Francis Baily School Prospectus 13 14
Francis Baily School Prospectus 13 14
Francis Baily School Prospectus 13 14
Prospectus 2013/14
A warm welcome to Francis Baily School. At Francis Baily we expect the best of ourselves and aim for the highest possible standards. Our school enjoys the support of parents, governors and the wider community. We are proud of our confident, caring and self-disciplined pupils who rise to challenges and make the most of every opportunity offered. I hope you find this prospectus useful. If you have any questions or queries, please get in touch with us and we will be happy to help.
C Davis
Chris Davis Headteacher
About Us Our Vision Our Definition of Learning School Profile School Governors Parents & Teachers Association School Volunteers Life at Francis Baily The School Day Attendance Homework Your Childs Health Behaviour Home School Partnership School Meals School Uniform Out of Hours Clubs After School Activities Admissions The School Curriculum The School Council Special Education Needs Term Dates Term Dates Staff and Classes Staff and Classes Contact Us Contact Us 3 4 5 6 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
About Us
Our Vision
At Francis Baily, we provide a caring and safe learning environment in which children develop pride and respect for themselves and others and enjoy their learning. At Francis Baily we aim to: Encourage each child to have a sense of respect for themselves and others and teach them to take responsibility for and make decisions about their learning, development and behaviour Foster and encourage self-confidence, self-belief and independence both socially and academically and to participate without fear of failure Promote a learning culture which provides a broad, stimulating curriculum and celebrates achievement and effort Develop positive values and a strong sense of community and to value and promote the partnership between home and school Encourage each child to make their own choices in order to live a healthy, well balanced life Provide a stimulating, safe and secure learning environment which recognises individuality and inspires children to make a difference.
Francis Baily Primary School is committed to safeguarding children and young people and for ensuring they are protected from harm.
You can tell someone is learning when you can see they are struggling.
How do you know if someone is learning? They can explain their work. They will want to find out more. They get the objective correct.
School Profile
Headteacher Mr Chris Davis (BEd Hons, NPQH) Deputy Headteachers Mr Neil Pilsworth (BA Hons) Miss Antonia Monks (BA Hons) Assistant Headteacher/Inclusion Manager Mrs Katy Higgs (BA Hons) Chair of Governors Asa Parker Local Authority West Berkshire
Type of School A well maintained community primary school (with Foundation Unit) which caters for girls and boys from 4 to 11 years of age. Number of Pupils 525 Facilities The children are able to enjoy our extensive school grounds, including three playground areas (as well as a large outdoor area for the Foundation Stage pupils), an outdoor classroom, a sports field (shared with Kennet School) and a well appointed library, all helping to provide an attractive environment for learning. History Francis Baily School first opened its doors to admit pupils in 1913 and has been educating the children of the local community ever since. The school was named after the English astronomer, Francis Baily, who was born in 1774 and grew up in Thatcham. He wrote many articles and became an outstanding leader in his field, becoming the first president of the British Astronomical Society. During a solar eclipse, Francis Baily observed the light display that became known as Bailys Beads, which is depicted in the schools logo. Although he became a famous and influential figure in his day, Francis Baily never forgot the importance of his family and his roots. When he was offered a final resting-place in Westminster Abbey, he chose instead to be buried next to his parents at St Marys Chur ch in Thatcham. He is therefore a good role model for our pupils. Ofsted Francis Baily Primary School was last inspected in July 2011 with an overall rating of Good. Intake Francis Baily takes in 75 pupils every school year. Organisation Designed to be flexible and sustainable, Francis Baily is organised into departments so that a friendly and secure environment can be created for all pupils. Department Foundation Unit Lower Key Stage 1 Upper Key Stage 1 Lower Key Stage 2 Upper Key Stage 2 Age of Children 4 5 years old 5 6 years old 6 7 years old 7 9 years old 9 11 years old National Curriculum Year Group Foundation Year 1 Year 2 Years 3 and 4 Years 5 and 6
The five school departments all occupy quite distinct areas of the school. Each department in the school works as a team. Each year group has three mixed ability classes. In Years 5 and 6 there are two classes of Year 5s, two classes of Year 6 and a mixed Year 5 and 6 class. They are organised in slightly different ways to reflect the needs of the children, the skills of the teachers and the demands of the curriculum. We hold evening meetings for parents when their children change from one team to another so that we can explain the organisation in detail and provide other useful information.
