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Grammar Simple present. Object pronouns Vocabulary like / don't like + ing Useful phrases Expressing opinions

1 Look at the picture, and read and c o m p l e t e the article. U s e He or She according to y o u r o w n ideas.

OBJECTIVE: Go to Gap and buy a pair of jeans

MAN Time: 6 minutes Spends: S70 WOMAN Time: 3 hours 26 minutes Spends: $1,800 SHOPPING A man and a woman go shopping to buy a pair of jeans. He goes to the mall, goes to Gap, and buys one pair of jeans, spends 170. It takes six minutes, goes to the mall, goes to thirty-four stores, and buys three pairs of shoes, a lipstick, two tops, perfume, and a bag. orders a new couch, doesn't buy a pair of jeans. spends $1,800. It takes three hours and twenty-six minutes. EATING OUT A man and a woman go to a restaurant. (7) (8) (9) (10) orders salad. doesn't order a dessert. orders steak and fries and a chocolate dessert. eats his fries and his chocolate dessert.

TRAVELING A man and a woman go on vacation together. (11) (12) takes a large suitcase, a small suitcase, and a purse. takes a pair of sunglasses and a celt phone.

** 1.48 Listen and check. T h i n k a b o u t your o w n e x p e r i e n c e . a) b) C h e c k ( / ) the situations in the text that y o u think are true. Put a cross (/) n e x t to the situations that you think are false.

C o m p a r e with a partner.



Redding & Listening

1 Look at the words in the box. Are men and women's opinions on these topics generally the same or different? cars 2 shoes sports

Complete the opinions of the people below with the words from Exercise 1.

How are men and women different?

a) I have four pairs of shoes. Two pairs for the week. Two pairs for the weekend. My wife has forty pairs of , Maybe fifty! Why?

h) We have two . I drive a VW Golf GTI 2 liter FS1 Turbo with alloy wheels Top speed 200 kilometers an hour. My girlfriend drives a blue car named AL

c) Every weekend, my husband goes to a bar aid watches on TV. I'm number 3 in his life. Number 1 is , Number 2 is beer ... and number 3 is me!

& 1.49 Listen and check your answers. 3 Underline the affirmative or negative form to make true sentences. a) b) c) d) e) I have / don't have forty pairs of shoes. My friends and I go / don't go to a bar every weekend, My father watches / doesn 't watch sports on TV. My mother has / doesn't have a blue car. I drive / don't drive.

Compare your sentences with a partner.

Simple present
You We They Oo you work? Yes, I do. No, I don't. works. ^ doesn't work work. don't work.

Complete the questions and answers. a) b) c) d) e) f) Do you like shopping? Does your father do the housework? Do you think about chocolate all the time? your mother work on weekends? you and your friends chat online? your friends go out a lot?

Yes, I da. Yes, he does. Yes, . . . .

No, / don't. No, he doesn 'J. No, . ,. .

W 1,50 Listen, check, and repeat. 2 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 1. Write true sentences about you from the prompts. Use affirmative or negative forms. a) b) 4 work / in a restaurant I don't work a restaurant. sing / in thein shower c) d) play / tennis speak / Spanish e) f) like / flying drink / beer

Does he work? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.

Ask your partner questions using the prompts in Exercise 3. Write the answers.
\ Do you work in a restaurant? 1 ^ No, I don't. ^J





r e i tAurAivt.

page 126. Read the explanation and do the exercises.

Vocabulary & Listening

1 Complete the key with words and phrases from the box. don't like V I (1) love it. don't mind & 1(2) hate 1(3) like tew 1(4) really like 1(5) <? 1(6)






1.51 Listen, check, and repeat. 2 Read about Jack and Layla.
Jack loves water, really likes being outside, and really likes sports and staying in shape. He hates cities and he doesn't like loud music. Layla loves spending money. She hates doing housework and she doesn't Like cooking. She likes dancing and she doesn't mind loud music. She hates sports.

