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GW Scot Hoovers Mutantmanual2

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SECTION HEADINGS Credits Foreward Plants
Acidweed, Boomblossom, Boomerth, Cactisaurus Rex, Claptrap, Deathmoss, Ed Ep, Eyebane, Frid Esk, Glower, Horl Ep, Japin, Kudzuhertlcutl, Mal Tonas, Mimic Plant, Mut Choo, Narl Ep, Nep Ep, Ooz Blen, Prot Ep, Puff Cactus, Razorgrass, Sea Lily, Sentient Coral Reef, Shroom, Smokerth, Starfish Cactus, Stilt Palm, Strangle, Tarn Zeb, Trechlily, Whirrzler, Xanqas

Ant, Giant, Belo, Blaasut, Bloodwasp, Buggem, Butal, Chetal, Cidtal, Euryl, Floth Ha, Gertal, Glider, Jotal, Hellfly, Hellworm, Juggernaut, Katal, Landworm, Locus, Lorida Orp, Lurker, Lytid, Manta, Plague Beetle, Potato Bug, Giant, Quanakus, Rhya, Rustee, Scorpito, Sea Spider, Shield Worm, Sintal, Slake, Slashworm, Slimer, Slimy Grazer, Staph, Thytal, Tital, Trapworm, Tremorworm, Veneamub, Ventworm, Water Bear

Fish & Animals

Albilope, Ape, Carnivorous, Armada, Arrowbeak, Bacrolbai, Bahrz, Bamutan, Barxyn, Basled, Batslith, Bigoon, Boarz, Budaan, Bulo, Cark, Chotslith, Croaker, Daycut, Digger, Dillon, Drac, Eglee, Ekola, Gallus Gallus 5/13, Garf, Gazilla Monster, Greep, Gwyll, Hawkwolf, Hi-snake, Holcut, Horsy, Hwan-hul, Hydra, Kaiute, Katkin, Kooda, Letharp, Loo-pur, Maali, Makeen, Mingo, Minda Ray, Mississippi Brainhound, Nyan, Orcoid, Rastagator, Rog, Sarbise, Sea Serpent, Black, Sea Serpent, Green, Shef, Sheezu, Shezur, Shoday, Shog, Skwil, Smovbai, Snag, Soopturt, Spider Lil, Spiny Craw, Sprey, Sredaan, Stagon, Sticky, Sucslith, Tanglepus, Telenha, Tlarryn, Toother , Tsorsut, Vath, Weirbuled, Yellow Belly, Zayshin

Blob, Diablo, Hidden, Krea, Mimic, Omnitar, Screamer, Srefroth, Tentacled Ghoul, Wraith

Statless Creatures
A selection of mutants for the GM to expand and flesh out for his own campaign

New Creature Mutations

New Mutations mentioned in the Creature Descriptions

Creatures Statistics Notes

Notes on Statistics and Abbreviations used in the Creature Descriptions

Comprehensive Mutant Indices

Complete Index of all Gamma World 1 st/2 nd edition Creatures by Name and by Terrain.



Shroom - Lord Irish Hydra, Orcoid- Kerry Jordan Ape, Carnivorous- Brutorz Bill Batslith, Cark, Shef, Xanqas- Chris Van Deelen Boarz- Jeffrey Williams Floth Ha- Daniel Movrich Makeen, Mal Tonas - Robert G. Flack Scorpito- Scot F. Kent Sticky- Scott Swigert Locus, TLarryn, Bahrz, Hi Snake, Hwanhul- Tamerthya Freeserver (web) Boomblossom, Croaker, Kooda, Soopturt, Spiny Craw, Sprey, Tanglepus, Trechlily, Zayshin Zirra Scrohunter Cactisaurus Rex, Puff Cactus, Starfish Cactus, Stilt Palm, Armada, Digger, Fragger , Garf , Gazilla Monster, Greep, Kaiute, Mississippi Brainhound, Rastagator, Snag, Strangle, Diablos - BJ Johnson Misc. Statless Creatures, Acidweed, Gwyll, Slashworm, Slake, Shield Worm, Tremorworm, Vent Worm, Slimy Grazer, Water Bear, Sea Lilies, Euryl, Belo, Potato Bug, Giant, SinTal, BuTal, TiTal, ThyTal, Juggernaut, Rhya, Slimer, Staph, Hellworm, Hellfly, Sea Serpent Green/Black, Yellow Belly, Ant-Giant, CheTal, CidTal, GerTal, JoTal, KaTal, Lytid, Japin, Wraith Derek M. Holland Horsy, Sea Spider, Mingo Les Braun Statless Creatures - Mars Hawk Wolf - Moses Wildermuth Tentacled Ghoul- Neil Whitlow Sentient Coral Reef, Minda Ray BK "death_machine_2416" Shog, Razorgrass, Horl Ep, Eyebane, Claptrap, Arrowbeak Bob Crichton Whirrzler John Maxstadt Rustee, Dyllon Scot Hoover Lurker, Lorida Orp, Spider Lil- John Traglio (Apocalyptic Post #3) Blob- Derek Winston Frid Esk, Holcut, Daycut, Ekola, Boomerth, Blaasut, Bamutan, Basled, Bacrolbai, Budaan, Chotslith, NyAn, Omnitar, ShezUr, Sheezu, Srefroth, Shoday, Sredaan, Smovbai, Tsorsut, Quanakus, Veneamub, Krea, Sucslith, Mut Choo, Smokerth, Nep Ep, Ed Ep, Prot Ep- Kim Eastland (GW6 Alpha Factor) Rog, Sarbise, Stagon- (GW 4 th edition Basic Rules Booklet) Telenha, Kud'zu Hert'l'cul, Mimic, Plague Beetle - UNKNOWN Bigoon, Buggem, Deathmoss, Katkin, Letharp, Screamer, Weirbuled- Gary Gygax, Paul Reiche III (GW1 Legion of Gold) Albilope, Bulo, Gallus Gallus 5/13, Glower, Maali, Tarn Zeb - Michael Price (GW2 Famine in Far-Go ) Barxyn, Eglee, Loo Pur, Ooz Blen, Skwil, Toother, Vath Michael Price & Garry Spiegle (GW3 The Cleansing War of Garik Blackhand) Bloodwasp, Mimic Plant- Phil Taterczynski (GW4 The Mind Masters)

GAMMA WORLD is a Registered Trademark of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights reserved. Used without permission. Any use of Hasbro, Inc.'s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.



The year was 1983. My best friend Jeff had just received the Gamma World 1st edition set for his birthday. Wed spent most of the past year game-hopping our way through D&D, Top Secret, Boot Hill, GDWs Traveller, and SPIs Dragonquest, until this particular Friday night saw me rolling up a mutated human named Baz for an excursion against the Buggems of the Barony of Horn. And it was a blast. Over the next year, we both went Gamma World crazy. I churned out pages of weapons conversions from every science fiction novel Id ever read (stillsuits anyone?), and Jeff made it a point to design some ballbusting new mutant for almost every session. In retrospect, that has been the experience of almost every Gamma World fan. Thats the way Gamma World is. Of all of the classic TSR rpgs, only Gamma World had that implicit DIY feel. Unlike other rpgs of the era, monsters and characters differed little if at all. Nearly any one of the intelligent monsters could also be used as a player character. Likewise, the character generation system was a great toy for making up your own weird and wacky creatures. The monster descriptions in the 1st edition had only the most basic of stats and no pictures. Just what in the hell were some of these things? Hoops were my favorite of the original GW creatures. Rabbits with hunting rifles, jumping around,turning things to rubber. Now thats my idea of a monster. When 2nd edition finally appeared, we were finally treated to a look at the monsters. But, again, the descriptions remained short and to the point. It was ultimately up to the individual GM to make sense of it all. A few more mutants were added to the mix (Wardents to name one), but essentially it had the same old Gamma World standbys. The modules for Gamma World usually contained a bunch of new creatures, however; and around this time, Dragon magazine also published rather regular Gamma World articles, including the Mutant Manual, in a special two part Ares section. While not the most beautiful artwork (clip art in many cases); every one of the creatures was illustrated. The mutants within covered a gamut of outer space carnivorous plants to 3-trunked eliphants to Mr. Limpet-style talking crabs. Not bad. But no big published creature compendium ever followed, only a few new beasts in GW6: Alpha Factor, then just a decade long rehash of revisions and republications. Fast forward through the third, fourth editions, Alternity, Omega World, and D20. Now in 2005 weve STILL got just about the same mix of Arks, Badders, and Carrin. That really could be it for published Gamma World creatures. D20 wont be flooding the scene with a mound of new beasties. As I write this, White Wolf has announced the Gamma World line is on hold. So, what has kept and will keep Gamma World alive and vibrant given such a paltry supply of published sources? The fans! Especially those participating in mailing lists, egroups, hosting online Gamma World campaigns and posting resources on the internet for all to use. The gamers of Gamma World just dont stop when it comes to creating new and even more bizarre creepie crawlies to liven-up the next excursion into the Deathlands of Gamma Meriga. Only one problem Too many editions of Gamma World means there are too many different ways to invent, quantify,and describe. At least until now. The Gamma World DeEvolution series of netbooks takes the whole lot of it and sends it back to the Stone Age of 1st /2nd edition gaming. And in this, the Mutant Manual II, you can find nearly every one of the published creatures and many of the homebrew mutants as well. Youll find more than 150 new creatures, from giant carnivorous ants to talking mushrooms and everything in between. And all of them in 2nd edition format. As the most popular, easy to use, and most importantly, easy to modify of all the various editions, the creatures and statistics presented inside are both concise and easy to adapt to your own gaming, while keeping the original descriptions intact. Enjoy. And dont let the Vath catch you napping! Scot Hoover, Editor DeEvolution!



On the screen the black and white cave flowed steadily toward them. Minute after minute went by this way. Each time the animals attacked again, a few more gas grenades were used up. "Something ahead looks different," the panting voice cracked from the speaker. The narrow cave slowly opened out into a gigantic chamber, so large the roof and far walls were lost in the distance. "What are those?" Kerk asked. "Get a searchlight over to the right there." The picture on the screen was fuzzy and hard to see now, dimmed by the layers of rock in between. Details couldn't be made out clearly, but it was obvious this was something unusual. "Never saw-anything quite like them before," the speak er said. "Look like big plants of some kind, ten meters tall at least-yet they're moving. Those branches, tentacles or whatever they are, keep pointing toward us and I get the darkest feeling in my head. . . ." "Blast one, see what happens," Kerk said. The gun fired and at the same instant an intensified wave of mental hatred rolled over the men, dropping them to the ground. They rolled in pain, blacked out and unable to think or fight the underground beasts that poured over them in renewed attack. In the ship, far above, Jason felt the shock to his mind and wondered how the men below could have lived through it. The others in the control room had been hit by it as well. Kerk pounded on the frame of the screen and shouted to the unhearing men below. "Pull back, come back. . . ." It was too late. Harry Harrison - Deathworld

NUMBER: 1d3 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 10 HIT DICE: 8d6 (24) ARMOR: 5 SIZE: S (1.3m) LAND SPEED: Immobile MS: 4d6 DX: n/a CN: 3d6 IN: 1d4 CH: n/a PS: n/a

Herbivores following the sweet odor of a weed will be attacked with gas and thorns. If attacked with fire, it will try to drive the attacker away with gas (85%) or will give up(15%). Acidweeds reproduce every 5 years; only 20% of the seeds are viable. It absorbs prey through its root system.

NUMBER: 2d10 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 8d6 (24) ARMOR: 9 SIZE: T (180 to 250cm) LAND SPEED: 12/900/18 MS: 14+1d4 IN: 14+1d4 DX: 3d6 CH: 1d8+10 CN: 3d4+2 PS: 2d6+3 BASE STOCK: Swamp Rose HABITAT: Swamps and thickets, marshy shores of streams, ponds, and lakes DIET: Minerals from soil ATTACKS: 2xLimb Strikes (1d2 plus Thorns) or by Weapon MUTATIONS: Beguiling, Contact Poison Sap, Explosive Seeds, Force Field Generation, Modified Vines (Manipulation Vines), Telekinesis, Telepathy, Thorns/Spikes (Thorns)

BASE STOCK: Berry bush HABITAT: Scrub Lands DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 2xThorns (1d6) + acid (see below) MUTATIONS: Gas Generation (burning), Dissolving JuicesContinuously produces dissolving juices , Thorns, Attraction Odor [D], Fruit (acid berries 3d6 pts of dmg/berry 2-12 berries/plant), Immunity (acids), Phobia[D] (fire), Illusion Generation - Unlimited use of Illusion DESCRIPTION: This small bush is covered with oval dark green leaves that drip with acid and 3cm thorns. In the spring it produces acidless yellow flowers. It covers it self with the illusion of a nearby bush to hide from prey.

DESCRIPTION: These intelligent, mutated descendants of the Swamp Rose retain their blossoms (a dark rosepink color) longer than their ancestors, keeping them from mid-spring until almost autumn. Other than that, they look like humanoid shaped plants. Boomblossoms will make use of any artifacts they have at hand in combat. They are by no means stupid, however, and understand there are times when it's better to not use technology. Whether or not they use artifacts, they often will use their beguiling power before entering combat. They communicate with each other (and other creatures) telepathically, and co-ordinate their actions so as to not get in each other's way. If, for some reason, they do not use artifacts, they are quite capable of handling themselves in combat, having thorns and contact poison sap in melee, and explosive seeds (which is how they got the name boomblossoms') for ranged combat. Boomblossom seeds sprout in the spring and are nonsentient and immobile for their first year of life. In the spring of their second year, they become mobile and quickly learn the value of teamwork and of the power of Ancient artifacts, which they readily use. They will often trade artifacts for items they


consider more useful to them. When a boomblossom group becomes too large for the land to support them, a group will break away from the main group to form a new community. ground, but not in the air. Therefore, they never grow under any kind of outcropping or tree where something can hang down and pick the fruit. BASE STOCK: Venus Fly Trap HABITAT: Temperate plains and hills DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (1d10) MUTATIONS: Carnivorous jaws DESCRIPTION: This primitive mutated plant is effectively nothing but a large mouth. It has no senses but touch, no ability to move its body, and a nervous system no more complicated than a venus flytrap. It tends to grow in areas with tall grass, with the only sign of its presence being a slight depression in the soil. Any character stepping in the mouth of a clap trap is attacked, and only the character's DX modifier and armor covering the legs will affect his chances of getting hit. The severe bruising of the affected limb results in -3 Movement to the character for 1d4 days. If the character fails two successive health rolls, the limb is broken, causing a reduction of Movement to 1/3 the original value (1/2 for quadrupeds) until the limb has healed, requiring 1d4+1 weeks. It requires a challenging PS check to pry the jaws apart enough to free the trapped character. The claptrap has only a single attack - the jaws take several hours to reset themselves. The claptrap reproduces by sending out roots underground to a new location at a distance of 2d20 meters, after which the roots detach themselves and mature into individual plants.


NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 6d6 (18) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: S (1m) LAND SPEED: 4/300/6 MS: 3d6 DX: 4d6 CN: 2d6 IN: 1d4 CH: n/a PS: 1d4 MS: 2d4 DX: 3d6 CN: 3d10 IN: 1d4 CH: n/a PS: 3d6+10 NUMBERS: 1d6 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 10 HIT DICE: 15d10 (75) ARMOR: 4/0 SIZE: H (15m+ vines) SPEED: Immobile

BASE STOCK: Cherry Tree HABITAT: Any temperate except deathlands DIET: Underground Nutrients ATTACKS: 4x Cherry (2d6) MUTATIONS: Berries - explosive seeds; Immunity fire; Manipulative vines/roots, Mobility; New Sense - siesmic vibrations DESCRIPTION: The Boomerth looks like one of many fruit bearing plants in Gamma Terra, with the exception that it can pick and throw its own explosive cherries. It can throw up to four cherries per turn. Each cherry causes explosive damage (2d6+MS). The Boomerth can even manage some limited mobility by shuffling its roots. It mainly uses this attack and movement as forms of defense. It cannot be harmed by fire, but many creatures bother it because they wish to consume its other fruit, purple berries. These berries grow on the Boomerth all year round, and provide 1d10 points of healing to the creature who consumes one. There are usually 4d10 berries on each plant each season, but if they are all picked the plant cannot grow more for two years. The berries must be eaten immediately or they lose their potency in one hour. The cherries may be pickled in nitroglycerine to maintain their explosive potential. Boomerths are not structurally sound plants; they shake and blow a lot in the wind. This never sets off a cherry bomb, but if hit by a sonic attack or a physical blow that causes more than 15 points of damage in a single round, the plant blows up causing 3D6+15 points of damage to anyone within 5 meters. Boomerths can sense movement around them through the vibrations in the

BASE STOCK: Saguaro Cactus HABITAT: Deserts DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (4d6) MUTATIONS: Carnivorous Jaws; Spines; Tangle Vines; Sonic Blast; Mobile Seed Pods. DESCRIPTION: A particularly nasty mutation of the Saguaro Cactus, these monster plants grow in a single column up to 30-40 feet in height, topped by a hideous set of gnashing jaws that bite for 4d6 damage. The plant is surrounded by a 40 foot network of tangle vines growing just beneath the surface. When hapless victims become entangled, the main body then begins to attack with vicious bites. If a Cactisaurus recieves more than 1/2 it's Hit Points in damage it will utter a SONIC BLAST attack and retreat into a deep vertical hole, tendrils and all. It will stay buried until it heals up again. A dead Cacti-saurus can be chopped up to yeild 30 gallons of water. Every year they release 1d4 mobile seed pods with a 2d6 bite attack and a 1/2 strength SONIC BLAST attack. These are often called Squealers by the locals.

NUMBER: 1 (patch) FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: N/A HIT DICE: 3d6 per square meter (9) ARMOR: 9 SIZE: M (1m+ patch) LAND SPEED: Immobile MS: 1d6 DX: n/a CN: 1d6 IN: 1d4 CH: n/a PS: 2d4

NUMBER: 1d6 FREQUENCY: Common MORALE: 5 HIT DICE: 4d6 (12) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: S (.5m) LAND SPEED: Immobile MS: 1d4 DX: n/a CN: n/a IN: 1d4 CH: n/a PS: 3d6

BASE STOCK: Grass HABITAT: Temperate or tropical forests DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: special (see below) MUTATIONS: Berries- Sense heightening DESCRIPTION: Deathmoss is a lush, soft-looking, moss-like plant which appears to be no different from other growths of similar plants. Creatures seem


to be naturally attracted to its springy surface and comfortable bed. This is unfortunate for them but assures the deathmoss of food and propagation. This plant has developed an aromatic sap which is released when its stems and leaves are bruised by weight.The power of the sap is equal to intensity 12 poison, and any creature which succumbs to it falls into a comatose sleep. (Dice of damage results indicate only a proportionate lowering of resistance to the aromatic power next melee round if the victim remains within one meter of the bruised plants, or directly above them.) The deathmoss has developed boring root tendrils, which penetrate the flesh of comatose creatures and inject dissolving juices which bring a nutrient sludge to the roots in a short time. Thus fed, the deathmoss both grows up to one-square meter per feeding and develops berries to attract new prey. This purple-veined gray fruit, when eaten, increases all five senses [sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste) for one hour, but thereafter causes a 50% loss of normal senses for another hour. Brazil Nut (one nut per every 50Hp): This dark brown nut contains an extremely dangerous spore within it. Any character or creature eating it or breaking it open with 30cm of their face immediately drops dead, no saving throws are checked. Before biting into it or cracking it open, however, the GM may allow a character an IN check to see if he remembers hearing of this nut in his travels; it is quite infamous. Walnut (one nut per every 15Hp): This nut has spore similar in appearance but completely different than the Brazil Nut. Anyone eating it or cracking it open within 30cm of his face immediately seems to drop dead. Twenty turns later the character completely revives and is none the worse for wear. This nut is used by some tribes for religious rites, medicinal purposes, playing possum, and so on. Acorn (one nut per every 25Hp): This nut has miraculous healing powers. If eaten, it immediately returns a living character or creature to full health, no matter how the hit points were lost. Pecan (one nut per every 10Hp): The meat of the nut has healing properties. Any character or creature eating it has 1d10 Hp of damage healed unless the damage was caused by radiation, which it cannot heal. Cashew (one nut per every 15Hp): This nut has a random Intensity contact poison hull. Just touching it poisons the character. The meat inside is one Intensity level stronger than the hull. That GM should roll for Intensity as the nut is touched and consumed. Hazel (one nut per every 30Hp): The meat of this nut is a mind-altering drug. Any character or creature eating it must be treated as if he has the Phobia defect for 1d10 weeks (GM determines phobia randomly) Butternut (one nut per every 35Hp): This nut provides the character or creature eating it with Immunity to all radiation for 1d6 hours. Macadamia (one nut per every 5Hp): This nut acts as the Light Generation power when it is cracked open. Its hull is very thin and it can be thrown as a sort of light grenade by characters or intelligent creatures. Pine Nut (one per tree): The GM decides the effect of this nut. It may be same as another type of nut or it may be unique. NOTE: The GM should feel free to switch the nut types with the effects or develop new effects as he wishes.

NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: n/a HIT DICE: 2d4 (2) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: L (2cm thick, 20m long) LAND SPEED: Immobile MS: n/a DX: n/a CN: n/a IN: 1d4 CH: n/a PS: n/a

BASE STOCK: Hemp HABITAT: Temperate or tropical forests DIET: Sunlight & water ATTACKS: 1 (see below) MUTATIONS: Gas generation - poison and blinding DESCRIPTION: A completely immobile, unintelligent plant, eyebane is remarkable only for the cloud of gas it emits when disturbed. When properly cured, eyebane makes a flexible, fire-resistant rope, able to support 300 kg. When touched, eyebane emits a 3 m diameter cloud of gas which causes blinding and acts as Intensity 9 debilitative poison if inhaled. The eyebane vine has no society as such, reproducing by windcarried pollen and seeds. It is completely dormant in winter, and is sometimes dug up and replanted to serve as a defense by creatures which are immune to the gas' effects.

ED EP (Paradise Tree)
NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 2 HIT DICE: d00 (50) ARMOR : 2 SIZE: M (2,5m) LAND SPEED : Immobile MS: 1d3 DX: N/A CN: 2d10+5 IN: N/A CH: N/A PS: 2d4

BASE STOCK: Maple Tree HABITAT: Forests DIET : Nutrients from the soil ATTACKS : None MUTATIONS : Immunity from Fire/Heat/Chemical Defoliants DESCRIPTION: The paradise tree is very rare and quite small. It looks like a miniature, heavily nut-laden oak tree. The tree never grows anywhere close to another one, cannot be harmed by fire, heat or chemical defoliants, can be very frail or extremely hardy (reflected by the d00 for HP) and produces a variety of nuts that resemble the nuts from other trees. The types of nuts it produces, the amount of nuts on a tree, and their effects, are listed below:

FRID ESK (Phoenix Hedge)

NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: n/a HIT DICE: 9d8 (36) ARMOR: 7 SIZE: H (6m long; 2m tall) LAND SPEED: Immobile MS: n/a DX: 2d8+4 CN: 3d6 IN: 1d4 CH: n/a PS: 2d4+6

BASE STOCK: Hedge HABITAT: Any except underground


DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1-4x Bite(1d6+1) MUTATIONS: Carnivorous jaws; Heightened Sense - Smell; Radar; Spikes DESCRIPTION: Phoenix hedges are long, low hedges that perfectly match other, normal hedges in the same geographical locale. They are called Phoenix Hedges because they can be hacked, burned, radiated chemi-cally defoliated, etc. and will still grow back within a week. The only way to destroy them is to dig underground and rip out their short, thick roots. The problem with this is that when their roots are exposed to light of day (even overcast days) they will emit a radiation blast of intensity level 24 to anyone within a 10 meter radius of the plant. They can only emit this blast once a week. Frid esk cannot move; they rely on their sense of smell and radar to locate passing creatures, then try to grab them with their jaws. Normally,the frid esk's spikes are retracted and cannot be seen; however, the spikes immediately snap out when the plant is touched. Their greatest source of food is the small birds and animals that come to hide or nest in the frid esk. The animal enters, the hedge snaps out its spikes, usually impaling and entrapping the animal, and dinner is served. slime growths whose light slowly pulsates; hence the name Glowers. Growing on rocks and stones is their preferred place of habitat. Being near a river, stream, pond, or lake helps them to ensnare unsuspecting creatures that come to drink. Glowers grow to a height of only 5 cm and live in densely clumped patches.The Glowers release their Sleep Gas when touched by any living creature trying to put their victim into a deep sleep.If the creature falls asleep and lands on top of the mutant fungi, their dissolving juices will then go to work to break down the creature's body into digestible enzymes.These glowing mutants are a deadly poison if swallowed by any creature (Int 16). However, when these mutated fungi are boiled down, they produce an antidote for Int 16 poisons.Each square meter of this growth will yield one dose of this antidote. either all targets have fled, or 1/2 of its seeds have been expended, reserving the remaining seeds for defense. The wounds caused by the horl ep seeds will heal at twice normal speed, and if the fertile tip breaks off in a wound (40% chance), it will heal at 4 times normal speed (it will also be the first of the wounds to heal). In the latter case, 2 weeks after the wound heals over, the seed will start to grow, doing 1d4 damage and -1 to CN daily until the character dies (at 0 HP or 0 CN), after which a sapling will sprout from the body. There have been some attempts to cultivate this tree, but the dangers involved have prevented any successes.

NUMBER: 1d4+1 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: N/A HIT DICE: 5-10d8 (40) ARMOR: 6 SIZE: L (4,5m) LAND SPEED: Immobile MS: 1d10 DX: n/a CN: 1d6 IN: 1 CH: n/a PS: 1d6

HORL EP (Arrow Tree)

NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 12d8 (48) ARMOR: 6 SIZE: L (4m) LAND SPEED: Immobile MS: 1d10+2 DX: n/a CN: 3d6 IN: 1d4 CH: n/a PS: n/a

NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: n/a HIT DICE: 4d6 (12) ARMOR: 10 SIZE: M (1sq.m) LAND SPEED: Immobile MS: n/a DX: n/a CN: 2d8 IN: 1d4 CH: n/a PS: n/a

BASE STOCK: Plant- Jack Pine HABITAT: Pine barrens DIET: Underground Nutrients ATTACKS: See below MUTATIONS: Gas Generation - poison DESCRIPTION: These trees are mutated jack pines and have developed exterme alleopathy (plants that use poison on surrounding plants). It is 1 meter tall/HD. When it is 5 meters, it begins to release a toxic cloud (2m radius/Intensity 20) that is deadly to all life. The tree itself is toxic (int 25) in all stges of life. T he ground beyond the cloud .3 m/HD is also toxic (int 15). Otherwise the tree is noncombative.

BASE STOCK: Pine tree HABITAT: Temperate & Sub-Arctic Forests DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 2xSeeds (2d8) MUTATIONS: Infravision; Rocket Seeds; Antibiotic Fruit DESCRIPTION: This relative of the pine tree has a unique method of seed propagation - organically fueled solid rockets. It can use these seeds for defense or for increasing the range of the species. These seeds are only active during the late summer and early fall. After the first frost, the Horl Ep fires off all its remaining seeds at a high angle, causing the northern woods to be quite a hazardous place for a week or so. The horl ep will generally attack any warm-blooded, man-sized or larger creature that comes within 20 meters. If more than one such creature is available, it will switch targets every 2 rounds until

BASE STOCK: Fungi HABITAT: Near lakes or ponds DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS : 1 (see below) MUTATIONS: Dissolving Juices; Gas Generation - sleep DESCRIPTION: These mutant fungi always live near or in radiation zones,and if possible will grow next to sources of water.They appear to be glowing reddish


NUMBER: 5-20 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 9 HIT DICE: 12d6 (36) ARMOR: 9 SIZE: M (2m) LAND SPEED: 12/900/18 MS: 3d6 IN: 3d6


DX: 3d6 CN: 2d6+3 CH: 3d6 PS: 4d4 HIT DICE: 10d4 (20) ARMOR: 3 SIZE: M (1,5-3m) LAND SPEED: Immobile BASE STOCK: Moss HABITAT: Temperate Swamps, Forests, or Hills DIET: Scavenger ATTACKS: None MUTATIONS: Fruit; Chameleon Power; Poisonous Thorns; Mental Paralysis DESCRIPTION: Mal Tonas appears as a fuzzy patch that covers about a 1 meter square area. Its color varies because of its Chameleon Power, adapting to whatever the surrounding colors are. Anywhere from six to ten spores are on a Mal Tonas at any given time. Each spore is about the size of a small pea, and very light and fragile. If swallowed, a spore acts as a pain killer. The name Courage Moss has been given to Mal Tonas, since many tribes use the moss as a test of bravery. When a youngster is ready to become an adult, a Mal Tonas must be searched out. When found, the youngster must pluck a spore and present it to the elders of his tribe. While a Mal Tonas doesn't actively attack other creatures, its defensives are hazardous to those who try to take its spores. Because of the fragile nature of the spores, each must be pulled delicately, or it will crack and the pain killer effect fade within minutes. This must be done by hand, as other methods cause the spore to crack 95% of the time. Pulling a spore can be dangerous. Each spore is surrounded by spines that contain a destructive poison. When picking a spore, a hazard check is made, as the spines are unavoidable. When a spore is pulled, a paralysis attack is made on all within a five meter radius. If the creature that is removing the spore is affected, the hazard check is made at +5, since the creature can not actively try to avoid all of the spines. Mal Tonas reproduce by popping their spores, which are very light weight. They can be carried up to two kilometers by the wind. Only one in every twenty spores survive to produce a new Mal Tonas as most rupture when they land. Mal Tonas tend to be found on Narl Eps or Haunted Fruit Trees. MS: 1d10 DX: 2d10 CN: 3d6+6 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d12+8

BASE STOCK: Human/Plant hybrid HABITAT: Temperate Hills and Forests DIET: Nutrients from soil ATTACKS: 1x Weapon (1d8) MUTATIONS: Modified Body PartsPhotosynthetic Skin; Vines- prehensile kudzu in place of hair; 1-2 random Plant Mutations, and 0-1 random Mental Mutations for individuals. DESCRIPTION: At first glance it is difficult to determine if these mutant humanoids are of plant or human stock. Their skin is lime green, and they are slightly taller than normal humanoids and very slender. They have no hair on their bodies, replaced by kudzu vines and leaves. The vines on their heads are long and prehensile and can be used as a third hand as necessary. Generally peaceful, the tribes will encounter enemies in their forests, nonetheless, and form war parties of up to 100 warriors using spears, bows, clubs, swords, and other tech II weaponry. The race was created when scientists at a high tech MechFarm research lab injected themselves with kudzu DNA. The MechFarm's Artificial intelligence no longer recognized the scientists as human and removed them from the complex. Since then the tribes have formed in the lush forested hills surrounding the complex. They have a primitive religion similar to Archivism, but centered on the research facility which they call the Garden of Plenty. Shamans and Witch Doctors assist a council of Elder chiefs to lead the tribe. They have a relatively casual existence. They seldom need to eat, except during the winter months, and the forest provides most everything they need without much effort. They roam the forests seeking a pure human who can lead them back into the garden. Some members of the tribe grow healing berries or other natural resources that the tribe can use to trade for important metals. They fear and avoid high tech devices.

MS: 2d6 DX: 1 CN: 2d6

IN: n/a CH: 2d6 PS: n/a

BASE STOCK: Orchid HABITAT: near ponds or lakes DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: Special- see below MUTATIONS: Allurement; Beguiling; Adaptive Enzyme (see New Mutations) DESCRIPTION: Mimic plants are mutated orchids that grow up to 3 meters high. They have large showy flowers that can look like various animals. Mimic plants grow near ponds and their root tendrils extend into the water from underground. Their roots absorb large amounts of water that are given off by their leaves as a fine mist. The mis t obscures vision enough that the flowers are mistaken for animals. Animals and characters who find mimic plants have a chance equal to 50% minus their intelligence of believing the plant to be an attractive animal or character of the opposite sex. When a creature is attracted to within 6m of the plant, an elastic tentacle whips out and wraps itself around the victim. The tentacle secretes a corrosive fluid which contains adaptive enzymes. The fluid burns the skin for 2d4 points of damage if it is not washed off in a number of turns equal to 11 minus the victims armor class. The tentacle will withdraw as soon as the victim fights back. No plant will attack two crea-tures, and no creature will be attacked by more than one plant each day.

