The Situation Is Not The Same: Map Key

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thi s time they have preferred to deploy the Ladies, Cox and Map Key

Chalker, perhaps in deference to modem women ' s rights

The I nter-Govern m e ntal Authority on D rought and Develop­
movements. ment ( I GADD) has been o rganized by the U . S . State Depart­
ment and the British House of Lords to fu nction agai nst Su­
The situation is not the same dan . "Friends of I G A D D" are the enforce rs for this policy , and
Yet, the situation is not, cannot be, the same. The Sadiq are: t h e U n ited States , Britai n , the Netherlands, Italy, and Ca­
al-Mahdi they own today, does not have the charisma of hi s nada, with G e rmany and Sweden as observe rs .
ancestor, nor, apparently, the religious zeal or integrity, al­ o Oct . 1 , 1 990: T h e U g andan Army, o p e rat i n g u n der t h e
though he i s reputed to be someone who expects to be treated pol itical t i t l e of the Rwandan Patriotic F ront, i nvades Rwan­
like a diety, with a kiss of the hand and al l . In point of fact. da. The i nvasion is stal led by Zai rean , F rench , and Rwandan
even the merger arranged by the B ritish and executed by the t roops, but the RPF cont i n ues to occupy a n o rt h e rn section of
Eritreans, between Mahdi ' s political opposition, such as it is, t h e country .
and the military wing of the rebels, under 10hn Garang, is e Octobe r 1 993: An attem pted m i l itary coup i n B u ru n d i by
fal ling apart. Mahdi ' s calls for insurrection have fallen on t h e Tutsi m i l i tary res u lts i n the m u rder of the B u rundian elect­
deaf ears in Khartoum, for several reasons. First. since he left ed P resident M e l c h i o r Ndayaye, and results in the slaughter
his country, to take up quarters with a government which is of nearly 1 00,000 people i n B u r u n d i .
supporting an invasion of the Sudan, he has lost whatever
€) A p r i l 6, 1 994: I n the i m mediate hou rs afte r the p l a n e car­
credibility he claimed, as a national figure. Second, and more ry i n g Rwa n d a n P re s i d e n t J uv e n a l H abya r i m a n a was s h ot
to the point, the fact of the foreign invasion has rall ied the down , t h e U g a n d a n - Rwandan R P F c o n d u cted a b l itzkrieg
Sudanese population to defense of the nation, quite contrary t h ro u g h Rwa n d a-an i n vasion t h at resu lted i n the m ass
to the British hopes for exacerbated internal conflict. Accord­ s l a u g h t e r of 1 m i l l i o n in Rwa n d a , of w h i c h both Tutsis a n d
ing to reports from inside the country, the "uprising" Sadiq H utus were the victi ms.
al-Mahdi has been repeatedly urging, has not materialized; in o October 1 995: U gandan t roops operat i n g under the pol it­
its place, there has been a mobilization of Sudanese. both i cal cover of J o h n Garang's S u d a n es e People's Liberati o n
political and military, in defense of the state. against foreign A rmy i n vade sout h e rn Sudan , with t h e goal of taki n g t h e
aggression . southern city of J u ba. The operat i o n f a i l s , w i t h the reported
The point which the British have not grasped from the l oss of many Ugandan troops. Garang is once agai n pushed
historical precedent is precisely this : There are social pro­ back to the Ugandan-Sudan bord e r .
cesses which defy the laws of political manipulation . o October 1 995: U g a n d a n t r o o p s m a ra u d Ke nya, a t t h e
One final point on the hi storical i s sue pertains to the p o i n t t h at K e n y a n P re s i d e n t D a n i e l a rap M o i i s i n a p u b l i c
United States. If one reaches back into the last century, as the b rawl w i t h Baroness Lynda Chalke r .
British oligarchy seems to be encouraging, one is faced with
o Dec. 1 7, 1 995: E ritrean fo rces i nvade and seize the stra­
the incontrovertible fact that the role of the United States, tegic H a n i s h Islands in the Red Sea, which were territory of
then, was not that of cheerleader or bankroller for British Yeme n .
imperial escapades. A s recently as the Presidency of Franklin
Delano Roosevelt, the line was drawn between Washington
o J u l y 1 996: Coup by Tutsi m i l itary i n Burundi consolidates
B u r u n d i as marcher-lord state for ventu re in Zai re to follow.
and London, precisely around FDR ' s refusal to accept such
British imperial methods . Today, it is not only or primarily o A u g ust 1 996: Eth i o p i a n t roops i nvade southwestern

