Coral Reef Monitoring Manual For The Caribbean and Western Atlantic

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Coral Reef Monitoring Manual

for the Caribbean and Western Atlantic

National Park Service
Virgin Islands National Park
June 1994

Coral Reef Monitoring Manual
for the Caribbean and Western Atlantic

Prepared by:
Caroline S. Rogers, Ph.D
Ginger Garrison
Rikki Grober
Zandy-Marie Hillis
Mary Ann Franke

With support from:
Southeast Regional Office, National Park Service
Office of International Affairs, National Park Service
The Nature Conservancy
World Wildlife Fund

Developed at:
Virgin Islands National Park
P.O. Box 710
St. John, USVI 00830
(809) 693-8950

June 1994

PDF Creation
January 2001
Dr. Donald G. Catanzaro
National Park Service


Photo and Illustration Credits


Getting Started...................................................... 1
Monitoring Objectives............................................. 3
Designing a Monitoring Program................................ 4
Basic Monitoring Principles....................................... 5
Data Collection and Analysis..................................... 6
General Surveys and Maps........................................ 7
Site Selection........................................................ 15


Overview............................................................. 1
Temperature......................................................... 2
Dissolved Oxygen.................................................. 3
Salinity............................................................... 3
Measurement of pH................................................ 4
Water Transparency and Light ................................... 4
Sediment Deposition............................................... 7
Chlorophyll .......................................................... 9
Bacterial Concentrations........................................... 10
Nutrients............................................................. 11
Currents.............................................................. 13


Overview............................................................. 1
Monitoring Individual Stony Coral Colonies................... 3
Comparison of Monitoring Methods............................ 12
Quadrats.............................................................. 13
Chain Transects..................................................... 16
Line and Point Intercept Transects............................... 21
Octocorals and Sponges............................................ 21
Algae................................................................. 24
Recruitment of Benthic Organisms............................... 27
Underwater Photography.......................................... 29
Census of Reef Fishes.............................................. 36


Overview............................................................. 1
SCUBA Diving and Snorkeling.................................. 2
Boat Groundings and Anchors.................................... 3



Other Coral Reef Monitoring Manuals.......................... 1
References........................................................... 2
People to Contact for Assistance................................. 7

Appendix A: Underwater Photography

Appendix B: Statistical Analysis

Appendix C: Materials and Suppliers

Appendix D: List of Reviewers


We have developed this manual as a practical guide for scientists, students, and
park managers who need to describe coral reefs or document changes in them
over time. Although no book can substitute for a hands-on training program or
on-site assistance from someone experienced in the technique you want to learn,
the need for coral reef monitoring is urgent and the number of "experts" is still
small. Many of those who need to begin a coral reef monitoring program have
little choice but to get started on their own.

Like many ecological processes, changes in a coral reef may be slow and almost
imperceptible over the short term, or highly variable from one year to the next.
Consequently, looking at the long-term trends in the condition of coral reefs is
vitally important. While this manual emphasizes monitoring the overall ecologi-
cal and structural components of a reef, a more comprehensive program will
also focus on the effects of human activities such as snorkeling, boating, diving,
fishing, and shoreline development.

This manual cannot include all the monitoring techniques currently in use, or
prescribe the single "best" technique to use in a particular situation. It does aim
to explain some of the methods that have proved useful in coral reef monitoring
programs. Some of these steps can be taken even if you have little or no back-
ground in ecological monitoring; for the more complicated procedures, you may
find it necessary to refer to more detailed texts or to contact someone with more
experience for guidance. Other manuals that provide guidance on coral reef
monitoring procedures are listed in Part VI, "Information Sources."

As new or improved methods evolve, they should replace or supplement those
described in these pages; you may develop some useful modifications of your
own. Although it's not realistic to expect all coral reef monitoring programs to
use exactly the same techniques, this manual is intended to encourage the
increasing standardization of methods which can assist with discussion and
comparison of data throughout the region.


National Biological Survey biologists, Caroline Rogers, Ginger Garrison, and
Rikki Grober worked with National Park Service scientist Zandy-Marie Hillis to
compile this manual. We are extremely grateful to Mary Ann Franke, a techni-
cal writer and communications expert, who volunteered to serve as editor and
became one of the authors, contributing over six months of her time to this pro-
ject. Her contributions have been invaluable and are reflected in the overall
organization and layout of the text as well as its readability and clarity.

Draft versions of this manual were sent to over 40 scientists, park managers and
other potential users in the U.S., Caribbean, and Australia for review (see list in
Appendix D). The responses we received greatly enhanced the quality of this
document and made it more comprehensive.

Special thanks to J im Petterson (National Park Service) for assistance with the
section on statistics, and to Manny Hernandez (University of Puerto Rico) and
Richard Laydoo (Institute of Marine Affairs, Trinidad) for information on mea-
suring currents. Betty Buckley (University of Rhode Island) helped us greatly
with the section on nutrients and chlorophyll. J im Beets, Alan Friedlander, and
J oe Kimmel pleased all of us by revising the section on monitoring of fish
assemblages after compelling themselves to come to a reasonable consensus.
J ane Israel donated several hours of her time, coming to the rescue at the bitter

We wish to specifically thank Dominic Dottavio, formerly the Regional Chief
Scientist with the NPS Southeast Regional Office, who recognized the value of
long-term monitoring of coral reefs and provided funds for this manual and for
our research over the last several years. Rob Milne, Director of the NPS Office
of International Affairs, promised financial support for the production of this
manual right from the start and has expressed his interest in preparing a Spanish

We also wish to thank The Nature Conservancy and the World Wildlife Fund
for assistance with publication and other costs. The Nature Conservancy has
worked with us on several training sessions for marine park management. As
part of a training program in the Dominican Republic, the World Wildlife Fund
has prepared a reef monitoring manual in Spanish for non-scientists.


Cover photo taken near Little St. J ames Island, USVI, by Dick and Tina Burks.
Other color photos by L. McLain (III-3, III-7), L. Lewand (III-6 top), P.
Edmunds (III-6 bottom, A-1, A-2), C. Rogers (III-9), V. Zullo (III-14), W.
Gladfelter (III-23), M. Taylor (III-34), and J . Porter (A-6). All black and
white photos by H. Tonnemacher except for page III-11 by R. Halley. Figure
on page I-8 courtesy of D. Hubbard. Original artwork by L. Smith-Palmer, Z.
Hillis, K. Norfleet, and C. Rogers. Technical drawings by Katydids, St. J ohn,

Introduction I - 1

Long-term monitoring is the repeated surveying of organisms or environmental parameters
over time to help us understand a variety of natural processes. A monitoring program can
provide information on the abundance of the biota, the diversity of the site, the condition of
particular habitats, and changes in the environment. It may also enable us to predict the
effects of human activities on ecological processes. Without long-term data, we cannot make
appropriate decisions on whether and how a natural environment needs to be managed.

The terms "long-term research" and "long-term monitoring" are often used interchangeably.
However, for many people, "research" implies manipulative, experimental activities, while
"monitoring" refers to more routine data collection. This manual uses the term "long-term
monitoring" with the recognition that biological and environmental monitoring are valid
research activities. If you have questions about other terms used in this manual, you may find
help in the Glossary, Part V.


People interested in setting up monitoring programs often hesitate because they don't know
exactly how to go about it, or they lack sufficient money or staff. It's important to realize that
monitoring does not have to be complicated or expensive to be effective. To assist you in
deciding which methods are within your budget, Appendix C provides approximate prices for
equipment described in this manual.

In most areas, SCUBA is needed for effective access to the reef, but if your study site is
shallow, snorkeling can provide much information. Most techniques used to sample hard-
bottom communities involve using quadrats, transects, photography, videotaping, or a combi-
nation of these methods. Valuable data can be obtained through simple procedures. It's better
to jump in and start a limited but well thought-out monitoring program to gather baseline data
than to wait until funding and personnel are available for a more comprehensive approach.
The reef site you're concerned about now may be quite different in another year.

If underwater photographs had been taken at established locations on Caribbean reefs over the
last twenty years, we would have a good visual record of changes in the reef structure over
time, including shifts in the relative abundance of plants and animals, and the percent of the
bottom covered by living organisms -- information that would make it easier now to document
the need for management action, or to distinguish the consequences of human activities from
the changes due to natural processes.

I - 2 Introduction

Data on undisturbed or pristine reefs are especially valuable for comparison purposes, since
concern about reef deterioration is often what prompts a monitoring program. Baseline data
should be collected as soon as possible to characterize the site as it currently exists. You need
to have some idea of the level of "normal" short-term variations that occur on the reef to
distinguish them from significant long-term changes.

Introduction I - 3

To set up an effective coral reef monitoring program, you'll need to start by asking: "What do
we want to know?" Your objective may be quite general, such as "to determine the present
status of the reef and natural rates of change," or it may be more specific, such as,

to detect changes in abundances of a particular group of organisms;

to discover possible cause-and-effect relationships;

to determine if a specific management action is working
(e.g., prohibition of spearfishing); and/or

to measure the effect of both natural and human-induced stresses.

Some stresses or disturbances, like hurricanes or dredging, are of such magnitude as to cause
immediately visible effects, while others, like over-fishing or pollution, may slowly undermine
the health of the coral reef system and not be readily apparent through casual observation. An
established monitoring program can help provide the necessary information to examine the
effects of different stresses.

Some Stresses Affecting Coral Reefs

Sediments from dredging or land clearing
Nutrient influx from sewage
Agricultural runoff (pesticides, nutrients)
Boat groundings and anchors
Physical damage from SCUBA, snorkeling, and
Shoreline development
Industrial pollution
Collecting for aquariums
Oil spills
Thermal stress
Urban runoff

I - 4 Introduction

Regardless of whether your objectives are specific or general, they are the starting point in the
design of your monitoring program and will help determine how you approach a question, the
level of detail of your study or what questions you should try to answer. For example, a
scientist may want to compare the condition of an undisturbed reef to that of a reef under
stress from human activities. A developer may be asked to monitor reef conditions to deter-
mine if sedimentation rates are increasing as a result of dredging or upland development.
Coastal zone managers may issue permits that require monitoring the effects of sewage effluent
from a large hotel on a nearby reef. Dive tour operators may want to know if certain reefs are
deteriorating from overuse. A fisheries officer may want to find out whether a ban on
spearfishing is resulting in an increase in certain fish species.

In addition to having a clear understanding of your objectives, you'll need to answer the
following questions to determine which monitoring methods will be most appropriate.

Designing a Monitoring Program

What are our objectives?
Where are we going to monitor?
How often should we collect data?
For how long should we continue collecting data?
What methods will give us the best data?
Who will conduct the monitoring?
What methods are realistic for us, given the available
time, money, equipment, people, and skills?
How will we assure the data are of the highest quality?
How will we analyze the data we collect?
How will we store and retrieve the data?

Despite the many references in this manual to quantitative data, it's important to keep in mind
that qualitative data can also be useful. While quantitative analysis is preferred in academic
circles and courts of law, you may find that qualitative information (e.g., photographs or
videotapes of anchor damage) are sufficient to document the need for management action.
Since no specific criteria have been established as to what constitutes optimum reef conditions,
the best approach is to look for relative changes in a particular reef over time. To use your
resources and time wisely, you'll need to devote considerable time designing your monitoring

Introduction I - 5

Coral reefs are the most complex marine ecosystems on earth, and it is not practical to monitor
all of the reef's animals and plants and their many interactions. However, here are some basic
principles to keep in mind regardless of your specific monitoring objectives.

n To have historical data for assessing the extent and cause of changes, obtain
information on:

basic environmental parameters such as temperature, salinity, and turbidity

the abundance of stony corals, octocorals, algae, sponges, and reef fish

n To have both qualitative and quantitative records at well-documented site locations,
use a combination of photographic and transect or quadrat methods.

n Sample often enough to obtain documentation of changes in reef organisms of
interest, but not so frequently that your sampling is destructive or inefficient.

n Establish procedures for long-term monitoring that are as free as possible from
observer bias, and easily repeated by people who may be assigned the task in the
future, and make sure the procedures are well-documented.

n Make sure your monitoring site is clearly defined and easy to locate, not only by
you but by others who have never visited the site.

Using the monitoring techniques described in this manual can help you determine what
changes are taking place on a coral reef; they may also provide evidence that more detailed
study or management action is needed. But no monitoring program can provide a complete
picture of a reef's condition, and the resulting data can only be as precise as the work done to
obtain them.

I - 6 Introduction

Data collection in the field can be fraught with difficulties, including logistical problems,
equipment failures, and bad weather. Errors can result from not sampling in exactly the same
place each time, from not clearly communicating instructions to new data collectors, or from
mistakes in recording or transcribing the data. Here are some suggestions for increasing your
chances of success.

n Preliminary testing and sound design should be included in any monitoring pro-
gram. Before actual data collection begins, the methodology and equipment should
be field tested under the conditions that will be found at the study site to make sure
they can provide reliable and repeatable information.

n Long-term monitoring methods intended for use at permanent sites should be
repeated within a short time interval, preferably by different observers, to assess
the variation inherent in the method. Only when monitored values change by more
than the "method variance" has a real change been detected. The variability
between data collectors should be checked by having them record data for the same
sample and comparing the results.

n A pilot study can also help determine the most effective sample size for obtaining
the required information. For example, the optimal sample size can be calculated
by plotting sample effort versus the number of species seen during your pilot

n Very basic data (date, time, location, depth, weather conditions, personnel, study
site, species, method) may become critical at a later date so be sure to record it
each time you do field work.

n All field notes should be reviewed as soon as possible after collection to make sure
they are clear and complete, then photocopied for the file, transcribed into a
permanent data book, and entered into a computerized data base, with a copy of
the file kept in a second location.

n Be careful that the demands of data collection don't use up your resources to the
detriment of data management and analysis. In planning your monitoring program,
be sure to allow for the time and expense needed to interpret and understand the
data you collect. The use of computerized data bases can greatly enhance and
simplify data organization and statistical manipulation.

Underwater data collection: If you use a mylar sheet or a white slate, you can reuse it after
transcribing the data and scouring it with cleanser. Some people prefer to use an opaque
waterproof paper made by Nalgene as a permanent record, eliminating the need for transcrip-
tion. You can secure the data sheets to the clipboard with rubber bands or elastics, and tie on
your pencil. If you want a pencil that won't float away when it becomes untied, you can use
Faber-Castell solid graphite pencils.

Introduction I - 7

Most of the biological monitoring methods in this manual focus on censusing small sections of
a coral reef (several square meters) and detecting changes over time. However, you may need
to quickly survey a large area in certain situations. For example, a general survey of most or
all of a reef will be essential if you want to assess storm damage or determine the appropriate
boundaries for a new marine park. A preliminary survey can also be helpful in selecting a
study area for a long-term monitoring program. The use of aerial photographs and a manta
tow survey are two techniques used in making this kind of general assessment.

Aerial Photography

Aerial photographs provide a good starting point for a general survey of a coral reef. At a
scale of 1:5000, many reef features are visible, and if the photos are taken during calm and
clear conditions, water clarity may allow resolution of major features to a depth of 60 feet or
more. Aerial photographs can be used to:

n Assist in selecting appropriate study sites.

n Document the distribution and extent of major marine ecosystems and the patterns
of land and marine use which might affect these systems (e.g., construction of
tourism facilities, clearing of hillsides, the increase in boats using an area).

n Provide a record of large-scale changes in shallow reefs and seagrass beds resulting
from natural events such as storms or from human activities such as construction of
marinas or other coastal development.

Groundtruthing: Aerial photos with high resolution can sometimes be used to identify major
zones and habitats, although changes in the condition or abundance of reef organisms do not
generally show up. You may need to SCUBA dive or snorkel to determine exactly what cer-
tain areas represent; the photograph may indicate only the location of drop-offs and the
transition between zones. This field effort to verify the zonation patterns or habitat types in
the photographs is referred to as "groundtruthing". (See "Manta Tow Survey," I-12.)

Mapping: You can create "base maps" of marine communities from enlarged aerial photo-
graphs (usually at least 10" x 10"). It is best to use professionally produced aerial photographs
with a known scale. Photographs taken from a plane with a 35-mm camera are fine for
general views; however, because they are usually not taken perpendicular to the surface,
measurements of features are inaccurate. This is an important consideration if you are trying
to produce a precise resource map.

To create a "base map", trace all distinguishing coastal and marine features onto drafting
acetate from the aerial photograph. Using scale markers, such as a boat positioned a known
distance from a landmark, will enhance the accuracy of the drawing. These base maps can be
used to make rough estimates of the size of major habitats and zones. (See "Digitizing," III-

I - 8 Introduction

Aerial View Base Map

(Photo by NOAA, with map showing major features and study transects. Haystacks are patch
reefs of broken and cemented elkhorn coral.)

GI S: Maps developed from aerial photographs can be used with a geographic information sys-
tem (GIS), which enables you to use a computer to analyze large amounts of spatially located
data, identify locations within a specified environment that meet certain criteria, and display
the environment graphically or numerically. A GIS could be helpful in documenting changes
in land use patterns (e.g., road building or land clearing), and large scale changes in the areal
extent of marine ecosystems, especially seagrass beds. A GIS is a powerful way to integrate
and display large amounts of geographic data. However, geographic information systems are
only as good as the data they are based on, and some of the data must be collected through
labor-intensive field techniques.

To find out what maps or aerial photographs may be available for the area you are interested
in, contact the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Coast Guard, the National Oceanographic
and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA), the U.S. Navy, the National Park Service Geographic
Information System in Denver, or the agency responsible for mapping and charting in your
country or island, (e.g., Lands and Surveys, or Hydrographic Office).

Introduction I - 9
Major Habitats and Reef Zones

It's often helpful to know how the reef you are interested in compares in its overall structure to
other reefs in the region or to reefs referred to in scientific reports. Marine zones and habitats
can be differentiated on the basis of their community structure and composition with
consideration of relief, depth, location and size using the following definitions.

1) Shore or intertidal zone: The region between the highest water line and the mean
low tide level.

2) Sub-tidal bedrock: An extension of bedrock from the land or submerged boulder
and rock deposits from shore.

3) Lagoon: A relatively calm area of water adjacent to the shore and landward of a
barrier reef, or encircled by an atoll.

4) Seagrass bed: Areas with soft substrate dominated by one or more species of sea-
grasses, such as turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum), manatee grass (Syringodium
filiforme), and shoal grass (Halodule wrightii).

Marine Habitats

I - 10 Introduction
5) Reef: A major geomorphic feature generated from live coral and coralline algal
growth that is an actively growing wave-resistant structure.

6) Algal plain: A deep water area (usually over 12 meters) dominated by algae, often
including Penicillus spp., Halimeda spp., and Avrainvillea spp.

Reef zones

A reef may include the following zones (not all zones are found on all reefs):

1) Back reef: the portion landward of the reef crest.

2) Reef crest: the shallow portion that separates the fore and back reef areas.

3) Reef flat: a platform of coral fragments and sand that may be exposed at low

4) Breaker zone: the area most exposed to breaking waves, often dominated by
elkhorn coral and fire coral.

5) Fore reef: area seaward of the reef crest, may include a buttress region domi-
nated by boulder coral (coral "spurs" alternating with sand channels, or

6) Upper fore reef: a shallow fore reef typically dominated by branching coral
(Acropora palmata) with high structural complexity.

Example of Reef Zones

Introduction I - 11
7) Lower fore reef: a deeper fore reef, may be dominated by massive head
corals with low structural complexity, or by gorgonians.

8) Gorgonian-dominated pavement: hardground dominated by gorgonians;
occurs at a wide range of depths.

9) Algal ridge: a usually emergent barrier formed when crustose coralline algae
deposit several layers of calcium carbonate on reef crests (found only in a few
places in the Caribbean).

Types of Reefs

A reef may be classified as one of these types:

Patch reef: An isolated complex of corals providing a major change in

Bank reef: A large linear complex of corals located offshore that does not
form a shallow water barrier.

Barrier reef: A reef separated from the shoreline by a deep lagoon or

Fringing reef: A reef bordering a shoreline.

Shelf edge reef: A reef located at the edge of the continental shelf.

Atoll reef: A reef in the open sea that forms a complete or partial ring
around a lagoon with a fore reef that drops off into deep water.

I - 12 Introduction
Manta Tow Survey

Although a standard methodology for doing a manta tow survey does not yet exist, a snorkeler
is typically towed over the reef by a small outboard motor boat, stopping periodically to record

Manta Board

1) The observer holds onto a diving plane made from marine plywood about 2-cm
thick, with two indented handle grips near each corner at the top and a single
handhold at the bottom. Attached to the board is a data sheet and a pencil.

2) The boat driver, equipped with an aerial photo or map of the reef, tows the obser-
ver across the reef (3-5 km per hour during calm weather), making certain that all
ecological zones of the reef are surveyed. It may be helpful to start at one edge of
the reef and drive in a zigzag pattern across to the other edge; however, factors
such as wind, currents and angle of the sun may determine the direction of the

3) Using a waterproof watch to time the intervals, the driver stops the boat every 2
minutes so that the observer can record whatever data are needed for the survey.
The driver records the location of each 2-minute tow, and begins the next when the
observer signals readiness.

