10th Must Know - Commercial Appl - 22-23

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Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s


Question 1) Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options:
1. It refers to a location where buyers and sellers meet. Identify the concept.
a) People concept
b) Place concept
c) Demand concept
d) Area concept
2. Identify the market on the Basis of subject of Exchange
a) Secondary market
b) Terminal market
c) Capital market
d) Spot market
3. In this market sub-distributors are employed to carry on the selling process
a) Catalogue market
b) In house market
c) Mail order market
d) Network market
4. Marketing is an ______ as well as a ______
a) Creative , System
b) Art , Science
c) Integrated process , Customer oriented
d) None of the above
5. " Sell what can be produced " falls under which stage of marketing
a) Marketing oriented stage
b) Sales oriented stage
c) Production oriented stage
d) Product oriented stage
6. Marketing oriented stage caters to which time period
a) 1950 - 1960
b) 1960 - 1980
c) 1930 - 1950
d) 1869 - 1930
7. These products are purchased frequently and with minimum efforts
a) Shopping products
b) Convenience products
c) Consumer products
d) Specialty products
8. These products are purchased for use in the production
a) Specialty products
b) Consumer products
c) Industrial products
d) Shopping products
9. Services cannot be stored for future. Which feature is it
a) Intangible
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b) Variability
c) Perishability
d) Inseparability
10. Which is a reason for increasing importance of service
a) Rise in per capita income
b) Technology
c) Marketing mix
d) None of the above
11. The promotion mix includes sales promotion, personal selling, advertising and ________.
a) Marketing
b) Sales
c) Publicity
d) None of these
12. Promotion mix includes Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, Advertising and
a) Marketing
b) Sales
c) Publicity
d) None of these
13. It is popularly known as free form of promotion
a) Advertisement
b) Publicity
c) Personal Selling
d) Marketing
14. Direct mail advertising sends messages through
a) Audio
b) Video
c) Mail
d) None of these
15. Which tool of the promotional mix consists of short-term incentives to encourage the
purchase or sale of a product or service?
a) advertising
b) public relations
c) direct marketing
d) sales promotion
16. __________________ is direct communications with carefully targeted individual
consumers to obtain an immediate response.
a) Personal selling
b) Public relations
c) Direct marketing
d) Sales promotion
17. Products are made up of certain attributes like shape, size, etc. Identify the feature:
Life Cycle
Associated attributes
18. When you travel by a cab, the cab driver needs to be present, this is:
19. Customers will not buy without hard selling, a feature of:
(a) Production Oriented stage
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(b) Sales Oriented stage
(c) Product Oriented stage
(d) Marketing Oriented stage
(e) Societal Oriented stage
20. Marketing means sum total of the environment in which:
(a) Resources affect the demand
(b) Resources affect the sales
(c) Activities affect the demand
(d) Activities affect the sales
21. Customer need not participate in the process of manufacturing, this is true for:
(a) Services
(b) Products
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None
22. All of the following are traditional markets, except:
(a) Retail outlets
(b) Malls
(c) Organized markets
(d) In-house selling
23. Income and Expenditure account is a __________account.
(a) Nominal
(b) Real
(c) Personal
(d) Recurring
24. __________ is a revolving credit arrangement.
(b)Discounting of Bills
(c)Cash credit
(d)Loans and Advances
25. Job Evaluation is one of the __________ functions of Human Resource Department.
26. __________ is a negative process.
27. ___________ is one of the elements of Public Relation.
(b)Human relation
(d)Media relation
28. Consumer education benefits __________ by increasing sales.
29. Deliberate mixing of low quality, undesirable, inedible and even toxic materials in food
items is known as __________.
(a)Food Pollution
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(b)Mixing of food items
(c)Food adulteration
(d)Quality degradation
30. __________ is the first stage in hiring.

Question 2)
i) Distinguish between the following:
(1) Wholesale market and Retail market
(2) Advertising and Publicity
(3) Catalogue market and In-house market
(4) Sale by inspection and sale by description
(5) Sales Promotion and advertising
(6) Bank draft and Cheque.
(7) Direct cost and indirect cost
(8) Fixed and variable cost
(9) Internal and External Recruitment
(10) Product advertising and Institutional advertising
ii) Justify the following statements:
(1) Marketing is creative. Justify.
(2) Advertising encourages unhealthy consumption.
(3) Advertising is a social waste.
(4) Marketing is goal oriented.
(5) Consumer is king.
(6) PR is not propaganda.

