Job & Employee Satisfaction

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Job Satisfaction

This is to certify that the project entitled job satisfaction is submitted by GURWINDER SING Roll no! ""#$%%& is authenticated piece of 'or( conducted under my super)ision and *uidance! No part of this 'or( has been submitted for any another Uni)ersity! It may be considered for e)aluation in the partial fulfillment of the de*ree of +achelor in +usiness ,dministration!

Date.lace- /handi*arh

GUIDE0iss! .RI1,N2, .lacement /oordinator

" KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

KC College of Engg& ' IT! KAR(A) Road! S&"&S&#aga

I hereby declare that the project titled 345+ S,TIS6,/TI5N is an ori*inal piece of research 'or( carried out by me under the *uidance and super)ision of 0iss! .RI1,N2,! The information has been collected from *enuine 7 authentic sources! The 'or( has been submitted in partial fulfillment of "AC*E$%R I# "USI#ESS AD)I#ISTRATI%# of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar.

+lace, Date, GUR-I#DER SI#G*

% KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

As drops of water gradually fill up the pitcher so do knowledge, virtue and wealth and experience accu ulate little by little!"" #hanakya $iti Same 'as my e8perience /9 /D/ from the day I joined till the )ery last day: it 'as a *reat learnin* e8perience! It is said that life is a mi8ture of achie)ements; failures; e8periences; e8posure and efforts to ma(e your dreams come true! I e8press my sincere than(s to /9 for *i)in* me an opportunity to 'or( 'ith them throu*h this summer project! There are people around you 'ho help you reali<e those dreams! ,c(no'led*ement is not merely a formality; rather an e8pression of deep *ratitude to those people! I ta(e this opportunity to e8press my profound sense of *ratitude to my esteemed project *uide %r.&hiv ku ar and %iss priyanka for his )aluable *uidance; 'hole hearted cooperation; moral support and practical su**estions based on the e8perience to focus my efforts to'ards completion of this project! 0y special than(s to %iss'eenia for their unsolicited and selfless help! I feel immense pleasure to than( all the e ployees at /9 /D/ 'hose encoura*in* attitude to'ards 'or( has had a positi)e influence on me as a trainee! It 'ould be incomplete 'ithout e8pressin* 'hole hearted than(s to my family members 'ho ha)e been constant resource of encoura*ement and support throu*hout the project 'or(! +rin*in* the project to completion re=uires the combined talent of persons in and out! Not =uite that many helped me 'ith the project; but I certainly could not ha)e done it alone! ,ny bou=uets for the merit in the project should *o to their door! ,ny bric(bats should come to me! 9ast but not the least it is the grace of Al ighty 'hich has lead and *uided me all the 'ay in my life to ma(e this 'or( a fruitful one! GUR-I#DER SI#G*

> KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

6or mana*ement careers; it is )ery important to de)elop mana*erial s(ills! In order to achie)e positi)e and concrete results; alon* 'ith theoretical concepts; the e8posure of real life situation e8istin* in a corporate 'orld is )ery much needed! To fulfill this need; this type of practical trainin* is re=uired! I under'ent summer trainin* in the office of fast *ro'in* company 3 *I#DUSTA# C%)+UTER $I)ITED CAREER DE.E$%+)E#T CE#TER/ my fortune to *et trainin* in a )ery healthy company! I *ot *reat opportunity to )ie' the o)erall 'or(in* of the or*ani<ation! I learned a lot from the hard 'or( I put in to collect information re*ardin* the same; 'hich 'ould be of *reat use in my near future as a professional! 4ustification cannot be done to 'hate)er I ha)e learnt 'ithin a fe' pa*es but I ha)e still tried my best to co)er as much as possible about the 0J%" SATISFACTI%# in this report!

? KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

*C$ *C$T *C$CDC IT C"T CAD CAI I") "CG R'D "+% K+% )+E EFCS +C SS%1s IS% ER+ SA+ IDC T2) *R *R) AIDA *$$ G&K& CTC %"C , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , industan /omputer 9imited industan /omputer 9imited Technolo*ies industan /omputer 9imited /areer De)elopment /enter Information Technolo*y /omputer +ased Trainin* /omputer ,ided Desi*n /omputer ,ided Instructions International +usiness 0achine +oston /onsultancy Gro'th Research 7 De)elopment +usiness .rocessin* 5utsourcin* 2no'led*e .rocessin* 5utsourcin* 0edia .ublishin* 7 Entertainment Employee 6irst /ustomer Second .ersonal /omputer System Support 5r*ani<ations International Standard 5r*ani<ation Enterprise Resource .lannin* Strate*ic ,d)anta*e .rofile International Data /orporation Total @uality 0ana*ement uman Resource uman Resource 0ana*ement ,ttention; Interest; Desire; ,ction industan Unile)er 9imited General 2no'led*e /ost to /ompany 5ther +ac('ard /lass

A KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction


C%)+UTERS ' IT 4 A# %.ER.IE-

Information science is the science that in)esti*ates the properties and beha)iors of information; the forces *o)ernin* the flo' of information; and the means of processin* information for optimum accessibility and usability! The field is deri)ed from those related to mathematics; lo*ic; lin*uistic; psycholo*y; computer technolo*y; *raphic arts; mana*ement and other fields! , nationBs de)elopment potential depends upon its ability to continuously educate its population and its ability to create armies if s(illed manpo'er! In particular; use of Information Technolo*y CITD in ac=uirin* (no'led*e and s(ill has become an essential element in education and trainin*! These IT elements in the educational process ha)e ma*ical effects! i*her education 'ithout the support of IT ma(es the li)es of learner and teachers e=ually difficult! , nationBs intellectual stren*th depends upon IT support! The use of computin* and communication technolo*y to enhance the efficacy of transaction and producti)ity is the dri)in* force in this ne' era of social and economic transformation in the ne' society called Information Society! , stron* IT structure can *i)e an institution a competiti)e ad)anta*e for the best students and faculty and an ad)anta*e in competition for absorbin* e8ternal research and *rants to e8ecute studies; research etc! in a short time and 'ith *reat resolution! IT 'ith reference to ETE/ N595G1 IN EDU/,TI5NB encompasses one or more of the follo'in*-F Gocational trainin* tools; such as /+T C/omputer +ased Trainin*D; /,D C/omputer ,ided Desi*nD; etc! /omputer and computerFbased systems for instructional deli)ery and mana*ement; e!*! /,I C/omputer ,ided InstructionsD etc! InternetH'eb based education e!*! not only educational information 'ith te8t; *raphics but also courses are offered by )arious 'eb sites!

$ KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction Education forms the bac(bone of a nation and is one of the most important (ey indicators of a countryBs *ro'th and de)elopment! In fact the rise of (no'led*e economy at a *lobal le)el has once a*ain reinforced education; in all its forms Celementary; secondary; hi*her; )ocational; and adultD; as the (ey economic and business dri)er! In the past; *o)ernment 'as the sole education pro)ider as it 'as primarily considered a social ser)ice! o'e)er; 'ith liberali<ation and *lobali<ation of economy; it has become e)ident in the last decade or so that the *o)ernment cannot alone can bear the cost of the education sector! The pri)ate sector has stepped in to fill the *ap and has increasin*ly enhanced its profile in education o)er the last decade! This had led to a *ro'in* debate in recent times on IndiaBs Educational .olicy and the chan*es re=uired ma(in* the education sector more )ibrant and fle8ible to meet the rapidly di)ersifyin* needs of our *ro'in* economy! India entered the computer scene at a time 'hen the 'orld 'as s'itchin* o)er from mainframe computers to personal computers! In "II# India cau*ht up s'iftly 'ith the technolo*ically ad)anced countries to emer*e as a (ey player on the 'orld soft'are map! The presence of hard'are *iants li(e the I+0; /9 and e'lett .ac(ard ensured instant transfer of hard'are technolo*y and 'e 'itnessed the launch of ne' products simultaneously in India and the 'est! In a decade India had been acclaimed for ha)in* the best soft'are professionals! This 'as lar*ely due to the in)ol)ement of the 'orldBs major players 'ho opened soft'are de)elopment centers to deri)e their competiti)e ad)anta*e! ,t the turn of this millennium the industry *ot a steady impetus 'ith con)er*ence technolo*ies initiatin* jobs in the ser)ice sector! IndiaBs IT industry is 'orth Rs! "$; ### or "!% billion dollar share in the 'orld mar(et! The IT *ro'th 'as; ho'e)er; faced by critical anomalies! While India boasted of steep pro*ress and *lobal *ro'th of the industry; it confronted a dismal underde)eloped and o)erstretched IT infrastructure! .roblems such as poor access and poor ser)ice do**ed e)en basic ser)ices! This called for a complete restructurin* of basic infrastructure re=uired by the industry! Soft'are technolo*y par(s committed to pro)idin* to these critical anomalies facin* this sunshine industry 'ere set up! The policy of Indian *o)ernment initiated pri)ate IT firms to brin* the latest technolo*ies 'hich 'ould e8pand computer net'or(s! 5nline education is an outcome of the in)asion of computers in education! Numerous educational courses; references; institutional information; application and admission processes are no' a)ailable 'ith the massi)e computeri<ation of education sector! J KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction ,s per +/G study; by %#%# the 'orld 'ill ha)e a shorta*e of ?J million 'or(in* people and the Indian 'or(force 'ill ha)e a surplus of A$ million people! WhatBs needed is to de)elop s(ills; so that this surplus manpo'er is e=uipped to meet the needs of talent across *eo*raphies


C%)+A#( +R%FI$E6*C$

C%)+A#( +R%FI$E ' FACTS,

/9 is a leadin* *lobal Technolo*y and IT Enterprise 'ith annual re)enues of USK $!A billion! The /9 Info /9 Enterprise comprises t'o companies listed in India; systems! /9 Technolo*ies and

The > decade old enterprise; founded in "IJ$; is one of IndiaLs ori*inal IT *ara*e start ups! Its ran*e of offerin*s span R7D and Technolo*y Ser)ices; Enterprise and ,pplications /onsultin*; Remote Infrastructure 0ana*ement; +.5 ser)ices; IT ard'are; Systems /9 team Inte*ration and Distribution of Technolo*y and Telecom products in India! The >$# points of presence in India!

comprises $>;### professionals of di)erse nationalities; operatin* across %$ countries includin*

/9 has *lobal partnerships 'ith se)eral leadin* 6ortune "###; includin* se)eral IT and Technolo*y majors! ,lon* 'ith the s'iftly *ro'in* soft'are technolo*y industry; /9Ls R7D 'as spun off as ser)ices area! /9; 'hich 'as hitherto (no'n as the pioneer in modern computin* made the ad)ent into soft'are de)elopment! /9 Technolo*ies in "IIJ to mar( their ad)ent into the soft'are

Today; /9 sells more ./s in India than any other brand; runs Northern IrelandLs lar*est +.5 operation; and mana*es the net'or( for ,siaLs lar*est stoc( e8chan*e net'or( apart from & KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction desi*nin* <ero )isibility landin* systems to land the 'orldLs most popular airplane! ,nd this it does across %I countries and across >$# ser)ice locations in India!


$EADERS*I+ 9 *C$

#A)E, Shi: #ada 7Founde 4 *C$8 DESIG#ATI%#, Chai man ' Chief St ateg; %ffice 7*C$ Technologies8 ,t a time 'hen India had a total of %A# computers; Shi) Nadar led a youn* team 'hich passionately belie)ed in and bet on the *ro'th of the IT industry! That )ision in "IJ$; born out of a Delhi MbarsaatiM; a(in to a *ara*e startFup; has resulted > decades later in a KA billion *lobal transformational technolo*y enterprise today! 6rom desi*nin* IndiaLs first ./ at the same time as *lobal IT peers in "IJ&: to 'or(in* on the +oein* DreamlinerLs 6li*ht 0ana*ement Systems no'; Infrastructure Ser)ices; IT /9 has stayed a true .ioneer of 0odern /omputin*! /9Ls ran*e of offerin*s spans .roduct En*ineerin*; /ustom 7 .ac(a*e ,pplications; +.5; IT ard'are; Systems Inte*ration; and distribution of I/T products F /9 team comprises o)er $#;### across a 'ide ran*e of focused industry )erticals! The of presence in India!

professionals of di)erse nationalities; 'ho operate from %$ countries includin* o)er A## points /9 has *lobal partnerships 'ith se)eral leadin* 6ortune "### firms; includin* leadin* IT and Technolo*y firms!

I KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

#A)E, A<a; Cho=dh ; 7Founde 6 *C$8 DESIG#ATI%#, Chai man ' CE% 7*C$ Info s;stems8 ,n en*ineer by trainin*; ,jay /ho'dhry is one of the si8 founder members of leadin* Technolo*y and IT Enterprise! /9; IndiaLs

/9; IndiaLs ori*inal IT *ara*e startFup founded in e 'as appointed the

"IJ$; is today a USK A billion Global Enterprise! ,jay too( o)er the reins of /9 Infosystems; the fla*ship company of the *roup; as .resident and /E5 in "II?! /hairman of /9 Infosystems in No)ember "III! Under ,jayLs ste'ardship; the companyLs

turno)er has *ro'n to USK %!J billion for the last "% months from USK &I 0illion in "II?! Employin* N$"## people; it has emer*ed as the countryLs informationFenablin* po'erhouse! ,jay has been a (ey force in dri)in* the *ro'th of /9 Infosystems! The credit of settin* up on* 2on*; /9Ls o)erseas operations; startin* 'ith Sin*apore in "I&# *oes to him! Durin* this tenure he e8tensi)ely co)ered South ,sian 0ar(ets includin* 0alaysia; Thailand; 'ay to'ards enhancin* Indonesia; and the .eopleLs Republic of /hina; e8pandin* business operations; 'hich pa)ed the /9Ls core competencies in brin*in* the best international technolo*ies to the domestic mar(et!

"# KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

#A)E, Anant Gupta DASIG#ATI%#, CE% 7*C$ Technologies8 ,nant Gupta is chief e8ecuti)e officer and 'hole time board director of /9 Technolo*ies;

9td!; C /9TD; one of the 'orldBs fastestF*ro'in* information technolo*y ser)ices company 'ith OI#;### employees spread across >I countries and one that has become reco*ni<ed around the 'orld for its inno)ati)e mana*ement practices! With the *oal of establishin* as a thou*ht leader in the IT Industry; ,nant has sharpened /9 /9Bs strate*ic focus in)estments

around three (ey missions- creatin* ne8tF*eneration business ali*ned IT ser)ices and solutions; ensurin* customer en*a*ement around the cornerstones of trust; transparency 7 transformation and empo'erin* /9ites throu*h the EEmployee 6irst /ustomer SecondB CE6/SD philosophy! ,nant joined /9 in "II$ !

"" KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

#A)E, Koushi> Chatte <ee DASIG#ATI%#, *ead 7*C$ CDC8 ,t /9; the concept of peopleFempo'erment has been our *uidin* force throu*h an e)entful /9 a KA!" billion *lobal con*lomerate! /9 has

journey of o)er three decades ha)in* made

played a pioneerin* role in creatin* and transformin* the IT7 IT Enabled Ser)ices Industry in India and abroad; across areas of hard'are; net'or(in* solutions; distribution; infrastructure mana*ement; product en*ineerin*; mana*ed ser)ices; soft'are de)elopment and +.5 ser)ices! This has e=uipped us to create and deli)er appropriate content for industryFled trainin* pro*rams! 5)er the years; /9 has shaped the careers of thousands of IT .rofessionals and transformed /9 /areer De)elopment li)es! I in)ite you to share this le*acy of e8cellence in the form of /entre C/D/D and become the IT .rofessional of tomorro'! The *lobal economic order is set to chan*e a*ain placin* fresh demands on indi)iduals and or*ani<ations ali(e! It is no' more than e)er before; that 'e need to reFin)ent oursel)es in terms of ability and performance! This is the time to build upon a fresh set of competencies that the mar(et place can )alue and deploy!

,s the fountainhead of the most si*nificant pursuit of human mind CITD; belie)es; M(nly a )eader can transfor you into a )eader*. this e8perience and credo 'hich has been perfected o)er three decades!

/9 stron*ly

/9 /D/ is a formali<ation of

"% KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

*Together we create the enterprises of to orrow*.

*To provide world"class infor ation technology solutions and services in order to enable our custo ers to serve their custo ers better*.

*To fuel initiative and foster activity by allowing individuals freedo innovation in attaining defined objectives.* of action and

3& We shall uphold the di*nity of the indi)idual! 5& We shall honor all commitments! ?& We shall be committed to @uality; Inno)ation and Gro'th in e)ery Endea)our! @& We shall be responsible corporate citi<ens

"> KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction



/9 /D/ has di)ided its hierarchy into > le)els of mana*ement! These are as follo'T%+ $E.E$ )A#AGE)E#T, It comprises head of the office; mana*ers! )IDD$E $E.E$ )A#AGE)E#T, It includes staff; trainers! $%-ER $E.E$ )A#AGE)E#T, It consists of trainees; non trainin* staff Cpeons; receptionistD!

"? KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction




"A KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction


*C$ TEC*#%$%GIES

"$ KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction /9 Technolo*ies is one of IndiaBs leadin* *lobal IT Ser)ices companies; pro)idin* Soft'are led IT Solutions; remote infrastructure mana*ement ser)ices and +.5! The company le)era*es an e8tensi)e *lobal offshore infrastructure and its *lobal net'or( of offices in "$ countries to deli)er solutions across select )erticals includin* 6inancial Ser)ices; Retail and /onsumer; 9ife Sciences ,erospace; ,utomoti)e; Semiconductors; Telecom and 0.E C0edia .ublishin* and EntertainmentD! 6or the endin* >" st 0arch %##&; /9 Technolo*ies; alon* 'ith its subsidiaries had re)enue of US K "!J billion and employed ?&; &#% professionals!

*C$ TEC*#%$%GIES,
/9 T5U/ /9 /50NET

+.5Bs 2.5Bs



"J KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction *C$ Infos;stems; 'ith re)enues of US K >!" billion; is IndiaLs premier information enablin*

company! 9e)era*in* its %J years of e8pertise in total technolo*y solutions; and a 'ide ran*e of support ser)ices!

/9 Infosystems

offers )alueFadded ser)ices in (ey areas such as system inte*ration; net'or(in* consultancy /9 Infosystems is amon* the leadin* players in all the se*ments comprisin* the domestic IT products; solutions and related ser)ices business; 'hich includes ./s; ser)ers; net'or(in* products; ima*in* 7 communication products! /ontinuously meetin* the e)er increasin* customer e8pectations and applications; its focus on inte*rated enterprise solutions has stren*thened the /9 Infosystems SS5Ls CSystem Support 5r*ani<ationD capabilities in supportin* installation types ran*in* from sin*le to lar*e; multiF location; multiF)endor 7 multiFplatform spread across India! The SS5; comprisin* a direct support force of o)er "$##O members; is operational at "J#O locations across the country and is the lar*est such human resource of its (ind in the IT business! "& KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction /9 Infosystems offeres )alueFadded ser)ices in (ey areas such as system inte*ration; net'or(in* consultancy and a 'ide ran*e of support ser)ices! /9 Infosystem manufacturin* facilities are IS5 I##"F%### and IS5 "?##" certified and adhere to strin*ent =uality standards and *lobal processes! It is rated amon* the leadin* players in all the se*ments; comprisin* domestic IT products; solutions and related ser)ices; includin* ./Bs; ser)ers; net'or(in* products and communication products! /9 Infosystems o'ns the brand of in*eniously de)eloped and manufactured; most popular ./FEE<eebeeB; E+usybeeB; +eanstal(B and EInfinityBF and iys robust manufacturin* facilities! /9 Infosystems has a lon* standin* relationships 'ith 'orld technolo*y leaders such as SUN for enterprise computin* solutions! INTE9 and ,0D for ./Bs and pc ser)ers! 0I/R5S56T; N5GE99 and S/5 for operatin* systems and soft'are solutions! Toshiba /orp! for business automation e=uipment! S,. ,G for specialist ER. solutions! 5R,/9E; S1+,SE and IN65R0IP for RD+0S .latform; E0/! GERT,S for stora*e solutions!

