HP Handbook 2016-17-0
HP Handbook 2016-17-0
HP Handbook 2016-17-0
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Section 1
Ethos of
International School of
Creative Science
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The International School of Creative Science shall be a learning organisation that nurtures, cultivates and
fosters creative and critical thinking skills, academic excellence with strong moral values to develop
successful and contributing members of a global society.
It is therefore our mission to effectively instil traditional morals & values while ensuring excellence through an
integrated curriculum based upon:
Internationally renowned best practices in teaching and learning primarily based on the British
UAE curriculum for Arabic language, Islamic studies, and social studies.
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The aim of the International School of Creative Science is to implement the vision and mission in
preparing our students for success in real life.
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At ISCS, we want the best for your child and believe that children achieve more when teachers and parents work
together. Your support and encouragement are very important if your child is to make the most of his/her education at
the International School of Creative Science.
This agreement will clarify what our responsibilities are and what we expect from parents and pupils.
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1. To be able to learn in a friendly, encouraging, secure, supportive and positive school environment.
2. To have appropriate access to the school's facilities.
3. To have appropriate access to the teachers' time.
4. To have a safe environment.
5. To be heard and be able to express opinions.
6. To know what is acceptable behaviour and the consequences of unacceptable behaviour.
Rights of Parents
1. To be able to participate in their children's education by having two-way communication with the school.
2. To have information on school processes and curriculum.
3. To be able to participate in school programs and decision making processes
4. To receive and offer information about their children's education and behaviour.
5. To expect consistent approaches to codes of behaviour used by teachers throughout the school.
6. To expect that there will be no discrimination of any kind for or against parents or children.
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Rights of Teachers
1. To work in a pleasant and safe environment.
2. Job satisfaction.
3. To have support from other members of staff.
4. To be involved in collaborative decision making.
5. To be treated with courtesy and respect by all.
6. To be able to deal effectively with children who fail to respect the rights of others.
7. To have effective communication with parents and families, especially in cases where issues in the home
environment are affecting behaviour and attitudes in school.
8. To be seen and respected as an individual with the right to their own point of view on personal and social issues.
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1. Offer the National Curriculum of England and Wales, where local subjects are incorporated to provide a
further strength to the curriculum.
2. Provide an integrated curriculum by emphasizing our norms, values, morals and identity whilst
simultaneously achieving the National Curriculum objectives.
3. Encourage children to do their best at all times and "Strive for Excellence".
4. Help children to develop self-confidence and a sense of responsibility.
5. Ensure that a firm but fair discipline procedure is adhered to at all times, encouraging students to be
respectful, with shared morals and manners.
6. Provide state of the art IT resources and give numerous opportunities to children to develop their IT skills.
7. Offer a full range of facilities so students can develop their physical skills; maintaining and developing
good health.
8. Keep the family well-informed about school matters via the Director and/or her designee. You will be
informed of your child's progress through e-mail and/or direct communication.
9. Be welcoming at all times and offer opportunities for parents to become involved in their child's school life.
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Responsibilities of Family
I / We will:
1. Ensure that our child comes to school daily and on time, and is picked up promptly.
2. Ensure that our child wears the school uniform, including the PE uniform and has in his/her possession
all necessary school items.
3. Inform the school if there are any concerns or problems that might affect our childs work or behaviour.
4. Inform the school immediately if we change our home address or telephone number.
5. Attend parents evenings and parent-teacher conferences to discuss our childs progress.
6. Ensure that fees are paid in full and on time each term.
7. Support and adhere to all the schools policies, procedures and guidelines.
I will:
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On the basis of these aims and objectives, rights and responsibilities, the school has developed and shall
implement policies and procedures to serve as standards for the conduct of our work. Some of these currently
appear in this book, and some will be added later.
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Section 2
School Information
School Location
The campus is located in Muwaileh area, Sharjah close to Sharjah
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Section 3
Policies, Procedures
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Start Time
End Time
5 minutes
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4/Break 1
Lesson 4/Break 2
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
25 minutes
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
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Daily Routine
Beginning of the Day:
Please make sure your child comes to school by 7:00 am at the latest.
1. Boys may not go through the girls building and neither may girls go through the
boys building.
