MCQ in Bcom - Perspectives

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BCOM- Perspectives and Methodology of Business Studies

Common for Private Registration BCom(Co-operation, Finance and Taxation & Travel and Tourism Programme) and BCom (CA), BCom(TT) under Off Campus stream.










Who coined the term Innovation as the function of entrepreneur? (a) Drucker (b) Mayo (c) Schumpeter (d) Adams Who were two of the pioneers in the area of Total Quality Management? A) Fayol; Weber B) Taylor; Gilbreth C) Owen; Munsterberg D) Deming; Juran Quality management is driven by a focus on: A) workplace diversity B) workplace spirituality C) continual improvement D) knowledge management Gradual but continuous development is the philosophy of: (a) Kaizen (b) Six Sigma (c) BPR (d) TQM Rapid development plans are part of : (a) Kaizen (b) Six Sigma (c) BPR (d) TQM Entrepreneur relates more to which factor of production? (a) Land (b) Labour (c) Capital (d) Organisation ATM is an example of: (a) Kaizen (b) Six Sigma (c) BPR (d) TQM QWL is more related to: (a) CRM (b) HRM (c) Marketing Management (d) Strategic Management Our assets walk out of the door every day, were to make sure that they come back next morning. Narayana Murthy is referring to: (a) Customers (b) Human Resources











(c) Machinery (d) Capital Setting standards with the industry for strategic improvement is the philosophy of: (a) TQM (b) BPR (c) Benchmarking (d) Kaizen Zero Defectives is targeted in: (a) TQM (b) Kaizen (c) Six Sigma (d) BPR Consumer Protection Act is of the year: (a) 1996 (b) 1991 (c) 1986 (d) 1984 Which of the following is/are IPR(s)? (a) Patent (b) Trademark (c) Copyright (d) All of these Kanchipuram Silk is an example of: (a) IPR (b) Consumer society (c) Globalisation (d) None of these Publication credits are an example of: (a) Patent (b) Copyright (c) Trademark (d) Geographic Indications Unauthorised use of IPR without consent/citation is called: (a) Research (b) Plagiarism (c) Plainism (d) Pragmatism In management, the best money invested is in (a) Machinery (b) People (c) Materials (d) Land The apex authority in insurance sector is: (a) IRDA (b) IRPD (c) RBI (d) SEBI Right to Information Act insists an organisation to have a person in charge as: (a) Correspondent (b) Information Officer (c) Chief Executive










(d) Chief Mentor Which of the following is a trade sales promotion method aimed specifically at retail outlets? (a) Trade show (b) Buyback allowance (c) Merchandise allowance (d) Scan back allowance A company in its communication message lays emphasis on the quality, performance and value of its products. What is the communication objective of the company? (a) Awareness (b) Knowledge (c) Liking (d) Preference Which of the following is not a condition necessary for an exchange to take place? (a) Each party must have something that interests the other (b) Each party must be in a position to communicate and deliver the product (c) The parties must involve themselves even if they consider each other undesirable or unacceptable to deal with (d) Each party must be free to accept or reject any offer from the other party In which approach of the marketing costs analysis, is the net income calculated by deducting direct and indirect expenses from the gross margin? (a) Variable costs (b) Full costs (c) Average costs (d) Sunk costs Tools Inc. buys hammers, bolts and other hardware items and sells them to hardware shops at a price that includes a profit. Tools Inc. would be a part of what kind of market? (a) Reseller market (b) Producer market (c) Institutional market (d) Government market Toro ran a clever preseason promotion on some of its snow blower models, offering some money back if the snowfall in the buyers market area turned out to be below average. This is an example of a(n) _____. a. rebate b. advertising specialty c. price pack d. premium pack e. none of the above An example of a(n) _____ is when airlines offer frequent plans, awarding points for miles traveled that can be turned in for free airline trips. a. advertising objective b. POP reward c. premium reward d. patronage reward An example of a(n) _____ is a five-foot-high cardboard display of Capn Crunch next to Capn Crunch cereal boxes. a. patronage promotion b. POP promotion c. POP pack d. advertising promotion A product in the maturity stage may require _____ advertising.










a. informative b. comparative c. persuasive d. reminder Marketing communicators must do all of the following except _____. a. identify the target audience b. send products to the customer c. determine the communication objectives d. collect audience responses Which of the following is not a personality symbol? a. Mickey Mouse. b. The Jolly Green Giant. c. The Energizer bunny. d. None of the above. Buy it now refers to _____. a. personal selling b. advertising c. nonpersonal communication channel d. sales promotion Which of the following is not a sales promotion? a. Coupons. b. TV commercials. c. Contests. d. Cents-off deals. Whether you place most promotional emphasis on advertising or whether you place most promotional emphasis on sales promotion may depend on _____. a. the nature of your product b. the nature of your industry c. money available d. all of the above If you are attempting to create primary demand toward your product, you will use _____ ads. a. informative b. persuasive c. reminder d. developmental You want to increase reach. You could _____. a. aim your ads at different demographic groups b. air your ad at different times of the day c. attack your competitors ad messages d. A and B There is an increasing amount of commerce being done via the Internet. With respect to the promotional mix, which of the following categories would be most directly concerned with Internet commerce? a. advertising b. public relations c. direct marketing d. sales promotion The personal presentation by the firms sales force for the purpose of making sales and building customer relationships is called: a. personal selling.











b. public relations. c. direct marketing. d. sales promotion. Which of the following major promotional tools use press relations, product publicity, corporate communications, lobbying, and public service to communicate information? a. advertising b. public relations c. direct marketing d. sales promotion Which of the following major promotional tools use the telephone, mail, fax, e-mail, and the Internet to communicate directly with specific consumers? a. advertising b. public relations c. direct marketing d. sales promotion Copying successful business models is attributed to: (a) Innovative entrepreneurs (b) Imitative entrepreneurs (c) Intrapreneurs (d) None of these . Nullifies the super normal profits from the market. (a) Capital (b) Labour (c) Competition (d) Price creates competition. (a) Innovative entrepreneurs (b) Imitative entrepreneurs (c) Intrapreneurs (d) None of these KPO stands for: (a) Kernel Process Outsourcing (b) Key Process Outsourcing (c) Knowledge Process Outsourcing (d) None of these LPO stands for: (a) Legal Process Outsourcing (b) Loyalty Problem Outsourcing (c) Lower Process Outsourcing (d) None of these For a poor manufacturer with market reach, it would be strategically suitable to adopt: (a) Franchising (b) Contract manufacturing (c) BPR (d) KPO Calling for business ideas from any source outside/inside the organisation is called: (a) BPR (b) LPO (c) Franchising (d) Open Innovation Adoption of IT for government / administration transactions is called:




(a) E Governance (b) E Commerce (c) E Business (d) M Commerce Income Tax is a: (a) Direct Tax (b) Indirect Tax (c) Luxury Tax (d) Cant Say Which of the following is a direct tax? (a) Sales tax (b) Wealth tax (c) Service tax (d) Luxury tax IPO refers to floatation of capital through: (a) Primary market (b) Secondary Market (c) Private placement (d) None of these

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