Smartplant 3D: 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

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SmartPlant 3D

2009.1 Upgrade Guide


November 2009


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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Preface .................................................................................................................................5 Introduction ........................................................................................................................7 Upgrade Overview ........................................................................................................7 Upgrade Cases ..............................................................................................................8 Document Assumptions ................................................................................................9 Preparing for the Upgrade ..............................................................................................11 Backup the Model and the Symbols Share .................................................................12 Check the Integrity of the Databases ..........................................................................12
Verify the Consistency of Piping Specifications .............................................................. 12 Determine if Synchronize is Required .............................................................................. 13 Synchronize the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Model with the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Catalog....................................................................................................................... 13 Resolve the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 To Do List .............................................. 13 Check version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Database Integrity .......................................... 14 Verify Reference Files ...................................................................................................... 14

Backup the Model .......................................................................................................15 Prepare the Workstation for the Upgrade ...................................................................15 Prepare the Server for the Upgrade .............................................................................16 Upgrading the Symbols Share ........................................................................................20 Description of the 2009.1 Symbol Share Contents .....................................................20 Upgrade Procedure for the Symbols Share .................................................................21 Upgrading Custom Symbols and Naming Rules ........................................................23 Upgrading SmartPlant 3D Reports or Structure Symbol Files ...................................26 Upgrading SmartPlant 3D Drawings Styles.sha File ..................................................26 Upgrading the Databases ................................................................................................28 Non-Global Workshare Configuration .......................................................................28 Global Workshare Configuration................................................................................30 Upgrading the Reference Data .......................................................................................36 Overview.....................................................................................................................36 Incorporate the 2009 SP1 and 2009.1 Reference Data Changes.................................37
Bulkload Changes to Catalogs .......................................................................................... 37

Synchronizing the Model with the Catalog ...................................................................39 Synchronize the 2009.1 Model with the 2009.1 Catalog ............................................39 Resolve the 2009.1 To Do List ...................................................................................40 Check 2009.1 Database Integrity ................................................................................40 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 3

Table of Contents Regenerating the Reports Database ...............................................................................41 Appendix I: Upgrading Your Tool Schema ..................................................................42 Appendix II: Upgrading Your SmartPlant 3D Reports Template Files .....................43 Upgrading to 2009.1 Reports ......................................................................................43 Impact on User Defined SQL and Visual Basic Report and Label Queries ...............45 Appendix III: Upgrading Your SmartPlant 3D Structure Files..................................49 Upgrading to 2009.1 Structure....................................................................................49 Appendix IV: Fixing Hangers and Supports Drawings Orientation .......................52 Upgrading to 2009 SP1 Hangers and Supports views ................................................52 Appendix V: Symbol Share Changes in 2009.1 .............................................................54 Hangers and Supports .................................................................................................54 SmartPlant Structure ...................................................................................................55 Reports ........................................................................................................................55 Tooltips .......................................................................................................................59 Labels ..........................................................................................................................60 PmfgIsoStyleData .......................................................................................................60 SmartPlant Integrated Environment XML ..................................................................60

4 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide


This document provides guidelines for upgrading SmartPlant 3D (SP3D) version 2007 or version 2009 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Plant configurations (models and catalogs) to version 2009.1 Plant configurations. SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 supports upgrade from the following versions: Version 2007 Service Pack 3 Version 2007 Service Pack 4 Version 2007 Service Pack 5 Version 2009 Service Pack 1 Most steps to upgrade any of the above SmartPlant 3D version 2007 Service Packs or version 2009 SP1 to 2009.1 are the same regardless which version is being upgraded. This document will point out specific cases where there are differences and will refer to either of the three version 2007 Service Packs as version 2007 or version 2009 SP1. Note All previous version 2007 Service Packs (SP1 and SP2) need to be upgraded to version 2007 Service Pack 3 or higher. Please see the appropriate SP3D Upgrade Guide for upgrading to version 2007 Service Pack 3, which is delivered with the corresponding version 2007 Service Pack 3 software. Steps are also included to upgrade Plant configurations that are in a SmartPlant Enterprise integrated environment as well as those in a Global Workshare configuration (GWC). Important For Global Workshare configurations (GWC), upgrade from version 2007 directly to SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 requires a consolidation of databases. Steps to upgrade Plant configurations in a workshare environment have been incorporated into this document. For Global Workshare configurations (GWC), upgrade from version 2009 SP1 to SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 does not require a consolidation of databases. Steps to upgrade Plant configurations in a workshare environment have been incorporated into this document.
Because SmartPlant 3D registration information was not upgraded in SmartPlant Foundation 2007, SmartPlant 3D must re-register with SmartPlant Foundation after upgrading to SmartPlant Foundation 2007.

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 5

Preface Note It is only possible to upgrade a SmartPlant 3D Plant configuration using the same database type. For example, it is NOT possible to upgrade a version 2009 SP1 Plant configuration on Microsoft SQL Server database, to a 2009.1 Plant configuration on Oracle database. For a definition of terms used in this guide, refer to the Glossary section in the Common Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software, or to the Help command in the Common task. Send documentation comments or suggestions to [email protected].

6 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide


Upgrading is the process of converting an existing model, with all its associated files and databases, from compatibility with an older version of SmartPlant 3D (SP3D) to compatibility with the next sequential version of the software. The databases you must upgrade include the Site, Site schema, Catalog, Catalog schema and Model databases. The associated files you must upgrade are those that are located in the Symbols share. This set of databases (plus the Reports and Reports schema databases) and files are collectively referred to as the Plant configuration.

Upgrade Overview
Important For Global Workshare configurations, upgrade from version 2007 directly to SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 requires a consolidation of databases. Steps to upgrade Plant configurations in a workshare environment have been incorporated into this document. For Global Workshare configurations, upgrade from version 2009 SP1 to SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 does not require a consolidation of databases. Steps to upgrade Plant configurations in a workshare environment have been incorporated into this document.

There are six major steps in upgrading SP3D data from version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 to 2009.1. Step 1. Prepare for the Upgrade This step includes backing up your data, determining the integrity of the databases, and cleaning up the databases as needed. The databases must be in as clean a state as possible prior to upgrading so that errors will be minimized during the process. For more information, see Preparing for the Upgrade, page 11. Step 2. Upgrade your files in the Symbols share This process is a set of manual procedures. For more information, see Upgrading the Symbols Share, page 20. Note SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 allows custom DLLs to be used without registering them. For more information, see Upgrading Custom Symbols and Naming Rules, page 23. Step 3. Upgrade your databases The software performs this process automatically; however, you can control it using the Database Wizard and the

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 7

Introduction Project Management task. For more information, see Upgrading the Databases, page 28. Step 4. Upgrade your version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 reference data After upgrading the databases, your model should have the same functionality as it did in version 2007 or version 2009 SP1. However, some new features and fixes in 2009.1 may require that you update your reference data to take advantage of them. This step integrates the additions and modifications that are included in 2009.1 of the software into your version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 reference data. You integrate these additions and modifications based on changes that are documented in the reference data workbooks that are delivered with 2009.1 . Because this step may be a lengthy process, you can put it off till later and go on to the next step. For more information, see Upgrading the Reference Data, page 36. Step 5. Synchronize the Model with the Catalog This step loads the Catalog database changes into the model. For more information, see Synchronizing the Model with the Catalog, page 39. Step 6. Regenerate the Reports database For more information, see Regenerating the Reports Database, page 41.

Upgrade Cases
In the course of describing the details of the six major steps, this document will take into consideration four possible upgrade scenarios, or cases, each requiring a slightly different workflow. Before beginning the upgrade process, select the case that applies to your situation and follow the workflow for that case where applicable. Case A. In-place upgrade of entire version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 site to 2009.1 on one server. This case assumes a full transition of the Site and all of its Plants from version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 to 2009.1 on the same server, where the 2009.1 software will be installed and all databases upgraded in-place. Note Case A is the only case where upgrade of GWC is reasonable and supported.

Case B. Moving (relocating) databases and upgrading them on another server. This is common for cases where all Plants and Catalogs associated with the Site are moved and upgraded, or when some of the Plants are moved and upgraded while others in the Site remain in version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 on the original server. 8 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Introduction When Plant configurations from one Site are relocated and upgraded to another server, the shared Symbols folder must also be copied and upgraded to the new server. Case C. Restoring archived databases and upgrading them with only 2009 SP1 software. This case deals with archived backups of version 2007 (remember that v7.0 SP3, v7.0 SP4, or v7.0 SP5 are the only versions of version 2007 that support upgrade directly to 2009.1) or version 2009 SP1 Plant configurations that are restored in a location where version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 is not available. In addition to the full database backup, a corresponding backup of the shared Symbols folder is required. Case D. Coexistence of version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 and 2009.1 Plant configurations on one server. This is the most complex case. In general, there can be several Sites on one server, each compatible with a different version of SP3D. In these cases, all Catalog and Plant databases within one SP3D Site must be in the same version. SP3D does not support different versions of Catalogs and Plants within one Site database. Note If multiple Plant configurations are replicated in Case D and just one (or some of them) needs to be upgraded, it is recommended to consolidate those being upgraded and transfer them (backup/restore) to the new Host server. Once upgrade completes, the Plant configurations can be reconfigured in a Global Workshare environment. The remaining version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Plant configuration may stay replicated. Important In all cases, when one Symbols folder is shared by multiple plant configurations that will be separated during an upgrade process (some Plants are upgraded to 2009.1, while other remain in version 2007 or version 2009 SP1) the Symbols folder must be copied and upgraded with the upgraded Plant configuration(s).

Document Assumptions
The procedures described in this document are based on these assumptions: 1. The Plant configuration and associated files you intend to upgrade to 2009.1 must already be upgraded to v7.0 SP3, v7.0 SP4, v7.0 SP5, or version 2009 SP1. SP3D does not support upgrading directly from v6.1 to 2009.1, from v7.0 to 2009.1, v7.0 SP1 to 2009.1, or v7.0 SP2 to 2009.1.

