UbD Unit Plan

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The key takeaways are that the unit aims to help students understand quadratic equations and their applications to real-world situations through higher-order thinking skills and problem solving. It will cover graphing, patterns, and three unique ways to solve quadratic equations.

The objectives of the unit are to help students interpret parts of expressions, recognize patterns, discover procedures through guided exploration, and apply concepts to real-world problems.

The author plans to use pre-assessments, formative exit slips, informal checks throughout each lesson, and a unit test to assess student understanding. Small assessments will also be given to inform instruction and allow adjustments as needed.

Lauren Erickson Unit on Quadratics Quadratic equations appear in Algebra 1, but their use continues through all higher

levels of mathematics. From working in the Math Lab at Drake, I have seen many students struggle to maintain an understanding of quadratic equations, particularly, what makes them unique from linear equations, how the graphical representation can be used for insight about a problem, and how parabolas represent real life situation, such as projectile velocity. These concepts not only build on each other for the sole purpose of mathematics, but can be applied in other disciplines such as science and literacy. The objectives for this unit are to create a learning experience in which students can understand quadratic equations in terms of what they have already learned and expand their thinking in a way that requires higher order thinking skills. Manipulating equations to find solutions is a problem solving skill that is necessary throughout mathematics and this unit introduces three unique ways to solve quadratic equations which will deepen students understanding of that process. Using the Common Core State Standards as a guide for learning goals, I was able to target learning objectives that meet the standards and address the Enduring Understandings and Essential Questions of this course, Algebra 1. One way of viewing mathematics is as its own language with distinct symbols and vocabulary. Oftentimes, students dont know how to start a problem, which I believe stems from a lack of exposure to the language of mathematics. Keeping this in mind, one of the objectives of this unit is to interpret the parts of an expression. This will lead to a better understanding of the nature of quadratics provided that the students will have the opportunity to write about and vocalize the interpretations. From here, students will also be challenged to recognize patterns and make use of structure to generalize the rules they have previously worked with. Discovery-based learning is an underlying theme in the instructional strategies for this unit. There are numerous ways that students can come to discover patterns, meanings, and procedures. The

Lauren Erickson opportunity to work individually and with a group allow for personal accountability as well as learning to work collaboratively with others. Applications to the real world are crucial for mathematics, so an inclusion of real-world problems are sprinkled throughout the pacing calendar. Including techniques that incorporate literacy skills emphasizes the notion that mathematics is a language that must be interpreted through the faculties of comprehension. There will be multiple opportunities for students to engage with the text, analyze the content, and make connections to their prior knowledge. Concept formation is a key component to the instructional strategies which allows the new information to become embedded in their understanding. For example, students will use concept formation strategies for key words and procedures that are bound to reappear in later mathematics. Exit slips will be incorporated towards the end of the unit to formatively assess students thinking so any adjustments can be made during review before the exam. There will be small formative assessments throughout the unit. The pre-assessment will inform the instruction of the unit as it is one piece of evidence that shows what students already know and what they still need to learn to master the objectives. There will be informal assessments throughout or at the end of each lesson. An example of this is on day 8, in the task: give an example of a quadratic equation with 2 solutions and one with 1 solution. I plan to check the class temperature as we go through new concepts to gauge the students confidence. At the end of the unit, there will be a unit test which is based on the objectives for the unit. These are new problems based on concepts they have learned throughout the unit. The performance assessment will give students an opportunity to apply these concepts at a higher level in a RAFT assignment. Working with primary sources, such as 19th century math journals, is becoming increasingly popular in the field of mathematics. The RAFT structure provides scaffolding for a higher-level text that makes the contents and ideas accessible. The challenge of this unit will be making adjustments in the pacing calendar based on how students are able to grasp the concepts. I anticipate needing to spend more time in certain areas than

Lauren Erickson others which will require changes in the pacing calendar. Another possible challenge will be scaffolding for students with different levels of prior knowledge. This can be remedied through a variety of instructional strategies and tutoring offered after school. The textbook will be used as supplemental material for students who need that support. Creating posters to put on the Concept/Word Wall is how the process and product can be differentiated. The RAFT assignment at the end will incorporate differentiation of the content, as students will have the choice of which problem they select.