2. Students must proceed to their respective playgrounds.
3. They may not go to their classrooms.
At 7:00 a.m., the bell will ring and pupils must line up. A short assembly will follow
with recitation of the Quran, the morning duaa, National antheme and any pertinent
announcements that need to be made. The bell will ring at 7:10 a.m. and teachers will
escort their classes in an orderly and quiet manner.
These guidelines are for your childs safety. Please ensure that the person driving
your child to school receives this information.
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Prayer Time:
All students are expected to pray in congregation.
There are short assemblies to begin the day in various locations. Occasionally there will
also be a longer assembly when each class will have the opportunity to present a topic
of their choice on a rota basis. These assemblies will also be used to recognize pupils
special achievements, both academic and behavioural.
The school also holds special assemblies on specific occasions like Eid al Fitr, the
Quran competition and Eid al Adha.
Field Trips:
Educational field trips are part of the school program. Pupils need written permission
slips from the parent/guardian to attend all trips. Children without written permission
and/or who do not wear full school uniform will remain at school. Pupils who are late
to school may also be left behind.
During field trips, the staff will monitor the pupils at all times to ensure the personal
safety and security.
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No ISCS employee may provide personal tutorial sessions for ISCS pupils. Our employees are
unable to provide such services because these are considered a conflict of interest. This includes
sessions in the employees home, the students home or any other location.
Special Circumstances
The first step you can take to help your child succeed in school is to make sure he/she
arrives on time. At the International School of Creative Science, we feel it is of
paramount importance to instill in our students the habit of punctuality. When students
arrive late to school, not only do they miss the start of the lesson, which is in most cases
extremely important, but they also disturb the teacher and the other children in the
In case of lateness, the child will have to report to the supervisors office. The student
will not be allowed into the class until the end of the first session. At the beginning of
the next session the student will be escorted to the class. The parents will be called. If a
test was scheduled for the first session and your child was late, he/she will not be able
to take the test.
If your child is absent from school, please telephone or email the Supervisor on the day
by 7:00 am and send a note to the teacher on their return, explaining the reason for
ISCS Higher Primary Handbook
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Early release:
Under no circumstances should parents go to the classroom before home time. All interruptions
hinder pupils learning. If, in exceptional cases, you must take your child out of school early for
any reason, e.g. medical appointments, family commitments, please come to the reception desk
and fill out an early release form. The school prefers that parents schedule medical and dental
appointments for children outside of school hours. The supervisor will then collect the child from
his/her class. If someone other than the parent/guardian picks up a pupil, the school should be
informed beforehand. For pupil safety, some identification may be requested by the school
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Pupils who return to school during the school day from an appointment or an absence must first
check in with the receptionist.
Lost property:
If an item of clothing or school item is lost, children and parents can ask the supervisor or
examine the Lost and Found shelves located near the supervisors office.
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Our website includes a Canteen Page so that you can follow up daily with what your
child eats and check your canteen account from home.
If you do not want your child to buy from the canteen, please make sure you fill out the
canteen form from the registration office. If you provide your child with a pack lunch,
do not include food with high sugar content (e.g. candy, cookies, chocolate, soda, etc.)
and do not use glass containers to store food or drinks. Water is available in the
playground and the canteen. Students are also required to bring in a flask of water from
In all cases, pupils are required to behave in a good manner with respect to the food
received. At home, please reinforce the message we are giving them at school: no food
should be thrown away or played with.
The school has a qualified nurse in each building. The school doctor is a full time
doctor who keeps circulating between the different phases according to the need. The
school has responsibility for first aid only. In case of illness, the child will be cared for
until the parent arrives or he/she returns to his/her classroom. In case of a minor injury,
attention will be given, and the student will return to class. In case of major or other
injuries, first aid will be given, the ambulance will be called and the parents will be
immediately notified. Please make sure that you have informed us about any particular
medical requirements which your child may have.
Under no circumstances will any medication be given to a child without a written
medication form completed by the parent. If your child needs to take some medication
during school time, or if your child has any medical condition, please contact our phase
If your child contracts a contagious disease, like chickenpox, he/she should stay home
for a minimum period of 10 days. Upon return, the child needs to be examined by the
school's doctor to get a clearance certificate and be readmitted to his/her class.