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Introduction 2. The Plant configuration and associated files you intend to upgrade must be updated with the latest Hot Fix to v7.0 SP3, v7.0 SP4, v7.0 SP5, or version 2009 SP1. If you are unsure whether you have installed the latest Hot Fix, please check with your Intergraph support representative. 3. The changes described in the Catalog Data workbooks delivered with v7.0 SP3, v7.0 SP4, v7.0 SP5, or version 2009 SP1 have been implemented in your workbooks and bulkloaded to the respective v7.0 SP3, v7.0 SP4, v7.0 SP5, or version 2009 SP1 Catalog database. 4. All customized files on the Symbols share must have different names than the delivered files they were based on. If the files have not been renamed, they will be overwritten and your customizations lost after the upgrade process is complete. If the file containing your customizations is required to retain the same name as the delivered file on which it was based, contact your Intergraph support representative for assistance on how to upgrade these files. Note This only applies to users that decide to use Option 2 when upgrading their Symbols share, see Upgrading Custom Symbols and Naming Rules, page 23 of this document, this step is not needed if Option 1 is used. 5. For Plant configurations in an integrated environment, SmartPlant Foundation databases will need to be upgraded to version 3.8 before upgrading the SP3D databases to 2009.1. However SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 is also compatible with SmartPlant Foundation version 4.3. 6. All reference files are accessible by the user account performing the upgrade.

10 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Preparing for the Upgrade

Preparing for the Upgrade

Important Unless otherwise stated, the steps in this section apply to all cases and must be performed BEFORE starting the upgrade process. Unless otherwise stated, you must perform the steps in this section on a Workstation computer on which SP3D v7.0 SP3, v7.0 SP4, v7.0 SP5 or version 2009 SP1 is installed, as well as the latest respective Hot Fix(s). To help diagnose any upgrade problems you encounter, move all logs and reports you create in this section to a common location where you can easily access them. If unresolved or unknown errors remain after performing the steps in this section, contact Intergraph support. If you are configured for Global Workshare, upgrading from version 2007 directly to SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 requires a consolidation of databases. If you are configured for Global Workshare, upgrading from version 2009 SP1 to SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 does NOT require a consolidation of databases. For Plant configurations in an integrated environment, SmartPlant Foundation databases will need to be upgraded to version 3.8 before upgrading the SP3D databases. However SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 is also compatible with SmartPlant Foundation version 4.3. For assistance with upgrading SmartPlant Foundation databases, refer to the SmartPlant Foundation Installation and Setup Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. Notes You will need the following references to complete this section. Unless otherwise stated, these guides are available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. The 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide. The 2009.1 Catalog Users Guide. The utility SP3DTools.exe and its instruction guide SP3DTools.doc, both of which can be found on the SmartPlant 3D customer support website in the SP3DTools link. The 2009.1 Common Users Guide. The 2009.1 SmartPlant 3D Database Integrity Guide.

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 11

Preparing for the Upgrade The 2009.1 SmartPlant 3D Troubleshooting Guide. The 2009.1 SmartPlant 3D Symbols Reference Data Guide. The 2009.1 SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide. The 2009.1 Global Workshare Guide. For Plant configurations in an integrated environment, SmartPlant Foundation Installation and Setup Guide. For Plant configurations in an integrated environment, SmartPlant SchemaEditor Users Guide.

Backup the Model and the Symbols Share

1. For data security, use the Backup command in your Project Management task to create a backup of your model. Note For assistance with the Backup command, refer to the Backing Up and Restoring Data section in the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Project Management Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. 2. For data security, copy your Symbols share to a different location.

Check the Integrity of the Databases

Important It is recommended that regular checking of the database integrity be made a standard practice.

Verify the Consistency of Piping Specifications

3. Run the Verify Consistency command on your version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Catalog database and resolve any reported discrepancies. The command is available on Tools menu in the Catalog task. Note For assistance with the Verify Consistency command, refer to the Verify Consistency Between Piping Specification and Catalog Data section in the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Catalog Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

12 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Preparing for the Upgrade

Determine if Synchronize is Required

4. Install the SP3DTools.exe utility from the Customer Support website. For instructions on how to install and run the utility, refer to SP3DTools.doc that is delivered with it. Run SP3DTools.exe. Choose Model DB, enter the Symbols Share, and select Build Symbol List. If symbols are missing, mismatched, or any site proxies are listed as out-ofdate, then perform the steps in the next section, Synchronize the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Model to the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Catalog. Otherwise, you can skip to Resolve the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 To Do List, page 13.

5. 6. 7.

Synchronize the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Model with the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Catalog
8. Run the Synchronize Model with Catalog command in the Project Management task. Notes In a Global Workshare configuration, this command should be run at each site. Review the section Task Limitations When Working in a Global Workshare Environment in the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Global Workshare Guide for more information on this. For assistance with the Synchronize Model with Catalog command, refer to the Synchronize Model with Catalog section in the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Project Management Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

Resolve the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 To Do List

9. Minimize the number of entries found in the To Do List. Notes In a Global Workshare configuration, To Do List resolution should be performed at each site. For assistance with resolving items in the To Do List, refer to the Correcting Errors section in the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 13

Preparing for the Upgrade Common Users Guide and the To Do List Messages section in the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 SmartPlant 3D Troubleshooting Guide, both available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. If there are any objects in your model whose configuration status is not set to Working, it is possible that they will appear in the To Do List as a result of the Synchronize process. To resolve non-Working status items so that they no longer appear in the To Do List, it is necessary to change the configuration status of those objects from their non-Working value to Working, and refresh the To Do List. After being removed from the To Do List, the objects can be changed back to their original configuration status. Similarly, all objects assigned to a permission group to which the user performing the Synchronization process has no write access will appear in the To Do List.

Check version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Database Integrity

10. Perform the procedures to check the integrity of your version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Site, Catalog, and Model databases.

Note For assistance with checking the integrity of databases, refer to the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 SmartPlant 3D Database Integrity Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

Verify Reference Files

11. Verify that paths to reference files in the model are correct and that the reference files are at that location. During upgrade, if the software cannot find the reference files in a model, either because the files no longer exist at the specified path or the path is no longer valid, the reference files will be removed from the model. Information about reference files that are removed during upgrade are written to the log file.

Note For assistance with reference files, refer to the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Common Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

14 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Preparing for the Upgrade

Backup the Model

12. After cleaning up the databases, use the Backup command in the Project Management task to create a backup of the model. Note For assistance with the Backup command, refer to the Backing Up and Restoring Data section in the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Project Management Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

Prepare the Workstation for the Upgrade

13. Uninstall all version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 SP3D client software , including any Service Packs and Hot Fixes. Note Installing 2009.1 SP3D client software requires all previous SP3D installations to be uninstalled. 14. Install the 2009.1 SP3D client software, including the latest 2009.1 Hot Fix(s) when available, on the client workstation on which you will perform the upgrade process. If you are in an integrated environment, install version 3.8, 4.2, or 4.3 of both SmartPlant Schema Component and SmartPlant Client.


Notes In a Global Workshare configuration, the upgrade process is performed from the Host location. For Global Workshare configurations, upgrade from version 2007 directly to SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 requires a consolidation of databases. The upgrade process is performed from the Host location after consolidation of the databases. For Global Workshare configurations, upgrade from version 2009 SP1 to SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 does NOT require a consolidation of databases. The upgrade process is primarily performed from the Host location. However, each satellite will require a client workstation with the latest Project Management installed to complete the upgrade. For assistance installing version 3.8, 4.2 or 4.3 of SmartPlant Schema and SmartPlant Client, refer to the SmartPlant Foundation Installation

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 15

Preparing for the Upgrade and Setup Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

Prepare the Server for the Upgrade

Important The procedures to perform in this section are dependent on the case that applies to your situation. For more details on each case, Upgrade Cases, page 8. Case A. In-place upgrade of entire version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 site to 2009.1 on one server. 16. Uninstall all version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 SP3D Reference Data software, including any Service Packs and Hot Fixes.

Notes Installing 2009.1 SP3D Reference Data software requires all previous SP3D installations to be uninstalled. For Global Workshare configurations, this step needs to be performed at each site. 17. Install the 2009.1 SP3D Reference Data software, including the latest 2009.1 Hot Fix(s) when available, on the server.

Note For Global Workshare configurations, this step needs to be performed at each site. Case B. Moving (relocating) databases and upgrading them on another server. 18. Uninstall all version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 SP3D Reference Data software, including any Service Packs and Hot Fixes.

Note Installing 2009.1 SP3D Reference Data software requires all previous SP3D installations to be uninstalled. 19. Install the 2009.1 SP3D Reference Data software, including the latest 2009.1 Hot Fix(s) when available, on the new server.

16 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Preparing for the Upgrade 20. Create the new Symbols folder.

Important Intergraph PPM recommends that you do not create the Symbols folder under the product folder. For more information on upgrading the Symbols directory in 2009.1 see, Upgrading the Symbols Share, page 20. 21. Using a version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 workstation with Project Management installed, restore the Site and the Plant configurations to the new server.

Important Use the Restore command in the Project Management task to restore the Plant(s) if they will keep their original names. Use the Restore as Copy command in the Project Management task to restore the Plant(s) if one or more Plants need to be renamed. Notes Using the Restore as Copy mode will remove the registration with an integrated environment for the new plant. For assistance with the Restore and Restore as Copy commands, refer to the Backing Up and Restoring Data section in the Project Management Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

Case C. Restoring archived databases and upgrading them with only 2009.1 software. 22. Uninstall all version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 SP3D Reference Data software , including any Service Packs and Hot Fixes.

