Mihai Ujica - EmailTest Game Tester PC Console
Mihai Ujica - EmailTest Game Tester PC Console
Mihai Ujica - EmailTest Game Tester PC Console
First & last name: E-mail address: Phone no. : Last graduated school:
Ujica Mihai Aurelian [email protected] 0766 46 31 46 Grup Scolar Industrail Petre Poni
2. Being a full time position, the working schedule is between 9 AM 6 PM for the day shift (one hour lunch break) and 6 PM 1.30 AM for the night shift (45 minutes lunch break).In addition to that for the night shift we are paying for the departure if you choose the cab. On which shift are you interested in working? (day/ night) Answer: I am interested in working on the night shift. 3. The salary for this position is approx. 800 ron net/month. Youll also receive additional meal tickets (9.35 RON for each working day), according to the related Romanian laws. The salary is non-negotiable. Are you willing to work for this specific amount of money? (yes/no) Answer: Yes. 4. The employment contract is project based, until 27 September. Depending on your performance, it might be extended. Are you willing to work on this type of contract? (yes/no) Answer: Yes.
3 5. Our office is located in Sema Park, 1 minute walking distance from the Petrache Poenaru Metro Station (also linked to RATB 601). Are you willing to work in this location? (yes/no) Answer: Yes.
2. How often do you play video games? (average of hours per week) Answer: I play video games for an average of 30 hours per week.
3. Mention at least five games you have played in the last 6 months Answer: FIFA 13, Euro Track Simulator, Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 1 and 2, Need for Speed Underground 1 and 2, Juiced 1 and 2, Sniper Elite 1, Battlefield 3.
4. Did you participate in any Beta Testing events?(yes/no) If yes, for what titles? Give as many details as possible. Answer: No.
5. Considering your previous gaming experience, did you find any defects while playing? If yes, mention al least 3 examples. Answer: Yes I did. In Modern Warfare 2 I tried to throw a grenade in a door to bounce inside a house and eliminate the enemy that was in there but the grenade got stuck in the doors texture and it kept floating in there without blowing up. In FIFA 13 I noticed for several times that the ball was bouncing in a most unnatural way from the players. In Battlefield 3 I saw a glass that even in the player shot it there would be no decal left on it.
Do you notice any issues in the screenshot? Please identify and describe the issue(s) you observe (at least 100 words): Answer : The first thing to notice here is the corrupted texture that appears in the middle of the screen, the player being able to see through the rock formation. Also the position of the soldiers hand is unnatural looking like the arms is broken. The shadow of the electricity pole is not displayed correctly. In the upper right corner it can be observed that the damage indicator (the blood on the edge of the screen) is overlapping the players HUD. There is a shadow on the building far in the back of the screen that has no point of origin, no object to make it.
Scenario 1: You have just purchased the latest instalment of your favourite first person shooter on the PC.