CNEWS - May 2008
CNEWS - May 2008
CNEWS - May 2008
Government Gets R4bn
R9 a Litre Mark for Poor Planning
P etrol price will hike up a fur-
ther 55 cents a litre as of 7
is due to the average interna-
tional product prices of petrol,
T he huge increase in the elec-
tricity price was the result of
poor planning and management
newspaper quotes an unnamed
director of a listed company as
saying: “If the tariff increase is
May, according to the Minerals diesel and illuminating paraffin on the government’s part, so it granted it will constitute a steep
and Energy Department. This is increase. should not be allowed to get tax tax on consumers, due to a situ-
applicable for all grades of pet- income from that, the Business ation created by the bad plan-
rol while the wholesale price of Snapshot on the past 6 months: Day reported on Friday. The ning of the state. This is ridicu-
diesel with a sulphur content of December: government would get a R4bn lous. SARS should waive the
Mustafa Jonker 0.005 percent will increase by up by 43 cents a litre boost in taxes if Eskom was al- tax.”
Alleged Terrorist 72 cents a litre. The wholesale January: lowed to increase its prices by
price for illuminating paraffin unchanged at R7.47 inland and a nominal 60%, the newspaper
My Story also rises by 55 cents a litre, R7.33 at the coast said.
PAGE 9 single maximum national retail February:
price for illuminating paraffin up by 17 cents, the lowest in- If the National Energy Regu-
ISLAMIC MEDIA AGENCY CC by 74 cents a litre. According crease this year lator of SA (Nersa) grants the
CK 2002/001313/23 to the department, the increase March: hike, Eskom has projected that
Editor: Sanaa Petersen up by 61 cents a litre it would make a pretax profit of
Religious Contributors:
Dr Abdul Malik
April: R12.7bn.
Printers: Independent Group up by a record 68 cents a litre
Contributors: Mariam Salie, Roshaan May: At a tax rate of 28%, the extraor-
Misbach and Nabeweyah Malick Changed received from a purchase of
up by another 55c to cross the dinary tariff hike would generate lip balm at a chemist in Uganda during
466 Lansdowne Road,
Lansdowne 7780
R9 a litre mark almost R4bn in tax, which would March 2008. Currency converter. 1
Tel: 021 697 2294 • Fax: 021 697 2304 see the government profiting South African Rand = 224.244 Uganda
Email: [email protected] Shilling and 1 Uganda Shilling (UGX) =
from its own bad judgment. The 0.004459 South African Rand (ZAR)
2 MAY 2008 - Rabi Al-Akhar 1429
Cosatu - Stayaway Protests on the Cards ing blackouts. Employers in the mining cated to the life and legacy of Proph- Professor Hussein Solomon Sued
industry estimate that we may lose up et Muhammad (saw). for Defamation
to 30 000 jobs if the rolling blackouts
continue. “In the history of Dubai, this museum The Association of Islamic Madaris
will stand as a shining milestone as (Lajnatul Madaarisil Islamiyyah) has
------------------------------------------- it will give the world an opportunity to lodged a defamation suit against Pro-
learn about the life and message of fessor Hussein Solomon for claim-
MJC Pep Wins Labour Job Creation Prophet Muhammad,” said Omer bin ing that madaris were being used for
Trust Best Project Award Suleiman, the managing director of military training and were a breeding
the Dubai Culture and Arts Authority. ground for terrorism.
Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammad bin
Rashed al-Maktoum, also the prime Professor Hussein Solomon is the
minister of the United Arab Emirates, director of the Centre for Political
has asked the Authority, only formed Thought at the University of Preto-
in March, to immediately proceed with ria and delivered a speech in Israel
Workers protesting against the sharp price increase on food, electricity and petrol the museum plan. at an international anti-“terror” con-
outside the office of Local Government: Premier Ebrahim Rasool in Wale street, Cape ference claiming that Muslims were
Town on 24 April 2008.
The museum, believed to be the first of being prepared psychologically for
The Congress of SA Trade Unions (Co- ing”, which had already been proven in its kind in the world, will be dedicated terrorism and that the local Muslim
satu) has begun a campaign of mass the bread and dairy sectors. entirely to the life of prophet Muham- community was “volatile” and would
The project manager of the Agricultural
action against the soaring prices and Resource and Information Training mad. It will chronicle the life of the provide safe-houses and money to
the electricity crisis by submitting notic- “Greedy companies, under cover of the Centre (AgRIC), (r-l) Yasier Gabriels, prophet and introduce the visitors to potential terrorists. Solomon also
es to allow it to organise stayaway pro- global price rises, are getting together Ms Zanele Mbeki and Nomonde Nofuma, the main stops including his marriage, said that South Africa was supporting
tests, said Peter Craven spokesperson to put up their prices even higher, so an emerging farmer who is one of the beginning of God’s revelation, the global jihad networks by providing
the beneficiaries of the MJC Poverty
for Cosatu. they can make even bigger profits at Eradication Project demise of his wife Khadijah, the inci- safe houses, moving funds, providing
the expense of their consumers.” dent of Al Isra’a and Al Mi’raj, migration ID`s for terrorists, and allowing para-
“The increases that we negotiated last ------------------------------------ to Madinah, the conquest of Makkah military camps. He added that gov-
year may have seemed good enough Anticipating that the electricity short- and the prophet’s death. ernment maintained an “ideological
at the time, but they have been more age and oil supply crisis would put jobs Dubai to build museum of Prophet blindness” which equates the anti-
than cancelled out by rising inflation,” at risk, Cosatu said it would not allow Muhammad (SAW) “The project also clearly indicates that apartheid struggle with the global ji-
said Craven. workers to pay the price for something Dubai is keen on playing its role not hadist battle and as such was burying
not of their own making. The government of the booming only as a bridge between the East and its head in the sand on “terror”.
