Conservative Management of Costovertebral Subluxation

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Professional Papers

Conservative Management of
Costovertebral Subluxation

Franklin Schoenholtz, DC, DABCO

Arcadia, California
Costovertebral lesions area frequent occurrence
Dr Franklin Schoenholtz is a diplomate of the American Board of
seen often in practice. Not much has been written Chiropractic Orthopedists. He maintains a private practice at 226-228
on this clinical entity. The author has provided the East Foothill Blvd. Arcadia, California. He taught diversified tech-
clinician with specific diagnostic tests to assess nique and undergraduate orthopedics at the Los Angeles College of
abnormal joint movement of the costovertebral Chiropractic in Glendale, California, from 1964 to 1976. Presently,
subluxation. Two rib manipulations are presented Dr Schoenholtz is the secretary-treasurer of the Board of Regents at
LACC. He has written numerous articles on the manipulative man-
for consideration. Many variations of these maneu- agement of various musculoskeletal conditions. The most recent,
vers may be utilized to correct specific articular “Conservative Management of Selected Shoulder Problems” appeared
lesions. This clinical paper attempts to provide the in the October, 1979 issue of the ACA Journal.
busy practitioner with a short, clear, concise and
well illustrated article on the successful manage- A common complaint is of continuous soreness at
ment of this syndrome. the costovertebral angle which may become aggravated by
certain unguarded movements such as coughing or sneezing.
The author wishes to thank Tuan Tran, PhD, for his Painful episodes may occur following exertion or
editorial assistance in the preparation of this clini- movements which stress the lesion, such as shaking a pillow-
cal paper. case out or attempting to open a window.
The costovertebral sprain must be differentiated from
The chiropractic profession has referred to this syndrome
rib fractures, cardiac pathology, bone pathology and respira-
as costovertebral subluxation, posterior rib lesion and
tory syndromes.
costal sprain.
The disturbance is based on a structural and physiological
variation in the relationship between the rib articulation
The clinical signs obtained from palpation are invalu-
and the thoracic vertebra.
able. Palpatory findings will often reveal a resistance in the
area of complaint.
This article will discuss the diagnosis, examination and
The clinical approach to the examination that the
manipulative procedures to successfully manage this
author uses is to perform three tests to establish and confirm
the presence of a costovertebral sprain.
Pain in the thoracic spine is the most common
symptom. The pain may be felt centrally with lateral
This test will provide the examiner with information
radiation into the anterior chest wall. The patient will
so that reflex muscle guarding may be able to be evaluated.
usually recall that the pain had a sudden onset following
(Figure 1)
a faulty movement. The pain may be sharp and stabbing
The test is performed with the patient in a prone
and sometimes the intercostal nerves are involved caus-
position. The doctor is at the head of the table and leans
ing the symptoms to be those of an intercostal neuralgia.
forward so that the heel of each hand rests on the ribs and

ACA Journal of Chiropractic /July 1980

Copyright The Journal of the American Chiropractic Association

Copyright Dr Franklin Schoenholtz 2009
Figure 1. THE SPRING TEST. The patient breathes deeply and during expiration the doctor applies more weight and
gently springs the ribs, the object being to create a separational stress at the costo-vertebral joints.

his fingers spread laterally across the scapula. The doctor must both maneuvers are equally painful. When the pain is primarily
keep his elbows fully extended. The patient is requested to muscular, it is not influenced by the rib maneuver.
breathe deeply and during expiration the doctor applies more
weight and gently springs the ribs, the object being to create a 3. THE RIB COMPRESSION TEST
separational stress at the costovertebral joints.
Guarding occurs a moment after pressure is applied. This test is performed with the examiner standing
If it appears before springing, then the patient is apprehensive behind the patient and placing his arms around the patient’s
and expecting the maneuver to hurt. When the contraction is chest. (Figure 3) The examiner requests the patient to take a
delayed, then the patient is attempting to create a false impres- deep breath while applying gentle pressure to the patient’s rib
sion. If the contraction is sustained without variation during cage. If the patient has a costal sprain the gentle compressive
the test, the clinician should be cognizant that either a severe force of the clinician will restrict rib expansion and the patient
continuous deep pain is present or the patient is apprehensive will experience symptomatic relief. However, if the lesion is
and is not relaxing enough for the test to be valid. present, unsupported chest expansion will create stress on the
The springing test is a valuable and sensitive test. hypomobile joint, causing the patient to experience pain at the
If the doctor determines a disproportionate response to the site of the lesion.
springing, such as excessive guarding, it should immediately When performing this test on a female patient, the ex-
arouse his suspicion of pathological changes. aminer may recommend that the patient flex both arms at the
elbows and bring them up in front of her chest to protect her
from excessive pressure being applied directly to the breast