Look at the activities in the box. Put / if you think Jack likes it. Put L if you think Layla likes it. clubbing eating out in restaurants going to rock concerts playing soccer running shopping swimming going to the gym

** 1.52 Listen and check your answers. Are you similar to Jack or Layla?

1 Complete the table to show the spelling of the ing form. Most verbs read studv cook Verbs ending in e dance - dancing smoke -> (3) drive (4) Verbs ending in vowel + consonant swim run (6) swimming

rending (1) (2)

shop - (5)

Ask your partner questions. Use the verbs in Exercise 1.

Do you like reading? Yes, I do. / It's OK. / No, I don

Student A: page 117 Student B: page 122

1 Complete the chants with flying, talking, or thinking. A B Running, walking, Listening, . 2 C Eating, drinking, Sleeping, . Selling, buying, Sailing, .

** 1.53 Listen, check, and repeat.

22 Different

Subject I you he she it we they Object me you him her it us them 1 C o m p l e t e the sentences with him, her, it, or them. a) b) f d) e) f) I d o n ' t like the Beatles. Do y o u like them? 1 d o n ' t like |ustin T i m b e r l a k e . Do vou like I d o n ' t like M a n ah Carev. Do v o u like I d o n ' t like K a n y e West. Do v o u like 1 d o n ' t like the Pussycat Dolls. Do you like I d o n ' t like rock music. Do vou like 1.54 Listen, check, and repeat. 2 Write s o m e s e n t e n c e s a b o u t people or things you d o n ' t like, I dork'-t like clASiicAt Music, I doiv't like d o i ^ the diitai. ? ? ? ? ?

R e a d y o u r sentences and a s k for y o u r partner's opinion.

I don't Like classical music. Do you like it?

Ves, I do.

^ ^
Reading & Writing

^ ^

Read and c o m p l e t e the m e s s a g e with an object p r o n o u n from the b o x . me me you him her it it us them them

^ , si m >


Q [I'liJ^Jlml-rUJlTi;

5 + P J S QBSeffSi m e Add to friends y Send message E Forward to friend

A b o u t Contact Cathy B


About (1) me My name's Cathy, and that's (2) I'm 21, I'm a Scorpio, and I'm single. I work for a big company. It's a good job, but I don't like (3) . I prefer being outside. , but we're I have one brother. He's 23. I love (4) parents don't like (5) _ _ _ . We live at home with our parents. We have a sister, but she doesn't live with (6) children. We see (7) . She's married and she has two on weekends. in the picture.

very different. He has a girlfriend. She's beautiful, but my

I listen to all kinds of music, but my favorite is jazz. I play the saxophone, but I don't pLay (8) very well, I'm not very sporty but I like dancing. I have a lot of good friends, and I go out with (9) What about (10) S B JgH,j 1.55 Listen and check. 2 Write a similar m e s s a g e a b o u t you. ? every weekend.

A b o u t Me


AmSMa.. " T W f c S






Useful phrases
1 ** 1.56 Read and listen to the c o n v e r s a t i o n s . U n d e r l i n e the adjectives you hear. a) Ann: Bob: What do you think of Beyonce? I think she's great / OK / terrible. What about you? Ann: 1 agree. I really like her.


Cathy: Debra: Cathy:

What do you think of Jude Law? I think he's great / OK / terrible. What about you? I think he's great / OK / terrible, but I prefer Leonardo DiCaprio.


Fran: Greg: Fran:

What do you think of the Rolling Stones? I think they're great / OK / terrible. What about you? I don't agree. I think they're great / OK / terrible.


Harry: Isobel: Harry: Isobel: Harry:

What do you think of David Beckham? Who? David Beckham. He's a soccer player. I don't know. What do you think of him? I think he's great / OK / terrible.

C o m p l e t e the table with the useful p h r a s e s from the conversations. What do you think of B e y e f t e e ? I prefer L e o n a r d o DiCaprio. W h a t about y o u ? I d o n ' t know. 1 think s h e ' s great. 1 think they're terrible. I think h e ' s O K .

A s k i n g for an opinion What do i /on think of Beyonce?

G i v i n g an opinion

1.57 Listen, check, and repeat the useful phrases. 3 Circle the adjectives that are true for you in Exercise 1. Practice the c o n v e r s a t i o n s with a partner. 4 Write a list of y o u r favorite actors, singers, b a n d s , and writers. A s k y o u r partner's o p i n i o n a b o u t the people on y o u r list.

