Lesson 2 - M&M Multiplication

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Description of Classroom:
This is a third grade general education classroom. The class consists of twenty-two students that sit in groups of three and four. These students are made up of both males and females. The classroom is a rural Hispanic community.

Prior Knowledge: Students will know how to complete addition problems, which will help them when doing multiplication. Students will know that multiplication is ust repeated addition. Students will know that they can also use skip counting, arrays, and repeated addition to sol!e multiplication problems.

Content Objective(s):
"# $i!en information on multiplication students will be able to multiply %-"&, with eighty percent accuracy. 'Standards " and &# &# $i!en the acti!ity with ()(*s students will learn how to make e+ual groups that will help them multiply, with eighty percent accuracy. 'Standards " and &# ,. $i!en a class discussion students will understand that multiplication is ust a form of repeated addition and there are many ways to sol!e multiplication problems, with eighty percent accuracy. 'Standard " and &#

Language Objective(s):
". The students will be listening and speaking during the class discussion about multiplication. &. The students will be writing when they write multiplication problems in their notebooks. ,. The students will be reading when they read the problems on their math worksheet.

Nevada Standards:
! "!O#!#! -nterpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret . / 0 as the total number of ob ects in . groups of 0 ob ects each. 1or e2ample, describe a conte2t in which a total number of ob ects can be e2pressed as . 2 0. $! "!O#!%! Students will be able to apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and di!ide.

&e' (ocabular':
)ultipl': A mathematical operation that takes two numbers and gives an answer equal to the sum of a column containing one of the numbers repeated the number of times of the other number Distributive *ropert' of )ultiplication: The Distributive Property of Multiplication is the property that states that multiplying a sum by a number is the same as multiplying each addend by the number and then adding the products. The Distributive Property says that if a, b, and c are real numbers, then a ! "b # c$ % "a ! b$ # "a ! c$.

Best *ractices: "put an & ne!t to those that you address in your lesson$
*reparation Scaffolding +rouping Options

3daptation of content 6inks to background 6inks to past learning Strategies incorporated ,ntegration of *rocesses 6istening Speaking 8eading 4riting

(odeling $uided practice -ndependent practice 7erbal scaffolds Procedural scaffolds #pplication Hands-on 3uthentic '(eaningful# 6inked to ob ecti!es Promotes engagement

4hole 5lass Small groups Partners -ndependent #ssessment -ndi!idual $roup 4ritten 9ral

-eac.ing Strategies:
- will use Bloom/s -a0onom' throughout the lesson. - will use +uided Discover' in my warmup:re!iew parts of the lesson. Cooperative learning will be used when students are working in their groups. - will use the Discussion strategy in the direct instruction, guided practice, and closure parts of the lesson as well.

1arm 2p #ctivit':
! -eac.er 1ill Sa': Today class we will be working with ()(s and multiplication; -eac.er 1ill #sk: 5lass, what is another way of e2plaining multiplication. Students 1ill Sa': 8epeat addition. -eac.er 1ill Sa': 7ery good; 4e are going to use repeat addition to help us learn the distributi!e property. This property is important for when you get to high school and are using numbers and letters to figure out a multiplication problem.

Lesson Se3uence:
! 8e!iew (ultiplication defined as repeated addition. a. b. c. d.
,'<# = < + < + < 0'&# = & + & + & + & + & + & + & <'& + =# = & + = + & + = + & + = + & + = &' ! + ,# = ! + , + ! + ,

$! Students will discuss each of these problems as a whole class. -eac.er 4ill sa'5 >8emember the parentheses means to multiply.? "! 9nce the class has gone o!er each of the problems, teacher will go answer any +uestions students still ha!e. 6! 9nce all +uestions ha!e been answered the teacher will e2plain the direction for the ne2t part of this acti!ity. %! -eac.er 4ill e0plain: That the students should be working with their group to figure out the multiplication problems on their worksheets. -eac.er 4ill sa'5 >1or each problem you will need to do the following, read the word problem, setup the M'Ms, write an algebraic e!pression, write out the repeated addition, and add the e!pression to get a sum(product. 7! +uided *ractice: ". 4alk through the ()( @istributing: @istributi!e Property 3cti!ity problem A" as a class. a. 8ead word problem. b. Set up ()(*s.

c. 4rite 3lgebraic B2pression. d. 4rite out the repeated addition. e. 3dd the e2pressions. &. Students complete ()( @istributing: @istributi!e Property 3cti!ity problems A&, ,, and <. Stop between each problem to discuss results. 8! -eac.er 4ill sa'5 >Cow that we ha!e done an e2ample together, are there any +uestionsD? 9nce all +uestions ha!e been answered teacher will allow students to work in their groups. 9! ,ndependent *ractice: ". Students complete the "% practice problems from ()( @istributing: @istributi!e Property Practice in class. &. 5heck the "% problems and go o!er +uestions. :! Closure: Students will do a 8ally 8obin with their group to discuss the many things they learned from today*s class. 3t this time they can now eat their ()(*s if they chose to.

1or any B66 students that are ha!ing trouble, - will put them in a group with Bnglish speakers so they can ha!e e2tra assistance in their learning. 1or any students with beha!ioral issues - will complete the acti!ity with them at the instructional table in the back of the classroom, so that - can control the situation better. - will be sure to ha!e e2tra materials in case they are needed during the lesson. ()(*s 'Per 5lass: ". baggies of = red, , yellow, & green, "% blue, = brown, E orange# 4orksheets Transparencies of all worksheets.

Supplementar' )aterials:

=ormal: Students* understanding of the concepts will be e!aluated based on their final product of their (ultiplication ()( 4orksheets they used during the lesson. The worksheets must ha!e all the steps written on their pages showing that the students knew how to sol!e their problems. This should be done with ninety percent accuracy. ,nformal: - will also be assessing students throughout the lesson plan based on their le!el of participation and enthusiasm on the topic. Through discussion - will look for understanding of the topic. @uring the group:indi!idual acti!ities, - will take notes to see that each student has had time to !oice their ideas or opinions. - would like students to be comfortable using the !ocabulary related to the concept and will also be looking to see if they do use the correct terms during discussion.

This lesson was e2tremely useful in my classroom; The students lo!ed using the manipulati!es and truly belie!ed this lesson helped them understand multiplication and the @istributi!e Property of (ultiplication better. 3ll the students were engaged in the lesson and were able to work cooperati!ely in teams to get their work done. The lesson went smoothly and - was proud of myself for seeing so much progress in my student*s math skills. 9!erall, - would definitely teach this lesson again because it helped my class learn a hard topic in math, and they con+uered it with great ease;

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