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Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

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R.R. Joshi, R.A. Gupta and A.K. Wadhwani
R. R. Joshi is with Department of Electrical Engineering, CTAE, Udaipur (Raj.), India;
R. A. Gupta is with Department of Electrical Engineering, MNIT, Jaipur, (Raj.), India;
A. K. Wadhwani is with Department of Electrical Engineering, MITS, Gwalior (MP), India

This paper proposes a new control algorithm for a matrix converter (MC) induction motor drive system.
First, a new switching strategy, which applies a back-propagation neural network to adjust a pseudo dc
bus voltage, is proposed to reduce the current harmonics of the induction motor. Next, a two-degree-of-
freedom controller is proposed to improve the system performance. The controller design algorithm can
be applied in an adjustable speed control system and a position control system to obtain good transient
responses and good load disturbance rejection abilities. The implementation of this kind of controller is
only possible by using a high-speed digital signal processor. In this paper, all the control loops, including
current-loop, speed-loop, and position-loop, are implemented by TMS320C6711 digital signal processor.
Several experimental results are shown to validate the theoretical analysis.
Index Terms— Matrix converter, Adjustable speed control system, controller design algorithm, control
loops, load disturbance rejection.

KT Torque constant
I* Ideal current command
Te* Ideal torque command
ICref Required compensating current
∆wr(k) Speed error of motor at sampling interval k
α(k) Change of speed error at sampling interval k
Gc(z) Transfer function of PI controller
Gp(z) Transfer function of simplified plant
N(I*) Describing function of the current limiter
µn Grade of the membership function
wik, vkj, Parameters of the neural
θ hk, network obtained from and
θ oi the off-line learning
The matrix converter (MC) has
received considerable attention in recent years. correction were applied in a matrix converter
The ac/ac matrix converter has many [1] and [2]. Several methods have been
advantages. For example, it uses only nine bi- proposed to improve the performance of the
directional switches and does not require any dc matrix converter.
links. In addition, it has a high-power-factor, For instance, an optimum-amplitude
sinusoidal input current, bi-directional power matrix converter was implemented to increase
flow, and low switching frequency on each its output voltage and a switching strategy to
power device. Different switching schemes for reduce the harmonic content of the input current
an ac/ac matrix converter have been proposed to under unbalanced conditions was proposed [3]
achieve sinusoidal input and output current and [4]. Several different commutation
waveforms. For example, the space vector techniques have been proposed to safely
modulating method and input power factor commutate the power devices of the matrix

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

© 2007 JATIT. All rights reserved.


converter. For instance, a dead time technique 7. It may be used as direct frequency
and an overlap-time commutation method were changer, converting a fixed ac or dc
used to improve the commutating performance source into a variable ac or dc supply.
[5] and [6]. 8. Compact converter design.
Many researchers have studied the 9. No dc-link components.
matrix converters that drive AC motors. For Most of the previous publications on
example, a matrix converter was developed to matrix converters have dealt with modulation
drive an induction motor [7] and [8]. These strategies [1]–[6], or with aspects of adjustable
studies focused on the new type of matrix speed control [7]–[11]. Very few publications
converter and the field-oriented control in have considered the controller design for the
adjustable-speed induction drive systems. In matrix converter based ac drive system [11],
addition, a 30-hp matrix converter was applied and only some simulated results have been
in an induction motor to adjust its speed. The provided. In addition, the previous publications
current harmonics, however, were large because did not discuss the position control for the
only the high bus voltage was selected [9]. matrix converter based ac drive system. The
Some researchers investigated the clamp position control includes an inner speed control
(snubber) circuit design for a matrix converter loop. If the speed cannot be adjusted from a
based on an induction drive system [10]. This very low speed to a high speed with precise
research, however, only focused on clamp control, the inner speed loop of the position
circuit design. Recently, in [11], combining the control system becomes nonlinear. Then, the
principle of sliding mode, DTC (Direct torque performance of the position control is seriously
control), and SVM (Space vector modulation) in deteriorated. As a result, the position control is
high performance sensorless AC drive has been more challenging than the speed control system
investigated. Efforts towards applying for other ac motors.
intelligent techniques in resolving MC problems In this paper, a back-propagation
are scarce in the literature. neural network is used to adjust the pseudo dc-
The matrix converter is superior to the bus voltage of the matrix converter according to
traditional PWM (Pulse width modulation) the motor speed and the output current deviation
drives because of regeneration ability and of the matrix converter. As a result, the
sinusoidal input current .Therefore it meets the switching pattern of the matrix converter is new.
stringent energy-efficiency and power quality In addition, a matrix converter based induction
requirements of the new century. Matrix motor drive system is developed. A two-degree-
converter can be considered to be a direct of-freedom controller is used for the drive
converter, in this respect similar to a system. The implementation of this kind of
cycloconverter, because, first, it doesn’t employ controller is only possible by using a high speed
a dc link and, secondly the output waveforms digital signal processor. In this paper, all the
are composed of switched segments of the input current, speed, and position-loops are
waveforms. The matrix converter therefore implemented by a digital signal processor,
possesses the advantages of both the TMS320C6711. This system has several
cycloconverter and the PWM drive, as improvements over previously published
summarized below : papers, which selected the highest pseudo dc-
1. It can operate in all four quadrants of the bus voltage and focused on the implementation
torque-speed plane because of its of the matrix converter and its applications in
regeneration capability. speed-control drive systems only [7]–[11].
2. Its input current waveform is sinusoidal In this paper, first, a new switching
and the input power factor is unity strategy for an ac/ac matrix converter is
3. The input power factor may be controlled presented. The current harmonics of the matrix
across the whole speed range. converter induction motor drive system have
4. There is no dc link and therefore no been effectively reduced. Second, a two-degree-
requirement for energy storage devices of-freedom optimal control algorithm is applied.
5. The output voltage and input current By using this optimization algorithm, a
waveforms can be controlled such that satisfactory Servo drive can be achieved. The
they are near sinusoidal in form. forward controller determines the transient
6. The harmonic distortion that is incurred response. On the other hand, the load
is at high frequencies compensator determines the load disturbance
response. The forward controller and the load

