Ashish Godbole'S Case

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Situation Analysis: Ashish godbole developed a passion for Marketing while doing his MBA and wanted to pursue a career in it. But during campus placement, he was refused a job in a couple of marketing companies owing to his lack of interpersonal skills and was advised to work in an IT firm. He eventually joined Septra Foods in its MIS division, hoping to graduate to the companys marketing and sales department with adequate knowledge and experience of the companys distribution network. Under Mr. Krishnamurthys mentorship, Ashish quickly learned the nuances of MIS and earned the respect and admiration of his fellow and senior workers. His report on a modified model of the companys current MIS was well appreciated, especially by the MD, Mr. Brijesh Tandon. But Ashish was still looking for the fulfillment of his Holy Grail, a job in marketing. He finally found an opportunity to work as an assistant sales manager in the Septra Foods edible oil division. He eagerly volunteered for it, and had his wish granted. But Ashishs performance did not meet the standards it was expected to. His shy nature and reluctance to establish personal contacts with the dealers irked the sales manager, Mr. Bhujbal. Ashish was unable to handle the companys complex sales and distribution network. He felt further pressurized and excluded by Bhujbals crude behavior towards him. Six distasteful months later he was booted out of the marketing division. Mr. Krishnamurthy took him back in the MIS wing where Ashish created more problems than he solved. His intemperate attitude was annoying Mr. Krishnamurthy who finally wrote a strong worded letter to the MD, complaining about Ashishs behavior. Ashish, meanwhile is sorry for his behavior but is also fed up

Objective: The objective of the company is Ashish Godboles retention. Company must save on its replacement cost it would incur if it let Ashish go without any negotiations. Also its important to affect a truce between Ashish and Krishnamurthy such that the companys functioning is not affected.

Problem Identification: The problem company faces is twofold. One, Ashish has had a tough six months, the frustration with which has compounded on him and as a result he is behaving erratically and hence, being a nuisance. Two, since Ashish has decided to resign, the company stands to lose an efficient and experienced employee who could be useful in one dept, if not in some other. Ashishs resignation would also create a replacement cost problem.

Criteria: There are two criterions for the company 1. 2. Trying to resolve the conflict between Ashish Godbole and Krishnamurthy. Prevent Ashish from leaving the organization.

3. Preventing further chaos in the organization due to Ashishs behavior, this can be done by counseling.

Alternatives: There are three broad alternatives the company can adopt. 1. Allow Ashish Godbole to leave the company. 2. Reprimand Mr. Bhujbal for his hard and behaviour and ask him to re assign the assistant manager (Sales) post to Ashish. 3. Persuade Ashish to remain in the organization.

Evaluation of Alternatives: 1. Allow Ashish to Leave the Company: Fed up with his bad experience in the company in the past 7-8 months, Ashish has decided to resign. The company can let a disgruntled and frustrated Ashish to leave. Since a discontented employee is more of a liability than an asset, it is in the companys interest to let him go. But since Ashish is an otherwise efficient and well mannered worker, it makes sparse sense to let him go. Also, losing an experienced employee like Ashish would mean a replacement cost that would be hard for the company to cover/compensate. Hence, this alternative is not feasible. 2. Reprimand Bhujbal/Reinstate Ashish in Marketing: Ashish had an unpleasant time in Marketing division largely due to the contempt with which the senior manager, Mr. Bhujbal treated him. He would chide and chastise him for not being upfront in making contacts and getting updates about the delivery process. It is also indicated that Bhujbal had a personal bias against Ashish, and his rude behaviour could be due of this fact. Bhujbal could be asked to reinstate Ashish in his position and be patient and with time, rectify his shortcomings. But, Sales/Marketing is a tough field and one has to constantly be on the move and since it has been mentioned that Ashish is shy and introvert, it is unreasonable to expect him to perform well in a sphere for which he does not possess the required skills. Hence, this alternative too, can be ruled out. 3. Persuade/Counsel Ashish to remain in the Organisation: Ashish Godbole has had a tough 6-8 months in the organization. He was thrown out of a division he thought was tailor made to work in. This hurt his self esteem and self confidence a great deal. The frustrated and irritating behaviour he showed later was a direct result of this indignation. It is in the companys best interests to make Ashish regain his self esteem and make him realize his importance to the company. Ashish and Krishnamurthy should also be made to talk and sort out their differences.

Selecting the Best Alternative: From the above evaluations, it is apparent that only alternative three fits the criterions. Ashish Godbole must be persuaded and counseled to stay with the company.

Implementation Plan: The plan can be implemented through a direct conversation between Krishnamurthy and Ashish Godbole. Also, Ashish realized that his rough words hurt Krishnamurthy and that he must apologize to his mentor. Since the two of them have shared a close bond over the years (also that Krishnamurthy is a very warm person!), it must not be a problem for them to reconcile. Submitted By: Himank Bhanot 34070

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