Bagtas vs. Paguio

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[No. 6801. March 14,1912.] APPEAL from an order of the Court of First Instance of Bataan.

JULIANA BAGTAS, plaintiff and appellee, vs.ISIDORO PAGUIO Jocson, J. J.

ET AL., defendants and appellants. The facts are stated in the opinion of the court.
Salas & Kalaw, for appellants.
1. 1.WILLS; FORMALITIES OF EXECUTION.—Where notes Jose Santiago, for appellee.
are made by a testator of the disposition he desires to make 228
of his property, from which an attorney prepares a formal
will which is read to the testator, who assents to it section TRENT, J.:
by section, after which the whole will is read in a loud voice
and is then signed by the testator and four witnesses in the This is an appeal from an order of the Court of First Instance of the
presence of each other, Held: That the requirements of the Province of Bataan, admitting to probate a document which was
Code of Civil Procedure are fully complied with. offered as the last will and testament of Pioquinto Paguio y Pizarro.
The will purports to have been executed in the pueblo of Pilar,
1. 2.ID.; PRESUMPTION OF TESTAMENTARY Province of Bataan, on the 19th day of April, 1908. The testator died
CAPACITY.—When a testator has never been adjudged on the 28th of September, 1909, a year and five months following
insane by a court of competent jurisdiction, there is a the date of the execution of the will. The will was propounded by the
presumption of mental soundness which must be overcome executrix, Juliana Bagtas, widow of the decedent, and the opponents
by competent proof. are a son and several grandchildren by a f ormer marriage, the latter
being the children of a deceased daughter.
The basis of the opposition to the probation of the will is that the
1. 3.ID.; ID.; SOUND MIND AND MEMORY.—To constitute a
same was not executed according to the f ormalities and
sound mind and disposing memory it is not necessary that
requirements of the law touching wills, and f urther that the
the mind shall be wholly unbroken, unimpaired, and
testator was not in the full enjoyment and use of his mental faculties
unshattered by disease or otherwise, or that the testator be
and was without the mental capacity necessary to execute a valid
in full possession of all his reasoning f faculties. Failure of
memory is not sufficient unless it be total or extends to his
The record shows that the testator, Pioquinto Paguio, f or some
immediate family or property.
fourteen or fifteen years prior to the time of his death suffered from
a paralysis of the left side of his body; that a few years prior to his
1. 4.ID. ; ID. ; ID. ; INFIRMITIES.—For some fourteen or
death his hearing became impaired and that he lost the power of
fifteen years prior to his death, the testator suffered from a
speech. Owing to the paralysis of certain muscles his head fell to one
paralysis of the left side of his body. A few years prior to his
side, and saliva ran from his mouth. He retained the use of his right
death, his hearing became impaired and he lost the power
hand, however, and was able to write fairly well. Through the
of speech. Owing to the paralysis of certain muscles, his
medium of signs he was able to indicate his wishes to his wife and
head fell to one side and saliva ran from his mouth. He
to other members of his family.
retained the use of his right hand, however, and was able to
At the time of the execution of the will there were present the
write f airly well. Through the medium of signs he was able
four testamentary witnesses, Agustin Paguio, Anacleto Paguio,
to indicate his wishes to his wife and to other members of
Francisco Paguio, and Pedro Paguio, an attorney, Señor Marco, and
his family. Held: Not sufficient evidence to overthrow the
one Florentino Ramos. Ana-cleto Paguio and the attorney have since
legal presumption of a sound mind and disposing memory.
died, and consequently their testimony was not available upon the
trial of the case in the lower court. The other three testamentary
witnesses and the witness Florentino Ramos testified as to the advanced age of the testator and the fact that he was unable to
manner in which the will was executed. Accord- speak. This witness stated that the testator signed the will, and he
229 verified his own signature as a subscribing witness.
ing to the uncontroverted testimony of these witnesses the will was Florentino Ramos, although not an attesting witness, stated that
executed in the following manner: he was present when the will was executed and his testimony was
Pioquinto Paguio, the testator, wrote out on pieces of paper notes cumulative in corroboration of the manner in which the will was
and items relating to the disposition of his property, and these notes executed and as to the fact that the testator signed the will. This
were in turn delivered to Señor Marco, who transcribed them and witness also stated that he had frequently transacted matters of
put them in form. The witnesses testify that the pieces of paper upon business for the decedent and had written letters and made
which the notes were written were delivered to the attorney by the inventories of his property at his request, and that immediately
testator; that the attorney read them to the testator asking if they before and after the execution of the will he had performed offices of
were his testamentary dispositions; that the testator assented each this character. He stated that the decedent was able to communicate
time with an affirmative movement of his head; that after the will his thoughts by writing. The testimony of this witness clearly
