Stress Analysis - Creo-Simulate-220813

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Finite Element Analysis Using Creo8 and Creo Simulate

Data Exchange between PTC Creo8 and Simulate FEA Package.
Create a 3D Solid Model of a Bar shown in the figure below:- 150mm x 50mm x 10mm thick;
with 30mm Hole. Create the sketch and extrude 10mm mid-plane. It is important that you
create a folder in the Local C: Drive in the USER in your Username and create folder to save
all your work in that folder.

Fig 1

Accept the 10mm Thickness as

Fig 2
Save the Part in the working
directory as *.PRT file.
Also, for 3rd Party Software
Select File in the Top Menu 
Select Save-a-Copy
In the TYPE bar, select scroll bar
button so you have a choice of the
format types that can be saved.
The most common are:- Part
[*.prt] ProE file extension; IGES
[*.igs] ; and STEP [*.stp] are data
Fig 2 exchange format for packages
such as Ansys, etc.
Final one is STL[*.stl] format for
Rapid Prototyping machines.

Next step is Assign Material in the Model select  File Prepare Model Properties

The Model Properties Dialogue Box allows the assignment of Material and it is also possible to
change units – For example from Inches to mm(select Change millimetre Newton Second
mmNs)  Set Interpret number for number 1=1 not conversion)

Assign Material

To assignme Material Select Change in Material  Standard-Materials_Granta-Design

Ferrous Metals Steel_Medium_carbon.mtl and the meatrial properties are displayed in
dialogue on the right.  Ok
Select Ok  Close Model Properties Dialogue box
Save part as Filename.Prt or Filename.STP if transferred to 3 rd party software such as Ansys

Static Stress Analysis

Select  Applications Double Click Simulate ( see next figure)


Select Material Assignment – In the Material Assignment dialogue box, it is possble to select
materials already available under materail or by selection More it is possible to assign another
material as previouly stated. Select Ok and the Material will appear in the model tree

Model tree

Assigning Constraints – See next figure

The default constraint is fixed in all 3 axis – X; Y and Z.
Select the surface to apply the constraint as shown n next figure

Surface to apply

constraints – Default is
Fixed in X;Y & Z

Select Ok as the component is fixed linearly

Next Step is to Apply Load/Force/Pressure on the Right Surface

Select Pressure in the Load Tab  Select Surface  Enter -100 MPa (5KN Force)in Presure
Value and Press Ok

Next step is to Analyse – Select Analysis and Studies.  Select File  New

It is possible to give a new file name.

Start Run  Select yes to ‘Do You Want to Run Diagnostic 

Next figure shows the run is completed


Close Analysis and Design Studies and Select Results or you can see results by see previous

Select Open – File Name  Open

Select Ok and Show

Select Appearance and Continous Tone and also Visibilties and tick load and constraint
And you see the figure as belwo

50000N/200 mm2 = 250N/mm2 =250MN/m2
= 250MPa 50000N/500 mm2 = 100N/mm2 = 100MN/m2
= 100MPa

Stress Concentration (SCF) If you get
If you get a message – ‘Secure Connection Failed’ Click on Advanced and
enable TLS 1.0 and 1.1. This will take you to the website.


Stress Concentration Factor (SCF)

Select Rectangular Bar

Plate with Circular Symmetrical Hole

Pressure =Force/Area at the applied surface
Stress Concentration Factor Kt = 2.1

The maximum stress is calculated as σmax = σnom x Kt, where Kt is the stress
concentration factor as determined from the plot below, and σ nom is calculated as:

Stressnom = Force = __50000N = 50000N = 250N/mm2 = 250MN/m2 = 250MPa

(w-d)t (50mm-30mm)10mm 200mm2

Calculated Stress = 250N/mm2 Stress =Force/Area across the hole

Multiply the Calculated Stress Value by Stress Concentration Factor
250N/mm2 x 2.1 = 525N/mm2 which is lower than 533N/mm2 obtained from the
analysis, therefore the mesh density may be optimum. It is advisable to attempt 3
to 4 mesh densities/sizes to establish the optimised mesh density.

Review Mesh Density - Save the results file.