"I KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction


*C$ 6 I# IT -%R$D

S &no " % > ? A $ J & I "#

#ame T/S Wipro Infosys Technolo*ies . India Sales I+0 In*ram 0icro Satyam /omputer Ser)ices Redin*ton India /9 Technolo*ies /isco Systems

S &no "" "% "> "? "A "$ "J "& "I %#

#ame Intel /9 Infosystems /o*ni<ant Technolo*y Solutions 0icrosoft India .atni /omputer Systems 9eno)o India Samsun* 0oser +ear 5racle India Sys Infotech

Table +, -#) in .T world



%# KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction /9 Technolo*ies has been ran(ed amon* top %# IT 6irms by D,T,@UEST; leadin* IT ma*a<ine /9 Infosystems also climbed t'o ran(s in the Employee Satisfaction ran(in*s thus ma(in* it to the top spot! The only hard'are manufacturer in the sur)ey; and R0SI /9 Infosystems also emer*ed as the dream company to 'or( for 'ith oneFthird of those sur)eyed e8pressin* desire to 'or( for /9 Infosystems! /9 Infosystems has emer*ed as the best employer in the information technolo*y industry; accordin* to a sur)ey conducted by Data=uestFID/ CInternational Data /orporationD; follo'ed by iG,TE; Rolta; R0SI and S,S Institute! /9 ran(ed amon* the top three companies in almost all the parameters follo'ed by iGate; Rolta

%" KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction


0IT "est Emplo;e s , The Top 3E/

Ran> 5EEF " % > ? A $ J & I "#

Compan; /9 Infosystems iG,TE Global Solutions Rolta India R0SI S,S Institute India R! Systems .erot Systems Ta)ant Technolo*ies Datacraft India Synechron

Ran> 5EED > " ? % J

I "> &

Change % F" " F% % Ne' Ne' " ? F%

Table /, #yber %edia0s 1ata2uest".T 3est 4 ployer &urvey /556

%% KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction


*IST%R( ' )I$EST%#ES



KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction /9 has al'ays prided itself on its partnership en*a*ements! .artner models are also e)ol)in* in the technolo*y industry! Inno)ation has e8tended into the ecosystem and community based en*a*ements are comin* into play! sharin*! Some of /9 has also enhanced its relationships 'ith partners and the notable partner en*a*ements-F is creatin* a )ariety of inno)ati)e partnership models; 'ith )arious approaches to ris(Fre'ard



KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction




KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction >rd mostF)aluable I/T brand after 0icrosoft 7 Intel F by .lan man /onsultin* 7 I/0R Research! ,mon*st the top "# in brand association and brand loyalty F by .lan man /onsultin* 7 I/0R Research! %"st mostF)aluable brand F by .lan man /onsultin* 7 I/0R Research! ,mon*st IndiaBs "## most Galuable +rands %##J F by I/0R 7 ?.s! /N+/ ,W,,Q /onsumer ,'ard %##J for most preferred personal computer brand! The most ,dmired Retailer of the year %##J F by India Retail 6orum! E8cellence in %##$F#J! +est Employer of the year %##J F by D,T,@UEST in collaboration 'ith ID/ India! E8cellence in En)ironment 0ana*ement by E9/IN, F Dun 7 +radstreet! @uality 0ana*ement ,'ard by E9/IN, F Dun 7 +radstreet for

%$ KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction



*C$ I# TRAI#I#G,
The company has )entured into the field of IT trainin* 'ith an objecti)e to meet the increasin* demand for s(illed professionals from or*ani<ations across the country! /9 Infosystems pro)ide specially desi*ned pro*rams in hi*hFend Soft'are; ard'are and Net'or(in* solutions! There are more than "># fully operational centers in all the major locations across the country! ,s the fountainhead of the most si*nificant pursuit of human mind CITD; stron*ly belie)es; *(nly a )eader can transfor been perfected o)er three decades! It is an initiati)e that enables aspirin* indi)iduals to benefit from lon*standin* e8pertise in the space and become Industry ready IT professionals! )aintaining 2ualit; 6 5ne of the (ey elements to pursuit of superior =uality in all its endea)ors! *C$ I#F%S(STE)S belie)es in the T@0 CTotal @uality 0ana*ementD philosophy as a means for continuous impro)ement; total employee participation in =uality impro)ement and customer satisfaction! Its concept of =uality addresses people; processes and products! /9Ls success is its ne)erFendin* /9Bs you into a )eader*. /9 /9 /areer /9 trainin*

De)elopment /entre C/D/D is a formali<ation of this e8perience and credo 'hich has

%J KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction



Inter)ie' S(ills; 0oc(s; /omm! S(ill sessions; 6inishin* School! Special session on Stress 0ana*ement! Educational Trip to /9 manufacturin* .lant on ,ppro)al! /9 Technolo*y and Intellectual +oo(s!

Self F ,sset 0ana*ement SystemH @uality Testin* before .lacement ,ssistance .lacement ,ssistance! Infrastructure sharin* R "AS 'ith the colle*e!

%& KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction



7ig. 8, -#) #1# Advantages

%I KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction



># KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction



>" KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction



/9 Infosystems spread its 'in*s last fiscal by addin* more products to its e8istin* bas(et! It mana*ed a >#S profit; despite stiff competition from unor*ani<ed and 0N/ players&

#hart +, &ales of -#) 97inancial &tatus of -#):

>% KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction


#hart /, (perating Profit of -#) 97inancial &tatus of -#):

>> KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

Balance sheet of HCL

"alance Sheet of *C$ Technologies,6 "alance Sheet of *C$ Technologies 6666666666666666666 in Rs& C & 6666666666666666666 4un L"% 4un L"" 4un L"# 4un L#I "% mths Sources 5f 6unds Total Share /apital E=uity Share /apital Share ,pplication 0oney .reference Share /apital Reser)es Re)aluation Reser)es Net'orth Secured 9oans Unsecured 9oans Total Debt Total 9iabilities ">&!$$ ">&!$$ %!JJ #!## $;?$A!"A #!## $;$#$!A& $I&!&J #!## $I&!&J J;>#A!?A 4un L"% "% mths ,pplication 5f 6unds Gross +loc( 9ess- ,ccum! Depreciation Net +loc( /apital Wor( in .ro*ress In)estments In)entories Sundry Debtors /ash and +an( +alance Total /urrent ,ssets 9oans and ,d)ances 6i8ed Deposits Total /,; 9oans 7 ,d)ances Deffered /redit /urrent 9iabilities .ro)isions Total /9 7 .ro)isions Net /urrent ,ssets 0iscellaneous E8penses Total ,ssets /ontin*ent 9iabilities +oo( Galue CRsD >;?IJ!%$ ";&&>!AA ";$">!J" A?I!AA >;%IJ!IA II!II ";II%!?% ";#?"!%# >;">>!$" %;%&%!%" #!## A;?"A!&% #!## %;$">!JI IAJ!JI >;AJ"!A& ";&??!%? #!## J;>#A!?A >;$%#!%& IA!%A "% mths ">J!J? ">J!J? "!## #!## A;J%#!?" #!## A;&AI!"A ";#%I!&J #!%I ";#>#!"$ $;&&I!>" 4un L"" "% mths %;&&#!AJ ";A&?!$? ";%IA!I> A$&!J> %;$A>!%J "%?!IJ ";$AJ!%$ "$J!J# ";I?I!I> ";J#$!$I &I$!#% ?;AA%!$? #!## ";AJ&!?% $#%!&? %;"&"!%$ %;>J"!>& #!## $;&&I!>" %;$JJ!?I &A!#$ "% mths ">A!J$ ">A!J$ %!#" #!## ?;JI&!#I #!## ?;I>A!&$ ";#>#!A" >$$!&& ";>IJ!>I $;>>>!%A 4un L"# "% mths %;%I>!>J ";>?I!A? I?>!&> ?JJ!%# %;%>>!%# "%!#? %;#&?!J# $?!&> %;"$"!AJ ";JA#!?$ I%?!$# ?;&>$!$> #!## ";J%?!#" ?>>!$# %;"AJ!$" %;$JI!#% #!## $;>>>!%A %;A#A!%" J%!$I "% mths ">?!#A ">?!#A #!?J #!## >;>A>!J% #!## >;?&&!%? "%>!&" >&I!I% A">!J> ?;##"!IJ 4un L#I "% mths ";IAJ!&$ ";"##!&& &A$!I& ?"J!A$ A$%!JA &J!#" ";?&I!%$ "??!## ";J%#!%J ";&"J!IJ ";%%"!&> ?;J$#!#J #!## %;%"J!?? >JJ!IA %;AIA!>I %;"$?!$& #!## ?;##"!IJ >;>"J!?$ A%!#? 4un L#& "% mths ">>!%J ">>!%J "!J" #!## >;#JI!&A #!## >;%"?!&> %A!%? #!#I %A!>> >;%?#!"$ 4un L#& "% mths ";AII!$" &J?!>% J%A!%I ?"I!#> ";JIJ!>? #!## I&#!#% "$%!&J ";"?%!&I ";"&>!II A%?!#" %;&A#!&I #!## ";&%&!&A J%>!A? %;AA%!>I %I&!A# #!## >;%?#!"$ ?$I!>$ ?&!%% >? KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction "alance Sheet of *C$ Infos;stems,6 "alance Sheet of *C$ Infos;stems 6666666666666666666 in Rs& C & 6666666666666666666 4un L"% 4un L"" 4un L"# 4un L#I "% mths Sources 5f 6unds Total Share /apital E=uity Share /apital Share ,pplication 0oney .reference Share /apital Reser)es Re)aluation Reser)es Net'orth Secured 9oans Unsecured 9oans Total Debt Total 9iabilities ??!A& ??!A& #!## #!## ";&J%!A& #!## ";I"J!"$ $A!I? A>?!$% $##!A$ %;A"J!J% 4un L"% "% mths ,pplication 5f 6unds Gross +loc( 9ess- ,ccum! Depreciation Net +loc( /apital Wor( in .ro*ress In)estments In)entories Sundry Debtors /ash and +an( +alance Total /urrent ,ssets 9oans and ,d)ances 6i8ed Deposits Total /,; 9oans 7 ,d)ances Deffered /redit /urrent 9iabilities .ro)isions Total /9 7 .ro)isions Net /urrent ,ssets 0iscellaneous E8penses Total ,ssets /ontin*ent 9iabilities +oo( Galue CRsD ?%J!?? "$?!J$ %$%!$& >A!A? A?I!AI $A&!IA ";%#>!?% %%?!%# %;#&$!AJ ";I>%!&% #!## ?;#"I!>I #!## %;>"#!#% >I!?$ %;>?I!?& ";$$I!I" #!## %;A"J!J% >?A!"A &$!#% "% mths ??!A& ??!A& #!## #!## ";I#%!?$ #!## ";I?J!#? ""#!?> ?$J!"" AJJ!A? %;A%?!A& 4un L"" "% mths >$?!#A ">"!II %>%!#$ "I!IA J#A!#A A&$!%A %;#&?!%$ %>#!A# %;I#"!#" J"?!II ?!"I >;$%#!"I #!## ";I?I!%A "#>!?% %;#A%!$J ";A$J!A% #!## %;A%?!A& >>&!I& &J!>$ "% mths ?>!$A ?>!$A "J!$J #!## ";&$#!I? #!## ";I%%!%$ "A%!#% >AJ!I" A#I!I> %;?>%!"I 4un L"# "% mths %J?!&& "#>!$$ "J"!%% %A!$I I""!"I &>A!?# ";IA$!I% %&I!&$ >;#&%!"& AAA!>" %!JA >;$?#!%? #!## %;"&%!"# ">?!#A %;>"$!"A ";>%?!#I #!## %;?>%!"I "">!$A &J!%$ "% mths >?!%? >?!%? #!## #!## ";#I&!"% #!## ";">%!>$ "#"!&A "%A!## %%$!&A ";>AI!%" 4un L#I "% mths %>?!"# &>!?J "A#!$> I!A# %J$!"# &&&!%$ ";?I&!%$ "I&!$J %;A&A!"I >"A!"J ?!>% %;I#?!$& #!## ";&II!&" &"!&I ";I&"!J# I%%!I& #!## ";>AI!%" AJ!"& $$!"?

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*C$ I# #E-S
>A KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

"! /9 coFinno)ation lab for ne' technolo*y Information technolo*y CITD major /9 Technolo*ies today announced the openin* of a coF inno)ation lab in Sin*apore 'ith ,merican pharmaceutical firm Eli 9illy to de)elop ne' technolo*ies and solutions specifically for the dru* ma(er! %! /9 denies char*es of destroyin* data of Ne's of the World Indian IT major /9 Technolo*ies has denied alle*ations that emails belon*in* to its client; Ne's International T 'hich is at the centre of a strin* of phoneFhac(in* scandals T 'ere destroyed at its /hennai office! >! /9 Technolo*ies recei)es . ,lliance5NE .artner of the 1ear ,'ard for /loud /omputin* Ser)ices ?! /9 Technolo*ies on 0onday si*ned an a*reement 'ith Ne' QealandFbased ban(in* and finance soft'are solution company 6in<soft Solutions 9td! to deli)er ne' hi*h )alue technolo*y solutions to the re*ionLs finance sector! A! 5)er the last fi)e =uarters it has outperformed its peers in terms of )olume *ro'th; 'ith an a)era*e )olume *ro'th of J!>S durin* the period! The *ro'th has been broad based across industry )erticals; *eo*raphies and ser)ice lines!ies $! /9 technolo*ies partners 'ith trintech! C& *C$ Technologies! a leading global IT se :ices p o:ide has signed a )emo andum of Unde standing 7)oU8 ag eement =ith Etisalat! as pe custome =hich the; =ill bilate all; coope ate and eGplo e collabo ati:e oppo tunities fo offe ing inno:ati:e ICT se :ices to

>$ KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction


The objecti)e of this project is to *au*e the satisfaction le)el of employees in respect of their 'or(; super)isors; mana*ers; 'or( *roup and other benefits! This measurement 'ill further be used to study the relationship bet'een the personal factors of the employee The follo'in* are the objecti)es of the present study! To determine the le)el of satisfaction of the respondents re*ardin* their job! To study and understand the job satisfaction amon* the employees and other professionals of /9! To study the )arious factors influencin* job satisfaction and *i)e su**estions for impro)in* the same! To study the relationship bet'een the personal factors of the employee CIncome; Desi*nation; Educational =ualification; Gender; etc!;D To help the mana*ement of the company to (no' about the actions to be ta(en to increase the le)el of satisfaction of the employees To analy<e the companyBs 'or(in* en)ironment! To find that they are satisfied 'ith their job profile or not! To find that employees are 'or(in* 'ith their full capabilities or not!