Introduction I - 13
Manta Tow Technique

Sample Manta Tow Survey Data Sheet
Location: Date:
Observer: Time:
Tow Percent Live Cover Other Features

I - 14 Introduction

The sample data sheet on the preceding page shows one way to organize information gathered
during a manta tow survey. Your own sheet should reflect the particular purpose of your
survey, e.g., looking for evidence of storm damage or coral bleaching. Estimating live
percent cover (the percent of the bottom covered by living organisms) can be difficult, espe-
cially for a beginner, and in areas where organisms are unevenly distributed. You may also
wish to note other features or specific organisms such as conchs or urchins. However, the
number of different variables on which data can be collected will be limited by the observer's
skill and experience.

Estimating Percent Cover

The precision of the manta tow survey is limited by the difficulty of visually assessing the
dominant reef organisms while being towed behind a boat. Another drawback is that inappro-
priate areas may be surveyed (e.g., large areas of sand or deep water) because the tow path is
controlled by the boat driver. However, the advantage of this technique is that it enables you
to see the "representativeness" of separate study sites in the context of the wider variability of
the reef environment.

If necessary because of depth, a manta tow survey can be done by a SCUBA diver using an
aquaplane that can be tilted to control depth. For more information about this method, see the
reference below.


Miller, J .W. (1991) "Scientific Diving Procedures," NOAA Diving Manual, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, Manned Undersea Science and Technology Office, U.S. Department of
Commerce, Washington, D.C., pages 8-28 to 8-30.

Introduction I - 15

The type and location of sites you select for your monitoring program will depend on your
objectives and the monitoring methods available to you. You'll probably have to make some
trade-offs because no site is likely to meet all your criteria. Here are some considerations:

Control sites: To assess changes resulting from human-caused stresses, try to include both
"control" sites (undisturbed) and degraded sites. For example, if your objective is to deter-
mine whether pollution is damaging a coral reef, the study sites must be located near the
source of the pollution with suitable control sites elsewhere. Locating a good control site can
be difficult, because even reefs which are similar in species diversity and depth profile may
differ in other significant ways. The most valuable data are obtained from repeated sampling
at permanent sites over an extended period of time.

Representative sites: If you are going to be sampling at selected sites to answer questions
about a larger study area, some groundtruthing will be necessary to make sure your sites are
representative in terms of depth, topography, and species diversity. The site with the best-
developed reef structure is not necessarily the best study site. If coral cover is 80-90%, local
abundances are more likely to decrease than increase over time even in the absence of major

Reef complexity and "patchiness" complicate site selection for long-term monitoring. The
term "patchiness" refers to the uneven, variable distribution of coral reef organisms in space,
i.e., one portion of a reef may differ greatly from another portion in the amount of cover by
reef organisms. ("Cover" refers to the amount of substrate occupied by an organism, often
expressed as a percent.) In some cases, the zone with the largest percent cover by stony corals
will not be the zone with the greatest number of species. In general, the larger the area over
which the sites are distributed, the more representative the sampling.

Stratified sampling: If you are studying an area that contains a variety of depths, marine
habitats, or other identifiable zones, it may be appropriate to stratify your study area into
relatively homogeneous zones and choose a proportional number of sampling sites within each

Random sampling: Your sampling within a selected study area or stratified zone must be
random or most statistical tests will be invalid. Deciding on a means of site selection before
visiting the reef can help eliminate the temptation to avoid an area that would be difficult to
sample, or to use a "healthy-looking" site. You can assure random selection of quadrats
(square or rectangular sampling areas), transects (linear sampling areas), or individual colonies
by using:

a random numbers table from a basic statistics book;

random numbers in a phone book, with the last two or three digits used to
select distances along a transect line or compass bearings from a given point; or

I - 16 Introduction
a calculator with a random number generator that can provide pairs of numbers to
indicate "x" and "y" coordinates for quadrats along a transect line. For example,
the numbers 15 and 6 could designate placement of a quadrat 15 meters along a
transect line and 6 meters to the south of it.

Once you have randomly selected a quadrat or transect, if you need to further subdivide it for
sampling purposes, you can select sampling locations within the quadrat or along the transect
on either a random basis (as described above) or a "systematic" basis, e.g., at the intersection
points of a grid laid over the quadrat, or at 5-meter intervals along the transect.

Repeat Sampling: Either temporary or permanent sites can be used to assess change over time
in marine communities, but the results have different statistical implications. Sites that are
randomly selected each time are considered inherently less biased because the "representa-
tiveness" of a permanent site can always be questioned. However, sampling done at different
sites each time may not be sensitive enough to measure change because of patchiness in the
reef. In addition, the use of temporary sites requires more samples to give the same level of
statistical confidence as provided by repeat sampling at permanent sites. Permanent sites are
generally recommended for the long-term monitoring described in this manual because they
offer the greatest amount of information, consistency, repeatability, and reliability.

Marking the Site

Once you've selected a permanent site, you need to carefully mark and document its location
so that you can easily find it again.

Reference markers: Reference markers should be clearly visible from a distance. Re-bar,
brass, or survey stakes may last for several years, but should be checked regularly, as even
durable materials will deteriorate eventually. A survey stake is a copper-covered steel marker
with a bronze head. They come in several lengths, with 24", 30", and 36" the most useful.
Reference stakes can also be made from square stainless steel tubing; tubing 1-2 inches in dia-
meter with 1/8 inch wall thickness usually holds up well. Stainless steel eye pins can also be
used. (See "Materials and Suppliers", Appendix C.)

I nstalling markers: Driving nails, spikes, rods, or pipes into the substrate with a sledge
hammer or pile driver may work in some locations, but is impractical or futile in others. You
can install markers in hard substrate using a pneumatic drill with a carbide masonry bit
powered by air from a SCUBA cylinder or a surface-deployed compressor. A few pointers:
pneumatic tools are noisy and require downward force, so the diver will need to be heavily
weighted and wear ear protection and a thick wetsuit. A pneumatic drill needs careful mainte-
nance to ensure safe and effective operation.

Drilling with compressed air becomes less efficient with increasing depth. Hydraulic systems
provide a more powerful, less noisy, but more expensive alternative. Once the holes have
been drilled, the stakes can be cemented into place using hydraulic cement mixed on the sur-
face and brought down in ziplock bags or sealed tupperware containers.

Introduction I - 17

Recording the Location

Record the location: To find the site easily again in the future, you need to record its location
as precisely as possible. Here are some suggestions:

The generally preferred way is to photograph at least two pairs of conspicuous and
permanent landmarks that are in the same sight line from the boat and at least 90
apart. For example, you might see a red house behind the highest point of a rocky
outcropping on the shore in one direction, and a water tower behind a conspicuous
tree in another direction. To return to the site, you find the place where these
features are lined up.

If you cannot find pairs of lined-up landmarks, you can photograph at least three
single landmarks and record the compass bearings to them from a boat at the site.
Again, the wider the angle between landmarks, the better your documentation.

If you select landmarks that are found on a map, you can use your compass
bearings or pairs of lined-up features to record your site on the map.

Recording the depth at the site can help confirm correct relocation, especially if
used in combination with compass bearings or pairs of land features.

You can record or photograph any conspicuous coral colonies or other features to
help you navigate underwater.

You can attach a submerged buoy to a piece of dead coral with flagging tape.
(If you attach it to a stake, its movement in the water may loosen the stake.)

If you have a handheld GPS (Global Positioning System), you can determine the
coordinates of the site's latitude and longitude. However, the accuracy of a GPS
varies from 3 to 50 meters, depending on the specific instrument and whether
there is a base station nearby.

II - 1 Physical and Chemical Monitoring


The physical and chemical properties of the water at the study site should be measured regu-
larly for possible correlation with any changes observed on the reef. Most coral species can
survive only within narrow salinity and temperature ranges, and any marked changes in para-
meters such as light transmission, sedimentation, and dissolved oxygen may affect the growth
or survival of reef organisms.

Parameter Why/Where It May Be of Special Importance
Temperature Recent concern over widespread "bleaching" and its possible asso-
ciation with high water temperatures, along with more general
concern over global warming have increased the interest in water
temperature data from coral reef environments.
Necessary for survival of marine animals; low levels may indicate
high bacterial concentrations.
Salinity Of interest near reefs which may be subjected to fresh water
influx (e.g., those near rivers), or high salinity and warm water
from water-making facilities.
pH Unlikely to vary much over time, but changes may indicate that
the reef is being affected by a new source of pollution, or by
additional pollution from an existing source.
The amount of light available for photosynthesis of free-living and
symbiotic algae affects the growth of corals and other organisms.
Sedimentation Sediments may reduce light available for photosynthesis, deplete
dissolved oxygen, and cause smothering of organisms.
Nutrients Increases can lead to changes in the relative abundance of
organisms such as macroalgae or bacteria.
Current speed
and direction
Currents transport nutrients, sediments and other pollutants, food,
fish and coral larvae to the coral reef ecosystem.

Water temperature, salinity, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen should be measured as part of a
minimal monitoring program. In the open ocean, these may fluctuate very little over time, but
in shallow, nearshore areas, wider variations can occur. For example, heavy rainfall may
cause salinity and temperature to decrease. All of these parameters can be conveniently
measured in the field.

Physical and Chemical Monitoring II - 2
For example, an instrument such as the Hydrolab Datasonde will measure temperature,
salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, and conductivity while remaining at the site for continuous
monitoring. What you choose to measure and how you measure it will depend on your
monitoring objectives and budget.


Water temperature can be measured by holding a simple thermometer 0.5 m below the surface
and/or at the depth of the study site. Read the water temperature while the thermometer bulb
is still in the water. A maximum/minimum thermometer left at the site will record the
warmest and coldest that the water has been since the thermometer was last set. Monthly
monitoring is generally adequate unless temperature is a special concern because of coral
bleaching or effluent from a nearby thermal power plant.

A thermistor is a temperature sensor. A thermistor coupled with a microprocessor and placed
inside a waterproof housing can automatically take the water temperature at periodic intervals.

Using a Thermistor/Microprocessor

n You should calibrate a new thermistor using a National Bureau of
Standards thermometer, and recalibrate it each time it's deployed.
The instrument should generally be returned to the manufacturer
for recalibration every 1years.

n Attach the instrument to a survey or reference stake on the reef
with several plastic cable ties or similar material.

n The instrument may function for 1 to 2 years with the same batter-
ies, but to guard against loss or distortion of data, it's best to
retrieve the unit every six months, download the data, and replace
the batteries. If you have a second instrument, you can replace
the unit immediately so there are no gaps in the data.

Both the Ryan and the Hugrun Seamon instruments can be read to within 0.1C precision, and
can be set to record the temperature at designated intervals up to every two hours. The Ryan
unit will drift up to 0.3C over a period of months if not recalibrated. You can retrieve the
data and create a thermograph showing the date and time by using two computer programs:
Microsoft's "Windows" and Ryan's "Windows" software.

The Hugrun Seamon instrument comes with a software program that will create tables and
graphics showing the date, time, and temperature. Data may be imported into Lotus or
QuattroPro software for more complex graphics and analysis.

II - 3 Physical and Chemical Monitoring

Dissolved oxygen is the amount of oxygen available for respiration by aquatic organisms and
is expressed as mg02 per liter of water (or parts per million, ppm). Dissolved oxygen can be
easily measured in the field using an oxygen meter or inexpensive test kit based on titration.


Salinity is an estimate of the concentration of dissolved salts in seawater, expressed as S o/oo
or S ppt (parts per thousand). It can be used to detect an influx of fresh water from either
natural or anthropogenic sources. Salinity is typically 34 to 37 ppt in reef waters. At sites
where underground fresh water sources exist, it's best to measure both bottom and surface
salinity. Here are three instruments that can be used to measure salinity.

n Hydrometer: A hydrometer is a glass tube that measures salinity by comparing
the weight of a seawater sample to that of fresh water. The seawater should be
collected in a clean bottle at least 0.5 m below the surface. The hydrometer is
put in a jar filled with the seawater until the hydrometer floats.

Using the number on the hydrometer scale at the water surface and the temper-
ature of the water, you can determine the salinity from tables provided with the
hydrometer. Although a hydrometer can be used in the field, it is fragile and
easily broken, so the test is best done in the lab.

n Refractometer: This instrument is more expensive than a hydrometer, but it's
less fragile, easy to use in the field, and provides sufficiently precise data for
most purposes. The refractometer, which resembles a small telescope, mea-
sures the bending of light as it passes through sea water as a result of the dis-
solved salts. You place a few drops of the water sample under the transparent
cover and look through the eyepiece to see the reading on a calibrated scale.
The refractometer must be frequently recalibrated using distilled water. This
instrument may be unreliable in waters that have a high suspended sediment

n Salinity Meter: A salinity meter often combines temperature and conductivity
sensors in a single unit. The salinity meter is comprised of a probe connected
by an electric cable to a deck readout. The probe is lowered to the desired
depth and salinity read from the meter dial, or the data can be transmitted
directly to a computer.

Physical and Chemical Monitoring II - 4


The pH of a water sample, which is a measurement of the hydrogen ion concentration, ranges
from 1 to 14, with "1" being the most acidic and "14" the most alkaline; a pH of "7" is
considered "neutral". The pH of reef waters (ranging from 7.5 to 8.4) does not vary much
over time, but may be valuable to record for long-term monitoring as changes in pH may
indicate that the reef is being affected by pollution. You can use a simple pH meter, or a more
elaborate meter that will also measure temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and


Light is essential for zooxanthellae, the single-celled plants which are found in most stony
corals, octocorals and zoanthids, and some anemones and jellyfish. Suspended particles in the
water absorb and scatter light, reducing light penetration. You can measure light transmission
directly with a transmissometer, or indirectly, by measuring visibility in water with a Secchi
disc, or by measuring the amount of scattered light with a turbidimeter. The measurements
taken in these different ways do not have any simple mathematical correlations, e.g., the
Secchi disc depth cannot be used to predict the turbidimeter reading, and suspended matter
concentrations are not directly correlated with the percent of light transmission.

II - 5 Physical and Chemical Monitoring

Using a Secchi Disc

Secchi Disc

Vertical transparency: To measure the water's vertical transparency, mark off meters on a
line or rope and attach it to a weighted disc, 20 to 30 cm in diameter. The disc can be white
or divided into four equal sections in an alternating black and white pattern. The rope needs to
be made of a material that does not stretch, e.g., polypropylene or double-braided nylon.
Lower the disc into the water until you can no longer see it. Slowly pull up the disc until it
just reappears and record the depth at that point. If the bottom is visible, record "B" for
bottom. For good comparative data, it is best to take the readings at about the same time of
day at different locations, or at the same location over time.

Horizontal transparency: The Secchi disc can also be used to measure horizontal visibility in
the water. One person holds the disc perpendicular to and 0.5 m below the water surface with
the end of a tape measure; a second person swims away from the disc, drawing out the tape
measure until the disk disappears from view, then slowly returns until the disc reappears, and
records the distance.

Physical and Chemical Monitoring II - 6

A turbidimeter or nephelometer determines water clarity in the laboratory by passing a beam
of light through a water sample and measuring the amount of light scattered by the particulates
at a 90 angle to the light beam. The amount of scattered light is directly proportional to the
turbidity. Use water samples of about 100 ml in volume collected from your study site. The
turbidimeter reads in Nephelometer Turbidity Units (NTU's).

You must be careful in interpreting turbidimeter readings, because they can fluctuate widely
due to the small volume of each sample, the drift in the instrument and other factors not
directly pertaining to water clarity. Three samples should be analyzed and the average of the
three used as the data value. Look for consistent trends in the data, or substantial increases or
decreases over time. For example, if after several months of values of less than 1.0 NTU at a
particular site you get a series of values over 2.0 NTU, you can generally conclude that
turbidity has increased significantly. Smaller changes are harder to interpret.

Measuring Light Penetration

Light transmission: A Martek transmissometer is used to measure the amount of light that is
not scattered or absorbed by particulates or soluble molecules in a one-meter path of water.
This instrument is expensive, heavy and awkward to carry, but it can provide a field test that is
not affected by the angle of the sun or time of day.

Photosynthetically active radiation: PAR is the amount of sunlight available to plants for
photosynthesis (wavelengths of 380 to 710 nm). The amount of PAR can vary with cloud
cover, phytoplankton in the water column, or turbidity. A Li-Cor quantum meter with an
underwater sensor and a cable for lowering the sensor over the side of a boat at the study site
can be used to record PAR at selected depths and calculate light attenuation.

Ultraviolet radiation: The decrease in ozone in the upper atmosphere and concurrent increase
in UV radiation reaching the earth's surface has made data on the amount of UV radiation
reaching the reef of special interest. There is some evidence that bleaching may be caused by
a synergism between higher water temperatures and higher UV intensities. UV radiation
(shorter wavelengths than PAR) can be monitored continuously with a spectroradiometer by
installing a sensor permanently on the reef.

Suspended Matter

The amount and type of matter suspended in the water column affect light transmission and
can be measured to monitor changes in water quality. Measuring the concentration of sus-
pended matter in reef waters requires collection of samples in the field and filtration in the lab.
In many locations, the concentrations are so low that it may take several liters of water to get
a detectable amount of particulate matter on the filter. However, baseline data on suspended
matter concentrations are valuable for comparison purposes.

II - 7 Physical and Chemical Monitoring

Measuring Suspended Matter

1) Weigh a 0.45 micron Millepore filter that has been rinsed with
distilled water and dried.

2) With a Van Dorn or similar water sampler, collect at least three
samples of seawater (1 liter each) at just below the surface and at
approximately 1 meter from the bottom. Transfer each sample
to a clear polyethylene bottle.

3) In the lab, shake the sample and then filter a measured volume
of sample water through the Millepore filter using a vacuum
pump. Let it dry (at 60C if possible) until the weight is

4) To determine the mg/l suspended matter, divide the difference
between the final filter weight and the initial weight after
filtration by the number of liters in the sample (in this example,
1). Calculate the average value for your samples.

Install Equation Editor and double-
click here to view equation.

In determining the possible causes of an increase in suspended matter, you need to consider the
duration as well as the rate of change. Increases may occur after storms which stir up marine
sediments or cause runoff from the land, during plankton blooms, and during dredging


Parsons, T.R., Maita, Y., Lalli, C.M. (1984) A Manual of Chemical and Biological Methods for
Seawater Analysis, Pergamon Press, New York, NY.


Data on sedimentation rates are especially important for reefs vulnerable to sedimentation from
dredging operations and erosion. By collecting samples both at and above the substrate, you
can estimate the sediment being stirred up from and transported along the bottom (the
"bedload" component) as well as the sediment that is settling out of the water column.

Physical and Chemical Monitoring II - 8
Sediment Traps

Measuring Sediment Deposition

1) Using straight-sided plastic jars (about 10-cm high and 8-cm dia-
meter) with tight-fitting lids, secure the open jars to reference
stakes at 50 cm and 10 cm above the substrate. Take at least
three samples at each height at each location.

2) After a selected number of days (generally no more than 14), cap
the jars underwater and bring them to the laboratory. Remove
any small organisms in the jar with tweezers.

3) Weigh #2 Whatman filters and filter the samples by pouring the
jar contents through the filter, using a Buchner funnel.

4) Rinse each filter several times by running distilled water gently
through the filter in the funnel to remove salts from the sediment.

5) Dry the sediment filters in a drying oven at 70C until a constant
weight is attained.

6) Calculate the sedimentation rate as mg of sediment per cm
day. The sediment weight is the total weight minus the filter
weight, and the area of the jar opening is r
(r = radius in cm).
Sedimentation Rate =

Sediment Weight
No. of days at site x r

II - 9 Physical and Chemical Monitoring

Phytoplankton, the microscopic plants that drift in the water column, contain chlorophyll,
which captures energy from sunlight for photosynthesis. By measuring the amount of chloro-
phyll a, b, and c in a water sample, you can estimate the concentrations of phytoplankton.
Because a nutrient influx may cause a phytoplankton bloom, an increase in chlorophyll may
also indicate an increase in nutrients.

Measuring Chlorophyll

1) Filter a 2-liter water sample (which was kept in the dark and on ice)
through a 47-mm glass fiber filter with 0.2 atm vacuum while adding 3-5
drops of MgC03. (The volume of water needed will depend on the amount
required to produce a visible color on the filter.) Dry the filter under

2) Place the filter in a 15-ml centrifuge tube, add 10 ml of 90% acetone, and
shake thoroughly.

3) Cover the tube with aluminum foil and put in refrigerator to extract for 18-
24 hours, then mix and centrifuge the contents for 10 minutes at 4,000 rpm.

4) Carefully pour off the liquid portion into a 10-cm path length spectrophoto-
meter cuvette.

