ST2134 Trainer Kit Manual

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Baseband Transmitter Training System ST2134

Operating Manual Ver 1.1

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Baseband Transmitter Training System ST2134 Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introduction Features Technical Specifications Software installation Software window Control details Introduction to Baseband Communication Experiments Experiment 1 Study, Analysis and Measurement of Variable Clock and Variable Pattern Generator Experiment 2 Study, Analysis and Measurement of 1Bit Encoding with Variable Clock and Variable Pattern Experiment 3 Study, Analysis and Measurement of ASK Modulation with 1Bit Encoding Experiment 4 Study, Analysis and Measurement of BPSK Modulation with 1Bit Encoding Experiment 4A Study, Analysis and Measurement of DPSK Modulation with 1-Bit Encoding Experiment 5 Study and Analysis of BPSK Constellation Experiment 6 Study, Analysis and Measurement of FSK Modulation with 1Bit Encoding Experiment 7 Study, Analysis and Measurement of two bit encoding with pattern generator and clock. Experiment 8 Study, Analysis and Measurement of QPSK Modulation with 2 Bit Encoding Experiment 9 Study, Analysis and Measurement of QPSK Constellation 12 6 7 8 8 9 10





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Experiment 10 Study, Analysis and Measurement of Rate 1/2 Convolutional Encoding Experiment 11 Study, Analysis and Measurement of QPSK Modulation with rate 1/2 Bit Encoding Experiment 12 Study, Analysis and Measurement of OQPSK Modulation with 2 Bit Encoding Experiment 13 Study, Analysis and Measurement of OQPSK Constellation Experiment 14 Study, Analysis and Measurement of OQPSK Modulation with rate 1/2 Bit Encoding Experiment 15 Study, Analysis and Measurement of /4 QPSK Modulation with 2 Bit Encoding Experiment 16 Study, of /4 QPSK Constellation and eye pattern Experiment 17 Study, Analysis and Measurement of /4 QPSK Modulation with rate 1/2 Bit Encoding Experiment 18 Study, Analysis and Measurement of three bit encoding with pattern generator and clock. Experiment 19 Study, Analysis and Measurement of 8-PSK modulation with three bit encoding, pattern generator and clock Experiment 20 Study of 8 PSK Constellation and eye pattern Experiment 21 Study, Analysis and Measurement of rate 2/3 convolutional encoding Experiment 22 Study, Analysis and Measurement of 8-PSK modulation with rate 2/3 convolution encoding, pattern generator and clock Experiment 23 Study, Analysis and Measurement of four bit encoding with pattern generator and clock

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Experiment 24 Study, Analysis and Measurement of 16-PSK modulation with four bit encoding, pattern generator and clock. Experiment 25 Study and Analysis of 16-PSK constellation



Experiment 26 136 Study, Analysis and Measurement of rate 3/4 rate convolution encoding Experiment 27 Study, Analysis and Measurement of 16 PSK modulation with rate 3/4 convolution encoding Experiment 28 Study, Analysis, and measurement of 16 QAM Modulation with four bit encoding. Experiment 29 Study and analysis of 16QAM Constellation Experiment 30 Study, Analysis and Measurement of 16 QAM modulation with rate 3/4 convolution encoding 144


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8. 9. 10.

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RoHS Compliance Scientech Products are RoHS Complied. RoHS Directive concerns with the restrictive use of Hazardous substances (Pb, Cd, Cr, Hg, Br compounds) in electric and electronic equipments. Scientech products are Lead Free and Environment Friendly. It is mandatory that service engineers use lead free solder wire and use the soldering irons upto (25 W) that reach a temperature of 450C at the tip as the melting temperature of the unleaded solder is higher than the leaded solder.
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Introduction Today advanced communication technologies are growing in a tremendous way. Technologies like wireless communication, mobile communication, satellite communication, data communication, RF ID etc enters in our daily lives. In most fundamental sense, Baseband communication plays a very important role in above communication technologies and is the basic need for any transmission, communication System Elements. Considering this demand Scientech has introduced Baseband Transmitter Training System in the filed of education. This training system is an ideal solution to bridge the gap between theoretical studies and practical results. Using this training system student can be able to understand systematic journey of communication transmitter system. All major blocks required in a baseband transmitter blocks are covered and test points are provided for every step.

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Features Baseband Transmitter Training System is based on advanced technology Encoding (1 bit, 2 bit, 3bit, 4 bits, convolutional 1/2, 2/3, 3/4 encoding etc Modulation techniques ( ASK, PSK, DPSK, FSK, QPSK, OQPSK, /4, QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-PSK, 16-QAM ) Constellation (Vector) Pattern for respective modulation Eye Pattern view Training System can be controlled in hardware mode or in software mode without need of an external Data Acquisition Card Training System has more than 60 test points, which will help students to observe the signal on Analog Oscilloscope, DSO & Logic Analyzer With the help of Real-time Software student can control as well as Analyze digital signal, Analog signal, and Mixed Signal and XY mode Simulations for different Encoding and Modulation Techniques are also provided within ST2134 Software CD

Technical Specifications On board digitally Synthesized Sine and Cosine, wave Generator with Variable step frequency. On board Clock Generator with Step Variable Frequencies (75Hz, 150Hz, 300Hz, 600Hz, 1200Hz, 2400Hz, 4800Hz & 9600 KHz). On board Data generator with Step Variable data length (4, 8, 16, 32, 64 bit) and variable data type select (i.e. 64 combinations are possible). Encoding (1 bit, 2 bit, 3bit, 4 bits, convolutional 1/2, 2/3 , 3/4 encoding etc. Modulation techniques (ASK, PSK, DPSK, FSK, QPSK, OQPSK, /4 QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-PSK, 16-QAM ) Power supply: 220 V + 10% 50 Hz / 60 Hz Power Consumption: 2.5VA (approx.) Weight: 1.5 Kg (approx.) Dimension(mm): W365 X D260 X H175ST2134

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Software Installation Procedure System Requirement - OS Windows XP / 2000 / service pack 2 - PORT Parallel port (Mode Standard port type SPT) Install ST2134 Software from the CD provided with Baseband Transmitter Training system. To Open software go to > Start > BTTS software. Select Simulation / Real time software option. For Real time software connect ST2134 trainer to Parallel port of your Computer. Software window Control details

Range selection for experiments from 1 16 & 17 30 can be done through Experiment Range Select DIP provided on ST2134.

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1. 2.

V1 & V2 Drag Cursor

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

cursors for Signal Analysis To observe complete pattern with differ Different span width using span expansion. Home : To go to Home page i.e. experiment Select page Get : To acquire signal from ST2134 and observe it on Analysis Window. Clear : To Clear screen. Print : To print the acquire results SPAN EXPANSION : To expand the wave form in case of high Density signals Introduction to Baseband Communication

: :

A typical communication link includes, at a minimum, three key elements: a transmitter, a communication medium (or channel), and a receiver. The transmitter and receiver elements can in turn be further subdivided into sub-systems, as shown in the figure below. These include a data source (analog or digital), an optional data encoder, a modulator, a demodulator, an optional data decoder, and a signal sink.

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Key Communication Sub-Systems All communication systems include some sort of data source, which generates the information signal that is intended to be sent to a particular receiver. This signal can be either an analog signal such as speech, or a digital signal such as a binary data sequence. This signal is typically a baseband signal represented by a voltage level. For analog signals, it is often desirable to represent the signal digitally by undergoing a quantization process prior to transmission. This step converts the analog signal into a digital signal. While some information is lost in this process, the resulting digital signal is often far less susceptible to the effects of noise in the transmission channel. An encoder can be used to add redundancy to a digital data stream, in the form of additional data bits, in a way that provides an error correction capability at the receiver. This overall process is referred to as Forward Error Correction (FEC). Among the most popular FEC schemes are convolutional coding, block coding and trellis coding. It is important to note that usually the output bit rate of an encoder is not equal to the input bit rate. To properly distinguish between the two bit rates, the transmitters input rate is referred to as the information data rate, while the transmitter output rate is referred to as the channel data rate. Depending on the type of information signal and the particular transmission medium, different modulation techniques are employed. Modulation refers to the specific technique used to represent the information signal as it is physically transmitted to the receiver. For example, in Amplitude Modulation (AM), the information is represented by amplitude variations of the carrier signal. Once the signal is modulated, it is sent through a transmission medium, also known as a channel, to reach the intended receiver. This may be a copper wire, coax cable, or the atmosphere in the case of a radio transmission. To some extent, all channels introduce some form of distortion to the original signal. Many different channel models have been developed to mathematically represent such distortions. A commonly used channel model is the Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel. In this channel, noise with uniform power spectral density (hence the term white) is assumed to be added to the information signal. Other types of channels include fading channels and multipath channels.

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When the transmitted signal reaches the intended receiver, it undergoes a demodulation process. This step is the opposite of modulation and refers to the process required to extract the original information signal from the modulated signal. Demodulation also includes any steps associated with signal synchronization, such as the use of phase-locked loops in achieving phase coherence between the incoming signal and the receivers local oscillator. When data encoding is included at the transmitter, a data decoding step must be performed prior to recovering the original data signal. The signal decoding process is usually more complicated than the encoding process and can be very computationally intensive. Efficient decoding schemes, however, have been developed over the yearsone example is the Viterbi decoding algorithm, which is used to decode convolutionally encoded data. Finally, an estimate of the original signal is produced at the output of the receiver. The receivers output port is sometimes referred to as the signal sink. A key success criteria for communications engineers is determining how well the source information was recreated at the receiver. Several metrics are available to evaluate a communications link performance, as for example the received Bit Error Rate (BER) in the case of digital signals. Other valuable performance indicators include the received signal to noise ratio, eye pattern diagrams and phase scatter plots to name a few.

Baseband Communication

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Experiment 1 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of Variable Clock and Variable Pattern Generator Theory : Variable Clock Generator : Clock Generator is the heart and is one of the important block in any digital sequential circuit design. In ST2134 digitally synthesized clock of 50 % duty cycle with multiply of frequencies are generated. Clock of standard frequencies (75Hz,150 Hz, 300, Hz, 600Hz, 1200Hz, 2400Hz, 4800Hz, 9600Hz) can be controlled using DIP switches D2, D3, D4 both in Hardware and Software mode and can be observed on test point TP2. Below Table shows, the position of DIP switches (D2, D3, D4) and respective output clock frequency at test point tp.2. Serial Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DIP Switches D2 D3 D4 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Clock frequency at TP 2 (Hz) 75 150 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600

Variable Pattern Generator with Variable Type Pattern Generator or Data generator is also a basic requirement for digital circuit analysis. Pattern or Data Generator is used in digital Communication as a data source. In ST2134 Pattern Generator is provided with both variable length and variable type. DIP switches D7 and D8 are used to change the Length or the repetition rate of the pattern. Similarly, for a selected length of pattern its type may be varied using DIPswitches D5 and D6. Pattern of different type and different length can be selected using DIP switches (D5 D8) and can be observed on the Test Point TP 3.

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Below Table shows different possible combination Serial Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DIP Switches D7 D8 (Length) 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 DIP Switches D5 D6 (Type) 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 Pattern Length - Type 64 Bits Type1 64 Bits Type2 64Bits Type3 64 Bits Type4 32 Bits Type1 32 Bits Type2 32 Bits Type3 32 Bits Type4 16 Bits Type1 16 Bits Type2 16 Bits Type3 16 Bits Type4 8 Bits Type1 8 Bits Type2 8 Bits Type3 8 Bits Type4

Figure below shows length and types of patterns :

Patterns of 8-Bit length :

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Patterns of 16-Bit length :

Patterns of 32-Bit length :

Patterns of 64-Bit length : Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Observe and measure system clock at Test Point TP1. For hardware mode Set DIP D1 to logic 0 (down position) Set DIP D2, D3, D4 to 000. Observe Clock frequency at test point TP2 with respect to Ground, it should be 75Hz. Set DIP D1, D2, D3, D4 to 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 0111 and observe their respective frequencies at test point TP2. Set pattern length by using DIP D7, D8 (00 64 bits, 01 32 bits, 10 16 bits, 11 8 bits) and observe corresponding bit pattern at Test Point TP3. For above Pattern Length you can select pattern type using DIP D5, D6 (00 Type 1, 01 Type2, 10 Type3, 11 Type 4) Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position). Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP1.

