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AVEVA Training

PDMS Open Training Course 2013

AMERICAS TRAINING COURSE SCHEDULE (All training will be in Version 12.1 Metric)
Introductory Courses Days July Aug Sept Oct
Piping & Equipment
TM-1001 AVEVA PDMS Foundations
5 19-23 ( C ) 9-13( H )
TM-1104 Equipment Modeling
TM-1100 Pipework Modeling
Basic and Advanced Structural Design
TM-1001 AVEVA PDMS Foundations 5 22-26 ( C ) 5-9 ( H ) 9-13(W)
TM-1101 Structural Modeling
TM-1801 AVEVA E3D Foundations
TM-1802 AVEVA E3D Model Utilities 5 14-18(W)
TM-1803 AVEVA E3D Reporting
TM-1810 AVEVA E3D Pipework Modeling
Deliverables Production
TM-1002 Drawing Production (Basic)
TM-1206 Drawing Production (Advanced)
TM-1003 Design Utilities
Piping Cats & Specs 7-11( H )
5 12-16(W)
TM-1202 Piping Catalogues & Specifications
Basic and Advanced Admin/Global
TM-1300 System Administration (Basic)
5 12-16 ( H ) 16-20 ( C )
TM-1301 System Administration (Advanced)
TM-1400 Global Concepts and Terminology
AVEVA Instrumentation
TM-6102 Instrumentation Engineer
TM-6103 Wiring Manager 4 5-8 ( C )
TM-6104 Instrumentation Designer
TM-6101 Administration
AVEVA Electrical
TM-6502 Electrical Engineer
TM-6503 Wiring Manager 4 3-6 ( C )
TM-6504 Electrical Designer
TM-6501 Administration

• Our courses are open to individuals with a background in • If you require three or more staff to be trained, then
engineering, both contractors and/or full-time simply book one of our trainers to visit you at your
employees. company offices.
• Courses are conducted in our dedicated training suite at • To optimize your learning potential we endeavor to keep
the AVEVA offices in Houston, TX and Wilmington, DE or our class sizes small.
at client sites on request. • A module list defining the content of each training
• Customer demand dictates how frequently we run our module and course fees are available on request.
courses. H - Houston, W - Wilmington, C - Calgary
• If you don't see the course that you are interested in
attending, please contact [email protected] or by
telephone (302) 427-8600 to find out the next available
AVEVA Training
AVEVA Training
PDMS Open Training Course 2013
PDMS Open Training Course 2013

TM-1001 AVEVA PDMS Foundations cableway material creation and report generation. AVEVA
AVEVA PDMS Fundamentals is an introduction to PDMS PDMS Foundations is a prerequisite for this class
required for all disciplines using the DESIGN module. This TM-1106 E&I Modeling
course focuses on the user Interface Basics, Displaying This course has been designed for people who are involved
Model Elements, General Utilities, Attributes, Positioning in the design of complex equipment items for electrical
and Orientation, Introduction to Model Editor, Basic and instrumentation systems, along with associated
Equipment Modeling, Equipment Modeling Using supports. It will provide the necessary skills for the user to
Templates, Equipment Utilities, and Volume Modeling. be able to create advanced equipment items including
The course is 3 days in duration for students specializing in templates and linked documents.
Piping and Equipment. Other disciplines will cover this TM-1201 Structural Modeling (Advanced)
class in one day (Equipment will only be covered with the Advanced Structural modeling is an extension to Basic
Piping discipline). Structural modeling and focuses on skills required to
maximize the detail requirements of the Structural
TM-1002 Drawing Production (Basic) discipline in PDMS Design. Topics covered in this training
Basic Drawing Production provides an introduction to the class are: 3D Aid Constructs & Working Planes, Curved
DRAFT module of PDMS where project drawing Profiles, and Hole Management.
deliverables are generated. Topics covered during this
training class include a comprehensive overview of the TM-1202 Piping Catalogs and Specifications
Draft Hierarchy, View Creation, 3D View Association, Piping Cats and Specs focuses on the PARAGON module of
Dimensioning, and Labeling. PDMS related to the PIPING discipline. Topics covered
during this training class are: Catalogue Database Structure,
TM-1003 Design Utilities Component Creation, Constructing Pointsets, Creation of
Design Utilities are covered as part of the Deliverables Geometry Sets, Creating Text Elements, Component
Production training classes (TM-1002, TM-1206, TM-1003) Part Families, Suggested Coding Systems, Connection
and the class addresses additional detail with Clash Compatibility Tables, Pipe Specifications, Component
Detection and Report generation. Insulation and Specification, Design Parameters, Nozzle
Specifications, Bolting Setup, Datasets, Attachment Points,
TM-1100 Pipework Modeling Component Properties, Spooling, Component Item Codes,
Pipework modeling focuses on the PIPING discipline in the Catalogue Database Consistency and Module Administration.
DESIGN module of PDMS. Topics covered include:
Pipework Modeling, Pipe Routing, Replacing Components, TM-1206 Drawing Production (Advanced)
Data Consistency Checker, Clash Detection, Hole Advanced Drawing Production is an extension to Basic
Management, Isometric Production, Sloping/Falling Drawing Production and focuses on automation and
Pipelines, Alternative Positioning forms, Pipe Assemblies, refinement in the detail of PDMS deliverables. Topics
Pipe Splitting, Pipe Editing (re-bore/re-spec). covered during this module are 3D View association details,
Autotagging, Change Highlighting, General Automatic
TM-1101 Structural Modeling (Basic) Drawing Production (ADP), and Symbolic Representation.
PDMS Basic Structural modeling is directed toward
students in the Structural discipline of PDMS. Topics TM-1210 Multi-Discipline Supports (User)
Multi-Discipline Support User Training covers details
covered in this training include: Setting-up the Database
required to create supports specific to the users discipline
hierarchy for Structures, Creation of Beams & Columns,
within the DESIGN module using AVEVA’s MDS application.
Modifying Structural Sections, Beam & Column Utilities,
Topics covered during this training class are: Basic
Regular Structures, Section Fittings and Joints, Panels &
Concepts of a Support, Entering the MDS Application, MDS
Plates, Negative Extrusions and Panel Fittings. Foundations
Defaults, Multi-Discipline Supports, Modification of a
(Module TM-1001 - one day for Structural) is a prerequisite Support, Deleting a Support, Locking a Support, Cable Rack
for Structural Modeling. Support, HVAC Support, Creation of a General Support,
Trunnion Supports, Fixed Hangers, Variable Hanger,
TM-1105 Cable Way & Cabling Design Fixed/Variable Hanger Creation Modes, Special Supports,
Over the duration of the course, E&I Designers will learn Support Groups, Lighting Supports, Vessel Supports,
to use the AVEVA Plant Cabling System application, and
become familiar with cableway creation, cable creation,
Cableways and Cable Tray design, Cableway Penetrations,
AVEVA Training
Open Training
Training Course
Course 2013

