The Construction of A Social Account

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Accounting, Organizations and Society 32 (2007) 649667 www.elsevier.


Corporate social reporting and stakeholder accountability: The missing link

Stuart M. Cooper a, David L. Owen


a Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, United Kingdom International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility, Nottingham University Business School, Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road, Nottingham NG8 1BB, United Kingdom

Abstract Recent years have witnessed a signicant degree of administrative reform, in terms of the increasing number of major companies proclaiming their social responsibility credentials, and backing up their claims by producing substantial environmental, social and sustainability reports. The paper critically evaluates the degree of institutional reform, designed to empower stakeholders, and thereby enhance corporate accountability, accompanying these voluntary initiatives, together with that potentially ensuing from proposed regulations, later rescinded, for mandatory publication of an Operating and Financial Review by UK quoted companies. It is concluded that both forms of disclosure oer little in the way of opportunity for facilitating action on the part of organizational stakeholders, and cannot therefore be viewed as exercises in accountability. 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction Recent years have witnessed a signicant increase in the number of major companies in Europe, the USA and Australia proclaiming their social responsibility credentials, and backing up their claims by producing substantial paper, or

web based, environmental, and more recently, social and sustainability reports (see, for example, KPMG, 2005). Perhaps not surprisingly in view of the fall-out from Enron and similar aairs, reputation building appears to provide a primary motivating factor for companies going down the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) path. Thus, for example, Business in the Communitys (2003) business case for CSR notes that it oers: . . . a means by which companies can manage and inuence the attitudes and perceptions of their stakeholders, building their

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 (0)115 846 6798; fax: +44 (0)115 846 5667. E-mail address: [email protected] (D.L. Owen).

0361-3682/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.aos.2007.02.001


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trust and enabling the benets of positive relationships to deliver business advantage. (p. 3) The degree of administrative reform has certainly been substantial in terms of the production of new accountings which heighten levels of organisational transparency, potentially in the interests of improved accountability (Power, 1994).1 However, questions arise as to whether exclusive reliance on the business case to encourage such initiatives is capable of promoting institutional reform sucient to empower organisational stakeholders, so that this potential heightened accountability may be realised (Owen, Gray, & Bebbington, 1997). Inuential standards and guidelines which increasingly inform leading edge reporting practice, notably the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and AccountAbilitys AA1000, unequivocally suggest that it can. The former, for example, notes that: A primary goal of reporting is to contribute to an ongoing stakeholder dialogue. Reports alone provide little value if they fail to inform stakeholders or support a dialogue that inuences the decisions and behaviour of both the reporting organisation and its stakeholders. (GRI, 2002, p. 9) For AA1000, a quality reporting process is quite simply governed by the principle of accountability, which is itself underpinned by the principle of inclusivity, i.e. accountability to all stakeholder groups. Inclusivity concerns the reection at all stages of the . . . reporting process over time of the aspirations and needs of all stakeholder groups those groups who aect and/or are aected by the organisation and its activities. Stakeholder views are obtained through an engagement process that allows them to be expressed without fear or restriction. (AccountAbility, 1999, p. 7)
It should be noted here that some researchers, whilst acknowledging the increase in reporting per se, have expressed severe reservations over its quality, particularly in terms of demonstrating an ecologically and eco-justice informed approach to sustainability issues (see Gray, 2006).

AccountAbilitys subsequently issued Assurance Standard further underlines the stakeholder accountability credentials of the reporting process in promulgating the principles of materiality, completeness and responsiveness. The materiality principle requires the assurance provider to state whether the reporting organisation has included in its report information required by stakeholders to enable them to make informed judgements, decisions and actions, whilst the completeness principle calls for an evaluation of the extent to which the organisation can identify and understand material aspects of performance. Finally, and most fundamentally, the responsiveness principle requires that, . . . the Assurance provider evaluate whether the reporting organisation has responded to stakeholder concerns, policies and relevant standards and adequately communicated these responses in its report. (AccountAbility, 2003, p. 18) Notwithstanding the democratising potential of corporate social reporting claimed by the GRI and AccountAbility, severe reservations have been expressed in the academic accounting literature as to the degree of participatory role played by stakeholders in the process. In particular, it has been suggested that prevailing stakeholder engagement practices have little to do with extending accountability and amount to nothing more than exercises in stakeholder management and corporate spin (see, for example, Gray, 2000; ODwyer, 2003, 2005; Owen, Swift, Humphrey, & Bowerman, 2000; Owen, Swift, & Hunt, 2001). Recent developments in the United Kingdom suggest that the time is now opportune to re-visit these claims and counter claims. Firstly, there has been a dramatic quickening of pace of administrative reform in terms of companies producing stand alone social and environmental reports, with KPMGs latest (2005) triennial survey of reporting practice indicating that 71% of the FTSE 100 produced such reports, whilst slightly later (2005) gures from the consultancy organization Salterbaxter suggest that the number now exceeds 80%. Secondly, the prospect of mandatory reporting

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was raised by the Department of Trade and Industrys (DTI, May 2004) publication of draft regulations on the Operating and Financial Review (OFR), which it was envisaged would become a statutory requirement for all quoted companies.2 Under the provisions of these regulations a company would have been required to provide information on policies towards its employees, customers and suppliers as well as its impact on the environment, social impacts and impacts on the wider community where that information is necessary for an assessment of the company (DTI News Release ref. P/2004/177, 5 May, 2004). Our aim in the present paper is to undertake a critical evaluation of the extent of institutional reform accompanying current leading edge reporting initiatives, together with that potentially ensuing from the proposed OFR regulations. To this end, for illustrative purposes we draw upon a number of reports short-listed for the Social and Sustainability categories of the 2003 ACCA UK Sustainability Reporting Awards Scheme,3 together with an analysis of the somewhat long

drawn out processes which led to the publication of the DTIs OFR draft regulations. In particular, we are concerned with assessing their potential for enhancing stakeholder accountability. The remainder of the paper begins with a consideration of accountability and its theoretical underpinnings. This section identies a number of competing conceptions of accountability, but contends that there are a number of relevant preconditions if accountability is to be advanced. These preconditions are then, within the following two sections, used as an analytical framework to consider whether accountability has, or has not, been extended by leading edge reporters and by the development of the OFR within the UK. The papers nal section provides some concluding comments with specic regard to the power relations within modern society and the implications this has for present and future accountability practice. A key objective of this paper is to oer some contribution to public policy debate.