Note Installing 2009.1 SP3D Reference Data software requires all previous SP3D installations to be uninstalled. 23. 24. Install the 2009.1 SP3D Reference Data software, including the latest version Hot Fix(s) when available, on the new server. Create the new Symbols folder.

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Preparing for the Upgrade Important Intergraph PPM recommends that you do not create the Symbols folder under the product folder. For more information on upgrading the Symbols directory in 2009.1 see, Upgrading the Symbols Share, page 20. 25. Using a 2009.1 workstation with Project Management installed, restore the Site configuration to the new server.

Notes For assistance with the Restore command, refer to the Backing Up and Restoring Data section in the Project Management Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. The Restore As Copy command works only when restoring a backup made with the same version of the software used for restoring. If you need to rename the Plants or the Catalog after the upgrade is completed, the Plant can be Restored as Copy with the new name from a backup of the upgraded Plant Configuration. Case D. Coexistence of version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 and 2009.1 Plant configurations on one server. 26. Before installing 2009.1 SP3D Reference Data software, backup and copy all files from their installation folder to another location on the server. These files may be necessary if you need to create a new version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Site, Catalog and/or Plant in the future. Uninstall all version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 SP3D Reference Data software , including any Service Packs and Hot Fixes.


Note Installing 2009.1 SP3D Reference Data software requires all previous SP3D installations to be uninstalled. 28. 29. Install the 2009.1 SP3D Reference Data software, including the latest 2009.1 Hot Fix(s) when available, on a new or existing server. Using a version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 workstation with Project Management installed, either restore the Site from backup with a new name if the upgraded Plant(s) and Catalog will keep the original name, or create a new Site if you intend to use the Restore as Copy command.

18 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Preparing for the Upgrade Note For assistance with the Restore and Restore as Copy commands, refer to the Backing Up and Restoring Data section in the Project Management Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. 30. Using a version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 workstation with Project Management installed, restore the Plant(s).

Important Use the Restore command to restore the Plant(s) to the restored Site if they will keep their original names after ensuring that they are already deleted from the original Site. Use the Restore as Copy command to restore the Plant(s) if one of these two situations apply: 1. One or more Plants need to be renamed. 2. The Catalog must be copied and renamed because it is shared by a Plant which is not upgraded.

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 19

Upgrading the Symbols Share

Upgrading the Symbols Share

Notes Before continuing with the following procedures, ensure that all customized files on the Symbols share have different names than the delivered files on which they were based. If the files have not been renamed, they will be overwritten and your customizations will not be present after the upgrade is complete. If a file containing your customizations needs to retain the same name as the delivered file on which it was based, contact your Intergraph support representative for assistance on how to upgrade this file.

Description of the 2009.1 Symbol Share Contents

Symbols\WBSAssignableNames.txt A customizable file, it contains a list of class names that are valid for assignment to a Work Breakdown Structure. Symbols\Bin contains piping, equipment, HVAC, Hangers and Support, etc. Intergraph delivered dlls. Symbols\CrossSections contains Symbol2D generated cross-sections for Structure. Symbols\CrossSectionType contains bitmaps referenced by Structure. Symbols\Custom Symbols directory to be used by customers for custom dlls. Symbols\CustomDoc storage for custom documentation. Important Delivered files in this folder cannot be renamed, however, their contents can be modified. Any customizations made to these files can be copied back into the 2009.1 files. Symbols\Drawings catalog location for the Drawings and Reports environment. Symbols\DrawingsWrappers contains additional catalog files for the Drawings and Reports environment. Symbols\HangersAndSupports contains bitmaps referenced by Hangers and Supports. Symbols\IsoDrawings output location for Piping Manufacturing environment. Symbols\Labels catalog location for labels. Symbols\NozzleOrientations contains bitmaps used to display nozzle properties. Symbols\Openings contains bitmaps and Symbol2D generated cross-section for Structures opening command. Symbols\PmfgIsoStyleData catalog information for the various styles used to create piping isometric drawings. Symbols\Reference3DComponents custom schema and mapping files for Reference 3D. Symbols\Reports catalog location for reports.

20 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Upgrading the Symbols Share Symbols\ShapeTypes contains bitmaps and xml definition of Shapes. Symbols\SketchCrossSections additional bitmaps referenced by Structure and Space Managment. Symbols\SmartPlantStructure additional bitmaps referenced by Structure. Symbols\SolidEdgeParts contains Solid Edge par and asm files for equipment. Symbols\SymbolIcons contains bitmaps referenced by route. Symbols\UserDefinedFormDefinitions contains bitmaps referenced by Equipment User Defined Forms. Symbols\Xml contains files used by SP3D to work with SmartPlant integrated environment.

Upgrade Procedure for the Symbols Share

Important The procedures to perform in this section are dependent on the case that applies to your situation. For more details on each case, refer to Upgrade Cases, page 8. For all Cases below, see Appendix III: Upgrading Your SmartPlant 3D Structure Files, page 49, and perform steps 1 through 3 to ensure the appropriate structure cross-section symbols are in your Symbols share. Performing these steps will reduce the time needed for the Synchronize Model with Catalog command to process and reduce the amount of To Do List entries created for Approved status members. In the steps that follow, the contents of the 2009.1 Symbols share will be copied onto the contents of your version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Symbols share. However, for Plant configurations in an integrated environment, DO NOT copy the contents of the 2009.1 Symbols\Xml folder onto the contents of your version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Symbols share. See Appendix I: Upgrading Your Tool Schema, page 42.

Cases B and C. 1. Copy the contents of your existing version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Symbols share to its location on the new server.

Cases A, B, C, and D. 2. If you have customized the file Styles.sha located in the Symbols\Drawing\templates folder, create a backup of this file. After completing

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 21

Upgrading the Symbols Share the remaining steps in this section, follow the steps in Upgrading SmartPlant 3D Drawings Styles.sha File, page 26, to finish the upgrade of this file. 3. Copy the contents of the delivered 2009.1 Symbols share over your Plants version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Symbols share. DO overwrite files with the same name, after ensuring you have renamed the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 files that you have customized. Important The files in the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 Symbols\Xml folder will be modified later in the upgrade process. If the version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 files are overwritten with the 2009.1 files, the upgrade will fail for Plant configurations in an integrated environment. See Appendix I: Upgrading Your Tool Schema, page 42.

Note The Symbols folder cannot be shared by Plants using different versions of SP3D. Therefore, where applicable in Case A or Case B, the upgraded Plant configuration must use its own copy of the Symbols folder, while the original Symbols folder stays in version 2007 or version 2009 SP1. 4. 5. For plant configurations in an integrated environment, ensure that the files in the Symbols\Xml folder are not Read-only. If you have customized any files on the Symbols share (for example, report template files, drawing files, etc.) that were based on a delivered template file, you may need to modify this file to incorporate Intergraphs fixes and enhancements. Refer to Appendix II through V, starting on page 43 to see if the delivered template file was modified. If so, do one of the following: Implement Intergraphs 2009.1 changes into your version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 customized file.

OR Repeat the customizations you made in version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 in the new 2009.1 file.

Note For Global Workshare configurations, make sure any template file changes are incorporated into each sites Symbols share.

22 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Upgrading the Symbols Share

Upgrading Custom Symbols and Naming Rules

Important Custom symbols and naming rules components (custom DLLs) written in Visual Basic must be migrated from version 2007 or version 2009 SP1 to 2009.1. A custom component is a symbol or naming rule written by a user or a user modified version of components provided by Intergraph. Custom symbols and naming rules written in Visual C++ should to be migrated to 2009.1 in the standard way (see Option 2 below). SmartPlant 3D 2009 SP1 and 2009.1 allows custom DLLs to be used without registering them. You can take advantage of this feature by adopting migration option 1. Or you can choose to go with option 2, which is using custom DLLs as they are used in version 2007 and earlier versions. Note Custom COM components (for symbols or naming rules) written in Visual C++ should not be placed on symbol share in 2009.1. Option 1: Move Custom DLLs to Symbol Share\Custom Symbols Directory If you have customized Visual Basic symbols or naming rules, you can choose to perform this option. 1. Move the custom DLLs to the "Custom Symbols" folder under the symbols share. If you want, a folder hierarchy can be created under ..\Symbols\Custom Symbols folder. All the DLLs under Custom Symbols and in subfolders of Custom Symbols are processed. If any custom DLL has a localizer DLL, the custom DLL and corresponding localizer DLL should be at the same location. Any DLLs that end with "Ref.dll" or "_Ref.dll" are treated as reference DLLS and are ignored. This step is to be performed after Upgrading the Catalog and Catalog schema databases step of the Upgrading the Database section. For more details, refer to Upgrading the Databases, page 28. In the Project Management task, run the Tools > Update Custom Symbol Configuration command. This command creates or updates a file called CustomSymbolConfig.xml under the ..\Symbols\xml folder. The file CustomSymbolConfig.xml contains entries of ProgID, CLSID, and DLL name for each class in the custom DLLs. After the file CustomSymbolConfig.xml is created, SmartPlant 3D will use the custom DLLs from ..\Symbols\Custom Symbols folder.


SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 23

Upgrading the Symbols Share Notes All custom symbols have to be located in the ..\Symbols\Custom Symbols folder and have to be unregistered on the system running the Update Custom Symbol Configuration command. A log file will be displayed listing any symbol that is registered on the machine that is running the Update Custom Symbol Configuration command. Also if the symbols do not meet the other requirements, the log file will display the symbol name and the reason why it is not going to be listed in the CustomSymbolConfig.xml.

SmartPlant 3D parses CustomSymbolConfig.xml first and then SystemSymbolConfig.xml. If there are duplicate entries in SystemSymbolConfig.xml and CustomSymbolConfig.xml for the same ProgID, the last entry is used. An error is logged to error log when a duplicate entry is found. Whenever a symbol or naming rule class needs to be created, the system follows the following priority: a. It checks if an entry for the ProgID exists in the xml files. If an entry exists, then the corresponding DLL is loaded and an instance of the class is created. b. If entry does not exist, then the class is instantiated using regular registry mechanism on the local client machine.

