CHN 005

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CRITICAL REVIEW I – Community Health Nursing


General Instructions
1. This test booklet contains 100 test questions.
2. Read INSTRUCTIONS TO EXAMINEES printed on your answer sheet.
3. Shade only one (1) box for each question on your answer sheets. Two or more boxes
shaded will invalidate your answer.

1. Detach one (1) answer sheet from the bottom of your Examinee ID/ Answer Sheet
2. Write the subject title “Nursing Practice I” on the box provided.
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Multiple Choice

Situation 1: One health program of the DOH that is being implemented is environmental

1. If you were a farmer’s daughter, what specific program would you advocate so that your
production is high?
A. Rodents and insect control C. Water Supply
B. Institutional sanitation D. Occupational Health Work

2. As a nurse, how would you promote food sanitation?

A. Correct food to eat C. Wash fruits before eating
B. Utilize the media D. Handwashing before eating

3. Garbage disposal is a problem everywhere. What are examples of non-biodegradable

A. Food refuse C. Cans
B. Newspaper D. Plastic wrappers and bottles

4. What would be your health teaching in the mothers’ class in relation to waste disposal?
A. Burn newspaper C. Separate biodegradable from non-
B. Throw away garbage in a pit D. Build compost pit

5. Which of the following is the most important instruction to families whose toilets are pit
A. Use newspaper to wipe their anus
B. Proper handwashing
C. Cover latrines against flies
D. Burn the newspaper used in cleaning their anus

Situation 2: The grandmother of a 3-year old kid asks you to give immunization on another
day because they are going on a vacation.

6. What would you do in the above-mentioned situation?
A. Explain that Wednesday is the immunization day.
B. Refuse to give immunization
C. Just give without question
D. Tell her to bring the card to the center where they are having a vacation

7. Men wearing police uniform requested you to keep a package of prohibited drug in your
cabinet. You know that it is metamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu. What would be
your answer to them?
A. ‘Sige na nga sir.’
B. ‘Sorry sir. But I cannot give in to what you want.’
C. ‘Sir, I’ll tell the mayor.’’
D. ‘Please do not involve me, sir.’

8. What would you do if you know of the existing group which keep drugs in your area of
A. Inform the proper authorities C. Keep quiet about it.
B. Call the narcotics command D. Tell you supervisor.

9. You are aware of a health provider using drugs too. What would you do?
A. Keep quiet. C. Tell him that you know about it.
B. Inform the authorities. D. Report him to your supervisor.

10. There was a quarrel outside your RHU. The men were drunk. What would you do?
A. Call the doctor C. Call the barangay officer
B. Let someone call for help D. Shout at them

Situation 3: Environmental protection is a global concern

11. To which program should a CHN participate actively to support global action for the
A. Toxic chemical waste management C. Zero hospital waste management
B. Anti-smoke belching D. Zero solid waste campaign

12. Under the environmental health services, which of the following should the nurse
participate in?
A. water-borne diseases C. environment-friendly initiatives
B. gastrointestinal diseases D. diarrhea and vector-borne

13. How could research data be utilized in the prevention of diseases?

A. in recording epidemics and in communicable disease control
B. in prescribing medications for communicable diseases
C. in monitoring effects of primary health care
D. in reporting case findings

14. Which step in the research process uses surveys and interviews to obtain data
A. statistical data C. review of related literature
B. statement of the problem D. data collection

15. As a PHN, what is your primary function or responsibility?

A. reporting of cases C. community diagnosis
B. assisting the doctor D. health teaching

Situation 4: The Department of Health prepared the National Health Plan and its blue print
to define the country’s health problems, thrusts and strategies

16. Which DOH project aims to eradicate polio as expressed in one DOH slogan below?
A. Health in the hands of the people
B. Eradicate polio for 9 million kids
C. Ceasefire for children:Support Immunization Day
D. Shoot vaccines, not bullets

17. Sarah Jane is a victim of AIDS. Which program of the DOH was established to check the
prevalence rate of AIDS?
A. AIDS surveillance program C. National AIDS prevention and control
B. Philippine National AIDS control D. AIDS awareness activities

