Gamma World Cavern of The Sub-Train

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Cavern of the SUB-TRAIN

Years that followed the destruction wrought by the Apocalypse in 2322. Tribal history tells that the tribes ancestors fled south from an area of near-total destruction, following the river that now flows through Valley, seeking a place of relative safety. Details of the history are suspect, as the tales have been passed only by word of mouth from father to son over the years, but apparently these ancestors searched and struggled for many years through areas of death and destruction, until they discovered what is now the site of Hen, the northernmost and largest village of Valley, and settled there. North of Hen and stretching west of the river for many days travel were (and still are) lands that were unclean. To journey into them is to invite horrible diseases, danger and usually death. To the south, however, exist some wholesome lands, including the sites of the other two villages in the state of Valley, Parlund and Om (see map). South of Om, however, the lands become unclean once again.

Vol. VI, No. 2 It is known that all three of the tribal villages were once the sites of settlements of the Ancients; there are still old structures and broken artifacts to be found at these spots, and the remnants of a roadway still connects them. The fate of the original inhabitants, though, remains unknown. About 400 humans and mutants now live at Hen, and about half that number live at each of the other two sites. Life in Valley is relatively safe, if somewhat boring, so long as one does not journey past the borders either to the north or south. The tribe has managed to establish an agricultural community, and much time is spent working the fields and tending the livestock. The remnants of the old structures of the Ancients have long since been thoroughly explored and hold no more mystery than an ordinary cave would. Indeed, most of the old structures are now used as dwelling places or storehouses for grain. Several artifacts of the Ancients are in the possession of various members of the tribe, but most are mere curiosities to be poked at or worn as decoration; the tales of their magical functions are either false, or the magic has fled or been exhausted. In all, life has been rather idyllic in Valley. There is food for the table, a roof over ones head, and honest labor to occupy a mans hands. One day, however, while clearing a new patch of land for

INTRODUCTION Cavern of the Sub-Train is a scenario for an introductory or intermediate adventure for the GAMMA WORLD game. It has been designed for use by 2-8 players, 4-6 being optimal. The adventure begins in the village of Om, where the characters have lived all of their lives. Life in the village has been rather uneventful, other than the usual dangers of the environment. Recently, however, a most unusual discovery has been made one which will shortly send player characters on an exciting and dangerous adventure. This scenario has been designed with the assumption that the Game Master has a thorough grasp of the GAMMA WORLD rules. Descriptions of common artifacts, creatures, and so forth have been kept to a minimum. BACKGROUND The tiny tribal state of Valley has existed for several generations, having been originally established early in the Black


August 1981 expanding one of the grain fields located just north of Om, one of the tribesmen felt his crude plow catch on something beneath the earth. After a few minutes of scraping and digging, the farmer uncovered a round, hard surface, about one meter across, made of what appeared to be the same indestructible (to the tribesmen) material as the roadway connecting the three villages. Digging away more earth around the edges revealed an edge the surface was obviously a lid or covering for a barrel or tube sunk into the ground. Equipped with picks and bars, several of the tribes strongest men attacked the lid in an effort to find what lay beneath. Their prying and beating had no visible effect on the featureless covering until suddenly there was an audible click, followed by an earpiercing siren. The villagers rushed back in alarm, and well they did, for after a few seconds the scream of the siren was drowned out by a sharp explosion, and the lid was blasted several meters into the air. All was silent afterward, and as the breeze carried away the dust, a dark hole into the earth was seen where the round covering had been. After waiting cautiously for several more moments, the villagers edged forward toward the gaping hole, each ready to spring back in an instant if anything threatening should appear. Upon again reaching the edge of the opening, the villagers peered downward. The interior of the hole was a smooth, round tube leading straight down, featureless except for ladder-like rungs projecting from one side. The sun was still low in the morning sky, so the bottom of the tube, if there was a bottom, remained in darkness; however, a very dim red glow did reflect on the sides of the shaft, a source of illumination from somewhere below. Impulsively, one of the villagers picked up a nearby stone and tossed it into the hole. After a few seconds, a sharp clattering sound came echoing back up the tube. The village elders held a quick council, and a short time later a young, strong tribesman with a burning torch in his hand, a short sword at his belt, and a rope tied about his waist, started to descend into the tube. Cautiously, the rope was played out by several of the villagers, ready to draw the young man back to the surface quickly if necessary. The flame of the torch grew smaller and smaller as the young villager continued his descent, the firelight replacing the dim red glow on the polished, smooth