MUT CHOO (Gas Plant)

NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 2 HIT DICE: 9d6 (27) ARMOR : 5 SIZE: L (3-4m dia.) FLYING SPEED: 8/600/16 MS: 1d6+1 DX: 1d6 CN: 1d10 IN: 2d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 2d4

MAL TONAS (Courage Moss)

NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: n/a HIT DICE: 4d6 (12) ARMOR: 7 SIZE: S (1m) LAND SPEED: Immobile


BASE STOCK: Dandelion HABITAT: Forests, Swamps, Wetlands, Underground caves, Ruins


DIET : Carnivore ATTACKS : Thorns & Tendrils (see below) MUTATIONS : Increased SenseSight/Smell/Hearing; Flight- Gas Bags DESCRIPTION: Mut choo are 3 to 4m diameter plants that produce their own gas, inflate, and float through the air. They float about 7m above the ground but have many mutations that allow them to satisfy their carnivorous appetites. Each mut choo is covered with throwing thorns, has manipulative vines hanging from it that are tipped with barbed leaves, and have hundreds of tiny tendrils hanging from the bottom that act as boring tendrils when the plant floats down on an unconscious victim. The mut choo will deflate itself after eating excessively, and look like a large patch of vine-like vegetation on the ground. When it wishes to hunt, it increases its metabolic rate and inflates itself, then floats away. This gas is especially susceptible to fire, flaming weapons, heat, lasers, pyrokinesis, etc. If more than 10 points of this kind of damage are sustained in a single turn, the mut choo explodes, causing 1d10 points of damage to all within 7m. Mut choo prefer to live in areas like jungles, forests, swamp lands, and other locales with overhanging vegetation. They are sometimes found in caves or ancient ruins. and cannot attack at any distance, but has various mutations that allow it to kill prey close by, which then decomposes and provides nutrients for the tree. The usual form of attack for anything close to the nep ep is to grab or trip it with the roots, hoping it will, in its struggle to break free, either brush against the contact poison sap or come within range of the trees electrical discharge. The roots extend out in a 7m radius from the trunk, so the aromatic power can easily lure prey within range of the roots. The tree can absorb and store electricity over a period of time (electrical storms, etc.) then release it when desired. This electrical discharge has a range of 3m from the trees branches (5m from the trunk) and cause 4d10 points of base damage depending on the size of the tree (GMs decision). The nep ep also has unique boring tendrils that only activate from the roots when and item with a lot of energy is dropped or left under the tree. The tree senses this power and bores up under and through the item, draining it of its energy. Therefore, there are usually some items of an electrical sort under the tree, usually buried beneath the fallen needles. The GM shoud determine these items randomly; the number of items found is 1d6. There is only a 25% chance any item is in useable shape, it will have a small hole bored into it and will always be drained of all power. Even those items beyond repair may still be scavenged for parts or as curiosities. grows in patches near areas of radioactivity, almost always connected to a source of warmth. Hot springs, fumaroles, and living flesh are their favorite locations. Ooz blen are iridescent black in their natural state, and live on rocks or the branches of trees and feed on tiny organisms such as bacteria. They possess a life detecting sensitivity (New Sense), adaptability, color response to radiation, and tiny fiber extensions that allow them to enter into a symbiotic relationship with warm -blooded creatures (New Body Parts). A final ability, Teleportation, allows them to project themselves onto passing creatures . To establish symbiosis, the ooz blen will teleport themselves onto the surface skin of any warm-blooded creature that passes within range. Once on the skin, the algae must be scraped off for 1d10 Action Turns with the creature taking 1d6 damage with h te creature taking 1d6 damage per turn of scraping. If the creature does not scrape off the algae for the number of turns rolled, the ooz blen uses their New Body Parts to enter the skin of the creature. This causes the creature to become a shiny black, as if they possessed an insect chitin over their bodies. The color is not dangerous, nor does the presence of the ooz blen harm the creature. The ooz blen will remain on the creature it cannot be removed for 2d10 months, after which it will teleport onto some other character at the first opportunity. While on the skin (or fur, scales, feathers, etc.) the black color will remain useless unless the creature comes into the presence of radiation. If in an area of radiation, the ooz blen will change color (depending on the intensity see chart below). The ooz blen will absorb one-half the damage from radiation. INTENSITY 1-5 6-14 15+ NEW COLOR Blue Red Green

NEP EP (Death Tree)

NUMBER: 1d2 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 21d6 (63) ARMOR : 7 SIZE: L (5-8m) LAND SPEED : Immobile MS: 1d3 DX: 2d6 CN: 2d4+2 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d2 PS: 2d8+1

OOZ BLEN (Klonoid)

NUMBER: 1d4-1 per sq. meter FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 4 HIT DICE: 2d6 per sq. meter (6) ARMOR: 9 SIZE: L LAND SPEED: Immobile MS: 4d4+4 DX: N/A CN: 3d4+3 IN: 1d8+10 CH: 1d4+4 PS: N/A

BASE STOCK: Pine Tree HABITAT: Forests DIET : Nutrients from soil ATTACKS : See below MUTATIONS : Adaptation; Modified Roots- Squeeze; Modified BranchesElectrical Discharge (see below); Contact Poison Sap ; Aromatic Powers DESCRIPTION: The narl ep resembles any of a myriad of conifers; pine trees, spruce, evergreens, etc. It cannot move

BASE STOCK: Algae HABITAT: Deathlands DIET: Radiosynthesis ATTACKS: See below MUTATIONS: Energy Negation; New Body Parts; New Sense - temperature sensitivity; Teleportation DESCRIPTION: The ooz blen is a form of mutated algae. This type of plant

The color changes actually help a creature survive radiation by giving warning through the color change and absorbing damage from harmful radiation.

PROT EP (Defense Tree)

NUMBER: 1d6 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 2 HIT DICE: 41d6 (123)


ARMOR : 2 SIZE: H (10m+) LAND SPEED : Immobile MS: 1d4 DX: N/A CN: 3d6 IN: N/A CH: N/A PS: 4d6 HABITAT: Deserts DIET: Underground Nutrients ATTACKS: 1 MUTATIONS: Spines; Gas GenerationSpore Cloud; Explosive Seed Pods; Flight - Gas Bags. DESCRIPTION: During the Summer months the Puff Cactus becomes a downright danger to towns and wildlife. Every morning, and during High Noon, these cactus, which grow in sprawling 10-20 meter diameter patches, release 3d12 cantalope sized floating pods to drift in the wind. These are lined, like the cactus itself, with sharp spines that do 1d4 dam age on contact. If a pod is touched, or bumps into something, it will explode with the force of a hand grenade, for 3d6 damage, spreading a Poison Spore Cloud, Intensity Level 12 plus Spore Sickness, in a 10 foot radius. These pods will often set each other off. Youngun 's in a lot of community's earn a little extra pocket money during the summer by sitting watch for Puff Cactus blooms and setting them off at safe distances with bows or slingshots. These drifts move silently, and a traveller can be in the middle of one before they know it, provided the muffled thuds of exploding pods don't alert them. A fallen character suffers 2 attacks for each meter of height in the patch. Razorgrass grows in patches up to 10 meters in diameter. It is frequently found around water holes in dry regions.

NUMBER: 2-5 patches (at 20-50/patch) FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 4 HIT DICE: 4d6 per patch (12) ARMOR: 9 SIZE: M (1-2m dia.) MS: 1d2 DX: 1d3 CN: 1d2 IN: 1d2 CH: 1 PS: 1

BASE STOCK: Birch/ Oak Tree HABITAT: Forests DIET : Nutrients from soil ATTACKS : None MUTATIONS : See below DESCRIPTION: Prot eps are the most ancient of trees, surviving the original holocaust that led to Gamma World by constantly adapting until they could not be killed. Prot eps cannot take damage from any kind of attack, natural or artificial. No disease, insect, or plant life can affect them. Their roots are like steel cables travelling miles below the ground. They cannot be knocked over, torn up, or driven into the ground. They have bark like a birch, leaves like a maple, but are pure white in color, and grow to the shape and size of an old oak. Chemical defoliants, radiation, or anti-matter will wither all the vegetation around them but cannot even change their color. They only die of old age, and that is after thousands of years. Some civilizations revere them as gods, others build their villages around their trunks or in their branches. There is no safer place for a party of adventurers to camp overnight than in the branches of a prot ep, as attacks cannot usually penetrate the foliage surrounding them and very few dangerous creatures seem to be able to live or hunt in them (usually snakes can survive). Anyone attempting to make armor from a prot ep will discover that any bark or leaves crumble to dust 1d6 hours after they are removed.

WATER SPEED: 0/1/0 BASE STOCK: Starfish HABITAT: Oceans DIET: Underground Nutrients ATTACKS: See below: 1d6 per patch MUTATIONS: See below DESCRIPTION: Sea lilies are cousins to starfish. They have a base developed to hold strongly onto the bottom in the body of water they dwell (it looks like worms attached to a root). Attached to this are dozens of "arms" covered in fine hairs, used to catch food. Some species have evolved to survive in freshwater, and most of those developed a mass attack to consume large prey. Anything wandering through a sea lily patch to attacked once per phase using an enzymatic approach. If the person is moving, treat every square meter as a single patch. And they do grow up to the waters edge, so anyone reaching in the water is also attacked. Their defenses are based on the fact that they are submerged; if they are b rought up on land, they have no armor and are totally defenseless (-4 to ranged and melee attacks).

NUMBER: 1d10 meter patch FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 2d8 per square meter (8) ARMOR: 9 SIZE: T(.3-.5 m) LAND SPEED: Immobile MS: 2d4 DX: n/a CN: 2d4 IN: n/a CH: n/a PS: n/a

NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Common MORALE: n/a HIT DICE: 2d8 (8) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: L (10-20m patch) FLYING SPEED: 12 or windspeed MS: 12 DX: n/a CN: n/a IN: n/a CH: n/a PS: n/a

BASE STOCK: Kentucky Bluegrass HABITAT: Temperate plains DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xSlice per leg (2d6) MUTATIONS: Modified Leaves- razoredged; Immunity to Heat DESCRIPTION: This type of mutated grass is visually indistinguishable from normal grass. The only obvious sign of its presence is a slight odor of carrion. When the center of a patch is stepped upon, the blades will thrash around rapidly. Sharp enough to cut bare skin on contact, the blades perform an attack on each leg standing in the patch.


NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: Special ARMOR: 6 SIZE: H (Actual size varies) LAND SPEED: Immobile MS: 5d6+4 DX: 1d4 CN: 7d8+6 IN: 1d10+6 CH: 1d4 PS: 1

BASE STOCK: Peyote Cactus


BASE STOCK: Coral HABITAT: Oceans DIET: Water Nutrients ATTACKS: See below. MUTATIONS : Symbiotic Attachment; Regeneration; Mass Mind; Telepathy; and whatever else the GM wishes. DESCRIPTION: A coral bed is one large creature that is comprised of billions of smaller creatures. It therefore cannot be killed per se by ordinary damage. Only weapons capable of destroying large areas (nukes, etc) would actually harm or destroy the reef (being that they can be many kilometers in size!). The coral has the ability to displace small "nodes" of itself that it can control up 100 kilometers away. Each node is a small mutant sting ray (see Minda Ray below) with a body about the size of a man's fist and a spine about a foot in length. It will try to control whatever life form it has been placed on. This Minda Ray attaches itself at the rear base of the head with it mutated mouth and stabs the victim with its spine. Driving the tail deep into the victims spine, small tendrils wraps round the victims spine and give control of the creature completely over to the reef. very near their caps which serve a similar purpose. Having evolved in darkness, they can see perfectly well in darkness, but have trouble operating if full daylight; they are usually nocturnal creatures. They are resistant to most normal forms of disease on Gamma Earth (if there truly is such a thing anymore), and generally live in places that would be considered biohazardous to most other forms of life. Shrooms are not especially aggressive crea-tures, though they will fight ferociously to defend them-selves, their territory, and one another. Although they are exceptionally intelligent, the thought processes of a shroom are very different from most other forms of life even other plants. They are well aware of this fact and of the effect their spores have on non-shrooms, and will use both to their advantage whenever the situation demands it. Shroom encounters can run the gamut from humorous to deadly. Though they tend to be philo-sophical and fairly passive, shrooms often have access to a number of artifacts, and are fairly well armed unless caught completely offguard. Shrooms live in primitive tribal societies, usually numbering between 424 individuals. They commu-nicate through a complex mixture of body language, pheromones, and variations in skin pigmentation that are usually imperceptible to anyone who doesnt have the night vision mutation or similar ability. Shrooms are also capable of verbal speech of a sort by forcing air through the pores in their hides, though they never do so to communicate among themselves. While most shrooms live fairly isolated lives, they are far from stupid or ignorant of the world around them. The primary reason that most shroom societies are as primitive as they are is because they see very little benefit to be gained from more advanced forms of social organization and technology. Given that they tend to inhabit areas that most other forms of life would be unable to survive in, most shroom communities have stockpiles of junk for trade and barter, as well as a few fully-functional artifacts for use in emergencies. They will also have numerous pieces of kitbashed technology of some sort or another with bizarre and (to anyone other than a shroom) incomprehensible uses. FREQUENCY: Common MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 2d6 (6) ARMOR : 10 SIZE: S (,5m tall) LAND SPEED : Immobile MS: n/a DX: n/a CN: n/a IN: n/a CH: n/a PS: n/a

BASE STOCK: Juniper bush HABITAT: Any except arctic DIET : Nutrients from the soil ATTACKS : none MUTATIONS : Combustibility (see below) DESCRIPTION: Smokerths are harmless little bushes that are easily ignited. If a character were to strike the bush, fall into it, etc. it bursts into flame. This will cause 1d6 points of damage to anyone touching the bush. Otherwise, the smokerth burns for 5 minutes, providing a signal flare, and easy method of starting a campfire, etc. Smokerths can be found in every climate but the arctic cold. They never grow close enough to each other to start a chain-reaction and a forest fire.

SHROOM (Mushroom Man)

NUMBER: 3d8 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 6d8 (24) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: M (1-2m) LAND SPEED: 8/600/16 MS: 1d8+7 DX: 2d4+3 CN: 1d8+6 IN: 1d8+7 CH: 1d6 PS: 2d4+3

NUMBER: 1d8 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 10d8 (40) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: L (4.5-8m) LAND SPEED: 6/900/36 MS: 3d4 DX: 2d6 CN: 2d8+2 IN: 1d3 CH: 1d2 PS: 2d8+4

BASE STOCK: Mushroom - Amanita HABITAT: Underground, Forests DIET: Underground Nutrients ATTACKS: 1x By Weapon MUTATIONS: Hallucinogenic Spores (see below); Improved Immunity; Light Sensitivity [D]; Thermal Vision DESCRIPTION: Shrooms are a race of sentient, mutated fungi which look like human-sized, bipedal toadstools. Their leathery hide is green-gray in color and is perpetually cool and clammy. Their hands have two long, thick fingers and a stubby, opposable thumb which allows them to manipulate most artifacts. Shrooms do not have eyes per se, but rather a bundle of sensory nerves

BASE STOCK: Saguaro Cactus HABITAT: Deserts DIET: Scavenger ATTACKS: 1d8+4 MUTATIONS: Spines; Mobility; Constricting Appendages; New Sense -life force. DESCRIPTION: This weird mutation of the Saguaro Cactus is a fearsome scavenger. It derives it's name from it's vague resemblance to a starfish made of cactus. They pull themselves slowly over most terrain with their radial tentacles, which function much like Squeeze Vines with additional 1d4 damage per attack from their sharp spines. Each plant has 1d8+4 of these appendages, arranged

SMOKERTH (Flaming Bush)



around a central maw on the underside that can do 3d6 damage. Starfish Cacti are often encountered in large numbers in the ruins of ancient towns and cities, draped over the rubble sunning themselves or hunting in the cracked streets for prey. They are also a serious hazard on ancient roadways. These plants posess Life Force Sense, a strange bioelectric sense that can determine potential prey's location and state of health. Starfish cactus yield 5 gallons of water per arm if chopped up. benefit of counteracting Poisons of up to Intensity Level 14. Stilt Palm seed pods make a delicious snack when ripe. If uneaten, the seeds grow into adult Stilt Palms after 1d4 years, depending on what soil they're dropped into, starting life as stationary plants and uprooting when their legs develop. The only other threat that can arise from Stilt Palms is a tendency for other, more dangerous varieties of mutant plants to take up residence atop the legs, which can remain mobile for up to a year after the main plant has died. known to attack boats, often jamming the propellers or intakes of motorized ones. While this may kill one or two, the remainder of what could loosely be called "the pack" become a serious threat to any hapless sailor sent down to clear the obstruction.

NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Unique MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 14d8 (56) ARMOR : 6 SIZE: H (20m) LAND SPEED : 6/30/12 MS: 1d4+1 DX: 2d4 CN: 3d6 IN: 3d8 CH: 2d6+2 PS: 3d6

NUMBER: 1d8 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 8d8 (32) ARMOR: 6 SIZE: L (3-5m) LAND SPEED: 10/800/12

NUMBER: 1d10 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 10d8 (40) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: M (1-2 patch) MOVE: 2/300/6

MS: 2d6 DX: 2d4 CN: 1d10+3

IN: 1d4 CH: 1d2 PS: 2d6

MS: 3d4 DX: 3d6 CN: 2d6+3

IN:1d4 CH: N/A PS: 3d6

BASE STOCK: Palm Tree HABITAT: Rivers, Swamps, Wetlands DIET: Nutrients form the soil ATTACKS: 2xBranches (1d10) MUTATIONS: Mobility; Increased Hearing; New Sense- chemicals. DESCRIPTION: These mutant palm trees are largely innocuous. They spend their day slowly wandering along rivers and streams, following the sun and searching for patches of nutrient rich mud with their innate Chemical Sense. At night they fold their legs up into a defensive wall around their core bodies and touching their roots down into the water. One thing that makes them handy to sentient beings is their use as mounts, since their 10 -15 foot height makes them a great platform to keep a lookout for trouble, and they can be loosely controlled using an umbrella, since the plant moves instinctively away from shade. Once a year, during the rainy season, Stilt Palms develop a cone of seed pods that take roughly 1d4 weeks to mature and drop off. During this time, the plants are very dangerous to approach, and will rear up in threat against any being that they sense coming near. If pressed they are capable of attacking with their spear like limbs for 1d10 damage. This risk can be worth it, as the pods, if eaten unripe, have the

ATTACKS: 2d6 ORIGINAL STOCK: Plant- Kelp HABITAT: Swamp, Oceans, Wetlands DIET: Carnivore MUTATIONS: Squeeze Vines; Mobility; Modified Vines - boring tendrils; Improved Sense - sight. DESCRIPTION: This mutant form of kelp is extremely dangerous to swimmers and boat crews alike. These plants lurk near the bottom among dense vegetation, watching above them for anything that moves into their territory. If a likely target comes into veiw they will swim rapidly upward towards them, in a motion very similar to that of an octopus or jellyfish. They will then attempt to Constrict the victim in their muscular fronds, for 2d6 points of damage per round. When all the life is squeezed out of their prey, a Strangle will drag the body to the bottom and feed off of the decomposing corpse for several weeks with it's root tendrils. The central core body of a Strangle is roughly 50cm in diam eter, but the tendrils can extend out to 2m on larger specimens, and size is never an issue when it comes to their attacks. Since they operate in groups, several of these plants can benefit from a large kill, although theres no real communication or co-operation going on among them. Strangles have been

BASE STOCK: Tree HABITAT: Deathlands DIET : Carnivore ATTACKS : 3xVines (2d6) + 1xExploding Fruit (3d6) MUTATIONS: Aromatic Powers; Explosive and / or Radiated Fruit & Seeds; Physical Reflection; Squeeze Vines / Roots; Texture Change DESCRIPTION: This carnivorous horror arose from the fusion of intense heat and extremely high radiation levels caused by an exploding meteor as it crashed upon the surface of the earth. Fortunately,only one Tarn Zeb exists at this time, but wind-scattered seeds make it quite likely that more will appear in the near future. A 20 meter tall giant Mutated tree,this "thing"is highly visible because of its bright purple hide-like trunk (Texture Change) which gives the Tarn Zeb its armor class of 6. The strange mutation of "Physical Reflection" that this mutated tree possesses causes it to reflect all radioactive energies out in random directions up to a distance of 10 meters. Long twisted branches filled with dwarfsized leaves cover the entire upper region of the tree. Randomly distributed patches of yellow fruit populate the mutant tree's leafy branched areas. Growing all along the purple tree trunk are a dozen "Squeeze Vines" of lengths varying from 5 to 25 meters.The mobility of the Tarn Zeb is due to its four strong feet-like root projections each 2 meters long. Found at the under the base of the mutant, between its four "feet," is a hollow mouthy opening where the squeeze vines insert dead human-sized or smaller creatures that are to be eaten


and digested.Strong "Aromatic Powers," effective up to 10 kilometers, lure creatures of all kinds toward the Tarn Zeb in the hopes that these victims will come close enough to become ensnared in the Squeeze Vines. Three of the Squeeze Vines per round can each do 212 (2d6) points of damage. Unless freed, a snared victim will suffer 2 dice of damage each round until it dies;at which time the dead creature is fed into the mutant tree's mouth opening. Another attack form the Tarn Zeb possesses is its exploding yellow fruit. The three shortest Squeeze Vines each take turns plucking these fruit off the branches and hurling them at opponents.Only one such "missile"can be tossed per melee round and is always thrown at a penalty of -2 "to hit." A distance of 30 meters can be reached by anyone single toss.Once picked,the f ruit explodes in 10 seconds and causes 3-18 (3d6)points of damage to all creatures caught in its one meter radius area of effect. The Tarn Zeb is a vicious opponent, but it knows that it is a solitary being and will retreat if it feels overly threatened after engaging its opponent or opponents in battle. term "treacherous lily". This is an apt description of the plant, since it produces berries (from August through November) that can heal all damage to a person, but those berries are hidden behind very poisonous thorns. These berries appear in late fall, and if not harvested (which occurs quite often, due to the difficulty in harvesting the berries), fall off the plant sometime by mid November to produce the new batch of trechlilies the following spring. Individuals attempting to harvest the berries have a chance equal to (2 x DX)% of suc-cessfully harvesting 1d8 berries without being stuck by the thorns. If they fail, they take 1d4 points of damage and will be affected by the poison (as per the rules). The trechlily does not engage in combat per se, but is quite able to defend itself against those who would try to take it's berries. Its thorns constant secrete a strong paralytic poison, and although the plant is nonintelligent, it is able to sense when it is being tam-pered with, and will then release its dissolving juices around itself. Any creatures that survive this are typically discouraged from attempting to gather the berries after that. DESCRIPTION: Whirrzlers are carnivorous desert plants that have developed a unique method of flight. They have no gas bags, instead rotating their flat rosettes of leaves so rapidly that they lift off like helicopters. They use this ability to settle their roots on carrion. Whirrzlers must feed fairly often; from time to time, they attack larger creatures wandering the desert.

XANQAS (Shocking Mildew)

NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: n/a HIT DICE: 3d4 (6) ARMOR: 9 SIZE: Variable LAND SPEED: 1/100/10 MS: n/a DX: n/a CN: n/a IN: n/a CH: n/a PS: n/a

NUMBER: 3d20 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: N/A HIT DICE: 4d6 (12) ARMOR: 9 SIZE: 30 to 100 centimeters tall SPEED: Immobile MS: 1 DX: 1 CN: 2d4 IN: 1 CH: 1d4+10 PS: 1d4+1

WHIRRZLER (Propeller Plants)

NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 5 HIT DICE: 10d8 (40) ARMOR: 2 SIZE: 1.5 meters across AIR SPEED: 6/900/18 MS: 1d4 IN: 1d4 DX: 1dl0 + 2 CH: 1d4 CN: 1d8 + 10 PS: 1d20 + 20

BASE STOCK: Mildew HABITAT: Any underground DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS: 1xShock 1d4 (2d4, see below) MUTATIONS: Electric Shock DESCRIPTION: Xanqas are a type of mutated mildew which adapt to the color and texture of any surface upon which it grows. Xanqas feed on freshly killed organic substances and will attack any animals or characters that approach within one meter. Once an animal is within range, the xanqas will release a slight chemical electrical charge causing 1d4 damage. If anyone touches a xanqas with metal gloves or a metal weapon, the charge damage is doubled. Armor does not protect against this charge. However, the charge can be blocked by force fields. This discharge is automatic if the plant is touched. Water thrown on the xanqas will stun it for 1d8+2 combat rounds. Little is known about this strange mutated mildew as it is most commonly found in long abandoned underground installations.

ATTACKS: See Des cription ORIGINAL STOCK: Swamplily MUTATIONS: Berries - blue (Heal all damage); Dissolving Juices; Thorns/ Spikes (Thorns Int 18 poison) HABITAT: Freshwater marshes, cypress swamps, ditch & lake edges DIET: Minerals from soil (Carnivore) DESCRIPTION: Post-holocaust humans and humanoids call this descendant of the Swamp Lily the Trechlily, a shortened, time-corrupted form of the

ATTACKS: 1 cut for 6d6 hp damage. ORIGINAL STOCK: Sword plant (agave). MUTATIONS: Mobility/flight (special); Texture Change (variant); Modified leaves; Adaptation; Increased sense (smell); Size increase. HABITAT: Deserts, drylands, and radioactive deathlands. DIET: Carrion, often from slain prey.



He stopped in the middle of the road before the thing he'd almost driven into, and he stared at it. He'd thought at first that it was more black lines in the sky. He'd halted because they'd seemed to appear too suddenly. It was a spider's web, strands thick as his arm, strung between two leaning buildings. He switched on his forward flame and began to burn it. When the fires died, he saw the approaching shape, coming down from above. It was a spider, larger than himself, rushing to check the disturbance. He elevated the rocket launchers, took careful aim, and pierced it with one white-hot missile. It still hung there in the trembling web and seemed to be kicking. He turned on the flame again, for a full ten seconds, and when it subsided, there was an open way before him. He rushed through, wide-awake and alert once again, his pains forgotten. He drove as fast as he could, trying to forget the sight. - Roger Zelazny, Damnation Alley

ANT, Giant
NUMBER: 5d10 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 18-25d8 (80) ARMOR: 7 SIZE: L-H (3-5 m) LAND SPEED: 12/600/12 MS: 1d4 DX: 3d6 CN: 1d10+2 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 2d6+2

MS: 1d4 DX: 3d6 CN: 1d12+9

IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d10+4

BASE STOCK: Water bug HABITAT: Deep freshwater DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 2xClaw (2d4), 1xBite (2d12) MUTATIONS: Sonic Blast; Wings; Immunity to Acids/Corrosives; Full Carapace; Intuition DESCRIPTION: This giant insect is a mutant giant water bug. Its forelimbs are covered in long sharp spurs and its mouth is a beak. It is a long oval in shape and its wings just cover its body (they are also used to help in breathing underwater).

BASE STOCK: Ant HABITAT: Any dry warm land DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (2d10 or 3d10) or 1x Sting (2d4 + poison Int 18) MUTATIONS: Full Carapace; Heightened Senses- smell and touch; Poison (Int 18/destructive) DESCRIPTION: Ants with 18-20 HD do 2d10 points of damage with their bite, those with 21-25 do 3d10. If a bite succeeds on an 18+ th ant has grabbed the target. Roll d6: 1-3- arms free, 4- one arm held, 5- two arms held, 6- all arms held. One subsequent rounds, teh ant does bite damage. Only a tough PS check (or the death of the ant) will free the target. If the ant does not grab it will use its sting on the target.

blend in with the surrounding are as the chameleon power. Fire and heat will draw Blaasut at night. They never go out during the day, using their infravision at night. Blaasut present an immediate danger because of their strong wings. Anyone within six meters of the source of heat or flame can be attacked by their buffeting wings. The gravest threat they actually present is that they attract their natural predator, the Tsorsut. Once the Blaasut have fluttered over an area for more than two turns, there is a 35% chance that a Tsorsut will arrive, and that spells danger for both the Blaasut and any characters in the area.

NUMBER: 2d20+5 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 5 HIT DICE: 2d4 (4) ARMOR: 5 SIZE: T (10cm) LAND SPEED: 0/30/50 BURROWING: 0/.5/0 FLYING: 6/900/18 MS: 1d4 DX: 1d10+10 CN: 1d4 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4-1 PS: 1d4

BLAASUT (Giant Moth)

NUMBER: 1d10 FREQUENCY: Common MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 7d6 (21) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: M (2m) LAND SPEED: 11/180/3 FLYING: 24/900/18 MS: 3d6 DX: 1d10+2 CN: 1d12+4 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d8+2

BELO (Giant Water Bug)

NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 10d8 (40) ARMOR: 6 SIZE: L SWIMMING: 12/1800/36

BASE STOCK: Gypsy Moth HABITAT: Temperate forest DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1x Wing Buffet (2d8) MUTATIONS: Chameleon Powers; Infravision DESCRIPTION: This creature resembles the Blaashes and is a distant cousin of the Gamma Moth. It can have a variety of patterns and colors, all designed to

BASE STOCK: Wasp HABITAT: Underground, Plains, Forests DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: Sting (1 point of damage + poison) or 1xBite (1d4) MUTATIONS: Warning, Patrolling, and Death Pheremones (see New Mutations) DESCRIPTION: Bloodwasps are burrowing wasps about 10cm long. They exhibit some traits of both solitary and social insects; bloodwasps live singly, in burrows, with 2d20+5 burrows located in


a region of 1 hectare. Their behaviour is controlled by pheromones. Bloodwasps wait in their burrows for prey. Bloodwasps sense their prey by smell within a range of 30m (plus or minus 10m for wind direction if any). They can also sense prey by feeling ground vibrations within a range of 5cm per kg of the prey. A bloodwasp attacks with a dashing flight and a sting, delivering 1hp of damage and a paralyzing poison of intensity 14. The poison leaves its prey immobile, but conscious, while the bloodwasp burrows one-half centimeter into its preys flesh and sucks 3ml of blood. This causes 1d4+1 more points of damage. When the first attacker is through feeding it will leave. Then, other bloodwasps will approach and feed until the poison wears off or until all the wasps in range of the first attackers Pheromone mutation have fed. Victims of bloodwasps must pass an attribute check for MS each search turn, while the bloodwasps poison is in effect. If the victim fails an attribute check, he will suffer the irrational effects of the Insanity [D] mutation when the poison wears off. The victim does not have the insanity mutation permanently. Bloodwasps emit the patrolling pheromone when they are not feeding or fighting. Bloodwasps emit the warning pheromone when they are feeding, fighting, or attacking. radioactive fallout of an atomic bomb test. In appearance, these malevolent creatures have the synthesized features of a man and a gargantuan insect. The creatures are bipedal (standing between150-200 centimeters) and have only two arms. Their bloated abdomen and thorox are connected to a large head complete with long, fern-like antennae and broad mandibles. When attacking, buggems either strike with their two claws and bite for 16, 1-6, and 1-10 points respectively or they can use a crude weapon such as an axe, sword, or mace. When using a weapon the creatures can also bite. These termite men live within nests made up of a myriad of burrowed passages and chambers. Due to the lack of light in the buggem nests, the creatures hove developed heightened senses that allow the buggems to see in the dark. Buggem nests ore found in almost all climes and are easily recognizable by the prominent mound of dirt formed over the opening into their chambers. Like any of their smaller relations these termite creatures are primarily fungus eaters, raising their own food supply deep within their dark burrows in strange fungus gardens. Although they prefer to remain in their nests, buggems must occasionally venture outside to get hosts for their parasitic infants. These hosts ore invariably humanoid and always perish during the eventual hatching of the young. In a world of far mare dangerous creatures, the buggem species survives portially due to two unique mutations that occur occasionally among their kind. Appearing in one creature out of twenty, the buggems first mutation is that of gas generation. Sev-eral different types of gas are possible with varying probability of appearance. The types and associated probability are: d00 1-40 41-80 81- 00 telepathic ability. These telepaths are able to communicote with any member of their hive regardless of distance or physical obstruction. They direct all importont actions taken in their nests, allowing a degree of intelligence to enter into their lesser brothers actions. In addition. these biological freaks use archaic weaponry such as blasters, lasers, and death roy projectors whenever such advanced weapons ore available.

BUTAL (Ambush Bug)

NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 12d6 (36) ARMOR: 2 SIZE: L (3m) LAND SPEED: 8/600/12 FLYING: 15/1000/18 MS: 2d4 DX: 3d6 CN: 1d12+9 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d20+20

BASE STOCK: Ambush bug HABITAT: Plains, Forests DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (4d6) + 2xClaws (2d6) MUTATIONS: Chameleon power; Silence Field; Gamma Hands (Heat); Magnetic Control DESCRIPTION: These are mutant ambush bugs. They are stout bodied with greatly enlarged forelegs like a manta (green render). The abdomen is much wider than the wings at that point. They are green-brown, and though 3 meters long, the are only .5 meters tall. They hide using chameleon power and a silence field. When prey carrying metal objects comes within 10 metersof the bu'tal, it uses magnetic control to draw the prey closer. It attacks as a manta. If the prey struggles, it uses hot hands to kill the prey quickly. Bu'tal feed on the blood of most anything, but prefers those who wear metal objects (ie PCs and NPCs)

BUGGEM (Termite Folk)

NUMBER: 1d10 (1d100 in nests) FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 5-7d8 (25) ARMOR: 5 SIZE: M (2-3m tall) LAND SPEED: 10/800/36 MS: 3d6 DX: 1d12+4 CN: 5d4 IN: 1d10+2 CH: 2d6 PS: 1d10+11

BASE STOCK: Termite HABITAT: Any Temperate DIET: Herbivore ATTACKS: 2xClaws (1d6) and 1xBite(1d10), or weapon and bite MUTATIONS: usually none, but occasionally Gas Generation and Height-ened Abilities (see below) DESCRIPTION: It is rumored that the buggems appeared even before the onset of The Shadow Years, having been spawned decades earlier by the

Opaque gas Caustic gas Poison gas

Each mutated buggem is able to generate only one type of gas, and may use this ability only three times per day. All buggems are immune to any of the gases effects. The second mutation is more rare, occurring in only 1% of the species. The abnormality causes the termite mans size and strength to decrease, but, in return the Creature gains greater dexterity, heightened inielligence, and

CHETAL (Greater Bloodwing)

NUMBER: 2d10 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 8d8 (32) ARMOR: 7 SIZE: M (1-1,5m)


LAND SPEED: 0/30/3 FLYING: 24/1800/36 MS: 1d6+4 DX: 3d6 CN: 1d12+4 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d2 PS: 1d10+4 once per numbers). 17 years (and in great MUTATIONS: Sonar; Chameleon Power; Immunity (mental attacks) DESCRIPTION: Floth-Ha are mutated "common house" moths. They are virtually identical to their predecessors except for their extra front two limbs from which they can manipulate objects and also for their great size. (wingspan is an impressive 3m) Their bodies are covered in a fine fur, and for those who have seen a Shutter in flight, the underside is a palette of light browns. Due to the chameleon powers their back and wings posses, the natural coloring of these surfaces are unknown. Floth-Ha do have antenna but rely primarily on sonar to guide them. These creatures are herbivores and usually feed upon the bark of trees however the delicacy of cotton, wool, or even leather are too good to pass up. There have been numerous reports of unwary travelers who've been attacked only to have their clothes eaten from their bodies. The creatures methods are predictable, they will swoop from above and grab on with all 6 legs digging into the victim.(clinging) It's other 2 manipulative arms undo buckles, snaps, zippers etc. Survivors tell that once you get past the initial cling, the act of devouring the clothing is relatively painless. When the Floth-Ha is upon it's victim, it drapes it's wings over to completely engulf the victim. It's back and wings are it's primary defense, they are completely impervious to all forms of physical attacks, lasers and radiation type weapons, And since they have chameleon capabilities, it's extremely possible to not even see the actual attack on the ground. Shutters are solitary animals and will only be in numbers of 2 during mating. They are attracted to heat and bright lights. The name "Shutters" comes from the unconscious twitching they display while they sleep clinging to a tree. This motion temporally negates their chameleon bonus's and makes them more easily visible. Of course when they cling in this manner they only expose their wings and back , protecting their soft underbellies.(AC of only 5) When they cling in this manner, they cannot be forcefully removed, unless a well orchestrated combined PS of 40 is applied. Even in death, the creatures remain affixed. For obvious reasons, the Shutters' wings are very valuable in Gamma Terra, and will fetch the handsome price of 8,500 domars for just 1 of a set of wings.

EURYL (Mayday Bug)

NUMBER: 1d4+1 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 5d8 (20) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: L (2-3m long) SWIMMING: 12/900/18 MS: 2d4 DX: 2d8+4 CN: 3d6 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d2 PS: 2d10+2

BASE STOCK: Deer Fly HABITAT: temperate forests and swamps DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1x Bite (2d6) MUTATIONS: Sonic Blast, Sonar, Gamma Eyes; Confusion; Magnetic Control DESCRIPTION: Giant deerflies, che'tal have yellow eyes, black spotted wings, and a dark brown body with light brwon stripes. They have a nasty bite. After finding prey with sonar, che'tal attack with confusion or a roar. After that, they use mutations or a bite randomly.