In results window File  Close You can save the file again
To refine the Mesh Density:
Higher mesh density will provide more accurate results but will take longer to analyse and after
certain mesh density the analysis result odes not improve hence the density has been
Process. Select Refine Model  Select Autogem

Click on Create

The number of Element created initially is shown – 36 in this case

Close all boxes and save the Mesh file.

Select Control which allows you change the element size. – Select Components in the
References and Element size 10mm and click on OK

Do not Select Autgem as it may freeze. Select Home and carryout the analysis

Select Home  Analysis and Studies Create new Static Analysis and follow the analysis
process again.

View the results and it will be observed that the stress distribution is more defines and shows
some symmetry
Also, observe some stressess at the top and bottom near the end where the fixed constarint is

Stress Concentration

Change the mesh size to 6mm through Control in AutoGem tab –

Select Home  Analysis and Studies Create new Static Analysis

To view model with element – click on Edit or Double Click on the results imageDisplay
Option --. Show Elemnt Edges. It is Also possible to view a deformed shape by ticking

Carry out another Analysis with 10mm Hole and follow the previous steps.

Other type of Analysis.

To Create split Surfaces for more concentrated loading – The Surface on the right will be split
to create a surface to in the middle 15mm high. Select Refine Model

Select References - Define

Select Surface for the sketch and click on Sketch -- > Sketch View

Sketch the Rectangle of the size needed 15mm as shown.

Click on Green Tick to accept the sketch  next select the surface to Split which is right side

It should now be possible to selct the small 15mm surface to apply the pressure

Apply the same pressure -100MPa – Which means the force will be less – Why?

Displaying the results shows that there is Stress concentration near the surface where the
pressure is applied ; Why is the stress Value lower?? Pressure =Force/Area?

Localised Refinement at Critical Area

Localised Mesh Refinement using Volume –Select Volume regions in Regions Tab

Define the sketch to create a volume  Select a Surface or plane to ceate a sketch to

Select the front surface as next figure

Sketch a circle – in this case 45mm Dia as normal extrude coammnd –Accept the
sketch and extrude a depth and in this case through all

Applying AutGem as component wiil produce Elements as below and taking the circular
volume in to consideration.

Stress distributions will be similar to nest figure

BY selecting the circular volume as below and specifying mesh size of say 6mm will generate
Mesh as below

Again after analysis the stress distribution will similar to below and it can be observed that there
are more elements around the hole which will better results around the area of interest (high
stressed area)

Yield Stress = σy
Ultimate Stress = σu

Typical Stress-Strain Curve for Ductile Metals




FURTHER WORK – Create a Plate 100mm x 60mm x 10mm Thick with 30mm Hole in
the Centre, and carry the above analysis with -200N/mm2 Surface Pressure.

What are von mises stresses exactly in laymans language?
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Good question. Von Mises Stress is actually a misnomer. It refers to a theory called the "Von
Mises - Hencky criterion for ductile failure".

In an elastic body that is subject to a system of loads in 3 dimensions, a complex 3
dimensional system of stresses is developed (as you might imagine). That is, at any point
within the body there are stresses acting in different directions, and the direction and
magnitude of stresses changes from point to point. The Von Mises criterion is a formula for
calculating whether the stress combination at a given point will cause failure.

There are three "Principal Stresses" that can be calculated at any point, acting in the x, y, and
z directions. (The x,y, and z directions are the "principal axes" for the point and their
orientation changes from point to point, but that is a technical issue.)

Von Mises found that, even though none of the principal stresses exceeds the yield stress of
the material, it is possible for yielding to result from the combination of stresses. The Von
Mises criteria is a formula for combining these 3 stresses into an equivalent stress, which is
then compared to the yield stress of the material. (The yield stress is a known property of the
material, and is usually considered to be the failure stress.)

The equivalent stress is often called the "Von Mises Stress" as a shorthand description. It is
not really a stress, but a number that is used as an index. If the "Von Mises Stress" exceeds
the yield stress, then the material is considered to be at the failure condition.

The formula is actually pretty simple, if you want to know it:

(S1-S2)^2 + (S2-S3)^2 + (S3-S1)^2 = 2Se^2
Where S1, S2 and S3 are the principal stresses and Se is the equivalent stress, or "Von Mises
Stress". Finding the principal stresses at any point in the body is the tricky part.


