Annual Planner Ict Form 5

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SMK Majakir,Papar, Annual Planner ICT Form 5


4.0 MULTIMEDIA Month/Week Topics 4.1 Multimedia Concept Le !nin" A!e De*inition o* M#+ti$e,i Define multimedia. Identify the use of M#+ti$e,i in - !io#s Fie+,s multimedia in various fields. Inte! o* M#+ti$e,i Differentiate between the characteristics of linear and non-linear multimedia. Me,i#$ o* De+i.e!/ Compare and contrast the mediums of delivery for multimedia applications: web-based CD-based M#+ti$e,i E+e$ents 4.1.!.1Identify the multimedia elements: te"t audio video #raphics animation 4.2.1 4.2 %ardware and &oftware 1 !,2 !e Le !nin" O#tco$e In,i.i,# + t sk Collect and discuss information about the concept of multimedia . In,i.i,# + t sk $ive e"amples of various applications of multimedia and discuss their contributions to the society. In,i.i,# + t sk Discuss the characteristics of linear and non-linear multimedia. Re$ !ks

%AN &'(4)

In,i.i,# + t sk Discuss the similarities and differences between mediums of multimedia application delivery. 4!o#p t sk &can pictures usin# scanner. 4!o#p t sk Capture ima#es and motions usin# camera and video camera. 4!o#p t sk Capture sound' music' narration or special effects usin# audio devices. 4!o#p t sk

Identify hardware that can be used to produce multimedia products: scanner video camera camera audio devices

FE0 &'(4)

video capture devices E,itin" 3o*t2 !e Identify editin# software that can be used to produce multimedia elements: te"t editor

Nik Ahmad Solehuddin Mohd Nor

Panitia ICT

SMK Majakir,Papar, Annual Planner ICT Form 5

#raphics and ima#e editor audio editor video and animation editor 4.2.( A#tho!in" Too+s 4.2.(.1 Define the various concepts in authorin# tools: time frame concept icon concept card concept 4.( Multimedia Development We6 E,ito! Describe and #ive e"amples of web editors: te"t-based )*&I)*$ 4.(.1 Use! Inte!* ce P!incip+es 4.(.1.1&tate user interface principles. MAR&'(5) 4.(.1.2 +pply suitable user interface principles in a pro,ect. 4.(.2 De.e+op$ent Te $ 4.(.2.1 &tate the role of each member in a development team -e"amples: pro,ect mana#er' sub,ect matter e"pert' instructional desi#ner' #raphics artist' audio-video technician and pro#rammer.. 4.(.( M#+ti$e,i P!o,#ction

Capture video from video tape' laser disc or camera usin# video capture devices.

In,i.i,# + t sk Collect information on web editors from printed materials or the Internet. In,i.i,# + t sk Collect information on user interface principles from the Internet. 4!o#p t sk /orm a development team' consistin# of a pro,ect mana#er and assi#n members with respective responsibilities based on the module.

4.(.(.1Describe the phases in multimedia production: analysis desi#n implementation testin# evaluation publishin# 4.(.(.2 +pply all the phases of multimedia production to produce an In,i.i,# + t sk Collect information on multimedia production phases from printed materials or the Internet.

Nik Ahmad Solehuddin Mohd Nor

Panitia ICT

SMK Majakir,Papar, Annual Planner ICT Form 5

interactive educational multimedia pro,ect.

4!o#p t sk 0roduce an interactive educational multimedia pro,ect based on the module.

4.4 Current and /uture Developments

I$$e!si.e M#+ti$e,i $ive an e"ample of immersive multimedia in education' business or entertainment.

4!o#p t sk 0roduce a portfolio about the e"ample of immersive multimedia in education' business or entertainment.

MAR &5(7)

APR &'(5)


Nik Ahmad Solehuddin Mohd Nor

Panitia ICT

SMK Majakir,Papar, Annual Planner ICT Form 5

MEI &'(5)

MEI &5(4)

%UNE &'(4)


AU4U3T &'(5)

AU4U3T &5(4)

3EPT &'(5)

3EPT &5(4

Nik Ahmad Solehuddin Mohd Nor

Panitia ICT

SMK Majakir,Papar, Annual Planner ICT Form 5

3EPT &5(4) O9T O9T


Nik Ahmad Solehuddin Mohd Nor

Panitia ICT