BASE STOCK: Mayfly HABITAT: cold streams/rivers DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS : 2xTusk (2d6) MUTATIONS: Anti-Lifeleech; Chameleon Powers; Detect Life DESCRIPTION: The euryl looks like most aquatic insect larvae: long, thin with the legs cramed up near the head. The long antennae, large tusks, and frilly gills on its abdomen identify it as a euryl (mutant mayfly). Unlike its ancestors, the euryl will remain in its larval state (but still will be able to reproduce). They are found in gravelly areas looking for food. Euryl are noncombative, and will not attack things larger than itself unless provoked. It uses detect life to sense prey and preditors. If attacked it will try to flee. Euryl are hunted for food by MA and MH. In some areas they are an important farmed animal.

CIDTAL (Nymph)
NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 12d6 (36) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: L (3m long) LAND SPEED : 12/600/18 FLYING: 6/900/32 MS: 1d10+4 DX: 3d6 CN: 1d12+4 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d2 PS: 1d20+10

BASE STOCK: Cicada HABITAT: temperate hills/forest DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS: Sucks sap (1d8/rnd) MUTATIONS: Full Carapace; Sonic Blast (see below) DESCRIPTION: This mutant cicada is the terror of green folk everywhere. Other than its size, it looks exactly like their small ancestors. When a cid'tal sees prey, it flys to the attack. It uses it beak to punch a whole into the plant to get at the vascular tissue. If the prey resists, the cid'tal uses its beak and whine to kill the prey. The whine has a range of 35 meters and does 7d6 points of damage. It can be used 1/5 rounds. Remember to check equipment damage! It is unknown where the nymphs lair. The adults live for 3-4 weeks during the summer. Also the cid'tal appears only

FLOTH-HA (Shutter)
NUMBER: 1d2 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 4 HIT DICE: 24d8 (48) ARMOR: 2 SIZE: L (3m) LAND SPEED: 6/300/15 FLYING: 24/2000/60 MS: 2d6+6 DX: 3d6 CN: 2d8+4 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d2 PS: 2d10+20

BASE STOCK: Moth HABITAT: Temperate hills/ forests DIET: Herbivore ATTACKS: 1 or 2 Claws (1d4+7) + Cling (5d8)


(blinding); Fear Generation; Detect Life; Mental Drain DESCRIPTION: Giant blackflies, jo'tal have mutated to consume blood and intelligence. Other than size, they appear no different. When prey is detected, the swarm attacks within a silence field. They use gas and bites to immobalize the prey for feeding. If the swarms moral fails it generates fear and flees.

GERTAL (Water Walker)

NUMBER: 2d4 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 15d8 (60) ARMOR: 5 SIZE: S (.5-1m) SWIMMING: 12/600/18 MS: 1d6+2 DX: 2d6+6 CN: 3d4+2 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d2 PS: 2d8+4

LAND SPEED: 6/500/15 MS: 1d4+2 DX: 2d4+4 CN: 2d10+11 IN: 1d4 CH: 1 PS: 1d20+11

BASE STOCK: Caterpillar HABITAT: Volcanic areas DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS: 1x horns (2d6+4) 1x bite (2d12) MUTATIONS: Diminished sense [D](sight), Heat Dependent [D](treat like photodependent: 95C light), Spines(back), Horns, Immune to Fire/Heat, Pyrokinesis - Breath Weapon: cone (3m wide X10m long) of fire, damage 4d10, useable once per 4 rounds, Susceptibility cold [D] DESCRIPTION: A hellworm is a giant caterpillar with orange and yellow stripes and spots. It has 4 horns and a ridge of spines along its back. A 'worm is aggressive and will attack any living thing it detects. If the prey is distant, the hellworm will use pyrokinesis. If the prey is up to 10 meters away, the 'worm will rear up and spit fire upon it. If the flames do not kill the prey, the hellworm will attack with its horns and bite until the prey is dead or it can spit again. They have no real society, they just congragate. They feed on heat resistant lichens and fungus, some minerals, other heat loving animals (e.g. relanops), and adventurers. Hellworms are found in volcanos, mostly in and around the natural cavern systems found deep inside and feed on blights, yexils, yfiefs, parns, and mantas. They ignore and are ignored by obbs; they are preyed upon by the Kraak (see Overlord of Bonparr).

NUMBER: 2 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 10 HIT DICE: 12d6 (36) ARMOR: 6 SIZE: M (2m) LAND SPEED: 6/500/15 FLYING: 22/2000/55 MS: 1d4+4 DX: 3d6+2 CN: 1d10+11 IN: 1d4 CH: 1 PS: 1d10+11

BASE STOCK: Water Strider HABITAT: Lakes and Ocean DIET: Omnivore/Carrion ATTACKS: 1xBite (1d10) MUTATIONS: Energy Absorption; Gamma Eyes; Stunning Force DESCRIPTION: Ger'tal are mutant water striders. They have a slender, dark body, and the ability to "walk" on water. This is accomplished by large water resistant hairs on each foot. To move It extends one claw into the water (otherwise it would just sit there unable to move). They are important carrion eaters. They lay flat on the water until possible prey or carrion is sighted. If the prey is live, the ger'tal moves within range of its stunning force and uses it. Anyone not stunned is bitten or irradiated to death. Ger'tal are found in clumps - that is in groups that have no intraction between members. They feed on anything living or dead on or near the water.

BASE STOCK: Hellworm (see next entry) HABITAT: Volcanic areas DIET: None ATTACKS: 1x bite (1d10) 2x claws (1d12) MUTATIONS: Heightened Sense (smell); Poison (Int 20/paralytic); Gas generation (Int 22/paralytic); Immune to Fire/Heat; Mental Paralysis; Confusion DESCRIPTION: Adult hellworms, hellflies are giant butterflies with red and yellow markings. The pair hunts for food for the next generation. They swoop down (and are easy to see) on and attempt to paralyse potental food. When the prey is paralysed, the female inject it with 1001000 eggs. The eggs release a paralytic compound to keep the food from moving until they hatch. If the eggs are elim inated (inventive GMs will thing of how), the affected PC/animal/NPC can be restored to normal. Hellflies live only for 2 weeks and do not feed.

JOTAL (Lesser Bloodwing)

NUMBER: 4d10 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 5d8 (20) ARMOR: 7 SIZE: S (.5m long) LAND SPEED : 0/600/12 FLYING: 14/900/18 MS: 3d4+6 DX: 2d4+6 CN: 1d10+4 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d2 PS: 1d10+4


NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 35d8 (legs have 12d6 each)(Body 140)(Legs 36) ARMOR: Legs 5 Body 4 SIZE: Gigantic (see below) LAND SPEED: 22/1700/40 MS: 2d6+4 DX: 1d10+11 CN: 3d8+4 IN: 1d4 CH: 1 PS: 2d10+20

NUMBER: 3d6 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 10 HIT DICE: 17d6 (51) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: L(4m)

BASE STOCK: Black Fly HABITAT: near shallow water DIET: Hemovore (blood) ATTACKS: 1x Bite (1d6) MUTATIONS: Silence Field; Poison (bite INT 6 paralytic); Gas Generation


BASE STOCK: Harvester spider HABITAT: Light forests and Plains DIET: Carnivore / Insectivore ATTACKS: 2x feeler whips (2d6+2) 2x fore leg stabs (2d10)2x fangs (2d10) MUTATIONS: Poison (Int 15/destructive); Chameleon Power; Re-generation (legs only- one leg restored per week) DESCRIPTION: This is a giant daddylong-legs (or harvester spider). Its legs go up to 10 meters in the air, so the body is held 8 meters aloft. It is brown with black fangs. ( note that there are several types of daddy-long-legs- this one has a spider-like body, not oval shaped). Juggernauts hunt by sight, using all 8 eyes. When prey is sighted, the juggernaut runs to the attack. It will retreat only when it fails morale or losses 3+ legs. They are a very important organism, as they keep mutant insect populations down, where they live. When intelligent beings see them, they tend to run away- which is good for both parties. missles, the 'death will raise a force field and attack the creature who threw the missle. If ground prey is weak, the ka'tal will land and bite it to death. Ka'tal may be found in groups, but they ignore each other (so a group may last only a day, a week or more).

MS: 2d4+2 DX: 2d4+1 CN: 2d6+1

IN: 1d4+1 CH: 2d4 PS: 2d4+1

NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 10 HIT DICE: 100d8 (400) ARMOR: see beow SIZE: G (60m) LAND SPEED: 6/900/18 MS: 3d6+4 DX: 2d4+4 CN: 4d20 IN: 1d4 CH: 1 PS: 2d20+20

BASE STOCK: Locust HABITAT: Forest, Plains DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (1d6/3) or Spines (see below) MUTATIONS: Heightened Intelligence; Regeneration; Quills/Spines DESCRIPTION: These domestic cat sized giant flying locusts travel in swarms of 20-50 prefering to eat crops and plants ,however, in extreme circumstances they have been known to attack humans and mutants alike strip-ping the poor victims to the bone of flesh. They do two attacks, a bite for 1-2 (1d6/3) points of damage, and can throw 2-5 dagger sized spines 1x per week up to a distance of 6 meters. The normally use the spines attacking en'masse to cut down vegetation and mutated plants. Once a year, in the springtime the Locus will swarm to form new hives. During this Hiveswarm time they will be encountered in numbers of 80-400 and they will attack anything in their path (To use as food, for the new hive).

BASE STOCK: Earthworm HABITAT: Deep in the soil and bedrock DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS: 1x bite (8d10) 1x stinger (3d6+poison) or crush (10d10) MUTATIONS: Anti-Lifeleech; Heightened Sense (touch); Immune to Physical Attacks/Fire/Cold/Poison; Poison (stinger Int 8/paralytic), Phobia [D] (water) DESCRIPTION: These immense worms have a brown or tan thick leathery skin. When one moves there is a 45% chance that the soil above them moves. When a starving worm senses movement of a large object above it, it will burst out of the ground to discover if the object is eatable. If it is the worm will bite or use its mass to crush the prey. There is a 15% chance it will leave the soil totally and use its stinger. Note that they are mentally weak and can be tricked or controlled easily. The only reason there are not more worms is that cannibalism is common and food (soil organic matter) is rare down deep. They fear water because they can not swim and will drown quickly if submerged.

KATAL (Flying Death)

NUMBER: 1d10 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 24d6 (72) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: L (2-3m long) LAND SPEED: 10/150/2 FLYING: 24/900/18 MS: 3d6+1 DX: 1d10+2 CN: 1d12+4 IN : 1d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 2d10+10

LORIDA ORP (Scorpion Folk)

NUMBER: 1d20+5 (1d20+15) FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 12d8 (48) ARMOR: 2 SIZE: L (2.5m at the shoulder) LAND SPEED: 3/900/18 MS: 1d10+10 DX: 1d10+7 CN: 1d10+6 IN : 1d6+12 CH: 1d10 PS: 1d12+11

BASE STOCK: Dragonfly HABITAT: near large rivers and lakes DIET: Carnivore/Insectivore ATTACKS: 1x Bite (5d6) MUTATIONS: Nocturnal [D]; Full Carapace; Immunity to Light Attacks; Hands (eyes) of Power; Night Vision; Atmokinesis; Kinetic Force Field (1/2 damage from melee and missle weapons) useable 3X per day for 1 hour DESCRIPTION: Ka'tal are mutant darners (the largest of the dragonflies), where arns are skimmers. They are green with a blue abdomen. If attacking flying prey, a ka'tal will come from behind , forming a "net" with their legs to snatch up the prey. If it is to fast, the ka'tal will use atmokinesis to speed up (to 52). Ground targets are attacked with eye rays. If attacked with

LOCUS (Giant locust)

NUMBER: (1d4+1)x10 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 3d6 (9) ARMOR: 7 SIZE: S (,5m) LAND SPEED: 12/600/12 FLYING: 12/1800/36

BASE STOCK: Florida Bark Scorpion HABITAT: Forest, Jungle, Ruins DIET: Carnivore- large animals ATTACKS: 4xClaws (1d10) 2xStingers (1d6 + Int 11-18 poison) Weapon (by weapon type) MUTATIONS: Taller; New Body Parts; Modified Body Parts; Total Carapace; Heightened Intelligence; Heightened Sense (sight)

DESCRIPTION: The Lorida Orp has

the brownish color of its ancestor. It has two sets of claws that it uses very well. The first pair of legs have mutated to large arms and the econd pair of legs have also mutated to arms, though



smaller than the first. The lorida orp has two tails, one has enom causing paraysis for 1d20 rounds and the venom of the other tail causes death. The lorida orps are very fond of guns, knives, swords, and axes of all Tech levels. They will go to great lengths to obtain ancient weapons. The lorida orp, if able, will attack a foe from afar with any firearm it may have; and then it will engage its prey in hand to hand combat using any weapon it may on hand and it will also use its natural weaponry. As a whole, lorida orps are xenophobic as several races consider their young to be a delicacy. However, there are two races that the lorida orps get along with; the spider lill and the drax (see next issue). Also, there is the rare lorida orp that seeks to venture from its familiar surroundings and lead the life of an adventurer. Lorida orp encounters are usually with a male patrol, any one unfortunate enough to find a base camp will have to deal with very irate and protective females and even the young will fight. If any children are killed the lorida orp tribe will track the wrong doers back to their village and kill any adult they find as well as burn everything. lothorax has two long growths on it that fire darts. When the darts are fired, spinnerets on the edge of the "harpoon" guns attach webbing to them enabling the lurker to reel in prey. Each harpoon gun can fire 8 darts a day. The poison of the darts is of a paralytic origin with a "D" resulting in paralyzation for 1d8+12 rounds, while that of the fangs is a neurotoxin with a "D" resulting in death. A lurker will usually cover the ground of a large area and cover the web with debris. When a victim gets entangled in the web, the lurker will start firing its darts at the prey. If the victim falls to paralyzation, the lurker will emerge from his ambush spot and web up the victim and drag him off to be consumed at a later date. If the victim is still standing after all darts are fired, the lurker will emerge and attack with fangs and hooks. If the lurker is losing badly in a bat-tle, it will attempt to run off. If more than one lurker is encountered, it will be either a mating pair or a female and her young. These young lurkers have only half the hit dice of their parents and their poison intensity level is 8-12. They breed in the fall; laying each egg in the base of a tree. The young slowly kill tree. Finally break-ing out in April. Whole groves are destroyed this way.


NUMBER: 2d10 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 4 HIT DICE: 6d6 (18) ARMOR: 6 SIZE: M (1m) LAND SPEED: 6/900/72 FLYING: 18/1200/24 MS: 2d4+2 DX: 1d10+5 CN: 2d6+6 IN : 1d4+2 CH: 1 PS: 1d10+8

BASE STOCK: Scarab Beetle HABITAT: Any except deathlands DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (1d10) + disease MUTATIONS: Chameleon powers; Poison- disease-carrying bacteria (see below) DESCRIPTION: The plague beetle is a giant scarab. It is 1 meter long and has almost perfect chameleon abilities (in fact, it can not turn it off). It is a scavenger that uses disease to kill its food (like a Komodo dragon). They are not violent, and w ill only use the disease when their food supply is in major decline. Plague beetles run from violence, only attacking if defending food. If they encounter weak or massed animals, they emit the bacteria they kill with. It is released via spiracles in a cloud 15 meters in diameter. This cloud leaves a residue that lasts 4-5 days. Those in the cloud must make a Con check (at -2). Failure means death in 2-5 days. Each beetle can emit this cloud twice per day. Healers can cure this disease fairly easily- all they need is access to "standard" medicines (GMs decision). Plague beetles live in small egalitarian groups. When they attack a town, each beetle picks a suitable targetinns, taverns, granaries, town halls, and other places where people or food is concentrated. Then each uses the bacteria to wipe out most of the town. After the survivors flee, the beetles feast. They then go back to scavenging in the wilds, if possible.

NUMBER: 1d4-2 (10d4+2) FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 10d8 (40) ARMOR: 3 SIZE: L (2m at the shoulder) LAND SPEED: 3/900/18 MS: 1d10+10 DX: 1d10+8 CN: 1d10+6 IN: 1d6 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d10+11

LYTID (Giant Beetle)

NUMBER: 1d4+1 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 8d8 (32) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: M (2m) LAND SPEED: 9/1000/16 FLYING: 15/400/12 MS: 2d4+4 DX: 1d10+11 CN: 3d6+2 IN: 1d4 CH: 1 PS: 1d10+11

BASE STOCK: Green Lynx Spider HABITAT: Any forest or jungle DIET: Carnivore- Large animals ATTACKS: 1 Bite (3d6 damage + poison-intensity level 11-16) 2 Claws (1d10 damage each) 2 Darts (1d8 damage each + poisonintensity level 11-16) MUTATIONS: Taller; New Body Parts; Modified Body Parts; Total Carapace DESCRIPTION: The lurker barely resembles its ancestors. The body is heavily plated and the first pair of legs end in long, barbed hooks. All of the legs are covered in green fur, matching the coloration of the body. Also the cepha-

BASE STOCK: Beetle HABITAT: Temperate forests DIET: Herbivore ATTACKS: 1xbite (3d6) MUTATIONS: None DESCRIPTION: These giant beetles are feared all over Gamma Terra for their extreme destuctiveness to forests. They are cylindrical and are black or brown. Their mandibles are large but are meant to cut through wood, so its bite does 4d8 to trees and shrubs. Adult lytids feed on leaves and branches of trees and shrubs (intelligent or not) and have preferences depending on the subspecies.


GMs are urged to use this critter sparingly, as you can depopulate large areas with these!

QUANAKUS (Moving Barricade)

NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 4 HIT DICE: 20d6 (60) ARMOR : 6 (open) 4 (closed) SIZE: L (5m long) LAND SPEED : 24/1800/36 MS: 2d4 DX: 2d4 CN: 3d8 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d3 PS: 4d10

ATTACKS: 1x Bite (4d10+poison) MUTATIONS: New Body Parts - gills and breathing tubes; Poison (Int 20/paralytic); Wings DESCRIPTION: This huge mutant beetle is enlongate (think of an earwig) and has enlarged mandibles and breathing tubes (which are on its abdomen). A rhya hunts in a large depresion of its own making. It does this in an area that has clumps of grass instead of fields. It waits until a prey creature moves in front of its head. It snaps up and strikes forward, attempting to crush the prey with its mandibles. The poison is produced in a gland right behind the eyes and is excreted on to the mandibles. A rhya tries not to move much and thus will rarly hunt down escaped prey. If a predator shows up, a rhya will withdraw its breathing tubes and rely on its gills.

POTATO BUG, Giant (Taterbug)

NUMBER: 50-150 FREQUENCY: Common MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 24d8 (96) ARMOR: 3 SIZE: L (8-10m) LAND SPEED: 12/600/12 MS: 2d6+4 DX: 2d4+4 CN: 2d10+10 IN: 1d4 CH: 1 PS: 2d10+20

BASE STOCK: Potato bug HABITAT: Temperate plains DIET: Herbivore ATTACKS: 1xTrample (4d10) MUTATIONS: None DESCRIPTION: These giant, docile herbivores roam the vast overgrown grasslands of Gamma Terra, and are comparable to the large herds of buffalo that once roamed the plains of America. These animals typically have no mutations other than their large size. So large and well armored that they have few natural enemies, these animals have been adapted into warmounts by many societies. A odd saddle with rails that run parallel to the bottom of the beast , (wrapping under the segmented armor plates to prevent it from rolling into a ball) is fitted at the apex of the creatures back. A pair of barbed spikes is inserted under the first segment of armored plate, between the head and the torso of the animal. Reins are attached to these spikes to facilitate guiding the animal, just as with a more traditional steed. A set of stirrups dangle from the saddle and are connected by chains to the trailing edge of the rails. By pulling forward on these stirrups the creature is encouraged to move forward. These creatures are very fast, about half the speed of a centisteed, at full speed. If attacked, a herd will run in a random direction. If one runs over a creature (less than 3m tall and it must make a To-Hit roll), it inflicts 4d10 points of damage. Giant potato bugs (or sow bugs or pill bugs) are very important to the plains ecosystem. They are hunted by specialized carnivores (like the Ti'tal and the obb) that can break through the bugs' armor.

BASE STOCK: HABITAT: Any DIET : Omnivore ATTACKS : 1xMandibles (1d10) MUTATIONS : New Body Parts - Sensory Antenna (see below), Physical Reflection radiation; Absorption - light DESCRIPTION: This brilliantly striped insect is 5m long, 2m wide, and 1.75 meters thick. Its bright yellow, two-meter long antennae are the only sensory organs it has. It cannot be affected by gas, poison, sonics, etc. The quanakus can withdraw its legs and antennae into its shell and lower sections of its carapace into place, covering its extremities. When this is done, the insect lowers its AC to 4. The quanakus can be trained to go into its barricade mode on command. The rider can then use it as hard cover, affecting his armor class as a shield (-1 AC). This long beast can carry up to four passengers and quite a lot of cargo at one time. It can travel over most terrain, including up formidable cliffs, and is too dumb to bolt. It can be found in most terrains and is quite dangerous in the wild.

RUSTEE (Hulk Mollusk)

NUMBER: 1d3 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 9 HIT DICE: 12~40d6 (36~120) ARMOR: 1-4 Outside; 8 Body SIZE: G (4 sq.m) LAND SPEED: 2/150/3 MS: 1d6+2 DX: 2d10 CN: 2d10 IN: 1d4 CH: n/a PS: 2d10+5

RHYA (Bigwig)
NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 10 HIT DICE: 25d6 (75) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: L (8m) LAND SPEED: 3/300/4 FLYING: 20/1500/18 MS: 1d4 DX: 2d6+6 CN: 1d12+9 IN : 1d8 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d20+10

BASE STOCK: Snail HABITAT: Underground, Ruins, Deathlands DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 3xTentacle (2d10+poison) MUTATIONS: Increased Size; Poison (Int 12 Acidic); Diminshed Sense [D] no hearing, taste, smell; Regeneration ; Immunity - radiation; New Body Parts tentacles; New Senses - vibrations,heat DESCRIPTION: These are mutated garden snails that make their homes in old rusted appliances, vehicles, and robots. They creature itself is a 4 meter formless blob with 3 tentacles sprouting from its sides. They are very vulnerable in this state (AC 10). But because of their unique habitat, they are almost always well protected, by the sturdy carapace of whatever metallic hulk they choose to live in. Young rustee can be found in small metallic appliances, oil drums, etc. As they grow larger they will periodically move into something larger.

BASE STOCK: Beetle HABITAT: Shallow marshes (not swamps) DIET: Carnivore


The biggest rustee may inhabit an Ancient robot or even a car or a truck! A rustee will usually appear no different from any other heap of scrap metal until prey comes near. Then, the creature will shoot out one or more tentacles which both stun (2d10 damage) and poison (Int 12) their victim. Once subdued, the carcass will be hauled into the shell to be devoured. Rustee arent intelligent and dont appear to be social creatures. But explorers have reported seeing more than one of them where enough metal exists (e.g. old scrapyards, parking lots, and industrial ruins). Archivists have been known to keep rustee as guard beasts to deter any who would try to steal from their holy lands. on the limbs of leafy trees. When flying, a swarm of scorpitoes makes a loud thrumming sound that can be heard from several hundred meters away. The sound is quite recognizable and most creatures know to stay away from it. While a single scorpito is not a particularly dangerous adversary, a swarm can be deadly. The creatures usually attack only in selfdefense or for food. They have a voracious appetite in order to provide energy for flight, however, so hearing a swarm approaching is a sure sign that they are hunting. A swarm of scorpitoes will usually attack all at once. It is rare for them to retreat once an attack has begun. This is usually an all-out offensive with the goal of killing the prey. The intent is to land on the prey so that its pincer and tail attacks can be used. When flying, a scorpito can only use its pincer attacks. A succesful pincer attack will allow the creature to land and use its stinger attack on the next round. The scorpito may use its pincer to hold on to the victim after it has landed. In this case, it can only attack with one pincer and its stinger. A successful attack on the scorpito is needed to dislodge it. In-fighting within a swarm is typical, though the intent is usually to subdue rather than kill. Males generally lead attacks when hunting, though an attack swarm may also include females without young. The swarms typically do not stay in one area for very long. They can essentially be considered nomadic. Potential prey usually becomes scarce after the animals in an area learn to associate the thrumming noise of the swarm with danger.

DESCRIPTION: A giant cross between a crab and spider about 5 meters in size. This creature spins sticky webs in areas of sea currents to catch food. It is nonvenomous. It typically hides in its lair (like a cave or rock outcropping) until its prey exhausts itself in the web. Then it goes and picks the victim to pieces with its claws while the victim is still stuck fast. The sea spider is immune to the stickiness of the web due to body excretions.

NUMBER:1-3 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 5 HIT DICE: 12d8 (48) ARMOR: 2 SIZE: L (6-8m) WATER SPEED: 6/600/8 MS: d2 DX: d4+2 CN: d6+4 IN: d2 CH: d2 PS: d6+6

NUMBER: 4d6 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 9 HIT DICE: 3d6 (9) ARMOR: 6 SIZE: T (5cm) LAND SPEED: 10/300/2 FLYING: 16/900/24 MS: 3d4+4 DX: 2d4 CN: 1d4+2 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d2 PS: 1d4+1

BASE STOCK: Worm HABITAT: Oceans DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1 Bite (1d6 damage) MUTATIONS: None DESCRIPTION: This is a very important animal to many underwater races. The worm is covered with plates of chitin that are used to make arms (blades) and armor. A shield worm is 6 to 8 meters long and has 2 plates for every meter. They are usually harvested when they are .5 meters in diameter and grow back in a month.

BASE STOCK: Scorpion HABITAT: Non-Arctic Forest, Hills, Desert DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 2xClaw (1d2) or Stinger (1d2+ Poison) MUTATIONS: Wings DESCRIPTION: A scorpito is a mutated form of scorpion. The creatures are approximately 5 centimeters long. They are equipped with a pair of pincers, a jointed tail tipped with a stinger, and a pair of membranous wings. The stinger injects intensity 5 debilitative poison on a successful attack. Scorpitoes have two eyes forward and three additional eyes on both sides of their bodies. The quality of their vision, however, is very poor. They can't see clearly, but they are attracted to motion due to their numerous eyes. Male scorpitoes are typically broader and have longer tails than the females. When resting or waiting for prey, they will typically hide in a concealed location in a group of rocks or

SEA SPIDER (Salt Spider)

NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 20d6 (60) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: L (5m) LAND SPEED: 3/400/9 WATER SPEED: 6/900/12 MS: 2d6+4 DX: 1d6+12 CN: 1d8+6 IN : 1d6+6 CH: 1d4+4 PS: 1d10+8

SINTAL (Assassin Bug)

NUMBER: 1d8 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 15d8 (60) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: L (3.5m) LAND SPEED: 18/1000/26 FLYING: 24/1800/36 MS: 1d10+8 DX: 1d10+5 CN: 1d10+11 IN : 1d4+2 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d20+20

BASE STOCK: Crab HABITAT: Oceans DIET: Carnivorous ATTACKS: 2 pincers (5d10 each) MUTATIONS: Regeneration

BASE STOCK: Assassin Bug HABITAT: Hardwood forests (ie broadleaf) DIET: Carnivorous


ATTACKS: 1x bite (2d10) 1x claws (2d4) MUTATIONS: Ultravision; Photogeneration; Silence Field; Mental Invisiblity DESCRIPTION: These insects are giant assassin bugs. They are shield shaped with a wide thorax, narrowing towards the abdomen, then the abdomen widens (sort of like a lopsided hourglass). They have a hooked beak that fits into a slot on the underside of the insect. They tend to be green and brown. Sin'tal hide up in large trees attempting to make themselves invisible and silent to possible prey. When such prey is sighted below the tree, the sin'tal jumps down, making a charge attack with its claws. It next blinds the prey, and attempts to bite it to death. Due it its unusual anatomy, the sin'tal can attack with its claws OR bite, but not both in the same round. Sin'tal hunt in small packs in order to bring down large prey. They breed in the fall and the egg masses are layed on very large trees in the canopy. SIZE: S (.5-.75m) WATER SPEED: 12/900/18 MS: d4+3 DX: d6+14 CN: d6+2 IN: d2 CH: d2 PS: d4+6

NUMBER: 1 to 1d6 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 10d6 (30) ARMOR: 9 SIZE: H (5-10m) MS: 2d4 DX: d2+3 CN: d6+6 IN: 1 CH: 1 PS: d6+3

BASE STOCK: Worm HABITAT: Oceans DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: Slash x3 (1d8 damage) MUTATIONS: None DESCRIPTION: These carnivorous worms have 6 long blades, 3 on each side, used to kill prey by making bleeding wounds. They are .5 to .75 meters long and are light blue in color. They hunt in packs of 10 to 20 and migrate up and down the Lantik coast following several preferred prey species.

WATER SPEED: 6/600/5 BASE STOCK: Sea Slug HABITAT: Oceans DIET: Scavenger ATTACKS: 1 Bite (1d8 damage) MUTATIONS : Gills; Toxin Tolerance; Redundant Vital Organs; Diminished Senses [D] sight ; Sound Sensitivity DESCRIPTION: Slimy grazers are giant sea slugs found in the Great Western Ocean. To see one is considered to be good luck because of their feeding habits. Only the desperate hunt slimy grazers even though they are almost helpless. They can retaliate with a bite, but thats it. Slimy grazers are found only near their only food source: sea lilies. As there are hundreds of thousands of patches of sea lilies in Putrid Sound, slimy grazers are a semi-common sight. Slimy grazers congregate only because of food, otherwise they are solitary except during the fall mating season. Even then, they do not search each other out, but will mate if they come in contact with each other.

SLIMER (Blue Snail)

NUMBER: 2d12 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 10 HIT DICE: 4d10 (20) ARMOR: 9 (4) SIZE: T (.5m) LAND SPEED: 4/200/2 MS: 1d10+8 DX: 1d4+3 CN: 1d10+11 IN : 1 CH: 1 PS: 1d20+10

SLAKE (Giant Sea Slug)

NUMBER: 1-3 (1-6 when domesticated) FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 5 HIT DICE: 15d10 (75) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: H (12-15m) WATER SPEED: 2/300/3 MS: d4+6 DX: d2 CN: d8+10 IN: d2 CH: d2 PS: d8+14

BASE STOCK: Blue snail HABITAT: Moist land DIET: Omnivore/Carrion ATTACKS: 1x bite (2-5) MUTATIONS: Total Carapace; Attraction odor [D]; Regeneration; Poison - acid slime (2d6 points/round ), New Sense carrion within 400 meters DESCRIPTION: These large snails have blue skin and a ornate purple shell (worth 100-400 domars). They produce an acid slime that leaves a dead, burned trail behind it. Its smells of grapes. When very hungry, slimers will attack live prey. When doing so the use a bite and attempt to slime it. This attack is at -2 and no bite is possible in that round. The slime burns until washed off with water or alcohol. Slimers are dangerous pests in inhabited regions, but do perform an important duty of eating dead plant and animal matter (carrion). They are preyed upon by animals immune to acid.

NUMBER: 2d8 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 2d8 (8) ARMOR: 5 SIZE: T(.3m) LAND SPEED: 12/500/9 FLYING: 24/1200/8 MS: 1d4 DX: 3d6 CN: 1d12+3 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d4+5

BASE STOCK: Sea Slug HABITAT: Oceans DIET: Scavenger ATTACKS: Bite (2d12 damage) MUTATIONS: None DESCRIPTION: These giant slugs have elongated bodies similar to a snake. They move slowly along the bottom, hunting the animals hiding in the sand and rarely in the corals. They are about 12-15 meters long and are a dull gray. Some races use them as food livestock.


BASE STOCK: Earwig HABITAT: anywhere near fungi DIET: Fungi ATTACKS: 1x bite (2d4) MUTATIONS: Immune to radiation; New Sense - fungi within 80m


DESCRIPTION: These mutant beetles are the bane to all fungi life forms. The appear to be earwigs with reduced cerci (tail pincers). Their manidibles are specialized to cut fungal tissue, against non-fungi they do 1d2. Staph attack prey in swarms, trying to cut the fungi to pieces.Though staph eat any fungi, they just love obb flesh. Many are never seen as they burrow in old logs, eating the fungi rotting the wood. LAND SPEED: 24/1800/36 FLYING: 36/2700/54 MS: 2d10+6 DX: 3d6 CN: 2d12+4 IN: 3d4+4 CH: 2d6 PS: 2d10+20 DESCRIPTION: These worms have 12 tentacles that extend from around the mouth. They dig a burrow in the coral and lay the tentacles out in a circle. When suitable prey (10-45 Kg) swims over or comes in contact with a tentacle, it attempts to grasp the prey and draw it to the mouth (which takes 3 rounds). The worm is 4 to 6 meters long and can change color.

BASE STOCK: Green Tiger Beetle HABITAT: Old growth forests DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xbite (4d10) MUTATIONS: Heightened Speed; Gas Generation - burning; Poison Int 12, Heightened Sight and Smell; Teleportation; Mental Reflection DESCRIPTION: This is a huge metallic green tiger beetle. It looks like a long thinner version of a lady bug (or ladybird beetle or lady beetle- take your pick). They hunt in the air in open areas and by foot in closed ones. They attack by running prey down. They are quite intelligent and will use the best tactics for hunting. It will teleport if the prey does not sense it as to gain suprise. It spays the prey with gas from its abdomen, ant then uses its rending mandibles. They, unlike most giant insects live more than 2-3 years, they can live to 45. Thus they do from loose linked communities, and will help each other. They are the major preditors in the areas that they are found. They do, on occasion try to communicate with other intelligent beings, but it is unknown why, as they tend to eat those they speak to.

NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 10 HIT DICE: 27d8 (108) ARMOR: 4 (tentacles) / 3 (body) SIZE: H (6 m) LAND SPEED: 12/900/18 MS: 2d4+6 DX: 1d10+11 CN: 2d8+4 IN: 1d4 CH: 1 PS: 2d10+4

THYTAL (Silver Sucker)

NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 18d6 (54) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: L (4m) LAND SPEED: 8/450/12 MS: 2d8+2 DX: 3d6+4 CN: 1d10+6 IN: 1d4 CH: 1 PS: 1d10+20

BASE STOCK: Silverfish HABITAT: Light Forests near urban ruins and Urban Ruins DIET: silver and meat ATTACKS: 1xbite (2d6+4) MUTATIONS: Material Tranformation (flesh to silver, 45 kg.); Gas Generationblinding; Life Detection DESCRIPTION: This is a giant silverfish. They are a major nusance in and near cities. They are tear dropped shape and are bright silver in color. Their antennae are hair looking. When hungry, a thy'tal looks for an animal to feed on. They attack with a visious bite that converts flesh to silver. After the prey to totally converted to silver, the thy'tal eats the body. One out of every 4 animals is not converted to silver. Thy'tal are sometimes used but evil, greedy people to convert prisoners into silver. its life cycle is unknown as all are attacked unpon sight. A dead thy'tal yields 200-500kg of silver.

