Potential For Vicia and Lathyrus Species As New Grain and Fodder Legumes For Southern Australia.

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Potential for Vicia and Lathyrus species as new grain and fodder legumes for southern Australia.

Proceedings of the Vicia/Lathyrus Workshop, Perth, Western Australia 22 and 23 September, 1992

Edited by J R Garlinge and M W Perry

Co-operative Research Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, 1993. Occasional Publication No. 1

ISSN 1320-3665 ISBN 0 86422 276 9

P.S. Cocks Vetches (Vicia spp.) and Chicklings (Lathyrus spp.) in the Farming Systems in West Asia and North Africa and Improvement of these Crops at ICARDA. M.C. Saxena, AM. AbdElMoneim, andM. Ratinam Genetic Resources of Lathyrus and Vicia, and Associated Quarantine Problems. R. Reid, E. Bettencourt and J. Konopka The International and Local Market Prospects for Vicia and Lathyrus. RRees Toxins and Unpalatability Factors. M.E. TateandD. Enneking The Role of the Co-operative Research Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture in Developing New Legume Crops. M. W. Perry Regional Summary - New South Wales and Queensland. H.Marcellos Situation Statement for Vetches in South Australia. L Kahne and W. Bull The Current Status of Vicia (Vetch) and Lathyrus in Victoria. A.D.McIntyre Preliminary Studies on Vicia and Lathyrus in Western Australia. K.H.M. Siddique and G.H. Walton 1









P.S. Cocks Professor of Crop and Pasture Science University of Western Australia.
In September 1992 the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) sponsored a Workshop at the University of Western Australia to discuss the development of Vicia and Lathyrus for use as grain legumes in the wheatbelt of Australia. The Workshop was recognition of the importance of legumes in grain-producing farming systems and of the paucity of legumes available to cereal farmers in dry areas where the soils are shallow, fine-textured or neutral to alkaline. Participants came from all States of Australia, and from the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA) at Aleppo, in north Syria. ICARDA has a large research and breeding program focussed on chickpeas and lentils but also including Vicia and Lathyrus. Lupins and peas are the most important grain legumes in Australia. In Western Australia, the area sown to lupins has increased from 50,000 ha to approximately 750,000 ha in the last 10 years to make it by far the most important grain legume. Nevertheless, lupins have several problems - low and variable yields on shallow and fine textured soils, low harvest index and susceptibility to brown leaf spot and Pleiochaeta root rot. Field peas have been less successful, occupying about 40,000 ha in Western Australia. While many of the problems of peas and lupins will be overcome by breeding within species, another approach is to explore new genera. Chickpeas and lentils are two species that need further research, but there are two other groups that are as yet little more than wild plants. These are species of Lathyrus and Vicia, both native of the Mediterranean basin, and both with germplasm known to do well in areas unsuitable for lupins dry climates and fine textured neutral to alkaline soils. The papers in this publication examine the potential value of these groups in Australia, and lay the ground work for a research program to develop Lathyrus and Vicia. Both genera contain many species including Lathyrus sativus, L. cicera, L. ochrus, Vicia sativa, V. narbonensis and V. villosa. Altogether, 14 species of Lathyrus have been cultivated somewhere in the World and 15 species of Vicia. V. faba also belongs to the Vicia group but was not considered at the Workshop because it is already an established grain legume. Nevertheless, several participants considered that insufficient research on V. faba had been conducted in Australia. Apart from some information on toxins in V. sativa and antipalatability factors in V. narbonensis it rapidly became apparent that there is little information on either genus from Australia. This in spite of considerable practical experience with V. sativa in South Australia and Victoria. No Lathyrus has been grown in Australia, either commercially or, as far as the meeting could tell, experimentally. However, the information from ICARDA is much more extensive. Their research shows that some germplasm from both genera are adapted to areas with very low rainfall, and although the dangers of extrapolation are recognised, the potential value of ICARDA germplasm for Australia is clearly considerable. Perhaps the most exciting species is V. narbonsis, if only we can rid it of the various antipalatability factors currently restricting its use. Apart from these it is already a crop with good architecture, resembling V. faba, but able to grow in much drier areas. Lathyrus spp. and V. sativa contain complex neurotoxins and, in south Asia, where L. sativus is widely grown, excessive consumption causes lathyrism, a disorder of the central nervous system. Elimination of neurotoxins is high on the list of priorities in the development of both groups. The organisers wish to thank GRDC for sponsoring the Workshop, especially the Plant Improvement Committee. They also wish to thank the University of Western Australia and the Cooperative Research Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture.


Vetches (Vicia spp.) and Chicklings (Lathyrus spp.) in the Farming Systems in West Asia and North Africa and Improvement of these Crops at ICARDA.
M.C. Saxena, A.M. Abd El Moneim, and M. Ratinam International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas Aleppo, Syria.
Introduction The west Asia and north Africa (WANA) region is experiencing an increasing pressure on its agricultural resource base due to rapidly growing livestock and human populations (FAO, 1987; Alexandratos, 1988). Shortage of animal feed is inflicting a heavy burden on the range lands, which are deteriorating. Severe feed and food deficits have also triggered the replacement of fallow-barley rotations with continuous barley in the dryland agriculture and increased cropping on marginal lands with attendant degradation of the soil resource base (Jubert, 1985; Oram, 1988). Expansion of cultivation of such legumes as vetches (Vicia spp.) and chicklings (Lathyrus spp.), which are indigenous to the Mediterranean basin, can augment feed and food supply when sown either to interrupt the barley monoculture or to replace fallow in fallow-barley rotations (Abd El Moneim et al. 1988, 1990). These species are sown and harvested in a single year and can be used for grazing during winter, harvested for hay in spring, or carried to maturity for seed and straw. Their introduction in the rotation increases the productivity of food and feed and, therefore, the animal carrying capacity of the land in a sustainable manner (Cocks, 1988; Harris et al. 1991; Papastylianou, 1991). This is because of better maintenance of organic matter and nitrogen status of soil (Peter White, pers. comm.), improved soil physical conditions and better control of the diseases and pests as compared to continuous cereal rotations. Environmental Adaptation Although there is a huge diversity of species of Vicia and Lathyrus in the Mediterranean region, only a few have been used as feed crops and these have received little attention in the past by agronomists and plant breeders. Kernick (1978) reported that three species of Lathyrus and nine of Vicia were potentially important. ICARDA focuses only on such annual species of these two legumes which could adapt to areas where rainfall is between 250 and 400 mm. Table 1 summarises the use and environmental adaptation of the species of interest. In areas where rainfall is less than 300 mm Lathyrus spp. are common, whereas in higher rainfall areas vetches are better adapted. Vicia narbonensis is adapted to drier sites, whereas Vicia sativa and Vicia ervilia perform better with more assured moisture. Vicia ervilia and Vicia villosa ssp. dasycarpa are better adapted to the cold environments of the highlands than other species of Vicia and Lathyrus, which are adapted to areas with marginal lands and low rainfall. Area, Production and Yield Precise estimates of recent area, production and yield of these legumes are unfortunately not available. FAO (1987) reported that in 1985 nearly 1.30 m ha were sown to vetches globally with a yield of 1.69 t/ha and total production of 2.2 million tons. The estimates for WANA were 0.34 m ha of area, 0.739 t/ha yield and 0.25 m t production. Some recent reports suggest that the current area in WANA under vetches may be nearly 0.6 m ha, mainly in Turkey, Syria, Ethiopia, Morocco and Algeria, but also in Iraq, Jordan, Cyprus, Lebanon and Tunisia. Lathyrus sativus is grown as a food legume on nearly 1 m ha, globally, with a production of about 0.6 m t. The major production is in India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan in South Asia and in Ethiopia in WANA. Afghanistan, Greece, Portugal and France also produce this crop. Lathyrus cicera is common in Cyprus, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Spain and Syria and Lathyrus ochrus in Cyprus and Greece, mainly for feed and forage. Precise area and production estimates for these are not known.


Germplasm Collection and Evaluation ICARDA's total collection of Vicia spp. stands at 4572 accessions, with 2280 (49.9%) from WANA, 1083 (23.7%) from other countries and 1209 (26.4%) from unknown sources. The collection of Lathyrus spp. is smaller (1374 accessions) of which 83.6% originate from WANA, 16.2% from other countries and 0.1% from unknown sources. Only part of the germplasm collection of the species listed in Table 1 has been evaluated for various agronomic traits and for reaction to common biotic and abiotic stresses and good variability has been recorded. Germplasra Enhancement Two approaches are adopted to develop improved lines of Vicia and Lathyrus spp. (Figure 1). In one, selection is affected in the wild accessions to develop improved cultivated types. In the second, hybridisation is done to introgress desirable traits, using the selections from wild accessions. The work is carried out by a multidisciplinary team

involving breeders, physiologists, pathologists, entomologists and animal nutritionists. The major objectives for improvement in each species of Vicia and Lathyrus are given in Table 1. While attempting to improve yield and adaptation to environment, emphasis is laid on ensuring that the palatability, intake and nutritive value of herbage, hay, grain and straw are acceptable. As an international centre, with major responsibility for WANA, ICARDA aims to serve the national feed improvement programs through: (1) assembling, classifying, evaluating, maintaining and distributing germplasm; (2) developing and supplying breeding populations with adequate diversity to be used in different environments; and (3) co-ordinating international trials to facilitate multilocation testing and identification of widely adapted cultivars.

Table 1: Use and environmental adaptation of different species of Lathyrus and Vicia in west Asia and north Africa region and priority research objectives for these crops at ICARDA. Species L. sativus (common chickling) Use GZ, G, S Adaptation <300mm rain, moderate cold Priority research objectives Resistance to Orobanche and foliar diseases; High HI; low BOAA content Resistance to Orobanche and folia diseases; high HI; low BOAA content Improved cold tolerance Adaptation to low rainfall barley areas, hard seededness Adaptation to low rainfall barley areas, hard seededness Leafiness, non-shattering pods; resistance to foliar diseases and cyst nematode Earliness, improved HI, botrytis resistance, low tannin content Earliness, increased leaf retention and seed yield Reduced pod shattering Improved HI, ascochyta blight resistance

L. cicera (dwarf chickling)

G, S

<300mm rain, moderate cold

L. ochrus (ochrus chickling) L. ciliolatus (subterranean chickling) V. sativa ssp. amphicarpa V. sativa (common vetch) V. narbonensis (narbon vetch)


300mm rain, mild winters 300mm rain, cold, marginal lands 300mm rain, cold, marginal lands >300mm rain, moderate cold

G, S

<300mm rain, moderate cold

V. villosa ssp. dasycarpa (woolly-pod vetch) V. ervilia (bitter vetch) V. panonica (Hungarian vetch)
G = grain; GZ = grazing; H = hay; S = straw

GZ, H G, S GZ, G, S

~350mm rain, high elevation, severe cold 350mm rain cold ~350mm rain high elevation,

severe cold



Promising selections (based on progeny tests)

Crossing (100 crosses/year)



Preliminary microplot yield trials at 2 sites, selection for yield. F3 - families selected for yield, phenology, resistance to stresses, quality Advanced yield trials 2 sites F4 and F5 families

F6 families multilocafon trials with NAR

Multilocation yield trials withNARS

Release of cultivars by NARS

Figure 1: Vetches

Selection processes. growth of V. sativa make it promising for early grazing in mild winter areas at a time when feed shortage is acute. It could also be used for hay making and for seed and straw production. In mixture with barley, V. sativa is widely used in Tunisia (Halila et al. 1990). In areas where winters are severe, because of high cold tolerance V. villosa ssp. dasycarpa has proved most promising (Keatinge et al 1991). Because of its prolonged flowering period and low harvest index, it is quite suitable for grazing. Vicia narbonensis, with its high grain yield and harvest index and erect growth habit, is ideal for production of grain and straw (Abd El Moneim, 1992a), particularly in the areas of low seasonal rainfall and moderate cold (Table 3). In Orobanche infested areas early maturing selection of Vicia sativa are less damaged and V. villosa ssp. dasycarpa are not damaged at all as it resists the parasite (Linke et al. 1992).

Evaluation of 25 promising selections of each of V. sativa, V. ervilia, and V. villosa ssp. dasycarpa, over a period of 3 seasons (1986/87 to 1988/89) with rainfall ranging from 233 to 504 mm and minimum temperatures ranging from -5.8C, revealed considerable inter and intra-specific variation in phenology, quantitative traits and productivity (Table 2). V. sativa was most affected by frost, while V. villosa ssp. dasycarpa was most cold tolerant. The latter, although producing high herbage yield in spring, produced low grain yield and reduced harvest index because of excessive flower drop. V. ervilia and V. sativa (Table 2) and also V. narbonensis (Table 3) gave high seed yield and high harvest index. Large variations in phenology and other quantitative traits make it possible to identify lines suitable for different production niches and for different uses in various farming systems in WANA (Abd El Moneim, 1992b). For example, the rapid winter and spring


Table 2:

Variability for phenological and quantitative traits in the evaluated Vicia spp. accessions at ICARDA.


V. sativa Range Sem 1.03 1.10 1.18 0.30 0.40 0.31 0.37 0.40 0.51 0.15 0.38 1.6

V. ervilia Range 95 - 109 115 - 130 122 - 140 1.9 - 3.5 2.5 - 5.0 0.5 - 2.0 2.1 - 5.0 2.0 - 5.0 2.02 - 2.71 0.73 - 1.27 2.10 - 3.50 26 - 39

V. v. ssp. dasycarpa Range 114 - 136 140 - 168 162 - 196 1.1 - 3.2 0.9 - 1.0 0.5 - 1.5 0.6 - 5.0 1.0 - 4.0 5.79 - 11.2 0.28 - 0.9 5.82 - 7.58 14 - 19

1.02 0.95 1.09 0.30 0.46 0.10 0.30 0.28 0.14 0.10 0.15 2.1

1.10 1.20 1.28 0.20 0.13 0.09 0.26 0.30 0.82 0.07 0.61 1.30

Days to start of flowering Days to 100% flowering Days to maturity Seedling vigour* Winter growth* Cold effect** Spring growth* Leafiness* Herbage yield (t/ha)*** Grain yield (t/ha) Straw yield (t/ha) Harvest index (%)
* ** ***

105 - 115 134 - 160 170 - 189 2.5 - 4.5 3.0 - 5.0 2.1 - 4.5 4.3 - 5.0 3.5 - 5.0 2.29 - 4.20 0.80 - 2.64 2.80 - 7.90 18 - 32

Visual score on 0-5 scale where 0 = poor, 5 = very good 0 = no damage; 5 = all killed at 50-100% flowering

Table 3: Mean performance of 25 lines of Vicia narbonensis and 12 lines of Lathyrus sativus in eight different environments comprising locations and seasons.

Environments Site Season

Seasonal rainfall (mm)

Vicia narbonsis Seed yield (t/ha) 1.55 1.90 1.10 0.90 1.29 1.40 1.61 0.47 1.28 0.54 HI

Lathyrus sativus Seed yield (t/ha) 0.85 1.36 0.91 0.50 0.37 0.39 1.25 0.55 0.772 0.211 Herbage yield* (t/ha) 2.68 2.81 2.58 1.98 1.22 1.33 3.28 1.46 2.42

1. Tel Hadya 2. Tel Hadya 3. Tel Hadya 4. Tel Hadya 5. Breda 6. Breda 7. Breda 8. Breda Mean LSD (p=O.O5)

1985/86 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 1985/86 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89

316 358 504 233 218 245 415 195

38 40 34 32 36 36 38 30 35 4.0

* Cut at 50-100% flowering


Table 4: Number of selections of Vicia and Lathyrus spp. having resistance to different biotic and abiotic stresses as evaluated at Tel Hadya.

Stress Common Ascochyta blight Botrytis blight Downy mildew Powdery mildew Cyst nematode Root-knot nematode Broomrape Cold 7 0 5 4 11 10 6 32

Vetch Narbon 1 3 3 7 5 10 1 42 Wooly-pod 12 10 8 8 11 11 23 99 Common 5 4 13 11 9 6 0 0

Chickling Dwarf 3 3 7 4 3 3 0 50 Ochrus 5 2 6 4 5 4 18 1

Inter and intra-specific variation in the selections of Vicia spp. has been adequate for major biotic and abiotic stresses as well (Table 4). Sources of resistance have been identified for Ascochyta blight {Ascochyta pisi f.sp. viciae), downy mildew (Pernospora viciae), powdery mildew (Erysiphi pisi f.sp. viciae), botrytis blight (Botrytis cineria), cyst nematode (Heterodera ciceri), root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne artiellia), broomrape (Orobanche crenata) and cold. These are being used in the breeding program. Pod shattering was a major constraint to the use of Vicia sativa as a grain crop. Incorporation of nonshattering genes into agronomically promising lines resulted in recombinants with 95-97% nonshattering pods in good agronomic backgrounds as against only 40-45% in the original, otherwise improved, parents. This has agronomic advantages as well: (i) the harvest can be delayed and mechanized to permit better compatibility with other crop enterprizes of the farmer; (ii) the problem of vetch weeds is reduced in the rotation. With these improvements, introduction of V. sativa

to replace fallow has become an economical and agronomically feasible proposition. The subterranean vetch (Vicia sativa ssp. amphicarpa), which is a typical Mediterranean species commonly found in poor lands in WANA, provides new opportunities for using it in a leyfarming system in habitats that are too dry and marginal for other vetches and medics. Because of underground cleistogamous flowers, it produces nearly 50% of its pods underground. It is drought resistant and has high persistence under heavy grazing. Studies at ICARDA, initiated in 1989/90, investigated the potential of one of the selections of this vetch and the results have been very promising (Table 5). The agronomic advantage of introduction of subterranean vetch is that it can withstand tillage during the cereal phase. Improvement work has concentrated on incorporating increased herbage yield by crossing promising selections of subterranean vetch with the superior V. sativa lines, and good success has been achieved.


Table 5: Effect of grazing management of subterranean vetch on its dry herbage yield in the year of establishment (1989/90), yield of succeeding (1990/91) barley (as compared to barley after barley), vetch seed bank at the start and the end of barley phase, and dry herbage yield of selfregeneration vetch in 1991/92, Tel Hadya,

Yield/seed bank (kg/ha)

Subterranean vetch Grazing February March 730 2035 4193 130 95 3879 April 860 1925 3947 160 141 3708 2020 1909 3877 240 218 3900 No grazing



Herbage yield* 1989/90 Barley seed 1990/91 Barley total shoot 1990/91 Starting seed bank 1990/91 End-season seed bank 1990/91 Herbage yield* 1991/92
At 50% flowering

830 1966 4347 50 32 3258

1599 3143 -

57 98 215 27 34 320

Chicklings As mentioned earlier Lathyrus spp. are particularly promising in low rainfall areas because of their ability to grow under droughty conditions. L. sativus and L. cicera are particularly adapted to dry, and cool environments (Table 3). The crop improvement objectives for the Lathyrus species of interest to ICARDA are already listed in Table 1. The diseases that constrain production include Ascochyta blight (Ascochyta pisi f.sp. lathyn), downey mildew {Pernospora trifoliorum), powdery mildew {Erysiphi martii f.sp. lathyri) and botrytis blight {Botrytis cineria). Root-knot nematode and cyst nematode also damage the crop. Lathyrus sativus and L. cicera are parasitized by broomrape, and L. sativus and L. ochrus are susceptible to cold. Sources of resistance to common biotic and abiotic stresses have been identified (Table 4). These are being used in the breeding program. Although the seeds of Lathyrus are rich in crude protein (29 g/100g of edible seed), and have high lysine content, they also possess the neurotoxin, pN-oxalyl-:L, p-diaminopropianic acid (ODAP, syn. BOAA), which is implicated in causing lathyrism syndrome in humans and domestic animals (Briggs et al. 1983; Roy and Kisby, 1989) by affecting the central nervous system. ICARDA is aiming to develop promising Lathyrus lines with low or zero BOAA content. Screening of 81 pure lines of L. sativus, 19 of L. cicera, and 22 lines of L. ochrus for BOAA content revealed a wide range in the concentration of the neurotoxin. It ranged

from 18 to 316 ug/g of seed in L. sativus, 405-506 ug/g of seed in L. cicera and 20 to 266 ug in L. ochrus. The lowest value recorded in L. sativus is lower than that ever reported for any cultivar in the past. Using the low BOAA content lines a breeding program for genetic detoxification of L. sativus has been started. Development of cultivars with a low or zero level of BOAA and high yield potential in dry areas would prevent the development of lathyrism and provide a safe food for humans and feed for animals in such regions where drought is frequent. Emphasis is being placed on enhancing the cold tolerance in L. ochrus, which has great potential for production of herbage and seeds particularly in areas which are infested with broomrape and are thus unfit for production of I. sativus. L. ciliolatus (subterranean chickling) is being improved for its productivity. International Cooperation The improved genetic material is currently distributed to the national programs in WANA in the form of two international yield trials, each containing 20 entries. The demand for these nurseries has been increasing. The cooperators in the national programs are encouraged to send their local selections for entry into these nurseries to get information on their adaptability to different environments.