5) While the sample is at room temperature, use a spectrophotometer to
quickly measure the extinction at 750, 664, 647, and 630 nm. Correct the
measured extinction by subtracting the 750-nm reading from the 664, 647,
and 630-nm readings. (At 750 nm, no pigment absorbance shows.)

6) Calculate the amount of chlorophyll in the sample using these formulas:

Chlorophyll a = 11.85 E664 - 1.54 E647 - 0.08 E630
Chlorophyll b = 21.03 E647 - 5.43 E664 - 2.66 E630
Chlorophyll c = 24.52 E630 - 1.67 E664 - 7.60 E647

E = Absorbance at noted wavelengths (corrected by 750-nm reading)

g/l =


Parsons, T.R., Maita, Y., Lalli, C.M. (1984) "Determination of chlorophylls and total carotenoids:
spectrophotometric method," A Manual of Chemical and Biological Methods for Seawater Analysis,
Pergamon Press, New York, NY, pp. 101-104.
Chlorophyll a, b, c x ml acetone
No. of liters filtered seawater x cmpath length

Physical and Chemical Monitoring II - 10
Although it is expensive, a fluorometer also provides a sensitive measurement of chlorophyll a
from a smaller sample of filtered water than does the spectrophotometer. You can place a test
tube of the water sample in the fluorometer, or use a pump and tubing to do continuous flow
measurements at the site. To determine the concentration of chlorophyll a in the sample, use
the following formula:

Chlorophyll a, g/l = Fs (r/r-1) (Rb - Ra)

where Fs = response factor for the sensitivity setting used; Rb = fluorescence of sample
extract before acidification; Ra = fluorescence of sample extract after acidification; and
r = the before-to-after acidification ratio of a pure chlorophyll a solution.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1992) Method 445.0: In vitro determination of chlorophyll a
and pheophytin a in marine and freshwater phytoplankton by fluorescence, Methods for the Determina-
tion of Chemical Substances in Marine and Estuarine Environmental Samples, Environmental Moni-
toring Systems Laboratory, Cincinnati, Ohio.


Checking for bacteriological pollutants is important if you suspect contamination from boat
effluent, sewage pipes, old septic tanks, overloaded leach fields, or runoff from agriculture.
Marine waters are usually examined for coliform bacteria by counting bacteria cultured on
petri dishes. To prepare a bacterial culture requires an autoclave, incubator H2O bath,
refrigerator, pH meter, and depth sampler. If you have an incubator, you can obtain a kit
from the Hach Company that contains materials for culturing 80 to 100 samples. If you do not
have the expertise to analyze the samples yourself, you can send them out to a laboratory.
Breweries and sugar processing plants usually have bacterial labs.


Parsons, T.R., Maita, Y., Lalli, C.M. (1984) A Manual of Chemical and Biological Methods for
Seawater Analysis, Pergamon Press, New York, NY.

II - 11 Physical and Chemical Monitoring

Nutrients are naturally found in coastal waters and required by organisms on the reef. Coral
reefs typically occur in warm waters with very low nutrient concentrations. High concen-
trations of nutrients can cause phytoplankton or algal blooms. As these algae decompose,
dissolved oxygen concentrations may be greatly reduced, especially in shallow, near shore
waters, posing a potentially lethal threat to the other reef organisms. High nutrient
concentrations may also indicate contamination from bacteria species such as E. coli, that can
be dangerous to human health. The presence of these blooms or bacteria may indicate
pollution from sewage, industrial runoff and agriculture.

Nutrient Sampling

Ideally, both the water column and bottom sediments are sampled at least four times a year to
monitor the nutrients in a reef system. This requires collection of:

water samples for analysis of dissolved inorganic and organic nutrients
(nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, phosphates, and silicates); and

sediment core samples for total carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus (C, N, P).

Sediments store nutrients and may provide an integrated record of nutrient conditions. The
history of nutrient loading from upwelling (the process by which deeper water is brought to the
surface by currents and winds) can be determined by trace metal (Cd, Mn, Ba) analyses in
coral cores. Humic and fulvic acids correlate with nutrients carried from land in fresh water
runoff. (See "Core samples," III-11.)

Nutrient Analysis

While basic data on nutrient composition are useful, nutrient analysis is not simple and good
data are difficult to obtain. Most researchers lack the laboratory facilities needed for nutrient
analyses, but you can arrange to ship samples to a laboratory for analysis. These samples may
require special treatment such as instant cooling or the addition of fixatives before shipping in
order to halt any biological activity that may alter nutrient concentrations. Ask for specific
shipping instructions and guidance from the testing laboratory.

Because phytoplankton rapidly remove nutrients from the water, nutrient analysis may not
show a nutrient influx where a phytoplankton bloom is present. Where there is concern about
the possible presence of nutrients, it may be appropriate to supplement nutrient analysis with
chlorophyll measurement and bacterial sampling, discussed earlier.

In the fall after the rainy season, the nutrient-rich waters of the Orinoco, the second largest
river in South America, are discharged into the Gulf of Paria, which separates Trinidad from
Venezuela, creating a plume of fresh water that is swept northwest into the Caribbean by ocean
currents. Analysis of water samples can indicate the extent of the plume.

Physical and Chemical Monitoring II - 12
The Orinoco Plume

The fresh water of the Orinoco plume nourishes marine algae, causing a phytoplankton bloom that
can be detected by Landsat satellites. The geographical extent of the plume and the relative mixing
of fresh water with seawater can be determined by using images from Coastal Zone Color Scanners
mounted on satellites to estimate the average pigment concentration from phytoplankton near the
surface -- the ratio of the blue (443 nm) or blue-green (520 nm) wavelengths to the green (550 nm).

By the time the Orinoco plume is southwest of Puerto Rico, the fresh water has mixed with sea
water, the nutrients have been taken up by the phytoplankton and recycled many times, and the
silicates have usually been tightly recycled by the diatoms, so that the water is only slightly
different chemically from "normal" Caribbean sea water. However, the salinity may still be
slightly lower than average, the concentration of silicates slightly higher, and the water may look
reddish-brown and turbid. Chlorophyll breakdown products from the algal bloom can be detected
using a spectrophotometer.

When the plume reaches the Mona Passage, west of Puerto Rico, it is usually imperceptible.
However, sometimes a prolonged south wind (over several days) will push the plume north instead
of northwest, causing the seawater to turn brownish overnight with a dramatic decrease in water
clarity from Antigua to St. Martin, and up as far as the Virgin Islands. The presence of the plume
can be detected by checking for decreased salinity and an increased concentration of silicates (3 to 5


Mller-Karger, F.E., McClain, C.R., Fisher, T.R., Esaias, W.E., Varela, R. (1989) "Pigment distribution in
the Caribbean Sea: Observations from space," Progress in Oceanography, 23:23-64

II - 13 Physical and Chemical Monitoring


It's important to know the direction and velocity of the prevailing currents in the area of your
study site because they transport larval reef organisms as well as harmful sediments and
pollutants such as oil.

Current meters that can be left in situ at a study site are very expensive. To get an approx-
imate idea of current direction and velocity, you can release Rhodamine B or a fluorescein dye
and time their passage through the water, or release drift devices ("drogues") and take sight-
ings on their successive positions. Drogues are probably the best indicators of currents in
small, semi-contained water masses with sluggish or slow currents.

Example of Currents

Physical and Chemical Monitoring II - 14
A variety of types of drogues can be purchased or constructed. The drogue apparatus should
include a buoy that is large enough to support a flagpole, radar reflector mast or radio antenna,
and to prevent the weight of the drogue from pulling it underwater. To ensure that the drogue
is influenced by water currents rather than wind, the surface area of the parts in the water must
be greater than the surface area of parts exposed to the air. The larger the drogue, the more
precise the measurements can be, so use as large a drogue as practical.


III - 1 Biological Monitoring


In designing a coral reef monitoring program, you'll need to make some compromises between
the accuracy and completeness of your data, and the time, difficulty and/or expense of getting
it. You may also need to consider whether the risk of damaging the reef by using certain
monitoring methods is warranted.

Your monitoring program will need to reflect the diversity of your study area through the
study sites selected (composition) and respond to any changes that occur over time. For
example, changes in coral cover can be adequately measured with much less sampling effort
when cover is uniformly high than when it is low and patchy. No single set of measurements
will be ideal or even workable for all locations or at all times, and your methodology must be
flexible in order to avoid over or under-sampling.

Since using only one data-gathering technique is unlikely to provide all the information that
will be useful to you, it's best to use a combination of methods, if possible. This manual
emphasizes documenting changes in percent cover and the spatial arrangement of stony corals
(including the fire coral Millepora) because they create the structure of the reef. Some pro-
cedures for monitoring octocorals, sponges, algae and fish are also included.

Certain marine organisms, often referred to as "keystone species", have functional roles that
are more important than their abundance or biomass suggests. Changes in the population size
and distribution of these species can be reliable indicators of broader changes in the local
marine community. Examples of keystone species are: starfish (Acanthaster) in Pacific coral
reefs, and sea urchins (Diadema antillarum) in the Caribbean.

Biological Monitoring III - 2
Sampling Units

This manual includes three approaches to monitoring corals and other reef components:
through the use of individual colonies, quadrats, and linear transects. These approaches may
be used separately or combined with each other, and underwater photography is an important
complement to any of them. The following chart summarizes the kinds of monitoring each
sampling unit is best suited for. For a more detailed comparison of quadrats, photo-quadrats,
and chain transects, see page III-12.

Sampling Unit Monitoring Uses
Coral colony Monitor general condition of specific stony corals,
including growth, bleaching, diseases, algal overgrowth.
Quadrat Measure percent cover, species diversity, relative abun-
dance, density and size; and monitor corals, octocorals,
sponges, seagrasses, and algae.
Linear transect Measure percent cover, species diversity and relative
abundance in zones dominated by head corals; estimate
spatial index; unsuited to elkhorn zones, octocoral-
dominated pavement areas, or areas where colonies are
small and scattered.

Monitoring Frequency

Monthly observations are generally best for monitoring individual coral colonies. Quadrat and
transect surveys done every six months provide sufficient data for assessing changes in percent
cover and species diversity, and reduce the risk of damaging reef organisms during the survey
process. Of course, in the event of a storm, oil spill or other disturbance, it's important to
assess the effects as soon as possible, survey permanent quadrats or transects for which data
were obtained before the disturbance, and continue to monitor the aftermath and recovery.

Data Analysis

It's easy to collect more data than you have the time, resources, or budget to analyze immedi-
ately, but don't allow raw data to accumulate to the point where analysis becomes overwhelm-
ing or occurs too late to be useful. Short-term data can be helpful in getting financial support
for long-term monitoring goals. In planning your monitoring program, be sure to carefully
gauge the effort and expense that may be involved in analysis.


Hughes, T.P. (1992) "Monitoring of coral reefs: a bandwagon?" Reef Encounter 11:9-12.

III - 3 Biological Monitoring

General Condition

Observing individual stony (hard) coral colonies over time can be a simple way to monitor
bleaching, algal overgrowth, predation, disease, sediment smothering, and damage from
SCUBA divers or snorkelers. Here are the basic steps for gathering baseline data.

1) Mark the colony. The colony can be marked for future monitoring by using a plastic
cable tie with number-coded "cattle tag" attached to a 3-inch hardened masonry nail
that has been driven into the substrate near the colony. Any encrusting organisms that
grow on the tags can be scraped off to reveal the number.

As each colony is marked, record the compass bearing and distance from the previous
colony, and which side of the colony the tag is on (N,S,E,W). It's also a good idea to
place a few survey stakes or other reference markers nearby and record the distance
and compass bearings to each colony or group of colonies. If the coral colonies are
dislodged by a storm, the reference markers are more likely to survive and enable you
to locate the remaining marked colonies.

Marked Colony

2) Identify the species. Over 40 species of stony corals appear in the Caribbean and
western Atlantic. Learning to identify them takes practice and a good reference book.
(See "Information Sources," VI-5, for suggestions.) The taxonomy of corals, like that
of many animals, is subject to change. For example, it's been suggested that Montas-
traea annularis, long considered the most abundant and wide-ranging coral in the
region, is actually three "sibling" species, two of which have significantly different
growth rates, and one of which has unusual coloration that may be confused with


Knowlton, N., Weil, E., Weigt, L., Guzman, H. (1992) "Sibling species in Montastraea
annularis, coral bleaching, and the coral climate record," Science 255:300-333.

Biological Monitoring III - 4
3) Record the condition. The suggested abbreviations shown below may be helpful in
describing the colony.

Abbrev. Condition Abbrev. Condition






bleached coral; white, with tissue

dead coral; white, cleaned coral
skeleton without tissue

cleaned coral skeleton without
tissue but with algal turf grown
over the skeleton

dead coral with algal turf; skeleton
not visible or conspicuous, older

light-colored; bleached but not
completely white

light ridges (noted on D. strigosa)

discolored tissue: unusual color not
due to bleaching -- purple, pink,
bluish, etc. (S. siderea has a violet
color which appears luminescent
during bleaching events)







freshly grazed coral tissue

older grazed area, overgrown with algae

older grazed area that has been grown-
over by tissue

black band disease

white band disease

mucus coat, noted on P. astreoides;
often with adhering sediment or algal
growth; S. siderea has tufts or globs of
adhering mucus; often seen in summer in

mustard-colored tissue on P. astreoides

sediment spot; small sediment-filled spot
or hole

4) Photograph the colony. Each colony should be photographed or videotaped when its con-
dition is first recorded. Include a slate in the photo with an identification number, date
and scale (a color chart in the photo may help document subtle changes over time). Take
the photo from the angle which best represents the entire colony.

You can have a photograph laminated and bring it with you in the next survey to assess
changes. These photographs are intended for qualitative rather than quantitative
analysis because it's impossible to replicate the camera angle and distance exactly
unless a rigid framer is used. For more information about underwater photography,
see III-29.

Mapping the colonies: If you are tagging colonies that are abundant within a limited area (up
to 100m
), you may find it useful to create a map. Draw the coral colonies to scale on a grid

III - 5 Biological Monitoring
while underwater. To position the colonies on the grid (each square equals 1m
), lay two
weighted lines (marked in meters with flagging tape) parallel to each other, one meter apart.
Leap-frog one line over the other until you have mapped the entire area. Maintain a compass
bearing along both weighted lines to keep them parallel. Although this technique provides a
good way to relocate colonies for repeat sampling and document their condition over time, it is
labor intensive: a 100m
area at 3-4 m depth can take 6 hours to map.

Map of Coral Colonies

Monitoring frequency: Monthly observations are generally the most effective for assessing
the cause and effect of changes in individual stony coral colonies. If observations are done
less often, damage that has occurred since the last survey may be difficult to see. Algae may
grow rapidly over freshly broken areas, sometimes within a week.


French, K., Lewis, S., Hillis, Z. (1990) Coral monitoring conditions guide at the Buck Island Reef
National Monument, report prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service.

Bythell, J .C. Gladfelter, E.H. and M. Bythell (1993) "Chronic and catastrophic natural mortality of
three common Caribbean reef corals," Coral Reefs 12(3/4): 143-152.

Biological Monitoring III - 6
Coral Diseases

Diseases of stony corals have been observed throughout the Caribbean and western Atlantic,
even on reefs far removed from human activities. Monitoring coral colonies will provide
information on the distribution of diseases throughout the region. We need to learn more
about the extent and severity of these diseases and their causes. To assess the effects of coral
diseases, it is best to monitor individual colonies.

White Band: Of unknown etiology; primar-
ily affects species of Acropora. It appears as a
white band that begins around the base of a
colony or branch and progresses distally. The
"white band" is bare skeleton devoid of zooxan-
thellae-bearing coral tissue. White band disease
usually progresses rapidly, killing the entire

Black Band: Caused by the cyanobacterium
("blue-green alga") Phormidiumcoral-lyticum,
most commonly infecting Montastraea annu-
laris, Diploria spp., Colpophyllia natans, and
Siderastrea siderea. It shows up as a dark
pencil-thick band that forms a halo on the coral
head. The area on one side of the band appears
normal, while the other side exhibits a gradual
shift from stark-white to algal-covered skeleton.
The coral may die from the disease or it may
eventually grow back over the dead area.


Gladfelter, W.B. (1982) "White-band disease in Acropora palmata: implications for the structure and
growth of shallow reefs," Bulletin of Marine Science 32(2):639-643.

Rutzler, K., Santavy, D. (1983) "The black band disease of Atlantic reef corals; I. Description of the
cyanophyte pathogen," PSZNI Marine Ecology 4(4):301-319.

Elkhorn with White Band Disease

Head Coral with Black Band Disease

III - 7 Biological Monitoring
Coral Bleaching

The tissues of stony corals and other symbiont-bearing Cnidarians appear bleached when they
lose their endosymbiotic algae (zooxanthellae), or when the zooxanthellae lose their pigmenta-
tion. Bleaching must be distinguished from "photo-acclimation", in which the concentration of
pigments changes simply in response to changes in light. There is some evidence that bleach-
ing may be a response to higher water temperatures and/or ultraviolet radiation. Significant
bleaching events occurred in the Caribbean in 1987 and 1990. To monitor bleaching activities,
it is best to collect data on individual colonies.

In Florida, the zooanthid known as the golden sea mat (Palythoa), which has been observed as
the first organism to exhibit bleaching from increased water temperature, may be used as an
indicator species for bleaching. It usually precedes bleaching of Montastraea by a week.
Mortality of part or all of a bleached coral can occur and algae may grow over the stark white
skeleton. Some species of Octocorallia (e.g., Briareumasbestinum, Plexaura homomalla),
and sponges may also appear bleached due to loss of their symbiotic algae.

When bleaching or white band disease is suspected, it's important to consider other possible
causes for changes in appearance, such as:

predation by the "fireworm" Hermodice sp. or the mollusk Coralliophila sp.,
both of which can leave large areas of stark white skeleton.

a nearby sea fan (octocoral) or clump of macroalgae (such as Dictyota) that
shades or abrades the coral.

the use of coral heads as handholds in SCUBA-diving areas causing death
and eventual coverage by algae.

color differences in coral species between areas and individuals; e.g.,
the purple Porites sp. of St. J ohn, USVI has never been seen at Buck Island,
St. Croix, USVI, which is only 35 miles away.

Bleached Coral

Biological Monitoring III - 8

How to Monitor Bleached Corals

1) Record the following information:
when and where the bleaching was first noticed
which species are affected
the size range of the colonies
which parts are bleached or pale (e.g., ridges, branch tips,
the depth at which affected colonies are growing
the density of bleached colonies, i.e., the number within a
known area (e.g., 12 colonies in a 10m
any unusual environmental conditions (storms, oil spills)

2) Tag both bleached and unbleached colonies with numbered tags,
following the procedures outlined above under "General

3) Photograph the colonies and, if possible, videotape them. Photo-
graphy dependent on natural light will be affected by depth, light
quality in the water column, time of day and season. If you are
evaluating color quantitatively, use a strobe, the same type of film,
and the same F stop for all photographs. Including a color chart in
the photo which has gradations of the color characteristic of the
species can help document subtle changes.

4) To assess recovery and/or condition over time, observe and photo-
graph each study coral every one to two months and record
changes. Are polyps extended? Is mucus being released?

5) Select a subset of colonies for growth measurements using one of
the methods described in the next section, "Coral Growth".

6) Record data on temperature, turbidity, salinity, and light if
If adequate laboratory facilities are available, you can sample tissue from affected colonies and
centrifuge it to determine both the density of the zooxanthellae and the concentration of


D'Elia, C.F., Buddemeier, R.W., Smith, S.V. (1991) "Workshop on Coral Bleaching, Coral Reef
Ecosystems and Global Change," Report of Proceedings, Maryland Sea Grant College Publication,
College Park, Maryland.

J aap, W.C. (1985) "An epidemic zooxanthellae expulsion during 1983 in the lower Florida Keys coral
reefs: hyperthermic etiology," Proceedings of the 5th International Coral Reef Symposium, 6:143-148.

III - 9 Biological Monitoring
Coral Growth

The growth rate of a coral colony is highly variable. It depends on the species and may
fluctuate significantly within an individual colony and from month to month. While M. annu-
laris may grow less than 1 cm a year, branching corals such as A. palmata may grow as much
as 10 centimeters a year. Four ways to monitor coral growth are described below, from the
simplest to the most complicated. The method you choose may depend on what kind of coral
you are monitoring.

Branching corals: To provide a baseline for measuring growth in branching corals, you can
wrap a plastic cable tie around a branch with a tag to identify the sample. Using a flexible
plastic ruler, periodically measure the distance from the baseline to the end of the branch to
determine the net linear extension. Growth may be evident in measurements taken as often as
once a month. Note that over time the cable tie may become embedded in the skeleton.

Head coral: A simple way to monitor growth in head corals is to drive a nail into the
substrate next to the head, or into a dead portion of the coral. Tag the nail and use it as a
reference point from which to make measurements.