BASE STOCK: Earthworm HABITAT: Plains and sandy Deserts DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 4xTentacles (2d4) or 1x Bite (3d10) MUTATIONS: Heightened Sense - touch; New Body Parts tentacles; Sonic Blast - attacks do 3X damage and the worm retreats for 2d4 rounds DESCRIPTION: A big worm with 4 tentacles with mouths from its own mouth. The mouth has 3 sections that look like beaks. A graboid attacks from underground using its tentacles to ensnare its prey. The it draws the prey to its mouth and tries to swallow the prey.

NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 5 HIT DICE: 10d10 (50) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: L (4-6m long) WATER SPEED: 4/400/6 MS: d2 DX: d6+12 CN: d4+10 IN: d2 CH: d2 PS: d4+14

VENEAMUB (Villain that Hides and Kills)

NUMBER: 1d4+1 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 2 HIT DICE: 13d8 (52) ARMOR : 5 SIZE: M (1m) LAND SPEED : 16/900/24 MS: 1d4+1 DX: 1d6 CN: 3d4 IN: 1d4+1 CH: 1d2 PS: 3d10

TITAL (Green Lantern)

NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 9 HIT DICE: 22d10 (110) ARMOR: 3 SIZE: H (6m)

BASE STOCK: Worm HABITAT: Oceans DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 12xTentacle 1xBite (1d10) MUTATIONS: None



BASE STOCK: Scorpion HABITAT: Any DIET : Carnivore


ATTACKS : 2xHands (1d6) or 1xTail (1d8) MUTATIONS : Collapsible Exoskeleton (see below) DESCRIPTION: The appearance of a veneamub is similar to a six-legged scorpion with large four-digit hands instead of pincers, a bludgeon tail instead of a stinger, and a lizard-like head that weaves back and forth on a thick, muscular neck. They are usually colored an oily blue when they are not camouflaged; they have an ability and an intelligence to cover themselves with their surroundings (rocks, leaves, etc.) for their own safety or to trap prey, but this takes them a half hour to complete. The veneamub only attacks when hungry or if walked on, a common occurrence considering their camouflage abilities. It is also able to alter its exoskeleton to be wider and thinnner, thereby flattening itself (see New Mutations). The veneamubs favorite food is bone marrow, which it feeds on after splintering the bones of its prey with its bare hands. Because of this, veneamub prefer mammals, and love slightly mutated ones (as everyone knows they have the best tasting bone marrow). Veneamub will always attack mutants first. Their normal attack mode, upon grasping their prey, is to do crushing damage with their hands while swinging their mace-like tail over their body and down on the meal. Given enough time, a veneamub can crack open almost anything, except a bamutan. They are curious, very tenacious, and are found in most climates. NUMBER: 30-3000 FREQUENCY: Common MORALE: 1d4 HIT DICE: 1d6 (3) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: T (,5cm) MS: 1d3+1 DX: 1d3+2 CN: 1d6+4 IN : 1 CH: 1 PS : 1d4+3

NUMBER: 50-1000 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 3d10 (15) ARMOR: 8 (4 in case) WATER SPEED: 10/800/12 MS: d4+1 DX: d6+16 CN: d4+3 IN: d2 CH: d2 PS: d3+2

WATER SPEED: 6/500/5 BASE STOCK: Tardigrade HABITAT: Oceans DIET: Herbivore ATTACKS: Ram (1d2 damage) MUTATIONS: See below DESCRIPTION: This very mutated arachnid is considered the cow of the sea by many. It is an oval with 8 legs and a small head. The true, unmutated water bear (tardigrade) looks the same, but is much smaller (.005 m long at most) and is missing some organ system. But both have an amazing ability, they can last up to 30 years without water. It just seems to wither up and collapse in on itself, but just giving it some water and it will walk away unharmed. Water bears only defend themselves, never attacking. They just try to waddle up and ram the aggressor, if moving away does not work. Many undersea races farm water bears for food. It is almost to the point of cattle, but water bears can live in the wild without supervision.

BASE STOCK: Worm HABITAT: Near undersea volcanic vents DIET: Minerals and Metals ATTACKS: Bite (2d10 damage) MUTATIONS: None DESCRIPTION: These worms absorb the minerals and metals emitted by the vents they live near and so have iron and zinc based "teeth" used to kill prey (this can rip through some metals). They still use the bacteria that their deeper dwelling cousins use, but now also add fresh meat when available. They build a case out of the metals captured from the vent(s) and only come out to feed or to collect more nutrients from the hot water. Each worm is between .25 and 1 meter long and is bright red in color. The hot water they dwell in inflicts between d6 and 6d10 points of damage depending on the temperature (190 F to 600 F) and the protection the diver has.





They had barely begun to move when the growth parted on the far side of the mud patch and a face out of nightmare leered over and down at them from a hundred feet away. Dimly, Hiero could see, the scientist still operating in his mind, that a frog or a three-quarter-grown tadpole might possibly have been its remote progenitor. The great opalescent eyes were set ten feet apart on the blunt, slimy head. The thing squatted many yards off the mud on monstrous, bowed forelegs, and horny claws tipped the giant toes. The incredible gape of the jaws now gleamed with lines of giant fangs, teeth such as no frog ever had, like a forest of ivory needles, each a foot long, glistening in the moonlight. - Sterling Lanier, Hieros Journey

NUMBER: 2d6 FREQUENCY: Common MORALE: 5 HIT DICE: 6d6 (18) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: M (1,5m) LAND SPEED: 21/1400/42 MS: 2d6+3 DX: 3d6+4 CN: 2d6+2 IN: 2d4+1 CH: 2d4+4 PS: 1d8+2

BASE STOCK: Antelope HABITAT: Temperate and Arctic plains DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS: 1xHorn(3d4) and 1xBite(1d6) MUTATIONS: Anti-Life Leech; Light Generation DESCRIPTION: This slenderly built creature is easily recognized because of its snowy white fur and glowing pink eyes.The albilope,a descendent of the antelope,still has the general appearance of its fore-runner except for two noticeable changes;it is an albino and it has a unique two-pronged horn in the middle of its forehead.The albino nature of this mutant resulted because of the anti-life leeching power t hat developed, and it is believed that the alibilope is one of the first creatures to have evolved with this powerful ability.A thick fur appeared on mutants as a means of protecting themselves against both the cold and harmful radiation. Albilopes are immune to cold attacks and their thick,white furry coat effectively doubles their constitution score (from 8 to 16) when determining the results of radiation exposure on the Radiation Matrix. In addition to its distinctive albino look,the Albilope possess a single deadly horn in the center of its forehead.This 30 centimeter tall Y -shaped horn has a saw toothed

edge and is razor sharp.Any wounds delivered by the alibilope's horn will inflict 3-12 points of damage on the round it hits and will result in 1-4 more points of damage each round after-ward due to the excessive bleeding caused by the cut. The bleeding can be stopped if the wound is attended to and properly treated. Albilopes are omnivores that usually eat plants, but when hungry,they have been known to viciously attack vulnerable prey.Their great speed allows them to catch unsuspecting creatures,but more import-antly it permits them to escape most of the predators found in this area.

of smell (any attempts to surprise or sneak up on the beast suffer a -2 die roll). It can also swing limb-from -limb in the trees at a speed of 18.

ARMADA (Man-o-War)
NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: HIT DICE: 3d10 (15) ARMOR: 9 SIZE: L (3m) FLYING: 3, or Wind Speed MS: 2d4 DX: 2d6+2 CN: 1d10+5 IN: 1d4 CH: 1 PS: 1d10+4

APE, Carnivorous (Magilla)

NUMBER: 2d4 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 8d8 (32) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: L (2m+) LAND SPEED: 8/450/12 MS: 2d6+2 DX: 1d10+11 CN: 1d10+15 IN: 1d10+5 CH: 2d4+2 PS: 1d10+15

BASE STOCK: Jellyfish- Man o War HABITAT: Coastal rivers and streams DIET: Smaller birds & insects ATTACKS: Special MUTATIONS: Gas Bags; Poison paralytic; Acid DESCRIPTION: No doubt about it, the brilliant hues that this mutant species of Portugese Man-O-War comes in are a warning of extreme danger for anything that crosses it's path. Armadas float slowly along coastal rivers and streams, supported about 2-3m above the surface by a natural hydrogen balloon, aided by the wind, or pulling themselves by their larger, visible tentacles if the air is still. It hunts by means of a etheral network of almost invisible stinging filaments that float in a 2m radius around the creature's main body, that carry an Intensity 16 Paralytic Poison. Only a faint, silvery shimmer in the air around the Armada betray's the filament network's presence. Once a victim is paralysed, the jellyfish pulls itself rapidly toward it's prey and attacks with it's deadly main cluster of tentacles, that combine an Acid Attack

BASE STOCK: Gorilla HABITAT: Forests DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 2xClaws (1d6/1d6) (If both claws hit add 1d8 additional wounds due to rending) + 1xBite (1d4) MUTATIONS: None DESCRIPTION: The carnivorous ape is a larger, stronger and very aggressive mutant relative of the gorilla. This beast has fair intelligence and is extremely cunning. It hungers particularly for human flesh (Grens are also a favorite item on their menu). The eyesight of the ape is keen, as is it's hearing and sense


that does 2d6 per round of contact, and an Intensity Level 17 Poison. While it mainly targets smaller birds and insects, it's more than able to digest prey of any size. Armada's reproduce by budding, and most specimens encountered have 1d6 smaller hydrogen pods. These begin life as extra support balloons for the tentacle network, and split off to become independent adults when they grow large enough. One of the best ways to handle one of these creatures is to attempt to nail the hydrogen balloons from a distance, but this should be done carefully, because the gas inside has a tendency to explode, blanketing a 10m area with loose filaments and tentacles segments, which usually take a couple days to lose their potency. to detect (sonar or infravision usually work). They will attack separate targets, unless there are fewer targets than attackers. After a target has been paralyzed, the attacking arrowbeak will suck blood from the target for 5 rounds, then fly off to roost and deliver an egg. If an attacker fails, she will generally harass the party to protect the successful individuals. Males will not usually participate in combat except when attacked. Arrowbeaks have a primitive organization, with a flock consisting of several mated pairs,with the oldest female as the leader. Chicks are raised communally, maturing after 2 years. They are quite peaceful during summer and autumn, even allowing travellers to camp under their roosts, as long as they are quiet and unobtrusive. metabolism, need for little sleep (three hours at the most), and its atmovoric nature. The Ba'crolbai has no teeth. Rather its mouth is equipped with sieves that allow it to capture tiny airborne organisms and constantly feed on them. Because of this unique metabolism, the average life-span of a Ba'crolbai is only two years. Once every twenty four hours it can double its speed for one plus MP modifier hours. Because of its speed, it is very, very hard to hit.

NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 6d8 (18) ARMOR: 6 SIZE: L (2m) LAND SPEED: 6/600/12 MS: 4d4+2 DX: 2d6+2 CN: 3d6 IN: 1d10+11 CH: 2d6 PS: 1d10+11

NUMBER: 2d6 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 12 HIT DICE: 4d8 (16) ARMOR: 7 SIZE: S (.75m at the shoulder) LAND SPEED: 0/300/6 FLYING: 6/900/18 MS: 1d10+11 DX: 1d0+2 CN: 1d10+8 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d10+5

BA'CROLBAI (Endlessly Running Beast)

NUMBER: 5d10 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 2 HIT DICE: 6d6 (18) ARMOR: 3 (1 when using speed increase) SIZE: L(2m) LAND SPEED: 36/4000/54 MS: 1d6+1 DX: 2d4+2 CN: 3d4 IN: 1d3 CH: 2d4 PS: 2d10+5

BASE STOCK: Brown bear HABITAT: Mountains and Forests DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS: 2xClaw (1d4) + Bite (1d6) or Hug (3d6) MUTATIONS: Regeneration; Light Generation; Chameleon Powers; Partial Carapace; Mental Control; Heightened Intelligence x2; Teleportation DESCRIPTION: These Intelligent black bears are fearsome opponents if provoked with the ability to camouflage itself and blend into the surrounding terrain, and with the ability to regenerate up to 30 hit points a day. The Bahrz have a protective armored shell around their ribcage and upper back as well. In Combat the Bahrz preferred attack method is to generate a light flash, then select one target that still has vision for mental control. If threatened with death the Bahrz will automatically teleport to their den. If surprised, they can still attack as a traditional bear doing 1d4, 1d4, 1d6 of damage (Claw, Claw, Bite) plus a 3d6 crush hug if both foreclaws hit. There is always a 40% chance there are 1d4 additional bears in the immediate vicinity of a Bahrz as the Bahrz has taken upon itself the task of serving as a protector for the normal bear population. When encountering any bears in the Rocky Mountains, there is also a 10% chance one or more Bahrz are present as well. Bahrz sometimes will go into population centers to trade information for goods

BASE STOCK: Bird- Robin HABITAT: Temperate forests, hills DIET: ATTACKS: 1x Beak (1d8) 1x Leech (1d6) MUTATIONS: Immunity - disease; Poison - Int 14/paralytic; Chameleon Powers; Directional Sense DESCRIPTION: : During the spring mating season, these mutated robins are one of the most dangerous avian lifeforms known in the Gamma World, due to their requirement to ingest several pints of mammalian blood for each egg produced. Their coloration is normally dark brown, with a light brown patch on their chest (bright red in the case of the non-aggressive males). Their cham eleon power is usually only used in combat. The usual tactics used by arrowbeaks is for the males in a flock to cause a distraction ahead of a group of victims, while the females dive in and attack from behind. As they use their chameleon power and glide silently during their attack, they are very difficult

BASE STOCK: Lizard HABITAT: Temporate plain and grassland DIET: Atmovore ATTACKS: 1xAntlers (1d8(4d8 if charging) MUTATIONS: Heightened Speed; Atmovore; Antlers DESCRIPTION: This quadruped looks like a hybrid cross between a horse and a lizard. (It is actually a member of the reptile family.) It has an equestrian shape with scaly black hide. The three inter-twisting antlers curve forward and are sometimes up to 150 centimeters long. It uses these with great precision when attacking and if the Ba'crolbai can charge at its opponents for more than five meters, it will do quadruple damage. The reputation of the Ba'crolbai, however, lies not in its attack ability as much as in its ability to run relent-lessly. A Ba'crolbai can run, full tilt, for more than 12 hours without overly exerting itself. This is due to its amazing


and services. Bahrz are especially aggressive with hunters and trappers. The value of the land pearl is nothing to sneeze at, but the trouble to obtain it may be more trouble than it is worth, when one considers the risk of facing the bamutan, the anger of local natives over mercenary slaughter of their wildlife (which keeps larger predators at bay), the sometimes dangerous reactions of conservationist Cryptic Alliance members, and so forth. There are strict laws in certain lands against any aircraft or fast moving vehicles from entering an area where bamutan inhabit. The last thing local people want is a bamutan stampede. Bamutan prefer plains, forests, and hilly areas. Evolving over the years, this mutated bear has developed fur that is multicolored brown, yellow, and green in patches. When hungry, the barxyn delight in burning trapped creatures out of their hiding places with Pyrokinesis powers (hence the name, Smokie)

BA'MUTAN (Rock That Gases)

NUMBER: 2d3 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 26d6 (78) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: G(10 m long; 4 m tall) LAND SPEED: 16/1000/32 MS: 4d4 DX: 1d6 CN: 3d6 IN: 4d4 CH: 1d3 PS: d00+50

BASLED (Rock That Burrows)

NUMBER: 1d4+1 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 13d8 (52) ARMOR: 5 SIZE: L(4 m long) LAND SPEED: 24/3200/48 BURROWING: 2/0/6 MS: 1d10+4 DX: 1d10+2 CN: 1d10+11 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d10+12

BASE STOCK: Armadillo HABITAT: Forest, plain, hill DIET: Herbivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (4d10) MUTATIONS: Total Carapace; Immunity - all physical attacks; Gas generation DESCRIPTION: Ba'mutan are gentle herbivores that have evolved into extremely large, well-defended creatures. They resemble a copper colored armadillo with a dragon's head. Primarily nocturnal, they are almost blind by day, but have such acute hearing that they suffer no penalties for this condition. Ba'mutan are nearly invulnerable to most attacks and can emit a gas cloud when they feel threatened. This gas attack fills up an eight meter radius for 2+MP modifier in rounds. Any character not completely protected from the environment is affected; the gas does 3D10 damage per turn of exposure and obscures the vision. Ungoggled or unvisored characters must move out of the gas -filled space to see clearly. Bamutan have a unique byproduct of their existence which entices many fortune-hunters into risking their wrath. There is a 40% chance the bamutan has produced a land pearl under its shell, created in much the same manner as normal oyster pearls but much larger. There is no way to determine if this pearl exists without slaying the bamutan and extracting the body from the shell, a 4 day job. Because of this, most bamutan that were loners have been slain and the remaining bamutan have become herd animals. This means that the area of the gas clouds emitted by a herd can be immense and that the concentration is so strong that it will suffocate, or at least choke, any character caught in the middle of it.

BARXYN (Smokie)
NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 16d8 (64) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: L (2,5m) LAND SPEED: 6/600/12 MS: 2d6+2 DX: 4d4 CN: 2d6+10 IN: 2d4+2 CH: 1d6+8 PS: 8d8+16

BASE STOCK: Bas HABITAT: Ruins, desert, hills and mountains DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 2xClaws (2d8) MUTATIONS: Ultravision; Infravision; Sonic Blast DESCRIPTION: Ba'sleds have evolved to a completely different grouping than most other animals, being neither mammal, reptile, bird or fish. They are bas, a new evolutionary branch characterized by an extremely hardy constitution and impressively strong epidermis. Ba'sleds appear as gray, hunched over bipedal humanoids with long, apish arms ending in large, wicked, claws. When standing motionless, they can easily pass for rocks. A goat shaped head houses two wide set eyes. Ba'sleds are extremely belligerent towards intelligent life forms. They can seldom be bargained with or telepathically communicated with because of their attitude. They can dig through anything but metal at their normal movement rate, clawing right through stone walls as if they were so much clay. They often makes traps by digging underground tunnel mazes, then making pits from the tunnel up to just below ground level. These pits will not support the full weight of more than one human sized creature and can drop members of a party of adventurers into the waiting claws of the Ba'sleds. In addition to the wicked claws, the Ba'sled also possess a sonic roar (triple strength

BASE STOCK: Grizzly Bear HABITAT: Temperate and Sub-Arctic Forests DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 2xClaws (6d6) and 1xBite (5d8) MUTATIONS: Partial Carapace; Directional Sense; Narcolepsy [D]; Pyrokinesis; Radiation Eye DESCRIPTION: This fearsome mutant bear usually lives in isolated forest regions. It travels on all fours but if need be it can stand on its hind legs. While standing up the barxyn can use weapons of all types with its front paws at -2 to hit. This creature is very large, 2 and a half meters at the shoulders and almost 5 meters when standing fully erect. Although larger, it is much sleeker than its unmutated predecessor. It is a fierce hunter and will attempt to kill almost any creature. The barxyn has razor sharp teeth and claws with which to attack its opponents. The dark brown partial carapace protects the barxyns head and shoulder area from most attacks, giving the creature an Armor class of 4. Large purple buglike eyes project deadly radiation at opponents when the barxyn is angered.


sonic blast, with triple damage, and ranges) that they are immune to. HABITAT: Temperate forests DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 2xClaws (1d6) and 1xBite(4d6) MUTATIONS: Heightened Strength DESCRIPTION: One glance easily identifies a bigoon as a giant, mutated raccoon.The creature is well over two meters tall (old males being known to reach three or more meters in length, nose to toil). The bigoons teeth are very much enlarged, and it bites for 4 dice (4d6) of damage. The creature also has heightened strength to complement its native intelligence and cunning. Despite its increased size and strength, the bigoon has lost none of the manipulative dexterity of its small progenitor. The hand-sized forepaws of a bigoon are quite nimble and can be used to open simple closures and latches. The bigoon is a nocturnal hunter and has infravisual capabilities. When hungry, a bigoon attacks virtually anything, but the creature is prone to ignore other creatures if well fed, unless its curiosity is aroused. A well-fed bigoon has been known to playfully knock down a passing human in order to tear open a carried sack. Fortunately, a blow from a bigoons forepaw does only one die (d6) of damage. A lone bigoon is usually a rogue male. If three or more are encountered, they are likely to be a mother and her immature young. Bigoons are all capable of climbing trees sturdy enough to hold their weight. Strength; Immunity radiation/Int 13 or lower; Modified Body Parts - enhanced spine , legs, and manipulative forepaws; New Body Parts - modified tusks, claws; Size Increase; Mental Blast- variant- see below DESCRIPTION: These bipedal, humanoid boars are one of the deadliest species on Gamma Terra. Cruel, cunning, and sadistic, they hunt and scavenge in packs of three or more for sport and survival. They rarely attack PSH or other mutant animals on sight. They will attack a large party, but wait until it has been softened first. Their preferred methods are ambushes, or luring the unwary into snares, pits, and deadfalls. They achieve a high degree of success by using their chameleon powers to hide out in the open while using their mental blast mutantation. Their mental blast mutation is a variant that renders the opponent confused and bewildered for 1d4+ MS rounds. At this time they will attempt to lure their prey into a trap and finish him off. They are not cowards so they check for morale once very two turns. Battle is glorious but only if they have the advantage. They enjoy handto-hand combat, but are capable and usually possess Tech Level II, III, and IV items, but very rare for the latter. As well as their pack association, their ranks can be found it the Iron Society and Zoopremists, but only as guerilla warriors or terrorists. They are openly hostile to the Peace Brigade (Racketeers with no sense of Morality or Honor) and Ranks of the Fit (whom they consider stupid zealots).

BATSLITH (Spinning Snake)

NUMBER: 1d4+2 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 10 HIT DICE: 7d8 (28) ARMOR: 5 SIZE: M (1,15m long) LAND SPEED: 6/30/12 MS: 2d4+2 DX: 1d10+10 CN: 3d6+3 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d3 PS: 2d8+2

BASE STOCK: Garter snake HABITAT: Temperate plains, hills, forests DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1x Bite (1d6), Spin Bite (3d6) MUTATIONS: None DESCRIPTION: A batslith is a beautifully colored descendent of the garter snake. The batslith is noted among scholers for its unusual mode of transportation and attack - spinning. A batslith can raise its 1 m length up to full length vertically and begin spinning, pivoting on its tail. After one combat round of this the snake is spinning so fast to seem to be a miniature, multi-colored tornado. While spinning, a batslith's normal movement speed doubles and its armor class increases. A batslith can spin for up to one hour. Not only is it harder to hit while spinning, but its bite causes triple the normal damage and it can attack up to five times in a single round. A batslith has no nest. It usually lives, travels, and attacks in groups, and has no treasure. Live batsliths are worth a great deal to certain collectors.

BOARZ (Two Horn)

NUMBER: 2d4+1 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 9 HIT DICE: 10d6 (30) ARMOR: 6 SIZE: M (1,8m) LAND SPEED: 12/900/8 MS: 3d6 DX: 1d10+11 CN: 1d10+13 IN: 3d6 CH: 2d4+4 PS: 2d8+8

BU'DAAN (Those Which Fly The Moon)

NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 52d8 (208) ARMOR: 2 SIZE: G (55m) LAND SPEED: 24/1800/36 FLYING: 36/1800/36 MS: 1d10+11 DX: 1d10+20 CN: 1d10+20 IN: 1d4+4 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d20+40

NUMBER: 1d6 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 15d10 (75) ARMOR: 6 SIZE: L (2,5m) LAND SPEED: 12/900/18 MS: 2d6+4 DX: 1d10+11 CN: 1d10+12 IN: 1d4 CH: 2d4 PS: 1d10+15


BASE STOCK: Common Boar HABITAT: Arctic Tundra, Plains, Grasslands, Deserts, Deathlands, Ruins DIET: Omnivore, but strong carnivorous tendencies ATTACKS: 2xClaws (2d4) + 1xGore (1d10) MUTATIONS: Chameleon Powers, Energy Reflection - electromagnetic; Heightened Constitution; Heightened

BASE STOCK: Weasel HABITAT: Hills, mountains, and forest DIET: Carnivore


ATTACKS: 1xBite (12d6) and 2xClaw (4d12) MUTATIONS: Electrical Generation; Physical Reflection - electro-magnetic DESCRIPTION: A Bu'daan is the master of all it surveys. It resembles a huge weasel with great bat wings and is extremely rare. It usually lives in high areas and its fur brings an enormous price. When a Bu'daan is on the ground it is slower and can only use two attacks at most per turn. When flying, though, it can use all of its attacks (if airborne it can use two claws instead of a claw and bite if it desires). The electrical discharge is only available to the Bu'daan twice a day. When it discharges it sends out 10 electrical bolts to targets within 30 meters in one turn. Roll to hit as if it was a physical attack. Each bolt does 3d6+MS damage. The last attack form, the phlegm ball, is a bizarre one that is unique to this creature. A great ball is spit at a large target or a party. If a successful roll is made, the victim must make a Dexterity check or be trapped and the victim will suffocate in a number of rounds equal to 1/2 its constitution. Even if the victim is successful, it must make a second Dexterity check or they will be trapped for a number of turns equal to 30-STR. Next, the victim must make a health check vs Intensity 20 or be stunned for 1d10+6 turns. The range of effect is a 15 meter radius from the target point. The Bu'daan can muster up one phlegm ball every 12 hours. Bu'daan are extremely territorial and feed mostly on Tsorut and Yexil. However, they have been known to be cannibalistic and sometimes use their phlegm balls on each other. They generally do not eat humans or human sized creatures, as their size hardly makes the effort worthwhile. The exception to this guideline is when a large troop of human sized creatures are traveling out in the open. The fur of a Bu'daan is so thick and luxurious that it fetches an incredible price in market places, provided it is not shot up, burned, or otherwise greatly damaged and if it is no older than six days, so the tanners can properly preserve it. ARMOR: 5 SIZE: L (2m) LAND SPEED: 15/800/22 MS: 2d4+2 DX: 2d4+1 CN: 3d6+2 IN: 1d4+2 CH: 1d8+3 PS: 1d10+12 NUMBER: 2d6 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 8d6 (32) ARMOR: 7 SIZE: M (1.5 meters long) LAND SPEED: 18/900/36 MS: 2d4+8 DX: 1d10+11 CN: 2d6+6 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4+1 PS: 1d12+6

BASE STOCK: Buffalo HABITAT: Temperate plains and Tundra DIET: Herbivore ATTACKS: 1xButt(1d10)+Trample (5d6) or 1xBite (1d8) MUTATIONS: Shapechange; Kinetic Absorption DESCRIPTION: This massive mutated buffalo weighs w ell over a ton and is justifiably feared by most reatures living in the region.Combining the great charging peed of an animal this size along with a very evil temper,the Bulo is a creature that predators generally tend to avoid unless extremely hungry. Bulos look amazingly like their ancestors, except for the peculiar purple matted fur that covers their arge-framed bodies.Being plant eaters,Bulos do not hunt for food although they are very protective of their grazing lands and will kill or frighten off intruders.Through the years Bulos have developed a thick skull which has aided them in perfecting their primary mode of attack...the charge. When angered,a Bulo will charge its target,butt the creature with its head and knock it down,and then attempt to trample the prone victim. Anytime a Bulo successfully butts its target,that creature is considered knocked down to the ground and must fight with a -2 penalty "to hit"during its next combat round.A Bulo will attempt to trample any victim it knocks down (roll again "to hit" with the trample attack).Any target trampled can not be bitten that round by the Bulo.If a person is trampled by a Bulo,there is also a chance that any items being carried by that person will be damaged or destroyed (GM's decision depending on items and circumstances). The ability to absorb a certain amount of damage from physical blows each round (see KineticAbsorption mutation) makes the Bulo one of the toughest opponents around. Finally,the power to shapechange allows the Bulo to change form into any one of the following three flying insect-like creatures; a Blaash, a Blight, or a Cal Then.

BASE STOCK: Dog HABITAT: Anywhere DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (2D4) or 2xClaws (1D6) MUTATIONS: Chameleon Powers DESCRIPTION: Physically, these dogs appear to be normal and unmutated. However, over the generations, this type of dog has developed retractable claws, much like a cats, and their bodies are much more flexible than their ancestors, again, just like a cats. Only the larger breeds of dogs (Dobermans, German Shepherds, etc) have managed to survive to create this new breed. Wolf climbers have also been reported to exist in the rocky mountains and northern forests of Kanda. As with normal dogs, this breed uses simple pack tactics to surround, and bring down weakened prey, or solitary travelers. The main difference is the fact that they also will use trees to help them surround their prey. So if you are in a forest, and find yourself surrounded by a pack of these creatures, don't bother to climb a tree to escape. You'll find yourself staring down the maws of several of these animals. Just as a normal pack dog, these animals are lead by both an alpha male and alpha female. The rest of the pack is subservient to these, unless another male thinks it is strong enough to challenge the leader. Females e t nd to build dens high in large trees, ruins, or if nothing appropriate is available, in dens on the ground. The females give birth late in spring to litters of 2D4 pups. The pups, if caught at an early age, can easily be domesticated. Wolf climbers can not be domesticated however.

NUMBER: 2d4 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 14d8 (56)

CHOTSLITH (Bristle Snake)


CARK (Blend Dog)


HIT DICE: ARMOR: SIZE: LAND SPEED: 7d8 (28) 4 L (3m) 4/20/10 12d8 (48) 3 L (5m) 8/30/16 IN: 1d6+1 CH: 1d2 PS: 2d10+5 3d10+5 DESCRIPTION: This mutated descendant of the Cane Toad looks much like its ancestor It is brown to yellow-brown, with prominent cranial crests, and a somewhat round, flattened body outline. It also retains the poison producing paratoid glands of its unmutated predecessor. Croakers are not the bravest creatures in the world. They are small, and therefore not able to inflict much damage on larger creatures. When faced with larger creatures, they prefer to use their mutations to remain hidden. If they are spotted, they will use their Stunning Force mutation and attempt to escape if at all possible. If left with no option but to fight, they will bite and attempt to rub their bodies (which are coated with a contact poison) on any exposed flesh they can find on the enemy creatures. Croakers band together in groups for mutual protection and for breeding. They spawn year-round with suitable temperature and rainfall. Eggs are laid in long-standing water - ditches, canals, streams, and ponds. accounts of a daycut who died while standing over its fallen rider, protecting him, instead of fleeing to safety. Unlike some other mounts, though, they have no ability to pick a rider back up and return him to safety. Daycuts can be found in most geographical locations, including the mountains, and come in a wide variety of plumage and colors that match their native surroundings.

MS: 2d6 DX: 2d4+1 CN: 2d4+1/2d6+1

BASE STOCK: Snake HABITAT: Any nonartic and deathlands DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xBite(1d6/2d8) or 1xBristleCoil (1d6+7/1d8+7) MUTATIONS: Mental shield; Poison Int 16/paralytic DESCRIPTION: The entire body of the chotslith is covered with 10-30 cm long needle-like spikes. It can coil and look like any one of a hundred different types of spike plants found on Gamma Terra (it usually lives among these). The chotslith is a constrictor and attacks by both biting and coiling around its prey. The normal chotsloth can wrap around a man-sized creature 1d4+1 times. Each "coil" causes 1d6+7 points of damage. The larger chotsloth can wrap around a man-sized creature 1d4+3 times. Each "coil" causes 1d8+7 points of damage. The strength of these coils, for purposes of pulling them off, equals Strength 25. The chotsloth's bite injects an intensity 16/destructive poison into its prey. The chotslith hunts by smell and, thus are just as deadly in the dark as in the light of day.

NUMBER: 3d6+4 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 5 HIT DICE: 6d6 (18) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: M (1m) LAND SPEED: 6/1800/36 MS: 2d6+6 DX: 3d6 CN: 1d10+11 IN: 1d10+11 CH: 2d6+4 PS: 1d10+11

DAYCUT (Bird Friend)

NUMBER: 1d8 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 6d8 (24) ARMOR: 3 SIZE: L (4m) LAND SPEED : 64/3600/108 MS: 1d4+2 DX: 3d6+1 CN: 2d4+3 IN: 1d8+2 CH: 1d4 PS: 3d4+4

BASE STOCK: Armadillo HABITAT: Dry temperate or deserts DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 2 claws (1d10) or by weapon MUTATIONS: Scientific Genius; Modified Body Parts -Burrowing claws,hands ;New Body Parts- crude vocal cords; Mind Shield; Full Carapace; Full Biped. DESCRIPTION: Diggers are a civilized breed of mutant armadillo. They live in loose tribal communities of burrows and stone structures. They are posessed of a full carapace, as well as burrowing claws that allow them to do 1d10 per hit in combat and burrow up to 3 feet a round. These creatures are totally immune to telepathic Mental Attacks. Digger society is ruled by Shamans, who each have 1d4-1 Mental Mutations. They are skilled herbalists, and are the source of many of the folk medicines, such as Medicine Paints (a.k.a. Neutralizing Pigments), available in the New West. They also make moonshine vodka and know the secret of gunpowder. Diggers are generally nonviolent, but will fight if cornered. Most settlements of these creatures will pay nearby towns of humans or Kaiute packs, whoever's stronger, with liquor and gunpowder for protection, so they can tend their roots in peace. If they arm themselvs at all it's usually with some form of rifle, musket, or shotgun if they gan get it. They use their claws if they can' t.

NUMBER: 3d6 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 3 HIT DICE: 4d6 (12) ARMOR: 6 SIZE: 10 to 24 centimeters long LAND: 16/1200/24 SWIMMING: 24/1800/36 MS: 1d6+4 DX: 2d6+6 CN: 2d6 IN: 1d4 CH: 2d4 PS: 1d4

BASE STOCK: Bantam Chicken HABITAT: Any except Deathlands DIET: Insectrivore ATTACKS: 1xBeak (2d8) 1xClaw (2d4) MUTATIONS: Absorption - sonic attacks; Heightened dexterity; Photogeneration DESCRIPTION: Daycuts are four-meter tall bipedal birds who have no flight wings, but are covered with large feathers. They are also colorblind. Once properly trained, a daycut will tolerate a saddle, but prefers a rider who rides bareback. Daycuts seem to relish close quarter combat. They are unbelievable in their ability to zigzag as they run, a rider must strap himself on to stay mounted or jump off to save his neck (or make a moderate Dexterity roll every turn just to stay on). Once in battle, daycuts are quite fierce and loyal. Many are the

BASE STOCK: Cane Toad HABITAT: Swamps & Wetlands DIET: Insectivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (1d3) MUTATIONS: Displacement; Light Manipulation; Poison - Int 12; Stunning Force; Thought Imitation



DYLLON (Prickly Folk)

NUMBER: 2d6 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 11d6 (33) ARMOR: 8 or 10 + Armor SIZE: M (1,5m) LAND SPEED: FLYING: 24/1800/36 MS: 1d10+11 DX: 3d6 CN: 1d10+11 IN: 1d10+12 CH: 3d6 PS: 3d6 MS: 3d4+3 DX: 2d6+6 CN: 3d6+3 IN: 3d6 CH: 4d4 PS: 6d6

EGLEE (Baldee)
NUMBER: 1d8 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 8d12 (48) ARMOR: 6 SIZE: H (8m wingspan)

eglee are deathly afraid of fire (Pyrophobia), smoke, and steam. Seeing or coming close to any fire larger than a bonfire sends them into an uncontrollable panic. Eglee heal damage by Regeneration.