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6. 7. 8.

Set DIP D2, D3, D4 from 000 to 111 and observe the corresponding frequencies on software window. Set pattern length by using DIP D7, D8 (00 64 bits, 01 32 bits, 10 16 bits, 11 8 bits) of ST2134 For above Pattern Length you can select pattern type using DIP D5, D6 (00 Type 1, 01 Type2, 10 Type3, 11 Type 4)

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

Software Result for Reference

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User Result : (in hardware mode) Clock . Pattern Length ..

Clock . Pattern Length ..

Clock . Pattern Length ..

Clock Pattern Length ..

Clock . Pattern Length ..

Clock . Pattern Length ..

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Clock . Pattern Length . Clock . Pattern Length

Result :

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Experiment 2 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of 1Bit Encoding with Variable Clock and Variable Pattern Theory : Refer Experiment 1 Theory. One bit encoded data is similar to the data output from data/pattern generator. Frequency of the data after encoding will remains the same as of clock generator. Figure below shows the clock, Data from generator and One bit encoded data.

Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. For hardware mode Set DIP D1 to logic 0 (down position). Set DIP D2, D3, D4 to 000. Observe Clock frequency at test point TP2 with respect to Ground, it should be 75 Hz. Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (00001) Observe 1 bit encoded data at test point TP8 and compare it with data at TP3. For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position). Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP2. Set DIP D2, D3, D4 from 000 to 111.

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7. 8. 9. 10.

Set pattern length by using DIP D7, D8 (00 64 bits, 01 32 bits, 10 16 bits, 11 8 bits) of ST2134 For above Pattern Length you can select pattern type using DIP D5, D6 (00 Type 1, 01 Type2, 10 Type3, 11 Type 4) Click GET button and observe the corresponding clock signal, pattern and 1 bit encoded data on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

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Software Result for Reference

User Result (Hardware Mode) : Clock . Pattern Length 1 bit encoding Clock .. Pattern Length 1 bit encoding Clock .. Pattern Length 1 bit encoding Clock Pattern Length 1 bit encoding Result :

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Experiment 3 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of ASK Modulation with 1Bit Encoding. Theory : Modulation is a process of facilitating the transfer of information over a medium. Sound transmission in air has limited range for the amount of power your lungs can generate. To extend the range your voice can reach, we need to transmit it through a medium other than such as a phone line or radio. The process of converting information (voice / data) so that it can be successfully sent through a medium ( wire / radio waves ) is called modulation. We begin our discussion of digital modulation by starting with the ASK Modulation technique. Sinusoid wave has three different parameters that can be varied. These are its amplitude, phase & frequency. Modulation is a process of mapping such that it takes your data signal converts it into some aspect of a sine wave and then transmits the sine wave, leaving the actual information behind. In ASK Modulation, the amplitude of the carrier is changed in response to information and all else is kept fixed. Bit 1 is transmitted by a carrier of one particular amplitude. To transmit 0, we change the amplitude keeping the frequency constant. On-Off Keying (OOK) is a special form of ASK, where one of the amplitude is zero as shown below.

Figure 1 Baseband information sequence 011111101110110001 and Binary ASK (OOK) Modulated Signal

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Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (00010) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Observe clock, Pattern, 1bit encoding, ASK Modulation at respective test point TP2, TP3, TP8 and TP41. Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position) Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP3. For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Click GET button and observe the corresponding 1 bit encoded data and its corresponding ASK modulated waveform on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

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Software Result for Reference

User Result : 1bit encoded data with ASK Modulation (first Set)

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1bit encoded data with ASK Modulation (Second Set)

Result :

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Experiment 4 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of BPSK Modulation with 1Bit Encoding Theory : In BPSK (Binary Shift Keying) Modulation, the phase of the carrier is varied to represent binary 1 or 0. Both peak amplitude remains constant as the phase changes. For example, if we start a phase of 0deg. to represent binary 1, then we can change the phase to 180deg. to send binary 0. The phase of the signal during each bit duration is constant, and its value depends on the bit (0 or 1). Sin (2 ft) Sin (2/ft + /) for bit 0 for bit 1

Sin (2/ft)

Sin (2 /ft + /)

Figure below shows the generation of BPSK with clock signal, pattern or baseband data, 1 bit encoded. Normal Sine wave or carrier is transmitted for logic 0 and 180o phase shifted carrier is transmitted for logic 1.

Binary BPSK Modulated Signal Figure 2

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Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (00011) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Observe clock, Pattern, 1bit encoding, BPSK Modulation at respective test point TP2, TP3, TP8 and TP41. Software Mode Steps Switch ON Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position) Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP4. For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Click GET button and observe the corresponding 1 bit encoded data and its corresponding BPSK modulated waveform on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

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Software Result for Reference

User Result : 1bit encoded data with BPSK Modulation (first Set)

1 bit encoded data with BPSK Modulation (Second Set)

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Result :

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Experiment 4A Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of DPSK Modulation with 1Bit Encoding Theory : Differential Encoding Is used to provide polarity reversal protection Bit streams going through the many communications circuits in the channel can be un-intentionally inverted. Most signal processing circuits can not tell if the whole stream is inverted. This is also called phase ambiguity. Differential Encoding is used to protect against this possibility. It is one of the simplest form of error protection coding done on a baseband sequence prior to modulation. A Differential Coding system consists of a modulo 2 adder operation as shown below. din = Data sequence in eout = Differentially Encoded data sequence out Encoding


= din + en-1



Here is how it works. Lets take a sequence as shown below. The Encoding circuit above has a reference bit (it can be 0 or 1, it doesnt matter). The incoming data sequence is added to this reference bit and forms the second bit of the encoded sequence. This bit is then added to the next data bit to continue the process as shown below.

In BPSK (Binary Shift Keying) Modulation, the phase of the carrier is varied to represent binary 1 or 0. Both peak amplitude remains constant as the phase changes. For example, if we start a phase of 0deg. to represent binary 1, then we can change the phase to 180deg. to send binary 0. The phase of the signal during each bit is constant, and its value depends on the bit (0 or 1).

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Sin (2 ft) Sin (2ft + )

for bit 0 for bit 1

Figure of Sin (2 ft)

Figure of Sin (2ft +)

Figure below shows the generation of DPSK with clock signal, pattern or baseband data, Differentially encoded data. Normal Sine wave or carrier is transmitted for logic 0 and 180o phase shifted carrier is transmitted for logic 1.

Figure : DPSK Modulated Signal Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (00100) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Observe clock, Pattern, 1bit encoding, BPSK Modulation at respective test point TP2, TP3, TP8 and TP41.

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Observation : DSO Result for Reference

User Result : 1bit encoded data with DPSK Modulation (first Set)

1bit encoded data with DPSK Modulation (Second Set)

Result :
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Experiment 5 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of BPSK Constellation Theory : A constellation is a plot of the symbols on the rectangular space. Visually the constellation diagram which is what this picture is called, shows the phase of the symbols and their relationship to each other. As in BPSK only one channel i.e. baseband data is possible having logic level 1 or logic level 0. Constellation diagram for BPSK will look like figure as shown below. These two points shows that only 180o phase change is possible in BPSK.

Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (00011) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Set Oscilloscope in XY mode. Connect BNC - Test Probe to channel 1 and Observe Constellation Pattern at Test Point X1.

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position). Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP5. Click GET button and observe the corresponding Constellation Pattern of BPSK.

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

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Software Result for Reference

User Result (Hardware Mode) :

Result :

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Experiment 6 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of FSK Modulation with 1Bit Encoding Theory : In FSK Modulation, we change the frequency in response to information, one particular frequency for Logic 1 and another frequency for Logic 0. In this example below f1 for 1 is higher than f2 used for the 0 bit. Sin(2f1t) Sin(2f2t) for bit 1 for bit 0

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Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (00101) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Observe clock, Pattern, 1bit encoding, FSK Modulation at respective test point TP2, TP3, TP8 and TP41. Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position). Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP6. For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Click GET button and observe the corresponding 1 bit encoded data and its corresponding FSK modulated waveform on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

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Software Result for Reference

User Result : 1bit encoded data with FSK Modulation (first Set)

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1bit encoded data with FSK Modulation (Second Set)

Result :

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Experiment 7 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of two bit encoding with pattern generator and clock. Theory: In two bit encoding techniques the incoming base band data stream is divided into two data streams. Encoding is done in a manner that the rate of two new bit streams will become half of that of the main baseband data. Figure below shows the baseband data (01110110001111110) with respect to clock and two encoded bits i.e bit1 and bit2 having rates equals to half of the actual baseband data. bit1 stream is also called as odd sequence as it is following odd values of the baseband data. Similarly bit 2 can be called as even bit stream as it is following the even values of the incoming baseband data.

Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, D2, D3, D4 to 0000. Observe Clock frequency at test point TP2 with respect to Ground, it should be 75 Hz. Set DIP D1, D2, D3, D4 to 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 0111 and observe their respective frequencies at test point TP2. Set Output Control i.e. D12, D13, D14, D15, D16 (00110) Set pattern length by using DIP D7, D8 (00 64 bits, 01 32 bits, 10 16 bits, 11 8 bits) and observe corresponding bit pattern at Test Point TP3. For above Pattern Length you can select pattern type using DIP D5, D6 (00 Type 1, 01 Type2, 10 Type3, 11 Type 4)] Observe 2 bit encoded data at test point TP9 (bit1 - odd) and TP10 (bit2 even) Observe the data rate of pattern at TP3 and rate of 2 bit encoded data at TP9, TP10. (2 bit Encoded data should be half that of original pattern)

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position). Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP7. Set DIP D2,D3,D4 from 000 to 111. Set pattern length by using DIP D7,D8 (00 64 bits, 01 32 bits, 10 16 bits, 11 8 bits) of ST2134 For above Pattern Length you can select pattern type using DIP D5, D6 (00 Type 1, 01 Type2, 10 Type3, 11 Type 4) Click GET button and observe the corresponding clock, pattern, 2 bit encoding (odd and even) on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

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Software result for Reference

User Result (Hardware Mode) : Clock Pattern Bit1 (odd) Bit2 (even) Clock Pattern Bit1 (odd)

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Bit2 (even) Clock Pattern Bit1 (odd) Bit2 (even) Clock Pattern Bit1 (odd) Bit2 (even) Result :

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Experiment 8 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of QPSK Modulation with 2 Bit Encoding Theory : QPSK or Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, involves the splitting of a data stream mk (t) = m0,m1,m2, . . ., into an in-phase stream or Even data m1 (t) = m0,m2,m4, . . . and a quadrature stream or Odd data mQ(t) = m1,m3,m5, . . .. Both the streams have half the bit rate of the data stream mk(t), and modulate the cosine and sine functions of a carrier wave simultaneously. As a result, phase changes across intervals of 2Tb, where Tb is the time interval of a single bit (the mk (t)s). The phase transitions can be as large as 180. Sudden phase reversals of 180 can throw the amplifiers into saturation. As shown in Figure 1, the phase reversals of 180 cause the envelope to go to zero momentarily. This may make us susceptible to non-linearity in amplifier circuitry. The above may be prevented using linear amplifiers but they are more expensive and power consuming. A solution to the above mentioned problem is the use of OQPSK. The two bit streams generated from 1/2bit encoding technique are used as I channel data and Q channel data respectively for modulation of Cosine and Sine wave.

As is seen across the dotted line corresponding to a phase shift of reduces to zero temporarily

, the envelop

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QPSK modulated waveform is the linear sum of MOD1 and MOD2. Final QPSK modulated wave will follow different angles for the combinations of I channel and Q channel data as shown in the below Table. Serial Number I Channel Data Q Channel Data QPSK Angle Wave Form

45 o


315o (-45o)

225 o (-135 o)

Note that in QPSK Modulated wave phase change in all condition is either +90o or +180 o.

