Darwall 1977 - Two Kinds of Respect PDF
Darwall 1977 - Two Kinds of Respect PDF
Darwall 1977 - Two Kinds of Respect PDF
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StephenL. Darwall
University of North Carolinaat Chapel Hill
An appealto respectas something are entitledmarks to whichall persons on moral bothin writings muchrecentthought Theappeal is common topics. on generalmoraltheoryand in workon particular moralproblems.For Williams,David Gauthier, example,suchwritersas JohnRawls,Bernard R. S. Downie,and ElizabethTelfer refer to the respectwhich is due all various moralprinciples.' eitherin arguingfor or in articulating persons, of Kant's ethics The ideais notparticularly new,sinceone of the keystones (oneself is the view thatrespectfor the morallaw entailstreatingpersons included) alwaysasendsin themselves andneversimplyasmeans.Precisely whatKantmeant,or shouldhavemeant,by thisis a matterof somecontroin saying versy,butit is generallythoughtthatthe sameclaimis expressed as such.2 thatone mustrespectpersons of more The appealto respectalsofiguresin muchrecentdiscussion specificmoralproblems suchas racismor sexism.Forexample,it is argued thatvarious waysof regarding and behavingtowardothers,and socialarthoseways,areinconsistent with the respect whichencourage rangements to whichall persons are entitled.
* I am indebted to several of my colleagues at Chapel Hill, to Lawrence Crocker and Stephen Hudson, and to the editor of Ethics for help with this essay. 1. John Rawls, A Theory of Justice (Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press, 1971); Bernard Williams, "The Idea of Equality," in Moral Concepts, ed. Joel Feinberg (Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1970), pp. 158-61; David Gauthier, Practical Reasoning (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1963), pp. 119-20; R. S. Downie and Elizabeth Telfer, Respect for Persons (London: Allen & Unwin, 1969). 2. Kant,Foundations of the Metaphysicsof Morals, trans.L. W. Beck (Indianapolis: Bobbs-MerrillCo., 1959), hereinafter FMM. See especially p. 46 (Ak. p. 428), where Kant claims that "rationalbeings are designated personsbecause their nature indicates that they are ends in themselves." See also The Metaphysical Principles of Virtue, trans. James Ellington (Indianapolis:Bobbs-MerrillCo., 1964), pp. 96-98, 112-14, 130-33. It is interesting to observe in this connection the rather different use that various writers have made of the Kantian principle. Both Rawls and Robert Nozick invoke it in support of quite different conceptionsof justice;see Rawls,passim;and Nozick, Anarchy,State, and Utopia substantive (New York:Basic Books, 1974), p. 32.
The claim that all personsare entitled to respectjustby virtue of being personsmay not seem wholly unproblematic,however. How could respect be something which is due to all persons?Do we not also think that persons can either deserve or fail to deserve our respect? Is the moralistwho claims that all personsare entitled to respect advocating that we give up this idea? Questionsof this sort should call into question just what respect itself is. Other questions about respect appear as soon as one starts to press. Is respect a single kind of attitude? Is it primarily, or even solely, a moral attitude? Are personsthe only sort of thing to which respect is appropriate? the coach who says that his team must respect Everyone at least understands the reboundingstrengthof the opposingteam's front line. No moralattitude is involved here. Nor may personsbe respected only as persons.Frank may be highly respected as a weaver, Sarahas a doctor.
Severalwritershave in fact given explicit attention to what constitutes respect for persons. On most such accounts it is a willingness to take into consideration one or anotheraspectof personswhen one'sactionsaffect them. Candidates for the relevant aspects of personswhich are owed our consideration are their wants,3their point of view on a particularsituation,4and the like. These accountsare not intendedas generalaccountsof respect.They are only meant to give some more specific content to what it is that persons are entitled to by virtue of being persons. One notable exception to such accounts is a recent attempt by Carl Cranorto give a general account of respect.5 Cranor holds respect to be a complex relationshipwhich obtainsbetween two persons(the respecterand the respected),some characteristic (the basisof respect),and some evaluative point of view (from which the personis respected).This relationship consists, roughly,in the respecter's judgingthat the person'shaving the characteristic is a good thing (from the relevant point of view), his appreciating why it is a good thing, and his being disposedto do what is appropriateto the person's having that characteristic.