urnal of Theoretical and Applied
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compensator canc be individuually designed. As a the optimal selection

s of thhe bus voltagee. This
result, a two--degree-of-freeedom controlleer can method, howeever, requires a lot of computtations
be obtained. ForF speed conntrol, the adjuustable and is difficcult to impleement. An off-line
speed range iss from 1 r/min to rated speedd. The learning neurral network is therefore propposed.
system can also perform m precise poosition Fig. 2(a) shoows the structuure of the prooposed
control. The steady-state
s errror is ± 1 b, which
w neural networrk which includes an input laayer, a
is caused by the truncationn error or rounnd off hidden layerr, and an output layer. The
error of the diigital signal proocessor. The syystem parameters off the synaptic weights are off-line
can track a triangular tim me-varying poosition trained. The input
i state varriables are the motor
command weell. As a resuult, the system m has speed and cuurrent deviatioon because theey are
satisfactory performance
p as a servo drive related to the bus voltage. For example, a higher
system. It hass a fast responnse and a goodd load speed range requires a high bus voltaage to
disturbance rejjection capabillity. produce the required currrent regulatioon. In
To th
he author’s besst knowledge, this is addition, the current
c deviatiions during traansient
the first timee that a twoo-degree-of-freeedom response andd steady-state conditions appear a
controller withh parameter opptimization hass been different and thus require diifferent bus vooltages
applied in matrix
m converteer induction motor
m to reduce the deviations.
drive system m. Implementtation of a high
performance induction mottor position-control The parameters off the neural nettwork,
system driven n by a matrix converter
c is allso an wik, vkj, θ hk , and θ oi are obbtained from thhe off-
original idea. The proposed method has seeveral line learning processes. Thhe off-line learning
advantages. The T design procedures
p of the algorithm is shown in Figg. 2 (b). Firsst, we
control law reequire only alggebraic computtation. obtain somee desired trraining data from
In addition, th he implementaation of the control experimental results. Then, we can execuute the
law is relativ vely simple using
u a high--speed training proocess to obtain the required
digital signal processor
p TMS S320C6711. parameters wik , vkj, θ hk , and θ oi . In I the
This paper is structured as follow ws. In application off the back-proopagation algoorithm,
section II, neural
n networkk based swittching two passes arre required: thhe forward passs and
strategy is discussed. Inn section III, fuzzy the backwardd pass. In thee forward passs, the
controller design with torque pulsation synaptic weigghts remain unaltered
u throuughout
improvement is described. In section IV,, DSP the network. The forward pass input state
based implem mentation is deescribed. Sectiion V variables are the
t motor speeed and the maxximum
and VI pro ovide experim mental results and absolute valuue of the three-phase
t c
conclusions respectively,, followed by deviations. The
T backward pass, on the other
references. hand, starts ata the output layer
l by passinng the
error signals leftward
l througgh the networkk, layer
by layer, and recursively coomputing the reelative
weight correections and then t adjusting the
synaptic weigghts.

