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Apple makes some great hardware.

Heres how you can use your iPad,

iPhone and iPod with your Linux computer
Sync your iPad with Linux
Tutorial Sync your iPad with Linux
can get the maximum out of your mobile device
as a Linux user. All the solutions that we look
at here will work on your Apple mobile device
without the device requiring to be jailbroken.
All the software and syncing solutions
discussed in this article are not built by
Apple, and therefore cannot be guaranteed
to work as suggested.
Even if you are not a technology buff, its hard
not to notice how the iPad has taken over the
world of gadgets. Before its launch, the iPhone
and the iPod touch had a similar impact and
they are visible just about everywhere you go.
All of Apples portable devices use iTunes to
synchronise their information with a computer,
and iTunes is only available on Windows and Mac
systems. So what is a Linux user to do with an
iPhone or an iPad? Lets take a look at how you
Nautilus displays
all the contents
of your iPads
file system
F-Spot is offering
to import
from an iPad
1. Getting libimobiledevice
Both Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.1 support the
iPhone, iPod touch and iPad out of the box.
This is using the libimobiledevice project,
which is hosted at
You can visit the projects website (Fig 1) and
download the source code, along with that
of the supporting packages. Ready-made
binaries for several popular distributions
are also available from this website.
However, the easiest way to get hold of
the libimobiledevice packages is by using
your distributions package management
system. For example, Ubuntu Linux and
openSUSE have the software in their offcial
repositories. Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.1 users
can skip the next step.
Rhythmbox allows
you to view and
sync music with
your Apple device
All the solutions here will work on
your Apple mobile device without the
device requiring to be jailbroken
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One of the pop-up windows that appeared
when you connected your Apple device to your
Ubuntu computer will ask you which application
you want to use to manage the music on your
device. Two players that have great support for
these devices are Rhythmbox and Amarok.
5. Rhythmbox
Rhythmbox is the music player that ships by
default with Ubuntu Linux, and is arguably one
of the most popular music players on the Linux
platform. When you connect your iDevice to you
Ubuntu computer and Rhythmbox is running,
the device should automatically show up in the
Devices list on the left sidebar of the applications
main window. Drag and drop any music you want
added to your iPod, iPad or iPhone. One of the
missing features in Rhythmbox is that it only
allows you to add music to your iDevice and not
remove stuff. If you want to be able to remove
stuff, you will need to use Amarok.
n Rhythmbox displaying the list of music on
an Apple iPad
6. Amarok
Amarok is a KDE project and is not included in
the default list of packages that gets installed
Ways to use your Apple devices with a Linux computer
Sync your iPad with Linux
repositories, you can always download the
source release of libimobiledevice and compile
it yourself. First, make sure that you have the
development tools required for compiling
packages installed. Download the source
package from the libimobiledevice project
website and extract it to a temporary location.
Get into the source directory and execute the
following commands:
# ./configure
# make
# sudo make install
4. Plug and play
When you have set things up, you should plug
your iPad, iPod or iPhone into your Ubuntu
computer. Connect it with the USB cable that
you got with your device. When you plug it in,
you should see two windows pop up, like the
ones shown in the screenshot below, and your
devices icon appear on the Desktop. The two
window panes will ask you which applications
you want to use to view and manage the photos
and the music on your device. The list that will
appear depends upon what applications you
have installed on your computer. If you see
this screen, you should be in business. Lets
proceed and see how you can manage the
music, photos, video and other data on your
Apple device.
n An Apple iPad being detected and mounted
in Linux
2. installing on Ubuntu 9.10
Although Ubuntu 9.10 does not ship with support
for the Apple devices, you can set things up
reasonably easily. Launch the package source
manager by going to System>Administration>
Software Sources. Click on the Other Software
tab and then on the Add button. Now add
the line ppa:pmcenery/ppa as the source.
