Pellicano Gets 15 Years in Wiretapping Case - Los Angeles Times

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By Victoria Kim
December 16, 2008

Former Holly wood priv ate ey e Anthony Pellicano was sentenced to 15 y ears in prison this af ternoon f or running an illegal
wiretapping operation that gathered inf ormation f or a list of well-to-do clients, including celebrities, attorney s and business
executiv es.

U.S. District Judge Dale S. Fischer's sentence was longer than the f iv e-y ear, 10-month punishment recommended by the
Probation Department.

Pellicano, whose clients and v ictims ranked among Holly wood's biggest stars and most powerf ul executiv es, was conv icted in
two criminal trials earlier this y ear of 78 counts, including wiretapping, computer f raud and wire f raud.

In court papers f iled in October, prosecutors asked the judge to sentence Pellicano, 64, to more than 15 y ears in prison, say ing
the sleuth was charged with, and conv icted of , only a f raction of the crimes he actually committed.

By tapping phones and bribing public of f icials, Pellicano v iolated f undamental priv acy rights of hundreds of people and chipped
away at the integrity of public institutions, prosecutors wrote. They added that Pellicano continues to show nothing but pride f or
the criminal enterprise he ran.

Though Pellicano represented himself at the f ederal trials -- lending to moments of f arce and conf usion -- he relied on a court-
appointed attorney f or his sentencing. Attorney Michael Artan had sought a more lenient sentence f rom Fischer, arguing that
Pellicano's "hardscrabble" y outh, work as a f orensic audio expert f or the gov ernment and f inancial struggle to prov ide f or his
autistic son in the y ears bef ore his arrest were mitigating f actors she should consider.

Similar pleas f or leniency f or Pellicano and his co-def endants, howev er, hav e been dismissed by Fischer.

Last week, the judge ordered Pellicano and two co-def endants to f orf eit more than $2 million, an amount requested by
prosecutors. And last month, Fischer sentenced Pellicano's co-conspirator, attorney Terry Christensen, to three y ears in prison,
rejecting a recommendation f rom the Probation Department that he be placed under house arrest. Fischer rebuked Christensen,
who was accused of conspiring with Pellicano to wiretap his opponents in trial, f or "marring" the legal prof ession.

Four other def endants are scheduled to be sentenced next month.

Pellicano's troubles began in 2002, when a reporter who wrote negativ e articles about f ormer Holly wood super agent Michael
Ov itz went to authorities af ter she f ound a dead f ish, a rose and a note say ing "Stop" inside the smashed windshield of her car.

The inv estigation led authorities to Pellicano's of f ice, and it quickly snowballed into a wide-reaching probe that appeared would
implicate some of Holly wood's biggest names. Among Pellicano's clients were Tom Cruise, Michael Jackson and Chris Rock.

Pellicano's co-def endants included Sgt. Mark Arneson of the Los Angeles Police Department, computer technician Kev in
Kachikian, and phone company employ ee Ray Turner, who were all conv icted in sweeping jury v erdicts. They helped Pellicano
earn millions by getting inf ormation on ex-spouses, business associates and opponents in lawsuits, prosecutors said.

Kim is a Times staf f writer.

v [email protected]

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