Photographs: With relatively flat head and plate corals, you can estimate growth by digitizing
the photographic image to calculate the area of living coral and comparing data from
successive photographs. Growth may be evident in measurements taken every six months.
However, make sure to take the photos from the exact same angle and distance each time, and
to place a scale (such as a ruler) along the edge of the photo-quadrat for referencing size. For
more guidance, see "Underwater Photography", III-29.

Branching Coral with Cable Tie

Biological Monitoring III - 10
Alizarin Red S Bone Stain: If done correctly, this method can provide a more precise mea-
surement of coral growth than photographs, and it can be used with either branching or head
corals. However, it requires removing live coral and does not provide measurement of the
same coral's growth at subsequent intervals.

Measuring Coral Growth with Alizarin Red S Bone Stain

1) Place a clear plastic 1-liter bag containing about 20 mg of the stain over the end of
a coral branch or over an entire colony and tie it off in one corner securely with
cotton string. The final concentration of stain in the bag will be about 10-15 mg/l
seawater. If the stain is too diluted, it will be difficult to measure the growth.

2) Remove the bags after 24 hours except in the case of A. palmata. Four hours is
sufficient for staining faster-growing corals like A. palmata but not for slower
growing head corals. Also, in high-energy zones where A. palmata often grows,
wave and surge action can move the plastic bags back and forth, damaging the
coral colony.

3) Label each treated coral with a numbered plastic tag.

4) Collect the corals after 2 to 4 months, remove the live coral tissue with a water jet,
and measure the growth since staining.

For Acropora and other branching species:

To determine the linear extension of new skeleton, take the mean of 10 equally
spaced measurements along the zone of the new growth.

To determine the calcification rate per branch perimeter, remove the new
(unstained) growth with a saw and divide its weight by the perimeter of the
branch at the base of the new growth and the number of days since staining.
This value (g/cm/time) relates calcification to the original amount of calcifying
tissue present.

For head corals:

To determine the growth of roughly hemispherical corals, section them verti-
cally through the center with a rock saw. Measure the distance between the
upper limit of the stain line and the periphery of the colony using a dissecting
microscope and ocular micrometer. The average of 10 such measurements
spaced evenly across the colony can be used as a mean extension value for that

Gladfelter, E.H., Monahan, R.K., Gladfelter, W.B. (1978) "Growth rates of five reef-building corals
in the northeastern Caribbean," Bulletin of Marine Science 28:728-734.

III - 11 Biological Monitoring
Core samples: A historical record of coral growth can be obtained from cores of head corals
that have skeletons with annual density bands, similar to tree rings. These species include
Montastraea annularis, M. cavernosa, Diploria strigosa, Siderastrea siderea, and Solenastrea

The core sample is cross-sectioned parallel to the growth axis with a rock saw to produce slabs
about 4 mm thick. X-radiographs of the slabs will reveal density bands and allow estimates of
annual growth. The slabs can also be analyzed for a variety of chemical constituents that may
provide information about the history of contaminants and other sea water characteristics. For
example, freshwater may contain fluorescent soil acids that are transported to coastal reef areas
during periods of high runoff and incorporated into the growing skeleton. These fluorescent
bands will show up when the slab is illuminated with UV light.

Coring requires use of an underwater hydraulic drill, pumps and coring equipment and is
therefore a costly monitoring method. You may be able to get a hospital laboratory to produce
the X-ray. Holes left by coring should be filled with Portland cement.


Halley, R.B., Curry, R. (1993) "Coastal Geology and National Parks: An example from Biscayne
National Park," Park Science 13(1):4-5.

Annual growth bands in Montastrea annularis

Biological Monitoring III - 12
Quadrats, photo-quadrats and chain transects provide alternative ways to obtain and document the information
needed to measure percent cover, species diversity, and relative abundance. As summarized below, each
method has its advantages and limitations. Ideally, a coral reef monitoring program will include more than one
method where appropriate. For more about using photo-quadrats, see "Underwater Photography," III-29. Chain
transects are described in more detail in the next section.

Quadrats Photo-Quadrats Chain Transects

Relatively inexpensive May be very expensive,
depending on equipment used
Relatively inexpensive

Relatively simple, but at
least for initial survey must
be done by someone who
can identify species in the
May be difficult to set up
depending on equipment
used, but simplest methods
can be done by non-
Tedious and exacting; must be
done by specially trained divers
Damage to
Slight risk in areas of high
relief, especially if grid is
Depending on equipment
used, may be risky in topo-
graphically complex areas
Even well-trained divers find it
difficult to avoid causing some
damage, especially in areas with
branching corals
If grid is used, can provide
reasonably accurate mea-
sures of percent cover,
species diversity, relative
abundance, density and size
Can be used to estimate
percent cover, species
diversity, relative abundance,
density and size
Measures all surface areas below
line to determine percent cover,
species diversity and relative
abundance; estimates spatial
Limitations Cannot be used to measure
spatial relief; provides data
only on projected surface
area; difficult in elkhorn or
staghorn-dominated areas
Cannot be used to measure
spatial relief; provides data
only on projected surface
area; unsuited to areas with
large or abundant octocorals
that conceal other species
Cannot be used to directly mea-
sure species density or colony
size; not suited to areas where
stony corals are widely-spaced
and small; impossible in elkhorn
or staghorn-dominated areas
Use of data Data are ready to use when
diver leaves the water
Measurements cannot be
determined until after photo-
graphs have been digitized
Data are ready to use when diver
leaves the water
of survey
Relatively easy, if done by
the same person each time
or by people who have been
trained together
In permanent photo-quadrats,
precision depends on appa-
ratus used and ability to take
photo from exactly same spot
Even with well-marked transect,
impossible to position the chain
exactly the same each time
Can be easily calculated,
manually if necessary
Digitizing is time-consuming
to do manually and difficult
without access to computer
and software; use of random
dots also time-consuming
Can be easily calculated,
manually if necessary

Ohlhorst, S.L., Liddell, W.D., Taylor, R.J ., Taylor, J .M. (1988) "Evaluation of reef census
techniques," Proceedings of the 6th International Coral Reef Symposium 2:319-324.

III - 13 Biological Monitoring

The term "quadrat" generally refers to a square or rectangular sampling unit within which
organisms are counted or measured, or to the frame which marks this area. Quadrats can be
used to estimate percent cover of each species or other reef components and obtain information
about density, abundance, diversity, and colony size.

Limitations: Quadrats are generally preferable to linear transects in monitoring Octocorallia
and smaller stony corals. However, because a quadrat provides data only on the horizontal
plane of the reef surface and not on spatial relief, its use is inherently problematic on an irre-
gular and highly three-dimensional reef surface. Taxa with plate-shaped morphologies tend to
be over-represented relative to columnar species such as "pillar coral" (Dendrogyra cylindrus)
in census data, while cryptic taxa tend to be omitted completely. In these situations, linear
transects may be more appropriate.


Size: Although one-meter square quadrats are frequently used, the size of the quadrat may
depend on the size of the organisms you are monitoring. While phycologists often use m

frames, coral biologists often use m
, 1m
, or larger.

Location: The quadrats should be far enough apart so that their boundaries do not overlap.
The problem of parallax, in which the size and location of an object is affected by the angle
from which it is viewed, may be exacerbated if a series of quadrats abut each other. Quadrats
can be permanently or randomly placed to obtain general data on reef conditions. Quadrats
can be sampled along transects by placing the frame on alternate sides of a line or centering it
along the line.

To mark a permanent quadrat, you can use concrete nails or re-bar stakes at two corners on the
diagonal or at all four corners of the quadrat. If you are using a quadrat frame or grid, the
pins should rest on the inside of the corners. For more information about marking the site, see
"Site Selection", I-15.

Construction: Small quadrat frames can be made from iron re-bar or stainless steel. For
larger quadrats, in which weight becomes more of an issue, aluminum or PVC pipes are easy
to handle underwater and less likely to damage the substrate. To decrease buoyancy and
reduce resistance in carrying the frame through the water, you can drill small holes in it. The
frame is usually removed from the site between monitoring visits.

Quadrat grids: To simplify measurements on relatively flat substrate, you can create a grid on
the quadrat with string. For example, a 1-m quadrat can be strung with 10 vertical and
horizontal lines to create a grid of 100 squares, with each 10-cm square representing 1% of the
quadrat. By counting the number of squares (or fractions of squares) occupied by each
species, you can estimate abundance and percent cover within the quadrat. In areas where the
topographical complexity makes using a quadrat grid difficult, you can create a reference scale
by drilling a hole or marking off every 10 cm on each side of the frame with paint.

Biological Monitoring III - 14
Data Collection and Analysis

Percent cover: For quadrats with relatively few species and little live coral and plant cover,
you can estimate cover for each species while in the field by counting the number of squares
(or partial squares) covered by each species and recording these numbers as shown on the
sample data sheet below.

If the quadrats contain several species
and more live cover, to reduce the likelihood of error, you can record the data square by
square on a grid written on your underwater slate, and tally the squares after the dive.

From the data in the above example, you can calculate the number of coral species (5), and the
total live coral cover (38%) by adding up the number of squares occupied by each coral
species (1 + 0.7 + 4.0 + 2.0 + 6.5 + 5.0 + 10 + 8.8 = 38; space occupied by algae and
sand are not calculated for live coral cover). However, more typically you would use data
from several quadrats and derive average percent cover, etc. (Before doing parametric statisti-
cal analysis (which assumes a bell-shaped distribution), percentage data from quadrats and
transects must be arcsin transformed. For more information about statistical analysis, see
Appendix B.)

Frequency and density: You can calculate the "frequency" of a species by counting the num-
ber of quadrats in which the species is observed and dividing by the total number of quadrats.
The "density" is the number of different species or colonies found within a given area, usually
per square meter. It is important to remember that the number of coral colonies can be
independent of species diversity and coral cover. For example, a hurricane that causes
significant mortality (loss of cover) may bring about an increase in the number of coral
colonies because of fragmentation, but the colonies would be of a smaller size. Or, two reefs
may have the same number of colonies, but entirely different percent cover.
Sample Data Sheet
Quadrat #5 # of Squares
A. agaricites
P. astreoides
S. siderea
M. annularis
P. astreoides
A. agaricites
D. strigosa
S. siderea

Using a Quadrat Grid

III - 15 Biological Monitoring
Species diversity: Increasing concern about the loss of species and degradation of ecosystems
has led to an interest in measuring genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity, known collec-
tively as "biodiversity". In coral reef monitoring, most of the data collected pertains to the
number of species, sometimes called "species richness", and their relative abundances. The
Shannon-Weaver index (H'), which combines both number of species and relative abundance,
is calculated using this formula:
H' = -pi 1n pi

where pi = ni/N', in which N = the total number of colonies of all coral species in the quadrat
(or total number of centimeters of live coral under the line, for a chain transect), and ni= the
number of colonies of each coral species in the quadrat (or the number of centimeters for each


Shannon, C.E., Weaver, W. (1949) The Mathematical Theory of Communication, University of
Illinois Press, Urbana.

Quadrat grids vs. photo-quadrats: You can get the same information about projected area
from a quadrat on which a grid has been strung as from the two-dimensional view provided by
a photograph (see "Underwater Photography," III-29). However, certain calculations may
take longer if done underwater rather than from a photograph, and use of a quadrat grid
requires expertise in species identification for each sampling. With photographs, species
identification may only need to be done on-site for the initial survey, so subsequent photos can
be taken by any competent diver. Photography can also be combined with the use of a grid

Biological Monitoring III - 16


A linear transect is a line of a specified length laid out within a study site. Transects are
generally positioned parallel to the shore, along depth contours (e.g., at 5, 10, and 15 meters).
A transect laid perpendicular to shore may be appropriate if you want to include different reef
zones (or depths) in the same transect. Preliminary transects can be used to delineate the
different zones within your study area, or to determine the necessary length of permanent
transects for long-term monitoring. Measurements can be taken along the entire surface
beneath the line, using a chain as described below, or at specified intervals, as explained under
"Line and Point Intercept Transects," III-21.

A chain transect is a relatively inexpensive and accurate way to gather information on species
diversity, the relative abundance of different species, and the amount of hard substrate or sand.
It is most effective for documenting changes in abundant larger coral species, and best suited
to areas dominated by head (rather than branching) corals. Information on the percent cover
by all major reef components can be calculated easily on a computer, or by hand if necessary.

By following the surface contour of the reef, chain transects provide data that you can use to
estimate the "spatial index" of the reef: the ratio of reef surface contour distance to linear
distance. As part of a long-term monitoring program, the spatial index provides a way to
quantify changes in the topographical complexity of the reef.


Although chain transects provide certain information not available from quadrats, they do have
certain disadvantages.

n Chain transects are inappropriate in Acropora palmata (elkhorn) zones,
octocoral-dominated pavement areas, or in areas where stony coral colonies are
widely-spaced and small. However, if the sampling chain crosses over an
octocoral holdfast, it should be included in the data. The amount of living
coral in dense A. palmata zones is probably best estimated with photographs.
n The chain transect method, also known as the "ball and chain method", is
tedious and time-consuming. It's not unusual to spend over an hour on 10 m
of transect.

n The reef may be damaged if the chain becomes entangled in branching coral.

n It's impossible to position the chain in exactly the same location each time.
Changes noted during repeat sampling may reflect shifting in the chain's posi-
tion rather than actual changes in cover on the reef; however, these shifts are
unlikely to cause significant changes in results for the most abundant

III - 17 Biological Monitoring
Data Collection

1) Mark the transect. For a preliminary transect, tie each end of a line marked off in
meters or a waterproof fiberglass tape measure (20 to 30 m is usually sufficient) to a piece
of dead coral along the depth contour at a randomly selected site. Keep the line as taut as
possible and at the height of the tallest feature along the transect (usually a coral colony),
and try to keep to the selected depth as much as possible (within a few feet). If the line is
too high above the substrate, parallax will make your work more difficult and your data
less accurate.

Note: Three-strand nylon lines stretch when wet, so check the measurement after the line
has been soaked. To avoid stretching, use a polypropylene or double-braid nylon line, or
fiberglass tape measure.

Permanent transects should be marked with metal stakes to indicate the exact beginning,
middle and end of each transect. Attaching bright-colored flagging tape to the stakes will
make them easier to find for repeat sampling. To help position the line in the same place
each time, it's also a good idea to mark off every five meters with a nail, or other small
reference marker. (See "Marking the Site," I-16.)

2) Position the chain. Drape a light-weight chain (such as a dog chain) over, around, and
under all natural fixed surfaces directly below the line. A 5-foot length of chain with 1.3-
cm links (77 per meter) works best in many situations. Smaller links take longer to count,
and larger links may miss certain features. Be sure to use chains with the same size link
each time you sample. Sampling progresses in 1-m increments, recording at which meter
the data are collected. Periodically check your position by holding the chain against the
tape and then letting it drop to the substrate.

Suggestion: You can prevent errors in counting links by marking off every 10 links with
small pieces of brightly colored flagging or surveying tape.

Positioning the Chain

Positioning the Chain

Biological Monitoring III - 18
3) Measure the surfaces. Count the number of links it takes to outline the surface of each
species or reef component that is of concern to you. If your objective is to determine the
appropriate length for permanent transects and you are primarily interested in stony corals,
you need to record only cover by live coral (by species); all other surfaces, living and
dead, can be put into the category of "other" or "non-coral". Include the fire coral
Millepora (also to species).

For permanent transects, you may want to include reef components such as sponges,
bleached coral, dead coral with algae, rubble (pieces of branching corals or plates, rather
than intact dead coral heads), macroscopic algae, octocorals (holdfasts only), sand, and
pavement (hard carbonate substrate of low relief, sometimes dominated by octocorals).

The chain must touch a solid structure at all times, even if it must be held up against the
underside of a coral branch or ledge. Do not attempt to measure mobile organisms with
links! But you may want to make note of important herbivores such as the spiny sea
urchin Diadema antillarumwhen they are under or near the line. The substrate below the
urchin is what should be counted in the transect data.

The objective: to measure as carefully as possible the surfaces under the line, even when
there are several layers. For example, if an Agaricia is positioned over a Montastraea
colony and directly under the line, you measure the live upper surface of the Agaricia
plate, the dead undersurface, and the top of the Montastraea colony.

4) Record the data. Using mylar sheets or waterproof paper on a clipboard or an under-
water slate, record the number of links for each category in each meter of line (not each
meter of chain). For each meter of line, check to make sure that you've recorded at least
the number of links equivalent to 1 meter.

Sample Field Notes
Location: Depth:

Surfaces -- # Links
Meter 1:
Ma -- 5
sand -- 25
Aa -- 8
dca -- 24
rubble -- 35
Meter 2:
Aa -- 5
Ds -- 7
maca -- 4

III - 19 Biological Monitoring
Record each colony or other surface as you come to it along the transect; don't
combine separate colonies of a species and record a total for the species within
each meter. Abbreviate species names, being careful not to use confusing
abbreviations, e.g., M.a. could be Montastraea annularis or Millepora

If hard substrate or dead coral is covered with sediment less than 1 cm thick, refer
to this portion of the transect as "pavement" or "dead coral with algae".

If sediment on pavement or dead coral is at least 1 cm thick, record it as "sand".

"Macroscopic algae" (abbreviated "maca") refers to conspicuous algal plants such
as the brown alga Dictyota and red alga Martensia, whose fronds project more than
1 cm above the substrate. If possible, identify the alga to genus or species.

Dead corals with turf algae (abbreviated "dca") often make up a larger portion
of the transect than live corals.

If time and energy permit, you can check the variability among different observers or the same
observer's results when repeating a transect by doing each transect two or three times. It is
usually adequate to survey the transects every six months.

This process requires a major investment of time, but gives you a lot of information in return.
Chain transects are much more difficult in some areas than others. Don't give up! If you
encounter small caves or big holes, try to position the chain so that you can estimate the
amount of dead coral or sponges, etc., in these places. If you come upon a deep sand channel
more than two meters across, make note of it and start recording where the reef itself begins

Data Analysis

Preliminary transects: To determine the appropriate length for a permanent transect, plot the
cumulative number of coral species (or other species of interest) against the number of meters
along the preliminary transect line. After a certain number of meters, depending on the site,
there will typically be a leveling off as the number of additional species decreases. At sites
around St. J ohn, 20-m transects have been appropriate, while scientists in Florida have found
that 25-m transects were preferable.

After analyzing the results from the preliminary transects, you can establish permanent
transects placed randomly along each of the selected depth contours within selected study areas
or zones.

Biological Monitoring III - 20
Species Area Curve

Percent cover and structural complexity:

n To determine the percent of live coral cover or other component, divide the
number of links for that component by the total number of links in the transect.

Percent live coral cover = x 100

n To determine an index of topographical complexity calculate the ratio of the length
of the chain (in centimeters) to the length of the line.

Structural complexity =

The preceding calculations can be done with a calculator, but they are easier if you have a
software package such as Lotus or Microsoft Excel. Biologists in Virgin Islands National Park
have developed a simple Lotus-based program to analyze chain transect data and will provide a
copy on request. A more sophisticated software program that can also calculate the species
diversity index H' is available from Dr. J ames Porter, University of Georgia. For information
about statistical analysis, see Appendix B.


Rogers, C.S., Gilnack, M., Fitz, H.C. (1983) "Monitoring of coral reefs with linear transects:
a study of storm damage," J ournal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 66:285-300.

No. of transect links x cmper link
Total transect length (cm)
No. of links live coral
Total no. of links along transect




III - 21 Biological Monitoring

Line intercept and point intercept transects are other ways to gather data that can be used to
estimate percent cover, relative abundance, and diversity. The intercept method is simpler and
quicker than using a quadrat or a chain transect, so you can survey a larger area in the same
period of time. However, like the quadrat, intercept transects cannot be used to calculate a
spatial index, and like the chain transect they may not provide accurate sampling in areas
where coral colonies are small and widely scattered.

To do a line intercept transect, secure a fiberglass tape measure to both ends of the transect
with the tape draped over the reef in between, and record each species or substrate component
and its length under the tape. In a point intercept, you record only what is located at each
specified point along the line, e.g., every 20 cm. Depending on your objectives and available
resources, you may want to survey several lines at each site, use a longer line, or longer
intervals. To test the adequacy of your sample size, check the cumulative species recorded
against the number of transects surveyed. The number of points scored by a given species
divided by the total number of points yields the percentage cover.


Ohlhorst, S.L., Liddell, W.D., Taylor, R.J ., Taylor, J .M. (1988) "Evaluation of reef census
techniques," Proceedings of the 6th International Coral Reef Symposium 2:319-324.


Octocorals (soft corals) and sponges are important components of the reef. Octocorals, a
group of Cnidarians (Coelenterata) that includes "gorgonians", occur in most reef habitats, and
dominate some reef zones. Their abundance often varies inversely to stony coral cover.
Species identification can be tedious and difficult, but it's worth making the effort to learn to
identify them in the field so you can avoid destructive sampling. Valuable information can be
obtained from surveying octocorals at the level of families or genera rather than species.