the French whom the British wish to cast as junior partner in Somal i a , seizing t h e tow n s of Dolo a n d Mandara , i n ope ra­
tions against the Somalian Ittihad g ro u p . Eth iopia also bombs
their reestablishment of the Empire, but the United States
Kenyan towns i n the area.
itself. In the case of Africa policy, emphaticall y , policy to­
ward Sudan, they have succeeded in recruiting a pack of will­ o Oct . 2 1 , 1 996: Rwa n d a n , B u ru n d i a n , and U g a n d a n
ing scoundrels, l ined up in Cox ' s CSI, and deployed through t roops ope rat i n g u n d e r the political cover o f the Zai rean A l ­

the Congress to wage psychological warfare . They have used l i ance o f Dem ocratic Fo rces o f m e rcenary Lau rent Kabi l a , in­

their control over mass media, to propagate the slanders

vade Zaire. The i nv as i o n has m u l t i p l e p u rposes: 1) The i n ­
vade rs attack the Rwa n d a n a n d B u ru n d i a n H utu ref ugee
against their target, Sudan, much in the way that their intelli­
camps i n Goma, Uvi ra, Butem bo , and M ag u n g u , forcing hun­
gence chief Wingate did 1 00 years ago. B ut they have not
d reds of thousands of refugees back to Rwanda and Burundi
established total control over the internal political process of
against the i r w i l l . Fightin g-age m e n a n d boys are sc reened
the country. and have not squelched political debate. out of the retu rn process , with many repo rted ki l l ed o r "disap­
To the extent that the truth about the British strategy, peared . " 2) It succeeds in h iv i n g off a s i g n ificant sectio n of
policy, and activity in Africa emerges , as it has particularly easte rn Zaire, p l aci n g it u n de r m i l itary forces deployed by the
through EIR, a seriou s offensive against it can b e mounted B r i t i s h C o m m o nwealth a n d P r i vy C o u n c i l , with Baroness
within the United States, and internationally. With this issue Lynda Chalke r' s ove rsight of Ugandan President Yoweri Mu­
of EIR, we wish to initiate the war against the British Empire . seve n i the critical l i n k . Uganda h ad been trai n i ng Kabi la et al.

18 Feature EIR 1 anuary 3 1 , 1997

London ' s wars of aggression i n East Africa

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� Member countries of
the British Commo nwealth

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Member countries of the
I nter-Gove rn me ntal Autho rity
(? " '-- on Drought and Deve lopment


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si nce 1 994. 3) It th reate ns the disi nteg ration of Zai re , and the (f) Jan. 1 2, 1 997: E ritrean and SPLA troops i nvade Sudan,
handing of the most m i n e ral·rich section of the country to S i r seizing the town of Kassala, with the a i m of d i s ru pt i n g Su­
George B u s h ' s Barrick G o l d a n d A n g l o American Corp. danese tran sport l i nes l i n k i n g Kharto u m and Port Sudan on

e Dece mber 1 996: Eth iopian troo ps, under the cover of the
the Red Sea.

S u danese People's Liberation A rm y , seize the S u danese

garrison town of Pochala.
(D Jan . 1 2 , 1 997: Ethiopian troops i nvade Suda n , seizing
border towns. Target is the Ros ieres Dam at Damaz i n , which
CD Dece m b e r 1 996: Tanza n i a , u n der the actual pol itical su pplies Kharto u m with 80% of its el ectricity and i rrigated wa­
control of fo rmer P resident Julius Nyere re-the godfather of ter for both Egypt and Sudan fo r food p roduction.
M u seve n i , E ritrea' s Afwe rki , Zai re's Kab i l a , and Sudan's
Garan g-fo rces h u n d reds of thousands of Rwan dan a n d 4D Tanzan ian and Mozam bican forces are reportedly work­
B u rundi Hutu refugees t o return h o m e . i n g with the Ugandan army.

EIR January 3 1 , 1 997 Feature 19

Africa: Looting ground for Bush, Inc. ,
or breadbasket for the world?
by Lyndon H . LaRouche , Jr.