18. An advocacy and action strategy to fight cancer and cardiovascular disease affected by
smoking is reflected in one of the following campaigns:
A. Smoking is dangerous to your health C. This is a Smoke-free building
B. Tobacco and Smoke-Free Environment D. Smoke moderately

19. Hospitals as centers of wellness began in 1993 which institutionalized promotive and
preventive aspects of care. What is the best feature of the mother and baby-friendly
A. Well-baby clinic C. Free immunization
B. Free maternal services D. breastfeeding is enforced

20. Health for More in ’94 included Oplan Alis Disease. As a nurse, which one below would
you promote as a non-pharmacological strategy to have a healthy heart?
A. Taking prescribed drugs C. Research on heart disease
B. Consulting a physician D. Client education on healthy

Situation 5: Based on the safe motherhood survey, maternal morbidity ratio is

209/100,000 livebirths and perinatal mortality rate is also high

21. Based on DOH findings, maternal tragedies occur due to delayed referrals. Which one
below contributes to delayed referrals?
A. transportation and communication C. late detection of complications
B. untrained manpower D. lack of blood supplies

22. Target population for total care during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum belongs to
this age group
A. 15-40 B. 15-44 C. 16-45 D.18-35

23. Maternal mortality is the number of maternal deaths per 1,000 livebirths in a specific
year. Which one below is the correct formula?
A. Livebirths + number of fetal deaths X 1,000

Number of deaths due to maternal causes

B. Livebirths - number of fetal deaths X 1,000

Number of deaths due to maternal causes

C. Number of deaths due to maternal causes X 1,000

Livebirths + number of fetal deaths

D. Number of deaths due to maternal causes X 1,000

Livebirths in the same year

24. Neonatal mortality is the number of deaths of babies born alive before they reach 28
days for every 1,000 livebirths in a specific year. Which formula is correct?
A. Deaths under 28 days X 1,000

Livebirths in the same year

B. Deaths under 28 days X 100,000

Livebirths in the same year

C. Deaths under 28 days X 100

Livebirths in the same year

D. Livebirths in the same year X 1,000

Deaths under 28 days

25. Infant mortality is deaths under 1 year of age per 1,000 live births in a specific year.
Which formula is correct?
A. Deaths under 1 year of age X 1,000

Livebirths in the same year

B. Deaths below 1 year of age X 10,000

Livebirths in the same year

C. Deaths below 1 year of age X 100,000

Livebirths in the same year

D. Livebirths in the same year X 1,000

Deaths under 1 year of age

Situation 6: Maternal and child health service is one vital program in the DOH. Maternal
mortality rate is high due to hemorrhage, infection and hypertension complications.

26. Mrs. Santos came to the RHU to consult with MHO but she was attending a seminar.
What would you do first if she tells you that she is bleeding?
A. Check vital sign

B. Give a transfusion at once
C. Tell her to go the city
D. Accompany her to the provincial hospital

27. Camille is 21 years old, 3 months pregnant and asks you about the prenatal services.
What would you tell her?
A. “Are you going to practice family planning?”
B. Do you have an Obstetrician?
C. Let me tell you the importance of prenatal check-up
D. “ Why did you come only today?

28. Home delivery for a normal pregnant woman is being encouraged by primary care
providers. If there is no licensed health professional in the RHU, who will attend to the
delivery of the woman?
A. Komadrona C. Trained hilot
B. New RN D. Licensed midwife

29. Postpartum complications must be avoided through appropriate prenatal counseling.

After home delivery, when will you do the first home visit to check for bleeding and
A. 24 hours C. 1 week
B. 2 weeks D. 40 hours

30. To promote appropriate health practice of pregnant women, you as a PHN must focus
A. Public education program
B. Accurate record and report
C. Linkage with PNA and IMAP
D. Prompt referral system

31. Which of the following identifies increased risk for AIDS?

A. Sentinel site nationwide C. AIDS surveillance
B. AIDS prevention D. AIDS protection

32. Which program advocates the right to protection and human dignity?
A. AIDS national council C. Sentinel site
B. AIDS prevention D. HIV/AIDS patients

