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JAMES S. MILLER Kalbfleisch Curatorial Fellow Department of Entomology American Museum of Natural History

This article completes Volume 186.

BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Volume 186, article 4, pages 365-512, figures 1-186, tables 1-6
Issued December 9, 1987

Price: $12.10

a copy

Copyright American Museum of Natural History 1987

ISSN 0003-0090

Abstract .................................................. .................................... Introduction .............. Methods .................................................. ................................ Morphology .................. Cladistic Methodology ................................................ .................................................. Classifications . .................................................. Acknowledgments . .................... Monophyly of Tribes in the Papilionidae: Analysis 1 ........ ................................................ of the Classification History ............................. Cladistic Analysis ................... .................................. Classification ................ .................................... Characters .............. .................................... Discussion .............. .............. Cladistic Relationships Among Graphiine Genera: Analysis 2 ...... History of the Classification ................................................ ............................. Cladistic Analysis ................... Classification ................ .................................. .................................... Characters .............. .................................... Discussion .............. ............... Cladistic Relationships among Troidine Genera: Analysis 3 ....... History of the Classification ................................................ ................................................ Cladistic Analysis . Classification ................ .................................. Characters .............. .................................... Discussion ....... ........................................... ...................... Biogeography and Age of the Papilionine Genera .......... References Cited .................. ................................
367 367 370 370 371 371 372 372 372

373 374 375 389 390 390 393 395 395 406 407 407 414 414 414 428 429 507

Cladistic analyses of relationships among genera in the subfamily Papilioninae reveal that many taxonomic subgroups accepted by previous authors are not monophyletic. Four tribes are recognized: The Troidini and Papilionini are considered to be sister-groups; the genus Teinopalpus is given tribal status as the sister-group to the Troidini/Papilionini; the Graphiini is the sister-group of the other three tribes. An analysis of relationships among the five genera recognized in the Graphiini suggests that Eurytides and Protographium are sister-taxa, and that Iphiclides is the sister-group of a clade which includes Lamproptera and Graphium. Four subgenera within Graphium are recognized: Pazala, Pathysa, Arisbe, and Graphium. Meandrusa is placed in the Papilionini with Papilio, the latter being retained as a single genus. Two subtribes are recognized in the Troidini, the Battiti, containing only Battus, and the Troiditi, containing six genera. Parides consists of two Old World groups, subgenera Atrophaneura and
Panosmia (formerly in the genus Atrophaneura), and Neotropical species (subgenus Parides). Subgenus Atrophaneura is equivalent to the nox group ofprevious authors; Panosmia is equivalent to the latreillei group. Parides is hypothesized to be the sister-genus of Troides, which contains all the "birdwings." The genera Ornithoptera, Ripponia, and Trogonoptera are synonymized with Troides. Pachliopta, comprised of Munroe's Pachliopta plus species (subgenus Losaria) formerly in Atrophaneura, is the sister-group of a clade which includes Cressida and Euryades. A single species, Pharmacophagus antenor-removed from Atrophaneura and given generic status-is the sister-group of all other Troiditi. Area cladograms for genera in the Graphiini and Troidini reveal few patterns, but suggest that some taxa are between 50 and 80 million years old. Available character information for the fossil genus Praepapilio is insufficient to determine its phylogenetic placement with respect to extant Papilionidae.

Few insects have attracted more attention from biologists than have the swallowtail butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Being both large and colorful, they are prized by amateur collectors, and have been the subject of much basic biological research. They have been collected so extensively throughout the world that few species remain to be described. In addition, the host-plants and life histories of swallowtails are better known than those of most other lepidopteran groups. It is therefore likely that papilionids will continue to play a pivotal role as research organisms for biologists with interests in ecological and evolutionary questions. Our knowledge of swallowtails remains critically inadequate in one important respect; the family has not been subjected to rigorous phylogenetic analysis. Until cladistic relationships are understood, biological studies will lack a well-founded historical component (Eldredge and Cracraft, 1980). For example, Ehrlich and Raven (1964) formulated the theory of coevolution largely on the basis of known relationships between butter-

flies and their host-plants, and one of their most important examples was that of swallowtail host associations. Yet Ehrlich and Raven did not have cladistic hypotheses available to them. Parallel cladogenesis between butterflies and their host-plants would be a consequence of coevolution as defined by Ehrlich and Raven (Mitter and Brooks, 1983), and cladistic hypotheses are therefore a prerequisite to understanding whether or not these two groups have coevolved (Miller, 1987). The goals of the research described here are two: The first is to identify monophyletic groups within the Papilioninae, the largest of the three swallowtail subfamilies, and specify phylogenetic relationships among genera. As a result of these findings, future researchers interested in "macroevolutionary" studies involving swallowtails will have a better framework on which to base evolutionary hypotheses such as those concerning the origins of host-plant associations. The second goal is to document as completely as possible the morphological data used in these phyloge-



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TABLE 1 Species Dissected (arranged in accordance with the classification proposed in this study)
No. spp. in gr.

Species dissected

Family Papilionidae Subfamily Baroniinae Genus Baronia Salvin Subfamily Parnassiinae Tribe Parnassiini Genus Archon Hiubner Genus Hypermnestra Menetries Genus Parnassius Latreillei



brevicornis Salvina apollinus (Herbst)a helios (Nickerl)b phoebus (Fabricius); apollo (L.); mnemosyne (L.); clodius Menetries; hardwickei Gray; szechenyii Frivaldszkya; acco Gray; delphius (Eversmann); imperator Oberthur; charltonius Gray; tenedius Eversmann; simo Gray.
montela Gray cerisy (Godart) polyxena (Denis and Schiffermuller) lidderdal/i Atkinson japonica Leecha

1 1


Tribe Zerynthiini Genus Sericinus Westwood Genus Allancastria Bryk Genus Parnalius Rafinesque Genus Bhutanitis Atkinson Genus Luehdorfia Cruger Subfamily Papilioninae Tribe Graphiini Genus Eurytides Hiibner Subgenus Protesilaus

15 1

4 3 4 3
509 147


Subgenus Eurytides Genus Protographium Munroe Genus Iphiclides Hiibner Genus Lamproptera Gray Genus Graphium Scopoli Subgenus Pazala Subgenus Graphium

13 1 2 2
4 27

marcellus (Cramer); epidaus (Doubleday)a; celadon (Lucas); bellerophon (Dalman)b; agesilaus (Guerin-Meneville); telesilaus (C. and R. Felder)a; asius (Fabricius)b; branchus (Doubleday); lysithous (Hiibner); phaon (Boisduval). thyastes (Drury)b; dolicaon (Cramer)b. leosthenes (Doubleday)a podalirius (L.)a meges (Zinken-Sommer)a; curius (Fabricius)b.
eurous (Leech)a; mandarinus (Oberthur). euryplus (L.)a; agamemnon (L.); weiskei (Ribbe)b; codrus (Cramer); sarpedon (L.); mendana (Godman and Salvin)b; hicetaon (Mathew); wallacei (Hewitson)b. nomius (Esper)a; antiphates (Cramer); delessertii (Guerin-Meneville)b; macareus (Godart)b. taboranus (Oberthur); ridleyanus White; philonoe (Ward)a; ucalegon (Hewitson); leonidas (Fabricius); tynderaeus (Fabricius)b; policenes (Cramer); porthaon (Hewitson); kirbyi (Hewitson)b; colonna (Ward); antheus (Cramer). imperialis Hope
epicydes (Hewitson); clytia (L.); laglaizei (Depuiset); toboroi (Ribbe)a; anactus (Macleay)a; aegeus (Donovan); woodfordi (Godman and Salvin); fuscus (Goeze); castor (Westwood); polytes (L.); helenus (L.); memnon (L.); protenor (Cramer)a; bootes (Westwood); euchenor (Guerin); demoleus (L.); xuthus (L.); machaon (L.); paris (L.); blumei (Boisduval); peranthus (Fabricius); ulysses (L.); zalmoxis (Hewitson)b; antimachus (Drury)b; rex (Oberthur); phorcas (Cramer); cynorta (Fabricius); nireus (L.); leucotaenia (Rothschild); gallienus (Aurivillius); multicau-

Subgenus Pathysa
Subgenus Arisbe


Tribe Teinopalpini Genus Teinopalpus Hope Tribe Papilionini Genus Papilio (L.)


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TABLE 1 -(Continued)
No. spp. in gr.

Species dissected

Genus Meandrusa Moore Tribe Troidini Subtribe Battiti Genus Battus Scopoli
Subtribe Troiditi Genus Pharmacophagus Haase Genus Cressida Swainson Genus Euryades C. and R. Felder Genus Pachliopta Munroe Subgenus Losaria

2 138 14

datus (Kirby); troilus (L.)a; thoas (L.)a; anchisiades (Esper); hectorides (Esper); zagreus (Doubleday)b; scamander (Boisduval); victorinus (Doubldeay)a. sciron (Leech)a; payeni (Boisduval)a. philenor (L.); zetides (Munroe); devilliers (Godart); polydamus (L.)a; belus (Cramer)a; crassus (Cramer); polystichtus (Butler); laodamus (C. and R. Felder); eracon (Godman and Salvin).
antenor (Drury)a cressida (Fabricius)a corethrus (Boisduval)a; duponchelii (Lucas).

1 1 2

Subgenus Pachliopta
Genus Troides Huibner Subgenus Trogonoptera Subgenus Troides

2 30

neptunus (Guerin-Meneville)a; palu (Martin)a; coon (Fabricius)a; rhodifer (Butler). hector (L.)a; polydorus (L.); aristolochiae (Fabricius)a; polyphontes (Boisduval).
brookiana (Wallace)a; trojana (Honrath). hypolitus (Cramer)a; aeacus (C. and R. Felder)a; amphrysus (Cramer); helena (L.); priamus (L.)a; richmondia (Gray). nox (Swainson); varuna (White)a; horishanus (Matsumura)a; priapus (Boisduval); semperi (C. and R. Felder). gundlachianus (C. and R. Felder); photinus (Doubleday)a; proneus (Hiibner); ascanius (Cramer); bunichus (Hiibner); hahneli (Staudinger); nephalion (Godart); aeneus (L.); sesostris (Cramer); lysander (Cramer)a; neophilus (Hiibner); agavus (Drury)a. latreillei (Donovan)a; polyeuctes (Doubleday)a; dasarada (Moore); alcinous (Klug).

Genus Parides Hiubner Subgenus Atrophaneura

Subgenus Parides

Subgenus Panosmia


Male and female genitalia figured. bFemale unavailable for dissection.

netic analyses. The types of character complexes that have proven informative for papilionids may also be of value to other lepidopteran morphologists. Research in swallowtail systematics has been hindered because the taxonomic distribution of characters was not established rigorously, so that determinations of character polarity were often ambiguous. In addition, many currently recognized groups are not monophyletic (sensu Hennig, 1966), having been defined by symplesiomorphic characters. Experimental studies, on the other hand, have demonstrated that grouping by synapomorphy (cladistic analysis) produces the most sta-

ble classifications (Mickevich, 1978, 1980; Schuh and Farris, 1981; Schuh and Polhemus, 1980). Therefore, until all taxonomic groups in the Papilionidae are recognized on the basis of monophyly, the classification will remain unstable. It is extremely important to state at the outset that the cladograms presented in this study should be considered hypotheses to be tested by future researchers, and not final results. I intend to point out instances where phylogenetic results are particularly ambiguous, as well as potentially fruitful areas of morphological, biogeographical, and biological research.



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METHODS MORPHOLOGY Relationships among papilionid groups have previously been proposed chiefly on the basis of comparative analyses of wing venation and male genitalic morphology. In this study I supplemented these traditional characters with as many new characters as I could discover. A total of 152 of the 561 described species in the Papilionidae were examined in detail (table 1). I chose the species to represent all genera and species-groups recognized by Munroe (1961). Where possible, at least two species in each group were studied. I dissected a male and female of each species, except where morphological interpretation was particularly difficult. In these cases more than one specimen of each sex was studied. A generalized set of male and female genitalia is illustrated in figure 17, showing the morphological terminology used in this paper. Nomenclature for the various parts of the male genitalia is from Klots (1970). However, my interpretation of the structures located medially on the tegumen (= male 9th tergite) in papilionids differs from that of previous authors. I have termed the socii of others (e.g., Munroe, 1961; Hancock, 1983) the uncus (see Character 9). Nomenclature for female genitalic morphology is also taken essentially unchanged from Klots (1970; see also Saigusa et al., 1977, 1982; Saigusa and Lee, 1982). I term the entire portion of the ductus, from the point at which it narrows behind the bursa to the ostial opening, the ductus bursae. I do not attempt to homologize and name the various structures located around the ostial opening in papilionids. This is a difficult problem requiring further study. Terminology for other morphological features, including those in the thorax and head, is from Ehrlich's (1958a) work on Danaus plexippus. Wing veins are named in accordance with the scheme used by Ackery and Vane-Wright (1984), the only addition being the use of Forbes' (1923) nomenclature for the "discocellulars" (fig. 150). Most investigations have considered a fairly small sample of the male genitalic characters for which there is variation. Historically, papilionid workers have limited their studies to the shape of the valve and modi-

fications of the clasper or harpe (e.g., Gosse, 1882; Rothschild, 1895; Jordan, 1907, 1928; Zeuner, 1943; Talbot, 1949; Munroe, 1961). Hancock (1980, 1983) studied the pseuduncus in detail. The present study considers these structures in addition to others such as the juxta, tegumen, saccus, and vesica (see Saigusa and Lee, 1982). Several character complexes, superficially examined by previous authors, appeared to require more detailed study. One of these is the scent organ (Rothschild, 1895; Rothschild and Jordan, 1906) located on the anal margin of the male hind wing. No comprehensive analysis of female genitalia has as yet been undertaken. The works of Igarashi (1979, 1984) provided most of the data for immature stages used in this study. Before examining the external and skeletal anatomy of a specimen, I removed both pairs of wings and soaked the entire body in 10 percent potassium hydroxide. Soft tissues and scales were then removed. The aedeagus and left valve were removed from males and the vesica of the aedeagus was everted. The female ostial region was also everted. Specimens were then placed in 70 percent ethanol and male and female genitalia drawn in lateral view using a camera lucida attached to a Wild M5 dissecting microscope. The aedeagus, juxta, and male 8th tergite were then further dissected from the genitalic preparations. These, as well as legs and antennae, were mounted on slides in Canada Balsam after being sequentially rinsed in 70 percent ethanol (15 min), absolute ethanol (15 min), clove oil (15 min), and xylene (5 min). The aedeagus, juxta, male 8th tergite, and labial palpus were then drawn from these slide mounts using a Bausch & Lomb Microprojector. Wings were bleached in Clorox and mounted on slides in euparal for study of venation. Drawings were prepared by projecting these through a photographic enlarger. Several structures were examined using a scanning electron microscope (courtesy ofthe American Museum of Natural History). Heads of dried specimens with the right palpus removed were sputter-coated with goldpalladium before electronmicrographs of labial palpi were taken. For the study of male scent scale organs, a small section of hind wing from the anal margin was removed and

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coated. Micrographs of setae on the female ovipositor lobes were prepared from cleared material that had been removed from ethanol and dehydrated by critical point drying.

Morphological data (tables 2, 4, 6) were analyzed using the numerical cladistic computer program developed by D. L. Swofford (1984; "Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony," Version 2.3). The program identifies nested sets of synapomorphies, the method pioneered by Hennig (1966). Furthermore, it employs the principle of parsimony (see Kluge and Farris, 1969; Farris, 1983), whereby the shortest possible tree for the data set is produced. Characters (scored as 0 for plesiomorphic and 1 for apomorphic) were polarized and the cladogram rooted using an outgroup comparison procedure (Lundberg, 1972; Watrous and Wheeler, 1981; Farris, 1982; Maddison et al., 1984) in which character states for the ingroup are determined by comparison with the character state in the outgroup. I have reported consistency indexes (equal to the "index of consistency" of Kluge and Farris, 1969), which measure the degree to which a tree is consistent with the original data, for all cladograms generated by the PAUP program. The consistency index is 1 if there is no homoplasy on the cladogram, and tends to 0 as the amount of homoplasy increases. During each PAUP run, the "Branch and Bound" command option was utilized. When this command is used the program tries all possible branching combinations in its search for the shortest tree. This procedure guarantees that the most parsimonious cladogram (or cladograms) will be generated for the data set. Of the possible optimization procedures available in PAUP, I used Farris Optimization. I tried MINF optimization (Swofford, 1984) as an alternative for each analysis, but obtained identical results. The morphological data, totaling 170 characters, was analyzed in three stages: (1) Preliminary studies suggested that two of the three previously recognized papilionine tribes are not monophyletic. The first analysis was therefore designed to establish tribal boundaries in the Papilioninae and phylogenetic re-

lationships among those tribes. (2) In the second analysis, I examined phylogenetic relationships among genera and subgenera in the tribe Graphiini. As a result of Analysis 1, the genera Teinopalpus and AMeandrusa, placed by previous authors in the Graphiini, were excluded from the tribe. Five genera, Eurytides, Protographium, Iphiclides, Lamproptera, and Graphium, are recognized. Graphiine characters were polarized using a composite outgroup that included all other tribes in the Papilionidae. (3) In the final analysis, I examined relationships among genera and subgenera within the Troidini. Seven genera are recognized; Battus, Pharmacophagus, Cressida, Euryades, Pachliopta, Troides, and Parides. Analysis 1 suggested that the sister-tribe to the Troidini is the Papilionini. The latter was therefore used to polarize character states within the Troidini. The details of each analysis are discussed further in appropriate sections.

The names given in the classifications presented in tables 3 and 5 will be used throughout this paper. The classifications of Hancock (1980, 1983) and Munroe (1961) are also presented for comparison. I have not attempted to make the classifications and cladograms equivalent as Hennig (1966) originally suggested. Rather, in an attempt to promote nomenclatural stability in the Papilionidae [see Ehrlich and Murphy's (1982) defense of such a position], I largely followed the criteria of Robbins and Henson (1986) in choosing generic and tribal nomenclature: (1) If a genus is monophyletic, the name should not be changed. (2) If a genus is not monophyletic, one should choose the combination of monophyletic generic groupings that will create the fewest name changes. (3) Increase the number of names only if evidence for monophyly suggests that the classification will be more stable in the future. My classifications are therefore proposed with the hope that future systematics research can change the phylogenetic position of various swallowtail taxa without requiring additional changes in generic nomenclature. To the best of my knowledge, all generic and subgeneric groupings constitute monophyletic associations.



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This study was based on material from the collections at the American Museum of Natural History, and would not have been possible without the support of Fred Rindge, Curator of Lepidoptera. I would like to thank Fred and the other curators in the Entomology Department for their hospitality during a year spent at the American Museum doing the dissections and drawings. I also spent six weeks in London studying the British Museum (Natural History) collection, made available through the kindness of Dick VaneWright and Phil Ackery. I am grateful to Jim Liebherr and Rick Hoebeke, of the Cornell University Insect Collections, who allowed me to study specimens under their care. Additional material was generously loaned by Bob Robbins (United States National Museum), and Lee Miller (Allyn Museum). An earlier version of this paper was submitted as part of my Cornell University doc-

toral dissertation. I would like to thank the members of my thesis committee, George Eickwort, John Franclemont, and Jim Liebherr, whose comments and criticisms substantially improved the quality of this work. It is a special pleasure to acknowledge Paul Feeny, my committee chairman and major advisor, who provided guidance through all aspects of this research. The project could not have been completed without his support and encouragement. I also thank Phil Ackery, Keith Brown, Bob Poole, and Dick VaneWright for comments on the manuscript. Bob Robbins deserves special thanks for an extremely careful review. Financial support was provided by the Grace H. Griswold Fund (Cornell University), the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund (American Museum ofNatural History), National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant No. BSR8313001, and by N.S.F. Grant No. BSR8214761 to P. Feeny.


Of the three papilionid subfamilies, the Papilioninae is by far the largest. The Baroniinae is monobasic, containing only Baronia brevicornis, the Parnassiinae includes 5 1 species in 8 genera (Hancock, 1983), and the Papilioninae contains the remaining swallowtails, currently 509 species. I classify the Papilioninae in 14 genera belonging to 4 tribes. This classification, presented in table 1, differs substantially from previous works on the Papilionidae. Before presenting the evidence that led to my tribal classification, it will be useful to discuss the tribal schemes of other authors. Rothschild and Jordan (1906) were the first to offer a coherent classification of subgroupings within American Papilioninae. They retained a single generic name (Papilio), but broke the American species into three "sections": (1) The "Aristolochia Swallowtails," currently in the Troidini; (2) The "Fluted Swallowtails," Papilionini of modern workers; and (3) The "Kite Swallowtails," sub-

sequently included in the Graphiini. Seitz (1906) also retained all Papilioninae in a single genus, but recognized three subgenera: Ornithoptera for the birdwings, Pharmacophagus for the Aristolochia-feeders, and Papilio for the rest. Jordan (1907), in his treatment of the American papilionids, accepted generic status for Euryades in addition to Papilio, but noted its close affinity with the other Aristolochia-feeding species. Bryk (1923, 1929-1930) recognized family-level status for each of the modern swallowtail subfamilies. His Papilionidae is therefore equivalent to the Papilioninae of subsequent authors except that Bryk erected the Teinopalpidae for the genus Teinopalpus. Ford (1 944b) presented a system of tribal groupings within the Papilioninae based largely on his studies of pigment chemistry in the Lepidoptera. He recognized five tribes, the Cressidini, Troidini, Graphiini, Papilionini, and Teinopalpini. The Cressidini and Troidini comprised all the Aristolochia-feeding species in the Papilioninae, and were subsequently united in a single tribe by Talbot

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Parnassiinae Troidini

(1949) and Ehrlich (1958b), both of whom otherwise suggested tribal classifications identical to that of Ford. These authors also placed Teinopalpus in its own tribe. Munroe (1961) investigated papilionid relationships in more detail than previous authors, basing his analysis largely on male genitalic dissections of a large sample of species. His classification remained essentially unchallenged for over 20 years. Munroe's tribal concepts differed from those of Ford. Within the Papilioninae he recognized three tribes; the Leptocircini (=Graphiini), Papilionini, and Troidini. Like Ehrlich, Munroe recognized a single Aristolochia-feeding tribe in the Papilioninae, but he considered Teinopalpus to be a member of the Graphiini. Munroe and Ehrlich (1960), in a paper attempting to resolve points of difference between their individual contributions, accepted the tribal arrangement of Munroe. They further subdivided the Troidini by erecting two subtribes, the Battiti and Troiditi. In addition, the Graphiini was classified into two subtribes; the Graphiiti contained all genera except for Teinopalpus, which was placed in its own subtribe, the Teinopalpiti. The most significant research on the Papilionidae since Munroe's work has been that of Hancock (1 979a, 1979b, 1980,1983, 1984). Like Munroe, most of Hancock's conclusions were based on a comparative study of male genitalic structure, although his analysis also considered characters that had been used by previous researchers. His tribal classification was similar to the one suggested by Munroe and Ehrlich. He accepted three papilionine tribes, the Graphiini, Papilionini, and Troidini, and retained Teinopalpus in the Graphiini. Igarashi (1979, 1984) published his views on papilionid classification in the first comprehensive attempt to include morphology of immature stages. Like Hancock, he recognized the tribes of Munroe and Ehrlich. Genealogical relationships among these tribes have been poorly understood. Ford (1 944b) considered the Cressidini to be the most primitive tribe, followed by the Troidini. He argued that the Papilionini and Graphiini were more closely related to each other than either was to the Troidini, and suggested that the Teinopalpini was "derived as an extreme specialization from the Papil-




Fig. 1. Relationships among subfamilies in the Papilionidae and tribes in the Papilioninae according to the branching diagram of Munroe and Ehrlich (1960).

ionini" (p. 217), but gave no evidence for his belief. Ehrlich (1958b) did not specify tribal relationships, and Munroe (1961) was noncommital. However, according to the branching diagram published in their joint paper (fig. 1), these authors believed, following Ford, that the Graphiini and Papilionini are more closely related than either is to the Troidini. They stated that "the most probable origin [of the Papilionini] still appears to be from the higher Graphiini" (p. 175). Igarashi (1984) also placed the Graphiini and Papilionini as sister-tribes within the Papilioninae. Not until the first cladistic analysis of the Papilionidae, published by Hancock (1983, fig. 2), was there a significant change in these arrangements. On the basis of characters taken from the literature and reinterpreted by phylogenetic methods, Hancock argued that the Graphiini is the plesiomorphic tribe in the Papilioninae, and that the Troidini and Papilionini are sister-tribes.

CLADISTIC ANALYSIS My phylogenetic analysis of relationships among tribes in the Papilioninae corroborates Hancock's hypothesis that the Troidini







Fig. 2. Cladistic relationships among subfamilies and tribes in the Papilionidae according to Hancock (1983).



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and Papilionini together form a monophyletic group, and that the Graphiini is the plesiomorphic tribe in the subfamily. However, there is a significant difference between my results and those of Hancock. I conclude that he misinterpreted the phylogenetic positions of two papilionine genera, Teinopalpus and Meandrusa. In an attempt to elucidate the correct position of these genera I did a numerical cladistic analysis (PAUP) based on 44 morphological characters, using Teinopalpus, Meandrusa, and the papilionid tribes as terminal taxa. Prior to resolving this problem, a decision had to be made concerning an appropriate outgroup for the analysis. Recent studies question the previously accepted hypothesis (see, e.g., Pierce and Beirne, 1941; Wilson, 1961) that the Pieridae are most closely related to the Papilionidae. Ehrlich and Ehrlich (1967) analyzed relationships among butterfly families using numerical phenetic methods (Sokal and Sneath, 1963). The technique gave different results when an analysis of internal morphological characters was compared with an analysis of external morphological characters. Ehrlich and Ehrlich concluded that "we must adjust to the existence of a multitude of 'valid' taxonomic arrangements of the butterflies" (1967: 315). Kristensen (1976) argued convincingly that this instability is a natural result of phenetic analysis. His cladistic interpretation of existing data contradicted Ehrlich's (1958b) suggestion that the Papilionidae and Pieridae are most closely related. Instead, Kristensen proposed that the Papilionidae are the plesiomorphic family in the superfamily Papilionoidea, which would mean their sister-group comprises the Pieridae, Lycaenidae, and Nymphalidae. According to him, the only potential synapomorphy for the Papilionidae and Pieridae (involving the configuration of the retinular sense cells in the compound eye; from Yagi and Koyama, 1963) requires further investigation. In accordance with Kristensen's hypothesis, it becomes difficult to determine character polarities for the Papilionidae by outgroup analysis. None of the characters I have used for the Papilionidae occur in a single state throughout the rest of the Papilionoidea. Assigning a particular character state to this "composite outgroup"

would therefore be a very rough approximation. To avoid such problems, and because I was most interested in determining relationships within only one of the three subfamilies in the Papilionidae, I designated Baronia brevicornis (Baroniinae) as the outgroup for the rest of the Papilionidae. There is firm evidence that the Baroniinae is plesiomorphic relative to the rest of the Papilionidae. It belongs in the family (see justification of Clade 1; fig. 3), but the Parnassiinae and Papilioninae (Clade 3) share uniquely derived characters not present in Baronia. Using character states in Baronia to infer the plesiomorphic condition, 44 morphological traits were scored (table 2) using the following terminal taxa: Baronia brevicornis (outgroup), Teinopalpus, Meandrusa, the Zerynthiini, Parnassiini, Graphiini, Papilionini, and Troidini. Both species of Meandrusa (payeni and sciron), and a single species of Teinopalpus (imperialis) were examined. I made judgements in certain cases to assign a single character state to an entire tribe. For example, presence of a pseuduncus (Character 17) is hypothesized in this study to represent a synapomorphy for all tribes in the Papilioninae, yet there are species within both the Graphiini and Troidini in which the pseuduncus is absent (see Characters 67, 111). In both of these tribes, loss of the pseuduncus is hypothesized to represent separately derived states. The Graphiini and Troidini are therefore scored as having the pseuduncus present. For the data set described above, the cladogram was rooted using Baronia as an outgroup.

CLASSIFICATION The Branch and Bound procedure resulted in two equally parsimonious trees (figs. 3, 4), both having a consistency index of 0.70. I chose the one in figure 3, in which Meandrusa is a member of the Papilionini, rather than the one in figure 4, in which it is the sistergroup to the Papilionini/Troidini. The rationale for this decision is twofold. First, Meandrusa remains one of the few swallowtail genera for which the immatures are incompletely known. Future findings may provide evidence that will change its position. In the

375 THE PAPILIONINAE37 1987 ~~~~MILLER: 1987


Data Matrix for Analysis 1; Monophyly of Tribes in the Papilionidae 0 indicates the plesiomorphic state, 1 the apomorphic state

Baroniinae Pamnassiinae Pamassiini

2 1 1

3 1

4 1 1 1

5 1

Character number 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 9 1 00 00 00 0 000 00 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Zerynthiini Papilioninae Graphiini Teinopalpus


1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1
1 1

0 0 0 0

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 0

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Troidini Baroniinae Parmassiinae Parmassiini

~1 100 1 0 0 1 0 0 ~1 100 ~1100

1 00 0 00 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 10 00 0 00 1 10 0 00 1 0 1

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 00 00 00 0 0 00 00 00 0

Zerynthiini Papilioninae Graphiini Teinopalpus


00 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 0
0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 00 0 00 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 00 00 10 1 1 00 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0

Baroniinae Parmassiinae

110 1 ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

00 00 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 00 0

39 40 41 42 43 44 0 00 00 0


Zerynthiini Papilioninae Graphiini Teinopalpus


0 00 00 0 0 00 00 0
0 0 1 0 0 00 00 1 1 00 00 00 00 1 1 00 00 0 0 1 0 0


meantime I take a conservative approach and adopt the proposal of Igarashi (1 984) that Meandrusa be placed in the Papilionini. Another potentially controversial position is recognition of tribal status for the genus Teinopalpus. However, the data suggest that such status will result in a more stable

nus which forms the base of an accepted family-group name is shown to be a synonym or homonym and falls from common usage, then the family-group name should be replaced


a more recent

synonym based

on a


still in wide usage.