One problem that infects each of the accounts mentioned as a general theory of respect is that each fails to distinguish two rather different ways in which persons may be the object of respect. Or, as I am inclined to say, two ratherdifferent kindsof attitudewhich are both referredto by the term
3. Gauthier, p. 119; and Downie and Telfer, p. 29. 4. Williams, p. 159; and Rawls, p. 337. 5. Carl Cranor,"Towarda Theory of Respect for Persons,"American Philosophical Quarterly 12 (October 1975): 303-19.
respect.'6 The two different ways in which a person may be respected providebut one instanceof a more general difference between two attitudes which are both termed respect. Crudely put the difference is this. There is a kind of respect which can have any of a number of different sortsof thingsas its objectand which consists,most generally,in a disposition to weigh appropriatelyin one's deliberations some feature of the thing in question and to act accordingly. The law, someone's feelings, and social institutionswith their positionsand roles are examples of things which can be the object of this sort of respect. Since this kind of respect consistsin giving appropriate consideration or recognition to some feature of its object in deliberating about what to do, I shall call it recognition respect. Personscan be the object of recognition respect. Indeed, it is just this sort of respect which is said to be owed to all persons.To say that personsas such are entitledto respectis to say that they are entitledto have otherpersons take seriouslyand weigh appropriatelythe fact that they are personsin deliberating about what to do.'Such respect is recognition respect; but what it requiresas appropriateis not a matterof general agreement, for this is just the questionof what our moral obligationsor duties to other personsconsist in. The crucial point is that to conceive of all personsas entitled to respect is to have some conception of what sort of considerationthe fact of being a person requires. A personmay not only be the objectof recognitionrespect as a person. As Erving Goffman has shown in great detail, human beings play various roles, or present various"selves,"both in their interactionswith others and in private before imagined audiences.7 Others may or may not respond appropriatelyto the presentedself. To fail to take seriouslythe personas the presented self in one's responsesto the person is to fail to give the person recognitionrespectas that presentedself or in thatrole. It is thissortof respect to which Rodney Dangerfield refers when he bemoansthe fact that neither his son nor his wife takes him seriously as a father or a husband with the complaint, "I can't get no respect." There is another attitude which differs importantly from recognition respect but which we likewise refer to by the term 'respect.' Unlike recognition respect, its exclusive objectsare personsor features which are held to manifest their excellence as personsor as engaged in some specific pursuit. For example, one may have such respect for someone's integrity, for someone's good qualities on the whole, or for someone as a musician. Such respect,then, consistsin an attitudeof positiveappraisalof that personeither as a person or as engaged in some particular pursuit. Accordingly the appropriateground for such respect is that the person has manifested charac6. Though I prefer to put the point in this way, nothing crucial hangs on it. I could as well speak throughout of two different ways in which persons may be the object of respect. 7. Erving Goffman, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (GardenCity, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1959).
teristics which make him deserving of such positive appraisal.I shall later argue that the appropriatecharacteristicsare those which are, or are based on, features of a person which we attribute to his character. Because this sort of respect consistsin a positive appraisalof a person, or his qualities, I shall call it appraisal respect. Unlike recognition respect, one may have appraisalrespect for someone without having any particular conception of just what behaviorfrom oneself would be required or made appropriate by that person's having the features meriting such respect. Appraisalrespect is the positive appraisalitself. It is like esteem or a high regardfor someone,although,as I shallargue later, the appropriategrounds for appraisalrespect are not so broadly based as those of these latter attitudes. Typically, when we speak of someone as meriting or deserving our respect, it is appraisalrespect that we have in mind. We mean that the person is such as to merit our positiveappraisalon the appropriate grounds.It is true that in order to indicate or express such respect, certain behavior from us will be appropriate.But unlike recognition respect, appraisalrespect does not itself consist in that behavior or in the judgment that is appropriate. Rather, it consistsin the appraisalitself. In giving this characterizationof appraisalrespect, it would seem that I am giving no role to feelings of respect. Just as one may be said to have so one may be saidto feel respectfor another.Although feelingsof admiration I won't pursue this point further, I suggest that such feelings may be understoodas feelings which a person would explain by referring to his or her positive appraisalof their object. Justas we understandthe feeling of fear to be that which is explainedby one's belief in the presenceof danger, so the feeling of respect for a personis the one which is occasioned by the positive appraisalwhich constitutesappraisalrespect for that person.8 My projectin this paper is to develop the initial distinctionwhich I have drawn between recognition and appraisalrespect into a more detailed and specific account of each. These accounts will not merely be of intrinsic interest. Ultimately I will use them to illuminate the puzzles with which this paper began and to understandthe idea of self-respect.