interior of the tube. Suddenly there was slack on the rope and a shout came from below as the man reached the bottom of the tube. The light from the flame vanished as he moved away from the opening to the surface, then the light returned moments later. A short time after that, the young man was back on the surface, his face flushed with excitement and his eyes bright with wonder. His report: A wide, smooth tunnel dimly lit with red light stretched to the north and south, as far as he could see! What wonder of the Ancients could this be? That night, a council meeting of all the leaders of the villages of the Valley was called. The younger and more adventurous members of the group called for an immediate investigation of this new discovery, but the older and more cautious members of the council voiced the fear that such tampering might unleash some unknown power of the Ancients that could destroy the tiny state. After a lengthy debate, those calling for an investigation prevailed. Plans were laid for the selection of those who would undertake the exploration. It is now three days since the opening


by Gary Jaquet


into the earth was discovered. You (the player characters) have been chosen to perform the exploration. You have been given certain equipment that may assist you in your venture. Your instructions: to explore the extent of this new discovery; to locate, and if possible acquire, any items or knowledge that may be useful to the tribe; and above all, to return and report your findings or, as a concession to the more cautious factions of the tribes leaders, the entrance will be sealed and labeled off limits as too dangerous to the tribe. NOTES TO THE GM Players of this GAMMA WORLD scenario are about to enter a portion of a vast subterranean transportation network colloquially known as the subtrain. The system once spanned the North American continent and was used primarily as a method of high-speed transportation of freight. The sub-train system is something like a 20th-century subway system, in that it consists of a self-propelled train moving through an underground tunnel. Unlike the 20thcentury system, however, the trains moved through a vacuum while being supported on super-conducting magnetic rails at very high speeds. This method of electromotive propulsion proved superior to the old method of propulsion by anti-gravity suspension and tractor/ pressor beam, in that the latter method required relatively large amounts of energy which could only be supplied by broadcast power, and the use of broadcast power in a subterranean environment proved impractical. Thus, the trains moved under electromagnetic suspension and propulsion, which required less energy, and that energy could be provided by atomic power packs. The opening on the surface which the tribesmen have discovered is an emergency escape shaft, one of many built into the main system. The hatch over the shaft was wired up to explosive bolts which, over the years, had become unstable. The tribesmens beating and prying on the hatch was enough of a shock to blow the bolts and open the hatch. The main transportation tunnel is no longer airless, and certainly cannot be used for its intended purpose without massive repairs and adequate tools to make those repairs. Both the warfare that occurred on the surface (which blasted the tunnel open in many places) and the lack of supervised maintenance over the many years since the Apocalypse have made the tunnel little more than a long, straight cave. Several of the subsystems of the network, however, are still operative and powered; unwary explorers will face many hazards. Security systems, maintenance units, and subsection control systems not to mention the creatures that now inhabit the tunnels can all play a part as the players explore the remnants of this oncemighty transportation network. Game Masters may want to incorporate the sub-train into their campaigns. For those who wish to do so, the following guidelines apply: 1. With rare exceptions, the sub-train route generally follows beneath the path of a duralloy highway. 2. Subsection control stations (described below) are located about every 50 kilometers along the route: 3. Escape shafts (described below) may be found about every 2 kilometers along the route. 4. Although the walls, ceiling, and floor of the sub-train tunnel are constructed of duralloy, it has been severely damaged in many locations. Wherever massive destruction may have occurred (population centers, military bases, etc.) 42

Vol. VI, No. 2 the tunnel is most likely broached, perhaps blocked. 5. In planning an expanded version of this scenario, the Game Master should take into account all natural factors that might affect the sub-train system on a larger scale than the area of the network presented herein: flooding, foul air, many types of blockages and obstructions, and the lairs of many different creatures may be found at other points along the complicated network. There will also be other types of control stations, outlines of which are given in the following text.