If an entry exists for a progID in the xml files, it is used even though another (or same) copy of the DLL is registered on the local client machine. The order of priority when creating an instance of an object is: CustomSymbolConfig.xml, SystemSymbolConfig.xml, and then the registry on the local client machine. Whenever a new custom DLL is added to the ..\Symbols\Custom Symbols folder or an existing custom DLL is modified, you must run the Tools > Update Custom Symbol Configuration command in Project Management. Important If you choose to use option 1, then the custom DLLs should not be registered. If any of these components use helper classes and the helper classes are instantiated by calling "CreateObject", the "CreateObject" needs to be replaced. If the helper class is in the same project, then "new" can be used instead of "CreateObject". If

24 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Upgrading the Symbols Share the helper class is in a different project, then "SP3DCreateObject" needs to be used instead of "CreateObject". SP3DCreateObject tries to instantiate the object using the information in xml files. If no entry is found in xml files for the given ProgID, then it calls "CreateObject". SP3DCreateObject is implemented in ..\Core\Runtime\SP3DCoCreateInstance.dll. So when SP3DCreateObject needs to be used, ..\Core\Runtime\SP3DCoCreateInstance.dll needs to be referenced. Example usage of SP3DCreateObject:
Set oHelperObject = SP3DCreateObject(strHelperProgId)

If the symbol class has any public types or enumerations, they should be made private. For example:
Public Type InputType Name As String Description As String Properties As IMSDescriptionProperties uomValue As Double End Type Should be changed to: Private Type InputType Name As String Description As String Properties As IMSDescriptionProperties uomValue As Double End Type

Note For more information on how to manage your 3D Symbols, refer to the 2009.1 SmartPlant 3D Symbols Reference Data Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

Option 2: Continue to use the Custom DLLs as they are used in version 2007 and earlier With this option the custom DLLs can be used as they are used in version 2007 and earlier. This means that the custom DLLs will be registered on each client system. Some of the custom DLLs may have to be recompiled on the 2009.1 platform. If you select this option, then there is no impact except the recompilation impact in some cases.

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 25

Upgrading the Symbols Share

Upgrading SmartPlant 3D Reports or Structure Symbol Files

1. If you have created custom reports based on any of the delivered report templates, or if you want to incorporate the modified or new report files delivered in 2009.1, review Appendix II: Upgrading Your SmartPlant 3D Reports Template Files, page 43, for steps to incorporate the changes into your own custom or delivered reports, if necessary. If you have created custom structure symbols based on any of the delivered symbols, or if you want to incorporate the modified or new structure files delivered in 2009.1, review Appendix III: Upgrading Your SmartPlant 3D Structure Files, page 49, for steps to incorporate the changes into your own custom or delivered structure files, if necessary.


Upgrading SmartPlant 3D Drawings Styles.sha File

Important These steps are only necessary if you have customized the file Styles.sha and after performing the steps in Upgrading the Symbols Share, page 20. These steps assume that the delivered Styles.sha file is located in the Symbols\Drawing\templates folder on the Symbols share and that your customized file is backed up at some other location. 1. 2. Rename the delivered Styles. Copy your customized Styles.sha file to the Symbols\Drawing\templates folder on the Symbols share and rename it, if necessary, with the name Styles.sha. Note The steps below are only necessary if you need to incorporate new line styles included in the delivered file that are not included in your customized Styles.sha. 3. 4. 5. 6. Open your customized Styles.sha file. Select the Format > Style menu item. The Style form appears. On the Style form, select Resources. Select the Add button on the Style Resources form.

26 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Upgrading the Symbols Share 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. On the Add form, browse to the delivered Styles.sha file that you renamed and select OK. Select OK on the Style Resources form. Select Apply then Close on the Style form. Place a line using one of the new line styles included with the delivered file. This will permanently copy the new line style to your customized Styles.sha file. Delete the line. Repeat the previous two steps for each line style you want to add to your customized Styles.sha. Save and exit the customized Styles.sha file.

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 27

Upgrading the Databases

Upgrading the Databases

Important The procedures to perform in this section are dependent on the case that applies to your situation. For more details on each case, refer to Upgrade Cases, page 8. For Global Workshare configurations, upgrade from version 2007 directly to SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 requires a consolidation of databases. See Global Workshare Configuration section below. For Global Workshare configurations, upgrade from version 2009 SP1 to SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 does NOT require a consolidation of databases. See Global Workshare Configuration section below.

Notes You will need the following references to complete the steps in this section. The 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. The 2009.1 SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. For Plant configurations in an integrated environment, SmartPlant Foundation Installation and Setup Guide.

Non-Global Workshare Configuration

Cases A, B, and D. 1. Using the 2009.1 client workstation that includes the Project Management component, upgrade the Site and Site schema databases. Note For assistance with this step, refer to the Upgrade the Site and Site Schema Databases section in the 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. 2. 3. Using the 2009.1 client workstation that includes the Project Management component, upgrade the Catalog and Catalog schema databases. Using the 2009.1 client workstation that includes the Project Management component, perform step 2 from the Option 1: Move Custom DLLs to Symbol

28 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Upgrading the Databases Share\Custom Symbols Directory section. For more details, refer to Option 1: Move Custom DLLs to Symbol Share\Custom Symbols Directory, page 23. Note For assistance with this step, refer to the Upgrade the Catalog and Catalog Schema Databases section in the 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. 4. For Plant configurations in an integrated environment, run the Generate Design Basis command from the 2009.1 client workstation that includes the Project Management component. Note For assistance with this step, refer to the Generate Design Basis Command section in the 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide. You can access this guide using the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. 5. Using the 2009.1 client workstation that includes the Project Management component, upgrade the Model database. Note For assistance with this step, refer to the Upgrade the Model Database section in the 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide. You can access this guide using the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. Case C. Restoring archived databases and upgrading them with only 2009.1 software. 1. Using the 2009.1 client workstation that includes the Project Management component, upgrade the Site and Site Schema databases. Note For assistance with this step, refer to the Upgrade the Site and Site Schema Databases section in the 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide. You can access this guide using the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. 2. Using the 2009.1 client workstation, restore the Plant with Catalog in the upgraded Site on the new server.

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 29

Upgrading the Databases Note For assistance with the Restore command, refer to the Backing Up and Restoring Data section in the 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. 3. 4. Using the 2009.1 client workstation that includes the Project Management component, upgrade the Catalog and Catalog schema databases. Using the 2009.1 client workstation that includes the Project Management component, perform step 2 from the Option 1: Move Custom DLLs to Symbol Share\Custom Symbols Directory section. For more details, refer to Option 1: Move Custom DLLs to Symbol Share\Custom Symbols Directory, page 23. Note For assistance with this step, refer to the Upgrade the Catalog and Catalog Schema Databases section in the 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. 5. For Plant configurations in an integrated environment, run the Generate Design Basis command on the 2009.1 client workstation that includes the Project Management component. Note For assistance with this step, refer to the Generate Design Basis Command section in the 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide. You can access this guide using the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. 6. Using the 2009.1 client workstation on which the Project Management component is installed, upgrade the Model database. Note For assistance with this step, refer to the Upgrade the Model Database section in the 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

Global Workshare Configuration

Important The procedures to perform in this section only apply for Case A in a Global Workshare configuration.

30 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Upgrading the Databases See the 2009.1 Global Workshare Guide for more detailed instruction. For more details on each case, refer to Upgrade Cases, page 8. 1. Upgrading from version 2007 directly to SmartPlant 3D 2009.1, at the Host location using the version 2007 client workstation that includes the Project Management component, consolidate the Plant configuration. After Consolidation check that all permission groups belong to the Host location. Then follow the steps detailed in the Non-Global Workshare Configuration, page 28. Notes For Global Workshare configurations, upgrading from version 2009 SP1 to SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 does NOT require a consolidation of databases. Continue to the next step. For assistance with this step, refer to the Consolidate an Existing SQL Server 2005 Configuration or Workflow for Consolidating Oracle Databases, section in the 2009.1 Global Workshare Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. 3. At the Host location, using the 2009.1 client workstation that includes the Project Management component, upgrade the Site and Site schema databases. Notes For Oracle Plant configurations you will need to define the same Stream administrator login and password in the Upgrade Password form. This login and password should be the same user that was defined when the initial Global Workshare configuration streams were executed. For assistance with this step, refer to the Upgrade the Site and Site Schema Databases section in the 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. A message may display specifying scripts which need to be executed manually on the Site and/or Site Schema databases for each Satellite location. 4. This step should be skipped if no scripts are specified to be executed after the Site upgrade of each database. At the Host location, using the 2009.1 client workstation that includes the Project Management component, upgrade non-replicated views by executing all of the scripts and views detailed in the upgrade SiteDBName_ReadMe.txt file.


SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 31

Upgrading the Databases a. Script information is recorded in the upgrade SiteDBName_ReadMe.txt file. b. Scripts and upgrade SiteDBName_ReadMe.txt file are created in the C:\Temp\SatelliteMigration folder. Note Steps to execute script(s) on SQL Server databases: 1. Run the Satellite_SiteDBName_Migration.bat file to execute the script. 2. Run the AddToPublications.bat file to execute the script. 3. Ensure that all data is replicated between the Host and Satellite(s) before performing the next view generation step. 4. Regenerate the Site and Site Schema views on each Satellite using the View Generator. The View Generator executable, ViewGenerator.exe, is delivered in the [Product Folder]\Core\Tools\Administrator\Bin folder. Steps to execute script(s) on Oracle databases: 1. Run the Satellite_SiteDBName_Migration.bat file to execute the script. 2. Run the AddToStreamCapture.bat file to execute the script. 3. Ensure that all data is replicated between the Host and Satellite(s) before performing the next view generation step. 4. Regenerate the Site and Site Schema views on each Satellite using the View Generator. The View Generator executable, ViewGenerator.exe, is delivered in the [Product Folder]\Core\Tools\Administrator\Bin folder. 5. At the Host location, using the 2009.1 client workstation that includes the Project Management component, upgrade the Catalog and Catalog schema databases. Notes For assistance with this step, refer to the Upgrade the Catalog and Catalog Schema Databases section in the 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. A message may display specifying scripts which need to be executed manually on the Catalog and/or Catalog Schema databases for each Satellite location.

