The Situation Is Not The Same: Map Key
The Situation Is Not The Same: Map Key
The Situation Is Not The Same: Map Key
the French whom the British wish to cast as junior partner in Somal i a , seizing t h e tow n s of Dolo a n d Mandara , i n ope ra
tions against the Somalian Ittihad g ro u p . Eth iopia also bombs
their reestablishment of the Empire, but the United States
Kenyan towns i n the area.
itself. In the case of Africa policy, emphaticall y , policy to
ward Sudan, they have succeeded in recruiting a pack of will o Oct . 2 1 , 1 996: Rwa n d a n , B u ru n d i a n , and U g a n d a n
ing scoundrels, l ined up in Cox ' s CSI, and deployed through t roops ope rat i n g u n d e r the political cover o f the Zai rean A l
the Congress to wage psychological warfare . They have used l i ance o f Dem ocratic Fo rces o f m e rcenary Lau rent Kabi l a , in
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I nter-Gove rn me ntal Autho rity
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si nce 1 994. 3) It th reate ns the disi nteg ration of Zai re , and the (f) Jan. 1 2, 1 997: E ritrean and SPLA troops i nvade Sudan,
handing of the most m i n e ral·rich section of the country to S i r seizing the town of Kassala, with the a i m of d i s ru pt i n g Su
George B u s h ' s Barrick G o l d a n d A n g l o American Corp. danese tran sport l i nes l i n k i n g Kharto u m and Port Sudan on
e Dece mber 1 996: Eth iopian troo ps, under the cover of the
the Red Sea.
The following is the keynote speech to a Jan. 11 forum of the President Clinton takes those actions in time, the whole planet
FDR-PAC in Washington, D. C. will go into the equivalent ofa Dark Age. And, that is immedi
ate. That is reality. So, don ' t talk about whether you like
As you perhaps know, during the past week, there has been Clinton, or don ' t like Clinton ; just don ' t get lost among the
a financial-monetary earthquake registering about 3 on the B u shes, eh?
Richter Scale in Japan. The question i s going to be, whether This guy has got to do certain things; otherwise, the human
there will be a following earthquake shock of about 5 on the race goes into the pit. The unfortunate reality is that such a
Richter Scale in Japan. The question is, as posed by a number responsibility should lie on the shoulders of one man with
of people, authorities, as to whether the shock in Japan might Mr. Clinton ' s background, which is not exactly, shall we say,
spread to Europe and the United States next week, which prepared and trained to do thi s j ob that he ' s got to do. He is
would be about 7 on the Richter Scale. not a Franklin Roosevelt, whose name we honor here .
That' s the kind of world in which we live, and that ' s the I saw the other night, by the way, on C-SP AN, last night,
kind of world within which context we have to look at the a replay of the Franklin Roosevelt March 1 93 3 inaugural ad
problems we ' re dealing with here, in Africa, and to determine dress. And, if you get a chance to see that (it may be broadcast
first of all, not only the nature of the problems in Africa, but again on C- SPAN), see it. If you can ' t see it, at least read it.
as to the significance, the historic significance, of the crisis of There are books in which it' s recorded. It' s better to see it.
Africa for us all . Here was the United States caught in the middle of a Great
The shock o f 3 o n the Richter S cale from Japan thi s past Depression, of a world depression. The entire world was in
week, which i s something which I discussed with Japanese crisis, and a man, Franklin Roosevelt, totally unlike his evil
authorities when Helga and I were there at the end of 1 995 ; cousin Teddy, responded to the fact that he must get the United
and we discussed the fact that this was going to happen to States to deal with its own internal crisis, to try to do it with
Japan. It is happening. Worse is yet to come-inevitably. the Congress, but if the Congress wouldn ' t do it, had to do it
Every financial sy stem on this planet i s in the process himself, to get the nation out of thi s mess .
of self-destruction . The fires are spreading from one house, And, again, we ' ve come t o that point, at a more dangerous
which is a tinderbox, to the neighboring nation ' s financial time in world history, when thi s terrible ruined nation, in
system . When it will collapse? That' s not important. It is much worse condition than it was in in Roosevelt' s time,
going to be soon. Don ' t ask me what day the ship goes under must, once again, take the responsibility which has fallen on
get off the ship now, while you can, and watch the event from its shoulders , not by its choice but by its circumstance , to lead
a safe distance, if you care to watch it at all . in getting the world out of this me s s .
