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Lucifer fallen from

By Stanley Green

Lucifer fallen from Heaven

Book of Isaiah chapter 14 describes Lucifers fall from heaven. His aim was to ascend into heaven and exalt his throne over the stars of God and be like the Most High. God would not tolerate Lucifers rivalry and cast him out of heaven. Hence is the beginning of the spiritual warfare between God and Lucifer. This article will attempt to present biblical testimony as proof to show Lucifer has plotted a diabolical ruse to take revenge against God for his downfall. Isa14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

Get out & Stay Out

Have you ever been faced with a situation where it came to a point that you were forced to tell family members, friends or tenants to get out and stay out of your house? The person(s) may have taken offense and conspired to retaliate despite him or her being wrong. God has faced our exact same situation. Lucifer and his demon worshippers have become offended at God and have conspired revenge against Gods kingdom.

Lucifers revenge against God is a mystifying ruse. The object of his vengeance is aimed at Jesus Christ. The Lord of Host since the beginning of creation has been preparing for his beloved sons wedding ceremony. Lucifer has contrived a ruse more diabolical than any could imagine to spoil Gods plans. God will ultimately become victorious and foil Lucifers ambition to gain vengeance against him. Lucifer has an Achilles heel that God is aware of to defeat him. He is totally helpless to the truth. Lucifer will do everything in his power to blockade us from confessing the truth about our sins before God. So the ruse is that Lucifer has cast a spell to delude the world to believe that our confessions constitute guilt. The truth of the matter is that through our confessions God cleanses us of our sins. In Gods eyesight we become innocent and he is able to deliver us into eternal life. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.

Serpent in Garden foreshadow of Lucifer

The serpent in the Garden of Eden is foreshadow of Lucifer. Adam is foreshadow of our Lord Jesus Christ. Eve is foreshadow of the Church. God had commanded Adam, Thou shalt eat freely from every tree including the tree of life in the midst of the Garden. God also commanded Adam Thou shalt not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for the day that thou eat thou shall surely die. The serpent blasphemed Gods word saying to Eve, Ye shalt not surely die. Eve trusted her faith in the serpent and ate the forbidden fruit then gave it to Adam. Eves sin is she has trusted her faith in the serpents word over Gods word. Adams sin is he followed after his wife Eve rather than God.

Is knowing Good & Evil the Forbidden Fruit?

Is knowing good and evil the forbidden fruit? The answer is yes! Once Adam and Eve had eaten of the forbidden fruit, then their eyes were opened and they knew they were naked. God had never told them that they were naked. This is why God question Adam, Who told thee that thou was naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree whereof I have commanded thee thou shouldest not eat? Ge3:7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

The Confession
Adam and Eve have never made the confession to God that they have sinned. Instead, Adam tried to shift the blame to Eve and she tried to shift the blame to the serpent. God didnt accept eithers excuse. Instead, God has cursed then banished Adam, Eve and the serpent from his Garden of Eden. If Adam and Eve had trusted their faith in Gods word and confessed his or her sin, then God is faithful and just to have forgiven their sins, because he loves us. 1Jo1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

I am the way the truth and the life

God has sent his son Jesus Christ to earth so we may confess our sins to him and ask for his forgiveness. We may approach Gods throne of grace. God has empowered his son Jesus Christ sole authority to forgive our sins. The Holy Ghost acts as Jesus Christs intercessor between us and God. Mat12:31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

Solomons Wisdom
Solomon was son of David and Bathsheba. As a King he sit on the throne as a judge. A case came before him to decide who the real mother was. He ordered the baby to be cut in half. The true mother spoke up. 1Ki3:26 Then spake the woman whose the living child was unto the king, for her bowels yearned upon her son, and she said, O my lord, give her the living child, and in no wise slay it. But the other said, Let it be neither mine nor thine, but divide it

Guilty or Innocent?
Whenever a trial convenes the court is attempting to render a verdict for which party is confessing the truth vs. which party is lying. As in the story the unfaithful mother was guilty of lying to King Solomon. The faithful mother was innocent willing to forego her custody to save her child. Solomon has ruled in favor of the mother that had genuine love for her child and knew the other was guilty of lying. Psa 96:13 Before the LORD: for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth: he shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with his truth.