32 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Upgrading the Databases 6. Using the 2009.1 client workstation that includes the Project Management component, perform step 2 from the Option 1: Move Custom DLLs to Symbol Share\Custom Symbols Directory section. For more details, refer to Option 1: Move Custom DLLs to Symbol Share\Custom Symbols Directory, page 23. This step should be skipped if no scripts are specified to be executed after the Catalog upgrade of each database. At the Host location, using the 2009.1 client workstation that includes the Project Management component, upgrade non-replicated views by executing all of the scripts and views detailed in the upgrade CatalogDBName_ReadMe.txt file. a. Script information is recorded in the upgrade CatalogDBName_ReadMe.txt file. b. Scripts and upgrade CatalogDBName_ReadMe.txt file are created in the C:\Temp\SatelliteMigration folder. Note Steps to execute script(s) on SQL Server databases: 1. Run the Satellite_CatalogDBName_CDBMigration.bat file to execute the script. 2. Run the AddToPublications.bat file to execute the script. 3. Ensure that all data is replicated between the Host and Satellite(s) before performing the next view generation step. 4. Regenerate the Catalog and Catalog Schema views on each Satellite using the View Generator. The View Generator executable, ViewGenerator.exe, is delivered in the [Product Folder]\Core\Tools\Administrator\Bin folder. Steps to execute script(s) on Oracle databases: 1. Run the Satellite_CatalogDBName_CDBMigration.bat file to execute the script. 2. Run the AddToStreamCapture.bat file to execute the script. 3. Ensure that all data is replicated between the Host and Satellite(s) before performing the next view generation step. 4. Regenerate the Catalog and Catalog Schema views on each Satellite using the View Generator. The View Generator executable, ViewGenerator.exe, is delivered in the [Product Folder]\Core\Tools\Administrator\Bin folder. 8. At the Host location for Plant configurations in an integrated environment, run the Generate Design Basis command from the 2009.1 client workstation that includes the Project Management component. SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 33


Upgrading the Databases Note For assistance with this step, refer to the Generate Design Basis Command section in the 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide. You can access this guide using the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. 9. At the Host location, using the 2009.1 client workstation that includes the Project Management component, upgrade the Model database. Note For assistance with this step, refer to the Upgrade the Model Database section in the 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide. You can access this guide using the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. A message may display specifying scripts which need to be executed manually on the Model database at each Satellite location. 10. This step should be skipped if no scripts are specified to be executed after the Model upgrade of each database. At the Host location, using the 2009.1 client workstation that includes the Project Management component, upgrade non-replicated views by executing all of the scripts and views detailed in the upgrade ModelDBName_ReadMe.txt file. a. Script information is recorded in the upgrade ModelDBName_ReadMe.txt file. b. Scripts and upgrade ModelDBName_ReadMe.txt file are created in the C:\Temp\SatelliteMigration folder. Note Steps to execute script(s) on SQL Server databases: 1. Run the Satellite_ModelDBName_MDBMigration.bat file to execute the script. 2. Run all the AddToPublications.bat file(s) to execute the script. 3. Ensure that all data is replicated between the Host and Satellite(s) before performing the next view generation step. 4. Regenerate the Model views with Catalog Schema on each Satellite using the View Generator. The View Generator executable, ViewGenerator.exe, is delivered in the [Product Folder]\Core\Tools\Administrator\Bin folder. Steps to execute script(s) on Oracle databases: 1. Run the Satellite_ModelDBName_MDBMigration.bat file to execute the script.

34 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Upgrading the Databases 2. Run all the AddToStreamCapture.bat file(s) to execute the script. 3. Ensure that all data is replicated between the Host and Satellite(s) before performing the next view generation step. 4. Regenerate the Model views with Catalog Schema on each Satellite using the View Generator. The View Generator executable, ViewGenerator.exe, is delivered in the [Product Folder]\Core\Tools\Administrator\Bin folder. Note To run ViewGenerator on the Model Database, select the Model database as the Data Database and select the Catalog Schema database as the Schema Database.

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 35

Upgrading the Reference Data

Upgrading the Reference Data

Important Prior to performing the procedures in this section, use the Backup command in the Project Management task to create a backup of your upgraded Plant. For assistance with the Backup command, refer to the Backing Up and Restoring Data section in the 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide. You can access this guide using the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. For Global Workshare configurations, you only need to perform the steps in this section at the Host location. Notes You will need the following references to complete the steps in this section. The 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. The 2009.1 SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. The 2009.1 SmartPlant 3D Symbols Reference Data Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

In SmartPlant 3D 2009 SP1and 2009.1, numerous changes have been made to the reference data. These changes, which include enhancements as well as fixes to the data or software, are incorporated into the reference data workbooks delivered with the product. The changes are also reflected in the database seed templates provided by Intergraph. Notes The reference data workbooks can be found in the folder [Product Folder] \CatalogData\Bulkload\Datafiles. For more information about the reference data delivered with the software, refer to the Understanding Reference Data section in the 2009.1 SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

36 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Upgrading the Reference Data

Incorporate the 2009 SP1 and 2009.1 Reference Data Changes

Bulkload Changes to Catalogs
1. If upgrading from version 2007 directly to 2009.1 migrate your master workbooks using the Excel Migration tool. Notes For more information about the Excel Migration tool, refer to the Using the Excel Migration Tool section in the 2009.1 SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. 2. Decide what reference data changes you want to incorporate from the delivered Catalog Data workbooks using the next set of procedures: 1.1. Using the 2009.1 client workstation open the folder [Product Folder] \CatalogData\BulkLoad\Datafiles to review the most recent delivered catalog data. Select the files that correspond to the discipline in which you are interested in. Review the Revision History worksheet for each file. Note which additions or changes you want to incorporate into your reference data.

1.2. 1.3. Note

For more information on incorporating 2009 SP1 and 2009.1 reference data changes for new functionality into upgraded Plant configurations, refer to the Reference Data Changes v2007 to 2009.1.xls workbook New Functionality, available in the Upgrade folder on the product media. 3. For each of the items you note, make changes in your upgraded workbooks or create your own set of delta workbooks.


Using the 2009.1 client workstation on which the Bulkload Reference Data component is installed, bulkload the edited workbooks to the upgraded Catalog.

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 37

Upgrading the Reference Data Notes For more information on how to bulkload files to the Catalog database, refer to the 2009.1 SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. Many disciplines support bulkloading in Delete and Replace mode. For more information on bulkloading in Delete and Replace mode, refer to the 2009.1 SmartPlant Reference Data Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.


When using Delete and Replace mode in the Bulkload Utility, all existing catalog entries for each worksheet will be deleted and replaced with the contents of the worksheet being bulkloaded. In cases where worksheets exist in multiple workbooks (i.e. Pipestock, PipingGenericDataBolted, PipingCommodityMaterialControlData, etc.), missing data must be bulkloaded in Append mode to restore data which was deleted. When using this model with Piping Specification Rule worksheets, only data related to those piping materials classes appearing in the bulkloaded worksheet are deleted and replaced. All other piping material classes in the database are unaffected. 5. In a Global Workshare configuration after Bulkloading at the Host location, Regenerate the Catalog and Catalog Schema views on each Satellite using the View Generator. The View Generator executable, ViewGenerator.exe, is delivered in the [Product Folder]\Core\Tools\Administrator\Bin folder.

38 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Synchronizing the Model with the Catalog

Synchronizing the Model with the Catalog

Important Prior to performing the procedures in this section, use the Backup command in the Project Management task to create a backup of your upgraded Plant. For assistance with the Backup command, refer to the Backing Up and Restoring Data section in the 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide. You can access this guide using the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. Notes You will need the following references to complete the steps in this section: The 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. The 2009.1 SmartPlant 3D Database Integrity Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. The 2009.1 SmartPlant 3D Troubleshooting Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

Synchronize the 2009.1 Model with the 2009.1 Catalog

1. Run the Synchronize Model with Catalog command in the Project Management task. Notes In a Global Workshare configuration, this command should be run at the Host and each Satellite. The Synchronizing the Model with the Catalog process should be complete on the Host before started on the Satellite(s). Also Regenerate the Catalog and Catalog Schema views on each Satellite using the View Generator needs to be complete after bulkloading and Synchronizing the Model with the Catalog is performed at the Host location, and before the Synchronizing the Model with the Catalog process is performed on the Satellite(s). Review the section Task Limitations When Working in a Global Workshare Environment in the 2009.1 Global Workshare Guide for more information on this. For assistance with the Synchronize Model with Catalog command, refer to the Synchronize Model with Catalog section in the 2009.1

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 39

Synchronizing the Model with the Catalog Project Management Users Guide. You can access this guide using the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

Resolve the 2009.1 To Do List

2. Minimize the number of entries found in the To Do List. Notes In a Global Workshare configuration, To Do List resolution should be performed at each site. For assistance with resolving items in the To Do List, refer to the To Do List Messages section in the 2009.1 SmartPlant 3D Troubleshooting Guide. You can access this guide using the Help > Printable Guide command in the software. If there are any objects in your model whose configuration status is not set to Working, it is possible that they will appear in the To Do List as a result of the Synchronize process. To resolve non-Working status items so that they no longer appear in the To Do List, it is necessary to change the configuration status of those objects from their non-Working value to Working, and refresh the To Do List. After their removal from the To Do List, the objects can be changed back to their original configuration status. Similarly, all objects assigned to a permission group in which the user executing Synchronization has no write access will appear in the To Do List.