Question 3)
a) Define Advertising
b) What are the objectives of marketing?
c) How is advertising beneficial to: (i) manufacturers (ii) Consumers
d) Explain and expand AIDCAM.
e) What is role of marketing in economic development?
f) What is brand promotion? Explain its method.
g) Mention the qualities of a good sales manager.
h) Define Sales Promotion.
i) What are the features of Product and services?
j) What is marketing mix? List 4 components of each.
k) Explain any 4 types of advertising.
l) What are essentials of a good brand name?
m) What is Balance Sheet? Explain its uses.
n) What are the methods of training? Classify.
o) Explain each element of PR.
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Question 4)
a. Explain PLC with diagram. What strategies should be followed in each stage?
b. Explain various types of advertising media. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of
c. Write short note on destruction of ecosystem due to:
i. Industrialization
ii. Transport
iii. Tourism
iv. Mining
d. What is Sales Promotion? Explain its advantages.
e. What are the elements of PR? Explain each one.

Question 5)
a. What are the functions of Commercial Bank?
b. What are the functions of Central Bank?
c. What are the rights and duties of a consumer?

Question 6) Write a short note on:

a. Methods of selection
b. Procurement function of HRM
c. Community participation and public awareness programs
d. Fundamental concept of Cost

Question 7)
a. Explain direct and indirect method of recruitment.
b. What is Training? Explain its types.
c. Explain the impact of acid rain.
d. Differentiate between Advertising and Publicity.

Question 8) CASE -STUDY

Avon, being an international manufacturer and distributor of beauty, household, and personal care
products, had believed in direct selling since its inception. It offered a wide range of beauty products,
including skin care products, cosmetics, perfumes, spa treatments, make up, and everyday cosmetics
& toiletries like shampoos, deodorants, and body lotions. Its product line included many recognizable
names such as Anew, Avon Color, Skin-So-Soft, and Advance Techniques.
Broadly, Avon’s distribution channel could be divided into three major categories: Direct Selling,
Limited Retailers, and Online. Of these, direct selling was its primary channel while the other two
were secondary channels of distribution. The direct selling channel was Avon’s core channel, one
which the company had relied on since 1886.
a) Explain the meaning of Direct Selling. Give any two methods of Direct Selling other than
those mentioned in the case study.
b) What are the various channels of distribution?
c) Name four other companies or brands which use direct selling.
Mention the method of direct selling they use.

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The market for namkeen is huge in India. But the quality of the offering by the local vendors is
questionable. Indian consumer associates salty snacks from the global companies to high quality. But
these snacks have limited appeal as they prefer spicy snacks. Kurkure has been successful because it
offered alternatives that appealed to the Indian consumers' preference for spicy snacks in an innovative
form. The packaging too was perceived as high quality. Though the category is competitive, it offers
the benefit of easy experimentation.
Kurkure has done well so far. To maintain its dominance, Kurkure must focus on innovations in the
marketing mix and address the needs, tastes and behaviour of Indian consumers. Kurkure must
continue to come up with new products regularly. Despite growing competition, the Indian market still
offers tremendous opportunity that Kurkure can exploit. For example, there are special-occasion
snacks and region-specific snacks that Kurkure can offer.
While Kurkure offers products at different prices, the company has not focused much on product
packaging. The company could keep distribution challenges and consumer behaviour in sight while
developing new packages for its products. For example, it is common for consumers to keep namkeen
in large packs and use small quantities when needed. Kurkure could explore reseal able bags and sell
Kurkure (or some version of it) in larger quantities. However, this might require efforts to maintain
product integrity.
The Indian market is changing. Consumers prefer products that are healthy and environment-friendly.
Packaged snacks are generally not considered healthy. So there is an opportunity to create value for
consumers in new ways. Perhaps new product formulations and/or environment-friendly packs can be
used to enter new and growing segments. Overall, the company can maintain its leadership through
innovative new products that maintain the taste and quality parameters.
a) Explain the marketing mix used by Kurkure.
b) What stage of PLC is Kurkure in, as per the case study? Why?
c) What should be the appropriate strategies to be used for the stage?
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