Simon Says: Carol Marsh English Language Specialist

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Carol Marsh English Language Specialist car0lmarsh@yahoo.


Simon Says
This old game has many variations and versions. When our greatgrandparents played it as children, they pro a ly said !The Sultan says"# , ut the asic game has remained unchanged $or years. %n its simplest $orm, it&s played li'e this( )n player is chosen to e Simon. This player must per$orm actions *hich the others copy. With each action, Simon says, !Simon says do this+# or !Simon says touch your head+# or *hatever. %$ Simon says only !,o this+# you must not do it. %$ he says one thing and does another, you must only do *hat Simon says. -or e.ample, Simon might say, !Simon says touch your le$t el o*# and instead he touches his right el o*. %$ you touch your right el o*, you are out o$ the game. %$ you copy Simon&s actions *hen he says only !,o this#, you are out o$ the game. The last player le$t in the game ecomes Simon $or the ne.t round. ____________________________________________________________________________ A Spring Day A. Colors /ecognition( Students stand in a circle each one holding a card o$ di$$erent colors( red, yellow, blue, white, black, green. 0e sure students 'no* the color *ords )/ have a classroom C)L)/ C12/T $or them to pee' at. Students listen care$ully as the teacher reads !2 Spring ,ay#. When the teacher reads the name o$ their colored card, they *al' across the circle holding up the colored card. More than one student may have the same color, so many students may e *al'ing across the circle at the same time. 0. 3oca ulary 45rammar( The same activity may e done *ith voca ulary cards instead o$ color cards. -or e.ample, ma'e cards $or the ver s in the story and as' students to listen $or ver s that have t*o *ords and the !s# sound at the end o$ other ver s. A Spring Day
The door opens wide. It is Sasha who comes to my house every morning at 6 o'clock. We walk to work together. Today is such a beauti ul! warm day. The "#$$%W sun shines through the &'##( trees. It is spring. There are lowers in the gardens ) '#D lowers! *$+# lowers! W,IT# lowers. Sasha and I see a man in the street. ,e is riding a *$+# bicycle. ,e is wearing *$A-. boots and a "#$$%W hat. ,e stops riding and asks us! /,ave you seen my dog0 ,e's *$A-. and W,IT#! mostly *$A-../ /(o! we

haven't seen your *$A-. and W,IT# dog!/ I tell the man. The man with the "#$$%W hat looks very worried. ,e gets back on his *$+# bicycle and starts to ride away. /Wait/! Sasha yells! /I see something there./ ,e points to the &'##( grass behind us. *ehind some tall '#D lowers we see something moving. The man rides his *$+# bicycle back to us. Sasha picks up a little *$A-. and W,IT# dog and hands it to the man in the "#$$%W hat. /%h! thank you so very much1/ e2claims the man./ 3y little girl will be very happy./

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