33. Which program broadens the context on women’s health and safe motherhood?
A. Family planning program of the Philippines
B. DOH family planning services
C. Family Planning Organization of the Philippines
D. None of these

34. Which innovative scheme provides health manpower in doctorless and nurseless
A. Human resources manpower of DOH C. Human resources for health
B. Health manpower resources program D. Health resources program

35. Which of these promote backyard propagation and herbal medication production?
A. Indigenous healing
B. Herbal and Philippine traditional medicines

C. Anthropology and traditional medicines
D. Herbal collection of scientific benefits

Situation 7: The Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI) was started in July 1976 by the
virtue of PD 996, a compulsory immunization of children below 8 years old.

36. This EPI is based on 3 principles. Which one is pro-people?

A. Mass approach rather than individual C. A basic health services
B. Based on epidemiological situation D. Case finding and treatment on site

37. Which one is the primary component of EPI?

A. Surveillance and research C. Target setting
B. Information campaign D. Logistic management

38. The general objective of EPI is to reduce the morbidity and mortality rates among
children. BCG is given at birth followed by 1 dose. When is the 2nd dose given?
A. Every months for 2 months C. One and half months after
B. Two months after first dose D. Pre-school booster

39. Measles vaccine is given subcutaneous in a dose of 0.5ml. At what age is this done?
A. one year C. six months
B. one and half year D. nine months

40. Which collaborating agency in the world helps eradicate polio in children?
B. Rotary International D. Canadian International Development Agency

Situation 8: Water quality and monitoring for surveillance is the responsibility for each
municipality through the RHU. Planning must be assisted by the environmental health

41. The nurse should know that the examination of drinking water by the government and
non-government municipality is through the RHU. Planning must be assisted by:
A. City health C. Municipality
B. Department of health D. Sanitary engineer/inspector

42. Disinfections of water supply is required in a newly constructed well, repaired water
pipes, and contaminated container, EXCEPT:
A. River C. Open well
B. Surface water D. Unimproved spring

43. Approved types of toilet facilities may or may not need water depending on receiving
space. What type of toilet is without need for water?
A. Aqua privies C. Water sealed
B. Flush toilet D. Pit privies

44. Hospital waste management program is a requirement before construction of newly

facilities. The hospital personnel are required to train in waste management to prevent
which of the following?
A. Transmission infection C. Nosocomial infection
B. Cross infection D. Communicable disease

45. Nursing responsibilities and activities toward environment and population is beyond
measure. The nurse is in the best position to conduct health education through which of
the following?
A. Role modeling approach
B. Development and distribution of IEC materials
C. Use of communication media
D. Development of designs or program

Situation 9: Care of the elderly as included in the WHO’s Health for all in the Philippines,
the elderly is properly cared for at home.

46. Which of the following needs, according to Maslow, apply to old people?
A. Belongingness C. Emotional
B. Economic D. Spiritual

47. Respiratory disease affects the elderly. Which nursing function would best assist your
A. Function specific to diseases C. Referral to specialist
B. Home management D. Guidance counseling

48. Humanitarian issue affect the care of the elderly. Filipino values is changing. Which one
would you maintain in the care of elderly?
A. Labor and management C. Educational and recreational
B. Income of elderly D. Security and protection

49. What would be the thrust of the program that you would make for the elderly?
A. Invoke elderly in a volunteer work C. Information on physical & social
B. Children to be responsible for parents D. Build homes for elderly

50. In our country senior citizens are given the privilege when they purchase their
medicines. How much is the discount?
A. 25% C. 15%
B. 10% D. 20%

Situation 10: Mrs. Florida Rasol, 35 years old and G4P4, expressed her desire to undergo
bilateral tubal ligation (BTL). Her youngest child is one year old.

