTHaXrvrS), K.(aOSios) NiKrlqy6po 47334 of 183 father ca. p., Ka<-rT>os, 120 ca. post ('Ofiev), KeA?<(r>oS ] ('Pacvoiictos), p., KA(a6ios) TDiXcovi[8rS o 'Oijesv,ca. 205 p., 44914= KXi.TroS 32261 ('PaJvoOraos),ca. 120 KX<n(i>os 'Ofiev, post ca. 216 p., 47334 KA(acl6os) Xapo-rre[vosOpaaoveiKov] = '. P. X. tit. in (Iovvieus), 222/1 a., 12964 p., 32260 Tip. K,. Cyriac. in Peparethos K6[l-roqpxT[v] post ca. 218 p., 48019; the name ('ATraXiBos), KXi-rcop 8, XII, 645) (IG., appears only on one other occasion in Attica: K. ('A-roAKkaiSios: Ti(ppios)) KMa,8SioS dcyovoArlp6oopacrosouvviOs, s. II a. (LG., 112, 5688 = P.A., father of O?iAcov, s. I/II p., 31311-14; for the AcovixOs), 'EAuoaiviov pey&Xcov eTflS -rcov 76-78 Athenian H. J. cf. 8554) Oliver, Expounders, pp. family Tip(plpos) KA(aw5los) napapovos (Souvieos), Kieo[----] (AlytXiss), ca. 336/5 a., father of KXoe6pXos, KX(aOMlos): 62327 180/1 p., 40222 (ElTraios), 336/5 a., 42305 KAO66pouXos 162/3 p., 36417 KXa(i8ios)"Apis (ETeptie*s), = s. III a., 1425 36949 p., fin. K7toyivrs, 166/7 KX(a(8itos) Kopvritav6s (XEZripims), ca. 314/3 a., father of ['Epp?]65copos, ca. 187/8 KX[e]o68rlos (KoWcoveOs), [EITIpiEs],d&vTiypa?sq) KX(a(Bitos) KopvrAjav6[s] 72217 p., 414s ('Papvoitcos), 281/0 a., 72199, ETpopltXI8[ou] [KXeo8]cop86ris 'Apilvfas (X2qfTrnos), fin. s. II p., 44012 KA(aX8ios) demarch of Rhamnous 263/2 of was father 37337 K[R]eoxcprBs, p., Aicrav8pos 168/9 (pqfTrrrnos), KX(ao5Sos) a. (I.G., II2, 12172)and of IXp6oippos, 236/5 a. (Pouilloux, Gavias(cpirrios), 167/8p., 37125;cf. (. Arli"rpiov KA(aiStos) La Forteresse de Rhamnonte,p. 130, No. 1546) 2., ephebe 155/6 p. (LG., II2, 206877) ca. 12 0p., 32273 K26OKpiToS (rFpy'jTTios),336/5 a., 42124 KI(aoios) 'Avt[ ----] (Oo.nrlp6Os), ca. 120 p., 32267 KeoWSco ('EuiTlqqicos), 360/59 a., 174 (P.A., 8572) ] (O>atrlpeOs), 'ApXi[ ?(aOSlios)
KhWE6aXtos, a&nypapEtsca. 40-30 a., 2846
KXcb6tos: KAcb8toS M&p[K]os ('Avayup&onos),ca. 40-30 a.,
TOjijac 186/7p., 41131-32 KXb81io ['AvT]ioXos Aairtrpts, irpl p
(P.A., 8604)
*KEso6vooTos ('ApiTrpowratEvs), 140/39 a., 24097 KXEmo-riE0s eo6tonirov(a7tnvEos), 334/3 a., 4441 = K. 0. n., iTrl^PTIqrsmed. s. IV a. (.G., II2, 159622= P.A., 8611). councillor? ca. 370 a., 492103= [Khi6]noropTr[os] (Opli&ctos),
[Ai]i8ios KoSp&r[os] 150-190p., KoSprr[os]: (Mupplvoioios), = T. AO. K.M.,ephebemed. 38418 s. IIp. (LG., 1I2,206913)
[K6]ivros ('CAraXfos), post ca. 184 p., father of [K6]ivros, 47818 [K6ti]ros BepveKSou ('AlrraOiSos), post ca. 218 p., 48022, was arcopovia-is ca. 200 p. (I.G., II2,220013); cf. K. ('A.), father of B., who was ephebe ca. 220 p. (IG., II2, 222852) KIXE6otroro (epi&mtos), (P.A., 8614) 360/59a., 1731 .... .]r[s], 632 and whose demotic was Tuppieir5s('Apx. 'Ep., 1950-1, [K]Xoor[----], ca. 333 a., fatherof [ orator ca. 215 a., 1321 p. 26, No. 1164) [K]XEoaoevrl[s], 'vous AiylX7Es5, KXe6orparos Tltooe secretaryKccr& irpwra- [K6]ivroso ('ATrradhos), post ca. 217 p., 47818 vekav K(6toros) Dov(Trimos) 343/2 a., 342 (P.A., 8623) M&Clos(rapyfTTios), fin. s. II p., 4346 s. IV-III a., fatherof Ecopos, 5630 [K6O]vr(os) archon 195/6 p., 4251-2 ]s 'EXoEvu[?vi]os, [ (foT-riwos), K[6]6orrparos KOIVTO5 ca. 20 a., 29344 KAE6Tnpos C ('AIpgipoTraiEO), 140/39 a., 240100 (Talcavicscs), scoaiykvrT1 councillor? 343/2 a., 49354;cf. K. *KopaTos K6pcovoS KXEOq9avToS ['EAeavivios], (2rltcxi8rTi), 334/3 a., 4470 (P.A., 8693), = 'E. (I.G., 112, 195519= P.A. 8633) was trierarch 356/5-346/5 a. (LG., II2, 1622707) KXesopvTros 19450 ca. KAoE6avTros KogaTos ('EXAwcvtos), 178/7a., (rlacrxi8ris), 337/6 a., father of [---]s, 61330; cf. A.P.F., 8693 (2ouvvtiS),336/5 a., 42198 [K?Eop]p6&8rs ca. 172p., fatherof Opacipovuos, K6piooS: 9EOs6 ca. 231/2 p., 49116 K6pOIos, ('lTrIroecovTriso), KAeo<pov 44817 K6M1io8os: AtTOKp&Ercop [K6plto5os],184/5 p., 4078-9; [M(&pcouncillor?ca. 370 a., 492102 O[----] (eOpiaoios), i]os [KM6o]qpOv KOS) Aiup Eu]-r[K61oio5o[s] 'Av-r]covWvos E[ira?]3[Afs (P.A., 8642) 'Avrco[xits epaacaros], 186/7p., 4113;[Mxp(Kos)] AtupiXos vi[vos j[K6ppoS]os (AaKt8ris), ca. 336/5 a., father of T-rporov, 62190 KNX[ot<pv] ] Eiorp!5 ErvXT[s^IS 2pacrr6s] Bicaaieis, (= P.A., 8644); cf. X.K.(A.) 188/9p., 4163-5; [M&]p(Kos) [Aip(fX7ios)] [K6op[o6os I --('Pcawvouino),ca. 336/5 a., father of 'AvTi9piXo, KXAsoxaprTs BTIxCraS], 188/9 p., 4183-4; [M(apKos)] Aip(iXios) K6pifor descendants cf. LG., II2, 1217i,2 --- 1[epa]o-6[s Bratcras], 188/9 p., 62282; poSosj 'A[vrcovivos] KMcov [A ?]ay6pou 4194-6; [Kai-aapAol(Kios)Aup(QAios)] ('AXcorrEKesS), 334/3a., 4459(P.A., 8668) K6poios 'Avrcovivos KMXov ('AprrTpotramis), 140/39a., 24099 X[spaaor6s Bricateis, 192/3 p., 4231-2 Eivepf[s Euirv]Xfis
KXW&ov ca. 376/5a., father of MupcovpSri, ('Apaqpvios), 3632, K6ppo[8]os [... .]is nai(avcus),209/10p., 46051 and probablyalso of eovStmnros,trierarch323/2a. (IG., K6pcov(S1laXi8r1s), ca. 367/6 a., father of Konactos, 4470 II2, 1631470,592,600, 679= P.A., 7253); = K. eouvSiFn ou (P.A., 8696); cf. A.P.F., 8693 'A., rTapiasTrfis eEO 377/6 a. (IG., II2, 14101,14116; K6v[o]v(AEcovri8os), councillor? 343/2 a., 49323 K6vcwv Isaios, IX, 17; P.A., 8669);anotherson may els T MrlrpoScbpou TrafiasTrv r&ve qgc KuvEralvaisS, Kncov ('Apaxpvtos), 336/5 a., 4274; for other members of 335/4 a., 43233; on the family cf. A.P.F., 10807,stemma this familycf. P.A., 8669, stemma;H., XXX, 1961,p. 40; Kopiveos ('AvacXoaTos), fin. s. Ip., father of K6pvOos, 3217; and A.P.F., 7252, stemma Table II probably= cf. P.A., 8673 fin. s. III a., 14139; (K)>Xeov (Etcovuwts), K6plivos ('AvaX?rOnos), ca. 105/6 p., father of K6pitvos, KAXcov herald of the boule and the demos 95/4 33320 Ki[Kvvvtss],
a., 26155-56 (& KoXriis), Khckwv 178/7 a., 19447 iit. s. II p., 3217, was ephebe ca. K6piv0os ('AvacxpM-cros),
K2X,ov ca. 390-375 a., 1047;for MEV?E?vou (KvUSaOrvalns), his familycf. A.P.F., 8674, stemmaTable II
KXcov: [Fr(&os)KUtVTOS] KEXcov M[apaobvios], archon post ca. 217 p., 4742-3; r(xlos) KIv(-ros) KAcov MapaObvios, 4751-2; Fraos KUItvro 4762, [4771-4] KX6[cov] MapaOcbvios, T[---] (TancrIvErs), [K]X[7]cov post ca. 216 p., 47219 K?Xcov (TpwKopOcros), paullo ante ca. 93 a., father of A&SoKos, 26715 KXcov s. IV-III a., father of S-rTpavos,5638 (XoXXMEiSr),
and father of 'EirTyaeos 84/5-92/3p. (IG., II2, 1996146) (LG., 112,202045); probably=
Kopveos ('Ava9c iomros),138/9 p., 33320
(P.A., 8679) KopvrlXiav6[s]: KXA(oni8os) KopvrXiav6[5] [rE'pxets], &vrTypa*KaXEovCw 335/4 a., 4319-20; l6ris t>CoKtviSov (TTfpyaCOeS), 9qpsca. 187/8p., 4145 the deme is Upper Pergase. Kop(viAlOS)MeveR*u[{S], TrepiT6 PfijO 169/70 p., 37843; K6cbv[uvos] ((vppivil7os), post ca. 183 p., father of EOXoyos, Kop(viXtios) 38045-46; perhaps = K. M[----], [ME]veoeO6s, 47254 thesmothetefin. s. IIp. (LG., II2, 1736ali; cf. H., III, or 'AKaav5ri?os), ante med. s. IV a., KAijTos (Aecovri6So 1934,p. 175,and XVIII, 1949,pp. 41 and 51) fatherof Tricov, of eeoyv[lls], 2318 KopviqAos: 2320,and grandfather AT(AQos) KopvfAios ('AvTnoxiBos), eponymos and [K]Julvos[----], ca 175p., 3938 prytanisca. 205 p., 44711,12; the demoticis nla?rrvejs; [---K]XA Ovo[s]('A-rraXios), post ca. 217 p., 47813 K.('A.) cf. AT.
ca. 200 p., 44612 (MapaOcbvios), Kop(vfi6os) MEA&vXpaiv[os] ca. KopvfAios ((o)aiXpE,s), 50 a., 27353 KopvfiXos:MapKos K6poi?]Pos (Aaxvribos),ca. 330 a., 4630 (lIaavEisU),ca. 20 a., 29330 K6p-Tlo:rvaio5 K6pTtoS ca. (THaavie*s), 136/7 p., father of K6pup3os,37827; K6pvup1Bo cf. K. [O]cOKicvos HT., roaippoviorAis 145/6 p. (I.G., II2, ], who was ephebe 20548) and K.(TT.),father of [ med. s. II p. (I.G., II2, 20615; cf. 'Apx. 'Ep., 1950/1, p. 35. No. 17) o (TTaiavits), 169/70p., 37827,was 0iroocoppoviwrAs K6pvupPos 161/2 p. (I.G., II2, 208522) K6rvs, archon paullo ante 19 p., 3049 s. IIp., 3485 ] (KEKporri8os), Kpar[ Kpar[----] ('AxapvEos),ca. 180 a., 1908 ca. 213/2 a., father of [EOKMi ?]Tros, ('EAEuavvloS), Kp&Mrls 18736(P.A., 8744) ca. 188/7 a., father of (IXoiKos,225[2], 43 Kp&rrs (TTaoiavies), Aiovvu[---] (OcArilpeis), paullo ante 60 a., 2678 *KpaT5rirs 334/3 a., 4426 (P.A., 8758), Kpa-rnou (AlyiWiuvs), Kpcrrivos brother of Kp6-rosK. (Al.), q. v. ]s. Kpcrrvos ('E-rinais), ca. 337/6 a., father of [ 61213 [Kp]crTivos Antoo-rpa-rou(KuSao0valivs), ca. 360 a., 1512 A. (K.), ca. 360 a., (P.A., 8761), brother of [AnT]i[T-]pios 151 and perhaps father of [T]lpoKparela (I.G., II2, 6598 = P.A., 13742) Kp&riosKpa-rAov (AlylAlEis), 334/3 a., 4427 (P.A., 8765), K. (Al.) brother of Kpcrrivos Kpcnciar6ecos (lcTaoviSrls), ca. 168 a., 21454 ca. 280 a., 7413 (P.A., *Kpcrr6?vos'AveilT-rrov (AEVKOVOIEVS), 8774) and (AylyiAlis), ca. 367/6 a., father of Kporravos *Kp-ruvXos 4426, 27 (P.A., 8776) Kp&inos, 4735 ca. 363 a., father of Zobrr[u]pos, (rTElplE%s), *Kpar6vcov (P.A., 8777) of Antiochis s. I p., 30937 KlQpco-r65 KpdrTov, ca. 161/2 (?) p., father of Kp6rcov, (MapaOcbvios), Kp&rcov 4245 194/5 (?)p., 4245 Kprrcovo (Mapaecbvtos), 5922= ('A9tivaTos),ca. 337/6 a., father of AioKpco[v], [Kp.cov] 61254 KpEcov ('A9tivatos), ca. 337/6 a., father of [AI]oKpicov, ca. 368/7 a., father of KrrlrvoS, 4393 (EirrupiTrls), *Kpr1EiOE paullo ante KpfiKIos ('AvnToXi5os), 'OKp(&CnoS) KpiKoxrls: 46622 220/1 p., init. s. III p., 4596 ('ATrraX8os), *[Kpi]oTrr?TvoS Kpr6pov[uos], Knpug (?) fin. s. I a., 3034 281/0 a., 72153 ] (K?Ipi&S6s), KpiTO6I1[l0os ca. 8937; 287/6 a., father of A6vcrros, KprriT6rpo (nfTTpasIls), cf. K. A. n. (.G., 112, 7173 = P.A., 8813) Kprr6Xaos (naxlcvtils), 155/4 a., 22579 ca. 128 a., 24840 (KEKpo1Ti8OS), KpiTco[v] ca. ('Eoicai6ev), 289/8 a., father of 'ApXias, 8570 Kpircov (P.A., 8827) 155/4 a., 22598; a son may = 'AWrroKpi-rov(KuSa0rivai?ts), K. K. (I.G., II2, 6563) Acbvios i -ir T r ynoiaronra 335/4 a., Kpi-cov'EptiS[KovMapa0cbvios,
KT[rr---] (KEcatAes),ca. 336/5 a., father of [----]Kp&ms, 6296= Kl[----] (Keqa6ars),ca. 336/5 a., father of [---]Kp&Tms, 6295 KTr[---] (9: Olou), 185/4 a., 17954 KT-ra[pXos]('Avayvp&oios),ca. 289/8 a., father of KTtracoV, 8663 (EOcovWuvUS), Twi&v8p(ou) 256/5 a., 8643; cf. IG., K-r[Ac]apXos II2, 6178 KTMl[i]as('Ayvo*oios), ca. 337/6 a., father of NiKo-rXs,
ca. 289/8 a., father of K-rrlc KTrraccxs (AaIc-rpe=pS), Kp&Tns, 8625; perhaps = K-maias O AoS'qpiov (Aainrrpevs),256/5 a., 8628 37823 KTrrlara (atTiavie5s),ca. 136/7 p., father of OoTpos, ca. 330 a., 4654 probably = KrrlCmiKAiSfri ('AcoTreKeUS), ?), ca. 321 a., 5537 KT'racoVOS ('AcoTrEKfieOv [K]T[Tiao]K6Ei85fS (P.A., 8859, demotic corrected B.S.A., L, 1955, pp. 13-14); either he or an ancestor = K. K. (.G., II2, 234535) archon 334/3 a., 44i (P.A., 8863) KT'rri[Kiis], KTrlaioAfis ( Oiov), ca. 168 a., 21478 KT'rlaOKAis (Tnetpateis), paullo ante 178/7 a., 19320(P.A., 8872) ca. 337/6 a., father of [....yopas], (cDaXInpEps), [KTaioi]KAris 593 = ca. 337/6 a., father of [---y]6pas, KTrCrltKaS (OaXnrlpeS), 61246; probably = K. Kriraoqov-ros 0(., ca. 325 a. (.G., = P.A., 8873); a later member of the II2, 1927o08-o09 same family may = KTriKaiXfis (caripes, secretary of the boule KlQpicaoqovroSvaos and the demos 220/19 a., 13052-53; KTrlancrtis KrlqZOCt[i]EO (demotic cut in error for ()aXnpEs), 130131-133 s KToriou(AaiTTrrppus), 256/5 a., 8625 KTrCltKprrp a., 4392-93 *KTrrlovos 335/4 (EuTrvpiSrs), Kpije0cos KTrifCcovi6o (AcaXiSrls), 370/69 (?) a., 13106-107 KTrficrrrros (P.A., 8884) 281/0 a., 7256 Krtacr[Trr]rros 'Al[plt?]aiou (Acoao8r6s), KTrfiTnrros 'OXuTrrlioScb(pou) 303/2 a., 62250 (TTlipaOl?s), KTatTrrrros 'AyvoSiwou (nEpyacv's), 335/4 a., 4312-13; the deme is Lower Pergase v (EiTeaTos), 169/8 a., 21277 KTrCaijqS (Oiie0v), 360/59 a., 1737(P.A., 8898) K[-r]lcntqpv
KTrACCv ?), ca. 354 a., father of [K]T[crl]r,Ki81rS, ('AXcoriTEKvs
5537; (P.A., 8905, demotic corrected B.S.A., L, 1955, (I.G., II2, 234533; pp. 13-14); perhaps = K. KacaitT-rp&rou cf. 234534, 35); cf. K. K. ('A.) KTrqacov Krra&[pXov]('Avayvpoitos), 256/5 a., 8663; an ancestor is probably Ti-rcovos [K]Tnlcrcov ('Avayup&aoos), 367/6 a., 1419 33352 ca. 105/6 p., father of KTracov, KrljaCOV (naXXjXlveO), KTracrcov a (Hanc rlviS), 138/9 p., 33352 r rptos], (npopoaiCios), ca. 223/2 a., father of [Arl [KTriccoV]
KpoiTos('Avayupa&aos), ca. 73-63 a., father of Ati6copos, 28654 r. KT-rCO [M]iKCOvoS (rapyfrtlos), 336/5 a., 42121 = [K-rEc]v (.G., II2, 5936 = P.A., 8830)
KTrlrcoviSrls (AleociSrls), ca. 403/2 a., father of Kro41cnrros, 13107 (P.A., 8916) KT'rTOS 'ETiy6vov (CNaX1rlveWS ?), ca. 192/3 p., 42318 341/0 a., 386 (P.A., 8928); ('EpXiO5s), Kuicas AuacrKpcrouS cf. A. ('E.) 166/5 a., 21634 [Kv]iaS ('PaClvoiVUlos), councillor ? ca. 370 a., 492151 KvStnrro[s] ('AvaqcXiorios), 6197 ca. 337/6 a., father of Kimrrrros, K6TSirrros (KE9cpaeVs), Kvuin-rrov 6197 304/3 a., KO68Trnros (Keo9aeFs), KG6irrrros (Olvatos), ca. 314/3 a., father of [---]vos, 72203;cf.
K. 01., TrpecpEvrTjS (N.P.A., p. 115) IKTerpaCrw6Acov
ca. 337/6 a., father of [Krqi]oo(pov, archon post KcbjiapXos (MEaT6Eis), [Kiivros]: [r(aios) Kihvros]KAEcov M[apaecbvios], ca. 217 p., 4742-3; r(&los) KUiv(Tos) KMAcov MapaOcbvioS, 61133;probably= ca. 314/3 a., father of ScoKAfis, 7237 4762, [4771-4] 4751-2; raios KiIVro KKA[cov] Kcbv[a]pXos Mapaecbvios, (MEA,TrEs), ca. 350 a., 213; cf. K.Xai[p.]ou A., Kcolias (AacrmrpEuS), KIKvos OiCoX6pou'AvaXao-rlos, prytanis honored by the boule and phyletai 334/3 a., 447, 71-73 (P.A., 8941); his hipparch on Lemnos, praised 277/6a. (.G., II2, 67211-12); see H., X, 1941, p. 339, and for the date cf. Athenian sons = Ariif'rpios K.'A. (.G., II2, 3835 = P.A., 3387) and the well known Atthidographer Philochoros (P.A., Year, p. 233 (P.A., 8956) 14782 = F. Gr. Hist., III B, 328) KcoTrcbvioS ('AvTroXi8os), Ma&ijio[s] paullo ante 220/1 p., 46658 -r rrpoESpcov [KcopaTos] OIXOUVIEV6S ('ATTaXiSos), KcTrr(cbvioS) post ca. 216 p., 47028 197/6 a., AaKtaSrls, &trno-r&S [X]a&pr-ro Kco-rrcovto: 1653-4 = K. X. A. (I.G., II2, 6625 = P.A., 8953; cf. I.G., T(-ros?) KcrTrcbvios Matll1os'Ayvoucios, TrTipEXirfls s. I/II p., 31318-22 II2, 6622-3) rfis Trr6ocoS ca. 403 a., father of ['A]vr[i]w'raTpos, KcbpapXo[s] ('AXatOEv), 49262
], 303/2 a., 6257 A[ A[----], fin. s. I a., 29721 ] (AiyEi8os),ca. 180 a., 18922 A[] ('AvTnoxiSos), ca. 176/5-170/69 a., 20424 A[ ] (OivWios),ca. 180a., 1901 A[ ] ('Avayup&actos), ca. 403 a., father of Oi,6voeos, A[ AKxcov (TatoavlisS), 220/19 a., 13079 *AaKcovi65S[----] ('AyvoOios), 378/7 a., 811(P.A., 8976) 'OKT&ovuos Aa,i[----]: Aap[----] (KoAM?rrEU), 148/9 p.,
33718 AaclScov (Kvav-ri8rlS), ca. 368/7 a., father of Xrivcov, 4347
AapiacrKo Xaipillovos ('ASpiavi8os),ca. 231/2 p., 49124 *A&aTros: ['YyEi]vos6 Kal A&laros ('ArrTai8oS),post ca. 218 ca. 403 a., father of Xicov,492112 p., 48024 = 'Y.6 Kal A. 'A0(!ovEus), A[----] ('AxapvEus), q.v. ca. 336/5 a., father of ODiAloriirls, A[-----] (rapy'rrios), ca. 97-117 p., father of 'Erriyovos, AapnrpoKX(fis) (rlTEpaisOS), 3325 62249;either identical with or a descendant of P.A., 8992; a grandson perhaps = ca. 433-383 a., father of lA[---]s, 1229 A[--] ? (KuSaoervaEi6s), ca. 390-375 a., 1053 ca. 287/6 a., father of 'ApEsias, 894 AalJirpoKXfis A.[---] Aio86rov (KuSaOnvatEiu), (T1TpalEUS),
*Aavrcov (Muppivoclios), ca. 423-408 a., father of [--]..os, 1027 [A&o?]aaos [---]e[---] ('AXcoTTrrEs), 281/0 a., 72248; a descendant perhaps of A.'A., workman on the Erech-
theion408/7 a. (P.A., 9003) 62212 ('AaElus A&xrls ?), ca. 336/5a., fatherof MXrl[Tro]s,
AaXiTrrTiov [A&]Xrls (KEsyaCEiS), 303/2 a., 6293
AaXrls (lnorT&moS KaO,), ca. 403/2 a., father of XapTvos, 1319
(P.A., 8960)
*AaSa&Ias 9eo5Scbpou post 225 a., 1254 (N.P.A., (ArllnTrpi&Sos),
p. 116)
KAXcovos *A&8oKos A&XnSr (TPtKopUtOSo), paullo ante 60 a., 26715 Xap{vov(Ino-rTa'os), 303/2 a., 6226 42250 *Aaiav6s K&pTro[u] paullo ante 220/1 p., 46629 a., axisr ('Yd&Srls), ('AVT-OXi8OS), 336/5 archon 96/7 p., 3125-6; cf. A., ephebe ca. 80 p. AaiMA[a]v6s, *AaxTm'irriSr(KEpaEiUS),ca. 336/5 a., father of [A&]xns, 6293 ca. 336/5 a., father of 'EpyoKAris, 62222 A&Xcov (I.G., II2, 19924,17) (lTieEUs), councillor? ca. 370 a., AE[ ] ('ASpiaviSos),ca. med. s. II p., 33917 Aao[-rr]o[8ias---] ('AvaqXoTnios), 492152;if, as seems likely, A., general 414/3 a. (P.A., 8963) [Af]aypos 'AoxCaT-wcovos HElpaEis5,treasurer of the boule 155 is an ancestor, we have another case of double reprea., 22560 sentation on the board of generals *AEalos (AIlcoveUS), ante med. s. IV a., 16io (P.A., 9030) 62218 [A]EiPEpTros AaIKfs ('AaieuS ?), ca. 336/5 a., father of AaKp&ars, 'ErT[y6vov]('AKapiavrTios), 200/1-201/2 or 203/4AaKparr[--](AaprITpEvs), 336/5 a., 4250; the name is either 204/5 p., 45319, undoubtedly a relative, probably father, or AaKpTr[rns]. of A. S9pTr[Tnos], AaoKparr[Ei6s] ephebe ca. 220p. (LG., II2, 22293) ca. fin. s. IIp., father of AaKpcrrEiSns AEo(----) (XSKapcoviS78s), ca. 255/4 a., father of NIKfT'rs, ('ALriEiVs), AaKpacrrESrij 129ioi and'AKAri Xrlti&ris,4584,5;perhaps= A. EOrruxiSou'A., IEpEUs and KOcrPTITis of the ephebes 197/8-199/200 p. [A]e6vr[--] (O)P&ppIos), fin. s. II a., 2562 PoouTrrOos ] ('Papvoiatos), ca. 120 p., 32259 (I.G., II2, 21283, 21292-3, 2291 a2) *Ae6vT?1[XOs AEovTerU: 'Ep6vvtos AEovTreS('ALrvifiES),138/9-150/1 p., 33617 'Arlv(tiEs), init. s. III p., 4584 AaKpaTEcrriS AoKp&r1SAa,3ovs ('Axaius ?), 303/2 a., 62218 [A]eOVTEr[S] ('AXapVEws), ca. 354 a., father of [O]p&aov?[os], 544 AaKp&aTrs MvrropoS nEpteoiSris, orator 193/2 a., 1676; 16829-30 AaKpa'rr1n Ae6ovTos(Ki(piMiEiS),336/5 a., 4236 [MivropoS TTEpiOoi8ri],
Acov ('Avayvpaclos), 193/2 a., 16876 AEovriaKoS 135/4 a., 24380 (1nTpawE6s), Akcov 7262 a., 336/5 a., 42105 (BaCTEIss), 281/0 AE6riTXos Ka7lab8ou(T'E-TIKr1iCos), (BcraEais), paullo ante 180/1 p., 3974, was MEiA?XOU AEovTrovrls 178/7 a., 19466;cf. AEOVTro(vr1S),AMcov ('AXEP8oiocos), acropovoaris 165/6 p. (.G., II2, 209019) P.A., 9039, the only other Attic occurrence of this name AEcov 42162 (Eiorcos), 140/39 a., 24058 *ATrrrias (lpopaXoicos), 336/5 a., Acov ca. 336/5 a., father of KaXYAKis, 62244; cf. = 4238 ca. p., (KO6Trpos), eponymos 192/3 Ae\(KIos), AT(Alos) AEU(KIos): of father ca. (H., XXVI, AEcoX&pns 367/6 a., Al. A. nafMrla AEca[v ?] (K.), VEs No. 2672 ante 60 15, 1957, ] S68-9) a., p. (AlavriSos),paullo NIK[ A/EIK[lo]s med. s. II p., 3408 Aca[v] 'loatyvous(MapaOcbvios), ra[iou] ? ('AvoXi{8os), 169/70 p., 38027 A?U[K]I[o]S AIcov(Muppivoraios ]s, ?), ca. 336/5 a., father of [-M6yvos ('ArraciBos), init. s. III p., 4597 [AEM]KIOS 626 ca. 180 p., 40121 ---] (KEKpo7rTiOS), AEO<lo[s AEcov 220/19 a., 130111 ca. 50-40 a., 2806 (-lpocaXiOaos), ('ALTivius), AEs[KIO]S 22611 AIcov ca. 188 a., father of TEXvcov, 27838 of I father s. ca. init. a., (Griyaieus), AioaXvris, AEiUIOS ('AL.vieUs), AEcovi61S,ca. init. s. IIp., father of [----]os, 3505 [---] ('Alinvevs), med. s. I a., 27840 AEUKioS of Antiochis s. I p., 30936 AEcoviSrlS, ] ('AljviESs), ca. 50-40 a., 28019 KXripCOTr6 AEi<lOS[ AEcoviSis 27831 I s. med. ('ArraX7ios), post ca. 185 p., father of [AET]oS, a., AEnKIOS ('AZrlviiS), 'Ep6c&rcov 48012; either he or his grandson = ('AL[viEUS),ca. 50-40 a., 2802 MapKOU AEU[KI]OS Aedou ('A-rrci8os), post ca. 218 p., 48013 [AEco]vifS1 M6v5os('Arl|vi?EU), ca. 50-40 a., 28010 [A]EOKios and ECorTIcovoS of father AEUKIOS ('A01ovseS), 180/1 p., 40244, was Urro73-63 AecoviSrli ca. a., AEUKIOS (Kri9iaie6S), 19 p. (I.G., II2, 213021) 192/3 rcoppovitorrls 2869, 'AqpoSicos, Acovi6rnS : (KT)qIaieS), ca. 40-30 a., 2869 ('Avayvp&acos), ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13748 AE'UKOS ca. 105/6 p., father of EUX-rraroS, ca. 161/2 (?) p., father of [A]EVKtoS, AecoviS61 ('AvaMAuo-rnos), [A]EKlIos (Mapaecbvios), 33322-23 4243 o (Mapaecbvtos), 'Ava(Xa-nrios)], 169/70 p., 38012= [A]covi6s 'A0Tr[vaiov 194/5 (?)p., 4243 [A]evKioS 'AOrvaio[u] AEcovifrls ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29083 195/6 p., 42519 ('Ava9ALonrios), AEUK10S (MErrETSs), [----] 29091 ca. Aeoovi6rls 195/6 p., 42522= ('Ava9qXcrros), a., I<KcX>po[u] AEVK1oS 'EX[vou?] (MEXrTeis), 29/8-22/1 OXbpou('AvoAucgrlos),220 p., 46715 [AEcovi5rl]s [AE]UKios (?K MvppivoUvnms),ca. 177 p., father of [----], 4455 29342 AEcovi6nl MEXITEUS, hoplite general fin. s. I a., 3003-6, was AEUKIOS (lTalavtiUS), ca. 53 a., father of lTpcoToy'vris, a. archon ca. 12/1 (I.G., II2, 171330; cf. H., XXXIII, 1964, AEKtos: AhR(ios)AEiKios (TaXXvrlE6s), eponymos post 216 p., 47212 p. 217); for a stemma of this well known family cf. 3036 Kirchner, s. .G., II2, 2342 ca. med. s. I a., father of <Ri[AX]cros, AE\IKIOS (OXVE1Os), AucoviSrs ca. 325 a., 5220 (P.A., 9069) = AEOKcov (ltaiavieOs),ca. 100 a., 2589 Arlpov (OpE&PPIOS), s. I p., 30940 A. . (., priest of Asklepios 329/8 a. (.G., II2, 4393; for Aecovi6Sr (TTa?rvivES), the date, cf. Chronology,p. 80). (IaMXivE6s), post ca. 183 p., father of [Ae]<co>vi[AE]<co>vi6rjs Bis, 47221 (Kveuppios),155/4 a., 22588 *AEXSi6lp[os] [A]C]<o>vi8rf[s] (l'a?alvECs),post ca. 216 p., 47221 (naXrlvEUs), 281/0 a., 72225 N<KOKpa[Tovs] AEco[---]s post ca. 216 p., 47220 Nov[---] (nlaTrIveius), AEco8&apas (MuppivoOaios), 220/19 a., 13090; cf. A. 'Apiolroo&- [A]E<co>virs1S Xo[u] (nlavl5ovl6os), ephebe ca. 235 a. (H., XVI, 1947, Atcovi6Srs (HpaoCami), ca. 133/4 p., father of ['HpcbSq]s, 36930 = p. 186, No. 9212) of father ca. a., Aecovi(8ls) (npaolEis), ca. 136/7 p., father of 'Hpcbrls, 37852 AEcoKBrisS [(]ixaiyiSrls, 367/6 ('Ava9CAToios), ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29085 4412 (P.A., 9078) AecoC[esvrS?] (MEXrTeUS), A6<coa>0evrjS (natavleUs), ca. 423-408 a., father of [----]os, AEcoKfi1Srs (Ko?avrrus), ca. 403 a., father of [......]ios, lOll 49257; probably = 3642 of father ca. Aico0vTrlS: AEcooOvrls a., OX(&[pios) (1TaiaviEs), fin. s. II p., 'ApELv[i]as, 376/5 (Ko?avrreUs), AEcoKfiSlS 43710 (P.A., 9080) father of [ArlJ]69l7os,ca. 354 a., ('AXcor1TKfijOv), AeKoKp&rr('AXltiocios), ca. 403/2 a., father of NiKfiparos, AEcbaorpacroS = A. A. N. is 'A., a descendant cf. 5539, vEcopicov360/59 a. EwTIEXlTriS 1314(P.A., 9085); probably probably: ('A.); = and also A. 'A., father 1622558 61284 P.A., II2, a., 9152) (I.G., 304/3 (?) ----] ('AWloolos), AEcoK[p&arls of [Ma]XMeaKn (I.G., II2, 2682) Is, ('AvaqOXoaos), ca. 354 a., father of [ AEco[K]p6&[-ms] A. 'A. (I.G., II2, 5658 = P.A., 9087) ('A9ivaTos ?), ca. 314/3 a., father of [----]s, AEcbacrpacroS 552; cf. ArllapTrrn 72181 ? 49352 councillor a., AEcoKp6Trns 343/2 Ae[KEXMEs6], ----] ('E?euovivios ?), 281/0 a., 72130 AeoCKp&l(s) (EUcovvEiUS),ca. 289/8 a., father of TIaoKXiqS, Aecbo-rp[caros os] (naatvEUs), ca. 314/3 a., father of 2&r[upo]s, AEcbaTpar[ 8638; probably a brother of TlIST68nJo (Ev.); cf. A.P.F., 72226 13675 archon 228/7 a., 1201 AEcoxapr1s, AEcoKp&-rTs (Ku6a0lvaieis5), 336/5 a., 42159 Aivaios, archon 118/7 a., 2531 (P.A., 9177) AecbKpiTros )tAivou 256/5 a., 8676 (1app3corTa6&n), and ca. 73-63 a., father of 'AnroMcobvos A\ivaios (KirlotusEi), ('Ava9qXuiaos), ca. 337/6 a., father of Al-pi(cov, AecoKU5[rS] Kapr6oScopos, 28617,22 61316 AIcov(OlvifSos), ca. 263 a., father of [----], 1176 Al[......]ov (AlavrTios), ca. 170 p., father of AtovVlcaos, 45014 19439 A&cov ca. 211/0 a., father of K6oAlrTros, (AltcovE6s), NAcov (EpXlieS), ca. 180 a., 18916 [A]i(3us ('AAaieis), ca. 390-360 a., 76 (P.A., 9110 = (DiXA[yp]ou rrpEaFrios Al[KivvtosTrlXCeLXoS],6 Kp&rTICoS I.G., II2, 11961-2; cf. 5495a and 159415, corrected Ath. AI[Kivvwos]: KTA. 209/10 p., 46033-34 PEUTrIS Mitt., LXVII, 1942, p. 18, No. 1615)
[A]uKIvoS (KvSaervalOs5),ca. 423-408 a., father of Ecoatyk[vns], 1054 336/5 a., 4223 A/UKvoS (TolapckoTr&Sis), AuvKvoS (Zuppi6ils),fin. s. III a., 14122 ] (COpe&ppios), ca. 325 a., 5218(P.A., 9210) AuKSvos [ AvKTvoS ('Qaexs), ca. 423-408 a., father of 'AvSpoKis, 1018 -ri s povAfXs AMnios, 303/2 a., 6218 uirlpirrls AiuKI AouKiov ('AcoTKreKfOe), post ca. 216 p., 47244 archon 344/3 a., 331-2 (P.A., 9214) AVKiKoxOS, ---] ('Axapve(s), councillor? ca. 370 a., 492113 AvKi7[Kos ECi.vilorov & Oiov, treasurer of the boule ca. [A]vuioxoos i? Otou, 22691-92 155 a., 22612; AvKitKos ] (KvuSaervaieos), ca. 20 a., 29365 T.A.P.A.,LXXI, 1940,p. 305) .....]iv[ [A]uKO[ ] (0opiKhos), 305/4 a., 5871 (KoaiuTrEoS), 148/9 p., 33717,was ephebe AuvKopi5ri[s AlK(ivvio)TTo7Xaivos orator 254/3 a., 8923, etc. 125/6p. (I.G., II2, 203716, 71) AvKoi,Slns Alox&pouKov[O]vuAj[e]v, a. of was 175 39221 (IG., 112, 1534221= priest Asklepios 266/5 p., epEn'r6s(Kco-rTi8rls),ca. [Ai]Kfv(vios) of a decree in the archonship orator and of father ca. a., P.A., 9234) Oav6KprrTo 337/6 (Kvu8arlvacEs), *Ainra&pov of Antimachos (I.G., 12, 7699-10; cf. H., XXXVIII, 6170 (P.A., 9183) 1969, p. 423, note on line 23) A6ylocos: A?V(ios)A6dytocos('Aarrca8os), post ca. 216 p., 4709 [A*KOS] ('AXcoTeKfijEv),ca. 338/7 a., father of Arr6[XvKoS], 5877 ca. 330 a., 465s (P.A., 9185) ('AcoTrrKEsO), *AoKpicov ('ArTTrcios),post ca. 216 p., 47010 A[o?tiavOs], priest 141/2 p., 3345 AuKoupyos A[oXliavOs]: 'Op8ECovios = A. M., IJo'rcoxri I 6 at Ko s. : os METrrE(6s), 328/7 a., 49o10 AvKO<G>pyos fin. A6vyo[s] (rapylrros), A6vyo[s] 'Eorito Eleusis 329/8 a. (LG., II2, 167223= P.A., 9254) II p., 4344 ('AipoLoicos), ca. 368/7 a., father of cbpax,4386; AuKOopcov ], ca. 175 p., 39310 *[A]ovKvio[s a descendant, perhaps a grandson, may = AoVKlSE[----], s. I/IIIIIp., 4905 ? ----] ('ApJoiaiost), 304/3 a., 61283 Bfpos 'AppeviaK6o AvuKo[pcov A(oirios): sepaarros A(oUK1io AAOpAXtos [A]vK69pcov (Aalai6rins), med. s. III a., 10516 lcap0tKoS MEyloros,167/8 p., 3712-4 Ko6ppoBos AuKo6pcov AoUKIOS: Aoo(Klo5) Avp(XiAtos)] ('EXaiooatos),135/4 a., 24390 [Katcacp Ar"roKparcop Ca. 192/3 p., 4231-2 AuK69pcov Souvvios,treasurer of the boule 140/39 a., 24051, 'AvTcovTvos2[Epaacrr6s---], AoVKIOSETrr-riUOS [130-131] EPacrr6s EouvipoS EUr'Ep3iTepTrivacX 125/4 209/10 p., MYIa-TOS, AvK6opcov ['Avj]Ty6vovZOUVwE[OIs], rpoESpcov ,oTlOTrri&TS 'ApaplKos 'AStaptrviKOs cTapiKbos 46019-20 a., 2494-5; for other possible members of the same post ca. 183 p., father of AiKi, 47244 AoKtIOS family cf. N.P.A., p. 119 ('A?cowrEKfi0ev), archon ca. 150-200 p., [. .]iTa[p]Xov['AX]EXavSp[?es], ] 'AvayCoros, Au[K6]gpcov eponymos of PanA(otKios) [---391i-2 dionis, aet. Rom.,31810-13 ] KTpITCtEi[O], &dEI'rTO ca. med. s. II p., father of A\Kcov,356s AOUK[1OS AiKCoV, fin. s. I p., 3112 A*KCov ca. 160p., 3627 AO'UKtO5 :, secretary post med. s. II p., 356s 2cKp6'ro[us] (Kuva0tvatEs5), AnKCOV ] (nTTlaXves [ Ao(uKiOS) ?), ca. 192/3 p., 42313 (OpE&ppios), 336/5 a., 42215= AMKCOV epaCiou Ope&phoplite general pios, polemarch praised in a decree of the klerouchs of OtAC6orparToS STEplEVS, A(oUKiOS) OA(a3pios) Lemnos(I.G.,XII, 8, 477, 14; P.A., 9275). ca. 205 p., 4475-6, 4485; [A(oOKios) (lo]7iporros OX(&ptoos) ca. 289/8 a., father of 'E-rnXapfirlS, 8545 Avf[----] ('Amaieus), -rT?[ptis], 4493-5 (nliaviEijs), ca. 390-375 a., 103 K]M(ous) [A(OojK10)]O)X&(p3os) Oil[6oarpaTros ZrEI]piECSve(CrT?pos), Av[a ca. 337/6 a., father of Auv[ifpo(os], [Auv----] (lnlpyacreOs), hoplite general, s. III p., 4853-4 607 = archon 138/9-150/1 p., No0Citmos A(oVKIos) Mfi[v]isOdAripens, ] (TEpyaacrfs), ca. 337/6 a., father of vaiouC,Xos, 3352-4 Aua[ 6133 ], ca. fin. s. III a., father of Taxlas, 1621i Au[ Auv[--] (OrjyoiaTio), ca. 400/399 a., father of [---]os, 1460 Au[----] ('ArrTTaios), post ca. 216 p., 47045 Au[----] ('AyvoOaios), ca. 337/6 a., father of 'AAKtpcov, Avra[----] (EOuvpatTiSq ?), ca. 433-383 a., father of 'AJEt61116 vfas, 113 ]vos Aepa(6itcbr1), secretary hrrl Tr& yiniaTccrc AucavB(p--) (lTalavei6s), ca. 268/7 a., father of [Auva]vias, Av[ 11568 305/4 a., 5883 5873 AvouavpiSis (AeuKovote~s), ] (OopfKios), Ca. 338/7 a., father of E08p&cov, Au[ 336/5 a., 42229 ] (Au1KovoOVs), post ca. 288 a., father of Auvavias, post ca. 288 a., father of ee6Kprros, Au[aav8pi6fTs] Au[ (nlAWrl), 8834 8830 ] (OaXppess ?), ca. 314/3 a., father of [.. c]v, 72189 AMcaav6[pos], orator 184/3 a., 18130 Au[ Auci&Bov 'AvaXcpioos, treasurer of the boule AcraovSpos:KX(acx6os) AOcavEpos A\oc(vpo5, 168/9 p., 37337 and orator 254/3 a., 895-6, 25-26,32 (P.A., 9187) ca. 205 p., AiuoavSpos:'lo*v(ios) AvravSpos('IrnToOwovTrios), 44823 303/2 a., 62290 Acav8pos eOocogpiGou (POcxXnpOs), [A]]oca<v>8posee6(pou) ('EXFvoivios),135/4 a., 24363; on [AuKiaS], archon 257/6 a., 84i (P.A., 9191 b) other relatives cf. H., XXI, 1952, p. 364, note on line 63 [A]vuKacKripitiov ('Poaivoaioos), 281/0 a., 72195; for his 1958, p. 30 (= B.C.H., grave monument see npaKTmiA&, secretary of the prytaneis 135/4 a., [A]caavSpos(KEipiarSns), post ca. 216 p., 47039. Audv(vios)('A-rraX6ios), [AlK]ivvios ('ArraXiSos),post ca. 218 p., 48021 O[X]acopos (rapyTrrTos), 138/9 p., 331io [Ai]Kivios 'AoKArliTm&rls 'Appia[vos] (capyf'rios), ca. 180/1 p., 40310= [AI]Kiv(vloS) AKiv(vios)'Appiavos(capyri-rnos), 182/3 p., 40622 Alivvios 'Apptcavos (rapy?irnos), 138/9 p., 3319; his son = 'ArrKTOs AlKivVVIo (rapyitrrios), 138/9 p., 3311i; his son= 'ArrIKOS AtKfvv<l>os (rapyi'Tnos), 138/9 p., 33127, who was 165/6p. ephebe 126/7p. (I.G., II2, 373311-12)and mlXE1rtsl6 (I.G., II2, 34050io-1) and whose grandson was ephebe 165/6 p. (.G., II2,209063). This last andhisfatherappearin alist of paianistai dated ca. 166-185 p. (.G., II2, 24816, 7; cf.
