Syllabus: College of Criminal Justice and Security CJA/304 Interpersonal Communication

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College of Criminal Justice and Security CJA/304 Interpersonal Communication

Copyright 200 by !ni"ersity of #hoeni$% All rights reser"ed%

Course Description &his course prepares the student to communicate effecti"ely in both 'ritten and "erbal forms% &he course co"ers best practices in in"estigati"e reporting( 'ritten reports and memos( and interpersonal "erbal communication 'ithin criminal )ustice settings( including interactions 'ith "ictims( suspects( incarcerated persons( go"ernment officials( staff( and ci"ilians% Policies *aculty and students/learners 'ill be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained 'ithin the follo'ing t'o documents+ !ni"ersity policies+ ,ou must be logged into the student 'ebsite to "ie' this document% Instructor policies+ &his document is posted in the Course Materials forum%

!ni"ersity policies are sub)ect to change% -e sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class% #olicies may be slightly different depending on the modality in 'hich you attend class% If you ha"e recently changed modalities( read the policies go"erning your current class modality% Course Materials .allace( /%( 0 1oberson( C% 2200 3% Written and interpersonal communication: Methods for law enforcement 24th ed%3% !pper Saddle 1i"er( 4J+ #earson #rentice /all% All electronic materials are a"ailable on the student 'ebsite%

Week One: The Communication Process




Readin s Participation

Discussion #uestions

1.1 5escribe the process and components of communication% 1.2 5escribe the flo' of communication in organi6ations% 1.3 Identify ho' barriers to effecti"e communication can be o"ercome% 1.4 7$plain the role of types of listening in oral communication% Read this 'ee89s 1ead :e *irst% Read Ch% 2;4 of Written and !nterpersonal Communication" Read this 'ee89s 7lectronic 1eser"e 1eadings% Participate in class discussion% At least 2 < posts on 4 different days of the 'ee8 Respond to 'ee8ly discussion =uestions% 5> < ? 5ay3 2 5> 2 ? 5ay 3 5> 3 ? 5ay 4

!ndividual Write a <(0@0? to <(A@0?'ord paper in 'hich you describe the 5ay A -arriers to 7ffecti"e follo'ing+ Communication #aper &he process of communication and its components 5ifferences bet'een listening and hearing in communication &he formal and informal channels of communication in criminal )ustice organi6ations 5ifferent barriers to effecti"e communication Strategies that may be implemented to o"ercome communication barriers Provide real?'orld e$amples to illustrate your points% $ormat your paper consistent 'ith A#A guidelines%


Week Two: %erbal and &onverbal Communication

Objectives 1.1 Identify the guidelines for effecti"e spea8ing and presentations% 1.2 5escribe the components of "erbal and non"erbal communication in criminal )ustice settings% 1.3 Apply effecti"e 'riting principles to "arious types of criminal )ustice communication% 1.4 Identify the parameters of persuasi"e 'riting% 1.5 Identify the guidelines for fact?based report 'riting% Read this 'ee89s 1ead :e *irst% Read Ch% < 0 @;B of Written and !nterpersonal Communication" Review Ch% 2;4 of Written and !nterpersonal Communication" Read this 'ee89s 7lectronic 1eser"e 1eadings% Participate in class discussion%



Readin s


At least 2 < posts on 4 different days of the 'ee8

Discussion #uestions

Respond to 'ee8ly discussion =uestions%

!ndividual Cerbal Communication #aper

Write a <(A@0? to 2(<00?'ord paper describing ho' "erbal and non"erbal communication can affect communication in the follo'ing areas+ #olice situations 2public announcement to the press3 Courtroom setting 2testifying3 Corrections facility 2employees( peers( inmates3 Ju"enile facility 2employees( peers( inmates3

5> < ? 5ay3 2 5> 2 ? 5ay 3 5> 3 ? 5ay 4 5ay A <@

!dentif' one communication guideline or preferred practice for each area% !nclude one to three references to support your findings% $ormat your paper consistent 'ith A#A guidelines% (earnin Team Charter #repare and submit the Dearning &eam Charter found in the Dearning &eam &ool8it under the :aterials tab at the top of the classroom page% 5ay A <

Week Three: !nterviewin and !nterro ation

Objectives 1.1 5ifferentiate bet'een inter"ie's and interrogations% 1.2 Identify effecti"e techni=ues for inter"ie'ing% 1.3 5escribe the legal re=uirements necessary to ac=uire admissible statements% Read this 'ee89s 1ead :e *irst% Read Ch% ;<< of Written and !nterpersonal Communication" Read this 'ee89s 7lectronic 1eser"e 1eadings% Participate in class discussion%



Readin s


Discussion #uestions

Respond to 'ee8ly discussion =uestions%

!ndividual >ui6

Complete the =ui6 pro"ided by your instructor% )ubmit your ans'ers to your instructor for re"ie'%