as a whole had been thus written by the attorney, it was read in a indicates the presence of mental capacity on the part of the testator.
loud voice in the presence of the testator and the witnesses; that Among other witnesses for the opponents were two physicians,
Señor Marco gave the document to the testator; that the latter, after Doctor Basa and Doctor Viado. Doctor Basa testified that he had
looking over it, signed it in the presence of the four subscribing attended the testator some four or five years prior to his death and
witnesses; and that they in turn signed it in the presence of the that the latter had suffered from a cerebral congestion from which
testator and of each other. the paralysis resulted. The following question was propounded to
These" are the facts of record with reference to the execution of Doctor Basa:
the will and we are in perfect accord with the judgment of the lower "Q. Referring to the mental condition in which you found him the
court that the formalities of the Code of Civil Procedure have been last time you attended him, do you think he was in his right mind?—
fully complied with. A. I can not say exactly whether he was in his right mind, but I noted
This brings us now to a consideration of appelants' second some mental disorder, because when I spoke to him he did not
assignment of error, viz, the testator's alleged mental incapacity at answer me."
the time of the execution of the will. Upon this point considerable Doctor Basa testified at more length, but the substance of his
evidence was adduced at the trial. One of the attesting witnesses testimony is that the testator had suffered a paralysis and that he
testified that at the time of the execution of the will the testator was had noticed some mental disorder. He does not say that the testator
in his right mind, and that although he was seriously ill, he was not in his right mind at the time of the execution of the will, nor
indicated by movements of his head what his wishes were. Another does he give it as his opinion that he was without the necessary
of the attesting witnesses stated that he was not able to say whether mental capacity to make a valid will. He did not state in what way
decedent had the full use of his mental faculties or not, because he this mental disorder had manifested itself other than that he had
had been ill for some years, and that he (the witness) was not a noticed that the testator did not reply to him on one occasion when
physician. The other subscribing witness, Pedro Paguio, testified in he visited him.
the lower court as a witness for the opponents. He was unable to 231
state whether or not the will was the wish of the testator. The only Doctor Viado, the other physician, had never seen the testator, but
reasons he gave for his statement were the infirmity and his answer was in reply to a hypothetical question as to what would
230 be the mental condition of a person who was 79 years old and who
had suffered from a malady such as the testator was supposed to
have had according to the testimony of Doctor Basa, whose
testimony Doctor Viado had heard. He replied and discussed at some This we think they have failed to do. There are many cases and
length the symptoms and consequences of the disease from which authorities which we might cite to show that the courts have
the testator had suffered; he read in support of his statements f rom repeatedly held that mere weakness of mind and body, induced by
a work by a German physician, Dr. Herman Eichost. In answer, age and disease do not render a person incapable of making a will.
however, to a direct question, he stated that he would be unable to The law does not require that a person shall continue in the full
certify to the mental condition of a person who was suffering from enjoyment and use of his pristine physical and mental powers in
such a disease. order to execute a valid will. If such were the legal standard, few
We do not think that the testimony of these two physicians in indeed would be the number of wills that could meet such exacting
any way strengthens the contention of the appellants. Their requirements. The authorities, both medical and legal, are universal
testimony only confirms the fact that the testator had been for a in the statement that the question of mental capacity is one of
number of years prior to his death afflicted with paralysis, in degree, and that there are many gradations from the highest degree
consequence of which his physical and mental strength was greatly of mental soundness to the lowest conditions of diseased mentality
impaired. Neither of them attempted to state what was the mental which are denominated as insanity and idiocy.
condition of the testator at the time he executed the will in question. The right to dispose of property by testamentary disposition is as
There can be no doubt that the testator's infirmities were of a very sacred as any other right which a person may exercise and this right
serious character, and it is quite evident that his mind was not as should not be nullified unless mental incapacity is established in a
active as it had been in the earlier years of his life. However, we can positive and conclusive manner. In discussing the question of
not conclude from this that he was wanting in the necessary mental testamentary capacity, it is stated in volume 28, page 70, of the
capacity to dispose of his property by will. American and English Encyclopedia of Law, that—