Collaboration is being developed with institutions in industrialized countries particularly to identify rapid and reliable methods of evaluating genetic material for the content of antinutritional factors. The Centre is willing to cooperate with other institutions, which may have an interest in exploiting the potential of Vicia and Lathyrus species for augmenting food and feed production in dry areas and promoting sustainable agriculture. References Abd El Moneim, A.M., Cocks, P.S., and Sweden, Y. (1988). Yield stability of selected forage vetches {Vicia spp.) under rainfed conditions in west Asia. Journal Agriculture Science, Cambridge. 11, 295-301. Abd, El Moneim, A.M., Cocks, P.S., and Mawlawy, B. (1990). Genotype - environment interactions and stability analysis for herbage and seed yields of forages under rainfed conditions. Plant Breeding. 104,231-40. Abd El Moneim, A.M. (1992a). Narbon vetch {Vicia narbonensis L.): A potential feed legume crop for dry areas in West Asia. Journal Agronomy and Crop Science (in press). Abd El Moneim, A.M. (1992b). Agronomic potential of three vetches {Vicia spp.) under rainfed conditions. Journal Agronomy and Crop Science (in press). Abd El Moneim, A.M., and Cocks, P.S. (1992). Adaptation and yield stability of selected lines of Lathyrus spp. under rainfed conditions. Euphytica (in press). Alexandratos, N. (1988). World Agriculture: Towards 2000. (Pinter, London). Briggs, C.J., Parenno, N. and Campbell, C.G. (1983). Phytochemical assessment of Lathyrus species for the neurotoxin agent |3-N-0xalyl-ll-a-(3-Diamino-propionic acid. Journal Medicinal Plant Research. 47, 188-90. Cocks, P.S. (1988). The role of pasture and forage legumes in livestock based farming systems. Pages 3-10 in "Nitrogen Fixation by Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture." (D.P. Beck and L.A. Materon eds.), ICARDA, (Martinus Nij hoff Publishers: Dordrecht).

FAO, (1987). Agriculture Towards 2000. FAO, UN C87/27, Rome, Italy. Halila, M.H., Dahman, A.B.K., and Seklani, H. (1990). The role of legumes in the farmings systems of Tunisia. Pages 115-125 in "The Role of Legumes in the Farming Systems of the Mediterranean Areas." (A.E. Osman et al eds.). (Kluwer Academic Publishers: The Netherlands). Harris, H., Osman, A.E., Cooper, P.J.M. and Jones, M.J. (1991). The management of crop rotations for greater WUE under rainfed conditions. Pages 237-250 in "Soil and Crop Management for Improved Water Use Efficiency in Rainfed Areas." (H. Harris, P.J.M. Cooper and M. Pala, eds.). ICARDA, P.O. Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria. Jaubert, R (1985). The semi-arid areas of Syria: Farming systems in decline and issues in research design. In "Proceedings 1984 Symposium of Farming Systems Research." (Flora, C.B. and Tomeoek, M., eds.) (Kansas State University: Manhattan, USA). Keatinge, J.D.H., Asghar, A., Roidar, KB., Abd El Moneim, A.M. and Ahmed, S. (1991). Germplasm evaluation of annual sown forage legumes and environmental conditions marginal for crop growth in highland of west Asia. Journal Agronomy and Crop Science. 166, 48-57. Kernick, M.D. (1978). Indigenous and semi-arid forage plants of north Africa, the Near and Middle East. Pages 519-689 in "Ecological Management of Arid and Semi-arid Rangelands in Africa and Near and Middle East." (EMASAR), (FAO: Rome, Italy). Linke, K.H., Abd El Moneim, A.M. and Sacena, M.C. (1992). Variation in resistance of some forage legume species to Orobanche crenata Forsk. Field Crop Res. (in press). Oram, P. (1988). Agricultural production and food deficits in west Asia and north Africa: Future prospects and the role of high elevation areas. Pages 99-131. In "Winter Cereals and Food Legumes in Mountainous Areas." (Srivastava, J.P., et al, eds.). (ICARDA: Aleppo, Syria).

Papastylianou, L (1991). Land and rainfall use efficiency and nitrogen balance of rotation systems under rainfed conditions in Cyprus. Pages 260-266 in "Soil and Crop Manageent for Improved Water Use Efficiency in Rainfed Areas." (Harris, H., Cooper, P.J.M. and Pala, M., eds.). (ICARDA: P.O. Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria).

Roy, D. and Kisby, G.E. (1989). Toxicology of Lathyrus sativus and neurotoxin BOAA. Pages 76-85. In "The Grasspea: Threat and Promise. Proceedings International Network of the Improvement of Lathyrus sativus and Eradication of Lathyrus." (NY. Third World Medical Research Foundation.)


Genetic Resources of Lathyrus and Vicia, and Associated Quarantine Problems

R. Reid1, E. Bettencourt2 and J. Konopka3 Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries, Mt Pleasant Laboratories, Tasmania 2 International Board of Plant Genetic Resources, Rome, Italy. 3 International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas, Aleppo, Syria
Lathyrus and Vicia are two of several closely related genera in the Leguminosae that together form a clearly defined tribe, the Vicieae. This tribe is characterized by the possession of leaf tendrils in the majority of its members, an unusual arrangement of vascular tissue in the stem and distinctive floral parts. Lathyrus and Vicia each contain respectively 150 species (39 recognised sub-species) and 146 species (49 recognised subspecies), and show parallel patterns of variation. The least specialised parts of both genera bear strong morphological similarities and were once held to be a single separate genus, Orobus. The other members of the tribe are Lens, Pisum and Vavilovia. Lathyrus and Vicia are now separated largely on the basis of stylar hair patterns. Geographical Distribution Lathyrus Both genera are widely distributed throughout the world, ranging from the Arctic to Cape Horn in the Americas, and from Siberia to the mountains of East Africa in the Old World. Both are totally absent from the Australian - Pacific region, S.E. Asia and Southern Africa. The University of Southampton, through the Vicieae Database Project, has tabulated the worldwide distribution of all species of Lathyrus and Vicia. The geographical database contains distribution records for 107 countries (or similar geographical units) which are divided into 5 continental regions: Europe, Asia, Africa, North America and, South and Central America. The Vicieae are not as well known throughout the world as they are in Europe, and are least well known in South and Central America (Allkin et al. 1983; Allkin et al. 1985). There is evidence that Lathyrus species were used as human food in Europe as early as 9000 B.P. (Marinval, 1986). Certainly by 6000 B.P. a number of species of both Lathyrus and Vicia were under cultivation in S.W. Asia and the Mediterranean basis. Indeed some species such as L. gorgonii and L. marmoratus probably ceased as cultivated species before the time of the Roman Empire. Of the major grain species the earliest archeological finds are from the eastern Balkan peninsula, which is the location of the most dense finds of later periods. This might lead one to conclude that the origin of the cultivation of L. sativus or L. cicera should be somewhere in this region. The Irano - Turanian sub-region is clearly the centre of origin of both genera. Turkey is particularly rich (60 and 83 species respectively of Lathyrus and Vicia), but so are the surrounding countries in the Balkans and Caucasus. Three secondary centres have been recognised in the Western Mediterranean, the Western United States and Argentina. Utilization The Vicieae have contributed many species to the pool of economic plants. Although 36 or so species are documented as having been cultivated, this number probably was exceeded in the distant past. Species of Lathyrus and Vicia known to have been cultivated are listed in Table 1.


Table 1: Species ofLathyrus and Vicia known to have been cultivated Lathyrus Species L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. annuus aphaca cicera clymenum gorgonii hirsutus latifolius ochrus odoratus pratensis sativus sylvestris tingitanus tuberosus Use Grain crop Fodder crop Grain crop Grain crop Fodder crop Fodder crop Land reclamation Grain crop Essential oil Pasture Grain crop Pasture Land reclamation Edible tubers Species V. articulata V. benghalensis V. cracca V. ervilia V.faba V. graminea V. hirsuta V. johannis V. michauxii V. monantha V. narbonensis V. pannonica V. sativa V. tenufolia V. villosa Vicia Use Grain crop Poultry feed Land reclamation Grain crop Grain crop Pasture Fodder crop Grain crop Fodder crop Grain crop Grain crop Grain crop Fodder crop Fodder crop Pasture

L. sativus is cultivated in the Mediterranean and near temperate as well as tropical countries, from the Canary Islands in the west, through Germany in the north, and Ethiopia in the south, to India and central Asia in the east. This is in vivid contrast with L. cicera cultivation which is known only in S. Europe ie. Spain, France, Italy and Greece. If the area of cultivation of L. cicera today reflects its ancient patterns of cultivation, then, most ancient finds from countries east of Greece should be attributed to L. sativus. Both species are known as being suited to dry climates and have a reputation for producing good seed crops on poor soil. Both however are recorded as being adverse to strongly acid soil conditions. In Bangladesh, L. sativus is popular as a cool season crop because the seed can be sown directly into paddy and grows in the stubble after harvest. No cultivation, fertilization or inter-cultural operations are practiced. Farmers let their cattle graze once or twice in the standing crops before

harvesting the third growth for seed and hay making purposes (Kaul, 1985). In India it is one of the most reliable grain crops and may be the only food available in some areas when famines occur. This can lead to excessive consumption and may provoke the neurological form of lathyrism. Of the other Lathyrus species still used as grain ie. L. annuus, L. clymenum and L. ochrus, all are to be found cultivated only in Greece, Syria and Turkey (Maxted pers. comm.) Human lathyrism is caused by the ingestion of certain Lathyrus species, namely L. sativus, L. cicera and L. clymenum. The seeds contain a neurotoxin, p-N-oxalyl-amino-L-alanine (BOAA). Historically, the disease has been documented in a number of countries in Europe, Africa and Asia. Human lathyrism continues to be a public health problem in parts of Bangladesh, China, Ethiopia and India.


Table 2: Principal environmental requirements of the grain Lathyrus species Species Lathyrus annuus Environmental requirements Mediterranean/Irano-Turanian 250-600 mm rainfall Loams/Clays Mediterranean/Irano-Turanian 300-500 mm rainfall Calcareous clays Mediterranean 300-500 mm rainfall Fertile sands/loams Mediterranean 300-500 mm rainfall Fertile sands/loams C. Europe/Mediterranean/Irano-Turanian/ N.India/Ethiopia 250-600 mm rainfall Calcareous alluvials

Lathyrus cicera

Lathyrus clymenum

Lathyrus ochrus

Lathyrus sativus

Vicia Vicia faba is well known as an important grain legume in much of the north temperate zone and at higher altitudes in the cool season of some subtropical regions and needs no further description. Most of the positively identified V. faba seed remains from archaelogical excavations are from southern and central Europe and date from the late Neolithic and the Bronze Age. Recently however, faba-bean seeds dating from 7000 B.P. were identified in large quantities in Israel (Ladizinsky, 1989). The species has spread widely throughout the world, spreading to China sometime after 500 AD and the Americas after 1500 AD. Of the other Vicia species, V. sativa and V. ervilia are today the two main forage crops of Southwest Asia and the Mediterranean basin. In historical times, they were used as human food only in cases of extreme famine. Both vetches have accompanied the better-known food legumes since the Neolithic, but whether they were grown as food grain or primarily fodder is not clear. V. pannonica grows both wild and is cultivated in Georgia from where it has gradually spread west, being a minor forage crop in the Southern Ukraine, Romania and Hungary. V. articulata and V. monantha are found throughout the

Mediterranean basin and are occasionally cultivated as forage crops. V. narbonensis is no longer cultivated for its grain but as a minor forage crop principally in the eastern Mediterranean. V. sativa prefers well drained soils and apparently grows best in loams or sandy loams. V. pannonica grows well in wet, heavy soils. V. articulata seems to be restricted to well drained sandy soils but is probably the least winter hardy of the species under discussion. Experimental plantings in the USA, for example, have shown it is limited to Florida and the Gulf and Pacific Coasts. V. ervilia is adapted to a wide range of soils, both acid and alkaline, but well drained. It has a reputation for being very resistant to cold, with landraces from the Meseta Central in Spain surviving minimum temperatures of -20C. V. monantha is found on mildly acid soils in the western Mediterranean (Morocco and Portugal), and has also been collected from oases in the Northern Sahara. V. narbonensis is both cold (-10C) and drought tolerant. Collecting in Syria, Maxted made the comment "V. narbonensis looked particularly interesting, the species being found in the driest steppe sites visited and obviously has drought resistant capabilities" (Maxted & Bisby, 1986).


Table 3: Principal environmental requirements of grain Vicia species Species Vicia articulata Environmental Requirements Mediterranean 300-500 mm rainfall Loams/Clays Mediterranean/Irano-Turanian 300-600 mm rainfall Sandy loams Mediterranean/Irano-Turanian/Ethiopia/China? All fertile soils Mediterranean 400-600 mm rainfall Mild acid soils Mediterranean/Irano-Turanian 250-600 mm rainfall Fertile loams E. Europe/Caucasus 500-800 mm rainfall Fertile loams Mediterranean, Irano-Turanian 300-600 mm rainfall Well drained sandy loams IBPGR, in conjunction with ICARDA, has improved the situation, but many genebanks are still seemingly unable to supply even the most basic of passport data. The wild progenitor of V. faba has not yet been identified, and although it almost certainly evolved somewhere in S.W. Asia, the centre of diversity, as such, cannot be designated. Thus material from Europe, N. Africa, S.W. Asia, India and China are equally important. The total global holdings, as listed by IBPGR, comprise some 20,688 accessions held in 68 genebanks. The principal collections are listed in Table 5. The largest, and arguably the most important collection of faba-bean is that established by ICARDA. However, with the recent phase-out of the faba-bean improvement program at that Centre and its transfer to Morocco, future research activities will only involve the germplasm collection. The Genetic Resource Unit at ICARDA has assumed responsibility for the collection, conservation and documentation of all V. faba germplasm.

Vicia ervilia

Vicia faba Vicia monantha

Vicia narbonensis

Vicia pannonica

Vicia sativa

Genetic Resources The total global holdings of Lathyrus and Vicia, comprise 6160 and 42,402 accessions and made up of 72 and 113 species respectively. The largest component being L. sativus (1230), L. unidentified (2046), V. faba (21,388), V sativa (8723), V. unidentified (7167). The Lathyrus collections are held in 35 genebanks in 26 countries, and the Vicia collection in 96 genebanks in 44 countries. The holdings of the principal grain species are summarized in Table 4. There is almost certainly a high level of duplication in these collections, probably in the order of 50% but it is beyond the scope of this paper to report in any detail. The quality of the passport data on the individual accessions leaves a lot to be desired. A study commissioned by IBPGR sought to survey the quality and quantity of data gathered during forage collecting missions throughout the Mediterranean. Only 19 of the 26 major genebanks were able to supply data. Analysis showed that less than 30% of the total collection had accurate site data available, less than 12% altitude data and less than 2% basic soil information (Mayer, 1987). Further study by


Table 4: Global holdings of Vicia and Lathyrus Species Lathyrus annuus L. cicera L. clymenum L. ochrus L. sativus Vicia articulata V. ervilia V. /aba V. monantha V. narbonensis V. pannonica V. sativa Breeding lines

1 1 14 21 218 8267 2 4 2720

Old cultivars 19 60 1106 1 681

Wild speces 53 106 18 32 329 19 67 12 141 8 463

Unknown 57 261 45 87 911 21 337 5663 47 232 154 3708

36 65 142 6352 5 17 1151

In the last ten years, missions to collect V. faba geraiplasm have been conducted in Cyprus, Egypt, Turkey, Syria and Afghanistan by ICARDA scientists in conjunction with national programmes. Missions have also been made in the Mediterranean region by the Geraiplasm Laboratory, Bari, Italy, and in Ethiopia by the Ethiopian Genetic Resource Centre.

Many other collecting missions have collected V.faba geraiplasm as a secondary target species, and a small number of accessions have been assembled from virtually every N. African, S.W. Asian and European country. Major areas still require detailed collecting, especially where landraces are widely used, including Albania, Macedonia and Bulgaria, in Europe; the Caucasus Republics, the Himalayan region, and Northern China.

Table 5: Principal genetic resources (Viciafaba) Site ICARDA INIA Bari Inst. Andalucia PGRC INRA Gatersleben CGR Braunschweig Radzikow Country Syria Ecuador Italy Spain Ethiopia France Germany Netherlands Germany Poland Total Accessions 3645 1650 1461 1231 1208 1100 794 740 702 550


IBPGR has recently (1990-91) conducted a survey of wild Lens, deer, Vicia, Pisum and Lathyrus species in the former Soviet Central Asia which provided useful information on appropriate procedures for ecogeographic surveys prior to collecting missions, and also supplied muchrecorded data on an important group of crop relatives. Herbarium material in key international and in the regional herbaria was studied and information sought on the accessions of the target taxa originating in the area and already present in genebanks. The herbaria in the region provided valuable information on the occurrence of different taxa at various locations and a survey of genebanks confirmed they held almost no accessions from the region. A collecting mission organised in collaboration with VIR, St Petersburg, Russia, was able to visit some of the localities indicated from the herbarium survey but had to be curtailed owing to political upheaval in the region. However, significant genetic erosion in the area was confirmed and further missions will occur when the situation stabilises. IBPGR has recently (1990-91) conducted a survey of wild Lens, deer, Vicia, Pisum and Lathyrus species in the former Soviet Central Asia which provided useful information on appropriate procedures for ecogeographic surveys prior to collecting missions, and also supplied muchrecorded data on an important group of crop relatives. Herbarium material in key international and in the regional herbaria was studied and information sought on the accessions of the target taxa originating in the area and already present in genebanks. The herbaria in the region provided valuable information on the occurrence of different taxa at various locations and a survey of genebanks confirmed they held almost no accessions from the region. A collecting mission organised in

collaboration with VTR, St Petersburg, Russia, was able to visit some of the localities indicated from the herbarium survey but had to be curtailed owing to political upheaval in the region. However, significant genetic erosion in the area was confirmed and further missions will occur when the situation stabilises. ICARDA In view of ICARDA's overall objective of developing sustainable farming systems, there is a clear need for legume crops adapted to the dry areas of its target zone (N. Africa and S.W. Asia). As such ICARDA has had a long term program concerned with the collection, documentation, evaluations and conservation of all the known grain legume species and their wild relatives that occur there. The program has concentrated on developing improved cultivars of chickpeas, lentils, and until recently faba beans; and the production of widely adapted and palatable cultivars of several feed legumes which can be used for different purposes (ICARDA, 1990). In the latter case the two genera being intensively evaluated are Lathyrus and Vicia. Of the vetches the program is in the process of selecting or hybridizing genotypes from V. villosa ssp. dasycarpa, V. ervilia, V. sativa and V. narbonensis; and of the chicklings, L. sativus, L. cicera and L. ochrus are being evaluated. To date, two of the most exciting species are V. narbonensis and L. cicera because of their potential in dry areas. The Genetic Resource Unit at ICARDA has assembled and maintains the largest collection of Lathyrus and Vicia germplasm and is recognised by the IBPGR as a designated centre. The details of the collection are listed in Tables 6 and 7, for Lathyrus and Vicia respectively.


Table 6: Vicia collection o/ICARDA. General: Total 4574 accessions including 249 samples collected in Algeria last year (DZA91). DZA91 is accounted separately as accessions have to be (re-)identified during characterization. 2913 accessions 1661 accessions Vicia species (excluding DZA91) aintabensis angustifolia benghalensis caesarea cuspidata dionysiensis esdraelonensis galilaea hajastana hybrida kalakhensis lutea michauxii montevidensis noeana peregrina sativa serratifolia unijuga 8 2 20 1 57 4 1 3 1 150 7 65 27 1 10 227 2178 4 1 altissima articulata benthamiana cassia dasycarpa eristalioides faba glareosa hirsuta hyrcanica lathyroides melanops mollis multijuga palaestina pulchella sepium tetrasperma villosa Vicia - DZA91 c.f. monantha monantha peregrina villosa Origin of Vicia germplasm AFG 25;ALB 14;AUS 33;BEL 18;BGR 60;CAN 5; CSK 17;CYP 96;DDR 51;DEU 30;DNK 2;DZA 268;EGY 15;ESP 24;FIN 2; FRA 48;GAB 2;GBR 2;GRC 98;HNK 1;HUN 131;IRN 58;IRQ 11;ITA 273;JOR 110;JPN 48;LBN 43;LBY 1;MAR 10;MLT 20;NLD 2;NPL 1;PAK 13;POL 16;PRT 71;PRY 3;R0M 3;SAU 1;SUN 78;SWE 12;SYR918;TUN2;TUR711;USA9;YUG9;ZAF 1;UNK 1209 (Over 1100 accessions of unknown origin are donations from Bari) 1 51 18 24 lathyroides narbonensis sativa sp. 1 5 108 19 lutea palaestina tetrasperma 16 2 8 4 19 1 5 29 1 1 6 23 1 28 18 22 1 100 13 4 39 224 anatolica barbazita bithynica cretica dichroantha ervilia galeata grandiflora hyaeniscyamus johannis lunata michauxi monantha narbonensis pannonica gatmensis sericocarpa tigridis sp. 80 2 47 1 1 250 1 16 11 42 1 2 42 211 119 8 66 1 119

Donated: Collected ICARD A:


Table 7: Lathyrus collection oflCARDA General: Donated: Collected ICARDA: Total 1376 accessions including 45 collected in Algeria last year (DZA91). 581 accessions 795 accessions Lathyrus species (excluding DZA91)i annus basalaticus cassius cicera cirrhosus gloeospermus hirsutus incurvus marmoratus nissolia pallescens rotundifolius setifolius sylvestris vinealis 50 4 8 145 1 1 5 1 25 5 1 1 3 4 4 aphaca belinensis chloranthus cilicicus clymenum gorgoni inconspiceus latifolius mini at us occidentalis pratensis sativus sphaericus tingitanus sp. Lathyrus - DZA91 annuus c.f. sativus marmoratus pseudocicera sp. 2 1 2 1 11 aphaca cicera nissolia sativus 2 5 1 1 c.f. marmoratus inconspicuus ochrus tingitanus 1 2 7 9 2 1 2 269 18 9 87 210 1 1 11 24 59 2 aureus blepharicarpus chrysanthus ciliolatus digitatus hierosolymitanus inconspicuus laxiflorus niger ochrus pseudocicera saxatilis stenophyllus tuberosus 1 31 3 3 8 98 103 7 1 59 56 1 2 1

Origin of Lathyrus germplasm AFG 21;AUS 10;BEL 2;BGR 12;CAN 6;CHE 1;CSK 12;CYP 37;DDR 11;DEU 7;DNK 1;DZA 45;EGY 3;ETH 110; FRA 3;GBR 1;GRC 106;HUN 8;IND 8;IRN 27;IRQ 7;JOR 40;MAR 3;NLD 1;PAK 26;PAL 2;POL 4;PRT 11;PRY 1;SUN 16;SWE 2;SYR 459;TUN 4;TUR 367;URY 1;USA 4;YUG 1;UNK 2


Future Germplasm Needs The need for further collecting has been highlighted by the recent discovery of three new species in Turkey and Syria. V. kalakhensis has a very restricted distribution on the border between Syria and Lebanon (and is believed also to occur in the Bekaa Valley). It is recognized as being closely related enough to V. /aba to enable conventional gene exchange via hybridization. V. erastalioides was discovered in South-West Anatolia in a high rainfall area in limestone. There is little obvious commercial potential in this species, however as a further member of the V. faba group it probably warrants inclusion in any wild species germplasm screening programme. (Both the above new species were noted as being forage plants.) (Maxted, 1988). The third discovery is L. belinensis, a species with horticultural potential. Within Lathyrus and Vicia there is undoubted potential for further exploiting existing species and the development of new species in forage or pasture development programmes, besides the obvious crop opportunities. Among the smaller Vicieae genera Lens, Pisum and Vavilovia there is still untapped potential for passing desirable genes to their related cultivated crops, P. sativum and L. culinaris. However the environment within the Eastern Mediterranean, where all occur is changing rapidly, as new and improved agricultural techniques and rural policies are applied. This is and will undoubtedly lead to the destruction of certain habitats favoured by these wild species and will thus lead to genetic erosion. It is essential that wild Vicieae and other legume germplasm is collected rapidly and systematically throughout the region. Quarantine The Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQUIS) have the responsibility for the quarantine regulations pertaining to the entry of Vicia species into Australia. (Currently no specific regulations cover Lathyrus). The conditions for the import of Vicia, like many other restricted legume genera, is governed by Plant Quarantine legislation. In brief, this requires the application for a permit in accordance with a specified form and forwarded to the Chief Quarantine Officer (Plants) of the State in which the seed is to be sown. Generally a permit will not be issued for the importation of a quantity of seed

which is greater than the minimum quantity necessary to establish, under Quarantine, an accession of the particular species or genus in Australia. The seed, upon entry, must be inspected for contaminating seeds and/or insect pests and treated accordingly. Then the seed is grown in a Government Quarantine glasshouse for as long as it takes for the resultant plants to produce seed. Only the glasshouse seed is released to the importer. During the growing process the plants will be tested using three herbaceous indicators for the following seed-borne viruses; broad bean stain virus, broad bean true mosaic virus, pea seed-borne mosaic virus, cow pea mosaic virus, and red clover vein mosaic virus.

