Limba Engleza

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Read the following text and answer the questions:

Ellen is 20 years old. She is from Italy. She has got short wavy hair and blue eyes. She is a lown. !er family wor"s in a big ir us. Ellen an ride an ele#hant. Its name is $ellie and it is Ellen%s favourite animal. !er father is a magi ian. !is name is &elvin the magi ian. !e an do a lot of tri "s. It%s great fun at the ir us. 1. !ow old is Ellen' 2. (hat an Ellen do' ). (hat is her father%s name' LESSON NR. 2 1. Read the following text and answer the questions:

*eorge is )+ years old. !e is an engineer. Every day he gets u# early in the morning and goes ,ogging. -hen. he has a shower and goes to wor". !e arrives at the offi e at / o% lo ". *eorge omes ba " home at + o% lo " in the after0noon and has dinner with his family. 1t the wee"0end. *eorge and his family go to their ountry house. -hey love it there2 1. (hat is *eorge%s ,ob' 2. (hat time does he arrive at the offi e' ). (here do they go at the wee"0end' LESSON NR. 3 1. Read the following text and answer the questions: 3en li"es dan ing. !e thin"s dan ing is relaxing and interesting. !e has three dan ing lasses every &onday. 4riday and Saturday from 5 #.m to 6.00 #.m. !e li"es meeting the boys and the girls at the 78an e 9lub.: !e goes to a lot of om#etitions where he has to wear elegant lothes: a ,a "et. a #air of trousers and very good shoes. 1. (hat does 3en li"e' 2. (hen does he have dan ing lasses' ). (hat does he wear in a om#etition'

LESSON NR. 4 1. Read the following text and answer the questions: &i"e is my #enfriend. !e lives in 8over. in the south of England. !e is a good #u#il. !e doesn%t live far from s hool. !is father is an instru tor at the 7Sun: driving s hool. !e is a tall. strong man of about )+ years old. !e loves gardening and he sometimes goes fishing with his son. &i"e%s mother. ;inda. is a tea her. She is a tall. #retty woman. She is also very "ind. -his is &i"e%s family. 1. (here is 8over' 2. !ow many members has &i"e%s family got' ). (hat does &i"e%s mother loo" li"e' LESSON NR. 5 1. Read the following text and answer the questions: It is 5 #.m on &onday. <im is alling his friends. 7;et%s #lay football.: he says. -om brings the ball. -hey start #laying. -hey are very noisy. 1 ar is oming. -he driver sees them. !e is shouting at the hildren. <im doesn%t see the ar. -he ar hits him. -he hildren are very s ared. 1n ambulan e is ta"ing <im to hos#ital. <im is rying. !is arm hurts. 7I will never #lay football in the street again: #romises <im. 1. (hat are the hildren #laying' 2. (here is the ambulan e ta"ing <im' ). (hat does <im #romise' LESSON NR. 6 1. Read the following text and answer the questions: !arry has got many friends. !is best friends are 9hris and &i"e. -hey go to s hool together. they #lay games and they do their homewor" together. -hey li"e &ath. but they do not li"e 4ren h very mu h. !arry has got a dog alled -i#s. -hey all li"e to #lay with the dog in the #ar". 9hris has got a guitar and he #lays it very well. !e wants to be a #o# star. 1. (ho are !arry%s best friends' 2. (hat do they do together' ). (hat does 9hris want to be'

LESSON NR. 7 1. Read the following text and answer the questions: -here are many islands in the South =a ifi . -hese are tro#i al islands. -he weather is warm all year round. -he trees on the island are o onuts #alms. -hey are very useful be ause they grow well in sandy and salty #la es near the seashore where other "inds of trees an%t grow. -he o onuts give food. -he islanders an dry the nuts and sell them to ma"e oil. -hey an also use the trun"s of the trees for building and the leaves for ma"ing roofs for their houses. 1. (hat is the weather li"e on the tro#i al islands' 2. (hat "ind of trees are the trees on the island' ). (hat do the islanders do with the nuts' LESSON NR. 8 1. Read the following text and answer the questions: > eans and seas over more than half the Earth%s surfa e. &any different #lants and reatures live in the sea. -here are also oral reefs. -hey grow near the oasts in tro#i al seas. -iny reatures build oral reefs in beautiful sha#es and olours. &any different "inds of fish and other sea reatures ma"e their home in the reefs. 1. (hat lives in the sea' 2. (here do the oral reefs grow' ). (ho builds the oral reefs' LESSON NR. 9 1. Read the following text and answer the questions: It is Sunday morning and the 3rowns are on the bea h. &r. 3rown is reading an interesting boo". &rs. 3rown is slee#ing under a sun0umbrella. -heir two sons are #laying with a ball. -heir daughter is swimming in the sea. It is noon and the 3rowns are still on the bea h. ;oo"2 -he two boys are fighting for the ball. &rs. 3rown is shouting at them. !er daughter is now ma"ing a sand astle. &r. 3rown is drin"ing a o"e. 1. (here are the 3rowns' 2. (hat is &rs. 3rown doing' ). (hat are the boys fighting for at noon'