Quadrats: To survey octocorals, quadrats of one square meter are standard, but 0.25-m

quadrats are also used. Still photography can be used to identify specimens, growth of new
recruits, and progression of disease. Photo-quadrats and grid quadrats are inappropriate for
most habitats because octocorals occur in widely ranging sizes and tend to overlap, preventing
proper placement of a grid. In addition, large octocorals may conceal other benthic organisms
in a photograph.

Biological Monitoring III - 22
Belt Transects: For a quick assessment of octocoral abundance and distribution, you can look
at the species within a belt transect of specified width across the study area, e.g., 1 meter wide
and 20 to 25 meters long. Along depth contours, use fiberglass tapes with the ends secured.
Count and identify (to lowest possible taxa) all octocorals within each linear meter of transect.
Twenty transects are generally sufficient for adequate sampling in the Caribbean.

Data to Record: Species identifications, number of colonies, height measurements, and
number of newly settled recruits ( 5 cm tall).


Kinzie, R.A. (1973) "The zonation of West Indian gorgonians," Bulletin of Marine Science 23(1):93-155.

Goldberg, W.M. (1973) "The ecology of the coral-octocoral communities off the southeast Florida
coast; geomorphology, species composition, and zonation," Bulletin of Marine Science 23(3):465-488.

III - 23 Biological Monitoring
Sponges: While there are about 40 species of corals in West Indian reefs, there are about 300
common species of sponges. They are critical constituents of the reef. For example, they help
construct the reef framework (sclerosponges); they contribute significantly in creating reef
sediments through bioerosion and spicule formation; and their varied forms of growth and
abundance increase topographic complexity, which enhances local diversity. In addition to
being a net primary producer of oxygen, a single species such as the chicken liver sponge may
contribute 50-120% of the nitrogen required to sustain reef productivity. This species is
frequently eaten by certain reef fish (mostly angel fish), and it is the most important food item
for the endangered hawksbill turtle.

Sponges can generally be sampled along with other attached benthos in quadrats or chain
transects (see previous sections). Although some species are identifiable in the field, many can
only be identified in the lab.


Vicente, V.P. (1982) Common sponges. In: Kaplan, E.H. A Field Guide to Coral Reefs (Caribbean
and Florida), The Peterson Field Guide Series, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, pp. 127-133.

Biological Monitoring III - 24

Many reefs in the Caribbean and western Atlantic have relatively low amounts of live coral
cover (often less than 40%) and high amounts of cover by algal turf and macroscopic algae.
But the biomass of macroscopic algae can vary widely across a reef and over time, often
seasonally. Macroalgae populations may fluctuate depending upon local nutrient fluxes
(sometimes associated with heavy rains or upwelling) and temperature changes. However,
dramatic increases in algal cover and biomass may indicate an increase in nutrients from
sewage or agricultural fertilizers, or a decrease in grazing by herbivorous fish or sea urchins.

Algae can be loosely grouped into the four categories shown below. The "1 cm" distinction
between macroscopic and turf algae is somewhat arbitrary.

Macroscopic algae
"Fleshy" algae which are not hard to the touch
and project more than 1 cm above the substrate.
Calcareous algae A wide range of red and green algal species that
are hard to the touch; Halimeda is often the
most common genus.
Crustose coralline
Appear as hard smooth pavement covering small
or large area; color varies from dark pink to
purple, or may show a grayish hue; do not con-
fuse with hard bare substrate that tends to be
yellowish or whitish in appearance.
Turf algae
(algal turf)
May look fleshy and/or filamentous but do not
rise more than 1 cm above the substrate; Geli-
dium pusillum and Coelothrix irregularis are
common species.

III - 25 Biological Monitoring
Algal Biomass

You can make a rough estimate of algal biomass (wet) expressed as g/m
by removing all of
the algae within a 0.25-m
quadrat. To obtain an adequate random sample, you'll need to
collect and weigh the algae from at least 15 quadrats.

To estimate algal biomass (dry) of endolithic forms (algae growing in the substrate itself), you
can use settling plates made of natural substrate (e.g., cross-sections of elkhorn coral), or a
variety of other substances such as ceramic tiles.

Estimating Algal Biomass

1) Secure at least three settling plates to dead coral, or attach them to a sur-
vey stake, re-bar or other apparatus and leave them at the site. Algae will
usually begin to grow on the plates within a week. (See method for moni-
toring recruitment of benthic organisms in the next section.)

2) Use a grid and three pairs of random numbers to select three 1-cm
samples on each plate. Scrape the subsamples to a depth of 1 mm and pre-
serve them in a 1% formalin solution, combining all subsamples from the
same plate. Decalcify the sample using a dilute acid (5% HCl or HNO3).

3) Filter the sample onto pre-weighed filters, rinse it with deionized water,
and dry it to a constant mass at 60C.

4) To determine the g/cm
of biomass, divide the difference between the final
filter weight and the initial filter weight before filtration by the number of
subsamples that were filtered (in this example, 3).

biomass =

Final weight - initial weight
No. of cm
of subsamples

Biological Monitoring III - 26
Algal Species Composition

In determining algal species composition, you want to be sure to get an adequate sampling of
macroscopic and algal turf communities. Here are some sampling methods.

Estimating Turf Algae Species Composition

1) As described for estimating biomass, scrape four 1-cm
subsamples from
each plate, preserve the sample in 1% formalin solution, and decalcify it.

2) Mount all subsamples from the same plate on the same slide, and note the
algal species present while scanning the slide at 100x magnification.

3) To estimate relative abundance, put a 10x10 ocular grid over the slide
and count the intersections on each species in at least 50 viewing fields.

4) To calculate the percent relative abundance for a species, divide the total
intersections for that species in all viewing fields by the total intersections
for all species in all viewing fields and multiply by 100.

% relative abundance = x 100

Macroalgae: To estimate the macroalgal species composition on a setting plate, count the
intersections of an 8cm x 8cm grid (64 total points) located on top of each macroalgal species.

Photo-quadrats: You can estimate algal abundances using a Nikonos camera with a 28-mm
lens and close-up frame. Project the resulting 35-mm color slides onto an 8x11 sheet of
paper with randomly located dots. (See "Dot Grid," III-34.) The number of dots falling on
each algal component algal turf, crustose algae (primarily corallines), calcareous algae and
macroalgae can be summed and expressed as a percent of the total algal cover.


Bohnsack, J .A. (1979) "Photographic quantitative sampling of hard-bottom benthic communities,"
Bulletin of Marine Science, 29(2): 242-252.

Carpenter, R.C. (1990) "Mass mortality of Diadema antillarum; I. Long-term effects on sea urchin
population dynamics and coral reef algal communities," Marine Biology, 104:67-77.
No. of intersections for a species
Total intersections for all species

III - 27 Biological Monitoring

Recruitment is the influx of new members into a population by reproduction or immigration.
The establishment of new coral recruits generally indicates good conditions for reef develop-
ment and growth. For overall reef assessment, photographs taken every three months are
usually adequate to document recruits more than 5 mm across. You can also examine recruit-
ment on settling plates that are secured to the substrate or tied to a sampling apparatus in a
"tree" with four horizontal branches. The following instructions explain how to construct the
kind of permanent recruitment sampling apparatus shown below.

Recruitment Sampling Apparatus

Biological Monitoring III - 28

Constructing a Recruitment Sampling Apparatus

1) Using PVC cement and pipe arrays (Schedule 40, 1-inch diameter) designed to
fit over stainless steel reference stakes, glue two 17.8-cm (7-inch) pieces of pipe
into opposite ends of a cross fitting. Insert a T fitting into the top pieces.

2) Glue a 9.9 cm (3.5 inch) piece of pipe with a 10.8 x 3.8 x 0.64 cm (4x 1x
-inch) length of PVC flat stock into the open ends of the T and cross fittings.

3) For each recruitment array, bolt four pairs of 10.8 cm square ceramic tiles (4
inch) to the flat stock piece with -inch stainless steel hardware so the unglazed
surfaces are exposed.

4) Arrange two pairs horizontally and vertically on an array to help determine whe-
ther organisms prefer particular orientations for settlement.

5) Secure the array to the stainless steel stake using two -inch set screws.

6) Every 6 or 12 months (depending on your study objectives) remove a pair of
tiles for examination and replace them with clean tiles.

After collecting the settling plates, examine them using a dissecting scope. Stony corals and
other organisms on the plates should be identified to the lowest possible taxon and enumerated
to determine abundances and densities, e.g., the number of recruits of each species per settling
plate, or per square meter.


Rogers, C.S., Fitz, H.C., Gilnack, M., Beets, J . Hardin, J . (1984) "Scleractinian coral recruitment
patterns at Salt River Submarine Canyon" (St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands), Coral Reefs 3:69-76.

J aap, W.C., Wheaton, J .L., Donnelly, K.B., Kojis, B.L., McKenna, J r., J .E. (1992) "A three-year
evaluation of community dynamics of coral reefs at Fort J efferson National Monument, Dry Tortugas,
Florida, USA," Proceedings of the 7th International Coral Reef Symposium.

III - 29 Biological Monitoring


Photography is useful in documenting general reef conditions, changes in reef structure, and
the effects of natural and human-caused damage. The variety of sampling techniques available
makes it possible to use photography for either a quick qualitative assessment of reef changes
or a detailed quantitative analysis. Videotapes are especially useful for showing park managers
and non-divers the marine environment.

Photographs and videotapes provide a record of community composition and spatial arrange-
ment of reef organisms that is not available from other forms of data, and that may become of
great importance later. For example, although no one anticipated the 1983 die-off of the black
sea urchin Diadema antillarum, photographs indicate its previous density. In many cases, a
photograph will speak more loudly and clearly than a statistical report on changes in percent
cover over time. A picture can be worth a thousand numbers.

As a monitoring technique, photography also has the advantage of being relatively easy for
volunteers or others who are not trained reef biologists. For example, dive tour operators visit
the same dive spots frequently and can provide useful observations on reef conditions and
photograph specific sites every few months to document change.


Although photography can provide much valuable information, it has limitations that need to
be considered when you design a monitoring program and choose your sampling sites.

n Organisms under coral plates or rock ledges will not be visible in a photo, and
even those organisms which are visible cannot always be readily identified in a
photograph. On-site observation is needed to distinguish between certain species.

n Obtaining quantitative information from photographs of areas with large or abun-
dant octocorals is difficult because they overshadow other organisms.

n Because photographs provide only a two-dimensional view of the reef, they cannot
be used to estimate spatial relief. However, stereophotography will provide three-
dimensional photographs that can yield information on relief.
It is technically more complex and requires sophisticated analytical systems.

n To accurately detect small changes within a small area, you must photograph the
area from exactly the same spot each time. Shifts in coral heads or rubble due to
storms or bioerosion can make this almost impossible. (This problem can be mini-
mized if a monopod is used, as explained later.)

n Corals may be damaged if you place a quadropod over or near them, especially in
topographically complex areas.

Biological Monitoring III - 30
n Analysis of photographs to assess changes in percent cover by different species
can be done through digitizing of the photographs ("image processing").
Manual digitizing is very time consuming, and many people do not have imme-
diate access to the hardware and software necessary for computer digitizing.
However, you can store the photographs (preferably in a cool dry place to
avoid fungus damage) until you have the capability to analyze them yourself or
send them to a colleague for analysis. (Although less accurate, you can also
use a grid of random dots to estimate cover.)

n Photo coverage of large areas is problematic. If a photo is taken from a long
distance away, the resolution and water clarity may not be sufficient to identify
organisms. An alternative is to take a series of overlapping photos and create a
photo-mosaic. Under optimal conditions, it is possible to make a repeatable
and accurate mosaic.

n Any movement of the camera, frame, and other apparatus components will
reduce the quality of the photograph. Photos taken on rugged topography are
very difficult to match and align. An alternative to photomosaics is a series of
independent photographs taken from fixed references.

Appropriate Sites

There are some special considerations in site selection if you plan to use
underwater photographs or videotapes, especially if they are your only or primary
means of data collection.

The substrate in the site must be able to accommodate whatever permanent
stakes will be needed to anchor a camera mounting apparatus.

If the surrounding area has extreme topography, the depth of field established
by the mounting apparatus will place limits on the photographic coverage.

Photography can be used in high relief areas if qualitative analysis is
sufficient for your purposes.

Dense gorgonian areas should be avoided. A large sea fan can obstruct an
entire photograph.

For more guidance on choosing study sites, see "Site Selection," I-15.

III - 31 Biological Monitoring

Long-term monitoring requires a process of data acquisition that is repeatable. If your objec-
tive is to precisely measure change at specific locations over time, you must make sure that
your photographic coverage is the same each time. For example, you can:

Use a mounting apparatus so that the camera is always positioned at the same angle
and distance from the substrate (or subject), and mark the exact sites for placement
of the apparatus.

Attach the apparatus to a reference marker, or move it between two reference
markers, so the photographic coverage is always the same.

Include a ruler or other scale, compass, identifying number, and the sampling date
in the photo or video image.

To see whether you can repeat the photograph exactly, repeat a series of photos at the same
location when you do the first sampling and check them for consistency.

Parallax: When you view the same object from different angles or distances, its position and
size may appear to change, a phenomenon known as "parallax". In photography, if your
camera is not properly aligned for a series of photos, parallax may also result in an overlap of
frames. The longer the distance between the camera and the surface you are photographing,
the greater the likelihood of parallax.

Color variations: Factors affecting color, such as daily and seasonal changes in available light
and variability in strobe output, must also be taken into consideration when photographs are
compared. To help document subtle changes over time, you can include a color chart that has
gradations of the color characteristic of the species in the photo. Use consistent manual
exposures instead of automatic settings for more consistent colors.


If you don't have the time, money, or expertise for sophisticated underwater techniques, it's
still important to use whatever underwater camera equipment is available to photograph your
study site at the outset and periodically thereafter, so you have a visual record that can be used
to document major changes in the reef.

Nikonos cameras: Most of the methods referred to in this manual specify use of a Nikonos
camera, a compact, rugged, and generally dependable waterproof unit that comes with an
automatic light metering system and flash exposure. However, unlike a single-lens reflex
(SLR) camera, the Nikonos models III-V require you to compose the shot through a view-
finder, not directly through the lens, and you must focus by measuring or estimating the
distance. This is not a problem if you use a close-up framer. The newest Nikonos is an SLR
camera (see next page).

Biological Monitoring III - 32
Nikonos close-up kit: The Nikonos close-up kit, which comes with several "mini-framer"
camera attachments and a threaded tripod mount, provides a simple way to document coral
recruitment and monitor other changes in small areas with low relief. Either a 28-mm or a 35-
mm lens can provide resolution of about 3-5 mm with Kodachrome 64 film. Permanent photo-
quadrats located on hard substrate can be marked for resampling by pounding masonry nails
into three corners of the photoframe, leaving at least 2 cm of nail above the substrate. Keep in
mind that masonry nails will not last for more than two or three years underwater.

SLR camera: If you want a photograph of exactly what you see through the viewfinder, you
may prefer to use an SLR camera in a waterproof housing with a dome port, so you can focus
precisely. Although the resulting photographs can be excellent, this equipment is generally
bulkier and more fragile than Nikonos cameras, and more difficult to attach to a mounting
frame. Some SLR cameras also have auto-focus and auto-bracketing, and can imprint the date
and time on the negative or slide. The Nikonos SLR camera does not require a waterproof
housing, and a variety of lenses (including zoom) are available.

Lenses and strobes: Special lenses and strobe lights can help improve the quality of your
underwater photos. Sea water acts as a filter and reduces contrast, especially diminishing
colors with longer wavelengths; the farther the light travels through it, the more pronounced
the effect becomes. Only blue and some green wavelengths extend below 250 meters. Under-
water photography is therefore often done with a wide angle lens (15 to 28-mm) to get the
camera as close to the subject as possible.

In clear shallow water, photographs can be taken using natural light, but as depth increases, an
electronic flash unit (strobe) or other artificial light is necessary to provide sufficient light,
accurate color and contrast. However, using a strobe to illuminate the subject will also illumi-
nate suspended particulates, which may create white specks on the photograph. To minimize
this effect, it's generally best to position the strobe so it concentrates light on the subject rather
than illuminating the water between the lens and the subject. Use rechargeable nicad batteries
to reduce costs. After 36 photos, the batteries should be fully discharged and then recharged.

Maintenance: Underwater camera equipment requires meticulous care before and after dives
to prevent corrosion. Use isopropyl alcohol to clean the lens, and rinse the camera (final
wash) with distilled or deionized water to avoid salt deposits. Internal O-rings in the Nikonos
camera and underwater housings should be replaced by the manufacturer or Nikonos repair
facilities every 6-12 months.

Film: Your choice of film may depend largely on personal preference as well as on water
visibility and the darkness of substrate. While more expensive, color film makes it easier to
distinguish among components such as crustose coralline algae, encrusting foraminiferans, and
bare rock, which may not be possible from black and white photographs. Higher-speed films
(ASA/ISO of more than 100) are appropriate for natural-light photography that requires quick
exposures (e.g., if there is unavoidable motion underwater), but they lack the fine grain of
slower films. Having an artificial light source permits use of faster exposure speeds and
slower film, which can result in sharper photos.

III - 33 Biological Monitoring
Mounting apparatus: To photograph larger areas for repeated sampling, you need an appara-
tus that will position the camera at a constant angle and distance, and a way to anchor the
apparatus to the reef at each permanent site while you are taking the photos. Two of the most
common methods use an aluminum or PVC monopod (anchored to one survey stake) or qua-
drapod (anchored either at opposite corners or at all four corners).



Advantages: Less risky to reef, especially in areas
where corals are large or abundant;
easier to construct and faster to use.
More stable; can provide better replica-
tion by minimizing the effect of surge
or unsteady hands.
Limitations: Since replication may be less precise, it
is better for providing qualitative than
quantitative data.
Finding an appropriate site with
substrate that can be marked (and
drilled) at up to four corners may be
difficult in some locations.

Although the dimensions of the apparatus should reflect the size of the colonies you are moni-
toring, your ability to maneuver a large apparatus underwater without injuring the reef is
limited. Neither the quadrapod nor the monopod is well-suited to areas with very high relief.
For suggestions on some specific mounting devices, see Appendix A.

Biological Monitoring III - 34
Analysis of Photographs

After the photos have been taken, various methods of differing sophistication are available to
analyze them.

Dot Grid: If you place a grid of random dots over a slide image of a photo-quadrat on a back-
lit projector, you can assume that the proportion of dots that lie on a substrate is equal to the
proportional area of the substrate. Random dots are preferable because they do not require
that each image be scaled. Each configuration of dots should be used only four times, but you
can rotate the sheet to get four different configurations.

You can determine the optimal number of dots by conducting a preliminary statistical analysis.
A grid of 100 dots is usually adequate for large organisms, but 200 is better statistically, and
more dots will decrease the variance for some species. If a projector is not available, you can
obtain similar results using a binocular microscope with a grid of random points photographed
onto 35-mm film and placed beneath the slide.

Digitizing: A more accurate but time-consuming method of determining percent cover is to
outline each coral colony or other organism in the photograph with a digital planimeter, or to
use an electronic planimeter connected to a computer or image analyzer. Because a coral reef
is three-dimensional, the outlined area is projected, not actual surface area. Changes in these
areas over time indicate changes in total live coral cover and relative abundances of different
species. The underside of colonies in view are not surveyed, nor are vertical surfaces.

Several software programs are available which can assist analysis by digitizing selected areas
(such as coral colonies) within photographs. The program developed by Dr. J ames Porter and
Ms. Linda Chiang of the University of Georgia uses Microsoft Quick Basic and a J andel
digitizer to analyze areas within photostations (see Appendix A, page 6). After tracing the
outline of each coral colony onto mylar sheets from photographs, you digitize them to get
estimates of projected surface areas. To obtain a copy of the manual containing a diskette with
the software program, see "People to Contact," VI-7, for address and phone number.

Dot Grid on Photograph

III - 35 Biological Monitoring
J andel's Sigma Scan is a popular software package that includes management of digitized data.
Contact J andel Scientific, 65 Koch Road, Corte Madera, CA 94925 for details.

Scanning: Another way to quantify photographic data is to scan the image into a computer
data base. Scanning is less time consuming than digitizing; however, the hardware and soft-
ware are relatively costly. Both slides and prints can be scanned but the images may have
fuzzy boundaries, which can confound data processing.


Porter, J .P. (1990) Methods for the Analysis of Coral Reef Community Structure;
I. Photostation, A. Field methods and data acquisition, Report to National Park Service.


Videotaping has certain advantages over still photography for ecological monitoring. Although
videotape is ideal if you want to photograph a large area quickly, it has limitations in
comparative and quantitative analysis. Theoretically, two videos taken of the same area at
different times can be run side by side, making a single video to observe gross changes.
However, reproducing the exact path, speed, and distance from the substrate for repeated
sampling of a video transect remains difficult. A "cable car" mechanism has been used to
slide the camera over the substrate at a fixed distance to create a visual belt transect (see
Appendix A, p. 7). Once the cable carriage apparatus is set up, it is relatively easy to use, but
experience is required to get reliable results.

