Ways To Install Soft in Ubuntu - Odt

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How To Install Software in Ubuntu Linux: A

Complete Guide for Newbie

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By Mehedi Hasan


Before ten years ago, when I was new into the world of Ubuntu Linux, I was so confused about
many things of how to do this and that. Among all those, how to install software in Ubuntu Linux is
one of them. As a beginner, you also faced this sort of problem, especially when there are lot more
options available for installing and removing software in Ubuntu Linux.
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In this roundup, I will show you some of the popular ways of how to install software in Ubuntu
Linux. I will also try to cover how to remove Ubuntu application from the system.

How To Install Software in Ubuntu Linux

For making this tutorial, I am using Ubuntu Gnome Desktop Environment. But this tutorial is also
applicable for other Ubuntu-based Linux distros like Elementary OS, Linux Mint, Linux Deepin,
Peppermint, etc.

1. How To Install Software in Ubuntu Using Software Center

If you have seen Google’s Play Store or Apple’s App Store, then installing software from Ubuntu
software center is much easier and familiar. Ubuntu Linux comes with a default software center
which let you install various software. You can search for software by its name or various
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You can find Ubuntu software center by following “Show Applications >> Search Ubuntu
software center.”
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After getting into the software center, you will find all the software by names, categories, editors
pick, recommendations, etc. At the top right, the search option is there for searching for the desired

Resource Link: Best Linux Software: Our Editorial List of Essential Linux Apps
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Once you have found the desired software, click on it which will take you into the application
description page with an install button. In this page, you will get a short description and reviews of
the software. Now it’s time to hit the install button.

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Voila! You have just learned how to install software in Ubuntu Linux via software center.
Extra Important Tips: There are lots of application which are closed source proprietary software
but does not come by default in the Ubuntu software center. That software only comes through
enabling the Canonical Partner repository. In my tutorial on Best Things To Do After Installing
Ubuntu, I have shown how to enable the Canonical partner repository to get access to more

To do so, search for software & update. In the other software tab, enables “Canonical Partners.”
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Now you know how to install software in Ubuntu Linux using software center. How about
uninstalling the software you have just installed. Removing software from Ubuntu software center
is also very easy and straightforward. In the software center, click on the install tab, and you can see
all the installed applications list with the removal option, click on remove, and it’s done.
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2. How To Install Software in Ubuntu Using .deb Files

Installing a software in Ubuntu using .deb files is very easy and similar to a .exe file in Windows
system. Many software providers offer their applications in a .deb file. You have to download the
.deb file from software specific vendor and double click on it which will take you in Ubuntu
software center with an option of install button.
There are many options available for .deb packages management. You can check out my previous
tutorial on all the Possible Ways to Install deb Packages in Ubuntu Linux.

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3. Install Software Using Flatpak

Basically; there are few universal package management for Linux environment namely Snaps –
created by Canonical, AppImage, and Flatpak from Fedora. All these software management systems
provide a universal package installing environment irrespective of what Linux distribution you are
Flatpak is a universal framework for installing the software in Linux and brings a cross-platform
solution that means a single application built for all the Linux distros.
All the new version of Ubuntu and Linux Mint come preinstalled Flatpak support. But you need to
install in on older version if you want to use Flatpak.
Enable Flatpak on Ubuntu and other Ubuntu derivatives

There is official PPA for Ubuntu (version 17.10, 16.04 or older) to install Flatpak. Run the below
command into the Terminal:
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sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alexlarsson/flatpak

sudo apt update
sudo apt install flatpak

For latest Ubuntu version, run the below command only:

sudo apt install flatpak

For more information, follow the official instruction.

Flatpak application support in Software Center
There are two ways to use the Flatpak software. One is using the Ubuntu software center, and
another one is using the command line interface. Command line might be a bit difficult for the new
users, but here I recommend you to enable Flatpak support for Gnome software center. Run the
following command to install the Gnome software plugin:
sudo apt install gnome-software-plugin-flatpak

Now you can download .flatpakref file format application from software specific website or visit
FlatHub – Flatpak app store.
This Gnome software plugin will allow you to open a .flatpakref file directly in Ubuntu software
center and let you install or launch the application.
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4. Install Software in Ubuntu Using Snap Packages

Canonical has created Snaps for providing a cross-platform solution for installing applications on
any Linux distributions. It’s a universal package management system which comes with all the
dependencies and libraries that software is required to run on any Linux system.
Install Snap Software Environment on Ubuntu
All the latest Ubuntu and its derivatives are well supported Snaps packages by default. But you
need to install Snaps environment for Ubuntu 16.04 and older version. Run the following command
into the Terminal to install Snap package management environment:
sudo apt install snapd

Now you can install the software by using Snaps command from software website

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sudo snap install <package>

Or use Ubuntu software center.

5. Install Application in Ubuntu Using AppImage

Deb package, and RPM file formats are used for installing software on Debian or Ubuntu, and
Fedora/SUSE based Linux distro respectively. There is a problem for the app developer that they
have to maintain multiple packages for various Linux distributions. To overcome this problem,
AppImage comes into the picture for offering a universal package management system for all the
Linux distros.