The following is the keynote speech to a Jan. 11 forum of the President Clinton takes those actions in time, the whole planet
FDR-PAC in Washington, D. C. will go into the equivalent ofa Dark Age. And, that is immedi­
ate. That is reality. So, don ' t talk about whether you like
As you perhaps know, during the past week, there has been Clinton, or don ' t like Clinton ; just don ' t get lost among the
a financial-monetary earthquake registering about 3 on the B u shes, eh?
Richter Scale in Japan. The question i s going to be, whether This guy has got to do certain things; otherwise, the human
there will be a following earthquake shock of about 5 on the race goes into the pit. The unfortunate reality is that such a
Richter Scale in Japan. The question is, as posed by a number responsibility should lie on the shoulders of one man with
of people, authorities, as to whether the shock in Japan might Mr. Clinton ' s background, which is not exactly, shall we say,
spread to Europe and the United States next week, which prepared and trained to do thi s j ob that he ' s got to do. He is
would be about 7 on the Richter Scale. not a Franklin Roosevelt, whose name we honor here .
That' s the kind of world in which we live, and that ' s the I saw the other night, by the way, on C-SP AN, last night,
kind of world within which context we have to look at the a replay of the Franklin Roosevelt March 1 93 3 inaugural ad­
problems we ' re dealing with here, in Africa, and to determine dress. And, if you get a chance to see that (it may be broadcast
first of all, not only the nature of the problems in Africa, but again on C- SPAN), see it. If you can ' t see it, at least read it.
as to the significance, the historic significance, of the crisis of There are books in which it' s recorded. It' s better to see it.
Africa for us all . Here was the United States caught in the middle of a Great
The shock o f 3 o n the Richter S cale from Japan thi s past Depression, of a world depression. The entire world was in
week, which i s something which I discussed with Japanese crisis, and a man, Franklin Roosevelt, totally unlike his evil
authorities when Helga and I were there at the end of 1 995 ; cousin Teddy, responded to the fact that he must get the United
and we discussed the fact that this was going to happen to States to deal with its own internal crisis, to try to do it with
Japan. It is happening. Worse is yet to come-inevitably. the Congress, but if the Congress wouldn ' t do it, had to do it
Every financial sy stem on this planet i s in the process himself, to get the nation out of thi s mess .
of self-destruction . The fires are spreading from one house, And, again, we ' ve come t o that point, at a more dangerous
which is a tinderbox, to the neighboring nation ' s financial time in world history, when thi s terrible ruined nation, in
system . When it will collapse? That' s not important. It is much worse condition than it was in in Roosevelt' s time,
going to be soon. Don ' t ask me what day the ship goes under­ must, once again, take the responsibility which has fallen on
get off the ship now, while you can, and watch the event from its shoulders , not by its choice but by its circumstance , to lead
a safe distance, if you care to watch it at all . in getting the world out of this me s s .
S o , that' s the general context. We are i n the end ofa world
financial and monetary system. The only solution we have, as Establish a ' new Bretton Woods '
I indicated last week, on the question of B osnia, and as I ' ve The safe thing is to establish what I ' ve called a new B ret­
indicated otherwise, in papers to various people in govern­ ton Woods, the creation of a brand-new monetary and finan­
ment and so forth ; the only solution is for the government of cial and credit and trade system for the world, scrapping all
the United States-because it' s gone beyond any alternative, exi sting system s , either by eliminating them, by abrogating
don ' t talk about alternatives to that, because there are no other the treaties such as the WTO , which has to be liquidated. It' s
alternatives- no good. It' s like having an anchor around your neck when
The government of the United States, led by the current you ' re trying to stop from drowning. It' s j ust the additional
President, Clinton, must take certain actions at some early burden you don ' t need. And to establish a new monetary
time, in comity with the policy which I have laid out. Unless system, which will use the precedent of the pre- 1 966, pre-

