Isaiah Part 1 27 The Day of His Burning Anger Transcript

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P.O. Box 182218, Chattanooga, TN 37422-7218 1-888-734-7707/ The following is an actual transcript of the PRECEPTS FOR LIFE Broadcast. For the purpose of filling transcript requests quickly, they have received only light editing. If you have questions concerning the material covered in this broadcast, Kay has published a number of books explaining the Scripture in depth. These books may be ordered by contacting the telephone number or address printed above.

SERIES: Isaiah, Part 1 (Judgment But Hope) TITLE: Program 27 The Day Of His Burning Anger TUESDAY (4/12/11) OPEN It is definitely the day of man; mans day. You can tell by looking at societ y, by getting a view of the culture. Man is in control and man has lifted his puny fists in the face of God. He takes His name in vain. He fornicates. He kills. He lies. He cheats. He steals. He is a political animal. He wants the praise of men. It is the day of man and yet the day of the Lord is coming. PART ONE Im reading a great book, one that you ought to get. Its by Charlie Dyer. He is a teacher at Moody Bible Institute and hes written a book called, The Rise of Babylon: The Sign of the End Times. And he has his pulse on Babylon. If you dont know that, Babylon is modern-day Iraq. Does it make a difference? Does it make you perk up your ears and say, Hey, I want to know what God has to say about Babylon? You sure do, Beloved. Because you know what; when God judges Babylon its the Day of the Lord. Mans day, so to speak, of rebellion against God, is over and the Lords day


has come, the day of the Lord. Well, as we are in this new segment in the book of Isaiah, chapters 13 through 23, were looking at Gods oracles to the nations. And we see that God is not just the God of Israel. Hes not just the God of Christians, but He is the Sovereign Ruler of all the universe. He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. He is the One that made man and He expects man to honor Him as God. Now man is having his heyday now. And yet there is a day of judgment coming. The Bible says this. Be [ye] sure your [sins] will find you out. (Numbers 32:23) You say, But I dont believe in God and I dont believe in the commandments, and this is the way I think life should be lived. You can have your opinion, but just know this: that someday God is going to hold you accountable for knowing His book or for ignoring His book; for not paying attention to Him, for simply wanting your own opinion. So we have come to Isaiah chapter 13 and this is The oracle which Isaiah the son of Amoz saw [concerning Babylon]. (Isaiah 13:1) And as we look at this we find out that God is mustering His army against Babylon and it is the day of the Lord. Look at verse 5 of Isaiah chapter 13. It says, They are coming [this army] from a far country, from the farthest horizons, the LORD and His instruments of indignation. In other words, God has had it. Gods anger is about to be executed upon Babylon. Now why? Because Babylon has influenced all the nations of the world. But lets look at it and then well take it from there and well do some New Testament references. Well look at the book of Revelation. He says in verse 5, They are coming from a far country, from the farthest horizons, the LORD and His instruments of indignation. (Isaiah 13:5) Now you want to mark the references to the Lord so that you really understand and and get a glimpse of, build your theology, your understanding of who God is. He is coming, to destroy the whole land. (Isaiah 13:5) Now when I see the word, destroy or destruction I go and just like a rapid like flame movement with my red micro pen, my fine point micro pen, and I do it in the Bible. And then when


I come to a geographical location I double underline it in green. If its referring to Israel I color it blue, but otherwise I just double underline it. So here it is double underlined. [God is coming] to destroy the whole land. (Isaiah 13:5) Now what is this oracle concerning? Its concerning Babylon. Hes coming to destroy Babylon. It says, Wail, for the day of the Lord is near! It [the day of the Lord] will come as [a] destruction, and there you mark destruction again, [of] the Almighty. (Isaiah 13:6) You say, What is all of this about marking? Well, you can go to our website and you can find out what its all about, because we have a free study guide for you. We want you to discover truth for yourself. We want you to know through simple skills of observation, interpretation and application; you can know truth for yourself. You can know that you know and you can check out what you hear from others because youve discovered truth for yourself. And so that will help you do it. He says, therefore this day of the LORD is [coming, and] it will come as a destruction from the Almighty. Therefore all hands will fall limp, and every mans heart will melt. (Isaiah 13:6-7) This is a horrible, horrible time. They will be terrified. [I mean this is when this day of the Lord comes, it is so bad that they are terrified. It is so bad that their hands fall down on their thighs and they are like a woman writhing in the agony of childbirth.] (PARAPHRASE, Isaiah 13:8) Listen to what it says. Pains and anguish will take hold of them; they will writhe like a woman in labor, they will look at one another in astonishment [and] their faces aflame. (Isaiah 13:8) Now sometimes when something horrible happens you go pale. But this is because of the pain and the anguish and the turmoil in this day of the Lord, because God has taken over, in this day of the Lord and their, their faces are just burning up. Their faces [are] aflame. (Isaiah 13:8) It says, Behold, the day of the Lord is coming, cruel, with fury and burning anger, to make the land, double underline it again, a desolation. (Isaiah 13:9) What land? Well I believe that the land