Check 2009.1 Database Integrity

3. Perform the procedures to check the integrity of your 2009.1 Site, Catalog, and Model databases. Note For assistance with checking the integrity of databases, refer to the 2009.1 SmartPlant 3D Database Integrity Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

40 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Regenerating the Reports Database

Regenerating the Reports Database

1. For Plant configurations in an integrated environment, run the View Generator on the Model database. The View Generator (ViewGenerator.exe) is delivered to [Product Folder] \Core\Tools\Administrator\Bin. On the 2009.1 client workstation, run the Regenerate Reports Database command in the Project Management task. Notes In a Global Workshare configuration, regenerating the Reports database must be performed at each site. For assistance with the Regenerate Reports Database command, refer to the Regenerate Reports Database section in the 2009.1 SmartPlant 3D Project Management Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. 3. For Plant configurations in an integrated environment, review Appendix I: Upgrading Your Tool Schema, page 42, for the steps to complete the upgrade.


SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 41

Appendix I: Upgrading Your Tool Schema

Appendix I: Upgrading Your Tool Schema

This section describes the process to upgrade your Tool Schema files on the Symbols share if you are in an integrated environment. 1. Update the Tool Map Schema files, SP3DPublishMap.xml. For assistance with Update/Synchronization, refer to the SmartPlant SchemaEditor Users Guide. 2. Run the SmartPlant > Upgrade Schema command from the Project Management task. In 2009.1, the Sp3DtoEFWClassMap.xml file is merged into the SP3DPublishMap.xml. The original Sp3DtoEFWClassMap.xml file will be moved to a subfolder as part of the upgrade process. For any new properties required to appear on the Compare Design Basis dialog, these will need to be added to the Sp3DPublishMap.xml file using the Schema Editor. Notes In a Global Workshare configuration, the previous step is only performed at the Host location. For assistance with the Upgrade Schema command, refer to the Upgrade Schema Command section in the 2009.1 SmartPlant 3D Project Management Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. 3. In an integrated environment, copy the following files from the Host locations Symbol share to the same location on each satellites Symbols share: a. b. c. [Symbols Share] \XML\SP3DPublishMap.xml. [Symbols Share] \XML\P3DComponent.xml. [Symbols Share] \XML\DesignBasis_Map.xml.

42 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Appendix II: Upgrading Your SmartPlant 3D Reports Template Files

Appendix II: Upgrading Your SmartPlant 3D Reports Template Files

This section describes the steps to upgrade your report files to 2009.1. The modified and/or new version of these files is provided with the 2009.1 software. The section in this document entitled Upgrading the Symbols Share, page 20, provides the steps to upgrade your Symbols share to get these files. Important There are no changes between 2009 SP1 and 2009.1 so the steps below only apply if upgrading from version 2007. While most version 2007 reports will run in 2009.1, there have been fixes and enhancements made to some of the 2009.1 report files. If you have customized any of the delivered version 2007 report files, you may either make the same modifications in your own customized files or repeat the same customizations in the 2009.1 delivered template files.

Upgrading to 2009.1 Reports

In order to incorporate the changes made to version 2007 reports in 2009.1, follow these steps. 1. Copy the modified and/or new report files using the process detailed in section Upgrading the Symbols Share, page 20, of this document. Or Copy the files under [SmartPlant 3D workstation Product Folder] \Reports\Content\ to the CatalogData Symbols share on the server. See Notes below. Notes A copy of ONLY the modified or new Report files have been delivered on a SP3D client workstation machine so that an existing user can easily determine what files contain fixes and what files are new in version 2007 Service Pack 4 and 5, and version 2009. These files can be found under the [SmartPlant 3D workstation Product Folder] \Reports\Content. Also there is a Readme.txt file for each version in both the Fixes and New folders listing the related TR (fixed labels or reports) and CR (new labels or reports).

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 43

Appendix II: Upgrading Your SmartPlant 3D Reports Template Files

Reports |-- Content |-- Fixes |-- V2009 (these files will replace old version 2007 files) Readme file (list of TR fixes and related file names) |--Symbols |-- Labels or reports (folder hierarchies down to the modified templates so that they may be copied to symbol share easily) |-- New these files are new |-- V2009 Readme file (list of CRs and related file names) |--Symbols |-- Labels or reports (folder hierarchies down to the modified templates so that they may be copied to symbol share easily)


Bulkload the 1_AMD_Delta_2007_2009_Reports.xls workbook if using the delivered reports templates, or make similar changes to your customized reports workbook, and bulkload it. Notes The workbook can be found in the folder [Product Folder]\CatalogData\Bulkload\AdditionalDataFiles\Delta2007to2009. For more information on how to bulkload files to the Catalog database, refer to the 2009.1 SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.


The new reports in 2009.1 use filters that are predefined in a Catalog created in 2009.1 but do not exist in 2007 versions of the software. To get the new reports to run, copy the new set of Default Filters delivered with the 2009.1 Catalog database to your upgraded database by performing the following steps: Note Except for SQL or Visual Basic report queries, see Impact on User Defined SQL and Visual Basic Report and Label Queries, page 45 of this document, this step is not mandatory in order for version 2007 reports to run in 2009.1. 3.1. Using the Project Management task on the 2009.1 client workstation, create a new Site and Catalog using the database templates files delivered with the software.


44 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Appendix II: Upgrading Your SmartPlant 3D Reports Template Files For more information on how to create new Site and Catalog databases, refer to the Create the Site, Catalog, and Schema Databases section of the 2009.1 Project Management Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. 3.2. Enter the upgraded plant using the 2009.1 client workstation. From the Catalog task, select the Copy Filters from Catalog command from the Tools menu and copy the delivered Catalog filters from the new 2009.1 Catalog to your upgraded Catalog. This will create a new Default Filters (1) folder. Copy the new 2009.1 Report filters from the new Default Filters (1) folder to the version 2007 Default Filters folder.


Note For more information on the Copy Filters command, refer to the Copying Filters Between Catalogs section of the 2009.1 Catalog Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

Impact on User Defined SQL and Visual Basic Report and Label Queries
In version 2009 SP1 and later, the support of many material control data for a single catalog part requires changes to the SmartPlant 3D data model. Specifically, the reporting interface IJPipeComponent2 was removed and a new relationship was added from a model part occurrence (pipe and pipe components) to the applicable generic material control data. Normal SmartPlant 3D upgrade will make the necessary changes in COM queries and SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 will include upgraded versions of all impacted SQL and Visual Basic (VB) queries. However, user defined SQL or VB queries that have been developed to access the generic material control data of a model part occurrence will require a custom upgrade. If your SQL or VB query uses the interface IJPipeComponent2, or its SQL equivalent view JPipeComponent2, the script or code will require an upgrade. Also, if there is use of the IJGenericMaterialControlData interface, or its equivalent sql view JGenericMaterialControlData an upgrade is required. Examples are given below to show what changes will be required.

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 45

Appendix II: Upgrading Your SmartPlant 3D Reports Template Files The following examples illustrates how to update the impacted queries. The mapping will help the upgrade by showing which interface and property match the original IJDPipeComponent2 property.
IJDPipeComponent2 Property ClientCommodityCode GeometricIndustryStandard New Property Location (On the catalog part) IJDProcurementDataInfo.ProcurementClientCommodityCode IJDPipeComponent.GeometricIndustryStandard (On the material control data) IJVendorInfo.Vendor IJValveOperatorInfo.ValveOperatorType IJValveOperatorInfo.ValveOperatorGeoIndStd IJGenericMaterialControlData.ShortMaterialDescription IJGenericMaterialControlData.LocalizedShortMaterialDescription IJGenericMaterialControlData.LongMaterialDescription IJGenericMaterialControlData.Manufacturer IJGenericMaterialControlData.FabricationType JGenericMaterialControlData.WeldingRequirement

Vendor ValveOperatorType ValveOperatorGeometricIndStandard ShortMaterialDescription LocalizedShortMaterialDescription LongMaterialDescription Manufacturer FabricationCategory WeldingRequirement

SQL Query If a SQL query is currently retrieving data through the JDPipeComponent2 view or the JGenericMaterialControlData view the query needs to be changed to access the material control data directly from the model part occurrence. The JGenericMaterialControlData interface is unchanged and will need no further modification. However, the IJDPipeComponent2 interface, and the corresponding SQL view have been removed, requiring a mapping of the old view's properties to a property on one of several other interfaces. In this example the Manufacturer property and Vendor property come from JDPipeComponent2 which is joined on the same madefrom relationship as JDPipeComponent from the model occurrence. ShortMaterialDescription comes from JGenericMaterialControlData which requires the following additional relationship, XDfnsMatlCntrlDataForComponent, from the catalog part to the material control data.
SELECT pcom.PriSizeNPDUnits, pcom.PrimarySize pcom2.Manufacturer_ShortValue, pcom2.Vendor_ShortValue, mcd.ShortMaterialDescription FROM JRteCompOccur pc JOIN XmadeFrom xmf on xmf.oidorigin = pc.oid JOIN JDPipeComponent_CL pcom JOIN JDPipeComponent2_CL pcom2 ON (pcom.Oid = pcom2.Oid) JOIN XDfnsMatlCntrlDataForComponent xmcd on xmcd.oidorigin = pcom.oid JOIN JGenericMaterialControlData mcd on mcd.oid = xmcd.oiddestination

After upgrade, the Manufacturer and ShortMaterialDescription will both come from JGenericMaterialControlData which follows the new relation,

46 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Appendix II: Upgrading Your SmartPlant 3D Reports Template Files XPartOccToMaterialControlData, from the model occurrence to the material control data. Note that, following the mapping outlined above, the vendor property is on a different interface, JVendorInfo of the material control data.
SELECT pcom.PriSizeNPDUnits, pcom.PrimarySize, mcd.Manufacturer_ShortValue, ven.Vendor_ShortValue, mcd.ShortMaterialDescription FROM JRteCompOccur pc JOIN XmadeFrom xmf on xmf.oidorigin = pc.oid JOIN JDPipeComponent_CL pcom on pcom.oid = xmf.oiddestination JOIN XPartOccToMaterialControlData xptmcd on xptmcd.oidorigin = pc.oid JOIN JGenericMaterialControlData_CL mcd on mcd.oid = xptmcd.oiddestination JOIN JVendorInfo ven on ven.oid = xptmcd.oiddestination

VB Query The same approach must be taken for a VisualBasic query. Using the property mapping, the properties that were accessed from IJDPipeComponent2 prior to 2009 SP1, will now come from another object and interface. In this example the oObject variable is a model piping component occurrence. For simplicity error checking and validation has been removed. Before upgrade, the software is using the IJDPipeComponent2 interface to retrieve the ShortMaterialDescription, Manufacturer, and Vendor.