20 Feature EIR January 3 1 , 1 997

1 967 B retton Woods S ystem, of a s ystem of fi xed parities , on large amounts of raw materials, whi ch the Anglo- American
a gold-reserve basis , with cheap credit, and a general program Atlantic powers will require in the future. And therefore, we
for development of the world, by returning from post-indus­ can not tolerate overpopUlation in Africa or other cou ntJies
trial lu nacy into investment in scienti fi c and technological where these raw materials exist, because the people are eating
progress, for the improvement of the life e xpectancy and con­ up the raw materials, which we intend to have for our future.
ditions of l ife, and i mprovement of the productivity of labor, And, above al l , these nations, these parts of the world, must
in every part of the world today, through new forms of in tern a­ not have development. B ecause if they have economic devel­
tional cooperation among fully sovereign nation- state s ; elimi­ opment, then their consumption of raw materials per capita
nation of all global economy, of all global pol itics, of all UNO w i l l i ncrease. Therefore, U . S . foreign policy, says Kissinger,
dictatorship, all pretenses at world government. as secretary of state and national security adviser in 1 974;
A community of nations, as Roosevelt described it, as a therefore, U . S . foreign policy must be based on making our
community of neighbors, who will retain their sovereignty as relations toward nations and governments abroad, conditional
households, but who will cooperate because they must coop­ upon Anglo-American population policy.
erate . If they don ' t , they will all die. That ' s the period we ' re That was the same policy of the Carter administration .
coming through. That was the policy authorized by Kissinger' s famous rival ,
On the other side of the chasm before us, the chasm whose Zbigniew B rzezin ski , who was sort of the den mother for
rumblings were heard in Tokyo thi s past week; on the other Madeleine Albright. He ' s a little bit crazy. You ' ve got to
side, there ' s s afety, a new chance to rebuild thi s community understand what he ' s been through. He was educated at Mc­
of nations and rebuild the planet. lf we don ' t build that bridge, Gill and Harvard, and kicked out of Harvard to make way for
or get to that other side, there ' s a deep chasm , a chasm of Henry Kissinger. He ' s never been the same since .
death, and you see the image of that chasm when you look That was the policy which was first formally introduced
at Africa. in the Twentieth Century by Bertrand Russell, in 1 923, who
said that if the darker-skinned races of this planet do not curb
The looting of Africa their birth rates and reduce their populations , we shall have
What is happening in Africa, is the doom of the world, to reduce their population s , "by methods which are disgusting
unless we make that change . And therefore, we should see even if they are necessary . " That is the great pacifi st, the great
Africa in that context. humanitarian, Bertrand " Hitler" Russel l .
Now, the policy toward Africa, the policy of raw materials I n 1 96 1 , a member, a former member o f the Nazi S S ,
looting, i s a reflection of the fact that, contrary to the idiots otherwise known as Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands­
who believe what they read in the Wall Street Journal or the who resigned from the S S in a congratulatory letter to Hitler
Washington Post, to say nothing of the Washington 'Moonie ' on the day that he married the princes s o f the Netherlands .
Times, or the Moonshine Times, as we call it; that every lead­ Now , Pri nce Bernhard, together with the official Giant Panda
ing circle in the world, admits publicly-not just privately , surrogate in London , Prince Philip (the y ' re known for their
but publicly-that the international financial system i s in a defective breeding habits, the quality they have in common),
process of disintegration. They' ve admitted that for some organized the World Wildlife Fund, and simultaneously orga­
time. The actual process of disintegration was visible in 1 992, nized a support group, called the 1 00 1 Club, an association
when I referred to it as a mud slide driven by deri vatives. of a group of oligarchs who are committed to popul ation poli­
At the beginning of 1 995, the whole process of disintegra­ cies in the name of saving the animal s .
tion was accelerated. And, there was a shift at that time , begin­ Thi s w a s the policy which launched Malthu si anism, neo­
ning January ( approximately) 1 99 5 , a visible shift in invest­ Malthusianis m . Thi s is what gave you Greenpeace, and other
ments of the insiders away from fi nancial markets . Only the kinds of fungus infections which affl ict the landscape these
suckers invest in Wall Street, in the financial markets. The day s . It' s a part of B ritish Intelligence. This i s what gave us,
dumb people, the suckers . Those are the ones who are buying i n 1 966 and thereafter, after the Soviet Union had signed
stock, or letting their insurance company or pension fund buy the agreements with the Anglo-Americans after the Missile
stock or invest in Wall Street. Crisis, in which they said, "We can eliminate the modem
The smart money ' s been doing what? The smart money nation-state, we can eliminate industri alized nations . We are
has said, very s imply-as they ' ve said for some time, as now going to a post-industrial society . No more technology .
was understood back in the middle of the 1 960s . It was said We ' re pulling the astronauts out of space after we hit the
clearly by Henry Kissinger i n 1 974, in a memorandum which Moon, no more space, no more science. We ' re going to an
came to l ight recently , and has become famous as a result environmental econ omy , an environment-free economy, " or
of that. But, it' s not the original source of the policy, it' s something.
only typical . And, the world economy has been systematically de­
Kis singer said that countries such as Africa are sitting on stroyed, including the United States , s ince 1 966, under this