(Swainson) is



synonym of Lam-

tion (see discussion of Clade 10).


proptera (G. R. Gray).



tocircini. Keith Brown

has submitted

Graphiini in place of Lep(personal commun.)



recommendation to the ICZN



list of descriptions for


Graphiini be accepted rather than Leptocircini. He argues that, when a gename

that the

the characters used. Where

character has in-

been discussed

by previous authors, their



4.4$ 0

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Fig. 3. Hypothesis of cladistic relationships circles designate homoplasious characters.


tribes in the Papilionidae (Analysis 1). Closed

terpretation is given. The list is arranged phylogenetically and corresponds with the cladogram (fig. 3). The data matrix is shown in

table 2. Homoplasious characters are indicated by brackets following Ackery and VaneWright (1 984).







Troidini Fig. 4. Equally parsimonious solution for the data set in Analysis 1.


Kristensen (1976; see also Ackery, 1984) summarized the known autapomorphies for the Papilionidae. In addition to the characters listed below, he included four internal morphological characters. Two involve configurations of the pterothoracic musculature (from Ehrlich and Ehrlich, 1963), characters not examined in this study. Two others involve the structure of the dorsal vessel (=aorta) in adult butterflies. In the Papilionidae the mesothoracic portion of the aorta lacks ostia, and the mesothoracic aorta does not have a "horizontal chamber." Hessel (1966, 1969) discovered and figured these characters, but did not examine specimens ofBaronia brevicornis. The character state distributions are therefore insufficiently known. 1. Larvae with osmeteria. The larvae of Baronia brevicornis possess osmeteria (Vazquez and Perez, 1961). Since 1961 all papilionid workers have considered the presence of these glands to be an autapomorphy for the family. Osmeterial secretions have been shown to act as defenses against predators (Eisner and Meinwald, 1965; Honda, 1983; Brower, 1984; Damman, 1986). Crossley and Waterhouse (1969) studied the ultrastructure of osmeterial glands, and Tanaka et al. (1983) have described their embryonic development. The chemical components of osmeterial secretions have been described for 27 swallowtail species, 19 of these being in the genus Papilio. The compounds appear to be synthesized de novo rather than being dietary derivatives of host-plant chemicals (Eisner et al., 1970, 1971).

It is tempting to speculate concerning the phylogenetic significance of osmeterial chemistry in the Papilionidae, but existing data are inconclusive. The osmeterial secretions of species in three groups, the Baroniinae, Graphiini, and Papilionini, consist largely of a mixture of two aliphatic compounds, isobutyric and 2-methylbutyric acids (Eisner and Meinwald, 1965; Eisner et al., 1970; Crossley and Waterhouse, 1969; Lopez and Quesnel, 1970; Honda, 1980a, 1980b, 1981), but species in Papilio exhibit a dramatic change in chemical composition during larval development (Seligman and Doy, 1972; Burger et al., 1978; Honda, 1980a). Only final instar larvae produce aliphatic acids whereas the osmeteria in preceding instars contain monoterpenes, characteristic ofsecretions in Luehdorfia (Parnassiinae) (Suzuki et al., 1979; Honda, 1980a), and sesquiterpenes, shown to occur in members of the Troidini (Eisner et al., 1971; Honda, 1980a). Osmeterial secretions require additional study before they can be used as taxonomic characters in the Papilionidae. 2. Pretarsal aroliar pads and pulvilli reduced. I have not verified this character, originally described by Ehrlich (1 958b) and listed by Kristensen (1976). Ehrlich noted, however, that pretarsal aroliar pads and pulvilli are reduced or absent in some pierid and nymphalid genera as well as in papilionids, so the trait requires further study. 3. Vein 2A of forewing present as a free vein to wing margin. In the Papilionidae veins 1A and 2A in the forewing diverge from the wing base; 2A is free to the wing margin (figs. 150-184). In other butterfly families vein 2A converges with 1A and does not reach the wing margin. Common (1979) considered that a free second anal in the forewing is an archaic condition whereas Kristensen (1976), following Hennig (1981), asserted that fusion is plesiomorphic at the level of the Amphiesmenoptera (= Lepidoptera plus Trichoptera). I accept the latter hypothesis because the first requires the fused condition to have evolved independently numerous times. Having vein 2A free to the wing margin therefore represents an autapomorphy for the Papilionidae. 4. Cervical sclerites joined ventromedially. In all Papilionidae, the cervical sclerites are joined beneath the neck by a "narrow sclerotic band," a condition which does not



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occur in other butterflies (Ehrlich, 1958b). It has also been reported in the fossil genus Praepapilio (Durden and Rose, 1978; see "Biogeography and Age of the Papilionine Genera").

CLADE 2-SUBFAMILY BARONIINAE Baronia brevicornis is the only member of this subfamily, and possesses the following apomorphic characters: 5. Male valve with lateral lobe. The only autapomorphic trait I have been able to identify concerning the genitalia is the membranous lobe located on the lateral surface of the valve (fig. 22). I did not observe this structure elsewhere in the swallowtails. [6]. Forewing vein R4 absent. Two features of the forewing radial venation in Baronia have been interpreted as specializations by past authors, and both are homoplasious. First is fusion of R1 with Sc (fig. 151). Within the Papilionidae R1 is fused with Sc in the genus Graphium and the dolicaon group of Eurytides (Character 79). The second is loss of R4. This loss appears to have occurred in two parnassiine genera, Hypermnestra and Parnassius, as well as in Baronia (see figures in Ackery, 1975). Ford (1944b) correctly argued that neither of these venational characters, loss of R4 or fusion of R1 and Sc, is homologous in Baronia and the other groups in which they occur. Regarding the first trait he argued (p. 221): "If we suppose that the loss of [R4] is homologous in the two groups, we should be driven to consider that Baronia had evolved between Archon (with all 12 veins) and Parnassius, in which [R4] is lost. It seems scarcely credible that a distinct subfamily should have arisen within so homogeneous a group as the existing Parnassiinae." He similarly rejected the argument based on fusion of R1 with Sc, suggesting that it reflected an "entirely impossible affinity."
CLADE 3 The Parnassiinae and Papilioninae have been considered sister-groups by all authors since Ford (1 944b). Three characters support this relationship: 7. Third anal vein of hind wing lacking. There has been much confusion in the Lepidoptera literature concerning the primitive

number and appropriate nomenclature for the anal veins of the hind wing. In this work I have followed the nomenclature of Ackery and Vane-Wright (1984). According to their interpretation, members of the subfamilies Parnassiinae and Papilioninae are unique among butterflies in lacking the third anal vein of the hind wing, their only anal vein being 1A+2A (figs. 151-184). 8. Cervical membrane with ventral sclerite. Ehrlich (1 958b) discovered a small "ventral sclerite" in the cervical membrane close to the head, and described it as occurring in species belonging to the subfamilies Parnassiinae and Papilioninae, as well as in a few genera within the Nymphalidae. He did not find it in Baronia and recognized it as a trait uniting the Parnassiinae and Papilioninae. Kristensen (1976) suggested that this character requires further study. [9]. Uncus of male bifid. Throughout the Lepidoptera two structures (sometimes more in certain groups) are generally associated with the tegumen, the socii and uncus (Klots, 1970). In most Lepidoptera the uncus is a single projection narrowed distally, and the socii are paired with one socius located on either side of the uncus. Within the Papilionidae there has been much confusion concerning these structures. They were collectively termed the scaphium by early authors (Gosse, 1882; and subsequently van Son, 1949; Talbot, 1949). In Baronia brevicornis (fig. 66A), there is a single pointed projection on the tegumen. Authors since Munroe (1961) have termed it the uncus, the assumption being that socii are absent in this species. Throughout the Parnassiinae paired structures (uncul processes of Saigusa and Lee, 1982) are present (e.g., Luehdorfia japonica, fig. 66B), the uncus thus being bifid within this subfamily. When one looks at the Papilioninae, however, the terminology seems to break down. In several graphiine genera, such as Iphiclides (fig. 66F) and Graphium (fig. 66H), the structure is again bifid, and in two taxa (Eurytides celadon, fig. 66D; and Protographium leosthenes, fig. 66E) it is a single projection quite similar in shape to that of Baronia. Eurytides (fig. 66E) and Teinopalpus (fig. 661) exhibit an apparently trifid structure, though the three parts are very closely apposed and only clearly separated for




a short distance distally. Munroe (1961) suggested that in groups with this trifid arrangement both the uncus and socii are present, and in addition, that graphiines with a bifid structure have lost the uncus, leaving only the socii. Others have subsequently agreed with these interpretations (e.g., Common and Waterhouse, 1981; Hancock, 1983). In both the Papilionini and Troidini the structure is universally bifid (fig. 66J-M) but has been termed socii (e.g., Munroe, 1961; Hancock, 1983). This state of confusion can be resolved most simply by hypothesizing the following: In Baronia the single structure on the tegumen is indeed the uncus and is homologous with the uncus of other butterflies. The bifid structure present in the Parnassiinae should also be termed the uncus, as it has been in the past. I here suggest that the bifid structure in the Papilionini, Graphiini, and Troidini is homologous with the bifid uncus of the Parnassiines and should therefore be called the uncus. Cases in the Papilioninae where it is trifid or single (e.g., Eurytides, Protographium, and Teinopalpus) should be considered derived.


I examined parnassiines only superficially in this study. Male and female specimens representing all the genera and species-groups recognized by Munroe (1961) were dissected (table 1), but a phylogenetic analysis of these taxa was not undertaken. Bryk (1923) recognized family-level status for the Parnassiinae, in which he included all the currently recognized genera. Subsequent authors (e.g., Ford, 1944b; Talbot, 1949) considered the Parnassiini and Zerynthiini to be separate subfamilies. All authors since Munroe (1961) have recognized these as sister-tribes. Hancock (1983) discussed phylogenetic relationships among genera, and Igarashi (1979, 1984) discussed some of the uniquely derived larval and pupal traits that corroborate the monophyly of this subfamily. Ackery (1975) figured the male genitalia and wing venation of all 14 parnassiine genera, and all my references to wing venational characters for this subfamily are taken from his work. In addition, Hiura (1980) presented a cladistic analysis of the genera, and his re-

sults can be compared with those ofHancock. The following characters were included in my analysis. The first two corroborate the monophyly of the subfamily, and the others are significant because they occur in other papilionid taxa, leading to confusion about their interpretation. 10. Aedeagus thin and heavily sclerotized. The aedeagus of species in the Parnassiinae (figs. 23C-26C) is very thin and usually heavily sclerotized, especially distally. This trait appears to represent a synapomorphy for the Parnassiinae, but there are species in the genus Pachliopta (Troidini) with a thin, heavily sclerotized aedeagus (P. coon, fig. 52C). Such a configuration is hypothesized to have arisen separately in these groups. 11. Ostial region of female heavily sclerotized. The parnassiine species examined have a unique ostial configuration observed nowhere else in the Papilionidae. There is a large platelike region surrounding the opening of the ductus bursae (figs. 23A-26A; Saigusa and Lee, 1982). This structure is sclerotized to an unusual degree in almost all species, and, unlike the ostium of many papilionines, carries little ornamentation. In many species there are small, paired lobes immediately behind the opening, but this is unlikely to represent a derived character state; the ostium of Baronia brevicornis (fig. 22A) has paired lobes as do the ostial regions of species in the Papilioninae such as Teinopalpus, Papilio sp., and many graphiines (see figures). As previously mentioned, homology of the female swallowtail ostium presents an extremely difficult problem. [12]. Third segment of labial palpus elongate. The labial palpi of species in the Papilionidae and four species in the Pieridae are shown in figures 68-71. The third (terminal) palpal segment of all troidines, all paplionines, and all graphiines is characteristically a small round segment with a distal invagination that is found in all Lepidoptera (Kuznetsov, 1967). The basal segment in these species is the longest one, and the middle segment intermediate in length. The palpus of Baronia (fig. 68E) is similar in shape. In the Parnassiinae the palpi are unusually long (fig. 68F-I). This appears to be due largely to elongation of the third segment. Elongation of the terminal segment is not unique to



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members ofthis subfamily however. The palpi of some species in the Pieridae (e.g., fig. 68A-D) are almost identical with those of parnassiines, as is the labial palpus of Teinopalpus (fig. 69A). According to my character analysis, however, all three ofthese cases have arisen independently. [13]. Middle discocellular vein (mdc) of forewing incurved. An incurved forewing mdc was described by Hancock (1983) as a synapomorphy for his subtribe Teinopalpiti (Papilioninae). Examination of the wing venation of pamassiine species (see figures in Ackery, 1975) shows that the same is true of the mdc in all genera within this subfamily. According to the present analysis, an incurved mdc is homoplasious, having arisen separately in the Pamassiinae, Teinopalpus, and Meandrusa. [14]. Female with a sphragis. The sphragis is an accessory gland secretion produced by male butterflies during copulation. After deposition in the female ductus bursae (fig. 17A), it hardens and acts as a mating plug (Drummond, 1984; Ehrlich and Ehrlich, 1978). A sphragis has been reported in the pamassiine genera Parnassius, Hypermnestra, Luehdorfia, and Bhutanitis (Munroe, 1961; Saigusa and Lee, 1982), and occurs in many troidines as well. It was a character that led Ford (1944b) to suggest a close relationship between the Troidini and Pamassiinae. Its taxonomic distribution within both ofthese groups is considered in the present study to be incompletely known. The argument for this conclusion is given in the discussion of the sphragis of Cressida and Euryades (Troidini; Character 121). Comparison of physiological processes involved in production of the parnassiine sphragis with those of the troidine sphragis would be very interesting in view of the hypothesis suggested here that a sphragis has arisen separately in these butterflies. Perhaps there is a fundamental difference between the two.
CLADE 5-TRIBE PARNASSIINI [15]. Antennae with scales. This character is difficult to polarize. All previous workers have suggested that the presence of scales on the antennae is primitive for the Papilionidae. Munroe (1961) relied heavily on such

an interpretation for his phylogenetic conclusions. Workers have based this hypothesis on the observation that the Pieridae, considered by them to represent the closest relatives of the Papilionidae, have scales on the antennae. The majority of species in the other butterfly families exhibit scales as well, but a cursory examination showed that some members of the Pieridae (e.g., Pseudopontia) and Nymphalidae (e.g., species in Heliconius and the Apaturinae) lack scales on the antennae. The Baroniinae were chosen to polarize character states for the rest of the Papilionidae, and they have scaleless antennae. For the sake of consistency, scaled antennae are therefore suggested to be a derived character state in the Papilionidae, although it should be recognized that this interpretation may be inaccurate. The trait shows homoplasy no matter how it is interpreted. Scaled antennae occur in the tribes Pamassiini and Graphiini, as well as in the genus Meandrusa.

A small group, including 15 species in five genera, the Zerynthiini has been considered the sister-tribe to the Pamassiini by all swallowtail researchers since Munroe (1961). Bryk (1923) included them in the "Pamassiidae." Other authors (e.g., Ford, 1944b; Talbot, 1949) recognized subfamily status for this tribe. For characters of the group, see Munroe (1961), Hiura (1980), and Hancock (1983). Saigusa and Lee (1982) detailed the morphology of Bhutanitis mansfieldi (Riley), offering an excellent morphological reference for the tribe. [16]. Tibiae and tarsi lacking scales. Munroe (1961) and all subsequent authors suggested that the presence of tibial and tarsal scales is "primitive" within the Papilionidae. Baronia, the outgroup used in this analysis, has scales on the tibia and tarsus and it was therefore scored as plesiomorphic here as well. The tibiae and tarsi of all species in the Parnassiini and Graphiini as well as the genera Teinopalpus and Meandrusa are scaled, whereas those in the Zerynthiini, Troidini, and the genus Papilio are not. Loss of scales is here hypothesized to have occurred three times.





The Papilioninae has been recognized as monophyletic by almost all previous swallowtail researchers. In my study, the genus Teinopalpus is removed from the Graphiini and is instead placed in its own tribe, the Teinopalpini, as the sister-group to the Papilionini/Troidini. In addition, I follow Igarashi's (1984) recent suggestion based on larval characters, that the genus Meandrusa be removed from the Graphiini and placed as the sister-genus to Papilio in the Papilionini. Justification for these changes is presented in the discussions of Clades 9-12. Five characters are suggested to corroborate monophyly of the Papilioninae: [17]. Pseuduncus present on male tergite VIII. At first mistakenly described as the lepidopteran uncus (Gosse, 1882; and subsequently Rothschild, 1895; Pierce and Beime, 1941; van Son, 1949; Talbot, 1949), the pseuduncus of swallowtails is actually a projection on the posterior margin of the 8th tergite rather than being associated with the tegumen, as is the true uncus. The presence of a pseuduncus is hypothesized to represent a synapomorphy for the subfamily Papilioninae. It is not found in other swallowtail subfamilies nor generally in other butterflies. However, I observed a structure of similar appearance in Colias philodice (Pieridae, fig. 21B, E), but not in the other pierids (figs. 1 8B-20B). This species belongs to a relatively derived group within the Pieridae (Klots, 1933) and the structure is likely to have evolved independently within that family. I examined too few species to know whether projections on the 8th tergite are present in additional butterfly groups. Given the evidence at hand, it is hypothesized that the pseuduncus is a synapomorphy for the Papilioninae. 18. "Anal brushes" present along vein 2A on ventral surface of male hind wing. Malespecific scale patches on the hind wing occur throughout the subfamily Papilioninae. They can be found in the Graphiini (Characters 49, 57, 58), and are quite elaborate in various groups within the Troidini (see Characters 105, 118, 143). Although the Papilionini have always been characterized as lacking androconia on the hind wing (e.g., Jordan, 1907;

Munroe, 1961; Hancock, 1983), I found examples of apparently homologous structures in this tribe. Members of Munroe's Section V possess well-developed dorsal bristles (in addition to the ventral bristles described below) on the anal margin of the male hind wing. Such scales are also found in males of Meandrusa (Corbet and Pendlebury, 1978). Zeuner (1943) noted "anal brushes" on the ventral surface of the male hind wing in Ornithoptera. These consist of a dense row of hairlike scales, usually most numerous along vein IA+ 2A. However, such an arrangement occurs in all groups within the Papilioninae. For example, males of other troidines such as those in Battus and Panosmia have long, bristlelike scales on the underside of the hind wing anal region. Close examination of other troidines confirmed their presence in all groups, though they are not as obvious as in the genera noted above. Some Papilio males also possess a large mass of bristlelike scales superficially identical to those of Battus and other troidines. These can be seen most clearly in members of Munroe's (1961) Section V, such as Papilio zagreus, P. scamander, and P. victorinus. Males of Teinopalpus and both Meandrusa species have such scales as do all graphiines examined. This trait is here hypothesized to represent a synapomorphy for the Papilioninae. Presence of androconia on the hind wing margin is possibly related to mating behavior basic for the Papilioninae. Chemical analyses of male hind wing scales would be extremely valuable and would perhaps more accurately define the androconial system in this group. Species that superficially lack androconia may produce malespecific compounds. In addition, groups might produce different chemicals that would be useful as taxonomic characters. 19. Forewing with basal spur. Munroe and Ehrlich (1960) pointed out that the cubitovannal vein of the forewing (= basal spur, fig. 150) is found only in species belonging to the Papilioninae and not outside the Papilionidae. They concluded that this condition "indicates with great probability that [the Papilioninae] is a natural and monophyletic group." I agree. As these authors observed, the basal spur of Teinopalpus (fig. 163) is relatively short, but is present. Forewings of papilionines are shown in figures 152-184.



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20. Metathorax with a distinct meral suture. Ehrlich (1 958b) first discovered a transverse suture "represented internally by a lamella" on the metameron of papilionids. This suture is absent or indistinct in other butterflies according to him. Furthermore, my own investigation has found it only in members of the Papilioninae including the genera Teinopalpus and Meandrusa. The suture is absent in Baronia and members of the Parnassiini. In some Zerynthiini a faint indentation occurs on the metameron but there is no sign of the internal lamella. I scored both tribes of the Parnassiinae as lacking the meral suture.

[21]. Larvae with white saddle on abdominal segments. The white saddle, so often seen on abdominal segments 3 and 4 in troidine larvae (e.g., Igarashi, 1979), is here suggested to be homologous with the white saddle observed in many larvae ofthe Papilionini, those with the "bird-dropping" pattern (Seitz, 1906). In addition, the fourth instar larva of Meandrusa, figured by Igarashi (1979), exhibits a white saddle. Although the majority of species in the Graphiini show no such pattern, a white saddle is clearly visible in the larvae of many Eurytides species (DeVries, 1987). If, as I here propose, the presence of a white saddle is a synapomorphy for the Papilioninae, then it was lost in many groups such as the troidine genera Battus and Euryades, and in graphiines other than Eurytides. The white patch is located laterally on abdominal segment 3 and meets dorsally on abdominal segment 4. It will be interesting to discover whether such a pattern occurs on the larvae of Teinopalpus. Character Not Used in the Analysis: The relative length of the upper and middle discocellular veins (udc and mdc, fig. 150) in the forewing is a trait for which enormous variation occurs within the Papilionidae. In Baronia the udc is shorter than the mdc (fig. 151) as it is in members of the Parnassiinae (see figures in Ackery, 1975). It results from having Ml arise close to the base of R4+_ on the discal cell. A short udc appears to be typical of butterflies in the Nymphalidae, Lycaenidae, and Hesperiidae (e.g., see figures in Clench, 1975; Common, 1979). In many species representing these groups Ml arises directly from the base of the radials, and in

Pierids it is stalked with R2-R5. A short udc is thus likely to be plesiomorphic for the Papilionidae. However, there is so much inconsistency within tribes of the Papilioninae that it was impossible to score each. The udc is clearly shorter than the mdc in Teinopalpus and Meandrusa (figs. 163, 164), whereas it is as long as or longer than the mdc in graphiines (figs. 152-162). Within both the Troidini and Papilionini there are species exhibiting either of these character states. In Papilio the plesiomorphic condition (udc < mdc) is observed in members of the zagreus, glaucus, and troilus groups (e.g., fig. 165), but these veins are of equal length in others (e.g., P. thoas, fig. 150). The same is true of the Troidini. In most species the udc is shorter than the mdc (e.g., Pachliopta aristolochiae, fig. 17 1) and in others it is as long or longer (e.g., Battus species, fig. 166). No solution to this inconsistency could be found so the trait was not used in the tribal-level analysis. Having the udc clearly longer than the mdc was treated as derived within the Graphiini and Troidini (Character 71).
CLADE 8-TRIBE GRAPHIINI The monophyly of the Graphiini and phylogenetic relationships among genera are treated in Analysis 2.

CLADE 9 Three characters suggest that Teinopalpus is the sister-group to the Papilionini/Troidini, and it has been placed in its own tribe, the Teinopalpini, for that reason. This is not without precedent since Ford (1 944b), Talbot (1949), and Ehrlich (1958b) recognized the Teinopalpini as a tribe. I suggest tribal recognition here because this genus does not share uniquely derived characters with existing papilionine tribes. It does show synapomorphies with the members of Clade 1 1. 22. Patagia membranous. The patagia are sclerotized in almost all Lepidoptera but are membranous in several groups within the Papilionidae. The Baroniinae, Parnassiinae, and Graphiini have sclerotized patagia (the plesiomorphic character state), while the Teinopalpini, Troidini, Papilio, and Meandrusa have membranous patagia (Ehrlich, 1958b). Though the degree of desclerotization varies




slightly within these groups, the patagium is never heavily sclerotized and melanized as in species outside Clade 9. 23. Female with sclerotized invagination dorsal to opening ofductus bursae. This character state is present in all members of Clade 9. Presumably the uncus or pseuduncus fits into the invagination during copulation, but its function is speculative because I have been unable to study the mechanics of copulation in papilionids. In the Troidini it is usually a sclerotized pocket opening dorsally (see for example Battus polydamus, fig. 45A). It is membranous in some members of the Papilionini, but is sclerotized in others such as Papilio thoas and Papilio victorinus (figs. 4 1A, 42A). The invagination is quite deep and is oriented horizontally in Meandrusa sciron (fig. 43A), whereas it is more shallow in Teino-

ticulate crossrib pattern between the longitudinal ridges of wing scales is a synapomorphy for members of Clade 9.

palpus imperialis (fig. 36A). [24]. Pattern between longitudinal cuticular thickenings of wing scales reticulate. Ghiradella (1985) discovered a unique configuration of transverse crossribs between the longitudinal ridges on the dorsal surface of wing scales in papilionids. She noted that in most lepidopteran families and in some papilionids, the crossribs form a "rectangular, rectilinear arrangement." These she termed "windows." Micrographs of scales representing other lepidopteran families show such an arrangement (see Eliot, 1973; Davis, 1978, 1986; Rutowski, 1980; De Jong, 1982; Ackery and Vane-Wright, 1984). In most papilionids, however, Ghiradella found that the crossribs "form instead a coarse network" between the longitudinal ridges. I discovered this trait independently and studied its taxonomic distribution within the family. I term the plesiomorphic state "ladderlike" and the derived state "reticulate." The ladderlike configuration occurs in Dismorphia (Pieridae, fig. 72), in Pieris (Pieridae, fig. 73), throughout the Parnassiinae, in Baronia brevicornis (Baroniinae), and in all members of the Graphiini examined, including Graphium (fig. 74), Eurytides (fig. 75), Iphiclides, and Protographium. The derived state (reticulate) is restricted to Papilio (fig. 76), Meandrusa (fig. 77), the Troidini-Pachliopta (figs. 78, 79), Cressida, and all subgenera of Parides (e.g., fig. 80)-and Teinopalpus (fig. 81). I therefore propose that the presence of a re-

The phylogenetic position of Teinopalpus has been one of the most perplexing issues in the study of swallowtail systematics. Bryk (1923) placed it in its own family, the Teinopalpidae. Ford (1944b) erected the tribe Teinopalpini to include only this genus. He appeared to have made that decision because he recognized the many autapomorphies of the genus, and felt that it was sufficiently different phenetically to warrant its own tribe. Talbot (1949) and Ehrlich (1958b) followed Ford's judgment, Ehrlich further emphasizing the phenetic differences between this genus and other papilionids. Munroe (1961) included it in the Graphiini because it "has genitalia closely similar to those of primitive [Graphiini]," possibly referring to the broad pseuduncus, freely telescoping tegumen and 8th male tergite, and trifid uncus. The first trait is considered in the present study to represent a synapomorphy for the entire Papilioninae (Character 17). The second was discussed by Munroe in contrast to the sclerotized 8th and 9th intersegmental membrane of the Troidini/Papilionini, a uniquely derived trait for those tribes (Character 30). The third trait is here considered to have been derived independently in Teinopalpus and the genus Eurytides (Character 27). Munroe and Ehrlich (1960) considered Teinopalpus the sister-group to the rest of the Graphiini, in its own subtribe, the Teinopalpiti (fig. 5). They recognized it as separate from other graphiines on the basis of uniquely derived characters-"inflation of the frons and associated hypertrophy of the palpus, ... sexual dimorphism and specialization of the pattern and wing shape, atypical wing venation"-as well as characters found in other papilionine groups, "smaller tentorial crests, lacking sclerotized patagia, reduced antennal scaling." Of these latter traits, the first is plesiomorphic (see Character 45), the second is shared with members of Clade 11 (Character 21), and the third is also considered to be plesiomorphic in swallowtails (Character 15). Igarashi (1984) noted that the position of Tei-



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nopalpus is "rather difficult to determine" because of the lack of information on early stages. He added that adult morphology "suggests remote association with the Graphiini." Hancock (1983), like Munroe and Ehrlich, recognized the subtribe Teinopalpiti within the Graphiini, but included the genera Meandrusa and Iphiclides in it as well as Teinopalpus. I argue that Meandrusa is more closely related to the genus Papilio (see discussion of Clade 12). Eight synapomorphies, none of which are found in Teinopalpus, unite Iphiclides with other graphiine genera. Hancock listed a single synapomorphy for the Graphiini, "tentorial crests very high," and on that basis included Teinopalpus. I have been unable to find a single synapomorphy that would suggest placing Teinopalpus in the Graphiini. The tentorial crests of T. imperialis, graphiines, and members of other papilionid groups are shown in figure 66. It is clearly inaccurate to characterize the crests of Teinopalpus as very high. Instead, they are not higher than in species belonging to the Pamassiinae, Papilionini, or Troidini. The inclusion of this genus in the Graphiini by past authors therefore appears to be a result either of grouping on the basis of shared plesiomorphic traits, or of inaccurate morphological interpretation. There are two described species, T. imperialis and T. aureus. Traits characterizing the genus are listed below. Note that five of the seven are homoplasious. [12]. Distal segment of labial palpus elongate. Most previous authors regarded the long labial palpi of Teinopalpus (fig. 69A) as an autapomorphic character. The palpi are very long relative to other species in the Papilioninae (see figs. 69-71), but they are not long when compared to the palpi of species in the Pamassiinae (fig. 68F-I). There, as well as in Teinopalpus, the palpi are unusual in having the third segment elongate. As was described earlier, an elongate third palpal segment is suggested to be homoplasious, having arisen twice within the Papilionidae. [13]. Middle discocellular vein (mdc) of forewing incurved. Hancock (1983) argued that the presence of a strongly concave or incurved mdc was a synapomorphy for his subtribe Teinopalpiti, in which he included the genera Teinopalpus, Meandrusa, and

Iphiclides. The mdc of Iphiclides (fig. 157) cannot be characterized as strongly concave. The mdc vein of both Teinopalpus and Meandrusa is strongly concave, and vein M2 of the forewing is strongly arched as well (figs. 163, 164). However, both of these traits occur in exactly the same state in members of both the Parnassiini and Zerynthiini as well (figures in Ackery, 1975). The forewing venation of Sericinus montela (Zerynthiini) is identical in almost every respect with that of T. imperialis, except that the discal cell is not shortened (Character 25). The most parsimonious cladogram for the data presented here suggests that an incurved mdc (and arched M2) arose three times in the Papilionidae; in the Pamassiinae, in Teinopalpus, and in Meandrusa. The possibility exists that future research will support a sister-group relationship between Teinopalpus and Meandrusa, in which case Character 11 would be redefined as a synapomorphy for these genera. 25. Frons protruding. The frontal region of the adult head in Teinopalpus protrudes markedly, giving it a configuration unique among papilionids (Ehrlich, 1958b; Munroe and Ehrlich, 1960). Munroe and Ehrlich (1960) also suggested, without supporting evidence, that this was associated with "hypertrophy of the palpus," a trait treated as unassociated in the present analysis (Character 12). [26]. Forewing discal cell less than half the length of the wing. Hancock (1983) described the forewing discal cells of Teinopa/pus and Meandrusa as shortened. There are species in the Pamassiinae (e.g., Hypermnestra helios; figures in Ackery, 1975) in which the discal cell is somewhat shorter than it is in other papilionids, but only in these two genera is it less than half the length of the wing (figs. 162, 163). The cladistic analysis suggests that a short discal cell arose independently in Teinopalpus and Meandrusa, but because the phylogenetic positions of these taxa are tentative, future research may show that it is actually a synapomorphy uniting them. 27. Forewing with vein R3 short-stalked with R4+5. Teinopalpus is the only genus in the subfamily Papilioninae in which R3 is stalked with R415 (fig. 163). Genera in both




tribes of the Parnassiinae, such as Archon (Parnassiini), Luehdorfia (Zerynthiini), and Bhutanitis (Zerynthiini), show this condition (figures in Ackery, 1975), but in these taxa it is stalked for a much longer distance. I suggest that the trait in the Parnassiinae is not homologous with that in Teinopalpus. [28]. Distal portion of uncus trilobed. Homology of the structures associated with the tegumen in male papilionids was discussed previously (Character 9). A bifid uncus is a synapomorphy for members of Clade 3, and socii are absent in all members of the Papilionidae. This means that the single-structure uncus (Protographium leosthenes, fig. 66E), and trilobed uncus (Teinopalpus and Eurytides), are each derived character states. Both Eurytides and Teinopalpus have been characterized as having socii present because of their unusual morphology (Munroe, 1961; Hancock, 1983). However, the three lobes are formed from two short slits at the distal end of the uncus, which is a single piece for almost its entire length (fig. 66C, I). I suggest that the typically bifid uncus is fused in these two genera, and that the slits in its tip represent a derived character state that has arisen separately. [29]. Ductus bursae of female elbowed. In Teinopalpus imperialis (fig. 36A) there is a distinct elbow-shaped kink in the ductus bursae distal to the region of sclerotization. The ductus seminalis arises beyond the elbow. This configuration was also found in the genus Meandrusa. It can be observed in M. payeni (fig. 44A) but not in M. sciron (fig. 43A). The ductus bursae of several Papilio species exhibits the same shape, as can be seen in Papilio protenor (fig. 38A) and Papilio troilus (fig. 39A). According to my analysis, an elbow-shaped ductus bursae arose independently in Teinopalpus and in members of Clade 12, and was lost in Papilio species such as P. anactus (fig. 38A). Future research may show that Character 29 is in fact a synapomorphy for Teinopalpus and the Papilionini, and that these are sister-groups.