This test is important and precise in locating the Treatment

involved rib. (Figure 2) It is performed with the patient placed
in a sitting position with the examiner standing behind the Manipulation has proven to be the treatment of
patient. The patient is instructed to move his trunk in lateral choice.
flexion away from the painful side and raise his arm on the Adjunctive physical therapy may be utilized to pro-
affected side over his head. The doctor then uses the tips of mote and maintain the normal physiological state.
his fingers to hook the lower border of the painful rib and pulls Many techniques exist that may be used for the
upward. This maneuver can be reversed so that the doctor’s successful management of this syndrome. The most com-
thumb can be placed on the upper border of the painful rib and mon lesions are superior and inferior subluxations. The main
a downward pressure can be exerted. objective of manipulation is to correct the subluxation so that
When a costal sprain is suspected one of these two freedom of movement at the costovertebral and costotrans-
maneuvers will increase pain while the other is painless. This verse joints can be restored.
sign exists only in cases of rib sprain. In the case of rib fracture
The author offers the following two techniques that he
has found valuable in the treatment of posterior rib lesions.


ATION (Figure 4)

The patient lies on his right side, the doctor faces him
and grasps the patient’s left flexed elbow with his left arm
stretching the shoulder into full abduction and fixing the affected
rib in the mid-auxillary line with his right thumb and thenar emi-
nence. The thrust is inferior.


ATION (Figure 5)

The patient lies prone with both legs flexed upward, the
doctor grasps both ankles with his right hand. He then laterally
torques the patient’s legs toward him using his left knee as a
fulcrum. This maneuver opens the rib cage on the affected side.
The doctor then places the pisiform of his left hand on the inferior
border of the affected rib. He then thrusts in a superior direction.
When managing a patient with a costal sprain, it has
been the author’s clinical experience that fitting the patient with a
supportive rib belt enhances the patient’s recovery time. The rib
support helps reinforce, protect and stabilize the involved area.
The patient wears the support during waking hours throughout
the acute period.


It is understood that structure and function are reciprocal

and complimentary. The costal subluxation is a classical example
of an altered structure with resulting abnormal biomechanical
Chiropractic manipulative management of this syndrome
is successful for the patient and gratifying for the doctor.

Figure 2. THE RIB MANEUVER TEST. This test is im-

portant to differentiate in what direction the subluxated
rib has moved. When a costal sprain is suspected, on of
these two maneuvers will increase pain the pain while
the other is painless.
presses the rib cage while the patient takes a deep breath. SUBLUXATION. The patient lies prone with the doctor grasping
Restriction of rib expansion should provide the patient with his ankles. While using his left knee as a fulcrum the doctor uti-
symptomatic relief. lizes the left pisiform contact to thrust the inferior rib in a superior


1.Maigne: Orthopedic Medicine, 1976.

2.Maitland: Vertebral Manipulation, 1979.
3.Stoddard: Osteopathic Practice, 1969.
4.Stoddard: Manipulation of Osteopathic Technique, 1974.


RIB SUBLUXATION. The patient lies on his right side,
the doctor faces him and grasps the patient’s left flexed
elbow with his left arm stretching the shoulder into full
abduction and fixing the affected rib in the mid-axillary
line with his right thumb and thenar eminence. The
thrust is inferior.

Copyright The Journal of the American Chiropractic Association

Copyright Dr Franklin Schoenholtz 2009

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