Save it and hit the Reload button to reload the
repository information. Now launch the Synaptic
Package Manager and install the package
libimobiledevice0. Note that you will need
to restart your computer for the installation
process to complete correctly.
nThe recent releases of the Ubuntu distro
offer out-of-the-box integration with all Apple
mobile devices
3. installing libimobiledevice for
everyone else
If you have landed on a computer which does
not have libimobiledevice pre-installed and
you cant fnd it in your distributions binary
libimobiledevice The project that allows you
to sync your iPod, iPad, or iPhone to
your Linux machine
Handbrake Software for converting videos
from one format to another
Fuse File system that allows read-write access to
your Apple devices
Fig 1 Getting libimobiledevice The libimobiledevice project website
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11. F-Spot
F-Spot is the default photo management
program that ships with Ubuntu up to 9.10, and
its a great application for this task. Apples
devices, particularly the iPhone 4, have been
known to make great cameras. Using F-Spot
you can import your pictures from your iPhone or
iPod touch. When you plug in the device, you will
be asked which photo management software
you want to use to manage your pictures. Pick
F-Spot. When F-Sport opens, it will offer to
import all the pictures from your device.
One of the most fun features of Apples mobile
devices is their video playback capabilities.
However, its not always easy to get video on these
devices unless you have purchased the movie
directly from Apple. Lets look at how to do it.
12. Install Handbrake
The frst step to get video on your Apple device
is to convert the video at hand to a format thats
compatible with the devices. Well use the
program Handbrake for this. Handbrake can
convert video from pretty much any format to
the iPod format. Download your distributions
binary from Handbrakes website http:// Install the binary
for your distribution. Currently Handbrake only
comes with a command-line version on Linux.
n Get Handbrake from the projects website
13. Convert the video
Once you have the tool HandBrakeCLI installed,
try accessing it from the command line to make
sure it works. Once thats done, you can begin
converting your frst video. Use a command like
the following to make the conversion:
# HandBrakeCLI -i /media/dvd -o
mymovie.mp4 --preset=iPhone / iPod
Sync your iPad with Linux Tutorial
with Ubuntu Linux. You can, however, install
it using the command # sudo apt-get install
amarok. Once Amarok is installed, connect your
iDevice to your computer. The device should
show up under the Local Music sections. To
remove a song from your iPod or iPhone, expand
the devices music listing from the Local Music
section, right-click on the song and click on the
delete option in the menu. Wait for a short while
as the device syncs with Amarok. Hit OK when
asked if you want to proceed with the sync. The
selected track should then be deleted.
Tutorial Tutorial
n The installation of Amarok using the
Synaptic Package Manager
gtkpod is yet another application for syncing
your iPod, iPad or iPhone with Linux. Its a bit
trickier to get going, but considering the fact that
the team is working on features such as calendar
and contacts syncing, it might just trump all the
other tools to become a one-stop shop for all
your syncing needs.
7. Get Fuse
Before you can get going with gtkpod, you
will need to install the package Fuse and its
dependencies on your computer. Ubuntu Linux
users can install it by searching for the term
fuse in the Synaptic Package Managers list of
available packages. Once Fuse is installed, you
will need to edit the fle /etc/fuse.conf. Open
the fle in your favourite text editor (with sudo
privileges) and change the last line from #user_
allow_other to user_allow_other (ie remove the
hash sign). Save the fle and exit the text editor.
n Edit the /etc/fuse.conf to look like this
8. Complete Fuse installation
Now launch the Users and Groups manager from
the System>Administration menu. Click on the
Manage Groups button, fnd the group fuse in the
list and hit the Properties button. Check the box
with your username on it in the pane that pops up.
Click OK and close the windows. You should now
have access to Fuse. For all the settings changes
you made to kick in, you will need to log out and
get back into your account.
9. Install gtkpod
Install gtkpod from Synaptic or by using the
command # sudo apt-get install gtkpod.
The application should appear under
Applications>Sound and Video>gtkpod iPod
Manager. Now add your iPhone, iPad or iPod
to the gtkpod setup by launching on Edit>
Repository/iPod Options item in the menu. Give
the repository a name such as My iPad.
10. Set up gtkpod
Make sure your Apple device is connected to your
computer before proceeding. Under your home
directory you will see a hidden folder called .gvfs/.