Hancock (1983) first suggested that the Troidini and Papilionini are sister-tribes. My research corroborates his hypothesis. Of the

five characters listed below, #30 and #32 were recognized by Hancock as supporting the monophyly of the Troidini/Papilionini. The most significant difference between my results and those of Hancock is the addition of Meandrusa to this clade. [30]. Pseuduncus slender. Of the species with a pseuduncus, only in the Troidini and Papilionini are there species in which it is long and slender. Usually it is quite heavily sclerotized as well (figs. 37-65). In both the Graphiini and Teinopalpini the pseuduncus is flat and broad (figs. 27E-29E, 32E, 36E). I note that some troidines have a small and broad pseuduncus (Character 111), and that some Graphiini lack a pseuduncus altogether (Character 67). [31]. Tegumen and 8th tergite fused. Nowhere but in the Troidini and Papilionini is the intersegmental membrane between the tegumen and 8th tergite sclerotized. In both groups the tegumen, usually positioned somewhat further inside segment 8 than in other papilionids, is thus immovable. Munroe (1961) noted that within the Papilioninae only the Graphiini have an unsclerotized membrane so that their genitalia can "telescope freely" within the 8th segment. This is true of Teinopalpus as well (fig. 36B). Hancock (1983) recognized sclerotization of the membrane as a synapomorphy for the Troidini/Papilionini. It occurs universally in Papilio (figs. 37B-42B), Meandrusa (figs. 43B, 44B), and the Troidini (figs. 45B-65B) except the subgenus Pachliopta, in which the tegumen is widely separated from tergite 8 (Character 138). 32. Prodiscrimen with a spine. Ehrlich (1958b) noted that several papilionid groups have a prodiscrimen- equivalent to the prosternum of other insects-with a small internal spinelike apodeme located near its anterior edge. This spine is unique to the Papilionidae (Ehrlich, 1958b). Munroe and Ehrlich (1960) found it only in the Troidini, Papilio, and Meandrusa, but nowhere else in the Papilionidae. It thus represents a synapomorphy for members of Clade 11. 33. Lamella of metadiscrimen connecting high on furca. Ehrlich (1958b) noted variation in the configuration of the metadiscrimen within the Papilionidae. The metadiscrimen, an internal support rising dorsally



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from the sternum, consists of a transparent cuticular sheet (termed the "lamella" by Ehrlich, 1 958a, 1 958b) bounded by thicker, pigmented cuticle (figures in Ehrlich's work). In two subfamilies, the Baroniinae and Parnassiinae, the posterior margin of the lamella curves ventrally and connects at the base of the furca. Within the Papilioninae it can have one of two configurations, the one described above (considered plesiomorphic in this study), or alternatively, the lamella can connect high up on the furca, its posterior margin being essentially absent in these cases. I examined additional papilionid species not studied by Ehrlich and found the latter condition in all members of both the Papilionini and Troidini.
CLADE 12- TRIBE PAPILIONINI Munroe (1961) listed over 15 characters in his description of the Papilionini. Of those, most are actually either plesiomorphic at the family level (e.g., "antennae with sense organs not sunk in pits"; Character 106) or are synapomorphies for the Papilionini/Troidini (e.g., "male with 8th tergite uncus-like"; Character 29). Hancock (1983: 30) listed 20 characters in his diagnosis for the Papilionini, none of which are autapomorphies for the tribe. The branch on his cladogram for which the Papilionini is the terminal taxon is supported by 4 "apomorphic" characters: (1) tentorial arms not crested; (2) male hind wing without a scent organ or shiny streak; (3) precosta simple; and (4) larval food plants Rutaceae. The first is plesiomorphic at the family level, crested tentorial arms (Ehrlich, 1958b) being an autapomorphy for the Graphiini (Character 45). The second is inaccurate (see Character 18). Hancock's third character is plesiomorphic at the family level, and the fourth is true of only some Papilio species; many feed solely on plants other than those in the Rutaceae such as members of the Umbelliferae and plants in families belonging to the subclass Magnoliidae (Scriber, 1984). I consider only three character states apomorphic for the Papilionini and all are homoplasious. [29]. Ductus bursae elbow-shaped. This trait was described for Teinopalpus, but the

most parsimonious cladogram suggests that it is not homologous in that genus and the Papilionini. As was mentioned, such a configuration occurs in Meandrusa (fig. 44A) and some Papilio species. It is present in P. protenor (fig. 39A) and Papilio troilus (fig. 40A), but not in P. anactus (fig. 38A). Character 28 should be studied in detail to define it more precisely morphologically, and to clarify its distribution within Papilio.. [34]. Fourth instar larvae glossy. As described for Character 31, the white saddle in the Papilionini is homologous with the pale patch in the Troidini. The fourth instar larvae of Meandrusa payeni and some members of Papilio are very similar in appearance. They lack tubercles, and are smooth and glossy in appearance. In addition, the pigmentation pattern of the fourth instar Meandrusa larva closely resembles that of Papilio glaucus, especially the browner color form. This superficial similarity between Meandrusa and Papilio is most strikingly observed in those groups that both Munroe (1961) and Forbes (1932) suggested are primitive within the Papilionini, Sections III and V. Much more detailed comparisons are clearly needed, and Meandrusa pupae as well as final instar larvae need to be described. [35]. "Basal fleck" of labial palpus forming a large medial flap. The labial palpi of representative papilionines are shown in figures 68-70. Nowhere but within this tribe does one find the "basal fleck" of Reuter (1896) enlarged to form a flap that projects medially (scanning electron micrographs in figs. 85-89). This trait is not found throughout the Papilionini but is hypothesized to have been lost in several groups (see fig. 70D-G). It is most clearly seen in the same groups having green larvae with a white saddle (Character 34) as well as in the genus Meandrusa (fig. 70A).
CLADE 13-GENUS PAPILIO Species in the Papilionini have previously been recognized as a single genus, Papilio. Recent attempts to subdivide Papilio into

genera (Miller and Brown, 1981; Hancock, 1983; Igarashi, 1979, 1984) are unconvincing. None of these authors have adequately demonstrated that the subgroups proposed

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are monophyletic. Neither Miller and Brown nor Igarashi give characters to justify their suggestions. Hancock's assertions are equally questionable. The only generic apomorphies he lists for adults are based upon subjective assessments of wing pattern (e.g., "Chilasa ... mimetic of Danainae, Uraniidae or Epicopeiidae"; or "Princeps [with] wing pattern slightly modified or specialized, often mimetic"). Most of Hancock's larval characters are also inadequate for delimiting monophyletic genera. Two subgroups within the genus do appear to show synapomorphies supporting their monophyly. Larvae of Sections III plus V (Munroe, 1961; approximately equivalent to Pterourus of Hancock, 1983) exhibit thoracic eye-spots, a condition not observed in other species (Munroe, 1961), and larvae in the machaon group of Section II (Munroe, 1961; approximately equivalent to the genus Papilio of Hancock, 1983) have a unique pigmentation pattern. The relationships of Sections III plus V (comprising 26 species) and the machaon group (14 species) to the other 182 species in the genus are completely unknown; these two clades arise from somewhere within Papilio. I therefore concur with Ehrlich and Murphy (1982); at present there is no

justification for subdividing Papilio. I suggest four synapomorphies for the genus: [16]. Tibiae and tarsi lacking scales. Hancock (1983) and Munroe (1961) noted unscaled tibiae and tarsi in the Troidini and Papilionini and scaled ones in the Graphiini. This dichotomy has subsequently become one ofthe most commonly mentioned characters in tribal-level keys for the Papilionidae (e.g., Corbet and Pendlebury, 1978). However, I place Meandrusa (Clade 13), which has scaled tibiae and tarsi, within the Papilionini. According to this hypothesis, tibial and tarsal scales have been lost separately in Papilio, the Troidini, and Zerynthiini. If future research shows that Meandrusa is the sistergroup to the Papilionini/Troidini (fig. 4), scales on the tibiae and tarsi would be reinterpreted as having been lost only twice. [36]. Female with prominent ostial armature. Munroe (1961) discussed this character in some detail and it appears to be a fairly consistent feature of species in Papilio.

He described the ostial armature as "consisting typically of a large anterior and a smaller posterior plate or boss, and a pair of lateral plates, but often greatly elaborated by the development of flanges and teeth." I dissected females of 35 Papilio species but have been unable to homologize the various parts of the ostial armature described by Munroe. Several species (e.g., Papilio anactus, fig. 38A) appear to lack the lateral plates. Further study of Papilio female genitalia may reveal homologies, thus making this character complex valuable for understanding relationships within the genus. [37]. Vesica with a lateral process. Males of 38 Papilio species were dissected, and most had a consistent configuration of the aedeagus and vesica. The aedeagus is characteristically somewhat S-shaped, but sometimes strongly curved (figs. 37C-42C). In addition, the vesica always opens ventrally and in many species a lateral process, observed nowhere else in the Papilionidae, is located at its base (figs. 39C-42C). Dissection of additional Papilio species would document more completely the distribution of this thumb. It is possible that its presence defines a monophyletic group within the genus. 38. Signum zipperlike. Munroe (1961) noted that in Papilio the signum is "long, strap-like, and medially seamed." In addition, the signum in those Papilio species that I dissected has a characteristic pattern of sclerotization exemplified by Papilio thoas (fig. 41 A). It is usually zipperlike, being long, thin, and oriented longitudinally on the bursa. In only a few species (e.g., Papilio toboroi and P. anactus, figs. 37A, 38A), the signum is very small, the zipperlike configuration being less apparent. Examination of females representing 35 Papilio species showed the trait to be extremely consistent. Character Not Used in the Analysis: A fifth potential synapomorphy for the genus is the unique change in chemical composition of osmeterial secretions during larval development (see Character 1). Honda (1981) noted that the change from production of monoand sesquiterpenes during the first four instars to the production of aliphatic acids by fifth instar larvae coincides with a dramatic change in pigmentation pattern; the first four instars are usually "bird dropping" mimics,



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while the last is green in color, sometimes with eyespots. This developmental change in osmeterial chemistry appears to be unique to Papilio, but the larvae of Meandrusa have not been studied.
CLADE 14-GENUS MEANDR USA There has been considerable controversy concerning the correct phylogenetic placement ofMeandrusa. It has been placed in the Graphiini by almost all researchers, but some have hinted at an affinity between Meandrusa and Papilio. Munroe (1961) suggested that it was a higher graphiine genus from which the Papilionini possibly arose. Munroe and Ehrlich (1960) placed it on their diagram (fig. 5) as the graphiine genus closest to the Papilionini, and argued that Meandrusa "arose close to the point of separation of Papilionini from Graphiini." Hancock (1983) did not agree with these ideas, however, claiming that "although Meandrusa is usually placed with the higher [Graphiini], in characters of pattern, venation and male genitalia it appears to be closely allied to Teinopalpus." He thus placed these two genera, along with Iphiclides, in a separate subtribe of the Graphiini, the Teinopalpiti (fig. 7). I tentatively suggest that Meandrusa be placed in the Papilionini, provisionally as the sister-group to Papilio. This conclusion was reached independently by Igarashi (1979, 1984; see also Tsukada and Nishiyama, 1980) on the basis of larval morphology. Igarashi (1979), who reared a single larva of M. payeni to the fourth instar on Lindera umbellata (Lauraceae), published the first descriptions of Meandrusa immatures. His illustration of this specimen (Plate 195) shows a smooth larva with pattern and coloration very similar to that of a penultimate instar larva ofPapilio glaucus. On the basis of his findings he argued that "Meandrusa should be regarded as belonging to the Papilionini rather than

Graphiini." Meandrusa has been placed in the Graphiini largely on the basis of two characters: (1) tibiae and tarsi scaled; and (2) antennae scaled (Munroe, 1961). Both of these are problematical. The antennae of Meandrusa are sparsely scaled dorsally (apomorphic in this study) as is true of species in the Graphiini

and Parnassiini. My cladistic analysis suggests that all three of these are cases of homoplasy and not synapomorphy (Character 15). Tibial and tarsal scaling I consider plesiomorphic (Character 16) and therefore not grounds for indicating immediate common ancestry. Munroe (1961) and Munroe and Ehrlich (1960) also interpreted both of these characters as being plesiomorphic for the Papilionidae. They therefore included Meandrusa in the Graphiini on the basis of symplesiomorphy. According to Hancock's cladogram (1983: 14), Meandrusa should have a high tentorial crest as is characteristic of the Graphiini. I found, however, that its tentorial crest (fig. 67F) is not higher than many members of either the Papilionini or Troidini and is much lower than that of graphiines (Character 45, Analysis 2). Hancock (1983) listed four apomorphic characters on his cladogram to support placement of Meandrusa with the Teinopalpiti. Of those, two are actually synapomorphies for the Troidini/Paplionini ("[male] tergites 9 and 10 fused with 8th"; and "prodiscrimen with a spine"), one is found in the Parnassiinae, Papilionini, and Troidini as well as the Graphiini ("precosta simple"), and the fourth I argued is an incorrect morphological interpretation ("uncus absent," Character 9). The genus exhibits all three synapomorphies of Clade 9. In addition, five synapomorphies unite Meandrusa with the Papilionini/Troidini. Two synapomorphies are found in Meandrusa and the Papilionini; the larval pattern (Character 34) was described above, and the basal fleck on the labial palpus of Meandrusa is very large, projecting medially as in several Papilio species (Character 35). The genus, whose geographical distribution and nomenclature are covered by Igarashi (1979) and Hemming (1934, 1967), respectively, comprises only two species, M. sciron and M. payeni. [ 13]. Middle discocellular (mdc) incurved. According to my analysis, an incurved mdc arose three separate times in the Papilionidae; in Meandrusa, in Teinopalpus, and in the Parnassiinae. [15]. Antennae with scales. It was argued earlier that presence of scales on the antennae is a derived state within the Papilionidae.

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This is the opposite polarity decision of all previous authors. According to my interpretation, antennal scales evolved separately in three groups, the Pamassiini, Graphiini, and Meandrusa. [26]. Forewing discal cell less than half the length of wing. In both Meandrusa (fig. 164) and Teinopalpus (fig. 163) the forewing discal cell is less than half as long as the wing. The trait was previously described for the latter genus, but the current analysis suggests that it is homoplasious. [39]. Tarsal claws bifid. Both species of Meandrusa have a distinct tooth on the tarsal claws. This condition is also observed in one of the two Lamproptera species (L. curius) and in many pierids. All three of these occurrences are here hypothesized to represent cases of homoplasy. 40. Blue scales on underside of wing opalescent. Hancock (1983) listed this trait as characteristic of the genus but it has not been closely examined in the present study. 41. Uncus shoe-shaped. Munroe (1961) described the socii, structures that I consider to be a bifid uncus (Character 9), as "shoeshaped" in Meandrusa. Though a somewhat inaccurate description (see figs. 43B, 44B), the characteristic shape ofthe Meandrusa uncus was found in no other papilionids examined. [42]. Juxta with strong lateral flaps. Another trait described by Munroe (1961; see fig. 43D), it again appears to be uniquely derived within the genus, but occurs in only one of the two species, being absent in M. payeni (fig. 44D). 43. Aedeagus with a toothed flange on the distal portion. The aedeagus of both M. sciron and M. payeni have such a flange (figs. 43C, 44C) though its precise orientation differs between species. 44. Ductus bursae funnel-shaped at base. Both Meandrusa species have a unique ostial configuration (figs. 43A, 44A). In addition to having a funnel-shaped ductus, there is a smooth dorsal plate posterior to the ostial opening of M. sciron. Further comparative study of female genitalic morphology in Meandrusa and other papilionines may enable future workers to homologize the various structures, especially in the ostial region, and would subsequently allow polarization

of such characters within the genus Papilio. Hancock described the valvae of both Meandrusa species as "broad, deeply emarginate dorsally" (1983: 18) and figured both with a large lobe at the base of the valve's dorsal margin (p. 18, figs. 6 and 7). I dissected several specimens of both species and found no emarginate valvae. Instead, the dorsal margin is smooth (figs. 43B, 44B) as is typical of papilionine valvae.

CLADE 15-TRIBE TROIDINI Characters corroborating monophyly of the Troidini and generic relationships among the tribe are presented in Analysis 3.

DISCUSSION There can be little doubt that the Troidini and Papilionini are sister-tribes, and that the Graphiini are plesiomorphic relative to all other groups in the Papilioninae. Hancock (1983) reached this conclusion independently, and the research described here corroborates his hypothesis. A single purported synapomorphy for the Graphiini and Papilionini, "tibiae and tarsi with ventral row of spines separated from dorsal row by an impressed spineless space" was discussed by Munroe (1961; originally described by Jordan, 1907). This character has been subsequently included in almost every diagnosis of the Papilionidae (e.g., Emmel, 1975; Tyler, 1975; Hancock, 1983). I have been completely unable to observe the impressed spineless space with any degree of confidence. A sister-group relationship between the Graphiini and Papilionini, implied by the writings of Munroe (1961) and Munroe and Ehrlich (1960), results from failure to recognize derived character states that unite the Troidini and Papilionini. A sister-group relationship between the latter tribes argues strongly against the theory that "red, tuberculate, Aristolochiafeeding larvae" (Munroe, 1961) in the Troidini and Parnassiinae are in any way homologous, as was suggested by Ehrlich and Raven (1964). Careful study of papilionid larvae is likely to reveal that these are convergent similarities. According to my results, Aristolochia-feeding would likewise not be a homologous trait in these two groups. The tribal analysis shows conclusively that



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neither Meandrusa nor Teinopalpus belong in the Graphiini. Their placement in that tribe by previous authors has resulted from grouping by symplesiomorphy, and from failure to recognize derived traits shared with members of the Papilionini/Troidini. The exact phylogenetic position of these two genera is much less certain, however. Neither of the synapomorphies uniting Meandrusa and Papilio occur throughout these groups. Presence of scales on the tibiae and tarsi suggests that Meandrusa may in fact be the sister-group to a clade including the Papilionini and Troidini (fig. 4), and this hypothesis should be tested further. In addition, two wing venational characters (# 13 and #26) suggest a sister-group

relationship between Meandrusa and Teinopalpus. The position of Teinopalpus is equally tenuous. Many adult morphological traits are plesiomorphic or autapomorpic. Few are informative regarding the relationship of this genus to other papilionids. The immature stages of Teinopalpus are not known. Larval and pupal characters often provide important information regarding higher-level relationships in the Papilionidae. It is therefore extremely important that field workers concentrate their efforts on studying the biology and life histories of both Meandrusa and Teinopalpus.


HISTORY OF THE CLASSIFICATION The tribe Graphiini includes 147 species, 53 of which belong to Eurytides, and 89 to Graphium (table 1). All are tropical except for the Palearctic Iphiclidespodalirius and the Nearctic Eurytides marcellus. The larvae feed primarily on the Annonaceae ("paw paw" family; superorder Magnoliidae), an association found nowhere else in the swallowtails. They also use other families in the Magnoliidae such as the Magnoliaceae, Lauraceae, and Hemandiaceae [see Scriber (1984) for a complete list of swallowtail host-plant families], overlapping some food plants of the Papilionini. The Graphiini has been characterized in the past by what I regard as plesiomorphic traits. As a result, genera of doubtful affinity have been placed in the tribe, and the tribal boundaries of the Graphiini have been controversial. Bryk (1929-1930) recognized the genus Lamproptera, but retained all other graphiine species in Papilio. Lamproptera appears to have been given generic status on the basis of its unusual appearance. Both species (L. curius and L. meges) are small papilionids, and the hind wing tail on vein M3 is extremely long relative to the size of the insect. In ad-

dition, Lamproptera exhibits several wing venational characters found nowhere else in the Papilionidae. All of these traits are autapomorphic for the genus. Ford (1944b), Talbot (1949), and Ehrlich (1958b) placed Graphium and Lamproptera in the Graphiini. Ehrlich (1 958b) united Lamproptera and Graphium because their tentorial crests are high compared to those of other butterflies (Character 45). Munroe (1961) significantly changed the classification of the Graphiini (table 3). He included Teinopalpus, though I dispute this placement (Analysis 1). In addition, he noted that two "graphiine" species, Graphium payeni and G. sciron (=gyas) were markedly different from other members of the tribe. However, he retained them in the tribe, noting that "they belong to the very distinctive genus Dabasa Moore 1887" (= Meandrusa Moore 1887). Munroe accepted generic status for Lamproptera, but subdivided Graphium (sensu Ford and Ehrlich); he erected the genus Protographium for an Australian species, leosthenes, and recognized Iphiclides, a genus with two Palearctic species, podalirius and podalirinus. Munroe placed all the American graphiines (the "Kite Swallowtails" of Rothschild and Jordan, 1906) in the genus Eurytides, and divided them into sub-




Graphium Iphlclides


Graphiine Classifications
A. Present classification: Tribe Graphiini Genus Eurytides Hiubner Subgenus Protesilaus Swainson Subgenus Eurytides Hiibner Genus Protographium Munroe Genus Iphiclides Hiibner Genus Lamproptera Gray Genus Graphium Scopoli Subgenus Pazala Moore Subgenus Pathysa Reakirt Subgenus Arisbe Hiibner Subgenus Graphium Scopoli B. Classification of Hancock (1983): Tribe Leptocircini (=Graphiini) Subtribe Teinopalpiti Genus Iphiclides Hiibner Genus Teinopalpus Hope Genus Meandrusa Moore Subtribe Leptocirciti Genus Protesilaus Swainson Genus Eurytides Hiibner Genus Protographium Munroe Genus Lamproptera Gray Genus Graphium Scopoli Subgenus Pazala Moore Subgenus Pathysa Reakirt Subgenus Arisbe Hiibner Subgenus Graphium Scopoli C. Classification of Munroe (19 61): Tribe Leptocircini Genus Lamproptera Gray Genus Teinopalpus Hope Genus Eurytides Huibner Genus Protographium Munroe Genus Iphiclides Hiibner Genus Graphium Scopoli Subgenus Graphium Scopoli Subgenus Arisbe Hiibner Subgenus Pathysa Reakirt Genus Meandrusa Moore


Protographium Eurytides



Leptocirciti Teinopalpiti


Fig. 5. Relationships among genera and subgenera in the Graphiini according to the branching diagram of Munroe and Ehrlich (1960).

Protesilaus and Eurytides. The remaining graphiines were classified in three Graphium subgenera, Pathysa, Arisbe, and Graphium. Munroe and Ehrlich (1960) made no substantive changes in either the tribal or generic classifications proposed by Munroe (1961). Their diagram showing the "order of the bifurcations" of graphiine lineages is reprogenera

duced in figure 5. They retained Teinopalpus in the tribe because it "appears to have real affinities with the most primitive Graphiini" and erected the subtribe Teinopalpiti. They further suggested that Meandrusa "arose close to the point of separation of Papilionini and Graphiini" but left it in the latter tribe. They upheld the other generic separations advocated by Munroe (1961), though noting that Iphiclides and Graphium were very closely related, and that future researchers might choose to synonymize them. Igarashi's (1979, 1984) studies of immature stages provided important new information for understanding relationships within the Papilionidae. His work was regional, and for that reason his phylogenetic hypothesis was incomplete. He studied eggs, larvae, and pupae representing all the important Old World graphiine genera with the exception of Teinopalpus, for which no immatures were collected. Igarashi did not figure or discuss any New World species, however, and Eurytides was not placed on his diagram of phylogenetic relationships (fig. 6). His ideas concerning phylogeny and classification differed substantially from those of previous workers. He recognized generic status for three of the four subgenera of Graphium proposed by Munroe, retaining Pazala and Pathysa, but sinking Arisbe within Graphium. Further-



VOL. 186

Lam proptera





Tei nopalpus


Pazala s.g.

iphicl ides

Pathysa s.g. Arisbe s.g.

Graphium s.g.

Fig. 7. Cladistic relationships among genera in the Graphiini and subgenera in Graphium according to Hancock (1983).

Fig. 6. Relationships among genera in the Graphiini according to the branching diagram of Igarashi (1984).

he argued that Lamproptera is more closely related to Graphium (= subgenus Graphium of Munroe) than to either Pazala or Pathysa, therefore implying that Graphium of previous workers was paraphyletic with respect to Lamproptera. Hancock (1983) published a cladogram for the graphiine genera (fig. 7), and his ideas also differed markedly from those of Munroe and Ehrlich. He agreed that Teinopalpus was a plesiomorphic member of the tribe, but placed Meandrusa and Iphiclides with it in the subtribe Teinopalpiti. All other genera were retained in the subtribe Graphiiti. Hancock's cladogram differs from the diagram published by Munroe and Ehrlich in almost every other respect. He used Munroe's generic names, except he resurrected Protesilaus Swainson [1832]-considered a subgenus of Eurytides by Munroe-and regarded it as the sister-group to the rest ofthe Graphiiti. Hancock recognized four Graphium subgenera, the three proposed by Munroe as well as Pazala, treated previously as a species-group within Pathysa. As this discussion demonstrates, there have been few points of agreement among previous researchers concerning graphiine relationships. There are two likely explanations

for this instability. First of all, larval and pupal characters have been pivotal in all previous discussion of the group. Unfortunately, important information concerning the morphology ofimmature stages was not available to these authors. For example, Munroe had almost no data on three critical genera, Teinopalpus, Meandrusa, and Lamproptera. Igarashi's (1979) important discovery of the larva ofMeandrusa payeni led him to remove this genus from the Graphiini. He also relied on larval and pupal morphology to propose a close relationship between Lamproptera and Graphium. Unfortunately, Igarashi was unable to obtain larvae or pupae of Teinopalpus.