51. In counseling Mrs. Rasol and her husband about BTL which of the following should be
the main focus of the nurse?
A. If the couple has any doubts, offer another contraceptive
B. Assist the couple to make a sound, well informed decision to undergo the
C. Motivate the couple to make a sound, well informed the decision to undergo the
D. Review the family and personal circumstances that could their affect their

52. After sterilization, which of the following choices should be avoided by Mrs. Rasol?
A. Lift her youngest child
B. Resume sexual relationship with husband
C. Shower anytime, but keep the incision site dry for 7 days
D. Take medication as ordered

53. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the BTL?
A. very effective and safe C. Does not interfere with sexual
B. Irreversible D. Allows immediate sterility

54. Mrs. Rasol asks, “Will it be possible for me to get pregnant after the procedure? The best
response of the nurse will be:
A. “What made you ask?”
B. “There are some report of the women getting pregnant, but this is comparatively
C. “Absolutely not, this is a permanent sterility.”
D. “The doctor here are all specialists. I wouldn’t worry if I were you.”

55. Other methods of contraception are explored. Mrs. Rasol expressed her-non preference
for vasectomy. Which of the following are the main reasons why this method is not a
popular choice among men?
A. Diminishes macho image
B. Sterility is not immediate
C. Restoration of fertility does not always succeed
D. Very costly

Situation 11: Aling Dolor, a retired school teacher and a sari-sari store owner, came to the
health center complaining of easy fatigability. She is very much worried about her health
although according to her, work in the store is very light.

56. Based on the above situation, which of the following statements best exemplifies health
promotion priority goal for Aling Dolor?
A. Have regular physical examination
B. Encourage her to have a bed rest
C. Allay or reduce her stress
D. Plan a therapeutic diet for her

57. In doing risk appraisal for Aling Dolor, which of the following behaviors of the nurse is
most appropriate
A. show a helping attitude by supervising her ADL
B. show an attitude of concern considering her individuality as a person
C. develop client trust in you by explaining in technical terms her condition
D. perform physical assessment including technical gynecological history

58. The objective of a risk appraisal for Aling Dolor is to assess the:
A. Undesirable health practice C. Health habit and practice
B. Danger sign and disease D. Health threats in the community

Situation 12: As a community health nurse, your clients are usually diverse. It is important
that you should be aware of the needs of these clients according to their developmental

59. Princess, 22 years old has just been accepted in an ambulatory health care clinic. She
approached you to report an outbreak of influenza in their neighborhood and has shared
with you how she anxiously awaits her first job. The major developmental focus of
Princess and her age group is:
A. rebelling against parental control in matter of dating and going out with friends

B. deciding what worth can be shared by the next generation
C. finding oneself and developing initial commitments
D. resolving how one will confront death

60. In one of your clinics, you met Mrs. Baby a 42-year old woman, who began to feel
anxious about her life. Her husband has been very busy having been promoted as CEO
of their company. Her oldest child is already working and two younger ones are in
school. She daydreams about having another baby. You would consider her situation as:
A. Expected midlife disillusionment
B. Healthy life expectation
C. Serious developmental abnormality
D. Out of control midlife crisis

61. Mr. Melanio, 50 years old, is known to be obsessed with his graying and balding hair. He
makes frequent negative references to his body and energy level and at one time he told
to his wife to leave him for a younger man. His behavior probably indicates:
A. Mental and / or neurotic disorder C. Desire to separate from the wife
B. Loss of sexuality D. Awareness of aging and mortality

62. Aling Melody, 75 years old, is very active in church activities. She is in good physical
health but was brought to your clinic by her eldest daughter. Her daughter is disturbed
because Aling Melody always talks about “when she dies”. She has given away some of
her possessions to friends and other close relatives. She also told her family about
wanting to be cremated when the “time” comes. She say she is fine and just wants to be
realistic and ready. Your nursing interventions would most likely be:
A. Explain that her behavior is developmentally normal
B. Obtain a prescription for anti depressant
C. Refer her to the hospital for further observation
D. Just ignore the complaints of the eldest daughter

63. Mr. Valeros, 70 years old came to the clinic complaining about muscle weakness, fatigue
and shortness of breath with his regular walking exercise in the morning. Upon
examination, his BP is 136/86 and pulse rate is 70/min. He said that after the short rest,
he feels fine again. He is not taking any medication. Your analysis with his assessment
would most likely be that he:
A. Probably experiences signs of normal aging
B. Needs to take preventive “anti hypertensive” medication
C. Has cardiac pathology and needs to be seen by the doctors
D. None of the above

Situation 13: Flor, age 40 seeks consultation for difficulty of sleeping and poor appetite for
one month after their house was destroyed by lahar.