Fig.1. Basic Matrix connverter topologyy


A multilayer
m neuraal network is used
here to determmine the bus vooltage of the matrix
converter. It iss possible to coompute the reqquired
voltage vectorr of the motor, and then deteermine (a)

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

© 2007 JATIT. All rights reserved.


A compensation current command is

designed to produce an ideal torque. The
relationship between the compensation
command and the ideal torque is shown as
Te* = KTl* = a0 (θr) + KT I ref
(1 + a1 (θr)) (3)
xj yi
BPNN where Te* is the ideal torque command, and Icref
is the required compensating current command.
vkj θsk wik θoi
Now, it is easy to obtain the compensation
current command as
c = l* a 0 (θ r )
− (4)
∆Vki, ∆θsk, I ref
1 + a1 (θ r ) K T (1 + a1 (θ r ))
∆Wik, ∆θoi Error di
signal The proportional - integral (PI)
generator controller has been widely used in industry for a
long time due to its simplicity and reliability.
(b) Unfortunately, by using a fixed PI controller, it
Fig. 2. Neural network (a) On-line NN (b) Off- is difficult to obtain both a good transient
line parameter tuning response and a good load disturbance rejection.
It is possible to tune the PI controller by using a
III. TORQUE PULSATION IMPROVEMENT self-tuning algorithm. However, this method is
AND FUZZY CONTROLLER very complicated and is difficult to implement.
Unfortunately, in the real world, the A fuzzy algorithm is therefore proposed to
torque pulsation can be produced in many adjust the parameters of the PI controller. Both
different ways. First, the rotor magnetic flux a good transient response and a good load
flows through a minimum reluctance path to the disturbance rejection capability can be achieved
stator, which produces cogging torque. Second, by using this method. First, the state variables
the analog-to-digital (A/D) converter and Hall- of this system are defined as
effect current sensors have offset biases and
thus produce torque pulsation. Finally, the ∆ω r (k ) = ω r* − ω r (k )
phase currents and motor back emf are affected α(k) = [∆ωr(k) – ∆ωr(k – 1)]/T (5)
by the undesired high-order harmonics. In order
to describe the real torque, a simple where ∆ ωr(k) is the speed error of the motor at
mathematical model, which is related to the sampling interval k, α (k) is the change of the
rotor position of the motor and the current speed error at sampling interval k, and T is the
command, is used as [9] sampling interval of the drive system.
Then, the PI controller is tuned
Te (θr, I*) = a0 (θr) + KTI* (1 + a1(θr)) (1) according to the proposed fuzzy algorithm. The
where a0 and a1 are the parameters relative to acceptable tuning range of the PI controller can
torque pulsation, KT is the torque constant be determined as follows. A saturation-type
which is equal to Lmd Ifd and I* is the ideal current limiter exists in the forward loop. The
current command. The parameter a0 ( θ r) reason is that the matrix converter has its
includes the torque pulsation due to the cogging allowable maximum current to avoid damage to
torque and the current offset in the drives. It can the solid-state power devices. The current
be measured by setting the I* to zero, and then limiter is a nonlinear element which may cause
measuring the relative torque in different shaft limit cycles of the speed response. In order to
angles. The parameter a1( θ r) includes the avoid producing limit cycles, the parameters of
the PI controller should be limited within a
torque pulsation related to the harmonic
reasonable range. The describing function
contents, and the phase misalignment of the
technique is used here to determine the range of
current and the back emf profiles. It can be
the parameters of the PI controller. In the
calculated by using the following equation :
discrete-time domain, the transfer function in
Te (θ r , I * ) − a 0 (θ r ) − K T I * (2)
a1 (θ r ) = the forward-loop is
KT I * K T K p ( z −1) + K1 z (6)
Gf(z) = Gc(z) Gp(z) = T
Jm ( z −1) 2

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where Gc(z) isi the transfer function of the t PI

controller, Gp(z) is the transfer function of o the
simplified plannt, and Jm is thhe equivalent inertia
of the systemm. Then, we can c use the biilinear
transformationn, z = (1 + ω)/(l - ω), to obtainn

Gj(ω) = K T T [− ( K l + 2 K p ) ω + 2 K p ω + K I ] (7)

4 J mω 2

The Gf (w) can be trannsformed intoo the

frequency dom
main. The currrent limiter can be (a)
approximated by its describing function