LESSON NR. 10 1. Read the following text and answer the questions: ;ulu%s favourite day is Sunday. She gets u# at 10 o% lo ". In the morning she has brea"fast. and then she visits her grandma and grand#a. -hen. at one o% lo " she omes home and has lun h with her family. In the after0noon. ;ulu wat hes -? or listens to musi . In the evening she #lays games with her dog. She goes to bed at / o% lo ". Sundays are ha##y days for ;ulu. 1. (hat is ;ulu%s favourite day of the wee"' 2. (hat does she do in the after0noon' ). (hat time does she go to bed' LESSON NR. 11 1. Read the following text and answer the questions: Sandra is a sho#0assistant in a big de#artment store. She sells toys. She gets u# very early in the morning be ause the sho# o#ens at @ o% lo ". 3efore she goes to wor". she ta"es 8avid. her seven0year0old son. to s hool. (hen she omes ba " home. she oo"s dinner for her family and then she hel#s 8avid with his homewor". She li"es reading and #laying hess in her free time. 1. (here does Sandra wor"' 2. !ow old is her son' ). (hat does Sandra li"e doing in her free time' LESSON NR. 12 1. Read the following text and answer the questions: 1ndrew is from 1ustralia. but he does not live there. !is home is a 1+0metre ya ht. and he lives in many different ountries in one year. ;iving on a boat is not always easy. !is mum and dad are writers. -heir boo"s are about the sea. their adventures and the #la es they visit. -hey send the boo"s to 1ustralia by email. (hen they rea h a ni e #ort. they sto#. Sometimes they stay for a wee" and then they leave again. 1. (here does 1ndrew live' 2. (hat is his mum and dad%s ,ob' ). (hat are their boo"s about'

LESSON NR. 13 1. Read the following text and answer the questions: !i. I am $i " and I am eleven. I am from ;ondon. I li"e #laying with my friends and learning foreign languages. I an s#ea" S#anish and Romanian. &y grand0father is from 3u harest. I have a big family. &y big brother. <a ". is 2 years old and my sister. &olly. is 12 years old. (e also have a #et. a dog. !is name is 3rownie. &y mother is a fashion0designer and my father is a #ilot. &y family is great. 1. (hat is the boy%s name' 2. !ow many members has his family got' ). !ow old is his sister. &olly' LESSON NR. 14 1. Read the following text and answer the questions: 1utumn is a beautiful season. It is my favourite season be ause it is not too hot and the trees hange their olour. -he weather is usually warm. sometimes rainy and windy. In autumn we go ba " to s hool. &y #arents always buy me a new s hool0bag. note0boo"s. #ens. #en ils in Se#tember. (e #i " a##les from the a##le0tree in our garden. &y birthday is on the )rd of > tober. I usually have a #arty and I invite my friends. I love autumn. It ma"es me feel ha##y. 1. (hat is the weather li"e in autumn' 2. (hat do the boy%s #arents buy him in autumn' ). (hy does the boy li"e autumn' LESSON NR. 15 1. Read the following text and answer the questions: -he hildren are in a #et sho#. -hey are trying to buy a #resent for <ane%s birthday. 9hris: ;oo"2 (hat a ni e #arrot2 It has great olours and is an say a few words. &i"e: Right2 3ut it is too big. ;oo" at that gold fish: it is small. it an swim fast and the olour is fantasti . &aria: Aou are right. 3ut I thin" <ane would #refer rabbits. -hey are very friendly and you an #lay with them. 9hildren: o". ;et%s buy the rabbit. 1. (here are the hildren' 2. (hat does 9hris li"e' ). (hat do they finally buy'

LESSON NR. 16 1. Read the following text and answer the questions: I love the ountry. -here are some good things about living in a village in the ountry. It is more beautiful and it is leaner be ause there are not many ars and buses. I go to my grand0#arents every summer. -hey have got a lovely house and a big garden in the ountry. *rand#a wor"s in the fields and grandma loo"s after her hi "ens. du "s and other animals. I have a lot of friends in the village and we go to the river in the after0noon. It is ni e to have grand0#arents in the ountry0side. 1. (here does the boy go every summer' 2. (here does grand#a wor"' ). !as the boy got many friends' LESSON NR. 17 1. Read the following text and answer the questions: -his is a beautiful modern living0room in my un le%s flat. It has got a glass door and three big windows. -here is a large fire#la e between the door and one of the windows. -here are two #i tures above the fire#la e and in front of it there is a omfortable arm hair. -here is a brown ar#et on the floor. -here are a sofa and a glass table on the rug. -here are some #lants behind the sofa. -here is also a television and a stereo. It is a great living0 room. 1. !ow many windows are there' 2. (hat is there above the fire#la e' ). (hat olour is the ar#et' LESSON NR. 18 1. Read the following text and answer the questions: 9hristmas is in winter. It snows and it is very old. 9hildren li"e #laying in the snow. -hey also li"e sledging. ma"ing snowmen and fighting with snowballs. 3efore 9hristmas. we de orate the 9hristmas tree with stars and tinsel. Santa brings us many #resents. !e #uts them under the 9hristmas tree. (e also sing many arols. &y favourite one is Silent night. >n 9hristmas day all the family gathers for dinner. (e have great fun2 1. (hat is the weather li"e in winter' 2. (hat does the girl li"e doing before 9hristmas' ). (here does Santa #ut the #resents'

LESSON NR. 19 1. Read the following text and answer the questions: &ary and =olly are best friends. -hey go to s hool together. they do their homewor" together. they #lay together. 3ut in the same time they are very different. &ary li"es musi while =olly li"es s#ort. &ary%s hair is long while =olly%s hair is short. &ary has got a dog while =olly has got a at. &ary is good at 1rt while =olly is good at &aths. &ary wears trainers while =olly wears shoes. &ary eats salad while =olly eats heese. &ary says 7sorry: while =olly says 7#lease.: 1. (hat do they do together' 2. (ho li"es s#ort' ). (hat is &ary good at'

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