Accountability and its theoretical underpinnings As Sinclair (1995) points out, accountability is a somewhat multi-faceted and, indeed, murky term that does not lend itself to precise denition. Not only does it have discipline specic meanings, but even within the accounting domain there is a distinct lack of consensus as to what being held accountable actually entails. In this paper we start from the premise that accountability is considered as the duty to provide an account (by no means necessarily a nancial account) or reckoning of those actions for which one is held responsible (Gray, Owen, & Adams, 1996, p. 38). The question remains, however, to whom is the account made? Benston (1982, p. 88) identies shareholders, stakeholders and society in general as three possible recipient groups and concludes that the free market (for goods and services, for nance and corporate control and for managerial services) alongside monitoring services will serve shareholders and other contractual stakeholders well. Benstons free market view of corporate accountability privileges shareholders and has its philosophical foundations within neoclassical

As discussed later in the paper the proposed mandatory OFR was withdrawn by the Chancellor, Gordon Brown, in November 2005, a move that led to a legal challenge by Friends of the Earth. 3 It was decided to exclude environmental reports from the analysis as our initial scrutiny indicated that for these reports the reporting process was much less likely to be informed by stakeholder engagement than that of their social and sustainability counterparts. Fifteen reports were short-listed under the latter two categories. For the purposes of this analysis the three SME reports short-listed have been excluded. Those utilised are: Sustainability reporting category BAA BHP Billiton BT Group National Grid Transco Premier Oil Scottish Power Shell International The Co-operative Bank Social reporting category BAT BNFL Engineering Camelot Group CIS


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economic theory.4 Mouck (1994). argues that when these philosophical foundations are questioned they are all but destroyed by the work of Richard Rorty and others who have promoted the linguistic turn in the social sciences (p. 11). At the centre of Moucks conception of corporate social accountability is Rortys contention that: . . . all that matters for liberal politics is the widely shared conviction that . . . we shall call true or good whatever is the outcome of free discussion . . . (Rorty, 1989, p. 84, as cited in Mouck, 1994, p. 20) This potential for, in Rortys terms, free discussion to improve accountability has similarities with the Ideal Speech Situation framework of Habermas (1992). Broadbent, Dietrich, and Laughlin (1996) argue that an Ideal Speech Situation framework would enhance accountability by providing all stakeholders with the right to enter the discourse and to present their views and to challenge the views of others. The ability of stakeholders to exercise these rights must not be prevented by the coercive power of any other participants (Habermas, 1992). If applied to the corporate arena the result of: an open, honest and unbiased ideal speech situation debate among all stakeholders should therefore lead to the acceptance by all stakeholders of a democratically determined consensus view of corporate responsibilities. (Unerman & Bennett, 2004, p. 691) The work and writings of Roberts (1991, 1996, 2003) provide an important insight into the possibilities of accountability. In contrast to the Habermasian inspired discussion above Roberts builds upon the work of Senge, Bohm and Levinas. Specically Roberts (1996) drawing upon the work of Senge, distinguishes between two types of discourse, namely discussion and dialogue.

In a discussion, decisions are made. In a dialogue, complex issues are explored. When a team must reach agreement and decisions must be taken, some discussion is needed. On the basis of a commonly agreed analysis, alternative views need to be weighed and a preferred view selected (which may be one of the original alternatives or a new view that emerges from the discussion). When they are productive, discussions converge on a conclusion or course of action. On the other hand, dialogues are diverging; they do not seek agreement, but a richer grasp of complex issues. (Senge, 1990, p. 247) Roberts (1996, p. 59) concludes that dialogue as a process and practice of accountability has the potential to restore the balance, such that the instrumental pursuit of power and prot cannot be undertaken without regard to the wider social or environmental consequences of the pursuit of such interests. More recently, Roberts (2003) has argued that what is needed is an extra-corporeal accountability through dialogue with those most vulnerable to the eects of corporate conduct (p. 263). Such dialogue can result in a movement beyond the views of the individual participants (Senge, 1990), but, following Bohm, for such dialogue to be possible three conditions must rst be met: 1. all participants must suspend their assumptions, literally to hold them as if suspended before us; 2. all participants must regard one another as colleagues; 3. there must be a facilitator who holds the context of dialogue. (Senge, 1990, p. 243) Roberts (1996) continues, however, that these conditions, which are already dicult to meet, are insucient, as Senge does not recognise hierarchical power as an obstacle to dialogue. For Roberts (1996, p. 58), following Bohm, dialogue is impossible where hierarchical power exists, as hierarchy is the means whereby individual and group interests come to be extracted out of the questioning process that dialogue establishes and

4 Benston (1982, p. 102) does, however, recognize that the reporting of negative externalities on the general public, is not likely to be self-regulating, but suggests that this falls outside the scope of accounting. (p. 102)

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then imposed on others. Therefore the challenges that dialogue raises against the interests of those in power will probably be resisted because it threatens the hierarchy. The writings of Rorty, Habermas, and Senge and Bohm have all been used to point towards the potential for some form of communicative action (Habermas, 1984) to enhance accountability. Specically Habermas ideal speech situation and Bohms conditions for dialogue have been identied in the literature as relevant for improved accountability. This paper draws upon this literature and considers whether current accountability practice enables stakeholders to enter into discourse, discussion and dialogue, with corporate management and government. In order to do so we consider the extent to which the conditions for an Ideal Speech Situation and for dialogue are present. From the perspective of an Ideal Speech Situation for such communicative action to be possible within a corporate setting stakeholders would require a forum where they were able to present their views and challenge the views of others.5 Further, we suggest that there must be a purpose to this communicative action; it should not be ineectual, but rather result in an understanding (Puxty, 1991), a democratically determined consensus view (Unerman & Bennett, 2004), or new courses of action (Senge, 1990, p. 247). Such eects should be apparent through corporate decision-making processes and given the conception of accountability discussed here, in contrast to Benstons (1982) corporate accountability, must result in instances where decisions made are not done so purely on the basis of shareholder primacy. This section of the paper commenced by dening accountability as the duty to provide an
5 We acknowledge that an important criticism of both the dialogic and ideal speech models lies in the practical diculties in creating the appropriate conditions for them to be possible. For example, as it would be impractical for all stakeholders to speak, who should be allowed to speak? The practical diculty of applying such models has been recognized in the literature (see Power & Laughlin, 1996), but we believe, as did Unerman and Bennett (2004), that some movement towards these conditions is better than none and would indicate improved accountability.

account (by no means necessarily a nancial account) or reckoning of those actions for which one is held responsible (Gray et al., 1996, p. 38). Arguably, however, Gray et al fail to address the issue of eective utilization of information by recipients, and associated power dierentials between accountor and accountee, that lie at the heart of any accountability, and associated accounting, relationship (Roberts & Scapens, 1985). This giving of an account is only one part of Stewarts (1984) accountability framework, as this also requires that the accountee has the power to hold to account the person who gives the account (p. 16). Therefore, we suggest that if accountability is to be achieved stakeholders need to be empowered such that they can hold the accountors to account. Bailey, Harte, and Sugden (2000) emphasise that this conception of accountability requires not only the provision of information, but also its value in terms of facilitating action (p. 203). Thus, in addition to our concerns as to whether stakeholders are able to enter into some form of purposeful communicative action with corporations, we also consider the potential for new corporate environmental and social disclosure initiatives to enhance stakeholder accountability via empowerment, in terms of facilitating action on their part. The standpoint adopted is, therefore, avowedly normative (Cooper & Sherer, 1984),6 with a key objective being to oer some contribution to public policy debate.