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Block Diagram for QPSK modulation is shown below

Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (00111) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Observe clock, Pattern, 2bit encoding (Even, Odd), I Channel Modulation, Q Channel Modulation and QPSK Modulation at respective test points TP2, TP3, TP9, TP10, TP39, TP40 and TP41. Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position) Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP8. For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Click GET button and observe the corresponding 2 bit encoded data and its corresponding QPSK modulated waveform on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

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Observation : DSO Result for Reference

Software Result for Reference

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User Result : : Figure for Bit pattern

Figure for Symbol Pattern

Figure for I Channel Pattern

Figure for I Channel Modulation

Figure for Q Channel Pattern

Figure for Q Channel Modulation

Figure for QPSK Modulation.

Result :

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Experiment 9 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of QPSK Constellation Theory : A constellation is a plot of the symbols on the rectangular space. Visually the constellation diagram, which is what this picture is called, shows the phase of the symbols and their relationship to each other. As in QPSK two channel i.e. I Channel and Q channels are available. I channel and Q channel are used to modulate respectively Cosine and sine wave. The X-axis projection for each symbol is the I channel amplitude and Y-axis projection is the Q channel Amplitude Constellation diagram for QPSK will look like figure shown below.

As I Channel and Q Channel both can be either Logic 0 or Logic 1 so total four combination for (I,Q) are possible which are 00,01,10, and 11. The dark black lines show all possible phase changes for QPSK Modulation. Note that for QPSK Modulation +90 o phase shift [(00-01), (01-11), (11-10) and (1000)] and +180 o phase shift [(10-01), (00-11)] are possible. Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (01000) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Set Oscilloscope in XY mode. Connect BNC to Test Probe to channel 1, channel 2 and Observe Constellation Pattern respectively at Test Point X2, Test Point Y2.

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position) Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP 9. Click GET button and observe the corresponding Constellation Pattern of QPSK.

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

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Software Result for Reference

User Result (Hardware Mode) :

Result :

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Experiment 10 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of Rate 1/2 Convolutional Encoding Theory : Convolutional EncodingConvolutional codes are commonly specified by three parameters; (n, k, m). n = number of output bits k = number of input bits m = number of memory registers The quantity k/n called the code rate is a measure of the efficiency of the code. Commonly k and n parameters range from 1 to 8, m from 2 to 10 and the code rate from 1/8 to 7/8 except for deep space applications where code rates as low as 1/100 or even longer have been employed. Often the manufacturers of convolutional code chips specify the code by parameters (n,k,L), The quantity L is called the constraint length of the code and is defined by Constraint Length, L = k (m-1) The constraint length L represents the number of bits in the encoder memory that affect the generation of the n output bits. The constraint length L is also referred to by the capital letter K, which can be confusing with the lower case k, which represents the number of input bits. In some books K is defined as equal to product the of k and m. Often in commercial spec, the codes are specified by (r, K), where r = the code rate k/n and K is the constraint length. The constraint length K however is equal to L - 1, as defined in this paper. I will be referring to convolutional codes as (n, k, m) and not as (r, K). Code parameters and the structure of the convolutional code : The convolutional code structure is easy to draw from its parameters. First draw m boxes representing the m memory register. Then draw n modulo-2 adders to represent the n output bits. Now connect the memory registers to the adders using the generator polynomial as shown in the figure below.

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This (3, 1, 3) convolutional code has 3 memory registers, 1 input bit and 3 output bits. This is a rate 1/3 code. Each input bit is coded into 3 output bits. The constraint length of the code is 2. The 3 output bits are produced by the 3 modulo-2 adders by adding up certain bits in the memory registers. The selection of which bits are to be added to produce the output bit is called the generator polynomial (g) for that output bit. For example, the first output bit has a generator polynomial of (1, 1, 1). The output bit 2 has a generator polynomial of (0, 1, 1) and the third output bit has a polynomial of (1, 0, 1). The output bits just the sum of these bits. v1 = mod2 (u1 + u0 + u-1) v2 = mod2 (u0 + u-1) v3 = mod2 (u1 + u-1) The polynomials give the code its unique error protection quality. One (3,1,4) code can have completely different properties from an another one depending on the polynomials chosen. How polynomials are selected : There are many choices for polynomials for any m order code. They do not all result in output sequences that have good error protection properties. Petersen and Weldons book contains a complete list of these polynomials. Good polynomials are found from this list usually by computer simulation. A list of good polynomials for rate codes is given below. Table 1-Generator Polynomials found by Busgang for good rate codes Constraint Length 3 4 5 G1 110 1101 11010 G2 111 1110 11101

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6 7 8 9 10 States of a Code :

110101 110101 110111 110111 110111001

111011 110101 1110011 111001101 1110011001

We have states of mind and so do encoders. We are depressed one day, and perhaps happy the next from the many different states we can be in. Our output depends on our states of mind and tongue in-cheek we can say that encoders too act this way. What they output depends on what is their state of mind. Our states are complex but encoder states are just a sequence of bits. Sophisticated encoders have long constraint lengths and simple ones have short in dicating the number of states they can be in the (2,1,4) code in Figure below has a constraint length of 3. The shaded registers below hold these bits. The unshaded register holds the incoming bit. This means that 3 bits or 8 different combination of these bits can be present in these memory registers. These 8 different combinations determine what output we will get for v1 and v2, the coded sequence. The number of combinations of bits in the shaded registers are called the states of the code and are defined by Number of states = 2L where L = the constraint length of the code and is equal to L = k (m - 1).

The states of a code indicate what is in the memory registers think of states as sort of an initial condition. The output bit depends on this initial condition, which changes at each time tick. Lets examine the states of the code (2,1,4) shown above. This code outputs 2 bits for every 1 input bit. It is a rate codes. Its constraint length is 3. The total number of states is equal to 8. The eight states of this (2,1,4) code are: 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111.

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State Table for Rate = Input Bit Input states I1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, D2, D3, D4 to 0000. Observe Clock frequency at test point TP2 with respect to Ground, it should be 75Hz. Set DIP D1, D2, D3, D4 to 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 0111 and observe their respective frequencies at test point TP2. Set Output Control i.e. D12, D13, D14, D15, D16 (01001) Set pattern length by using DIP D7, D8 (00 64 bits, 01 32 bits, 10 16 bits, 11 8 bits) and observe corresponding bit pattern at Test Point TP3. For above Pattern Length you can select pattern type using DIP D5, D6 (00 Type 1, 01 Type2, 10 Type3, 11 Type 4)] SI1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SI2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 SI3 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Output Bits Output states V1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 V2 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 SO1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 SO2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SO3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

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8. 9.

Observe 1/2 bit encoded data at test point TP11 (bit1) and TP12 (bit2) Observe the data rate of pattern at TP3 and rate of 2 bit encoded data at TP11, TP12. (1/2 rate convolutional Encoded data should be same that of original pattern) Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position) Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP10. Set DIP D2, D3, D4 from 000 to 111. Set pattern length by using DIP D7,D8 (00 64 bits, 01 32 bits, 10 16 bits, 11 8 bits) of ST2134 For above Pattern Length you can select pattern type using DIP D5, D6 (00 Type 1, 01 Type2, 10 Type3, 11 Type 4) Click GET button and observe the corresponding clock, pattern, 1/2 rate convolutional encoding (bit1 and bit2) on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

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Software result for Reference

User Result (Hardware Mode) : Clock Pattern Bit1 Bit2 Clock Pattern Bit1 Bit2
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Clock Pattern Bit1 Bit2 Clock Pattern Bit1 Bit2 Result :

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Experiment 11 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of QPSK Modulation with rate 1/2 Bit Encoding Theory : QPSK or Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, involves the splitting of a data stream mk(t) = m0,m1,m2, . . ., into an in-phase stream or Even data mI (t) = m0,m2,m4, . . . and a quadrature stream or Odd data mQ(t) = m1,m3,m5, . . .. Both the streams have half the bit rate of the data stream mk(t), and modulate the cosine and sine functions of a carrier wave simultaneously. As a result, phase changes across intervals of 2Tb, where Tb is the time interval of a single bit (the mk (t)s). The phase transitions can be as large as 180. Sudden phase reversals of 180 can throw the amplifiers into saturation. As shown in figure below the phase reversals of 180 cause the envelope to go to zero momentarily. This may make us susceptible to non-linearity in amplifier circuitry. The above may be prevented using linear amplifiers but they are more expensive and power consuming. A solution to the above-mentioned problem is the use of OQPSK. The two bit streams generated from 1/2bit encoding technique are used as I channel data and Q channel data respectively for modulation of Cosine and Sine wave.

As is seen across the dotted line corresponding to a phase shift of reduces to zero temporarily

, the envelop

QPSK Modulation process in rate encoding will remains the same as in QPSK using 2 bit encoding. Figure below shows clock, input data or baseband data, output data of state machine, MOD1, MOD2, QPSK. Output data shown below is in two bit format having both I channel and Q Channel data. Here only input and output data are shown and the state analysis can be done using look-up given in Experiment 10.

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QPSK Modulation with rate Encoding Final QPSK modulated wave will follow different angles for the combinations of I channel and Q channel data as shown in the below Table. Serial Number I Channel Data Q Channel Data QPSK Angle Wave Form

45 o

135 o

315 o (-45o)

225o (-135o)

Note that in QPSK Modulated wave phase change in all condition is either +90o or +180 o.

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Block Diagram for QPSK modulation is shown below

Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (01010) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Observe clock, Pattern, 1/2bit encoding (bit1, bit2), I Channel Modulation, Q Channel Modulation and QPSK Modulation at respective test points TP2, TP3, TP11, TP12, TP39, TP40 and TP41. Software Mode Steps Switch ON Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position). Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP11. For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Click GET button and observe the corresponding 1/2 rate convolutional encoded data and its corresponding QPSK modulated waveform on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


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Observation : DSO Result for Reference

Software Result for Reference

User Result :

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Figure for Bit pattern

Figure for Symbol Pattern

Figure for I Channel Pattern

Figure for I Channel Modulation

Figure for Q Channel Pattern

Figure for Q Channel Modulation

Figure for QPSK Modulation.

Result :

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Experiment 12 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of OQPSK Modulation with 2 Bit Encoding Theory : As shown in Experiment 8 & 11. Taking four values of the phase (two bits) at a time to construct a QPSK symbol can allow the phase of the signal to jump by as much as 180 at a time. This produces large amplitude fluctuations in the signal; an undesirable quality in communication systems. A solution to the above mentioned problem is the use of OQPSK. In OQPSK by offsetting the timing of the odd and even bits by one bit-period, or half a symbol-period, the in-phase and quadrature components will never change at the same time. OQPSK modulation is such that phase transitions about the origin are avoided. The scheme is used in IS-95 handsets. In OQPSK the pulse streams mI (t) = m0,m2,m4, . . . and mQ(t) = m1,m3,m5, . . . are offset in alignment, in other words are staggered, by one bit period (half a symbol period). Figure 3 [2], shows the staggering of the data streams in time. Figure 4 [1], shows the OQPSK waveform undergoing a phase shift of /2. The result of limiting the phase shifts to /2 is that the envelope will not go to zero as it does with QPSK.

Figure 3 The figure shows the staggering of the in phase and quadrature modulated data streams in OQPSK. The staggering restricts the phase changes to 90 as shown in figure 4. In OQPSK, the phase transitions take place every Tb seconds. In QPSK the transitions take place every 2Tb seconds.
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Figure 4 The figure shows a QPSK waveform. As is seen across the dotted lines the phase changes are of /2. The two-bit streams generated from 2bit encoding technique i.e. Odd pattern and Even Patternused as I channel data and Q channel data respectively for modulation of Cosine and Sine wave.

OQPSK modulated waveform is the linear sum of MOD1 and MOD2. Final QPSK modulated wave will follow different angles for the combinations of I channel and Q channel data as shown in the below Table.

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Serial Number

I Channel Data

Q Channel Data

QPSK Angle

Wave Form

45 o


315o (-45o)

225 o (-135 o)

Note that in QPSK Modulated wave phase change in all condition is either +90o or +180 o. Block Diagram for OQPSK modulation is shown below

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Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (01011) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Observe clock, Pattern, 2bit encoding (Even, Odd), OQPSK encoded (even, odd) I Channel Modulation, Q Channel Modulation and OQPSK Modulation at respective test points TP2, TP3, TP9, TP10, TP27, TP28, TP39, TP40 and TP41. Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position) Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP12. For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Click GET button and observe the corresponding OQPSK encoded data and its corresponding OQPSK modulated waveform on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

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Software Result for Reference

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User Result : : Figure for Bit pattern

Figure for Symbol Pattern

Figure for I Channel Pattern

Figure for I Channel Modulation

Figure for Q Channel Pattern

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Figure for Q Channel Modulation

Figure for OQPSK Modulation.