At least 2 < posts on 4 different days of the 'ee8 5> < ? 5ay3 2 5> 2 ? 5ay 3 5> 3 ? 5ay 4 5ay A @

(earnin Team #olice 1eport

Resource: 1e"ie' the criminal complaint filed by the :anito'oc 5ay A County 5istrict Attorney in the case of The )tate of Wisconsin v" *rendan Dasse'% I ha"e posted a copy of the complaint in the Course :aterials forum of our classroom% !dentif' and discuss the "arious types of 'ritten or oral communication presented in the case and the guidelines for each type of communication% Consider the prosecution( defense( 'itnesses( and the )udge% Write a 2@0?'ord summary of the communication elements present in this case% Write an arrest?and?incident police report using the specified guidelines and parameters for report 'riting as outlined in the assigned readings% Assume the role of the in"estigating officer% &he report must be factual( accurate( ob)ecti"e( and complete% 7nsure the police report is as long as necessary( concise( clear( and mechanically correct%


$ormat citations consistent 'ith A#A guidelines%

Week $our: Technolo ical Communication




Readin s Participation

Discussion #uestions

(earnin Team +c,uirin +dmissible )tatements Worksheet

1.1 7$plain ho' technology has affected communication% 1.2 5escribe ne' technological communication methods and their appropriate uses 'ithin criminal )ustice settings% 1.3 Compare purposes of speciali6ed databases in criminal )ustice% Read this 'ee89s 1ead :e *irst% Read Ch% <3 of Written and !nterpersonal Communication" Read this 'ee89s 7lectronic 1eser"e 1eadings% Participate in class discussion% At least 2 < posts on 4 different days of the 'ee8 Respond to 'ee8ly discussion =uestions% 5> < ? 5ay3 2 5> 2 ? 5ay 3 5> 3 ? 5ay 4 Complete the Ac=uiring Admissible Statements .or8sheet 5ay A 4 located on the student 'ebsite% )ubmit the completed 'or8sheet to your instructor for re"ie'%

!ndividual &echnology and Communication #aper

Prepare a <(0@0? to <(A@0?'ord paper that e$plains ho' technology has affected the communication capabilities of speciali6ed databases in the criminal )ustice system% !nclude the follo'ing in your paper+ o :obile data terminals o A*IS o Di"e scan o *acial recognition o Iris scan o E"erall positi"e effect due to ne' technologies E"erall negati"e effect due to ne' technologies A discussion about 'hich ne' speciali6ed technologies you might 'ant to use and 'hy A comparison of at least t'o types of speciali6ed databases( such as the follo'ing+

5ay A


Week $ive: Communication With Diverse -roups and )pecial )ituations




Readin s


Discussion #uestions

1.1 5etermine effecti"e methods of communication for di"erse groups% 1.2 Analy6e the impact of the Americans 'ith 5isabilities Act on communication 'ithin the criminal )ustice system% 1.3 Identify techni=ues for addressing the challenge of language barriers% 1.4 Analy6e communication dynamics occurring 'ithin incidents( emergencies( and conflict situations% Read this 'ee89s 1ead :e *irst% Read Ch% <2 of Written and !nterpersonal Communication% Review Ch% @ 0 F of Written and !nterpersonal Communication" Read this 'ee89s 7lectronic 1eser"e 1eadings% Participate in class discussion% At least 2 < posts on 4 different days of the 'ee8 Respond to 'ee8ly discussion =uestions% 5> < ? 5ay3 2 5> 2 ? 5ay 3 5> 3 ? 5ay 4

!ndividual #ress 1elease

Review the *-I9s top <0 ne's stories for the past 'ee8 at http+//'''%fbi%go"/pressrel/pressrel%htm to see ho' a press release in 'ritten% Write a 3@0? to A00?'ord press release about a current e"ent or issue in your community% Consider the follo'ing as you 'rite your press release+

5ay A


7ffecti"e methods of communication for di"erse groups &he effect of the Americans 'ith 5isabilities Act of < 0 on communication 'ithin the criminal )ustice system &echni=ues for addressing the challenge of language barriers Communication dynamics occurring 'ithin incidents( emergencies( and conflict situations (earnin Team Write a <(0@0? to <(400?'ord paper( based on the assigned 5ay A &echnical readings and additional resources( describing the process an Communication officer should follo' 'hen communicating 'ith another officer( the :ethods and department( or the dispatch center before or after an incident% #ractices #aper and Address the follo'ing in your paper+ #resentation Identify the technological tools that might be used in the communication process% /o' might current technology be used to communicate more effecti"ely 'ithin the "arious areas of the criminal )ustice systemG .hat future technologies( not currently in e$istence( do you foresee being used to further communication( particularly in inter"ie' and interrogation situationsG Create a A? to <2?slide :icrosoftH #o'er#ointH presentation to accompany your paper% $ormat any references used in your paper and presentation consistent 'ith A#A guidelines% Cop'ri ht
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