The most general characterizationwhich I have given of recognition respect is that it is a dispositionto weigh appropriatelysome feature or fact in one's deliberations.Strictlyspeaking, the object of recognition respect is a fact. And recognition respect for that fact consistsin giving it the proper Thus to have recognitionrespectfor personsis to give weight in deliberation. proper weight to the fact that they are persons. One can have recognition respect for someone's feelings, for the law, for the judge (in a legal proceeding),for nature,and so on. In each case such
8. For a similar account of the moral sentiments see Rawls, pp. 481-82.
respect consistsin giving the appropriate recognition to a fact in one's deliberationsabout how to act. It is to considerappropriately,respectively,the fact that a person feels a certain way, that such and such is the law, that the personone is addressingis the judge, that the objectone is confrontingis part of nature, and so forth. To respect something in this way is just to regard it as something to be reckoned with (in the appropriate way) and to act accordingly. On this very general notion of recognition respect, any fact which is something that one ought to take into account in deliberation is an appropriate object. As it stands,then, the notion has somewhat wider application than what we would ordinarilyunderstand as respect,even of the recognition sort. One rather narrower notion of recognition respect conceives of it as essentially a moral attitude. That is, some fact or feature is an appropriate object of respect if inappropriateconsiderationor weighing of that fact or featurewould resultin behaviorthat is morallywrong. To respectsomething is thus to regard it as requiring restrictionson the moral acceptability of actions connected with it. And crucially, it is to regard such a restrictionas not incidental, but as arising because of the feature or fact itself. One is not free, from a moral point of view, to act as one pleases in matters which concern something which is an appropriateobject of moral recognition respect. To have such respect for the law, say, is to be disposed to regard the fact that something is the law as restricting the class of actions that would be morallypermissible.It is plainly this notion which we have in mind when we speak of respect for personsas a moral requirement.Accordingly,when I speakof recognitionrespectbelow, I shallbe referringspecificallyto moral recognition respect. There are attitudes similar to moral recognition respect, and referred to as respect, but which differ importantly. A boxer talksof having respect for his opponent's left hook and an adventurer of respecting the rapids of the Colorado. Neither regards the range of morally permissible actions as restrictedby the things in question. Rathereach refers to something which he fails to ,considerappropriatelyat his peril. What is restricted here is the classof prudent actions. Thus a careful crook who has no moral recognition respect for the law per se may still be said to have this sortof respect for the power that the law can wield. Here again we have the idea that the object of respect (or some feature or fact regarding it) is such that the class of "eligible" actions is restricted.But in this case the restrictionis not a moral but a prudential one. Some people hesitate to use the word 'respect' when speakingof such cases.That makes no difference. All that mattersis that we understand what the attitude comes to and thus how it is like and unlike moral recognition respect. As we are understandingrecognition respect it includes a component of regard. To have recognition respect for something is to regard that fact as itself placing restrictionson what it is permissible for one to do. It is of course true that one can "be respectful" of something without having any
respectfor it (even of a recognitional sort).Thiswill be the case if one behaves as one who does have respect would have behaved, but out of motives other than respect. For example, a personparticipatingin a legal proceeding who in fact has no respect for the judge (i.e., for the position he occupies) may take great pains to be respectful in order to avoid a citation for contempt. Such a personwill restricthis behaviortowardthe judge in ways appropriate to the role that he plays. But his reasonfor so doing is not that the mere fact of being the judge is itself deservingof consideration,but that the possibility of a contempt citation calls for caution. the sortof regardinvolvedin recognitionrespectis a regard Importantly, for a fact or feature as having some weight in deliberationsabout how one is to act. This is ratherdifferent from the sortof regardinvolved in appraisal respect.