The second reason for the controversy is that uniquely derived traits have rarely been used to establish monophyletic groups; the tribe itself has usually been described on the basis of plesiomorphic characters (e.g., Ford, 1944b; Munroe and Ehrlich, 1960; Munroe, 1961). Hancock (1983) published the only study to date that attempted to identify monophyletic groups in the Graphiini. His study was based on available characters in the literature, but these were too few and too poorly documented. For example, Hancock listed a single synapomorphy for the Graphiini on his cladogram of generic relationships in the Papilioninae: the presence of "very high" tentorial crests. I show that Hancock erred in this assessment because neither he nor Ehrlich had documented the character



TABLE 4 Data Matrix for Analysis 2; Cladistic Relationships Among Graphiine Genera 0 indicates the plesiomorphic state, 1 the apomorphic state 45 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1


46 47 48 49 50
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1

Eurytides epidaus telesilaus Protographium leosthenes Iphiclides podalirius Lamproptera meges Graphium (Pazala) eurous (Graphium) nomius (Pathysa) nomius (Arisbe) philonoe
Eurytides epidaus telesilaus Protographium leosthenes Iphiclides podalirius Lamproptera meges Graphium (Pazala) eurous (Graphium) nomius (Pathysa) nomius (Arisbe) philonoe

Character number 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1

58 59 60 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

61 62 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 67 0 0 0 1

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 1 1 1

0 0 0 0

64 0 0 0 1
1 1 1

65 0 0 0
1 0

66 0 0 0
1 0

68 0 0 0
1 0

69 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1

70 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1

71 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1

72 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1

73 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

74 0 0 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0

75 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0

76 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

77 0 0 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0

78 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0

79 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1

80 0 0 0 0 0

81 0 0 0 0 0

82 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 1

1 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 1 1

0 0 0 0

11 11 11 11

Eurytides epidaus telesilaus Protographium leosthenes Iphiclides podalirius Lamproptera meges Graphium (Pazala) eurous (Graphium) nomius (Pathysa) nomius (Arisbe) philonoe

83 0 0 0 0 0

84 0 0 0 0 0

85 0 0 0 0 0

86 0 0 0 0 0

87 0 0 0 0 0

88 0 0 0 0 0

89 0 0 0 0 0

90 0 0 0 0 0

91 0 0 0 0 0
0 1
1 1

92 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1

93 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1

94 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1

95 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1

96 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1

97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

98 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1

11 11 1 1 1 1

1 11 1 11 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0

1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1

state for tentorial crests in all graphiine genera

and other members of the Papilionidae.

CLADISTIC ANALYSIS Nine species were chosen as representative ofthe graphiine genera (listed in the data matrix, table 4), and were used as terminal taxa in the phylogenetic analysis. Four Graphium species were chosen to represent the four subgenera defined by Hancock (1983). Females in the subgenus Eurytides (= genus Eurytides of Hancock, 1983) are exceedingly rare in collections, and were unavailable for dissec-

tion. Because so many of the morphological characters employed involve female genitalia, this subgenus was not represented in the analysis. Examination of males from both species-groups in the subgenus Eurytides indicated that the genus itself is monophyletic (Character 60). Future study of females will almost certainly not necessitate fundamental changes in the phylogenetic hypotheses presented. The outgroup chosen to root the cladogram was a composite of species belonging to all other papilionid tribes. Using the "Branch



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^D ;~~~~~F 0~ ~ ~ ~ ~C



C6 ,

C e ,.~~~C' <;,,%:


02O -5



-59 -58 270

62' 61'p




960 670





_ -90




4_-6 4_

86 85 84


760 75 -74 73 -670

-82 81 80


68' 67' 660 650

710 7 69

56 -55' -54'06 63 53






:-50 -49
48 47 46 45


Fig. 8. Hypothesis of cladistic relationships among genera in the Graphiini and subgenera in ium (Analysis 2). Closed circles designate homoplasious characters.


1 987



and Bound" option, the PAUP program found a single tree (fig. 8) with a consistency index of 0.887. CLASSIFICATION Though this research has resulted in a hypothesis of generic relationships very different from those of past authors, the classification accepted is similar to that of Munroe (1961). The major difference is the removal of two genera, Meandrusa and Teinopalpus, from the tribe. The taxa treated here as belonging to the Graphiini include five genera:

Eurytides Hiibner, Protographium Munroe, Iphiclides Hiibner, Lamproptera Gray, and Graphium Scopoli. Because these groups are so closely related, and because their phylogenetic positions remain quite tentative, I chose not to erect subtribal groupings. The classifications of Munroe (1961) and Hancock (1983) are presented for comparison in
Table 3.

CLADE 8-TRIBE GRAPHIINI The Graphiini was determined in Analysis 1 to be the plesiomorphic tribe in the subfamily Papilioninae. Its monophyly is the most strongly supported of any papilionid tribe. On the other hand, relatively few characters were found that clarify relationships within the group. Areas for future research are pointed out below. The following synapomorphies corroborate the monophyly of the Graphiini: [15]. Antennae scaled. Scaled antennae were regarded by Munroe and all subsequent researchers as a primitive papilionid character state. This assumption was based on the presence of scaled antennae in the Pieridae. Within the Papilionidae the antennae are bare in Baronia, the Zerynthiini, Teinopalpini, Troidini, and Papilio, whereas they are scaled in the Pamassiini and Graphiini. I suggest that the papilionid stem species had bare antennae, and that scaled antennae arose separately in three swallowtail lineages. Using Munroe's polarity hypothesis, scaling was lost in five lineages. 45. Tentorialcrestshigh. Kristensen(1976) argued that the presence of dorsal tentorial

arms (=crests) is a synapomorphy for the Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea. High tentorial crests were suggested by Ehrlich (1 958b) to be characteristic of the Graphiini. Comparison of the tentorial crests of graphiines with those of species belonging to other papilionid groups (fig. 67) indicates that they are unusually high in the genera Eurytides, Protographium, Iphiclides, Lamproptera, and Graphium. In Teinopalpus, Meandrusa, and other members of the Papilionidae the crests are represented by a smoothly rounded hump. There is variation in the height and amount of dorsal narrowing in species within the Graphiini. The trait is further discussed in relation to Character 95. 46. Cross-vein between Rs and M1 ofhind wing sinuate. Rothschild and Jordan (1906) noted that the cross-vein in the "third cellule" of the hind wing is "more or less strongly incurved" in Eurytides (their "Kite Swallowtails"). The cross-vein between Rs and Ml curves inward toward the center of the discal cell. I found this character state in all five graphiine genera. The vein in Iphiclides (fig. 157) is less markedly curved. The discal cell of Lamproptera (fig. 158) is very small, making this trait hard to see. However the cross-vein does appear to be incurved here as well. The trait is very clearly observed in species within the genus Graphium such as G. (Pathysa) macareus (fig. 162). 47. Aedeagus bell-shaped at base. All graphiine genera have the base of the aedeagus funnel- or bell-shaped. In Iphiclides podalirius (fig. 30C) it is huge, whereas in Lamproptera (fig. 31 C) and several Graphium species, such as G. (Graphium) euryplus (fig. 33C), it is less markedly developed. Some members of the Pamassiinae, Papilionini, and Troidini have the base of the aedeagus somewhat flared (e.g., Pachliopta species, figs. 50C54C), but not as strongly as graphiines. The aedeagus of Teinopalpus (fig. 36C) widens slightly at the base and has a medial notch unlike members of the Graphiini. The aedeagus of Baronia (fig. 22C) is not flared. 48. Dorsolateral sclerite of valve articulated. Throughout the Papilioninae and in some parnassiine species I observed a previously undescribed sclerite of the male genitalia. It is usually a small structure located



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in the membrane between the dorsobasal attachment of the valve and the tegumen (see generalized genitalia, fig. 17). In members of the Teinopalpini, Papilionini, and Troidini it is set apart from the valve, tegumen, and uncus, appearing to be free-floating in the membrane. Among these tribes it is always small and lightly sclerotized (e.g., Papilio sp., figs. 37B-42B). Within the Graphiini this sclerite is larger and is quite heavily sclerotized. Furthermore, it is firmly attached to the valve at the dorsal junction of the valve and tegumen, and the point of attachment is even more heavily sclerotized. The sclerite therefore appears to form a hinge at the base of the valve (figs. 27B-35B). The complex association of the sclerite and valve was observed in no other butterflies examined. 49. Dorsal bristlelike scales present basally on ventral anal margin of male hind wing. Graphiines have bristlelike scales on the dorsal surface of the anal margin. They are typically very long, most numerous toward the base of wing, and often lie horizontally, pointing distally along the anal vein (vein IA+2A). I observed these scales in Eurytides, Protographium, and Graphium. They occur in male Lamproptera curius, but not L. meges. Males of Iphiclidespodalirius lack such scales, but they have what appear to be modified scales on the hind wing margin (fig. 95). According to this cladistic analysis, lack of bristlelike scales in Iphiclides podalirius is secondarily derived within the tribe. 50. First instar larvae with bifid setae on thoracic and abdominal segments. Igarashi (1979) figured bifid setae on the thorax and abdomen of first instar larvae of nine Graphium species as well as those of Iphiclides podalirius and Protographium leosthenes, and mentioned that they also occur on first instar Lamproptera. I examined Eurytides marcellus larvae, and found that they are present in that species as well. They appear to be a synapomorphy for the Graphiini. The only other papilionid species in which bifid setae are known is Baronia brevicornis, but they occur on the larval head, rather than on the body (Igarashi, 1979, 1984; and see Character 66). A detailed study of the distribution of bifid setae on particular body segments and tubercles might provide important phylogenetic information concerning relationships within the Graphiini.

51. Pupa with lateral ridges extending from cremaster to head. Pupal morphology of graphiines is distinctive and has been used by all past authors to characterize the tribe. Munroe (1961) and Hancock (1983) noted a raised ridge located laterally on each side of the body and extending from the cremaster to the pupal head of graphiines (figured in Igarashi, 1979, 1984). [52]. Papillae anales with peglike setae. Short, hooklike setae are found on the medial surfaces of the ovipositor lobes in almost all Papilionidae (fig. 103). Such setae may be a synapomorphy for Clade 3 because I did not see them on the papillae anales of Baronia. Their distribution outside the swallowtails is unknown. One type of setal configuration is restricted to the Graphiini. A series of very short, peglike setae occurs along the lateroposterior edge of each lobe (figs. 90, 91). Scanning electron micrographs reveal more setal types. Short, hairlike setae cover the surface of the papillae anales in all papilionids examined (e.g., figs. 107, 108). I recorded peglike setae in Eurytides, Graphium, and Iphiclides, but not in Lamproptera. In Protographium, the setae are not as short and peglike, but are distinctly thickened. I suggest that peglike setae are a synapomorphy for the Graphiini but were lost in Lamproptera. The function of these structures is open to speculation. Klijnstra (1985) found that setae on the ovipositor lobes of Pieris rapae (Pieridae) detect "oviposition deterrent pheromone," and Eaton (1986) suggested that similar setae in Manduca (Sphingidae) detect host plant chemicals. Four distinct types of setae were observed on the lobes of Iphiclides and other graphiines, and each may serve a different function, possibly as chemosensors during the final phases of oviposition.

My results indicate that Protographium and Eurytides are sister-genera. Munroe (1 96 1) mentioned that Protographium is "separated by very slight characters from Eurytides," but that "detailed resemblance of pattern and the occurrence in the same geographic region" indicate a close relationship between Protographium and Graphium. Munroe and Ehrlich (1960) accepted the latter interpretation.

1 987



Hancock too decided that Protographium is more closely related to Graphium than to Eurytides. The monophyly of Clade 8A is quite firmly established. 53. Pupa squat. Igarashi (1979) figured the pupa of Protographium leosthenes, which is squat in appearance, unlike the elongate pupa of Iphiclides, Lamproptera, or Graphium. He did not show the pupae of species in the genus Eurytides. I found that the pupa of E. marcellus is squat like that of Protographium. [54]. Clasper triangular with a serrate margin. The clasper of Protographium leosthenes is relatively broad and triangular (fig. 29B) with many short teeth along its margin. Within Eurytides there is variation in the shape of the clasper. However, in those characterized by Munroe (1961) as being primitive within the genus, the clasper is also triangular and marginal teeth are present. These species include members of both the E. dolicaon and E. thyastes groups. The claspers of these species are much less complex than those of the E. protesilaus and E. marcellus groups (e.g., fig. 27B). This trait is not well-substantiated; the clasper of E. telesilaus (fig. 28B) is not triangular, though its margins are serrate. Of the species dissected, the valve of E. telesilaus is unusual among members of this genus. [55]. Uncus fused. The uncus is fused for almost its entire length in Eurytides species (fig. 66C) and is entirely fused in Protographium leosthenes (fig. 66E). The uncus of Eurytides has been termed "trilobed" (Munroe, 1961) because of the two short slits at its distal end. These lobes have been interpreted to represent paired lateral socii and a medial uncus (Character 9). One species, E. celadon (Lucas), has an uncus fused for its entire length (fig. 66D) exactly as in P. leosthenes. I have termed fusion of the uncus a synapomorphy for Clade 8A. Other graphiines (fig. 66F-H) exhibit a bilobed uncus, the plesiomorphic state. 56. Dorsolateral sclerite of valve triangular and fused to tegumen. In most graphiines the sclerite described in Character 48 as the dorsolateral sclerite is somewhat concave and elongate (see figs. 30B-35B). In Lamproptera (fig. 3 1 B) the sclerite is huge and is only lightly melanized. In Protographium and Eurytides this sclerite is firmly attached to the tegumen and articulates at the base of the uncus

(figs. 27B-29B). In addition, these two groups have a sclerite that is triangular and sharply elbowed anteriorly. The configuration of the dorsolateral sclerite in Protographium and Eurytides is suggested to be a derived state. [57]. Anal margin of male hind wing with deciduous scales. Within the Graphiini there are groups in which deciduous androconia occur in addition to the more commonly observed bristlelike scales (Character 49). If androzonia stuck to a probe as it was gently dragged over the anal margin, deciduous scales were scored as present. Typically, large masses of scales did so. Species belonging to the following groups were found to have deciduous scales: some members of Eurytides, all subgenera of Graphium except Pazala, and Protographium leosthenes. Similar scales are described for species in the Troidini (Character 143), but they are not considered homologous with such scales in the Graphiini. Furthermore, it is hypothesized that deciduous scales arose in Clade 8A separately from their derivation in Graphium (Character 91).

CLADE 8B-Genus Eurytides

Hancock (1983) separated the subgenus Protesilaus (as defined by Munroe) from the rest of Eurytides and suggested that it was the sister-group to the rest of the Leptocirciti (table 3 and fig. 7). A single synapomorphy was listed on Hancock's cladogram to corroborate monophyly of the lineage for which Protesilaus was the sister-group; "ofGondwanan origin" was the derived state whereas "of Nearctic origin" was the plesiomorphic state. This is not a heritable character and does not constitute grounds for identifying a monophyletic group. I argue that Munroe's original formulation was correct, and that Eurytides is a monophyletic genus. The two subgenera of Munroe, Eurytides and Protesilaus, are tentatively accepted. Precise relationships within the genus were not examined because females in the subgenus Eurytides are rare in collections and were not available for dissection. Without such data there is little hope of producing a cladogram for the genus. The following characters corroborate the monophyly of Eurytides: [27]. Uncus trilobed. All species in Eurytides have the tip of the uncus trilobed or trifid (fig. 66C). This state occurs in Teino-



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palpus imperialis as well (fig. 661), and perhaps led Munroe (1961) to include the latter in the Graphiini. The present study suggests that a trifid uncus was independently derived in these two genera and therefore represents a synapomorphy for Eurytides. [58]. Deciduous scales curly. Most species in the genus Eurytides have three types of androconia on the ventral surface ofthe male hind wing: (1) bristlelike scales characteristic of graphiines (Character 49), (2) scales somewhat like typical hind wing scales but longer and thinner, and (3) deciduous scales. The deciduous scales of Eurytides species are unlike those of other graphiines. As the scales of E. epidaus illustrate (fig. 96), they are quite short and occur in a tangled mat. The bases of these scales are thin (fig. 97) and the scales themselves appear to have broken off at the scale socket in several cases. This may be a mechanism whereby they are transferred to the female during courtship (see discussion of Character 143, Analysis 3). Deciduous scales do not occur in all Eurytides species. Presumed mimetic species, such as E. phaon, E. pausanius, and E. branchus, possess only bristlelike scales as well as a small patch of scales similar to the second type described above. Whether presence of deciduous scales defines a monophyletic group within Eurytides or whether it represents a plesiomorphic state is impossible to determine in the absence of additional character information. 59. Ostium of female a series of folds. There is much variation in the configuration of the ostium throughout the Papilionidae. Within the genus Eurytides, the ostium is unique in that it consists of a set of membranous folds and is only lightly sclerotized compared to other species in the Papilioninae (figs. 27A, 28A). Further study of the ostium within this genus may help elucidate species relationships. 60. Clasper of male with a dorsal flange and central process. Elaborations of the clasper in Eurytides species are much easier to homologize than those in other swallowtail genera, and many species exhibit remarkably similar configurations, as was noted by Munroe (1961). There is always a large, toothed, dorsal flange that either lies flat against the valve (e.g., E. dolicaon, and E. marcellus, not

figured) or projects medially (e.g., E. epidaus, fig. 27B). There is also a central process (Hancock, 1983) in all species examined that projects medially. It is either thin as in E. epidaus, or stout and toothed as in E. dolicaon and E. thyastes (not figured). One structure, a ventrally located thumblike process, is found on the claspers of only some species (e.g., E. epidaus, fig. 27B; E. branchus, E. agesilaus, and others). In some species it is very small (e.g., E. asius) or absent (e.g., E. dolicaon). The fundamentally similar clasper morphology of Eurytides species supports the contention that the group is monophyletic and argues against the assertion of Hancock ( 1983) that Eurytides is polyphyletic with respect to the subgenus Protesilaus. The clasper of E. telesilaus (fig. 28B) is unusual among the species examined, but the parts can be homologized with those described above.
CLADE 8C-Genus Protographium Munroe's Protographium possesses few autapomorphies. I identify two derived traits, both of which occur in other taxa. [61]. Uncus a single projection. In Protographium the uncus is a single narrow structure (fig. 66E). Munroe (1961) and Hancock (1983) suggested that this is an instance where socii are secondarily aborted and only the uncus remains (see also Common and Waterhouse, 1981). Instead, I suggest that socii never occur in the Papilionidae and that the presence of a bifid uncus is a synapomorphy for members of Clade 3 (Character 9). The uncus of Protographium is derived independently from the single uncus of either Baronia (fig. 66A) or Eurytides celadon (fig. 66D). [62]. Vesica with cornuti. The vesica of P. leosthenes (fig. 29C) is covered with short cornuti. Similar comuti were observed in Graphium species (Character 97). Their taxonomic distribution in the latter is extremely scattered and it is unlikely that their presence delimits a monophyletic group. The comuti of Protographium and Graphium are not considered homologous.
I propose that Iphiclides, Lamproptera, and Graphium together form a monophyletic




group. Igarashi (1984) also seemed to indicate such a relationship (fig. 6). 63. Aedeagus pointed distally. In the members of Clade 8D the aedeagus is strongly pointed distally and the point is more heavily sclerotized than the rest of the aedeagus. Iphiclides podalirius (fig. 30C) has a pointed aedeagus as does Lamproptera meges (fig. 31 C). The aedeagus of Graphium nomius (fig. 34C) is not sharply pointed, but is atypical of the antiphates group in which G. nomius had been placed. All other Graphium species examined have a strongly pointed aedeagus (figs. 32C, 33C, 35C). 64. Tegumen narrowed dorsolaterally. The dorsolateral portion of the tegumen is broad and robust in most swallowtails. This is especially true of Baronia (fig. 22B), most parnassiines (figs. 23B-26B), and Teinopalpus (fig. 36B). Within the Graphiini the tegumen is relatively broad dorsolaterally in Eurytides and Protographium (figs. 27B-29B), but is narrow in Iphiclides, Lamproptera, and

in the Graphiini there is no sign of this structure in members of three genera: Iphiclides (fig. 30E), Lamproptera (fig. 3 1E), and Graphium. Within Graphium it is absent in two of four subgenera. [68]. Aedeagus curved. Hancock (1983) included "aedeagus curved" in his list of characters supporting monophyly of the graphiine subtribe Teinopalpiti, in which he placed Iphiclides, Meandrusa, and Teinopalpus. This trait is poorly defined. The aedeagus of Meandrusa (figs. 43C, 44C) is not more strongly curved than that of some species within Papilio (e.g., P. toboroi, fig. 37C), and there are species within the Troidini with a strongly curved aedeagus (e.g., Troides priamus, fig. 58C). Members of the wallacei group (subgenus Graphium) have an almost corkscrew shaped aedeagus (figures in Saigusa et al., 1977). The curved aedeagi of Iphiclides (fig. 30C), Teinopalpus (fig. 36C), and the cases described above are suggested to be independently derived traits.

Graphium (figs. 30B-35B).

CLADE 8E-Genus Iphiclides The following characters are based on examination of I. podalirius. Specimens of I. podalirinus were unavailable for study. [65]. Valve with a point on distal margin. The valve of I. podalirius is uniquely shaped (fig. 30B), possessing a point on the posterior margin. A projection on the valve is characteristic of species in the genus Troides (Troidini), but is not homologous with that of Iphiclides. [66]. First instar larva with bifid setae on head. Igarashi (1984) described Iphiclides podalirius as the only papilionid species other than Baronia to have bifid setae on the head of the first instar larva. Iphiclides also exhibits bifid setae on the thorax and abdomen (Character 50), a synapomorphy for the Graphiini. Bifid setae on the larval head of both Baronia and Iphiclides are unlikely to indicate immediate common ancestry for these genera. [67]. Pseuduncus absent. The presence of a projection on the posterior margin of tergite VIII in male swallowtails was earlier termed a synapomorphy for the subfamily Papilioninae (see Analysis 1, Character 17). WithCLADE 8F A sister-group relationship between Lamproptera and Graphium was proposed by Hancock (1983). He supported this hypothesis with two derived traits: (1) "uncus emarginate"; and (2) "Pupal dorsal horn large, pointed," further noting that "the immature stages provide the best evidence of a close relationship" between these two genera. I argue that "uncus emarginate," referring to the bifid condition, is plesiomorphic at the level of Clade 3. I accept Hancock's second character as a synapomorphy. Howarth (1976) and Igarashi (1979) described the immature stages of Lamproptera. 69. Pupa with long dorsal horn. The pupae of most Graphium species have a long dorsal horn, often extending anteriorly well beyond the head. Such a horn occurs only in these species and in Lamproptera (figures in Igarashi, 1979). 70. Long setose tubercles on thoracic segments 3 and 4 and on abdominal segment 10 of first instar larvae. Among graphiines, long tubercles on thoracic segments 3 and 4 and on abdominal segment 10 of first instar larvae occur only in Graphium and Lamproptera. A detailed study of tubercle and setal



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arrangements in first instar larvae ofall papilionids is warranted. This character requires more careful definition and more complete taxonomic documentation. [71]. Forewing upper discocellular (udc) longer than middle discocellular (mdc). Rothschild (1895) first noted that in Graphium the udc is longer than the mdc (figs. 159162). Other than these species, the udc is longer than the mdc only in Lamproptera (fig. 158), though the orientation of the discocellulars is unique in this genus. A short udc is recognized as the plesiomorphic state. A long udc also occurs in Battus (Troidini). 72. Tentorial crests sharply narrowed. The tentorial crests of species in the Graphiini are higher than those of other papilionids, and this trait is a synapomorphy for the tribe (Character 45). Ehrlich (1 958b) described the high tentorial crest of Lamproptera, and my study of tentoria representing all graphiine groups has further revealed that a sharply narrowed crest is found only in Lamproptera (fig. 67L) and Graphium. Tentorial crests of species in the subgenus Pazala (fig. 67M), here proposed as the plesiomorphic group in Graphium, are most similar in shape to those of Lamproptera.

CLADE 8G-Genus Lamproptera Lamproptera has been considered distinctive from other graphiines by previous swallowtail workers largely because of its unique habitus. It also exhibits many autapomorphous traits, the majority of them involving wing venation. Although L. meges and L. curius are superficially very similar, they are morphologically quite different. Lamproptera curius has a highly developed androconial region lacking in L. meges. It may have been secondarily lost in L. meges. The male genitalia of L. curius appear more similar to other graphiines than do the genitalia of L. meges. There were no females of L. curius available for examination. [67]. Pseuduncus absent. I discussed this trait previously, and proposed that it has been lost in Iphiclides, Lamproptera, and Clade 8L of the genus Graphium. 73. Hind wing discal cell small. Munroe (1961) described the hind wing precostal cell of Lamproptera as being large and the discal

cell as being "very small, hardly larger than the precostal cell." The discal cell is very small in this genus (fig. 1 58) and represents an autapomorphy, being found nowhere else in the Papilionidae. The precostal cell is not unusually large relative to that in other papilionids. A large precostal cell is termed an autapomorphy for Cressida cressida (Troidini; Character 127). 74. Upper angle of forewing cell acute. An autapomorphy for Lamproptera, this trait was described by Munroe ( 196 1). It results from having the upper discocellular vein angle sharply downward from the base of R415 (fig. 158). 75. Forewing with "R3 and R4 long-stalked, R5 arising from R314 just beyond cell." Another character originally discussed by Munroe (1961), that is unique to Lamproptera (fig. 158). [76]. Ductus bursae membranous. Among graphiines the ductus bursae is membranous only in Lamproptera (fig. 31 A). Usually the region of sclerotization extends from the ostial opening to about the point at which the ductus seminalis exits. Within both Eurytides and Graphium, species exist in which the ductus bursae is only slightly sclerotized (e.g., Eurytides epidaus, fig. 27A; Graphium nomius, fig. 34A). However, even in these species some degree of sclerotization can be observed. A membranous ductus bursae also occurs in Clade 1 5L of the Troidini. [77]. Anterior apophysis absent. The female anterior apophysis, located on the posteroventral corner of tergite 8, is present in all graphiines and almost all papilionids. It is very long in some species within the subgenus Graphium (e.g., G. hicetaon, not figured). In Lamproptera meges (fig. 3 1A) there is no anterior apophysis. The only other group in which it appears to have been lost is the Troidini (Clade 1 5D). 78. Peglike setae on papillae anales absent. Lamproptera meges is the only graphiine examined in which there are no peglike setae on the ovipositor lobes (Character 52). The papillae anales were not studied with SEM in this species. CLADE 8H-Genus Graphium Igarashi (1979, 1984) and other workers (e.g., D'Abrera, 1982) recognized generic sta-




tus for the Graphium subgenera. I recognize the four subgenera proposed by Hancock (1983), Pazala, Pathysa, Arisbe, and Graphium, except that the species included in Arisbe follow Munroe (1961). Nine synapomorphies corroborate the monophyly of this genus. [79]. Vein R1 of forewing anastomosed with Sc. Members of two graphiine groups have R, fused with Sc; the dolicaon group of Eurytides (fig. 154; Jordan, 1907) and the genus Graphium (figs. 159-162). In other papilionines, including the thyastes species-group, subgenus Eurytides, R, and Sc are free (fig. 153). In Graphium R1 anastomoses with Sc a short distance from the point at which it leaves the discal cell while in Eurytides dolicaon R, fuses with Sc much further away from the discal cell (fig. 154). I interpret fusion of R, and Sc to be a derived character state for the genus Graphium and to be independently evolved in the dolicaon group. In the wallacei subgroup (genus Graphium; Saigusa et al., 1982), both R2 and R, are anastomosed with Sc. 80. Juxta with setae. The juxta is setose in Graphium. Saigusa et al. (1982) noted this trait in the subgenus Graphium. In most species the setae are more numerous toward the dorsal portion of the juxta, giving that region a furry appearance (figs. 32D-35D). Numerous setae occur on the membrane dorsal to the opening through which the aedeagus passes. In Pathysa the juxta appears to be absent (fig. 34B); the region where it would occur is totally membranous. Several species in this subgenus have the area dorsal to the aedeagal opening sclerotized. Even in Pathysa, however, the membrane surrounding the aedeagal opening is covered with a dense mat of setae. I observed such setae nowhere else in the Papilionidae. 81. Clasper composed of three parts. Determining homology of the various elaborations of the clasper is difficult in the Papilionidae. In Graphium the clasper is usually composed of three parts (e..g, G. nomius, fig. 34B; G. eurous, fig. 32B). There is a basal projection, a medial flangelike process with a serrate edge, and a similarly shaped distal process. In G. (Arisbe) philonoe (fig. 35B) the basal projection is a small bump, the medial process is somewhat cup-shaped, and the dis-

tal piece is long and twisted, projecting above the dorsal margin of the valve. The configurations described above are typical of the subgenera Pazala, Pathysa, and Arisbe. In members of the subgenus Graphium the clasper is usually more broad and the three flangelike parts cannot be identified. In subgenus Graphium (e.g., G. euryplus, fig. 33B) there is a central process, a spiny process lateral to that, and a ventral spine. Whether these processes are homologous to the claspers of other Graphium subgenera is difficult to determine. Some species in the agamemnon group (subgenus Graphium) have a broad clasper with no elaborations. This structure is either a reduction or a plesiomorphic state within the genus. I tentatively suggest that a three-part clasper is a synapomorphy for the genus Graphium, but further study of this complex character is clearly necessary. 82. Tegumen with lateral horns. Munroe (1961) and Hancock (1983) suggested that in the genus Graphium the socii are membranous lobes. I homologize these "lobes" with the bifid uncus of the Parnassiinae, Papilionini, and Troidini (Character 9). Graphium has additional lateral projections at the base ofeach uncus lobe. Their configuration varies within the genus. They are typically setose as in G. (Graphium) euryplus (fig. 33B), G. (Pathysa) nomius (fig. 34B), and G. (Arisbe) philonoe (fig. 3 5B). In many species they project laterally as thomlike structures, as in G. (Pazala) eurous (figs. 32B, 66H). [83]. Distal opening of aedeagus dorsal in position. This character is difficult to interpret. In Baronia brevicornis (fig. 22C) and Pieridae (e.g., Dismorphia amphione, fig. 1 8C; and Pieris rapae, fig. 20C) the distal opening of the aedeagus is ventral and the everted vesica expands downward. Within the Parnassiinae it opens either dorsally (e.g., Luehdorfiajaponica, Zerynthiini; fig. 26C) or ventrally (e.g., Parnassius szechenyii, Parnassiini; fig. 24C). The opening is ventral in the Papilionini but dorsal in most members of the Troidini (see figs. 37C-65C). In Teinopalpus imperialis (Teinopalpini) the opening does not appear to be either dorsal or ventral, but is more lateral (fig. 36C). Within the Graphiini the distal opening of the vesica is ventral in Eurytides, Protographium, and Lamproptera (figs. 27C-29C, 3 1C),