You should not underestimate the value of simply swimming around the reef with the video
camera and recording. This method will provide qualitative information about the condition of
the reef. Video images can be imported into graphic analytical programs with a frame-
grabbing package that evaluates the various colored polygons. These tools, both the under-
water video camera and computer analysis of video information, are expensive but can speed
up data collection.

Limitations: Videotaping can generally provide only qualitative data. Because the distance
between the camera lens and the reef surface is not constant, it's difficult to determine the
relative scale of the components. To partially alleviate this problem, you can bolt a rod with a
measurement scale to the bottom of the camera housing so that the image has a scale in it.

Biological Monitoring III - 36

Reef fishes depend on reefs for food and shelter. In turn, reefs are affected by fish species
that feed on macroalgae and algal turf (herbivores), and those that feed on coral polyps (coral-
livores). Through their waste, fish also provide an important source of nutrients, a very
limited resource on coral reefs.

The main objectives for reef fish censuses are to compare fish populations among reefs and
other habitats, and to quantitatively monitor species composition and relative abundance over
time. For example, a reduction in the top predators (piscivores), declines in species abun-
dance, and shifts to smaller average sizes may indicate fishing pressure. Fish censusing is
difficult in coral reef environments because of the structural complexity of the habitat and the
diversity, mobility, and abundance of reef fishes. Fish censusing also requires extensive train-
ing, as it may be necessary to recognize over 300 different species.

Assessing Fish Populations

Different fish species that appear together are referred to as a "fish assemblage." Three
aspects of reef fish assemblages that can be monitored are:

Diversity: the number of different species;

Structure: species composition and relative abundance; and

Population density: the number of fish of a given species per unit area.

Although attempts have been made to develop a single censusing method that will accurately
measure all three characteristics, fish biologists generally agree that no such single method
exists. You will need to decide what information is most important for your management
needs and then select one or more appropriate methods.

Census Methods

The most common methods for visual fish censuses are: stationary counts, belt transects, and
random swim techniques. In choosing a method, be sure to consider the behavior of the
relevant fish species (e.g., cryptic, schooling, attracted or repelled by divers).

n The stationary census (Bohnsack and Bannerot, 1986) focuses on the relative
abundance and frequency of occurrence of all species observed at the site.

n The belt transect (Brock, 1954) method yields better density estimates and covers
a larger area per census.

n The random swim technique (J ones and Thompson, 1978) provides more
complete information on total species richness.

III - 37 Biological Monitoring
Limitations: All visual census methods have the following limitations:

n Observers generally underestimate the abundance of most species.

n Only the "observable" portion of the fauna is counted, so cryptic, nocturnal and
pelagic species are most likely to be underestimated.

n Observers must be able to identify fauna quickly and correctly; expertise and
consistency among observers is difficult to obtain.

n The presence of a diver will affect the behavior of fish.

Frequency and Number of Censuses: How many censuses, how many sites, and how often
you should sample will depend on your monitoring objectives. Initially, you may want to cen-
sus fish over several consecutive days to determine if there is any short-term variability. To
detect seasonal changes in abundance and species richness, fish should be censused monthly
until a baseline is established. To detect long-term changes sampling should be conducted at
least once a year, at approximately the same time of day. It is preferable to census during the
same month or at least in the same season each year, with at least 10 censuses conducted each
time at each site. Statistical analysis may indicate more samples are necessary to optimize
sampling. Methods for optimizing sample number appear in Green (1979) and Bros and
Cowell (1987).


Bros, W.E., Cowell, B.C. (1987) "A technique for optimizing sample size," J ournal of Experimental
Marine Biology and Ecology, 114:63-71.

Green, R.H. (1979) Sampling Design and Statistical Methods for Environmental Biologists,
J ohn Wiley & Sons, New York, 257 pages.

Stationary Fish Census

The Bohnsack and Bannerot (1986) method has been very widely used throughout the Carib-
bean. The basic technique is presented here, although you may find a variation of this method
better for your particular area. Appropriate modifications (e.g., changing the size of area
sampled, the amount of time spent per census, how the time is allocated while underwater)
will depend on local conditions (e.g., visibility, depth) and management needs.

1) Establish a sampling radius. At each randomly selected site, record the depth, maxi-
mum relief of the site, and percent cover by various bottom type classifications (e.g.,
sand, corals, algae, rubble, etc.). Stretch a tape measure out 15 meters along the reef
to mark the sampling diameter; take up a position at the 7.5-m mark.

Biological Monitoring III - 38
2) Make a species list. While rotating at the 7.5-m mark, scan the field of view within
an imaginary cylinder extending from the bottom up to the water surface and having a
radius of 7.5 m. Record all species observed during the first 5 minutes. To simplify
data collection, abbreviate each species name by using the first two letters of the genus
and species names (e.g., the Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus, would be EPST),
or the first three letters, if necessary to distinguish between similar names.

During this initial 5-minute period, list only the different species you observe within
the cylinder. Do not record data on fish size or numbers of individuals -- except for
species that are moving through the cylinder and unlikely to remain there, e.g., sharks,
rays, mackerels, jacks.

3) Record number and size of each species on the list. When the initial 5-minute period is
over, begin recording data on the size and abundance of the species you have listed.

Working up from the bottom of your species list, count and measure the number of
fish of each species, one species at a time, rotating at the 7.5-m mark until the
entire area is scanned.

When large schools are present, the number of fish may be estimated by counting
by 10's, 20's, 50's, or even 100's.

To estimate fish fork length (from the tip of the upper jaw to the end of the middle
caudal rays), compare it to a ruler. Divide each species into size classes based on
the minimum and maximum fork length to the nearest cm. The number of classes
may depend on the number of fish and the extent of their variation in size, but
generally each class should include a size range of no more than 5cm.
Stationary Fish Census

III - 39 Biological Monitoring
If a species listed during the initial 5-minute sampling period is no longer present,
record data from memory.

Any additional fish species observed in the sampling cylinder after the initial 5-
minute listing period are ignored unless you want to include them on a site species

Each census should take no longer than 15 minutes, including the time needed to record depth,
relief of the site, and percent coral cover, sand, and algae. Your underwater data record may
look something like the sample shown below, listing the species and the number of individuals
of that species counted in each size category. In this example, the observer saw one
Epinephelis striatus 15 cm long and two 5-7 cm long.

When you enter the data into a computer spreadsheet, record the number of each species and
the minimum, maximum and average size of fish in each size class.

Modifications: Some investigators have found a smaller radius is preferable in locations
where visibility is low. However, the same radius should be used in all surveys to allow for
comparability of data over time and among locations; using a modification at your site will
make it difficult to compare data with other areas using the standard method.

One modification reduces the cylinder radius to 5 meters and includes any species observed
during the entire 15-minute period (Kimmel, 1993). Because many fish adapt to the presence
of a diver during the 15-minute period, this modification results in inclusion of more small,
cryptic, and sedentary fish (e.g., gobies, blennies, morays). This modified method may also
yield better density estimates for small, abundant territorial species.


Bohnsack, J .A., Bannerot, S.P. (1986) "A stationary visual census technique for quantitatively
assessing community structure of coral reef fishes," NOAA Technical Report NMFS 41: 1-15.

Kimmel, J .J . (1993) "Suggested modifications to diver-oriented point counts for fishes," Proceedings
of the 73rd Annual Meeting, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Austin, Texas.
Sample Fish Census Data Sheet
Species No. and length of fish by size category
3 (1-2)
2 (10-12)
2 (5-7)
1 (300)
3 (3-4)
56 (3-4)
16 (16-19)
1 (15)
101 (5-7)

Biological Monitoring III - 40
Belt Transect Census

Belt transects (Brock, 1954) cover a larger area per census than stationary counts and are
considered most useful for counting patchily distributed species. They can be conducted along
permanent transects marked with survey stakes or other markers, or along reef transects that
are randomly selected each time.

The length and width of a belt transect may vary according to the species targeted for a census,
but you must use the same dimensions for all transects sampled. A narrow transect (2 m wide)
may be good for small, cryptic species, while a wider transect (4 to 5 m) can be useful for
groupers, snappers, and parrotfish. Here's the basic technique:

1) Swim at a constant speed along the selected area while stretching a fiberglass measur-
ing tape 50 or 100 meters along the bottom.

2) As you swim along the transect and unreel the tape, record the fish species, the num-
ber of individuals, and the minimum and maximum lengths of species within a
prescribed distance (1 to 5 meters) on either side and above the line, including species
that are underneath you or cross in front of you. Do not record fish entering the tran-
sect area behind you.

Swimming speed must be standardized for repeated censuses; highly mobile species
may be over-estimated at slow speeds, while cryptic species may be overlooked at
faster speeds.


Brock, V.E. (1954) "A preliminary report on a method of estimating reef fish populations," J ournal
of Wildlife Management 18:297-308.

Belt Transect Census

III - 41 Biological Monitoring
Random Swim Technique

The random swim technique provides good information on relative abundance and species
richness, but not on population density. The entire census period is spent searching for
unrecorded fish species rather than recording other data about the fish. To obtain reliable
data, replicate sample censuses must be conducted.

Variations of this technique appear in J ones and Thompson (1978), and in Kimmel (1985).
The basic technique for a 50-minute census is presented below.

1) Begin the census at a random location in the selected reef area.

2) The census period is divided into five 10-minute intervals. Record the name of each
species in the interval in which it is first seen.

3) To estimate its abundance, each species is given a score based on the interval within
which it is first observed. (More abundant species are likely be recorded in the earlier
intervals, and the more cryptic or rare species later on.) Species observed in the first
interval receive a score of 5, in the second 4, and so on.

Your data sheet may looking something like this:


J ones, R.S., Thompson, M.J . (1978) "Comparison of Florida reef fish assemblages using a rapid
visual technique," Bulletin of Marine Science 28:159-172.

Kimmel, J .J . (1985) "A new species-time method for visual assessment of fishes and its comparison
with established methods," Environmental Biology of Fishes 12:23-32.

Sample Random Swim Data Sheet
2/5/94: Upper platform, Coral cover: 21%, Depth: 52'
0-10 min 11-20 min 21-30 min 31-40 min 41-50 min

Score: 5

Score: 4

Score: 3

Score: 2

Score: 1

Biological Monitoring III - 42

Comparison of Fish Census Methods
Advantages Disadvantages
Good for relative abundance;
allows for large sample sizes in
distinct habitats.

Takes longer to train people; less
likely to provide a complete site-
species list (unless modified).
Large area can be sampled per
census; can target more mobile
species; may provide more accu-
rate density estimates for species
such as snappers and groupers.
Fewer samples per unit of time than
stationary methods; may not provide
data on small habitats.
Mostly likely to provide a com-
plete species list; describes a
larger portion of species per
Fewer samples per unit of time;
provides less quantitative data and
no density estimates.

Data Analysis

You need to consider how you'll analyze the data when you design your fish censusing
method. It's usually important to analyze data on frequency of occurrence, abundance, rich-
ness, evenness and diversity of species at individual sites and among sites. Data on changes in
relative abundance and frequency of occurrence can provide information on population changes
for individual species. Changes in average size and structure of size classes of important
species can also be evaluated.

Data may be summarized using a data management program such as dBase 4 or Paradox, and
then analyzed with a statistical package such as SAS or Minitab. Several statistical techniques
are available to analyze the data when you have multiple variables (cluster analysis or
detrended correspondence analysis) and test for differences among sites (parametric/ non-
parametric techniques) or over time (time-series analysis). The references listed below provide
explanations of these and other statistical methods.


J ohnson, R.A., Wichern, D.W. (1992) Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, New J ersey, 642 pages.

Ludwig, J .A., Reynolds, J .F. (1988) Statistical Ecology: A Primer on Methods and Computing, J ohn
Wiley and Sons, New York, 337 pages.

Green, R.H. (1979) Sampling Design and Statistical Methods for Environmental Biologists, J ohn
Wiley & Sons, New York, 257 pages.

IV - 1 Stresses to Coral Reefs

The charts below summarize the suggested components of a basic monitoring program that will
address a variety of situations. In all cases, it is a good idea to use photography to document
your study sites.

For this situation: For a basic monitoring program, you should:
Coral bleaching Monitor individual coral colonies; measure water tem-
perature, PAR, and UV.
Damage by boats,
snorkelers, divers
Measure physically damaged area; record number of
broken coral branches.
Over-fishing Census reef fishes.
Sediments from
dredging or runoff
Measure sedimentation rates and bacterial
Orinoco plume Measure water temperature, water transparency,
salinity, and chlorophyll concentration.

In these situations, you should be monitoring at established quadrats or transects in
the affected areas and at control sites.

Baseline monitoring Monitor individual coral colonies and live coral cover;
measure water temperature, algal biomass, water
transparency, and salinity; census reef fishes.
Sewage or other
nutrient influx
Monitor individual coral colonies; measure nutrients,
water temperature, algal biomass, live coral cover,
salinity, dissolved oxygen and bacterial concentrations.
Desalination plant
Measure water temperature and salinity.
Storm damage Monitor individual coral colonies; measure algal bio-
mass; census reef fishes.
Oil spill Monitor individual coral colonies.

A detailed, comprehensive discussion of the effects of all these stresses on reefs is outside the
scope of this manual. Some of the human activities that cause physical damage to the reef
structure are described below with suggestions for monitoring.

Stresses to Coral Reefs IV - 2

The growing number of snorkelers and divers is resulting in increasing damage to coral reefs.
The harm caused by SCUBA diving depends on the skill and training of the divers and dive
operators. Especially at heavily used sites, divers may stir up sediments and break corals.
However, unless you actually see the damage taking place, it's difficult to know for certain its

In very shallow areas where fragile branching corals are abundant, damage from snorkelers
can present a management problem. For example, a park manager may need information to
determine whether an underwater trail should be closed and snorkelers moved to another loca-
tion to allow the initial site to recover. Ideally, underwater trails should be placed in areas
deep enough to reduce damage from fins, but the best protection comes from educating
snorkelers and divers.

To quantify damage to elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata), you need to consider both the
number and size of the breaks. Here's an easy way to do this:

Estimating Damage to Elkhorn Coral

1) While swimming parallel transects across the reef area, count the number
of freshly broken branches of elkhorn coral.

2) Measure the "length" and "width" of each fracture area or stump with a
small plastic ruler marked in millimeters. Because most fracture areas in
elkhorn corals are elliptical, the length and width measurements can be
used to calculate areas using the formula for an ellipse.

Fracture Area = Length x Width x 0.8

3) Although you don't have to swim exactly the same transects each time,
it's helpful to know the total area being surveyed so that you can estimate
the density of coral breaks, i.e., the number of breaks per square meter.

Monthly observations of snorkel sites are most effective. If surveys are made
more often, distinguishing new breaks from old ones is often difficult, so the
same break may be counted more than once. If surveys are made less often,
breaks occurring since the last survey will be difficult to see, as algae grow
rapidly over freshly broken areas (sometimes within a week).


Rogers, C.S. McLain, L., Zullo, E. (1988) "Damage to coral reefs in Virgin Islands National Park
and Biosphere Reserve from recreational activities," Proceedings of the 6th International Reef
Symposium 2:405-410.

IV - 3 Stresses to Coral Reefs

Dramatic increases in boating in Florida and the Caribbean have led to an increase in boat
groundings and anchor damage. This section contains some suggestions on how to conduct a
general survey of damage from small boats and large cruise ships, and how to assess the
damage resulting from a particular anchoring or grounding incident. Aerial photographs of
popular bays and anchorages can be used to estimate the increase in number of boats using an
area over time.

Depending on the depth, you'll need to use snorkeling or SCUBA to record the necessary data.
It is important that only experienced divers investigate near anchors and anchor chains,
especially those of large ships. If the anchor is being raised, you should not be anywhere near
the ship! If the damage occurred in a protected area and legal action may be taken, do not
attempt any rehabilitation until you've consulted with the appropriate legal authorities.

General Survey of Anchor Damage

If you are concerned about the effects of anchoring in a particular bay or at a dive site, you
can dive on the anchors from several boats and:

1) Record the time of survey, boat length, type of boat, type of anchor, length of anchor
chain resting on bottom, depth, and bottom type (coral, seagrass, sand, rubble, pave-
ment, and mud).

2) Rate the observed damage on a scale of 1 to 5, from negligible to severe.

3) Analyze your data to describe the magnitude of the damage from anchoring, and
restrict anchoring if appropriate.

Specific Incidents

When you wish to assess the damage caused by a specific boat grounding or anchoring inci-
dent, your approach will depend partly on the size of the affected area. But in all cases it is
essential to record the site location by marking it on a map or listing the compass bearings to
fixed locations; determine the GPS or LORAN coordinates. Landmarks, compass bearings,
and buoys are often needed to help find the site again. For more suggestions, see "Marking
the Site," I-16.

For a small grounding site or anchor scar: If feasible, mark the perimeter of the damage
and/or the location of the grounded boat by installing re-bar stakes or other permanent markers
which will facilitate future monitoring. Then record distances and compass bearings from
stake to stake, and estimate the size of the damaged area by measuring it, or plotting stake
locations and digitizing the resulting map. Because underwater compasses do not give accurate
compass readings, it is important to use surface buoys attached to the bottom and a "boxed"
(calibrated) compass on the boat to determine the exact location of the scar.

Stresses to Coral Reefs IV - 4

For a larger grounding site or longer anchor scar: Extend a tape measure across the
approximate center axis of the scar, which may have several turns.

1) Secure the tape to stakes or coral rubble at both ends and at intermediate points as
needed so this base line will remain in place during measurements.

2) Record the compass bearings of the scar. If the scar is not straight, record the bearing
of each segment. These data will be important for locating the site again and for
constructing computerized maps of the scar.

3) To measure the overall size of the scar, measure the perpendicular distance from the
base line to the edge of the scar at 2-3 m intervals. The edge of the scar will usually
be quite conspicuous because of the presence of injured corals and/or loose debris.

For very large areas: An alternate method, especially appropriate for very large areas, is to
construct a grid of 10-m squares (or other appropriate size) over the scar. Estimate the percent
of damage within each square, as described in the next section. While it is important to be as
quantitative as possible, constraints on divers' bottom time may require compromises on accu-
racy and detail if the area is in deep water or is very large.

Aerial photography: If the damage is several hectares in size, it may be best to use aerial
photogrammetry. To provide a reference scale in the image, you can use blue plastic tar-
paulins, 12 ft by 12 ft on the sea floor adjacent to the damage.








Map of Anchor Scar with Compass Bearings

IV - 5 Stresses to Coral Reefs
Estimating Coral Damage

To estimate the percent of live corals and other organisms as well as the amount of damage,
use 1 m
quadrats made of PVC pipe and divided into 100 squares with nylon line. Each
square therefore represents 1% of the quadrat.

1) Place the quadrats randomly along the measuring tape or transect lines, and randomly
on nearby undamaged reef so that you can estimate what the coral community in the
affected area was like before the damage occurred.

2) Record not only the amount of damage, but the type (e.g., abrasion, scour, pulver-
ization, fragmentation). If a 10-m grid is used, two observers should estimate the
amount of remaining live cover and average their two values.

3) If possible, count the number of overturned or fragmented coral heads and pieces of
substrate in the entire area. Otherwise, count the numbers in a known area (e.g., 20
) and extrapolate to the entire affected area. Depending on the size of the area and
your available resources, you may need to set an arbitrary size limit on the coral heads
and rubble that you include in your count.

You can also estimate the percent live cover in the damaged and nearby undamaged areas on
the reef by using a linear chain transect or line intercept transect method. Depending on your
objective, you may decide to measure only live coral colonies or all reef components.


The monitoring techniques described in this manual are presented as a guide to
some of the methods that have proved useful in coral reef monitoring programs in
the Caribbean and western Atlantic region. This manual does not include all
monitoring techniques currently in use, but it provides details on numerous
methods used to examine and document information on the physical, chemical and
biological parameters of the coral reef ecosystem. Other manuals on coral reef
monitoring that you may find helpful are listed under "Information Sources," VI-

These tools will enable you to collect the baseline data necessary to document
changes in the ecological and structural components of the reef. You can then use
that information to evaluate and assess impacts, both natural and human, to the
coral reef ecosystem. Baseline information is a prerequisite to understanding the
natural system, and a better understanding of the current status of the reefs is
essential before management decisions can be made.

A comprehensive monitoring program should encompass physical, chemical and
biological components. Information collected about the physical condition of the
reef will help to explain biological characteristics noted at the study site. Most of
us are operating under many constraints with limited personnel, equipment and
funding, but it is crucial that we begin collecting baseline information. No matter
how small your budget, there are monitoring techniques outlined in this manual
that can provide valuable information. Do not underestimate the usefulness of
collecting even the most basic data; qualitative documentation is better than
nothing. Although you will need to tailor a program which is suited to your spe-
cific objectives, budget and time frame, use of standardized methods outlined in
this manual will facilitate discussion and comparison of data throughout the

Good luck!