that hes talking about here is the land of Babylon, because its an oracle concerning Babylon. It says, And He [God] will exterminate, listen very carefully, its sinners from it. (Isaiah 13:9) In other words, God is coming and He is sweeping over this land in this fury, in the destruction of the Almighty. It is now the day of the Lord and God is turning and He is getting rid of sinners. He is exterminating them. He is putting them to death. And you think the Assyrians were bad with their impaling and their roasting of flesh listen, God is going to purge the land. The day of man, so to speak, is over. Man tried. Man governed himself. Man failed. Man knew the truth. Man turned away from God. When they knew God, they glorified Him not as God. [they] became vain in their imaginationstheir foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and they changed the glory of [an] incorruptible God into an image made likeman. (Romans 1:21-23, KJV) [And so God gave them over to unbridled lust. Then God gave them over to men with men and women with women. And then God gave them over to a reprobate mind that had no standards, no right, no wrong, but enjoyed and reveled in getting others to live in their sin, in the sin like theyre living in. And so God is going to exterminate sinners from it.] (PARAPHRASE Romans 1:24-32) But not just the sinners from it, but watch whats going to happen to the elements. Remember when Isaiah opened up in Isaiah chapter 1, remember what he said, Listen, O heavens, in verse 2, and hear, O earth; for the LORD speaks. (Isaiah 1:2) Well now the heavens and the earth are going to be affected. It says, For the stars of heaven and their constellations will not flash forth their light. (Isaiah 13:10) In other words the stars are going to be black. The, the moon is going to be dark. The sun is going to be dark. Its going to be darkness, no light. Why? Because men prefer darkness, rather than light, according to John chapter 3, because their deeds are evil and they dont want to come to the light so that their deeds are exposed for what they are. (See John 3:19) It says The sun


will be dark when it rises and the moon will not shed its light. Thus I [God] will punish the world for its evil. (Isaiah 13:10-11) Why is He doing this? Its the day of the Lord. Mans had his day and man has proven that he needs God. Man has proven and shown what he is like apart from God. Mans sin has been manifested. I was conceived in iniquity, I was born in sin. (See Psalm 51:5) We are born sinners. Its all about moi. Its all about me. But with God, when God comes and He changes a life, its not about me. Its about others. And so what do we see here? Well he goes on to say, I will punish the world, and you want to double underline that. Hes talking about a location. Hes talking about all the world. I will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their iniquity. He says, I will make mortal man, human beings [more scarce] than pure gold and mankind than the gold of Ophir. (Isaiah 13:11-12) In other words, youre hardly going to be able to find a human being living on the face of the earth. If you ever study Revelation you read about a third of the people, a third of the earth, a third, a third, a third being destroyed. But thats after a fourth of the earth is being destroyed. He says, Therefore I will make the heavens tremble, and the earth, double underline it in green, will be shaken from its place. It says, At the fury [at the fury] of the LORD of hosts. It is the day of the Lord. It is a day, as he says, of destruction from the Almighty. He says, In the day of His burning anger. And it will be that like a hunted gazelle or like sheep with none to gather them [no shepherd] they will each turn to his own people, and each one [will] flee to his own land. It says, and Anyone who is found will be thrust through, and anyone who is captures will fall by the sword. Theyll just kill them. Their little ones will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be plundered and their wives ravished [raped.] (Isaiah 13:13-16) This is whats going to happen in the day of the Lord. You say, How can God do that? Well talk about it in just a minute.


PART TWO Do you know what I wish I could do right now? I wish I could hug you. I mean, a good old holy hug. And I would just lean back and I would look straight in your eyes and I would say, Oh thank you, thank you for loving Gods Word. Thank you for wanting to discover truth for yourself. Thank you for respecting God so that you want to hang on His every word and thank you so much for the wonderful, awesome, incredible privilege of allowing me to be a teacher to you, to exercise that spiritual gift that God has given me. I just love it. I just love it. Now I wish we had a longer time together. I wish you would come to one of our conferences or where Im speaking so I can teach you more in one fell swoop. That is what I love. And of course when you come to Precept Ministries International and our headquarters in Chattanooga, Tennessee, thats my favorite spot to be. And you know why? Its because Im in control of the clock and because Im in control of the program and so I dont have to be under somebody elses jurisdiction and just stop. But anyway, thank you and hugs to you. Now lets talk about this dreadful and awful day of the Lord. You say, If the day of man is so bad, then the day of the Lord seems worse. Well the day of man is it, its not a saying in the Bible, the day of man, but its when man is in charge and when its the governments of man and they sit in derision on the Lord and they try and throw off His restraints. Thats what Im calling the day of man. And you see then, you see them just living in this horrible horrible sin. You see them as they live in this sin talking and living as if God did not exist. But there is a day coming, a day of the Lord, and we have just read about it. Now what God has done in Isaiah 13 is He has introduced them to the destruction of Babylon and at the same time He is saying, It is going to be a destruction that is going to affect the whole world. The whole earth is going to feel the impact of what happens to Babylon in the day of the Lord. Now what I want us to do is, I want us to look at just several verses on the day of the Lord because its important that you understand