ISCS Higher Primary Handbook
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We have buses that collect and drop off children to Ajman, some areas in Dubai, Sharjah
and Umm Al-Quwain. Pupils who take the bus are under the authority of the bus driver and
the assistant. Each bus has an assistant who oversees the behaviour of the children.
However, it is the parents responsibility to ensure that the child behaves in a safe and
acceptable manner while boarding, travelling in and alighting from the bus. The parents
will be notified by the school if their child/children are disruptive and refuse to follow the
rules. Action by the school will then have to be taken. If there are occasions when you
decide picking up your child, you must notify the supervisor 11:00 am, at the latest.
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Student Items
All students are requested to wear the ISCS uniform, to instil discipline and equality. The school also
provides uniforms for physical education. Students are required to have and wear the appropriate
uniform for the appropriate activity: P.E uniforms should be worn only on the days the child has P.E.
or swimming. Children are required to keep their uniform neat and tidy. Black shoes and white socks
are required (no other colours are accepted). (Please refer to the Uniform Policy in the Appendix)
PLEASE REMEMBER to put your childs name on ALL items of school clothing.
ISCS bags are compulsory. Please make sure your child does not bring any other school bag.
Since the bags have all the same colour, you should label your childs school bag with something that
your child can easily identify.
Lunch boxes are not provided by the school. If your child needs one, please make sure it is also
labelled and that no cartoon stickers appear on them.
All the school textbooks have been checked and we are aware that some aspects contain nonIslamic material. However, they were chosen to meet the National Curriculum objectives with
the least non-Islamic material as possible.
Apart from the textbooks and workbooks that children have purchased from the school, the
students in higher primary will have access to an extensive range of books for the reading
scheme as well
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School Rules:
Here are some of the rules implemented in the school. All the children will not be able to apply all the
rules at once, and it is at the teachers discretion that rules are introduced gradually. That is why you will
find that all the classrooms do not display the same rules at any one time. Pupils and their teacher discuss
and make up classroom rules, which prove to be a very positive contribution to class work and
Classroom Rules:
1. Be polite at all times. Say: please, thank you, Jazak Allahu Kheiran,
2. Listen carefully when the teacher tells you what to do or what not to do.
3. At the beginning of the day, put all homework, reading diaries, letters in the labelled
4. Look, listen and learn.
5. Raise your hand and be addressed before speaking.
6. Wait until someone has finished speaking before you speak.
7. Always walk in the classroom and go to your desk quietly.
8. Tidy up at the end of each session.
9. Respect the property of others: always ask for permission before taking others things.
10. Respect your school: do not throw rubbish on the floor or scribble on furniture.
11. When someone enters the room, sit quietly and say salam to the person.
12. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. There will be no tolerance for e.g. hitting,
fighting, name-calling, teasing or spitting.
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Canteen Rules:
1. If you wish to bring your own pack lunch to school, bring only healthy food, not crisps,
whole chocolate bars, fizzy drinks, etc.
2. If you have a pack lunch, sit quietly at a table. Do not eat while walking.
3. Remember to say the dua before eating and after eating.
4. If you need to buy from the counter, remain in the queue quietly and without pushing.
5. Say Please and Thank you.
Playground Rules:
1. In the corridors, always walk quietly in an orderly line on the right-hand side (no
2. In the playground, be kind to others.
3. Keep the playground tidy. Put rubbish in the bins.
4. When the bell rings at morning assembly time and at break times, line up immediately
and quietly and wait for your teacher to bring you back to your classroom.
The rules are displayed in pictures and text in all areas of the school and referred to by all staff as
acceptable and unacceptable behaviours are observed. Assemblies are used to frequently revisit
and teach the rules.
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Unacceptable Behaviour
We are aware that a child's poor behaviour may stem from personal problems and try to
understand and help them. If we have to reprimand a child we make sure that we make time at
some point during that day to discuss the unacceptable behaviour with the child.
For pupils who choose to disregard the rules, a series of consequences are in place. These
sanctions are hierarchical and designed to both reinforce the school rules and to help to teach
pupils how to follow them. All teachers have the right to impose sanctions other than exclusion.