The latter sort of respect is a positive appraisalof a person or his character-relatedfeatures.As such it does not essentiallyinvolve any conception of how one's behavior toward that person is appropriately restricted. I have distinguished appraisal respectfor personsjudgedas personsfrom appraisalrespectfor personsassessedin more specific pursuits.As I shalllater argue in more detail, those excellencesof personswhich are the appropriate groundsfor appraisalrespectfor a personas such are those which we delimit as constitutingcharacter.I shall also have something more specific to say by way of a rudimentary account of character. Appraisalrespect for a person as such is perhaps a paradigm of what people have in mind when they speakof moralattitudes.On the other hand, appraisalrespectfor personsjudged in more particularpursuitsneed not be. The particularvirtues or excellences of a particular pursuit may either be irrelevant or even bearnegativelyon an overallappraisal of the personjudged as a person.To be highly respectedas a tennis player, for example, one must demonstrateexcellence in tennis playing which is not primarily excellence of character.At the very least one must be a good tennis player and that will involve,having abilities which are in themselves irrelevant to an appraisal of the tennis player as a person. Even in such cases, however, respect for a person assessed in a particular pursuit seems to depend on features of his character (or his excellence as a person) in at least two ways. To begin with, somebody may be an excellent tennis player without being a highly respectedone. He may be widely acclaimedas one of the best playersin the world and not be widely respectedby his fellows-though they may (in the extendedrecognitionsense)respecthis returnof serve,his vicious backhand, and so on. Human pursuitswithin which a person may earn refor appropriate and inappropriate spect seem to involvesome set of standards behavior within that pursuit. In some professionsthis may be expressly articulated in a "code of ethics." In others it will be a more or less informal such as that of "honoramong thieves."To earn respectwithin understanding, such a pursuitit is not enough to exercise the skillswhich define the pursuit.
One must also demonstrate some commitment to the (evolving) standards of the professionor pursuit. Even in a game like tennis one can lose the respect of other players by paying no attention to such standardsof behavior. If a player constantly heckles his opponent, disputes every close call to throw off his opponent's or laughswhen his opponentmissesshots,then even if his skill concentration, is suchthat he wouldbe capableof beatingeveryoneelse withoutsuch tactics, he is not likely to be respected as a tennis player. Thus, insofar as respect within such a pursuit will depend on an appraisalof the participant from the perspective of whatever standards are held to be appropriate to the pursuit, such respect will depend on a judgment to which excellences of characterare thought relevant.Note that exactly what aspect of the person's characteris thought to be relevant in this instance is his recognition respect (or lack of it) for the standardsof the pursuit. Second, even when we attend to those features of a person which are the appropriateexcellences of a particularpursuit and involve no explicit referenceto featuresof character,the excellencesmust be thoughtto depend in some way or other on features of character.The point here is that purely "natural"capacities and behavior manifesting them are not appropriate objects of appraisalrespect, although perhaps of recognition respect, even in the context of a fairly narrowly defined human pursuit.9If someone is capableof some feat (which may be widely admired)solely by virtueof, say, his height, then neither this feat nor the person'sability to perform it are appropriate objectsof respect-just as one cannotrespectan ant for its ability to carrycomparativelylarge objectslong distancesto the anthill, though one may be appropriatelyamazed. This is becauseit is almostnever the case that human accomplishments are a result of simple naturalability. Talents and capacities of varioussorts are prerequisitesfor variousaccomplishments,but almost invariablytalents mustbe developed,disciplined,and exercisedin the face of variousobstacles, and this will call into play features of personswhich we identify as part of their character. Which features of persons are properly regarded as features of their charactersand hence as appropriategrounds for appraisal respect? Being resolute and being honest are charactertraits. Being prone to sneeze in the presence of pepper is not. But there are difficult cases as well. How about being irascible? Or being good natured? Or prudent? Discerning? Sensitive? The notion of character (whether of personsor other things) seems to involve the idea of relatively long-term dispositions.But not all long-term dispositionsof personsare held to be partsof their characters.The question then becomes, which such dispositionsconstitute character? I have suggested that those features of persons which we delimit as constitutingcharacterare those which we think relevant in appraisingthem
