FPD - Frostsullivan PR Final

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PR Agency Contact: Sunny Branson Wall Street Communications Tel: +1 (801) 582-0581 Email: sunny@ allstcom!


Front Porch Digital Contact: "i#e $naisc% &resi'ent an' CE( Tel: +1 ()0)) **0-+,)0 Email: m#naisc%@-.'i/ital!com We0site: -.'i/ital!com

Photo Link: ! allstcom!com12ront&orc%12ront-&orc%-3i/ital-2rostSulli4an-5 ar'!6./ Photo Caption: 2rost 7 Sulli4an Customer 8alue 9ea'ers%i. 5 ar' 9o/o

For Immediate Release

Front Porch Digital Receives 201 !lo"al Frost # $%llivan C%stomer &al%e Leadership A'ard
DIVASolutions and LYNXSM Platforms Edge Out Competitors and Empower Smaller Media Companies in Pri e!Sensiti"e #lo$al Digital Ar %i"ing and Media Asset Management Mar&et
L()I$&ILL*+ Colo, : Dec, + 201 : 2ront &orc% 3i/ital; t%e /lo0al lea'er in clou'-0ase' content stora/e mana/ement (CS") solutions; to'ay announce' t%at international researc% an' 0usiness-consultin/ -irm 2rost 7 Sulli4an %as reco/ni<e' 2ront &orc% 3i/ital it% t%e 201) =lo0al 2rost 7 Sulli4an Customer 8alue 9ea'ers%i. 5 ar'! 5-ter recent analysis o- t%e 'i/ital arc%i4in/ an' me'ia asset mana/ement mar#et; 2rost 7 Sulli4an 'etermine' t%at 2ront &orc% 3i/ital is lea'in/ t%e com.etition in a %i/%ly com.etiti4e an' .rice-sensiti4e mar#et t%rou/% its 3>85Solutions an' clou'-0ase' 9?@AS" .lat-orms! B2rost 7 Sulli4an is a ell-res.ecte' 4oice in t%e orl' o- 0usiness /ro t% an' lea'ers%i.;C sai' "i#e $naisc%; 2ront &orc% 3i/ital .resi'ent an' CE(! BTo recei4e t%is .resti/ious a ar' is .roo- .ositi4e t%at our customer-centric a..roac% to or#-lo im.ro4ement %as or#e' to ensure our customers see a noticea0le return on t%eir in4estment!C 2rost 7 Sulli4an -oun' t%at; unli#e lar/e me'ia com.anies an' 0roa'casters t%at can a--or' to in4est in eD.ensi4e 'i/ital arc%i4in/ an' me'ia asset mana/ement solutions; re/ional an' local 0roa'casters s%y a ay -rom com.leD; %i/%-cost solutions 'es.ite t%e acute nee' to mana/e eD.lo'in/ amounts o- 'i/ital 'ata! >ts researc% s%o e' t%at 2ront &orc% 3i/ital 0ri'/es t%is mar#et /a. an' le4era/es t%e uniEue o..ortunity to cater to cost- an' Euality-conscious clients!


2ront &orc% 3i/italFs 3>85Solutions can mana/e content -rom .ro'uction t%rou/% 'eli4ery an' arc%i4in/ it% a series o- colla0orati4e or#-lo solution suites! T%e 2rost 7 Sulli4an researc% t%at must control an' s%o e' t%at 3>85Solutions are ell-acce.te' 0y .rice-sensiti4e customers t%at see# .ure arc%i4al mana/ement solutions; %ic% are no reEuire' in a or#-lo mana/e li4e -ee's! 5'o.ters %a4e .ro4e' to %a4e more e--icient clou'! 2ront &orc% 3i/ital is also one o- t%e earliest in t%e in'ustry to o--er solutions o.timi<e' -or CS" t%rou/% t%e clou'! T%e 9?@A clou'-0ase' 'isaster reco4ery an' me'ia asset stora/e ser4ice as .ilot-teste' in many .arts o- Euro.e an' t%e G!S! in 2012! (4er t%e .ast 11 mont%s; t%e com.any %as colla0orate' it% some o- t%e lar/est me'ia com.anies in t%e orl' to mana/e .ro'uction content on li4e .lat-orms it% 9?@A! >n a''ition to contri0utin/ to ar' su0stantial cost-sa4in/s o4er eD.ensi4e on-.remise 'e.loyments; 9?@A can also 0e seamlessly inte/rate' it% 3>85Solutions or#-lo s! or#-lo s in terms o- t%e

num0er o- .romos t%at /o on air at a /i4en time an' t%e 0ene-its o- increase' li0rary s.ace in