The cost per accession seemingly varies from State to State but is in the range of $150-$250. In some cases imported seed can be grown under field conditions on the proviso that each seedlot will carry certification that three thousand seeds have been tested either in the EEC or Australia and found to be free from the above viral diseases. The seed must be grown at least 30m from any other legume crop and in an area where Sitona weevil is not known to exist. The crop is then inspected at regular intervals by a Plant Pathologist. Various harvest treatments are imposed depending upon which, if any, virus is detected. Again the cost seems to vary from State to State. Consideration needs to be given to the overall problem of quarantine in relation to the genus Vicia. It is clear that the genus has enormous potential as both a source of grain and pasture plants. If a major programme of evaluation is undertaken then a very large number of accessions will be required to enter Australia. There is little point starting a major programme of this type on a limited genetic resource base, especially when a great deal of material has been collected, evaluated and documented by other national and international institutions. However, the high cost of quarantine is constraining the development of both new crops and cultivars. Consequently breeders and agronomist are often turning to less promising species as a source of new crops and forages. It is thus most important that the


Quarantine authorities must make every effort to improve access to new germplasm if Australia is to maintain a vigorous plant improvement programme. It would seem logical that an understanding be developed with ICARDA, and possibly other genebanks, that germplasm that has already been "cleaned" of viruses, and can be certified as such, may enter an Australian improvement programme with a minimum of restriction and, most importantly, cost. References Allkin, R , MacFarland, T.D., White, R.J., Bisby, F.A. and Adey, M.E. (1983). "The Geographical Distribution of Vicia". Vicieae Database Project, University of Southampton. Allkin, R , MacFarland, T.D., White, RJ., Bisby, F.A. and Adey, M.E. (1985). The Georgraphical Distribution of Lathyrus". Vicieae Database Project, University of Southampton.

Kaul, A.K., Islam, M.Q. and Hamid, A. (1985). "Screening of Lathyrus germplasm of Bangladesh for BOAA content and some agronomic characters" in Lathyrus and Lathyrism. Eds. A.K. Kaul & D. Combes. Ladizinsky, G. (1989). "Origin and Domestication of Southwest Asian Grain Legumes", in. Foraging and Farming, Eds. D.R. Harris & G.C. Hillman. Marinval, P. (1985). "Decouvertes et Utilisations des Graines de Lathyrus sativus et Lathyrus cicera en France du Mesolithique". in Lathyrus and Lathryrism Eds. A.K. Kaul & D. Combes. Maxted, N. & Bisby, F. (1986). "Forage Legume Collection in Syria" IBPGR Internal Report 86/169, Rome, Italy. Maxted, N. (1988). "A new species of Vicia from South-West Turkey". Notes from Edinburgh Botanical Gardens. 45(3):453-456. Mayer, A. (1987). "Database on forages of the Mediterranean Basin and adjacent semiaridarid areas. IBPGR Internal Report, Rome, Italy.


The International and Local Market Prospects for Vicia and Lathyrus.
R. Rees ABARE Canberra, Australia
Summary of Market Opportunities A number of significant livestock feed markets have been identified for Vicia and Lathyrus which if developed could significantly increase the returns to wheat/sheep farmers. The major markets for the immediate future will be as hay mixes for sheep and cattle, as protein for ruminant feed and as an annual seed for sowing as a green manure crop. The expansion of current vetch varieties and Lathyrus into drier country will give marginal farmers in Australia additional alternative enterprises and improve their current farming practices through the addition of a grain legume into their enterprise rotation system. The development of hay mixes which include vetch/'Lathyrus with cereals will improve the productive potential of ruminant animals relative to ruminants currently fed cereal hay and cereal stubbles. The economics of pasture improvement such as establishing a vigorous pasture legume such as medicago or Vicia spp. is not favourable at present given current returns from sheep and cereals. For the longer term the probable recovery in the world wool trade is likely to lead to a significant capital investment in suitable varieties of Vicia and Lathyrus to be included as grazing legumes and for hay in Australian farming systems. There is currently a substantial market for grain legumes for use in various livestock feed combinations. In Western Australia there are significant quantities of lupins used for sheep feeding as there is in other States together with usage by the dairy and cattle industries. Currently, Vicia varieties such as Blanchefleur and Popany vetch are being used successfully in ruminant rations. Field peas and faba beans are being used extensively in monogastric rations. The relatively high yield potential of narbon bean (which is a vetch species) in drier country bears an examination of the possible use of the grain in various livestock feeds but in competition with existing legumes such as field peas and faba beans which are already accepted in a variety of livestock rations. An offensive odour given off by the bean effectively rules it out of the human consumption market until new more odourless varieties can be found. As a result of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform proposals there are possibilities for Australia to service the seed market for suitable varieties of forage Vicia which may be allowed to be sown on 15 per cent of the arable crop area set aside under the CAP program. In addition, the continued thrust toward sustainable farming systems should enhance the options for Australian sales of green manure seeds such as vetch. During the 1980's Japan emerged as a major importer of hay products to feed the subsidised beef industry. Devaluation of the Australian dollar relative to the US dollar and the Japanese yen has assisted the growth of the Australian oaten hay industry in competition with primarily US hay products. More recently there has been some acceptance by the Japanese of hay/vetch mixes. In Australia the vetch grain varieties grown are Blanchefleur and Languedoc and the main forage varieties are Namoi and Popany. These varieties are not suitable for human consumption. There are currently strong doubts about the levels of toxin in existing varieties, the impact of processing on levels of toxin and the lack of any significant consumer feedback as to the acceptance of vetch for human consumption. Little information is available on whether Vicia or Lathyrus will appeal to consumers for their colour, taste, cooking time and palatability.


However, the development of low toxin varieties of, in particular, red seeded Vicia and Lathyrus could substantially increase exports of relatively low priced food legumes which will compete against red lentil and also the lower priced split pea and chick pea markets on the Indian subcontinent. This will result in increased competition in existing food markets for Australian field peas, chick peas and for lentils. In higher rainfall country Vicia and Lathyrus will have difficulty competing with returns from faba bean, chickpea, field pea, lupin and soon lentil.

At the same time the key to any further production expansion in Australia, particularly of Vicia will depend upon the extent to which farmers are prepared to substitute already existing profitable legumes for these two relatively unknown grain legumes in international trade. A brief description of the main features of the major Vicia and Lathyrus species which are commonly grown around the world are given below. This paper will detail current grain legume production in Australia, review production and trial results for Vicia and Lathyrus in Australia, examine the place of Vicia and Lathyrus in world farming systems, and identify potential markets for use in human consumption, for livestock feed, and as a green manure crop for the two species. For the purposes of the paper, analysis has been confined to eight species of Vicia and four of Lathyrus. The essential details of each, as outlined by Duke (1981), are presented below. Description of species considered A. Vicia species (Duke p.271-276) Vicia sativa Common Name: Common vetch cv Languedoc, cv Pink Avago, cv Blanchefleur - seed is high in protein (28 to 33 per cent), but can contain toxic, cyanogenic glucosides (Walton, 1988) - no problems feeding vetch seed to ruminant animals (Walton, 1988) - prefer calcareous loam soils - said to produce hydro cyanic acid and neurolathyrogens ((3-cyano-alanine and yglutamyl-p-cyano- a- alanine) Vicia villosa Roth. Common Name: Namoi, Winter vetch, Hairy vetch, Sand vetch, Woolly pod vetch Synonym: Vicia dasycarpa - one of the oldest and most common vetches - makes good hay, silage, pasture, green manure, and cover crop - good tolerance to adverse soil and climate and used to replace fallow with forage in Spain - is the most hardy of the commercial vetches - widely cultivated in all countries in the temperate zone

Introduction The rapid expansion of Vicia growing in Australia in 1992-93 has been due to a number of marketing factors including the emergence of a red variety of Vicia (blanchefleur vetch) as a potential substitute for red lentil for human consumption, particularly on the Indian subcontinent the identification of a seed market to plant grain legumes as a green manure crop in the European Community in competition with Turkish Vicia the development of the compressed (double dumped) hay market to Japan and the acceptance by Japan of Vicia/cereal mixes as acceptable hay products the better performance of Vicia on low rainfall country relative to other legume varieties currently being grown the acceptance in southern Australia of hay mixes containing Vicia for sheep, cattle and horses. the use of Vicia seed in pellets for the live sheep trade and for the bird seed trade

The production of Lathyrus in Australia has been confined to a number of agronomic trials with promising yield results. There has not been any market development work so the potential market is unclear. There are existing food markets for Lathyrus in the Indian subcontinent which would increase, provided toxicity problems associated with Lathyrus seed are overcome.


- produces high dry matter yields mixed with cereals relative to other pure stands of vetch Vicia sativa L. ssp. nigra (L.) Ehrh Common Name: vetch Vicia ervilia Common Name: Bitter vetch - native of southern Europe and north Africa - seed has 21 per cent protein and widely used as a livestock feed, especially sheep - most resistant to cold and freezing temperatures - adapted to a wide range of soils with a pH of up to 8.2 - late flowering - 30 days after Languedoc - extensively grown in Asiatic Turkey, and seed has been shipped in large quantities to England and other countries for stock feed, especially sheep. Vicia benghalensis L. Common Name: Purple vetch cv Popany - widely grown for forage and hay - high in protein - 29 to 33 per cent - adversely affected by cold temperatures Vicia narbonensis Common Name: Narbonbean - more tolerant than faba bean to some fungal diseases such as chocolate spot - well adapted to poor siliceous soils of southern France and the coarse textured soils in Syria. - used as a forage crop in the Middle East - high in protein - 22 to 28 per cent - used as stockfeed or human consumption Blackpod vetch, Narrowleaf

Vicia monantha Retz Common Name: Bard vetch - adapted only to south west United States in irrigated Yuma and Imperial Valleys. - cannot compete with other vetches further north. Vicia pannonica Crantz Common Name: Hungarian vetch - grown in the Pacific North West of the USA - is winter hardy - limited seed use for mixed ground feeds - grown for hay, pasture, and green manure Vicia faba L. Common Name: Fava bean, Faba bean, Tickbean, Horsebean, Windsorbean, Broadbean - not asked to consider this species. B. Lathyrus species (Duke p 106-110) Lathyrus sativus Common Name: Khesari Grass pea, chickling vetch,

- is cultivated in India, central, south and eastern Europe and northern Africa, mainly for forage, while the seed is used for human food. Khesari seeds are used in a number of countries in West Asia as a food for the poor. They are made into paste balls, put in curries, or boiled and eaten like a pulse - excessive consumption of the uncooked seed, which contains a neurotoxin, results in lathyrism, a paralysis of the limbs - seed high in protein (26 to 30 per cent) with the seed being drought tolerant - tolerates a wide range of soil types, but is sensitive to acid soils below pH 5.5 - hardy crop suited to dry climates - grows well on land considered suitable for wheat, rice, cotton and other more popular pulses. - oil from seeds is a dangerous cathartic containing a poisonous principle, probably an acid salt or phytic acid.


Lathyrus cicera Common Name: flat pod pea vine - found in Asia and in the Mediterranean and used mainly as a forage - no toxins shown, protein 25 to 29 per cent - tolerates a wide range of soil types, but prefers calcareous clays - promising yields in the 10 to 16 inch rainfall belt. Lathyrus ochrus Common Name: Cyprus vetch - found in southern Europe where herbage is used for forage and the seed for stockfeed. - reported to have toxic properties - is high in protein 25 to 30 per cent - drought tolerant, potential livestock feed, green manure or hay crop. Lathyrus hirsutus L. Common Name: Roughpea, Caleypea, Singletary, Wild winter pea - important winter legume for pasture and hay, and for soil improvement in southern United States - especially valuable for winter and early spring forage - well adapted to the cotton producing areas of the southern United States - grows on soils too wet for clover and small grains - does better on heavier soils than many other annual legumes - rough peas, when grazed at maturity, are poisonous to livestock; cattle show signs of lameness. Trends in Australia Grain Legume production in

rotation crop with cereals. The ready acceptance of field pea and lupin into ruminant feed rations and for field peas and faba bean into monogastric rations in Australia and the European Community has encouraged expansion of the area sown to grain legumes. The acceptance by the Indian subcontinent of Australian field peas and chickpeas for food consumption has also given the industry a significant boost. It is against this development that Vicia and Lathyrus will have to compete to secure an appropriate market niche in the Australian farming system. The area sown to lupins and field peas in Australia peaked in 1988-89, fell for the next two years but recovered strongly in 1991-92. The area sown to chickpeas, mainly desi type, has risen rapidly since 1984-85 despite a drought in Queensland, the major production area, in 1991-92 (Table 1). In 1992-93 drought and lower price expectations have severely reduced production of chickpea in northern growing areas but an otherwise excellent season in southern areas has been marred in South Australia, Victoria and southern New South Wales by wet weather during harvest which has significantly reduced both quality and production of all grain legumes. Relatively high wool prices in 1987-88 and 1988-89 led to an expansion in wool production. However, the subsequent world recession coupled with political difficulties in the CIS and China led to a significant build up in wool stocks. Production of field peas peaked in 1988-89 exceeding half a million tonnes for the first time and lupin in 1991-92 exceeding 1 million tonnes for the first time. Chickpea production rose from a negligible amount in 1984-85 to slightly above 200ktin 1991-92 (Table 2). It is important to note the distribution of grain legumes by State, with Victoria and South Australia being the major field pea producing States, Western Australia the dominant lupin State and Queensland the major chickpea producing State, although that trend is changing as Victoria and NSW have increased the area sown to chickpeas (Table 3).

The major grain legumes in Australia are lupins and field peas. During the 1980s Australian farmers increasingly turned to grain legumes as a


Table 1: Trends in Area Sown to Field Peas, Chickpea and Lupins: Australia - Selected Years (1971-72 to 1991-92). ('000 ha) Field Peas 1971-72 1982-83 1986-87 1988-89 1989-90 1991-92

Chickpea na na 67 70 93 215

Lupin 33 257 747 850 802 925

24 114 314 456 326 445

Australian Bureau of Statistics (1992) and various years

Table 2: Trends in Production of Field Peas, Chickpea and Lupins: Australia - Selected Years (1971-72 to 1992-93). (Kt). Field Pea 1971-72 1982-83 1986-87 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 39 30 513 523 388 309 509 Chickpea na na 63 89 108 196 206 Lupin 24 199 802 930 773 952 885

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics (1992) and various years

Table 3: Area sown ('000 ha) to grain legumes in Australia: by State, 1991-92 and 5 year average to 1991-92. NSW Lupin 1991-1992 5 yr to 91-92 Field pea 1991-92 5 yr to 91-92 Chickpea 1991-92 5 yr to 91-92 66 33 75 30 50 43 0.5 0.4 19 9 nil nil 211 115 42 37 193 195 nil nil 44 37 143 125 1 0 423 394 65 54 36 36 nil nil 785 745 47 43 1 1 934 879 VIC QLD WA SA TAS AUST

Source: ABARE Crop Report 19 January 1993


Production of Vicia and Lathyrus in Australia Vicia The grain varieties grown in Australia are Blanchefleur and Languedoc, both of which belong to the Vicia sativa species. Grazing and hay varieties are Namoi {Vicia villosa) and Popany {Vicia benghalensis). There are no statistics on the areas sown of the different varieties but according to State Department of Agriculture reports, there

was an upsurge in the production of Blanchefleur vetch in 1992-93 (Table 4). The area sown to Vicia sativa is forecast to fall in 1993-94 because of marketing difficulties. Lathyrus There is no known significant production of Lathyrus in Australia commercial

Table 4: Vicia sativa area: Australia and major producing states: 1991-92 and estimate 1992-93. ('000 ha) Year 1991-92 1992-93e South Australia 21 31 Victoria na

Australia na 87

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, e ABARE estimates January 19, 1993

Production potential for Vicia and Lathyrus in Australia There have been a number of promising studies examining various Vicia and Lathyrus types with other grain legumes on different soil types and for different rainfall zones. In a Western Australian study (Walton and Trent, 1988) of six grain legume species over 10 sites there was a significant site by species interaction. When trialed on a neutral soil group lupins and faba beans achieved the highest seed yields, whilst common vetch and faba bean responded to the cooler, longer growing season and better textured soils in the southern region. Over the 10 sites narrow leaf lupins and field peas had higher seed yields than faba beans, Lathyrus cicera (flat-pod pea vine) and narbon bean. There was also a species by soil type interaction found. On acidic yellow sands, narrow leaf lupins out yielded all other crops examined. On alkaline clay soils, field peas out yielded all other crops and lupins had a substantially inferior yield. Common vetch and faba bean showed good yield potential on clay soils. on neutral soil with rainfall >300 mm lupin and field pea yields were significantly higher than for any other crop. The only other crops to exceed a yield of 1 t/ha were common vetch and faba bean.

on country where rainfall was less than 300 mm field pea yields were highest. On this basis, any other crop would need to achieve a price considerably in excess of field peas. Of the crops tested, only chick pea has the potential in some years to significantly exceed pea returns. on low rainfall acid soil country, lupin and field pea yields easily exceeded the other crops. on low rainfall alkaline soils common vetch, faba bean and Lathyrus showed promise although the yield difference between field peas and all other crops was significant.

In South Australia, Lathyrus was the highest yielding variety under low rainfall conditions (Laurence, 1979) and faba bean under high rainfall conditions. Silsbury (1975) found that when comparing trials of 7 varieties of field peas and Lathyrus sativus and Lathyrus cicera over 5 sites between 1955 and 1960 that Lathyrus cicera was clearly the highest yielding legume, producing more grain than the control (white Brunswick pea) and producing 25 per cent more grain than any other grain in the trial. Although a relatively old report the lack of any significant improvement in relative yields between the species since that time demonstrates


that Lathyrus still has some potential. The lack of variation in the harvest index in Lathyrus cicera is undoubtedly a factor in its consistently high yield. The report concluded that Lathyrus sativus and Lathyrus cicera appear to have considerable potential for development as grain legume crops in southern Australia. Over two seasons in central and southern New South Wales Blanchefleur vetch yields averaged 13 per cent lower than field peas (7 comparisons) but 35 per cent better than chickpeas (5 comparisons). Languedoc vetch averaged slightly lower than peas (NSW Agnote, 1992). In summary, common vetch yields, whilst comparable to field peas, are not high enough to displace peas, and from a marketing viewpoint are unacceptable in the human food market. Lathyrus appears to have the most potential in drier climates and alkaline soils as a hay crop or as a green manure seed crop. Profitability of grain legumes in alternative, intensive rotation systems The popularity of grain legumes is increasing rapidly as Australian farmers appreciate the financial and agronomic benefits grain legumes can provide in the development of profitable and sustainable production systems. Traditional farming practices up until the 1980s favoured a ley farming system which included enterprises such as cereals and livestock in combination with a number of years under pasture legumes. There was limited technological information available on the production, marketing and whole farm effects of growing grain legumes. There are a number of improvement programs currently in existence in Australia for a range of grain legumes including lupin, faba bean, chickpea, lentil, soybean, peanut, mung bean, navy bean and cowpea (Brinsmead et al 1991). Other potential grain legumes include vetch, Lathyrus, fenugreek, guar, and a range of summer legumes from the phaseolus family. A wide spectrum of species and varieties is required because of the relatively narrow rainfall, temperature and soil type boundaries for individual types. However, during the 1980s a number of factors have combined to change the emphasis from traditional practices to more intensive but sustainable rotations which include grain legumes as grain crops and possible use of green manure

crops in farmers' revised management practices (Rees and Presser, 1991). They include: availability of, knowledge of, and ability to cultivate new legume crops. declining profits from lower wheat protein levels and lower wool prices; increases in soil disease problems in cereal crops, and the benefits of pulses in reducing these problems; increasing cereal yields following pulse crops; use of effective herbicides in pulses to control grassy weeds which are difficult or expensive to control in cereal crops; profitable use of pulse stubbles and grain spilt after harvesting for feeding; lower wheat protein levels using traditional cereal-pasture rotation methods; the relative profitability of pulses in their own right; the need to develop a nitrogen crop for lower rainfall country.