9. On this point see Cranor,p. 312.
as persons.Furthermore,those features of personswhich form the basis of appraisalrespect seem to be those which belong to them as moral agents. This much Kantianismis, I think, at the core of the conception of the person which we generally hold to be relevant to appraisalrespect. If this is true, then theremay be other featuresof humanbeings,for example theircapacity for affective sympathy, which are not encapsulatedin the conception of the personwhich is relevantto appraisal respect.As Kantwrote, "Rational beings are designated 'persons'because their nature indicates that they are ends in themselves."''0 Those features of personswhich are appropriategrounds for appraisalrespectare their featuresas agents-as beings capableof acting 1 Thus, there may well be characteristics on maxims,and hence, for reasons. of human beings which are regarded as human excellences but which are not appropriategroundsfor appraisalrespect.For example, warmthin one's dealings with other human beings is regardedas an excellence of humanity, but may be irrelevantin the appraisalof personswhich constitutesappraisal respect. Compare lack of warmth or being stiff in one's relations to others to deliberate cruelty as a ground for failing to have appraisal respect for someone. Of course, lack of personalwarmth is an appropriateground for failing to have appraisalrespect for someone to the extent that we conceive such a lack to be the result of insufficient effort on the person's part. But insofaras we so conceive it, we regard it as a lack in the person'sagency: an unwillingness to do what is necessary to treat others warmly. If the appropriate conceptionof the personwhich is relevantto appraisal respect is that of a moral agent, then one would expect our notion of character to be likewise tied to such a conception. I think that this is indeed the case. Those dispositionswhich constitute character (at least as it is relevant to appraisalrespect)are dispositionsto act for certain reasons,that is, to act, and in acting to have certain reasonsfor acting. For example, honesty is a dispositionto do what one takesto be honestat least partlyfor the reasonthat it is what honesty requires. Aristotle'stheory of virtue and Kant'stheory of the moral worth of actions both stressthat what is appropriateto the assessment of personsis not merely what they do, but as importantly,their reasons for doing it. 12 As it standsthe conceptionof characteras constitutedby our dispositions to act for particular reasonsis inadequate. This account captures such par10. FMM, p. 46.
11. ThusKant:"Onlya rational being has the capacityof actingaccording to the conception of laws,i.e., according to principles" (FMM,p. 29). 12. Aristotle argues thatcharacter is constituted by ourdispositions to choose,where the notionof choiceis heldto involvethe ideaof pickingan alternative on somegrounds or other (see,e.g.,Nicomachean Ethics,1112a15, andBook VI,chaps. 12-13).Especially relevant hereis Aristotle's distinction betweena "natural disposition" to virtuous qualities andvirtue "inthe strictsense"whichinvolves a self-reflective habitof actingon the "rightrule"(Nicomachean Kant's famous Ethics,1144bl-28). discussion of thegoodwillandthemoral worth of actions as grounded in the "principle of the will,"i.e., the agent'sreasonforacting,is in the firstsectionof FMM.