6 As we noted at the outset, there is a distinct lack of consensus amongst researchers as to what is to be understood by the term accountability. One anonymous reviewer quite rightly noted, for example, that a particularly sharp contrast to the perspective adopted in this paper is oered if one were to consider accountability in a Foucauldian sense. Here disclosure in itself can be instrumental in terms of enhancing accountability in that it creates a new form of visibility, which may not only shape managerial subjectivities but also oer ammunition to inuential outside parties, notably NGOs, seeking to bring inuence to bear on the organization. How successful such inuence might be in changing organizational priorities is, of course, open to major question in an economic order which in its endless pursuit of shareholder value routinely privileges returns to investors over all other economic and social interests (see Collison, 2003).


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Extending stakeholder accountability via corporate governance reform? The Evidence from Leading Edge Reporters This section of the paper considers what progress, if any, has been made towards improved stakeholder accountability. It does so through an analysis of a number of reports short-listed for the Social and Sustainability categories of the 2003 ACCA UK Sustainability Reporting Awards Scheme.7 In total fteen reports were short-listed, but for the purposes of this analysis the three reports produced by SMEs have been excluded. This analysis, therefore, relates to twelve social/ sustainability reports that, given the nature of the awards, could be argued to be amongst the best such reports produced in the UK. Each of the reports was analysed with specic regard to comments concerning how the reporting companies engage with their stakeholders and what eect, if any, such stakeholder engagement has. The reports analysed in this section are prepared by the companies and so therefore the evidence provided must be considered in this light. One consideration throughout the analysis is the extent to which rhetoric relating to stakeholder accountability is, or is not, supported by specic examples. A notable feature of all of the reports analysed lies in the impression conveyed, explicitly or implicitly, that the relationship with stakeholders is one of accountability of the organisation to the latter. Most forthright in their commitment in this regard are the following: We recognise the importance of accountability to stakeholders and are aiming for a higher level of engagement and interaction, particularly with the communities in which we operate. (BHP Billiton Health, Safety,

Environment and Community Summary Report 2003, p. 5) Premier understands that it is accountable to a broad set of stakeholders and is guided by the multi-stakeholder approaches of the GRI in its disclosure of information about performance. (Premier Oil Sustainability Performance Report, 2002, p. 69) Our goal is to make BNFL an increasingly transparent company-one that is accountable to a wide range of stakeholders including employees, unions, customers, suppliers, local communities, governments, regulators, media, NGOs and the general public. (BNFL Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2003, p. 14) We are accountable to eight stakeholder groups: Public, Employees, Retailers, Community, Suppliers, Pressure Groups, Environment and Shareholders. (Camelot web based Social Report 2003, p. 4) Accompanying acknowledgement of an accountability relationship with identied stakeholder groups is a commitment to be responsive to stakeholder concerns and needs. Thus, for example, in ringing tones BAA (Stansted) proclaims a commitment to pursuing; . . . a stakeholder partnership approach to the decision-making process on new developments and other issues aecting the wider community, listening to and understanding the concerns of stakeholders, and developing practical programmes of action to address them. (BAA Stansted Towards Sustainability Report, 2002/03, p. 7) The central importance of corporate governance arrangements in terms of addressing stakeholder concerns is clearly highlighted in Scottish Powers Environmental and Social Impact Report (2002/03, p. 10); Corporate governance provides the framework within which we observe and enhance our socially responsible behaviour. Corpo-

Launched in 1991, the ACCA awards scheme has been particularly inuential in terms of publicizing the issue of corporate environmental, social and sustainability reporting, tracing leading edge reporting practice and, via the annual published reports of the panel of judges, acting as an ongoing pressure for reporting reform. In addition to operating the UK scheme, the ACCA has been proactive in promoting the establishment of similar initiatives in Europe, Africa, North America and the Asia-Pacic region.

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rate governance is our management ethos. It determines how authority is distributed and used, and to what purpose. It is the means by which we achieve our objectives, engender a culture of ethical behaviour and moral responsibility and link business success with the needs of our full range of stakeholders. Eective corporate governance is built on accountability, integrity and transparency. Generally corporate governance arrangements have involved setting up a CSR Steering (or similar such) Committee, comprising of senior executives and reporting to the main board.8 In a number of cases (for example, National Grid Transcos Risk and Responsibility Committee and Premier Oils CSR Advisory Committee) a small number of external advisors are co-opted in order to bring in additional specialist skills. BHP Billitons sixteen strong Forum on Corporate Responsibility (FCR), which brings together representatives of senior management, leaders of several key NGOs and community opinion leaders, appears to represent a more ambitious project in this context, although the company is at pains to point out that: The Company is not bound by the advice of the FCR, and the FCR does not necessarily endorse the Companys decisions. (BHP Billiton Health, Safety, Environment and Community report 2003, p. 19) Most highly developed in terms of incorporating an external dimension into CSR internal governance procedures are Camelot and BT. The former utilises an Advisory Panel for Social Responsibility, chaired by a non-executive director and comprising individuals with professional expertise in stakeholder concerns each of whom focuses on the concerns of a particular stakeholder group. The Panel reports to the main board and both reviews and signs o the annual social report, in addition to advising on strategies for continuous improvement. BT operates an even more elaborate structure via a 15-member (including twelve external members) Stakeholder Advisory Panel,
8 Eight of the twelve reports analysed clearly state this to be the case.