School Governors
The school governors, like a companys board of directors, have the general responsibility for the effective management of th e school, acting within the framework of Government legislation and West Berkshire Local Authority policies. Detailed decisions about the day to day running of the school are taken by the Headteacher who reports to, and consults with, the governing body on a regular basis. Meeting once a month, our governors have statutory legal duties, powers and responsibilities to decide what is taught (the curriculum), set standards of behaviour, appoint staff and decide how the school budget is spent. Governors are also involved in the life of the school by attending events, meetings with staff and parents and maintaining good communications at all times. They also help to provide a high standard of education and strive to ensure that our pupils are given the best possible foundation for their future education and life in the community. The Instrument of Government for the school sets out the exact size and composition of the governing body. The schools governing body currently consists of: Four parent governors (elected by parents of children at the school) Two Local Authority governors (appointed by West Berkshire Council) Three staff governors (Headteacher, plus two governors elected by staff members) Three community governors (elected by governing body members) The chair and vice chair of governors are elected annually by the whole governing body. We currently have a full complement of parent governors, but if a position becomes vacant the school will invite parents to apply. Membership Our board of governors is currently made up as follows: Name Chair tbc Vice-Chair tbc Headteacher Chris Davis Rashida Samsudin Tina Skipworth Andy James Helen Sayers Sharon Briggs Gary Collins Asa Parker Emma Tompkins Rev Ken Franklin Dr Steve West Pauline Ford Type of governor
Staff Governor Staff Governor Staff Governor Local Authority Governor Local Authority Governor Parent Governor Parent Governor Parent Governor Parent Governor Community Governor Community Governor Clerk to Governors
Policies The school adheres to over 80 policies detailing such areas as Behaviour, First Aid, Health and Safety and Curriculum. Copies of the main policies are available from the school office and on the school website. Minutes of meetings Approved minutes of meetings of the Governing Body for the last two years are available in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act on the school website.
School Volunteers
We recognise the many skills that our parents have and you are always welcome as volunteer helpers, working alongside the children in school on an occasional or regular basis. Note: regular helpers may be requested to undergo a CRB check. Please contact the office for further information.
*Please be on time to pick your children up if you do think you are going to be late for any reason, please telephone the office and we will keep your child at the school office until you arrive. If you regularly need to pick your children later than the end of the school day please make use of the Out of Hours Club. Getting to School We encourage all children to walk or cycle to school but if the children are brought to school by car, please drive carefully and considerately and have respect for our neighbours. Please do not park in front of private driveways. Parents are responsible for their children until school starts and at the end of the school day. We have a dedicated cycle rack to the right of the main school gates where scooters may also be left. Please do not let pupils cycle or scooter around the school site. Registration Registration is at 8.55am. Children who arrive after the register is closed will be marked late and recorded as an unauthorised absence. Lunchtime Children can either have school meals freshly cooked in school or packed lunches. Find out more about our school meals, including the menu, on our website or at the school office. Snacks and Drinks Children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack for morning break. Foundation and Year 1 and 2 children will receive a free piece or fruit every morning under the Government Healthy Eating Initiative. All children are asked to bring a bottle of water daily, clearly marked with their name, and will be encouraged to drink regularly throughout the day. Out of Hours Clubs We run daily Breakfast Clubs from 8.00 to 8.55am and After School Clubs from 3:20pm to 6:00pm (see page 22 for more details). We also run a number of extra-curriculum clubs. For further information about our school clubs please contact the school office or look at our school website. School Closure Very occasionally, due to extreme weather conditions (such as heavy snow) or failure of key services (such as heating, water or electricity), it may be necessary to close the school. In these circumstances, we aim to inform parents as quickly as possibly by text message, posting information on our website or recording a message on the school answer-machine. Announcements will also be made on local radio stations such as BBC Radio Berkshire and Heart FM102.9.