Escape shafts Emergency escape shafts are found every two kilometers along the sub-train tunnels. Each is identified from inside the tunnel by a bright blue panel glowing over the entryway and by a number on the tunnel wall. Escape shafts are numbered consecutively; the higher the number, the farther a hatch is from the nearest main control station. These shafts are 130 cm diameter duralloy tubes with built-in ladder rungs that lead from the side of the sub-train tunnel to the sealed hatchways on the surface. From the tunnel the shaft entrance appears as a small, rectangular opening in the side of the tunnel wall, forming a small alcove. In the alcove is a simple control panel set into one wall, containing a communication unit (connected to the nearest subsection control station) and a large red T handle beneath a plastic protective shield. Operating instructions for an escape hatch are written below the T handle in Ancient language (which the explorers will not necessarily understand): 1) Lift cover. 2) Pull handle straight out. 3) Turn handle clockwise one-half turn. This procedure activates a blast door that seals off the alcove from the tunnel, sounds a warning siren, then blows the hatch at the top of the escape shaft. The blast door separating the escape

August 1981 alcove from the tunnel slides out from one side of the opening to the tunnel and when not in use is recessed into the wall. Only a careful examination will reveal the seam, and even then it is doubtful the explorers will guess it is a door. The Tunnel Sub-train tunnels are all similar in nature, although some may be larger (wider) than others to allow for more train movements, just as any single part of the railway system of the 20th century might have anywhere from a single pair of rails to dozens of tracks side by side. The standard tunnel, which this scenario uses, is 30 meters wide, with the ceiling seven meters above the floor. The basic construction is almost entirely made of duralloy. Running down the floor of the tunnel are the superconducting monorails of the sub-train system. Each T-shaped rail rises about 35 centimeters above the floor. Four main rails are spaced fairly evenly across the floor, one for each sub-train this tunnel can accomodate. In addition, there is a smaller fifth rail running close to one wall of the tunnel. This rail is used for a unit which transports maintenance personnel and equipment. Also found on the tunnel floor are various hatchways and access panels for maintenance of wiring, equipment, and other vital subsystems. Sub-train tunnels are dimly lit by reddish glow-panels set in the ceiling. Above each escape shaft entryway is a brightly glowing blue panel. Tunnel areas near subsection control stations are brightly lit with white light. The existence of lighting in any area of the tunnel system is contingent upon the operational status of power units and associated equipment. (The overhead lighting is still functional in the area where the explorers first descend, but that doesnt mean that lights will operate everywhere else inside the tunnel.) Subsection control stations Subsection control stations are located every 25 kilometers along the route of the sub-train tunnels. These stations are for monitoring the operation of the subtrain system and also function as repair depots for the section of the tunnel they control. Stations are normally manned by robots, but are also set up for use by human operators. Each station consists of the following parts: 1. Elevator The elevator in the control station leads to the surface (the surface entrance to subsection control stations is detailed later). The elevator is operated by a simple up/down pushbutton control panel, located within the control room. 2. Control room This main room of the control station contains a long, Lshaped control console beneath the windows facing the sub-train tunnel, with seats for three operators. This console is normally used only for monitoring the operation of the sub-train system, but

can, if necessary, override any system function or operation within the section it monitors. The console is very complex as a whole, but individual banks of controls are fairly simple one bank of switches may operate the lighting system in the tunnel near the station, for example. Another may operate the doors to the maintenance equipment storage area, and so forth. On the other side of the room from the control console is a large table-like object, the system status display. This device illustrates, by means of colored and flashing lights, the positions of all trains in the system, their rate and direction of travel, destination, etc. Beneath the light representing each train is a symbol code for that train that could be used to call up further information from the main control console. Attached to the wall near the elevator door is a small blue case with a large white cross on the cover: a first-aid kit. The cover is hinged and is held closed with a simple latch. Inside are 10 pain reducers, 10 stim doses, 3 cur-in doses, 5 accelera doses, 1 dose of anti-radiation serum, and 1 can of dressing spray (an antiseptic spray-on skin that stops minor bleeding, promotes healing, and protects the wound). Attached to the wall below the first-aid kit is a fire extinguisher. It sprays a dry chemical powder and is good for 15 seconds continuous operation. 3. Maintenance area locker room If necessary for a human operator to go