Result :

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Experiment 13 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of OQPSK Constellation Theory : A constellation is a plot of the symbols on the rectangular space. Visually the constellation diagram which is what this picture is called, shows the phase of the symbols and their relationship to each other. In the constellation diagram shown on the left, it can be seen that this will limit the phase-shift to no more than 90 at a time. This yields much lower amplitude fluctuations than non-offset QPSK and is often preferred in practice.

The picture on the left shows the constellation for OQPSK. As I Channel and Q Channel both can be either Logic 0 or Logic 1 so total four combination for I & Q are possible which are 00,01,10, and 11. or Four different levels are possible as shown in the multilevel signal on the right. The dark black lines show all possible phase changes for OQPSK Modulation. Note that for OQPSK Modulation only +90o phase shift [(00-01), (01-11), (11-10) and (10-00)] are possible. The picture on the right shows the difference in the behavior of the phase between ordinary QPSK and OQPSK. It can be seen that in the first plot the phase can change by 180 at once, while in OQPSK the changes are never greater than 90.

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Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (01100) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Set Oscilloscope in XY mode. Connect BNC to Test Probe to channel 1, channel 2 and Observe Constellation Pattern respectively at Test Point X3, Test Point Y3. Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position) Open ST2134 software from start >. Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP 13. Click GET button and observe the corresponding Constellation Pattern of OQPSK.

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

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Software Result for Reference

User Result (Hardware Mode) :

Result :

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Experiment 14 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of OQPSK Modulation with rate 1/2 Bit Encoding Theory : OQPSK or offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, involves the splitting of a data stream mk(t) = m0,m1,m2, . . ., into an in-phase stream or Even data mI (t) = m0,m2,m4, . . . and a quadrature stream or Odd data mQ(t) = m1,m3,m5, . . .. Both the streams have half the bit rate of the data stream mk(t), and modulate the cosine and sine functions of a carrier wave simultaneously. As a result, phase changes across intervals of 2Tb, where Tb is the time interval of a single bit (the mk(t)s). The phase transitions can be as large as 180. Sudden phase reversals of 180 can throw the amplifiers into saturation. As shown in figure 5, the phase reversals of 180 cause the envelope to go to zero momentarily. This may make us susceptible to non-linearity in amplifier circuitry. The above may be prevented using linear amplifiers but they are more expensive and power consuming. A solution to the above mentioned problem is the use of OQPSK. The two bit streams generated from 1/2bit encoding technique are used as I channel data and Q channel data respectively for modulation of Cosine and Sine wave.

Figure 5 As is seen across the dotted line corresponding to a phase shift of reduces to zero temporarily , the envelop

OQPSK Modulation process in rate encoding will remains the same as in OQPSK using 2 bit encoding. Figure below shows clock, input data or baseband data, output data of state machine, MOD1, MOD2, QPSK. Output data shown below is in two bit format having both I channel and Q Channel data. Here only input and output data are shown and the state analysis can be done using look-up given in Experiment 10.
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OQPSK Modulation with rate Encoding

Figure 6

Final QPSK modulated wave will follow different angles for the combinations of I channel and Q channel data as shown in the below Table. Serial Number I Channel Data Q Channel Data QPSK Angle Wave Form



315o (-45o)

225 o (-135 o)

Note that in OQPSK Modulated wave phase change in all condition is +90o. Block Diagram for OQPSK modulation is shown below
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Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (01101) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Observe clock, Pattern, 1/2bit encoding (bit1, bit2), OQPSK encoded (bit1,bit2), I Channel Modulation, Q Channel Modulation and QPSK Modulation at respective test points TP2, TP3, TP11, TP12, TP27, TP28, TP39, TP40 and TP41. Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position) Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP14. For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Click GET button and observe the corresponding 1/2 rate convolutional encoded data and its corresponding OQPSK modulated waveform on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


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Observation : DSO Result for Reference

Software Result for Reference

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User Result : Figure for Bit pattern

Figure for Symbol Pattern

Figure for I Channel Pattern

Figure for I Channel Modulation

Figure for Q Channel Pattern

Figure for Q Channel Modulation

Figure for QPSK Modulation.

Result :

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Experiment 15 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of /4 QPSK Modulation with 2 Bit Encoding Theory : Like QPSK, /4-QPSK transmits two bits per symbol. So only four carrier signals are needed but this is where the twist comes in. In QPSK we have four signals that are used to send the four twobit symbols. In /4-QPSK we have eight signals, every alternate symbol is transmitted using a /4 shifted pattern of the QPSP constellation. Symbol A uses a signal on Path A as shown below and the next symbol, B, even if it is exactly the same bit pattern uses a signal on Path B. So we always get a phase shift even when the adjacent symbols are exactly the same. The constellation diagram looks similar to 8-PSK. Note that a 8-PSK constellation can be broken into two QPSK constellations as show below. In /4-QPSK, one symbol is transmitted on the A constellation and the next one is transmitted using the B constellation. Even though on a network analyzer, the constellation looks like 8-PSK, this modulation is strictly a form of QPSK with same BER and bandwidth. Although the symbols move around, they always convey just 2 bits per symbol.

Figure 41 - /4-QPSK constellation mimics 8-PSK but it is two QPSK constellations that are phase shifted. Step-by-step /4-QPSK We wish to transmit the following bit sequence . odd even 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

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Now we group even and odd bits i.e. First even with first odd, second even with second odd . Or divide the bit sequence into 2-bit group just as we would do for QPSK 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Path B 1 0 Path A 0 0 1 0 0 Path A Path B Path A B Path B Path A Path B Path A Path

for odd groups i.e. 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th . follow path1 and Transmit angles of 45 o, 135 o, -45 o (315 o), -135 o (225 o) and for even number of groups i.e. 2 nd, 4th, 6th . Follow path 2 and transmit angles of 0o, 90 o, 180 o, 270 o (-90 o). Transmit the first symbol using the A constellation shown in Figure 41 and the next symbol uses the B constellation. For each 2-bit, the I and Q values are the signal coordinates as shown below. Symbol 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bits 00 00 01 01 10 10 11 11 Symbol ID Path A Path B Path A Path B Path A Path B Path A Path B Transmitted waveform 0o 45o 90o 135 o 180 o 225 o 270 o 315 o

Table 5 - /4-QPSK symbols mapping to I and Q The I and Q channels for a /4-QPSK signal are shown below in figure 7. Note that there are five possible levels (1, .707. 0 -.707, -1) and I and the Q channel show this variation in response to the symbols. The I and Q channels for a /4-QPSK signal are shown below in figure 7. Note that there are five possible levels (1, .707. 0 -.707, -1) and I and the Q channel show this variation in response to the symbols

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I and Q mapping of /4-QPSK symbols Step 1 - Map bits to symbols Bits Symbols 00 00 10 00 01 11 11 00 01 00 A1 B1 A4 B1 A2 B2 A3 B1 A2 B3

Figure 7

Step 2 - Multiply the I and Q with a carrier (in the example below, the carrier frequency is 1 Hz.) and you get an 8-PSK signal constellation.

/4-QPSK symbols traverse over a 8-PSK constellation Figure 8 The constellation diagram is a path that the symbols have traced in time as we can see in the above diagram of just the symbols of this signal. The path stars with symbol A1, then goes to B1, which is on path B. From here, the next symbol A2 is back on Path A. Each transition, we see above goes back and forth between Path A and B.

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/4-QPSK modulated I and Q Channels Figure 9

/4-QPSK modulated carrier Figure 10 What is the advantage of doing this? On the average, the phase transitions are somewhat less than a straight QPSK and this does two things, one is that the side lobes are smaller so less adjacent carrier interference. Secondly the response to Class C amplifiers is better. This modulation is used in many mobile systems. There is also a modification to this modulation where a differential encoding is added to the bits prior to modulation. (More about differential encoding in Tutorial 2) When differential coding is added, the modulation is referred to as /4-DQPSK. Final /4 QPSK modulated wave will follow different angles for the combinations of I channel and Q channel data as shown in the below Table.

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Serial Number 1

I Channel Data 0

Q Channel Data 0

QPSK Angle 45o

Wave Form


315o (-45 o)

225o (-135o




270 o (-90o)

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Note that in QPSK Modulated wave phase change in all condition is either +90o or +180 o. Block Diagram for QPSK modulation is shown below

Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (01110) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Observe clock, Pattern, 2bit encoding (Even, Odd), I Channel Modulation, Q Channel Modulation and /4 QPSK Modulation at respective test points TP2, TP3, TP9, TP10, TP39, TP40 and TP41. Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position) Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP15. For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Click GET button and observe the corresponding 2 bit encoded data and its corresponding QPSK modulated waveform on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

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Observation : DSO Result for Reference

Software Result for Reference

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User Result : Figure for Bit pattern

Figure for Symbol Pattern

Figure for I Channel Pattern

Figure for I Channel Modulation

Figure for Q Channel Pattern

Figure for Q Channel Modulation

Figure for /4 QPSK Modulation.

Result :

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Experiment 16 Objective : Study, of /4 QPSK Constellation and eye pattern Theory : The constellation diagram looks similar to 8-PSK. Note that a 8-PSK constellation can be broken into two QPSK constellations as show below in figure. In /4-QPSK, one symbol is transmitted on the A constellation and the next one is transmitted using the B constellation. In reality when for constellation pattern on Oscilloscope both path A and path B overlaps each other and we get constellation similar to that of QPSK. The /4 QPSK differ with QPSK in number of phase shift in the final modulated wave. In comparison to QPSK here in /4 QPSK we will get 8 phase shift.

Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (01111) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Set Oscilloscope in XY mode. Connect BNC to Test Probe to channel 1, channel 2 and Observe Constellation Pattern respectively at Test Point X4, Test Point Y4.

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position). Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP 16. Click GET button and observe the corresponding Constellation Pattern of /4 QPSK.

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

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Software Result for Reference

User Result (Hardware Mode) :

Result :

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Experiment 17 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of /4 QPSK Modulation with rate 1/2 Bit Encoding Theory : Like QPSK, /4-QPSK transmits two bits per symbol. So only four carrier signals are needed but this is where the twist comes in. In QPSK, we have four signals that are used to send the four twobit symbols. In /4-QPSK, we have eight signals; every alternate symbol is transmitted using a /4 shifted pattern of the QPSP constellation. Symbol A uses a signal on Path A as shown below and the next symbol, B, even if it is exactly the same bit pattern uses a signal on Path B. So we always get a phase shift even when the adjacent symbols are exactly the same. The constellation diagram looks similar to 8-PSK. Note that a 8-PSK constellation can be broken into two QPSK constellations as show below. In /4-QPSK, one symbol is transmitted on the A constellation and the next one is transmitted using the B constellation. Even though on a network analyzer, the constellation looks like 8-PSK, this modulation is strictly a form of QPSK with same BER and bandwidth. Although the symbols move around, they always convey just 2 bits per symbol.

Figure 11 /4-QPSK constellation mimics 8-PSK but it is two QPSK constellations that are phase shifted . Step-by-step /4-QPSK : We wish to transmit the following bit sequence. We divide the bit sequence into 2-bit pieces just as we would do for QPSK. Now for /4 QPSK using encoding. We Bit sequence: 00 00 10 00 01 11 11 00 01 00 Transmit the first symbol using the A constellation shown in Figure 11 and the next symbol uses the B constellation. For each 2-bit, the I and Q values are the signal coordinates as shown below.
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Table 5 - /4-QPSK symbols mapping to I and Q

The I and Q channels for a /4-QPSK signal are shown below in figure 12. Note that there are five possible levels (1, .707. 0 -.707, -1) and I and the Q channel show this variation in response to the symbols

I and Q mapping of /4-QPSK symbols Step 1 - Map bits to symbols Bits Symbols 00 00 10 00 01 11 11 00 01 00 A1 B1 A4 B1 A2 B2 A3 B1 A2 B3

Figure 12

Step 2 - Multiply the I and Q with a carrier (in the example below, the carrier frequency is 1 Hz.) and you get an 8-PSK signal constellation.