EKOLA (Fur Ball)

NUMBER: 1d20 FREQUENCY: Common MORALE: 4 HIT DICE: 3d6 (9) ARMOR: 7 SIZE: T (15 cm) LAND SPEED: 4/600/8 MS: 1d6+1 DX: 2d4 CN: 1d6 IN: 2d4+1 CH: 1d4+1 PS: 1d6

BASE STOCK: Porcupine HABITAT: Mountains DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS: 1xBy weapon or Quills MUTATIONS: Pyrokinesis; Force Field Generation; Death Field Generation; Weight Decrease [D]; Taller or Shorter; Light Generation; Gas Generation - paralysis musk; Quills/ Spines DESCRIPTION: Dyllon are a race of insular mutant porcupine. They never grow much taller than a ten year old, and are covered in a mass of long, sharp brown quills. They also have an organ on their rear that can produce either light or musk, depending on them. Dyllon also have the Pyrokinesis mutation which they use in mutual defense. Any predators approaching a Dillon village will have to deal with a lot of brush fires Occasionally (10%) one is born that is much bigger than the others, and these are always tribal leaders, known as the Bobs. Strangely, the Bobs do not share the quills of their smaller relatives, and instead are a frail, naked pink, and usually seen wearing heavy robes as protection. The Bobs also possess the Death Field Generation mutation, which they use to kill intruders approaching the village, as well as Force Field Generation which will provide 10Hp for every Dyllon within 100m of the Bob, again as protection for the village. All Dyllon are immune to the effects of the Bobs mutations. Dyllon live in small tribes of up to 30 members. They construct plastered, squat adobe houses for shelter, but for the most part spend their time hunting or farming the grasslands. They are also extremely adept scavengers. Any Bob has a 40% chance of possessing a weapon of TL IV or higher. Other dyllon may also have artifacts (15%)

BASE STOCK: Bald Eagle HABITAT: Mountains DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xClaw(6d8) and 1xBite (3d6) MUTATIONS: Fear Generation; Heightened Precision; Heightened Sense; Limited Time Suspension; Oversized Body Parts; Phobia [D]; Regeneration DESCRIPTION: These huge winged creatures are the mutated descendents of the American Bald Eagle. The eglee live on the craggy slopes of the highest mountains. Having a wing span close to 8 meters (Oversized Body Parts), leathery dark-brown wings and welldeveloped back and wing muscles, these mutants, when adult, are able to carry a single passenger when flying at normal speed. Eglee still bear the traditional mark of the bald eagle, white head feathers. Eglee are sometimes used as a steed by other mutants and humans but this is only in rare instances because the eglee is very wary of other creatures. When meeting a creature that it does not trust, the eglee first lets out a tremendous screech and uses its powers (Fear Generation) to ward of the unwanted visitor or enemy. With their giant taloned claws (6d8 damage) and curved beak (3d6 damage) these mutants are deadly hunters and killers. They have Heightened Vision ( large, bulging black eyes) allowing them to spot prey or enemies at great distances. Heightened Precision lets them do additional damage (2d6) to opponents in combat. Their usual targets for food are fish and small game, but in times of famine they have been known to hunt humanoids or PSH. The eglee are intelligent, understanding Trade language, but they are unable to speak it themselves. The

BASE STOCK: Kangaroo rat HABITAT: Ruins, plains, forest, hills, mountains, desert, and swamps DIET: Herbivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (1d4) MUTATIONS: Temporal fugue DESCRIPTION: Ekola are 15 centimeter long mammals that closely resemble kangaroo rats. They have four limbs and a prehensile tail, but most of their movement is primarily done by hopping on their hind legs. When hopping, the tail is wound around the body trunk to protect it. Naturalists believe that an ekola's tail is as sensitive as a human fingertip and can easily sort and pick up even minute items. Their body is covered with soft, long fur that is either all white, all black or black and white striped. Unfortunately for wild ekola, their hides are prized for their warmth and splendor and ekolas are trapped extensively in the wilderness. They also make wonderful pets and are quite harmless. A good trainer who spends time with his ekola can teach it numerous tricks and commands, up to eight different ones including fetching small objects, pushing buttons, delivering and dropping objects over a short distance, and so on. Ekola can be found everywhere.

NUMBER: 1d8 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 4 HIT DICE: 2d8 (8) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: T (25cm)


LAND SPEED: 6/30/12 MS: 3d4 DX: 2d4+4 CN: 2d4+4 IN : 1d4 CH: 1d3 PS: 2d4+1 radiation,Gallus Gallus 5/13 is a living abomination to Man's technology. This mutated chicken species is malignant to the core and seeks to dominate all other creatures.The superior mental ability of this mutant makes it a cunning and deadly foe.These creatures are quite adept at figuring out the workings of technological items,and within their own physical limitations are skilled at using the artifacts created by the Ancients. For some unknown reason every Gallus Gallus 5/13 has a Complete Mental Block against Companion Units. These mutants appear fat and squatty,and are covered with patchy yellow-orange feathers. Their exposure to radiation in the lab has left these mutant chickens with two very bizarre features;one beneficial and the other a defect.Instead of having two eyes,Gallus Gallus 5/13's possess one large central green eye (Body Structure Change).This unfortunate defect means that these mutants lack depth perception,and must fight in melee with a -1 penalty "to hit"and when using ranged weapons with a -2 penalty "to hit."Their former wings have been transformed into thin stubby feathered arms with hand-like appendages (New Body Parts). These newly acquired "hands,"although only having three fingers, are what permit the Gallus Gallus 5/13's to manipulate artifacts and weapons. Probably their most effective mutation of all,and the one used with great cunning,is their Chameleon Powers for this allows them to often attack without first being seen by their victims. Unknown to all these mutant chickens is their lack of resistance to poison of any type.Poison is instant death to the Gallus Gallus 5/13 unless the correct antidote is immediately administered. Even then there is only a 50% chance that the mutant will live. HABITAT: Wetlands and Swamps DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS: 1xWeapon MUTATIONS: New Body Parts -Legs; Amphibious; Heightened Sense smell; Immunity - poison DESCRIPTION: These mutant gars have been adopted by certain communities of humans as a semi-aquatic substitute for the watchdogs of old. They are fiercely loyal to their masters, and very energetic in the defens e of their territory, both above and below the waterline. While they are at a slight disadvantage on land, they more than make up for it in the water. Garfs have a vicious bite that does 1d10 damage, and can exert considerable pressure witht their jaw, such that if a Garf is really mad at you, they can lock on for 20 - the victim's Strength in rounds, doing 1d6 points of additional damage per round until killed or called off. Believe it or not, they're very good with children, if a bit damp.

BASE STOCK: Toad HABITAT: Swamps and Wetlands DIET: Insectivore ATTACKS: 1x Spines (poison) or 1x Explosion (1d10) MUTATIONS: Poison Spines DESCRIPTION: Just to show that you don't neccessarily have to be big to be dangerous, a Fragger can kill animals several times it's size, usually by accident. This bizarre species of toad measures only about a foot or so, and is normally quite passive. If agitated, the creature puffs itself rapidly up with air, launching it's Intensity Level 15 Poison coated spines in all directions out to 10 feet. They will repeat this attack for 1d4 rounds, until the loose spines are depleted, leaving only a sparse coat of more firmly attached, partially developed spines. If cornered, the creature will panic and explode, for 1d10 damage to all within a 5 foot radius, plus the danger of spines hitting targets out to 15 feet. Fraggers have a nasty habit of lurking under vegetation like a living land mine. Spotting a concealed Fragger suffers a +3 penalty on a Perception check.

NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 9 HIT DICE: 22d10 (110) ARMOR: 2 SIZE: G (15-40m) LAND SPEED: 18/1800/36 MS: 3d4+4 DX: 1d10+2 CN: 1d10+11 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 4d20+30


NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 7d6 (21) ARMOR: 7 SIZE: M (1.25m) LAND SPEED: 12/900/18 MS: 2d6+4 DX: 2d8+1 CN: 2d4+3 IN: 1d10+11 CH: 1d10+8 PS: 1d10+11

NUMBER: 1 or schools of 1d8 FREQUENCY: Common MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 5d8 (20) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: M (1,5m) LAND SPEED: 6/900/72 SWIMMING: 15/900/24 MS: 2d6+4 DX: 1d10+11 CN: 1d10+11 IN: 1d4+4 CH: 1d6+5 PS: 1d10+11

BASE STOCK: Monitor Lizard HABITAT: Deserts & Deathlands DIET: Carnivore/Insectivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (5d8+poison) MUTATIONS: Taller; Sonic Blast; Immunity radiation; Radioactive; Poison -Int 15/destructive DESCRIPTION: One of the most terrifying menaces of the deep deserts, these gigantic mutant gila monsters are generally 15-40 meters long, and constantly give off Intensity Level 10 Radiation. They bite for 5d8 damage, also injecting an Intensity Level 15 Poison. They can loose a mighty roar similar to a Sonic Blast. Gazilla Monsters hunt giant insects, and will sometimes mistake vehicles for prey animals. They occupy the top of the natural food chain, and only have each other and combat robots to look out for. They aren't as universally

BASE STOCK: Chicken HABITAT: Plains, Ruins DIET: Herbivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (1d4) or by Weapon MUTATIONS: Heightened Brain Talent; Mental Blast; Complete Mental Block [D]; Chameleon Powers; New Body Parts; No Resistance to Poison [D]; Body Structure Change [D] DESCRIPTION: The hideous result of an accidental overexposure to



feared as the Landshark because they are very rarely encountered near settled areas. breeding rate helps them to remain an everpresent threat. HABITAT: Mountains, Ruins DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 2xClaws (1d12) or 1xBite (1d8) MUTATIONS: Wings; New Body Parts claws and beak; Partial Carapace; Empathy DESCRIPTION: These mutant, "hybrid" members of of the canine family appear to be a cross between the timber wolf and a red winged hawk. Their bodies and hind quarters are canine, but they have sharp talons and bird like forelegs. Their snouts have been replace by a sharply hooked beak and wings sprout from their backs. They are pack animals like normal wolves, and use their advanced level of empathy to communicate with one another and to gauge their prey or an enemies emotions. The males fight amongst themselves for leadership of the pack. These battle will usually take place in the air with the vanquished plummetting to their deaths far below. The pups are born sightless and flightless and make prized pets for the wealthy of many species. The Carrin are especially fond of them as pets and have been attempting recently to "corner the market" in the HawkWolf pup trade. Their greatest enemy in the wild is the Yexil, as they fight over favored nesting site.

NUMBER: 3d6+4 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 6d6 (18) ARMOR: 10 SIZE: M (1m) LAND SPEED: 12/900/18 MS: 2d4+2 DX: 1d10+11 CN: 1d8+6 IN: 2d6+2 CH: 1d10+2 PS: 1d10+11 NUMBER: 20-50 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 12d8 (48) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: L (2.5m) LAND SPEED: 9/600/12 FLYING: 12/900/24 MS: 2d6+4 DX: 1d10+4 CN: 3d6+4 IN : 1d4+1 CH: 1d3 PS: 3d6+2

BASE STOCK: Frogs HABITAT: Swamps, Wetlands, Temperate Woodlands DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (1d8) or by weapon MUTATIONS: Modified Body Parts crude hands; Full Biped; Light Sensitivity [D]; Skin Structure Change - transparent [D]; Ultravision; Jumping Ability; Thought Imitation; Phobia - bright light [D] DESCRIPTION: "Watch yourself, or the Greeps'll getcha." is what parents warn their children in the swamps and bayous of The New South, and sadly it's often true. These creatures are hated for their nighttime raids on the settlements of other species, usually for the purpose of finding the weak or defenseless to bear off and devour. Greeps are barely sentient, but very devious, and their attacks are well co-ordinated and merciless. They practice no art or culture, but they have enough of a language to get by, and know how to make use of tools, especially weapons. Greeps generally carry simple weapons like knives and clubs, until such devices rust and decay into uselessness. If unarmed a Greep can bite for 1d8 damage with it's needle sharp teeth. A small percentage of the species, known as Screamin' Greeps, have developed the extra mutant ability to project Sonic Blasts for 3d6 damage. 1 in 100 creatures will posess this mutation. Greeps are terrified of bright, artifact light sources, and will flee if confronted by them. They tend to lay low during daylight hours, in carefully hidden underwater lairs. Most larger communities actively hunt Greeps, and pay a decent bounty for a Greep skull, but the creatures' cunning and rapid

BASE STOCK: Holstein Cows HABITAT: Plains DIET: Herbivore ATTACKS: 1xHorns (1d4) MUTATIONS: Airsail; Regeneration; Horns; Periodic Amensia [D]; Shapechange DESCRIPTION: Gwyll are one of the many mutant cattle genotypes (see Rakoxen). Other than an airsail on more flexable legs, they look no different than unmutated cows. They are filled with the need to taste new plants (i.e. the PCs who have been laughing at their animal counterparts when a large carnivore is near). When they see a plant they have never tasted before, they charge trying to be one of the lucky ones to have a bite. If struck, one will turn to a gas and run. This does not affect the gwyll around it. They breed fast, and so are common prey for many carnivorous plants. They do learn and will not charge remembered predators.

HI-SNAKE (Rattler)
NUMBER: 1d3 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 4d8 (16) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: L (1,5-2m) LAND SPEED: 6/30/12 MS: 1d6+1 DX: 3d4 CN: 2d6+5 IN : 2d4 CH: 1d4+1 PS: 1d10+2

HAWKWOLF (Death From Above)

NUMBER: 1d6+4 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 17d6 (61) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: M (2.5m beak to tail) LAND SPEED: 24/1800/36 FLYING: 16/900/24 MS: 1d10+2 DX: 3d6 CN: 1d10+11 IN : 1d4 CH: 1d4+2 PS: 2d20+10

BASE STOCK: Rattle snake HABITAT: Pine forests DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (1d4+1+poison) + Bash (3d6) MUTATIONS: Physical Enlargement; Heightened Intelligence; Regeneration; Bacteria Resistant; Heightened Strength; Heightened hearing; Lightwave Manipulation DESCRIPTION: Hi - Snakes are extremely Large Timber Rattlesnakes with the

BASE STOCK: Timber Wolf


ability to become invisible at will. They are immune to laser and light based attacks of any kind. They attack by striking (Speed 18) do 2-5 points of damage and inject a poison ( 7 Strength) in their victim. If the Hi - Snake succeeds in biting a target, its' unusual strength will allow it to fling a man sized victim 3-6 Meters doing an additional 3d6 of crush or bash damage the following melee round. Because of its' heightened hearing Hi -Snakes are almost never surprised. These solitary snakes are found everwhere in the Rocky Mountains and will attack men, mutants, and other animals at will, and especially during molting season (Spring & Fall) when they are near to being totally blind. Hi-Snakes hibernate during the winter. combined with their intelligence and teeth, fearsome predators. The Hwan - Hul are easily identfiable by their albino skin and/or their natural white fur coat. They generally avoid combat relying on subterfuge, illusion, deception, and their followers to achieve their goals. They work to protect all living species, and are commonly found in mountain front range communities.

HORSY (Sea Stallion)

NUMBER: 1d6 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 6d6 (18) ARMOR: 5 SIZE: L (4-5m long) WATER SPEED: 15/1800/36 MS: 2d6+2 DX: 1d8+4 CN: 1d6+6 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 2d10+8

NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 23d8 (92) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: G (10m length) LAND SPEED: 20/1500/35 MS: 1d10+3 DX: 3d6+4 CN: 1d20+10 IN : 1d10+11 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d20+30

HOLCUT (Ugly Friend)

NUMBER: 1d12 FREQUENCY: Common MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 10d6 (30) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: S (1m) LAND SPEED: 16/900/24 MS: 2d4 DX: 2d4+1 CN: 2d4+1 IN: 2d4 CH: 1d3 PS: 2d6

BASE STOCK: Sea Horse HABITAT: Oceans DIET: Herbivore ATTACKS: Ram (2d10 damage) MUTATIONS: None DESCRIPTION: Horsy (sometimes spelled Horsea) are giant ridable seahorses. Many underwater races prize them as mounts. They are capable of very fast movement underwater and are easy to train once domesticated. Their only attack consists of smashing into an opponent. The Horsy must have enough room to move in order to use this attack. Horsy are quite loyal creatures whether its to a family group or rider.

BASE STOCK: Snake HABITAT: Any nonartic DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 5xBite (2d6) MUTATIONS: Dual brain - 5 Heads/brains; Gas generation- burning, Night Vision; Nocturnal [D]; Poison , Radiating eyes; Regeneration; Sonic blast; Mental blast; Mental reflection; Immune to radiation and sonic attacks DESCRIPTION: Hydras are mutated serpents which greatly resemble the hydra of legend. Their long slender bodies each sport five heads. Each head is mounted on a 2 m long neck and is a different color. The body is generally a basic green or brown, but the heads are green, blue, red, black, and white. Hydras are very aggressive hunters and deadly in combat. Each of the hydra's heads has control of a particular attack form: the green head controls the gas generation mutation, the blue head controls the mental blast mutation, the red head controls the radiating eyes mutation, the black head is poisonous, and the white head controls the sonic blast mutation. A specific head may be targeted by the hydra's opponent, but he receives a -4 penalty to hit and each head can withstand 15 points of damage. Generally, when in close combat, only three heads can attack a man-sized creature at once. However, all heads can be used to combat multiple opponents. The hydra's mental reflection mutation is a unconscious collaboration of all the heads. For each head destroyed, the

BASE STOCK: Dog HABITAT: Ruins, forest, and plains DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (3d6) MUTATIONS: Heightened Senses vision and smell DESCRIPTION: Holcut are quadruped mammals, have rough, reddish-brown, rhino-like hide and have two rows of teeth that are designed to rip and shred. Otherwise they are built like a normal dog and occupy that position in many people's lives. Easily trained and very intelligent, a holcut can learn up to six tricks or commands from a proper trainer. They have become very popular hunting and guard animals over the years. Their funny looking muzzle houses an elaborate olfactory system full of baffles and filters, anything that attacks by inhalation has no effect on them. Holcut can be quite lovable (despite their ugliness) and fun to have around (despite their favorite pastimemudwallowing). Encountering a pack of holcut in the wild can be dangerous. Their excellent eyesight makes them marvelous hunting companions and

NUMBER: 2d6 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: varies ARMOR: varies SIZE: M (1,5m) LAND SPEED: 12/1800/36 MS: 3d6 DX: 3d6 CN: 3d6-2 IN: 3d6+2 CH: 3d6 PS: 3d6

BASE STOCK: Human HABITAT: Mountains DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS: by Weapon MUTATIONS: Heightened Intelligence x2; Regeneration; Dual-Brain; Heightened Brain Talent; Magnetic Control, Illusion Generation DESCRIPTION: These silver haired Albinos are naturally talented mutant leaders with a nose for technology and with exceptional abilities to lead, organize, and motivate other mutants.


hydra loses not only that head's attack ability, but also the mutation controlled by that head. Hydras are very unsociable creatures. They only come together during mating season. After being fertilized by the male, the female, who is usually 4 meters or greater in length than the male and has 3 additional hit dice, kills and eats the male. After the meal, the female travels in search of a radiated region in which to lay her eggs. During this period, the female eats only when necessary and tends to ignore other creatures.When a nest has finally been prepared, the female lays 6-12 eggs, covers them with dirt or sand, and then leaves. The eggs hatch 3-4 days later and the young hydras dig themselves out. Kaiutes are ruthless and opportunistic. Their one weakness is alchohol, and they can be bribed with it in some situations. Many dangerous Cryptic Alliances, especially Animal Supremacy groups, count whole Kaiute tribes as members. They worship their own trickster diety, and greatly fear the sentient machines of the ancients. Employment of normal weapons suited to their size and strength is fairly common around the creatures home.

NUMBER: 2d6 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 2d4+1 HIT DICE: 12d6 (36) ARMOR: 7 SIZE: L (4-5m) SWIMMING: 30/2250/45 MS: 1d4 DX: 1d10+5 CN: 3d4+8 IN : 1d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d12+8

KATKIN (Cat Folk)

NUMBER: 1d6 FREQUENCY: Common MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 9d8 (36) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: S (1m) LAND SPEED: 15/900/24 MS: 1d10+11 DX: 2d8+5 CN: 1d10+2 IN : 1d10+11 CH: 3d4+4 PS: 1d10+2

NUMBER: 2d12 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 8d10 (40) ARMOR: 6 (9) SIZE: M (1,5m) LAND SPEED: 15/900/18 MS: 2d6+4 DX: 1d10+11 CN: 1d6+8 IN: 1d10+11 CH: 1d10+2 PS: 1d10+5

BASE STOCK: Great Barracuda HABITAT: Oceans DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1 bite (3d6 damage) MUTATIONS: Taller; Chameleon Powers; Speed Increase (Improved) DESCRIPTION: This mutated descendant of the great barracuda retains many of the habits of its ancestor. To become a successful feeder, the Great Barracuda developed a technique of racing through a school of fish with its blade like teeth attacking the helpless fish. After it injures and immobilizes some of the fish, the barracuda returns to snatch them up. Koodas do the exact same thing, but are even more effective due to their larger size and their mutations. The Kooda's Speed Increase is improved in that it can be used three times per day. Koodas use their highly evolved instincts to take advantage of the disorder that occurs around dusk, when the nighttime fish switch places with the daytime fish. It is at this time, when their prey least expect it, that koodas make their attack.

BASE STOCK: Common House Cat HABITAT: Forests DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 2xClaw (1d6) and 1xBite (1d6) or by Weapon MUTATIONS: Heightened Speed & Balance, Imitation of Thought & Sound DESCRIPTION: Katkins are a mutated form of the common hause cat, standing about one meter tall when walking erect (which they often do).Coloration can range from white- to orange-striped, but gray-striped and brown or black solid colors are the most common. These intelligent creatures have not lost their fangs or their claws, though the claws of their manipulative forepaws are not proportionately as long as the rear ones. Katkins are rather shy and reclusive, using their heightened speed and balance to live arboreal lives, ranging amidst the upper branches of woodlands to hunt and explore. One or more katkins will construct a wellconcealed hut of woven vines and branches high up in the largest of trees, dwelling there during summer months. Winter quarters are typically in hollow tree trunks. Katkins have bath sound and thought imitation copabilities; so, in addition to their normal body weaponry (two claw attacks and a bite per turn, each doing 1-6 points of damage), they have dangerous imitative abilities as well. Katkins have been known to possess and use small technological devices (pistols, vibro daggers, etc.).

BASE STOCK: Coyote HABITAT: All except Deathlands DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (1d8) or by weapon MUTATIONS: Military Genius, Body Control, Sound Imitation, Precision Telekinesis, Bite Attack, New Body Parts -partial biped, sophisticated hands, sophisticated Vocal Chords. DESCRIPTION: These mutant coyotes have developed into a tribal society that are the sworn enemys of humankind. They control large portions of the Okayhome Territory, and are pushing into Texas at an alarming rate. The Kaiutes are well organized, and skilled at traps and sabotage. They are posessed of a black sense of humor, pulling nasty pranks on those they can't or don't want to kill outright. Kaiute packs usually arm themselves with spears or muskets, and wear fiber armor, riding Centisteeds as mounts, but they are not adverse to using artifact weapons when they can get them. They can also bite for 1d8 damage.

NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 20d8 (80) ARMOR: 4(head) 7(body) SIZE: H (4-7m) SWIMMING SPEED: 9/1800/36 MS: 2d4+4 DX: 1d10+2 CN: 5d4 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d12+6

BASE STOCK: Catfish HABITAT: Freshwater Lakes and Ponds


DIET: Underground Nutrients ATTACKS: 1 MUTATIONS: Chameleon powers DESCRIPTION: Letharp are huge, bottom-feeding fish which range in size from four to seven meters in length. Letharp have silvery-white underbellies and solid or mottled backs which range from blue-brown to yellow to brilliant orange. Mottling is usually white, groy. ar yellow. Coloration is seldom unchanging for very-long, since letharp have chameleon powers. Their heads are covered with a bony plate around which are many enlarged and thickened scales. Projecting upwards and forewards from this plate is a horn-like bone growth whose length varies (accor-ding to the size of the lethorp) from one meter to nearly two meters. Normally sluggish and peaceful, sudden movements or passing shadows throw a letharp into a state of alarmed frenzy which results in the creature swimming in a blind rush (double normal movement far up to 100 meters) towords the possible threat, either to frighten the intruder away or to kill by ramming with its horn. Because of this unpredictable behavior boats are often smashed or holed by frightened letharp. Knowledgeable mariners are reported to paint the bottoms of their vessels a bright yellow-orange, far this color tends to repel or possibly reassure the would-be attacker. great portions of Northern Meriga. These six-legged (Multiple Body Parts) creatures are silvery grey in color and have glowing red eyes. A fierce predator made more deadly by its Chameleon Powers, loo purs travel in packs when hunting food in the forests and plains. When close to prey, these mutants let out a terrifying howl (Sonic A ttack) and then strike with lightning speed. Individual mutant wolves within a pack will, on occasion, use their power of Temporal Fugue to make an entire pack of loo pur appear larger and more menacing to opponents. Lone loo purs often use this mutation t o make prey believe there is more than one present. Standing 1 and a half meters tall at the shoulder, this mutant is able to carry a single rider of less than 50kg without any loss of speed. Obtaining a loo pur for a mount would require some form of mental force, as they are extremely intelligent, speak Trade language, and can even use some artifacts of the Ancients (limited by their physical constraints and their mutational defect see below). All of these mutated wolves are afraid of electrical power, robots, etc. (Energy Sensitivity Defect) and will avoid such items at all cost. possess short brown fur and large branching antlers. These bony and sturdy antlers usually grow over a meter in height and are used as deadly weapons by these mutants. Maali are four-legged creatures when travelling over great distances or when running, but through successive mutations they have evolved thick muscular hind legs. A startling development in these mutants was their change from hooven front feet to leathery human-like hands. The combination of strong rear legs and manipulative front hands has permitted these creatures to stand up, walk around, and use tools, weapons, and devices of the Ancients. Outstretched on its hind legs,a Maali stands over 3.5 meters tall. The most amazing aspect of these mutants though is their ability to speak. Rumor has it that they even understand the language of humans! Maali live in forest areas, but they are occasionally found in grassy locales when encountered migrating from one forest to another. They enjoy eating vegetation of all kinds and are known to have enormous appetites. All Maali hate meat. These beasts are almost always leaders of a large territory within the forest.It is very rare for another creature to challenge the Maali's authority within its domain,and in return the mutant moose becomes a fierce protector of its forest home.The facial expressions of these mutants have been scarred by the cruel effects of radiation,so much so that their crossed-eyes and drooping tongues have made them appear as idiot creatures.This impression is often the downfall of most enemies, since Maali are a dangerous and deadly foe if provoked.These mutated moose possess great mental powers and having a dual brain allows them to function quite effectively in the wild forests. Maali are fascinated by high technology and will always try to acquire artifacts and items created by the Ancients.They are very skilled in the handling of such items and they enjoy using these devices whenever the opportunity arises. However, the sight of robotic units sends these mutants into epileptic trances (Epilepsy defect).Maali will remain motionless for a period of about 10 minutes when robotic units are first seen,then afterwards they will react normally.

NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 9 HIT DICE: 11d8 (44) ARMOR: 6 SIZE: L (2,5m) LAND SPEED: 12/600/12 MS: 1d10+11 DX: 2d4+1 CN: 3d6+1 IN: 2d8+1 CH: 1d6+1 PS: 1d10+12

LOO PUR (Grey Shadow)

NUMBER: 3d6 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 4 HIT DICE: 6d6 (18) ARMOR: 7 SIZE: L (2,5m) LAND SPEED: 16/1200/24 MS: 2d6 DX: 3d6 CN: 2d6+6 IN : 4d4+4 CH: 2d4 PS: 3d4+3

BASE STOCK: Timber Wolf HABITAT: Temperate and Sub-arctic forests DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xClaw (1d12) and 1xBite (2d6) MUTATIONS: Chameleon Powers; Energy Sensitivity; Multiple Body Parts; Sonic Attack; Temporal Fugue DESCRIPTION: Loo purs are cunning, carnivorous, mutant wolves that inhabit

BASE STOCK: Moose HABITAT: Temperate Woodlands DIET: Herbivore ATTACKS: 1xAntler(2d8) and 2xClaws(1d6) or by Weapon MUTATIONS: Dual Brain; Force Field Generation; Illusion Generation; Weather Manipulation; Displacement; Epilepsy [D]; Sonic Blast; Bodily Control DESCRIPTION: These solitary creatures are rarely seen and only a few of them are known to exist in this region. Evolving over the years from the haphazard exposure to high energy radiation, Maali seem to be the distorted descendents of the North American moose.Their general appearance is still moose-like as they still

MAKEEN [Skreecher]


HIT DICE: 13d6 (39) ARMOR: 9 SIZE: S (1.5m) LAND SPEED: 12/1800/36 GLIDING: 6/300/16 MS: 2d6+1 DX: 1d10+11 CN: 2d8+4 IN : 1d4 CH: 1d8+1 PS: 1d10+5 Makeen can use its Stunning Force ability without fleeing when defending its home. the creature has bitten its target (1d4 damage). A second attack against the victims AC means the creature has attached itself to the victim and stabs the victim for 1d6 damage. A third attack means the creature has entangled the spinal cord and now controls the creature via the Coral Reef. Once the creature is attached, all of the target creatures abilities are under the control of the reef. Any land creature which is controlled by the Minda Ray can breathe in both the water and on land as the ray breathes for the creature underwater and the creature after 10-20 seconds can breathe for both creatures on land.

NUMBER: 1-20 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 1d6+2 HIT DICE: 3d6 (9) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: M (1m tall) LAND SPEED: 4/400/15 WATER SPEED: 12/900/15 MS: 2d6+4 DX: 1d6+12 CN: 1d8+6 IN : 1d6+6 CH: 1d4+4 PS: 1d10+8

BASE STOCK: Spider Monkey HABITAT: Any Tropical Forest DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS: 1 or 2xBite (1d3) 1xClub (1d6) MUTATIONS: Heightened Constitution; New Body Parts - extra eyes,prehensile tail; Multiple Limbs - extra arms; Air Sail; Stunning Force; Fear Generation; Bipedal DESCRIPTION: A Makeen appears as a large American Spider Monkey, with three major exceptions. Instead of two eyes, Makeens have four. The two additional eyes are located just above each ear, giving them excellent vision. They also have two additional arms, one arm at the top of the hip on each side. Between the arms on each side stretches a skin membrane, used by a Makeen to glide when jumping across large spans between trees. Makeens attack with two crude clubs or, if weaponless, by biting. They will use their Fear Generation when first encountered, trying to avoid conflict. They activate this power by screaming loudly at the target. They won't use Stunning Force until a morale check is needed. If it fails, all of the Makeens present will use their Stunning Force mutation and then try to flee. A Makeen activates the Stunning Force with a very high pitched scream. Note that neither the Fear Generation or Stunning Force is a sonic attack, so protection against sonics have no effect. These are mental attacks. Makeens have an arboreal society, never coming to the ground unless necessary. They build sleeping areas in trees with branches, leaves and twigs. A large band can number up to 30, including young and females. The young have no combat ability, but females are just a capable as the males. Makeens will defend their home territory and young with a morale of 6 for flight, but the standard 10 for the use of their Stunning Force mutation. Thus, a

NUMBER: 1d6 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 4 HIT DICE: 6d6 (18) ARMOR: 7 SIZE: S (.5m at the shoulder) LAND SPEED: 3 MS: 1d10+11 DX: 1d8+5 CN: 1d12+4 IN : 1d4 CH: 1d4+2 PS: 2d6+2

BASE STOCK: Flamingo HABITAT: Any temperate wetlands DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1 beak (2d6 damage) MUTATIONS: Gills; sonar DESCRIPTION: Mingos are birdlike creatures descended from Flamingos. They are now more at home in the water than they are on land. Mingos travel in groups to track hunt their meals, often looking like a large school of long legged fish when encountered underwater. They still retain the ability to hunt while standing along shores, but find prey easier to catch in the open sea. They no longer have the capability to fly because of their water adaptations. They have been known to attack humans or humanoids when hungry.

BASE STOCK: Bloodhound HABITAT: Any temperate DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 2xBite (1d8) MUTATIONS: Telepathy; Psychometry; Telekinetic Flight; Telekinetic Bite; Precision Telekinesis DESCRIPTION: This prized breed of mutant dog doesn't look like much, beyond being ugly in a cute kinda way. They move very slowly, if at all, on their stubby little legs, and rarely make any kind of sound short of a muffled grunt once in a while. However, what they lack in physical presence is more than made up for in their powerful mental abilities. Brainhounds are used primarily as trackers, hunting their quarry thru a special Telepathic link that can be gained from a Psychometric reading of something from the target's posessions. In other words, on a faint psionic impression from, say, an article of clothing, a Brainhound can track you out to a radius of 20 km. An uncanny baying that echoes in the target's mind only, while the dog floats silently along in pursuit, makes them the last thing you want to be on the wrong side of. When threatened, a Brainhound will defend itself with a telekinetic "bite" at

NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 1d8+4 HIT DICE: 2d6 ARMOR: 9 SIZE: M (1-2m) WATER SPEED: 8/900/16 MS: 5d6+4 DX: 1d10+4 CN: 1d8+6 IN : 1d6 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d6

BASE STOCK: Manta Ray HABITAT: Near sentient reefs DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: See below. MUTATIONS: See below. DESCRIPTION: This creature is a detached part of a sentient coral reef (see above). A successful attack means


a range of 10 meters, doing 1d8 damage in an attack seemingly out of thin air. Brainhounds posess slightly above average intelligence for dogs, and make loyal, if somewhat aloof, companions. Their extensive Telepathic range makes them unbeatable watchdogs as well. MUTATIONS: Horn; Partial Carapace; Sonar; Sonic Blast; Death field generation; Telekinetic flight; Immune to death field generation DESCRIPTION: These intelligent, mutated killer whales spend much of their time peacefully hunting schools of fish, but can become deadly enemies when aroused. In combat, orcoids employ group tactics. They will use their death field generation mutation and immunity to it to maximum effect. In the case of surface combat (i.e., the attackers are in boats), some of the orcoids will use their telekinetic flight mutations to ram or bite their opponents, while their brethren attack the ship. Due to the large single horn protruding from their foreheads and the protective shell surrounding it (much like the triceratops of ancient times), orcoids can ram ships with little harm to themselves but cause massive damage to the ships. In the case of underwater combat, orcoids generally attack with their sharp teeth, inflicting 8d8 points of damage per bite. However, if pressed by an attack from the side or rear, an orcoid can normally deliver a devastating tailslap for 6d8 points of damage. If one orcoid is severely harmed, it's brethren will attempt to distract it's opponent(s) and allow the wounded orcoid to retreat from battle. Orcoids form special bonds with the other members of their group. They will defend their young and wounded to the best of their ability. Because of their deadly fighting skills, few things in the water frighten them. Therefore, they are not shy when around other life forms. As long as they are not disturbed, they generally keep an indifferent attitude toward other life forms. They communicate in a rudimentary language of high pitched sounds. It is rumored that the blubber from orcoids can be refined and used to create an oil which protects against the effects of the death field generation mutation. However, due to the difficulty in finding and killing orcoids, this rumor has not been verified.