In the early 1980s and until the wool price boom of 1987-88 relative returns for wool had lagged significantly behind wheat returns in the major wheat-sheep zones of Australia. There was sufficient economic incentive to reduce sheep numbers and increase cropping intensities but there was a reluctance to change to what many farmers would regard as unsustainable cropping rotations. However, the world-wide reduction in economic growth during the late 1980s and since that time and relatively low purchases from the CIS and China in the 1990s has led to a build up in world wool stocks and has again meant relatively low returns for wool compared to grains in recent years. In addition, other economic pressures such as high interest rates up until recently, drought and low wheat prices caused farmers to implement more intensive cropping programs. Gross margins prepared by the SA Department of Agriculture for a range of crop and livestock activities in the wheat-sheep belt of South Australia in 1990-91 demonstrate the marked difference in profitability between wheat, wool and


grain legumes in that year. Cash returns for field peas were forecast at $189/ha compared with $171/ha for wheat and only $50-60/ha from sheep (prices were assumed to be $201/t for peas, $121/t for wheat and $4.90/kg for greasy wool) and did not include a measure for the agronomic benefits of pulses (SA Dept of Agriculture, 1991). Protein levels in wheat are dependent on the level of available nitrogen in the soil, in a cereal pasture system grain legumes in rotation can increase soil fertility. However, the ingress of new pasture pests and weeds, and the use of residual herbicides have made it more difficult for farmers to maintain quality, legume dominant pastures. This problem has been compounded with more intensive

cropping, increased grazing pressures, and possibly poor grazing management as a result of economic pressures on farmers to increase production. However, the economics of pasture improvement in establishing a vigorous legume growth in a pasture are not favourable given current returns from sheep and cereals, and are not likely to be for the next few years. The economic incentives which are required for farmers to increase the cropping intensity can be illustrated by an analysis of the profitability of a number of alternative rotations.

Table 5: Gross margins for a range of alternative cropping rotations in the wheat sheep belt of South Australia in 1990-91 (Source: Rees and Presser, 1991)



Crop Intensity 4 wheat 5 barley wheat wheat wheat pasture barley 6 peas pasture barley peas pasture green manure % 100 50 50 60 33 100

Average annual gross margin S/ha 133 77 62 106 77 98

1 1 2 3 4 5 wheat wheat wheat wheat wheat wheat

2 barley pasture barley peas pasture barley

3 peas barley pasture barley pasture peas

pasture pasture pasture wheat wheat

Over the last few years a grain legume sown for grain every 3 years has been the most profitable rotation. There are however, several agronomic issues, such as the long term effect on soil fertility and soil borne diseases which may reduce crop yields over the medium term. No allowance has been made for these factors in the study or of the benefits and costs of sheep grazing. This kind of analysis may have some impact on the decisions which farmers have to make when choosing a flexible rotation system. There is a need to develop an acceptable grain legume for drier areas such as the Mallee regions of southern Australia and Eyre Peninsula. A more broadly based testing of Lathyrus and narbon bean is necessary to establish whether they have superior attributes over other grain legumes on drier country. At issue will be the relative returns in any

one year available from grain legume grain production relative to hay and forage production using either Vicia or Lathyrus. Demand in Australia for Vicia and Lathyrus (i) Stockfeed There is little or no food demand for these two legumes in Australia, and food demand is unlikely to be significant even with the development of more palatable varieties unless there is a significant shift in consumption to grain legumes. The greatest potential use is for livestock feed, principally for ruminant animals (in competition with lupins) and for poultry and pigs (in competition with field peas, faba bean and in some years chickpeas). Their nutritional value is similar


to field peas but there is some reduction in growth rates in monogastric rations due to unacceptably high levels of growth retardants in current varieties and the problem of toxins, particularly in younger animals. There are few reported growth problems in ruminant animals using vetch. Tables 6 and 7 below represent a domestic supply utilisation table for the two major grain legumes produced in Australia, lupin and field pea, which Table 6: Apparent utilisation of lupins (kt).

reflect a significant usage in the Australian livestock feed market. Average disposal of lupins in Australia was between 350 000 tonnes and 515 000 tonnes in the five years 1987-88 to 199192 with the major market being feed for sheep. There is significant utilisation of lupin in all Australian States except Queensland, although in drought years small quantities of lupins are imported from New South Wales.

1987-88 production exports apparent domestic consumption


1988-89 930 517 413

1989-90 772 378 394

1990-91 752 401 351

1991-92 1038 524 514

857 493 364

ABARE Crop Report 19 January 1993.

Table 7: Apparent utilisation of field peas (kt)

1987-88 production exports apparent domestic consumption

Source: ABARE Crop Report 19 January 1993

1988-89 523 377 231

1989-90 388 294 194

1990-91 309 355 151

1991-92 463 408 276

490 367 177

There is also strong domestic usage of field peas in all States except Queensland where none are grown. The major usage is as an energy component in stockfeed rations for poultry and pigs. The acceptance of vetch and/or Lathyrus in ruminant rations will be dependant on their relative price to lupins. In South Australia and Western Australia blanchefleur and languedoc vetch have been used successfully for sheep feed and in pellets for the livesheep trade. In a study by Allden and Geytenbeck (1983) sheep fed on narbon beans made substantial weight gains, but grew significantly less wool than sheep fed on other legumes. Sheep fed chickpea, Cyprus vetch, narrow leaf lupin, field pea, faba bean and common vetch crops in separate rations gained the most weight whilst the highest wool growth came

from the Cyprus vetch, lupin, field pea and faba bean crops. Cattle, grazing four separate legume crops, made excellent weight gains on faba beans, moderate gains on narrow-leafed lupin and indifferent gains on sub clover pasture, Cyprus vetch and field pea. Cattle were better able to use legumes with either large seeds, such as faba bean, or those such as lupins that retained their seed in the pod (Allden and Geytenbeck, 1983). Following a heavy fall of rain, sheep fed on chick pea, vetchling (Lathyrus cicera), vetch and field peas lost weight whereas those sheep fed on field beans and lupins continued their rapid growth (100-130 g/day). Digestibility studies showed that grain legume residues (stem, leaf and pod) were of higher digestibility (48-60 per cent) than a barley crop residue (44 per cent), the legume species


differing among Geytenbeck, 1983).




In 1971 sheep grazing on lupins, peas, and Languedoc vetch gained more weight but grew less wool than when fed with lupins under all feeding conditions than those grazed on peas and vetches. Sheep grazed on legume stubbles and fed 250g grain/day gave a similar liveweight and wool production to that of the standing grain legume crop (Arnold et al 1980). In a second experiment in 1974 lambs grazed on whole crops gained a similar amount of weight over 42 days on lupins and peas but less on vetches (V. dasycarpa) where grain yield was very low and had lodged after a very wet winter. Gross margins per ha from the grazing activities were $140 on peas, $92 on lupins and -$25/ha on vetches (Arnold et al 1980). Markets for Languedoc vetch include piggeries which can incorporate between 10 per cent and 30 per cent in their feed rations. A constraint with Languedoc seed may be to be able to identify it from Popany and Namoi vetch seed which suppress growth rate in pigs whereas Languedoc reportedly does not (NSW Agnote, 1992) although this conclusion was not supported by Davies (1987). In an experimental grain legume evaluation for pigs Davies found that diets for growing pigs containing Namoi and Popany vetch and narbon beans caused severely reduced intake and pig weight loss. Pigs fed Tyson chick pea and Languedoc vetch rations grew significantly more slowly than those fed the control diet. Growth rate on the soybean, Tyson and Languedoc diets was 645, 595 and 545 g/day respectively. The feed conversion ratio (FCR) of pigs fed the soybean and Languedoc diets was 2.12 and 2.44 respectively. This is a 15% difference, the same as the difference in the growth rate. If the growth depression is attributed entirely to Languedoc, it performed as if it had a DE of 12.5 MJ/kg (compared with the estimated value of 15), or a lysine level of 9.5 g/kg (instead of the measured value of 17.4). Relative to peas Languedoc did not perform as well. Several international studies seem to confirm the value of vetch as a forage legume, describe the possible uses of narbon bean as a feed for ruminants and identify a number of dietary problems with using faba beans and vetches in layer hen diets.

The relatively high prices for sheep make forage legumes increasingly attractive to farmers in West Asia. Trials with a number of vetch varieties showed there was considerable variation in herbage and seed yields within both genotypes and environments, and genotype times environment interactions were highly significant. Woolly pod vetch yielded the most herbage, followed by Narbon vetch. The very high seed yield of narbon bean (mean yield over all environments was more than 2t/ha) raises the possibility that this species could be used as a grain legume in the semi arid regions of West Asia, especially as a feed for livestock and, possibly after selection for greater palatability, for human consumption (Abd El Moneim and Cocks, 1988). Tait and Enneking (1992) have identified an anti-feedant factor in narbon bean which is discussed in more detail below. In Spain an experiment was conducted to establish the effect of increasing the dietary amounts of field beans, sweet lupins, cull peas and vetches on the productivity of high performance laying hens. There was a significant negative relationship between the dietary concentration of beans and vetches and food intake, egg production and food to egg ratio. The inclusion of peas or lupins of up to 300 and 200 g/kg respectively, did not affect productivity. The diets with vetches and the highest amounts of the other three legumes caused egg production to decline in the last week compared to the beginning of the experiment. This effect seems to indicate an accumulation of toxicants in the organs of the birds (Castanon Perez-Lanzac, 1989). In summary, feed trials indicate that vetch and Lathyrus are good forage legumes; there appear to be few problems feeding vetch or Lathyrus seed to ruminants but a number of growth retardant problems emerged when they were fed to monogastric animals. (ii) Hay There is an increasing recognition by farmers of the need for better quality but relatively cheap hay for stock maintenance particularly at a time when wool and sheep prices are so low. As a consequence increasing numbers of farmers are realising the relative cost benefits of producing hay mixtures which include cereals with Vicia varieties in competition with lucerne. In the next few years this may have implications for lucerne hay sales as lucerne hay has a lower nitrogen value relative to Vicia and farmers could turn to the relatively cheaper Vicia product. Consequently lucerne


prices could be expected to fall in the medium term if traditional lucerne buyers convert to the Vicia product. Trends in Field Pea, Chickpea and Lupin exports from Australia In 1986-87 Australia exported some 72 per cent of the field peas produced, 68 per cent of the lupins and 100 per cent of the chickpeas. The remainder was used in various stockfeed rations for ruminants and monogastric animals on the domestic market.

The European Community was the major market for Australian field pea exports in 1986-87 (244 kt). Exports to that destination have fallen steadily since this time as India and Bangladesh emerged as major users of Australian field peas and desi chickpeas for human consumption. In recent years Australia has also exported most of its chickpeas to these two countries (Table 8). For lupins the major markets have been Japan and the European Community for use as protein feed for ruminant animals. Lupins are not being consumed for food despite being given clearance to do so by the World Health Organisation.

Table 8: Australian exports of field peas, chickpeas and lupins, by destination 1986-87 and 1990-91 (Kt). Field Peas 1986-87 South, South East and East Asia India Bangladesh Malaysia Japan Korea, Republic Taiwan European Community Netherlands Portugal Spain Total Exports
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics


Lupins 1986-87 1991-92


94 8

22 11 0.7

17 49 0.7 0.1 82 11 125 93

4 136

7 15 6 86 186

0.3 0.2

175 122 548

25 396




World production of Vicia and Lathyrus Common vetch is a widely distributed and acceptable legume grown for seed for use mainly for forage and hay production in Europe, USA and in countries around the Mediterranean basin. Lathyrus is considered native to southern Europe and West Asia. It is widely grown in India, Iran, Middle East and South America. The table below lists a number of the largest producers of Vicia. The major producer is the

former Soviet Union, but there are more than 25 countries who produce Vicia. Whilst there are no aggregate world production figures available for Lathyrus the major producer is India. In 1981-82 the area sown to Lathyrus was 700 000 ha which resulted in production of 173 kt or 7 per cent of the total pulses produced in India. In 1985 Thakur & Rai (1985) stated that Lathyrus contributes about 6 per cent of India's total pulse production, 80 per cent of which is in two States, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar. Other producers include Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, and Ethiopia.


Table 9: Vicia production 1989-1991: Major producing countries (t)

Italy Germany, East Greece Poland Ethiopia Morocco Syria Turkey Yugoslavia Spain Sweden CIS Europe
Source: FAO 1992

1989 4,400 9,870 9,000 8,495 56,000 14,100 11,400 195,300 27,100 31,100 92,440 l,,000,000 191,037

1990 4,700 8,000 9,000 9,000 60,000 14,500 30,000 186,000 26,587 41,900 83,600 1,100,000 191,326

1991 4,700 2,900 9,000 9,000 62,000 14,800 32,000 183,000 26,000 35,700 88,400 780,000 183,274

World demand for Vicia and Lathyrus There is no recorded trade in Vicia and Lathyrus for food although there is a significant quantity of Vicia seed sold for grazing and green manure purposes in mainly European countries. A. Vicia The future of the international market for Australian Vicia products is strongly linked to six major developments. They are: acceptance of the Blanchefleur vetch as an adequate red lentil substitute in Egypt and India in particular with acceptable low levels of toxin or as a whole seed that can be soaked and cooked in a pressure cooker or soaked and boiled and used as a food. However, both India and Egypt have recently banned the import of Blanchefleur vetch. greater acceptance of Vicia and cereal hay mixtures in the feeding of a range of Australian livestock in competition with lucerne hay and cereal hay. Australia could also supply seed to the European and United States markets for crops to be grown for hay.

the creation of a 15 per cent set aside scheme for cereals and grain legumes in the European Community and the planting of Vicia spp. (excluding broad bean), lentils and chick pea on those set aside acres for grazing provides Australia with an opportunity to identify suitable varieties and supply a significant share of the EC Vicia seed trade. the development of narbon bean as a potential feed legume in drier country. greater acceptance by the Japanese market of compressed or double dumped cereal/ Vicia hay mixes. further development of the green manure seed market in the United States and Europe in response to environmental issues and the issue of sustainable crop rotations.

A substitute for lentils - Vicia for human consumption There is little evidence of any significant trade in Vicia for human consumption except amongst poor populations as a last resort protein. The somewhat chance selection of a red variety (Blanchefleur)


which when split happens to look like a red lentil has excited the interest of merchants in Egypt and India to sample quantities of Australian red vetch in the last two years. For Egypt the product is from the same genus as faba bean, the most favoured legume in Egypt and to date the consumer reaction has been positive. However, both countries have expressed strong disapproval regarding the use of Blanchefleur vetch for food purposes and have banned the import of all vetch varieties for human consumption. The use of low toxin varieties of red Vicia as a substitute for red lentil could have significant implications for the world lentil market. Lentils are a major food protein grain, particularly in the

Indian subcontinent, where a large proportion of the population are vegetarian, and in the Middle East and southern Europe. In 1990-91 the size of the world lentil market was 748 000 tonnes (see table 10). The major exporters were Turkey (mainly red) and Canada (yellow) whilst the major importers were India and the European Community. Lentils are the most favoured legume in many markets and sale of lower toxin Vicia varieties will be at prices significantly discounted to lentils. However most of the potential buying countries have large, poor populations whose demand requirements depend heavily on price movements of available substitutes.

Table 10: World lentil trade ('OOOmt). 1988-89 Exports Turkey Canada United States EC-12 Chile Nepal Syria Lebanon other Total Imports EC-12 India Colombia Algeria Egypt Iraq Lebanon Malaysia Pakistan Saudi Arabia Total
Source: FAO 1992

1989-90 250 180 50 54 2 26 10 8 81 661 163 200 30 35 20 29 25 10 1 15 661

1990-91 300 200 45 68 1 30 10 10 84 748 173 200 30 33 20 25 25 12 20 17 748

606 120 66 26 5 19 28 2 87 959 173 200 38 33 20 30 25 14 37 14 959


In 1990-91 India imported 1.1 million tonnes of pulses including mung bean, black matpe (Vigna mungo), chickpea, field pea, pigeon pea, green pea, and lentils (Australian Trade Commission, 1991). Vicia and Lathyrus were not included in the imports listed. Australia's main competitors in this market are the United States and Canada for dried green pea and yellow pea respectively, Turkey is the world's largest exporter of red lentil and kabuli chickpea and South East Asia for the summer legumes including mung bean, black matpe and pigeonpea. According to the Wealth of India (Duke, 1981) the seeds of common vetch contain vicine and convicine, the toxic principles of Vicia faba. They are also said to produce hydro cyanic acid and neurolathyrogens (P-cyano-a-alanine and yglutamyl-(3-cyano-a-alanine). On this basis the seeds appear to play a role in human lathyrism. Ducks and monkeys, fed on the seeds, developed a syndrome causing deleterious effects on the nervous system similar to the effects caused by Lathyrus. This subject is dealt with in more detail below. Vicia -the problem of neurotoxins In recent years the issue of neurotoxins has become critical in the marketing of Blanchefleur vetch with both Egypt and India banning the importation of vetch for use in human consumption. Below is a description of the toxic and anti-nutritional properties of grain legumes and summaries of the results of studies by the Academy of Grain Technology and by Ressler of toxins found in Vicia varieties. The toxic and anti-nutritional factors produced by legumes can be divided into heat labile and heat stable factors. The toxic and anti-nutritional factors found in Vicia and Lathyrus species fall into the latter category. Unusual amino acids, not found in proteins, occur in some plants, and some are toxic. Both Lathyrus and Vicia species are known to contain such unusual amino acids, but it is difficult to generalise because the level varies from species to species and between cultivars. (3aminopropionitrile which is found in Lathyrus causes osteolathyrism and (3-N-oxalyl-L-l. Pdiaminoproptonic acid which is responsible for neurolathyrism is found in Lathyrus sativus (International Trade Centre, 1982). Saponins, some of which may be toxic, are often bitter and reduce the acceptability of food and feed

in which they occur. There was no indication that there were toxic levels in the Vicia species studied. In a study by the The Academy of Grain Technology (1992) y-glutamyl-P-cyanoalanine was found to be present in machine dressed Blanchefleur vetch at about 1.1 per cent while pcyanoaline was present at the lower level of 0.1 per cent. The level of both compounds was similar to that found in Languedoc vetch. Soaking split vetch seeds in water for 2 hours markedly reduced toxin levels by about 90 per cent with y-glutamyl-p -cyanoaline content decreasing to about 0.1 per cent (original fresh weight) and p-cyanoaline to 0.02 per cent. Cooking unsoaked split vetch in water for 10 minutes resulted in a 30-50 per cent decrease in both toxins. No y-glutamyl-pcyanoaline or p-cyanoaline was detected in faba bean, chickpea, dun pea, yellow pea, broad bean and split chick pea. A study by Ressler et al (1969) established that a 50 per cent Vicia sativa diet fed to week-old chickens caused all the animals to die in less than one week; the observed toxicity could be quantitatively accounted for by the measured levels of L-p-cyanoalanine (0.1%) and its y-L-glutamyl derivative (0.6%). In contrast to the acute toxicity in chickens, rats showed more resistance but had a marked retardation in growth rate. Vicia seed for hay production Common vetch {Vicia sativa L.) is a widely distributed and acceptable legume for forage and hay production in Europe and in countries around the Mediterranean basin. There is a need for Australian marketers to understand the varieties used in these countries in order to develop appropriate niche markets for themselves. There are no known impediments to the importation of current varieties of Vicia seeds into the European Community. Blum and Lehrer (1972) found that although appreciable genetic variability was revealed in most characters studied in Vicia sativa, it is clearly indicated that for most characters, including forage and seed yields, environmental variability and genotype by environment interaction were very pronounced. Forage and seed yields were negatively associated. Forage yield was also positively correlated, and seed yield negatively correlated, with the number of days to flower. It appears that the number of days to flowering is at least partly responsible for the negative association between forage yield and seed yield.