After 8.55am when the outside doors have closed, children can enter school via the office. However, this will constitute as a late mark and consequently recorded as an unauthorised absence If your child is unable to attend school please phone on the morning of absence and leave a message we have a dedicated absence line for you to record this information Any dental/medical appointments should, if possible, be made after school hours or during the holidays but if this is not possible then please let us know about these appointments in advance, as soon as possible If you need to take a holiday during term time you will need complete a holiday form but we do not advise any term time absence as it can have a detrimental effect on your childs education and their friendships.
At Francis Baily, we believe regular homework supports your childs learning, fosters links between home and school life, hel ps to promote your childs self-discipline and independence in learning, as well as helping to establish good working habits. Small amounts of homework will be sent home and the quantity increases with age (please see class pages for this). Typical homework activities include: Research and project work for a topic in IPC (International Primary Curriculum) Regular reading English and Maths Learning number bonds (addition to 10), times tables and spellings Sentence construction linked to spellings.
We aim to ensure that there is a progression in both the type and quantity of homework through the school. Guidelines and timetables will be sent home at the start of each academic year, and each child is provided with a home/school diary. Please request the Homework policy from the school office or available from the school website
At Francis Baily we believe that a positive approach to the management of behaviour promotes self-discipline and self-worth, thereby enabling our children to learn successfully and become responsible members of the school community. There are rules in the school, but they are there for good reason. Children who break these rules will receive a consequence. This may take the form of loss of playtimes or privileges. Constant breaking of these rules will result in a discussion with the parents which should resolve the matter but in extreme circumstances may result in exclusion. Please read our Behaviour Policy which is available from the school office or on the school website. We have school Golden Rules (see Behaviour Policy) and classroom rules that we expect all the pupils to follow and these are supported by rewards and consequences.
Parents Evenings
Information Evenings
Home/School diary
Text messages
If we feel your child is having difficulties of any kind, we will contact you. Similarly, if you are unhappy or concerned please drop us an email, give us a ring or make an appointment to see one of us. We look forward to working with you and will always try to help with your concerns.
School Meals
Since September 2012, our school catering service has been delivered by ISS (West Berkshire's new school meals provider). All meals are 95% fresh with food sourced locally, including a high proportion of organic products, and there will be opportunities during this academic year for parents to join their child for a hot lunch to try the lunch out too. Check out the full menu on the school website. Paying for School Meals Payment is easy and must be paid in advance as ISS does not offer any credit facility. You can choose to pay online or by cash or cheque, as detailed below: Pay Online It is very straight forward. Once you've registered to make online payments (available from 1 September 2012) you will receive two email confirmations: 1) to confirm your registration 2) to confirm the accounts activation and your ability to make payments into it. You pay for your child's lunch online via Cypad, the online payment system. Simply select 'West Berkshire' and the link will take you direct to the secure website. Once your account has credit, you will be able to order your childs meals online or they w ill be able to place their order electronically in the classroom. Pay by Cash or Cheque To pay by cash or cheque, please ensure that payment is placed in an envelope, clearly marked with your child's full name, class and the amount enclosed, and hand it to the school office. Cheques should be made payable to ISS Education and have your child's name and class written on its reverse. Further Information Please don't hesitate to get in touch by calling ISS on 0845 057 6487, or emailing [email protected]
Eligible for Free School Meals? If you are in receipt of income support or the income based job seekers allowance, your child is entitled to receive a free school meal. The process is very straightforward. Please contact West Berkshire Council (01635 42400) who will take you through the procedure or apply online at Please register as the school receives additional resources based on the number of children eligible for free meals. Note: You may also be entitled to pay reduced contributions for extracurricular activities such as school trips if you have registered.
Special Dietary Requirements Some children may have specific dietary needs (e.g. for medical or religious reasons). If this is the case, please contact the school office.
Packed Lunches We have a Healthy School Policy and as such ask that packed lunches reflect this ethos. Therefore, please do not include fizzy or soft sugary drinks (water, milk or pure juices preferred) or sweets/chocolate based snacks in your child's lunch box and think again before including salty snacks. Please also do not include nuts (or Peanut Butter) in your child's lunch box as some school children have nut allergies.
School Milk Pupils are entitled to free milk up to their fifth birthday. At Francis Baily, we'd like all our children in Foundation to be able to drink milk throughout their time in this year and therefore we have decided that this will be paid for by the school.