orator 164/3 a., 2197; OEeoiiSouKvSaOrIvaiE5s, AvOaav6poS 2208; AuiavSpos [AvcravSpos ]eo]pfSo[uK]v8[aOtjv]al6[iS], 22041; P.A., 9289 may be a son. eE[op18ov KuvarOlvalEus], 220/19 a., 13082 Avioavpos (rTalavlEis), Auvavias, archon 235/4 a., 115i Auvravias 180/79 a., 18771 (rToAopatiSoS), 'Ava[KalEis], &vaypa9EVus 135/4 a., 24354-55,144-145; Aucavicas 2444 Avucavias 'Av[aKalEus], Avaavias Auaiabou (EvnrupiSrqs), 335/4 a., 4390-91 ca. 423-408 a., father of Aro6Avaaviras(KvSaORlvaEi'S), 1049 aTpaTroS, ca. 400/399 a., father of (AauirrrpEus Xr&paWos), Aucaav[ias?] Avaavfas, 1441 s rr&paXos), Avuavias Avaav[iov?] (AaprTrpEui 367/6 a., 1441; med. s. IV a. (I.G., II2, 296721 perhaps = A. [Aarr]-rpEus, = P.A., 9316) and his son may = AriiT'rpiosA. A. (LG., II2, 6654) ], 72206 Avravi[[as](Oivatos), ca. 314/3 a., father of [ Avo-aviasAvOiTrro(u) (OivaTos), 304/3 a., 5929= [Avaavios Avoai'rrrov] (Oivaios), 304/3 a., 61272 235/4 a., 11568 [Avoa]vias Avocav8(p--) (Hiaiavieus), Auvaavias5 (Tflxir), post 255 a., 8834, was Au[aavSpi8ov] = P.A., 9319, corrected ephebe 267/6 a. (I.G., II2, 665, 1154 H., XXVI, 1957, p. 44, note 49) Auoavias 'ApiraToKAEiSo (rTpopaXitaos),ca. 330 a., 4738 'A. (n.), 4739; cf. (P.A., 9322); brother of KXAopiiSrls A. n., thesmothete 329/8 a. (I.G., II2, ['A]v-rlKpdrrls 'ACKXnTIrnoj 2836) and A. l., IEpEvs 247/6 a. (I.G., II2, 1534219,corrected Chronology,pp. xvii, 69-71, 81) Avaavicas(TTpoc-rr&dXos ]s, ?), ca. 373 a., father of [ 395; a descendant, perhaps a son, may = ca. 338/7 a., 5851 [A]uvavias (nlpoo-rrkrinos), Auvavias ('YpaSins),336/5 a., 42251 med. s. IV a., 236 (P.A., (OpE&ppIos), [Av]aavias AuvalKp&rous may 9328); Auvavias O., ca. 320 a. (I.G., II2, 156710,12), be a son Avaapxi[rls (lcoeE0Ss),254/3 a., 8995 A[v]ji[---] (Ann'rjTpla8os), post ca. 258 a., father of [A]v-
61255 [Avuaic]oS Auv[ti0ou]('AqnSvaTos), 304/3 a., 5917= Avouaiou 304/3 a., 61255 Avuci[0]eos ('AylSvaTos), AvoiAuvoieos E<oco>vup(eus), 328/7 a., 4930; cf. [Auaii]Mos Eu., ephebe 306/5 a. (I.G., II2, 47848) pEvo[us] ca. 337/6 a., father of [cbC]-Tparos, 6148 Auai0eos('IKapieus), ca. 338/7 a., father of AuolKpcrT[s], 5858 [Auv]aieEo (KecpaOeus), AuvcieEo 336/5 a., 4258 (AacuT-TpEusr), 43221 AvcUiOeoS (rTaXqveUS'),ca. 368/7 a., father of Auaoirmlos, AuCvaKAE(----) ('Papvouc'os), ca. 336/5 a., father of Auvi62278 KAEiSrls, Aucr1KAeiSrs 303/2 a., 62263 T-rpa-r(---) ('EpotdrTls), AualKNAEiiS AuaolKX(---) ('Pctvouiaos), 303/2 a., 62278; thesprobably grandfather of AuvoTiKeirs 'PIapv(ocrios), mothete 229/8 a. (I.G., II2, 17069 = P.A., 9414) AuvCKrj 'A-AroAAco[---] [--iriCmrdTTis -], poSpcov 180/79 a., 1878 AuvaCiKXi (KaE(aEUs), ca. 337/6 a., father of 'ApXErr6Toxos, 6194 ca. 289/8 a., father of Auai[KX]rs, AumVIKjXS (EK KoXcovou),
AvauoKAEou (iK KoAcovoi),256/5 a., 8568 (P.A., Avcni[KA]fi 9435) post ca. 288 a., father of [ AuciKAXfi ('YpaScrs), -]s,
AuvcKpd(ris)(AavTrisoS), ca. 336/5 a., father of $lioKpdrrTs, 62271 AvuoKpcT'rl (OivTiSos),ca. 368/7 a., father of MvrloKp[&]T-is, 43145 ----] ('AypuMAes), 304/3 a., 602 [AuclKp&rrs ----] ('AypuAvXs), AvoulKpdTl[s 304/3 a., 6128 ca. 374/3 a., father of KuSias, 386 AvalKparrls('EpXeiUS), (P.A., 9457), may = A. 'E. (I.G., II2, 6125); descendants -ros A. 'E. (H., XXXII, 1963, probably include (io-Tpaccr p. 52, No. 85) and: ca. 289/8 a., father of Eq>iAXrl-ros, caiax6Ss,1251 ('EpXiEus), AuoaKpcnris ] (KEaXfieEv), 281/0 a., 7229 8536; either he or his grandson = Auvo[ init. s. III a., father of [N]auKpar&s, AuVoKpdrrTs EU9iAfrrou('EpXIeuS), AvUI[---] (XoXapyEvs), 256/5 a., 8535 10118 Au]oi0eov(KEPcAEiS),305/4 a., 5858 AuCIKpdrrl[s ca. 337/6 a., father of [ [A]uCaidais (&K A[va]i[---] (Arlpnrrpla?os), KoXcovou), post 225 a., 1251 AvCaKpaC's ]s K K., dedicant ca. 400-350 a. ante fin. s. lI p., 4292 61211; cf. A. [A]uvaKAiovS [..] Avuaia[ls ----] (KEKpowTTios), 895 AvaocirIs 'Avaqc aT-rtos, (LG., II2, 4555) 287/6 a., father of AMcavSpos, XicoviSou unidentified list ca. 321 a., AuvaKpCrrls (=vrr-eracbv), (P.A., 9343) 49428 ca. 354 a., father of [ AuaicS6s ('A-TvEVS?), ] and 5530, 31 AvUiKp&rqS (Dp&pptio), ante med. s. IV a., father of [Au]ca[----]os, ca. 368/7 a., father of Auvoavias, 4391 vias, 236 (P.A., 9468), may = Au[lKpd ?]TriS D., who was Auold6ris(ETrrvpiSrls), 746 father or husband of a dedicant 343/2 a. (I.G., II2,1524176Auc[i]as (KfTrrios), ca. 313 a., father of rpacroKAfis, 177) (P.A., 9374) 29345 Auvaas(railavieus), ca. 53 a., father of 'AWTroXAcbvos, Aurol[---] ('AXalEus ?), ca. 314/3 a., father of ['Apia]-rT6OXoS, 7288 s, Au[oi]as (nlaovi6rs), ca. 337/6 a., father of 'Aplo-roKp&cr 61293 ca. 313 a., father of ['A]rlv6Au[ao]ia[---] (XoMdiSr1s), Avouia (rlcoeeus), ca. 289/8 a., father of lEpia[v]6pos, 8565 Scopos,7419 archon 339/8 a., 40i; [Auanla]xi15Ts, 405; AuCa[i]paxi5[Ls], (P.A., 9380) ca. 337/6 a., father of[---]X[co]v, 61238 412 (P.A., 9480) Auaias (TTpopaXiaios), Au[aCtaxi8lns], AvuoaT6oASos8 ('Papvoucios), ca. 314/3 a., father of ["A]vroXo,72196 AuvoTpaXilMs ('AXaievs), 341/0 a., 3849 (P.A., Auvicas Avacias 9479) (TplKopvcoios), 223/2 a., 12723 AuvciSr6os Avolieov (TlaXAriv6Js),335/4 a., 43220-221 (ZfTrrnos), ca. 134/5 p., father of Kacliyivr1s, Auvtinacxi65s [A]vaUieoS ('Avayvp&aios),367/6 a., 1420 37126, may = (ptrirn os), ca. 135/6 p., father of AvuciiaxiSrls, Ava[{eioS] ('A9lvacios), ca. 337/6 a., father of [AvoieT]os, AuoaluaXitSns 37323 5917=
K[A. A],cailrros, herald of the boule and the AvutpaiOXiS(qfi-'rnoS), ca. 127-137 p., father of AvUota- AU'aITrrOS: demos 195/6 p., 4268 Xisns, 359i = AuvcipoaXiSns (E9rrnos), ca. 135/6 p., father of AuvoTpaxi6Sr AColrrros('Aypvuius), 336/5 a., 4217 37310 irrp(eoirrEpos), AiUo-r[-ros] post med. s. II a., 24212 ('EPIKEEUS), 747 AvuCaitxi6iso (Z-rrrnos), ca. 160-170 p., 3591 = AOmir[Tros] (Ki-rrtos),ca. 313 a., father of Auoi[Tr]wos, ca. 280 a., 747 = A. K., AvcaipaoiSns: rrp(EopOrEpos) (Ept)r'IOS), 168/9 p., 37310, AOia['rr]Tos Auvorr[rrou] (Kri'rrtno), was ephebe 112/3-125/6 p. (I.G., II2, 20299) XVIII, 1963, p. 104, phylarch of Leontis 282/1 a. (AE-Ar., No. 130); an ancestor = A. K., trierarch ca. 366/5 and os), 168/9 p., 37323 (EqArrt AuvoaiopaXi8s AuvailoXos HoXuKpi-rou ('AlrvIe1s), med. s. I a., 27826 356/5 a. (.G., II2, 160967and 1611343) eoUKAoi8ou (AiOaiSins),304/3 a., 6176(P.A., 9502) Avotrrros (KvSircIvaisEs),ca. 337/6 a., father of 'Hyfircop, AUvolpaXoS 6172(P.A., 9562) Auvoiaxos 'AXaiEis,honored by the boule ca. med. s. II a., 23223-24(P.A., 9503) AUlmlrros (Olvaios), ca. 337/6 a., father of Acaavias, 5929 = ca. 354 a., father of [---]os, 559; [Aorra-rros] AuvfipoaXo ('AvaqAocrTios), (Oivaios), ca. 337/6 a., father of [Avoavias], 61272 A taTrrros OhAivov (TTaiavelS), ca. 330 a., 4710 (P.A., 9564); the son perhaps = for other members of this family and a stemma cf. H., ('Avaouronos), ca. 314/3 a., father of [--]xiSls, [A]u[o]iioaXos 72240 XIX, 1950, p. 259 rEusca. Aivals(KvuaOrivaicUs), ante med. s. IV a., father of 'loqpcv, [Auoiv]aX(os 'AploiroKp6rou 'AyiSva[os], UrroypappiC 3249 (P.A., 9578) 'A918[vaios],20566-67; 176/5-170/69 a., 2049; Auvaiia[Xos] ], med. s. III a., 962 'A9i]8vaCos,20510-11; on the [Auvi]oCpa[rTo [AuvaioaXos 'AplCrroKp6rou family cf. A.P.F., 8157, stemma ], med. s. III a., 963 AvouiC[Tp]a[Tos A[vuillaXos] ('Epmios), ca. 338/7 a., father of Ka[MXi]a[s], Auaio-rpaoroS noXuvEnrov(BaTcss), 341/0 a., 3834 (P.A., 5896 = 9615); for other members of this family and stemmata 613 = cf. P.A., 9615 = I.G., II2, 77623-24 (corrected by [Au]ipacxos('Eppetos),ca. 337/6 a., father of [KcAM]icas, D. M. Lewis, B.S.A., L, 1955, pp. 7-8) and A.P.F., 4549 AuvaipaXo[s] ('Eppelos),ca. 316/5 a., father of Kax?ias, 718 611oi a., [Au]caipaXos (KEpasEus), 304/3 'ITrrrTKp6ro(u) AvuoCo-paTos (K(piaius), 367/6 a., 1426 NIKOSEvoU ca. 290/89 a., father of [----]rs, [Au]aiiaXos THoXuKpicro(vs) (KEcaXsEu), 303/2 a., 6290 AuoiCorpaoros (Mapa0cbvlo;), ca. 40-30 a., 2861i 841 AuviciaXos E[--] (Krl)iotEius), AvaiuaXcos AUCoIpvoUS ca. 314/3 a., father of Krlpi(MuppivoOucios),post med. s. IV a., (?) (MeXITEUS), Avu[]i[crrparTo] 3229 (P.A., 9524, misprinted as 9424) o68copos, 7240; cf. K.A.(M.) and A.P.F., 11473, with Aua---] (nlepyaocr addendum. S), 304/3 a., 607 = Auv[iopaxos Avuao-rpoaros Aua[----] (TnEpyaaEso), AuvipiaXos 304/3 a., 6133 (Muppwvoiaios), 220/19 a., 13089 AuoipaXosAvaoo-rp&r(ov) ('Pacvo*iotos),303/2 a., 62280 AuvC[for]p(a-os) ('Ofijev),ca. 336/5 a., father of Auvio[Trpa]Tos, 62178 AuvciipaXos (EKappcovi6rlS), 222/1 a., 129103 ca. 423-408 a., father of KaMcXfcaos, AuCoi[Trpa]TosAvu[io-r]p(6rrov) Availclaxos(STEIpI6ES), ('Oisv), 303/2 a., 62178 (cf. 1038 P.A., 9620, corrected) ante med. s. IV a., 167 (P.A., 9528) Auvoiorparros (Xlrrrafil-rTto), AvafuPcaoS (TTaiovi8S)s), 336/5 a., 42243 AvailaXos E[Eo9]dvov (9rTrlios), 281/0 a., 7218 (P.A., 9529) Auvaiarpa-r(os) ('Poavouoios), ca. 336/5 a., father of Avai[Au ?]fapaX[os]lue[--] (OaAXlpE*s paxoS, 62280= I.G., II2, 1926, line 148 or 149 ?), 281/0 a., 72190 Aucvaivrs('Ayvouatos), 336/5 a., 42318 Auvaip&vr 'loo[---] (TTaXrqvrvus), 273/2 a., 7832 AvouCIUiiv (Muppivoratos), ante med. s. IV a., father of AvmalCov (XoAapyesu), 336/5 a., 42301; his father may 3229(P.A., 9535) Avaucpaxos, KrlpioQ6$vA. X., commissioner of Amphiareia 329/8 a., Avou[vos] 'Axapve(s, priest of the eponymos of Oineis 203/2 etc; cf. K. X. Aacov ('AXoTrEKEUs), a., 14744-45,[55-56] ca. 354 a., father of [....]icov, 5535 AuaiTro?ls ('AXCais), ca. 374/3 a., father of AuvolioaXi8rls, 3849 Aoacov('Paoivocios), ca. 190/89 a., 17068 ca. 337/6 a., father of [KaXai8]rs,611; cf. K. A. (P.A., 9543) *AvrT[ifns], ca. 215/4 a., father of [ [A]uoairovos ], ACbVIKOS (TPIKop5imos), ('Aepovws), 173/2 a., 206107 1834 (P.A., 9544)
M[ M[ ], 304/3a., 61336 ], honored 186/7p., 41142
28014 M[----] ('A[l)vius), ca. 83-73 a., father of ['I]&acov,
M[ ca. 180-190 p., 409i ] (BnTaalEus),
] ('AKpawavriso), ca. 200-150 a., 1989 M[ M[ ]: AT(Aos)M[ ] ('AvnoXisos), ca. 192/3 p., 42342 M[ M[ ]: AiQ(Aos) ] ('AvtnoXios), Ca. 192/3 p., 42343 ] (AEcovrfSos or 'ATraTfiSos), ca. aet. Rom., father M[ of [Arlnp]frpios, 3177 M[----] (Olvelos), init. s. II a., 15648 M[ ] (lcavliovi8os), ca. 168p., 37617
M[.. .][.]A Tlai(avi6vs), 209/10 p., 46053 ca. 192/3 p., M[----]: KA(auilos) M[----] (RHaXArlves?),
M6yvos ('ATrrcaios), init. s. III p., 4597 M&yvos:[Ae<r]Kios M&yvos'HpaOKEiSou ('I,rrrocov-rios), ca. 205 p., 44815 M&yvos ('Epv&dns),ca. 162/3 p., father of 'Awo-oAAovlos, 42526; cf. M. : 'E., s. II/III p. (I.G., II2, 6093)
M[&]yvos(tiheo), ca. 144/5 p., father of EKcrros, 39837; perhaps grandfather of: [M6yvos ]i4oarov (l'eEiOS),ca. 180 p., 4017; if restored correctly = M&yv[os]2Eo-rov (nhess), ca. 197 p., 42724; the father = E. M. (11.), ephebe med. s. II p. (.G., II2, 206937; cf. 'Apx. 'E(p.,1950-1, p. 38); cf. 2. M. (1F.) MalKiAlos 'AA?cavSpos(2:q)l'rros), 167/8 p., 37123, was ephebe med. s. II p. (I.G., II2, 206926; cf. 'Apx. 'E9., 1950-1, p. 38, No. 1827) MaKapE\S 'EXEv?e1viov post ca. 218 p., 48213= ('AXapvEs3), ('AXapvEsS), post ca. 218 p., 4839, [M]aKapEis 'EAXEucviov was ephebe, gymnasiarch, etc. 207/8 p. (LG., II2, 219911, 32, 107) = AUp(i'ios) M. 'A., med. s. III p. (I.G., II2, 248621); a grandfather = M., ca. 174 p., father of 'E. (I.G., 112, 21992) ca. 105/6 p., father of MaKaMaKapEvI (?K Mupivouvrrns), and EUii'Epos, 33139,40 pEuive(cOrTpos) ca. 105/6 p., father of MaKap*s (?KMvpIvovvT-MS), MCKapEIS 33138; cf. I.G., II2, 205237-38 wrp(EacpirrpoS), o ve(cTrEpoS) 138/9 p., 33139 (?KMvpivov-rrTs), MaKapeUS
[--] MapeTvos(Brjaai,s), 188/9 p., 41921
nlai(aviw*s), 209/10 p., 46064= Mapelvos : >X(dploS) nai(avileS), post ca. 217 p., MapETvos MapElvoS 47731 ] (Brnaalis), post med. s. II p., 3558 MapK[ 204/5 p., 45012= ca. 200 p., 4465 E'TrE6cv[ou] (MapaOcbvioS), MapKEAOXTvos (AeovriSoS),178/9-179/80 MapKav6s : -rTa(TloS)MapKlavos
p., 39923; the demotic is lTaioviSils; cf. X. M. (A.) Map(Kios) Aiovc66copos (AeovTiSos), eponymos 178/9-179/80
p., 39912; either he or his son = M. A. Xo(7Qe5irls), gymnasiarch 173/4 p. (I.G., II2, 210317, 91), &vTnKoCprirrn 190/1-191/2 p. (LG., II2, 21138) and KocplTrTs paullo post 200 p. (I.G., II2, 22014); his son = M. A. X., agonothete paullo post 200 p. (ibid. 49) KAIPANTOE ('Ayvoiolos), 180/1 p., 40225 <M>&p<K>ios? XEvpos ('Ayvo*cioS), 180/1 p., 40224 <M>&p(<K>ios? MapKio : r(aios) MapKIo [----] (BicaimcS), 141/2 p., 33414 (Oivalos), fin. s. IIp., 439o0 M[6]pKio[s] ], hoplite general 170/1 p., 3824; [3832] [ Map(Kos) 167/8 p., 'AvrcovTvos, AupA7Aios M(apKos) M(apKos): XEpaoCr6o (?K Mupivo'vTrns), 138/9 p., 33138; MaKapoEs:) xrp(EopuT3rpos) 3712 either he or his son was coq)povila-rs II2, (.G., 145/6 p. ca. 231/2p., 49114 aUrroKp&roop Aup(qAltos) Zepfipo[s], M(apKos) 205411) archon 174/5 p. ante med. s. IV a., father of ECrrr6Xeos, M(apKos)Mouv6Tnos Matctllav6sOOoT-riKo5, ('QaiEOs), MaKapE1S 3872 Ev. M. cf. p.), (or 187/8 3219(P.A., 9655), ('Q.) MapKo : A*p(Aitos) MapKos ('AvtoXiSos), ca. 205 p., 44720 *MaWcK<cov 222/1 a., 1291ii (EurlrvpiSjs), 6 peTr MapEpTTEvov MapKos ('ArraAiSos),post ca. 184 p., father of ['Err&]yaOos, &pxovrT<a> vilarr6s, 167/8 MapeprpTEvos: 47821 M. Mapaecbvlos BaMipios p., 3714-5; cf. M(apKos) 2802 ante ('Altvieis), ca. 83-73 a., father of AEU[KI]os, MapKos MapiEpTrETvo: ('AvrtoX(i8o),paullo ATR(ios) MapEprETvos 'A(<>)ivi,s, secretary of thebouleand MapKosEvKapwrri8ou 220/1 p., 46623 demos 167/8 p., 37169-70 ('AvrioXfios), ve(cbT-pos) ATA(ios) MaIpEp-rEvos: MapepTrevos 46624 ante Mouv(6nros) 0epiCacov'Aiiviems, archon ca. 205 p., M(apKos) 220/1 p., paullo 4472-3; 4482-3 MapEpT-rvos: M(apKos) Ba?Mpios MaiEIpTtvos MapacbvioS, KA?Cios archon 166/7 p., 3692-3 = ('Avayvp&aios),ca. 40-30 a., 28651 Map[K]os 3218 Tl 'rT fin. s. I p., father of MapKos, ('AvaAX*orlos), 86TrXa MapKos MapiEpTtvos Mapaoebvios, Ba?e'pi(os) MapprpTivos: M. 'A., cf. II s. O init. 3218; p., ('AvaqXvcrnios), MapKos 3733-4; [BaMpi]os MapepT-v[o]s M[apaecbvios], 168/9 p., 3756-8 gymnasiarch 113/4p. (IG., II2, 30094) ca. 192/3 p., ('AvaqA(Ooaios), MapKos : A(TQios)M&pKos Mav[l]os,ca. 73-63 a., father of [. .]os, 284i = 42326 2722 of father ca. 83 a., [M]&vlos, [M]&vios (AEcovrlSos),
[M]avios : (AEconrisos), ca. 50 a., 2722 MapKo : AA(los) MapKos ('Avaq)Ocrnos), 195/6 p., 42517
ca. 50 a., 27214; cf. M. B M. Mavios Bp&xKios (XoAXXeiSs), X. (I.G., II2, 7803) paullo ante 178/7 a., 19324 Mavr[i----] (TTEpalEOs), 331/0 or 330/29 a., 4514-15 ----] (TetpaCatos), *MavTlK[Xis Maluliav6s: M(apKos) Mouvvrios Ma~iljuav6s OioTrifKos, archon 174/5 p. (or 187/8 p.), 3872 Ma~iT[i]vos: Mp(p,los) Maipr[i]vos ('A-rra5iBos), post ca. 217 p., 47610 Kcotrcbovio ('AvrioXi8oS),paullo ante Ma&uipo[s] M&5(ipo[S]: 46658 p., 220/1 M&~lqos'lavapiov (AeovriSos), 178/9-179/80 p., 39928; a brother = Eiai8copos '1. Evlrrpi5rs, ephebe 169/70 p. (LG., II2, 209767) Mat,pos 'Ayvoviaos, -rripEM&alios: Ti(Tos) Kcorrcbvios s. I/II p., 31318-22 rfis 7rro?coS ArilTrS M>los: Oov(Tr1ios) Maxtlmos (rapyiTrrTos), 182/3 p., 40623= M&6jlos: K(6OTros) (Dov(-rilos)M&aljos(rapyqrrlos), fin. s. II p., 4346
ca. 175 p., 39220 os (KAcoTrri5rls), M&ilpos: [A]Op. M&gia
] (BrlaaisO), ca. 180-190 p., 4099 MapKos5 th[ os] (BrlaaiEs), ca. med. s. I a., father MapKos 06Xppo[s ?(. ----]os, of MapKos ----os], 301 5, [13,16]; [M. 067Apio[s 3012 ----os o Brlaai5s], treasurer of prytaneis $06APio[s MapKos s. I 3014-5, [13, 16]; [M.(---]os 3, 3012 a., fin. I 'Avrr]covvos E[Uor]P[[hs [IK6Ji.o5?o[s [M(apKos) AUpqipX]os AipiMAos Ei]T-r[XhS ESpao-r6s],186/7 p., 4113; [Map(Kos)] 'AVTcovi[voS[K6pio6]os]l EUioepts Erux[qs E6pao-r6s] BriCaiEUs, [A0p(SIoS)] i[K61188/9 p., 4163-5; [Ma]p(KoS) I.[oos ] ---BTcalEius], 4183-4; [M(apKoS)] AUp(riAlos)
] j[K6Opo8os 'A[vrcovTvos] ---Z[Ea]o-r6[s BroiaiElS],
3692-3 ?), ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of [------]o, MapKos (MEAIrrTS 29041 init. s. IIp., 32117 OOA(inos) 'ApxAaos (TrlLaXi6Xis), Ma(pKos) 20 a., 29355 ca. s (T?mtptes), MapKoS "Oppios'EpIpoKp&6 MapKos (qrilrTos), ca. 135/6 p., father of 'ETiryovosand
'IlTroKp&rlS, 37315, 16
148/9 p., 33713 M(<g>Slos: K&o(ios)M&<g>ios (KoMtuTrru), (TaA1rlvE?Js),postca. 183p., father of A[....], 47239 M6kip[os] ca. 175 p., 39234 Ma&ijios (QAveus), EVippcov
Md?cov (?Op&ppios), ca. 168 a., 21444
]i8rs, ?), ca. 314/3 a., father of [ MeXav[---] ('Aq)i5vacos 72182 Mapcoa[as], priest of Hestia init.s. I a., 26017 ----] (Tr6pios), ca. 205 p., MEXav[ 304/3 a., 61112 ('lrrTroOevrvTios), M&pov : KX(auxios) M&pcov ca. 338/7 a., father of MyaX[o]Kidjs, An ancestor = Msa7Xv0tos (KEgpaAOs), 44811; the demotic is 'ArlTEviS. 5860 Mrpcov('AWrviEus),138/9-150/1 p., 33618 Mpcov : KXa65Slos 8559 ca. 289/8 a., father of AI6TIi1oS, Me7X&veos (OiAXaiSTls), *M(axTvos 223/2 a., 12746 (Mapaecbvios), of father antemed. s. 9775) IIp., [<i]AlTwrros, (P.A., ME[----] (KEKpoxrriBos?), 4296 (2uivrrXrnos), ca. 336/5 a., father of Ahi6Sopos, Meaxveupos for the name see H., XXXVII, 1968,p. 426, note 1 62228; ], ME[----] (TFavs8oviSos), ca. 312/1 a., father of Xa[--7650 (epiSacos), paullo post 178/7 a., 19619 M[Ed]advrrTros : Kop(viAtos)MEAavXpcaiv[os] of father (Mapacbvlos), ca. TwioKAfiS, a., *MeA&vXpav[oS] ME[----] (KIKvvvE6S),244/3-235/4 ca. 200 p., 44612 1378 ca. 337/6 a., father of Mopuxi8rTs, ca. 255/4 a., father of [M]Eviq[p]cov, Meavcorrf5ris (KEpaXujS), ME(----) (Xo?MeinSrs), 6196 = 12979 ca. 337/6 a., father of Me,Acvco281/0 a., 7227 (KqapcAes)), MeXavcow(iSris) MEyaC[----] (KE<pa?ieev), 6198 riSrlis, Moxicovos ('AlZriviEu), 303/2 a., 62265 MeyaKAfis 304/3 a., 6198; ] ('AvaKcais), 281/0 a., 72145 (KEqpaxAius), [s MeAavcorriSrls MsEavcotr(iSou) MEyaKMj M. 6196 of 3637 brother (K.), a., Mopuxi8rls (?) MEya[K]fis [E]vaiv?Tou(rapyi'rrios), 343/2 MEAavco-rri5ns (Krnros), 336/5 a., 42225; a descendant is (P.A., 9700) undoubtedly: (Opiarlios),360/59 a., 1732(P.A., 9701) MEyaK?5s ca. 376/5a., fatherof NavicrlTrprros,MEXavco[Tri8Tls] (K^TrrTos), post 255 a., 8825; for other possible MEyaK?Afi (Ko?XAureOs), relativesand a stemmacf. H., XXX, 1961,p. 48 3643 (P.A., 9702) 4466 ca. 367/6 a., father of "lepos, MEAa&voCrros (ElTeaTio), (rTaalArveis ?), 192/3 p., 42321 *MEyacTvos 'AqpoStcriov of ['P]oSaveis (I.G., II2, (P.A., 9789) and also apparently 305/4 a., 5860 *MeyaX[o]vfisj MeXavO[iou] (KEaXEus), 6006 = N.P.A., p. 124) MEy[ia]ro[---] (TTa?A,rvEus), post ca. 216 p., 47233 MEX&vcoTwo (5T6pios), ca. 373 a., father of [ZT]paros,3917 MEylaTo[---]o[.]ov (vlAAiXvn's), post ca. 216 p., 47232 init. s. II a., 15822 MEXEccypos (AaxrrpEriS), [M]EyloCTr6copo (AeUovoEIs), ca. 132-137 p., father of MEIraias ('AyKvXfieEV),ca. 374/3 a., father of Me7orrnTros, 37014 [M]Eyitrr6Scopos, o (AuKovoeOs), 3873(P.A., 9809) ca. 165-170p., 37014 [M]Eyirr68copos MeScov ca. 321 a., 5538; ca. init. s. I a., father of MeXi-cov, ME?roiCTrrTrou 27510 [M]E?riaoias ('AXcorreKfi0Ev), ('Api8vaTos), demotic restored as ['AyK]vXfieev by Koehler and idenMEl8i[as]('Avayupd&cos), ca. 337/6 a., father of MEtiias, MeXiAriou 'A. (P.A., 9719); cf. tified as the son of MEAianvroS 61177; perhaps = M. KnqtcroScbpou ('AyKXuAfEv), cf. B.S.A., L, 3873 (for the restoration of ['Acowr]jeKeev, H., XXXV, 1966, pp. 234-235, and A.P.F., 9719, stemma 1955,pp. 13-14) MEltias M6i8[ou]('Avayup6calos), 304/3 a., 61177;probably = cf. P.A., 9720; H., XXXV, 1966, pp. 234-235, and A.P.F., MinalCoia 'ApitooroTou5s (Tmpiets), post med. s. IV a., 3245
paullo ante 60 a., 267il; ((DaXnrlpE6J), TFA[ou]Tapx[ou] MapK[o]s the reading of the patronymic is very uncertain ca. 50 a., 27353 (<>aXrlpe*s), Mapios KopvilXios 6 Koa (QvEiSs),ca. 175 p., 39243 EOraprls MapKos
9719, stemma
(P.A., 9818)
ca. 370 a., 13 as ca. 393-373 a., father of MiScov, 2036 [M]EXAicria[s MElSiaS ---] (Ope&ppios), (AEKe.EEiS), MeAXcraov MEAilcriTnos (P.A., 9722) ('AyKUijesv), 341/0 a., 3873 (P.A., MEi8oKp&drrts 9820, but the referenceto LG., 112,2407 cannot stand; (Upop3aXiios),336/5 a., 42165; either he or his father = [MiE8oKp]&rrqs lTpop]aX(iclio5), cf. B.S.A., L, 1955,pp. 13-14, and A.P.F., 7268) MEsi[oKp&rou T's of Pandionisante med. s. IV a. (H., XXXII, MeXficrrrwos('AX3TrrEKfiOEV), ca. 354 a., fatherof [M]eXATcias, Eri,hATi 1963,p. 41, No. 422-4) 5538; cf. M. M. ('A.) ] ('ALZrvels), 281/0 a., 72148 ca. 363 a., father of Xaipcas, *MElS6Vos[ MEXir|OTrmos (Kovev0uXASr), ca. 360-340 a., 2036; the [M]Ei8cow MEi8fou(AEKEXEEIS), 4715 (P.A., 9822) (lTatavirsS -rrrvepev),ca. 400-350 a., 1247 readingand restorationwere suggestedby H. J. Carroll, MeXAricr[rnos]
Jr. The name is readas [K]epSoov in LG., II2, 2377 MEiScov 61173 s), ca. 337/6a., fatherof EWOUKprroS, (EucovuvEtr MESicov (Muppivovicros), 336/5 a., 42175; probably = M. M.on a gravestone dateds. IV/III a., published 'EmrlTIAous by Kotzias (CEvos,July 20, 1948, recorded by G.A. Stamires) MEicov ('Oa;Os),220/19a., 130100
MEiScov ca. 368/7 a., father of 'ApKEq9ov, 43103; (XoAAeSIns),
(P.A., 9823)
M?ATrTOS ('AyyEWXs),ca. 330 a., 4724 (P.A., MEvEc-rp&rou 9827, printed 8927) M?Ar[To]S AaxrTros ('CAwais?), 303/2 a., 62212 MAtr[croS] post ca. 216 p., 47054; cf. M. ('AT'ra('ArTTca?i8o), Ai5os), ca. 220 p., father of MEvav8pos (LG., 112, 2239329) med. s. II p., 34012 [Ml]Aitcos Mouvaoiov (<DaAlp6ss), MAi-rcov ('ApiSvatos), ca. init. s. I a., father of Alovcsios,
a descendant, 2751i;perhaps= probablya grandson,= M?SovTro ca. 313 a., father of ['A]pKE[9]Cv, 7417 MEAircov med. s. I a., 275o0 MEiS8ov (XoAeiSrns), ('A9tSvaxos),
(P.A., 9746) MeiAlXoS (Brlacxles), paullo ante ca. 147/8 p., father of Aicov,3974 = M. (B.), father of M. (L.G., II2, 2097193) ME1Olas'HyTqciov(rapyfirrios), 341/0 a., 3813 = M. ['H]. (r.) (I.G., II2, 238815= P.A., 9752)
MEAwovoev6s: iEper
hoplite general post ca. 216 p., 4705-6; [MEAr]opjzv[6s], 4725-6 4714-5; [A*p(i,Aios)MErome]v6s,
: 6 pCr& ivtciaTr6s,182/3 M~E(liov)OXAcKKov Mip(,ios) O?iKKos p., 4061; cf. Tip. M. c. [Mapa]Ocbvios Mip(moiS) o), post ca. 217 p., 476io C('ArrcTio Magi[Ti]vos ca. 160-170 p., 3595, &iColTO Metlos 1r pcopIo(eOpiKtOS), 29; 168/9 p., [37220], 37342, 51; 169/70 p., 37866, [38039]; 174/5 p., 38759-60; 180/1 p., 40233; 182/3 p., 40656; 190/1 p., 42017 [Mapa]0dbvioS, Mrl(mtios): Ti[3((pios) Mip(pios) QX <[KOs] archon 181/2 p., 4056-7 Mip(pilos)OiA&pyvpos(TplKopialoS),paullo ante 180/1 p., 39723, was TrpcorivypaOos paullo ante 140/1 p. (LG., II2, 204619) and U-r0ocarcpovicrris 154/5 p. (LG., II2, 2067109) 3219 = Mipvov ('Avap7Ocrrtos), fin. s. I p., father of EUTropos, Muivcov('AvaxpA?o-ros), ca. 105/6 p., father of E[Vir]opos, 33315Milvcov ('AvaXpa-rios), ca. 102/3 p., father of [EOrropos], 33012 ? (rapyfAirlos), ca. 105/6 p., father of 'AASEav8pos, Mi[Ivco]v
'EAevoeaviov paullo ante 220/1 p., ('AvTnoXiSo5), Mev?Erjlos treasurer of prytaneis Ku8aOrnvai(S, [MEVf]S&nio5 'ApXovTOS ca. 210/09-201/0 a., 13844-45; Meve8rlq[ios 'ApXovrosKuSaeivaievis], 13841(P.A., 9894; N.P.A., p. 125) MEVESTrlPo (Oa^ppev5),ca. 190/89 a., 17073 ] ('AvaKaicEs ?), Ca. 240 a., 10910 [ME]veK[ MEV?vXq MsveCrTp&'rov ('AyyeUIs), ca. 390-375 a., 1029 MeVEKXii ('A?taios ?), ca. 180-160 a., 2094 Ca. 168 a., 21470 MEvXEK7fi ('AM ciirtaios), 1216 MevEKAfiS ('A9ISvaolS), Ca. 259/8 a., father of [---], of ca. father a., Arlqrirptos, MevEKAfis ('AXepSoCaios), 211/0
ca. 337/6 a., father of MevEorporros MEvEKAfiS ('EKcAeOS), 61307 1715 ca. 223/2 a., father of [E]X6UKos, MEVEKhfiS (KoXurvTes), MEVEKAfS (Halavirs5), ca. 20 a., 29343 'AwToacovibo[u] med. s. III a., 1051o MEvEKAfiS eeopi(Xou) (OvMa&ios), 38 = M. 'Oi0EV(P.A., archon 33122 a., 1301, 220/19 MEveKp&rrs, MEv ]os, 9955) (---) ('1li o topia&ss), init. s. III a., father of [ ], Ewtr&CTarswpo?8pcov 10520 MrvoScbpou [ MEVEKpcrrTs unidentified list ca. 321 a., 193/2 a., 16828-29 MEvatoS eovu<a6>rouEKKoi7Ms, ] (AiavriSos), 240-230 a., 1133 49429 E[ MEVEKPOxTIS ca. med. s. I a., father of [ ], ca. 400/399 a., father of [K]?AcatXios, [M]6EVKp&ThrS ('EPEX0EISOS), (EUovupvieO), MrvaiXpos 299io 148 ('AyyeieSOs), ante med. s. IV a., father of MivatXpos'Apil-r[i]ou(ltAai8rlS), 256/5 a., 8558 (P.A., 9853) MEveKpcrrns 3233 (P.A., 9937) Mev&XKril npoKAei6rST, $)ioKp&ro(us) 256/5 a., 8654 (KTgrpale0i), ca. 200-150 a., 1985 (EiT-aToS), MivavSpos,ca. 154/5 p., father of A0p(ilAos) 'E[rrrrvv]X&vov, MEVFKpO&rrS 413io rTpvTaXapti?vo]u eopiKIOS,secretary Korr'a [MEvsKp&rrIs vdEav ca. 250 a., 901 140/39 a., 2401-2, 37 (P.A., 9948) ----] (AIYETSos), MEvav[SpoS (KeptlCaSs), ca. 155 a., 22673 = M. K., father of MEvEKpcrrs MivavSpos,inouro os of Antiochis s. I p., 30927 ante med. s. II p., father of [MiArv[a]is (I.G., II2, 6308; cf. H., IX, 1940, p. 126) [Mv]acxvpos(KEKpowrrios), ca. 403/2 a., father of MEvo'arpacros, v]av5pos,4298 (KoXcov6Os), MEvEKp&rvrs : (KKporriSos), ante fin. s. II p., 4298 13112 (P.A., 9952) and perhaps also of K6vcov (I.G., II2, [MEv]av8pos 6526) MkvavSp[os] (Ascovri{os),ca. fin. s. I a., father of[--- --]os, 3078 (Mapa0bvios), 223/2 a., 12745 MEVEKp&rrTl 29329 ca. 53 a., father of Oti?Tvos, 1030 ca. 390-375 a., (rTTaaviEvs), MvrT-ro(s) MEvav8pos MEVEKp&rrIS ('AyyeAEuS), : [.] MEvEKp&TrTs (TTaiavwies),162/3 p., 36411 Mivav[6pos]('AlnviOs), ca. 83-73 a., father of Arll[oX1]6ps, MEVEKpC&rrS 169/8 a., 21270 2803; perhaps = M. Akr[Xpovos]'A., ephebe 102/1 a. (fTaXXive*Os), MeVEKp&TrrS ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13762 (I.G., II2, 1028, II141= P.A., 9864) MeVEKpPc<T>-s(nTpyacers), M av[av5pos] ('A7iais), ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of [M]kvav8pos, MEVE[K]PC&rrl (flpopa{cXios),173/2 a., 206115 29059-60 MevEioaoS ('A?cowTEKejs), 140/39 a., 24088 'A2aigS5,ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29059-60 M?v[]piaXos ('Ayvovioios),173/2 a., 206127 [M]vavSpos MEv[&v6pou] (P.A., 9868) (AajrrpEiS), init. s. II a., 15824; may = M?evpaXOS Ca. 40-30 a., 28623 = secretary 181/0 a., MivavSpos'A[XM]EavSpov Acai[Trrpi<s], [Mev,iUaXOS M]veoTpdrrou (KrlyiuaivS), M. 'A. K. (IG., II2, 6427/8) 18613-14;cf. LG., II2, 6640 ca. 423-408 a., father of KAEcov, ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29092-93; MeviEvoS(KuSae-nvaiEOs), Mgvav8pos ['Ovf]Topos(MeIErrES), for the restoration cf. P.A., 11469-73 and H., Index 1047; cf. K. M. (K.), and A.P.F., 8674 rTO I-X, pp. 104 and 120 MEvEaoOE[S]: pj ia 169/70 p., MEV?aeCI[5], Kop(vilXios) Trrpi s. I p., 30939 37843; Kop(viiAtos) [ME]veoee5s, 38045-46 (THaAIvesis), MEvavSpos ca. 336/5 a., father of ITeptKi5s, MEveaeOsc (CPaOvoOloCIS), (nHaXrlves),s. I p., 30943 MEvavSpos 62276; for possible relatives see H., XXXVII, 1968, p. 'A[p]lTra{iXlou (navpoTrr&r s), Ca. 40-30 a., 28646 MEvavSpos 170-72 or 174-76 or 22, note to line 194, and A.P.F., 7737, with addendum TTEIP(aieis), MTrlpoScbpov MEvavSpoS 187 p., 39517 (AecovTiSos), MEviolpa-ros 185/4 a., 17938 ] 32271 120 ca. ca. 358 a., father of [----], 522 (Aecovi6os5), Mkv<a>v8[pos p., (Oa,piEuss), [Me]vEorrpacro Mbv[av5pos (XoXapyens),ca. 160-170 p., 35933= (nT-oXiaiiSos),97/6 a., 25950 MEv-crr[p]a[T]os Arnlp'Tpiov] ca. 423-408 a., father of MEve,A ls, Mbvavpos ArLt-rTpio (XoWapyes)), 167/8 p., 37130, was Mevo-rpaTro ('Ayyee*ns5), 1029; a later member of the same family may = ephebe 143/4 or 144/5 p. (I.G., II2, 205083) and brother of 'AAKtitp&ris 4724 ca. 363 a., father of MXn-rroS, and 'Avrmpov, 37129,31 (cf. I.G., II2, 205084); MEviacrpaTOS ('AyyeAEOs), for a stemma cf. 'Apx. 'E9., 1968, p. 209 (P.A., 10001; cf. I.G., II2, 4353-4) M6E[----] (Eopaies), ante med. s. IV a., father of 'Ovf-rcop, MEvio-rpaTro ('A?co1rrKeO\5), 169/8 a., 21291 229 ca. 289/8 a., father of MvroaiM6viocrp(aros) ('Avayupdcrios), 8661 Mev8qrlos,archon 179/8 a., 194i, 27 K7.tS,
ca. 423-408 a., father of M-rar&ifs (TEIpEiEus),
archon Mfi[v]is a(DoArpsEs, Mfi[v]i : A(OUKIOS)NoUjppOS Mfvis, 3362, was ephebic 138/9-150/1 p., 3352-4; Nov'pptos (P.A., 10013) gymnasiarch 112/3-125/6 p. (I.G., II2, 202920)and herald MEvoar[pacros] ((XAvus), ca. 330 a., 4612; Opa&cov M. c. of the boule of the Areopagus etc. 156 p. O.G. I.S., 5052) (.G., II2, 7687 = P.A., 7394) is perhaps a son ca. 180 a., 1903 ---] Mrlvo[(OivEi8os), MEvErTparroS (XoAXei8is),ca. 168 a., 21459 ca. cf. a., 13093; H., Mrlvo[....]s ((cDAUeS), 142 p., father of Mrlvo[....]s, *MevocrcoTOS (?) (MvppivoUros), 220/19 39223 XXXVIII, 1969, p. 431, note on line 93. ca. 175p., secretary of the povuAunri, ca. 336/5 a., father of[---MEV?TI[iOS. ], Mrlvo[... .]s , (cPAueUs), ?] (lTavSioviSos), 39222-23 629 ] ('ASpiavi8os),ca. med. s. II p., 33924 MEVTnipOS Mrlv68o[Tro O[----] (tAyvoUCaIO),378/7 a., 810(P.A., 10025) secretary of the ('EpexeiT80o), [Mrl]v65o[-ro Mrivo8]cbpo[v] [M]Evkp[p]cov 222/1 a., 12979 ME(---) (XoXAeiSnr), ? (OIva-os),ca. 337/6 a., father of OiXtiri5rls, M[TIvoprytaneis ca. med. s. II a., 23113-14; MWv68oToT *M6vEy<o>)p(os) as it appears 5932; the name may have been *MeviyET(os), 8cbpov],23131 16828 ca. 226/5 a., father of MEVIKp&rrs, on the stone = Mrv68wopos, 37872= ca. 136/7 p., father of Mqv66co[p]os, Mrlv68co[p]os, (Oivaios), ca. 337/6 a., father of [liXtcr]i8[Trs], [MEvEypo(os] 38043-44 of ca. father 61271 Mrv6oScopos, MTivo6copo, 136/7 p., 1030 Mrnv6Sco[p]oS , secretary of the boule and the demos MEvrls ('AyyEACs),ca. 423-408 a., father of MWvavSpos, Mivr1S 169/70 p., 37870-72= (KoXcovsOs), 304/3 a., 61305 MEVEc-rp&Tou o, secretary of the boule and the demos 169/70 MivtrrrrosEevoqaCVTro [UTrTEwp0ev]), 367/6 a., 1448 Mrv6O8copoS ('AypvA\Eu of 38043-44 ca. 354 father 5529 a., MvtrrrroS [----]os, p., ('AWrqves ?), treasurer of the ] ('AKacJavwrios), MiwvrroS (Kvuac0rvatEs), ca. 337/6 a., father of B6cov,6168 Mrivo6copos Ap[ prytaneis 53/2 a., 2691 = (P.A., 10042) treasurer of the pryMEvioxos Mrnv65opo[s Ap----] ('AKaicav-riSo), 178/7 a., 19467= ('AXep8OocioS), 2703 20551 176-169 taneis a., a., MEviCKOS 53/2 ('AXEp6o*atos), ante med. s. II a., father of ca. 63/4 p., father of OiA1Tos, 31242 [Mrlv65]copo[s] ('EpEXOEi6os), [M]evicKxo (KoAcovfiEv), MEVICKOS 23114; M[riv6copos],father of Mlv66oTros, [Mtl]v65o[Tos], 169/8 a., 212102= (KpicoEvs), 23131 ca. 150 a., 2368 MEvicOKos (Kpico~es), Mriv6ocopos MeVicKoS (BnraitEsS), fin. s. I p., father of 'lcfcov,32127 (ovvlEusi), 173/2 a., 20668 ca. 50-40 a., 2804; cf. M. M. 'A., iOpva- Mrivo6copos 'Erriy6vov (rapyATrrTos), 182/3 p., 40610, was Mev[v1as('AZrlvisiS), I, 1932, p. 22519) ephebe 147/8 or paullo post (.G., 112, 205915) ycoy6s 21/0 a. ('EAEUCvvtcxKa, : K&cioS ca. 168 p., 37626 MEvvias post ca. 217 p., 47724 MevvaSTlaica(viEj), ---] (KvuSaGrvaie*s), Mrnv6ocopo[s ca. 73-63 a., father of Mrlv66copos, 1676; Mrlv68copos (AaxrTprrps), (nEp1eiio8tS), ca. 226/5 a., father of AaKpam&rs, MEVTCOP father of AaKparrrs, 16830 28631 (nrPIeoSri8r), [Mv-rcop] ca. 40-30 a., 28631 MEvuXAos ('PTacvovCoio), 166/5 a., 21638; a grandson = M. Mrlv6copos: (AapwTrpeOs), 'P., ephebe 102/1 a. (I.G., II2, 1028, III18 = Mrlvo6coposMapcacbvios,ca. 102/3 p., natural father of coalKparou 33033 [----]Mlos 'AqpoSiciou (DuA&Cio[s], P.A., 10063) : 'OpTriciOS MEvcov ante med. s. IV a., 16i (P.A., 10073) rlai(aviels), 209/10 p., Mrlv6ocopos (KEKpowiSos), MrTv6OopoS MEvcov ?), ca. 368/7 a., father of co1aoirrpTaros, 46067 = ('EXAEuvvios : n6(TrrXos) 'OpTrCloOS 43181 Mrv65coposnataavice(s), MrivoScopos Mivcov ArqpoqiXo (AaprTTrpedS TrwpaXos), 367/6 a., 1436; post ca. 217 p., 47729 ca. 73-63 a., father of ArlrITPIOS, probably belongs to the same family as A. Ar[ ...... ]ou Mrv66copos(ZuvppiT1s), 28656 A., ca. med. s. IV a. (H., XXIX, 1960, p. 32, No. 3812) ca. 337/6 a., father of ['OAuwrri68copos],[Mrl]v6opios, TooypaMa'T?rvs 198/9 p., 44211; Mrlv6Tqpos [M]vcov (cOarlpEius), 594 = ca. 198 p., 44327; 209/10 p., 460100-101 1napapuivov, M~vcov ca. 73-63 a., father of EiucSaipoKp&rrTs, 2842 (OaAripes), ca. 337/6 a., father of ['O]Xu7nI68copos, Mriv6opqo[s], 61250 [M]rvoitos [.. ..]yEvo[u]s('Avrioxisos), 169/70 p., 38021-22 : 'oiV(iOS) MEpKCrco[p] init. s. II a., 15631 (nHacATX Mrlv6oqiXos vess), 138/9 p., ('AXapvEvs), *MEpK&rico[p] 33354 138/9 p., 33348 Mriv6oplAos cocrnyevou (1-aKXrivES),
(rapyArTTio), 343/2 (?) a., 3640 MEveo-rpcrros Trp&rcvoso (P.A., 10004) MvevKA(ous) ('EKCa,ES5),304/3 a., 61307; cf. MevcrrporroS I.G., II2, 6015 (P.A., 10005) Mevcrrpa'roS ('CiKaplS5),ca. 210/09-201/0 a., 13864 (?KKepacicov), 336/5 a., 42289 MEvocTpacroS 61305; (KoXcovE*s),ca. 337/6 a., father of MEvrls, MEvkcrpacros of: a descendant probably 370/69 (?) a., 1311i(KoXcovEs5), MEvo-rpaoros MEveKp&ro[vs] 112(P.A., 10010); [K]6vcovM. K. (LG., II2, 6526 = P.A., 8711) may be a brother ca. 337/6 a., father of [ ], M?vECorpcr(o)(EKKoAcovoO), 61210 (AaPnrrpEsS), ca. 214/3 a., father of [MEvE[Me]vo-rpcrros 18613-14 opXOs], (iTaiovSis), 370/69 (?) a., 1394-95 Oivoqpfiou MEvEcrrparro[s]
1037 (TTaiavIES), ca. 20 a., 29326 [M]fTcov 'Hpa[rA]Ecovos ] ('HpeoiSTrl), ca. 160-170 p., 35947 MI[ M68E<i>os ('Avrayvpoios), fin. s. III a., 14128 honored by the boule ca. 100 a., 2578-12= Mi8eios THEIpaoIEU, P.A., 10098 (stemma, P.A., II, p. 82) M1'oKos('Avayupaocos),ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13749 'Icovi*Mri?E0iS ('IcovirsS),341/0 a., 3824; Mrl?EIES 'Xl[i]ovcoS 3887 (P.A., 10101) 8nrl,Iporrot6s, ] ('EpxIES),Ca. 180 p., 40318 Mrlv[Mijvios(KEplpi&Srl), 135/4 a., 24371 19490 ca. 211/0 a., father of 'HpaocEirils, MijviS ('EXatoruaos), 120 ca. Mfvvis? p., ----] ((aXripeus), [Mivits?]: NoiJpp[os
32266 =
Mrlv691A[oS ] (OuA&nos), post med.s. II P., 3529
[Mv-fiaapXos] 'Erraiefvovos 1popaScinos,
138/9-150/1 p., 33619 [M]T-rp6plos 'Aigpiovos ('AL.V1EXS), 343/2 a., 374; the name may also ?os], OTrlpki-S MrrTp68[cop be restored Mryrp68[o-ros] MiTrpo6opos : Aip(itos) Mi-rp68copos('ASpiaviSos), ca.
21653-54 [np]opacOkaCos, 166/5 a., 21615; [MvAic]apXos MviaapXos Tiploarp6rrov(Hpopaicoios), ca. 330 a., 4740 (P.A., 10255); cf. M. [TiJoorp6rr]ouH., secretary Ka-r 301/0 a. (I.G., IIZ, 6403-4), perhaps the same lrrprravefav man, but more likely a descendant 231/2p., 49127 (hKKepapcov),s. IV-III a., father of 'OAvpMurTIKioO M[v]iwS&8iq[s] ('AvTnoXf8o), paullo ante 220/1 p., Mrl[Tp]66copoS 5657 46654 rri[cov], = s. IV-III a., father of [-----], : Atios MnTrp68opos (?KKEpapcov), ('ALrviIus), 138/9-150/1 M[v]roai5c[5ss] MrITp6ocopo 5659 p., 3369 ca. 368/7 a., father of K6vcov, MvTcias'Avrrlxcpou (KeFxaWE?s), 304/3 a., 6195 Mirp66copoS(KuSvarlvaclEu), ca. (TTaiavivs KcaOrrEpOEv), 43233; cf. K. M. K. 'Apia-roTA[ou]s M<v>)rripovAos 360 a., 1523(P.A., 10267) (KuSaOcivaiEus),ca. 127 p., father of ['I]EpoMi'rp65(copos) 3629 = Mvao[--] ($i?,ai6ns), 254/3 a., 8997 Mvw-ipovuAo K6E[i8]5s, ca. father of p., 136/7 'Ipo- M[vri][iyvlns] ('EppEos),ca. 197/6 a., father of Mvinolyv[]s, (Ku5acrvaieiS), Miyrp68(copos) 22039 37833 KAEI8ns, rpoS6pcov (Muppivouios), ca. 53 a., father of [A]i[Xi]vrTs, Mvroiyv[q]s M[vq]o[iyivou] 'Eppeios, 7TriCT-r6TrS M1TPp65[co]pos 29362; cf. M. M., hoplomachos 45/4 a., paideutes 43/2 a. 164/3 a., 22039 ca. 423-408 a., father of MvlMvqlaiy[vns](KuvacrevaieOs), (I.G., II2, 104040, 104131= P.A., 10151; cf. H., XXXIV, catEos, 1046 1965, pp. 255-259, 270) Mvirqiy?[vrq] KaM[ti]T-[Aovs](Kuveppios), post med. s. IV a., ('OiOev),ca. 153/4 p., father of [---], 41118 MTyrp68copoS 100 2588 ca. a., 3236; the name was corrected by H. J. Carroll, Jr. (ncaiavieOs), MrlTp6<6>cop[os] ] AaprrrTpE*S, (TrTlpEEi), crpaTrlY6S Tri T-rV post ca. 184p., father of 'ATro;AcbvloS, [Mv?]ratykvqrS Ato[ Mrlrp65copos 4794 281/0 a., 7270 rrapcacKEuiv ca. 137-154 p., father of MivavSpos, *Mv[]aliEpyiBrls (KeacM\s), ca. 338/7 a., father of ATuoMr-rp65copos (UtepaieOS), 5859 39517 Kp&drr5, ca. 337/6 a., father of [-archon 145/4 a., 238i, [239i] (P.A., 10158) -], [Mv]CfiEpyos(EiTeaTos), MnTrpo6&vins, : ATAos M<}i>Tpo9ckv1s ca. (rTTTroXPa8oS), 61327;a descendant is undoubtedly: M<T>Trpo&(VTrs ] (ElI-aios), 303/2 a., 62340;may = 198 p., 44322 [ Mvr|ai6pyos [B6co?]vos(EiTcaios),281/0 a., 72260 Mvqrnaipyos *M-rpcov('Pacxvoxaos),ca. 190/89 a., 17061 Mt[ ]Trf[ov---], herald of the boule ca. 20 a., 29385 Mvl[qi]iOos,archon 155/4 a., 225[i], 42 (P.A., 10285) MvCoieEosnTpcT-rou 367/6 a., 1429 MIKicov ('EpXiers), ca. 287/6 a., father of lTavrai-os, 8967; ('AypvuESS KcaOUTepeEv), of KaxMpcaxos, father = ca. a., Mvcriaeios 374/3 ('Apa^9vtos), perhaps 3865; either he, or perhaps a nephew = MIK{iOV KnliQcoScbpou ('EpXt(es),254/3 a., 8966 MiKfcov ca. 368/7 a., father of (cbo-rpcaros, Mv1oi0eeos ('Apacfvios), 343/2 a., 3633 (P.A., NKoo-r[p]6'rov (EXvTarrcxfros), 43165 10288) MovilaIKOU MfKcov(XoXAEiS(s), s. IV-III a., father of 'Errxapprs,5635 [Mvril]ieEos (rapyiTrnio), 304/3 a., 6154 MvcrOieEos MvrIcy[iyvovs] (Ku8aOIevaiss), ca. 390-375 a., (P.A., 10204); cf. 'E. M. (X.) and A.P.F., 1904, stemma ca. 289/8 a., father of [.. .]cov, 873 MlATITn&8T 1046; possible descendants = P.A., 10292-6 (stemma ('A7coTrrKeiOev), 20 29331 MiXcov ca. XeAiMKov a., 6165) (lTaiavieus), councillor? ca. 370 a., Micov EionScbpou MviOcnKAiSris ('IKapieus), Fo[pydi&ov] nEl[p](aiEs), init. s. III p., 45816 MlvouKlav6s: KX(ac8ios) MlvouKiavos(AEovTirSo),178/949272; perhaps = M. ('I.), ca. 393-383 a., father of AioKiEi5TiS (Ath. Mitt., LXVII, 1942, p. 168, No. 348); a son 179/80 p., 39916 = F. M. '1.,-rTaias313/2 a. (I.G., II2, 28243 of the or or ], prytaneis grandson secretary 167/6 Mv[ P.A., 3062; cf. A. Wilhelm,Att. Urk.,V, p. 145) 165/4 (?) a., 2179 256/5 a., 8661 281/0 a., 72222 MVIoiK7fis MEveo-rp(6rov) ('Avayup&dios), Mv[---] NIK[io]u(KpcoTriI5js), father of [Mvcqr]iOeos, ca. father of ca. 8541 a., Mv&oai-rros a., MvrlaioXoos, MvIlaiKAis 337/6 (rapyrinos), ('AXcaivs), 289/8 6154 [---]pro[----], honored ca. 128 a., 2484-5 [M]vaacov 8997 [M]vilKAlfisTTuOoKA ovs (n6ptos), ca. 340 a., 3915 Mvnr[--] (OlAcaiSa),ca. 287/6 a., father of MvraoipovAos, (OivriSos), 335/4 a., 43144-145 ('AXalS5s), 256/5 a., 8546 (P.A., MvrnIKp[&]T5T) AuvaKp6rous Mvrlaay6pas Nt<KopIvoU> MvrTlKp6rrs (EopiKis), 336/5 a., 42268 10239, corrected)= ca. 338/7 a., father of [M]vj('AXaaiEv), 254/3 a., 8947; on other [M]vnrlKp&rrl (rTpoo-rr6ATtIo), [M]vicoay6pas NIKopvoV members of the family cf. A.P.F., 10242 afo-rpaTos, 5855 Mvaavcirrrrou ('AAaiEis), 256/5 a., 8541 (P.A., ('A7caies), ca. 289/8 a., father of MvriaapXos, MvrlacAoXos MvrcrapXi8ris 8543 (P.A., 10244; stemma P.A., II, p. 95 should be 10325);on othermembersof the familycf. A.P.F., 10242 revised; cf. H., XXXVIII, 1969, p. 424, note to lines 47 MvTllipaxos [---]XA5oS ('AvcaqXvi-nos), 281/0a., 72245 and 51); cf. A.P.F., 10242 (nfpltoiS5rS), 335/4 a., 43155-156; MvrlcripcXos Nov9pc&ous in I.G., II2, of was Kirchner ca. father same name restored the a., by 368/7 ('O-rpuEVS), 'Apx&rorpaMvrocapXf6rls fH. 7221: [M.] [Nou]qp&aou rTs, 4338 Mvcri{oiax[os ----] (qirr-Ios), ca. 260-240 a., 978 MvfclapXos Mvrocapxi8ov('AXctais), 256/5 a., 8543 (P.A., Mvfiois, rrla-rrTTlswpSpcov ca. 175 a., 2014 10253) = ('A'aies), 254/3 a., 8951; on other members of [M]vqroi(-rpcrros[M]vltcnKp&rou(TTpocrAT-rlos),305/4 a., 5855 MvacrapXos the family cf. A.P.F., 10242 Mvrli,giAosTlpcovi{o(u)(Atavri8os), 303/2 a., 62272
[M]ouvvTrosO[io]lrkotos 'Alnv[1iss], hoplite general post ca. 218 p., 4826-8 'A[rvies, Movv(&ros) : M(apKos) Mouv(o&nos)OEiAcoLv archon ca. 205 p., 4472-3, 4482-3; M. 8., ephebe ca. 209/10 p. (LG., lI2, 220332,34, 77) is probably a son Mouovaios 'Ayaeiou ('ASptaviSos),ca. 231/2 p., 49121 Mouvaaos AlOVUOroU ('AyyEWqeev),169/70 p., 37855, was ephebe 143/4 or 144/5 p. (I.G., II2, 205054with the spelling Aiovvou <sic>) ca. 102/3 p., father of ['AvTiTrorr]pos, Mouovaos ('AcowrrEKEuS), 33020= M. 'A. 'A., init. s. IIp. (I.G., 112, 5568)
Mvrroi9l?o[s ---] ('1TrrrocovriSos), councillor? 343/2 a., 49356 Mvrcr&cOv (P(Dyocrnos),336/5 a., 4246; a grandson probably
(()yoalos), Mvrlcrcogv AtloaXWou
281/0 a., 7277 Mo[...]. IO : TiT1os Mo[...]. 10X ('AvrioXiSos), ca. 192/3 p., 42344 Mo[----] ('HpoiSrs), ca. 160-170 p., 35946 [Mo]ipayivr1s('ITrroecovTiSos), 170-172 or 174-176 or 187 p., 3966 31244; (vuAd?oios), ca. 63/4 p., father of BoxAcov, Moipayvovrs 177/8p., 39822 (MEsATEs), for other members of this family cf. stemma s I.G., ['E]7rrTryX&vovTos Mou[C]aTos father of ZcboaIpos, ca. p., 7 Mouacros 149/50 (?KMupIvoiv-Ts), II2, 20205, 6 and l.G., II2, 31126, 40645 of father ca. 313 a., ['A]vrn[X&]pins, MoipayvTrs (Xo7Ai8rls), Movaa[Tos 7418(P.A., 10398) ----] (T?eiples), 150-190 p., 38410 ca. init. s. II p., father of [Mf]Xiaaos, Mouciaos (7OaXipntES), 46/5 a., 28127 ] (fK KrlSnov), [Mo ?]iplrrn[os = 34012 5914 304/3 a., ('AGnSvatos), *[MoTp]ls 'ApXay&[eou] [Movaeios] (OuXa&los), ca. med. s. II p., father of MovacaTos, 304/3 a., 61265 MoTp[ts] 'ApXayd[0ov]('Api5vaTos), 3526= ?), ante fin. s. IIp., 4297 [M]o?a6cros[---] (KeKpoifSos5 37172 Movactos (ODuA&cos),ca. 134/5 p., father of MovaucTos, MoXo-rrTos ('lpcirtiocSs), 336/5 a., 42303 = II 3526 s. med. : 50-40 280o1 [o] ca. MouvaTos a., p., post M6vSos ((DuA&ios), *M6v0os [A]EUKios ('AlrjviEU), MovcvaTos 3 uvM&caos, secretary167/8p., 37172 168/9 p., *Mo[vrav6S]: 'loio(Xos) Mo[vrav65](1T-roXeialiios), Sou MoucraTos vXU?&Coios, 'A[rKx7r]rrli MovraTos: [IT]6(wXMos) 3723 or iTrl Tro0S p., 4535-6 brother 304/3 a., 6196, 200/1-201/2 203/4-204/5 6-wTr[iTas] (KEpaAeis), MopuvXirls MEAavcorri8(ou) ante187p.,fatherof[ .....]vos, M. (K.), 6198 of MeAavcowrrir1 ?),paullo MouvclK6s(naArlavis 46712 'A-rTKOO (Keq9axes), ca. 160-170 p., 35923 = M. MoCXtav6s 168/9p., 37361 (XoXapyeOs), 'Y[l]vaycoyos (K.), Ca. 180 p., father of Xpforos (I.G., II2, 219379, M[o]uv(cbvios) = M. Xa[p]ea., 42187; probably 336/5 (2Teipiels), Mvp-riAo 219421) ?Ei8ou 2. on a pedimental stele dated post med. s. IV a. 62265 MoXicov ('AWivieIs),ca. 336/5 a., father of MEyaKxX7s, p. 16, No. 54 = S.E.G.,XXI, 926). ('Apx.'E9., 1961,Xpov., Mo[Xicov] ('AvKuAf0ev), ca. 255/4 a., father of M6oXoS, ca. 38049; (AaiTrrpEiS), 136/7p., father of MOpcov, Mvpcov 129[2],36 (P.A., 10444, corrected) 40663 ca. ca. 18917 180 40241; ca. 149/50p., a., 147/8 p., [Mo]oXicov ('EpX1ius), irroypawMipcov : Aa!irTrpEus, Mupcov,Mipcov AariTrTpEus, fin. s. III a., 14112; cf. [M]ooxicov(AaplwTrpvs), craTEus 169/70 p., 37845, 38049; 169/70 p. or paullo post, Mooxicov (Aalmrrpesi), ca. 178/7 a., father of 'ETiyvTl5, 180/1p., 40241;182/3p.,40663; 3818; 173/4p., [3869-10]; 2382, [2392](P.A., 10445); for the family cf. A.P.F., 4810, stemma fin. s. II p., 4313 184/5p., 40755-57; 20654 ca. 206/5a., fatherof KacravSpiSTrs, (2ovviOs), MooXicov(cairavieis), 220/19 a., 13071; cf. M. ArroTpoOAov MOpcov 3632 K\Ecovos a., f. (L.G., II2, 7070 = P.A., 10449) (P.A., ('Aparicvios), 343/2 (?) MupcoviSr1s Moroicov(HTTaArlv6s), ca. 105/6 p., father of ropyias, 33347; 10510; cf. stemma, P.A., 8669);cf. K.('A.) and A.P.F., 7252, stemma,Table II perhaps = MvurrKo6 ('Avr,oXiSos),paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father of 138/9 p., 33340 (TTancrlXivs), Mooxiov NiKfou 54 and Mj[-rp]65copos, 46636, MVucrIK6 secretary KaTar& rpuraveiav M6oSros Moo[xicovos'A]vKvufieOv, ante MucmKO6S 36 220/1 p., 46636; the paullo a., 129[2], ('AvnoXiSos), 222/1 cf. M. o 'E. demoticis very probably'EpoidSrls, M6oXos(EcovvJieiS),336/5 a., 4212 (rapyfTraioS), ca. 149/50 p., father of MuvrTK6O MVUoTIK6 (Ktqicratie),ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13739 MO6XoS and 129114 40620, 21 a., NIKoKpCrrns, 222/1 M6oXos(lnorT&uos), (rapyilrnios), 182/3p., 40620,was ephebe 154/5 M6o)os (X9?irrnos), ca. 135/6 p., father of Aiovucrv6copos, MvUcTIKO5 p. (I.G., II2, 206737) 37335; probably = M. ., ephebe 115/6 p. (L.G., II2, MvourIKO ('Epoiasri), ca. 149/50 p., father of MUOrIK6S, 201718); cf. A. M. (S.) = 40659 61229 a., 304/3 M6CoXos (ODuA&cios), 'Aye9cpovos 42527 MvUormTK ('Epuar6s), ca. 162/3 p., father of MUarrTK6O, *Mooxcbvios ? Hlai(acvtis), 209/10 p., 46044 TO o 'Epotd&raS, M : M(&pKos)Mouv&o aViS r3fipa 182/3 p., 40659,was iav6c S OoriowKos, MUV-rTKOS -rrEpi MovvCr&no archon 174/5 p. (or 187/8 p.), 3872; M[ouv&riso OUOTrrixoS ephebe 154/5 p. (.G., II2, 2067176)= 195/6p., 42527 MucrniKO6 ('Epv&uSrs), 'Arlvie ?]Us, 3881-2, [3902-3] MUrcov herald of the boule and the demos, OuoTrioxo[s], (rapyArrios),Ca. 149/50p., father of 'Aqppo5ikos, Mou(v6'rros) 40619 184/5 p., 40735-38; either he or perhaps a son =
], [hTlicr&Ts] 1T[pu]Tvr&cov 194/5 (?)p., 42424-25 N[ ,iPla 180/1 p., 40237 N[--]AI [-- Aio]vuwiou, -rept'r6 ] ('Avrroxi5os),ca. 176/5-170/69 a., 20423 N[
360/59 a., 1717(P.A., 10612) 5874 Naerms(Bourr&8ns), N[ ] (GopiKos), ca. 338/7 a., father of NaCxapXos, ca. 400/399 a., father of [---], 979 of father (Evcowus6rs), ] 293-273 ca. *[N]augp&6Ss a., rlpoKiOs, (ESrTTnos), Na[ 144 of father ca. a., 'HpcK[cov], *N&v<v>oKos 199/8 (EUrupis{8S), s. III a., 1067 (ITaiavlEvs), XapltKE[---] [Niav]Spos 2162 of E'pouXos,7245; father ca. a., 314/3 (tK of ca. med. s. IIp., father N&PpKIoCoS, NiapX[os] Koi,Is), [N&pKicros] (TTalavieIs), a grandson perhaps = N. 9K K., donor to Asklepios 247/6 43719 = P.A., 10626) a. (I.G., II2, 1534280 [3] (natavites), fin. s. II p., 43719 N&pKaICTOS NIK--also see 49263 N?IK---, NaOapXos ('CAxate), ca. 403 a., father of [N]acKfcs, NEi[K---], &vnypaq*p? 194/5 (?)p., 42421 ] (eopiKlos), 305/4 a., 5874 N[ Naucapxos ca. 136/7p., father of"Epco[], 37869; the demotic s), councillor? ca. 370 a., 49263 NEIKCa6paS, ('AaiXm [N]auKfjisNCav&pXou cf. NlKa[y]6pas is (A.) AaprmrpmES; 381/0 a., 65 ('Avayup&aaos), NauKiXis 8954 (PuA&los],treasurer of the prytaneis of father ca. 287/6 a., NEIK&vCop ApT'ricav[os NaxvK<Xs NavKpCrrs, (KoXvrwe6s), 2689-10; 'ApTeicovos <)u[a&cnos], 57/6 a., 2683; [NEIK&]vcop councillor? ca. 370 a., [s ----] ('AvacxMO-rros), NcauKp&<p Iu[aXios], 26815-16 'ApTrI1covoS [Ne1K&vco]p 492146 168/9 p., 37353 'ErriKrfTrou (EopiKIos), NavKp6rrls NcvaiKp(&'rovs) ('AXapvess),ca. 290-280 a., 6823 NeiKpcos I p., father of eEo&rronros, s. cf. --Naufin. 62338; (Biral6Ts), NEIKrqp6[pos] 303/2 a., -] (BTiraieCs), Navcp&rro[ 32130 B. N. II2, 5905) (I.G., cnKp&irr NeiKr96pos(AlopEees),ca. 105/6 p., father of B6xXloSand 254/3 a., 8954; for earlier NavKp&rrls NaeKuious (KoXAv-rEus), 33149,50 cf. LG., II2, 155465-66, NEiKrl6pos, members of the same family and XXVIII, 138/9 p., 331so 959, H., (AioUEeis), 131, NEiKq9p6pos5 10225, N.P.A., P.A., p. : KA(aoitos) NilKr9j[6pos] (Ta?hhTa vE\s), fin. s. II NEiKrlq6pos p. 226335-336, 339-340 4385 of 'AVro{KISS, p., (1n-pyacrsOS),ca. 289/8 a., father NauKp6-r(ns) fin. s. II P., 4323 NEIKias [----] ('AKaIavwr5os), 8667 NEMKi[aS] 10118 s. 213/4-219/20 III med. (KEKpoTHr8oS?), a., Aip(hiMos) NeKI[acs]: Auvi[---] (XoWapyei*s), [N]acvKprr|s p., 4636 NOvai[---] ('EplKEEvS), post med. s. II a., 24213 2663 NEKias(AlyitAlis), ca. 97/6 a., father of Tapav[T-]evos, Nacaias NavcnKp&rrov (TpoornaTios), 335/4 a., 43119-120 32129 of s. I father p., NeIKcas 'cliyevrs, fin. TIrTiCar6rrS (B7Claa?1s), KE9aCiX0V, rrpokSpcov NauoaicXtK 'ATroXXoBcbpov ca. 136/7 p., father of [Oi]7A6oCrpaTos, Nel[K]ias(KpicoEvs), 222/1 a., 12939-40(P.A., 10551)
NacuilKp(&rrs) ('Axapv6Es), ca. 323-313 Kp6rriS, 6823 a., father of Ncu38025-26 NelKia[s]: Bcaipos NeKua[S](Mapaecbvios),194/5 (?)p., 42413 43717 NEtKias(ntaiavtis), ca. med. s. II p., father of NiKiOas, NEIKiaXS fin. s. II p., 43717 (cTTaaviE?s), Zcoafiou(p9frrlos), fin. s. II p., 4409 NEIKias s : OEv'r(i8ios) NEIKOKP&Tris OuX[a](aios),ca. 205 NEIKoKprlC