MS: 2d6+4 DX: 1d10+11 CN: 5d4

IN: 1d10+11 CH: 2d8 PS: 1d10+11

NUMBER: 3d4 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 9d6 (27) ARMOR: 5d6 (15) SIZE: M (1m wingspan) LAND SPEED: 4/400/8 FLYING: 24/2400/48 MS: 2d4+6 DX: 3d6 CN: 3d6 IN: 2d6 CH: 2d4 PS: 2d6+4

BASE STOCK: Alligator HABITAT: Swamps and Rivers DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 2x(1d8) MUTATIONS: Crude Biped; New Body Parts - sophisticated hands, crude vocal chords; Heightened Strength; New Body Parts tentacles; Heightened Balance. DESCRIPTION: Crowned by a halo of agile tentacles, these mutant 'gators are the kings of the riverbanks and swamps where they make their lairs. Their culture is composed of very loosely organized tribes, with an ever shifting social hierarchy of dominance and deference. They pride themselves as hunters and warriors and respect strength, and specimens of both sexes are constantly vying for territory and status . The females tend to hold larger areas for the benefit of their young, which are cast out to fend for themselves when they've almost attained their full growth. In their relations with other species they are ruthless pragmatists. They avoid conflicts that they cannot win, and will readily bargain or trade to avoid a battle, but if anything stands in the way of getting what they want, they will gladly resort to violence. Rastagators prefer to deal from a position of power, and are anything but subtle, but they aren't unneccessarily cruel, and harbor no resentment against other creatures. They will make use of artifact weapons when they can get them, and guard the devices jealously as status symbols. They tend to prefer one handed weapons due to the stubbiness of their arms, and can also bite for 3d6 or strike with their tentacles for 1d8 damage and a Constricting attack.

BASE STOCK: Bat HABITAT: Underground, Ruins DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 2xBite (1d6) 1xTail (2d4) MUTATIONS: Poison - Int see below; Radar/Sonar DESCRIPTION: N yAn are leathery, mammalian creatures with two wings, no legs, and a long prehensile tail with a stinger in the end. At a quick glance they can be mistaken for obbs. When they successfully strike with their tail there is an 85% chance of poison being injected into the victim. The poison is always a variable level for each nyan (2d6+2 Intensity). Nyan prefer caves, ruins and other dimly lit areas where they can lurk around.

NUMBER: 2d10 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 20d8 (80) ARMOR: 3 SIZE: H (8m) SWIMMING: 24/1800/36 MS: 3d6+2 DX: 1d10+11 CN: 1d10+15 IN: 1d10+11 CH: 1d10+2 PS: 1d20+20

ROG (Bristleback)
NUMBER: 2d4 FREQUENCY: Common MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 6d6 (18) ARMOR : 8 SIZE: M (1.5m long) LAND SPEED : 12/1200/30 MS: 2d6 DX: 1d4+1 CN: 3d6 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d6+4

NUMBER: 1d10 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 14d6 (42) ARMOR: 5 SIZE: M (1,5m) LAND SPEED: 12/1800/36 SWIMMING: 5/300/15

BASE STOCK: Killer whale HABITAT: Large lakes or oceans DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (8d8) or 1xTailslap (6d8) or 1xRam (8d8)



HABITAT: Plains & Woodlands DIET : Omnivore ATTACKS : 1xBite (1d6) MUTATIONS : Periodic Amnesia [D]; Altered Body Part; Mane/Fur DESCRIPTION: Rogs, the most common meat and domesticated animal in Meriga, are descendants of the pig. They hold the same place in the farming community that cows do in our time. Roughly the same size as a normal pig, they have elongated snouts, similar to an anteater, but not as long as an elephant. They have a mane of fur that grows over their necks and shoulders and down the ridge of their spine. They suffer from periodic amnesia, although most farmers just assume that they are stupid. The milk from a rog is slightly sweet and very nutritious. Its skin and fur can be made into cloth. Sarbises can be found in almost any terrain except the coldest. Their settlements or camps invariably signal the presence of minerals, for the sarbis are passionate miners. The camps are a mixture of above and underground constructions. Sarbises are paranoid that others (especially other sarbis) might try to "claim -jump" their diggings, so most camps are well defended with stockades and guard towers. Attack is made doubly difficult since the ground outside the camp is broken by jagged heaps of tailings. Sarbises rely on trade for food, clothing, and other interesting goods. In exchange, they sell refined minerals ingots of pig iron, copper, lead, tin, nickel; bags of sulphur, salt, and coal; whatever is useful from the earth. Because few others have the talent to dig and smelt these needed metals, sarbises are often left unmolested, even in the most hostile territories. Each camp is ruled by a strong man, a single leader who achieved his position through bullying and threat. All trading in the camp is controlled by the strong man or his minions. Sarbises will often buy artifacts useful to mining, sometimes offering other artifacts or to make useful implements in exchange. detect prey. Black sea serpents capture a prey animal by biting it and coiling around it. It does not crush the prey (like the myths state), but instead, keep the animal from breathing by compressing its lungs (use suffocation rules). They then swallow the prey whole, having no way of chewing. If found on land, a serpent is just as dangerous as if it was in the water. They can be driven off by fire and extreme cold. Black sea serpents are only found in freshwater lakes and ponds. They like to hide am ong the weeds that float near the surface and catch the birds and fish that visit the weed mats. Occasionally, one out hunting will fall prey to sea lilies or the giant sea serpents, but otherwise they tend to die of old age. They hibernate during the winter on land in deep mud. The snakes are considered a major threat to the fishermen of both bodies of water. They do not congregate, except during mating, when up to 10 males try to mate with a single female.

NUMBER: 1d20 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 10d8 ARMOR: 8 SIZE: M (2m) LAND SPEED: 9/600/12 BURROWING: 3/300/9 MS: 3d6 DX: 1d10+11 CN: 2d8+4 IN: 1d10+11 CH: 1d10+11 PS: 1d10+8


NUMBER: 1d2 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 50d8 (200) ARMOR: 7 SIZE: G(30m) SWIMMING: 12/900/18 MS: 2d8+2 DX: 1d10+8 CN: 1d10+15 IN : 1d4+1 CH: 1d4 PS: 2d20+40


NUMBER: 1 or d10+1 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 1d8 HIT DICE: 4d6 (12) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: L (3-12m) LAND SPEED: 6/30/12 SWIMMING: 6/1200/36 MS: 2d4+3 DX: 1d6+6 CN: 1d6+10 IN: 1d3 CH: 1d4 PS: 2d4+8

BASE STOCK: Aardvark HABITAT: Anywhere important minerals are found DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS: 2xClaws (1d4) or by Weapon (+2) MUTATIONS: Heightened senses - sight, smell, taste; Directional Sense DESCRIPTION: The sarbis looks strikingly like a 2-meter-tall bipedal aardvark. Its body is covered with coarse yellow to gray fur, and its face is dominated by a long snout. The hands, while manipulative, end in powerful claws good for digging and fighting. Varks are not warlike creatures, and mainly prefer to be left alone. They favor defensive tactics, especially burrowing out of danger. However, once roused, they are tenacious fighters and will continue until death or victory is gained. They are quite comfortable with most types of Tech III weaponry and will use it to their best advantage.

BASE STOCK: Anaconda HABITAT: See below DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (1d8 + constriction) MUTATIONS: Improved senses; Gills; Size Increase; Sonar; Confusion; Susceptibility to cold DESCRIPTION: Black sea serpents are mutated snakes that have adopted the anaconda's lifestyle. They are between 3 and 12 meters long, jet black with green stripes, have thick scales, and sonar to

BASE STOCK: Eel HABITAT: ocean/large lakes DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xbite (4d10) or 1xtail (3d10) and cons triction (16d6) MUTATIONS: Kinetic absorption; Hands (eyes) of power (gravity pulse); Regeneration; Sonic Blast; Sonar; Duality; Magnetic Control; Telekinesis; Fear Generation DESCRIPTION: This serpent is a mutated eel. Other than it size, it appears no different. It hunts by sonar. If attacking another creature, the serpent uses its eyes to slow the prey, then its bite and tail whip to slay the prey. When attacking ships, the green slows the ship, then uses magnetic control and TK to unarm the crew. Next it activates kinetic absorption, roars at the ship nand


constricts it. The ship must be made of wodd and be between 4 and 8 meters in lenght for constriction to be successful. After the ship sinks, the serpent bites the whole crew to death before feeding. If it fails a moral check, the serpent generates fear and flees. They breed in the late summer at depths of 40-60 feet. They rarely come to the serface and will attack ships only if starving. death, or are cannibalized by the larger, stronger crabs. FLYING: 12/600/12 MS: 2d4 DX: 2d4 CN: 2d6 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d4

SHEEZU (Climber)
NUMBER: 1d6 FREQUENCY: Common MORALE: 2 HIT DICE: 1d6+6 (9) ARMOR : 9 SIZE: S (40cm) LAND SPEED : 24/1800/36 MS: 3d4 DX: 3d6 CN: 2d4 IN: 1d4+2 CH: 3d6 PS: 2d8

BASE STOCK: Bird HABITAT: Plains, Forest DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: Flock (see below) MUTATIONS: Race Mind (see below & New Mutations) DESCRIPTION: These 16-centimeter long maroon birds have black spikes all over them. They make a strange, almost electronic sound, and live in holes in the ground or rock. These birds always travel in flocks and attack together. This is because they have a racial mind, that is, they all think as one huge organism instead of as tens of small individual units. Due to their size, anyone tring to shoot or strike them must suffer -2 to their to-hit rolls. When attacking a target (ignoring all else around them) they attack as a 13-HD creature and doing 1d10 damage for every 10 birds in the flock (round up). Their spikes will puncture all armor up to AC 3 (if the character is wearing heavier armor but is not completely covered, they will attack the exposed areas causing half their normal damage). An attacked character cannot see through their swarm. His movement is reduced to one-quarter normal if more than 30 birds attack. They will usually attack if their nests are being threatened or loud noises threaten them.

SHEF (Giant Crabs)

NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 20d10 (100) ARMOR: 2 SIZE: H (6 meters long) LAND SPEED: 12/900/18 SWIMMING: 12/900/18 MS: 3d4+4 DX: 1d10+5 CN: 1d10+11 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d20+10

BASE STOCK: Gerbil HABITAT: Plains, Forest DIET : Carnivore ATTACKS : 1xBite (1d3+see below) + 4xClaws (1 ea.) MUTATIONS : Absorption- Acid DESCRIPTION: Sheezu are small eightlegged mammals with long, silky hair and adorable, almost human faces. Wild and domestic sheezu come in various hues. Their multiple legs and razor-sharp claws allow them amazing climbing abilities (as per Land Speed), even on almost sheer surfaces. Furthermore, they are some of Gamma Merigas fastest diggers and can completely bury themselves in 3 turns. If a sheezu feels threatened and bites, it immediately salivates its acidic digestive juices into the wound, causing an additional 1d4 points of damage. This always happens on the first bite, but thereafter occurs on alternating turns. The sheezu can keep biting every turn, but can secrete acid only every other turn. They can use four of their e ight claws during any turn unless a character or creature makes the mistake of picking them up or turning them on their back, whereupon they can use all eight claws and their bite. Sheezu make wonderful pets and will never use their claws or bite and acid unless they feel extremely threatened. A qualified animal trainer can teach a sheezu a maximum of three commands or tricks.

BASE STOCK: Alaskan King Crab HABITAT: Ocean shorelines DIET: Scavenger ATTACKS: 2xClaws (4d8) MUTATIONS: Size Change DESCRIPTION: This mutated crab grows to a huge size of six meters in length. Compared to its unmutated cousin, one of these crabs, if captured and cooked, could feed a family of six for two weeks (if they like crab meat that is). The crab is supported by six, 1.5 meter long legs. Its for claws are a good meter in length, and can cut through thin metal with ease. This variety of crab has retractable eye stalks. When fully extended, they reach 30 CM into the air. Its shell is a deep sea green in color. This mutant attacks by grabbing a target with its fore claws. After it has grabbed its target, it pulls it to its mouth to feed. A rather simple method, but for the crab, it works. The only way a victim can get free of the crabs claw is to destroy the claw. The claw has 20% of the creatures total HP. Giant Crabs are scavengers, eating anything they find on the shorelines of coastal waters. Due to the sheer size of the crab, only a few can find enough food in an area covering several kilom eters. More than 4 in an area covering 10 square kilometers will strip the area clear of all available food. The smaller, weaker members either starve to

SHODAY (Bird of the Moonlight)

NUMBER: 2d10 FREQ UENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 10d8 (40) ARMOR: 5 SIZE: M (2m wingspan) LAND SPEED: 4/600/12 FLYING: 24/1800/36 MS: 2d6+3 DX: 3d6 CN: 1d10+5 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4+1 PS: 1d10+3

SHEZUR (Spiked Flyer)

NUMBER: 10d10 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 3 HIT DICE: 1d6 (3) ARMOR: 5 SIZE: T (16cm long) LAND SPEED: 4/20/2 BASE STOCK: Crow HABITAT: Forest, Mountains DIET: Carnivore small animals/fish ATTACKS: 1xBeak(1d8) 2xTalon (1d6) MUTATIONS: Infravison; Regeneration; Empathy; Thought Imitation; Telepathy; Total Healing- Others (see New Mutations & below)


DESCRIPTION: Shoday are nocturnal birds that do not seek out confrontation, but are extremely curious. They will circle low over encampments and sometimes buzz them to get a better look at any characters there. If anyone attacks them, they will attack back (unless, in their opinion they are outclassed, and then will fly away). They love hot food of any kind, and can be persuaded to land and help characters by using this as a lure. If they are treated extremely well, and are certain, through empathy and/or telepathy, that no harm is intended for them, they may help the characters by using their unique mutation, Total Healing of Others (see New Mutations). Shoday nest in trees and tall rocks and soar to incredible heights when hunting, they usually hunt small mammals or fish. They have incredible sight, are completely black, and have a wingspan of 2 meters. They can be trained as a mount provided a) the trainer has Animal Training proficiency b) the bird is captured when a chick and worked with constantly, and c) suitable experience is expended in the effort (GMs decision). viewpoint reinforced by their great strength and slow movements. In actuality, shog are quite intelligent, and possess a great deal of knowledge about the abilities and characteristics of the various mutated animals living in their environment. They frequently possess Tech IV artifacts. Shog are not very precise with ranged weapons, preferring to close with enemies and attack with melee weapons or their fists. While slow on their feet, once one has a grip on an opponent, it is very hard to break free (Tough PS check). A favored tactic is to grab an opponent and swing him into another (1d6 for both opponents, separate attack rolls), which can be performed with opponents of up to 130 kg mass. If another opponent is not available, walls, trees, etc. are often battered instead. Usually found living in small villages, shog are also known to occasionally live with grens. When shog and grens live together, the shog follow the customs of grens with regards to use of armor and ancient technology. Shog are also frequently hired as servants or laborers, especially by those with secrets to keep! that they use their Empathy powers to detect the approach of other beings and can only be surprised on a roll of 1. If they feel sufficiently threatened by the approaching creature, they will use any number of protective mutations (Beguiling, Physical Reflection, Stunning Force, Teleport Objects, or Weather Manipulation) to ward off the intruder. These mutants are quite acrobatic (Heightened Balance) and live most of their lives in the branches of trees. Skwil are mildly intelligent and can speak in short simple phrases when using Trade language. They love collecting shiny items and stealing things from other creatures (Teleport Objects). These mutated squirrels are able to use small weapons and items of the Ancients with their front paws. Their main source of food are berries, nuts, and fruit found in the fertile wilderness. Skwil often, because of immediate dangers or because of incredible laziness, teleport food from neighboring trees or bushes into their paws. Although these mutants are very sensitive to pain (Doubled Pain [D]) they overcome this debilitating defect by employing their powerful mutation, Total Healing.

NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 15d8 (60) ARMOR: 9 SIZE: M(2 m) LAND SPEED: 8/900/18 MS: 3d4+4 DX: 1d10+11 CN: 1d10+11 IN: 3d6 CH: 1d6+2 PS: 1d10+15 LAND SPEED: 12/900/18 FLYING: 4/600/18 MS: 2d8+2 DX: 2d4+10 CN: 1d8+4 IN: 2d4 CH: 2d6+1 PS: 3d4+3 LAND SPEED : 16/900/18 MS: 2d6 DX: 2d6 CN: 3d6 IN: 2d6 CH: 2d4 PS: 3d6

NUMBER: 1d6+1 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 1d4+2 HIT DICE: 6d6 (18) ARMOR: 7 SIZE: S (1m)

SMOVBAI (Iron Beast)

NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 4 HIT DICE: 13d6 (39) ARMOR : 3 SIZE: M (1m at the shoulder)

BASE STOCK: Human HABITAT: Temperate/subarctic forests DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS: 1xFist (1d8) or 1xWeapon (+5 damage) MUTATIONS: Heightened Physical Strength; Immunity mental attacks; Body change baldness; Partial Carapace; Diminished hearing [D] DESCRIPTION: Shog are a race of humanoids generally considered quite ugly by human standards . Shog have great difficulty in distinguishing between the sounds of the English language, communicating among themselves using a complex sign language. Their inability to learn spoken languages quickly often results in their being considered stupid, a

BASE STOCK: Squirrel HABITAT: Forests and woodlands DIET: Herbivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (2d4) MUTATIONS: Beguiling; Doubled Pain [D]; Empathy; Heightened Balance; Physical Reflection; Stunning Force; Teleport Objects; Total Healing; Weather Manipulation DESCRIPTION: Skwil are dog-sized mutant squirrels that inhabit most of Gamma Merigas wilderness. This shy creature is easily recognized by its curly light brown, gray, and black spotted fur, and its large zebra striped prehensile tail. These mutated squirrels are so shy

BASE STOCK: Reptile HABITAT: Swamps, Freshwater wetlands DIET : Carnivore ATTACKS : See below MUTATIONS : Diminished Smell [D]; Directional Sense; Absorption- Radiation DESCRIPTION: The smovbai is a short, six-legged reptile with a brown plated body and a mottled grey head. It resembles a small triceratops without horns. It has a plate/crest around its head that can flare out, when the smovbai wishes it, and allow the rider to sit on the neck. Once in this position the rider is considered to be better protected from all attacks that come from and direction but


straight behind (-2 AC). Because of the smovbais short size, no character over 2,3 meters tall (human sized) can ride a smovbai. The smovbai defends itself by butting against a target within reach, doing 1d10 damage, or charging any target outside of its immediate reach, but within charge range for that turn. If the charge is successful, the smovbai tramples its target , causing 4d10 of damage. An animal trainer can teach it to attack on command in this way. When being trampled, the target must roll its DX or find itself caught underneth the moving smovbai, which has a +2 to-hit for continuing its trample next turn. These iron beasts are usually found in swamps and marshy areas, around rivers and lakes, and other wetlands. They are excellent swimmers. sometimes be mistaken for islands or sandbars, and should be avoided if at all possible, because it takes very little to whip a Snag up into a berserk frenzy. An angry Snag never checks for Morale. The other variety of Snag is the Softshell, or Domestic Snag. While capable of growing much larger than their wild cousins (up to 35 feet in diameter) these creatures carapace is more of a flattened, leathery pad. Entire communities of swamp nomads make their living herding the huge reptiles, raising them for their meat and eggs, and even building their dwellings on their broad backs. The Softshell Snag's carapace is ideal for making fine leather armor. These creatures are herbivores, and the growth of extra heads is actively discoraged by their herders with the use of surgery and cauterization, so it's usually necessary for a Snag villiage to keep schools of Garfs around for the huge beasts' protection. If pressed, a Softshell Snag can bite for 4d10 points of damage. Occasionally a specimen will have 1d4-2 small extra heads growing if it's keepers haven't been paying attention, but at most they'll only do 2d10 damage per bite. and cosmetics. Its mutated descendant is hunted by humans and himanoids for the very same reasons, and also for the shells, which are often used to make shields or occasionally pieces of armor. Physically the soopturt looks much the same as its ancestor, having a broad, oval shaped carapace and being olive to dark brown in color, with white edging on the flippers, often in a mottled or radiating pattern. Soopturts do not enjoy combat. They typically prefer to use their Cryokinesis to discourage predators. If this fails and they cannot get away, they will use their bite as a last resort. If they feel they can drive off the offending creatures, they will. When faced by surface creatures that they do not believe they can defeat, they will submerge and make their escape that way. If they see boats approaching (which they know to be a sign of fishermen & turtle hunters) they will submerge & try to put as much distance between them and the boats as possible. As hatchlings, soopturts spend a year at sea, floating on large mats of seaweed, feeding off of small invertebrates and plants. After this year, they return to shallow waters to graze on aquatic plants until maturing. After reaching adulthood at the age of 20 to 30 years, they return to the beaches where they hatched, sometimes travelling 3,000 kilometers or more. There the females lay their eggs. At night they will crawl onto the beach, dig a nest hole, and lay up to 100 spherical, golf ball sized eggs, which will hatch in about 2 months, if not disturbed.

NUMBER: 1 (2-12) FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 10 HIT DICE: 18d10/25d10 (90/125) ARMOR: 2/4 SIZE: G (5-25m) LAND SPEED: 2/150/3 SWIMMING: 6/900/18 MS: 2d6+3 DX: 3d6 CN: 3d6+3 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d20+20

NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 10d6 (30) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: 70 to 150 centimeters long Land Speed: 4/300/6 Water Speed: 8/600/12 MS: 1d12+4 DX: 1d6 CN: 1d8+10 IN: 1d4+4 CH: 1d6 PS: 1d8+10

BASE STOCK: Snapping Turtle HABITAT: Swamps and Rivers DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (1d10) MUTATIONS: Taller; Multiple Body Parts - Head & Eyes; Full Carapace. DESCRIPTION: When you hit a Snag in the river, you know you've really got problems. Actually there are two varieties of this giant mutant turtle species. Hardshell or Wild Snags can get anywhere up to 20 feet long, and are as mindlessly aggressive as they come, with only a single tiny brain to share among all those gnashing heads that sprout from under their rock like carapace. In addition to the brainless secondary heads, Snags have a tendency to grow eyes in random places, making them very hard to sneak up on.The main head can bite for 5d10 damage, with each secondary head biting for 1d4 d10 damage, depending on how big it's grown. Hardshell Snags are carnivorous, and feed on fish and other living creatures in the water. They can

NUMBER: 1d20 (10-100) {*1d8 (2d20)} FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 8~10 HIT DICE: 6d6 {*13d8} ARMOR: 2 (3*) SIZE: 10-25cm (*1.5-3m) LAND SPEED: 6/500/15 LAND SPEED*: 12/900/20 MS: IN: 1d10+13 {1d10+8*} DX: 1d12+14 CH: 1d10+8 {*1d10+11} CN: 1d10+8 PS: 1d10+8 {*1d12+11} {*1d12+12} BASE STOCK: Human/Spider HABITAT: Forest DIET: Carnivore 1d10+12

ORIGINAL STOCK: Green turtle HABITAT: Shallow waters with abundant aquatic plants, and open seas during migrations DIET: Herbivore ATTACKS: 1 Bite (1d6) MUTATIONS: Cryokinesis; Directional Sense; Kinetic Absorption; Regeneration; Total Carapace DESCRIPTION: The Green Turtle was declared an endangered species in the late 20th century. Before that it was hunted extensively for the variety of products that could be gained - meat, flipper leather, and oils for use in cooking


ATTACKS: 1xBite (1d4 + poison Int 1618) *1xBite (1d8 + poison Int 12-18) Weapon (by weapon type) MUTATIONS: Shorter; New Body Parts; Modified Body Parts; Heightened Intelligence; Heightened Strength; Regeneration; Ultravision; Skeletal Enhancement; Genius CapabilityMechanical; Heightened Brain Talent; Duality; Mental Blast; Force Field Generation * MUTATIONS: Taller; New Body Parts; Modified Body Parts; Heightened Intelligence; Heightened Strength; Regeneration; Ultravision; Skeletal Enhancement; Genius CapabilityMechanical; Duality; Total Carapace * Denotes stats for Spider Lil with the Taller Mutation DESCRIPTION: Spider Lils have a humanoid body. They have four spiderlike arms attached to their back. Each arm ends in a three fingered hand that has spinnerets in the "palm." These arms and hands are very dexterous and are able to wield tools and weapons as well as their humanoid arms. Each humanoid arm has two fingers and a thumb. Their legs have an extra joint in them and they end in two claws. The spider Lils have eight eyes, the arrangement of the eyes depends upon the tribe. The spider Lils' coloration covers the spectrum, and they have varied markings. The bones and muscles of the spider lil are very dense. The spider lils employ a wide variety of weapons around their home. There will be several traps on the outskirts. Also, there will be a variety ballista weapons. The first type of ballista weapon is a crossbow jury rigged for the spider lil to be able to fire. The bolts of this weapon will be covered in some type of local poison. The second type of ballista is a handgun secured to a wooden frame which allows the spider lil to move and fire the gun. The third type of ballista involves DNA locks. The spider lils take a freshly severed hum an or android hand and jury rigs it with the weapon to be able to fire. In hand to hand combat, the spider lils poison their hand-held weapons with their own poison. Also, they will make "web bombs" that contain a powdered version of their poison. The spider lils can leap 3 meters upward and back-ward; and 5 meters forward. Those affected by the taller mutation can leap 6 meters upward and backward; and 10 meters forward. Spider Lils also use allies in their defense and combat situations. In the Great Kudzu Jungle, the lurker is used troop carrier, tank, and general support. Also, the lorida orp is used as the lurker is and used as shock troops when required. Other tribes use whatever creature they can find that will work with them. It is rumored that tribes in urban ruins have modified ancient vehicles --yes beware the heavily armed and armored GO-CART of DEATH. The spider lils prefer to set their villages up in out of the way places. They maintain a work and play hard ethic. Everyone has an important job to do, regardless of what the job is. The center of a spider lil village is the library. This is where most of the techs live, work, and die. The techs are responsible for all mechanical and technological goings on in the village. The techs do not believe in the impossible. Lately, they have been working on how to use cybernetics for their race. Every 18 months, spider lil villages from around Mergia will travel to a secret location for a species "equinox." They trade many things here; animals, gadgets, gems, ideas, and DNA. The spider lil mate throughout the whole year, but the "equinox" celebration gives them the chance to share their bloodlines. Every thirteenth generation there several spider lil are born who are affected by the taller mutation. While they are very welcomed in their tribe, they realize they are very different. The "equinox" celebration offers them a chance to meet others of their size. or Spines; Total Carapace; New Body Parts (poisonous spines, Int 12) DESCRIPTION: This mutated descendant of the West Indies Spiny Lobster is approximately 50% larger that its ancestor. It always leaves its Chameleon Power mutation "switched on", and therefore often goes unnoticed by any passers by. Its carapace has rows of strong spines, which it uses to capture prey, and as a defense. The spiny craw will sit paitently in its chosen location, waiting for fish to pass near by. when prey comes too near to the spiny craw, it will grab the prey with it's pincers and attempt to force it onto the spines protruding from its carapace. The spines secrete a paralytic poison. When the prey is immobilized, it can begin feasting. The poison from a spiny craw's spines is not water soluble, but alcohol will neutralize it, but once injected into a living creature, the amount of alcohol needed to neutralize the poison would be far more dangerous to the victim than the poison itself. Spiny craws are often found in small groups. Rarely (10% chance) a larger group will be found, numbering up to 6d6.If one captures a perticularly large fish, the others nearby will typically wait for the capturing 'craw' to finish eating, then sweep in for the leftovers. The spiny craw is an important source of protien in the coastal regions near where they are found. A few skilled craftsmen in the coastal regions where spiny craws reside have been able to fashion a sort of scale mail out of the pieces of carapace. This carapace armor provides an Armor Class of 4 if a full suit is made.

NUMBER: 1d6 FREQUENCY: Common MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 8d6 (24) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: 1 meter long LAND SPEED: 6/450/9 MS: 3d4 DX: 2d6 CN: 3d4+4 IN : 2d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 2d6+3

NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 6 HIT DICE: 7d6 (21) ARMOR: 7 SIZE: 50 to 60 cm long, 140 to 180 cm wingspan LAND SPEED: 3/225/4.5 AIR SPEED: 36/2700/54 MS: 1d4+1 DX: 1d4+15 CN: 3d4 IN: 1d4+1 CH: 3d4 PS: 3d4

ORIGINAL STOCK: West Indies Spiny Lobster HABITAT: Among rocks, reefs, sponges, and other growth DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS: 2 claws (1d6 each), Spines (see mutation description) MUTATIONS: Chameleon Powers; Quills

ORIGINAL STOCK: Osprey HABITAT: Lakes, rivers, and seacoasts DIET: Fish


ATTACKS: 2 claws (1d6 each) MUTATIONS: Doubled Pain (D); Force Field Generation; Speed Increase DESCRIPTION: The use of certain pesticides in the 1950s and 1960s threatened the osprey population, but the disuse of these chemicals allowed ospreys to make a comeback by the early 21st century and they returned to areas in which they had disappeared. Ospreys survived long enough to witness the Apocalypse of 2322 and their decendents, like many other animals, mutated. The sprey looks almost identical to its pre-holocaust ancestor, having brown feathers except on the underbelly, where it has white feathers. The head is also white, with a dark band running along the side of the face. Spreys hunt for fish by flying and hovering over the water, watching the surface below. When it locates prey, it dives steeply, its talons outstretched (gaining an additional +5 to its attack rolls), and splashes into the water. It quickly resurfaces, and if it successfully captures its prey, it flies off, adjusting the fish in its claws so the head is pointed forward. An adult sprey is typically solitary, associating with other spreys primarily for mating. The female lays 2 to 4 white, pink, or buff colored eggs, in a bulky mass of sticks and debris in trees, on tall poles, on rocks, or even on the ground (if it can conceal the nest). Younger sprey may, upon being ejected from the nest, remain together for some time, until they feel ready to strike out on their own. DESCRIPTION: The sredaan is a mammalian quadruped, barrel-chested, with a bright red mane covering much of its entire body. It is within this mane that the rider travels. It has a thick, one-meter long tail, a long cone-like skull ending in a rather sharp horn, and extremely sadlooking brown eyes. It is an insectivore, and uses its long purple tongue to snatch up insects as it travels, and thus, does not need to rest often. These extremely hardy mounts are quite peaceful, but can be taught to bite and attack with their horn upon command. If they successfully charge a target, the horns damage is doubled. They have an extyremely good sense of smell and can follow scents. Characters who own a sredaan for a long period of time, and treat it well find that it becomes extremely devoted to them. There have been many recorded cases where a sredaan burrowed under its fallen master, worked him onto its back, and returned back to a campsite or settlement with him. Sredaan prefer plains and wetlands. war stagons also have a better morale (10). When carrying a rider, they have a reduced speed of 20.