>J KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction The scope of this study is to understand the satisfaction of employees 'or(in* in study is useful to the needs of the employees! This applies to all employees 'or(in* in the employees 'or(in* in industan /omputers 9imited! The study focuses on /9 /9 9E,RNING /handi*arh and also on trainer and mana*ers /9! The

/9 9E,RNING mana*ement to (no' the le)el of satisfaction and

'or(in* at sector >?F, 'hich is under the company! It includes all the department of 9E,RNING /handi*arh from 'here employees and mana*ers are included!

>& KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

Research methodolo*y is a 'ay to systematically sol)e the problem! It may be understood has a science of studyin* ho' research is done scientifically! In it 'e study the )arious steps that all *enerally adopted by a researcher in studyin* his research problem alon* 'ith the lo*ic behind them!

Research is defined as 3a scientific 7 systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic! Research is an art of scientific in)esti*ation! Research is a systemi<ed effort to *ain ne' (no'led*e! It is a careful in=uiry especially throu*h search for ne' facts in any branch of (no'led*e! The search for (no'led*e throu*h objecti)e and systematic method of findin* solution to a problem is a research!

SUR.E( )ET*%D%$%G(
The basic approach in this project 'ould be to understand the present le)el of satisfaction amon* the employees 'or(in* in /9 9E,RNING! 6or this purpose sur)ey 'ould be conducted amon*st employees to e)aluate and (no' their )ie's about )arious determinants of job satisfaction i!e! (ind of job; salary; mana*ers; super)isors; 'or( *roup etc!

, sample desi*n 'as constructed for the purpose of study includin* population; samplin* unit and sample si<e etc! +opulation, ,ll the employees of /9 9E,RNING from assistant to mana*erial le)el! Sampling unit, ,ll the employees of /9 9E,RNING present at office!

Sample SiHe,6
@uestionnaire is filled by %# employees of /99E,RNING / ,NDIG,R ! >I KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction The =uestionnaire 'as filled in the office and )ital information 'as collected 'hich 'as then subjects to-F Data collection 'as also done 'ith the help of personal obser)ation! ,fter completion of sur)ey the data 'as analy<ed and conclusion 'as dra'n! ,t the end all information 'as compiled to complete the project report!

6or any study there must be data for analysis purpose! Without data there is no means of study! Data collection plays an important role in any study! It can be collected from )arious sources! I ha)e collected the data from t'o sources 'hich are *i)en belo'"& + ima ; Data U .ersonal In)esti*ation U 5bser)ation 0ethod U Information from @uestionnaire 0ethod U Information from superiors of the or*ani<ation 5& Seconda ; Data U .ublished Sources such as 4ournals! U Unpublished Sources such as /ompany Internal reports prepare by them *i)en to their analyst 7 trainees for in)esti*ation! U Websites li(e hcl9earnin*!com official site; some other sites are also searched to find data

)ET*%D%$%G( AD%+TED
, structured =uestionnaire is prepared for *atherin* information! @uestions are framed in such a 'ay that the ans'ers reflect the ideas and thou*hts of the respondents 'ith re*ard to le)el of satisfaction of )arious factors of job satisfaction!

o'e)er I shall try my best in collectin* the rele)ant information for my research report; yet there are al'ays some problems faced by the researcher! The prime difficulties 'hich I face in collection of information are discussed belo'-F "! $ac> of esou ces, ?# KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

9ac( of time and other resources as it 'as not possible to conduct sur)ey at lar*e le)el! There 'as a fear of reprisal amon* the employees to re)eal their personal feelin*s and the result may not reflect the actual satisfactions %! Small no& of espondents, 5nly %# employees ha)e been chosen 'hich is a small number; to represent 'hole of the population! >! Un=illingness of espondentsWhile collection of the data many consumers 'ere un'illin* to fill the =uestionnaire! Respondents 'ere ha)in* a feelin* of 'asta*e of time for them! Some respondents hesitated to *i)e the actual situation: they feared that mana*ement 'ould ta(e any action a*ainst them! ?! Small a ea fo esea chThe area for study 'as 9E,RNING; 'hich is =uite a small area to jud*e job satisfaction le)el!

Anal;sis ' Inte p etation

"! Satisfaction le)el of employees 'ith their job! Stron*ly Disa*ree Neutral ,*ree Stron*ly ,*ree ?" KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction Disa*ree AS





0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0

ag re e Ne ut ra l Ag re e isa gr ee Ag re e

Series1 Series2

Di s

Interpretation,s per the abo)e analysis of job satisfaction le)el "#S employees are stron*ly disa*ree; >#S are neutral; ?#S are ,*ree and %#S are stron*ly a*ree! No' to impro)e job Satisfaction; the company must impro)e moti)ation le)el of its employees; pro)ide them 'ith monetary as 'ell as nonF0onetary incenti)es!

%! 4ob is moti)atin* and challen*in* Stron*ly Disa*ree Neutral Disa*ree "#S # >#S

St ro ng ly

St ro ng ly

Stron*ly a*ree ?#S

,*ree %#S ?%

KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Series1 Series2

,s per the abo)e analysis of employee satisfaction; it can be interpreted that"#S employees are stron*ly disa*ree 'ith their job because they feel that their job is not moti)atin* 7 challen*in*; and >#S neutral; ?#Sstron*ly a*ree; %#S a*ree! So company should ma(e the job more challen*in* so that the employee can enjoy his 'or(!

>! 4ob description is 'ellFdefined





Stron*ly ,*ree ?>

KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction Disa*ree AS





0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Series1 Series2

,s per the abo)e chart indicates that most of the employees are a*ree 'ith their job description; AS are stron*ly disa*ree; AS are disa*ree; %#S are neutral

?! 4ob security Stron*ly Disa*ree Disa*ree Neutral ,*ree Stron*ly ,*ree

?? KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction "AS "AS >#S >#S "#S

0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Series1 Series2

,s par the abo)e analysis; "AS employees are stron*ly disa*ree 'ith their job security; "AS are disa*ree; >#S are neutral; >#S are a*ree 7 "#S are stron*ly a*ree! So the company must pro)ide the job security! 9i(e the perpetual e8istence of company ma(es them secure about their job!