22 Different

Vocabulary Extra
Common verbs
1 Match the pictures with the verbs. Then complete the verb phrases. [ 5 ] buy a pair of shoes drink. _, drive eat. live Spanish

i .1 piay^ J smoke ] speak i spend i think ] watch _ _ _ J work 2 Work with a partner. Cover the words and look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions. a cigarette a pair of shoes

What is number 1?


for a big company

in a big city

Focus on instructions (2)

Complete the instructions with the verbs in the box. Gheek Circle Complete Cross out Match Underline 1 2 3 4 5 6 Check the correct sentence. the object pronouns. the subject pronouns. the subject and object pronouns. the list. the Incorrect sentence.

O Ha love. we. b") He loves m. /

I lova (tier) Ai\d i k e loves ( m T ) .

We love the** A^d -thev

Me her

yew it

hiw wi -the*

I love her. b") I love i h e .


Review A
pages 126 and 127 1 Complete the table. Subject I You He/She/ It We You They 2 Verb (be) am Contraction I'm Question Ami...? Underline the correct answer. a) b) c) d) e) f) His sister's / sisters' names are Kate and Amy. My father's / fathers' name is Ron. Her son's / sons' wife is Chinese. My cousin's / cousins' names are Jo and Sara. Their parent's / parents' names are Sam and Di. My brother's / brothers' girlfriend is a doctor.

Write questions. a) you / work Do you work? b) your mother / like shopping c) you and your family / eat together every day d) you / have a Japanese car e) your father / speak a nother language f) you and your friends / go out every night

Complete the conversation with this or these. I luiaflUWl I I Answer the questions. a) Yes, I do. Compare your answers with a partner. Complete the sentences with him, her, them, or it. a)
Officer: Open your bag, please, sir. Man: Yes, sure.

Halle Berry is beautiful. I really like her. X-Men is a bad movie. 1 don't like . Brad Pitt is a very good actor. I really like .

Officer: What's (1) this? Man: It's an MP3 player. ?

b) c)

Officer: Mm. And what are (2) Man: They're tickets.

Officer: Tickets? And what's (3) Man: It's a cell phone. ?

Officer: Ah, yes. What's (4) Man: It's a toothbrush.

d) The Red Hot Chili Peppers are great. I love . e) Beyonce is a good singer, but I don't like My father is also my friend. 1 love spending time with . f)

Officer: Oh, ... and what's (5) Man: It's a camera. ?

Officer: What are (6) Man:

Check ( / ) the sentences that are true for you. Compare your answers with a partner. 7 Find the mistake! Cross out the incorrect sentence, a or b. 1 2

They're tissues. I have a cold.

Officer: Fine. Thank you, sir.

1.58 Listen and check. 3 Complete the table. Subject pronoun I (21 he (4) it (6) they Possessive determiner (1 )my your (3) her (5) our (7)

a) Is she Italian?
b) b)

She iij Italian? What's these?

a) What's this?

3 4 5 6

a) Is you're family from Mexico?

b) b) b) b) Is your family from Mexico? They like Japanese food. He works in a store. Do you live in Miami?

a) They likes Japanese food. a) He work in a store. a) Do you lives in Miami?


1 Write the language of each country. a) b) c) d)

Complete the sentences with the words in the box. don't like really like V love a) b) c) 1 like pasta. I I Johnny Depp. steak. swimming. .basketball. cats. don't mind hate hke love

E3 H M

Russia RMSSWH Brazil Spain Germany China Italy japan the USA


0 ri g) m h > B

d) 1 e) I * , f) I 3

Write the telephone numbers as you say them, 01779 4062 533 oh one seven seven nine, four oh six tioo, five three three 540-294-0056 020 1663 4156 410-239-8104

Check ( / } the sentences that are true for you. Compare your answers with a partner. 7 Look at the family tree and complete the sentences with the words in the box. aunt cousin husband sister-in-law uncle nephew niece

b) c) d) 3

Complete the questions with the words in the box. aetof a) b) c) d) e) 0 g) drink movie food singer sport writer
Hike = Anna

Who's your favorite actor? Tom Cruise What's your favorite Who's your favorite What's your favorite What's vour favorite Who's your favorite What's your favorite ? The Matrix. ? Madonna. ? Milk. ? Pizza. ? Dan Brown. ? Tennis. a) b) c) d) e) f) 25 + 24 + 25 = 210-23 = 131x6 = g)

Tim = Pauta


Tony = Kay






Tim is Paula's husband. Adam i s Laura's _ _ _ . Tony is James's Tom is Phil's Emily is Paula's Kay is Phil's Paula is Laura's . . . .