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into the sub-train tunnel itself, he would of course have to prepare for vacuum conditions. In this area are three lockers, each containing a special vacuum suit. These suits are made of a semi-rigid plastic (armor class 3) and contain life support for 72 hours, 2-way radios for communication with other operators in suits and with the control station, a medi-kit, ultraviolet and infrared sensors, and a powerful tight-beam light mounted on the helmet. The suits are powered for up to 72 hours of operation by a hydrogen energy cell. When replaced in the lockers after use, the suits were automatically recharged (both power and life support). Also in this area is a robot-recharging station, a rather complex control panel at which a robotic unit can plug itself in to recharge. 4. Airlock For entrance to the maintenance area, which is kept in vacuum. Simple elevator-type, push-button controls are located on each side of each door. 5. Maintenance area A garage-like area for storage of a personnel carrier and two maintenance-equipment carriers. The track for these vehicles leads from the tunnel across a platform and into the maintenance area through two heavy doors. These doors may be opened by controls in the maintenance area itself or from the control room. 6. Personnel carrier A small vehicle

resembling an enclosed 20th-century golf cart. The personnel carrier will hold three persons dressed in vacuum suits. It operates on the same principle as the sub-trains (superconducting electromagnetic propulsion). Controls are simple: forward and reverse, speed, direction change (for Ys in the rail system), lights and life support (the carrier may be pressurized). Mounted on the dash of the vehicle is a removable portable control unit used to command the engineering robots. 7. Maintenance carriers These small train-like vehicles consist of three sections. The forward section resembles an open personnel carrier with an engineering robot at the controls. Behind this section is an enclosed cart for carrying materials and equipment, and behind that is a similar cart which is not enclosed. The enclosed cart contains small tools and parts; the open cart can hold large structural repair materials and a small boom and winch. Surface entrances to subsection control stations Ground-level entrances to control stations along the sub-train route will be found directly above the station, generally near a duralloy roadway (as mentioned earlier, the sub-train system usually follows beneath the highway). These entryways were not used on a daily basis the robots that operated the stations 44

usually stayed around the clock, and when it was necessary to leave the station (for maintenance or other purposes) they used the personnel carrier in the tunnel itself. However, when a human operator was required in the station (for periodic check-outs, maintenance of robots, etc.) the surface entrance was generally used. The surface entrance is a simple structure with an adjacent vehicle parking area surrounded by a chain-link fence. The gate in the fence would open by radio signal from an authorized vehicle and close automatically after the vehicle was admitted. The entrance structure itself is a small, square building made of light metal alloy. The doorway to the entrance structure would open with use of a stage 2 maintenance ID. Inside the structure is a small room (3 meters by 4 meters). In the room is a desk and filing cabinet. On the desk is a communication console that connects with the main sub-train centers and the sub-section control station below. In one wall is another doorway, the elevator to the station. The elevator requires a special subtrain systems worker ID or a Stage 4 law enforcement ID to operate, or may be operated from the station below (after clearance through the communications console). Control of the elevator is by a simple up/down pushbutton panel as described earlier for the subsection station control room.