ticularcharactertraitsas honesty, fairness,kindness,and the like. But there are other dispositionsof personswhich we hold to be part of their character, and thus relevant to appraisalrespect, but which are not best thought of as dispositionsto act for particularreasons.For example, we may fail to have appraisalrespect for someone because we regard him to be weak of will or not sufficiently resolute. What is referred to here is not a disposition to act for any particularreason, but rather the higher-level disposition to act on what one takes to be the best reasonswhatever they may be. Thus, the conception of character which is relevant to appraisal respect includes both rathermore specificdispositions to act for certainreasonsand the higher-level dispositionto do that which one takes to be supported by the best reasons. Two final points need to be made about appraisal respect. First, not every positive attitude towarda personon the groundof his or her character amounts to appraisalrespect for that person. If I want to pull a bank heist and am lookingfor partners, I may look for someonewho has no reservations about stealing (at least from banks)and who can be counted on to threaten violent action and, if need be, carry it out. Thus, I may have a favorable attitude toward such a person on the ground that he has those particular charactertraits.But my having that attitude toward such a personis not the same thing as my having appraisalrespect for him for having those traits. This attitude fails of being appraisalrespect in that my having it toward the person is conditionalon those traitsbeing such as to make him serve a particular purpose that I happen to have-heisting the bank. In order for the attitude toward the trait, or toward the person for having it, to constitute appraisalrespect it must not be thus conditional on such an interest or purpose. We may employ some Kantianterminology here and say that it must be a categorical on the fact that the traits attitude,one which is unconditional in question happen to serve some particular purpose or interest of
The second point is that appraisalrespect is something which one may have or fail to have for someone,and it is an attitudewhich admitsof degree. One may respectsomeonemore thansomeoneelse. When we speakof having or not having respect for someone what is implied is an appraisalof him as satisfactory with respect to the appropriategrounds. Many attitudes have this sort of structure.We speak alternatively of liking and not liking things as well as of liking something more than something else. To sum up: Appraisalrespect is an attitude of positive appraisal of a personeither judgedas a personor as engaged in some more specific pursuit. In the first case, the appropriategrounds are features of the person'schar13. See Kant'sdistinctionbetween hypothetical and categoricalimperativesin FMM, sec. 2. This idea of unconditionalityon one's interests (i.e., on the fact that they are one's interests)is involved in Hume's notion of "moral sense" and Butler'snotion of the "principle of reflection." David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature, ed. L. A. Selby-Bigge (Oxford: OxfordUniversityPress,1967), p. 472; JosephButler,Sermons (New York:LiberalArtsPress, 1950), p. 27.
acter: dispositionsto act for particularreasonsor a higher-level disposition to act for the best reasons.In the second case, though features of character do not exhaust the appropriate grounds for appraisal respect, some such character traits will be relevant (recognition respect for the standardsof a particularpursuit).Also,the other featureswhich constitutethe appropriate excellences of the pursuit must be related to traits of character in the way specified. In both cases,the positive appraisalof the person,and of his traits, must be categorical. It cannot depend on the fact that the person, because of his traits, serves an interest or purpose of one's own. Appraisalrespect brings into focus the idea of virtue. Much of recent moral philosophy has been exclusively concerned with the assessment of actionsor socialinstitutions. However, an accountof the appropriate grounds for appraisingpersons,the virtues, is also a proper concern of moral philosophers.
Since appraisalrespect and recognitionrespect may both have persons, conceived of as such, as their objects, it is important to distinguish them as attitudes. To have recognition respect for someone as a person is to give appropriateweight to the fact that he or she is a personby being willing to constrain one'sbehaviorin ways requiredby that fact. Thus,it is to recognitionrespect for personsthat Kant refers when he writes, "Such a being is thus an object of respectand, so far, restrictsall (arbitrary) choice."14 Recognitionrespect for persons, then, is identical with recognition respect for the moral requirements that are placed on one by the existence of other persons. This is ratherdifferent from having an attitude of appraisalrespect for someone as a person.The latteris a positive appraisalof an individual made with regard to those features which are excellences of persons. As such, it is not owed to everyone, for it may or may not be merited. When it is, what is merited is just the positive appraisalitself. To bring out the difference between recognitionrespect and appraisal respect for persons as such, consider the different ways in which the two attitudesmay be said to admit of degree. When one personis said to be more highly respected as a person than someone else, the attitude involved is ap14. FMM, p. 428, emphasis added. Cranoris by no means alone in confusing recognition respect with appraisalrespect. Hardy Jones faults Kant'sidentification of respect for personswith being disposed to treat personsas ends in themselves on the grounds that: "To respecta judge or a parentis not merely to behave in specificdeferential(and thus'respectful') ways. It is also to have a certain attitude toward them and to regard them in certain ways. 'To respect a person' is often properly used to mean 'to think well of him' " (Hardy Jones, Kant's Principle of Personality [Madison:University of Wisconsin Press, 1971], p. 75). If we interpret Kant as identifying recognition respect for persons as such with a willingness to treat persons as ends in themselves no such problem arises. See also Downie and Telfer, p. 18, for another instance of this confusion.