School Uniform
All pupils attending Francis Baily are expected to wear the full school uniform, which is clearly labelled, as detailed below. Its an important part of our school identity, which ensures our pupils feel part of a team and take a pride in their appearance. Our uniform items are available from: Trutex Schoolwear 13 Bartholomew Street, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 5LL Telephone: 01635 38285 Opening hours: Monday Saturday 9.00 am 5.30 pm; Sundays (during the summer only) 10.30 am 4.30 pm. There is also a second-hand uniform shop run by the PTA open in the Small hall on Friday afternoons at 3.00pm.
* The summer uniform may be worn from the start of the term after the Easter holiday and up until the October holiday. ** This must be labelled, in the school PE bag and at school every day. Coats and hats Coats, shower proof jackets, fleece jackets* Hats* baseball caps, winter hats and gloves are also available from the Schoolwear shop but are not compulsory A range of other optional school green or logod items are also availabl e from the Schoolwear shop. *Our pupils are able to wear any colour coat or hat to school. Bags
School book bag is available from the Schoolwear shop Small rucksack
Not permitted Trainers (except for PE), boots, open-toed sandals or high heels Jewellery, except a watch and/or a single plain stud earring in either or both ears if ears are pierced (pupils are responsible for these at all times No makeup or nail varnish No unnatural hair colours or unconventional hair styles. Fashion and availability of items from the high street change rapidly and it is not possible to cater for every possibility with our uniform policy. Therefore the school reserves the right to decide what is and what is not allowed.
Our After School Clubs After School Clubs run from 3:15 - 6:00pm daily, with a half session available between 3:15 and 4:15pm daily). The Lower Club, held in the Foundation Unit, is for pupils in Foundation to Year 2 and the Upper Club for children in Years 3 to 6 is held in Year 5 and 6 modular classrooms. Children are first welcomed with a drink and a snack and are then free to choose activities such as playing with games and building kits or to go outside onto the playground or field. At around 4.30pm the children are assembled and are offered sandwiches or toast together with fruit and a drink. They then help to tidy away before resuming playing. Note: Pupils who attend extra-curricular activities can have their meals reserved until they arrive at After School Club.
Payment is payable monthly in advance, ideally by cheque or internet banking - details supplied upon application. Childcare Vouchers are also accepted. Cancellation requires one month's notice.
Depending on availability, we are also able to offer single or one-off 'drop in' sessions. Please contact the school office if you would like to register your child for either club or to find out the costs.
Rugby Newspaper
Thursday Thursday
Field LKS2
Yr 4 Yr 6
16 8
Rounders Cricket
Friday Friday
Field Field
Yr 5/6 Yr 5/6
20 20
The school can accommodate approximately 525 pupils. We currently admit 75 children into each new school year group. West Berkshires policy is to admit children in the academic year they are five. The Councils Admissions & Transport Team coordinates the admissions process for all West Berkshire residents. To apply for a school place for your child you must complete the relevant application form (not school registration/application forms) available from the councils website; or by contacting the team by email: [email protected] Tel: 01635 519771/519780. A School Admissions Guide is produced each year in October by the council for parents applying for their child to start school in the following academic year. The guide includes all the information you need to make your application. We also encourage parents to register their child directly with our school in addition to completing the councils application forms. Whilst this does not guarantee your child a place at our school as the Local Authority allocates places not the school, by registering your child with us enables us to invite you to our Open Days during the Autumn term. Children are admitted in line with current Local Authority policy and come from within and beyond our designated area. When applications exceed the number of places available, the following categories of over-subscription criteria for West Berkshire community schools are used to prioritise applications: Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs Vulnerable pupils Catchment area pupils Siblings Linked partner school pupils Denominational/Non-denominational requests Strong social grounds All other applicants.
The Foundation Year (FS2) are taught in our purpose built Foundation Unit. We admit children from a number of local nursery and playgroups. Every effort is made to make entry into our school smooth and happy. For further information on the admissions procedures or how to appeal if you are not offered a place please contact the school office or the West Berkshire Council Admissions & Transport team.