STICKY (Swamp Sucker)

NUMBER: 1d8+1 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 9 HIT DICE: 20d8 (80) ARM OR: 8 SIZE: L (2.5m) LAND SPEED: 10/500/20 MS: 2d4+2 DX: 1d10+11 CN: 1d10+11 IN: 2d6+3 CH: 1d6 PS: 1d10+15

BASE STOCK: Human HABITAT: Swamps DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xLife drain (1d6) MUTATIONS: Life drain (see below) DESCRIPTION: Stickies are your basic big, ugly, smelly, and slimy creatures. They are slightly larger than a man. Their head is oversized, and they have basically no neck. Their eyes bulge from the sockets, their noses are large and flat, and their mouths stretch practically from one ear to the other. Their skin is very thick (equivalent to leather armor), and translucent. Internally, most of their organs are redundant (4 lungs, 4 kidneys, 2 livers, 3 hearts, etc.). As a result, their Health and Constitution scores are quite high. They move somewhat slowly, and are quite stupid. Stickies will hide in small groups in swampy areas. They can sit motionless for hours. When a creature wanders near, the closest sticky will attack and the others will soon join. Stickies attack by grabbing onto the creature and using their special life draining powers. Their hands are somewhat sticky (hence the name), and their grips are incredible (treat as a Physical Strength of 21). Once attached to his victim, a sticky can drain 1d6 Hit Points per round (which gets added to their own Hit Points). The sticky will continue to drain the victim until he has died or the hold is broken. Stickies rely on their toughness and numbers to endure whatever damage their target inflicts. Stickies are also just smart enough to know to avoid their target's weapons. When they attack, they attempt to wrestle their opponent into a defenseless position. As a result, if a sticky

STAGON (Riding Deer)

NUMBER: 2d6 FREQUENCY: Common MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 11d6 (33) ARMOR : 6 SIZE: L (3m long) LAND SPEED : 24/1800/36 MS: 2d8+1 DX: 3d6 CN: 3d6 IN: 1d4+1 CH: 1d4+1 PS: 3d4+2

SREDAAN (Dependable One)

NUMBER: 1d10 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 5 HIT DICE: 13d8 (52) ARMOR: 7 SIZE: M (1m at the shoulder) LAND SPEED: 16/1500/32 MS: 1d6+3 DX: 3d6 CN: 3d6 IN: 2d4+3 CH: 1d6 PS: 4d6

BASE STOCK: Whitetail Deer HABITAT: Plains & Woodlands DIET : Herbivore ATTACKS : 2xHorns (2d6) or 2xHooves (1d4) MUTATIONS : Size Increase; Immunity from Disease/Poison DESCRIPTION: The stagon is a mutated whitetail deer with six legs. It is a little larger and stronger than its ancestors, making it ideal for riding and use as a draft beast. Other animals are sometimes used as beasts of burden, such as the rakoxen, podog, and centisteed, but stagons are by far the most common. Domesticated male stagon usually have their horns sawn off or capped for safety. Stagons will only attack with their hooves when desperate. However, a stagon trained to fight can butt with its horns for 2d6 points of damage. Such

BASE STOCK: Dog HABITAT: Plains, Wetlands DIET: Insectivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (1d12) + 1xHorn (2d4+1) MUTATIONS: Bodily Control - smell; Mane; Empathy (with rider)


successfully captures a creature in his hold, that creature receives a -2 penalty to his attack rolls (this effect is cumulative). Stickies live in communities of 20-50 individuals. They basically pile branches over a large area, then throw grasses and mud all over the top. Once that is done, they make tunnels into the resulting mess and clear out "rooms." The males form hunting parties, and may be gone for days. The females remain in the dens to raise the young. This consists of stuffing food into their mouths until they are old enough to give birth or hunt. If the den is threatened, all adult stickies will attack. The females have the same abilities as the males, but can only drain life at 1d4 Hit Points per round. Their PS is 18 and they have 15 (52) Hit Dice. web is suffciently thick enough to slow the movement of anyone in the affected area to half speed, except for the sucslith itself, which has no difficulty moving through its own or another susliths web. The web has a PS equal to the sucsliths -2. Oftentimes this intelligent snake will lay down its thick web underneath rotting floorboards or during a leaf fall, knowing it will be camouflaged. It will then perch at a vantage point above the webbed area and wait for a good sized victim to come along. Once the creature is slowed down by the ground web, the sucslith will cover it with another web, thus preventing its prey from seeing or using its appendages for combat. Then, the sucslith drops down on the hapless victim and enters the web, biting until the creature is dead. Unfortunately, sucsliths can be found anywhere, though they tend to avoid deserts and deathlands. the creature's total length. A tanglepus has more tentacles than its ancestor. They typically have 10 to 16 tentacles (roll 1d4+4, and multiply by two to determine the number of tentacles a given tanglepus has), but always an even number, unless tentacles have been severed from some previous combat and it hasn't had time to regenerate them (This takes 1d6+6 weeks, and all tentacles severed will be regrown by that time). There have been rumors of tanglepusses being sighted with 20 or more tentacles, but these have not been positively confirmed. A tanglepus will happily attack a swimmer or small boat in order to get a chance to indulge in its favorite pastime: torturing, and eventually eating, sentient creatures. If none of the preferred prey is available, it will eat nonsentient animals, or seaweed to keep itself alive. It can wrap one tentacle around a creature for each meter (or fraction thereof) of the prey's height or length. If a creature is struck by a tentacle, roll 1d4-2 to determine how many limbs are entangled. If two limbs are entangled, they will be the same type of limb (arms or legs, or whatever) in the same approximate region of the prey creature's body. If no limbs, or only the creature's legs, are entangled, then the body of the creature is held, and the trapped creature suffers a -1 penalty to attack rolls. If one arm is trapped (or two arms on a creature with more than two arms), the creature suffers a -3 penalty to attack rolls. In any case, a creature held by one or more tentacles suffers a -4 penalty to AC and loses any applicable bonuses due to high Dexterity. Furthermore, if a creature is held by a tentacle, the tanglepus will constrict the creature for 2d4 points of damage on each subsequent round (no attack roll required). The only way to break free of a tentacle is to sever it from the tanglepus. Each tentacle has 18 hit points (recorded seperately from the main body HP). If a tanglepus loses 25% or more of its tentacles in a combat, it is 90% likely to eject a 20 meter cloud of ink that obscures all vision and attempt to escape to its lair or some other suitable hiding place. If it does not attempt to flee after losing the requisite 25% of it tentacles, check again each time another tentacle is severed. Tanglepusses generally prefer a solitary existence, but will work together to bring down larger creatures or boats. This is most common in the spring, when their mating season occurs. Tanglepus

SUCSLITH (Sucker Snake)

NUMBER: 1d4+1 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 4 HIT DICE: 6d6 (18) ARMOR : 7 SIZE: M (2m long) LAND SPEED : 12/900/18 MS: 1d6 DX: 2d6 CN: 2d4 IN: 1d6 CH: 1d2 PS: 2d10+5

NUMBER: 1d3 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 18d6 (54) ARMOR: 7 SIZE: 3 to 4 meters long WATER SPEED: 12/900/18 MS: 2d4+8 DX: 3d6 CN: 1d6+15 IN : 1d4+8 CH: 1d6 PS: 1d6+14

BASE STOCK: Snake HABITAT: Anywhere except deserts DIET : Carnivore ATTACKS : 1xBite (1d8) MUTATIONS : Chameleon Powers (see below) DESCRIPTION: The entire body of a sucslith, usually 2m long, is covered with sucker like discs and barbed tendrils. The snakes ability to crawl anywhere is amazing (equal to its land speed on any surface but liquid, which reduces its speed by half). It prefers to climb up to a vantage point, usually about 3m above the surface and stay there indefinately until prey comes along. It is a chameleon and can match its surrounding coloration in 5 turns. The sucslith is able to fast for weeks, and can recycle its body fluids, negating the necessity of moving to find moisture. When attacking, the sucslith normally uses its web first. This web can work in one of two ways. Either it can be used to catch a small target (range 6m) or it can clog up a 3m area. This second type of

ORIGINAL STOCK: Common Atlantic Octopus HABITAT: Among rocks and coral reefs near shore; near low tide line and below in shallow water DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: ?xTentacles (1d6 each, plus constriction) + 1x Bite (2d6) MUTATIONS: Chameleon Power; Mental Blast; Multiple Body Parts - tentacles; see below); Regeneration DESCRIPTION: This descendant of the Common Atlantic Octopus is a reddish brown color in its natural state, but typically uses its Chameleon Power mutation to blend in with its surroundings. The tanglepus is only slightly larger than its unmutated ancestor, but is considerably more intelligent, and far more vicious. This evil-minded creature will use its Empathy on prey to feel its fear. as it delights in the suffering of its prey. The head of a tanglepus is roughly spherical, and amounts to one-sixth of


lairs are typically sea caves or the remains of sunken ships. Any treasure found in these lairs is incidental, as the tanglepus is unconcerned with wealth. Tanglepus hide is leathery, tough, and waterproof. Someone with knowledge of leatherworking can make jackets, raincoats, ponchos, or even armor from tanglepus hide. The ink from these creatures is another product that can have value among those who would be brave enough to hunt these creatures. CN: 2d8+2 PS: 2d4+1 rear (bulldog-shaped). Toothers have beaver-like heads with small closely set eyes (Vision Defect Tunnelvision) and large traplike jaws. These creatures have developed extremely large sabre-toothed front teeth (Oversized Body Parts) measuring 30cm in length and causing 2d6+10 points of damage. This fearsome attack is coupled with woodcutting abilities. These mutants live most of their lives in freshwater wetlands building dams and complex living quarters. The tunnels in their dams are built only wide enough for their bodies to move through. This is done to prevent attacks from the larger enemies in their area. Toothers hate technology and the devices of the Ancients, responding amicably only to those creatures that possess and display natural abilities and live within nature. These mutants pride themselves on being able to withstand pain (Mental Control of Physical Body) and use the powers of other creatures against themselves (Thought Imitation). Every Toother must remain close to the water throughout its lifetime, because without water (Water Dependency) the oils in its skin would dry up and the mutant would eventually die. Because of its Vision Defect and the need to remain close to water, the Toother is a vulnerable target for predators, but its Teleportation ability allows freedom of movement without the potential dangers of moving through wild lands. Toothers memorize the dam complexes of other Toothers and when they need to travel from one complex to another they simply teleport themselves. Toothers will generally avoid contact with other beings unless those beings demonstrate friendliness and great natural abilities.

BASE STOCK: Gecko HABITAT: Forests, Plains DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 4xClaw (1d4) + 1xBite (1d4+1) MUTATIONS: Heightened Constitution; New Body Parts - 2 extra legs + teeth DESCRIPTION: These small tough sixlegged reptiles are just over 1 meter long were once just garden lizards that grew larger and also grew two additional legs resulting in increased speed and in the ability to rise up on their haunches and make up to 4 claw attacks (1d4 damage) plus a bite for 2 -5 pts of damage per melee round. If more than 2 claw attacks are successful, the T'Larryn will grasped their victim and will automatically hit with a bite attack in the subsequent melee round. T'larryn live in nomadic breeding broods that travel whenever they exhaust the food supply in a given area. They prefer a swarm attack technique and are prolific breeders. A typical T'larryn community can double in size every six weeks for as long as the food supply holds up.

NUMBER: 1d10 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 2d4 HIT DICE: 2d6+3 (9) ARMOR: 5 SIZE: S (30cm long) SWIMMING: 16/900/24 MS: 2d6+1 DX: 3d6+4 CN: 1d10+5 IN: 2d6+1 CH: 1d4 PS: 2d6+4

BASE STOCK: Fish- Red Breasted Piranha HABITAT: Flowing streams, lakes or large ponds DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 3xBite (1d6) MUTATIONS: Heightened Intelligence; Increased Speed; Telekinesis; Mass Mind; Heightened Dexterity DESCRIPTION: Compressed, discshaped body. Lower jaw somewhat projected, showing 2 rows of ominous looking incisors. Eyes glow a dull red color. They lurk in the more shadowy areas of the water where they cannot be readily detected until it is too late. They like to use their telekinesis to pull prey into the water where they proceed to strip flesh from bone at a heart-pounding rate of speed. They are fearless and when organized by a central "leader" can make very deadly military groups.

TOOTHER (Bucker)
NUMBER: 1d4+2 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 5 HIT DICE: 4d8 (16) ARMOR: 8 SIZE: M (1,5m at the shoulder) LAND SPEED: 8/900/18 SWIMMING: 4/600/12 MS: 3d6+2 DX: 2d6+2 CN: 1d6+12 IN: 1d10+11 CH: 2d8+4 PS: 4d6

TSORSUT (Giant Bat)

NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 4 HIT DICE: 15d6 (45) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: H (5m wingspan) LAND SPEED: 16/900/24 FLYING: 32/1800/36 MS: 2d4+1 DX: 3d4 CN: 2d4+3 IN: 1d4+1 CH: 1d3 PS: 2d10+5

NUMBER: 3d12 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 7 HIT DICE: 3d8 (12) ARMOR: 6 SIZE: M (1m) LAND SPEED: 15/900/24 MS: 3d6 DX: 2d6+1 IN: 1d4+1 CH: 1d3

BASE STOCK: Otter HABITAT: Wetlands DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (2d6+10) MUTATIONS: Mental Control of Body; Oversized Body Parts; Teleportation; Thought Imitation; Vision Defect [D], Water Dependency [D] DESCRIPTION: These mutant descendents of the beaver and otter have oily gray or dark brown skin. The creatures stand 1 meter tall at the shoulders and are considerably larger than their ancestors. They have longer front legs than rear ones, and their bodies are broader in front, thinner in the

BASE STOCK: Fox Bat HABITAT: Forest, Mountains, Underground DIET: Carnivore


ATTACKS: Snatch + 1xBite (2d6) MUTATIONS: Sonar/Radar; Sonic Blast (see below); Physical Reflection - Sonics DESCRIPTION: The tsorsut is a huge creature that is obviously a descendent of the foxbat. It hunts both night and day. It is smart enough to normally stay away from people but will sometimes run into them at night, when it looks for its favorite food, the blaasut. It is at this time that most attacks on people take place; for if a tsorsut cannot catch a blaasut easily it will snatch anything else edible that is handy, including people. The actual ToHit roll is to see if the tsorsut successfully grabs its target. Once grabbed the bite is automatic, and that is what causes damage. For purposes of trying to break its grip, the tsorsuts claws add +2 to its normal PS. Once it snatches a target, it flies away to a high roosting place to feast. The sonic blast is usually used on blaasut, and completely blows out their sensory system for 5 turns. The sonic blast can also be used against people and causes 5d6 damage. Its range is 30 meters, double that of normal sonic blasts, and its area of effect is 7 meters around the target. Once used, the tsorsut must wait 5 turns before using the sonic blast again. Tsorsut will always counter-attack when attacked and will continue to do so until certain any attacker(s) are cowed. Tsorsut usually nest in ravines, canyons, and large caves or trees. They are the favored prey of budaan. gence, for they are known o t cleverly attack only helpless or unsuspecting humans. These creatures have stubby teeth in their gaping mouths which enable them to bite for one die (d6) of damage. Their real weapons, however, are the three pairs of tentacle-like feelers which sprout from either side of their jaw. The longest pair (40 to 80cm) is coated with an acidic mucous which causes one die (d6) of damage when a feeler wounds an opponent. The other two pairs of tentacle-like appendages are semi-manipulative, and, in conjunction with strong pectoral fins and the creatures tail, can be used for locomotion, including climbing into vessels with low gunwales. Weirbuled have been known to capture small boats by climbing or jumping within, followed by the slaying and eating of the occupants. It is reported that truly giant weirbuleds of three or more meters length hove been seen, and such creatures would undoubtedly have more virulent acids. These reports have not been confirmed, although claims of sighting these large creatures persist.

DESCRIPTION: Perhaps the most hideous of all of the Gamma World creatures, the Vath are twisted mutant descendents of the vampire bat. They are much deadlier than their ancestors and a meter in size. The most striking feature this mutant possesses is its two heads (Multiple Body Parts). Each of the Vaths heads is connected to its body by a long, thin, muscular neck, 15cm in length. Both heads and faces are similarly shaped (just like a vampire bats face) but one head is colored bright crimson and the other a ruddy brown. The bright red face has poisoned fangs (inflicting 2d6 damage and causing 2d4+5 intensity poison damage) while the other has hollowed fangs for sucking blood (2d8 points of damage). This bat continually seeks out the blood of other creatures in order to get its essential nourishment. The body and wings of the mutated bat are colored a golden brown speckled with black. Like other bats, Vath travel and maneuver through the use of sonar. When encountering opponents, these creatures prefer using their Beguiling. Only in desperate situations will the Vath use their Life Leech mutation. The hard rubbery skin of the Vath slows its air speed by 25% when the weather gets cold (Skin Structure Change). These creatures make their homes in caves and other dark places, although unlike their ancestors, they travel during the day as well as night.

NUMBER: 1-2 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 9 HIT DICE: 80d8 ARMOR: 7 SIZE: G(45 m) SWIMMING: 12/900/18 MS: 1d6+10 DX: 1d10+8 CN: 2d10+11 IN: 1d4+2 CH: 1d4 PS: 4d20+30

NUMBER: 1d8 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: HIT DICE: 5d10 ARMOR: 7 SIZE: L(1-2m) SWIMMING: 12/900/18 MS: 1d10+8 DX: 1d10+2 CN: 1d8+6 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d10+11

VATH (LeeGosi)
NUMBER: 1d8 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 1d4+5 HIT DICE: 7d6 (21) ARMOR: 5 SIZE: L (2-3m wingspan) FLYING: 16/1200/36 MS: 2d6+2 DX: 1d8+6 CN: 3d6 IN: 3d4 CH: 2d4 PS: 2d6+2

BASE STOCK: Sea snake HABITAT: Oceans DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS: 1x (10d4+10) MUTATIONS: Sonar; Heightened Sense smell; Silence field; Phasing; Telekinesis DESCRIPTION: The largest of the known serpents, the yellow belly looks like a gigantic tadpole which is grey execept its yellowish belly. It has a very wide mouth, 4 meters wide- 1/2 it head! The 'belly hunt by smell and sonar. When it finds prey, it tries to sneak up by using a silence field. It only attacks with a massive bite and swallows prey upto 5 meters long. When attacking a ship, it uses telekinesis to unarm the crew (sending the weapons into the

BASE STOCK: Vampire Bat HABITAT: Underground, Ruins, Mountains DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (2d8), 1xBite (2d8+level 2d4+5 poison) MUTATIONS: Beguiling, Life Leech, Multiple Body Parts, Radar/Sonar, Skin Structure Change

BASE STOCK: Trout HABITAT: Freshwater lakes & rivers DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 2xBite (1d6) & 2xFeelers (1d6) MUTATIONS: None DESCRIPTION: These one- to twometer long fish are a deep brown color with a dull yellow underbelly. Weirbuled seemingly have some form of intelli-


water), then bites through the hull. If it fails a moral check, it phases and swims straight down. The yellow belly is a ocean species of serpent and, once in a great while, is found swimming into fresh water looking for food. The greatest concentration is the kelp beds near tropical land. CN: 1d10+8 PS: 1d10+11 will use their sonic blast to weaken the target for the zayshins attacking from behind. If the battle seems to be going against them, they will flee, using their gas generation (causing paralysis for 1d20 minutes) and heightened speed mutations to aid in their escape. Wild zayshins hunt in packs, much like pre-apocalypse wolves or feral dogs. In these situations, the GM will need to determine which one is the Alpha. If the PCs are able to defeat the alpha, the rest will automatically check morale, fleeing if the check is failed. Domesticated zayshins view their master as their alpha.

BASE STOCK: German Shepherd HABITAT: Any non-arid/arctic DIET: Carnivore ATTACKS: 1xBite (1d8) MUTATIONS: Confusion; Gas Generation; Sonic Blast; Speed Increase; Total Healing DESCRIPTION: This mutated descendant of the German Shepherd (Alsatian) looks like an oversized version of its ancestor. Domesticated zayshins are often used as guard animals. In combat, zayshins will nearly always use their confusion mutation before any other actions. Zayshins prefer to surround an opponent, allowing the ones behind the opponent to attack from behind. The ones in front of an opponent

NUMBER: 2d6 FREQUENCY: Uncommon MORALE: 1d4+3 HIT DICE: 6d6 (18) ARMOR: 5 SIZE: M (120cm) LAND SPEED: 24/1800/36 MS: 1d10+2 DX: 3d6 IN: 1d4+4 CH: 1d12



Flick came closer, but still was unable to tell from even a few feet away what the white sticks were. It was not until he stood over them and saw them shining dully against the dark earth in the noonday sun that he realized with a sickening chill they were bones. The jungle behind the stocky Valeman burst apart with a thunderous thrashing of limbs and brush. Forth from its place of concealment emerged a grayish, multi-legged horror of monstrous size. A nightmare mutation of living flesh and machine, its crooked legs balanced a body formed half of metal plating, half of coarse-haired flesh. An insect-like head bobbed fitfully on a neck of metal. Tentacles tipped with stingers dipped slightly above two glowing eyes and savage jaws that snapped with hunger. Bred by the men of another time to serve the needs of its masters, it had survived the holocaust that had destroyed them, but in surviving and in preserving its centuries-old existence with bits of metal grafted to its decaying form, it had evolved into a misshapen freak -and worse, an eater of flesh. It was upon its hapless victim before anyone could move. - Terry Brooks, The Sword of Shannara

NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 18 HIT DICE: 26d8 (104) ARMOR: 0 SIZE: H (5+ meters) LAND SPEED: 4/400/8 MS: 2d6+6 DX: 2d4+2 CN: 1d10+20 IN: 1 CH: 1 PS: 1d10+20

HIT DICE: 12d6 (36) ARMOR: 9 SIZE: M (1-2m wingspan) LAND SPEED: 1/0/4 FLYING: 15/900/24 MS: 3d4 DX: 3d6+2 CN: 1d10+5 IN: 1d4+2 CH: 1d4 PS: 3d6

young Diablos, who will instantly take to the air.

KREA (Hateful One)

NUMBER: 1d2 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 2 HIT DICE: 17d8 (61) ARMOR : 4 SIZE: M (1.75m) LAND SPEED : 8 MS: 3d4 DX: 2d6 CN: 3d4 IN: 2d4 CH: 1d2 PS: 2d8

BASE STOCK: Slime mold HABITAT: any warm dry land DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS: 1x Engulf (4-40) MUTATIONS: Darkness Generation; Allergy -salt [D]; Material Transformation stone to mud; Force Field Generation DESCRIPTION: This is the land form of a mutated slime mold. It is light brown to red. It forms pseudopods for movement and attacks. It has no mind to attack. When suitable prey comes near the blob, it will form darkness (+2on AC) and attack. As it can not see it does not get a THAC modifier due to the darkness. If stone blocks its way to food, it will turn the stone to mud and flow over or through it. If it fails a moral check, it puts up a force field and runs. If the field fails, it will fight to the death. They reproduce, unlike a slime mold, by dividing into 4 parts.

BASE STOCK: Fungus HABITAT: Ruins, Deserts, Deathlands DIET: ATTACKS: 1xClaws (1d8) or Solar blast MUTATIONS: Wings; Special Attack Form - Solar DESCRIPTION: This bizarre batlike creature is actually a form of fungus, and is a cousin of the Obb (see BRB). It is viewed as bad luck, and a harbinger of death in most areas. The most striking feature of these beings is the large glass like lens that dominates most of their black central body. Diablos fly over the deep deserts and wastelands, riding the thermals and searching with their sharp eyespots for anything crossing those areas. They use their lens and the sun to attack their victims, doing 4d6 damage similar to an M.P.A.L. laser (Laser Pistol), in an effect similar to a magnifying glass focused on an ant. They can also slash for 1d8 with their sickle like claws. When a victim is dead the Diablo will land on the body and put down roots, usually draining all the blood overnight. The next morning they launch themselves skyward, since they are nearly immobile on the ground. Within a week spores planted on the body will sprout into 1d6

BASE STOCK: Unknown HABITAT: Forests, Underground DIET : Carnivore ATTACKS : 2xBite (2d6) MUTATIONS : Electrical Generation; Sonic Blast; Quick Teleportation (see below); Pyrokinesis DESCRIPTION: The krea looks like a nightmare. Inside its 1.75 meter high, deep red snail-like shell is a squat, ugly, lime-green, frog-like head. Four 4 meter long tentacles splay out from beneath it. Its great gaping mouth is lined with bony ridges as sharp as cleavers. It can perform no more than 2 attacks (on one attack and one teleport) per turn. Krea are incredibly destructive just for the sheer cruelty of it. In addition to their fearsome attacks, they can teleport every third round up to 30m away, as long as they can see the destination.


MIMIC (The Unseen)

NUMBER: 4-16 (1d4x4)


FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 15 HIT DICE: 15d8 (60) ARMOR: Variable SIZE: Large MOVE: 24/1800/36 MS: 1d10+11 DX: 3d6 CN: 1d10+11 IN: 1d10+11 CH: 2d6 PS: 1d10+11 consuming any plants or animals, just microbes found in the air. They resemble 1.5m tall crystalline cones that have millions of 10cm bristles underneath that provide locomotion. So smooth is the bristling action that it looks like the omnitar is floating on air and just brushing the ground. Omnitar have no attack forms in and of themselves. They are immune to nearly every attack form but fusion rifles or trek bombs. Any weapon causing physical damage merely bounces off them. If hit by any other type of energy weapon, they add one point to their Hit Point score for every two points of damage striking them. If struck with lasers or sonics, they will automatically return that round, treat as -1 to hit. If more that 750 points of damage are pumped into them, they will shatter causing fragmentation damage (5d10) to everything within a 10m radius. Omnitars are usually found on plains, gentle rolling hills, and forests. Screamers appear as emaciated and shrunken humanoids with yellowish-grey skin. They are usually clad in the rotting remains of what was once normal clothing. The heads of screamers are brutally hairless and their faces have disappeared, mutated and melted into a glistening, featureless mass of sicklycolored flesh. Only a formless, cavernous, toothless mouth is still discernible. From this mouth come the unnerving moans, shrieks, and howls that give the creature its name. Though unable to communicate verbally and seemingly not capable of rational thought as we understand it, screamers appear to have a highly developed, instinctive sense of balance and direction. Radiation causes screamers to emit a bluish-green glow, the brightness of which varies according to the level of screaming maintained by the creature. AII screamers are totally immune to laser, radiation. stun, poison, heat and cold-based attacks. They possess the abilities of directional sense and life leech, the Iatter with a ronge of 20 meters (mental strength 12). In addition, the touch of a screamer gives a sudden lase of intensity 13 radiation to its victim.

BASE STOCK: Unknown HABITAT: any (in the real sense of that term) DIET: Omnivore ATTACKS: See below MUTATIONS: Shapechange (see below); Shapechange into object (see below); Metamorphosis; Poison (limbs int 12 paralytic); Displacement DESCRIPTION: Who knows? No living being has seen one in its normal shape and lived. It is unusual in that it can shape change into objects 1 size category larger and 2 smaller and can hold that form indefinately. It also can change into objects just by viewing it for two rounds. The objects are mobile!! The GM gives the stats. It fights according to form. They tend to change over the course of combat. Note that it does have poison in all forms. There are 3 types of mimics, those who acts like brownies, those who act randomly, and those who "haunt" houses. They do dwell in cities and are legends like the hidden, who they may prey upon.

NUMBER: 1d6 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 8 HIT DICE: 9d8 (42) ARMOR: 9 SIZE: M (human-sized) LAND SPEED: 9/900/18 MS: 3d4 DX: 1d10+11 CN: 1d10+11 IN: 2d6+4 CH: 1d4+2 PS: 1d10+11

SREFROTH (Invisible Glider)

NUMBER: 1d4 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 4 HIT DICE: 5d8 (20) ARMOR : 2 SIZE: M (2-3m) LAND SPEED : 3/300/6 GLIDE SPEED: 21/0/0 MS: 2d4+2 DX: 2d6+5 CN: 1d10+11 IN: 1d4 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d4+1

OMNITAR (Mirrored One)

NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Rare MORALE: 3 HIT DICE: 9d6 (36) ARMOR : 4 SIZE: M (1,5m tall) LAND SPEED : 40/3000/60 MS: 2d8+2 DX: 2d4 CN: 3d6 IN: 3d6 CH: 1d3 PS: 2d4+2

BASE STOCK: Unknown HABITAT: Deathlands, Ruins DIET: Unknown ATTACKS: 1xtouch (Int 13 Radiation) MUTATIONS: Immunity -Lasers, Radiation, Stun, Poison, Heat & Cold; Life Leech; Directional sense DESCRIPTION: Very little is known about this strange and twisted species of mutated beings, They are thought to be sexless and so do not reproduce themselves biologically, propagating their kind by the destruction of other life-forms instead. The corpse of any human or humonoid creature killed by a screamer slowly metamorphs itself into a screamer the nightfall following the day of its death. The only way to prevent this is to completely destroy the body before the change is effected. From mere wounds inflicted by screamers, however, one recovers in a normal manner.

BASE STOCK: Amphibian?? HABITAT: Any DIET : Omnivore ATTACKS : See below MUTATIONS : See below DESCRIPTION: Srefroth are lifeofrms that resemble two to three meter transparent gelatinous planes. Their origins are unknown, but they are thought to be amphibians who learned how to glide. They are definitely not flyers. Srefroth can blend in anywhere, crawl up any surface, and attach themselves on anything, even ceilings, by secreting a warm, sticky fluid as they move. Thousands of transparent cilia on

BASE STOCK: Unknown HABITAT: Plains, Hills, Forests DIET : Armovore - microbes ATTACKS : See below MUTATIONS : See below DESCRIPTION: The omnitar are atmovores, that is, they exist withour


their bodies can feel body heat within a 15m radius, high heat can be felt at even greater distances. Srefroth feed on animals they detect and come into contact with by wrapping around them, somewhat like plastic food wrap, and secreting strong acid around the prey. This usually dissolves their victims in a very short time and the ooze that is left over is absorbed into the srefroth as straight protein. Their damage is considered to be 2d6+Int 4 poison/ corrosive. Damage from this special type of attack is per turn of envelopment. The outer protein (clothing, hide, armor, etc.) must be eaten away before the character takes damage, unless a large portion of their body is exposed. Use the following chart to determine the time required by the srefroth to consume different types of materials. Remember, any equipment the srefroth comes into contact with will also be affected. ACTION TURNS EXPOSED

HIT DICE: 8d8+8 (41) ARMOR: 4 SIZE: M (human-sized) LAND SPEED: 12 MS: 2d6+10 DX: 3d6 CN: 3d6 IN: 2d6+10 CH: 2d6 PS: 3d6

ghouls near a Restorationist fortress was wiped out by an army of troops using conventional weapons supplemented with Needlers filled with Antitoxins or Antivirals. It is doubtful that details of this weakness have been shared with those outside the Restorationist mutant-slayer ranks.

BASE STOCK: Unknown HABITAT: Deathlands, Ruins DIET : Brains!!! Intelligent, preferably PSH ATTACKS: 4xtentacles (1d4+4) or 1x weapon MUTATIONS: Partial Carapace; Telepathy; Mental Blast; Mental Multiplier; Improved Vision (IR); Immunity Radiation; No Immunity Medicine (see below) DESCRIPTION: The tentacled ghoul is not really a ghoul at all, but the name has been used for it because of its diet of human brains. This humanoid mutant has pallid, tough skin and a nasty fourtentacled maw much like an octopus. Despite their terrifying appearance, their tentacles do not actually suck out the brains as it is universally believed across Gamma Meriga. They certainly devour brains, but only after defeating opponents and cracking open the victims skull by conventional means. These fiends are highly intelligent and are masters of telepathy. They shun melee combat if at all possible and prefer to use their neural aresnal to dominate and enslave others. They will accumulate as many servants as possible to do their bidding. Some factions throughout the wasteland wonder if tentacled ghouls are actually the true masters behind the Serf Thought Masters. In truth, however, they are not allied with the Serfs. In fact, even they fear the inimical tentacled ghouls and shudder to think of the havoc the fiends could wreak if they multiplied in greater numbers. Restorationist scientists once captured a tentacled ghoul alive and studied it for weaknesses. The scientists did finally determine that they are extremely prone to adverse side effects from human medication. Consequently, the only other enclave of tentacled

WRAITH (He Who Walks in Shadows)

NUMBER: 1 FREQUENCY: Very Rare MORALE: 10 HIT DICE: 40d6 (120) ARMOR: 0 SIZE: M (human-sized) LAND SPEED : 24/1800/36 MS: 3d10 DX: 3d6 CN: 1d10+15 IN: 1d10+11 CH: 1d4 PS: 1d10+11

Cloth, Vegetation, Wood, Common plastic, most synthetics (AC10-8) Light Metals, Heavy Plastics (AC7-3) Hard metals/plastic alloys (AC 0-2)

2 3

BASE STOCK: Unknown HABITAT: any warm land DIET: PSH - Pituitary Glands ATTACKS: Attacks (2 claws - 3d10 each ) MUTATIONS: Heightened Senses (all), Heightened PS, DX, CN; Regeneration; Antinecrobiosis - lives to 750 years; Phobia [D] light; Tracking; Teleport DESCRIPTION: Unknown, all who have seen it who are not insane do not remember. All that is known is that it has 3 digits per foot and hand. If the Wraith howls, all within 20 meters must make a tough MS check or flee for 1d10 minutes. If it shows itself, all who see it must make a nearly impossible MS check or go insane for 220 minutes -treat as confusion, and the person develops a phobia. The phobia is related to the environment where the Wraith was encountered (most likely darkness). The Wraith hunts PSH for certain chemicals found in pituitary gland. It is deathly afraid of light greater than a torch or flashlight, and will flee until in darkness once again. It attacks with its claws. If it strikes, and still is visible, the blood (or sap) will allow attackers to see the Wraith (-6 to THAC though).

Ceramics, glass, duralloy and certain other materials are not affected. Srefroth can only be hurt by poison, sonics, super-strong acids (Int 17+), fire, or drowning. Once they have climbed to a height of at least 3m they can launch themselves into a silent glide. The distance of the glide cannot exceed the height of their climb. On the ground srefroth are 95% undetectable by sight, when gliding this drops to 75%. They cannot sense body heat through bamutan hides and those characters protected by such can pass by srefroth undetected. Ruins, caves, deep woods, buildings, and canyons are their favorite environs but they can be found anywhere.




Sea creatures
Red's Jelly. This is not a jellyfish, but a comb jelly. It is an oblong sphere .2 meters wide and .35 meters long, with a reddish ting. The jelly has 16 rows of small hairs (cilia) that allow the jelly to move. And it has two branched feeding tentacles that are held within the body until food is encountered. Dish Sponges. These animals are mostly found in the northern hemisphere. They are from .1 to 4 meters in diameter and concave- this allows them to collect falling debris as well as filter a larger amount of water. Feller's Eel. These animals are not fish, but are cephalopod analogs. They have a very elongated body, with old adults being 5-8 meters long. They have a head covered with 16 eyespots (which makes up 1/5 of the body length) and a single tentacle covered with sensory cells that give it the ability to "taste" the water and find prey. The mouth is recessed and has a set of rasping teeth that can break shells easily. It usually hunts fish though and can be a nuisance to fish farmers. Hunter Worms. Hunter worms are commonly seen slowly moving over coral and sponges as they feed on both them and any other small animal that blunders into them. They are camouflaged in the color of the sponge or coral species it is crawling on (each species of worm has a specific prey species). Coral feeders have a set of large mandibles used to crush the coral to get at the food inside, whereas the sponge feeders have small mandibles and small tentacles emanating from the head that help in non-sponge prey capture. Trash Slugs. These mollusk analogs are found near human settlements and feed on the garbage (food waste) thrown into the water. They are poisonous and quite colorful (purples, reds and yellows are most common but any color is possible). Some are kept as pets as they are very easy to take care of. Vacuum Worms. These worms are the only known predator of trash slugs. They are .5 to .75 meters long, jet black in coloration and literally suck up their prey. Black Skate. These small, flattened fish sit on the bottom in coral reefs and feed on the scraps of food produced by other predators. They hide in the shadows and can startle a person when they slowly swim out to feed as they look like a moving shadow. Clam Council. This odd mutant is descended from a group of ocean dwelling clams that absorb nutrients directly from the water (i.e. they don't feed). They have developed a species hivemind (and are very intelligent) and thus are used by others for communication and memory storage. Since they can not move on their own and are helpless (except for their shells), they are almost always found with armed mutants. Each clam is about .25 Kg. Some races find them irresistible as food and have made wars on those who use the clams. Shark, Flying Mako. 3.6 m. very fast, leaps spectacularly, glide 50 m., 1 in 10 have Levitation and can glide for 10 minutes. Bright blue body and vanes, slender body Shark, Tiger. 7 m., 1000kg, dark blue, dark stripes. Pure Strain, immune to mutation. (Perfect killing machines dont need improving!) Moray Eel, Green. 2.5 m., ocean reefs, very territorial, Electrical Generation, 4 m. long specimens reported Needlefish. 1.5 m. 4.5kg, .5 m spike on nose. Leaps out of water and skewers boaters when confused, attacks light sources when confused, Still stupid and easy to confuse. Narlquith (Sea Ghost) Manatee. 2 to 4 m., up to 580kg, stay underwater 60 minutes, lives in fresh and salt water, totally transparent (75% invisible on surface, 95% invisible underwater.), Beguiling, Displacement Turtle, Spiny Leatherback Sea (Gammaras). 2-3 m. shell, up to 600 kg, Spines, Breathes Fire (Spits burning Napalm 15 m. -above water only) Mated pairs guard eggs and protect young who ride on parents backs among the spines, like baby opossums. Island Fish (Barl Sutsut) . 1-3 km across, plankton eater, sleeps on surface for weeks, back has carapace that looks like rock, Partial Carapace, Photosynthetic Skin, Energy Negation (D) Otter, Sea. Awakened species 1.2 meters tall, oxygen storage gland- stay active underwater 3 hours, 6 hours to replenish. Hands, speech, d2 mental mutations Wahoo. 3 m., 200kg Related to tunas, has pointed beak and bright stripes, usually solitary, very fast and nimble. Speed Increase (Hunt the Wild Wahoo!) Excellent game and eating fish. Oyster Toadfish. 0.4 m., poisonous spines, sometimes enters fresh water, tolerant to toxic environs Eku-zu (Furry Crawlers) 0.2 to 0.6 m. shell green-furred tree dwelling crabs live on the coasts. Shells of large specimens are sometimes used for small shields. Hundreds of types of fish from 1 cm to 2 meters long live in the coastal regions of Meriga. Approximately 30% of them are toxic to humanoids and many just taste awful. Buy Zah-Slahs Field Guide to Edible Fish of the Lantik Zea, now available in waterproof version!