In the former USSR, leguminous crops, such as peas and early varieties of Vicia, can be utilised in

fallow fields, thus intensifying crop rotations with cereals and high protein fodder crops up to
necessary limits. Traditional vetch-oats, pea-oats mixtures assist in lifting the protein output per hectare. Cover crop management in the United States in no-tillage systems prior to planting the principal crop corn can be an important tool in maximising the beneficial effects of the cover crop on the corn crop. Corn dry matter production in a rye cover crop was lower than in legume cover crops. Vicia is capable of providing a substantial portion of the N required by corn. Corn recovery of legume N was estimated at 40 to 45 kg N hectare (2 year average) representing 30 per cent of the total N content of hairy vetch. However, corn planting should not be delayed to allow for additional legume growth and N production (Wagger, 1989). Impact of EC CAP reform In mid-1992, changes were made to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Community. These occurred as a result of a number of factors including, a build up in stocks of cereals, mounting concern that because of increases in EC production and a greater use of chemicals and fertilisers in EC agriculture there would be adverse effects on the environment and concern about the lack of improvement in the purchasing power of farm households despite increases in budget outlays on support and concern about inequalities in support between large and small farmers. The main characteristic of the reforms is that internal support prices are to be reduced for arable crops but counterbalanced by compensation to arable crop producers with those direct payments being linked to actual areas planted. The main effects of the 1992 reforms should see a reduction in EC production of arable crops, including cereals, grain legumes and oilseeds, an increase in domestic consumption of arable crops and a reduction in exportable surpluses. The main reason for the expected reduction in EC production is through the set aside provisions. Prices received by producers who comply with the set aside provisions will be relatively unaffected, given that the compensation rates are to offset the decline in support prices fully, although domestic user prices will be lower (Roberts et al 1992). For grain legumes such as peas and beans the average estimated gross margin per ha for growing grain legumes including compensation is worth

ECU 417/ha or $A753/ha whilst gross margins for a producer who sets aside 15 per cent of the normal area grown to peas and beans is estimated at ECU 402/ha or $A725/ha. On this basis farmers are likely to reduce production through the set aside program which should provide an opportunity for Australia to export peas and beans to the European Community, particularly as peas are now accepted in compound feed rations for monogastric rations. In addition the EC is likely to allow the production on set aside areas of non food crops such as vetches for grazing, lentils and chick peas which may provide an opportunity for Australia to identify and supply appropriate Vicia seed supplies for grazing (Agra Europe-Cap Monitor, 1992). The potential seed market in the EC is between 200 000 ha and 300 000 ha. In 1991 the EC imported 30 million tonnes of cereal products, energy rich products and protein rich products for animal feeding. Of the total 1 Mt of peas, beans and sweet lupins were imported for animal feed. In 1991-92 peas and beans composed 3 per cent of total animal feed consumption in the European Community (Agra Europe, June 1992). Good prospects exist for Australian Vicia seeds in the United Kingdom, Belgium and Netherlands bird seed markets. Australian Vicia seed competes with Turkish Vicia and a range of other products including dun pea, maple pea. safflower seed, sunflower seed, linseed, millet, and canary seed. The market is around 100 kt annually. Narbon Bean as a potential dryland grain legume Narbon bean is a grain legume and forage plant of Mediterranean origin. Grain yields of the species aegyptiaca and narbonensis in Iraq, Syria, Cyprus, Turkey and Australia range from 0.6 - 3.5 t/ha, depending on rainfall and local conditions, with mean yields around 2 t/ha in a 250 - 350 mm/annum rainfall environment. There is a need to isolate an anti-feedant factor from the seeds of Vicia narbonensis which negatively affects feed intake in pigs. Inclusion of narbon beans up to 12.5% in feed rations has a negligible effect on feed intake. The anti feedant activity is in the cationic fraction and can be destroyed by acid hydrolysis. Traditionally the grain has been used to feed cattle, sheep and draught animals. Although the plant is used as a food legume in eastern Turkey and Northern Iraq, the disagreeable flavor of the seed would prevent more widespread acceptance as a human food without further processing (Tait and Enneking, 1992)


At this stage narbon bean would appear to have a place in drier parts of Australia as a forage legume or as a hay mixture. Acceptance of Vicia hay mixtures by Japan Japan imported more than 2.5 million tonnes of forage products in 1989 (Austrade, 1989). Of the total, 680 000 tonnes was baled hay consisting of: Hay sudan grass lucerne timothy Italian rye grass hay oaten hay Percentage 42 22 15 8 13

This study suggests that green manure legumes should be considered as an alternative to fallow on set aside land in higher moisture areas provided the economics of planting the Vicia are greater than simply running a fallow rotation and by inclusion in the economics of the longer term benefits of the increased organic matter from the turned in grain legume. B. Lathyrus Lathyrus is consumed in Bangladesh, China, Ethiopia and India and is frequently used to mix with Bengal gram dhal (chickpea). Consumption of the legume Lathyrus sativus as a staple in parts of India, Bangladesh and Ethiopia has resulted in the disease Lathyrism in the past. The cause is an amino acid (p oxalyl aminoalanine-BOAA) which has been isolated, characterised, and synthesised. Apart from legislating to ban the growing of Lathyrus in 1985, which has not proved very successful, it can be detoxified by soaking the seeds overnight in water at an initial temperature of 75C and then drying. In this way the toxin can be reduced from an initial 0.82 gm% to 0.05 gm% (Bhat, 1986). In 1982-83 the area sown to Lathyrus in Bangladesh was 33 per cent of the total area under grain legumes and represented 34 per cent of pulse production. This is despite the relatively high levels of neurotoxins in the varieties of Lathyrus grown. The importance of Lathyrus is the ability of the plant to withstand drier climates better than most other grain legumes. A number of lines of Lathyrus with low neurotoxin content have been screened and selected, but their acceptability at farm level is not known. In 1982-83 the area sown to all crops was 14.3m ha of which pulses occupied 0.28m ha or 2.1 per cent of the total area. The yield of Lathyrus was double that of lentil and two thirds of wheat (yield of lt/ha). However, the taste of Lathyrus is the least preferred of all the legumes. Gross margins for selected crops are shown in Table 11. Table 11: Gross margins for selected crops : Bangladesh local currency lentil mungbean Lathyrus wheat
Source: Hossain and Ahsan 1984

Between 1984 and 1989 Japanese imports of hay rose from 118 kt in 1984 to 680 kt in 1989. Australia exported 35 kt of principally oaten hay and oat/vetch hay in 1990-91. In the future, the further liberalisation of imports of beef will have a negative effect on the Japanese beef industry and imports of hay could be expected to fall. However, the impact of a relatively low value for the Australian dollar compared to the Japanese yen and to the US dollar will continue to assist Australian exports of hay products to Japan. A major impediment in Australia is the inefficiency of machines used to double dump or compress the size of the hay bales for more economic handling of the hay. Vicia as a green manure crop The use of green manure crops on fallow is becoming a further commercial reality particularly given the announcement of the set aside program by the European Community. In an experiment in Fargo, United States, nitrogen content of soils in the spring following hairy vetch {Vicia villosa Roth.) was equal to the nitrogen level following fallow and greater than the nitrogen level following a wheat crop or other legume species. Grain yield, grain N, and N uptake of unfertilised wheat following the legume treatments generally were similar to those following fallow and wheat fertilised with 150 kg N/ha. Increases in all grain yield components following legumes contributed to this yield advantage. Efficiency and utilisation of N generally were greater following a green manure crop than following either fallow or wheat as a rotation crop (Crop Science Society of America, 1990).

1953 3882 4597 1981


For Australia the future lies in being able to supply bulk quantities of an acceptably low toxin variety of Lathyrus. Lathyrus - the problem of neurotoxins As with Vicia there are significant problems associated with toxins found in Lathyrus. Following is a summary of a number of studies on Lathyrus varieties and the processes used to detoxify Lathyrus. In Bangladesh low yielding winter pulse crops, namely lentil, chickpea, mungbean and black gram, are being replaced gradually by wheat, irrigated 'boro' rice and cotton. Lathyrus acreage, generally restricted to low lying areas has, however, remained unchanged except in places where irrigation has been introduced or campaigns have been launched against this crop for its neurotoxicity (Gowda and Kaul, 1982). Detoxification of Lathyrus is taking place through low cost techniques and through breeding for low cost toxin varieties. In addition, short duration mung bean, blackgram and pigeonpea cultivars are being promoted together with other options to promote other legume improvements. In India, Lathyrus is also known as khesari, teora or lakh/lakhodi. Pusa 24 and Lsd 3 are the normal varieties. Swarup and Lai (1992) found that the BOAA content of Lsd 3 was 0.2886% and 0.2981% for Pusa. New lines tested yielded less than 0.5 t/ha. Testing of local relative to exotic and mutant germplasm showed local cultivars as being higher yielding but possessing higher amounts of BOAA. BOAA content in the local cultivars was very high (0.63-0.75%) compared to the exotic and mutant lines (0.05%-0.08%). It is suggested that to obtain a low neurotoxin cultivar the low BOAA genotypes should be used as recipient parents in hybridisation and the hybrid lines should be backcrossed a few times with the recipient parents (Shaikh et al 1992). In Nepal,, Lathyrus is mostly cultivated as a rotation crop after rice in the province of Saphi. In Saphi, Lathyrus and lentil are the important pulse crops and together they make up 73 per cent of pulses consumed annually (157 kg per household). In Pushpabalpur province Lathyrus comprises only 8 per cent of household consumption. There is now a recognition by many scientists (Campbell et al 1992) that there is a need for a multi-disciplinary approach addressing several related aspects simultaneously. These include reduced neurotoxin content, insect and disease

resistance, nitrogen fixation, agronomic practices, fodder and forage production and components for increased yielding ability. Germplasm collection and evaluation in several countries has demonstrated sufficient genotypic variation for rapid improvement in most of these factors. Complete elimination of the neurotoxin content is being addressed by two main approaches. Identification and elimination of the enzyme responsible for BOAA production, and by transfer of genetic characters through inter-specific hybridisation utilising both cvtogenetics and tissue culture techniques BOAA content of seeds decreased when supplemental moisture was applied to plants growing under moisture limiting conditions. BOAA content decreased by 19 per cent in 1988 when 130 mm of additional moisture was applied to supplement 95 mm of water. A similar result occurred in a number of other experiments. A moisture by genotype interaction occurred as the extent of reduction varied with the breeding line. This relationship between moisture conditions and neurotoxin content has serious implications for the use of Lathyrus as a foodstuff during extreme droughts (Slinkard et al 1992). The potential of Lathyrus for use in poultry diets is considerable. Its chemical composition indicates that it is similar to wheat or intermediate between wheat and soybean meals in man)' respects, but its use as a dietary constituent for growing chicks is limited because of the presence of BOAA and perhaps, other factors. It is apparent that methionine is the limiting amino acid in Lathyrus sathns and thai its addition to diets containing substantial quantities of Lathyrus is essential. It does appear that either chicks are able to adapt to Lathyrus over time despite its detrimental properties, or that older birds are less affected (Low and Rotter, 1990). Processing of Lathyrus seeds by soaking in water, steaming, autoclaving and fermenting is an effective means of improving both their amino acid scores and vitamin B12 scores. The sulfur containing amino acids were the most limiting in all the processed seeds. In addition, the fermented seeds were also deficient in leucine, valine and isoleucine. Tempeh fermentation markedly increased the vitamin B12 content of the seeds (Moslehuddin and Hang, 1987). A study by Svvaran (1982) confirmed that after preparing the grain by soaking, fermentation and heating 95 per cent of the BOAA was destroyed. The use of a pressure cooker, fermenting and steaming also reduced the BOAA by 95 per cent; by presoaking


and autoclaving by 75 per cent and by just boiling by 42 per cent. A Nepalese study found that parboiling or steeping the pulse overnight in water and rejecting the water detoxifies the pulse (Khatiwada, 1988). Conclusion The introduction of Lathyrus and a broader range of Vicia varieties will increase the range of options available to growers on more marginal cropping country to introduce a grain legume or forage legume into their cropping mix and increase their productivity. Increasingly, Australian farmers will grow more balanced hay mixtures of cereals and grain/pasture legumes and adopt green manure crops in their cropping rotations. The economics for adopting these alternative rotations need to be more fully assessed as do the relative merits of Vicia and Lathyrus compared to the more commonly grown grain legumes in Australia, lupins, field peas chick peas and faba beans {Vicia fab a). The ready acceptance of chickpeas, field peas, faba bean and lentils as food legumes in international markets will make it more difficult for Vicia and Lathyrus to find a relatively profitable niche in the Australian farming system. The presence of anti nutritional factors in Vicia and Lathyrus have virtually ruled them out of the food trade until lower toxin varieties are developed. There are opportunities for sales of Australian Vicia as seed for the growth of green manure crops in the European Community. The introduction in 1992 of a policy of encouraging growers in the European Community to grow Vicia on set aside land does provide Australian growers with a potential market niche in competition with the major exporter Turkey. Vicia and Lathyrus can be used successfully in ruminant feed rations, in particular for sheep and cattle but in competition with lupins, field peas, faba beans, other grain legumes, oilseed meals and other competing feed ingredients. References Abd El Moneim, A.M., Cocks, P.S. and Swedan, Y. (1988). Yield stability of selected forage vetches {Vicia spp.). J agric. Sci. Camb. I l l : pp. 295-301.

Agra Europe (June 1992). Livestock consumption of feedingstuffs in the European Community. Agra Europe, June 5, 1992. Allden, W. G. and Geytenbeek, P.E. (1976). Evaluation of nine species of grain legumes for grazing sheep. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Animal Production, XI, Adelaide, South Australia, pp. 249-252. Arnold, G. W. Charlick, A.J. and Wallace, S.R (1980). Comparisons of crops of lupins, peas and vetches for weaner sheep in summer in a mediterranean environment. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Animal Production 13. Perth, Western Australia, pp. 361-364. Bhat, RV. (1986). Naturally occurring toxins in legumes and their elimination, with special reference to Lathyrus sativus. Proceedings of international workshop on Food legume improvement for Asian farming systems, Khon Kaen, Thailand. Blum, A. and Lehrcr, W. (1973). Genetic and environmental variability in some agronomical and botanical characters of common vetch {Vicia sativa L.). Euphytica 22 pp. 89-97. Briggs, C.J., Campbell, C , Stinkard, A.E. and Vandenburg, A. (1992). Moisture influence on neurotoxin content of Lathyrus sativus. Abstract of contributed poster, International Food Legume Conference, Cairo, Egypt. Brinsmead, R.B., Brouwer, J.B., Hawthorne W.A., Holmes J.H.G., Knights E.J. and Walton G.H. (1991). Breeding for adaptability, productivity, quality and marketability of grain legumes in Australia. Grains 2000 Conference, Australia. Campbell, C.G, Deshpande A, Mehra, R.B., Agrawal, S.K., Chen, Y.Z., El-AIi, A.M.A., Khawaja, H.I.T., Yadov, C.R., Tay, J., Ayaya, W.A., Mian, A. (1992). Current status and future strategy in breeding grasspea. International Food Legume Conference, Cairo, Egypt. Castanon, J.I.R. and Perez-Lanzac, J. (1990). Substitution of fixed amounts of soyabean meal for field beans {Vicia faba), sweet lupins {Lupinus albus), cull peas {Pisum sativum) and vetches {Vicia sativa) in diets for high performance laying leghorn hens. British Poultry Science. pp. 31:173-180.


Crop Science Society of America (1990). Greenmanure legume effects on soil nitrogen, grain yield, and nitrogen nutrition of wheat. North Dakota State University, Fargo N.D. Davies, R L . (1987). Notes on an experimental grain legume evaluation for pigs. South Australian Department of Agriculture. Duke J.A. (1981). Handbook of Legumes of World Economic Importance. (Plenum Press, New York.) Enneking, D., Tate, M.E. and Knight, R (1992). Vicia narbonensis L., a potential grain legume for dry areas. Abstract of contributed poster. International Food Legume Conference II Cairo, Egypt. Gowda, C.L.L. and Kaul, A.K. (1982). Pulses in Bangladesh. (F.A.O./ Barri) p.412. Hossain, S. and Ahsan, E. (1984). Socioeconomic constraints to production, utilization and marketing of selected grain legumes - Research implications of expanded production of selected upland crops in tropical Asia. (UN/ESCAP Regional Coordination Centre for Research and Development of Coarse Grains, Pulses, Roots and Tuber (CGPRT) Crops in the humid tropics of Asia and the Pacific (CGPRT Centre)), pp. 160-172. International Trade Centre UNCTAD/GATT (1982). A study on market opportunities for pulses from least developed countries. Khatiwada, M.K., Poudel, S.K. and Gurung, D.K. (1988). Socio-economic constraints to pulse production in Nepal. (CGPRT Centre.) Laurence, R.C.N. (1979). A comparison of the grain and protein yield potential of some annual legume species in South Australia. Aust. J. Exp. AgricAnim. Husb. 19 No. 99. pp. 495-503

Rees, R O . and Presser, J. (1991). Economics of pasture and grain legume production. Waite Institute and South Australian Department of Agriculture seminar on the role of grain legumes in cereal rotations. April 5. Ressler, C , Nigam, S.N. and Giza, Y.H. (1969) Toxic principles of vetch: isolation and identification of r-L-Glutamyl-L-B-Cyainoalamine from common vetch seeds: distribution in some legumes. J. Am. chem. Soc. 91. pp. 2758-2765. Shaikh, M.A.Q., Lahiri, B.P., Majid, M.A. and Dutta, RK. (1992). Development of low neurotoxin hybrid lines of grasspea (Lathyrus sativus L). Abstracts of contributed posters . International Food Legume Conference Cairo, Egypt. Silsbury, J.H. (1975). Grain yield and flowering of some introduced grain legumes in South Australia. Aust. J. of Exp. Agric. and An. Husb. 15. pp. 556-560. Smartt, J. (1992). Grasspea (Lathyrus sativus) as a potential food legume crop. Paper presented at the International Food Legume Conference II Cairo Egypt. South Australian Department of Agriculture, (1991). Crop and Livestock Gross margins for the lower, mid and upper north. Swarup, I and Lai, M.S. (1992). Breeding low toxin and productive varieties of Lathyrus for rainfed conditions of Madhya Pradesh, India. Abstract of contributed poster. International Food Legume Conference II Cairo. Egypt. Thakur, H.C. and Rai, B. (1985). Cultivation of khesari in paddy fallows. Indian Farming 40. pp. 9-11. Wagger, M.G. (1989). Cover crop management and nitrogen rate in relation to growth and yield of no-till corn. American Society of Agronomy 81. pp. 533-538. Walton, G.H. and Trent, T.R (1988). 'Evaluation of pulses and other seed legumes for crop rotations in Western Australia'. Technical Bulletin No. 79. Western Australian Department of Agriculture. Wills, RB.H. (1992). Analysis of toxic constituents in vetch (Vicia sativa L.). The Academy of Grain Technology Victoria.

Low, RK-C, Rotter, RG., Marquardt, R R

and Campbell, G.C. (1990). Use of Lathyrus sativus L. (Var. Seminis Albi) as a foodstuff for poultry. British Poultry Science, 31. pp. 615-625. Moslehuddin, A.B.M. and Hang, Y.D. (1987) Effect of processing methods on the nutritional value of Lathyrus sativus seeds. Nutrition Reports International, November Vol. 36 No 5. New South Wales Agriculture and Fisheries (1992). 'Grain Vetches' Agnote 5/112.


Toxins and Unpalatability Factors

M.E. Tate and D. Enneking Department of Plant Science, Waite Agricultural Research Institute. Glen Osmond, South Australia
Scope The following is a selective discussion of some of our recent examples, Namoi vetch (Vicia villosa ssp. dasycarpa cv. Namoi) and Narbon bean (Vicia narbonensis), which demonstrate what can be achieved by a combination of a simple reliable quantitative bioassay coupled with suitable fractionation procedures followed by a structural investigation of the active component. There is also a discussion of what can happen when the known scientific literature on toxic vetches is ignored (Vicia sativa cv. Blanchefleur). Background Literature There are many excellent reviews of toxic components in vetches (Vicia spp.) and chickling vetches (Lathyrus spp.) and we will mention only five of the more recent ones (Lambein et al. 1990; D'Mello, 1991; Roy, 1981; Rosenthal, 1982; Simola, 1986) to permit entry into the literature by those who are unfamiliar with it. These references spell out the known problems of toxic components which can be major constraints to legume end-use, unless they are either genetically eliminated or removed by some suitable post-harvest treatment. Significance of Toxins and Unpalatability Factors as far as New Legumes for Australia are Concerned It should be borne in mind that these factors have probably evolved as major secondary metabolites by providing a significant antipredator defence to the plant. It can be argued that a toxin is beneficial if it ensures the protection of the plant, resulting in higher biomass. For example, if the toxin only affects monogastric animals, and ruminants can metabolize it satisfactorily, then it is of no concern in ruminant production and provides the added benefit of reduced predation by monogastric species such as birds and rodents. However if such a legume is successfully used as a ruminant feedstuff and is then promoted for use by monogastric consumption without any detoxification treatment, then a major problem can be expected to ensue. Such a situation has now arisen with the V. sativa cultivar "Blanchefleur". V. sativa Toxins Commentary The neurotoxin content of V. sativa was documented by Selwin Everist (1979) in "Poisonous plants of Australia" even though an important reference by Ressler et al. (1969) was omitted. The Everist reference is available from virtually every municipal library in Australia, thus there can be no excuse by those promoting the Blanchefleur cultivar of V. sativa as being suitable for human consumption, for not doing the appropriate homework at the beginning of the marketing exercise. Such negligence has now caused a major fiasco in the development and continuation of the export of V. sativa from Australia. It will undoubtedly damage our credibility as a grain legume exporting nation, just as surely as the export of faulty wines to Europe in the 1920's led to the establishment of the Australian Wine Research Institute. It has taken the best part of the century since that wine export problem arose for that industry to demonstrate that Australian wines can be made to an unparalleled excellence. Much of the credit for that achievement can be attributed to the strong industry support for high quality research at the Australian Wine Research Institute, based around the major problems of the industry. In our opinion, the grain legume industry, must now do likewise and get its house in order. What can be done with V. sativa? Detoxification Strategies. In the case of the V. sativa cultivar Blanchefleur, there is now a concerted effort to find cooking conditions for detoxifying the extremely high concentration of the known neurotoxins p-cyanoalanine and its y-glutamyl derivative. However this approach ignores the fact that the greatest market for this pulse is in the Middle East where the genetic defect in the human population, which gives rise to favism (due to the intake of Vicine and Convicine) is in abundance. The


concentrations of Vicine and Convicine in some cultivars of V. sativa has been well documented by Pitz et al. (1980) and their data is plotted in Figure 1. The significance of these data are that even though the enduser would (from local prior knowledge) normally avoid Faba beans, they could well unwittingly consume Blanchefleur (V. sativa),

which may well contain significant levels of these toxins. Here once more we see neglect of the literature leading to the simplistic approach of removing (3-cyano alanine toxins without regard to other factors of importance to the end-user.

