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Preliminary research on the production of imitation pearls entailed studying the effect of the number of coats of a special lacquer applied to an opalescent plastic bead used as the base of the pearl on the market value of the pearl. Four batches of beads (12 beads per batch) were used in the study, and it is desired to also consider the batch effect on the market value. The three levels of lacquer coatings (6, 8, and 10 coats) were fixed in advance, as were the production formulations for the four batches. The market value of each pearl was determined by a panel of experts. The data are shown in the accompanying table. Perform the appropriate analysis of variance procedure (including a profile plot of the means, hypothesis tests, and multiple comparisons) for this experiment. Use ! = 0.05. 1.
Number of Coats 6 1 72.0 74.6 67.4 72.8
76.9 78.1 72.9 74.2 76.3 74.1 77.1 75.0

STAT 314

Batch 2 3 72.1 75.2 76.9 73.8 74.8 75.7 73.3 77.8

80.3 79.3 76.6 77.2 80.9 73.7 78.6 80.2 80.2 76.6 77.3 79.9 79.2 78.0 77.6 81.2

4 70.4 68.1 72.4 72.4

74.3 77.6 74.4 72.9 71.6 77.7 75.2 74.4


Each treatment is a combination of the Number of Coats value and the Batch value. Enter the treatment numbers into one column with the corresponding number of coats, batch number, and market values into separate variables (see figure, below). Be sure to enter your variables appropriately.


Now it is time to check the normality assumption [this wont work if you have m = 1 observation per treatment combination]. Select Split File from the Data menu so that we can tell SPSS that we want separate QQ Plots for each treatment group (see left figure, below). Select Organize output by groups and enter treatment as the variable that groups are based upon (see right figure, below). Now click OK.

You can create separate Normal QQ Plots to assess the normality of each treatment group (see separate handout on Normal QQ Plots), or you can create a single matrix of Normal QQ Plots using the following procedure (a single matrix plot takes up much less space than many separate Normal QQ Plots. Select Rank Cases from the Transform menu (see left figure, below). Enter Market Value as the variable and rank the cases by Treatment (see middle figure, below). Click the Rank Types button and be sure that Normal scores and Blom are selected in the resulting window, then click the Continue button (see right figure, below). Now click OK.

Select Aggregate from the Data menu (see left figure, below). Enter Treatment in the break variable box and Market Value in the summaries of variables box (MEAN) will be selected by default (see middle figure, below). Enter Market Value in the summaries of variables box again, then click the Function button and select Standard Deviation before clicking the Continue button (see right figure, below). Now click OK.

We have just computed the normal scores for the data values within each treatment group as well as the mean and standard deviation for each treatment group. We will now use these values to compute the expected observed values if the data were normally distributed (these values are what we plot versus the actual observed values in a Normal QQ Plot). Select Compute Variable from the Transform menu (see left figure, below). Enter ExpNormal as the target variable, and the numeric expression should be value_mean + (Nvalue * value_sd) (see right figure, below).

Since a normal score (z-score or Nvalue) gives the expected number of standard deviations away from the mean that a data value should fall if it were normal, we compute the expected observed values by determining what value is the z-score number of standard deviations from the mean (x = + z"), where the mean and standard deviation are estimated for each treatment group using the corresponding sample mean and sample standard deviation, respectively. Now click OK. Once youve created the expected observed values (ExpNormal), select Split File from the Data menu and then select Analyze all cases, do not create groups in order to return SPSS to its normal data analysis mode (see figure, below).

Select Scatter/Dot from the Legacy Dialogs submenu of the Graphs menu (see left figure, below). Select Simple Scatter then click the Define button (see middle figure, below). Enter ExpNormal in the Y-Axis box, Market Value in the X-Axis box, and panel your plots by Number of Coats as the rows and Batch as the columns (to match the way the data are presented in the problem description) (see right figure, below). Be sure to click the Titles button and enter Q-Q Plots by Treatment Groups as Line 1 of your title.

Once you click OK, youll be switched to the output window to see your plots so far (we arent done quite yet). Now, double-click the graph matrix to open it in editor mode. From the Options menu in editor mode, select Reference Line from Equation (see left figure, below). Lines should be added to each plot, and the Properties window should open. Change the custom equation so that the equation plotted becomes y = x (see middle figure, below). You may now exit out of editor mode as your plots now have the proper diagonal line displayed (see right figure, below). The resulting plots can now be interpreted individually in the same manner as QQ plots created by the usual method (Analyze ! Descriptive Statistics ! Q-Q Plots) are interpreted.


Select Analyze ! General Linear Model ! Univariate (see figure, below).


Select Market Value as the dependent variable, and select Number of Coats (factor_A) and Batch Number (factor_B) as the fixed factors (see figure, below).