Your Apple device will be mounted under this
directory with the devices name. Enter that as the
repository mount point in gtkpod. For example,
on our computer this path was /home/sukritd/.
gvfs/Phoebus iPhone. Select your Apple devices
model under the list of the models available.
Hit Add and OK to complete the setup. On the
main window of gtkpod, click on the Load iPod(s)
button to have gtkpod fetch all the information
from your Apple device. Make the changes you
want to make and then hit the Save Changes
button to apply the changes to your Apple device.
n Enter the path of the location where your
Apple device has been mounted, and the
model, correctly
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Ways to use your Apple devices with a Linux computer
Sync your iPad with Linux
In this example, the input fle is a video DVD.
Once the conversion is complete, you can use
Rhythmbox to drag and drop the video into your
Apple mobile device.
14. Video streaming
Getting video onto these devices can be quite
time-consuming. What we recommend instead
is to stream a movie to the device using a wireless
network with Air Video. You can do this too.
Install the Wine package on your Linux machine.
Download the latest release of Java and install it in
Wine using a command like # wine ./java-winxp.
exe. Download the Air Video Server from the
website (Fig 2) with # wget http://www.inmethod.
com/air-video/download/Setup225.exe. Install
it with Wine # wine ./Setup225.exe. Once the
installation is complete, you will be able to fnd
Air Video in the menu under Applications>Wine>
Programs>Air Video Server>Air Video Server.
Launch the application and start sharing some
movies from your computer.
15. Watch a streaming movie
Download and install the Air Video client app
on your iPad, iPod or iPhone. Theres a free
limited version available from the App Store as
well as a paid one that has full functionality.
Launch the app and you should be able to
see your desktop or laptop listed under the
available servers. You can browse through the
list of movies and watch one by streaming it. If
you face any issues, take a look at the frewall
settings on your computer and make sure that
the port 45631 is allowed traffc.
n A list of movies available for you to play from
your Apple mobile device
ubuntu one
Ubuntu One is a cloud-hosted storage and
streaming platform from Canonical. It is
available as a limited free version as well as
a paid service with more space and features.
You can use it to synchronise your iPhone or
iPad contacts and other information with your
Ubuntu computer.
16. Getting started with
ubuntu one
Head over to and
create an account for yourself. Then you will be
instructed to add a repository to your installer
setup. After this you can install the Ubuntu
One client with the command # sudo apt-get
install ubuntuone-client. Once the installation
is complete, you should fnd the Ubuntu One
application installed under Applications>
Internet>Ubuntu One. Follow the steps shown
in the application in order to add your computer
to your account.
17. Set up your device
Head over to
and set up your device with your account. Note
that the mobile version of this service comes at
a price, which is mentioned on the website. You
will require a username and password for this
account. Take note of this information as you
will need it later.
18. install ubuntu one Contact
On your Apple mobile device, search for and
install the Ubuntu One Contact app from the
App Store. Launch it and enter your username
and password along with the server address
as Once you
have done all this, like magic, your contacts
will be synced with your account. Go to the
Contacts tab in the Ubuntu One Dashboard to
view them. You can set the details of how you
want the sync to your account on the app on
your mobile device.
19. integration with Nautilus
If you are an Ubuntu 10.04 or 10.1 user, one thing
you might notice is how well your Apple device
integrates with the Nautilus fle manager. You
can not only browse through the contents of
your device, but Nautilus also gives you a link to
view and manage your photos and music with
the applications available for these tasks.
n You can view all the contents of your devices
file system in Nautilus. Be careful not to mess
around with any files
20. unmount
When you are done with using your iPad, iPod or
iPhone with Linux, make sure you unmount the
device before you unplug it from the computer.
Right-click on the Desktop icon and select the
Unmount option. When the icon disappears, its
safe to unplug the device.
n Right-click to unmount your device before
unplugging it
Fig 2 Video streaming Air Video saves you a
lot of time by not requiring you to convert the
videos to another format
Sukrit Dhandhania has spent several
years working professionally
implementing different open
source tools for companies. During
this time he has evaluated, set up
and maintained various open source
tools for these firms
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