(epiaCoos), 360/59 a., 1728 (P.A., 10562, NacvoKpmrrlS stemma), may be a cousin of: NcaviKpo&ls (0pt&cnos), 360/59 a., 1734 (P.A., 10563); he or the preceding = N., father of pcpax[vKAfis ept]&dtios,
p., 44911 : AA(ios) NeitKo6xo (Boaalirs), paullo ante 180/1 NewK6Oao 3978 p., [---], UroypOappareCr ca. 368/7 a., father of Navcrias, NEiK6OiaXOS fin. s. I p., 3115 NavuoiKp&Trrl (nlpoonrroT1io), ca. 205 p., 44829 'Arrowcoviou ('lrTroecovriSos), 43120 NEK6voaXos : (2TEmpe's5), of ca. 367/6 a., father 169/70 p., 'Epcro- NEIK6paXOS (AD&(Pos)NE1K6IiaXOS NavaYulK'q8s ('AvavkCarrnos), 37848 a more or either 446 he, likely (P.A., 10569); o-rpcrros, NEIKOTrOWIS (nlaiavieis),post ca. 184p., father of 'Apr&oxcKaros, descendant, = 47735 ('AvacXoa-rtos),ca. 337/6 a., father of 'EpaNavauK[[6(Tls)] (AlavTiros), s. II p., father of NEK6crprrpa-o NeiK6rrpacros T6ocrparoS, 61310 and of father 34714, 15 ca. a., Navu[aOl?oyvns, 316/5 [NauCiK6USq8S] (XoXapyeOs), D(Alavri8os), s. II p., 34714 713 (P.A., 10572) NeK6o-rpo-ros pEvns], 169/70p., 3802 ('AvT1oXISos), ('Avayvupcaios),ca. 289/8 a., father of 'A8rvo- [..] Ne6KO'6rpa[Tos] NcauciHac(Xos) ca. 184p., father of[----s, 8659 ('ArTraXiSos),post NEK6ocrparros KAfj, 4786 Nav[acnlpvr NavoaniKou Xo]AapyEors,secretary Ka-rc 7rpUtraca. 205 p., 44832 'AiiEiovoS('I rroOcovT-ros), veiav283/2 a., 713-4 (P.A., 10579); for the family cf. A.P.F., Ne'K6c-rpcrros ca. 217 p., 47734 Zco{Ipou post (cTTvSloviSos), NEK6urpcrros 8443, stemma rBaoKOu(BrlaCies), paullo ante 180/1 p., 3979 NEiKcoV archon 378/7 a., 81 (P.A., 10584) NavuvivKoS, NElKcOv ropy[icvos] (naciavwes),ca. 20 a., 29335 Nau[forpcrros] ('A9t8vacos), ca. 337/6 a., father of [Xap{NeIKcov (2T?epiEis), ca. 53 a., father of Alwrrpios, 29356 5rl]pos, 5916 = 37364 ca. 337/6 a., father of [X]api- [NEIKcOV] (XoAapyeis), ca. 135/6 p., father of NeiKcov, NavaiorTpa(-os)('AqtSvaTos), NEIKcov [3] (XoXapye*s),168/9 p., 37364 8rllos, 61252 fin. s. I a., 30317 ous (KoMAXures), 343/2 (?) a., 3643 NepipiosO ['co]v[----] (OuAV6s), NaUcrio'pcrrosMeycaKo of Neo.itis, 49269 ca. 403 father a., ('IKapies), NE68copos (P.A., 10594) a., 43159-160 1257 225 335/4 a., (KeKponrriSOS), os), NEo[K]X[eiS]s Tlpo[f]vou (foT6dCx post Nacvao-o'paros 43226 ca. 368/7 a., father of AloxGXos, NeoKArSriqs (ETreaTos), 336/5 a., 42213 Navoirrparros((ped&ppios), 'AcrKXIriTI&S6o NEOKXfjs father of 354 ca. BepevIKI[SiS, a., NeoKXfis BEPviKi68lS, [---]vris, ?), NavcatXprTs ('EpoicSr|s flutist ca. 210/09-201/0 a., 13851; 203/2 a., 14747-48, 80-83; 5527 ca.200a., 15142-44;init s. IIa., 1584-5; int. s.IIa., [1609]; *[N]acrcoviS.Ts EOppfjovos(Evicovuies), 367/6 a., 1413
321/0 a. (LG., II2, 378; H., XXX, 1961, avTlypayc9S p. 290,No. 1842-3;cf. H., XXXII, 1963,pp. 344-345)and orator of a decree314/3a. (I.G., II2, 450 = P.A., 7323)
X., XoXay6s 333/2 NIKOKriovS (P.A., 10724); NIK6[?ev]os a. (H., IX, 1940, p. 62, No. 8, II20-21),may be a grandson ca. 368/7 a., father of NiK6orrprros, NIKt&a(TTpopaXiloos),
[1898-9]; paullo ante 178/7 a., [1918], [1936-7] [NEOK]Xfjs BepevutdSis,flutist 97/6 a., 25996; [NE]oK[Xfis] 4367 Ca. 190/89 a., 17063 259130-133, possibly grandson of the preceding NiKias('PacpvoOiaio), BE[pEV1Kid8rT], NeOKmXiS fin. s. II p., 43511 NlKT[----] (94ITrtnoS), ('liaplis), councillor? ca. 370 a., 49269 NEo&Sbpov 225106 a., 343/2 (?) a., 36o1 (P.A., NEo[KA]rjs ('AXaisOs), NKfipacroS NiKOKpaTrous 155/4 (KuSaOinvai0s), = N. of father ca. Sialrrflfi a., 325/4 a. (I.G., II2, 289/8 ('A.), 'AKxSTIros, 10734); probably (ly MuppivotMts), NEoK,fis 8580 192634); for the family cf. A.P.F., 11019, stemma 167/8 p., 37112 ('AX2i0vooios), 370/69 (?) a., 1313-14 NEOKAiS (qfrrTTros), NIKfipcrosAeoKp&"rous NeorAfis: 'AWoroXios = P.A., 9086) is A. 'A. 5536 286s of father ca. 73-63 II2, .], a., [.... *NE6Xaos 10735); (LG., (P.A., (EBcovuvsO5), NEMor6?E[sos,secretary of the demos 256/5 a., 85103(P.A., probablya son (LKKoXcovoi),ca. 376/5 a., father of 'Ave[o]s, NKAfiporros 10648) and 3626 of boule the secretary (P.A., 10738) Neor-r6roAXo(s) AEpaSi(c6rlMs), = demos 256/5 a., 86110-111 ]6rs (Oryalesi), ca. 314/3 a., father of [ NlKipc-rOS 72os08 XX?iou orator ca. 250 a., 1006-7, NEoT-r6?XE[Jos AeipaSicbTMs], 12(P.A., 10650) Eivp[---] ()7Xve*s), ca. 280 a., 7312; perhaps = [Ni]KfipaCros N. (O.), father of N. who was ephebe 267/6 a. (LG., II2, [N]EoT=rr6XEios (ly Muppivo'rrms),336/5 a., 4280 665, 143) and may = N. (., contributor 247/6 a. (H., 235/4 a., 11585 ---] (Muppivo*cYtos), N?e6Orpar[os = N. II 15826 init. s. 69cowvos a., 'A., XI, 1942, p. 291, No. 56, 178and p. 292) *Nfo-ros('Avayupacios), = a. 2332106-109 II2, 281/0 a., 7210(P.A., P.A., 10655) NiKfipcoro NIKocrrp&rou (XoXapyE*s), 183/2 (.G., 3037 10746); may Nifrco[p] ((OAuvs),ca. med. s. I a., father of [fa&p]q)Aos, 35918 NifKporros Ni[KooCrp6rov ?] (XoXapyiEs), med. s. III a., 10120 NrtpEs(Epirrnos), ca. 127-137 p., father of Zcomniav6s, ca. 330 a., 4729 NiKCTiasTrlAoKxMou5 (MupptvoOrios), (XqfiA-os), 168/9 p., 37326, was one of 'AAEgd&v5pou NrlnpEi' s. ca. father of NIKoSEviSrls, med. II the group ot iv TTeipam1E a., ?), NtKirn[s] ('AXmacx 336/5 (.G., p. rrpcaypaXTEmra 62215 II2, 360735) N1KiriTS ('ATVElvs), 173/2 a., 206118 NripeS : Aip(fi;os) Nnlpes (Ef'Srrios), fin. s. IIp., 4401i NiKrirrsnlpopvovs (KuOippios),304/3 a., 6160 (P.A., 10756) ] (AlyTSos), Ca. 180 a., 18920 N1[ s. II a., 2358 ves, ypaI c-rCs 6TO 138/9 p., NiKfTi[s ----&v]Spou nCaXXfl Ni[---] (Aiyi8Bosor Kexporl5ios), 3338-9 Ni[ ] ('AXapves6),303/2a., 62163 [N]iKT7rIs ('PalIvooCTos), 166/5 a., 21632 Niyp : Ki(a6Slos) NiyEp('AepovESS), 180/1 p., 40252 NiKxrTiS NIK---, see also NEIK--222/1 a., 12910 = N. E., AEo(---) (KaCpcovtSTis), archon 225/4 a. (.G., 112, 170641= P.A., 10761) ], fin. s. I a., 29718 N1[K ca. 105/6-117/8 p., father of [Nl]KrlNK[ ] (AlavTriSo),paullo ante ca. 93 a., father of [Ni]Kr1<p6pos ('AL[nVIts), 2672 Ae?K[IO]S, p6pos,33620 aet. Rom., father of [Ni]KTr1q6pos or 'ATraXAios), ('AlrlnvEs),138/9-150/1 p., 33620 NK[----] (AEcovriSos ca. 192/3 3176 KA(citios) NitKxp6poS (lcTanXrwveis?), [T7oCs]8dwbvos, NKT1p96pos: NIK[---] (AlcoveS ?), ca. 180-160 a., 20914 p., 42320 ] (KEKpoTrSos), init. saec. III a., 655 ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29071-72 NIKi[ NlK[ ]pou ('ErnEtKirlS), ] (Xq-rTTios), med. s. III a., 10125 ca. 368/7 a., father of NiK6-pcrrTOs, NIKi6r&S('AAiiJoiaioS), NIK[ 4388 (P.A., 10766); cf. N. N. (A.) NlKa[y]6pas (AacirrrpEs), ca. 136/7 p., father of "Epcos, 38041-42 archon 124/3 a., 2511 (P.A., 10781) [NIKias], ca. 30/29 a., 28823 NtKiaSXaitpEeliSo ('AyysAes), ca. 330 a., 4725 (P.A., 10790) NiK6c8[a]s (MEAtTers), ['AvTPa&vou] = N. X. 'A. (LG., II2, 5234) NIKav8[p--], orator 188/7 a., 17616 s. IV 162 med. ante 177/8 p., 39834 a., ('AAamies), (P.A., 10676) NiKiasKaa;t6iOXov N1Kav8pi85s (Kxporri8os), I N. ca. 155 304/3 a., 5924= 22667; K., NiKias a., (iK KoiAis), ('Aq>ivalos), NiKavSpos ephebe NiKoo-rp[&arov] 117/6 a. (LG., II2, 1009, II104), may be a son NIKICa ('A9pivaTos), 304/3 a., 61253 N[i]KooTTp&rou (KuSa0fivacisi),155/4 a., 22594; cf. I.G., II2, 6601 NtKias'Exeorrprro(V) Nixav[8pos] ('AxapvnEs),ca. 290-280 a., 6822; cf. N. E. 'A. (I.G., II2, 5824 = P.A., 10795); for the family NfKavspos Mapcacbvi(os), 328/7 a., 4929 cf. A.P.F., 11672, X, stemma NiKavSpos(MuppivoOaios),336/5 a., 42177; cf. NiKavSpos LG., II2, 6900 = P.A., 10690 N1KIas ('Epota&rs),ca. 336/5 a., father of I&rvpos, 62262; QeoyivouvMuppivoOrtos, (I)&vou 303/2 a., 62279; perhaps NiKavSpos ('PTaivoucros), probably = N. 'E., trierarch tit. nav. 356/5 a. (I.G., II2, = P.A., 10798);cf. A.P.F., 10798,with addendum N. ('P.) (I.G., II2, 12249; for the demotic cf. J. Pouilloux, 1612124 La Forteresse de Rhamnonte,p. 177) NiKiaS 336/5 a., 42113 ('EpX1ieS), ca. med. s. I a., father of Aiovnmos, NiKias ca. 330 a., 468(P.A., 10805) ((OAumes), (KiKuvvvEs), N[K]cav[8poS] 30311; cf. N. (O.), fin. s. I a., father of [ ......] (I.G., II2, NiKias (KpicoEis),ca. 159/60 p., father of NKOCT<T>parros, 42353 17338) ca. 314/3 a., father of Mv[---], 72222 ('Alrvi6s), ca. 105/6-117/8 p., father of NIK&vop, NK[icas] NIK&vcop (Kpcoxrrirls), 33615 NiKiasAioy&vout(naliaviss), post med. s. IV a., 329 (P.A., 3 (AZrlvie1s),138/9-150/1 p., 33615 10819) NIKaVCOp ca. 173/2 a., father of [ NtKavcop (Mvppivomtios), ], 2404 NiKias (nlaxv11vs), s. I p., 30942; cf. N. n., ca. 47 p., father of Ecborpaoros (LG., 112, 199312-13, 19944) and NiKapx[os] ('AvToxiSos), ca. 176/5-170/69 a., 20421 N. n., hoplomachos50/1-52/3p. (IG., II2, 19741o) [NiK]apXos [NI]Kogkvou(XoXMisFrs),370/69? a., 1342-43
33340 ca. 105/6 p., father of MooX{Iov, NIKIaS (lTTaAiveOs), Nl<K>ias (rT[Epactes),ca. 155 a., 22646 NiKiasEiLou lTIpaCies,secretary of the boule and the demos ca. 210/09-201/0 a., 13849 14734 (tihCJs), ca. 236/5 a., father of NdKias, [NiKJ]Ca nliOUs, TrlotcrTrrT5 Nndas [NIK]fOU 203/2 a., 14733-34 TrpokSpcov Nudas (TeitplEis), 220/19 a., 130114 NlKias(E-rEipiE), 155/4 a., 22568 97/6 a., 25988 NtK(i>asE-rvpies, d'vrypapEs[Us] NiKiasZcoailov (XZyrrnos), ca. 160-170 p., 35915; cf. NE1KI[a
NIKOKp6TrrI 166/7 (KuSaOrvaitsE), Aaoou61.(toS) NiKOKp&rrs: p., 36935 Alornieous](AaixrrpEls),304/3 a., 6011= [N]IKOKp6[TSrrs Ato-rr{e0o (AalprrpeiS),304/3 a., 6137 NlKOKp6rrns ca. 314/3 a., father of AEco[---]s, (T1ahrXXveis), NlKOKpa[Trls] 72225 l nTTXAcaio, ['E]rriKpraTOu NlKOKp&r5ns wrr S rpokipcov Tl-raTT
140/39 a., 24039-40 Tryaieu[s], orator 284/3 a., 693, 'ApXEcXou O NIKOKpaTrls was honored by the demos in Telekles' archonship (.G., II2, 27974-6, 11-13) Z. (E.) 29229 NiKIlT-TOS AiTroK2ous &K KoAcovoG,prytanis, TTEIlXoTIriTIEvos NlK6XCao ('AXCalEs),ca. 54/3 a., father of NIK6oaos, 3:('A?acxiS),21/0 a., 29229 NlK6Aaos etS xOurro\s 254/3 a., 8935, 61 councillor ? ca. 370 a., 492109 NlK6Oaos (Kr9cpiiE6s), ca. 73-63 a., father of 'ArrokSX6copos, NIKO[----] ('AXapv?eS), 28627 NIKO[--] ('CQaies),336/5 a., 42169 223/2 a., 12734 (QoiAipEsS), ], NIK6XaCO[S] (lTav8iov(ios), ca. 336/5 a., father of [ [NI]K6PovXos ] ('AXapvEUs), 623 *NiK6Xpios 303/2 a., 62159 N[ father of NwK6orporros, ca. 403 61203 a., a., NIKO,[---] ('Amamies), ----] ('AXCaies), 304/3 NIK6PouA[os 49267 256/5 a., 8657 NIKO6PovAOS 'Apicrrmf(ou) ('Avcxyupaotio), archon 341/0 a., 381 (P.A., 10936) NlK6IUaXOS, (nTaiaviuEs), 155/4 a., 22573 NiK6pouAos ca. 159/60 p., father of NIK6paXOs, of ca. father NwK61acxXos [ 337/6 a., ('AcorrEKfijEv), ], ('AvK<uXES ?), [NI]Koyvr1s 42348 61208 ca. 192/3 p., 42348 : ('A?coTrEKiOeV), NlK6(iaXos K[----] (XoAapyeis), med. s. III a., 10119 NiKoyvrq1 iosS), 304/3 a., 61313; his NiKOS6aaOS NiKo861p[ov] ('AvcxaAup (lTToecratios),ca. 165 p., father of ['Appo]Sei{aos, NiK6IacXOS father was secretary 320/19 a. (I.G., II2, 381 = P.A., 4432 NIK65apoS: XCWToS 6 Kai NIK6OSapos 10867); his son may = Ai[a]xivris N. 'A. in H., XXIII, ((cAvuiS), ca. 175 p., 39239 1954, p. 288, No. 1827 dated 271/0 a. 2521 archon NIKcoVOs OUroypapCIpareIs 254/3 a., 8938 rapy'rnrTos, NIK6o(cXOs (P.A., 10858) [NIK6OSrlos], 122/1 a., ante med. s. IV a., father of [ ]s, N1K6paXos (ept&crios),360/59 a., 1730 (P.A., 10947) = N. NIK68rlt[oS] ('AXCaies), . (IG., II2, 6261) 3110 EO<a>AKi6ovu priest of the eponymos 155/4 a., MuppivoUClos, NiK68Trl[tos] NIK6OtCiXOS ('AealcOs), ca. 403 a., father of NiKOKp&r1rs, 22539-41; NIK6OIIaXO 49264; cf. N. N. ('A.) TEA.[...] Mvppivoucios, 22555-56; NIK6T-LUOS ?] (MuppivoUacio), 225110 [NtK61a(XOS ('AUaEav-rEOs), 178/7 a., 19459,probably = N. 'A., ca. 180 a. (I.G., II2, 244329) and perhaps also N.'A. (nTTaxivEis), ca. 314/3 a., father of [---8]rlioS, NiK6iOcXo[s] 72230 (P.A., 10866) ca. 337/6 a., father of NtKo6aXos, N1K6OpaXos (netpactes), ca. 155 a., 22632 NIK68rlp[os] ('AvaTXcrronos), 336/5 a., 4240 61313;cf. N. N. ('A.) N1K6paXOs (TnEpyaC(eIs), ] (?KKj6(Sv), 281/0 a., 7282 NIK68TUOS [ (lTpoonrrT6uos), ca. 336/5 a., father of [NIK6]N[iK6]vaXo[5]
NiKCOVOS (KoXXureus), councillor? [N1K6]Sn1lOS ca. 370 a., 62123 orpcrTOS,
(Youvieis),370/69 (?) a., 1363(P.A., 10962) [Nl]K6icaXos 5536 [O]X(aplios)NIK[61caXOS] (T-rEpies), 150-190 p., NiK[O61aXos]: 3848 [ ] (E9irTmos),281/0 a., 7220 (P.A., 10964) NIKUI?ov NIKOKArs ('AAieOS), 254/3 a., 8949 NIK6pcXXOS ca. 145 p., father of NtKO6pcXOS, 39240; N1KOKAfiS (OXIAues), ('AvaqCAOaTios),ca. 354 a., father of [--]oKA[fi]s, N1K61aCXOS 'A., poletes 367/6 a. (H., X, 55io; perhaps = NIKOKA9S perhaps = NEIK6aoXOs (O.), father of X[.]rlTos who was 1941, p. 14, No. 15) ephebe med. s. IIp. (I.G., II2, 206940= 'Apx. 'E9., 1950-1, NIKOKA treasurer of prytaneis p. 38, No. 1841) XS 'ATro?AoScbpou Aa.lTrpEivs, ) (O)AXuVS), ca. 175 p., 39240; probably = of Erechtheis 256/5 a., 8615, 23, 85-87,94-96 NIKO,UOXOS 12762 a., 223/2 ---] (O)Auus),168/9 p., 37211 (OivaTos), N1KOKAqi [NtK]6pIOX[os NIKOlpVnS NIKOKAfiS ('AacxaiE), ca. 376/5 a., father of 'ETriKpacrrs, (TnIEpatneS), 178/7 a., 19478 Iv 3613 (P.A., 10970) = N. 'lipcovoS'A., &CyiKTUoveiOov 'AvKUAXfiev, secretary of the boule and the N1KOKp6rrnS demos 281/0 a., 7268; probably = AAXcp 375/4 a. (.G., II2, 163561), honored by his fellow demesmen ca. 360-350 a. (I.G., I12, 28206), and orator Afcovos 'AyKuAfXiev,prytanis and treasurer of NIKOKp&rris the prytaneis of Aigeis 256/5 a., 855, 17, 20; NIKOKp6rirs, of a decree of Halai ca. 360 a. (LG., II2, 11751-2); a later member of the same family is probably: 8583, 88 (P.A., 10912) father of ca. 376/5 a., ('AxctEOS), NIKOKpcrrls NiKfpcrroS, Nl<Kotvrls>('AMaitsi), ca. 289/8 a., father of Mvrlaocy6paS, 8546 = 3610= NIKOPiVrIS ('AAaiss), ca. 287/6 a., father of [M]vraay6pas, NIKo8fi[iov]('AAaieis), councillor? ca. 370 a., NIKOKp&TTI 8947 49264; N. 'A. in I.G., II2, 28245 is not necessarily the same ca. 337/6 a., father of [----]os, 61135 (MXTrreOs), (cf. H., XV, 1946, pp. 162-164); for other members of the NIKOlievSls ?), 303/2 a., 62215 *NIKOSEviSis NiKrlTO(u) family cf. A.P.F., 11019, stemma ('CACaiS 182/3 p., 40621 MuoCrIKOU (raPY'rTTros), NIK6{evoS (Ktr1piaiEs), ca. 400/399 a., father of Auvcio-pccroS, NlKOKp'rrS 1426 ('Epoi&8rl), 178/7 a., 194104 N1KoKp&Mrs 49258 NtK65poIUos ('AXcnrr65s),ca. 354 a., father of[ .....]Trs, NtKOK[--] (OpF&ppios), fin. s. II a., 2564
NiKo6evos [N]1K6orpaoTOS (jTpoorraATos), ca. 337/6 a., father of [----], (1aiavEluS), 220/19 a., 13078 6190 = one or the other N. (n.), taiTOm raf 325/4 a. (IG., [NI]KO6EVOS (XoXXEiT8is),ca. 403/2 a., father of [N[K]apXos, II2, 192676-77 = P.A., 11048-9); cf.: 1343 (P.A., 10986); cf. N. NIKoKXo[us] X., secretary 400-350 a. (I.G., II2, 1592 = H., IX, 1940, p. 65) and [NKo6]oTpaTosN[IKo]iaXo[u] (Upoorr'TATlos),303/2 a., 62123 N. N. (X.) ca. 370 a., NiK6o-r[paros ---] (O(lyaie's), councillor? 49242 = N. (<).) (I.G., II2, 193215 = P.A., 11055, A.P.F.) archon 167/6 a., 2151 (P.A., 10993) N1Kooe0vlMs, NiKoo0vl[s] (Eulrupi6r1s), [N]1K6o-rpaTo[s---] ((AUEvS), 168/9 p., 37214 222/1 a., 129112 treasurer of the boule 173/2 a., 20661, [Ni]K6O pa'T[oS---] (()AVEUS), TToTl&los, NoKoao0vr1is 168/9 p., 37215 ca. 175 p., 39238, was 143-144 ((OAUVEv), NlK6oarpcaos OEoTro6[Lrrou] aet. Rom., 3186-8 NK6o-rpa-ros, ('ATar-rcioS), post ca. 183p., father of'Aoo-K[rlNtK6[crrparTO] 47051 n&laSrns], (lT-roXEpIIaSos), NtK6aTp[a]To[s] 97/6 a., 25951 (Aie0aMirls), 336/5 a., 42240 NK6o-Crpoaro NIKop[----] ('AXaies), councillor? ca. 370 a., NIKOCTrpa'TO 49267; perhaps = N., demarch of Halai ca. 360 a. (LG., II2, 117522) and also N. 'A. trierarch in tit. nav. paullo post 377/6 a. and ante 356/5 a. (LG., II2, 160538 and 1622266 = P.A., 11019), but cf. N. NlKrlp&rov 'A. (I.G., II2, 5509 and Kirchner's comments ad locc.); for the family cf. A.P.F., 11019, stemma NIKa&Sou NIK6OOrpaCos ('AXlpoouo)os), 335/4 a., 4387-88; well known as a witness in Demosthenes, LVII, 21, and as 0eo 340/39 a. (I.G., II2, 14555 = P.A., 11020; Trapias Tf-rs stemma s. P.A., 7255); for the family cf. A.P.F., 3126, stemma
ca. 354 a., father of[.... NtK6ocrparos('AAco'rrKEVUS),
NIK6or[p]aTros ('Apaqivios),
155/6 p. (I.G., II2, 206867); probably = UTrorco9povlcrris one or the other of the preceding two N. (cD.) ca. 314/3 a., father of NlK<ipcaros, NlK6o-rpaTos (XoXapyEvS), 72io; perhaps init. s. III a., father of NtKuipaTros, Ni[K6carpaTos] (XoXapys5S), 10120
[Nl]K6[orpa-ros] (XoXapyEiu), [cb]-r]Tpa-roS,20412 = ca. 209/8-203/2 a., father of
ca. 209/8-203/2 a., father of [EcbNiKo6arpa-ros (XoAapyEus), X. (LG., I2, 7787 = N.P.A., a]rparos, 20513;cf. N. EUp&6vou p. 136)
NIKOTrEXTS K'rTia[[]o<v> 304/3 a., 61118 ('Ayvoios), 21297 NtK69aVTOs a., ('AAco-rrKEUS), 169/8 ] ('AvaqAUoartos), 304/3 a., 61320 [ NIKO6npros NIK6q)TlOJS EEO8CopoU ('EpXIEUs), 254/3 a., 8973 NIKO6T(prOS 'ApICTropU(ovS) ('PCavoUcaIos),303/2 a., 62275 NiKOq)Pv ('AAaCEUS), ca. 54/3 a., father of NIKoq9ov,29230 C Oai), 21/0 a., 29230; cf. N. ('A.), father of NIKO(CpV ('AX
cant 368/7 a. (I.G., 12, 1425335;cf. 1428195-196, eEos,3633 (P.A., 11021) addendum) 8949 N1K6oCT[aTroS] ('AplivaTos), ca. 337/6 a., father of NIKias, NiK\AOS ('AXamav), ca. 287/6 a., father of NIKOKAiS, 5924 of Oineis 281/0 a., 7267 N{KCOV, [OiTr]pTrrjs ('AiS8vaios), ca. 337/6 a., father of NIKias, N[iK]co[v ---] (Oav8ioviSos), councillor ? 343/2 a., 49313 N[i]KY6orpaTos NIKCOV 61253 [.. .]Scbpov ('AatlEis), 174/5 p., 38735 NIKCOV NlKO6rTpaTo[s] nuv[o]8cbp(ou) ('Axapvevs), ca. 290-280 a., 'Apxivou('AAco-rrEKElU), 334/3 a., 4457 (P.A., 11104) NiKCOV 6820; for earlier members of the family cf. stemma s. ('AXapvEOS), 360/59 a., 1757 (P.A., 11107); may N. ('A.), father of [----]s on a property inscription P.A., 12413, H., XXVIII, 1959, pp. 232-233, 236, and A.P.F., 12413, stemma, Table IV 343/2 a. (H., VI, 1937, p. 455, No. 53) and perhaps also N. 'A. on a grave stele post med. s. IV a. (S.E.G., XXI, NlK6oorparTO 'ApcTrravSpov AEpastlcb'rs, treasurer of the boule 303/2 a., 62298-300 839); cf. A.P.F., 9480 8938 (KEipi&arS),ca. 403 a., father of [N6Koo]-Tporos, NiKCOV N1K6T-rpaT(os) (rapyfrrios), ca. 287/6 a., father of NiKo6IaXos, 492130 NiKcv ('EAEvaivlos), 176-169 a., 20541 NiKcov('Epoia5rs), ca. 261/0 a., father of NiKcov, councillor? ca. 1207 [NlK6Co]TpaTos NiKoo-rpar(ov)(KeipiaSTjs), 370 a., 492130= N. N. K. (I.G., II2, 6310 = P.A., 11031) NIKCOVOS NIKCOV rl;o-rrTTis Trpo8Spcov228/7 a., 'EpoiaSiS, ca. 73-63 a., father of 'laoioTos, 1206-7 NlK6a[Tr]poaros (Krll9oniES), 28621 Ca. 403 a., father of [NIKO6]SjOS, 49258 NiKCOV (KoXAvrTEs), ca. 8550(P.A., (KoXAoveUs), NlK6oaTrpcro 336/5 a., 42247 (KoXXAvrETs),289/8 a., father of KAEiTrs, N[KCOV NnIKov (Kpicoeus), ca. 192/3 p., 42353 NlK6O<(T>paTos 11113) o (KvuSa1rvaoeus), aet. Rom., father of Nw6KTrpa- NfKcov(KuSa0eqvaiEus),155/4 a., 22596 NlK6orpcaTr ros, 31824 N[I]KCOV (Mapa0covios), 223/2 a., 12747 NtK6o-rpaTros (KvSaeqvaitES), aet. Rom., 31824 [NiKcov] (Oivaios), ca. 312/1 a., father of [ .........i6ls], 752, 762 N1K6o-rp[a-ros --] (Muppivovolos),235/4 a., 11582 NIKCOV (ltaiaviEs), 220/19 a., 13068 NiKocrrpa-ros ('eipaiEUS),178/7 a., 19477; probably = (nraiavirUs), N1K6o-rpaTos 155/4 a., 22584 = N. (n.), ca. 148 N{KCOV (1TTpaievs), 176-169 a., 20519 N{KCOV a., father of EOapavSpos(H., XXIV, 1955, p. 232166 = eO65pou (TTlXAcoos), 256/5 a., 8564; probably grandson of N. e. TT.,secretary Karr&a XV, 1946, p. 210, No. 41163) rrpvravEiav 302/1 (P.A., ca. 368/7 a., father of hia6o'rpa(TTHa?Arv?us), 11117, corrected) NwK6orpcaro[s] NiKcov 43211;cf. (D.N. (n.) [-r]oS, (1T-ra'&pos[AElpaclI'rcTS]), 370/69(?) a., 1372 (P.A., 11118) NlK6o-rpaTos (n6ptos), ca. 373 a., father of [e]pcrcov, 3916; NIKCOV (Tpiv?piaiOES), ca. 144/5 p., father of 'Ep&rcov, 39841 cf. N. [v'1arlTros n. (I.G., II2, 7250; cf. H., XXVI, 1957, NIKCbvupos (KvSavriSrls), ca. 314/3 a., father of [EO]O6Trijpos, 72104 p. 242) = N. [i0]?AiTros [sic] (P.A., 11047) NiKi'O(1popactfo-os),335/4 a., 4366-67 NtKOCrTpcros No[ ] (KEKpor8os), s. II p., 3482 336/5 a., 42324; may = NiK<6oparos (TpoaoTrT-nos), No[-----] (AlecovEV ?), ca. 180-160 a., 20917
ca. 197 p., 42730; N[o(6iplos) 'lepoKfpvg, Noipcov (AapcrtrpEs),ca. 73-63 a., father of Noipcov, 28642 ['I][p]O[Kfipuv], ca. 200 p., 4459; [Noi]piios 'lEpoKfpuV,204/5 p., 4542 Noipcov 3 (Aacprrrpes),ca. 40-30 a., 28642; cf. N. Atowvcrov A. (I.G., 1I2, 6690a) No('ipplos) 'lepo&avrrls, 194/5 (?)p., 42416; Nojp(pios)'lepoNop[----] (Altoves ?), ca. 180-160 a., 20916 [q&vrris], ca. 197 p., 42731; [No]Oilt[i]os ['IEpo]q&vr;s Nopw'vosKaXXiov ('AAaiOs), councillor? ca. 370 a., 49266; [(oa]XrlpEs, ca. 197 p., 4281-3; [Noljp]ilos 'IEpoqcvrrs, cf. I.G., I12, 12321-2 204/5 p., 4541 s. II p., 34718 ca. 120 p., 32266; NopIKos r'iKcovoS (AiavtriSos), Noipio[os Mivis?----] (aNpErlpES), 1722 N6pics (AE?paStcrTnr),ca. 223/2 a., father of Ai[oKAifs], perhaps = ca. 160-170 p., 35934,was archon NoOUli"os: A(ouKios) NOUIOIlOS N6ar[ipos Aiovuofou](XoXapyE*s), Mfi[v]is GDaWrlp?*s, ephebe 145/6 p. (LG., II2, 205259) 138/9-150/1 p., 3352-4; Noivpios Mivis, 3362 No[v---] (nflxrlvEss), post ca. 183 p., father of [A]E<(c>vi6ris, NovuqppaS6 (nepleoitS5I), ca. 368/7 a., father of Mvcoiricrxos, 47220 n. (LG., 112, 43156; probably = N., father of 'IEpop9&vTNr ca. 368/7 a., father of 'A&q[v]6ooo[p]os, 19341, 6) and [MvTrlaiaXos7?] Noupiivtos (AEcovriSos), (I.G., II2, 7221); cf. 'AptN. n., ephebe 210/09 a. (H., XXXIV, 1965, p. 91, 4381 cTOK,XS = a son No. Nouplvios ('AZrlvOie), a., 19495; 325) 178/7 perhaps NouvptvioS ('ALlviEVs), 135/4 a., 2431oo *[Nu]papcrro[s ---- ?] ('AvTloxi8os),169/70p., 380lo ca. 136/7 p., father of 'AvTiyovos, Nvup6So'To Novulivios(KvSa0revaicis), E1oppcavTi&o (AEovrfiSo),178/9-179/80 p., 399i5 37837 ca. 105/6-117/8 p., father of AlqNutip6o'roS('AlrviEOS), and NoupAvios (Mvppwvoiaios), 155/4 a., 225113;perhaps = N. N. Trpos Nvup6o'roT, 33611, 12 M. (LG., II2, 6901 a) ro ('AZrlvi*s), 138/9-150/1 p., 33612,was ephebe NuvoSo6os Novupivios (nriXrl), 195/6 p., 4265 along with his brother ATlhiATptos125/6 p. (I.G., II2, lTapcai6vou ca. 197/6 a., father of EOeias,2195; Novuwvios(?OuA&cios), 20379, io) a grandson probably = N. EO.c., Itpe0s'Aviou ante 140 [NuvJpoKXAis] ('Arlvtms), ca. init. s. I a., father of NvuIpoa. (N.P.A., p. 137) KAj[s],27839 ] ('ASptaviSos),ca. 231/2 p., 49133 *Noupvp[ios )] ('Ailvmi?s),med. s. I a., 27839 Nvul9oKAX[S No(Olmiwios) 'lepoKipvu,airtTos 194/5 (?)p., 42418; NoOiiUioS Ncbviosr----] (KsKporrSos ?), 213/4-219/20 p., 4635
ca. 336/5a., fatherof [ [ ]3, -evoKi,s: OX(&hpios) ]ns, 6263 -Evo,nis 'Axap(vEis), ca. 205 p., 449i3 ca. 150 a., 23620 oaveias('AAcnreKEieev), (E0covvupts), 256/5 a., 8645; for his EtvoK,fisEpaOcuv6X(ov) ancestors cf. H., XI, 1942, p.311 and A.P.F., 11221, [E=&]vel1rrro (Eucovvwms), ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13725 ca. 226/5 a., father of 'Apivicxs, 1675 E-vOos (Mapacwcvos)), stemma ca. 12855 [-SETV]s 256/5 a., father of [=evoKAis], (S rTTtnos), Ep[--] (KepaO.Is), 223/2 a., 1281o0 [S]evoKAr,s _Ev[---] ('AvrtoX6os), ca. med. s. I a., father of [nla]p[&]Jo- [-s]voKXAjs:[KX(a8ios) E]vokfisj (TnaiavtaSi), 166/7 p., 36916 vos, 30126 34817 a., 2613 -evoKAsij [ ] (fTalavites irTEvepOev), =ev[--] (Aapn-rpeis), 336/5 a., 4249 (P.A., 11230) ca. 255/4 a., father of Zcbrrpos, 12980 [EevoKAfisXq'iTTrOS], Ev(---) (XoA?XeiSTs), priest of the eponymos of Akamantis S fin. s. [Sevay6pas =-]Evoy6p[ou MeAITeis],wriTroS orrwAeirTas 9 fTTios, 12855. 223/2 a., 12839-41; ['EVoKfiS iviOt]O II p., 4414-5 For the restoration cf. H., Index I-X, p. 117, with ca. med. s. II p., father of[E-vay6pas], references there, and A.P.F., 11234 [E=]vay6pas(MeTrreOs), 4415; cf. stemma s. LG., II2, 3609 728 -evOKxfis (XoXapye?s),ca. 314/3 a., father of SEvoKAfis, -EvoKiis -evoKAeous (Xooapyess), 281/0 a., 728, perhaps was [5]EvacoS [TTo]Xupvivcrro[u] (A6rlpTrpti&So), 281/0 a., 7235 .EvaioS 'EwnraiveTov (Z(p'rrTos), 303/2 a., 6285; = 5. ., ephebe 305/4 a. (LG., II12, 47874); his father probably = father of OXlAhrrln [=EJvo,KAXs (I.G., 12, 7530 = P.A., 11177) -Ev[oS I?]vov (XoXapyets), 303/2 a., 62118; his ca. 168 a., 21474 EivapXos(KpcowTSris), grandfather perhaps = -. X., SiaTr7'ris 330/29 a. (I.G., ca. 168/7 a., father of [?evoK]pTp&rjs, II2, 240960-61= P.A., 11237; cf. B.S.A., L, 1955, pp. 27(EAsvui'vios), ..vo(---) 243[44, 48], 62 28, 33) ], orator 189/8 a., 1735-6 -5ev[65ri ?]pos (XoAapyets), ca. 336/5 a., father of [e]voKAfis, SEvoKpa[TrT1 62118 ca. 217/6 a., father of [3E]voKpmrs, 'EvoKp'&rs ('EEeuoivios), 1806 = ], ca. 223/2 a., father of 'Hyrlcias, 172s -EVoK[ ca. 202/1 a., father of -EvoKprrns, EEvoK[---] (tOiyaissC),councillor ? Ca. 370 a., 49246 SevoKpirrls ('EAEvoivios), 2126 KaAXA&Sovu SevoKA[Xis]r ('EpXinS), 341/0 a., 389 (P.A., 11220) 336/5 a., 42129 orator 184/3 a., 1806= [E]evoKKris (Kv8avTi8rls), [-]EvoKp&rrns?voKp&r[ou 'EhEucivios], =evoIKeiSrls (CAvayvup&ios), ca. 400/399 a., father of [B]aOeEvoKp-rrls .EvoKparou 'Eeucr[ivlos], orator 169/8 a., 2126 Aaos, 1417 (P.A., 11248; cf. H., XL, 1971, p. 310, note on line 6) _E6voKXef8ST (epi&cnos),360/59 a., 1729(P.A., 11199) treasurer of the [SEvoK]p'rrns -evo(---) ('EXAeUaivio), (&g Oiov), 173/2 a., 20681 EvoKAesfrlI prytaneis, 135/4 a., 24324-25,[44, 48], 62 43201 [=svo ?]KprrirsOavoKp&rovu[] -EvoK?a[S] (Alavri80o),ca. 368/7 a., father of EOE&yyEos, ('Pcavooaios), 281/0 a., 72198; on the family cf. H., XXXVIII, 1969, p. 491, note on SEvoXKAfs ['AXapves], archon ca. 197/8-199/200 p., 4442-3, line 223 [10-11]
BepevIKidlS], 18737-38; cf. No. 165, _evoqPCv EUq&vTr[ou
ca. 403 a., father of [Sev]6Tlnos, (KorrpEIos), -Evo6KplTos 492135(P.A., 11257) 254/3 a., 8998 'AvrTyE[vov]((OiXacdrs), -EEV6KpITos ca. a., father of [---Qevos, EvorrieTOjs 337/6 (rTpoa3cXicnos), 61237 --VOT6-rOS ('AvaKaclEs), ca. 403 a., father of [Ka]Aikrljpos, 492138(P.A., 11267) ca. 337/6 a., father of raovKias, (EUcovvupESs), .Ev6T[IUpOS] 61171 councillor? ca. 370 a., SEvoKpiTou [-Ev]6oTlnos (K6olrpEos), 492135(P.A., 11271, probably = 11270) ca. 400/399 a., father of Ev6o(avros [TrrvepOeEV]), ('AypvuAus Mivtrrros, 1448 ca. init. s. III a., father of[EEvo]]6qv, (KIKuvvEiS), 5Ev69cwro[s] 1024 -Ev69avros (AaPxrrpeis), ca. 226/5 a., father of [OEo6]6[l1os], 1672, [16826] ca. 155 a., 22656 EEv6OlXos('AXsep6oviaos), 223/2 a., 12763 -Ev6qpXlos(OIvaCos), rlTaavlEus,treasurer of the prytaneis of Antigonis _Ev6opiXos 13525-27 a., 214/3 ca. 367/6 a., father of O)l76{EVOS, 4450 EEvopcv ('A?coTrEKEmS), (P.A., 11305) 'AXEtia&ou ('Avaq)Xv'o-ros), 304/3 a., 61315 -EvopCOV Eu)av&rou orator 197/6 a., 1656 = =]EvopCov BEpEvtKi8rs, orator 180/79 a., 1879-10; -Eevoq9)vEVq)&VTOV BEpE]vIKi8rs,
commentary (KtKvvvEU), ca. med. s. III a., 1024; =Evoqav-ro[u] [=-vo]q6cxv probably = 5. K.,post 236/5 a. (LG., II2, 129985) Esvocov (KopuSaXAeos), 173/2 a., 20689 -Evopq)v lTTa(aviEvs),209/10 p., 46065 EEvoyov (Tlaiavwius), 166/7 p., 36923 Evo(pCv: [... Ai]qiKlos 281/0 a., 7216 (P.A., 11317) (EpT'rrtno), EEvoycov 'ETraivh'ou ca. 370 a., 13ao [--]voqcS[v-- -] (OpEappios), -Evcov ('ApatavTnrs), ca. 178/7 a., 1952 = . 'A., 164/3 a. (H., XXXVI, 1967, p. 88, No. 197) and probably also S. ephebe 186/5 a. (I.G., II2, ('A.), father of ALovVcaos, 89651-52) ca. 200-150 a., 1983; perhaps = E. AIovu_ivcov (EiTscaos), ciou El. (.G., II2, 6005) E?Vcw(epiaCTios), paullo post 178/7 a., 19612 <S>vcov ("OaeEv), 155/4 a., 225121 bvcov ca. 144/5 p., father of -ivcov, 39839 (tiheevS), S_vcov3 (TnThes), 177/8 p., 39839 evcov('Papqvoiucos), 166/5 a., 21640 Evcovi8rt (OopiKIos), 3913 ca. 373 a., father of ['Av]TiyEvrs, Eo-roS lTpco-royEvovS ('lwrTrooVwrisos), ca. 205 p., 44831 = Aup. -. n. Tl6lp(alius),crcoppoviaoris 212/3 p. (I.G., II2, 220813) [E]uroaros 1Tp(ailus), 170-172 or 174-176 or 187 p., acrnipovu 39513,was ephebe 155/6 p. (.G., 112, 2068108)
cf. H., Suppl. I, p. 170; P.A., 11364 with stemma (cf.A. Wilhelm, Beitrdge, p. 85); a nephew or a grandson ca. 411/0a., fatherof MevE'rios, 810 perhaps = O[---] ('Ayvoaoios), 97-117 ca. father of med. s. I a., 2758 ] p., 'Eo-riatos, Olv6qNopos 'Apiqflou (rapyfrrnos), ('AgtpvaTos), 0[ ca. 403/2 a., father of MEvo-rpaTro[s], 3324 (lcTaoviSrls), Oiv69oqXo 1395(P.A., 11365) 492102 0[----] (eplt&aos), ca. 403 a., father of [Ki?o]qcov, XTEIplIS'],treasurer of the prytaneis (oalavieus), 166/7 p., 36918 [Oiv6]9lios [E]uv6p6oio[u O[.. X]cooe0vrls ca. 80/79 a., 2643,[ 8, 13, 19]; probably a son of P.A., 13038 ] ((PaX;lpEs), 0[ paullo ante ca. 93 a., father of 'AvrioXos,2675 (cf. H., Suppl. I, p. 166); a grand-nephew probably = ] I s. ca. med. father of a., (DOXuvis), 0[ [Ka]prw6copos, [Oi]vo69[i]os ZvvSppoou ETElpiEv's, herald of the boule ca. 30318 29/8-22/1 a., 29011-15; on his career and family cf. H., XI, 1942, p. 249, with references in note 60 Oi[----] (Elpacrnss),223/2 a., 128109 Ol[-- --Oiv6oyios ( '-in-'ios), ca. 134/5 p., father of Olv69(plos, (TTpacins?), 281/0 a., 72164 37116 ca. 340 a., 3911; for the name (EopiKIos), *[ClatS n6ftcAicovos cf. H., XXVI, 1957, p. 242. Olvo69?os3 (Yfi'TTios),167/8 p., 37116,was uvroocoppovlt-rs ], secretaryof the boule and the demos, init. 161/2 p. (.G., II2, 208517) Otv[ s. I a., 26024 ('Avrnoxi8os), 'OKPp(6rio) KpficKrls paullo ante 220/1 p., 46622 Olvaveias TploKpi-rov (()ryaieifs), 281/0 a., 72111; for the 'OKTaovio5 Aap[[----] (KoXAUrets), 148/9p., 33718 ('I ILi1to0&1Sr1s), post ca. 183 p., father of name see H., XXXVIII, 1969, p. 484, note on line 48 'OAuvp[1rK6O] Olvo[---] ('Apatavtres), ca. 337/6 a., father of [ ]s, Xapi8"pos,47341; 'O. (I.), father of 'O., 47342 cf. P.A., 11360 3 ('I rr-oTo,&T8Ss), 'OXviTrliKoS 61217;the name may be OivoKAfis, post ca. 216 p., 47342 ] ('Ofeev), ca. 330 a., 4815 Olv[o ('AprrlTpoTralus), ['O]uvTnrlt68copos 169/8 a., 21264 ca. 354 a., father of [...]uKXas, 'Ov,prrri6copos'AwrroMo[8cb(pou)] Olv6opos ('A wTreKieEv), ('Ava9Acmros), 304/3 a., 5540; a descendant is probably: 61314; for other members of this family cf. stemma s. ], P.A., 1408 or I.G., II2, 5678, and A.P.F., 13905 O{v[6pi?]os ('AcormK.Es),ca. 314/3 a., father of [ 72249 (EiTeCaoS?),Ca. 354 a., father of ['OX]vp[rr]i6'OXuHrl68ScopoS archon 64/3 ? a., 2662; [Oiv69lA]os, 2668 5524 [Oi]v69OpXos, [5]co[p]os, Otv6o?ios,honored by the boule s. I p., 3083-4 ['OA]vup[Tr]6[S]co[p]os (EIrEaios ?), Ca. 321 a., 'OAujnTlro5cbpoV 5524 (nT-roAepaifoS), 97/6 a., 25945; perhaps = [O]Iv6pq)lto honored by the boule ca. 100 a., 'OAvurlm6copos OlvDqlios ['A]pt[8Sv]aTos, CEplilos), ca. 134/5 p., father of 'Ovtnri625714-18 = O1. 'ApgouV'A., basileus 88/7 a. (I.G., II2, Scopos,37147 17142 = P.A., 11364); for other members of this family 'OAuvlinr6copos 3 ('Epp os), 167/8 p., 37147
ca. 336/5 a., father of KT-rnmr(TTepaimes), 'O?urln068co(pos) rros, 62250; probably = 'O. n., trierarch 323/2 a. (I.G., II2, 1632317;cf. A.P.F., 11407, with addendum) 'OxAvuTrn6copo[s](lno-rapos), 222/1 a., 1291i5; perhaps = 'O. K-rai.iEous 1T. (LG., II2, 7267, but cf. H., XVI, 1947, p. 157, No. 5146-47, who may be the father) ca. 53 a., father of 'Ovcxicov, (XTEIPIEIO), 'OAvurrmt6copoS 29351 M]vcovos(OaXrcpEus), ['Ovul-rron6opos 304/3 a., 594 = 304/3 a., 61250; cf. (acxAXlpEis), ['O]XujTrri6oposMEvcov(os)
'O. 'ATiroAoScbpov (D. (LG., II2, 7619 = P.A., 11411)
['O]Xuvrti6Scopos (Qpcappios), ante med. s. IV a., father of []cbo-rparos, 238 (P.A., 11414); cf. Z. 'O. (0c.); a descendant cf. 'O. [Ev.] (OivETSos) is probably: on the 'Ovitaluos a., 12968; ('A-rraXiSos), post ca. 183 p., father of AloviOcnos, family 222/1 (cLpEappios), ['0]XuainOS6copoS 47029 cf. A.P.F., 13374, stemma 'OvriboIlos [Erru]]XiS[ou] (OivElSoS), post ca. 216 p., 47323-24; 'OAupm-rto6copos 'Ayvo[-r]i[ou] (XoXapyeUS'), 281/0 a., 7211 'OXuo-ros (DaXrlpu5), ca. 190/89 a., 17087 perhaps 'OvuTrtlXo ('AvacqPuOcos), ca. 367/6 a., father of ['A]'rroX- 'Ovicraios (OlvEsos), post ca. 183 p., father of 'Ovfiocros, 47322 A68copos,449 (P.A., 11423); cf. 'A. 'O. ('A.) and A.P.F., 3 (OivETSos), post ca. 216 p., 47322 'Ovaitclios 13905 father of ca. (Ailcovwes), 174/5 p., 38739-40 [TTFSievs], 'OvIilainoSrTEqpr)l6pou 337/6 a., 'OxA[Ul1T1XOS] ('APiSvaios), 5919 = 'OvcinpoSAiovwutov 167/8 p., 37140 ('HpEaiSnrl), (epit&Cto),fin. s. III a., 1366; cf. I.G., II2, 6262 ('Aqivacos), ca. 337/6 a., father of [T11]65iss, 'Ovaicmjos 'OXA[ip]mTXos ca. 187 p., father of KAapos, 4688; 'Ovicl[ios5] (AamrrrpeOs), 61257;perhaps = = cf. 'O. 5925 A., II2, p. nFeShco[s] a., (IG., ephebe 'AppoSellou 173/4 210345) ('A9gSvaTos), 304/3 'OAiijn1XOS 'OvfioainoSTloVuSEKou lal(aviels), 209/10 p., 46081= 6IFtioS ('Aqi8vaTios), 'OXvTp1rioX[o]S 304/3 a., 61256 = 'O. post ca. 217 p., 47730 (naiCaviEOs), AIayopou 'Oviatjoos TvoXuSEiKovS ('AXEp8ovcrIOS), 135/4 a., 243117 'OAOTInlXOS = 220/19 a., a. ca. 130-120 193960 H., II2, 'OvioaiUoS 'A., ^iiel'TyriIs 'HyrIaou nppaamiS,VTroypapCcarEO (I.G., 130137-139 13053-54; 'OvioriiiosTpaCiEUs, XXI, 1952, p. 367 = P.A., 11427; cf. LG., II2, 5858) (17aiavlEOs5), 'OvfloiLos'Ap-Te'Covos 138/9 p., 33329-30 (2TIarxi8brs), fin. s. II p., 43715 'O?A[uirrt]Xos (lcjpaxiBrls),ca. 192/3 p., 42335 'OAvirr{cov (?KKepaicov), s. IV-III a., father of 'EKi<p1pr[rs], 'Ovricnlios EilpKprrous and [----] 5655(P.A., 11434); related to 'O. M[v]nlcnaio[u] 'OvritliloS (pq-rTTios), ca. med. s. II p., father of Elaiicopos, 440io 5656-59; cf. 'E. 'O. (EK K.) M[v]noaCa[8ov], ] (OUvMAios), s. IV-III a., 'OvfiaIios E[ (?K KepaCXieov), post med. s. II p., 35210; M[v]rjai&8o[v] 'OXuvTri[cov] cf. 'O. (c.), father of M(apKos) 5656-57(P.A., 11435), brother of [--- ] M. (h K.), 5658-59 Aup(iAlos) 'O., s. II/III p. and related to 'E-rrKp&r[ns] 'O. (?K K.), 5654-55 (I.G., II2, 2929) 'Ovulvricov 'OvqaCTpos 140/39 a., 240l09 (XoWapye~s),ca. 134/5 p., father of 'Ov1icntos, (KplcotEs), 'OAvu-rricov 37133 'AXo&vSpou (TmipiEUs), ca. 20 a., 29352 : (XoWapyes5), ca. 150 a., 23612 167/8p., 37133 'Ov4icnpos ["OA]uTrroS ('AAcolEKfiev), 3238 ['O]vrlcai(pv'AXKI[---] (Aovuotis), councillor? ca. 370 a., "OXupiros (Evirupiril), init. s. II p., father of 'OAvluroS, 49295 (P.A., 11456) ante med. s. II p., 3238 'OvXurros 3 (ETrrupiSris), ca. 289/8 a., father of 'A[v]-n[rO]ica. 141/2p., father of -Tparov, 38751= "OAuvTroS 'Ovr[Ca]iqTCO (TEiepaclios), (MEhArEVS), '0. X.M., ephebe ca. 110p. (I.G., II2, 201915) vlS, 856; 'Ovlcatgcov,father of 'AvTiaoevIs, 8522 (P.A., ca. 105/6 p., father of 'EAEvacl'OuvtrroS(iK Muplvov'vTrs), 11457) *'Ovnaicov(nl'xrl), 336/5 a., 42257 v(<>os, 33137 *'Ovrri6rS (naiavisis), ca. 423-408 a., father of [----], 108 (InaTAlveS),post ca. 216 p., 47224 'A[XAe&vGp]ov ['OXv]pTros councillor? Ca. 370 a., 492118 ---] ('AXapvOss), 'OXupTroS 'OvnTropi[5srs (riie?s), ca. 200 a., 15120 'OvrTrop(iSrls): rTax(Ttos)'OvrlTop(i6rns) Ko?u(T?s-r), 182/3 223/2 a., 12735 (cXArlppSs), 'OxAvIr[lXo]s 336/5 a., 429 p., 40626 (E covvpe*s), *'O6q9pcov ca. med. s. IV a., 229 'Ov[-----] ('Avayvpaoios), ca. 140/1 p., father of Elif- 'Ovf-rcopMEV[----] (GopaisCS), ca. 208/7 a., father of 'Ovi'cavSpos, (Kuvactrvacetu), 'Ov'-rcop Scopos,3862-3 1995, [2005]; ca. 206/5 a., 2067 'Ov[-----] (lpavcrtsi), ca. 360 a., 1535 ca. 197 42812 'Ovao[-----] ('AvaqXoT-ros), (no'Tar&Ios p., 'OvopaKpiTrov U1rTEVEpQEV), 335/4 a., 'OvocKAlE1<rjS 43105-106 ca. 20 a., 29351 'Ovaotaov'O7XvuloTioS6pov (ErTspIEos), , s. 1I/III p., 4906 'Ovaos [-'OvoxiaKXis (naioviS6rs),336/5 a., 42245 ca. 368/7 a., father of ca. 209-202 a., father of [----], 2052 "Ovaaos(?) (---), (roTr&aUioS 'Ovop6KpTroS OTrrvEp0ev), of 43106 ca. 185 father 48025 'Ovo,CaKArIS, "Ovacros post [----], p., ('Aeuove*s), "Ovaaos ('A<lSvaios), ca. init. s. I a., father of Zcbnrupos, 'OrTTraro AUAOovu (irTTnos), ca. 160-170 p., 35916 27514 ca. 20 a., "Optios: MapKos"Oppios 'EpiYoK1p&rrlS ("TrIPieUS), 29355 ca. 220 p., 46813 'Ovaros A[----] (AaCLrTpeps), A[oAicav6s],priest 141/2 p., 334s = 1T6.'0. A. 'Ovfcraxvposv'OvfiTopos Kv8a0rTlvcalS, orator 175/4 a., *'OpSEcbvios 1995 (LG., II2, 42114-5; cf. Kirchner, s. LG., 12, 176460)
['OvAiaavSpos'Ovf-ropos Kvua0]mrvaltES,orator 175/4 a., 2005 = orator 173/2 a., 'Ov1jravSpos 'Ov')ropos KvSaeqrvaiE[iS], 2067 (lrlpaxiSrls), 281/0 a., 72265 'OvcravSpos 0c[av]oc-rpdrou 'O. 0. X., who represented Antiochis on a board of eleven 304/3 a. (I.G., II2, 48814) ca. 133/4 p., father of [.....]vrs, (Tlaiavmies), 'OvrcilKpirrls 36920 178/7 a., 194106; probably = '0. (K6oTpetos), 'OvrlaiKpTros K., who was father of [A]apiSiov(I.G., 112, 6537/8 = H., IV, 1935, p. 67, No. 312-3) 'Ovqicnios E0rvXiSou, ITTpi TOr pf3ja 184/5 p., 40743-45;
ca. 150 a., 23615 = Ou. ('A.), [O]CAi&1a5rs ('ArcoTrEK0iV), father of Arnpj-rpios (I.G., II2, 100960-62 = P.A., 11495; cf. H., XXXIII, 1964, p. 188, note on line 15)
Ouvias TE-rplEO(S), 328/7 a., 497; cf. Ouixas ---, cOvrl(Tr1S)
ca. 73-63 a., father of O>iicov, 28614 'Opirrls (KrTiapors), E[l]alC56T[ou] 'Op0ay6pas (OivEi8os), post ca. 216 p., 47320-21 = 'OpOayopas El. Ovuacnos, init. s. III p. (I.G., II2, 4823B); cf. '0. (c.), ca. 172 p., father of TrpaT-cov (I.G.,
II2, 2130171) is 'AAiEus, priest of eponymos ? in prytany list of 'OpoKAi
fin. s. IV a. (I.G., II2, 160217) rFv4e0o5S OVA(irtos) (KEKpo-rros), 190/1 p., 4203 Oineis init. s. II a., 15664-65 OuA(-los) TnolirMiavos (Ko?aurreu), 182/3 p., 40628 = n. K., . p. (I.G., II2, 3806) ouyypaqeUStit. vot. fin sII 'Op-r'aios MTrv6Ocopos nai(avvi?u),209/10 p., 46067 = M&. Oui. 'ApxEcaos (7rpaXI6Srls), init. s. IIp., 32117 'OpT-ricios:TO6(TrAlo) 'OpTilotos Mrqv6ocopos TTaiaviE(vS), OuiTvnios: Ouo-rricKoS: Mouva&ros MatIii,avos OuoolrioKos, M(apKos) post ca. 217 p., 47729
*'OpqiT'os Boupplavos qpl(rTTiros), secretary of the boule
and the demos 198/9 p., 4423-4 init. s. I p., 3071i 'OoriAios: [ ]s 'O-riXtos (AecovriSos), [-----OU]aMptos ('EpEXOedSos), fin. s. I a., 2992
OOEv[Tri1oS]: 'Av-rTcv(os) OvEv[TiSlos] ('HpEaciSri), fin. s. II
'Arlvme ?]us, 3881-2, [3902-3] herald of the boule OuoTicnoo[s]: Mou(varios) Ouo7TiaKo[s], and the demos 184/5 p., 40735-38; either he or perhaps a son =
O[uo]Trrl?oKos: [M]ouv&rtos 0[Oo]rtEo'Kos 'AZrlv[iEus],hoplite
p., 44111
Zotios Ovuia(amos),ca. 205 p., 44912; either he or OUEVT(ilSos)
his father = Ou. Z. (., ephebe 154/5 p. (I.G., II2, 2067123, 220); his son probably = OU. Z., agonothete 238/9 p. (I.G., II2, 224240)and Ou. Z. (0).), med. s. IIIp. (I.G., II2, 248613)
ca. 205 p., 44911 = OOEVTr(i5iOS)NEIKOKp&TTrS O)uA[a](Coios),
176.Ou. N. [(C.],member of the genos of Kerykes ca. 200 p. (LG., II2, 234022; cf. S.E.G., XII, 140); a son probably = Ou. N., agonothete 238/9 p. (I.G., II2, 224223) and Ou. N. (O.), med. s. III p. (I.G., II2, 248614) *OiEpyEiAtoSEiP[EprToS] (BrilcratE),paullo ante 180/1 p., 3973 6225 Ouiplos: ['Io]uixos Ouip3ios (Tlap3co-rSTass),ca. 40-30 a., 2857 'Oylos ('AXapveUs), 360/59 a., 1747 (P.A., 11508) = 'O. 'A. 'AX[Kia],ca. 120 p., wife of Ti(pipios) K7AaviSos post med. s. IV a. (I.G., 1I2, 5829) OUipouvAida 'ATTrIKC Mapa0cbvios, 322[6], 17-18, 22; stemma, Kirchner, "Otios (AapTwrpeiPs), 336/5 a., 4253 s. I.G., II2, 3594/5 'O?ios (Oifieqv), 360/59 a., 1741(P.A., 11510)
general post ca. 218 p., 4823-8 ca. 197 p., 42815 'O?[----] (nOaXXrlvOus), 'Oq?[X---] ('Av-TyoviSoS),secretary of the prytaneis ca. 210/09-201/0 a., 138[25-26],47 'OpEXas ('Avapuro'rios), 169/8 a., 21279, was thesmothete 183/2 a. (I.G., 1I2, 2332125= P.A., 11500) 'Oq?AMios: ra(ios) 'OEAxios 'Apio-rco[v] (KoXXAurEOS), 148/9 p., 33714 ca. 240 a., 10914 'OiacS5rl A[----] ('ApacavT-rEs), ca. 390-375 a., 105l 'OaiSTrls(KoveuXi6ns), (loTarpuos),ca. 336/5 a., father of 'AptorroTrXrls, 'Oyla&86[s]
?n[----], s. II a., 2348 ], fin. s. I a., 29719 n[--n[ ], hoplite general post ca. 218 p., 4815 ] ('EpEX0ei8os), nl[ fin. s. I a., 29916
n1[---] (KEKpoTrSos), 303/2 a., 62204
ca. 337/6 a., father of [-&l&9iAos], ] ('PapvouCioos), 61278 n[---]apXos (XoXapyEus), ca. 336/5 a., father of [ ]tos, 62116 Ha[----] ('A-rTaAios),post ca. 216 p., 47044 [1
n[----] (Oivw1os), init. s. II a., 15647 Ha[----]os (Opltatos), paullo post 178/7 a., 19620 ca. 314/3 a., father of AlglPTpIos, n(---) A[p]A[tos "EX]Xriv [6] Kal MA[ ] 'Alnviuss, archon 1nd[.]lros (MeAiTrSs), 7238; 160/1 p., 3632-3 the name nTauvias may have been intended(cf.H., XXXVIII, ), ca. 314/3 a., father of H7uTvvyEAos, 1969, p. 482, note on line 12) n[----] ('Alpyrrpow-rrall 72254 Tail6SpcoSAEAIpKO[U]('Axapveus ?), post ca. 216 p., 47336 n[-----] ('Avayupacios), ca. 403 a., father of lrav'raEcov, Tai68p[cos ----] (AaP.rrrpE'u),ca. 220 p., 46815 49215 *HalaiuaXos,ca. 258 a., father of [Te]Mc-rts,1222; the name ca. 197 p., ln[----]: 'Av(vtos) 1T[-----] ('AvaAurorTtos), may have been cut in error for TTauvaipaxos 42811 tapqllpios Ep[.... ]pou ('ITrrrocov-TiSo), ca. 240 a., 1098 H[--]iris ('AvaqiAu-tros),ca. 314/3 a., father of [----]MIs, na1&pq0oS (AeOVTri8O OEoG08p(ou) ), 178/9-179/80p., 39926 72237 aet. Rom., 31826 AUiov (KuSaOervalE'U), nal&piqAos n(---) 1O6v(Tlos) (iippios (rapyrrTTos), ca. med. s. II p., councillor ? ca. 370 a., 49250 TnTCi?plA[oS ---] (Ku8av-riSr5), father of n(---) T76v(-rto) O>ippos,43410 (P.A., 11548) n(---- ) TO6v(Tino) Dippos(rapy'rTTios), fin. s. II p., 43410 aH(ptqXo[s ----] (MuppivoUioos), 235/4 a., 11583 n[---] (KEpapeus), ca. 256/5 a., father of ['EoT]lalos,128102 na'pyiXos (virE-Talcbv), ca. 336/5 a., father of TTPOKAEifSs, ca. 400-350 a., 1225 n[---]iXas (KuSaOTjvaiEus), 62350; for the family and possible identifications of 7. cf. A.P.F., 14785, with addendum n[ ] ('O0Ev), 304/3 a., 61154 Ai'iou (rTaiavieus), ca. 20 a., 29346 n[----] (T-EpyaOcUS UrTiVEpOEv), ca. 403 a., father of OiAn;r- TTxlagApos 4928 rroS, AlovUaoov (rHalaviEus), fin. s. II p., 43714, was TnTa&pqXos ] ('Papvouioos), ca. 337/6 a., father of 1aqilXos, f[ ephebe paullo ante 180 p. (LG., II2, 210712; cf. S.E.G., 5955 = XII, 120)
] ('Palcvolios), 304/3 a., 5955= InatpXiAos n[ ] ('Paivocnios), 304/3 a., 61278; cf. n. [ndp9qliosnT 'P. (P.A., 11556) and T1. ekoyEiTovos'P., secretary Kacra 306/5 a. (P.A., 11557) n-rpuravelav Niraro[pos] (OUves), fin. s. I a., 3037 = T. N. O., [nTTdp]qpios thesmothete init. s. Ip. (.G., II2, 17292) TT'ap,qios 'Ermybvo[us] (XoAiXEIsr), post 255 a., 8838 (P.A., 11560) ca. 336/5 a., father of Aio6copos, FTav[----] (KpcownSrls), 6221 ca. 403 a., father of [...]copos, 13a19 nIav[---] (TToT&pios), 'Ayae[----] ('AqplSvacos), [Tfava]iioXrs 304/3 a., 5913= [TT]avai[oxlns 'Ayae----] ('AClSvacos), 304/3 a., 61262 ?i2Acovos nTavaiTios ('EpXiEvS), 256/5 a., 8530 (P.A., 11569); the patronymic may have been read in error for MIKiovos, cf.:
TTrcvaiT-lo MIKICovoS ('EpXevOs),254/3 a., 8967
Trap&povos ('AvrioXi8os),paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father of Zcoxinos,46653 [TIa]p[d]povos Eev[---] ('AVTIoXiSOs), fin. s. I a., 30126 ca. 205 p., 44826 'EpEl'ou('litroOcovTiSoS), TTappalovos 7ap&ap[ovos]: AOp(lXios)fTapap[ovos](KEKporri8o5S?), 213/4219/20 p., 4638
ncap&aqovos 'IEpov[---] ('AxapvEiu ?), post ca. 216 p., 47338
ar&vSlos 222/1 a., 12983 (AEvuovoEus), TTa&vSo Tvo uoSil\ouv? Oiov, &vaypaxqYPO 303/2 a., 62231-232 rTavSicov(OivalTo), 173/2 a., 20684 ca. 314/3 a., father of Tlp6[eoso],7255; [tn]&velp(AaK&arais), A., trierarch 334/3, 326/5, and probably = n. ArlPoviKov
325/4 a. (I.G., II2, 1623307-308, 1628364-365, 1629884-885 =
ca. 134/5 p., father of EOuxdpicros, TTapapovos ('ETrr-EKiSLr), 37175-76= ca. 132/3p., father of EUX&pIo-roS, TT[apda]o[vos] ('ErTSKi8rls), 3678 = ca. 164 p., father of [E]uXadptc[T]os, TT[ap]da,ovos ('ETrilmKi5ri), 42735 1Tap&apovoS (EK KoiAjs), 176-169 a., 20533 = (EKKoiXrls), nTa[pdx]iovos Eiupoipou 178/7 a., 19445; a grandson =- . E[ul']oipou iK K. (LG., II2, 245212) TrOt S6 y6vcp Flap&Vovos 'ETrIKA[ovS] Tapdaiovos: ['I]oiSoTroS ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29054-56 (MeVITsvs), ncap&aovos (niAQrl),ca. 182/3 p., father of Nouvpvios,4265 TTapia'ovos:Tip(Epios) KA(aoUios) rTapdapovos (Youvtievr), 180/1 p., 40222 TTap&upveos ('EpxiEus),ca. 374/3 a., father of Xaotpas and []ucAapxos, 387, 8; cf. X. IT.('E.) TTapSaAas ('AvrioXiSos),paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father of 46642 Xcwcriirarpos,
29373 [ ----], [TTa]p?vo[K,XMs] (Trlipaievs), post med. s. II a., 2454 lTTvvuXos 138/9 p., 33133= 'HpaKXEAiSou ('EplKaiEvC), trracr1TTi S irpoESpcov AapTrrpEsv, nTapp[[---------]liviov lna'vvXos 'HpaKXEi8ou ('EplKaituS), post med. s. II p., 3574 214/3 a., 1355-6 ca. 136/7 p., father of rndvv[v]xos, nappE[--] (KEpapCuvS), ca. 256/5 a., father of Tii63pos, 12899 n&vv[u]Xos('EpeIKEEvS), 37842 = nTapgEvicov (aTcavlirE), 220/19 a., 13070
n&v[vvXo]s ('EplKaIEus), ca. 136/7 p., father of TT&v[vvwo]s, llaroias (KuSaerTvaievs), 336/5 a., 42154 38047-48 TTaacrovos EVCovucPuS, TTaaKiAfis secretary of prytaneis and 169/70 p., 37842 = navv[v]Xos : 'EpEiK(EEiS), &vrTypaqEOS prytanis 256/5 a., 8618,34, 99-101 TTacriviKo ca. 155 a., 22639 TT&v[vvXo]S 'EpiKa(EOUS), a&vTypaq)EUS 169/70 p., 38047-48 (lTelpaiEus),
254/3 a., 8971 'ErTTamvTr(o) ('EpX1EiS), 1avrTaivrTros ca. 360-340 a., 2011; the n[av ?]Tawvos Euvu[---] (MEAITErS), restoration is by H. J. Carroll, Jr.
ca. 400/399 a., father of ncavraK?mi ('AypvuXir KaOUTrE7pOe), OIXoKv6r8l,1430
ca. 261/0 a., father of GEOKpiolos, 1202 Tacricov, TTa-xacov (Evcowlvvs), ca. 289/8 a., father of TTaacrKi s, 8618,
34, 100
Tr rrpoSpcov ricT&rrTs ncxr[ ---], 185/4 a., 17918 [TlraTpoKfs,ante med. s. II p., father of [---- TT]crrpoKAf5, [ ---] 3513 nlav-raKXis (aXlpsOi), ca. 50 a., 27348(P.A., 11598) navTavracov ('AypvuXfEv),ca. 376/5 a., father of Arlm6piOoS, [---- ln]aTpoKAXfs 3, post med. s. II p., 3513 344 (P.A., 11602) TTaTpoKiXis (nTEpaieus), 178/7 a., 19479 TTavTacxcov councillor? Ca. 370 T7[arpoKAis T[------] ('Avayvpacrnos), Ka]7A[i .... Xo]uvwiEs, prytanis and treasurer a., 49215 (P.A., 11603) of the prytaneis 222/1 a., 12949; 1TaTpoKAXiS XouvisEi, (?KKrlSCv), 408/7 a., 116(P.A., 11607) 12924-26,44-45; [TTaTp]oKAfjs 12960(P.A., 11699) '*[CTJavTErX[8]rS (XouviEUs), ncavr'ivcop (naiaviEvs), ca. 337/6 a., father of [cb]jTrparos, [TT&]Tpo[Ki<os]: [Tip(iplos) K(aoiios)] [ndT]Tpo[KAos] [Aa]jrr6157 (P.A., 11608) r[peOs], hoplite general and qaiSuvris 213/4-219/20 p., *nravTlt86nSAetEivov (AaicaAi5rs), 335/4 a., 43174-175 4616= councillor ? ca. 370 a., 49219 n1&rpoKXos: *nravTroT[oS ---] ('Avayup&aios), Tipi[pios]KAxauSios TT&rpOKXoS [Aapl]rrpeis,archon *nrTiaav6s 'rp&rcovos 167/8 p., 37142 ('HpeCo8TSs), post ca. 218 p., 4803-5 [1&TTTno 'AT]TIK6O B[rin]CaTe[Is], 168/9 p., herald of the boule nTcrrp6qo[los]: T7op(----) nTaTporq[iXos] ('ArTraiSos), post and the demos, 37221-22;[nI1aTrmo 'ArrIKOS ca. 216 p., 47036 BlaaIElvs, 37343; cf. n. 'Ovaialos B. (I.G., 1I2, 36569-10) [TT]aTp6p9lXo (KTrliiEUS), 96/7 p., 31215 = TT.'ApEiovos K., ] (Mapacbovios), ca. 120 p., 32239 ndrTros [ gymnasiarch 61/2 p. (IG., II2, 199015; for the father cf. *TnaTnr?Xos (lrluaXiSls), 169/8 a., 212iii; for the name cf. I.G., II2, 19901) nairuAos l,iiov 'Io-rpiav6s (I.G., II2, 8940) nT&rpcov, (sic) ca. 40-30 a., 2847 CroypaiaTcx'r ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of 'lioT-ros, narrpcov rlap[--] (MEA7ITEvs), ('AAXcoiTeK6), 140/39 a., 24090 29095 nT&Tpcov (>aXripoEs), 223/2 a., 12733 ?), 213/4napa[---]: Av'p(itos) nrapa[----] (KEKpo-rriOS naxvuElvos: (Odap(ios)TTauvXEvos 'Ayvooaios, herald honored 219/20 p., 4639 by the boule ca. 132/3 p., 3291-2 ] (K9aXOfieEV), 281/0 a., 7228 ncapap[ naOAos'EAEucraviou ('AvrtoxiSos),paullo ante 220/1 p., 46645 ca. 165 p., father of Mrv6qAos, 44327= cTTapdliovos, ]S ('AyyXA Tcxa[ucv]v[ia]s [ Ei s), post med. s. IV a., ca. 176/7 p., father of Mrlv6olXos, 4601oi TTap6apovos, 3234; the reading is by H. J. Carroll, Jr.