The schools discipline policy is in line with MOE discipline policy.
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The look
Verbal warning, reminder of class rules (1st warning)
If the child continues with the undesired behaviour the child's name is moved from the
green zone into the amber/yellow zone (2nd warning)
If the child continues with the undesired behaviour and does not manage to move back
from the amber/yellow to the green zone by choosing to behave in the expected manner
the child's name is moved from the amber zone into the red zone (3rd warning)
Sanction now applies. After sanction the child moves back to green.
Sanctions in hierarchical order
Sanctions are not carried over to the next day except where a child needs to miss part of the next
day's playtime. Children can do excellent work during the day and also misbehave. We do not
take away merits or stickers awarded for a particular activity or behaviour because a child
demonstrates poor behaviour later that day.
If there is a pattern of misbehaviour and a child regularly receives sanctions the social worker
and the class teacher may decide to use a log book where the child's behaviour is recorded
session by session. This will be discussed with parents and the child and the director of the phase
will be informed. In cases of extreme misbehaviour the child will be sent straight to the
Supervisor of the phase and parents may be informed.
Severe Clause:
It is only in serious cases of misbehaviour that the student is sent to the Director who then
decides which appropriate measures are to be taken. As mentioned in the classroom rules, there
is no tolerance for certain types of behaviour such as hitting, fighting, name calling, teasing or
spitting, etc.
At this stage, in serious cases or repeated misbehaviour, parents will be called in to discuss the
situation. After investigation and the seriousness of the case have been assessed, suspension or
expulsion could take place.
We hope that you can support us by discussing and reinforcing the rules regularly with your
child. After all, it is ultimately to the benefit of your child.
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If your child needs to bring a mobile to school due to some urgent situation, please write
a letter to the Director. The child must then leave the mobile with the supervisor until
the end of the day. At dismissal time he/she may then collect the phone.
Students must take responsibility for their own actions and understand that every choice
has a consequence. Our ultimate goal is to help the students be responsible, successful,
and contributing members of society.
A high priority is placed upon appropriate student conduct. No student at ISCS is
permitted to disrupt the educational process and thereby infringe upon another student's
right to learn or the teacher's right to teach. Behaviour which disrupts or obstructs
instruction is not tolerated. All students have the right to attend school free from
harassment (verbal or physical).
In order to maintain a learning environment, policies and procedures have been established.
Students are expected to follow these rules and regulations. Students can expect consistent
enforcement of school policies and fair administration of consequences for failure to follow
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This late slip should be given to the supervisor later to fill out the class file.
Please ensure that you are accurate when filling in the register as the Phase supervisor uses this
information to enter the attendance on BEAM.
If a student is absent the phase receptionist will contact the parents during lesson 3.
If homework is requested then you will be informed to have it ready by a specific time.
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Section 4
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What is Assessment?
Assessment falls into two broad areas:
1 Assessment of Learning this is the process of gathering evidence of a students attainment using a
variety of different methods. i.e. evaluating what learning has occurred. Making use of this evidence to
plan the next step in learning is known as Assessment for learning.
2 Assessment for Learning is all about a student and a teacher having a clear understanding of where
the student is at in his learning, where he needs to go next and how best to get there.
Why do we need an Assessment Policy?
To ensure that good practice and effective teaching and learning are taking place consistently across all
subject areas.
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Section 5
Home- School Partnership
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At the International School of Creative Science, we are committed to maintaining positive links between
home and school. This positive partnership is very important to the health, happiness and progress of our
children. We encourage close co-operation between home and school in a variety of ways and we are
always open to your suggestions to help foster parental involvement in our pupils education.
Parent-Teacher Evenings
Formal parent-teacher consultation conferences are held during the year. Please check our Yearly
Calendar for the exact dates. These conferences are an opportunity for parents to meet teachers, review
progress and be informed about set targets. Other meetings are held throughout the year to facilitate
better communication between home and school.
