Retirement Deed
Retirement Deed
Retirement Deed
2) ___________________________, both Indian Inhabitants of (city), hereinafter referred to as "THE C ONTINUING PARTNERS" of the ONE PART and _________________________ , also an Indian Inhabitant of (city), hereinafter referred to as "THE RETIRING PARTNER" of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS the parties hereto were carrying on business in partnership und er the name and style of _________________________ as per Deed of Partn ership executed ________. AND WHEREAS the Retiring Partner expressed his desire to retire from the said firm on and with effect from the close of _______, 200_. AND WHEREAS the Retiring Partner has retired from the said partnership w ith effect from the close of ___ day of ____________, 200_. AND WHEREAS the parties hereto are desirous of reducing into writing the te rms and condition relating to the retirement of the parties hereto of the O ther Part from the said partnership business. NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS : It is agreed that the Retiring Partner has retired from the partnership busi ness carried on under the name and style of M/S.________________________ (he reinafter called the "said firm") and accordingly he cease to be Partner of the said firm from the close of ____ day of _________, 200_ and the parties hereto mutually agree to do all the things necessary according to the provis ions of the Indian Partnership Act 1932 or any modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force in order to give effect to the said Reti rement. The parties hereto agree that the changes herein recorded are changes conseq uent upon change in the constitution of the firm not involving the Dissoluti on of the firm. The parties hereto have prepared the Balance Sheet as on _________ 200_, be ing relevant to the date of retirement and reflecting all assets and liabil ities of the firm and have determined the amounts payable to the Retiring P artner which shall be paid on or before ___________ 200_. In view of the retirement with effect from the close of ___ day of ___, 200_ the Retiring Partner, will have no share, right, title or interest or claim o f any nature whatsoever to or in the said partnership firm or business or ass ets of its name or its properties, whether tangible or intangible, including the outstanding etc. whatsoever and wheresoever, save and except as herein pr
ovided. It is hereby covenanted that from and since the date of retirement the Retiri ng Partner have no claim or interest in the running business of the firm or i n the benefits, rights, enjoyment and advantages of established name, license s, registrations and all tangible and intangible advantages and incidental ri ghts held by the firm and they continue to belong to the firm. The CONTINUING PARTNERS confirm that they will duly discharge the liabilit ies of the firm which may arise after ________ 200_, in respect of the bus iness carried on by the said firm at any time during the existence of the firm. The Retiring Partner hereby covenants with the CONTINUING PARTNERS that h e has not in any way heretofore contracted any debts or obligations save and except those which are recorded in the books of accounts. If, however , any such debts or liabilities be found to exist or due on the date of r etirement but not recorded in the books of accounts, the same shall be di scharged by the concerned Retiring Partner. Save and except as provided i n this clause, the CONTINUING PARTNERS shall have no claim against the Re tiring Partner of any nature whatsoever. Save and except as herein otherwise provided the Retiring Partner shall in no way be responsible for any of the liabilities of the firm relating to th e business carried on by the firm after the date of retirement and without effecting the generality, this will include registered firm's tax and indir ect taxes and dues to any Government and/or Municipal or any other semi Gov ernment body. The CONTINUING PARTNERS shall reimburse and keep the Retiring Partner indemnified against all such liabilities and claims and against al l costs and charges that may become liable to the third parties claiming ag ainst the firm of M/s. ____________________. That the Retiring Partner shall pay and discharge his personal liabilities fo r Income tax in respect of the profit of the partnership firm upto the date o f retirement and shall keep others and each of the Continuing Partners indemn ified against all claims, actions, demands and/or suits or proceedings, costs , charges or expenses arising out of or concerning the same or relating there to. The Retiring Partner shall not have any claim to and shall not share the pr ofit including gains, and/or surplus or accretion as also loss, damage, etc . arising to CONTINUING PARTNERS from the ownership of various assets of th e firm or for carrying on of the firm's business after ___ day of _________ , 200_. The CONTINUING PARTNERS shall be entitled to collect and recover all the ou tstanding, effects and properties of the said partnership and shall have fu ll rights and absolute power to ask, demand sue, recover and receive and gi ve valid receipts and discharges for all the singular debts and effects or
dues owing or in any way belonging to the said partnership firm and to sett le all accounts, matters and things whatsoever relating to the said partner ship or the business thereof with all person or persons and to the said par tnership or the business thereof with all person or persons and to compound or compromise any of the debts or claims of the said partnership and to pr osecute any action or other legal proceedings, if any, that may be filed or adopted in connection with the said business or liabilities or claims ther eof and the RETIRING PARTNER irrevocably nominate and constitute the CONTIN UING PARTNERS or any one or more of them or otherwise as their attorneys to do all acts, deeds, matters and things aforesaid as may be necessary. The parties hereto agree to sign such forms and/or documents as may be nece ssary to give effect to or implement effectively the provisions of this Dee d. All disputes or difference which may arise amongst or between any of the Part ies hereto or their legal representatives with regard to this Deed or any par t thereof or with regard to the amount of profit or loss of the business, or the rights and liabilities of the partners under this Deed or regarding any o ther matter relating to the settlement of accounts between the parties, the s aid dispute or disputes shall be referred to a sole Arbitrator appointed by t he parties hereto by mutual consent. In the event of there being no unanimity the dispute shall be referred to a group of arbitrators one to be appointed by each party hereto and the arbitration proceedings will be conducted in acc ordance with and subject to the provisions of the Arbitration Act, 1940 or an y other statutory modifications or reenactment thereof for the time being in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set and of subscribe d their respective hands on the day and year first hereinabove mentioned . SIGNED AND DELIVERED by the ) within named "CONTINUING PARTNERS" ) 1) ________________________________ ) 2) ________________________________ ) in the presence of ............................ ) SIGNED AND DELIVERED by the ) within named "RETIRING PARTNER" ) ________________________________ ) in the presence of ............................ )