os), post ca. 216 p., 47011 = 334/3 a., 4413 (P.A., TTE(v&ptio) B&oaos ('ArraXoA TTauoavfias pacU-Mov('AvapXao-nros), r(lios) n. B. 'A[yvoorlos], q.v. 11712) ca. 137/6 a., father of [TTa]uvavfas, TTEIV&pIS ('A-r-raiSos), eponymos post ca. 216 p., TTp6KA[os] lTau[ov]avias (AaP-=rrpEus), 4708 = 25445 orator 104/3 a., 25445 [TTa]vaavias TnIva(pios) TTp6Aos('A-rraXiSos),eponymos and prytanis rTTav[a]aviou AcaprrrpEv5, unidentified list ca. 321 a., TTaucavias post ca. 217 p., 4768, 11= son of [rFios T.] T. 'Ay(vooiaos), XapifSpiov(MeAiTrEOs), 49413 q.v. Baooaos 'A[yvovuaos],eponyr(aios) TTEv(apios) (OivaTo5), Ov]Aco[s] 281/0 a., 72204; the father, UnEv(apios): [ncauva]vias mos post ca. 218 p., 48011= T. B., agonothete 176/7-178/9 O1. was iEpoTroio6 D.TT. 336/5 a. (I.G., 112, 33033, 39, 57) and orator of a decree post 328/7 a. (.G., II2, 36066) IV, 1949, p. 20, No. 25) p. (I.G., II2, 21014; cf. TnoAwcov, 62251 TrisivpioS] neT1iov(TTEipaIEvS), TTauaavias a., [rd&os [TTEiv&plos]: TnpOKXOS 'Ay(vovotos), irlyrlTlS 303/2 BioTriXou v Tpi0oiSrS, secretary KaTa rpurravEfav (?) 186/7 p., 411i, was archon 190/1 or 191/2 p. (I.G., [TTavaavia]s II2, 21192), and father of T. n1.('Ar-raAi8os) lspileoi6r1], 2002 175/4 a., 1991-2; Tnauvavias[BiOTr7Aou (PItiAJCOV TTev&apioS (KuacerivaiEus), 169/70 p., 37840 (P.A., 11723) ante med. s. IV a., father of E68oT-os, Tn[Ei]]av8pos nTavoaviaS (EiTa-ros), ca. 314/3 a., father of TTilieEos, (7TEipieUS), 72261 3244 (P.A., 11724) [ lTiocavSpos ] (Ei-TaTos), Tauovavias ('QaE2u), ca. 400-350 a., 1263 = one of the two 303/2 a., 62341 s. of [ ca. father III No. init. a., ], 103io [TT]Elni&va, following (cf. commentary 12): ca. 393 a., father of TTauvavivas, 1526 TTElaias nrava[avi]as ('2QaEus), 137, (K'rtios), ca. 403/2 a., father of TEEcwTirr-os, and EOeias who was ypappoaT5-rs -rfs eeoU 376/5 a. TTauoavias Tauv[cavi]ov ('QaEsu), ca. 360 a., 1526(P.A., 11721) Troapcv ca. 314/3 a., father of KaA(I.G., II2, 1410, 1411 = P.A., 11778) TTauv[li]6TSs ('AvaqyAXo-rlos), ca. 336/5 a., father of TTauvavias, 62251 nloiasfa(TEipatE's), XTlcv, 72244 n1TaieOos ncuoaias 2coKparouS ('AyKuvrUs), 343/2 (?) a., 3622 (P.A., (EiTarcos), Tn[eia]&vvpou 281/0 a., 72261 [T]ali0E[oS---] (cOpdppios),ca. 370 a., 13a8 11730) Tnauaias TTeiocov: [Biail]os TEiCcov, (AupiSris),135/4 a., 24386 eponymos of Kekropis 177/8 p., 398i = B. TT.MEXTrrES, archon 173/4 p. (I.G., II2, 21035, nauvoias(Fapyi'-ros), ca. 374/3 a., father of 'Ap[e]icfas, 3815; another son may = etc.) TIauoaras (Fapyfirnos), ca. 337/6 a., father of [--]q)los, 6152 nEp[---]: AUp(iNAios) Tnp[---] (KEKpoTi6SoS?), 213/4-219/20 *TnaucvaiS(uvTrrTaclv), antemed. s. IV a., father of [----]Tos, p., 46312 313 TTp(---) ((vuXaios), init. s. III a., father of TnoXUEcros, ------] 10514 ncavuiCpa[xos ('AxapvE'u),303/2 a., 62158 Avaiov (TTIcoeEiS), nrauvaicaXos (AaKia8rls), ca. 211/0 a., father of KaMliarSns, TnEp(a[v]SpoS 256/5 a., 8565 (P.A., 11799) 1944 [TI]Epiy?vrs(AevKovoes), ca. 168 a., 21426 Tn[ ], orator 257/6 a., 843 TTepiKAfis ('Ac'aies), ca. 213/2 a., father of TTpoKAis,1874; father of TTpoKAfis, Tr[-----] (AlcovES ?), ca. 180-160 a., 20920 T'Ep1[KAfiS] 18733-34; ('AXaEivs), perhaps = ] (MRco0EUs), P.A., 11808 Tn[ post med. s. III a., 11219 MevEeEcoos [nTlESts] 'OA[u-rriXou] ('Api5vaios), 304/3 a., 5919 = TipiK7Xfi ('Papvoucaios), 303/2 a., 62276 [TT]?iSEus 'OX[uvp]rriXov ('AlSvaTos), 304/3 a., 61257; perhaps = Tnpi[?aos (rapyil'rrios), med. s. II p., father of eso6paoTos, 5925= neSieU5s 4349; probably = TnepiA[aos], ('A9SvaioS), ca. 337/6 a., father of 'OXupIrrlXos, ephebe of Aigeis s. II p. 61256 TTESiEUS ('AQI8vaioS), ca. 337/6 a., father of 'OXupTriX[o]s, (I.G., II2, 21574) TT?E8I[6]U (XoXapyEis), ca. 314/3 a., father of Krlpiop6ovuos, TEp-rfvao: AoUKIOSE1Trr.IIos Eovfipos EUEcpl~S 1TTpTfrvaE 7212 SEpao-r6s 'ApaplKos 'ASAlapirvlKos TTapOlKOS MyioTros, XptKIOou TnetioKAfis ('AAaitEu), 256/5 a., 8542 (P.A., 11754) 209/10 p., 46019-20 ] ('HpEai8ns), ca. 160-170 p., 35949 ca. 313 a., father of [O]lax, 3911; for TE1[ (OopiKIoS), *1Tnl8a7X6ov the name cf. H., XXVI, 1957, p. 242. TnieavSpos(noaiovfiSs), ca. 376/5 a., father of [Bx]E-wpos, father of BA[rumpos], 373 Tiecov (Tpo3aXiaios), ca. 390-375 a., 1061; a descendant, 3635; Tne[ieav]spos (Tnaiovi6Srs), n.; for an earlier member of the (P.A., 11755); cf. B. 1T. perhaps a son = same family cf. 1T. n., ca. med. s. V a. (Kerameikos, III, nTie<co>v(npopacriatos), ca. 337/6 a., father of ['Avrio]Xos, 61239;cf. 'A. n. (n.) p. 91, No. 376-80; p. 95, No. 65)
*nEieapXos Tntieiri(ov) (EUcovuiivEs),256/5 a., 8635 *n?TIT0a(Ovuaaios), init. s. II a., 15613 nleilaSt&8r Aio5cbpou ((Opappios), 370/69 (?) a., 1349-50(P.A., TTivSapos('ArraXiSoS), post ca. 217 p., 47820
init. s. III p., 45810 niv8apos: 'loiuv(os) niv-apos 'ALr(VIsVS), ca. 190/89 a., 17080 TnivSapos(OaXripenus), Tnioroyvrns ('AvaqXCo-rios), ca. 368/7 a., father of TTIo-ro43231 KAErls, nTioloKMrIs niToroy4vouv 'AvapXAvrios, aVTriypayEus 335/4 a.,
43231 nloroKp6rrls 'Y[yi]vov (AiavTrios5), 200/1-204/5 p., 45017;
11757); cf. A. (O.) 8635 (EUvcovjpSi), ca. 289/8 a., father of TfIeapXos, 7l6eiO"6p(os) ] ('EXAEvivio ?), 281/0 a., 72126 *T6lfinrmo[s ca. 205 p., 44822 = T1.K. rEdecovKa&pTOv ('TlrrocovTi'8os), nTip(atirs),q.v. Tnei[cov] ('IKaplOEs), 336/5 a., 4290; restored from and identified with n1. coaiybvous (I.G., II2, 2816 = P.A., 11765; cf. H., XXX, 1961, p. 41) TTEiOcov Kdapirou TEip(ati6S),init. s. III p., 4587
166/7 p., 36957; 167/8p., 37165; 'IEpOKfpul, &iCrTOs TiEivapIo5
the demotic is Mapac0cviosand the councillor son of 'Y. n. M., ephebe 145/6 p. (LG., II2, 2052103,20559) ca. 157/8 p., father of [--]KloS, nlo-roKpnrrl (KEKpoTrriOS), 4206 'Avvios nloroKp&rrns ('AXOaies), 174/5 p., rToTroKpCrmS: 38731=
(vlwaXArnios), ca. "AvviosTlcrroKp6rris nTiroiKp&rTir: ('Acmaies),177/8 p., 39833 Tno?A,EiTo of 26146, father ca. T7p6ca6Kros, [52] (Ke9CaXiqEV), 134/5 p., Tni-roKp6rriS 37150-51
128/7a., fatherof 'Aptap&OIs,
ca. 200 a., 15135 (AtcowvEs), TToXAcov ] (Mapa8cbvios), ca. 120 p., 32243; = 216 47035 ca. noiupo[v Ti-crroS p., post Bsp[VE1K{Sou] ('ATTraCios), = n. M., 218 ca. 115/6p. (IG., II2, 201735-36) 48023, ephebe probably p., post os), [Tii]oaroB[pV?]1KiU[6o]('ATrrTac TEi-rou Tai(cxvitE), 209/10p., 46052 was ephebe 190/1-191/2 p. (.G., II2, 2113135) To[Xpicov ?]Trs, avTnypaq)eu ca. fit. s. II p., father of Alov*Oios, [TToXi 166/7 p., 36963; for the restoration Tio7Tos ('CrrwroewovTibos),
IV, 1949, 195 p. (I.G., II2, 213419+ 22129; cf. TioX7icov, p. 24, No. 4) 305/4 a., 5864 'AKirp[&Crov] (KEcpatvis), Tic-rcov 235/4 a., 11589; the name *lTrrra[K6S? ----] (TTpaaClEs), be restored ?] *TT-ira[Aos may alternatively
archon ca. 160/1 p., 3632-4 'ACivie'us, 44820 SITro('1CrrToOcovTrios), 39518= TToXOivos ('Oac0v), 184/5 p., 40723-24, perhaps T7I[...]rcov [TTp]Crov rioivaivos(KoWAurEOs), 148/9p., 33717 for Mn[ou-r]iCOV 17Toalvos: AIK(ivvIOs) 6 Kai TIIOXvUAK5 paullo (R7aXAhvEeUs), [.......] (Ai0acSrls), ca. med. s. II p., father of [Tl]&rcov, TkoA&Krln: [nj]?&rcov
42126 = 4263 TIXATcov ca. 162/3 p., father of rTi&rcov, (AtlOaXiSrs),
cf. 'Apx.'Ep.,1968,p. 179 1383 ca. 403/2a., fatherof Xaipicov, (P.A., nA6XAS ('YpaSris), 11902) ca. 197p., 4272 [rv ?]ai(oS) no?aicov (KeKpo-iSos), 1ToAXicov: ca. 337/6a., fatherof 'ApxrAFis, novu[---] ('Avayupaicos), 61179 ca. 314/3a., fatherof Xpe{Pns, TToXv[. .]xo (gen.)('EpoidSri), or no?vwEU)(Ts the nameis eitherT7oXuapXos 72263; noXu[---] (oaxilpEU5 ?), ca. 314/3a., fatherof [To]AXKpa&rrs, 72191 XErro'AlNv(ises), 170-172or 174-176or 187 p., TnoOcavos5
ante220p., 46711
ca.400-350 a., 1248 (P.A., [u-rrEvEpOv]), (TnaaviE?Cs TToXvapKrls 36948 (rTe11piEu),ca. 133/4 p., father of Zcbipoos, 1Tnoupios 4727 (P.A., 11917)
TAircov (Aie8aASrls), 195/6 p., 4263 = ante fin. s. II p., 42126.An ancestor (AieOaXi8ls), [T]A&Trcov is n. , AitaXAi5rs, TraiSeurfis 112/3 p. (L.G., 112, 202116) nACrrcov 'AVT[----] ('Avayvpaaios), councillor? ca. 370 a., 49211 ca. 314/3 a., father of [----]s, 72210; nArrcov(TptKopaioos), cf. P.A., 11859 lcovKous Keqpafx0ev rTfsoraivos, archon 184/3 a., 1801 = TT. (P.A., 11863; cf. H., XL, 1971, p. 309) nhAElariacx 303/2 a., 62287 XalpESlpo(u)((Daorlpess), TAET-ros (OivrifSos), ca. 368/7 a., father of Geoyevls and
rEvvcaio, 43143, 149
TnouoX6apa (Muppivo*ios),ca. 330 a., 'Aplcro56c!av[Tos] TTovuSEOKrI (TnaavlEis), ca. 176/7 p., father of 'OvAalmos,
46081 = noXIAv6SEcrS (7taiavtrsi), post ca. 184p., father of 'Ovficlaos,
('ATSvaTos),304/3 a., 5915= 'ErnK[Pp&rous] *I[ToWOSt]Kos ('A9tSvcios), 304/3 a., 61267 'E[rr]Kp6[Touvs] [nT]o7[6i8K]os 335/4 a., 43114-115 Oouygvov('AKaCXavTiSos), T1o7iUcopos
135/4a., 243113 A[----] ('ATrraios), init. s. III p., 459i ('ApaaavTvrS), nioSOcopos [nT]o0rrapxos XITro ca. 205 p., 44820; the 12416 225 ca. 1ToXOEvoS ('iTnro0cov'ri8o), a., ----] (OivETSos), TnXoira[pXos = TToXuatvos ('Axapvs), post ca. 185p., father of Os6ovrloT-os, demotic is 'AlrviEvs and the councillor MTio%rapXos 39518 EirTOu ca. 210-220 p. (I.G., 112, 'A., 48212; cf. n. o. 'A., KOrCprTTS noirvuKTos(Ba'rEv), ca. 374/3 a., father of Avcriorpcrros, 3015i) 3834(P.A., 11939);cf. A. Tn.(B.) paullo ante ca. 93 a., father of Tih[oi]Tapx[os](OaAirlpeis), ca. 423-408 a., father of[----]os, (MupptvoUaos), 2671i;the readingof this nameis veryuncertain ToOEucKTros M&pK[o]s, 1022 of father ca. $Dixo*Tivvra[y6pas] ('AvaqAuormos), 337/6 a., 336/5 a., 42323= TToXeuiKros 61317 (TnpoorrirTios), KpC&rTS, TToXurKnros (T1pocrrrAios),ca. 338/7 a., father of [---]{as, To[----] ('Arrari6os), post ca. 216 p., 47046 5853 o[-----] fin. s. I a., 29915 ('EpEX0eiSos), contributor but not a bouleutes of father TToAOeurros ca. a., qlf$Trrno(s), 337/6 [Xat]pe[4pov], [no-- --] ('AptSvaios), E., the well known fourth5921= 328/7 a., 4921; probably = TT. Z., ca. 337/6 a., father of [X]at[p9co]v, centurypoliticalfigure(P.A., 11950),who may = nT. 1no[----] ('AqiSvaTos), lessee of a mine post med.s. IV a. (H., XIX, p. 222, No. 61264 2., orator 332/1, 324/3 a., etc. ca. 336/5 a., father of 916) and n1.Scourrprov (gen.) (KIKVVVEiS), Tno[-----]s 62129 (I.G., II2, 344,350,363,368; cf. H., VIII, 1939,pp. 33-34) [ZJl]KUOos, (OIyaiCEs),ca. 376/5a., fatherof TioAXvKp&rrs, T1oO[e]uvKros no[--] Tai(avleus),209/10 p., 46041 46042 3619 (P.A., 11951);a later memberof the same family= TTo[....]lAos TTai(aviieO),209/10 p., TToiMv[U]KTos (Ornlyat5s), ca. 289/8 a., father of Xal[p]kno[----] (Iovvits), E~ [gnyrrTirs no[----]: ET]warTpit5Cv 'A. of 1T. and 'AvrTciov, 55,and grandfather 8554, ca. 180 p., 402 as o-rr[p]aos cf. a. XVII, 1948, H., father of ca. II2, 76633; 0., ephebe246/5 (I.G., rfo0eivos('EPIKEErs), 105/6 p., Zcobrpos, 33132, who was TrciSEuTis and 'HpaKA.deirs p. 643) 125/6 p., when his med. s. III a., 10514 TToMu'EKTro was ephebe (I.G., II2, 203722, 74) son, TT., TTep(---) ($uX&atioS), ?], 62213 ?), ca. 336/5 a., father of Ocr[ios Tnovxrl1S ('AXaietS Tnoelvos:rvaXioTToOetvos 21/0 a., 29232-33 (MeAlTevS), ca. 400/399 a., father of 556 TIo?rl?Xos ('AypvXeUS [0Trrvepeev]), *ott10iK6 ('AvocaqXCTlos), ca. 354 a., father of [----], Opaoias,1447 (P.A., 11877) KAeivlTnrou ('AXacis), 256/5 a., 8547(P.A., 11965) TToX[L.rj]os ('AyvoOaios),173/2 a., 206126 TToAh[E]Cios
ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13764 noX[?,Lios(TTappco-rT8rls),
n[o]AX5sos (Oii0Ev), 360/59 a., 1739 (P.A., 11967) 1845 TnoAvK[----], ca. 215/4 a., father of uveoyEvrqs,
*TTohUKcov 169/8 a., 212114 (TrlcaXri8ls), Xapiou (AoucovEs), 281/0 a., 7258 nh1o7vuiTris ca. 225 a., 122i Alopuvi[orov], [TTo]Aui[v]nrTros
[rTo]XuiivrTcrro[s] (An1rTrptiaSos), ca. 314/3 a., father of
7235 [E]EvcaTos, TTovouT-pa(Trou) (rapyi'rrTos), 304/3 a., 6150; [noXiu]pivr,roS cf. n. KaXXlp&Xou r. (L.G., II2, 5949) noXAvKx[E]rro[s] (TaAxXrvEus), ca. 150 a., 23636 vS), ca. 136/7 p., father of 'AppoRnoipvrl(crros)(TTaiavlc [n]oXvKyAsTlov?p=p&rous ('Avayvp&oios), 367/6 a., 1415 = f. H. 'A., trierarch tit. nav. ca. 370/69, 357/6, etc. (LG., 6E<ic>lOS,37826 II2, 1609105,1611371,1622238)and father of Aio[XpaTos], ToAiviovrlros 178/7 a., 19476= (TTE1paiEcs), 176-169 a., 20520 trierarch tit. nav. 335/4 and ante 328/7 a. (I.G., II2, 1TToXvivrT-os (TTelpalivs), ca. 368/7 a., father of Q)COKIaSrS, cf. TToMvIKoS 238, H., XI, 1942, 11988, 1623290-291, P.A., ('EAevEciv1os?), p. 16306); 43187 and A.P.F., 11988 ca. 358 a., father of [ ], 524 (craiavincs), 220/19 a., 13069 roUviKvlnO [nT]o7uKAris (EOTrvpiSTs), s. III father of init. noAuiEvos a., ('AypuAeis),ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13755 'IEpo(KorAvries),post noAvKXA(is) lvvlcov, 1122 [2]lIK;jeov (KoAuvrEUs), 343/2 (?) a., 3644 (P.A., H'o?XOEvos IHoXuKfis Epacvu&xo[u] (Mupp;vooaios), 12063) post med. s. IV a., 3227 (P.A., 11997) no%v&e?vos (Xovviess), 370/69 a. (?), 1364-65 lnoXvKpa(Tov-J) HnovAKXA s (Tleipaie)s),ca. 336/5 a., father of TnoXvorrpaTos, (P.A., 12066) 7251 62248 *[nl]ooXos (OivET8os), ca. 314/3 a., father of [----], ca. 325 a., 5230 'TToXUo-rpaTos lToAXv[Xfi]s rap[yi'rios], councillor ? 343/2 a., 4939 = 'EopTlou(loT&rai.os Aetpac6cobTls), (P.A., 12000) 1ToXvrrpa(Tos) (rapyrTTios), ca. 337/6 a., father of [Hno?]6150 ca. 368/7 a., father of HovuArricov, gvqTcros, TTnoXvKXis (TTpopaAioios), 4365 and perhaps also of: noHoXvKEo(vs) (lnepaliEUs), 303/2 a., 62248 noiaorpaTroS HouKAMXfi 336/5 a., 42164 [no]XAiapaTos ('Papvoivaios),166/5 a., 21626 (TTpa3paAictos), ca. 250-230 a., 10812 s ----] (KEKpor1Tios), noXvKpa[TTr AopdKcoS 256/5 a., 8523 (P.A., noWA[]o-rpacros (TElcpaaOos), ca. 400/399 a., father of [TT]o('Avcayvp&acos), 12086) TToXvKparrns ca. 313 a., father of HTToXorpcrroOs, ?] (OXAvus), 1415; cf. T7.H. ('A.) XuKAfis, ToU[[orrpaTos councillor ? 343/2 a., 49351 7314 AE[KEX6EES], HnovuKpcrris ca. 336/5 a., father of [Au]vicpaxos, TnoaoTrporr no lnouvKpcr(rs)(KE9aX?EVs), HoXu[orp&ro ?] (cAvEusS),ca. 280 a., 7314 6290 ?, ca. 400-350 a., 112 *H"roOaTpoos 0[[---] (evpJacTalST1) ca. 289/8 a., father of 'Apia-r<i>cov, TToXi'9pios rls (KoAvurrEvs), (9K KoiArlS), 135/4 a., 243103 THovKp6r 8552 (P.A., 12021, corrected) = [ ] ('AvayvpcaioS), 304/3 a., 61184 HoUvXaprls ca. 287/6 a., father of 'Aplo-ricov, 8953 novX&pris [ ] (KEpaXfiOev), 281/0 a., 7226 (P.A., 12101) 1noXvKp&rrls (KoAAv-rOs), --- - ] (Kpicous), 303/2 a., 62335;perhaps = ---] TnoAuKp&rl[s TTovuxappi6S[rs (IovviEus), ca. 370 a., 13a5l; cf. n. noXuapcarov K., tit. sep. s. IV a. (I.G., II2, 6551 = [..]p6orrpaos H. (G., II2, 1558ss55-56 = H., XXVIII, P.A., 12022) 1959, 223101-102) 155/4 a., 225102 no?AvlKp&rTs (KuSaOrjvacEis), (Kelpl&aqs), 178/7 a., 19492 *Hno'ucov (Oin0ev), 360/59 a., 1738 (P.A., 12023); his Hop(---) n-crp6o[iXos] noxuKp[a]Trls ('ArraXiBos), post ca. 216 p., 47036 son probably = [E]qJpoviosH. Oi. (P.A., 6111) AlovUatos nTaia(vtirS), post ca. 217 p., 47721 nop(----) ca. 314/3 a., father of ['Av]Tiq)&avs, Hnop(---) Aovuvo68copos noXuKp&Crrjs ('OTpvvUvis), 1Tai(avieUs),post ca. 217 p., 47732 72106(P.A., 12024) Hoprr[--] 'laccov [--], eponymos of Pandionis, 162/3 p., 36414 [... .]vous (hAcooeUs), noXvKpprrls 343/2 (?) a., 3646 (P.A., init. s. III p., 45812 12025) [lno]pr(---) TpiqpcovTT1p(al1EU), HogTrrciav6s: 17oXvKpuaTsr ('PapvovaioS),303/2 a., 62281 Holnprrlav6s(KoAuIrEts),182/3 p., KaXitKp&(Trous) OOA(mros) n. (K.) 40628; cf. Ou'. (ZouvlECS),ca. 403/2 a., father of lloAu'vos, oXvKpa&(Tnrs) 1365(P.A., 12026) and perhaps also of [KAE]1cTaixrq [---], eponymos of Oineis 200/1(LG., [rTo]6rrios 'AAe7avSpos II2, 7440) 201/2 or 203/4-204/5 p., 4527 = n. 'A., archon ca. 210-220 HoXv[---] (OaAiripESs [HTo]AuKpcrrls ?), 281/0 a., 72191 p. (I.G., II2, 3815; cf. H., XVIII, 1949, pp. 32, 36, 55) FToXvu[]KTou noAUKp&ra'ris (d)IyaiEUs),343/2 a., 3619 (P.A., [HTTo-rTilos q.v. 'AEAea]v8pos 'AXapvEis, 12027) = Toprriios AaSouXos, aio-cros ante 165 p., 3668; 166/7 p., [FT]oAvKp&Trs 36956; 167/8 p., 37164; 168/9 p., [37218],37340; 169/70 p., ((D)yatcus), 336/5 a., 4278; the same man was orator 349/8 a. (LG., II2, 2072); for other members of 37864, [38037] the family cf. stemma s. P.A., 12027 A6So0xos, ca. 197 p., 42732; [nlolrT]rilos Aa5oOXos, TTogITriltos 1TToAvKprTos ('AlrvierS), ca. init. s. I a., father of AucvfiiaXos 204/5 p., 4543 = and )lA6oraTpros, 27826,33 and probably also of TToMixap- TTop(nriios) Aabo[0Xos],archon init. s. IIIp., 4553 of Delos ca. 50 a. (P.A., 12107, [lopTrbriios'AXAEa]vSpos poS,who was -E1MeArTils 'Axapvrus, eponymos of Oineis 186/7 q.v. 12030); for other members of this family cf. H., XII, p., 41112 = [Fo]r nitos 'AEcavSpos [----], 1943, p. 59, with note 134, and XXIV, 1955, p. 233, note Hop(Trriios) (rapyinTTos), 182/3 p., 40614 = Ti. (Xapac3av6s on line 5 in a catalogue THojTriio[s (oapi3avos lTp]eTios rFapyrirrTos of prominent men ca. 175-185 p. (H., XXVIII, 1959, HnoAKKTrTros (MEAlTeis), 177/8 p., 39828, was father of [TloAiK]TTrrro(LG., II2, 212877) and Zo1ctJOS (IG., II2, p. 284, No. 126-7) ca. 120p., 32234 2130178);perhaps also to be restored in IG., II2, 212878 loop(Trrios) OlAcArT[as---] (Mapaccbvios),
KaXXAo-rp&rou ('EpXievs),341/0 a., 3810 (P.A., noXvKAEi8[Tr]s 11970); cf. K.('E.) and A.P.F., 9576, stemma 256/5 a., 8666 KacMi[.] TToXu<K>XEiSlns (TTEpyaCvES),
Tobp((rrios) 'Hyias 0>[aXIrpE6s], hoplite general 174/5 p., 3883; 3906-7 = [lnopwr(fioos)] 'Hy[axs(Dra]r[p]Eus, archon 178/9-179/80 p., 3997 lTTo(-rrios) 'Hyias OaNirpEus, nToprrcbvlos (AiavrTios),s. II p., 34713 'Erra&yacoS flTToprcbvios Zco[o-ripos] (rapyrri-os), 138/9 p., 33123 T7ov-rrcbvi[o ZooTripos](Fapyilr-Tos), ca. 130-150 p., 3322 = 1. Z. r., 125/6 p. (I.G., II2, 203725) AEIou(piLTTrrios), TopuTcbvtos 167/8 p., 37120, was ephebe 145/6 p. (I.G., I2, 205261) lTovTiavO6 ca. med. s. II p., father of [E]Oulpai[Sris, (2p1rrTIos), 4405 = *1TovTtavOs Aapi'pov(Zpilrrios), 168/9 p., 37331,was crcppovioT'iS161/2 p. (.G., II2, 208514) BrjcaEes,archon 168/9 p., [Tn]ovT1K6s: Tivrijo[s TT]oVTIKOS 3732-3; T[tvfilos TovTIKo]SBrlc[EE?US], 3741-2; T[ivrios BirOa[IEo'], 3754-5; cf.: TTovTr]K6O i.e. noVTIKoS: ViaUTor6], [6 [pETO& Ti]vtiov Tn[OVTItK6 apXOVTa p., 3773; 1noVTIK6V, 3783-4; Tiviio[v TEI[vi]liov 169/70 3793-4 nrov-lKov],
[n6v]-Tos AEiou ('ArraXiSos), post ca. 218 p., 48016 =
TT6orrAio (Ovuatrios), ca. med. s. II p., father of T6orr7ios, 3528 cOduAXcos, [lT]6(rrAos) Moucraios 'A[cxXTi7r]i68ou hoplite general 200/1-201/2 or 203/4-204/5 p., 4535-6 Tn-rAlios ((Ou&Caios), post med. s. II p., 3528
('AKaacrv-rios), ca. 200-150 a., 19812 ca. 200 a., 15132 TTocEiSiTrTrros OEoa&v(ovs) ('Avayup&acos), 256/5 a., 8660 noC[-----]
TnoCE11ST -roS(AicoveUs),
TnoaizlT-rros (EUIovuvEi5S), fin. s. III a., 14146 n. TTnooEi8lTrros (OvUalrTa'r8), 135/4 a., 243122; his son = TT.
O., ephebe 102/1 a. (I.G., II2, 1028, IIIllo = P.A., 12127) [TTocaei]8SlroS ('IKapitls), 336/5 a., 4293 lTToaESilTrros (TaiaviElc s), 220/19 a., 13073, was thesmothete 228/7 a. (I.G., II2, 17066); a grandson probably =
HnooaESlr-rro (lraiavIECU),155/4 a., 22583
r ina 166/7 p., iocs ToEl8cbvIos, TrepiTO p., 434io HnoCe18cbvo[O[]: ?[AXa]u TloTriAtXio: 1. IspEs Tlo-rrifXXoS mo?TT-rrrls 36962; cf. ([AXa]vios 'Ayaecov OuvXaoios, A[----] rrpTuravEcov post ca. 218 p., 48217-19 ('AvrToXi8os), 169/70 p., 38016 [rTo]c[EIS]cbvIOS or 'ATTaXiSos),aet. 1ToriAAios X[-----] (uvA&aoio), [rTooaE1]6bvio NIK[----] (AEcovTrios post med. s. II p., 35212 Rom., 3176 ToTX[--------] ('EpEXeTi8os),fin. s. I a., 29917
-roS,44915 init. s. III [Tl6orrXioS ETT-ripos rrTaS----], aTroKpacrcop 209/10 p., 4606-7 TooImcbvios:'Avr(cbvios)lTlooaEclbvos(AicoaVES), n6OwXtio [---] ('AvyEXAeEv),aet. Rom., 31835 p., 45714 'ArroXAcbvios (BrcraieIs), fin. s. I p., father of TooCiScbvios, TT6(wTrAos) paullo ante 180/1 TocatEbw8VIo ATA(ios) ('AvTIvoEOi), 32128 AiXia'Epevvia,father of p., 39714,was husband of nTOl'Aia and archon init. s. III p. (.G., II2, nocrElSbvlos : KX(aUcios) noo?1Svcbvos (Briaalevi), paullo ante orioAiaAlXia'EpEvv{a, 3688) 180/1 p., 3977 init. s. IIp., 32128 os o (BrmrEaiu), nl6[-rXlo]s (rapyfnlrrto), ca. 105/6 p., father of Oe6popao-ros, 1TocrEleSCo ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13739 33121 = noroe6Cbvtio (KrlotiaElUs), nocrEtl8Cbvio [nTiwrlos] 169/8 a., 212105 (rapyri'rros), ca. 97-117 p., father of OE6pOpaoTo[S], (KptcoEU5), 3326 Ca. 20 a., 29323 [n]oaei8cbvioS AElq)iou(TaIaviEv;S), TTocrEISCbvio(1TipaiEiU), 135/4 a., 24374, was iepoTroOl6 ca. 73-63 a., father of ['ATroAX]cbvioS, n6OTrios 148/7 (EucovuvpEuS), a. (I.G., II2, 193860= P.A., 12145); for descendants cf. 2864; cf. 'A. n. (Eu.) ca. 73-63 a., father of ArTiTTrplos, 28640 lT6rrAios H., XXI, 1952, p. 365, note on line 74 (AapcrrpeuS), s. II 3476 [T1]6(-TrAlo) <A>cop6OEoS (Mapa0Cbvios), p., [n7oa]]i8cbvos KaXXAhcrou (CQaOEv), 188/9 p., 41937 OX. TlTrA6X[io -------]ou 27349 = TT6rA[ito------]: (aaXrlpEvs), ca. 83 a., father of 'Apio-rcov, (Mapaccb- rToafi[s] n. 'A. (. (P.A., 12149; stemma s. 13824) vios), ca. 120 p., 32231 TroCaiSEOS, [----] (MEAirETS), T-ris 1n6-OrX[o] Ca. 30/29 a., 28828 303/2 a., 6217 U1TnrlprTT pouXfiS archon 141/2 p., 3346 ca. 155 22670 T6(Trr?ios) AiAlosOzAEas Tooa8?eoS a., [MEXiTEsv], ('EXAatovoos), TT6(T?rios TTaiavi(us),post ca. 217 p., [lo]cricobvos (0rlyalEiu), fin. s. II p., 4395 'Op-rfTiosMrjv68copos 47729 nirTa6pos tHa(aviesO), 'lI-r<Tr>covos 209/10 p., 46050 ('Papuvocios), ca. 190/89 a., 17065 lT(6wrAlos) AiXA(os)'Io6Xpuvos TlaXXrlvijus, hoplite general [l]o-rTapcov T7ovuv6uSa&a post ca. 217 p., [4745-6], 4754, 4764, 4775-7 (AaPTrrpEv5),336/5 a., 4257 TTO6-rio: n6-OTrio TToXvKAEous *novXurTicv ATiA(iO) (npopaXcaios),180/1 p., 40264 335/4 a., 4364-65 (lTpopaXri'os), post ca. 216 p., 47048 TTO6(rAios) AiA(ios) 0eE6q)os (YouvieUs), ejrlyrIrTs180/1 p., np[----] ('ArtraXisos), 4027-8 = ca. 337/6 a., father of ['EoT68o)p]os, lTp[----] ('AqnivaTos), 5918= SouvisEU, ryiyrTirls181/2 p., T(6OTrros) AYA(ios)eEOE6?Ios ca. 337/6 a., father of ['E]crTn6[cop]o[s] 40513, was Kocrprri-s136/7-169/70 p. (I.G., II2, 37375) [np----] ('AqSBvaTos), and a relative was 61260 A A no(TTrrio) Ts(ios) Oa1Spos (Zovvievs), 180/1 p., 40210 (cf. nrp[----] (nlaiovi6rs), ca. 168 a., 21448 : AopiTto5 init. s. I.G., II2, 74471-2) llpaiEvrETvos'Alrlv(t)?(uS), *-paiVE1rEtVOo rTwrrAio[----] III p., 45813 (vutraAcri-os), init. s. III p., 45721 : 'E-mpEios ln6ITrosKAXbSjios CryouClios,ca. 40-30 a., 28628 np<a>(ciaTs Top<a>irrls (KouTrrEIs), 148/9 p., 33716 TH[OTrA]os ( ?) 'AvTI6XOUv (c(lv> si),fin. s. I a., 3039 (GopiKlos), ca. 105/6 p., father of Tpaary6pa5 HTpaoayopas 6 [KcaTl]p6Oeo5,3312-3, [3332-3] post med. s. IIp., 3527 TT6nr7os [----] (OuvAacoos),
*[.. 1]o-rr<X>iKIos (nalpc3oTa-r&s),ca. 40-30 a., 2858 A[ioios ---]], archon s. II p., 3452 fT6(Tr?Mos)
1UpoKiSf('EKacXEs),post ca. 288 a., father of [------]iSrs,
0opiKIos, archon 138/9 p., 1Tpaocay6pcas 6 [Kal Ti]iO6OoS 3312-3; [Upajay6opas o] 6 KalT1o60?[os GopiKIo],3331-2
npa[ias 'AvOEticovos (TTaiaviElS), ca. 330 a., 475 (P.A.,
8811(P.A., 12225)
npoK[A]fis (OualrTa8Srl),
thesmothete 216/5 a. (I.G., II2, 170695 = P.A., 12193) TpoKAXiri[S---] (AatirpEpus Tra&paXos), 367/6 a., 1443 rTacqiXAou TTpoKA<ri8s vE-rrr?Talb[v], secretary of the boule and
npoKAfis (Oural-rTrls), 178/7 a., 19483= orator 178/7 a., 19430= Tpo[KA]fis Oupai-rTa&SS, TpoK[X]Eouv orator eupa-raSrsI, 166/5 a., 2165 TTpoKA[fis TpoK]MAous treasurer of the prytaneis ca. OeOKaEo [AO]uO1EUS, 1TpoKAXSfis 260 a., 836-8 11 UpalrrTATXi [----] 1ooiSr (l ItO ?), post ca. 216 p., 47344 (SouvIEvi),post ca. 288 a., father of [....]1KAii, IpoKAfis 888; cf. P.A., 12237 npairrlTXrj (KuSavcr8rii), ca. 338/7 a., father of A[iaeas ?], 5885; a grandson probably = TTpoKXfis Na[-----] (qrrir'os), ca. 260-240 a., 979 UpaclTrAXr AiaX6ov(KvuavTriSrs), 254/3 a., 8977 [n]p6K[X]os,ca. 135/6 p., father of 'ETriy[ovos], 37347 = npaiTiXrrls ('ovviueS), ca. 147/8 p., father of Tpupcov,40216 [TTp6KX]os (TTEpalE9sO), q.v. : ETvlvaplos TpeTiTPO 'ETriKTrfo[U] ('A-rTraXf8o), post ca. 216 p., 47027, Tp6oK[os] 1pp6KA[oS] ('A-rTa[iSos),eponymos post was ephebe 205/6 p. (I.G., II2, 2193143) ca. 216 p., 4708 = ca. 180 p., 40126 : tvevv&(plos) ----] (KeKporr{SoS), ppEiTo[S TTp6KXos ('A-rraXiSos), Tp6KXoS eponymos and TpETPIoS npETpos : [---]a(..) IEp6s y6pcov ('AXco-rrxKfiev), prytanis post ca. 217 p., 4768, 11; son of: paullo ante 220 p., 46717 : [rFlos TTEIVapos] rpoKXos (?) 'p6Koos 'Ay(voiotos), ieyyriTrAS npEios : AO(Qos) (BrlcraiEu), init. s. II p., 32119 rTpETpos 186/7 p., 4111l ca. 155/6 p., father of [EO]Kaipos, 41915 7pTioPS (BTacaiErU), [np]i0KAos: Oi[p(pos) n7p]6KXos (rapy'r'ros), fin. s. II p., lTpEipos TTpoTEi'o[v] 43412 (rapyfi'rrlos), 138/9 p., 33128= nTlpETos [poTripov] (Fapy-rnlos), ca. 130-150 p., 3323; for np6oKAo[s]: OX(6pios) TTp6OKo[S ----] (MEAITrES), &fcrlroSca. later members of the same family cf. 'Apx. 'Ep., 1968, 180 p., 40015 p. 206, stemma A. ca. 136/7 p., father of 'ETIryovos, [FIp6oK]os (TTlEpalECI), ante med. s. II p., 32312 TlpElpos'Avriy6vov (EOrrvpi8rns), 38050-51 = [lT]p6K[]os, father of 'ETriy[ovos], 37347 TnpETios ca. 155/6 p., father of [TTp6]Kxo[s], 'EpcoTro (KeqaoAfOev), 167/8 p., 37153 [np6KXos] (OAVuEUS), 41620 lTpETilos 'AAEa&vSpou (KuaOnjvaiEls), 169/70p., 37836 [nlp6]KXo[S o] Ouv(EUS), 188/9 p., 41620 ca. 167 p., father of lTpetlios, 44613 lTTpETioS (MapaOcbvios), *1Tpoiaeicov (nlaiavieCl), 220/19 a., 13064 lnpETos o (Mapacbwvios), ca. 200 p., 44613 6160 lTpoliEvr1S (Kuveippio), Ca. 337/6 a., father of NiKfA-rS, 47733 TlpeT7o (FaiaviEsn), post ca. 184 p., father of F&dos, (P.A., 12249) TnpETpos 42333 npopT0i[cov] ('AXCaius?), ca. 206/5 a., father of EBpouAiSrs, (rliIaxISins), ca. 159/60 p., father of Eupnrifnrs, npw-rcovZCooTKou ('AvT-oX{5oS), paullo ante 220/1 p., 46657 2065; cf.: [TT]pep3uxrapT[s] 'Apio-ricovo[s]('Auiovoiaios), 370/69? a., [TTpo]lrijicov BaKx(---) ('CAIaieS ?), ca. 180-160 a., 2098 1311-12 (P.A., 12186); his son = 'A. 1n.'A. (I.G., II2, TTpova&risTnpopyvov Urpoocr&Tios, secretary of the boule and the demos 334/3 a., 4447-48 (P.A., 12254) 5533); npE[a]pv3[xapTrs .... o]us, ephebe of Leontis 333/2 a. (H., IX, 1940, p. 63, No. 8, 1129-30) archon 203/2 a., 14730(P.A., 12258) belongs to the same Upo~EviSls, family. Fpo[eviSrni(Teiep&ios), ca. 374/3 a., father of TpoKEifSris, : A(Aios) TTpTlos TTpTios (TTaiaviEus),162/3 p., 36410 3858, and of EE[voKAis] (.G., II2, 164114, as restored by ca. 393-373 a., father of[K]aAXio4evirs, npo[----] (AEKEEEXvs), Wilhelm; cf. N.P.A., p. 138) 2035 ca. 368/7 a., father of Neo[K]X[f8]r1S, lp6o[E]vos (KEKpOTri0os), 4795 rp6pos (TEIPE5S),post ca. 184 p., father of Ev'KapT[r68s, 43160 nTpoKX[---] (1nTo7lEpaU{ios), honored by the boule 223/2 a., 12769168/9 p., 3722 TTpo6vos 'Aq9SvaTos, 71 = TTpoKXErT (rapyirT-Tos), 336/5 a., 42122 npoKXErlS (KEpaaXEEiUS), 336/5 a., 42278 treasurer of the boule [1po6Evos 'AploSlou? 'A9q]8vaTos, EirapXou (AEovriS8os), *lnpoKX7EavOs 178/9-179/80 p., 39917; 223/2 a., 12856; = H. 'A., basileus 227/6 a. (.G., II2, the demotic may be E?Oiov; cf. El. (A.) 170622 = P.A., 12269); for this famous family cf. P.A., TTpoKAXiSSr1 2232 (stemma), 12267-70, and A.P.F. MEVEKpa&ouS ('AyyEXEElvS), post med. s. IV a., 3233 (P.A., 12192); cf. 'AptirToIdXl 1T.'A., ca. 340 a. (I.G., II2, rTp6Oevos rTuTayopou 'AXEP5ouoatos,secretary Karr& rrpvaveiav 335/4 a., 43227(P.A., 12271; cf. H., IX, 1940, p. 328, 5228); a later member of the same family, n. (DioKAEous 'A. (L.G., II2, 5238) is probably to be identified with the No. 363-4 and XXVIII, 1959, p. 234 = I.G., II2, 156133)
Tp6OEvos(KoveOuXAeiE), 336/5 a., 42173
12160) [n1]pa[]iKrls 2coqp6pTrou (EcoWvvuiEU), 367/6 a., 1411; pro= trierarch 362/1; cf. A.P.F., 12164 bably n1paiKAfis, 1TpacITe\rrS ('AvnroXiSoS), 'EpUEiou paullo ante 220/1 p., 46647 n1pa[irrT][X]r ('AvaqPAUinoto), 169/8 a., 21283 OiXtoSijiou(rapyi-rrno), 182/3 p., 40624, was rS TTpalTeATX acoppovtotriS ca. 145/6 p., (I.G., II2, 20564)
the demos 303/2 a., 62350 T7poK?Ei8r1S n1poEeviSou (TEIOpa&aos), 341/0 a., 3858 (P.A.,
n. T. (I.G., II2, 164114, as restored probably Ee[voKi7Xf] by Wilhelm; cf. N.P.A., p. 138)
npoKAls flEpiKAF[ous'AAaclus], secretary Kcara Trpvurav
ca. 367/6 a., father of lTpovInris, T7p6Sevo(F1poorrTi-nlo), 4447 (P.A., 12277) np6oEvoS (XoXacpyEiu), 336/5 a., 42299 lT-crToKpTrolvs Tp6OcEKTos (K9amjfi0?v),167/8 p., 37150-51; identified by Kirchner with M(apKoS) AuprAlosAfioy6pos 17.H. K., archon of Gerousia ca. 200 p. (.G., II2, 3658) and perhaps = 1. (K.), father of 'AKa&cas and ne'puris, ephebes 192/3 p. (I.G., II2, 213078, 134) ca. med. s. II p., father of 'AKaCias, Tp6o'urEKTos (9TI'rrios), 44014
('AvtroxiSos),paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father of TTpoSoKipios TTpoa6SoKpos, 46628; perhaps = T. o TTa?rlvEOs5, OrroccopovlacrTl 205/6 p. (I.G., II2, 219397) paullo post 220/1 p., 46628; he Rpoa66KIlpoS('AvnroXiSos), and his son probably = the two prytaneis of 47230, 31 of the deme Pallene ?), lpoC86[KIpoS] : Aup(Ai;os) npocS66[KIlos](KEKpOTrIr8o 213/4-219/20 p., 4637 168/9 p., 3724 ---] (TT-roAEpalios), nfpoo86[KIpos 6 Kai 2coKp&rTiT ca. 198 p., (1TOeCJLatSOS), U'poaS6KIlpo 44315 ], [npoc]86KiJos(cTTaN7ves),ca. 162/3 p., father of [ 42511
----] [TTlpooa6Klpo[S [T]poca6Ki[poS ----]
(1a-XTqvenS), post ca. 216 p., 47230
post ca. 216 p., 47231 (1CarXTIVEViS), 138/9 p., 33350 UTpoaC6KIpos 'ApiCTTOPOoAo[u] (TTaxArlvEvU),
a., 14746; 14768-70; his father is U. El. (P.A., UTpcoTropvrsE EITEraos, 12322; cf. N.P.A., p. 147 and No. 147, commentary) 44732; ('AvTloXIfos), ca. 172 p., father of K6AXcov, UTTproT the demotic is probably TTarAarveus (cf. H., XL, 1971, p. 329) 40719= TUpTo-ro (Oacev), ca. 151/2 p., father of rEv0eMlos, of 40724 father ca. 151/2 p., .]rcov, T[... [Tp]'rTos COcOev), ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29057-58 T-To7\oEpaTos, OTroypappaoreus rTT[o]?A,aTos secretary of the demos fin. s. III TpiVE(EEs'us), a., 1393-5 ca. 314/3 a., father of R[u]0[----]ov (gen.) ('AAco-rm<rKn5), ['HS?]upiltos,72247 89103 ca. 287/6 a., father of EirAIrTOS, uve[---] (BacrTus), uve[---] (OcAripEus ?), ca. 314/3 a., father of [Au?]aIIax[os],
] 155/4 a., 22558 'AI a a[vreu]s, OrroypapiJicaT-r (yi 'r-rlos), ca. 127-137 p., father of 'AoKAXl- [uTTv[a]y6pas T[ppcoKo<oS 35913 = Uveay[6pas]: Ar(Xios)nv0ay[6pas] (Bcriaieus), ca. 180-190 1TiCSrls, npoc86KIpos (YP-rTTIOS), ca. 135/6 p., father of 'AXAiXrma5r&Srs, p., 4098 = : [ATl](ios)Ruvay6pas (BlcraiEus), 188/9 p., 41914 37321 UTTuay6pas Tipaiou [AaurrrpiuS], prytanis and secretary of [TT]vuay6pas Tp6T[[ElOS] (rapyfirrnlos), ca. 105/6 p., father of Acopo0eos the prytaneis 193/2 a., 16837-38;Uutvay6p[as] Aaprr[TpErp and TUpETpos, s], 33126, 28 = 16823-24, [50] T[p6'-T?rES] (FapyfrTTros), ca. 97-117 p., father of TTpeipios, 3323 nvauvye?os TT[----] ('ApilTpolralws), 281/0 a., 72254 360/59 a., 1746(P.A., 12338) *nu0avSpifnSr ('AxapvEus), vEOus), fin. s. II p., 4389 npco-r[----] (TTaAl7 archon 3962 of ca. father 137-154 271/0 a., 80i (P.A., 12338) p., [Xap]iclos, [nu0epccros], TTpcoTa[---], ('EAuvoivios ?), ca. 368/7 a., father of AiovvoU68oneu&paT-ro (KpcoTTri8s),222/1 a., 129119 TTpco-ray6pas rTO,43189 npcorTapxos (Aipi[Srs), 178/7 a., 194ioo; cf. I.G., II2, 5717-8 ca. 400/399 a., father of 336/5 a., 42149 (KuSactvaiOEu), TTuvaparos TTpcoTras ('AypuAXEuKac0OTrEpEev), 1429 nu0ecaS ('A0co-wEKE Mvrioi0Eos, S), ca. 330 a., 4653 (P.A., 12344); cf. T. 'A. (I.G., II2, 3389, 11, 17) and n. 'ApXcovfiou ?TrlEKlcSos191/2 p., 4224; pco-r[fcov], cocri5mi'OU 194/5 ? p., nTpc-ricov, 'A. (I.G., II2, 5573) ca. 197 p., 42423; npc-ricov, 195/6 p., 42611; n[pco]T[i]cov, unveSuaTTuOvoKEouvS poESpcov178/7 a., 42736; UpcoTi'cov, 'AXapVE5S, wrrio6-rCTriS 198/9 p., 4421o 19429 ca. 41012; TT[pco, 185/6 p., [Up]cTroyEvrjS, [UirOoypcapparriUs] nveilrr-rov (Bacrus), 343/2 a, 3629(P.A., 12348) vuveas 188/9 p., 41951 Troy?vns], nuveas ('lI i oIol&a6r8s), post 225 a., 12514 TpcT-r[oyEvrs]('ATXrai8os), post ca. 183 p., father of TaciKfis, and Rpcoroyivrls nTveIca(KuSaOnrvactis),ante med. s. IV a., father of 'AvrTioqv, 47015; cf. T. 1T.(SouviEvs) (SouvvtEs) ca. 172 p., father of -oUCros, 3250; either he or his son = ('lTnTocowrfiSo), Urpcoroy4vriS 44831 nuveas (Kuvae0nvaiEvs), 336/5 a., 42158 ('AlrviE6S), ca. init. s. I a., father of 'Aplo-r6vl- nIveas ((c)aXripus), ca. 190/89 a., 17081 U1pcoToyvTiS ca. 400/399 a., father of [---], 146 27832 and of 17pco-roybvSs unveEiSri(EU'covvuiUs), KOS, (I.G., II2, 23023) 37818 nuvns (Uaiavcleis),ca. 136/7 p., father of AeTos, Upcw-royvris (AUpitris),135/4 a., 24385 ca. 63/4 p., father of nuOfis,31246 npo-roy6vrns ('AXapv6is?), post ca. 183 p., father of Tpco- nuieqs(Upoo-raO'rnos), 47335 96/7 p., 31246-47 TTefis D npoorrcA-ros, [Co]TpaTrrly6 -royEvrns, nu0ivela5(bKKrlS5v),336/5 a., 4214 npcoToybvrls o ('Axapveus ?), post ca. 216 p., 47335 ante med. s. IV a., father of AEuKiou ca. 20 a., 29342 TTu0vioKoS (Ku5aiT)vacEius), (nlaiaviEOu), TpcoToyfvrjs s. I p., 30951 Tetlcaavos, 3251 (P.A., 12361); either he or a grandson = (TTaAnVErlvO), Tpcaroy6vrns TpcrToyvrns(SouviUS), ca. 147/8 p., father of TaimKAfjs, T7u(<i>6viKos(Ku8acTvoalEv's), ca. 337/6 a., father of TeIaapEv<>6s, 6169 40221; certainly related to and possibly = Upcor[oy?vns] RiTOerros ('A?aiElus), ca. 287/6 a., father of ['A]pioaoKp&rrs, ('ArraXiSos),q.v. 8948 K1PqiotiE(S),328/7 a., 4916 Upco)TOKXfiS uel0rrTro Xico[vos] (eopaIEns),ca. med. s. IV a., 228 ('Avayc7ucnos), ca. 367/6 a., father of Arn-rTpios, TTpcoT6craXos 448 (P.A., 12364) ca. 400-350 a., 117, npcoTr6paXos 'Epp[---] (KEtpliaSrl), ('A1wo?AcovIEIs), probably brother of 'EppOKNE,S 'Eppo[---] (KEpitaSSr), 118 RUjen17Tro 173/2 a., 20696 of ca. father ca. nUeInrros a., (BaTEUS), (Krlc9qta1E), 289/8 376/5 a., father of nveias, 3629(P.A., pco-r6(opaxos?) TpcTor6lIaxos, 8651 12365) ca. 368/7 a., father of Eveilrros, 4326 nUeiTrrroS ?) (Krll(pices), 256/5 a., 8651 TpcCTo(()&XOU (OrlpoaKnvs), Upcocr6paXoS
ca. 337/6 a., father of [---]rls, (MEAITElU), 1npcoTor6paos 61134 [rU]veicov(TToXElatXos), 180/79 a., 18768
ca. 211/0 a., father of npcoT-ro6aXos, uTeicov 9813-14 (alciaviwOs), UpcT-r6oaxoS (KTrlpyiiEs), ca. 283 a., father of OaXiapXos, 19437 nveOicov 341/0 a., 3821; Tueifco (KvBavTriSrls), Atacpcovi5ovU 3886 (P.A., 12370), may = secretary of the boule TTpcoropC'Xou UpcoTr6oaXoS rUcaavitevs, KvSav-wrTfr, q)uvXrr1, and the demos 178/7 a., 19437; TUPwT6IraXO ca. 314/3 a., father of [--]66Oopos,72103 s TTaiavlies, nvuficov(KuSav-riSls), 194111-112 uvOicov ca. 337/6 a., father of rTpraTos,5934= (MapaOcobvos),
256/5 a., 8652 (KrlPImies), TveoKfisrFpvirrcovo(s)
367/6 a., 1457; a descenTTvuoKAfis (AalrrTrTpEs KaOirrEpOEV),
[tnvfcov] (Mapacxbvios),ca. 337/6 a., father of [2Trpdrno], 61274(P.A., 12371); cf.E. n. (M.) nvOicov C(TpKop10ios),ca. 190/89 a., 17096; a son probably = n1. n., ambassador from the Tetrapolis 138/7 a. (Fouilles de Delphes, III, 2, p. 17, No. 7io-1i) -], orator 182/1 a., 1845 noAvK[ 1nveoyvrjTs
----] (Io6pios), 304/3 a., 61113 nlvOoyEv[r1j (IKap3coviSrIs), ca. 403/2 a., father of [ve]u]6copos, nv06?rlXos('EpEXOri[8os),ca. 368/7 a., father of nve6OnXoos, TTvUoKXfis 1329(P.A., 12448) 436
ca. 333 a. (I.G., dant is probably fT.A., 7AalrrTaSTo6poS II2, 31051o = P.A., 12445) 281/0 a., 7242 (MEsnITES), nTveoKAfi 'AvOEiOKPp[Trou] 62220 TvuOoKXfiS (TliOev),ca. 336/5 a., father of Ta[u]pEas, 3915 ca. 373 a., father of [M]vrloCKAXfs, UElvoKXAS (TT6pios),
uveoKAfis 336/5 a., 42131 (OiXaiSTIs), (rapyrTrlos), ca. 210/09-201/0 a., 13857 1nvu6KpiTro ca. 187 p., father of [---], 4676 4935 = n1. lnvo6il7xou ['A.], secretary Kacra -rpvravEiav [TT]uvOxpTo-roS, 3544 = a. 171, 1959, II2, XXVIII, 221/2 p., 4699 H., (BEPEVIKISrs), 4523, [-nuve6]XpraTos p. 328/7 (I.G., ca. 368/7 a., father of rTpo6Evos, No. 24-5; P.A., 12380) TllTay6pas ('AXEpSouoclos), ca. 289/8 a., father of KaMAlKp&rrls, 43227 (P.A., 12481) [l]ve668lo os (Ko7XXVrEIS), init. s. II p., father of 'ETrrTuyxavcov, EnuxcarSi 8549 = (KpcoTriS5s), 3235 ca. 287/6 a., father of KaAlKp&Tmls, nve65rlAos (KoMAurEVS), 61292 ca. 337/6 a., father of ScoKp6rr1s, nvp[---] (cTaioviSriS), 8956; cf. K. . (K.) s. init. III father of 62232 of father a., ca. ve0O65riWo T&v8ios, nTupyicov, TTupyicov (Aapt-rrpEusKCaOI), 336/5 a., (?EOiov), rrr poeSpcov 9110; probably = TT. ca. 289/8 a., father of nvElocopos, A., E1ioTaT-rs 'AyaoappXou (EKKrl8cov), 1uveO68rlt(os) K K., ephebe 249/8 a. 277/6 a. (.G., II2, 6723 = P.A., 12487; cf. H., X, 1941, 8669; a grandson = 1T. Tvue[o]Scbpou p. 339) (L.G., II2, 68119= P.A., 12385) 351; lvAanw'rpEvs(Kac0v), secretary of prytaneis lTupyicovos uTvpyicov [ne065]oTos, archon 343/2 a., 3415; [uve065]oToS, med. s. III a., 919-11 e[66oTos],4931 (P.A., 12386) councillor? ca. 370 a., 49233; proca. 155 a., 22661 ('O-rpuVEU), rTvpyicov ('EXAEvivios), *lTTvoScopifSr 1224 bably = n. n.'O. (I.G., II2, 7017 = P.A., 12490); his Tue66copos,ca. 258 a., father of [<]opviaKos, : 'Io-Tri(ios) nvEl06co<po>s, father may have been P.A., 12489 rrEplTr pfji<a> nvEu0Bo<po>s (H., XVIII, TnlppaKoS('AvayvupacioS), ca. 400/399 a., father of [E]OKo190/1 p., 42025; the demotic is BEPVIKEISTis Xicov,1418 1949, p. 14) ('Ayvovcaos), 173/2 a., 206125 nluppTvos nlveO6cop[os----] ('AXapvEvs), councillor ? ca. 370 a., 492119; a descendant probably = (EOcovuiievs), fin. s. III a., 14138 lTTppoS ca. 323-313 a., father of NIK6o-rpa- Enuppos 140/39 a., 240112= n. (K.), ca. 127 a., (KpicoEvs), nuv[06]8copo ('AxapvEw6S), father of nayKpcrrTis(I.G., II2, 1011118 = P.A., 12515) 6820; probably = n. N. 'A. (P.A., 12413; A.P.F.) -ro[S], of father ca. 8534 a., TTv06copos [EuO]upaXou(noTaruloS AEipaStciTrrs), ca. 325 a., 5229 TrTppos 'Ap9lKAXfs, 289/8 ('EpxiEvs), n. (P.A., 12523); perhaps = nT., father of [Tacy],KAfis (P.A., 12420); a grandson may = -raliaS Tfij povufiS228/7 a., 12042-45 (.G., II2, 7269 = P.A., 12522); cf. n. [tlayr, ovs (TnoT&'EPXIEVS, nTv68copos lloS AElpaSlcobTrl), TTeu68copos:'loiv(ios) lTvO6Scopos ephebe ca. 324 a. ('Apx. 'Eq., 1918, ('EcriailoEv), 182/3p., 40640 cf. of father Reinmuth, p. (EK a., 8669, 7518; op. cit., pp. 58-72) KqIScov), 256/5 lTveu6copos TTvuoSju(ov) luppopos : AT(ios) nvup6opos, 187/8 p., 4138 = [Tl]ue065los, ephebe 249/8 a. (.G., II2, 68119); for the s. 12471 (revised IG., II2, [nvupqpo5]: A[TA(ios) nvup9pos], 191/2 p., 4222 = family and stemmata cf. P.A., and 12444 : A.P.F., AiA(ios) nT[u]pq6po n[u]p96pos (OiveTSos), eponymos ca. 6383) 205 p., 4499; either he or his son = nvl6oScopo 'Apiorricovos (KriploGiE), 367/6 a., 1427 = 17. K., : AYA(ios) TTupq6po nupo6pos (OivriSos), eponymos post ca. post 358/7 a. (IG., II2, 161811i= P.A., 12425); cf. A.P.F., = 218 4829 stemma 15164, p., ca. 354 a., father of Krlcpiaoqo'v, nlupp[6]po[s]: AA(ios) nvupp[6]po[s] ('Axapveus), eponymos nuv068opos (MEXrTEVS), 335/4 a., 435-6 lvO'6rl7osnlvOoSriXov ('EpexOri[Sos), nv66rliXos 'Ayvovcio(s), secretary and bouleutes 328/7 a.,
49412; perhaps = unidentified list ca. 321 TTve6oScpo 'AycoviTrrrov (MEAITEVCs), a., 49418 Tveo6Scopos'Avn9iARov(rlpopacioios), ca. 390-375 a., 1059 (}KaiJ3coviSrTi),370/69 (?) a., 1328-29 [nTv]68copos TTlvoKAovu post ca. 218 p., 4835 Tupp96pos : Ap(filXos) Tlvpp6pos Aarr'rp(ius), 209/10 p.,
(P.A., 12430) Tvu6Scopos((rlyatEsJ), 336/5 a., 4276 = [nlu]68copos O., trierarch 323/2 a. (I.G., II2, 1632182 = P.A., 12432, A.P.F.) ca. 211/0 a., father of Euvekas, 19429 lTveoKMis ('AXapvEws), veuoKXMfi [...]voybv(ovs) ('AxapvE'), ca. 290-280 a., 6819, perhaps = n. ('A.), ephebe ca. 330 a. (H., Suppl. VIII, p. 27461)who may = P.A., 12440; cf. A.P.F.