Scheduled Appointments
In addition to these forms of reporting to you about your child, we also invite parents to call or come to
school if there are matters which they wish to discuss regarding their childs progress. If you feel that
your child is experiencing difficulty or worrying about school, come and discuss the particular problem
with us. Together we can work to sort out any difficulties he/she may be experiencing. Please do not
wait till a parents evening if something is of concern to you; simply call the phase receptionist on ext
500 to arrange an appointment with your childs teacher(s) or other personnel that you wish to speak to.
If we have any concerns about your childs progress, then parents will be contacted and a meeting will
be arranged to discuss these concerns. Any special programme of work or support will be regularly
reviewed with the parents and other adults involved with the child.
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Teach self-discipline. Help your child to concentrate and accomplish what has to be done. Compliment
him/her on work that is well done.
Help your child get along with others. This is a lifelong learning process. Teach your child by treating
him/her the way you want him/her to treat others and to be treated by others.
Be your child's cheerleader! Praise from a parent is often the best reward. Find time to do special things
with your child. Make sure your child knows how important special these times are for you.
The assigning of regular homework is a practice regarded as an important part of our educational
program. Homework adds to, and significantly strengthens, the learning process.
Homework is defined as planned learning assignments which require time and effort outside of a
student's regular school hours. Homework reinforces classroom learning and expands on the classroom
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7. Gain more information than would be possible in the classroom situation alone.
8. Learn to manage time effectively.
9. Encourage responsibility
10. Extend learning beyond the school into the home and community.
11. Practice skills already acquired.
12. Provide parents with a sense of what students are learning.
Ideally, homework will contain a balance between reading tasks, learning tasks and
written tasks.
1. This balance is not always possible and can vary considerably from day to day. However, it
should be noted that homework time devoted to reading and learning is as important as written
2. Homework will regularly contain reading, spellings, tables, written work, pieces to be learned
by heart, drawing/ colouring, collecting information/items and finishing work started in class.
3. Children often feel that reading and learning by heart is not real homework. Parents can play
an important role in listening to reading and items to be learned ensuring this work is done well.
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Although this information is correct at the time of printing, there could be changes affecting any of the
matters dealt with in the document:
Before the commencement or during the course of the school year in question;
In relation to subsequent school years.
If you have any suggestions or remarks, please make use of the suggestion box in the reception area or
feedback form on the schools website.
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The policy of the school transportation aims to provide a service which is convenient, reliable, comfortable, safe
and reasonably priced.
In order to meet these aims, the school has set the following objectives, which form part of the policy:
1. Transport department will communicate with parents before the beginning of the school year to confirm the
registration of their child/ren for the bus service and to confirm the routes. Priority for places on buses will
be given to passengers travelling both ways (to and from the school).
2. For reasons of economy, buses will operate with as near to maximum passenger capacity as possible.
3. Routes will be established to provide the shortest possible average journey times. No route should take
longer than 1 hour to complete. The areas that buses will cover are those specified by the school.
4. Once the routes have been established and operated for a few days, pickup and drop off times and places
will be finalized and informed to parents (subject to any necessary changes later). Bus drivers will endeavor
to adhere to agreed times and places. Note: Routes are established or modified by the Transport Manager in
coordination with the school Office Manager.
5. Where necessary and appropriate, bus assistants will give the parents a missed call 5 minutes prior to arrival
at drop off times. This applies for students from KG 1 to Gr. 3 only; this will not apply to the pickup times
in the morning.
6. In the morning, buses will wait for students at the agreed time and place for a maximum of 2 minutes in
order not to create delays. In the afternoons, buses will wait for a maximum of 2 minutes for a
parent/guardian to pick up their child (for students from KG 1 up to Gr. 3). If the parent/guardian is not
present at the agreed place and at the agreed time to pick up the child, the driver will return the student to
the school after he has called the parent/guardian and there was no response. The parent/guardian must then
collect the child from the school.
7. Each bus will have a bus assistant to supervise the children.
8. The buses will be comfortable and maintained in a clean and safe condition.
9. Transport department will communicate with parents with minimum delay in the case of any problems,
delays or accidents.
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10. Drivers and assistants will be given clear and specific job descriptions and any necessary training. There
will be disciplinary procedures for drivers and assistants who fail to abide by the school policy.