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is approximately ventral in Iphiclides podalirius (fig. 30C), and is dorsal in Graphium (figs. 32C-35C). 84. Female genitalia with cuplike process. Saigusa et al. (1977) figured a "cup-like process" on the female genitalia of subgenus Graphium. The sclerotized pleural region of the female 8th segment forms a posterior apron, creating a deep cavity dorsal to the ostial opening (G. (Graphium) euryplus, fig. 33A). I found the cuplike structure in all members of Graphium, but not in other papilionids. Though not as clearly developed in G. (Pathysa) nomius (fig. 34A), other species in Pathysa exhibit a structure similar in shape to that of G. (Arisbe) philonoe (fig. 35A) and G. (Graphium) euryplus. In Pazala (e.g., G. eurous, fig. 32A) the cuplike configuration is not as regular in shape, but a large concavity is clearly present dorsal to the opening of the ductus bursae. 85. Ostium with ventral central structure and paired lateral lobes. It is difficult to determine homology of the various structures around the ostium in swallowtails. In some Graphium species there are three distinct projections around the ostial opening: a ventral one apparently contiguous with the ductus bursae, and two lateral projections. These lateral lobes were described for members of the subgenus Graphium by Saigusa et al. (1982). The ventral projection is often grooved medially and is sometimes clearly bifid (e.g., in G. (Pazala) eurous, fig. 32A). The lateral processes can be pointed (e.g., G. (Graphium) euryplus, fig. 33A) or broad and setose (e.g., G. (Arisbe) philonoe, fig. 35A and Character 98). The lateral lobes are not as apparent in subgenera Pazala and Pathysa, but the short, sclerotized lateral processes of G. (Pazala) eurous (fig. 32A) and G. (Pathysa) nomius (fig. 34A) are here suggested to be homologous structures. Graphium species in which no lateral lobes were found are the angolanus and ridleyanus groups of subgenus Arisbe. I tentatively conclude that presence of three ostial processes is a synapomorphy for Graphium that was lost in two species-groups. Further study of this difficult character complex may clarify these ideas and further resolve relationships within the genus. 86. Short tubercles present on 2nd and 3rd thoracic segments and 10th abdominal seg-

ment of final instar larvae. Presence of long tubercles on these body segments of first instar larvae was previously suggested to be a synapomorphy for the genera Lamproptera and Graphium (Character 70). In all species of Graphium figured by Igarashi (1979), short setose tubercles are present on thoracic segments 2 and 3 and on abdominal segment 10 of the last instar larvae. I did not observe these tubercles in last instar larvae of Eurytides marcellus, and they do not occur outside the genus Graphium as far as is known. [87]. Valve with teeth on distal margin. The margin of the valve is smooth in all graphiine genera except Graphium. Within this genus the trait is extremely variable. Species possessing teeth (apparently not derived from setae) on the margin of the valve occur within the subgenera Graphium, Pazala, and Arisbe. In Pazala they are located distally on a projection of the valve (fig. 32B), as they do elsewhere in the genus (e.g., G. (Arisbe) philonoe, fig. 35B). Though there are no teeth on the valve of G. (Graphium) euryplus (fig. 33B), they are present in most other species in the subgenus Graphium. They were not observed in Pathysa (e.g., G. nomius, fig. 34B). Whether presence of teeth on the valve defines a monophyletic group within this genus cannot be determined without a more detailed analysis than that presented here.

CLADE 81-Subgenus Pazala Munroe (1961) argued that the eurous group, placed by later authors in the subgenus Pazala, belongs to Pathysa. Hancock (1983) disputed his proposal, suggesting that Pazala is the plesiomorphic sister-group to the rest of Graphium (fig. 7). My findings support Hancock's view. Seven synapomorphies support the monophyly of a clade including the subgenera Graphium, Pathysa, and Arisbe (Clade 8J; Characters 90-95). None of these traits occur in the derived state in Pazala. However, I do not recognize generic status for this group as did Igarashi (1984), because Graphium is monophyletic and splitting it needlessly promotes instability. Male and female genitalic morphology of the two Pazala species examined is identical in almost every respect. Adults of all four




species are figured in Igarashi (1979), and they

too are similar. I found the following apo-

morphies for this subgenus: 88. Ventral lobe ofostium strongly forked. The ventral lobe (Character 85) is bifurcate in Pazala and the two points are extremely long. This is true of both species examined, G. (Pazala) eurous (fig. 32A), and G. (Pazala) mandarinus. In addition, the lateral lobes of the ostium in both species are blunt and heavily sclerotized. [89]. Vesica with a kink. In Pazala and Graphium the vesica ofthe aedeagus expands dorsally and then kinks, with the distal portion expanding ventrally (e.g., G. (Graphium) euryplus, fig. 33C; G. (Pazala) eurous, fig. 32C). This trait would therefore by a synapomorphy for these two subgenera. An alternative explanation is that a kinked vesica is plesiomorphic within the genus Graphium, and that a vesica in which the distal portion opens dorsally (Character 83) is a synapomorphy for the subgenera Arisbe and Nomius. The most parsimonious cladogram suggests that a kinked vesica arose separately in these groups.

CLADE 8J Saigusa et al. (1982) published a cladogram for species in the subgenus Graphium. They delimited the subgenus following Munroe (1961), but redefined species-group boundaries. My examination of representative species suggests that the three species-groups of Saigusa et al., the agamemnon, sarpedon, and euryplus groups, are each monophyletic. However, these workers appear to have accepted monophyly of the subgenus without question. They report no synapomorphies for the group, and I also have uncovered no evidence ofthem. In addition, several important character polarity decisions made by these authors differ from the ones presented here. For example, they argue that the presence of a pseuduncus is apomorphic within the subgenus. On the other hand, I term its absence apomorphic (see Character 67). Saigusa et al. have improved our understanding of species relationships, but detailed examination of the entire genus will be necessary before further advances can be made. Until then, relationships among species in Clade 8J should be considered unresolved.

Of the hypotheses discussed below, Clades 8K and 8L are conjectural because I examined too few species and character information is currently too scant. However, the monophyly of Clade 8J is strongly supported by the following synapomorphies: 90. Signum homlike. The hornlike signum of Graphium species was noted by Munroe (1961) and all subsequent researchers. It occurs as a long, narrow invagination into the bursa (fig. 35A). The signum of G. (Pathysa) nomius (fig. 34A) is not as deeply invaginated into the bursa, but the signum of G. (Pathysa) antiphates (not figured) is long and homlike as in other members ofthis clade. Within Graphium only members of the subgenus Pazala do not have a homlike signum. The signum of G. (Pazala) eurous (fig. 32A) is long and bandlike and very slightly invaginated into the bursa. That of G. (Pazala) mandarinus (not figured) is a narrow band not invaginated into the bursa. Members of Pazala are the only Graphium species here scored as lacking a homlike signum. Munroe (1961) mistakenly described the signum of Eurytides as being hornlike. Within that genus the signum is either a small group of spicules (e.g., Eurytides epidaus, fig. 27A) or is small with a medial seam (e.g., E. telesilaus, fig. 28A). The female genitalia of additional African Graphium species are illustrated in van Son (1949). 91. Androconia in bundles. I described deciduous scales in other graphiines (Character 57), and suggest that they were independently derived in Clades 8A and 8J. There are at least three types of modified wing scales in the hind wing of most Graphium species. The first are long, bristlelike scales that are most numerous toward the base of the wing. These were termed a synapomorphy for the Graphiini (Character 49). They are stout in all Graphium species except members of the subgenus Pazala, and are almost always a distinctive tan color. The second type is sparsely distributed, usually on the outer part of the androconial region (fig. 99). These are not highly modified, and may be common to species outside Graphium. They are similar to the androconia of Lamproptera curius. Similar scales appear in Pazala species. A third scale type was observed only in the members of Clade 8J. These occur in a dense



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layer beneath the stout, bristlelike scales. They are unique in that they appear to be grouped in bundles. As figures 100 and 101 illustrate, they are thin, slightly curved strands that seem to occur in packets. It is difficult to determine whether each of these packets is homologous with a single wing scale or if each strand is a separate wing scale. There appears to be a single socket for each bundle (fig. 101), so the former is probably true. They have been termed deciduous because they readily stick to a probe when touched (Character 57). However, if it is true that each packet is a single scale composed of a bundle of filaments, then it is scale fragments that are deciduous. Scale fragments that transfer male scent to the female during courtship have been termed particles (Boppre, 1984), and these would fit that definition. Bundlelike androconia were observed in all species belonging to the subgenera Graphium, Pathysa, and Arisbe, except that such scales appear to be absent in G. (Graphium) ridleyanus, probably a derived loss. Bundlelike scales were not found in the Pazala species examined. In these, the androconial region consists of bristlelike scales as well as a patch of sparsely arranged narrow scales. The latter are likely homologous with the second type described above. 92. Pterobilins present in wings. Rothschild and Mummery (1985) and Allyn et al. (1981, 1982) described an unusual form of wing pigmentation in Graphium species. These workers discovered that, unlike other butterflies where coloring is a result of wing scale pigmentation, areas of coloration in G. (Graphium) agamemnon and G. (Graphium) sarpedon result from bile pigments, pterobilins, within the wing membranes. These pigments are externally visible because scales on portions of the wing are small and hairlike (see figures in Rothschild and Mummery, 1985; Allyn et al., 1981, 1982). This combination of traits, hairlike wing scales and wing colors resulting from pterobilins, appears to be unique to the genus Graphium. Pterobilins in danaid species (Rothschild and Mummery, 1985) are not homologus with those of Graphium. Presence of pterobilin pigments can be determined in many cases through examination with a dissecting microscope. They can produce colors that are bright green (e.g., G.

(Graphium) agamemnon), blue-green (e.g., G. (Graphium) sarpedon), yellow (e.g., G. (Arisbe) tyndaereus), purple (e.g., G. (Graphium) weiskei), or white (e.g., G. (Graphium) euryplus). Whether each of these colors is due to different pterobilins or combinations of
pterobilins is unknown. The taxonomic distribution of this type of pigmentation is somewhat unclear. My superficial examination of graphiines indicates that hairlike scales cover portions ofthe wing in species representing all Graphium subgenera. Transparent regions of the wing in Eurytides species appear to result from complete loss of scales, and transparent portions of the wing in Lamproptera are covered with thin fork-shaped scales that were observed nowhere else in the Papilionidae. Brightly pigmented wing membranes were observed in a single species of the subgenus Pathysa (G. (Pathysa) antiphates). They seem to occur only in some species within Arisbe such as G. leonidas, G. tyndaereus, and G. policenes. Pterobilins are characteristic of all species in the subgenus Graphium. Though pigmented wing membranes have not been reported in papilionids other than Graphium species, the light green regions of the wing in Lamproptera meges appear superficially to result from internal pigmentation, but this could not be confirmed. This area of research deserves further attention. Complete documentation of the taxonomic distribution of pterobilins and other pigments, such as the carotenoids (Valadon and Mummery, 1978), may provide valuable phylogenetic information. 93. Thickened setae on inner rim of valve. Almost all Graphium species have thickened setae on the inner face of the valve. They are found in two distinct locations. There is a dorsal group located on a projection of the valve, and a ventral group along the inner edge of the valve. In the subgenus Graphium the setae are only slightly enlarged (e.g., G. (Graphium) euryplus, fig. 33B). In other groups, the setae are markedly thickened (G. (Pathysa) nomius, fig. 34B; and G. (Arisbe) philonoe, fig. 3 5B), and in the macareus group (subgenus Pathysa, not figured), they are extremely stout and blunt, forming a dense mass of spines. Thickened setae on the valve were not found in members of the subgenus Pazala. [94]. Valve with dorsal process. Munroe




(1961) described the dorsal process of the valve in Graphium. This process always bears thickened setae (Character 93). In both species-groups within Pathysa the dorsal process is broad and located toward the distal end of the valve (G. (Pathysa) nomius, fig. 34B). In members ofArisbe the dorsal process is very narrow, is located approximately halfway out on the margin of the valve, and usually projects medially. Munroe (1961) noted that the subgenus Graphium lacks the dorsal process, but I found that the G. euryplus group is an exception. In G. (Graphium) euryplus the process is small and located basally (fig. 33B). This character may define a monophyletic group within Clade 8J exclusive of the euryplus group. More species must be studied, and the homology of all structures on the valve better understood. 95. Tentorial crest with a membranous lamina along posterior margin. This structure was figured for G. (Graphium) sarpedon by Ehrlich (1958b) but not discussed. I found it only in the subgenera Graphium, Pathysa, and Arisbe, but not in Pazala (fig. 67M-P). I consider it to be a synapomorphy for those three subgenera. CLADE 8K-Subgenus Graphium I have discovered no autapomorphies for the subgenus Graphium. Character 89 is homoplasious according to my analysis, but more detailed study may change its interpretation. [89]. Vesica with a kink. As previously discussed, all species in the subgenus Graphium have a kinked vesica, but such a condition also occurs in both Pazala species examined.
CLADE 8L Two traits support the hypothesis that the subgenera Arisbe and Pathysa are sistergroups:

spatulate. The pseuduncus is bifurcate and heavily sclerotized in the wallacei subgroup. No species in the subgenera Arisbe or Pathysa have a pseuduncus (e.g., G. (Pathysa) nomius, fig. 34E; and G. (Arisbe) philonoe, fig. 35E). The complete distribution of this trait is unclear. Saigusa et al. (1982) dissected more species in the subgenus Graphium than were studied here. They report the absence of a pseuduncus in G. (Graphium) stresemanni in the sarpedon group and imply the absence of a pseuduncus in members of the euryplus group, though I found one present in G. euryplus. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, lack of a pseuduncus is suggested to represent a synapomorphy for Arisbe and Pathysa. [96]. Vesica expanding dorsally. As with Character 83 this trait shows homoplasy within the Papilionidae. It is here proposed that presence of a ventrally expanding vesica is plesiomorphic in the Graphiini. All graphiines have a vesica that expands ventrally except Arisbe and Pathysa (e.g., G. (Pathysa) nomius, fig. 34C; and G. (Arisbe) philonoe, fig. 35C) in which the distal opening of the aedeagus is dorsal in position but the entire vesica expands dorsally. While Hancock (1983) placed the policenes, porthaon, illyris, colonna, and antheus groups in subgenus Graphium, Munroe put them in subgenus Arisbe. My interpretation of this character suggests that Munroe's Arisbe is monophyletic; all species possess a dorsally opening vesica, not the kinked vesica characteristic of the subgenera Graphium and Pazala.

CLADE 8M-Subgenus Pathysa

[67]. Pseuduncus absent. The presence of is plesiomorphic for the Graphiini. Within Graphium there are species in which it is either present or absent. There is a projection on the male 8th tergite in Pazala (G. (Pazala) eurous, fig. 32E) and in the subgenus Graphium. In G. euryplus, it is only a small bump (fig. 33E), whereas in the sarpedon and agamemnon groups it is long and
a pseuduncus

Hancock's (1983) subgenus Pathysa includes two species-groups, the macareus and antiphates groups, which are united by the following synapomorphy: 97. Cornuti on vesica and base of aedeagus. Pathysa species have numerous comuti covering the aedeagus and basal portion of the vesica. In addition, the opening of the aedeagus through which the vesica everts is very long. The vesica of G. (Pathysa) nomius (fig. 34C) is unusual; it is the only species in which I did not find comuti on the vesica and aedeagus. I do not consider the cornuti on the aedeagus of Teinopalpus imperialis (fig. 36C), Protographium leosthenes (fig. 29C,



VOL. 186

Protographium Eurytides


Fig. 9. A possible alternative hypothesis for

the phylogenetic placement of Iphiclides (see Discussion, Analysis 2). Character 62), and Eurytides telesilaus (fig. 28C) homologous with those of Pathysa species.

CLADE 8N-Subgenus Arisbe Munroe ( 196 1) put the policenes, porthaon, illyris, colonna, and antheus groups in Arisbe, while Hancock (1983) included them in subgenus Graphium. A single trait corroborates the monophyly of Munroe's Arisbe: 98. Lateral lobes of female setose. The lateral lobes of the female ostium, discussed in Character 85, often appear somewhat rugose in the genus Graphium. In subgenus Arisbe they are covered with a mat of short setae and have a fuzzy appearance (G. (Arisbe) philonoe, fig. 35A). Setose structures associated with the female ostium occur in other butterflies, such as pierids (e.g., figs. 19A, 20A; figures in Pierce and Beirne, 1941; van Son, 1949) and in the troidine genus Battus (Analysis 3, Character 107). The setose lobes in these latter groups are not homologous with those in Arisbe.
DISCUSSION Monophyly of the Graphiini (as defined in this study) is strongly supported. It is also quite certain that the genus Graphium is monophyletic and that Pazala is the plesiomorphic subgenus within it. Other nodes on the graphiine cladogram are proposed with less confidence, and monophyly of the subgenus Graphium is unsubstantiated. Of the intergeneric relationships I am quite certain that Lamproptera and Graphium are

sister-groups. On the other hand, the hypothesis that Protographium and Eurytides are sister-genera requires further testing, and relationships within Eurytides are unresolved. As was previously discussed, dissection offemale specimens representing as many Eurytides species as possible is essential. Perhaps the most poorly substantiated node on the graphiine cladogram is Clade 8D; inclusion of Iphiclides with Lamproptera and Graphium. In particular, the position of Iphiclides is ambiguous. The three genera share only two derived traits and both are somewhat open to interpretation. The most likely alternative position of Iphiclides is as the plesiomorphic sister-group to the rest of the Graphiini (fig. 9). This proposal rests on the observation that the androconial region in Iphiclides podalirius appears to be unmodified compared to other species in the tribe. SEM revealed modified scales on the anal margin of I. podalirius (fig. 95), but there is no sign of either the bristlelike scales (Character 49), or of deciduous scales (Character 57). The only androconia present are anal brushes, which I suggest are a synapomorphy for the entire Papilioninae (Character 18). Perhaps examination of male and female specimens of I. podalirinus, the only other species in the genus, will help solve this problem. Within Lamproptera, one species has a highly developed androconial region whereas the other appears to lack androconia. Dramatic variation in androconial morphology between closely related species may be characteristic of butterflies (Jordan, 1907; De Jong, 1982). Resolution of relationships among graphiine genera requires discovery of additional character complexes. Comparative examination of pupae and larvae may reveal important information. There is an obvious paucity of published data on immatures and life histories of Eurytides species. As far as adult skeletal morphology is concerned, few new traits are likely to be discovered that will shed light on generic relationships. Perhaps further research on androconial morphology, comparative study of male-specific scent chemicals, and more detailed characterization of wing pigment chemistry with data for representative species will resolve existing problems.

1 987







Battus Troides

Understanding phylogenetic relationships within the Troidini has proved to be an especially difficult problem. The group consists of 138 described species and is distributed worldwide, with the areas of highest diversity being Central and South America, and IndoAustralia. A single species, Pharmacophagus antenor, occurs on Madagascar, but none are found on the African mainland. Almost every species of the Troidini can be termed monophagous or oligophagous (Wiklund, 1982), with oviposition and feeding restricted to various plant species in a single genus, Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae), though other aristolochiaceous genera, such as Thottea, less frequently serve as hosts (Straatman and Nieuwenhuis, 1961; Straatman, 1968). Occasional species have been reported on plants in other families (Scriber, 1984). Plants ofthe genus Aristolochia contain a variety of secondary chemicals (Feeny et al., 1983; Hegnauer, 1964-1973), including essential oils, as well as alkaloids that are known to be toxic to lepidopteran larvae (Miller and Feeny, 1983). It has been suggested that sequestration of such alkaloids, especially aristolochic acids (Rothschild, 1972; Urzua and Priestap, 1985), makes these butterflies unpalatable to their vertebrate predators (Brower, 1984), resulting in their participation in mimetic butterfly complexes (Brower and Brower, 1964; Brown et al., 1981). Although papilionid groups in two subfamilies (the Zerynthiini: Pamassiinae, and Troidini: Papilioninae) feed on the Aristolochiaceae, these groups are distantly related (Hancock, 1983; Analysis 1). The Troidini have long been recognized as a natural group, largely because the larvae and pupae are remarkably homogeneous morphologically. Carinae are consistently present on abdominal segments 4-7 of the pupae, and the usually purple or dark reddish larvae have rows of fleshy tubercles on the thoracic and abdominal segments. Uniquely derived traits that characterize adults have been much harder to identify.


Fig. 10. Relationships among genera in the Troidini according to the branching diagram of Ford (1944b).

Although the group has been the subject of numerous systematic studies, the history of troidine higher classifications has been characterized by instability. Scopoli (1777) placed all the species in a single genus, Battus. Rothschild and Jordan (1906) were among the first authors to look for taxonomic subgroups. In their treatment of the American fauna, they placed these species in Section 1 (Aristolochia- Swallowtails) of the huge paraphyletic genus Papilio. Within Section 1 they noted a sharp division between the species now in Parides and those in Battus. Seitz (1906), in his discussion of the Palearctic species, retained the Aristolochia-feeders in Papilio but suggested two subgenera, Ornithoptera and Pharmacophagus (= Atrophaneura of subsequent authors). Jordan (1907) in addition recognized the genus Euryades for two distinct species. Bryk (19291930) recognized the genera Cressida, Euryades, and Troides, the latter including all the birdwings (Ornithoptera, Trogonoptera, Ripponia, and Troides). The remaining species he retained in Papilio. Ford (1944b), the next major contributor, recognized two tribes ofAristolochia-feeding swallowtails within the subfamily Papilioninae. These were the Cressidini, in which he placed the genera Cressida and Euryades, and the Troidini, consisting of Battus, Atrophaneura, and Troides. A branching diagram representing his hypothesis is shown in figure 10. Ford's most important original contribution (1 944a) showed that species in Battus and Papilio, as well as a single species in the



VOL. 18 6



Atrophaneu ra






Cressida I




Fig. 11. Relationships among Aristolochiafeeding genera in the Papilioninae according to Ehrlich (1958b).

Fig. 13. Relationships among genera in the Troidini according to the branching diagram of Igarashi (1984).

Graphiini, use Pigment B for their red coloring, whereas the rest ofthe Troidini, as well as the rest of the Lepidoptera tested, use Pigment A. His phylogenetic conclusions suffered because he frequently characterized genera and tribes by the absence oftraits found in related groups. In addition, he characterized Battus only by the presence of Pigment B (but see discussion of Character 1 10), and Atrophaneura by traits plesiomorphic at the family level. Ehrlich's (1958b) hypothesis (fig. 1 1) suffered from similar weaknesses. He largely followed Ford (1 944b), but included Battus and the birdwings in the Papilionini rather than with the rest of the Aristolochia-feeding species in the Cressidini. Both of these tribes

were described either using characters plesiomorphic at the family level, or using traits distributed in both groups (e.g., "Cressidini with spinasternum broad; Papilionini with spinasternum broad or narrow"). Munroe (1961) considered the species in the Papilioninae with red-tuberculate larvae to belong to a single tribe, the Troidini, in which he placed the genera Battus, Cressida,

Cressida Euryades

Trogonoptera s.g
Troides s.g.


Euryades, Parides (which included Atrophaneura of previous authors), Pachliopta, Troides, and Ornithoptera. At least one autapomorphic character was described for each genus with the exception of Parides, which Munroe regarded as a "large central group of essentially uniform structure." His genus Parides was divided into two subgenera: Parides, consisting of only Neotropical species; and Atrophaneura, a group comprising four species-groups, all entirely Old World in distribution. One of those species-groups was the antenor group, in which he included only P. antenor itself. Pachliopta, a group ofspecies included by most previous workers in Atrophaneura, was given generic status on the basis of distinctive male genitalic features, including having the "valve aborted," and the "socii and lateral remnants of [the] tegumen
hypertrophied and heavily sclerotized." Munroe followed Zeuner's (1943) treatment of the birdwing species, considering Troides and Ornithoptera as genera, but differed in

Parides s.g.
Atrophaneura s.g.

Fig. 12. Relationships among genera and subgenera in the Troidini according to the classification of Munroe (1961), and the branching diagram of Munroe and Ehrlich (1960).

reducing Trogonoptera to subgeneric rank within Troides. He concluded, following Ford (1944b), that Cressida and Euryades were each others closest relatives, and were primitive genera within the tribe.

1 987



Troidine Classifications
A. Present classification: Tribe Troidini Subtribe Battiti Genus Battus Scopoli Subtribe Troiditi Genus Pharmacophagus Haase Genus Cressida Swainson Genus Euryades C. and R. Felder Genus Pachliopta Reakirt Subgenus Losaria Moore Subgenus Pachliopta Reakirt Genus Troides Hiibner Subgenus Trogonoptera Rippon Subgenus Troides Hiibner Genus Parides Hubner Subgenus Atrophaneura Reakirt Subgenus Parides Hiibner Subgenus Panosmia Wood-Mason and de Niceville B. Classification of Hancock (1980, 1983): Tribe Troidini Subtribe Battiti Genus Battus Scopoli Subtribe Troiditi Genus Cressida Swainson Genus Euryades C. and R. Felder Genus Parides Hiibner (= subgenus Parides) Genus Atrophaneura Reakirt Subgenus Pharmacophagus Haase Subgenus Atrophaneura Reakirt nox group (= subgenus Atrophaneura) latreilleii group (= subgenus Panosmia) coon group (= subgenus Losaria) polydorus group (= subgenus Pachliopta) Genus Trogonoptera Rippon Genus Troides Hiibner Subgenus Ripponia Haugum and Low (= T. hypolitus Cramer) Subgenus Troides Hiubner Subgenus Ornithoptera Boisduval C. Classification of Munroe (1961) and Munroe and Ehrlich (1960): Tribe Troidini Subtribe Battiti Genus Battus Scopoli Subtribe Troiditi Genus Cressida Swainson Genus Euryades C. and R. Felder Genus Parides Hiibner Subgenus Parides Hubner Subgenus Atrophaneura Reakirt antenor group (= genus Pharmacophagus) latreillei group (= subgenus Panosmia) nox group (= subgenus Atrophaneura) coon group (= subgenus Losaria)

TABLE 5-(Continued)
Genus Pachliopta Reakirt Genus Troides Hiibner Subgenus Troides Hiubner Subgenus Trogonoptera Rippon Genus Ornithoptera Boisduval

Munroe and Ehrlich (1960) proposed a phylogeny and classification for the troidine genera and subgenera (fig. 12, table 5). They considered Battus the most distinctive genus in the tribe, and on those grounds erected for it the subtribe Battiti. They suggested two synapomorphies (though not termed as such) for members of the other subtribe, the Troiditi. These were a broad spinasternum and paired sensory pits on each antennal segment (Jordan, 1898). Igarashi (1979, 1984) proposed a different phylogeny for the Troidini based on morphology of immature stages (fig. 13). In addition to Munroe's genera he recognized Pharmacophagus, with a single member, P. antenor. Unfortunately, justification of generic status for P. antenor was not presented. Igarashi's work is incomplete because important taxa, including Euryades and the New World troidines included by Munroe in Parides, were not studied. However, he discovered several potentially valuable characters,
Battus Cressida


Troides s.g.

Ornithoptera s.g.
Ripponia s.g.

Pharmacophagus s.g.

Atrophaneura s.g.

Fig. 14. Relationships among genera and subgenera in the Troidini according to the classification of Hancock (1980) and the cladogram of Hancock (1983).