46088 lTvpq6pos: XA(a3ptos) ruvp96poswrrp(Ea<pvTrpos) (TTlaaviEvs), 169/70 p., 37811 nco[[Al.--- ] (XoXapyeis), ca. 160-170 p., 35939 6 Kal nlcoWAa(vos) a7cola(v6o) : 'ATT1KOS ('ASpiaviSos), ca. 231/2 p., 49126 ncoAiav6o : Ka6(aios) lTcohXXavos ('ASpiaviSos),ca. 231/2 p., 49125 ncoAXicov Zcolrvpou (rapy'ilrros), fin. s. II p., 43411 ncoAAicov [---] (Krl9citEis),ca. 40-30 a., 2868
ca. 400-350 a., 1237 'Ayae06ro8os('AwvroXiBSo),paullo ante 220/1 p., ['P]ovqiTvos 'P[----]s (TTpopaxcilos), 46625-26; cf. KA. 'P. lTTa(XAlvEvs), ephebe 192/3 p. (.G., 182/3 p., 40627 'PfiyXos(Ko\XrVTEs), 'PfiyXos: AiXA(io) II2, 2130193) 190/1 p., 42012 (KEKpormi8So), ['P]r]ToplKOS ca. 161/2 (?)p., father of EviruXi- 'Poqv vos : Zai6(ios) 'Pouvpevos ?), post ca. 216 p., ('AxapvE*s (Mapaccbvios), 'PrrT[opIK6S] 47337 srls, 4244 'Po[cPos]('AKaavrri5os),ca. 167/8-171/2 p., father of ['E]r('Papvoiuoos),med. s. IIp., 34015 ['Prl]TopIK6O Arp-rlTpiou 'PiKCov 330 4663 ca. a., yovos, 45318 (P.A., 12530); pro('Ava9vu'ortos), 'Po'p[os] (FapyfrinoS), ca. 105/6p., father of'Eppo6aos, 33124 bably = paullo ante 147/8 p., father of 'Poupos, ('EXEovcaos), 'P[{K]cov('Avaq)?crIno), ca. 314/3 a., father of[. .]oi,Afis,72242 'PovCoS 39719 s. I : init. 30714 p., 'P6pioS (AEcovrTi8o), 'Pppios [... ]KIOS E post ca. 'Poqhos ('EXEoOacnoS), paullo ante 180/1 p., 39719, was 'PO68rrr[o] : [K]X(acSios5) 'P6irrrr[o]S('AXapvE5S), s 205/6 p. (LG., II2, 219311); probably = 218 p., 48310, was ephebe 169/70 p. (.G., II2, 2097206) KoMaCITrl ?] 'EEoilcnos,eponymos of Hadrianis 188/9p., 41912 166/5 a., 21630 'P6orn'ros('PapvoUicnio), 'P[oOquos ca. 180 p., 40316 of 29339 father 53 ca. a., ----] ('EpXiEES), ['P]oqpo[s Kax?iKAfis, 'PoSoiK[']fi (rTaiavlEus), ca. 40-30 a., 28626; his 'P6ocov ('AvyEAEru),220/19 a., 130105 'PoupoS: TiTroS 'Popqos (KTqIcEjius), son probably = 'P. z K., ephebe 13/2 a. (I.G., II2, 196317) 'P6cSov('AVTivoevI), paullo ante 147/8 p., father of 'P6Scov, 'Pouos : KA(avbl8os) 39711 (Mapacbvios), 194/5 (?) p., 4248 'Poiupos 'PoScovo ('AvTivmOES), 'PovOpos (laiavlE\s), ca. 176/7 p., father of 'Poupos,46063 paullo ante 180/1 p., 39711 'P6dcovKa{icrorovMapa[0cbvios], secretary Kcrr& rpUTravEfav 'Pouos o lai(aviEts), 209/10p., 46063 45720 ca.fin. s. II p., father of'PoOcpos, (ZvurairrTTios), Mapa(c6vtos), rrTEp 'PoOuos 209/10 p., 4602 = 'P6ocov KaXXio-rou o (SuTraArc -r6 P3fa 209/10 p., 46095 (cf. Kirchner, s. I.G., II2, 1077) 'PoZqpos -ros), init. s. III p., 45720 37327 'PoScovA[----] (2T'rpls5), 150-190 p., 38411; perhaps = 'PoTpos (qfr?'itos), ca. 135/6 p., father of 'Pouqios, 'P. E., ephebe 169/70p. (I.G., II2, 209762) 168/9 p., 37327 'Pogpos : (ZpirTmnos),
archon ca. 132/3 p., ODAVEIs, -], 304/3 a., 61333 *Saoaoucrnav[6s] [Alo]Aicovos [t 4905 3295-6 5[I----], s. II/III p., father of AoUKIos, Z[ ] (AtavTrios),ca. 273-263 a., father of MEVEKp&rri, *savvi6&8T(s)('AXaiEi ?), ca. 336/5 a., father of rFacO[KrrrT]os, 1133 62211 -----] [ ('AvrtioXi8o), treasurer of the prytaneis ca. *2apa[ir]ia[K6o],panegyriarch post ca. 218 p., 4814, was agonothete ca. 210 p. (I.G., II2, 22007) 176/5-170/69 a., 2043 treasurer of the prytaneis 74/3-63/2 fTaiavlE*s, 4[---] ('Irnroecovriros),176-169 a., 20557 [2ap]acTr[i]cov ] (KEKpoTrri8os), ca. 180 p., 40117 a., 2655 S[ ] (KeKpo-nios),ca. 180 p., 40125 2:[ YapnrlcsObv 'Av-rl6XO(laiavEi5s), 169/70 p., 37825; his sons ] (TTav5toviSos), ca. 80-79 a., 26435 are probably.. o 17.and '"AraXAos. 17.,ephebes 173/4 p. 2[ ] (EIpeirSTis), 223/2 a., 128110 Z[ (I.G., 1I2, 210362-63) 492ioi ca. 176-169 a., 205i X[----] (Optaatos), ca. 403 a., father of [Eup]&vds, ], iToiaT&TS a[-r]u[p(?) rrpoESpcov ca. 336/5 a., father of XapKAfXs, 62189 2a-rupi(--) (uDv7aios&),post ca. 258 a., father of 'AyvOupos, ] (AaicaS6rls), 5[---12516 2[---]os ALioSCpo[u] ('Ypac1s), 304/3 a., 61289 140/39 a., 24074 = 2. Z. n., gymna4[ ] (OaXripeOs),ca. 30-20 a., 2898 aurvpicov(lTaMnXivES), siarch at Delos 136/5 a. (B.C.H., XXXVI, 1912, p. 396; 223/2a., 12736 z[--]--]ns ()OaMnp~es), : OX(&3ipos) ] (nToAeplatlSos), cf. H., XVII, 1948, p. 21 = N.P.A., p. 150) s. II p., Xa[ Sa[-----] 3432 IarvpoS, [ortnoxoSof Antiochis, s. I p., 30929 or 'ArraXiSos),aet. Rom., 3175 Xap1Evos 'Ep6p[co]TOS (rapyrrrtos), 182/3 p., 40615 [Z]drupos(AecovriSoS ca. 400/399 a., father of 96/7 p., 31223 [l]apTvos(Kritclamve), &rvupos ('AypvurES[-rirEvpe~Ev]), ca. 115/6 p., father of 'lcaicopos, 33715 1449 KaXiKA,fis, Eapivos (KoXXAureOs), a&yapls('ArTraX6So), post ca. 183 p., father of Z5yapts,47020 aMrupos ('ApTTpowaievjs), 140/39 a., 24096; perhaps = S. Eaycapiso ('ATrarcfos),post ca. 216 p., 47020 ('A.), father of 'ATroAoavlns (LG., II2, 5606 = P.A., (KvSarlvaiES*),166/7 p., 36932 *5&yrTosB&KXtos 12591) ('AVTioXi58os), paullo ante 220/1 p., 46635 'ai1ioS TE1i60EvoS ('EXaaiocios), 135/4 a., 24391 X&rvpos NuIKou 2'ai8(ios) 'PovqTlvo ('AxapvnEs ?), post ca. 216 p., 47337 &rrvpos ('EpoiaSris),303/2 a., 62262 EaKkp6cos : TEtvllos EaKEpScos ('ArrariSos), post ca. 217 p., 6rrvpos('IcoviSjs), ca. 289/8 a., father of Aniooerivns, 8562 4769 (P.A., 12595) s. II P., 3464 aCKp8Scos: ['Ep](vvios) 2Xaidp8Sc (rapyq'rTios), 2&rvp[os](KuvavTriSl),97/6 a., 25964 Aka[---] (~ Oiov), ante fin. s. IIp., 42123 Eah&pios Z-r[vpo]s AEcocrrp&r[ou] 281/0 a., 72226 (Tla?TrvevS), (.ouviEUs), 180/1 p., 40220 = 2. EU.=., [X]&AposE&KapTrov Z&rvpos paullo ante 178/7 a., 19321(P.A., 12606) (TTipaires), ephebe 163/4 p. along with his brother 'ApTrp(8copos &mrvpos (nilpatEsS), ca. 137-154 p., father of [E-=]caroand (I.G., II2, 2086176-177, 'Aaicar6Kos, 39513, 14= 208754)
ZEuOris (SovviEus),173/2 a., 20671, was father of [----]cov Agora, XVI, No. 2406 3963 2Euvpos ('Ayvovatos), 180/1 p., (pfyrrt os), ca. 127-137 p., father of ,rrvpos, 35914 *ZEuipos : <M>a6p<K>Ios? &TrupoS 40224 (XqtlTrros), ca. 160-170 p., 35914 26rupos ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of KaXAXi5is, 2[-----] (TTavSiovi5os), ca. 360 a., 1532 E[---] (MEATrEUS), 29094 178/7 a., 19446 (?K KofAris), 2Trln[co]vi68r 279/8 a., 7625 r[---] (Mupplvoualos), Epaoar6s: M(cpKos) AvpiqAXos 'AvrcovivoS X. 'AppEviaKo6 [2]OevoKXfi ? ] councillor Ei[ 3712 343/2 a., 49324 (AEcov-ri8os), 167/8 p., nrapeIK6M?ytCrroS, ca. 168 p., 37610 --] (TTavS6ovi8os), [ FTapeiK6o AupiAios Bijpos2. 'AppEv1aK6S XEpao-r6: A(OVK1OS) -r6 a-rrppl-rov 95/4 a., 26160-61 *2i8covAcaKl&[6ri], Eirr Myiacros, 167/8 p., 3712-3 and secretary of the prytaneis ca. SiArlvos prytanis (TTaiavicEO), EEPipo[s], M(aPK<o) AUp(liAios) IEP[ipo[s]: AUTOKp&rcop 22535-37; SAIrv6s 155/4 a., 22570; [Il0]rv6s [FT]aIavIEVs, 231/2 p., 49114 rUataviEOs, 22554-55; probably = <(El>Xrv6s 'Apio-ropaXou *IErTaS ('ALTIEius), ca. 137-154 p., father of rnoA'uavos, 17.(I.G., II2, 7083) 39518; cf. ItrrCi ('iTrrro0covTrios) [eKM]vppivo'rr[T]rS, UIoypaiicrriTUs init. s. II a., [I]ipiaXos YEKOjvSoS KaXXlviKOU ('A8piaviSos), ca. 231/2 p., 49123 15910= 2. fhiou y M., honored 193/2 a. (H., Suppl. IV, [....... ]EKOUV8OS (AiavriSos), 200/1-201/2 or 203/4-204/5 pp. 14520and 146) p., 45020 ca. 200 a., 15124 2. cf. 216 ca. post 46911; (TpivEpEEIv), *Zipa&ptcrros p., (BEpEVIKi8rIS), [-- 2E]KOUv[8OS] tIuias('AXEpSovCios), 178/7 a., 19465 'PTTroplKO0 B., ephebe 192/3 p. (.G., II2, 2130132) 135/4 a., 243120 [.... 2EK]OOV5OS (2pfrTTios), fin. s. II p., 44027; cf. 2. 'ATrrtKS 2lpias ('Epoi&aSrS), II2, 200 ca. li[gia]s 'Apio-r[---] (Ypfl-rno), ca. 260-240 a., 9710 v ., EOu.oSTrriSrs 3658-9) p. (I.G., Eio86Sou med. was AiOaiSris, orator 256/5 a., 85o1 (P.A., 39837, [EiT?]os 'ETrrlKp&rou EKoTroS ephebe M[&]yvou (TihEOs), 177/8 p., s. II p. (I.G., II2, 206937; cf. 'Apx. 'Ep., 1950-51, p. 38, 12670) Tuios No. 18); cf. Eso-ros (TTEpaiEu'),ca. 243/2-234/3 a., father of NiKias,13849; (nr.) a of father 83-73 ca. a., grandson perhaps = 2eAE[vKos 'EparTooaevrs, ('AriviEvS), TlpoS 2807 paullo ante 178/7 a., 19323(P.A., 12678) (nElpaieLS), ca. 134/5 p., father of EiKp&ris and Sip6Aos ('A!caCavmrEUS),178/7 a., 19460 = 26XEVKOS (KIKUVVEIS), ca. 178/7 a., 1954 2iiOUAo ('ApacaVTrus), 37137, 38 IAXEVKos, 8955 Yifcov ca. o (KiKvvvE'U), 37138 287/6 a., father of 'EpciyEvrls, p., (KoXXATEvmS), /XEvnKoS 167/8 E'TrlTaTrIS MEVEKA [E]AEVKOs wTpoESpcov 190/89 2ficov ('Paplvouoios), ca. 83 a., father of [....]orpcaros, ouS KoAvrErs>, 27335 a., 1714-5 I,cov ltcbvSouov ('YP6Srls), 370/69 ( ?) a., 1380-81 (P.A., 12707) X2~EvKOS (lTTaavlErs), ca. 53 a., father of MiXcov,29331 O[----] ((TIyaIEs), councillor ? ca. 370 a., 49245 "AT[-rAos] [rapyir(ios)], lVT-rIS : r(&ios) 2EVT1OS hoplite 2i,pcov ('YPaSrs), ca. 403/2 a., father of licov, 1381(P.A., YlmcobvSrls general 181/2 p., 4058-9 = cf. 12712) 'ArTaros (rapyTrrTios), 182/3 p., 4069; H., Suppl. UiV(Tnos) s -----] 281/0 a., 7279 = (eqpaKEVi), Itpcovi[Sr XIII, 1970, p. 12, note on lines 7-8 ca. 289/8 a., father of I[i]pcovi5rs, 2iwcovi(-rls)(EOrlJpKEOS), ] ('Palvoitaos), ca. 50 a., 27345 2XKT[OS 8674 ?], [2S] -roS(nieEvs),ca. 147p., father of[Zcotlos] and [M&yvos 256/5 a., 8674 (ErpJiaKCES), 2[ti]covirSS iWicovif(8ou) 4016, 7 = 225112 and a., of father Ilpwcovi6TS 164 ca. Zcotos 155/4 (Muppivovios), M&yv[os], p., EScrros(ltriEs), ca. 172 p., father of rTToEuvos, 44820; XrraS (TlrrroeovTriSos), 42723, 24; cf. XEKO'rOS M[a]yvou [Fr.] cf. 29333 EIt-rS 2XTro (FraaviEvi),ca. 53 a., father of EXTroS, ('AZrlvius) (lXatiSri), ca. 115/6 p., father of [Ai6]Scopos, 2XTroSo (FaiaviEUs), ca. 20 a., 29333 xKa&iavSpos = 337io archon 3681 p., 165/6 ?a[ATipE'iS], [S]ETOS TTEpTivaj ZKaoclav5poS (OtIlair'Sr), ca. 105/6 p., father of [A]t6Scopos, AoxKIoS2ETrrr-uIoS 2EETTTriIos: 2EoufipoS EcvIaEpis 33142 rapitKo MEylorros, XEpaor6s 'ApapiKos 'AStapTrlvlK6os TapiaK[6s], 7TEpirT6 Pftpa 168/9 p., 37234; KKpEl(pcbvWos) 209/10 p., 46019-20 37346 = X. T. 'AXaliEs, ccoppo: [TTrTrAioS 209/10 Erri7E,uos I[KpEI(pcbvios)]TaCuiaK6s, ETrripios FETas],aUrroKp&Trcp vlori1S 145/6p. (.G., II2, 205410)= 7Kpt(pcbvlos)T[a]>[ta]K6b p., 4607 q.v. ('AAlEC'S), post ca. 217 p., sE'rrilou OSeAAo (cTavsiovisoS), vuo-r&pxrs ca. 197p., 42715 47741 (KEKporiSos), XKpE[IPCoIOS] ca. 175 p., 3933 ----] ('AvaAiAorioS),ca. 197 p., 4287 ?]: [K?]X(ac8ios) sEparr[icov], YKpEiPCb[vioS DEpatrr[ov 174/5 p., 38734; perhaps : K(acUSioos)Eparri[cov] T[a]p[la]K6s ('AXaIEus), 2Eparfi[cov] <Kpl(pcbvios) ('ASpiavi8os), ca. 231/2 father of 49131 q.v. and = SKpE(Pcb(KEKpOTTi8os), 2KpE[iPCbviOS] p., AloS6rov ('ArraXiSos),init. s. III p., 4594 = vtos) Tapm<zK[6s], q.v. [XEp]arr{cov 2KUIPVOS Alo86-ro ('AWrraiSos), post ca. 216 p., 47031 (qrriTtos), ca. med. s. II p., father of Zcbipcos, XEpat-ricov 192/3 ca. 44016; perhaps = p., ('AvapX6ironos), XEpacrriov:KA(av'los) Epa-rricov fin. s. IIp., 44017 = KUIpVOS rTpdrrcovos (>^rrTlos), 42327 TCOV KUJiPVOS wrp-ravEcov 2pyiT7 os], TilcrTrarqS 2[Trp&rcovos5 XEparricovEEoqfAou (rapyiTrrTos), 182/3 p., 40618, was 166-185 ca. was s. cf. II 4417-8, H., Traiaviarris p. (I.G., 185/6 p. (.G., II2, 2111/217; p., fin. iTrocrcoqpovicrrns II2, 248125; cf. T.A.P.A., LXXI, 1940, p. 305) IV, 1935, p. 49, note on line 18) ca. 155/6 p., father of [pa&p]acyca. 40-30 a., 28624 AIovvoo5cpoV (KrljioiEOS), 2Epaccrr ov [Ivx&ip]ayb5o(EK<acipcovinr), ca. 40-30 a., 2859 : [ ..... ]s poTvos o6s, 41928 (TrapclpoT-rC&Ss), *"Epovios
: (ZKapi3oviSrls), 188/9 p., 41928, was ephebe [Z[&Cp]aoyos med. s. II p. (L.G., 112, 206942; cf. 'Apx. 'Ep., 1950-51, p. 38, No. 1843) [uEi[K]p[---- ] (OpEdpptos), ca. 370 a., 13aio; the name XIiKpiasis known in Phrearrhioi ('Apx. 'ET.,1918, p. 7518) SlmKpias O(lioKflSoUS (rapyirr'os), 341/0 a., 3814(P.A., 12743) luiKpiaS Eulljqou (AapI rpECS), 256/5 a., 8632 ca. 367/6 a., father of Tloi6eos, 4442 XII1Kpias(lTlaAXXqvEs), (P.A., 12745) lIiKpiaS (OaClpeFs), ca. 336/5 a., father of tOiXuvos,62288 176-169 a., 20543 ('EXEuaivios), piTKp[os] 254/3 a., 8965 ('EpXtEss), :XiKpos 'Aptoricovos s. [Z-]tiKpos(K1KEpacEcov), IV-III a., 5650 370/69(?) a., 1366(P.A., 12761) *ZpiKpcov(SouvviEV), ZlKveioov('Pavivouoios), ca. 314/3 a., father of [Aloy]{ercov, 72201 os see also ZPiKVi ZSIlKOos: 8542 2iiKveos ('A?AalES), ca. 289/8 a., father of rTeSiorKXfs, (P.A., 12785) 2piKueos ('Avuyvp&ooos), ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13751
XhiKvuOo [---] (EOrrupiSrls),post 255 a., 8860 [Zp]iKvh0o'EwTrTrE7ou5 (0opiKtoS), ca. 340 a., 398; probably
[Zrr]vScov ca. 165p., father of [Ir]rvScov,4435 (nT-roepat8os), o (TT-ro6peatiSos), ca. 198 p., 4435; the demotic is [Zirr]v6cov cf. 2. 'ApXiK?Aous (B.) probably BSpevlKiSrls; Zrrv8&ov 'Al[vtv](l6Os), init. s. III p., 45818, was 'Eppieou ephebe ca. 160p. (LG., 112, 208132; cf. 'ApX.'Ey., 1950-51, p. 21, No. 432) ca. 198 p., 4434 = (TTrooi.atbos), [-rrqvcov 'ApXiKAXovs ca. 175 p., 39213 (Bep?VtKi8rls), [XITrvS]cov 'ApXiK7X[ous] <K>rTrV8Cov (OpE6plOS), ca. 132-137 p., father of 'Epil.aTos, 37018= 2. (AeovriSos),q.v.; cf.
Zrreuias ('Ayvovoaos),336/5 a., 42314; cf. I.G., II2, 12641/2, the only other Attic occurrence of this name. Irr[uv]ai[K]Xfis (ouvieOs), 370/09(?) a., 1361-62 ArnT1rr[p]iov (P.A., 12843) ca. 373/2 a., father of A-imITrpios, KoXcovoO), (?K *1TreualKpa&rlS 3627 (P.A., 12844) archon 153/2 a., 2281 ETrrECi[Trros], rrliveapos ('Ecriale1s), 336/5 a., 42103
r{ivAcov AapJESovroS (Kuvav-ri'rs), 335/4 a., 4346-47
1. E., owner of property post med. s. IV a. (H., XIX, 1950, p. 222, No. 913 and p. 265, No. 2050); a son may 'E. E., trierarch 323/2 a. (I.G., II2, 1631609,614 = P.A., 4959, A.P.F.)
ZpiKueos (KEipiaCSrs), ca. 403 a., father
[Erropos](KuSaOlvaievs), ca. 127 p., father of Zrr6po[s], 3621o; he or his son = wTr6pos (Kusa0qiva1i6s), ca. med. s. II p., father of 276rpo5,
lTrr6po[s 3] (Kuva6crval1es),
of [...
.8]copos, = Z.
K. who was ephebe ca. 324/3 a. ('Apx. 'Eq., EEvoKAeouv 1918, p. 7538; for the date cf. O. W. Reinmuth, op. cit., pp. 69-72) ----]s [i]mK0oo nlTo[ 303/2 a., 62129 (KIKvvvSEi), 3644 []pKimeos(KoXXure?s), ca. 376/5 a., father of lToXi5jEvos, (P.A., 12792) lZiKUeos (Me;rTEUS),ante med. s. IV a., father of Aopos, 3264 (P.A., 12795) 4{pmweos (TaX7c rlives), ca. 314/3 a., father of E[----], 72228
O(KvuaOrivaiEl\s), 7Tropos fin. s. II p., 43726; a son perhaps = X. K., ephebe 192/3 p. (I.G., II2, 2130116) O. .yErvns Ir6pos 'X[6c]po[u](MeXrt?es),177/8 p., 39829; the same name should probably be restored in .G., II2, 24848 (restored by Kirchner as [Et]rropos'I. M.) ca. 360-340 a., 2028= rrovub6ias )lhAiA-i8o[u] ('AlrivIEvs), 62266 Trrou8sia ('AlnvEl'u), ca. 336/5 a., father of Trrovuias, ZTrovuiacx ZIrouStov ('AlrlviE;), 303/2 a., 62266 *ITrrovucovi86jSr OA[co]viS(ov) ('Ayvoiaios), ], ca. 128/7 a., father of [ TE[ -T[ 304/3 a., 61119 --]v, 2626
]pito[---] ('AKaoavri6os), eponymos fin. s. II p., 4355-6 T[]-----] (raXArve,s), ca. 150 a., 23628 ca. 368/7 a., father of cbCTorparos, *ITraacoiKOS pviKvOoS (EITEaTos), (nepltoirls), 169/8 a., 21276 43154 ca. 180 p., 40122 T-rcrr[A[ios ---] (KEKpo1TiSos), 26pac[pos](Aiyedtos), med. s. II p., father of 'AcKAlX-nrta8S, 'T&mro[S], eponymos s. III p., 4884
3572 rT&-r[os]: [AM]XosZSrTaT[os] (AecovrTi6o or 'ArTram os), aet.
Rom., 3173 KX(au6ios) 6Op3apos '63papos: (Mapa0cbvioS), 194/5(?)p., 4249 [I]6?cov 'Api[---] (KeKpormSOS ?), 213/4-219/20 p., 46311 ZTra(TrtO) A&pos(AeovrTSos), 178/9-179/80 p., 39922 = Z. A. 6Xcov('AcowtEKEUs), ca. 367/6 a., father of 'AvtlnCv, 4455 flai[ov(i6Sis)],ao0povio-ris ca. 209/10 p. (LG., II2, 220311) (P.A., 12809) YTr((TIno) MapKiav6o(AEoVTrios),178/9-179/80 p., 39923; :6Acov ('Avayvp&caos),ca. 289/8 a., father of ZcoC1iorpc-ros, the demotic is rlaiov(Srls and a son probably = X. M. n., 8658 ephebic thesmothete ca. 209/10p. (I.G., II2, 220349) 6AXcov 8533 a., (P.A., 'A0rlv[o]8cbpou ('EpXtm6S), 256/5 'Ovrlrop(iSrs)(KoXvrr\suT ), 182/3 p., 40626 12813) ZrC(T1ros) (Oicov (TTravieus), 169/70 p., 37814, was ephebe :ovvivSrsl(TpitopOmos), ETrd(Tios) paullo ante ca. 60 a., 26716 ca. 180 a., 1907 ] ('AXapvwOs), Soqo[ 143/4 or 144/5 p. (LG., 1I2, 20507) ----] ('A8ptaviSos),ca. med. s. IIp., 33920 [2-rTc(los)]Xpvau6[yovos] (OXA.ueus), 2o9poK[Mi5 168/9 p., 37212 ca. 198 p., 44329 ], 1084 oiKETrrS Io9oKAfis (Tpivtl1EEs), ca. 283-263 a., father of[ TirS o6Aou -rtEpcvaS, Zrrw[vScov EOrTpafi8ou], EpcaAXrnS 188/9 p., 4154; 2Xr4v[8cov], [T?]r9]avo (AiavTiSos), ca. 167/8-171/2 p., father of [Map41949 = 45012= KEA]AeT[v]o[5],
ZTrkvcov EuTrpaJf[8ov], lepaxAriS190/1 p., 42026 <>T-r[9av]os 'Ap<K>&8OS (AlavrTios), :?riort'rOr 200/1-201/2
ca. 256/5 a., father of KaXMo-rpocros, (KepaipEus), Trq>(avos) 12897; either he or his grandson =
cf. . o, ., aoco9poviloris ZTrpavos KaX7icr[..] (KepaEnOS), demotic is probably Ope&ppios; 223/2 a., 12898 207/8 p. (IG., II2, 219953), perhaps a son. Ir-E avoS (Krlq9pt?'es),336/5 a., 4235
AIovvoiou(KopvSasXEAu), 180/1 p., 40262; his son, [rTparr6vlKos] T-rpoavoS ('AuvaavT,s5),Ca. 218/7 a., father of IrTprr6vtA. S. K., was ephebe 173/4 p. (I.G., II2, 2103168), and 17915 KOS, another son may = X. O K., 173/4 p. (I.G., II2, 210370) Torpa-r6vKos [T-rparoviKou 'AIa~avTrCvs], secretary 185/4 a., ante med. s. IV a., father of lcbpi7os, 17915(P.A., 12951); a descendant = P.A., 12952 2T-r9avos (KSaQtrvaiEuS), 3252 (P.A., 12890) (TIoTa'rlos [AElpa8rcoTi's]),370/69 (?) a., 1373 XTpaor6vlKos ca. 167 p., father of MapKEXAEIvoS, (P.A., 12954) T-r9cav[os] (MapaOecvlos), ca. 336/5 a., father of 'ApEicas, 62286 4465; perhaps = ITpaTrovKoS (OaXNlpEvs), ca. 200 p., [T]p&roS MEXavcoTrou E-riqavoS 'ApKaSos (Mapaecbvios), to-rTarrrl (TT6pios),ca. 340 a., 3917 44610 = [rT?p]avos(Aiavri8os), q.v. ] (K6oTrpios),281/0 a., 72157 TrpaTropov[--[...] 7rETaavo[s] (llaAXrveUS), post ca. 216 p., 47229; the o[v -----] 2TpaTroT (nFlpatius ?), 281/0 a., 72141 nomen may have been (DX6apos; cf.: post ca. 288 a., father of [----]ov, SrpaTropqv (Iouvios), Z-rTpavos:OXA(a3pos) 884 (P.A., 12960) ZT'caVOS ?), ca. 192/3 p., (F17TarlveiS
42324 = ('ATrrT Sos), post ca. 184 p., father of [-----], rT[p]&aCrov 47811 XTr9av[oS]: QA(1apios)ITrEav[os] (aXXArlvEiUs),fin. s. II p.,4386 XTIrqavos Arl 'Xou (TpopaXiaios), post med. s. IV a., 3259 [STp]&rcov (T1TroXpalSos), 180/79 a., 18774 v 'AVTIpaXov Aico[ve's], iroT-rl&rS wrpoi8pcov (P.A., 12892) = y. n., SialTrrn-r 325/4 a. (.G., II2, 192649) [rTp ?]&roTC ZTrq)avos (rT)paxi6rls),ca. 105/6 p., father of 'ArroXAcovlos, 161/0 a., 2224 (P.A., 12976) 33331-32 T-rp&rcov ('CAxAa s ?), ca. 180-160 a., 2096 s. IV-III a., 5638(P.A., 12893) ZTp&aTov KAicovos(XoAXsinls), rET?pavoS (rapyirTTIro), ca. 376/5 a., father of MevEo-rpacros, 3640 sET?9r96po<S> (AicoveVsS), ca. 141/2 p., father of ZT-rSrP6po<s>, "Ayvos, and 'OvipiLos, 387[37], 38, 39-40 = 2. "A. Trp&rcov 'E-rrlyOvov (rapyiTlrios), 182/3 p., 406ii; was Al., ephebe init. s. II p. (I.G., II2, 201820) and perhaps ephebe 163/4p. (I.G., II2, 208652); cf. I.G., II2, 5933 also of TrETrj96o[poS and ---] (H., XXIII, 1954, p. 281, No. T-rp&rov('HpE1oirs), ca. 134/5 p., father of Trpa'rcov
o ('HpEoiSrs), 167/8 p., 37141 rTpa&rcov 176-169 a., 20530 XTi[co]ay6pas (XoAAEiSri), 222/1 a., 12978 ITrpTCov (?K KoiXATs), (ToTrapios UrrEv),ca. 403/2 a., father of KXEOVIKOS, ZTrpd(Tcv :TpaTrov (Ku5a0rTvaituS), ca. 390-375 a., 105o TriorapXoS ca. 223/2 a., father of [.. ?..]ias, 1695 = *2ITrlTlXOpoS, ca. 223/2 a., father of[----ia]s, 1702 TrrljOiXop[o], or 'AKajaVTiSOS),med. s. IV a., Tripcov KAl-rov(AECovTi'So 2319-20(P.A., 12908)=
T-ripcov(AeCoVTi'OS or 'AKaIavrTiBos), ante med. s. IV a.,
1nawriav6s, 37141,42
1324(P.A., 12898)
T-rp&rcov KAe[o9qSvTros] (AaKalsrls),303/2 a., 62190, was son of K. E. A. (P.A., 8644) and may be added to stemma, P.A., 12988 IT[p]&rcov (AEVKovoiUS), 222/1 a., 12986
ETpraTov(Mapatcbvlos), 223/2 a., 12753; cf. eooScopos S. M.,
father of EOoyEv[s],2318 2Trp[---] (AecoVTriSo), 185/4 a., 17952 Tp[--------] (uTrArrTTlios), s. II p., 3487
174/5 p., 38749-51;his father= 'O. S. M., ephebe ca. 110 p. (LG., II2, 2019i5)
-Tp-rcov Kacil-rTp&roV (1Taiav;ios Kaev0rrEpev), 335/4 a., 4376-77; probably = S. K. TT. (I.G., 112, 7087) Trpcrrcov (TTaiavievis), post ca. 184 p., father of BiKrcop,
XTpCTlos (Kusaeirvalus), 1050
TTvu0icvoS Trporitos (MapaocbvioS), 304/3 a., 5934= nvuOicovos] (Mapa0covios), 304/3 a., 61274; his TT. brother, lnuOeTrwo M., was i?Torri'crs wrpoi8pcov306/5 a. (I.G., II2, 47110, 4727)
47727; cf. I. E0vo6oun., didaskalos 163/4-168/9 p. (I.G., II2, 208631, 209938) and X. (T.), father of So9larriK6o who was ephebe med. s. II p. (.G., II2, 206925; cf. 'ApX. 'E., 1950-51, p. 38, No. 1826)
ITpaTC-V (o6pios), 336/5 a., 42284
Trp&nTIO (CPaJ,VOU'IO), 166/5 a., 21627 (Dito-Ti'o (Zq9TrrTio),303/2 a., 6280, was ETrloraTrrS ITrpCaTIo irpoESpcov 303/2 a. (I.G., II2, 4987-8); a descendant =
Trpa-rcov (29rTT1ro), ca. med. s. II p., father of SKpvos, 44017 = 2[Tp-rcov] (SyrTTros), ca. med. s. II p., father of 2K*IVOS,
T-r[p]T-rov (TplKopvialos),
X. Tq-rTr(ios) who was contributor 247/6 a. (I.G., II2, 791d 117 = P.A., 12920) and may = -. (E.), ca. 240 a., father of 'ApioTroKAis (H., XXXIV, 1965, p. 91, No. 319) 'PagivoCaios,secretary of the boule and the 'rTp&rlnTwoS demos 140/39 a., 24048, [118-119] TrpaTo[ ----] ('EEvsuivios ?), 281/0 a., 72132
-rparTOKAErTMeTacXit?sos (TrEIplIEU), ca. 390-375 a., 1037 .], 634 [ITrpacroKfi, ca. 333 a., father of [---.. 892; Trpa-roKXfs (eopaieUS), ca. 287/6 a., father of 6EO'Tios,
Alovv,Oos,26718 22547 rTporcov (LVEVus),ca. 188/7 a., father of 'Hp&KAsiTos, Trpa[Trcov] (XoxapynvS), ca. 336/5 a., father of [...]wfiis, 62119 ca. 403 a., father of [-----], []rpaT-covilSrs(AEcovriSos), 49288 vi6r5s[---] (OilvEios), ca. 230 a., 11713 [T-rp]carr
5s Xcociyvou TrpaTcroviSr
cf. 2. (G.), father of Auv[ioapacroS] ('Apx. 'E9., 1961, Xpov. p. 12, No. 21) ca. 280 a., 746 (P.A., 12940) TrpaTroKAtis Avau[i]o[u] (Ki'TTOS), -TparooKfij ('Papvouo-io), ca. 336/5 a., father of ArTioqpSv, 62277;cf. I.G., II2, 7365
13012); the name is known only in this deme; cf. P.A., 13011
('Papvoicios), ca. 314 3 a., father of [KXo8]coTrpopPllXiS[rls] piSrls,72199 archon 188/7 a., 1741,[17612],[1771](P.A., 13032) [ZOwcXa]xos, [Zuop]aXos 'Aporropo3oiou (Aiav'riSoS), 200/1-201/2 or 203/4204/5 p., 45015 = -. 'A. (MapaOcbvios), q.v. ca. 63/2 a., father of [ []'wlacaXos (KEKpoTriSo0), ], 2887 [7Mi]pa(XOs[.] (TTroAXEiat8oS), 188/9 p., 41615 ca. 40-30 a., 28632 i[j]piJiaXos 'lai'cpou (AajiTrrpens), ca. 200p., 4467, was lu.jpa(XoS 'ApiTropoJAo[ov](Mapacbwvios), ephebe and gymnasiarch 185/6 p. (IG., II2, 2111/224) = 'A. (AiavriSos), q.v. [2vU(i~]aX.os Zuj,paxos Evp,axov(RvIlpaolEO), 303/2 a., 62254 ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13760 Zippaxos (nepyaccEvs), [E]uJipacro()Aue'us), ca. 155/6 p., father of [----], 41624; tit. vot. med. s. II p. (.G., perhaps = :. O )., paOrITris II2, 38016) ('Arrcai8os), post ca. 183 p., father of 'ETi[Suvl]pEpco[v] 47052-53 = S. 'E-rrtrcTrov rrlr[Tos], ('AO ovwes),q.v., and 'E. ('ATraXciSos), possibly grandfather of [Iuvpp]Epcov q.v. [vJi 9] pcov 'ETtrKT'rroU ('ArTraAios), post ca. 217 p., 4783 ca. 105/6-117/8 p., father of Zvuppocov, u9pcEpov ('ArlviEUS), 33613 ESuv pcov o ('Alrlvmexs), 138/9-150/1 p., 33613, was ephebe 125/6 p. (.G., II2, 203711) 'EnrlrirTov('A!tpovEss), l.upqeEpcov 180/1 p., 40248 = [Xuz]9#pcov('A-rroAiSos), q.v. ca. 144/5 p., father of ['E]pIo[ty[ilv]9[i[p]co[v]? (MEXITrTe), vrjs],3989 vuuppcov 'AX[----] ('Oacev), 184/5 p., 40720-21 ca. 147p., father of [1Zu]9opos, 40110 [ZU]i9opos(KeKpoTri8os), ca. 180 p., 40110 [Eu]jp?opos (KeKpoTriSos), SE[ypopos] ('AKvateis),ca. 135/6p., father of 'Ayvos, 37232= ca. 135/6 p., father of "Ayvos,37344 uclopopos, []rv8popo[s] (ZTEiplIES),ca. 113/2 a., father of [Otv6]qxlos,
2643, [13] (P.A., 13038); cf. 01. i. X.
Zc,oKAEidrls 336/5 a., 42205 (FloTrd&mos), ERXEiSov s. IV-III a., 5633 (P.A., EcoK[AX]E{8Ts (XoKXeiSTs),
'Io&6oTou Z(<c>KXriS ('AvrtoXiSos), fin. s. I a., 30125 ZocKriX'A[p]io-roqiXov a., 8531(P.A., 13067) 256/5 ('EpXtEiss), ca. 289/8 a., father of XappoKp6rrls, EcoKAXi(s) (ECovuvjieS), 8644; a descendant = ZCoKAr;S fin. s. III a., 14142 (EUcovuvpteS), ZcoKXfis (KoveuAiSls),97/6 a., 25962 ca. 280 a., 7410 (P.A., T)oKyAfiS (AeVKovoieus), coyKp&rovS 13074) XcoKXfiS 223/2 a., 12751 (Mapaecbvtos), lcoKTXfi (MeiT-reUS), 281/0 a., 7237 Kcoo[id]pXov EooKdXfi ATiplTrpiov 303/2 a., 62292 ((OaX7IPEus), herald med. s. II p., 34210-11 EooKp&r[rlS], coKpaTrns Zoo[... o]v (AEovTiBos), 178/9-179/80 p., 39931
6 Kati COKpaTTnS IooKp'rrTS: TTpocf6oKipoS (TTooXelatioS), ca.
(P.A., 13095) Appcovos('Aaaieus), 343/2 (?) a., 3614 (P.A., [E]coKpdrrlTS 13098)= X. "A.'A. (LG., II2, 4592, 5508, and 5518a); a later member of the family may be 'A. 'E?rriyvov'A., taxiarch 281/0 a. (H., IV, 1935, p. 562, No. 4024) ] ('CAaieOs), XcoKparrTs E[ 304/3 a., 61197 councillor? ca. 370 a., 49217 YcoKpacrTrs ('Avayupa&cios), (P.A., 13103), probably grandson o"P.A.. 13102, cf. A.P.F.
2coKpa[T]rj : [Aup]i(Alos)
ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of [Ol]v69[i]xos, ZSOvpoios (TeapIEUis), 29013-14(P.A., 13039); cf. Oi. X. 2. Eiuv[Spopos] (TptKopicnos),ca. 73-63 a., father of [Ka]X2875-6; cf. K.T. Xl[KpaCTi8rl], [u]vipcos : ['lorrXio]s 2:[]vepcos BEp{p}(EveiKiSTIs), 188/9 p., 41613 *7uvvjov('EEuvcrivtos), ca. 155 a., 22660 ('ArraXdios),post ca. 184 p., father of ['ETrK]T-ros, luvvppcov 4784; the demotic is 'AOpovvns, and the man probably = vu,(poov 'E. ('A.), 40248 ca. 145/6-146/7 p., father of :co[...o]v (gen.) (Aeov-ri8oS),
-coKpa&Trn Kq9iaoKAE[ous] (EiTE-aio), 335/4 a., 43223-224 281/0 a., 7225 (P.A., 13111) IcoKp&rrls[----] (KecaAXfiev), ca. 79/8 a., father of coKp[&rls], [2coKp&rrs] (Kiqtoi's),
2815; ocoKpTrrs (Kr9ltEiss), father of [EcoKp&r]Trs, 28115; [oo}Kpdrris] (Krlcplaius),father of [1]coKp&r[rls], 28130; cf. P.A., 13112-3 ZcoKp[&raTs XCOKp&rou Kqpiali6as],treasurer of the phyle 46/5 a., 2815; [coKprKr]rjS CoKp&arou K11pCT1es, 28114-15;
28130-31 (P.A., 13114) [Z]coKp&rr[rns Kl]q(prai[E6s], YooKp&crri (KuSa0rivaties), 155/4 a., 22599
39931 cooKp'rrns, P.A., 13115 :oo(---) ('AypuAves),ca. 73-63 a., father of ['AMcEa]vSpos, IcoKparrns (AEvKOVOIteS), ca. 313 a., father of EooKArjs, 74o0 28511 (P.A., 13117) :co[---] KuvavTiTrs, 168/9 p., secretary of the pouveural, [colKpdrr's] (MeXiTers), ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of EcoKp&ris, 3726-8 29090 ?]o[ -------] (Zuvpilr5s), fin. s. I a., 29923 oCKpCorrmS [z] (MeXMT-Us),ca. 29/8-22/1 a., 29090 ca. 403 a., father of [EOu]rfei6s, ICo[----] ((cuDAacio), a'rrr 'AroAXoScbpou i{ Otou, prytanis and secretary of 49298 ZcoKp ca. 164/3 a., father of Axancov, 2465 wcoyovris, prytaneis 173/2 a., 20656; COKparrTs ?{ Oiov, 20637-38, 80 Zcoyvnsr('ALTrlvIE'), S 'AptcrriovoS 178/7 a., 19494; cf. . ('A.), ca. 211 a., E:oKP&rr)p [? Oiov], orator 118/7 a., 2536 (P.A., father of [E]coKp&rrs (H., XXVI, 1957, p. 210, No. 583) 13119; N.P.A., p. 154), was father of ['Api-ricov] ca. [Ecoyevrs -'Ep]xt6s, treasurer of the prytaneis ca. 130/29 a. (H., XXXVI, 1967, p. 247, No. 55233) 180 a., 1894-5; Xcoyvqr s ('EpX1es), 18913; a descendant is ZcoKpaTrrslTaovi6(rls), secretary and councillor 328/7 a., probably P.A., 13048 4934; perhaps = councillor ? 343/2 a., 49315 [Ioy]Evqs Kv[S]a[cOrvaieis], KcoKp6crrls nup[---] (T7aioviSris), 304/3 a., 61292 [rcoyEvrls(-Tcarl vFss), 169/8 a., 21269 coKparrIs(HTalpcoTo-ras), 193/2 a., 16879; cf. KaXApcoJ v S. ], ca. 336/5 a., father of [----]paTos, 6275 CooK[---n. (P.A., 8236; N.P.A., p. 108)
]r,s, ('AalE'S ?), ca. 314/3 a., father of [--Xcocip[3os] 7287 O)la0vaiou ('EpIKalEvs), 182/3 p., 40650 Ecooip'3iooS 155/4 a., 225100 Ecoaipios(KvBaTrlvalEs), 194/5 (?) p., 2[co]aipios : Ai(Alos)Z[co]ipios (MapaOcovlos), 42410 s. IIp., 3479 [Zcoc]ipios'iclyrvov (Mapa0cbvios), 169/8 a., 21271 [Z]ocaipos (FTaXMrlveuS), ScolKAovU (ovvieus),post 255 a., 887 (P.A., 13194) [Zco]oip1ioS
[cocilyvrls], archon 172/1 a., 2081 (P.A., 13198) 1oo0y?vrls : OXa(p3os)ZcooiyEvrns, secretary of the boule and the demos ca. 187/8 p., 4144 = c(X. E. [naXrlvEus]
s, (nEipaiEvs), ca. 336/5 a., father of XcoKp6rr coiKp6rrns 62252; perhaps = Z. T., lalTrrrilrs 325/4 a. (I.G., II2,
s and (gfriTrlos), ca. 134/5 p., father of IcoKprrm coKp&rrTl AEioS,37115, 17 ZcoKparrls o (EZyTrroIo),167/8 p., 37115 305/4 a., 5861 ?Eo[----] (KE9aXEV\S), XcoKpaTrirlS 225 a., 12511 post EcoKpaT-rirlS (KoOcoKiSris), 21440 168 ca. a., (AiaSiSrls), EcoKparTivos ZcovSpos ('Axapvus), 360/59 a., 1743(P.A., 13143) archon 175/4 a., 1991, 2001 (P.A., 13144) EcOvllos,
[E]cov[t]Kos(Eouvleu'), 222/1 a., 12962 [Z]cTra-rpos (AalrrrpiEUs),fin. s. III a., 14115; probably =
II2, 238812)
2coiyE[vr1s A]uvKvo (KuSa0rlvalEvS),ca. 390-375 a., 1054 Xcocrtyvrs (Muppivovoaos), ca. 363 a., father of EcoolyEvris, 4728 XcocrlyviS 2cootybvov (Mvpplvovclos), ca. 330 a., 4728 (P.A.,
secretary of the prytaneis ca. [:cb-r]a-rpos(AawrrTpEv'), 1374 13727; a., AapjrTrpEs], [corrwaTrpos 211/0-202/1 of the boule treasurer 169/8 a., Muppivoimrris, Ay cITcrTpos 21255; [2XcwaTrpos Ey Mup]pivoT-rTrrs],212138-140
[2:cbraTpos] K&aXcovos )aNripius, orator 190/89 a., 1715-6 = orator 190/89 a., 1725-6 = [cbTraTrpos]Ka&Xcovosca7i[rlpeivS], I. K. (. (I.G., II2, 7623 = P.A., 13152) [Ecbj]roXisKrpiaoScbpou (KuSa0rnvaieus), ca. 360 a., 156 (P.A., 13155, stemma), uncle of . IlKUieouK. (I.G., II2, 1631352K., pirco353,358,360, etc. = P.A., 13156) and K. gIKUtOou T'is 343/2 a. (.G., II2, 159014-15= N.P.A., p. 110) and = P.A., Esira vEcbpla Traicas 325/4 a. (I.G., II2, 1631357-358 8373) init. s. II a., 16214 ], irroypaalramvus ocr[----] (KIKuvvEIS), fin. s. II p., 4364 Zocr[ Zcoc[---] (AoucaEiv), paullo post 233 a., father of [...]crrparTs, 15515
13213); the same man may have been Slatnrrlri 330/29 a. (I.G., II2, 192418; cf. B.S.A., L, 1955, p. 31); and a descendant may = X. M., phylarch 286-261 a. (AEX-iov, XVIII, 1963, p. 110, No. 229) 474 YcociysvriS (Taiaavtes), ca. 363 a., father of -rpaTrcoviSris, Xcoomyivrs (TTaiaviEv'),ca. 20 a., 29344; Ycoatlyvrs : K6ivTroS his wife perhaps = LG., II2, 7022 (H., IV, 1935, p. 68, No. 33) ca. 105/6 p., father of Mrlv6oqpos, 2coCityvris (rTaXXrlveUs),
33348 eponymos cor[ity?vrns]: OX(6cptos) 2co[iyyvrjs] [TTaXQrlnvus], 195/6 p., 4256 = (MXa(pios) E. 2coatiyvris (itXAc58rS),ca. 149/50 p., father of 'ArroxAcbvIos,
40634 and Euvopia (Ath. Mitt., LXVII, 1942, p. 103, No. 188)
ca. 289/8 a., father of OiA6orpaIcooevO(vrl) ('Avayupa&aos), 'TO,8662 :coaoivrls (rlaiaviEus),336/5 a., 42138 [cocrEvijs : O[. . ]cocEIiS (flalavlEus), 166/7 p., 36918 Zcoci(---) ('AyvoCilos ?), init. s. III a., father of[----]vlKos, 1054
lcoai[----]: ATX(ios) Zcoca[---] fin. s. II p.,
member of this family probably = P.A., 13220 [X]COCIK[---] (KEKpowirios ?), ante fin. s. II p., 42914 * cocrlKiSr s ()tXcoviSou 335/4 a., 4314-15; the (nTpyaCeEVs), deme is Lower Pergase ca. 150 a., 23613 ('AcoWrrEK0ev), [icoIoKAKXS ca. 403/2 a., father of OeiEo-npaTo[s], lcotKrXis ('EKaCOEs), 1389(P.A., 13236) 2coaKafis (XouvieUs), post ca. 288 a., father of [Sco][ipios, 887; perhaps = ScouT.Afis coCo[o-r]pa[T]ou I., ephebe and oXaoy6s ca. 324/3 a. ('Apx. 'E9., 1918, p. 755, 25 = Reinmuth, op. cit., pp. 58-59)
ECOaIKpOT-rn (KeKpoTrrios),ca. 54/3 a., father of XCAcoKpTrrls,
(KoXX\wrrus),ca. 374/3 a., father of 'AXttis, 3840 21/0 a., 29227 : coo)IlKpatrrS (KeKpOTTiros),
(P.A., 13173) ca. 337/6 a., father of Zocfias, 61290 Zcoaia<8>ris ('YpaSr1s), of Aiantis 281/0 a., 72211 Xcocias, TrirpTrrls Xcocaias ('Axapvss), ca. 188/7 a., father of 'Ayaofas, 225[5], 46 62253 Ecocaias(rTlEpaluS), ca. 336/5 a., father of cobi7Xos,
Ecooivoiios (relpalesi ), ca. 155 a., 22634 xcoaiTra-rpos ('ArracAi8o), s. III p., father
of [....]irls
]as, 4869, 10 EcocriTrrrpos rTapSaAa ('AvTloXi6os),paullo ante 220/1 p., Xooarias (Zu-raX7iT'ros), ca. 215 a., 13226 46642 Ecocsias Zcoaa<(5>ou ('YpaSris),304/3 a., 61290 EcbcntTrwo A[----] ((OpEapplos),ca. 370 a., 13a7 ('AypuAXes), 336/5 a., 4218; an ancestor may = [Z]cocrias 2. 'A. (.G., II2, 5294 = P.A., 13275) iacTo1Xos of Antiochis s. I p., 30930 XcooiploS, ca. 205 p., 44721 EcbonITTOs ('AvTloXi5os), (AaprrCIrpeis),ca. 289/8 a., father of 'EmtXaprls, Ecocipios: AiA(ios) Xcocip3tos of 8629 172 father ca. 'AwroXAovios, p., Ecooipios('ITrrroOcovTisos), 44828 XScbwonrros [t]X6uEs, secretary of the boule and the demos cf. No. 147, ('As afIeus ?), ca. 336/5 a., father of 'Errcb[vuuos], 203/2a., 14745-46; Icb[aCTrrr]oS [co ?]fRip1os [A]vEis, 14762-64; 62209;perhaps = commentary
and [.....