EIR January 3 1 , 1 997 Feature 21

policy. Under this policy, Africa was redlined. And, you will political mass strike is threatening to overthrow the govern­
find the rate of increase of Hell in Africa from 1966 on. ment of South Korea, which has tried to repre ss the labor
You ' ll find the same thi ng, from 1967-68 on-you ' ll find movement on orders from the IMF and related institutions.
a similar policy in respect to Central and South America. There And, that resulted in a mass strike process there.
has been retrogression, economic retrogression in South and It ' s in its greatest moment of v ulnerability . War has bro­
Central America, since 1 966-67, especially 1 97 1 -72. ken out between the Anglophone and Francophone interests
In 1 989-90, the S oviet system was dead. There was no of Africa, the imperial interests, which must be understood
longer a military imperative for maintaining some degree of morally, when one can ' t cheer for either side too much. You
national sovereignty, no longer a military-strategic impera­ j ust hope that they deal with each other appropriatel y .
tive for maintaining modem economy. George B ush, the pet B ut, you must recognize it a s a symptom of vulnerability
poodle for Margaret Thatcher at that time, said, "Let' s go to of the system. You are now in a revolutionary period in which,
a global economy, a global system. Let' s eliminate the nation­ whatever happens, the institutions which have ruled us, the
state as an institution. Let' s establish the United Nations as a policy institutions, the combinations of power which have
world government." Who elects it? Nobody ! It just takes over, ruled us over the recent years , especially the past 30; those
and represents those families which are otherwise represented institutions are doomed! The world monetary system, the
by the World Wildlife Fund in 1 96 1 , which is sort of the world financial system, the U . S . system in its present form,
Whore of Babylon for this period of human history. the World Trade Organization ; all of these systems and poli­
And, under this policy, we then see Africa, and we see the cies are now doomed . Theyl re going down like the Titanic,
world. It is that policy which has resulted in the great financial and nothing can save them.
crisis which is hitting us now . That system i s vulnerable, at The question is: What next? You' re in a revolutionary
its maximum degree of vulnerability , as the financial and period. You can not stop the progress of history . You must
monetary system collapses. If you look across Europe, you go forward. The question is: which direction? To chaos, or
will see political mass strikes across Europe: France, Ger­ to a fresh start? To rebuild the world as a world of nation­
many, Belgium, Italy, Greece, Serbia. Now, South Korea. A states committed to scientific and technological progress,

mercenary John Garang. This hoax was then fed back to

Baroness Cox leads the war the U . S . Congressional B l ack Caucus as "evidence" that

of lies against Sudan Sudan is a slave state !

In addition to the Baltimore Sun employees, Cox has
U . S . public officials working in her CST, including Senate
The highest-ranking foreign operative waging the Suda­ Maj ority Whip Don Nickles (R-Okla.), and Reps. Frank
nese "civil war," is B aroness Caroline Cox of Queensbury, Wolf (R-Va.), Chris Smith (R-N.J.), and Tony Hall (D­
deputy speaker of the B ritish House of Lords, and leader Ohio) .
of Christian Solidarity International. She has waged her Other American leaders of the so-called Christian Soli­
crusade against Sudan in all three capacities. Her closest darity International include Michael Farris, a B ush opera­
collaborator in the endeavor is Lord Avebury, head of the tive active among the Christian fundamentalist circles of
B ritish Parliament' s Human Rights Caucus. Pat Robertson, who himself has considerable mineral
Since 1991, Baroness Cox has entered Sudan at least holdings in Zaire .
eight times, mostly illegally and without a visa, via Faith Whittlesey, U . S . ambassador t o Switzerland dur­
Uganda, Kenya, or Ethiopia. In the aftermath of these vis­ ing the 1 980s, who established the secret bank accounts for
its, she has issued wild lies against Sudan before the U . S . George Bush' s "Iran-Contra" operations , is on the board of
Congress and European nati onal parliaments, in a n attempt directors of CSI-United States.
to force governments to impose full trade and other sanc­ B aroness Cox reports that she was last in Sudan during
tions against Sudan. The literature of her Chri stian S olidar­ Jan. 7- 1 5 , 1 997, when she entered the eastern Sudan se­
ity International states point-blank that the slavery charges cretly via Eritrea. She happened to be there simultaneously
hurled by the CSI against Sudan are to be used "as motiva­ with the Ethiopian-Eritrean invasion of the same Sudanese
tion" for this geopolitical goal . region on Jan. 10- 1 2. B aroness Cox denies, of course, that
In fact, CSI arranged for two reporters of the Baltimore there is an invasion.
Sun to "buy a slave" in Sudan-not in territory under gov­ CSI efforts to rope the Clinton administration into sup­
ernment control, but in an area under the control of Cox port of British plans to overthrow the Sudanese govern-