praisalrespect. One's appraisalof a person, considered as a person, may be to ordera list of persons higherthan of someoneelse. Considerthe instruction according to one's respect for them. The natural way to respond would be to rank the personsin the light of one's appraisalof them as persons. What sense can be given, however, to degrees of recognition respect? For example, a person might think that we should have more respect for people'sfeelings than for socialconventions.Presumablywhat such a person thinks is that we ought to weigh other people's feelings more heavily than we do considerationsof social convention. Insofaras we can give a sense to having more recognition respect for one thing than another it involves a disposition to take certain considerationsas more weighty than others in deciding how to act. There is, of course, a kind of appraisalinvolved here. But it is not an appraisalof a personas such, but of the weight that some fact or feature ought to have in one's deliberationsabout what to do, and if all persons as such should be treated equally, there can be no degrees of recognition respect for them, althoughone may be a greateror lesserrespecter of persons. The confusion between appraisalrespect and recognition respect for personsas such infects the account of respect for personsgiven by Cranor. He intendshis accountto capturethe sortof respectthat it is claimed persons are entitled to by virtueof being persons.Partof his accountis the claim that for one personto have respect for anotherthere must be some characteristic that the respected person is believed to have, and the possessionof which is held to be a good thing from some point of view. Cranorfleshes this out with the following remarks: "In respectinga personwe are giving him credit
for having some trait or characteristic . . . the believed characteristic in
virtue of which one respectsa personmust be believed to be a good-making characteristic of persons or contingently connected to a good-making characteristicof them. "15 These remarksapply only to appraisalrespect for persons.When one is appraisingan individualas a person,those featureswhich merit a positive of persons.Or to use the language appraisalare good-makingcharacteristics of Cranor's otherremark,they are to his creditas a person.On the otherhand, to have recognitionrespectfor a personas such is not necessarilyto give him credit for anything in particular, for in having recognition respect for a personas such we are not appraisinghim or her as a personat all. Ratherwe are judging that the fact that he or she is a person places moral constraints on our behavior. The distinction between appraisalrespect and recognition respect for personsenables us to see that there is no puzzle at all in thinking both that all persons are entitled to respect just by virtue of their being personsand that personsare deservingof more or less respect by virtue of their personal characteristics. between these two kindsof respect, Thoughit is importantto distinguish
15. Cranor,p. 312.
there are connectionsbetween them. I will mention two in particular.First, there will be connections between the grounds of one's appraisal respect, or lack of it, for particularpersonsand the considerationswhich one takes as appropriateobjectsof recognitionrespect.For example, if one judgesthat someone is not worthy of (appraisal)respect because he is dishonest, one is of honesty.Our appraisal committedto recognitionrespectfor considerations recognitionrespect of personsdependson whetherthey show the appropriate for considerationswhich merit it. The account of characterbrings this out. Second, the only beings who are appropriateobjectsof appraisalrespect are those who are capable of acting for reasonsand hence capable of conceiving of variousfacts as meriting more or less considerationin deliberation.Once again, so much is entailed by the account of character. Because of the particularsortsof reasonswhich are relevant to our assessmentof character,we objectsof appraisalrespect may say that the only beings who are appropriate are those who are themselvescapableof recognitionrespect,that is, of acting deliberately.
Both recognition respect for persons as such and appraisalrespect for an individual as a person are attitudes which one can bear to oneself. Accordingly, these two kinds of self-respect must be distinguished. Considerthe following remarkof Virginia Held's: "For personsto acquiesce in the avoidable denial of their own rights is to lack self-respect."''6 refersto here is recognitionrespectfor oneself as a person. What 'self-respect' The passage is obviously false when we take it to refer to appraisalrespect for oneself as a person. To acquiesce in the avoidable denial of one's rights is to fail to respect one's rights as a person. Exactly what such self-respect requiresdepends on what moral requirementsare placed on one by the fact that one is a person. It is recognitionself-respectto which we appeal in such phrasesas "have you no self-respect?"hoping thereby to guide behavior.This is not a matter of being of self-appraisal but a call to recognizethe rightsand responsibilities a person.As a personcapableof recognitionrespect,one is liable to reflective appraisal of one's own behavior, and as such has a stake in it-that stake being appraisalself-respect or self-contempt. One'sbehaviorcan expressa lack of recognitionself-respectin different ways. It may have a negative effect on one's ability to continue to function as a person.Such behavioris self-destructive,and therefore manifestsa lack of appropriateregardfor oneself as a person.If not actually self-destructive, behavior may be degrading in expressinga conception of oneself as something less than a person,a being with a certain moral statusor dignity. Submitting to indignities,playing the fool, not caringaboutwhetherone is taken
