RA 8295 Lone Candidate Law

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Republic of the Philippines Congress of the Philippines Metro Manila Tenth Congress

Republic Act No. 8295

June 6, 199

AN ACT PR!"#$#N% &!R T'( PR!C)A*AT#!N !& A )!N( CAN$#$AT( &!R AN+ ()(CT#"( !&&#C( #N A ,P(C#A) ()(CT#!N, AN$ &!R !T'(R P-RP!,(, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:: ,ection 1. Declaration of policy. It is hereby declared the policy of the State to provide the people with adequate and constant governance and representation in public affairs. Towards this end, the State shall ensure that, as much as practicable, each and every elective position in the e ecutive and legislative branches of government is occupied at all times at the least of cost to government. ,ection 2. Proclamation of a lone candidate. !pon the e piration of the deadline for the filing of the certificates of candidacy in a special election called to fill a vacancy in an elective position other than for "resident and #ice "resident, when there is only one $%& qualified candidate for such position, the lone candidate shall be proclaimed elected to the position by proper proclaiming body of the 'ommission on (lections without holding the special election upon certification by the 'ommission on (lections that he is the only candidate for the office and is thereby deemed elected. ,ection .. Assumption of office. In the absence of any lawful ground to deny due course or cancel the certificate of candidacy in order to prevent such proclamation, as provided for under Sec.s )* and +, of -atas "ambansa -ilang ,,% also .nown as the /mnibus (lection 'ode of the "hilippines, the candidate referred to in the preceding paragraph shall assume office not earlier than the scheduled election day. 'ertificates of candidacy filed in violation hereof shall not be given due course. 0or this purpose, the 'ommission shall decide petitions for disqualifications not later than election day1 otherwise, such petitions shall be deemed dismissed. ,ection /. Disqualification. In addition to the disqualifications mentioned in Sec.s %2 and ), of the Omnibus Election Code and Sec. 34 of 5epublic 6ct 7o. +%)4, otherwise .nown as the Local overnment Code, whenever the evidence of guilt is strong, the following persons are disqualified to run in a special election called to fill the vacancy in an elective office, to wit: a& 6ny elective official who has resigned from his office by accepting an appointive office or for whatever reason which he previously occupied but has caused to become vacant due to his resignation1 and

b& 6ny person who, directly or indirectly, coerces, bribes, threatens, harasses, intimidates or actually causes, inflicts or produces any violence, in8ury, punishment, torture, damage, loss or disadvantage to any person or persons aspiring to become a candidate or that of the immediate member of his family, his honor or property that is meant to eliminate all other potential candidate. ,ection 5. Prohibited acts, election offenses and penalties. 6ny act of coercion, bribery, threat, harassment, intimidation, terrorism, or actually causing, inflicting or producing violence, in8ury, punishment, torture, damage, loss or disadvantage to discourage any other person or persons from filing a certificate of candidacy in order to eliminate all other potential candidate from running in a special election shall constitute as an election offense. #iolations of this provision shall be prosecuted and penali9ed in accordance with the provision of Sec. 2)3 of the /mnibus (lection 'ode. ,ection 6. Applicability. The pertinent provisions of -atas "ambansa -ilang ,,%, as amended, otherwise .nown as the Omnibus Election Code of the Philippines, and other election laws which are not in conflict with the provision herein provided, shall remain in full force and effect and are hereby adopted as parts hereof. ,ection . Implementing authority. The 'ommission on (lections shall, within fifteen $%:& days from the effectivity of this 6ct, promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry out the purpose of this 6ct. ,ection 8. Separability clause. If for any reason or reasons, any Sec., provision of this 6ct, or any part thereof, or the application of such Sec., provision or portion is declared or held unconstitutional or invalid, other parts or the remainder thereof which are not affected thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect. ,ection 9. Repealing clause. 6ll laws, decrees, e ecutive orders, in whole or in part, particularly pertinent provisions of 5epublic 6ct 7os. +%)4 and +%)), including the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder inconsistent with the provisions of this 6ct, are hereby amended, repealed or modified accordingly. ,ection 10. Effectivity. This 6ct shall ta.e effect fifteen $%:& days after its publication in two $2& national newspapers of general circulation. 6pproved: June 6, 199 .

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