Answer the questions with your own favorites. Take turns asking and answering the questions with a partner. 4 Write the answers in full. a) b) c) d) 5 9 * 5 - forty-five 4 + 7= 15-3= 100 = 5 = e) f) g)

1 Look at some words from Units 1-4. Say the words and add them to the table. assistant Brazil Chinese computer eettstft granddaughter hairdresser dentist husband Japan Portugal umbrella

Write vowels (a, e, i, o, u) to complete the names of jobs.

a) doctor rdr ss r b) h c) s . c r _ t _ r y ff d) p i c e) d
h) n t nt rs 1 s X cl dr rk v i 2 st

A: cousin




d O J



g) s

Underline the stressed syllable in each word. ** 1.59 Listen, check, and repeat.

Reading & Listening

1 ' * 1.60 Read the text and a n s w e r the questions. a) b) c) d) W h o is the profile of? W h o i s the writer o f the profile? W h a t d o e s Shelby like? W h a t d o e s n ' t Shelby like?

Listen to a c o n v e r s a t i o n b e t w e e n Shelby and Kate. W h i c h m a n does Shelby call? Listen a g a i n and c o m p l e t e the i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t the
three men

Name: Ben Adams Age: 34 City: Nashville Job: doctor Likes: reading, running, swimming Doesn't like: Telephone: 615-459-3125


Name: Juan Cruz Age: 30

Profile of ...
Shelby Cameron Sender: Kate Cameron This is Shelby. She's my best friend, and she's also my sister! She's fantastic, and she's singLe. OK, what can I tell you about SheLby? WeLl, she's thirty-one years old and she Lives in AtLanta, Georgia. She's a nurse, and she works at night, so she doesn't have a lot of time to meet new people. She likes going out to eat (her favorite food is Chinese), cooking, reading, listening to jazz, and traveling. She speaks French, Spanish, and English, She loves basketbalL - it's her favorite sport. She watches basketball every weekend. She doesn't like shopping or loud music. She doesn't smoke. Shelby works hard but she also likes relaxing. She's a good friend and a great sister.

City: Job: hairdresser Likes: Doesn't like: sports or dogs Telephone: 212-310-4551


Name: James Greene Age: 35 City: Job: Likes: Doesn't like:

Read the text again. A r e the sentences true or false? a) b) c) d) e) f) K a t e Ls S h e l b y ' s c o u s i n . False. S h e l b y isn't married. S h e l b y is a waitress. S h e l b y m e e t s a lot of n e w people. S h e l b y speaks t h r e e languages. S h e l b y ' s sister d o e s n ' t t h i n k Shelby w o r k s hard.

boring people, loud music Telephone: _


Writing & Speaking

1 Match the punctuation features (a-e) with their names in the box. an apostrophe a capital letter a period a question mark a comma

Ask your partner the questions in Exercise 3. Complete the form with your partner's information. Where do you Live?

J -J J -J


In Buenos Aires.


a) .

f ,

0 ?

d) '

e) A

Name: City: Job: Speaks: Likes: Favorite singer: Favorite food:

Complete the sentences with the names in Exercise 1. a) b) c) d) You use a question mark at the end of a question, You use at the end of a sentence. You use to start a sentence and when you write names, You use to separate items in a list. You use for contractions or for possession.

Write questions with the question words in the box. Remember to start your questions with a capita! letter and to use a question mark at the end of your questions. what a) b) c) d) e) f) g) what's where who's Write about your partner, using the information in their profile in Exercise 4. Then exchange texts with your partner. Check your partner's punctuation. T h i s is My frie.ftd, lives irv Mapco LupiAro. He.

your / name? you / live

What's i /our name?

your / job languages / speak things / y o u / like your / favorite singer your / favorite food

Aire*, She's Got You

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