64. One of the basic goal for crisis intervention is:

A. Assist the person to attain higher level of functioning
B. Help the person return to the normal level of functioning
C. Assist the person explore available and appropriate resources in the community
D. Assist the person identify the nature and extent of her problem

65. After a thorough assessment, the nurse identifies this relevant nursing diagnosis:
A. Sensory perceptual disturbance C. Impaired adjustment
B. Impaired physical mobility D. Ineffective individual coping

66. The initial task in crisis intervention is to assess:
A. The client support system C. The individual and the problem
B. The type of crisis the client is experiencing D. The plan for coping with crisis

67. One important factor to consider in assessing Flor’s ability to handle a crisis is:
A. Person’s coping skills C. Her family background
B. Age and level of maturity D. Her intelligence

Situation 14: Currently, a lot of developments are happening in health care institutions.
Surfacing new health care agencies that are managed by nurses are slowly evolving amidst
the rising health care cost.

68. The following are major health problem in the current health care system that have
most affected the national health policy:
I. older adult population
ll. access to health care service
lll. Quality of health services
lV. Medical cost control
V. Nursing specialization
A. ll, lll, lV and V C. l, ll, lll, lV
B. l, lll, lV and V D. l, ll, lll, V

69. The unit in training hospitals which includes physicians’ offices, clinics, emergency care
centers as well as wellness center is called:
A. Community extension services
B. Emergency room department
C. Hospital care services
D. Out patient department

70. The following are major factors most significantly influencing the health care delivery
system over the last decade:
1 legal, ethical and bioethical issues
2 new knowledge and technology in the management of disease
3 political and economic condition
4 society and consumer movement
A. 1, 3, 4, 5
B. 2, 3, 4, 5
C. 1, 2, 3, 4
D. 1, 2, 3, 5

71. The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation is a:

A. Private insurance program to reduce client’s medical cost
B. Fixed payment to hospital based on cost incurred by each client
C. Fixed payment to hospital based on diagnostic categories
D. Government health insurance program to reduce client’s medical cost

72. Which of the following factors affecting health care cost is LEAST apparent in the
A. Increase poverty resulting in least preventive care
B. Increase in numbers of clients with AIDS and AIDS related illness
C. Growing specialization in medical practice
D. Emergent modern technology

Situation 15: Iodine deficiency affects more females than males in the reproductive years.

73. What would you include in your health teaching on iodine deficiency?
A. eat seafoods and vegetables
B. eat beans
C. eat meat and vegetables
D. eat sweet potatoes

74. The nurse recognizes that one of the major effects of iodine deficiency is mental
retardation. How would the nurse assess mental retardation?
A. ask questions
B. let child tell a story
C. ask mother if she has history of abortion
D. ask parents what they eat

75. Place where populations are affected by iodine deficiency are those where products are
goitrogenics. What are these foods?
A. pili nuts
B. saur kraut and mandarins
C. monggo sprouts
D. cassava and cauliflower

76. Which food prevents goiter?

A. broccoli
B. sea foods
C. green fruits and vegetables
D. cauliflower

77. Prevention of thyroidism should be included in health teaching. What should be your
A. foods to eat
B. operable goiters
C. cooking lessons
D. types of goiter

Situation 16: Reproductive Health is the exercise of reproductive rights with responsibility.
One of the goals of the program is to prevent illness/ injuries related to sexuality and

78. The following are goals of RH, EXCEPT:

A. every pregnancy should be intended
B. every birth should be healthy
C. all married couple should use artificial contraceptive
D. achieve a desired family size