together with a separate Independent Advisory Panel comprising four external members. The former group meets twice a year to share insights into societal trends and expectations which help shape corporate policies and practices, with BT representatives reporting back at each meeting on progress made against the Panels recommendations. The latter groups responsibility is to act as independent advisors in the development of the companys external reporting procedures and produce a substantial statement on its activities in the annual BT Social and Environmental Report. Whilst the bringing in of an expert external dimension into CSR governance procedures, with a direct line established to main board level decision- making, is certainly a step forward in transparency terms, it is debatable as to how much such initiatives achieve in terms of empowering stakeholders and thereby democratising the whole CSR process. The crucial point here is that the external participants (as far as may be ascertained) are appointed by corporate management, rather than being elected by those they purport to represent. Signicantly, forums at which stakeholder groups (predominantly employee and local community groups) are directly represented are conned to consultative committee type structures, completely separated from the key strategic decision-making arena, which more enlightened organisations have operated for many years-certainly before the new wave of CSR practices achieved their current level of popularity. All 12 reports, in addition to outlining the nature of the internal governance structures employed, express a clear commitment to engage with their stakeholders so that concerns of the latter may be adequately addressed. In fact each of the reports identies a wide range of stakeholder dialogue and engagement processes employed, such as questionnaire surveys, telephone interviews, focus groups, liaison panels and discussion forums. Thus, for example, BAA (Gatwick) refers to working with stakeholders in developing a new sustainable development policy, National Grid Transco notes that their framework for responsible business was developed with the help of 4000 stakeholders . . . including employees,


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government, pressure groups, media, investors, customers and regulators, whilst in a similar vein BAT draw attention to developing their new statement of business principles on the basis of dialogue with external stakeholders. Additionally, six of the twelve reporters make specic reference to stakeholder consultation being employed in order to identify issues to be reported upon. Fairly typical here is Scottish Powers statement that it: . . . commissioned research to establish stakeholders views on the relevant issues to cover in this report. We also incorporated multi-stakeholder feedback from previous Scottish Power Environmental Sustainability and Community reports. (p. 3) As our previous section concluded, the crucial question from a stakeholder accountability perspective has to be whether the engagement and dialogue processes they are invited to participate in do meaningfully inuence specic aspects of corporate decision-making, and in particular it should be possible for decisions reached to be in the interests of stakeholders other than shareholders. For most reporters this does not appear to be an issue as they happily subscribe to the business case winwin scenario, whereby no conict is seen between promoting shareholder interests whilst being responsive to the needs of other stakeholders. BATs Social Report 2002/03 expresses this philosophy most succinctly; Corporate social responsibility is integral to our approach to the management of our business globally and to building long term shareholder value. (p. 3) Encouragingly, a couple of reporters do spell out in clear terms the likely prevalence of stakeholder (and shareholder) conict. BTs report, under the heading Responsiveness, whilst stressing the importance of listening and responding to stakeholder views goes on to note Thats not to say that all our stakeholders always agree with each other on our priorities of resource allocation. In fact, far from it! And even single stakeholders can oer paradoxical and conicting views. . .

Even more intriguingly, Premier Oils Sustainability Performance Report 2002 claims that; . . . the interests of shareholders will not necessarily take precedence over the interests of other stakeholder groups and our business strategy is designed to promote social justice in the workplace and in our external relationships in the countries where we operate. (p. 3) Unfortunately, no specic instances in which shareholder interests have taken second place, with the nancial ramications clearly spelt out, are subsequently oered to substantiate this particular claim. In the absence of such information one can perhaps be forgiven for being somewhat sceptical, and rather believing that, in situations of distributional conict, the standard capitalist rules of the game are more likely to apply. Such scepticism is perhaps encouraged in the case of Camelot, whose Social Report 2003 features nine priorities identied with the aid of stakeholder engagement and representing issues and actions that we believe are critical if we are to build a growing and respected lottery (p. 28). Two of these priorities are impact on employees, we need to improve sta morale, satisfaction and performance management (p. 42) and investment in retail, all our retailers are seen as critical partners in the ongoing success of The National Lottery (p. 44). Given these claims it is somewhat signicant to note that during the year in question 8 per cent of sta were made redundant (p. 7 of the social report summary), whilst 388 retailers failed to reach increased sales targets introduced under a sales improvement programme and had their terminals removed (p. 8 of the social report summary). Of course it must be acknowledged that Camelot has been fully transparent on these matters, oered enhanced redundancy payments and job seeking support as well as softening the eect of the sales improvement programme by designating 821 retailers as community outlets, to whom its provisions do not apply. Nevertheless, it should also be borne in mind that, despite disappointing sales gures in 2003, Camelot has always declared healthy prots. Furthermore, it is a private company whose shares are held equally by ve quoted

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companies, and thereby not subject to the usual stock market pressures for short term returns. It is perhaps signicant to note here that for Camelot accountability to stakeholders is demonstrated by listening and learning from them in a variety of ways, and is highly circumscribed in that that these stakeholders; . . . have no formal hold over Camelot (with the exception of shareholders) but rather, are groups with whom the company needs to develop its closest relationships in delivering its vision as the operator of The National Lottery. (p. 12) It is precisely the lack of any formal hold being possessed over corporate management by noncapital provider stakeholder groups that ensures an overall lack of accountability, in terms of action facilitation. Clearly, corporate governance mechanisms have not evolved in such a way that stakeholder accountability, as opposed to (enlightened?) stakeholder management, may be established. These organisations claim some evidence that they undertake a signicant amount of communication with their stakeholders. We are concerned, however, as to whether such communication can be considered to result in any eect upon accountability. To further consider this question we turned to the operation of the assurance process, to which all twelve reporting organizations submitted themselves, as this purports to provide an independent verication of the reports produced. It is widely recognised that audit is an integral part of the accountability process (Power, 1997; Gendron, Cooper, & Townley, 2001) and as evidence of this process the assurance statements provide a valuable insight. Overwhelmingly (in 75% of cases) assurance providers make specic reference to carrying out their work with reference to the AA1000 Assurance Standard which, as noted in the introduction to this paper, has a profound stakeholder orientation. Strange, therefore, that only in three cases (Co-operative Bank, BAA and Scottish Power) is the assurance providers obligation to stakeholders specically referred to. More signicantly, and in clear contrast to the nancial audit report addressed specically to shareholders, the

assurance statement is not addressed to the organisations stakeholders. In nine cases the report has no addressee, whilst in the other three (BAT, Shell and CIS) the company itself is acknowledged as the principal in the assurance exercise. Basically here, we have a situation where the assurance provider is appointed by corporate management and, if they report to anyone, report to the same constituency. Most damning in the context of the assurance exercise in any way acting as a mechanism to enhance stakeholder accountability is KPMGs assurance work (carried out in accordance with the AA1000 Standard) for CISs Social Accountability Report 2002, where the engagement is referred to in the following terms: This assurance report is made solely for CIS in accordance with the terms of our engagement. Our work has been undertaken so that we might state to CIS those matters we have been engaged to state in this report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than CIS for our work, for this report or for the conclusions we have formed. (p. 75) Another important aspect of the AA 1000 Assurance Standard is the companys degree of responsiveness to stakeholder concerns, and, in most cases (7 of the 9 that claim to be following AA1000), some evaluation of this is oered. A particularly detailed evaluation of responsiveness appears in ethics etcs audit statement accompanying the Co-operative Banks 2002 Partnership Report which notes, amongst other things, the banks response to falling levels of customer satisfaction and sta concerns over pressure at work and career progression. However, more usually assurance providers comments concerning responsiveness are couched in far more general terms. For example: The approach adopted to reporting through an ESIR, supported by internet based performance reports, and inclusion of marketplace and workplace data and information, comprise a successful response to stakeholder research. (csr networks Verication