My own personal testimony

I have a personal testimony to share that I was once brought to trial where I confessed the truth about my own immoral conduct. The court unjustly ruled I was guilty for being honest about what I had done. It baffled me, because I have been raised by my godly parents who taught me to always be truthful as the best policy for me to live by. I have learned my lesson that it was foolish of me to confess the truth in the courtroom. I have come to realize that our Judiciary branch is under the reign of Lucifer. I know in my heart that Jesus Christs Second Coming is close at hand. Our Lord and Savior will avenge our suffering. This is the reason I have devoted my life to prepare the body of Christ.

Why behold you the mote?

If we have behold the mote in our brothers eye, but havent considered the beam in our own eye, then it means that we should confess and repent from our wicked ways. Jesus has the power to forgive our sins. Instead, of asking forgiveness we have continued same as Adam and Eve shifting our blame to make excuses. God will not offer us eternal life in heaven until we have confessed our own sins. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through him. Jesus is our Lord and Savior.

If you tell the truth you dont have to remember anything

Mark Twain has coined the quotation that If you tell the truth you dont have to remember anything. Imagine how perfect our world would be if everyone were to tell the truth about him or herself. Yet, we dont live in a perfect world. Instead, people lie and falsify the truth. Why it is nobody wants to hear the truth? We cant stand it if persons were to share the truth about him or herself. Each of us has some type of moral shortcoming that we may not wish for anyone to know about. So we hide in a fantasy world of make believe. In the so called real world if we were to tell the truth about our immoral conduct then we are frowned upon, mocked, scorned even ostracized by peers or society. So, rather than tell the truth we act seditty to camouflage our real personality. This means we have to start lying about our own background. We makeup lies on our job resume or application. Somebody may catch us lying. Eventually our lies mount up and finally no one believes a word we say. Society should take a step back and have a second look at the way we mistreat persons who tell the truth about him or herself. If we were to learn how to accept the truth about persons background, then there would be no need for person to lie trying to cover up his or her true identity. In the final analysis it is immoral to commit a sin, but ever greater when we lie about our immoral act. God is faithful to forgive our sins, but not our lies.

Jesus please save me from drowning in an ocean full of lies!

Jesus please save me from drowning in an ocean full of lies. There was a sign that read no swimming. I decided to jump in anyway despite the warning. I am a terrible liar. It was very foolish of me to think that I could lie my way out. I have gone under twice about ready to go down for the third time. I thought if I were to honor my mother or father might save me, but its a lie. I thought if I were to go to church every Sunday it might save me, but its a lie. I thought if I were to sing in the choir or play a musical instrument it might save me, but its a lie. I thought if I were to pay my tithes and fast on a regular basis might save me, but its a lie. I thought if I were to be smart or have a college education might save me, but its a lie. I thought if I were to raise a family or work a good job might save me, but its a lie. I thought if I were to live a healthy life, eat a balanced diet and exercise might save me, but its a lie. I thought if I were to make regular visits to see my doctor or dentist might save me, but its a lie. I realize now while I am drowning in an ocean full of lies that the only thing that can save me is I call on the name of Jesus Christ and confess my sin to jump in an ocean full of lies.

The Rapture
In the blink of an eye our Lord Jesus Christ will appear in the clouds. We which are alive and remain shall be caught up together in the air. None of us knows the day nor hour. Jesus will gather and deliver us into heaven to attend his wedding ceremony. This is only for those who believe in his Second Coming. Nonbelievers will not be ready or waiting. The world might come to an end. It may be dooms day. No matter what the case may be it is only a matter of time. The Rapture may not occur during our lifetime. Even if we were dead in the flesh but alive in spirit we shall rise to be with our Lord. This is the faith we have as saints of Jesus Christ. We look for his Second Coming. If we arent looking and waiting for Jesus to return, then we cant expect for the Lord to save or deliver us.

1Th4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Jesus Wedding Ceremony

The Lord of Host has planned Jesus wedding ceremony to be more majestic than any may imagine. Cherubim angels shall serve as hosts. God himself shall administer their wedding vows. It will be much like our own wedding. The voices of the angels singing and harps playing shall splendor thousand times more glorious to anything weve ever heard. If you plan to be there then RSVP our Lord of Host. Say to him in a prayer that you believe in the name of Jesus Christ and received baptism of water, fire or the Holy Ghost. Our Lord will record your name in the Lambs Book of Life.

Riding on a white horse

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ shall come riding on a white horse to avenge the death of Adam and Eve that occurred in the Garden of Eden and resurrect Adams seed from the dead. God shall reign down judgment upon Lucifer and his band of demon worshippers that have taken revenge against God to delay the wedding ceremony of his beloved son Jesus Christ. Rev19: And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

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