Sea Flora
Bubble Kelp 50 m. long, 1 meter wide blade with tiny hydrogen bubbles along edges. Will grow up to 10 meters out of the water, held up by increasingly larger bubbles with a large gasbag at the top. These gather extra sunlight and eventually break off and drift off to start new bubble kelp elsewhere. Gas bags are explosive and have about 20 kg of lift, kelp is sometimes used to make temporary rafts


Neocypress 30 m., tolerates salt water, will grow in 10 meter deep water, grows close together can deliver messages, Sometimes used by Carrins instead of bloodbirds.

Mosasaurus. (Zeazillas) 15 m., Aquatic lizard with flippers for feet, similar to monitor lizards, large toothed mouth, swallows medium creatures whole Phytosaur (Great Sea Crocodile) 20 m., shark-like tail, fins, nostrils between eyes on a volcano-like bump Pakicetus. 3 m., Seal-like protowhale, Lives in estuaries, swamps and coastal regions, carnivorous, brown oily fur, adapted for land or water Plesiosaur (Nessies). 3-15 meters long, totally aquatic. Nothosaur . 3 m., small plesiosaur, legs adapted for land or water. Beach, estuary, and swamp dweller.

Land Creatures
Giant armadillos (Gel Sledds) Plated Tunnelers 2m., 200kg. Digs 1 meter high burrows, using Hands of PowerPetrification to line the tunnels with stone, Genius Capacity- Mech, Mental Bond with one willing creature up to 20 kg (similar to Symbiotic attachment), often Zugarr. They are able to control the creature and use them as hands. Fox Squirrels (Zugarr) Scampering Squirrel, 0.4 m. standing, 0.7 m. nose to tip of tail. Very slender, Hands, Speech, Genius Capacity- Mech, Speed increase, Duality, grey fur with black mask, often raises and rides Arns. Daytorzn Walking Birdmen 1.5 m., flightless bipedal with feathers. Bald Eagle stock, physically devolved to a coleosaur, a lizard-like creature. Microand Macroscopic Vision, hands, Telepathy, Psychom etry, retains eagles beak and plumage coloring Mouse Lords (Serrods) Golden mouse. 4 cm, Very intelligent, Fear Generation, Telepathy, Genius Capacity-Political, Group Mentality- 2 or more Serrods within 3 meters share the In and MS of the highest Serrod plus 1. Additional Serrods add 1 to MS and In of the group, maximum is 21. Heckles (sturmkrows) 0.5 m. wingspan, weather manipulation, sound imitation,



Adaptive Enz yme
RANGE: Touch TYPE: Physical, Concious, Plant DURATION: Constant USE: Constant NUMBER: Variable DAMAGE: Variable EFFECTS: Some plants have developed the adaptive enzyme mutation as a means of reproduction. The enzyme changes animal tissue into plant material. Victims of an enzyme attack begin losing skin growth (hair, feather, scales, etc.) 1d8 hours after the attack. Their skin growth is gradually replaced by green plant-like skin over the next 4 days. On the fifth day the victim becomes very sick and loses half its PS. After another 1d4 days the victim dies. A few weeks later the enzyme will change the corpse into a new plant root. Several months later a new plant, like the one that used the enzyme, will grow from the root. The adaptive enzyme can be treated by a Medi-Kit, a Cur-In dose, or exposure to radiation. For a radiation cure the victim must make an attribute check three times his CN plus the Radiation Intensity. An additional check for radiation damage is required. Characters who are cured will acquire the photosynthetic skin mutation, and recover their normal strength. Adaptive enzyme attacks cause victims with bacterial or poison susceptibility to suffer the ill effects of those mutations. DURATION: d4 hours USE: Three times/day NUMBER: n/a DAMAGE: None, see below for other effects EFFECTS: These plants are able to secrete powerful hallucinogenic spores through hundreds of tiny openings all over their bodies, resulting in a slightly pungent cloud of the substance roughly 3 cubic meters in volume which remains airborne for 1 round. Those who inhale it must make a Constitution check or suffer -3 to all actions due to extreme disorientation. The spores onset time is 1 round and have a duration of d4 hours. Mutant plants with this mutation are unaffected by their own spores and those of others of their own species. understanding the meaning of a pheromone of a different species. TYPES OF PHEROMONES Patrolling: The patrolling pheromone is used to indicate nonaggressive behaviour. It is usually emitted by solitary insects crossing the territorial boundaries of other members of their species. The patrolling pheromone supresses the impulse to attack. Warning: The warning pheromone warns other members of a species to stay away. Any being emitting this pheromone will attack other members of its own species which come within 10m. Death: The death pheromone is given off whenever a being with this mutation is killed. The death pheromone is usually only found among social insects, such as bees, ants, and wasps. The death pheromone warns of a threat to the insect colony and incites all members of the same species within range to attack any being of a different species within 10m of the dead insect. The death pheromone will not be released if the being with the pheromone is destroyed by fire. The gland that produces the death pheromone is frozen by mental attacks, if the attacker passes a MS check.

RANGE: 500m TYPE: Physical, Plant, Unconcious DURATION: Variable USE: Constant NUMBER: All of same species DAMAGE: None, see below for other effects EFFECTS: Pheromones are powerful chemicals secreted by mutants or subintelligent life forms as signals to members of the same species. Only a very tiny amount of pheromones is needed to produce its effect. Pheromones are released involuntarily, triggered unconsciously by the activity or emotional state of the being with this mutation. Pheromone use is most developed in insect and insect mutatnt species. Characters with this mutation have a percent chance of detecting other species pheromones according to the following chart.
Species Detecting Insect Insectoid Other Pheromone from Insect Insectoid Other 1% 5% 10% 1% 8% 15% 1% 3% 25%

Race Mind
RANGE: All members of same species/family TYPE: Mental, Animal/Plant, Unconscious DURATION: Constant USE: Constant NUMBER: All of same species DAMAGE: None, see below for other effects EFFECT: Species with this mutation all think as one huge organism instead of as tens of small individual units. For the purposes of combat, MS is a single statistic for all members of the species. Any mental attacks affecting one member, will affect all others within range. On the other hand, all species with this mutation are in constant telepathic contact, and cannot be surprised.

Collapsible Exoskeleton
RANGE: Self TYPE: Physical, Animal, Concious DURATION: Variable USE: Variable NUMBER: N/A DAMAGE: N/A EFFECT: This mutation is usually possessed by insects and insectoid mutants. With this ability the mutant can expand and contract its exoskeleton, allowing it to flatten itself or puff itself up.

Hallucinogenic Spores
RANGE: 3 cubic meters TYPE: Physical, Plant, Concious

Once a pheromone from a different species is detected there is only a 20% chance of identifying the species that is emitting the pheromone. There is only a 10% of



Rocket Seeds
RANGE: 200 meters (20 meters combat) TYPE: Physical, Plant, Concious DURATION: one growing season USE: one attack to each target, per action round NUMBER: 4d6 seeds per season DAMAGE: 3d6 EFFECTS: This highly evolved version of Explosive Seeds results in the

growth of organic solid fuel rocket motors to propel seeds a great distance from the parent tree. The base range for these seeds is 200 meters, and they do 3d6 damage. Each plant will grow 4d6 rocket seeds per season.

USE: One other creature NUMBER: 1 DAMAGE: None EFFECTS: Mutant can all heal all damage previously inflicted on another (not himself) by touch. If used within 10 seconds (1 Action Turn) of exposure to poison or radiation, this power negates the exposure effects.

Total Healing of Others

RANGE: Touch TYPE: Conscious Mental DURATION: 10 seconds



Creature Statistics Notes

The creatures and monsters of the GAMMA WORLD game are fantastic and terrible, and all of them could turn out to be either an enemy or a friend. A seemingly harmless insect or tree could be a deadly predator, while a scaly, fanged lizardman is a gentle devotee of culture and etiquette. The listing that follows describes the essential information that the Game Master needs to roleplay an encounter. Each of the entries is described in detail below.
NAME: This is the creatures name. Other names, if any, are listed in parentheses. NUMBER: This is the typical number of creatures found in a random encounter. Villages or lairs probably have more. FREQUENCY: The relative chance of encountering this creature. MORALE: Whenever the Game Master thinks that the creatures might break and run (first blood, clearly losing the battle, etc.), he can have them make a morale check. He rolls a 10-sided die, and if the value is less than or equal to the morale number, the creatures stay and fight. HIT DICE: This is the number and type of dice rolled for hit points. The average value for this die roll is given in parentheses for quick encounters where the GM does not want to generate individual hit points. ARMOR : The creatures Armor Class (AC) when not wearing armor. SIZE: The creatures average size. Estim ates based on the table below adapted from GW 4 th Editions Basic Rule Book. Abbrev. Size Rating T S M L H G Tiny Small Man-sized Large Huge Gargantuan Avg. Height under m -1m 2m 4m 8m 8m+ and nutrients derived from waste byproducts. They are classified by the animal diet category they come closest to. ATTACKS : All of the natural attacks of the creature are listed along with the damage that they can do. By weapon indicates the creature will usually attack with a melee weapon (see Equipment Charts for weapon class & damage) MUTATIONS : These are the physical, mental, and/or plant mutations of the creature. DESCRIPTION: Prose description of the creatures abilities, activity cycle, combat strategy, and any other pertinent information.

SPEED: The creatures speed using a particular m ode (eg. Land, Swimming, Flying, Burrowing, etc.) ABILITY SCORES: The range for each creatures Mental Strength (MS), Intelligence (IN), Dexterity (DX), Constitution (CN), Charisma (CH), and Physical Strength (PS). The GM should roll individually, or use the average values in parentheses. BASE STOCK: The original real-world animal, plant or insect to which this mutant traces its ancestry. HABITAT: The terrain types where the creature can be found DIET : Carnivores eat meat, herbivores eat plants, and omnivores eat both. Scavengers eat carrion or waste byproducts. Plants actually "eat" minerals


SOURCES BRB- Second Edition Basic Rule Booklet DM# - Dragon Magazine issue # PO# - Polyhedron Issue # MM- Mutant Manual I MM2- Mutant Manual II GW#- Gamma World module/cod * Denotes 2 nd edition statistics available in Mutant Manual II TYPES MA- Mutated Animal (sentient) MH- Mutated Humanoid (sentient) MP- Mutated Plant (sentient)



Index 1: Mutants A to Z
Name Acidweed Ber Lep Blaster Blossom Boomblossom Boomerth Cactisaurus Rex Claptrap Coner Crep Plant Crumbleweed Deathmoss Deng Khesh Ed Ep Eyebane Frid Esk Glower Harmony Tree Horl Choo Horl Ep Japin Kai Lin Kep Plant Kudzuhertlcutl Mal Tonas Mimic Plant Mut Choo Narl Ep Nep Ep Ooz Blen Perth Pineto Prot Ep Puff Cactus Ralla Kren Razorgrass Rosoid Sea Lily Sentient Coral Reef Seroon Lou Shooter Shroom Smokerth Spitter Starfish Cactus Stilt Palm Strangle Tarn Zeb Trechlily Win Seen Whirrzler Xanqas Zeethh Aerosquid Alternate Sweetpad Zapper Bang Bush Squeeler Source MM2 BRB MM MM2 GW6* MM2 PO#79* DM#87 BRB MM GW1* MM GW6* MM2 GW6* GW2* MM BRB PO#79* MM2 BRB BRB MM2 MM2 GW4* GW6* BRB GW6* MM2 BRB BRB GW6* MM2 OB MM2 DM#87 MM2 MM2 BRB DM#87 MM2 GW6* MM MM2 MM2 MM2 GW2* MM2 BRB DM* MM2 BRB MM


Desert Roller Spiny Recluse Paradise Tree Phoenix Hedge Friendly Porcupine Plant Arrow Tree Lizard Bushes Sand Devil Gardner Courage Moss Gas Plant Ghost Tree Death Tree Klonoid Gamma Bush Horse Cactus Defense Tree Cannibal Plant

Mushroom Folk Flaming Bush Bot Basher

Tangler Propeller Plant Shocking Mildew Gamma Grass

Sky Walker



Ant, Giant Arn Belo Blaash Blackun Blaasut Blight Bloodwasp Buggem Bumble Butal Cal Then Chetal Cidtal Crustean Encroach Euryl Firebug Floth Ha Gertal Gigglebug Glider Jotal Kreel Torn Lukaluka Hellfly Hellworm Herp Humbug Juggernaut Jungle Lurker Katal Landworm Locus Lorida Orp Lurker Lytid Manta Molnang Parn Plague Beetle Potato Bug, Giant Quanakus Reptoad Rhya Rustee Scorpito Sea Spider Shield Worm Sintal Slake Slashworm Slimer Slimy Grazer Soul Besh Staph Thytal Tital Trapworm Tremorworm Veneamub MM2 BRB MM2 BRB BRB GW6* BRB GW4* GW1* MM MM2 BRB MM2 MM2 MM MM MM2 MM MM2 MM2 DM#126 MM MM2 MM MM MM2 MM2 BRB DM#85 MM2 DM#85 MM2 MM2 MM2 AP2* AP2* MM2 BRB DM#126 BRB MM2 MM2 GW6* DM#126 MM2 MM2 MM2 MM2 MM2 MM2 MM2 MM2 MM2 MM2 BRB MM2 MM2 MM2 MM2 MM2 GW6*

Dragon Bug Giant Water Bug Gamma Moth Attercop Giant Moth Cloud Worm Termite Folk Bee Folk Ambush Bug Flying Ripper Greater Bloodwing Nymph Crustyun Them Mayday Bug The Black Plague Shutter Water Walker Zap Lizard Lesser Bloodwing Leaper Gobbler

Tiger Beetle Big Daddy Flying Death Mutha Giant Locust Scorpion Folk Giant Beetle Green Render Death Snail Sword Beetle Nurglez Taterbug Moving Barricade Bigwig Hulk Mollusk Thrum Salt Spider Assassin Bug Giant Sea Slug Blue Snail Skeeter Silver Sucker Green Lantern Graboid Villain that Hides and Kills


Ventworm Vilchnek Water Bear Zarn Admiral Albilope Ape, Carnivorous Ark Armada Arrowbeak Bacrolbai Badder Bahrz Bamutan Barl Nep Barxyn Basled Batslith Bigoon Blade Whale Bloodbird Boarz Brutorz Budaan Bulo Buzzbird Cark Carrin Centisteed Chessex Chotslith Cren Tosh Croaker Cycloptron Dabber Dagmit Daycut Digger Dyllon Drac Dragun Eglee Ekola Ert Ert Telden Fen Fleshin Flipp Fragger Gallus Gallus 5/13 Garf Garrel Gator Gazilla Monster Greep Gren Gretvol Groak Gwyll Hawkoid MM2 MM MM2 BRB OB GW2* MM2 BRB MM2 MM2 GW6* BRB MM2 GW6* BRB GW3* GW6* MM2 GW1* MM BRB MM2 BRB GW6* GW2* DM#126* MM2 BRB BRB MM GW6* BRB MM2 DM#75* BRB DM#126* GW6* MM2 MM2 MM MM GW3* GW6* BRB BRB BRB BRB MM MM2 GW2* MM2 MM BRB MM2 MM2 BRB OB OB MM2 BRB

Jumping Spider Sea Cow Borer Beetle

Lake Folk Magilla Hound Folk

Endlessly Running Beast Digger Folk Rock that Gasses Deathfish Smokie Rock that Burrows Spinning Snake Rammer Red Death Two-Horn Big Walker Those Which Fly to the Moon Flitter Blend Dog Dark Emperor Fast Trotter Fear Deer Bristle Snake Lizard Fish

Brown Beggar Purple Pygmy Bird Friend Prickly Folk Bat Folk Sea Gator Baldee Fur Ball Stonefish Firefish Man-fish Flying Fish Clicker Fish

Sneaker Green Hisser

Green Man Dark Dweller


Hawkwolf Herkel Hi-snake Hisser Hogart Holcut Hoop Hopper Horsy Howler Hwan-hul Hydra Hydragen Jaget Jeste Joardanz Kaiute Kamodo Katkin Keeshin Kooda Kraak Letharp Lil Loo-pur Maali Makeen Marlok Menarl Mingo Minda Ray Mississippi Brainhound Mokla Mountain Man Nireg Nyan Orcoid Orlen Podog Purrlion Rakox Rampant Rakkon Rastagator Raydium Relanop Ribbet Rog Sarbise Sea Serpent, Black Sea Serpent, Green Sep Screp Serf Shef Sheezu Shezur Shoday Shog Sifoner Skwil MM2 BRB MM2 BRB MM GW6* BRB BRB MM2 MM MM2 MM2 DM#75* BRB MM OB MM2 BRB GW1* BRB MM2 OB GW1* BRB GW3* GW2* MM2 MM BRB MM2 MM2 MM2 MM MM MM GW6* MM2 BRB BRB MM BRB MM MM MM2 DM#75* OB MM GW 4 th BRB GW 4 th BRB MM2 MM2 BRB MM BRB MM2 GW6* GW6* GW6* MM2 MM GW3*

Devil Fish Man Snakes Thunder Bird Ugly Friend Floppsy Jackalope Wolf Folk

Savannah Cat Trickster

Thunder Lizard Cat Folk Water Weird

Wee One Grey Shadow Skreecher Deep Dweller Slime Devil

Baby Bront/Sea Devil Squatch Killer Turtle

Heer Kitty Juggernaut Brown Runner

Lava Lizard Flying Frog Bristleback Vark

Land Shark Tree Gator Thought Master Giant Crab Climber Spiked Flyer Bird of the Moonlight Green Stalker RokEe


Sleeth Slippig Smovbai Snag Soopturt Spider Lil Spiny Craw Sprey Squeeker Sredaan Stagon Sticky Stuhumphaga Sucslith Tanglepus Telenha Terl Tlarryn Toother Triphant Tsorsut Vath Wardent Weirbuled Xloe Yellow Belly Yexil Yfief Zayshin Android Arrl Ameebie Ball Macrobe Blob Diablo Eye Macrobe Fungimal Hidden, The Krea Mimic Nitrodjinn Obb Omnitar Screamer Srefroth Sword Macrobe Tentacled Ghoul Wraith Seer Lizard Greaseball Iron Beast BRB MM GW6* MM2 MM2 AP2* MM2 MM2 BRB GW6* GW 4 th BRB* MM2 DM#126 GW6* MM2 MM2 BRB MM2 GW3* MM MM2 GW3* BRB GW1* MM MM2 BRB OB MM2 BRB OB MM DM#87* MM2 MM2 DM#87* DM#85* OB GW6* MM2 DM#75* BRB GW6* GW1* GW6* DM#87* MM2 MM2

King Rat Dependable One Riding Deer Swamp Sucker Stupmer Sucker Snak

Tree Fish Bucker Flailer Giant Bat LeeGosi Devo Beast Thunder Clapper Orange Scarfer Two-headed Snake

Evil Spirit Shapeless One

Hateful One The Unseen Flying Eye Mirrored One Invisible Glider

He Who Walks in Shadows



Index 2: Creatures by Terrain Type

(Including plains, grasslands, savannahs, scrublands, and rolling hills)
Creature Acidweed Albilope Android Ant, Giant Arn Bacrolbai Bamutan Badder Batslith Blob Bloodwasp Boarz Boomerth Brutorz Butal Buggem Bulo Cark Centisteed Chotslith Cidtal Claptrap Daycut Digger Ekola Frid Esk Gigglebug Gwyll Hawkoid Herp Hogart Holcut Hoop Hopper Howler Hydra Jaget Joardanz Juggernaut Juggernaut Kaiute Krea Locus Mississipi Brainhound Omnitar Plague Beetle Podog Potato Bug, Giant Quanakus Rakox Ralla Krens Razorgrass Reptoad # Appearing 1d3 2d6 1d6 5d10 1d6 5d10 2d3 3d6 1d4+2 1 2d20+5 2d4+1 1d4 2d6 1 1d10 2d4 2d6 1d4 1d6 1 1d6 1d8 3d6+4 1d20 1d4 1 20-50 1d4-1 1d4-1 1d4-2 1d12 1d20 1d20 1d4-2 1 1d4 2d10 1d4 1 2d12 1d2 (1d4+1)x10 1d6 1 2d10 1d12 50-150 1d4 5d6 1d4 1 1d4-2 Type Plant MA Robot Insect Insect Reptile Animal MA Reptile Lowlife Insect MA Plant Animal Insect Insect Animal Animal Animal-Insect Reptile Insect Plant Bird MA Animal Plant Insect Animal MA Insect Reptile Animal MA Animal MA Reptile MA MA Animal Insect MA Mutant Insect MA Mutant Insect Animal Insect Insect Animal Plant Plant Amphibian


Rog Sarbise Scorpito ShezUr Sleeth Smokerth Sredaan Srefroth Stagon Stuhumphagas Sucslith Thytal TLarryn Veneamub Wraith Yexil Yfief Zarn Zayshin 2d4 1d20 4d6 10d10 1d10 1d4 1d10 1d4 2d6 1d4-2 1d4+1 1 3d12 1d4+1 1 1d4 1d2 1d4-2 2d6 Animal MA Insect Animal MA Plant Animal Mutant Animal Amphibian Reptile Insect Reptile Insect MH MA Reptile Insect Animal

MOUNTAINS (Including hills)

Creature Ark Arn Bahrz Basled Blight Boomerth Budaan Cal Then Cark Carrin Chotslith Cycloptron Daycut Dillonsfolk Drac Eglee Ekola Frid Esk Hawk Wolf Hawkoid Herp Hisser Hogart Huan-hul Hydra Kep Plant Manta Mississipi Brainhound Mountain Man Orlen Parn Plague Beetle Podog Quanakus Rakox Sarbise Sep # Appearing 1d4 1d6 1d4 1d4+1 1d4 1d4 1 1d4-2 2d6 1d4-2 1d6 2d6 1d8 2d6 1d8 1d8 1d20 1d4 1d6+4 1d4-1 1d4-1 1d10 1d4-2 2d6 1 1d4 1d4-2 1d6 1d6 1d4-1 1d4 2d10 1d12 1d4 5d6 1d20 1d6 Type MA Insect MA * Lowlife Plant Animal Insect Animal Bird Reptile MH Bird MH MA MA Animal Plant Animal MA Insect MA Reptile MH Reptile Plant Insect MA MH MH Insect Insect Animal Insect Animal MA Animal


Sheezu Shoday Slippig Smokerth Srefroth Sucslith Vath Veneamub Wardent Yexil Zarn Zeethh 1d6 2d10 1d6 1d4 1d4 1d4+1 1d8 1d4+1 1d4-2 1d4 1d4-2 5d20 Animal Animal Animal Plant Mutant Reptile MA Insect MH MA Insect Plant

FOREST (Including jungles)

Creature Ameebie Ant, Giant Ape, Carnivorous Arn Arrowbeak Bamutan Badder Bahrz Barxyn Batslith Bigoon Blaash Blaasut Blackun Blob Blood Bird Bloodwasp Boomerth Budaan Buggem Cark Centisteed Chetal Chotslith Cidtal Dabber Daycut Deathmoss Digger Drac Ed Ep Ekola Eyebane Floth Ha Frid Esk Garrel Grens Harmony Tree Hi-snake Hisser Holcut Horl Choo Horl Ep Hydra # Appearing 1 5d10 2d4 1d6 2d6 2d3 3d6 1d4 1d4 1d4+2 1d6 1d10 1d10 1d4-1 1 1d4-2 2d20+5 1d4 1 1d10 2d6 1d4 2d10 1d6 1 1d8 1d8 1 3d6+4 1d8 1 1d20 1d4 1d2 1d4 1d4 1d8 1 1d3 1d10 1d12 1d4-1 1d4 1 Type Lowlife Insect Animal Insect Bird Animal MA MA MA Reptile Animal Insect Insect Insect Lowlife Bird Insect Plant Animal Insect Animal Insect-Animal Insect Reptile Insect MA Bird Plant MA MA Plant Animal Plant Insect Plant Animal MH Plant Reptile MA Animal Plant Plant Reptile


Japin Jeste Juggernaut Kai Lin Kaiute Katkin Krea Kudzu Hertlcul Lil Locus Loo Pur Lytid Maali Makeen Mal Tonas Mississipi Brainhound Mut Choo Narl Ep Nep Ep Obb Omnitar Perth Pineto Plague Beetle Prot Ep Quanakus Rog Sep Scorpito Sheezu ShezUr Shoday Shog Sifoner Sintal Skwil Smokerth Soul Besh Srefroth Stagon Sucslith Terl Thytal Tital TLarryn Tsorsut Veneamub Win Seen Wraith Zayshin 1d4+1 1d12 1 1d4 2d12 1d6 1d2 5d4 1d20 (1d4+1)x10 3d6 1d4+1 1 1d4 1 1d6 1d4 1d4 1d2 1d4 1 1d10 1d8 2d10 1d6 1d4 2d4 1d6 4d6 1d6 10d10 2d10 1d4 1d4-2 1d8 1d6+1 1d4 1d4 1d4 2d6 1d4+1 1d4 1 1d4 3d12 1d4 1d4+1 3d4 1 2d6 Plant MH Insect Plant MA MA Mutant MP MH Insect MA Insect MA Animal Lowlife MA Plant Plant Plant Lowlife Mutant Plant Plant Insect Plant Insect Animal Animal Insect Animal Animal Animal MH Animal Insect MA Plant Insect Mutant Animal Reptile Fish Insect Insect Reptile Animal Insect Plant MH Animal

DESERT (Including wastelands, badlands, and tundra)

Creature Acidweed Ant, Giant Basled Blight Bloodwasp Boarz # Appearing 1d3 5d10 1d4+1 1d4 2d20+5 2d4+1 Type Plant Insect * Lowlife Insect MA


Boomerth Buggem Cactisaurus Rex Cal Then Cark Carrin Chotslith Crumbleweed Crustean Dagmit Deng Khesh Diablo Digger Ekola Frid Esk Gazilla Monster Hisser Hydragen Hydra Kaiute Kep Plant Komodo Manta Nitrodjinn Parn Perth Plague Beetle Podog Puff Cactus Quanakus Razorgrass Reptoad Sarbise Scorpito Sep Serf Smokerth Srefroth Starfish Cactus Stuhumphagas Tremorworm Wraith Yexil Zarn 1d4 1d10 1d6 1d4-2 2d6 1d4-2 1d6 1 1 2d8+2 1d12 1d8 3d6+4 1d20 1d4 1 1d10 1d4 1 2d12 1d4 1d4-2 1d4-2 1 1d4 1d10 2d10 1d12 3d12 1d4 1 1d4-2 1d20 4d6 1d6 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d8 1d4-2 1 1 1d4 1d4-2 Plant Insect Plant Insect Animal MA Reptile Plant MA MH Plant Lowlife MA Animal Plant Reptile MA Reptile Reptile MA Plant Reptile Insect MH Insect Plant Insect Animal Plant Insect Plant Amphibian MA Insect Animal MH Plant Mutant Plant Amphibian Lowlife MH MA Insect

FRESHWATER WETLANDS (Including swamps, bogs, ponds, lakes, and rivers)

Creature Admiral Armada Bar Lep Barl Nep Belo Blob Boomblossom Chetal Chotslith Cren Tosh Crep Plant Croaker # Appearing 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d4-2 1 1 2d10 2d10 1d6 1d4-2 1d4 3d6 Type MH Lowlife Plant Fish Insect Lowlife Plant Insect Reptile Amphibian Plant Amphibian


Crustean Ekola Ert Ert Telden Euryl Fen Fleshin Fragger Garf Gator Gertal Glower Greep Groak Herkel Hydra Jotal Katal Keeshin Krea Letharp Mal Tonas Menarl Mimic Plant Mingo Mississipi Brainhound Mokla Mut Choo Narl Ep Nireg Orcoid Plague Beetle Quanakus Rastagator Razorgrass Reptoad Rhya Ribbet Sea Serpent, Black Sea Serpent, Green Seroon Lou Slimer Smokerth Smovbai Snag Sprey Sredaan Srefroth Sticky Stilt Palm Strangle Sucslith Telenha Terl Toother Trechlily Veneamub Weirbuled Win Seen Wraith Xloes 1 1d20 1d4-2 1d6 1d4+1 1d10 1d4-2 1d8 1d8 1d4-2 2d4 1d4 3d6+4 1d12 5d6 1 4d10 1d10 1d4 1d2 1 1 1d4 1d10 1d20 1d6 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 2d10 2d10 1d4 1d10 1 1d4-2 1 2d8 d10+1 1d2 3d6 2d12 1d4 1d4 2d6 1d4 1d10 1d4 1d8+1 1d8 1d10 1d4+1 1d10 1d4 1d4+2 3d20 1d4+1 1d8 3d4 1 1 MA Animal Fish Fish Insect MH Fish Amphibian Fish Amphibian Insect Lowlife Amphibian Amphibian Fish Reptile Insect Insect Amphibian Mutant Fish Lowlife MA Plant Bird MA Amphibian Plant Plant Amphibian MA Insect Insect MA Plant Amphibian Insect Amphibian Reptile Reptile Plant Insect Plant Animal Amphibian Bird Animal Mutant MH Plant Plant Reptile Fish Fish MA Plant Insect Fish Plant MH Reptile



Creature Acidweed Android Ant, Giant Ark Arn Basled Badder Blaash Blob Bloodwasp Boarz Boomerth Cark Carrin Chotslith Crustean Dabber Dagmit Daycut Diablo Drac Ekola Encroach Frid Esk Hawk Wolf Holcut Hoop Hydra Kaiute Manta Marlok Mississipi Brainhound Mut Choo Nitrodjinn NyAn Obb Orlen Plague Beetle Quanakus Rustee Sarbise Screamer Serf Sifoner Sleeth Smokerth Squeeker Srefroth Sucslith Tentacled Ghoul Thytal Veneamub Whirzzler Wraith Yexil Zayshin # Appearing 1d3 1d6 5d10 1d4 1d6 1d4+1 3d6 1d10 1 2d20+5 2d4+1 1d4 2d6 1d4-2 1d6 1 1d8 2d8+2 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d20 10d100 1d4 1d6+4 1d12 1d20 1 2d12 1d4-2 1d4+2 1d6 1d4 1 3d4 1d4 1d4-1 2d10 1d4 1d3 1d20 1d6 1d4 1d4-2 1d10 1d4 1d8 1d4 1d4+1 1d4 1 1d4+1 1d4 1 1d4 2d6 Type Plant Robot Insect MA Insect * MA Insect Lowlife Insect MA Plant Animal MA Reptile MA MA MH Bird Lowlife MA Animal Insect Plant Animal Animal MA Reptile MA Insect MH MA Plant MH Animal Lowlife MH Insect Insect Lowlife MA MH MH Reptile MA Plant Animal Mutant Reptile MH Insect Insect Plant MH MA Animal



DEATHLANDS (Including any irradiated terrains)

Creature Acidweed Android Blaash Blight Blob Boarz Cark Dagmit Diablo Frid Esk Gazilla Monster Hisser Hydra Nitrodjinn Ooz Blen Parn Perth Quanakus Rustee Screamer Serf Smokerth Squeeker Srefroth Sucslith Stuhumphagas Tentacled Ghoul Whirrzler Wraith Zarn # Appearing 1d3 1d6 1d10 1d4 1 2d4+1 2d6 2d8+2 1d8 1 1 1d10 1 1 1d4-1 sq.m 1d4 1d10 1d4 1d3 1d6 1d4 1d4 1d8 1d4 1d4+1 1d4-2 1d4 1d4 1 1d4-2 Type Plant Robot Insect Lowlife Lowlife MA Animal MH Lowlife Plant Reptile MA Reptile MH Algae Insect Plant Insect Lowlife MH MH Plant Animal Mutant Reptile Amphibian MH Plant MH Insect

UNDERGROUND (Including caves & caverns)

Creature Ant, Giant Badder Blackun Blob Bloodwasp Cark Diablo Digger Hisser Hoop Hydra Krea Landworm Marlok Mut Choo NyAn Plague Beetle Quanakus Rustee Sarbise Screamer Sep # Appearing 5d10 3d6 1d4-1 1 2d20+5 2d6 1d8 3d6+4 1d10 1d20 1 1d2 1 1d4+2 1d4 3d4 2d10 1d4 1d3 1d20 1d6 1d6 Type Insect MA Insect Lowlife Insect Animal Lowlife MA MA MA Reptile Mutant Lowlife MH Plant Animal Insect Insect Lowlife MA MH Animal


Serf Shroom Srefroth Staph Sucslith Tremorworm Tsorsut Vath Veneamub Wraith Xanqas 1d4 1d6 1d4 2d8 1d4+1 1 1d4 1d8 1d4+1 1 1d4 MH MP Mutant Insect Reptile Lowlife Animal MA Insect MH Lowlife

Creature Aerosquid Blade Whale Crustean Dragun Flipp Gertal Horsy Kooda Orcoid Raydium Sea Lily Sea Serpent, Green Sea Spider Sentient Coral Reef Shef Shield Worm Slake Slash Worm Slimy Grazer Soopturt Spiny Craw Sprey Tanglepus Trap Worm Vent Worm Water Bear Yellow Belly # Appearing 1 1d4-2 1 1d4-2 2d4 2d4 1d6 2d6 2d10 1d4+1 1d4+1 1d2 1 1 1d4 1d3 1d3 10-20 1d6 1d4 1d6 1d4 1d3 1 1 30-30,000 1 Type Invertebrate MA MA Amphibian MA Insect Fish Fish MA Fish Invertebrate Reptile Insect MP Crustacean Lowlife Lowlife Lowlife Lowlife Amphibian Crustacean Bird Invertebrate Lowlife Lowlife Lowlife Reptile

Creature Android Ball Macrobe Blaster Blossom Coner Eye Macrobe Rosoid Shooter Sword Macrobe # Appearing 1d6 2d12 1d10 1d20 1d4 1d4 1d20 2d8 Type Robot Lowlife Plant Plant Lowlife MP Plant Lowlife


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