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Statement for Scottish Powers Environmental and Social Impact Report [ESIR] 2002/03) CIS has well-developed processes to respond to the views of its stakeholders identied in the stakeholder engagement process. The report is timely and freely accessible to CIS stakeholders. (Assurance Report of KPMG Audit Plc for CISs Social Accountability Report 2002) Camelot has demonstrated both the willingness and ability to respond to the concerns raised by its stakeholders in relation to key aspects of the companys social and environmental performance. (Ashridges Verication Statement for Camelots Social Report 2003) The level of generality with which the issue of responsiveness is dealt with in the above assurance report extracts is symptomatic of a more basic problem. Quite simply, it is not possible to ascertain from a reading of the reports how, if at all, stakeholder views inuence key corporate strategic decision making.9 A number of reports, most notably those from BAT, Camelot and BT, devote signicant space to describing the stakeholder dialogue processes used. Even in these cases, however, one is only able to gain an impression of how such dialogue appears to have inuenced policy frameworks and the broad range of issues addressed in the report itself. BTs web based Social and Environmental Report 2003 indeed acknowledges this fact, in simply noting in the section Inuencing BT that; It is dicult to make direct links between a specic consultation exercise and a particular company decision. It is also of relevance to note here that in some cases doubt prevails as to how stakeholder dia-

logue informs reporting practice, in addition to courses of action decided upon. For example, csr networks assurance statement for Scottish Power oers the following comment: Commendably, formal dialogue is undertaken with selected stakeholder groups to understand the information they require. Future reports would benet from an explanation of how this, and the constant dialogue that happens during the running of the business, informs the issues, actions and performance data included in the report. This section of the paper has analysed twelve leading edge reports with the specic aim of considering the evidence provided on how, if at all, stakeholder accountability has been enhanced. It has found very little evidence of any real external stakeholder presence within internal corporate governance mechanisms and the way the assurance process, which all twelve reporting organisations have submitted themselves to, operates10 further fails to provide much comfort. Overall, our conclusion to this analysis is that the rhetoric within these reports provides very little to substantiate claims of enhanced accountability.

Extending stakeholder accountability via civil regulation? The Operating and Financial Review The above analysis strongly suggests that, even amongst leading edge reporters, administrative reform has not been accompanied by any meaningful institutional (or corporate governance) reform designed to extend stakeholder accountability in the sense of facilitating action on the part of the latter. In the absence of government regulation, which is clearly not on the agenda in the prevailing voluntaristic climate dominating matters of CSR policy, not just in the UK but Europe more generally (see Commission of the European Communities, 2002), this situation is highly unlikely to

9 One notable exception here is the clear description in the Co-operative Banks report of how consultation with customers has inuenced the review of the banks ethical lending policy, an issue drawn attention to in the assurance providers statement.

10 For a fuller discussion of issues raised here see ODwyer and Owen (2005).

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change. An alternative means of introducing a greater measure of social control over business behaviour, it has been suggested, lies in civil regulation. As Parkinson (2003) explains, control here is enforced chiey by markets, rather than the law, and relies on public pressure to bring about more socially responsible corporate behaviour. The practical advantages of going down this route are that; It does not depend on altruism, nor does it require problematic governance reform. Rather it works with the grain of the prot motive, by penalising companies for socially disapproved, and rewarding them for exemplary, conduct. (Parkinson, 2003, p. 25) Parkinson goes on to point out that eective civil regulation can only be brought about in situations where an adequate disclosure regime operates, one which, he argues, in common with social accounting researchers such as Gray (see, for example, Gray, 2001), is unlikely to evolve voluntarily as far as social disclosure practice is concerned. The prospect of mandatory reporting in the UK was raised by the publication of draft regulations on the Operating and Financial Review by the DTI (May, 2004). Signicantly, for Parkinson; The eects of the requirements regarding disclosure of policies and performance with respect to workforce, environmental and social and community issues are potentially far reaching. (p. 37) However, how far reaching these eects might be is crucially dependent on channels being available whereby non-capital providing stakeholders may be empowered to eectively utilize the information provided. The remainder of this section of the paper refers to the progress of the mandatory OFR from its appearance in the July 2002 White Paper, Modernising Company Law (cm 5553), through to its abolition in 2005. This section analyses the relevant government, DTI and Working Group publications and the responses made to them. Provision for mandatory publication of an OFR rst appeared in the July 2002 White Paper,

Modernising Company Law (cm 5553), which itself represented the outcome of a seemingly exhaustive three year review of company law by the government appointed Company Law Review Steering Group. Whereas it was initially envisaged that the OFR proposals would form part of a new Companies Bill, a decision was subsequently taken to fast track its introduction by means of secondary legislation under existing company law. Two elements of the provisions relating to the OFR proposals contained within the White Paper are of particular signicance. Firstly, the stated objective of publishing an OFR is to provide . . .such information as will permit the members of the company. . .to make an informed assessment of the company (paragraph 73.3, emphasis added). Secondly, the proposed OFR content consisted of two elements- compulsory and duty to consider. The former comprises a statement of the companys business, a fair review of performance and nancial position and a fair projection of future prospects and events which will, or are likely to, substantially aect the business. The latter consists of additional information necessary for members to assess the reporting company. Amongst matters specied under this heading are policies and performance data concerning employment, environmental, social and community issues. The determination of whether duty to consider items should appear in the OFR rests on a decision as to their materiality in the context of enabling an informed assessment of the business to be made. The White Paper stresses that it will . . .of course be for directors to decide precisely what information is material to their particular business (paragraph 4.33). However, the White Paper went on to note the Governments intention to establish, . . . an independent group of experts to help in the process of providing guidance on how directors can assess whether an item is material to their company and hence must be included in an OFR (paragraph 4.34). An independent group of experts, The Operating and Financial Review Working Group on Materiality, was duly appointed and produced a consultation document on 27 June