Atovvoiov (AEOvrf8os), 178/9-179/80 p., 39929; the Ioxao-rporros('A8iovwes), ca. 54/3 a., father of 'Ap{o-rov, coTr&a deme is very probably Oion, and the son of this prytanis 29240-41 = A. S. ? [OTov], ephebe 192/3 p. (I.G., II2, 213020) ('Avayupaocos),256/5 a., 8658 Icocrirpa-roS16Acovo(s) coTa-r (ai(cxavies), ca. med. s. II p., father of EuKap-rros, M&vcovos ?), 335/4 a., 43180-181 ('EAeucivios coo-iorpaTro 43718 180/79 a., 18780 (lTpocarr&iros), [Xco]Jfo-rpacros 47343 post ca. 183 p., father of cCOTOrS, (nT-eXE&cao), ('QaEcs),ca. 400-350 a., 1260; he, or his son, 2CTar& coaiTrporros was probably father of [---]orrpa-ros (I.G., II2, 15719) post ca. 216 p., 47343 :caoracs TT-rAE[aios], honored by the boule probably as secretary EcorTas ('Pavivoio:los),166/5 a., 21644 acoaos 'A7alEus, [X]corTas of the boule and the demos, init. s. II a., 15667-68 (EKappcovil)6s), ca. med. s. I a., father of KaX7i[as], 2964 Ioaos ('PapvoUCtos), 166/5 a., 21636; probably = ca. med. s. II p., father of Kapr6ocopos, (<E>cOr&S ECoaosArilpiTrpi(ou) ('PalivocTios), Ca. 190/89 a., 17060 = (Ef-r-riTos), 44024 2. A. 'P. (H., XXIII, 1954, p. 266, No. 83) 6 Kal NIK65acOS ca. 175 p., 39239, was ca. 325 a., 525, corTars ?]S 'EK&9aVTo (OXvEuS), (EO7trvpiSils), [Xcoaorpa-riSrl restored by J. Sundwall (Klio, V, 1905, p. 282) and secretary of the ephebes 173/4 p. (IG., II2, 210380) identified with 2. 'E. EO.,secretary KcaTC ----] (MapaOCOvios), 329/8 *Srb-TEI[oS---] : KA(aUOios) cdT-rEI[os TrpuravEiav ca. 120 p., 32245 a. (I.G., II2, 3533 = P.A., 13322) councillor ? 343/2 a., 49353 orator 214/3 a., 'EXE[uaivios], ro'TrOAs ]vou MEArlTUS, Yooa-rpcrriv[os BaiKXiAOU ECOTrATiS 1356-7 ('EcriasloS), 138/9 p., 33146, was ephebe Ca. 110 p. (I.G., II2, 202076) and Komclnyri 150/1 p. (.G., ca. 256/5 a., father of 'ApKEcfi\aS,12845 coba-rp[acxTo], II2, 20657, 37423) = 336/5 a., 4288 coa-r[pa]-ros ('AyKuEiuEs), Co'TXS ('Eomcait6v), ca. 149/50 p., father of (AiirTros, Xcdborparos (AIytlXls), ca. 367/6 a., father of oafvtrnros, and 'HpaKAeiSris, 4429 (P.A., 13341) 40637, 38, 39; cf. also I.G., 'AyaOoKAnfs, ? 210384-85 49322 II2, councillor 206526, a., 343/2 Eiu[urvpirSs], cbo-rpcrros Auai0ou (' Kapi6Es), XCoT-rAs (AnvKovoieS),ca. 313 a., father of 'AA[K]i^Scowv, 304/3 a., 6148 [ECcbJ]Trpcrros ca. 40-30 a., 28633 7411(P.A., 13393); a grandson probably = (AapTrrrpe'us), I[cbo-]pa-ros'A[p]ioa-ry6pou ca. 157/8 p., father of 'laiSclpos, EcoTEXs 'AkAKqi[E8ovTOs] (AEuKOVOEOs), post 255 a., 8831 (P.A., (Mapacwovios), doC-rpaoros 42023-24 13394) (i Oiou), ante fin. s. IIp., 42122; his father Xcorlp 'I&KXOv (lTTavlius), 155/4 a., 22577 cbo-rpcrros "I. and uncle 'OvAi ca. 378/7 a., father of mos were ephebes ca. med. s. II p. Ka0oUrEp0E), (TlaiavieUS ~cbo'rpcrros to cf. 'Apx. 'E9., 1950-51, p. 38, No. be identified II2, 268 206927, 28; (I.G., 13364); perhaps (P.A., [--6]cpos, H. (.G., II2, 7090); a later member of with X. Tsla&vSpov 1828, 29) the same family, perhaps a nephew, may be: post Ca. 183 p., father of [.....], ZcoTrp[--] (TTaXXr1veS), 47237 a., (TaliaviEs Ka-rrTEpeev), 304/3 [Xcb]orpa-rosravTrivopos 6157 CoiT[p----] (OAXus), ca. med. s. I a., father of 'Efryovos, 30314 62257; coapacros (relpalmss),ca. 336/5 a., father of XScbl?os, ca. 176/7 p., father of TeAEqy6pos, XcoTrpi5as(THaavmeOs), probably = 7cbo-porrosEcopiXouH. (I.G., II2, 7188 = 46062; cf. T. .H1. P.A., 13365) Trs BovAfis cbo-rpacros 303/2 a., 6214 priest of the eponymos [2]compi8'S, OirTrrprTTs Eiyp&voposTTepleoiSns, Ca. 168 a., 21438 ca. 260 a., 8321-23;probably a descendant of: Scor)TApio (AieOaiSris), ] ('lrrrocowrVTios), ca. 205 p., 44833 s[ 6cborrparros Ep1mKou XcoTrP1Xo 335/4 a., 43153-154 (TepieoirTls), Scoxipixos (rapyAirTlos),med. s. II p., father of XcoTApiXos, cbo-rpacros (nl'rTi), ca. 168 a., 21467 4348 Mticovos (2XvrcairroaX l), 335/4 a., 43164-165 7cborpcaroS 'E-rravov (acr\TpEss), ca. 50 a., 27354 (P.A., XcoTripilXoS(rapyx'ri-mo), fin. s. II p., 4348 X'coborpaToS Zcotkou(aXnrlpEus), med. s. II p., 34013, was [Zco]T-ipixos 13371) father of I., 'Aia&pavros and Ycblcov med. s. IV a., (I.G., II2, 209020, 27, (COpE&PPIOS), []cbo-rpacros['O]AXurrito6cpov 237-8 (P.A., 13374); his father may have been '0. (oavfou 2067162) Oc.(I.G., II2, 7728, stemma P.A., 11414); and his son *Kco-n<d>86rs 'Axapve6(s),treasurer and councillor 328/7 a., X. C., SiaiTml's 329/8 a. (I.G., II2, 4932 perhaps D1IXoKp&rls *YcoTrliSTi8l 19255-6; cf. Ath. Mitt., LXVII, 1942, p. 21, No.248); AloaXvou()Dryaious), 343/2 (?) a., 3617(P.A., other relatives are E. (DAloK'iSou(., ephebe ca. 324 a. 13400), may = [EcoTr][ii?s <1., ovullTrppo s 318/7 a. (I.G., II2, 4495-6) (Apx. 'Ep., 1918, p. 7514)and '0. (o.), 222/1 a., 12968;for icoricov and the family cf. A.P.F., 13374, stemma ('AeiovwEs), ca. 147/8 p., father of 'EAEuoivios treasurer of boule 40243, 44 AEcoviSrls, [Ni]Ko[o[-rprroXoXapyEsO], [Ecba]Tparos (K KTG6cov), ca. 176/5-170/69 a., 20412= XCOqavrsj5 367/6 a., 1451 ca. 176/5-170/69 a., (TElOpaCTos), 254/3 a., 8982 cop&avrlS XoXapyEOS, [1q]-rpaoros NiKoo"rp6rou ca. 210/09-201/0 a., 13860 Scbqnos ('AvnryoviSos), 20513; [I.X.], 20575; was ephebe 210/09 a. (H., XXXIV, 1965, p. 91, No. 320)and honored by the demos ca. 200 a. ZcbxpiAo Aioqav[----] (AtyiAies), 303/2 a., 62326 IcboiXoS('Avayvupoios), ca. 73-63 a., father of Xcbi?Aos, (H., XXXIX, 1970, p. 308, No.1) 286ss *cbT-rpcov (Hnf7rl), ca. 168 a., 21468 o ('Avayup&cnos), ca. 40-30 a., 28655 cObiAos ECorT&Srt ('aiavlEus), 336/5 a., 42140 (KAT-ios),s. IV-III a., 5627 ZcoTrSrls(Xovvie*s), ca. 253/2 a., father of OXlA6opopoS,Zcb[9]iAos CbqInXoS T-reqivov (KuSaO(i-vaiEs), post med. s. IV a., 3252 1302, 39 SCoT-rrS, (P.A., 13417) OIKTnl ; 'rS 06AouCa. 198 p., 44330
178/7 a., 19480 cb?pi,o5s ('eipaOsGS), (nlspaties), 303/2 a., 62256 'Aptlo-Topxou c69piXos ZCoeiou (ntipaliOS),303/2 a., 62253 qr.WlXos
*6cboopTos(Eo0vuiweS), ca. 400/399 a., father of [TIpa[QiKA?rls,1411. The name Sophortos appears on a Laconian cup (cf. H., XII, 1943, p. 88) [..]oyefiovos, ca. 225 a., 1227 [pocbppcov lcbqpcov('ArlviOs), ca. 155 a., 22650
T[ ], 303/2a., 6259
T[ ]('AKapaVri8os),ca. 200-150 a., 19813 ca. 168p., 37613 ] (TTavsiovisos), T[ ] (17av6iovi5os), ca. 168 p., 37621 T[ 47219 post ca. 183 p., father of [K]X[]cov, T[---] (nHaRanveus), ca. 360 a., 1537 ] (TIpaaieOs), T[ ] (POArlps~s), ca. 63-53 a., father of 'Apiorcov, T[ 28912 : XKpeI(pCbVIOS) TapliaK[6s],irEpiTO6 PjLa 168/9 *TapioaK[6S] TaplaKos,37346= p., 37234; Z[Kp6E(pcOvtos)] : XKpi(pcbvios) ('AXCaieS), T[a]p[Ia]Kos 174/5 p., T[a][iCa]K6S 38734 Tar.tKXs rnpcoTr[oyivouS] ('ArraAiSoS), post ca. 216 p., 47015, was acoypovlC-rTf 207/8 p. (LG., II2, 219947)when his son 1. T. was ephebe for Attalis (ibid. 143); the demotic is SouvtIev;certainly related to and possibly = npco-oykvovs(Yovvieus),180/1 p., 40221 TaotkqXfis NE1KiOU Trpuraveiav secretary KaT-r& Aiy[iXAiEs], Tapav[rT]Evos Attic occurrence of this other the a. 2663; only (?), 64/3 name is: 336/5 a., 4227 ('Avayup&ctios), TEfoav8pos ? ('AVrloX5os)), ca. 136/7 p., father of [Te]ia[i]as,38017 TEl-acS [TE]ra[fq]as? ('AvrtoXiios), 169/70 p., 38017 ante med. s. IV a., 165(P.A., 13490) ( racA'orrtno), TEtaiocaXos Ca. 336/5 a., father of Eplios, 62291 Tamis((cXArppeus), 46052 *TdrTos (arliavie*s), ca. 176/7 p., father of Ho[M]Picov, TEX[----] ('AAatl s ?), ca. 314/3 a., father of TEX7arros, 7293 TEXE[---] (MuppivoOCaos), ca. 188/7 a., father of NIKOpaXOS, 22555 *TeSrlnos5('AlivisES), 135/4 a., 24399
X., 336/5 a., 42300; cf. TEXECaapXos TEXEaapXiil8s (XoWapyEis), dedicant 340/39 a. (I.G., II2, 153314= P.A., 13509) s rrpoiSpcov rnTa-rTrm 183/2 a., 1828 [TEXEcro?]fyopos, TE?Xti[---] (KiKvvvEi'5),ca. 337/6 a., father of [-----]s, 6185 176-169 a., 20524 Teoacias('AZrvieurs), TXcafiSrlpoS ('ApSivatos),med. s. I a., 27512; cf. XaptKc7EouS P.A., 13522 TeEcTi[v]os ('EpXtieS), ca. 289/8 a., father of KaMcorrparos, 8527 (P.A., 13530); cf. K. T. ('E.) and [TE?,E]TvoS 'E., agoraTapavTrivo (TpivepeeuS), ca. 200 a., 15123 nomos 244/3 a. (Chronology, p. 2522); for the family cf. 47728 Taricavos (laiavlems), post ca. 184p., father of TaCrav6s, A.P.F., 9576, stemma Tatavos o TTai(avl?5s), post ca. 217 p., 47728 Te7Xornrros 303/2 a., 62220 TsI[---] ('Aaines ?), 281/0 a., 7293 (iheOejs), Ta[v]pas rTveoKA.ouv Teicriou ], treasurer of the boule init. s. II TeXacntrrroS (KiTrrios), 370/69 ? a., 136-7 (P.A., 13539) Au[ *TraxFas 225 ca. a., 1222 a., 1621i [TE]XoaTrrls TTaloClia(o, ('AvrloxiSos),paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father of *TxuXAX[osKu6acrfvaie6s],councillor? 343/2 a., 49314; Te6-aq96p[oS] [. .]optav6s, 46640 probably = ('A-raXiSos),post ca. 217 p., 47815 (KuSaOrivaels),ca. 337/6 a., father of 'AoelvoAXfis, [T]?ATocp6pos T6XuvWos 6164 and perhaps also of Htppos (I.G., II2, 6592 = P.A., TeXcpa6pos oxrripisa Tai(cavieu), 209/10 p., 46062 = T. E. 13439; cf. 'A. T. (K.) and H., XXXV, 1966, p. 232, note to nlpoonr(T(ios), ephebe ca. 190-200 p. (I.G., II2, 212839, line 64) 2129io) T()<ao>cov('AAXpocroso), ca. 368/7 a., father of TipoKpp&nrs, ] ('AXapveis),303/2 a., 62155 Tei[ Zcoailou (Aeovri5os), 178/9-179/80 p., 39930 cf. Kirchner, s. Telp6oeeo 4384; the name was surely TeXEaicov; LG., II2, 170078and TEX?cov TeAaX[---] 'A., on dikast's nai(avie*s), 209/10 p., 46046 TE[ip]68eos TEip6tioeo (7retpieOS), 169/70p., 37847 Tei6eeos : rXWA(ios) pinakion (I.G., II2, 1872 = P.A., 13552); a descendant ] ('AMioioCtos), ca. 220 p., 46812 q.v. ----] (AapwrpoEs), probably = TeXEo[ TEtpoioKi[s 190/1 p., (KeKpoTriSos), ('ASpiavisos), ca. init. s. II p., father of [T]Ei- TepTI<a>v6 : [AtiXlos TepTn<a>vOs [T]meio<pO'rpT1 3391 T., ephebe 224/5 p. (I.G., II2, 22276; for the 42011; cf. AL. poKp&'rrls, date cf. H., XVIII, 1949, p. 46), probably a descendant ca. med. s. IIp., 3391i [T]eiptoKpa'rs ('ASpcaviSos), post ca. 216 p., 47247; cf. Avp. TpT-rs, Tp-Tis('AcowTrEKjeev), [Tet]poKparrin[--] ('AvaqXcrrios), post ca. 216 p., 47242 Tet6tevos : Yai8ios Tmi.6otvoS('AvTtoXi8os),paullo ante ephebe post 212/3 p. (I.G., II2, 22188) (Souvieis), 180/1 p., 40215, was 220/1 p., 46635 *TEpyiAaos 'AvTncovvroS Teficov ('AvrtoXiSos), ca. 172p., father of 'EKTKo6, 44725; the ephebe 169/70p. (LG., II2, 2097245) demotic is 'EpoiSls; cf. 'E. ('Avrioxi8os) T4xvcovOryaicls, flutist 155/4 a., 22559; TkxvcovAlovTros : 6 pET& Oi1yaelIS,ca. 155 a., 22611; TExv<co>v TeI[vq]iov novTrKOvvloaur6S, TEI[vi]ios TovTrK6s OrlyaieJs,22688-89; ca. 155 a., 2272, ca. 150 a., 23639-40 TnyaiO5E, 169/70 p., 3783-4 = Titvio[s] n. B., q. v. TkXVco.v ca. 336/5 a., father of [TrlXoTEiviios ona?pScos ('ATrraiSos),post ca. 217 p., 4769 *Trl-iyvcoTo[s] ('AAcomrreKes), 62309 TTveoviKou Telcaapqevos KAjS], (Kvua0rOvaitis), post med. s. IV a., 3251(P.A., 13445); either he or perhaps a grandson = TrlMliaxos], 6 Kp6rloTOs [Trnpa)X(os] : riyos AI[KivvIOS Katd(vTrorparrlyos 304/3 a., 6169; KCr., TeiCrapEiv<(6>s H(<i>oviKou (KuS6aOivaieis), TrpEafn.rfiS 209/10p., 46033-34 another relative = T. Teia&v8pouK. on a manumission TrijopacXo (bKKepapcov),ca. 211/0 a., father of 'HpaKimeiSis, 1943 list ca. 330 a. (P.A., 13446)
orator 185/4 a., 17919(P.A., 13569) ), ca. 40-30 a., 2855 [Tipa]pXos'Apyai(ou) (nTalp-rcoT&aSr TrE?,9[&vns], orator 145/4 a., 2388; was pe'rrnos, 21285, 169/8 a., 'Eirr[paTiS]o[u] epo-rroi6s TipapXos ('AAcoTrEKEU), T[X][Ep&l]v1r[s] Zri-ros], 2394-5 (P.A., 13637, Tilap[xos 'ETwipcrratSou 156/5 a. (I.G., II2, 19377 = P.A., 13571) corrected), was also orator ante 128/7 a. (H., XXIV, OirrvEpOev),ca. 400-350 a., 1249 (TTaiavie2s5 [T]rnAsE(pvr[s] 1955, p. 230105,[118];cf. H., Indices I-X, XI-XX) (P.A., 13573) ? ca. 370 492116 councillor [TlFlaa]{OEoS 336/5 a., 4271; cf. [--- Ti]paacNlou a., (AIOPtwEEO), (P.A., ('AxapvErs), TrX9pcov[os] A., med. s. III a. (I.G., II2, 23533 = P.A., 13639) 13578) (Muppivocatos),155/4 a., 225114 ), 303/2 a., 62309; <T>lacoieEos ('AXcowTrrK Tr1XEyvcTro[u] [TriAorK7is] restored from and identified with T. T. 'A., orator 319)8 Tipeas 'AThVE%uS, secretary of the prytaneis 188/7 a., 1761o-ii ca. 223/2 a., father of APr'Tplos, 17079 a. (H., VI, 1937, p. 443, No. 112-13 = H., VII, 1938, Titi(as) (cDaM?psEs), Tltoqco&vao , archon 182/1 a., 1831; T[i]q7[l]ai[va](, 184i p. 477, No. 311lo-1) 4729 ca. 363 a., father of NuKncrias, (P.A., 13646) TrlXoKiAXs (MvppivoUcios), 62322 of ] father ca. a., TmtlnlaC&[v]a (EKKoiAls), 176-169 a., 20535 Tlpo6eos, 336/5 (AiyiAlEus), Ti[ ca. 255/4 a., father of Ticov, 12997 archon med. s. I p., 3101 Tiuo(---) (TTaioviSrs), Xpovli[Trrros], Ti(ppitos) KA(ao56ios) [Aa]lr-r[pevs], hoplite Tlilo[---] (p?aEppios), fin. s. II a., 2566 [TipB(ptos) KA(auSios) lTa]Tpo[KXos] 223/2 a., 12899 (KEpacIE0s), *Tlm6pos1nappE[--] general, etc., 213/4-219/20p., 4616 = 176-169 a., 20540 archon post ca. Twloy?vris ('EaEUvoVIOS), KAautiosTTrrpo.Kos [AaCp]irrrpES, TipE[pios] 1445 ca. 400/399 a., father of NIKoqp6v, 218 p., 4803-5 (GrayUn<S), Tivoy?v[rjs] councillor? 370 ca. the of treasurer a., ...]o[...] ('IKapiEUS), 'ArTTnIK TiloyEvb[ MapaOcbvios], [Tip(tpios) KXauSitos ante ca. 138 p., 3244 = 49273; a descendant probably of P.A., 13664 prytaneis and &pXltpE6s ca. 314/3 a., father of[ ], 'A'rrIKo 'l-rrrapXouMapaO0cbvos, (OivETBos), pry- [Ti]ti66llqo[s] Ti(P[pios) KXac55ios Bi&aiov, etc., ca. 120 p., 7250 tanis, apXti?pEs -rTv Ep3aCT-rCv 322[17] KA.'A. ['I.] (M.), 32228; T. Kk.'A. M., 3224,21-22 ('Axapvev), ca. 321 a., 545-6; cf. Ti6i68rlio[s]KTpiao560Tr[ov] T. 'A. (I.G., II2, 3207 = P.A., 13680) archon 181/2 p., Mapa]Ocbvios, Tip(4pios)M[El(lios)OX&K[Kos s), ca. 289/8 a., father of Tlooirfis, Tiioa6rios (ECiovuiv. 405[1-2], 6-7 archon ca. 8639; for the family cf. A.P.F., 13675; probably = MEXITE]US, Aji[6oC-rpTroS Tip(iplos) KX(acUSio) 160-170 p., 3581-2; [Tip(lpios) KX(auOSos) Arln6O]TrpaTro Tip.6SrlIos 304/3 a., 61169 Til[----] (EicovuviEU), ca. 168 a., 21450 3602-3; cf. stemmata s. I.G., II2, 2342 and 3609; Ttio68rlos (lTTaoviSls), M[X.rATOs], ] (AiytIXieS), for the family cf. also H., Suppl. XIII, p. 11, note to TIIp60EoTi[ 303/2 a., 62322 line 1, with references cited there and 'ApX. 'Eq., 1971, [Tri][6]0eos (E0urvpirns)), ca. 168 a., 21431, perhaps = T. Ei. (.G., II2, 24424 = P.A., 13703) 'HpcaKXeiSou pp. 119-121 : archon archon 213/4-219/20 TiU60e[os] [lTpa~ayopaso] 6 Kai TiO6E[osEopiKIos], A[----] MeA(rTer'), Ti(pioos) KX(an86ios) 6 o of name cf. the a for restoration [Kai 3332-3; H., OophKIos, Tt]lJ60os 138/9 p., Tppacayopas possible p., 4612; 3312-3 XVIII, 1949, p. 37 &ycovo0rTs-rTCO Ti1o6eoS(?KKEpagcov),336/5 a., 42290; for other members Ti(Plpios) KXaUi8os Alla6acrporros-ovviEirS, of this family cf. stemmata s. P.A., 3273 and H., XXX, s. I/II p., 31311-14; on this famous 'EAeuCavtcov p.Ey&Xcov with to line note cf. 1961, p. 51 1, 11, XIII, H., Suppl. p. family ] (KpicooEs), TmO6eos references cited there [ 303/2 a., 62334; a descendant is probably T. (K.), ca. 255/4 a., father of 'Hp&cKMrros (H., rlapa&iovos (Souvvits), 180/1 p., 40222 Tip(ptos) KA(aciSlos) XXXVII, 1968, p. 74, No. 11o) ], 303/2 a., 6247 Tip[ med. s. I a., 27845 Tole60osTipoKAIS0ov (Kuvppios), 304/3 a., 6159(P.A., 13707) Tip[---] ('ITrroecov-Ti8os), init. s. III a., 654 Tilp6[eos TT]&v0rlpos(AaKl5&rts), 281/0 a., 7255; for the ] (KeKpoTr{iSo), Tip[ restoration of the name cf. Agora, XVII, No. 205 init. s. II a., 15626 Tip[----] (OIVEToS), ca. 337/6 a., father of Tillp6Jrlos, T16E0o5S Tlip[----] (EBcovupsiS), (Mapcxabvios), 304/3 a., 5935= TiloKX6i5(ov) 61169 [Ti1Oe6osTIUOKAsiSou](Mapaecbvios), 304/3 a., 61275; cf. TialTos('Axapveus),init. s. II a., 15632 369/8 a. (I.G., II2, 161780 = [Tl]6ue[E]osM., ETrleXarris and 16837 father ca. P.A., a., 13709) TmlaTos [---]6OrSos T. M. (LG., II2, 6814) of[TT]uvay6pas, (AapCrrpevs), 226/5 220/19 a., 13062, a descendant [Tt16e6os] (nlaiaviEu'), ca. 133/4 p., father of [..] Tip60eos, [T]ipava<t>(?) (nTaiaviEus), 36914 perhaps of P.A., 13602 ca. 289/8 a., father of KrT[rl]apXos, [..] Ttioe6os [o] (HatiavitES), 166/7 p., 36914 Tipav5p(os)(Eucovuvvsi), Tip6ueos l.UKpiov (Vnarlvwis), 334/3 a., 4442 (P.A., 13712) 8643 Ti,avSpos (TpaaiEus), 336/5 a., 42182; a descendant, perhaps Til60os 'ITr[t---] (Souvieus),ca. 370 a., 13a13 a son of: TipOK.A(---) (rTaavilus), ca. 268/7 a., father of [----]s, 11570 TwioKXSi8ns (Eiu:TvpiSrs), 336/5 a., 42254 TipavSposTipcoviSov (f'paaoivs), ca. 390-375 a., 1034 ca. 337/6 a., father of Tip6e8os of father ca. a., 22211 TiooKiAsf(rs) (P.A., (Kuv0ppios), KAE[ai]vwros, Tip&vcop, 194/3 6159 (P.A., 13722) 13608) : AtovVitOS 6 pexr& ca. 337/6 a., father of TiO6eEOS, archon 135/4 a., TiWoK.Xi6nl(MapaOcbvios), TilpapXiSrv, TicapXi5rlS 5935 = 2431 ca. 337/6 a., father of [Tip6meos], (Mapaecobvos), [TtmoKAEisr1s] TipapxiLns(Oa7rlpe0s),ca. 190/89 a., 17075 61275 173/2 a., 20692 TipapXos('Airo7AcowviEs), r& rlkqiciorrat init. s. I a., 26029 councillor ? 343/2 a., 49348 wTrr [[TitOKXis], Tipapxos 'EA[fvoivios], ojAS Al[ovuai]ou 'Ayvoioos, orator 203/2 a., 14734-35; a Sris), ca. 73-63 a., father of 'Apyaios, Tro, TitapXos (rnavcoT-r descendant = P.A., 13730 28644; perhaps =
ca. 363 a., fatherof MvvcrapXos, (Tlpopoifolos), TilpoarpaoroS 4740(P.A., 13823) ca. 314/3a., fatherof [----K]Xfi, ('Papvomrios), Tip6Tcrpoaros
cf. LG., II2, 5446 Ti1OKAfis (Aitcoves),ca. 200 a., 15130; 1369 of ?Ayvcov, father ca. a., TiwoOKAis (AEspaSIlMrs), 403/2 (P.A., 13732) 256/5 a., 8638;perhaps TlioKafis (Ercowvvp-S), AeopKp-ro(v) a cousin of: 256/5 a., 8639; for the TimtoSApo(u) (EOcovuplEs), TtOKXfis familycf. A.P.F., 13675 O s ca. 211/0TnioKAfis rroypapTaimC M[---- KiKvvEO],
2386 ca. 178/7a., fatherof Ti[uvAX]os, TivXX7os ('EpXlies), 145/4 a., rict-rrTlS TplliO?ov irpoiSpcov Ti[puvM]os 'Epxl[?E]s, 2386(P.A., 13834) 13789-92 KIKvvEOeS, 202/1 a., 1378; TtipoKAfi s TrpoESpcov ca. 73-63 a., fatherof T[ipoK]?iis, Ti(cov[.....] 'AXcaTKiOv,TnlcTrroT 174/3a., T[mLoK]Xpds (AarrrTpeOs), 2024; the patronymicmay be restoredZcoltou(cf. I.G., 28634 with one or II2, 5581)and the emro-r&rrs ca. 441/0 a., father of maybe identified KcxarTrpOEv), [Tl]PoK(Xfs)(AaCrrTpe5s other of the followingtwo names: 14 TlioKXA[is], or Tiucov ca. 40-30 a., 28634 3 (AalTrrpeUs), 169/8a., 21292 ('Acorr,KEis), T[lpoK]Xis 21296 Ti'[cov 169/8 a., a., 14; 408/7 ('AkoirrEK,s), (AaprC'TpEs KacxO(nrpOEv), TipoiK[fisT]hOoK(hous) Tipcov('Avcryvpcntos), cf. P.A., 13735 fin. s. III a., 14129 ca. 211/0-202/1a., 13720 (EOcovvwps), (2f'A-Tros),336/5 a., 42310; later members of the Tipcov TiuoK.Xfis same family are probablythe following two names: Tigcov(noaaviwss),155/4 a., 22576; probably = T. Tl,oX6Xouv
[ TlpoKfiss
] (9iTrrios), 281/0 a., 7221(P.A., 13739) and ] (2pfrrntos),ca. 260-240a., 976 TiipoKAfis (O7ai6iSls),254/3 a., 8999 TipoKqns (cOvss), ca. 330 a., 4614 TloKWAfis (Xo\apyEus), 336/5 a., 42298 ca. 168 a., 21460 TimoKAfis (XoXAEi5rls), TmioKprrs& ('AypvuAis),336/5 a., 4220 TtloKpacrms ('AXlio1rios), 335/4 a., 4383-84 TeM(<o>covos ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13752 ('Avayvpp&cros), TioOKp&rrS ('AvaAicrrtos), ca. 192/3 p., 42329 TtioKp6&rsKapTro[q9]pou ('EXvaivios), 178/7 a., 19452= TtioKp&rris 176-169 a., 20538 TlioKp&Tr('EXAuacivos), ca. 134/5 p., father of 'HpaKMcov, TIIoKp&rrnT (OOpiK1OS), 37155 T1poKp&rris('IKaptrES), ca. 374/3 a., father of Tip6KplTos, 3826, 82 (P.A., 13768); cf. T. T. ('I.) ca. 336/5 a., father of [A]riP6ol?os, (KesqAeOS), TILOKpcT(r1S) 6289 TlIoKp&rr1(KvSa0qvalies), ca. 256/5 a., father of [Tipo12859 Kp&]"TrS, 223/2 a., 127[1-2], Ku8aervactES, COTroypaCLaTeis TVlOKp&rrs 12859 81-83; [TtlpoKp&C]TTS Kv[5a0OTvacXl?], TpioKp&tro Trpovpi(--)(Aap'rpes), ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13735 TtiPoKp&Th1S (AEvKovotuls), ca. 313 a., father of OopOKxos, TiploKp&[Tr]rs 749 (P.A., 13777), was probably grandfather of: [(DoprJKov] (AevKovoEOS), post 255 a., 8829 (P.A., TliOKpa&rrm
1T.(I.G., II2, 17114= P.A., 13849); cf.: ^tm'crrarrs Ti[icov e?Eow6rou rlaicawtvs]], wpoiSpcov122/1 a. 2524-5 (P.A., 13848) Ti[cov Til&o(---) (caioviSrls), 222/1 a., 12997 Tilcov(aKa[pcoviS6s),ca. 183 a., father of Iapa8as,23643'
was cut by the mason,but no nameTlpovau[--] is known, and the councillorprobably= T. 2. who was a contributor 247/6a. (I.G., II2, 791d I25 = H.,XI, 1942,p. 291,
Tiplovir6is (nrpaa<ies), ca. 423-408 a., father of Tipav5pos,1034 TmwcoviSri (1TpoorrATios), 336/5 a., 42322 *Tiv5ios KaXavScov ('AwroXi8os),paullo ante 220/1 p., 46648 169/70 [Ti]vfios: [6 pITr& Ti]vliov l[oVT1K6v apXovra iviavnr6s], 6 i-r& 3793-4 = Ttvito[v novnrK6v V]iavrT6S, 3773; p., archon 168/9 p., 3732-3; T[ivwlos TtvAio[snlov-nKosBfiCEnS, novTnK6]s Bria[eES],3741-2; T[ivfios l ovwr]iK6s BrTra[t1Es], 3754-5 = TTe[v]tos-H.,q. v. Ticr[---] : Avp(fiXos) Ticr[---] ('A-rraXioS), secretary init. s. III p., 45918 *Tioav8pos (TpiKopiolos), paullo ante ca. 93 a., father of
13778);on the familycf. A.P.F., 2092, stemma,with the revisionsnecessitated by the new datingof No. 74
Ca. 168 a., 21449 (TTaiovifrls), TitOKp&rrsS
Ti-ros'Poicos (KrliicEms),ca. 40-30 a., 28626 169/70 p., 37858-59 T(Tros)AuiStos o>apv6xn5r (Mupptvorvaos), TfTCov ca. 400/399 a., father of [K]-rTcov,1419 ('Avayup&oaos), the fatherwas trierarchca. 356-346a. (I.G., II2, 1622602 *TXA1evuo[s] 367/6 a., 1425 TnrllrTo?,iov(KfrpiOtces), = P.A., 13768);for the familycf. A.P.F., 13768 ca. 400/399 a., father of TAiuThr7A6Eu (KlqilEUms), pos, 72111 1425 lao[s], Ti6KpITro(OrnyaiseS), ca. 314/3 a., father of OivavOias, Tip6caos ('Avayup&caos), ca. 314/3 a., father of [TAfij?]cov,7266; 193/2 a., 16877 TAircov (Tvppie8ris), ca. 376/5 a., father of KAe6Trpcaros, probably = TmpocDvrls (AlyiAi6es), ] (TvupiBrils), 342 TAfi[cov 304/3 a., 6115i; cf. [1']AvKpa T. T. ery6mrlp(I.G., II2, 7578) Ca. 240 a., 1096 [Ti]t6o'rpacr[oS ....]Jpq)ou ('lTrrroOcovTSos), [Tfrc ?]covThXficovoS 140/39 a., 240114 Tt16orrpaTro ('Epoild&6s), 281/0 a., 7266 (Tuppieirnis), (Opi&cios),fin. s. III a., 1364 ], treasurer of the prytaneis aet. Aug., 295[2], 13 Tip6crrp[a-ros] To[ Tpl6crrporros 360/59 a., 1726(P.A., 13820) (KoecoKi8rs), ToA[----] (KiKvvnis), ca. 338/7a., fatherof [ ]s, 5847 ca. 363 a., father of 'Avnyivrs, 4711 TonAIaios E0uveiAou Ti6o-arporos(Tlcaavie6s), (!Tpop3oioilos), post med. s. IV a., 3262
(P.A., 13822)
(P.A., 13878)
ToXtrlns A[ Tpq)pov(gg Otou), ca. med. s. II p., father of Tp*pcov,42119 ] (KE9a?5s), 305/4 a., 5866 3 (9j Otov), ante fin. s. II p., 42119; probably = [ ] (acrMrlvEs)), 303/2 a., 62320 TpOpcov *TpE9XEcoS T. o ~t O., known ca. 200 p. (.G., II2, 248314) whose post ca. 216 p., 47047 Tpo[----] ('ArTTrMos), son apparently = Ai. T. o t O., ephebe 212/3 p. (.G., 195/6 p., 42610 Tp691i[os], dvrtypacpE5s II2, 2208ss);either the councilloror his father= T. o Ct of father ca. 167/8-171/2 p., [.......], (Alavri'os), Tp69(pios and 01., aoCppovian4s 173/4 p. and father of Eiprlvoaco 45022 (I.G., II2, 210366, 73, 92) Ei'rrpaEiSnr paullo ante ca. 187/8 p., father of Tp69lpios('AvTInoXIos), EiSadicovand EbrurXav6s, 46633, 55 169/70 p., 37828 'ETrrapoS-rou(HTatavtiEs), TpG(pcov Ca. 136/7 p., father of [Aiq]ofiTjsand post ca. 183 p., father of Tp69mios, [Tprpca]v(THa7rlvews), Tp69lpos ('Ar-raXiSos), 47018 [Tpiqco]v,380[7], 8; probably = T. A. 1., ephebe ca. 110p. o 216 47018 ca. 155/6 p. (IG., 112,20683-4) (LG., 12, 202086) and KOCTrlTrS p., Tp6qnILos('A-rraiSos), post o 205 : ca. ?, ('lorroecowrt6os), 169/70 p., 3808, was herald and [noTa'1X(nv?s)] p., [Tpiqpoo]v AoplT(ios) Tp6OyIos Tp69lpos 44824= gymnasiarch 155/6 p. (I.G., II2, 2068188) Tp69los : AoliT(-ros) Tp69lpos 'Arlnv(iEs), init. s. III p., TpOpcov: [Ho]irr(filos) Tpipoov TlPtp(alEiS),init. s. III p., 45812 45814 180/1 p., 40216 ] ('HpEaiSrl),fin. s. II p., 44112 (Xouvtims), Tp(pcovrTpacrITovts Tp6Iipos 'AK[ [Tpi]pcov EEo9iXov'YpS6riS,herald of the Areopagus, etc., paullo ante 180/1 p., 39726 Tp6[qnpos....]aiou (OivaTio), ca. 162/3 p., father of [ etc., father of Evruposand ], 209/10 p., 46016,was KOCalITs, [Tp6](Ipos (rTa?anvEus), ca. 185-200 p. (I.G., II2, 21933, 8-9, 15, 18, 19, 42515; probably = T. (n.), ca. 170 p., father of [----] E)E6oipos 60-61, 21941-3, 21962-3, 11) (I.G., II2, 211979) ca. 160-170 p., 35948 168/9p., 37213 ] ('HpEoiS1rS), [T]pU(Copv eGO[----] (OAUvEs), Tpuv[ Tprpcov('Al[lvIE*S), ca. 138/9-150/1 p., father of [Ail]pTprptos, [T1]pavvos[----], ca. 175 p., 3937 33621 Tupa[v]vos: [<&]Pios Trpa[v]vos ('A-r-raAios), init. s. III p., 4598 ca. 134/5 p., father of E6Ttnlosand Tp*(pcov(?EppIEos), 46 'IovKOUV?oS, 37145, [T*X]av[Spos ?], archon 160/59 (?) a., 2231 (P.A., 13892) TUXIKOS 46080 = (T-rplieOs), ca. 176/7 p., father of TVXIK6S, (KuSaOTrvaiEus), 166/7 p., 36939; probably = Tpipcov Kea8Sou 47739 and TUvXIKO ca. 176/7 p., father of AiovC*IOS (TE-lpeL), post ca. 184 p., father of TuxIK6S, Tpipcov (Kuva0ijvacos), o IT(EIPIE2S), TvXIK6s 209/10 p., 46080= Kca8os, 46074, 75; cf. K. (K.) TuXIK6so [Trltp(ie*S)], post ca. 217 p., 47739 (Kuvippios), ca. 20 a., 29375 Tppcov 'H[pcaK]Xcovos
('AvaXpairnos),ca. 105/6p., father of 'Aor<AX[-rt]d(Srls, 'YyTvos 33314= 'YyelvoS ('A.), ca. 102/3 p., father of 'A., 33025 ca. fin. s. II p., father of "Y?Xos, "YXos (AlIcovEiS), 45713; probably = 'Y. o At., ephebe between 144/5 and 148/9 p. 30725-28 (.G., II2, 205169) (Alavri os), ca. 167/8-171/2 p., father of nloroKp& (Alcovews),ca. 197 p., 42721= "YAXos 'Y[yET]vos cf. T. 'Y. (Ai.) TrS,45017; the demotic is MapaOcbvios; "YA7os (Atcove,s), init. s. III p., 45713; his son = "Y. o post ca. 218 p., 48024 = A&irTroS At., ephebe and gymnasiarch 190/1-191/2 p. (I.G., II2, ('ATraXiSos), ['YyEtvoS6 Kal 'Y. 6 KalA. 'A0(pOVE6S), ca. 209/10p. (I.G., 211342,60) OroCTco9poviaTcS ca. 105/6 p., father of AoiAfis, 33317 "YXos ('AvacAXoC-ros), II2, 220318)= 'Y. 6 KalA. Mapa(cbvios), ephebe of Aiantis 197/8-199/200(LG., II2, 212888).Note thechangeof demotic *'Y[l]vaycoy6s : M[o]ucr(cbvios) 'Y[j]vaycoy6s (XoXapye*s), ('AvaAeio-ros), ca. 102/3 p., father of ['Am<Xn-rr]i&- 168/9 p., 37361 'YyETvos ] (Olvelos), ca. 260 a., 834 Srls,33025= 'Yyivos ('A.), ca. 105/6 p., father of 'A., 33314 'YTrE[ ca. 192/3 p., 42351 'YnirppoXos A[----] ('Avayupxaoos), councillor? ca. 370a., 'YyEivos 'ApXtilAous(COvpvfcrios), 49212(P.A., 13908) 367/6 a., 'Yyiaivoov Xaipei'4l[ov] (AapcirpEsI KacxirrrpO%v), A. 1455; cf. Xaipk6rlp[os] med. s. I a., 27852 'Y[---] ('ClTrrroecovTSo), T6 'Y6iKVos : AOp('Atos) 'Y6xivOos rapyrrT<T>l(os), 'rrEpl pfipia187/8 p., 41311-12 ] ra[pyrT]Tn[io ], honored init. s. I p., 'Yy[----] KA[
([1 4[
0[ 4[ ([.....
44[ 4[
med. s. I a., 27847 4[---] ('lTmrro0covriSos), ca. 215 a., 13239 ] (KEKpo-TTios), ca. 50 a., 27218 4[----] (Acovrwrios),
4[ 4[
] ('AXmaous), ca. 337/6 a., father of 'ApwIKAWMs, 61195 61201 ] ('AXaieis), ca. 337/6 a., father of $LiAcov, ]-rTO (BTrlaaeus), paullo ante 180/1 p., 3972 s. IV a., father of ['A]poias, 294 ] (Eucowvups), ]vos (MEAlXrrT ), 177/8 p., 39815 ] ('Ofiev), 304/3a., 61153 ] (AtyelTos),ca. 314/3 a., father of[---]oiAqs, 72oo00
[--] ?([----]
(Oav686jpoS (OucpatT&8ns), ca. 336/5 a., father of AuhAos, ] (11pacirEUS?), 281/0 a., 72163
: (Dapios [(Da]p3iavsMapcaecbvos, herald of the [(Da]pltav6s boule and the demos 182/3 p., 40657 Tipa[v]vos ('A-rraiSos), init. s. III p., 4598 [C6]pioso
c(Dp(los) Aca5oixos MapaoB(cbvos), &Eioaros209/10 p., 46085,
0 . AiUAXov 62259= 0., the well-known Atthidographer, etc. (P.A., 14033; F. Gr. Hist., III B, No. 325) ca. 381/0 a., father of o)av68rl[tos] (lTTaavmEs UTrrvepep), [---]0eos, 2611 (P.A., 14034) Oav6o8rpos (OpEappios), 370/69 a. (?), 1357(P.A., 14035)
ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of oav65iKos, [C)avV68Kos] (MEX7lTrES),
was archon 208/9 p. (.G., II2, 22013) med. s. II p., 3404 [(D&a]p(os) EuKa[lp]os (Mapaiobvcos), med. s. II p., 3405 [cl)]p[ios) EveOu[oi8o]os (Mapaocxbvos), archon [Oap]oos: r(6aos) [(&apl]os 9iacplav[6s][Ma]pa0ocbvos, 186/7 p., 4114-5 herald of the boule and the (Dapios[c(a]plav6s MapaOcbvios, demos 182/3 p., 40657; cf. H., XXX, 1961, p. 272, No.
COaV6O8KOs [] (MEAITEIS'), ca.
)OavoKAErlS (clTaavliEs), 336/5 a., 42137 ?OavoKparrlS ('PacIvovoalos), ca. 314/3 a., father of [-Evo ?]Kp&Tms,72198; cf. . ). ('P.) and H., XXXVIII, 1969, p. 491,
[)(Dai[---] ] (lTTaavlis), ca. 53 a., father of 'Eppat[Koos], 29338 ('I 1L OalSpia8nSis ,u'olu&Ss), 360/59 a., 1712(P.A., 13932) ca. 368/7 a., father of 'AvTIY?vr1s, Oav6[,l]aXos ('Axapvs'S), 360/59 a., 1758 (P.A., 14072) *?)alip6paXos (KoXcov?us),
note on line 223 aocv6Kprros ATlrrpcovos (KvuaOeivaIEus), 304/3 a., 6170 (P.A., 14063) OavoKpiTos (TtlaAXXTves), 140/39 a., 24075 (Dav6opaXos ('Apaqivlos), ca. 289/8 a., father of KaXAicvniIs, 8578 (P.A., 14071)
(Oav6opaXos (vLXa&olos), post 225 a., 12519 )Oavos ('PalvouoIlos), Ca. 336/5 a., father of NiKavSpos, 62279 ('AAamus ?), ca. 180-160 a., 2095 Caxv6oo-rpaTos
)aiviTrrrroS cooTrrprou (AiyIiEiUS), 334/3 a., 4429(P.A., 13981) q)DaviTrnTo[s ] (KEsaXEsU), 305/4 a., 5868; cf. ). Auvoiou K. (I.G., II2, 6370a) OA&aveOo ('A7ieaS), ca. 376/5 a., father of 'AvrlKp&rq5s, 3611 (P.A., 13994) ca. 240 a., 10915 )O&aveos[---] ('ApacavTrEs), 0. ?K 328/7 a., 498; cf. Oe68copoS [(]6Axav0os?KKEpa(pIcov), K. (L.G., II2, 6326/7) and (Damviqrrrrn . K K. (H., XXIII, 1954, p. 263, No. 65 = S.E.G., XIV, 156) archon 181/0 a., 18613(P.A., 14000); A66oTros OavapXi65ns, [6 IETr& OavCapxirfiv], 180/79 a., 1872; [A6s5orTo6 per]&
O)avapXi8rqv,18732 ca. 367/6 a., father of 'A9e06vTros, (Da[vrl]s ('AMco-rWKEsS), 4458 (P.A., 14003) (avia6[rls ---] (rlycyaiEs), councillor? ca. 370 a., 49243
?I[a]v6C[Trpa]Tro (Kiorrtos),ca. 313 a., father of 'Av-ntoIv,745 (P.A., 14102) . .]Ivov (arloviSrs), 304/3 a., 61294 Coav6crrpaTo[s P[av]6orpaTos (rllpaxiSils), ca. 314/3 a., father of 'OvtioavSpos, 72265 (DavoorpaTos ()ryalEvus), ca. 256/5 a., father of [
12844(P.A., 14110)
Ocavo6-rparos (<OlAai8rlS), 336/5 a., 42133 = ). O., 1rrTorT6cTT 7rpoESpcov 333/2 a. (LG., II2, 33729-30 = P.A., 14111). *cxapaWaS Tijpcovos Kapf3coviSrls,ca. 150 a., 23642-45 = 0.
[[auOA]Aos ('Axapvsis), ca. 323-313 a., father of OaiScov, 6817,
(P.A., 14006) [cD]avias E'Emr[----],init. saec. III a., 644; or [M]avias Oavias ErTr[-----] (Aiyl7iEus),303/2 a., 62323
(Daviac ('Avayup&croos), ca. 337/6 a., father of OvXaoias,
who was secretary also borne by a man from Alexandria (.G., II2, 8035) probably = 0. ('A.), father of ATroKAfis 327/6 a. (N.P.A., pp. 41, 161) (Dt8o-rpa-ro[s] XcociKAwous ('EKaAXus),370/69(?) a., 1387-88 Pavias ('EAEvaivIos), ca. 211/0 a., father of 'ApxorrpaTros, (P.A., 14139) 19435; a grandson perhaps = PD8EcrrpaT[os] XalpEo-rp[&rou] (Errrvp[irls), 370/69(?) a., [(D]avias ('EEucrivlos),135/4 a., 24364, was father of 'Apiorcb13101-102 (P.A., 14141) vvuos and 'ApXTvos ca. 367/6 a., father of 'Apx~ESP[o]s, (.G., II2, 101153,4102; P.A., 14018) (DeSt8Srls (AIy7AlEus), O)aviaS (KuSatrlvaeius), 155/4 a., 22597 (cf. P.A., 14021 and 4431 (P.A., 14146) LG., II2, 6599) E16Sias (nlTpaIEuS), 135/4 a., 24377, was father of (XliPcov, Oavias (louvireu), ca. 358 a., father of EOonrlipiSls, 5226(P.A., = P.A., 14153) ephebe 119/8 a. (I.G., II2, 1008 II111107 14025) )E18ias ('Paivoulios), ca. 87 p., father of OeSifas,3221, 58
(Davias : KA(aut5ios)(lavias (q iTrmnoS), 167/8 p., 37125 Davias 'Ayav[opos] (Op&appIos),ca. 325 a., 5219 (P.A., 14028, corrected) D)&[v]nTTros (MapaOcbvios), 223/2 a., 12749 (D EIias o ['PapvovcTos], prytanis, secretary of the pryta-
cDavo[----], secretary of the boule and the demos paullo ante 178/7 a., 1933
Oav65nrlos ('AeUovwUs),173/2 a., 20611o
neis(?) and orator ca. 120 p., 322i, 58 OeilSmwros M[vppivoi'aos], contributor but not a bouleutes O). M. (I.G., 328/7 a., 4937; his father may = 'ATrIIcov
II2, 113817-18 = P.A., 1350, A.P.F.) Oe)E56NEcoS (OEBoo-rp&TOu (Ku8avTi8ris), 335/4 a., 4348-49
254/3 a., 8974 OE86oCTpaaros ('EpXIEUS), (Deis6orpacros (Ku8av-rTiS),ca. 368/7 a., father of (DEt56AEcos 4349
O(DEcov (TnIQ0), ca. 403/2 a., father of 'lepoKifSl[], 1378 (P.A., 14185); a grandson probably = (DEicov (TiXArl),336/5 a., 42256; for relatives and a stemma cf. H., XXX, 1961, p. 49 and 'I. (.0(.) ca. 400/399 a., father of OeWX\js (nTTpyaoaES KcaerEppOEv), 1433 (iA)EVS, , ()peKri?s (KoWXwrEs),post med. s. III a., 1124 ItXoKp6CIr(ou) cTEpEKprrlS OltAoKparouS (KoXXwrets), 341/0 a., 3841 (P.A., 14196); a descendant is probably the preceding [O]iXE1i ('AyyEAfiOv),ca. 155/6 p., father of [EtaiSoros], 4173 = QA1,i ('AyyEfieev), ca. 133/4p., father of EiaiSoros, 36952= (DAti() ('AyyEXfihv), ca. 136/7 p., father of Elio5o-ros,37854 * [[[tea] ]], paoiAlioa 235/4 a., 11517 ] ('AKapav-riSos), ca. 200-150 a., 1981o li[ (i[----o]s ('Ayvoioios), ca. 337/6 a., father of'ApioTcov,61115 ] ('EpXEis), ca. 180 p., 40319 [ ), fin. s. III a., 1437 ] ($ a)i[ ca. 205 p., 44719; (DiBiios : ATA(ios) c)iSipos ('AvTroXiSos), the demotic is TTaXXArlv s; cf. Al. (D.('A.) ], 281/0 a., 72273 OliX[
0iXapxI6rs ('cQalEs), ante med. s. IV a., father of Eveolvos and KE&apioros, 3220-21(P.A., 14228) init. s. II a., 15822 (Aai'rrTpEUS), WDiAapXoS ca. 253 a., father of [ ], 1312 [O]IE(---), 3965 OltXE[ ]s, ca. 137-154 p., father of [Ai6]pav-ros, [(IlAEa] (AEIpasi6Crrs), ca. 283 a., father of NeoTrrT6Ael[os], 10012(P.A., 14235) 1007; [(iAX]as,father of [NEow-r6ELAos], ca. 400/399 a., father of Otlacs (AarTrrpeOS Ka0OriEpeEv), (D.A., mcrt-rrris rrpo68pcov 1456; 'EwTzKp&rqs Ariui'Trpos, 303/2 a. (I.G., II2, 4957-8, 4968) may be a great grandson : TT6(wrrtio) archon 141/2 p., ioAEas Ai7Mos Oltcas [ME\XrTEs], 3346 Oi7as (cTaiovi85r5), 336/5 a., 42244 = (D. 'Av-Tlyvov TT., Iepo-rroOca. 330 a. (I.G., II2, 41029, 43-45) = OtlAaS 'Av[T-iyvov n.] (I.G., II2, 3486 = P.A., 14242).
Otc5as (Diop[pp6[Tro] (naXXqrveus), 273/2 a., 7831; cf.
T., orator paullo post 306/5 a. and 300/299 a. (othovarTou (LG., II2, 514, 554, 585; H., XXXII, 1963, pp. 3-5, No. 4) $Oilas OMlo06(pou) (nxri Q), 370/69 (?) a., 1375-76 (P.A., in a 14245) = [0]iA[kas] (n.), father of NIK,6Tpcrro5, dedication 339/8 a. (I.G., 12, 3133) ] (TptvEEpnIs), ?(lDX[a]s[ 281/0 a., 7298
ca. med. s. III a., 10315 ], [0urrlqprrls] (DPtas (DIAicovos(O)peppios), 370/69 (?) a., 1347-48 (P.A., ] (OivET6os),ca. 260 a., 833 Q(.((.), 1345-46is a brother iXA[ 14247); 'AvTlX&prns init. s. II a., 15627 (DiAevos lDX[----] (OivEi8os), (EOcovupvuS),96/7 p., 31236; a son or grandson = 1). o Eu., ephebe 154/5 p. (LG., II2, 206731) ilA[---] ('A9iSvaios), ca. 337/6 a., father of ['AptoIro]&vrns, 5912 = (EK OtIAevoS KoiAis), ca. fin. s. II p., father of EOrrpa^lSrS, 45819 [$i7e---] ('AliSvaTos), ca. 337/6 a., father of ['Ap]ijoro61259 (QlhAevoS 9&v[r|s], (Tlatavius), ca. 20 a., 29329 MEVEKp&aTO ('Axacpves), ca. 336/5 a., father of [(lA]oKp&rrls, (Xipcos 9[o60(]&vovsK Koi(XNrs), 717172 or 174-176 or 187 P(i7[----] 62160 p., 39516 = ]: MapKs O)X[ (DI[ ] (Brlaaioes),ca. 180-190 p., 170-172 or 174-176 or 187p., [gK eeod&[vovs] KoiArs], IiAXhpcCo 4099 3964 ca. 336/5 a., father of [ 37121 OiA[---] (KEpaXOei), ]iXos,6297 Q)lA?pcos (ErrTTIos), ca. 134/5 p., father of 'ETriKTT-roS, (iDA[---]s A[--] ? (KuSaevaieUs), ca. 400-350 a., 1229 OilA'pcosKa?ao(rov ('OaOEv), 184/5 p., 40716-17 = (iA(---): [....]Aios (iX(---) (rlaiavsiEs), 166/7 p., 36912 [OlAp]oosKaXXAiorou C(Q2aOv), 188/9 p., 41936 ] (narXXqvs5), ca. 150 a., 23632 OIAX[ [(D]iAhraipoS 'AVTi6[X]ov ('A8piaviSos),ca. med. s. II p., 3397 OiA[----] ((AvUEs),ca. med. s. I a., father of 'ETrrKTrTOS, *?O;XeisOeXAAco (TTepyaocCis KaewTrrpe0v), 367/6 a., 1433 30313 ] (ME,rr5Os), ca. 390-360 a., 713 OiAtN[ ca. 330 a., 4658 (P.A., 14265) OlANXoviv8rS OiXa[---] (TplKopUoalos),ca. 190/89 a., 17098 ('AcoTTrrEK6s), ca. 40-30 a., 2848 = 1lA$iucov,ErTrovpy6s OiXa[yp]os('A?aciSs), ca. 390-360 a., father of A/cov,76 = 9TrirT[hvEKla]5a, ca. 40-30 a., [OtA]aypos('A;aises), ca. 390-360 a., father of 'Ac-rviqXos, (lt[XApco]v, lrrT[o]vp[yCv] 77 (P.A., 14207; stemma, 9110; ef. P.A., 14208; H., XV, 28724-25 of Antiochis s. I p., 30928 1946, pp. 162-163, and A.P.F., 14208 bis) Ol?i;.pcov,o-rto0Xos : Aip(iAlos) OIlAipcov ca. 155 a., 22654 OAtfiXucAv (Oiaypos ('AXEpSovrIaos), ('AvrioX{5os),paullo ante councillor? 343/2 a., 49349 (IcAaypos'EXAEE[uviOS], 220/1 p., 46631 : AUp(fAlXos) ;liAXpcov OXlfixicov (iXaypos (KuSaOrIvaiEus), ante med. s. IV a., father of ve(co-rpoS)('AvTiox({os), 3256 (P.A., 14211) 'Av8poKU65rS, paullo ante 220/1 p., 46632 (OitXaOvatos ('EpIKamIu), ca. 149/50 p., father of Ecoitpios, (Diripcov post ca. 185 p., father of ['AAX6]av8pos, ('A-rAraAXios), 40650 48020 96/7 p., 31226 OXcaOtivacx (Aapr-rpE*s), OcIAUCpov ('ATrraiSos), post ca. 183 p., father of OXlApcov, 47022 ('AvayXicOSn), 334/3 a., 4412 (P.A., *[<]iXaiyi8TSAEcoKAiSou (tlA,pov o ('ATrraciSoS),post ca. 216 p., 47022 14216) O(iXaios('AvaKamus), ca. 368/7 a., father of (iAcov, 43196 lhlAiw)oov(Ascovrio5S or 'ASplaviSos), s. III p., father of (KuSa0"vaiers),ca. 360 a., 1510 [---- ]os, 4875 [Oi]XatioKaXXcaiaXpou ()I<XA>ICOV [$]iAdver1(AiavTiSos),ca. 330 a., 4629 (P.A., 12221) ('ACjiaaavcrE), ca. 155 a., 22623; cf. I.G., II2, 7977 6 Kca[.]o[..] (rnaMrlvevs), 4O[X]&vrves post ca. 216 p., 47240 iXqipcov 'AiUVTroU ('Ava9Aorrtmo), init. s. II p., 32112, was ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13730 (AaprrTpes5), *[iXA]&vcop ephebe ca. 84/5-92/3 p. (.G., II2, 199677) ca. 135 p., father of OlXficov, 37627 O?icXpov (KuvaOtvaie*s), (qi-rr-rios),fin. s. IIp., 44021 ()i)apyupoS 'Ay&acovos : Mip(pios) c>lAdpyvpos (TpiKopLaoos), paullo OITxlpcov o (KvSaOrivaeIvs), ca. 168 p., 37627,was secretary of (DAXdpyupos ante 180/1 p., 39723 the ephebes 176/7-178/9 p. (I.G., II2, 210516; cf. noMAcov, IV, 1949, p. 20, No. 2); perhaps = OlXapXi6Sq5 ('ApiTrpowrrames), ca. 367/6 a., father of AlorwKAs, 4416 (P.A., 14226) DtiNapcov Ql6Ai.cov: rlEiv&plos (Kuvarivateus), 169/70p., 37840 OX[----
ca. 20 a., 29341 (DtitApcov (TTaiavItEs), EKocaprfriou honored 97/6 a., 25991 (liqlc.ov TT6pios,
ca. 197/6a., fatherof Aiovwur668pos, Oirrtwros (Kepa.fi0Ev),
ca. 197/6 a., father of[A]lovva68copos, Oi plcov XoiA&8rs, (KEqaXiOEv), Oti,xcov: A*piAzos hoplite general167/8 [OiXlrnros] 22035 Oi[mlrrros], 2202-3; 3716 p.,
OiAtXrios(rapyf-rTnos),ca. 337/6 a., father of [---]as, 6153 180/1 p., 40249 POiAXlros: KA(a*8ios)(iXrTTos('APOovEis), S 96/7 p., 31242; cf., O[rT'roS [M]Evfoiov Kocovfiisv, aOXTrtl
], mentionedin headingof 304/3a., 612 <DiXA[ Pi?vos,archon254/3 a., 89i (P.A., 14308);for the date cf. H., XXXVIII, 1969,pp. 432-436
336/5 a., 4229 Oi[Alv]o[s] ('Avcayup&apos), 176-169 a., 20547; cf. I.G., II2, 5644 = <DiM[v]os ('AvonaKcns), P.A., 14320. oilTvos ('AvacXAo-nlos), ca. 354 a., father of [----]os, 558
(DiX7lnros 336/5 a., 42100 (hKKoWXAvou), ca. 393 a., father of [.... ]os, 1513; iAlmiros (KvSacrlvaleOS), with the son of Aristophanes, the be identified may comic poet (P.A., 14400 +Addendum; stemma s. 2090); cf. OiXt[Tnios--], I.G., II2, 2325140 aet. Rom., 31828; cf. 0. DiXriTos AloyEvov (Kv5ucsBval1Os), o K., ephebe 144/5-148/9 p. (I.G., II2, 205118) OiXnlroS OitMrrriov (AaxrrpE*s), 256/5 a., 8624; a relative A. (IG., II2, 79217-18; cf. may = Xaiplmros OXinrrTrov
A.P.F., 11948)
ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of ArlTrTrpios, 0DiXinroS (MEArrEtn), 29076-77 Oi?lTrrr[os?] (TlaXriveXs), ca. 314/3 a., father of 'Ap[loaro]6TV . (.G., II2, 7135 = P.A., 72227; cf. 0. OopOa<ou XrIS,
(P.A., 14312)
14411) s. I p., 30955 (DiAlwrrrro (na7AXnvELs), iA6crrparros, ? ca. 370 councillor OinXnrrTo U-rrrEvEpOev), nT[---] (TepyacECS
a., 4928 (P.A., 14412) OiXrntroS OlXifcvoS (loT-r&iio KaeC),370/69 (?) a., 1320-21
(P.A., 14414) 72109 ca. 314/3a., fatherof 5IX[trr]os, (iAx-rTros ((DryalEus), (0nyaets\), 281/0 a., 72109 Oi[I[rrr]os OtAiTnrov OiXasxos ('Alrivlis), 176-169 a., 20526 o K K]E[paivcov], [Oitdolos secretary of the boule and the demos 223/2 a., 12777-79;[(I]AinKOS 'lTrriov& K[Epaclcov], 12858 ca. 168 a., 21425 (AevKovOEus), [0i]dioTaos
ODiAnrros : Kaaiav6S OiAlr-Tros hoplite general ITeipiEOS, paullo ante 220/1 p., 46613-14
ca. 289/8 a., father of AecnKpiTOs, 8676 OiMvos(TTa[pcoTx&i8s), iorMvos ri0eEs, treasurer of the prytaneis 189/8 a., 17312; [Ol]Mivos ne-ihs, 17323 222/1 a., 12967 71i[Tl]v[o]s (OpE&ppios), 72194 AEIpS, OtAm-rr-irSs ('AXapve(s),360/59 a., 1761(P.A., 14354) ] (KqEa7WCs), OXIlimrrnirS Aio[ 305/4 a., 5862; for other members of his family cf. A.P.F., 14546, stemma (the new date of No. 58 makes the councillor more likely a
init.s. II a., 15612 (OuVcaioS), [O]?iOTos 743 (Acov-riSos),ca. 313 a., fatherof Ol[]60rpos, tXiiao[T---] ca. 225 1242 a., ] (OiveTos), XOlXtrr[ ca. 172p., fatherof 'AptoroKAESTq(s), iXtioC-reTSis (rT1ipactEs), ca. 314/3a., fatherof ['A]pXrrr6- 44810;cf. 'A. 0. 1. OXlTn [---] ('Palivoioios),
] ('Eevotvtos ?), 281/0 a., 72131 OQXt{ri[ ca. 393-373 a., father of YrrouSfaS, ('Ablvmiis), OD?ATrriSrls 2028 (P.A., 14443); cf. X. 0. ('A.) lXAotrifr8s 173/2 a., 206104 ('ACAeovnEs), Di(<X>io-rli8is ('AiacxavTei), ca. 155 a., 22628; either he or
cousin of 0. II)
his son =
councillor? ca. 370 a., [(lIl]TrrTrir1KEpaXfcovos (K6prrpElo), 492134(P.A., 14357) ca. 289/8 a., father of DiNAtros,8624 (itArrTri8Tss (AallrrrpeOs), ca. 400-350 a., 1254 = OiXitrTri8ris (Raiavincs jTtwVEPOEV),
ODliari6rSi ('Aplacavtnrs),135/4 a., 243114 OiXiorr6riSs (Kea7oEies), 336/5 a., 42273; cf. .G., II2, 6371. 62243 ca. 336/5 a., father of AioXpcov, (tiAlrri8TS(K6orpEios),
P.A., 14360if this inscriptionis dated init. s. IV a., or P.A., 14361if it is datedmed.s. IV a.; for the familycf. A.P.F., 14670,stemmas. 5951 [[l]lr7rr[os],ca. init.s. II a., fatherof 'A7Sav[5pos], 2334
?), ante fin. s. II p., 4296 [Ol]AiTnTros Me[---] (KeKpo7riSo ca. 180-190p., 409o0;cf. 0I. Oi7rrrros[----] (BrlaatiFs),
ca. 314/3a., fatherof OoproxKos, 72258 iAXlrriciSs (KpicoE5s), ca. 314/3a., fatherof [ ], 7254 ODAlTacriSTIs (Aoia&Srcs), ante med. s. IV a., father of i?aioTri6[rls] (SvUrTalcbv), [----Irs, 316
O?lio-ri1s ('OQjev), ca. 236/5 a., father of [KAAtmros], 14743-44 14741;[Oi]AtcrrinSr1 ('Of0ev), father of K6X[iTwrr]os, = ? 5932 a., iiutotrri8rls (OivaTos), 304/3 Mev<(6>p(ou) (Oivatos), 304/3 a., 61271 [(Dila]rr]if8[r MEvey6qou] ca. 287/6 a., father of E0?i0Eos, 8963; l(DiAcoria8is ('OT'pvvEs), perhaps = >Oi?uori6rlS 256/5 a., 8538; cf. 0. A. 'O. AltoScpou('OTpuvvss), (LG., II2, 7018; 10110, corrected; cf. S.E.G., XIII, 171) OltlAi-r[irns] ('OTrpuvEs), post med. s. II a., 24215 OlXioariSrs AaprwpoKA(ious) (ElipaieuS), 303/2 a., 62249; cf.
0. (n.), ca. 333 a., father of [---]s (H., III, 1934,p. 44,
No. 33i)
[Q)Aiao]T{8rnseEopAouv (FrpopaAicoos),304/3 a., 61236; cf.