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/4-QPSK symbols traverse over a 8-PSK constellation Figure 13 The constellation diagram is a path that the symbols have traced in time as we can see in the above diagram of just the symbols of this signal. The path stars with symbol A1, then goes to B1 which is on path B. From here, the next symbol A2 is back on Path A. Each transition, we see above goes back and forth between Path A and B.

/4-QPSK modulated I and Q Channels Figure 14

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/4-QPSK modulated carrier Figure 15 What is the advantage of doing this? On the average, the phase transitions are somewhat less than a straight QPSK and this does two things, one is that the side lobes are smaller so less adjacent carrier interference. Secondly, the response to Class C amplifiers is better. This modulation is used in many mobile systems. There is also a modification to this modulation where a differential encoding is added to the bits prior to modulation. (More about differential encoding in Tutorial 2) When differential coding is added, the modulation is referred to as /4-DQPSK. Final /4 QPSK modulated wave will follow different angles for the combinations of I channel and Q channel data as shown in the below Table.

Serial Number 1

I Channel Data 0

Q Channel Data 0

QPSK Angle 45 o

Wave Form


315 o (-45o)

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225o (-135o)


90 o


270o (-90 o

Note that in QPSK Modulated wave phase change in all condition is either +90o or +180 o. Block Diagram for QPSK modulation is shown below

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Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (10000) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Observe clock, Pattern, 1/2bit encoding (bit1, bit2), I Channel Modulation, Q Channel Modulation and /4 QPSK Modulation at respective test points TP2, TP3, TP11, TP12, TP39, TP40 and TP41. Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position). Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP17. For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Click GET button and observe the corresponding 1/2 rate convolutional encoded data and its corresponding QPSK modulated waveform on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


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Observation : DSO Result for Reference

Software Result for Reference

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User Result : Figure for Bit pattern

Figure for Symbol Pattern

Figure for I Channel Pattern

Figure for I Channel Modulation

Figure for Q Channel Pattern

Figure for Q Channel Modulation

Figure for /4 QPSK Modulation.

Result :

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Experiment 18 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of three bit encoding with pattern generator and clock. Theory : In three bit encoding techniques the incoming base band data stream is divided into three data streams. Encoding is done in a manner that the rate of three new bit streams will become 1/3 of that of the main baseband data. Figure below shows the baseband data (01110110001111110) with respect to clock and three encoded bits i.e bit1, bit2, bit3 having rates equals to one third of the actual baseband data.

Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, D2, D3, D4 to 0000. Observe Clock frequency at test point TP2 with respect to Ground, it should be 75Hz. Set DIP D1, D2, D3, D4 to 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 0111 and observe their respective frequencies at test point TP2. Set Output Control i.e. D12, D13, D14, D15, D16 (10001) Set pattern length by using DIP D7, D8 (00 64 bits, 01 32 bits, 10 16 bits, 11 8 bits) and observe corresponding bit pattern at Test Point TP3. For above Pattern Length you can select pattern type using DIP D5, D6 (00 Type 1, 01 Type2, 10 Type3, 11 Type 4)] Observe 3 bit encoded data at test point TP13 (bit1), TP14 (bit2) and TP15 (bit3) Observe the data rate of pattern at TP3 and rate of 3 bit encoded data at TP13, TP14 and TP15. (3 bit Encoded data should be one third that of original pattern)

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position) Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP18. Set DIP D2,D3,D4 from 000 to 111. Set pattern length by using DIP D7,D8 (00 64 bits, 01 32 bits, 10 16 bits, 11 8 bits) of ST2134 For above Pattern Length you can select pattern type using DIP D5, D6 (00 Type 1, 01 Type2, 10 Type3, 11 Type 4) Click GET button and observe the corresponding clock, pattern, 2 bit encoding (odd and even) on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

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Software result for Reference

User Result (Hardware Mode) : Clock Pattern Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Clock Pattern Bit1

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Bit2 Bit3 Clock Pattern Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Clock Pattern Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Result :

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Experiment 19 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of 8-PSK modulation with three bit encoding, pattern generator and clock. Theory : In three bit encoding techniques the incoming base band data stream is divided into three data streams. Encoding is done in a manner that the rate of three new bit streams will become 1/3 of that of the main baseband data. Figure below shows the baseband data (01110110001111110) with respect to clock and three encoded bits i.e BIT1, BIT2, BIT3 having rates equals to one and half of the actual baseband data.

In case of 8-PSK we have two basic functions again, a Sine and a Cosine and each configuration has a different phase to indicate a specific bit pattern. In 8-PSK we have eight different phases Table shown below : 3 bit Encoded Data 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 CosWct 0.924 0.383 -0.383 -0.924 -0.924 -0.383 0.383 0.924 SinWct -0.383 -0.924 -0.924 -0.383 0.383 0.924 0.924 0.383 Composite Signal Cos(Wct + /8) Cos(Wct + 3 /8) Cos(Wct + 5 /8) Cos(Wct + 7 /8) Cos(Wct - 7/8) Cos(Wct 5 /8) Cos(Wct 3 /8) Cos(Wct - /8)

Actually, two multilevel baseband signals need to be established: one for the in-pahse (I) Signal and one for the out-of-phase ( Q ) signal. These baseband signals are referred to as mI(t) and mQ(t) for the I and Q signals, respectively. The level chosen
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for the two baseband signals correspond to the coefficients needed to represent a PSK signal as a linear combination of the I and Q signals. Below figure shows how an 8PSK signal, defined in above table can be generated by adding two amplitudemodulated signals. 8-PSK Modulation (Block Diagram)

Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (10010) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Observe clock, Pattern, 3bit encoding (bit1, bit2, bit3), I Channel Modulation, Q Channel Modulation and 8PSK Modulation at respective test points TP2, TP3, TP13, TP14, TP15, TP39, TP40 and TP41. Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position). Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP19. For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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7. 8.

Click GET button and observe the corresponding 3 bit encoded data and its corresponding 8PSK modulated waveform on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

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Observation : DSO Result for Reference

Software Result for Reference

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User Result : Figure for Bit pattern

Figure for Symbol Pattern

Figure for I Channel Pattern

Figure for I Channel Modulation

Figure for Q Channel Pattern

Figure for Q Channel Modulation

Figure for 8PSK Modulation.

Result :

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Experiment 20 Objective : Study of 8 PSK Constellation and eye pattern Theory : 8-PSK Constellation In 8-PSK constellation there are 8 points on the circle with phase difference of 45 deg. With this modulator 3 bits are processed to produce a single phase change. This means that each symbol consists of 3 bits. The constellation for this modulator scheme is shown below

Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (10011) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Set Oscilloscope in XY mode. Connect BNC to Test Probe to channel 1, channel 2 and Observe Constellation Pattern respectively at Test Point X5, Test Point Y5. Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position) Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP 20. Click GET button and observe the corresponding Constellation Pattern of 8PSK.

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Observation : DSO Result for Reference

Software Result for Reference

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User Result (Hardware Mode)

Result :

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Experiment 21 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of rate 2/3 convolution encoding Theory : Convolution EncodingConvolution codes are commonly specified by three parameters; (n,k,m). n = number of output bits k = number of input bits m = number of memory registers The quantity k/n called the code rate, is a measure of the efficiency of the code. Commonly k and n parameters range from 1 to 8, m from 2 to 10 and the code rate from 1/8 to 7/8 except for deep space applications where code rates as low as 1/100 or even longer have been employed. Often the manufacturers of convolutional code chips specify the code by parameters (n,k,L), The quantity L is called the constraint length of the code and is defined by Constraint Length, L = k (m-1) The constraint length L represents the number of bits in the encoder memory that affect the generation of the n output bits. The constraint length L is also referred to by the capital letter K, which can be confusing with the lower case k, which represents the number of input bits. In some books K is defined as equal to the product of k and m. Often in commercial spec, the codes are specified by (r, K), where r = the code rate k/n and K is the constraint length. The constraint length K however is equal to L - 1, as defined in this paper. I will be referring to convolutional codes as (n,k,m) and not as (r,K). Code parameters and the structure of the convolutional code : The convolutional code structure is easy to draw from its parameters. First draw m boxes representing the m memory registers. Then draw n modulo-2 adders to represent the n output bits. Now connect the memory registers to the adders using the generator polynomial as shown in the figure 16.

Figure 16
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This (3,1,3) convolutional code has 3 memory registers, 1 input bit and 3 output bits. This is a rate 1/3 code. Each input bit is coded into 3 output bits. The constraint length of the code is 2. The 3 output bits are produced by the 3 modulo-2 adders by adding up certain bits in the memory registers. The selection of which bits are to be added to produce the output bit is called the generator polynomial (g) for that output bit. For example, the first output bit has a generator polynomial of (1,1,1). The output bit 2 has a generator polynomial of (0,1,1) and the third output bit has a polynomial of (1,0,1). The output bits just the sum of these bits. v1 = mod2 (u1 + u0 + u-1) v2 = mod2 ( u0 + u-1) v3 = mod2 (u1 + u-1) The polynomials give the code its unique error protection quality. One (3,1,4) code can have completely different properties from an another one depending on the polynomials chosen. How polynomials are selected : There are many choices for polynomials for any m order code. They do not all result in output sequences that have good error protection properties. Petersen and Weldons book contains a complete list of these polynomials. Good polynomials are found from this list usually by computer simulation. A list of good polynomials for rate codes is given below. Table 1-Generator Polynomials found by Busgang for good rate codes

States of a code : We have states of mind and so do encoders. We are depressed one day, and perhaps happy the next from the many different states we can be in. Our output depends on our states of mind and tongue in-cheek we can say that encoders too act this way. What they output depends on what is their state of mind. Our states are complex but encoder states are just a sequence of bits. Sophisticated encoders have long constraint lengths and simple ones have short in dicating the number of states they can be in.

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The (2,1,4) code in figure 17 has a constraint length of 3. The shaded registers below hold these bits. The unshaded register holds the incoming bit. This means that 3 bits or 8 different combinations of these bits can be present in these memory registers. These 8 different combinations determine what output we will get for v1 and v2, the coded sequence. The number of combinations of bits in the shaded registers are called the states of the code and are defined by Number of states = 2L where L = the constraint length of the code and is equal to L = k (m - 1).

The states of a code indicate what is in the memory registers Figure 17 Think of states as sort of an initial condition. The output bit depends on this initial condition which changes at each time tick. Lets examine the states of the code (3,2,2) shown above. This code outputs 3 bits for every 2 input bit. It is a rate 2/3 code. Its constraint length is 2. The total number of states is equal to 4. The eight states of this (3,2,2) code are: 00, 01, 10, 11 for different combinations of 2 bit inputs State Table for Rate = 2/3 Input Bit Even odd 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 00 Input states SI1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 SI2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 Output Bits V1 V2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 V3 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 Output states SO1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 SO2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

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01 10 11 00 01 10 11

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 1 1 1 1

1 0 0 1 1 0 0

1 0 1 1 0 1 0

1 1 0 0 1 1 0

0 1 1 0 0 1 1

1 0 1 0 1 0 1

State machine used for 2/3 bit encoding is shown below

Consider a input bit stream 011110 and initial state is S0 i.e. 00 The first information block is 01, causing the encoder to transit from S0 to S1 and output coded word is 01 Now encoder is at state S1. The next information block is 11, causing the encoder to transit from S1 to S3 and coded output word is 100. Similarly for the next information block 10, current state is S3, encoder causing state change from S3 to S2 and output coded word is 011. Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, D2, D3, D4 to 0000. Observe Clock frequency at test point TP2 with respect to Ground, it should be 75Hz. Set DIP D1, D2, D3, D4 to 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 0111 and observe their respective frequencies at test point TP2. Set Output Control i.e. D12, D13, D14, D15, D16 (10100)

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6. 7. 8.

