024-034 B.inggeris SJK Upsr 2010

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FORMAT OF THE QUESTION PAPER The UPSR English paper consists of two papers; Paper 1 and Paper 2. PAPER 1 is an objective paper consisting of 40 multiple-choice questions. The time allocated for this paper is 50 minutes. This paper assesses various language skills: (Questions 1 10) : vocabulary at word, phrase and sentence level. (Questions 11 15): language functions. (Questions 16 25): grammar, spelling and punctuation. (Questions 26 30): grammar and vocabulary, and (Questions 31 40): reading and comprehension from two texts (linear and non-linear). PAPER 2 comprises three subjective questions in Section A, B and C to be answered within the stipulated time of 1 hour 15 minutes. The three sections measure candidates ability to construct simple and compound sentences. It also assesses candidates understanding of the English Language required at in Primary School level. SECTION A Sentence Construction (Tasks 1 10) Candidates are given 10 pictures with two words for each picture. The words can be nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs. They are required to construct one sentence to describe the picture by using the words given. Candidates may change the order of the words but not the form of the words. The time suggested for this section is 15 minutes. SECTION B Information Transfer (Tasks 11 15) This section requires candidates to transfer information from a non-linear text to complete a linear text. This section assesses the ability of candidates in selecting the correct information and transfers them appropriately into the five blanks to complete the linear text. Emphasis is given for correct transferred of content into relevant blanks. The total marks for this section is 15. The time suggested for this section is 25 minutes. SECTION C Note Expansion For this question, a series of three pictures with notes are given. Candidates may use the notes to make sentences about the pictures. This section assesses writing skills. It assesses the candidates ability to produce a piece of continuous prose in accurate Standard English expressively and creatively by introducing new words in the form of adjectives, adverbs, idioms, similes and descriptive language. To gauge their proficiency in the language, candidates have to construct a variety of sentence structures both simple and compound. They must also be able to sequence the paragraph well using appropriate connectors.
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GENERAL PERFORMANCE On the whole, most candidates attempted all three (3) sections in Paper 2, however they did not perform well in all the sections. Most candidates were not able to develop ideas competently and provide relevant details stylistically to support their responses, most sentences lacked apt vocabulary, variety of sentences and interesting expressions. Language errors and structural incompetence were the main problem. The task performed by the low achievers was confusing, distorted, messy and incoherent. Generally, their responses were disorganized and less developed with some errors and uncertain flow of language. For Section A, some candidates were able to write a simple sentence. However, their responses were hindered by poor command of the English Language especially in the grammar aspect. For Section B, many candidates were able to identify, extract or lift the information correctly. For Section C, many candidates were able to fulfill the task given with some grammatical errors. However, some could not produce a good piece of work creatively. They were only able to string the notes into meaningful chunks without understanding the meaning of the words. GENERAL PERFORMANCE OF CANDIDATES ACCORDING TO THEIR GROUPS High Achievement Group Candidates did well in all the three sections of this paper. The ideas and information given were relevant and developed. Mechanics of writing were mostly accurate. Language was competently used with some careless errors. Some creativity was present in their writing. Meaning was clear. Some candidates could write a complete sentence with the notes given. In fact, they could produce a flawless compound sentence where the requirement was only a simple sentence. The candidates were able to identify all the content points and transfer them intelligently and appropriately into the given framework. Most of them were able to express themselves well in a variety of sentences. They were also able to insert new words and ideas appropriately and correctly.

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Average Achievement Group Candidates generally used simple sentences and phrase level constructions. Mechanics of writing were sufficiently accurate. However, language errors in spelling, tenses and sentence structures jeopardized the flow of ideas. Candidates demonstrated simplistic down-to earth thinking. Meaning was clear. Attempt to use new words was made but some confusion shown. Some candidates were able to construct a few grammatically correct sentences in Section A. They were able to transfer information correctly with some grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors. Development of ideas was insufficient. Sentence structures were bogged down by multiple word errors and were rather monotonous. Majority of the candidates are in this group but they were able to transfer all the given information correctly with some grammatical errors. Most candidates used simple sentence and phrase level construction in Section C. They attempted to use new words and phrases with little confusion. Few errors occur but proficiency was detected. Low Achievement Group Candidates were not able to perform most of the task. Most were able to give responses at word or phrase level extracted from given notes and places correctly in the given blanks. Their response indicated minimal understanding of the requirements of the task. Ideas were barely developed with stringing of words was a common feature. Choice of words and sentence structures reflected mother tongues interference. Some merely lifted direct from the given words or made minor inclusion of owns words resulting in meaningless sentences for section A and Section C. DETAILED PERFORMANCE SECTION A Question 1

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The high achievers were able to describe the subject in the picture and construct a sentence either in the present, past or continuous tense correctly. They were able to use the correct verbs wears, wore and is wearing, and used adverbs to elaborate the sentence.

Candidates in the average group were able to write a simple sentence correctly. There are some sentences which are grammatically correct but no mark is awarded as they did not comply with the given picture.

The majority of low achievers simply inserted some common sight words in between the given words to complete their task often resulting in incorrect sentences formed. Omission and wrong use of articles occurred.