TABLE 6 Data Matrix for Analysis 3; Cladistic Relationships Among Troidine Genera 0 indicates the plesiomorphic state, 1 the apomorphic state
99 0 1 1

VOL. 186

Papilionini Genus Battus belus polydamusa Genus Pharmacophagus


Character number 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 1I1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

112 113 0 0

1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

? 1

1 1

1 1

1 1
0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1


0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0


Genus Cressida cressidaa Genus Euryades corethrusa Genus Pachliopta (Losaria) neptunus-a (Losaria) palua (Losaria) coona

0 0 1 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1

(Pachliopta) hector (Pachliopta) aristolochiae2

Genus Troides (Trogonoptera) brookiana (Troides) hypolitus (Troides) aeacusa (Troides) priamus Genus Parides (Atrophaneura) varunaa (Atrophaneura) horishanus

0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1
1 1 1

(Parides) photinus (Parides) lysander (Parides) agavusa (Panosmia) latreillei (Panosmia) polyeuctesa
Papilionini Genus Battus belus polydamusa Genus Pharmacophagus

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0 0

0 0

0 0 0
1 1

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

1 1


Genus Cressida

cressidaa Genus Euryades


Genus Pachliopta (Losaria) neptunusa (Losaria) palua (Losaria) coona (Pachliopta) hector

0 1 0 0 0
1 1 1

1 1 1
1 1

? ? ?
1 1

1 1 1
1 1

1 1 1
1 1

1 1 0
0 0

0 0 0
0 0

0 1 0
0 0

0 0 0
0 0

0 0 0
0 0

0 1 0
0 0

0 0 0
0 0

0 0 0
0 0

0 0 0
0 0

0 0 0
0 0

(Pachliopta) aristolochiaea
Genus Troides

(Trogonoptera) brookiana (Troides) hypolitus (Troides) aeacusa (Troides) priamus

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

1 987


TABLE 6-(Continued)
Character number
114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128

Genus Parides

(Atrophaneura) varunaa (Atrophaneura) horishanus (Parides) photinus (Parides) lysander (Parides) agavusa (Panosmia) latreillei (Panosmia) polyeuctesa
Papilionini Genus Battus belus polydamusa Genus Pharmacophagus

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0

0 0

0 0
0 0
1 1 1 1 1

0 0
0 0
1 1 1 0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0


0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

0 0


0 0
1 1 1 0 0

Genus Cressida cressidaa Genus Euryades corethrusa Genus Pachliopta (Losaria) neptunusa (Losaria) palua (Losaria) coona

0 0
1 1 1 0 0


1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 0 0

1 1 1 0 0

1 1 1 0 0

1 1

0 0 0 0 0

(Pachliopta) hector (Pachliopta) aristolochiaea Genus Troides (Trogonoptera) brookiana (Troides) hypolitus
(Troides) aeacusa (Troides) priamus Genus Parides (Atrophaneura) varunaa (Atrophaneura) horishanus (Parides) photinus (Parides) lysander (Parides) agavusa (Panosmia) latreillei (Panosmia) polyeuctesa
Papilionini Genus Battus belus polydamusa Genus Pharmacophagus

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1
1 1

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0
0 0 0 0

0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0


0 0

0 0 0

0 0
0 0

0 0


0 0

0 0

Genus Cressida cressidaa Genus Euryades corethrusa Genus Pachliopta (Losaria) neptunusa

0 0 0


0 0



VOL. 186

TABLE 6-(Continued) Character number 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158
(Losaria) palua (Losaria) coona (Pachliopta) hector (Pachliopta) aristolochiaea Genus Troides (Trogonoptera) brookiana (Troides) hypolitus (Troides) aeacusa (Troides) priamus Genus Parides (Atrophaneura) varunaa (Atrophaneura) horishanus (Parides) photinus (Parides) lysander (Parides) agavusa (Panosmia) latreillei (Panosmia) polyeuctesa Papilionini Genus Battus belus
0 0 0 0

0 0
0 0

0 0
0 0

0 0 0

0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0

0 0


0 0
0 0

0 0 0

0 0
0 0

0 0 0

0 0



1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1 1


1 1 1 1

1 0 0 0

0 1 1 1

0 1 1 1

0 1 1 1
0 0

0 1 1 1
0 0

0 1 1 1
0 0

1 0 0 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0
0 0 0 0 0

0 0
0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0 0

0 0
0 0


0 0 0

0 0

0 0




159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170

0 0


0 0

0 0

0 0


0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0


Genus Pharmacophagus
0 0 0 0

Genus Cressida
0 0 0 0 0

Genus Euryades

Genus Pachliopta

(Losaria) neptunusa 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Losaria) palua 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Losaria) coona 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Pachliopta) hector 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Pachliopta) aristolochiaea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Genus Troides (Trogonoptera) brookiana 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Troides) hypolitus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Troides) aeacusa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Troides) priamus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Genus Parides (Atrophaneura) varunaa 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Atrophaneura) horishanus 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Parides) photinus 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 (Parides) lysander 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 (Parides) agavusa 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 (Panosmia) latreillei 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 (Panosmia) polyeuctesa 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 a Species selected for the second analysis of the Troidini (see Cladistic Methodology, Analysis 3).

making further research on immature stages essential. Hancock (1980, 1983, 1984) recognized a

single tribe of Aristolochia-feeding swallowtails within the Papilioninae, and accepted the subtribes Battiti and Troiditi proposed