Admissions Timetable
September th (prior to childs 5 birthday)
Francis Bailys open days take place to which all parents of pupils due to be admitted in the following academic year are invited. Note: If you have registered your child with us, you will automatically be invited. If your child is not registered, please let us have your details bringing a copy of their birth certificate so that an invitation can be sent to you. If you cannot attend these open days, or your child is due to be admitted to another year group or at another time, please contact us so that we can arrange for you to visit the school at a more convenient time. West Berkshire Councils application form is a vailable online and information is sent to prospective parents. The closing date for 2013-2014 admissions is 15 January 2013. A School Admissions Guide is published in October for prospective parents. Offers are made to all West Berkshire applicants on 16 April and these are available on-line. Children who are five between 1 September and 31 August (inclusive) begin full time but on a staggered entry during the second week in September.
April September
Note: Places can be deferred until statutory school age (the beginning of the term after their fifth birthday) but the majority of children begin school in September.
The learning opportunities planned for the children involve a balance of child-initiated and adult directed activities. It is a very practical approach that is appropriate for their stage of intellectual development. Through this the children acquire all the basic skills. Key Stages 1 and 2 From Year 1 6, we provide a broad and balanced curriculum that covers the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum. The subjects taught are:
We use the Primary Strategy as a basis for the teaching of English and equal importance is given to developing childrens skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. All lessons are differentiated so the learning can be aimed at the needs of all children in order to maximise the impact. Pupils are encouraged to read widely and our reading scheme uses a simple, graded, colour-coded system, which runs throughout the school. Maths lessons are differentiated as they are for English. Our aim is to enable our pupils to be competent in all basic number skills with an emphasis on developing good mental arithmetic strategies. This will enable them to understand mathematical concepts, solve problems and apply logical thought and reasoning in abstract ways. From September 2012 we are adopting the Maths Makes Sense (MMS) scheme for teaching maths. Most Science, History and Geography are taught through the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) units. We have an increasing range of ICT equipment including laptops for pupils, interactive whiteboards and visualisers. All classrooms have access to the Internet and one Upper Key Stage 2 classroom has been fitted with purpose-built desks with inbuilt PCs, monitors and keyboards that can be revealed or concealed at the touch of a button. ICT is taught both as a distinct subject and is used in other areas of the curriculum to enhance learning. We are currently developing our OpenHive Learning Platform and encouraging pupils to make use of online resources for projects as well as using educational sites such as Purple Mash, MangaHigh etc. to enhance their learning. The Arts include music, art and drama and are taught throughout the school in class groups either as distinct lessons or part of a topic, specialist day or arts week. There are also many opportunities for children to take part in concerts and performances, which in turn build confidence. The school has been awarded Artsmark Gold for its excellent work in this area.
The Arts
The children have lessons in gym, dance and games. There are a number of sports clubs and teams which older children are encouraged to join.
The development of pupils personal, social and health education (PSHE) is as important as their academic development. Whilst we teach a specific programme of PSHE, the general ethos and life of the school plays a fundamental role in the all-round development of pupils. The taught programme of PSHE runs throughout the school covering aspects of health and safety education, citizenship, environmental education and self-awareness. All classes use discussion (or circle) time to explore issues arising in the classroom and playtimes. The school has achieved the Healthy Schools Award in recognition of its work in this area. Up to and including Year 4, this is taught through science and topic work and takes the form of learning about the body and its functions. In Years 5 and 6 more formal sex education takes place and covers aspects of human reproduction and puberty. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from the Year 5 and 6 programme. Religious education (RE) follows the local Agreed Syllabus. It teaches knowledge and understanding of a number of faiths. RE is taught in the classroom and through assemblies where moral themes are also used. Parents who wish to withdraw their children from assemblies may do so but not from RE Lessons. However, assemblies are an important feature of school life and every effort is made to make them relevant and accessible to all children. We currently teach a modern foreign language for children in Years 3 to 6. Years 3 and 4 learn Spanish and Years 5 and 6 learn French.