2 ⎡ I * maax ⎛ I * maax ⎞ *
−1 I max
⎤ (8)
N(I*) = ⎢ cos ⎜⎜ sin −1 ⎟⎟ + sin ⎥
π ⎣ I* ⎝ I *
⎠ I *

where N(I*) is i the describing function of o the

current limiterr, I*max is the maximum
m allow
current of the inverter. The closed-loop syystem
exhibits limit cycles
c if Gf(jω) and -1/N inteersect.
It is easy to obbserve that the magnitude of N(I*)
is always posiitive and variees from 0 to 1.. As a
result, the phaase of - 1/N is always
a - 180 deegrees
and the magn nitude of -1/N N varies from m 1 to (b)
infinity. Assu ume ωc is thhe phase crosssover Fig. 3. Membbership functioons. (a) Speed error.
frequency fo or Gf(jω).Thenn, the Gf(jw wc) is (b)) Change of sppeed error
approximated by The fuzzy-reasonin
f ng algorithm is based
|Gf(jωc)| ≅ KTT (2Kp + KI)/ (4Jm) (9)) on the charaacteristics of thet induction motor
drive system and the designner's experiencce. For
The condition foor the closedd-loop example, when the motor is starting, the t PI
system to be stable, is onne in which Gf(jwc) controller is adjusted
a to achhieve a fast respponse.
cannot interseect with -1/N. This,, then However, whhen the motoor is in a cloose to
implies that th
he |Gf(jωc)| sattisfies the folloowing steady-state condition, the PIP controller is tuned
inequality to avoid oscilllations of the speed response. The
0 < |G
Gf(jωc)| < 1 (10) details are as follows
f :
IF |∆ωr(k)| is big
b THEN Kp = Kp1, KI = KI11.
Finallly, the tuning range
r of the PII IF |∆ωr(k)| is small and |a(kk)| is big THEN N Kp =
controller can be obtained ass Kp2, KI = KI2.
0 < KTT (2Kp + KI) < 4Jm (11) IF |∆ωr(k)| is small and |α(kk)| is zero THE EN Kp
= Kp4, KI = KI4 I .
A. Membersh hip Functions and
a Fuzzy Conttrol IF |∆ωr(k)| is zero
z THEN Kp = Kp5, KI = KI5.
Law :
The membership
m fuunctions are ussed to The parameters Kpl p - Kp5 and KI1 - KI5
describe the compatibility
c or degree of truth. should satisfy
fy tuning rangge of PI conttroller,
The speed erro or is divided innto three categgories: keeping in mind, these parameterss are
the large erroor, the small error, and thee zero determined byy the designer'ss experience.
error and is shown
s in Fig. 3(a). Then, anny ∆ B. Defuzzificaation:
wr(k) may hav ve different meembership functions The center of areaa (COA) methhod is
which are related
r to thhe three diffferent used to obtaiin the PI paraameters. In orrder to
categories. In Fig. 3(b), the change of the speed consider the effect of bothh the state variiables,
error is α (k), which can be divided into three ∆ wr and α the intersectioon of the grade of the
categories as well. The maxximum value of o the membership function
f with ∆ wr and α is
s as 400 rad/s2 due
change of the speed error is set calculated as
to the curren nt limitation and inertia of o the µn = µ∆ωr∆a = min ((µµ(∆ωr), µ(α))
induction moto or drive systemm.

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

© 2007 JATIT. All rights reserved.


5 5 line currents are measured by two Hall-effect

Kp = ∑
n =1
µ n K pn / ∑ µ n
n =1
(12) current sensors. The other feedback quantities
are the absolute rotor shaft angle and motor
5 5 speed, which can be obtained by the revolver
KI = ∑
n =1
µ n K In / ∑ µ n
n =1
mounted on the motor shaft. The parameters of
the induction motor are shown as follows. The
(13) stator resistance is 0.40 Ω /phase, the d-axis
where µ n is the grade of the inductance is 6.7 mH, the q-axis inductance is
membership function in the different categories. 6.7 mH, the inertia of the motor and
Finally the control input u is set as dynamometer is 0.0233 N*m*s2/rad, and the
k torque constant is 0.643 N*m/A. The current
u = Kp∆ωr(k) + KI ∑ ∆ω
r (i ) limitation of the matrix converter is ± 14 A.