Branch Reinforcement, Preliminary Supports, Copying a to teach software programming but only provide instruction
Support, Modifying a Support Name, MDS Wizard, MDS on how to customize PDMS using Programmable Macro
Health Check Utility, MDS Reports, Miscellaneous Utilities, Language (PML) in AVEVA Plant. Users will learn how to
MDS Drawing Production, MDS Manuals & Help. Students construct PML Objects, Forms and Functions that interface
attending this class should have attended at least one with the AVEVA Plant and Marine products.
discipline-specific PDMS course.
TM-3415 – AVEVA P&ID Admin Training
TM-1300 System Administration (Basic) This course shows application administrators how to create
Basic Project Administration is directed towards PDMS a project and manage the file structure for an AVEVA P&ID
Project Administrators and will focus on PDMS Project Installation. Administrators learn how to create symbols and
Administration fundamentals. Topics covered during this groups and use the Project Administrator tool.
class are: Project Access, Creating a New Project, Setup of
Teams and Users, Creating Databases, Foreign Databases, TM-3445 & TM-3460 – AVEVA P&ID User Training
MDBs,Testing AVEVA Plant Access, Reference Between This course presents the features and capabilities of the
Databases, NT Authentication, Sharing Projects and Files, AVEVA P&ID package. Students are shown how AVEVA
Multiwrite/Update Databases, Project P&ID exchanges data with other modules in AVEVA’s Plant
Engineering product suite. The course takes a workshop
TM-1301 System Administration (Advanced) approach as the students learn the package’s commands
The Advanced System Administration training class is a follow and procedures by drawing a P&ID. Students gain an
up to the PDMS Basic Project Administration and covers understanding of the database aspects of the P&ID by
extended features of the PDMS admin module including reviewing validation reports used during drawing
Extract Databases, the Lexicon module, Data Access Control development
(DAC), PML Encryption, IPR Database Encryption.
Skills Retention Program
TM-1304 Multi-Discipline Supports (Administration) Visit your local AVEVA office to brush-up on your PDMS
Multi-Discipline Administration is focused towards PDMS skills. This program allows users access to a PDMS
administrators responsible for maintaining the MDS workstation during standard operating hours at the AVEVA
environment. Topics covered during this training class office in Houston or Wilmington to work on your own
include: Review of MDS Projects and Databases, Project brushing up on previously learned skills in PDMS. Call the
Catalogue Requirements and Minimum Data Access Controls AVEVA Training Coordinator for more details.
(DAC), Configuration Checklist, Accessing MDS Administration
Form and Menus, MDS Admin Form, MDS Ancillary Defaults
Form, MDS Hanger Data Form, Hanger Design Templates,
MDS Lighting Support Defaults, Structure Defaults Form,
Framework Template Administration, MDS Trunnion
Defaults Form, Trunnions, MDS Autonaming, MDS User
Plots, Report Defaults and MDS Drawing Production.

TM-1400 Global Concepts and Terminology

Global training is specifically designed for students
working with PDMS in a GLOBAL environment and is an
extension to the Basic and Advanced Administration
classes. GLOBAL training focuses on Concepts and
Terminology, Setting Up a Global Project, Satellite Project
Structure, Unscheduled Database Updates, Transaction
Database Administration, Databases in a Global Project,
Testing AVEVA Plant Global Access in Design, Global
Daemon Service, Extract Databases, Working with Extract AVEVA’s comprehensive training courses ensure you will
Databases in a Global Project, Data Access Control in a be prepared to meet the design challenges of today and
Global Project, Managing Databases in a Global Project, tomorrow. Call the Training Coordinator at 302-427-8600
Transaction Failures. to enroll.

TM-1401 Programmable Macro Language (Basic)

This course is designed to give an introduction to the AVEVA
Plant Programming Macro Language. There is no intention

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