11. Bus drivers are not allowed to take mobile phone calls while driving.
12. Students with chronic health issues may be refused the bus services for the health and safety of themselves
and fellow students.
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Students using the bus service must abide by the following rules:
1. Buses will be boarded promptly after school and will leave 10 minutes after the bell has rung at the end of
the school day. If students are late to board the bus, parents must come to pick them up from school. The
driver will not be held responsible for returning to the school to collect late students.
2. The buses must be accessed only via the pedestrian walkways. Once the bus has left, children must not run
after it.
3. Students will not attempt to give instructions to the bus driver contradicting the agreed and established
routes and times.
4. Students are assigned seats and must use only the seats assigned to them.
5. Students will use the seatbelts provided on buses that have seatbelts equipped by the manufacturer.
6. Bags and coats etc. will be placed under the seats or on the racks; the bus aisles must be kept clear.
7. Items left on the bus will be collected from school the following day. Drivers are not allowed to return to
drop-off points to drop those items.
8. Students will respect the authority of the bus driver and the bus assistant and follow all instructions.
9. Students must remain seated at all times unless boarding or leaving the bus.
10. Students using the bus will behave sensibly and responsibly. There will be no rowdy or boisterous
behaviour, no damage to the bus, and no eating or drinking is permitted. Toys, mobile phones and music
players are not allowed. The bus will be left in a clean and tidy condition at the end of the route. Any
damage caused to buses by students will be paid for by their parents.
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Negative Behaviour
The following are examples of negative behaviour that will result in disciplinary action:
a- Improper boarding/ departing procedures
b- Habitually being late to board/ attend the bus in f- Failure to remain seated.
the morning and/or the afternoon
c- Disturbing/ Annoying the driver and/or the g- Eating/ drinking on the bus.
assistant and/or other students with actions like:
fighting, pushing, hitting, kicking, name calling,
spitting, shouting, litteringetc.
d- Other behavior relating to safety, well-being & h- Bringing articles aboard bus of injurious or
respect of others such as: throwing objects in or objectionable nature.
out the bus, hanging out of the window, opening
the windowetc.
Disciplinary Procedures
Students using the bus service are required to abide by the School Bus Policy. Any failure to do so may lead to a
suspension of the service for the parties involved. The following are the steps that will be followed in the case of a
breach of the school policy:
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Breach serial #
Action taken
First breach
Verbal warning
Second breach
Written warning
Third breach
Fourth breach
For serious offences, the school reserves the rights to take the needed disciplinary action before exhausting the
above mentioned steps.
Complaints Procedure
Parents wishing to complain/ comment about any aspect of the bus service should contact the Transport Manager,
the Transport Supervisor and/or the school Office Manager. Parents may also fill out a Complaint Form available
at any of the schools reception areas. Complaints will be dealt with at the appropriate level as quickly as possible
Staff in Charge
Contact details
Transport Supervisor
Asif Malook
Huda Taher
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Dress code
1. Students must wear ISCS issued uniforms exclusively.
2. P.E. uniform is to be worn on P.E. and swimming days only. Plain white sport shoes are appreciated. No
sport shoes or trainers will be accepted except during P.E. even if the shoes are black.
3. Plain white socks and plain black shoes must be worn on all school days (it is preferable that KG students
use shoes with Velcro fastening and not shoe laces).
4. In cold days, children must only wear school issued cardigans/ Blazers.
5. The school bag is part of the required uniform and is provided by the school. No bag from outside will be
6. Students must be dressed neatly and wear clean uniforms at all times.
7. Boys must have hair cut short, Hair gel is not allowed
8. Girls from KG1- G3 must have long hair tied
9. Girls from G4- G13 should wear the school provided Hijab (white for grades 4-7, navy blue for grades 813).
10. Both male and female students must have short clean nails free of polish
and dirt.
11. Girls may not wear henna, nail polish, kohl or makeup.
12. Students may not wear fragrance or jewellery, except for wrist watches. The school holds no responsibility
for any lost items.
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If students do not adhere to the uniform policy outlined above and wear the proper uniform, he/she will be
reminded, if student does not comply then the parents will be contacted and he/ she cannot be admitted to school
until the situation is rectified.
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