Set pattern length by using DIP D7, D8 (00 64 bits, 01 32 bits, 10 16 bits, 11 8 bits) and observe corresponding bit pattern at Test Point TP3. For above Pattern Length you can select pattern type using DIP D5, D6 (00 Type 1, 01 Type2, 10 Type3, 11 Type 4)] Observe Pattern out, 2 bit encoding, 2/3convolutional encoding at test point TP3, TP9, TP10, TP16, TP17, TP18 and verify the results with state table shown above. Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position). Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP21. Set DIP D2,D3,D4 from 000 to 111 and set output control DIP D12, D13, D14, D15, D16 to 10100. Set pattern length by using DIP D7,D8 (00 64 bits, 01 32 bits, 10 16 bits, 11 8 bits) of ST2134 For above Pattern Length you can select pattern type using DIP D5, D6 (00 Type 1, 01 Type2, 10 Type3, 11 Type 4) Click GET button and observe the corresponding clock, pattern, 2 bit encoding (odd and even), rate 2/3 convolutional encoding on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

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Software result for Reference

User Result (Hardware Mode) : Clock Pattern Even Odd Current state Next state Bit1

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Bit2 Bit3 Clock Pattern Even Odd Current state Next state Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Clock Pattern Even Odd Current state

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Next state Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Clock Pattern Even Odd Current state Next state Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Result :

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Experiment 22 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of 8-PSK modulation with rate 2/3 convolutional encoding, pattern generator and clock Theory : 2/3 Convolutioanl EncodingConvolutional codes are commonly specified by three parameters; (n,k,m). n = number of output bits k = number of input bits m = number of memory registers The quantity k/n called the code rate, is a measure of the efficiency of the code. Commonly k and n parameters range from 1 to 8, m from 2 to 10 and the code rate from 1/8 to 7/8 except for deep space applications where code rates as low as 1/100 or even longer have been employed. Often the manufacturers of convolutional code chips specify the code by parameters (n,k,L), The quantity L is called the constraint length of the code and is defined by Constraint Length, L = k (m-1) The constraint length L represents the number of bits in the encoder memory that affect the generation of the n output bits. The constraint length L is also referred to by the capital letter K, which can be confusing with the lower case k, which represents the number of input bits. In some books K is defined as equal to the product of k and m. Often in commercial spec, the codes are specified by (r, K), where r = the code rate k/n and K is the constraint length. The constraint length K however is equal to L - 1, as defined in this paper. I will be referring to convolutional codes as (n,k,m) and not as (r,K). Code parameters and the structure of the convolutional code : The convolutional code structure is easy to draw from its parameters. First draw m boxes representing the m memory registers. Then draw n modulo-2 adders to represent the n output bits. Now connect the memory registers to the adders using the generator polynomial as shown in the figure 18.

Figure 18
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This (3,1,3) convolutional code has 3 memory registers, 1 input bit and 3 output bits. This is a rate 1/3 code. Each input bit is coded into 3 output bits. The constraint length of the code is 2. The 3 output bits are produced by the 3 modulo-2 adders by adding up certain bits in the memory registers. The selection of which bits are to be added to produce the output bit is called the generator polynomial (g) for that output bit. For example, the first output bit has a generator polynomial of (1,1,1). The output bit 2 has a generator polynomial of (0,1,1) and the third output bit has a polynomial of (1,0,1). The output bits just the sum of these bits. v1 = mod2 (u1 + u0 + u-1) v2 = mod2 ( u0 + u-1) v3 = mod2 (u1 + u-1) The polynomials give the code its unique error protection quality. One (3,1,4) code can have completely different properties from an another one depending on the polynomials chosen. How polynomials are selected : There are many choices for polynomials for any m order code. They do not all result in output sequences that have good error protection properties. Petersen and Weldons book contains a complete list of these polynomials. Good polynomials are found from this list usually by computer simulation. A list of good polynomials for rate codes is given below. Table 1-Generator Polynomials found by Busgang for good rate codes

States of a code : We have states of mind and so do encoders. We are depressed one day, and perhaps happy the next from the many different states we can be in. Our output depends on our states of mind and tongue in-cheek we can say that encoders too act this way. What they output depends on what is their state of mind. Our states are complex but encoder states are just a sequence of bits. Sophisticated encoders have long constraint lengths and simple ones have short indicating the number of states they can be in. The (2,1,4) code in figure 19 has a constraint length of 3. The shaded registers below hold these bits. The unshaded register holds the incoming bit. This means that 3 bits or 8 different combinations of these bits can be present in these memory registers.
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These 8 different combinations determine what output we will get for v1 and v2, the coded sequence. The number of combinations of bits in the shaded registers are called the states of the code and are defined by Number of states = 2L where L = the constraint length of the code and is equal to L = k (m - 1).

Figure 19 The states of a code indicate what is in the memory registers think of states as sort of an initial condition. The output bit depends on this initial condition which changes at each time tick. Lets examine the states of the code (3,2,2) shown above. This code outputs 3 bits for every 2 input bit. It is a rate 2/3 code. Its constraint length is 2. The total number of states is equal to 4. The eight states of this (3,2,2) code are: 00, 01, 10, 11 for different combinations of 2 bit inputs State Table for Rate = 2/3 Input Bit Even odd 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 Input states SI1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 SI2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 Output Bits V1 V2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 V3 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 Output states SO1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 SO2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

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00 01 10 11

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1 0 0

1 0 1 0

0 1 1 0

0 0 1 1

0 1 0 1

State machine used for 2/3 bit encoding is shown below

Consider a input bit stream 011110 and initial state is S0 i.e. 00 The first information block is 01, causing the encoder to transit from S0 to S1 and output coded word is 01 Now encoder is at state S1. The next information block is 11, causing the encoder to transit from S1 to S3 and coded output word is 100. Similarly for the next information block 10, current state is S3, encoder causing state change from S3 to S2 and output coded word is 011.

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Theory : 8-PSK In case of 8-PSK we have two basic functions again, a Sine and a Cosine and each configuration has a different phase to indicate a specific bit pattern. In 8-PSK we have eight different phases. Table shown below : 3 bit Encoded Data 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 CosWct 0.924 0.383 -0.383 -0.924 -0.924 -0.383 0.383 0.924 SinWct -0.383 -0.924 -0.924 -0.383 0.383 0.924 0.924 0.383 Composite Signal Cos(Wct + /8) Cos(Wct + 3 /8) Cos(Wct + 5 /8) Cos(Wct + 7 /8) Cos(Wct - 7/8) Cos(Wct 5 /8) Cos(Wct 3 /8) Cos(Wct - /8)

Actually, two multilevel baseband signals need to be established: one for the in-pahse (I) Signal and one for the out-of-phase ( Q ) signal. These baseband signals are referred to as mI(t) and mQ(t) for the I and Q signals, respectively. The level chosen for the two baseband signals correspond to the coefficients needed to represent a PSK signal as a linear combination of the I and Q signals. Below figure 19 shows how an 8-PSK signal, defined in above table can be generated by adding two amplitude-modulated signals.

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PSK Modulation (Block Diagram) Procedure : Hardware Mode Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (10101)

Figure 19

For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Observe clock, Pattern, 2 bit encoding, 2/3 rate convolutional encoding (bit1, bit2, bit3), I Channel Modulation, Q Channel Modulation and 8PSK Modulation at respective test points TP2, TP3, TP9, TP10, TP16, TP17, TP18, TP39, TP40 and TP41. Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position). Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP22. Set output control DIP D12, D13, D14, D15, D16 to 10101. For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Click GET button and observe the corresponding 2/3 rate convolutional encoded data and its corresponding 8PSK modulated waveform on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


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Observation : DSO Result for Reference

Software Result for Reference

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User Result : Figure for Bit pattern

Figure for Symbol Pattern

Figure for I Channel Pattern

Figure for I Channel Modulation

Figure for Q Channel Pattern

Figure for Q Channel Modulation

Figure for 8PSK Modulation.

Result :

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Experiment 23 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of four bit encoding with pattern generator and clock. Theory : In four bit encoding techniques the incoming base band data stream is divided into four data streams. Encoding is done in a manner that the rate of four new bit streams will become 1/4 of that of the input baseband data. Figure below shows the baseband data (0101110110001111100110100100) with respect to clock and four encoded bits i.e BIT1, BIT2, BIT3, BIT4 having rates equals to one fourth of the actual baseband data.

Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, D2, D3, D4 to 0000. Observe Clock frequency at test point TP2 with respect to Ground, it should be 75Hz. Set DIP D1, D2, D3, D4 to 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 0111 and observe their respective frequencies at test point TP2. Set Output Control i.e. D12, D13, D14, D15, D16 (10111) Set pattern length by using DIP D7, D8 (00 64 bits, 01 32 bits, 10 16 bits, 11 8 bits) and observe corresponding bit pattern at Test Point TP3. For above Pattern Length you can select pattern type using DIP D5, D6 (00 Type 1, 01 Type2, 10 Type3, 11 Type 4)] Observe 4 bit encoded data at test point TP19 (bit1), TP20 (bit2), TP21(bit3) and TP22(bit4) Observe the data rate of pattern at TP3 and rate of 4 bit encoded data at TP19, TP20, TP21 and TP22 (4 bit Encoded data should be one fourth that of original pattern).

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position) Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP23. Set DIP D2, D3, D4 from 000 to 111. Set pattern length by using DIP D7,D8 (00 64 bits, 01 32 bits, 10 16 bits, 11 8 bits) of ST2134 For above Pattern Length you can select pattern type using DIP D5, D6 (00 Type 1, 01 Type2, 10 Type3, 11 Type 4) Click GET button and observe the corresponding clock, pattern, 4 bit encoding (bit1, bit2, bit3, bit4) on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

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Software result for Reference

User Result (Hardware Mode) : Clock Pattern Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Clock

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Pattern Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Clock Pattern Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Clock Pattern Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Result :
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Experiment 24 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of 16-PSK modulation with four bit encoding, pattern generator and clock. Theory : In four bit encoding techniques the incoming base band data stream is divided into four data streams. Encoding was done in a manner that the rate of four new bit streams will become 1/4 of that of the main baseband data. Figure below shows the baseband data (01110110001111110) with respect to clock and four encoded bits i.e. BIT1, BIT2, BIT3 & BIT4 having rates equals to one fourth of the actual baseband data.

16-PSK : In Experiment 19 we studied about 8 PSK modulations. We keep on subdividing the signal space into smaller regions. Doing so one more time for 8-PSK so that each is now only 22.5o apart, gives us 16 PSK. This will give 16 signals or symbol, so each symbol can convey 4 bits. Bit rate is now four times that of BPSK for the same symbol rate. The following figures show the 16-PSK signal at various stages during modulation.

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Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (10111) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Observe clock, Pattern, 4bit encoding (bit1, bit2, bit3, bit4), I Channel Modulation, Q Channel Modulation and 16PSK Modulation at respective test points TP2, TP3, TP19, TP20, TP21, TP22, TP39, TP40 and TP41. Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position). Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP24. For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Click GET button and observe the corresponding pattern and its corresponding 16PSK modulated waveform on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

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Software Result for Reference

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User Result : Figure for Bit pattern

Figure for Symbol Pattern

Figure for I Channel Pattern

Figure for I Channel Modulation

Figure for Q Channel Pattern

Figure for Q Channel Modulation

Figure for 16PSK Modulation.

Result :

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Experiment 25 Objective : Study and Analysis of 16-PSK constellation Theory : 16-PSK Constellation In 16-PSK constellation there are 16 points on the circle with phase difference of 22.5 deg. With this modulator 4 bits are processed to produce a single phase change. This means that each symbol consists of 4 bits. The constellation for this modulator scheme is shown below.

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Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (11000) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Set Oscilloscope in XY mode. Connect BNC to Test Probe to channel 1, channel 2 and Observe Constellation Pattern respectively at Test Point X6, Test Point Y6. Software Mode Steps Switch ON Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position). Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP 25. Click GET button and observe the corresponding Constellation Pattern of 16PSK.