Dim oTargColAcrossDS Dim oRelation Dim oTargCol Dim oIJDAtts Dim oIJDAttsCol Dim sResource Dim oUnknownPOM Dim sDescription Dim lVendor Dim lManufacturer

As IJDTargetObjectColAcrossDS As IJDAssocRelation As IJDTargetObjectCol As IJDAttributes As IJDAttributesCol As String As IUnknown As String As Long As Long

Set oRelation = oObject Set oTargColAcrossDS = oRelation.CollectionRelations(CVar("IJPartOcc"), "part") Set oIJDAtts = oTargColAcrossDS.Item(1, sResource, oUnknownPOM) Set oIJDAttsCol = oIJDAtts.CollectionOfAttributes(CVar("IJDPipeComponent2")) sDescription = oIJDAttsCol.Item(CVar("ShortMaterialDescription")).Value lVendor = oIJDAttsCol.Item(CVar("Vendor")).Value lManufacturer = oIJDAttsCol.Item(CVar("Manufacturer")).Value

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 47

Appendix II: Upgrading Your SmartPlant 3D Reports Template Files An upgrade of this code, as with the SQL example, requires a new relationship from the mode component occurrence directly to the material control data object and then to the applicable interface for the property of choice.
Set oRelation = oObject Set oTargColAcrossDS = oRelation.CollectionRelations(CVar("IJPartOcc"), "MaterialControlData") Set oIJDAtts = oTargColAcrossDS.Item(1, sResource, oUnknownPOM) Set oIJDAttsCol = oIJDAtts.CollectionOfAttributes(CVar("IJGenericMaterialControlData")) sDescription = oIJDAttsCol.Item(CVar("ShortMaterialDescription")).Value lManufacturer = oIJDAttsCol.Item(CVar("Manufacturer")).Value Set oIJDAttsCol = oIJDAtts.CollectionOfAttributes(CVar("IJVendorInfo")) lVendor = oIJDAttsCol.Item(CVar("Vendor")).Value

48 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Appendix III: Upgrading Your SmartPlant 3D Structure Files

Appendix III: Upgrading Your SmartPlant 3D Structure Files

This section describes the changes made to structure files delivered with version 2009 SP1. The modified and/or new version of these files is provided with the version 2009 SP1 and 2009.1 software. The section in this document entitled Upgrading the Symbols Share, page 20, provides the steps to upgrade your Symbols share to obtain these files. This section describes the actions needing to be performed when upgrading plants from version 2007 directly to version 2009.1. Plants created with version 2009 SP1 or later or already upgraded from version 2007 to version 2009 SP1, and have already performed the steps, do not need to repeat them.

Upgrading to 2009.1 Structure

In order to incorporate the changes made to structure symbol files in 2009 SP1 and/or 2009.1, follow these steps. 1. During upgrade of existing models to 2009.1, if new cross-section symbols are found in the symbol share during Synchronize Model with Catalog command, members placed with these sections will be updated. As this could be a timeconsuming task and will put approved members in the To Do List, a middle tier migration command has been provided which will be automatically run during upgrade of existing models to 2009.1. This command will update the existing models directly so that no members are updated during synchronization. If a user uses old symbols during upgrade but copies the new symbols to the symbol share at a later time the migration command needs to be run as a custom command to update the model database. (Progid: CrossSectionSymMTMC.UpdateSymSite) This command should be run inside a SmartPlant 3D model session before the Synchronize Model with Catalog process. To verify that the symbols upgrade was done correctly use the SP3DTools utility before synchronization. The SP3DTools utility is available via eCustomer web site. If the 2L.sym, C.sym, CS.sym, HSSC.sym, HSSR.sym and T.sym crosssection symbols are not checked for synchronization, upgrade was done correctly. If symbols are still marked for synchronization rerun the CrossSectionSymMTMC.UpdateSymSite custom command. Note

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 49

Appendix III: Upgrading Your SmartPlant 3D Structure Files For more information on how to custom commands, refer to the Run a Custom Command section of the 2009 SP1 SmartPlant 3D Common Users Guide, available with the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. Please be aware that if the changes described in these cross-sections symbols are deemed as required by the customer, a manual update of the symbol definition in the model will be required. This can be triggered by opening the sym file in the Symbol2D editor and saving it to update the cross-section sym file. Synchronizing model with catalog should then update the existing symbol definitions in the model and the members using these symbols. 2. The delivered Handrail and Stair symbols have been updated in 2009 SP1. A new Centerline aspect graphic has been added and the existing Detailed Physical aspect has been removed for both Handrails and Stairs. The Detailed Physical aspect is same as the Simple Physical and was redundant. Customers will need to ensure that the new delivered Handrail and Stair symbols are copied to their own symbols directory before running Synchronize Model with Catalog to get the new Centerline aspect and graphics. 3. New Wall Assembly Definitions have been provided for wall trimmed by Slab along using a lateral port face (previous implementation was using the lower Slab face to remove the material above the Slab). New definitions have been added to the wall operator project WallOperators.sln. In order to use the new symbols, user will need to Bulkload in Append mode the wall assembly connection spreadsheet: [Product Folder]\CatalogData\Bulkload\Datafiles\StructWallAssemblyConnections.xls Note Also note that a check has been added to detect the 2009 SP1 new operators in the catalog before enabling the functionality (if the xls is not bulkloaded, when selecting a lateral face of a slab as boundary, the trim will be "by surface" (infinite plane) as it was before). In addition the old implementation did not place assembly connections for Walls and did not show them in the WSN. This change was needed to implement the Copy/Paste with Delete optional process for the boundaries of the Walls. While exposing the assembly connection, users are able to choose the right context: (top, bottom, lateral boundaries) as well of some parameters or components of the connection. Previous to 2009 SP1 users could only place top boundaries on walls.

50 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Appendix III: Upgrading Your SmartPlant 3D Structure Files In order to use the place wall assembly connections, user will need to Bulkload the wall assembly connection spreadsheet: [Product Folder]\CatalogData\Bulkload\DataFiles\AllCodeLists.xls [Product Folder]\CatalogData\Bulkload\DataFiles\GenericNamingRules.xls [Product Folder]\CatalogData\Bulkload\Datafiles\StructWallAssemblyConnections.xls Note Also note that a check has been added to detect the 2009 SP1 new operators in the catalog before enabling the functionality (if the xls is not bulkloaded, when creating a wall, no wall assembly connections will be placed as it was before).

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 51

Appendix IV: Fixing Hangers and Supports Drawings Orientation

Appendix IV: Fixing Hangers and Supports Drawings Orientation

This section describes the actions needing to be performed after upgrading plants from version 2007. Following these steps should resolve wrong drawing orientations with Hangers and Supports. Plants created with 2009 SP1 or later or upgraded from version 2007 to version 2009 SP1 and these steps already performed do not need to perform or repeat these steps. New databases created with the new view definitions automatically have the correct information. The orientation portion in the JLocalCoordinateSystem view is wrong for Hanger classes such as HgrPipeSupport, HgrCableTraySupport, HgrConduitSupport, HgrDuctSupport, HgrCombinedSupport, and HgrDesignSupport. This information is used by Drawings to arrive at a filter used to identify whether a Hanger has to be treated as vertical or horizontal. Since the view has wrong orientation data, this cannot be relied upon. To correct this problem, the view definition needs to be changed to populate with correct orientation information. The view definition as defined in SupportLCSViews.sql and ORASupportLCSViews.sql is incorrect and has to be changed such that o0, o1, o2 and x0, x1, x2 and y0, y1, y2 and z0, z1, z2 of the view HNGSUPHgrSupportLCSView are retrieved and populated correctly into the view JLocalCoordinateSystem as PositionX, PositionY, PositionZ, XAxisX, XAxisY, XAxisZ, YAxisX, YAxisY, YAxisZ, ZAxisX, ZAxisY, ZAxisZ respectively.

Upgrading to 2009 SP1 Hangers and Supports views

In order to incorporate the changes needed in plants upgraded to 2009 SP1, follow these steps. 1. For Oracle Models perform the following steps. 1.1. 1.2. Go to SQLPlus Connect to the required oracle service by giving the proper login, password, and servicename.