Click the Model button. In the Univariate:Model window, select the Custom option and then the pull-down option in the center for Main effects. Select factor_A (Number of Coats) and factor_B (Batch) and move them to be in the Model. Next, after changing the pull-down option in the center to Interaction, select both factor_A and factor_B and then move them to be in the Model. [Note: You will not include this Interaction component if you have m = 1 observation per treatment combination.] Also, be sure that Type III sum of squares and Include intercept in model are selected, and then click Continue (see left figure, below).

Click the Plots button. In the Profile Plots window, select one factor for the horizontal axis and one for the separate lines (the treatment means will be on the vertical axis). Be sure to click Add and then click Continue (see right figure, above).

Click the Post Hoc button, select the Tukey procedure, enter factor_A (Number of Coats) and factor_B (Batch) as the Post Hoc Tests variables, and click Continue. Click the Options button, select Homogeneity tests [Levenes Test wont work unless m ! 3], enter 0.05 for the significance level (95% CI corresponds to a 5% (0.05) significance level), and click Continue (see 2 figures, below). Now click the OK button in the main Univariate window.


Your output should look like this.


Since the lines of the profile plot (below) each follow the same basic pattern with no substantial crossings, we conclude that there are probably no significant interaction effects.


Levenes Test for Homogeneity of Variances and Normal Q-Q Plots.

Step 0: Check Assumptions of Equal Variances (Homogeneity of Variances) and Normality The Levene Statistic p-value = 0.8909 is greater than ! = 0.05 (from Step 2), so we fail to reject the null hypothesis that the variances are all equal. Since the points in each plot appear to closely follow the respective diagonal lines, then the populations are approximately normally distributed. Since the variances appear to be equal and the groups seem to be normally distributed (and we have random/independent samples), we may continue with ANOVA.


You should use the output information in the following manner to answer the question. Despite thinking that there are no significant interactions (based on profile plot), we must still formally test for significant interaction between the two factors. Test for significant interaction effects:
Step 1: Hypotheses

H0: There is no interaction between number of coats and batches. Ha: There is an interaction between number of coats and batches.
Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Significance Level ! = 0.05 Critical Value(s) and Rejection Region(s) Reject the null hypothesis if p-value ! 0.05. Construct the ANOVA Table

Step 5: Step 6:

From the output, FAB = 0.0640 with 6 and 36 degrees of freedom. p-value = Sig. = 0.99882834 Conclusion Since p-value = 0.99882834 > 0.05 = !, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. State conclusion in words At the ! = 0.05 significance level, there is not enough evidence to conclude that number of coats and batches have a significant interaction effect on mean value of the imitation pearls.

Since there are no significant interaction effects, we shall test for effects (differences in means) due to the individual factors. Test for factor A differences:
Step 1: Hypotheses

H0: A1 = A 2 = A 3 Ha: at least one mean differs from the rest

Significance Level ! = 0.05 Critical Value(s) and Rejection Region(s) Reject the null hypothesis if p-value ! 0.05. Construct the ANOVA Table

Step 2: Step 3: Step 4:

Step 5: Step 6:

From the output, FA = 15.5910 with 2 and 36 degrees of freedom. p-value = Sig. = 0.00001327 Conclusion Since p-value = 0.00001327 ! 0.05 = !, we shall reject the null hypothesis. State conclusion in words At the ! = 0.05 significance level, there is enough evidence to conclude that there are differences in mean value of the imitation pearls among the numbers of coats.

Test for factor B differences:

Step 1: Hypotheses

H0: B1 = B 2 = B 3 = B 4 Ha: at least one mean differs from the rest

Significance Level ! = 0.05 Critical Value(s) and Rejection Region(s) Reject the null hypothesis if p-value ! 0.05. Construct the ANOVA Table

Step 2: Step 3: Step 4:

Step 5: Step 6:

From the output, FB = 10.5643 with 3 and 36 degrees of freedom. p-value = Sig. = 0.00003984 Conclusion Since p-value = 0.00003984 ! 0.05 = !, we shall reject the null hypothesis. State conclusion in words At the ! = 0.05 significance level, there is enough evidence to conclude that there are differences in mean value of the imitation pearls among the batches.


Since differences were found in the numbers of coats, we should perform a Tukey-Kramer (Tukeys W) multiple comparison analysis to determine which of the numbers of coats is best. Using the previous output, here is how such an analysis might appear.

Thus, we are 95% confident that 6 coats yields a different (smaller) mean value of the imitation pearls from that when using 8 or 10 coats (these two mean values are similar).

This table corresponds to our underline diagram. Note that using 8 or 10 coats (since they are similar) will yield the largest mean value of the pearls.

Since differences were found in the batches, we should perform a Tukey-Kramer (Tukeys W) multiple comparison analysis to determine which of the batches is best. Using the previous output, here is how such an analysis might appear.

Thus, we are 95% confident that batches 4 and 1 (similar mean values) yield a different (smaller) mean value of the imitation pearls from that when using batches 2 or 3 (similar mean values).

This table corresponds to our underline diagram. Note that batch method 2 or 3 (since they are similar) will yield the largest mean value of the pearls.

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