B2ront &orc% 3i/ital continually stri4es to inno4ate to o--er %i/%ly -unctional an' cost-e--ecti4e content mana/ement solutions to its 0roa'cast clients in t%e /lo0al arena;C sai' "aria 2lora C%a<oor &aul; researc% analyst at 2rost 7 Sulli4an! B5s a result; no 0roa'casters can not only reali<e t%e 4alue .ro.osition o- stora/e an' content mana/ement; 0ut also a re'uce' total cost o- o ners%i. 0y /ettin/ all o- it t%rou/% t%e clou'! 2ront &orc% 3i/ital %as a t%orou/% un'erstan'in/ o- re/ional mar#et 'ynamics; %ic% %as em.o ere' many 0roa'castin/ clients it% .rice-sensiti4e to le4era/e its 9?@A clou'-0ase' o--erin/ as a #ey .lat-orm to en/a/e com.any it% t%is a ar'!C Eac% year; 2rost 7 Sulli4an .resents t%e =lo0al 2rost 7 Sulli4an Customer 8alue 9ea'ers%i. 5 ar' to t%e com.any t%at %as 'emonstrate' eDcellence in im.lementin/ strate/ies t%at .roacti4ely create 4alue -or its customers it% a -ocus on im.ro4in/ t%e return on t%e in4estment ma'e on its ser4ices or .ro'ucts! T%e a ar' reco/ni<es t%e com.anyFs eDtraor'inary -ocus on en%ancin/ t%e 4alue t%at its customers recei4e! 5 ar'- innin/ com.anies /o 0eyon' sim.ly /oo' customer ser4ice; 0ase eD.ansion! %ic% lea's to im.ro4e' customer retention an'; ultimately; customer

customers in emer/in/ mar#ets; an' t%at is %y 2rost 7 Sulli4an is .rou' to reco/ni<e t%e


T%e customer 4alue lea'ers%i. a ar' is a .art o- t%e 2rost 7 Sulli4an Best &ractices 5 ar's; a /rou. o- a ar's t%at reco/ni<e com.anies in a 4ariety o- re/ional an' /lo0al mar#ets -or 'emonstratin/ outstan'in/ ac%ie4ement an' su.erior .er-ormance in areas suc% as lea'ers%i.; tec%nolo/ical inno4ation; customer ser4ice; an' strate/ic .ro'uct 'e4elo.ment! >n'ustry analysts com.are mar#et .artici.ants an' measure .er-ormance t%rou/% in-'e.t% inter4ie s; analysis; an' eDtensi4e secon'ary researc% in or'er to i'enti-y 0est .ractices in t%e in'ustry! "ore in-ormation a0out 2ront &orc% 3i/ital is a4aila0le at -.'i/ital!com! HHH
A"o%t Frost # $%llivan 2rost 7 Sulli4an; t%e =ro t% &artners%i. Com.any; or#s in colla0oration it% clients to le4era/e 4isionary inno4ation t%at a''resses t%e /lo0al c%allen/es an' relate' /ro t% o..ortunities t%at ill ma#e or 0rea# to'ayIs mar#et .artici.ants! (ur B=ro t% &artners%i.C su..orts clients 0y a''ressin/ t%ese o..ortunities an' incor.oratin/ t o #ey elements 'ri4in/ 4isionary inno4ation: T%e >nte/rate' 8alue &ro.osition an' T%e &artners%i. >n-rastructure!

The Integrated Value Proposition .ro4i'es su..ort to our clients t%rou/%out all .%ases o- t%eir 6ourney to 4isionary inno4ation inclu'in/: researc%; analysis; strate/y; 4ision; inno4ation an' im.lementation!

The Partnership Infrastructure is entirely uniEue as it constructs t%e -oun'ation u.on %ic% 4isionary inno4ation 0ecomes .ossi0le! T%is inclu'es our )J0 'e/ree researc%; com.re%ensi4e in'ustry co4era/e; career 0est .ractices as ell as our /lo0al -oot.rint o- more t%an *0 o--ices! 2or more t%an 50 years; e %a4e 0een 'e4elo.in/ /ro t% strate/ies -or t%e /lo0al 1000; emer/in/ 0usinesses; t%e .u0lic sector an' t%e in4estment community! >s your or/ani<ation .re.are' -or t%e neDt .ro-oun' a4e o- in'ustry con4er/ence; 'isru.ti4e tec%nolo/ies; increasin/ com.etiti4e intensity; "e/a Tren's; 0rea#t%rou/% 0est .ractices; c%an/in/ customer 'ynamics an' emer/in/ economiesK A"o%t Front Porch Digital 2ront &orc% 3i/ital is t%e /lo0al lea'er in solutions -or mi/ratin/; mana/in/; an' moneti<in/ me'ia content! (.eratin/ on site an' in t%e clou'; t%e com.anyFs .ur.ose-0uilt so-t are em.loys t%e latest tec%nolo/ies to 'eli4er truly -leDi0le an' scala0le me'ia or#-lo s! Solutions 'eli4ere' 0y 2ront &orc% 3i/ital a..ro.riately mana/e lar/e an' com.leD me'ia -iles an' or#-lo s %ile ensurin/ o.timal .er-ormance an' utmost security! "ore in-ormation is a4aila0le at -.'i/ital!com! 5ll tra'emar#s a..earin/ %erein are t%e .ro.erty o- t%eir res.ecti4e o ners!


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