August 1981 Main section control stations Main section control stations (not used in this adventure) are merely larger subsection control stations. They would be found in the sub-train system wherever tunnels intersect or branch, to monitor and control switching procedures and further monitor all subsection control station operation within their section. Entry/exit control stations Entry/exit control stations (not used in this adventure) are similar to main section control stations, but they control the entry and exit of sub-trains into or out of the system for loading and unloading. Such stations would generally only be found near population centers. Sub-train control centers Sub-train control centers (not used in this adventure) are the overall control and monitoring centers of the entire system. There are three control centers in North America, each supervising roughly an equal share of the overall system. STARTING NOTES TO PLAYERS In preparation for your exploration of this new discovery, the villages of Valley have provided several pieces of equipment that may be of use. Each explorer is outfitted with the following items: knife bow and 12 arrows short sword hide shield 20 meters light line (made by the tribe from natural fibers; breaking strength 300 kilos) 2 candles, each able to burn for 6 hours flint and steel 6 torches, each able to burn for 2 hours backpack with food and water for 3 days Each explorer wears leather and/or fur clothing (armor class 7, including shield). In addition, certain artifacts of the Ancients are entrusted to the group, for possible use in exploration. These artifacts include: Two 6 cm x 9 cm metallic cards, one edged in green, one edged in red. Both have symbols inscribed upon them, but the symbols are meaningless to the villagers or to the explorers. What is known about the objects is that they are required to open the few still-functioning doors of some of the structures of the Ancients in the village. This is accomplished by sliding one end into a slot beside the door. Two sets of see-in-the-dark goggles. These devices fit over the eyes and allow the wearer to see objects in total darkness that could not normally be seen. It is also known that only objects that are warmer than their surroundings (warmblooded animals, rocks recently taken from a fire, etc.) may be seen. The Staff. This device has only been used twice in the memory of the tribe. On both occasions, a machine of the Ancients was moving down the remnant of the roadway connecting the villages of Valley. Before the first time it was used many, many years in the past all that was known was that the legends said it could stop the machines of the Ancients. Since it has only one moving part, a button on one end, the operation of the item was rather obvious and when the button was pushed, the machine stopped. It remains on the roadway to this day. Just a few years ago, The Staff was used a second time. This time a machine came down the roadway from the north. When the button was pressed, the machine stopped as before but this time it started moving again a few seconds later. The button was pressed again and the machine stopped again, but only for another few seconds. The process was repeated many times, until it finally became apparent to the tribesmen that the machine was going to continue on its course. Under close supervision, the machine continued to move south until it passed Om and into the unclean lands. This is your equipment. Any players suggestions for other items they would like to have (flasks of oil, mirrors, etc.) should be communicated to the GM, who will determine if such items would be available to the party. FURTHER NOTES TO THE GM The artifacts of the Ancients listed above are, in reality, two ID cards (the green-edged one a second-stage civil service maintenance workers ID, the red one a fourth-stage law enforcement ID), two pairs of infra-red goggles, and a type of control baton. The button on the control baton causes any robotic unit below fourth-stage ID control to cease all previously given instructions and await new orders (given vocally). Any higher-grade robotic unit will pause to await new instructions, but if none are forthcoming it will resume functioning and continue to follow its original instructions. The first machine mentioned in the player notes above was a second-stage light cargo lifter; it is still sitting on the roadway awaiting new instructions. The second machine was a fourth-stage security robot which paused for new instructions, and when none were forthcoming, continued on. In either case, the machines would not have been able to respond to the tribes language, had they been given commands. START The explorers first will (or should) determine their order of descent into the 45

escape shaft. Explorers may light torches, candles or lanterns on the surface and descend with them; drop a lighted torch down the shaft first (50% chance of its remaining lit); or light their light sources after descending in the dark. Illumination will be an important factor in this adventure, so the GM should keep a careful record of the passage of time and the status of the light sources of the party. The rungs attached to the side of this escape shaft are in perfect condition, so there is no chance of one breaking. However, depending on how the party descends (encumbered with equipment, using one hand to hold a lit torch, etc.) the GM may want to allow a small chance for a character to slip or lose his grip. A smart party, for example, might drop in a torch, have one character descend unencumbered, lower all the gear to him by rope, and have the remaining characters follow. Upon reaching the alcove at the bottom of the shaft, the party will find the shaft control panel. IMPORTANT: The control panel is still active! If a character operates the T handle in the proper manner the door will close (of course, the explosive bolts have already blown, so nothing else would happen). The door takes three seconds to close, so anyone in the doorway should be able to move out of the way. However, if for any reason a character is caught as the door closes he will take 1-10 points of damage (mashed fingers to broken limb). Normally, once the blast door was shut it would not be able to be reopened: Atmospheric pressure from the escape shaft once the hatch was blown against the vacuum of the tunnel would hold it shut until the escape hatch was replaced and the shaft re-evacuated. Now, though, with the pressure being the same on both sides of the door, the blast door may be slid open by characters with a combined strength of 40. The door will slide shut again once the characters release their hold. Voices will not carry through the door, although the sound of something solid (metal or stone) tapping against it will. Should the party become separated by the door, the GM must determine if the characters can communicate in their efforts to reopen it. EXPLORATION OF THE TUNNEL Once the characters emerge from the escape shaft, they will find this section of the sub-train tunnel to be relatively undisturbed since the time of the Apocalypse in 2322. A slight current of air blows from the north (known only to the players if they have asked the GM if the torch flames flicker or if smoke trails in a particular direction), indicating an opening to the surface exists at some point


