Introduction of PLS-CADD PDF

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E i Engineer : Dilzar Dil Abd Abdulrahman l h Saeed S d

Introduction of PLS-CADD

PLS-CADD Power Line Systems - Computer Aided Design and Drafting the most powerful overhead power line design program on the market runs under Microsoft Windows features an easy to use graphical user interface. integrates all aspects of line design into a single standalone program with a simple, logical, consistent interface.

Its sophistication and integration leads to more cost-effective designs being produced only y a fraction of the time required q by y traditional methods. The PLS-CADD solution is so clearly superior to any alternative that in the last five years alone, it has been adopted by more than organizations in over countries. countries

Three Dimensional Engineering Model

The heart of PLS-CADD is a sophisticated threedimensional engineering model. model the terrain the structures all the wires The model can be viewed in a number of different ways: profile views p plan views plan & profile sheets -D views staking ki li lists...

Three Dimensional Engineering Model

Fig. profile views

Fig. plan views

Fig. -D views

Fig. plan & profile sheets

Three Dimensional Engineering Model

The PLS-CADD model is much more than just a picture or CAD drawing since PLS-CADD understands the relationship between these elements. When you drag a structure off the current alignment: New profiles will be generated All affected structure and wire positions are updated. The effects of this structure move will be instantly visible in all views including the plan & profile sheet view. In PLS-CADD you concentrate on designing your line instead of wasting g your y time drafting. g

Terrain Model
Having a customizable data import routine that can read d a wide id range of f survey data d t formats, f t PLS-CADD PLS CADD easily adapts to the wide range of technologies used for line surveys including total station instruments, instruments airborne lasers and photogrammetry. Survey y data can be accepted p in both the p plan and the profile coordinate systems. Survey data can be keyed in, can be digitized using the built in heads-up digitizer, or can be electronically imported from a survey data file.

Terrain Model
Superposition of planimetric maps and aerial photographs can be b used d to t better b tt visualize i li the th area around d your line. li When sufficient data are available PLS-CADD can give you an even better b perspective i using i contour lines, li color l renderings and even draped aerial photographs. Altering your line route is easily accomplished by dragging P.I. points with the mouse or by clicking on locations where here you o want ant to add or delete P.I. P I points. points Line route changes are instantly reflected in all views.

Terrain Model
The right pane of this g shows a top p view of a image line superposed over an aerial photo. The contour lines were generated from the digital terrain model and can be displayed at user selected intervals. The left pane of the image shows an isometric view of the same section of line in the right pane. This image was created by "draping" the same photo shown in the left pane over a digital terrain model. Fig. PLS-CADD Contour Lines and Draped Bitmap

Terrain Model

Fig. PLS-CADD Rendered Digital Terrain Model

This image shows lattice towers modeled with TOWER software as spotted and strung within PLS PLS-CADD. CADD The PLS PLS-CADD CADD model features orthorectified photographs draped over a digital terrain model.

Terrain Model
This animation cycles y through g different representations of the same terrain:

Fig. Terrain Model Animation

Points: Surveyed points are shown Triangles: Triangulated surface passing through surveyed points Contours: Contour lines at user specified i intervals l Rendered Triangles: Triangles filled with color g as a function of elevation and line of sight Draped Orthophoto: Triangles filled with color from orthophoto

Engineering Standards & Calculations

PLS-CADDs engineering functions are very flexible and are easily adapted to conform to your standards. standards defining the combinations of wind, ice, temperature and safety y factors y you wish to use. tell the program which combinations to use for loading trees, for insulator swing checks, for clearance checks, wire tension checks... work in either imperial or metric units and can even switch back and forth between these unit systems. systems The fact that over countries use PLS-CADD is a testament to its adaptability to a wide range of standards. standards

Engineering Standards & Calculations

Once standards are setup you are only a few mouse clicks away from engineering calculations. Select "Structure/Check" and click on a structure and you are told if you have a structure strength or insulator swing problem. Select "Section/Sag-Tension" and click on a span and you get a sag-tension report. Clearances, Clearances loading trees and many other functions are just as easily accessed.

Engineering Standards & Calculations

PLS-CADD supports both automatic and manual spotting. Manual M l Spotting: S i you use the h mouse to add, dd delete, d l edit di or move a structure. Automatic Spotting: the program spots structures for you to obtain the lowest cost design possible subject to your constraints. y Automatic spotting often results in designs as much as % lower in cost than human generated designs. PLS-CADD gives you the best of both the automatic and the manual spotting worlds: cost and time savings while still maintaining control.