The ability of a metal to deform plastically and to absorb energy in the process before fracture
is termed toughness. The emphasis of this definition should be placed on the ability to absorb
energy before fracture. Recall that ductility is a measure of how much something deforms
plastically before fracture, but just because a material is ductile does not make it tough. The
key to toughness is a good combination of strength and ductility. A material with high strength
and high ductility will have more toughness than a material with low strength and high ductility.
Therefore, one way to measure toughness is by calculating the area under the stress strain
curve from a tensile test. This value is simply called “material toughness” and it has units of
energy per volume. Material toughness equates to a slow absorption of energy by the material.

There are several variables that have a profound influence on the toughness of a material.
These variables are:

 Strain rate (rate of loading)

 Temperature
 Notch effect

A metal may possess satisfactory toughness under static loads but may fail under dynamic
loads or impact. As a rule ductility and, therefore, toughness decrease as the rate of loading
increases. Temperature is the second variable to have a major influence on its toughness. As
temperature is lowered, the ductility and toughness also decrease. The third variable is termed
notch effect, has to due with the distribution of stress. A material might display good toughness
when the applied stress is uniaxial; but when a multiaxial stress state is produced due to the
presence of a notch, the material might not withstand the simultaneous elastic and plastic
deformation in the various directions.

There are several standard types of toughness test that generate data for specific loading
conditions and/or component design approaches.  Three of the toughness properties that will
be discussed in more detail are 1) impact toughness, 2) notch toughness and 3) fracture


Stress vs. Strain curve for structural steel.
Reference numbers are:
1 - Ultimate Strength
2 - Yield Strength(elastic limit)
3 - Rupture
4 - Strain hardening region
5 - Necking region

Stress vs. Strain curve typical of


1 Ultimate Strength

2 Yield Strength

3 Proportional Limit

4 4 Rupture

strengt Ultimate Densit
Material   h strength y

(MPa)   (MPa)   (g/cm³)  

first carbon nanotube ropes  ? 3,600 1.3

Structural steel ASTM A36
steel 250 400 7.8
Steel, API 5L X65 (Fikret
Mert Veral) 448 531 7.8
Steel, high strength alloy ASTM
A514 690 760 7.8

Steel, prestressing strands 1,650 needed] 7.8
Steel Wire     7.8
Steel (AISI 1,060 0.6% carbon) 2,200-
Piano wire 2,482[1]   7.8
High density polyethylene
(HDPE) 26-33 37 0.95
Polypropylene Dec-43 19.7-80 0.91
Stainless steel AISI 302 - Cold-
rolled 520 860  

Cast iron 4.5% C, ASTM A-48 130 200  

Titanium alloy (6% Al, 4% V) 830 900 4.51

Aluminium alloy 2014-
T6[citation needed] 400 455 2.7
Copper 99.9% Cu 70 220 8.92

Cupronickel 10% Ni, 1.6% Fe,

1% Mn, balance Cu 130 350 8.94
Brass 200+ 550 5.3
Tungsten   1,510 19.25
50 (in
Glass   ) 2.53
E-Glass N/A 3,450 2.57
S-Glass N/A 4,710 2.48
Basalt fiber N/A 4,840 2.7
Marble N/A 15  
Concrete N/A 3  
Carbon Fiber N/A 5,650 1.75
Human hair   380  

Spider silk (See note below)   1,000  

Silkworm silk 500    

Aramid (Kevlar or Twaron) 3,620   1.44

UHMWPE 23 46 0.97
UHMWPE fibers[2][3]
(Dyneema or Spectra)   2,300-3,500 0.97

Vectran   2,850-3,340  

Polybenzoxazole (Zylon)   5,800  

Pine Wood (parallel to grain)   40  

Bone (limb) 121 130 1.6
Nylon, type 6/6 45 75 1.15
Rubber - 15  
Boron N/A 3,100 2.46

Silicon, monocrystalline (m-Si) N/A 7,000 2.33

Silicon carbide (SiC) N/A 34,40  
Sapphire (Al2O3) N/A 1,900 3.9-4.1
Carbon nanotube (see note
below) N/A 62,000 1.34

Carbon nanotube composites N/A 1,200[4] N/A

 establishing the STRESS



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