Measuring Protein Concentration Using Absorbance at 280 NM PDF

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Measuring protein concentration using absorbance at 280 nm

11/10/13 1:53 PM


Laboratory Studies
Overview Microscope studies Flagella experiment Laboratory math Blood fractionation Gel electrophoresis Protein gel analysis Mitochondria Concepts/ theory

Recordkeeping, Writing, & Data Analysis

Overview Keeping a lab notebook Writing research papers Dimensions & units Using figures (graphs) Examples of graphs Experimental error Representing error Applying statistics

Laboratory Methods
Overview Principles of microscopy Solutions & dilutions Protein assays Spectrophotometry Fractionation & centrifugation Radioisotopes and detection

Absorbance assays

Absorbance Assay (280 nm)

absorbance at 280 nm Considerations for use absorbance at 205 nm Absorbance assays are fast and convenient, since no additional reagents or extinction incubations are required. No protein standard need be prepared. The assay does coefficient not consume the protein. The relationship of absorbance to protein concentration is linear. Because different proteins and nucleic acids have widely varying Colorimetric assays absorption characteristics there may be considerable error, especially for unknowns or protein mixtures. Any non-protein component of the solution that set up an assay absorbs ultraviolet light will intefere with the assay. Cell and tissue fractionation spectrophotometry samples often contain insoluble or colored components that interfere. The most modified Lowry common use for the absorbance assay is to monitor fractions from chromatography biuret columns, or any time a quick estimation is needed and error in protein Bradford concentration is not a concern. An absorbance assay is recommended for Bicinchoninic calibrating bovine serum albumin or other pure protein solutions for use as Acid (Smith) standards in other methods.

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Measuring protein concentration using absorbance at 280 nm

11/10/13 1:53 PM

Proteins in solution absorb ultraviolet light with absorbance maxima at 280 and 200 nm. Amino acids with aromatic rings are the primary reason for the absorbance peak at 280 nm. Peptide bonds are primarily responsible for the peak at 200 nm. Secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure all affect absorbance, therefore factors such as pH, ionic strength, etc. can alter the absorbance spectrum.

In addition to standard liquid handling supplies a spectrophotometer with UV lamp and quartz cuvette are required.

Carry out steps 1-4 (280 nm only) for a very rough estimate. Carry out all steps if nucleic acid contamination is likely. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Warm up the UV lamp (about 15 min.) Adjust wavelength to 280 nm Calibrate to zero absorbance with buffer solution only Measure absorbance of the protein solution Adjust wavelength to 260 nm Calibrate to zero absorbance with buffer solution only Measure absorbance of the protein solution

Unknown proteins or protein mixtures. Use the following formula to roughly estimate protein concentration. Path length for most spectrometers is 1 cm. Concentration (mg/ml) = Absorbance at 280 nm divided by path length (cm.) Pure protein of known absorbance coefficient. Use the following formula for a path length of 1 cm. Concentration is in mg/ml, %, or molarity depending on which type coefficient is used. concentration = Absorbance at 280 nm divided by absorbance coefficient To convert units, use these relationships: Mg protein/ml = % protein divided by 10 = molarity divided by protein molecular weight Unknowns with possible nucleic acid contamination. Use the following formula to Page 2 of 3

Measuring protein concentration using absorbance at 280 nm

11/10/13 1:53 PM

estimate protein concentration: Concentration (mg/ml) = (1.55 x A280) - 0.76 x A260)

Cold solutions can fog up the cuvette, while warm solutions can release bubbles and interfere with the readings. For concentrated solutions (absorbance greater than 2) simply dilute the solution. Absorbance coefficients of some common protein standards:

Bovine serum albumin (BSA): 63 Bovine, human, or rabbit IgG: 138 Chicken ovalbumin: 70

Layne, E. Spectrophotometric and Turbidimetric Methods for Measuring Proteins. Methods in Enzymology 3: 447-455. 1957. Stoscheck, CM. Quantitation of Protein. Methods in Enzymology 182: 5069. 1990.
Copyright and Intended Use Visitors: to ensure that your message is not mistaken for SPAM, please include the acronym "Bios211" in the subject line of e-mail communications Created by David R. Caprette ([email protected]), Rice University 24 May 95 Updated 10 Aug 12

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