Unit Concept or Theme: Quadratics Grade level: 9th Grade Length of unit: 2.5 weeks Stage 1 Desired Results Meaning Enduring Understandings/Generalizations: Essential Questions: The relationship between two variables can be interpreted How is a parabola different than a line? algebraically and graphically. How are quadratics useful/applicable to the real world? Equations represent relationships between two variables. What do solutions to quadratics mean? Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Use appropriate tools strategically. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Knowledge & Skills Acquisition Learning Goals: (e.g., Iowa/Common core standards.) o Interpret parts of an expression, such as terms, factors, and coefficients. A.SSE.1.a o Compare properties of two functions each represented in a different way (algebraically, numerically in tables, or by verbal descriptions. F.IF.9 o Create equations in two or more variables to represent relationships between quantities; graph equations on coordinate axes with labels and scales. A.CED.2 o Use the structure of an expression to identify ways to rewrite it. A.SSE.2 o Use the factoring and completing the square in a quadratic function to show zeros, extreme values, and symmetry of the graph, and interpret these in terms of a context. F.IF.8.a o Solve quadratic equations in one variable. A.REI.4 o Interpret complicated expressions by viewing one or more of their parts as a single entity. A.SSE.1.b o For a function that models a relationship between two quantities, interpret key features of graphs and tables in terms of quantities and sketch graphs. F.IF.4

Prior Knowledge: Students will have already learned the characteristics of linear equations, domain, range, interpreting a graphical representation, solving equations, translating verbal expressions into algebraic expressions, order of operations. Students will know Students will be able to o Students will know the relation between the Students will be able to solve quadratic equations by discriminant and its graph. graphing. o Students will know if solutions fit physical Students will be able to solve quadratic equations by constraints of a given problem. factoring. o Students will know what method to use to solve Students will be able to complete the square. quadratics. Students will be able to use the quadratic formula. o Students will know the key features of a quadratic Students will be able to apply the square root property. equation. Students will be able to communicate the relationship o Students will know the commentary around between an equation and its graph. th quadratics in the 19 Century. Students will be able to interpret the types of solutions yielded by quadratics.

Resources/Materials: Graphing Calculator Graph paper Highlighters Markers Stage 2 Evidence (Assessment) Pre-assessment:
1. Match the equation to its graph. 2. Explain your reasoning because 3. Write the points in coordinate form on the graph 4. Give the equation of the curve with the y-intercept and minimum point given *Extension: Think of more coordinate points for the graphs and find the equation of a graph with the same

Formative Assessment: How will you assess student learning along the way?
Exit Slips Quizzes Discussion

How will you use your formative assessments to help scaffold student learning of key concepts and skills?

Revisiting the pre-assessment to address misconceptions and correct thinking, summarize big idea at end of each lesson with exit slips and concept formation discussions, monitor progress through concepts with quizzes.

Summative Assessment: How will you summatively assess student learning in this unit (end-of-unit test, essay, interview, performance assessment)?
Performance assessment with differentiation

What knowledge or skills will you target in this summative assessment? Students will be able to solve quadratic equations by graphing. Students will know the key features of a quadratic equation. Students will know the relation between the discriminant and its graph. Students will be able to complete the square. Students will be able to use the quadratic formula. Students will be able to apply the square root property. How will you integrate performance assessment into this unit? A RAFT activity will follow the Unit Exam:
R Mathematician in 19th Century A The Mathematical Visitor F Letter to the editor T Response to the quadratic equation question

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Hook: Find f(1), f(-4), f(a) Pre-Assessment (Review results and adjust accordingly)

2 Graphing Quadratic Functions Individually: 1. Given equation, create a table of values 2. Draw graph 3. Find: y-intercept, axis of symmetry, vertex In pods: Define terms from part 3 using words and variables. Post on Concept/Word Wall Example problems applying students own words

3 Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphing Hook: Based on clues from graph, hypothesize what the solution might mean. Lecture: Solve quadratic equations -Quadratic Equations -Standard form - Roots -Zeros Draw a graph with: -1 real solution - 2 real solutions -No real solutions Extension: Finding solutions in calculator