16. VirginiaHeld, "Reasonable Progressand Self-Respect," Monist 57 (January1973): 22.
seriously and being content to be treated as the plaything of others may or may not be actually self-destructivebut neverthelessmanifests lack of selfrespect.'7 Exactly what behavior is so regarded depends both on the appropriateconception of personsand on what behaviorsare taken to express this conception or the lack of it. Certainlythe latter is something which can vary with society, convention, and context. One may give adequate recognitionto the fact that one is a personand still have a ratherlow opinion of oneself as a person. People appraisethemselves as persons,and the attitude which resultsfrom a positive appraisalis appraisal self-respect. Like appraisal respect generally, the appropriate groundsfor appraisalself-respectare those excellences of personswhich we delimit as constituting character. It is important,therefore,to distinguishappraisalself-respectfrom other attitudesof appraisalwhich one can bear to oneself. One such attitudeis that which we normallyreferto as self-esteem.18 Thosefeaturesof a personwhich form the basis for his self-esteem or lack of it are by no means limited to charactertraits,but include any feature such that one is pleased or downcast by a belief that one has or lacks it. One's self-esteem may suffer from a low opinion of, for example, one's appearance, temperament, wit, physical capacities,and so forth. One cannot always be what one would wish to be, and one's opinion of oneself may suffer. Such a failing by itself does not give rise to lack of appraisalself-respect, although it might suffer if one attributed the failingto a lack of will, an inabilityto bringoneselfto do what one wanted most to do. So far forththe failing would be regardedas arisingfrom a defect in one's characterand not solely from, for example, a lack of physical ability. The self-appraisal which constitutesself-respectis of oneself as a person, a being with a will who acts for reasons.The connectionbetween respectand agency is striking. Recognition respect consists in being disposed to take certainconsiderations seriouslyas reasonsfor acting or forbearingto act. On the other hand, appraisalrespect consistsin an appraisalof a person on the basisof featureswhich are part of, or are based on, his or her character.And we conceive a person'scharacterto consist in dispositionsto act for certain
17. Kant'swritings on self-respect are especially useful here; see Lectures on Ethics (New York:Harper & Row, 1963), pp. 118-19. The place of respecting one's own autonomy is especially important in the Kantianidea of self-respect. For some illuminating comments about servility and its relation to a recognitionof oneself as a person,see Thomas E. Hill, Jr., "Servility and Self-Respect," Monist 57 (January1973): 87-104. 18. To some degree Rawls'sremarkson self-respectin A Theoryof Justice suffer from a confusionbetween self-respectand self-esteem.(Thispoint is developed in LarryL. Thomas, "Moralityand Our Self-Concept," forthcoming in the Journal of Value Inquiry.) Rawls's explicit account of self-respect (p. 440) is very close to my notion of appraisalself-respect. In other places, however, it seems to be the more broadly based attitude of self-esteem that he has in mind. This is especiallyclearin his remarkson the connectionbetween naturalshame and self-respect (p. 444). It is an interesting question to what extent this conflation affects his account of self-respect as a primary good and his argument for the proposed principles of justice.
sortsof reasonstogetherwith the higher orderdispositionto act for what one takes to be the weightiest reasons.Thus, the appropriateconception under which a person is appraised as worthy of respect is as a being capable of recognition respect for those things which are entitled to it. This is what connectsthe two kindsof respect.The one is the attitudewhich is appropriate for a person to bear, as an agent, toward those things which deserve his or her considerationin deliberationabout what to do. The other is an attitude of appraisalof that person as just that sort of being, a being capable of expressing such considerationin action.