A! Wor(in* conditions of the job Stron*ly Disa*ree "#S Disa*ree "#S Neutral >#S ,*ree %AS Stron*ly ,*ree %AS ?A KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Series1 Series2

,s per the abo)e *raph; most of the employees are neutral re*ardin* the 'or(in* conditions of their job! So the company should impro)e the 'or(in* conditions li(e 'or(load etc!

% part



0.3 is fairly distributed in your 'or( *roup $! Wor( Stron*ly Disa*ree Neutral 0.25 Disa*ree "AS 0.2 "#S >AS 0.15 0.1 0.05

,*ree >#S

Stron*ly ,*ree

"#S Series2

KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree


Job Satisfaction

So the company on a )ery fair basis should pro)ide the 'or( to each employee! No biasness should be there!

J! 1ou maintain *ood relationship 'ith your collea*ues Stron*ly Disa*ree "#S Disa*ree AS Neutral "AS ,*ree %#S Stron*ly ,*ree A#S

?J KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Series1 Series2

,s per the abo)e analysis; most of the employees satisfied 'ith the relationship system in the company!

&! Tal( openly and honestly 'ith members of 'or( *roup Stron*ly Disa*ree "#S Disa*ree # Neutral %#S ,*ree >#S Stron*ly ,*ree ?#S

?& KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Series1 Series2

So this sho's that the interpersonal relationship bet'een all the employees are )ery *ood and harmonious!

0.4 0.35 I! Wor( *roup 'or(s 'ell to*ether 0.3 0.25 Stron*ly 0.2 Disa*ree "AS0.15 0.1 0.05

Disa*ree #

Neutral %#S

,*ree >AS

Series1 Series2

Stron*ly ,*ree %AS

KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree


Job Satisfaction

,bo)e Graph sho's that more number of employees is satisfied 'ith the 'or( *roup 'or(s 'ell to*ether! So it is a si*n of *ood Team'or(!

"#! Get response from your superiors and subordinates! Stron*ly Disa*ree AS Disa*ree AS Neutral %AS ,*ree ?#S Stron*ly ,*ree %AS

A# KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Series1 Series2

,s per the abo)e result; most of the employees are a*ree 'ith their relationship of super)isors and subordinates! This sho's that super)isors are )ery coFoperati)e 'ith their subordinates!

> part ""! 0ana*erCimmediate super)isorD trusts me! Stron*ly Disa*ree Disa*ree Neutral ,*ree Stron*ly ,*ree

A" KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction AS "#S AS ?AS >AS

0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Series1 Series2

,s per the abo)e *raph; more no! of employees is a*reed 'ith the trust le)el of immediate super)isor!

"%! 0y mana*er moti)ates me 'ith monetary as 'ell as nonFmonetary benefits to impro)e myself Stron*ly Disa*ree "#S Disa*ree AS Neutral "AS ,*ree >AS Stron*ly ,*ree >AS A% KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Series1 Series2

,s per the abo)e result; most of the employees are satisfied 'ith their both benefits 'hich are *i)en to them!

">!0.45 0ana*er *i)es me clear instructions! Stron*ly 0.35 Disa*ree 0.3 "#S
0.25 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.2 0.4


Disa*ree AS

Neutral "AS

,*ree ?AS

Stron*ly ,*ree %AS Series1


KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree


Job Satisfaction

,s per the *i)en chart; most of the employees are satisfied 'ith the leader instruction 'hich is *i)en time to time! So that employees perform better!

">! 0y mana*er is al'ays there 'hen I need ad)ice! Stron*ly Disa*ree AS Disa*ree "#S Neutral "AS ,*ree >#S Stron*ly ,*ree ?#S A? KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Series1 Series2

,s per the *i)en chart; most of the employees are stron*ly a*ree 'ith their immediate super)isor because they are al'ays there 'hen they need them!

"?! I feel free to tal( openly and honestly to my mana*er! Stron*ly Disa*ree Disa*ree "#S Neutral %#S ,*ree >#S Stron*ly ,*ree ?#S

AA KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Series1 Series2

,s per the abo)e analysis; most of the employees are stron*ly a*ree 'ith their interaction le)el 'ith their mana*er!

"A! 0y mana*er praises me 'hen I do a *ood job! Stron*ly Disa*ree AS Disa*ree "AS Neutral "#S ,*ree ?#S Stron*ly ,*ree >#S

A$ KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Series1 Series2

,s per the abo)e result; most of the employees are a*ree that if employee does a *ood job then mana*er appreciate them!

?part "$! 1ou feel that your 'or(in* hours are con)enient Stron*ly Disa*ree Disa*ree AS Neutral %AS ,*ree ?#S Stron*ly ,*ree >#S

AJ KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Series1 Series2

,s per the abo)e analysis; most of the employee thin(s that they are con)enient 'ith their 'or(in* hours!

"&! 1our complaints are =uic(ly settled i!e! efficient *rie)ance redressal procedure 0.45 Stron*ly 0.35 Disa*ree
0.3 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.25 0.4


Disa*ree "AS

Neutral ?AS

,*ree %#S

Stron*ly ,*ree %#S Series1


KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree


Job Satisfaction

,s per the abo)e *raph; it is clear to all that ?AS employees thin( that complaints are =uic(ly settled but as 'ell as the company should identify the problems and resol)e them =uic(ly!

"I! 1ou recei)e appropriate reco*nition for your contribution Stron*ly Disa*ree Disa*ree %AS Neutral >AS ,*ree >#S Stron*ly ,*ree "#S

AI KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Series1 Series2

,bo)e *raph clearly indicates that more no of employees feel that they donBt recei)e appropriate reco*nition for their contribution! So the company should *i)e the appropriate reco*nition to their employees to encoura*e performance!

%#! /onsiderin* e)erythin* I am satisfied 'ith my 'or(in* in company at present time Stron*ly Disa*ree AS Disa*ree AS Neutral >#S ,*ree >AS Stron*ly ,*ree %AS

$# KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Series1 Series2

It is e)ident that majority of the employees are satisfied 'ith /9 at present time! This sho's that employees are )ery happy 'ith their jobs! So this indicates the employee 'ill not lea)e their job!