1 05 iCiO. 05 0) 0) 0 CO _, - 120 _ - 130 _100 CO~~~~~~~~~~CO 0 -119 C, l~~ CO 0


040 5




140 138




_136 133 132

-12515 124 -1 1 428 -123 -122 -121 -120



1511 150 149 148

13 130 147 146


1644549 -161' -160" -159

-11212 5 1140 -1112 :7158 315 _~~~~~~~~-11



~~~~~~13 14



107 --106 --105



Fig. 15. Hypothesis of cladistic relationships among genera and subgenera in the Troidini (Analysis 3). Closed circles designate homoplasious characters; characters with open circles occur in some members of each group.



VOL. 186

by Munroe and Ehrlich (1960). Hancock's (1980) generic concepts differed from those of Munroe on three major points (table 5), the first being acceptance of Trogonoptera as a genus and placement of Ornithoptera as a subgenus of Troides. Secondly, Hancock suggested that reduced valvae in Pachliopta are the end result of an evolutionary trend toward reduction that can be seen in some

members of Munroe's subgenus Atrophaneura (specifically in the coon group). He reduced Pachliopta to species-group status (polydorus group) within the subgenus Atrophaneura, of equal rank to the coon, nox, and latreillei groups. Thirdly, he raised Munroe's Neotropical subgenus Parides to generic status, thus recognizing genus Atrophaneura with two subgenera, Pharmacophagus and Atrophaneura. A comparison of Hancock's cladogram (fig. 14) with the diagram of Munroe and Ehrlich (fig. 12) shows several important similarities; the phylogenetic positions of Battus, Cressida, and Euryades are the same. The major phylogenetic disagreement concerns the placement of the New World Parides species. Hancock considered Atrophaneura and the Troides complex to be sister-groups, whereas Munroe and Ehrlich (following Munroe, 1961) placed Atrophaneura and Parides together. As with all previous research on the Troidini, Hancock's hypothesis has a serious weakness. The monophyly of neither Parides norAtrophaneura was firmly established. The characters applied to these groups are either plesiomorphic, or are not unique to the genus (e.g., Atrophaneura with "male scent organ
woolly, reduced, or absent; valve well-developed, entire, emarginate, or atrophied"). Hancock (1983) listed three apomorphies for Atrophaneura on his cladogram. I score all three as plesiomorphic.

find all most parsimonious trees (the MULPARS option and global branch swapping, described in Swofford, 1984). (2) A subset of 14 species was chosen and the Branch and Bound option was utilized. It was necessary to select a subset from the original matrix because the Branch and Bound option can be efficiently run only on data sets containing 16 or fewer taxa. The species used to construct the second matrix (indicated in table 6) were chosen to represent groups that could confidently be considered monophyletic based on the first PAUP run. Two equally parsimonious trees were found using Branch and Bound. A consensus tree is shown in figure 15 (consistency index = 0.76). The only difference between the two trees was the relative positions of the three Parides subgenera (Clade 15P).

The classifications of Munroe (1961), Hancock (1980), and myself are compared in table 5. I accept the two subtribes of Munroe and Ehrlich (1960). Although I recognize seven genera (six in Hancock and Munroe), I believe that my classification will ultimately prove to be more stable because I used more character information and avoided defining genera using primitive character states.

CLADISTIC ANALYSIS Hancock (1983) and I (Analysis 1) suggest that the Troidini and Papilionini are sistertribes. The Papilionini therefore served as the outgroup for polarizing character states within the Troidini. This data set was analyzed in two ways: (1) The data matrix for the 21 species listed in table 6 was run on PAUP to

CLADE 15-Tribe Troidini The monophyly of the Troidini is quite certain. I list known autapomorphies below. [16]. Tibiae and tarsi scaleless. All Troidini have scaleless tibiae and tarsi. As was previously discussed, lack of scales on the tibiae and tarsi evolved four times in the Papilionidae: in the Zerynthiini, Teinopalpini, Papilionini, and Troidini. 99. Pleuron of female abdominal segment 8 sclerotized. Though it is hard to generalize concerning the configuration of the female external genitalia, especially in the region of the ostium, the pleural area of segment 8 surrounding the spiracle is always sclerotized to some degree (figs. 45A-65A) in the Troidini, but not in the Papilionini. 100. Female with a row of closely spaced




spines running the length of the tibia. Female foretibiae and tarsi were examined for morphological variation in the sensory structures used during drumming behavior prior to oviposition (Feeny et al., 1983). These structures, and the associated spines presumably used to abrade the host-plant surface during drumming, have been described for several butterfly species (e.g., Fox, 1966; Ilse, 1956; Ma and Schoonhoven, 1973), but have not been used as taxonomic characters. In troidines, a unique arrangement of tibial spines and sensilla was observed. In other papilionids, including the Papilionini, the spines are relatively few and are located on the first and second tarsomeres. The sensilla are concentrated on the first tarsomere and occasionally the second (fig. 1 in Feeny et al., 1983). In the Troidini the spines are more numerous and are arranged in a tight row running the length of the tarsus, with sensilla evenly spaced between them. [101]. Anal margin of the male hind wing rolled dorsally. I examined the "scent-organ" (Rothschild and Jordan, 1906) of 20 representative troidines using scanning electron microscopy, and found that all possess modified male-specific hind wing scales, including genera (e.g., Pharmacophagus, Cressida, Euryades) reported previously to lack androconia (Munroe, 1961; Hancock, 1980, 1983). Males of Pharmacophagus antenor have narrow scales (fig. 102) arranged along the edge of the hind wing. (The bristlelike scales located on the extreme margin of the hind wing, and shown in the upper half of the picture, are typical of all butterflies.) I discuss other male-specific hind wing scales in Character 118. The anal margin of the hind wing is rolled dorsally in all troidines except Pharmacophagus antenor and Cressida cressida. The hind wing roll was apparently lost independently in these two species (the most parsimonious overall explanation). These scales are presumed to disseminate scent during courtship. Phenylacetaldehyde and other compounds have been isolated from the hind wing of Parides alcinous (Honda, 1 980a). Rutowski (1980) has argued that the hind wing scent scales in Colias (Pieridae) are situated so that they are covered by the forewing at rest in order to avoid evaporation of male pheromones. The dorsally rolled wing

margin in troidines may serve a similar function. [102]. Medial surface of papillae anales with four to seven long hooks per lobe. The medial surfaces of the ovipositor lobes in the Papilionini are often covered with many short hook-shaped sensilla (e.g., fig. 103). In the Troidini, the number of hooks is reduced and they are extremely long (figs. 107-109), with a few exceptions; Pharmacophagus antenor has numerous hooks as in the Papilionini, and the P. (Parides) lysander and Battus belus groups lack hooks. The function of setae on the papillae anales is unknown. Two groups of contact-chemosensory hairs occur on the ovipositor lobes of Pieris brassicae (Pieridae), and are believed to respond to "oviposition deterring pheromone" washed from eggs (Klinjstra, 1982, 1985). These setae do not respond to glucosinolates, compounds characteristic of the cruciferous host plants of Pieris, and are probably not involved in host plant recognition. Klinjstra also identified mechanosensory cells in the sensilla and inferred that they may function in the formation of egg batches. The tips of the long, hooklike setae of Pachliopta coon look similar to the chemosensory hairs ofPieris brassicae (see Klinjstra, 1985), and possibly serve the same function. However, at least four morphologically distinct setal types occur on the ovipositor of each swallowtail species. Papilio troilus have hollow setae covered with pores (fig. 105) that resemble the chemosensory sensilla of other insects (Chapman, 1982). In addition to long hooks, several troidines possess unique club-shaped setae on the lateral lobes (figs. 108, 110; Rothschild and Jordan, 1906). Battus have spatulate setae on the same part of the lobe which may be homologous with the club-shaped ones of Parides. Detailed morphological characterization of ovipositor lobe setae and more complete documentation of their taxonomic distribution may prove extremely valuable for understanding phylogenetic relationships within the Troidini. Sensory hairs on the papillae anales occur in other lepidopteran families including the Noctuidae (Waladde, 1983; Chadha and Roome, 1980), Sphingidae (Eaton, 1986), Gelechiidae (Valencia and Rice, 1982), and



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Bombycidae (Yamaoka et al., 1971). It is likely that they will be taxonomically informative in many groups. 103. Larvae with fleshy tubercles on thoracic and abdominal segments; pupae with protuberances on abdominal segments 4-7. I did not investigate these characters thoroughly, but they have been used to describe the Troidini in most previous works (figures in Straatman and Nieuwenhuis, 1961; Straatman, 1968; Igarashi, 1979). "Red-tuberculate" Aristolochia-feeding larvae, a term used to describe members of both the Troidini and Parnassiinae (Ehrlich and Raven, 1964; Munroe, 1961; Munroe and Ehrlich, 1960), belong to two widely separate groups (Hancock, 1983; Analysis 1). I suggest that tubercles in the two groups are not homologous; the Troidini have fleshy tubercles, as opposed to the setose tubercles of the Parnassiinae. The abdominal pupal carinae of troidines are not characteristic of parnassiine pupae (Igarashi, 1979), nor are they found in other swallowtail groups. 104. First anal vein with a prominent groove. The Troidini have a prominent groove on the first anal vein of the male hind wing (Munroe, 1961). I also found the groove clearly defined in females. Papilionini lack the groove (e.g., Papilio troilus, fig. 165). CLADE 1 5A-Subtribe Battiti Battus is the only included genus, and there is little doubt that it is a monophyletic group. Cladistic relationships among the Battus species are poorly understood, but there are many characters that should prove useful for future research. The following corroborate the monophyly of Battus: [71]. Forewing upper discocellular (udc) longer than middle discocellular (mdc). Battus is the only troidine or papilionine with the forewing udc longer than the mdc (fig. 166). A long udc evolved independently in Graphium. [75]. Ductus bursae membranous. In Battus species the ductus bursae appears membranous, but the polarity of this trait is difficult to interpret. Having the ductus bursae either sclerotized or membranous is a homoplasious trait within all papilionid tribes except the Zerynthiini and Parnassiini, where the ductus is universally sclerotized (Character 11). Meandrusa has the base of the duc-

tus bursae sclerotized, but it is membranous in its sister-genus, Papilio. Within the Troidini it is equally variable. The base of the ductus bursae is heavily sclerotized in several species and the ostium is relatively unmodified. Munroe (1961) suggested that the subgenus Pachliopta could be distinguished from other troidine groups by the heavily sclerotized ductus bursae. He failed to notice that several species within his Parides (for example P. antenor, P. neptunus, and P. coon; figs. 47A, 50A, 52A) have an apparently homologous condition. Usually the ductus seminalis enters just distal to the region of sclerotization. In Euryades corethrus (fig. 49A) the sclerotization is weak but clearly present in

the region around the ostium. In Cressida cressida (fig. 48A) the sclerotized area protrudes from the abdomen and lies at rest within a pocket formed by invagination of the sternal region posterior to the ostial opening. I consider it to be homologous with the base of the ductus bursae in the species above. This interpretation is somewhat speculative considering the highly modified nature of the bursa and ductus bursae in C. cressida. Troides brookiana is slightly sclerotized (fig. 5 5A). Thus, I regard a sclerotized ductus bursae as plesiomorphic for the tribe, and a membranous ductus as having arisen independently in Battus and in the members of Clade 15L. I do not consider it to be homologous with the membranous ductus bursae of Lamproptera meges. 105. Androconia in hind wing fluted. Several features of the andoconial system on the male hind wing are unique. The naked streak has been mentioned by several authors (e.g., Munroe, 1961, discussion of Character 118). Though clearly associated with the androconia located under the folded anal margin (fig. 11 1), its function is unknown. The scales themselves (figs. 112-118) are unlike those found in other swallowtails. Their saclike shape and fluted surface (fig. 116) may provide an increased surface area for dissemination of scent chemicals. Taxonomically interesting variation in scale shape occurs within Battus (figs. 112-118). 106. Vein lA+2A in the male hind wing swollen. The swollen anal vein (vein 1 A+ 2A; figs. 166, 167) appears to be a uniquely derived character in Battus. Cleared wing preparations show it to be thin-walled and tubular




in shape. It has been suggested for other butterfly species that wing veins transport materials to the glandular bases of androconia for the subsequent production of male-associated scents (Boppre, 1984). Whether the swollen anal vein in Battus, along which the majority of their androconia are found, acts as a reservoir for scent precursor or for scent itself is unknown. The androconial system of Battus certainly deserves further physiological, behavioral, and morphological study. 107. Membrane anterior to ostium with setose protuberances. The area around the opening of the ductus bursae forms a large concavity in Battus. This region can be everted after specimens have been cleared, and a pair of fuzzy, possibly glandular, structures can be seen (figs. 45A, 46A). These were briefly noted by Rothschild and Jordan (1906). Females of some species in the Pieridae possess structures with a similar appearance (figs. 1 9A-2 1A, and figures in Pierce and Beirne, 1941; van Son, 1949), but they are unlikely to be homologous with the structures described here. The function of these organs in Battus is unknown, though one could speculate that they secrete chemicals or provide an important stimulus during mating.

Ford (1 944a) discovered Pigment A, and used it as a character state (1 944b). He found that Papilio, Iphiclides podalirius (Graphiini), and Battus use Pigment B, unique in the Lepidoptera, to produce red color. Other species with red colors utilize Pigment A. If one uses the Papilionini to polarize this trait for the Troidini, Pigment A arose independently within the troidines and is consistent with paired antennal sense pits. The alternative explanation would be that Pigment B arose independently in Battus and Papilio. A more sophisticated chemical analysis than Ford's might provide a solution to this problem. Perhaps Pigment B is not homologous in the groups in which it is found, or perhaps Pigment A in the Troiditi is not homologous with Pigment A in other Lepidoptera. Because the Papilionini has been chosen as the outgroup to polarize characters, presence of Pigment B is hypothesized to be the plesiomorphic state for the Troidini.

CLADE 1 5C-Genus Pharmacophagus

CLADE 1 5B-Subtribe Troiditi This subtribe, originally proposed by Munroe and Ehrlich (1960), includes all troidine genera except Battus. 108. Antennae with paired sense pits. All butterflies have sensilla on the ventral surface of the antennae (Jordan, 1898). Jordan noted that Troiditi have these sensilla in paired pits, one pair to a segment. Subsequent authors suggested that Battus is primitive within the tribe because it lacks pits. 109. Collar, head, thoracic pleuron, and abdomen with red scales. Jordan (1907) described this character, which appears to be consistent (Hancock, 1983). Almost all species, including Pharmacophagus antenor and representatives of the other lineages, have some red scales on the pronotal region, on the head and frons, and usually on various parts ofthe thorax, coxae, and abdomen. This color pattern does not occur in Battus (though pale yellow patches sometimes occur) or in members of the Papilionini. 110. Red color composed of Pigment A.

Pharmacophagus contains a single species, P. antenor. Two nonmorphological features are unique to P. antenor, both of which have been noted by previous workers. First, it is the only troidine reported to feed on a plant in the Combretaceae (Quisqualis grandidieri), though it also feeds on Aristolochia acuminata (Igarashi, 1979). In addition, this is the only troidine species found on Madagascar. None are endemic to Africa. The other papilionine tribes, the Graphiini and Papilionini, are well-represented in Africa, and Aristolochia is found throughout much of the continent (Moore, 1978). Autapomorphic characters for P. antenor may become known when the larva and pupa are described in detail. Two male genitalic features are unusual in P. antenor, but traits superficially similar in appearance are found elsewhere in the tribe. They are the following: [111]. Pseunduncus small. A small pseuduncus evolved independently in P. antenor (fig. 47E), Pachliopta (Clade 151), and Troides (Trogonoptera) brookiana. Hancock (1983) mistakenly reported that P. antenor lacks a pseuduncus. [1 12]. Uncus elongate. The papilionine and troidine uncus is not unusually large and is usually membranous distally. However, the



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uncus of P. antenor (fig. 47B), Pachliopta (Losaria) coon (fig. 52B), and P. (Losaria) rhodifer is elongate and not membranous distally. In addition, the uncus of P. antenor lacks coarse setae on the distal portion of the uncus.

CLADE 15 D The monophyly of this clade is best substantiated by Character 113, the two-segmented labial palpi. The group is equivalent to the subtribe Troiditi of Munroe and Ehrlich (1960) except that Pharmacophagus is excluded. [77]. Anterior apophysis absent. Apophyses on the anteroventral margin of the female 8th tergite, possibly associated with muscular control of the ostial region, occur throughout the Lepidoptera. They are found in the Papilionini (figs. 37A-44A) but not in Clade 1 5D. They are present in Battus (figs. 45A, 46A), and Pharmacophagus antenor (reduced in size; fig. 47A). I suggest that they have been lost separately in Lamproptera. 1 13. Labial palpi 2-segmented. The labial palpi of all troidines except Battus and Pharmacophagus antenor are 2-segmented (fig. 71). In addition, only Battus and P. antenor have the "basal fleck" (Reuter, 1896) on the first palpal segment (figs. 120-123), a common feature in Lepidoptera. It is likely that the 2-segmented condition results from reduction or loss of the first palpal segment. Surprisingly, this character has not been previously described. [1 14]. Pseuduncus hinged on 8th tergite. The presence of a pseuduncus is hypothesized to be a synapomorphy for the Papilioninae (Character 17). Further, fusion of the male 8th tergite and tegumen by sclerotization of the intersegmental membrane is a synapomorphy for the Troidini/Papilionini (see Character 3 1). However, within the Troiditi, a clearly defined break occurs between the pseuduncus and the rest of the 8th tergite so that the pseuduncus is hinged on the tergum and can freely bend ventrally (e.g., Cressida cressida, fig. 48E; P. (Panosmia) latreillei, fig. 64E). The functional significance of the "transverse suture" (Hancock, 1980) is unknown.

Hancock's (1980) interpretation of the "hinged pseuduncus" differs markedly from mine. He incorrectly stated that "in P. antenor the pseuduncus is absent," but it is small, without a hinge (Character 111). Hancock claimed that Losaria (= coon group) and Pachliopta (= polydorus group) have an "incomplete suture, being fused medially." I found a complete suture in all species of Losaria except P. (Losaria) palu (figs. 50E-52E), and no suture in the subgenus Pachliopta (figs. 53E, 54E). Thus, the species without a transverse suture are Battus, the subgenus Pachliopta, P. antenor, and T. brookiana (fig. 55E). Hancock argued that Atrophaneura can be distinguished from New World Parides on the basis of the following: "In Atrophaneura, as in Parides, a suture separates the pseuduncus from the 8th tergite, but in Parides this suture does not extend down the mid-line of the pseuduncus, as it does in all species of Atrophaneura where the suture is medially present" (1980: 30). I found this medial suture absent in all of Hancock's Atrophaneura species groups, but present in Troides (figs. 56E, 57E). Further, it is present in some New World Parides as well (e.g., P. photinus, fig. 61 E). The medial suture is a vaguely defined weakening along the midline of the pseuduncus and cannot be used to distinguish Atrophaneura from Parides. Character Not Used in the Analysis: I mention one character that was not included in the phylogenetic analysis because it is currently too poorly understood. In many Papilio species (e.g., P. troilus), some members of Battus, and Pharmacophagus antenor there are blue-green scales on the dorsal surface of the hind wing. They are not metallic or iridescent, such as those found in members of Troides or Parides. Scales of this type appear to be absent in all members of Clade 15D, and their loss would therefore represent a synapomorphy for this group. Further research is needed to more accurately characterize the morphology of troidine wing scales.

Cressida, Euryades, and Pachliopta (sensu

lato) have never been placed together, but evidence supporting this hypothesis is sub-

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stantial. Ford (1 944b) recognized a morphological similarity in the valvae (Character 115), but did not suggest that these groups are closely related. 1 5. Valvae small, reduced dorsally. Hancock (1980) concluded that reduction of the valve is a synapomorphy for the subgenera Losaria and Pachliopta, but Cressida and Euryades also have reduced valvae (figs. 48B54B). Ford (1944b) suggested that this character state is homologous among Pachliopta, Cressida, and Euryades, though his view was disputed by Munroe and Ehrlich (1960). Reduction has resulted in valvae of various shapes, but in all cases the dorsal portion appears to be displaced ventrally, the point where the valve attaches being lower on the vinculum. P. coon males exhibit this trait to a lesser degree (fig. 52B), but it can be clearly seen even in pinned specimens. This trait is suggested to be homologous in these groups. [ 1 16]. Clasper elongate and thornlike. Cressida (fig. 48B), Euryades (fig. 49B), and the subgenus Pachliopta (figs. 53B, 54B) have a very narrow clasper. This character is possibly correlated with reduction of the valve. No clasper is present in Losaria (Character 132). 117. Vein 1A+ 2A short. In the Papilionini the anal vein (IA+2A) runs down the hind wing margin to within a short distance of CuA2 (see for example figs. 150, 164, 165). Males of several troidine groups have the anal vein shortened in relation to vein CuA2. In addition, the region of the cubital cell between the point at which 1A+2A terminates and the end of CuA2 is very long and narrow. This condition occurs in the subgenera Losaria and Pachliopta (figs. 171-175), and in Cressida cressida (fig. 169). Vein IA+ 2A in Euryades corethrus (fig. 170) is longer than that of other species in Clade 1SE, but the long, narrow region of the cubital cell is present.

C. cressida is the only troidine other than Battus to exhibit a naked streak in the male hind wing. Figure 131 shows the scent organ of C. cressida with typical wing scales (top), the naked streak (center), and androconia (bottom). Along with the subgenera Losaria and Pachliopta, Cressida and Euryades share a row of long, bristlelike scales on vein IA+ 2A. These scales do not appear to be deciduous (Character 143). The arrangement described here occurs in all species belonging to this clade, but is most clearly observed in Pachliopta neptunus (figs. 124-128) and Pachliopta palu in which the bristles, as well as the other scales in the androconial region, are white-contrasting with the rest of the wing. Only a single type of androconia (figs. 126130) occurs on the male hind wing margin of P. neptunus and other members ofClade 1 SE, with the exception of the bristlelike scales (fig. 125) that are restricted in location to the anal vein. This is in contrast to the species belonging to Clade 15L in which two types of scales cover the entire scent organ (Character 143). [119]. Valve with a dorsal process located basally. All species in Clade 15F (figs. 48B, 49B), and two species in Losaria (neptunus and palu; figs. 5OB, 5 1 B), have a basal process located on the dorsal margin of the valve. Though this trait is considered homologous in these species, it is not present throughout Clade 1 5E, being absent in P. (Losaria) coon (fig. 52B) and P. rhodifer, as well as the subgenus Pachliopta (figs. 53B, 54B). Because species in the latter group have extremely reduced valvae, perhaps the lobe was lost. Baronia has a lobe on the lateral surface of the valve (Character 5) which is not considered homologous with the process described here.
CLADE 1SF All authors have considered Cressida and Euryades to be each others' closest relative. 120. Signum absent. Paraphrasing Munroe (1961), Hancock (1983) claimed that Cressida and Euryades have a "short, heavily sclerotized bursa." This is inaccurate. The bursa of Euryades corethrus (fig. 49A) is

1 8. Anal vein with long, bristlelike scales on dorsal surface of male hind wing. Hancock (1980, 1983) incorrectly recorded lack of a male hind wing scent-organ in Cressida and Euryades. Euryades has a well-developed dorsal fold in the anal margin of the hind wing. Cressida males lack a dorsal fold (Character 101), but possess a distinct scent organ.



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somewhat smaller than in most other troidine species but is not heavily sclerotized. In C. cressida (fig. 48A) the bursa is extremely small, with the ductus seminalis arising from a point at the distal end of the bursa. The female genitalia of these genera are hard to homologize morphologically, but the absence of a signum is unique within the Troidini. [121]. Sphragis alate. The sphragis, an externally visible mating plug produced by male accessory gland secretion, has been found in almost all butterfly families (Ehrlich and Ehrlich, 1978). In the Papilionidae, Taylor (1967) reported a sphragis in Papilio, and one has long been noted in scattered groups within the Parnassiinae (Character 14). The sphragis of both Cressida and Euryades is extremely large ("alate" in Munroe, 1961; fig. 6 in Common and Waterhouse, 1981) and has been considered one of the most important traits uniting these two groups (Hancock, 1983). However, a sphragis also occurs in the subgenera Trogonoptera and Troides (Haugum and Low, 1978-1979), in various members of the ascanius group (subgenus Parides; Munroe, 1961), and in occasional species of the subgenera Pachliopta and Losaria (e.g., P. (Losaria) palu, personal obs.). The sphragis in these troidine taxa, though clearly visible externally in pinned museum specimens, is less spectacular than in Cressida or Euryades, looking superficially like a mass of secretion with no consistent form. Aside from members of Clade 15F, only P. palu has the sphragis developed as a large leaflike structure protruding posteriorly from the ostium. The possibility exists that a plug, not visible without dissection, fills the ductus bursae of many other troidine species. Ehrlich and Ehrlich (1978: 679) suggest that production of mating plugs is a much more widespread phenomenon in butterflies than has been previously suspected, partially because "most plugs are small and inconspicuous, largely internal, and often detectable only by microscopy." Further physiological research on the sphragis would be extremely interesting and potentially informative from a phylogenetic standpoint. At present I consider the distribution of this trait within the Troidini incompletely known. 122. Juxta narrowed laterally. The troi-

dine juxta is usually T-shaped with the arms of the T somewhat thinner than the stem. This is roughly the shape of the juxta in many members of the Papilionini (figs. 37D-44D). In Cressida (fig. 48D) the lateral arms of the juxta are long and drawn out. In Euryades they form extremely long apodemes that are joined by a membrane to apodemes arising from the tegumen (fig. 49B, D). The juxta in these two groups may serve to guide accessory gland secretion to the ostium of the female during formation of the sphragis. 123. Dorsal lobe of valve membranous. In Cressida and Euryades the valve is composed of two distinct parts; a ventral portion on which the clasper is located, and a membranous dorsal part. In E. corythrus the membranous section is set apart from the rest of the valve (fig. 49B), whereas in C. cressida it overlaps the rest of the valve (fig. 48B). In the other troidines with a dorsal process on the base of the valve, Pachliopta neptunus and P. palu (Character 119), this structure is much smaller, is not set off from the rest of the valve as distinctly, and is not as membranous as it is in Cressida and Euryades. [124]. Wings transparent. Both of these genera have transparent wings. This trait was considered homologous with the transparent wings of parnassiines by Ford (1 944b) and, in addition to the presence of a sphragis in these same groups, led him to suggest the Cressidini as "primitive" relative to the Troidini. Because parnassiines and troidines are now believed to be distantly related (Hancock, 1983; Analysis 1), it is unlikely that transparent wings are homologous in these two groups. In general, this character remains quite vaguely defined. In Cressida cressida males, the forewings are transparent due to reduction of the size of the scales. The majority of wing scales in females are absent and only small pegs remain. The wings of Euryades species are much less transparent than those of C. cressida. Scales on the female wing are slightly smaller than those of other troidines, but in males scale size is not reduced and as a result their wings are not transparent. To further confuse the issue, the forewings of species in the subgenus Losaria are transparent. Those of P. palu males are almost as clear as the wings of C. cressida males, and

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have small scales of similar shape. Further study of this character is warranted. 125. Spinasternum broad. Munroe and Ehrlich (1960) suggested that a broad spinasternum characterizes the subtribe Troiditi, presumably on the basis of Ehrlich (1 958b). According to their hypothesis, one would then predict a narrow spinasternum in members of the genera Battus, Meandrusa, and Papilio, and a broad spinasternum in all other troidines. My own study of this character revealed a broad spinasternum in the Graphiini, a fairly narrow spinasternum in most members of Papilio, and a very narrow one in Meandrusa. Within the Troiditi there is much variation in spinasternal width. That of Battus is narrow, but so too is the spinasternum of Pharmacophagus antenor, the subgenus Losaria, and Parides (Panosmia) latreillei. Troides have a relatively broad spinasternum, and its shape in several troidines, including Parides (Atrophaneura) varuna, Parides (Parides) lysander, and Pachliopta (Pachliopta) aristolochiae is neither narrow nor broad. In addition, variation within these subgenera is unexamined. A comprehensive study of this structure is required. Regardless, the character will likely prove to be homoplasious. Ehrlich (1958b) correctly noted that Cressida and Euryades have the lateral arms of the spinasternum attached posteriorly, giving it a unique shape (Ehrlich's fig. 35, p. 367). I did not, however, find a similarly shaped structure in Parides (Ehrlich, 1958b), and I consider spinasternum shape a synapomorphy for the members of Clade 1SF. CLADE 1 5G-Genus Cressida Almost every feature of the female genitalia is extremely modified in Cressida (Character 75), and all appear to be uniquely derived. In addition, the wing pattern is unique (Hancock, 1983). Other autapomorphies including the following: 126. Females with the majority of wing scales absent. Cressida cressida males have transparent forewings due to reduction of scale size (Character 124). In females the wings are also transparent, but this results from complete loss of most of the scales covering the

wing surface. Only small pegs remain where the scales were present. Loss of wing scales was observed nowhere else in the Papilionini or Troidini. 127. Precostal cell large. Munroe (1961) and Hancock (1983) noted the large precostal cell in C. cressida (fig. 169). Hancock called the precostal cell "relatively large" in Euryades, a purported synapomorphy with Cressida. However, the precostal cell of Euryades corethrus (fig. 170) is not large, but is fairly typical compared to other Troidini and Papilionini. A large cell is an autapomorphy

for Cressida.
CLADE 15H-Genus Euryades The area around the ostium of the female (Character 75) and the extremely long apodemes of the male genitalia (Character 122) are unique to the two species in the genus. Other autapomorphies include the following: 128. Ovipositor lobes melanized. The female terminal segments, including the ovipositor lobes, are more heavily melanized in the two species of Euryades (fig. 49A) than in other troidines. 129. Precostal vein club-shaped. Hancock (1983) noted a forked precostal vein in all troidines except Cressida and Euryades. Munroe (1961) concluded that the precosta is "strongly forked" in Parides, "weakly forked" in Euryades, and "unforked" in Cressida. My own investigation did not substantiate either of these claims. The term "forked" is an exaggeration of the condition. The precostal vein of Euryades (fig. 170) is unique in shape because it lacks the distal portion ofthe vein, which normally tapers to a point. The shape of the precostal vein is otherwise quite consistent throughout the Troidini, and nowhere can it accurately be termed "forked" (figs. 166-184).
CLADE 151-Genus Pachliopta Several authors noted a superficial similarity between adults in the subgenera Losaria and Pachliopta (e.g., Hancock, 1980; Corbet and Pendlebury, 1978). None, however, hypothesized that the two groups are sister-taxa as is suggested here. The mono-



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phyly of Clade 151 is supported by the following: 130. Anterodorsal portion of tegumen broad. The subgenus Pachliopta has a tegumen with a humped appearance (figs. 53B, 54B), most clearly seen in the male of P. (Pachliopta) hector. A humped tegumen also occurs in the subgenus Losaria. Pachliopta (Losaria) coon (fig. 52B) and P. (Losaria) rhodifer have a tegumen with a broad anterodorsal portion that appears to be less heavily sclerotized than the rest of the tegumen. The tegumen of P. (Losaria) palu is also quite broad and has an expanded area set off from the rest of the tegumen (fig. 51 B). Such a configuration is less developed in P. (Losaria) neptunus but can be clearly observed (fig. 50B). Other species in the subgenus Pachliopta, such as P. polyphontes (not figured), have a broad tegumen with a less heavily sclerotized region. This trait therefore represents a synapomorphy for these two subgenera. [131]. Male hind tibia swollen, covered with a mat of short spines. This trait is the character least congruent with the phylogenetic hypothesis proposed for the Troidini and deserves further investigation. I found it throughout Pachliopta, but a similar state occurs in the subgenus Atrophaneura (= nox group), several species in Troides, and a few New World Parides. In the subgenus Troides the spines on the male hind tibia appear to be more numerous than on the other legs, but the tibia is not obviously swollen. Many troidines that superficially lack the mat of spines have a mat of very small golden-colored hairs that are possibly homologous with the short spines. The swollen male tibia and associated spines may prove to be a plesiomorphic character within the Troidini. The trait will likely require examination with scanning electron microscopy before it can be understood.
CLADE 15J- Subgenus Losaria I dissected males and females of all four species in Losaria: coon, rhodifer, neptunus, and palu. Pachliopta coon and P. rhodifer are indistinguishable morphologically, and are possibly color forms of the same species. Hancock (1984) dissected and figured a male of P. palu (currently in the collection of the

British Museum, Natural History). Male and female specimens were kindly offered to me by Jason Weintraub (Department of Entomology, Cornell University), and I describe and figure the female genitalia for the first time. P. palu exhibits all the traits characteristic of the subgenus Losaria, where Hancock (1984) placed it. It shares derived character states with P. coon/rhodifer as well as with P. neptunus. Three synapomorphies are shared by P. palu and P. coon/rhodifer: a similar configuration ofthe ostium in the female (figs. 5 1A, 52A), resembling somewhat the ostium of Pharmacophagus antenor (fig. 47A); a ventral protuberance of the distal portion of the valve; and a distally emarginate valve (figs. 51B, 52B). Pachliopta palu shares four synapomorphies with neptunus: the presence of a very large juxta with a recurved basal portion (figs. 50B, D, 51 B, D); an uncus of essentially the same shape (figs. 5OB, 51 B); the presence of white scales in the male hind wing scent patch, though this is also characteristic of some members of Troides and Parides; and in males and females entirely yellow abdominal segments 4 through 8, a trait unique to these two species. A dorsal protuberance, located basally on the valve (figs. 5OB, 51 B), occurs in both species, but is considered homologous with the dorsal lobe found in Cressida (Character 1 19). Interestingly, I found a large, externally visible sphragis in the two female specimens of P. palu available for study (Character 121). It is essential to learn more about the biology of P. palu and other Pachliopta. I identified six characters that support the monophyly of the subgenus Losaria: 132. Clasper absent. All members of the subgenus Losaria lack a clasper, unlike other Troidini and Papilionini. Hancock (1984) incorrectly claimed that the clasper is "long and pointed" in P. coon (fig. 52B). The valve of P. coon has a ridge running its length, possibly a vestige of the clasper (Talbot, 1949), but nothing resembling an actual clasper. 133. Signum small and invaginated into the corpus bursae. Though the exact shape and orientation of the signum vary within the Troidini, it is usually a narrow band somewhat similar to that found in the Papilionini (e.g., figs. 37A-44A). In P. neptunus, P. palu, P. coon, and P. rhodifier I found a small, al-




most round signum invaginated into the bursa (figs. 50A-52A). 134. Ostium projecting posteriorly. In all Losaria, the sclerotized rim of the ostium projects posteriorly well beyond the intersegmental membrane so that it is visible in dried museum specimens. 135. Male with forewings narrow. In addition to having the hind wing tails petiolate (Munroe, 1961), male Losaria have narrow forewings (figs. 171-175) compared to other troidines and papilionines. Munroe (1961) and Hancock (1980, 1983, 1984) noted this trait. 136. Male hind wing margin sharply indented at cell Cu. Males in Losaria have a distinct indentation at the distal margin of cell Cu (figs. 172, 174) that is unique in the Troidini and Papilionini. 137. Abdomen bent ventrally. Losaria specimens have the abdomen bent sharply downward at about the 5th segment, especially in males.

CLADE 15K-Subgenus Pachliopta Hancock (1980) suggested that P. hector is the plesiomorphic species within the subgenus Pachliopta (see discussion of Character 139), but more detailed study will be required to confirm his hypothesis. The female genitalia in this subgenus appear to offer few phylogenetically informative characters. 138. Male tergite 8 and tegumen widely separated. The extremely modified male genitalia (Gosse, 1882; Munroe, 1961) occur only in the subgenus Pachliopta. The valve, clasper, and pseuduncus are small, and the tegumen is ventral to the tergite. The tergite and tegumen are thus widely separated by an unsclerotized intersegmental membrane (figs. 53B, 54B). 139. Uncus hypertrophied. Another unique feature of the male genitalia, found only in the subgenus Pachliopta, is the presence of a heavily sclerotized and hypertrophied uncus (Monroe, 1961; though he calls this structure "socii"). Of the species dissected, P. hector has an uncus most similar in appearance to the uncus of other troidines as well as to members of the outgroup. In P. hector (fig. 53B) the membranous distal portion of the uncus-typical of other troidines-is present, whereas in species such as

P. aristolochiae (fig. 54B), the membranous portion appears to have been lost. 140. Two portions of uncus separated medially. In other papilionids the two halves of the bifid uncus are fused, often for their entire length, and the tegumen is a single piece. In the subgenus Pachliopta the two parts of the uncus are separated medially, being connected only by a membrane. Further, the tegumen is separate, thus forming two distinct dorsal parts (fig. 66L). The following derived character states are shared by some members of both subgenera, and raise the possibility that the subgenus Pachliopta is paraphyletic with respect to one or more species in Losaria. Only when all Pachliopta species are studied in detail will the phylogeny of this group become clearer. [111]. Pseuduncus small. Within the Troidini a small pseuduncus occurs in Pharmacophagus antenor, Troides (Trogonoptera) brookiana, and several members of the genus Pachliopta, but interpretation of this trait within Pachliopta is difficult (figs. 50E-54E). Most species in the genus are characterized by the presence of a small pseuduncus. Conversely, both P. coon and P. rhodifer have a long pseuduncus. If a small pseuduncus is postulated to have arisen once within this genus, then the subgenus Pachliopta would be paraphyletic with respect to both P. neptunus and P. palu in the subgenus Losaria. [114]. Transverse suture of pseuduncus absent. The members ofClade 1 SD have been described as having the pseuduncus hinged on tergite 8 due to the presence of a transverse suture. In the subgenus Pachliopta (figs. 53E, 54E) and P. (Losaria) palu (fig. 51 E) the pseuduncus is fused to tergite 8. The character state in the genus Pachliopta could thus represent either the plesiomorphic condition, or it could be secondarily developed. The most parsimonious cladogram suggests the latter. For the trait to have arisen only once within Pachliopta, the subgenus Pachliopta would be paraphyletic with respect to P. palu in Losaria. [141]. Aedeagus thin and heavily sclerotized. The aedeagus shows much variation in both width and shape within the Troidini, but of the species examined, it is long, thin, and heavily sclerotized only in P. (Losaria) palu (fig. 51 C), P. (Losaria) rhodifer, P. (Lo-



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saria) coon (fig. 52C), and P. (Pachliopta) hector (fig. 53C). To explain the distribution of this trait, it was lost in P. neptunus (fig. 50C) and other members of the subgenus Pachliopta, such as P. aristolochiae (fig. 54C). [142]. Saccus elongate. In the subgenus Pachliopta (figs. 53B, 54B) and P. (Losaria) neptunus and P. (Losaria) palu (figs. 50B, 5 1 B), the saccus is extremely long, projecting anteriorly. The trait has been lost in P. coon (fig. 52B) and P. rhodifer according to the hypothesis proposed here.
CLADE 1 5L I suggest that Troides and Parides are sister-genera. Characters shared by these two groups have not been recognized by previous authors, who have perhaps been mislead by superficial differences in adult morphology, including dramatic differences in size and pigmentation patterns, all of which are autapomorphic. [76]. Ductus bursae membranous. As previously described, a sclerotized ductus bursae is plesiomorphic for the Troidini. In Troides and Parides the ductus is membranous, but is slightly sclerotized in Troides (Trogonoptera) brookiana (fig. 55A). However, the ductus seminalis in T. brookiana enters the ductus bursae close to the ostial opening, unlike other species with a sclerotized ductus bursae where the ductus seminalis enters distal to the area ofsclerotization. I tentatively suggest that ostial sclerotization in T. brookiana is not homologous with that observed in other

papilionids. [143]. Male hind wing margin with deciduous scales. In addition to the androconial modifications described above, some groups of troidines have an unusual type of androconia, described here as deciduous. The cottony male scent-organ in Troidini (Rothschild, 1895) can be characterized in more detail. Using Parides (Parides) photinus as an example, two types of androconia occur in the anal region of the hind wing. The first is long and hairlike, while the second is shorter and broader. Unlike the bristlelike scales in Clade 1 SE (Character 118), these hairlike scales are found over the entire surface of the androconial region. Figure 133 shows basic wing scales, the hairlike scales, and the curly, lower-level scales on the hind wing of P. pho-

tinus. The lower-level scales (fig. 134) are irregularly sculpted between the longitudinal braces (fig. 135), unlike typical wing scales. Such sculpturing is a feature common to many troidine androconia such as those of Battus (fig. 1 6), Losaria (figs. 127, 128), and others. It may disseminate scent during the courtship flight (see below). Two features ofthe hairlike scales were observed only in members of Clade 1 5L: (1) the scale bases are smaller than those of other wing scales, possibly indicating a glandular function (M. Boppre, personal commun.), and (2) these scales are very easily detached from the wing and will stick to a probe if touched. Parides (Parides) bunichus is a neotropical species closely related to P. photinus. In a culture of this butterfly (in the laboratory of P. Feeny, Cornell University), males performed a looping flight during courtship. During this flight they pass beneath the female, in front of her, behind her, and beneath her again in a continuous loop while she flies slowly forward. As the male passes anterior to the female he drags his hind wings over her antennae and head. Large numbers ofdeciduous scales, which are white in this species, become fixed to the female and she then lands prior to the next phase in the courtship sequence. Androconial scents may inhibit female flight and allow copulation (Rutowski, 1980). Deciduous scales are found only in the subgenera Troides, Trogonoptera, Panosmia, Atrophaneura, and Parides. Examples of the hairlike and lower-level scales are shown for representatives of these groups in figures 133145, 148, and 149. The sockets of the deciduous scales appear very similar morphologically in these species (see Parides (Parides) photinus, fig. 134; P. (Panosmia) latreillei, fig. 141; and P. (Atrophaneura) horishanus, fig. 145). According to the character distribution suggested here, the species formerly recognized as Ornithoptera have lost the deciduous scales. Males of these species possess a patch of unique scales on the forewing (figs. 146, 147) and a well-developed set of bristlelike scales on the underside of the hind wing vein 1A+ 2A (Character 18). The latter are found in other papilionines and are considered plesiomorphic relative to this clade. 144. Male hind wing with anal cell enlarged. A character congruent with the presence of deciduous scales in the male hind