The courts have been called upon frequently to nullify wills "Contrary to the very prevalent lay impression, perfect soundness of
executed under such circumstances, but the weight of authority is mind is not essential to testamentary capac
in support of the principle that it is only when those seeking to
overthrow the will have clearly established the charge of mental 233
incapacity that the courts will intervene to set aside a testamentary ity. A testator may be afflicted with a variety of mental weaknesses,
document of this character. In the case of Bugnao vs. Ubag (14 Phil. disorders, or peculiarities and still be capable in law of executing a
Rep., 163), the question of testamentary capacity was discussed by valid will." (See the numerous cases there cited in support of this
this court. The numerous citations there given from the decisions of statement.)
the United States courts are especially The rule relating to testamentary capacity is stated in Buswell on
232 Insanity, section 365, and quoted with approval
applicable to the case at bar and have our approval. In this in Campbell vs. Campbell (130 111., 466), as follows:
jurisdiction the presumption of law is in favor of the mental capacity "To constitute a sound and disposing mind, it is not necessary that
of the testator and the burden is upon the contestants of the will to the mind shall be wholly unbroken, unimpaired, or unshattered by
prove the lack of testamentary capacity. (In the matter of the will of disease or otherwise, or that the testator should be in the full
Cabigting, 14 Phil. Rep., 463; in the matter of the will of Butalid, 10 possession of his reasoning faculties."
Phil. Rep., 27; Hernaez vs. Hernaez, 1 Phil. Rep., 689.)
The rule of law relating to the presumption of mental soundness In note, 1 Jarman on Wills, 38, the rule is thus stated:
is well established, and the testator in the case at bar never having "The question is not so much, what was the degree of memory
been adjudged insane by a court of competent jurisdiction, this possessed by the testator, as, had he a disposing memory? Was he
presumption continues, and it is therefore incumbent upon the able to remember the property he was about to bequeath, the
opponents to overcome this legal presumption by proper evidence. manner of distributing it, and the objects of his bounty? In a word,
were his mind and memory sufficiently sound to enable him to know
and understand the business in which he was engaged at the time the witnesses to the execution of the will and the statements of the,
when he executed his will." (See authorities there cited.) conduct of the testator at that time all indicate that he
unquestionably had mental capacity and that he exercised it on this
In Wilson vs. Mitchell (101 Penn., 495), the following facts appeared occasion. At the time of the execution of the will it does not appear
upon the trial of the case: The testator died at the age of nearly 102 that his conduct was irrational in any particular. He seems to have
years. In his early years he was an intelligent and well informed comprehended clearly what the nature of the business was in which
man. About seven years prior to his death he suffered a paralytic he was engaged. The evidence shows that the writing and execution
stroke and from that time his mind and memory were much of the will occupied a period of several hours and that the testator
enfeebled. He became very dull of hearing and in consequence of the was present during all this time, taking an active part in all the
shrinking of his brain he was affected with senile cataract causing proceedings. Again, the will in the case at bar is perfectly reasonable
total blindness. He became filthy and obscene in his habits, and its dispositions are those of a rational person.
although formerly he was observant of the proprieties of life. The For the reasons above stated, the order probating the
court, in commenting upon the case, said: 235
"Neither age, nor sickness, nor extreme distress, nor debility of body will should be and the same is hereby affirmed, with costs of this
will affect the capacity to make a will, if sufficient intelligence instance against the appellants.
remains. The failure of memory Arellano, C. J., Torres, Mapa, Johnson, Carson,,and Moreland,
234 JJ., concur.
is not sufficient to create the incapacity, unless it be total, or extend Order affirmed.
to his immediate family or property. * * *

* * * * * * *

"Dougal (the testator) had lived over one hundred years before
he made the will, and his physical and mental weakness and
defective memory were in striking contrast with their strength in
the meridian of his life. He was blind; not deaf, but hearing
impaired; his mind acted slowly, he was forgetful of recent events,
especially of names, and repeated questions in conversation; and
sometimes, when aroused from sleep or slumber, would seem
bewildered. It is not singular that some of those who had known him
when he was remarkable for vigor and intelligence, are of the
opinion that his reason was so far gone that he was incapable of
making a will, although they never heard him utter an irrational
In the above case the will was sustained. In the case at bar we might
draw the same contrast as was pictured by the court in the case just
quoted. The striking change in the physical and mental vigor of the
testator during the last years of his life may have led some of those
who knew him in his earlier days to entertain doubts as to his
mental capacity to make a will, yet we think that the statements of

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