Article Load Cells

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HP Ferreira - NRCS-Legal Metrology Division-Type Approval Pretoria [email protected] 012 428 6003


The existence of life itself has been attributed over the ages
to an underlying "force." Life is manifested by change and
movement it involves actions and interactions of a variety of
forces. Therefore, no measurement is more fundamental to
human activity than the measurement of force in its many
manifestations, including weight, pressure, acceleration,
torque, work, and energy.

While the ancient civilizations of 8,000 to 6,000 B.C., in the
river valleys of Southwest Asia, Mesopotamia or Egypt and
others in China, India, and South America, all used lever and
roller systems to amplify the muscle power of men, the first
attempts to formalize a theoretical understanding of force
were in ancient Greece.

The role of the force of gravity was first fully understood by
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727). His law of universal
gravitation explained both the fall of bodies on Earth and the
motion of heavenly bodies. He proved that gravitational
attraction exists between any two material objects. He also
noted that this force is directly proportional to the product of
the masses of the objects and inversely proportional to the
square of the distance between them. On the Earth's
surface, the measure of the force of gravity on a given body
is its weight. The strength of the Earth's gravitational field (g)
varies from 9.832 m/sec2 at sea level at the poles to 9.78
m/sec2 at sea level at the Equator.

Carlo Rubbia (1934- ) and Simon van der Meer (1925- )
further advanced our understanding of force by discovering
the subatomic W and Z particles which convey the "weak
force" of atomic decay. Stephen Hawking (1952- ) advanced
our understanding even further with his theory of strings.
Strings can be thought of as tiny vibrating loops from which
both matter and energy derive. His theory holds the promise
of unifying Einstein's theory of relativity, which explains
gravity and the forces acting in the macro world, with
quantum theory, which describes the forces acting on the
atomic and subatomic levels

One of the basic limitations of all measurement science, or
metrology, is that all measurements are relative. Therefore,
all sensors contain a reference point against which the
quantity to be measured must be compared. The steelyard
was one of mankind's first relative sensors, invented to
measure the weight of an object (Figure 1-1). It is a beam
supported from hooks (A or B), while the object to be
weighed is attached to the shorter arm of the lever and a
counterpoise is moved along the longer arm until balance is
established. The precision of such weight scales depends on
the precision of the reference weight (the counterpoise) and
the accuracy with which it is positioned.

Analogue Load Cells
Inside This Article
History 1
Analogue Load Cells 1
Digital Load Cells 2
Analogue vs Digital 3
Bibliography 5

Another important consideration in force-related
measurements is the elimination of all force components
which are unrelated to the measurement. For example, if the
goal is to measure the weight of the contents of a tank or
reactor, it is essential to install the vessel in such a way that
the tank will behave as a free body in the vertical but will be
rigidly held and protected from horizontal or rotary
movement. This is much more easily said than done.
3 3 1 1 A Au u g g u u s s t t 2 2 0 00 0 9 9
A load cell is an electro-mechanical device (transducer) that is
used to convert a force into an electrical signal. This
conversion is indirect and happens in two stages.
Through a mechanical arrangement, the force being sensed
deforms a strain gauge. The strain gauge converts the
deformation (strain) to electrical signals. A load cell usually
consists of four strain gauges in a Wheatstone bridge

The aim is to provide a short historical background on force measurement and description of the analogue and digital
strain gauge load cell sensors used for the measurement of force (mass). A comparison of certain aspects between
analogue and digital load cells is also described.

Load cells of one or two strain gauges are also available.
The electrical signal output is typically in the order of a few
millivolts and requires amplification by an instrumentation
amplifier before it can be used. The output of the transducer
is plugged into an algorithm to calculate the force applied to
the transducer.
Although strain gauge load cells are the most common, there
are other types of load cells as well. In industrial applications,
hydraulic (or hydrostatic) is probably the second most
common, and these are utilized to eliminate some problems
with strain gauge load cell devices. As an example, a
hydraulic load cell is immune to transient voltages (lightning)
so might be a more effective device in outdoor environments.
Other types include piezo-electric load cells (useful for
dynamic measurements of force), and vibrating wire load
cells, which are useful in geo-mechanical applications due to
low amounts of drift.