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wing (Character 143) of Troides and Parides, and possibly correlated with it, is the presence of a greatly enlarged anal cell (shown with the anal cell unfolded in figs. 176, 177, and 179-182). The anal margin is typically folded, but rolled dorsally along vein 1A + 2A (figs. 178, 184), forming a large pouch which encloses the androconia. A dorsally folded male hind wing margin (Character 101) is plesiomorphic in the Troidini, while the enlarged first anal cell is restricted to Troides and Parides. The anal cell is extremely large and the cubital cell expanded in members of the subgenus Atrophaneura (fig. 180). Troides priamus lacks hind wing deciduous scales, but has a broad anal cell (fig. 177), corroborating the hypothesis that deciduous scales were lost. 145. Membrane between ostium and sternite 7 fluted. In Clade 15L the membrane anterior to the ostium and posterior to sternite 7 is expanded and usually has sclerotized, fluted ridges (figs. 58A, 61A). When the ostium and surrounding membranes are everted during dissection, this region can be clearly observed. Character Not Used in the Analysis: Hancock (1983) proposed that an asymmetrical hind wing discal cell defines groups within the Troidini. He described the discal cells of Battus and Cressida as "symmetrical" and those of Parides and Troides as "asymmetrical," but noted reversal to the symmetrical condition within the subgenera Troides and Parides. The meaning of "asymmetrical" was not made clear. It may be that Hancock's asymmetry refers to a narrow cell, such as occurs in Parides (Atrophaneura) varuna (fig. 180), in which the bases of M2 and M3 are close together on the discal cell. However, Hancock placed species such as Pharmacophagus antenor, which does not have a narrow cell, in a clade with Old World subgenera Panosmia and Atrophaneura. Furthermore, Rothschild (1895) observed "great variation" in the length and width of the hind wing cell within a single species (Parides (Panosmia) polyeuctes) as well as sexual variation. Hancock's interpretation is questionable. As with "precosta forked" (Character 129), more species will have to be examined and the trait redefined before it can be made useful for understanding relationships within the Troidini.

CLADE 1 SM-Genus Troides

Few authors have questioned the monophyly of the birdwing species. They have probably been more thoroughly studied than any other papilionids. Haugum and Low (1978-1979) detail the species and subspecies. As was noted in the introduction to this analysis, rarely have two authors agreed on the generic or subgeneric status of the four birdwing groups: Troides, Ripponia, Ornithoptera, and Trogonoptera. One result of the special attention given to the birdwings is that all definable subgroups have at one time or another been raised to generic rank. Haugum and Low (1975) argued that T. hypolitus is sufficiently distinct to warrant its own genus, Ripponia. This is unjustified. Haugum and Low listed characters unique to hypolitus, such as its unusual wing pattern and the distinctive configurations of the valve and clasper, but these traits are autapomorphic and provide no information on the phylogenetic position of T. hypolitus. Haugum and Low did not identify characters that support placement of T. hypolitus as the sister-species to the rest of Troides. They suggested (1975: 1 1 1) that the characters of T. hypolitus "are in some ways intermediate between Troides and Trogonoptera," but did not document their claim. Creating the genus Ripponia raises the possibility that Troides (sensu Haugum and Low) is paraphyletic with respect to T. hypolitus, requiring the naming of even more genera within it. Such a situation would promote instability. Furthermore, the morphological differences between T. hypolitus and the rest of Troides are slight. The female genitalia of all these species are similar in almost every respect (figs. 56A-58A). For the sake of nomenclatural stability, and because of the morphological homogeneity of the birdwing species, I unite all within a single genus, Troides. Phylogenetic relationships among the species remain to be determined. I recognize two subgenera, Trogonoptera and Troides. 146. R1 in forewing arising opposite CuA2. This trait, first described by Zeuner (1943) and noted by most subsequent authors, is found in all Troides (fig. 176; figures in Haugum and Low, 1978-1979). 147. Middle discocellular and upper dis-



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cocellular in line. Munroe (1961) suggested that in the subgenera Troides (excluding Ornithoptera) and Trogonoptera the mdc and udc were "in line" (fig. 176). I support his finding, but also found it in "Ornithoptera" (figures in Haugum and Low, 1978-1979). This trait supports the monophyly of the birdwings. 148. Wing scales iridescent. Cockayne (1924; also Ford, 1944b) argued that iridescent scales in Troides contain a unique pigment which gives a greenish-yellow fluorescence in ultraviolet light. He demonstrated that this pigment is confined to the birdwings. 149. Valve with a marginal process. Zeuner (1943) figured the left valvae of 32 birdwing species, most of which were also figured by Haugum and Low (1978-1979). In the majority, a small process is present on the margin of the valve, usually located distally (figs. 55B-58B). The process of T. (Trogonoptera) brookiana is relatively large and is located dorsally on the valve. 150. Signum with concentric folds. The birdwing species lack a distinct signum (Munroe, 1961; Hancock, 1980, 1983), but raised ridges and folds (figs. 55A-58A) with surface spicules occur on the bursa. In T. aeacus there is a well-defined sclerotization in the center of the folds (not clearly seen in the figure). These structures in the birdwings are most likely homologous with the signum of other papilionids. 151. Appendix bursae present. In the species examined, an additional pouch contiguous with the corpus bursae (appendix bursae of Klots, 1970) occurs in Trogonoptera (fig. 55A), and Troides (figs. 57A, 58A). The pouch in Troides helena and T. hypolitus (fig. 56A) is less distinct. A weakly defined structure is present in Battus (figs. 45A, 46A).

of Troides (figs. 55B, D-58B, D); and (4) a sphragis is present in Trogonoptera (Munroe, 1961), but is absent in Troides according to Niculescu. Haugum and Low (1978-1979), however, document the presence of a sphragis in Troides as well. I follow Munroe (1961) and retain Trogonoptera and Troides in a single genus. In addition to the male genitalic characters discussed by Niculescu, Trogonoptera exhibits uniquely derived female traits: 152. Numerous folds present in membrane dorsal to ostial opening. The invagination dorsal to the ostial opening, usually sclerotized in other troidines (Character 159), is membranous in Trogonoptera and has numerous folds in its surface. In addition, the ductus bursae is extremely wide and the ostial region is lightly sclerotized compared to those of other species in the Troidini.

CLADE 1 5N-Subgenus Trogonoptera Niculescu (1980) argued that Trogonoptera, containing brookiana and trojana, is sufficiently distinct to be considered a genus. He based his decision on the following evidence: (1) the pseuduncus is a short, lightly sclerotized lobe (fig. 55B, E), whereas in the rest of Troides it is long and heavily sclerotized (figs. 56B, E-58B, E); (2) the valve is short and the harpe is a large plate (fig. 55B); (3) the aedeagus and juxta differ from those in the rest

CLADE 150-Subgenus Troides I unite Troides, Ripponia, and Ornithoptera of Haugum and Low (1978-1979) within subgenus Troides. The following characters corroborate the monophyly of this clade: 153. Ostium with a medial process. The configuration of the ostium in all species is essentially the same. A conspicuous projection occurs ventral to the opening of the ductus bursae (figs. 56A-58A) in subgenus Troides, but nowhere else in the Troidini. In addition, all have a thickened and heavily sclerotized lateral collar anterior to the opening of the ductus bursae. 154. Lobes of uncus bent ventrally. The two uncal lobes in the subgenus Troides are sharply bent ventrally (figs. 56B-58B), whereas in the rest of the Troidini their position is more horizontal. 155. Clasper with basal hook. All species in the subgenus Troides have a spine, termed the basal hook by Haugum and Low (19781979), on the proximal portion of the clasper. Some species have two hooks, one formed from a dorsal projection of the valve and one at the base of the clasper (T. aeacus, fig. 57B). In a few species, such as T. priamus (fig. 58B), the basal hook of the clasper is small, but in most it is prominent (figs. 56B, 57B). Additional species figured in Haugum and Low (vol. 1), show a well-developed basal hook. Tragonoptera lacks the hook, though the ori-




entation of the clasper is unique, and the fold at the dorsal portion (fig. 55B) may be homologous with the basal hook of Troides. 156. Clasper with distal spines. The claspers of most species in the subgenus Troides are broadened basally with a series of stout spines on the distal portion (Zeuner, 1943; Haugum and Low, 1978-1979). The clasper of T. hypolitus (fig. 56B) is unique, leading Haugum and Low (1975) to raise it to generic status, but the distal spines are clearly present. 157. Abdomen with androconia. Male Troides have a patch of abdominal androconia dorsally. Zeuner (1943) proposed that they transfer scent to the stiff, brushlike scales (anal brushes, Character 18) on the ventral surface of the male hind wing. Although he considered anal brushes to be restricted to these species, they are also well developed in Battus and other troidines, such as Panosmia. Abdominal androconia are tentatively treated as a synapomorphy for the subgenus Troides. SEM analysis of abdominal scales in Trogonoptera and other troidines may change the status of this character. [158]. Juxta with spines. Troides (Trogonoptera) brookiana and T. (Troides) priamus have a pair of large spines located dorsolaterally on the juxta (figs. 55D, 58D). They are not present in all Troides species (figs. 56D, 57D).
CLADE 1 5P-Genus Parides Parides contains three subgenera: Parides, Panosmia [= latreillei group of Munroe (1961) and Hancock (1980)], and Atrophaneura (= nox group). The latter two are Old World groups and the first is Neotropical and corresponds to Munroe's (1961) genus Parides. The monophyly of each subgenus appears to be relatively well-founded, but I could not resolve relationships among them. The following corroborate the monophyly of the genus Parides: 159. Large sclerotized invagination dorsal to opening of ductus. Within the Papilionini and Troidini an invagination occurs in the membrane dorsal to the opening ofthe ductus bursae. Presumably it accepts the uncus or pseuduncus during copulation. Its function is speculative because I have been unable to study the mechanics of copulation in papil-

ionids, but the structure is consistently present. Within the Troidini it is usually a sclerotized pocket opening dorsally (e.g., Battus polydamus, fig. 45A). In Parides this structure is unusually large. It is fused to the intersegmental membrane above the opening of the bursa in the subgenus Panosmia (figs. 64A, 65A), while in the subgenera Atrophaneura and Parides it projects posteriorly from the intersegmental membrane (figs. 59A-63A). Because this structure protrudes to some degree in birdwings (figs. 56A-58A), fusion in Panosmia is considered an autapomorphy (Character 167). The structure is very large in P. (Parides) proneus, P. (Parides) hahneli, and in other New World taxa. [160]. Ductus bursae wide. The ductus bursae is wide and usually short in Parides (figs. 59A-65A). The only other taxon that has a wide ductus bursae is T. (Trogonoptera) brookiana. Its structure is superficially different from that of Parides. A wide, short ductus appears to be roughly correlated with the presence of a wide aedeagus. [161]. Vesica large. The vesica is small in most troidine species. In the Papilionini it is moderately large (figs. 37C-44C) and in Parides it is quite large. This character is not totally consistent. Some members within the subgenus Parides have a relatively small vesica (see, e.g., P. photinus, fig. 61 C). However, this was not typically true within the subgenus. Some species, such as P. (Parides) hahneli (not figured) have large vesicas with quite complex configurations. It is impossible to know whether the small vesica in these Parides species is convergently derived without a detailed cladistic analysis of the entire genus. Until such work is done, I consider the presence of a large, expanded vesica a synapomorphy for Clade 15P.
CLADE 1 SQ-Subgenus Atrophaneura 162. Valve with two distal spines. This trait (figs. 59B, 60B) was discussed by both Munroe (1961) and Hancock (1980, 1983). The shape of the valve is also characteristic. 163. Aedeagus dorsoventrally depressed. The aedeagus is flattened dorsoventrally and irregular in shape, with small bumps and knobs on its surface (figs. 59C, 60C). 164. Male with hind wing cell Cu enlarged. See Characters 143 and 144.



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CLADE 1 5R-Subgenus Parides Though this is the largest subgenus within the Troidini-45 species in three species groups-I found only two synapomorphies. Understanding phylogenetic relationships within the subgenus Parides remains the single largest systematic problem in the Troidini. 165. Signum oriented dorsoventrally. Both Munroe (1961) and Hancock (1980, 1983) characterized the signum as V-shaped but that is inaccurate. It is often U-shaped but can be almost straight (e.g., P. agavus, fig. 63A). Usually it has a somewhat scalloped appearance (figs. 61A-63A). The most unique feature of the signum in the subgenus Parides is its dorsoventral orientation. 166. Lower-level androconia curled. "Hairlike" and "lower-level" androconia are characteristic of Clade 15L (Character 143). Lower-level scales in the subgenus Parides are broad and distinctly curled (figs. 134, 148, 149). The scales of some species outside this group, such as P. (Panosmia) latreillei, are slightly curled (fig. 141), but not markedly.

group relationship between the subgenera Panosmia and Parides. It may be useful to future research on these groups. [170]. Vesica of aedeagus with a sclerite. In Panosmia and some species of subgenus Parides, I found a sclerite, perhaps originally part of the aedeagus, laterally on the vesica. In P. (Panosmia) latreillei (fig. 64C) the sclerite is close to the distal portion of the aedeagus, but in P. (Panosmia) polyeuctes (fig. 65C) it is distinctly separate from the aedeagus. This sclerite also occurs in P. (Parides) agavus (fig. 63C), P. gundlachianus, and P. proneus (both in the ascanius group; Hancock, 1983). In P. (Parides) hahneli (aeneas group) the sclerite is located at the distal end of a long, fingerlike evagination of the vesica. P. photinus (ascanius group; fig. 61C) and P. lysander (lysander group; fig. 62C) lack the sclerite.

CLADE 1 5S-Subgenus Panosmia 167. Invagination dorsal to ostium fused to membrane. See Character 159. 168. Ostium fluted. The shape of the region around the ostium is unique in Panosmia; it is fluted and forms a corona around the ostial opening (figs. 64A, 65A). [169]. Pseuduncus with horns. Basal projections on the pseuduncus, in addition to the medial projection, occur in P. polyeuctes (fig. 65B, E), P. dasarada, and P. alcinous, but are absent in P. latreillei (fig. 64B, E). These horns may define a monophyletic group within Panosmia. Similar convergently derived protruberances occur in Pharmacophagus antenor (a pair of very small dorsal bumps; fig. 47B, E) and in Meandrusa sciron (fig. 43B, E). Jordan (1928) figured claspers of the species in Panosmia and described them as being broad and toothed marginally (e.g., figs. 64B, 6 5B). However, species in other Parides subgenera also have a broad clasper, toothed marginally (e.g., P. (Parides) lysander, fig. 62B). I found a character that suggests a sister-

DISCUSSION The most significant result of this analysis is finding that Atrophaneura of previous authors is a polyphyletic group comprising three separate elements: Parides (subgenera Atrophaneura and Panosmia), Pachliopta (subgenus Losaria), and Pharmacophagus antenor. The monophyly of these groups is well documented, but their affinities are surprising. Hancock (1980; also noted by Corbert and Pendlebury, 1978) suggested a close relationship between the subgenera Losaria and Pachliopta, but retained both within his genus Atrophaneura. I suggest that Losaria and Pachliopta are sister-taxa and that their closest relative is Cressida. I also suggest that two Old World groups previously placed in the genus Atrophaneura, subgenus Panosmia (=latreillei) and subgenus Atrophaneura (=nox), belong to a clade which includes Neotropical Parides. The third element from Atrophaneura of previous authors, Pharmacophagus antenor, appears on my cladogram as the sister-group to the rest of the Troiditi. Though most workers have acknowledged P. antenor as distinctive, none have recognized how distantly related this species is to the other members of the genus in which it was placed. I consider several regions of the troidine cladogram to be tentative. Pharmacophagus




antenor is either the sister-group to the rest of the Troiditi, or to the rest of the Troidini (fig. 1 6A). Three characters (108-1 10) suggest placement of P. antenor within the Troiditi and two (101 and 102) indicate that it is the sister-group to all other troidines including Battus. The solution to this problem may come from a study of immature stages. Larval antennae of Battus species have unique configurations of setae and sensilla (Dethier, 1941). A comprehensive study of larval antennae, larval mouthpart morphology, larval tubercle and setal arrangements, pupal morphology, and other such character complexes may provide answers. Unfortunately, I have been unable to obtain larval specimens of P. antenor. Complete documentation of its life history combined with detailed comparative work on immature stages representing the rest of the Troidini is essential. Igarashi (1979, 1984) has laid a foundation for such research, though more detailed analyses, including SEM studies, are also required. The taxonomic distribution of swollen male hind tibiae (Character 131) indicates that Pachliopta might be more closely related to Parides than to Troides. Male hind tibiae are not swollen in Cressida or Euryades, but a rearrangement involving Pachliopta would nevertheless have to address the relationship between Pachliopta and Cressida/Euryades. Perhaps the entire clade (1 5E) is the sistergroup of Parides (fig. 16B). The monophyly of Clade 1 5E is corroborated by five derived characters, but two (1 16 and 1 19) are absent in some species. Larvae of Cressida cressida and Euryades corethrus have unique maxillary palpi that are broad and flattened distally with the tip covered by a mat of short sensilla. Again, examination of the mouthparts of additional troidine larvae will perhaps offer additional information concerning the distri-


Troides Parides





Fig. 16. Alternative hypotheses for the Troidini (see Discussion, Analysis 3). A. A possible hypothesis for the phylogenetic placement of Pharmacophagus. B. A possible hypothesis for the phylogenetic placements of Pachliopta and Cres-

sida/Euryades. bution of this trait and may corroborate or refute the monophyly of Clade 1 5E. Monophyly of the genus Pachliopta is weakly supported, and species relationships are not clear. Further study may reveal that the subgenus Pachliopta is paraphyletic with respect to one or more species in the subgenus Losaria. Although the monophyly of Clade 1 5P is well substantiated, we have no understanding of interrelationships in the three subgenera, or of cladistic relationships within each.


I have overlaid geographical distributions on the terminal taxa of troidine and graphiine cladograms (figs. 185, 186). Both area cladograms apparently lack biogeographic patterns

such as might be predicted by a vicariant plate tectonic model. Furthermore, these area cladograms show little congruence. A classical Gondwanan distribution would include



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taxa endemic to Africa, Madagascar, India, Australia, New Zealand, and South America. Swallowtails, on the other hand, are often widespread, some occurring in more than one biogeographical region. For example, Battus and the subgenus Panosmia are distributed in areas once belonging to Gondwanaland and Laurasia. Widespread taxa provide no information on the relationships of areas (Platnick, 1981). Still, the area cladograms raise several interesting issues. Many important swallowtail genera- Teinopalpus, Meandrusa, subgenus Pazala-are endemic to the region from the eastern Himalayan foothills east to Southeast Asia. These groups seem to have something in common; each contains only a few species, but is the sister-group to a speciose clade whose members show relatively little morphological variation. Pazala (four species) is the sister-group to the rest of Graphium (84 species); Meandrusa (two species) to the rest of Papilio (220 species); and Teinopalpus (two species) to the Papilionini/Troidini. The significance of this finding is unknown, but may be correlated with the collision of the Indian subcontinent with Asia, between 55 and 53 million years ago (Brown and Gibson, 1983). Some swallowtail taxa apparently diverged as a result of the fractionation of Gondwanaland. For example, the common ancestor of Cressida and Euryades (Clade 15F) was probably once distributed throughout Gondwanaland (fig. 186). However, the sister-group to these taxa, Pachliopta (Clade 1 51), occurs from Pakistan to the Solomons and Eastern Australia, a pattern not typical of Gondwanan distributions. A second example

of a possible Gondwanan distribution is Protographium, endemic to eastern Australia, and Eurytides, with a largely South American distribution. If the divergence of groups such as Cressida/Euryades and Protographium/Eurytides did accompany the breakup of Gondwanaland, this would lend support to the hypothesis that they are between 50 and 80 million years old, the approximate geological date at which Australia and South America split apart (Brown and Gibson, 1983). The fossil record provides little information to refute or support such a proposed age for swallowtail genera. Two fossil species (dated as being 48 million years old), Praepapilio colorado and P. gracilis, were described by Durden and Rose (1978) and placed in their own papilionid subfamily, Praepapilioninae. The fossils purportedly have cervical sclerites united ventromedially (Character 4). Hancock (1983) placed them phylogenetically between the Baroniinae and the rest of the Papilionidae. As is the case with most fossil insects, wing venation provides the majority of characters for phylogenetic analysis. Praepapilio shares one derived character state with each extant subfamily, and its phylogenetic position is therefore ambiguous. Praepapilio has a basal spur (Character 19), a synapomorphy for the Papilioninae. It also has forewing vein R4 absent (Character 6), a character state restricted to Baronia (Baroniinae) and Parnassius (Parnassiinae). The discovery of Praepapilio confirms that genera within the Papilionidae are at least 48 million years old, but provides little additional information.

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Fig. 17. Diagrammatic representation of papilionid genitalia. Nomenclature is from Klots (1970), except the dorsolateral sclerite (dl) and sclerotized invagination (si) for which no previous names exist. A. female in lateral view; B. male in lateral view with left valve and aedeagus removed; C. aedeagus in lateral view with distal portion at right; D. juxta in anal view; E. dorsal view of 8th tergite. aa = anterior apophysis; at = anal tube; c = clasper; cb = corpus bursae; db = ductus bursae; dc = ductus communalis; dl = dorsolateral sclerite; ds = ductus seminalis; j = juxta; m = manica; ob = ostium of the bursa; pa = posterior apophysis; pp = papillae anales; pu = pseuduncus; s = sternite; sc = saccus; sg = signum; si = sclerotized invagination; sp = spiracle; t = tergite; tg = tegumen; u = uncus; vl = valve; vn = vinculum; vs = vesica.



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Fig. 18. Male and female genitalia of Dismorphia amphione (Cramer; Pieridae). A. female in lateral view; B. male in lateral view with left valve and aedeagus removed; C. aedeagus in lateral view with distal portion at right. Scale line = 2 mm.




Fig. 19. Male and female genitalia of Euchloe hyantis (Edwards; Pieridae). A. female in lateral view; B. male in lateral view with left valve and aedeagus removed; C. aedeagus in lateral view with distal portion at right; D. juxta in anal view. Scale line = 2 mm.



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<; .L > ::/

Fig. 20. Male and female genitalia of Pieris rapae (L.; Pieridae). A. female in lateral view; B. male in lateral view with left valve and aedeagus removed; C. aedeagus in lateral view with distal portion at right; D. juxta in anal view; E. dorsal view of 8th tergite. Scale line = 2 mm. Names of specific structures are shown in figure 17.

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Fig. 21. Male and female genitalia of Colias philodice (Godart; Pieridae). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.



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Fig. 22. Male and female genitalia of Baronia brevicornis Salvin. For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.




;<~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
/ II.
Fig. 23. Male and female genitalia of Archon apollinus (Herbst). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.



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,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Fig. 24. Male and female genitalia of Parnassius szechenyii Frivaldszky. For scale length and key to
structures refer to figure 20.




Fig. 25. Male and female genitalia of Parnalius polyxena (Denis and Schiffermuller). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.



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Fig. 26. Male and female genitalia of Luehdorfiajaponica Leech. For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.

1 987



Fig. 27. Male and female genitalia of Eurytides structures refer to figure 20.

epidaus (Doubleday). For scale length and key to



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Fig. 28. Male and female genitalia of Eurytides telesilaus (C. and R. Felder). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.

1 987




Fig. 29. Male and female genitalia of Protographium leosthenes (Doubleday). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.



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Fig. 30. Male and female genitalia of Iphiclides podalirius (L.). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.

1 987



Fig. 31. Male and female genitalia of Lamproptera meges (Zinken-Sommer). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.



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Fig. 32. Male and female genitalia of Graphium (Pazala) eurous (Leech). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.

1 987



Fig. 33. Male and female genitalia of Graphium (Graphium) to structures refer to figure 20.

euryplus (L.). For scale length and key



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7)...l. .0




Fig. 34. Male and female genitalia of Graphium (Pathysa) nomius (Esper). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.

1 987


1~ ~


Fig. 35. Male and female genitalia of Graphium (Arisbe) philonoe (Ward). For scale length and key
to structures refer to figure 20.



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structures refer to figure 20.

Fig. 36. Male and female genitalia of Teinopalpus imperialis Hope. For scale length and key to

1 987



Fig. 37. Male and female genitalia of Papilio toboroi (Ribbe). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.



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Fig. 38. Male and female genitalia of Papilio anactus (Macleay). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.




X~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
S I~~~~~

Fig. 39. Male and female genitalia of Papilio protenor (Cramer). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.



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to figure 20.

Fig. 40. Male and female genitalia of Papilio troilus (L.). For scale length and key to structures refer

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Fig. 41. Male and female genitalia of Papilio thoas (L.). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.



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Fig. 42. Male and female genitalia of Papilio victorinus (Doubleday). For scale length and key to
structures refer to figure 20.




Fig. 43. Male and female genitalia of Meandrusa sciron (Leech). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.



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Fig. 44. Male and female genitalia of Meandrusa payeni (Boisduval). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.





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Fig. 45. Male and female genitalia of Battus polydamus (L.). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.



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Fig. 46. Male and female genitalia of Battus belus (Cramer). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.

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7~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0

Fig. 47. Male and female genitalia of Pharmacophagus antenor (Drury). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.



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Fig. 48. Male and female genitalia of Cressida cressida (Fabricius). For scale length and key to
structures refer to figure 20.

1 987






-: -.




Fig. 49. Male and female genitalia of Euryades corethrus (Boisduval). For scale length and key to
structures refer to figure 20.



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Fig. 50. Male and female genitalia of Pachliopta (Losaria) neptunus (Guerin-Meneville). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.

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Fig. 51. Male and female genitalia of Pachliopta (Losaria) palu (Martin). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.



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to structures refer to figure 20.

Fig. 52. Male and female genitalia of Pachliopta (Losaria) coon (Fabricius). For scale length and key




.- I


' v)


Fig. 53. Male and female genitalia of Pachliopta (Pachliopta) hector (L.). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.



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Fig. 54. Male and female genitalia of Pachliopta (Pachliopta) aristolochiae (Fabricius). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.

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Fig. 55. Male and female genitalia of Troides (Trogonoptera) brookiana (Wallace). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.



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Fig. 56. Male and female genitalia of Troides (Troides) hypolitus (Cramer). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.





Fig. 57. Male and female genitalia of Troides (Troides) aeacus (C. and R. Felder). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.



VOL. 186

Fig. 58. Male and female genitalia of Troides (Troides) priamus (L.). For scale length and key to
structures refer to figure 20.






Fig. 59. Male and female genitalia of Parides (Atrophaneura) varuna (White). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.



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; .'


Fig. 60. Male and female genitalia of Parides (Atrophaneura) horishanus (Matsumura). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.




Fig. 61. Male and female genitalia of Parides (Parides) photinus (Doubleday). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.



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Fig. 62. Male and female genitalia of Parides (Parides) lysander (Cramer). For scale length and key
to structures refer to figure 20.




Fig. 63. Male and female genitalia of Parides (Parides) agavus (Drury). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.



VOL. 186

Fig. 64. Male and female genitalia of Parides (Panosmia) latreillei (Donovan). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.

1 987



Fig. 65. Male and female-genitalia of Parides (Panosmia) polyeuctes (Doubleday). For scale length and key to structures refer to figure 20.



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Fig. 66 [Characters 9, 140]. Dorsal view of tegumen (= 9th tergite) and uncus. (Anal tube shown in figs. H, L, and M.) A. Baronia brevicornis; B. Luehdorfia japonica; C. Eurytides thyastes; D. Eurytides celadon; E. Protographium leosthenes; F. Iphiclides podalirius; G. Lamproptera curius; H. Graphium (Pazala) eurous; I. Teinopalpus imperialis; J. Meandrusa payeni; K. Papilio scamander; L. Pachliopta (Pachliopta) polyphontes; M. Battus polydamus. Scale line = 2 mm.

1 987





Fig. 67 [Characters 45, 95]. Left (female) tentorial crests of species in the Papilionidae; anterior at left. A. Baronia brevicornis; B. Luehdorfiajaponica; C. Archon apollinus; D. Papilio victorinus; E. Parides (Panosmia) latreillei; F. Meandrusa sciron; G. Teinopalpus imperialis; H. Eurytides epidaus; I. Eurytides telesilaus; J. Protographium leosthenes; K. Iphiclides podalirius; L. Lamproptera meges; M. Graphium (Pazala) mandarinus; N. Graphium (Graphium) euryplus; 0. Graphium (Arisbe) philonoe; P. Graphium (Pathysa) nomius. Scale line = 1 mm.



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Fig. 68 [Characters 12, 35]. Right female labial palpus. A. Dismorphia amphione; B. Coliasphilodice; C. Euchloe hyantis; D. Pieris rapae; E. Baronia brevicornis; F. Archon apollinus; G. Parnassius szechen2vii H. Luehdorfia japonica; I. Parnalius polyxena. Scale line = 1 mm.




Fig. 69 [Characters 12, 35]. Right female labial palpus. A. Teinopalpus imperialis (scale line = I mm); B. Iphiclides podalirius; C. Protographium leosthenes; D. Graphium (Graphium) euryplus; E. Graphium (Arisbe) philonoe; F. Graphium (Pathysa) nomius; G. Eurytides telesilaus; H. Eurytides epidaus; I. Lamproptera meges (male); J. Lamproptera meges (female). Scale line = 1 mm.



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Fig. 70 [Character 35]. Right female labial palpus of Papilionini. A. Meandrusa sciron; B. Papilio victorinus; C. Papilio troilus; D. Papilio thoas; E. Papilio protenor; F. Papilio anactus; G. Papilio toboroi.






Fig. 71 [Character 113]. Right female labial palpus ofTroidini. A. Battus belus; B. Battuspolydamus; C. Pharmacophagus antenor; D. Pachliopta (Pachliopta) aristolochiae; E. Pachliopta (Losaria) neptunus; F. Pachliopta (Losaria) coon; G. Cressida cressida; H. Euryades corethrus; I. Parides (Panosmia) latreillei; J. Troides (Troides) priamus; K. Troides (Trogonoptera) brookiana; L. Parides (Atrophaneura) varuna; M. Parides (Parides) pkotinus; N. Parides (Parides) lysander. Scale line = 1 mm.



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Figs. 72-77 [Character 23]. Male hind wing scales. 72, Dismorphia amphione (Pieridae), hind wing margin; 73, Pieris rapae (Pieridae), close-up of scale from hind wing margin; 74, Graphium nomius, close-up of typical hind wing scale; 75, Eurytides telesilaus, close-up of typical hind wing scale; 76, Papilio troilus, scales from hind wing margin; 77, Meandrusa payeni, close-up of typical hind wing scale.







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Figs. 78-81 [Character 23]. Typical male hind wing scales. 78, Pachliopta (Losaria) neptunus; 79, Pachliopta (Pachliopta) hector; 80, Parides (Atrophaneura) horishanus; 81, Teinopalpus imperialis. Figs. 82, 83 [Character 18]. Male hind wing margin. 82, Papilio scamander; 83, Papilio troilus.



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Fig. 84 [Character 18]. Close-up of scales in figure 83 (Papilio troilus). Figs. 85-89 [Character 35]. Basal segment of male left labial palpi (with right palpus removed) showing the basal fleck (Reuter, 1896); proximal portion at right. 85, Eurytides telesilaus; 86, Protographium leosthenes; 87, Papilio victorinus; 88, P. victorinus, close-up of basal fleck; 89, Meandrusa sciron.




Figs. 90, 91 [Character 52]. Papillae anales of Iphiclides podalirius. 90, Both lobes, showing peglike setae characteristic of graphiines (anterior at right); 91, same with close-up of peglike setae and blunt hairlike setae.

Figs. 92-95 [Character 57]. Male hind wing scales. 92, Baronia brevicornis, showing typical scales from near center of hind wing; 93, B. brevicornis, hind wing margin; 94, Archon apollinus, scales from near center of hind wing; 95, Iphiclides podalirius, modified scales from hind wing margin.



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Figs. 96, 97 [Character 58]. Androconia from the hind wing of graphiine species. 96, Eurytides

epidaus, hind wing margin; 97, E. epidaus, close-up of curly deciduous scales. Figs. 98-101 [Character 91]. Androconia from the hind wing showing three types of scales found in Graphium. 98, Graphium (Graphium) agamemnon, hind wing margin at posterior edge; 99, Graphium (Pathysa) nomius, showing type 2 scales; 100, G. agamemnon, deciduous androconia showing scale packets; 101, close-up of scales in figure 100.

1 987



Fig. 102 [Character 101]. Male hind wing margin of Pharmacophagus antenor. Figs. 103-107 [Character 102]. Papillae anales (ovipositor lobes). 103, Papilio troilus, both lobes in anal view; 104, P. troilus, seta on lateral surface of lobe; 105, P. troilus, broken seta from lateroventral portion of lobe; 106, Pachliopta (Losaria) coon, seta from lateral portion of lobe; 107, P. coon, anal view of a single lobe showing medial hook-shaped setae.



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110 1O Li


Figs. 108-110 [Character 102]. Setae on the papillae anales. 108, Parides (Panosmia) latreillei, posterolateral view of the edge of a single lobe showing club-shaped setae; 109, Pachliopta (Losaria) coon, close-up of hook-shaped seta from figure 107; 1 10, close-up of the tip of a club-shaped seta from figure 108. Figs. 111-113 [Character 105]. Anal region ofthe male hind wing of Battus species. 111, B. philenor, showing naked streak (center), typical wing scales (bottom left), and fluted scales (top right); 112, B. polydamus, fluted scales distal to naked streak; 113, B. polydamus, close-up of fluted scale.

1 987





l I.t

Figs. 114-118 [Character 105]. Fluted scales from the male hind wing margin of Battus species. 114, B. philenor; 1 5, B. philenor, single fluted scale; 1 16, B. philenor, surface of scale in figure 1 15; 1 17, B. belus; 118, B. belus, single fluted scale. Fig. 1 9 [Character 1 3]. Anteroventral view of head of Pharmacophagus antenor with right palpus and tongue removed.



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Figs. 120-123 [Character 113]. Basal segment of left male labial palpus (right palpus removed); proximal portion at left. 120, Pharmacophagus antenor; 121, Battus philenor; 122, B. philenor, closeup of basal fleck; 123, Parides (Panosmia) latreillei. Figs. 124, 125 [Character 118]. Scales on the male hind wing. 124, Pachliopta (Losaria) neptunus, typical scale; 125, P. neptunus, two types of androconia found on the anal margin (bristlelike scales on anal vein and broad scales).






I urn:


Figs. 126-131 [Character 1181. Scales on the male hind wing. 126, P. neptunus, broad scales (in fig. 125); 127, P. neptunus, base of broad scale (in figs. 125, 126); 128, P. neptunus, surface of scale in figures 126, 127; 129, Pachliopta (Losaria) coon, typical scale; 130, P. coon, scale from anal region; 131, Cressida cressida, scent organ with hind wing margin at bottom, showing typical scales (top), naked streak (center), and androconia (bottom).



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_A_ __A_


Fig. 132 [Character 118]. Scales on the male hind wing margin of Euryades corethrus. Figs. 133-137 [Characters 143, 167]. Androconia on the hind wing margin. 133, Parides (Parides) photinus, three types of scales (typical at right, deciduous at left, lower-level at center); 134, P. photinus, lower-level scale; 135, P. photinus, close-up of scale in figure 134; 136, Troides (Troides) hypolitus, deciduous and lower-level scales; 137, T. hypolitus, lower-level scales.

1 987



Figs. 138-143 [Character 143]. Androconia on the hind wing margin. 138, Troides (Trogonoptera) brookiana, deciduous and lower-level scales (with some deciduous scales removed); 139, T. brookiana, lower-level scales; 140, Parides (Panosmia) latreillei; 141, P. latreillei, lower-level scales, showing sockets of both lower-level and deciduous scales (smaller sockets); 142, Parides (Atrophaneura) alcinous; 143, P. alcinous, lower-level scales (some deciduous scales removed).



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. A-

. , -&


Figs. 144, 145 [Character 143]. Androconia on the hind wing margin. 144, Parides (Atrophaneura) horishanus; 145, P. horishanus, lower-level scales showing sockets of both lower-level and deciduous
scales. Figs. 146, 147 [Character 143]. Androconia on the forewing of Troides (Troides) priamus. Figs. 148, 149 [Character 167]. Lower-level androconia. 148, Parides (Parides) lysander; 149, P.

(Parides) nephalion.

1 987



CuA2 Fig. 150. Wing venation of Papilio thoas showing the nomenclature used in this study (from Forbes, 1923; Ackery and Vane-Wright, 1984). A = anal vein; ac = anal cell; bs = basal spur (Munroe, 1961); cc = cubital cell; CuA = cubitoanal vein; DC = discal cell; ldc = lower discocellular vein; M = medial vein; mdc = middle discocellular vein; pc = precostal cell; Pcv = precostal vein; R = radial vein; Rs = radial sector; Sc = subcostal vein; udc = upper discocellular.




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Figs. 151-156 [Characters 6, 7, 19, 46, 79]. Wing venation. 151, Baronia brevicornis, male; 152, Eurytides marcellus, male; 153, E. thyastes, male; 154, E. dolicaon, male; 155, E. phaon, male; 156, Protographium leosthenes, female.








Figs. 157-163 [Characters 13, 19, 25, 26, 46, 71, 73, 74, 75, 79]. Wing venation. 157, Iphiclides podalirius, female; 158, Lamproptera meges, male; 159, Graphium (Arisbe) taboranus, male; 160, Graphium (Graphium) euryplus, male; 161, Graphium (Pazala) eurous, male; 162, Graphium (Pathysa) macareus, male; 163, Teinopalpus imperialis, Hope, male.



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Figs. 164-168 [Characters 13, 19, 25, 71, 106]. Wing venation; except where noted the anal margin has been unrolled during preparation of the mount. 164, Meandrusa payeni, male; 165, Papilio troilus, male; 166, Battus belus, male (anal margin of hind wing in typical rolled position); 167, Battuspolydamus, male; 168, Pharmacophagus antenor, male.




Figs. 169, 170 [Characters 117, 127]. Wing venation with anal margin of hind wing unrolled. 169, Cressida cressida, male; 170, Euryades corythrus, male. Figs. 171-173 [Characters 117, 135, 136]. Wing venation with anal margin of hind wing unrolled. 171, Pachliopta (Pachliopta) aristolochiae, male; 172, P. (Losaria) neptunus, male; 173, P. (Losaria) neptunus, female.



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Figs. 174, 175 [Characters 117, 135, 136]. Wing venation with anal margin of hind wing unrolled (except where noted). 174, Pachliopta (Losaria) coon, male (anal margin in typical rolled position); 175, P. coon, female. Figs. 176-178 [Characters 144, 146, 147]. Wing venation with anal margin of hind wing unrolled (except where noted). 176, Troides (Troides) helenus, male; 177, Troides (Troides) priamus, male hind wing; 178, Troides (Trogonoptera) brookiana, male hind wing (anal margin in the typical rolled position).







Figs. 179-184 [Characters 144, 164]. Wing venation with anal margin unrolled (except where noted). 179, Parides (Panosmia) latreillei, male; 180, Parides (Atrophaneura) varuna, male; 181, Parides (Parides) photinus, male; 182, Parides (Parides) ascanius, male hind wing; 183, P. ascanius, female hind wing; 184, Parides (Parides) lysander, male hind wing in typical rolled position.



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N., C., & S. America

N. India to Philippines; Sundaland; Celebes

Himalayan foothills; Taiwan

Indo-Australia; Japan

Af rica; Madagascar Fig. 185. Area cladogram for the Graphiini.

N., C., & S. America; Caribbean

N. & E. Australia; S.Papua


S.E. Asia S. to Sulawesi Pakistan to S.E. Asia; Solomons; E. Australia


Sundaland; Palawan
India E. to New Guinea
New Guinea; Solomons; E. Australia

N. India to Philippines; Sundaland; Celebes

C.& S. America; Cuba

N. India to China; Japan; S.E. Asia

Fig. 186. Area cladogram for the Troidini.




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VOLUME 186 1987




Article 1. The Phylogenetic Relationships of Soft-Shelled Turtles (Family Trionychidae). By Peter Andre Meylan. Pages 1-101, figures 1-34, tables 1-22. June 26, 1987 .... .Price $9.00 Article 2. Phylogenetics and Taxonomy of Zygothrica (Diptera: Drosophilidae). By David A. Grimaldi. Pages 103-268, figures 1-525. September 4, 1987 ... Price $11.60 Article 3. The Eupithecia (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) of Chile. By Frederick H. Rindge. ........... Price $8.65 Pages 269-363, figures 1-199. November 4, 1987 ..... Article 4. Phylogenetic Studies in the Papilioninae (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). By James S. Miller. Pages 365-512, figures 1-186, tables 1-6. December 9, 1987 .......... ............................................................ Price$12.10

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