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2003.11 This addressed . . . the concept of materiality; the principles to be applied in arriving at a judgement on materiality; and the process directors should go through, as part of the total process of good governance, in deciding what should be included in their OFR (p. 6). Signicantly, in considering the concept of materiality the Working Group, whilst accepting that, per the approach of the Company Law Review (CLR) and subsequent White Paper, shareholders provide the primary audience for the OFR, went on to state their belief in the importance of thinking about other various classes of potential users. The following extended quote encapsulates the thinking of the Working Group in this regard, whilst also highlighting unexplored tensions in reconciling how the interests of shareholders and other stakeholder groups, together with how the diering goals of accountability and nancial return, may be reconciled. . . . The philosophy of the CLR and the White Paper rests on the proposition that companies are managed for the benet of their members and thus it follows that the primary audience of the OFR must be the members, albeit that the information provided in it will clearly, and rightly, be of direct

benet to other users who may have an interest in the companys aairs. But the CLR and the White Paper also recognise that it is vital for directors to take a broad view of the factors determining the success of their business and, in particular this means recognising the role that all the companys relationships play in its success. Issues that are of signicant interest to customers, to employees, to suppliers and to society more widely are, or will very likely become, matters of concern for shareholders too. If there is the potential, for example, for the way the company manages a particular environmental challenge to aect directly or indirectly, signicant numbers of people and thus aect its reputation, this is clearly relevant to shareholders because of the likely consequential eect on protability and hence on shareholder returns. A key objective of the OFR is to strengthen accountability, including accountability for the way in which such issues are managed. So the key question in deciding whether or not an item is material. . .should be: Does this item matter to the members, either directly, or indirectly, as a result of its significance to other stakeholders and thus to the company. (paragraph 20 iv pp. 1516, emphasis added) Whilst the above extract from the Working Groups consultation document does not, of course, directly challenge the primacy of shareholder interests (note particularly the implicitly narrow interpretation of the word success) it does muddy the waters somewhat in mentioning the possibility of stakeholders obtaining direct benet from information provided within the OFR, and positing as a key objective of that document the strengthening of accountability. In the latter context it is apposite to recall that the White Paper more narrowly interpreted the role of the OFR as being merely one of enabling an informed assessment of the business to be made by its members. Later suggestions made in the consultation document, when discussing principles and processes to be followed by directors in resolving materiality considerations also hint at


Members of the Working Group were: Rosemary Radclie CBE, Chair (Economist and business consultant; Independent Complaints Commissioner for the Financial Services Authority; Member of the Company Law Review Steering Group) Gerry Archer CBE LVO (Chairman, Company Reporting Working Party, Advisory Committee for Business and the Environment) Deborah Doane (Head, Corporate Accountability Programme, New Economics Foundation) Mark Goyder (Director, Tomorrows Company) Phil Hodkinson (Chief Executive, Insurance & Investment Division, HBOS plc) Mary Keegan ( Chair, Accounting Standards Board) Rob Lake (Head of SRI Engagement and Corporate Governance, Henderson Global Investors) John Parkinson (Professor of Law, University of Bristol; Member of the Company Law Review Steering Group) Graham Ward (Senior Partner, Global Energy & Utilities Group, PricewaterhouseCoopers).

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a desire on the part of the Working Group to establish somewhat more ambitious objectives. There is, for example, reference made to exploring and understanding the agendas of a range of different stakeholder groups, and to the benets of consulting with key stakeholders as to the material that should properly appear within the OFR. Furthermore, it is suggested that various guidelines and standards used in the context of stand alone environmental and social reporting (whilst not recommending that such reports should not continue to be separately produced) may prove helpful in reaching decisions on materiality questions. The Working Groups consultation document created a fascinating response. In total 79 companies, business associations and other organisations responded to the consultation document and each of the responses was accessed by one of the researchers via the DTI website ( cld/nancialreview). The responses were considered in terms of both their general and specic comments towards the consultation document and from this process the themes discussed below were developed. Whilst undertaking the analysis it became apparent that there were clearly two very conicting views on the consultation document. Firstly, we report the response of business associations, and some individual companies, to the consultation document and then we consider the very contrasting responses of other, less business oriented, organizations. The business response to the Working Groups consultation document suggests a great deal of unease at the direction the working group was moving in terms of a perceived move towards some form of stakeholder model, as is evidenced by the following illustrative quotes.12 There must be clarity that the OFR forms part of the current system of company law in this country, and that proposed in the Company Law Review and the White Paper.

We do not have, nor should we move towards, a stakeholder model. Directors duties are and will continue to be owed to the members as a whole. The views of, and the impact of the activities of the company on, others (stakeholders) may well be of relevance in certain circumstances, but the tenor of the Consultation Document is an insidious creep in the direction of the stakeholder model and at odds with the White Paper. (Institute of Directors, pp. 23) For the moment, the best that we can say is that CBI members do take some comfort from your consultation on Materiality, and the key premise you put forward that materiality is a matter for the judgement of each individual board, and is not a benchmark set by some separate criteria, independent third party or reasonableness test. However there is ambiguity over whether the board should regard the interests of shareholders as paramount, and users of accounts or have equal regard for other stakeholders. We are very strongly of the opinion that it should be the former. (CBI, p. 1) The guidance as phrased by the Working Group could lead to unwarranted prominence of matters included for their signicance to other stakeholders. (The Hundred Group of Finance Directors, p. 2) It is in shareholders best interests for companies to have regard to the interests and concerns of other stakeholders . . . However, the OFR should not be written to address these other stakeholder groups specically. . . . we do not support the involvement of external parties in the determination by the board of material matters for disclosure in the OFR. (BT Group plc, p. 1 and p. 4). We . . . share the CBIs concern that it needs to be made clear that a boards statutory or legal obligations regarding the OFR are limited to shareholders and do not extend to all

The quotes provided are illustrative of a wider number of responses, but have been selected due to the clarity of the position taken.



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potential users of the OFR. (Scottish Power plc, p. 2) The vehemence of these responses is of some signicance, not just in the light of todays ubiquitous claims on the part of leading companies of subscribing to notions of corporate citizenship and responsiveness to stakeholder interests, but also in view of the fact that the OFR Working Groups report oers no challenge whatsoever to directors exercising their own discretion in deciding upon OFR content, or indeed to the doctrine of enlightened shareholder value adopted in the White Paper. Signicantly, and in stark contrast to the position expounded above, the responses to the consultation document by the Association of Chartered Certied Accountants (ACCA), the Corporate Responsibility Coalition (CORE)13 and the fair trade organisation Traidcraft draw clear attention to the weaknesses of the proposed OFR in terms of promoting civil regulation. The ACCA response, for example, notes that it will be: . . . dicult to avoid the impression in the minds of preparers especially of the lesser signicance attached to those OFR subjects marked as only when material, as compared to compulsory items. (p. 2) It is also pointed out that whereas items such as carbon emissions or health and safety related performance may not be judged material to users narrowly dened as investors or members they may be considered signicant for the wider community. The CORE response, indeed, develops this point further in arguing that; As the guidance is currently drafted it is not clear why adverse impacts would ever be disclosed, if this is not in fact signicant for

