Lisa Dadush 9th Global History

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9th Grade Global History and Geography 2013-2014 Course Outline A. 3 Simple Rules 1. Be PUNCTUAL. 2. Be PREPARED. 3. Be PRESENT.

Ms. L. Dadush

B. Coursework and Objectives 1. Global History and Geography is a two year course culminating with a NYS United States History and Government Regents Exam at the end of 10th grade! 2. Coursework spans the history of world through the present time. 3. Students will use prior knowledge as a foundation to gain new information and awareness of the worlds development and how the current world was created. 4. Students will develop comprehension skills through text as well as writing skills based on related topics. C. Homework 1. Given 3-4 nights a week and is due the following day unless specified. 2. Must be completed on a separate sheet of paper (NOT ON NOTES) to be collected (unless a worksheet) 3. Late work is NOT tolerated! If a student misses a homework assignment, it must be completed by the following day for half credit to be given. D. Tests and Quizzes 1. Tests are given 2-3 times during each trimester. 2. Quizzes are given throughout each unit both announced and surprise! E. Projects and Reports To be determined throughout the units. F. Course grade is calculated using the following percentages: Tests Quizzes Homework Class work activities Projects/Reports NY Times Summer Reading 25% 10% 20% 15% 20% 10%

G. Supplies 1. Loose-leaf binder & paper (or 5 subject notebook) minimum size, 1 inches 3. Blue and/or black pens H. Discipline Policy

4. 5. 6. 7.

Sturdy Folder Subject dividers/tabs Highlighter Access to a newspaper, weekly

1. Students must abide by the discipline and school policies.


You may email me at [email protected] or via Engrade (username: lisadadush) with questions or concerns about assignments.

Ms. L. Dadush

Global History and Geography

I have read and agree to adhere to the class policies and guidelines. Return completed and signed by you and your parent(s) on the second day of school. Student: Name (printed) ____________________________ Cell phone number ________________________ Email address ____________________________________________________ Parent: Name (printed) ____________________________ Cell phone number ________________________ Email address ______________________________________________________ Best way to contact you (email or phone) (please list if different from above or any other specific instructions): _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ___ Signature _________________________ Signature _________________________

9th Grade Global History and Geography Syllabus

1: Early People and River Civilizations

(Themes: Human and physical geography, government, religion, contributions, diversity) a. Prehistory and Early Peoples b. The Neolithic Revolution c. The Rise of Civilizations d. Egypt e. Mesopotamia f. Indus River Valley g. Mediterranean Civilizations

2: Classical Civilizations (Golden Ages) (Themes: geography, government, religion, contributions)

a. b. c. d. China India Greece Rome

3: Emergence and Spread of Belief Systems (characteristics, geography, similarities, differences, DIVERSITY)
a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Hinduism Buddhism Chinese Philosophies Judaism Christianity Islam Animism

4: Byzantine Empire and Russia

a. Geography b. Achievements c. Influence on Russia

5: Gupta Empire in India 6: Tang and Song Dynasties in China a. The Rise and Fall of Dynasties b. Government and Society c. Economic Achievements d. Literature and Arts e. Chinese Influence on Japan 7: Islamic Civilization
a. The Spread of Islam

b. Divisions within Islam c. Islams Golden Age

8: Medieval Europe
a. b. c. d. e. Geography Empires Feudalism The Church Cultural Achievements

9: Crusades
a. Causes of Crusades b. Impact of Crusades

10: The Resurgence of Europe

a. b. c. d. The Commercial Revolution The Renaissance and Humanism Reformation and Counter-Reformation Rise of Nation-States

11: Japan a. Geography b. Shintoism c. Diffusion from Korea and China d. Feudal Japan e. The Tokugawa Shogunate 12: Mongols a. Genghis Khan b. Impact c. Decline 13: Ming Dynasty
a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. e. Restoration of Chinese Rule Economic and Cultural Achievements China and the West Chinas Impact within Asia Geography Traditional Society and Culture Rise and Fall of African Kingdoms Global Trade Contributions

14: African Civilizations - Ghana, Mali, and Songhai

15: Mesoamerica Mayas, Aztecs, Incas

a. Geography b. Government c. Religion

d. Achievements

16. The Ottoman Empire 17: Explorations, Encounters, and Imperialism a. Technology b. Explorers c. Imperialism d. Conquistadors e. Reasons for Spanish success f. Triangular Trade g. The Spanish Empire h. Columbian Exchange i. Mercantilism Note: The following topics are sometimes covered at the end of the year or are the start of the 10th grade course. 18: Absolutism and the Puritan Revolution a. Global Absolutism b. Reaction to Absolutism in England 19: Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment a. New ways of thinking b. Leading thinkers of the Enlightenment c. Impact of the Enlightenment

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