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Question 2

Candidates were able to describe the subject in the picture and construct a sentence either in the present or past continuous tense correctly. They were able to identify the action and the game playing hockey. They were also able to use the correct preposition - at the field, on the field, in the field.

Candidates in average group were able to write a simple sentence correctly but there were some errors in subject-verb agreement and spelling.

Most of the low achievers omitted the article the. Direct translation and influenced by Bahasa Malaysia spelling were also encountered.

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Question 3

The high achievers were able to describe the picture with a complex sentence.

The average achievers managed to write sentences using the given words but do not describe the picture. Candidates used the wrong pronouns.

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The low achievers were unable to write using correct preposition. There were also sentences with omission of article. They were unable to construct good sentences mainly because they do not know the meaning of the words given due to limited command of vocabulary. Question 4

The high achievers were able to use continuous tense correctly. They were also able to use the correct articles a or the. Candidates were also able to describe the picture appropriately by using the adjective blind or old for the man. Quite a number of them used adjective busy to describe the road.

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The average achievers were able to write but used the wrong pronoun boys

The low achievers failed to construct good sentences because they did not understand the meaning of the words given. Question 5

The high achievers were able to construct simple sentences to describe the picture. They were also able to use the phrase into the washing machine.

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The average achievers were unable to use the words given to describe the picture. Some of them changed the form of the given words. They also used incorrect preposition and there were also errors in subject-verb-agreement. The low achievers were confused with the meaning of the word holds. Question 6

The high achievers were able to construct good sentences and describe the picture using correct phrasal verb plucked coconut. They were also able to identify pole.

A majority of the candidates failed to use the correct phrasal verb. Most candidates merely insert words at random because their vocabulary was very limited and they have not mastered basic grammar items.
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Question 7

The high achievers were able to use both words intelligently.They have mastered the meanings of the nouns given.

The average group did not understand the picture well.

The low achievers merely stringed the given notes with no understanding.

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Question 8

The high achievers could write compound sentences with correct punctuation. They understood the given words well.

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The average group candidates were confused with the function of the articles a and the which convey different meanings, while others merely omitted them in their sentences.

The low achievers have limited knowledge of the use of preposition. They were unable to make a simple correct sentence. Question 9

The high achievers were able to describe the pictures using the correct adjective.

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Some candidates could not use the correct article to describe the picture. Most of the candidates did not understand the meaning of delicious. Question 10

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The high achievers were able to identify the activity in the picture to construct a grammatically correct sentence. The average achievers were confused in the use of adverb slowly in their sentences. There was also some confusion in their tenses.

Most of the low achievers were not able to understand the word injured so they were unable to construct a simple sentence.

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SECTION B This question requires the candidates to understand the content of the advertisement in order to correctly transfer the relevant information to a dialogue.

The high achievers were able to transfer the information correctly and appropriately. They used correct punctuation and were able to add suitable words, interesting phrases and expressions to form correct sentence structures because they have mastered their grammar as well as their vocabulary very well. Many candidates in the average group and most low achievers manage to transfer the correct information with some grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors. Most low achievers were unable to place the correct information in the respective blanks. This happened due to not mastering the grammar items and lack of vocabulary. Some of the average achievers and majority of the low achievers did not fully understand the text the text and the task required of them. Here are some common errors committed by the candidates:

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DETAILED PERFORMANCE SECTION B QUESTION No. 11 CANDIDATES STRENGTHS Able to analyse the question rationally and answer with correct article. Use correct punctuation and spelling. Transferred intelligently with the correct usage of grammar. Use of caption correctly. CANDIDATES WEAKNESSES Wrong spelling. Punctuated wrongly, either caption or lower case. Absence of article. Unable to use correct grammar. Ommission of preposition. Transferred directly. Spelling errors Omission of time frame. COMMON ERRORS DETECTED A weeding dinner A wedding diner WEDDING DINNER Wedding dinner Wedding diner Paradise Lagoon Hotel, Kuala Lumpur ParadiesLagon Hotel At Paradise lagoon Hotel 7.00 to 10.00 7.00 in the evening until10.00 p.m. at night Sweet sour prawns, crab sambal and mixed vegetables A sweet sour prawns Sambal crab

No. 12

No. 13

Transferred intelligently with correct time frame. Able to use appropriate time indicators. Able to transfer the information correctly and intelligently.

No. 14

Redundancy. Inappropriate use of quantifiers. Did not use the connector ( and ) correctly. Confusion in word order. Direct lifting from the text. Spelling errors. Spelling errors Wrong usage of nouns.

No. 15

Able to transfer correctly. Answered in a full phrase ( 300 number of guests ).

Three hundreds Tree hundred Three hundred pupils

Please refer to the sample scripts below.