shareholders. We believe that placing an emphasis on the duty of a director to operate in the interest of the company members only perpetuates a system where the more serious an impact is on stakeholders, the less likely it is to be disclosed, as any disclosure would create a negative nancial impact on the company and ultimately its members. (p. 10) For CORE, the major problem with the Working Groups recommendations is that they exhibit a clear bias towards companies and preserving the status quo in allowing far too much discretion to directors and failing to specify adequate compliance mechanisms and penalties. They go on to stress the need to; . . . ensure companies are made legally accountable for their social, environmental and economic impacts by placing a duty on directors to consider these matters; requiring mandatory reporting and independent auditing of social, environmental and economic matters. (p. 2) Additionally, attention is drawn to the necessity for considering some form of formal complaint mechanism whereby stakeholders are enabled to bring forward grievances based on the contents, or relevant exclusions, of a particular OFR. Traidcrafts response similarly highlights the need to introduce eective compliance and complaint mechanisms whilst also calling for stakeholders to be involved in the assurance process so that they may evaluate the reliability of the information the directors are disclosing; It is only stakeholders, which are aected by the company, that can assess whether the information collected. . .by the board is accurate. (p. 10) In May 2004, nearly one year after the release of the consultation document, the DTI published its Draft Regulations on the Operating and Financial Review and Directors Report: A consultative document and the Working Group published its Practical guidance for directors. The DTI draft regulations, which were designed to implement

The Corporate Responsibility Coalition comprises 50 national organisations, led by a Steering Group which includes Amnesty International (UK), Christian Aid, Friends of the Earth, New Economics Foundation and Traidcraft. Their stated vision is, to ensure companies are more transparent and held accountable to a wider community of stakeholders through changes to UK company law.


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the White Paper proposals with very minor modications,14 clearly allay the fears of some shift towards stakeholder, as opposed to shareholder, reporting. For example, it is noted that, . . . the OFR is addressed, as with other company reporting, to the members or shareholders (paragraph 3.7); that the objective is to . . . allow shareholders to assess the companys strategies and their potential to succeed (paragraph 3.5); and that it is . . . through shareholders exercising informed inuence over companies that their expectations and those of the wider community will best be met (paragraph 2.3). Furthermore, it is emphasised that the OFR . . . must reect the directors view of the business (paragraph 3.32, emphasis in original). To the extent that it is appropriate to consider social and environmental factors this is apparently only necessary when nancial loss may ensue through ignoring them. Thus, in considering environmental and health and safety issues the concern is that a poor record . . . could adversely aect a companys standing and business prospects (paragraph 3.33). Helpfully, the draft regulations go on to point out that, The nancial loss to the company from poorly managing these issues could be direct . . . indirect . . . or from costs associated with missed opportunities (paragraph 3.34). Similarly, employment issues may be of concern solely because . . .the way a company manages and utilises its workforce can have a signicant impact on the performance of the company (paragraph 3.35). The subordination of the social and environmental dimensions of performance to that of the nancial as far as OFR reporting is concerned is made particularly clear in paragraph 2.5 of the draft regulations, which states the governments belief that the OFR will lead to;

. . . directors deciding in good faith what would be most likely to promote the success of the company, taking account of a wide range of factors, within and outside the company, which are relevant to achieving its objectives and to an assessment of its business. These factors may well include the companys impact on the environment and on the wider community, and its relationships with employees, customers and suppliers (emphasis added). Rather strangely, in view of the above, it is claimed in the draft regulations that the OFR proposals are designed to improve corporate governance via . . . improved transparency and accountability, with improvements to the quality, timeliness and accessibility of information available for shareholders and others (paragraph 2.2, emphasis added). It is further suggested that, whilst prepared for shareholders, the OFR will be relevant to . . . other stakeholders (including employees) and the wider public, who have a variety of relationships with the business (paragraph 2.4). Notwithstanding a reference in the draft regulations to the Government considering a requirement for directors to state the fact where they have concluded that there is nothing relevant to report in respect of social and environmental issues, and the Materiality Working Group in their nal report (May, 2004) continuing to encourage directors to take a broad view in exploring and understanding a wider stakeholder agenda, it is hard to see the above OFR proposals leading to much in the way of transparency or meeting stakeholder accountability needs. The absolute primacy given to shareholder interests, together with the suggestion that social and environmental issues are only of relevance when there are nancial implications for the company, are hardly encouraging in this context. Furthermore, the responses of business organisations and individual companies to the OFR Working Groups consultation document give a rather clear hint as to how the discretion allowed to directors over disclosure decisions is likely to be exercised. The story of the mandatory OFR does not end here though. In January 2005 the Draft Statutory

14 Modications entailed minor changes to the compulsory disclosure elements; replacement of the materiality criterion by one of to the extent necessary (this is to bring terminology into line with that of the June 2003 EU Accounts Modernisation Directive, whilst the underlying concept remains unchanged); and a provision for the mandatory OFR to apply to all quoted companies, rather than to public and private limited companies over a specied size threshold.


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Instrument was produced, and included a postponed starting date to nancial years beginning on or after 1 April, 2005 rather than the original date of 1 January, 2005. In addition the Accounting Standards Board produced an exposure draft in November 2004 and, with only minimal changes, a reporting standard in May 2005. Despite years of consultation having appeared to have eventually produced a relatively business friendly version of the OFR on 28 November, 2005 the Chancellor, Gordon Brown, in a speech to the CBI (an organization who we noted earlier in this paper was concerned with the insidious creep in the direction of the stakeholder model) announced: Best practice is of course for companies to report on social and environmental strategies relevant to their business. But I understand the concerns about the extra administrative cost of the goldplated regulatory requirement that from April next year all quoted companies must publish an Operating and Financial Review. So we will abolish this requirement and reduce the burdens placed upon you the rst of a series of regulatory requirements which by working together we can abolish in the interests of the British economy. This move was met with astonishment by many organizations and resulted in Friends of the Earth (FOE) instigating legal proceedings as they felt that the Chancellor failed to properly consult before abolishing the OFR, introduced just nine months earlier following a 6-year consultation process (FOE, Press Release, 11 January, 2006). In a further twist the government then agreed an out of court settlement with FOE and decided to widen its consultation on the requirements for company narrative reporting. And so briey the consultation process started again, but resulted in a decision that the mandatory OFR could not be justied as it would impose too great a burden upon companies. Instead, companies would have to produce a business review a slimmed down OFR to comply with European law. But