V. faba V. sativa V. narbonensis



Figure 1: Concentrations of Vicine and Convicine in some cultivars of Vicia faba, V. narbonensis. Data from Pitz et ah (1980). Can V. sativa Enhanced? Stockfeed Suitability be

V. sativa and

Harper and Arscott (1962) have noted that it required eight hours of autoclaving at 15 psi in order to destroy the biologically detectable toxicity to chickens. Thus by intelligently improving the detoxification step by, for example, using acid or enzymic catalysis and monitoring the toxin decrease by a suitable bioassay, we could provide new end-user outlets and probably double or treble its suitability as a cheap high protein feed for poultry or other stockfeed. The fanning

communit}' has demonstrated that it can produce a bountiful supply of Blanchfleur and we know that the Russians produce up to 2m. tonnes of V. sativa for stock food so there is clearly a market which could be penetrated with a superior product of lower toxin content. We strongly support this approach to produce a nutritious stockfeed. An alternative approach for treatment of (3-cyanoalanine toxins for stockfeed would be to recognise the opportunity provided by Ressler's (Nigam and Ressler, 1964) studies on the pathways involving (3 -cyano-alanine outlined in Figure 2.



Serine Nontoxic




P-CN-alanine Neurotoxin




Asparagine Nontoxic


Figure 2: Vicia sativa and Lathyrus sylvestis known pathway involving Beto Cyano Alanine (Nigam and Ressler, 1964). It is known that asparaginase which normally hydrolyses asparagine to aspartic acid, also catalyses the hydrolysis of p-cyano-alanine (R=H) to the intermediate asparagine as shown in Figure 2. One possibility is that the function of the yglutamyl substituent in V. sativa could be to remove the normal substrate of p-cyano-alanine from this pathway, by converting it to the yglutamyl (R=y-glu) thereby making it unavailable as a substrate to the asparaginase. Thus the route outlined by Nigam and Ressler (1964) could actually be achieved by a temporary diversion of P-cyano-alanine (R=H) into a stable pool of the toxic y-glutamyl derivitave (R=yglutamyl), which can be subsequently released during germination by a postulated y-glutamyl peptidase. Such an hypothesis could be readily tested and if confirmed would point to the specific genetic modification required for detoxification, i.e. use of an existing y-glutamyl peptidase which is under specific temporal and spatial control in V. sativa and not in those Vicia spp. which do not contain the p-cyano-alanine toxins. Will V. sativa ever be suitable for human consumption? Even if we choose conditions for eliminating pcyano-alanine and its y-glutamyl derivitave as well as Vicine and Convicine by leaching, cooking, fermentation or alternatively by genetic modification, we still cannot say for certain, that there are no other residual toxins for any particular end-user animal (let alone humans) unless a suitable end-use bioassay is employed. In our opinion (and every knowledgeable scientist we have contacted so far), no untreated V. sativa can ever be considered suitable for human


consumption, and this view is supported by a reply from the minister (The honourable P.R. Staples M.P.) in which it is clearly stated that: "At present as no limit (for cyanoalanine, in Australia) has been prescribed, no cyanoalanines are allowed in vetch or indeed other foods intended for human consumption." Clearly this is a matter for the National Health Authority to decide. V. villosa dasycarpa and V. benghalensis Toxins and the Importance of Relevant Endusage Bioassays.

The importance of having a suitable end-use bioassay was particularly well understood by our late friend and colleague Dr. Richard Davies. His pig bioassays established the approximate maximum levels for consumption of the Vicia cultivars Namoi (V. villosa ssp. dasycarpa), Popany (V. benghalensis), and the narbon bean (V. narbonensis). We have now established the chemical basis for the pig's aversion to the seeds of Namoi and Popany Vetches as being due to their L-canavanine content (Figure 3).

1.2 r

o 2 o

0.8 -ve Control 0.6 8% Namoi (+ve) 100% Canavanine 0.4 100% Lysine 40% Canavanine 0.2

* i

T3 O O ^CO

0.0 10 Day 12 14

Figure 3: Voluntary pig feed-intake showing intake inhibited by canavanine. It is now a simple matter to predict for pigs that the acceptability of vetch in pig food will be directly related to its canavanine content. It is also possible to accurately predict that simply cooking the canavanine-containing vetch in mild alkali will make it suitable for pigs. This is because of its ready loss of ammonia under these conditions to form deamino-canavanine which showed no diminution of the pig feed-intake. In fact Obizoba and Obiano (1988) have suggested just such a treatment for the Jackbean (Canivalia ensiformis) which also contains similar levels of canavanine to Namoi vetch.





L-CANAVANINE I Guanidine pKa = 7.0 Figure 4: Pig antifeedant component in Vicia villosa ssp. dasycarpa. The Narbon Bean (V. narbonensis) The case of our investigations into the narbon bean, shows how a knowledge of the chemical basis for food-intake restriction can produce suprising results. Richard Davies had observed that pigs would tolerate much higher levels than for the canavanine-containing vetches Namoi and Popany. By fractionating the sample and bioassaying each fraction it was established that active fraction was always associated with a

L-ARGININEII Guanidine pKa = 12.5

nunhydrin positive, UV absorbing component. When the material was finally purified to homogeneity, the structure was established by elemental analysis, degradative data, mass spectrometry and NMR data as a y-glutamyl derivative of S-ethenul cysteine. The remarkable feature about this product is that its homologue, the y-glutamyl derivative of S-propenyl cysteine is the flavour precursor for chives.







Glutamic Acid + Cysteine + Propionaldehyde

Good Odour

Figure 5: Unpalatable and palatable precursors.


The first important feature of this molecule is the fact that it contains 11.7% sulfur, and because this dipeptide is present as a major nin +ve component of the free amino acids which can be present at up to 3% of the grain it follows that any grain with this kind of level of the GEC dipeptide will be a sulfur rich legume which should be of significant benefit for end products like eggs or wool with high sulfur requirements. The high sulfur content was confirmed by the elemental analysis data kindly provided at our request by Bill Easton of the

Victorian Department of Agriculture, Mallee Research Station, Walpeup and shown in Figure 6. Two features are apparent, firstly the sulfur content (0.28 - 0.37%) approaches nearly double that of Dun peas (0.16 - 0.18%) and Namoi vetch (0.2%) and secondly that there is sufficient variation in the Lines which were measured to encourage us to see whether the unpalatability to pigs of the different lines could be ranked in order of increasing sulfur contenL As shown in Figure 7, this is indeed the case.

0.4 r






NARB M 2 2 6 6 9


BON ("





z o Name

Figure 6: Sulfur content




JARBOf (22703)

iUEDOC v\sativa)

LEUR 1 '. sativa)

(V.ben nalensis)

JARBOr (22660)


NARB M 2 3 5 6 6



1 . 2

1 . 0


0 . 8

2 c

0.6 Pea 0 . 4 140004 (0.35%S) SA22669 (0.32%S) 0.2 SA227030 (0.37%S)


0 . 0 10 12 14

Figure 7: Relationship between sulfur content andfeed intake inhibition. The second important feature is that there are two degradation pathways which are obvious (Figure 5). One leads to the nutritionally nontoxic cysteine by hydrolysis, the other leads to the liberation of toxic hydrogen sulfide. The nutritionally desirable cysteine pathway can readily be induced under mild acidic hydrolysis conditions (dilute acetic acid eg. vinegar and heat), the second pathway occurs spontaneously in the presence of ultraviolet light and during germination of the seeds. The hydrogen sulfide could conceivably play a role as a soil sterilant or repellent in the vicinity of the germinating seed and young seedling. Thus there may be previously unrecognised soil improvement benefits by growing this sulfur-rich, nitrogenfixing legume which can also be used either as a green manure or fodder crop. Summary 1. It is vital that Australian grain exporters appreciate the importance of knowing the published economic botany of their commodities. 2. The appropriate post-harvesting process for detoxification, (which could be industrial or culinary) depends ultimately upon end-usage and will greatly enhance the value of the crop. In the case of products for human consumption it is important to know about the culinary practices and cultural preferences associated with a particular commodity. 3. Vicia toxins such as P-CN-alanine or the unpalatable S-ethenyl cysteine can be converted into nutrients. 4. Plant breeders could avail themselves of published knowledge concerning detoxification pathways, which may possibly be unblocked to produce non toxic cultivars. 5. Where antipredator toxins have been identified these may conceivably be usefully transferred by plant breeders to crops were the endusage is not affected by its particular toxin content and thus reduce chemical inputs during crop production and storage. 6. The narbon bean is worthy of closer investigation for its suitability as a sulfur rich grain legume for Mediterranean agriculture.


References D'Mello, J.P.F. (1991). In "Toxic Substances in Crop Plants". Ed. J.P.F. D'Mello, CM. Duffus and J.H. Duffus. (Royal Soc. Chem. Publ.: Edinburgh) pp. 21-48. Everist, S. (1979). In "Poisonous Plants of Australia". (Angus & Robertson: London) 2ed. p. 493. Harper, J.A. and Arscott, G.H. (1962). "Toxicity of common and hairy vetch seed for poults and chicks" Poult. Sci. 41, pp. 19681974. Lambein, F. Ikegam, Y.K.F. and Murakoshi, L (1990). Toxic and non-toxic nonprotein amino acids in the Vicieae in "Amino Acids: Chemistry, Biology and Medicine." Ed. G. Lubec and G.A. Rosenthal (ESCOM Science Publishers: B.V.). pp. 21-28. Nigam, S.N. and Ressler, C. (1964). Biochimica

Pitz, W.J., Sosulski, F.W. and Hogge, L.R. (1980). Occurrence of Vicine and Convicine in Seeds of some Vicia species and other pulses. Can. Inst. Food Sci. Technol. J. 13(1), pp. 3539. Ressler, C , Nigam, S.N. and Giza, Y.H. (1969). J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 91. pp. 2758-2765. Rosenthal, G.A. (1982). Toxic Constituents and their Related Metabolites in "Plant Nonprotein Amino Acids Biological, Biochemical and Toxicological Properties." Ed. G.A. Rosenthal (Academic Press: New York), pp.57-203. Roy, D.N. (1981). Toxic Amino Acids and Proteings from Lathyrus Plants and other Leguminous Species: A literature review Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews - Series A, 51(10), pp.691-707. Simola, L.K. (1986). Structural and Chemical Aspects of Evolution of Lathyrus Species, in "Lathyrus and Lathyrism." Ed. A.K. Kaul and D. Combes (Third World Medical Research Foundation: New York), p. 334.

Biophysica Ada 93, pp. 339

Obizoba, LC. and Obiano, N. (1988). The nutritive value of jackbean {Canavalia ensiformis). Ecol. Food and Nutr. 21, pp. 265270.


The Role of the Co-operative Research Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture in Developing New Legume Crops
M. W. Perry. Division of Plant Industries, Department of Agriculture Western Australia Baron-Hay Court, South Perth, Western Australia.
The new Cooperative Research Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture (CLIMA) should make a substantial contribution to grain legume research and crop improvement in southern Australia. In attempting to define its role this paper covers three topics: a brief review of the history of grain legume production in Western Australia, a perspective on environmental limitations and opportunities for grain legumes; and finally, the possible role of CLIMA in relation to other organisations and interests A Perspective on Grain Legume Production in Western Australia Lupins The history of grain legume production in Western Australia is the history of Lupinus angustifolius, the Narrow-leafed lupin. The cultivar Uniwhite was released by John Gladstones in 1967, it combined low alkaloids, reduced shattering and white flowers and seeds; and was the first crop cultivar of the species. Uniharvest, released in 1972 was fully nonshattering and Unicrop (1974) contained genes for earliness and resistance to grey leaf spot (Stemphilium). The release of Unicrop completed the first cycle of breeding and produced a fully domesticated crop plant. This was achieved by the assembly of a relatively small number of single gene traits. From this base, breeding effort has been continued by Gladstones and others and has resulted in rapid yield improvement. Areas sown, yields and production are shown in Figure 1. After a slow start, area and production rose dramatically during the 1980s from a base of about 50,000 ha and 50,000 t in 1980/81 to approximately 740,000 ha and 750,000 tonnes a From a farmer perspective the greatest existing problems in lupin production are: Low and variable yields on shallow, and/or fine textured, and/or alkaline soils; especially in low rainfall areas. (The most common wish of farmers is for a lupin to grow on heavy soils!) High flower abortion, low pod set, and consequent low harvest index. Especially in higher rainfall areas farmers constantly remark on big vegetative crops which yield little, although all our evidence suggests that harvest index is low but relatively constant regardless of crop biomass. Brown leaf spot/ Pleiochaeta root rot. decade later. For 1991, we estimate that the area sown was 770,000 ha for a gross production of at least 920,000 tonnes. Of this total, about 60% was delivered to marketing authorities with the remainder (370,000 tonnes) used on-farm or traded outside the statutary marketing system. Statewide, lupin yields have been between 0.83 and 1.09 t/ha for a decade. Viewed optimistically, yields are trending upward and the State record yield of 1.19 t/ha achieved in 1991 appears to confirm this. The challenge for the industry now is to take the 0.93 t/ha average achieved for the decade of the 1980s to 1.2 - 1.4 t/ha during the 1990s.

Phomopsis infection, shedding/harvester loss, Cucumber Mosaic Virus, Native bud worm and Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus remain as lesser problems or are not readily identified by farmers.






1981/82 Year



(b) 1000 800

o o


3 U 3 a

c o

400 200 0.5




1981/82 Year



Figure 1: Field peas

Lupin areas sown (a), production and yields (b) 1971/72 to 1991/92 to development of the pea industry did not occur until the appointment of an agronomist in 1984 and an extension/industry development officer in 1988. From less than 1,000 ha in 1982, the area of field peas has increased to a maximum of 47,000 ha in 1988. The area sown has since fluctuated between 20,000 and 40,000 ha (Figure 2), mainly in response to variability in prices for cereal grains. Production has mirrored the area sown, but State average yield is only 0.74 t/ha.

Field peas have been grown in small quantities in Western Australia since at least the 1930s. Production was initially for on-farm use and for seed to be sown for pea-cereal hay or for standing forage pea crops, but in the last decade production has increased to service a commercial stockfeed market and for export as whole peas. A small field pea R&D program began in about 1974, but the commitment of resources dedicated


(a) 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1971/72

re x: o


1981/82 Year



(b) 50 45 40 35 I 30 25 I20 15 h 10 5 0



c o
O 3 " D O

2 a>






Figure 2: Field pea areas sown (a), production and yield (b) 1971/72 to 1991/92. Field pea is an early flowering, widely adapted plant able to grow on a wide range of mildly acidic, neutral and alkaline soil types in all rainfall regions. Pritchard (pers. comm.) has estimated the area potentially suitable for field pea production in the nine Advisory Districts of the South-West Land Division as 9.5 million hectares, or 44% of the cleared land area. This is an upper limit and in practice field peas have been successfully adopted on red-brown earths, red earths and calcareous clays in the medium and low rainfall parts of the central wheatbelt. Field pea varieties recommended in Western Australia are all of eastern States or overseas origin. The National Field Pea Breeding Program based in South Australia and the Victorian field pea breeding program target cooler longer season areas of south-eastern Australia and the materials available for evaluation were invariably of medium/late maturity and proved poorly adapted to the much shorter growing season and more arid spring environments of Western Australia. In recognition of the differing environment, a satellite breeding program was started in Western Australia in 1988. Its principal aim is to breed high yielding, early to mid-season maturing lines with acceptable milling quality for short season environments. Subsidiary aims within the program are improved standing ability, resistance


to Mycosphaerella pinoides and improved cold tolerance. First crosses from the program have shown consistently greater adaptation to the dry wheatbelt and, for example, in 1991/92 thirty four lines were higher yielding than the recommended cultivar Wirrega and seven outyielded the Derrimut control (Table 1) The major constraints to field pea industry development in Western Australia are at present supply rather than market based. Greater and more reliable field pea production would allow greater uptake into local feedstock industries and in time would allow development of a pea splitting industry.

The low average yield of field pea (0.74 t/ha) is the major concern for the industry. As no breeding and selection had been done before 1988, experience with lupins suggests that the breeding program will make rapid yield improvement, probably of the order of 50-100% over the next decade. Nevertheless, the low yields, particularly in low rainfall areas, call into question the basic adaptation of field pea to the arid environment experienced in Western Australia. Research into the adaptation and physiology of field pea yield is therefore warranted in support of the breeding program. Other constraints to industry development are Black spot, farmer aversion to harvesting, erodibility of harvested pea paddocks and frost.

Table 1. Yield (percentage of Wirrega) and maturity score (scale 1-9, 9 = most late) of promising lines from the WA field pea breeding program. Mean of Merredin and Perenjori site yields. (T.N. Khan, unpublished data) Line 88P034-3 88P078-2 88P038-10 88PX00-34 88PX00-11 88P090-5 88P007-2 Pedigree Dundale/Collegian Derrimut/WA532 WA495/WA81 Unknown Unknown WA950/WA493 Wirrega/Dundale % of Wirrega 134 126 126 124 118 117 116 Maturity score 5.0 5.0 6.8 6.3 4.3 5.3 6.0

Derrimut Wirrega

Control Control

116 100

5.6 7.0

Other grain legumes There is increasing interest in production of Mediterranean white lupin (L. albus), faba bean (Vicia faba) and chickpea (deer arietinum) in Western Australia. Currently areas and production are very small, but increased R&D is being devoted to these crops. Tangier pea {Lathyrus tingitanus) has also been used occasionally for hay and was the subject of a small mutation breeding program in the early 1970s (C. M. Francis, pers. comm.).

Lessons to be learned from the lupin experience What can be learned from the grain legume experience that can help us in the development of other grain legumes? Dedicated resources Although it is hard to quantify, progress in germplasm improvement, in agronomy and in adoption are in proportion to the effort applied. Lupins were perhaps lucky because their development followed closely the institutional expansion of the late 1960s and the development of levy based industry funding. Field peas languished through the 1970s although the area to which they


are potentially well adapted may be as great as that for lupins. Only when there are people with a specific commitment to the crop will progress be made. Yield improvement environment for a new crop/netv

Following domestication, quantitative breeding has increased the genetic yield potential of lupins enormously. Direct comparison of cultivars and the results of variety testing using overlapping control cultivars indicate that the yield of Merrit. released in 1992, is approximately 150% that of Unicrop released in 1974; and the latter cultivar itself was substantially higher yielding than the earlier Uniharvest and Uniwhite. Although field pea has been extensively bred, the subtleties of environment are such that very rapid yield improvement appears to have been achieved in the first phase of the low rainfall breeding program. It is very likely therefore that very rapid yield improvement would be achieved in the early stages of crop improvement programs for undeveloped species. Role of wild germplasm Germplasm collected from the natural distribution of L. angustifolius has been critical in the first cycle of quantitative breeding. Crosses of the first domesticated cultivars to wild lupins from the mediterranean have led to the substantially higher yielding cultivars Gungurru and Merrit. Phomopsis resistance, a key trait in allowing the adoption of lupins in southern parts of the State was incorporated from Spanish and Moroccan ecotypes (Gladstones, 1989). Preliminary studies by Clements and Cowling (pers. comm.) of accessions of wild L. angustifolius has shown high levels of genetic variation in populations of the species even within the relatively restricted Agean region. The study assessed only a small fraction of the present lupin collection yet was able to identify variation for important agronomic traits. For any species under consideration for improvement, adequate sampling, documentation and evaluation of the available germplasm is essential. The domestic market for protein grains Beside the commercial stockfeed market, approximately 30 million sheep and 65,000 dairy cattle form a large local market for protein. Some 350,000 tonnes of lupins, 40-60% of production is

either used on-farm or traded between farmers. This is significant because we can avoid the 'chicken and egg1 trap where lack of markets limits production and lack of production limits market development. A more productive, but lower valued grain legume can replace higher valued lupins or peas for on-farm use, thus increasing the marketable volume of the more valuable commodity. Rotational effects Were it not for the 'rotational' benefits, grain legume production would be but a small fraction of its present scale in Western Australia. Although grown primarily for their high protein seed , 'rotational' benefits add substantially to the net value of including a legume in a fanning system. A part of the benefit arises from the legumes' ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen which may reduce fertilizer nitrogen requirements, or, on the breakdown of legume residues, becomes available to subsequent non-leguminous plants. Additional rotational benefits may include opportunities for weed and disease control, recycling of nutrients and improvement in soil structure. What crop legumes do that pasture legume does not is to provide flexibility, usually greater cash income, and, importantly, greater opportunity for weed and disease control and thus greater farming system productivity. Role of farmers in industry development Successful adoption by farmers implies that the grain legume occupies a profitable niche in the farming system. While we, as scientists, may be skilled in germplasm improvement and crop management, in the where and why of integration into fanning systems we all too frequently are a poor second to the farmer. Few forsaw the scale of the lupin industry or its geographic distribution at the time of first release. Limitations and opportunities for exploitation of crop legumes Adaptation to soil type L. angustifolius is a species with an adaptation to deep, coarse textured and acidic to neutral soils. Approximately 7.5 million hectares of yellow earths and yellow earthy sands occur in the north, north-central, east and south-east of the SouthWest Land Division and these soils have become


the natural home of a continuous crop wheat-lupin rotation. Elsewhere, lupins are being grown on a wide range of soil types including coarse surfaced duplex soils, loams and gravelly loams although with varying success depending on soil type and rainfall. To estimate the potential and distribution of soil types suitable for grain legume production, we have divided the soils of the South-West Land Division into those with an acidic or neutral reaction trend and therefore presumed suitable for L. angustifolius; and those with an alkaline reaction trend. The latter include red earths, red-

brown earths and other soils with free calcium carbonate in the profile, plus a very large area of hard setting duplex soils which are alkaline in reaction trend. Lupin crops are grown on some of these soils, but yields and yield variability increase dramatically as these soils become shallower and the rainfall lower. Using Sheet 5 of the Atlas of Australian Soils (Northcote, 1966) we have superimposed local government boundaries and using the Western Australian Department of Agriculture Geographic Information System, estimated the areas of major soils within rainfall regions.