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An AppImage file format is similar to the .exe file used in Windows system. But with the.
AppImage format, there is no extraction or installation, you delete AppImage, the software will be
removed from Ubuntu, and double click on AppImage will run the application.
You have to follow three simple steps to run an AppImage on Ubuntu Linux.
• Download .appimage package.
• Make it executable by following Right Click on software >> Properties >> Permission
Tab >> Check “Allow executing the file as program.
• Now run the program.

6. How To Install Software in Ubuntu Using Apt Commands

This another easy way to install software on Ubuntu Linux. Just like installing software from the
Ubuntu software center, the command line is similar to it. The only difference is Ubuntu software
center is based on graphical user interface, and an apt command is based on command line
interface. Many software provides an apt command for installing software.
For example, Chromium browser has both the way, Ubuntu software center, and apt command, to
install it on Ubuntu. If you want to install it then go to Ubuntu software center and give search by
keyword Chromium or else just type this simple apt command into the Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):
sudo apt install -y chromium-browser

Normally the apt command looks like:

sudo apt install package_name

Removing software is also very easy for apt command installation.

sudo apt remove package_name

7. How To Install App in Ubuntu Using PPA

PPA – Personal Package Archive is another easy way to install software on Ubuntu Linux. Many
developers want to offer the latest version of their software directly to the end users. In that case,
PPA can be used as Ubuntu official software repository takes a month to include any cutting-edge
software in Ubuntu software center. So many Ubuntu users may not wait for that long time rather
can use PPA to install the latest version instantly.
Here I am going to show you an example of the installation of Cinnamon Desktop in Ubuntu Linux.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:embrosyn/cinnamon
sudo apt update
sudo apt install cinnamon

Note that here I have followed total three commands. First one is for adding the PPA repository to
system’s source list, 2nd one is for updating the cache of software list, and the last one is for
installing the specific software using PPA apt command.
8. Using Synaptic Package Manager

Synaptic Package Manager is a great alternative to Ubuntu software center. It can help you to install
various software in Ubuntu Linux. You can install Synaptic Package Manager from the Ubuntu
software center or use command line tool. Run the below command to install it:
sudo apt-get install synaptic

Do the following things to install an app from Synaptic Package Manager.

• Search for the software or package
• Check “Mark for Installation”
• Press “Apply”

9. How To Install Software in Ubuntu Using dpkg

Installing a deb package through dpkg is a bit for advanced users but most reliable one.
• Install a package
To install a deb file, open the Terminal and run the following command:
sudo dpkg -i .deb

sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb

• Resolve Dependency Errors

Run the below command if you get any dependency errors. It will fix all the errors.
sudo apt-get install -f

• Remove the application

If you want to uninstall a software, run the command into the Terminal.
dpkg -r packagename.deb

• To Reconfigure/Repair the deb installation

sudo dpkg-reconfigure packagename

10. How To Install Software in Ubuntu Using the Source Code

Installing software using the source code in Ubuntu Linux is a bit complicated and not
recommended for the newbie. There are many software which comes with source code, and in
Linux, many users prefer to use it. Most of the source code comes in a compressed file as .tar.gz,
tgz, tar.bz2, .zip, etc. You have to follow few steps to install this sort of files.
• Download the source code file.
• Extract it.
• Go to extracted folder and look for a README or INSTALL file if any which will let you
know how to install or remove the specific software.
• Run the below command into the Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) one by one to install software:
• ./configure
• make
• sudo make install

11. Installing Packages via Your Web Browser

The APT protocol (or apturl) is a simple and hassle-free way to install software in Ubuntu Linux.
This way basically uses your web browser to deliver the software packages to the users. In this case,
you just need to click on apturl, and it will prompt the installation process. Below is an example for
installing synaptic package manager using apturl:
Install Synaptic Package Manager

12. Install Python Applications via Pip – “Pip Installs Packages”

Pip is another way to install software, especially Python-based apps, in Ubuntu Linux. Pip actually
a command line based software management system for apps which are written on Python
programming language. It’s easy to use, and if you are a software developer, then you can use Pip to
install and manage various Python packages and modules for your Python projects. Moreover, there
are lots of excellent and useful Python-based software on the market, so install all those, you need
to learn how to use Pip on your system.
Installing Pip in Ubuntu is straightforward. Pip varies as per the Python version and as Ubuntu
latest version comes with both Python 2 and Python 3 by default, so you just need to check the
Python version before going for final installation.

Install Pip on Ubuntu

Run the below command to install Pip for Python 2 and Python 3 consecutively in Ubuntu Linux:
sudo apt install python-pip

sudo apt install python3-pip

Use Pip Command
If you want to search, install or remove any Python package, then you have to learn some Pip basic
• To search the packages, run the below command:
pip search <search_string>

This command will show you the Python Package Index.

• Install an application using pip, run the following command:
pip install <package_name>

• Remove a Python package installed via pip, use the following command:
pip uninstall <installed_package_name>

Note: You can use Pip3 instead of Pip for Python version 3.

The Last Words

Now I think it’s clear that installing software in Ubuntu Linux is easy and straightforward. The
software which is not available in Ubuntu software center can be found as a .deb package or
AppImage format. You can also install or remove any software via Terminal using official or
unofficial PPA. If nothing doesn’t work, still there is an option of building from the source code.

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