Rwandan Genocide Presentation

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Rwandan Genocide

Sophia C., Lukas P., Vanessa P., James H., and Michelle P.

Location: Rwanda (Central and East Africa) s&cd=&cad=rja&docid=rZ-fJMOq7QL3M&tbnid=vikZ3l_194EOgM:&ved=0CAQQjB0&url=http MapsRwanda.htm&ei=YFSJUoOgMKnBiwL8_4E4&bvm=bv.5664 3336,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNGGUiuHZ7jvaqi9WGVreAiRhdxNaA&u st=1384818073318101 mages&cd=&cad=rja&docid=j_pcMf7ZBWApcM&tbnid=eocP zC2jpAv94M:&ved=0CAQQjB0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fimblac 6643336,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNEJ_o_6vmqR_yQGtd9q4KA QAH-VxA&ust=1384818741387517 mages&cd=&cad=rja&docid=K7uFhV9mIPrQoM&tbnid=qnos HCN6rgMKHM:&ved=0CAQQjB0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fww vm=bv.56643336,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNGGUiuHZ7jvaqi9WG VreAiRhdxNaA&ust=1384818073318101

Victims: Tutsi
The Tutsi, or Abatutsi, are an East African ethnic group, and they are the second largest in Rwanda. (14% of the population) The Tutsi and the Hutu are both very similar in terms of culture, for both groups speak Bantu and have live in Rwanda for many decades. Before the 1960s, both the Tutsis and the Hutus were governed by a king: the mwami, but later the Tutsi became an aristocratic minority, which made them more powerful than the Hutu. Animosity increased due to tensions over political power, yet once President Juvenal Habyarimana was assassinated, the Hutu took political control and began the slaughter of the Tutsi.

The slaughter of the minority, the Tutsi, by the Hutu (majority) was a counterblow caused by the many years of Tutsi rule. 12&a=0&at=0

Perpetrators: Hutu
The Hutu or Abahutu are an East African ethnic group, and they are the largest group in Rwanda. (about 80% of the population) When the Germans colonized, the Hutu and Tutsi were separated, the Tutsi were to become local overseers and help the German imperialist rule. The Hutu did not like the favoritism shown towards the Tutsi and became resentful towards the them. When the genocide accorded, the main driving force was the Interahamwe, which was a paramilitary group, now hiding in the Congo and Uganda forest as terrorists.

The Hutu Military

The Hutu Tribe People (Both Pictures)

Time Period and Setting

The genocide began on April 6th 1994 - mid July 1994 in East Africa and East Africa, but specifically Rwanda. In 1916, Belgian colonists came to Rwanda and identified the rivalry between the Tutsi and the Hutu. The colonist used this to create identification cards to separate the Hutu and Tutsi . The Belgian people favored the Tutsi (As did the Germans), so the Hutu resented them greatly because the Tutsi were offered better education. The opposition of the Hutu against the Tutsi created violent attacks down by the Hutu against the victims. Many Tutsi were forced to seek asylum in Uganda Rwanda was granted independence in 1962 and the Hutu took over the government. The genocide was influenced by the death of the Hutu Rwandan president, and the Hutu believed that the Tutsi were responsible for this assassination.

incinerated memories: the little boy is looking at what the genocide left behind dead family memories... 3 main groups:
1.) hutu was largest 84%

Interventions to Rwanda
A security council vote of the the U.N. peacekeeping operation (UNAMIR) resulted with the withdrawal of a significant portion of the operation in 1994. The Rwandan genocide was ignored by the United States, United Nations, France, and Belgium, and many political leaders in these regions refused to acknowledge their failure in intervening with the damage. With approval of the U.N., French troops were sent to Rwanda in late June. Due to the efficient impact of the R.P.F., the troops were concentrated to a humanitarian zone located in the southwestern region of Rwanda. Thousands were saved, however they also assisted in helping perpetrators of the genocide who were also allies of the French Habyarimana administration to escape. On May of 1994, the A.U.N. security council voted to conjure a group of troops of more than 5,000 troops with an attempt to help those that were persecuted during the genocide, however it had ended for several months by the time this army was sent. The R.P.F. sent a force that defeats the Hutu; Paul Kagame becomes the new president.


The image above shows a part of the RPF, a group who ultimately caused the ending of the Rwandan genocide.

The image above is of the Security Council meeting regarding the Rwandan genocide. THey decide what should be done regarding the events that have taken place in order to reach a decision with a vote. 6893&key=41&query=organization:UNAMIR&sf= de/rwandan-patriotic-front-rpf/

The End of the Genocide

The Rwandan genocide ended in July 1994. The genocide ended with the formation of the Rwandan Patriotic Front, which consisted of Tutsi refugees from Uganda (RPF) . The RPF was a Tutsi group that was exiled from Rwanda They were a Tutsi rebel group and overtook their Hutu perpetrators by taking over the country President Paul Kagame came into control following the intercession of the RPF. To this day, there are still tensions between the two groups. In summary, it ended due to military intervention (RPF, Tutsi Rebel group).


Below: Tutsi rebel group (RPF) flag. Below: Tutsi Rebel (RPF) soldiers. wiki%2FRwandan_Patriotic_Front&h=0&w=0&sz=1&tbnid=sP496Ftu5MAzuM&tbnh=183 &tbnw=275&zoom=1&docid=664TM57QrmfJKM&ei=SVGJUv6SCYPiiwKg7YAg&ved=0C AEQsCU

1.) David J. Simson. (2010), Rwandan Genocide Project. Retrieved from 2.) Phillipe Bolopion. (2012, December 28), Rwandas Rampaging Rebel Force. Retrieved from 3.) The Rwandan Genocide. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2013, from 4.) The Conflict Between the Tutsi and Hutu. (n.d.). The Tutsi. Retrieved November 18, 2013, from 5.) Rwanda Genocide Timeline. (n.d.). 20th Century History. Retrieved November 18, 2013, from 6.) Aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide. (n.d.). Aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide. Retrieved November 18, 2013, from 7.) Aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide. (n.d.). Aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide. Retrieved November 18, 2013, from 8.) African Studies Quarterly - Tony Waters - Identifying the Limits to Humanitarian Intervention: Echoes from Rwanda. (n.d.). AfricanStudiesQuarterly-TonyWaters-IdentifyingtheLimitstoHumanitarianIntervention: Echoes from Rwanda. Retrieved November 18, 2013, from 9.) Michael J. O Donnell(2005) GENOCIDE, THE UNITED NATIONS, AND THE DEATH OF ABSOLUTE RIGHTS (n.d.). a. Retrieved November 18, 2013, from

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