this report will no longer have to meet statutory requirements. (Eaglesham & Jopson, 2006) The whole OFR consultation process can only leave one more concerned than ever that whilst stakeholders may be consulted their opinions are ignored by companies and the government alike. Whereas the views of all are seemingly invited it seems the interests of the British economy are paramount and that this is equated with business/shareholder interests which any understanding or consensus reached must not prejudice. Concluding comments The above analysis suggests that the proposed, but scrapped, mandatory reporting of social and environmental information via the OFR proposals was likely to be as ineective as voluntary disclosure of such information in a special purpose report in terms of facilitating action on the part of organisational stakeholders. The common feature of both approaches lies in the fact that administrative (reporting) reform is viewed in isolation from any necessary institutional reform which may provide the means for stakeholders to hold company directors accountable for actions aecting their vital interests. As Williamson (1997) argues; Disclosure of information can only have limited eect . . . because the likelihood of it leading to action depends on the ability of others to use information in forums in which they have a legitimate voice. (p. 160) It is quite impossible to envisage stakeholder accountability being established in a situation where company directors acknowledge enforceable duties only to shareholders and, at least in AngloSaxon capitalism, pursue a pre-occupation with maximising shareholder value (see Collison, 2003; Bakan, 2004). For stakeholder accountability to be established, a far more pluralistic form of corporate governance would be required. There would need to be a clear recognition that there are other normatively legitimate stakeholders than simply equity shareholders alone (Phillips, Freeman, & Wicks, 2003). Other groups after all, particularly employees, make rm specic investments

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and incur risks in the same way in which shareholders do. To deny them representation in the governance of the company therefore appears somewhat dicult to justify on moral grounds (see, for example, Gamble & Kelly, 2001). What has to be recognised is that despite the claims of writers such as Sternberg (2004), for whom stakeholder theory is a deeply dangerous doctrine, the corporation is not coextensive with the shareholders. As Phillips et al. (2003) note; It is an entity unto itself. It may enter into contracts and own property . . . It has standing in a court of law. Limited liability assures that shareowners are not, in general, personally liable for the debts of the organisation . . . Top managers are agents for the corporation and this is not merely a shorthand way of saying that they are agents for the shareholders. The corporation is meaningfully distinct. (p. 483) Kay (1997) similarly rebuts the notion that shareholders in any real sense own the company, as opposed to having particular and specic claims upon it, and points out that the organic model of corporate behaviour (whereby the corporation has a life independent from its shareholders) describes the behaviour of large companies and their managers somewhat better than does the prevalent principal-agent perspective. Criticisms of the organic, stakeholder, model of the organisation traditionally focus upon problems in pursuing multiple objectives and balancing benets for all stakeholders thereby establishing an accountability that is so diuse as to be ineective (see, in particular, Sternberg, 2004). However, as Phillips et al. (2003) argue, the stakeholder model does not advocate that managers serve the interests of multiple masters, but rather the interests of one the organisation. They go on to point out that maximisation of shareholder wealth in itself is an indeterminate objective, given the innumerable ways in which it may be pursued. Furthermore, the diuse accountability argument can readily be countered by establishing a stakeholder statute prescribing corporate objectives and responsibilities towards specied stakeholder groups (see Kay, 1997).

Whilst the corporate lobby apparently espouses a commitment to stakeholder responsiveness, and even accountability, their claims are pitched at the level of mere rhetoric which ignores key issues such the establishment of rights and transfer of power to stakeholder groups. Hierarchical (Roberts, 1996) and coercive (Habermas, 1992) power prevent the form of accountability that can be achieved through discussion and dialogue. This paper provides evidence that the executive management of organizations and, perhaps even more worryingly, the government make use of one-dimensional power (Lukes, 2005) within the decision-making process to favour shareholders over all other interested groups. In the words of Lukes (2005, p. 19), one-dimensional power: involves a focus on behaviour in the making of decisions on issues over which there is an observable conict of (subjective) interests, seen as express policy preferences, revealed by political participation. (emphasis in original) The use of one-dimensional power was apparent in how the prominence given to stakeholders was reduced subsequent to the vehement corporate responses to the OFR Materiality Working Groups 2003 consultation document. We also saw that the proposed mandatory nature of the OFR itself, and particularly any potential social and environmental disclosures, was removed by Gordon Brown to ensure that not too great a burden was placed on business. Such government decisions observably favoured shareholder interests. It is much more dicult to comment upon whether organizations and the government also favour shareholders through the use of two-dimensional and three-dimensional power where decisions are prevented from being taken on potential issues (p. 25) and the ways in which potential issues are kept out of politics (p. 28) respectively. We could suggest that the failure of governments to even consider, or consult on, requiring signicantly extended corporate social and environmental reporting is an example of three-dimensional power being used to protect corporations and their shareholders. Of course, as Lukes (2005) explained, it is very dicult to obtain evidence to support or refute such a suggestion.


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Stoney and Winstanley (2001) point out that it is quite fallacious to imagine that . . . stakeholding can change the corporate balance of power without the support of wider societal reform (p. 613). As we have argued in this paper, it is equally fallacious to imagine that accountability to stakeholders can be established by reporting reform alone. Signicantly, the Company Law Review Steering Group, whose deliberations resulted in the 2002 White Paper, considered, and roundly rejected, the adoption of a pluralist approach towards dening directors duties (DTI, 2000). Under such an approach company directors would have owed an enforceable accountability to a wider range of stakeholders than merely capital providers. For one inuential commentator (Cowe, 2000) its rejection simply ensured that stakeholder rights are no longer on the agenda, and Victorian age company law is set to stay. Certainly, the OFR proposals produced under the aegis of the preferred enlightened shareholder, or inclusive, model (DTI, 2000) did little to enhance corporate transparency and, even more fundamentally, it is quite impossible to envisage how stakeholders could have eectively utilised the information provided anyway. The latter point can equally be made about the, admittedly copious, information contained in stand alone social and environmental reports. Whilst sometimes not explicitly acknowledged, the same enlightened shareholder perspective underpins these latter initiatives, albeit going under the banner of the business case in this instance. It is indeed salutary to recall that some thirty years ago reporting reform was advocated on the grounds of establishing public accountability (Accounting Standards Steering Committee, 1975). Despite the level of administrative reform experienced since that time we have clearly gone backwards as far as moves to establish a wider corporate accountability is concerned. Such a situation cannot change unless the nettle of institutional reform is rmly grasped.

David Woodward, participants at the 2004 Corporate Governance and Ethics: Beyond Contemporary Perspectives Conference and sta seminars at the universities of Southampton and Wellington, together with those of two anonymous reviewers on earlier drafts of this paper are gratefully acknowledged.

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Acknowledgements The comments of Rob Gray, Chris Humphrey, Bill Lee, Brendan ODwyer, Jerey Unerman,

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