Table 2. Distribution of soil types considered unsuitable for L. angustifolius between high (greater than 450 mm annual rainfall), medium (325-450 mm) and low (less than 325 mm) rainfall regions. Landscape* units High >450 mm nil 52,400 nil 91,000 7,000 150,400 Medium 450-325 mm 181,300 432,100 757,600 547,000 366,600 2,284,600 Low <325 mm 272,800 741,400 447,400 nil 162,100 1,623,700 TOTAL

Red Earths (My, Mx) Red-brown earths (Oc, Od) Hard setting duplex (Va, SI) Sandy duplex (Ya) Cracking clays & calcareous earths (CC,MM,DD) TOTAL

454,100 1,225,900 1,205,000 638,000 535,700 4,058,700

The Atlas of Australian Soils records land units, rather than actual soil types, however until more detailed soil mapping covers a significant area of the South-West Land Division, it is the only source of broad scale soils information. Each land unit has a dominant soil which usually occupies greater than 60% of the land area, however associated soils usually have similar properties and for the purposes of regional scale mapping the Atlas is adequate.

Those soils which through experience have not been suitable for L. angustifolius are neutral and alkaline red earths, red duplex soils, and large areas of hard-setting yellow duplex soils with alkaline subsoils. Preliminary estimates (Table 2) show that there are at least 4 million hectares of soils considered unsuited for L. angustifolius with most of the area in the medium and low rainfall regions. This area represents the minimum potentially exploitable by other legumes. Very large areas of hard setting, neutral or mildly acidic, red and yellow duplex soils occur in the medium and high rainfall regions and these may also have

potential for production of grain legumes addition to L. angustifolius.


Improved adaptation to the non-lupin soils (i.e. improved and more reliable yield) is a high priority. Farming systems in the medium and low rainfall areas are dominated by cereal cropping, fertility is declining, legume pastures are of low productivity, and, increasingly, low wheat protein is a problem. Use of field pea in rotation with wheat can dramatically increase cereal yield and protein (Table 3), yet farmers are quite reluctant to embrace field pea rotations because of low yields, harvest difficulties and erosion risk.


Table 3. Increased wheat yield and protein content following field pea on a red-brown earth, Merredin, WA. (Rowland, I. & Mason, M.M., unpublished data) Rate of Nitrogen (kg/ha) Wheat-wheat Yield (kg/ha) 0 8.5 25.5 51 102 1111 1244 1367 1263 1096 % protein 8.8 8.6 9.4 12.0 15.4 Field pea-wheat Yield (kg/ha) 1344 1333 1300 1126 1033 % protein 13.2 14.0 15.0 16.4 17.8

(a) Walpeup, Viet


Merredin, W.A.
323mm 30

J 0




Jul Month





Jul Month


(b) Horsham, Viet

449mm 120 100 _ E 30 25 11 80 ' \ \

Nabawa, W.A.


100 i ii E E



20 "s a ^


A \



Mar May Jul Month

15 o E 13 -~

1 60


' \J

v/ V-

/ /

\ \

"G 20 =

n T

May Jul

\\ ^ /

/ 15

| |
3 V)


1 y

Jan Sep


u Jan




Figure 3: Saturation deficits

(a) Walpeup, Victoria and Merredin, Western Australia. (b) Horsham, Victoria and Nabawa, Western Australia Rainfall (mm); Saturation deficit (mb)


Climatically, the low rainfall eastern and northeastern wheatbelt of Western Australia are extreme environments for crop production. Water drives productivity in these systems and compared to most of southern Australia, rainfall is lower during the critical spring period and atmospheric demand is greater. Comparing Walpeup (322 mm) in north-western Victoria and Merredin (310 mm), the rainfall at Merredin is more peaked, and the saturation deficit - the best measure of atmospheric demand - greater (Figure 3 a). Even comparing medium rainfall sites, Nabawa, WA is substantially more arid than Horsham although the rainfall is similar (Figure 3b). The Co-operative Research Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture (CLIMA) The Co-operative Research Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture was approved in the second (1991) round of CRC submissions and began operation from 1 July 1992. CLIMA is a joint venture of the University of Western Australia, the Western Australian Department of Agriculture, Murdoch University and CSIRO; and is based in the School of Agriculture on the campus of the University of Western Australia. Its Director is Professor Alan Robson. Centre objectives and philosophy CLIMA's objectives are: (1) To develop productive pasture and grain legumes for the principal soil types of the mediterranean region;

value of mediterranean agriculture by at least $25 million per annum, prospectively by 1997. CLIMA's scope embraces pasture legumes, grain legumes, soil fertility, acidification, and biological and economic modelling. This breadth may be seen as a weakness, but emphasises the systems approach that CLIMA will follow and in this context bio-economic modelling is seen as a key discipline within the Centre. CLIMA has a national role in research for the mediterranean regions of Australia. This is clear in the Commonwealth's approach to the CRC program and was a key point in the Centre's selection for funding. This is not something CLIMA can develop independently and the Policy Board includes South Australian and Victorian representatives. Developing co-operation with other organisations and in particular with the South Australian Department of Agriculture and the Victorian Department of Food and Agriculture will have priority. CLIMA already has links to the International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas and we anticipate that by developing this link Australia will benefit through access to ICARDA germplasm and expertise. The reverse is also true and in time the Centre can act as a conduit for Australian expertise to contribute to research in the mediterranean environments of West Asia and North Africa. What does CLIMA 'add' to legumes research in Australia What can CLIMA add which cannot be equally or more effectively done by the existing institutions? Additional resources. Commonwealth funding to CLIMA will add about 14 postdoctoral positions to legume improvement in southern Australia. Spread across eleven sub-programs this may not seem much, but in times of diminishing resources, is significant. With the scientists seconded from the institutions, each sub-program will have about four fully committed researchers plus technical support. These groups will be the base upon which the Centre will build through industry funding. Additional linkages. The ethos of CLIMA is cooperation. The drawing together of diverse disciplines and of the different levels of approach within a discipline will add value to individual effort. For example, the linkage across institutions will allow University staff freer access to field sites, CSIRO and University facilities become more readily available to staff of the Department of

(2) To increase the benefits of legumes in increasing soil fertility by maximising inputs of nitrogen and build-up of organic matter and minimising soil degradation; and (3) To integrate research findings into a wholefarm perspective to enhance adoption of technology. Although as an institution the Centre's role is strategic and basic research, it is equally clear that the Australian Government expects the CRC programmes to contribute to economic development through usable commercial outcomes. This is reflected in the composition of the Policy Board of the Centre where both farmers and agribusiness are represented, and in a measurable, monetary target that the Centre will increase the


Agriculture, even biotechnologists may be exposed to the practicalities of commercial plant breeding. Postgraduate opportunity. The seconded CLIMA staff will add very significantly to the ability of the Universities to supervise postgraduate training. Not only will there be a greater breadth of supervision, but that expertise will have a commercial industry orientation not presently the strength of the Universities. Postgraduate training is an obligation of the Co-operative Research Centres, but will also play a key role in the research programs Focus. Perhaps most important of all, CLIMA will provide a focus for the improvement of temperate legumes. Because of the concentration of resources from four institutions, the seed funding of the Commonwealth, and the vision of its leadership, CLIMA has the potential to become a nationally and internationally recognised centre for legume research. We intend to make it so. CLIMA Programs The Centre has a large Research program supported by dedicated Education and Extension programs. The research program is organised into eleven sub-programs (Table 4): three in pasture Table 4. CLIMA Research Programs Research program Pasture legumes Sub-programs PI P2 P3 Crop legumes

legumes, three in crop legumes, three in the area of soil fertility and two in modelling. Grain legume improvement within CLIMA is in the Crop Legumes Program. Sub-programs Cl and C3 deal with physiological limitations to lupin yield and development of viral and fungal disease resistance in L. angustifolius respectively; both have a genetic engineering orientation. Sub-program C2 - Yield improvement and adaptation in temperate grain legumes is the most applied of the three sub-programs. Its objective is to develop grain legumes with improved adaptation and greater yield for the mediterranean regions of Australia, in particular for environments and farming systems where currently available species are absent or seriously deficient. In Western Australia this means the large areas of fine textured and/or alkaline soils in low rainfall areas (6.5 million ha in WA alone) where, at present, there is no well adapted grain legume for use in cereal rotations. Lupins (L. angustifolius) do not grow on such soils, and field pea yields have been low and extremely variable. Similar environments occur in the more arid parts of South Australia and in north-western Victoria and similar concerns are being addressed by research programs in both those areas.

Adaptation of pasture legumes Development of pasture legumes resistant to pests and diseases. Acid tolerant pasture legumes

C1 Overcoming physiological limitations to yield of lupins C2 Yield improvement and adaptation in temperate grain legumes C3 Control of lupin diseases

Soil fertility

51 52 53

Increasing nitrogen fixation by pastures and grain legumes Cycling of nitrogen in legume-cereal rotations Minimising soil acidification by legumes


Ml Physical and biological modelling M2 Economic modelling


Roles for CLIMA in the development of mediterranean grain legumes for southern Australia's farming systems Needs Throughout southern Australia there is an unquantified, but undoubtedly large, effort being devoted to grain legume improvement. As preparation for this workshop, Francis (pers. comm.) listed fifteen GRDC/RIRDC funded projects which in some way relate to development of Vicia or Lathyrus species for agriculture. All of the Departments of Agriculture, two Universities, CSIRO and one commercial company have interests, almost wholly at present in Vicia. Numerous other projects are concerned with the breeding or development of other legume species with potential for adaptation to southern Australia including species of Pisum, Lens, deer, plus Lupinus species (other than L. angustifolius) L. luteus, L cosentinii, L. albus, L. pilosus and L. atlanticus). Even given a national mandate, CLIMA clearly should not and cannot duplicate this work - much of which is regional in nature and properly conducted by the responsible institution. Where then should CLIMA contribute? I believe there are four areas where CLIMA can make a valuable contribution to grain legume improvement: Defining adaptation: and why? Which species, where

(e.g. narrow-leafed lupin, field pea and faba bean) for these environments? What is the potential for existing crop species which as yet have not been subject to improvement in Australia? Chickpea and lentil fall into this category, they have known adaptation to low rainfall areas, good existing markets and few potential agronomic problems. What of the 'near' domesticated species, those with potential, but problems such as shattering, toxins, anti-nutrients, late maturity etc. Narbonne bean, most of the vetches and Lathyrus species fall into this category. We know from experience that these problems can be overcome, but the important question is will they then have a place in the system? How much of our resources should be devoted to domestication of 'distant' or still wild species such as the rough seeded lupins L. atlanticus and L. pilosus. Success here will take a decade or more, but if the potential is great enough we need back our judgement and provide support of the long haul.

One role for CLIMA can be to address this issue. Genetic resource Australian agriculture is in large part built upon the genetic heritage of the Mediterranean basin. Germplasm collection, introduction and documentation has played a vital role in the rapid improvement of narrow-leafed lupin. For any new species which warrants breeding, access to the genetic resource is essential. The Australian Temperate Field Crops Collection at Horsham has primary responsiblity for introduction and safe storage of germplasm, however in practice, the description and evaluation of material has been beyond the financial resources of the Centre. This, I believe could be a valid role for CLIMA for specific species of interest to southern Australia. The institutional and personal links between CLIMA and the International Research Centres ICARDA and ICRISAT will strengthen CLIMA's role in introduction of genetic resources. Physiological/environmental limitations to yield Physiology, applied to the genetic and environmental constraints to yield, can be the link between the broader studies of adaptation referred to above and plant breeding. The germplasm resource is the material upon which both depend. CLIMA provides the environment within which

Genetic resource inventory Physiological/environmental yield limitations to

Germplasm improvement/breeding. Which species, where and

Defining adaptation: why?

Whilst looking for new grain legumes for southern Australia, and in particular for fine textured soils in medium-low rainfall areas, is acknowledged as of high priority, just which species or group of species to consider is more difficult. For Western Australia, and I strongly suspect for southern Australia as a whole, there is a need to define the adaptation of these species. To answer the questions: Which species, where and why? We have a smorgasbord of options: To what extent should we pursue breeding and selection within existing well adapted species


physiology and perhaps biotechnology can be applied to practical problems of plant improvement through developing an understanding of the environmental and genetic constraints to grain legume adaptation and yield in Mediterranean environments, and quantifying genotypic variation for useful traits. Germplasm improvement/breeding. Plant breeding is not included in the present brief of CLIMA's Crops programs (although the Centre

does contains the National Subterranean Clover Improvement Program). It is unlikely that a commercial breeding program would be contemplated within the Centre, however domestication and germplasm improvement through assembly of specific traits in genetic backgrounds suitable for commercial breeding is a logical extension of the analysis of adaptation, introduction and evaluation of material from overseas and the physiological work that will be done in the Centre.


Regional Summary - New South Wales and Queensland

H. Marcellos New South Wales Department of Agriculture Tamworth, NSW.
Introduction Cool season food legumes are grown throughout the wheatbelt of NSW, and as far northward as the Central Highlands of Queensland. An area extending from about Coonamble in the centralwest of NSW into Queensland has summerdominant rainfall and is known colloquially as "the north"; southern NSW receives rain mainly during the winter. Crop growth in the north relies heavily on soil water stored during the fallow, whereas incrop rain is more important in the south. The species field pea (Pisum sativum), narrow-leaf lupin (Lupinus angustifolius), faba bean (Vicia faba), and desi-chickpea {Cicer arietinum) are well established as rain-fed crops in areas receiving 550 mm or more annual rainfall (Table 1); lupin and field pea are grown mainly in the south, and chickpea in the north. Faba bean is grown under both irrigated and rain-fed conditions throughout NSW. There is a growing interest in Lupinus albus and Vicia sativa cv. Blanchefleur. There is, however a need for grain legume crops adapted to the drier, western parts of the NSW wheat region where rainfall is as low as 500 mm in the north, and even less in the south (Table 2). A cool season grain legume adapted to the dry areas of the Western Downs and Maranoa (Dalby west to Roma for example), and in central Queensland is also needed (Brinsmead, pers. comm.). Chickpea is not regarded as sufficiently reliable for these areas, and plants tend to be too short for the commonly encountered gilgai soils, and paddocks that are not free of brigalow debris. No other cool season food legume has been significantly adopted in Queensland.

Table 1: Estimates1 of the areas planted to wheat, barley and cool season legumes in New South Wales, 1992. Region Wheat Barley L. albus Narrow lupin 450 1,800 13,500 28,800 Field peas Chick pea Faba bean

NW Plains N Central S Central South & Riverina


413,000 276,000 514,000 589,000

185,000 61,000 99,500 223,000

400 2,700 1,000 4,400

650 3,000 11,000 17,500

18,500 3,700 3,800 1,500

6,000 300 1,200 6,100

Source: NSW Agriculture District Agronomists' estimates at July 31,1992.

Table 2: Median annual rainfall for selected towns in the drier, western NSWwheatbelt. Town - north Mungindi Walgett Coonamble Warren Rainfall (mm) 510 491 489 507 Town - south Condobolin Hillston Lake Cargelligo Hav Rainfall (mm) 423 344 419 356


Status of Vicia and Lathyrus in New South Wales A number of research and extension people throughout the wheatbelt of NSW were canvassed for their knowledge of Vicia spp. other than faba, and grasspea Lathyrus sativus, the areas planted, growers' interest and their view of the potential for developing these species as crops. Table 3 summarises the main points; there is a wide awareness of Blanchefieur vetch, although the total area planted in NSW is small. Narbon bean and grasspea are known by scientists only. Growers and extension people wish to see improvement in the tolerance of all cool-season grain legumes to stress, particularly water and high temperature. Potential for Developing Cool Season Food Legumes for the Drier Areas. Improvement programs are well established for field pea, lupin and chickpea in eastern States, and progress is being made in establishing faba bean improvement on a national basis. An interstate

testing program for lentil was also commenced in 1992. These programs are likely to deliver improved cultivars for the higher rainfall areas, but better prospects for the hot, dry areas probably lie in improving narbon bean and grasspea because; they are known to have higher water-use efficiency, and disease resistance, considerable progress is being made at ICARDA in developing improved cultivars, and there appears to be progress towards reducing their currently high levels of anti-nutritive factors.

Vicia narbonensis might be favoured over Lathyrus sativus for its more erect habit. Both were seen by the author in trial plots in Syria during April, 1992; dry matter production under dry conditions was impressively high compared to other species. The potential for developing these two species for the dry areas of NSW and Queensland therefore appears high. The major constraint may be in marketing.

Table 3: Summary of status of Vicia and Lathyrus in New South Wales based on view of selected extension and research agronomists. Species Area Planted (ha) 2,000 Interest Potential and Comments

Vicia sativa

Strong among growers, advisors

Principal cultivar "Blanchefieur", Languedoc insignificant. Large potential, for both stockfeed and human consumption. Marketing and harvestability are principal concerns. Growers are unaware of the species, and few extension officers have knowledge of its existence. Growers and extension people have no awareness of this species. Grazing only. Suited to low rainfall areas on loam to clay soils. More evaluation warranted in NSW. Needs more research in NSW.

Vicia narbonensis


Research interest moderate Unkown outside research Reasonable

Lathyrus sativus Vicia villosa ssp. dasycarpa Vicia benghalensis cv. Popany

Nil 4,750




Infrastructure for Grain Legume Research in the NE Region The GRDC state committees for NSW and Queensland are committed to coordinating their separate, state based projects so that a more regional approach is adopted in developing projects, exchanging data and developing regional extension packages. There are GRDC funded projects on the evaluation and agronomy of cool season legumes in NSW and Queensland, with which a new project arising from this Workshop could link (Table 4). The NSW project "Grain legume development in northern NSW" commenced this year and might later be expanded with Queensland support into a NE Region project.

The people involved in evaluation and agronomic projects in the NE Region (Marcellos, Brinsmead, Doughton and English) might, with additional resources, run trials in their respective mandate areas. Several expressed interest in: A joint Australian-ICARDA project on the new species. Screening a wide range of early generation material for evaluation, and not a limited number selected on performance in cooler, winter-rainfall environments, Consideration of exchange visits with the CRC and possibly ICARDA.

Table 4: Summary of GRDC legume development projects in NSW and Queensland. GRDC DAQ 58C Project - Short title Staff Location Biloela, Hermitage Toowoomba Objectives Assess adaptation of lupin, faba bean, field pea and lentil. Promote adoption of grain legumes, produce management packages Evaluate new cool and warm season legumes in northern NSW, investigate agronomy

Winter growing grain legumes M. English, R. Brinsmead in NE Australia Grain legume extension in S. Qld Grain legume development for northern NSW Improved crop varieties and agronomy -central west NSW Improved field peas for NSW Extend chickpea production in NE Australia G. Mclntyre


DAN 12

H. Marcellos, J. Holland, E. Knights N. Fettell E. Armstrong J. Doughton



Condobolin Wagga Roma Growth, yield and N2 fixation under drought, salinity and to P


Situation Statement for Vetches in South Australia.

I. Kahne and W. Bull. South Australian Research and Development Institute Northfield Laboratories, Adelaide, S.A.
Vetches are now a significant component of arable farming in South Australia. From 1985 to 1992, the total area sown to vetches has increased from 800 to 30,000 ha (Table 1). The major increase has been in the area of V. sativa cvs Languedoc and Blanchefleur. Languedoc was readily taken up by farmers as a stock feed legume, however, it was not easily distinguished from other vetches and so Blanchefleur with its red orange splits, was reintroduced to fill this market gap. The areas sown to V. benghalensis and V. dasycarpa have also increased but they remain minor. Until 1989, most of the area of V. sativa was used for seed and grain production and from 1990 to 1992 more than half of the total area of vetch has, or will be harvested for seed (Table 2). Until 1990, the expansion of vetch sowing had been predominantly in South Australia, but in 1991 and 1992, there has been a rapid expansion in Victoria and New South Wales. In 1992, vetch is the third ranked grain legume in area sown below peas and lupins in South Australia.

Table 1: Estimated total area sown to vetch (South Australia) ('OOOha). Cultivar 1985 V. sativa (Blanchefleur) V. sativa (Languedoc) V. benghalensis (Popany) V. dasycarpa (Namoi) TOTAL 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.8 1986 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 1987 0.2 1 1 1 3.2 1988 1 2 1 2 6 Year 1989 2 5 1 2 10 1990 4 10 1 3 18 1991 7 12 1 3 23 1992 14 12 1 3 30

Table 2a: Australian Bureau of Statistics 1990/91 Agriculture Census Data State: Commodiy Group: Commodity Item: State Aus 91 Other Crops Vetches - Seed Producers Ha South Australia Victoria TOTAL 260 35 295 8029 2339 10368 Area % of Total 77.44 22.56 100.00 Kg 5,254,825 761,550 6,016,375 Production % of Total 87.34 12.66 100.00


Table 2b: Estimated Seed Production Area (Ha) State 1991 South Australia Victoria New South Wales Western Australia TOTAL Vetch seed production is concentrated in the cereal-livestock farming zone of South Australia. The distribution of seed production in 1990 is presented in Figure 1, and the distribution of all vetch sowing in 1992, is presented in Figure 2. The average yield of vetch seed (Table 3) and the price ($150 to $350 per tonne of grain) have supported the sowing of vetch as an alternative to cereal production. At peak demand for seed, Blanchfleur price reached $1800 per tonne. Vetch production has probably expanded because of the following factors: The marketing options in feed rationing (and human consumption) which were available for
I' saliva.

Year 1992 20.000 25,000 10.000 n.a.


12,000 8,000 3,000

n.a. 23,000

vetch in the low to medium rainfall zone. Farmers in the latter zone in South Austalia (and Victoria) who have rapidly expanded the area of sown vetch have recognised that vetch gives them the opportunity to emulate the cereal-grain legume farming systems of their compatriots in higher rainfall zones. They have been disappointed and disillusioned by volunteer pastures which they perceive to produce less than vetch. They often cannot, or will not, sow all areas formerly left as volunteer pasture to vetch but are sowing some. This is increasing the options and versatility for management on other farms and giving them a cost-effective option which they did not previously have. The cost of seed is not regarded as prohibitive and there are no additional costs for seeding and harvesting equipment because cereal and grain legume sowing and harvesting machines can also be used for vetches.