S o , that' s the general context. We are i n the end ofa world
financial and monetary system. The only solution we have, as Establish a ' new Bretton Woods '
I indicated last week, on the question of B osnia, and as I ' ve The safe thing is to establish what I ' ve called a new B ret
indicated otherwise, in papers to various people in govern ton Woods, the creation of a brand-new monetary and finan
ment and so forth ; the only solution is for the government of cial and credit and trade system for the world, scrapping all
the United States-because it' s gone beyond any alternative, exi sting system s , either by eliminating them, by abrogating
don ' t talk about alternatives to that, because there are no other the treaties such as the WTO , which has to be liquidated. It' s
alternatives- no good. It' s like having an anchor around your neck when
The government of the United States, led by the current you ' re trying to stop from drowning. It' s j ust the additional
President, Clinton, must take certain actions at some early burden you don ' t need. And to establish a new monetary
time, in comity with the policy which I have laid out. Unless system, which will use the precedent of the pre- 1 966, pre-
ment made great strides in February 1 995. In that month , ting Sudan into "five states . "
Baroness Cox led a CSI delegation entrusted with thi s task One of the key parts of the coalition was the National
to Washington. Cox's delegation testified before the U . S . Democratic Alliance, a Sudanese grouping establi shed in
Congress, and met privately with leading government and London wih the funding of the U . S . National Endowment
private agencies there. Following her Congressional testi for Democracy. At the event, Sudanese People's Libera
mony against Sudan, Baroness Cox privately told Rep. tion Army leader John Garang, who has led the war in the
Chri s Smith, "We feel the time is now ripe for the U . S . south, said, "We must now create an NDA with teeth. "
government, with the backing of the British government, By the end of the year, Baroness Cox was convening
to overthrow this regime. " Presumably, she carried the a conference of the Sudanese opposition directly in the
same message to her high-level meetings that same week . House of Lords . In their meeting at the House of Lords on
Simultaneous with Baroness Cox's arrival , former Nov. 29 to Dec. 1, 1 995, the Sudanese opposition groups
Prime Minister Baroness Margaret Thatcher, her old assembled by CSI adopted a resolution calling for the vio
crony, also arrived in Washington . They were joined by the lent overthrow of the government of Sudan, and, as a pre
bankrupt President of Eritrea, Isaias Afwerki, who began a requisite to this end, the conference pushed for unity in the
three-week stay in Washington that month, where he of rebel camp.
fered to make his country into a new base of U . S . opera In the meantime, the Ethiopian and Egyptian govern
tions in the region. ments, with the backing of the British government, had
By June 1 995, these plans had matured. That month, increased their demands that Sudan be targetted for alleg
Baroness Cox and CST sponsored a conference of the Suda edly trying to assassinate Egyptian President Hosni Mu
nese opposition in the Eritrean capital , Asmara. The con barak in June 1 995, in the Ethiopian capital of Adi s Abeba.
ference, which brought together formerly squabbling op On Jan. 3 1 , on the last day of their rotating chairman ship of
position sects, issued a resolution calling for extending the the United Nations Security Council, the British rammed
war in the south to the whole country , and overthrowing through a resolution condemning Sudan, and set into mo
the Khartoum government by force. One of the organizers tion public and covert operations designed to lead to the
of the conference, Cox's aide John Eibner, called for split- overthrow of the Sudanese government.-Joseph Brewda