Fig. 4 shows the measured speed

responses of the matrix converter drive system
with different control methods. Fig. 4(a) is the
transient responses with a speed command of
500 r/min. Fig. 4(b) is the load disturbance
A TMS320C6711 digital signal
responses when a 2 N*m extemal load is added
processor was used for on-line calculation of the
at a speed of 500 r/min. According to Fig. 4(a)
switch timings. The DSP is mounted on a PC-
and Fig. 4(b), the proposed control algorithm,
compatible card, the Evaluation Module (EVM)
which uses fuzzy logic to adjust the PI
to facilitate the development process. An
controller parameters, performs better than the
additional interface card was used for outputting
fixed PI controllers.
the calculated switch timings. This comprises of
programmable timers, clock, a EPROM, I/O
The traditional PWM drive system
port and a few logic gates. Both DSP and
employ either a traditional rectifier or a PWM
interface card are plugged in a PC which
rectifier to convert the source voltage in the
provides a convenient means for data
required dc voltage. A PWM inverter is
communication and user interface. Any control
normally used to convert the dc voltage to the
algorithm for a matrix converter must be
required ac output voltage and frequency.
synchronized with the input voltage cycle so
Smaller power converters may employ PWM
that the calculation of switch timings can be
converter and inverters using IGBT devices.
correctly performed. This is achieved by using
Larger PWM drives, often favours diode
the software phase-lock-loop (PLL) which
Rectifier Bridge, therby overcoming the reverse
detects the zero-crossing of the input phase
voltage limitation of the IGBT devices. The
voltage. An interrupt pulse generated at each
matrix converter is superior to the traditional
zero-crossing will cause the DSP to initialize
PWM drives because of regeneration ability and
appropriate variables for calculation. The
sinusoidal input current. Therefore it meets the
general requirements for generating the switch
stringent energy-efficiency and power quality
control signals for a matrix converter on-line in
requirements of the new century.
real-time are listed as follows :
¾ Computation of the switch duty cycles
must be completed within one
switching period.
¾ Accurate timing of the pulse-pattern
output should be achieved, and
¾ The computational process must be
synchronized with the input-voltage
sinusoidal cycle.


An experimental prototype matrix

converter drive system based on the proposed
control method has been constructed. The motor (a)

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

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Fig. 4. Measured speed response at 500 r/min (b)
(a) transient (b) load disturbance

Fig. 5 shows the measured a-phase

currents in steady-state. Fig. 5(a) shows the a-
phase current at 100 r/min and 2 N*m by using
the traditional method. Fig. 5(b) shows the a-
phase current in the same condition by using the
proposed method. The proposed method
performs better. Fig. 5(c) shows the a-phase
current at 500 r/min and 2 N*m by using the
traditional method proposed in reference paper
[5]. Fig. 5(d) shows the a-phase current in the
same situation by using the proposed method.
The proposed method performs better again. (c)
Fig. 5(e) shows the a-phase current at 1500
r/min and 2 N*m by using the traditional
method. Fig. 5(f) shows the a-phase current in
the same condition by using the proposed
method. The proposed method has similar
performance to the traditional one when the
motor is operated at a rated speed. The major
reason for this is that almost the highest bus
voltage switching patterns are selected as the
motor is operated at a rated speed. According to
Fig. 5, we can observe that the proposed method
can effectively reduce the current deviations in
a low or middle speed range.

(a) (e)

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(f) (b)

Fig. 5. Measured steady-state stator currents. (a)

Traditional at 100 r/min. (b) Proposed at 100
r/min. (c) Traditional at 500 r/min. (d) Proposed
at 500 r/min. (e) Traditional at 1500 dmin. (f)
Proposed at 1500 r/min..

Fig. 6 shows the low speed responses

of 1 r / min. Fig. 6(a) is the speed response of
the traditional method proposed in [5]. Fig. 6(b)
is the speed response obtained by using the
neural-network learning technique without
using torque compensation. Fig. 6(c) is the (c)
speed response when using the neural network Fig. 6. Low speed responses. (a) Traditional
learning technique and torque compensation. method.
This method can obtain a smooth speed with (b) Proposed method without torque
small ripples. compensation. (c) Proposed method with
torque compensation

In this paper, design and implementation of a
novel matrix converter induction motor system
has been investigated. All the control
algorithms, which include the switching
strategy, the coordinate transformation, the
speed control, and the position control, are
executed by a digital signal processor
TMS320C6711.This paper has provided a
systematic and analytic approach for designing
a high performance matrix converter induction
(a) motor drive system. The proposed design
approach has been validated by actual
implementation. Moreover, this design approach
can be applied in both the speed and the
position control system with an added
advantage that the implemented system is
These research results concerning
intelligent control scheme and robustness of the
bidirectional switch commutation have led to
innovative solutions and from technical point of
view industrial use seem to be reasonable now.
The impact of these results on the future work

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

© 2007 JATIT. All rights reserved.


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