The option to use Vicia as an alternative to other grain legumes in districts with a strong cultural emphasis on intensive cropping and the replacement of volunteer pasture with sown

Table 3: Average Yield of Vetch Seed - Australia - 1987/88 to 1990/91 State 1987/88 New South Wales South Australia Victoria Western Australia AVERAGE n.a. 488 n.a. n.a. n.a. Yield (kg/ha) 1988/89 n.a. 384 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1989/90 105 777 716 315 765 1990/91 654 326 580


There are four main uses of vetch in South Australia with potential for expansion: grain, hay, pasture and green manuring. The potential of the grain crop will be enhanced if cultivar distinctiveness can be maintained; grain quality (size, colour uniformity) is increased; nutrition quality is improved (preferably to human consumption status); soft-seededness is maintained; non-shattering types are developed; frost tolerance is increased; higher yields are sought for a range of maturities and genetic control of disease and pests is sought to reduce dependence upon control by applied chemicals. The potential for vetch in hay will be increased as combinations of vetch, cultivars and companion species which are stable, high yielding, with high quality and good foliar disease resistance are identified. In the last two years, there has been an expansion in utilization of vetch as a pasture. The potential of vetch as a pasture/fodder is high if cultivars which recover well from grazing in pure stands and mixtures are identified. If these cultivars were sufficiently versatile to recover for grain production after grazing until late winter they would be widely used. Pasture cultivars must be a

controllable contaminant if they set seed and preferably should not produce hard seeds. The most preferable type of vetch for expansion of green manuring would have a high yield of dry matter by mid-September and minimal retention of stem fibrosity in residue tissue. The potential for use of vetch would increase markedly if genetic control of diseases and pests could be enhanced in adapted cultivars so that the costs of plant protection could be reduced. Resistance to rust, Ascochyta, Botrytis and Phoma should be sought. Resistance or greater tolerance to aphids, Heliothus moth and red legged earth mite would also be advantageous. In summary, farmers throughout the southern and eastern cereal belt of Australia, are pursuing three clear uses with vetches: grain, grazing and hay. We strongly encourage a national improvement programme to recognise these enterprises without compromising the advantages already identified by the farming community. Any programme must incorporate the improvement of these beneficial factors to enhance the market potential and reduce the current risks involved in vetch production.



Figure 1: Distribution of Vetch Seed Production in South Australia 1990/91 (ha).



1001 - 2000 501 - 1000 101 - 500 51 - 100 0 - 50

Figure 2:

Estimate ofArea Sown to Vetches in 1992 (ha)


The Current Status of Vicia (Vetch) and Lathyrus in Victoria

A. D. Mclntyre Curator, Australian Temperate Field Crops Collection Victorian Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Horsham, Victoria.
Victorian Vetch Production 1992 Estimates of the area sown to vetch in Victoria range from 25,000 ha (ABARE, June 1992) to 100,000 ha (dealers/inspectors/DO's), with the GEB estimate falling near the middle with 46,865 ha. In the Mallee, Blanchefleur is estimated to be sown on 80% of the area, and Languedoc on the rest. In the Wimmera, Blanchefleur is most popular, and in the South, Popany sales have been the greatest. Inquiries made to the grain traders suggest approximately 30,000 t has been contracted, mostly on an area basis, and all sold forward. The majority being Blanchefleur, and destined for the Middle East and India. There is also the suggestion of a European market for 5,000-6,000 t of Languedoc. Very rough estimates suggest that less than 50% of the Blanchefleur is committed to contracts. Yields could be as high as 2.5 t/ha in the Wimmera, and 1.0 t/ha in the Mallee. Good spring conditions could easily put production from the Wimmera and Mallee at well over 100,000 tonnes. Prices in August ranged from $205 - $245 per tonne delivered to Portland. Commercial crops are being sprayed with Mancozeb to control chocolate spot, and very good weed control is being obtained with Lexone and Verdict. Research Projects in Victoria conducted to establish thresholds, and identify environmental interactions. Eddie Pang and John Brown are screening the Australian Temperate Field Crops Collection (ATFCC) Lathyrus accessions for Ascochyta blight and pea weevil resistance, and then making wide hybridisations between selected Lathyrus accessions and Pisum sativum. Various tissue culture techniques are being employed to obtain fertile plants. Trevor Bretag is providing a diagnostic service to vetch growers, and doing the following preliminary disease studies: 1. Vetch is included in the host range and cross infection testing for Ascochyta blight, and in the Herbicide x Disease interaction studies. 2. Glasshouse studies looking control of rust on vetch. into chemical

3. Trials with vetch looking at the relationships between sowing time and seeding rate with disease infection. 4. Blanchefleur is being used to test a range of chemical seed dressings. 5. Screening the ATFCC Lathyrus accessions for Ascochyta blight resistance, using a dew chamber and inoculum combining strains from Western Australia, South Australia and Victoria. Lines identified as resistant will be used in the wide crossing program with peas. Walpeup Bill Easton at the Mallee Research Station, Walpeup is conducting the first year of vetch variety trials. Rhizobia studies are being conducted in conjunction with Allan Gibson of CSIRO, Division of Plant Industries, Canberra. Work in 1991 indicated a promising performance from Rhizobium strain 303 on vetch.

Three groups are working with these crops at the Victorian Institute for Dryland Agriculture (VIDA). Michael Moerkerk has herbicide trials looking at Bedstraw control in vetch as there is no registered herbicide available. Other work is seeking herbicides to control vetch when it is a weed in cereals, or other grain legume crops. Herbicide residues in the soil are also causing problems in grain legume crops, and preliminary tests are being


Hamilton Steve Clarke of the Pastoral Research Institute, Hamilton is conducting evaluation trials with fodder legumes, and variety testing medics. Steve reports large areas of grain crops sown in the Lake Bolac area. Ballarat Chris Bluett of the Ballarat District Centre, is trialing vetch and oat/cereal blends; these are very popular with the race horse fraternity. Merchants have made large sales of Popany in the Ballarat area. Tatura Sam Lolicato at the Tatura Research Centre is conducting perennial forage trials; they are now in the second year and include crown vetch, milkvetch, and Lathyrus sylvestris. Swan Hill Gillian Stewart at the Swan Hill district centre has a Vetch Growers Study Group. These growers are looking for better cultivars, greater information and methods of insect control and inoculation. Concerns Falling prices resulting from production from such large areas sown, and unknown market demand. A lack of registered herbicides for vetch in peas, beans, chickpeas and lentils. Retarded growth of sheep with >10% Namoi or Popany in diets. Blanchefleur and Languedoc are very susceptible to red legged earth mite, Popany less so, and Namoi some tolerance. Very little knowledge of disease - need comprehensive disease incidence studies, and disease control studies.

Areas Needing Work to Increase the Crop Potential of Vetch This is a priority list derived by grain legume workers during recent discussions at VTDA, Horsham. 1. Solve nutritional problems for both human and livestock - thus opening up greater markets. 2. Develop production packages. 3. Vetch as a non-grain crop ie. pasture or hay. (a) Herbicides for vetch as a crop and vetch as a weed (without using Ally). (b) Variety evaluation for environments and markets. (c) Agronomy package: fertilisers etc.. time of sowing,

(d) Rhizobium: the right strain, survival/carryover ability. 4. Diseases: control of the disease threat likely to develop with increased areas of production, eg. rust, chocolate spot, virus and Ascochyta blight. 5. Insect control: similar problems to diseases may develop as areas increase, and when grown in rotation with other legumes. Australian Temperate Field Crops Collection ATFCC holds 513 Vicia accessions consisting of 26 species and 6 accessions which need further classification within the genus. Of these, 152 accessions fall outside of V. /aba and V. narbonensis. There are 77 Lathyrus accessions in the collection from 11 different species and a further 3 unclassified accessions. Listed below are some of the Vicia and Lathyrus species mentioned in reports or held by ATFCC.


Vicia * * * * * V. amphicarpa V. angustifolia V. articulata V. atropurppurea V. benghalensis V. calcarata * * * * * * * + V. cracca V. cretica V. desycarpa V. disperma V. ervillia V. faba V. graminea V. grandijlora V. hybrida * * * * * ?* * V. hyrcanica V. hirsuta V. lutea V. michauxii V. mollis V. monantha = V. calcarata V. narbonnsis V. obovata * * * * V. orbicularis V. pannonica V. pisiformis V. sativa V. sericocarpa V. tetrasperma * *
* +

subterranean vetch narrow-leaf vetch one-flower vetch

Purple vetch e.g. Popany

woolly-pod vetch

Broad bean, field bean e.g. Fiord

big-flowered vetch

hairy vetch

bard vetch, spurred vetch narbon bean

Hungarian vetch (a large leafed perennial)

common vetch e.g. Blanchefleur and Languedoc

slender vetch (self fertilising) hairy/winterpod vetch, russion vetch e.g. Namoi

V. unijuga V. villosa
Indicates held at ATFCC Being bulked at Walpeup and will come to ATFCC


Lathyrus L. amphicarpa

L. annuus L. aphaca
L. blephanicarpus L. cicera L. cylmeneum L. gorgoni L. hierosolymitanus L. hirsutus L. incospicuus L. latifolius L. niger L. ochrus L. odourifus L. purpureus L. sativa S. sativus L. sylvestris L. tingitanus L. vinealis
Indicates held at ATFCC

flat pod vetch

perennial vetch

Cyprus vetch, louvana sweet pea grass pea, chickling pea, chickling vetch, vetch, tare, Khesari (Indian)

chickling vetch flatpea


Preliminary Studies on Vicia and Lathyrus in Western Australia

K.H.M. Siddique and G.H. Walton Division of Plant Industries, Department of Agriculture Baron Hay Court, South Perth W.A.
Abstract Approximately 5 million hectares in Western Australia consists of fine textured, hard setting, alkaline or shallow duplex soils to which lupin (L angustifolius) is poorly adapted. Broadening the range of crop legumes adapted to these soil types and farming systems will benefit farmers with an extra source of cash as well as increased profit from the cereal crop. Earlier studies on Vicia and Lathyrus species with limited genetic material suggests that they are adapted to the neutral to alkaline soils of the wheatbelt. Recent preliminary studies with introductions from ICARDA show more promising results.


400 600
Produced by the Spatial Resource Information Group Department of Agriculture. South Perth, Western Australia.


Figure 1. Location of hard setting clay loam soils, with surface pH over 5.0 and subsurface neutral or alkaline. Surface pH over 5.0, deep subsurface pH over 8.0: cracking clay, red brown earths, hard setting loams over clays. ;7 Neutral alkaline: sandy soils with mottled yellow clay subsoiL (~) Rainfall isohyets (mm).


Introduction On the sand plain soils (coarse textured, acidic to neutral) of Western Australia, with annual rainfall 400-750 mm, lupins have been accepted as a successful grain legume in the farming system. However farmers in the lower rainfall areas of the wheatbelt, especially with heavy soil (fine texture) are interested in a grain legume to take advantage of its rotational benefits in their cropping system. Development of new grain legume species would provide farmers cropping the 5 million hectares of fine textured, hard setting and shallow duplex soils (Figure 1) with an alternative source of cash flow as well as increased profit from the cereal crop. On some of these soils field pea has been identified as a profitable grain legume crop (Walton and Trent, 1988). Previous studies at CSIRO and the Department of Agriculture suggests that Vicia and Lathyms has some potential on some of these soil types.

Earlier studies on vetches Vetches {Vicia spp.) are grown in Western Australia as a high quality dry summer feed or sown with oats and cut for hay. Vetches enjoyed a brief prominence in Western Australia during the sixties. The sown area peaked 2,647 ha in the 1967/70 season. Current area under vetches averages 1,000 ha, with 300 ha sown for hay. Early studies (Bailey, 1952; 1965; Anderson, 1975) in Western Australia (Table 1) show vetches producing 3.5 to 5.0t/ha dry matter, with purple vetch (Popany) giving the highest dry matter in the medium to high rainfall areas. Seed yields were higher with common vetch cultivars Languedoc and Avago. Even under low rainfall conditions, they produced seed yields of about 1.0 t/ha.

Table 1. Average yields of vetch varieties from field trials done in Western Australia (adapted from Walton, 1991).



Dry matter (t/ha) 450-750mm rainfall zone

Seed yield (t/ha) 450-750mm rainfall zone 1.22 0.88 0.96 0.78 325-450mm rainfall zone 1.07 1.10 -

Vicia sativa (common vetch)

Languedoc Avago Nyabing Blanchefleur

3.67 5.39

Vicia benghalensis (Purple Vetch) Vicia villosa (Wolly-pod vetch)





Recent studies on Lathyrus and Vicia In Western Australia very little information is available on the growth and yield of Lathyrus and other Vicia spp. such as Vicia narbonensis. Several preliminary field trials were conducted during 1975-1984 at various locations in the wheatbelt using limited cultivars and selections (Walton, 1982; Walton and Trent, 1988). These studies suggest that both Vicia and Lathyrus are

more adapted to the alkaline clay soils than sandy soils with low pH (Table 2). Lupins gave the highest yield on soils with low pH. However, on alkaline soils field pea produced the highest yield followed by Vicia sativa and Lathyrus cicera. Narbon bean performed well under higher rainfall (>450 mm) and cooler conditions (data not presented). All the species, except Lathyrus cicera, responded to increases in growing season


rainfall (low to high rainfall) by producing more biomass and grain yield. The range and average above ground biomass for 5 species are presented in Table 3. The average above ground biomass was highest with field pea; Vicia sativa had a similar biomass to that of lupin. Although biomass of narbon bean varied considerably, it showed good potential under

medium to high rainfall conditions. Periodic dry matter harvest suggests that, apart from field pea, both Vicia sativa and Lathyrus cicera had higher crop growth rates and accumulate dry matter faster, which may partly explain their better adaptation to the short growing environments in the wheatbelt.

Table 2. Average seed yield (kg/ha) of various legume species from 1978 to 1984 in trials conducted at various locations in the wheatbelt of W.A. Crop Genotype Cultivar Acid yellow sands surface pH 4.5-5.0 (<300mm rainfall) Alkaline soils calcareous clays surface pH 7.5-8.5 (<300mm rainfall) 1272

Vicia sativa

Languedoc Avago


Lathyrus ochrus Lathyrus cicera Lathyrus sativus Vicia narbonensis Pisum sativum Lupinus angustifolius

Seln 320010, 300017 Seln 300010, 300017 Seln LS34 Seln 140004, 5397 Buckley, Derrimut, Dundale Illyarrie Yandee

39 110 105 104 486 735 796 593 643 1679 676

Table 3. Biomass (kg/ha) mean and range for various legume species Crop genotype Vicia sativa Lathyrus cicera Vicia narbonensis Pisum sativum Lupinus angustifolius Mean Range

3158C 2497D 2154D 4012AB 3630BC

2280 - 5290 1560 - 3984 733 - 6879 2687 - 7290 1173 - 9818

The mean values with the same letter do not differ significantly at P<0.05


Lupin had the highest crude protein of all the seed legumes examined (Table 4). Both Vicia sativa and Vicia narbonensis had greater protein than that of field pea. Other species had a similar protein to that of field pea. Currently, about 0.5 m tonnes of lupin/field pea is used in stock and poultry feeds in Australia. Some of these grain legumes will provide another source of high protein feed for the livestock industry. This could replace a considerable portion of the lupin/field pea seed used domestically, freeing the seed for export for human consumption and livestock feed,

replacing a higher valued commodity with a slightly lower valued one. Many of the legume species evaluated have a prostrate growth habit, which makes mechanical harvesting difficult, and severe pod shattering which results in loss of yield (Table 5). Except lupin, narbon bean was the only species which was erect at maturity, however it had some delayed shattering. Lathyrus sativus showed very little shattering.

Table 4. The range and mean crude protein levels of seed of various legume species from yield trials.

Crop genotype

Crude protein (% dry wt. basis) Range Mean 26.8

Vicia sativa Lathyrus ochrus Lathyrus cicera Lathyrus sativus Vicia narbonensis Pisum sativwn Lupinus angustifolius

26.1-30.3 21.8 23.0-25.2 23.6 22.6-26.6 22.3-24.9 31.7-35.2


25.6 23.4 33.1

Table 5. Comparison of seed legume species for height of crop and pod shattering

Crop genotype

Plant height at flowering (cm) 40-70 30-70 30-50 30-70 40-90 50-70 50-70

Growth habit at maturity prostrate prostrate prostrate prostrate erect prostrate erect

Degree of pod

+++ ++ +++ + ++ + -

Vicia sativa Lathyrus ochrus Lathyrus cicera Lathyrus sativus Vicia narbonensis Pisum sativum Lupinus angustifolius
non-shattering does not shatter readily shattering delayed shatters very readily


More recent ICARDA

studies with



In 1991 preliminary evaluation was done at Avondale Research Station (medium rainfall site) with some Lathyrus selections introduced from ICARDA, Syria. Three of the Lathyrus sativus selections (Sel. 347, 527 and 535) yielded 29-50% more (Table 6) than the control (LS 34), which was used in earlier studies in Western Australia (Table 2). Time to 50% flowering ranged between 103-138 days and pod shattering score from 1-3.

Lathyrus ochrus selection 540 gave 58% more grain yield than the check line (Table 7). Several other selections also yielded 3-17% more than the check. However, all the selections shattered their pods (50% shattering). Time to 50% flowering ranged from 111 to 131 days. Among the Lathyrus species, L. cicera generally gave the highest yield (Table 8), which is consistent with our previous observations (Table 2). Many selections outyielded the control, with selection 493 giving 63% more yield. All the selections had medium pod shattering with selection 500 showing less shattering.

Table 6. Preliminary results on Lathyrus sativus selections from ICARDA atAvondale in 1991.


Days to 50% flower

Pod shatter* score g/lOm row

Seed yield % of local control 129 36 61 29 15 27 93 148 34 71 17 150 100

SEL 347 SEL 504 SEL 508 SEL 510 SEL 516 SEL 519 SEL 522 SEL 527 SEL 529 SEL 531 SEL 533 SEL 535

103 111 118 125 118 118 118 118 118 111 111 111 138 117
Plots scored in the field on 15 January, 1992 1 = <50% pods shattered 2 = 50% pods shattered 3 = >50% pods shattered

1 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3

154 43 73 34 18 32 111 176 41 85 20 179 119


LS 34 (control) Mean
* Shatter score:


Table 7. Preliminary results on Lathyrus ochrus selections from ICARDA at Avondale in 1991. Selections Days to 50% flower Pod shatter* score g/lOm row SEL 185 (check) SEL 537 SEL 538 SEL 539 SEL 540 SEL 541 SEL 542 SEL 543 SEL 545 SEL 546 SEL 547 SEL 548 Mean
* Shatter score:

Seed yield % of local control 100 73 59 16 158 117 59 54 103 106 61 59

118 111 125 125 118 118 118 118 118 131 131 131 122

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

70 51 41 11 111 82 41 39 72 74 43 41 56

Plots scored in the field on 15 January, 1992 1 = <50% pods shattered; 2 = 50% pods shattered; 3 = >50% pods shattered

Table 8. Preliminary results on Lathyrus cicera selections from ICARDA at Avondale in 1991. Selections Days to 50% flower Pod shatter* score g/lOm row SEL 536 SEL 488 SEL 489 SEL 491 SEL 492 SEL 493 SEL 494 SEL 495 SEL 496 SEL 500 300017 (control) Mean
* Shatter score:

Seed yield % of local control 152 127 17 132 74 163 111 109 140 135 100

131 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 119

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2.9

422 353 48 367 205 454 308 304 388 375 278 318

Plots scored in the field on 15 January, 1992 1 = <50% pods shattered; 2 = 50% pods shattered; 3 = >50% pods shattered


Conclusion Studies on Vicia and Lathyms with limited genetic materials suggest they are adapted in the medium to low rainfall alkaline soils of the wheatbelt. Vetches produced good biomass and seed yield in the medium to high rainfall areas. Diseases and pod shatter, causing fluctuating yields and the increase in lupin and field pea area are the major reason for the decline in areas sown to vetches. Narbon bean has an erect growth habit suitable for machine harvesting and showed good performance in the medium to high rainfall cooler southern regions of the state. Lathyrus also showed good adaptation and growth, especially L. cicera in some of the trials. Recent studies with selections from ICARDA showed more promising results. Many of the species tested had severe pod shattering. Any species with a potential for adaptation in the cropping system would need genetic selection for types with non-shattering pods and very low or low levels of neurotoxin and alkaloids. Some species formed nodules at some locations, but failed to at other locations. Future research should evaluate a wider range of genetic materials and detailed agronomic studies should be undertaken at different locations in the wheatbelt to assess the potential of these species in Western Australia.

References Anderson, G.W. (1975). A comparison of vicia species for summer grazing and subsequent oat crop production in Western Australia. Aust. J. Expl. Agric andAnim. Husb. 15: 400-405. Bailey, E.T. (1952). Agronomic studies of vetches and other large seed legumes in southern Western Australia. CSIRO, Division of Plant Industry. Technical paper No. 1. pp. 22. Bailey, E.T. (1965). Yield trials of Vicia sativa L. in the wheat belt of Western Australia. Aust. J. Expl. Agric andAnim. Husb. 5: 466-470. Walton, G.H. (1982). A preliminary agronomic comparison of pulse crops in Western Australia. Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Technical Bulletin No. 58. Walton, G.H. and Trent, T.R. (1988). Evaluation of pulses and other seed legumes for crop rotations in Western Australia. Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Technical Bulletin No. 79. Walton, G.H. (1991). Vetches. Department of Agriculture, Western Australia. FarmnoteNo. 56/91.


Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture

The University of Western Australia Nedlands WA 6009 Australia Telephone: (09) 380 2505 Facsimile: (09) 380 1140 ISSN 1320-3665 ISBN 0 86422 276 9

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