V - 1 Glossary

algae-- one celled or many-celled plants that have no root, stem, or leaf systems.

algal turf -- densely packed algae that project less than one centimeter above the
substrate they are growing on; usually filamentous.

belt transect -- a narrow band of predetermined width set across a study area, and within
which the occurrence or distribution of plants or animals is recorded.

benthic -- bottom-dwelling; living on or under sediment, pilings, etc.

bioerosion -- the breakdown of skeletal material when organisms bore into it.

biomass -- the total weight of organic material of a particular species or in a particular
habitat per unit of area or volume.

biota -- the total plant and animal life of a given area.

bleaching -- loss of color from reduction in the number of zooxanthellae and/or the
amount of photosynthetic pigments.

bloom -- a sudden increase in the density of phytoplankton or benthic algae in an area.

chain transect -- a linear transect under which a chain is draped to gather data on all the
surfaces beneath the chain.

chlorophyll -- a group of pigments present in plant cells which are essential in the use of
light energy for photosynthesis.

cnidarian -- a member of the Phylum Cnidaria (also known as Coelenterata), which
includes corals, octocorals, hydroids, jellyfish, and anemones.

digitize -- to determine the area of an item in a photograph or on a map by outlining it
manually with a planimeter or electronically with a computer.

dinoflagellates -- unicellular algae in the Division Pyrrophyta.

endolithic -- growing within a rock or other hard inorganic substratum.

endosymbiotic -- living within another organism.

fire coral -- a member of the Class Hydrozoa which forms a calcium carbonate skeleton;
the fire corals Millepora spp. are very conspicuous on Caribbean and western Atlantic

Glossary V - 2

foraminiferans -- an order of planktonic and benthic protozoans that possess protective
coverings usually composed of calcium carbonate.

gorgonian -- a soft coral of the Order Gorgonacea; most octocorals, including sea fans,
whips, and branching soft corals.

hardground -- cemented hard rock surface that has become lithified.

holdfast -- an organ of attachment or anchoring structure, as that of octocorals.

in situ -- Latin term meaning "in the normal or natural position".

lagoon -- a body of water separated from the sea by a bank or coral reef; the region
between a shore and a barrier reef or inside a ring of islands composing an atoll.

linear transect -- a line of a specified length across a study site beneath which data are
gathered to provide a random sampling of organisms within that zone.

macroalgae-- algae that project more than one centimeter above the substrate, such as
Dictyota and Halimeda.

octocoral -- a member of the Subclass Octocorallia, which includes gorgonians, sea fans,
and other organisms; the polyps bear eight tentacles which usually have small

parallax -- a distortion that occurs when viewing the same object from different angles or
distances so the object's position and size may appear to change.

patchiness -- uneven or variable distribution.

pavement -- hard carbonate substrate of low relief, sometimes dominated by

pelagic -- free-swimming or floating organisms that live exclusively in the water column,
not on the bottom.

photic zone -- the region of sea water penetrated by at least 1% of subsurface radiation.

photo-quadrat -- a quadrat that is photographed for purposes of species monitoring or

plankton -- drifting or slowly swimming organisms that are subject to currents; mostly
microscopic algae, protozoans, and larval forms of higher animals.

piscivorous -- feeding on fish.

V - 3 Glossary

polyp -- the basic structural unit of a cnidarian, consisting of a tubular or cylindrical body
having an oral end which bears the mouth and tentacles.

protozoa -- a phylum of one-celled animal with nuclear material contained within a
nuclear sheath.

quadrat -- a two-dimensional square or rectangular sampling unit within which organisms
are counted or measured, or the frame that marks this area.

scleractinian -- member of the Order Scleractinia, the stony corals of the reef that produce
calcium carbonate cups called corallites.

sessile-- attached to the bottom or to rocks, pilings, etc. and unable to move.

spatial index -- the ratio of reef surface contour distance to linear distance; used as a
measure of the reef's topographical complexity or three-dimensional relief.

symbiont -- a symbiotic organism; either of the two organisms participating in symbiosis,
which is an interactive relationship between two species.

thermal stress -- energy burden placed on an organism by temperatures either higher or
lower than the organism can tolerate.

transect -- a line or narrow belt used to survey the distributions of organisms or
substrate across a given area.

zoanthid -- small anemone-like Cnidarians (solitary or colonial).

zooxanthellae -- photosynthetic, dinoflagellate algae that live symbiotically in the tissues
of certain marine invertebrates, including reef-building corals.

Information Sources VI - 1

Other Coral Reef Monitoring Manuals

CARICOMP (Caribbean Coastal Marine Productivity, 1991) Manual of Methods for Mapping
and Monitoring of Physical and Biological Parameters in the Coastal Zone of the Caribbean,
Florida Institute of Oceanography, 35 pages.

Cintrn, G., Lysenko, N., Sang, L., and J .R. Garca (1993) Manual de Metodos para la
Caracterizacion y Monitoreo de Ecosistemas de Arrecife de Coral, MacArthur Foundation and
World Wildlife Fund, 25 pages.

Coyer, J . and J . Witman (1990) The Underwater Catalog: A Guide to Methods in
Underwater Research, Shoals Marine Laboratory, Ithaca, New York, 72 pages.

Dahl, A.L. (1981) Coral Reef Monitoring Handbook, South Pacific Commission Publications
Bureau, Noumea, New Caledonia, 21 pages.

Dartnall, A.J . and M. J ones (1986) A Manual of Survey Methods for Living Resources in
Coastal Areas, Australian Institute of Marine Science.

IUCN Publications (1993) Monitoring Coral Reefs for Global Change, a review of inter-
agency efforts compiled by J ohn C. Pernetta, IUCN Publications Services Unit, Cambridge
England, 102 pages.

Kenchington, R.A. and B. Hudson, eds. (1984) Coral Reef Management Handbook,
UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology for Southeast Asia, 281 pages.

UNEP/AIMS (1993) Monitoring Coral Reefs for Global Change, Reference Methods for
Marine Pollution Studies No. 61 (United National Environment Programme), 72 pages.

UNESCO (1984) Comparing Coral Reef Survey Methods; Report of a regional
UNESCO/UNEP Workshop, Phuket Marine Biological Centre, Thailand, UNESCO Report in
Marine Science No. 21, 170 pages.

VI - 2 Information Sources
Reference Books and Articles

Dubinsky, Z., Ed. (1990) Ecosystems of the World, Volume 25: Coral Reefs, Elsevier
Science Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 550 pages.

Kaplan, E.H. (1982) A Field Guide to Coral Reefs (Caribbean and Florida), The Peterson
Field Guide Series, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 289 pages.

Likens, G.E., ed. (1988) Long-TermStudies in Ecology: Approaches and Alternatives,
Springer Verlag, New York.

Magnuson, J .J . (1990) "Long-term ecological research and the invisible present," Bioscience

Sale, P.F., ed. (1992) The Ecology of Fishes on Coral Reefs, Academic Press.

Strandberg, C.H. (1967) Aerial Discovery Manual. J ohn Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York.

Methods for Coral Reef Research

J aap, W.C., Wheaton, J .L., and K. Boomer Donnelly (1990) "Materials and methods to
establish multipurpose, sustained, ecological research stations on coral reefs at Dry Tortugas,"
Proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences, 10th Annual Scientific Diving
Symposium, pp. 193-211.

Littler, M.M., and D.S. Littler (1985) "Nondestructive sampling," in Phycological Methods,
Littler, M.M. and D.S. Littler, ed., Cambridge University Press, pp. 161-175.

Ohlhorst, S.L., Liddell, W.D., Taylor, R.J ., and J .M. Taylor (1988) "Evaluation of reef
census techniques," Proceedings of the 6th International Coral Reef Symposium 2:319-324.

Stoddart, D.R. and R.E. J ohannes, eds. (1978) Coral Reefs: Research Methods, UNESCO
Monographs on Oceanographic Methodology 5.

Weinberg, S. (1981) "A comparison of coral reef survey methods," Bijdragen tot de
Dierkunde, 51(2):199-218.

Physical and Chemical Monitoring

Parsons, T.R., Maita, Y., and C.M. Lalli (1984) A Manual of Chemical and Biological
Methods for Seawater Analysis, Pergamon Press, New York, NY, 173 pages.

Strickland, J .D.H. and T.R. Parsons (1972) A Practical Handbook of Seawater Analysis,
Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Ontario, Canada.

Information Sources VI - 3
Underwater Photography and Other Techniques

Coyer, J . and J .D. Witman (1990) Underwater Catalog: A Guide to Methods in Underwater
Research, Shoals Marine Laboratory, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 72 pages.

DeCouet, H.G. and A. Green (1989) The Manual of Underwater Photography, Verlag Christa
Hemmen, Weisbaden, German, 394 pages.

Maney, E.J ., J r., Ayers, J ., Sebens, K.P., and J .D. Witman (1990) "Quantitative techniques
for underwater video photography," Proceedings of the 10th Diving for Science Symposium,
pp. 255-265.

Reef Damage Assessment and Rehabilitation

Birkeland, C., Randall, R.H., and G. Grimm (1979) "Three methods of coral transplantation
for re-establishing a coral community in the thermal effluent area of the Tanguisson Power
Plant," University of Guam Marine Laboratory Technical Report 60, 24 pages.

Bouchon, C., J aubert, J ., and Y. Bouchon-Navaro (1981) "Evolution of a semi-artificial reef
built by transplanting coral heads," Tethys 10(2):173-176.

Desvousges, W.H., Dunford, R.W., and J .L. Domanico (1989) "Measuring natural resource
damages: an economic appraisal," Report of the Research Triangle Institute.

Gittings, S.R., Bright, T.J ., Choi, A., and R.R. Barnett (1988) "The recovery process in a
mechanically damaged coral reef community: recruitment and growth," Proceedings of the 6th
International Coral Reef Symposium 2:225-230.

Guzman, H.M. (1991) "Restoration of coral reefs in Pacific Costa Rica," Conservation
Biology 5(2):189-195.

Harriot, V.J . and D.A. Fisk (1988) "Coral transplantation as a reef management option,"
Proceedings of the 6th International Coral Reef Symposium 2:375-379.

Harriot, V.J . and P.L. Harrison (1984) "Methods to accelerate the recolonization of corals in
damaged reef systems," Report to Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, 58 pages.

Maragos, J .E. (1974) "Coral transplantation: a method to create, preserve, and manage coral
reefs," UNIHI-Seagrant-Ar-74-03, 29 pages.

VI - 4 Information Sources
Fish Census Techniques

Bell, J .D., Craik, G.J .S. Pollard, D.A. and B. C. Russell (1985) "Estimating length
frequency distributions of large reef fish underwater," Coral Reefs 4:41-44.

Bortone, S.A., Hastings, R.W. and J .L. Oglegby (1986) "Quantification of reef fish
assemblages: A comparison of several in situ methods," Northeast Gulf Science 8(1):1-22.

Brock, R.E. (1982) "A critique of a visual census method for assessing coral reef fish
populations," Bulletin of Marine Science 32: 269-276.

Harmelin-Vivien, M. L., J . G. Harmelin, C. Chauvet, C. Duval, R. Glazin, P. Lejeune, G.
Barnabe, F. Blanc, R. Chevalier, J . Duclerc and G. Lasserre (1985) "Evaluation visuelle des
peuplements et populations de poissons: methodes et problemes," Rev. Ecol. (Terre Vie) 40:

Kaufman, L.S. and J .P. Ebersole (1984) "Microtopography and the organization of two
assemblages of coral reef fishes in the West Indies," J ournal of Experimental Marine Biology

Kimmel, J .J . (1985) "A new species-time method for visual assessment of fishes and its
comparison with established methods," Environmental Biology of Fishes 12:23-32.

St. J ohn, J ., Russ, G.R., and W. Gladstone (1990) "Accuracy and bias of visual estimates of
numbers, size structure and biomass of a coral reef fish," Marine Ecology Progress Series

Thresher, R.E. and J .S. Gunn (1986) "Comparative analysis of visual census techniques for
highly mobile, reef associated piscivores (Carangidae)," Env. Biol. Fish. 17:93-116.

Fish Identification

Bohlke, J .E., and C.C.G. Chaplin (1993) Fishes of the Bahamas and Adjacent Tropical
Waters (Second Ed.), Univ. of Texas Press, Austin, Texas.

Chaplin, C.C.G. (1972) Fishwatchers' Guide to West Atlantic Coral Reefs, Horrowood

Hoese, H.D. and R.H. Moore (1985) Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico, Texas, Louisiana and
Adjacent Waters, Texas A&M Press.

Humann, P. (1989) Reef Fish Identification; Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas, New World
Publications, Inc. J acksonville, Florida.

Randall, J .E. (1983) Caribbean Reef Fishes, T.F.H. Publications, Inc., Neptune City, New
J ersey, 350 pages.

Information Sources VI - 5
Robins, R.C., Ray, G.C., Douglass, J . and E. Freund (1986) A Field Guide to Atlantic Coast
Fishes of North America, Peterson Field Guide Series, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston,

Stokes, F. (1984) Divers' and Snorkelers' Guide to the Fishes and Sea Life of the Caribbean,
Florida, Bahamas, and Bermuda, The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia.

Identification of Corals, Octocorals and Other Invertebrates

Bayer, F.B. (1961) The Shallow-Water Octocorallia of the West Indian Region, Martinus
Nijhoff, The Hague, Netherlands, 373 pages.

Colin, P.L. (1978) Caribbean Reef Invertebrates and Plants, T.F.H. Publications, Inc.,
Neptune City, New J ersey, 512 pages.

Gladfelter, W.B. (1988) Tropical Marine Organisms and Communities (St. Croix), ARGUS.

Goldberg, W.M. (1973) "The ecology of the coral-octocoral communities off the southeast
Florida coast," Bulletin of Marine Science 23(3):465-488.

Humann, P. (1993) Reef Coral Identification; Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas, New World
Publications, Inc., J acksonville, Florida, 338 pages.

Humann, P. (1992) Reef Creature Identification; Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas, New World
Publications, Inc. J acksonville, Florida, 320 pages.

Kinzie, R.A. (1973) "The zonation of West Indian gorgonians," Bulletin of Marine Science

Soest, R.W.M. van (1981) "A checklist of the Curacao sponges (Porifera Demospongiae),"
Zoology Museum, University of Amsterdam, 39 pages.

Weidenmayer, F. (1977) "Shallow water sponges of the Western Bahamas," Experientia
Supplement 28, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland.

Wells, J .W. (1973) "New and old scleractinian corals from J amaica," Bulletin of Marine
Science 23(1):16-58.

Marine Plants

Littler, D.S., Littler, M.M., Bucher, K.E., and Norris, J .N. (1989) Marine Plants of the
Caribbean, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., 263 pages.

Taylor, W.R. (1972) Marine Algae of the Eastern Tropical and Subtropical Coasts of the
Americas, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 870 pages.

VI - 6 Information Sources
Coral Diseases

Edmunds, P.J . (1991) "Extent and effect of black band disease on a Caribbean reef," Coral
Reefs 10(3): 161-165.

Gladfelter, W.B. (1982) "White-band disease in Acropora palmata: implications for the
structure and growth of shallow reefs," Bulletin of Marine Science 32(2): 639-643.

Peters, E.C. (1993) "Diseases of other invertebrate phyla: Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora,
Annelida, Echinodermata," Pathology of Marine and Estuarine Organisms, J ohn A. Couch
and J ohn W. Fournie, eds., CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.

Peters, E.C. Oprandy, J .J ., and P.P. Yevich (1983) "Possible causal agent of white band
disease in Caribbean acroporid corals," J ournal of Invertebrate Pathology 41:394-396.

Peters, E.C. (1984) "A survey of cellular reactions to environmental stress and disease in
Caribbean scleractinian corals," Helgolander Meeresunters 37: 113-137.

Rutzler, K., Santavy, D. (1983) "The black band disease of Atlantic reef corals,"
I. Description of the cyanophyte pathogen, PSZNI Marine Ecology 4(4): 301-319.

Coral Bleaching

D'Elia, C.F., Buddemeier, R.W., and S.V. Smith (1991) "Workshop on Coral Bleaching,
Coral Reef Ecosystems and Global Change," Report of Proceedings, Maryland Sea Grant
College Publication, College Park, Maryland.

J aap, W.C. (1985) "An epidemic zooxanthellae expulsion in the lower Florida Keys coral
reefs: hypothermic etiology," Proceedings of the 5th International Coral Reef Symposium,

Williams, E. H., J r. and L. Bunkley-Williams (1990) "The world-wide coral reef bleaching
cycle and related sources of coral reef mortality," Atoll Research Bulletin (Smithsonian) 335:1-

Williams, E. H., J r., C. Goenaga and V. Vicente (1987) "Mass bleachings on Atlantic coral
reefs," Science, 238:877-878.

Information Sources VI - 7

If you have a question about monitoring procedures, or you would like help in locating infor-
mation on a specific topic, these individuals may be able to assist you or to put you in touch
with someone else who can.

Dr. J im Beets
University of Richmond
Department of Biology
Richmond, VA 23173
(804) 272-3798

Dr. J im Bohnsack
National Marine Fisheries
75 Virginia Beach Drive
Miami, Florida 33149
(305) 361-4252

Dr. Pete Edmunds
Department of Biology
California State University
Northridge, CA 91330
(818) 885-2502

Dr. Betsy Gladfelter
Gallows Bay Station
P.O. Box 26472
St. Croix, USVI 00824
(809) 773-1383

Ms. Zandy-Marie Hillis
Buck Island Reef National Monument
P.O. Box 160
Christiansted, USVI 00820-0160
(809) 773-1460
Mr. Walter J aap
Ms. J ennifer Wheaton
Florida Marine Research Institute
100 8th Avenue, S.E.
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(813) 896-8626

Dr. J oe Kimmel
National Marine Fisheries Service
Southeast Regional Office
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
(817) 893-3721

Dr. J im Porter
University of Georgia
Department of Zoology
Athens, GA 30602
(706) 542-3410

Dr. Caroline Rogers
National Biological Survey
Virgin Islands National Park
P.O. Box 710
St. J ohn, USVI 00830
(809) 693-8950

A - 1 Appendix A

Of the many methods available for photographic sampling, six devices are described in this
section in approximate order of increasing complexity. Although these devices vary in sophis-
tication and cost, the goal is always to make sure that each photograph is taken of the exact
same area, at the exact same distance and angle. These methods will continue to evolve as
experience and new technology lead to better techniques. For more general information and
suggestions about underwater photography, see III-29.

Method A: Quadrapod for Large Photo-quadrats

In quadrapod methods, an underwater camera is mounted in the center of an aluminum or PVC
frame with the lens facing the substrate. Four legs made from 1-inch PVC pipe that connect
this frame to the corners of a larger rectangle (the photo-quadrat), so that the apparatus looks
like a 3-dimensional trapezoid. To secure a Nikonos to a 7/8-inch thick PVC mounting plate,
use a -inch bolt that threads into the tripod mount of the camera. Using Ikelite "quick
handles" and 18-inch supports, you can also attach two strobes to the back of the mounting
plate, or a single SB103 strobe to the top of the frame.

The exact dimensions of the quadrapod will depend on the size of the area you wish to photo-
graph and your lens size, but you can use this method to photograph large areas without
expensive equipment. This approach can also be used to take photographs along a transect line
stretched between two permanent reference markers.

For example, to cover an area of approximately 55 x 80 cm with moderate or no relief, you
could use a 28-mm Nikonos lens with a quadrapod that holds the camera 95-cm above the reef
surface. Or, if the focal plane of the film is located 1.63 m above the quadrapod base, your
photograph will cover a 1 x 0.75-m area.

Quadrapod for Large Photo-quadrats

Appendix A A - 2
Although automatic "through-the-lens" exposure will work, using the camera on a manual
setting will give you a more consistent color balance between frames, e.g., f/8 or f/11 at
1/60th of a second exposure with ISO 64 or 110 slide or print film.

At study sites 10 to 30 feet deep in the U.S. Virgin Islands, good results have been obtained
with Kodachrome 64 film, a shutter speed of M90, aperture 5.6, focus 1.2 m, and manual
settings. The minimum reliable resolution is for organisms with about 4 to 5 cm diameter,
but the large scale of the photographs results in underestimating the corals growing in hollows
and cracks not visible in the slides.

(Pete Edmunds, California State University, provided most of the information on this method.)

Method B: Quadrapod for Small Photo-quadrats in Low Relief Areas

This method is appropriate for reef surfaces with low relief, such as encrusting communities.
It allows the largest possible area to be photographed with the camera close to the subject,
increasing the clarity and compactness of design.

Mark two diagonal corners of each permanent quadrat (0.25 m
) by cementing two stainless
steel rods into holes drilled in the substrate. The rods can serve as alignment points for the
corners of a quadrapod that will support two strobes and a Nikonos camera with 15-mm lens.