Vol. VI, No. 2 escape shaft #30, two kilometers south of #31. This shaft is completely inactive, save for the glowing blue panel over the entry alcove. The party will find shaft #29 two kilometers south of #30. This shaft is active (the blast door will close and the siren sound), but the explosive bolts have all decomposed and will not blow the hatch cover. Another two kilometers south of shaft #29 is shaft #28. At some time in the past, the hatch cover blew (either through instability of the explosive bolts, or perhaps when a worker tried to escape in 2322). The blast door is closed. If the explorers open it, they will find the entry alcove and shaft filled with earth, and in addition they will find it to be the lair of a herp that will attack with the advantage of surprise. If the explorers fail to kill the herp, they may outrun it in an attempt to escape, but the herp will track and pursue the party as long as they remain in the tunnel. Two kilometers to the south of escape shaft #28 is a subsection control station. A few of the bright lights near the station are still burning (although somewhat dimmer than at full power), and the party will notice the glow from 500 meters away. This station will be the main encounter area for the group in this scenario. Unknown to the party, the surface entrance to this station (which is several kilometers south of Om, in the region of unclean lands) has been discovered and opened by a group of badders that had a burrow near the structure. The badders quickly transferred their burrow to the control station and the tunnel area to the immediate south. This lair consists of six males (hp 33, 31, 24, 23, 21, 18), six females (hp 30, 27, 23, 21, 17, 16) and three young (hp 18, 15, 12). The badders have forced open the doors to the surface entrance structure and the elevator doors inside, built a rough ladder to descend the elevator shaft to the top of the elevator car (which now rests at the control room level), and built another ladder from the trap door in the top of the elevator car to the floor of the car. The elevators to the control room itself have also been forced open. When the badders discovered the control room, all was dark and inactive. (The main power line of the system had been severed and the back-up nuclear power system had not engaged.) One of the badders accidentally moved a control that activated the back-up power system, causing some lights to go on, and since that time, through trial and error, the badders have learned to control the lights and doors of the station. The badders also discovered the remains of a human who died in the station in 2322, and among the remains were a

farther along in that direction. Players examining the floor of the tunnel will find a very fine layer of dust, and upon even closer examination, the tracks of small creatures like mice. As the characters explore immediately around the area of the opening to the escape shaft, they will notice light from glowing red panels overhead (the same light which could be seen from the surface). Painted on the wall beside the opening they have just left is a stylized symbol 31 although the characters will only perceive it as a mysterious symbol of the Ancients. At this point the players will have only two real choices of action: proceed along the tunnel to the north, or to the south. If the choice is north, the first item of interest encountered will be another escape shaft (#32) two kilometers to the north of their present position (see map). This shaft is active; if a player enters the alcove and pulls and turns the T handle, the blast door will close, the siren will sound, and a few seconds later the hatch on the surface covering the shaft will blow clear. This shaft opens in a field just to the north of Parlund, near the remnants of the duralloy roadway. Should the players exit at this point and return to

Parlund, the GM should play the part of the village leader and have the explorers descend again to continue their investigation. As the explorers continue north from escape shaft #32, they will notice an increasing amount of debris on the floor of the tunnel more dust than before, a few leaves, spider webs on girders, and so forth. About a kilometer north of escape shaft #32, the characters will begin to see actual rubble on the floor dirt clods, rocks, etc. and a few hundred meters beyond that, the tunnel is collapsed. This is the location on the map of the gap in the duralloy roadway, the result of an errant surface missile strike. At the time of the missile strike, the crater actually opened into the sub-train tunnel, but in the many years since, the pit has completely filled in. This effectively eliminates the possibility of exploring the tunnel further to the north, although diligent work could open a passage to the surface from here. This area has become the burrow for a lair of three parn (chance of encounter 75%). If the party explores south of escape shaft #31, the first item of interest will be 46