In South Africa, the position was even emirate of Dubai has decided to the West, but also between the Islamic
worse as a result of “criminal price-fix- “We are worried about the current roll- build the world’s first museum dedi- world and the rest of the world.
ADALAH lawyers and parents of murdered Palestinian children 1948 borders at a seminar hosted by PSG and District Six Museum
on 23 April 2008.
Special Projects
No 1 Thornton Road, Athlone, 7764
Tel: 021 638 0965
Email: [email protected]
Zakah… A Means
Going back to being a child: Women drawing with crayons, this The girls of the Kalksteenfontein area - Nabuweyah Thorn, Sharifa
for Poverty Allevia-
exercise helps in a fun way to identify individuals, events, factors that Donson (15), Galiemah Samsodien (14) Naiela Petersen (15) Sulayla
tion, Development impacts on a woman’s development. Adendorf (15) and Fadwa Thorn (18) with their “It’s About Me”
and Empowerment
creative writing toolkit.
4 MAY 2008 - Rabi Al-Akhar 1429
continue on page 6
MAY 2008 - Rabi Al-Akhar 1429
Mitchells Plain
Tel: 021 372 1106
Fax: 021 372 1110
‘Abu Hurairah reported that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said
“Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you
should not be extremist, but to be near to perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be rewarded, and gain
strength by offering prayer (salah) in the mornings, afternoon and during the last hours of the nights
(reported by Bukhari)
6 MAY 2008 - Rabi Al-Akhar 1429
The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Cape Town and the Tourism and Culture Office of
West Java Province hosted ‘A Gala dinner and West Java Cultural Performance’ on the 26 April. Guests
were enthralled by the energetic and cultural performances of West Java and captivated by the ‘lesson’ in
Residents and displaced residents of Simon’s Town Displaced resident of Simon’s Town, Ebrahim
Angklung, a bamboo musical instrument. Pic Sanaa Petersen
participating in the Simon’s Town Museum DNA Manuel, displaying the results of the DNA study
study held on the 24 November 2007
To satisfy the various tastes of our customers we now boast an assortment of new
products which include:
MAY 2008 - Rabi Al-Akhar 1429
Yusri Hartley with his mother Zuleigha. in the newly decorated restaurant, with exotic fish backdrop
Mawlid in Uganda
T he World Islamic Call Society (WICS) with its leader
Muammar Ghaddafi invited Muslims from around the
world to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad
Over 30 000 Muslims attended the celebration – a plethora
of cultures and dialects captivated Uganda including rep-
resentatives from South Africa - from the Muslim Judicial
Petersen. Amidst, past corruption and conflict between
the Ugandans, Muammar Ghaddafi finally handed over
the three-storey masjid with a capacity to accommodate
(saw) and witness the opening of the Muammar Ghadafi Council (MJC) was Sheikh Achmat Sedick, Moulana Kha- 15000 musallees, a state of the art, fully equipped, con-
Masjid in Old Kampala, Uganda during March 2008. liq Allie and his wife Khadija, Mogammad Groenewald and ference centre, Renaissance Quranic Memorisation class
Asief Essop from the Muslim Youth Movement and Sanaa and an IT training centre.
On the 19 March 2008, over 30000 Muslims from around the world gathered in Old Kampala, Uganda to Libiyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi leads Thur solaah to the over 30 000 Muslims in Old Kampala, Uganda
celebrate the birth of Prophet Muhammad (saw) on 19 March 2008
MAY 2008 - Rabi Al-Akhar 1429
Palestinians turn to
publisher, editor, writers, contribu- in talks and debates in the hopes of against Islam.
tors or staff. reaching a common ground in our
mutual animosity towards the states JUS: You are
JUS: Can you please tell our read- unjust economic system. Our ac- challenging the
SA for help
ers a little bit about your background tions were due to the pain we felt warrant that lead
and how you came to be the target with the poor, downtrodden and op- to the search and
of authorities and suspected of so- pressed. This is a bit of the circum- seize to begin
called “terrorism”? stances leading to the raid. with. On what
Mustafa:. I was born Mustafa Ghalib grounds are you
Jonker in Bo-Kaap, Cape Town in JUS: I understand that authorities asking the courts
the year 1979 as a Muslim. After the raided your home in the early morn- to set the warrant
oppression of the unjust apartheid ing of January 25, 2008. Can you aside?