22 Feature EIR January 3 1 , 1 997

and the cooperation among nation-states as good neighbors, Now, I've been dealing with Africa policies significantly
in those policies and actions which are to their mutual since 1 975, when Helga and I met a number of African gov­
benefit? ernment representatives , of nations which no longer exist to­
day, among others . And, we entered into a large project for
The African-American is not an African us at that time, a project of research, into the prospects for
In that context, look at Africa. And, when you look at the development of Africa, concentrating especially on the
Africa in the United States, you should do two things. First of northern part of Africa, that is, the Sahara area, the Sahel area,
all, you should let the facts about Africa, and leaders of Africa and the so-called Arab section together.
speak for themselves. And, the first thing you have to do, in We've worked with African representatives of Africa.
that course, is to address the problem of the African-Ameri­ We've also worked with realities of Africa, the facts about
can. Because, first of all, the African-American i s not an Afri­ Africa. We've also, of course, worked, in the same period,
can. The fact that somebody's ancestor came from Africa, with many African-Americans. We know thi s case very well .
doesn't make them an African. They c an't represent Africa. We, probabl y, and I, collectively, that is, with my associates,
African-Americans are Americans. They are not African­ know more about Africa than most African-Americans put
Americans, they're Americans. They're no more African­ together. Because we're dealing with the reality, the life-and­
Americans than Italian-Americans are Italians, or French­ death questions of Africa.
Americans are French. But, nonetheless, even though the African-American is
And, you see that very clearly when you survey African­ the poorest source of information on the history or current
American opinion about Africa. If you come from Africa, and status of Africa, nonetheless, you must deal with the African­
you meet African-Americans and ask them about Africa, you American when you raise the African question in the United
say, "These are the worst-informed people on the subject of States. Why ?
Africa on this planet. " Well, for one thing, as a result of a misunderstanding,
Furthermore, you say a second thing: "Most of them don't most Americans, when they think of Africa, they think that
appear to care a bit. " some African-American has some connection, and he has

ment made great strides in February 1 995. In that month , ting Sudan into "five states . "
Baroness Cox led a CSI delegation entrusted with thi s task One of the key parts of the coalition was the National
to Washington. Cox's delegation testified before the U . S . Democratic Alliance, a Sudanese grouping establi shed in
Congress, and met privately with leading government and London wih the funding of the U . S . National Endowment
private agencies there. Following her Congressional testi­ for Democracy. At the event, Sudanese People's Libera­
mony against Sudan, Baroness Cox privately told Rep. tion Army leader John Garang, who has led the war in the
Chri s Smith, "We feel the time is now ripe for the U . S . south, said, "We must now create an NDA with teeth. "
government, with the backing of the British government, By the end of the year, Baroness Cox was convening
to overthrow this regime. " Presumably, she carried the a conference of the Sudanese opposition directly in the
same message to her high-level meetings that same week . House of Lords . In their meeting at the House of Lords on
Simultaneous with Baroness Cox's arrival , former Nov. 29 to Dec. 1, 1 995, the Sudanese opposition groups
Prime Minister Baroness Margaret Thatcher, her old assembled by CSI adopted a resolution calling for the vio­
crony, also arrived in Washington . They were joined by the lent overthrow of the government of Sudan, and, as a pre­
bankrupt President of Eritrea, Isaias Afwerki, who began a requisite to this end, the conference pushed for unity in the
three-week stay in Washington that month, where he of­ rebel camp.
fered to make his country into a new base of U . S . opera­ In the meantime, the Ethiopian and Egyptian govern­
tions in the region. ments, with the backing of the British government, had
By June 1 995, these plans had matured. That month, increased their demands that Sudan be targetted for alleg­
Baroness Cox and CST sponsored a conference of the Suda­ edly trying to assassinate Egyptian President Hosni Mu­
nese opposition in the Eritrean capital , Asmara. The con­ barak in June 1 995, in the Ethiopian capital of Adi s Abeba.
ference, which brought together formerly squabbling op­ On Jan. 3 1 , on the last day of their rotating chairman ship of
position sects, issued a resolution calling for extending the the United Nations Security Council, the British rammed
war in the south to the whole country , and overthrowing through a resolution condemning Sudan, and set into mo­
the Khartoum government by force. One of the organizers tion public and covert operations designed to lead to the
of the conference, Cox's aide John Eibner, called for split- overthrow of the Sudanese government.-Joseph Brewda

EIR January 3 1 , 1 997 Feature 23

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