Advanced Sag Sag-Tension Tension

PLS-CADD has built in sag-tension g routines. You can quickly display your line in -d for any weather condition complete with insulator swings and wire i blowout. bl Clearances from wires to ground or between phases can also be calculated under any weather conditions. conditions Loading trees, stringing charts, galloping ellipses, IEEE Std. thermal ratings, g , and offset clipping pp g results are all easily accessed.

Advanced Sag Sag-Tension Tension

PLS-CADD goes beyond ordinary sag-tension programs. Running ACSR conductors at high temperature can cause the aluminum strands to go into compression. Most sag-tension programs do not model this effect and thus underestimate the sags. PLS-CADD can model your line b th with both ith and d without ith t the th compression effect so you can see how severe it is. is

Fig. The temperature of ACSR with changing current

Advanced Sag Sag-Tension Tension

In its sag-tension calculations, PLS-CADD uses ruling g span p approximations pp SAPS multi-span finite element sag-tension program when the ruling span isn't appropriate, PLS-CADD bypasses its built in sag-tension routine and uses SAPS instead. It allows modeling of broken conductors conductors, unbalanced ice, marker balls, and flexible structure scenarios that are incompatible with ruling span approximations. It also allows fixing the length of wire in each span to see the impact of moving structures, inserting structures or cutting out wire in an existing line.

Structure Modeling
PLS-CADD provides several methods for modeling structures. the wind & weight span method: the simplest you need d only l enter t values l of f allowable ll bl wind i d & weight i ht spans, allowable suspension insulator swing angles and the coordinates of the wire attachment points. points structure programs: a far more powerful These programs g construct a finite element model from some basic input quantities such as pole height, pole class, cross-arm size and guy placement.

Structure Modeling
When such a structure is checked PLS-CADD tells you: if the th structure t t is i adequate d t displays a color-coded picture showing which parts of the structure are most highly stressed Users have complete flexibility in changing g g tensions, , conductors and loading g agendas g and can see the results of these changes on structure usage in seconds. accommodating guyed structures, frames and even lattice towers. This method is ideal for upgrade studies of existing lines

Structure Modeling

Fig. Color-coded pictures for structure modeling

Material Subsystem
PLS-CADD features a powerful material subsystem for cost t estimation ti ti and d material t i l list li t generation. ti Parts data such as stock-number, part description, cost and custom user defined columns can be entered directly into PLS-CADD. Assemblies can be created from p parts and/or other assemblies. Alternatively, PLS-CADD can extract parts information from an existing company database.
All ODBC compliant databases such as Oracle, Access and DB are supported and PLS-CADD is easily configured to access existing database schemas.

Material Subsystem
Parts and assemblies are tied to structures enabling g PLS-CADD to estimate the cost of structures or your entire line. A number b of f different diff material i l and d staking ki li list reports are available and can be easily exported to spreadsheets or ODBC databases for use in asset management or work order systems.

PLS-CADD totally automates plan & profile sheet drafting. drafting Plan & profile sheets are updated real-time as you make changes g to y your design. g With a few keystrokes y these sheets can be plotted to a Windows compatible printer/plotter or they can be imported into your CAD system. Custom drawing borders, title blocks and company logos are all automatically a tomaticall integrated into planimetric drawings and aerial photographs

PLS-CADD adapts to your standards giving you full control over page size, page layout, text size, scales and many other sheet parameters. Customers typically report that PLS-CADD reduces th i drafting their d fti time ti by b over %. %

This image shows a PLSCADD plan & profile sheet featuring the following attachments: PLANBCH.DXF: A DXF plan view drawing containing the tree lines, edges of roads, road names... PAGEPLS DXF: A DXF PAGEPLS.DXF: drawing of the page border and title block to be included on each sheet. SOUTH BMP Th SOUTH.BMP: The aerial i l photo bitmap. POWER.BMP: The Power Line Systems, Inc. logo bitmap shown on each page.

Fig. Fi PLS-CADD PLS CADD Pl Plan & Profile P fil Sheet Sh t With Page P Border, Plan Overlay, Logo and Aerial Photo

PLS-CADD addresses the reality:

terrain modeling Engineering Spotting drafting

Integrating all these functions into a single environment, PLS-CADD streamlines the design process.

Simplicity flexibility efficiency y

the state-of-the-art in sag-tension, g , structural analysis y and automatic spotting. From distribution wood poles all the way to kV or higher guyed frames and lattice towers, towers PLS-CADD has the power and flexibility to do it all.


- SQL Plus users guide. - Oracle data base online documentation.

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