4 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring Close reading with How to Read a Math Textbook article. FOIL Method text -markers Establish a class-agreed upon factored form to add to Concept/Word Wall Translate sentences into equations. Example problems -given solutions, write in Standard Form -given Standard Form, find solutions

5 Bringing it All Together YouTube video: Teach Me How to Factor http://www.youtube.com /watch?v=OFSrINhfNsQ Tech Lab: Using the calculator to graph quadratic equations and find solutions. Worksheet as guide
Extension: Explain why the xcoordinates of the points where the graphs of the equations y=f(x) and y=g(x) intersect are the solutions of the equations f(x)=g(x).

6 Review/Assess White board game: -key features -FOIL -Factor -SolutionsStandardForm Quiz

Jigsaw-Solving Quadratic Equations chart


Can be used: sometimes/always When to Use:

Monday Solving QEs by the Square Root Property Exploration: Perfect Square Trinomials Definition given. Create 2 examples and 1 nonexample. Real World Problem: Driving Through the School Lane Equation t2+2t+8=16 represents the time it takes to get home if a driver accelerates at a constant speed of 8 ft/sec2. What is the range of values you could drive between? Demonstrate: How to use the Square Root Property. Discuss: Criteria needed to use the property.

6 Tuesday

7 Wednesday

Thursday Bringing it All Together Jigsaw complete the rest of the chart Method: Can be used: sometimes/always When to Use: ADD to each rowVisual clue: Example: Review

9 Friday Assessment Unit Test RAFT activity


Solving QEs by Completing the Square Review: Perfect Squares Model Completing the Square as an at the board activity. Parts of the equations (previous vocabulary) are represented on moving parts to be manipulated in demonstration. Given concept (in words), write the symbols next to the steps for Completing the Square. Straightforward example Example where a does not = 0 Exit Slip: Create an example for your partner to solve.

Solving QEs by the Quadratic Formula Introduce lyrics and tune to song Highlight the parts that you know in yellow. Highlight the parts that are unfamiliar in green. Sing the song. Recall the Standard From of a QE. Label the parts of a specific case according to the Standard Form variables (a,b,c). Give example of a QE with 2 solutions and 1 solution. Discuss how using the calculator can verify the solutions. Exit Slip: Compare and Contrast two solving techniques: Factoring & the Quadratic Equation.

R-Mathematician in 19th Century A-The American Mathematical Monthly F-Letter to the editor T-Response to the Quadratic Equation article.

https://archive.org/strea m/jstor2971099/2971099#page/ n1/mode/2up

Name: Quadratics Exam 1.

______ 2. Complete the table for f(x) = x2+4x-1 X F(x)

3. Consider f(x) = x2 + 4x -3 a) Find the y-intercept, the equation of the axis of symmetry, and the vertex. y-intercept: Equation of axis of symmetry: Vertex: b) Make a table of values that includes the vertex c) Graph the function


Name: 5. Solve 0 = x2 6x + 9by graphing.

6. Write a quadratic equation in standard form with -1/3 and 6 as its roots 7.



10. 11. 12. 13.

The height of a javelin in feet is modeled by h(t) = -16t2 + 79t + 5, where t is the time it takes in seconds after the javelin is thrown. How long is it in the air? Solve x2 + 6x + 9 = 36 by using the square root property. Solve x2 + 10x 11 = 0 by completing the square.


Find the value of the discriminant for 7x2 11x +5 = 0. Describe the number and type of roots for the equation.

Quadratics Exam Solutions Key 1. (-1,5) 2. X=-1,0,1,2 F(x) = -4,-1,4,11 3. a) y-intercept: c=-3 Equation of axis of symmetry: x = -2 Vertex: (-2,-7) b) x -6 -4 -2 0 2 f(x) 9 -3 -7 -3 9 c)

4. One real solution 5. X = 3

6. 3x2 17x 6 = 0 7. g=-1,-2 8. x=-3/4 , 5 9.

10. The javelin is in the air for 5 seconds. 11. X = 3, -9 12. X = 1, -11
13. y 0.16 or y 0.71

14. The discriminant is negative, so there are two complex roots.

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