Bending beam type

Bending beam type S-type

Tension low profile type Compression type

Photographs of the most widely used analogue strain gauge load
Most load cells which are sold as digital load cells are strain
gauge based analogue load cells with built-in electronics to
convert the analogue output into a digital output signal. A
digital load cell, therefore, comprises a measurement system
illustrated in Figure 2.1.

The load cells are presumed to be of the strain gauge type
and the signal conditioning electronics is assumed to be
contained within the envelope of the transducer housing. The
signal conditioning electronics may have a minimum
configuration such as an Analogue to Digital Converter to
convert the analogue signal into a digital format for

It may incorporate additional electronic devices to store
various load cell performance characteristics and optimise
these by the use of software algorithms. Load cells that
utilise some of the features of the digital load cell but whose
electronics are separately housed or are not dedicated to a
single transducer are not considered here.

P Pa ag ge e 2 2
Digital Load Cells

Typical compression type digital load cells with signal
conditioning circuits
P Pa ag ge e 3 3
Analogue vs Digital

Factors that may influence the choice between a digital and
analogue load cell for a particular weighing application.
Load Cell Calibration
Much emphasis is placed by manufacturers on claims that
digital load cells are pre-calibrated at source and that this
fact makes for simple commissioning and service

The definition of calibration used in metrology may be
paraphrased as follows:

Calibration is a set of operations, which establish under
specified conditions the relationship between the value of
load applied and the corresponding value of the measured
load cell output.

Establishing and documenting this relationship in the
laboratory at the end of the manufacturing process is
common practise for both digital and analogue load cells.

The fact that the output data from a digital load cell is in
numeric form and can be linked to data identifying the
individual device makes recording and data retrieval simpler
for the manufacturer. There can also be benefits for the user
in the ease of handling this data for purposes such as quality
control or as a diagnostic tool.

When the load cell is used as a component in an industrial
process weighing system there are several influence factors
that can affect the relationship between the force exerted by
the material being weighed and the force been applied to the
load cell. These are well-documented and include installation
issues such as load cell alignment and piping forces.

For this reason, theoretical data on the original
manufacturers calibration of a digital or analogue load cell is
acceptable only in applications where verification of
performance is not critical or is not practical.


It is an accepted practice to adjust an analogue load cells
output expressed in mV (output signal)/V (excitation voltage)
and its output resistance to nominal values within a tolerance
band. This is important for applications where these load
cells are installed in a multiple load cell application and their
outputs are connected in parallel in a junction box. This is a
time consuming and costly operation especially in the case
of high capacity load cells.

Digital load cells have their signal outputs matched utilising
the software programmed into their conditioning electronics
and the term rationalisation does not apply to them. The
resultant cost savings in manufacturing may be passed on to
the user as a benefit.
Load Distribution

In many weighing systems utilising more than one load cell
to support the load receiving element the distribution of load
between the individual load cells can vary considerably. In
such applications the relative contribution of each load cell to
the total output is clearly important.

When using analogue load cells, which are not matched
sufficiently well during, manufacture there is sometimes a
need to introduce and adjust by testing - compensating
circuitry usually located in the load cell junction box. This
procedure can be time consuming, technically difficult and
The rationalisation procedures are less costly for the
manufacturer, than with conventional analogue load cells
and this cost saving helps to offset other component costs.

This is a particular cost and time advantage to the user in
two specific cases:
- High performance platform weighing systems
(such as those complying with statutory
requirements for use in trade) - where in almost
every installation analogue load cells require
some adjustment during the commissioning
phase of the application.

- High performance vessel weighing systems,
where the loading is asymmetric and where
testing to establish the system output under such
conditions is impractical.

Digital load cells have the capability to allow the signals from
the strain gauges to be linearised before being presented as
the final output. This is an advantage to the manufacturer in
that the performance of the basic transducer design can
assume a lesser importance. An analogue load cell, which
might meet a given specification for non-linearity, can be
tuned to meet a better specification as a digital device.