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High Achievers

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Average Achievers

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Low Achievers

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SECTION C Candidates from the high achievers group were able to write simple and compound sentences. Some of them even wrote complex sentences using appropriate and interesting expressions by utilizing the stimuli to express their ideas, hence fulfilling their task well. Their responses reflected clear understanding of it and they were able to provide informative details. They showed confidence and possession of good command of the language to write their story creatively. Their sentence structures were varied with hardly any errors. They also used suitable and appropriate connectors to sequence the story line to sustain the interest of the readers. These proved that they had a wide range of vocabulary and had mastered the grammar rules very well, showing flair of the language and full understanding for the requirements of the question. Candidates in this average category showed basic understanding of the language to fulfill the task required from them. The development of ideas were sufficient but with multiple words errors. Some of them were able to fulfill the task partially by using simple and compound sentences with some grammatical errors. They also committed errors in spelling, punctuation and used inappropriate words to fulfill the task. Most of the candidates in this group did not understand some of the given words to construct sentences. For example, the words late, the words shouted, and owner. Some candidates used the expressions inappropriately. Although some interest was aroused, the story was not sustained. Candidates in the low achievers group showed minimum understanding of the requirements of the task. The ideas were barely developed. They made serious errors in grammar and sentence structure. There was some stringing of words in their sentences. The responses were mostly disorganized and almost incomprehensible due to poor command of the language, limited vocabulary, and poor grasp of the language. They were also confused with the meanings of a phrases and words in context. The choice of words and sentence structures reflected mother tongue interference. They were unable to guess the meanings in context although stimuli were given; hence they gave wholesome direct lifting of the given words. The language used was uncertain and inaccurate.

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CANDIDATES STRENGTH Able to write simple and compound sentences using appropriate and interesting expressions to fulfill their task well. Showed good understanding and command of the language Used the given words appropriately and intelligently Able to use appropriate time indications and connectors to sequence the story. Good introduction and ended the story well.

CANDIDATES WEAKNESSES Unable to identify the main subject of the story Confusion with the words studying, safe and late Unable to use correct grammar Not in chronological order Wrong use of quantifiers/ preposition Redundancy Memorizing of a few expressions detected and some candidates use the expressions inappropriately Wholesome direct lifting of given words or merely inserting words at random which conveys no meaning Influence of mother tongue Story written too long thus leading to confusion Wrong word order

COMMON ERRORS DETECTED Studying the books. Looked out on the window. Shocked with black smoke. The firemen safe the owner of the house. He shouted and call with the parents He saw a black smoke He was studying the books at late. Shouted at his parents

The firemen arrived faster put out water. The owner is safe. He thanked. He is helpful boy Call the parents to wake up

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Sample Scripts of High Achievers Sample 1

Sample 2

Sample Scripts of Average Achievers Sample 1

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Sample Scripts of Average Achievers Sample 1

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Sample 2

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Sample Scripts of Low Achievers Sample 1

Sample 2

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SUGGESTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Learn to write neatly, clearly and legibly. Do lots of exercises on the different aspects of grammar in order to have a better understanding of the different functions of the grammar rules. Use more English in everyday activities both in written and spoken form to improve language proficiency and confidence. Read materials in English intensively and extensively in order to have more exposures in a variety of English forms and structures. Always make a practice to ask when in doubt and use the dictionary to widen your vocabulary. Study and understand the words given before you construct simple and compound sentences. Study all the information and details given in the text carefully transferring them. Practice as many exercises as possible to make you familiar with the task. Mind map or brain storm before answering Section C. Use WHquestions to help you elaborate your ideas. Add in as many new words according to the picture and notes given. Pay attention in class. Revise your lessons regularly and complete the homework given by the teacher. Watch English programmes on television, example documentaries, news and childrens educational series. Always jot down the new words that you come across when you are reading or when you hear people talking.

SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Teach all the skills listed in the syllabus. List all the grammatical items that should be taught and make sure students master them. Motivate students to use the language in their everyday activities. Teach simple sentences and ensure they master them before proceeding to compound. Equip students with suggested vocabulary listed in the syllabus. Create meaningful English environment inside and outside the classroom. Make English lessons fun and interesting. Give the students more practices in spelling and dictation. Bear in mind that creative and critical thinking skills are to be emphasized in exercises and practices given to students. Be a good role model and have a close rapport with your students.

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11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Cultivate a love for the language by adopting and adapting a variety of teaching methods and strategies. This will avoid students from the notion that English is a boring and difficult subject. Teach English as a language and not as a tool to answer exam questions. Avoid drilling stereotyped sentence patterns. Students should not be made to memories words, phrases and sentences. Let them flourish in the language by themselves even by using simple English. Upgrade own proficiency by using the language yourself. Have models writing for the average and slow learners a guide void drilling stereotyped sentence patterns. Students should not be made to memories words, phrases and sentences. Let them flourish in the language by themselves even by using simple English. Upgrade own proficiency by using the language yourself. Have models writing for the average and slow learners a guide for them to write. Provide more samples of UPSR format questions and drill the students. Teachers need to stress ad train students to read and follow rubrics and instructions carefully. Teach or encourage highfliers to use adjectives, adverbs, idiomatic expressions, proverbs and similies in a variety of sentence structures. Help pupils gain confidence in the learning of English by hacing games, spelling competitions, role-play, songs, chants and etc. Make learning English joyful.

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Kupasan Mutu Jawapan UPSR 2010

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