Coyer, J . and J . Witman (1990) The Underwater Catalog: A Guide to Methods in Underwater Research,
Shoals Marine Laboratory and New York Sea Grant Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.

Quadrapod for Small Photo-quadrats

A - 3 Appendix A
Method C: Monopod

In this method, the only structure that touches the reef substrate is the survey stake holding the
photostand, or "monopod". Especially in areas where corals are large or abundant, these
methods are less likely to cause damage than those which require supporting a camera on a
bulky frame or quadrat. However, like quadrapods, monopods are better suited to areas with-
out high relief.

The camera is attached to the monopod, an L-shaped apparatus that is fitted over a perma-
nently installed survey stake. Although you can vary the dimensions of the photostand accord-
ing to the size of your chosen photo-quadrat and the relief of the substrate you are photo-
graphing, the long side of the monopod is generally about 4 feet, and the short side about 2
feet. The higher the photostand, the greater the potential for parallax.


Appendix A A - 4

Constructing a Monopod Photostand

1) Using square aluminum tubing with an inside diameter of 1 inch,
weld a 2' piece to a 4' piece at a 90 degree angle.

2) Weld a mounting plate to the 2' piece.

3) Screw the camera onto the plate so that the lens faces the substrate.

4) Using a pneumatic drill and -inch bit, drill a hole in the
pavement or dead coral to a depth of about 1 foot.

5) With a sledgehammer, pound a piece of 1 inch square stainless
tubing approximately 1' long (the reference "stake") into the hole.

6) To increase the stake's stability, use Pettit 2-part underwater patch-
ing compound to epoxy it into place.

Taking the photographs: Mount a Nikonos V underwater camera with a 28-mm lens and a
single SB103 Nikonos strobe with diffuser on the photostand. Slip the photostand over the
stake and rotate it to take photographs at each of the four possible locations. With a preset
focal length of 1.3 m, the total coverage area of each photograph will be 0.7 m
(2.8 m

(This photographic method was developed by Craig Tobias, Virginia Institute of Marine
Sciences, and Walter J aap, Florida Marine Research Institute.)

A monopod apparatus has been developed which uses a stereophotographic system to do three-
dimensional analysis, but analyzing the data from such techniques and replicating exact camera
position over time are difficult.


Done, T.J . (1981) "Photogrammetry in coral reef ecology: a technique for the study of change in coral
communities," Proceedings of the 4th International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila, Philippines 2:315-320.

A - 5 Appendix A
Method D: Camera Mounting Frame

This apparatus for mounting a camera fits has two points of support on the substrate, so that
you can move the camera along a horizontal bar and take a series of photos at designated
positions which can be replicated in subsequent surveys.

Constructing a Camera Mounting Frame

1) For a camera mounting frame to photograph two adjacent 1m
drats, cement two 1" PVC fittings 2 meters apart on the reef using a
mixture of Portland cement and plaster of Paris.

2) Insert two PVC uprights supporting a 2-m horizontal bar with elbows
into the PVC fittings. The length of the uprights is determined by the
focal length of your camera lens: a 15-mm lens supported 1.5 m
above the substrate will cover slightly more than 1m
; a 28-mm lens
will need to be slightly higher to get the entire quadrat in the photo.

3) Using screws or etched lines, mark the horizontal bar at 0.5 and 1.5
m along its length to indicate where the camera is to be positioned for
the two photos.

4) To permit easy positioning of a mylar tracing grid over the photo-
graphs, attach a taut line between the uprights just above the substrate
with a bead at 0.5 and 1.5 m to indicate the center of each quadrat.

(This method was developed by Allan Smith, Caribbean Natural Resources Institute.)

Camera Mounting Frame

Appendix A A - 6
Method E: Photostation

This "photostation" is marked by 8 stainless steel stakes which frame a three-part quadrat as
shown below. The stakes are inserted into holes drilled in the reef and cemented in place.
One-inch PVC pipe is used to construct a grid measuring 2.25 m x 2 m with 12 rectangles,
each measuring 0.75 m x 0.5 m.
2 m

2.5 m

PVC Grid
Photostation Quadrats

The PVC grid is used as a guide for a camera attached to a quadrapod photoframer with a base
of 0.75 m x 0.50 m. Place a Nikonos fitted with a 28-mm underwater lens 1 m above the grid
to include the framed area in the photo. To cover the area marked off by the eight stakes
(13.5 m
), move the grid three times and take 36 photographs. Each photo should include a
velcro-backed frame number and a small placard with date and place information.

Considerations: This method has limited application. Because of the large size of the
hotostation Apparatus

A - 7 Appendix A

Videotaping Apparatus
apparatus, it can only be used in certain locations, and because of the time required, it is
difficult to get sufficient replicates. The PVC frame is not rigid, so the photoframer may
move. Assembling a series of photographs to create a mosaic is problematic; the magnifica-
tion changes from photograph to photograph because of parallax and the irregular surface.


Porter, J .P. (1990) Methods for the analysis of coral reef community structure.
I. Photostation, A. Field methods and data acquisition. Report to National Park Service.


This apparatus can be used to videotape a reef using a Sony TR81 hi-band 8 camera in an
Amphibico housing.

Appendix A A - 8
n The housing is mounted on an aluminum "carriage" with four grooved, nylon
wheels that roll on two cables deployed between two T-shaped aluminum poles that
are slipped over square reference stakes. A stainless steel cable is deployed from a
"down-rigger" fishing winch mounted vertically on one pole.

n After the clutch on the winch is released, a diver swims with the cable to the other
pole, slips the cable through two eyebolts on the top of the T, returns the cable to
the first pole, and snaps the stainless steel clip on the cable end to another eyebolt.
Tension is taken up with the winch until the cable is taut, and the clutch is re-

n With the camera aimed vertically, the video carriage is suspended on the cables as
the diver pushes it very slowly to the opposite pole and back, providing a video
record of the reef area between the stakes. A tape measure in the video field
provides a size reference.

Because there is some bowing in the middle of the cable and the sea floor is irregular, the
camera cannot be maintained at a fixed distance from the bottom. Once on site, the time
required to deploy and recover the equipment is about 10 minutes.


J aap, W.C., Wheaton, J .L., Donnelly, K.B. (1990) "Materials and methods to establish multipurpose,
sustained, ecological research stations on coral reefs at Dry Tortugas," Proceedings of the American
Academy of Underwater Sciences, 10th Annual Scientific Diving Symposium, pp. 193-211.

B - 1 Appendix B

While a detailed explanation of statistics is beyond the scope of this manual, some generaliza-
tions can be made about statistical analysis as it pertains to coral reef monitoring. The guide-
lines in this appendix, which assume a basic knowledge of statistics, are based largely on Zar
(1984) and Green (1979). References are listed at the end of this section. If possible, consult
a statistician or field biologist/ecologist with familiarity with experimental design before you
begin your monitoring program.

Your Hypothesis

As you formulate your hypothesis, you need to keep in mind the objectives of your monitoring
program and the questions you are trying to answer. As Green (1979) points out, "In an
environmental study there should be a logical flow: purpose > question > hypotheses >
sampling design > statistical analysis > tests of hypotheses > interpretation and presentation
of results."

There are a variety of statistical tests you can do with the data you have collected to determine
whether you should accept or reject your particular hypothesis, referred to as the null
hypothesis (Ho). Your null hypothesis might be that an oil spill caused no decrease in the
percent of live coral on a reef flat. The alternative hypothesis (Ha) would be that the oil spill
did result in such a decrease.

If you reject the null hypothesis when in reality it is true, you commit a Type I error. Usually
a significance level of 5% (

= 0.05) is used to estimate the probability of Type I error. Type

II error is the risk of concluding that Ho is true when it is false.


How many samples do you need to meet your monitoring objective? For example, how many
quadrats should be measured to determine whether sewage flowing over the reef has
significantly increased the biomass of macroalgae? If you take too few samples, you won't be
able to answer the questions you've raised. However, if you take more samples than you
need, you'll be wasting time and money. Also, some sampling techniques can damage reef
organisms and should not be done more often than necessary.

The number of samples you'll need depends on three factors:

the level of precision you want (e.g., the precision of the sample mean is the
closeness with which it estimates the true mean of the entire population);

Appendix B B - 2
the degree of confidence (1 -

) you want (e.g., 0.95 would give you a 1-in-20

chance of concluding incorrectly that you have estimated the mean within the
specified level of precision); and

the variability in the population(s
), estimated from a preliminary sample.

There are many formulas you can use to determine the number of samples required and the
resulting confidence interval, but certain general principles apply in most situations. For
example, the higher the degree of confidence and the more variable the population, the more
samples you'll need to take. Similarly, precision increases as sample size increases. For
many purposes, a precision of <10% of the mean is required. At the desired Type I error
level (

= 0.05), the estimated sample mean would then have a 95% chance of being within
10% of the true mean.

The confidence interval indicates the range within which the true population mean (or other
parameter) will fall, given the specified degree of confidence. For example, with a confidence
level of 0.95, a confidence interval of {17.5 < x < 20.5} would indicate that the true popula-
tion mean lies somewhere between 17.5 and 20.5, 95% of the time. The more variable the
population, the wider the confidence interval.

It's also possible to calculate the number of samples required to determine a significant differ-
ence in the means of two independent samples (two-sample test). You'll need to know the
expected variability of your data, the significance level, and the power of the test (1- ).

A software program run within a Lotus 1-2-3 worksheet is available to calculate the minimum
number of samples you should take, and to graph high, mean, and low standard error versus
number of samples. See Bros and Cowell, 1987.

Analysis of Variance

Many statistical tests involve analysis of variance (ANOVA). In general, ANOVA provides a
way of determining if means from three or more samples differ significantly from each other.
"Repeated measures ANOVA" is appropriate if you are interested in determining if there is a
significant difference among mean values for three or more samples obtained from permanent
quadrats or transects on several different occasions.

If ANOVA indicates a significant difference in means among groups, multiple comparison
tests are performed to identify which means differ significantly from each other. Note that the
changes you detect are representative only of your fixed study sites and may or may not reflect
general changes for the entire reef.

If you wish to compare two sets of samples where there is a relationship between one data
point in the first sample and a corresponding one in the second sample, use a paired t-test. For
example, you could use a paired t-test to look at differences in percent cover of the dominant
species in permanent transects before and after a hurricane or other stress.

B - 3 Appendix B
Example of K-Dominance Curve
Parametric vs. Non-Parametric Tests

ANOVA and paired t-tests are examples of parametric tests. Non-parametric tests are used
when your hypothesis does not involve a population parameter (e.g., the mean or variance)
and when the assumptions required for use of parametric procedures are not met. For exam-
ple, ANOVA assumes that samples have been drawn from populations that have normal distri-
butions and equal variances. Many types of ecological data do not conform to these assump-
tions. An inherent assumption of non-parametric statistics is that different groups have similar
distribution. Visual census data on reef fishes collected with the Bohnsack method can be
analyzed using non-parametric tests such as the Mann-Whitney U test.

K-Dominance Curves

Univariate measures (e.g., percent cover, Shannon diversity H') have been shown to be less
sensitive than multi-dimensional scaling and certain graphical descriptors (k-dominance curves)
in detecting changes in coral community structure over time. K-dominance curves, which
may be used to show differences in species diversity of two or more samples, are independent
of any bias towards species richness or evenness, a problem which affects combined indices
such as H'.

To create a K-dominance curve, you calculate the percentile abundance or cover by rank in
descending order, with the most abundant species first. Comparing the curves over time or
among samples taken at different sites may indicate changes in ranking or the status of species
richness. Graphs in which the curve is lower than the baseline imply increased diversity; if the
curve is higher than the baseline, the diversity in the sample has decreased. Non-intersecting
k-dominance curves indicate a difference in species diversity of two samples, with the upper
curve representing a less diverse sample. (See Lambshead et al. 1983, Warwick et al. 1990,
Warwick and Clarke, 1991).




Appendix B B - 4
Multivariate Analyses

Multivariate analyses are another way to evaluate time series of data sets. Examples of
multivariate techniques include classification analysis, multi-dimensional scaling, principal
component analysis, and ordination. In the classification technique, data from all samples are
compared; a matrix is generated of similarity or dissimilarity among the data sets. Another
procedure in classification produces a dendrogram which geographically classifies the stations
in a descending hierarchical order. These techniques are useful in detecting patterns of change
or stability. Many of the rigid assumptions of parametric statistics are difficult to achieve in
fixed station monitoring programs, thus the non-parametric and multivariate analyses are
strong tools to tease apart the dynamics in the systems.

The Community Analysis System is a PC-based software program that can create simple
hierarchial species abundance tables, species area curves, K-dominance curves, or
sophisticated dendrogram graphics. It is available from: Ecological Data Consultants, Inc.
P.O. Box 760, Archer, Florida 32618.


Bros, W.E., Cowell, B.C. (1987) "A technique for optimizing sample size," J ournal of Experimental
Marine Biology and Ecology, 114:63-71.

Daniel, W.W. (1978) Applied Nonparametric Statistics, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 510

Green, R.H. (1979) Sampling Design and Statistical Methods for Environmental Biologists, J ohn
Wiley & Sons, New York, 257 pages.

Lambshead, P.J .D., Platt H.M., Shaw, K.M. (1983) "The detection of differences among assemblages
of marine benthic species based on an assessment of dominance and diversity," J ournal of Natural
History 17:859-874.

Ludwig, J .A., Reynolds, J .F. (1988) Statistical Ecology: A Primer on Methods and Computing, J ohn
Wiley & Sons, New York, 337 pages.

Peterman, R.M. (1990) "Statistical power analysis can improve fisheries research and management,"
Canadian J ournal of Fish and Aquatic Science 47:2-15.

Sokal, R.R., Rohlf, F.J . [1981]) Biometry, 2nd edition, W. H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 859

Warwick, R.M., Clarke, K.R., and Suharsono (1990) "A statistical analysis of coral community
responses to the 1982-1983 El Nio in the Thousand Islands, Indonesia," Coral Reefs 8(4):171-179.

Warwick, R.M., Clarke, K.R. (1991) "A comparison of some methods for analyzing changes in
benthic community structure," J ournal of the Biological Association, United Kingdom 71:225-244.

Zar, J .H. (1984) Biostatistical Analysis, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, New J ersey, 718 pages.

C - 1 Appendix C

Suppliers and Catalog Companies Supplies
Forestry Suppliers, Inc.
205 West Rankin Street
P.O. Box 8397
J ackson, MS 39284-8397
Phone: 1-800-647-5368 (U.S.)
(601) 354-3565

Steel survey stakes, fiberglass tape
measures, vinyl flagging,
clipboards, compasses, Secchi
disks, labware, sample bags
Hamm's Spectrum Art Supply
1756 Central Avenue
St. Petersburg, FL 33712

Faber-Castell graphite pure 2900
HB pencils
Ryan Recorder
8801 148th Avenue NE
P.O. Box 599
Redmond, WA 98073-0599
Phone: 1-800-999-7926
Fax: 206-883-3726
Skipholti 50c

Martek Instruments, Inc.
P.O. Box 97067
3216-0 Wellington Court
Raleigh, NC 27624-7067
Phone: (919) 790-2371
Fax: (919) 790-2375

Transmissometers, multi-
parameter water quality meters

Hydrolab Corporation
P.O. Box 50116
Austin, TX 78763
(512) 255-8841

Multi-parameter water quality
Ben Meadows Company
3589 Broad Street
P.O. Box 80549
Atlanta, GA 30366

Nalgene waterproof paper, vinyl
flagging, fiberglass tape measures,
sledge hammers, field books
47th Street Photo
455 Smith Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231

Film in bulk quantities, cameras,
electronics, computers

Appendix C C - 2
Suppliers and Catalog Companies Supplies
Fisher Scientific
711 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 562-8300
Labware, balances, microscopes,
centrifuges, conductance/salinity
meters, Whatman filters
Hach Chemical Company
P.O. Box 389
Loveland, CO 80539

Hach kits for bacterial cultures
Turner Designs
845 W. Maude Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Phone: (408) 749-0994
Fax: (408) 749-0998

Nephelometers, fluorometers
Global Computer Supplies
1050 Northbrook Parkway,
Dept. 44
Suwannee, GA 30174

Computer supplies
Goldberg's Marine
201 Meadow Road
Edison, NJ 08818
West Marine
P.O. Box 50050
Watsonville, CA 95077

Boating and marine supplies
Millepore Corporation
80 Ashby Road
Bedford, MA 01730

Filters, filtering equipment
Thomas Scientific
P.O. Box 99
Swedesboro, NJ 08085-0099
(609) 467-2000

Lab instruments and supplies,
microscopes, vacuum pumps,
thermometers, glassware,
balances, refractometers,
fluorometers, oxygen meters
McMaster-Carr Supply Company
P.O. Box 4355
Chicago, IL 60680-4355

Nylon tags to mark coral colonies

For other suppliers of items for underwater use, see: The Underwater Catalog: A Guide to
Methods in Underwater Research (1990), by J . Coyer and J . Witman, Shoals Marine
Laboratory and New York Sea Grant Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.

C - 3 Appendix C

Installing Markers

Hydraulic systems for drilling $5,000

Stainless steel tubing $5 a foot

Survey stakes (30" long) $124 for 10 stakes

Physical and Chemical Monitoring

Instruments to measure temperature, salinity,
dissolved oxygen, pH and conductivity $1,600 - $7,200

Hugrun Seamon thermistor $1,300

Ryan Thermistor and underwater case $752
Ryan "Windows" $200
Microsoft "Windows" software $86

Pneumatic tools $100

GPS (Global Positioning System) $1,000 and up

Turbidimeter/Nephelometer $600

Light Transmissometer $8,000

Li-Cor quantum meter $1,400 - $2,000

Spectroradiometer $16,000

Dissolved oxygen meter $500 and up

Refractometer $400

pH meter $60 - $1,600

Centrifuge $400 and up

Fluorometer $3,500 and up

Appendix C C - 4
Hach kit $30 and up

Secchi disc $115

Spectrophotometer $4,400 and up

Biological Monitoring

Clipboard $2

All-weather field book $13

Underwater slate $10

Graphite pencil $2

Mylar sheets $0.50

Fiberglass tape measure (50 m) $45
" " " (100 m) $100

Number coded nylon tags $1 each

Vinyl flagging (150' roll) $1.35

Sledgehammer (2-lb.) $14
" (4-lb.) $20

Nikonos V camera with strobe and 28-mm lens $1,500

15-mm lens for Nikonos camera $1,000

Nikonos SLR with strobe and zoom lens $7,000
Construction of basic monopod or quadropod < $100

Sony Handicam Super High 8mm video camera $1,300

D - 1 Appendix D

Bill Alevizon
Caribbean Conservation Corporation

Donald K. Atwood
Ocean Chemistry Division
Atlantic Oceanographic and
Meteorological Laboratory, NOAA

Paul Bartels
Department of Biology
Warren Wilson College, North Carolina

J im Beets
Department of Biology
University of Richmond, Virginia

Gigi Beretta
Australian Institute of Marine Science

J im Bohnsack
National Marine Fisheries Service
Miami, Florida

David Booth
Australian Institute Marine Science

J ohn Bythell
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Center for Tropical Coastal
Management Studies

Kalli De Mayer
Bonaire Marine Park

Mary Falconer
The Nature Conservancy

Alan Friedlander
Department of Zoology
University of Hawaii, Honolulu

Ellen Gorman
National Biological Survey
Virgin Islands National Park

Robert B. Halley
U.S. Geological Survey
St. Petersburg, Florida

Doug Harper
National Marine Fisheries Service
Miami, Florida

J ulie Hawkins
Eastern Caribbean Center
University of the Virgin Islands

Walter C. J aap
Florida Marine Research Institute
St. Petersburg, Florida

J oe Kimmel
National Marine Fisheries Service
St. Petersburg, Florida

Richard Laydoo
Environmental Research Programme
Institute of Marine Affairs, Trinidad

Malden Miller
Montego Bay Marine Park, J amaica

J ohn Ogden
Florida Institute of Oceanography
St. Petersburg, Florida

J ulie Overing
Conservation and Fisheries Department
Ministry of Natural Resources and Labour
Tortola, British Virgin Islands

J im Petterson
National Park Service
Virgin Islands National Park

Callum Roberts
Eastern Caribbean Center
University of Virgin Islands

Appendix D D - 2
Allan "Kaf" Smith
Caribbean Natural Resources Institute

Kathleen Sullivan
The Nature Conservancy
Miami, Florida

Craig Tobias
Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences

Ed Towle
Island Resources Foundation
St. Thomas, USVI

Tom Van't Hof
Saba, Netherlands Antilles

Vance P. Vicente
National Marine Fisheries Service
Hato Rey, Puerto Rico

Bert Williams
Department of Marine Science
University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez

Nicholas Wolff
University of Rhode Island

Appendix D D - 4

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