79. In the international framework of RH, the focus is on:

A. past 40 years age group
B. women’s health
C. displaced people with RH problem
D. barren people

80. Which of the following is not an element of the RH?

A. prevention and management of abortion complications

B. violence against women
C. self- employment
D. men’s reproductivehealth

81. In the Philippines, the focus of RH in terms of its elements is/are on:
A. men and women
B. men only
C. women only
D. gender discrimination

82. What factor generally affects reproductive results in the international framework?
A. poverty
B. underemployment
C. environment
D. gender discrimination

Situation 17: For a developing country like the Philippines, sanitation is the most common
problem. Along with the programs to promote sanitation, the DOH also promotes a program
that helps control diarrheal disease.

83. Which of the following is the vital role of the nurse in the CDD program?
A. maternal and child health
B. sanitation and environment
C. health education
D. nutrition

84. What is the personal commitment of the nurse in the prevention of diarrheal disease
A. setting good examples
B. encouraging barangay officials
C. motivating groups
D. health education

85. It is utilized in the extensive case management of diarrhea to reduce mortality rate
in children:
A. oral rehydration solution
B. oral rehydration therapy
C. proper waste disposal
D. improved weaning practices

86. What is the primary objective of the CDD advocated by the DOH?
A. to reduce mortality from diarrhea
B. environmental sanitation
C. maternal and child health
D. promote breastfeeding practices

87. What is the primary prevention for CDD advocated by DOH that is effective and
A. fluid replacement
B. breastfeeding
C. oral rehydration therapy
D. measles immunization

Situation 18: Quality health services is the aim of the DOH. Numerous programs have
been devised to promote such.

88. It is the certification program that develops and promotes standard for health
A. sentrong sigla movement
B. ‘sang milyong sepilyo
C. reproductive health
D. expanded program on immunization

89. Among the pillars of Sentrong Sigla Movement, except:

A. quality assurance
B. award
C. international recognition
D. health promotion

90. All are the priorities of Sentrong Sigla Movement, except:

B. Disease surveillance
C. Family planning
D. Voluntary blood donation

91. All of the following are the standard requirements of Sentrong Sigla Movement,
A. infrastructure
B. equipment
C. pharmaceuticals
D. herbal medicines

92. An expected result of Sentrong Sigla Movement in every individual is to:

A. adapt healthy lifestyles
B. develop policies
C. develop a system of surveillance
D. advocacy law

Situation 19: One of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality is pulmonary infections.
Acute respiratory infection (ARI) could be managed at home, given the proper protocol.

93. Which of the following should a nurse include in the health teaching given top
mothers to prevent ARI?
A. wash hands after using toilet
B. avoid smoking in the home
C. avoid droplet infection
D. consult the doctor regularly

94. In adults with pneumonia or ARI in the home, which drug must be available at the
RHU based on
standard case management?
A. chloramphenicol
B. oxygen tanks
C. co- trimoxazole
D. injectable gentamycin

95. In far flung areas, who could dispose ARI standard orders in case of Pneumonia in
A. sanitarian
B. midwife
C. nurse
D. barangay health worker

96. During home visit, the nurse assessed the child with ARI. Which of the following
signs indicate immediate medical intervention?
A. inability to drink
B. restlessness
C. temperature of 37.70C
D. poor appetite

97. Which of the following is not included in the prevention of acute respiratory
A. measles immunization
B. avoid smoking
C. breastfeeding
D. good ventilation

Situation 20: Being the public health nurse, you provide nursing care to the family.

98. The nurse performs the following to determine the family’s nursing problems/
A. family health care plan formulation
B. assessment
C. goal setting
D. evaluation

99. An appropriate source of information about the family is/ are:

A. interview results with the members of the family
B. family folder
C. actual observation of the family situation
D. all these are sources of information

100. The family presents several problems, which of the following criteria is considered
in determining
the priority health problem?
A. involvement of members of the family in the problem
B. cooperation and support of the family
C. modifiability of the problem
D. expected consequence of the problem

---End of Examination---


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