CNEWS April09
CNEWS April09
CNEWS April09
DISCUSSIONS: Political representatives at the ISCI debate on 'The Muslim Vote' held at IPSA University on the 15 March 2009
AWFUL: As part of the YES schools project the learners of Ibn Jazariy Academy at CELEBRATION: Sheikh Abd'Al Rashied Brown, imam of Masjidus Sunni and Director
Masjidus Sunni, Kromboom visits the Waste Depot in Athlone to develop strategies to ofthe Ibn Jazariy Academy married Zaida Abrahams on the 1 March 2009, with
reduce, recycle and re-use waste at the masjid and school him are the students of the Ibn Jazariy Academy.
April 2009 - Rabi-ul-Thani 1430 5
Youth on The MOVE
PICTURE: Zakareeyah Panday
Friendship Festival
Boerewors Florida Butcher
The Big
PICTURES: Raees Ismail
we chose this play was to high-
light the Prophet's response to
a hostile environment, his faith
in Allah (swt) and his kindness
towards the enemies of Islam.
very diverse group. YEF mem-
bers came dressed as Jessica
Alba, Brad Pitt, Aishwarya
Rai, as well as Umar (RA) and
Sayidina Bilal. The last com-
ponent was a discussion and
UZAIR RAMJAM debate facilitated, by Sanaa
Petersen. The question of
Al-Shams hosted a Leadership workshop on Friday whether or not celebrities can
27 March at Park Road Masjid in Wynberg. This be classified as role models
was the second event on the YEF calendar. The was debated. We were divided
workshop was attended by the YEF members and into two groups; one group
was supported by the Wynberg community. arguing that celebrities can in
fact be role models; and anoth-
The workshop was opened with a talk by Sheikh er group apposing this argu-
ment. Both teams presented ROLEMODELS: YEF rolemodels being celebrities at the Al-Shams Leadership
Riyad Walls. He addressed the young audience on workshop
the life of the Prophet (pbuh) and his leadership good arguments and raised
qualities. He expounded on the Prophet (SAW) valid points. (SAW) should be classified as a celebrity or a role
excellent leadership qualities. model, and also discussed the impact that western
We highlighted all the different characteristics of a celebrities have on today's youth. I believe, the
The talk was followed by the much anticipated good leader. We discussed what constitutes a role question of leadership should be addressed by
Play of Ta'if. This was a re-enactment of the model and explored its relationship with respects youth more frequently so that young Muslims
Prophet (SAW) journey to Ta'if. The reasons why to leadership. We argued whether the Prophet today will be ready to lead Islam in the future.
5. Instead of looking for affordable
things elsewhere, you stick to what you
know, which is more costly.
6. You didn't need a new handbag, but
you bought one because it was cheap.
If you chose 1, You are the comfort
Rather than heading for the mall, do
activities that won't cost you anything
MOHAMED JAFFER LAPSE of the global financial rates which the NINJAS need to thank Trevor and actually make you feel better, like
MOJAFF FINANCIAL SER- markets. I will explain: couldn't pay and they started Manual also for maintaining taking a trip to the beach, says Thea
VICES American bank A would lend to default which had a domino the exchange control act and Newcomb of www.soyouvebeen-
money to the American public effect and we saw Lehman for bringing in the NCA
It's amazing how our finan- A, say for example $100b. Brothers, Merril Lynch, AIG (national credit act) otherwise
cial psyche works. Speaking This money would be repaid etc starting to fail. They all I firmly believe we would If you chose 2, You are the impulsive
to people in 2006/7 they over 15/20 years. What bank went down and got sucked have been in the same boat as spender
would want to make you A would do they would into the proverbial black hole. the US, UK Europe, etc…. Avoid careless spending by taking a
believe that the bull run "package" these mortgage This resulted in the total col- shopping list says Jasmine. Draw out the
(upsurge in the financial mar- loan and "sell" it off to Bank lapse of the global financial Also something to take note amount of money you can afford and
kets) will last forever B at a discount of say $80b, system and we saw the value of (and should make the doom stick to it," says financial expert Jasmine
"because there has been a which means that Bank A of banks drop like a rock. To and gloom prophets go away) Birtles.
structural change in our econ- immediately gets $80b into its give you an example of what is, that the JSE has not fallen
omy" they said. Now you hear coffers and the long term debt happened to the value of the as much as most market If you chose 3, You are the copycat
people saying that this time it had is past onto Bank B. American banks, the value of around the world. And the spender
it's different "the bear market Bank A will now re-lend the Citigroup Bank (one of the cherry on top is that the Experts say we overspend on clothes
(falling equities market) is $80b to American public B. biggest banks in the world at financial gurus are telling us and makeup to close the gap on our true
here to stay "because it's dif- Bank A would then in turn one time! i.e. 2years ago) that when the markets starts and ideal selves." See a stylist to find out
ferent, in that the financial again package these loans and dropped from $255bil to to recover the emerging mar- what suits you," suggests Jasmine.
markets globally has col- sell it off to Bank C etc, etc… $25bil within one year. kets will lead the pack and
lapsed." Before I explain to just remember SA is rated as a If you chose 4, You are the shameful
you what happened to the What was now happening is Bank A strong emerging market. So spender
financial markets I would like that Bank A is creating money Am erican Public take note, the dollar should be Be honest and open with your friends.
to assure you that the markets out of nothing( funny money) Let's get back to the US hous- weakening significantly over "Explain that have to cut down on you
will recover as they have in and giving what became ing market, the US housing the next 2 years. Which spending because of saving or debt."
the past. known as NINJA loans ( No market needs about 1.25 mil means the rand will be Suggest cheaper ways of having fun.
Income, No Jobs or Assets) to new houses per quarter. strengthening.
I will attempt to explain (in people as they were not carry- During the bubble phase they If you chose 5, You are the lazy spender
basic layman's language) ing any risks, as they were were producing nearly 2.5mil Please note there is much Once in a while, shop around for more
what happened in the global passing these risks off to the houses per quarter. This was more that I could have dis- affordable options in place of buying it
financial market, EXCEPT IN other banks. This created a obviously not sustainable; cussed but I didn't want to first time round.
SOUTH AFRICA AND A property bubble as the prices when the bubble eventually make the article too long and
FEW OTHER COUNTRIES. of properties sky rocket in the burst they are now producing too technical. Please let me If you chose 6, You are the bargain
US as money was freely only 0.455 mil houses. know your comment on spender
The American Bank Managers available and in turn it was [email protected], fax According to Martin Lewis of www.mon-
(fat cats) took the whole fuelling inflation. I'm sure that many of you did 086 5038747, sms 074, ask yourself the fol-
world for a ride all because of not know that SOUTH 2274345 lowing questions before buying some-
greed. I must emphasise that To curb inflation The AFRICA HAS ONE OF THE thing… Will you actually use it? Is it
this is but one of the reasons American Federal Reserve WORLD SOUNDEST BANK- worth it? Will it really be more expensive
that led to the TOTAL COL- started pushing up interest ING SYSTEMS. I believe we elsewhere?