SouvieS, secretary Kcrr&Trpvrawvav Oi668popiosC2Tc&SOU 13039 aios) 220/19 a., 1302; (>lA68p<o>)ios COTrr&OU e069iXos (Tlpopaal ZouvlEvi[], (DiAro-ri8Srs ('AvaqXt-nos), 140/39 a., 240107 (0?lyaies,), ca. 376/5 a., father of ['A]pio-ri[c]v, lOi6OEos ?Oi6eEos 3618(P.A., 14452) 178/7 a., 19484 (uvvarlTr&l6s), ca. 255/4 a., father of iXcov,12981 )lAicrlcov (XoXANiSiTS), OiA6[e]E(os) (&E Oiov), ca. 168 a., 21476 ('AvnoXSos), ca. 337/6 a., father of [ )?lAtoriov OhX6qr|pos ]s, (TTaioviSrs), ca. 168 a., 21452 [(Di)]iacrTov (nlo-rTUos), ca. 211/0 a., father of Q)(iAloT[cov], 61325 ca. 280 a., 743 19428 father of QiA[{ior]icov, 1942; [DiX]io-r[i]cov, ?1[R]66rlpos ODiXo[-r---](AEcovrisos), init. s. II a., 15828= fToTIlos, secretary Kara TrpvravEiav Oi60erpos (^KKrlSCv), $Ol]]toricovoS ()l1CUTi[cov nos -T&ro[s], KTrjav, 193/2 a., 16873 ?>(Ditlpos(KK [Q(DA]itor[i]C)vo 178/7 a., 1941-2; c(DA[ior]icov 19427-28 (iA6rlpos (1i OTou) a. 433-383 a., father of [----]XEfSr, 1265(P.A., 14503); the son was ypaoCa-rEsr Ti ouvi Kca fin. s. I a., 3036 O([I]rTroS AEvKfou (()7AUEs), T'r Sipcp ca. 400-350 a. (l)AtIros AioKA,(--) (OuAoaios),med. s. III a., 10513 ca. 250 a., 1005-6 OiAtico[v],hT-otr&ms5 Ol,60lpoS e9Eop&a-rov(lTaiovi615s),370/69(?) a., 1398-99 wrpo8Spcov (ltXhov(Aati8A{Xns), ca. 337/6 a., father of [ ], 61141 (P.A., 14504) ca. 403/2 a., father of OiMasc, 1376 (liikov AloyriTovos ('EpXtiEu), OiXOrl(pos) (nfSl), 254/3 a., 8969 (IAfcov (rToT&hilos KaOi), ca. 403/2 a., father of ()iAfrrTros, (P.A., 14505) 1321 Oloinrios ra,Fou ('AxapvEvS ?), post ca. 216 p., 47339= . r. (P.A., 14472) )(DiAcov and ca. 403/2 a., father of 'AvrlX6&pPs MEimTnis, ephebe 171/2 p. (.G., II2, 21048), adopted by an ($)pE&ppios), Acharian; cf. Kirchner, s. LG., II2, 178439 ()XlAas, 1346,48 (P.A., 14473); cf. 'A. (l. ((D.) 367; Euoa[---] (<DAoalmos),councillor? ca. 370 a., 49299 DiAo(<i>T)lo [(C)t]Aov ('Icovirs), ca. 376/5 a., father of [Xp]krl1s, cf. X. 0. (.) (P.A., 14474) ] (EuvraAf-rrios), ca. 250-230 a., 10816 OthoK[ *(?(AAi,s (Eicovvpus), 336/5 a., 426; on the name cf. H., XXX (D)loKi6SrS (rapyqTrrios), 374/3 a., father of EIKpias, 3814 1961,p. 37. (P.A., 14509) >Xo[----], s. II p., 3491 >lao<iK^Srl fin. s. III a., 14137 (EvcoVVuP6s), OlXo[--] (Alavri8os), ca. 368/7 a., father of OtAo[--], 43199 (DlXoKA[---- --] (9j rrlios), med. s. III a., 10124 ?>AXo[--] ?OXo[--] (AlavTibos),335/4 a., 43198-199 ca. fin. s. II p., father of [EO]Kp&- ?D?ioK7A[e---] ('Avaqro-nlos), ca. 314/3 a., father of [---]i?DIho[.. .]?pco ('ATrrTaXfos), 72236 orpaoro[s], 45910 TrlS, ] ('ASptaviSos), ca. med.s. II p., 33921 OlOK.[fiS ca. 42717 >OiXo[----] (KeKpo-Ti8os), 197p., ca. a., father of [ ], [<t].oKoA[is] 337/6 ('AKacpavT-iSos), ? ca. 370 councillor 492145 a., ('AvaqAXironos), ?<)io[----] 6181 ] (nlaAXrlvEs), ca. 150 a., 23629 (OIo[ : OlioKAfi (AecovTiSos), 195/6 p., 4265; (<Dio[.. .] 'Apio[-ro]&6Xou nl[popaXci]ios, secretary KTcrr (DAloKAfis KA(aCu6os) = KA. $. (AwEovoeVS), ca. 200 p. (I.G., II2, probably -rrpvravEiav 182/1 a., 1841-2; [()Ao... s 'Api]<aroplXou 248323) 1831-2 nlpopaXclaos, ], [ ?)i]WoK[[Afs] (nlaviovi6os), ca. 337/6 a., father of[ (Atavrrios), s. II P., 34715 Oitoy?viS NElKoorrp&rov 61228 archon 131/2p., [C)i]Aoykvris: KXao[([8os (l]oyevr1s BrlcraaeS, init. s. III p., 45716 (AIlcovwSs), O)ioKWi.s 3267 ca. 368/7 a., father of ?l)6opppoTos, O?lXoK.js ('AvaKcaiuS), 25958 (l)68a65c 97/6 a., oS(lTTroApali5os), 43192 (AEWV-riSOS), [(l]A6?68l[os] secretaryof the prytaneis 185/4 ('A9Svcaos), ca. 337/6 a., father of O>iA6orparos, ?(iXoKAXis a., 179[11-13], 27 5927 (Di6568rlpo('AXIcTrrEKE), 140/39 a., 24086 [<ct]WAokfis ('AqliSvos), ca. 337/6 a., father of [)i]XA6crpa] ('AXapvEiVs), [0)]i66STro[s 303/2 a., 62146 61258 -r[5], (lA66r8ios (rapyrriTos), ca. 149/50 p., father of TTpatrrrAns, ca. 243/2-204/3 a., father of [()lXOKfiS5] (BEPEVIKS{TIS), 40624 13850 [EiUKAfs], [os ATroKAEovs] [>1i]XA60rc ('Epoti&ls), ca. med. s. IV a., 2211; OI)XoAfis (rapyfiTInos), ca. 374/3 a., father of Ai66copos, the father's name has been restored from, and the coun3812,82 (P.A., 14538) cillor identifiedwith, the orator of decrees in 340/39 ca. 337/6 a., father of 'Aplo-riSrS, (l)XoKAfiS (Eurrupi8rls), and 337/6 a. (I.G., IIZ, 23218and 24446)who was also 61302 trierarchca. 334/3 and ante 323/2 a. (I.G., II2, 1623334, Biocovos(0opaiels), 334/3 a., 4435 (P.A., 14542) (OhAoKXfis 16321-2, etc.; cf. P.A., 14488, A.P.F.) ca. 289/8 a., father of 'AvridaXos,8650 O)lAoKAfi(s) (KrPioiEmS), [0]LA68ri,1os (Kilpqaie*s),ca. 63/4 p., father of [0]X]i6Srllios, OtAoKAis 184/5 p., 40730 (COaOev), 31218 ()lXoKfis5 (TrEipie*S), ca. 337/6 a., father of [---]rMs, 61233 [)]l\6Striios : (Krlqiatls), 96/7 p., 31218 0. Z. OlioKfiis (qf-rrnos), 336/5 a., 42311; cf. [Tl]aipJirAi
(>tA66o8rlos (AapirrTpEs),ca. 289/8 a., father of KTofas, A., Xal-rraSolqpos ca. 333 a. (LG., 8628; perhaps = (D. = P.A., 14491) II2, 310535 (Dlo6Srlos (TTaiavuIs), 336/5 a., 42143, may be a grandson
ca. 338/7-336/5 a., father of EivXAis, (iAoKAnf(TpCrivEIEs), 5835, [61106],62296;perhaps = ca. 314/3 a., father of [Oi]Xoiorfs, OhA[oKAfi]s (TpivpEEOs), 7269; cf. above, p. 14 of P.A., 14494 (cf. H., XXX, 1961, p. 43); for other [Oi]XioKfiOiAX[OKA,]ou herald 281/0 a., 7269= TplvEperEs, membersof his family and a stemma,cf. A.P.F., 14625, (Di?oKAfis (TpIv1ErS), ca. 293-287/6 a., father of Ei<iis, stemma (showing 0. II as a nephew of .). I) [8330],859, 8936; cf. above, p. 14
II p., 35214,was ephebe cf. 'Apx. 'Eq., 1950-51,
ca. 256/5 a., father of [EiXKAi], Ol.OKp&arT [O0ioK]Afis (TpwiVEEEiS), [3] ('OieEV), post med. s. 12857 = [QlAtoKXfl] (Tpive?EEuS), ca. 248 a., father of med. s. II p. (I.G., II2, 206932; 13217; probably = EUKAtfs, p. 38, No. 1833)
herald 235/4 a., 11533; cf. above, [OOQioKAfis TpiVEPiEES], p. 14 (lMOKAfiS TpivEEIs, herald ca. 173/2-166/5 a., 20659-60, probably = ca. 188 a., father of EiKXfis, 22611; [C)lhoKAfs] (TPIVEpEEvS), cf. above, p. 15 0[ilo]KAri ($caXTiPEis), 223/2 a., 12741
56-57, [21712];
$PiAoKp&rTls (^ Olov), ca. 53 a., father of 'Awr6rlis, 293i (P.A., 14622); cf. 'A. (D. Oi. lhAoKpa&rr1s (TTalaviwus), 220/19 a., 13067 = (. H., basileus 228/7 a. (I.G., II2, 170612 = P.A., 14624); perhaps a descendant of (D. cltOKVSous H1.(P.A., 14625; A.P.F., stemma; cf. (IloK}Uris(n.), below) 'EAEVuacVfou (tXAoKp&rrl1 T'ip(aiEUS), init. s. III p., 4588
(DiXoKpPc(Tr (H6plos),
a., 42282 =
OiXoK,Afis(Ope&pplos), 336/5
perhaps the same man. : 'Avvios Ol6OKOp.os *IQlO6Kopos (KoAVTrrEu), 182/3 p., 40629 ] (TpiVEpIEEOS), (tlXoKpa[T 281/0 a., 7297 ca. 337/6 a., father of [--[(CDt]oKp-r[Ts], ], 61337 O1loKpCxrrs AuvomKp&r(ous) (Aicavrios), 303/2 a., 62271 ca. 176/5-170/69 a., 20418 [0]tXoKp5&[TnS] ('AvT'oXif5o),
[Qt]AoKpa-rTS ('lTrroecovrTi8o), paullo ante 220/1 p., 4658 ca. 336/5 a., father of evpoOtlKoKp6rris ('Ilrrro0cov-Tiso),
and 0. (n.), SialTrrTr 325/4 a., 356/5 a. (IG., II2, 1622247) (LG., II2, 192686)= P.A., 14627, A.P.F. (IovvEiVs), ca. 147/8 p., father of ErTruXSir and (lXooKp&rnr 40212, 13 EOKapprros,
OIAoKp&rPr1 (OaXr)IPvs), ca. 190/89 a., 17088
[tAXOKpax]T-r (OaXrlpEvs), ca. 337/6 a., father of [....cov],
595 =
ca. 337/6 a., father of FXa%Kcov, l(DiOKTirfcov(KpcoTrri8ns), Trrls, 62239 F. K. Ol1AoKp&rrls Ai. Aicovse(s), 328/7 a., 4915; cf. (. OiAcovoS 61299;cf. [KaAiorTpc-aos] HTavTraKMouS (LG., II2, 5448 = P.A., 14600, stemma s. 14825; cf. O?IAoKU5rSS ('AypuAsOSKaOjTrep8Ev), 367/6 a., 1430 A.P.F., 8065, stemma) ('AxapvEus),360/59 a., 1759 (P.A., 14646), was D?,oKuSris ] ('AaitEus), 304/3 a., 61199; cf. 0. 'A., father of 'EmIrKUT8S, lessee of a mine fin. s. IV a. (.G., $(iAoKp&r[rS = P.A., 14601), perhaps II2, 15883, 4, 8; cf. H., XIX, 1950, p. 281 and R.E.G., SalTcrrlrTi 325/4 (I.G., II2, 192611o the father LXIII, 1950, p. 156, No. 102) ca. 336/5 a., father of[----]Tos, oDIAoK8'rl[S] (rnaav1Ev), ante med. s. IV a., father of OlAoOl?KoKp['(rlS)]('AkcowEKECVS), 62312 3214(P.A., 14649); cf. :c. 0c.(n.), and A.P.F., 14625, Xa&prs, stemma (lhoKpTTrrislvuvra[y6pou]('AvayAMcrnos), 304/3 a., 61317 [(cDA]oKpanrrs OX[----] ('Axapveus),303/2 a., 62160; perhaps [$i]6AXoyos (Opiatlos), ca. 108/9 p., father of [---], = 0. 'A., trierarch 323/2 a. (I.G., II2, 163256 = P.A., 3348-9 14604; A.P.F.) 7Aopji[---] ('ATrraiSos),post ca. 183 p., father of 'IrwwapXos, 47025 (BaTEUs), ca. 376/5 a., father of 'Apvo6paXos, 1XAoKparr1s 3630; cf. 'A. (D.(B.) 176-169 a., 20550 DiA,6p[a]Xos ('AXEpSoucTios), ca. 188 a., father of [QDAoKp&rrKs],IXO'HppOTOS (DiXOK?AOUS (AEKXeeEUS), [lD1XoK]PCTTs'r ('AvcKalEus), 335/4 a., 43191-192 2262, [6]; he and the following are father and son DIXA6ipPpo[rTO(naArlivsEiS), ca. 306/5 a., father of OXAcas, ca. 188 a., father of [(DloKpaTTr]s, 7831 (DXoKparrrT (AEKEXEE\US), 2267 [(iX6p]Xoos ('A?aeiEs), 336/5 a., 4267; his son = 0. C. 'A.,
[O(loKp&Trrs Ae[KEXEIsI5],treasurer lAXoK]pa&ro
of the pry-
taneis and prytanis ca. 155 a., 2262-3, [6]; (loXoKp&rrTs 14662) (AEKeAXEs), 22618; he and the following are father and son: Ol6?OjiTAos AUTroaO[evovs] (EUOvvpEiUS), 304/3 a., 61172; [CIXoKPCTrrn]S OlhoKp&rouv AEKEAE,S, secretary of the prytaperhaps = P.A., 14664. neis and prytanis ca. 155 a., 2267; (DtoKpa&rrl(AEKEXEEUS), ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13745 OiA6ptljos(KrlcpiaEus), 22619 ca. 50 a., 27212,a descendant lo,6nriAosECupi7?ou (XoXAeriSn), (ElrEaToS),ca. 200-150 a., 1986 [(l]X]oKpa&rr1 probably of 0(. [E]Op&XouX., ephebe 102/1 a. (IG., II2, 1028 1138= P.A., 14672) lIXOKp&rrs e[----] (KEpaME*s), 305/4 a., 5865; cf. 0. K., *IOi6vEos (KEqaE\US), ca. 337/6 a., father of [---]oKAEi5r|s, ephebe 267/6 a. (I.G., II2, 66557 P.A., 14611) 61100 (DlAKp'rrls (KrlppCiaES),ca. 289/8 a., father of MSva(XK1s, 8654 CI)6veCo[s 'ApEIVoviKoU ?] (IouvlES), ca. 370 a., 13al2, restored ca. 374/3 a., father of OEPEKprraTs, from H., VII, 1938, p. 4, No. 171 OlXOKpTrr1s (KoXAu-rEs), 3841(P.A., 14612); a descendant is: *D)lA6voeos A[----] ('Avayvp&oios),councillor? ca. 370 a., 49213 il;AOKp6Tr(Ts) (KoXXArrEU), ante med. s. III a., father of 1124 )EPEKAifS, iA)l?o[Evflrs]('Paxvorioso), ca. 217/6 a., father of (OltogEvffather of [OtXoevi5i?s],18126 (i?,oKp&TrrT(KopvSacAeUs),173/2 a., 20690; a grandson 5rlS,1802; OiXo~evi6rlS, ca. 130-120 a. (I.G., P()lXo6Vi6r1s K., ?Trlv1rlr5's perhaps = 0. A?ovTro OA)lo[Evi8ou 'Papvovicos], secretary KaTa Trp-raII2, 194035 = P.A., 14615) (D)loKp&arrS (KuSaCrqvai6s),ca. med. s. II p., father of vEiav 184/3 a., 1802; [(I>AoevE5r1s] O1Xo\Evi8ou, 18126;
probably = []iAXoSevi65rs ('PapvoiOaos),ca. 190/89 a., 17066; cf. H., XL, 1971, p. 310, note on line 2; he or his son =
)AXogEvilSrs ('Papvo*oios), 166/5 a., 21631
OIX6OEvos (1 Oiou), ca. 168 a., 21479; a son perhaps =
II2, 7003
OIX6oevos (XouviEus), 173/2 a., 20669; he or perhaps his son
= P.A., 14710
(tXA6Evo[S] (OaX}ipExs), 223/2 a., 12732 OQtA6EvosEUK.AEi5[o]u (XoA7Ei8rqs), post 255 a., 8839 (P.A.,
14713) archon 96/7 p., 3124-5 (DiX6-rracr[7ro]s, 0 ?[Aos, rpTT^PTIS pouXAs 303/2 a., 6213 Tqfs 182/1 a., 1844 rria-rcrrlMs rpolSpcov OlX6[oc]Tpcar[oS], 2615 (Dia6o-rpros, ca. 128/7 a., father of Ai6BoTos, (AtlyESos),ca. 167 p., father of [----], 4452 [Ol]AX6orprrTos Ol76o-rpa-ro5 17o7uKpiTou ('AZrlvin6s),med. s. I a., 27833 Zcoo0ei(vovs) ('AvayvpCaios),256/5 a., 8662 (X6oa-rpcrros 304/3 a., 5927= ('ATnSvaTos), cOl6o-rpacros iAOoKAo(us) ('Aqnvoaios),304/3 a., 61258 $l]XoKXE(ovs) [Vi]A6o-rpCaro[s bouleutes zealous toward OlAivo[v] 'Axapvws5, (Di6oaTpacroS the boule 328/7 a., 4948-49; (tDi[6C-rpaToS 'A]XapvEiS, 494; perhaps a grand4942-43; )liOcrrpaTOS 'AXapVE(*S), son of O. 'A., trierarch ca. 377 a. (P.A., 14726, A.P.F.) 305/4 a., 5857 A[---]ooarp&rov (Keqas.EiS), (DitorrpcrrTo 225 12512, perhaps a a., Ol6oTrpacros (KoOcoKiiSr), post grandson of (. K., trierarch 322 a. (P.A., 14733, A.P.F.) 169/70p., 38025-26 Kpioc(e*s), [(i]X6o-rpa-ro NEI[K]iou
('ASpiavfios), med. s. II p., father of [...]os, 0[iM6]qpcov 3541 (tX6qpcov 'ApiloroSfi(ov) (Krlqicinis),256/5 a., 8647(stemma, A.P.F., 743) ] ('Axapveus), 303/2 a., 62157; the name is POl?oxa[p cf. 0. 'A., 62148,20658-59,132-134 probably <DAox&prps; ('Alrloviei), 135/4 a., 24395 Oitox&prls 303/2 a., 62148 ] ('AxapvEus), [(i ?]Xox&prl[s
173/2 a., 20658-59; (DX[oX&pris]'AXapVEVS, OrToypacIppaTEuS
206132-134 'AxapvEus, OiAox&pris ca. 400/399 a., father of'ETr[i]XapTvos, (EucovvEisus), OlAoX&pris 14io (Talavinvs), post med. s. IV a., 3214 OiXoKj5ov[s] cOiXoXa(pr1S (P.A., 14778); for the family cf. A.P.F., 14625, stemma (the grandfather of the councillor may alternatively be identified with OXpoKpcris lDIXoKU6ouS 17.,I.G., II2, 192918) 447 ca. 367/6 a., father of KVKvoS, Ol?6Xopos ('AvaqX'auOos), 'A. K. 0. cf. (P.A., 14781); O<lXT[covi6rls ---] ('AvacAuorios), councillor? ca. 370 a. 492144; the name is restored from and identified as an ancestor, perhaps father, of: ca. 330 a., 4665 (P.A., 14793) Ol\rcovi5rls ('AvacpMO-rros), itXuoXXs 27_i.Kpiou (a?TrlpeOs), 303/2 a., 62288 archon 178/7 a., 1941; [Ot]icov, 19427 [(Di?co]v, 335/4 a., 43116-117 O[f]Xcov [...]X[.... ]os ('AKajiavribos), (1l76o-rpaTos Ot<X>ivov (KV6a0OvaiE6s), ca. 390-375 a., 1051; ante ca. OlAcov 187/8 p., father of paullo ('AvrioXi5os), cf. (. K., secretary of epistatai at Eleusis 422/1-419/8 a. 46630 'ATroXcbv(ios), (P.A., 14736) Oii(cov) ('ALiIvIEu),ca. 209-206 a., father of Alpoaevrl , OIX6o-rpcaro (9t Oiou), post 225 a., 1259 205[8], 23; cf. I.G., II2, 10469 (TTa7ArlEvsn), 335/4 a., 43210OiA6orrpc[Tr]os N1Koorrp&ro[u] ] ('AXaaiis), 304/3 a., 61201 tOiAcov (D[--211; probably == (.n1., lepoTro65ca. 330 a. (.G., II2, ca. 244/3-235/4 a., father of cOiAov, ci7,cov ('Avayupaoios), = 0. n., 41031, 49-51 P.A., 14742), son of NlKoCTrparTS 13750 = P.A., secretary 363/2 a. (.G., II2, 1093, 1104-5, etc. (iXcovos ('Avayupa&ios),ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13750; )(DiAov 11043, stemma s. 14926). (. 'A. (I.G., II2, 5621), perhaps a son or cf. Ariyprpios Oi6o-rTpaTro (OlXaitSrl), ca. 115/6 p., father of ['Air]oM7bbrother vios, 33711 335/4 a., 43195-196 i[Acov(oiAaiou('AvcKaeuss), : A(on<io) A(&o) (4o Osi6ocr-rpcrrosmTEipieiS, AL6orrpcrros a., 206120 ('ATrlvEO), [(D]icov 173/2 hoplite general ca. 205 p., 4485 = $icXov('EwirlEKi8r1), ca. 62/1-55/4 a., father of 'Aplcrr6viKos, : [A(o*KiOS) XA(ap;ioS) cOi]6oarpcarosXrEr[Oi]A6o-rpaTros 29070 [piOs], hoplite general ca. 205 p., 4493-5 = Oil'cov('ETrlKr1iaios), 360/59 a., 175 (P.A., 14834) ?lA6oTpcrpros : A(oOrios) (DA(aplos) Dit6oTrpaorosZT-rptieUS, ca. iXAcov a., father of Tlavai'nos,8530(P.A., ('EpXEiEs), 289/8 hoplite general ca. 205 p., 4475-6; a son probably = the name may have been read by Pittakys in 14839); ]: [A(on<Kos)]OXA(ptos) ti[A66oTpcaros YTri]piEss ?i[6To-rpaTo] cf. fT. D. ('E.) error for MIKicOV; vE(cbTrpoS), hoplite general ca. 225 p., 4853-4 Dircov(EvTrNupirls), 2048, ca. 209-202 a., father of iXAcov, : OA(&pitO ] (Mapaecbvos), ) Ol6T6r[ipos OX6OTe[IPos] 20510 ca. 120 p., 32229 (Di7cov (Di?covos secretary of the boule and the EOrrupiS[rs], : OX(&plos) O?IXO6TEos OIXO6TEipoS (TaliaviEus), 169/70 p., 37812 demos ca. 176/5-170/69 a., 2048 = invr ), s. Ip., 30954 (iOX6-rTElpo (TTa7rlX cDiAcov Oifcovos Euirr[pi5-ns], secretary of the boule and the OtXlTi.LoS 'APKE(if81o<u>,herald of the boule and the demos ca. 176-169 a., 20510, 63-64; probably =- . Eu., demos 180/1 p., 40234 = c. 'A. 'EAEouoltos, ephebic archon for whom a contribution was made 183/2 a. (I.G., II2, = P.A., 14840, stemma) 169/70 p. (I.G., II2, 209726-29), archon 185/6 p. (I.G., 2332210-211 12, 2111/25-6), hoplite general ca. 185/6 p. (H., XVI, ], 2225 (KrlctaEius), ca. 194/3 a., father of [-[O$i]?cov 1947, p. 182, No. 86), and member of the genos of Kerykes (P.A., 14846) ca. 200 p. (.G., 112, 23406); for his brother cf. 3999-10 DiXcov Ca.40-30 a., 28614 (KrIplanIES), 'OpEoro[v] ca. 336/5 a., father of -rp&rios, 6280 tAO6TI-pos(q4-rrinos), OiXcov(MapaOcbvlos), ca. 337/6 a., father of [...K]piTrS, 5936= (P.A., 14748); cf. 2. D. (Z.) OiAouJLEVOS Q>iXoujiv6S : KcoT(obvios) 61276 ('ATrraXios),post ca. [OiAcov] (Mapaecwvios), ca. 337/6 a., father of [--KprroS], 216 p., 47028 OlXcov EvXr{ri[T-rou] 194/5(?) p., 42411 (Mapa0ecbvio), KXtiviov (TrrrTraicbv), ca. med. s. IV a., 184, was XiAcov OiA?ovuJv6s (KEaXsevs), ca. 160-170 p., 35921= "EpooTos = P.A., father of K.,known ca. 325 a. (I.G., II2, 192717-18 (iAoup6v6s"EpcrTos 167/8 p., 37152= (KEqyaM^ev), and of the komast ca. a. of (I)toujiEv6S 'EpcoTos II2, ixailos, secretary 8509), 310311) pouvAEvrai 330/29 (LG., KEcQAfXsEv, and acocppovioaris Akamantis 168/9 p., 3736-7 306/5 a. (.G., II2, 47833; cf. I.G., II2, ca. 150 a., 23634 6941 = P.A., 14859) $DtAoqp&vrls (TTaAnrlves)
(rapyTrrlos), fin. s. II p., 43412 (i[p(Pos) np]6iXAos (pTTirlo), ca. 160-170 p., 3598 = (Ofppnos (fppos : 'IoOi7(os) (ippos : 168/9 p., 37329 Oippos 'lot(Xos) (EpqfT-ros), s. II 34720 ----.-] p., (Alavri8os), (A[ ... .]E?S[--] (Me^ITe,s), 177/8 p., 3983 [A
'EWAvenvfou (fAcov 184/5p., 40725-26 (COaEv), OiXcov honored97/6 a., 25991;cf. I.G., II2, 6951 'Oi[eE]v, OiXcov ca. 168 a., 21477 (& OTov),
(fAcov : -rT&(-no)$i7Acov (Tlaiavties), 169/70 p., 37814 2935, 16, 22, [91-93]
: lop(iTrlios) ()Aapiav6s (rapytrrnos), 182/3 p., (Oapliavos 40614 166/7p., 36915 (TTaiavie*s), fAco]v 'HpaKis8ou : in most cases the restoration may also be Difcov X(&ditos) (nia?aTlvsOs), post ca. 183p., fatherof (ficov, 47238 (^Xcov o (Ha?raivss), post ca. 216p., 47238 Ox(dcovlos) T6 ftPa 195/6 p., 42610 = Ti(ros) 'Ay6Ocov, -rmpl Ot(d&plos) (1Ta7acrve*s), post ca. 216p., 47217 [ ....] OAicov H. 'A. of Tir(os) OX. 'ATEfIrpTOS father 62194 OXA. of father ca. TTeipa[]Es, AirlPrplos, i{X[cov] (TT-eXeacios), 336/5a., II2, 36566-8) (.G., 14873) (P.A., eponymos fin. s. II p., 4378 = 'AKtpBli&[S]hs, Oi[']cov('Papvoioios),ca. 357/6 a., father of [X]&piwrros, D)X(&ptos)
5312; cf. O.P., SiarT-rfis 325/4 a. (LG., II2, 1926146=
P.A., 14874);(. 'P., on a horos (H., XXXII, 1963,p. 44, No. 52) and: iAXcov CPajvoOlos),190/89a., 17057 OiAcov 169/8a., 212107 (ZrltaXilrln),
E0e[u]K6gaS, eponymos 166/7p., 3698 = [OI(d&PS) XA(pitos) (lTlaavietu),q.v. Eu]0tuKo6[as] &iTrros 166/7p., 36955,167/8p., 37163 'I]poq&Vrrls, 0[A(ap1ios) OiAcov: AR(ios) (Oi7cov secretary of the boule and the demos OX&(pios) Soo3oiyEvrs, lKoptCaos), paullo ante 180/1 p., (Tf ca. 137/8 p., 4144 = >OA(aplo) q.v. LTaXTive*s], 39724 Zcocr[iyEmrs = (. donor OiXcov 330 ca. O., a., 4642; perhaps ('A8plavios), ca. 231/2 p., 49130 QX(apios)EicrKpt[Trs] (Oaixrlpes), to Asklepios 340/39 a. (I.G., II2, 153317= P.A., 14877) ('A-rr,aSos), init. s. III p., 45911 'ApairKavro[s] [O]A(a&ptos) ODfcov post ca. 217 p., 478o0 ?(Pios) E]7Tlv ('ATrrafAios), (Orlyatis), ca. 155/6p., father of [..6...]S, 41941; [\do&
ca. 132/3 p., 3291-2 pouXA OXaplios Eiax[xaycoyos] 'Aypvhues, archon 200/1-201/2 or 1011, II08 = P.A., 14880) 203/4-204/5 p., 4532-3 ca. 205p., 44913; cf. (. E. o OiXcov e--voKXfis 'AXap(veus), 222/1 a., 12974 >X(a(3pos) (Ope&ppios), OXiAov ca. 221/0a., fatherof [ ], 1745 (I.G., II2, 29622) (4pE&pptos), ca. 175 p., 39218 cf. .G., II2, QX(&ptios) XAcov 'laoKpcrr (BEPEviKId&r), OiXo[6]j(ov) (XoiheSrns),222/1a., 12981; ] (Brlacaies),post med. s. II p., 3555 7808 and H., XXI, 1952, pp. 366-367, note on line 116 DO(apilos) Zco[ ca. 330 a., 4628;the restorationis (DA(&3ios) post med. s. IIp., 3556 KaA[----] (BrlO-aius), [<iA?]covi8rj (AlavriSos), AIOTIpOS (Kuvaorvaiets), 166/7 p., 36942 Q(A(aIpos) by H. J. Carroll,Jr. Irrovucofather of ca. a., 337/6 OX(6pios) Aloykvrls Mapacbvios, archon 209/10 p., 4601, iAX[co]v(8(rs) ('Ayvovinos), 11-12 vi6rls,61119 ] (Mapacxdvios),ca. 120 p., OQlcoviSns X(3(1pios) LAop6e0[eo A[----] ('Avcyup&oios),councillor? ca. 370 a., 32230 49214 (P.A., 14890) Ca. 120 p., 32233; councillor? ca. 370 a., 492148 Zcoto[s Zco]mJpov (DlAcovifr15 (Mapacrbvios), OX(dplios) ('AvapAXornos), a descendant probably = OtAcovflrls (Aipil8s), 178/7a., 19498 &T ]6ppiTOov, [wt Oicovi8rjs (AiavriSos), 200/1-201/2 or 203/4-204/5 -0r6 97/6 a., 25990;a [V?(&pios)Zcoi]Xos 'Aq)L[v]aios, = was surely MapaOcbvios his demotic 0. 'A. of 45010; descendant 14892, A.P.F.) p., (P.A., perhaps Zoitos (Mapaecbvios),ca. 200 p., 4461, father of (P.A., 14894) OX(&dpos) citcovfSrls 360/59a., 1744 ('AxapvEs), M. (I.G., II2, Ti. (. rAaonos M. and Ti. $. KcxAaiarXpos OlAcovi1nS 178/7a., 19486 ('EXatoIoitos), = No. 2, father of 3709 251, VIII, ca. H., pp. 248-251 p. Suppl. [BaKX*So]5, OcDqcoviSls ('EAvaivios), 194/3 a.,
cf. 0. (O.), father of AIvais, who was ephebe 172/3p. (I.G., II2, 210270)and 0. o (., in ephebic list 147/8p. cf. H., XVIII, 1949,p. 45) (I.G., II2, 205925; ((Dvis), ca. med.s. I a., father of NE!pios, OI[Xco]v[----] O., ephebe 107/6 a. (.G., II2, 30317;cf. (0. ArlpriTpiou
2222(P.A., 14897)
OiAcovi8Tf s (KeqcAsites),336/5 a., 42279
and stemma,fig. 2)
ca. 120 p., 32232, an (MapaOcbvios), KcAwXa[iaXpo]s OA(c6plos)
O(C31ios)T6TrA[ios 32231 370 a., 4929(P.A., 14914,cf. N.P.A., p. 167) $D7(&pios)t>i6oE[ipos : Kx(c6iothS.[8ni 32229 ] ('PTavooiao), ODXcovi[5rTs] ca. 120p., 32261 Tp6o?io[s POA(d,tpos) ca. 120p., 400is (tXcobT[as] (MapaOcbvios), 1i7c&r[as]: lTo(Trrflos) councillor? ca. T?rVep06v), (TTEpyaaCEs
4315= Oi?coviSrls[----]
ancestor of the homonymousphilosopher,and relative tiAcovinSrls (Tlaovi8ns),ca. 168 a., 21455;a descendantis a. of the preceding(cf. I.G., II2, 3763 and H., Suppl.VIII, 10081 II2, TH., (). ephebe119/8 (L.G., t) probablyOltoKWiS of father ca. a., pp. 248-249, stemma,fig. 2) O3DicoviSrls 368/7 coCmIKfiSt, (f'spyacEeu),
ca. 120 p., ]ov (Mapacobvios), ] (Mapca0bvios),ca. 120 p., ca. 180 p., &kirnoS ] (MeXmiOs),
162/3 p., 3645 =
37355 169/70 p., 37810,was archon (oTpios(Kvp-lrfiTs),ca. 135/6 p., father of 'Ay&Ocov, 'Appiavos(TTaiavtiEv), OX(&pios) (OoTpos K-rrlaov(HaiavoiEs),169/70 p., 37823, was father of 145/6 p. (I.G., II2, 2055) and [----], ephebes ca. 220 p. (.G., II2, [Xaoou]o-rtav6O 'A9poialeios THa[i(avivs)], [lEpaiXls] ca. 185/6 OX(&ptios) 222829, 30; cf. 'Apx. 'Eq., 1950-51, p. 26, No. 1131,32) p., 410io (TTHaavlius),166/7 p., 36911 = OA(&- *l6[Apl os: see MapKOS )6[pito[s ---os o BrlcratEu], 3014-5, EOu]OI6i[as] [OAX(&pos) [2, 13, 16] eponymos 166/7 p., 3698 = OX. Eu. pios) EM0[u]K6oas, Ma'&ios(rapyirrnos), 182/3 p., 40623= *(Ovo(Trfios: (I.G., II2, 2478i); for the family, cf. I.G., II2, 3984-5 (ov(Tios) : K(otvros)Oov(rfiios) M&a,ios(rapyi-rnos), fin. 162/3 p., 3649 (HTaiavEiEs), OX(&Paos) 'Hp&IKAErro s. IIp., 4346 AEcocr0ovrlS (THaavrie's), fin. s. II p., 437o1, was IO(a&Pios) Ooiaas cf. for I.G., II2, stemma, (Eqz-r-rios), 281/0 a., 7217 (P.A., 14944); 'ArTvrr&rpou p. 2068196); ephebe 155/6 (I.G., for the name cf. I.G., II2, 157040; Insc. Delos, No. 885; II2, 3589 and H., XV, 1946, p. 173, No. 2036 = S.E.G., X, 42521 Mapoevos Hna(aviews), post ca. 217 p., 47731, was XA(&aios) -roU ]is, 72180 II2, &XKfS ?), ca. 314/3 a., father of[ herald, agonothete *eoeivos ('AGvlvaTos 192/3 p. (I.G., -rrEpi ca. med. s. IV a., 226 Oopiicov Xatp9q&v[ous] (OopamEiS), 213056, 83) (lraiavtolu), 169/70p., 37811 [(]opUoKos nueoScbpou, ca. 225 a., 1224 Ppos) nupq6posr1p(eoaPir ONA(&apos) (KpiosVs), 281/0 a., 72258 (OopraKOs (itio-riou 169/70 p., 37812 (lOoTntlos(TTaiavliys), OX(&apios) ca. 280 a., 749 (P.A., = his son 33341, (AEvKovotlS), ToiKp&[-r]ov[s] raFavos eopUOcKos 138/9 p., (nHaArTlveu), oxA(d&pos) 14967, redated), was ephebe 324/3 a. ('Apx. 'Ep., 1918, O. r. TT., ephebe 142/3 p. (I.G., II2, 204919) p. 7537); the stemma, A.P.F., 2092, should be adjusted. fin. s. II p., 4387 (TTHaArqveLS), Aiovoim[os] OX(&ptos) = 42324 ca. os), 138/9 p., 33117; a son or 192/3 p., Oou'pios MapKos(FapyT-rr OX(aPtos) T-ryavos (nlaArlvers ?), = 0. M. s. II 4386 F., 189/90 p. (.G., II2, 211615) ephebe fin. grandson p., ST-rav[os](na?Xrlvwi), (O(ad3pos) rap(yriTnos), secretary of the PovuAueponymos 195/6 p., 4256, [Oo]uplos'HpKsTErros Icoar[iyvrisnHaMaiives], OXA(apos) Traf ante 165 p., 3654-5, was ephebe 128/9 p. (.G., II2, was ephebe, gymnasiarch, etc., 173/4 p. (I.G., II2, 210321, = 2. archon (0. 204112) T{TOS n., (.G., p. 37, 157) 197/8-199/200 ?), ca. 314/3 a., father of [(]paaofas,7292 II2, 2291 a, 2128, 2129) = OXIA(pios)comaiy?vrns, secretary (paaoas ('AXaaius ?), 281/0 a., 7292 of the boule and the demos ca. 187/8 p., 4144 [O]pacias (Dpaaiou('AcaiEUS 403 a., father of OpaolKAiis, ca. archon 3822-3; ('IKapliEv), OpaciK[---] 170/1 p., OMa&(pios) 'Aprra[tiavj]s ET-rlpIES, or (OpalaKAeriSls is name either the 3832 49271; OpaacKAijs av6]s TIpliEjus, 'ApTratc [O&((Pios) councillor? ca. 370 a., Opaa(K[---] ('IKapieus), OpaaiKAXfi 169/70 p., 37848= (TteipiEOS), OX&((3tos)NE1KopaXOs 49271 NlK[6paXoS] [(D]X(&p3os) (iT'rtpEis),150-190p., 3848 S OpaoyivEKos : TlpElUS, ('PaivouIoaos), ca. 87 p., father of KX(cia6os) DQX(&1ios) A(oUKtos) OX(cpios) OtlaoTparro 32260 205 ca. 4475-6, 4485; XapowE[ivos], OXA(&[A(onKios) p., general hoplite 256/5 a., 8682 ('AypuMEus), 'ErwrKprro(v) DOpvviXos STe[plies], 4493-5; a son probably = pios) Ol]A6orTparros of KaAXias, a., father 8994 = ca. 287/6 (Tcohvis), : [A(oKinos)] O1Qpios Oi[O6cTprrpros ZT6i]ptlE; IOpwvixos X(DM(ptos) 72114 KacAiou a., 225 4853-4 ca. (rlo0eus), 281/0 Opi[[vtX]o[s] p., hoplite general v(c&brEpos), 303/2 a., 62122 rva[e0o]v(npooTrr&noos), [Op]iviwxos (OXveus),ca. 175 p., 39237 EOppavwrir1ns O7X(&pios) eiSou (ETrrtraicbv), ca. med. s. IV a., [Ppv ?]vtXos: 'Apio-roK ((OuXvatos), post med. s. IIp., 3525 Acop60[6os] (DA(&pios) H. J. Jr. is the restoration Carroll, s. med. II 183; by ] p., (OvXaios), post OX(apios) EiaiScop[os (Tlpopoailoos),ante med. s. IV a., father of Kcai.KAfis, 35211 Opuvoov 3260 (P.A., 15031) AtoviOos (uvpvficros), 138/9 p., 33334 (DX(&pios) : M;i(litos) ()XKKOS : 6 IIET ('Parvouoios), ca. 357/6 a., father of Evq&vnrs, P[pOrvcov] M&ft(pIov) (&KKOV PA&KKOS = 5317 406i 15032) (P.A., viauorors, 182/3 p., : Ttp(pitos) MEli(ios) O(C&K[KOs] [Mapa]Ocbvios, *Ovy[---] ('ApaCavTwems), ca. 393-373 a., father of [Al(XA&K[KO] v]ias, 2041 archon 181/2 p., 40567 s. 4382 Oua)vaias Oavio[u] ('Avayup&atos), 304/3 a., 61178= 0. 0. (Ha?iArlvs), fin. IIp., )DX&K[KOS]: [Ati(ios)] (OXK[Kos] 37831 'A., rmorCnrrrls Tpoi8pcov304/3 a. (I.G., II2, 483 = P.A., B&KXiOS p., 169/70 (KuSaxe1rvaiei), (DAa.p(ivios) 15038) and probably also (D.(. (.G., II2, 155887) dated [O]XAoutio ('ASpicviSos),ca. med. s. II p., 3399 EVKp&rrlS 320 a. (H., XXVIII, 1959, pp. 224240and 232) ca. the TO EmpI noormeScbvio[S], (O[A&]uioS 3iiJia 166/7 p., 36962; cf. 'ApX. [<I]uXapXos nlapalOeov ('EpXieus),341/0 a., 388; brother of name may alternatively be read (D[av0]Tros, Xalp&as, 387; cf. X. T. ('E.) 'ET.,1968,pp. 178-179 ca. 218 ('ATrrTaios),post p., [Ou?iSiis] (T?ip&cmos), ca. 364/3 a., father of BM7rrup[o], '([X]Copos $[A]Copos: [AlK]JvvIos 4514; cf. B. O. (T.) 48021 72204= ca. 162/3 p., father of AEcovi8lS, OvuAus (Olvaios), ca. 314/3 a., father of [Hnouaa]vias, ('AvaAuqAorios), OA<(o>po[s] (. a. honored 39, 51, 57) n. 01., (I.G., II2, 3306, 14, 33, 335/4 42522= and orator 328/7 a. (.G., II2, 36066= P.A., 15045) paullo ante 187 p., father of [AEcovi('AvaxATTro-os), OXcopos 46715 *vvupTaos(KvuaOrivaiev),155/4 a., 225105 rn]s, ca. 120p., 32240,restored *(O)rKS ('AvapXIcrlmos), 169/8 a., 21281 ?](Mapaccbvios), (DOCposK[aXcm5os *'accov ('AAcoTrrEKEs), ca. 330 a., 4652 (P.A., 15061); profrom I.G., II2, 2776104 'A. (I.G., II2, 5580) bably = (>. ve0&pXov (Doilos, herald of the boule and the demos ca. 198 p., 44323 of father 183 ca. ?), 303/2 a., 62213 ('AMais5s ZcbaoCtos, Oiur[ios?] oToXveUXov p., ('ArraAiBos), post toiTpo[s]
47024 = OcoKI&8xSrToXuviKOu ('EAvucivios),
name is known later in Eleusis (I.G., II2, 76634, 6051 = P.A., 15065)
[(]coKi6d(rls ('OfiEv), ca. 336/5 a., father of 'Apio-roCov,62180 )COKOs [OE]o6ToUTrov ['l9]icar'lSrs, secretary of the prytaneis OcoKtSid 280-275 a., 7747-49, was grandson of . 'I., SlalmTTri KSErTro[u] ('EKaXfiOsE), 303/2 a., 6223, was father of KAeo-Trkrov (I.G., II2, 6014) 330/29 a. (LG., II2, 240962-63 = P.A., 15083; cf. B.S.A., (CoKicov(lo-rTaCtos), L, 1955, pp. 27-28, 33) 336/5 a., 42206 ca. 368/7 a., father of KAecovui8riSns, *<DCOKIcovi6rls $)KOS ((caXrlpEUs),ca. 330 a., 4641 (P.A., 15085) (nTEpyaoeuS), 4320; the deme is Upper Pergase.
], ca. 220 a., 1316 X[ XacipSqrlo(s) (OaMcpenOs), ca. 336/5 a., father of RIAelrias 62287; cf. I.G., II2, 7629 = P.A., 15130 X[-----], fin. s. I a., 29717 ], ca. 336/5 a., father of [----]Aos, 6270 X[ XaipeXAiSris('AyyEXAeU),ca. 363 a., father of NlK;as,4725 X[-----], ca. 336/5 a., father of [-----]os, 6271 (P.A., 15133) X[ ] (KEKpOWiSOS), 303/2 a., 62205 XaipEAXir1S ('Avayvpacios), ca. 211/0-202/1 a., 13753 ca. 313 a., father of [AkiX?]pacos,734 Xa[i]peAXii(8ris) X[----] (KEKpoTuiSos), ((ps&pptos),ca. 403/2 a., father of Eu'dyyeXos, ca. 403 a., father of [...... ]vrTS 1355(P.A., 15136) , 49253 X[ ] ('EpiKeieOj), ] ((D)uAcios),post med. s. II Xatpecr(---) ('AyvouVios),init. s. III a., father of [Xaip]Eas, ]: THoIriXaos X[ X[ 35212 1053 p., ] (E[----] AiyETSoS), post med. s. III a., 11221 XcaipoTpcrroS 'AvTriy(vous) (AiavTrios), 303/2 a., 62273 Xa[ ] (TTavSioviSos), Xa[ secretary 279/8 a., XalpEcpaToSr (AicoveiU), ca. 200 a., 15131 M[ 7649-51 EVi0ECou XcaipoaTpaTos ('AXowTTSKeU), 334/3 a., 4453 (P.A., ca. 337/6 a., father of 'E-ilXa&prs, 15156) Xa[----] ('Avayup&caos), 61183 ca. 330 a., 4669 (P.A., 15158) XacpEoCTpaoo ('Ava9cXi-rtos), ca. 368/7 a., father of XaipJSrlpos, Xaip?[---] (EcovuE6us),408/7 a., 123; the reading is very XaipEoTrpraro('EplKelOvS), doubtful 4341 ca. 150 a., 23631 ] (HaATIrveus), Xatp[ XaipEocrpcrro ('EpXiEus),254/3 a., 8975 ca. 283-263 a., father of [ ], Xaipca-rp[aoroS] (EUrrvpi68js), ca. 403/2 a., father of telXacipa[s] (KEKpoWrI8os), 1081 86-rpcrr[oS], 13102 (P.A., 15161) [Xaip]EasXalpeC(---) ('Ayvoouios), med. s. III a., 1053, a XaliporpcTroS GQXKO.[--] KoXXArevm , ypaplpacrTe ca. 390descendant of XaipisEcosX. 'A. (I.G., II2, 5280 = P.A., 375 a., 1063-64; may = X. K., -raiasr Trav a?Xcov e0Ev 15138) 363/2 a. (P.A., 15165 = IG., II2, 15413) XaipEas('A0joves)), 173/2 a., 206106= X. AiovvUiou 'A., in XaclpCrrpaTroXapi&Sol (iE Oiov), 335/4 a., 43108-109 decree of orgeones 175/4 a. (.G., II2, 13293, 23, 32 ante med. s. IV a., father of XacipoTpa-ro(s) (Haicaviv6s), P.A., 15097), and a descendant perhaps of P.A., 15096 321i (P.A., 15167) Xaipo-r-pcrros, [X]apEas ('EXAva-ivios), 135/4 a., 24366 XampcrrpaTros XaipEo-rp-ro(u) (rlaitave s), post med. s. IV a., 3211 (P.A., 15167; cf. 15502, A.P.F.), was brother of XcalpEas apapiOov ('EpXts)v), 341/0 a., 387, brother of 388; the father, Fl. t(Di&ypov 'E., was secretary [(D]AXapXos, XappavTiSrlT X. TT.,victor in Thargelia post 400 a. (.G., 387/6 a. (I.G., II2, 281, 3 = P.A., 11629); for possible II2, 113825-28; cf.B.S.A., L, 1955, p. 19), trierarch ca. relatives cf. I.G., II2, 6136 370/69 a. (.G., II2, 160946)and father of 'ETeravpos, 4713 ] (Opiaoios), 303/2 a., 62168 Xalp&as Xap[ [X]caipoTpaTros rviycovos (1THa?lveus), 334/3 a., 4440 (P.A., Xaipias XaipcbvSov (KoXcoveus), 304/3 a., 61304 15169); for other relatives cf. r. (n.) and X. eouv)apiovos ca. 330 a., 4715 (P.A., Xaipkas MEXriiTr-rnou (KovevM8r1s), (n.) (IG., II2, 1927204-205) 15102) ?), ca. 373 a., father of [---], [X]atlporpaT[os] (1TpooiTr&-nos 393 XaipEas (Kptoeius), ca. 367/6 a., father of Oe6oqtos, 4461 (P.A., 15103) Xacipa-porros XalpE6qlou 'PaplvoOilos, bouleutes zealous toward the boule, 328/7 a., 4949-50; Xalpo-rpcrros'PaliXalpias Atoyovovs(HaaMTrjvES ?), ca. 192/3 p., 42322
Xaclpas (2Teip;iES), ca. 53 a., father of Aloy?vqs, 29349 vo(olaos), 496; Xaipcrrpa-ros 'PapivoOai[os], 4943; a de-
('AXatls), 336/5 a., 4268; the reading is *[Xa]ip[e8]Tri6i8ns corrected from [Xa]ip[i;8]Tri5r1s in H., XXX, 1961, p. 32.
XatlpESrllos ('Ayvooaios), 336/5 a., 42317; cf. X. 'A., lessee
of a mine 367/6 a. (H., X, 1941, p. 17, No. 183= S.E.G., XII, 100) Xaip6rl[pos -----] ('AXtaieus), 304/3 a., 61198 ca. 321 a., 5542 [X]alp8nrllpo 'ApXEXov ('AAcoTrEKiOEV),
XaipE8rlpoSXaipecrporov ('EPIKEeiS), 335/4 a., 4340-41 ca. 400/399 a., father XatlpEripo[5] (AapTwrPEUS KaUOiTEpOEV),
scendant, perhaps a grandson= X. X. 'P., sculptor init. s. III a. (I.G., II2, 31094-5 = P.A., 15172) Xai[p]Eo-r[p]acros nohu[iJ]KTov ((Ornlyalu), 256/5 a., 8554 (P.A., 15174) ] ('ApirrpoTraieUs), Xalipe?(xvS [ 303/2 a., 62331
Xaipepavrls ('Apyivaios),
5926 -
of 'Yyicivcov, 1455 [Xai]pE8rl[plos [AavTrr]rTpEs, secretary of the boule and the demos 155/4 a., 22557
ca. 337/6 a., father of [X]ap[wKAfi]s, Xatp[q)&av1s] ('AyGSvacos), 61266 Xalpep&v[rls] (eopamies),ante med. s. IV a., father of Ooppiowv, 226 ca. 354 a., father of [----]s, Xai[p][cpios] ? ('Ava?ATo-rios), 553 (P.A., 15185) Xaipip?Aos (^K KriScv), 193/2 a., 16874
nlo----] ('Aqv8vatios), 304/3 a., 5921= [Xa]pe[pCOv 1To[----] ('AtpivaTos),304/3 a., 61264 [X]a1[pEq3S]v (AEipaicb-rrs),370/69 (?) a., 1370(P.A., 15197) Xaipseq>pv 281/0 a., 72154 ] (KEpi&t8rls), Xcipeq9C[v 341/0 a., 3839(P.A., 15201), Opaccovos(KoTUvrTes), XaIpeCpov identified by Kirchner as a grandson of eparcIpovAose. K. (cf. stemma s. P.A., 7305, A.P.F.) post ca. 288 a., father of 0?ox&(AwKovoeOs), Xa[ip[egpoSv]] = X. A., ephebe ca. KaM?tcrp&rou pris, 8832; probably 324 a. ('Apx. 'Ep., 1918, p. 7540) Xaipficov ('A8plaviSos), ca. 198/9 p., father of AapiaKos, 49124 Xaiprico[v---] (Ktipit&as),ca. 240 a., 10920 ca. 336/5 a., father of [----]trros, Xa[ip]fpcov(XoWapyoes), 62117 140/39 a., 24049, *Xalp-riSrls KopuSa?Xeis,0-rroypaiaTareOs
Xap[---] ('Avayupactos), ca. 337/6 a., father of AlovOnos, 611l81 ] (Oepcaios), ca. 336/5 a., father of Xatpcas,62168 Xap[ 281/0 a., 72257 (KplcoEo(), *XapeSil[s 'E]XEK.AOUS ca. Xapdfaios('A?co1TweKfiEv), 159/60 p., father of AeiqnXos, 42347; cf. A. X. (A.) (2qirTmos), ca. 134/5 p., father of AiAos, 37114 Xapeicnos orator 228/7 a., 1208 = 'ApiSvaT[os], EOXapio'rou X&pris 'Api8vaios, orator 220/19 a., 130s, 42; on X&pis EOxapiarrou
the familycf. H., XXXVIII, 1969,p. 429, note on line 5 33116 ca. 105/6p., fatherof XaprTs, (rapytrrTmo), Xapris z was p., 33116, 138/9 0TrroKomaTtrSi X&pTrs (rapylitrTos),
140/1 p. (.G., II2, 2047o1); other members of the family are: X. 'ArTIKoO 164/5 p. (I.G., II2, r., IEpeiS'AVTIVOuo X. r. (LG., 112, 3195i) 2093aio) and Arnl"rTpios [X]pris (AaKic8rls),ca. 230/29 a., father of [Kcoiiaos], 1654 (P.A., 15299) [121-122] Xaipilros Xalpiivovs (nihE0s), 335/4 a., 43167-168= X. X. X&p1i Xaplrafou (iTaiavies), post med. s. IV a., 3215 (P.A., 15301); a later member of the same family may be: (n.) (I.G., 112, 2385104, etc. = P.A., 15210; cf. N.P.A., X&prs(Tfalavie5s), 155/4 a., 22575, who was father of X. fT., p. 169) ephebe 128/7 a. (H., XXIV, 1955, p. 232162= XV, 1946, Xcaipta (nAico0's), Ca. 374/3 a., father of Xcapias, 3843 p.210, No.41159), and AlaxOios fI., ephebe 111/0 a. TT7coees, Xaipias Xaipiov (1'Xco0es), 341/0 a., 3843; Xcapicxa 3885 (LG., 112, 29836 = P.A., 449) lEpoToios5, (P.A., 15223) s. 1611 IV med. ante a., (Ai0aiSTrls),185/4 a., 17940 Xap[i]xS]an 15225), (P.A., (AlcovsE5s), [X]aipiykvrjs councillor? ca. 370 a., 492115 father of NiapXoS,tlponroi6s 320/19 a. (I.G., II2, 11999) Xapit&[rls---] ('AXapvUOs), 304/3 a., 6163 (P.A., 28826 ca. ] Xapit&Ss'Eppoeov (KuSvaQrvactis), (MeXIirrs), 30/29 a., Xampiy&vr[s of father ca. 43168; a., 15314) Xatprinos, Xaipiptvrjs(MfteOs), 268/7 370/69? a., 1335-36 cf. X. X. (n.) XapiCSTS[X]aipoKi.ouS (AEvKOvoIeS&), prytanis and treasurer (P.A., 15315); probably = [X.] X. A., iyynrrris 343/2 a. Xacipilros eeooiXou ['ApsrrpoTrfiev], of prytaneis 169/8 a., 21249; Xaiplrrros 'A., 212[27-29, (I.G., II2, 159018; cf. N.P.A., p. 170) = X. A6. 335/4 a., 43171-172 A'roKXEOUv (liOE&s), Xcaipirrros 156714= a. 320 a slave ca. of II2, master former (.G., n., P.A., 15249); his son, Au. X. 17., was ephebe 334/3 a. (I.G., II2, 115625 = P.A., 2731); either he or his grandfather = A'. X. 1T.,who manumitted a slave ca. 320 a. (.G., II2, 157671-72)and was trierarch ca. 323/2 (.G., II2, 1632106);cf. H., XXVIII, 1959, p. 236 and A.P.F., 2731 ] ('AXapvEs), 303/2 a., 62145 Xaipicov[ 178/7 a., 19487; a grandson probably ('EXaloicrtos), Xacpicov = = X. oaiSpiou'E., ephebe 102/1 a. (I.G., 112, 1028 1111o8 P.A., 15262) 370/69 (?) a., 1382-83 (P.A., XcapicovT6A1ios6 ('YPE8Srs), 15266) ca. 337/6 a., father of [.... voKXijs], [Xai]piov (OaXrlnps0s),
597 = 44-45], 62
Xapiat58s (?E OTov), ca. 368/7 a., father of XaipEorrpcrros, 43109 (rlaiavi&esUirvEp0Ev), ca. 400-350 a., 1251 (P.A., Xapt&iSr1 15318); cf. X. XacpeSiAovfn., dedicant s. III a. (LG., II2, 4447 = P.A., 15319) 256/5 a., 8680 Xapias Xapi6rtou ('AypuAXes), 8681 Xapias ('Aypuves)), ca. 289/8 a., father of Orlpapi[]vrls, ('AXieis), ca. 403 a., father of[.. . ]oifis, 49260 Xapicas = Xapias (CEpEmos), 335/4 a., 43130= X. ?E.(LG., 12, 1672196 P.A., 15342; cf. N.P.A., p. 171) Xapias ('Errnai6eev),254/3 a., 89io0 fin. s. III a., 14135; both he and the Xapias (EucovvuJis)), following are probably descendants of X. XapcoviSouEO., ca. 320 a. (LG., II2, 155612-13 - H., XXVIII, 1959,
p. 218462-463)
Xacpicov(?a;irlpss), ca. 337/6 a., father of [----]voKis, 61245; may = X. Xapivac[-i]ou O., secretary 361/0 a. (I.G., II2, 1166, 117- = P.A., 15268), and father of an lyyvTilris ca. 343/2 a. (I.G., II2, 15919-10= P.A., 15267) Ca. 403/2 a., father of Xapit8ris, (AsvKovoe*s), [X]aipoKXfis 1336(P.A., 15271); cf. X. X. (A.) 304/3 a., 6175 (P.A., Xaipcbv6rs epacroviSou (AieOaXrBiS), O. Al. (L.G., 112, 66543), 15280); relatives are: Xa[p]Tvos Xap[lvos] Xaip[cbv8ou] Al. (LG., 112, 5399), and [Op]acovi[rs] Al. (H., XXIII, 1954, p. 260, No. 57) ca. 337/6 a., father of Xalpcas, 61304 (KoXcovels), Xaipc6bv8S XcaAK[EtS5] (AKcalaavrTi8o),ca. 313-308 a., father of [--]Ovs, 7754 XaiKIetSc5 (XouvvEiS), ca. 358 a., father of 'Avspopvrls, 5224 (P.A., 15283) = X. 'Av8pop.vous :., one of the Salaminioi who took the oath 363/2 a. (H., VII, 1938, p. 4, No. 171-72) and perhaps also = P.A., 15281 (cf. A.P.F.)
precedingitem 336/5a., 4234 Xapias(Krlcpitans), ca. 314/3a., fatherof Tro-uvi.6rjs, 7258= Xapias(AovcniEs), 62192 a., EiOKncr[ovos] (P.A., 303/2 (AouvclEs), 15350) Xapi'as
ante med. s. IV a., father of XapTvos, Xapias (Mvppivoacnos), 3228(P.A., 15352) Xapias (TTpaaicos), 336/5 a., 42184 ca. 330 a., 4736(P.A., 15360); Xapias 'Apio-roKXiou (7Teipitus), (IG., II2, 19542) perhaps = X. (2.), father of [........] ----] (EvcovupvEts), 304/3 a., 61167 XapiSrlpi[6rls ca. 289/8 a., father of Xapias, 8680 os ('AypuXvOs), Xapib[rf [XapiS1npLos ('Aqpi8vaos),304/3 a., 5916 = Navoa[crrp6rou] 304/3 a., 61252 [X]cxpi851gosNavuoacrpa(Tou) ('AqvSvaTos), of the boule treasurer 'ETrrlKTpicrtos, 'HpoSiKou XapiSrlgos ca. 40-30 a., 28710-13,was thesmothete init. s. I. p. (.G.,
II2, 173012)
ca. 400-350 a., 1246 (naiavtess [0-rrvEpiev]), [X]apioavSpos 170-172 Tpcora[----], eponymosof Hippothontis [Xap]io'os cf. e. X. (Et.) councillor?343/2a., 49310 'EpX[ieis], [Xa]piicos 281/0a., 7281 Kr8cov), Xapicos 'A0[----] (?K
Xapltos or 174-176 or 187 p., 3962 ca. 368/7 a., father of eE6qiAos, 43136; Xapioros (EipaiTSrls), (P.A., 15482) XapcaavSpos(l7popacxifos), 336/5 a., 42163
('IKapO16is), 304/3 a., 6147; cf. X. ('.), X[ap]i[S]llos EouKuvSi8ou father of [----]s, who was iyyuvlyTs 307/6 a. (I.G., II2, 463 = H., IX, 1940, p. 68, No. 9128) post ca. 216 p., 47341 ('IIt lo iotrcSrlj), XapiSripos 'OXvup[rrKoO] XapiSqloS AapirrpsEs,secretary of the boule and the demos 173/2 a., 20658, 129-130 XapiSqios (METrre5s),ca. 354 a., father of lnovaavias, 49413;
*[X]apicrpa[Tro---] ('Ayvoviolos),fin. s. III a., 1409 ca. 225 a., 1223; the name XaplrrTao [X]aprroaos XaplKA,ous,
is known only in the Attic demes of Halai and Paiania, of the following: and this man may be a descendant
and X. Kaprrocouncillora relativeof K. KaprroScbp(ov) of Leontis p. 41) 161/2 (I.G., II2, 208540, ephebes 8(cbpou), treasurerof the prytaneiss. I BrjoaiOE, 'AvTi6Xov XapiTCov p., 30923-25 Xapui[---]Ep[---],ca. 225 a., 1232 ca. 363 a., father of 'ETravSpos, (nTatavtEsi), [X]apiJravrriq[s] 4713(P.A., 15502,A.P.F.); cf. Xaipoarpcrros XatpEaorp&ro (n.) [X]appll&rns 'EpXies,treasurerinit. s. II a., 1533-5 ca. 40-30 a., 28625, a ca. 370 councillor? a., (KrnltiaEos), XappiSrls Aioykvovs ('ApaciAvios), Xapiivr1[Tros ----] descendantperhapsof [ ..... ]vsrosA. K.,ephebe119/8a. 49236 (P.A., 15428) (I.G., II2, 1008193;cf. P.A., 3829) 336/5 a., 42146 (lTaiavIEOS), *Xapiva5&1s 256/5 a., 8644; for of father *XappoKp&rrns ca. (Evcouwi?us), coKAE(ovs) a., 376/5 Arlpoxdprns, XapTvos(rapyllrtos), earliermembersof the same family cf. stemmas. P.A., 3639 (P.A., 15447); X. A. . (P.A., 15448) is probably a 13070 grandson;cf. A. X. (r.)