Employees are not completely satisfied 'ith their job althou*h their salary is *ood enou*h! Employees are not *ettin* )alue to their 'or(! 0ost of employees thin( that they are not on their actual path! 0ost of the employees thin( that the or*ani<ation ha)enBt fulfill their promises; 'hat they do in be*innin* especially re*ardin* .romotion! $" KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction There is ne*ati)ely comparison bet'een peers especially re*ardin* tar*ets! They often feel o)er'or(ed

To increase the job satisfaction le)el of the employees the company should concentrate mainly on the incenti)e and re'ard structure rather than the moti)ational session! Ideal employees should concentrate on their job! $% KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

Educational =ualification can be the factor of not an effecti)e job! /ompany should *i)e promotion to those employees 'ho deser)es it /ompany should leads to more challen*in* 'or( and *reater responsibilities; 'ith attendant increases in pay and other reco*nition! ,c=uire ne' jobFrelated (no'led*e that helps you to perform tas(s more efficiently and effecti)ely! This 'ill relie)e boredom and often *ets one noticed! /ompany should monitor employee satisfaction on a re*ular basis

Wor(in* hours should be ei*ht instead of nine! The day Saturday should be off or at least mana*ement should do it as half day so that employees could complete their pendin* 'or( and spend some more time 'ith family! 0ana*ement should clearly communicate *oals; responsibilities and e8pectations i!e! job description should be clear! 0edical and other insurance of employee alon* 'ith family members should be done! Introduction of re'ard and reco*nition for e8cellent performance at 'or(! Introduction of o)ertime duty allo'ance! ,rran*ement of trainin* pro*rammes and 'or(shop to train staff 'ith modern s(ills i!e! pro)ide an en)ironment 'here they can learn and *ro'! 0ore sports and other recreational acti)ities should ta(e place! 0ana*ement must conduct meetin* 'ith employees and staff once in a 'ee( or fortni*ht The company may pro)ide loans and ad)ances to its 'or(ers! Encoura*e participation in )arious plannin* and decisionFma(in* aspects 5ffer meanin*ful 'or( and challen*in* assi*nments to effecti)ely utili<e staff s(ills Empo'er employees and ensure them of job security! .ro)ide le*itimate feedbac(; *enuinely listen to staff concerns and ma(e their interests a mana*ement priority 0ana*ement should celebrate success and milestone reached by company 'ith employees! $> KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction

0A sound measu ement of o:e all <ob attitude is one of the most useful pieces of info mation an o ganiHation can ha:e about its emplo;ees&/

$? KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction ,t the end I 'ould li(e to conclude that R department is the heart of e)ery or*ani<ation and

R policies are its heart beats because if the heart 'ill not beat at ri*ht inter)als and at ri*ht times then it 'ill affect the o)erall health of the indi)idual! In the same 'ay if the employees are not satisfied; it 'ill affect the producti)ity and =uality of 'or( of the employees In a business en)ironment that re=uires employees 'ho are fle8ible; creati)e; and 'illin* to ta(e ris(s; it is necessary to find 'ays to help employees feel fulfilled and empo'ered in their 'or(! 0ana*ers should be interested in their employeeBs attitudes because attitudes *i)e 'arnin*s of potential problems and because they influence beha)ior! Satisfied and committed employees; for instance; ha)e lo'er rates of turno)er; absenteeism; and 'ithdra'al beha)iors! They also perform better on job! The study on employeeBs satisfaction at /9 9E,RNING is cased out 'ith full coFoperation of the employees and mana*ement! ,s far as possible 'ith in the *i)en limits the study is completed 'ith the satisfaction of many peoples! The data collected are analy<ed scientifically 'ith )arious statistical tools and the results obtained are free to nearly &#S! In my analysis; I found that the majority of the employees are satisfied in or*ani<ation but at the same time they came out 'ith their )ie' point of the areas of the impro)ement to be made! It is assured that the company may *ot hi*h boosted moral in the or*ani<ation pro)ided some of the su**estions made in the report in carried out! The most important thin* mana*ers can do to raise employee satisfaction is focus on the intrinsic parts of the job; such as ma(in* the 'or( challen*in* and interestin* and clear description of 'or( employees ha)e to perform! ,lthou*h payin* the employees poorly 'ill li(ely not attract hi*h =uality employees to the or*ani<ation; or (eep hi*h performers; mana*ers should reali<e that hi*h pay alone is unli(ely to create a satisfyin* 'or( en)ironment! /reatin* a satisfied 'or(force is hardly a *uarantee of successful or*ani<ational performance; but e)idence stron*ly su**ests that 'hate)er mana*ers can do to impro)e employee attitudes 'ill li(e result in hei*htened or*ani<ational effecti)eness!


$A KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga


A STUD( %F E)+$%(EE SATISFACTI%# I# *C$ $EAR#I#G I am Gu =inde Singh pursuin* ""A from KC School of management and compute application ! ,s a part of my summer internship ; I am pursuin* a research on Job Satisfaction& .lease help me 'hile fillin* up this =uestionnaire and pro)idin* me the re=uired information! The information pro)ided by you 'ill be (ept confidential and 'ould be used only for the research purpose! J%" SATISFACTI%# SEG)E#TS 2indly tic( C D mar( in only ans'er from )arious alternati)es *i)en belo'! 36 St ongl; disag ee 56 Disag ee ?6 #eut al @6 Ag ee A6 St ongl; ag ee (ou Job

" % > ? A

,re you satisfied 'ith your jobW 1our job is moti)atin* and challen*in* 1our job description is 'ellFdefined 1ou feel that your job is secured one 1ou feel satisfied 'ith the 'or(in* conditions of the job





(ou -o >g oup

$ J

Wor( is fairly distributed in your 'or( *roup





1ou maintain *ood relationship 'ith your collea*ues C"D

KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction 1ou feel free to tal( openly and honestly 'ith members of 'or( *roup 1our 'or( *roup 'or(s 'ell to*ether 1ou *et response from your superiors subordinates!

& I "#







(ou )anage ISupe :iso

"" "% "> "? "A "$

0y mana*erCimmediate super)isorD trusts me 0y mana*er moti)ates me 'ith monetary as 'ell as nonFmonetary benefits to impro)e myself 0y mana*er *i)es me clear instructions 0y mana*er is al'ays there 'hen I need ad)ice I feel free to tal( openly and honestly to my mana*er 0y mana*er praises me 'hen I do a *ood job





(ou "enefits

"J "& "I %#

1ou feel that your 'or(in* hours are con)enient 1our complaints are =uic(ly settled i!e! efficient *rie)ance redressal procedure 1ou recei)e appropriate reco*nition for your contribution /onsiderin* e)erythin* I am satisfied 'or(in* for my company at present time





"%%K "! 2othari /!R!; Research 0ethodolo*y; Ne' Delhi: Ne' ,*e International .ublication ; second edition! $J KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

Job Satisfaction http-HHhcl9earnin*!in http-HHhcl!in http-HHen!'i(ipedia!or*H'i(iHjobFsatisfaction http-HHhumanresorces!about!comHodHemployeesur)ey"HemployeeFsatisfactionFsur)eys!htm http-HHmana*ementhelp!or*HprsnX'llHjobFstfy!htm '''!citehr!comH$&$$&FemployeeFsatisfactionFsur)ey!html '''!employeeFsatisfaction!comHsampleFsur)eyFitems!asp http-HHemployeesatisfaction!'ordpress!comH

$& KC school of management and compute application!S"S #aga

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