regime became unbearable, com- please tell us about the raid itself? Mustafa: The
bined with the oppression we faced Mustafa: My parent’s house, my police have of-
by the disbelieving Qadiani/Ahmadi sister’s house next door, and two fered no proof for
sect, my father immigrated with us other family homes along with a the charges upon
to the Arabian peninsula in 1986. I house related to two of the broth- which they found
grew up and finished my studies in ers mentioned in the search warrant a need to raid
Hijaz and spent 16 years of my life were all raided at the same time. Ex- my house nor did
living in the cities of Makkah, Jed- plosive unit members were present they find anything
dah and Madinah. I, like thousands as well as police officers armed with during the raids
of Muslims like me am concerned at semi-automatic pistols and Uzi sub- to arrest me.
the plight of the oppressed in gen- machine guns. I heard that a police
eral and of the Muslim Ummah in officer pointed a pistol in the face of JUS: If you are
particular which over the last centu- a young boy in the house related to unsuccessful in
ry has witnessed an unprecedented the two brothers. Some other details convincing the
onslaught from global disbelief. We of the raid were mentioned in the courts to set aside
returned to South Africa in 1999 media but what was not mentioned the warrant, are
and I soon realized that while the is that the South African police has you expecting to
racist apartheid regime had been committed an act of great stupidity be charged with
April 2008 - Human rights activist, Susan, sharing the experiences of the Trojan Horse Massacre in
removed, this new “democracy” by repeatedly targeting Muslims. some “terrorism- Athlone, SA – 15 October 1985 with Palestinian parents who’s children were targeted and murdered by the
had come about by the African Na- related” offense? Israeli Military. The Palestinian parents, living in Palestine 1948 borders, had through the Israeli Justice
tional Congress selling South Africa JUS: How did your family react Mustafa: This is System accused the soldiers of murder, after 8 years, the Israeli Courts closed the cases citing ‘lack of evi-
to multi-national corporations. The and how has this incident affected a possibility as dence’. The Palestinians are hoping to learn from SA past and support in asserting International pressure
on Israel to re-open their cases and act justly.
10 MAY 2008 - Rabi Al-Akhar 1429
When deciding on Divorce ish reasons such as greed, power or lust fer can dramatically affect later on in life. of the abuse. The applicant can go to the court in the area
but more so because it is in the interest of Children look up to their parents to be their which he/she, or the abusive partner lives
oneself, the children and the spouse col- mentors and their safety net. Protection orders offers various forms of or works or where the abuse took place.
lectively only because the relationship is relief. It could order the respondent (per- In addition if physical abuse took place, the
destructive. Islam does not reject Talaq For those who feel the need (for whatever son committing an act of domestic vio- complainant is then entitled to report a crim-
(divorce) but provides that it is the most reason) to remain in an abusive relation- lence) to pay emergency monetary relief, inal charge of assault regardless of whether
hated legal thing! ship, it is not the end of the world. There to be prohibited from verbally, emotionally there is an interdict in place or not.
is hope and they can continue to work on or physically abusing the applicant, from
A woman often fears that if she leaves her the marriage and hope but over and above threatening to prevent applicant and/or Interdicts should however not be taken
husband, she will not be able to exist inde- that they can make conscious decisions children from entering or remaining at the lightly nor should it be misused as it has
pendently from him and they tend to be of whether or not to approach help in order to common home (regardless if the home is serious consequences. For example a
the opinion that as a result the children will force the abusive partner to behave and to rented or owned by the respondent and person who commits perjury (tells lies) un-
suffer, when in fact at times, by staying on treat them with dignity. even paid by respondent). der oath in order to obtain an interdict can
spective children. If they are feel that they Women possess many untapped qualities address issues in the marriage and if all plicant, etc. Until next time
are not emotionally capable as well as in and once they are faced with challenges else fails then approach a court of law for Salaams Nurjahan Khan
a position to objectively assess their own or emergencies, they are amazed at their a protection order at the domestic violence The Domestic Violence Act provides that
situation, then it is advisable to seek as- skills, talent and strength and their ability to court. Such an interdict as it is commonly anyone who is in a domestic relationship If you would like to more information
sistance from professionals. cross any hurdle. called will order the abuser to refrain from with someone who or is subjected to abuse or to share your experiences or have a
committing any act of domestic violence. by his/her partner may approach the court general legal question please contact
If it turns out that there is no alternative Many parents tend to think that staying in for a protection order. The only cost to be us on [email protected] or fax
and all genuine attempts to save the mar- the marriage is better for the sake of their Should the abuser breach the interdict paid is the sheriff’s fee for service of ap- 021 697 2304
riage has failed then it is better to end children but this is not always the case he may be arrested or ordered to ap- proximately R70.00
such a marriage. Not for one’s own self- since the psychological harm they suf- pear in court depending on the severity