ca. 287/6 a., father of 'AlOVrcop,8968, Xapivos ('EpXi?Os), a descendant perhaps of X. 'E. (I.G., II2, 6834) who probably = X. ('E.), father of [---]v who was gymnasiarch post med. s. IV a. (I.G., II2, 30244; cf. A.P.F. s. X. 'E.) Xapivos 'ElrX[apou?] (Eucowvurs), 304/3 a., 61168; the father's name is tentatively restored and identified with 336/5 a., 424 (E*covuviesS), ['ETm]x&prns honored by the boule med. Xapcov[i5ovEucovuveSs], [Xa]pTvos s. IV a., 242; probably = X. X. (I.G., II2, 164236 where : KX(avOios) XapowrE[vos LOpaaivEiKOu] ('PaipXapowrrEvos] ca. 120 p., 32260; cf. K.X. [(.] (P.) and X., ephebe voOcaios), 50/1-52/3 p. (IG., 12, 197354), the only other Athenian
[Xa]pias X. EO.of ca. 320 a. (P.A., 15343) as a brother; Xiovts Arlloo-Tparou(rlaiaviEOs),ca. 330 a., 4712 (P.A., a descendant = the preceding 15550); either = or is a brother of [----] A. TT.,who = a slave ca. 330-320 a. (LG., II2, 156627 manumitted IV 3228 s. a., Xaplvos Xapiov (Mupptvoclios), post med. the date stemma cf. II, 3276, A.P.F., P.A., 3627; though (P.A., 15454) KaO*), 370/69 (?) a., 1318-19 given there and in B.S.A., L, 1955, p. 19 for LG., II2 (11oT&o110S Xapivos A&xXrlTO 1753= No. 47 shouldbe revised) (P.A., 15456); he or a descendant = Xicov councillor? ca. 370 a., 492i12 6226 of father ca. A[---] ('AxapvEsn), 336/5 a., AOXrls, Xapivos (noTa'rios), ante med. s. IV a., fatherof TTproT6paxos, a descendant 21635, a., Xico[v] (Eopaies), pro166/5 ('Papcvoioios), [X]apTvos 152= P.A., 15457) [X]icovir8s [----]A[.]iou [Ppt ?]aaos, &K'TV yuv'ETrv ca. Minervae of X. e., tab.quaest. a descendant 260a., 8317-19, of father ca. a., [MevEKP&ns], 173/2 (eopiKiOS), [XapiSEvo]s 306/5 a. (I.G., II2, 149210o,132)who probably = X. e., 2402, 37 (P.A., 15462) ca. 20 a., 29325 ephebe ca. 330 a. (H., Suppl. VIII, p. 27432, 72-73; cf. (lTaiavtieU), [Xa]pi(evoS'EppatlcKO for the H., XXI, 1952, p. 365, note on line 75) [X]&ptlrros ()i[A]covos 'Pcapv[oc(aios)], secretary demos 324/3 a., 5312 XtcoviSris (EuTarr icv), ca. 354 a., father of AvouKp&rrTs, 49428 = X. S., witness in Pseudo-Demosthenes, LIX, 34 (AKa,avriSos), ca. 403 a., father of [----]s, 49292 Xapti[---] ca. 400-350 115 a., (P.A., 15560) XapacavSposXaplK[E---] ('Epoir&Ss),
X. is also possible); the vos, 242 (P.A., 15542), and possibly also of [Xa]pias; the restoration ['Emr]xapivos cf. X. X. (E0.) demoticwas proposed by D.M. Lewis (B.S.A., L, 1955, p. 30; cf. B.S.A., LVII, 1962, pp. 12-13) who identified Xiovis(gt Oiou),336/5a., 42259
61127;a grandson probably = med. s. III a., 1059; [X]aporlri8ns 'EpyoK(pirov) (vura&aios), cf. 'E. XapoTriou (0.) (Evcovu.iEs),ante med. s. IV a., father of [Xa]piXapov[L[ris]
Xp[---]cov (ElpEorSis),ca. 336/5 a., father of [...]i{-rparos, 62132 281/0 a., 72263 Xpprls ToXu[..]Xov ('Epoi&8Sjs), [Xp]ilnrsLilXo(<>Tiov ('lovi6ls), 343/2 (?) a., 367 (P.A., 4802), was also secretary 351/0 a. (I.G., II2, 2054-5 = P.A., 15566; cf. B.S.A., XLIX, 1954, p. 50); the father was a witness 367/6 a. (H., X, 1941, p. 16, No. 116); 0[ioI]-rioS 'Icov[irls] (H., XV, 1946, p. 178, cf. B.S.A., XLIX, 1954, p. 50) was apparently son of the prytanis. XpirrT[os]: ATA(os) Xpio-r[os] (acrlvEus's), fin. s. II p., 4388; he or his son= Xpi[oT]os : [A]i[A](ios)Xpfi[cr]os (c?XArlveis),post ca. 216 p., 47222 (lovviteS), 180/1 p., 40217 Xpfijros AeiqiXou ca. Xpuvopcos, 162/3 p., father of 'Epivvlos,4269
('AXcowrEKfev),ca. 159/60 p., father of Xpuavpcos, Xpvaupcos 42346 o ('AAcoTrrEKfev), ca. 192/3 p., 42346 Xpuoapcos archon med. Xpuicn[Trrros], Xplri[Trrros]:Ti(P4pios)KA(a8Oios) s. I p., 310i Xparrrlros 'AveC9<(6p>ov'A[[Lv](isis), init. s. III p., 45820; cf. X. A[--] ('A.), med. s. II p. (I.G., II2, 248648) ca. 105/6p., father of Xpvo6yovos, 3316 Xpvu6yovos(OAuevs), ? secretary 138/9 p., 3316; his son = Xpuvoyovos OXvEus, X. o ()., ephebe 139/40 p. (I.G., II2, 204442) and descendantsare LG., II2, 210723,2193148,219961 (cf. Kirchner, s. I.G., II2, 1765, line 6), and probably: : [-(] [ )] X(OAVE S), 168/9 p., Xp[yovos Xpva6ovos]: 37212
Q[ 964 ], init. s. III a., father of 'AvSp[cov], 'Qpo(plos) 'AXK[iiacxos], dvTIypapce1s 168/9 p., 37233; 'Q[p&37345 (pios) 'AW]KJ{iacXos AactrrrpeOs,
8957; ['AVKvuX]iS 6140; 'AVKvU7S, 3620; ['A]yKvU[A]iiS, 8519; ['A]yKuXs[1s], 'AYKuA71e, (?), 61207; ['Ay]KUv[es], 'AyKuAeis: 855; 1292; 3872, 86, 7268, 8517; 4286; ['AvKxuA]e[ev], ---], 49239; 'AyKUAfiOEv, 'A[y]KUxA0ev, 'AyKUXi[s 12936 ['A]vKuAxiev, 'Ayvouioos, 349, 14735; 'Ayvoouio(s), 4935; 'Ay(voOclos),41111; 'A[yvoOilos], 48011; 'AyvovOlov,31321-22, 3291-2; 'Ayvocaliot,87,42313, 206123; 'Ayvo[cjaoi], 61114; 'Ayv[oialoi], 1408; ['Ay]vocmlol,3778; 'A[y]voiaioi, 40223; 8679, 13755, 14147,20697; 'AypvRE]Ts, 4533; 'AypvAdTs, 6127; ['A]ypvuE?S, 285o1, 15830; 'A[ypuvsES], 'Aypv?Acos, 'AypvXesS: 1428; 'Ay[p]uvti[s ---], 49224; 29918; 'AypvAEis,1446, 4216; 'AypuXeijs KiO<rr(Ep?v), 111; 'Aypueflis KaOerrrpOev,
'Aypuvfis U'rTT [peEv], 124; 'AypuAfiOev, 344; 'AypuAvfi(v), 4925
37170; 'A[rTivweIs,
['AL]riV(IES), 3955;
'A[[lv](ieus), 45820;
'Alrl^vla, 2787-8,13,
['AL]rvikx, 21411;
27810, 2933, 3634, 4473, 4483; 'Alv[li]coS, 4827-8; ['ALrlvl?]cos,3881-2; 'A-rlviis, 62264, 19493, 20522, 24394, 27824, 72147; 'A<(>qvties,22647; 'A[L]vlieT[s], 2801; 'ALrlvlfs,2026 3368; 'Alrlvi[ETs], 7114, 7810, 16, 8919, 12026, 13017, 13520, 13843, 16811, 19413, 2326, 24319, 46028; 'Aervai[cov],12114, 'AerlvaTos: 'AOrivaicov, 17042, 19917; 'A[&r]vaicov, 7611; ['A]&rva[i]cov, 1042; ['Ae]rivoicov, 18750; 'A0rv[aicov], 13814, 17419; ['A]Orlvacov, 21516 669, 1817; ['A]e[rlvaicov], 8114; ['Ar0qvaico]v, 11613-14, 14714; ['A0ri]vaicov,
'AeOove,s, 717, 25992, 4025, 4592, 48025; 'AOpoveu[s],5321; 'A0pov[qes], 47621; 'AOI(ovEws),40512; ['AO]pov?VS, 4426, 9;
49342; ['Ae1o]]vEwS,
36712; 'Ae[IovE6s],
'A[0]jOovCa, 29241-42;
Alavris: AiavriSos, 402, 1217, 12, 12935, 1731, 2027; [Ai]avri5os, 3284; [Ai]ocvrrio[s],511; 2892; [Atav]Ti5os,17040 Alav[-Tios], 32224; [Ala]vri5os, 61240, 4504-5; AIa[vwrios], 17612; AIyrlis:Alyei8os, 694, 897, 13, 17, 24, 2225, 23117, 4062; A<i>yeT5os, Aly[n]i6os, 3354-5; AIyrli[5os],3683; [Alyn]iSos, 4263
10021; Aly[iA^Ca], 16913; [AI]yitAca, 2215; 2663; AlylXcxa, 342; Aly[tAitus], AlyiytWis, 62321; [Aly]lAEis,39227; Aiyiiins, 4425 85io; AiocXi6rls,
AIloveI5, 14731;
[Al]cove6s, 49345; Alcovka, 19439, 124; AItcoveu(s), 4915; [AiQcove6s, 13838; AISco[v6us], 2224; , 4571, AI 4572, 39842; 38736; [A]licovEs,2099; [A]l[covTs], 658; 42718; Atc>vE, AiiCcos, Ae[]c,
'AKagavlris: ['AKatc]avris, 49325;
42264, 6277, 12846, 238i, 3717, 3736-7; 'AKalpavTrr8o,
1846; 'AKacXa[vvriSos], 4539-10; ['AKa]pavrriBoS, 19427; 'AKa[(pav]Trios, 814; ['A]Ka[p]acxvr8os, 12815; 'AKax[av]'Tr8os, 2391; 'AKa[pavri6os], 7726-27; 726; ['AKa1Ja]v<T>{6os, 'AK[apavrifos], 2706, 3795; 705; ['AKaJi]avTr8os,
['AKapav-rqSoS, 1289; 'A[Kaplavrrios], 3593 'AKvalEs: 'AK[ualeOs],37344 'A7aie,s, 1158, 2506, 29060; 'A[Raie*s], 2496; 'AAaiia, 8927, 33, 34, 12786-87, 13051, 54, 121-122, 15665, 68, 21253, 26137, 47,
23224; 'A[]alia, 130149; 'AaiciEs, 3848, 8539, 8942, 29228, 39830, 38730; 75; ['AAcxl]fs, 49259; ['AAaif]s, 4264; ['A]XaEls,369 'AAaicls, 31812-13 ['AX]E~avSp[E6u],
61193; 'AAalE[is],
'A[caiTs?], 62208;
'AXiJiooitov, 5640; 259122-123; 'A7lipoIoioi,42232, 4382, 12988, 21469; 'AAiloOC[t]o[t], 'AXtiouctios: 13o1 61282; ['AX]poitOlcoi, 42127; ['AAi]pto[lioi], 1643; 'A[l%itoOiooli], ['A]X1AoOoa[ioi],
37020; 'AXitoi[oCioi],
873, 2025, 21284, 2844, 42345; 62302; 'AcoTr?Kisj,4449; 'AXcorTEKieEv, 'AWcoTrTKE?s: 'ANco'rr?K[i]s, 72246; ['A]colrrTK[eTs], 47243; 'A[R]cTrErKi[tEV], 2324; ['AW]coirnfKiev, 33014; 'AWco7r[?KfiEv], 1212; 2369; 'AAoTEK[fie0]v, 'AcoTrrTK<f(>)v, 17123 3211-2; ['AXcor]Kfieev, 5532, 46716; 'A[corE?Kfieev], ['AXco]TrEKfieE, 'Alacavrsis, 19455, 22622, 243109; 22558; 'Aipaav,rrrs: 'Aiacxa[Cv-r]a, 2040 61216; ['Alai]avTrEits, 10913; ['AlJaJa]vr[Els], 'Ai[a~avcreis], 1571; 'Alaga[vreTvs], 'AtaS[cavrTs],72133;
24094; 62329; 72252; ['Apljp]rpowrai?iS, 10032; 'AIplrTporra[5iTs], 'AppiT[poxraiETS], 'ApiTrrpoxrcae: 'AtpgTpo-rratxTS, 4415; 61321; ['AtpTrp]o-1ris,1267; 'ApirlTpoTraci5s, <(A>lp)i[-rpoTraiETs], 'Alirrpo'rrjiEv, 10017, 212o1, 24356;
243151; ['A]>qIITprrpfi0tv, 2446; 'AJqrITpo[Trieev], 'ApiltTp[orrfiEv], 2432; ['Acprrpo'r]feEv, 21244-45
63, 4224, 8655, 13746, 16875, 28650, 15825; ['A]vayp5p&caioi 46094; ['A]vayup&aios,3863; 'Avayup&crioi, 'Avayup&Saos, 1414; 'Avayvpdaio[t],492o1; 'Avayvp&ct(oi),14125; 'Avayvpaa[iol], 61176; 'Avayvp&(otoi),31237; ['Av]ayvp&a[c]toi, 117 'AvaKaties: 'AvaKalia, 13785-86, 243145; 'Avc[Kaita], 24354-55; 'Av[aKaiia], 2444; 2029, 43190; ['Ava]Kafis5, 492136 20545; 'AvaKa[ids], 72143; 'AvaKaifns, 'AvaKaclEri], 'AvaKaCETs, 1941oi, 243106;
33026; 'Ava(qAcortios), 38032; 'Av[a(qXcpo-nos)], 'AvacXAu-rios, 43231, 896; 38024; ['Av]a(9icrncos), ['Ava]qAIOorTos, 'AvaaXWoTnov,4473, 78, 8926, 32, 24051; 38031; 'Avaqpvortnoi, 444, 4659, 61309, 72234, 21278, 'Ava(p[Avorfou], 3912; 240105, 3214, 33312; 'Avaor7iIan[oi], 42325; 'Ava[qr]?c[-Ttol], 47241; ['Av]aApo-rnot, 3305; 'Avaq)tX[1crol], 42516, 46713; ['AvaqX]Ocrioi, 3094; ['Ava?XO]acrnol, 3834, 4286; 'Av[aoXraOmol], ]TloI,62315 ['Avaq)cp<X
'AvyEO7Es, 'AvyEXfiOv: see 'Ayy2XES, 'AyyeXjfOv 'AvKvAEss, 'AvKvfieEv: see 'AyKvArS, 'AyKVufjiev
[['Av-t]yovi6os], 1384;
['Av[Tiyovi5os]1], 1351;
'AvtroXfS: ['A]vrloXis, 21; 'AvrtoXios, 61308, 781, 5, 14, 1717, 24019, 41-42, 4236, 46615, 4477-8; 'AvrrOXI8o[s],4664, 4727; ['Av]TIoXi8os, 3336-7, 10013; 'AvrtoX[i5os], 281; 'AVTr[Io])Xlos,2406; 'Avrio[Xi8os], 72223; ['A]vrtoXf8os 441; ['AvTi]oXi6os, 3909-10; ['AvTro]xfXos, 17119; ['A]VTiox[i{os], 62301; 'Avr[loXiSoS],2127, 2501, 30111-12;
1002, 4254 ['AvrnoX]f8os, 'ATro7Acovie*s: ['A]-roAX?cvteis, 2125; 'A-nlvF's, 2466; ['ATrlv]is,5528 'ATroAcovtiic, 214o1; 20691 'ATroMACOvtlS, 8985 'Apaqn9[vtot], 'ATMv[e]Ts, 206116; 'ATmi, 4421; 3631, 3863, 8576, 33151, 40647; 'Apa9jvtlos:'Apaq1cvioi, 49235; 'Apacpfvl[ot],
['AT'riva, 21311;
'Arrc?{s: 'ATrraA8os, 20619, 24036, 4023, 4765, 4808; 'ATT 4053, 4554; 'ATraio[6os], 24622; ['Arrc]aXtos, 2467; racfx[os], ['Arra]Ai5os, 1682s; 'An fr[cAiSos], 'ATrar[Xios],2068, 2401; 2062; ['Anrr]cAios, 2324; ['Arr]caA(i[os],18314; 3132, 3297; ['A]T[Taci8os], 3143-4; ['ATr cxi6]os, 377s 'AT'rTa7i8os], AOpiSai,19496, 24383 AOpISrls: 346, 43234, 1216, 1305, 42; 'A9qSvvaoos,
495; 'ApiSvaTiov, 12770-71, 18766-67; 12856, 20511; ['A]qi[8v]aTov, 25716-18;
25990, 4942; 'Aq9lvaT[os], 1208; 'Ag(<>6vaTo(s),4924; 'A9t16[y]lvaT(os), 'A(pl8[v]atos, 2049; 'A98S[vaTov], 20567; ['Aqi]vactov, 'Aq<(8<>vo(ov,4948; 'A9S5vac[ov], 5911 ['AGi6va]Tov, 18721; 'A9tivatoi, 61251,2757; ['AqivS]va[oi],
'Axapvc6(s), 4932; ['A]XacxpvS, 4943; 'AXapve(c0),494; 44913; 'Axca[pve]0S, 614; 'AXapvca,4949, 14745, 20659, 133-134, 2219; ['A]x[a]pvia 22058; 'AXapvEcos, 'AXap(ve*s), 15630, 482o1; 'Axap[ves], 4834; ['Ax]apvels,4845; 'AXa[pv6Ts], 62143, 1905; 4503; ['A]Xapvkcos, 4645; 'AXapveTs, 3023; 'Axapviis, 1742 'A[xapveTs], 62245,19461, 20549, 22653, 243115; 'AxepSo[*aioi],72150 43227; 'AXEp8OaIO1i, 'AXep8oOcaos,
B'orts: Baorrl, 3833, 89102; [BarET?]s,61214; BtrrijS, 42104; BarriS, 3628, 4342; [B]arfij[Ov], 259116-117
1656, 25996; 4428-9; BEpEVEIKi8tS, 41614, 17; 41613, 23; BEpEVtKiSTs, BEp(EveIKiSTI), BEpEViKiSrlV, BEp ()(EVEIKSK{&s), 129136-137, 13779-80, 14747, 81-83, 15139-40, 15915-16, 17013, 115, 19438, 118, 259126-128; 13851; BEpEVIKiSl[V], 1376, 1583-4; 15143-44; 16840-41; 16216, 170118,259132-133; BEpEV[iK]6i8rV, BEPEVI[Ki{rSv], BEpEv[ElK{iTlv], BE[PEVIKf6TrV], 3925 1936; 1937; [BEpE]vlKfSat, 4698; [BEpEVI]KiSal, [BepEvl]KiS6rv, [BEpEvlKi]8rlv, BrloeaiuS, 61108, 37343; [Brlori]ca, 30113; BQaaiEa, 30925; [B]rlcaiia, 30116; Brlaaicos, 3267, B[q]calaE[S], 37222; BarEico, 3732-3; Bnraaetcs,21299, 32118, 4096, 41913; 4165, 4233; Bria[Ecs], 3742; Biora[licos], 3755; Brlacati[s], 3551; 3085; Brlcaais, 4418 BrialE[is], 3349; [B]rcalEts, 3427; BTra[leis], 62336; BTro[altEs], Bour&Srns:Bo[urrT5ov], 3842; rapyi-r-ros, 243136; 3193, 33028, 30; rapyiTrl o[v],24352; 1716; [B]ovur&B6a, rapyfirrto[s], 3376; Bour&[Sai], 4826, 25952; rapy'rn-[os], 3373; [Bo]ur6cSai, 7263; [F]apyfrr-os, 1932; 3889; Bou[Tr6c]ai, 62185 rapyirT<T>l(os), 41311-12; [rap]yr'T[Tro--],
rap[yfTinos], 4939;
rapyrT[TIov], 8418-19;
3053; [ra]pyTr-riou,4111o; rapylrrliot, 42120, 13855, 3318, 3463, 4064; 3636; [rapyr]TTrot, 2356 [rapy]krTmoi, AaiaXaiSai,43173, 10515, 4949; AatcSaiSjrlS:
[Aat]86a5aia, 24866;
[r]apyA-niot, 6149;
ra[py]itr-loi, 3811;
AEipa(StcbTris), 5883; Aetpa[8tlcTrn], 10012; [AEip]a6S[cbTjs], 1722; A[EipaSicb-rs], 49318; AelpalcoTrls, 62300; 13al6; [AEip]a8l-rTai, 42201; [Aetpatio]'rTai, 5231 [A]lpaSlicT[alJ, Asipa8i(cbTlv), 86111; AElpaSicoTa1, 1367, 21480; AeKE?EEsuS: AEK[EXEE6S], 49355;
AEKEX?Ea, 2267;
AE[KEA?Ea], 2262-3;
1404; AiOlE[teiSs],
3575 Aiopa[i6Ts],
], 11220
ElpeoiSai, 42292, 43134; [EiT]EaTos,25989; [E]IpEc[iSai], 62130; 'Hpeoi8ai, 37139, 37365; 'HpECi8[ai], 44110 El-reaT[ov],24035; [EIT-]aiot, 61326;
E-ITa[IOS], 704;
EtreaTol, 42304, 43222, 4465, 1981, 24056; ElTeaT[o]l, 72259; [ElTe]aTo[I] (?), 22382; 'rTalot, 397i5, 4396 'EKaAcei: 'EKaATs, 72219,8810; 61306; ['E]KaITs,
62339; ElTEa[tol],
21275; [Et-r]Eao[i],
'EXaioilos: 'EAeo,oaos, 41912; 'E?eovaiou, 3999-10; 'EXaioocnoto,62267, 19485, 22669, 24389; 'EAEoOaiol,339 12, 39718; 'EeoOa[toi], 40712 ['E?Aa]ouiaiol, 2038; 'EAeooios, 'E?Aeooaiol:see 'E?atouoios, 'E?Aatoatoi
'E?A<V[ivio]s, 2126; 18736, 2222; 'EAhu[aivtos], 18616; 'EAe[vuivios], 49349, 53; 'EA[Evaivios], 'EAevaivtov, 19426, 35, 24325, 2502; ['EA]6u[aivio]s, 2492; 'EAvo[Etvf]ou, 4252; ['E];u[aivlos], 25989;
20536; 'EA6u.[i]viot,
24361 ['EA?uV{]vtoi,
'ErTEtKiKSat, 13223; 42725; 'ETrw?[KiSat], 29068; 'E[TrEI]K{Sal,
'E1rl.iKiSrs: 'E[r]tE1K(S[Ts],42735;
'E1Ter1KiTS, 37176;
38747 'ETriKl[[]ai,
'ErlKrIyfatot, 173, 4824, 62197, 7261; 12412 ['ETrKTl]9{Citoi,
'EpeiKatliS: see 'EpiKeeOs
8610; ['E]pEXISos, 1691; 'EpeXe[e6os], 25446; (I{}XeTos, 2812; 'EpeXOET[qos, 'EpexetSoS,25418, 3127; 'EpE 'EpEXenfs: 2497; 'EpEX[ioSOS], 2526-7; ['Ep6x]0[t]6os, 2389; ['E]peXOe[ os], 3445; ['Epe]XeETSos, 2201; 'Epe[XIOe8os], 'Ep[EXX]eESos,
28121; 'E[p?XET0os],61158; ['EpeX]eTSos, 22042; ['EpEX]eT[Sos], 3443; 'EpEX&fiOS, 11, 42i; 'EpEXeTi[8oS],211 24211; ['Ep]K[ETiS], 3846, 8573, 89104; 72117; 'EpiKEeiS, 'EpE1K(atlIE),37842; 'Ep[I]KEEis, 'EpIKeetJ:'EpIKa(I(ES),38048; 'EPIKales, 33131, 3573, 40649 'EpiK[ifis], 49251; 'EpiKElis, 42106; 'EpiKEiis, 4339; 22040; ['E]peios, 25441; 'Epp(eIos), 46087; 'EppI[Eos],4936; Ep[peioS], 613; EpiEiEos, 'Eppio11, 42294, 43129, 37144, 37357; ['E]pelo[1], 62133 ['E]p?itov, 1262;
1207; 'Epo[itSisJ],1694; 'Epu(&658i), 4928; 'Epoi&SnrS, 38034; 'Epoi&Sat, 62261,194103, 40659; 'Epoi&Sr(s), 'Epoi&Sns, 212ll6, 240113, 243118; ['E]poi&a[i], 2210; 'EpotcSal], 4467, 72262; 'Epoi&S[ai], 114; 'Epoil&[Sa],62342; 42525 (?), 5526; 'Epv&c5at, 61331; ['Epo1&Sa]l 492154; ['Epot5SJ]at, 'Epo[litai] 10916; 'E[poidSati?],
'Epxiets,384, 8526,
49310; 'EpX1ia,3882, 12044-45, 1534-5, 21714; 'EpXtts, 3410, 3874, 83; 'EpXl[ei]s,2386; 'EpX[tE*s], 40315; 'EpXiiS,42112 8964, 18912, 40641; 'EpxIE[T], 3651; 'Ep[XIETs], see 'Epold(sr8 'Epu&Sris:
'EoriaTIs: 'Eor[Oa]E Ts,72115; 'E[a]-T[ali]ts,4333; ['Eoria]iETs, 61212; 'Eoriaies, 3831; 'Ecriafxijs, 42102; 4936 3874, 85, 62236,8569, 89100, 33145, 40636; 'Eao-[ai6Ov],40313; ['E-tctaito]v, 2428; 'Earor[iaio60v],
20564, 2149, 28720-21, 30723-24; EurnvpiS[iv], 49322; Eiurrupf6rv, 2162; EO[rrvup{T)Ss], 2048, EuTrrupflSrs: EUTr[vplSns], 293106; Errru[pi6rTv], 131oo, 42252, 4389, 61300, 12911o, 21429; Evrrup[iSai], 27217; Errr[upi5ai], 205o1; ETrrvpiSai, 8858 3236; E[CrrupiSai], 40810; Eu[-rupLfSa], EOcovvuus,1153; EUcovupCa, EcoWvueTS,. 8633, 13713, 14134; 4930; 86120; Eu<co>vup(Eis), Eucovuw(la),86101; 31234; Euco[vuvis],61163; [EUco]vvuuis, 2862; Ev[cowuvTs], 29924; [E]u'co[vvETs], 1072; [ECcoWvvi]ETS, Eucovup<e>Ts, 610 121; E[i]co[v]upis,422; [Eu]cowvfis,292; [E*covu]fijs, 16855; [E]ucowvvjs, see ElpEcrfiis 'HpsEaciSs:
eqpIIaK?E : erlIaKETs,4324;
7278; GIpOaKlT[s],
[e]lpOaKTs, 8673;
OopaiEsI, 892;
eopalEiS,212118, 240o10;
42354; [Oo]pailTs,
eopafis, 4432;
[e]opa<l>fis, 225
eopfKlOS,2402, 37, 49326, 27, 37, 38; eopfK[1io], 1742; eop[fK1io], 3595; [Oop{]Kmos, 49339; [EopifK]os, 17613; eopLKlOV 19439, 20660, 141, 21254, 21412; [e]opiKto[v], 22057; eop[iKlov], 212136; eoplKiOv, 3313; OopiKioi, 42265, 37154 37350; e[op{KIlo], 43212; [9]opf{Koi, 1987; eop[i]K[II] (?), 5645; [9]op[fKioi], 5869; [eopi]Ki[ot], 9713; [eopfK]o, 397; [eopiKi?]oi, 83 Opl&[a]iov, 12951; epl[dat]ov, 129122-123; eOptlaol, eptaaios, 12942, 33464; [epl ?]ao'iov, 8319; [O]pi&raioi, 1179; epid[aliol], 62167; Epl[arioi], 1363; ep[it&iom], 6853; [epi]&aioi, 30422, 4921oo eupalrr&Sns, 19430, 2165; [e]vpa[lTasai] (?), 111 evpaTr&(6rl), 4919; [Eu]lairr&6ns, 795; euVpatT&Sai, 62278, 19481, 243121; 1727, 19611;
euia[rT&Sai], 93;
3878, 4937, 8; 'IK[api?s],49311; 'IKapioa, 3882, 85, 89, 20657, 24336, 2443; 'IKaptius, 4289 3825, 13861, 20677; ['I]KapiETs, 6142; ['I]Kapii[s], 'IKapiEt.,
'IKap[la], 24353;
'IKapa, 3885;
'irroecovris: ['l]Tro0co[vris],49347; 'imrro0covTibos, 1282, 14730, 1941, 5, 11, 30-31, 2191, 8, 2221, 22542, 2438, 26138, 2789, 2511, 27818; ['l]rro0cv[Ti6os], 24342; 4792, 4486-7; 'ITrrToEcoviS[os], 2025; . [']MTrroecovwri6os, 2611; ' 'Irroeco[vrfSQo], 'Imrr[o]ocov[-rfSos], 3951; ['1Trr]oecovrTios, 21914; ['T7ro]ecovrTios, 2911; ['i]rr7o[Ocov]T[i]5os, 2071; ['ITrroe]coVTfSoS, 91; 'ITr['roecovTrios], 4652; 'I[-rrrroecowvr os], 24316; ['I-mrroecov]-rfos, 3274; ['lrrTroecov-]Sos5, 3365; ['I-TMrrocovTiS]oS,
['Irrr]oTrop&Sa1i, 41121;
465 ['Iqlc]Tln&ali,
71, 207, 351, 1201, 10, 23, 1657, 1991, 6; 1736-7, 3873-4; 7284; KEKpor1s: KKpoTrriSos, KEKpo[iFT{6O], [KEKP]oir8ros, 1322 2491, 4011; [K]6K[poTrr]8os, 4618; K[6Kpow07rio], [K?Kpo]Tri8OS, KEpaeIus: KepapEs,12896; ~KKEpap,cv, 42285, 17011, 108, 37156; EKKepapi[cov], 1943-4; [K] KepapEov, 5649; ?K 12778-79 498; [^K 26161; ?K K[6patCcov]12858; ?K[KEpa0pcov], 16839-40; [K K]6[papIaov], K]epa(cowv, KEpa(p(ov), KE9oaEus5: KeaAeTis, 6192, 6286; [K]epa[XA]ls, 5856; KEyoAfis, 42271; 802-3 KE9oXaje[Ev], 41134; Ke9aiAn[e6v], 7222; K[E9aiOEqv], Kn[---], 2104 KrSof, 114, 1450, 8668, 16871; xK [Kn8ov], 28124
13766, 15828;
[?]K K[riScv],21242;
Kil-rlos, 49320; K'r-n(os), 61107; K'irriov, 12934, 2147; 5624 27215; [K]'rTnoi,133; K[Tr'r]l[o]l,
2122, 2225, 2437; Krlcqioai(s), 4916; KTlqa[[lE], 2504; KisilmCE[is], KrTlcnOlaiS, 3113; Klpilalia, 1336; Klpiil4[a], 1628, 28115; Krljqtc[i]a,130132-133; Krqiao(ia), 9814; [K]Trqlo][t]to,26158; [Kn]qiCtl[a], 28131; [Kr9qt]a4ia, 995; 1623-4; Krlp[eiori][a], 2766-7; Krl9'niils,13737; Krl[qlal]eT, 8646; [Krlamil]eTS, 2866; [K]IrllEic'rS, 3129; [Kr9iom]lia, 126; [K]qrmctiis, 1421; [K]r9[iqi]fis,4231; KrmiO;s,128 (perhaps in error for KrllpiaISor Krloiaijs) Krnqi,nfis,
KtKUVvE'S: KiKuvv4a, 13790-92;
128103; KIKvv[ETs],
35926, 37136; 1465; Kl[Kvvva],26155-56; KKuvvETs, KIKvvv[ia], 42325, 467 1021; KiKUvviis, 6182; [KIKuvvEst, 62126; KI[KUvVETs], 4362; [KiKuv]VE[TS], [K]iKUVV[er]S, KoeoKi6[ai],4822
?K KofAX[s], 19432; [?]KKoiA[s], 33623; 45819 61142; ?K Koi]XrlS, [?K [Koi](XQs),
[K Ko]iAX[ls], 1576;
8952, 858; KoMavTEs, 8591; K[o?M]u'ra, 4922; KoMuvrka, 25993; [K]oAuvrr(iS), KoXXAUris, 1064, 1715; [K]oAuT-EUs, 33712; KoMvlrEiS, 3461; KoXXvris, 3686; [K]OMu-r<e>Ts, 40626; KoXA[AvrETS], 8548; KOM?A(TET), 1121; [Ko]?XXArETS, 4295, 49254 3641; [KoAvu-rf]s, 3838; KoAvurLEs, 8861; 72216; KoX[coveiS], KoAcowvEu: KoAcovETs, 61303,129116; [K]oXcovTs, 5545 37015; [K]oXAovfieev, 915, 31242; KoAcovfi0[v], KoAcovfjev,
gKKoA7cAvoO, 3625, 3835, 4299, 8566, 8935, 59; [?KK]oAXovoO, 25994;
4394; KoXcovfis,
?K Ko[Acovo]U, 22212;
4714; KovOuvASlS: Kov'vAiuai,1014, 3222; [K]oveuXAia[i], 8923 1665; Kov[e]uvf[0e]v, KovuAfi[0ev], K6TrrpElS: 62242,194105, 22674; K6TTPElOI, 24049; KopuvSaX?a, KopvuaMEVSs: 38026; KPIco[EIS], KpicoEI5S:
1257; [K]ovuOvi8[at],
492132 1573; [K6rrp]Eioi, 72155; [K](p }6rTpE[101], K6OrrpE[oi], 40261 20688; Ko<p>uca<x>XE<TS>, Kopvu5aAET(s), 72256; KPIco[iT]5, 62333; Kpicofi,4460 Kpico[Es], 6220; K[pcoTrf5ai], 1390, 42260, 61298, 8864, 129118, 21472, 3233; KpoTrriSai,
Ku[8]a[rivalisS], 348, 43233, 1995, 2197, 2383, 4374-5; KuSaerlvai6vs, Kv5a!ilvact[1s],2067; KvSa[Oivaties],2393-4; 46072; 2208; 2005-6; Kv(68afvai6is), 46073, 74, 75; K[u](6ac&vai?us), 49315; [Kuv5aC]TvalEis, [K]uS[acOv]aiE[Us], 12859; [Kv8aOei]valea, 12782-83; KvSae[ltvaia], 21252; Kv[Sae&rvaia], 1235, 13845; KuvSaOivaci(a), KuSaOrcvalka, 37830; [Kuv]a&rvalET[s], 31823; KuSaerl<v>a)ies, 1223, 6161, 29363, 36931, 43723; Kuvaeqvali<T>s, 11531; KvuSacTvailTs, 46071; K[uva0ivaitcov-rpiTus], 2614 155; KuvaO0'vaioi, 362i; KvSa0rvaiis, 42148; [Ku]8aOqvaOiis, 3728; Kubav-riisv,3886; Kuvav-rfiai,3623, 4345, 72102, 8976; 5885; K[v]Bav[TiSrsj], 1732; Ku6av(T{r5rs), Kv8avTrisrs, 8571 49248; [Kv]6avTr{[ai], 42127; Kuvavr[{Bat], 25963; 3820; [Ku]8avTirai, KuSavri[Bai], [K]v5av-r{ai, Kuvfppios: Ku0vppioi, 1040, 42192; Kv[Oipp][oi],3235 KvpT-e!ai,37354 KvpTriBrls: 1654, 1944; AaK<t&?iS, 7258 [AaKi&]6aal, [A]aKi6crjs, 879; 26160-61; AaKi&[6&v], AaKi&Sai, 1713; 15518; ACaKli(a[i], 62187; AaKi<[65]al, Kvu0[p]pioi,6158; 22586; KvuTjppi[oi], Kuvp[pl]ol, 29374; Kveupp[loi],31832;
499; Aapcrrrp(sS), 7270, 1356, 1672, 2382, 40241, 25445, 31240, 36961, 37345, 40663, 41132; Aap'r<T->pE?(s), Aa=Lrrpe6S, 25988; AaH('Trrpe6s), 40658; AaIrr[rTpes], 38042, 49; 2392; AaTrrr[pE6s], 38610; [Aa]TrrTpEuS, 46088; [AalrTTpeIus, 16826; Aaclrrpia, 8687, 9112, 20658, 130,22683, 23125, 24354, 142, 3818; [Aa'lrrrpE]uS, 18614; A[aTrnrpE6ES], Aap['rrTp6'S], 22680; 26157; Acp['rrpka], 1559; Aa'rTTpp[a], AauTrr[Tpac],16824; [Aapirr]Trpa, 22557; AarcnrrTp(a), 8696; 4617; 4804-5; 2269; AapTrrrpkcos, [Aa]pinr[p&os], 4609, 14, 46612; [Aai]'rrp&cos, A[apnrTpia],8615; [AaTrrTp]ea, 158l1; 1417; 13726, 28629, 31224; Aapcrp[iTs] [Aa]pTr-rpETS, Aai'rr-rp[Ti],8622; AaiTrrrpETs, [A]av'rrTpETs, 61185; A[anrrrpET9], 608; 4684; Aacr-rppis,4247; Aairr-r[pETs], Aaprr[rTpis] [(r-'rrvEppEv)], [(KaOrrepeev)], 6134; 13 1434; 212; KaOTrrEpOev, 1453; Aap'rr[Tp]fis, Ka[e0]rr(E6pev), Aapirrrpifs 'arpaNol, Aa[prpTTpjs] AapnrrTpfi 20647; AEUKOVOE5V, 20645; A[wvKovoE6S?], 8827; AeKovoES,12982, 3706; AEv[KovoTSs], AEvKovoia,290111-113; 21421; [AEUKOVO]ETS, 748; AevKovo[i]eT1, 4001-2; 24635; [AEVKo]voicoS, AEuK[ovooa], AeKovoiiS, 1332, 42228 1291; [AECo]vri8os, [AEcovTr]6os, 42195; [A]ovaicn, 1718,
AEcovrioS 13, 3, 1297-8, 42-43, 1671, 7, 15, 202i; Aecov-rS: AeovTrios,3994 Aovouia, 4514; Aouvaie,S: 49294 [Ao]votia, 838;
12915; AEco[vrTi8o],
Aovuoi[sS], 62191;
7257; A[ov]oalTs,
42415; Mapac0dv[tos],
46085, 95; Mapa[0cvtos], 4602-3; Map(aecbvioS), 4891, 3, 6, 8, 9; Map[aecbvios], Mapa(0cbvios), 37237, 46084, 90; 38053,4897; [Mapa]ecb[vios], 3679; M[ap](a0cbvios), 48910; [Ma]p(aecbvios), 841; Ma[p](aocovios), 4895; [M]ap(aecbvios),
27376-77; 4894; Mapa0[cbviov],1704; Ma[paecbvio]v,32222; Ma[p]aecb[vi]o[v],26735-36; Map[a0cb]v[iov], 4812-3; Mapaecov[iou], 4115; 4703; [Ma]paOcoviou, Mapaecoviou,33033, 3693, 3734, 4601, 4752, 4763; [M]apaeoovfov, 4823; [Mapa]coAv[iou], 4073-4; 4413; Ma[pa0covfou], 4693; [Mapa]ecovio[u], Map[aOcovfou], [Mapa]ecoviou,4057;
M[a]pacbviot,12743; Mapa[cbvloi],
4910; MeA^(TEiS), 3005-6; 46086; MO[eA[tT MEXT6E(is), ], 17615-16; MeAi-raC, 4807; 4613; MealTrcos, 2906-7; 3154; [ME]C[-rkHa], 3603; [MeAri]coS, 3582; MEXIT[aE], ME7(rTcos), M[[E^ITcos], MEAXrrTS, 7236, 28817; 29073, 29231, 49411; [M]EAIrETs, 61132; [M]E[x]T[ETS], 208; 3982; [MEtTr]EIS, ME^T-r[is], 710 MeAi[T]rs],
2152; M[uppvoiaios ?], 4937; Mvppivo*alov,22540-41, 56; MvppIvoocrot, Mvppivoo6ios,782, 2404; M[u]p[pwv]o[Ui]os, 1021,4726, 13087,29361, 37856; Muppivoc[tlot], 42174; [Mu]ppivo*io[ot], 38417; [Mu]ppivo[ioit], 7622; [MuppIvo?]Xir oi, 624; [Mvppt]vo[aoloi],123 15911-12; [iy Mvp]pIVOITr[T-s], 212139-40; 3866, 87, 21255; ly Mupplvoir[Tr]T, 8579; [iy M]uppivo6r[T]rs, yyMuppivoTTrrrs, 5833; y Mupplv[oOmrTs],8991; [9y Mvppwv]o6vTrr, 4454; ['y] Mvpivoirrrs, 4279; bKMupIvoOvrrls, yyMupptv(o'rTns), 33134, 40644 vtrrTTicbv,784; --r?rTact6[v], 62350; -TrEral6vEs, 49425; [E]urTa16[ves],26175; [urvm-T]ai6vES,311; [E-vTrTa]i6vlE,28813; [=-vrrTa]6vEs,24858; r[-vTrT]a[t6vs](?),2018 'OaOev: see "faev 'Oijev, 14722, 37, 41, 44, 2435, 3043, 10, 13, 35213, 47334, 44914; 'Oi[eO]v, 25991; 'Ofie[E]v,3142; 'O[iev], 61152; ['Oj]O[Ev], 62174; ['Oel]EV, 41117; Ofjeev, 1735; OlfOe(v),4913 see 'OOiOv OfiQjev: OlvaTos, 62234, 1972; Olvaiov, 18718, 24050; [O]lvaTov,170104; Olval[ov], 240128; Oi[vaTov], 5928, 18713; OlvaTot, 12757, 20683, 41931; Ol[v]aToi, 39725 61268; Olva[tol], 4399; [Oi]vaToi, 72202; O[lvaToi], Olvris: [Ol]vlsto[s], 411; OiveT6os, 808, 130i, 147 1, 35, 2121, 2151, 3042, 4496; 7248; 4443-4; OlvvET[os], OIvwT[6os], [Oi]veT6os, 110; [OqtveTos,80i; Olv[e8os], 21514; O[lveTOS], 268l; 1471; Olvrfios, 4843, 4832; [OIvlw]8[os], [O]vliifSos, 49293; Olvit8[os], 4524; [Oi]vrfSOS, OIvri[6os], 4116; Olv[qi]Sos, 3942; 4042; [Olvq]iSo[s], 171; [Otvil{]os, 3021-2; [O]i[vrf(os], 62142
99 OTov,1265, 1384, 42258, 43107, 62232, 10517, 1203, 1258, 20638, 56, 79, 21475, 22612, 92, 2826-7, 2931, 42116;
['O]fie[v], 4814;
{ Olo[u], 1406;
&E 61219 O[ou], 17953; [kEOTo]v, 4336, 8537, 8962; ['O]JrpuvwEs, 72105; 'OTpuve[i], 24214; 'OTpuveT5,
[^]? Olov,
T7a[---], 3517
Tala(vi6s), 3788, 47724; lcaiavtis, 22543, 2612, 39; nTaiavi6cr(s),4920; naiaveis(s), 47729-30; lnat(aviEs), 46038, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 81, 47725, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33; nTa[aviESs], 41136; [nclaa]viets, 5313; rTa[i](avicxs), 47736; na[t(avites)], 410io; T[ali(avi[( s), 47735, 40; naiavta, 13036, 49, 13527, 19437, 112, 22555, 243157, 2447, 26154, 2655, 2935, 16; [n]atavixa, 13215, 22536-37; naiav[itx], 24356, 2651; naitaVtis, 473, 13060, 22569, 29321, 3644, 3699, 3789, 4379; TnaiaviT[s], 2586; [Tlaiav]iETl, aitavitET 6156; Kaxe(.mpeEv),
4375; Taitavis, 42135; [n]atavfijs KaeOrrpee, 267; [nTalavifs Ka0(nrrep0ev), 1255; [T]aiavlifs 1243; Tnaavlicov TptnrS, 266 Cn'[fvEp0e, 269; TTaiaviis(vrwvEpeev), naioviSls, 3635, 40660;
42242, 61291, 21445;
Tlaio[vil6is], 49321;
, 1826,3192,3339, 3658, 3665, 4677; lnaAIavew(s), 1narAnveS 4927; naMn ve*[s],1267; [Tlaa?AM[ve]6s, 62202; [Ha]Mtves5,4239; s), 38028; nHa7rlvia,2125, 4666; naTcAAv[Ja],26027; n[a?Anvia], nTaa;[rlves],334i; na7r(XvEis),38029; [TTaih(AihrlV
21250; [lTTaak ]va, 10018; [HTT]Tji[v]a, 10027; iTaMrlvcos,4777; HnaArv[ckos],4754; nHa7[Anvios],4764; nHa?'irveTs, 21266, 23622, 24071, 30938, 33335; H[a]M vE[Ts], 47211; n[axonv]Ts, 72224; TTa[AM[VETs], 43209; [n]aAAO[vE]Ts, 42814; 4437 [nIaXAlveT]s, 4257; naAAqvns, HaliproTa[8at],8675;
26156; nTapco-T&rat, naippoTr&8ins: nap[5coT&STiv, 4222, 13763, 16878; T'aplo(-rT58rs),49117; 28643; [na]vpc-rrsatc 456i , 14118; [iTTa]vpcoT&S[ai], rTavpcorTaSat,
TavpcorTaSai: see TTavpco-rT&Sal
49312; nfav85ov{8os, 1Tav6iovi: TIa[v8tovis], 47l, 872, 1159, 18, 23, 1306, 14, 43, 59, 165i, 22548, 25440, 2659, 2933, 14,4779; lnavSiovi{o[s], 13038; Tnav5sov{5[os], 2016; [Tn]av6ioviSos, 262; T7avStovi[8os], 2537, 4601-2; HavS5[o]vi8o[s],20642; 2618-19, 2011; [TIav]sloviros,3636-7; TTav6iov[f6os], [nvavSt]ov{6os, 4371-2; nav8[iovf8os], 42134; nav[6Sovibos], 2778; [TTa]v[8]iov[ipos], 321; [lavSio]vi8[os], 3612-3; nTav8eioviSos, 3856 3695, 3785-6; [Tl]av8iov[S5os], , 7, 4583, 7, 8, 11, 12; lTElpalEus, 783, 894-5, 448o1; lnlp(atirs), 38051, 3959, lo, 1, 13, 1 15, rit[p](aitEs),45816; 45817; [FlEi]p(amos), [lTeip(aies), 39512; THEp[](aiEf(s), 3953, 4; TeIpalia, 13849, 21413, 22560, 25710-12; TtEp[aita],
1613, 1993; 1nElp[CET], 2194; nlE?[palET], 2084; nlElpa[iET], 8937; lTTipatT, 1714, 1744, 2004, 2124, 24039; [TT?]EpatI[], 2205; n<eil>paET, 62247, 19317, 19472, 20517, 22631; [lJiepaieTS, 24372; nlepa[iEs], 1653; ?K TTEipalcos,2464; TTEipatels, 4796 2452; TI[Elpaiils],72136; TieipEeTs, 1676, 1992, 25986; TTEploifSls, 8323; 1rTptioiSrIv,
nfpliepoTSa,1720, 43150;
62181 Teple[o]TSai,
6131; nlepyaafis,4238; nEpyaais TlepyaacE[s], 8664; TlEpya[rEis], 4926; T7epyao[fis OTrrvepeEV?],132; llspyarcfiO[v] TTepyaoCfitv[-rV?p0Ev],
1374, 42255, 21466, 4264; nfTATX: nfTAXrK6s, 1ieEOs: ni[ei[s], 2022; lncoeifls, 42110
d6pios,25991; 1942; n'OTr&pios, Tn6piov,2414-5; 19428; nTo-rT&lo[s],
4015 [Fhie]Ts,
'fcoefS, 3645;
rThcoxeTs, 3842, 4350, 72112, 8563, 8993; [T6]pioi, 3914; n[6pioi], 611l0
11217; 1T[cowe]Eis,
l6ptoi, 42281;
1317; no!T&rpoiKaeC(rnEp0eV),
4718, 13083, 36929, 37851; lTpca[oiTs],11588; nTpacntis,3238, 42181; TTpaaleus: -Tpacaia,13026, 44, 48, 54, 138-139; TTpaCiETs,
os, 1735, 1832; n[popcAif]acos, 1842; lTpo(paxiolios), 48026; [Rl]po(paxilos), 48028; npoparaiCov, 1483-4, nTpopacifo 23220-21; [Tlpop]aAiaio[v], 11530; lp[opaXctiov], 1493-4; 21654; nTpo[pa]{iatov, 170112,21615, 24631; [TTp]opaAOicov, 1055, 42161, 130106, 206112; [fl]popaXiaioi, 3258; 24624-25; TTpopa[icaloi, TTpopadi[oioi],40263; [TTpopaoiCaio]v, 4357; [TTpo]pacXiooi,61234; [TTp]opa[[iao]lo[i],1236 r[p]opaAi[<i]oi,
4448, 31247; npOCaTr&XTIOS,
[TpocrTa&]XATo[s], 5881; npoa-rTrilol,
42319, 431i8;
npoo0rr&rT[tol], 62120;
5850, 6186 1156, 24040; nT-re&ctios, nTrrEX[&caios], 47343; 179, 7259; nTEXe&crioi, 62193 n-TEAXE&[crO], 1873; lTTohaspafi[os], 18738; rI[TroWeaitios],
[flT]oApalio60s, EhTO?Epaii]5oS, [TTro]oX?iat8os, TTrTo7X6patsos, 3253; [1TTTlo7Elat5os, 4694-5; 3265; T'TOAElroaiis: 1727; 24337; lTTroX6[aliios], 172i; nrTo[peaildos], 3605; nT[oXAepadtos], 25985; [nTo\Epati8]os, 18748
'PapivoOic[os], 4943;
['Pa]Pvoorios, 18617;
'Papv[oo](alos), 5312;
1662, 18126-27; 'P[apv]oO[cnos], 2082; 'PacvoOlaov,13850, 24048, 4949-50; 'Pap[voacriov], 1352; 'Pa[pvoocrios], 17027; ['Pa]pvoocrlov, 13218-19; 'Paovoiotol, 62274, 34014; 'Papv[o]Iioi, 72193; 'Pal[votaioi] 32257; ['Papvot]oioi, 27332
'Pcoiai[cov], 18011 'PcoioaTos: 17-iaXiirls, 30917; S(taXiBlrsl), 4224; ZrnpaXi(8iv, 2047; 4469, 72264, 212106, 32116, 33324, 42330, 47248; hiaocXi)tai,
62344; SrltiaXfi8[at],
2Kappcovi6?rs: KacpcoviSrlv,23644-45;
42220, 21427; xKaupCcoviSai,
17947 [XKapp3ovi]Jai, lovveios, 1302, 1746, 37174, 40513, 42733; Eouvit[s], 13039; Eovvi[f]a, 290102-103; 20633,50, 24051, 25468, 31314; EouviETs, louvevs, 402a4; 20666, 4026; Eo[vviEa], 2134; 42196; [ouvv[]fjs, 13ail [Xouvifi]S,
ovuvlie[s], 2495; Sovvw[?is], 812; Eovvlxa, 12925-26, 44-45, Sovv[ita], 24624; [So]vvtoa, 12949; ovu[viia], 20654; 12959; Souvvifs, 1360; 5223; [5ouvi]es, 883; [oov]vieTS,
497; 47738; T-trpiem(s), IrT(ElpIes), 46080; XTelp(leOs),47715, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20; "TElple[is], 25988; -T[?Ep](EOs), 47723; I[TEIp](1eOs), 47739; ZETtplka, 3823, 3832, 46614, 4476, 4485; [ET]i[p](iE*s), 22531, 50, 53, 29014-15; reIp1icos, [ZTe']ptcos, 4494-5; 4855; 4198; [ZTr]epi[icS], 4733, 130112, 22566, 29348, 4168; ZT-e1peTs, ZTEl[pEcoS], [T6iplEcoS], 36946, 37846; [Teit]plEs, 61230, 26418; ETE[ipiles], 36415; ITElpl5S, 3242, 42185, 4368; [r|T[E6plfs] ?, 1538 [ETip]ieTs, 46076;
m[E]ptE[pi ], 3847; TEilplIS, 1036;
28656; uvppiSFls,
61104; [2uv]p[p]if6rs,
7274; :upp[i]8ai,
S[uppiSai], 29922;
[uvppi5]ai, 16863
XvurraXrlTTios: :uTraAfTlrn[o]s,25443; 4926; TraAhmilrrov, 3412, 26146; IuvrraXi-TT(os), X[VTrnaXATios],2545; :vTrafTTiolol, vTrra[X]Iq-rov, 18123-24; [vurra]XAfrr ov, 26152; 164, 185, 43161, 62227, 13225, 45718, 4944; ZuvrrT[ailtrio], 10815, 3486; [TvlTaX]Airrnol, 288 1; [ZuXrraoXfr]Tlol, 43016; Zuvpacrfrrlol, 39844
EqA-rtos, 2388, 3191, 37369, 386s; 4912, 21; . '-r-nl(os), 3676; EfT[trros], 42022; EpfrTMo(s), 1Eg(Trio), 4424; 12855, 1862-3; [El]Trlov, 18622; X[fl-rrTov],18619; [EPrT]TI[ov], 12834-35; [p qp-rrmov, X49T[TiO]V, 13115-16; Xf-rr-tot, 42307, 6278, 7214, 10121, 3596, 37110, 3739; 1867-8; E1'TltOV,45311; Ef?[-noi], 4357; S[pQTT]T[IOV],
Z[cpfrrloi], 975; [Xcp'rr]ioi, 5838, 4401 TEleptOio[i], 8521; [TE1]ip&aioi,4281; TEl[p&doil],
TEl0pi&cio, 43228, 229; TElp&acov, 3886, 856; TE1Opdcloi,3884, 8981; 1126; TE[tep&croi],905; [TEO]pacriot[s], 451-2 TeTrradSat, 37229 TErTaK8irS: TpiKopcaioS: TptKop[*]oos, 1834; 28214-16; TpIKop6oraov,
2876-7; [T]p1Ko[pcarlov],
TpIKopvoio[u], 28657;
4565; TpIKopII[acto],
17090 Tp,Ko[pcrTio],
62296, 7269; 5835; [TP1iv]pEIIs, 49344; Tplvwp(EEs), 4911; Tpl[v]E(pEEtS), TpwivEPEES, TplvEpE(e6s),61106; TpIVEIS, 22686, 4941; 21616; TpiVEwca, 12774-75, 12857, 206137-138, 212132-133, 21657, 24049-50;- TpiVEpE[e]a, Tpi<v>EpE>a, Tp1V(piCa), 129130; Tpivs,(E<>a, 13051, 143-144; TpivEpie[a], 8936; TpivEi(Ea), 86106, 1395; TPIvIE[dca], 22559; 2218, 20659-60; Tp[IVepia],22056; [TpIv]epCa, 993; TpliveiE1a,859; TpIvEPEwiS, 62224,15122; TptVE?E[ds], [Tpl]vEwjia, 39840; 7296; [TpwvIEpEES, 1082; [Tpiv]e[?ETs ?], 61190; TplVECiatiE, -[T]plvjaiTes, 40111
876, 1716, 2512; [(cIa]Xrlpeus, 794, 4283; 1726; 13053, 2161l, 243127; (Oaralpi[a], IoaXrlpe*s, oDa[rlp6sO], cIa7Xrlpac, 3772; [cDa?]tlpia, 24350, 289a3; (a?rlpicos, 3353-4, 3997; -[a]x]rlp&cos, 3642, 3681; ([alpscos], 3883; [OaTA]T[p]Ecos,
3907; O'airlpeTs,62283, 12729, 17072, 2674, 3409; 8988; rlya[ct]E[l]s], 61241; la[AnpETs],32265; -Oaxrpfst, 4633 (Darl[pETs],27346; [(Da]ArlpETi, (Dryati[a], 22559; (DiyateTs,3859, 41939; [Cnlya]ieT[s], 6921; [cDrly]a[i]eTs,8553; [Orl]yaiEs, 3615;
[Orl]yailrf,4275; qOryorlios,28628;
Olyat[s], 49241 4245, 4321, 8671, 13771,49229; criyocr[tio], 7276; [Drl]yoi[cf]toi,1459 Drlyoicrioi, tacisai5a, 3816, 8996; (tAa[irnv], 1605; (&lASov, 3716; 3378 (dtaSai, 33141, 3328, 40630; [$]1A&6ai, (Dtia[(]8at, 8557; OitA[a]iSai,
2282, 3316, 4146; 39223, 41618, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 46091; [Di)]WVES, \7AvuEs, OAv[E]*S,22547; [D]?vE*fs,25985; O(Au(E65), 49346; 49342; (xAvEa,259112, 2756, 3252; 29382; cIAu[ia], [(DA]vU6S, (I)<A>u(es), 41624; 0([AUr?s],1805; DAuv[]ca, 1238; [P]Avia, 14746; OivEIs5,3035; (DAvuEs, 3296; O)A[vu]a,29023-24; 3436; [)3.]uva, 14764, 28414; OAu[ETS], 738; >Aufis,72, 4611 [(D]?Avus[], 2026; (Dpe&ppios, 1383,39, 1745; (Dpeppi[os], 41139; [$]p<(&p>ptos, 4147; [$P]E&[p]p[los] 1344, 42210, 21441, 323i; OpEC&pplt, [I]pE&ppioi, 8812; [D]pE&ppt[o]l, 12965; [Dp]e&ppioi, 235; [pe]a&[pptos], 4178; [(pE]d&ppio[t],256i;
[uvppiv]crtoi, 46723;
2015; Xo?apy(a, 1545, 19437-38,115, 20513; 713-4, 1665-6; Xo[XapyEss], Xo?apy?'s: XocapyE(ts), 4923; [Xo]AapyE*s, Xo[AapyEis], 4326; XoAapyeTs, 727, 37128; [X]oAapyTls, 37360; [Xooa]pyeTs, 1025, 22350; XoAapyfis, 42297 XoX?efi8ns: 4086; [X]oAEfSrli[s], 272o1; [Xo]AeT18aoc[], 5631;
2aEC15: 13096; 'OaETs,
4399, 7414, 12976, 21456; Xoh0ifrlv, 3996; XoMETlSai, 1339 XoXA;oiiai, 42236; [Xo]MXfi5ai,
'QailS, 1524, 3217;
8836; XoA[X]EST[ai],
'a[a]ifis, 1259;
'AGiva: foki&S 'Aerlva, 46619, 4707, 4767; [TnoA]i&s 'A&lvO&, Ze5S BovXaaos: Ail Bou[Raico Kal 'Ea-ria Bov]Aaiai, 2694-5 Al TCO-r 1719 47713; ['ATnva]iai, 11 Zeus6 K-TrnOS: KTal[o'ioi],
TrE 1838 4803 4613-6; 9eBuv[r[Ts] Ai6oS v 'OAuvrrca, 'ApXrnyfTri], 22037 'AvOeo-rrptcbv: ['Aveorr-pilov]os,1733; ['AvOEoar1piC5vos], eapyrtAicv: eapyqitivos, 1154, 1663, 1723; Oap[y]qriXvos, 24011 'ATw6-Xcov: ['A1r6oAcovl], 2072; eapyi[Rlcovos], 16826; [eapyrnXicvos],23118-19 'Arr67Xcov 6 na-rpcbTos: 'ATrr6cov TCOrI 24011; lT[a-rpcbicoi], e)olosi: 9rloeT, 24011 TroU -roU nrTrpcb[ov], 2604-5; [tEpeOs] 'Arr6?M]covos [IepEos see ArnirTrpKax Ka6pr 4119; [tepeS T'ro 'A]Tr6AXJovosK6prT, TTa[-rp]cbou 'Arr6W[Acovos], Kp6via: Kp[6via],816 26015-16 rTOt [oa-rpcobto], 6 nTpoora-r1plio, passim from 786 to [261io]; 'Arr6AXcov 13040, 19428, 24037, 2533, MaicaKrrIpicbv: MaiiaKcrrqpicvos, TOU 26014-15 [ItEpeSTOU nlpooTCraCmpiou], 'ATrr6X]XAcvos MallaKTcrIpicvo[s], 3336; MaticaKcrp[iC6]vos, 2162-3; Mai"ApTEpIS: [---'Ap]-rTi8os, 402a6 Iuaacrpl[covos], 26139-40; CMaipaKTT-Ipi]vos, 874; [Mati? Bouvada, "Ap-mpTEI passim from 898 to 2407 701-2, 2613 taKTocrplcovoS], BiBouXaia Kal f (D)coP9opos,passim from [1976-7] MerayeiTrvIbv: "ApTEUIS 1353, 14732,2063, 43,22543-44, MerayelTrv6ovos, to 2611o-ii 2492-3; MerayErT[viCovos], 1992; MeTray[eirTVI voS], 1692; "ApTepVii (i)oaCp6pos: 'A[p]TptSii Tre ()coo96opcol,1838; 2252-3 [MeTrayeITrvICvoS], TET 1848; 'ApTrpi[Si 'ApTilIS Tret (O)coco6pcol, Ocoope6pcoi], MrTrrlp: MrliTP TCOV 0E[CO], 18010; IE[p](edS) MrTrpoSOeCjv, 2408 4669-10 817 lTavaOivaia:[lTavaOrvafcov], 1Too-Siecbv: lnooaiSevoS, 12842, 1303, 1672; TootS6ev[oS], 1283-4; TTooi[5eO]voS 1743; nToat25441; HToCSe[COvos], 2153, 2542-3; [TTooiSeCSvos], [Seavos], 943-4; [TWoai]5e&vos, raprCuqXlcv: rapr?lXt vos, 2433, 3314-5; raqTiAlZo[vos], 2122; 2502; noaeimeovos,4605 24338; [raATl]covos, 2462; [rFailtAcovos], TT1avotcIbv: raprAil[Covos], 1004 HtuavoiCtvos,782, 1942; [1Tuavoy)tCvoS], 753, 2204 1875, IKpopopicbV:IKetpopopi6vos, 3363; ZKtpO9OpicVOs, Kal K6pi: Ai'prnTpt KalTe K6pei,787, 24010 ArilTp-rp 2222; XKIpo9opiCVO[S], 18127; [XKI]po9opItvos, 1772; [XKI803; [IKIpo9oplvos], 714, 1442 popo]ptIcvos, 'EKcaroppalcbv: 'EKaroppal6cvos, 892-3, 1803; ['EKa707 787; 2409; [ZifTviaKai]XaxKeTa, XTrlva, [XTrivia], 1203 Tropaicovos],12046, 18614; 'EKa-rovpalovos, 692, 1712, 2193; 'E7a(pilPo- O(coo6pos, see "ApmpreiUI 'EXaq19poAXcbv: 'EXaa(pqrlocovos, fh BouAaia Kal i (Dor9c6poS and 17613-14; 'EX[aqTpoXAlo- "ApTeiuS11()acr9popos; [TepedS] Aiovo[s], 2383; 'EXapqpoA[icovos], IKIa5]OS, ()oo96pcov KaI wrr[i 17332 vos], 763; ['EXaprqpoAl]aovos, Kal &TriXKIaSoS], 4155; iepeOS 2394; ['EXa1r1poAlcvos], 3867-8; [Iepe]OS<()coaoq[6pcov 'Eorria:[6 fespesT-ri'Eo]rTfas, 26016-17 ?coa42027-28; IepeuIs <(D>coo6<p>[cov K]al Tri [ZKi&]5OS, Kal 'Ea-riafBov]Aafai,2694-5 'Eo-riaBouvaia: All Bou[Xafcoi 96pcov,46098 13836; 12936-37;Bori[8popHcOvos], BorqSpopicbv: BoriSpopicovos, 2522; [Borq8popicovos], 1004; Boi8rpo[p]it6[BorlSp]opticvos, [vos], 1292-3 ZeUS: [At], 816
707 XaAKeTa, 7816; ['-r6via Kal] Xa?KETa,
L.G.,I2 Agora,XV 1 398 I.G., II2 34 223 69 656 78 674 85 678 702 87 129 848 186 864 174 890 212 910 912 138 913 137 193 914 147 915 187 916 128 917 214 918 196 919 168 920 232 921 222 952 967 238 221 972 246 977 254 989 1003 250 252 1004 281 1048 1049 268 1050 264 1070 304 322 1073 322 1074 1077 460 5 1142 1697 492 1698 492 1699 493 1700 43 1740 12 1741 8 1742 13 1743 7 1744 23 17 1745 62 1746 LG., II2 Agora,XV 36 1747 26 1748 38 1749 1750 44 1751 32 52 1752 47 1753 272 1754
1755 275
1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764A 1764B 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 I772 1773 1773a 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1780a 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790
273 286 284 312 323 323 326 329 333 334 331 357 340 365 366 339 335 364 369 353 371 373 378 385 379 342 352 350 380 398 472 473 451 382 394 387 454 427
.G., II2 Agora,XV 405 1791 423 1792 397 1793 402 1794 407 1795 411 1796 410 1797 420 1798 443 1799 411 1800 482 1801 483 1802 449 1803 444 1804 425 1805 424 1806 426 1806a 419 1807 395 1808 396 1809 439 1810 1811 479 452 1812 446 1813 450 1814 445 1815 465 1816 466 1817 467 1818 458 1819 1820 440 1821 441 1822 459 1823 475 470 1824 1825 476 1826 477 1827 478 1828 480 1829 389 1830 471 1831 390 1832 491 1833 487 489 1834a 488 1834b 2370 15
.G., II2 Agora,XV 19 2821 24 2829 41 2833 33 3202 274 3217 282 3502 287 3503 487 3601 453 3680 320 4014
S.E.G., XII Agora,XV 322 94 101 243 103 344 XIV S.E.G., 60 67 63 79 70 195 72 234 91 341 94 456 95 469 98 345 99 431 102 346 103 490 114 30 S.E.G., XVI 70 138 80 169 81 173 86 184 87 218 89 199 90 202 91 206 95 219 96 220 100 254 S.E.G., XVII 29 147 35 324 43 29 44 39 292 46 47 319 400 48 49 408 50 421 64 57 S.E.G., XVIII 52 411 53 307 S.E.G., XIX 29 147 S.E.G., XIX Ago\ ra, XV 69 66 74 187 59 84 91 152 92 159 93 189 99 211 101 210 110 271 111 306 112 316 113 358 149 42 2 150 151 31 343 154 4,29, 430 155 156 481 161 349 180 338 S.E.G., XXI 363 64 75 364 76 366 369 80 372 81 376 84 377 85 384 98 387 99 394 117 401 124 405 147 408 141 409 144 410 145 412 146 415 203 421 163 422 207 423 162 425 153 426 151 437 178 S.E.G., XXI Agora,XV 179 438 167 440 197 447 201 448 215 454 230 459 233 461 231 462 236 463 240 464 244 466 247 468 253 478 258 481 257 486 262 489 293 493 263 495 298 496 301 497 590 46 494 591 592 59 54 593 107 594 112 595 106 596 597 190 157 598 599 294 600 285 602 309 321 603 604 327, 328 357 605 609 438 610 437 611 434 612 392 613 347 614 457 615 455 665 3 666 4
S.E.G., XXI Agora,XV 676 432, ,433 739 300 740 296 741 305 744 325 S.E.G., XXII 109 259 140 455 141 318 S.E.G., XXIII 71 215 86 61
S.E.G., XXIII Agora,XV 87 10 89 47 S.E.G., XXIV 6 164 165 22 167 101 168 102 169 103 170 108 171 90 172 143 173 187 S.E.G., XXIV Agora,XV 174 208 175 242 178 256 179 279 180 280 181 299 182 315 183 375 184 435 185 436 186 317
C. HESPERIA Hesperia,II, 1933 Agor, a, XV 162-163 (8) 217 163-165 (9) 249 165 250 410 (32) 464 497-498 (13) 61 499 (14) 60 500-503 (15) 110 Hesperia,II, 1934 8-9 (10) 61 10-11 (13) 133 21-27 (19) 216 31-35 (21) 225 35-36 (22) 155 54 (41) 267 54-56 (42) 370 56 (43) 386 57 (44) 388 61 (50) 73 62 (52) 409 63 (53) 356 63 (54) 37 Hesperia,IV, 1935 38-40 (7) 295 40-41 (8) 270 43-46 (10) 387 47-49 (11) 406 49-50 (12) 419 50-52 (13) 485 52 449 Hesperia,VI, 1937 461-464 (9) 40 Hesperia,VII, 1938 93 (13) 28 Hesperia,IX, 1940 56-57 (5) 11 77-78 (11) 140 84-85 (15) 71 112-115 (22) 88 115-118 (23) 128 118-122 (24) 205 122-126 (25) 226 126-133 (26) 243
SUPPLEMENTS Hesperia,XI, 1942 Agora, XV 67-68 (33) 461 69 (34) 462 69-70 (35) 463 70-71 (36) 442 231-239 (43) 14 115 242-244 (47) 246-247 (49) 184 302-303 (61) 406 305-306 37 Hesperia,XII, 1943 56-60 (14) 278 60-63 (15) 336 64-66 (17) 269 76-78 (23) 367 78-79 (24) 372 Hesperia,XIII, 1944 257-260 (12) 248 Hesperia,XV, 1946 220 140-142 (3) 142-143 (4) 224 143-144 (5) 200 146-147 (7) 131 147-149 (8) 123 150-151 (10) 111 109 152-153 (11) 153-155 (12) 100 225 (52) 188 226-228 (54a) 277 226-228 (54b) 258 228 (55) 9 238 (71) 409 238-239 (72) 348 239-240 (73) 474 Hesperia,XVI, 1947 151 (42) 25 153-154 (47) 63 154 (48) 95 158 (52) 104 175 (77) 360 176 (78) 384 177 (79A) 368 177-178 (79B) 403
Hesperia,X, 1941 ra, XV Agoi 40 (7) 35 42-49 (11) 53 44 34 105 273-274 (71) 274-275 (72) 148 275 149 275-276 (73) 166 277-279 (74) 181 280-282 (76) 227 Hesperia,XI, 1942 381 31(1) 311 31-32 (2) 32 (3) 351 32-33 (4) 413 422 34-35 (5) 35-37 (6) 414 310 37 (7) 37-40 (8) 313 314 40 (9) 40 (10) 481 40-43 (11) 330 359 43-44 (12) 332 44-45 (13) 45-46 (14) 337 46-48 (15) 362 361 48-49 (16) 49 (17) 363 372 50-51 (18) 377 52 (19) 52-54 (20) 376 54-56 (21) 387 56-57 (22) 384 57-58 (23) 419 58 (24) 417 58-61 (25) 416 61-62 (26) 418 62-63 (27) 419 63 (28) 391 63-64 (29) 468 64-65 (30) 452 65-66 (31) 484 66-67 (32) 469
Hesperia,XXXII, 1963 Agora, XV 168 17-19 (17) 201 19-20 (18) 244 21-22 (21) 253 22-23 (23) 432 38 (35A) 433 38 (35B) 146 41 (43) 41-42 (44) 203 327 73-74 (I A) 328 73-74 (I B) Hesperia,XXXIII, 1964 168-169 (22) 46 59 169 (23) 170 (24) 64 171-173 (26) 98 173-178 (27) 99 178-179 (28) 124 179-180 (29) 145 180 (30) 147 180-181 (31) 178 181-182 (32) 179 182-183 (33) 163 207 183-184 (34) 184-185 (35) 162 185-186 (36) 230 186-189 (37) 236 189-190 (38) 153 190 (39) 233 191-192 (40) 231 192-193 (41) 247 193-194 (43) 257 194-195 (44) 258 195 (45) 262 196 (47) 263 197 (48) 277 197-198 (49) 298 198-199 (50) 301 201-202 (53) 494 210-211 (55) 112 211-212 (56) 107 212-213 (57) 190 215-216 (59) 285 216-217 (60) 300 217 (61) 305 217-218 (62) 308 218-219 (63) 309 219-220 (64) 325 220 (65) 365 220-222 (66) 392 222 (67) 347 222-223 (68) 437 224 (70) 434 Hesperia,XXXIV, 1965 95-96 (5) 259 96-97 (6) 318 455 97 (7) Hesperia,XXXV, 1966 205-240 61 Hesperia,XXXVI, 1967 91-92 (20) 435 92-93 (20A) 436
45 401-403 (3) Hesperia,XXXIl, 1963 5-6 (6) 75 81 7 (7) 7-10 (8) 84 10-11 85 117 13 (11) 144 13-14 (12)
Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967 Agora, XV 225-226 (34) 6 226-227 (35) 22 101 227-228 (36) 102 228 (37) 228-229 (38) 103 230 (39) 108 230-231 (40) 90 231-232 (41) 143 232-233 (42) 187 233-234 (43) 208 234-235 (44) 242 235-236 (45) 256 236-237 (46) 279 237-238 (47) 280 238-239 (48) 299 239-240 (49) 315 240-241 (50) 317 Hesperia, XXXVII, 1968 1-24 62 274-277 (14) 259 278-279 (16) 295 Hesperia, XXXVIII, 1969 418-425 (1), 432-435 89 425-431 (2), 436-441 130 72 459-494 530 62 Hesperia, XXXIX, 1970 308-309 (2) 187 Hesperia, XL, 1971
Hesperia, Supplement I Agora, XV 55-56 (14) 93 56-57 (15) 94 57-59 (16) 88 59-60 (17) 97 Hesperia, Supplement I Agora, XV
96 109 100
126-127 (69) 127-129 (70) 129-133 (71) 133-135 (72) 135-136 (73) 136-137 (75) 137-139 (76) 139-141 (77) 141-142 (78) 142-146 (79) 146-147 (80) 147 (81) 147 (82) 148 (83) 148-153(84)
153 (85) 153-155 (86) 155 (87)
199 204 212 215 216 222 223 214 213 220 221 217 226 185 225
238 239 241
388 447
79 (32) 80 (33) 80 (34) 80-81 (35) 81-85 (36) 85-86 (37) 86-88 (38) 88-89 (39) 89-91 (40) 91-92 (41) 92-93 (42) 93-94 (43) 94 (44) 94-95 (45) 95-96 (46) 96-100 (47) 100-105 (48) 105-107 (49) 107-108 (50)
108 (51)
142 133 139 134 129 137 165 138 147 173 149 160 161 198 186 168 170 187 187
155-156 (88) 156-158 (89) 158 (90) 158 (91) 158-160 (92) 160 (93) 160-161 (94) 161-162 (95) 162-165 (96) 165-166 (97) 166-169 (98) 169-170(99)
170 (100)
246 248 250 249 251 252 155 255 254 264 267 275
Hesperia, XLI, 1972 21 428-430 (60) 431-432 (62) 402a Hesperia, Supplement I
58 69 68 70
42 (6)
43 (7) 43 (8) 43-47 (9) 47-52 (10) 52-54 (11) 54-55 (12) 55 (13)
65 60 86 85 83 91 92
108-109 (52) 109-110 (53) 110-111 (54) 111-112 (55) 112-113 (56) 113 (57) 114-115 (58) 115-116(59) 116-117 (60) 117-118 (61) 118-119 (62) 119 (63) 120-124 (64) 125 (65) 125-126 (66)
126 (67) 126 (68)
175 176 179 183 243 126 191 192 193 209 154 164 194 228 196
168 232
170-171 (101) 171-172 (102) 173 (103) 173 (104) 173-174 (105) 174 (106) 175-176 (107) 176 (108) 176-178 (109) 178-181 (110) 181 (111) 182 (112) 185-186 (115) 186-191 (116) 192 (118) 193 (119) 193 (120) 193-197 (121) Suppl.VIII 279-280 Suppl.VIII 281-284 Suppl.XII 194-155
268 273 272 274 284 286 282 287 288 290 270 283 291 293 297 304 295 322 411 419 376
Includedhere are referencesonly to those inscriptionsnot in L G. or Hesperia
Agora, XV Agora, XV
200-201 (4) 49
Xapiorrnpov Ei
84-85 (1)
Kerameikos, III, 1941
W. K. Pritchettand B. D. Meritt,
Chronology of Hellenistic Athens
4-10 B. D. Meritt,
Athenian Year
111-113 113-116
186 187
80 167
121-123 123-125
171 172
270 138 283 467 358 115 378 125 387 268 463 78 464 41 479 214 638 304 1902 333, 334 2006 405 2172 327, 328 2694 353 2705 186 2736 284 2760 459 3152 411 3594 419 3595 322 3775 355 3945 411 3970 411 3988 382,394,451 4025 446 4035 352 4040 452 4154 357 4203 357 4280 326 4650 439 4660 52 4667 395 4752 444 5232 264 5247 48 5431 322 5723 322 5772 379 5784 445
6085 6123 6290 7481 7482 7483 7484 7485 7517 7527 7535 7539 7545 7547 7586 7589 7591 7603 7613 7713 8024 8025 8047 8076 8077 8078 8079 8080 8097 8098 8120 8140 8142 8316 8451 8452 8638 8639 8654
193 168 183 212 221 238 179 254 246 250 252 281 69 7 26 32 492 492 492 492 492 15 15 350 222 196 488, 489 482 339 491 491 74
8656 492 8657 18 8670 493 8672 493 8674 493 8675 493 8676 493 8680 46 8682 46 8688 88 8698 20 8701 55 8717 24 8742 274 8966 44 8967 44 8968 44 9482 322 9580 287 9584c 449, 486 9588 453 9641a 465 9642 441 9643 272 9644 440 9645 425 10309 380,398, 472,473 10316 369,371, 373,378 10322 470,476, 477, 478, 480 10414 329 10468 290,427 10470 458 10471 397 10472 340, 424 10517 38 10553 43
E.M. Agora,XV 402 10559 411 10560 466 10562 460 10566 19 10570 10584 331
E.M. Agora,XV 10589 44 10596 286 10609 34 10651 17 12394 492 12431 18 E.M. Agora,XV 12683 426 12739 464 12983 402a 12995 21 13336 45 13346 179
F. AGORA Inv. 5 57 77 78 91 99 138 139 141 161 165 178 202 203 243 245 247 249 259 282 304 307 351 367 372 431 432 483 499 500 515 535 572 579 594 597b 600 603 622 625 629 632 642 656 661 664 683 684 685 699 Agora,XV 418 418 217 249 384 372 248 409 330, 359 348 216 241 110 330 155 133 225 61 51 367 370 356 61 281 386 73 170 37 267 388 149 248 387 295 406 60 212 65 61 77 258 176 188 199 485 113 270 172 384 419
NUMBERS Inv. Agora,XV 1220 152 1224 360 1252 297 1264 393 1280 91 1289 95 1302 280 1312 235 1325 213 1361 311 1362 416 1374 104 1393 469 1417 481 142 1423b 1430 484 1434 315 1435 401 1451 484 1462 168 1508 288 1546 63 1551 114 1561 154 1582 185 1593 337 1636 88 1640 127 1647 289 1655 139 1679 116 1680 161 1687 401 1690 187 1694 416 1703 107 1711 417 1712 192 1729 61 1734 368,403 1748 289 1764 109 1765 61 1768 289 1773a 255 254 1773b, c 1804 105 1806 289a 1813 191 1841 338
Inv. Agora,XV 61 701 706 226 728 223 737 239 248 756 764 147 769 452 92 775 787 120 795 9 807 293 811 77 813 239 77 818 819 239 77 820 91 828 838 209 853 351 436 861a 435 861b 865 391 866 283 868 384 871 414 875 332 877 291 907 164 73 929 931 269 932 330 950 474 965 372 966 97 967 419 973 187 974 93 995 289 996 383 998 374 999 94 1024 86 1025 194 1029 175 1045 351 1057 228 1084 28 1108 25 1118 428 1125 87
Agora, XV
61 1852 1856 61 1858 61 61 1859 1860 132 61 1864 1865 61 1867 61 1868 61 1870 105 1871 173 1872 61 61 1873 1878 61 481 1881 1884 83 1908 404 192 1916 1938 208 208 1939 1943 208 1948 208 1952 481 1956 83 61 1960 1967 96 1985 384 1997 58 100 1999 2003 35 2010 198 2013 354 11 2024 2035 358 2145 243 2175 277 122 2184 2185 266 2264 90 2276 461,462,463 276 2320 2346 27 31 2363 2369 349 2380 438 106 2437 2445 313, 314 70 2448 132 2451 345 2466 344 2489 242 2497 165 2498 220 2539 68 2553 317 2680 220 2716 134 2897 2913 204 195 2943 256 2945 316 2953
2957 431 2960 341 2965 170 2967 126 2969 302 2987 160 3019 279 3046 248 3054 215 3075 306 3080 456 3122 416 3218 422 3231 278,336 3400 6 3425 128 3451 271 3606 490 3621 377 3642 159 3676 187 3679 40 3684 121 3692 298 3709 468 3717 189 3783 210 3785 229 3798 22 3812 14 3855 79 3881 346 3941 218 3945 422 3984 67 3989 234 4038 72 4040 372 4081 50 4087 310 4106 101 4146 138 4176 254 4187 182 4200 455 4216 361,362, 363 4218 412,415 4221 140 4226 2 4253 200 4335 387 4424 71 4446 381 4462 181 4476 246 4500 220 4509 30 4586 381 4594 227 4611 376 4678 148 4683 184
4720 4736 4744 4762 4781 4785 4789 4803 4822 4846 4871 4890 4912 4913 4915 4917 4929 4939 4943 4945 4964 4966 4973 5031 5094 5105 5151 5168 5258 5346 5348 5395 5414 5415 5427 5456 5457 5482 5512 5531 5543 5547 5558 5573 5634 5753 5785 5800 5810 5863 5882 5904 5906 5912 5918 5919 5982 5990 5992 5993 5996 5998
62 429,430 408 88 57 442 319 157 413 103 108 109 419 292,400 205 171 119 343 111 324 421 166 29 128 62 72 84 365 59 102 224 187 123 66 156 59 187 296 53 115 269 184 62 186 294 3 419 178 46 54 131 455 51 150 124 257 211 265 81 177 145 76
Inv. Agora,XV 6004 143 6006 240 6020 118 6041 237 6053 261 6057 169 6058 457 6060 147 6066 321 6072 82 6086 262 6097 247 6099 247 6115 173 6141 318 6142 300 6143 59 6144 64 6157 305 6158 308 6161 230 6162 202 6163 141 6164 301 6165 163 6166 197 6167 263 6169 254
Inv. Agora,XV 6171 254 6174 434 6175 437 6177 309 6178 233 6179 112 6190 153 6193 4 6197 179 6218 147 6254 39 6256 151 6257 231 6258 98 6259 80 6261 147 6271 207 6294 392 6295 243 6299 236 6329 162 6355 199 6396 299 6422 253 6446 432,433 6461 203 6475 62 6530 99 Inv. Agora,XV 6551 75 6563 146 6592 144 6600 347 6625 135 6648 254 6668 190 6671 206 6675 219 6676 169 6685 375 6704 72 6708 285 6750 201 6756 117 6765 167 6819 259 6867 325 6954 494 6965 244 7014 259 7042 130 7043 89 7179 399,447,448 7188 180 7191 158
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