August 1981 fourth-stage law enforcement ID, a fully charged laser pistol, and two extra hydrogen energy cells. The remains are those of a law enforcement official assigned to the control room in 2322 to prevent sabotage. The badders do not know what the ID or the energy cells are. However, they do know what the laser pistol is and how it operates. The leader of the badders possessed such a weapon previously, but the energy cell was exhausted in learning its operation; now that the badder leader knows of the limited life of the weapon, he operates it only in emergencies. The pistol has five shots left on its present energy cell. The badders also possess one other weapon of the Ancients: a vibro blade (15 minutes of charge left), which is carried by the 31-hit-point badder. All the other male badders carry regular swords and shields; the female badders have daggers. The young are weaponless. Badders will pick up and use weapons dropped by other fighters in melee. As the characters approach the station, there is a 50% chance they will be spotted by a patrolling badder; otherwise, the characters will have surprise. As the characters approach the station, they will notice that one of the doors leading to the maintenance area is open. In the maintenance area are a personnel carrier, two maintenance carriers, and two engineering robots, all inactive at this time. Once they are discovered, the badders will fight to the death to defend their burrow. (The GM should remember to keep track of time if the herp from escape shaft #28 is pursuing the explorers.) If the party defeats all the badders, the GM may then determine the results of any exploration and/or the condition of any artifacts in the station. The GM may wish to have the control station be totally ravaged by the badders, with nothing of value left, or may have the station in relatively undamaged condition. If the party fights and then bypasses the badders and heads south, about a kilometer south of the control station they will find the tunnel collapsed. (The GM should give the same clues of increasing debris, as if the party had ventured north). At the collapse, the party will find the wreckage of a sub-train that ran into the ruined tunnel. The wreckage of the subtrain consists of the main propulsion unit and three transport units. All units have been wrenched from the rail and lie at various angles to each other and the tunnel floor. The nose of the propulsion unit is completely smashed, and the side is split open to reveal several featureless, drum-like objects (large atomic energy cells) 90 cm in diameter and 2 meters tall. Also visible through the split are wires of


many colors, tubes, small mechanical linkages, etc. The three transport units, although bent and dented, are relatively intact. The hatches to the transport units are locked and may only be opened by physically ripping off the hatch (unlikely to be accomplished by sheer muscle power, without at least prybars, block and tackles, and hammers and chisels), or by cutting them open with some energy weapon (blasting off the latch mechanism with a few shots from a laser pistol, cutting with a vibro blade, etc.) Two of the transport units contain only duralloy building components beams, sheets, pipes, etc. but the third contains a piece of special military equipment: a defense platform. This device started as a light cargo lifter but has had the manipulative devices removed. On the platform is mounted a force-field generator. This device generates a hemispherical polarized force field 5 meters in diameter. During operation, the field extends 2 meters in front and behind the platform, 3 meters past each side edge and 5 meters overhead. Also mounted on the platform is a stun-ray projector (functions as a stun rifle with 100 shots). Since the force field is polarized, the stun ray projector may be fired through the force field and yet the field still protects anyone or anything within it. The platform, force-field generator, and stun-ray projector are powered by a special atomic energy cell good for 50 hours of continuous operation of all powered devices. 47

When found, the defense platform is in perfect condition. However, the GM should use his judgement as to whether or not any damage to the platform occurs as the transport unit is forced open. Also, the platform is much too large to remove from the tunnel through any exits the characters have found, so it will be left to the GM to determine if the players manage to tunnel, blast, or otherwise make an opening to the surface to remove the device. FINAL NOTES TO THE GM This scenario has been left openended; the GM may alter or augment it in any way he sees fit. With escape shafts occurring every two kilometers, there is ample opportunity for entrance into the tunnel; thus, the GM may include more encounters. For a more advanced adventure, the subsection control stations may be deemed operational, thus making possible such things as encounters with robot units upon entry into the tunnel (the opening of an emergency escape shaft could summon engineering or security robots), active resistance by bot units at control stations, even the actual operation of sub-trains and/or subsidiary equipment. For very advanced scenarios, include main section control stations and make them operational, including a great number of robotic units. Need more action? Include wreckages of subtrains with fantastic cargos. Anything is possible just remember that the key to a successful adventure is play balance.

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