52 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Appendix IV: Fixing Hangers and Supports Drawings Orientation 1.3. At SQLPlus prompt key in the following:

@ <path>\HangersAndSupports\Server\Schema\Oracle\ORASupportLCSViews.sql 1.4. The script will prompt for the database name. Key in the model name such as SP3D 2009_MDB and press ENTER. The script will execute Exit SQLPlus



For MSSQL Server databases perform the following steps. 2.1. 2.2. Go toDOS command prompt In prompt window key in the following:

sqlcmd -s in-sp3d10a\in-sp3d10a -d V08007101_MDB -i <SP3D Install Directory>\HangersAndSupports\Server\Schema\Sql\SupportLCSViews.sql where s option is the nodename\mssqlservername -d option is the database name (in this case the model DB) -i option is the input MSSQL script file name If you want to specify user login info, -u username p password can be used. 3. Regenerate the views by either of the two options. 3.1. 3.2. Run the ViewGenerator.exe tool from [SmartPlant 3D workstation Product Folder]\ Core\Tools\Administrator\Bin. Run the Synchronize Model with Catalog command with the toggle Regenerate Views to ON, from within Project Management environment.

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 53

Appendix V: Symbol Share Changes in 2009.1

Appendix V: Symbol Share Changes in 2009.1

The following files have been modified and/or added to the delivered Symbols share by 2009 SP1. Note The files listed below are only the files that have been modified and/or added after the release of version 2009 SP1 (delta between version 2009 SP1 and 2009.1). For the complete list of modified and/or added files in version 2007 Service Pack 4, and 2007 Service Pack 5 please see the Appendix II: Symbol Share Changes sections in the SP3DUpgradeGuideSP4.pdf and SP3DUpgradeGuideSP5.pdf upgrade guides, available in the Upgrade folder on the product media. For a list of files that have been modified and/or added in version 2009 SP1 please see the Appendix V: Symbol Share Changes in version 2009 section in the SP3DUpgradeGuide2009SP1.pdf available in the Upgrade folder on the product media.

Hangers and Supports

Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_Assembly/Assy_BBX.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_Assembly/Assy_RR_RI.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_Assembly/ Assy_RefPort.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_HVAC_Assy/HVACAssy_Type10.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_HVAC_Assy/HVACAssy_TypeR1.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_HVAC_Assy/HVACAssy_TypeR2.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_HVAC_Assy/HVACAssy_TypeR3.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_HVAC_Assy/HVACAssy_TypeR3P.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_HVAC_Assy/HVACAssy_TypeR4.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_HVAC_Assy/HVACAssy_TypeR4P.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_HVAC_Assy/HVACAssy_TypeR7.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_HVAC_Assy/HVACAssy_TypeR8.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_Marine_Assy/MarineAsmFrameTypeI. gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_Marine_Assy/MarineAsmFrameTypeL. gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_Marine_Assy/MarineAsmFrameTypeT. gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_Marine_Assy/MarineAsmFrameTypeU. gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_Marine_Assy/MarineAsmFrameTypeU V.gif 54 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Appendix V: Symbol Share Changes in 2009.1 Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_TrayShip_Assy/StraightTrayCircularRail.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_TrayShip_Assy/StraightTray-Ladder.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_TrayShip_Assy/StraightTrayRectangular.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_TrayShip_Assy/TeeTrayCircularRail.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_TrayShip_Assy/TeeTray-Ladder.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_TrayShip_Assy/TeeTrayRectangular.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_TrayShip_Assy/TrayShip_Assy_FlatBa r.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_TrayShip_Assy/TurnTrayCircularRail.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_TrayShip_Assy/TurnTray-Ladder.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/AssemblyImages/HS_TrayShip_Assy/TurnTrayRectangular.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/PartImages/HS_SmartParts/WeldPoint.GIF Symbols/HangersAndSupports/PartImages/HS_SmartParts/WeldRect.GIF Symbols/HangersAndSupports/PartImages/HS_TrayShip/RectStrap.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/PartImages/HS_TrayShip/StraightTray-CircularRail.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/PartImages/HS_TrayShip/StraightTray-Ladder.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/PartImages/HS_TrayShip/StraightTray-Rectangular.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/PartImages/HS_TrayShip/TeeTray-CircularRail.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/PartImages/HS_TrayShip/TeeTray-Ladder.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/PartImages/HS_TrayShip/TeeTray-Rectangular.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/PartImages/HS_TrayShip/TurnTray-CircularRail.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/PartImages/HS_TrayShip/TurnTray-Ladder.gif Symbols/HangersAndSupports/PartImages/HS_TrayShip/TurnTray-Rectangular.gif

SmartPlant Structure

Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports//Verification Of Consistency/Instruments/PICEReoprtOfSymbols.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports//Verification Of Consistency/Instruments/PISReportOfSymbols.rqe

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 55

Appendix V: Symbol Share Changes in 2009.1 Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports//Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/Piping Material Class.rtp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports//Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCBoltSelectionFtr.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports//Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCCmdtyClassSummaryOfSymbols.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports//Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCPipeTakeDownParts.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports//Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCPipeTakeDownParts.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports//Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialBoltSelfltBoltPartData.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports//Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialBoltSelfltBoltPartData.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports//Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialBoltSelfltMatlctlData.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports//Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialBoltSelfltMatlctlData.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports//Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialBoltSelfltUnique.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports//Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialBoltSelfltUnique.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports//Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialGsktSelfltGsktPartData.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports//Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCWeldClearence.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports//Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCWeldClearence.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports//Verification Of Consistency/Specialties/PSCEReportOfSymbols.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports//Verification Of Consistency/Specialties/PSSReportOfSymbols.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Instruments/PICEReoprtOfSymbols.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Instruments/PISReportOfSymbols.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/Piping Material Class.rtp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/Piping Material Class.rtp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/Piping Material Class.xls Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCBoltedGenericDataUnique.rqe

56 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Appendix V: Symbol Share Changes in 2009.1 Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCBoltedGenericDataUnique.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCBoltedGenericDataUnique.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCBoltedGenericDataUnique.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCBoltSelectionFtr.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCCmdtyClassSummaryOfSymbols.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCCmdtyFiltersizesOverlapping.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCCmdtyFiltersizesOverlapping.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCFemaleGenericDataUnique.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCFemaleGenericDataUnique.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCFemaleGenericDataUnique.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCFemaleGenericDataUnique.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCGsktSelectionfltUnique.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCGsktSelectionfltUnique.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCJointQualityFactor.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCJointQualityFactor.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCJointQualityFactor.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCJointQualityFactor.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCLinerThicknessDataUnique.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCLinerThicknessDataUnique.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCLinerThicknessDataUnique.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCLinerThicknessDataUnique.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCMechanicalGenericDataUnique.rqe

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 57

Appendix V: Symbol Share Changes in 2009.1 Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCMechanicalGenericDataUnique.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCMechanicalGenericDataUnique.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCMechanicalGenericDataUnique.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCNutSelectionfltUnique.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCNutSelectionfltUnique.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCPipeTakeDownParts.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCPipeTakeDownParts.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCPlainPipingGenericDataUnique.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCPlainPipingGenericDataUnique.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCPlainPipingGenericDataUnique.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCPlainPipingGenericDataUnique.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialBoltSelfltBoltPartData.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialBoltSelfltBoltPartData.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialBoltSelfltMatlctlData.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialBoltSelfltMatlctlData.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialBoltSelfltUnique.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialBoltSelfltUnique.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialBoltSelfltUnique.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialGsktSelfltGsktPartData.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialGsktSelfltGsktPartData.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialGsktSelfltGsktPartData.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialGsktSelfltGsktPartData.rqp

58 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

Appendix V: Symbol Share Changes in 2009.1 Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialGsktSelfltMatlctlData.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialGsktSelfltMatlctlData.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialGsktSelfltMatlctlData.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialGsktSelfltMatlctlData.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialGsktSelfltUnique.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialGsktSelfltUnique.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialGsktSelfltUnique.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCSpecialGsktSelfltUnique.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCWasherSelectionfltUnique.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCWasherSelectionfltUnique.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCWeldClearence.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Piping Material Class/PMCWeldClearence.rqp Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Specialties/PSCEReportOfSymbols.rqe Symbols/Reports/Types of Reports/Verification Of Consistency/Specialties/PSSReportOfSymbols.rqe

Symbols/Labels/Types of Labels/Structure/ToolTips/Structure ToolTip for MemberParts/Structure ToolTip for MemberParts.rfm Symbols/Labels/Types of Labels/Structure/ToolTips/Structure ToolTip for MemberParts/Structure ToolTip for MemberParts.rqe Symbols/Labels/Types of Labels/Structure/ToolTips/Structure ToolTip Structural Member/Structure ToolTip Structural Member.rfm Symbols/Labels/Types of Labels/Structure/ToolTips/Structure ToolTip Structural Member/Structure ToolTip Structural Member.rqe

SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide 59

Appendix V: Symbol Share Changes in 2009.1

Symbols/Labels/Types of Labels/Diagnostic/Full Permission Group Folder Path/Full Permission Group Folder Path.rqe Symbols/Labels/Types of Labels/Equipment/Equipment with Repeating Nozzles/Equipment with Repeating Nozzles.rfm

Symbols/PmfgIsoStyleData/Iso_Penspool.XML Symbols/PmfgIsoStyleData/Iso_Pipeline.XML Symbols/PmfgIsoStyleData/Iso_PipeRun.XML Symbols/PmfgIsoStyleData/Iso_Spool.XML Symbols/PmfgIsoStyleData/Iso_Stress.XML Symbols/PmfgIsoStyleData/Iso_WBS.XML Symbols/PmfgIsoStyleData/PCF_Stress.XML

SmartPlant Integrated Environment XML

Symbols/Xml/DesignBasisSchemas/DimensionalDatasheetComponent.xml Symbols/Xml/DesignBasisSchemas/ELEComponent.xml Symbols/Xml/DesignBasisSchemas/GenericDocumentComponent.xml Symbols/Xml/DesignBasisSchemas/PBSComponent.xml Symbols/Xml/DesignBasisSchemas/PIDComponent.xml Symbols/Xml/DesignBasisSchemas/WBSComponent.xml

60 SmartPlant 3D 2009.1 Upgrade Guide

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