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

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Software Result for Reference

User Result (Hardware Mode) :

Result :

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Experiment 26 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of rate 3/4 rate convolution encoding Theory : 3/4 rate convolutional encoded data is generated using the block diagram shown below

From the figure it is clear that pattern is first splitted in to 3 bit encoded data. After that bit1 and bit2 is used as an input to the 2/3 rate convolutional encoder and bit 3 is directly used as the fourth bit of rate convolutinal encoding. Output rate of is same as that of 3bit encoder output. Convolution EncodingConvolution codes are commonly specified by three parameters; (n,k,m). n = number of output bits k = number of input bits m = number of memory registers The quantity k/n called the code rate, is a measure of the efficiency of the code. Commonly k and n parameters range from 1 to 8, m from 2 to 10 and the code rate from 1/8 to 7/8 except for deep space applications where code rates as low as 1/100 or even longer have been employed. Often the manufacturers of convolutional code chips specify the code by parameters (n,k,L), The quantity L is called the constraint length of the code and is defined by Constraint Length, L = k (m-1) The constraint length L represents the number of bits in the encoder memory that affect the generation of the n output bits. The constraint length L is also referred to by the capital letter K, which can be confusing with the lower case k, which represents the number of input bits. In some books K is defined as equal to the product of k and m. Often in commercial spec, the codes are specified by (r, K), where r = the code rate k/n and K is the constraint length. The constraint length K however is equal to L - 1,
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as defined in this paper. I will be referring to convolutional codes as (n,k,m) and not as (r,K). Code parameters and the structure of the convolutional code : The convolutional code structure is easy to draw from its parameters. First draw m boxes representing the m memory register. Then draw n modulo-2 adders to represent the n output bits. Now connect the memory registers to the adders using the generator polynomial as shown in the figure 20.

Figure 20 This (3,1,3) convolutional code has 3 memory registers, 1 input bit and 3 output bits. This is a rate 1/3 code. Each input bit is coded into 3 output bits. The constraint length of the code is 2. The 3 output bits are produced by the 3 modulo-2 adders by adding up certain bits in the memory registers. The selection of which bits are to be added to produce the output bit is called the generator polynomial (g) for that output bit. For example, the first output bit has a generator polynomial of (1,1,1). The output bit 2 has a generator polynomial of (0,1,1) and the third output bit has a polynomial of (1,0,1). The output bits just the sum of these bits. v1 = mod2 (u1 + u0 + u-1) v2 = mod2 ( u0 + u-1) v3 = mod2 (u1 + u-1) The polynomials give the code its unique error protection quality. One (3,1,4) code can have completely different properties from an another one depending on the polynomials chosen. How polynomials are selected : There are many choices for polynomials for any m order code. They do not all result in output sequences that have good error protection properties. Petersen and Weldons book contains a complete list of these polynomials. Good polynomials are found from this list usually by computer simulation. A list of good polynomials for rate codes is given below. Table 1-Generator Polynomials found by Busgang for good rate codes

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States of a code : We have states of mind and so do encoders. We are depressed one day, and perhaps happy the next from the many different states we can be in. Our output depends on our states of mind and tongue in-cheek we can say that encoders too act this way. What they output depends on what is their state of mind. Our states are complex but encoder states are just a sequence of bits. Sophisticated encoders have long constraint lengths and simple ones have short in dicating the number of states they can be in. The (2,1,4) code in figure 21 has a constraint length of 3. The shaded registers below hold these bits. The unshaded register holds the incoming bit. This means that 3 bits or 8 different combinations of these bits can be present in these memory registers. These 8 different combinations determine what output we will get for v1 and v2, the coded sequence. The number of combinations of bits in the shaded registers are called the states of the code and are defined by Number of states = 2L where L = the constraint length of the code and is equal to L = k (m - 1).

Figure 21 The states of a code indicate what is in the memory registers Think of states as sort of an initial condition. The output bit depends on this initial condition, which changes at each time tick. Lets examine the states of the code (3, 2, 2) shown above. This code outputs 3 bits for every 2 input bit. It is a rate 2/3 code. Its constraint length is 2. The total number of states is equal to 4. The eight states of this (3, 2, 2) code are: 00, 01, 10, 11 for different combinations of 2 bit inputs
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State Table for Rate = 2/3 Input Bit Even odd 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 SI1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Input states SI2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 V1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 Output Bits V2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 V3 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 Output states SO1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 SO2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

State machine used for 2/3 bit encoding is shown below

Consider a input bit stream 011110 and initial state is S0 i.e. 00

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The first information block is 01, causing the encoder to transit from S0 to S1 and output coded word is 01 Now encoder is at state S1. The next information block is 11, causing the encoder to transit from S1 to S3 and coded output word is 100. Similarly for the next information block 10, current state is S3, encoder causing state change from S3 to S2 and output coded word is 011. Procedure : Hardware Mode Steps 1. Switch On Power Switch. 2. For hardware mode Set DIP D1 to logic 0 (Down position). 3. Set DIP D2, D3, D4 to 000. 4. Observe Clock frequency at test point TP2 with respect to Ground, it should be 18.75Hz. 5. Set DIP D1, D2, D3, D4 to 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 0111 and observe their respective frequencies at test point TP2. 6. Set Output Control i.e. D12, D13, D14, D15, D16 (11001) 7. Set pattern length by using DIP D7, D8 (00 64 bits, 01 32 bits, 10 16 bits, 11 8 bits) and observe corresponding bit pattern at Test Point TP3. 8. For above Pattern Length you can select pattern type using DIP D5, D6 (00 Type 1, 01 Type2, 10 Type3, 11 Type 4)] 9. Observe Pattern out, 3 bit encoding, convolutional encoding at test point TP3, TP13, TP14, TP15, TP23, TP24, TP25, TP26 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Software Mode Steps Switch ON Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position). Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP26. Set DIP D2,D3,D4 from 000 to 111 and set output control DIP D12, D13, D14, D15, D16 to 11001. Set pattern length by using DIP D7,D8 (00 64 bits, 01 32 bits, 10 16 bits, 11 8 bits) of ST2134 For above Pattern Length you can select pattern type using DIP D5, D6 (00 Type 1, 01 Type2, 10 Type3, 11 Type 4) Click GET button and observe the corresponding clock, pattern, 3 bit encoding (bit1, bit2, bit3), rate 3/4 convolutional encoding on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

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Observation : DSO Result for Reference

Software result for Reference

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User Result (Hardware Mode) : Clock Pattern Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit1 of 3/4 Bit2 of 3/4 Bit3 of Bit4 of Clock Pattern Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit1 of 3/4 Bit2 of 3/4
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Bit3 of Bit4 of Clock Pattern Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit1 of 3/4 Bit2 of 3/4 Bit3 of Bit4 of

Result :

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Experiment 27 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of 16 PSK modulation with rate 3/4 convolution encoding Theory : 3/4 rate convolutional encoded data is generated using the block diagram shown below

From the figure it is clear that pattern is first splitted in to 3 bit encoded data. After that bit1 and bit2 is used as an input to the 2/3 rate convolutional encoder and bit 3 is directly used as the fourth bit of rate convolutinal encoding. Output rate of is same as that of 3bit encoder output. Convolution EncodingConvolution codes are commonly specified by three parameters; (n,k,m). n = number of output bits k = number of input bits m = number of memory registers The quantity k/n called the code rate, is a measure of the efficiency of the code. Commonly k and n parameters range from 1 to 8, m from 2 to 10 and the code rate from 1/8 to 7/8 except for deep space applications where code rates as low as 1/100 or even longer have been employed. Often the manufacturers of convolutional code chips specify the code by parameters (n,k,L), The quantity L is called the constraint length of the code and is defined by Constraint Length, L = k (m-1)

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The constraint length L represents the number of bits in the encoder memory that affect the generation of the n output bits. The constraint length L is also referred to by the capital letter K, which can be confusing with the lower case k, which represents the number of input bits. In some books K is defined as equal to the product of k and m. Often in commercial spec, the codes are specified by (r, K), where r = the code rate k/n and K is the constraint length. The constraint length K however is equal to L - 1, as defined in this paper. I will be referring to convolutional codes as (n,k,m) and not as (r,K). Code parameters and the structure of the convolutional code : The convolutional code structure is easy to draw from its parameters. First draw m boxes representing the m memory registers. Then draw n modulo-2 adders to represent the n output bits. Now connect the memory registers to the adders using the generator polynomial as shown in the figure 23.

Figure 23 This (3,1,3) convolutional code has 3 memory registers, 1 input bit and 3 output bits. This is a rate 1/3 code. Each input bit is coded into 3 output bits. The constraint length of the code is 2. The 3 output bits are produced by the 3 modulo-2 adders by adding up certain bits in the memory registers. The selection of which bits are to be added to produce the output bit is called the generator polynomial (g) for that output bit. For example, the first output bit has a generator polynomial of (1,1,1). The output bit 2 has a generator polynomial of (0,1,1) and the third output bit has a polynomial of (1,0,1). The output bits just the sum of these bits. v1 = mod2 (u1 + u0 + u-1) v2 = mod2 ( u0 + u-1) v3 = mod2 (u1 + u-1) The polynomials give the code its unique error protection quality. One (3,1,4) code can have completely different properties from an another one depending on the polynomials chosen.

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How polynomials are selected : There are many choices for polynomials for any m order code. They do not all result in output sequences that have good error protection properties. Petersen and Weldons book contains a complete list of these polynomials. Good polynomials are found from this list usually by computer simulation. A list of good polynomials for rate codes is given below. Table 1-Generator Polynomials found by Busgang for good rate codes

States of a code : We have states of mind and so do encoders. We are depressed one day, and perhaps happy the next from the many different states we can be in. Our output depends on our states of mind and tongue in-cheek we can say that encoders too act this way. What they output depends on what is their state of mind. Our states are complex but encoder states are just a sequence of bits. Sophisticated encoders have long constraint lengths and simple ones have short in dicating the number of states they can be in. The (2,1,4) code in figure 24 has a constraint length of 3. The shaded registers below hold these bits. The unshaded register holds the incoming bit. This means that 3 bits or 8 different combinations of these bits can be present in these memory registers. These 8 different combinations determine what output we will get for v1 and v2, the coded sequence. The number of combinations of bits in the shaded registers are called the states of the code and are defined by Number of states = 2L where L = the constraint length of the code and is equal to L = k (m - 1).

Figure 24
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The states of a code indicate what is in the memory registers Think of states as sort of an initial condition. The output bit depends on this initial condition which changes at each time tick. Lets examine the states of the code (3,2,2) shown above. This code outputs 3 bits for every 2 input bit. It is a rate 2/3 code. Its constraint length is 2. The total number of states is equal to 4. The eight states of this (3,2,2) code are: 00, 01, 10, 11 for different combinations of 2 bit inputs State Table for Rate = 2/3 Input Bit Even SI1 odd 00 0 01 0 10 0 11 0 00 0 01 0 10 0 11 0 00 1 01 1 10 1 11 1 00 1 01 1 10 1 11 1 Input states SI2 V1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 Output Bits V2 V3 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 Output states SO1 SO2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

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State machine used for 2/3 bit encoding is shown below

Consider a input bit stream 011110 and initial state is S0 i.e. 00 The first information block is 01, causing the encoder to transit from S0 to S1 and output coded word is 01 Now encoder is at state S1. The next information block is 11, causing the encoder to transit from S1 to S3 and coded output word is 100. Similarly for the next information block 10, current state is S3, encoder causing state change from S3 to S2 and output coded word is 011. 16-PSK : In Experiment 19 we studied about 8 PSK modulations. We keep on subdividing the signal space into smaller regions. Doing so one more time for 8-PSK so that each is now only 22.5o apart, gives us 16 PSK. This will give 16 signals or symbol, so each symbol can convey 4 bits. Bit rate is now four times that of BPSK for the same symbol rate. The following figures show the 16-PSK signal at various stages during modulation.

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Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Hardware Mode Steps Pattern Length you can select pattern type using DIP D5, D6 (00 Type 1, 01 Switch On Power Switch. For hardware mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position). Set DIP D2, D3, D4 to 000. Observe Clock frequency at test point TP2 with respect to Ground, it should be 75Hz. Set DIP D1, D2, D3, D4 to 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 0111 and observe their respective frequencies at test point TP2. Set Output Control i.e. D12, D13, D14, D15, D16 (11010) Set pattern length by using DIP D7, D8 (00 64 bits, 01 32 bits, 10 16 bits, 11 8 bits) and observe corresponding bit pattern at Test Point TP3. For above Type2, 10 Type3, 11 Type 4)] Observe Pattern out, 3 bit encoding, convolutional encoding, Ichannen for 16 PSK, Q Channel for 16PSK, and 16PSK modulated signal at respective test points TP3, TP13, TP14, TP15, TP23, TP24, TP25, TP26, TP39, TP40, and TP41.