Enrichment Activities We offer a number of opportunities such as day trips, extended trips and visitors to the school (e.g. travelling theatre companies) that involve additional expense. As these activities are to enrich the curriculum we ask parents to cover the cost of coaches, entrance fees, etc. When they occur, we inform parents in writing about the details of the activity, its link with the curriculum and the amount required to cover the cost. We do reserve the right to cancel if there are not sufficient contributions to cover the cost. Extra Curricular Activities A range of clubs is offered to children by staff on a voluntary basis, for example sports, musical instruments, drama and homework. For various reasons these are offered first to the older children and take place either at lunchtime or at the end of the school day. We do have some organisations that provide paid coaching via the school such as judo, Tae Kwon Do and dancing. Information on these is available from the office. The school also has peripatetic music teachers who visit the school. These are normally run by the West Berkshire Maestros. Details can be obtained from the school. Twinning In order for children and staff to promote a sense of whole school responsibility, classes from the different departments are Twinned to work together in mixed age groups on dedicated days and on routine activities such as paired reading. This helps the children prepare to take an active role as citizens, develop good relationships and consider social and moral issues. Twinning groups are set at the beginning of each year. Houses Each child is placed into one of four Houses after the first half term of entry. These are Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Ho use points are awarded for good academic achievement, sports and good behaviour. House Cups are awarded on a weekly, termly and yearly basis with a Sports Cup for the winners of Sports Day. House points are used as a good incentive and reward for those children who are always doing their best. Golden Time runs across the school on a weekly basis as a general class reward for good behaviour (see Behaviour Policy).
Term Dates
Term Dates
2012/13 Term 1 Term Starts Wednesday 4 September 2013 Term Ends Thursday 24 October 2013 Holiday Period Friday 25 October 2013 to Monday 4 November 2013 Monday 23 December 2013 to Friday 6 January 2014 Monday 17 February 2014 to Friday 21 February 2014 Friday 4 April 2014 to Monday 21 April 2014 Monday 26 May 2014 to Friday 30 May 2014 Thursday 24 July 2014 until the start of the next school year
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Term 6
Note: Five days are also available for professional day closures during term time. These days are set by the Headteacher and school Governors and are included in the above dates. School term and holiday dates are also available on the councils website. Taking Holidays During Term Time Parents and carers have a legal responsibility to ensure their childs attendance at schools. Holidays should be taken during the school holiday period. Please complete a holiday form available from the school office or school website if you wish to request a leave of absence during term time, however, this is not advised as it will often have a detrimental effect on your childs education or friendships. We will not authorise leave of absence at critical times of the childs education, e.g. during end of year assessments or tests which tend to take place in the Summer Term for Year 1 Year 2 and Year 6 pupils.
Reading practise to establish good reading habits is essential; some number and handwriting practise may also be appropriate.
Year 1
Teachers: Mrs Merrell Miss Greenhalgh Miss Barlow Approximately 1 hour per week (including or in addition to 10-15 minutes reading per day this is vital).
Year 2
Teachers: Miss Cook Mrs Khong Mrs Morley/Miss Eastop Approximately 1 hour per week (including or in addition to 10-15 minutes reading per day this is vital).
Year 3
Teachers: Mrs Tarry Miss Gamlin Mrs Sherratt/Mrs Crowther Approximately 1.5 hours per week (including or in addition to 10-15 minutes reading per day this is vital).
Year 4
Teachers: Mrs Field Miss Fisher Miss Harrison Approximately 1.5 hours per week (including or in addition to 10-15 minutes reading per day this is vital)
Year 5
Teachers: Mrs Watts Mrs Collins Mr Davies (Yr5/6) Approximately 30 minutes per day. It is still crucial for children at this age to continue to read regularly more frequently if they have reading or writing difficulties.
Year 6
Teachers: Mr Davies (Yr5/6) Miss Hobbs Miss Samsudin Approximately 30 minutes per day. It is still crucial for children at this age to continue to read regularly more frequently if they have reading or writing difficulties.
Contact Us
Contact Us
Address: Francis Baily Primary School Skillman Drive, Thatcham, Berkshire RG19 4GG Telephone: (01635) 8621188 Fax: (01635) 860599 Website: Email: [email protected] The office is manned from 8.30am to 4pm and all our staff will be happy to help you. We have a dedicated pupil absence reporting line and an information line, which is updated on a daily basis advising of activities, events and notices such as trip cancellations etc.
Office staff
Carolyn Tilbury Ruth Jones Pauline Ford Sharon Wallace Laura Baker Veronica Bathe Ruth Jones - School Business Manager - Finance Officer - Administration Officer - Receptionist - Receptionist - Receptionist/Clerical Assistant - Finance Assistant, Out of Hours Clubs Finance Assistant