The strain gauge load cell exhibits an output the value of
which depends on whether the applied load is increasing or
decreasing. Linearisation using digital processing capability
of the decreasing load characteristic as well as the
increasing characteristic would be complex.

These however are not relevant to digital load cells and not rationalising may be a cost saving to the

The output of a load cell following a change in applied load has
a small time dependant element called creep. It is conceivable
that this effect could be digitally modelled and this model can
be used to provide compensation

Temperature Compensation
The wheatstone bridge configuration of the strain gauges in a
load cell provides substantial automatic temperature
compensation for the resistance changes that occur in
individual gauges. However the final output of a strain gauge
load cell is temperature dependent due to changes in the
elasticity of the measuring element and other factors. An
analogue load cell utilises additional components within the
transducer to compensate for these variations.

A digital load cell uses the relationship between temperature
and output established during manufacture to compensate the
output signals. The power of digital processing can be used to
perform this compensation and the algorithms used can be
complex and comprehensive.

Resolution and Repeatability
The discrimination of a load cell is the smallest change of load
that can be detected and may be a very small interval. The
repeatability of a load cell is a measure of the agreement
between the resulting outputs of several repeated load

The environment will limit the practical level of repeatability that
can be demonstrated to about 1 part in 10 000. This level of
resolution is available from both analogue and digital systems.

There is no evidence to suggest a difference in reliability
between digital and analogue load cells and it is considered
that any differences are likely to be insignificant.

Analogue load cells have no integral diagnostic capability.

Digital load cells lend themselves to extensive diagnostics
structure to verify the integrity of the individual load cell.
Although these load cells often work in conjunction with each
other and may be connected together by their power supply
and/or communication outputs they are stand-alone units and
can be individually addressed. This feature may be utilised to
monitor the following;

- ADC performance
- Excitation voltage applied to the strain gauge bridge
- Power supply to the load cell
- Built in E
PROM containing the set-up parameters
- Temperature sensor

P Pa ag ge e 4 4
Service and Maintenance

There are a number of factors that may be listed having
consequences on the long-term ownership of a system
incorporating digital load cells:

- ease of service replacement
- digital storage and retrieval of calibration data in a
- facilities for initial set-up
- facilities for diagnostics.

Service replacement

The impact of the failure of one digital load cell in a multi
load cell application will depend on the system software.
Replacement of a failed digital load cell can be implemented
fairly speedily with the same type of load cell provided that
the system software has the facility to store its past
performance in that location.

An analogue load cell will often be provided with a
manufacturers calibration certificate that may enable the
user to compute and input the replacement performance
parameters into the final signal processor.

In the case of a legal-for-trade weighing system, the system
will require re-verification in accordance with the
requirements of the applicable National Standard.

P Pa ag ge e 5 5

1. Digital Load Cells: A Comparative Review of Performance and Application, The Institute of Measurement and Control,
87 Gower Street, London WC1E 6AF
2. Omegadyne Pressure, Force, Load, Torque Databook, OMEGADYNE, Inc., 1996
3. The Pressure, Strain, and Force Handbook, Omega Press LLC, 1996.
4. Instrument Engineers' Handbook, Bela Liptak, CRC Press LLC, 1995.
5. McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill, 1998.
6. Process/Industrial Instruments and Controls Handbook, 4th Edition, Douglas M. Considine, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
7. Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia, Douglas M. Considine and Glenn D. Considine, Van Nostrand, 1997.
8. Elements of Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements, 3rd Edition, J oseph J . Carr, Prentice Hall, 1996.
9. Development of a dynamic force measurement standard. Dixon, M.J . Brunel University, May 1989.
10. Intrinsically Safe Instrumentation - A Guide, 3
edition. Garside R. Hexagon Technology Ltd., 2 West End, Weston
Turville, Aylesbury, Bucks. HP22 5TT. 1995
11. Weighing and Force Measurement in the '90s, T. Kemeny, IMEKO TC Series, 1991
12. An Introduction to Measurements using Strain Gages. Hoffmann, K. Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH, 1989
13. Theory and practise of force measurement. A. Bray, G. Barbato and R. Levi. Academic Press 1990.

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