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

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User Result (Hardware Mode) : Clock Pattern I channel multilevel signal at X6 I channel Modulated Signal at TP39 Q channel multilevel signal at Y6 Q channel Modulated Signal at TP40 16 PSK Modulated Signal at TP41

Result :

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Experiment 28 Objective : Study, Analysis, and measurement of 16 QAM Modulation with four bit encoding. Theory : 16-QAM In M-QAM, and this one is for M = 16, we vary not just the phase of the symbol but also the amplitude. In PSK, all symbols sat on a circle so they all had the same amplitude. Here the points closer to the axes have lesser amplitudes and hence energy than some others. We can compute the X and Y axis values of each of these points and depending on the total power we want, we can set the value of a. For typical constellation, set a = 1. If we call the symbols integers then they range from 0 to 15. We show a sequence of random integers up 15 in signal s1 below that we will use these to create a 16QAM signal. Symbol S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 Bit Pattern 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Phase -135 -165 -45 o -15 o -105 -135 -75
o o o o o

Magnitude 0.311 V 0.850 V 0.311 V 0.850 V 0.850 V 1.161V 0.850 V 1.161V 0.311 V 0.850 V 0.311 V 0.850 V 0.850 V 1.161V 0.850 V 1.161V

-45 o +135 o +165 +45

o o

+15o +105 o +135 +75

o o


We can now multiply these signals with the cosine and the sine wave carriers. Then add (or subtract) the two and you have the modulated carrier shown in s6.

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16-QAM Modulated Waveform

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Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (11011) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Observe clock, Pattern, 4bit encoding (bit1, bit2, bit3, bit4), I Channel Modulation, Q Channel Modulation and 16QAM Modulation at respective test points TP2, TP3, TP19, TP20, TP21, TP22, TP39, TP40 and TP41. Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position). Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP28. For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Click GET button and observe the corresponding pattern and its corresponding 16QAM modulated waveform on software window. Use curser V1 and V2 for Analysis.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

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Observation : DSO Result for Reference

Software Result for Reference

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User Result : Figure for Bit pattern

Figure for Symbol Pattern

Figure for I Channel Pattern

Figure for I Channel Modulation

Figure for Q Channel Pattern

Figure for Q Channel Modulation

Figure for 16QAM Modlation.

Result :

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Experiment 29 Objective : Study and analysis of 16QAM Constellation Theory : 16QAM Constellation

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Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. Set DIP D1, to 0 (down position) for Hardware mode Set output control i.e. DIP D12,D13,D14,D15, D16 to (11100) For clock frequency, Pattern length and pattern Type setting refer Experiment 1. Set Oscilloscope in XY mode. Connect BNC to Test Probe to channel 1, channel 2 and Observe Constellation Pattern respectively at Test Point X7, Test Point Y7. Software Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch of ST2134. For software mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position). Open ST2134 software from start > . Use DIP D9 to select the set of Experiment i.e. experiment range to be performed. Click EXP 29. Click GET button and observe the corresponding Constellation Pattern of 16QAM.

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

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Software Result for Reference

User Result (Hardware Mode) :

Result :

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Experiment 30 Objective : Study, Analysis and Measurement of 16 QAM modulation with rate 3/4 convolution encoding Theory : 3/4 rate convolutional encoded data is generated using the block diagram shown below :

From the figure it is clear that pattern is first splitted in to 3 bit encoded data. After that bit1 and bit2 is used as an input to the 2/3 rate convolutional encoder and bit 3 is directly used as the fourth bit of rate convolutinal encoding. Output rate of is same as that of 3bit encoder output. Convolution EncodingConvolution codes are commonly specified by three parameters; (n,k,m). n = number of output bits k = number of input bits m = number of memory registers The quantity k/n called the code rate, is a measure of the efficiency of the code. Commonly k and n parameters range from 1 to 8, m from 2 to 10 and the code rate from 1/8 to 7/8 except for deep space applications where code rates as low as 1/100 or even longer have been employed. Often the manufacturers of convolutional code chips specify the code by parameters (n,k,L), The quantity L is called the constraint length of the code and is defined by Constraint Length, L = k (m-1) The constraint length L represents the number of bits in the encoder memory that affect the generation of the n output bits. The constraint length L is also referred to by the capital letter K, which can be confusing with the lower case k, which represents the number of input bits. In some books K is defined as equal to the product of k and m. Often in commercial spec, the codes are specified by (r, K), where r = the code rate k/n and K is the constraint length. The constraint length K however is equal to L - 1, as defined in this paper. I will be referring to convolutional codes as (n,k,m) and not as (r,K).
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Code parameters and the structure of the convolutional code : The convolutional code structure is easy to draw from its parameters. First draw m boxes representing the m memory registers. Then draw n modulo-2 adders to represent the n output bits. Now connect the memory registers to the adders using the generator polynomial as shown in the figure 25.

Figure 25 This (3,1,3) convolutional code has 3 memory registers, 1 input bit and 3 output bits. This is a rate 1/3 code. Each input bit is coded into 3 output bits. The constraint length of the code is 2. The 3 output bits are produced by the 3 modulo-2 adders by adding up certain bits in the memory registers. The selection of which bits are to be added to produce the output bit is called the generator polynomial (g) for that output bit. For example, the first output bit has a generator polynomial of (1,1,1). The output bit 2 has a generator polynomial of (0,1,1) and the third output bit has a polynomial of (1,0,1). The output bits just the sum of these bits. v1 = mod2 (u1 + u0 + u-1) v2 = mod2 ( u0 + u-1) v3 = mod2 (u1 + u-1) The polynomials give the code its unique error protection quality. One (3,1,4) code can have completely different properties from an another one depending on the polynomials chosen. How polynomials are selected : There are many choices for polynomials for any m order code. They do not all result in output sequences that have good error protection properties. Petersen and Weldons book contains a complete list of these polynomials. Good polynomials are found from this list usually by computer simulation. A list of good polynomials for rate codes is given below. Table 1-Generator Polynomials found by Busgang for good rate codes

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States of a code : We have states of mind and so do encoders. We are depressed one day, and perhaps happy the next from the many different states we can be in. Our output depends on our states of mind and tongue in-cheek we can say that encoders too act this way. What they output depends on what is their state of mind. Our states are complex but encoder states are just a sequence of bits. Sophisticated encoders have long constraint lengths and simple ones have short in dicating the number of states they can be in. The (2,1,4) code in figure 26 has a constraint length of 3. The shaded registers below hold these bits. The unshaded register holds the incoming bit. This means that 3 bits or 8 different combinations of these bits can be present in these memory registers. These 8 different combinations determine what output we will get for v1 and v2, the coded sequence. The number of combinations of bits in the shaded registers are called the states of the code and are defined by Number of states = 2L where L = the constraint length of the code and is equal to L = k (m - 1).

Figure 26 The states of a code indicate what is in the memory registers Think of states as sort of an initial condition. The output bit depends on this initial condition which changes at each time tick. Lets examine the states of the code (3,2,2) shown above. This code outputs 3 bits for every 2 input bit. It is a rate 2/3 code. Its constraint length is 2. The total number of states is equal to 4. The eight states of this (3,2,2) code are: 00, 01, 10, 11 for different combinations of 2 bit inputs
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State Table for Rate = 2/3 Input Bit Even odd 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 SI1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Input states SI2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 V1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 Output Bits V2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 V3 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 Output states SO1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 SO2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

State machine used for 2/3 bit encoding is shown below

Consider a input bit stream 011110 and initial state is S0 i.e. 00

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The first information block is 01, causing the encoder to transit from S0 to S1 and output coded word is 01 Now encoder is at state S1. The next information block is 11, causing the encoder to transit from S1 to S3 and coded output word is 100. Similarly for the next information block 10, current state is S3, encoder causing state change from S3 to S2 and output coded word is 011. 16QAM : In M-QAM, and this one is for M = 16, we vary not just the phase of the symbol but also the amplitude. In PSK, all symbols sat on a circle so they all had the same amplitude. Here the points closer to the axes have lesser amplitudes and hence energy than some others. We can compute the x and y axis values of each of these points and depending on the total power we want, we can set the value of a. For typical constellation, set a = 1. If we call the symbols integers then they range from 0 to 15. We show a sequence of random integers up 15 in signal s1 below that we will use these to create a 16QAM signal. Symbol S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 Bit Pattern 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Phase -135 -165
o o

Magnitude 0.311 V 0.850 V 0.311 V 0.850 V 0.850 V 1.161V 0.850 V 1.161V

-45o -15o -105 -135

o o

-75o -45o +135 +165

o o

0.311 V 0.850 V 0.311 V 0.850 V 0.850 V 1.161V 0.850 V 1.161V

+45o +15o +105o +135 +75

o o


We can now multiply these signals with the cosine and the sine wave carriers. Then add (or subtract) the two and you have the modulated carrier shown in s6.

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16-QAM Modulated Waveform

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Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Hardware Mode Steps Switch On Power Switch. For hardware mode Set DIP D1 to logic 1 (up position). Set DIP D2, D3, D4 to 000. Observe Clock frequency at test point TP2 with respect to Ground, it should be 75Hz. Set DIP D1, D2, D3, D4 to 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 0111 and observe their respective frequencies at test point TP2. Set Output Control i.e. D12, D13, D14, D15, D16 (11101) Set pattern length by using DIP D7, D8 (00 64 bits, 01 32 bits, 10 16 bits, 11 8 bits) and observe corresponding bit pattern at Test Point TP3. For above Pattern Length you can select pattern type using DIP D5, D6 (00 Type 1, 01 Type2, 10 Type3, 11 Type 4)] Observe Pattern out, 3 bit encoding, convolutional encoding, Ichannen for 16 QAM, Q Channel for 16 QAM, and 16 QAM modulated signal at respective test points TP3, TP13, TP14, TP15, TP23, TP24, TP25, TP26, TP39, TP40, and TP41.

Observation : DSO Result for Reference

User Result (Hardware Mode) :

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Clock Pattern I channel multilevel signal at X7 I channel Modulated Signal at TP39 Q channel multilevel signal at Y7 Q channel Modulated Signal at TP40 16 QAM Modulated Signal at TP41

Result :

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FAQs 1. What do you mean by real-time software? Ans.: Real-time software is software with the help of which student can configure the hardware for respective experiment & acquire, visualize the real-time selected signal for study. 2. What do you mean by simulation software? Ans.: Simulation software is a software with the help of which student can study the encoding & modulation technique without hardware. 3. What should be the mode setting for parallel port interface? Ans.: Mode setting for parallel port interface should be Standard Port Type, this you can set in BIOS setting of a computer. 4. What is the use of external reset? Ans.: With the help of external reset student can reset the complete hardware. Press reset for new experiment. 5. What do you mean by output pattern type-length? Ans.: Inbuilt Pattern Generator of variable pattern length and pattern type is provided. Out of 4 DIP switches. D5 & D6 can be used to change the type of pattern for selected pattern length. D7 & D8 can be used to change the pattern length. 6. What is the use of Experiment range select? Ans.: This DIP switch can be used to select the set of experiments in real-time software mode. Set 1: Experiment 1 to 16 Set 2: Experiment 17 to 30 7. What is the role of external trigger out? Ans.: Trigger out will help to trigger the Oscilloscope in the external mode. With the help of trigger out EYE pattern can easily observed.

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Warranty 1) We guarantee the product against all manufacturing defects for 24 months from the date of sale by us or through our dealers. Consumables like dry cell etc. are not covered under warranty. The guarantee will become void, if a) b) c) d) 3) The product is not operated as per the instruction given in the operating manual. The agreed payment terms and other conditions of sale are not followed. The customer resells the instrument to another party. Any attempt is made to service and modify the instrument.


The non-working of the product is to be communicated to us immediately giving full details of the complaints and defects noticed specifically mentioning the type, serial number of the product and date of purchase etc. The repair work will be carried out, provided the product is dispatched securely packed and insured. The transportation charges shall be borne by the customer.


List of Accessories 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mains Cord ................................................................................................1 No. e-Manual (Software inclusive) ...................................................................1 No. Parallel Port Cable (Male Male) 25 pin ...................................................1 No. 2 mm Patch Cord (Blue) 16.................................................................... 2 Nos. 2 mm Patch Cord (Red) 16 .......................................................................1 No.

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