this. In the Old Testament when He speaks of the day of the Lord, Hes talking about a day when God says, Thats it! and Hes taking over. In other words, its not that He is not sovereign. Its not that Hes not in charge. But its when He just intervenes, so to speak, in His righteous anger, in His righteous wrath, when He moves to judge sin. But when you study the Scriptures you keep seeing it say, Theres a day coming, the day of the Lord is coming. So we know from thoroughly studying the Word of God, we dont do it in the book of Isaiah, but we know from thoroughly studying the Bible, that the day of the Lord is a specific time also. So lets look at it. And I would suggest that next to verse 6 in your Bible, Isaiah 13:6, that you write in pencil, then you can always erase it, day of the Lord and put Joel chapter 2, verses 1-12. And then head toward Revelation in your Bible. After you go by Daniel and Hosea youre going to come to Joel. Hes a very small book. Hes very powerful. In Joel chapter 2 and you want to write down verses 1-12. Now it says in verse 1, Blow a trumpet in Zion. That means in Israel. Sound an alarm on My holy mountain! And the mountain that Hes talking about is the mountain where the temple was built, where the Dome of the Rock stands now. It says, and thats Mount Zion, Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the Lord isnear. (Joel 2:1) Now if you have gone to and you have downloaded our study guide you know that we have suggested that you mark the day of the Lord any time it appears in your Bible. What I do is, I color it a hot pink and then I border it in orange. Orange is usually my color for man. And so you mark it here again in Joel chapter 2, verse 1. Well then he describes this day of the Lord. And he describes about what happens in this day of the Lord. Verse 11, The Lord utters His voice before His army.. (Joel 2:11) Now what do you see? You see that the Lord of hosts in Isaiah chapter 13 in verse 4, the last line, The Lord of hosts is mustering [an] army for battle. (Isaiah 13:4) All right now it says in Joel chapter 2, verse 11, Surely His camp [Gods camp] is very great.


His army camp is very great. For strong..., He has no problem deciding whether to send more troops in or not. He always has enough troops to do His bidding. For strong is he who carries out His word. The day of the Lord, colored hot pink, boxed in in orange, is indeed great and very awesome, and who can endure it? (Joel 2:11) So hes telling about this day of judgment that is coming. But in the next verse, its so important, verse 12. It says, Yet even now, declares the Lord, Return to Me with all your heart. (Joel 2:12) This is the heart of God. God looks at us. He sees the sin in a nation, in a people, in an individual, and yet He doesnt want you to live there. And Hes saying, Return to Me. Come back to Me. Yes, the day of the Lord is coming. Yes, it is a dreadful day. It is a day of gloom and day of darkness and a day of fire and a day of judgment. But return to Me. Return to Me. Do you suppose that thats why God has you listening to His Word today while its entering your ears and your hearing? Or if youre able to open your Bible, your eyes are drinking it in. And what is His word to you? Whatever youve done, wherever youve been, Beloved, Im asking you, return to Me. Yes, a day of judgment is coming, but return to Me. Im your life. Well the next verse that we want to look at is Malachi, and its the end of the Old Testament in the English Bible. So its Malachi and its chapter 4, which is the last chapter, and its the last two verses. And this is what he says, Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD. It is a great day. It is a terrible day. You want to mark it again. He will restore, in that day hes going to restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse. (Malachi 4:5-6) In other words, if you will repent I will not have to judge you. And so Im going to send Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord. Do you know that Revelation chapter 11 talks about two witnesses that are coming, two witnesses that are being used of God? And just before the day


of the Lord comes, those two witnesses are killed. (See Revelation 11:3-8) They lie in the streets of Jerusalem for three and a half days and all the cameras, CNN, FOX, everybody, MSNBC, theyre all there. Theyre viewing the bodies. Theyre showing it just over and over again as, as it happens when some celebrity dies or some tragedy happens and we hear about it and hear about it and hear about it. Thats what theyre going to do. And then all of a sudden theyre going to see them go to heaven. Ah, it is the day of the Lord. Thats what were looking at this week and you want to know about it so that you escape it.

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